HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980/04/23 - Agenda Packet1 1, 1 �l X11 Ii l �1 li 1 1 I .ippk 1 �1 1.1 •1 ,1 -w 1i i v ,n rl, � 1 CITY OIL RANCi-10 CUGIMONCA PLANNING COMMISSION Q z AGENDA 1977 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1900, 7:00 p.m. LION'S PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LINE, RANCHO CUCANONGA, CALIFORNIA ACTION No Action Taken Removed Approved 4 -0 Approved 4 -0 Approved 4 -0 I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissioner Dahl X Commissioner Garcia X Commissioner Jones Ex. Abnencc III. Approval of Minutes April 9, 1980 IV. Announcements V. Consent Calendar Commissioner Rempal K Commissioner Tolatoy R A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 6011 - ACACIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY _-m Lot split of approxi- mately 2. 48 acres into 2 lots located on the nouth- west corner of Baker. and Foothill. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL. MAP NO. 3383 - JAMES DANKSt JR. - Lot split of one five -acre parcel into three one -acre lot and one two-acre lot located npproximately.6601- 1,320' north of Base Line, 660'- 990' went of East Avenue. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 5792 - WARMINGTON - The subdivision oij 10.7 E acres into three lots located on the west side of Archibald Avenue, 1,050 feet north of Brso Line Street. D. ENVIRONMENTAL, ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 5981 - ARLAN WALTON - The d•'.vision of 4.8 acres into thr, lots located at 5675 Sapphire Street. VI. Public Hearings Planning Comminsimi Agenda April 23, 1980 Polls 2 VII. Old Business Pilot progrhm for flags - E. Itp_ .QUKST BY HENRY REITEit for the use of flags for lot to be developed by DRC. an industrial leaning office located on the nouth- prior to going to C.C. want corner of Arrow and Archibald. 3 -1 (Tolntry opposed) VIII. Now Business Approved 4 -O F. TENTGTIVE TRACT MAP NO. 11434 AND ENVIRONMENTA' with change to ASSESSMENT - R.R. WILCOX - The division of 8.11 Engineering Condition 03 acres zoned M -R into 10 lots .located on the northwest corner of Seventh Street and Hallman Avenue. 0. DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -16 AND ENVIRONMENTAL Approved 4 -0 ASSESSMENT -• MEYER INVESTMENT - The devolopmen of an industrial park located on the asst aide of Archibald, south of 6th Street. 11. Referred to Design Review Committee for recommendation 3 -1 (Rempel opposed due to time constraints) Appeal denied - Staff directed to I' take bond for sidewalk 6 work with applicant to save as many trees,as possible - 4 -0 J Approved 4 -0 DIRECTOR REVIEW NO.80 -17 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS- MENT - ARNOLD ANDERSON - The development of a mobile - home park to be located on the east side of Vineyard, approximately 600' south of Foothill Blvd. APPEAL OF PARCEL NAP NO. 5893 - BART0:1 - Dividing a lot into 2 parcels for propeety located on the north side of Victoria between Etiwanda and East. rinNi - unvNiunKi:uN - i ;onceprual review or the Master Plan for the Rancho Cucamonga Busineon Park geaurally located on the southeast corner of Foothill Blvd. and Haven Avenue. K. DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -13 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS Approved 4 -0 MENT _DAON/BARTON - Specific site plan review for the development of a 15 acre light industrial park as a portion of the overall development known as the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park. IX. Council Referral X. Director Reports Continued to May L. REPORT regarding new comprehensive Grading Ordinance. 'Continued to May M. REPORT on status of General Plan and Industrial 16 Specific Plan. d to May N. RESOLUTION for the requirement of raised landscaped median islands on Foothill Blvd. 'eating adjourned at 12:20 a.m. , . ,. QTY or RANWO CUCAMa\%GA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1980, 7100 p.m. LION'S PARK COMMUNI'T'Y CENTER 9161 BASE LINE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call Commissioner Dnhl _ Commissioner Garcia Commissioner Joneny�� III. Approval of Minutes April 9, 1980 � rC rA Commissioner Rempol Commissioner Tolatoy_ ._ IV. Annoi,11RONMENTAL omen a V. Cons or ..% ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 6011 - ACACIA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - Lot split of approxi- mately•2.48 acres into 2 lots located on the south - ` Meat cornor of Baker anti Foothill. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3383 - JAMES BANKS, JR. - Lot split of one five -acre parcel into three one -acro lot and one two -acre lot located approximutaly 6601- 1,320' no-r-M of Base Line, 660'- 9901 west of Font Avenue. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF P.IRCEL MAP NO. 579:! - WARMINGTON - The subdivision of 10.76 acres into three lots located on the west aide of Archib -ld Ava ua, 1,050 feet north of Base Lino Street. l D. EIVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF PARCEL MAP N0. 5981 - ARLAN WALTON - The division of 4.8 acres into three lots located at 5675 Sapphire SLreet. Vi. Public Hearings .j I/ I� • ti .I . Planning Comninaion Agenda April 23, 900 del Page 2 (1A 4- �v :4 VII. Old Business NP_gULST BY 1111NHY REITER for the use of flags for an induotrial leasing office located on the souC� weal curner of Arrow and Archibald. , VIII. Now Business 0 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 11434 AND BIiVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - R.R. WILCOX - The division o B. O acres zoned M -R into 10 lots locntod on the northv -st corner of Seventh Street and Hallman Avenue,. G. DIRECTOR RRVI1rW NO. 80 -16 AND ENVIRONMENTAL �) ASSESSMENT - !YER INVESTMENT - The development of an industrial park located on the east aids of Archibald, mouth of 6th Street. 1i. DIRP.CT�R REVIEW N0.80 -].7 AND ENV�ttONMENTAi. ASSESS - i MBN1 - Al NOLD ANDEI 501�I - homs park to bo located Tha da lopmont of on the salt side of a mub Vineyard, ximntoly 6U0' south of Poott�il1 Blvd. lot into 2 parcels f north aide of Victor Dividing a on the and East. J. DIRECTOR REV 2 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESS- MENT - DAON#ffXRTONjvP nceptual review of the Master Plan for the nc o Cucamonga Business Park generally located on the southenat corner of Foothill Blvd. and Haven Avenue. K. KENT - DAON /BARTON - Specific site plan review for development of a 15 acre light industrial park as a port on of the overall development known as the Rancho Cucamonga Bunineas Park. Council Referral. X. Director Reports L. REPORT regarding new comprehensive Grading Ordinance. REPORT on status of General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. J• RESOLUTION for the requirement of raised landscaped median islands on Foothill Blvd. ,a ' s Planning Commission Agenda April 231 1980 Page 3 XI. Public Cotmnent - Anyone wishing to comment on any ,item not listed on the Agandn may do no at this time. XII. Upcoming Agenda XIII. Adjournment - The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that not an 11100 p.m. adjourluuant time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be hoard only with the consort of the Commission. W�1 F�1 V C� 1 ` M r�rw I� 11 K L K J i R 7 L Z N Z O Q ti 2 O t_.: N'•. r�ra iK4 .y.� :`l. '. v..n. � .. , n+ +y4^{�� + /n•..w .... - ...+....rr.: 1. v.ti�.. +P+:rn,. .. .. . • • Vie....+....... ...n. 48 0 (711Y OF RANCHO CUC:'ANKMA 91 Al' 1' REPORT DATE: April 23, 1980 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: JACK LAM, Director of Community Development BY: DAN COLEMAN, Junior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR PARCEL HAP 140. 6011 - ACACIA C NSTjTAffrW-71L - Request-- - d-i vicie approximately acres of an nto1wo parcels in the R -3 zone located on the southwest corner of Baker and Foothill. BACKGROUND: This review is for environmental assessment to determine any s gnlTicant adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the Parcel Map herein described. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evidence would indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant adverse impacts. If a determination of no significant impact is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found, then an environmental impact report should be required to fully analyze the potential impacts of the project. The applicant is requesting to divide approximately 2.48 acres into two (2) parcels. This subdivision will create a legal lot for ownership purposes for an existing residence with the remainder parcel to be avail- able for future development. The zoning is R -3 which requires a 7,200 square foot minimum lot. The General Plan designates this area as medium density residential, 5 to 15 units per gross acre. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The site consists of an existing single- family residence, several accessory structures, and a citrus orchard and various fruit trees. The applicant will be required to construct full street improvements, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks and paving on the Baker Avenue frontage of Parcel 2. Following is the adjacent land use and zoning of the site: LAND USE 7.ONING North Vacant A -1 South Vacant R -3 East Mobile home park R -3 West Vacant R -3 0 \ Item A Staff Report April 23, 1900 Page 2 Ot ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed y tTi he applicant ancTis attached for your review. The environmental checklist has been completed by staff, and no significant adverse environmental impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of the Initial Study, it appears dint e pro ect will riot cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. If the Commission concurs, then the issuance of n Negative Declaration for the project would be in order. Respectfully ugk�" JACK LAM, Dire elopment JL:DC:kds Attachments: Parcel Map Part I Initial Study r,1] L ,9 . 0 wirtt I or I TENTATIVE PARCEL_ MAP NO. 6011 iN TNC' crrY" oF' h "NC//!o cUCAMoNCA LA<AVF A ,vol;vv1xA:*v Cy -A .t:N -rxw O•• GOT // o— let:,r"V 7, 7r1AN"SNAS / ax'Airw. A- AA40,- 7 AK-''r, u,N N -AW4AYWAV rA-A ^/G,'rIN AV r."' r:CXAViY rY` .KW Lt•AAd4AYA%0 _J7.A7r' G'r C:4Lr/l:~4, " .CM.,-AW OV -AN r4- c]" cCA: i(AA�GA i~s' 119 ACA' As-V/ A- Ci'vrjf o W IUa1' 4 cY' ^01111!9' rNae' / W rhe' W%"A:C .Y 7111 c7AAVr'r AI. CI:]T( -Yj(' , CY' .!..110 crtw7Y. Ml77'"S': /, eA!U']:J7Jf Ate t71'r, /W S✓!,'C %i1G .:e -W.V 6W 1% :iXAtA:' Ct?1ri7XJ01' eA r Jr.. MWteglJ 4440 L(j'AtW": /7111991. /, R /RArtr AY!riL:•N7r.(G 70 1119X'✓ 1.917^ J"W40. /'AAYICiG C :I'l AY. ACr1AV AT JJW:/f /%111 /Ky GYA(LLMG", A LGOCA I:YJVS O"' .1r?WY AIW exlvrAVir 1MAv.L *2flr L%V f'MLYL Mx' /EA' A /•A"LO 6"']Y/; ✓/c%V/rY rqv .vra VO. C 1l]o.D� I I f'- try'✓ /!fi' �f I 1 I A �ci r nrc.o„srA- �w .wr . / r E LA% / �n:�nN rrw .✓ rm' a / - IT /uI tt.T, G !runs •vino 1 le !!! 11411'11 C /VG CM.: <SCCA�;AK' ., . • ' _ r % � , %.,• �t S1 110. •r F U PA[JfA A - 13U lt VrlT as' LOT NO. lI I 1 jjO ! ! ' -� A~A•f, ro 9rAIWO /n]] i ' L x� I 7N - ssr•H fS lino NJS.o / . 1 I JAI VrV l lklvt J "'c"Wir 110 -- _ 1 4 1 rl / A'�r*1'ra•N MrrZe /fs W-CKr E^A140 ALAL ry.KAi'Ki 11(041 .V srccl..0 A1c' IU•[AAO, G 9✓rJG - .ATrl ! -• ILJ.r �' � •f ��,� r M1I un.c uno rrTtnA,TO ppp''' W alp 0 11 c 016./ gyp, R�'11 \ ••/ \ � r_�. __ Jyy \ k `/J Nrp c ' 4'• 7 - 1 • - -- -_- -_... --- _� NCSO I -.01F.3 PD .ai/t�0 -11'8 111.0 r. c� 14'MJ>rA'r•HN D \ CITY OF ItANC 10 CUCAMONGA I.NITIWA STUDY PART I — PROJECT INFORMATION u"IIELT — To be comploted by applicant Envirotuncntnl Assessment }review Pea: $70.00 For all projects requiring onvironment-al review, thin form must be completed and nubmitted to the Development Review Committee through tho 'departrnenL• where the project application in made. Upon receipt of this application, the Envirwvnental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before tba.public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Corrunittee will make one of three detenninnt•ions: 1.) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact• Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. 0 PROJLCT TITLE: Parcel Map APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Acacia Construction, Inc. 270 Laguna Road, Suite 100, Fullerton, Ca. 92635 NAME,' ADDRESS, TELENIONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: _Jim Stover - came n, ahnvp LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AIM ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) S.W. Corner of Raker and Foothill (Orchard) A.P. No. 207- 191 -40 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Nane aeolirlhle at this tim- dim to erovith manna ent ardinanrn I -1 18 11 PROJECT D1'SCA] I— 'PION DESCRIPTION OF 11110JECT: Lot split ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: Approximately 2.40 acres ine- ludinn existino sinale family home (2.500 sa'.'ft.) On Parcel 40 DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMi.NTAI. SETTING OF TILE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORI•IATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) 0 0 The property is situated on the southwest corner of Baker Avenue and foothill Blvd. The p rope rty— ovTrtually f at an s curren t ly in use as a citrus orchard. Tlie ro erty is bounded by single fam�Ty residential. connnerc a mo a ome par , and Vie 5outhUrn Pacific Railroad. sere s a singe y hom am le on ie corner r parcel. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series - of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? I- 2 W77Jh THIS 11110011CT: Remove any existing trees? now many?. G. Create the need for use or disposal of Potentially hazardous materials such ail toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YIDS answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the .Development Review Committee, j �r f Date Signature,iG4" i Titl! Z3 YES Wo Create n substantial change in ground contours? ,_ Z. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X_ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, ctc.)i _ X A. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? Remove any existing trees? now many?. G. Create the need for use or disposal of Potentially hazardous materials such ail toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YIDS answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the .Development Review Committee, j �r f Date Signature,iG4" i Titl! Z3 0 1.' 1 C1'1'Y OF RAND -10 CUCAN40 UA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 23, 1900 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: JACK LAM, Director of Conrnunity Development BY: DAN COLEMAN, Junior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 3303 - BANKS - Request to divide approximately 4.26 acres of land into four parcels in the 4-1 zone, located approximately 6560'-020' north of Base Line, 660' -990' west oP East Avenue. BACKGROUND: This review is for environmental assessment to determine any s gnfficant adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the Parcel Map herein described. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evidence would indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant adverse impacts. If a determination of no significant impact is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found, then an environmental impact report should be required to fully analyze the potential impacts of the project. The applicant is requesting to divide approximately 4.26 acres into four parcels with the smallest parcel being approximately 30,928 square feet. The zoning is R -1 which requires a 7,200 square foot minimum lot. The General Plan designates this area as windrow residential, .1 to 3 units per gross acre. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The site is presently undeveloped, and has nine Eucalyptus trees. T e applicant has submitted an offer of dedication for strut purposes on the west and south sides of the subject site. The applicant will be required to install full street improvements, includ- ing curbs, gutters, paving, and a street light at the end of the cul -de- sac, for those half portions of the cul -de -sac on the west property edge and the street on the south property edge. Following is the adjacent land use and zoning of the site: LAND USE ZONING North R.R. tracks, citrus grove R -1 South Nursery R -1 East Vacant R -1 West Vacant R -1 Item B Staff Report April 29, 1900 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed U—Eia app TCa-nf —and-Is attached for your review. The environmental checklist has been completed by staff, and no significant adverse environmental impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of the Initial Study, it appears '►a tie pro ect will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. If the Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Negative Declaration for the project would be in order. Pespectfully Jubmit d, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:DC:kds Attachments: Parcel Map Part I Initial Study C.1 0 0 SVRVEYOf7 O�/AAIIFL DyFRAIMS SAN O 5 r I ff .92 "h T SMRAGE BLDG. j �I 'ES/DE]VCE It/VIAIIVE t 7RCEL MAP ND. r -583 OWNER IN 7HE C /TY OF RANcw CUCAMO1nA „oE VIC�lA R' MARCII, 1900 ETIWANDA, CA. 91739 (714) 901-0991 S//N FYIC /F/C RR TRACKS NORU f�NOR7' /l L /NE OF LOT /O — /3/B•—_ LE UN /MPROVE p OEOICA MOM WE7EWE -m000- SEX TREl• ROW I r� d -lfZ 52,#12 26 "Etc. L =1/0. 72 /(] /��I. E,Z' 1�4 , 177 AC. G- 6'5212' /.- 32./0 �30"EIIC yE 303./ --r-- O+SHED I r� WR OF DEDICAT/S^ AG , 1 SHEDS 2 g I/ 092A%["' I EB94JR %5 "F 30.. /7 R -20 p - 90 ° T -2� onAC. - N09 °40/S E 2.93 4 ROW SOU7H L lNE OFLOT /O-' %- OFFER OFC DIp'0n0N GENERAL /MFORMAT /ON -- lard UTILIT/ES: 00 r6 "9 LY TO M VVD ErLAND CAN pEOEyXTt 3 O T�Mp�SEEq'CyE�NTLHIYSLt�NST T AS EVE D/' SL�WAGE OfIR SAL 7fJ BE BY CESSPOOL AAD MAICTTAIWRO q Y TREES SEVERAL LARGE EUCALYPTUS TREES ARE ON PgOPOSEO PARCEL 4 AND ROWS OF MEO /UN TO L ARGE EUC S AfE ALRYG THE NORTH 447 SCV77I SCROERS OF THE FROFMTY DR E.* DRAINAGE SLOPC /S APPROX. 10% ALVOST DUE SOUTH IN VIF77ON WW H, ME RAILROAD ON WC NORTH STOPPING WA R FLOWING SOUTH FROM EN RING NNE PROPERTY. VW ED LAND USE. EVENTUAL CONSrRUCT17N OF S/iYGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE'S. BU &DfIvq SET- BACKS M OF A MINMUM OF 25 FAW THE' PROroSEO EAST SNREEN DEDdCA77ON LINE. S /7E V/C/N/TY MAP NO SCAL £ CITY 01" I(ANC110 CUCAMONOA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INIXORMATION SHEET - To be Complated by applicant. Environmental Assessment Review Fear $70.00 For all projects requiring onvironmontnl review, thin form muat: be cornploLed and submitted to the Uavalopmant Review Committee through the department• where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, 0I Initial nmentnl Analysin staff will prepare Part II of alto initial Study. The Develupmattt RavIL C(10) ommitdnLae will meet and Lake action no Inter than Lon yn before the public meeting at which time the project in to be heard. The Conunittoo will make three determinations: 1) The project will have ono of no environntenLal impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an nnvironmontal impact and na Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An aapplicanl information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information conceri,ing the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Fo c- -, ( Mqp 2� s_3 APPLICANT'S NAMEP ADDRESS, —� - -�� , TELEPIION James Danks J 13181 Victoria Etiwandtt E: (714) 899- 1279 ----- — z r— — NAME. ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Upland California 1:&�Slnks 7r._`p�Bo a 91786 (714) 981 -09 i1 E LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET 660' -1320' N. of Baseline, 6601-990# AM) ASSESSOR PARCrL NO, Assessor's Map Boo 227 -990 W. of East Avenue, ) ax a e r , page area East in LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING STATE AND other ermits are re wired SUCK PERMITS: No the water 1 except perha s a letter p from I -1 PRoircr nrSCRIp'rTO ; I DESCRIPTION Or PROJECTt Lot split of one fivo -acre pnrcel. into three one -acre lots and one two -acre lot. ACREAGE Or PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE Or EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, Ir ANY: rive gross acres will ultimately contain four large houses. DESCRIBE TIIE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTMG Or Till: PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE Or SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION Or Ally . EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (AITACH NECESSARY SHEETS)s Pacific Electric Railway tracks on north side. Row of euce a lyptEus a o the cant side with more are an on o er a3cTo� t eucnlyp us. o esa e nursery • The west side has been prow ous .y lot-split • n o the mirror— image of this project and one house has been cons rue eu Oil Llle u0u L11_111u i iW6. &W& a.uu v.• . . east and Bouth boulMarleu, an-- weeds. The land slopes slightly Yom north to sou and Jtraddles a ver sli�cht ridge which runs in a nort -souti direction. T ere is a Erse corra an d Ehere are Home make -shift or temporary sheds on the property now, DUE — tney are being removed by their owner. a property Has a VIew of the grove north of t and land on either slue or H e. Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small., may as a whole have significant environmental impact? No. The project is only a lot split with a view toward the construction of four houses. I -2 qT. .. W7111, TII] S PROOMT, 1. Create a nuboLanLial change in ground contours? 2. create a nubntantinl change in exinLing noiso or vibration! x 3. Create a subutnntinl change in demand for municipal eorvicos (police, fire, wator, sewage, etc.) ". Increase by four hol►Fes: X A. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan donignations!• X 5: Itemove any existing r.ree ! 11 ow man ? -0- • '"— Unless required by tue C�ty or road 1JUL UlTCa. x G. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such an toxic aubstances, flammablon or explosives? Explanation of any Y,_P,S answers above: There are no "yos" answers above. IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CBRTIFIC11TION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, :statements, and informnt•i.on presented are ':rue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may bye required to be submitted before nn ndcquate evaul -.cior can be made by the DevvLall Review Committee. ' Date 31 January 1980 _ Signature ;-C.5 Title buyer Y03 0 • r• , CITY OF RANU 10 Cl1 N/IONGA 9F 1FF 1\EPOI\rr 1971 DATE: April 23. 1900 TO: PLANNING, COMMISSION FROM: JACK LAM, Director of Community Development BY: DAM COLEMAN, Junior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FUR PAMAL mill' NU. Diyc - L�i3is Request to v e approximately 1 ogres o an into three parcel- in the R -1 zone located on the east side of Jasper, south of 19th Street BACKGROUND: This review is f'.or environmental assessment to determine any significant advel.ne impacts on the environment as a result of the Parcel Map herein descr;t^_:i, and this review does not constitute approval of future development or any structures indicated on the par - cel map. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evidence would indicate either no significant impacts or the potential for significant adverse impacts. If a determination of no significant impact is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Negative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found, then an environmental impact report should be required to fully analyze the potential impacts of the project. The applicant is requesting to divide approximately 10.67 acres into three (3) parcels; one lot containing the existing Hoyt Lumber Co., and the two remainder parcels available for future development. The zoning is C -1, neighborhood commercial, and the General Plan designates this area as mixed use. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The site is presently severs Eucalyptus' trees scattered throughout. required to construct the cul -de -sac into the street improvements, including curbs, gutters, street lights. Following is the adjacent land site: undeveloped, and has The applicant will be site and install full sidewalks, paving and use and zoning of the LAND USE ZONING North Stevens Rentals, vacant MR -7 South Alpha Beta, vacant C -1 East Vacant R -1 -5 West Water tanks, vacant R -3 Item C Staff Report April 23, 1900 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: part I of thn Initial Study tins been completed y tie app can ancTTfs attached for your r- eview. The environmental checklist has bean completed by staff, and no significant adverse environmental impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of the Initial Study, it appears Tat the pro ect will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. If the Comnission concurs, then the issuance of a Negative Declaration for the protect would be in order. Respectfully sr emitted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: DC: Us Attachments: Parcel Map Part I Initial Study 4 TENTA77VE PARVEL MAP At? 5792 •• � .... «iv�~J /4ffii N 1 , 0 0 PROJECT DESCRI ION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: L)' xl.mntel.v 148 Townhoune units with recreation building and Poo _Wren. T_ ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: 148,000 5F of buildin area. v 'r V. i5 4 k eY.l'�1HQ� `� M• Nov�1 l.bslbcr G. bu11 tti+yj . DESCRIBE THE EN VI ON*tENTA SETTING OF THE ROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORN.ATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TrtEES) 0 ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, IiISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) t 00 grn,,ham. DrAn Yc is to Cne o Archiba. Avenue. NO ex is of the roperty ad jatcent "_o To t Ke Nort i is vacant. To t e are two commercial centers._ One M..vt.nh Thr4 Pry nruv _ and a Savi ter wi was rece a B E ures on site. c ow density cant. . — 'I�o tt —c .. center contains an & Loan. The other uranC� n�nc� Offfice by the Planning Co rp operty KS o a cta reposed ilding. ission on December 12, 1979. No animals, cultural or historical aspects will be affected y Is the project, part of a larger project, one of a series - of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a ?hole have significant environmental impact? No x- 2 r CITY OF RANC110 CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY ( IY� i)f l.1 /,p,,'•i.;il I:I;C /ilii( ?ivGA l;piti•'U ?;Ill' L�L1'!'I l?Pi�lClll Uli'i, rir'ri V ldd �131�1�011111)1112 j3141gla • it PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be complol:od by applicant Environmental Ansossment Review Foot $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and subr.ittod to the Development Review Committee through the department where the Project application is made. Upon reccipt of *_his application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Developmoc:t tteviev Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be hoard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will. be filed, 2) The project will have an environmontal impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJEC'" TITLE: WARMINGTON TOWN HOMES APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONEt LEWIS. PROPERTIES IN _ P. U. BOX 117 Tustin Ca. 92Gt30 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO HE CLiJTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: David A. Lewis - Vtcv P P. 0. BOX 117, Tustin_ rn r resld n - LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) W/S Archibald Avenue 1050 Ft. North of Baseline Street APN # &vo 20 •'p - LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUIN. SUCH PERMITS: NONE r x -i 0 WILL TII ,^, P OJrM y.E no . 14110 X 1. Create n substantial c:mnge in ground contours? X 2, croar„e a substantial change in existing noise or vibrntionl X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)! X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan dosignationai X 5: Remove any existing trocal How many? X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such no toxic_ substances, flammable% or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete tae form on the next page. CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the .Development Review n,C��,,oltmmittee . Date l Ze-_ 4 Iq / 980 Signature 'A''y�,M David A. Lewis MW Title Vice President a —*a 0 0 0 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RAINU-10 CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Apr11 23, 1980 PLANNING COMMISSION JACK LAM, Director of Canununity Development DAN COLEMAN, Junior Planner - WALTON - We4west to divide approximntely 4.0 acres or Iona 1 parcels in the R -1 -20 zone located at 5675 Sapphire BACKGROUND: This review is for environmental assessment to determine any significant adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the Parcel Map herein described. To determine significant adverse impacts, an Initial Study of environmental concerns is prepared. Upon completion of that study, evidence would indicate r.0ther no significant impacts or the potential for significant adverse impacts. If a determination of no significant impact is made, based upon the Initial Study, then a Neqative Declaration may be issued for the project. If significant impacts are found, then an environmental impact report should be required to fully analyze the potential impacts of the project. The applicant is requesting to divida approximately 4.8 acres into three (3) parcels. This subdivision will create a legal lot for ownership pur- poses of 26,640 squre feet, with the remaining two parcels to be avail- able for future development. The zoning is R -1- 20,000 which requires a 20,000 square foot minimum lot. The General Plan designates this area as very low density residential, .1 to 2 units per gross acre. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING: The site consists of an existing ^angle family residence, — with with remainder being undeveloped and containing no signiFi- cant vegetation. The applicant will be required to install full street improvements, including curbs, gutters, sidewalks. and paving along the Sapphire frontage of Parcel 1. Following is the adjacent land use and zoning of the site: LAND USE ZONING, North Single family residential R -1- 20,000 South Vacant R- 1- 20,000 East School R- 1- 20,000 West Single- family residential R- 1- 20,000 Staff Report April 23, 1900 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: fart I of the Initial Study has been completed y ne applicant on d is attached for your review. The environmental checklist has been completed by staff, and no significant adverse environmental, impacts were found. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of the Initial Study, it appears �liat tie pro ect will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. If the Commission concurs, then the issuance of a Negative Declaration for the project would be in order. Respectfull ssubtmi te JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:DC:kds Attachments: Parcel Map Part I INitial Study L fl 0 �.I 4.. r . 1 .oe t r 1 r.lt i 11 ..._..t. .... - -- - .- ._..t, ••.•I,IL,. '.$drp. "p oo 9 }.,�^� �� Y YI'll�< nq,, I lu"I /ur /MQ /o .uy �.n1• ♦' I� (�! I Nf '1 O / / /1. .M IIr y/• a,at I I U') O `. y�. Y. uVY I\II •`•• 2 \ \ I i Wz go CL as N I W ••'•' V \�' ' 1 , ,9 t .07 •y I - 1 1c q \ , pp8 �I d� } .,a I•� gb�F = BSI , •I M ♦�b St''I ( 11 wulr ?,. mav1 i C Y �udAi/ I `iJt Iti� \� I. ' 4 •y I ' �y r ° 1 G: ti I , y 4 N I C� IYdlM1.7 al lU ,lei R `I pp' -. .•I /♦ I.N. ✓Ir.,, Y•Yw wVVr) — {•- �- �1I7Y1! }P'10•_ \�•�at- /o 7T:a"N" )tlINN�1 +��� h.r./ .ylNt),/I V)w i� r I 1 I I . I r 1 r.lt i 11 ..._..t. .... - -- - .- ._..t, ••.•I,IL,. '.$drp. "p oo 9 }.,�^� �� Y YI'll�< nq,, I lu"I /ur /MQ /o .uy �.n1• ♦' I� (�! I Nf '1 O / / /1. .M IIr y/• a,at I I U') O `. y�. Y. uVY I\II •`•• 2 \ \ I i Wz go CL as N I W ••'•' V \�' ' 1 , ,9 t .07 •y I - 1 1c q \ , pp8 �I d� } .,a I•� gb�F = BSI , •I M ♦�b St''I ( 11 wulr ?,. mav1 i C Y �udAi/ I `iJt Iti� \� I. ' 4 •y I ' �y r ° 1 G: ti I , y 4 N I C� IYdlM1.7 al lU ,lei R `I pp' -. .•I /♦ I.N. ✓Ir.,, Y•Yw wVVr) — {•- �- �1I7Y1! }P'10•_ \�•�at- /o 7T:a"N" )tlINN�1 +��� h.r./ .ylNt),/I V)w i� r I 1 I I C1.1'Y 01' IIAW110 (11GV10W;A INITIAL STUDY ll I •, �.•!',i .I't1� is ., t r,.) '�' I C J (.* V1:11 Y I I,;' 1!1 1. '1� Ili n' " •t , „ rl a PART I — PIIOJECT INFORMATION 611ULT — To be completed by applicant Environmontal Annonnmont• Review 1 °co: $70.00 ,nor n1.1. projects roqui.ring environmental review, this form munt be completed and nuhmittod to the Devolapmant Review Commit-too through the department where the project application In made. Upon receipt of thin npplicncion, the Environmentnl Analyr.in staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. Tlio DevelopmanL Review Committee will meet- and take action no later than ton (10) days before the public meeting at which time tllc project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact: Roport will be prepared, or 3) An additional information ropo-:t• should bo supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposes] project. PROJECT 'TI'TLE: I'arcel Map No. 5980 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPIIONE: Arlan Wniton 5675 Sapphire St., Altn Loma, Cn. 91701 714/989 -7406 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: _Sa ie t:r, above. LOCATION OF PI:OJL'C'r (STREET ADDRESS AM) ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) 5675 Sapphire St., Alta Loma. 1061- 091 -1,3 ` LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM WCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH P: LMITS: None 1-1 ® Mcil C'1' MrICIII1111'TON DCSCRIMION OF PROJEC'1't It in proponed to pronto tht•oo pnt•coln. First parcel to huvo do,o4o ' rurT�` r�1i 7n1� un ' npp r ro ran w r exi�nting home. Becornd tnrcol with 2n,Q2prr' to bo nd.lunovnt and fronting on Bnlrldtive lltvoe '1't r pares n romp n at wr:t ncannn to _uhc SL Oct by n 4Q' wide nla•l r pltui 101vondwav nnnement. 11::REAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE POOTAGC OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, Ir ANY: Pnruel containn 4.0 noren. IixintlnR home 111111 npproximatoly 3,0oo71 No proponr. d ba ngo U 0 DESCRIBE THE )MVIRONDICNI'AL SE'P'I'ING OF I'M PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORt•PMON ON TOCJGRAPIIY, PLANTS ('TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL Oil SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPCRTIL•'S, AND TIIC DIiSCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURM AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY S11I-:BTS) t Pnrcel in bounded by 4n rhlre. Street on wont 1/2 uot•e renidentlal loth on the nouth, Floyd Storld Elementary So too on the can nn n uglo family 1•enidenee on 5 noren to Pic north and ninil e Fram1'ry`rarix Once on 1/2 acre parorl on the "Not A I'nrt" parcel. '�- There iu InndneapinR in the immedinte vicinity of tt� o exitiM�g foss - — " donee with Ilse remainder of to par e- eovcrc wl Ti nnt`lo"[rumi-'—— There in no hiatoricnl or cultural anpeeta. In the project, part-of a larger project, one of a eeriera' of cumulative actions, which although individually sn±all, may as a whole have significant env ?.ronmental impact? No. x- 2 Explanation of any YrS answers above: _ IMPORTAN'P: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next: page. CERTIFICAT70N: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand tlu t additional information may be required to be submitted bclore an adequate evauuation can be made by the Development Review Committee. 00-ft Date_ VQ Signature �P Title T•. A 1 1 bih-111111117 ; 11110171 C'N 1.' YES tX) 1 X 1. Cronto n subuLantial change in around r_ontourn? X 2. Cronto a nubntnntinl chnnge in exLnting noise or vibration? X 3. Create n subntnnt•inl change in domnnd for !" municipal norvi.con (police, fire, water, newago, etc.)'! X A. Create chnngen in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5: Remove any existing trees? fto%, many ?_ X G. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially havnrdous materials such an toxic substances, flammnblos or explosives? Explanation of any YrS answers above: _ IMPORTAN'P: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next: page. CERTIFICAT70N: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand tlu t additional information may be required to be submitted bclore an adequate evauuation can be made by the Development Review Committee. 00-ft Date_ VQ Signature �P Title T•. A 0 r. L� E arY or RANCHO CIJCAMONGA STAFF REPOBT UA'1'ISs April 29, 1900 1'0 1 ing Commianion PI(OM:LncLan, Director. of Community Development M BY: ' rlclnhoi Vairin, Lanocinto Planuor 1JECT: RE(UEUI' BY HENRY HUTER for use of fings for an industrial longg in office located on the nouthwent corner of Arrow and Arcblbnld. BACKGROUND: Au tine Commission will recall, Mr. Reiter had initially addranned the Commission to gain approval for use aL- Uago— o" it the lnduatrinl park located on the aou hwul_pQ:7iar of rrow and Archibald. Cho use of tl:e flags wan roquustod in order to create morn attenZ3 v tIt Tom. R office and to alert potential tenants to his project area. An tins been stated in previous staff reports, pranunCly prohibited under the Sign Ordinance and such uric of flags would create t to "Qua 6r the nmun(Ittl (1tT of Mr. Reitot had requested eontinn:ance of thin request to thin date in order to allow him additional time to gain nacaonary information for a prooet,oation to the Planning Commission. In recent contacts with Mr. Reiter h:o indic►.tes that he in now ready for presentation of his issue to the Planning Commission for their decision. RECOMMENDATION: If, after hearing Mr. Rviter's presentation the Commission finds that the une of flags would be an appropriate meana of identifying leaning offices, then a directive to Staff would be made to begin the preparation of an Amendment to the Sign Ordinance to parenit and regulatu ouch uuage. However, if the Commission finds that the use of flags is not an appropriate mean" of identifying the location of these offices, tine request should be denied. Z fully ubmitted, N/LL �"' Jack Lam, Director of Community Development JL:MV: cd Item E • El aTY OF RANG IU CUCAM()i`I(3A STAFF RU oitr DATE: April 23, 1900 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Community Development Director BY: Paul Rougeau, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT i4AP NO. 11434 AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - it. R. Wilcox and Company - Request to divide 0.1 acres into 10 parcels in the M -R Zone located on the northwest corner of Hellman Avenue and Seventh Street BACKGROUND: Tito applicant is requesting to divide 0.1 acres of land into 10 parcels ran— gf-n-g-from 0.47 to 1.22 acres. This review is for environmental clearance of the project and conditional approval of the tentative tract map. The subdivision will create ten (10) "buildable" lots in the M -R Zone. The General Plan designates this area as minimum impact industrial. Approval of the concept master plan for the tract and building building covering lots 1 and 2 was given under Director Review time, lots 1 and 2 were planned as one lot and the applicant It any change in buildings will require a new site approval. ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS: Part I of the Initial Study, attached indicates no significant a environmental Impacts created by this field - checked the site, completed the environmental checklist, ficant adverse environmental impacts. elevations for the No. 79 -45. At that as been informed that for your review, project. Staff har and found no signi- RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued for Tract Map 11434-based upon review of the Initial Study and the finding of no signifi- cant adverse impacts upon the environment. Further, to adopt the attached Resolu- tion granting conditional Approval to Tentative Tract Map No. 11434. Respe tddk.�,�.A JACK LAM, Director of Community Development Item F % 1 _ y —' T N1ArIVE srlECr 1 or 1 SCALE 1"'60 TRACT NO 1143 4 "FOR INDUSTRIAL OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES" IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONOA slow! A NMdwInN 0I NACIII ANO 1 M NACIL Vu N, VIII, lud 1111 At f If ld/11 /1114 4N II dnq IIAIf d CAUIOANLL111M0/ 11"1 IM 11111/g1 NN Illlt 1"161,11 111111 IIIIN II 1 1 ,1111 IN IIIIIAI IN 111111" IV 11"1111 INI ■ / itim* IIINrs 11 IIIN•Iltll It Ntlll" 11111 ININ11 11111 1111111 llllll 1111, N Ilttlll 11111 •IINI IINI 111 INN 1101111111 "1 IIIIN 11111"1 11111 110 AC1111 Nfr INIIN INIINNI 11111 till, 11t INI 11111111 1111 Iltf 11 I vIlAi III A I /Ntlrl pAC11AA0 (dl1AMM 1 /II1111l1 iNlf N 1 L VICIn IrI NA/ 110 1[41 1 N U / CO /I,,, NAAI M 4.11 CoM1111 FlowM is 4 Al IN 16,10 ,.l 0, @,. 11 IM Fol~AO 'I"' V i T° jr 9iti[I1V1(dK�t11�M�yirro II 1� Y I[w•A�r�. If V III 1111 � 11 I _ AL!I,jA, llltllll ININII 1NIINAII IIIIN IINNI 111 INN11ll 1111104111111 tWN1 11111 111 11111 (,(INAII tN111 "111 II III III wl).111 11X111 IuN"4 tool NI 1111 1"11111 IIN 1111/111 INltl IN vNNNIN NwN 1111111 Y� y 4a 1 Ir / CO /I,,, NAAI M 4.11 CoM1111 FlowM is 4 Al IN 16,10 ,.l 0, @,. 11 IM Fol~AO 'I"' V i T° jr 9iti[I1V1(dK�t11�M�yirro II 1� Y I[w•A�r�. If V III 1111 � 11 I _ AL!I,jA, llltllll ININII 1NIINAII IIIIN IINNI 111 INN11ll 1111104111111 tWN1 11111 111 11111 (,(INAII tN111 "111 II III III wl).111 11X111 IuN"4 tool NI 1111 1"11111 IIN 1111/111 INltl IN vNNNIN NwN 1111111 .0 0 #0 I Q� AJ 4/ I V R I It I 111 I � 1 .n {.ley" � �u A �,1......1 Ze I 1 i J dl O (lJ I 11 %• � 1 .0 0 #0 CITY Ole RANCIIO CUCAMONOA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental AnsoaamanL• Roviow Foci $70:00 For ell projects requiring environmonL•al revlaw, this form must be completed and submitted to the Ouvelopment Review CununitL•eo through the deparLmenl; whore the projoct application is made. Upon receipt of thin application, the Environmental A:•alynin staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. Tht Development Ilovicw Conunitt•oo will.nnot and Coke acL•iun no later than ton (10) days beforo the public mooting at which Lima the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three date niinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Negative Doclarntion will be filed, 2) The project will have an onvironmontnl impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should bo supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning ® the proposed project. 0 PROJLCT TITLE: Tract 3.1434 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: R. R. Wilcox & Co., xnc. 17952 Skypark Circle, Suita L 1pyino, Cal),fornin 92714 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO DE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: roorgg+ n_ Him Mark, consulting Civil rn nee. 214 South Euclid Avenue, Ontario,_California 91761 (714) 9 03 -0439 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) & 12 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND TIiF AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Nunn- 1-1 Ilwayc'1+ ur .cia rr roN DESCRII''1'ION Olt PROJECTS Tlnct: Mato ,.,once lU_pnr.colit from �x+ntlilil - i._liLlCii�'�>r0 nrni.36:'tr +'L._i-nl its' I...Gyi{'+.��•J..1L•+r.'u..�iui ..uu ..nla con truction of nn lnduntrin.l pork with indu"trial uaun allowed in nn Mlt zone. Thu Owner" of the existing hounun are ualling and planning to -.... ..d..... ..•. r.u..nl unl• I-hnn Fhn hn+tnnn will ho ronted until the 111•enurty 0 3n UevuaUpuu anuuuu aua. ACIWAGE OF PROJECT ARL"A AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, Ir ANY: �,p gm:omi ] oxint.inll huildintIn of 3.191, 2235 and 2900 square toot und�nolwucc] Phauo I of 14,4UU square fuet and su uaquunt planes MZ , UU utivarO sot. DESCRIBE THE F:NV•IRONMENPAT, SE'1TrING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON 'TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREE'S), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPEC.°TS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (IMACH NECESSARY SHEETS)s +• .'rn 'r on n it t+ ttlynl n. (9!1 ..lino�y v}iirll In nr.�ltol ed largo animals and few wild species except rodents, insects and birds all liar yO to the area and puts kept in the residencem. Thore are nificant cultural, historic or "conic assets on the property. The �1 proi,urty on the north in occupied by the General Telephone Company no a ma ntunnn.0 yar , the property on the south is largely vacant, tills property on thu enat i� olsg vacant and the property on the want is vacant. r Ia the project, part of a larger project, one of a sorion' of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant onvironnlontal impact? This project in phauad, however, the entire project will not have a �ie 1Tiii���r.Tml ;a,� +J��a,IM1Ip N�.��UOT.N El x- 2 X WILT. THIS PiIOJECT: Create a substantial change in ground contours? x^ 2. Croato a nubstantial change in existing noise or vibration? _X 3. Create a Dubntantial change in demand for municipal sorvicas (police, fire, water, Dewago, otc.)! X A. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan donignationol X— 5: Remove any existing trace? How many? 065 citrus grove x_ 6. Create the need for uoo or disposal of potentially hazardous materiala such as toxic Duoutnncou, flanuitablos or explosives? Explanation of any Yrs anowers above: Thin protect will provid for lnduntrial upon which will add to thu noise in the vicinity. This • nroicct will rectuir.. nn r dd ti_onal municipal sorvicen mini, mm ,,.,::.... ciro, ac_. •rnin project will ramova an oxinting citrus grove IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the boat of my ability, and that the facts, atatemontn, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the .Development Review Comnittee. Datoz_,,; 1 /'7 /�erre) Signature Title /V.S /NFs..f. I3 0 RESOLUTION NO. 80 -20 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING TRACT MAP NO. 11434 LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF IIELLMAN AND SEVENTH WHEREAS, the City Engineer and the Development Advisory Board have reviewed and prepared conditions of appruval for Tract Map No. 11434 pursuant to City Ordinance No. 20. WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 11434 is now brought forward for review and approval by the Planning Commission pursuant to City Ordinance No. 28. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the subdivision is creating adequate sized lots for future development. 2. That the internal streets will adequately serve each parcel being created. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration.was issued on July 11, 1979. SECTION 3: That Tentative Tract Map No. 11434 is hereby entat vely approved subject to the following conditions and the attached City Engineer's Report: 1. The internal streets, shall conform to City n ar s. StreeUr plans shall be prepared for approval by the City Engineer and a street permit executed for inspection of installations. 2. Building setback lines on internal streets shall be strictly adhered to. 3. Each undeveloped parcel will conform to the City Standards applicable at the time of application for development. EI 11 A. A final map shall be recorded within 10 months of the date hereof' or this approval shall become null and void. S. Street names are subject to further roview and approval of the Director of Conriunity Development. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2311D DAY OF APRIL, 1900. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RAMCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Hermon Rempel , Cho rman ATTEST: Secretary of e anning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Cormtssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. at a regular meeting of the Planning Counnission field on the 23rd day of April, 1980, by the following vote to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: C014MISSIONERS: TENTATIVE MAP N0. 1 -U34 page 2 f Improvements Install or nand prior to M Recording for p Building porm or —"� 7. sidewalk, onl drive oapproach per nloto parkway gtrees and street lights) on all interior streets. 8. Construct tiro following missing improvements on the following streets: STREET NAME GUTTER PVMT. WALK APPR. TREES RL 1 LIGHTS OTHER r r _lL_ x_ 9. Construct all storm drain and drainage structures as shown on the tentative map, or as required by the City Engineer. x_ 10. utility television. Allrutilities water* are t be underground. ® �y_ 11. Developer shall coordinate, and where necessary. pay for the relocation of any power poles or other existing public utilities as necessary. X 12. Install appropriate street name signs and traffic contrul signs with loca- tions and types approved by the City Engineer. X_ 13. Developer is to provide all construction plans for drainage and street im- provements. Such plans shall meet approval of the City Engineer. x 14. Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. _ g_ 15. Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and tiro City of Rancho Cucamonga shall be marbollote underground installations. 16. The following existing streets being torn up by new services will require an A.C. overlay: - 17. e o ow ng spec c dimensions, .e., cu'f -de -sac radius, s root sect on — — widths) are not approved: 18. The following ex st ng stree s are su s an an w requ re: Approvals and Fees 19. This subdivision shall be subject to conditions of San Bernardino County Flood Control District. _ X 20. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities ties involved. Approval of the final map will be that may be received from them. RCE 20 app,UVdr from CALTRANS/ and other interested agen- subject to any requirements TENTATIVE MAP 110. 11434 Page 3 -JL 21. Permits from other Agencies will be required ns follows: _ A. Caitruns, for:_ B. City: _ C. County ._ Dint Abatement Distric D. D.I.S. Trenching Permit if any rreenches are over3'' e`c ep:_ X E. Cucmiwnga County Water District: -4;+wer,_Atrr _. F. Other: Ma, Control 22. If only n portion of this Map is recorded, adjustments shall be made to pro- -- vide for two -way traffic and pparking on all thffected streets. 23. The following lots appear to be substandard In hither frontago, depth or area and should be corrected on the final map: 24. All corner lots shall have a corner radius ate- to right-of-way r. accord - _ once with the City of Rancho Cucamonga standards. 25. A Parcel Map shall be recorded prior to the First phase subdivision to prevent the creation of an unrecognized parcel located _ 26. The oun ary of ie en a ve ap needs c ar ca on as follows:---- 27. TT�Fie or er s ha ll 6c-sTfownto center ne st o ex • ng per meter streets, or title explanation i4equired. Parcel Map Waiver 20. Information submitted at the time of appilcation is / is not sufficient to support the issuance of a waiver of Parcel Map7ertif'fcate, according to requirements of the State Map Act and local ordinances. Flood Control Install or Bond prior to W Recording for_�7_Wnrrrls ❑ Building perm t of f r 29. Engineer shall submit a hydrologic report for subject subdivision to determine storm runoff amount in major north -south streets. 30. Pruposed subdivision falls within those areas indicated as subject to flood- - ing under the National Flood Insurance Program. This subdivision will be subject to the provisions of that program and Ordinance No. 24. Flood Zone X 31. A drainage channel and/or flood protect ion wall a long the ent re north pro- per. ty line may be required to divert sheet runoff to streets. Such flow may be required to go under sidewalks through culverts. x 32. TT ­water surface is above top of curb, 30" walls shall be required at the back of the sidewalk at all downstream curb returns. 33. Culverts required to be constructed across streets a.: following locations:_ 34. Prior to development o any parcel, broad scale hydrologic stuaies whii required to assess impact of increased runoff. A contribution to Master Storm Drain facilities will be required. 11 RCE 20 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT FILED BY: It. It. Wilcox and Company, Inc. TENTATIVE MAP NO. 11434 LOCATION: Northwest corner of 7th Street and DATE FILED: March 1900 Hellman Avenue NUMBER OF LOTS:`_,Q LEGAL DESCRIPTION, _parcq, is 4 an 5 Parscl Mau 53 ?.5 RECEIPT NUMBER: FEE: ZONE: M -R TENTATIVE MAP PREPARED BY: 5yor2e II. Mim Mae _ GROSS ACREAGE:. AD0ESS:.2,jjr_Seuth Fuelid Avenue MINIMUM LOT AREA: Ontario, California 917G1 MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: RECORD OWNER(S) ADDRESS PHONE N R. R. Wilcox and ,CQumanv. In9, 1774 Sk_vpark Circle 714- 557 -1095 - Irvine. Cali ornia 92714 REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER Dedications X_ 1. Dedication by final map of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. X 2. Decication by final map of the following missing rights -of -way on the following streets: 33 additional feet on 7th Street (logs 4 and 5)___ additional feet on additional feet on Corner P/L radius require o� n _ Other x 3. R Fits of veFii -cuT r access shall be limited as follows: no access to Hellman I and Q-; reciprocal access rights, reo��ired. 4. treet vacat on required for: _ 5. Master Plan of Streets revision required or: _ 6. The following perimeter intersections require realignment as follows: RCE 20 TEHTATr.VE MAP NO. X 34 ® Miscellaneous 35. Dust abatement will be made a condition of 155UanCe of the grading per- for — —' this project. 36. Noise impnct on "— Division report 37. This property is annaAatiOil 36. All information "—" quired: Page A 39. —40. L� 0 44 . 42. _ jL 43. 44 RCE 20 this )reject will be mitigated In nccordance with this Planning on sugjact property. not within the present City Boundary and will require required to be shown on the torltnr•ive map is not shown as re- rTr oiler groii ng an erosion cent nc uding e pr6venf4Tf0n Of so iiii�n a= tion or damage to offsite property shall be provided for es required. A preliminary soils report will not be required for this site for the follow- Ing reasons: A copy of the soils report furnished to the Duild,ng Division prior to grading will be furnished to the Engineering Division. The filing of the tentative map or approval of same does not guarantee that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the time building permits are requested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Water District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity. Permits will not be issued unless said certification is received in writing. The City Engineer shall make the determination, in accordance with Section 66436(C)(1) of the Subdivision Map Act, that division and development of the property will not unreasonably interfere with the free and complete exorcise of any public entity or public utility right -o, -way or easement and the signa- ture of any such public entity or public utility may be omitted from the final map unless the City is notified in writing of any objection to said determina- tion within the specified time limits of said Section. At. the time of Final Map submittal, the following shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and/ or showing original land division, tie notes and bench marks referenced. Development shall be limited to one drive approach per street. Multiple lots fronting on a single street shall use common drive approaches at lot lines. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD D. HUBS CIV ENGINE.R Dv: LJ El \J Detot To Prom: Dyt ,.Ib j Oct I April 23, 1700 Planning Comminnion CITY 01-4 ItAW1" CM- AMUMPA 9FAlt It Rn)oi r .Inck Lem, Director of Cormnunity Development Michael Vairin, Annocinta Planner CTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -16 AND RNVIRONMKNTAL ASSES fi'Th1►'.NT - Tito development of an inrlustrinl par cant nida of Archibald, south of 6th Street ott DACKGI%IUNDt M.!ver Inventmnat Proportion, Inc. in requesting review anti approval for Uic .uvalopmont of nn Industrial Park on 19.4 acres of land located on the cant lido of Archibald Avenue, north and cdjncmtt to the existing Prito Lay Plant (Exhibit "A "). Thin review antnilo specific nito plan review for Phase I development which includes nine buildings totaling 139,950 square foot. Tito first 300 feet of the subject property in zoned M -1 and the remainder of the property in zcnod M -'L. Thn Genera's Plan designates the subject property an,! nurroundittg area an Minimum Impact industry. The front portion of the project site in prenently necupied by noveral old buildings and temporary usus. Tito remninder of the Oita in vacant. Tito property is bounded on tite south by the existing Frito Lay Plant and is bordered on the notth by the recently developed Industrial park by Darmakian /Wolff Ausociatoo. ANALYSIS: Tito site in large enough to accommodate tite uses an proposed on tite deveopment plan. In addition, the building act- backs, parking arose, landscaped arena and r.irculation aisles nre designed in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance ntrtndards and adopted development standards and policies. Tito buildings are designed to accommodate ores that would be permitted within the industrial zones and the Gencral Plan land use designation. The project cite is being served by two driveways from Archibald; one which is a shared driveway at the north with the Darmakian project and another which in approximately 480 feet nouth. The park in being designed with private driven and doen not propose Lo be subdivided or sold into individual ownerships. Tito park in going to be moin:nincd under one single ownership which will promote the maintenance of the overall project. Exhibit "C" displays a tree survey as conducted by the applicant and an required by tite Development Review Committee. Along the north boundary line lion a sub- stantial amount of trees an can be seen on the exhibit. Tito tree types are Eucalyptus and Pepper trees. They exist basically in two rows adjacent to cacti other. As a result of the tree survey, the applicant is proposing to increaeo tite planter area at the north boundary line of the project site from 10 feet to 18 feet in order to maintain the existing Popper trees. A condition if approval Item G Dirnctor Iloviow No. 80 -16 April 27, 1500 Pago 2 In Included In the attnehod Resolution to Jana a retention of thane trees. The development: plan lndleatoo a total of 77 feet of lnndoeaping In front of Building No. 1 and n 25 root rtrin of landscaping ncroan the large pnd designated for futurn dovelopmenL along Archibald Avenue. An Archibald Avenue in n Special. Boulevard, it Is recosunended that the landneaping along Archibald include mounding, opeelmon nlaa trans, and other unique lnndncnping foR_uron to onhanco thr overall view of the project from Archibald Avenue. The large building pad along Archibald Avenue, dasignated no future development, prasantly eontal.nn unvural old buildings and trailers. Prior to lonunneo of bulldiug permits for first phase of devalopmnnt of th•:a project, nit existing trnilorn, buildings and uses should be removed from tlw propurty. The existing troes and mature vegetation within this area should be ratnined until specific plans are approved for this area. In nddition, since thin area will be highly visible from Archibald Avenwe, landscaping shall be pro- vided around the perimeter of tae area. Details of theno items shall be provid'ad in the detailed landscaping and irrigntion plans which will be required prior to issuance of building permits. AtratAled are exterior building nlovationu proposed for buildings No. 1, 2, 5 and 9. Tncae elevations, materials and designs indicate the type of architecture that will be provided throughout tlue development. Tile buildings arc bauically concrete tilt - up with various pattern concrete bands and colors including nrchitecturally treated entrances. The buildings will be further enhanced with landscaping and mounding adjacent to the building wallo. Part I of thre Initial Study which tree been completed by the applicant in attached for your review. Staff line completed a field check and Part It of the Initial Study and has found no affirmative runponsos to the environmental check list. Therefore, after review of the Initial Study we find no significant adverse impactn •rpon the environment as a roAnult of this project. RECOMMENDATION: If, after rov:z:w of ttue information presented hera:n, the Commicnion concurs with the nbove proposal and analysts, then a Ronolution of Approval and standard conditlono are attached for your review and consideration. Ilespectfull aubmit nd jf JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL: MV : nr.: Attachments: Rxhi�lit "A ", Exhibit 1113",. Exhibits "C" Part 1, Init Resolution Location Map, Site Plan Tree Survey z.hrough "G ", Building Elpvations ial Study u to �) 1 i `WJ 1 1 1 l.•r•p.r.,l r,1 .f� •,�h ^J •.1 yl III II I11� , rl ,t '1� rlll' ry 1 ,•. 1. ,•, 1 1�1' Al M 1 I• it 1 11111 1 1 '� 111 I• I , ,. .;i -��. . It. ' r I•i! rZr' ' ,1• ,'I�' , , , .,: •I �,• , ;\_ III - -' r 'I• 1•��I1i1 �, � I 1 •1,1 •i I1 l I, � 1 Y 1 r� Y1 1 , 1 I 1 • 1 11; ' 1 • r 1 r, 1 , i r lot ;. fib' 'r '��`�• •_,. di ,- •'ill �LIl�I�1��.�W�� 1 � 1. r/ ; . yi r., _1Lf � . t �•• iJ.•_ '1 !t M. ''1 •11 i1 � II•1� ril {M M�!� : •�tQ4, I +Y. bN! -�i' ..y ' ''��.. +t��fi'•�� 5',Y I(, �Nj� '�Wl, '. �.'l+.I fL 1, •.•�Y.7','���n .6�7n '•Mr'. i:. �.: A I , . 1; b r1. n 1 0 tU Z d 1 IM CITY Or RANCI -IO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION tTrnnl TITLE 't EXHIBIT: SCALEt NORTH - O P O 0 0 P O P O O r, o �• O 0 0 O O �� I _ �. 40' FANA?I! <7Kn/8 t Ao 4/ CITY Or RANCI -IO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION tTrnnl TITLE 't EXHIBIT: SCALEt NORTH 'I r, nn r pr r , o � III, �•I • y r .I .1', � �ff '\ 1 "''I;if5 71,M �� �M1� ryr l 1yf� H,` II<�•'S •�I ♦J,1 `�'h, y` ��� •i ,"'S`•S`it � r' ��,(y��, MjP L V,��11 '', r,� 4 +,•, %..,1r n� "1� ����1 \+ �.1 `+ _ • � .�' 1 ,..'11 eYjf ;��� tl•� r11j ij}.f l�' t� � I � +' tIt' 411f tir., •: }�S 5 ', I� (. I lipAll J•U 5 i i 1 1 , 1 1/r I r 1 i I i l,t ,51 •:«i,lilnwl� H� h:vn.an. �1,.• Adl 'r t; 1 I�. ,1 ' NORTH r 1 CITY OF • CUCAMONGA _ i a P t� PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT, SCALD • e. i 1' gIto,R' ,• 1 1 y mmnn .�� WA Mab-ft-0-0 Am NORTH CITY OF ITEN'll 80 560-01--?L PLANNING .. DIVISION •� 'r1tiy ' i � , 1 i I' 1 I 1 it 1 1� all � . I. . ' I�' I •, � ii I •I 1 NORTH CITY OF I I '1 .•. ,. d I'1 '11 -I- n.. ...r is 1, ;i • .1Y 19 1��1 Ll • 0 h I. I So NORTH CITY OF ITEN'I D. 2. 8o - I& RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITU., ELglJPhT%0MS 5t-oa0 9 PLANNINU DIVISION L•XHIBIT :___Q — SrrtLEt Nordg ,WrIw..Y � �YY.'J,�,�n• O;uC_e.1(vlV�cl Z h i M .�I.. y�� r+^� Y�nr• W w�� YAfi_46YE+iOy M Ll{6•.,!E Yi1111R15R' �3S NORTH CITY OF ITEN'I D. 2. 8o - I& RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITU., ELglJPhT%0MS 5t-oa0 9 PLANNINU DIVISION L•XHIBIT :___Q — SrrtLEt Nordg CITY OP IIANCIIO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION S11YET - To be completod by npplicant 1:nvironmontal Anneanmont Review Fae: $70.00 For all projectu requiring onvironmontal roview, thin form must bo completed and submit-Lad to the Devolopment Review CommittAa through the dopartmont whore the project application is mndo. Upon receipt of this application, t.ho Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development i(eview Committee will meet and take action no later than tan (10) clays before the public meeting at which time the project is to bo hoard. The Committee will make one of three determinationa: 1) The project will have no onvironmrintal impact and a Negative Declaration will bu tiled, 2) The project will have an environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning ® the proposed project. 0 PROJECT TITLE: Rnncho nuninenn Parrs APPLICANT'S NAME, AD:;rZSS, TELEPHONE: 1201 S. neacb Illvd., Suite 102, La 11abra,_ Calif. 90631 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: M7. Andernon (714) A70 -9740 1201 S. Bench Blvd., Suite 102, Ln llnbrn, CA 90631 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Archibald Street between Snn llernnrdino and 601 Street. 210 - 071 -25 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY 19SUING SUCH PERMITS: &0r._ I -1 PROJECT 0 gSCR IVPION DESCRIPTION or PROJCCT3 _CW%ntrUr -1. a counintn of sin- (9) tilt-ill) concrnte olnb buildings an pnrt of Phone I of the eonstructiou of the Rnnello riuninens Pnrk. The buildingn are dens nad with n minf.mum of 14 -foot clenrnnce for induntrinl unern connintant with none. Ench trentment on all four (4) aides. ACREAGE OP' PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FO0TAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, it AIM The prolect area for Pltnna I in _ _ 9.54 acres. Squnrc Pootngo of Existing NA Square Footngo of Proponedt 139.950 ng, ft. Ilia proponed building coverage for Phase I In 33.7%. DESCRIBE THE ENVIRomrITPAL SETTINt3 Or THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFOR1,4ATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS ('TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OP SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION Or ANY I1{ISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) : Ilia existing property in being utilized by warnhounn huildinan on th.. front third portion. The buildingn are in dinropnir and will be torn down had removed f "om the site. 'there nre two Town of eucalyptus trean. The row nlong the north property line will be Integrated into the landscape aches The row of treen cronning the property will be removed and new trees wiI e substituted an a part of an ovarnll landscape plan for the site. The rear two- tllirde of the property is not being uned and has been tilled For wend control. Crossing the enstarly 17 feet of the property in a north south direction. is an oxiotinn ra J,l,SL spur ugryinx_tbe Frito -L -iv plan to the south. No other ni ,nifictint vagatt.tion No animals were observed There are no scenic aspects to thin propartj. is the project, part of a larger project, ono of a series - of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whclo nave significant environmental impact? it in felt that thin nroipr will _t. hny n nianifirantenvlronmentnl impact. r `... I- 2. 11 w �r, T11 ;P Pl2OJISC'1't NO 1. Create a oubutant•inl change in ground contours? x- 2. Create a oubutnntiul change in existing noise or vibrationl X 3. Crante a oubotnntial chunge in demand for _ municipal services (police, fire, water, sowago, etc.)? _ x 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan deeignationa7 X 5: Remove any oxisting trnen? How many? 10 _ X G. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials ouch as toxic oubstnnces, flammabloo or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: No. 5 — The row of oucnlyptun trees thnt cronnen in the middle of. the property will be removed no 12.1 t of the new conntruction. It in nnticivnted that with project of thin size there will be over 120 now treen planted nn n pnrt of the overall lnnducnpo scheme. IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. 0 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the otatemon!-s Furnished above and in the attached exhibiLe present the dat,: and information required for this init-nl evaluation to the bast of my ability, and that the facts,, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional infcrmation may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Review Committee. DER INVEST" PRQpERTIES, INC. Date Mnrch 21, 1980 S 2 -3 Ti . iNric:erson RKSOLUTION NO. 80 -22 A RESOLUTION or THS RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW M0. 80 -16 LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDI' OF ARCH'IBALD, SOUTH OF 6TH STREET WHEREAS, on the 2lat clay of March, 1900, it complete application was filed for review of the above described project; and WU HAN, on the 23rd dnyor April, 1900, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Conuninnion hold a menting to conaidur the above described project. NOW, THEREVOIIE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That Oil, following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adaqunte in size and ahapa to accommodate the proposed use, and all yards, spaces, wells, fences, parking, landocaping, loading and other features required by this aoction. 2. That the plan are related 3. That the plan are policies improvements an located in such to existing and improvements as consistent with as act forth in indicated on the development a manner au to be properly )ropoaod atreeta and highways. shown on the development all adopted standnrda and thin section. SECTION 2: That thin project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that n Negative Declaration is issued on April 23, 1980. SECTION 3, That Director Review No. 80 -16 is approved subject to the following conditions and attached standard conditions: 1. That all trees falling within the 18' planter along the north boundary line be tetained. Such trees shall be trimmed, topped and properly maintained. Details shall be indicated on the detailed lnndnecpe plan. 2. Landscaping shall be provided around the entire future building pad along Archibald Avenue. Existing trees and mature vegetation shall be maintained in this future area. All existing buildings, tr.nil.ers, equipment and uses present y located within the,pr _pjgctt site eha b�domoliq cJ, and terminatedl/wga i � KAX ,, 0 U S. Lnndnesping nlong Arehibnld Avonua ah 1 contain n rensonnble min of apoclmon alza tree Landacnpnd arena throughout the project "hall contain mounded arans, hedge ^, trean and mixes of nhruba and ground covers. 6. Specific aite plan review required. APPROVED AND AUOI "fED thin 23rd day of April, 1900 PLANNING COMMISSION ON THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON BYt Norman Rempel, Chairman ATT iST t Secretary of the planning I, JACK LAM, Zecretac of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga, (to hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly Introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of R to Cucamon ant a regul m- meeting of the Planning Commission hold on the anc t R 23rd day of April, 19000 by rho following vote, to wi -- -- AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSICNERSt ABSENT: COPLMISSIONERSt I 4Li tv's,` ". 1. . Z DCPAWNUP.NT OF COMHUNI'TY WIV111,O11111iNT STANDARD CONDinotin Subjectl Appl icant, e Pfvuc>°cs�N� Locntlon! Eft i�lnl AL (,L__,$ Thong items chocked nre conditions of approval. APPLICAITI' SHALL CONTACT TINS PLANNING DIVISION FOR COMPLIANCE W?T11 THE rOLLOVIING CONOI1'I XIS i Site Dnvnlopmnnt 1. Site shall be developed +.n accordance with the approved site plan® on file in Lila Planning1Divitio.i and the conditions contained herein. 1 2. devised site plena mud building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be'- AUblritted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. o, Approval of this requont shall not waive compliance with all acc'.ions of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in affect at time! of Dui1C'ing Permit issuance. _ A. The developer shall provide all lots with adequate oidayard area for Racreation Vehicle storage pursuart to City standards. _ 5. Mail boxes, in areas where aidewalks arc required, shall be installed and located by the developer subject to approval by the Planning Division. .7Z_ 6. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 toot high masonry wall with view obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Division. 7. If dwallinjo arc to be constructed in an area dooignited the Foothill Fire District as "liazardous:, the roof materials must be approved by the Fire Chief and Planninq Division prior to issuance of a building permit. S. The developer shall integrate a variety of approved roof materials and colors into the design of the residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complimentary among each of the residential units. 9. All roof anourtenancer„ includinq air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shinlded from view and the sound buFfer.•ed from 04ncent rrorerties and streets as required by the Planninq and Building Divisions. 10. Prior to any use of the project iite or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfa-�ion of the Director of Co!nunity Development. m R. Parking and Whit:ulnr Acrnnn _ 1. All parking lot latdncnped lnlnndn uhnll have a minimum lnniIn dimnnnlon of A' and nhall contain n 12" walk adjacent to parking stall. 'L. Parking lot lightn nhall be n tnnxlmum hn.ight of 12' from the fininhod grndo of tho parking surface and directed away from all property Sines, adjacent atruutn and residences. _ 3. Parking lot treat, shall be a ,..'nitnum 15 gallon size. 4. All two -way aisle widths shall be n minimum of 24 foot wide. 5. Emergency accoun shall be provided , maintenance free MICA cloa., a minimum �_- of 2-1 Cent wide aL all tiswu during const v..etion in accordance with rooL•hill riro District requirements. G. All parking spacen shall be double stripped, C. LatOnncapinq J_ 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan Phall be submitted to and approvad % by the Planning Division prior to tae inauanco of building parmit;o. _ 2. A Mnntor Plan of the Existing on -Site Trees shall be provided to the Planning Division prior to the issuance of buildinq permits and prior to grading to determine which trace ohall be retained. 3. Exintinq Eucalyptus treen shall be retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and topped at 30'. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous traus shall be npproved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Division during the •!oviow of the Master Plan of Existing on -Site Troes. Those treat; which are approved for : moval shall be replaced ^n a tree- for -troo basis as provided by the Planning Division. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the Master Plan of Street trees for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and shall be planted at in tverage of every 30' on interior streets and 20' on exterior streets. 5. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes. shall. be provided within the developmentr 20l -24" box or larger, 701-15 gallon, and 101 -5 gallon. / 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condi- tion, free from woods, trash, and debris. Is F 0 D. inn 11 / 1. Any signs propotacl for thtu dovalopmont ohnll bu donicpied in conrormnnco T— with the Compro!mu nivn Sign Ordinnncn and shall requirn rnview ntO approval by the Planning Division prior to inntnllat•i.on of such nigno. 2. A uniform nign progrnm for thin devolopmont' nl-.nll be submitted to the Planning Division for thn.(r rovinw and approval priar �- issuance of. Duil<ling pormitu. I E. RoV "eatio.1 1. The developnr in required to obtain the following signed statement by purchnnern of homes which have n private or public equestrian trail on or adjacent to their property. " In purchasing the hums located on Lot• , Tract , on ((late) , I have rand the CC&R'n and understand that nail Lot to subject to a mutual reciprocal annomont for the purpeno of allowing equentrian traffic to gain acceoo. signed Purchaser Laid statement in to be filc!d by the developer with the City prior to occupancy r. Additional Approvaln Required 1. Director Review stall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 2. Director Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation or the final aubdivIsion map. ]. Approval of 'tentative Tract No. in granted subject to the approval of Zone Change and /or Variance /Conditional Use Permit A. Tills Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of months) at which time the Planning Commisston may add or delete conditions or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 0 APPLICANT SNAM, CONTACT TIM BUILDING DIVISION MR COMPLIANCE WITH TIM VULLOWING CONDITIONS$ alt iv f 1. The applicant shall comply with the latent adopted Uniform Building Coda, T uniform Mochanlcal Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Coda, and all other nppllcabla codes and ordinnnenn in affect at tho time of approval of thin project. 2. Prior to inouanca of building permits for combunLiblo construction, J— evidence shall bn autmtittod to the roothin Uiatrict.,rirn Chief that water supply for fire protection in available. 3. Prior to the iosunnco of n building permit for a now renidential dwn111ng unit (n) or major addition to an existing unit (n), the applicant shall pay dovolopmont fees at the antnblinhad rate. Such foes may include, but. not be limited tot City Beautification Poe, Park roe, Drainage roe, Systems Development roe, Permit and Plan Chocking fens, and school Coo. _ f 4. Prior to the isnunnce of a building permit for a now commercial or induatriol Tdevelopment or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development foes at the established rate. Such foes may include, but not be limited tot Systems Development roe, Drainage roe, Permit and Plan Chocking foes. 5. This approval ahnll become null and void if building permits are not issued for thin projecL within one year from the date of project approval. G. Street names and addresses shall be provided by the building offical. B. Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building considering use, area and fire- renistiveneas 2. Existing building(n) shall be made to comply Zoning regulations for the intended use or t, 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities nhall be to comply with appropriate grading practices Code for property line clearances of existing buildings. with current Building and to building shall be demolished. removed, filled and /or capped and the Uniform Plumbing Code. I. Grading 1. Grading of the subject. property shall bn in accordance with the Uniform T Building Code, City grading Standards ar.d accepted grading practices. 2. A sells report nholl bo prepared by a qualified nnglneor licannnd by the State of Cnlifornia to pnrform such work. J. A geological report shall he propnrod by a qualified onginoar or oologint and submitted nt. ou time of applivaL•lon for gradiny plan uhuck.f' g 7Z-- 4. The final grading plan shall be oub-Inat to review and approval by the Planning, Enyinnoring and Building Divislonn rind uhnll be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision mnp or issuance of building permit whichever comes firm. APPLICAUr SHALL CONTACT VIL* FNGINL *GRINC uIvinroN MIX COMPLIANCE WITH TINS FOLLOWING CONDITION3i J. Dndicntionn and Vehicular Aceoan 1. Dedications shall be made by final map of all interior street riahtn -of -•fay and all nocenuary oauemonto as shown on the tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of the following minning rightn -of -way on the followiny streatnt additional Coot on additional twat on additional rant on 7. Corner property lino radius will be required per City standards., X_ 4. All rightn of vehicular ingress to and ogress from shall be follownt gxShU01 driveway _eneuill4f .6did_hp—elAn ao S. Reciproc47. ansomeata shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels over private roads, driven, or parking areas. ..?" G. Adequate provisions ohall bn made for the ingress, agrees and internal circulation of any trunks which will be used for delivery of goods to the propurty or in the operation of the proposed business. K. Street Improvementn _ 1. Construct full street improvumonts including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidowalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all intariur streets. E C77 U ®, 2. Cn,uutruct the following minning improvomontu including, buL• riot li.mitad Lut I 9l'111:E'I' NAM:: t;ll'I "1'1411 PVM'1'. SIDE- WALK DING APPN. !3'fI1L1:T 1,1MITS A.C. OVI:ItLAY WIIIiGL CIIAIII PAMp9 '!. Prior to any work being performnd in tiro public right -of -way, an encroach- ment permit and loon nhnll be obtained from the City Engineer's office, in addition to any other pormitm raquirod. 4. Street improvement plant, approved by the City Enginoor and irnpared by a Rcgintered Civil rnginaor shall be required, for all street improvamentn, prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. S. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to tiro natisfaction of the City Enginear and the City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the puhlic improv -3munti, prior to recording of tiro map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. G. All street improvoments shrill be installed to* tile satinfaction of tiro City Engineer, pr1o. to occupancy. 7. Pavement atrLping, marking, traffic and street name signing uhall be installed par the requirements of the City Engineer. L. Drainage and Flood Control 1. The applicant will be rospcnsible for construction of all onaito drainage facilities required by the City Engineer. . 2. Intarsection drains will be required at the Following locations: 3. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood dnsuranco Program and is subject to the provisions of that'program and City Ordinance No. 24. ® 4. A drainage channel and /or flood protection wall will be required to protect the structures by diverting sheet runoff to streets. - 5. Tile rollowing north -uouLh n%rnnLn shall be dopiynnd nn major water carrying ntroeL•n rrquiring a colnbinatiuu of spncial curb heights, couunnr- cial type drive approaches, rolled ntroot connection", flood protection walls, and /or lnndncnpnd nnrth bnrmn and rollnd driveways at pruporty U1101 --Arvid A.AA H. UL111Liun 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall be inntalled undarground including utilitieu along major artarialn lean than 12 Y,V. 2. Utility oanomento shall be provided to the npociricntion of the nerving utility corapanira and the City Engineer. J. Developer ahr.11 be reaponniblo for the relocation of existing public utilities, an roquirod. 4. Developer shall bn ranponsiblo for the installation of otroot lighting in acc,ardanco with Southern California Edison Company and City standards. 5. Water and newer system plans shall be designed and constructed to meat requirnmanta of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Foothill Fire District and the Environmental. Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from CCWD will be required prior to recordation. G. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. N. Connral Raruirements and Approvals 1. lermitu fro•.1 other agencies will be !required an follo.is: A. Caltrann for: D. County Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading permit) C. San Bernardino County I'lood Control District D. Other: 2. A copy of the Covnnantn, Conditions and liastrictions (CCrR's) and Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association, sub'ect to the approval of the City Attorney, shall be recorded with this map and a copy provided to the City. 1. Prior to recordntlon, a Notice of Intention to form I,midncapo and Llghting Ulntr.ict:u ohnll bo filed with the City Council. The engineering couto involved in Dintrict Formation uhn11 bn bornu by Win dovalopnr. 4. I11na1 parcel and trnot mapn nhall conform to City atandnrdn and procedurou. C:J 0 0 F-1 L Dnte: Tot From: By: Dubjertt CITY OF ItANG 11 STAFF I April 230 19110 Planning Commisnion Jack Lam, Director of Community Dovalopmm:t Michael Vn, Asnuclnt �lunner m tine rnit tin11tW N0. 80 -.17 AND RNVII R1 19 acres of land located on tt:e snot aide approximately 600' nouth of FOethill Blvd. park on upproximac of Vineyard Avonuo, BACKGROUND: Mr. Anderson in requesting approval to develop a 125 apace mobile - homo pnrk on approximately 19 acres of land located oil tl:o cant side of Vineyard Avenue approximately 600' south of Foothill Blvd. (Exhibit "A "). The subjact site in presently zoned R -3 (multiple family residential) and General Plnnnod for Mixed Use and High Density Residential) . As tho Commission will recall, tl:e review and approval of mobilohome parka Ilan bean excm to Erom the Growth ,Neno ment Ordinance. Review and dovclopmol% oi—mo ilohome parrlco i�Tegalatod by the at cnuccTruTCounty Mobile'nome Park Ordinance which wan adopted by tl:e City and Title 25 of tlto California Administrative Code, housing Community Development, Chapter 2 of he Mobilahomo Pork Act. ANALYSIS: Main access to the mobilohome park will be provided by one street or private drive from Vineyard Avenue. A secondary emergency aceoss is also provided off of Vincycrd Avenue. Acce,ns to the inuividual mobilohome lots is provided by a private 30 foot wide driveway as indicated on Zile development plan. The development plan further indicates visitor parking areas are located throughout the site, in addition to n centralized recreation and laundry area. A 6' block wall is proposed along Vineyard Avenue with a 25' setback which will be fully landscaped. With ti:e parkway, a total of 39 feat of landscaping will be provided from the face of curb. It is rocommended that four to five foot berms be provided along ti:e street frontage and that n be installed along tl:e ridge, for screening of the units. The Mobilchome Park ordinance contained within the Zoning Ordinance outlines mauy development standards for mobilohome parks. Staff line reviewed this project with those standards and is r commending the following as conditions of approval in order to meet the minimum standards not•. forth within the ordinance: 1. That no parking be permitted within the home park and that parking be restricts areas and individual late. If parking i of the driveways, then the driveways ar to 33' for parking along one side an6 4 1 sides. driveways of the mobile- to designated parking s desired along the sides e required to be widened ' for parking along both Item H Director Noeview No. 00 -17 April 27, 1900 Page 2 2. All driven throughout the pntk shall be paved with a minimum of 2" UV.ck nephnit or concrete. A detailed nito plan shall he nubmitted indicating wnikwny& and pathwnya to all lots, service buildings, activity nronn, and other buildings and areas used by occupants within t11e trailer park. Such walkways nerving thorn areal' shall be a minimum of 4 feat in width with individual entry walks to each of the trailer conchan being a minimum of 2 foot in width. All walkwaya ahall be con- structed of asphalt or concrete. 4 A six foot wall in required to be constructed around t11e aide slid rear boundaries of the project. 5. All trash containers ohnll be anclo,ed by n 6 foot high masonry enclosure with view obstructing gates. 6. Tile revised detailed nitoplan 9111111 indicate t11e minimum sat -back lines as outlined within the Mobilehome Ordinance fur each mobilehome lot. Tile above recommended conditions of approval in addititn to the attached standard conditions of approval are ones which are needed to meet the minimum ordina•.co requirements of the Mobilchome Park Ordinance. In addition, the project in required to conform to Title 25 of the California Administrative Code, Housing Community Development Section, Chapter 2 of the MobUchoma Parlc Act. In addition to the above recommended : onditions, it is recommended that t11e stab streets be denignod as cul -do -sacs. Part I if t11e Initial. Study has been completed by the applicant and is attached for your review. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study and a field check. No affirmati- a responpes wore found within the environmental checklist thus leading to the finding no significant adverse impact upon the environ- ment no a result of this project. RECOMMENDATION: If, after review of the information presented herein, t11e Commianion concurs with t11e above propLoal and analysis, then a Resolution of Approval and standard conditions arc attached for your review and considera- rwprt -lon. Respectfully ubmir ed JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL : MV : nm Attachments: Exhibit "A ", Location Map Exhibit "B ", Site Plan (See.!.ueprint enclosed in your packet) Part I, Initial Stuiv Resolution t �i l 1 1 — 1 .. 1 ,♦ 1 i Li At dK ArX NORTH CITY OF ITEM, -1-2KEMOK �ENIIGW W 10-17 J • . • • • ( r PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBITs A SCALE, va 4 41 , y a1 .M n CITY OF RANC110 CUCAMONOA INITIAL STUDY P ,., PART I - PROJECT INFOR':o%TION SHEET - To be completed by ApIdicant Environmental Assessment Raview Fees $70.00 For all projects requiring environmental roviL w, thin form must be completed and submitted to the De volopment Review Committee through the department where the' projocL applicuL•ion in made. .Upon race 'TL• of thin application, the Environmental Analysin staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Ravirsw Committee will most and L•ako action no later than ton (10) clays before the public meeting at which ti.ma the project is to be hoard. The Comnlittoo will make one of throe determinations: 1) The project will have no environmental impact and a Nagativ,g Doclarntion will be Piled, 2) The project will have an Onvironmontal impact and an Environtrontal Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information ropoxt should be Fnpplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLES �) r i - •r i' h A' J ,, i i '. _ ± 5 "t •a N'_ APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, _ ..1 :1 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO bE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: T2 N /,�� •rZ h N hsrr ; ne 1 :i ! ,T% hin. r_ ... . .-.1 ,O♦ 1 .I•Twi in P7 / 4 .� %f ��il✓— n —•i� LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) t11 IJ1 °V_1a �2'at__[�U��'_ S,2 n/� � ?ftN 11- L�r���• %••�•.7 J I- /+ ±,, /// LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: A i r- f, :l w1 i 01 m C•Pi , •, Lip• ....�az« �--... ��....._.__ �.._-_.. .- �.__.._.___..�._._._....y_.__ .... .-.•bra! rt1 0,7 CT DESCRIPTION VESCRIP'PION OF PROJECTz ..e elhi 1 nr.r I Flo sY.14zi dZ l,"C' ACREAGE Or PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED DUILDINGS, IF ANY: i Q or 2 Pt. T t!L&JLA=.0.fJj= Xti L X]� DESCRIDE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE. INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOOItAPHY, PLANTS (T -KEES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING pRonivrim, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY •EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): J-j 7225 A _�.L21TI:.If =. n - �+ �! �•1 L l� nom• - ti, -.fi_ A -/ VA1- 1- 7-yr- �> V _I JL111:L) ty t- - - — Zitsr r C'nAU.LiLJJ'- Cin��ur�(Jy Is the nrcject, part of a larger project, one of a series- of cumulative nct!ons, which although individually small, may us a whole %ave significant enviror.:nertal impact? A& . I- 2 WILL THIS PROJt°.C'i;: 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Crento.a substantial change in existing noiso cs vibrationl �Y 3. Croats a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)7 �,. 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan dosignatiunal 5: Remove any existing troosl How many? „r 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YrS answers above: alnl. a?Li_u- ,Lu r EL7M Illnt,hhF SCW,1rfr17 NND 7"RP15fi- toe k r.•tlnel r;. /•)!_LD.I - nr�! `R Lie, /.ply Ai I-r - -- ` L O jrl �- 1 62 h1t_-A I /- Mr± IL r -'n IMPORTANT: If the proje:.: involves the construction of residential units, completo the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and th ^t the facts, statements, and :information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand tha t additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaulation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date 1 Signature , X41 =6� •I I Title ONy 12,F tr — , 2� ._.... __.. - •- --tics r.. C RESIMNTTAL CONSTRUCTIDIQ Thu following information nhould be provided to the city of Rnncho Cucataongu Planning Division in order to aid in asbessing the ability of the school District to accommodate the proposed raeidontial davolopmont. Name of Dovelopor and Tentativa Tract NO.s_(f�1� ;y�;, �•)n.�rc�_ Piaftl<,, Specific Location of Pxo f acts &V-0 g-Ir Sn !'a_,Y7/l&j� . 4. i,ar ns a o occupancy: Model # u and # of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranee PRASE 3 PIIASB a TOTAL Lam¢_ ]:— 4 PHASE I PRASE 2 1. Number of single family units: 2AL. 2. Number of multiplo family uni ".as 3. Late proposed to ' begin constructions al[L 7-1.'- ® li t d t of 4. i,ar ns a o occupancy: Model # u and # of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Ranee PRASE 3 PIIASB a TOTAL Lam¢_ ]:— 4 RESOLUTION NO. 80 -24 A RESOLUTION Op THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -17 LOCATED ON 111E PAST SIDE OF VINEYARD APPROXIMATELY 600' SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BLVD. WHEREAS, on the 24th day of December, 1979, a comploto application was filed for rovi.ew of the above dencribed project{ and WHEREAS, on the 2Jrd day of April, 1980, the Rancho Cucamonga Plan- ning Conuninsion hold a meeting to consider the above described project. FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PI.A14NING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan in adequate in situ and shape to accommodate the pro- posed use, and all yards, spaces, walla, fencon, parking, landscaping, loading, and other features required by this section. 2. That the pin:: are related 3. That the plan are policies improvements no located in ouch to existing and improvements an consistent with as act forth in indicated on the development a mannor an to be properly iroposed streets and highways. shown on the development all adopted standards and this section. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on April 23, 1980. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 80 -17 is approved subject to the following conditions and attached standard conditions: 1. Derming and walls shall be provided In the landscaped area along Vineyard which will effectively screen units from the street. 2. No parking shall be permitted along Lhe interior drives of the park. 3. A revised detailed site plan shall be submitted which indicates location of walkways, setback lines, and cul -de- dacs for the stubbed streets. 4. Six foot block walls shall be provided around the entire perimeter of the project. 0 APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 1.980 0 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: penman Itempol, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Plnnning Commieeion I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Comminaion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga do hereby certify that the foregoing Ranolution van duly and regularly introduced, panned. and adopted by the Planning Comminaion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga nt a regular meeting of the Planning Comminnion hold on the 23rd day of April, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ® NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Ll I. DUAilTNISNT OF COMMINIi'Y DEVELOPMENT OTANDAND CONDITIONS subjocti--bk- M-17 / Applicnntt_ �h19O /l1 AnclersCjN_ Locationi EIS 111141Ov. ed- Ali& Gtqot SA&M '-/ A11A.-%I Rj"..1 Those items checked are conditions of approval. APPLICANT SIIALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION FOIL COMPLIANCE WITH Mir FOLLOWING CONDITI0N9t A. site Development I. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Division and the conditions contained heroin. 2. Revised site plane and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval nhall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to inuuance of ��— building permits. 3. Approval of thio request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at time of Building Permit icouaneo. 4. The developer shall provide all lots with adequate sidayard area Tor Pecreation Vehicle storage pursuant to City standards. 5. Mail boxes, in areas where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and / located by the developer subject to approval by the Planning Division. V G. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclosed by a 6 foot high masonry wall with view obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Division. 7. If dwellings are to be ccnatructed in an area designated by the Foothill Fire Dintrict as "hazardoust, the roof materials must be approved by the Fire Chief and Planning Division prior to isnuance of a building permit. S. The developer shall integrato a variety of approved roof materials and colors into the design of the residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complimentary among each of the residential units. 9. All roof aoourtenaneos, includinq air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, nhieidod from view and the sound huffored from nAilcenr_ Irererti.us / and streets as required by thu Planninq :rind Uuildino Divisions. V 10. Prior to, any use of the projert nits or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Covmunity Development. O. Parking rind Vnhicular Access 1. All parking lot lnndncnped ininndu shall have a minimum inside dimension W-7 _ of 4' and shall contain a 12" walk ndjacant to pnrking stall, f, 2. Parking lot lights shall be n maximum Insight of 12' Crom the finished grade r of ttre parking surface end directed away from all property lines, adjacent straots and rosidencaa. 3. Parking lot trees shall be a minimum 15 gallon size. 4. All. two -way aisle widths shall be a minimum of 24 fact wide. _ S. Emorgcn�y necane shall lit provWcd , maintenance free and clear, a minimuun of 24 feat wide at all L•imou during constrxcction in accordance with Foothill Fire District requirements. 6. All parking spneos shall be double stripped, C. Landscaping 1. A detnilerl landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance nC building permits. 2. A Master Plan of the Existing on -Site Trans shall be provided to the ® Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading to determine which trees shall be retained. _ 3. Existing Eucalyptus trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and Lopped at 30'. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Division during the review of the Master Plan of Existing on -site Trace. Those trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a troo - for -troy basis as provided by the Planning Division. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the Mentor Plan of street trees for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and shall be planted at an average of every 30' on interior streets and 20' on exterior streets. 5. A minimum of 50 trcp_s per gross acre, comprised of be provided within the development= 201 -24" box or and 10% -5 gallon. the following sizes, shall larger, 70% -15 gallon, 6. All landscaped arose; shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condi- tion, free from weeds, trash, and debris. M . 0 D. Blr ttn 1. Any nignn proponod for this dnvoiopment shall be deslgnnd in confonnnnca with the Comprehensive Sicgn Ordinnnco and nhnll require review aV approval by tho Planning Division prior to instnllntion of such nignn. 2. A uniform nign progrnm for this development nhnll bo submitted to the Planning Division for thnir rovinw and approval prior to issuance of. Building pormitci. E. Recreation _ 1. The developer in required to obtaln the following signed atntemenl• by purchasenn of homes which hnvo a private or public equostrian trail on or adjacent to their property. In purchasing the home located on Lot_, Tract _, on (date) , I have road the CC&Rts and understand that said Lot is nubjact to a mutual reciprocal easement for tho purpose of allowing equestrian traffic to gain access. Signed 0 Purchaser Said statement is to be filed by the developer with the City prior to occupancy. F. Additional Approvals Required 1. Director Review shall be accomplishad prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 2. Director Review shall be accomplished prior to recordat:.on of the final subdivision map. ]. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of Zone Change and /or Variance /Conditional Use Permit 4. Thin Conditional Ilse Permit is granted for a period of month(s) at which time the Planning Commission may add or delete conditions or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. 0 APPLICANT SIIALL CON'rt.CT THE UUILUING DIVISION MR COMPLIANCII WITII TIM FOLLOWING CONDITIONS, Sit! Unvalopmant 2 1. The applicant shnll comply with the latoet adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mochanical Codo, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Coda, and all other applicable codas Ind ordinancou in affect at tho time or approval of thin project. 2. Prior to innunnce of building permits for combustiblo construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Fouthill Uintrict.riro Chief that wntor nupply for fire protection in available. 3. Prior to the iaounnco of a building parmit for a new residential dwelling unit(n) or major addition to an existing unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fens at the antnblichad rate. Such Coon may include, but not be limited to, City Deautifieati.on Foe, Park Foe, Drainage Foe, Systems Development Foe, Permit and Plan Checking foes, and school foe. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building Permit for a now commercial or industrial development or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development food at the ontabliahod rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited tot Systems Development Poo, Drainage Foot Permit and Plan Checking foes. 5. Thin approval shall become null and void if building parmito are not issued for this project within one year from the data of project approval. 0 G. Street names and addresses shall be provided by the building offical. Ii. Existing Structures I. KI ff 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering use, area and fire- renistiveneas of existing buildings. 2. Existing building(s) chill be made to comply with current Building and Zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and /or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. Grading 1. Grading of tho subjnct property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. 2. A nolln roport shall be prepared by a qunlifind engineer llcennnd by the State of California to porform nuch work. ]. A geological report shall be praparad by a qunlifiad engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of npplicntion for grading plan chuck.' V/ 4. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning, Enginooring and Building Diviniona and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final aubdivision map or innuanco of building permit whichovor comes firnt APPLT.CANT S11ALL CONTACT THE ENGINEERING DIVISION rOli COMPLIANCE WITH T11E FOLLOWING CONDITIONSt J. Dedications nntl yohiculnr Accoan _ 1. Dedications shall be made by final map of all interior street riohtn -of -Iffy and all necessary oaaomonto as shown on the tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of the following missing righto -o£ -way on the follow:.ng atrcetst 14 additional foot on VZOeyQ_i9ve. additional foot on additional foot on 3. Corner property line radius will be required per City standards., 4. All rights of vehicular ingress to and ogress from shall be dedicated an follows S. Rociprocal casements shall be provided onsuring accona to all parcolo over private roads, drives, or pnrking areas. G. Adequate provisions ahnll be made for the ingress, zgresa and internal circulation of any trucks which will be used for delivery of goods to the property or in the operation of the proposed business. K. Strout Improvements - 1. Construct full street improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway tree's and street lights un all interior streets. E 0. X 2. Construct the following missing ituprovemants tot I! lot including not limi.tnd STRITT NAME CU1W 6 GUTTER A.C. PVMT. SIDE- WALK UnIVE APPIA. UTREUT LIGIITD A. C. OVERLAY WHEEL CHAIR. RAMPS OTHER Ix see Blew ]. Prior to any work being performed in the public right- of -wnv, an encroach- ment permit and foes shall be obtained from the City Enginuarle Offioo, in addition to any other permits required. 4. Street improvement plane approved by the City Engineer and prepared by a Rsgistered Civil Engineer shall be required, for all street improvemonta, prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. 5. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements, prior to recording of the map or the issuance of building permits, whichever conics first. S G. All streut improvements shall re installed to the satisfaction of the City Enoincer, prior to occupancy. 7. Pavement striping, marking, traffic and street name signing shall be installnd per the requirements of the City L•nginear� )HL/FJOIIN 9 (,UfclCH1N' oN 4he west 5416 &-P Vlkeyard 4w, {o loroi,)Je -Fr' V /eA -lurH mme. L. Drainage and Mood Control 1. The applicant will be responsible for construction of all onsite drainage facilities required by the City Engineer. 2. Intersection drains will be required at the following locations: 1. The proposed projoct falln within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the Mational flood Innuranco Program and is subject to the provisions of that'program and City Ordinance No. 24. 4. A drainage channel and /or flood protection wall will be required to protect the structures by diverting shoot runoff to streets. i S. The following north -uouth ntrento uhnll be der grand an major water carrying ntranto requiring a combination of ap[eial curb hnighto, colmner- cial type drive approaches, rolled street connactionn, flood protection walls, and /or landacapod earth berms and rolled drivownyn at property line$ >c G, Drriivim 44e ec bkv si& �v Devoa Si6: is uaau<pkr6le. N legj4 SS -O % ae 4e area Aall be plmlhad -16 V140y'14 /eve, M. lltilitinn 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground including utilities along major +4rterialo lose than 12 KV. 2. utility casements shall be provided to Lite specification of thie serving utility companies and the City Engineer. ]. Developer shall be responsible for the rolocation of existing public utilitien, an required. - 4. Developer shall be reai,onoible for the installation of street lighting in accordance with Southern California Edison Company and City standards. x_ 5. water and newor system plans shall be donigned and constructed to moot requirements of thie Cucamonga County water Dintri.ct (CCIID) , Foothill Fire District and thie Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from CCWD will be required prior to recordation. _ G. Approvals have not boon gucured from all utilitioa and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. N. General fequirements and Approvals 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follownt A. Caltrans fort D. County Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading permit) C. San Bernardino County Flood Control District _ D.•Other: 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC6R's) and Article[ of Incorporation of the nomeownerr Association, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, shall be recorded with this map and a copy provided to the Citg- ]. Prior to rocordntlon, a Not•ico of Intention to form 1,andacapo and Lighting Dintricto shall bo Mod with the City Council. Tho onginooring conto involved in Dictrict formation n(WA1 bo borno by tlic dovolopor. 0 _ 4. rival parcol and tract maps L ,,J to City otmidardo and hroceduraa. ry 'w U w CITY OF RANCI-10 CUCANKOIGA STAFF REPOl.ZT DATE pril 23, 1980 1'0: Conning Commissiont FROM Lloyd B. Rubbs, City Engineer DY: oho tinrtin, Asnistnnt Civil Engineer SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PARC17, MAC' NO. 5893 - BARTON - Dividing a lot into 2 pnrcels for property located on the north aide of Victoria be- Lweeu ELlwanda and East Avenue. INTRODUCTION: Mr. Marton in appealing tt:e requir ments for street improvements pertaining to ilia "lot split" on Victoria Avenu Iis ni io that nu�]i ys ernupm L.s-- +°-uprap-Lfnto nt this time, be rile undeveloped nature of me area�u� BACKGROUNIit The County Master Plan of O' root a "designs ted Victoria an a "second- ary highway" with a curb width of 641. Tract 5754 provided improvements on the north aide of the street in 1960 at Pecan with curbs act at the 64' width. The recently completed City traffic study ties downgraded the designation of Victoria to a "colletor" ntreet with a 44' curb width. A Parcel Map by Clara Murillo on the south aide of Victoria indicates potential future development that will re- quire street improvements. In accordance with the State Mnp Act and City Ordinance 20, street improvements are required when land is subdivided, even when one lot is split in two. In the cnsp.of residential property, the improvements may be postponed until the time of development. Further postponement would require Council action and /or revision of the City Subdivision Ordinance. ANALYSIS: TLa Staff's opinion regarding the necessity of obtaining improve- ments at the time of development is based on the uncertainty of ever obtaining them if this initial opportunity is foregone. As streets develop parcel by parcel, tl:e piecemeal improvements may appear awkward oad unnecessary, but this method elimination the need in the future to get tt:e street improved at much greater expense to each property owner. The use of assessment districts or other legally involved procedures is also avoided. Staff feela also that many newer homes built a few years ago throughout this City without improvements present for less attractive frontages(generally dirt driven and poorly main- tained roadside areas) than those involving spot widening. The adjacent tome, although of the more original development style, does have a type of curb in- stallation in approximately tt:e position we will require of Mr. Barton. In the case of Parcel Man 5893, the required curb setback of 22' may not require the removal of all of the Palm trees along the parcels. The applicant's surveyor could determine this. it appears that the Deodor tree would not be affected, and the widening at the east end of the property could be modified to insure this. In a spot widening such as this, the sidewalk requirement could be waived by the Planning Commission. However, the property is on a school route which supports the requirement. RECOMMENDATION: In view of the above and the existing widening near Pecan, as Itea: I C: April 23, 1900 Appeal of I'nrcul Mnp No. 5093 - Barton P ng a Two t well an tho posuiblu improvempht.a �roportieo on thn south nide of Victoria from Pecan to Haut. it in racommt% ' thnt the widening for Parcel Map No. 55093 be required with development. TheIrequirement conforms with tho 8tnte Map Act and the City Subdivinion Ordinance No. 26. Reopectfu11y s omitted. 6-6 LOY i1. Ilu I1S City Engineer a LDII:JM:jk 1 • f0 / /lON AVID inclicn,yo n��rlys,�_�.. " v •F ' 41 a 8 c:A Pr 1,1 VLreK 11 J BUSK . {41r 4 CY.17Nr )� 514m. N. UNE OF SOUrII 1„l7' OF '•�- LOr u, viccK if, Ain..: ?Ir4 a v e, 9,7 9 � t.I is W ,a o PAf,�EL / v' �' M&CEL ?_ .f po 15,409 S.r. 15,409 rr{{ I 20'B.SL. c sTT48 -' - FO. SP/KE £Asr i^z.39' Moor i rr13$.3.4' — - EAST 27£4.J6' GENERAL INFORMATION �`i, r+t►na TH£ SIrf IS P/iESENTLY VACANrI BOUNDED BY r p� C0 �10es VAavir PROPERTY TO 7HE' NCRr/l AW SINGLE MUILY RESIDENCES ON TINE EAST AND IYES r. p.Q A/0/Or0 r/q THERE ARE SIX PALM rREE.S ON WE NORM SIDE OF VICTORIA AVE. rHAr IVILL HAVE 70 BE REMOVED IF CURBS B GUMPS ARE INSTALLED. PRESENT ZONING IS SINGL E rAAMY. (INCI. SUPROUNOINGI PROPOSED LAND USE IS RJR SINGLE FAIMLY RESIDENCES. HIGM ANO AVE. �i IS ti 3 SIrE V)C/NIrY MAP NO SCALE i 3ngr •' Of riv., Imo, SCA4fI I f0. 2 "1,R ' , LDS cccws o �> \y ,I Q fV. R. R. SPIKE AD NAIL unurY NOTES WATER. GAS AND ELECTRICAL SCAVICI AR£ AVAILADLE IN V/C'r04/4 AVENUE. SElI'AGE DISPOSAL TO BE BY SEPrK: TANK AND CESSPOOL. SURVEYOR PII/L K. A.VSLEY b. ,l3 E ROS£IICx CT. ONTARIO, CA. 31764 17141 Y84.4702 U OTY 01: RANG1-10 UrAMCMK;A STAFF 1tLP(,)RT DATES April 23, 1900 TOS Planning Cumminnion FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Davelopmesst BYs Michael Vairin, Annociata Planner SUBJECT: DIltECTOIt REVIEW NO. 00 -12 AND ENVIRONMENTAL I s 1977 BARTON - Conceptual review of the Master Plan tur cue swnsenu Cucamonga Basilicas Park generally located on the southeant corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue. bACKGROUNDs Dnou /Barton Development Company hnn prepared n Master Plan for the development of a business park encompassing approxinnntely 300 acres of lard generally located on the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Ave. (Exhibit "A "). The applicants have prepared and provided extensive descriptions within a written text which provides conceptual descriptions of thin project relative to circulation, street sections, lanai use, conceptual site plants, phasing, conceptual grade and drainage plane and conceptual signing. This informations in provided in it summary document which is included in this packet for your review and consideration. In addition, an Environmental Impact Report line been prepared which fully analyzes all details of the taster Plan. A copy of the Environmental Impact Report plus nn addendum which contains comments received from agencies during the public review process and responses an pre- pared by the environmental consultant is attatsced for your review. This request is before the Cormniquion for their review and consideration for approval. If the Planning Commission considers approval of the project then two actions are required; 1) certification of the environmental impact report as adequate and 2) approval of the overall taster Plan and concepts. Approval of tlse proposed Master Plan would eatablials a conceptual plan and framework designed to guide the development of the project over the estimated 5 year phasing period. Specific site plan reviews for each phase of develop- ment will be required and specific conditions of approval will be imposed upon each phase in order to ensure that the phase in consistent with the adopted Master Plan and the goals, policies arid objectives of the City of Rancho Cuca- monga. ANALYSIS: The project area consists of approximately 300 acres of land that will be developed as planned business park. Tentatively this will include a total of 3,977,359 square feet of floor spare consinting of medium and light industrial uses, a corporate park, commercial office space, commercial retail space and restaurant uses. Exhibit "B" displays the conceptual land use plan as proposed by the applicants. The project site is presently zoned M -2 and General Planned for Minimum Impact Industry along Foothill Boulevard and Havers Avenue frontages and Major Impact Industry for the remaining portion of the project site. The mix of proposed land uses was determined after serious con - aideration of the present goals and policies of the City General Plan to develop Foothill Boulevard as a highly aesthetic and scenic Boulevard. The Item 3 DR No. 80 -12 April 23, 19110 fags '2 0 nucjority of the profounionnl officen and cummorcinl. uses are provided on the perimoter of the project nite which then trnunitioun Into light and medium industrial uuou as the project site moves away from Foothill Boulevard end Ilaven Avenue. Exhibits "C" and "B" display tho conceptual site plmi and Illustrative site plan for the entire project nitu. Thin is provided an n mannn of trying to depict the overall imago of the project. This review in for conceptual review of Llca Kanter plan only and dean not Constitute specific site plan for any one section of the project. The applicant will be requirod to submlL detailed niLe plans rind arch.i.tecturnl renderings for each phase of development. The illustrative site plan providon an insight into the overall design and site layout of the project area. As call be seen from these plans, extennive landscaping and bernxed notbaeks are created along the perimeter of the pro- ject nits, through the primary project entry point and through the primary circulation routes of the project area. Exhibit "L'" dinplays the phasing as propoued by the applicant. Each phase will most likely not be developed in its ontirity, but rather, in segments within ench of the designated p hnuen. The projected buildout of the project Is proposed in the year of 1985. Exhibits "F" and "G" dinplays the proposed circulation of the project area and streot sections. The circulation system line been designed not only to provide an aesthetic and unique feeling to the project but also to provide the is most effeclent circulation and overall drainage of the project area. The City Engineer lies indicated that final design on the extension of Cleveland Avenue han not been determined since tice Ueneral plan consultant is in the process of preparing plans. Thus, final street configuration through tice center of the project could change. Exhibits "I" and "J" display conceptual signing throughout the project area. Specific review and approval for the signing will be required an the developer wishes to Install the different project signing. An overall uniform signing program will be required to be completed for the project area. The pamphlet developed by the applicant is the basic text which describes each of the above aapecta of the project. In addition, the draft Environmental Impact Report addresses all of these issues, in addition to other environmental areas in great detail. Tice Environmental Impact Report has been reviewed not only by the City but by other State agencies, local districts and agencies in order to determine all possible significant adverse impacts on the environment an a result of the development of this site. Comments received from other agencies on the content of the EIR have been responded to by the City's environmental consultant. None of the reviewing agencies who commented on the project and EIR, voiced opposition to the project or associated environmental documentation. Generally, the comments were requests for inclusion of additional environmental data which are of a specific interest to the respective commenting agencies. As a general overview, the Environmental Impact Report indicates that there Will be impacts associated with the project simply as a result of the area being urbanized. The project site is presently undeveloped and any development of the site would 0 0 DR. No. 80 -12 April 23, 1900 Pnga 9 create impacts associated with development. nppenru to analyze all ouch pounibin Impacts mensuren that enn be used to alleviate such The onvironmantni impact report and the kinds of mitigating impacts. The Environmental impact Report and proposed mitigation mannuren would be used an a tool in applying specific conditions of approval for each phnno of development for the project. If the Commission finds that additional impacts or issues have not been analyzed within the L +IR then those mny be included at the Comminnlnnnt desire. if the Comminnion fuels that the environmental impacts have been adequately addreneed, then the Commission may certify the EIR and find that the mitigation measures proposed are adequate enough to mitigate the overall major impacts of the project. Upon certification of the Environmental Impact Report, tho Commission mould consider the Master Plan for the project site and whether or not such Mauter Plan depicts the overall gonla, policies, and ubjectives of the City for this aran. In review of all auaterinla submitted by the developer, Staff line found the proposals to be consistent with the goals, policies and objectives presently net forth by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The applicant will have a detailed presentation of the entire project area and larger plans depicting the overall development for your review and consideration at the Planning Commission meeting. Should any members of the Planning Commission have any questions on any nnpecta of the project prior to the Planning Commission meeting, please do not hesitate to contact Planning Division 6taff for clarification. RECOMMRNDMON: If, after review and coniideration of all issues and aspects to the proposed project, the Commisinon finds that the project in consistent with the overall goals, policies and objectives of the City and that the Environmental Impact Report adequately addresses all related issues of the Master Plan, then a Resolution of Approval in provided for your review and consideration. ,�.... Respective subml.tt . JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:MV:cd Attachments 1�J VsKO NIA c)�-rF- Wie�C-RY Vo4cyw LA MANCHA cot f coin -�--ATCHISON VAJEYAgP N SWrXA colt! ............. -AN ;rA FE CITY Or RANCI -10 CUCAMONGA PLANNINU DIVISUN x•K- VINCY*P .................... clV NORTH ITEM, fj796C7(W R6V1F,%,%o1 1�r0.Q7' /Z TITLE= _ LCCA77M MAP EXHIBITt— _SCALD / "/ — 0 0 11 0 11 II 10f1_19Uf1AL OrFKXS Ii A CM900HAL or Kuw W&MAL L ID US STATISTICAL SUMMARY LANs M AVICs WiA. Y16W rvOO rW�H rA A .W �- rn]rlilll(Mfl• PLAZAB COIPOIIAT[ PLAZA W rr1OrtmNONA1.OrMTS 461 = R n 11!�nc.=M- u XMTHAL yLK*trrrwsrn�AL TV &WN vwx — LANOIIGML' DUCfpI�. BTrnt.p I"Di noW l 439•, TOTAL M2 1. 1�.. 1 1 1 I � AI +1 ' 1' Y. � 1 1 • �� M 1 1 MMAL 00FwOMT11 PLAZA •�` Liaw tAU9rnAL % A 1JONT ovisTMAL i.1 /./ IAPDOM WO 1SIN AL UDITr eousTnAL I I UONr.loAm,4L CITY Or RANCHO CUC'AMONGA PLANNING DIVISION LBI�O MAL NOW rrEM,'DIBECTJOR _2,EVIQO W 4A0 -12 TITI.EI LAND fISE PAN fJCHIBITI 8 SCALL'I 0 . =11 l�I��4�1 J ILI . IV Ll , 1 J T I 1 - 11 11 11 1 ^�� 1 1. - .i F� �b, %IEL • Ttl r� r,� CITY OF ITEM: DIRKTOS K--V (-M & • '10.1 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TIM, C'CNC2212 r 2511C- puaN PLANNING DIVISION EXI'tIllff: C _SCALEt � I \•1��11•.r.1,r U.I Illt+1.1 1 .. �t � w �' �O • t �.•..'.nn rw..1 «rt•� SI fS 1 � I rte„ D I. frS r rFO.hi�.Fr. t'• R�rrt {6. 4• f�� R nll� -I r c Moe). �Ilri �� . •tDf . 1111` `r,,r- i -'1'' r �• S� I w,t.�� T,f ;,1i ��F .,S jy�1. , `iI�7'l 1••J • � ., '�•. .. 1 Lj .1 Y�Ir�.. r ;.f: 4'�1`, t t!� � * .rf`�rl rr•1 j, . -. ft fr Dl.O� 1 �A.p,�..,q •.4.,.� „'I ('tr \ J��T.! tj I` f.�Dl.\..4 f •..... "pn,IJ1 f• •n rj 1 r H, I --ft, fnlu..frJf I ,ti R♦1 r,. «w« . -• 1 :. « I Ca ® I •.:: �.1 I�A��r�t r,l��u> t �j-,•` ri "f-Y�. ,�Y 1 J�itlr�1 MClnslu"� f• 1 i I If 11 It f 1 I � .l � � � 1�IF r ♦�j'�y l., `� ti/ •�� t �t r.'l rli .W-w I r 1 f..ttF:11�•�tJ.d+�, *,'. "„M I• tp f•i 4 'LYJ ' J 1 1 P•.(,6M1 /�r1.4i��.w••,1.la+- _t+�.. �� 1'�•1.�r� t�• {'�re + . . •; �j�I I. G4.f+ m j1r:lf'f J y K f.Y/\\R lj.y ✓.ly�F 111 • ..• r .K ' .I j a.. G h 1 � r I r ♦ 1 1 1 �M�M f- • Wq CITY Or ITEM: DR�rT� I�vI>✓w rlc�. e� -t RANCHO CUCAMO \tCYA TITLE, 1(,U MALIVe SITE PLAN PLANNING DIVISION EXIABITI —D SCALE:_ 0 PHASING SEQUENCE MPM YRAIll(AP FOXO M¢I _ 1 rono•rom 2 m f-tm -- 3 mm luo� L4 morrolw 5 W4-IM 14101'ESSICtiAL Ot 1'ICES C(MAM1'11CN1 / OFFICES l.!::iIX1AL C[:s MI1XEsSIO•r +4. Of 11CLS/ INDUSTRIAL 1'TA',r In L ^� T,S:dONAL o1' cl M71'5SIONAL Of ICES/ L101/ WUUSIMAL , L1011TIfAusit 1. {M101N I I IMIk C011PORAIC PLAZA MIT WOIISTIVIAL 4 InlOrESSIONAL Of I ICES LIONT W WSi11UL `. � 1JO11T WWSIMAL I _ LIOIIT WWSTf11Al II I� n11rAA'• H RANCHO C"MONGA BUSINESS PARK A DAON /BARTON DEVELOPMENT WMrC'SSIONnL 2 MEDIUM INWSTMAL CITY OF ITEM, DI RGA TOR W- EiO l RANCI -IO CUCAMONGA TITLEI t'66�� PLANNINU DIVISION EXHIBIT: E SCALE, SSI(XIAL Off IC /II:SI NIWSIIIIAL LIONT W WSi11UL `. � 1JO11T WWSIMAL I _ LIOIIT WWSTf11Al II I� n11rAA'• H RANCHO C"MONGA BUSINESS PARK A DAON /BARTON DEVELOPMENT WMrC'SSIONnL 2 MEDIUM INWSTMAL CITY OF ITEM, DI RGA TOR W- EiO l RANCI -IO CUCAMONGA TITLEI t'66�� PLANNINU DIVISION EXHIBIT: E SCALE, i a' 1 LEGEND STW". fAcx3wwTy Bi Ai As t j _ cm j At , CA Cc 9MILmad DAON/BARMN DEVELOPMENT PLANNINU . .. DIVISION - - iL x Cl tMN. I t g� secaonm norm a• g, cNmr -- `vii.'• - -� � - -- -�2 - —' p�rnwarry .^.vw.w..ww�•swr g sICOfWNry �..r. wwr..m�.+ g,bCCDNWfY ,I T 9 n = WE I GGM OO N IS RANCHO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 1'LMS4NING DIVISION ITENIt DIRECITS P&II N Pb• 6c -12 TITLE, •,2TREe F '`E*TIDN 5 EXHIBIT: y SCALE,. E 0 I� i i VtO J IL if, (/(/ , _/l, / I �_, �,. IT. FTrl�{l � / \` `1 \\ � ' ,( }� yT•y� �I wig � �� ' �I 0 CITY OF ITENI= n�Fc��roR �wivy No•c�-12 RANCLIO CUCAMONGA TITLE= 6P^DltJb ALM DPAMEP RM ® PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT= SCALE- 0 �I T717r« 12 tj 11 Y. lJ 1 C ti'.. , �.• o CITY Or, ITEN.,1: _ D, R, 0o- RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE, <2*0 pLAt-1 PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT= Z SCALE: 0 0 0 • E i� t1 u n. .•,:r t„ . I W I 1 n I.._ _ _ . -_... . t tor CI'T'Y OF b• R RANCH0 CUC 1MONGA : ITLC= _ `2H4 PLM PLANNIN, DIVISION fJCI11131Tt 0 SCALE: 0 0 , tor CI'T'Y OF b• R RANCH0 CUC 1MONGA : ITLC= _ `2H4 PLM PLANNIN, DIVISION fJCI11131Tt 0 SCALE: 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 00 -21 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN FOR DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 00 -12 GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND "OOTHILL BOULEVARD WHEREAS, on the 31st day of January, 1900, a complete appli- cation was filed for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of April, 1980, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Conniission held a meeting to consider the above - described project. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to Accommodate the proposed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, landscaping, loading and other features required by this section. 2. That the improvements as indicated on the development plan are located in such a manner as to be properly related to exist- ing and proposed streets and highways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the developmen, plan are consistent with all adopted standcrds and policies as set forth in this section. 4. Than an Environmental Impact Report has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental quality Act. 5. That the EIR adequately addresses potential impacts of the environment. 0 SECTION 2:' That the Environmental Impact Report is hereby cer£ii'le`d on April 23, 1900, as adequate in addressing impacts and providing mitigating measures. SECTION 3: That Director Review No.00 -12 is approved sub - Te-cYto il:o following conditions: 1. That this approval is conceptual approval only and does not constitute approval of any specific designs. 2. That specific site plan review is required for each phase of the project. 3. That mitigation measures provided within the Environmental Impact Report will be imposed upon individual phases where applicable and when necessary. APPROVED AND ADOPTED 'this 23rd day of April, 1900. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP RANCHO CUCAMONGA n U BY: ATTEST: Fe man empe , L a Tritia n Secretary of the Planning omn ss on I, JACK LAM; Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of April, 1900, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: St CITY 01- RANC:110 CUCAWXWPA S" IAFF R.EPOI r April 23, 1900 TO: Planning Conminnion PR0:1: Jack Lan, Director of Community Development BY: Michael Vnirin, Annor.iato Planner SUBECf: DIRECTOR RE11TEM NO. 00 -13 - DAON /DARTON - Specific nito plan review for the developemant of a !.5 acre light industrial pork an a portion of the overall development known an tine Rancho Cucamonga 0uninent, Park IIACKGROUNU: Provioun to this report, on thin agenda, wnn the pronentntion of the manter plan for the overall development of the Dnon /Dayton project. If the Com•. mission acted favorably on the review of the Master Plan and npproval wan granted, than the applicants have provided specific site plans for the development of a portion of Phnoe. 1. Thone plans are submitted for your review and consideration. Tine portion of the project which tlue applicants are requesting specific cite plan review, In approximately 15 acres of land located on the north side of Arrow Routa cast of Haven Avenue (Exhibit "A"). Thin portion of the project consists of ap- proximately 300,000 aqure fact of light industrial space area. This portion of _he project in designed to provide_ two kiudn of industrial buildingn: 1) siagle use and single ownernhip and, 2) a condominium type industrial development with multi - tenants within individual buildings. Tine single tenant buildings and lots are designed around the perimeter of the project aren and the condominium unite are proposed within tine interior of the project area. ANALYSIS: The development plans which are attached for your review indicate that the project meets zoning ordinance requirements for building setbacks, landscaping, circulation aisle widths, and parking ration. Tine development plan indicates a landscaped area of approximately 30 to 35 feet along Arrow Route which in sig- nificant enough to provide mounded landscaping for screening of parking areas in front of the condominium industrial unite. Other landscaped arena on tine in- terior streets of the project provide landscape setbacks ranging from approximately 35 to 40 feet. Ilia applicants have indicated that these arena will. be mounded and heavily landscaped t- create varintions in the design of the development. Thin phase of the project has been presented to both the Deuign Review Committee and the Development Review Committee. Doth Committees were somewhat concerned with the regimental look of tine nite plan. The concept of this particular plan, as proposed by the developer, was to provide individual lots, buildings, access and parking areas for single tenants and users. Tine developer will be providing additional drawings and perspectives of the views from the street into the pro- ject which will depict views that will result from the type of arrangement. It is difficult to view the site plan alone and determine whether or not tine type of development proposed is consistent with the type of developennt expected by the Planning Commission. Therefore, after review of the additional plane, the Commission should decide whether or not the project meets the expectations of tine City. Attached are exhibits of the proposed building elevations for the five different types of architectural designs. The buildings are basically concrete tilt -up buildings with architecturally treated entry ways and colored bands. Item K fl"MOtALtxrlcts ( q U:lAdyiVJ"AL I fg 1] lj W I MWtllrxxmorrlcts yl 1 l y X'�ll9'/�"�' ,7 Bil 7 ql InAL I r 5 �tK 1o1�l� I�fill L , CfMrCVUIMAU \\�\ I'%itML 1XVITIM M1nAL G A tlnlr MMMAL LKIIIr IIAAISTIUAL UdR IM M MAL WEMA)WK W Wj 1st Phase RANCHO CUCAMONGA BUSINESS PARK A DAON /13ARTON DEVELOPMENT p I r,T, gNAL W..UIUM M M MAL h^.: co NORTH CITY OF ITEM, Plf ams 950W M. 97-[,3 RANCHO CUCAMOJrGA TITLE= I."TIAN MAP 40 PLANNING DIVISION MUM A — SCALE= April 231 1900 Director Review No. 00 -13 Page Tats The developer lutn indlcatpd that this type of site plan layout will not be carried out throughout the remnlning project nrean but in one which in needed in order to mout the market demand for tlunt type of Industrial tenant. If the Planning Commission finds that thn drawings pernented by the developer indicate that the project will bn providing the typn of deni.gn and layouts that in con - nintent with the Comainnionn' desiron, then ntnff han prepared the noconsary conditions of approval incorporating mitigating measures from the Environmental Impnct Report ano standard conditions of approval.. r Respect ully uboltted, a JACK LAM, DIRECTOR COMMUNI'l"i DEVI3.OPMM JL:MVtjk At tncltment o 0 :`AI �. —�. a ., ■ '��� ilI •' • ,! J: IS7 •�e� 'R•Si,%id, �lli��I � I �1 sa! I I 'Ix 1 I ,b ` i , I •k r I 1 v 1 1 'r •/ '4r r tll� .1 1 r, , I� ' i1 fi ', I �� ,� it ,•� I (r � J ISM '•� ;' I +,� r.N�r a��y.�M� Ir!r�i� ,�r � JI' aT. �� . �i• *� f �r,t. I' �I��r 'i .., IA f ,�F1� � 1 ,i•��' I•�i�J't hr �' Ir I �� i,i�l �,f�� 1� N• _. y�i� � ��` .,��71�•/1:�` I 'ri1+L 4 1 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE, _. DIVISION EXHIBITt SCALE-1 PLANNING ' �J 'I.;j 1. �✓J. I L 1, • r � I �a �a ell a CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION 1 u i QI I V � i NORTH tTr'vI= flt '-I� REMW No. Fo -13 TITLE, EIUVATI - ('49PUM AIMM GX i lI BIT= f_ SCALE, • L� 0 i a� �yl q° CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMO: EGA PLANNING DIVISION WI' 1� �I a' 0d/ IN p� uH a Lh I'+ fl J Ill I I li I ORII n = V � NOUH ITENtt pKF2c "CW lgn-430-13 TIM, E IEVATIb&I - aFC, A LXHIBIT, F-- _ SCALE s ,a 9 c� CITY OF RANCHO 4 QI n Ell, ®u L+L1�J iJ1.lU L1L "'JV V ITMI: 1296c. fyo. go-;3 CUCAMONGA TITLE, FUMA-fION - FILM 13 PL NNINU DIVISM EXHIBIT.- f SCALEi w 0 0 1 t , .r, Pont till -L; ni I � 11 1 I.Lrl 1. tall 41.3 (, 1 � As P*,.� � •, � ■- �� X11 NORTH CITY OF ITEM,p9f AAl —13 KEW NO-SO • • �� �. :� '. • EXHIBIT: i ....1 a 1 .. Fih + q! R� f CA c-o -1 EKlUl`='J IJLI Ec= CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING D1VISIUN v� NORTH II'L'Yl+ 91g iQ9 FintJEW too. 8013 TITLE, VAT10N - f3tDG. b EXHIBIT: SQkLL'+ 0 n u ® RESOLUTION NO. 00-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DIRECTOR REVIEW NO. 80 -13 LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ARROW, EAST OF HAVEN 0 WHEREAS, on the 31st day of January, 1980, a complete appli- cation was filed for review of the above.-described project; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of April, 1980, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hold a meeting to consider the above - described pro- ject. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: : ,-.,• - . SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the site indicated by the development plan is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use, and all yards, spaces, walls, fences, parking, landscaping, loading and other features required by this section. ® 2. That the improvements as indicated on the development plan are located in such a manner as to be properly related to existing and proposed streets and high- ways. 3. That the improvements as shown on the development plan are consistent with all adopted standards and policies as set forth in this section. , SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that an Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the project and mitigation measures have been incorporated as conditions of approval. SECTION 3: That Director Review No. 80 -13 is approved sub - 3 ect— to a following conditions and attached standard condi- tions: 1. That the landscape design shall include such elements as mounding, hedges, speci- men size trees and other quality landscape techniques. 0 2. That all aisle widths shall be a minimum of 25' wide.. 3. A final map shall be recorded prior to issuance of building permits. 4. An approved Master Plan of drainage for the entire, site shall be on file with the City Engineer prior to issuance of building permits. This plan shall provide for retention of drainage in basins such that flows to the south across Arrow Route will not be increased. Tile plan will also provide for main- tenance of the basins by the developer until the project City functional. 5. All Projec Mfor storm drains, basins and contiguou an storm drains shall be bonded permit issuance, with reimbursemy Mas Pl an drains to be arranged according to Ordina a No. 751 tLry-fl Qr�C APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF APR , 1900. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman tempo , is rman ATTEST: Secretary o the Planning Gomm ss on I, JACK, LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of April, 1900, by the following rote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 2 0 0 Subject DCPAIt'011INT OF COMMUNt'ry DINUA)PtU".ii'T' Applicants OA/—as in T,ocnt ion i _ rMW- 9 &F..,�i�bl2lGG►��° ., Those itemn chnckod are conditlona of approval. APP6TCANT SHALT. CONTACT ThP, PLANNTNQ ITTVTSTON FOIL COMPT.TANCM urril TIIC rom.owlNO CONDITIONS( A. Site Dnvnlopmont 1. Sito nhnll be developed in necordnnce with the npprovid site plans on file in the Planning Division ana the conditions contained heroin. 2, navined alto pinnn and buildinq alovationn inrorporntinq all condition" of / approval shall be oubmittod to the Planning Divinion prior to inounnco of building permits. ]. Approval a! thin requont ohall not waive compliance with all "actions of thn Zoning Ordinance and all othnr applicablo City Ordinnncon in effnct at time of Building Permit ionunnce. 0-4. The devolopar shall provide all loto with adequate sidayard area for Recreation vehicle storage pursuant to City standards. _ S. Mail boyus, in arcan whore aidowalki are required, nhall be installed and located by the developer oubject to approval by the Planning Division. G. Trash receptacle areas shall be enclooed by a G foot high masonry wall i... with view obntructing gaten purnuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval by tLe Planning Division. _ 7. If dwellingn are to be constructed in an area designated by the Foothill Fire Distr:jt as "hazardount, the roof materials must be approved by the Fire Chief and Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 0. The dovoloper shall l.nteorato a vnrinty of approved roof materials and colorn into the dosign of the residential development in a manner which in both compatible and complimentary among each of the residential units. / 9. All roof aeourtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally % integrated, nhioldnd from view and thn synod hnfFored frnm adincenh prnpertj.es and strceta an required by Lho Planning and Build'na Divisions. / 10. .rior to any use of the projuc't eito or business activity being commencnd thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Co.lmunity Development. 11 M , D. linrkinq and Volticulnr. Arconn 1. All parking lot inndocapod inlands shall hove a minimum innido ditnonnion of 4' and ohnll contnin n 12" walk adjacent to parking ntnll. f, If 2. Pnrking lot llyhtn ohnll be n mnximum height of 12' from the riniuhod grado of the parking ourfaco and directed away from all property linnn, adjacent otruatu and ranidancon, -� 1. Parking lot troon ohnll be a minimum 15 gallon vivo. -� 4. All two -way ainla widths uholl be a minimum of at root wide. 5. rriorgoncy accono shall be provided , maintenance free and o.lonr, n minimum r� c 24 foot wide at all timoo durinq eonotruction in accordance with Foothill 'Piro Diatrict requiromonta. G. All pnrking spaces shall L,^ ,touble atrippocb C. Landncnpinq 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan nhall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Divinlon prior to the isnuaneo of building permits. 2. A Mentor Plan or the Exinting on -^itn Treen shall be provided to tiro Planning Division prior to the issuanc,a of building pnrmita and prior to grading to determine which trees shall be retained. 7. Exinting Eucalyptus troos shall be retained whorovor possible and shall be trimmed and topped at 30'. Dead, clocaying or potentially dangerous trnas shall be approved for removal at the divarotion of the Planning Divinion during the review of the Master Pla,i of "xisting on -Sato Treno. Thono trees which are approved for removal, shall be replaced on a troo- for -tree basis no provided by the Planning Division. 4. Street treen, a minimum of 15 gallon oizv or larger, ohail be installed in accordance with the Master Plan of streo` trees for the City of Rancho Cucamonga and shall be planted at an average o: every 70' on interior stro oto and 20' on exterior streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per grons acre, comprised of the fc,?lowing sizes, shall be provided within the development; 201 -24" box or larger, 701 -15 gallon, and 10% -5 gallon. G. All landocaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condi- tion, free from woods, trash, and debris. 0 D. M( n±,, 1. fur/ nignn proponod for thin development nhnll be donignid In conformnnco with Lho Comprnhonniva BLgn Ordinnuca and uhall require review aV approval b,/ the Planning Dlvinion prior to inntnllation of such nignn, 2. 1. uniform nign program for thin dovolopmonL shall be aubmitted to the Planning Division for their ri,view and opproval prior to innuanco of Building permits. C. Recreation _ 1. Tito developer in required to obtain din following signed statement by purchasers of homes which have a private or public equestrian trail on or adjacan^. to their property. In purchasing the home lr.;atod on Lot , Tract , on (data) , I have read the CC&R'n and undorntandd that naid Lot in subject to a mutual reciprocal casement for the purpose of allowing equestrian traffic to gain accann. 0 Signed _ Purchaser Said otatemont in to be filed by the developer with the City prior to occupancy. F. Additional Approvals Required 1. Director Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 2. Director Review shall be accomplished prior to retardation of the final subdivision map. 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted nubject to the approval of Zone Change and /or Variance /Conditional Ties Permit 4. Thin Conditional Use Permit is granted for a poriod of month(s) at which time the Planning Commission may add or delete conditions or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. ►� J 0 APPLICANT SHALL CoirrACf 7911: IIUII.1)111G DIVISION FUII COMP[.IANCI: WITII TIIC FULLOWINU CONDITIONS r,, fit to Da vale rinnnl: I. Tha npplicnnt shall comply with the latent ndopted Uniform Building Coda, Uniform Machanicol Code, Uniform Plumbing Coda, National Eloctric Coda, and ell other nl:plicablo codas and ordinancon In affect at the time of approval of this project. 2. Prior Lo isnuenca of building permits for uombuntlblo construction, nvldonca n)hsll be nubmitted to the Foothill District.Firo Chief L-hat wntor supply for fire protection in available. 3. Prior to thn inouanca of n building permit for u now ron:dontiul dwelling unit(n) or major addition to nn existing unit(n), tiro applicant Shell pay development faun at the antablinhnd raLa. Such loon may include, but not be limited to, City ileautifiention Fee, Park Fee, Drainage Fee, Syntomn Development Foal Permit and Plcu Chocking face, and School foe. 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit: for a new commercial or industrial J davalopmont• or addition to an oxi(,ting development, the applicant shell pay development folio at the ontabliohod rate. Such roan may include, but not be limited tot Syntoms Devolopment Foe, Drainage roe, Permit and Plan Checking fees. 5. Thin approval shall become null and void if building permits are not issued for thin project within one year from the dat. of project approval. G. Street names and addrosses shall be provided by the building offical. Ii. ExI.Aing Structures I 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering use, area and fire- rosiativeneas of exinting buildinga. 2. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current Building and Zoning rcgulationn for the intended use or the building ahall be demolished. 3. Exinting nowago disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and /or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. I. Grading 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance w(th the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading oracti can. 2. A nolln roport nhnll be propared by a qunlifind engineer lireunnd by the . Stain of California to parform such work. 0— ]. A geological report ohall be propnrad by n qunlifiad engineer or gmoloyint and submitted at tho time of application for grading plan chock.' / 4. The final grading plan ohnll be subject to review and approval by the Planning, /T Cnginnariny and Building Divisions and ahnll be completed prior to recordation of the final nu1xilvinion map or innuanco of building permit whichever comes first APPLICANT SIIALL CO11fACT THE ENGINECRINO DIVISION FOR COMPLIANCC WITH Tit r- FOLLOWING CONDITIONSt J. Dedications and Vahicular. Accons 1. Dedications shell be tnnda by finnl map of all interior street riohtn -of -May and all nocosnnry easements, ra.wett.. 2. dedication shall be made of the following missing righto -of -way on the following atrootat .��addl.tional foot. on Arrow W _ ndditionnl foot on additional foot on -A— ]. Corner property lino radius will be required per City otandnrds.; 4. All rights of valticular ingress to and agrees from shall be dodicatod as followst S. Reciprocal easements shall be provided ensuring access to all parcels over privnto roads, drives, or parking areas. G. Adequate provialons shall be made for the ingress, egreno and internal circulation of any trucks which will be usnd for delivery of goods to the property or in the operation of the proposed business. K. Street Improvements 1. Construct full street improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway tretis and street lights on all interior streets. 0 r1, L J 2. ConnLrucL the Collowllul toinning improvomonto includi.nq, but not limited tol STRIXT WAME CURT) r. rl1TTI;n A.C. PVMT. LiluL"- WALK UIILVL _ Ahpit. STREET LIMITO A.C. OVERLAY 11110 UL CHAIR RAMrtl OTII111 errow x x h h K _ 0. 0 J. prior to any work haing pnrformod in the public right -of -way, an encroach - mnnt permit and Coca shell be obtained from the City Engincor's office, is addition to any other parmito required. A— 4. Street improvemont• plans approved by Lilo City Enginear and proparod by a ltngintorad Civil Enyinaar shell be required, for all street improvements, prior to ioouanco of an encroachment permit. S. Surety nhnll be posted and an agrocmont executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvemontu, prior to recording of the map or the issuance of building permits, whichaver comas first. _ G. All street improvements nhall be installed to the saLiafactlon of the City A Engineer, prior to occupancy. 7. pavement striping, marking, traffic and street name signin3 shall be installed per the requirements of the City Enginnor. L. Drainage and Flood Control 1. 'file applicant will be responsible for construction of all onsito drainage facilities required by the City Engineer. 2. Internection drains will be required at the following locations: r 3. The proposed projnct falln within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that'prigrant and City Ordinance No. 24. 4. A drainage channel and /or flood protection wall will be required to protect O the structures by diverting sheet runoff to streets. S. Thn following north -south nLroetn ohn11 bu doltlgnnd nn mnjor water enrrying ntronLn requiring n combi tint ion of npocial curb hoiglttn, commer- cinl typo drive nppronche.n, rolled ntrnat• connootionu, flood prottiction wnlln, and /or lnndnenpad earth borms and rolled driveways at property • line; ��s}%i1�.J1 e�' ►'£fiC� ____ !I. Utilition 1. All proponod utilities within the project shall be inatnllad underground including utilities along major arturials lasn than 12 KV. 2. Utility easements shall be provided to the npacification of the serving utility companies and the City Engineer. J. Developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing public utilities, as required. 4. Developer shall be responsible for the installation of street lighting in accordance with Southern California Edison Company and City standards. S. water and sower system plane shall be designed and ronatrueted to meet ® requirements of the Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD), Foothill Fira District and tlto Environmental health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from CCWD will be required prior to recordation. G. Approvals Itnve not been secured from all utilitiea and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. N. Cenoral Requirements and Approvals 1. permits from other agencies will be required as follows: A. Calt•rans fort _ County Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading pormi.t) C. San Bernardino County Flood Control District D.,Othera__ 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCSR'o) and Articles or Incorporation of the homeowners Association, subject to the approval of tlta City Attorney, shall be recorded with this map and a copy provided to the City. 0 , , J. Prior to rarardaL•ien, n Natica of IntmiLion to form Landncnpn and Uyhtiny DioLrlcLS alrnll bo filed with Lite City Counuil. Thn nnyinaorimJ cont" involved in District Formation nhnll bn borno by tlrn dovalopnr, 4. rinal parcel and tract papa fill, -Ili conform to City atandnrdn and procadurnn. I 0 0 0 CTrY OIL ItAN -10 CUCAMONIGA 917AFF REPORT DATE: April 23, 1980 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Director of Community Development BY: Jerry Grant, Building Official SUBJECT: PROPOSED GRADING REGULATIONS BACKGROUND: Since city incorporation, problems relating to grading have occupied significant amounts of staff time, emphasizing the need for improvement to grading practices and review procedures. The general geography, topography and geology of the city likewise creates a myriad of individual circumstances that m3,ke preparation of all- encompassing techinical ordinances exceedingly difficult, if not impossible to Prepare. For the above reasons, we have prepared the accompanying proposal in two parts. one creating a staff grading committee and review process, and the other modifying the building code. The first part establishes a committee comprised of representatives from the Building, Engineering and Planning Divisions for review of conceptual grading plans as ,o part of the initial development review processes for land divisions ;ind site plan review. It also contains the process for establishment of standards for use in review of development. These standards would first be reviewed by the Planning Commission aid then approved by the City Council. It is contemplated that, with the flexibility incorporated into the proposal, updating and supplementing to keep pace with intricacies of development concepts would be relatively easy. Conceptual grading plans approved by the Grading Committee would then form the basis for technical checking at the time of plan submittal prior to issuance of a grading permit. The sec(,nd portion of the proposal consists of technical modifications to the grading provisions of the Uniform Building Code. The portions underlined are new wording intended to strengthen or clarify existing regulations. TFe wording dashed -thru represents wording tj be deleted. Item L Staff Itoport (Tanning Connhlssion April 230 1900 Page 2 This second portion would be adopted as a part of the new edition of the Uniform Building Coda in the near future, Reconnendat ion : It is recomended that the Planning Cohmhission review the attached proposal and andorsa its' adoption by the City Council. Resimrtfu ly sul It ed, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:JRG:sm 0 0 RESOLUTION NO, 80 -25 ® A RESOLUTION OF TIIE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF '1110 ATTAClim) PROI'Oww GRADING ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, 'file City of Rancho Cucamonga recognizes the sensitivity of grading within the co mnuuityi and WHEREAS, the City of honcho Cucnnnngn recognizes the need for controlled grading practices; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, ntAT TILL' RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION HEREBY: SECTION I Recommends approval of the attached proposed grading ordinance and that a certified copy of thin resolution 46 be transmitted to the Council for their review and consideration. APPROVED AND AL )PTED ON TI17S 231W DAY OF APRIL, 1990. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel. Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Sneretary of tha, Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Comma ision held on the 23rd day of April, 1980, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: follows: ORDINANCE NO.` AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ESTABLISHING A GRADING COMM117BEo PROVIDING FOR DLHILOPMENT OF GRADING STANDARDS AND ESTABLISHING POLICIES FOR REVIEW OF GRADING PLANS. Vin City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain no SECTION 1: TITLE Thin ordinance shall be known and referred to as tbo Grading Review Procedure of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. SECTION 2: SCOPE. This ordinance establiohos regulations for submittal nod review of Conceptual grading plans in connection with proposed development, entablishen a Grading Committoo for review of grading plane, and provides for establishment of standarda and guidelines to be utilized by the Grading Committee and other city agencies in roview of such plane. SECTION 9: PURPOSE The purposes of this ordinance are: (a) To minimize the effects of grading to ensure that the natural character of terrain is retained. (b) To discourage mans grading of large pado and creation of excessive slopes. ( To encourage drainage from lots directly to a trect, storm drain, approved natural water course, through un improved public or privately maintained easement or in such other manner as is approved by the Grading Committee_ Ordinanca No.-- Pogo 2 (d) To limit the impact of elopes on adjacent do- volopad properties. (a) To encourage the use of a vnrioty of housing utylon, grading techniques, loo sizes, nits daoign densities, nrrangement and npncing to accomplish grading policies. (f) To provide compatible circulation planning so as to minimize grading impacts and optimize drainage charactoriatics. (g) To preserva significant topography fuaturon including rock outcroppings, native plant materials, and natural hydrology. (h) To maintain or crent:a views of significant visual ionturns. (i) To limit construction on identified seismic or geologic hazard areas. SECTION 4: DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this chapter the definitiona listed hereunder shall be construed as specified in this section. CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN. Grading plans conforming to the provio ions of Section 5 of this Ordinance. FINAL GRADING PLAN. The minimun plan required for issuance of a building permit. PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN. The minimum plan required for issuance of a Grading Permit usually axelud..ng finish building location or elevati ono and detailed drainage information. SECTION 5: ESTADLISNMEN:" OF GRADING COMMITTEE. Thera is hereb; established a Grading Committee, com- prised of one representative from the 3uilding Division, one repr3sentative from the Engineering Division, and one representative from the Planniea ® Division. S i Ordinnoco Nu. fogs 3 It shall be the responsibility and duty of the Urnding Committee to review all grading pinun submitted under Section 6 of thin or- dinance, and to compile standards end guldelinon relating to grading practican Including, but not limited to, topography, drainage structures, slopes, irrigntion, planting, building pad differential heights, accusibility and such other fauturon or funrtiona necessary to accomplish the purposes of thin ordinnnce. Such standards and guildlinuo shall be reviewed by the planning Commiusi -)n and approved by the City Council. When approved, tlna standards and guidelines shall be utilized in review of nil grading plans submitted to city agenelma for checking. Tha Grading Couunitten shall also act an an initial re- viewing body in the event than practical difficulty or undue hardtship is created an a result of application of the standarda or guidelines, or in the event difference of opinion arises no to their application. The findings of the Grading Committen are final unlena modified by the Planning Commission through onta,blinlned appeal procedurea. SECTION 6: GRADING REVIIs'W PROCEDURES To ensure compliance with the purposes established in Section 3 of this Ordinance, subdivision, parcel trap and development review procedures are established as follows: At the time of submittal of a Tentative Subdivinion Map, Tentative Parcel Map, or Site plan for Development Review, the applicant shall also submit the following information unless otherwise waived by the Community Development Director or his designated representative: (a) Nntural Features Map. This map shall identify all slope banks, ridgelines, natural drainage cour::r.u, rock outcroppings, existing vegetation worthy cjL consideration for preservation. Also depicted shall be landslides and other existing geologic hezards. Each feature depicted shall be noted for its visual significnnre, environmental function, or both. Ordinance No.____ Pngo 4 (b) A Cnnco_i±t'unl (1raaling Plan. Tito plan shell Include Information naceesary to determine the proponed grading concopts, alavotion ® of liads, and natural. features to be prneurved. Tito following specific infor- mntlon shell be depictedi 1. Areas to be loft natural. 2, Areas of proposed cut and fill in contrasting color-it wit!- arain whore cut and fill exceed depths catablinhed in the hillside development guildelinao clearly shown. 3. Contours shall be shown for oxinting natural land conditions and proposed work. Tito pro- posed final gradon ohrll indicate clearly all cute, fills, and slopes. Contours shall be shown according to the following schodulas Natural Nlopc Mnximum Interval, Peet 2% or less 2 Over 2% 6 up to 9R 5 Over 9% 10 4. A conceptual drainage and flood control facili- ties describing planned drainage improvements. 5. Conceptual landscape treatment plun depicting proposed erosion control measures. u. General vicinity of the proposed site. 7. Property limits and accurate contours c£ existing ground and detril of terrain and area drainage. 8. Limiting dimensions, elevations, or fininhed contour, to be achieved by the grading, and proposed drainage channels, retaining walla, and related construction shown by contour map, Ordinui.cu No. page 5 croon- nuetiona, or other monnn. 9. Location of any exinting buildings or ntructuron ou the proporcy whern the work in to be performed and the approximate location niza of any building pnds proposed on the land.. Adjacent parcels within 50 feet of the property or which mny be nffectod by the proposed grading shall also be shown. (r% Gaolopi,_al and Soils Report. This shall be pro- pared by an approved soils ur,Qinooring firm and in sufficient detail to subotantinto and support the design concupts presented in the tentative map propnrntion as submitted. The submitted information shall be reviewor I,y the Grading Coimnittoo during pertinent r:evivw procedure. The Grading Committee shall ruview and approve the conceptual grading plan if it in found to conform :+ic„ the policies, standards, and guidelines, established by thin ordinunce. The approved conceptual grading plan shall provide the bysio for preliminary and /nr final grading plan approval under other city regulations. SECTION 7: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clark shall attest to the name, and the C :y Clark shall cause the Sartre to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage, at lerst once in The Daily Report, newspaper of general circulation published in tho City of Ontario, California, and circulacied in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. E • 11 , , I\ 1, � � i I 1 1� 11 . I'll 1 1 1 , ; 1 ., � 1 /// { , 1 , 1 1 1 I • ' ' 1 I 1 1 ,\ 1 Ik WI Ordinance 1 1 ADOPTED pl.l ,. 1 AY Ell ; 1 NOES: ABSENT: 11. 1 Mayor r 1 l ' � 1 , • 1 J I 1 k. I 11 city Clark �1• r 1 !� 1 ,1 • .. 1 1 1 ,f `Il u 1 i 1 r �( < 1I r• v.' ± �!'i• r tit A CHAPTER 70 EXCAVATION AND GRADING Purpose Sec. 7001.. The purpose of this Chapter is to safeguard life, limb, property and the public welfare by regulating grading on private property. 5co r. Sec. 7002. This Chapter sets forth rules and regulations to control excavation, grading and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments; establishes the admi- Istrative procedure for issuance of permits; and provides for approval of plans and inspections of grading construction. Permits Required Sec. 7003. No person shall do any grading without first having obtained a grading permit from the Building Official except for the following: 1. Grading in an isolated, self contained area if there is no danger apparent to private or public property. �p 2. An excavation below finished ,grade for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an u:csuppurted height greater than 5 feet ifter the completion of such structure. 3. Cemetery graves. 4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulat.ons. 5. E •„vations for wells or tunnels or utilities. G. liininq, quarrying, excavating, processing, stockpiling of rock, sand, gravel, aggregate or clay where established and provided for by lave provided such operation do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguais property. 7. Exploratory excavations under the direction of soil engineers or engineering geGlogi ;ts. B. An excavation which (a) is less than 2 feet in de,ith, or (b) which does not create a cut slope greater than 5 feet in height and steeper than one and one -half horizontal to one vertical. pa( (I 9. A fill less than 1 foot in depth, and placed on natural terrain with it slope flatter than five horizontal to one vertical, or less than 3 feet in depth, not intended to support structures, which does not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one lot and does rot obstruct a drainage course. 10. 11. 12. 13. hes. Hazards Sec. 7004. Whenever the Building Official determines that any existing natural slope, excavation, or emhankmentj or fill or other condition created by a grad_ roect_ Sias become a hazard to a an mb; or b angers property,— on adversely affects the safety, use or stability of a public way or drainage channel the owner of the prop..rty upon which the exeavat4en or- #444 condition is located or other person or agent in control of said property, upon receipt of notice in writing from the Building Official, shall within the period specified therein repair or eliminate such requirements of thisoCodeninate the hazard and Defin.tions Sec. 7005. For the purposes of this Charjter• the definitions listed hereunder shall ue construed as specified in this Section. APPROVAL shall mean a written engineering or geological opinion concerning the progress and completion of the work. AS- GRADED is the surface conditions extent on completion of grad 'ng. BEDROCK is in -place solid rock. Page J BENCH is relatively level stop excavated into earth material on which fill is to be placed. BORROW is earth material acquired from an off -site location for use in grading on n site. CIVIL ENGINEER shall mean a professional en sneer registered in the state to practice in the field of civil wor s. CiVIL ENGINEERING shall mean the opplicatiun of the knowledge of the forces of nature, principles of mechanics and the properties of materials to the evaluation, design and construction of civil works for the beneficial uses of mankind. COMPACTION 1s the densification of a fill by mechanical means. EARTH ItATERIAL is any rock, natural soil or fill and /or any combination thereof. ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST shall mean a geologist experienced and knowledgeable in orgineering geology. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY shall mean the application of geologic knowledge and principles in the investigation and evaluation of naturally occurring rock and soil for use in the design of civil works. EROSION is the nearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water hnd /or ice. EXCAVATION is the mechanical removal of earth material. FILL is a deposit of earth material placed by artificial means. GRADE shall mean the vertical location of the ground surface. EXISTING GRADE is the grade prior to grading. ROUGH GRADE is the stage at which the grade approximately conforms to the approved plan. FINISHED GRADE is the grade of the site which conforms to the approved plan. FINAL GRADING PLAN is a lan submitted for issuance of a supplemental ra nc Senn t or bU" d�nC Senn t shotnn a eta a ra na e is ormatron, gra e elevations ui c1 ng ocat ens and gor elevations. GRADIiIG is any excavating or filing or combination thereof. KEY is a designed compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the too of a proposed fill slope. LJ Page d PRELiMiNARY GRADING PLAIT is n plan contain_inct) the minimum information necessary for gsuanre, o a rra nci permi'�usu'ally excluding bufli7ini� locn�iun on1 c e a Teel— drainoc a ri—i orma on. ATproval of o �reriinino`ry c�rnifing�li_an siiaTl —riot wa ve ie requ reme —Tor su n IUD oP a i —i . SITE is any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof, under the same ownership, where grading is performed or permitted. SLOPE is an inclined ground surface the inclination of which Is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance. SOIL is naturally occurring surficial deposits overlying bed rock. SOIL ENGINEER shall mean a civil :ngincer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soil engineering. SOIL ENGINEERING shalt mean Lne application of the principles of ,oil mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and uesign of civil works involving the use of earth materials and the inspection and testing of the construction thereof. TERRACE is relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and maintenance purposes. brarlinu—permit Requirements Sec. 7006. (a) Permits Required. Except as exempted it Section 7003 of this Code, no person shall do any grading without f;rst obtaining a grading permit from the Building Official. A separ:*,e permit shall k„ ...,niiarn.l fnr narh cite. and may cover both excav ?, ;ions and fills. ;b) Application. The provisions of Section 301 (b) arD applicable to grading and in addition the application shall state the estimated gi;dntities of work involved. (c) Plans nd Specifications. When required by the Building Official, each applicant for a grading permit shall be accompanied by two three sets of plans and specifications, and supporting data consisting of a soil engineerinr, report and engineering geology report. The plans and specificat'.ons shall be prepared and signed by a civil engineer when required by the Building Official. Pale 5 (d) Infurmation on Plans and in Specifications. Plans shall be drar -in to scale upon substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show In detall that they will conform to the provisions of this Code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The first sheet of each set of {{glans shall give the location of the work and name and address of the owner and the person by whom they were prepared. The plans shall Includo the following information: 1. General vicinity eF the proposed site. 2. Prope.'`,, limits and accurate contours of existi,.g ground and details of terrain and area drainage. 3. 6IMOng- d4mens4ons, Elevations or and finisi, contours to be achieved by the grading .and- proposeT-Vra4nage- ehanneac and- re3ated- eonstrue:4on. 4. Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, cribbing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the proposed work together with a map showing the drain&,e area and the estimated runoff of the area served by any drains. Location of any buildings or structures on the property :here the work is to be performed anti the location of any buildings or structures on land of adjacent owners which are within 15 feet of the property or which may be affected by the proposed grading operations. G. Size type and condition of vegetation that is to remain. Legal restrictions such -is property lines, easements, setbacks, e c. Utility structures: cat-.h basin, manhole, culvert, etc. 9. Utility lines: drainage._ -..,wer, water. gas, electric. 10. Any unusual site conditions. Contours, both existing and proposed, shall be shown in accordance with the fn-1lo�nq schedule: Natural Slopes Maximum Interval 2:; or less 2 feet Over 1, to and including 9" A feet over 9'1. 10 feet Specifications shall contain information covering construction and material requirements. (o) Soil Engineering Report. The soil enyincering report required by subsection (c) shall include date retarding tho nature, distribution anti strength of existing soils, conclMons and recoimiendations for grading procedures and design criteria for corrective measures when necessary, and opinions and reconnnendations covering adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the Building Official shall be incorporated in the grading plans or specifications. (f) Engineering Geology Report. The engineering geology report required by subsection (c) shall include an adequate description of the geology of the site, conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the propused development. and opiniora and reconrnendations covering the adequacy of sites to be developed i;y the proposed grading. Recommendations included in the report and approved by the Building Official siwll be incorporated in the grading plans or specifications. (g) Issuance. The provisions of Section 302 are applicable to grading permits. The- Bu44d4ng- Off4e4a4- may- requ4re- that - grad4ng- eperat4ens and- prodeet- des4 gns - Ise- mod4f4ed- 44- delaya- oeeur- wh4eh- 4neur- we -ithep generated- prebiems- net- eens4dered -at- the -tome- the- perm4t- was- 4ssued- The Build-In official may also retluirn submittal_ with the permit arnliratie oii' —tFe ro low ng�ilional in-format on. ® 1. Extent end man_er of cutting g of trees and clearin of vegetation, disposal of same and measures for protec ion of undisstril-iuteF — rees en or veaeta on. 2. Schedule defining staging and timing of construction and estimate area extent o�jsturbance at strateg c po n s during construction. 3. Equipment, methods, and location of spoils disposal. t. A Plan defining the schedule equipment, materials, and crew at w e use to ma nta n all rotect ve ev ces and r"irainanp acilities Shown on the avoroved grading pan. S. Oesinna an mea 6. The pla control 7. 0 s and 0 Ili! 0. Limitations on the area, extent and duration of time rf 9. lu. 11. c 11 t 1 Suc►r tu_r1,11Sr�1p11jeal�e ihformation as the Bui_ldi_ng_Official Qlay. d:S161.1.CEto_ carry_ out tier rwrposvi o thT ord naa: (h) Com M once with Plans and Code - The pormittee or h!s i n , ssha c ou rc r .,Ud- wcFrk-In - accordance with the approve Plans and spec ca n., ar -ili- C'bmpliance w—fih alT' • rr- requirements-or tn o . (i) Inspections - In performing regular grading, it shall be (k) Ia -mada . PrntpCjinn of /1dj retft-pXpErjy,, grading operati-gns, _thR_p=ujttpn shall be rrv=sible yprltimt Af �alua>;e_tn adlarsnt tQpRtty ,ljd no UprsQn shall qxcavate on land -tiffirisntly -cloys to n�pErty line t__ o_ dapgpr .any-.aljniniag-.wt611 . s r e - sidewalk alley. or other n lit nr private property withnjt sueoortina and protecting such pro ert from settling, cracking, or other damage which might result. n Fees Sec. 7007. (a)-- Plan- cheek4n9- Fee,-- Fer- exeava V an- and - €444 -en -the -same s4te -, -the- fee - sham - be- based- en- the- vo4 time-of - the- exeavat4on ,er- N14,- wh4shever -4s- greaten,-- Bef are- aeeept4ng -a- set- ef- p4ans- and- s pee 4f4eaV ans- for- eheeMng.,- the- Bu44d4ng- 0 €f4c4a4 sha44- eo44est- a- plan- eheek4ng- €ee,-- Sepaxate -pevgA is -and 47ees- sha44 -d9 p4y- te- veta4A4r+g- walls-ea-wiaje'-d Fit 4nage-st rue tuves- as- 4ndieated- elsewhere -4n -t has- Cede, -- ;here- sha44 - be- ne sett pirate- ehaeye -fev- standa rd- - terrace- drains - and- s4tQ44ar fae444t4es, -- The- awount -of- the- plan- eheek4ng- fee -for- grading p4ans- sha44- he -as- s et- Perth -4 n- Ta64e-Be,- qA -F., 0 Palle 0 I (ir }-- Gridincr - pc3rvnit-- tKws....11 -tnu_x or_.nach �ra�iing - paruuLt s1�a.tt.lu: pal <i -to -tile - Bui•1di.ny..Off10,al -as - cat - forth -in - T4bla_Go._Z0%11. dine and nlun check fees shall be as set forth by the rero Fo m nary and—f na gra ng p ans are ;ubnii tted an caicula (Tables 70 -11 and 70 -B deleted) The fee for a grading permit authorizing addition work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference L•etween the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entive project. Bonds Sec. 7000 (a) Ilonds.T he- Bu4ld4ng- 9ff4e4al- may- requ4re- #ends -4n- such - #orm ® and -amou m ts -a s-may- be-deemed- neeessary- to- as sure- that- On- wgrk-o -4 f not- eemp4eted- 4n- aeeordanee -w4th- the - approved -plans -and spee4f4eat4onss -w444- be- eerreeted- to -e44m4 nat2- ha¢ardeus eond4t4ona- in- 44ed -ef -e- surety- bond- the- app44eant- may- #44e -a -sash bend- or- 4nstrument- ef- ered4t -� Ah- the -Bu44 d4ng- Off4e4al 4n- an- amoent- equa4-to- that- wh4eh- would -be- required- 4n -ti4e surety -bend. The braid required by this Section fray_ include incidental off - Ite nradina nn uronerty cost nucus w tl t e site to be deveinn vided writtOn consent of the oviner of sl:cn continuous F_ .,. L c 11 (b) /Vnount of Bond. The amount of the bond_ shall he based upon (t) evtcrs wnrk nnr.nasnry to M 110nnto geological hnzards, on or the Mond ValUation based on 100,000 Cubic .yards cr less ... 50_pF-reent ,f the cost of q^cj:ng work. (d) Conditions. fy2.ry bond shall includg e conditio. that the principal ::�all: 1. Comply with all of the provisions of City Ordinances. app ica c aws, ands an ards. 2. Comply with all of the terms and conditions of the grading perm t. 3. Complete all mit of the work authorized by the permit within the t me spec iec7_n_.t_e_�erm t or wit in any eztei�sion t ereo ranted oo —such extens on or in—e sfi—aTJ release the surety upon t e on . 0 0 0 Page 10 (o) (f) (9) R1 ht of Entr . The Building Official or the authorized Fe resentat ve of the Buret com an s a nave access to the premises described in the permit for the -purpose a of i-nspect7nct the work. P,u)e 11 0 Cuts E Sec. 7009. (a) General. Unless otherwise reconmanded in the approved soil engineering and /or engineering geology report clits shall conform to the pruvisions of this Section. (b) Slope. The slope of cut surfaces shall be jo steeper than is safe for the intended use. Cut slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one varticdl. (c) Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall be proviaed as required by Sect')n 7012. Fills Sec. 7010. (a) General. Unless otherwise reconnended in the approved soil engineering report fills shall conform to the provisions of this Section and to Figure AL_Jypics l Lot Cross Section for fills. In the absence of an approved soil engineering repurt these provisions may be waived for minor fills not intended to support structures. (b) Fill Location. Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slope_• steeper than two to one or where the fill s192e toes out within 12 feet horizontally of the top of a lower xisting or sco n nor (c) Preparation of Ground. The ground scrface shall be prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, top -soil and r1her unsuitable materials scarifying to provide a bond with tie new fill, and, where slopes ari steeper than five'to one, and the height is greater than 5 feet, by benching into sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the soils engineer. The bench under the toe of :, rill on a slope steeper than five to one shall be at 'c:,st 10 feet aide. The area beyond the toe of fill ,ha' I be s,oped for sheet overflow or a pcved drain shall Le provided. Where fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall be at lzast 10 feet wide but the cut must be made before placing fill and approved ty the soils engineer and engineering geologist as a suitable foundation for fill. Unsuitable soil is soil which, in the opinion of the Building Official or he ci-il engineer or the soils engineer or the geologic:, is not competent to support other soil or fill, to support structures or to satisfactorily perform the other functions for which the soil is intended. Patio 12 (d) Fill Material. Detrimental amount of organir, material shall not be permitted in fills. Except as permitted by the Building Official, no rock or similar irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches shall be buried or placed in fills. EXCEPTION: The Buildin Official may permit placement of larger rock when the soils engineer properly devises a method of placement, continuously inspects its placement and approves the fill stability. 1he following conditions shall also apply: A. Prior to issuance of the Grading Permit, potential rock disposal areas shall be delineated on the grading plan. D. Rock sinks greater than 12 incites in maximum dimension shall be 10 feet or more below grade, measured vertically. C. Rocks shall be,, places so as to assure filling of all voids with fines. (e) Compaction. All fills shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density as determined by U.B.C. Standard No. 70 -1 Field density shall be determined in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 70 -2 or equivalent as approved by the Building Official. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Fills excepted elsehere in this ordinance and where the uutiaing Urrtct_ai determines that compaction is not a nei –Tn preventing sa ura on,settlement. slipping, or Erosion of the till. 2. Where lower density and expansive t}'pes of soil exist, then permission or lesser compac ions may be granie�ic L— fFe– I3uiTdIng_ _ Official __ c a upon s how n� o goo cause un er he cuedil ions prov a reretn. A I I DacKt t I I in uti I i ty I ine trenches sha I I be compacted an .esteem The soils engineer Shall verify thdt this nl e g een satisfactorily accomplished. t erratmm Gas !of %i7ring and compact nn may utilized on certain pFo ects (f) Slope. the slope of fill 'surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the intended use. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical. (g) Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall be provided and the area above fill slopes and the surfaces of terraces shall be graded and paved as required by Section 7012. 1 -... L. Page 1,3 SLOPE TO MAINTAIN SHEET OVERFLOW r Setbacks Sec. 7011. HAL ORAOE 2 i •� 1 ( Overewcovelo min. ]' and recompacl 30' mom 'Gtd \whom both cut and 1111 would otherwise I .aMti •i occur In building pad area. k DENCIJUS REQUIRED IF NATURAL \ SLOPE EXCOEOS ONE 111 VERTICAL TOP OF CUT SLOPE TO PIVC ISI IIORIZONTAL. FIGURE " A" TYPICAL LOT CROSS - SECTION FOR FILLS (a) General. The setbacks and other restrictions specified by this Section are minimum and may be increased by the Building Official or by the recommendation of a civil engineer, soils engineer or engineering geologist, if necessary for safety and stability or to prevent damage of adjacent properties froin deposition or erosion or to provide access for slope maintenance and drainage. Retaining walls may be used to reduce the required setbacks when approved by the Building Official. (b) Setbacks from Property Lines. The tops of cuts and toes of fill slopes shall be set back from the outer boundaries of ;he permit area, including slope right areas and easements, in accordance with Figure No. 1 and Table No. 70 -C. (c) Design Standards for Setbacks. Setbacks between graded slopes (cut or fill) and structures shall be provided in accordance with Figure No. 2. and - Ta64e- NeT -79G>r 0 Page 1.1 �pMmb Mtilbw�M FIOURENO.1 TABLE N0.70•Ci RVOUIRE EACKSFROMPepMIIAnEA!gjWdARY I PNFEET) �aM17 TN of Napa of 7lrvalw• iN of 17 but ]'wM.nadnal aoaa 1 *,. PIGURG N0.2 I WI II'.wlw. nal uud mar. r CKS SSTSACKS_ H • Unl Under 10' H/2 Ymffl. I'min. 10' -70' H/2 H/S ova ]o' Is S TN of Napa of 7lrvalw• iN of 17 but ]'wM.nadnal aoaa 1 *,. PIGURG N0.2 I WI II'.wlw. nal uud mar. r CKS N • Unl 0 I • 70 11/2 11/1 Ov7r 70 17 6 .'Additional width may ba required for Imrf"plor drain. /wr of Fuming Tap u/ 1~ Iwaw Yuwrvra Yb���� 1112 Mn naM rwf 11. lbw mNaulvu. W IS' *laa. FIGURE NO.2 0 0 E er LJ 0 0 Pane 15 Draina a and Terracln� Sec. 7012. (a) General. Unless otherwise indicated on the approved grading plan, drainago facilities and terracing shall conform to the provision of this Section. (b) Terrace. Terracos at least 6 feet in width shall be established at not more than 30 -foot vertical intervals on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage and debris except that where only one terrace is required, it shall be at mid - height. For cut or fill slopes greater than 60 feet and up to 120 feet in vertical height one terrace at approximately mid- height shall be 12 feet in width. Terrace widths and spacing for cut and fill slopes greater than 120 feet in height shall be designed by the civil engineer and approved by the Building Official. Suitable access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and maintenance. Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of 5 percent and must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 3 inches in thickness or an approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of 1 foot and a minimum paved width of 5 feet. A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area exceeding 13,500 square feet (projected) without discharging into a down drain. (c) Subsurface Drainage. Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with subsurface drainage as necessary for stability. (d) Disposal. All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry waters to the nearest practicable drainage way approved by the Building Official and /or other appropriate jurisdiction as a safe place to deposit such waters. Erosion of ground in the area of discharge shalt be prevented by installation of non - erosive downdrains or other devices. Building pads shall have a drainage gradient of 2 Percent toward approved drainage facilities, unless waived by the Building Official. EXCEPTION: The gradient from the building pad may be one percent if all of the following conditions exist throughout the permit area: A. No proposed fills are greater than 10 feet in maximum depth. aye 0. No proposed finish cut or fill slope faces have a vertical height in excess of 10 feet. C. No existing stove faces, which have a slope face steeper than 10 horizontally to 1 vertically, have a vertical height in excess of 10 feet. (e) Intercepptor Drains. Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along tiro top of all cut slopes where the tributary drni,rage area above slops towards the cut and has a drainage path greater than 40 feet measured horizontally. Interceptor drains shall be paved with a minimum of 3 inches of concrete or gunite and reinforced. They shall have a minimum depth of 12 inches and a minimum paved width of 30 inches measured horizontally across the drain. The slope of draln shall of.' approved by the Building Official. Erosion Control Sec. 7013. (a) Slopes. The faces of cut and fill slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control aoninst erosion. - TMs -.ci b - +nay-cons fA o€- e#fer- 44va- 0ant4a9. The protection for the slopes shall be install- ed as soon as practicable and prior to calling for final approval. Flhere cut slopes are not subject to erosion due to the erosion.-resistant pharacter of the materials, such protection may be omitted. (b) Other Devices. Where necessary, check dams, cribbing. riprap or other devices or methods shall be employed to control erosion and provide safety. (c) ((I) EXCEPTIONS: 1. 2. _isyQ beerrpPrIf_i,Ga11y rrrMMended 11 iragc 17 (e) Commissioner to be infestod by burrowing rodents ve -_—' --- pros r om o ro en coni:ro? Grading Inspection Sec. 7014. ® (a) General. All grading operations for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official. When required by the Building Official, special Inspection of grading operations and soecial testing shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Section 305 and subsection 7014(c). (b) Grading Designation. All grading in excess of 5000 cubic yards shall be performed in accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a civil engineer, and shall be designated as "engineered grading." Grading involving less than 5000 cubic yards shall be designated "regular grading" unless the permittee, with the approval of the Building Official chooses to have the grading performed as "engineered grading." (c) Engineered Grading Requirements. For engineered grading, it shall be the responsibility of the civil engineer who prepares the approved grading plan to incorporate all recommendations from the soil engineering and engineering geology reports into the grading plan. He shall also be responsible for the professional inspection and approval of the grading within his area of technical specialty. This responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, inspection and approval as to the establishment of line, grade and drainage of the development area. The civil engineer shall act as the coordinating agent in the event the need arises for liason between the r 0 y Page W (f) Transfer of Responsibility for Approval. if the civil engineer, the soil engineer, the engineering geologist or the testing agency of record ara changed during the course of work, the work shall bu stopped until the replacement has agreed to accept the rosponsthility within the area of their technical competence for approval upon completion of the work. Completion of Work Sec. 7015. (a) Final Reports. Upon completion of the rough grading work and at the final completion of the work the Building Official may require tho following •eports and drawings and supplements thereto: 1. An As- graded grading p':an prepared by the civil engineer including origina', ground surface elevations, us- graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage patterns and locations and elevations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities. lie shall provide approval that the work was done in accordance with the final approved grading plan. 2. A Soil Grading Rep vt prepared by the soil engineer including locatic,r� and elevations of field density tests, summaries of field and laboratory tests and other substantiating data and comments on any changes made during grading and their effect on the recommendations made in the soil engineering investigation report. He shall provide approval as to the adequacy of the site for the intended use. 3. A Geologic Grading Report prepared by the engineering geologist including a final description of the geology of the site including any new information disclosed, during the grading and the effect of same on recommendations incorporated in the approved grading plan. He shall provide approval as to the adequacy of the site for the intended use as affected by geologic factors. (b) Notification of Completion. The permittee or his agent shall notify the Building Official when the grading operation is ready for final inspection. Final approval shall not be given until all work including installation of all drainage facilities and their protective devices and all erosion control measures have been -completed in accordance with the final approved grading plan and the required reports have been submitted. tilt other professionals, the contractor, and the Ouilding Official. The civil engineer shall also be responsible for the preparation of revised plans and the submission of as- graded grading plans upon completion of the work. The grading contractor shall submit in a form prescribed by the Building Official a statement of compliance to said as -built plan. Soil engineering and engineering geology reports shall be required as specified in Section 7006. During grading all necessary reports, compaction data and soil engineering and engineering geology recommendations shall be submitted to the civil engineer and the Building Official by the soil engineer and the engineering geologist. The soil engineer's area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, the professional inspection and approval concerning the preparation of ground to receive fills, testing for required compaction, stability of all finish slopes and the design of buttress fills, where required, incorporating data supplied by the engineering geologist. The engineering geologist's area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, professional inspection and approval of the adequacy of natural ground for receiving fills and the stability of cut slopes with respect to geological matters, and the need for subdrains or other ground water drainage devices. He shall report his findings to the soil engineer and the civil engineer for engineering analysis. The Building Official shall inspect the project at the various stages of the work requiring approval and at any more frequent intervals necessary to determine that adequate control is being exercised by the professional consultants. (d) Regular Grading Requirements. The Building Official may require inspection and testing by an approved testing agency. The testing agency's responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, approval concerning the inspection of cleared areas and benches to receive fill, and the compaction of fills. When the Building Official has cause to believe that geologic factors may be involved the grading operation w 11 be required to conform to "engineered grading" requirements. (e) Notification of Noncompliance. If, in the course of fulfilling their responsibility under this Chapter, the civil engineer, the soil engineer, the engineering geologist or the testing agency finds that the work is not being done in conformance with this Chapter or the approved grading plans, the discrepancies shall be reported immediately in writing to the person in charge of the grading work and to the Building Official. Recom- mendations for corrective measures, if necessary, shall be submitted. 4P 40 u•ry or ItANO -to CUCAnaoNCA SrAFF REPO) r April 210 19UO TO: Planning Commission FROM: Jack Lam, Dirnctor of Community Development By: Tim J. Beadle, Associate Planner SUBJECT: STATUS OF CENERAi, PLAN AND INDUST1iIAL SPECIFIC £LAN CENf.RAL PLAN The General Plan process is now in tine stage of program development. After con - aiderable effort by the consultant to review several potential land use concepts for the undeveloped area, a opecifiu land use concept Ivan been given preference. Tito consultant firm is now preparing a detail land use plan for the entire city, including the existing and undeveloped areas. Following the recent public meet- ings on the Regional Shopping Center and ti:e study sessions hold by both the Ci- tizens Advisory Coaunittee and the Planning Commission, tine planning consultant focused in on one particular alternative concept. These public forums were fruitful for tine consultant and the City becauve of the guidance provided by the selection of a strong planning land use concept. Tito consultant now will prepare a fully delineated plan discussing all topics concerning General Plan elements. During tine next few weeks, the consultant will complete the graphic material for a pr ;entation to the Citizens Advisory Committee. This material will cover the entire City and include the following topics: Land Use Circulation Open Space Recreation Urban Design We anticipate that the City will be fully mapped zoncerning land sou., circuln- t1on and recreation /open apace. Also, graphic detailing of concepts will be utilized to express ideas related to urban design, housing and recreation. It is anticipated that this information will be presented to the Citizens Advisory Committee during a workshop session on May 9, 1980. Tile Staff is reviewing "working papers" from the consultants which will be used towards ti:e completion of the draft General Plan elements. Once the draft plan is complete, CAC will begin tine public review process. This is anticipated to occur during ti:e middle of July. (See attached Tentative General Plan Bearing Schedule) . Tile Planning Commission and City Council will complete the review process during the latter part of the summer. The review schedule :'lows for a six -week extension to the original General Plan cork program. This revised schedule has been agreed upon by both City Staff and the consultant. It is anticipated to be a relatively small change and should not cause any serious problems. Item M Aril 27 1980 S�ntus p�' Gpngral Plan and Industrial Spocl.fic pint, Pngn 2 INDUSTRIAL. SPECIFIC PLAN Slueu the first ui tho' year, when the Sedway /choke consultant firm began Chu contract oil the Industrial Specific Plan, moot of their work lion coasinted of date gathering end site onslysin. 8eenuse of the coincidence of the Ceneral Plan and Industrial Specific Plan preparation, it in advmrtageous that the basic City land unn concepts and design considerations be clarified prior to a great deal of effort being spent on the Industrinl Specific Plan denign. Honentially, therefore, the General Plan process hod led the Industrial Specific Plan. Thu development of the City General Plan lion now renchod the level that :rant major land use implieotiona for the Industrial area can be determined. Recently tl:e Citv ntnff nod reprenentotivat of the local industrial community have spent time with the consultant to discuss concepts for the industrial area. Efforts ere underwny currently to complete the alternative concept plans for the indue- t•rial nrec. Thin process will include holding in workshop with the Industrial Executive Committee early in May (nee attnclied schedule), It In anticipated Unit a preliminary plea and master environmental asesnament for the industrial area will be available for public review in June. Once the plan line become sufficiently detailed, new industrial development will be encouraged to coordinate their efforts with the now plan. Until this time, however, staff and connultants will continue to review the industrial development in light of their consistency with the overall objectives for the industrial area. Reopectfu y auU itt d, JACK LAM, Director Community Development JL:TJD: jk Enclosures: Revised Tentative General Plan Nearing Schedule Industrial Specific Plan Schedule 0 REVISED 1'EN'1'ATUR 61341 tAL t. PLAN IWARING SCHEDULE TASK DA'L'E E.LH. Notice or Prepnration mailed. April 1, 1980 Screen Check drnrt Cenernl Plnn and M.I.R. complete by My 30, 1900 Sedway /Cooke, Review ncreen check draft General Plan and E. 1.1t. by City. June 2 -9, 1980 Sedway /Cooke review of Staff comments. June 10 -26, 1980 Notice of Completion mailed. June 27, 1980 Sedway /Cooke - Reviee draft General Plan June 27, 1980 E.I.R. - One Camera heady copy 75 copies of Draft E.I.R. Draft General Plan and E.I.R. mailed to State June 27, 1980 .C. meeting - Final plan,prenentntion July 12, 1980 Planning Comminnion hearingo on draft General Plan - Minimum of July 14, 21,28, 1980 2 meetings. August 4, 1980 Official Public Hearings on E.I.R. by Planning Commission August 13, 1980 Joint Staff and Sedway /Cooke memo on changes to draft General Plan August 18, 1980 and responses to E.I.R. comimnto - Final E.I.R. and General Plan complete. City Council public hearing for adoption of final General Plan September 3, 1980 and cortification of E. IA. September 17, 1980 Prepare adopted Ceneral Plan and Publiah. September - October- 4-11-80 INDUSI'PIAi. SCL'CIPIC PLAN SCHEDULE Concept Plano to Staff Wo rknhup with Industrial Executive Conunittel Draft Specific Plan to Staff for Review and Conmient P reuentation of Draft Specific Plan to Industrial Committee and Others C May 2, 1980 Mny 9, 1980 June 2, 1980 End of Juno 0 a FJ CI7•Y 01' ItANCI -10 CUCANN)NGA 9EAi,•F REPORT Date: April 23, 1900 To: Planning Conmission From: Jack Lam, Director of Conniunity Development By: Michael Vairin, Associate Planner Subject: Establishing a Resolution in Support of (tailed Landscape Median Islands for Foothill Boulevard 1971 BACKGROUND: As the Commission is aware, approval of recent developments along Poothi I I Boulevard have been conditioned to require raised landscaped median islands. In response to these condltions CALTRANS has stated that requirement for median islands is unacceptable (Fxhib3t "A "). They feel that the raised iledi.ans constitute a potential nrA o traffic and that d ffirict and r areas of tlirstatuffave Been remo in curbeTc'meai and– o� e�s�1L ucYinna" le�vdi sugges e t e use o patnte ands to pro- t left turns. Thy Citq - fm1tmwrinU�t isanrees_k� It CALTR�ANNS policies icies_on_thc _Coiled- medians. Speeds along Foot, 11 are presently high generally Because of the significant amount of undevelr,,i,,; land. However,. as this area along Foothill is developed, speeds will be rt iuced and raised median tool for_rnatrolling In addition to the positive aspects of traffic control, the landscaped median island! will effectively implement the theme of a Special Boulevard as designated on the General Plan. The General Plan policies, relative to Foothill Boulevard, were intended to create increased aesthetics, a scenic highway, a Mditcti.on of_.heat_gain through the incorporation of landscaping and improvement of the overall City image. Attached is a resolution outlining the City's intent in requiring raised landscaped median islands for developments as they occur along Foothill Boulevard. RECOMMENDATION: . If the Commission concurs with the intent and purpose for the requirement — of raised landscaped median islands on Foothill Boulevard, then we recommend approval of the attached resolution. Respec ru�ll l�y Aubi� i tted, JACK LAM, Director of Community Development JL:MV:kds Attachments: Resolution Letter from CALTRANS 0 \ Item N RESOLUTION 00 -26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR REQUIRING RAISED LAND SCAPED MEDIAN ISLANDS ON FOOTHILL BOULEVARD AS DEVELOPMENT OCCURS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SPECIAL BOULEVARD DESIGNATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Rancho Cucamonga has adopted a General Plan; and WHEREAS, the General Plan recognizes Foothill Boulevard as a major thoroughfare and scenic highway and thus is designated as a special boulevard; and WHEREAS, the General Plan circulation element presently recognizes that four or six lane thoroughfares with continuous left - hand turning lanes are unattractive and i,itimidating to pedestrians and that landscaped median islands dould provide an opportunity to improve streetscape and control curculation improvements; and E WHEREAS, the General Plan indicates that detailed plans are O required setting forth the design standards for each special boule- vard. Therefore, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission finds that: 1. Requirement of raa,ed landscaped median islands on Foothill Boulevard is needed for implementation of the General Plan. 2. That such median islands will provide the necessary improvements for nroper__traffic_ &ircula.ti_Qn as the City develops and will tend to reduce tl�e seeds along Foothill Boulevard. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve and adopt a similar resolution setting forth and adopting policies necessary for the implemen- tation of raised landscaped median islands along Foothill Boulevard. 2. That a certified copy of this resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission shall C] El C i tY /COu llc i 1 . LL. lu APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL, 1900, r PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chai�mian- ATTEST: Secretary of w ann ng . onm ss on 1, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning of the City of Rancho Cur ?:::cnga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the '?3rd day of April, 1980, by the following %tote, to wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 STAIN Oh CA11101NIA — IUIIN111 AND IMANIPODIAIP.IN AOINCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OI1InICT I, P.O. IOM 131 IAN 11INAMDINO, CA1110INIA V3403 March 27. 1900 Mr. Lloyd Ilubbn City Engineer P. 0. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention Mr. John Martin Dear Mr. Ilubba : We have completed our review reatnurant to be developed on Avenue and State Route 66 in initially forwarded to tin by and a second net forwarded by which not forth City Planning approval. IDMUND O. (MOWN -e. of the plan" for the proposed the northwest corner of Cantor your City. Those plans were letter daLad January 28A 1980 letter dated February 26, 1980 Comminsion ranuirementa for We have no general objection to the construction of n drive- way connection to roo W ll Boulevard providing the following conditions are met: - The neconn shall be n common driveway between adjacent proportion and shall be a minimum of 351 in width. The driveway shall be fully constructed for the entire width in conjunction with this development to a din - tnnce of 501 back from the face of curb. The re ,iuirements for a median island is unacceptable. Rnised medians constitute a potential hazard to traffic and thxa District as well as tKe remainder of the State have been re- moving curbed medians and other roadway obstructions nince the "CURE" program be an several years ago. We would allow a painted island prohibiting left turns. This would accom- plish the some thing as a raised island at much leas cant and not be a traffic hazard. 4y � C] as Mr. Ilubbn Page 2 Mnrch 27, 1980 The typical section shown on Shout 1 of the plans indicates that a "dinh off-act" w1.11 result if constructed no proposed. This flattening of the ero'ne slope is unacceptable. It may be nocesnary to overlay the exintingg pavement to the highway conterlino to eliminate the "dish affact ". This should be verified in the field and the plane modified accordingly. Water tends to pond on the northeast corner of Canter Avenue and Foothill Boulevard because of an apparent low area. We do not expect the developer to rectify L•ho pending of wntor; however, he should provide elevations along the spandrel to assure that the proposed work will not worsen the problem by allowing water to back up across the intersection. The pinnn should be revised reflecting our commento and three sets renubmitted for further processing. The revised plane should reflect City approval thereon. We will expect, the property owner to submit an npplication for encroachment paxmit for the work within the State highway ri+ht of wny. The hermit must be obtained from this office ® pr or to the ,t Art of, construction. If you have any questions please contact Robert Pate at (714) 383 -4017. Very truly yours, J. E. PEDDY �District Director r By R. C. Pote' 1 District Permit Engineer L