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1979/11/28 - Agenda Packet
it 1 'I` •. 1 + ;,• I I 1 1' ' �:., LI i I r M 1 1 1 `..,: •r 1" I I I r,. ( 1 r tii,.. 1,. I ,i 1 '.,I '.r•r 11 1 4111 I' 1 '' \ I v,. 1 1 !r , 1 rl 1 I •1' ,1 1',,I �.1 A r ,, 1i If hlt _',,' I 1;' / ,1� 1 ,II ,' 11 �' I. ' j ' I I I n:rr �., 1 v 1 I lr r. l r , 1 1 r, 1 1 Ir 1I II 1 llt 'r Iti ' 111 ,I Ir�t, 'I ' ``1 I t I YI r I� 11 ( 1. , I 1 1 Y 1 1 I 11 ,�j' , r •,1 MI It Ir ',I 1.1,11 1 1•,, ' 11 r l I ,. I 1 11 ; ♦1-1 1 /il l lfr l i 11 J., 1 1 111. /I 1i I r, 1.'. r ,1 � r 11 I 1 �l 11 Ir 1 "" +•M. r,�y�y`I 1 JI r/ '11 ' ' I r i 1 1, 1 1 �, r Il` 1 ,I i v�l „1 I 1 llrl 1,,1.11 lui xt ,1 11 It 1' I'll 'Ir u 111' +1 r 11 1 1 1. 1 Y LI ' 1 •, t� �I, 1 _'. ",� ri, 1 A I I•'Y 1 '1 1 1 1i MI Il r' 1 L', v 1 /I ,I 111• I' 11. 1/ 11 ('r 1, ,Y,�•rl ' r I 'r 1 Y I �r 11 1 ,1 ',•i 11'1' i'14 1 1 1 IY' I 1 1dI ,!' r loll "1 r I. 111.' r t,,. I , J I 111 I,(,� I JJI ;1� 'i,,l ,i.!�1,!• r''�l� 'll� i i 1. '_i•i �t' � ul I. nl J „1 1 it, ' e' X11' .1.1� •' i 1^ I ✓ \ 1 'I n I t ' r t, "• � In "�.1 I It L 1 .1 1 a I ryl 1. 1 >LIt U LI r" \ •'. r:: i 1 tl 11 L -r / j I 'vr 1t rt L t • v".l l , ( v i � 1 't A i ,' ( ♦A 1 1. ' 1 � ,� t , /� • \(, IIL. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA . Wadnesday, November 200 1979, 7tOO p.m. Cucamonga Neighborhood Facility 9791 Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissiot.ar Dahl X Commissioner Rempal X ACTION Commissioner Oarcia�� Commissioner Tolatoy X Commissioner Jones �- III. Approval of Minutes IV. A[mouncemants V. Consent Calendar Approved 5 -0 A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW N0. 79 -64 WAGNER -INSUL - Industrial [a[rohouse addition to be mnatrueted at 11899 8th Street. D. NEGATIVE DECLARA1ION FOA DIRECTOR REVIEW NU.—/Y-O:) - DARMAKIAN WILFF I, AS90C. - The dovelopmant of two, Approved 5 -0 0,000 square foot industrial warehouses to be located at 9375 Archibald Avenue. C. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL MAP N0. 5545 - LEWIS PROPERTIES. INC. - The division of a parcel of land Approved 5 -0 located on tnorth side of Baseline, west of Archi- he bald Avenue into three parcels. VI. Public Bearings D. SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -20 - AMERON INC._- To place a Approved 5 -0 12 x60 office trailer on property located at 12459 Arrow Highway for a period of 10 to 24 months. E. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONE CHANGE NO. 79 -09 Approved 4 -1 ANDERSON - Zone Change from R -1 to R -3 for property (Garcia vu4-1 "no ") located on the east aide of Vinoyard, south of Foothill. Assessor's Parcel No. 208 - 241 -02, 14 F. SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -19 - ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMtPANY - Denied 3 -2 enieda Improvements end conversion to existing service station (Garcia and Jones located at 9533 Foothill into a mini -mart station. I ;voted 'J denial) �t. KGiL1 ..:.i�r}.t'�:�.a�...ww +if: . �.. .•.. •l.•l�'hd.:;4 +1 «......._A:.. ,. .... .. _. .. -.1.. .. _� -� ..l J.1 r.:. e. I'I ' CITY ON RANC110 CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMI88ION AGENDA Wednanday, November 28, 1979, 7s00 p.m. Cucamellga Neighbor lity 9791 Arrow Highway, ch monga I. Pledge of Allegianeo II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl Commissioner Garcia Commissioner ,cones III. Approval of Minutca IV. Announcements V. Consent Calendar A. N Commissioner Rempel Commissioner Tolato;_ ...a V.uum...vg FV.. UAn GVAV6 MWAAW M/. /V -04 WAGNER -INSUL - Industrial warehouse addition to be constructed at 11899 8th Street. NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 79 -65 - BARMAKIAN WOLFF 6 ASSOC. - The development of two, 09000 equnra foot industrial warehouses to be located at 9375 Archibald Avenue. �. n"v"UUuaVl, V Vw r /uu.c:L rYlr nV. J747 — LbMb ;RTIES. INC. - The division of a parcel of land ed on the north side of Baseline, want of Archi- Avenue into three parcels. , VI. Public Hearings SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -20 - AMERON. INC. - To place a 12'x60= - office trailer on property located at 12459 Arrow Highway for a period of 18 to 24 months. E. NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONE CHANGE NO. 79 -09 - ANDERSON - Zone Change from R -1, to R -3 for property located on the east side of Vineyard, south of Foothill. Assessor's Parcel No. 208- 241 -02, 14 F. SITE APPROVAL NO. 79 -19 - ATLANTIC RIC1G*IELD COMPANY Iwprovementa and conversion to existing service station located at 9533 Foothill into a,mini -mart station. t, Ay 1 i tdj }r4�i L i. rla, � 0 3n ..! iL •. � � � ..' . a i .'i. �( 1 IPla -iming CommJss.ion Agandu November 201 1979- Pdgs 2 1 0. NWATIVR DRCLARATION AND 2 coCabllshing standards and rev Planned Gotimmaity Developments VII. Old Duoinsas ) , VIII. Now Dusineen uA - An uralna proceduraa for 41a' 1A. Council Referral 1, X. ractor'a Reports Il. Parkway Uevolopment Priority List I DRC Formation 3; uA - An uralna proceduraa for 41a' 1A. Council Referral X. ractor'a Reports Il. Parkway Uevolopment Priority List I DRC Formation 3; J. General Plan - Cititnne Advisory Commission Report - November 27th Meeting (Oral) XI.. Public Comment - Anyone wishing to comment on any items not liated on the Agenda -,may do so at this time. XII. Commiseldr. Comment XIII. Upcoming Agenda 16r December 120 19791 �'} Director Review No. 79 -68 - Leioks p Pro urties Director Review No. 79 -69 - O'Donnell Director Review No. 79 -60 - Reiter ' Director Review No. 79 -32 - Pluees- Staufor XIV. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Administra- tive Regulations that ant an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. ;• If items go beyond that timer it shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. The first meeting in December ,'' will be held in the now Community Center. r. IIAV nj"M:111y bra" am uuvwMA W13 1� CITY OT RANCHO COCAMONGA STAFF IMPORT DATES November 20, 1979 TOt Planning Commission FROMs Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUDJEM NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO Request to add a 5,625 square foot industrial bull Wagnor -Insul industrial plant at 11099 Sth Street. DACKGROUNDt The I1agnar -Inov1 Cn• in requesting approval to add a 50625 square foot industrial building to the Wagner -Insul industrial plant located at 11099 0th Street (Exhibit "A "). The building will bn ugad for warehousing purposes. Thin review is for environmental clearanuo only and does not constitute approval of the project. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING, The prcposod location of the building addition lies between two existing industrial buildings of the Wagnor -Insul plant. There is no existing vagotation at this location and no indication of any cultural or historical value of the site. Surrounding proportion are either vineyards, or existing industrial or ® commercial usos. The site is fronted by 0th Street and railroad tracks. The General Plan dosignatos this area for heavy industrial and it is zoned M -2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTt Part I of the Initial Study is attached for your review. Staff has conducted a field investigation and completed Part Ii of the Initial Study. Staff has not found any significant adverse impacts upon the environment as a result of this project. RECOMMENDATIONt Based upon completion of the Initial Study and site investigation, it is recommended that the Planning Commission isauo a Negative Declaration for Director Review No. 79 -64. Rae ctPu� tted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Dovolopmant JL:DC:cc Attachments Exhibit At Site Plan Pact I initial Study I ! i i Ir I ?;111t1111�ffifll' i IlllLlll111111i.1. i� 1 rynr. r t+'a�--- �rcts.tt. I� �,�H,51T 'A' .:1:.. } i i Jq / \I4 o'l�s�s r •e� `...� � g . J n ,;1 CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONUA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be complotod by applicant Environmental AnnoonMant••Roview Feet $70.00 For all projects requiring onvironmontnl review, mo int form must be completed and submitted to the P Review Committee through the department whore the project application is 'made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part' II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will moot and Lake action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which timo the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three dotorminations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negativo Declaration will be 'filed, 2) The project will have an Anvironmontal impact „ and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Warphnnnn Audition APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, EPHONE: 8th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. (714) 987 -1708 _ NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO HE CONTACTED CONCERNING TIIIS PROJECTt W, R. Wicks, 11899 8th Street unnnhn nuenmonea.•CA 91730 (714) 987 -1708 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) ,; 1899 8th Street Rancho Cucamongn Parcel 229 - 251 -27 LIST OTHER PERMITS ;BCESSA RY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATF AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: _ Y -1 i� U PROJECT I)P;SCRIPTIO•N DESCRIPTION Or PROJEM ^fr�nr► atrtwturaa, for purposes of warehousing. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND'SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: _ Proiact nraa is approximately •• 9'acres -. _Square footage of axistinR structures is 20.293. DESCRIBE THE - ENVIROWMrNPAI, SETTING, OF THE. PROJECT SI'T'E INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPI3Y, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND TIM DESCRIPTION OF ANY . tXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) Ott three aides and fronted by 13th Street and rn roe trac s. Thar r am two o hnr rnmmnir ni_ nrnpert{na in Oa imma Iiately east pf our •� area. No removal of vineyardsy treos etc. gill be necessitated by this addition. Prevent structures area 1 s tool framed and are ••��.� fnr Mnm.fnrri,r�ac nndyarnhoLein¢ In the project, part Of a larger project, one of a series Of cumulative actions, which although individually small, May as a whole have significant environmental impact? T114 11! a single protect with no environmental impact 0 0 WILL TWO P110MMT: X 1. Create a subntantial change in ground contours? X ' 2. Create a substantial change in existing noieo or vibrationl X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for ..� municipal services (police, fire, water, sowage, )to.)! X q. Croats changes in the existing zoning or gonoral plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing treesl, How many? X 6. Crate the need for use. or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YTS answers above: %MPORTANT. I£ the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and thr.t the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Review Conimitteo. Date_ I�y_� signature Title nAngral Manager ii El CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA �® STAPP RLPORT DATE, November 20, 1979 TO, planning Commission MOMS Jack Lam, Director of Community Dnvalopmont 0 4 BUDJECT, NEGATIVE DCCT.IIRATION POR DIRECTOR RLPVICW NO. 79 -y5 _pn,un,u���u.- Wnarp o WP DCIATES - I Oquest for approval 02 tl,o development• of two 40,000 square foot industrial warehouses to be located at 9375 Archibald Avonuo. BACKGROUND, DaMakian -Wolff 6 A0000iatoo are roquest:ing approval to construct two 40,000 square foot industrial concroto tilt -up wa.rehaioau to be located at 9375 Archibald Avenue on approximately 4.99 acres as :phase II of the Archicontor. Attached as Exhibit "A" is the site plan of tha propcood project. This review is for onvironmontal cloaranco only and does not constitute approval of the project- ENVIRONMENTAL SEMTING, The project Oita is presently vacant with a alight slope towards the south, with no existing vegetation and no indication of any cultural or historical value of the site. Surrounding proportion are either vacant or ariating industrial uses. The General Plan dosignaton this area for minimum impact industrial and it is zoned M -2. ENVIRONMENT]►L IMPACT, p,.rt I of the Initial Study is attached for your review. Staff has conducted a field invootigation of the site and ! .7omplotod part II of the Initial Study. Staff has found no significant adverse onvirlonmental impacts associatod with this pru;jaut . RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends issuance of a Nega.tiro Declaration for Director Review No. 79 -65. Ro ctfu ly • ubmitted, JAKC LAM, Director of Community Development JLxDC,co Attachments: El EXhibit "A ", Site Plan Initial Study Part I IT01 "S" 1 1 I , I�'1 I..I� Ir 1'� Ir 1 1'r 1 y 1 1 � ♦I A l I 1, , I rl I . I "� it ..I , 1 1 1• ,� Iii �1. I. 1, I I ' I� �I. I,, I , j, , � , , 1 ,` �/� I� ', � 1 � � �1 , 1 I 1 1` 1 � I .I I � , 1 I 11,E r r �1 1 ., I, • �1� X11 ' -:. Y r r . lr,�.� � I ' I I, r 1 1 1, . r I I'. •,� 11 i '. II 'i r �I ` lu ,, r�l 1 1 i 1 .1 I I r 1 � rr` , ''� II• ,'P 1,, 'II 1, 1 ' 1�,'11,1�. , :I„�,.1� „ IA 1'��`�1 �I �I •� f ii l 1, �� ,'�. I I �,1 1•I. ly ,�, , r!'• �I 1 I .1" , '1 �, 1, � j II'ifi' Nlt lr� .1'1 ,. '' 11' •1'!',� ' I' ,� '�il • ` r } i 11 /, 11�, , , I 1 . Ilr'�'I .I rl1. I11 I 'I'i II•' i'' I 11.i' 1, r , 1 I � P�i1Np` r 1 1 r 7 1 I i I��a7�SG7�GL'dSl� 1 ' 1 4 I ' � Irl/IY■ '•� A Ir �• 1 I 1 I I r^ 11 ■, �r��� '.� , Y � 1�. ,� � .♦,. X11. 'w�s�J :' /'• '�1� I `Y �� •�'�� /1,,'''�,1 ' r 1 1. � �,'. 44 f�t1' �rfi if-y�� 1'�i yAy 7 �� •~ "��., u � �•N} �14sYr 1 I , w f '1 r � II r4 Iry�l I ,7 ' fl I-► 1, l j: 1 1 '. r .. . , � II ..1:!r. is ..... , ,. .. _ � 11 •_ ..._ vr:f.. I �1 CITY OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY. PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by,applicant Environmental Assessment Review Foot $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form mutt be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analynis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Roview Committeo will meet and tako action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which ti.mc the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of throe determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The ,project will have an dnvironmontal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Archicenter II APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Bannakian -Wolff I Archit 99 "C" Street, Suite 201, Upland, CA. 91786. Telephone 714 985 -188] NAME, 14DDRESS, TELEPIONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACT11) CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Andrnw Barmakian at the above addrpee and phone number. LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: I believe the only other approvals would come from the wter comp 'fire department, an other local a an the ASk , 0 1!16'jECT Di:ioiillyrXON 6 DESCRXPTIOIJ or PROJECT: Tha ro act involves two Port thousantl square foot (40,000 sq. ft.) concra•e Dili up`warehouse pa n us r a - trailer activity. Landscaping is an important consideration for aesthetic ♦Y�YV. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANYs Property measures 5 acres to size with its 6th Street contiguous properl7-TTIa mudbUf"1 3' 30 -feat and its northsout dimension 'on tie pout► siao of 6-W- =ee measuring approx ma e y . Tee . DESCRIBE THE FNVIROIIMENPAL SETTING CF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY., PLANTS (TREES), 11NIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY bCISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)s The project is contemplated to be constructed on the south side of 6th 15 acheauleo for Me type OT structures oescrlDea aDove under aescrlprio s to n Is the project, part.of a larger project, one of a series- of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? This project is a continuation of Archicenter I and provides a laraPr Impact. X- z 1 j1j L THIS_ P,11WECT X 1. Create a oubstantial ghango in ground contours? X2. Create n substantial change in oxisti»g noise or vibrations X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for �.. municipal services (polica, fire, water, sowago, cL•c.)s X a. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? ' X 5: Remove any existing tr000i How many ?_ X _ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials ouch as toxic oubstances, flammables or explosives? Explanation /Rf any YES answers above: f� A IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the boot of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation b a3e\by t� .n ve ment Review Couunittee. Date October 16, 1979 nature Title Owner /Architect f;ti 0 0 CITY OF RANaw CUCANUNOA STAVF, REPORT Data: November 28, 1979 To: Planning Commission From: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development Subjectt NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR PARCEL N't" N0. 5545 - LEWIS PROPERTIES, INC. - The division of a parcel of land located on the north aide of Baseline approximately 460 fact want of Archibald Avenue into three parcels in tide C -1 zone BACKGROUND: The applicant in requesting to divide approximately 4.10 acres of ],and into three (3) parcels no shown on the attached Parcel Map. Thin roview in for environmental clearance of the Parcel Mnp only and does not conatiktuto an approval of either the Parcel Map or future site plan development. Thin parcel map subdivision will create three "buildable" commercial lot" with the following dimensions and acreages. Parcel li An "L" shaped parcel 468' X 197.5' with a 230' X 60' area to the went of Parcel 2 covering 2.0 acres Parcel 2: 162.5' X 230.5' with .9 acres Parcel 3: 185.0' X 230.0' with 1.0 acres ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING, The site is presently undeveloped and covered with grasuee gently sloping to the south. Existing vegetation includes one apricot tree located near the center of the project site and a group of five unknown 3" to 6" diameter truck shrubs or trees located near the northwest corner of the Elite. No major drainage or pond,ng areas occur on tite site. The site is inhabited by the normal wildlife found lit the open areas of the City. The site is bordered on the north by undeveloped property containing 8 large eucalyptus trees, to the south by Baseline Road and single family residences, to the west by existing older single family dwellings and a dead -end street, Roberda Court, that terminates at the western property edge, and to the east by an existing shopping center. The site is not known to contain scenic, cultural or historical artifacts. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS, Part I of the Initial Study, attached for your review, indicates no significant adverse environmental impacts created by this project. Staff has field checked the site, completed Part II of the Initial Study, and foutid no significant :adverse impacts on tite environment. ITEM "C" W1 V Ir k 1 1 11 I I',I I 1 II R►e' f I v "1 r. 1 � I I,'�1 1).' li 1 ' ,I.l 1 II " I I .. . � 'I. 11' 1 1 tY v•' I �1�I.1 .� 11 �1 •IL I it I ��� ..� � I 1 1 I I� 11 1 1 ' 1 ' ', 1. JI 1j1 • r ) I I 1 i 1'� \ ' 1 ' 11! 1 11,•1 ' ') I 11 ;) , 1 i'I '� •1 i I.' I ''. Ids I ' 1 1 ' ' '' 11. 11 )�... I,' ,�: 1/ ' '� rli� Ilr'.. 1 1 '.ill '•h "I ),'I � ii 11 I 'i rlR III ��i`I y I'1 1 i 11 1 1' 1 i' '.4 11 I 1�1 1 �'. 1 A.l M. 1' '1 1 i, 1. I. 1 ) • 11 1 r n' 1 ', it �. ryl ' •'I 1 1' .� I X11 Ili ilfl 1 \ ; 1111 1, •�'. .� 1 . .' f .y I' 1 Il 1 i. )�)�, tl lil 111�.•'� � 1'� ''� 1 i 1 �1 1 1 P 1 1i1. :1 1)1 ..1 'I�a 11' Il,r ' •1,! 1 f� 1 1Yl 1 ' it 111 I. I� I l� � 1 1, q.. r. � � • � V 1�. ( �� 11 1 ` 1 11111' 1 ' • 1 •I Ilr l 1 11 , 1 •11 1 � • ��1 1 III •��1 1:. /' / .,.. '1 1 ,1 '1 1 I la fn •1 11 '�\ , • 1 . &H 1�. •1.11,. I I 1 l i11' i 1� I ..1• /1 � 1 I '. iuded i ftor 'lil 1 I Director 1 ColmrJunity Davloopmcllt 11..1 1 1 ;1 'i1'1 r• Parcel Map No. 5545 Initial Study Part I it I � i1h1' ,(�11 � 'I',I• 1' Il •. !\ L '� 111 1 I; i 'll 1 111 1 L� .1.11;• '•.,' y'.' 1 ,�c 1' l i•1, 1 �� �'�i1 �'1. 1, I 11 li,,y 1 f 1111 1 11��� J. I 1 \ I 'A� .pl��•.. '.L y� t!1 �J� .tlr �• �l''. 111 �I� 'Id A�y1 l , 11• 1 ' I 1 jl 11 Y I ! y• � .11 b I � t 1jj1 1I I 1 1'•I ill (1 r. 1 \" 1 �I Ir ICU— 1 fl .1'.1� / .r •, X 1 1 1� ly 1 _. i 1 I �,, 1 .. 1 �1 Al 1 .' 1' !.'r l . 1 , 1 ' 111 •,\ 1 _1 ^ !t`1 It :.y II t l,�Ii �'��_ '�•4 / !. 1 / 1 L.� 1 /'• I 'I r 11 4 11 I 1 1 � I .r , r 1 „ •, 10 I� 1 �r Ib �li,� 1 1 11 1' � r 1 r,r '1 1' 1'I 1'�. II I Irr•r1 � 1,. ": 1 II fl. Ir: /ll:. 1 rl ( � I.rlr 1 1 1 I r r'1 1. t1 r Wr (1 ,' „I f rl I; 1,' 1i. i 11'11 1 I, 1 r •y }1 IA � I � 1 r 1', �' r ''' 1'11( ,� i 1 ''��1 1. li 1 L,' , "' it "I'i, "N ' .1• r� yrl�. , 1 ,11 /r'�i'1 i 11 1 'I f• +n'1, I '��t •11, 'I (I I'I �•�'1',1 ' r ''1 � 1 ^111 1 : �1• Ili r' I,I �'�.. � I ' ' 1 I 1 r I• � r,,1�/ 11 111 ,:Ills` 1 11. 1 l J' r I ' , � ■ _ . �9:fR� it r � " a , � � Ff•c jJjl ,. 1 1 ` •4, \ /, , ••, ,; :: , Ir :� , ' �� 1 . �• I, �.i -f 11 f �•;•�, 11 f1 y, ,,: , I" �' •.I. r I , i . l 1 1 LI i U Vr 1 1' r 1 1 ♦ �. 1;' 1 (t r, � 1 I I( bf' ( 1 � � i f t'. r♦ 'r 1 r I 11 JR i ' t.11 I� r`, , C 11 1 ! 1 , h 11 ' ' 1. irx " CITY Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I — PROJECT INIVRMATION SHEET — To be complotod by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Foe: 7f�0_.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be complotod and submitted' to the Development Review Committee through the dopartmont whore the project application is made. Upon receipt of ,this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part' II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will moot and take action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will ma%o one of throe dotorminations: 1) The project will have no onvirontunntal impact and a Nogative Declaration will bu filed, 2) The project will have an Onvironmontal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: SIERRA PLAZA - P.M. 5545 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Lewis Properties, Inc. P. 0. Box 117, Tustin, Ca 92689 (714) 544 -70 U G NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: All Cities Engineering, Inc. 300 Pomona Mall West, Pomona, Ca 91766 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.)' Base Line Road - 460 ft * West of ArchiMa-la Avenue Assessor Parcel No. 202-16-32 LIST OTHER PEM1ITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: On and off site water - Cucamonga Co. Water District Street Improvements and Sower - City and or County On site Improvements and Buildings - City and or County I� 0 r�1 U 6 . 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTt Two story office complex and n _Security pncific Bnnk. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AMA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANYs Total parcel has 4.10 acres Two story office building has 34,500 sq. ft. Bank buildingz has 7.500 sn.ft. DESCRIBE THL -r-NVIRONMENTAL SET'T'ING Or THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFOMMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIDIALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS)i _Sit" is vacant. Slope from north to south at about 3 %. Site has natural ground cover with six troos (ono anricnt and ft-in unnnuwn - o" cu u- uiumeror trees). -rnoro are no historical or — $conic asnocts to &he site. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series- Of cumulative actions, which although individually small, May as a whole have significant environmental impact? This project is not apart of a larger project. ,Y- 2 M 6 YES ..,x 1. Cr, ato a substantial change in ground contours? X.. a• Craato a substantial change in existing noise or vibration) x 3. Create a substantial change in domand for municipal services (police, Piro, water, sawaga, otc.)" X 4. create changes in the existing zoning or gonorul plan dosignationai X 5: Romovo any oxi•sting treeaY . ,}}ow many? 6. --- ..X 6. Create tho need for use or disposal oir Potentially hazardous materials such as pp toxic nubatances, flommablen or explosives? Noa3 - Vo only chan`ga•In demand aforrmunicipa sory cos s uo 0 too fact that tt:o ro orty s vacant at this t mo. No. 5 - Removal of clump of 5 (3" to 6 ") troes and 1 apricot troo TM,-- nTnNTs If the project involves the construction of rasidontimi units, complete next page. the form on the CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the staL- 4Lmonts furnished above and in the attached ex}:ibita present the data and information required for thin initial evaljalion to the bast of my ability, and that the facts, further underatand tnr,aLements, and information presented are true and correct to the beat or my knowledge and belief. I fhzt additional information may be required to be nubmitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Rovie%q Committee. Date �— '7 % , /���• signature f Title , 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 'STAI +F kFPO11T DATE1 Novombor 20, 1979 1101 Planning Commtonion FROM Jack Lam, Director of Community Dovolopment SUDJECTI SITE APPROVAL NO.79 -20 - AMERONL INC. - A request for use of a temporary office trailer to be located within the Amoron facilitios located at 12459 Arrow Routs. DACKGROUNDI Amoron, Inc. in requesting approval "- +r the placomont of a temporary Office trailer to be located within their existing stool facility located on the southwest corner of Etiwanda and Arrow (Ex11.4bit A) . Attached as Exhibit D in a project doccription as provided by the applicant. ANALYSISI Exhibit C is a display of the office area within the Amoron facilities. The applicant proposes to place a trailer adjacont to the north side of the existing office structure, which will allow the boat moans of necoeo from the existing office to the proposed offico trailer. Exieting parking provided totals 06 parking spaces. An additional 36 parking spaces are not shown o1. the plan whicn are located on the want aide of the existing office building and west of L;,.. 361 wide driveway. The existing office tntaln 12,044 sq. ft. and the proposed trailer will equal 750 sq. ft. for a total of 13,594 sq. ft. Under the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance the office area would require 1 parking apace for every 200 sq. Lt;. of building arni. Thin would require a total of 60 parking spaces; the project has provided 06 Spaces, 10 spaces above Mi:limum requirements. An can be soon from Exhibit A. the office and office trailer is sot back a significant distance from both Etiwanda and Arrow Route. In fact, both of the facilities are not visible from either of the street frontages. Access to the office area in provided hi• driveway from Arrow Routs. Staff forenoon no adverse impacts as a result of placement of thin trailer on an interim basis. It is rocommonded that the trailer be removed within two (2) years of its placement. The Scale of this particular facility in ouch that the addition of a 750 sq. ft. office trailer in a very minor change in the overall operations of the facility. This request has boon advertised as a public hearing and notices have been sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. To data, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve Site Approval No. 79 -20 by adopting Resolution No. 79 -72. Roepectfully Submitted, ® JA , 60,fAttachmonts 1 JL1 MV: cc Exhibit A vicinity Map Exhibit D Description of Project Exhibit C Detailed Site Plan Resolution No. 79 -72 ITEM e0e 1 � 1 1 �' ' '1 �1 I 1 I r.l 11 . 1. 1 11' 1 � 1 1 {1, 1 Ir ' Ir I , 11 , li I I I ♦ � 1 ; ,; 1 ' '.1 . \ I �i • ',, /1 1 11 ,I '1 „ II "1 I ' 1 1 '' ' I ' I 1 , 1' .\ 1 11\ I r' J II LI 1j , II r I'I 1 ♦ 1, \'� 1 1 / •11 I 11 1 IiI +l '• +;� I d 1 1� 11 I II 1 � 1� j1 1111 C 1 1 1 YI • 11 In van 1 1 E ttTft IN I- I `JJo !ilr I r,l 1 1 1 1 1. � 1 Vii;'` �.• �1.. �il�l ' r;, 1•',1111 J', !L'1 'l11 ', I�•1' ?i '.)11'1 .',li. •r'1 •.\ � !1' ' � "�1' i 1 / • Il 1 if 0 QD I I •`'1 1, 1r , � 1 im 0 gas" Gill 1 ti• f �.! 111. �1�1 •� ' �'�, "r 1 ,11 / ..III 111 .1♦ • 1 '/1 r 1 I \ 10 1 1 1 IJ ! 11 11 Iti J�l I .(•' ��I�t !IN� 11 ♦ :.' 1 r ,.'1 1 " % / :, ., 1 'f \♦ 1 �1.1 f1 p I 1' y ,1 y , �/,1 1 171 I ( 1 '11 fl �1 1. •. 1 4•, r t •.� ♦ r IN 1 1 {n 7. :r- 'l/ ♦ 1 L. NO !., '., 1 1•.. 1 �' ('III 1i ki / '�5 r{�1 rh •�1 1 ( r.. !•r F1 \ 1 .::1 \ 1J'JA..;i J 1 �1 Y I � I I 1 '_ r ( i:' 1 1 1'.,1 I 1 }t ;I -I, r •, ,.il � 11' 1' � ' 1' 111 , I r r i 1 ', 1,1 \1,, ,( If ,�f1, i ' { 1 f • 1 1. 1 \' 1 , ,(1�1 ' { 4. 4� 1 I I, 1 I �� 1•� • 1 tf I+' 1' 1 1 r ,1 1 ' ,I „ 1 1 1 Y Y ��A• r. i � 1 �' � I ',� '{ 1 1; � (, , 1 ' , , I y 1. ' 1�. '� I I ' '�, ' I i ', ' , 1•I 1)',r .1 i1. f • r 11 11 1 Y.. trl �1 '�Y Y 11 11 r I 1 1 .' �'1 Al 1, r I ". •'�' r �:' 1'r i ,� t � ri 111 �,'�:. (' 11 � ,.. I'I �1' }'� •li � I ' 1' Arll 11 I' i 1 � .'a 1'11111 11 � li , 11 1. I. -� , Iii \ +1 1 t' 111 1 I � 11 111 A ' ' 1 , A, I 1 h 1 'll •� A� I 1 1 I. � '1 • ., I ,• 1 1„ ,, 1, a, I. Y I� 1 , I' � 11 1 I 1 I i 1, I1 ,, , 1, •1 n '.• Pool OMCOCOIIIK40� 1�,• 11, II :t, 1 "il,• �.' Tel, (114) 901-2521 •1 �I,I l�il' 11 �1 ��'� 1 1 IA Am L I III 1' Division IJ',� 1'• 11 1' •' �r,• '1 1 f ' 1 1 11.. '1 ' 1 ,f: PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 Al ' 1 1111 1 • S Division plans to C J 6 •l(• •.I L • Steel l Y 1 • have it • a •e• •I 1 i 121 x 601 office a c •1 "r .1 11 • •'II on said property for . period • to (See accompanying drawing or exact '11 months. ';�•' • I • L trailer in to • C used 1 1'( accommodate an increase in the work orce during '•1�'i�'i and design c , • • •e , i • C i a CS C • of Vr.� force will return normal V }i project • rk be removed from at • and the trailer will i,r. •, h�'II "' property. 1' 1'11'111• �r1A. 1'1 •' •1 w 1 ; , t. "1',,r •', �. '; 1�, I f• I .11'1 r 1 1 1 f . Pp.' ,11• ,; •;. 1 , ',r 1" t 1 •• ,.; y r, 1 , 1 !•I � 11 { r 1 I 1. . 1 ; 1 1 (I 1 � � 1'i� Alen � LI " + 1 '�l i 1 . LOU L � i � � •• • 1 ' 1 ' � ( < _:v� 1 {� r. r,e 4 ', `� { � . 1 ' 1 1 i 1 a tl i JJ 1} X11 1• } �• .' {i J I \ 1 1'' .1 � i 1 1 i f . 1 1 1 1'. �I 1 1 1 I.�Y yl 1 I: { I' I ; I u , L 1.' I. 1 I 1� 1, 1 1 '.1 Y j I, 1 1 1, rwr I '.1'x11 . �1, 1 I I I ;r r!1 �} IL , � , 1 T7 n , + I I 'il ?fir (11 1 •r � I I I { 11x11 11x. t, vl � I y -t• l, , � i 1. r - ! Lf , 1 � y ,1, _ j1 1 1 I.�Y yl 1 I: { I' I ; I u , L 1.' I. 1 I 1� 1, 1 1 '.1 Y j I, 1 rwr I '.1'x11 . �1, 1 I ;r r!1 �} IL , � , 1 T7 n , + I I 1 ' � I y -t• l, , � i 1. r - ! Lf , 1 1 I.�Y yl 1 I: { I' I ; I u , L 1.' I. 1 I 1� 1, 1 1 '.1 Y j I, 1 �1, 1 ;r �} IL , � , 1 T7 n , + I I y.i E Planning Divinion 1. �'1 PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE APPROVAL NO: 79 -19 Site shall be dovoloped in accordance with the approv in the Planning Division and the Conditions contained to plans on file 2. Ravisod Siko Plano and building ulovationn incorporating ail conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of building pormitn. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning ordinance and all other applicable Jity Ordinances in affect at tima of Building Permit issuance. 4. All roof appurtunancoa, inuluding air conditionorn, aholl. be architecturally integrated and ohoildod from view and the sound buffered from adjacont proportion and streets a9 provided by the Planning and Building Divisions. 5. Prior to any Una of the project site or businoss activity being commenced tharoon, all conditions of approval contained heroin ahali be complutod to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. G. Parking spaces shall be rolocatod par Exhibit D. 7. All parking lot landscaped islands shall have a minimum inside dimension of 4' and shall contain a 12" walk adjucent.to parking stall. 0. Parking lot troaa shall be a minimum 15 gallon size. 9. A detailed landucape and irriqation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the .issuance of building permits. 10. Street treas, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in c=ordaneo with the Master Plan of street trace for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and shall be planted at an average of ovary 30' on interior streets and 20' on eAtorior streets. 11. All landscaped arena shall be maintuinod In a healthy and thriving condition free from weeds, trash, and debris'. 12. Continuous 4' landscaped planters shall be provided along the oast and south proporty lines. In addition, minimum 10, landscapo planters shall be provided along all street frontages. 12. Any signs proposod for this development shall be designed in conformance with the Comprehensive Sign Ordinance and Shall require review and approval by the Planning Divisinn prior to installation of such signs. Building rivision 13. Tho applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, s; Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, and a . all other applicable codes and ordinances in affect at the time of approval of this project. 14. Prior to iso%mnoo of building permits for combustiblo'conairucLion, evidence small be oubmitted.to the Foothill District Firs Chief that water nupply for fire protection iolavailablo. 15. Prior to the issuance or a building permit for'n new commercial or industrial development or addition to an existing developments the applicant ahall pay development face at the astablishod rate. Such foes may inollido, but not be limited to: Systems Development Poo, Drainage Poo, permit and Plan Chocking face. 16. Thin approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. 17. Exiuting buildings) shall be made to comply with currant Building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. Enginootina Division 10. Dedication of the following missing rights -of -way on the following strootal 10 additional foot on Foothill. 19. Corner P/L radius will be required par City standards (24 foot). 20. Prior to any work being porform'ed in the public right -of -way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's office, in addition to any other poxnnits required. 21. Approved oL:gat improvement plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be required, for all street improvements, prior to insuanco of encroachment permit. 40 E 22. All street Laprovemants shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; prior to occupancy. 23. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to the oatiofaction of the'Cit', Engineer and the City Attorney, guaranteoing completion of the public improvements, Prior to issuance of building permits. 24. Construct the following missing improvements on the following strootal Foothill: Curb 6 gutter, sidewalk, drive approach, street tress, street + lights, wheal chair ramps, remove drive. t. Malachita: Curb & utt q ar, sidewalk, drive approach, remove drive.' Corner: Racorutruct. u 25. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed unZarground. 26. Developer shall be responsible for the relocation of oxistxng public utilities, as required. X111 ±'I.,1 /, Y�r I 1 ! , rl 1 r1 1 •II A.• ,f/I � II 1 y: ,' 1 1 1. I. •: ,� I. ) � I X11 ,'1 ( I' I , I �I f 1 1/ )'1 � ( II ��,�•1� 1,141 f , 1 �) 1x,1 I I r ,1• '� •'111 111.1' I II flf'I l il1{' �I • 1 I 'I �r acuordanuo with e. 1• .. •. • r of tho Cucamonga County Diutriot 1 k)j roothill riro District Y tho Environmental 11oalth DoWtmont of the County of ,, nernardino. A lottor of complianca from CCWD will be roquired. 29, Pormito from othor agoncian 1 1 follown a Caltrann for clossur of driva `�!,I Y I' � •i�1 � ilyl / 1fli�,. pi_ I..S 1 I f rrr •1 � 1 r �/ .11.• +111 .n, 1fl. ,'!� •YY 1..11 1�t' 'r1" ,� 1 1. •y�1 111JJ• )� 1 1 1i1 1, Iq 1 1 ` Is1 1 / �' 1 l lr ) _ ' r, r t ',, r J V •4� 11 1 , 1 '. 1 f ♦ ��; �..1 1 1 1 '• l,l 1^I �. {�I' 0 t ` 1 i p1 � �. • i.1;1 I • .1j i\ ` 1•: v� , : Y' Jr. y t �P f f: ! 1 (:` f Y f ` 1 '1 • Ir { \`1•" i I(�1`r I' �1 ). 1} ;' 1 1 -. 11 1'. w.. 1 1 �, / ♦ i :,1 1f1 %�/ 1 1 1 1 x� 1 •f 1 ,1 � 1, ', � r {,r 1 1'' 1 i. I • 1 r I 114, l r , r ,( J II I �", 1 I . 1 1 � `!� ` + r CITY OF ItANC11O CUCAMONGA 9TALrr REPORT DATEn November 2U, 1979 TOI Planning Commission FROM Jack Lam, Director of Community Dovolopmunt BUDJECTI Clio CtICAMONah - An ordinance OGrUD11e1IL11V 9c procaduros for Planned Community Development ABSTRACTI An the Planning Commission w1.11 rucall, we presented a rovisod ordinance at the November 14th mooting. At that timer certain changes wore made to clarify the intent of the planned Community Ordinance. Since that time, the William Lyon Ccmpar7Y, their attorney and Lewis Itomos have had an opportunity to thoroughly roview those changes and how they affect the William Lyon Company and Lewis Homes. Attached for your information are 3 correspondence, one from the William Lyon Company, one from Fulop, 11olston, Burns and Mckittrick, attorneys for the William Lyon Company, and ono from Lewis Homes. In order to clarify Soma of the questions rained in the let-torot we wish to answer each beginning with the correspondence frcm William Lyon CO- I Section 2A -5 - This section is quite long, and not generally normal for an individual district, however, in light of the fact that the City has not adopted a now Zoning Ordinance, we feel that it in necessary to describe more fully the purposes of the Zoning ordinancor and specifically the Planned Community Zone. 2. Section 3A - As you can goo from the last exhibit, "Exhibit A" of the attorney's letter, the William Lyon Company does have contiguous land because under the Section 3A the Southern California Edison Easement can be used as a connoctor as can the Flood Control basin. 3. Section 5G - Section SG dean not proilude the Commission nor the Council from counting a Victoria Parkway Linear Park toward the dedication requirements for parks and open space. This assumes that Victoria Parkway would, in fact, be a usae IL-,oar -ark and not loft over apace. The specific decision an to whether or noblt Victoria Parkway Linear Park would cruet towards park and /or open space requirements would come at the time of the dovelppmont plan review by the Planning Commission and the City Council. We do not concur that internal trails, bikoway, plaza, otc., should count toward the open apace raquiromenta. These are amenitics provided by the development above and beyond the requirements of the Planned Community Ordinance. In answer to the William Lyon Company second quostion, parkways within the public street right -of -way are not counted as park lands or open space. 4. Section 5K - We wish to reiterate for the record, the reason we reference the San Bernardino County Code as adopted by the City is for clarification purposes. It is our intent to amend this section upon adoption of the City's new Zoning Ordinances which we hope will provide reasonable parking standards for all areas of the City. X11/ 0 S. Section An - We one no need for oln0 fiantion in thin section. Specifically, if a Una within the Planned Community ban not boon idoutt.ifiod an subject to a conditional ens permit r it would ba subject to direo"r review an defined in the San Bernardino Coda an adopted by Ordinanco 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. 6. Sootion Gn and C - The entire Section G at thin ordinance An a porminnivo section. It is not a requirement that a developer meet meet, only one that we suggest to prospective applicants in order to more clearly prono.nt their case and to otremnlino the planning process. Spaoifieally Baction A and C are talking about ung oral marknt analyses banod upon todayn dumands and todaya oconomics. We realize that an tiwa changes, demand and economies changs,'and that the market analysoo, whothor it be for housing or for commercial, is anyonoo boot guano at that point in time. It is not the City's intent to hold a developer to,thu plan exactly has he has originally presented it thin year or next your or yearn to come. The Planned Community Dovolopmenh Plan in the same an the General Plani it changes with time in order to meet the changing nooda of the community. 7. Section 7A -2 - Thorn was soma diacuosion at the last Planning Commission meeting of the need in certain instances of a topographic modal of the proposed conceptual grading plan for the development. We believe that Section 7A -2 does not really state the intont of the City. We suggest that it be revised to read so follownt "A to ra I'ie ma and a general grading concept plan with specific sections for soffit ve areas to dote m ined by tho Grading Committee for the property and, adjacant land Athin 100 Loot of the Provarty ...". B. Section 7A -5 - The intent of this naction is to ahow'the phoning of the total development plan not a specific tract or a specific village. 9. Section 10A. -2 a 10C - Wo'roalizo'that' the confidence of the seetiong rely on otatiation of the present and are only projections into the futurc. We also realize that the development plan in prepared upon a developers boat guano on what the economic dlimato and housing desires and needs of, the future are going to be.' In regard to 10C thin item is more an awareness statement for futurc applicants of planned communities that the Planning Commission and the City Council have the authority to initiate an amendment to the development plan. If this presents a problem in the Ordinance, we suggest that it be removed', since the City still maintains the right. In answer to the correspondence by the attornoysc 1. The existing Edison casement is considered to be a connector, as would be any property owned by any public agents ouch as a high school site, a fire station, city park but not Victoria Parkway or a street dedicated 10 the City. 2. 'rho term Director Review is never defined in the Planned Community Ordinance because the definition is contained within the San Bernardino County Code as adopted by Ordinance 17. As stated previously, director review willbe employed on all uses within the development plan unless otherwise spectilod in the text of the Development Platt. 3. See response number 3 for William Lyon letter. 4. We concur with suggested change of the tLt word "measures" to "data ". S. Sea response number 6 for the William Lyon letter. a® 9 0. Dan rouponso number D for tl►e William Lyon letter. 7. We concur with the statement contained in the attorney's latter. D. It is the City's intent to allow an applicant to include a process within tl►e Development Man Text where administrative aljuntmonts may be made with the approval of the Commu:►ity Development Dopartment• such as we have in our currant Zoning Ordinance, This will be allowed without noconsitating an amendment to tl►e Development Plan or Toxt1 9. Please refer to rosponso number 9,for the William Lyon letter. In rogards to Lewis 11omos letters 1. We believe that tl►o City should not rocognizo pedestrian ways, courts, plazas, etc., as meeting the requirements fnr open apace or park dedication. it is a form of accona, circulation, interconnection of the various land usual and should not, thoroforo, go towards mooting the requirements of open apace or park requirements, just an we do not count parkways on atroota or stroots as mueting our opor, apace or park requirements. 2. Section 5K - We havn no problem in adding the phrase and /or expert testimony that supports in deleting tl►e words that display. 3. We do noL concur with the ouggonted change or recommended. We fool that flexibility is necessary in thin cane. 4. we believe we hove clarified the intent of Section 7A -2 which wan raised in issues in the two previous correspondence. 5. Section 10C - Again this isauo was raised previously in the correspondence from William Lyon Company and their attorney sad reoponoo is the name. We have revised the Planned Community Ordinance to include all the changes that were recommended at the lost Planning Commission meeting and to include those changes that we concur with in the iattora frog► tl►e Lewis !tomes, William Lyon Company and their attorney. It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. g,approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 79 -05 to the City Council. Jack Lad!, Mi ctor of Community Development JL:BKH:ca rI, V Attachments: Resolution No. 79 -GS Lewie Homes Letter William Lyon Company Letter rulop, Rolatca, Burns & Mckittrick Letter �' �: 1 i 6WO WILLIA.A1 LVGIN `Z,,, � 19 CORPORATE PLAZA, NEWF November 20, 1979 City of Rancho Cucamonga PO Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Barry Rognn ORT BEACH, CALIF 92660 (714) 03.) •3600 CITY IOF RANCHO CU AMONGA COMMUNITY BCVI?I OPAILNT DEPT. NOV C u 1919 AM , 71a1fl1i0111112111wi$j41�jQ A Subject: P, C. Ordinance - City of Rancho Cucamonga Door Darryl I appreciate all of your efforts and time spent with Dave Colgan in working on the PC Ordinance. BY aaparato letLor Dave will bu giving you his comments and concerns relative to tl:e ordinance, which may in some cases duplicate my comments. Section 2,A -5. I understand these are injected into the PC Ordinance because the City's zoning ordinance has not been adopted and these are philosophical kinds of things that are in ordinances. Following the adoption of the zoning ordinance these items could be deleted from this particular unction of the PC Ordinance. I am referring to the sentences that deal with light, air, sunlight, Prevent overcrowding, prevent undue concan- tration of population, etc. We're comfortable with tills as Is but the above is my understanding relative to future potential changes of this section. Section 3,A We're endeavoring with an L shaped place in our Wind Rowe community to tic that property up or got tl:e owner to be a signator to the Victoria PC. If neither of these options are completed it would be our intention to have the council rule that Victoria does satisfy the contiguous requirement at the time the PC Ordinance is adopted. Section 5,G Our plan provides for Victoria Parkway to be a linear park, and as such we have made it widnr to allow for the median as well as the rights -of -way behind the curb to function as park. Conuequently, I would want to insure that even though Victoria Parkway is (will be) a dedicated right -of -way that the land within the parkway will be counted as open apace. Likewise, I believe that all of the internal trails and paseon should also servo as open Space, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT I , 0 0 Particularly in light of the fact that they tie the entire PC togatlior and will aloo be used for tram rown to conoiderbly enhance the beauty of Victoria and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Ito my belief that those values are worth their coot in land and therefore should qualify as open apace. I believe both Victoria Parkway and our pasuoa should qualify as parklands and open space. F;. -2- Secondly, sly quastion is - for the parkways that we provide within public street right- of -ways on street" other than Victoria Parkway - will thoaee areas be counted an parklanda and /or open mpocal Section 5,K It would be sly preference that we would not reference the San Bernardino County offatroet parking and loading facilities ordinance provided wo can coma in with our own parking ordinance as a part of the PC. We would be willing to go along with this raferonee in the PC mono no an interim measure but Ito our belief that ,the PC Ordinance could be approved without reference to the County Ordinance, Section 4,9 We feel that this particular paragraph needs to be expanded to make clear the reasons for thin provision, Section 6,B6C We request that both of'those requirements to,.- housing market or commercial market analysis be dolatad. As before, our belief to that to require this kind of Analysis for zoning or even a tentative tract action is without precedent to our knowledge. We feel that any informatics submitted to justify uses that we are recommending at the time zoning in put on would not be able to justify accurately tho demand Ror any, of those uses 10 to 15 yearn from now, None of us can see with any degree of'certainty that far down the road. Cun- saquently, any marketing anulyeis that is making projectionu that ga out Ina 15 years are really of no uaa. Market analysis in the short run has a much 111ghor degree of validity, but again changes in financing, coats, etc. can also invalidate short term market analysis. Ito our belief that these 2 paragraphs not only will fail to be useful to the city, but they also represent in our minds the possibility of constriction of the free enterprise system so wall r? entrepreneurial talent in the private sector. We believe strongly that those two paragraphs are not going to enhance Victoria in the chart or long term ... and in fact may frustrate our being able to move ahead with Victoria. We request that these requirements be removed. F;. -2- 0 0 Section 7,A-2 A concoptunl grading plan for contnurn of 2X or a topographic type of model would not servo any function in Victoria. We experience overall a 2% or loon grade. On a topographic model I don't believe the accuracy would be such that a 2% grade could even be made with any degree of confidence that the model is within that margin. It would be my recommendation that grading as a function of zoning would fie more appropriate in the hill.sido areas where grades are in excess of 10X. Section 7,A -9 Phasing of major villages or areas within a PC at time of zoning in fine. Phoning beyond that would be premature at tho zoning stage in that we are often still trying to decide which area of the project we should phase first. It would be more appropriate to incurs that phoning of the project will produce the right percentage of open space and public use and recreational facilities if those were considered at time of tentative map approval and not zoning. Thera are many constrictions to phasing and many considerations including utilities no well as major backbone improvements together with land,oscrow provisions, - not to mention front and costs of otroote, circulation systems as wall as public infrastructure needs. All of the abovu are very complex to work out and should not be prematurely east at the zoning stage of development in great detail. '.Section 10,A -2 Section 1.0,C We do not fool either one of these provisions should be in the PC ordinance in that neither one of them could be implemented with any degree of confidence nor offer us any assurance of being able to build Victoria as planned, and to provide infrastructure and backbone improvements commensurate with the dwelling unite and uses that we are currently anticipating. Massive changes of the type these two paragraphs allow would render the entire process that we are going thru now unclose, and we could not continue to proceed if that were our belief. I would like to meet with you for breakfast or lunch and go through my comments and explain them in more detail. I am pleased with the ordinance overall and think it is generally a very workable ordinance and was well conceived. I do feel, however, that some of the above items need to be changed or modified to meet both city concerns as well as developer needs. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you relative to the above points personally. Sincerely, cc: Joe Dilorio THE WILLIAM LYON COMPANY Gene Hoggett, Lewin Don Tompkins, SWIG .ty Dave Colgan s Cary Frye Senior Project Manager a r V itIS HOMES 1166 Nonh Mountain A enue / P.O. COX 670 / Upland, CA 91706 / 714 905.0971 November 20, lg79 Mr. 11arma:. Rempol, Chairman Planning Commission City of Rancho Cucamonga Post Office Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Raference: Planned Community Zoning Ordinance Dear Neiman: Since receiving the lotest draft copy of the proposed ordinance at your last meeting, we have had an opportunity to review its contents. As you know, the creation of a Planned Community on the part of the developer/ applicant involves considerably more expense than traditional toning. Both the developer and the City are willing to exert the extra effort because it is believed that options not otherwise available can be used to create a more desirable project. To quote the ordinance: Purposes (Section 2:A.6.) "To facilitate development within the City in accordance with AND General the NCOURAGINC P90NCa CREATIVE GREATER RAND IMAGINATIVE DESIGNSOIfor�ma or urban development projects subject to large —scale community planning." (erphasis added) To that end, we would like to propose a few modifications consistent with the intent of the ordinance as follows: The ordinance encourages creative open space; however, no incentive is afforded the developer to meet that objective. We are sympathetic to the City's concern over responsibility for maintenance of trails and other small open spacen, and in fact intend that they not be dedicated nor publicly maintained. Nevertheless, unless some incentive is given to the developer to create these spaces, they will likely not be included in planned communities. We, therefore, suggest the following interlLneation shown underlined: Mr. Ilarman Rempal0 Chairman Planning Commisnion City of Rancho Cucamonga November 28, 1979 Pago 2 i' e Site Development Regulationa (Section SO. Rot Open Space) "...Other forma. of access, such an pedontrion ways, courts, plazan, driveways, hot'no trails, bike trails, or open parking lots shall nuc be offered for dedication but shall be tees nixed an a means of meeting requirements for open space or par adication requirements." The staff lion drafted the parking requirements paragraph with a view to creating flexible and workable solutions; however, the language still precludea innovative solutiono and we would therefore propose the following additions shown underlined: Site Development Regulations (Section S:K. Rat Parking) "...The applicant may apply for and receive administrative relief from Section 61.0219(b) at the time of Development Plan Text approval by the Planning Commission and City Council when verified proof has been submitted through specific examples of existing projects and or export testimon that su oeta that di•epioy reduced parking etas aced or stal � � o.1— The additional language will allow for the creative solutions developed by competent professionals based on nimilnr, but not identical solutions. Section 6 of the draft ordinance provides for market analyses at the discretion of the staff. Because of tine long -range nature of Planned Community development, any market analysis will necessarily be general in nature and of doubtful use in determining ultimate demand upon project completion. He question the need for such study, but at the least, request that the EIR be allowed to meet these requiremonts. The latter modification could be accomplished by the following changes to the last sentence of Sections 6 :11. and 6tC.: Pre-Application Procedure (Sections 6:8. and 6:C. Re: Market Analysis) "...Sueh analysts may be requested as a part eE the pre - app -Iieetion review peeeedure, may be mede a regn4tiement for submission eE en app}ieatten for c -Ptonned 8mmnnnity gene or may be requested Such re uimmitt muy be met'as part of the environmental assessment or EIR. � Mr. Herman Rempol, Chairman Planning Commission City of Rencho Cucamonga November 209 1979 Page 3 With respect to requirements for a topographic mnp and grading plan, we have no objection to supplying existing grades and proposed drainage plans. However; we believe a grading plan covering the entire Planned Community at inception is not feasible. Wag therefore, Nrcpooe the following clianget Development Plan (Section 7:A.2. Re: Topographic Hap) "A topographic map and conceptual Leading drains a plan for the property and adjacent land within 100 feet of the property, shown at exintinR contour intervals not to exceed 2 feet for natural alopos 2% or Finally, we are concerned that the City proposes to retain unilateral rights to change the development plans created by the developer/ applicant which have been subjected to Public Hearing and approval by the City. As the Planned Community davelopa, the developer will of necessity have an increasingly large investment in the community and can only juntify such based on his ability to continua development an proposed. If market conditions indicate a change in the Planned Community in dosirable, the developer would be the first to make such requests and should retain the right to do so. We therefore request you delete Section 10:C. We appreciate the time and consideration which you have given to this matter. Very truly yours, LEWIS HOMES Eugene S. Hog+ Vice President, Project Management ESH:bs:2113r cc: Jack Lam I 1 1. 1 0 PULOP, ROLSTON* BURNS 19 MCKITTRICK A LAW COIl1•ORATION 4100 A1uArkn -j UR DOULCVAIID rolrorrlcu 11OX .1710 NCWPOnr 11AC14, CALIFORNIA 05003 11141 707,Dnne 'n*11 SIN tINT11 PLOOR 00 "9 WRSHIRC noULCVARL) D CVCRLY IIILLS, CALIFORNIA 00Al2 1713) 770.01300•n7R•7004 November 23, 1979 I, CITYUf�LhYf,U0 (Ur1fi10fi'Cr1 cu11,1 11 'IV aryl apt? it, r ne)II; Nov 19?g AM �ylUl�IIU)I11 III INF3F.lIG C OP COUNSEL IIIWIN M, PULOP CADLCI PULDRICK NDOTOIIr DISACII rAx (714) rE7.05w? DCVIMLY 111LL1 M (0131 7/11M031 PLEASE nm•LYTOI Newport Beach Mr. Barry Rogan Assistant Planning Director City •3f Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Re: Proposed Planned Community Zone Ordinance Bear Darryl We revised drafthofethe PlannedhCl mMunity ZonehOrdinanc' ( "PC Ordinance") presented to the Planning Commission on Noven'Lbor 141 1979. We understand thec the Planning Commission has continued hearings on ":hat proposed�PC Ordinance until Novonlbor 28, 1979. Previously we discussed The William Lyon Company's y our review ofe the acityls original adraftwofhtheuPCOOrdinance. Some of those suggested changes have been incorporated into the revised draft of the. PC Ordinance currently being con- sidered by the Planning Commission. f Ftowever, we have following concerns with some o£ the p the vised draft. rovisic+ns in the the re- 1. As rovised, Section 3(A) has been modified so that property owned by public utilities, local districts or local governments, while not counted toward the 300 acre minimum for a PC Zone, may be used as "connectors" in order to meet thu requirements that property zoned PC must be ^on- tiguous and must be under single ownership or subject to unified planning. 130 LOP. tioLSTON, BURNS 0 &ITTRICK A LAW ColtPORAY70N Mr. Barry llogan Novmnbor 23, 1979 Page Two Our concern icationiordthe contiguity requirement the interpretation and d application app and the uao of oonnpootora. For your thioorpg ronoahiiptan 11' atfo chod and incorporated herein by ro n ra to be included an owne;cahip map showing tho.proporty p p within the Victoria Planned Community ('�Viotoriaa PC,,) Thread areas trolled by d in red, Property in green owned or controlled by Lyon. uonotos the southern California Edison Easement ( "Edison Easement ") aroas• Lyon expects to either acquire the bal- ance or the property included within the boundaries of the A# or to have proposed Victoria PC ns ahojoinnwithiLyon in applying fore PC landowners of the property j balance zoning. if. however, Lyon in unable to acquiro the of property shown within the proposed Victoria PC or the remaining landowners choose not to join Lyon in applying for PC zoning, we interpret section 3(A)� to P o hat -the Edison Eaeomont, being a "connector along with the fact that Victoria Parkway, being a street dedicated to the propertywowneddbysLyonhmay beiincludedgwithinna single PCil zone. 2. A numbor of provisions in the PC Ordinance, including section AE and sections 5B, C, D, L. F and M, tin various use or bulk rogulati.on requiremonts to "Director Review ". The term "Director Review" is never dofined and we are uncor,`•ain as to the amount of discretion the Director of Community ,")evolopmont would have or the crii.:eria he would use in reviewing particular aspects of the PC Further, we are uncertain whether Director Rovj.ow will 93o employed only where use or bulk regulations are not opocifiod ilk a Develop- where whether regulati.onslprescribeddinian to Development Plan. Therefore, those provisions referring to "Director Review" should be clarified by definin, both Director Review" and the criteria to be ue;od by the Director ,in evaluating use and built regulations in the PC, and further, providing that in establishing use and bulk regulations, areenotrothorwise will includedbwithin employed Developmentsuch regulations Plan r6LOP, ROLSTON, BURNS A *KirrmCK ' n LAW com,oKNnoN Mr. Barry Hogan November 23, 1979 Pago 'Throe 3. Paragraph 5(a) provides in part thutt "Other forms of access, such as pedestrian wayo, courts, plazas, drivowayo, horse trails, bilco trails or open parking lots uhall not be offorod for dedication as a moans of meeting requirements for open upaco and park dedication require- ments." In our provioun aieounnions, you informed us that the intent of the provision in to avoid placing the City in a position of maintaining plazan, horse trails and bike traile. Lyon currently contemplates that maintenance of thogo plazas, horse trails and bike trails will be funded by means of a special nsrossmont district. Bowevor, horse trails, bike trails and other improvements such no Victoria Parkway which iu designed an a "linear park ", should ba counted toward meeting minimum open space or park dedication requirements. We request that Section 5(G) be revised to provide that although such items as plazas, horse trails and bike trails will not be subject to dedication to or any maintenance by the City, they will, neverthelonal be eli- gible for inclusion in mooting minimum open space and park requirements. 4. Wo auggent that Section 6(4) be amended by deleting the word "mcasureo" in line 2 and inserting the torn "data" or "information ". S. Sections 6(B) ar-1 (C) requiring that housing market and commercial market analysis may be required as part of the pro - application procose, should be deleted. The type of marketing data proposed to be required is generally regarded as being of only short term value. Particularly, where the Victoria Planned Community is to be built out in a ton to fifteen year time frame, the Environmental Impact Reports will adequately discuss any market data evaluations necessary. The time and expense involved in preparing such • market analysis at the pro - application stage of processing • PC zone are not justified by the minimal value of ouch market data. 6. Section 7(A)(5) should be revised in two respect3. First, the provision should clearly indicate that it relates only to phasing of major planning areas, and not individual tracts, within the PC. Second, the last sentence of Section 7(A) (5) requiring that the Development Plan coordinate improvement of open spaces and the construction of buildings should be deleted since these types of con- siderations are more appropriate at the tentative tract map approval stage. PI) LOP, ROLSTON, OUKNS 0 A19'TRICK A LAW COr%rOI%A7'ICN Mr. Barry Hagen November 23, 1979 Page Four 7. Section 7(A)(S) should be modified by dolet- ing the term "specific plank" and inserting the phrase "specific tracts or development within the PC Planned Com- munity Zone." We suggest this change so that the term GeneraliPlanaor asSpecificfPlan an the adoption of the - p provided by the Oovorn mont Code. 0. in relation to Section 9 providing for amendment of the Development Plan, we understand that while you have determined not to include a separate pa :ovioion dealing with administrative adjustmonts, Lyon will, never - tnelese, be able to provide a procedure in ite Development Plan and PC Text which sanctions adminUztrative adjustments for such matters as density transfers between the specified planning areas within the PC Zone, without the necesCity of amending the Devolopment Plan or PC Text. 9. Finally, Sections 10(A)(2) and 10(C) dialing with annual Director review of development progress within the PC Zone should be deleted. Those sections would allow the Planning Commission or City Council, on their own initia- tive, to substantially amend the PC text and the intensity or types of uses previously approved. Since in developing the property within the PC 'Lone, substantial expenditures and commitments of resources will be made to construct the infrastructure for the project, since a total integrated plan for development within flexible limits is being prop- osed by Lyon, and since it is inappropriate for the City to make economic decisions for Lyon in constructing the develop- ment, these nections are entirely inappropriate and should be deleted. Following your review of the foregoing, we would enjoy the opportunity of further discussing our concerns with you. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Vew truly yours, .4 � David L. Co an for FULOP, ROLSTON, BURNS & MCKIT'TRICK DLC:am cc: Mr. Gary Frye Mr. Don Tomkins Mr. Robert Jacob , ice` 1•� ' ,1 I II'r •II 1� �� I, , ", ', 1 ''I'I I f.,, � ►' '• t t ,1 1 11 , I 11 1 '•.,� �, I�I,1 � 1 � , '� t i 'L 1�, 14' ���I l 1 11" Ir f,i5.' ', ,,'I f I ,1I� '1�1. 11 I•:1 ,',!i ", 11 ,�i, +1 '' f 11111.E ,. 111'1.1' I ', l' .•I''1 ' , 1'.,,A II , ' I15 I ., ,, 1 Lei . � 1 ,:'I, tl , .;I1, .I I' 1• Yi, , II ,,� I. ,rii , , I. I 1�, ' � I1' � •�, , ' 1 I ,i'.' 1 r' p:' , \{ I `1 .1 11 , , 'il I'� I .1 1�,� , 1!' ''''1 •' ,,, � '1 ,i 1. ,11'I', 'I .,1 111 � ,•� 1 r ✓ t 1 . 1 , ►► ♦' ♦�♦ , .11.1 r �' ti 1 b •, , � 1 .t .I ' t 7' 4 !Ihq c 11'11 �� ►41 ,,,`. 1' ' I .I 1 I 4 irr . 151 t .' }I,, _�`I 't� ,..' 14 j•.'1 t / ' j ..i }; •�. Ir '�,.'r. .t l�l'I 1 / 1 t`I I^� 1 1 ' I.' i• � I t � h is 111 i 1 '1 I • •� r' ' r 1 ' � }: , u'. • ,� , �•, 1 ,. 1 la a t � ' 11. Ili 5 1.. ', 1 '1c- -• L (4 1 t` +•, 1 t, "� 1, �'' ::11 ,' , 1' k. f ` I I , �, ♦ '�.' t 1 JI . 1 '1' 1'y r j , 4 . 1 I j , ) 1 • t 1 1 ' '' ' ,. •. _. '•� ..�1 r•t t,, j.'.,. .... 4._., ' _,.� t ' . .._ 'u :'..'l. _.+ '_I 1. ,' ' c ' ., r '�. +� �:. t.'i j 1 t,x;,, RESOLMON NO. 79 -00 A RESOLUTION OF TIIE RANCHO CUCA14ONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING ZONING ORDINANCE AHENDMNT NO. 79 -09 ESTADLInII- ING STANDARDS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES FOR PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTS. WIIEREAn, on November 14, 1979 the Planning Commioaion held a duly advortiuud public hearing for the above doocribed project. ncmw 7., That thin project will not create sig,aificant •dvorsu impacts on tha environment and the Negative Declaration is issued on November 14, 1979. SECTION 21 Purposen; A. Thn Planned Community Zone in included in the zoning rogulstiona to achieve the following purposeu; 1. To promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. To implement the objectives and policies of the General Plan. 3. To safeguard and enhance environmental amenities and the quality of development. 4. To attain the phyuical, social, and economic advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly planned use of land resources. S. To lossun congestion ruin ensure convenience of accass; to secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers; to provide for adequate light, air, sunlight, and open space; to promote and encourage conservation of scares resources; to prevent overcrowding of land and undue concentration of population; to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community; to attain a desirable balance of r - aidential and a Vloyment opportunities; and to expedite the provision of adequate and essential public services. 6. To faeilitatc development within the City in accordance with the General Plan by permitting greater flexibility and encouraging more creative and imaginative designs for major urban development projects subject to large - scale community planning. 7. To promote more economical and efficient use of the land while providing a harmonious variety of housing choices and commercial and industrial activities, a high level of urban amenities, and preservation of natural and scenic qualities of open space. 0. To provide a process for initiation, review, and regulation of large -scale comprehensively planned urban communitign that affords the maximum flexibility to the developer within the contoxt of an overall development program and opecifia, phased development plans conrclinated with the provision oe necessary public servlcos and facilities. SCCTION 31 General Requirements A. A Planned Ce Anity Zo.i& shall include a minimum area of Soo contiguoc. &area, under single ownurohip or otherwise nubjoat to unified pluming, construction, and development by a parson, corporation, or other ontityt property owned by public utilities, local districts or local governments will not be counted toward the 300 acre minimum, but may be used no a connector of single ownership. U. A Planned Ccoununity Torn shall be aaLabli&hod upon applica- tion of a Property owner, in accordance with the procedure sot forth in Section 61.0221 of the San Bernardino County Dodo as adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, and subject to the following ,provisionnc 1. Submisoion of a Development Plan for approval by the Planning C(xwnisnion and City Council, pursuant to this ordinnn,uo. 2. Ootormination by the Council that the establishment Of the tons and approval of the Development Plan shalli a. Provide for thin development of a comprehensively- planned urban community within the mono that is superior to development otherwise allowable under alternate regulations. b. Pkovido for development within the cone in u mhnner conaistont with the General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the city. c. Provide for the construction, improvement, or extension of transportation facilities, public utilities, and public services required by de- volopment with the zone. SGC'PION 4: Use Regulations A. Allowable uses in each Planned Community Zone shall be as established by a Development Plan Text approved by the City Council. The Development Plan Text may incorporate uses by reference to specific base zone provisions, or may establish specific use lists with definitions pertaining thereto. B. Existing uses withL-, the Planned Community Zane at the time ii �4k 4 0 of its establishment shall be doomed allowable and incorporated in the Development plan, unlaiun to rminAtod disccnitinued; or changed pursuant to a specific lima schedule incorporated in the Development Plan Text. C. Unless otherwise provided by the Development Plan Text, public utility facilities and publioly -owned facilities shall be allowable subject to a Conditional Una Permit. D. Unless otherwise provided by tho Covolopmont Plan Text, necessary uses or facilities shall be subjont to the name use regulation provisions an the principal uco or facility. E, Unless specified as subject to a Conditional Una Permit, each allowable use in the Planned Community 'Lone shall be subject to niroctor Review. F. Homa occupations pursuant to ordinance No.72 shall be allowable in each Planned Community. SECTION 5c Site Development Regulations and Pnrformnnrn StendarPe A, Planned CommuUty Zone and all uses thernin uhall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complementary to existing and potential development in the general vicinity of the zone. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the mutual protection of the zone and surrounding property from potential adverse influences. D. Thorn shall be no minimum area, width, or dopth requirement for individual lotn, except an established by a Development Plan, a Conditional Una Permit, Director Review or by Loca- tion and Development Plan. C. There shall be no minimum yard requirement for individual lots, except an established by a Development Plan, a Con- ditional Una Permit, Location and Development Plan, or by Director Review. D. There shall be no maxkaum height or covevage requirement for individual lots, except as establiehlid by a Development Plan, a Conditional Una Paimit, Locatiou and Development Plan or by Diractr�r Review. E. There shall be no minimum usable open space requirement for individual lots, except as ca'ablishad by a Development Plan, a Conditional Una Permit, Location and Development Plate or by Director Review. P. The maximum numbor of dwelling unite within a Planned Community Zone shall not exceed the number of units indi- cated by the General Plan for property within the zone designated for residential use by the General Plan, provided that the distribution of unite within the zone and the t�;a: maximum or minimum rnsidontial density on any individual site or within designated portions of the Leone r',all be governed by the Development Plan, Location and Develop- , mont Plan, Conditional Use Permit, or Director Review approval purnuant to the Development Plan, 0. All public atrooto within or abutting the development shall be dedicated and improved to City spocificationn for that particular clusnificati.on of street. Private streets within the development shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purp000 by moans acceptable to and enforceable by the City. Other forms of access, ouch no pedestrian ways, courts, pincan, d v horse trailb, bike trails, or open parking lots I be offered for dedication an a manna of mooting o iromanta for open space or park dedication requirement . II. All development within a Planned Community Zone shall relate harmoniounly to the topography of the oito, shall make suitable provision for the pronorvation of water courses, drainage areas, wooded areas, rough torr.•ain, and similar natural toaturos, and shall otherwise be no designed innumuoh an possible, to use and retain natural features and amonition to the bast advantage. I. Mechanical and electrical equipment, including air condi- tionera, antannoo, pumps, heating or cooling or ventilating equipment, exterior lighting, or similar equipment shall be located and operated in a mannor so an not to uwiroaaonably disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighboring renidonte. Excluding roof - mounted nolar collector panels and decorative exterior lighting, all ouch equipment and devices shall be screened from view from any abutting street, and shall not be located in a street yard. J. All areas for storage of maintenance equipment, and all service areas including refuse storage and collection facilities, shall be enclosed by a fonco, wall, or landscape acreen. K. All uses within a Planned Community Zone shall provide off - street parking and loading facilities pursuant to 61.0219(b) of the San Bernardino County Coda as adopted by ordinance 17 of tho City of Rancho Cucamonga. The applicant may apply for and receive administrative relief from Section 61.U219(b) at the time of Development Plan To t approval by the Planning Commission and City Council when verified proof has boon sumbitted through specific examples of oxi9ting projects and /or expert testimony that supports reducci parking standards or stalls. L. Thu proposed moans for assuring continuing existence , maintenance and operation of the various common elements and facilities. 0 M. Additional site development rogulntionn and gerformance atandards applicablq to individual uses or to dnnignatod portions of a Plc.Amed Community Vona may be ssta`+lishad " by the Development Plan, Conditional Una Permit, Location and Development Plan, or Director Review approval pwrnuant to the Development Plan. SECTION G: Pro- application Procedure a. Prior to submitting an application for a Planned Community Zono, the applicant or prospective developer should hold preliminary consultations with the Director of Commmiity Devulopment and other City officials to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expanse in the preparation of plans, surveys and other data. Such preliminary consultations should be relative to a conceptual developmant plans which Includes, but is not limited top the following, 1. propound land uses to be developed within the zone. 2. Development concopta to be employed. 3. 5chomatic maps, illustrative material, and narrative sufficient to dancribo the general relationships between Sand uses, and the intended design character and scale of principal features. 4. n preliminary time abhedulo for development, including quantitative data p such as population, housing uditap land use acreage, and other data sufficient to illustrate phasing of development and potuntial impact on public nurvicn requirements. D. Following initial preliminary consultatione pursuant to thia section, the Director may require submission of a coapotontl prepared h�» pq,}nark�t,ennlytpiet domcj*Vgtinq _the J4eswg$p 'ouch analysis may be requested as a part of the pro - application review procedure, may be made a requirement for submission of an application for a Planned Community Zone or may be requested an part of the environmental encasement or EIR. C. Following initial preliminary consultations pursuant to this section, the Director may require oubmission of a competently prepared commercial market analysis for any proposed shopping center or major commercial uncap showing the need for such usen in the location requested and the inadequacy of exiating zoned vitas to meet this need. The market analysin shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Determination of potential trade area. 0 2. Estimates of uxiating and future population of the trade Aron. 3. Determination of existing and potential offeotivo buying power in the trade area. 4. Determination of the not potential cuo.omor buying power for the proposed eotmnoreial development. Such analysis may be requested as a part of the pro- appli- cation review'procoduro, or may be mado a requirement for oubmtocion of an application for a P1Mned Community zone, or m►y be raquontod ao part of the environmental assessment or Bin. D. Following initial pro,'Aminary consultation pursuant to this ooetion, tlae Director may require propentation of the conceptual dovalopnont plan to the Planning Commission Such presenta- tion shall be for informational purposes only, and shall be in addition to subsequent public review requirements pursuant to an application for a Planned Community Zone and submission of Development Plan. ' SECTION 71 Dovolc -?mont Plan A. The Development Plan to be submitted with an application for a Planned Community Zone shall include the foliowingt 1. A boundary survey map of the property and a calculation of the gross land area within the proposed zone. A tentative subdivision map may be substituted if the applicant proponos to subdivide the property. 2. A topographic map and goneral grading concept plan with specific sactiona for sensitive areas, as determined by the Grading Committee for the property and adjacent land within. 1b0 feat of the proporty, shoon at contour intervals not to exceed 2 foot for natural elopes over 21 or loan. For natural nlopeu over 2% contour interval shall not exceed 5 foot. 3. Maps and supporting tabulations showing the current General Plan land use doolr ltion, the current zoning classification, and the ct rent land use within the proposed zone and on adjacent aitea within 300 feet. Tto location of structures and other significant improvements shall be shown. 4. A land use plan identifying areas within the proposed zone and uses to be developed therein, supported by proposed or prcjectr;d acroago, population, housing units, employment, and such related planning and development data as the Director of Community Development may require. 15. A development plan indicating the phasing or anticipated schedule, indicating the total phasing of thu Planned Community and areas to be developed in phases and the anticipated time sbhodule for beginning of construction and for completion of each phase of development. This a . 0 is a generalized schedule and may be adjusted according tQ,market constraints an the Community develops. 1710 avolopmont Plan shall coordinate improvement of o opacos and the conntr� ion of buildings and other rove�amits -t an> suto that Cecil stage of devalo�agank- f%ves a proportionate share of the, �tal -opdii apses, amaRit4on, and environmental -q a ity of the zone as a whole G. A circulatlon plan, allowing existing and proponod public and privato stracts, pedostrianways, trials, and related transportation access or circulation features required to servo the proposed development. The circulation plan shall be supported by schematic designs of principal traffic and circulation improvements, and ouch traffic engineering data as required by the director to dam -in - strata that existing and proponod facilities, both within and outside the zona, shall be adequate to servo land uses proposed by the Development Plan. 7. A preliminary report and overall plan describing antici- pated requirements and proponod moans of pruviding utility facilitiou and public services, including but not limited to, storm drainage, aowago disposal, water supply, parka Ntd racroation, and school facilities. 0. An accompanying Development Plan Text setting forth the basic land use regulations, site development regulations and performance standards designed to govern each use area identified by the land use plan. The text need not incorporate the same level of detail an found in the regulations for base zonna, but shall be no comprehensive as necessary to establish basic provisions and regula- tiono which ahall govern subsequent approval of specific tracts or developments within the Planned Community Zone. text shall include, but not be limited to, the following provisional a. A listing of allowable uses within each use area, including such qualifying descriptions or dofinitions and requirements for Conditional Una Permits an may be applicable. b. Maximum and minimum regulations, as appropriate governing residential density, site coverage, lot size and dimensions, yard require - monts, usable open apace, landscaping, and performance standards. c. Required yards, landscaping or other site development regulations to be applicable adjacent to other zones at the perimeter of the Planned Community Zono. d. Supplemental illustrations as required, establishing the basic architectural character and community environmental design qualitiuo to be attained throughout the Planned Community Zane and within particular portions of the zono. The i 9. Such other information, such as a topographic modal in areas of excassivo slope, may be roquirad by the Director of'Community Davalopmen4, the Planning Commisuion, or the City Council to Permit complete analynin and apprainnl of the development, and to facilitate adoption of the Planned Cpmmunity Zone and Win Dovvaalopueut Plan by the City Council. be'raqui ra d . Scale modal could SECTION 01 Adoption of Zone and Davelopnant Plan A. An application for a Planned community Zone and the Development Plan submitted with the application shall be nubjoc= to review and approval -in the name manner as pLOncribod in Section 61.0721 of the Dan Bernardino County Coda an adopted by ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. D. rach Planned Community Zone ontsbliehad shall be indicated on the Zoning Map by the lottrr "PC" followed by a reference number identifying aach noparrtto zone. Ube Development Plan an modified and approved by the City Council, shall be considered to be a part of this c;dinanca, and shall be identified by reference to the corresponding designation of each specific Planuod Community Zone on the Zoning Map. SFCTroN g: Amendments to Development Plan A. A Development Plan may be amended in the emno manner an provided by Section 61.0221of the San Dornardinn oounty Code an adopted by Ordinance 17 of the City of Rancho Cucamonga for a change of zone boundaries or for a chanyo in the regulations applicable with a zone. Amendment Of a Development Plan shall be nubjoct to the same findings as proocribad for initial enactment of a Planned Community zone and adoption of the Dovalopmant Plan applicable to the Planned Community Zone. D. An amendment to a Development Plan may be initiated by the C..ty Planning Commission or the Council, or tally be initiated by the original applicant for the Planned Community zone ot.' a successor thoreto, provided such applicant or successor has, at the time of application for an amendment, a continuing controlling interest in development or management of uses within the Planned Community Zone. 6FCTION 10: Review of Development Progress A. The Director of Community Development shall review each Planned Community Zone annually, and shall submit A report to the Planning Commission and City Council containing the following: 1. A summary of the development status within the zone and an assessment of progress during the year toward com- pletion of, development authorized by the Develnnmont Plan including adherence to development schedules and phasing. A atatomont o Qp cangesin land se rndnomic 2, developmenC t = o hg ne rind contttwroial en1 industrial dovolopnwnt ratont or j, pro -Irttmn for provision olio opinion the facilities and. nerviWn whioh, in the oR vary significantly from ehoao upon which the Uevelopmnnt Plan wore base d, attd which could nflnoC ard completion of advoranly continued progress tow development within the zone. p, A copy o! the annual report of the Diroctor shall be flu provided to the applicant and to ppro ri,tio by the °piroctor. portioin or oltccosoors an doomed apP P f APPROVPI7 AtrD ADOPTED THIS 2©TII DAY OF NOVEttP Rr 1979. PLANNING Cot TON OF THE CITY OF RMCIto CUCtd4r Dy. t — eitman itorman Romp ATTESTS of the Plann ng Commission Soornttu y nho Cucamongat of the Planning Coonion o! the City olularly introduced, Is JACK LANs Sectotary sin Resolution was duly and regularly at do hereby certify that the foregoing iosiom,of the City of nancho� oVam��a# 1979. passed and adopted by the Planning Comm nregular mooting o2 Y.ho Planning Commission hold on the 14th day AYESs COMMISSIOttERSt No W. C"ISSIONERS s ASSENTS 00MI41saILNERSs . ...::9,2' I . 1 .�.� 1 V • - 1 11 , I 1 I .., 11 �1 1 I' 11'1 i' 1 ,'•1.1 I, I, 1 11. 1 1 1 1 ,I •1 Ij 1 1' I '1� ', .I r:. I •' 1, 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 t 1 �� 1�� 1 r •111 I� 11' . •0 Ohl' �,t '1� i� r ',ti, • 11 li 1.1, • rl • it •��I •1 Y� ,1 f 1fl''1 � / ���.' i'1 r II V 1 ' 0111' U rf 1 •'11i. I 11 11'• ilia f }� .1' /.. �, .''II/ I'1 1 1,1 t,1 � .r1L ����`'�i11r1�, /f�J ,I•;�11 1 ' 11, 111 �1, ,dry 1```1 /'1�„�i�• /Iy 1 1 1'. �1 1 Y.n •1'� 1 1 1 1 11 1 1�•I����r � +Si����u /��� 1 1'1� {I '..,.i' 1 1 1 1 • m 1• \..r �I•��•I III�11' 1 "1�1�' 1 1 I• `',�1 � 1`��� I I• •!i I 1 1• :I 1 1 , i' q'1 11 • • 1ii•i�' •''' , I ''1 '1 'u • 1 r � . y, 1 rr �II. 1 11� r r 1' ('• 1'' •'I:i' .1':11'1 d 1�' 17a �1 •1 • A. 1, III , � 1 r 1 �w v.1 , • •,� r •- � d 1,', 1 r ' 1' J rt '1 i r �I ' ' , ' r. :, ', 11 r•1 � �A, r `; t 1 1.• 1. 0 r " ml 1 '1 0 fi 0 0 CITY OF HANCUO CUCAMONGA STAFF RBPORT Data: November 20, 1979 To Planning Commission From: Jack Lain, Director of Community Development Subject: PARKWAY DRVRLOFMHNT PRIOR-11111138 At tlhe November 15th meeting of the Advisory Commiasion, they unanimously recommended that tlhe City maintain, clean and retrofit landscaping and irrigation to the parkways along Carnalian Avenue, north of Base Line and on Carnalian. south of Base Lino to the approximato extension of Church. A list of seven items was presented to the Advisory Commiosion in order for them to choose one project or a number of projects that the City could use an a demonutration of our intent to use banutification foua. An was pointed out, thin project ahould be one that has the wid eut public exposure in order to got tlhe most for the dollars spent. Tile seven areas are listed no follows and in order of priority: 1. Maintain, clean and retrofit landscaping and irrigation to the parkways along Carnolian Avenue north of 11uselino and retrofit landscaping on Carnelian Avenue, south of Base Lino to the approxi- mate extenuion of Church Street. 2. Retrof it landscaping and irrigation to the parkways on Base Lino Road north and south aide from the western City limits to Haven Avenue. 3. Retrofit landscaping and irriga :ion to parkways on Archibald Avenue from 19th Street south to Foothill Blvd. 4. Install landscaping in the existing mod ion islands on Foothill Blvd. at the intersection of Archibald. S. Retrofit landscaping and irrigation to the sidewalk area along 19th Street from Sapphire to Carnelian. 6. Retrofit land::-• . b and irrigation to the parkways along Hellman Avenue between Ar...w Route and Foothill Blvd. 7. Retrofit landscaping and irrigation to the parkways along Arrow Route between Hellman Avenue and Archibald Avenue. ITEM'4i" � 1..' 1 ..� � 'e I'.1 I I I ,i I ' •I ��11 . .'171 1 =w..1 I•' ( /. 111 �i'1 �, 1 •y . 1 1 '1 J V11 , , �I,.r �. �,1 I I 1, �, i�'1, •I I •� 1 11 r i�.. �1 q 1!, .1•I'1 I,• 111 ',r1 'r If the Planning • 1 . 1 vitil the Adviflory • 11 • u ,.•' tion, than we would auggent that you'forward uuch recommendation' to the City Council for thair approval. 1.1.' I" L' I' y JACK LAMI, Director of Conmunity Development ,.j11i 1' .r.. i rl' •I ' J'Ijdl li 1. 1 1, 1 1� .1. � •,c Ili •'' 11�. n, X1;1' t i I i •, � •�� , X111 r 1 1�. 1111'• k J 1 1 aA� 11V � 1 ,. 1 J II ', >; 1 �".. I I r 1 1 1 I .:. r .•: fY 11 I1�, l � X1.17 1 I1S�, �a � • :�.' 1 1 �t .. r, 1 .. .� J+ ti'r•I I l l I? 1 d rlU 'l l V., rr 1 • I l I i1 �.1 1 r 11: 1 1 ��, r � I. f • :1 4 b,• � I � � \ j I r r� 11 M ' � . I` 1 � 1•I• ril r rli i '1.,1, 1 ! '1 .1 r' 1 � 1 {'�1 1 1 �. 11 f•1 4 Il�r. r•!• r .IJ ! 1 I 1 I 1 1 I • t .i 11 • 1 � � r�••, l.i i �• 1 1 • I � �I t �a 1 -i � '.1� � 1 :' •� _.,. , r rl � I?� , 1 I• �1 ia'i 1 V V 1 r1 '. �71 1. fi • i � 1 y t 'I 1, jl 1 r .. � i , , � , 1 / r '. .j_II 1I •, ,r. a�.:-. .h�i•a. Cy ^ 1: ., ..t I.. ..'�.. 0 any OF 1IANC110 CUCAMONGA Datat November 201 1979 To: planning Commission STAUP REPORT promo Jack Lam, Director of Community yovnlopment Subject: DESIGN REVIEW C0t7MITTL?R 40 PACK011OUNDt A° the Commission is aware, the City Council approved and adoptad the Design Review Ordinance of their twating of November 7, 1979. Thins Ordinance 1,ion willmneeditotsalect two members of7tile Commission toe participate on the Design Review Committan and not appropriate mnnting Liman. Staff suggests that Review aConmtitteo� w►tictt is tile gniste ►►ecommitteegtofDe ►signaar. Review, meeto on Thursday mornings twice monthly following City Council meetings. If at all possible, the most convenient nod logical time for the Design Review Committee to moot would be the Tunedaystpn��eH °Cnmaitta °n may mntitwicn swnthlYi nanca as adoptad statoa that the Design there would not be n mooting. In addition, if it is the or mono if needed to process propooad daw,elopments. If there are not developments to process,�obviouolyv t project would not be reviewed :f it already manta the Commissions intent, the mertnreviewt time s r p iodtnot t ►oebecextteended,atherDesign Review Committoo would have to meet the Monday, Tuesday or Wednusday prior to Thursday's Development Review Committee meeting. Any other time would n plan 'not allow sufficient for review of project prior to t►te Renting date. Under the system, project plans for review by the Design Review Commmittae, w1ll be distributed to the Committee the week prior to the meeting. RECO�ATION1 It is recommended Plan the DesmiignsRevieweComml.ttee and its members to n six (G) Review one of its members to a twelve (12) month term of officc rintunn sting schedule Committee. In addition, it is recommended that uirn the two alectnd members to meet be formulated for the Committee. This may time. with staff to review different options available for the meeting respect ul y submitted, JACK LAM, D Community Development n:MV:nm ITEM "I" 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. '19 -72 A RESOLUTION OF TRIP, RANC110 CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING BITE APPROVAL 140. 79 -20 10rJtTED AT 12459 ARROW RO'1TZ POR USE OF AN INTERIM OFFICE TRAILER. WIIrms, on November 191 1979, a formal appliantion wits submitted requesting review of the above describud projocti and W1iNREA90 on November 20, 1979, tho Planning Commission hold a duly advertised public hearing for the above described project. NOW, TIM W,. T11E RANC110 CUCAMONGA PLANNINi COMMISSION RL'00LVED AS FOLLOWSt SECTION 11 That the following findings havo been mtadat 1. That the Oita is adequate in Oita and shape 2. That the Tito has adequate accenn. 3. That the propound use will have no adverse offset on the &rutting property. 4. That the propose& use in consistent with the proposed Gonoval Plan. S. That the conditions listed in thin report are necessary to protect the public health, uafoty, comfo ^t, convenience, and general welfare. SECTION 2t That Site Approval No. 79 -20 is approved subject to the following conditional 1. That all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance ar.4 ail other applicable City codes be complied with. 2. That the trailer be placed it accordance with the exhibits and plans on file in the Planning Division. 3. That the trailer is approved for a two (2) year period beginning from the data of Inctallation. APPROVED AND ADOIPED THIS 28Th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1979- PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Herman Rempal, Chairman ATTEST, _ Secretary of the Planning Commission 51 !• I�. !� { I�,,�• 1 1'1. • '1 r I I� ��. t i I1 •i 1�., , :,1 ,�+ ' 1 1 � I.11 , 1 1 , � � �, 1 '111 1 • i r.' � � I(.1 , � 1, I ,III � . 11 I I , . I 1 � � • � - 1 p . � 1 i, I I 1(� 1 1�, 1i ;' '1 Ii11 i i 1 11r � ., i 111 � II 1 I/ •'Ii 1 I rt � S ". i,ll � i �1 '1 •, � I 11 1 i,l r / 1 I� 1 f I' I J ' 1 1 1i 11 I1 I, ` 1 � I � � 1 � I'� 11 le 1 '11 1, + 1 1 1 ' 1 ,' t' v .1 • r ' 1` '' 1 t 1 � 1� ,,', r 1 v' 1• I �. 1 1 j , I i I � I I ,. � ' �. • I , Olt X# JACK LAM, flaCretary of tyao Planning CoUwd@Oion or the City of Rancho •' 1 1 I ��, i i. /1. 11 1 1 �.1 I 11 � f r,•.1 � 1. li � al.l ` +11'' 1'� 1 ,,,�} ,i I I I 1 , 1 r,'1�1 1 1��, �I',1! 1,. I ,. 1. � 1� , � �. �I �I � �, � 1 t• 1 '..� 1 � 1 I II .I� 1 1 1'11.. I ',� 1 , 1 l l �11 I , •� � I i' '��• 1 '1. 1 i 1 � V 1, I 11 , 1' 1''� ''l i .i I .II + • 1 1' \ 1 ,. 1, 1, �. 1 "P , I,i ��, �11, 1 •` 11 1 �R 1 f1J �. ', �i 1 1 .1t 1 t I1 ,. .�r •1 the pammed, mid adopted by the Planning 1;11' 1 •mr o. . . ., {'1l,'' I•.il t �•,I,1 �,'� n by the follwing vote 4L • 1 • t 1 • 1 �4� '1'1'1,�'•1�. it i 1 i� 1 A• r', 1 4 1; i� II r' ' .11 1 I. 1 I o :'L'1 ILf L� I ,1 It ' R I J• i..l t� I {' 1,. t 1 / �. I :. I i. 1 1 11 1 1/ 1 / It,• i,� ( , 1 , 11 17 11 �1 n `n r ;: , It •� 1 1 t 1' R'I L J.r 1 t LIIJ ,J 1 D ' It 1 1 r .t ` e •.. `. t is t r 1 . JI• l /11. , , 1 1, � l, 1. 1 0 !(� 11 , 1 1• /� � L•, 1 �R It K i 1 1 \,/ r w , 1 ,•I + 1 1.• 1 'v 1111 /11j. ^, R 1, .. 1 1 � , \ ! /J} tr �. 1 1 •R rt 1( IJ It i �� 0 CITY OF RANCHO C!'f�AMONV. ". STAFF REPORT DATEi November 20, 1979 TOi Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND ZONE CIIANGE 79- 09- ANDERSON K odngo of zone from R- to R-3 on 19.11 acres of land located on the oast side of Vinoyard, betwoon Foothill Boulevard and Arrow Route. BACKGROUND: Arnold Anderson is requesting a change of zone from R -1 to R -3 on 19.11 acres of land on property as described above (figure 1). His intent is to provide zoning to allow for thA development of a 140 unit Mobilchome Park. A preliminary site plan of this Park will be on display at the meeting for the Manning Commission's review. Residential zone changes with the intent of developing a Mobile Nome Park are exempt from the ® existing residential moratorium. The westerly portion of the site, fronting Vinoyard, in designated Mixed Use on the Interim Land Una Element of the General Plan. The remaining p,)r *.ion is designated High Density Residential (15 -30 units/ acre) . The L•.irrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:(Exhibits A&B) ZONING LAND USE North R -3 Vacant West A -1 Vacant South R -1 Vacant East R -1 Singly Family Residences ANALYSIS: Two isauus• are associated with this zone change: (1) Multi - family versus Administrative Professional Uses. (2) Compatibility of Mobi3ekiome -Park to surrounding area. 1. MULTI - FAMILY VERSUS ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL USES: The Mixed Use designation fronting along Vineyard Avenue could allc:: AP (Administrative Professional) zoning or R -•3 (Multi - Family Residence). Uses allowed in the AP zone may be considered appropriate on this portion of ,Vineyard Avenue sinco it is in close proximity to commercial uses on Foothill Boulevard and ITEM "E" because it nerves no a corridor to Ontario Ai::port•. high density residential uses allowed in the R -3 zone, however, may be more desirable because of the potential ir,croano i.r, affordable housing and rental units.' ru -thor, rental units at this location Qould' home a labor force for the City's industrial area to the south. 2. COMPATIBILITY OF MODILEHOME PART( TO SURROUNDING AREA: Based on the General Plan, probablo future uaee of adjacent pro - ppar�.:iea will be multi- family, and /or professional uses. The issue is whether a MobUehoma Park would be computable with those uson. Using proper situ design and landscaping techniques, a Mobilohome Park can bn made to be compatible with all three land use types. E•tamplea of wall designcd MobIlehome Perks made compatible with dingle Family developments can be found in Rancho Cucamonga. Staff pacts that this particular site is suitable for a Mobilehowo Park it properly planned. ENVIRONMLNTAL ANALYSIL, Staff has reviewed part 1 of tb.a Initial Study and has found no sig- nificant advorso impacts upon: the environment resulting from this project. Staff, therefore, recommends issuance of a Negativo Declaration. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised in the Daily Report on November 16, 1979. Further, property owners within 300 feet were notified of said zone change and hearing date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning COmmiasion- adOT:t Yosolution No. 79 -71 recommending cppruval. of Zone Change No. 79 -0S to the City Council., Rasp- tf ul� [Ubmlit e 0 Jack Lam Director of Community Development JL: Bit: cd Attachment Exhibit 'W', Vicinity Map Exhibit "B ", Land Use Map Initial Stvdy, Part I Resolution No. 79 -71 L-11 1, I I I j fl L r1 1 1 I�1 1 1�1 '11l ,�� I � , 1� �I! II1�'! I 1 I 1. , I ��', , ,) 1 I. }� l 1, 1 '1'• -�( 1.'•' I/. ( 1 ' 1 '. i II I 1 � I l i. ',I'll 1 �11 IJ''i 1 Y' ;•,. 1 11 ! 11 , 1' 1 '1' 1' il. 1'i 1 111 1'I 1' 11, 1 1 t I f 1 }I� I� Ir ;i i �'ll, 1 / {1 + 4 t 'l.y ' '1 11 ����� I � � i 1I•i�' ! 1 {' V � 11 � l l 1. � q1 i I; 1�. 1 1 11�1111, 11111 1 1 1 1 '•I 11 '1'I 1,111 1111.1 1 1 1'1 1 I. i. 1 r 11 111;1,.1 1.1 I 1. III 1 111 )� ^1 1 I Till I. 1 `l., II ' I I I 1 "11 11;.1! I 111 I ,'1 .II 1. 11 1 1 .:•j 1 lr' 1 III, I I II 11 111 1 1 �' \ 1 1 f� }•)11 ,111 �, . � 1. ,'�.1'.I'i,V''�(I 1• 1 III. iI IL /. �,, •mil �i II it f I''I l JAII ��1 r It ,:I,� 1•'1', I Ili q�r 111 �.1• ,t• "1' S �5 '.I:. 111 •' + ag ado i� \YI'f •r•l�l y� i' •I1 '',1j I.fil. • ♦ ,, I,, VIC-miry MAP 1 / ,i, f 11'1 ,li.'•�\1 1 1 ., i 1 t 't � '' l� 1�It 1 \,'% �{ S. I 411 �1'1 I I �I t' � 11 11 I /. I 1��•� 1 I 11 'l+ r. • 5 '� ..l 1 t V +��. 1�1 11 / 1 ^J u u r 1 r r I.:r ! r _ ,Ir`1 11 1 t � k• I `t11. r 1 1 1 t 1• �� I �' 1 ll 1{ ki + 51 Lr I r ,i 5 ;�, �'' +I t t l 1•f 1 I..1 J Y 1il L\ WkwA % ; "i m lo r' I� El CIT.y Op MNC110 CUCAMONOA INITTA?j STUDY pAti'P I .. ppona' INFORMATION SHEET — To be completed by applicant Wnvironmontal Assosament Review B -001 $70.00 F�,r all projects requiring environmental rev pa�o this form must be completed and submitted to the Review Committee through the department whore the project application is made- Upon receipt of tine application, tha Environmental Analysis staff wall propare part II Of the initial Study. The Developmont Review Committee will 'moot and take action no later than ton (10) days 'beforw the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three detorminationo: 1) The project will have no onvironmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be preparedo or 3) An :additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project- PROJECT TITLES APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: 11-07 kMME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE. OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED j. CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: _L,�t2Li1 ��� 77�y Cdrt IpCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) 1'l►5� � t'nf_ .�F_�/� ��L`,rv„til"►�.G�t1s:T1L��: �" ._--• - --.... - O // LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING -SUCH PERMITS: ilIr . ......... RROJECT DESCRZVVXOb-T DESCRIPTION Or 1MROJECTi 77�A- Xt k f LA 1 1 'rM V L-1 e It VnA W-/ d doif OLZ-` _ R l-4 01 12 C'A A*r t ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAG] PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY1 I?Erlep k- ,r-?PjZQ& 4000 '!jQ, r--"n ,L,qA.j77 -AjoW DESCRIBE THE ENVTROMII'W-AL SETT ,XJLG OF THE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANT ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENT OF SURROUNDING 0^vSRTXESj AND THE DESCRXI {tyys g -1 41, OF EXISTING AND PROJECT SITE is (TrEES), C ASPECTS, UOE ITXON OF ANY NECESSARY SHEETS)$ gza,472M45 Mnr one oZ a series- .vidually small, impact? ita?, r t y °' V "L This noinCT, XM LL Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vihrationl 3. Create a substantial change in demand 'or municipal sowvJcos (police, fire, water, sewage, seta.): 4. Croats changes in the existing zonin•d or general plan domignotional 5: Remove any existing troasl Flow many7- � tRoLJ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammabloa or explosives? Mcplanation of any YFs answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CGRTIFICATIONs I hereby certify that. the statements £urniehed above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation t-) the best of my ability, and that the fticts, statements, and information presented are true and cnrrect 'uo the best of my knowledge anti belief. I further undarstand tYa t additional information may be required, to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the .Davolopment Review Committee. 1 ® Date /oa —,Z- i � signature Title IU:OOLUTION NO. 79 -71 A RESOLUTION OP '1gIE,RANCtIO CUCAMONOA PIJ NNINU COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPWIVAL OF ZONE CIIANGE NO. 79 -09 REQUESTING A CIIANGE OF ZONF. FROM N -1 TO R -3 FOR 19-31 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED ON TE; 111 I. r 1, ' 1 1. .li'1.1�1�1 I I I j '1 t I'I 'i. 11,E ,1 I Y� • 11,, lI I t 1 f�'rr 1 � 1 , 1 '111.1 •il 1 , ,• , ,I 1 , ..I / i 1' I 1 1 11,E•y '. , I "% I II'/ 1' 1 1, ' 1 / I 'r ` ' I•�I .1 .11'r♦ I ., ' 1 '� 1 1 L'll'. IIt1 � ",I 1' ,.I ��1 f I 1 1 r; ',1 '1. I,.1 � 1,��11 1� ' 1 1 �i '•11 y '� 1 1 1 ,'. 11,.1 o� U 1 I I^ , . j i i i 1 •/ � I 11) P r ,� ' I I l i 1 111 1' 1 l i t 1 ( 1 ' 1,• 1' , 1' . 1 I i; ' l i i ' r I 1 , 1 11 � 1 1 1 • 1 \ 11 � 1 ,1 � � � / � 1 i , 1 � I ' 1 f . 11 1 '.I� 1 / 1 I j. •,1- i 1 1'i 11 ..1 '',1. �� I1 f1,,� I,l •l .i ,1•I,''' PIMNING COMMIDGION OF DYI ATUGTs I, Secretary of the Planning Commiouion X# JACK LhMp Secretary of the Planning Co=aidnion Of the City of Rancho Cucamonga# r10 hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wee duly and regularly introducedf ''f l i iii). '•I'`;'i; . � 1 �i mee 8 h day of November, 1979 by the following voLs to-witt t i • • '1 NOES • • ,1 1 rll 1 11 ,i 11 l i ♦ , I'J I I' 1.. 1111." 1 t 1 { 4 11 •1.11': I X1'1 1 V • ' I Y ,�.,• 1 ♦ 11f .1 1 ! 1', r t f.. . 1 1 1 l i � 1' ry 1 1 1 1 • 1 i i t 1 .. �. 1 •'.' ..I Jr'� � ! ♦ t t :1. \ , �. 1w1 /1 11 1 +(l'.C# 11 11 { 1 11 11 C j..11 ,•. , 1 1 IJ,, •I 1 � f I 1 v. v I ♦• ,r r.�'1 f � '1 � t J � r.r P� � - r � I , r � r � 1 r• r 1 1 \I �• I• 1 1 1 I, I 1 a I f 1 ', t - \ i • . r , �' •ice' a , 'r I / I• j f , 1,, •� 1 �.: Irk Se rll�• __ � 1 � 1 'a f .. 1 � I ' �' 1 9i 11 1 ', jj1 �1 ® CIT11 OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA sTAFF vzB on DATL*t November 113, 1979 TO, planning Commission FROMI Jack Lam, Director of Community DevolopmenL SUDJECTs SITF APPROVAL NO. 79 -19 - ATIJ►NTrc RictiyinD - A request for remodoling the existing Arco Station lecat:od on the southnast corner of Foothill Doulovard and Mal.rchito Avenue into a calf -aorvo gasoline station and food convenience store. DACKGROUNDe Atlantic Richfield Compdny is requesting approval for the remodeling of the oxioting automobile service station located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Malachite Avenue (Exhibit P.). The applicant is proposing to convert the oorvico bays into a convu.oionco food center that would servo typical convenience goods such as dairy products, tobacco items, bakery goods, boor,wino, otc. The gasoline service Pumps would be retained and would become golf - sorvo facilities. In addition to the remodoling of the interior of the building, the applicant in proposing to add landscaping throughout tho site, close the north driveway on ® Malachito Avenue, upgrade exterior building elevations, and rovioo the signs to be in conformance with the Eign Ordinance (Exhibit C). ANALYSISt The project alto is presently being used as a full service atation, with service bays and gasoline pumps. Since the majority of the improvements are existing and only minor alterations are proposed, thin review will focus upon two major issues involved with this proposal, access and elimination of the full service cal•abilition of L•ho service station. The access issue is a major policy issue relative to the access policy for major and secondary highways. As the Commission will recall, Bites fronting on a major or secondary street may only be permitted one access point per site and •.aintain a minimum distance of 300' between driveways. In addition, Duch access mints meet be located a minimum of loo' from any intersection. The applicant has agreed to close the north driveway on Malachite Avenue but objects to the closure of the west driveway on Foothill Boulevard. The Fngincaring Division has recommended the closure of the west driveway on Foothill Boulevard in order to remain consistent with the ae-'eas policy and to eliminate existing significant traffic hezarde. The other major issue deals with the conversion of the oxioting automobile service bays to a convonionce market. It appears as though there nro two issues involved with ouch a conversion. The first is the fact that the Planning Cnmmission has in pact actions not approved such convoraions because they felt there exists a significant need for full sorvico automobile facilities. In addition, the Commission has stated that the definition of an automobile service station is one which provides full service operations such as minor repairn and adjustmotitu. The secondary issue ® is relative to the compatibility of a self eurvico gasoline pump station and a convenionca market. The intent of providing the convenience food market area, according to the applicant, is to provide a convenience service to their gasoline customers. However, this does not ensure that the food cmvenionca center would not attract additional traffic into the site which could cause confusion in terms of ITEM 'IF" parking and on -cito circulation. Should the Planning Comminsion consider approval of thin project, than it in roconiaondoil" that the attachod conditions from the Planning and Engineering Divisions be adopted with a formal rasolution by the Planning Commission. Attached an Exhibit "D" is a revised site plan incorporating the major changes tbot would be rocommnondad by staff should the Commiumlon consider approval of thin project. Generally, they are the closure of the driveway on Foothill Doulovard, incorporation of continuoun lendocapod planters along the south and oast property lino, and adjuetmont to Oarking mtalls. In addition, the applicant ha© submitted a colored rendering of the proposed exterior chnngoa to the building. Tb000 will be on display at the Planuing Commission mooting. If the Commission considers approval of thin projout, than it in recommended that the Design Review Committee meet to review the proposed color scheme ou the building. The altornativo actions that could bu taken by the Planning Commission are as followsn 1. Approve the project based upon the proposal by the applicant. Z. Approve thin project with conditions as proposed by the Staff. 't;t" Approve the project with modifications to the conditions proposed by Staff. 4t-" Deny the project requent based upon the past Commission actions and policiou. Thin itam in an advertised pu►. -ic hearing and noticom'havo been sent to all property owners within 300' of the subject property. To data, no correspondence has been received cithi r for or against the project. Ros ctrful ly I ubmi to , Jack Lam, Loctor o Community Development JLtMV,co Attachmanten Exhibit A, Sito plan - Vicinity Map Exhibit B, Prospective Exhibit C, Sign Proposal Exhibit D, Recommended Changes �1 , ',' � • 41 Irl: ; !\ '. 11,, 1/SI. 1+� 1 111. III r1 1 II ,� 1, „II 1`i;.r, (MIS I l i t v l� I 1 I 1. •.' i I I I 1 '/ ' 1 I 1 �' N1 1 �� 1 i I I 11 11 ' 1 1( �• 1' 1 r/ � i I ' II � � i 1 P , I. .I II 1 `1 , . II •I� 1 I, II M'.� II 1, ll, 1,�,,' a �, I 1 r � 1 I it 1 r I;l�l 1 FI• I 1 111r • 1 �� � 1'•4 •\ 1 �. � I 5• 1' 1 �I I '15. �r 'M�,i 'r 11 �, 1 i •I I i ,,, 1, 1 I +1 -,e � ,, rl 1 ., 41: 1. Al �fl'i .'� ,1f I 1• .�, 1' 1�1'V'• 11 ,l r ' 1 r +I/ li ' _ •k I',' i1� ° 11 M111 1 {.1 1 i 1 l 1� h1 1 � +t �l�','1 /A � �� .•:�L�r li�1 ��l���yi.• '� ,� Ir 11 ' , 1 •.; ' 1 II '' , i ,111' , 1 I ,I'll ��• '; � 1 — r« 1 'I q nl � '. r 1 1 J�; .wy.�l...w� • 5� 1 1 1 , + 11 11 �' 1 �. • I � . � �I 1 I � L ��. It`1• ''��•j '1� 1� RYA �: /•I I, ... 1 I ill ', t]! 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