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1979/11/14 - Agenda Packet
1 '1 i� �„�' � � �!. �� !1 �1 � �, � 1�.�, ��� �. � , r • � #'' 1 �'i. .. X11 „� ;. `.1 ;''. 1i �. ' �� i Ir `� � �. a ACTION Approved 5 -0 Approved 5 -0 Approved 5 -0 Approved 5 -0 Approved 5 -0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Wednasday, November 14, 19791 7100 p.m. Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility 9791 Arrow Bighway, Rancho Cucamonga I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl X _ Cowmissionor Garcia X Commissioner Jones Cam_ III. Approval of Minutes October 100 1979 October 240 1979 IV. Announcements V. Consent Calendsr Commissioner. Rempol X Commionionor Toletoy - X A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR rAKUML mAr nv. 777o - WLLLL&i SKOVGAARD - The division of approximately 11.5 acres of land located on the northeast corner of Eighth Street and Grove Avenue into two parcels. B. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 5441 - WILLIAM J. SCHULTZ - The division cf approximately 8.7 acres of land located on the southeast corner of East Avenue and Summit into two parcels. C. Approved 5 -0 for Parcel D. Map with direction for staff to bring Director Review & Negative Declaration to Planning Commission at 11/28 meeting VANGUARD - The development of a light industrial de went to be located on the north side of 7th Street, between Archibald and Hellman. RGVLnVf WV. 17 -OU - nGL\RL nG&LLn - LLIU ULVLULUtl VL UJIFLUA4 mately 17.5 acres into six parcels and the development of Phase II of the Cucamonga Businese Park located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Archibald Avenue. V1. Pub] Ic Hearings Continue to 11/28 E. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 5 -0 NO. 79 -05 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An Ordinance establishing standards and raview procedures for Planned Community Developments. ft 0 Planning Commission Agundu November 14, 1979 Page 2 VII. Old Duainess M Approved 5 -0 F. APPROVAL of Resolution No._79!-67 Adopting Amendmonto to the Interim Land Use, Circulation and Public Yacilities Elements o? the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. Approved 5 -0 G. APPROVAL of Resolution No. 79 -66 Denying General Plan Amendments, VIII. Now Buainovo Denied 5 -0 II. APPEAL OY PARCEL MAP N0. 4511 - F11-PI - Appealing Engineering conditions as listed in the City Engineer's Report dated October 5, 1979. Adjournment 10:10 P.M. i v XIV. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Adminie trative regulations that ant an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. . If items go beyond that time, it eball be heard only with the consent of the Commission. Meeting to adjourn to 7:00 p.m., November 19, 1979 at the Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility to review Director Review No. 79 -32 - Pluess- Staufer Development Denied 5 -0 I. APPEAL OF DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -55 - DATA DBSIGN LAD - Appealing Engineering conditions as listed in Director Reviow Nu. 75 55. Approved as revised J. REVISION TO DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -01 - LEWIS HOMES - by staff and Lewis Development of 248 unit apartment complex on 17 .93 acres Homes 5 -0 of land located on the north side of 19th Street, weat of Beryl. IX. Council Referral X. Director's Reports K. Recommend freeze on condo conversions on K. REPORT regarding condominium conversions existing units 6 instruct staff to proceed with L. GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE REPORT (ORAL) ord. Approved 5 -0 L. Peter Toletoy, XI. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any items Harman Rempol for not listed on the Agenda may do as at this time. General Plan Committe III. with Dick Dahl Commission Comment as an Alternate XIII. Upcoming Agenda i'or November 28, 1979 1. ,Zone Change No. 79 -09 - Anderson 2. Parkwuy Development Priority List 3. Winery SSgn Prograu Adjournment 10:10 P.M. i v XIV. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Adminie trative regulations that ant an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. . If items go beyond that time, it eball be heard only with the consent of the Commission. Meeting to adjourn to 7:00 p.m., November 19, 1979 at the Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility to review Director Review No. 79 -32 - Pluess- Staufer Development CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNIN(S COMMISSION 7 AGENDA Wednosdny, November 14, 19799 700 p.m. Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility 9791 Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commisoioner Dahl Commissioner Garcia Commissioner Jones III. Approval of Minutes October 109 1979 October 24,P 1979 IV. Announcements f' V. Consent Calendar Commissioner Itempel Comninsloner Tol•atoy A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MA1• NU. 7SSG - wLL1,1IU SKOVGAARD - The division of approximately 11.5 acres lamd located on the northeast corner of Eighth Street and Grove Avenue into two parcels. D. C. NEGATIVE OEGLACACLUN FUR YAKUGL MAX N). 7441 - WLLL JUI J. SCHULTZ - The division of approximately 8.7 acres of land located on the southeast corner of East Avenue and Su=iit into two parcels. VANGUARD - The development of a light industrial de ment to be located on the noreh side of 7th Street, between Archibald and Hallman. __ REVIEW NO. '79 -60 - IIENRY'A"EITEI(- e diviMn of approxi- mately 17.5 acres into six parceln and the development of Phnso II of the Cucamonga Business Park located on the southwest corner of Arrow Route and Archibald Avenue. VI. Public Hearings E. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZON= ORDINANCE AMENDMENT S e� 140. 79 -05 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An Ordinance establishing standards and review procedures for Planned Community Developments. G Planning Commission Agenda '1 November 140 1979' Page 2 VII. old Business APPROVAL of Renolution No. 79 -67 Adopting Ameudmante to the Interim Land Use, Circulation and Public Facilities Elements of the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. J:;�.G�¢ -- APPROVAL of Renolution No. 79 -66 Denying Genornl Plan Amendmonts. VIII. New Business APPEAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 4511. - FILM - Appealing Engineering conditions as listed in the City Engineer's Report datod October 56 1979. Appealing Engineer Review No. 79 -55. as J. REVISION TO DIRECTOR R"IE11 140. 79 -01 - A Development of 248 unit apartment compl �v of land located on the north side of 19 of Beryl. IX. Council Referral W10 Iluml:� - on 14.93 acres Street, went X. Director's Reports -, REPORT regarding condominium conversions �/,� GENERAL PLAN CCMMITTEE REPORT ORAL v XI. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any items not listed on the Agenda may do so at this time. Xli. Commission Comment XIII. Upcoming Agenda for November 289 1979 1. Zone Change No. 79 -09 - Anderson 2. Parkway Development Priority List 3., Winery Sign Program XIV. Adjournment'- The Planning Commission has adopted Adminis- trative regulations that set nn 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. Meeting to adjourn to 7:00 p.m., November 19, 1979 at the Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility to review Director Review �( No.•79 -32'- Pluese- Staufer Development 1 lyl� r lap i, I is w � b 3 . 31W1A11 011�lll i. 9 If, 't' 0 e CITY OF RANCHO CUMMONOA STA'PP REPORT Dotal November 14, 1979 Tot Planning Commission Prom: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: REVISION TO DIRECTOR REVIEW 110. 79 -01 - LEWIS HOME'S Since the writing of* the original Staff Report, we have met with the Lewis Company and coma to what we believe to be a reaeonnblo compromise to the applicants' request. Tito applicant has agreed to leave the wood cupped banisters on the balconies and the railings, leave the roof overhang (at least a foot and a half), and leave the wood trim on the end elevations as was previously approved. Tile only request by the applicnnt is that the Com- mission allow the roof configuration an shown in the revised plan. Tn a field check of the Sunscape I, we find that the roof pattern is similar to what is proposed on the revised plans. Our primary concern was that the com- bination of all of the changes requested did not represent the same character that was originally epproved. With only the modification of the roof and all other elements to remain as previously approved, staff would have no objection in recommending approval of the revision request. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that tho Planning Commission allow the appli- cant to revise the roof pattern on all unite to that shown in the revised exhibits. Further, we wish to make it clear that no other changes are approved. submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:BKR:nm CITY OF RANCRD'CUCAMDNG A MMORANDOM Datot November 9, 1979 Tot Planning Co mnianion From: Jack Lamt Director of Community Development Subjectt Revised Work Proitrnm for Sedway /Cooke General Plan Project Sedway /Cooke has been revising and finalizing the Work Program for the General Plan Project. At this time our office has not received the Final Work Program. Because of the tight time schedula, the Final Work Program will be available Tuesday. Reapeetfively submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: DK11: DR: nm 1 0 , 1 0 CITY Olt l"C110 CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES O.tobar 30, 1979 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDM 7 The regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga wan held in the Cnrnelian Elementary School Multipurpona Room, 7105 Carnalinn, Rancho Cucamonga, on Wedneaday, October 106 1979. Meeting wan called to order at 7 :07 p.m. by Chairman Rempel who led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Laura Jones, Peter Tolotoy, and Herman Bowel ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Barry Rogan, Senior Planner; Michael Vairin, Associate Planner; Dan Randryrks, Associate Planner; Bill llofman, Assistant Planner; Paul Rougeau, Assistant Civil Engineer; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; and Nancy McAllister, Secretary fi APPROVAL OF MINUTES Upon Motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Jones and unanimously cnrried, the minutes of August 22, 1979 were approved as submitted. Upon Motion by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Tolsto'y and unanimously carried, the minutes of September 26, 1979 were approved as submitted. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1..Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reported Pluess- Staufer has submitted an application for a major industrial use. An EIR has been pre- pared and is currently in the posting period which expires October 15, 1979. There will not be sufficient time to put the report together on this item for the next Commission meeting. Pluess- Stuufer Company has asked that a special meeting be set by the Commission to review their development on November 159 1979. A regular meeting will be held on November 14, 1979; however, this date falls on the one and only date which the company has a special meeting in Vermont which means that the company could not be represented at that meeting. If the Commission agrees, staff would recommend that a special meeting be set for Thursday, November 15, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cucamonga Community Building. A motion was mods by unanimously carried Commloaiottar Garcia, seconded by to set n Special Conaninsionur Jones and 7t 00 p.m. to discuss Study Senaion on Cite Pluaeu- Staufor Director November ' 13, 1979 at be discussed Raview. 2• Chairman Rempel stated for those interested, the Fall which Cho City is hosting, Planning Commieeiottern taleMagic the Mogie Lsmp. will be hold on November S, 1979 at .t * * * 0 present designation to commercial for property located on the of high density - residential U ua - uefinition of Alternative Arose -.�.�... nip. 19-U311 - GITY OF RANC110 CUCA- vicinity of Haven and Foothill for ±3,000 across to clarify the intentionlof in the alternatives as Presently listed on the Genernl Plan. Jnck Lam, Director of Community Development, ralorted that staff requests this item be withdrawn from the Agenda due to several ^omploxities orison th since th at have e lVat Planning Commission meeting that we were not aware of at Cho time of initiation. This General Plan Amendment will return to the Planning Commission nf.ter the adoption of t11e Planned Communities of Victoria and Terra Vista. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Mr. Dick R0me11a, representing the Planning Centers, stated as the Commission 11111 recall they made a presentation several months ago on the Lewis property in the loca- tion of the General Plan Amendment. Th.±y submitted a request for a general plan amend- ment for the Lewin property. Since they have had on record and on file for stovernl months the requested amendment for this area, they hesitate to ace this poe;auvor indefinitely without time to sit down with staff and the Commission to discuss what that means to them. They have some questions that need to be discussed with the staff and Commission and they would req Plan Amendment a two week continuation of this General ent in order that they may meet with the staff regarding their plan. There being no further discussion from the audience, Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing. A Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy to con- tinue review of the Negative Declaration and General Plan Amendment No. 79 -0311 for two weeks to the next regular Planning Commission meeting of October 24, 1979. AYES: DAHL, TOLSTOY, JONES, GARCIA, REMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mr. Lam sugge�,ced that items B and C Items be discussed are related. concurrently since the two NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN A request for a change from the AMENDMENT N0. 79 -03C - ARNOLD ANDERSON present designation to commercial for property located on the of high density - residential northwest corner of Turner and Arrow. Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 10, 1979 NP.GATIVR DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN N annnnntnuno i J -uh< - UL U X1 .....w CUCAMONGA - Clurificatlon of commw rcinl ltern iv to cinrify the manning of ' commercial centers in all areas designated as commercial on the Interim General Plan tap. Barry Itognn. Senior Plannor, reviewed the staff reports. In regard to General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C9 staff recommends that tike Commission clarify for the applicant that thin property is not suited for commercial and should remain multiple family residential. Should tlio applicant wish to still pursue commer- cLal development for his propertyt a market analysis would be advioablie. In regard to General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03P. staff recommends that tike Cotmainsion consider staff recommendation am indicated in the staff report and recommend approval of said amendment and issuance of a negative declaration to the City Council for final adoption. Chairman Rempel stated a market analysis would require a great deal of monay to accomplish. Mr. slogan stated it is felt sufficient information is necessary so that when a development is proposed we have some aeouronces that it will be occupied and succeoaful. We want to insure there is a need in the area for tike uses proposed and that the site is actually big enough for uses proposed. Commissioner Tolatoy stated in order to eliminate confusion it would seem morn practical to place the asterisk within the intersection indicating commercial development may be developed on any of the four corners of tike intersection rather than tike asterisk on each piece of property. Mr. Ilogan stated staff would have no problem doing thin no that is really the intent. The graphics on the map don't allow us to do that; however, staff can develop another symbol in these areas. Mr. Arnold Anderson, applicant for General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C, stated if a market analysis is requiredt it would cost a substantial amount of money and more than likely the purchaser would get exactly what he is asking for. It is his opinion a small center in this area would be an advantage to those living in the area of being able to walk or drive a half mile or less to pick up quick items. He hopes that the Commission sees in their goad judgement to grant this amendment. lie also presented a petition to the Commission signed by approximately 300 people stating there is a definite need for a convenience renter at this location. There being no further comments from the audience. Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if three acres is sufficient property to develop a small center. Mr. Lam indicated it in felt that three acres is sufficient property to develop a small convenience center within the community. Chairman Rempel stated a convenience center at the location as requested by Mr. Anderson would be a very viable area for such a development. Commissioner Tolstoy: stated it would seen more appropriate to have a designation of major or commercial center and neighborhood commercial center shown on the general plan. In this way when talking about a particular piece of property it -3- October 10. 1979 Planning Commission Minutes would be known what ,.1d be developed on the property. Commissioner .Dahl stated lie would agree wholeheartedly vitl: CommissionIor Tolatoy. We 0100 need to allow somewhere for the mom and pop store to servo arena as a conve::lance or we will and up not really doing ti:e job we are supposed to be doing. Chairman Rempal stated be would rather sec somothing on the order of a community conter being developed for every ton thounvnd residents or human. A nation was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Conaissioner Tolstoy to continue General Plan Amendment No, 79 -03C and General Plan Amendment No. 797.03H to the next regular Commission meeting of October 24, 1979 in order for ataf£ to work on the guidelines and to do some further defining of tl:e conmrcial areas. AYES: DWIL, TOLSTOY, GARCIA, JONES, REMPEL NOES : NONE ABSENT: NONE A A * A Mr Chairman Hempel called a recess at 8:30 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. PIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79 -034 - o allowable within tt:e Mixed Use Category. more Dan Hendrycks, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Commission formally adopt an Administrative Professional General Plan designation and that tl:e list of mixed use properties and land use determinations be scheduled for tiro October 24, 1979 meeting. Chairman Rempel asked for questions from. the Commission of the staff. Commissioner Garcia asked if any data is available at this time on the Adminia- trative Professional Zone. Chairman Hempel stated information on the Administrative Professional zone will be included with the staff. report at the next meeting. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Mr. Vito DeVito Francesco, 615 North Euclid, Suite 111, Ontario, stated on the original general plan designation, mixed use referred to convalescent hospi- tals and churches. He asked if these will be included in the new ordinance. Mr. Hopson, City Attorney, stated the new administrative professional zone defini- tion may or may not include convalescent homes. There may be something in the text that has been outdated by the zoning ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes _4_ October 10, 1979 , Mr. Mogan :toted that the 25 different areas designated on the genoval plan an mixed use will not all be redesignated administrative professional.' We will . review cacti site and determine wt:othor or not it in appropriate for administra- tive professional or multiple family residential or perhaps a mixture of both- There being no further commento from tl:e audience, Chairman Hempel cloned the public hearing. Commissioner Garcia naked if tt:e property owners of the 25 oitus indicated an mixed use will be notified of tt:e change. Mr. Bogen stated cacti of the property owners will be notified prior to the next meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tolotoy and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to formally adopt an Administrative Professional General Plan designation and further ttwt the list of mixed use proportion and land use determinations be scheduled for the October 240 1979 meeting. AYES: TOLSTOY, DARL, JONES, GARCIA, REMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE NEGATIV'.:DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NU. IV -UJU - Uiic Ur MUIULIv CUCAMONGA - A change from the present designation of Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for property bounded by Red Hill Country Club Drive, Tapia Via, Raneheria Driva, and San Bernardino Road. Dan llendrycks, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Commission recommend adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03D to the City Council and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Chairman Hempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. Commissioner Garcia asked if thin is a recommendation initiated by staff as a clean up procedure. Mr. llendrycks stated that is correct. Chairman Hempel opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the audience, Chairman Hempel closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolotoy to recommend adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03D to the City Council and issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: DAM[., TOLSTOY, JONES, GARCIA, HE PEL NOES: NONE ASSENT: NONE Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 10, 1979 0 0 6 * A * A (Commisaionor Dahl left meeting'1nt 9100 p.m. duo to illness) NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 79 -03G'= CITY OF RANCIIG CUCAMONGA - A change from the present designation of Low Dausity Residential to Medium Drmoity Residential for property located between Hellman and Amethyst fronting on LoVina, Lomita and LaGranda Streets. Dan llendrycka, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the existing Cenern]. Plan dosignation of Low Density Rosidential be retained and General Plan Amendment No. 79 -030 be denied. Chaire:hn Hempel asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. Conmianionor Tolstoy asked if the people that came in to inquire about multiple family uses for thin area wore people who hart vacant land or people who had single family residences in the area that wished to build additional units on their property. Mr. H endrycke stated he has talked with two people in the area who were specifically interested in buying property that to vacant in the area. Mr. Rogan stated he has had other requests from home owners in the area wishing to expand their single family units into multiple family units in the area. The area is predominately single family residential. Since there is a predominance of single family residences and if we were to designate the area for medium density, it would encourage single family users to add behind their unite which would add parking and density, problems. Chairman Rempol opened thr public hearing. Mr. Dill Hanson, 7651 Orange Street, Alta Loma, rtated the statement that this area is basically single family residential is erroneous, The majority :s single family residential but the majority of those homes are rentals and are from 25 to 45 years old. The majority of the homee are from 700 to 1,100 square feet in size. The area is going down hill and will continue to di so. The only way to upgrade the property as he sees it is to let the property owners develop the area as they see fit. Mr. George Kobnth who lives in Upland but owns property in this area, stated the home they owu is 420 square feet on a 7,200 square foot lot. If the area were to go to mediums density they could build two units on the back of the lot. Mr. Roger Gibson stated lie lives on Lemon Avenue in Alta Loma and also owns property in subject area. From conditions in the area and being that it is an older area, with the price of property as it to today, none of the homeowners in this area want co build a nice house as the cost would be prohibitive. There being no further discussion from the audience, Chairman Rempel closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes e -b- October 10, 1979 Comninnioner Garcia aokcd if it would he possible that eventually we might envision a redovolopmovit process if nothing privately In done to the area. Mr. Lain stated t1:e Counc!.1 requested a report concerning reduvolopment, and it was determined that a rodkw olopment agency will not be formed for at least a year or two from now. Tile Council is aware of tile redevelopment process and aware that there is interest in pursuing the redevelopment program. There arc also progrnms available for rehabilitation lonne in order to preserve an area. Commissioner Tolstoy stated ha �mdaratando those people that spoke in the public hearing tonight, howover, by building now units to the rear of the homes would causa many problems. lie would like to see t1:e area rHdeveloped or upgraded but he can not nos that building more uviits will clean up the area. It seems to him it would make the situation worse. Chairman Hempel stated if multiple family homes are developed in the area, the traffic will iucreana and become a very bad situation. Commissioner Garcia stated although there is -a need to rehabilitate the area as a wholo, he would not want to encourage high density development within the ulder areas as this would not be good planning. A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Jones to recommend that the existing General Plan douignntion of low donsity residential be retained and General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03G be denied. AYES: GARCIA, JONES, TOLSTGY, REMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: DAZE. A * A fr +M 4 NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 79 -03I - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A change from the present designation of Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for property beginning at a point 660' west of Haven on the north side of Baseline and extending approximately 670' along-Base- line, and extending north to the Pacific Electric Railroad right -of -way covering approximately 10.6 acres of land. Dan liondrycks, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends adoption of General Vlan Amendment No. 79 -031. Chairman Hempel opened the public hearing. There being no comments from the audience, Chairman iempol closed the public hearing. There being no discussion, a motion was made by Commissione: Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Tolstoy to recommend that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 79 -031 as submitted. 1 T Planning Commission Minutes -7- October 100 1979 0 AYES1 OAItCIA, TOLSTOY, JONES REMPEL NOESt NONE ADSENi'I DAUL 7.ONING I)rERMINAT1ON 140. 79 -05 - HONE - To determine whether or not a nursory is a permitted use within the C -). tons. Michael Vairi.n, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission find that a retail nursery is similar to other uses In tl:e C -1 zone and that such use would be permitted subject to site plan approval. Chairman Rempel asked for comments from the audience. Mr. Doug Gorgon, 7333 Hellman Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he would be glad to answer any questions tl:e Commission may have concerning this request. There being no further comments from tl:e audionco, Chairman Rempel asked for Commission discussion. Commissioner Tolstoy stated it is Ilia opinion a nursery within the C -1 zone can make the zone more attractive to people using the center. Ilia only comment is that the nursery does need to be well designed. Mr. Vairin stated if this use is approved by tl:e Commission, it would require review of site development plans by the Commission under Director Review. A motion was undo by Commiasioner Tolatoy and seconded by Commissioner Corcia to approve Zoning Determination No. 79 -05 determining that a retail nursery is similar to other uses in the C -1 zone and that such use would be permitted subject to site plan approval. AYES: TOLSTOY, CARCIA, JONES, REMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: DAHL DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -26 - LONCLEY - Request for phasing of conditions Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission deny the applicants request and direct the applicant to cease and desist hie operation immediately. Ile indicated a letter has been received from Mr. Tracy Lowman Tibbals of Jones and Pittullo law offices, requesting a two week continuation of this request in hopes of resolving any differences between the City and Mr. Longley. As was discussed with the attorney, Mr. Longley wants to ask that the building not be constructed at this time and a temporary trailer be located until such time as he feels a permanent building is justified. lie explained to the attorney that this is a separate issue. He is talking about modification to the approval and talking about using the site before any of the conditions of approval have been met. They are currently trying to landscape the site but that is still beside the fact that they are in operation and the conditions of approval have not been met. Planning Commission Minutes -8- October 10, 1979 0 Chairman itempal asked for comnants from the audience Mr. 'Tracy Lowman Tibbolo, stated he in reprensnting Mr. Langley who in not pre - sort tonight. lie indicated ho lion been involved in this matter for only 40 hours. It in felt the economic impact on chin development in light of this surrounding land use, that the development of a building supply yard at that location would soon short lived at bent. lie would hope that the Commission would allow an opportunity to meet with staff to ro- ovaluato what Mr. Longlay wants to request and have the oppor- tunity to work together. Thin in not a request for a stalling tactic but basically to have the opportunity to fully analyze the situation. ila asked that the Commin- sion consider a two week continuation of thin matter. Mr. Hopoon stated their off its sent a latter to Mr. Langley approximately 12 days ago notifyi;-is him that the use of the site be conned within a period of ton days. An of thin data, lie has not complied with this letter. Comniuoioner Garcia stated he would not have any abjection to continuing thin matter for two weeks as a mattar of due process. Chnirman Rempol stated this is a very serious problem. It appears to him there has been no real good faith intention to comply with the conditions of the Resolution. At thin time it sounds as though there is a good possibility that in a very short time the building supply yard isn't even going to be feasible at this location. To continua thin at this time in his opinion would give Mr. Langley an indication that we might change our mind and he in not in Agreement with this continuation. It in, his opinion the Commission went overboard in trying to work something out for this development and at this time it should be required that he cease operation until the conditions previously required be met. Commissioner Tolstoy stated at the time Mr. Langley first came to the City for approval of thin request, it was known by him what the general plan for the area indicated. In the Commiasions' deliberations, it was pointed out that we wanted the supply yard to be well designed so that it would fit in that area. It irri- tates him when people come into the City and place a temporary trailer on a lot then come in and aoL if it in alright with the City to do this. Mr. Langley knew he was not to operate until the conditions of approval within the Resolution were complied with, and he was not given any approval to place the trailer on tile site. It is his opinion the operation should be discontinued immediately. Mr. Tibbals stated the issue of precedence and concerns of a fledgling city in establishing firm guidelines for planning and land use are understandable. He has no grounds for contending that that should not be the case. Although Mr. Langley is our client, the real party in interest in this matter is Mr. Weisweaver who in ciployed by Mr. Langley to manage the building supply business. Mr. Wain- weaver is actively involved in making improvements to the site. Mr. Wcisweaver is acting in good faith to meet the conditions of the Resolution. Chairman Rempel stated by looking at the schedule presented by Beaver Building Supply, no grading plan has been approved, no paving plan has been submitted, and they have not even started these improvements as yet. This doesn't tell him that they are working with the City in good faith. Mr. Tibbals stated Mr. Weisweaver did obtain a business license from the City in July. They have had plans for approximately two months for the structure on the promises. He interpreted the granting of the business license to be able to legally commence business. , Planning Commission Minu:ea -9- October 10, 1979 .. 0 0 Chairman Rompol stated lie lion not built his building that in to house a tut og saterial that lie in intu:xling to sell and dean not oven have nn ancronclL- mont permit from the State. Therefore hu can't even drlvo onto the site legally. lie Ilan gone out and unloaded a bunch of material without any State or City approval. Mr. Lam stated lie might note that both Mr. Longloy and Mr. Waisweaver were present in n meeting with staff at which time the conditions within the Resolution were di.z-taned with them. Mr. Wainwaaver was made aware at that tima that the business could tot legally operate until all conditions of approval were mot. At a previous Commission meating, it woo determined that landocaping and berming along I -15 was required before tl:e material yord'even got started. Ila fuels it in a hallow argu- ment to discuss the whole issue of the trailer on the site when the use lion gone in without meeting tl:e conditions of approval. Commissioner Garcia stated in tile comments that thin be continued for two weoko, he did not mean for that to try to indicate that thce Commission ought to change their previous decision on this matter. Ila naked that th:e Commission be poled as to whether or not they are in favor of continuing thin matter for two weeks or if they wish to go ahead and take action tonight. Upon poling tl:e Commission on continuing the matter for two weeks, Commissioner Garcia was the only Commissioner in favor of tt:e continuation. A motion wan than made by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commiooionor Jones to deny Lhe request and direct the applicant to conne and desist hill operation immodintely. AYES: TOLSTOY, NOES: NONE ABSENT: DAHL Ill ,t * ** JONES, GARCIA, REMPEL Chairman Rempal called a recess at 10 :00 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 10:15 p.m. * * * * * GROWTH MANAGEMENT STATUS RETORT Mr. Lam brought the Commission up to date on the progress the Council has made in review of the Growth Management Plan. He indicated the Commission has received a package of information from other groups indicating their posi- tion as to what changes they would like to see made in tl:e plan as it now stands. lie summarized foe the Commissio.: the changes that have been made to date in the Plan from those which the Commission previously approved. * * * * * Upon Motion by Commissioner Tolstoy, seconded by Commissioner Garcia and unani- mously carried, it was voted to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of October Planning Commission Minutes -10- October 10, 1979 , , ,•/ � �, tl 1 1 ' 1�•' ' 1 1 '1`. i •, � I � 1111 ,`I ; i'i' 1 'I ', 1, ( +• ' f ' I Ir '' 1 I 1 I � I 1 1' ! 1, . '1 1 •,1 I .1,01 ��' 1 � ' ♦ � 1 I � , ''�1'I 1 �,, 1' 1 , I�i ,I' ," r" q l' ♦ .1'. ( Irl i' •1 I ,• /',I',I .tA , , 1' I 1!' '��•�'�r,�� r 11.1.1 1 1 l 1 1 / 00 1 11 ,'1;' , 1 I 1 � 1 1 ' r I " JACK LIAM, pirector 1 !,I ' 1.111.1 D%walopmalit r•r 11 +��. 1 11 l 1 I'r •1 YI , r:. � 1 � 1 •. 1 '�li. ".�,, 1', l�.rp I,ir�l• !r (l � 1 1 , '•' 1 1 11,,'.1 1 , r kl, 1 " I , y October 10, 1979 r F Planning Commission 1•�•, 1 l I t 1 I. LI ,`1..1.1 L 1 ,.- l y ail:_• _ _ _ _, t ft..'•f . _ _. _ __ .. .. t .a .. .. �.. ._... .. ._ .._ .... �. r. _.. Y CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 24, 1979 Regular Meeting CALL TO ORDER Tito regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga was held in tho Cornalian Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 7105 Carnalian, Rancho Cucamonga, or Wednesday, October 24, 1979. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman Rempal who led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. A * * * * ROLL CALL PRESIDIT: COMMISSIONERSt Richard Dahl, Jorge Garcia, Peter Tolatoy, Herman Rempol ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Laura Jones ALSO PRESENT: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development; Barry Mogan, Senior Planner; Lloyd Hubbs, City. Engineer; Paul Rougeau, Assistant Civil Engineer; Ted Hopson, City Attorney; and Nancy McAllister, Secretary * * * * * ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Jack Lam reminded the Commission and the audience that on November 8, 1979, the City will be hosting the City /County Planning Commission Poll Conference at tho Magic Lamp. He asked that the Commission notify the Planning Division as soon as possible on whether or not they will be able to attend the meeting. 2. Jack Lam stated he would like to add the following items under Director's Reports: a) Discussion of the formation of the Community Advisory Committee for the preparation of the General Plan; and b) a progress report on the Growth Management Plan. * * * * * CONSENT- CALENDAR A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia, aeconded by Commissioner Tolstoy and unanimously carried to approve the following consent calendar items: A. Negative Declaration for Director Review No. 79 -58 - Vanguard Company - Remove from Agenda at this time B. Negative Declaration for Parcel Map No. 5358 - Worth Hooper C. Time Extension for Minor Subdivision 77 -0498 - Norman L. Weekly 1„1,UBLIC HEARINGS r 0 - An Ordinance as nity Davelopmentu Er, procoeuren Barry slogan, Senior Planners stated staff recommends that this itan be con- tinued for two weeks to the November 14, 1979 Planning Cc mtission meoting. A motion was made by Commissioner Tolatoy and seconded by Cotaniosioner Garcia to continua the public basting on 2oning.Ordinanca Amendment No. 79 -05 to the November 14, 1979 meeting. AYESt TOLSTOY, GARCIA, DAIIL9 PLEMPEL NOESt NONE ABSENT: JONES Olin ArrlQlVO%" "U. 17 -11 to the existing Banaline V of Baseline and Archibald. Y - A 5,200 square foot addition or located on the southwest corner Barry Mogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Site Approval No. 79 -17 subject to the following revision to Section 3: That Site Approval No. 79 -17 is approved subject to F Commissioner Tolatoy asked what is the difference between the elevation of Baseline and the proposed building. Mr. Began stated the proposed building will be depressed approximately 4'. Commissioner Dahl asked if adequate parking is being provided for the development. Mr. Mogan stated the parking does meet the minimum standards of the ordinance. Commissioner Garcia stated due to the fact the building will be depressed somewhat where will the air conditioning units be placed? Mr. Mogan stated the unite will be located behind the structure on the ground and not be on the roof of the structure. Ile indicated this was also a concern of the Planning Division in review of the plans. The location as proposed will screen the view of those units. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. The Architect for the applicant, indicated he is present and would be happy to answer any questions the Commission may have concerning this request. There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Rcmpel closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 24, 1979 Commissioner Tolotoy indicated a concern in regard to the existing landoenping at this location and asked that.thq applicant maintain thin landseapiog anpaeial.ly at the southerly and of the development. Mr. Leta utated the Commission can oncournge improvement landscaping on subject canter. A motion was ntado by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to approve Resolution No. 79 -64 subject to all conditions no lintod, with the following change to Section 3 of the Resolutiont That Site Approval No. 79 -17 is approved subject to complying w -fi the following conditions prior to oceumnncy AYESt GARCIA, DAUL, TOLSTOY, REMPEL NOESt NONE ABSENT! JONES LEVARD BE SITU APPiIOVAL N0. 79 -1$ - BOU as a sales office for Tract No. 9'72 I NT - Tito use of n temporary trailer on 19th Street cast of Haven Avenue, Barry Hogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the ntaff report'. Staff recommends if the Planning Commission finds that the request and proposed Improvements satisfy their concerns, then Resolution No. 79 -63 with the findings and conditions should be approved. lie recommended the following change to Section 2 of the Resolution: That Site Approval No. 79 -18 is approved subject to complying with the following ..a .. ....nnA ..nn. Chairman Rempal asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. There being none, Chairman Rempal opened the public hearing. A representative of Boulevard Development, stated they are in agreement with the conditions as listed in the staff report - There being no further comments from the audience, Chairman Rempal closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tolotoy stated it upsets him when people come into this City and place a trailer on a site without prior approval. He does not like to see these trailers throughout the City. lie has no objection to construction trailers but he does not ILke to see our City doing business out of trailers. The applicant indicated the trailer has already been moved onto :his site; however, at no time have they conducted any business out of this trailer ,ntil the proper approvals are received. He indicated they will comply with the conditions as indicated in the staff report. A motion was made by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissianer Dahl to approve Resolution No. 79 -63 subject to the findings and conditions as listed, in the staff report with the following change to Section 2: That Site Approval No. 79 -18 is approved subject to cam i ing_with the followin conditions prior to occupancy of the site or operation of proposed use. Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 24, 1979 AYESt CARCIA, DARL, REMPEL NOL'St TOLSIOY ADSENTt JONES, A A A* A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENUMEW Nu. 19: u-511 - tu'rr ur ,�uvca, CUCAMONGA - Definition of Alternative Areas - Request to amond the General Plan in thte vicinity of haven and Foothill for ±3,000 acres to clarify the intention of the alternatives as presently listed on Cite General Plan. Jack Lam, Director of Community Dovolopment, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Comnlesion withdraw General Plan Amendment !' 79 -0311 and direct staff to notify Sedway /Cooke of the Commiaoiono.' concerns regarding the delineation of land one in the alternative arson. Chairman Rempal asked for (locations from the Commission of the staff. Comminaioner Garcia asked what is the time stipulated by Lila Consultant for the conclusion for their studies. Mr. Lam stated the Concu'ltanto' work should be completed by July 311 1960. However, thte draft General Plan should be completed come time in April. Soma of the major issues such as the alternative areas will be discussed much sooner than that. It in his opinion that by January or February this particular item will be discussed by the Consultant and the Commisoion. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Mr. Dick Ramelln from the Planning Ccnrer, Consultant representing Lewis homes in the preparation of the Terra Vista Plan, stated the Lewis' petitioned for a General Plan Amendment for their property and following that, it was decided to change the scope, of their plan fat ih- cpecific clan to a Planted Community. The intent of the letter that was filed with the City today from Mr., Lewis was to try to suggest some measures which could mitigate, some of the problems on the property or provide come measure of relief on the property. This property is becoming a burden rather than an advantage to the property owner in that there has been no indication of what is going to bn shown on this property. The EIR for thte Planned Community will be submitted in approximately two weeks. They will then be ready to enter in'- public hearings 'with the Commission on the plan. He asked that review of the alt native sites not be continued at this time. Mr. Ralph .ewis, Lewis Homes, stated as Mr. Romella indicated, the corner property is ready to develop at this time. They feel they ere being penalized by having a large piece of property. lie asked that their ten acre piece of property not be hold up at this time. A neighborhood center will have no impact, on the school district. lie understands there is sufficient sewer and water capacity for this development. There is a need and justification for a center on the ten acre parcel. Mr. Doug Corget stated he represents the owners of approximately 70 acres to the west of Deer Creek and also another 50 acres to the north. Be stated if the Cotanis- nion is considering going ahead on this matter he would like to request that they be Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 24, 1979 'r ® 11 oje t the recommendation r bystuffuat'this time', llowover,nif further actionbisct considered at thin time, they should be given the opportunity to discuss madium density residential for their property. There buing nu further comments from the audience, Chairman Rampol closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garcia stated he is confused on thte time framc regarding,tho changes for the Planned Community Developments. Ho is aloe confuse +d on the time frame for the Consultant for the total review of the land use plan. It is his opinion it is time that the .,Lq f sit• down with those involved and discuss this whole issue. Mr. Lam stated there appears to be soma confusion. The particular plan that Mr. Lewis is referring to as Terra Vista in not ono,we have been dealing with for two yearn but only since thin oumner. The concept of thin plan has been presentee to the Couninsion, Council and staff. A draft program and written text or plan lino been prepared for this development an wall as a draft design manual for thie plan. Tito only thing holding up further review is the EIR which deals with the large area an for an circulation and drainage. To thin date we do not have a drainage or traffic study completed which manna that thle Engineering Division call not determine if the streets are proper or if drainage can be handled as pro- posed. Mr. Ramolla indicated we will soon have the EIR for this project. This EIR will have to be advertised in the normal fashion and will then come to the Commission as per the state filing deadlines for review. As for the issue of thin General Plan Amendment, this amendment was initiated by the City staff, this is not the General Plan Amendment that Mr. Lewis applied for. Mr. Lewis' applica- tion is still oil file and will be turned into a Planned Conununity application and will proceed along the lines of the application for a "PC ". it appears as though Mr. Lewis is concer.ied about the ten acre property located on the corner of Raven and Baseline which is only a small portion of the area staff has proposed in this par- ticular general plan amendment. If Mr. Lewis das iraa to general plan the small ten acre parcel, then he should coma in separate and not be considered with this amendment tonight. Chairman Rempal rtated there shofold be some measure of urgency carried over to the consultant that the two planned community development projects are it the works and that we really need answers in this area as soon as possible. Commissioner Dahl added that there are also other areas within the alternative areas .besides the planned community developments that have concerns that also need come answers as quickly as possible. Lam indicated how the consultants view the alternative areas rests on the two Planned Communities and how they will develop since they do take up moat of that area. Commissioner Garcia asked when the Consultant is scheduled to start work. Mr. Lam indicated the Agreement was signed October let and this week the connul- taut is here on a fact finding tour to gather data and to schedule appointments with the City, businesses within the community, and industrial people. He indi- Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 24, 1979 0 cated a reprenentntiva of Sedway /Cooka, Rod Joung, is present this evening at which time he was introduced to the. Conmiuoion and audience. A motion wan made by Commissioner Dahl and noconded by Commissioner Garcia to withdraw General Plan Amendment No. 79 -0311 and direct staff to notify Sodway/ Cooks of time Commissions' concern regarding the delluestion of land use in time alternative arena. AYES: DARL, GARCIA, TOLSTOY, R194PEL NOESm NONE ADSENTm JONES Barry liognn, Senior Planner, requested that Items it and I be reviewed together as they are tied together. A request for a change from Lila present designation of hagh density reoidentini to comnercial for property located on the northwest corner of Turner and Arrow. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDM6Nr Nu. 1i : r - Ulm i up AnIN.11V CUCAMONGA - Clarif.ication of Comnercial Alternatives to clarify the meaning of commercial centers in all areas designated as commercial on the Interim General Plan Map. Barryllogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff reports. In regard to General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03F, Staff recommends that the Commission approve the combination of time asterisks into one asterisk overlaying tile intersections and the identification of two areas no Neighborhood Cotmtanity, and the elimination of certain asterisks as indicated in the staff report. In regard to General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C, if the Commission has designated the intersection of Arrow Route and Turner Avenue as an Alternative Commercial site, than the applicants' request is not necessary and ilia application fee should be refunded. If the Coon mission does not designate Turner and Arrow as an Alternative Coumorcial site, then the applicants' request should be considered and no refund made. Staffs' opinion is that the site size is restrictive. The property is now designated as high density residential which staff feels is logical. Mr. Lam added in regard to Exhibit h4 of General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03F, there is a proposal on the east side of Haven Avenue for commercial development. There is a proposal for an interchange for the Foothill Freeway. It is unknown at this time where time frontage road would be. It would be clearly inappropriate to a13uw commercial on the southwest or southeast corner because of the severe potential for traffic conflict; therefore, commercial can only be located on the northeast or northwest corners of this intersection. The only logical location for the center would be to start from Lemon Street downward so that with any expansion of the center there will need to be further delineation of where Righland or the frontage road will be. It is therefore Staff4' opinion that the commercial designation should be moved up to Lemon Avenue and Haven Avenue interoection. Chairman Rompel opened the public hearing on General Plan Amendment No. 79 - -3F. Planning Cotmaission Minutes -6- October 24, 1979 Mr. Doug Ilona stated lie is basically in support of staffs' racommondntion.as presented. Ila indicated if's center in 'designed wall, a. center of loss than three acres can be an Banat to the City. lie would hope that the statement that a center of loos than 3 acres would be considered. llr. Vito DoVito Praueaoco, representing Jack Sylvester who owns property on the northeast corner of Highland and haven stated they are not in opposition to moving the noterink as recommended by staff to Lawn and Ilaven, as long an it is clear that the asterisk at this location would allow for commercial develop - mant on the southeast, and southwest corners of Lemon and Haven as• wall an the northeast corner of llighland and Haven. Mr. Lnm indicated thin would allow a center to be developed between highland and Lemon Avenues as Mr. Francesco indicated. Mr. Dan Evans, roproounting TGS Proporties, stated they own property on the south - mat corner of liighland and Ilaven. lie would like to take exception to the staff report which stated that it would be illogical to consider commercial development on the southeast corner of liighland Avenue and Haven Avenue. Ila indicated they have a drawing which indicated the on and off ramps, of the proposed freeway from Haven over past the Davore Freeway which does show the delineation of Highland Avenue being south of the freeway at Chia point. They are involved with a 10.3 acre piece of property which in currently surrounded by homes. This property is located on the southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue. lie r.;ekes exception to the staff comment that it would be illogical to consider conmsrcial development on that corner. Chairman Rempol otated the staff has been trying to dotoymino the exact alignment of the freeway for the last two years from Cslrrano and to thin date we hove not been able to get anything definitive from Coltrane. Mr. Evans indicated even if the freeway right of way were to go through a portion of this. property they would still have a developable amount of property for a commercial development. Mr. Hogan stated the location of the asterisk allowing commercial development at Lemon and haven does not preclude the applicant from applying for n general plan amendment. however, it would need to be shown how the property could develop with the possibility of a freeway off ramp at this local 'on. At this time, based on the information that the Commission has, the better site in at Lemon Avenue and Haven Avenue. Chairman Rempel pointed out that the southeast corner of Lemon Avenue and Haven Avenue has never been an issue with this General Plan Amendment as we have only discusped the northeast and northwest corners of Highland Avenue and Haven Avenue. There being no further comments from the audience, Chairmen Rempel closed the public hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Tolotoy to approve General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03F, approving the combination of the aaterieks into one asterisk overlaying the intersection and the identification of two areas Planning Commission Minutes —7- October 24, 1979 0 0 as Neighborhood Community, and the elimination of certain asterisks an stated in Lila Staff Report. It wan further recommended that Exhibit, 04 be changed moving the asterisk from the nortliwost,and northanot cornars'of Haven & Highland toward tiro center of Haven Avenue between llighland and Lemon Avenues. AYES: DAIU., TOLSTOY, GARCIA, REMPL'L NOES: NONE ABSENT: JONES Mr. Lam stated regarding General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C, Mr. Anderson may now wish to withdrew his application for the General Plan Amendment an the Commission in i`•a prPViouo recommendation included Mr. Andorson's property for a possible commercial site. If Mr. Anderson has plans for a center, they will need to be submitted and ajudgement on that application will be reviewed as a separate review by the Commission. Chairman Rempol opened the public hearing for General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C. Mr. Arnold Anderson stated lie would like to request that ilia application for General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C be withdrawn and that his application fee be refunded to him. A motion was made by Comniacioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Dahl that General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03C be withdrawn and that tl:e application fee be refunded to Mr. Anderson. AYES: GARCIA, DA L, TOISTOY, REMPEL NOES: NONE AUSENTt JONES Chairman Rempol called a receso at 9:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 9110 p.m. it A +h A - CITY OF - Clarification of Mixed Use - To more spec to within the Mixed Use Category. Jack Lam, Director of Community Development, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03B be withdrawn and referred to Sedway /Cooke for incorporation in the General Plan process. He indicated duo to the fact thin is a public honring, anyone in the audience that wiehes to make their comments known concerning this Amendment may do so this eirening. Chairman Renpel opened the public hearing. Mr. Doug None, 7333 Hellman Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated it is his opinion the mixed use designations shown along Baseline Avenue if changed should be shown as office /prof essiot.al no this would be a very nice corridor in the City and an excellent revenue source to the City. Planning Commission Minutes -S- October 24, 1979 Mr. Eugene -Bello stated ho is representing a property owner tt:nt.ownu property on the northeast corner of 8anclina and Archibald. They have two possibly buyers for this property and are interested in conmmarcial fronting Dsnalina with condominiums or of ficac to tl:e rear. Chairman Rempol stated the mixed use area does not allow moat rummi3reiul uses. Office uses and restaurants Are allowed within the A -P none which could possibly be considered. If there is interest in n coumoreiai development in that area which in now designated mixed use, a new application would need to be submitted for a general plan amendment. Mr. Lam stated to clarify, thexa has been a considerable amount o: discussion relative to thin intersection. Mixed use does not allow for genoral retail commercial uses. Commercial offices, which includes banks, doctors offices, professional office uses, and restaurants are allowed within the A -P cone which is now included within the mixed use areas. Tile A -P toile would also allow for ancillary commercial uses that arc supportive of the office complex flue'!: as a pharmacy next to a doctors office. As for additional general eomulatciul uses at that intersection, there is a severe traffic impact on Archibald, and Baseline. Thin wan an lscua discussed with the Commission and Council during the gonernl plan hearings. ila suggested that if the owner of thin property is interested in any specific uses that they meet with staff to discuss this matter further. Mr. Wayne Nalson representing Hoyt Lumber located at 7110 Archibald stated I:a ,would like his property to remain mixed use. lie would like to Have more time to explore the possibilities of what might be done on this property. There being no further discussion from the audienca, Chairman llunpel closed ;:ho public hearing. Chairman Rcmpel stated when this is discussed by the Commission_ again, it would be appreciative if those owning property within the mixed use areas become involved in the hearings. Mr. Lam stated he would also encourage those owning properti.aa, within the mixed use area to come into the Planning Division and discuss Chase areas with the staff or to submit their desires in writing for review. A motion was undo by Commissioner Tolstoy and seconded by Commissioner Dahl ttint General Plan Amendment No. 79 -038 be withdrawn and referred to Sedway /Cooke for incorporation in the General Plan process. AYES: TOLSTOY, DAML, CARCIA, REMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: JONES PAR IL MAP NO. 4773 - KORTEPETER - Requnat for clarification of conditions imposed on subject parcel map located 850' east of Etiwanda Avenue and 950' north of Summit Am enue. a T.loyd Hubbs, City Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Staff recommends that the Commission amend Resolution No. 79 -09 as suggested in the staff report. Planning Commission Minutes -9- October u#, Lvfv Mr.'llognn ousted tha homes which Commissioner Dahl to speaking of ware npprovod under the jurlodiction of Ben Bernardino County. Any devolopmontn approved by the City would be requirod'to most the came conditiono au Mr. Kortapdtar, Comminolunar Dahl otnted lie 'would like tp personally state that 110 approeistoo stnffn' working'wlth Mr. Kortopctor to try to work toward a compromise on this parcel map. Ila does not want to appear that lie. is against what staff to doing. llowovar, lie does believe it is an unreasonable burden placed on an individual. A motion woo made by Comminsionor Rempo1 aiid seconded by Couunissionar Tolotoy that Resolution No. 79 -09 be amended deleting Conditions 1 -11 of Section 2 and replacing tlitm with Conditions 1 -10 no listed In tl$e staff report. Condition 01 and 03 to be amended as follows$ 1. All irrevocable offer of dedication of 30' for atroeteurpouoe shall be made on Lot 1 and Lot 2 and recordaS with the Klnnl Parcel Map. 2. Tile applicant shall provide all the Lonotruction plans for drainage and street improvements for the 26' width of pavement prior to Lite recordation of the final map and to tl$e satisfaction of t1$e City Engi- neer from Etiwnndn Avenue to the end of Lot 2. AYES: REMPEL, TOLSTOY, GARCIA NOES $ DAHL ABSENT: JONES A p A h M NEGATIVE DECIAIL \TION AND DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -57 - BOB JENSEN - Revised site plan for Tentative Tract No. 9369 reducing the proposed units from 88 to 44 for property located on the northeast earlier of Victoria and Archibald (Thin was u previously submitted application exempt undo: the moratorium) . Barry Mogan, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff rocomwndo that the Planning Commission approve Director Review No. 79 -57 and Josue & Negative Declaration by adoption of Resolution No. 79 -62. Chairman Rempal asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. There being none, Chairman Rempal asked for comments from the applicant. , Mr. Tom Barris, Architect representing Bob Jensen, stated they are in agreement with all conditions as listed in the Resolution. Ile stated he would be happy to answer any quentions the Commission may have concerning this request. Commissioner Tolotoy stated he has lied problems with developments such as this in trying to find a persons' address'on the building. lie asked that special thought go Into the design and placement of the addresses on each of the units in order that they may be clearly seen by those craveling through the development. Mr. Harris stated they will pay special attention to this and will review their ideas with.staff. Planning Commission Minutes -11- October 24, 1979 �4� 0 0 Chnitman Ranpol ranked for eommants from tho audience, Carol Tanonhaum,'Attarney for Mr. Kortepator, naked that additional wording for clarification be added to condition 01 and #3 listed in the staff report. Site naked that condition dl reacts An irrevocable offer of dedication of 301 for street nurpunan shall be made on Lot 1 and Lot 2 and recorded with the Final Parcel Map. Site further asked for clarification that condition 113 be worded an follownt The applicant shall provide all tide construction plans for & nina go and street Improvements for the 261 width of pavement prior to tho, recordation of the final map and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer from Gtiwarda Avenue to the and of Lot 2. Elie indicated their major problem with the staff report at thin time in tile insintenco of the City that 26, wide pared access from Etiwnnda Avenue to the eastern property line of Lot 2 ohall be installed at the low owsor'o expenna, along with Cite relocation coat of say publde utilities. Such a condition at thin time would be unfair and arbitrary. Site naked that Condition #2 within the ntaff report be changed an follows: Applicant shall provide a lion agroement for street improvements along the fron- tage of Lots 1 and 2 on the frontage of 23rd Street. In addition to the above changes, she submitted a memo to the Commission suggesting the ronumboring and deletion of certain conditions within the current Resolution No. 79 -09. Mr, llubbs indicated lie does not ooa a problem with revising condition pl and 03 as indicated by Mrs. Tenenbaum. lie indicated under our subdivision ordinance, the City Engineer and' tile Commission have to make certain findings before a parcel map is approved. Atwng those are that the design and proposed improvements are not likely to cause environmental danger or create a problem of health and safety. Staffn' opinion In that those findings would not be able to be mado without the conditions an listed in the staff report. He stated lie is in agreement with conditions #1 and U3 as listed in Mrs. Tanenbaum'a mama only, and can not accept the remaining conditions as indicated in liar memo. Commissioner Garcia naked if it will be almost impossible for the applicant to mnke tiro improvements no required by staff,. Mr. Lam stated the condition 02 which Mr. Kortepater is opposed to, does not place any undua burden upon Mr. Kortepater. The condition applies to the development of Lot p2 and not Lot O1. Mr. Kortepeter has indicated that he Wishes to split this lot for tax purposes at this time. Therefore, no paved access will be required until development of Lot p2. This requirement will not be required ae a condition of the final map but will be required at the time of Lot 2 development. It is his opinion staff tine worked with the applicant in every way possible. Mr. ltubbo stated when Resolution No. 79 -07 was adopted, it was the intent to atop the proliferation of lots that don't have good public access. That policy was in effect at the time of incorporation and upheld by the Council on several occasions. The City is trying to protect the public safety by not allowing conditions that are unsafe and undesirable. In order to divide and promote more development on that property, these improvements need to be made. Commissioner Dahl indicated what concerns him is that there have been houses in this area built recently or currently under construction that phis condition did not apply to. He does not feel it is fair to require thin as a condision of the parcel map when others in the same area have not been required to comply with the same condition. t ' Planning Commission Minutes -10- October 24, 1979 Mr. Hogan ank:d that the following ba added to Section 3: That Director Review No. 79 -57 is approved uubj act to complying with the following conditions nvinr fn ....nunnnnu _r .i.- -1.._ - -... _ A motion wan made by Comunlasion'er Garais and oacondnd by Commissioner Tolatoy to approve Resolution No. 79 -62 aubjuct to Li:a following chnnge to Section 3: That Director Review No. 79 -37 in approved subject to complying with the fol- lcwing conditions prior to occupancy of ti:e site or operation of proposed use. AYES: GARCIA, TOLSTOY, DA11L, HEMPEL NOES: NONE ABSENT: JUNES fi fi fi fi fi REVISIONS OF TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 9:69 - JENSEN - Revising conditions and reducing number of lots. Paul itnugaiiu, Associate Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Staff recom- monds that ti:e Commission approve Resolution No. 79 -65 granting an 18 month time extension for Tentative Tract No. 9369 and setting conditions of approval. lie recommends 'that ti:e last sentence of Section 3, condition 2f be modified an followu :.. The cost of this storm drain will credit to Storm drain faeu and a reimbursement agreement will be ''executed to cover contributions which exceed the emount• of these fees. Chairman Rempal asked for questions from the Commission of the staff. Mr. Hogan recommended that the following conditions be added to the Resolution: 1) That all interior streato are private and shall be developed to city a:andard; 2) CC6lt's shall be prepared to insure maintenance access, improvemonto to the satisfaction of the City Attorney prior to recordation of the final map. He further ntated conditions of aubject tract as listed in the County approval are to be included as part of the Resolution. These conditions are Lo be reviewed and in Dome cases revised to apply to this project which may be different from the previously approved tentative tract. Mr. Frank Willians of Associated Engineers, stated in regard to Condition pl of the staff report, the dedication on Archibald Avenue alreadv exists and was dedi- cated with the parcel map. Also, Victoria Streat should be 44' of dedication rather than the 33' as shown in the report. Mr. Ilogan stated this condition shall be reworded. A motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Garcia to approve Resolution No. 79 -65 subject to the modifications as noted above. AYES: DAHL, GARCIA, TOLSTOY, RENPEL NOES: NONE &WENT: JONES • # fi * fi fi Planning Commission Minutes -lz- October 24, 1979 CITIZEN PAitTICIPATION FOR THIS GRNIRtAL PLAN Jack Lam stated the Commission received a matmo in regard to citizen participation on the General Plan. Tito consultant in currently in the process of doing back - ground work for the General Plan. Along with this, work has also begun on other projects such as the industrial plan, th& fieeal impact model, and the circulation program. At this time, we need to discuss what kind of citizen participation process the Commission and Council would desire to sea devolopeel for the General Plan. Tile Planning Commission and Consultant have discussed tine desirability of establishing a Community Advisory Comnittea for thte purpose of reviewing the general plan so that it,dous not become a staff plan or a Coin- mission plan but one that is more representative of the community an a whole. With on organized group, there in more of a capability of consistency of people attending the meetings and providing input. Ean addition to this eommittea, thu public would also be invited to all meetings. Going thin route would not mean the elimination of Commission public hearingn, Council hearings or other prosen- tationo by the Chamber. Those within this group will become educated in the process and also provide support for the program. Nita stated the reason thin in coming before the Commission Is because of the time framo involved in the general plan process. Tito consultant in preparing a Work Program for the City tollbe presented within the next week and a half. In order to got started very soon, we need to make -a determination on the CAC, its make -up and naleat its membora, so that we can begin within the next 30 days. The Council in to review this matter again at Ito meeting of November 7th. Commissioner Tolatoy stated he would like to see more people on this committee which are not already involved with the Advisory Comnitteas. Chairman Rempel stated °.t is his opinion there should be a representative that is student age in order to get the younger persons' ideas. Commissioner Garcia indicated he would also like to see a representative from tine mobilehome parka. Also, we tend to neglect the medical profession which is very critical. Commissioner Dahl also indicated a member of the clergy should be represented. UPDATE OF THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN Jack Lam reported another meeting was hold yesterday for some additional refine - 5 went to the Growth Management Plan. It is his opinion everyone came out of that meeting with a good fieling and that all of the issues have been resolved with the exception of application dates. x� -13- October 24, 1979 Planning Commission Minutes 1 V 1 v 1 1 11 1 , ' 1 .1111 111 .1 1 1 11 .1 I'1 r. 1 • 1, 11 L 1 1 i 1 X11 .I 'r III 11• ' '.0 • II'. 'I ( ,.1 ' ll �I ' +' L1 I , I � 1 r ('1 'll '',•' 1 r 11 ;Y f1 11 I I ral 1 1,1 rl I I �' 1,. I;1 p. 11 1\ 1 '1 I 1 � ' 1 ' 11 ' 11 �� 1 •'� 1111 •11 1 II'' 1' 11 I.1 :` I '�' 1 ' to I III I'I YI I ln. I,Jj1 � 1 ; unant- mously carried, 1 voted adjourn tho Planning 1 11 • of October • Meeting 1 • , 1 �1 1 ' 1r 11.1 •1 ctful 1 1 1 'YI 1 Y lii � 1 1 1 1 „I I I 1' 1 •I. 1...1 JACK • + V1 Conmuuity Development Planning Commission Minutes -14- October 24, 1979 • ' 1 1 1'11 1' . X11, 11 _ r�' 1, •Y �Y. '..1' '1 , I r�/ •y r1i I I • ' 1 III. i.. �'1 Y •1 �l I •11 ,l '1'I. tia 'hip' ,•,,,, ,' '.�.�1 r l.�' I r I • ',Ir1 •,i1 �� ��11'i "III 1�•� �J ,1 • � v h 11 Ili,l •II ' 1 '.rlr 11 .• 1 Y '1 Y 1 i „ i ','' • { 1 l ', \• j1 I. 1 I I I I I I 1 I i l �� L (I� .1: IL 1 Y' �•'.I I �/ ✓1 1 , i 1 I ( �',' 1 , t' t r q; , 1\ ..L ♦ .1 1 l !) , 1 I I' • Y � 1• f 1 ' 1 1. n Yll 'y 11 / .�•I �! .11! 1 1�: 11,'1'.n 1 ' t�y�.t1 r+ I �I '\ I ry' , 11 I 1 , M L•�11 4�! ,1 •1 1 nl, 6 .t 1- •1.1f ! I' �'! 1 ;I 1 .1,1 11 • L., tl 1 I(i 1 i 1 I 1•I 1 ' 1 1 7 Y.1� 1 •.Y �, 0 0 MGMUCRD OF TIIL^ UNI:RAh PLAN CITISL^ND ADVISORY COMM17rLr APPOINTED TO,DATr P.onnia Tnnnunbaum Cathrino Uridga Nathan Ito"enbarg Don ' llardy Jeff Dceranka Ken Willi" Idarlin Dickey Dr. Norman Guith Nacho Gracia Jim Bunt Pam henry Mayor Jame" Frost Councilman John Mikels Chuck Duquet Jim Mendez (alternate T. Harrel Allen) (2 yet unnamed representative" each from Ctiwanda and Alta Loma C.A.C. groups) u I a 0 MEMBFIiV OF THE GIINER L PLAN CITI'UNB ADVISORY COMMIT`TLL AITOI�TI:V ' TO DATE 1%onria Tannonbnum Cuthrino Bridge Nathan Nosenborg Von Hardy Joff Ucoranka Kon Willis Marlin Dickey Vr. Norman Guith Nacho Gracia Jim Hunt Pam Henry Mayor Jamoo Frost Councilman John Miko]s Chuck Vuquet Jim Mendez (alternate T. Harrel Allan) (2 yet unnamed representativas each from Gtiwanda and Alta Loma C.A.C. groups) 0 Dace: To: From: Subject: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM November 14, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Comnunity Development rev ABSTRACT: Attachad, the requested changes Homes. - An Ordinance establishing nnned Community Developmw::to and planes find a revised ordinance that incorporated many of by the William Lyon Company, Planning Commission and Lewis The changes are as follows: Section 2, Purposes, remains unchanged. Section 3, General Requirements, changes in order and clarified the owner- ship issue; specifically the ownership of property must be in 300 acres of contiguous land, property owned by public utilities, local districts such an Foothill Piro District or local governments are not counted toward the 300 acre minimum but may be used an a connector of single ownership; that is if there are two pieces of property under tho some ownership that are separated by an Edison casement, a school district property, fire district property or local government property they may be considered contiguous. Section 4 tine been modified slightly to eliminate confusion but basically remains the same. Section 5, Site Development Regulations and Performance Standards, tins been modified to add six subsections previously included under Section 7, Development Plan. it was felt that these were more appropriately site development regulations and performance standards. We have clarified item "G" to note that other forms of access such as pedestrian -ways, courts, plazaa, driveways, horne trails, bike trails or :pen parking lots shall not be offered for dedication as a means of mectinp. requirements for peen space or nark dedication requirements. Additionally, Item "K" has been amended to allow flexibility in light of the fact that the City has not yet adopted a zoning ordinance. We have added in a phrase, "The applicant may apply for and receive administrative relief from Section 610219(b) at the time of Development Plan Text approval by the Planning Commission and City Council when verifiable proof has been submitted through specific examples of existing projects that display reduced parking standards or stalls. Item "L" has been modified to eliminate unnecessary language. I t 0 Section G, tLu basic cliango'occurn under "S ", Clarification ling been made S:hal; tl:e information requested on a housing marke analysis may be re(ju rated an part of the' onvfrun:nc:ltal aneangmant or C ?it, Section 7, Development Plan, Item A -2 lion been modified to indicate contour intervals to exceed two feat for natural slopes of 2% or long and for natural elopes over 2% contour intervals shall not exceed 5 fact. Item A -G eliminates building floor area. Item A -5 adds addi- tional language clarification to indicate thut tt:e development plan shall be submitted indicating tl:e phasing and /or anticipated scheduling for the total Planned Co - unity. Also additional clarification language is added such that t%tj achodulo is general end may be adjusted according to morkuting conatrainta no tl:e community develops. An stated previously, othav items in this section I-ava barn relocated to Section 5, Site Development Regula- tions and Perft,mnnco Stan.+ards. Tito remainder of the ordinance - emaina unchanged an previously submitted. We realize that thin ordinance has been submitted to the Commission upon short notice in its revised form. If tl:e Commission is comfortable with tl:e changes that have boon made and desires no further discussion or deliberation on tl:e effects of the changes# then we suggest that the Commission entertain a motion for recommon- dation of approval of Resolution No. 79 -62 to tt:e City Council. If the Planning Com- mission feels that additional time in necessary to dinculo the changes that have been made and the effects upon a Planned Community, than a two weak continunnco, to the November 28th meeting, would be suggested. Ree)ec ull a omitted, L� JACK LAM, Director of Cormunity Development JL: DK1L' nm RESOLUTION N0. 79 -66 ® A RESOLUTION OF 'PIIE RANCHO CUCAMONGF PLANNING COMMISSION WITHDRAWING AND DENYINO Ch..TAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE ADOPTED INTERIM LAND USE, CIRCULATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES ELEMENT OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, GENERAL PLAN 0 WHEREAS, the City hate ootabliahod the 2nd mooting in Soptombor as the 1979 General Plan Amendment hearing data for Planning Commiaoion review'#and► IiIIEREAS, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hold duly advartiood public hearings on Soptamber 26th, October 10th and October 24th, and; WHEREAS, comments wore heard and considorad both pro and con regarding thu requootod General Plan Amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED It hnrnhv dnnv Cnneral Plan Amandme Cucamonga Planning Comission Withdraw General Plan Anandmants APPROVED AND ADOPTED T11I9 14T11 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCIMONOA BY: Ftorman Rompol, Chairman ATTEST, Secretary of the Planning Commission I, TACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Rosoluticn was duly and regularly introduced, paaeod, and adortod by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of Lhe Planning Commission hold on the 14th day of November, 1979 by the following vote to -wit, AYES, COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: rJMMISSIONERSS n M1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONUA MEMORANDUM DATE r NOVEMBER 149 1979 Tor PLANNING C011MISSION FROM r LLOYD B. IiUDBS, CITY ENGINEER SUDJECTt APPEAL OF PARCEL MAP NO. 4611 - FILPI Attached for Comnission's review is a letter from the applicant for Parcel Mop #4511 requesting waiver of street improvements as a wndiLion of approval. Also attached is a copy of the Tentative. Parcel Map des,-ribing the locations of the 10 parcels requested for subdivision. The need or the devdlopment of this Parcel Map was brought about by the sale of the property indicated as Parcel No. 9 on the Parcel Map and the financing of construction on Parcel No. 8. Parcel No. 9 was in 1958, loosed by Western Metals Company with an option to buy. Western Metals has now decided to exercise that option and purchase the property. 'In order to fulfill the requirements of the Sub- division Map Act a Parcel Map must be recorded. In addition to the sale of Parcel No. 9 the applicant lies in the past received the financing for the construction of the building currently located on Parcel No. 8. We have received information from 5afeco Title Company indicating that a title policy was issued on Parcel No. 8 under the condition that a Parcel Map be filed. This requirement will be met at the recordation of Parcel Map 04511. The Parcel Map has been reviewed by the Community Development Department and Utility Companies and conditions of approval prepared and transmitted to the applicant on October 59 1979. (See attached copy). It is the Staff's understanding that the street improvements required as a part of these conditions for Industrial Lane and Feron Boulevard are specifically being appealed. The Commission probably remembers a similar case involving the subjec. it property which occured inconjunction with Director Review #78 -36. The property which was the subject of that Review is Toughly the southern third of Parcel #4 of Parcel flap 04511. At the time of review of this project the Commission required the construction of street improvements along Feron Boulevard and through the frontage of the proposed construction t, on Industrial Lane. Commission may also remember that a pnrtion of Feron Boulevard was dedicated and is to be constricted as a part of the Good - year Rubber Company construction on the not -a -part adjoining Parcel #6. The conditions of approval currently set on the Parcel Map #4511 are a continuation of the decision in regards to Director Review #78 -36. The review of the Goodyear Rubber Company and developments located east of 0 ITEM V' coat. -Pago 2 Hellman Avenue and between 0th and 9th Streets, All of those developments were approved' under the assumption that Feron Blvd. would provide through oast -west access for not only vehicles but drainage facilities. Industrial Lane has been offered for dedication in conjunction with the anproval of ' .the Goodyear Rubber Company and also provides continuity between Feron Blvd. and 9th Street. It is the Staff's opinion that in order to promote the ordely phased development of the entire area between the railroad tracks, 9th Street, Archibald Avenue and Hallman Avenue the proposed dedication will be required. In addition the dedication will be required to conform to the Planning Conm►ission Access Policy which requires all parcels to obtain access from dedicated streets. Without the proposed street dedications and construction parcels No. 8 and No. 9 will not have proper access provisions. Anal sis The Staff requirements which have been imposed are shown on the attached Exhibit "A ". These requirements, as can be seen, provide for the westerly continuation of Feron Blvd. and the development of Industrial Lane as a public street to 9th Street. Both elements of these conditions are needed to provide circulation, drainage and development continuity, Feron Blvd. provides logical alternative access to three parcels totaling approximately 15 acres. These parcels would be extremely difficult to develop safely and efficiently providing adequate traffic and emergency access without Feron Blvd. Feron Blvd will also provide for drainage of all properties north of the alignment. s connection snnuia be tar enou_ n cost to avoie execsstve cui- menTU-Indus trial Lane as.cur'ren£fy required and the other would be construction of a new street on the east boundary of Parcels 1 and 5 of the Parcel tiap N4511. The construction of a new street would have the potential advantage to the applicant of being deferred to the time of development of Parcels 1 and 5. The disadvantages to this solution are; It requires additional dedication of property of significant value. - . The applicant will have to return and maintain the current Industrial Lane. Dedicated access to interior parcels of the Parcel Map will not have access until completion of the new street. , El 0 .r; 111 1 Y�IIYY. • 1 � 1 ✓1 coat. 'Pago 3 - This alternative would be contrary to the approval - of Director Review '#70-36 and the'Coodyoar Plant development approval. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Connnission deny the appeal of the applicant and retain the conditions of approval. Respectfully sub fitted, Ll oylY 0. Nubbs City Engineer LDli:cd Attachments 0 I t •. r,. i r a ., 1 IL 4411 l7 l7 .M r `V � ;�? � :� � vela �• i� anNAV I in ' N 1 6 dbd I i I CL 4 c f„ I '�oti ' 'Ib • i x A 1 pn li: ' r: •.r r.i• rr�., 3Ntl _�• ,•.. fit, r.Lk ; c. — .�,:..�-'1VIHL600N1 �.0 �' cc YI i• � '� '' S...•I i 1 Z 1 1 +I a� i' 0 1 11 T CL. d I Q .r � , •tl � , ; q 1 Ll � ••••. MNn�wwwlrwwM wlMl�l��r •� /lY CL `1 Atli .4 IL I- ui 9 elk r _ anN-nv �.� �• " "'niYanuuv..•f11 �•J•• /N.11 I.( 1.1. .�M.•I 1 ` h Q 1 w • N J� N A•d I A '• '• ' 7I 1� 1 I 6 1i1Q t to ej � ^,• —,js ^may/ O 1 Ul I Usn . • �,, 4 Nit ; ; t ' ,, � •1 I 1 la 1 S O I s0r 1 I 6 1i1Q t � � Ch � � � � � � ...�•� -ter___ V ti, 0 JIii� ti ariNDAV /�!r u W t• ,•,N ,YNI y �W i e ' ly Jyb� I I i 7 M1 r q i' N b f D.t. y W ,Yi • 1 Q M1 I • r I y 1 � 1 , r •� Y S \, Y S1 � � O '+ r I a 1�. •ii ': -.i /.r.° r/, .. 3NY'�- ••-=� +, it Y.y 11 11 .. 0.• t LL l i .1� q i' 1� IL IS 4 I T �a KI 0 A u y ,Yi • 1 Q � 1 , r •� Y S \, Y S1 � � O '+ r I a t j„ II R � � I h Q 1� IL IS 4 I T �a KI 0 A u y , •1 Y S \, Y S1 � Y � 7 O 1� IL IS 4 I T �a KI 0 A u L. i c. Mr. Soboobian Filpi 12914 quinoo' Ave. Upland, Calif. 91706 Mr. Jaok Lam Dirootor of Community, Dovelopmont suiIJECTi 'PAROEL MAP FILLS 140. 14511 Dear Mr. Lamp October 11p 1979 In reviewing the requirements laid out by the City Engineers Department, roquaoting improvomnnto and dedications for Tentative Parcel Map Too. 145111 I find in part is unacceptable to mo, Thin the Industrial Development e directionorthe Co o started unty ofSanBernardino Planning un and Building Dopailtmontop all nonditiono and ordinances were always abided by. The request that the City Engineers Dopartmont Is demanding In the already developed aoetion of the center would oauao and undue and unjunt hardohip. Whonovor the undeveloped parcels are doo#i.nod for oovolopmontp at ouch a time I have no objections to abi.do by all City Codes and Ordinances of the City of Ranoho Ouennonga. For those reasons I am appealing Parcel Map No. 4511 an pro- posed by the City Enginoorn Department. Encl000d ploaco find a shook in the amount of x$100.00 as per requested for a Parcel Map appeal fee.- SF /jf Sir►ooroly, Buster Filpi 1 • Mr. Sebastian Filpi 1294 qunice Avenue Upland. California 91706 SUBJr.CT: PARCEL HAP P1LU NO. 4511 Dear Property Owner: 6 "City of ANC I -10 CUCAMONGA � October 5. 1979 Unclosed is a copy of the City Lngineer's Report. for Tentntive Parcel Map No. 4511 1'he improvement and dedication requirements nrn n� nccoreTce with the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways and the City Code, and Ord!.nanca No. 29. If no request for a revision of the attached report is rec -l-,ed by October 19 1979 , your Tentative Parcel Mnp No. 4511 will to automate nlly approved on Octobnr 22. 1979 L% oct to the conditions listed in the City LngL r'— incor''s ropes ..' Appeal to the Planning Commission of any of the conditions of the City Engineer's report may be filed with the Planning Department Within fifteen (15) days after the date of approval. You are hereby notified to contact Paul ��A�. R��o�u__gg�eau cf this iffice for information concern nT�gulfiltment of tlO stew - conditions and submittal of a final parcel map to be approved by City Council. Very truly yours, 4t— LLOYD IIUDDS ' City Engineer UI: PAR:deb cc, J. Richard Newton 624 West "I" Street Ontario, California 91761: RCE1O. I 4�,4 PnST nfi'IrF. nnX 741. PA`1rIIn r1,rANtn•ar;A rAI at�nP•dIt n17 1n /714% nt1n.lQCt ;iJ ,. 0. 0 III ' 6 6 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOIIGA CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT n FILED BY: Sebastian Filpi _ TENTATIVE MAP NO. 4511 LOCATION: South Aide of 9th Street, west of Archibald DATE FILED,— S130179 Avenue at Industrial Lane NUMBER OF LOTS: 10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Portion of Section No. 10, RECEIPT NUMBER: Township -l- South, Range 7 West. San Dernardi no FEE: $220.00 Meridian 'LONE:_,,, M -R TENTATIVE MAP PREPARED BY: J. Richard Newton GROSS ACREAGE: 20.3 ADDRESS: 624 West "I" Street MINIMUM LOT AREA: Ontario California 91762 MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: RECORD OWNER(S) ADDRESS PHONE P Sebastian Filip _ IZ949unice Avenue, Upland, CA 91786 _987 -9343 1 REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER Dedications F 1. Dedication by final map of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. 2. Decication by final map of the following missing rights -of -way on the following streets: 26 additional feet on Feron Boulevard additional feet on _ additional feet on rner P/L radius required on Other _g_ 3. RTgTts of vehicular access shall e limited as follows: on- Archibald Avenue 4IIl: f t l access point 4. Street vacat on required for: 5. Master Plan of Streets revision required or: 6., ',he following perimeter intersections require realignment as follows. RCE 20 �p STREET NAME Ui t GUTTER PV11T. WALK APPR. TREES t LIGHTS _+ OTHER Ninth Street TENTATIVE MAP 1,10, ELI page 2 X X cross gutter 1nmrovements Install or Bond prior to M Recording forl,ds_L__L_7� ior�yp��, X ❑ Building perml X 7. Construct full street improvements (including curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, _X_ on drive approach per lot, parkway trees and street lights) on all interior streets, Archibald Avenue X 8. Construct the following missing improvements on the following streets: STREET NAME Ui t GUTTER PV11T. WALK APPR. TREES t LIGHTS _+ OTHER Ninth Street X X cross gutter Industrial Lane X X X X Feron Boulevard X X X X X cross gutter Archibald Avenue X X _x 9. Construct all storm drain and drainage structures as shown on the tentative map, or as required by the City Engineer. _ X _ 10. Provide all utility services to each lot including sanitary sewers, water, electric power, gas, telephoneXtiK1SXXNXhkX ?OkXDikICCFDtNAX. All utilities are to be underground. x_ 11. Developer shall coordinate, and where necessary, pay for the relocation of any power poles or other existing public utilities as necessary. g_ 12. install appropriate street name signs and traffic control signs with loca- tions and types approved by the City Engineer. X 13. Developer is to provide all construction plans for drainage and street im- provements. Such plans shall meet approval of the City Engineer. x_ 14. Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. X 15. Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and the City of Rancho Cucamonga shall be marbelito underground installations. 16. The following existing streets being torn up by new services will require an A.C. overlay: X 17. The following specific mens ons, .e.cul-de-sac ra us, street section widths) are not approved: Feron Boulevard - width and alignment _ Allev:renlace with cul -de -sac 18. The following existing stree s are su stag ar and wi I i require: Approvals and Fees _ 19. This subdivision shall he subject to conditions of approval from CALTRANS/ Sai, Bernardino County Flood Control District. X 20. App► -ovals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agen- cies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. RCE 20 0 X 21. TENTATIVE MAP HO. 4511 Permits from other agencies will be required as follows, A. C. . D. "T E. r F. Caltrans, City: County 17u Page 3 for: D.I.S. Trenching Permit if any i Cucamonga County Water District: Other: General Telcphono, Southe p Map Control 22. if only a portion of this Map is recorded, adjustments shall be made to pro- - vide for two -way traffic and pparking on all affected streets. 23. The following lots appear to to substandard in either frontage, depth or area and should be corrected on the final map: X 24. All corner lots shall have a corner radius at ire rigi -o -way line in accord - ance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga standards. 25. A Parcel Map shall be recorded prior to the first phase subdivision to prevent the creation of an unrecognized parcel located_ _ 26. Trio boundary of ie Tentative Map needs clarification as follows: 27. Tfic border shall e shown to centerline of existing perimeter streets, or -- title explanation required. ® Parcel I-lap Waiver 28. Information submitted at the time of application is / is not sufficient to support the issuance of a waiver of Parcel Map7e—rtificate, according to requirements of the State Map Act and local ordina,::�js. Flood Control Install or Bond prior to C3 Recording for C3 Building perm or 29. Engineer shall submit a hydrologic report for subject subdivision to determine storm runoff amount in major north -south streets. X 30. Propcsed subdivision falls within those areas indicated as subject to flood- ing under the National Flood Insurance Program. This subdivision will be subject to the provisions of that program and Ordinance No. 24. Flood Zone B minor flood potential) 31. A drainage—Channel and/or flood protection wall along the entire north pro- perty line may be required to divert sheet runoff to streets. Such flow may be required to go under sidewalks through culverts. _ 32. T>'vrater surface is above top of curb, 30" walls shall be required at the back of the sidewalk at all downstream curb returns. _ 33. Culverts required to be constructed across streets at following locations:_ _ 34. Prior to development of any parcel, broad stele hydrologic studies will ® required to assess impact of increased runoff. A contribution to Master Storm Drain facilities will be required. RCE 20 UJITATIVE MAP i10. Page 4 Miscellaneous 35. Dust abotement will be made a Eoildltion of issuance of the grading permit for .� this project. 36, Noise impact on this project will be mitigated In accordance with the Planning Division report on subject property, 37. This property is riot within the present City Boundary and will require annexation. 30. All information required to be shown on the tentative map is not shown as re- quired: 39. Proper grading and erosion control, Including the proventation o se menta- -" tion or damage to offsito property shall be provided for as roquired. 40. A preliminary soils report will not be required for this site for the follow- `- ing reasons: A copy of the soils report furnished to the Duilding Division prior to grading will be furnished to the Engineering Division. _•)___ 41. The filing of the tentative map or approval of same does not guarantco that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the time building permits are requested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Hater District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity, Permits will not be issued unless said certification is received in writing. ' .�_ 42. The Cit Engineer shall make the determination, in accordance with Section 66436(CI(l) of the Subdivision Map Act, that division and development of the property will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exercise of any public entity or public utility right -of -way or easement and the signa- ture of any such public entity or public utility may be omitted from the final map unless the City is notified in writing of any objection to said determine- tion within the specified time limits of sold Section. 43. At the time of Final Map submittal, the following shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and/ or showing original land division, tie notes and bench marks referenced, 44. Development shall be limited to one drive approach per street. Multiple lots -` fronting on a single street shall use common drive approaches at lot lines. X 45. A Final Parcel Map can not be recorded until a complete list• of building structure types and construction materials with distances from lot lines is submitted to the Building Division to verify conformance with Fire Protective requirements. _X 46. Reciprocal and shared access agreements shall be recorded concurrently with or prior to the filing of the Final Parcel Map. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD B. HUBBS CITY ENGINEER RCE 20 0 M� 1r. CL CL lit 1 t r uj Li r i a — anN3Atl , } •�'•tlhvmN�uvV .�,1 r-•, ._ - ' ^, � / -'.Ili I•e bN IMNI I . ,I •a A� ' � I 1 1• II 1 1 I � _ r a ' /. 1 1 d ' • S � S � � �- q ,� h 1 I } •pnl I ' lief � �� ` y� `:•- ei F r.a •- ,'Nr/!.. 3Ntl) -1.. "d n .ai�_ ,.r - .. ,.:�•lbI wanONl CL it ' •,1 � 1 �• � , ,. .... ''4 � 11 (�0 'T I Datat Tot From: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA SIAPF HITOIIT November 140 1979 Planning Commission Lloyd D. Hubby, City Engineer Subject: APPEAL OF nIIILCTOII REVIPW N0. 79 -55 DATA UBSICN LAD Attached for Commiasiona' review in a latter from Data Design Lnbotatorion appealing Engineering Conditions on Director Review No. 79 -55. After reviewing the appeal latter with theapplicat:ta we have determined that ie or point of concern is the con uction of t Canter Avon r au m tl by to app cant appealing the t nd n bf the Director Review spelled out several specific conerns; however* did not clearly outline all of the issues involved in thin approval. Tile subject property upon which development; In to occur was rece+:tly sold by Haven lnvostmant Company to Data Plauign. Thin land acquisition requires ® the submittal of a P areal Map Ender the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act. Because a Parcel Map ie required. the Director Review becomea subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 280 the City Subdivision Ordinance. Included In thin Ordinance is Section 2.12F which statea: "That the Council hereby finds that Win necessary for the reason of public health and safety that all off -cite improvements be con- structed within a period of 9 months following the recordation of a Parcel Map for each lot upon which there orists a building or other usable structure at the time of such reco;.pntion." Because a subdivision was required no a condition of the Director Review and because Section 2.12F states that all parcels currently developed must have street improvements constructed, the Staff and the Commission have no alterna- tive but to regmire street improvements on Center Avenue for all parcels cur- rently developed under a proposed Parcel Map. In the absence of a Parcel Map the issuance of a Building Permit would require improvement upon the entire parcel frontage on Center per Ordinance No. 58. Staff has indicated to the applicant that the provisions of access through a private street maintafneA by the property owners and suitably established by proper casements and conditions would be acceptable. The Staff hi further indicated that it would waive improvements to the time of duielop- ment on any unimproved parcels created by the Parcel Map. By this method the length of improvements required on Center Avenue could be limited to only those frontages where the existing buildings currently front. ITEM spill 1 • ,r , 1 i \ I �,1 \6t k . r .r •'I • 1 11 i.. • 1 t *t!'I °�.i.! �'�'. {.. �, 1 .: 1 '�� ^� � � I ' t •�l I117 1= rt'1i .1:1 I- i �� I i{ .I 'rt 1 \• 1 , 1.. '♦ '� �_ -�='1' — r- -^�-�` ' � \1 1 s•�.'t 1 11 ) 1. rl �1 �� 1 la I��, �r' 1 ♦ 1 /. �,; '.t 1 ;•� � i 1. J \t t � \ t• 1 � / I t. ....1.,... T' {r•� 1` 1., r G +•r1� r./j I \,.� 1; // r• I ,, t 1 � J't 1' , 1 � r �� t !' p 1 • 1 • ,1 . t\'• 1t /�. • 1 • ( , /t � r ♦ �.,,,_� 'tfl ' -i \h r v r I.r 'i 1 {' _F DATA•DESIGN C,iLo_rdtoriej 799 0 CUNT It" AVIS NUU N CUCAMONGA, CAIIPONNIA 91770 11 October 1979 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. 0. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Mr. Jack Lain Director of Community Development Subj ect: Director Review 79 -55 Reference) Community Development Department Findings snd Conditions Dated 24 September 1979 Dear Mr. Lam: We are in receipt• of your rindingga and Conditions, dated 24 September 1979, relative to the roposed construction of a 30,800 square foot industrial building. Data - Design Laboratories hereby appeals certain conditions imposed 'by the Community Development Department. Specifi- cally, we appeal the following Engineering Division Condi- tions: 2 through 7, 15 and 16. All of these conditions relate to the improvement of a portion of Center Avenue. Our appeal is based on a ,veral factors. a. The condition is vague in that the portion of the street to be improved is not specified. The parcel which is to be developerl is not contiguous to Center Avenue, so there is no way of determining the extent of improvement re- quested by the Department. b. Ordinance No. 58 specifiea that when a parcel is improved, the streets) on which that parcel fronts shall be improved. The proposed building does not front on Center Avenue and therefore does not fall under the requirements of that Ordinance. C. Center Avenue is a short and lightly - traveled street. As such, in its present state, it is fully adequate to handle both the current traffic load as well as the load expected in the foreseeable future. It does not present a hazard for either pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 17141.8, -1111 ",O, NOR III City +~ Rancho Cucamonga DATA - DESIGN LABORATMES ingn T or 1479 Condition 11 ' This condition states that the project shall be subject to the provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program and City Ordinance No. 24. Until specific informntion can bn obtained and evaluated, we- appeal the imposition of this condition. Condition 1'2 The condition that a "drains o channel and /or fluod protec- tion wall ... may be required" is vaguo as written. It in requested that this condition be deleted unless a specific need can be identified by the County Flood Control District. Very truly yours, DATA - DESIGN LABORATORIES --i••� Dominic Salvati Executive Vice President ® DS:nb' 0 0 t3of,)tnmbor 24, 1979 Data Design Laborntorion 79115 Cantor Avenue Cucamonga, CA 91770 C RANICA110 C U ("J'A Nil ON' GA � CERTIMED HAIL h 1'41 S1UAl1J 6UDJECTs Director Raview 74 -55 - The duvololminnt of npproxintot•ely 30,000 square feat of indUoLrinl alMoo at 7929 Cent•.er Avenue within Lila td -R :ono, 11 Dear Applicants The dovolopmant, review procona for the above dencribnd project has boon success- fully completed and approval lion bean granted based upon the following findings and conditions. Thank you for your participation and cooperation during this Process. Thin process In provided to ensure a timely and adaquate review of projects. Welaincoraly hopo that thin process has basil a positivo experience for All involved. This decision shall be effective following a fourtuan (14) day appeal period beginning with tho ditto of receipt of Lhio latter. Pindingnl A. That the site indicated by the development plan Is adequate in Giza and shape to accommodate the proposed use and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping and other features required. D. That Lila improvements as indicated on the development plan arc located in such it manner at; to be proporly related to existing and proposed streets and highways. C. That the improvementn an shown on the development plan are consistent .with all adopted standards and policies. D. The•project is consistent with tho Zoning Ordinance and General Plan. E. That the projer;t,will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. � 1105T OF 'IV V, till\ 7111 , P.N'1.101 riit- ,% jtM,,.1 I'll 11',11-�n 1 rll -r l 1 . (711t edr/ 1h51 ; 1' I 111 I'1 11 't '1111 I•; " I ?.I P.-tml•nr ^•1, .19111 �' Anita 2 ' Condllaonnt Applicant nhn11•contact the 111annktig Ut.vinion for complianca with the following condiLionst 1. Oita shall be dnvolofnd In aueot.dance with the approved mite plan on file in the Planning nh,!.olun and the conditions ronL'ained heroin. 2. Trash receptacle nroan ahnll be anclonod by n G foot high masonry wall with gates pursuant to City otandardn. Location to the natineact,ion or the Planning Coauninnion. 3. All roof appurtunancas, Including air conditionara shall be architecturally iutograted and ehiolded from view and the sound buffered from adjaco,tt proportion and otraata to the satisfaction or the planning Division and Building Orficial. 4. The temporary trailers located on the aCjnconL sites shall be removed prior to final occupancy of building. S. The five (5) foot wide concrate nidowalk nlontt the frnnt of the building shall be ralo :nted olony the rront of the parking spaces. The apace created thorcay stroll be landscaped. G. Thera shall be nu rutrido ntorago oxcept an may be approved by the Planning Division in accordmlce with City standards. 7. ApprovalgC this rugneet shall not excuso compliance with all sections of the 7.onittg Ordinancn and all other applicable City ordinances in affect at time of Building Permit issuance. 0. Parking lot trace shall be a minimum 15 gallon size. 9. All two -way aisle wi:lths shall be a minimum of 24 feat wide. 10. Any signs proposed for thin development shall be designed in conformance with Compuchonsive Sign Ordinanco and nhall regvira review :ind approval by the Planning Diviaion prior to installation o' such signs. 11. A detailed landucape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the _jsuanco of building permits. 12. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a health and thriving condition free from weeds, trash and debris. 13. The 10" wide landscaped planter near the west property lino shall he extended to the southerly terminus of the adjacent parking area. 14. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon nize or larger, ehntl be installed in accordance with tiro Master clan of street trans for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the fallowing condiziona: 1. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform mechanical Code, Uniform Plum'Ang Code, National Electric Code, and all other applicable codes mud ordinances in affect at the time of approval'' 0 0 Pane J of thin project. 2. Thin approval shall bacomn null and void if building permitn are not isaund for this projnet within one year from Lila dnto of project approval. 3. Grading of the subject property shall be in necordnnca wxt.l the Grading Ordinance and to the entisi'aaLion of the pulldiny Official. A,+plicant shall contact Lila Bng:uouring Division for compllnnce with Lite following conditioner 1. Dedication of Door Crook (in Pea), to the CounLy Clood Control District will be raquiraA when the channel is in process of construct.lon. 2. Prior to any work bring perrorrnod In Lite public right- of -wny, an ancroachmant permit nhaxl be obtained from the City Engineer's office, in addition to ally other rarmi.tn raqulrod. 3. :.; -.„ 'end street improvamont• plans prnpared by n Registered Civil Enginonr aholl by required, ror all street improvnmentn, prior to issuance of onceoncl'matL permit, 4. All street tmprovemontn shall be installed to the satiuf.avtion r' the City i Engineer, p:lor to occupancy. 5. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to the antisfnction of the City Euginear and the City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements prior to issuance of building permits. � r G. Construct the following missing improvements on the following atrucitt Contort, Cutt anA yntter, A.r, pavement, drive approach, street trees, strout lights and A.C. overlay. 7. Pavement striping, marking and traffic signing is required. 0. An approved grading plan and soils report iu accordance with the City grading standards will be required. (y . 9. Thn applicant will be responsible for construction of all onsite drainage facilities required by the City Gnginonr ouch as berms, walls, pipes, etc. g 10. No structure rhall be constructed within 100 feet of Door Crook channel easement boundary linas. 11. The proposed projart falls within areas indicated as subje.t to fio,:,c:ing under the national rlaod tnnurance r'rogram and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance No. 24. tt 12. A drainage channal and /or flood protection wall alorq the property lines may b e required to protect the site by diverting shoot flows from rfor Crack. 13. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground. 14. Utility casements shall be peovided to the specification of the appropriate Llw: utility companies ari the city Engineer. E Jet I (1i lilt Iv '211, 1.1,%11 11nqu A 17. Dovn.lupor shall bn rnnlxvnnlbin for the rolocntion of otiating public utilition an vaquirod. 16. Dovoloper shall tin responnible for tho installation of ntrent• lighting in accordance with Southern Californin Edinon Comnany and City standards. 17, water and snwor nyntom pinnn shrill be donigncd avid conntruetod to moat requiremontm of the Cucamongn County Wator District (CCWD) , Foothill t'irL District and the Environmental 11calth Deparhmant of the County of San Unrnardino. A latter of compliance from CCWD will bo roquirod prior to recordation. 10. Pormitn from other ahnnr.ioo w1.11 be required of followal From San nirnardino County Flood Control. 19. A parcel map shall be tentatively approved prior to innuanco of a bu!tding permit and be recor•dad prior to final occupancy and it shall conform Lo City and State standnrda and proceduren. Oincorely, COMMUNITY DUE1,01111ENT DEPARTMENT JACK LAtt, DIRECTOR or ' COtihltl ITY UEVELOPM ,NT I OY 5 oya 1:abal Annistant Planner JLISKIcc �s I C 1Y OF'RANC110 CUCAMONGA OTAFF REPORT DATES Novembor 14, 1979 0 TO Planning ccx=iseion FROM% Jack Ldsn, Director of Cavnunity Dovulopment SUBJECTS nEVIRIONG TO DIRCCTOn REVIEV NO. 79 -01 - LEWIS COhPANY Dovolcpmont• of 240 unit apartment complex on 14.93 acres of land located on the north side of 19th Stroat want of Daryl. DACKGROUND% The Lewis Company is requesting the Planning Commission to consider revisions to the proviously approved Phauo II Sunsoapo Apartment project located on 19th Street. The Planning Commission reviewed and npproved the project in February of 1979. A copy of the staff report and pertinent material is attached for your review. The revisions requested by Lewis Company center around the exterior design of the buildings. Following the original ethff report are exhibits of the proposed designs. Minor adjustments wsr.4 also made on the situ plan to permit the fire lone as required by the Foothill Firs District. EVALUATIONS The most obvioun change between the approved building elevations and the proposed revisions in the configuration of the roof. The original approved elevations show a variatoon of roof techniques indicating different levels which are accentuated by indentations and punch outs in the building. The propoisad elevations have eliminated the variable roof levels. nttser variations axes elimination of the woos capped banister on the balconies and railings, climination of tl,o roof overhang, and elimination of wood trim on the and elevations. The revisions proposed do not portri'/ the same character that wan originally approved. The roots without the variation of ::oof levels do not create the character and quality that was originally anticipated. The elimination of the overhang is a significant cl,unge in that the roof now appe'rs to be only a simple cover rather than an architectural feature. The oli. %ation of the wood capped banister and the wood trim does not conform with the wood siding as it did previously. While the revisions may make the construction coots less expensive, they also iheapon the total design of the project and in not consistent with the high design quality hnd character desired. RECfMMENDATIONs Based on the revisions submitted, it is recommended that the planning Commission deny the applicant's request. I: the applicant wislson to pursue :fhanges, we ouggrist that the Chairman appoint a Planning Commission subernRaittoo to meet with the7 Lewis Company to discuss any changes in the original approved design. Rea ctfu y ubmitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JLsMVscc ITEM 'lilt DATE: TO: FROM: C17Y OF RAW.10 CUCMIONGA STAFF wou February 149 1979 PLANNING CO10118SION JACK W1, Director of Comm.dnity Development SUBJECT: DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 711 -011 LEWIS DE_MOPMENT CO.-- The development of b248 unit apartment complex on 14.93 acres of land located on the north side of 19t.h Strnot 363 ft. west of Beryl Street in the R -3 zone. BACKGROUND: This application in among the first apartment projects submitted to the City since the adoption of Ordinance 50 which exempts such projects from the residential moratorium. Staff is bringing thin and other apartment applications before the planning Conunission to recievo guidance regarding development review and design criteria. The Lewis Development Co. is PL-0- posing a 248 unit upnrtmant co.aplex at the above dencribad location which in the Phase II expansion of a.a existing apartment complex to thrt west. The property is zoned R -3 and the General Plan designation is Nigh Dondity Rooidentinl (15 -30 unitufacre). The complex will be built on 14.93 acres of land and tte overall dansity will be 16.6 units per acre. ANALYSIS: 'Cho 248 unit complex will consist of 72 efficiency (bachelor), 56 one bed.00n: end 120 two bedroom units. The applicant proposes 55B parking otallo, 248 eovvrpd and 310 open, which exceeds the zoning ordinance requirement of two (2) spaces per unit. Staff is requiring the elimination of the eight (6) proposed carportslwith the spaces remaining, on the northern property line which lion within the 25 ft. notback from the Foothill Freeway right -of -way; these carports should be redistributed throughout the project. . The complex proposes three (3) drive approaches from 19th Street. The Engin- eering Division boo reviewed those approaches in terms of the City's nccess policy,and in recommending a ohered access drive between this sit-1 and the proposed Community Baptist Church to the east. The design of this approach will be subject to the City Engineer's approval. Further, it is recommended that a blob. wall be built along the eastern property line, tl;o expense of which could be shared by the Lewis Development Co. and the Baptist Community Church. The applicant proposes a total of 420 trees on the conceptual landscape plan which indicates a density of 28 trees per grons acre. Staff fools this density will not present the high quality onvirtmment desired for high density residen- tial projects. We recommend a standard of 50 trees per gross acre; 20% of the trees a minimum 24" box size, 70% be a minimum of 15 gallon size and the remaining 10% be a minimum of 5 gallons in size. All parking lot trees should be a minimum of 15 gallons in size. The building materials proposed are off -white stucco with dark stained wood siding. Balconies will have dark stained wood rails along the top and wrought U L17 Page 2 iron railings to allow maximum visibility from units. Vascin tmd trim oroposed are dark brosm wood and dark colar compnsitlon roofing. A material display board will be available for'revisv at the Planning Comniseion marting. RNVIRONMBNTAL ANALYSIEI1 Tito site .Ln vacant and contains no aignificant wildlife or vegetation.. Thu anvironmontal checklist indicates no significant anviron- mantal impacts resulting from thin project. gtnff ban field investigated this uito and has found no discrepancies with the checkliat. staff, therefore, io recommending issuance of a Negative Declaration for the proJset. RRCOMMENDA'PION1 staff rerotmando adoption of Resolution No. 79-13 approving DR 79 -01 for a 240 unit apartment complex. Respectfully submitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Devolopment JL c BNII s elm Attachmentus Resolution No. '79 -13 gitn, Blevation'and Concepr:ual Landscnpe Plana Initial Study V 0 4 RESOLUTUION NO. 79 -13 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -01 REQUESTING A 240 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCA- L TED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 19TH STREET 363 FEET WEST OF BERYL STREET, WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of Januury, 1979, an application wan filed and accepted on the above described project; and WHEREAS, an the 14th day of February, 19!9, the Planning Commission hold a meeting for the above described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved on followat SECTION It That the following findings have boon madot 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to eccommodate the propcaed use and all yarda, spaces, walls, fences, parking, loading, landscaping and other'feutures required. 2. That the improvements as indicated on the develop- ment plan are located in such a manner no to be properly related to uriating and proposed utroets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all adopted standards and policies of the Clty of Rancho rticamonga. r 4. That there is reasonable probability that the land uoe proposed will be consistent with the General Plan proposal being consider-ad. 5. There is little or no probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted Genera: Plan if the usa proposed is ultimately incore+stent with thu General Plan. SECTION 2: The Rancty Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the onvironment and has issued a Negative Declaration on February 14, 1979. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 79 -01 is approved subject to the following conditions: Cz ' 0 - r a�i • 1 Pagi 2 I Thd applicant shall contact the Planning Division in order to comply , with the following conditional 1. All provisions of the toning ordinance shall be complied with. 2. Approval of thin request shall not excuse compliance with all other applicable City ordinancon in affect at this tune. 3. Tito site shall be developed in accords -ice with the approved plans on file in the Planning Division office and conditions adopted by the Planning Commianion. 4. All roof mounted equipment shall be shielded from view from adjacent proportion and otreoto with materials that architecturally conform with the dwelling structures subject to the approval of the Planning Division. 5. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to an approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. 6. A minimum of 50 trees pwr gross sere comprised of the following sizes 24" box shall be provided withi._ the proposed development, 20% -- or larger, 70% -- 15 gallon and 10% -- minimum 5 gallon. 7. The applicant shall maintain all landscaped areas in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash and debris. 8. The landscaped area along 19th Street shall be mounded and subdtantialiy landscaped in order ti screen parking areas. 9. A denso landscape scroen shall be planted along the northern property lino to visually ocreea the project from the proposed Foothill Freeway right —of -way. Plant types and size shall be indicated on a detailed landscape plan and is subject to the approval of '.the Planning Division. 10. t11 signs shall be in conformance with the sign ordinance and approved ; by the Planning Diviniot. prior to installation. 11. Pnrking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided to comply with the Uniform Building Code (latest adopted edition) and the State of California Health and Safety Code. 12. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground. 13. Water supply and sanitary sewer facilities shall be provided to the specifications of the City approved agency and the rSty Engineer with all incidental fees paid by the developer. 14. The cover sheet of each set of building const'ntction plans submitted for the city's approval shall have attached a copy of the City's conditions of approval. ;;I 1 Pago 3 15. The night (0) enrpurts along the northern property line shall be role - catod outside the, 25 foot rear yard setback from the Foothill Freeway right -of -way to now location nubjact to the approval of the Planning Divtoion. 16. All carports shall bn designed and constructed with wood trim acid other materials architecturally compatible with the dwelling units. 17. A block wall shall be provided along the nantorn property lino. The applicant shall develop plans for said wall in coordination with the adjacent property,owner to the east. Plane for said wall shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to issunace of building por'cnits. 10. Fencing around the tannin courts shall not exceed 10 foot in height. Light posts for arch tannin court M-all not exceed eight (0) in number o%d 22 foot in height and shall be designed no that no light or glare is directed towards on. or off site ,enidantial dwa ling units. 19. Light posts for the parking lot shall not: exceed 12 fact in height from the finished grade. These lights shell be designed no thcr, no light or glare is directed towards any on or off site ranidtnt ►r' dwelling units. Placement of these lights shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits. 25. Prior to occupancy oi any unite, curb, gutter, drive approaches (alley standard), aidewall:, street trees, A.C. match -up paving shall be pro -, vided along 19th Street in conformance with the City standards. 2 20. This approval shall ba null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the data of approval of this application. Applicant shall contact the Engineering Division for complinnca with the following conditionsi 21. Prior to iusuaneo of a building permit, the applicant shall dedicate 11. ft. of land along 19th Street. ' 22. Prior to issuancs of n building permit, grading and dral.nago plans prepared by a registered civil engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. 23. Prior to issuance of a building permit, npplicant shall submit written verification to tlee Building Division that all requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District have been met. 24. Prior to the issuarica of n building permit, grading and drainage t plane shall be designed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Water shall not be gathered by artificial means, discharged, 4'. dammed or autface £.lows obstructed so as to cause problems for 1+ downstream propertita. 25. Prior to occupancy oi any unite, curb, gutter, drive approaches (alley standard), aidewall:, street trees, A.C. match -up paving shall be pro -, vided along 19th Street in conformance with the City standards. 2 Page 4 ® 26. The developer shall provide street lights nlong 19th Street, I'lanb fur said lights shall be included on street improvement plane which shall be submitted to and approved by the City Enginoor prior to the issuance of a building permit. Street lights shell be installed prior to final occupnncy of any units. 27. Concentrated flows across driveways or sidewalks are prohibited. Parkway drains par City standards shall be used, 26. Prior to the issuance of building permits, applicant shell provide proof of a shared access agreement with the adjacent property owner to the cast subject to the approval of the City Enginc.or. Applicant shall contact the Building Division for compliance with the following conditional 29. All building plon13 shall be •prepared in compliance with the latest adopted U.B.C., Niro Coda, National Elactric Coda, and all other applicable City Codes. Applicant shall contract the Foothill Fire District for compliance with the following conditions: 30. All rules, regulations, conditions and requirements of the Foothill ® Fire District shall be complied with. APPROVED AND ADOPTED MIS 14TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. U By: Harman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the 'Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the. foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 14th day of February, 1979. AYES: COMMISSIONERS.' NOES: CC "MISSIONERS: ABSENT: CORiLSSIONERS: I I 1 1 11 Ina I,Dlal rr 1 I• • I, + 1( + 111 R;1'� i II F r I 1 r I ; 1•.'1 ' � ' I �' 1 I� •1 1 ' I r. a f 1 1 ! • YI `�. ' -[ �1 � r� 1 fl 1 r 1.. I 1, 14.• I II V 1 t��tl � .'H '. !Ir�A•. �i .fr; y� Ir•,l r '1 1 • /�' f ` 1 111n � f l 1 !• . S a ti , 1 1 S � 1 r , � 1 l r `, � i S, +_ � N � 1 { II � hll+ r .. � �1, � • o I �� p�lf.�t .'� � ' {i n �.1 I I j1� 1 1j r' !f ....L 1'/ I.S t i ' '-'4� `'^ ' / 1.�. 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L • � I l 1 11 I , I 1 1 , , ' �1 r li ', l I f ' � 11. 1 ' �r v '1 � 1 " 1 ' Y 111 1 I�� LI Lt it 1, � 11 '' 1 �'• 3 , r' r r I i \,, ,'} ! IJ I ..� '1 ', / ' ,IY 1, i :r 1 •.'•r 1. 1 f , .:. � IntN1J 1 ti�',il`, "'��h,eh '' � 'Ir,• I't r 'll 'I� yr,► �' �r rf!rl�'•it 1 1, f , i. n r )� h IIh� 1r ; LU 1 ill Ar 1 ••,. .'1 I 1 r., 1 I1 it Ll ' 11 rl 1 1 1 � 1 J Y '�• ( r 1 41 Ir Y �' r i'i� 3 '.t 4 1 , ' r r' L. ( y', fl y 1 1 'Jt •t' 'r 1 t , SI Data Tot M November 14, 1979 CITY Or, RANCHO CUCAMONOA DTAFF REPOW Planning Commission 0 From# Jack Lamp Director of Community Development subject# CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE - WORK PROGRAM Attachod for your review in a propound work program for the development of a Condominium Conversion ordinance for Rancho Cucamonga. The domand for convoruion of apartment units to uondominiume has increased because of expanding rent control laws and difficulties In obtaining construction loan" for apartment projects. Many cities are now in the process of regulating the conversion of apartments to condominiums because of this increasing demand such an Loo Angeles, Montclair, Upland, Chino# and Palo Alto. The importance of regulating condo - conversions in Rancho Cucamonga is magni- fied by the low number of existing rental units and the lack of affordable ® housing. Already# developers of two approved apartment projects in Rancho Cucamonga have requested the conversion of their units to condominiums. In light of this, a need exists to adopt a condo - conversion ordinance prior to acceptance of applications for condominium conversions. We have prepared a Tentative Work Program for your review and comment. Time is of the essonce. it is rocommonded that the Planning commission review tho work program as pro- vented and direct staff to proceed. Community Development JL t BNI I t nm Attachmenta# Condominium Conversion Work Program ` �Y .4, CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION WORK PROGRAM TASK It INITIAL FrVIEW AND PRELIMINARY PUBLIC INPUT (November.) 8ubtankn: 1(a). Initial Survey end Reooarah - The first subtank will be a survey of thong cities that have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, a condominium ordinance. We will obtain a copy of eac)i City's ordinance and review it for its applicability to Rancho Cucamonga. The typo of information we will nook inoludos population charactoriatico, supply of apartments and condominiumn, vacancy rates, cost of housing, proonuron to convert, zoning toohniquon, conversion requirements, and performance standards. The intent of this oubtask will be to find innovative techniques and standards t!�at have boon successfully applied by other cities, and also, to recognize and hopefully avoid the pitfalls oncountored by many cities. 1(b). Initial Reeoneionanco of Rancho Cucamonga - We will monto and condominiums in the City to derive number of uni per acro, units per corn, rental rates, parktng standards, information to got a handle on the existing make up of the determine existing conditions and futm:o needs that can be Conversion Ordinance. survey the existing apart - to, vacancy rate, persons and other applicable ' City. The intent is to addressed by a Condominium 1(e). Initial Public Input - Thin subtaok is directly related to oitbtask IN in that we will inept and obtain preliminary information and ideas from the Building industry Aaoociation, Chamber of Commorce, apartment owners and other interested groups and individuals to help guide the initial phason of the program. The intent of this oubtask is twofold, 1) to obtain preliminary information and guidance, and 2) to establish a healthy and productive working rulationship with those groups. productot 1) Memo to the Planning Commission and City Council summarizing the resnito of our research anA initial meetings. 1(d). Rofino Work Program - Information obtained through subtanks 1(a) through 1(c) will allow us to establish a more realistic, detailed work-program. At this time, staff will be able to establish meeting dates to ensure completion of the program by April 19, 1980. Products: 1) Refined Work Program. TASK 2: PREPARATION OF DRAFT CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE (December -January Subtasko: 2(a).Prepare Draft Ordinance - Based on Task 1, we will prepare the first draft for review by the Planning Commission. extensive input and guidance from the P subtaek is to allow early review by the heading in the right direction. Productst 1) Draft Ordinance the research and information obtained in of the Condominium Conversion Ordinance As a "first cut" documont, we will expect canning Commission. The intent of this Planning Commission to ensure we are n LJ Cl 2(b). public Input - We will arrange meetings with special interest groups to "fins tuna" the ordinanoo. The intent of this oubtnak is to receive input and. to clarify the major issues. 2(c). Revised Draft Ordinanan - Daaod on nubtaok 2(a) and 2(b), staff will prepare a rovieod draft ordinanoo. wi%Ls draft would be distributed to the Planning Commission and City Council for public hearing. Productat 1) Revised Draft ordinance. TASK 31 PUBLIC HEARINGS (February - April) Subtaukes 3(a). Planning Comminnion Public hearing - Two meetings will be not for considera- tion of the document, February 13 and February 27. Productnt 1) Resolution recommending approval to the City Council 3(b). City Council Public Hearing - Two meetings will be sat for consideration of tha ordinnnco; March 5 and March 19. The intent in to have first rending on the ordinance on March 5, second reading on March 19, 1980 and the effective date of April 19, 1980. Productst 1) Condominium Conversion Ordinance u RESOLUTION NO. 79 -07 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUC4IMONGh PLANNING COM!!ISSION RECOMMENDING AMENDMENTS OF THE ADOPTED INTERIM LAND UOE, CIRCULATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES HLEMRNT OF TiIE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL WNEREAG, the City has established the and meeting in Soptombor as the 3.979 General Plan Amendment hoaxing data for Planning Commission rnview, andl Wiinnns, comments wore hoard and considered both pro and con regarding the requested Gonaral Plan Amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that tho Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission door hereby rocommond that the City Council approve amendment to the General Plan Land Use Element as follows, SECTION ® for the - a on' SECTION the dof through For General Plan Amendment No. 79 -03D, amond the Land Use Map 2t For General Plan Amendment No. 79 -035 emend the Land Use Map northwest co n f Bnoolina RW lave Avenue- from Maddi u Do a a Eh ,Ht D . 3s For General Plan Amondmont No. 79 -03F, amending and clarifying Lnition of Alternative Commercial sites as shown on Exhibit C it and adding the following policy changes to the General Plan Toxtt Altornative Commercial asterisks shown on the General Plan are only general locations and show that there is a potential for the location of shopping canters in that immediate area. Depending upon the size of the property and the market area served, the commercial center may be either noigh- borhood or community. :. No mora than two commercial canters are to be located at any one intersection. i. For Neighborhood Canters, sites should fall within approximate sizo range of 3 to S acres and for a Community Shopping Center, sites should fall within an aaproximate range of 10 to 30 acres. I. Commercial canters should bo located at loast one - half mile apart except for the tw) allowed at inter - sectiono. ity ITEM "F" I north (Exhibit I). a Land fast along? SECTION St Rocommend adoption of a Negative Dealaration for each of the General Plan Amendments, General Plan Amendment 79 -0301 General Plan Amendment 79 -0301 General Plan Amendment 79 -03Ft and General Plan Amendment 79 -03X. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TIl DAY OF NOVEMBER/ 1979. PLANNINO COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY$ Iferman Rnmpol, Chairman ATTEST, Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM# Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga . do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Concnission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of tho Planning Commission held on the 14th day of Novombort . 1979 by the following vote to -wits AYES COMMISSIONERS, NOES, COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONER.St 11 ' �1 i r I 1 ,YI'I Y '�t1�' '•�•. 111 �,. p'': � 11, I I n 1 ` 5 1t , 1 t 1 I y fl 1 i ' 1 1 ' 1. Ls !L1 a 1 Y I 'I.I '11 '. '\ C It �. , II 11 b• � II ,1 ''�� I.. �' ( j �l 1 I'• i 1 1 I , ' 1 i' I I' 1 1 � 1 , f r 1� i 1 1 I� ,• 1 ,1 Y' I 1 , I 1 1 11 .1 'I .1 1, ..5 5•bNll�..w �'...d , I , '1 I , �'w' 1 5 �I � ' I� 11 ' �1 i r I 1 ,YI'I Y '�t1�' '•�•. 111 �,. p'': � 11, I I n 1 ` 5 1t , 1 t 1 I y fl 1 i ' 1 1 ' 1. 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D' qoo' I000'oIl MSO • ' �' p�ftJ4tYY UBN� LOS,/ vWC.17Y p �� gw NI CAN ir11NIMUM IMPACT *IXGI> LO l NEIGMti HOCC) �•Qwtsl -PVOUG COMM MITt' use . 4i ® GENERAL Exhibit C eiimLnnton the antorlak nhuwn nenr tho intersection or PLAN Arrow Route nod Haven Avenue and ndde nn naterlak over the inter - nection of Turner and Arrow Route. Alao, the naturlsk'nt the north- eant'corrfer or Foothill nnd'llnven in moved to the interoactiou of j Foothill Blvd. nod Raven Avenue. I 7,W--,CZ G Y ,L MIKCp VSO NIE d. MPVIVM petl5 T.( LOW �EN51� HIGH DEU 5I' 01 500, %0001 woo I a ME -Div" DENSITY �C WW DEN 4ITI FAR IC fM i141LL. RL D MINIMUM IMPACT lgbVeTRY MAJot2 INPVbTKY MA )OR IMOVS -My �xNi�rr e I M ® 111 1 GENERAL. PLAN Exhiblt o combinwa the noterink oa the aoutliwant curnur of Ituchenter llvanue and llnnetiae Awmit, mid the northwent corner or mneilne into 0110 naterink over the loternectlo11 of Dnnetlnu Avuuuo and Itoche0ter Avenue. Lo W VWISITY LOW J V2NS17Y fG 5rN0oL LOW } MNSITY ALTUMATNIL 3� ✓I g6mlom�� I 1 I i '+ 111 it 1 t } ,li � 11. i �, 1 f�1,1 ' •5 lid 1 1 ',II I r f ,I ' If !' �Ir �I 1i '1� ''' I1. n ' 'i• II x'11 Ilr'� �7. ' � I X11 .,11. J 1 1 1. 1 1 I i 1 1 � 1 1 f' 1. � • r•�� � 1 1 'i 7 i '' i !I II ,,/, ,il , '1' -1 1 '�1 11'N.J .•I � 111. '1 . , r .,I 1 I'1 1 i .I � '� � 11 I' 1° 1 '1 � ,1 • 1. ,1 , .1' 1 1 , lei r ' d , 1I , I , 11 I 1 1 li, '' I 1 1 1 1, 1,, 1 i ,r. ,:, , • '' 1 / 1 lilt ' II I� 1i ,4' � , �. \I ' ' � 1 1'+ 7 111 � I I '.' r 1 ' �! i '� �' 1. '�' 1ti•,. I,II, Oil, 1' . .'.1 ', � "; 1 ' '1 � "� !',rl,,, � � 1!.`, 1, �,� • 1 , , GENERAL PLAN 1 1 f1 I, 1 gxihiMt E CcAnbinon ono autoriek on Havan OM an want nLdo or 11avon hvanue �1 4 • . 1 .. 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'J _,�: 0 RESOLUTION NO. 79 -60 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 19 -05 ESTABLISH- ING STANDARDS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTS. WHEREAS, on November 14, 1979 the Planning Commission hold a duly advertised public hearing for the above described project. SECTION it That this project will not create significant advarsu impacts on the environment and the Negative Declaration is issued on November 14, 1979. SECTION 2s Purp0000, A. 'rho Planned Comunity Zone is included in the Zoning rogulations to achieve the following purposes' 1. To promote and protect the public health, safety, and wolf are. 2. To implement the objectives and policies of the General Plan. 3. To safeguard and enhance environmental amenities and the quality of development. 4. To attain the physical, social, and economic advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly planned use of land resources. 5. To loosen congestion and assure convenience of account to secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangerei to provide for adequate light, air, ounlight, and open spacer to promote and encourage conservation of scarce resourcosl to prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of population] to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious communityt to attain a desirable balance of residential and employment opportunitiesi and to expedite the provision of adequate and oseontial public services. 6. To facilitate development within the City in accordance with the General Plan by permitting greater flexibility and encouraging more creative and imaginative designs for major urban development projacto subject to large - scale community planning. 7. To promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a harmonious variety of b- .using choices and commercial and industrial activities, a high level of urban amenities, and preservation of natural and scenic qualities of open space. 0. To provide a process for initiation, review, and rogulation of largo -scale comprehensively planned - urban uommunition that affords the maximum flexibility to +thd dovolopor within thu context of an odsrall development program and specific, phased development plans coordinated with the provision of necessary public services and facilities. SCCTION_3-: General Requirements A. A Planned Community Zone shall include a minimum area of 300 contiguous acres, under single ownership or otherwise uO-'-ot to unified planning, construction, and development by a person, corporation, or other entityi property owned by public utilities, local districts or local governments will not be counted toward the 300 acrd minimum, but may, be used an a connector of single ownership. B. A Planned Community Zone shall be astablinhed upon applica- tion of a property owner, in accordance with the procedure eat forth in Section 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Coda as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and subject to the following provisions: 1. Submission of a Development Plan for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, pursuant to thin ordinance. 2. Determination by the Council that the establishment of the zone and approval of the Development Plan ahall: a. Provide for the development of a comprehensively- planned urban community within the zone that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations. b. Pbovide for development within the zone in a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City. c. Provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by de- velopment with the zone. SECTION 4: Use Regulations A. Allowable uses in each Planned Community Zone shall be as established by a novalopment Plan Text approved by the City Council. The Development Plan Text may incorporate uses by reference to specific base zone provisions, or may establish specific use lists with definitions pertaining thereto. B. Existing uses within the Planned Community Zone at the time �j 0 0 of Its ontabliahmont shall be doomed allowable and incorporated in the Development Plnn, unless tarmindtod diacotltinued, or'changod pursuant to a specific time schedule incorporated in tits Development Plan Text. C. Unless otherwise provided by tits Development Plan Text, public utility facilitSon and publicly -ownod facilitioa shall be allowable subject to a Conditional Una Permit. D. Unless othorwiaa provided by the Development Plan, accessory uses or facilities shall he subject to the same use regulation provisions no the principal use or facility. E. Unleea specified as subject to a Conditional Use Pormit, each allowable use in the Planned Community zone shall be o,ibjeot to Director Review. F. dome occupations pursuant to ordinance No. shall be allowable in each Planned Community. SEGrm 5t Site Davolopmant Regulations and Performance Standards A. Planned Community zone and all uses therein shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complemantasy to existing and potential development in the general vicinity of the zone. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the mutual protection of the zone and surrounding property from potential adverse influences. D. Thera shall be no minimum area, width, or depth requirement for individual lots, except as established by a Development Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Director Review or by Loca- tion and Development Plan. C. Thera shall be no minimum yard requirement for individual lots, except as established by a'Developmant Plan, a Con- ditional Una Permit, Location and Development Plan, or by Director Review. D. There shall be no maximum height or coverage requirement for individual lots, except as established by a Development Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan or by Director Review. E. There shall be no minimum usable open apace requirement for individual lots, except as established by a Development Plan, a Conditional Use Permit, Location and Development Plan or by Director Review. F. The maximum number of dwelling units within and Planned Community zone shall not exceed the number of units indi- cated by the General Plan for property within the zone designated for residential use by the General Plan, provided that the distribution of units within the zone and the r �' r!} 0 maximum or minimum residential density on any individual site or within designated portions of the rona shall be governed by the nova lopmont,Plan, Location and Davolop- mont Plan, Conditional Van Parmit, or Director Review approval pursuant to the Development Plan. 0. All public streets within or abutting the development alnall be dedicated and improved to City opecifieations for that particular classification of street. Private stroote within the development shall be permanently r000rved and maintained for their intended purpose by moans acceptable to end enforceable by the City. other forma of access, ouch as pedestrian ways, courts, plasnae drivowaya, horse trails, bike trails, or open parking lots shall not be offered for dedication an a mcana of meeting requirements for open space or park dedication raquiramenta. H. All development within a Planned Community Zone shall relate harmoniously to the topography of the eitae shall make suitable provision for the preservation of water courses, drainage arcane wooded arcane rough Lorrain, and similar natural features, and mhall otherwise be so designed insomuch as possible, to use and retain natural features and anonitios to the bast advantage. I. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air condi- tionors, antennae, pumpo, hooting or cooling or ventilating equipment, exterior lighting, or similar equipment shall be located and operated in a manner so as not to unreasonably disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighboring residents. excluding roof- mounted solar collector panola and decorative exterior lighting, all ouch equipment and devices shall be screened from view from any abutting atreote and shall not be located in a street yard. - J. All areas for storage of maintenance equipment, and all service areas including refuse storage and collection facilities, shall be enclosed by a fence, wall, or landscape ocroon. K. All uses within a Planned Community Zone shall provide off - street parking and loading facilities pursuant to 61.0219(b) of the San Bernardino' County Code as adopted by ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The applicant may apply for and roctAve administrative relief from Section 61.0219(b) at the time, of Development Plan Test approval by the Planning Canmisnion and City Council when verified proof has boon sumbitted through specific examples of existing projects that display reduced parking standards or stalls. L. The proposed means for assuring continuing existence , maintenance and operation of the various common elements and facilities. 1' M. Additional site davolopsnont rogulations, and parformnnco standards applicable to individual Issue or to doeignatod portions of a Planned Oomsuunity zone may be established by the Development Plan, Conditional Use Pormit, Location and Development Plan, or Director Roviow approval pursuant to the Development Plan. SECTION Gs Pro- Application Procedure A. Prior to submitting an application for a Planned Community zonal the applicant or prospective developer should hold preliminary consultntions with the Director of Community Development and other City officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of Plano, surveys and other data. Such preliminary consultations ohould be relative to a conceptual development plans which includes, but is not limited to, the followings 1. Proposed land uses to be developed within the zone. 2. Development concepts to be employed. 3. Schematic maps, illustrative material, and n+irrativo cufficAont to doscribo the general relationships between land uses, and the intended design character and scale of principal features. 4. A preliminary time ohhodule for development, including quantitative measures, such as population, housing uhits, land use acreage, and other dat• sufflotlent to illustrate phasing of development and potential impact on public service requirements. H. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this section, the Director may require submission of a compotently prepared houuir' Arkot analysis, demonstrating' the demand for and market, city of one or more types of residential unes eontempla'id within the proposed zone. Such analysis may be requested as a part of the pro - application review ` procedure, may be made a requirement for submission of an application for a. Planned Community zone or may be requested as part of the environmental assessment or EIR. C. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this section, the Director may require submission of a competently prepared commercial market analysis for any proposed shopping canter or major commercial uoos, showing the need for such uses In the location requosted and the inadequacy of existing zoned sites to meet this need. The market analysis shall include, but not be limited to, the followings 1. Determination of potential trade area. f 2. Estimates of existing and future population of the trade area. 3. Determination of oxioting and potential effective buying power in the trade area. 4. Determination of the not potential customar buying power for the proposed commercial development. Such analysis may be roquented as a part of the pro- oppli- eation review procedure, or may bo made a roquiromont for submission of an application ':. ei Planned Community zone. D. Following initial preliminary consultation pursuant to thin section, the Director may require presentation of Clio conceptual development plan to the Planning Commission. Such proaonta- tion shall be for informational purposes only, and shall be in addition to subsequent public review requirements pursuant to an application for a Planned Coamnunity Zane and oubminsion of Development Plan. BECf10N 71 Dovolopmont Plan A. The Development Plan to be submitted with an application for a Planned Community Zone shall include the followings 1. A boundary survey map of the property and a calculation of the gross land area within the proposed zone. A tentative subdivision map may be ouLatituted if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property. 2. A topographic map and conceptual grading plan for the property and adjacent land within 100 foot of the property, shown at contour intervals not to exceed 2 fact for natural slopes 2% or lees. For natural slopes over 2% contour interval shall not exceed 5 foot. 3. Maps and supporting tabulations showing the currant General Plan land use dosignation, the current zoning classification, and the current land use within the proposed zone and on adjacent sites within 300 feet. Tho location of structures and other significant improvements shall be shown. 4. A land plan identifying areas within the proposed zone and uses to be developed tb.ernin, supported by proposed or projected acreage, population, housing units, employment, and such related planning and development data as the Director of Community Development may require. 5. A development plan indicating the phasing or anticipated schedule, indicating the total phasing of the Planned Community and areas to be developed in phases and the anticipated time sccedule for beginning of construction and for completion of each phase of development. This 1� 1' • 0 is a gonoralimod schedule and may be adjusted according to markot constraint" as the Community develops. The t)evolopmont Plan shall coordinate improvament of open spaces and the eonctruution of buildings and other improvements to ensure that cacti stage of development achievus a proportionate share of the total open spaoo, amonitioo, and environmental quality of the mono as a whole. G. A circulation plan, showing existing and proposed public and private streets, podastrianways, trials, and related transportation access or circulation foaturoo required to sorva the proposed development. The circulation plan shall be supported by schematic deoigna of principal traffic and circulation improvements, and ouch traffic engineering data as required by the director to demon- strata that existing and proposed facilities, both within and outside the mono, shall be adequate to servo land uses proposed by the Dovolopment Plan. 7. A proliminary report and overall plan describing antici- pated requirements and propound manna of providing utility facilities and public services, including but not limited to, storm drainage, sowago disposal, water supply, parka and raoroation, and school facilities. a. An accompanying Development Plan Teat setting forth the basic land use regulations, site development regulations and performance standards designed to govern each use area identified by the land use plan. The tout need not incorporate the same level of dotail as found in the regulations for base zones, but shall be as comprehensive as necessary to establish basic provisions and rogula- tiono which shall govern subsequent approval of specific plane. 'Pho text shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisions, a. A listing of allowable uses within cacti use area, including such qualifying doncriptioas or definitions and requirements for Conditional Uso Permits as may be applicable. b. Maximum and minimum regulations, as appropriate governing residential donoity, building floor area, site coverage, lot size and dimensions, yard require- ments, usable open space, landscaping, and performance standards. c. Required yards, landscaping or other site development regulations to be applicable adjacent to other zones at the perimeter of the Planned Community Zono. d. Supplemental illustrations as required, establishing, the basic architectural character and community environmental design qualities to be attained throughout the Planned community zone and within particular portions of the zone. 9. such other information as may be required by the Director of Community Dovolopmont•, the Planning Commission, or the City Council to permit complete analyoio and appraisal of tha dovolopmont, and to facilitate adoption of the Planned Community Zone and the Dcvolopmont Plan by the City Council. SECTION Bi Adoption of Zone and Davolopnont Plan A. An application for a Planned Community Zone and the Development Plan submitted with the application ohall be subjoct to review and approval in the game manner an proscribed in Goction 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Coda as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. Each Planned Community Zone ostablishod shall be indicated on the zoning Map by the letter "PC" followed by a reference number identifying each separate none. Tho Development Plan at modified and approved by the City Counall, shall be considered to be a part of thin ordinance, and shall be identified by reference to thn corresponding designation of each specific Planned Community Zone on the Zoning Map. SECTION 9i Amendments to Development Plan A. A Development Plan may be amended in the same manner as provided by Snction 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Coda an adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for a change of zone boundarioa or for a change in the regulations appplicablo with a zone. Amendment of a Development Plan shall be subject to the came findings as proscribed for initial enactment of a Planned Community Zone and adoption of the Development Plan applicable to the Planned Community Zone. D. An amendment to a Developmont Plan may be initiated by the City Planning Commission or the Council, or may be initiated by the original applicant for the Planned Community Zono or a successor thereto, provided such applicant or successor has, at the time of application for an amendment, a continuing controlling intoradt in development or manngament of uses within the Planned Community Zone. SECTION 10i Review of Davolopmnrc Progress A. The Director of Community Development shall review each Planned Community Zone annually, and shall submit a report to the Planning Commission and City Council containing the followings 1. A summary of the development status within the zone and an assessment of progress during the year toward com- plotion of development authorized by the Development Plan including adherence to development schedules and phasing. ® 0 2. A ctatemant of any cltangns in land use and economic davolopmont trandn, housing market indicators, commercial and industrial development rates, or programs for provision of public facilities and sorvicos whid1l, in the opinion of the Director, vary significantly from thono iupon whioh the Davolopmont Plan wore baoad, and which could affect advernoly continued progress toward completion of development within the zone. D. A Copy of the annual report: of the Director ahall be providod to the applicant and to such other interested parties or oucconnoro an doomed appropriate by the Director. C. If, upon consideration of the report of the Director, the City council or Planning Commission determines that changes in the Davolopmant Plan may be appropriate, the Council or Planning Commission may initiato such Changan purounnt to eoction o of thin Ordinance. APPROVLM AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF NOVEMDER, 1979. PLANNING COMMISSION OF TILE CITY OF RANC1f0 CUCAMONGA BY Ilorman Rompel, Chairman ATTE6Tt Secretary of the Planning Commission 0 4 I, JACK LAN, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Revolution wan duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission hold on the 14th day of November, 1979. AYES: COMMISSIONERSt NOESt COMMISSIONERSt S ADSENTt COMMISSIONERSt I ' -I ' ,1 1.; •1' I I 1 1 x 1 i i1. , I 1 ,,.J.11 , y 1 , , ' 1 I 'I I 1 � I 1 ��I 1 1 1,M IC '1 '.'r 1, 11 I f � i! I. 1' 1' 1 �1I 1 ,1 l � I 1f,lI M4 1 1 11 I 1 , f fl I 1 , 111 \ 11 ' 1,Ir 1 li1'' • , I�1'. � 11 ( , f I .1 I I1, , X11 1 ') L 1 • , I,r• r 1 . ,lid ' ( r ,i ' , ' •� i . r r r 1 I .' � I 1 , I I 1 J r�' 1 11 i' l' � 'I , , 1 11� ,� , , � ,•� ° ' i i J I I 11 1 � � � 1 1 1 I I .1 ��� (r I � �' � � t ' �, •, !, .• 1 1 f Y 11 � , I I 1 1 1 1 1J I�1 7 7�(, ! 1 1 . I , 1 111.' 1 4 . • i i I • • 1 1 .•, • • TO D DATE CLTY OF RANC110 CUCAMONaA STAFF REPORT DATEt Novnmbor 14, 1979 TO% Planning Commission FROM% Jack Lam, Director of Community Davolopmnnt SUBJECT% NEOATIVL" DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP N0.5550 - WILLIAM SKOVGAARD Request to divide approximately 11.5 acres of lewd into two (2) parcels in the M -1 zone located on the northeast cornor of Eighth Strout and Urovn Avenue. BACKGROUND, The applicont'is requesting to divide approximately 11.5 acres of land into two (2) parcels as followu, PARCEL NO. ACREAGE 1 2.2 2 9.3 This review in for environmental cloaranca of the Parcel Map only and does not constitute an approval of either the Parcel Map or future development. Parcel No. 1 in general plannod for service commercial devolo1mont. Parcel No. 2 La p7annod for residential development at 2 -5 dwelling units per acre. Since the parcels are presently zoned M -1, any now development will have to conform with the General Plan and a zone change will be required. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING% The site in presently developed with a single family residence and a dairy product retail stoto. The roaidenco and retail Store is located on Parcel No. 1 an per the attached Parcel Map and will meat all zoning requirements. Parcel No. 2 in vacant. The site is bordered on the north, onst, and south by single family residential development, and on the west and north by commercial development. The site is not known to contain scenic, cultural or historical artifacts. The A.T. & S.F. Railway lino runo along the south side of the two parcels. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study, attached for your review, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by this project. Staff has field chocked the Bite, completed the environmental check list, and found no significant adverse impacts on the environment. E ITEM "An � 1 1 / 1� 1 I! , 1 1 1 11 1 '! w W I I I� 1 J •'' I; 1 11� � 111 � !,� 1 ' 1', ' 1 1. � / � `1 1 1' rl ` 1 1 r 14x11 PI, '•1'I ,.1 1 I'l' , I i X14.111 1 1 � \ 11 .11 Ii) Ili JI 11 t. '1 I ♦ 1 ', I � 1 \y 111, 1 , 1• ',I 111 1 �. I 1 1. ' I. ( l/ 1 �\ 1, 1 1 !( 1 y' y i 1 '1. \ 1� ( !'' 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 �Ir• I 1 1 1 1. 1 11r 1 1 '.1 ill I i ' 1 I�� 1 �1,1�1 I f -f '' •11 1 1 �1 � 1�f 1 Yi , 1 Irl��l 1 'i�� 1'�i. I ,�{ I , 1 t �'II �;i .{ 11' n1. 1 If`. I' U ILI l I II •Illll .� 1,�` 1 Ir, ,i �1 y`,� 11� 1. h }i I , 1 111 1 1i.r 11 ,1' 1 X111 ,��'llpllll I. 1. 1 j ^?14' i ' "1. ,1'• �.'1 1J It, l l 0 �' i, I i, ' • 1' J 1• ` l Parcel �1 Map NO, of t J finding 1 1 1 1 1 11 advordo,impacts upon the ' • • w l l 1 1• J , J :y '1,11 •. ', 11 i , ,1 I I DOVolopmant rIl ,.1 r1i 1' 11, I � ; JLsDCsco 'I'il 1 Attachmontal 11 Initial Study part I rl'1 r ,• '1'r,. '1 � �� •11; 1 ' i 11. 1'. Ir,'I 1 11 Il li, A'�1 1� 'l i. �'i11' 1;1•'• '�I y1'. v' ,•1'11, ;'11, 1'I'' 1 1 1. X11 !r a v �Uir 1'•1 � 11 11 ITI rI!(�1 y) r• i. 1 1. ri1 /'1 �.1! 1 ;i� � v jX} t �'�/ 1 � • .P 1:� r� .1 ,` .,1 r ,t. 1 s � t 1• r• ,j .�1�1t 1 } : 1 1 ;!, o • I � 1 , ; '.t \• 1 r '„ J t1 t t� it t '. 1 .•,s 1 1 � 1 �'� 1x1 � tle , - 1 \.� 1 •° t t .',, .,'i _. , �.:. .._ _. , .._mot �.._ ,_ .,.;, - -.. •,� 1:'_ .. _t L _. t. ... ... �:.... __ .. ,.. E r.w•� 1/M s ro•c FCC i TENTATIVE a PARCEL MAP NA. 51558 tA1tT .., . tNUT• .. IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AnaelATIN TNUllul•' 1 DCI'f 1101$ R[INO A DIVIINNI O► A ►ORt'ION OF LOT U, /OCTION I,TDTIN• ON1Aoerr MO iv .� /NIP 1 BOUT,,, RANG;t T M961 OF MAP OF CUCAMONOA LANDO, IN 00014 '/ Of MA► /. ►AO[ $,RECORD• OF •$M mmihT, 1' AS 09COR09D • $IRMARMNO COUNTT, CALIFORNIA , `I S .._••'•n, —a•• NOT[/ II* e.wr.e�/• ti, wwN en /Aw ewnhr nw• 1 `S trwn/ Ne Iarlr /.rA Ul _ • • IrM/i♦ A,w Tlf T / /i••rnr'1 HII IK1A•N jI • . InrrllnuohX .. f Siw..fv I lery e a y ,: _ Jrur/ ur+Al•u o cv, r••I SCALE I'• 100' J — 'I' I var6• /••�'cvlw• caunij e.••rwyer• nrM Ard , 1 • •,fIIIIY / I .. .I .•,•.' ' nl /Vwn1•enN/,ee/. uIll•.r e/ •.a•,lnw "_' .•' • M /111 J• uer/IJw^' _ NO t a Cr4 1 /a• C, 1 40 nn (h.wrJ 14 otO VIVAIlry 114P .. .• .... ,.. Mw IM i' I J wdA /vr C s r/ J M'J f wll• a n N . w ny v ca `JJyrs , • �L 1/.�. �_y1NT11JD.7L.�Ea1 -_.�rw ';ri'ir� � r•w.rNM ♦Nw« • i *�y 1 • M • ' � iN E I� tv ..J— •V. `1 •Il1 Y n1+ /• � .14• .Ab 'N I.1 I R19 � v.) ••. '�`j� •7/ RNf.rw e.r I'tw/ /O 1 /dwl \ ' I /fr'N Mf rII lu tv i' "PARCEL 1 PARCEL R �n •. l RCEL T LV ' :•, ; +:? ,::'1..::::':: �� QI it F % •: Lea, J'XM. e r I iI I. a; � ./ ••. " Iflrri••Y +.• w.•IIb Irk I �i = �I •• e•r n ••X•u ••., A.. }'. -,;,,, A.T O.._ �'a /7ssc7 A'Q.a.L� ��11r�_._°.�S -.. a .TD. r�.�••.s �a'.a-- ._LLb *.` „� ' /•/I•lo w,. //. 7 /NGIf Fa`rr.r Ft:lGffrC6' rw aw N../I,w+ ny aur•.rerw •pr rv�./Nr J «a �• �y s care ssyrs / r I �” • r•r. Ql,, Ai V f _ ro•c FCC ` r•ruwrr• �y. ) mmihT, •� ,: I� tv ..J— •V. `1 •Il1 Y n1+ /• � .14• .Ab 'N I.1 I R19 � v.) ••. '�`j� •7/ RNf.rw e.r I'tw/ /O 1 /dwl \ ' I /fr'N Mf rII lu tv i' "PARCEL 1 PARCEL R �n •. l RCEL T LV ' :•, ; +:? ,::'1..::::':: �� QI it F % •: Lea, J'XM. e r I iI I. a; � ./ ••. " Iflrri••Y +.• w.•IIb Irk I �i = �I •• e•r n ••X•u ••., A.. }'. -,;,,, A.T O.._ �'a /7ssc7 A'Q.a.L� ��11r�_._°.�S -.. a .TD. r�.�••.s �a'.a-- ._LLb *.` „� ' /•/I•lo w,. //. 7 /NGIf Fa`rr.r Ft:lGffrC6' rw aw N../I,w+ ny aur•.rerw •pr rv�./Nr J «a �• �y s care ssyrs / r I �” • r•r. Ql,, Ai V f _ ;f r•r +f t. CITY Op RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATLON SHEET — To be Completed by applicant Environmental Assosainant haview Fee: $70.00 For all project's requiring environments! review, this form must be completed and submitted .Lo the Dovelopmant Roview Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon raceipt of,this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the initial Study. The Development ROViaW Committee will most and take action no lntor than ton (10) driys before the public mooting at which time tb0 project is to be heard. The Committoa will maka one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an onvironmsntal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared., or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: APP IC NT'S NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE: l-i7,30 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PPSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: ��GMf t s ry �aci. LOCATION OF PRO_7.ECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) 1.5 c'".' -':5r 013 + 767.741-71- LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: e t os�v® 6 pROJ1aC'l' I)E:S4RIp'I'ION ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND 'PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY DESCRIBE TIM-ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF TIE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIPIALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES# A14D THE DESCRIPTiON OF ANY . 1e Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? X-2 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that tho statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the fncts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowladge'and belief. • I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted befort an adequate evallation can be made by the Development Review Committee. 4 WITA, TI(T0 11110I14CT: VI a 1. create a aubsLantinl chango in ground ; .� contours? X 2. create a substantial change in existing ' noise (%r vibration) 3. create a substantial chango in demand for municipal sorvicos (police, fire, water, sowagot otc.)l 'o' a. create changes in the existing zoning or general plan denignationsl, y_ _r 5: Romovo any existing. troesl • 11ow many? �C 6. Create the need for uso. or disposal of potentiall.y hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammablea or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers abovo: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that tho statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the fncts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowladge'and belief. • I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted befort an adequate evallation can be made by the Development Review Committee. 4 1 �1 L� DATE S TOS PROMS SUBJECTt 1. CITY OP RANCHO WCAMONGA S'TAYr IU:CUITP November 14, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development The division of approximately D.7 acres or San cant corner of Cast Avenue and Summit into tw3 R -1 and A -1 zones. 4'1LLIAM J. SCIIUIITZ - located, on the south - (2) parcoln in tho, BACKGROUNDS The applicant is requesting to divide approximately 0.7 acres of land into two (2) parcels as shown on the attnchod Parcel Map. This roviow is for onvironmantnl clearance of the Parcol Map only and does not constitute an approval of oit)Ser the Parcel Map or future development. Thin oubdivicion will create one (1) "buildable" residential lot containing ® 20,060 square foot. The minimum lot size in this zone is 7200 squaro foot. The oubdivision in consistent with Suction 1 of Ordinance No. 73 "Land Division Moratorium" which provides that said moratorium shall not apply to residential parcel mapa where only one (1) now dwelling can result. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTINGS The site is presently developed with a single family rosidonco. The residence is located on Parcel No. 2 as par the attached Parcel Map and will meat all zoning requirements. Parcel No. 1 in vacant of structures and significant vegetation, and availabla for the construction of'one (1) rooidential dwelling unit. The site in bordered on the north by a public elementary school and on the south, east and west by vacant, undeveloped land. The site in not known to contain scenic, cultural or historical artifacts. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSISS Part I of the Initial Study, attached for your review, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by this project. Staff has field checked the site, completed the environmental checklist, and found no significant adverse impacts on the environment. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued for Parcel Map No. 5441 based upon review of the Initial Study and the finding of no signifi- cant adverse impacts upon the environment. I Reap ctfully submitted, Community Development JL:DCscc ITEM "H'S Attachmantas Parcel Map, Initial Study Part I I ti• :1 Ap .1 A "Fill a a +1� a� 4 IL 0 x Lt CA ti. E e CITY Ulf RANCIID CUCAHhYGA INITIAL STUDY I , PART I -- PROJECT INFORMATION SHEiT - TO be CotnpleL•ed by applicant Envirotunentnl Assessment Review roo: $70.00 VOI: all projecLs requiring anvir..mm�nLal review, thin form must be comPlarc%l and submitted to Lho Uavolopinant: Review Commit•Maa through the deparLmonr where the projecL application is mace. Upon recoipL• of ,this npi l :Lcation, the E, vironmontel Analysis staff will prepare' Part II of the Initial' Study. The Dovel.apmonr Itoview CammiLLoe will moot and Lake nctirn no Inter than ton (10) dtnys before the public meeting at which Limo tho project is to' be heard. The ConuniLtoo will mr0:a one of three dotorminaLions: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Dr_claration will br.! filed, 2) The project will hnve an Onvironmontal impact: and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An ndditionthl information report should be suppli.ecl by the npplicanL giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Parcel Mao No 5441 APPLICAN'T'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPIIONE: Wit 1 i am .T ash �i - 802 We San Bernardino Road Covina CA• 91722•• 213 963 -6911 _. NAME, ADDRESS,-TELEPIIONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Linville- Sanderson -Born & Assoc., Robert A. Horn. -qn Ornte o4- J. - _ -- .LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS ANI) ASSESSOR PARCEL N0,) Southeast corner of East Avenue and Summit -. - LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAI,AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Building - Rancho Cucamonaa x -t r • v • tOLUKr D SCitlrrrXON 0 DESCRIP•rION 01" PROJECT: Divide the :xistin ro ert into Lwo (7) pnrcole. ACREAGE OX' PROJCCT AREA AND SQUAitL I'OOTAGG Or EXISTI PROPOSF'D DUILOIPJGSt IF ANY: NG AND 0.7 Acres DESCRIDG •rllE 1NVrRONh10^TI'Af, riiiTr,rrr. or •rnr, PItoJECT slit: INCLUUIIIG IN[OIt4L'1TIOti ON 1'OPOGlL1Pt1Y, PIAMPS (TREES) , 11NIFIALS, MY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL Olt SCENIC ASPECTS, USE. OF SURROUNDING ICI OPERTIES, AND THE DUSCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRl1CTURES AND THEIR USE (A•rTACH NECESSARY Slilr•urS) c The propprity bast is an oxistinq 1c�non grovo with a house _Pacing on East Avanun_ �.......,.,, oast -south - - u&uwu on cne north- ies c e�nt3a puDeQrty 1 nos. The crx st ng house s for —� Is the project, part of a largor proje:t, one of a series of cumulativo actions, which although individually small, may as a whole Nava si No gnificant onvironmental impact? z -2 r I'1tU,7ffCT: XMr ;rJ ® _X.1. Create a substanL•ial changs in ground contours? .._ . .2L 2. Create n aubsLantinl change in exiatinV Holes or vibrnL•ion? ' .._ X 3. Create a subsL•anti.al chancJo in demand for municipal services (polico, fire, water, sewuge, sLc.)? ._ 4. Create changes in the exiuLing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Itemove any exisLil Ng tress? Uow many? Not available at• this time. ._ ,X G. Create the need Cor Uao or disposal or potentially harardoun matc.,riula ouch an toxic subbtances, flam ables or explosivea? ExplanaL•ion of any •I?s answers above: We will ci_oar ® enough lemon tress to �nrte the house (s a 1tt�rhrJd totter) on 17reaoaed p,rc_n1 � �_ W__g Wi1_1 ha to =hg enough eucai tus trees to have a roximatei a 42 P wiZo open oot ng o moos o hroug . MJRTANT: If the project involves the construction of resirlential units, complete the form on the next page, r C13RT.IFICATIaN: I hereby cnrL•iry that the statements furnishes above in and Lhe attached exhibits present the data and information required for this iniLi..l evaluation to the best of. my ability, and that the facL•r., i:taL•cments, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my }:nOwledge and belief. I further understand thz t additional informaL•ion may he required to be submitted before an :xdcquate svaulat•ion can be made by the Uevc1lopmont 11cvicw Comcnittec. bate July 27, 1979 Signature Title L.S, 4563 Y 0 Q I S Y •. M yN� µ , 1 \ Ift r i6 H oll CJo ,low 0 T�Y\ 111 ` Y •. M yN� µ , 1 \ Ift r i6 H oll CJo ,low 0 L CITY OF RANCHO CUUNMONOA DATES November 14, 1979 T0s Planning Commimnion PROM Jack Lame Director o: SUDJECTs NEGATIVE DECLARATION Tito development of a on the north sidu of M -R Zona. STAFF RE110IIT Community Dovolopment FOR bIIU:CTOR REVIESQ N0. 79 -50 - VANGUARD light industrial devolopment to be located 7th Street# wont of Archibald Avenue in the DACKGROUNDs Tito applicant is requesting to develop a light industrial complex consisting of five (5) buildings totalling 71,100 squaro feat (Exhibit "A "). 'rho project is adjacent to the existing Vanguard Industrial Cantor located on the northwoot corner of•Archibald and 7th Strout. The project is consistent with the Interim Land Use Element of the General. Plan and the present M -R zoning. This item is for environmental review only and dean not constitute approval of the project. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING, The sito is presently vacant with no significant vegetation or wildlife. Further, no cultural, historical or seonie aspects are known to be associated with the site. Thu property in bordered to the north by a vacant parcel, to tho oast by the existing Vanguard Industrial Cantor, to the wast by a small industrial building, and to the south by single family rosidencoo. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSISs Part I of the Initial Study indicates no significant adverse onvironmantal impacts created by thin project. Staff has thoroughl;/ reviewed the project and field chocked the site and has found no eignifi.cant adverse impacts on the onvironmoat. RECOMMENDATION, It in rocommonded that a Negative Declaration be issued for Director Review No. 79 -58 based upon review of the Initial Study and the finding of no significant adverse impacts upon the environment. Respectfully s itted, JACK� LAFS, Director of Community Davolopment JL3DNilsec Attachments: Exhibit A - Site Plan Initial Study, Part I ITFM "C" �N^ CITY OF RMCIIO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be Completed by applicant Environmental Ansonsmont Review Fao: $70.00 For nu projects requiring environmental rovioWt thin form munt be completed and submitted to the Davalopmant Review Committee through the department where the project npplication in made. Upon receipt of this npplication, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare ?art II of the Initinl Study. The Development Revinw Committee will moat and take action no later than ton• (10) dnys before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Comnittoo will make one of three dctorminntions: 1) The projoct will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will he propared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied ® by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: )05'T 00SINIMSS VLhiT 'MP- APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: F -ANCHo .C.L1CAW0N(;rA; CA NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: LR. C- L4L)C-- (3mlc LOCAT10� OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) ►.1P_XT TZ!, 2tiNCg.0 IN00sT9!nl, PoLP- y< LIST OTHER PERMI'T'S NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: r PROJECT nCSCTtIrP 0 DESCRIPTION Or PROJECTt MU tr I NouSTr2 IAL c aMPLf�� 0 ACRE-AGE Or PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE rOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND VROPOSSD BUILDINGS. Ir'ANYt DESCRIBE THE ENVIROMIMITAL SETTING Ofi THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INNAI`tATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLAN'T'S (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE Or SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY )EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY Sums) it L_ 0 Is the project, part of a larger project, on© of a series- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? Na I -2 P 4 ! ��. I + �,� , � ' �•, 1 1 1 � 1 1 . 111. ';1 1 41 , , I 1 I+ � ' ' I 1' , '� 1' I I I' .1y I 1 A 1 1, ♦' , !, y :1 ' I 1 1�A, r , I 1 111 , I II � �, , r 1♦ 1 {l', 1 1 f ' , M ♦,�11 11 � � ' I I 1, I ' ,III 1 1 � ,III r I ( 1 � ! � • I, '1' �1! •f1 4 I IA!1 11'�I,,� ' 1 I 1 ti. I �Y '1, � � � 1'. I� ','•• -111. �I, 1 1' 1. 1' 1 1 X11 , I ,/1 Ii l ','1• 1 ' 11 '11.111 r1 / •1 'Ij � � 1•� 1 I, ,'A '. 11 !'I \\ \.I 1'1111'.•.1'1 i 1'l1. 1 1 r, 1 � . 1 I, 1 1 •1 i , . I,' ♦ ^ 11'1 'I'_. ;•II +1 LA n , ,: VANGl1AFtD C(HV1PAMf1`3•:;• 1 1p li I 1 1 I j1 A. r % • lrti L ! ' 1 ✓ ', 1A 11L. ,11 al �. .I .1; � .t , 11�1r 1 �•. U 11 rl � t.. y Ip ° f 1 i 1 +„ ' ' ' � • 'i V ' '1 �.♦ �. / � 1 AI' ,' t :` /1 //� •ill, ,1 r ' _.,j ' ,. .'�, ;rr 11 � Y M1,\ t } I ,. \ I � 'f' ` , / i r i�, 1 + '♦.. 1. rt . .. _ _ .. ... /. ... 1.' � .�' .�. ....r ..\. X1.11.. _I. .. .. ,. .C'•. � ✓�., 12ML 1,1115 PROJECTS ✓ 1. Crcato a substantial change in ground contours? 2. CronLo a subatantial change in existing // noise or vibrationl 3. Create a oubnL•antial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, eawacia, 'cL•c.): 4. Crento changes in the existing coning or general plan donignationn? 5: Remove any oxisting trees 01 How many? _ V1 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hnzardous materials such an toxic substances, flammables ov explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: XMLy1RTANT2 If the project involves tho construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. C CGRTIFICNrION- I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the beat of my knowledge and belief.. I further uncdsrstand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evallation can be made by the .Development Review Committee. Date SOPr 7 Ig7�J Signature Aft ZW14. Title Ducrort ap t;'ffV,ELoNMCNT, t Y a I"1 DATEa TOE FROM BUBJECTi �1 CITY OV RANCHO CUCAMONGA OTArV REPORT November 14, 1979 Planning Commission Jack Lam, Director of Community Development 0 NO. 79 -GO - ItaN11Y REITER ^ The division of approximately 17.5 acres into six (G) parcels and the dovolopmnnt of Phase II of the Cucamonga Duninaso Park located on the aouthwoot corner of Arrow Routs and Archibald Avenue in the M -1 zono. BACKGROUNDI The applicant is requesting to divide 15.93 acres of land into six parcels an Lullown (exhibit "All) i PARCEL NO. ACREAGE 1 5.70 2 2.15 3 0.75 4 1.19 5 0.90 g 5.24 and the development of seven (7) light industrial buildings totalling 77,915 square foot (Exhibit "B "). Both the rarcol Map and the Director Review application comply with the Interim Land Use Element of the General Plan and the existing M -1 zoning. This item is brought before the Planning Commission for environmental review only and does not constitute approval of either the Parcel Map nor the industrial complex. ENVIRC..iMENTAL BETTINGi The site consists of 85,402 square fact of existing industrial structures built as Phace I of the Cucamonga Business Paris. No cultural, historical or scenic artifacts are known to exist on the property. That portion intended for development of Phase II is prosontly vacant with no significant vegetation or wildlife. ITEX 'T" 'ilia site in bordered on th•+ wont and south by light industrial and commercial developments and to the r -rth and oast by Archibald Avenue and Arrow IlOute, P,NVZnoNMRNTAL ANALYOISI part I of the initial Study indicatan no significant Adverse onv ronmsntal impnota created by the project. After review of the project and s field investigation at the sits, staff Ilan found no significant adverse effects on the environment. IIECOMMENDATIONI it is recommended that at Negative Declaration be inscad for Parcel Map No. 5084 and Director Review No. 79 -00 based upon review of the initial Study and the finding of no nignificant advorno impacto upon the environ- Mont. Roappatfully s ibmittod, A i JACK , 6 raotor of Community Development JLeDNtltco AttaohMOntat Exhibit "A" — Parcel Map No. 5350 Exhibit "D" — Site Plan Initial Study Part i n ..L V E C i .AI. I-,C L_M t� TLNTA.TIVS PARCEL MAi,PONOs 5684 Iy /.w. M/�I,,�l Mw1 ww rnwwp�yyyly .,w(wrrl�,......• y.,�y.. liw'vr AM1..WI /I..N ry�I%,,6 R, pANMw ��r. ►r�'��iA.Y oi• N•� M,/wA.n /11 IMr/ A r 1 l i J 1� rbAN1. /A. 11 • MM WI V V xQ Up m 1.• , r 'rU • t l I AMA, r- y ` I•. /wJ l r/ I f c�pI it i� 0/] /IIAINIM' t•rIM.Iww- Iw./•M•w MI .IwIr.N MII .awn..+. bn• M �IIIIg1' (INf gpn1Y , SAWN - MI'll"m IIwHr nI M I /11 ftml w1111. ) MI-,.•I IIMr M•wHr+r (I/IJ III•NII it /Ill"O's �_.. KM Mw.r•(. W �r 4111•r1I M.I. (N.w171 YI.Y� wIANJ Iwr MM..n (M..w.r /www b N/ M•hM'r1 tM! 141/ II YNN: Iw.N AWMY �i AA, P, <I.M�IL Ham r MM�A A� %0 n W /Ii1 Arw..I wA•I Nrw.Mr / r1^I If Il.OI MM AIr Awl M nIW I , I M1III I r Ir .wr M/ -• A.In I / r Mwr Mn r MrM/. r IN .Y11 /1✓ Mrwl I ' /Y hM IIJ IlvI1l 1, /M IIIVI IHI . �I TENTATIVt� 7M�wP1Ary/�1yRCE1, M^ AIO NO. 5 6 34 MI.Arhw N'I MM1 •/ "Yr+ �/!/NIMI /III ^•w.�1Y M AI y,,�y ./ aM Avrh/ /i IOYAM , A/ h n.. Ilr.virrww/r INN "�X �.�.M... LAND UBt: INDUSTRIAL y YoN1NG: 61-ho? II Its i At, ego -, _ J - - L� ---- -- - i�—s t ' .-Ante. I NMn. I.I rl Lli r _w A, I( I� ILL jL I4 ExHIGtT .P%. r e- 2" 0 1 1.. 1, 1 1 1'� i ',tl 1 / 1 1, 1 ' 1, I ` .' 1 t l Ir• 111 11 1'I� ' � 1 I t! I �i 1 � C 1 .f., 1 1 I•t1 t l r 1 ,, I 1 �. I 1 ', � 1 '�, 1 1 l 1 ! ,•1 Ilt f,1. II 1�1 1 ICI, r� 11 1 •,) 1' IJ' '.i;' -1. .'ll'�II 1 (1''� 111 t q\ 4 1, I I , t',I � I � � 1,• � • � � � I 1 1•i 1 '�f , +', 1 ! � 1 ���\ 11 J 1 • , . t'�1 C • • L�� t •• t 1 1' 1`'1,i11 1 1 11 \II ,1. I I1' .I 1 tl '1 t i 1 1 1 1 • 11 I� 1 li 1 1 ft 1 '.1 I '� �1 1 ,, 1 1 �.� • .t ,, f✓1•I I'll.) Ir ,l 1 1 c! 1 I I'.•. r 1_I Lt' ! .1 Lt.. •1. ' t l• 1 1.1 1 4 / �, X11 • 1., i 1\ l i i'1, 1 1 t I !' b' , It , h • I 1 rl 1�� i \rl 1 � ✓., . •�il 1 1• \ 1_1 . .,1� \ l�r�� ,' t 71 '•i l 1 ',1 r ' \.. '.. 1 • f r. ^� f 1. r 1 w t :' 11 1 ,. r� (• 1 .. , 1 ' � r I r t \• ' i .1•�• ,_. �:r 1 /1 e .. yr �', •I 1 A .��. t M 1 � 0 I 0 0 CI'T'Y OV RANC110 CIICAbIIRIOA INITIAL STUDY PART I •- PROOECT INr'ORMATION SIIECT - To be completed by applicant . Environmental AsnosamenL• Roview rces $70.00 For all projects raqui•ring onvironmontal review, thin form muat be completes] and submitted to L•'he Oovo.lopment Review COmmitLOe through the department where Lho project applicaLion is made. Upon receipt of .thin application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II bf the xnitial study. I,ho Devolr,lnuent RQVLaw COmmitte0 will meet• and Lake action no lntGr than L•en (10) clays before tho public meeting at which Limo L•ho project is to' bo heard. The ConuniL•too will mal:a ono of three dotorminntions: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Uac.larnL•ion will be filed, 2) The project will have an ctnvironmontal impact and an Environmental Impact RoporL• will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplies, by the applicant giving further inPormaW o the proposed project. n concorning PROJECT TITLE: Cucamonga Business Park (P.M. 5684) ! . Vi os 9- Q'41e.w 04. ,-1st -6o AfiPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS TELrP11011E: envy Reiter, P,O, Box 7201 Newport..Boaeh, CA 92663 714/751 -4594 NAME, ADDRESS, ' TrLEPIIONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED C)NCERNING THIS PROJECT: _ Linville - Sanderson -Horn 8 Asso ( Bob 1 o-r- -n L 9�587�A.rrow VA i 3' 0 714/980- 1211rr MCI1TION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS ANI) ASSESSOR PARCrIs No.) Southwest corner of A,,,.n.., o......_ .. LIST OTHER PERNITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAI:, REGIONAL, STATE- AND FEDERAI, AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUIiQG SUC[i PEItMIT5: Water E Sewer Parmits Cucamon a Count Wa ht .• Y+ I 1 C 0 J 0 DLSCRIIyfION OF' PROJECT: This is it commercial development eonaistinp�of six pnrealst an 11 parcel has a varied numbo ' o��6u3iddTTnga. p(rwA'br �u+ew No. 7M-6a .:..�.s�. ,_..•. �._ _ ACM-Mm Or PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE 17'00TAGB OF IMSTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, Ir ANY: acres, Ob,4G2 squat, feet axistin� 6 approx 100,000 square feet of propooed buildings. V15SCRIVE TIIE 'MIR(1NrIMMAT, .1.PT'Lrl(, 017 TIU; 'PROJECT SI'rl: INCLUDING INr01ti1.'1TZOr1 Orl 1'OPOCIL1PiiY, PLANTS (TREES), nNXMALS, AN1• CULTURAL, HISTORICAL Olt SCENIC ASPECTS, US1 Or S1.11180UNDING PROPERTIES, A14D THE IMSCRIPTION 9r ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACII NECESSARY SII1;f,T.S`) s This ro erty is ad aeent and south of Arrow Route and aajacent an wea o' rc i a venue. -commercial and industrial to the west and south of tho proper y. ore a ,+ squaro act o ex at ng u aka on the site with a 400 foot A.C. road with concrete curbin runninE aouih rzrom rrow ou e, en cury i ng eas an en a Ing at Archibald Avenue. The ro ert is free of laontn except part yptus tree row a Ong r e Gout u ary ot f the property. Thero is no cultural or historical uses of s or surrounJtr .+b Properties.— Is the project, part of a larger project:, one of a series' O£ cumulativo actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant onvironmenLal impact? No ' x -2 N � 0 i® Yi: hr1 X 1• Grants n uubutanL•inl chango in ground contours? x, Z• Croato a uubrtantinl change in exiutin'g Weiss or vibrntion! • ..x 3. Crenta a subntanti.al change in demnnd for municipnl services (Polies, fire, water, sowago), etc.)? — x 4. Create chariyen in the exiuting Zoning or general plan dcuignntiono7 - x ._. S: Remove any arist•ing trees? Vow many? 16 , ----_ ' . x , G • Cronto the nectl Cur use or dioposal o C Potentially haaardoun materials such an toxic subatancos, flarmnablen or explosives? Explanation of! my •rs answers above: The removal of the trees is necessary to provide fora ra Wage a anne . OU2 TnNT: If the project involves tl:e construction of residential units, cocspleto the form on the next page. cCRTIr•ICnT1.OU: I hereby certify that the statents furnishes above and in the em attached exl:ibi,Lr> present t}te data and information required for this initial evaluation to tl:e best of my ability, and tint the ractn, statements, and inforinnti.on presented are true and correct to the best of my l;nowladgo belief. and I further understand tint additional information mny lla required to be submittecl before an ndaquate evaulation can be made by the Usvelapmrnt Review conunitt:ee. 5.; Date October 22, 1979 Signature �5= r . Title Secretary L 0117 OP RANCHO CUCAMONOA STAFF RIWORT Data$ November 14, 1979 f Tot Planning Commission Proms Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subject: NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONING OIU)IN,I M6DMFNT'NO. '79 -05 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An Ordinance establishing atandards and review procedures for Planned Community Developments ADSTRACTS Staff lino mat with representatives of Lewis Homes and W1 inm Lyon Company. Al.thgagh their comments are not substantial in nature, Ntey will require soma revisions of the Ordinance= and since they coma late in the week, we vill'transmit copias'of the revised Planned Commun ty Ordinance to you Tuasday, November 13, 1979. Reope fully submitted, JACK LIMY, lrect r of Community Development JL s DMl t nm t'r �. 1. , F �.. �.,f' A t • .1 �.t.. � . 1. 4 4 • �rtt I �1 ' t1 = �- -•-- •-- 04VOIMDtlb'• = •— �ra� ' r �; iii•{ i i .t+ e.,l t, �.I :r I1.r' rOe +y 0 G1� F Fi l pi ' I � = �- -•-- •-- 04VOIMDtlb'• = •— �ra� ' r �; iii•{ i i .t+ e.,l t, �.I :r F 111 JJ,t'r' t� Its 1} •'S • l 7f •fE -s g.' I, 1 Cut I r ,+tit" • , �GG' 1 Ott Ali fit',.• 'C� r� � � ',;�.,'� •1'j' ' •� l "� •t,4 i.� 'ter •'''' � \�•�'� 1�' _I � N INDU5TRIALd • t Oil A I goo- �, F1 rye fj , 7 pit L ;f. t• u ' 0 LANF sm 1 ' I, I�` y ow vk f u� �f I •' +�' +' 1 \ \ 'to :t ' t\f1,1: • •♦ re vo 4, Till N •p � 't3,li, U t � • •r 1 Cut I r ,+tit" • , �GG' 1 Ott Ali fit',.• 'C� r� � � ',;�.,'� •1'j' ' •� l "� •t,4 i.� 'ter •'''' � \�•�'� 1�' _I � N INDU5TRIALd • t Oil A I goo- �, F1 rye fj , 7 pit L ;f. t• u ' 0 LANF sm 1 ' I, I�` y ow vk f u� �f I •' +�' +' 1 \ \ 'to :t ' t\f1,1: • •♦ J rI. 1• � � • •r q at q 1 Cut I r ,+tit" • , �GG' 1 Ott Ali fit',.• 'C� r� � � ',;�.,'� •1'j' ' •� l "� •t,4 i.� 'ter •'''' � \�•�'� 1�' _I � N INDU5TRIALd • t Oil A I goo- �, F1 rye fj , 7 pit L ;f. t• u ' 0 LANF sm 1 ' I, I�` y ow vk f u� �f I •' +�' +' 1 \ \ 'to :t ' t\f1,1: • •♦ �GG' 1 Ott Ali fit',.• 'C� r� � � ',;�.,'� •1'j' ' •� l "� •t,4 i.� 'ter •'''' � \�•�'� 1�' _I � N INDU5TRIALd • t Oil A I goo- �, F1 rye fj , 7 pit L ;f. t• u ' 0 LANF sm 1 ' I, I�` y ow vk f u� �f I •' +�' +' 1 \ \ 'to :t ' t\f1,1: • •♦ t• u ' 0 LANF sm 1 ' I, I�` y ow vk f u� �f I •' +�' +' 1 \ \ 'to :t ' t\f1,1: • •♦