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1979/10/24 - Agenda Packet
1` r'-- 1 •.'1 1 1 � l / 1'. � `V 1 `11,.1 � '!� 1 r 11 ,' 1 ,'I �' `I •, I• 1 � f`. r `I) 1 1 .1, r 1� 1 ,' ., 1 iyl 1 .I r 'iti ,1 ��1q,1 .A . I •, i r 'i :�li 1 I r , 1` r'-- I `V 1 l 1 '.1 'LI 1 Lr LI 1,y� • 1 `I •, I• 1 � f`. r t 1 1 r'-- 1 '.1 'LI 1 Lr LI LI',til r ( -^ `I •, I• 1 � .1, I ,; 1 1rl 1 •11 11'lll� .1� ,i , j 1�r �.1 1' :S .rl 1 r'-- '.1 'LI 1 Lr LI LI',til r ( -^ `I •, E �t CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA PLANNING, COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, October 24, 1979p.700 p.m. Carnahan Elementary School Multipurp000 Room 7105 Carnahan, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. I. Pledge of Allegiance 1I. Roll Call Cvmmissinnor Dah). Coimisuionar Oarcis Comminuionor Jones I]'I. Approval of Minutes IV /`� 'AA . Announcements 1 VI. Comniusionur Rompel _ Commissioner :olstoy. U I isent Calendar ( I r NP.OATIVE DECLAI �I'IOI I -) RRCLI IRW 79-18 VANGUARD CCMPANY - The development of a light indus- trial development to be located on the north side of 7th Street, between Archibald and Hallman NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCH MAP N0. 5358 - WORTH HOOPER - The division of a parcel of land located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, north of hillside Road into two lots. - Request for a Ac Hearings Planned Community Developments 0AVP / /—VY70 - time extension un - An uraina procedures for A 5,100 squnre foot addition to the existing Basel ice Villakle Shopping Center 'located on the southwest corner \' of Baealina and Archibald. SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -18 - BOULEVARD DEVELOPMENT -'The use of a, temporary trailer as a sales office for',Tract No. 9472 located on 19j-.n Street, east of Haven Avenue. :�}"�`wLi.�f..e. .w'.u.w ✓1. Xa .Yids «l� �4i..1., ..}' 'n ., _. ., . ' "'� •. Planning Comnleaion Agenda October 24, 1.979 Page 2 S. c- .. —`�• v=- ►u►ntt►u CUCAMONGA - Definition Cie pltarnativa�Aruan - Reryuant to amend tl►e General Plan in tho vicinity oR tInven and 1ooticill for ± 39000 acres to clarify the intention o►' the alte�rc►ativon as presently listed on tl►e Oenaral Plan •���ti� 4�r�tsON - A raquaot for a change item cite - prevent i�aaignatior► of I►igh density real ential to commercial for property located on the northwest corner of Turner and Arrow. c---- gMEOATIVE DECIARATIONN AND OLWPAL PLAN AMENWENT NO. 79 -03F - /�CITY OP RANCIII� CUG/1MONSp - ClarificaCioct of Cemaer•cial Alter I V( natives to clarify Cha meaning of commercial centers in all areas designated ao commercial on the Interim General Plan map, • NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PL%N AMENi1MENT NO. 79 -03D - CITY OF RANCNO XCAMONGA - Clarification of Mixad -Lea. To mgrs apacifically designate what .cv allowable within the Mixed Use category. VII. Old Business ' l KORTEpETd2t Request for clarification 4f of conditiono imposed on subject parcel map located 850' east of Etiwnnda Avenue and 950' north of Summit Avenue. NEGATIVE DErf ART *�*t An„ .•L•cF S.TOR REVIEW NO 79 57 BOB IIINSfi2d - Revised site plan for Tentative Tract No. 9369 r reducing the proposed unite from 88 to 44 for property. located on the nurthwast corner of Victoria and Archihald (Thin was a previously submitted application exempt under the moratorium) ` VI Nov Business M. REVISION OF TENTpTIyg TRACT N0. 9369 - JENSEN - - Rev ising \ \\ " l conditions and reducing number oi' lots. IX. Council Referral Director poE,lb y7e. ( XI. Fublic Comment � wishing to comment on an listed on the Agenda tiny do se at this time on items not XII. Commission Comment lk —`�• v=- ►u►ntt►u CUCAMONGA - Definition Cie pltarnativa�Aruan - Reryuant to amend tl►e General Plan in tho vicinity oR tInven and 1ooticill for ± 39000 acres to clarify the intention o►' the alte�rc►ativon as presently listed on tl►e Oenaral Plan •���ti� 4�r�tsON - A raquaot for a change item cite - prevent i�aaignatior► of I►igh density real ential to commercial for property located on the northwest corner of Turner and Arrow. c---- gMEOATIVE DECIARATIONN AND OLWPAL PLAN AMENWENT NO. 79 -03F - /�CITY OP RANCIII� CUG/1MONSp - ClarificaCioct of Cemaer•cial Alter I V( natives to clarify Cha meaning of commercial centers in all areas designated ao commercial on the Interim General Plan map, • NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PL%N AMENi1MENT NO. 79 -03D - CITY OF RANCNO XCAMONGA - Clarification of Mixad -Lea. To mgrs apacifically designate what .cv allowable within the Mixed Use category. VII. Old Business ' l KORTEpETd2t Request for clarification 4f of conditiono imposed on subject parcel map located 850' east of Etiwnnda Avenue and 950' north of Summit Avenue. NEGATIVE DErf ART *�*t An„ .•L•cF S.TOR REVIEW NO 79 57 BOB IIINSfi2d - Revised site plan for Tentative Tract No. 9369 r reducing the proposed unite from 88 to 44 for property. located on the nurthwast corner of Victoria and Archihald (Thin was a previously submitted application exempt under the moratorium) ` VI Nov Business M. REVISION OF TENTpTIyg TRACT N0. 9369 - JENSEN - - Rev ising \ \\ " l conditions and reducing number oi' lots. IX. Council Referral Director poE,lb y7e. ( XI. Fublic Comment � wishing to comment on an listed on the Agenda tiny do se at this time on items not XII. Commission Comment r �1 e' Planning Comminsion Agenda October 74/ 1979 Page .4 XIII. Upcoming Agenda for November 141 1979 1. NegAtive DeclAration and Zoning Ordinance Araendmont No. 79 -03 - City of Ranoao Cucamonga 1 XIV. Adjournment - The Planning Conmd.ssion has adopted Administrative Regulations that not no 1DOO p.m6 adjournment time. If items go beyond that timnl it shall be heard only with the consent of the Coumiaoion. �V i W�(i.r^•4+ti u.....l..i } i.r..wo.. ��� .. y1.�.• a.• 1:'. �. .�.'.. _. ....J -I. .,. �.� +W.. .�t .a lw /•�4�d i•N f[�•�,`. d � 'l �5 M �.1 1 a 1 1E" F m 1 Y It 1 ^, M �.1 1 a ACTION No Minutes CITY 010 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, October 24, 19799:7,00 p.m. Carnalian Elementary School Multipurpose Room 7105 Carnolian, Rancho Cucamonga, On. I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call ' Commissioner Dahl X Commissioner Carcin X Commissioner Jones KcuneS- III. Approval of Minutes IV. Announcements V. Consent Calendar A. lECATIVE DECLARATION FOR Commissioner Rompol X Commissioner Tolstoy X Removed from Consent VANGUARD COMPANY - The development of a light Indus- Calendar at this time trial development to be located on the north aide of 7th Stre -et, between Archibald and Hellman B. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCR4 rtnr nv. 7.120 - rvnia Approved 4 -0 -1 HOOPER - The division of a parcel of land located on the east side of Archibald Avenue, north of Hillside Road into two lots. C. TIME EXTENSION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION 77 -0498 - NORMA Approved 4 -0 -1 WEEXLY - Request for a 12 month time extension VI. Public Hearings Continue to Nov. D. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDM Co Co inue - 4 -0 -1 NO. 79 -05 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA - An Ordina establishing standards and review procedures for Planned Community Developments E. SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -17 - D. SALTER AND COMPANY - >'Approved 4 -0 -1 with 5,200 square foot addi ^.ion to the existing Baseline `'addition to Resolution Village Shopping Center located on the southwest corner '_No. 79 -64 of Baseline and Archibald. :'Approved 1-1 -1 - with F• SITE APPROVAL NO 79 -18 - BOULEVARD DEVELOPMENT - The ,, use of a. temporary, trailer as a sales office for Tract addition to Resolution tiNo. 79 -63 (Tolstoy No. 9472 located on 19th Street, east of Raven Avenue. voted "no ") till It", Planning CCC .onion Agenda October 24# 1979 Page 2 Withdrawn - 4 -0 -1 0. NEOATIVB DECLARATIQN AND GENERAL PIA!J M1:NDNENT NO, 79 -0311 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA - Definition of Alternative Areas - Request to amend the General Plan in the vicinity of Haven and Foothill for ± 3,000 acres to clarify the intention of the alternativen ae premmntly listed on the General Plan 11. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAI. PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79 -03C - Applidant roquented ARNOLD ANDERSON - A request for a chansA from the present refund - Approved designation of high density residential to commorcial for refund 4 -0 -1 property located on the northwest corner of Turner and Arrow. , Approved 4 -0 -1 with change I, NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79.03F - to Exhibit G4 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Clarification of Commercial Alter, natives to clarify the meaning of commurcial centers in all arLaa designated as commercial on the Interim General Plan map. Withdrawn - 4 -0 -1 J. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79 -03B - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Clarification of Mixed Use - To more specifically doeignate what is allowable within the Mixed Use Category. VII. Old Duainess Approved staff recom- K. PARCEL NAP NO. '4773 = KORTEPF.TER - Request for clarification mondationo with minor of conditions imposed on subject parcel map located 8501 east changes - 3 -1 -1 (Dahl of Etiwanda Avenue and 950' north of Summit Avenue. against) L. 14ECATIVE DECLARATION AND DIRECTOR REVIEW N0. 79 -57 - BOB Approved 4 -0 -1 with *FHSE11 - Revised site plan for Tentative Tract No. 9369 minor addition to reducing the proposed units from E8 to 44 for property Resolution No. 79 -62 located on the northeast corner of Victoria and Archibald (This was a previously submitted application exempt under the moratorium) VIII. Now Duniness ,Approved 4 -0 -1 with M. RLN ISION OF TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 9369 - JENSPN - Revising revisions to Resolution conditions and reducing number of lots. No. 79 -65 IX. Council Referral Status Report Re: X. Director's Reports General Plan Citizen Participation XI. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any items not. listed. on the Agenda may do so at this time. Status Report Re: ,,,.Growth Management XII. Commission Comment Plan i Planning Ctl. ssion Agenda October 24, 1979 Page .1 XIII. Upcoming Agenda for November 14, 1979 1. Negative UeclAration and Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 79 -05 - City of ltnncho Cucamonga XIV. Adjournment - Tho Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that not an 11100 p.m. adjournment time. If items Neeting adjourned go beyond that time, it s11a11 be heard only with tha consent at 1it00 P.M. of tho Commission. r' n': IlkMM.. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM Date: October 19, 1979 To: Planning Commission Prom: Jack Lnm, Director of Community Development Y Subject: PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTION REGARDING TEMPORARY TRAILERS AND ILLEGAL USES Oil STRUCTURES 0 The Community Development Department han recently reviewed canes involving ti:e illegal placement of temporary trailern, illegal uses, or structures on a site prior to review and approval by the City. It has been the policy of the Department to notify the responsible party through the Community Code Representative, and require that an application for review be submitted within a specified period of time. During the interim, while the applies— tion is being procensod, these uses or structures usually remain on the site illegally and are utilized for their intended purposes., The Department is requesting direction from the Planning Comminsion regarding the disposition of such uses and structures during that period of time that the applications are being processed and reviewed by the City. If it is the Commission's 7 determination to discourage this "after the fact" processing, then'the only other alternative in to require the removal of such temporary trailers. uses ?' or structures from the site prior to accepting a formal application for site review. If this is the Commission's desiro, than tl:e Department shall follow this procedure. Reepectf(Illy submittod, I ti. JACK , Director of Community Development JL:SLK:sun , r C� 0 Dotal Tot Prom: Subject: CITY OF =0110 CUCAMONGA October 241 1979 Planning Commission MEMORANDUM 0 Jack Lam, Director of Community Development NEGATIVE DECLARATION PUR VIREVIUK REVIEW ay. iy -JO - V111yy.uw COMPANY - The development of a .Light industrial development . to be located on the north side of 7th Street, betwaan Archi- bald and Hallman This item was advertised for issuance of a Negative Declaration. Howevor, Staff is still working with tbo applicant to clarify a few issues. Thereforey we request that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar until such time as these issues are resolved. Rc,opoctfully ubmitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: MV: nm ITEM "A" 7.7. LJ KI 11� Data: To: From: Subjects 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BTAF'P REPORT October 24, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development E NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 535tl - wU:rns uwrLK - Req&tMt to divide approximately 1.03 acres of land into two (2) pareola in the R -1 -20 zone to cated.on the east aide of Archibald., north of Hillpido BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting to divide approximately 1.03 acres of land into two (2) parcels no followa: Parcel No. Acreage 1 0.46 (20,045 eq. ft.) 2 0.57 (24,808 sq. ft.) This review is for environmental clearance of the parcel map only and does not constitute an approval of either the Parcel Map or future development. This subdivision will create one (1) "buildable" residential lot containing 20,045 square foot. The minimum lot s 1zo in this zone is 20,000 square feet. The subdivision is consistent with Section 1 of Ordinance No. 73 "Land Division Moratorium" which provides that said moratorium shall not apply to residential parcel maps where only one (1) now dwelling can result. ENVIRONMENTAL SETrl!'Z: The site is presently developed with a single family residence. The residence will be located on Parcel No. 2 as per the attached Parcel Map and will meet all zoning requirements. Parcel No. 1 will be vacant of structures and significant vegatatlon, and available for the construction of one (1) residential dwelling unit. The site is bordered on the north and west by existing single family residen- tial development and on the east and south by uncultivated vineyards. The site is not known to contain scenic, cultural or historical artifacts. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study, attached for your review, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by thin project. Staff has field checked the site, completed the environmental checklist, and found no significant adverse impacts on the environment. 1 11 t 0 0 AtA1l MIN iftlArl ae t.7�stty 83 � . TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0, 535P IM Olt CITY Or MW 0G111O0 K IMO 101Y11101 O' A M11t1O1 OF M 1111191 01.16'7 IF OO MOMRII - OLOAt11 0 II[ 101I1111t Od-wil litA O OL MA IIKII aw -mm1il Or utilm "ll. lam ill, 1 IOM. 1AM11 TAI W NAWAL40 IUIIOWI M OR COMA V Ill KWA21ML IIAII OF C ilm"1A. , n1,Mnw+ moo 0 MIX pro ra RIM ONA • AMOIWR M. IA. 1OVC1 WY M0111Ma AK. LLIAIW. CA Ivml- IMKI N7-sm GIIllim [011la - " 10.0917 111011 fII10110 KISIU [ . „. 11O11'AIO KIM . 11 1 101 • IRON IIIO YN01 .11.1 IM111 of 111111 Al10CIAi11 11441111146 ORA/N. WRll11A / - -gii - I 0 0 0 0 eILI Y 1;� I 11L�/. PC��.�/.14 41 I+ � �! L� • ty (N R' " • ppr�0 I P/� E 2 ' f[fY 57ar I , 1 - IAA ,. 151, `/` ra RIM ONA • AMOIWR M. IA. 1OVC1 WY M0111Ma AK. LLIAIW. CA Ivml- IMKI N7-sm GIIllim [011la - " 10.0917 111011 fII10110 KISIU [ . „. 11O11'AIO KIM . 11 1 101 • IRON IIIO YN01 .11.1 IM111 of 111111 Al10CIAi11 11441111146 ORA/N. WRll11A / - -gii - I 0 0 0 0 L '. I• 1.1 I, 1 rl r' 1 +, 11 1 I II, I 1 1 ,1 1 1,. ,r I 1 1 ,. •..' i 1 1 r ..I 1 ..•1 , �, I , �..�• , �, ' � u �` , a' , it , 1 1 ' ! ` •' ,1 i 1 ' I I 1. 1 ' 1, 1 , 11 �� r 1 _11 'p fL,,! ; Ir,r ,Y If .. 1 \I '' �l ' ,. 1 , ',1 1 1 1 1, 1�, I 'I , 1 1 1 I , •, '1 ��1: � 1 � r 1 � ": Irk �� 1 11 '�'I I lli i' '. 1 r 1r 1 . ,1 � •�•I•I 1 Y •.L'. � 11 1 t 1 I •' 1 I 1'I�. •y�: r I � • • • I � ,, ' .1 ! '' i , I 1,.1 1 1 1 r 1 ,1 I' 1 II' 1' ' � f 1 ,' \' 1 1 1 �� , � 1 ��� •'.t• I , 'I:1 .,I I 1 1 i` �' ', I11 ,,,' 1� ',{ ( j 1. ��� r, 1 1' yl ., ✓1 ,.,.i 1 I', J 1 1r11•�. 1' 1; '1�, 1 1) i' i `` 1 i' 1 .. 1 7' I �'•f : x,1,'1•: RECOMMENDATIONt It is recommended r Negative Daclaration • r lanued tr • Parcel r .r. • t • Initial , • �,1 ;', finding of • algnificant advorne impacts • Respe fully sub 1 ttedo JOZ�r-%M, Director of Community Development 1.. t 1� JSI I'•.. '1: 11.1:.:, 1 . Attachments: Parcel /'. Ir Initial ' 1 I Y1 1 r' ,11.1': 'L�,,'1 '' •• .'I 1' 1111, •� 7 �V 1 1 • , fir' '' •'1 II I,V / � 1j •f - .. 1 7 .i It' I • 1 � t' .;l t 1 1 • r CITY Or RNICI10 CK0110WA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review hoot $70.00 For till projects requiring onvironmantnl review, thin form must be completed and oubmiL•tod to the Development Review Committoo through the department whore the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Devolnpnient Review CommiLL•oe will meet and take action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of thron determinations: 1) The project will, have no environmental impact and a NegnUve Daclarati::n will b1� filed, 2) The project will have an environmontal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplieci by the applicant; giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: _ Tentative Par el Map No x;358 APPLICANT'S WIC, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Worth A, & NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTr•D CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Same as above LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCri, NO.) �) Archibald Ave Rancho Cucamonpa Assessors Parcel #201-071-46 LIST OTHER PERf•IITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATS ANn FEDERAL ACENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Nnnr �I 4 ii 1 ' �itn,Tl�c'c ni ^:;cnza•rzo�r DESt]12IPTION Or PROJt'M A divinlon or existlnp one ncre pnreel with exletinR residence to occupy souther y par,xT nm1 vacanllan to e in northerly parcel. ACREAGE Or PROJECT AREA AND GQUAM FOOTME Or EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANYt _ 03 Acres _ Pro! pct area e 1 Existing house contains 5,000 ' + — DESCRIBE THE.' ENVT.RUNDIEITPAT, SP;l'•rr.NG,, Or THE P' ROJECT SITE INCLUDING TNMIMTION ON '1orociILIPHY, PLANT'S (TREES) , ANT.6IALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORTCAL Oil SCE141C ASPECTS, USS Or SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION Or ANY . rXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)s Existing residence on southerly portion or npproxirnntely 1 acre pnrcel. There L-Lan rvintinit rnniden a to the north nn is i�unrullivatod vineyard to the ranL_ ® An K -1 ZO,ouu— 'Fract Is under construction across Archibald Ave. tot 11 c West. , Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a sert.es of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? ' No I -2 'S< „ 1 Es u� Create n substnntial change in ground contours? X 2. Crento•a aubaLantinl change in existing noise or vibrations „X 3. Create n substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, atc.)°. X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing traes? How ninny? X G. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially has:ardoun materials such as toxic substances, £lammnblea or explosives? Gxplanution of any YES answers above: IMPOP.TAITr: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next: page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibitr present the data and inform7tion required for this initial evaluation to the best of my aLiiiL•y# and that the fncL•n, statements, and informnL•i.on presented are true and correct to the best of my ]cnowledge and belief. I further understand that ndditionn] information may bo required to he nubmittcd before an advqunt•e evallation can be made by the DevilLopment E,. Review Committee. J Uate � �C •-�1 �% Signature z Title e,'1t 1gAu 4 _+. 3 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE t October 24, 1979 h� Tot Planning Commission r Rom: Lloyd Hubbst City Engineer SUUJECTS TIME EXTENSION - MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. W77 -0498 The subject subdivision was approved by the County Planning Commission on February 189 1978. Due to change over and the moratorium on thu process- ing of parcel mapss the subdivision was automatically extended. 'The sub- division will now expire if an extension is not granted. We have received the attached request of extension for 12 months from Me. Weekly. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission extend the Minor, Subdivision No. W77 -0498 for 12 months at the end of which the tentative approval will expire without possibility of further extension. Respectfully sub itteds i L o B. Hu City Engineer LBH:deb ITEM "C" 0 C • 1 yYr . �. M rr; ill 1.. I Narmnn 11, Weekly 1,027•)• lln0n'1 Ava, tLlutnlnl.r, Cn}lr, 9176,1 • It}S tlLuor 3ubdlvin tau t1o.77 I'10nuiug Conrnlnalou City or Rancho Cucamongn r0 ttnx 797 Rnucho CucOmongn, WEE, 91.790 Onwr 81rn },: In accordance with your letter concoruir'g our mi.nor cubdivlglon nn •larch 9, 1'79,L nm new writing to you to rnqqunat nod exteuntorl of 0110 year an EErnutert l.n the temporary approvnl oC our m1nor albdtvlaloll I'lonce ndvinc me with the n0connary inrormattou b accomplish thin. Thank you for your time, lil1C:E0VE0 CITy OF COMMUNITY OEVI.OPMENTnDE TA OCT 0 8 1979 AM PM Ilcapectfully, r ,1' J�11. 0490 ,r r•1�yVe 1 I •,' ,f ry 1 •i' Jlr;• . 11 •, 1 al 1 I �1St911U111112t112t31�151(i wit,; y "1�!. ,. '/'J'i' , � 1 , al it , � ,, ..• r{�Y Y' ,I/l }'•�'•�•t�1•L.'•i'• }7 •�1,41,i }`��i�.Yrr ��j �';; IM tf; �I r�'r J�, y.�r.��ilr��'1!'!}• +• i.. �1Y i:l "n r.; I 1., I L ��11 .1 ,I. ��•''f• j 1 :b �, tl. 11 •'i., Id .f.IlY.,n� �•i •, lq'1'.1., /1 r� ,i } 1'. '.; �.�1�M)M'l�� §��7 .'"C �1 lar�r . {4 r 0 Ell 0 0 Caity of RANCHO C March 6, 1979 Mr. h Mrs. Norman L. Weekly 10272 Marion Avenue t1ontelair, CA 91769 RUI Minor Subdivision No. 77 -0498 Dear Mr. b Mra. Weeklys Cncloned pulase find the Improvement agreement and bond forms to be used for acceptance by the City. These forms will aid in compliance with the conditions of approval for Minor Subdivision 77 -0498, Plenne executo the bonds and return the original to us. Tito copy in for your use. The road and drninafe dedications are to be recorded and the bonds accepted prior to issuance of n certificate of compliance. Please have your engineer, forward to this office legal descriptions to be recorded with the certificate. Plenso be advised that clue to the moratorium establinhed In July of 1978 your time extension request is unnocconary until October 1979. If you have any questions regarding thin matter, plenso do not hesitate to contact this office. Cordially, �i Jolin L: Tiartin Assistant Civil Engineer JU1:cic Encloaure itf1C1 fll't't(� ?'qnY iol P \v,9p,.•1 •f• A N,NU•. r•., n'. •r..•.• ..,.y. i .�.. .. ...... 11 r Data: To: From: Subject: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Ontobor 24, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development - An Ordinance ostablianIng eta Planned Community Developments In light of the fact the William Lyon Company has not had time to review the Planned Community Ordinance and staff would like to have an opportunity to meet with the William Lyon Company regarding this matter, it is recom- mended that this item be continued for two weeks to the November 14, 1979 Planning Commission meeting. Respectfully pubmitted, �A , irector of Community Development JL:IIKH :nm .1 L�l E 0 CITY op ItMC110 CUCAMONGA STAFF i1EPORT Datat October 24, 1979 'lot Planning Commission Prom: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subjectt NEGATIVE DECLAMATION AND SITE APPROVAL Nu. III- L7-- -- u• nnDin" AND COMPANY - Tho davalopment of n 5,200 square foot building to ba added to the Uaealine Village Shopping Center .located on the southwest corner of Baeolino and Archibald Avenue BACKGROUNDS Salter and Company is requesting approval to develop a 5,200 square foot commercial building to be located on the southwest corner of Baseline and Archibald Avenue (Exhibit "A"). Thin is the vacant pad remaining within the Baseline Village Shopping Center. The building is proposed to be used for office -I rofossional and retail uses. Past concerns for the development of thin compatiblity low profile design. access from Bas line or Archibald Avenue. ANALYSIS• Tito building is proposed to be set back 25 feet from both street property lines. Tltio would locate the building a total of 38' from the curb on Baseline and 39' from the curb on Archibald (Exhibit "B "). The site in large enough to accomtmdate the proposed building. Tito parking provided within the shopping center is adequate to meat the minimum parking standards required for a retail center of this nature. The monument signs shown on the plan are not approved as they are not permitted by the sign ordinance. Tito project will not require additional access points or street improvements on Baseline or Archibald. Exhibits "C" and "D" display the exterior elevaLlons of the building. The building is a low profile designed building to match the existing buildings within the center. The materials used will be in some cases identical, such as color end cedar siding and other materials being compatible. Additional landscaping will be required as will a landscape plan. Staff has completed the Initial Study and has found no significant advertia impacts on the environment as a result of the project. Part I of the Initial Study is attached for your review. Staff reconmonds issuance of a Negative Declaration. A public hearing notice has been published in the local newspaper and surrounding property owners have been notified of the hearing. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. ITEM "E" t, i ' t, RL'COMMCND_ATION: 'It is recommended that tho Planning Commission approve situ Approval No. 79 -17 and issue a Negative Declarntiol. by adopting the attached Resolution No. 79 -0t. Respectfully submittedo 11V�'r" JACK LAI1, Director of Community Dovelolweut 11 JLsHVInm Attachmonta/ Exhibit "A", Location Map Exhibit "D", Detailed site Plan Exhibit "C ", Building Elevations Exldtit "D ", Perspective Part it Initial Study Resolution No. 79 -64 �,1: 1} I 11 1 dll 1 1 i I. '.11 I .,1 !,� bl' ,•', 1'Ii; .1 :1, 1. ,. ` 'I,1 1 1,1 i� I �.1'� ' }I. ''' ,. 1� A,11 ,� ,.I , I,,'�' 111 � .• Y f I�Y'��' ,I' 1' it I 'I ( 1 „11 I. I I 1 , 0, I�,F I 1 r' 11 1 � � I i,• 111 , }11 ` '1 Il 'i i �'�1 �.1. 1 ,1 pl I 1 1 1 1'.• I ' 1 ,l 11 1 11 1.' , I I li ' , } t Y� 1 '. 1 _ ( J,r ,. I it {.41 1 1 r 1 It It LA 1 li 1 •9,1'u 1 '1 , q 1 1 II�V•1 .1j1 �1 p IInL � 1�� j�I 'I r L. .•( � 1 1. 1•'I �.l” IIUI'd 1• , 1 � 1' 1 1 1 a _ `� w v ...._.LJ HI •rr 1 r\ 1 �'11 ��''•'{{ti •_'^'•` 1 i }1� h'`'1 i I ' ( . �• T I •. IM rMY.��II 1�l�i,,1 � Ir�i lY r.4. I� L' • � 11 1 1 �.1 1 '� i I 1 ', I ��•, 1l� �� � , � r' 1+` • �I~,.IA � 1 1 ,1 1 1 } Y 1• 1{ \ 1 /` iY `�1 � I i 11 1 i t 1 I •11 1 1 I I���1 1� ', 1 , 1 1 \ • 1 X41 .1, 1 'I' 1 1• 1 ll 1 I .. , ' 1 ;, �I d L t L j• 1 'Il Il l l' 11 • 1'1 1'1 1 7 � •t 5 I •. 1 1. 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"J`0 J '+ 1 t `1 1 r I I li 11 ,11 1'1 0• 1[ r 1' I I/ 1 •1 r Y11 ,, t { " ' I •' 1 I •t 1 l 1 I 1 , , ,•1'' r 1 :1 ! ,,.� 1 1 1 V J 1 1 ♦I 1 I f 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be comploted by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Poo: $70000 For all projects requiring environmental review, thin form must be completed and oubmitted•to the Davelopmeet Review Committee through the department wlioro the project application in mado. Upon nor-Opt of •thin application, the Environmental Analys:.zj staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Etudy. The Dovalopmant Review Committee will meat and Lake actitn no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at Which time the project in to be heard. The Committee will make one of throe dotcrminationo: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Nagativo Declaration will be -filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning tho proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Baseline Village - Phase II APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: D Salter and Com an 1054 South Robertson Boulevar Su to , Loa Angeles, GaIltornia 90035 -213-559-79601 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONI: OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Daniel J. Salter, at the above place of business. ` LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND AogggSOR PARCEL NO.)' 9655 Baseline Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga,- California LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Building Permitt, City of Rancho Cucamonga, department off' uilding amity. 'L E PROJECT nrscnxPTTON I DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Mig "2""R' Project consists of a 520005 ua a foot addition to the existin Base nn �1 agi o` , 5hoPPing c.onter, PE'i`o addition wiT'L —Tie a • t the nor iaa corner of und p e and r� o Bonn usn a un or trio G-2 zon ng codes. ParRing or the addition will e in conjuction with to whole ceent -6 .- ACREAGE OP PROJECT AREA AND'SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND 'PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF'ANY,The addition will be built on approximately 8,000 square feet "of an whicli is a part o the 108,000 square Foot pares ere are 18,4US square feet of existing commercial structure. DESCRIBE THE- ,rNVIRONMENPAL SETTING Or THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION gOFRANY , EXISTING where the SproposedlstructureTis Co, Do bsuilt S�aEL'TS) _ level and has no ve itation, animals, cultural, s or ca 'or scenic aspects, The existin structures are o woo rams, stucco, and woo exter. or. ev Pre eurren y used for c m- 9. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? The project is the second phase of a larger project, the impact by this addition, whatsoever. The parking and arc ec ural style will be identical with the exibting structures, in terms of minimum requirements and conceptual design. 1 .. 2TIT, '1'IIrt3. PIIOJFCTs , 1. Create a ouboL•anUnl change in ground contours? X 2. Croato-a substantial change in existing noise or vibration! X 3. Create a substantial change in domnnd for municipal norvinos (police, fire, water, suwago, otc.)l X4. Croats changoc in the existing zoning or gonoral plan donignations ?, X 5: Remove any existing troosl . ,11ow many? X 6. Create the need for uno.or disposal of potentially lhnznrdoun materials ouch as toxic substances, flammablos or explosives? Mplanation of any F6 answers above: XMPORTANT: If the project•involves the construction of rosidontial units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: i hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and corrnet to the best of my knowledge 'and belief.' I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evallation can be made by the Development Review committee. i Date September 10, 1979 Signature Title General Partner, Lang on Partnership RESOLUTION NO. 79 -64 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -17 LOCATED ON TIIE SOIIr11WEST CORNER OF BASLINE AND ARCHIBALD WHEREAS, on September 20, 1979, a formnl application wall submitted requesting review of the above described project= and WIRItEAS, on October 24, 19791 the Planning Comntasior, hold n duly advarLined public hearing for the above described projo t. NOW, THEREFORE, TIIE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: I That the following findings have bean mado: 1. That ti:e site in adequate in size and shape. 2. That the vita tins adequate access. 3. That tl:e proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property. 4. That the proposed use is consistent with the proposed General Plan.' 5. That the conditions listed in this report are necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. SECTION 2: That this project will not create significant adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued on October 24, 1979. SECTION 3: That Site Approval No. 79 -17 is approved subject to the fol- lowing conditions: Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following conditions: I. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with Comprehensive Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of such signs. The signs uha ll conform to the signs within the center. 2. The freestanding signs shown on the site plan are not approved. No monument signs shall be permitted for this development. 3. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be uubmitted to aLul approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. The landscaped areas along Baseline and Archibald shall contain a minimum of four specimen size trees. r:'t \"J is t 0 4. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy dnd thriving condition, free from weedat trash mul debris. , 5. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan on file in tl►e Planning Division and the condi- tionn contained heroin. 6. Trash, receptacle areas shall be unclosed by a 6 foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City standards. Loca- tion to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 7. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall bn architecturally integrated and shielded from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Division and Building Official, S. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in affect at time of Building Permit issuance. Applicant ahall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conPitionss 9. Tlie applicant shall comply with the latent adopted Uniform Building Coda, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of approval of this project. 10. This approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. 11. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Grading Ordinance and to the satisfaction of the Building Official. Applicant shall contact the Foothill Fire District and the Cucamonga County Water District for compliance with the fol- lowing conditional 12. Water supply and sanitary newer facilities shall be pro - vided to the specifics tions of the Cucamonga County Water District and the City Engineer with all incidental fees paid by the developer. 13. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Fire Chief that water supply for fire protection is available. 14. Emergency access shall be provided and maintained free and clear at a minimum of 24 feet at all times during construc- tion to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. ® 0 Applicant shell contact the Enghtooring Division for coin- plionce with ,thd, following conditions:. I • 15. The flood control splash wall at tho corner shell be maintained. 16. Thin project chall.conform to all existing codes and regulations an administered by the City Engineer. APPROVED AND ADOPTED 'MIS 24T11 DAY OR OCTOBER, 1979 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman R appal, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary if the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secrete -v of the Planning Commission of the City of RAncho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution waiii duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of October, 1979 by the following vote to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERSt NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: f• El CSI CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA STAFF' REPOIt7' Datet October 24, 1979 Tot Planning Commission Fromt Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: SITE ROVAL NO. 79 -18 - BOULEVARD DIN ELOPMENr - Request to permit tl:e uno APP of a trailer an a temporary sales office for a period of 120 days on Lot 9 of Tract 9472, located on tite northwout corner of Mayberry Avenue and 19th Street BACKGROUND: As tl:e Commission will racall, in December, 1978, it daterminod that tl:e use of a trailer an a temporary tract sales office was a permitted use subject to the approval of a Location and Development Plan (Site Approval). In addition, it was deemed appropriate that tite Commission would review each request bnoad on its suitability relative to placement on the site, landscaping, parking and vehicular access, fencing and length of time proposed for use. On October 1, 19790 the applicant requested and received approval of a temporary ® occupancy permit to locate a temporary sales office in a garage of a model llama on Lot 8 of said tract and onn (1) temporary on -site tract identification sign on Lot 9. The permit was approved for a one year period and subject to certain restrictions and conditions, including: all street and parking area improvements leading to the sales office and model homes Shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to Clio commencement of any gales activities. The applicant proposes to locate the trailer temporarily on Lot 9 until the model home sales office is completed. Lot 9 will also serve as the parking area for the trailer and eventually for the model home sales office, as indicated on Exhibit "A" - Site Plan. The Commission may view the trailer which is presently situated at the tract site on the north side of 19th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue. Photographs of the trailer will be available as exhibits at the Planning Commission meeting. ANALYSIS: As stated in the attached letter of intent, the applicant proposes to utilize the trailer for a maximum period of 120 days, at which time it will be removed from the tract site and sales will occur from the approved and completed model home office. fhe parking area will contain 12 parking spaces and will be landscaped in order to soften the appearance of the paving and provide a partial screening of the trailer. The predominant vertical landscape elements are proposed along the north and south portions of the parking area. The model home site located adjacent and west of the parking area will be landscaped and the structure will provide screening of the trailer alnng this side. The east portion of the parking area is proposed to be landscaped; however, it will not contain the extent of landscaping necessary to ensure proper screening of the east aide of the trailer. It is believed that screening of the trailer along this aide is necessary in that ITEM "F" 0 0 the greatest exposure to public view will occur by way of anot /went traffic on 19th Street. Tito lat-4scaping plan 0111 be available no an exhibit at the •' Planning Commission meeting. In addition to the landscaping, the applicant proposes to erect a decorative wrought iron fanco along the west side of the parking area and a oplit -fare block wall, two courses high, along the' south and east sides. Tito applicant's construction schedule calla for paving within 120 days of those otraeto which provide access to the parking areal namely Mayberry Avenue and Icing Street. During the interim, while the trailer is in use, those streuto should be pro - vldad with at least a compacted nub -bane and appropriate traffic control to ` ensure safe vehicular accoon and limit City liability. CORREMONDENCES A notice of public hearing clan published in the newspaper on October 12, 1979 and such notices were mailed to all property owners within 300 feat of subject property. To date, no correspondence has boon received either for or against tide project. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission finds that the request and proposed improvements satisfy their concerns, then the attached Resolution No. 79 -63 with findings and conditions should be approved. Ron ectf u y ubmltted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:5EK:nm Attachments: Exhibit 'W', Site Plan Applicant'e Letter of Intent of October 16, 1979 Resolution No. 79 -63 • •,1. {•,, ;;:.,; ����I r 1' 1•I I' 1. r1 .. 1'.1,.,,1 BOTILEVARD DBVELOPM T .`ry„ l' I 777 0o. MQIn Ol„ hullo IOO, Oranpo CA 92000, (714)047.0000 Y4 I-t:! 11�t l � „ r ,1 „FI) :.• '! 1 !, 'r` .I f ,« II !!11 f{ i J1•I41 {1.11 11111 i {n J. lli y't' Jiyy4 ',, I,,S�yI�II II I, . ♦ . , r ,1 "' 1'rr i.. !.1 Il'11 �I1I 111 {I 111 1 , �y JY t'l/t�ri \ II h 'J{11l St1(I•1'1r11(111 ' • ilir 1 { ( `I It r l , '1', I r1� III ` / r r�`ir1 t 1)µi 1 I A f IJ II +I 1 , ' 11 .,', 1 I , 11 'Jt ii,'.II1( `Iti w t! 1L 1ri�t , p�«I� rlJi /Y�r r' 1 Il`111 11 1 1 I � f 1111 1 , ),]� t•�'trr V , 'Y jell ,. , Yi, till YI lJ(� , 1111 II)'1 v!' 1 •. Lt, , °rJl,. 1}l1, � Y IrOctobor 16, 11979 1 ,.,1 t'rh'ip ,,, 1 •i 1 111 1, I I y{ ,'J'J,.1 11 i 1 ! ` '1 .'1 1 '` ; ,/ hJ ' 6 1 ,;I A 1 1 1 14 A t7 f 1 It t J', f (r 1 4 �,(•...1 Y('rI L, ' \li nfl r''J'1 `11 �fi +�` {L�`�1 rlr, l II.1 �1�vlll tr{ �Iltl r�'; {!��`illlli, {JI �r 1 , ,.) 1 S V..• + /I 4 c I r ( t, 1 1) 1 I. v {�, i iJ l� i I 11 ll :1�, I'll rl. �1 " ;I lrl' Il l'I :III t ill1. SJi11•l 4f'('7�1�N,'i iil.111,1 Ill i }Ijl�'�All li r�u ld it II 111 (.+ .1 1l t 11h r. -I .... +City of Rancho Cucamonga 111'J' 11Ir11 {rfr' +I Il�l{AI`�'(/ 14i��C ) +�I',��t^ryl7J4r1 { {J1111�1It{ .post Office gox 793 ; -, ,'I �1 ri II y ' f' f , ! il, L( Sl,.i '1 a 1r�rlr J �, r,, II�••lY{l t)�"A Rancho Cucamonga, California )91730 / ;,); 1�;.J!;d II +' {p;'{ A;; '` 1{ I.' Alt. ilA It ��tl•IrlAttenCions %" :Mr. 6tevu Gable, AeaistmLC plannor '\1'1« 111111 2/SfJl1 �.')I ,, ,I .'. �•1 ( rr..,q.,,r,11r 1, , '1,. r`','.. .1111, tiY,, i1•t 11 ! I �.d:1I 11 �i /,,, I�If irf It ii lI 4 r' Iftl �r'Ni.'I J, This letter will confirm our request to use a trailsr for our 7A,S�¢yhrl� ;f'•,Sales Office on Lot 09, of Tract 119472, until we can coaJpleto '/1 {y,' +,1! %1 1. i1•. 1 Alltl� ill bur Medela• .'il rt rl +H {� 1111' {�'i' Iil ^1� �.�r 11 111 I'` {1:111�r'�'I rl�'Il l,i lJr �� •I {I h t 1�'.,1115�'•Ji I , �I;.,1i'; r�,l' ..,.... ,' , �•: ref t �' �'i �., ��1�. I "1 :;I .'t,� ��! 1 Y ,, ��1 '; ,�.�i'. t,l Y' I�i21�,�,�)<]�,�I(lyl(,1It;' ;1111 1 7 Y l ' 'We would like to go attend with the temporary parking aapIt It ;;�1•pnving of the plan on Lot 09, Tract #9472, with the landscaping 'IljiN'll !' around Lot #9 complete. Than we would like to place our Sales ''i ?? �< 1';''�ti• Office Trailer on the lot aa'our plan .., —rs. When we finish ;tb {ni {; " the Models, we will remobe the Sales Trailer from the job site and use our Model home for a Salon Office. The time table will ' I htll be approximately 90 to 120 days. .,('j O Yours truly, t r I A 1 •i., ', •1 1 ' ! f " I it !A; '' 1' li I i1 1 ,I.• 1 1 '� ) I)'1 ,11 ,r It ' Irl'.1. ' I {` /) " r -;r '.; r /1,Irl �'ri ✓ft 1p I'.1 ',• I t•r ' Ir'1� ;1 All. 'Ir �{ Il h �i r I tl 1 \tf yt� r r \'. I�{ 1♦ 11'1IV { •l, y.t( 1f1. Chuck LOVa 1 1i r ' 1 "I' ° I, 1 r Ii f'Jt r ( 1 } fti c }n rA L J }.•fv (�1♦, ,1 l J ' 1 1. Irn fl4r fl �I'}}}�'iN:., 1 t't I F 11,. V J F, tl 1 j u it , �. 1,� f I',LH V`'� tl 1 >< 4 i (r 1 I 11 p 1 .1�y 1! 1 141 r{j},t > 6{I r/{ 5�.. r' 1 Il Llrl �,dJ�,� V �I 11 �91t 4�. w. 1 ! I� i4 '„Y 1 (' i l� ,�� { 11 A 1 1ti1J IJ t l I 1 11 ,.� r flr 1!:+.11 1I "' I I! 1 + y1 rr. •f )lflr },I lll t T�,�71q Iv{i 1 ,, , 1\i II J•!l! 1 Ir (�iJ{Hti yr u1, } "P ,. 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I�(I'., r l .J:.� 1 .f it �14 /tA('liir Y� I'rq 1 . }!1 r 'I {" 1 ) , , .ii)I, ' 1 I( r 111 F � 11 •✓; I„ 1f1y.. )N _I" �' Mti rl {�11� +i IrYet r H}.)4 /ry. I , 'L! It• 4«,'�.t:1 )tJli.. fir {n ` ..,. 7t \ Aq n , Ih, ,1' Ilr { I M1 1f 1"f•I'1 "4 :: 1 � I rr ,, 11•.41 +( ),.!;•,fJ"ul1'), 'rlr'I Jtl ) 1 '¢.l,• ss+.1 � d• ^a.! rl•,; �; , II 1 J 1 ,1 1 - � rf tl IJ � 1 ���<� {+ � "I J�� }�L' Ai:�'GM `: 1 1 71,5' ^ , l.• ✓�1 11'1 rll 1''t f.11ytil r �.'�1 {pi �• Y. wtl I)1 nli�, �,t(`7' rsj itd rM�/�'�'41, /')'�.' !.•�, ��� ,'i 1 1 rr I f.1 .) n 11{ Y I �� • , � � ��� fP .IL li 7 A'Jir'��S' -fir `r r ,`. ♦I. �.f If t q� %c Fx•i. t/k ) • r:rw• { Yll' E•,,yl '�.1•ra((1�� �p[fI I)�( 'i' 'f' a I1-fJ�d"'` 11 1 i 1 r ta'A r.�,�J t }t u,f +�'y�i� �Nf. 1 r fwd tl J�.ry11i r1; `♦ �1 �'� �,,f� }•" X11• 1 1. 1 L• d �,, + 1 ! Ir Xri I 1. W{ ') ify.} �I1��•�Il+ln+1)M `i LI''M1'7i h't'.��,{i1 /'S.S t: �j,4t�C�YihS1 7YS^�71ff' t +1y L,/ltJt>`dtt( 1��iJ�i4L'k T111;7.. .?.t. /J!. 1, . {r!,�5� i 4 � r: ,s7,� ISIJi. ►/1 �. .OriL7 N'1 t� JS�iiJlh i f N M If, ) I• ,,tr\ 't ,r. M IN ,r ) 'I1 1 ,i r 1 •e� 1 1� r 1, RESOLUTION NO. 79 -63 A,IU:dOLUTION OP THE IU1NC110 CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -10 LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OV MAYBERRY AVENUE AND 19T11 STREET WHEREAS, on Soptombor 27, 1979, a formal application was submitted requesting review of the above described project/ and W11EREAS, on October 24, 1979, the Planning Commission hold a duly advertised public hearing for the above donaribad project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONOA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS COLLOWSs SECTION is That the following findings have boon modes. 1. That the site is adequate in size and shape. 2. That the site has adequate access. 3. That the proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property. 4. That the proposed use is consistent with the proposed General Plan. 5. That the conditions listed in this report are necessary to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. SECTION 2s That Site Approval No. 79 -10 is approved subject to the following conditionss 1. The development of Lot 9 shall be in accordance with tLa site plan on file in the Planning Division, except as may otherwise be provided heroin, prior to conmsencemont of sales activities. I. 2. A revised landscaped plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Division and shall refloat additional landscaped screening along the east side of Lot 9. is 3. All building code requirements shall be complied with and necessary permits obtained from the City Building Division. tl 4. The following off -sito improvements shall be provided for Lot 9 to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the commencoment of sales activitioss Curb and gutter, sidewalk, 11 - drive approach and parkway landscaping. S. A compacted aggregate sub -taco, at a minimum thickness of -�,:,,: 3 ", shall be. provided on Mayberry Avenue and Ring Street-to the natisfrction of the City Engineer and for the purpouo ® of providing; adequate vehicular accoos to Lot 9, 00id otracts 11hal•l be continuounly maintained no no not to create a haxa.doun traffic condition. G. A MOOD cash doponit shall be nubmittod to the City of Rancho Cucamonga to ensure the removal of the trailer. 7. The trailer shall be removed within 120 dayn from the date of thin approval (February 24, 1900) no additional time extennions will ba entertained. APPROVED A-:u ADOPTED WIS 24T11 DAY OF OCTOBER, 1974. PLANNINP CuMMISOION OF THE Cr OF RANC110 CUCAMONOA r'1 L}J {{r� M: DYs Ikerman Rampol, Chairman ATTESTS Secretary of the Planning Commission 1, JACK LAM. Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do horeby cortify that the foregoing Resolution wan duly and regularly introduced, paouod, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cueamonga.at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the :14th day of October, 19791 by the following vote to -wits AYESI COMMISSIONERSs NOES COMMISSIONERSI ADSENTs COMMISSIONERSI S le n U • e. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF Rum Dota: October 24, 1979 To: Planning Com lanion Proms Jack Lem, Director of Community Development Subjects NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLA4 AMEND oITY OF RANG110 CUCAMUNGA=Definition of Alternative Areas Request to amand the General Plan in the vicinity of Haven and Foothill for ± 3,000 neroa to clarify the intention of the alternatives an presently listed on the General Plan ABSTRACT, As the Commission will recall, this item line been continued twice because of misunderstandings and complaxiti -v involved in the dnaignation of certain areas of the Alternatives of the General Plan. On October 1 of this year, Sedway /Cooke Planning Consultants, embarited on the completion of the General Plan for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the review of the existing elements to compile a complete General Plan. During the planning procens, Sedway /Cooke will be reviewing various aspects of hoswing, commercial, indus- trial, open apace, conservation, otc. to determine tho appropriate planning guidelines for the City. The two planned communities of Terra Vista and Victoria will also be included in Sedway /Cooke'a review process. Both of these plane encompass the Alternatives, each displaying different land use scenarioa far the Alternative arena. We feel that at this time it would be premature to change any parameters that might foreclose options. Both community plane have not been adopted and therefore are still subject to change as additional data is gathered. The areas outside of the planned communities; specifically north of the railroad track, want of the flood control channel. also am an integral part of the total planning area. What happens in both planned communities will affect the type of land use proposed for the properties outside of the planned communities. We therefore feel that any change of land use for Alternative A, B and C would be inappropriate at this time. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission withdraw General Plan Amendment No. 79 -0311 and direct staff to notify Sedway /Cooke of the Commis- sions' concern regarding the delineation of land use in the alternative areas. cc JACKA i, Director Community Development ITEM "G" JL:BKH:ran 0 Datu: Tot Prom: Subject: ® 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAPP MORT October 24, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development aonara.t. Plnn Amendment No. 79 -03C - Arnold Anderson - A request for a change from the present designation of high density residen- tial to commercial for property located at the northwest corner of Turner and Arrow Highway ABSTRACT: An the Commission will recall, thin i�,cm relates directly to a decision on General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03P. If the Commission has desig- nated Cite intersection of Arrow Routs and Turner Avenue an an Alternative Commercial Site, titan the applicanth' request in not necessary and his appli- cation fee should be refunded. If the Commission did not designate Turner and Arrow Highway an an Alternative: ® Commercial Site then the applicants' request should be considered and no refund made. Our opinion remains the some an previously diacuesed. He feel that the site nize is restrictive. South of the subject property exiato a market at thin time and the need for another convenience market in ttte area may not be justi- fied. The property is designated as high density residential and would be a logical extension of the existing apartment project. If the Commission were to approve the applicants' request for commercial on a site of this size, it is our opinion that this would create a precedent that might encourage other ptio- pertieo of similar size and location to request General Plan Amendments for Com- morcial. This proliferates commercial throughout the City rather than cones - trating it in centers that ++ill beat nerve the community. ti ldditionally, to change a high density area to commercial at this time, while the City's first Housing Element is underway and we are being criticized for our lack of high density residential, would be premature and inappropriate. Community Development JL: BK11: nm ITEM "R" 0 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA . STAFF REPORT Datat October 24, 1979 Tot Planning Commission Froml Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: NEGATIVE DECLARATION AYD GENOtAl. PLAN AMEND - Request to ABSTRACT: As the Commission will rocnll at tine last meeting, there appeared Co bo aomo confusion as to the exact intent of thin General Plan Amendment. It in our intent by this Amendment to create morn flexibility in the designation of Alternative Commercial Bites and to more elenrly define the designation of Alternative Commercial Sites. DISCUSSION: There are basically three types of• commercial centers: 1) neigh- borhood center; 2) comtmnity center; 3) regional center. This report will center about the first two types of center; neighborhood and community. Attached please find excerpts from Planning Denign Criteria by Di Chaira that depicts and ® compares Neighborhood Centora and Community Centers. It must be understood that those are only gnnoral criteria. A Neighborhood Center may be smaller than 4 acres or larger than 8 acres. The same is true with a Community Center; it may be smaller than 10 acres or larger than 30 acres. What really defines whether a center is a naighborhood or a community center it; not only size but how it functions. Currently the Interim General Plan designates 23 Alternative Commercial Sites. Thin includes the Alterrmative Areas At B and C. Not all of these sites are viabla commercial shopping center sites. There are some intersections that all corners are designated an Alternative Commercial Sites and others where odly one quarter of Lite intersection is designated. In order to provide maximum flexibility in the planning process we suggest that the intersection be denoted an an Alto native Comanrcial site with a maximum of two per intersection. Further., cotmnercial develop- ments should be located at least one -half mile apart except for the two allowed at an intersection. Attached, please find Exhibits 1 -6. You will note that an asterisk has been placed at the intersection in each case. Exhibit 1 combines tl:e asterisks on the northwest, southwest mud south- east corners of Foothill Blvd. and Vineyard into one asterisk overlaying the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Vineyard Avenue. Exhibit 2 eliminates the asterisk on the southeast corner of Arrow RoutP and Archibald and replaces the asterisk with neighborhood comunity land use. ITFM "I" Exhibit 3 aliminatne the asterisk shown near the intersection of rro� 1tuuto and Haven Avenue and adds an asterisk over the inter - noction of Turner and Arrow Route. Also, the asterisk at tho'north- east corner of Foothill and Haven to movad to the intersection of Foothill Blvd. and Haven Avenue, Exhibit 4 combines the asterisks north of highland Avenue on the coot and wont aide of Iiaven Avenue. into one asterisk over the intersection of Haven Avenue and Highland Avenue. In the past. we have liberally •interp.r.Lod the asterisk on the wont aide of Haven, north of Highland to include the property from Highland to Lemon Avenue. Because of Chin intorprotation, we have a proposed develop - mont in the planning stages tiow on the southwest corner of Lemon and Haven. 11e suggest that the Counission designate thin property of approximately six aeron as Neighborhood Community. Thin designation would reinforce our interpretation. Exhibit 5 combinan the asterisk on the southwest corner of Rochester vaniC uo and Baseline Avenue and the northwest corner of Baseline into one asterisk over the intersection of Baseline Avenue and Rochester Avenue. Exhibit G combines the nntoriake on the four corners of Etiwanda Avenue a Baseline Avanub into one asterisk over the intersection of Baseline and Etiwanda Avenues. The asterisk on the southwest corner of tiighUnd and Etiwanda Avenue is relocated to the intersec- riun of Highland and Etiwanda Avenues. We recommend that the following policy changes occur within the General Plan texts 1. Alternative Conmorcial asterisks shown on the General Plar are only general locations and allow that there is s-a potential for the location of shopping centers in that imnediato area. Depending upon the size of the property and the markut area served, the commercial center may be either neighborhood or community. 2. No more than two commercial centers are to be located at any one inter- section. 3. For Neighborhood Cantors, sites should fall within approximate size range of 3 to 8 acres and for a Community Shopping Center, sites should fall within an approximate range of 10 to 30 acres. 4. Commarcial centers should be located at least one -half mile apart except for the two allowed at intersections. Staff has prepared the environmental assessment for t%io project and did clot find any significant adverse impacts on the environment as a result of tts project, therefore, a Negative Declaration is recommended. ,1 1, 1• .' 11 f i/ i 1.'1' 1 r 1 ,1,1 1 + r i u / 1 1' 1 1 1,1 r � i � � �� r , 1 / 4/ � r' •; I1 I' II 1 �1 1 ,I,l it 111, 1,, l'I� ',1 '' 1 ' ; 1 4 •' 1 b. �� I, ,/ 1 ,.�1 � 11 i r 1 4 � I r, . 1 � ,, '�•: I ', I, I l: 1 , I I I 1. r l •.l. � , 11 1 ,:1 . J�.1.. ' •1 ' ' .: 1. .4 Il , I' I'.I :r r � •' , 1 i 1 V ' •I,'�' 111• ';I I„ I• 1 ' 1 • 1 1 f \ 1 • •• 1 u 1 , \ 1 1 1 tion of certain , 1 III 1 I.i above- Re ectfully ubmittedg go JACK LM, 1: Director Community novelopmont I l • ' it 1 1 / Attachments: i. ,:, Land Use Matrix 1 f 1 \ + Land 1. 1 . 1 "art 1p Initial I• Study r 1' �1 i ' 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ib`• 1} I I 6 � 4• 1 11 11 '1: IV 1 . 1 1 r f , I ` 1 ie J , it it 1 \I 1'. • , .. \I + , 1 • 4 P,1, 1 0 C ®. COMMERCIAL FACILITIES A. ShoppingCenlers•• Neighborhood Center* Community Center• 1. Major function Salo of comvoniunco goods and personal Some functions of the Neighborhood services Center plus sale of shopping goods (wearing apparel, applloncus, etc.) 2. Leading tenants Super market and drugstore Variety store and small dopt. store 3. Location Intersection of collector streets a/c Intersections of major roads and /or secondary roads oNprossways 4. Radius of service area 5. Min. population to support center G. Site area (gross land area) 7. Desirable maximum size of cantor as percentage of total area served S. Ranges of Gross Floor Area 9. Number of stores and shops . V2 Milo 4,000 MS acres 1.25% (1 acre /1,000 pop.) 30,000= 15,000 sq. IL 5-20 2 Mlles 35,000 10-30 acres 1.Qn% (0.75 acres/ 1,000 pop.) 100.000- 250,000 sq. ft. 15-40 3 lei , ,ar , t' i1 r ' 1 .III �' 1 r I r .'r I rl � I1 ''� ~ 'il �'r , •1 „' ; ,1' 71 I r I I r�.;. I. �•' 1 i 1 y, l ! I 1 1 l IJ 1 , ,1 .' 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'1 I �. �1 `1 ' 2 1 , I 1 �1. ` JI 1 .1 � 1'�• ✓ � 1 1 1 � .,1 ,, 1 •, 1 l 1 t 1 1• 1 � PP.., I n LJ I f " ° .. CITY 01-4 RANC11O. CUCAMONGA -'INITIAL STUDY PART I PROJECT INFORMATION SHEW.V - To be completed by applicant L•'nvironmonL•al A©cossmont Review Foot $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must bo completed and submiL od• to the 00"l- opmont Roviow Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of,this application, the Environmental Analysis stuff will prepare Part' II of the Initial Study'. The Development Itoviaw Committee will most and tako action no ,Later than ton (10) days before the public mooting at which Limo the project io to be heard. The Committee will make one of throe determinations: 1) The project will have no cnvironmontal impact and a Negative Declaration will. be hied, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental. Impact'Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional Information report should be supplied by the applicant giving furthox information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: 16 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: NAME] ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO HE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: I3cwa�Tee S .nth, Plana,ev OF, PROJECT (STREET A ASSES :OR PARCEL No..) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATr FEDERAI, AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: — AND ¢t: Al DTI ?Cm nrscur -PION DESCRIPTION OF PROMCTt a i v��'iiyG ar.,i,16 s- 4�r- .phew., _rfi_ -I�1, ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE j'DOTAGE OF EXISTING AND 'PROPOSED HUILDINGSo IF ANY :{� . DESCRIBE THE•ENVIRONDIENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORDIATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, ANT) THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) t. IS the project, part of a larger project, one of a seriou• of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? Alls� l: kgjj, 'LIILf rRn,yrCT: M LL v 1. create a nubstantinl change in ground contours? ✓�2. Croataa nubotantial chtingo in existing noiao or vibrations ✓ 3. Croato.a substnntinl change in demand for municipal aervices (Volice, Tiro, water, aowago, etc.) ✓ 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations?. Remove any exist.• ing treoas ,How many? 6. Create the need for use• or dispusnl of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic aubstancos,'flammables or explosives? anation of any lePS anowers aboYe: Y 10 N IMYORTANPs I£ the project involves the construction of rosidential units, complete the form on the next page. ccniric=xom I hereby certify that the statements furnished „ above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowladge and belief. "I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate ovaulation can. be made by the Development Review Committee. ?' Date e,a ¢x[479 Signature .; . �; Title Data: To: CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA OTAPP REPORT October 24, 1979 planning Commiasion Prom: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Dubjuctl GENMAL_PLAN AS1HNVMLNC P-V-j sy -W+, Clarification of Mixed User - To more specifically dooignate what in allowable within the Mixed Una Category In order to give tl:e Oonoral Plan Consultant maximum flexibility in the review of existing General Plan Elements and preparation of now General Plan Elemonta, staff recommends that amendments to the mixed use category be included in the Consultant's General Plan process. We have prepared an inventory of all mixed use areas and will folvard the information to the Consultant. ® It should be noted that preparation of the llousing Element will entail the determination of housing needs within tits City. To satiefy thuso identified lousing needs, our Consultant will be racommendicg various types of housing. A portion of this housing will affect the mixed use category. RECOMMENDA'riCU+ It is reeommendr.j that General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03D be withdrawn and re:avrad r- laedway /Cooke for incorporation in the General Plan process. WJALr ly submitted, Director of-- -' Community Development JL :Dll : nm 7, 11 L KJ 0 ITEM "J'1 r ,1 4® , RESOLUTION N0. 79 -09 A RESOLUTION OF THE 11ANCHO C1ICAMONGA PLANNINO COMMISSION APPROVING PARCEL NAP NO. 4773 TO DIVIDE 1.9 ACRES OF LAND INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED 050' EAST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE AND 950' NOR'fll OF SUMMIT AVENUE IN THE R -1 y.ONE. WHEREAS, on the 30th day of November, 1970, n formal application wan filed with the City Planning Divisiunl and WHEREAS, on the 24th day of January, 1979, the Planning Conmiission hold a meeting to consider said projoeL and continued to February 14, 1979. NOW, THEREI'CRE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION resolved as followst SECTION It That the following findings have been mndas 1. That Lila proposed map to consistent with the proposed Concral Plan of Lila City of Rancho Cucamonga. ® 2. That the design for improvements of the proposed subdivision is conoi.atent with applicable general and specific Plana for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 'e 3. That the site in physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 4. That the design of the proposed improvements is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or other habitat. 5. That the design nor the type of improvements iu not likely to cause serious public health problems. 6. That the design or the type of improvemento will not conflict with casements acquired by the public at large fjr access through 'or use of property within .-.he proposed subdivision. SECTION 2: That this land division will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on February 14, 1979. C SECTION 3: That Parcel Map No. 4773 is approved subject to the following conditions: 0 1 h 1. 401 of dedication shall be from Etiwandn Ava. tu'Lot l Lot 21 tilts accoon shall be from Etiwnnda Avenue to Lot Lot 2. nods along 23rd Strout and through Lot ,1 slid 91 paved with 26' wide paving 1 and through Lot 1 to 2. Full street improvements nhall be provided --!ling tl►e frontogo of Lot 1 along 23rd Street. 3. At tl►e timn of davolopment street improvements shall b ; provided alnng the frontage of Lot 2 along 23rd Street to the satisfaction of the City dnginoer. 4. Devoinpor shall coordinate and pay whore nocuseary for relocation of any public utilitiuo. S. Developer shall provide all construction plane for drainngo and'ntrast improvements to the satisfaction of tl►e City Engineer. 6. Sanitary sewers and venter system ahnll be uesifned and coordin &ted with the Cucamongn County Water Diatrtet stmkdardu. 7. The proposed subdivision shell meet: the provisions of Lone D of the Notional Flood Insurance Program.' 8. All requi:!emento of the Southern California Edison and Southern C:41ifornin Gas Cos. shall be met. 9. Tito City Engineer shall make the detarminarion, pursuant to Section 664,36 (C -1) of the subdivision map act, that the division and development of tl►o property will not unreaacnably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any public entity or public utility rigl►t -of -way or easements. Tito signature of any public entity or utility may be emitted from the final map if written notification of objections is not filed with the City within the time limits specified in Sect, --n 66436 (C -1). 10. The developer shell meet u11 FLnsl Map req;.rementa l of the City including but not limited to providing Traverse calculation sheets, cop_ea of recorded ma,) and deeds used as reference and /or allowing original lnnd division, tie notes and bench marks that are referenced thereon. 11.. All requirements of the Foothill Fire District shall be complied with. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. r PLANNING COMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. �k 1 1 1 �1! •1 1 I II '•,1. I fil 1 1It., ll� 1. h 1 I' I 1 I M 11 I'1 •" 1 1 1•+ 1 ' 1 I. 1 1 Ilf'd i 11 I,1 � II ' I 1 �i' I I h1''. I� \. I�,',1 11 '.l 1 I' 1 � 1 N 11�' '1 '11'11 I ,'• Illy ;(11 t II ,II 14�'I fl 1 �1'� 11 III 1 1',111 I'ly I ' !i 1 11', 1 i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 I I11� I I II 11 �1 � � I • III 'd '. 11 � , : j � I 1' � 1 � Y -' 1 • 1 , I 1 / , 1 1 I � I:.f 11� i � 'r I 1,� I f!.11 r) �I' 1 � 1 Yi 1411 I 1 1III�� I 'tl I „• Y .1 X11 Ilt / 1 . � I t I�.. ''( 1 1,' I' II V �,I� I� X11 1 r ' 1 1'• 1 ''. 1 1\ �� 1 1I.�1lildl 1 1 •u�llt' 1. V � 1 '11 1 •, '1 I • 1 I . .,, � 1 '1' 1 II \ 1 1 1 kI Byl Harman \ II,I' Chairman II1 . 'I I ,• 1 I f .I 1.1 Secretary 1 Planning 1 • JACK LAN, 11acrotary of the Planning Commission X1 l Rancho I • 1j1, 1 Cucamonga, hereby 1 rora&oing nonolution , , duly and Introduced, 1 1 • 11 I I 1 and adopted Commission of I • Rancho Cucamonga a regular meeting of the Pletaiing Commission held on the 24th day of January, 1979., AYES: COMMISSIOJERS1 6 1 fr 1,11 IJ' •+'' l 1 1 1 1 I1� 11 •�'fl nll •' "'LI 111, r •15 '._1 II .1.. II I I ..•'r ';�. ,,�:, I,r 1, � \ IAI 1 i%1 ..111 I " t ' l Yl •11. •.i ,I 1\ 11 I I 1 ..• ` r 1 I \ '.• 1 w Y. e J -a 1.+ y� • al+ 1 (1 ;n Ih I�1 II 11. 1, n1}�j'L 1.1 • 5 1 111 1 .' 1 1 1 • 11.11 1 j i•+ t\ 1 SI \ �, 1 r }, f 1 u �.r n l 1.. r t 1 �^ • r t •' o:'} ♦ 1 1 I'7. � I.. • w � 4 i.t 4 v h 1 .1 � 1 f ',F': 1 11 i° i 1 �,) .1 t ' YI•i \1 1 I + 1. 1 I +1Q _ 111t�f \1 M 1 r \ 1 1�1 11- )V r ,1 i' . , �l -., } �1 .'' J it b.�' r/\ ..• 11 i.Y ( J I' 1, 1 5 +i - r 51 ' r I• 1 � f � \ 1 • ' I 1. ..• !+ � ♦)J � 1 I ' Q �'1 Ie +� 1, �1` r. rl 1 r , tl 1 `rl �. ! IL 1• ;� \ t �.� J 1 1 ` _ \ ,I I V\ J. 1 I IL w _r _1 9� nl -1.... ,r h `/'L 111MANUA AVty r +• ! A _, 4._ 1`l tl-: nj •'�!!1r- �..._i I , Zwx:t �! �► it �((rrl� 0- JJ 1 i y pt a i ti's I 1 s( � r ` 11� 4N M r" a ga �ss i n 'V� T M� V U ■ t� V fA ► y s^ a • y p O y • '1 E= 0 r 1 V �+ Il IUr /y��a ~••• �.�• ���III M.....'i�•.`uI, YIN 1\ , 11� 4N M r" a ga �ss i n 'V� T M� V U ■ t� V fA ► y s^ a • y p O y • '1 E= 0 r 1 IUr /y��a ~••• �.�• ���III M.....'i�•.`uI, YIN 1\ , I. I( M VCp-C wr CACiy'A �NMN 33 NI (.w.w.y n......) R 11� 4N M r" a ga �ss i n 'V� T M� V U ■ t� V fA ► y s^ a • y p O y • '1 E= 0 r 1 is DATES TOS PROMS SUBJECTS 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT October 24, 1979 Planning Commission Jack T,am, Diroutor of Community Dovolopmeot 0 UnVlsed alto plall L'Or '1071GQ"vv axuu. nv. .+ -••y -••- proposed units from 00 to 44 for property located on the north= oast corner of Vkotoria and Archibald BACKGROUNDS Bob Janson buildoru are requesting approval for a roviand Oita plan for Tentative Tract No. 9369. Tract 9369 was previously approved dividing the land into 24 separate lots. The original plane proposed the development of 00 units; one four -plox on each lot. Thu project Oita is located on the northeast corner of Victoria and Archibald and oncomgaslloa approximately G acres of land (Exhibit A) . Several months ago, the applicant had requasted Oita plan roviow and approval for the four -plex units. however, upon staff rovielo and communication with the Commisnion, it was found that the proposed design and layout was deficient in parking and the proposed design did not moot the design standards that the City had antici- pated. Therefore, Bob Jonson has redesigned the project which will reduce the number of! units from 00 to 44. In addition, a Phase II consisting of 72 units will be added at the corner of 19th and Archibald when the moratorium is lifted. This review doom not entail review and approval of Phase 2 because of the present moratorium. Phase I is being conside:ad because it was under previous approval which was exempted from the moratorium. The project which wall proposed as a garden apartment project will now be a condominium project. on the Agenda tonight will also be a request from the applicant to ravine the previously approved tentative map. ANALYSIS; Phase I will entail t%a construction of 44 units clustered in various size complexes (Exhibit A). Each unit will have its own enclosed garages. Access will be from Victoria Str3ot and ultimately 19th No access will be permitted from Archibald Avenue. Phase I will contain 22, 2- boucoom units and 20, 3- bodroom units. Substantial landac ding is proposed along all atrdet frontages and throughout the project. A pool will be provided in each phase linked by a lineal park through the center of the project. Units throughout the Project are sited at different angles and locations :o creuto variety throughout Lila project area. Curvilinear sidewalks and textured pathway, will also be utilized. Exhibits C throuR;l G display six different olovation typos to be used for the units. The elevations utilize wood sl.ding, wood trim, stucco, and balconies, to create character and variation throughout the project. Staff ties prepared the Initial Study and has found no significant advorae impacts upon the environment as a result of this project. Therefore, staff recommanda the issuance of a Negative Declaration. �i , ITEM "LS' r+ f ' IJ 1 . •. y \. J� \ al ... r l 1• I ! J •'. rig � ��•� 1' 1 � �t �1 + • fl 1"1, � .n • 1'�ta• 1 I \wM � l• J t t + 1 1 1 f r f 1 RECOMMENDAWOM It io roaommendod that Roviow No. 79 -97 and ioouo a Nagativa tho Planning Doolaration by Comminnior► adoption approvo Dirootor of tho attnohod R000lUtion No. 79 -67. Ranp atC 1 ubmittod, JACK LAM, Dirootor of Community Davelopmont JLIMVIao Attacimantor Exhibit A, Bite Plan Exhibit D, Praliminary Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit C - Go Building Elevations Part I Initial study Ronolution No. 79 -67 r+ f ' IJ 1 . •. y \. J� \ al ... r l 1• I ! J •'. rig � ��•� 1' 1 � �t �1 + • fl 1"1, � .n • 1'�ta• 1 I \wM � l• J t t + 1 1 1 f r f 1 I '� � I II,. • I•IITN' I A O • • 1 i • w 1'• 'OIMYYII Y , tl 1 ' • I . 1• , 1 I , I ' 1, I I 1 ! I , 1 1 , h , f, ,l 1 I + i I , ' I , r1 ' 1 11 y, F r'+ Ia ', I , „ 1 M I ' R NI I +• �I•,/ 1�'� I yl �lll I r I. \,1 1 1'I I A L1, •� I �I t•�'r�Nl ♦' I j woo 1, j INS M�� 1 Ilk Ural N+ jN �7/y,(J •l���ly 1•, �� %� 1 • it t 1:I If 11'. C 1 ! iL•1`s ' ■Mjlj,'1!,�:!I�i��� IA'� (�,y1/ F °, 1 a , 114 ( Y� II 11 �,N •S�1 1 d • 11;dw.• ���j•r" IJ "' ill." b �± I Ir '� • // I� �• .y�, 17�11 �� �1'' � 1 1•II i � ►.�'�?IITh,�,l Olt A y __�•j.."'r . le•.rw Y •Ir dl Ae , . ! � , ea�,Jyp %14 �* Iii' '� •� w l i Ir.�11 'i�df, lla�, Z 1 y'1 •:1 1 I I ?••� �b /••� •:1�•.f .hp rr/' 'I � 111,' e ! •. .•1 rd' !i1.. 1 to i' ,k' }:'d'r1 • U U U •LL (t i � ��l rt �) TT ...r � T 7 i, m��,. ♦..H F��y^II t�.. �7w '.. l\ , 'i II�• �,,1 1{,11 i��}jV�1 "S'�1 , l �4N• ill�'1fM �• n..�.wr � �'�� (f,ll Vii, ..... ' r r ;.�..• •�1.1 ..._ .:.�.•_..._ Mr \1�N rrrw� ...N..N NI■ jil! ��' O •l/wlollt >• o r •ra r •� n o a o� w t .' • �'rf +11 11 Ir•.�1 + i�,F, ',' ( 11'�,�1} }In tr1 � ;l�i } "r) ltl !"fll �', ',1�, :InA4 ('tl 'J •�1�1ji '•pl1�A��yy�•� {pi, i f11�1�((1N '}.i\ y li �' i�ti�r�,l,�lti'k,f •!� �7 (,,,, 'y�yy�'ll {f •'�. }11. 1.1.� + }.'!h ✓. /, ')1 ,.T.. ♦.'.�.,+ �'I,J, .1; n I',`lu �1 +11', NI I +• �I•,/ 1�'� I yl �lll I r I. \,1 1 1'I I A L1, •� I �I t•�'r�Nl ♦' I j woo 1, j INS M�� 1 Ilk Ural N+ jN �7/y,(J •l���ly 1•, �� %� 1 • it t 1:I If 11'. C 1 ! iL•1`s ' ■Mjlj,'1!,�:!I�i��� IA'� (�,y1/ F °, 1 a , 114 ( Y� II 11 �,N •S�1 1 d • 11;dw.• ���j•r" IJ "' ill." b �± I Ir '� • // I� �• .y�, 17�11 �� �1'' � 1 1•II i � ►.�'�?IITh,�,l Olt A y __�•j.."'r . le•.rw Y •Ir dl Ae , . ! � , ea�,Jyp %14 �* Iii' '� •� w l i Ir.�11 'i�df, lla�, Z 1 y'1 •:1 1 I I ?••� �b /••� •:1�•.f .hp rr/' 'I � 111,' e ! •. .•1 rd' !i1.. 1 to i' ,k' }:'d'r1 • 1 , J• Il �_ "JI L `' 1 ' r -1 ( t � � 1 } 11 t 1 � I 1 • • 1, 1 , / 1 1 .. c U U U •LL (t ■OV'IM VIII QI ITT . ,\e`•�!i,i1�;�i� lei r;,.� II i! •. •';KID II ,� I � •? ?till i r, I I` 'l�_ � �II I•k�'1 c IT .r xiswu low rM *� ( In„ 6 TO� at���� INS i�w w let I f, 9 IT v J:� ,, •11� r'r II I '. ' • I 1 1 i' r 1 1' rrl', �1 .1 r. r�r ^fl A,1 •r.l..I' 1 i r •Ir (. �t,r I, , i' I ! r ,r' !L ( � 1• I i 1 ,� �1' III 1 Ir ,ll . \ I � ' ( I I 1 1 1 I r li' 1 rl.• �1 „ 1' �1 1 1 � I , ':I �.I. ( �I1I 11 rr 1 �,�II �P 11 IJ Jli l.� 1 i• rlrr ',� r J� �'! 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' �r• A 11,i 1 , �� _1 , v • 1 .` l .T • .. , fV 1 tf'' al IfY i � r + r 5 ' � ,; „� r 1 1 r r : , 1 `� 1 + y •1 1 1� r,. 1 r 1 , � I Y1 1 { � r � `+ '•Y1� ip' 1 1 / i '�'( 1 , .i , 1111 ' 'l /M�I 'x.11 .1 .I.Y� 1 1 `r, .. 1/J 1 ♦�1!'• 1,. `. .' • .♦ , �e CITY OC RANC110 CUCAMUNOA INITIAL STUDY., PART I - PROJECT INFORM TION SHEET - To be complated by applicant Environmental Assaosinant " )toviow troo a $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and oubmiLLed to the Development Review Committee through the ddpartmont where the project application is made. Upon receipt of,this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part 'II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than Lon (10) days before the public meeting at which time the projocL• is to be hoard. The Committee will make one of three dotorminations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be riled, 2) The project will have an onvironmentnl impact and an Environmental Impact Roport'will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. .J PROJECT TITLE: Victoria Place APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Bob Jensen Builder, Inc. -'226 West "E St., n ar o, NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CON, iCTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Thomas D. Harris, AIA —M—:—a—s rev , p an , — CA 91786 714 981 -3632 LOCATION or PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) N. E. Corner of Victoria and Archiba= LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATF. AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: White slips from Real Estate Commissioner's office Building permits (local Y -1 ' 'r PROJECT DZSCIAXPTION DESCRIPTION OP PROJECT: Phaso I x-42 unite of a t6 'a "TT un1t con om sTEini Niu c Ll z ACREAGE - Vf PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE Or EXISTING AND 'PROPOSED DUILDINGS# Iar')MY: Phase 1 - 256,000 s.f. land - 7 , Ph^ nnarl7__ 117, Goo a.f. land - 122 67 a.f. �'• A total o�r'ab e. an nn , 0.1- g. DESCRIM. THE .NVIRONEEt P L SETTING Or THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INVOMINTIC "N : K TOPOORAPHYo PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, AM CULTURAL,' HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION or ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)t Proieet sita_is vacant land with a drainage-ditch on the west oundary requiring removes of—several large t• n[f St 013 Tharo is an existing • sing i e ? oyr.'1 Aw�0 Liu O •aC nt in the project, part of a larger project, ono of a series- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? The total project will•not have a significant environmental 0 IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, completo the form on the. nE.;t page. 1. PrRTirICATION: I hereby certify that the atatemonts furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial "evaluation to the best of my hbility, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct.to the best of my knowledge'a.nd belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an .dcqunt•e evaulation can be made by a Deveiopmc, Review commit`.ne. Date September 6, 1979 Signature Title Architect no rci': x _ X. 1. Create a substantial chungo in ground conL•ours? ,X , 2. Create,a Dubatantial change in existing noise nV vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, wator, sownge, etc.)? X A. Create changes in the existing zoning or .__. general plan designations? Approx.', 5: Remove any existing trees? .How many?` 8 6. Create the neud for use. or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic vubatancos, flammables or explosives? Explanation of ary yX5 answers abovo: Trees to be removed are in the drainagd- WITM-L'tr-tra- fttlZrd and in the street r yht of way. "--- -- IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, completo the form on the. nE.;t page. 1. PrRTirICATION: I hereby certify that the atatemonts furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial "evaluation to the best of my hbility, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct.to the best of my knowledge'a.nd belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an .dcqunt•e evaulation can be made by a Deveiopmc, Review commit`.ne. Date September 6, 1979 Signature Title Architect � r M,'SIDi;NTIAL CONSTRUCTION, 0 Tito following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Iliviaion in arde.. co aid in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate tho,proposod reni.dential development. Tract No. 9369 t1nmu of Developer and,Tontativa Tract No.t Bob Jenson Buildor, Inc'. Specific Location of Projects N. E. Corner Victoria and Archibald 1. Number of single family unitst 2. Number of multiple family units: Data propocud to begin conatructiont 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Nodal N and 4 of Tentative S. Bedrooms Price Ranao PHASE, I PITASC 2 42 72 12 16 Jan. 1980 _ Aug. 1900 Plan 1 3 Bedroom $82,400 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 2 Bedroom $66,640 3 Bedroom $04,240. 2 Bedroom $65,920 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TarAL 114 28 , I RESOLUTION NO. 79 -62 A RESOLUTION 00 THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA'PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -57 LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OC VICTORIA AND ARCHIBALD. WIIERIJIS, on the 7th day of Septombor, 1979, a complete application was filed for review of the above described projects and WHEREAS, on the 24th day of October, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Comminoion hold a meeting to consider the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS POLLOWSt SECTION is That the following findings have boon madet 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the pro- posed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, landscaping, loading and other feature:* required by this section. 2. That the improvements as indicated on the development plan are located in such a manner as to be property related to existing and proposed streets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all aGopted standarda and policies as not forth in this suction. SECTION 21 That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on October 24, 1979. . SECTION 3s That Director Review No. 79 -57 is approved subject to the following conditionot Applicant shall contact the Planning Division for compliance with the following conditionot 1. Exterior lights shall he a maximum height of 10' and directed away from all property linos, adjacent streets and residences. 2. All two -way aisle widths shall be a minimum of 24 foot wide. 3. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with Comprehensive Sign Ordinance and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of such signs. �' ' 0 0 4, A detailed landscape and irrigation plan ehnil be ® oubmittod'to and approved by the Planning Divioion.prior to t1►e issuance of building permits. 5. All lnndocaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from woods, tranh and debris. 6. A minimum of SD troop par gross acrd, comprised of the following sizes, shall, be provided within the dovolopmonti 20% 24" box or larger, 701 1G gallon, and 10% 5 gallon. 7. A Mostor Plan of the existing on site trans shall be provided to the Planning Divioior► as part of the final grading plan to dotormino which troen shall be retained. 0. Existing Eucalyptus trace shall be retained whoravor possible and shall be trimmed and topped at 301. Dead, decaying or potential dangerous tress shall be removed at the discretion of the Planning Division and replaced on a tree- for -trop basis to the satisfaction of t1►a Planning Division. 9. Street trace, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with-the Nestor Plan of stroot stroon for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 10. The applicant shall pay a Park and Recreation foe at the ® established rate for each now residential dwelling prior w to the issuance of a Building Permit. 11. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan on fila in tl►e Planning Division and the conditions contained heroin. 12. All roof appurtenances, including air conditionora, shall be architecturally integrated and shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent proportion and streets to the satisfaction of the Planning Division and Building Official. 13. Mail boxes or a centralized mail area, shall be installed and located by the developer to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 14. Approval of this request shall not excuse compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at time of Building Permit issuance. 14. Tentativa Tract No. 9369 shall be recorded prior to issuance of building permits. 15. Provisions for temporary cul -do -sacs should be made for the stub streets. If Phase II does not occur, then the eul -do- sacs shall become permanent. 0 0, 16. This approval does not conotituto approval of Phase II. Final review and approval of.Phaso I1 will he required prior to issuanco'of building pormito. 17. Trash pia -up service shall be provided to each individual unit. No outdoor trash receptacles will be permitted unless screened to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. 10. All driveways shall be differentiated from the interior circulation aimlo by using P.C.C. on the driveways and A.C. on the aimle. lg. Any unit containing a driveway loss titan 20' in depth shall be provided with an automatic garage door opener. Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditional 20. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Codo, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and ail other applicable codas and ordinances in effect at the time of approval of this project. 21. This approval shall become null and void if building porsita are not issued for this project within one year from the dato of project approval. 22. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Grading Ordinanco and to the satisfaction of the Building Official. Applicant shall contact the Foothill Fire District and the Cucamonga County Water District for compliance with the following conditicnas 23. Water supply and sanitary sower facilities shall be provided to the specifications of the Cucamonga County Water District and the City Engineer with all incidental fees paid by the developer. 24. Prior to recordation of the final map, water improvement plans shall be approved by the Fire Chief for fire protection and financial security posted for the installation. The adequacy and reliability of water system design, location of valves, and distribution of fire hydrants shall be evaluated in accordance with Foothill Fire District standards. 25. Prior to issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Fire Chief that water supply for fire prol:ection is available. 26. Emergency access shall be provided and maintained free and clear at a minimum of 24 feet at all times during construction to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. ii,t E L 0 Applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for compliance ® with.tha following uon4itionat 27. All conditions of approval for Tontativa Tract 9369 shall apply to thin project. APPRUVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24T11 DAY OF OCTODER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SYs Harman Rempel, Chairman ATTESTS Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ronolution was duly and regularly introduced, patented, and ateupted by the Planning Ccr=insion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of October, 19790 by the following vote to wits 0 AYES COMMISSIONERSS NOESS COMMISSIONERSs ADSENTs COMMISSIONERSt O 1' DATEt TOt FROMt CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BTAFF RCPORT October 241 1975 Planning Commission Lloyd ttubbs, City Engineer 0 SUBJECT Tract 9369 - Revision of Conditions and Extension of Time Limit The subject trout was originally approved by the San Bernardino County Planning Commission on July 22, 1976. After incorporation, processing of the map continued under City control. The original map called for 22 lots on 7 aurae, with a 4 -plex apartment on each lot. Because of weakness in the original subdivision design and site plan, the Commission required the developer to extensively modify Ilia plane. As a result, the .3mvslopor has revised the map to provide for one lot containing 42 condominium units. Under this concept, a homaownar's association owns all of the property, including a recreation parcel (Lot A) and the buildings. Thu individual residents will own only the interiors of their units, am kil "high- rise" condominiums. Extensive C C a We will be required to ensure access and maintenance. The complete change in subdivision design has required a great deal of time. None of the original maps or plans still apply and both the City and the developer will need considerably more time to finalize the now plans. AA in the came of the proposed apartments immediately to the south of this project, there are oxtenoivo drainage problems to be dealt with. The revised engineering conditions in the attached resolution require the developer to leave surrounding properties unaffected by increased drainage from this site and to provide storm drain improvements or. Ax-7hibald Avenue. R6;,'tMS"DATI0Np it is recommenced that the Commission approve the attached tiesoluticr ►1. 79 -65 granting ail 1S month time extension for Tentative Tract 9369 aad setting conditions of approval. • Rea eatfully sybmittod. L1 Vd Hubbs c;ty Engineer LH:PAR:cc Attachment: Resolution No. 79 -65 Exhibit "A" ITEM M" t, RESOLUTION NO. 79 -63 A RESOLUTION OP'THE'RANCHO CUCAMONGA'PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING REVISED TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9369 LOCATED ON 111E EAST SILL' OF ARCHIBALD BETWEEN BASELINE AND 19T11 STREET WHEREAS, on the 7th day of September, 1979, u complete application was filed for review of the above described project; and WHEREAS, on the 24th day of October, 1979, the Rancho Cucamonga Plan- ning Commission hold a meeting to consider the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, Tiles RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOW,4 t SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the proposed subdivision is consistent' with the General Plan. 2. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 3. That other provisions of Section 66474 of the Subdivi- sion Map Act regarding public health and access will be complied with. SECTION 2: Ttw t the requirements of Section 3 shall be fulfilled in eighteen (18) months.. SECTION 3: i cruised Tentative Tract No. 9369 is approved subject to the fol o conditi no o et a wit the a listed in Ex1�/'�':dw a �� 1. tr at dedication consisting of 20 foot corn cutoff. Q 30 feet along Archibald Avenue and 33 feet along Victoria Street are required. i 2. Prior to issuance of building'perodta: a. Sewer and water plane shall be coordinated with the Cucamonga County Water District. b. Site grading, curb, gutter, drive approaches, side- walks, street trees „A.C. match -up paving shall be to City standards and shown on plans approved by the City Engineer. C. All necessary plans for the installation of street lights shall be approved by Lhe Southern California Edison Company. n C.i_ E 0 am W` , E d. water carried through tha'cite or runoff'jitoduced by the site after development shall be carried to btrooto or storm drains in structures approved by the City Engineer. o. Runoff from the subject property onto surrounding private property shall not be incronand. To this affect, improvements to existing drainage facilities in Victoria Street may be required. f. Installation of a portion of the roaster planned atom drains in Archibald Avenue, from its current tormiasm to south of Monte Vista Avenue, and improvement of the existing earth channel on the vast side of Archibald Avenue will be required. Street drainage structures necessary to assure proper functioning'of the storm drain will also be required. The developer will be renponsible for 50% of the coot of this work. Ilia coat of tltis storm drain will credit to storm drain face and a raimbursemont agreement will be executed to cover remaining contributions. APPROVED &W ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF OCTODMt, 1979 PLANNING =MISSION OF T11E CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA BY Harman Rempel, Chairman ATTESTS Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of October, 1979. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Counly of San 0ernoi Ino PIANNINO DEPAIITMENT• 919 Mt. View Avenue • San Dernardloo, CA 92419 • (7141303.1417 July 23, 1976 SAN 13ERIIARDINO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS TRACT NO. 9369 (Alta Loma) EXPIRATION DATE: Jan. 22, 1978 (Revised Tentative Tract Map received in Planning Dept.' July 8, 1976.) DEVELOPERt ' ENGINEER: Bob Jensen Buildor, Inc. Associated Engineers 226 West "E" Street 316 East "E" Street Ontario, CA 91761 Ontario, CA 91764 This will advise you that after completion of the environmental review proce:ls, and due consideration thereof , Tentative Tract No. 9369, 7.0 acres, containing 24 lots, was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission at its meeting of July 22, 1976 Said Tentative Tract was found to be in compliance with Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act and was approved subject to the conditions as set forth on attached pages 2 of 6 through G of 6. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEIIENT AGENCY PLANNING Dr,PAP'- E.,I'r TOMMY t�EPN Design Review Section TITS :mes cc: County Dept. of Transportation County Flood Control District . County Surveyor County Environmental Haalth Services County Division of Building & Safety County Firewarden County Sheriff State Division of R_al Estate 107 S. Broadway, Room 8003 Los Pr;e'ss, CA 90012 E'X11IBIT "A" Tract No, 9369 (Alta L40) JUL Z 2 W6 Pago 2 of 6 1 STANDAHU FUMU111t"MENTS: 2 3 The water system and, fire hydrants shall be installed in nccordanco With Lha,raquircmerits of, the State llealth and Safety Coda, and in accordance with plans approved by the San Dornard.ino County Ilonith 6 Depar tmant• and the governing fire protection authority. 7 0 Easements and improvements shall be provided and drainage coordin- 9 ated in accordance with plane approved by the San Bernardino County 10 Health Department and the governing fire protection authority. 11 1 12 Where a bond is to be posted in lieu of installation of the improve - 13 monL: 14 Further, prior to release of the bond for 15 Tile domestic water, plan and /or nailer plan shall be reviewed 16 by a civil engineer, registered in the State of California, 17 and said engineer shall determine the amount of bond necessary 10 to install the improvements. This amount plus Lon percent 19 shall be posted with the CounL•y of San lernardino. 20 of all appropriate State and County laws 21 Tile presently required certificates on water maps for the •22 water company and engineer must still be placed on the map. 23 In addition a statement shall be transmitted to the Public 24 Health Department signed by the registered civil engineer 25 for the water pury =;,or stating that the amount of bond 26 reconanended is adequate to cover the cost of installation 27 of the improvement. 28 submit a statement ® Further, prior to release of the bond for the improvement, �C the Cucamonga County water District shall submit a si.aned 31 statement confirming that the improvement has been instal:ed 32 according to the approved plans and meets the requirements 33 of all appropriate State and County laws pertaining to such 34 improvement. 35 36 37 In cases where tt:e water agency or sewering agency is a governmental subdivision, prior to f•inai. recording of the 38 39 tract map, the governmental agency shall submit a statement directed to the County stating that the improvement has 40 been installed according to the approved plans or stating 41 that bond in the amount of 110 percent of the cost of in- 42 43 stallation of the improvement has been placed with the agency. 44 45 Sidewalks shall be provided throughout the tract including 46 all peripheral streets. 47 Street lighting shall be provided throughout the tract including 48 all peripheral streets. 49 50 Utility lines shall be placed underground in accordance with the 51 requirements of County Ordinance No. 2041. 52 53 *STREET, GRADING A14D DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS: QCounty Road Department: '. 1�•1 i0�0 UI Tract No. 9369 (Alta a) JUL 22 MW Page 3 of 6 i noad sections within the tract are to be dosignad and constructed 2 to Valley Standards. 3 4 Any ggrading within the road right of way prior to the signing of 5 the improvemont plans must be accomplished under the direction of 6 a Soil Testing Cngineor. Compaction tests of embankment construction, 7 tranch backfill, and rill aubgrades Shull be performed at no cost 0 to San Bernardino County and a written report in to be submitted 9 to the Contracts Division prior to any placement of base materials 10 and /or paving. 11 12 Final plans and profilon shall show the location of any existing 13 utility facility that would affect conatruction. 14 15 Slope rights are to be dedicated on the final tract map where 16 necessary. 17 18 A thorough evaluation of the structural road section, to include 19 parkway improvements, from a qualified materials engineer will be 20 required. 21 22 A copy of the grading plan shall be submitted to the Road Department. 23 24 Vehicular access rights are to be dedicated on Archibald Avenue. 25 26 Any existing County road which will require reconstruction shall 27 remain open for traffic at all times, with adequate detours, 28 during actual construction. A cash deposit shall be required to 29 cl.vor the cost of grading and paving prior to recordation of the 30 tract map Upon completion of the grading and paving, to the 31 satisfaction of the Road Department, the cash deposit may be 32 refunded. 33 34 All existing easements lying within the future right of way are 35 to be quit - claimed or delineated, as per County Surveyor's requirements, 36 prior to recordation of the tract map. 37 38 An adequate drainage easement will be required with adequate 39 improvements, as determined by the Road Department and the Flood 40 Control District, together with the necessary offsite easements 41 to convey drainage from this tract to the natural drainage Swale 42 existing offsito the tract boundary. 43 44 Flowage easements or San Bernardino County drainage easements 45 will be required where diversion of runoff from the tract dewaters 46 onto private property. 47 48 All road names shall be coordinated with the County Transportation 49 Department Traffic Division. 50 51 Trees, irrigation systems, landscaping required to be installed 52 on public ritht of way within this tract area shall be maintained 53 by others than County Transportation Department, and evidence of 54 such arrangement of such maintenance with the appropriate County I55 Service Area shall be presented prior to acceptance of tht1se 56 roads into the County Maintained Road System. I JUL 2 2 1976 Tract No. 9369 (Alta LO) ® Page 4 of 6 1 The existing drainage from 23' pipe from the north shall be recognized. County Division of Buildingl npd safety: 5 A preliminary soil report, complying with the provisions of . 6 Ordinance 1928 shall be filed with and approved by the Director 7 of Building and Safety prior to recordation of the final map. 8 9 Grading plans to be submitted to and approved by the Building and 10 Safety Department. 11 12 Obtain a demoliton permit for buildings to be demolished. 13 Underground structures must be brokon —in, backfillod, and inspected 14 before covering. 15 ' 16 Submit plans and obtain building permits for walls required. 17 18 County Flood Control District: 19 20 Adequate improvements within a San Ber nardine.County Drainage Easement 21 shall be provided to intercept drainage from tht. natural drainage 22 course in the westerly portion of the tract and convey it around or 23 through the tract in a manner which will not adversly affect down - 24 stream property. If it is proposed to intercept and outlet the 25 drainage on Archibald Avenue, coordination with the Transportation 26 Department will be necessary to insure adequate capacity is available on Archibald Avenue downstream of the tract. 2 Those lots adjacent to Archibald Avenue shall be elevated above the 30 top of durb unless a concrete block wail is provided. 31 32 Adequate protection shall be provided along the north tract boundary 33 to intercept the local drainage from the north. Adequate protection 34 could incluao a ditch and dike arrangement or other methods. The 35 proposed alley may serve to provide partial protection. 36 37 Adequate provisions shall be !nade for handling onsite drainage flows 38 and dewatering the tract in a manner which will not adversely affect 39 downstream property. 40 41 Grading and improvement plans shall be submitted to the County Flood 42 Control District for review. 43 44 All lots shall be graded to drain to streets or alleys. 45 46 *In addition to the Street and Drainage requirements, other "on- 47 site" or "off- site" improvements may be required which cannot be 48 determined from tentative plans and would have to be determined 49 after more complete improvement plans and profiles have been 50 submitted to the County Road Department. 51 52 County Surveyor: y* Reference of adjacent streets, subdivisions, etc. to be 55 shown on final tract map. 56 Tract No. 9369 (Alta 1W) Page ® age 5 f 6 �I 5 of G 1 Proper orientation required on final map per County Surveyor's 2 Standards. 3 4 Control boundary monuments shall be not and are subject to inspection 5 prior to recordation of final map. G , 7 WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL: 0 9 The water purveyor shall be Cucamonga County Water District. 10 11 Sewage disposal shall be by connection to Cucamong County Water 12 District. 13 14 Because of the slope of the land, if grading or vegetation removal 15 is performed, adequate erosion control mdasures shall be taken. 16 17 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND ZONING: 10 19 Existing zoning is R -1. A Zone Change application (Index No. 97 -67) 20 has been filed to rezone this site to (3500) R -3 -T. This Zone 21 Change must have been approved by the Board of Supervisors before 22 this tract shall be considered as having Tentative Map approval. 23 Approval of the Tentative Tract Map by the Planning Commission 24 shall not constitute a commitment that the Board of Supervisors 25 shall act favorably on the Zone Change, nor give the applicant 26 any vested right to pursue the Tentative Tract to recordation 27 should the Zone Change not gain Board approval. 28 29 All lots shall have a minimum area of 7200 square feet, a minimum 30 depth of 100 feet and a minimum width of 60 feet, (70 feet on 31 corner lots). In addition, each lot on a cul -de -sac or on a 32 curved street where the side lot lines thereof are diverging from 33 the front to rear of the lot, shall have a width of not less than 34 sixty (60) feat measured at the building setback line as delineated 35 on the final tract map. 36 37 Variable front building setback lines of at least twenty -two (22) 38 -feet and averaging at least twenty -five (25) feet and side street 39 building setback lines of fifteen (15) feet shall be delineated 40 on the final tract map. Front setbacks may be adjusted based.on 41 review of the development plan. 42 43 Prior to recordation of the final tract map, all required walls 44 and landscaping shall be completed or suitable bonds posted for 45 their completion. 46 47 The following "T" Standards shall be complied with in the development; 48 of the lots in tract: 49 50 a. Front yards, incluu;.ng parkways and side yards adjacent to a 51 street, for corner lots, shall be provided with a permanent 52 operable irrigation system prior to the final clearance issued 53 by the County D *partment of Building and Safety. 54 55 56 JUL 2 44 IUIU Tract No. 9369 (Alta L ) Pago 6 of 6 1 b. A minimum number of fifteen (15) gallon trans shall be planted in the parkways nt intervals no .greater than sixty (60) feat cantor to cantor. Zinal'trao landscaping plans shall be sub - mitted to the County Planning Director for review and approval. 5 6 c.�All street trooa�sha91, be_maintainad, prunq and the parkway 7 kept free of'weed- by the dove lopor `lAi1 oii3htty (00) percent 0 of each subdivision 'and/or large scale housing OrojocL"is cold. 9 ' 10 Prior to recordation of this tract, the developer Shull submit and 11 gain Planning Commission approval of the Development Plan for those 12 lots. Based on the density restriction imposed by the (3500)R -3 -T 13 zone, no more than 00 dwelling units may be permitted on this site. 14 15 A six foot high masonry wall shall be provided along tho'eaotsrly 16 and northerly tract boundaries. 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 37 3'3 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 56 r 1 4, j8 10:1111OJ01 a d IA M AP11111CANT: w • ► LMIkO LA viol 011 //r 1 661.011 tUIY 0--1 SAM OF.'_ IMIN0 COUt4 fY PLAMNING DEN_. I'MENT t.dmoIJ. �1a rf o PM ep I I" I , 1 I � \ 1 I PA I 0 I� \ I I 2� V U I fA, � Ig I (J I ,y4 T RC OIL. c w f'AaA.l..I I 7�!s• pM No. pMU 13304 II 'PARCEL .F I Ii• Ito ( l 'rt1 1125 WHEREAS, IF'i+ll " °Vl1l Il AP1 UIvIUon Application hat 1)a0 r lowed by the Counly of San BernArdino, NOW THERErOr: ,ute Dlrectorol Plannlnp,dcsianatedas it advisory el:onty'pursuant to San Bernardino Countv PA t•, y0i d. No. 17ttt1, ec:llon 2, and ilia Stott cal Colifoml+ 1 4. �,` �posod dlt Isbn otllo d cc mpllnn viltlare7ullromonliili �''e-MatF oa') W (b Improvomonl R Jeel n M Water suppyr avallabtlily sj�7t -% (C I'lundtlwaterdralno8 (g)Environmental control; � protucllon; 00 Other requirements of (d Approprlato Improved Chap. 2, Div. 4, Pert 2, of - 11 public foals; ilia Mdse ; 6 PrWmsi ng 3a iary dispoal CMo the Stab of locllllloa; California, 4j NETH C. TOPPING /paj PAR EL. OI clorofPlanning � 1., 16 fSit my cal San Damardino !J `3 ��S.Q • , loloAo 1 160 LEGAL DESC, — Pavoels 344 PM.ida• 3384- aA r e "ICAV.4 ;.s Rhn•B. 31 Pa..1e 11 Nalnu __U=pn L, Weekly phuna 624 -9855 Address 10272 Marion Avenua; Montelait, Calif. 91763 IF.GAL OWNER OF RECORD: 6P a Kr. & Mrs. Norman Weakly Phone _ Santa Address Same as above MP PULPA131) BY: Name G. If. Mini Mack Phalle 983 -0439 Address- 214 cnl,th_EUClid Age. •Ontar,{p�alif. 91761 Tttl'Al..NO. I-OTS_4«_ ASSUSSORS I'UCIA. Ntt,201- 252 -35& SI:(`rI1tN,'ruNt751111' AND IL1l.I;I :SEC. 26, T1N, R7W —16- SOlRCE tW WATER Sit I'll IN_CUCamnnga County Water'D`1s`trlc NI 1'lll1D tit' SL.ItAt:l; U1:;1't151 \1. Cesspool' "60Eic fink` _ rt',1IIv hull I :clu Ihn `)hit: :u11 h11t' l::\ \I .11;\•u l • L11.14.1 111 1 1•,111 1:I 1 t 111' .11.11 1 1114. (el 1r0: \101• I I`N 111•r .l I ow:u•r. :11,11 tl..11 Il.t• 1111.111..111.111 1.14 1 1 1 1 1 ., 1 :n• I.4-h 1 1 1 169 (Office Ilea Only) N tl!'_L'Il Map Scala L.D. No, _A;��'�9.� ZONE _ —J sri 6 e ;0'— °07 ROAD MAP BOOK PACE NO._/ FEE RECEIPT NO. — J°%!]P4Vdr3�da nrltxlNr >' -`'79 DA'ZfE F ONDITIONAL DATE NC FINAL APPROVAt. 't M!1 '... ?- /_ it . _ •J:l 'PARCEL .F I Ii• Ito ( l 'rt1 1125 WHEREAS, IF'i+ll " °Vl1l Il AP1 UIvIUon Application hat 1)a0 r lowed by the Counly of San BernArdino, NOW THERErOr: ,ute Dlrectorol Plannlnp,dcsianatedas it advisory el:onty'pursuant to San Bernardino Countv PA t•, y0i d. No. 17ttt1, ec:llon 2, and ilia Stott cal Colifoml+ 1 4. �,` �posod dlt Isbn otllo d cc mpllnn viltlare7ullromonliili �''e-MatF oa') W (b Improvomonl R Jeel n M Water suppyr avallabtlily sj�7t -% (C I'lundtlwaterdralno8 (g)Environmental control; � protucllon; 00 Other requirements of (d Approprlato Improved Chap. 2, Div. 4, Pert 2, of - 11 public foals; ilia Mdse ; 6 PrWmsi ng 3a iary dispoal CMo the Stab of locllllloa; California, 4j NETH C. TOPPING /paj PAR EL. OI clorofPlanning � 1., 16 fSit my cal San Damardino !J `3 ��S.Q • , loloAo 1 160 LEGAL DESC, — Pavoels 344 PM.ida• 3384- aA r e "ICAV.4 ;.s Rhn•B. 31 Pa..1e 11 Nalnu __U=pn L, Weekly phuna 624 -9855 Address 10272 Marion Avenua; Montelait, Calif. 91763 IF.GAL OWNER OF RECORD: 6P a Kr. & Mrs. Norman Weakly Phone _ Santa Address Same as above MP PULPA131) BY: Name G. If. Mini Mack Phalle 983 -0439 Address- 214 cnl,th_EUClid Age. •Ontar,{p�alif. 91761 Tttl'Al..NO. I-OTS_4«_ ASSUSSORS I'UCIA. Ntt,201- 252 -35& SI:(`rI1tN,'ruNt751111' AND IL1l.I;I :SEC. 26, T1N, R7W —16- SOlRCE tW WATER Sit I'll IN_CUCamnnga County Water'D`1s`trlc NI 1'lll1D tit' SL.ItAt:l; U1:;1't151 \1. Cesspool' "60Eic fink` _ rt',1IIv hull I :clu Ihn `)hit: :u11 h11t' l::\ \I .11;\•u l • L11.14.1 111 1 1•,111 1:I 1 t 111' .11.11 1 1114. (el 1r0: \101• I I`N 111•r .l I ow:u•r. :11,11 tl..11 Il.t• 1111.111..111.111 1.14 1 1 1 1 1 ., 1 :n• I.4-h 1 1 1 169 (Office Ilea Only) N tl!'_L'Il Map Scala L.D. No, _A;��'�9.� ZONE _ —J sri 6 e ;0'— °07 ROAD MAP BOOK PACE NO._/ FEE RECEIPT NO. — J°%!]P4Vdr3�da nrltxlNr >' -`'79 DA'ZfE F ONDITIONAL DATE NC FINAL APPROVAt. 't M!1 '... r r .. r,.. r�.�•.•'•nT �. lryyTlhl.l..�arr. r.,,wLn.µ r.r .ird a. i :.�ryllli ��� �i�rr�riiiiiiiii��✓ri�r� iii ji�'�► 0 o �o r '.. gib• � � �•� `Hi 'e� � 'Wirm i A�D � O 1. _a Sq IL U a d .�Cle z s� E-, nli w w 3 94 d71U�. 19� �s 0