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1983/04/27 - Agenda Packet
z z ., n 0 .. N M Z a m Z O to CITY OF RAINaiO CUCAR'IQNCIN o` 5 PLANNINNG COTN MISSION, iZ AGENDA, 1977 WEDNESDAY April 27, 1983 7 :00 p.m. ACTION APPROVED 5 -0 APPROVED 5 -0 LION'S PARK COPMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LINE,.RANCNO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of Allegiance H. Roll Can Commissioner Barker X Commissioner Juarez X Commissioner MrNiel X IV- Approval a. *. NUmdes T March 27, 1983 Commissioner Rempei X Commissioner Stout X — The ,following Consent C21endar items are expected to be routine and non - controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83-07 - TaIOMPSON - The development of a - i50,000 square Foot warehouse on 8.19 acres of land in the General Industrial/Rail Served category (Subarea 10), located on the west side of Toronto Avenue, north of 7th Street. B. TIME VL Publie Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your Name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per Inc iv;R -- f,;, each project. APPROVED 5 -0 C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL INN •.= vaeaaa.a aaesl, a„rnVnl+lT — 1 "ne development o a church acinty including a 4,054 square foot building and a request to operate a preschool on 4.75 acres of land in the R -1- 10,000 zone, located on the west side of Sapphire Street, between Orange Street and Lemon Avenue - APN 1061- 332 -22. Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 2 APPROVED 5 -0 D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONING with suggested wording ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 83 - An amendment to the changes to Council Ordinance. residential use standards to allow for elder cottages aid second units on single family zoned residential lots. CONTINUED TO MAY 11,1983 E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESKIENT FIND PARCEL MAP 7902 --LING - A division of 2.37 acres into 4 parcels within the R -1 zone located on the south side of :Nilson Avenue at Mulberry Avenue - APN 201 - 181 -60. APPROVED 5 -0 F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7951 - WENGER AND ZWICKER - A division of 23.8 acres into ona parcel in the Heavy Industrial zone (Subarea 15) located on the south side of 7th Street, approximately 1045 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue - APN 229 - 283 -52. X PROVED 5 -0 with G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMEI<T AND PARCEL MAP amendment to street 7926 - GARCIA - A division of 2.67 acres into 4 parcels width dedication on 8th within ubarea 1 of the Industrial Specific Plan'_ocated on Street. the north side of 8th Street, east side of Baker- Avenue - APN 207 - 271 -1. �. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVED ALTERNATIVE REVIEW 83-04 - HALSTEAD -The development of a 23,000 #2 5 -0 square foot industrial manufacturing building on 5.2 acres of land in the Industrial Park zone (Subarea 6) 'located on the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and 26th Street - APN 209 - 131 -01. V11L REPORT rECEIVED WITH REC MMENDATIONS T BE MADE TO CITY COUNCIL L 3. J. COMMISSION DIRECTED STAFF TO DEVELOP POLICIES & STANDARDS FOR INTERIM K. USES. K. APPROVED 5 -0 TO FO WHO (�i DINANCE TO CITY COUNCIL REVIEW OF FOOTHILL COMMUNITY it AN DIRECTION KEEPING OF ANIMALS IN EQUESTRIAN /RURAL AREA - The establishment or a City Council policy that subdivision CC&R`s shall not prohibit the keeping of animals in the equestrian /rural areas. Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 3 IS. Pnblie Comm This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. IL Ad*arnment The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. n � � 1 OMIARIO IMlER.A -IOM41 41I/OR( CITY OF RliMHO CUCAMOW,.q CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ - o PI ANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1977 WEDNESDAY April 27, 1983 7:00 p.m. LION'S PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE L1NE,.RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 1. Fnedge of Allegji mee t :� Commissioner Barker _ Commissioner Juarez Commissioner McNiel U1. Atueoemeenents IV. Approval of Min ides March 27, 1983 V. Consent Calendar G� Commissioner AemoP? Commiss.zoiker Stout The following Consent Calendar items are especLed W be routine and non - controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. REVIEW 83-07 - THOMPSON - The development of a 50,000 square foot warehouse on 8.19 acres of land in the General Industrial/R.ail Served category (Subarea 10), located on the west side of Toronto Avenue, north of 7th Street. C1! VL Public HeRrings AL The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice :heir opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. C. development of a church facility including a 4,u54 square foot buildir_g and a request to operate a preschool on 4.75 acres of land in the R- 1- 10,000 zone, located on the west side of Sapphire Street, between orange Street and Lemon Avenue - APN 1061- 332 -22. Planning Conmission Agenda April 27, '1383.. Page 2 D. ENVIRON ^, ".E l'AL ASSESSMENT AND ZONING Ua—D NCE Ah1ENDME T 83-03 - An amendment to the resider ntial use standards to allow for elder cottages and second units on single family zoned residential lots. E. d uua —Ldivv - a oivsion oI Z.37 acres into 4 parcels withij the R -1 zone located on the south side of Wilson Avenue at Mulberry Avenue - APN 201 - 131 -60. P. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE -5SM ENTT AND PARCEL NIAP 7S5, G. - WENGER AND ZWICKEii - A division of 23.8 acres into one parcel in the Heavy Industrial zone (Sul-.:xea 15) located on Lhe south side of 7th Street, approximately Ir °mot west of Etiwanda Avenue - APN 229 - 283 -52. d aco - vant.iA - A alvlslon of Z-57 acres into 4 parcels within Subarea —1 of the Industrial Specific Plan located on the north side of 8th Street, east side of Baker Avc:me - APN 207 - 271 -1. y. , 1 H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83-04 - HALSTEAD - The development of a 23,000 square foot indusirlal menu acturing building an 5.2 acres of land in the Industri„1 Park zone (Subarea 6) located on the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and 26th Street - APN 209 - 131 -01. L REVIEW OF FOOTHILL COMMUNITY PLAN J. K. KEEPING one esiav_z, -sment of a City Couneu -,-'icy that subdivision CC&K's shall not prohibit the keeping of miiana'.a in the equestrian /rural areas. Y Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1 983. Page 3 M Pefalie CommenZs This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are thoss which do not aL^eady appear on this agenda. IL Adjournment The Piann.ng Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11 p.m. adjournment time. If items 90 beyond that time, they shall be heard anly with the consent of the Commission. 0&.AQI0 IMTERMMTIOMIL 41M04- CITY OF RANCHO CtWAMOWA CITY OF RANCHO CUCA14ONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting March 23, 1983 Vice-Chairman Herman Rempel called the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to order at 7:00 p.m. The :meeting was held at Lions Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Vice - Chairman Rempel then led in the pledge of allegiance. Lauren Wasserman, acting in his Capacity as City Clerk, administered the oath of office to Addie Juarez. Mrs. Juarez was appointed by the City Council at their meeting of March 16, 1983 to fill the vacancy created by Jeff King. Mayor Jon Mikels was also present and welcomed Mrs. Juarez to the Commission. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: David Barker, Addie Juarez, Larry McNiel, Herman Rempel, Dennis Stout ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None STAFF PRESENT: Shintu Bose, Associate Civil Engineer; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney; Curt Johnston, Assista,,. fanner; Rick Marks, Associate Planner; Jack Lam, Community Development Director; Janice Reynolds, Secretary; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to approve the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of February 23, 1983. ELECTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION OFFICERS Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Stout, unanimously carried, to appoint Herman i�empel Planning Commission Chairman. Motion: Aoved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to appoint Dennis Stout Planning Commission Vice - Chairman. 0 CONSENT CALENDAR A. TIME EXTENSION FOR PARCEL MAP 6636 - BUTLER B. TIME EXTENSION FOR VARIANCE 81 -02 - CHRISTIAN Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by Barker, unanimously carried, to adopt the Consent Calendar granting one year time extensions for the above projects. PUBLIC HEARINGS C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7832 - H & S PROPERTicS - A division of 1.839 acres into 4 parce sin the R---I—zone ocate at the northwest corner of Hillside Road and Moonstone Avenue - APN 10GI- 251 -17. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7834 - JENSEN - A division of 1 acre into 2 parcels witnin the R-1 zone located at the northwest corner of Via El Dorado and Sunstone Avenue - APN 1061 - 251 -16. Rick Gomez, City Planner, stated that these two items would be heard concurrently. Shintu Bose, Associate Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff reports. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Gary Sanderson, 9587 Arrow, Rancho Cucamonga, California, addressed the Commission stating that he represented the applicant and agreed with the conditions of approval. Mr. Sanderson stated that he had one question regarding the requirement for an equestrian trail plan to be submitted prior to recordation of the Parcel Map and asked what this plan would entail. Rick Gomez, City Planner, replied that the trail plan would be shown on the final map depicting the location of the trails in conformance with the City's adopted equestrian trail system. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that this question was in response to number 8 on the City Engineer's report which refers to the City's Master Plan of Trails and is required prior to recordation of the final map. Commiss4oner Stout pointed out that parcel 2 of Parcel Map 1832 does not have trail access and asked i" that would be a problem. Planning Co-a-unission Minutes -2- March 23, 1983 Mr. Sanderson replied that he did not see a problem with this and suggested that the street could possibly be used for access. Commissioner Stout suggested that the 1.5 -foot local feeder trail dedication running north and south be realigrtd to go west between parcels one and three requiring seven and one -half feet of dedication from each of those parcels and also cone dedication from parcel 2, then go south and receive another seven and one -half feet of dedication from parcels three and four. He asked Mr. Sanderson if he would be agreeable to this. Mr. Sanderson replied that he would be agreeable to this realignment. John SkInrner, an adjacent property owner, addressed the Commission asking if something would be done to assure that the night view would not be disrupted by street lights. Mr. Rougeau replied that the street lights could possibly be placed on the north side of the street in lieu of being placed in front of houses. Also, that the type of lights used would be the low intensity lights which are nearly invisible from a side angle. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded bv Stout, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Parcel Map 7832 _ with the realignment of the local feeder trail as suggested by Commissioner Stout and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Also approval of the Resolution approving Parcel Map 7834 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: COMMISSIONERS- McNiel, Stout, Barker, Juarez, Rempel NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMP- SISSTONERS: None - carried- E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7853 - NESBIT - A division of 8.76 acres into 3 parcels within the R-1 zone located at the west side of H0 1man, north side of Church - APN 1061- 251 -16. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Stout stated that if the map for the Parcel Map was superimposed over Tentative Tract 12238, the line extendine to the west -from the existing residences seemed to cut one of the lots on the tentative tract in half and ask if that was intentional. Planning Commission Minutes -3- March 23, 1983 Mr. Hopson stated that there wens more problems than this in t;iat it appears that a number of lots are cut and that the numbering is not consecutive if for instance parcel one only is developed and asked if the tentative map had been conditioned. Mr. Rougeau replied that the parcel map is for the purpose of land acquisition and the tract map will supercede all the parceiization. Mr. Hopson asked if the tract map could only be finaled if the person trying to finalize the tract owned all of the land on which the tract map sets. Mr. Rougeau replied that this is correct. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Ronald Martin, the authorized agent and purchaser of the property, addressed the Commission stating that he was in agreement with the staff report and conditions of approval. There were no public comments, therefore, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner McNiel asked for interpretation of the "and /or earth berms" which was a part of the drainage and flood control portion of the City Engineer's Report. Mr. Rougeau replied that earth berms can't carry much water and that if a berm was used on Hellman Avenue it would be a hardscaped berm. Further, that the City would have control over the design of this berm. He also pointed out that the proposal on the tract map displayed the use of a wall alternate instead of the landscaped berm. Chairman Rempel stated that as part of the original tract map there is a design approved for the widening of Hellman Avenue at that point which includes a regular curb, the sidewalk adjacent to the curb, and a twelve inch high wail in back of the sidewalk. Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by McNiel, unanimously approved, to adopt the Resolution approving Parcel Map 7853 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Stout, McNiel, Barker, Juarez, Rempel NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None - carried- Planning Commission Minutes -4- March 23, 1983 F. ENVIROfv'MENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7912 - HAHN TENANT INTERIORS, INC. - A division of acres into 3 parcels for condominium purposes within Subarea 1 of the Industrial Specific Plan located on the north side of 8th Street, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 207 - 271 -53, 54, & 55. G. VARIANCE 83 -02 - BWLC - A request to reduce the required front yard setback and streetscape in conjunction with the development of six industrial buildings on 1.57 acres located on the north side of 8th Street, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 207 - 271-53, 54, & 55. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -02 - BWLC - The development of six in ustria boil ings totaling ,0 2 square feet on 1.57 acres of land in the General Industrial category (Subarea 1) located on the north side of 8th Street, west of Vineyard Avenue - APN 207 - 271 -53, 54, & 55. Rick Comez, City Planner, announced that these items would be heard concurrently. Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff reports. Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. Larry Wolff, applicant, addressed tie Commission stating that he agreed with the findings and the staff reports and conditions of approval. Commissioner Stout asked if anything would be done in .c -a of sound attenuation for the units near the railroad tracks. Mr. Wolff replied that this issue has not been addressed; however, if a problem arises it would be dealt with by adding insulation. He added that since the types of uses to be included in this center would be of a light industrial nature, sound attenuation is not normally a problem. Commissioner Stout sated that this is a very innovative idea and would help residents in that area to buffer them from the railroad tracks. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Barker stated that this is a very creative use for this piece of property. Commissioner Stout referred to the bridge at the tracks and asked where the water goes once it goes into the pipe system in Vineyard Aven,je. Mr. Rougeau replied that presently at the southeast corner of this property there is a pipe that picks up the water from this property and takes it under 8th Street to a storm drain in Ontario which then takes it to Cucamonga Planning Commission Minutes -5- March 23, 1983 Creek. Further, that in the future Rancho Cucamonga would have a master - planned drain on the north side of the tracks to intercept the water and take it straight into the creek. Commissioner Stout asked if this would be designed so that it would be adaptable to the new storm drain system. Mr. Rougeau replied that this project would have to be designed to carry much mare water Thar+ they would have to in the future; however, the master- planned storm drain may be fifteen years to completion unless a lot of development occurs to help with the installation. Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried to adopt the Resolution approving Parcel Map 7912 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Motion: Moved by McNiel seconded by Stcut, unanimously carried to adopt the Resolution approving Variance 83 -02. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Stout, unanimously carried to adopt the Resolution approving Development Review 83 -02 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. Director's Reports I. construction, of a 420 Square foot addition to an ex parking iot improvements on a 9,500 square foot lot located at the southwest- corner of Archibald Avenue Road - APN 20£- 152 -12. Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report. 9 - GONZALES - The sting building and in the C -2 zone and San Bernardino Chairman Rempel opened the public hearing. There were no comments either for or against the project, therefore, the public hearing was closed. Cc.- 3nissioner Stout asked if the mansard roof would be wrapped completely around the building. Mr. Gomez replied that the proposal included all elevations except for the rear of the building. Commissioner Stout asked if there was a reason for this exclusion. Planning Commission Minutes -6- March 23, 1983 Mr. Gomez replied that the exposures to San Bernardino Road and Archibald wculd be taken care of by wrapping the roof around the three sides. Also, that the existing building is on the property line and the roof would hang over the property line. Commissioner Stout stated that if he was the adjacent property owner he would prefer to have a roof over his property line as opposed to looking at a false roof and was not comfortable with this concept. Commissioner Barker stated that this is a difficult piece of property to work with and that it is a tremendous improvement to the area. Motion: Moved by Barker. seconded by Stout, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Environrcntal Assessment and Development Review 82 -09 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Barker, Stout, Juarez, McNiei, Rempel NOES: COMMISSIONERS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: None - carried- J. SENIOR OVERLAY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES Rick Marks, Associate Planner, reviewed the Staff Report. Commissioner McNiel asked if there was a reason why lighting was not mentioned in item 4 under Development Plans of the Administrative Guidelines. Mr. Gomez replied that lighting was covered under landscape requirements and part of the landscape plans; however, if the Commission desired lighting requirements to be made more explicit, they could also include it under the architectural criteria. Commissioner Stout pointed out that lighting was covered under the Site Development Criteria section of the Cuidelines. Commissioner Barker stated that item 5 on page 7 under Site -ion Criteria should be amended to read . . at least one of each of the: •lowing types of commercial establishments and services ". Commissioner Stout suggested that future projects be required to delineate the number of dwelling units per acre. Further, that a break down should also be submitted which would show the project with and without the density bonuses /incentives. 'Rd s would enable the Commission to see exactly what kind of break the senior citizens are actually getting in regards to rental rates. Planning Commission Minutes -7- March 23, 1983 Mr. Marks replied that staff is requiring that this be done under a project pro forma which would show the project with and without incentives. Commissioner Stout replied that he did not see where this was done. Mr. Marks replied that it had not been spelled out, however, under project pro forma this was the intention. He asked if the Commission wished to have this spelled out. Commissioner Stout replied that he would like the language modified so that this point is made clear. He further stated that it should be noted on the plans where the nearest transportation services are located and if they are not within a reasonable distance, how the senior citizen will get to those facilities. Commissioner Stout suggested that item I -2a under Site Development Criteria provide some type of objective criteria for the amount of rent reduction. Ted Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, replied that the objectivity comes in the definition of target population. He explained that target population is defined as persons over a certain age who fall within income guidelines which are shifting guidelines set by HUD under their Section 8 program. Commissioner Stout stated that his point was that if the rents can,iot be reduced enough to fit them to the target population, the City is wasting its time. Therefore, there should be some type of comparison as to what the target population is, the rent being proposed, and whether the project is meeting it or not. Rick Marks replied that one of the requirements of the City Council was that staff define the target population in greater detail and also the rents. He explained that the rents as now written must be affordable to persons earning less than 80% of the county median and the people would not have to pay more than 30% of their income. Commissioner Stout asked if this median was determined by the Bureau of Census. Mr. Marks replied that the figure was determined periodically by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Commissioner Stout asked if a reference could then be made to some specific figure. Rick Gomez replied that we do have a reference point through the county and through HUD. Planning Commission Minutes -8- March 23, 1983 Commissioner Stout replied that he just wanted to make sure that there is a reference to consult to determine the current median figures. He asked if there was a definition iin the guidelines as to the age of the target population. Mr. Marks explained that in the Overlay District the target population is defined as persons 55 or older who meet the income criteria. Commissioner Barker supported Commissioner Stout's request that a comparison be provided so that it would be clear to the Commission that their objectives were being met. He asked if something could be done so that the curb cuts would not become drainage funnels for water. Mr. Gomez replied that drainage would be handled through other types of facilities and that this could be looked into further in senior citizen projects. Commissioner Barker asked if the waiving of building heights would have to come before the Commission. Mr. Gomez replied that it would. Commissioner Stout asked if our ordinance requires elevators in projects of three or more stories. Mr. Gomez replied that while our ordinances do not contain elevator requirements, it could possibly be part of the Building Code requirements. Commissioner Stout stated that this should be required that a senior project of three or more stories contain an elevator. Jack Lam stated that there exceeds a certain height, could examine the Building exists. If it does, there however, if it doesn't the language. is a Building Code requirement that once occupancy alevators are required. He suggested that staff Code to determine if this requirement already is no need to make it part of this ordinance; Commission could direct staff to include that Chairman Rempel suggested that the requirement for a performance bond for a long -term maintenance plan be replaced with a cash deposit for the City's use should the project not be properly maintained since a performance bond has to be renewed every year and is not a good application for a long -term maintenance plan. Mr. Gomez asked the City Attorney if this would be similar to a landscaping district in that the developer would be required to put up some type of cash bond to cover maintenance cost during the first year. Planning Conenission Minutes -9- March 23, 1983 Mr. Hopson replied that this would probably be done through the development agreement which would require the posting of a certificate of deposit or some other type of medium satisfactory to the city that would guarantee performance. Chairman Rempel referred to item I section A -I_, ore - Application Procedures, and suggested that the requirement for expected profit margin be omitted. Mr. Gomez explained that this was included because it was considered a standard aspect of the pro forma. Further, that because of the incentives being worked into the project, it was determined important to include this requirement to determine that the incentives were being put back into the project and not used to increase the developer's profit. Chairman Rempel replied that a false reading would be obtained because the cost would be hidden elsewhere. He suggested that it would be better to know the total cost, put that into the project, divide it up among the units, and then know the total price per unit. Commissioner Barker asked if Commissioner Stout's previous suggestion for a cost analysis would fulfill the need for determining this. Mr. Gomez replied Commissioner Stout's concern with the rental rates and the target population would overlap this objective because what is trying to be accomplished is the assurance that the incentives are equitably divided in the project and not going back into the developer's pocket. Mr. Marks explained that this type of requirement is not unique to this city and has been used in many cities and redevelopment agencies. Further, that it was agreed that the profit figures would not be 100% precise, but from staff's point of view was a means to target what could be hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of incentives and determining what is a reasonable level of profit given that you want certain types of improvements or incentives at the site. Also, that it is difficult when the profit margin is not known to know whether the developer really needs all the incentives they are requesting. Chairman Rempel replied that the developer would not give an accurate profit margin and would say that he would not be making much profit, therefore, needed all the incentives. Commissioner Stout suggested that a detailed cost analysis be provided showing the project with and without incentives. He also suggested the possibility of requiring the use of an independent person to provide this information. Commissioner Barker asked why the 100 foot figure was used in Item C 3. Chairman Rempel stated that he thought it should just read adjacent land and the reference "within 100 feet" should be eliminated. Planning Commission Minutes -10- March 23, 1983 Commissioner Stout stated that a possibility would be to require a site utilization map of sufficient size to show what is going on with adjacent land and to also show the requirements added before regarding the location of service establishments. Chairman Rempel stated that item 1, Site Development Criteria, section 2 "i ", should include elevators. He then asked for discussion on the Project Submittal Review Process. Chairman Rempel stated he would like to see a time line establishing how long it would take to get through each phase. Commissioner Stout asked how much time would be saved in fast tracking a senior project as opposed to the usual process. Rick Marks replied that staff was informed by the City Council at their last meeting that the term 'fast tracking" should not be included in the ordinance at this time. Mr. Hopson stated there are some built in statutory time saving devices which could be used. Jack Lam, Community Development Director, explained that special attention could be given to a project if necessary to expedite it through the various phases. Commissioner Stout stated that since the Commission is an advisory body, he still felt that some language should be included regarding priority processing. He suggested that the term "fast tracking" could be eliminated and replaced with language concerning the use of short cuts provided by law. Chairman Rempel agreed and stated that was one of the reason.: 'ias requesting a proposed time line. Rick Gomez replied that it would roughly be a sixty day time frame. Further, that this time line had been part of the project submittal review process but the reference had been removed. However, this could be put back in at the Commission's direction.. Commissioner Stout asked if a project of this nature would require a school impaction letter. Jack tam reviewed a section of the Municipal Code which stated that government subsidized senior citizen projects are exempt under the Growth Management Plan and that the question would be what would constitute a government subsidized project. Further, the City has letters authorizing the waiver of school fees for senior projects provided that the controls exist that ensure the project stay a senior project. Planning Commission Minutes -11- March 23, 1983 Mr, Hopson replied that he did not see why the term used since senior citizen projects should categorical) those built under redevelopment or government subsidized was Section g, Y be exempt and not just Commissioner McNiel asked what course of action could be senior citizens had a child left Permanently in their careaken if one of the Ted Hopson replied that this situation would be controlled through development agreement, for senior citizens couldebeudefendedpOnithe the he red i the size of the units, the reduction in the legality of a project of ramps and elevators amount of i e reduction of the citizens, , and structured recreational amenities spaces, the addition Mr. amenities around senior dev Lam stated that if subsidized could be interpreted development agreements, the projects would then e deemed to also include Mr. Hopson replied that the City interpretation had the develo Council would section of the code was writtPMent agreement concept bbeen aavailable ewhen athat Chairman Rin Pa stated that he would like to see substantiation for th Chairman in parking. Mr, fan stated that the a large which is a fair) general standards for provided from the common standard. Also Parking in most cities is further information could be 5 Planning Association supporting this figure. Mr- Gomez replied that staff' Of ., per reel were at staff's Furthers showed that the traffic engineer for the there was also apstudng requirements Commission's review- Calmark Corporation which would be v done by a available for the Merton Bond, Rancho Cucamonga COMission and suggested that resident, ,asked lion to address the left in the care see means to Permission evicted from their senior citizens should be foster care for children t.�eir apartment, explored before having ex Chairman Rempe) advised that the senior citizen them not permitted when they rent an apartment- it would know that children are they would have a while to find ether means of housing for a child beforesthe Mr. Gomez explained that owner would evict them, would be converted the concern was that the senior citizen a would be into family apartments and that a reasonable amount of time given converted id this situation en apartments use, Planning Commission Minutes -12_ March 23, 1983 Mr. Gomez stated that staff was requesting a recommendation or consensus of approval to modify these guidelines per the concerns expressed this evening and forward them to the C;ty Council for their consideration on April 6, 1983. Commissioner McNiel stated that he felt the amendments made this evening were substantial enough that the Commission should review them at their next meeting before forwarding them to the Council. Ted Hopson, explained that the reason the Council requested the guidelines at the April 6 meeting was because the Senior Overlay Ordinance must be adopted which specifically authorizes the acceptance of senior projects and development agreements. Chairman Rempel stated that these recommendations could be forwardr.d to the Council, however would still like to see the guidelines came back to the Commission at the next meeting. Mr. Gomez replied that staff could bring the guidelines back at the next meeting along with the ordinance and what action the Council had taken. Chairman Rempel asked Councilman Jim Frost if he had gotten any direction from what the Commission had said this evening. Councilman Frost stated that he heard general brainstorming tnis evening but not a consensus from the Commission. However, did not see a problem with a list of the Commissioner's concerns. Commissioner McNiel stated that if the Commission forwards this item on to the Council, it is a recommendation. Rick darks stated that the Commission could forward the guidelines to the Council with a recommendation that their concerns be incorporated into the final version. Rick Gomez stated that from the views exchanged this evening it did not seem that the Planning Commission had any grave concerns with the guidelines and that with corrective language the concerns could be corrected. He suggested that Rick Marks go through item -by -item to try to help the Commissioners reach a consensus. Mr. Marks reiterated the concerns expressed by Commissioner McNiel in that lighting be covered somewhere in the submittal. Chairman Rempel replied that this item is covered on page 8. It was the consensus of z Commission that this concern had already been addressed and needed no further attention. Planning Commission Minutes -13- March 23, 1933 Mr. Marks reiterated the concern of Commissioner Stout that the density per acre be spelled out in advance. There Has a consensus that this item be included in the guidelines. Mr. Marks stated that the Commission desired a project pro forma which would include information with and without development incentives. Commissioner Stout stated that the details should be spelled out more in that it should be a cost analysis prepared by an independent person who is an expert in that area. Commissioner McNiel advised that there are estimators who do that type of work within every major company. Mr. Marks stated that this this added procedure could also raise the rents on a project as staff had been informed that each time a step is added, it increases the rent. Mr. Hopson advised that this also extends the time period. Commissioner Stout stated that this is the one item that would show how the senior citizen would be saving money and felt very strongly that this should be a requirement. Chairman Rempel stated that it would not be that difficult for a cost analysis to be done on the units. Mr. Gomez stated that the numbers could be verified but the difficulty would be in the area of profit margins and overhead costs. However, staff would be able to review the pro formas. Commissioner Stout suggested that a standard format be established to compare the projects. Mr. Lam stated that it would not be difficult to prepare a cost model and that City staff would know what to look for to make certain that the benefits are going to the renters and not into the pocket of the developer. Commissioner Stout asked if a form could be developed for the developer to fill out so that projects would be similarly figured. Mr. Gomez replied that a standardized form could be developed. Commissioner Stout stated that he would be satisfied with that. Mr. Marks stated that the next point of discussion was the location of transit stops and how a senior citizen would get to them. Planning Commission Minutes -14- March 23, 1983 Mr. Gomez replied that this could be covered under the site utilization criteria to include such things as major transporation location. Commissioner Stout asked if the locations would be reviewed by staff at the time of initial submittal and if the locations were not close, hcw the developer would mitigate the problem of getting senior citizens to these services. Mr. Gomez replied that it would be reviewed at that time. Mr. Hopson advised that under the criteria being established, a project must be within walking distance to transporation services so a developer could not mitigate the location problem by providing transportation to the major transportation locations. Mr. Marks reiterated the concern that curb cuts on -site be designed to not add to or cause flooding problems. There was a consensus of the Commission that this item be included. The next item of concern was that performance bonds not be used and substituted with a long -term maintenance deposit. Ted Hopson stated that this requirement might be broadened to include maintenance deposits, certificates of deposit, or possibly a deed of trust. Mr. Gomez stated that the objective was to get away from the requirement of the performance bond and possibly the details could be worked out in the development agreement with the help of the City Attorney. Commissioner Stout suggested that the wording could be changed to read "legally acceptable securities ". Mr. Marks stated that the next item of concern was that some discussion of priority processing be included and also the inclusion of time lines in the project submittal process. Mr. Gomez replied that this information is available and if the Commission desired, could be put back in. Chairman Rempel stated that he was not asking for fast tracking; however, would like to see a time frame established so that it would be known approximately how iong it would take a project to go through each of the phases. Commissioner stated that he thought there should be some type of priority prcce��.ng. Planning Commission Minutes -15- March 23, 1983 Chairman Rempel stated that item 5 on page 7 needed to be amended to read "each of one of the following ". Mr. Gomez stated if there was a problem regarding priority processing, the language might be included that would outline the statutory provisions available in order to process through the General Plan process to explain this more clearly. Commissioner Stout stated that he would prefer to see this language added. Commissioner Stout stated that there was also the issue 4n the site utilization criteria, item 3 C, and that the specific amount of feet referred to be eliminated and replaced with the wording "adjacent properties" along with the inclusion of the location of the amenities. Also disci "ed was the problem of children being placed in the care of a Sen=,r citizen and how this issue would be handled. It was the consensus of Commission that this be added. Mr. Marks stated that the next item of discussion regarded the parking standards and the desire to have this further researched. Commissioner Stout stated that he was personally in concurrence with the parking requirements. Mr. Lain stated that possibly the question was not one meant to change the requirement, but rather one requesting more supprrtive material be supplied to the Commission to substantiate the parking figures. Mr. Gomez replied that the parking requirement would never go less than the .b figure established in the ordinance and that staff would review each project on a case -by -case basis to determine the appropriate number. Motion: Moved by Stout, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to forward the Guidelines to the City Council with the above stated amendments. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: K. VICTORIA AVENUE Stout, McNiel, Barker, Juarez, Rempel None None Jack Lam, Community Development Director, reviewed the staff report stating that the William Lyon Company submitted a map for the first village Planning Commission Minutes -16- March 23, 1933 subdivision incorporating the decisions of the City Council and Planning Commission. Further, that this map incorporates the non- continuity of Victoria Avenue yet provides for a trail connection from the Victoria Windrows Village to Victoria Avenue. Staff recommended that it is not feasible to make modifications to the Circulation Element in view of the signifieent implications as a result of this subdivision map approval and that this report be received and f i led. Commissioner Stout asked if there were provisions to get the equestrian trail from Victoria to Victoria Parkway. Mr. Lam replied that there were provisions. Commissioner Stout asked if there was cul -de -sac which would have to happen equestrian trail, something proposed with respect to the on Victoria Avenue where it meets the Mr. Lam replied that it would have to either be a cul -de -sac or a street with an elbow and this would depend an what type of development comes in there. Commissioner Stout asked if the loop street which abuts Etiwanda Specific Plan area was designed so that it could not be linked up to any other streets going over the Etiwanda Avenue. Mr. Lam replied that this would again depend on how the development submitted is designed. It was the consensus of the Commission that this report be received and filed. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Juarez, to adjourn. 9:30 p.m. - Planning Commission Adjourned Respectfully submitted, Jack Lam, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -17- March 23, 1983 0 11 E DATE TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - STAFF REPORT April 27, 1983 Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner ENV 1nurarJUq - "Ic 117wF++ucn� vi warehouse on 8.19 acres of Indv;Lr ?al /Rail Served category thy! west bide of Toronto Avenue, I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: JCLVrrmixi nGV1EW of -V/ - a 150,000 square foot land in the General (Subarea 10), located on north of 7th Street. A. Action Requested: Issuance of a Negative Declaration B. Purpose: Construction of a 150,000 square foot warehouse C. Location: hest side of Toronto Avenue, north of 7th Street D. Parcel Size: 8.19 acres of land E. Existing Zo��ing: Industrial Area Specific Plan, General Industrial/Rail Served category (Subarea 10) F. Existing Land Use: Vacant G. Surrounding Land Use & Zoni,�� North - Vacant Land, Railroa,' Tracks, 8th Street (to be vacated), Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial (Subarea 9) South - Vacant property, General Industrial /Rail Served category (Subarea 10) East - Vacant property, General Industrial /Rail Served category (Subarea 10) West - Vacant property, and Tokai of America manufacturing plant, General Industrial /Rail Served category, (Subarea 10) H. General Project North - South - East - West - Plan Designations: Site - Generai Industri Heavy Industrial General Industrial /Rail General Industrial /Rail General Industrial /Rail al /Rail Served Served Served Served ITEM A Development Review 83 -07 /Thompson Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 2 S'te Characteristics: The site slopes at approximate y No structures property and vegetation is lim`:ted weeds; II. EN`lIR014MENTAL ANALYSIS: uniformly to the south or trees exist on the to indigenous grass and A. General: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the app scant and is attached for your review and consideration. Staff has completed Part II cf the Environmental Assessment and found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this project. B. Impacts: Development of the project will generate additional traffic and increase the amount of water runoff from the property. Hewever, these increases are not viewed as significant adverse impacts since the surrounding streets are designed to handle the anticipated traffic volumes. Also, the necessary flood control facilities will be provided by the applicant with development of the project and by participation in the assessment district. III. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon a site analysis and completion of the Initial Study, it appears that this project will not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment. If the Commission concurs, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be in order. ty planner CJ:jr tted, Exhibit "A" - Location 'flap Exhibit "B" - Natural Features and Grading Exhibit "C" - Site Plan Exhibit "D" - Elevation Initial Study, Part I 11 11 0 h _ e .d:C lSON .rrr. C PJaCEL � Po.ctE[ „�, F tcEC Pea'cEC P,ratEt � P.ractc �MN �'fJ w/ SUFFT A I I I I1 I I P <acEC { P.rvctc Paa ec � � PaacEc aactc PsacEC PJacsc { P <vcEC PevcEC PJO_ tt : i c NORTH CITY NOR H CITY OF ITElt= RAC \CHO CUCANIO \'GA TrrLE: Cam" MAO PLANNING ©IVISIQN EXHIRIT= :A, SG�LE,- - j 1 .1 �lTJfi J/ I �, I;� "-j�P�cuc Pd0lEC j C PJaCEL � Po.ctE[ „�, F tcEC Pea'cEC P,ratEt � P.ractc �MN �'fJ w/ SUFFT A I I I I1 I I P <acEC { P.rvctc Paa ec � � PaacEc aactc PsacEC PJacsc { P <vcEC PevcEC PJO_ tt : i c NORTH CITY NOR H CITY OF ITElt= RAC \CHO CUCANIO \'GA TrrLE: Cam" MAO PLANNING ©IVISIQN EXHIRIT= :A, SG�LE,- - .}lo- �� �/.Y2 - 1 � \ ♦.. M(.CU 1 �/� 1• .IVY P1�CQt II �� c *Qi' l [��i V 11 CITY OF ITEX1: r,6 tta7- 77** !rad RAINCI O CUCAimoNGA, TrrLE: — is PL rm�ti\'iNi DIVLSI0��1 EtHIl7 =-_ SCALE= -__ 1. 0 ,£ .. T � a r• c a .v.. _ _ CITY Or RANCHO CHO CLCAN-IONGA PL.ANNI \G DIVISION NORTH ITEM: =453 -a7- 7 jo+IPse�/ TITLE= _sr= r"i- A.4J E\HI T - G•, SCALE :.m.Aw ► �� i i f.tny{F . L fP0P06CD 1 cw.vw, 3 eLmma i et wm i— 160.000 tl. ► L JJJ7/ i r ------------ --- �w.ra rill ; ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN CITY Or RANCHO CHO CLCAN-IONGA PL.ANNI \G DIVISION NORTH ITEM: =453 -a7- 7 jo+IPse�/ TITLE= _sr= r"i- A.4J E\HI T - G•, SCALE :.m.Aw 1... r . � 1 CITY OF P.ANCHO CUCA ONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form *.gust be completed and submitted to the Development Review Co =ittee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will ireet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. is PROJECT TITLE: WAREHOUSE FACILITY APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: HOWARD F_ THOMPSON E ASSOC,INC. 16520 ASTON STREET, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714-7714) 557 -7822 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERINING TFIS PROJECT: HOWARD F. THOMPSON 16520 ASTON STREET_ IRVINE. CALIFORNIA 9271 71 557 -7 22 :OCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) PARCEL 26 OF PA ".CEL MAP r6194 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: BUILDING DEPARTMENT I -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: WAREHOUSE ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, I£ ANY: 8.185 ACRES GROSS 150.000 SF. BUILDING DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFO &+'CATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): PRGJ BY OPEN SPACE WITH GRAPF VINES HAVE BEEN CLEARED FORM THE S'TE. Is the project of cumulative may as a whole part of a larger project, one of a series actions, which although individually sriail, have significant environmental impact? NO 1-2 W"LL THIS PROJECT: YES NO x 1. Create a substantial charge in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial charge in existing noise or vibration? _ X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? — 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? X 6. Create the need for use or disnosal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction_ of residential units, complete the form on t-he next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements .furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my abilit��, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Development Review Committee. j J , Date YZ Signature Title - 11';4r1' l 'fN `- I- 3 E E. DATE: TO: FROM: BY : SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - STAFF REPORT April 27, 1983 Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner • a• 10 - LAMB OF GOD BACKGROUND: Tine applicant, Lamb of God Evangelical Lutheran Church, is requesting a Time Extension for CUP 81 -10, to allow the continued use of their temporary church facility at 9513 Business Center Drive, Se4' '' "" The building is located in the Cucamonga Business Park at tt. - ._uthwest corner of Archibald Avenue and Arrow Route. The Conaitional Use Permit was originally approved two years ago for Victory Chapel. When Victory Chapel moved to another location in July 1982, the Lutheran Church was allowed to move into the building under the same Conditional Use Permit. The Church hopes to remain in the subject building until their permanent facilities are constructed. They are currently in the process of looking for property which meets their needs. The Conditional Use Permit was approved on June 10, 1981, with an expiration date of June 10, 1983. In the two years since approval of the Conditional Use Permit both Victory Chapel and the Lutheran Church operated smoothly with no complaints from surrounding businesses. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission grant a two year extension for CUP 81 -10. A current expiration date of June 10, 1983 would be extended to June 10, 1985. Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Correspondence from Exhibit "D" - Original Resolution Resolution of Approval Applicant of Approval ITEM B J 0 —U i [ VrI OI ;111L1i1!if� r�. 90+07 .1 .lkr LA _ . ILI n•t =' �-_ 7 \_ mousiness- C��er —Or -eve � 4---•� f— 541. _ 9565 95R 9607 �W _ 9 w 3�- 1M''°- }�{? =. ^•V. OrO�O Y . T)Ya /R d..wli[ •SJt V. �l� s.✓ me • a:•i ac�� rvsio WCAT =ON OF THE ULlIT TO B£ USF) BY VICMPY CHAPEL ICCATION OF PAR:<ING SPACES AVAILAB= FOR EV =; AND SU9IDAY MOR ING USE NORTH CITY OF ITEM= r l --i o I.�cI 10 cLCA�ioNc"A TITLE:oPD! Prt� PLAN\'ING DIVISIO\i EXIiIGIT: _SCALE-. .. 1�:is. ..1 (�.,qn, .9 f� 1� :�_ l :.. �l �. �r`. .nF:•. ,r li ':A .� 1 r _ vVl1•: LlC \i1�'• '.�1 Q1i� M!', "�- 4,' A Xi.� y � ... .. Lamb of God Evan�V�{.'cUOcK1 � ut'�ey�.� L�-�:rc 9513 -? Business Center D:'tve Cucamonga Business Park Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 714- 980 -1074 March 24, 1983 Cormtunity Development Department Planning Division - Citv of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road, Suite C Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Sirs: God Evangelical Lutheran Church took ever the -in July of 1982, Lamb of had been granted to the facilities at C ndition:l Use Permit that renter- This in the Cucamonga Business 9513 -J Business Center Drive 1083. ir.form- 1983. At the time, your permit runs until June 10, "prior date an extension, or a new CUP must be ob- ed us that to that in the building beyond that date." tained, if you plan to remain now applying for an extension to this Conditioanl Use Permit for We are 81 -10i. We would like to have an extension on this permit ,CUP - e reasons for this request are: an additional three years. have been searching fcr 2 laud site in order to build our 'n have 1) We at this point nothing that we own facilities. Howeve?', for a_- purposed. We are still continu- looked at has wor'ced ot.t ing to look. to f -nd , piece of property in the very rear 2) F en if we were able that it takes time to close excrcw. This be future, we realize in our case where the details have to is especially true our locally, but also at the headquarters worked out not only angelical Lutheran Synod, Milwaukee Evg parent church body (Wisconsin for land and building istakencare Wisconsin). The funding board of this parent church body. of through the mission 3) After the land has closed, then comes the preliminary planning board and which again has to be coorainated with the mission that this also your planning commission. t•e realize the time takes. 41 After all the planning, finally comes the building of our own facilities. Not until this is completed and we have received our present would we be ready to vacate our occupancy perm facilities. asking for the extension of three years. If For these reasons, we are need additional information, please contact rrrrT7— you have any questions or - ads. ( US. Thank you, Pastor Glenn E. Wenzel �� + 7487 marine Avenue �Zc,, . , .'�hL>✓t Rancho Cucamonga. CA 91730 � 71i- 980- 4793Ifiomel E E i F A X1 - �� 95 +07 LiTU'�L1ltIF1 p 1 IL t- T � IF <aMMY•iP,.� •�• I •� �• l!•4 i�� .'DSGU! � - (�n uC�.�fP Y�Y Sal • G'..]' � . S✓."f..Npi %�� f i0O' I.')CATION OF TI-TE UNIT TO BE USED BY VICMRY Cf7APE.T MCA ?ION OF PAR ,r, SPACES ATrAIIABLU FOR EVE TNG AND SUNDVZ MD .VG USE H se- NORTH CITY OF ITEM. P s 4 -t o RANCI -10 CUC -MMOIN -k TITLE: FRoPUIiD AlTe RA4 PLANNING DIVISION r-NdI3IT1- SCALE. RESOLUTIClN NO. 81-7I i A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING CCRShiISSION APPROVING CONDITIUNAL USE PERMIT NO. 81 -10 FOR VICTO;'Y CHAPEL LOCATED AT 9513 BUSINESS CENTER DRIVE, SUITE J, 1N THE M -1 ZONE. WHEREAS, on the 26th day of May, 1981, a complete application ,pas filed by Victor D. Eason for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 10th day of June, 1987, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above - described project. NOW, THEREFOPE, the Ranc`,o Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION is That the following findings can be met: i_ That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, and the nurposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and, 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to Properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposee use will comply with each of the applicable Provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION 2: That Conditional Use Permit No. 81 -10 is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. This use shall be permitted at this location for two (2) years from the date of this approval. An extension by the Planning Commission could be granted if extenuating circumstances are present. 2. The offices may be used for group meetings only after 6:00 p-m. on week nights and during the weekend as long as adequate parking is available. 3. No group meetings will be permitted which would exceed the available parking or cause adverse affects upon abutting businesses or properties. If such problems arise, then this iten; will be brought before the Commission for their consideration and possible termination of such use. CITY OXF rFF -%i- RANCHO CUCAN7OINGA PL.ANNI \G DiN'LS10,N; _ EXHIBIT: '. SC%LE : =_ Page 2 0 All City Codes and Ordinances shall be complied with at all times. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 10TH DAY OF JUflE, 1987. PLAt!'dI "!G CO "IMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO COCA1`7ONGA BY: Richard Dahl ti, - ,1 ,,t- ATTEST anning Co— 1> JACK LAM, Secretary ..uca:-:onga, do hereby y of the Planning `- orm�niss. of regular] Y certify that the foregoing the City of Rancho the Cit y introduced, passed, and adopted b ,g Resolution was du] Rancho Cu theamor adavta m she Piannin o and } regular meeting of the Planning or, of wit: Jure, I987 r. v the following A'- vote to- ��5: COMMISSIONERS : NOES. COtiMISSI O.^,LEa , . S: ASSENT- COMhTSSIONZ7RS: CIT17 OF RANCHO CUCAIN,10, G PLANNING DIVISION Rempel, Sceranka, King' Tolstoy, Dahl None Nene ITEN I: "t�, TITLE: EXHIBIT: �' sc3l E -� RESOLUTION NO. * 49 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 81 -10 WHEREAS, an application has been filed for a time extension for the above- described project, pursuant to Section 61.0219(o)88 of the Zoning Ordiannce; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing for the above - described project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conditionally approved the above - described project. SECTICN 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following fings: A. That additional time is necessary to develop a permanent Facility for the church. B. That strict enforcement of the conditions of approval regarding expirations would not be consistent with the intent of the Zoning Code. C. That the granting of said time extension will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. SECTION 2• The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hereby grants a time exter,sion for the above - described project as follows: Conditional Use Permit 81 -10 New Exoiratiovi Date June 10, 1985 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 198 3. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempei, Chairman ATTES': Secretary of the Planning Commission Resolution No. Page 2 I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of April, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMM�_;jr,ONEKS• NOES: COMMISSIONERS• ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 11 0 E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT IN DATE: April 21, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FRONT: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Frank J. Dreckman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRUNMNIAL MU UVAL)141vl,nc. ALTA LOMA cR I CHURCH - i e eve opment of a church facility inclu ing a ,054 square foot building and a request to operate a preschool on 4.75 acres of land in the R- 1- 10,000 zone, located on the west side of Sapphire Street, between Orange Street and Lemon Avenue - APN 1051- 332 -22. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION A. Requested Action: The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the above- described project. S. Puraose: To create a 4,054 square foot church complex Phase C. Location: !pest side of Sapphire Street, between Orange Street an�Lemon Avenue. D. Parcel Size: 4.75 acres E. Existing Zoning: R -1- 10,000 (Single Family Residential) F. Existing Land Use: Vacant Parcel G. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Single Family Residential, Zoned R -1- 12,000 South - Single Family Residential, Zoned R- 1- 10,000 East - Single Family Residential, Zoned R -1- 10,000 West - Single Family Residential, Zoned R- 1- 10,000 y. General Plan Project Site North - Low South - Low East - Low West - Low Designations- - Low Density Resid Density Residential Density Residential Density Residential Density Residential .ntial (2 -4 du!ac) (2 -4 du /ac) (2 -4 du /ac) (2 -4 du /ac (2 -4 du /ac) ITEM C Conditional Use Permit 83 -04 Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 2 0 I. Site Characteristics: The site consists of a vacant parcel which genera y s opes in a north /south direction with an elevation gain of approximately 28 -feet (from south to north). Currently, the site contains a variety of indigenous field grasses, in addition to a mature Eucalyptus windrow which parallels the easterly property line. No structures are located on the parcel; however, a 3 -foot high concrete block wail traverses the north and west property lines, with a 5 -foot high wall adjacent to single family residences to the sout:e. Presently, no street improvements exist along Sapphire Avenue. 0. Apolicable Re ulations: A Conditional Use Permit is requ d or construction of churches and preschool facilities witoin the R -1 (Single Family Residential) zone. 11. ANALYSIS: A. General: The proposed 4,054 square foot preschool structure Exhi zt "A ", Phase 1) is designed as part of a total (future) church complex which will ultimately provide full church facilities including a multi - purpose building, sanctuary, educational classrooms, and fellowship building. Phase 1 structures consist of a preschool building and play yard which will be located adjacent to single family structures to the south. Future phases will consist of a main sanctuary centered on the site; a single story classr3om structure, adjacent to single family residences to the west; fellowship building, located to the north; and a multi - purpose building which will lie adjacent to the phase 1 preschool building. The phase 1 preschool building is designed to accommodate 80 preschool students, 5 instructors and 1 director. In addition, approximately 100 parishioners will use the structure for temporary church- related services. Forty -eight stalls are required for both activities. The proposed 55 stalls are designed to provide adequate parking for phase 1. Parking for future phases, including a 700 seat sanctuary, has been provided for in a future parking area designed to accommodate an additional 119 autos. Circulation: The proposed phase 1 preschool /multi- purpose binding ad future church structures in general, represent a two to three percent increase in daily trips generated along Sapphire Street. Presently, Sapphire Street services approximately 5,700 trips per day, with a future design capacity of 10,000 vehicle trips per day. Assuming full enroilmant of the preschool (80 students) or full attendance 40 Conditional Use Permit 83 -04 Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 3 enrollment of the preschool (6 0 of future church sanctuary (700 peak hours will be within the Street. students) or full attendance seats), traffic volumes during design capacity of Sapphire Grading Committee: The Grading Committee is presently requiring the applicant to prepare a revised grading plan designed to mitigate grading and drainage concerns. Staff will present to the Commission a critique of the revised plan in conjunction with tonight's staff presentation. S. Desi n Review Committee: Design review issues typically revo ve around integrating the proposed multi- purpose (and future sanctuary /satellite buildings) into the surrounding single family neighborhood. Specific issues include: (a) the placement of structures on the site; (b) architectural integration of the proposed structure with the surrounding single family residences; (c) providing adequate buffers (landscaping, sound attenuation walls) between the proposed structures and the surrounding residential area. Specifically, the Committee recommended increasing the height of the existing concrete block wall (which buffers single family residences to the south) eighteen inches or construction of a new wall in order to provide minimal sound attenuation and buffering. The Cotanittee also suggested the placement of a landscaped buffer to .`,a designed to screen the proposed preschool and multi- purpose building from single family residences. These recommendations have been incorporated into the conditions of approval which are listed on the attached Resolution. C. Development Revie+ Committee: The Development Review Committee recomnende t e installation of full street improvements along Sapphire which includes sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street lights, landscaping, etc. The Committee also recommended providing a 10 -foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to single family residences and increasing the landscape setback along Sapphire in order to reduce the view of the parking area. In addition, the Committee recommended the Planting of street trees and landscaping along the entire length of Sapphire Street to mitigate the removal of the existing windrow due to street widening. Lastly, the Committee recommended locating preschool equipment twenty (20) feet from adjacent single family parcels. 11 Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 4 D. Environmental Review: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed y the applicant. Staff completed the Environmental Checklist and found no significant adverse environmental impacts related to the construction of the project or the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit due to the following mitigation measures: o inclusion of sound attenuation walls, dense landscape buffers /screens and deep setbacks o relocation of structures to increase neighborhood compatibility o inclusion of full street improvements and drainage structures o limiting preschool activity hours am maximum number of preschool students o limiting structure heights to one -story o architectural integration and compatibility rf building materials, color, and design. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The findings listed in the attached Reso!ution are supported by the following facts: • The project provides setback:, landscape buffers /screens, sound attenuation walls, architectural elements, and improvements to make it compatible with surrounding residential uses. • The project site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the development and the proposed uses are in accordance with the objectives of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. o The proposed building design and site plan, in conjunction with the conditions of approval, are consistent with the current development standards of the City. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in The Dal Re ort newspaper and notices were sent to property owners wit in feet of the subject property. Please find attached correspondence from Minister McClary outlining plan revisions, church activities, and preschool hours. Also attached is correspondence from Mr. and Mrs. Palmer, neighboring homeowners. 11 Ll El Conditional Use Permit 83 -04 Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1483 Page 5 In addition to the above correspondence, the church held a meeting on Thursday; April 21, 1983 (7:30 p.m.) with concerned homeowners in order to mitigate their concerns. Topics included: Site Plannin • pproprhte orientation and location of proposed and future structures on the site. • Appropriate location for the preschool play yard. Architecture o ompati ility of the church and preschool structures within a single family neighborhood. • Integration of roof materials and appropriate color and type. • Screenino of mechanical equipment. • Height of structures. Sound Attenuaion /Visual Buffers • Noise generated by preschool and multi- purpose activities. • Sound attenuation and perimeter wall extensions. • Landscape buffers. Circulation/Drainage ® o rraffic generation along Sapphire Street. o Parking along Sapphire Street. o Site drainage /runoff Chur& Activities o ype and ours of operation of preschool activities. o Type and hours of opperation of future outdoor church activities (nighttime activities). V. RZCOMMENDATION: It is recommended tha conduct a public hearing and receive matter. If after such consideration the facts for findings and conditions of attached Resolution and issuance of recommended. ly!_submitted, A� Planner FU:jr t the Planning Commission all public input on this Commission can support the approval, adoption of the a Negative Delaration is Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 6 Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibi "C & Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Corresponden Resolution - Site Plan!Master Plan - Existing Conditions C -1" - Elevations - Elevations - Surrounding Land Use - Conceptual Landscapina :e - Alta Loma Christian Church & Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Palmer n 1 ;I I 0 NORTH / SOUTH SrM CROSS SECTION PHASE +� w' R.T MlD PHASE t� PHASE 2 Doff FF • ��- I RYIICTY.RT I �— ' ti,. I 1 Kf.' •.il ". T'� w 'n. y MOWrt SAPPHIRE STREET 7UMMn¢Y .•ft wcs�nee r..wx •. -�+a. wi�f. —. PM6L , ^••C P ly,N.YLTC fRSV1D6D- SITE PLAN ryc Eras FlYR ......DqN — IA.. a 6uLDP.Y K.TIR I LKKI.•i �' CITY O ® RANCHO CUC:1-\L'10NG.-'l PL.r�INNNG DIVOON iTEN I= 1 TITLE= 5 t -fir aYt EXI MIT: - scaLE= VV NORTH J / F / F / — — F /i.. �.� i> zz • CITY or- RANCHO CUCAiNIG \'GA PILAINNIP:G DIMS N �l �A : ITI ii �6 ^I M — �-t z t a "� RN Ia "t ,II � LP? �4I1 ;Ilp.l MIN ._i 'h r--= NURTH ITEM 1: TITLE: ;E4,03AnKv; EYI ilt3rr: ?- SCALE: El u i i ._i 'h r--= NURTH ITEM 1: TITLE: ;E4,03AnKv; EYI ilt3rr: ?- SCALE: El u l l 77- p r FROM ELEVATION t•K MKS hill it llllll 11'1!'1111 ,I'; "" • NORTH SIDE ELEVATION PHASE t EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS FORTH CITY Or ITEM: RA\CHO CUC.AMON( A TITLE: PLANNING DIVISION' L \I 1,111 T: SCAi E: - ��,n .wrr wms Mfe3T REAR ELEVATION �s n mnmm ���I 91VI +i CITY OF RAINCHO CUCc1. j I0\a a, PLANNING DI�'Lgo,\, • SOUTH SLOE ELEVATION PHASE 1 {EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS . . r -er o INORTH ITEM: TITLE EXI RBIT= G —1 SG -,LE �-J — I � r:.a. I � t 11 '. �III� II I Iililll j�:. S I. il,f�,: i�i4 .III it I i I I I EAST FRONT ELEVATION NORTH SIDE ELEVATION PHASE 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CITY Or iTT-*\ 1: PL',.NNING 1DINTNON E.tHIrIT: D SG4vLE•: 5 � NORTH c 1 ? \' 1I 3 � � O } MID�G r—j !: i J •ly I ._ [ -may 1 I 1 s's� � -^ -I I ..1�z..'• �� �r eir it T n N'a' Ixl '�I�_ I: f °i_�4 ♦ tSP SITE PLAN -gib CITY OF RA. CHO CLOVVIO\GIA, PLAIN'NI_ \G DIVISION L� NORTH ITEM: TI'fLE Ssao�ror t��l n���� E%l 11PTT: SC 1LE- L ,■ I u I F M. 1, r 1 I _m J aw glF I'L K� f Z Lill V a n } S a 71 = i SL r7 L _ fi- g. ♦t i a: �I z Q 4 y — \(ir %TH CITY 0117 ITEM: RA CHO CUCLIION TITLE: �\ 1 - PLANNI \G Dit'IYLO\ EXHIBT sc —xLG° :s �g iF g c 3: s o \(ir %TH CITY 0117 ITEM: RA CHO CUCLIION TITLE: �\ 1 - PLANNI \G Dit'IYLO\ EXHIBT sc —xLG° o ® 0 -- I ALTA LOMA CHRISTIAN CHURCH DAVID L. McCLARY MINISTER 9774 19TIC STREET ALTA LOMA, CALIFORNIA 95 (714{ 989 -5933 April 5, 1583 City Planning Ccmmission Please be advised of and include the following additions and revisions in the project proposals fcr AltF Loma Christian Church and School. SubmitteL ;erewith is a copy of the proposed activities to be conducted at the location of the said project. All other activities would include regular and ordinary worship, study, and fellowship activities of the church. The recently revived building plans which have been submitted do include a loviered pad grading elevation as requested by tfie review committee. The proposed educational building which has been s,town to be a two story building will be changed to a single story unit only. Tihea alterations are proposed in accordance with the oesire of the church to serve the community of which we are a part in a responsible and sensible manner. i Respectfully submitted, uavia sic! 1ary, minister Alta Loma Christian Church enc. A nondenominational fellowship where only the Bible is taught. 11 El ANTICIPATED PRESCHOOL SCHEDULE A M 5:30 School Opens 6:30 - 8:00 Individual small motor activity 8:00 - 10:30 Instructional activities, i.e_ language skills, reading readiness, eye -hand coordination activities, music activities, story'.time 10:30 - 11:45 Supervised outdoor activity in enclosed playground P M 12:00 - 1:00 i_unch 1:15 - 2:30 Rest 2:30 - 4:00 Instructional activity 4:00 - 5:00 Supervised outdoor activity in enclosed playground 5:00 - 6:30 Individual activity indoors C 0 E _ - -'vim �� C'r; •; April 15, 1983 Mr. ?tick Gomez 71819i10111iLi11213l4:ca E City of Rancho Cucamonga City Planning Division P.C. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. 91730 Dear Mr. Ganez: We are writing in regard to the proposed Christian Church project in Ranchc Cucamonga (copy enclosed). We live directly north of the proposed area and moved here because of the peacefulness and beauty of the location. Our view to the south is of the entire Pomona Valley area and is spectacular at night. We moved from a noisy area in Upland where we were in airport landing strip, houses very close together and outside playing. Because of these disturbing factors live in a peaceful area, on a larger lot, away frar. oa Therefore we purchased our home at 6267 Marble Avenue We have put many dollars and hours into our home to m and and comfortable. the path of an many children we wanted to s neighbors. in Cucamonga. Ice it beautiful It is very upsetting to know there may be a two -story building to block our wonderful view of the Pomona Valley; a preschool with the playground closest tc our backyard; increased traffic on Sapphire and much noise from playing children to ruin the peacefulness of our backyard. The area planned for the church and preschool buildings is zoned resi3ertial and we as homeowners feel that erecting a church is not w?.thin the definition of "residen ±ial zoning ". We are hereby stating our hope that you, our local representatives in community affairs, consider the implications to the surrounding homeowners before contii.uing with this planned project. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Palmer 6267 Marble :Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, California 91701 jrrp cc: Mr. Joe Stofa - Engineering Mr. Franc I: eckman - Planning Pastor of the Christian Church RESOLUTION NO. * is A RESOLUTION OF THE RA;ICHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COKMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 83 -04 FOR T!+.E ALTA LOMA SAPPHIRE E I STREET, BETWEEN ORANGE STREET AND ON HIRE E AVENUE IN THE R- 1- 10,000 ZONE WHEREAS, on the 15th day of March, 1383, a complete applicatio,j was filed by The Alta Loma Christian Church for review of the above- d- -�ribed project; and WHEREAS, on the 27th day of April, 1933, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above - described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the following findings can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and is 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, o:- materially injurious tL properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance_ SECTION 2: "what this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that ,;Negative Declaration is issued on April 27, 1983. SECTION 3: That Conditional Use Permit No. 83 -04 is approved subject to the following conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. That the existing concrete block wall (which lies adjacent to single family dwellings to the south) be increased in height 18 inches in order to provide sound attenuation and buffering or a new wall constructed to achieve the same purpose. In addition, this wall shall be extended to 0e westerly property line. IJ Resolution No. Page 2 2. That the existi:)g three -foot high concrete block wall, which traverses the northerly and westerly property boundary, be increased in height to six feet to buffer surrounding single family residences. 3. That a 10 foot dense landscape buffer be provided adjacent to single farriiy residences to the north, south, and west (parking areas included). Details and phases shall be shown on detailed landscape plans. n. All laws and regulations of the State Department of Social Services - elating to licensing of children's (education) day care facilities shall be complied with prior to opening of the sci.301. 5. If the operation of this school causes adverse effects upon adjacent properties, the Conditional Jse Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for their consideration and possible termination of such uses. 6, operation of the school shall not commence until such time as all Unifo. ,n Building Code and Title 19 of the State Fire Marshall's Regulations have been complied with. Plans shall be submitted to the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. 7. All supervised outdoor preschool activity will be limited to the hours of 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily. 8. Expansion of the preschool beyond 80 students will require the approval of a modified conditional use permit. 9. Preschool play strr -tares shall be setback 20 feet from adjacent singlL family parcels. 10. All proposed and future structures shall be limited to one story in neight. 11. The master plan for the entire site is approved in concept only. Precise design and site plan review will be required for all proposed future phases. E r L C Resolution No. Page 3 12. The street improvements along Sapphire Street shall include grading and street paving with an asphalt berm along the all acent property to the south as necessary for crainage and protection of the neighboring property. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1983. PLANNING COMMTSSION OF THE CITY OF R.",RCHO CUCAMONGA BY- Herman Rempe , Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Com�ission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do 'iereby :rtify that the foragring Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by '.he Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a reg -lar meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of April, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMISSIONERS: HOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: E E .11-1 n aN T � d q 9 c � L C C � V ° D Y° O O d �V 'qs N V u V n O OTC O.� V p V O O`r ✓ V n J a �d U 6 a ° dD S O T O U g G O O v G 6 O z N u 7 6 O r s V �1 O C ZI O Y (J s 0 V 4J S 2 J V ZL p � 60r N 6J O ate^ aC OF NL rq e� rD _ ydo _ p A� qY oc� ry✓ yy O L c O r NraV u C N9 V 6 O_ t:5 9qq C6 _ V 9 C L D° q C N y q✓ 6 pq N F L 9 a ° pr� ion ooE —.-79 q Y L 0 moo✓ 'a'd0 L... .+'n yCC uM0 C.e ai acti [°i r�6 C'C L.E Yea aii V 6y O L L•^ O C r9 u` J q9r d E° n a V d 7"Y9t O.aC V dV = d N a r a.0 �`C Y Y vY qr E al C � '� F N 1 d 0 D r ✓ D D .r 9 � 0 9 ^� C✓ G n a 0 ✓ r C ✓ C j g N ' 9 g 9 C ✓ d O. � V d y J °_ N D V `fir r ^° O G LTV N V r c J i L O- p b N C i 9� y c a n V✓ 9 c O u V V L L Et _^ N E ✓r M� as ., e^.N+ roi 1 .L.. �� .a.`O _ o P ^ a^ 7a2- ' cs6 c a r a ✓ D C r 2 L 9� 9 P � = n° O __ � b✓ a = D v'r d 9 O O %W S � O= � L N O n N pO.Jq O J W N L 6VV CLNN 9q i •!1 F C 9`! g 6..0 9a N� O J�a 2 .� V Oq P9. !QZ n9 N d 2> n C d9r 9 y q m P Z= V L 9 q q a C L W � N r y r 6 y� L q d' L 04L v r °✓ d V� q N V J 'e w• `^ q L C ." > C n 'c ° o� p r_ ^..• � r y✓ y OLaC LCO.0 �` �Oq O V6 p9 O d0 d q q ON �w ✓rr0.1 _ p Q�N J p0 O dLL �' rZ� NLC r dn."r qL9 mi L do 9r >. r Op r u a .av ND r �aOe - ° r a iE ✓9m ° PruNi�.. � " � .�� p q r Va�9 Crr nPq> gOir ].y�6dY 9 E O� F'� �• Cj K O N q G q LJ9 6 4 06 Q r T? V j �`°^ d HL n0 N eo < V J 9 a .L.+ P 6bdL O. 6`✓" °D 64"m 6J f" r'C^ S O T O U g G O O v G 6 O z N u 7 6 O r s V �1 O C ZI O Y (J s 0 V 4J S 2 J V ZL p � 60r N 6J O NL e� rD ydo wq'� A� qY oc� ry✓ yy T9✓ L > NraV N9 V 6 t:5 9qq q C rE �V C= pq N 9 ° pr� ion ooE —.-79 q Y L 0 moo✓ 'a'd0 L... .+'n yCC uM0 C.e ai acti [°i r�6 C'C L.E Yea aii V 6y O L L•^ O C r9 u` J q9r d E° n V d 7"Y9t O.aC V dV = d N a r a.0 �`C Y Y vY qr E al C q� �V 0 d� P r N D V `fir r O G LTV N V c E i °— �� i 9� c c a c f 9 c °° P✓ n c� N E ✓r M� as ., e^.N+ roi 1 .L.. �� .a.`O _ o P ^ a^ 7a2- ' cs6 c a yQ o - d 9 O O %W S � O= � L CN'rOV 60 Q) N pO.Jq V °LCL ^I ^O 6VV V i m El J, .o E I0 r C ✓ o L N . d 'N° C U n O N E T4 qv .. c tZq ✓°YLn y, . 3 p— vc u L"D] O u 6 °_u'q NOF N'n O dOq `v d A. 9CNN O 1 ^OC r S P6 O +d° d O° J- 'qE N V V O D VN90 LY° d O D 'J_9 VLV d �VY Cx ��OL L P N° p,� °." ✓'y Wy I �0.�v �nr° vy A`r nQ q EO �✓ LO'�N ` DNDr MV LJ CN L��� �^ L N L q NYOa Tau =C� =y Cw V W d ^NL d °T.C^ °�SIAr Qwq LLV LCT E YdV d�nC 9 7 D 3 aqO. _'Y-NE _�qd ruO C^D.rc Ed YV� 0.. E•E� r � AN L N t L O s > O C✓ q � EC�N C�qud`�RICV O^ r,. P Cy 9 LL.q 9L° �� quo n. °N Ga�i�W ¢N cq oNr9^ y W qym� IrYdc`S ✓ J L � N9T L 9 D A ^lam C V °NO ' CL N 9 N C. 006 � W ✓TONG C�°V ^S '�C6 ^_ �d � u qVL' >l^J �U�Nd9 .t A�pV ✓O di rT i � ✓< o ✓ " c o= q c .` L a � N o ' N N cc —W d �° C ✓'Cr VN 'Ni. F_ ^YJP OZOg O x .^ O O.✓ u�0.2 O 9 Or E •r °C✓ � .r^ AVL VM�NC y'OU ° D� n'CN —a N✓5 N F_ G 'C� AL °N O Lu'G u <�n ^�N O O. C Jl V dd ! V 'VL C9 rru C o o �_ D c qCr • _yo, 6L t— C °�qD Tp r °� q °r ✓ A C O A O• 'J O V D N NL L L? V O Nu T V L A' C W V yL P N V� N�V �' 7 g L� N C ^D q ✓N CL2'CC 7 r.°_d A9EE —. Dw` LLV_O^ UE�r d^ d Lod r y0 d�o� ^r— xo.A. z �i .a Fyn oo co_ °� NLd� °ud °1 w sL Nm� -•` �`a• �Lyu '-°qd ¢ a c wNq •-� ^ °.°..�NPa�° ^ q A puo ,o Doc �a o�i .�'^ c'•° :e cw =.fzll }r M A P O r. N C r C N q 7^ L G O` d9 O 9 O M1. O M V✓ �� �? u rN n ° ^N 6C •• 4E ✓° I N rL 00L0 -G °` xN ANL ✓^ TLOL N� 4� WC� ^A l°'rL C= Cr.�.d NNP�N SL Jq `4d F °. n.l ^I � � J✓90 PY nrC qt Tl � ^QJ° a 'O� O °a C r TArV 9 a. T,Vw � ` u NyJO ''�✓¢� VV VJ Cy �a :`r �N L90T�a N� ^� VVi � r�q yCY N 6O ri NCA p� QJ�Cq Wd O6Y adiNCO ZNV AT^ rNNr S 6C'^ u C El J, .o E N Pa ✓ . N L y ✓uc O = 'N° i Cp — ✓� ' °,, °No ,✓ '. � a � , qv .. c tZq ✓°YLn y, . 3 p— vc u L"D] O u 6 L 4. oEE p A. 9CNN O 1 9 r S P6 d A � J- 'qE N V V O D VN90 d O D 'J_9 � d �VY .L E✓V L V✓ O�.�L Ar.O�'G ✓ VC nr LO'�N DNDr °E �^ L N G�Oy.un� NYOa Tau 'n ^CO V W d ^NL d O CN✓ LLV LCT E YdV d�nC � O D 3 A _'Y-NE VJY ruO C^D.rc r � V q L � ° L N t L O s > O C✓ q � g N r,. P C IL a V� L PC D j n. °N Ga�i�W ¢N cq oNr9^ y W qym� IrYdc`S ✓ J L � N9T L 9 D A ^lam C V °NO ' CL N ^j ✓QO COC� �O ° V � n� EU�dgLC .t A�pV ✓O W rT i � ✓< o ✓ " c o= q c .` L a � e x^ L! o ' N N cc —W d �° C ✓'Cr VN 'Ni. F_ ^YJP OZOg O x .^ O O.✓ u�0.2 O 9 Or E •r Nr <A � .r^ AVL VM�NC E eON AL °N OCP� 9 °_ IE OCdNVVjAy O O. C Jl V dd ! V d T=2 O� W C9 o o �_ D c qCr _yo, 6L t— C °�qD Tp L Or ^O O• q,C^V`r uO p r9 S�Y.9D p✓ NL L L? rV V^ NP pL —1Lb r.°_d A9EE —. Lpa�J °` °mac d Lod d�o� ^r— m" z �i .a 'rte ✓cvG �¢w q ��u °_°�... ✓ o w sL Nm� -•` �`a• � «_ iv .o wNq •-� ^ °.°..�NPa�° coq =.fzll }r M A P O r. N C r C N q 7^ L G O` d9 O 9 O M1. O M V✓ �� �? u rN n ° ^N 6C •• 4E ✓° I N rL 00L0 -G °` xN ANL ✓^ N� 4� WC� ^A SL b °. n.l ^I a. 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V C U 7 y C q nJ N �• � CL � r G � O d C m L Y O V pr V— LO - -�x —n-, p) 4j pQ OVV Vr L'v q .V. '^ TGj V „«m c U c q •nl ° C� V � C\ n E u N ( r � L = n� N ,C ql r N 6 •O.r v r E N G I O E Y i 11 rl 9 P- O qty I L'v q .V. '^ TGj V „«m c U c q •nl ° C� V � C\ n E u N ( r � L = n� Y g C 6 •O.r v r E N I O E Y C aL I L � '^ r Oi U °� O .` N n I L' I C �. U — •L., • C_ n.I ” M I 6 .. S i .. r 11 rl 9 0 1.'J CITY OF RANTCHO CUCAMONGA - STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 83-03 - An amendment to the residential use stan ar s to allow for elder cottages and second units on single family zoned residential lots. SUMMARY: At a public hearing on April 13, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed draft regulations to allow elder cottages and second units in single family zones. The Commission was concerned with the compatibility of temporary elder cottages and the surrounding neighborhood character. Further, the Commission considered temporary structures controversial; therefore, provisions for public input should be provided. A survey of second unit regulations in other communities has been attached. ANALYSIS: Temporary/removable structures could be prohibited from front yard areas to ensure preservation of the established neighborhood character, or temporary structures could be prohibited for use altogether as elder cottages or second units. The Zoning Ordinance currently allows mobile homes as a primcry residence on lots of 7,200 square feet or less in area, if placed on a permanent foundation. If the Commission desires to require public hearing for elder cottages, then a Conditional Use Permit woeid seem appropriate. The CUP requirement would eliminate the most significant distinction between the proposed eider cottages and second units as presented on April 13, 1983. Therefore, staff would recommend combining the regulations into one set of criteria for second dwelling units as shown on the attached Ordinance. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed an Initial Study to determine whether or not this amendment could cause significant adverse environmental impact: and have found that said amendment would not cause significant environmental impacts. ITEM D Zoning Ordinance 83 -03 Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 2 CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing item in The Dai y Report newspaper. In addition, staff will meet with the Senior Citizen`s VIP groin to explain the proposed amendment. An oral review of the senior citizen's concerns will be presented at the public hearing. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this proposal. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission review and consider all material and input regarding this item and adopt the attached Resolution recommending approval to the City Council of the attached Zoning Ordinance Amendment 83 -C3. ResDpct,fully submitted, Rtick & meZ Cjty Planner :DC:jr Attachments: April 13, 1983 Planning Commission Staff Report Survey of Second Unit Ordinances Resolution Recommending Approval Ord finance Ll E RESOLUTION NO. * ® A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 83 -03, AMENDING SECTION 61.024A(b) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held duly advertised public hearings W consider Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83 -03; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission feels that such amendment will not jeopardize the health, safety and welfare of the public; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has found it necessary to regulate second dwelling units. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this project will not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and has recommended issuance of a Negative Declaration on April 27, 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to Section 64854 to 65847 of the ® California Government Code, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 27th day of April, 1983, of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83 -03. 2. That the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve and adopt Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 83 -03 as shown on the attached Ordinance. 3. That a Certified Copy of this Resolution and related material hereby adopteG by the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVF50 AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rem!ie , 'Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Flanning Commission Resolution No. Page 2 I, JACK UV42 Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of April, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONEPS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: CO"u. SSIONERS- 0 I Ell- ORDINANCE NO. * AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 61.024A (b) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA INTEr.IM ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FOR SECOND DWELLING UNITS IN SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Zoning Or finance is read as follows: Section 61.024A (b) of the Rancho Cucamonga Interim hereby amended by adding subsection 61.024A (b)(8), to (8) Second dwelling units: A second dwelling unit may be constructed, or attached to, a primary residence on a legal lot of 'record, containing an existing single family detached residence, subject to the following criteria: (a) A Conditional Use Permit application shall be required pursuant to Secti m 61.0219(o). (b) The use of temporary /removable structures shall be limited to the sole occupancy of one or two adult persons who are 60 years of age or over, slated to the nrcunantc of nrimar_v residence by blood, marriage, or adoption. Further, said structure shall be restricted to the area at the rear of the primary residence and adequately screened from public view from the street. (c) The unit is for rental purposes only. (d) The unit eoes not exceed 640 square feet. (e) The unit shall have a separate entrance from the main residence. (f) The unit shall provide parking and access pursuant to Section 61.0219 (b). (g) The unit construction shall conform to the setback and coverage requirements applicable to accessory buildings or additions to main residence in the zone designation in which the unit is located. Ordinance No. Page 2 (h) The unit may require architectural review, pursuant to Ordinance 89, as determined by the City Planner. (i) The applicant shall submit to the Building and Safety Division written certification from the affected water and sewer district that adequate water and sewer facilities are or will be available to serve the proposed unit. For units using septic facilities allowable by the Santa Ana Regional Quality Control Board and the City, written certification of acceptability including all supportive information shall be submitted. SECTION 2: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, hereby finds that this Amendment will not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment and issues a Negative Declaration for this Amendment. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dailv Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published ir, the City of Ontario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. BUSSED nnnnnur -n PASSED, nrr RUN U aieu 11DU u l,ttiS day Of ", 17". AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon D. Mike s, Mayor ATTEST: Lauren M. Wasserman, City Clerk C E NE ITEM is A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1983 TO: Planning Colffinis5i0n U FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Technician 7977 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7951 - WENGER AND ZWICKER - A division of 23.3 acres into 1 parcels in the Reavy Industrial Zone (Subarea 15) located on the southside of 7th Street approximately 1045 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue (Ref: C.R. 83 -05) - APN 229 - 283 -52 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval to divide 23.8 acres into 1 parcel with a remalnUerparcel. B. Location: Southside of 7th Street, approximately 1045 feet west of Etiwann a Avenue. C. Parcel Size: 23.8 acres. D. Existing 7on;.1g. Heavy Industrial. (Subarea 15). E. Existing Land Use: Vacant. F. Surro unds in Land Use: North - outhern Calitur nia Edison power plant; heavy industrial South - Vacant; heavy industrial East - Vacant; heavy industrial West - Pic -N -Save; heavy industrial G. General Plan Designation: North - Heavy in ustridt South - Heavy industrial East - Heavy industrial West - Heavy industrial H. Site Characteristics: Slopes to the south at approximately 2 1 /2% gra e; contains vineyards and a single family residence on Etiwanda Avenue. ITEM F T ^, V z Z PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF Environmental Assessment, April 27, 1483 Page 2 REPORT and Parcel Map 7951 El- II. A":ALYSIS: This subdivision is a condition of approval for Director Review 83 -05 approved by Planning Commission on April 13, 1983 for the development of 411,000 square foot warehouse distribution facility. The entire area consists of aporoximately 173 acres. Parcel 1 consisting of 23.3 acres will be the site of the warehouse with 249.2 acres being a remainder parcel. A conceptual master plan showing possible building locations and circulation fer parcel i and the remainder parcel was submitted with D.R. 83 -05. A copy of this master plan is attached. Completion of street improvements on 7th Street for parcel 1 and along the remainder parcel as necessary to obtain access to Etiwanda Avenue, is reg7•ired. Remaining improvements to the remainder piece may be deferred to the time of development or subdivision. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Also attached for your review and consideration is Part I of the Initial Study as completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study, the environmental checklist, and has conducted a field investgation. Upon completion and review of the Initial Study and field investigation, Staff found no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the proposed subdivision. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Hearino have been sent to surroundino property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. V. REiurnirNDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider all input and elements of the project. If, after such consideration, the Commission can support the recommended conditions of approval as written in the City Engineer's Report, then adoption of the attached resolution would be appropriate. It is also recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued. Respectfully submitted, L H :jaa Attachments: P.M. Map, D.R. Master Plan Resolution City Engineer's Report Initial Study C 0 n L 'J -- _ - — — PdYG - i PN4.0 1 /G;,TRIERJTICN DIST /Cx P.Nso" I DIST 411 zoo 50 207,000 S FL 1}0000 Sr . l 1 DI -T DISTWOUTION ' 2,0004 414000 Sr JQIIi' }j ^t + I DIST DN a10c. <o0 S, S[ I{ 250004 it T}. I z r PCEL 1 — — _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ ___ r•y i` PeRnING C 1 E11 P4N SION I Ire 1' ht i nrT i •;4VE 1 _J !~- �4C040pr^ -. +nY'OO:.r I C6TaU•.T1Cr+ rt rry G CON57RUC TtOr. II, _ FCT<.L -- 1 - ❑ PARKING aC 4IL — RCTAIL �. '� 9500057 950005r RG T 1 REST I R25T +'C14Nn ^ F �co tv *.Ave s CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA tale; Parcel Map 7 ENGINEERING DIVISION - -- VICINITY MAP page I � III S C PClW C—lZ PLAt T� i� 7 MASTE;' S�y�e 17LArJ i 1 ; � IT OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA ENGINEERING DIVISION VICINITY MAP tit flr_; AParcel N page I 11 01 11 a t b8J I I < 1, NN yZ� vv. `4 LJ d P4 z�tj W V 'k . b� 1 c / Is n/ 1� 1 r 6• 1 � I I t Iw I //I+,•� •I t L rig- I ,ae,rts t' S i I �Yzt tia t3�:C �te�4a� SpW j`h l� 40<t vl �4 U z tU , �yW a 4 v�0 V ,p u� <t % �:Yv'`lr� tivi� vv I i i i I I i i C n 11 a t b8J I I < 1, NN yZ� vv. `4 LJ d P4 z�tj W V 'k . b� 1 c / Is n/ 1� 1 r 6• 1 � I I t Iw I //I+,•� •I t L rig- I ,ae,rts t' S i I �Yzt tia t3�:C �te�4a� SpW j`h l� 40<t vl �4 U z tU , �yW a 4 v�0 V ,p u� <t % �:Yv'`lr� tivi� vv I i i i I I ® CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART T_ - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will rake one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by -the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Parcel Mat 79S7 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Theodore Zwicker NAME, ADDRE:.S, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Adams & Ells LL LWULe. LaLLL. 7L /J4 Phone: (213) 448 -7676 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) «_ APN 229-283-5 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: 0 I -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Parcel Map ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: New Parcel = 23.54 Acres 1,038,499 s!; ft DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS) The subject site is ci uated within a rape Vineyard and Ties southerly of Sou h rn California E-d -corn Company Generating Plan and easterly of the Pic °N• Say cjte which is pr cr.rTy ., ao construction. 11 Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which althoug,i individually small, may as a whole have significant. environmental impact? No C I -2 WILL THIS PROJECT: ® YES NO X 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? C L:. X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? _X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? — X 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, £lanunables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IMPORTANT: If the project involves the construction of - residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that th °t-atements furnished above and in the attached exr. ...s present the data and information required for this 1 _ial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the fa -ts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Develo ert Review Committee. Date Signature i 2 1-3 E; _RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following information should be Provided to the City of Rancho Cucamon Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Project: PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTP.L 1- Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model and # of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price I -4 0 aiss�ov� C L] 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LOCATION: Southside of 7th Street, approx TENTATIVE MAP N0. 7951 1045 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue DATE FILED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 2, PM 6658, as ti UMBER OF LOTS: 1 per map recorded in Book 64, pages 51 & 52GROSS ACREAGE: 23.8 of Parcel Maps, County of San, Bernardino, ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 229 - 283 -52 California DEVELOPER Ralph D. Wenger and Theodore Zwicker 4902 Santa Monica, #200 Los Angeles, CA 90029 m ENGINEER /SURVEYOR Adams & Ells 3236 N. Peck Road E1 Monte, CA 91734 Improvement and dedication requirements in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga include, but may not be limited to, the following: Dedications and Vehicular Access 1. Dedications shall be made of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights -of -way on the following streets: additional feet on additional feet on additional feet on 3. Corner property line radius will be required per City Standards. 4. All rights of vehicular ingress and egress shall be dedicated as follows- 5. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all common roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by C.C. &R.s and shall be retarded concurrent with the map. All existing easements lying quitclaimed or delineated requirements. within future right -of -way are to be on the map per City Engineer's for sidewalk for public use shall be dedicated sidewalks meander through private property. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements prior to recording for 7th Street and prior to building permit issuance for Etiwanda Avenue and 4th St. (remainder parcel). A lien agreement must for the following: Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed, guaranteeing completion of all on -site drainage facilites necessary for dewatering all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Divison prior to recording for Parcel 1 and remainder parcel . Street improvements Pursuant to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Muricipal Code, Title 16, Section 16.36.120, the subdivider may enter into an agreement and post security with the City guaranteeing the required construction prior to recordation of themap and /or to building permit issuance. Construct full street improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior streets. A minimum of 26 -foot wide pavement within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right --of -way shall be constructed for all half - section streets. Construct the following missing improvements: Prior to recordation for 7th St. (32 feet wide) remainder parcel. Prior to building pe.mlt issuance for Etiwand Street - j Curb & A. Side- Iurivj Street , Street A. C. Median Street Name 1 Gutter Pvmt. Walk Apr. Trees Li hts 10verla Island* ^`her 7th St. X j X X X X Etiwanda X Y. X i X X X j 4th St. X X X X 4. Prior to any work being performed in the public right -of -way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from -the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. X 5. Street improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. X 6. Developer shall coordinate, and where necessary, pay for the relocation of any power poles or other existing public utilities as necessary. X 7. Existing lines of 12KV or less fronting the property shall be undergrounded. X 8. Install appropriate street name signs, traffic control signs, striping and markings with locations and types approved by the City Engineer. X 9. Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Lights shall be on decorative poles with underground service. X 10. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permit. 11. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards. Drainage and Flood Control X 1. Private drainage easements shall be required and shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. X 2. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 3. The following storm drain shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer X 4. Prior to recordztion of the map, a hydrologic and drainage study for the project shall be submitted to the City Engineering for review. 5. A drainage detention basin per City Standards shall be constructed to detain increased runoff Grad:na _ x 1• Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted gr practices. The final grading plan shall be in conformance substantial with the approved conceptual grading plan, x 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the check. time of application or grading plan 4. The rough grading Plan shall be subject_ to review; and approval by the Grading Committee and shall be completed Prior to recordation OF the final subdivision map. x 5. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for approval prior to issuance of building permit. General Requirements and Approvals x 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: Call-rans fo* San Bernardino County Flood Control District x Cucamonga County Water District for sewer and water x San Bernardino County Dust Abatement (required issuance prior to of a grading permit) Other 2. A copy Of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions approved by the City Attorney is (C.C. &R.$) the map. required prior to recordation of x 3. Provide all utility services to each lot including sewerage, water, electric power, gas and telephone prior to street construction. x 4- Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. 5. This subdivision shall be subject to conditions of approval from CalTrans /San Bernardino County Flood Control District. x 6- Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be Subject to any requirements that may be received from them. E x 7. The filing of the tentative map or approval of same does not guarantee that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the ® time building permits are requested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Water District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity. Permits will not be issued unless said certification is received in writing. 8. Local and Master Planned Trails shall be provided in accordance with the Trail Plan. A detailed trail plan indicating widths, maximum. slopes, physical conditions, fencing and weed control, in accordance with City trail standards, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to recordation for and /or prior to building permit issuance 9. Prior to recording, a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District 82 -1 among the newly created parcels. x 10. At the time of final map submittal, the following shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and /or showing original land division, tie notes and bench marks referenced. 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD B. HUBBS, CITY ENGINEER by: RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 7551 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7951), LOCATED ON THE SOUTHSIDE OF 7TH STREET, APPROXIMATELY 1045 FEET WEST OF ETIWANDA AVENUE WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 7951, submitted by Mr. Wenger and Mr. Zwicker and consisting of 1 parcel, located on the south side of 7th Street, approximately 1045 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue, being a division of Parcel 2, of Parcel Map 6658, as per map recorded in book 64, pages 51 and 52 of Parcel Maps, County of San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, on March 26, 1983, a formal application was submitted requesting review of the above- described Tentative Map; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 1983, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above - described map. FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: ® 1. That the map is ccnsistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: That this project will not create significant adverse environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration is iss ;aed on April 27, 1983. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 7951 is appro-ed subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval pertaining thereto. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 11 Resolution No. Page 2 BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning i;annission held on the 27th day of April, 19831 by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES. COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 13 11 El n LJ A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1983 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Tecrtnician t SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7926 - GARCIA - A division of 2.67 acres into 4 parcels within t e Genera Industrial Zone (Subarea 1) located on the northside of 8th Street, east side of Baker Avenue - APN 207 -271 -1 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: To divide 2.67 acres into 4 parcels. B. Location: North side of 8th Street, east side of Baker Avenue. C. Parcel Size: Parcel 1 - . 65 acre Parcel 2 - .518 acre Parcel 3 - .533 acre Parcel 4 - .548 acre D. Existing Zoning: General Industrial - Subarea 1, Industrial Specific Plan an Minimim parcel size - 1/2 acre. E. Existing Land Use: Vacant. F. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: North - General Industrial - A.T. & S.F. R.R. South - City of Ontario - single family residential East - General Industrial - machine shop West - M -1 - south of A.T. & S.F. R.R - vacant G. General Plan Desiqnations: North - Genera Industrial - Subarea 1 South - City of Ontario East - General Industrial - Subarea 1 West - M -1 H. Site Characteristics: The property is vacant with an approximate 2 slope to t e south. The A.T. & S.F. R.R. track runs adjacent to the northerly property line. ITEM G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF Environmental Assessment April 27, 1983 Page 2 II. ANALYSIS: REPORT and Parcel Map 7925 This parcel map meets the 1/2 acre minimum requirement of Subarea 1 of the Industrial Specific Plan. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, owners of the property, have no immediate plans for development. Prior to the development of any parcel, a development review will be conducted. A successful development plan has been achieved for a similar piece of property a short distance to the east. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Also attached for your review and consideration is Part I of the Initial Study as completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study, the environmental checklist, and has conducted a field investgation. Upon completion and review of the Initial Study and field investigation, Staff found no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the proposed subdivision. iV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Hearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning elements of the project. If, after can support the recommended conditions Engineer's Report, then adoption of appropriate. It is also recommended issued. Respectfully submitted, LBH• :jaa Attachments: P.M. Map, Project Site Resolutioro City Engineer's Report Initial Study Commission consider all input and such consideration, the Commission of approval as written in the City the attached resolution would be that a Nlegative Declaration be L'J 11 11 L' J 1 .Ll /I// LM•MJ/ � 4 t I t fN 1 2\ tab IF� -e� �, � ���y � •S Yy.t I � x'1'1 � v ' \ r► Ili v a a�,.x I z i �; III I 3✓t ? � zKr23 \O�• O 1+ It 14 1 , [ h 1 r.w E' _(� r3 Z` I a1�C• CreJ ,1 All i t +. 1 j ro- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY N PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee -ill meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant : nvironmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant givi-.g further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. 9 PROJECT TITLE: Te- s mk-�' Uo. Z.'6 APPLICANT'S NP.ME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: aaioE 1.t. r: iC-S 5 7 AUate ST_ C-_[- cN in 32- NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: 7+avra C4 e-4q, tS5-4. &'I. usA� Cpl I Z? LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Zo-J _':�-` % -� LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: r"tu t__4 c. 0 -1 r PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXIS.IN:; AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORM.ATIUN ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? 1-2 E 11 El E WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO _ 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? �+ 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municiprl services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? IN 5. Remove any existing trees? Iiow many ?__ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: �. it • 9. IMPORTANT: Ii the project involves the construction of resides-: ial units, complete the fora on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and r infomation presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date 7�,.- 1cL-1e;; Signature Title GAe VII ;-�z 1-3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION . The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Project: PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL 1. Number of singe family units: 2. Nimzilber of M- ultiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model and $ of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Range 1-4 E is E Ll CITY OF RANCHO CUCAlM1ONGA RECOVAENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LOCATION: North side of 8th Street, east TENTATIVE MAP NO. 7926 side of Baker Avenue DATE FILED: 3/18/83 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: a portion of Lot 31, NUMBER OF LOTS: Cucamonaa Fruit Lands Section 9, T.1.5, GROSS ACREAGE: 2.67 R.7.W.,S.M.B.as recorded in M.B. 4!9 of ASSESSOR, PARCEL NO. 207 - 271 -01 Maps, Records of San Bernardino County 'DEVELOPER OWNER ENGINEER /Si1RVEYOR Joe & Trini Garcia same David Chung 4838 St andel1 2712 Cardello Avenue E1 Monte, CA 91732 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 Improvement and dedication requirements in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga include, but may not be limited to, the following: Dedications and Vehicular Access 1. Dedications shall be made of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. X 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights -of -way on the following streets: 14' additional feet on 8th Street 3' additional feet on Baker Avenue additional feet on X 3. Corner property line radius will be required per City Standards. 24' radius - E' =h St. and Baker Ave. 4. All rights of vehicular ingress and egress shall be dedicated as follows: 5. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all common roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by C.C. &R.5 and shall be recorded concurrent with the map. 6. All existing easements lying within future right -of -way are to be quitclaimed or delineated on the map per City Engineer's requirements. 7. Easements for sidewalk for public use shall be dedicated to the City where sidewalks meander through private property. Surety X 1. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements prior to building permit issuance for all parcels. 2. A lien agreement must be executed prior to recording of the map for the following: 3. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed, guaranteeing completion of all on -site drainage facilites necessary for dewatering all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Divison prior to recording for and /or prior to issuance of building permit for Street Improvements Pursuant to the ity of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, Title 16, Section 16.36.120, the subdivider may enter into an agreement and post security with the City guaranteeing the required construction prior to recordation of the map and /or to building permit issuance. 1. Construct full street improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior streets. _ 2. A minimum of 26 -foot wide pavement within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right -of -way shall be constructed for all half - section streets. X 3. Construct the following missing improvements: -- Prior to building permit issuance for all parcels Street Name Curb & ' Gutter A.C- j Pvmt. IWalk Side- ,.'ap Drive ;Street r. Trees 1Lights Street A.C. Overlay Median Island* Otheri 8th St. X X X X X X Baker Ave. X X X ( X X 1 1 I *Includes landscaping and irrigation or meter 11 X ;. Prior to ary work being performed in the public right -of -way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. X 5. Street improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. X 5. Developer shall coordinate, and where necessary, pay for the -- relocation of any power poles or other existing public utilities as necessary. X 7. Existing lines of 12KV or less fronting the property shall be undergrounded. X 8. install appropriate street name signs, traffic control signs, striping and markings with locations and types approved by the City Engineer. X 9. Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Lights shall be on decorative poles with underground service. X 10. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permit. X 11. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards. Drainaqe and Flood Control 1. Private drainage easements for cross -lot drainage shall be required and shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. X 2. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 3. The following storm drain shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 4. Prior to recordation of the map, a hydrologic and drainage study for the project shall be submitted to the City Engineering for review. 5. A drainage detention basin per City Standards shall be constructed to detain increased runoff Gradinq X 1. Grading of the subject property shall be :n accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards I,nd accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual grading plan. X — 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application or grading plan check. 4. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Grading Committee and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit whichever comes first. X 5. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for approval prior to issuance of building permit. General Requirements and Approvals X 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows= Cal Trans for San Bernardino County Flood Control District X Cucamonga County Water District for sewer and water X San Bernardino County Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading permit) Other 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (C.C. &R.$) approved by the City Attorney is required prior to recordation of the map. X 3. Provide all utility services to each lot including sewerage, water, electric power, gas and telephone prior to street constructon. X 4. Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. 5. This subdivision shall be subject to conditions of approval from CalTrans /San Bernardino County Flood Control District. X 6. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. C11 X 7. The filing of the tentative map or approval of same does not guarantee that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the time building permits are requested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Water District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity. Permits will not be issued unless said certification is received in writing. 8. Local and Master Planned Trails shall be provided -in accordance with the Trail Plan. A detailed trail plan indicating widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing and weed control, in accordance with City trail standards, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to recordation for and /or prior to building permit issuance for g. Prior to recording, a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District 82 -1 among the newl; created parcels. 10. At the time of final map submittal, the following shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and /or showing original land division, tie notes and bench marks referenced. 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD S. HUBBS, CITY ENGINEER by: 11 RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 7926 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7926), LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF 8TH STREET, EAST SIDE OF BAKER AVENUE WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 7926, submitted by Joe and Trini Garcia and consisting of 4 parcels, located on the north side of 8th Street, East side of Baker Avenue, being a division of a portion of Lot 31, Cucamonga Fruit Lands, Section 9, T. 1 S., R. 7 W., S. B. & mi. as recorded in M -B 4, page 9 of Maps, Records of San Bernardino County; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 1983, a formal application was submitted requesting review of the above- described Tentative Map; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 1983, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above - described map. FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: That this project will not create significant adverse environmental impacts and a Negative Declaration is issued on April 27, 1983. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 7926 is approved subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval pertaining thereto. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman ,Tempel, Chairman E Resolution No. Page 2 11 ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commiss or, I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting cf the Planning Co=ission held on the 27th day of April, 1933, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 E E E KI CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Frank J. Dreckman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -04 - ALST D - THe development of a 23,UOZ square foot industrial manufacturing building on 5.2 acres of land in the Industrial Park zone (Subarea 6) located on the southwest corner of Haven Avenue and 26th Street - APN 209- 131 -01. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Re uested Action: The applicant is requesting approval for the industrial project described above. B. Purpose: To create a 23,000 square foot industrial manufacturing building. C. Location: Southwest corner of Haven Avenue and 26th Street. D. Parcel Size: 5.2 acres E. Existing Zoning: Industrial Park (Subarea 6) F. Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (Subarea 6) G. Surroundng Laid Use 8 Zoning: Nort - Vacant parcel, Industrial Park (Subarea 6) South - Industrial parcel, Industrial Park (Subarea 6) East - vacant parcel, Industrial Park (Subarea 6) West - Single Family Residential, zoned R -2, two family residential H. General Plan Designations, Project site - Industrial Park North - Industrial Park South - Industrial Park East - Industrial Park West - Low Density Residential (2 -4 du /ac) ITEM H Development Review 83 -04 /Halstead Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 2 II I. Site Characteristics: oS pes generTly in a southwesterly direction with an elevation difference of approximately eight (8) feet from north to south. An existing 23,000 square foot warehouse structure lies on the corner of 26th Street and Marine Avenue adjacent to the proposed structure. The remainder of the site is undevelored and consists of native indigenous grasses (Exhibit "A'). ANALYSIS: A. General: The proposed 23,000 square foot manufacturing ui ing is designed as part of a larger manufacturing complex which will include a future 22,500 square foot. warehouse (contractor's supply) and 10,500 square foot office building (Exhibit "A "). Presently, adequate parking has been provided in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial Specific Plan. B. Circvidtioi - During the analysis of the applicant-s project, it was found that strict adherence to the 26th Street /Jersey Avenue alignment policy (as illustrated within the ISP, Exnibiz "C'j would pose a hardship on the applicant. As a result of this potential hardship, the applicant has requested a review of alternative solutions. Currently, staff i�, preparing a working paper which will fully address the Haven /26th Street alignment issue. The paper will be delivered to the Commission early next week and presented to the Commission at their April 27, 1983 meeting. C. to i n Review Committee: The Design Review Committee ti rmine that the proposed manufacturing building adequately conforms to the basic design standards set forth within the Industrial Area Specific Plan. In addition, the proposed structure is designed xo be compatible with the existing manufacturing structure (Exhibit "B ") in terms of building materials, color, texture, and scale. D. Development Review Committee: The Development Review Committee reconmen e t e insta lation of street improvements along 26th Street, Haven Avenue, and Marine Avenue. Improvements include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pavement, street lights, landscaping, etc. in addition to the above, the Committee recommended that site drainage be controlled by directing runoff towards Marine Avenue. Lastly, the Development Review Committee required that the applicant provide a conceptual landscape plan to the City, prior to development. 1 11 Development Review 83 -04 /Halstead Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 1983 Page 3 E. Environmental Review: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed y the applicant. Staff has completed the Environmental Checklist and found no significant adverse environmental impacts related to the construction of the project. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDING: The findings listed in the attached Resolution are supported by the following facts: o The project provides adequate setbacks, landscape buffersiscreens, and improvements which make it compatible with surrounding land uses. o The project site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the development and the proposed uses are in accordance with the objectives of the industrial Specific Plan and Zoning Ordinance. ® o The propesed building design and site plan, in conjunction with the conditions oF' approval, are consistent with the current development standards of the City. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised for environmental review in The Daily Report newspaper. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider a input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Commission can support the facts for findings, adoption of the attached Resolution would be appropriate. ResA�ctfjv ily Wbmitted, C1ty Fianner R(G:FD:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Plan Exhibit "B" - Elevations Exhibit "C" - Street Alignment,Industrial Specific Plan ,C ,� 1, _. 4 lot F�= ol .y . Am 1�. r: w I e ' .as n n mL y a o ra - - r-t s -w T - -- ra t_ - es r X ^r„_ � rrra • ss t t mow. •air - � =�. 6f. Yom. �1 Ar�•iY �— �y �� /\ NORTH 1 CITE' OF MEN 1: R.AI CHO CL"VtilOoGA TITLE- a. k.11 i Y ur rrF - %I: RANCHO CL'C iv10 \GA TM -- PL.k-N,NI \G DiVMN F-x i4w: SCALE- 'T s 26' X �GCz� 'Go F6.mY l �r rYr1 Marlrnc. 4 o iv Yam Sear �c7f -t Que, CITE' OF — RANCHO CUC- N IONGA PLANNING DIN'LV ITEM: TITLE: —°'c 1 I lrk' 1 EYI iiBrr: SGVLE: 4 cry L li S to RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMISSION APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 83 -04 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND 26TH STREET IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK (SUBAREA 6) WHEREAS, on the 1st day of March, 1983, a complete application was filed by Donald Halstead for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 27th day of April, 1983, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a meeting to consider the above - described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the following can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3. That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the ?oning Ordinance; and 4. That the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on April 27, 1983. SECTION 3: That Development Review No. 83 -04 is approved subject to the following conditions and attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. A Conceptual Grading Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Grading Committee prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Increase the Marine Avenue building setback to 45 feet to comply with Industrial Specific Plan regulations. 3. Site Plar approval shall be granted for the proposed 23,000 square foot manufacturing building only. The Master Plan for the entire site is conceptual only. 4. Eliminate the overhead doors facing residential areas to the west. 5. A physical link (circulation aisle) shall be provided between the proposed manufacturing building (west half of site), and future office/warehouse complex (east half of site). ENGINEERING DIVISION 6. Street dedication shall be required as approved by the City Engineer u.-on determination of alignment by the Planning Commission. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 27TH DAY OF APRIL, 1983. PLANNING CONM9ISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8Y• Herman Rempe , Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 27th day of April, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: 11 L J 2 O C O O uO H O O N C H O F a U = N y 6 O 0 O O O 1n 6V Ly w O Y W H V Z' NI �I 2� 6' r 6 V N •• N za V1- ¢ Q 62 cS b9x• Tq a Wa•r - VC GE O •9GV� q L V N mom 6 9 O L_ r.L i AIIU 9 a OAN 0Ul9 y uV CIIj 'd 9.0 90� y' y0y< TWO Our x>1 0✓ OSE HOC y x N G6 >.G �O�GC ✓� La C N- �J q d 9A l9w d —:5 -F LC O 'L • �M • O� O �P LN -J TL ^L..9 •.. ` J A d N � „G V 9 L -xuOLE AC V d a9H d�0 Q•A5' gCr.c �QO IIu uP✓ =y d CY C 9- _ _ ON WWw_ O S^ �6 L Vc 09 CT V .Y S� r WII D✓ „� •VU9 •J Ur A .TP W F L ✓:s A .�fb0 u Da L d !9 ••O dNY •^ N^ y O CVU w.Ni. =M .a v u vu �O _V rC y9�L >N C u d= V O V� -9 � >d DPq _ qW TC No`v r VC•. C i C c V� p�✓ -� L`• II L9 �0aA0 •]L. r > N u ML A- 0 0 V 0 n O Oy U V •' q C O C C d r C ^_ - C C' ✓ D r ° ° _ q = � L o d q L ✓ N d_ e O 'C° " L d V •T' r l! `'” E N ✓ c. " uCOr 76- o° .L+ = _i a -WN Eyv •^ O.N O Y q O Vd O d�V rLyy � «C >OL l V A 2 6 L N O 1"• 6 L C O ^ c.o::a G O oLC ✓a V I AM A •IIo NO✓ t e .b..e d c o.+s v'P NW�W NC 9wy.� ��. ^i Lu-Ji .o au -c � ip.Gr N O d q A C H _ a V N q u N O N L A ... y^ t• C N L 9 ."� O C - C P O i C- N u A A q r 1u •. T a N Y C 6 A 4 r II O- - L> L II...r O N C Z L L d N d O V W S C _ V V C 9- 6 • w u9 M� L W> L ' uC � C V�`y0 „L> _ Sd q� O•d Lq W�L \.9LL �C�a9 CS �O` LCLL PuL df9.IN O ^' V r o� O L P � t — u a � � G V✓ yW C L y G N C II c O V • N•u. ypu r N'�u �✓Q ?d d _d �6 IIQ L ^C ��O Op 9C N•. 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C, m � .V• =",. �, a«m « Ln dam• ^I N !f p✓ [✓ NI S rT n ✓ V N '^ r C �� � C � ° 55 qo N _t`, �� „o c v m a d N W C P� L1: T✓nr V O PYVO Nd ?i= r4V ti9 ^O -2C Vp „� 00 C f O C i2n' Qic q09 vcS �« AO �N =tic F ^_ ^ t E V� ✓ � V i C' W < 6 ✓ p _ •• ✓ V V �° V E FC L q r •� q P y O` Cna � ✓ � W° lW •✓r• O'O L _ y✓ aP6 4 dV ^ T.9 LO q � u k n E L n y q V� O L] S m 6 C q D M 0 � _ T, P C L 6 .L• 1. � C d q T c 6 _✓VC ✓ N9 ✓ O V � Oc Nq — °VC V� ruDO VLCP q qr P dL V L� �� Pq V r C u •.. ^ _ _ _ Jai G =y uOCMF2 d1 pL N_T F9 CC :J ?• V p V g c u •rn N q r O N O✓ O G V 6 u .+ v L L4! �n VO 1 �' N O V •w q D O I C Cl"� � N N •- � 6 D C 09 • VngV Lfl d -S o V l Y? 9 C ✓C.• V N C ✓ •C.. q C duo n,w - n ?% c ✓_ F F M C O uC O C - ✓ P V d4 u O r D 9 ✓ =TyL NBC q� C jNy �L ^ qy I a Ma q L r ,' � L r✓ n N p O i i i � O � n U✓ JJ II D C= d C C O f• O V NV PO 4 ht V r N, V c• PC ! � ✓ C, r Pri,LC �✓ .V• a«m « Ln dam• ^I N !f I NI S ° 55 qo N _t`, �� „o c v m a d N W ✓� C O C r —° — O O O F T C = t E V� D p _ `✓ pad {� ° q— g c• 1 �' N O V •w q D O `. 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Q 41N - 1 r t� .-•r I I Qr uu � J O n Q v K U O G r O 1 L a C 6 � W vL. q v = J .+ O -J I C 0 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Otto Kroutil, Associate Planner SUBJECT: FOOTHILL COMMUNITY PLAN ABSTRACT: The County staff is in the process of preparing a Community ?1 zn for the area north of the City in our sphere of influence. This report and its attachments contain some background information on the plan, portions of the plan text, and the land use map. The County staff will review the draft plan and answer questions the Commission may have about the plan or the process. BACKGROUND: Since the beginning of this year the County planning staff and a working committee have been in the process of preparing a Community Plan. City staff has been monitoring the process and attended numerous workshop committee meetings and has offered comments in regards to V —ious topics. The draft plan is now available for public comment. Consequently, we have requested the County staff to overview the plan for the City Planning Commission in order to provide the Commission with an opportunity to ask questions and to express their ideas about the plan or its process. What is a Community Plan? The Community Plan is both a policy guide on land use and related matters and an ordinance regulating development. Each community plan, through its maps and text, incorporates all pertinent policies, regulations, and development standards effective within a community, reflecting local interests and concerns. Plan maps graphically portray the land use policies of the General Plan, and also specify development regulations for each parcel of land. The scope of the Community Plan contents is not as closely regulated by state law as is the case with Specific Plans. As a result, a Community Plan can be as detailed or as general as desired by local jurisdictions. ITEM I Pa- ge 2 ATTACHMENTS: The following items have been attached for your informatioi and review. 1. Draft tex: of Goals and Poiicies section of plan. L. Proposed land as= -nap. 3. Background information, including: - List of County s:-aff directly involved - Workshop committe. members list - Upcoming dates of :mportance - List of plan materials prepared to date. RECOMMENDATION: It is recormended that the Commission review the attached materials and .onsider the County planning staff presentation. While no action is necessary, the Commission should feel free to ask questions or exp• ess ideas if desired. RG:OK:jr Attachments 11 11 0 E Couy-rY PLANNING STAFF Mr. Douglas Pavne, Project Plarmer 0 Mr. To =y Stephens, Acting Deputy Director Mr. Chuck Coe, Acting Senior Planner, hest Valley k'7RRSi3CP COMMITT,= ?'=� RS Ms. Betty McNav Mr. Lowell Gomes Mr. Joe Di Iorio Mr. Je-ffrey I. u WEST VALLEY FOOTHILLS COMMUNITY PLAN Upcominq Dates Jf I--bortance Mid —Mav Next ccMm nity m r eetina to review land use egulations rMav Environmental Review of through the Plan June Julv Community meeting to review the completed P ed Pan ulv Final Review and Hearings on the Community Plan through to include: November City review in August County Planning Commission in September and October County Board of supervisors in October and November Division 2 (Goals and Polices) The Goals and Policy Section of the Commis -itv Dlan is a critical Dart Of the Plan, as it forms the basis for the document and eventually all land use decisions in the community. It is comprised of Goal and Policv statements on local issues and identifies specific directions of action to implement the statements. Major issues identified i this section include: n Land Use Transportation Housing Natural Resources Safety Energy Environment ai Quality Maos The Co,-u =_ity Plan Mans are a graphic illustration of the Policy Statement Maps included in the Community plan are: 1) Overlav Map (identification of known health and hazards and desirable resources) . safety 2) General Plan Man (10 to 20 year lard use plannina guide). 3) Circulation Map (pri,3._y street network) . 9) Land Use District Map (parcel by parcel application Of land use regulations). .'t 11 Lli_ A B r a 0 v Q .w. J Lli_ n � G''SaN. A B r a 0 n � G''SaN. I CZE t i Q u I CZE t i Q V ' A U Ln ` V w J o C .1 � .'� � • Q .a J 12)` J L Lij ci . = o o c f. a i 4. �• n p L v._ a o i g w aD O A no.°. ° .A. � J .L. 3 6 V � • ... V t 4.. V Y i ✓ v: v e 4. . n� O✓ O O b L 4 �� 4 T]��` fy0 > i i ] Y C ^_ 4 T � •� V u O t d O` v O Y Y r L V C l 6 v C v V n A t' L C L, C v L •� v n Y V 4 Y^ L� 4 w L G L w ✓V C 4 r C e i^ C•. n L p> p =;= �Y. CJVO� i�4�YV S✓L TvY4 � 9iY4O u` •� niL' A4 O v i > t R V O w C O 6 A O• L e C L L D v C L ✓ u 6 L J C r u q Y n L 4 ;. n L � L � ✓ r C .. V . °b tl ^ y Y : r Q 'J w .�i � • 4 Jq n .• V O G >• C v C L L L L L ti L 4� i^ C p L ° T V v I .Oi w `^ i C4Q Lr nv6 Y v i! Cy4 Ow iL Oe ^� O6z0 i �, Vn —{'G` JL VA�° LO6 LAr v JC n e i4'Ci >C 6• F�V L✓ 4 Y _ QYy . OL C a d` YVL AC A44 J4 CV e0✓� v�VnnO > vL i 4�6 � L V✓ 4 t J A D 1 Y L v n C C O f. > l . L O L✓ V b O r v O C n b 4 r n.L. O N r CY pv Oy ^LL f� 4 Lr bum 4O6 qYL lJp pp n Y 4 L z t Z! 6 D 0 0 0 Y nV l` O Y `' q 6 w v w l L 9 v V u L R S V rrV 2 Y O ••. �•. .nV _ ^O 30 2 R � 4. 2 i_• r y✓ lrY� • ••uu t .. `Y ..L 4 � Lam. q w� u V L C .yyV-..1 6 u^ •V-. ° t ^° • C v e y° Y V Y t V ° v i D ti •L5 o n Yti. C L L L. �y > i uV.. F. l .V-. F. V t Y s V• <^ J V 14 O j O L V V L p V Z 4.VV� V C ` v 5S! V O wl, G 6 L L• S> L. O O Y S 'J l p� Y. �. i S Q L L A S A y S A LO. 1. w V m �' � � v C r � •. O✓ N n � W I. 2 O � � O ✓ l N rr' � u4 t w6 nY Oa pC Y L u� C i � E Le o`u z�� `o °. +'.✓s A � Ey 4 E o .>. L q ^J b v u 4 ✓ y � J >� C V r .� v m 4 t 4 L ^ p 4 L .> V y O • ✓ ✓ 4 _ R L T �L n n c4 P � O C U r =4V ClV r^ r >.LL _ bn> L v v A C i V� C r O r = L c V• D G r C> v LO. r V b2�. �r �q v0 OY OV OV OSV,G` q V CVp Cqu ^Y ruL. rV 6 j =i CZ V° O N L O V O 1 l D 4 g O A �. = := p C✓: C J O O r v `� c I c L 44 Y 4 D v 4 r L r° 1 L °a L=.� _ yc a Av •-� e o Lee Lpi t .Y.c QYi qr o e w� ! C CO' L Y 1 R C r u Z D v Y n✓ Q L n l O p Oe.J -,. y e� C np w r L N _ $� ✓ y O> V V o 9 i` I ri .Vi b vic�g -4+o e s° iLL.. rLY : : c L n u u < A JET q✓$ L y ✓ 4 o Q z uc ✓ .`A Yi a W 6� C W W V e tl1 W W C'. or G! V w n iC w_ ✓ n � Y O 9r y W vn W v✓ 91 _ 7 L p O.L•. 4 Y� V Z 1 '� •+ C n V ^ .. C O •. C O � r Y Y D 6 V W qWr ^ a L >. w v Y n 1-' 0 VGOLep >P VOL 0 !. 4 V10� w 0• u v H V� PL U �'�^ VO= SOLuC e.Or tL.✓ tlt !•Ltn `L FO V S] D1` V1L tV4+ .=v VY t GQ p F LL Y.OJ V V�r V° V Vti W > a N vt� pvLq Or y p S9 O Y O G .. o q G Y C t- O i � z c ' V• � G S o a yam, w _ m L l L ] 4 4 ✓ m E Y 3 p O C O w r r 0. r 4 V 1. F ✓ L .°r Y V V4.n J40 r 4r c L n V =W L e ✓ O y V i C i � C V 4 Y � J S G ti n✓ � R � 6R✓ r n ✓ Q L 7 L L C K =r 0 C ✓' r y n r 0 OY ^LOL V V .a V p1 YC °Vn VI C_ C i..• C r T.r 0 L 4p C Y 3 Cpr✓nrR °C4 L y n n _ °o ✓ q O L L Y y V q t�>� ✓ .. > .0 r V 4 r u l m OCO V cu ✓ _mC O OOw.+ w pC °r rOF ✓ L o vn c.r. .o c ` 6GL ✓L b lgn_00 cm rC J r 4 L ✓ tp $° u C ✓ c {L°• L. ° o u C 4 ✓ �Y �� . 4 S�yi. .. C L J O Yi C •� O w w p 'J L rVfE f1 _°C pp C l m p Os L✓OL LL Lp C e L LwLn ✓. LAC VV ✓r VY• =ogmf r w r L O w� r O Y r V 4 ' O ✓ p E V C C ^ O 4 V L V ✓✓ .� e C n J L ✓�. C V. C � f 1 0 l y 4 p r L L O 4 n rw t p nog �� os °� a✓ ] as c _ •r r .°. Lmo p �a R° ✓ C J: L .•Lnr.p.✓.nr O r Y > n Lp L✓ C. V O o E o 0 4 L e C C V L r g > � L T C 4 E O y o q ° ym.• C L n° Y y r L 9 L .� L✓ r </ J n ✓ O p° r ! O ✓ ✓JO ` p W Ym OGV LVI V yV^LJY:rU ��_`�� w ✓rte ✓.V.j^ G.+`°pmB R_ G.4J ✓ gL 4V ✓. .O•r vw4`E V D n mL u C cV O u C Y O t V Y L ✓ m� V C J _ O p O O^ Y V O ° n > r u C G L J O r = C V° ✓ i V C C V 6 w S 1.° 4 C m T (� O C✓ e G m L° L O i u C w n F✓V VTV < qr V u L V_ ✓ 9 r .5i O L •Oi l- •� •Cr V u rb j r^ p i y l ✓ C n r r ✓V C cY V^ •. e >Y r c ° 4 F = E ✓ L u r ° V C V u �C Or u a✓ � °cam r sW �wY ow L: � 22 r O C p C�OR O p Y.L.` = e i LSr.O` woL a .LC o° V TO° TLI°iLL o cp. y�t ✓L m�a °et-✓� m� — o ✓ s L. E. n _ L. .°.° ><-.•G :LYLe ` ✓y aegm. T e C _..: 2✓ `° V V ✓.`off ° L � �° E n y y v yr_ ✓ c C oV r r O° C e Y. _ i 4 a a= 1"` ✓ F L F u L V w y» V a• C r � y� L J ✓ Fl .^ C L S n J U w V O O r m i✓ F e F l !• O F V 4 t. �Qr 4 O .C. �° R� L✓ ` ] n w• Y i n i V 4 3 -• L p S V V� L W • ✓ C .0 _ Vl _ ��. yNL GCG1 a 4 L • ? tV L4 Cc Jo YT _ W N Y•Cd V6 >. w.VwO$ °CJ•]V. [O Y. p6 VC V FOC C•.NU{3 fJ aC° _ e N G 0 Z c `Y 4 m O t e ° y n - _ °o ✓ q y > r t�>� ✓ .. > .0 r V 4 ✓ w l m OCO cu V _mC OOw.+ w pC °r rOF pLr COOL. =�wY � .rC° 0 6GL ✓Cnm lgn_00 rC J r 4 L ✓ O C l $° u C n V G L r .. V {L°• L. ° o u C 4 ✓ �Y S. V . 4 S�yi. .. C L J O Yi C •� O w w p 'J L rVfE f1 _°C pp v V 4�Y i c° Os L✓OL LL Lp LwLn ✓. LAC VV ✓r VY• =ogmf r w r L O w� r O Y r V 4 ' O ✓ p E V C C ^ O 4 V L V ✓✓ .� e C V� w C Y Q L 4 l C L e 4 =✓�°` ry: r H w . °c co so � L i J.,C c J: L .•Lnr.p.✓.nr o Lp L✓ C. V O o E o D $ L u V} C 2 r g > t s Y ✓JO 2 wT]m° OGV LVI V yV^LJY:rU ��_`�� w ✓rte ✓.V.j^ G.+`°pmB R_ G.4J ✓ gL 4V ✓. .O•r vw4`E c C J✓ r y 4 s a W�� C �E ✓�` lmV ° y .JiL�C ✓LO CJ•�r✓ � Vm p =m CmY < qr r .5i 4 e°°rc v .-1, IL C o o✓ co z >Y r c ° 4 c- i�W° tj J o��n ✓L Or u a✓ � °cam r sW �wY ow L: � 22 r O �✓ ���✓ C�OR O p Y.L.` = e i LSr.O` woL a .LC o° TO° TLI°iLL o cp. y�t ✓L m�a °et-✓� m� — o ✓ s L. E. n _ L. .°.° N :LYLe ` ✓y aegm. L. _..: `° V V ✓.`off ° L � �° E ,N`• T i N y L V✓ L ✓ c C oV a m� r O° C e Y. _ i N : V w y» V a• C r y� L J ✓ Fl .^ C L S n r J O y= = V e > V. ✓^ i n = m V O .C. .L. .G. C. w m` C O•r �_ O` 1 C ` w V C C V V 9 �� CF p r4 p ✓ C .0 V0 Vl _ ��. yNL GCG1 a LV.V JOEL Or VD VV� tV L4 Cc Jo YT _ V N Y•Cd V6 >. w.VwO$ °CJ•]V. [O Y. p6 VC V FOC C•.NU{3 fJ N G 0 Z c `Y 4 m O t e ° = L 10 Y• p � n 9 V o C V < � L •L O V L C � a � O V V ✓ V G U L w • C V L y nY V n OV u N C r Yy i q 4 °,0, c LC t e u O L V 9: V T. 9 q u pqr ^ • q° e . u 4 v C V V ` ✓ L u .cir i V V O V L e _ J 60J m OC6 aMq ��' > V V O y 4 S C � �+ + °e L C.+ V —O � p r• ✓r O 1 �L O ct s r p V o L e�b - °gam +`u' L v. 4 .. •y ._- ',E ✓, L C V E �. >s V q C✓ ^ V 4 O 4 6 W . W = L a 'y � uy r ✓ • � 'y G Y V V V V D r V— ✓ > e y G H rpi V w w V V^ ESE E y h u V f 9 K L V 6, = 9 V p ea 6 L_ �N >- o `c z W po � iro T L i v T o C V < � L V V V � a � O V V ✓ V ✓ 4 J +c • L y nY 00 eo q °,0, c LC t e u O L V 9: V T. ✓ u 4 v C V V ` ✓ L u .cir i V 4 V L e � ° J l ✓ V m O r — V V Y n rr 9 � �+ + °e V u >� L .r o c � p L T C 1 W V U < s r p V o L — C L v. 4 .. e� a L u t V O D T n V O S VI q V d O €c ro C � w L 4 V O n O = L u � N Y � e r ✓ V w q i NY 4j L . ° ri C n = m O✓ 4 4 o Q oz '� O 4 O Ig �: r Jt 4 L 4 L i YLD 5V II w 4V Y L tiC v C 4L. U � O V r C O N Z p q O Z V �V �• G n i yV V GJ L v T . ca o oa V � ✓ V ✓ 4 J +c • L y 00 q °,0, " ,v e u O L V V ✓ ✓ u v L L' .cir V 4 V L e ± O r — V V u � LO $Y — C e� •e L L u ✓, L C V q q 6 V J V O• N Vl > V V V D r V— L Li r �• V h u V �• V V ~ 0 V = C. c u ea w L a s t V O D T n V O S VI q V d O €c ro C � w L 4 V O n O = L u � N Y � e r ✓ V w q i NY 4j L . ° ri C n = m O✓ 4 4 o Q oz '� O 4 O Ig �: r Jt 4 L 4 L i YLD 5V II w 4V Y L tiC v C 4L. U � O V r C O N Z p q O Z V �V �• G n i yV V GJ N p O 0 Lq C L Q FA N p m 0 i V N E 0 . ca o oa N Lo J +c • 00 q °,0, " ,v e eL ✓ u L c ca LO $Y — C � •e L L u L 2L ° Y> a `4 - �` a- C. c u ea w L a s e •• °° •• �E o � J� oq• y `e 4 � .. � n � V C L � _ 9 � ✓� a C r V e < u q V �. 09 J Ly V Y r L 9 V! Vq q =L 7G C. L 4L L•�• 7a L .Tim Y := 9C q 9D ^DY n`� ' `'� ✓q C O✓ 9 O � J O �� � Yj 'JO r 7` r✓ J V V C D L V V _ 1 � r L J � A 4 i f r u n L L O✓ L it V— u• 94 n C L — �= C qL Y� !'.': �= PO L r qG mq p V L O =6 dr' � O4 SppV 4M e_ e ✓.Oi L L L Y O y� Y Y � � — e L b V i •`i . 9 Y �F L M V 0 J y E Y .• N 'Y ^ )) D y y.Li r0i Lq npi Y Ep �u +�YC .. L tr VLY 1.•y C9 V r J t✓ O � LO O p L8 X.2 O p 4 W O L C n _ O � y y J 1 d X N p O 0 Lq C L Q FA N p m 0 i V N E 0 N O N O O O O G L C O w C t ^• � L L w L.S �T m� O V LY �� O s c b �. °c o a g c a Y o + ° o v Yi m v .. .✓. m. y n' e n b > m ° Y (p i w mY L V� Yb. •bi L V ✓ p e 8 S T 6 L E ✓ T 6 m b V r L w b d A l V° 9 O R a L ti C � 1 .. L C� Y G`� Y✓C F r Al I 1°, •: � e. ✓ .+ .', .L, m V o � L O V .9 w Ob� ✓ 9 w r ! .aa L✓ y b L Y ' r i `• ✓ O V D L U •°-� C � G✓ >. D L E V l C C L C b p r r C V ° J i ✓ U C 04 O u✓ L a Ly o �� � m i u r i ii q nD a°' t�✓ Y m C q a 4 ` V 9 J t. r ✓ V 4 �• '� b 4 A b 9 b 9> C w m O L �+• O O 9 u u r y Y p L ✓ o ` �° ° `^ e ° r '• c u LY .b. s ^LO .`.y Tm ri b ^.Y t.` b PA u PrC• wr' L CL °y •a b L¢ OC V =L. Cp' >• � L ° °p V 9 ppw U t O m n L' V ar s 0 C C >� •„ 1L�. m Y CC `0 � •• J Y V .Oi V n ti ti✓ V ' � V y p a- Y Y• Y ` 4 M• Yl .Li V {.� .Oi � vt b < 0 9✓ a-D L' °i u o•. �— u r .. `o s <b ,:. b a � VO < <EV J <V Tp Vb V6 ° Y v Y ^?a z o N G_ Y V 2 � r a• A -� _O Ir q C pV O V N r•Oi Ca� \>-6r YET ° y r° � r° r r>- L w m• P �• w C V r O w O .+ m ^ y b pmw ' JE n b c c o- � t O J�VCL �rY Lu 64L °i S 4.t., J OJ w40Y` 00 O • L e rr 2 9 'p Y1 � ✓ O m Y L 6 3: L S L O` C i w L u m✓ Y L Y L C U✓ O~ 4 4 Y w wC J •+ 9 O 4 L t+ V Yip b au s =i' wme•'.Y.�.4. `e wp a°i .'��` � 4i °e-°ie Jm �� r + ^v ...ic�ct < °o �^ c�b2 V -• L b i✓ � �o�1p�mc VO w m w oa•nw ^� w'r r J r V m U Y y ..• A V Y L L pcw�CL^.V LTV OL <p � CCAY✓ >Y= O.Ei !O oO C C ^VL f V b p �'• L C b� C..a b p `C { C b C L r r L V C O ^rLL L9 VY OAm9 O pbe Tb' V ✓= ✓w.y Og LV L. ✓r �O OLIV TJL Y✓9L 6eLLO wlm 1C Y,0 prF V✓ V b Oro C 00 yp q V p C V m 9 V [p�,bpC E O b�'.r L✓ Y� 0 4 ! aV• CY b r_�Y V C ^ wt. YS w � _ •�.Eir J A V b C C V V ✓ O b p° i ✓- VR J T. y 4 � ^ mo J V Y r r `^ V' ° j° '°• V r w b LLVi O L� C 4� e r ec.°. � aD'1 O m<i� bi oD se ��ti YnQ�w .L. ^vela eo �w p .z°..' T• O✓ a �.>+ne .r. Y c✓ w r' qrw i -C- S b r Y^ �' O O V< C S G U> Y N O C O ...1 p Y w b✓ ,'4- ` C V V J g L V C __ 9 H _ Y a n O e C p Z• o y� t Y ` .+ 0 0 �+ V w YEme L,^°sRw °✓ i0 <✓.L+O Vl Y_ C`EO Jm�tL YOm YNY r•a V LVVmy ~ .Yy= T•4u < ° S l °l C i 6� m C r> O! e C` ! 9 -� O L✓ S M 4 v ` y V` O �I .�i�9m 6�✓lb>VY. 'Jp LCL >e^V�_ObC 9L r V w T p✓ p ° e Y> •J 2 C Y v ✓ w 6L! O C 6' b J> L� O O l• ! 9 4 Y d r T• C EE r y LC r .Vi O O C •.a4V^ VY VCl�a�s LEO]�Y _ CVJ _LfA � b q r Y V ✓ + O V U i0 i V .°• C _ p T n.a`Lps n�� W AV>wc sa of s...Y pr EL O b O p O u i�:i o.°..Rw �s von oa is .°. vii�oo�de a�i N O N O O O O G L C O w C t 3 2 O C O O V p O O t q r H y C m L q Cam✓ = d u V 3 4 0� o c q j L n . r w pq p Vtl � p ✓ E o - ✓ y "^ C ° m mo t V " V aa a W e n V A —nq4-C Vc C� U`nn'YOrI ~^ ] V `• p 1{4N`• � L J✓ P+VC1 V L t u u V � n. 3 L 4 q VS^•up 9 l✓ G S �. V m� 9 =p lrL4 3 V G C V V Y Or L ur • u � pD q] �8 Vsti NL L V L Y•. u q _ LY L� C q n F° � L• = L Y � J `AC e: a r - war o a [ •°, Y OV ^^ y ✓ Y s �' s a o o a YM `' >r i ` � ✓pct o^ oi.Y.. � °c r.: rY ✓ D u r c a � L C � •Y• o i .`n y w ; O D ✓� � �] V 0 b q r E yE LL 8g t p i w V L LC° L p! < C p V l V D 4 G v p r ^ p c r o s ✓y a c r � ` ^ V A i• >. L •J O O 4✓' C p n � Y Y= A A° w J V V V V 4 V C]Cpp > V r q� Y ^ Y° V 340• A� L A V_ e L Y��✓ 4 V C r� r V L C ✓� `L OV A XRo Vr V Ii. 4 ueen� Cuv G r L 4 s J V y 0 � 0 m✓ S. 0 4� O u u ^ S P I V q n .Or 0 0 � Y G L L^ r 4.• V r$ m° O L 0 0 0 P u L y Q L4 Y[[ n•V L E° eC2'�V ✓LY TrF �Y�> �OOV.LVC icR`$o•^ •r� nD D`n4 W� i °P ` °' ° i m w c` L e- i L o Y ✓° °p L Z.2 V to L q 4 r n✓ �"� Ge r r. � O g V q A Y C V t L e L 6 yL}Oq O i>•• 4 p C s..L L i os i,F PL ° •D ° L CY :_DrR S. ✓ rL Lr r =L Y 0 V r g p L t• C C 0 V G L L O 6 V D 9 6 C g G V! ✓ 0 . i D p O O q O° 6 }' � "� L> 4� � O L✓ J W f^ CL Y 3� V V Y° i IYUi V.O.�Y�V]o 5-i's 4 �Jpr VY Vy.YrD V J V > /4 0 � ✓ V -•>V r p 4 nO mq C L]✓ u� V q^ ^ L L' [ L o L` A ` L n T ✓ O i• <✓ l n° V .`p � q q✓ U J C V wDi r 9 � ` 6 y l W5 °C ow V L u [ C 2 V e V n b c^ I tt ✓`. nP✓A � o � r3 o: �oFr 2V2 VLF um i.wV �F OO: 'a VW�3>Yi] ° j r 0 4 J 0 C n✓ Vu C mpg n1 � -° LIOVn �? k � � Q 4V9 r .^. L 'J 0 q �• Y � ti � C m •• t Y D V V Y O S Y Z V L 'i 3 L. q✓ 0 V r r Q W i• = O O L r✓ r O ` 0 0 P e m O L w w Y FA O O L V 11 C N O t q G G N q O L V V F L "^ C ° O T .✓i ti q L V A C l g p ^ V J 0 p Ip V o ] V `• p 1{4N`• V ✓ L J✓ O Y p V V ✓ V L f � n. ✓ n ^ � V l V m p> ✓ o'o`Yy � w ti mQ � 9 q] r _• ^ C� r V V a ✓ 6 (r ✓ V V ° ✓ Y s �' s a o o a D `' r i ` � c o �• p ✓ D u r c a •Y• o i .`n is a✓ b q c c c O 8g t p i w V `� S R u p 6 U 4 L p! < C ` 0 O ` ^ V A i• >. L •J O O 4✓' C p n � Y Y= A A° w J V V V V 4 V C]Cpp > V r q� Y ^ Y° V 340• A� L A V_ e L Y��✓ 4 V C r� r V L C ✓� `L OV A XRo Vr V Ii. 4 ueen� Cuv G r L 4 s J V y 0 � 0 m✓ S. 0 4� O u u ^ S P I V q n .Or 0 0 � Y G L L^ r 4.• V r$ m° O L 0 0 0 P u L y Q L4 Y[[ n•V L E° eC2'�V ✓LY TrF �Y�> �OOV.LVC icR`$o•^ •r� nD D`n4 W� i °P ` °' ° i m w c` L e- i L o Y ✓° °p L Z.2 V to L q 4 r n✓ �"� Ge r r. � O g V q A Y C V t L e L 6 yL}Oq O i>•• 4 p C s..L L i os i,F PL ° •D ° L CY :_DrR S. ✓ rL Lr r =L Y 0 V r g p L t• C C 0 V G L L O 6 V D 9 6 C g G V! ✓ 0 . i D p O O q O° 6 }' � "� L> 4� � O L✓ J W f^ CL Y 3� V V Y° i IYUi V.O.�Y�V]o 5-i's 4 �Jpr VY Vy.YrD V J V > /4 0 � ✓ V -•>V r p 4 nO mq C L]✓ u� V q^ ^ L L' [ L o L` A ` L n T ✓ O i• <✓ l n° V .`p � q q✓ U J C V wDi r 9 � ` 6 y l W5 °C ow V L u [ C 2 V e V n b c^ I tt ✓`. nP✓A � o � r3 o: �oFr 2V2 VLF um i.wV �F OO: 'a VW�3>Yi] ° j r 0 4 J 0 C n✓ Vu C mpg n1 � -° LIOVn �? k � � Q 4V9 r .^. 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V �L V L 4Y 0 S = T qS c � e r C : n o , T a C a n > O V V 4 V V l u O n C m « C C Gcp 4 y 4° Y O ,L4 S V 1• «r O it = °F W V n v u V O 4 �gd G 4 ° t c e w L n « S 4 .°i ti F 4 i > r a 0 r C N a IO_ G e C- 0 4 O -{Jp V U4y wG V6n [ p i O u L u r. .yi ✓m L 9✓ C Y u L L 6 p i i J C L r 4 w < T O m c j Y. .n J e u u° i s r ✓ w L C O V S 4 Y V YEL n• O�d CV.yO _ _ LV�U— V v y^ O-n DO r 1.c V 4�FrY V i VL Cr LJ b rV y 0 O p p✓ LO.r oV y ✓ 4 _V =r Y LL LpCp m= ro //S q✓ V. {L{O ` u 6 Y V L= Y^ O � ^p r i ✓ V � C u p w �O -40 J Vd Ff F V�VN.°i ..q ! LO �Vw r✓ J4 «t V 4 O O L O✓ m E 6 C 4 L upL Cr r .+ =F LCr r ° L L `gu p YI C TIE, 4 L V pLV V n [Oj a io e� E` ^ y L O L � VO o` ✓° o`Vo �Qc r5r CS r[p ✓L 2[VdVn 7` ]Y°. 0.Y°. -� 0 °p e E« _L CND C Yl T T_ u y' 4 d v v F✓ {° 4- C 4 Y] O✓ J9 ° WYY t --3t q. 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C a n ]i •-• m O r -+ IO Y S = N ` u V O 4 �gd G 4 ° t c e w L n « S 4 .°i ti F 4 i > r a 0 r C N a IO_ G e C- 0 ° •�, °o E E o Y Y o r $ L V S i w S t '•A o °a4 c cYO J 4 t CJ i`a °V V4 40 V. 1 rLr GA C] FCO = O V✓ J V l 9 4 erl '^m 4 C �' ° Ce L ptl m p V o ° " a J L F F ° V u •� r n u .� T = A � W ° ° L Y S• d nco ��ca oa °g y� D ? 3 v n s m n • Y' A C V W L e= p J YL. 60 O' 4✓m mm •it Y eoL O� L nDb y�r^e 7 72 t V r-• V E '•' _ Lr 'vr J � y� £m 6e Y4 W LL ^L am ^ O` "=OJ n p b C V° 4 m S 1.• y D Y V C 7 ` � 4 Y O C s; `�t e' ;� OL O L ��•• % L V C l s T t W q ��4uI O L V V V r L O 4 C •n Neu - °•.ALE ✓9 It, nWn p w a 3 7 8 V Yj C -• Y l 4 L V C V e r n 4 ✓ . `, tJ {L� C Y V^ m V C C V V, W 4 4 •�c6Ym ..D�'L 4�y cErc mj c It <L Y O G _ s u ► m L .. b = G. o E Y r a Y v mm G J _ R L ° ' >• u '•Wmtl� i fib �- o C „ m y n L C D O � r n T J V O ✓ J y• A L Y w � J L L. r 4✓ a •O A CI C � n E� m u A n C Y C L r^ C i y n C 4 A V N � t n � L. �] l J L •Y. « L n u_ L G � V O y m O S L w L Y n G ` Dp u r fi O; fJ L V m C O 4 m W S C 6 T 4 Zw CA •tli Y t m < V t m] L LL D O •� L4• � 4 ^• T n u Y O .•CV EC�O 6� 3E uV m Tm�� um Ln 4 - wl•• L L yp V a• L n V ° w �• S`° Y 6 L Y O 4° L O q -p L •O n -= Y tl m> C Y '^ Y Y L 7.0 C. ^ Lp W n -r O n _ mm u u C �O L�� GEC S� J L °�� v4 L Y VJ FLm Vr>mir V .L. n �• n L✓ Y V V C r i 9 4 V Y V C .•] n t w Y L �• C ` r] m S r •! r G y L L r O f •" J J C C Y C t KYn C ynG O'.Ci y nJV K.i'y CO s O_ • E Qn V C"O m =^ V9V..V O Am n A 6 W w ¢ 2y O L• L yVV V y L y Y L n n 9 C G L. O 4 � C! 4 y4 m. G > O CO O c V _ �'• 2 L e m L 2 r 4 Z° V 2 Z y Y L• 4✓ C 6 L S 4 •• G C r n C L S 4 4 L T Y 4• •n C H r C H � = n H u U F C T V V >• E L O S m ,. V � V T y m k• E Y U C L 2 < S < L• p 6 C < m L < D p < V Li H .Li <�] G J. < n i V W u V V C OU. r ¢_ m ¢ m ••• C o n r ° •�, °o E E o Y Y o r $ L V S i w S t '•A o °a4 c cYO J 4 t CJ i`a °V V4 40 V. 1 rLr GA C] FCO = O V✓ J V l 9 4 erl '^m 4 C �' Ce L ptl m p V O m k " a J L F F ° V u •� r n u .� T = A � W V L. O.• � Vp1O 9 S• d nco ��ca oa °g y� D ? 3 v n s m n • Y' A C V W L e= p J YL. 60 VOi 4✓m mm •it Y eoL O� L nDb y�r^e 7 72 t V r-• V E '•' _ Lr 'vr J I✓ y� £m 6e Y4 W LL ^L ^ O` O W E n p u S C O V DJ _6 S ! C 7 u m r✓ C L O C s; `�t e' ;� OL O L ��•• % L V C s T t W q ��4uI O L V V V r L O 4 C •n Neu - °•.ALE ✓9 It, nWn p w a nI L C L 8 V rY m A V C° u p F V p• p° L� r^ 4 ✓ C W 4 4 •�c6Ym ..D�'L 4�y cErc mj c It <L Y O G _ s u ► m L .. b = G. o E Y r a Y v mm G J _ R L ° ' >• u '•Wmtl� i fib �- o C %um O'Lpi nisi. ✓ mm� Y �✓ L y• A L Y w � J L L. r 4✓ ' n p✓ L •O F CI _ A L r n C LL � n E� m u A n C Y C L 7 Cl �✓ y L C tl Y C 4 A V N V r p n ^= �,• v L O S •••• fi O; fJ tl J 6 T Mp 4 Y C Zw CA VT Y t m < V t m] L LL D O •� L4• � 4 ^• T d G O 4 i L m O` G c tY C E C °o r $ L V S i w J 4 t r C Y rm lti6 V6fl Ce L m p V O m k " a J L F F V u •� r n u .� r r 4 l 9 ^ _ E L m D ? 3 v n s m n YL. 60 VOi 4✓m mm •it G> t V r-• V E l r p o V m Dy £m 6e Y4 CS V ^L V ! Y V C L O C s; `�t e' ;� OL L 4 C 4 ! r G n m It, F nGL ^ nI L C L 8 V rY CJ r•+LV n W 4 4 u V It <L Y O G _ s u IZ, a Y L d � n S 4L. •O.,' >• u sQa i fib �- o •`. <+ n Y CI my e v v p w � r v d G O 4 i L m O` G c tY C 0 0 N O O T C G m V r eL G C r E ti O i 4 Y � •rr i 1` L V � U i r y n w .Vi Yo if; T V Or Y Y C L w e �` D` ii n ✓P OY` • r V V 4 4^ i CI V 4 ti O.O w •1 2 O y> A V; p u V rbi 6 D Y Y r L L r V L a n a V w D b p-e° e, w Do I L : � J Q D.• G •rlr t `� L— O C °- C M u ^ 4` O R <" n V w w V L O C O O.e ^ S V e r0 t C iR V �Vx IO L.O ^r W.D+D �C y� 6 L 4 P D V V 4 V\ wl e Y •- C.-. a Y - Y =. A O V O Y y ii T O e n C1 V L R C W i a L O l V V V L O M R L .+ 6 C V C a J .+ ` i C CV ✓ D L J` .p.. ^ i a ✓ C C <°. � 9J 4 Y C O O Or b N ^n L V Lo C ./ 8 V> V= Y S Y .ter Cr O L E O V S V V° ° d V C e] _ w, p✓ <. ^ r L t.= emu` e o cLe.� w.°�.a.�n ✓` ao c v .°.�x.L. ` oy °eY v.a °� x. 4e 4Yw a ✓r pBD� n� p� b W r nr...r L _� O EL .r. p D D II y u p G J C G�° S V y R O L M1 W� � b � ✓ Y` C< e 4 C w y r L J G Y C i t u� u 0 - e T. O e W J ! •0 w Vn � le O ✓r 0 � .. •p F 6 °` {. L CO F nu 1'r yy1 .^ i V u � � 9 7 `i i V r wt V Y _ 6 9 V L a V p <• J O° t]�. �- f y r L O <� Yr . M• Y a ]q oi 43 L C ^ O A Jw � y 71....E a to .\ a L V u C S7 O w O L. T •p ` C 1 2 W wP� r0 4.2 v� R L .5 cc O J C V b Y ^' O E ✓ O 4C a.i O� •f `0= s` O V u O' Y ✓ N `:\ S✓ O y Y V4L a ^= b O -J J C l' O T u 0 4 c a ✓ V] w `0 ] V Y L .Cif oO J 6 4 Y Y � 4ti V L• �- u ° r V V O O Y] 9 a C O tl w OC •• V D � �e on °r oY a �aa ':=f RSS .r: .rte 1✓. ` k—.2 sco n.nc aL ��r,n �1 `e rve Y✓ s •'be '.D L e •v. b p v PI✓ -L'r o P^ S o �.L. V b VOi TE ° .o Y °-°.�n .L,�.L. Y. ywO .� b✓ EY b m P.. b tl' •' i e V Y 2_ .. V L°. s F� c S O e .L, �r i• °.r ` p 22 v u L c O J a 'y a tE V.nLV Lm G w'.1 lCa lOV O L 72 V r! V C 4 Je Y {O V L O rrp< ` Y Y O L `° J V > 4 i V] r aJ O] a 6. I` C •qr 4 w u r V Y Y y� p Y O p C O C Oi Y V ii O ` R L V O p .. W 2~ ° nOi L D 2 y x ti r .On °.0 2� u C .O- b O � k O° ^° V. ♦.c C t S O V O Y R t V ` Y O O CI rV w O p V N — S . ` O V 0 0 N O O T C G m V r eL G C r E ^Z �O O H O t + O C 6 ,J U H 4 5 El )fit �r��� }•` Sp F O ✓ L • Y q L V L°. v V ^ �s f. a � O IVl = Q, _ = G L a O _ 4 F ;f F ✓= u o V u V l 3 .r !!p .Li p L .[ C V Cp0 u _ u n 4 G C i Yy `o n co L C F 6 = n u q u n {Yr VJ J' q n S �•.b V r °L v° CL a O V D L V q V p° ° v L . `p q L= L VC F _N L nV anL °t 7 ME c< w L Y Cq L T T v VC a= 6xY nV ifa,L �.4° y `V m0 i ^L ^ n °" .°i .`.` V T F! ti L ° u � O V L � V V m ✓ V u V v � e V V J C L = ^ m V V° 4 T n�° s u l n � e� C .• Y •'• o� V V ° {t. W V L O t Lf O f F L f� C nn ^ v � t 9Y p.... ° pp u l u .°. A C u� V u L O e_ O •r m n L 6 6 _ Y• L Y q Y• Y ti t 4 q w L {. Vi J y q ° F N ry> > ..e.. caa_ �d m Sie iLk aim s�a` 6 t-- C V F L 1 ` jni =��tl� ii r lV .. C i W L ✓ �S O n iY p L ^ V= °! L n O p J 0. 6 c t. -evcY ^ V= V Q C O] ZC S V E 0 V I - o 4 O l7 q ° V L tfi m m �• L• 4 O L r Sp E q L V L°. v V ^ �s f. a � O IVl = Q, _ = G L a O _ 4 F ;f F ✓= u o V u V l 3 .r !!p .Li p L .[ C V Cp0 u _ u n 4 G C i `o co CC S �•.b 9L n °L v° CL a V D L V q V p° ° v L . `p q L= L c< VC a= 6xY ifa,L �.4° Lei `V m0 i ^L ^ n °" .°i .`.` V G: L ` ` _ = u L o V v � e � V V° 4 T n�° s u l n � e� o �'Y Y •'• o� V V � O {t. 66 9Y O5 �.•V e_ Y 6 _ Y• L Y q Y• Y ti t 4 q w L {. Vi J y q ° F N ry> > ..e.. caa_ �d m Sie iLk aim s�a` se t-- ` jni =��tl� >.� i••. O n p L ^ V= L n O p J 6 c t. -evcY ^ V= V Q C S V E 0 V I - 4 O l7 q ° V L tfi N p C O yV G 6 N p 0 v G v M =o 00 ^ U U L ry � 7 L 1 i O O �� -tom Aw L � C Y �S a O 't �o rT 1. C V C J ss�4 E Pu C a L e i • i c � C YOL a• u i aJ• i Ty 4..Y. 0 4 4 T V L — rc� O C V V Y E a r t L c L O b J T C c q .Ln u TL.0 C C C Y Cy E n o a ^ V 4T 9 y 4 �• r� E L V ` l V r6r w V ` 4 T l Oy C s e S ] < P! T r � m S r c J r .T. C e T. v u V s� ^ E h r i 0 N C1 4 C ■ C1 _1 �1 ✓ 4 V p O T V T ,'• C T ! V O •+ V O Y b b V C L LO E L L J Q T ^ a r YLL V n e ra ^mac o�Eo Y,L � yo p L C Y y {. T V V L Y P L C Y L • •� ^ p J r � p 4 V O. ,p •Ei 'Ybv nz —i `e aLe Y ^ C T O Y n Ip ap Y u ��� G S L V n r n L L O m L ■J p(• S O r y S o o V Y O V — Y y Y r 4z b V Y r G y 4 i V• i •4 r J 4 E O✓ C T 4 f i• i Om � — pP L V b � C V im■ 6 O W C p VCj sV fC>4 i i i � C r3 y t• s V V i L.Y a a� m < .L'L o p e O Y C 0 vi�V� N ¢ O Z 6 C •• O ■ V p m S r c J r .T. C e T. v u V s� ^ E h r i 0 N C1 4 C ■ C1 _1 11 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA _ STAFF REPORT April 27, 1983 Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Michael Vairin, Senior Planner ►9; SUMMARY: Albert W. Davies, a general engineering contractor who owns property located in Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan (ISP) on the southeast corner of Helms Avenue and 9th Street, has requested direction regarding the development of an interim use of that site. Mr. Davies is considering utilizing the site on an interim basis as a recreational vehicle storage facility without developing the site to the required minimum landscaping and screening standards as outlined in the ISP. Staff has spoken with Mr. Davies about this and has indicated that the ISP currently does not contain regulations which would permit interim uses of land without compliance with the development standards. Therefore, staff has recommended that this item be brought before the Planning Commission to obtain their direction regarding the options available for the Commission to consider. Generally, there are two alternatives available to the Commission: 1. Require the development of the site to be in -- onformance with the minimum Industrial Specific Plan standards 'or landscaping and screening; or, 2. Direct staff to prepare an amendment to the Industrial Specific Plan for consideration by the Planning Commission which would provide a mechanism for reviewing interim uses along with interim standards in the industrial area prior to permanent industrial development. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the letter from Mr. Davies which exp sins his request and intentions for the development of this site. Also attached is a copy of the site plan which indicates his basic idea regarding the interim use of the facility for a recreational vehicle storage yard. ITEM J Planning Commission Direction /A.W. Davies April 27, 1983 Page 2 The applicant's proposal has raised this issue because it does not meet the development standards as prescribed by the Industrial Specific Plan for Subarea 3. A storage use of this nature would require the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission and would require such improvements as: 1. Twelve percent (12 %) of the lot to be landscaped. 2. All storage areas shall be screened from public view by a concrete or masonry wall. 3. An average landscape setback shall be provided along 9th Street arid Helms Avenue at an average depth of twenty -five (25) feet as measured from the face of the curb. As can be seen, the applicant's interim development would not meet the landscaping and screening standards of the Industrial Plan. The Industrial Plan presently does not contain a mechanise which would allow deviation from these standards, even as an interim use. If the Coaonission sees the need for having flexibility to allow interim uses in the industrial area prior to actual permanent development, staff could prepare an amendment for consideration by the Planning Commission which would essentially permit interim uses to be reviewed by the Pl.nning Commission through a Conditional Use Permit. Additionally, we could establish some minimum time frames and standards such as the applicant has suggested with regard to chainlink fencing with slats and some landscaping for screening which continues to meet the design objectives of the ISP. Even as an interim use of land, staff would recommend that such a project should still comply with other standards such as grading and drainage, street improvements, and other improvements necessary for the public safety, health, and general we7are of the community and surrornding properties. These areas could be .dequately addressed through the normal development review process which would require the applicant to develop the appropriate plans to show conceptual drainage and grading plans. The critical issue is the ultimate improvement of the site. The standards of the Industrial Specific Plan would have to be met within a giver, period of time in order to retain consistency with the type of development projected by the Industrial Specific Plan. A Conditional Use Permit process would be the best process by which the Commission can retain the authority over the removal of the interim use and the ultimate development of the land in conformance with the Industrial Specific Plan. E 11 40 Planning Commission Direction /A.W. Davies April 27, 1983 Page 3 C RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission discuss this matter and provide direction to the applicant and staff with regards to the two alternatives discussed in this report. ectfully submitted, ck Gomez 5 tv Planner 'RG:MV:.ir i (Attachments: Letter From Albert W. Davies Dated April 6, 1983 Exhibit "A" - Proposed Site Plan E CI .&I :BM1=t r_r MVP`. 3D.�3VIES, II30. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR ConrnACfoA L!� SSA 336639 8737 HELMS AVENUE • POo C OFFICE BOX 215 RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CAi3FORNIA 91736 (714) 9893714 (714) 939 -0154 April 5, 1933 City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 3aseline 3oad Suite "C" 2ancho Cucamonga, Califor.^.ia 91701 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission. Subject R. V. Storage, Location :iinth Street & elms Ave. Attention.: Jack Lam Gentlemen, We would like to offer for your consideration our plan to utilize our property includin; the exist- ing building located at x737 Helms Ave. (southeast corner of \inch S Helms) for an R. V. Storage and a 2etail Store for R. V. Supplies. Originally this site was planned for industrial buildings, but due to economic conditions and excessive vacancies in our area this is not feasable at this time. We've found through research that the city has a need for R. V. Storage and additional facilities such as we're going to offer. Geographically this aooears to be a desirable location, convenient for those whom would elect to use it. This would put our now vacant land to rood use, along with generating more jobs and revenue for the city. At this time we seek your direction before pro- ceeding, any further. We interpret screening in the specific plans as block wall. At this time needless to say it is very expensive nor a new business. r1 U %ie have existing a perimeter six foot hiZh chair_ link fence that we would like to maintain and request in- stalling redwood type slats for screening. another reason for not having the block wall at this tire, would be in the event the ;2. ' -'. Business did not be- come profitable. we would resort 'Jack to the original plans and build inddust rial buildinc-,s on this property. +t that time there would be no need for the block ,;all. .:e would have to remove it tU comply with fL:ture designs. renatively we would request a variance for up to five years. At the end of this period we would comply with the city's requirement. Hopefully if the bus look for expansion tc the the south to the railroad own from Ninth St. to the a.il the property could be 'or tie master plan. mess is sucessful we could balance of the property on rioght of way. We presently railroad on the south and taken into consideration ;e hive been in business and residence in the ® ;uca:non�a area a Hood number of years and lock for - 1rard to many more. "hank you for your cons ider4t ion . sincerely, .A berf J. Davies AWD /sd 11 1 •1 I' -. 12 Li II- IS • I i• . . Z i4 I' �`1) I y( it I - 1111•• � � � / CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIONGA PLANNiNC DdVIS,f N t ef <4 � ! ITEM: TITLE: F11PO&M 'SITE p LN EXHIW -- SCG:LE: V NURTH u El El E E CITY OF RANCHO CUC_ MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 1583 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Equestrian Advisory Committee BY: Rick Gomez, City Planner SUBJECT: KEEPING OF ANIMALS IN EQUESTRIAN/RURAL AREA - The esta. 1s nent of a ity CounEl: policy that subdivision CC &R's shall not prohibit the keeping of animals in the equestrian /rural areas. SUMMARY: The Equestrian Advisory Committee is recommending that the -ty Council ensure protection of the equestrian /rural area lifestyle by adopting a policy prohibiting new subdivision CC &R's from restricting the keeping of animals permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. At the request of the Equestrian Advisory Committee, staff is bringing a draft City Council policy resolution to the Commission for their review and consideration. GENERAL PLAN SUPPORTING POLICIES: The Rancho Cucamonga General Plan recognizes the "country and rural atmosphere" of Alta Loma north of Banyan and that within this area opportunities exist for the provision of trails and recreation. The following General Plan policies provide for protection of the equestrian /rural lifestyle: o That the area as shown in the equestrian /rural designated area provides for the keeping and protection of animals on private property, including equine, bovine, cleft- hoofed animals, and poultry (p. 112). o Horseback ridinc is a specia' - ecreational opportunity that should be fostered (F. 121). o Requires that all development within the area relate to existing and future areas occupied by equine, bovine, cleft - hoofed animals, and poultry by connect or pdisconnected 3trailseand for needed easements access nt to� recreation activities (p. 112). o Whenever possible and feasible, the City shall require that all residential lots in the equestrian rural area have Local Feeder Trails on the rear of the lot (p. 114). ITEM K Keeping of Animals in Equestrian /Rural Areas Planning Commission Agenda April 27, 19 83 Page 2 The latter two policies imply that all residential development provide for the keeping 3f animals by requiring provision for trail easements. ANALYSIS: The Subdivision Map Act enables cities and improvement of land when it is divided for interpretation of "design and improvement" has court cases and includes the physical layoff dedications of public improvements and easements, to regulate the design development. A broad been adopted through it of a subdivision, and other measures "as ent to insure conformity ul Vne benera; Nian.~ further, Section 6647 .5 prove es t at the City shall not approve a proposed subdivision map unless it finds that said subdivt is on, including its design and proposed improvements, is consistent with the General Plan. It is reasonable to require CC &R's from prohibiting the keeping of animals explicitly provided for by the General Plan and the Zonina Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION: The Equestrian Advisory Committee recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council adoption of the attached Resolution. Res ctf i ly sbmitted, I Rirk Gbmez°' City Planner �G:jr I Attachments: Resolution Exhibit "A" - Figure III -5A Equestrian /Rural Area E WN 11 RESOLUTION NC. * A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR IIHE KEEPING OF ANIMALS WITHIN EQUESTRIAN /RURAL AREA OF THE CITY WHEREAS, it is the City Council's desire to provide for protection of the ability to keep animals; and WHEREAS, the Trails Element of the Genera's Plan designates the area generally north of Banyan as an "Equestrian /P.ural" area; and WHEREAS, members of the public have participated in the public hearing review of the Trails Elem� it; and WHEREAS, the General Plan provides that the "Equestrian /Rural" area shall provide for the keeping and protection of animals on private property, including equine, bovine, cleft - hoofed animals, and poultry; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes the benefit derived from the keeping or use of animals as an educational and recreational resource; and WHEREAS, the Equestrian Advisory Committee of the City of Rancho Cucamonga has reviewed the City's regulations concerning the keeping of animals and recommends additional measures be adopted to protect the ability to keep animals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby declare its policy to be: SECTION 1: That subdivision CC &R's shall not prohibit the keeping of equine, bovine, cleft- hoofed animals, and poultry, where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been net. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option, of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of director or homeowner's associations for amendments to CC &R's. Tentative subdivision maps for single family residential development shall be cenditiored to require a copy of the CC &R's to be reviewed and approved by the City prior to nap recordation. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon 0. Mikeis, Mayor (r Resolution No. •- A TEST: 7.7 7: a fA' i rr r a1; n't`i 1l .' s r.:i !a i '' ,... _ .. i . _ _ _ .. �---- - -- - -- ------- --------- ---- -- -- ----- --------- �: — :�:-- -- - - - - . = _ I e= - :�:_ :�: . ....... . EE �: - ., ::::4: f� i n Figure 111 -5a E -DUES T R IAN/ RURAL AREA DESIGNATION CI'T'Y OF RAI'CI-110 CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION .: r� \J NORTH