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1983/05/11 - Agenda Packet
0 Ei i p cnp c� w w ! t e t CITY OF z AGENDA 1277 WEDNESDAY May 11, 1983 7:00 p.m. LIONS PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASy LINE, RANCEO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA A C T I O N S L Pledge of Allegiance IL Roll Call Commissioner Barker _ x Commissioner Rempel___ _ Commissioner Juarez Commissioner Stout Commissioner McNiel= M. Announcements TV- Approval of Minutes Approved 3 -0 -1 -2 April 13, 1983 V. Consent Calendar The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non - controversial- They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. Approved 4 -0 -1 A. RE @HEST FOR APPROVAL IN PRODUCT TYPE FOR 175 ON MINIUM UNUS - TENTATIVE TRACTS 11625 & 11781 - ROBERTS - A redesign in product type of two previously approved condominium tracts. Pulled and approved B. TIME EXTENSIONS FOR TENTATIVE TRACTS 11459, 4 -0 -1 1101 , 1 63 9 59 Approved 4 -0 -1 C. EXTENSION OF PARCEL MAP 6114 - VISTA INVESTMENT - Located at the southwest corner of Ramona and Foothill Boulevard. Pulled and approved D. REVISION OF PARCEL IMAP 6976 - CAPELLLNO - Located 4 -0 -1 on the south side of Arrow R-! te, east oVincent Avenue. Pulled and approved 4 -0 -�o TENTATIVE TRACT 12305 - ROY - The revision from one lot to two lots for phasing and mancing purposes. _w Approved 4 -0 -1 Planning Commission May 11, 1983 Page 2 VL Public Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 mutes per individual for each project. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASCF'ACMFNT AVn vA�rVv Approved 4 -0 -1 with G. additions and revisions. Approved 4 -0 -1 with H. amendment requiring additional trails. Approved 4 -0 -1 L .vet. - a.uru - a cuvision of 2.37 acres into 4 parcels withLn the R -1 zone located on the south side of Wilson Avenue at Mulberry Avenue - APN 201 - 181 -60. (Continued from Planning Commission meeting of April 27, 1983.) ORDIN nays -auiNa - An amendment to the sign- regulations contained within Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. This is a comprehensive amendment intended to improve the administration and to provide for more effective signing. The basic regulations are not being changed. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRA. T 12332 - LABA D - A custom lot residential subdh isior, c 204 lots on 140.98 acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 zone, located on the east side o: Haver. Avenue, netth of the Hillside Drainage Channel - APN 201- 123-12. AL ASSESSMENT AND 1. �:va :�xuro within Subarea 7 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan located at the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APM 208 - 351 -19. Approved 4 -G -1 with rema,&l ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT of requirement for bronze REVIEW 83 -08 - EDWARDS - The development o a 3,858 windows and requirement square foot auto service building on .37 acres of land in the for 18" bulk head in front C -2 zone, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard, of store. 750 feet east of Grove - APN 207 -112 - & 8. P 1977 CITE' OF RANCHO CLCVvIO_ N�GA PL°Iln`.ENTG CONWESIOI'v -AGE\1DA WEDNESDAY May 11, 1983 7:00 p.m. LIONS PARK CdMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE LL`IE, RANCHO (MCANONGA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of AIIegiance EL Roll can Commissioner Barker _ Commissioner Juarez _ Commissioner McNiel D5. Anoouneements IV. Approval of b6nutes .April 13, 1983 V. Consent Calendar Commissioner Rempel Comn.issione: Stout The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, %t should be removed for discussion. A. REQUEST. FOR APPROVAL -1 PRODUCT TYPE FOR 175 /`ll A7TlAAR7AY 7'LiM 77NiTQ — 'r VrAT777Sd VPA9' S 79r')r .G - a.vi3mniz - m reuesign in Pi isly approved condominium tracts. 11 C. EXTENSION OF PARCEL MAP 6114 - VISTA iN : STMkNT - Located at the south-west corner a Ramona and Foothill Boulevard. D. REVISION OF PARCEL MAP 6976 - CAPELLLNO - LacatAd on the south side of Arrow Route, east of Vincent Avenue. E. TENTATIVE T.FACT 12305 - ROY - The revision from one lot to two lots f or phasing and .,nancing purposes. R Planning COM-lission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 2 n .=2 The follOwing items are public hearings in which concerned i. 'iv €duals may voice their opinion of the related project. Pieese wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Corzmission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shah be Umite,-' to 5 minutes per individual for each project. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7902- G - A davisicia of 2.37 acres into 4 parcels within the R -1 zone located on the south side of Wilson Avenue at Mulberry Avenue - APN 201- 181 -60. (Continued from Planning Commission meeting of April 27, 1983.) G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SIGN ORDINANCE An amen went to a sign regulations contained within Title 14 of the Rancho Cu^amonga Munici"at Code. This is a comprehensive amendment intended to improve the administration and to provide for more effective signing. The basic regulations are not being charged. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 - LABAN D - A custom lot residential sup division of 204 lots on 140.98 acres of land in the R -1- 20,000 zone, located on the .east side of Haven Avenue, north of the Hillside Drainage Channel - APN 201- 121 -12. L ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7963 - BA D. - A auvssaon o lb. ?. a parcels within Subarea 7 of the industrial Area Specific Plan located at the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APM 208- 351 -19. J. �. 7. sw.a::.• vivo - axswax:�s - The development of a 3,858 ldi square oot auto service buing on .37 acres of land in the C 2 zone, located on the north side Of Foothill Boulevard, 750 feet east of Grove - APN 207 -112 -7 & 8. l ,ti Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 3 IL Public Comments !his is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. X. Adjournment The Planning Commies ion has adopted Adrn. nistmtive Regulations that set an 11 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they emli be heard only with the consent of the Commission 11 4 rlr4rLA O"TMIO I*rERMIbCMAL •m►Owr CITY OF RRItCtio CLCa MCA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting April 13, 1983 Vice - chairman Dennis Stout called the Regular MeetinS of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held at Lions Park Community Center, 9161 base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Vice-chairman Stout then led in the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Addie Juarez, Larry Mc:Niel, Dennis Stout David Barker, Herman Rempel STAFF PRESENT: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney; Jack Lam, Ccsununity Development Director; Rick Marks, Associate Planner; Janice Reynolds, Secretary; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer; Michael Vairin, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Stout, carried, to adopt the Minutes of the March 9, 1983 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Juarez abstained from vote as she was not present at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Rick Gomez, City Pianner, announced that meeting April 19, 1983, 7:00 p.m., at the Foothill Freeway /Route 30. He advised that members of the Planning Commission, City Committee and uraed all to attend. there would be an informationrl Lions Park Forum Room to discuss this meeting would be attended by Council, and Citizens Advisory CONSENT CALENDAR A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -06 - MESSENGER - The development of a 125,000 square toot 1noustria building' on 6.25 acres of land in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 7) located on the south side of Eucalyptus Street, east of Elm Avenue - APN 208- 351 -38. B. TIME EXTENSIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING TENTATIVE TRACTS: Tentative Tract 9616, Hillside Investments; Tentative Tract 11549, Lewis Development Corporation; Tentative Tract 11577, Landmark; Tentative Tract 11781, Roberts Group; Tentative Tract 11793, Mullins /Bliss; Tentative Tract 11797, niversified. C. TIME EXTLNSIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 81 -35 - JENKINS D. TIME EXTENSION FOR THE FOLLOWING PARCEL MAPS: Parcel Map 6076, Parcel Map Motion: Moved by McNiel, Seconded by Stout, unanimously carried, to adopt the Consent Calendar. PUBLIC HEARINGS E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7264 - WATT COMMERCIAL - A division of approximately 37 acres into 2 parce s within the C- zone located on the east side of Haven between Highland and Lemon Avenue - APN 201- 271 -53. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report and additionally recommended that language should be added to the City Engineer's Report that parcel one should have vehicular access restriction on Lemon Avenue and Haven Avenue access would be restricted except for driveway locations as designated on an approved site plan. Vice- chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Jack Sylvester, owner of the property, addressed the Commission stating his abjection to the formation of a third parcel since it is unknown what the CALTRANS plan for the freeway will be. He also stated that an agreement had been rea,!hed with Lloyd Hubbs that the nap would show a line of demarkation for the 'ocation of the freeway. Further, that the project is proposed in phases with the first phase being at the northerly end of the property on Lemon and will stop ha'f wav down_ The second phase would be postponed until the freeway develops. Planning Commission Minutes -2- April 13, 1983 Vito Devito Francesco addressed the Commission stating that the alignment of the freeway at Highland and Haven is very much in question at this time. l ,_ ti-.is r ll have. By =!,ing a third ni50, it i5 unknown how many lanes freeway 't ::. parcel it freezes in the prcperty owner. It would give more flexibility to place a dotted line on the map designating this as a possible location for the freeway. There were no Further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner M:-Niel asked which of these methods was acceptable from both a legal and City point of view. Paul Rougeau replied that freeway acquisition could be facilitated with or without the third parcel. Jack Lam, Community Development Director, stated that he also felt that the third parcel is not necessary. Ted Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated that if a project were to come in that covers the area designated as the Foothill Freeway right -of -way, the City has the right to require the project to do an environmental impact report on the effects of the elimination of the freeway right -of -way in that area on the City. He agreed that parcel three is not necessary to facilitate the freeway right -of -way. He stated his concern that if the freeway does not go in, the City has restricted the size of Highland by not requiring additional dedication on the south part of parcels one and two since site approvals are not conditioned for additional right -of -way. Paul Rougeau replied that even if the site approval would not require dedication, the building permit application would allow for the dedication and construction 3f an arterial if one were to go in that location. Jack Lam stated that dedication of improvements is required by ordinance upon the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Stout, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Environmental Assessment and Parcel Map 7264 with the requiremert that the map show a lire of demarkation de;:icting the proposed location of the Foothill Freeway, access restrictions on Lemon and Haven Avenues for parcel one, and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: McNiel, Stout, Juarez None Barker, Rempel - carried- Planning Commission Minutes -3- April 13, 1983 F. ENVY INVESTMENTS - 11ne development of a 411,000 square foot warehouse distribution facility on 2 3.8 acres of land in the Heavy Industrial zone (Subarea 15) located on the south side of 7th Street, approximately 1045 feet west of Etiwanda Avenue - Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 6658. Dan Coleman, Associate Planner reviewed the staff report. William Elis, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission stating that the applicant concurred with the findings in the staff report and the Resolution and offered to answer the Commissioner's questions. There were no comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Juarez, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolutior approving Parcel Map 6658 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: McNiel, Juarez, Stout NOES: COMMISSIONRS: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Barker, Rempei G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 83 -03 - An amendment to the residential use stan ar s to allow for e er cottages and second units on single family zoned residential lots. Dan Coleman, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff Report. Vice - chairman Stout asked if staff's intention was to require Conditional Use Permits for second units and a Temporary Use Permits for elder cottages. Mr. Coleman replied that the second unit would be a removable structure and therefore temporary in nature with less impact on the immediate neighborhood; however, an elder cottage would be a permanent structure. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, added that the intention was to help with the senior citizen housing situation by simplifying the procedures. Vice - chairman Stout stated that on a use of this type in order to get a neighborhood to accept it, they should have some input. Temporary uses are more objectionable and upsetting to a neighborhood than what is proposed for the second unit regulations. Planning Commission Minutes -4- April 13, 1983 tor. Coleman stated that the notification of contiguous property owners could be a requirement of a temporary use similar to a minor deviation, or make it a CUP. He pointed out that a CUP is a costly a d timely process, and a temporary use permit would make it simplier to provides housing for the elderly. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that it was not necessary for the Commission to make a decision on this item this evening. The purpose at this time was to take public comment and for the Commissioners to provide staff with direction in preparing an Ordinance for the Commission's review at the second meeting in April. Vice - chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Art Bridge, Rancho Cucamonga resident, addressed the Commision voicing support for item, however, felt it should be restricted to 10,000 square foot or larger lots. Mr. Coleman stated that regulations for designated areas had not been included in the ordinance because it was felt that the income of the owners of smaller lots have the sane need to provide housing for the elderly and would possibly ,�_ _ c -- - .,.. -. A �•�•tt nlcn that there is no income benefit more from the �r.., � • �• � s - limit on the regulations for elder cottages. Vice - chairman Stout asked if cite development criteria would have to be met which might preclude a smaller lot from qualifying. Mr. Gomez replied that each Conditional Use Permit would be reviewed on a case -by -case basis so that the smaller lots would conform to the requirements. There were no public comments, therefore the public .rearing was closed. Vice - chairman Stout asked if the Senior Citizen's VIP Club had been contacted for their input. Mr. Gomez replied that they had not, however, staff could arrange for their input prior to the next meeting. Commissioner McNiel stated that he was concerned with a temporary structure and felt that it should have more restrictions on it so that i` could not be placed in the front yard area. Mr. Vairin suggested that a structure that was to be placed in the front yard could be restricted to a permanent structure that would blend in with the present structure. Vice - chairman Stout stated that he felt that a Conditional Use Permit should be required to give the surrounding property owners a chance to voice their Planning Commission Minutes -° April 13, 1983 opinions. Further, that the requirements for a second unit structure would make it blend in with the present structure, but this is impossible with a temporary unit. Commissioner McNiei stated that the temporary structure is more applicable to the need than the second unit. Vice- chairman Stout stated that he had no orobiem with that, however, felt that the neighborhood would accept it more if they had a chance to come before the Commission in a public forum. Commissioner McNiei asked if the temporary use permits could be brought before the Commission for a public hearing until the Commission can see if there will be problems with this type oP use. Ted Hopson advised that the Commission could require a public hearing for a teirvorary use by Ordinance. Mr. Gomez advised that public notification of contiguous preperty owners could also be a requirement of a Temporary Use Permit. This would require a lower fee than a Conditional Use Permit. Vice - chairman Stout stated that he would like to at least have the uses monitored for a while and once the Commission sees what problems arise from them and what conditions to impose, there may no longer be a need for a public hearing. Mr. Gomez stated that staff could list some options for the Commission's consideration at the next meeting before recommending them to the City Council. Motion: Moved by McNiei, seconded by Juarez, unanimously carried, to continue this item to April 27, 1983. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS McNiei, Juarez, Stout None Barker, Rempel 8:20 - Planning Commission Recessed 8:30 - Planning Commission Reconvened Planning Commission Minutes -6- April 13, 1983 H. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SENIOR HOUSING OVERLAY DISTRICT Rick Marks, Associate Planner, reviewed the staff report. Vice - chairman Stout opened the public hearing. "there were iio comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Vice- chairman Stout stated that he wo;rlc suggest that paragraph 12 a under "Target Population" on page 4 have the words "the head of household" stricken so that it would read that either spouse would have to be fifty -five years or older. Jack Lam asked if the problem was with the term "head of household ". Commissioner Stout replied that the term "head of household" has both traditional and legal meanings and that if the husband was 53 and the wife 55, they should also be eligible. Ted Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated that the target population wording is from HUD Section 8 language; however, he did not see a problem with rewording this section so that either spouse could be 55 or older. Vice - chairman Stout referred to the second paragraph on page 5 dealing with rent increases and asked if the notificatir.n requirement included the City. Rick Marks replied that it did not. Vice - chairman Stout suggested that this b,! required because the City would more than likely receive complaints from tenants when rents are increased and would at least be well infcrmed. Mr. Hopson stated that there is an annual review process and the question is how intrusive the City should be in the operation conducted by the property owner. The argument was presented that as tho County median income level (as determined by the federal government) is increased, it would be appropriate at that time to increase rents. Staff felt that i': would be justifiable for the City to rely on the good faith effort of the pr(,.)erty owner to adjust their rents accordingly, and that during the annual review the City would learn of all rent increases. Vice - chairman Stout stated that he was not a rent control advocate, however, would prefer to be notified by the landlord that rents were teing increased than to hear it from the residents. Further, that language should be included in paragraph 13 of page 4 to require that the City be notified of rent increases for the units for which a project was given some type of density bonus or fee waiver because the City has given them something and should see what it is getting in return. Further, that he was not interested in the market rate apartments, only those units occupied by senior citizens whether they are target population or not. Planning Commission Minutes -7- April 13, 1983 Commissioner McNiel stated that he agreed with Vice- chairman Stout and felt that it would be of benefit to the landlord if he notified the City of his intention to increase rents. There was further discussion on this topic with the decision being that this recommendation would be made to the City Council. Vice - chairman Stout referred to the termination and eviction requirements on page 7 and asked if they complied with California law. Mr. Hopson replied that "a", "b ", and "c" comply with California law, however, "d" ties in with the target population income restrictions. He further explained that the final paragraph of section 18 is less restrictive than HUD Section 8 and more restrictive than California state law. Moticn: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Juarez, unanimously carried to adopt the Resolution recommending approval of the General Development Agreement with the omnission of the "head of household" reference in Section 12 (a) and insertion of "either spouse", and the requirement under paragraph 13 that the City as well as the tenants be formally notifed of rent increases. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: DIRECTOR'S REPORTS McNiel, Juarez, Stout None Barker, Rempel - car-ied- I. REPORT ON DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE Michael Vairin presented an informational report to the Commission which reviewed the new twice a month meeting schedule for tiie Design Review Committee. * *t* COUNCIL REFERiLALS J. CIRCULATION ALTERNATIVES FOR HAVEN AVENUE Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the sta "f report which recommended that the Commission either reconfirm the access policies as set forth and recommend that the City Council make no changes, or that the Commission formulate any changes, such as deletions or additions to the street Planning Cow- ission Minutes -8- April 13, 1983 system, and direct staff to prepare changes to the Industrial Specific Plan for City Council consideration. Bruce Strickland, representing Vanguard Companies, addressed the Commission regarding the street between: Utica and Haven and 6th and 4th Streets. Mr. Strickland stated that this street creates two parcels which will be very hard to work for the developer to work with and did not think it would meet the goals of the Industrial Specific Plan for the area to the south. Mr. Strickland suggested that parcel lines and ownership lines be looked at when establishing the location of streets. He also distributed maps to the Commissioners. Paul Rougeau pointed oLt that parcel 7 (on 6th Street) has an offer of dedication for a street on the west side and along Utica on its eastern boundary. Mr. Strickland stated that this offer of dedication is not binding at this time. Mr. Lam replied that the statement by Mr. Rougeau was not meant to imply that this is a binding dedication, but to point out that the access policy has been followed in the past. Russ Bluette, representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, owner of the three parcel at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and 4th Street, addressed the Commission stating that the church intends to develop a master plan for this area. Further, that the church is opposed to the street location as proposed because it would destroy this master plan concept. Also, that Uticv and Cleveland are natural barriers and that the purpose would not be served by placing a street through the middle of the property and would also deter the development of this property. Jack Lam stated that based upon testimony heard this everinq there seems to be some property owner interact in looking at options in the future for their own specific properties and asked if any of the property owners had met to look at the circulation alternatives from a master plar. basis. Mr. Bluette stated that he was in agreement with the concept of Haven Avenue being a heavily traveled street, however, did not feel that the needs of the City would be met by having the street down the center of the subject property. He agreed that there has to be an east/west street, but did riot feel that this is the appropriate location. Mr. Lam replied that when the Industrial Specific Plan went through public hearings there was a great deal of discussion regarding the locatior of streets. During these hearings there was discussion regarding the abandonment of both 7th and 8th Streets, and soon no one wanted streets in front of their property because they felt the fewer .streets there were, the less it would Planning Commission Minutes -9- April 13, 1983 affect the properties. This resulted in traffic studies to determine the feasibility of widening 6th Street to accommodate these requests. Mr. Lain pointed out that the City has always been willing to look at alternative means of access and suggested that the property owners get together to come up with an alternative to be presented to the City. Mr. Biuette stated that Mr. Lars proposal was well taken, however, the proposed street location places a considerable burden on this property owner, namely the LDS Church, in that they would be asked to dedicate for Utica, the entire amount for street "A", plus dedication for Trademark and that this is a lot to ask of one property owner. Further, that he d:d not see the real need since the traffic issue would have to be resolved when the Church comes in with a proposal for this piece of property, and ask that the Commission consider the deletion of street "A ". Commissioner McNiel asked for clarification of the purpose of this item. Jack Lam replied that the item %os referred to the Planning Commission by the City Council to determine whether or not street "A" should be deleted from the Industrial Specific Plan. Paul Rougeau stated that the reason the other alternative issues were raised was to show how this street fits into the overall pattern and to emphasize that it is part of the circulation issue on Haven from 4th Street to 8th Street. Vice - chairman Stout replied the deletion of this street must be done in context of all the issues, and was glad staff raised the other solutions. Further, that if the property owners feel the street should be• deleted, the property owners should bear the burden of coming up with an alternative solution to the problem since the City has put the time, effort, and money into the formation of the Specific Plan. He further stated that his decision would be to not make any changes ir the plan unless the property owners come up with some type of alternative to the iss�iv. Vice- Chairman Stout also suggested that the City should be thinking of ways to get traffic off Haven Avenue that would be generated from the airport. Commissioner McNiel stated that he agreed that the property owners should try to come up with a solution and was inclined to not undermine the Specific Plan process. Mr. Strickland stated that he does not want a solution that will cause more problems and that the idea that because the City has a Specific Plan for that area it is set in perpetuity is not true since the City changes things all of the time through its ordinates. Further, that the point he was trying to make is that the secondary parallel road exists in Utica Street because of the layout of the parcels. He further stated that it is not feasible to meet with the church since they presently do not have a plan for their property and that Planning Commission Minutes -1D- April 13, 1983 the two uses may not necessarily be compatible. Also, that the traffic problem can be solved without the street running between Utica Haven. Mr. Bluette stated that this is basically the view out that between Haven and Utica and Cleveland distance and that it is an undue burden to place this property since the sale dedication could Cleveland. With future planning with the City, traffic could be guided onto Utica which would sery Vice - chairman Stout called for the motion. of the Church. He pointed is approximately the same a street in the middle of be made on Utica as on he stated that a lot of ice the needs of the City. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Juarez, carried, to recommend to the City Council that no changes be made in the Industrial Specific Plan at this time. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADJOURNMENT: COMMISSIONERS: McNiel, Juarez, Stout COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONERS: Barker, Rempel - carried- Motion: Moved by Juarez, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adjourn. 9:50 - Planning Commission Adjourned Respectfully submitted, Jack lam, Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -Ii- April 13, 1983 11 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 L97' TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Frank J. Dreckman, -Assistant Planner SUBJECT: REQ FOR APPROVAL OF A REDESIGN IN PRODUCT TYPE FOR 175 _ OND UES7 NTU UNITS Previous Approval: Tentative Tracts 11625 & 11781 BACKGROUND: The Roberts Group project represents a redesign in product type of two previously approved condominium tracts located on the northwest corner of 19th Street and Hermosa Avenue. Combined, the two tracts are comprised of 175 dwelling units, as compared to 177 units previously approved. Units are arranged in a fashion consistent with the original proposal, with adequate setbacks. The tract map is not affected. The Design Review Committee has determined that the proposed redesign adequately conforms to the basic design standards of the City and recoinended approval of the project. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon analysis of previously approved plans in relation to the new designs, this project will integrate and be compatible with surrounding land uses. If the Commission concurs, approval of this project would be in order. tted, City Planner RG:FD:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Plan Tentative Tract 11781 Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Tentative Tract 11625 Exhibit "C -1" & "C -2" - Elevations ITEM A T'E RANCt-D CL'CAj�IO\GA Trru: EXf i1w. -_ SCALE: 11 EI 0 _ £ I u T 1 �t iI CITY OF rrENis IS EXHIBIT' -1�_ SCAAI.E: Y� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA t t.t' NTINTING LlX Na V ITE: \1: TITLE. EXHIBIT:_ SCALE: C 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAINIO \'GA ITEM'!: TITLE: �,O y c7✓15 EXHINT: G'Z cCALE: _ E DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT May 11, 1963 Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner EXTENSIONS - BACKGROUND: The applicants for the above residential projects are requesting time extensions. The requests are based on the current economic conditions adversely affecting the buildin industry and lending market. Two of the four tracts (10363 and 1.1013 have submitted for plan checking of the final map, but will not record prior to the expiration date. The approved tentative tract maps are shown on the attached exhibits. Listed below is the unit type, number of units, approval date and expiration date for each project. ANALYSIS: Tentative tract maps in the City currently valid for a maximum of four (4) extensions per Zoning Ordinance regulations. originally approved for twelve (12) months, an eighteen (18) month extension. Since eighteen year maximum for these tracts, it is suggested granted for the full eighteen months. of Rancho Cucamonga are years, with appropriate All four tracts were i subsequently granted an months remain of the four that a final extension be RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that final eighteen (18) month extensions be granted for the subject tracts. The new expiration dates are shown on the attached Resolution. (City Planner jRG:CJ:jr ® � Attachments: Nom_ tted, Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" through "E" - Tract Maps Resolution of Approval ITEM B APPROVAL EXPIRATION TRACT # OF UNITS UNIT TYPE DATE DATE 765'9— ��- --TF— TT-2T--80 10369 9 SF 12 -22 -80 6 -22 -83 11013 30 SF 12 -10 -80 6 -10 -83 11459 398 Condo 12 -22 -80 6 -22 -83 ANALYSIS: Tentative tract maps in the City currently valid for a maximum of four (4) extensions per Zoning Ordinance regulations. originally approved for twelve (12) months, an eighteen (18) month extension. Since eighteen year maximum for these tracts, it is suggested granted for the full eighteen months. of Rancho Cucamonga are years, with appropriate All four tracts were i subsequently granted an months remain of the four that a final extension be RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that final eighteen (18) month extensions be granted for the subject tracts. The new expiration dates are shown on the attached Resolution. (City Planner jRG:CJ:jr ® � Attachments: Nom_ tted, Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" through "E" - Tract Maps Resolution of Approval ITEM B VICINITY MAP �nnewe City Limits C � Unin;.orporated Area Within City Sphere of- Influence -Noff M. CITY OF rr>: m: RA INCHO CUCAiN70j -GA TITU: PLANNING DIVLSION EXIJIBIT: �_ SCALE. . - lic VICINIi Y MAP h'0 S:r'•6 JI f ,I i•' i, I� V V NORTH CITY OF rrEM: frIA 7 --MA&rr: M90J RANCHO CiL'CATN10.\ *GA TrrLE: "jU= M047 PLANTININTCY DIVIS[ON EXHIBIT: ..S•• SC,4 LE- VICINITY LE I] w f'. J/ Y � M i . _1 - z UlLL IZA / ! CA ' F 4 Y � i L� nroirrli CITY OF RANCHO CUCAxlo. Gtr TITLE: c: PLANNING \G DI :rISIQ\I EXliIBlT: "G" SG1LE= 11 �. —� � - --'t i+T.' �i I 'r - -iii r_Jn•r l�yl� � r___� - _ -__-' 1K�r �• '!i i� AEI. Io^!.. J� I li _ ig_ i rri;,' IAP- d 17• r �t �I` . I : I _ i i r 1 1 1 -1 •f �Y•�h it t 11 -�•. I t I NORTH CITY OF ITEIXI:M ICES -TIME eMaCACM RANCHO CL'CAy10 \GA �:-r►� Map .9 n NNING DIVLSION EXHI TT: �4 A SCALE Lt V i RESOLUTION N0. 46 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION, APPROVING THE EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACTS 9659, 10369, 11013, 11459 WHEREAS:, a rcguest has been filed for a time extension for the above- described projects, pursuant to Section 1.401.11.2 of Ordinance 28 -B, the Subdivision ri-r.intnce; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissior conditionally approved the above- des:ribei� Tentative Tract Maps. SECTION 'she Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the fol'owin3 t7r"ings: A. That prevailing economic conditions have caused a distressed market climate for residential projects. B. That current economic, marketing, and inventory conditions make it unreasonable to record the Tracts at this ti=ne. C. lhat Strict enforcement of the conditions of approval regarding expirations would not be consistent with the intent of the Zoning Code. D. That the granting of said time extensions will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hereby grants a time extensio� n or: Tract Expiration 9659 December 22, 1984 10369 December 22, 1984 11013 December 10, 1984 11459 December 22, 1984 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLANNING, COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Heenan Rempel, Chairman Resolution No. Page 2 ATTEST - Secretary of t e P annin g r omission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Corm:issior, of the City Of Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced y y and City of Rancho duceCucamonga ,saeda and adopted by the Planning Commission of the on the 11th day of May, 19 &3, b regular meeting of the Planning Coamissior, held y the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 E �J CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF PARCEL MAP 6114 - VISTP southwest corner of Ramona and Foothi - Located at the Parcel Map 6114 was tentatively approved by the City Engineer for the division of 3.25 acres into 3 parcels within the C -2 zone located at the southwest corner of Ramona and Foothill on October 20, 1980. At the request of the developer, a one -year extension was granted on April 16, 1982. The developer is requesting an additional one -year extension due to economic reasons. An extension of one -year is the final extension of time that can be granted. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Planning CommisFion adopt the attached resolution granting a ore -year extension of time for Parcel Map 6114. lly subpitted, : jaa Attachment ITEM C Oi S § ! i ; �5�5= k 5 |! q §f k / || § |22 § §B° \$� $ � �z �| ] � | | | r E � 9 RESOLUTION? NO. * ® A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION, APPROVING THE EXTENSIONS FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 6114 WHEREAS, an application has been filed for a time extension for the above - described project, pursuant to Section 1.501..8.2 (b) of Ordinance 28 -B, the Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has held a duly advertised public hearing for the above - described project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conditionally approved the above - described Tentative Parcel Map. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the following n ng A. That prevailing economic conditions have caused a lack cf financing and high interest rates for construction. B. That these economic conditions make it unreasonable to build at this time. C. That strict enforcement of the conditions of approval regarding expirations would not be consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. D. That the granting of said time extensions will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welf are, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. SECTION 2: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hereby grants a time extension for the above- described project as follows: Parcel Map 6114 Expiration Date April 16, 1984 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF ,MAY, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY- Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: 0 Secretary of the Planning Commission Resolution No, Page 2 JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning COMMissicn OF the City Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resole regularly introduced 9 9 tion was duly nand City of Rancho Cucanon aasat and adopted by the Pla,rin On the 11th day of May, regular meeting of the PTannirCommission of the 9 g Y. 1983, by the f0lowing vote -to -wit: g Commission "held AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 E E E CITY OF RANICHO CUCAMOINTGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krail, Engineering Technician 1977 SUBJECT: REVISION OF PARCEL MAP 6976 - CAPELLINO - An industrial subdivision of 49.9T acres into 14 parcels in Subarea 9 located on the south side of Arrow Route, east of Haven Avenue - APN 209 - 141 -68 Tentative Parcel Map 6976 was approved by Planning Commission on Septenber 9, 1981, for the division of 49.93 acres into 22 lots as shown on the attached map marked "original ". Since that time, the developer has decided that a change to a more direct connection of the existing Vincent Avenue from Jersey Blvd. to Arrow Route and a reduction in the number of lots would be more desirable. The attached revised map is submitted for your review and approval. This revised map aligns Vincent Avenue with White Oak at Arrow Route and moves Tacoma Drive approximately 200 feet north of its original location. A reduction in the number of parcels from 22 parcels to 14 creates larger parcel sizes. Because of the changes shown on the revised map, two additional conditions will be required. Since the alignment of Vincent Avenue creates an open space on Parcel 1, a condition that this area be fully landscaped or attached to the property to the west by Lot Line Adjustment prior to building permit issuance for Parcel 1 has been added. Secondly, since all parcels fronting on A ^row Route now have access from local street, a condition to dedicate all vehicular access rights to the City nn Arrow Route will be added. A third change will be the abandonment of that portion of Vincent Avenue no longer required because of its realignment. This will occur when the revised map is recorded. ITEM D PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Revision of Parcel Map 6976 - Capellino May 11, 1983 Page 2 REC"ENDATION It is recommended that the revision to the Tentative Parcel Map be approved and, if the Commission agrees, a resolution providing for the change is attached for approval. Attachment E E 0 ol- -- ``o�scn.t,p esn TY OF RANCHO CUCA.RIOIGA ENGINEERING DIVISION VICINITY MAP N till, DARE N0. page 69? i i r� • a �a R� ri y� .I ^m f' r s I N $ I a r '- m Ii — r r ZF 8 e A �m r � y a3 e `e i � I m c m 0 d } E I L' T� I t o I ZF 8 e A �m r � y a3 e `e i � I m c m 0 d } E I L' PARCEL MAP 6976 AAhk fo ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL E M, AITN Ile 9 • Fr o 0 0 • 0 • 0 a. EF ao EN u o Z) o L.--A T Lim ^ " " "REA 9 (Continued) Right-Of -Way - Rochester Arrow 88' Right -Of -Way - Cleveland Jersey r. .0 54' Right -Of -Way - 7th Vincent Utica and all other local streets Minimum Parcel Size Two (2) acres in the area between Arrow Highway extending 1000' south, five (5) acres in remaining areas Setback Requirements Average (measured from ulti- landscaping Parking mate face of curb) Milliken 45' 25' Arrow of to Rochester it It Cleveland 35' 20' Jersey 25' 15' 7th " is 8th 9th Vincent, Utica, and all other local streets iv -47 i HIGHWAY DESIGN TRAFFIC ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS UTILIT,ES STORM DRAINS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Geor•cie H. Mim Consulting Civil Engineer April 26, 1933 City of ?anew CL•camorga 9340 Baseline road Rancho Cucamonga, California 91701 Attention: Paul Roloeau Re: Parcel Map 6976 Dear Paul, MUNICIPAL Attached please find one transparency of revised Tentative CONSULTING Parcel Map 6976 and related fee of $62.00. The map has been changed to reflect a more direct - -cnnection of ANALYSIS existing Vincent Avenue from Jersey Boulevard to Arrow Route. The number of lots has been reduced from 22 to 14 and the ave::age lot area has increased. we request approval of this revised layout. Z£ you have any questions or .require addi>:ional information, please feel free to contact me. Yours very truly, Timothy P. Kim Mack, P. E. TP? -0: jr Attach -gent 214 SOUTH EUCLID AVENUE, ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 • (714) 9834439 7 E RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING REVISED TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 6976 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 6976, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Richard Capellino, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, described as an industrial subdivision of 49.93 acres being divided into 22 parcels within subarea 9, located on tae south side of Arrow Route, east of Haven Avenue, was conditionally approves by the Planning Commission on September 9, 1981; and WHEREAS, a revision to said map creating 14 parcels and a realignment Of thE- circulation pattern has regularly come before tite Planning Commission on May 11, 1983; and WHEREAS, the Planning Conmission has read and considered the Engineering Division Report. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: A. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. B. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. C. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. D. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: Revised Tentative Parcel Map 6976 a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all the following conditions: A. Condition of Approval contained in Resolution No. 81 -10G shall apply to this map. B. Vehicular access rights on Arrow Route shall be dedicated to the City of 'Rancho Cucamonga. C. Open space area on Parcel 1 shall be fully Landscaped including sprinkler systems, or attached to property adjacent to the :,lest prior to issuance of Building Permits for said parcel 1. Resolution No. Page 2 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. 0 PLANNING COMMISSICA OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Re5p21, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Comn:issim, I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of, Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 Cr.rY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1933 TO: Planning Conmisson FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: John Martin, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12305 LOT CHANGE - ROY - The revision from &ae of to two lots for phasing and financing purposes of a division of 5.24 acres in the R -3 zone located an the north side of 19th Street east of Hellman Avenue - APN 201 -232 -34 & 54 The Tract Engineer on behalf of the Developer has requested that the subject tract be revised (see attached letter). This project was previously approved as a single lot development. Financing constraints and phasing construction freedoms has spawned the request to change the number of lots to two lots far this project. Thss change will have no adverse affects on the orderly development of this cite. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve the change from one lot to two lots for Tentative Tract 12305. lly submitted, BH:4m: J as Attachments ITEM E :I ` %� t TENTATWE C�j TRACT NO. 12305 IN We CR'! OF RANCHO COGMONGA BEING A PROPOJED JPJSONKION M PARCEL Al OF PARCEL MAP NO. 4281, P.M.D. 38/84 ANO A PORTION OF LOT Y2 OP DUCK 11, CUCAMONGA HOMESTEAD ASTiOCIATUW, M.D.jr,J DOTH RECOM74, OP THE C=NTT OF 5AN DERMR=NO, CTMTP OF CAUFORNIA. FOR CONDOMINIUM IPURPO5E5 :ors 'JWME2 17Ti LIT!F5 DENCN MARK NO. 4 ; -R •• K OCMAN ei.N AL40 OMG OMA EY r9: "�•�" -CO VQl51Yf 50 ^�M .f Yii YKI, II'N.1 YYtYi! LTAd�I_ ALA L I-ICI 16�V�5pWOi 110 n01r5r 5Mt�T OOtfL.T �= EASY__ ^^ ['sYV.G.. ULO Vry lyy' 11.15pf'i911 �(ZY 1fl5y$ J•I GAS I' I f� i 1 >T6TE i M f Ala 1� I ^I � ~ L. •QJ G In 1P'�nY �EYl� SECTDI �"PWAL LFWEL 96CTIcN ., R6 OIyJ CyN I ^I �1 II RI BSfq � I..r...,� NILMWIY I I, 1 /wodR f.�.v I 1 R 3 -T II � rW I i'115 A I d_I VICINITY MAP S q L nA v a -. _ .*L-., _� -_ TYPICAL TILT hECTmm "P"L Ti? ole" IL wi <C C.M...{'OOTlC L__J 11 5� r!D nT 7JO1-A _AT CvAp.JyN - . ^a: il-O:i:. � .a w1. e-.nan m _e» v .arnau nLw ENGINVEIC -RMJ to E`1 R CO. - SLEAOmc_ =60 I T.RC Ave- :"n L. [f W AP I' I f� i 1 >T6TE i M f Ala 1� I ^I � ~ L. •QJ G In 1P'�nY �EYl� SECTDI �"PWAL LFWEL 96CTIcN ., R6 OIyJ CyN I ^I �1 II RI BSfq � I..r...,� NILMWIY I I, 1 /wodR f.�.v I 1 R 3 -T II � rW I i'115 A I d_I VICINITY MAP S q L nA v a -. _ .*L-., _� -_ TYPICAL TILT hECTmm "P"L Ti? ole" IL wi <C C.M...{'OOTlC L__J 11 AN®REASEN ENGINEERNG CO. CMe ex-N ... UM s $80 H09M PARK AVOM POMONA, CAUFORWA 41768 9741 673-YS95 April 26, 1983 City of Rancho Cucamonga P. O. Box 793 Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. '730 Attn: Planning Commissio:, Re: Tentative Tract No. 12305 Owner - Charles Roy Gentlemen: We are requesting a change from a one lot subdivision The reason for this change 10 After a complete marketing owner has determined it is units first, then complete interest and homeowners as 11 in the Tentative Tract Map, to a two lot subdivision. is for financing purposes. and financing portfolio, the onlv feaseable to build 17 the remainder, because of sociation fees. The addition of the lot line will have no effect on the total scheme of the project. Thank you for your consideration on this matter and we hone to work closely with you on many more projects in the near future. V✓��e y ' � v 5;qurs, GAR P. ANDREASEN Consultant, Andreasen Engineering Co- CAP - bk RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REVISED TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 12305 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map 12305, hereinafter "4ap" submitted by Charles Roy, applicant, for the purpose of developing _he real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, State of California, described as an Condominium development of 5.24 acres being 1 lot, located on the north side of 19th Street, east of Hellman Avenue, was conditionally approved by the Planning Commission on December 8, 1982; and WHEREAS, a revision to said map creating 2 lots has regularly come before the Planning Commission on May 11, 1983; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering Division Report. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga resolves as follows: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: A. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. B. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. C. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 0. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health prohlems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: Revised Tentative Tract Map 12305 a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all the following condition: A. Conditions of Approval contained in Resolution No. 82 -112 shall apply to this map. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLA14AING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman 11 Resolution No. Page 2 El ATTEST: Secretary of the P anm ng Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7902 - LING - A division of 2.37 acres into 4 parcels grit to t e R-1 31 ocated an the south side of Wilson Avenue at Mayberry Avenue - ANN 201 - 181 -60 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: To divide 2.37 acres into 4 parcels. B. Location: South side of Wilson Avenue east side of Mayberry Avenue. C. Parcel Size: Parcel - 20,200 s.f. Parcel 2 - 20,000 s.f. Parcel 3 - 20,000 s.f. Parcel 4 - 25,000 s.f. D. Existing Zoning: R -1- 20,000. E. Existing Land Use: Vacant. F. Surroundin5 Land Use and Zoning: North - R-i, 20,000 South - R- 2, /P.D. East - R -1, 20,000 West - R -1, 20,000 G. General Plan Designation: Nor— tom: - very 2 du/ac South - Low medium - 4 -8 du /ac East - Low medium - 4 -8 du /ac- West - Low medium - 4-8 du /ac H. Site Characteristics: The prcjact site is presently vacant and slopes approximately from north to south. ITEM F Environmental Assessment and Parcel Map 7902 - Ling M :y 11, 1983 P.ge 2 II. ANALYSIS: This map is the easterly continuation of a previous'y approved parcel map of similar design. The side yard slopes as showm on the attached conceptual grading plan will be contoured to provide a more natural appearance. Drainage from Mayberry Avenue will be directed to the 24 inch drainage pipe being constructed by the property owner to the west. Mr. Granger, the property owner to the west will provide the street improvements for the west half of Mayberry Avenue and the 24 inch storm drain pipe in connection with his Parcel Map No. 5795. A community trail is required for Wilson Avenue along with a ten foot feeder trail on the east property line. 1II. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Also attached for your review and consideration is Part I of the Initial Study as completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study, the environmental checklist, and has conducted a investgation. Upon completion and review of the Initial Study and field investigation, Staff found no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the proposed subdivision. IV. CORRESPONDENCE Notices of Public Nearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. V. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Plann`ny elements of the project. If, after can support the recommended conditions Engineer's Report, then adoption of appropriate. It is also recommended issued. Respectfully subma tied, :jaa Attachments: Map Resolution City Engineer's Report Initial Study C, mission consider all input and such consideration, the Commission of approval as written in the City the attached resolution would be that a Negative Declaration be E 11 C♦J _- ; :, . '. r� <: '< ';;, ARC E L MAP No 790 t+ OORTION OR T4[ q1C V., SCC. 2G, T W; C l W." p..n. M1� -PKa 0 -: ..�/V jJ J N 4/ILLOY GIV1L (.LLGIMCCt Y'J- GPL�rn�1Nn �• 7�T0V (� .) �•. - ilk -. -. 0 e Y C U I� !fie t S 1 Z d d1 nle`.z)).� e� e drD. bJr IL:U11 J Y Y FEB , 1983 o _ Q� A Z � C ♦ � u d4 5 c,9 h Cl L •-CL s Ls:�- dONN L [ R Ya LW4 �3�15 YC ♦:.�. rr -c+7b r ZIj S5L PfOJ �I 23 i-3 t,L & nwp.sa �ENU�21L�MC iCL. iic � .F o _ Q� A Z � C ♦ � u d4 5 c,9 h Cl L •-CL s Ls:�- dONN L [ R Ya LW4 �3�15 YC ♦:.�. rr -c+7b r ZIj S5L PfOJ �I �I w� r J NOTES 1. C.rV wo uK: vgcgaT e, cos•rnK za..e er. re roe 1 GR06b GRC..' Z 1T kC<b s.00+�HTT r.c� . ROUCIT' 'Y4vCR O. 1.OL wqy. HC�i v.CC.CyrO. e.pTrLrTY G)M���P <.S.] n. w• T-ec� Vlrr- rr El J LJ El 11 e« R. . 1Y ...wce, C.Tr M %.- o« —..o.. - TENTATIVE MAP CEL MAP N° • 9® �JWJ J M WIUaOY. CML LV GY�yR �A/ >K. Y LLO•.e YLYU.. FEB , 19R3 ..ec••..co TeR: .1n.(Y 1. / R.YV lJM4 •lO,RC�il.�.i � l�0 CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLA N 22 i _. NOTES :+a ,. tanr Yli: YLaYT - i. V.af R,L LO,IC' G4[::000 S4ReLa Y.RL�: !lIRClLa ' 4TOT�L LOTtiI 4 S eLW�fT: � iL• ' "" 4«ae.p[e LR % RC: _ T. 6l�1• MnR GI VNMIR __�__ wca•,wReiwrT�.. -`. a. aRMaa.urv.T.c T..w K. Yw.R01WIlY•�w4 ®- vEmams VMD CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to t:ie Development Review Committee througi_ the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staf will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Reriew Committed will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the p % -blic meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Comrsittee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no significant envi::c=er_tal impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project wi:l have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further information concerning the pronosed project. r LJ PROJECT TITLE: fi!M, 7X02 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: � 4;ti,in cd. S� 1 -7 1 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF 'PERSON TO BE CONTF.,CTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT- �. n��f W IL 5(n N. C IIZ i L yEX61 N° E? 3�i K, CGGoN to .V. (1PLt\� t T�- 4 g i'7er, 4 C? a, Eis IDCATION OF PROJECT (STREET F.DDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) IL) ILzo t.J IiyE LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AIND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: - 1-1 L� :,ROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: —,;41,r, p2& JCGY Pea PCs, lc• 2��cG�1. 6, P CTS ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FC"�TAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: - -- Tta R,IL1DI%W s DESCRIBE THE ENVT_RON3rbPPAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCrLMING IZvT-FORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SLENTIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF FNY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTAC:i NECESSARY SHEETS) TNT CQpir - -�j SITE 'S PQESEt1TL1' :.Pub��V`I�OPED. - UEG�:1'tsT. Otv Til �i"� +� � +12�r^t?st*sE.D j+j• —�'� S L`t.5 a-) ___DcGinGr��r:G %7 !J T3rtl;�_ IvQi?T� CS^✓�_ Is the project, part of a larger project, or< of a series' of c--mul ive actions, which although individually small, may as a whole i:ave significant envi *.=ntal im=ct? Fes_ %2 iaL-L THIS PP,OT'CT: YES N0 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? Z/ 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration_? 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? 4. Create chances in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5- Remove any existing trees? gow many ?_ 6. Create the need for u -- se or disposal or pote:tially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, fle=mables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: I1'03R7A?N L : pro, ect If the involves the construction of residential units, next page. corpletc the form on the C)-RT_TgygATIO -N: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best o£ my ability, and that the facts. Ftatemerts, and information presented are true and correct to the best of MY knowledge and belief. I furth_r understand he t addi,ional in °arm3tion :nay r required to ue submitted before an ade be e qee. evaulation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Dat..e Signature � /�1Y,L Title / 7AY RESIDENTIAL CO:' ?STP.UCTT_ON The following information should be _:rcv' ded '•-o the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the abilit_ of the school di >trict to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Project:_ 1. Number or single family units: 2. number of multitle family %.-:its: 3 Date proposed to bee-;-, co.^_struct:cn: 4. Ea_liest mate of OCC��u.C: Model and ? of Tentative S. B°_drooIs Price Rance PHASE I Pii;S.7 2 PHASE 3 PHASE G TOTAL RESOLUTION N0. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION 4F RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVINu" PARCEL 7902 {TENTATIVE PARCEL. �yAp THE CITY OF SOUTHSIDE OF WILSON AVFNUE AT N^9A. 790 AVENUE MAP NUMBER �) AVENUE ED ON THE consist in WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Ma Avenue, beiof q Pa• "cels, located on the Number T902, submitted b W, Ling and g a division Of a f the ide o£ Wilson Avenue oat Mayberry R. 7 W., $,g•H•1 acid Portion of the northeast i /¢, Section 26, T. 1 WHEREAS reclesting review ofntheaabove 3, 1983 described Tentative Map; and ion was WHERc'A$, °n Ma P; and submitted advertised public hearin yf 11' 1983 9 or the the Planning Chi -Sion held above- described map, a di,ly FOLLOWS: NOW' THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVE SECT',,N 1: Th D AS —�_ at the following rindings have been made: 1• That the map is consist with the General plan. 2• That the i . consistent fiPr °vement of the proposed subdivision is with the General Plan. 3' Thai the site is Physically Proposed deve)oPnent, suitable for the 4. That the proposed not cause substantial and improvements health problems or have rvi�'onmentai damage, will Property, adverse affect on Public abutting env ironmenECT�O�- mat this ai impacts and Project wi77 not create a Negative Declaration is issued the rec- 'SE --� 3= That Tentative Parcel "mm`' Conditions of a a cel Ma PPravai P No. 7902 is APPROVED A Pertaining thereto. AND ADOPTED T,IS 11TH DAY OF MAYS 1983. PL."„ "iNING COMb7ISSIGN Oi THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 8Y: Herman Re-Me �.ha7rmar, ----— significant adverse Or, May 11, 1983. aPProve3 subject to r L 11 Resoiutinn No. Page Z 11 ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission 1, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Comaissi;n of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the for--go:ng Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning C=issios held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: �J 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL LOCATION: Southside of Wilson between TENTATIVE MAP NO. 7902_ Haven and Hermosa DATE FILED: March 13 1983 LEGAL DESCRIPTION :A portion of the northeast NUMBER OF LOTS: 4 1/4 Section 26, 7.1 W. R.7 W.. SBM GROSS ACREAGE: 2.37 ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 201 - 181 -60 DEVELOPER OWNFR ENGINEER /SURVEYO', John & Rina Ling same J. M. Wilson 13235 Reservoir 387 N. Second Street Chino, CA 91710 _ Upland, CA 91786 Improvement and dedication requirements in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rancid Cucamonga include, but may not be limited to, the following: Dedications and Vehicular Access 1. Dedications shall be made of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. X 2. Dedication shall be made of the following rights -of -way on the foiirwing streets: 30 feet on MU err additional— eet on Wi son ins odes rig t o way and 9' easement for co*nnunity 7Lral1. _ X 3. Corner property line radius will be required per City Standards - 24 inch radius. 4. All rights of vehicular ingress and egress shall be dedicated as follows: 5. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and -J'cint maintenance of all common roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by C.C. &R.s and shall be recorded concurrent with the map. 11 E E 11 V4 Suret 6. All existing quitclaimed requirements. easements lying within future right -of -way are to be or delineated on the map per City Engineer's 7. Easements for sidewalk for public use shall be dedicated to the City where sidewalks meander through private property. X 1. Surety shall be posted aad an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements prior to recording. 2. A lien agreement must be executed prior to recording of the map for the following: X 3. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed, guaranteeing completion of all on -site drainage facilites necessary for dewaterinq all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Divison prior to recording. Street Im rovements 'Pursuant to tie ity of Ranch Cucamonga Muniripai Code, Title 16, Section 16.36.120, the subidiver may enter into an agreement and post security with the City guaranteeing the required construction prior to recordation of the map and/or building permit issuance. 1. Construct full street improvements inc'iuding, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior streets. X 2. A minimum of 26 -foot wide pavement within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right -of -way shall be constructed for all half- section streets. X 3. Construct the following missing improvements: Pricr to recordation. ur Street Name 6utteri Pvmt. e- Walk i,, r. treat Trees treat Li hts A.C. Overlay Median Island* Other Wilson X X X X a berr X i X X X X *Includes landscaping and irrigation or meter X 4• Prior to any work being performed in the Public right -of -way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. X 5• Street imprvvcment plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil enc,neer a,,; n approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of an _ permit. X 6. Developer shall coordinate and where necessary, pay for the relocation of an y poles or other existing as necessary. g public utilities X 7- Existing lines of 12KV or less fronting the property shall be undergrounded. X 8• install appropriate street name signs, traffic control signs, striping and markings with locations and types approved s the City Engineer, X g- Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Ligh�s shall be on decorative poles with underground service. 10. Landscape aqr+ irrigation plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permit. 11. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City St_;,'ards. Drainage and Flood Control s X 1, Private drainage easements to connect drainage pipe across private property adjacent to parcel 4 shall be required. X 2- Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. X 3• The following drainage pipe shall be installed to the satisfaction Of the $ui',ding Official: provide on -site drainage inlet and piPL to connect to storm drain from adjacent property to parcel 4. 4. Prior to recordation of the map, a hydrologic and drainage study for the project shall be submitted to the review. City Engineering for revi 5. A drainage detention basin per City Standards shall be constructed to detain increased runoff 11 11 11 Grading X 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual grading plan. X 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application or grading plan check. 4. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Grading Committee and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision rap or issuance of building permit whichever comes first. X 5. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for approval prior to issuance of building permit. X 6. All slope banks in excess of five (5) feet in vertical height and of 5:1 or qreater slope shall be seeded with native grasses upon completion of grading or some other alternative method nr erosic, control shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Building Official and City Planner. Irrigation shall be provided to germinate the seed and maintain growth for a period of 6 months afer germination. X 7. On -site improvements, necessary for dewatering or protecting the subdivided properties, are to be installed prior to issuance of building permits for construction upon any parcel that may be subject to, or contributes to drainage flows entering, leaving or within a parcel relative to which a building permit is requested. General Requirements and Approvals 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: CalTrans for ,an Bernardino County F o0 ontro I District X Cucamonga County Water District for sewer and water X San Bernardino Count; Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading permit) Other 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restriciions (C.C. &R.$) approved by the City Attorney is required prior to recordation of the map. X 3. Provide all utility services to each lot including sewerage, water, electric power, gas and telephone prior to street constructon. X 4. Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. 5. This subdivision shall be subJect to conditions of approval from Cal Trans /San Bernardino County flood Control District. _ X 6. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. X 7. The filing of the tentative map or approval of same does not Guarantee that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the time building permits are requested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Water District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity. Permits will not be issued un;iss said cert fication is received in writing. 8. Local ani Master Planned Trails shall be provided in accordance with the Trail Plan. A detailed trail plan indicating widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing and weed control, in accordance with City trail standards, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to building permit issuance for individual lots. 9. Prior to recurding, a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment Distric_ 82 -1 among the newly created parcels. X 10. At the time of final map submittal, the following shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and /or showing original land division, tie rotes and bench marks referenced. X 11. Contour side yards slopes to pr -,side more natural appearance. X 12. Approval of Grading Committee subJect to conditions as follows: a. compliance with Rancho Cucamonga Standard Drawing No. 808 for Lot 1; No. 805 for Lot 2 and 3; and No. 810 for Lots 2, 3 & 4. b, obtain drainage easement from adjacent property owner to the south for discharge from street and parcel 4. X 13. A ten foot easement for trail purposes shall be provided along the east property line of the parcel map. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD B. MBBS, CITY ENGINEER by. 0 23 Ll Il J ATE: 0: ,ROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT May 11, 1983 Members of the Planning Cc:n„ission Rick Gomez, City Planner Michael iairin, Senior Planner ENVIRONMENTAi_ ASSESSMENT AND SIGN ORDINANCE REVISIONS - An amendment to the sign regulations cantained within Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. This is a comprehensive amendment intended to improve the administration and to provide for more effective signing. The basic regulations are not being changed. BACKGROUND: The City's first Sign Ordinance was ado;)!,-,d in April of and has been in operation since that time. Over the last several years, staff !,as encountered areas of the Ordinance which require further refinenbnt and changes to provide better administration and effective signiny. In :dition, we have received comments from the husiness community over itie last several years with regard to problem areas or concerns related to retail businesses. As a result, staff has been working with the Chamber of Commerce to review the ordinance and propose changes which would assist the retail merchants in providing better signing. Attached is a summary of the substantive revisions which are propo�dd to the Sign, Ordinance and are incorporated into the attached ordinance. These changes are mainly intended to create more flexibility for the signing wh:cP is already permitted for retail businesse7. The Rancho Cucamonga Chamber of Commerce Board of Director- unanimously supported and recommended that these changes occur within the Sign Ordinance. Additionally, the Advisory Commission has reviewed the proposed changes. Staff has beer involved with these revisions and has provided direction for these revisions and feel that they are consistent with the ordinance's original objectives. The changes which are being proposed do not create any changes in the bas's sign regulations such as size, eight, or number of signs. The proposed ameniments are now being bought forward to the Planning Commission for their review and consideration and for an ultimate recommendation to the City Council. Staff is available to review any of the details of the ordinance revisions with any of the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Also, we will be happy to elaborate on any of the sections during the public hearing. ITEM G Sign Ordinance Revisions Planning Commission. Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a public, hearing to consider the proposed amendments and formulate a recommendation to the City Council. lly submitted, ick /Gomez ity Planner :MV:jr Attachments: List of Substantive Revision- Proposed Ordinance Commission Resolution 11 11 El 0 SUMMARY OF SUBSTANTIVE REVISIONS TO R"E;llu CUCAMONGA SIGN ORDINANCE Following is a list of the additions and changes which are proposed for the Sign Ordiance. 1. A "promotional sales sign" classification was added to allow temporary sales signs up to 60 days in a calendar year. 2. Future tenant identification sign regulations wire espvndrd to permit more and larger signs depending on the size of the parcel. 3. Roof sign regulations were amended to allow roof signs in cases where they are architecturally desigacd and built into the roof structure. 4. A new an expanded section was added by the City Attorney in regard to enforcement and abatement. S. The use of flags Wes amended to allow such use with residential, commercial /office and industrial leasing offices. 6. the size and use regulations were amended to apply to uses of land rattier than zones. The placement of wall signs was amended to allow them to be placed an front, side and rear of building as long as it does not exceed the maximum allowable number of signs. & The type of copy permitted on a monument sign for a shopping center wrs amended to allow the flexibility to have up to three pieces of information: a theme name and two tenants or m theme name and three tenant. 9. The monument sign regulations --or shopping centers was amended to allow different copy on separate signs facing different streets. Additionally, the regulations would not preclude having different copy on a double sided sign. 10. A new category was added to the shopping center regulations to permit directional Signs within the shopping center for individual tenants. 11. The maximum area of a window thnt calk be used for siguirg was increased from 5% to 30 %. 12. regional Stopping Center and movie theater sign regulations were added to require development and 4'oroval of conceptual sign program by the Plarming Commission at the time of )revise development approval _ 13. Regulations for business identification for office buildings with multiple tenants was amended to require development of a conceptual sign program at the time of design review and allows the City Planner to approve the program based ,4or. the ordinance criteria and overall building deign. 14. A naw section was added with regard to the removal of non - conforming Signs in hardship cases. The provisions allows the Planning Commission to determine that the removal : a non - conforming sign would creatb a hardship based upon findings listed in the ordinance. If so determined the Commissian ovail approve the retention of such sign with or without modifications. 15. A nova section was added for cr,mpliance witr new State legisation with . egard to the removal • 'billboards within agricultural, residential and other zones. 9 :i RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF sHE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE N0. 65 -B, AMENDING PORTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE CITY SIGN ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing on May 11, 1983, to consider such amendments and public input; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that such amendments are consistent with the intent and purpose of the Sign Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that such amendments are in the best interest of the public; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recognizes the recommendations and support of the amendments by the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the Advisory Commission; and Wi:�RLAS, the Planning Commission finds that such amendments will not cause signil'icant adverse impacts on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative leclaration. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning commission recommends that the City Council approve these amendments through adoption of Ordinance No. 63 -B and issuance of a Negative Declaration. APPROVED AND AOuPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION CF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONG.A BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: _ Secretary of the Planning commission I. JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the Citv of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11 *_h day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS• J 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FRCM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner 191-1 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 - custom IGt residential su zvision of 04 lots on 140.98 acres of land in the R -1- 20,000 zone, located on the east side of Haven Avenue, north of the Hillside Drainage Channel - APN 201 - 121 -12. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Requested Action: T^.e applicant is requesting approval of a tentative tract map for the above - described project. B. Purpose: To create 204 single family lots. C. Location: East side of Haven Avenue, north e)f the Hillside Drainage Channel. D. Parcel Size: 140.98 acres E. Existing_ zoning: R -1- 20,000 (Siayle F&Ynily Residential) F. Existing Land Use: Vacant Parcel G. Surroundin Land Use and Zoning: Nort - Uti ity orri or South - Single Family Residential, zoned R- 1- 20,000 East - Deer Creek Florid Control Channel West - Single Family Residential, zoned R -1- 20,000 H. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Very Low Residential (Less than 2 du's /ac) Proposed Project Density - 1.45 du /ac North - Flood Control;eltility Corridor South - Very Low Residential (Less than 2 du's /ac) East - Deer Creek Flood Control Channel West - Very Low Residential (Less than 2 du's /ac) ITEM H Tentative Tract 12332 /Laband Planning Cmmmission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 2 I. SITE CHARACTERISTICS: The site consists of a vacant parcel which slopes in a north /south direction at approximately 10 percent grade. The elevation of the property ranges from 2,008 feet at the southeast corner, to an elevation of 2,298 feet at the northern boundary. Aoroximately 90 percent of the site is covered by chaparral ano other indigenous native brush and grasses. In addition, Eucalyptus and Olive trees are clustered generally within the southwest section of the site. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is requesting review and approval for the development of z 204 lot single family residential subdivision of 140 acres of land located east of Haven Avenue, north of the Hillside Drainage Channel (Exhibit "A"). The project has been submitted as a custom lc,t /tract subdivision, thus precise dwelling unit locations or designs are not required. However, should the applicant decide to develop this tract, precise designs will be required to be approved by the Design Review Committee and Planning Comm.ission. Presently, the project as proposed indicates variable lot sizes ranging in size from 20,000 to 44,000 square feet. Presently, the applicant intends to develop the project in eight phases of approximately twenty -five lots each. All lots are designed for equestrian use with appropriate connections to community and local feeder trails. In addition, all interior, community, and feeder equestrian trails will be provided with extruded concrete or split rail fencing per city standards (Exhibits "Cu & "D"). Access to the project will be provided via Haven Avenue in two locations (Exhibit "B"). Interior streets consist of loop roads, which are designed to provide access to individual cul -de -sacs. All interior streets will be designed and improved in accordance with City Engineering Standards. Presently, no interior parkways will be created except along the northern perimeter road; however, an exterior entrance /parkway adjacent to Haven Avenue will be provided to accentuate the development and provide a landscaped entrance statement (Exhibit "E"). B. Desi n Review Committee: The Design Review Committee etermined that the proposed c_c'ivision adequately conforms to the basic design standards set forth by the City's Zoning Code and General Plan in terms of integration and compatibility with surrounding land uses. 11 E Tentative Tract 12332 /Laband Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 3 C. Develo ment Review Cormittee: The Development Review Committee recoanende the instal -T t on of full street improvements along Haven Avenue and the newly created interior streets, per each phase. Improvements include curbs, gutters, sidewalks, pavement, street lights, drive approaches, equestrian amenities, and landscaping, where appropriate (see Standard Conditions). In addition, the Development Review Committee recommended providing corner cut -offs and non -slip paving in relation to equestrian trails. Also, the Committee recommended that the local trails system connect to interior streets for police protection. Lastly, the Committee recommended that a structural block wall be constructed along the north boundary line, east to the levee, for flood control protection. D. Growth Management Committee: The project has been reviewed by he t Growth Management Committee and has been assessed a total of 43.5 points under the Residential Assessment System, thus exceeding the threshold limit, and can be considered by the Planning Commission for approval. E. Citizens Advisory Committee: The Citizens Advisory Committee AC was concerned with preserving the existing clusters of Eucalyptus and Glive trees which are located in the southwest section of the site. The Committee suggested that the trees could be preserved thr(?ugh the use of CC &R`s (Codes, Covenants, and Restrictions) which would encourage individual property owners to preserve the tree clusters. F. Trails Committee: The Traits Committee has reviewed the tentative subdivision map and has made various recommendations to the applicant in relation to equestrian trails, which have been incorporated into the Equestrian Trails Concept, Exhibit UCU . G. Grad in Committee: Due to the nature of the project, a custom of /tract subdivision, grading will be minimal consisting primarily of street grading with minimal cuts and fills. Dwelling units with related building pads will not be provided with this development. The Grading Committee approved the conceptual grading plan subject to approval of a rough grading plan by the Building Official prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. H. Environmental Review: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff completed the Environmental Checklish and found no significant adverse environmental impacts related to the development of the proposed subdivision. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Tentative Tract 12332 /Laband Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 4 11I. FACTS FOR FINDING: The findings listed in the attached Resolution are supported by the following facts: o The subdivision provides adequate improvements which make it compatible with surrounding land uses. o The project site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed subdivision in relation to the City's Zoning Code and Growth Management Ordinance. The proposed subdivision, in conjunction with the conditions of approval, are consistent with the current development standards of the City. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised for public hearing and environmental review in The Daily Report newspaper. In addition, this project was reviewed by the Deer Creek Homeowner's Association, which has been working closely with the applicant. Presently, no problems are anticipated with the development of the applicant's project in relation to the adjacent Deer Creek development. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission con Oct a pu tic hearing to consider public input and elements of the project. If after such consideration the Commission concurs with the findings and conditions of approval as recommended, the adoption of the attached Resolution with Conditions would be appropriate. pectfuil"bmitted, Planner RG:FD:jr Attachments: Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Resoiut °A• — alga _ acol „Do °E" ion of Location Map Site Plan Equestrian Trails Equestrian Trail ')etails Landscape Concept Approval with Conditions 11 n LJ ? -21 ti I I r..m �' �� c • eras c[ [osd a [�c.[ [u[rnr a 0 P FA ! a I e EI J �! s ! =o a -. SITE UTILIZATION MAP TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 NORTH CITE' OF ITEM: Rt�NCI�Q C�" �'ZD�Ct� T [ -. (tea �o�i�!i FLANNdi� DWISION EXHIBIT- SGAL.E- r U CITY OF RANCHO CUC .NL ,10 `GA PLANNING Dl'krb9 N NURTEi ITEM: TITLE: S EXHIBIT: - SG ,kLE- - CITY OF RANCHO CUCANIO`GA PLAIVNI\G DIVISION ITE:I I= TITLE= E5.-Ov�r tats 'ai EXHIBIT= G SCALE= -r .^SS 3 1D{011 MT,= �[ .tsf \wn== t• tK .D lti w.yy1Ll.G � @.1 Kga�lytOil f0• W aN w /14.a rmCi- ) N ..L fr Qw�tOMv a /r.o. a...v c aa/�• t9_ S6 -i< Y.t wDIO MUM, MK R eta. C Ift t iPOY- I/ Y.uYtq. K.. iwgii i. rt atrw s.smK. vas <fneas_ nlrm� �.tnG�i ,-w •a w'1•. +.c � t _i�ltlO fil tl 1CA t .f3D q 1riC W." in ro+•a z..We aK '•tw IDI. IN Kr. r c+e. r lwiun o I'M t.'s+s ao-c rK .. L:L l.ff1.1 .�i;lt Kt itu .a.aw • Haven View Estates al TMF. c!:' O: Fnlc••c cuc "OMc/ TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 ieiT � ��+•Lwnwli z�..lw.. ✓oiu"e.�i ?:li�i'.[� °iiia::lw sscho- a.. l..... /.a v.. _ r� . 41CIPIT. Im IrcEw1 L' _ ttmic.t[D ^au:i CI an..GL /.D P4 J lrt4ics ule.. wl..ucnw sl/uetwa C7 1i141ti P.1.Y[ VfP W:S !� 1.D14K1 Y[P( w11.1W Ww[[ i ll.Df4fti PSl•.Yt Wlt[I St.Wlw( �1K14tt) Clnlli w AwDIID 4NIK [IIStIK (D/.pI{ .Y )rYDU M1AI.[i Y(wyY1 Gp.IDYIIt Y( 54A SRIO 0 \i14.6 fP1.K IW.IR w lOt II• LOt4Ri YYIIDIK IItOrt. tIS- �l.nlC.t!S Allw w W .SKMDIi LDwfr h0W [trlq InIIR.I lD F .41.Wt)fD. Q /l.Ditic nc *r5 ). f4 [..Dl..'. [.•.al R m:l.y .K Cv[InC.lt ro wMw". iDa ao :V \Pl .V..hz z..ut R{ Gil[tpn wl..iCD t� [Ii. t f iRtOU(RtP.l1.D1�tFJXi G —M% a Lm..=.ii w t1R ). P.l..q IlClt it l[S Yn1l t[ W.S' J[lC! tD /WizaC:• l u.( .� OY' In0141[D 1 D. f '[t] z MC...IO F 11)1➢LIUID IKIK�K D. •.MP •). O. y =tom_ 0- =— _ =— s.IKR AY �/ r /YU•YII' r v .wrelr.w.a .a�.as t +wr[ rear 1'w1YR ^IDS/ fur u.l•r.r �A V NORTH CI'1 —Y OF ITT3I: RANCHO CUC:<<1IMUN'GA TITLE= _.mss uAl-",, _lraotl PLANNING DiNgSn\T EXHIBIT --.1r SCALE: p 7 J e S J 11 r� e °Q q 1gQ :ee Q n. la s j a 41 V Z U m Z a J D a fE W z uj 2 W a S a b� ag i CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCANIO\'GAL 41 PLANNING DI-%'LSION s i s d z b i s m 0 5 U) LS ® K c cn O 3 R r U W S F ru e _ F _ ��• z: � ILL9 �I ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT :_ SGALE: NORTH :i 11 r� e °Q q 1gQ :ee Q n. la s j a 41 V Z U m Z a J D a fE W z uj 2 W a S a b� ag i CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCANIO\'GAL 41 PLANNING DI-%'LSION s i s d z b i s m 0 5 U) LS ® K c cn O 3 R r U W S F ru e _ F _ ��• z: � ILL9 �I ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT :_ SGALE: NORTH RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 12332 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map ho. 12332, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Walter Laband, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a custom lot residential subdivision into 204 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on May 11, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 12332 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (b) The design or impruvements of the tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 10 `J Resolution No. Page 2 (g) That this project will net create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 12332, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. CC &R's (Codes, Covenants and Restrictions) shall be provided to require individual property owners to preserve the eucalyptus and olive trees located in the southwest portion of the site. 2. 10' Corner cut -offs shall be provided at equestrian trail junctions to accommodate maintenance vehicles. In addition, a non -slip paving surface shall be provided where equestrian trails cross paved streets. 3. Through access shall be provided from equestrian trails to interior streets for police protection purposes. 4. Spacing of fire hydrants at 400 feet shall be required due to the project's location within a high fire hazard area. ENGINEERING DIVISION 5. Easements for storm drains for public uses shall be dedicated to the City where drains meander through private property, as shown on the Tentative Map. 6. A drainage study for the project shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review, to determine flood protection requirements at north property line. A structural concrete block wall may be required by the City Engineer for flood control purposes pending determination. 7. Provide all utility services to each lot including water, electric power, gas, telephone and cable TV conduit. 8. Flood control property must be acquired prior to recordation of Tract Map (lots 166, 167 & 151). If not, the lot and street designation must be redesigned. Resolution No. Page 3 9. Flood control must be contacted for drain Connections and right -of -way fence cuts for equestrian use. 10. Other Agencies that sho•ild be contacted for other possible pernits are,-. Cucamonga County Water District, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Co. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: hiermar, Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: `J 11 11 0 11 i ' O� b P •y cp •- d d1�O n ^ N� u `� O a d C ^ a¢ S W 9 � Q •TOW b TdW ni q O� c A O PY .'VS N d V �' •� V' b y uC by y L 96rr Nd a C > Vr N N2 S � G6 � t N NO q� � LT]' 9yn T L . ayi V G` A •° 6 ' ^ c L N p C � n .O. c pNTdfJF o 0p � s C d b y' F c >C IVg y rj dA� �N d�•r b AVgd qN T >J d`L �.Ji��:N YdU uyJ A� iO^ d� C •". N J a � a Ct V U q d6 � N�EVY Ay V _ L p = V X2! b PCO �• Q � N _ g�yl d rM�, 9 W w 9 n P a , Y 1. _ •U- L 9 _ �?� N J > a q 0 n W • N n V 9_N y u °a >d nN^ J n y C^ C 0 NCr LCdC d PLNN y `y pL vld AZ6 ..•Ol �r�VLLL n E n - 9 c g r n r J g n C V o C T C c i � d' nLq A nY- cgv V L > y u n C P ^ O I V N L y u p N ` q T R q L C N N n i W FF c V W pN PO _L ^y ~C y0V Pqd •Lipp .9. ^ yLh LJ ^dA OVnPb� LwCN N•• V1^ >6� bM Nq r LOL P�L T7-z rT• C J •-. LA O FC O -GLOW N�� 6N� O V nV nJ 4 OqO L O T d ti J .•, N p fzI �{ � t d) M A N d S W c a O � N E E n L J ^ O � Z d' L 4 _ d T� ^QOn A C> P L L ` _• L y ba b N C ¢� y� S yI CU T„' O b d `.�yO W byb dS C- Wb 9 dOy V a L O y O^ L d b n L b N N F g u b i q L N A l 9 C P O� b i� ^ C ^ L� N .V Y Y C C C a 9 ^��� N O Y. 0 ^� 9 r ^ •. ^ A •Ln i W y A L y P z d O C 4 G 9 O V O o_ N V N y� A O 9 C O c Y yN W u • y O ^ 1_ O ♦[ N O J` l� f CO .L+9M 9^ qa qyq> OAN yy TdW ni q anq Ny E� O PY .'VS N d V �' •� V' b y uC by y L 96rr Nd a C > Vr ��t GGGV W �Oy ='nY dC >C IVg y rj dA� �N d�•r b AVgd qN >J W � b C y X2! b PCO OO _yE PGO g�yl d rM�, 2L�r w N 9_N °a nN^ Y 4 9 [LYLYN.. d qL� O N n E n - 9 c g r n r J g n C V o C T C c i � d' nLq m^ nY- cgv V Z C C q V M! N N n i W FF c V W pN PO _L ^y N•• L,6 Jq U ILO H6Ln LOL rT• O FC O O'. 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P C ^ p r = i ^ N n v C O T p C N 4 9 V Py L _ „ Y C y ^ r 4 G 9 O L 9 E G w 4 a V L .o tV O� N c NC u °b L 12^ v 0 ^ C m '• y L d O P A� A P N C 9 A M O C n Z O G � r< � L pb °P L rG, t mLy c 6 r m pO y V mC }� r ^ L r 4 O > m � cap _ _ G 4 9�u q j� f b7N \T a 1 K ^ e V I L O Y 7 O C GV J Ny C GCp -Y � y •--• C C � 4 y t y P q M •-• V V G L L V V y 4 cy Ne = irs .b. L V N V C V q p L V N o= Gd"i Lr L A •.. L ^ N LN N^ T V`Cy A _ V y e y O V C qc^ TyN c yLS c P4 �.m. Dcy.Yi. •Vn g- � V Q C L� q O TC ^w� y �•� 4o.cb L_L 6N Nyy N ^ @ 1 M •I a � Z °c L Y y q o ¢ o I c I� .� iVn �'On 4 tc yM i YV Ty A V NL^ ® 9eb R i d V p ER a C N U S A L E L N rdi O O = C Ny L y Ay yO qd 1d G to Od v� V a L N^ �YyLO, qy �0:� {a P6 dO dqY V O Cl L C? 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V C L 6 d a� �v d d V C O y d A L T D — c V ^ L VO Op -D A O d 6 J V a N t t L 1 0 L J Y O . ✓ p _ n L V✓ G p L J V V V �f L O O d V E O O. ✓ ✓ y Y O w LV LS✓ D L J C I NJ Y- m �Y L V A p'e= f✓OT A d = OG V I P ^ O V✓ w L L ✓ A `Q 9 2 Z f✓ C d V O i L O N � C Y A C O w ypA V A — v r L w q� r✓ Vp O w .L.r A L t Q V � ��— v w �^ ✓ p .L L •O O y a O w V m V A p W ✓ Q y^ O y G w ` 9 ✓ p N O e mV A q �_ V c Y V d � w L O G'� q -- I✓ ✓ � d L . . q o z ✓ m � N H I L O d __ y l q CJ O C J � L _ w O — V ^ L ^ q L � P 6 0 q V ✓ yCy� p w ^ V G y L V O C y w 9 �C� OC OAq� QVC IW PC �d .J AO 00N PEA V.rC V >CA � OW A^ �P VV Lw, O L` _✓ p o L p �_ y p __ O N A V ✓ ` t ` r i- 0 L 1 0 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONTGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Planning Commissior. FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Technician =.j SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 7963 - BARTON - A division. of 3.22 acres into 3 parcels within ubarea o the Industrial Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN 208 - 251 -19. REF: D.R. 83 -03 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: To divide 13.22 acres into 3 parcels. B. Location: Southeast corner of Foothill Blvd. and Haven Ave. C. Parcel Size: Gross Acreage: 13.22. Parcel—CF-74.901 Parcel 2: 4.602 Parcel 3- 3.717 0. Existing /Zoning: industrial Area Specific Plan, Industrial Park Category Subarea 7). E. Existing Land Use: Vacant. F. Surrounding sand Use and Zoning: North - Aban on�inia Dare Winery, Zoned A -1 Vacant land within the Terra Vista Planned Community, Zone A -1 South - Future site of County Court House, currently vacant, Subarea 7 East - Vacant, Subarea 7 West - Vacant, Zoned M -R (restricted manufacturing) G. General Plan Designations: North - onM erci a South - Industrial Park East - Industrial Park West - Office H. Site Characteristics: Slopes to the south at approximately 2.2 percent no structures, no trees or significant vegetation. ITEM I PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF Environmental Assessment May 11, 1983 Page 2 II. ANALYSIS• REPORT and Parcel Map 7963 - Barton This subdivision is within the Daon /Barton Master Planned Business Park. Off -site improvements with the exception of sidewalks, drive approaches and a median island on Haven Avenue have been constructed as a part of the Master Planned Business Park. These exceptions have been made a part of the conditions for this subdivision. Development Review 83 -03 approved by Planning Commission on March 9, 1983, for the development of an 80,000 square foot four story office building will be constructed on parcel 2 of this parcel map. Future development of parcels 1 and 3 are shown on the attached conceptual site plan. Vehicular access rights on Haven Ave. and Foothill Blvd. were dedicated to the City by recorded Parcel Map 6725. Access rights for a 50 foot opening to allow shared access for parcels 1 and 2 on Foothill Blvd. and a 30 foot opening on Haven Ave. approximately 390 feet south of Foothill Blvd. will be abandoned. Non - vehicular access will be retained for the rest of the frontage. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Also attached for your review and consideration is Part I of the Initial Study as completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Initial Study, the environmental checklist, and has conducted a field investgation. Upon completion and review of the Initial Study and field investigation, Staff found no adverse impacts on the environment as a result of the proposed subdivision. IV. CORRESPONDENCE Notices of Public and placed in the been completed. Hearing have been sent to surrounding property owners Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also n 0 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Environmental Assessment and Parcel Map 7963 - Barton May 11, 1983 Page 3 V. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider ail input and elements of the project. If, after such consideration, the Commission can support the recommended conditions of approval as written in the City Engineer's Report, then adoption of the attached resolution would be appropriate. It is also recommended that a Negative Declaration be issued. Respectfully subm tted, LSH659: j as Attachments: Map, Project Site, D.R. 83 -03, Site Plan Resolution City Engineer's Report initial Study El 11 ta0 allf�� TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N67963 MY OF ROACHO CUCAMO " Nat if M «fa l.X•I•rlo. w.o. r.►.rrst�rs. ..n r�.r r! Rcnlels w PwtM� _ � v��lII4 Rl.t (a(ry+vr a.-+t v� Yru 6 +ter... •awa�c a�a w s. m. a �. A vCNiv ws rae G••rtlYwl Il��� .fiilw (w �I 3 0 •pct.. 4 JL t r G••rtlYwl Il��� .fiilw (w �I 3 0 A 0 f . .00:N,« OtLI' I .[.uGC W . 1 J�ao.c { r it f v (05 1 V - r4ro. w. 14 r ET�•.T raJc •. M. 1rt L iy 'y /r. Aw ST OI.0 9� • w. n KC %:i W Npfi cN•�= CITY OF RA;�CHO CCJCAAIONGA Parcel Mao 7963 y Z ENGINEERING DIVISION N U' VICINITY MAP page IT" I 8 • t a // �mir�ry/ VZ on or I _ of r TW 'I 0 r1`ri Lt. L i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SKEET - To be completed b�. applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Studv. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the p: - >>lic meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) etc "roject will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITlZ :: Barton Plaza APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: James E. Barton 8409 Utica Ave. Rancho Cucamonqa, CA 91.73.0_ (7 14) 987 -0996 11 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: James E. Barton 8409 Utica Ave. Rancho Cucamonqa CA 91%30 (714) 987 -0996 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Southeast corner of Foothill and Haven, Parcel 1 of Parcel Man 6725 LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUI14G SUCH PERMITS: Building permit, City of Rancho Cucamonga I -1 0 E PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:_ 2, 4 story 80,000 S.F. story 120,000 S.F. office buildinas o1uc park; ? structure. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND, SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: Land is equal to 13.22 acres, which is equal to 575,663 eet_ No existing building, proposed structures to hn nnn nnn square feet DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS. USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): Existing land is vacant. There are_ no trees. alantG is, cultural or hastori.cal aspects. Is the project par- of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? This pruiect is part of a 300 acre master plan development Previously approved by the Citv of Rancho Cucamonga 0 1-2 s' WILL THIS PROTECT: YES NO xx 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? xx 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? xx 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc. )? ` xx 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? xx 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? XY_ 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: =- ORTANT: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data a•.d information required for this fritial evaluation to t }e bast of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and .aat'_or_ presented are true and correct to the best of my ind belief. I further understand that additional .L may be required to be submitted before an adequate :�:3n be m-.ie by the Development Review Committee. L- .uary 21, 1983Signature Title Owner r, 1-3 r RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMkISSION OF THE CITY Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 7963 (TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 7963), LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD : 4HEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 7963, submitted by James E. Barton and consisting of 3 parcels, located at the southeast corner of Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard, being a division of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 6725, recorded in Book 67 of Parcel Maps, pages 4 -7 records of San Bernardino County, California; and WHEREAS, on April 1, 1983, a fcmal application was submi: ed requesting review of the above - described Tentative Map; and WHEREAS, on May 11, 1983, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above - described map. FCLL OWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMM!--SION RESOLVED AS SECTION 1: That the Following findings have been made: 1. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. 40 2. That the improvement of the propose; subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 9 3. That the site is physically suitab'ie for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantia_1 environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: That this project will not create significant adverse environmen_tTil7 acts and a Negative Declaration is issued on May 11, 1983. SECTIOri 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 7963 is approved subject to the reco =�en� deO Conditions of Approval - ertairing thereto. APPROVED AND ADOPTED T61S 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairn3an Resolution No. Page 2 ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Conmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the fo ?lowing vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 2 Ll CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9 RECOMIENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 11 LOCATION: Southeast corner of Haven Ave. & TENTATIVE MAP NO. Foothill Blvd. DATE FILED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 6725,NUMBEP. OF LOTS: 3 7963 it 1. 1983 recorded in Book 67 of Parcel Maps, pages 4 -7 GPOSS ACREAGE: 13.22 records of San Bernardino County, California. ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. 08- 351 -19 DEVELOPER ENGINEER /SURVEYOR James E. Barton same Frank V. Scarborough 8409 Utica Ave. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 132 Laburnum Lane Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Improvement and dedication requirements in accordance with Title 16 of the Municipal Code of the City of Rancho Cucamonga include, but may not be limited to, the following: Dedications and Vehicular Access 1. Dedications shall be made of all interior street rights -of -way and all necessary easements as shown on the tentative map. 2. Dedication shall be made of Pollowirg streets: additional feet additional feet additional feet 3. Corner property line radius w the following rights -of -way on the on on on ill be required per City Standards. X 4. All rights of vehicular ingress and egress shall be dedicated as follows: On haven Avenue and Foothill Blvd. excepting for 50 foot drive approach on soothiil Blvd. and 30 foot drive approach on Haven Avenue. X 5. Reciprocal access easements and maintenance agreements ensuring access to all parcels and joint maintenance of all common roads, drives or parking areas shall be provided by C.C. &R.s and shall be recorded concurrent with the map. 6. All existing easements lying within future right -of -way are to be _ quitclaimed or delineated on the map per City Engineer's Haven Ave. X requirements. 7. Easements for sidewalk for public use shall be dedicated to the As en Ave. X City where sidewalks meander through private property. Surety X 1. Surety sha'!l be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and City Attorney, guaranteeing completion of the public improvements prior to recording for median island on Haven Avenue. 2. A lien agreement must be executed prior to recording of the map for the following: 3. Surety shall be posted and an agreement executed, guaranteeing completion of all on -site drainage facilites necessary for dewatering all parcels to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Divisor, prior to recording for and /or prior to issuance of building permit or Street Improvements Pursuant to the City of Ranch Cucamonga Municipal Code, Title 16, Section 16.36.120, the subidiver may enter into an agreement and post security with the City guaranteeing the required construction prior to recordation of the map and /or building permit issuance. 1. Construct full street im;)revements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, A.C. pavement, sidewalk, drive approaches, parkway trees and street lights on all interior streets. 2. A minimum of 26 -foot wide pavement within a 40 -foot wide dedicated right -of -way shall be constructed for all half - section streets. X 3. Construct the following missing improvements: Prior to building permit issuance. Curb & I A.C. side Street Name, Gutter P«nt. Walk Drivel Street Ap r.+ Trees Street Li his A.C. Overla Median Island *10the Haven Ave. X X X As en Ave. X X ! Foothill B1. X X X *Includes landscaping and irrigation or meter El X 4. Prior to any Mirk being performed in V-a public right -of -way, fees shall be paid and an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, in addition to any other permits required. 5. Street improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. X 5. Developer shall coordinate, and where necessary, pay for the relocation of any power poles or other existing public utilities as necessary. 7. Existing lines of 12KV or less fronting the property shall be undergrounded. 8. Install appropriate street name signs, traffic control signs, striping and markings with locations and types approved by the City Engineer. °. Street light locations, as required, are to be approved by the Southern California Edison Company and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Lights shall be on decorative poles with underground service. X 10. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Division prior to the issuance of building permit. 11. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards. Drainage and Flood Control 1. Private drainage easements for cross -lot drainage shall be required and shall be delineated or noticed on the final map. 2. Adequate provisions shall be made for acceptance and disposal of surface drainage entering the property from adjacent areas. 3. The following storm drain shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer 4. Prior to recordation of the map, a hydrologic and drainage study for the project shall be submitted to the City Engineering for review. b. A drainage detention basin per City Standards shall be constructed to detain increased runoff L] Grading x 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Standards and accepted grading practices. The final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual grading plan. x 2. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application or grading plan check. y. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Grading Committee and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit whichever comes first. x 5. Final grading plans for each parcel are to be submitted to the Building and Safety Division for approval prior to issuance of building permit. General Requirements and Approvals X 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: X CalTrans for Foothill Elvd. San, Bernardino County F70o Control District Cucamonga County hater District for sewer and water �— San Bernardino County Dust Abatement (required prior to issuance of a grading permit) Other 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (C.C.&R.$) approved by the City Attorney is required prior to recordation of the map. x 3. Provide all utility services to each lot including sewerage, water, electric power, gas and telephone prior to street constructon. x 4. Sanitary sewer and water systems shall be designed to Cucamonga County Water District standards. A letter of acceptance is required. x 5. This subdivision shall be subject to conditions of approval from CalTrans. x 6. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. X 7. The fiiing of the tentative map or approval of same does not guarantee that sewer treatment capacity will be available at the time building permits are retijested. When building permits are requested, the Cucamonga County Water District will be asked to certify the availability of capacity. Permits will not be issued unless said certification is received in writing. 8. Local and Master Planned Trails shall be provided in accordance with the Trail Plan. A detailed trail plan indicating widths, maximum slopes, physical conditions, fencing and reed control, in accordance with City trail standards, shall be submitted to and approved by the City Planner prior to recordation for anal /or prior to building permit issuance for 9. Prior to recording, a deposit shall be posted with the City covering the estimated cost of apportioning the assessments under Assessment District 82 -1 among the newly created parcels. X IJ. At the time of final map submittal, the fo:lowing shall be submitted: Traverse calculations (sheets), copies of recorded maps and deeds used as reference and /or showing original land division, tie notes and bench marks referenced. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA LLOYD B. MBBS, CITY ENGINEER by: 11 r 1 11 CITY OF P ANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT 19;- DATE: May 11, 1983 TO: Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 83 -08 - e eve opment o a , square oot auto service building on .37 acre of land in the C -2 Zone, located on the north side Foothill Boulevard, 750' east of Grove Avenue - APN 207 -112 -7 and S. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION A. Action Requested: Approval of a precise site plan and architectural design, and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Construction of a 3,858 square foot auto service uM ing. C. Location: North side of Foothili Boulevard, 750' east of 6rove Avenue. D. Parcel Size: .37 acre E. Existing Zonin : C -2 F. Existing Land Use: Vacant G. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Single Famiiy homes, zoned R -1 South - General commericial uses, zoned C -2 East - Vacant, General commercial uses, zoned C -2 west - Office Building, zoned C -2 ITEM J DEVELOP14ENT REVIEW NO. 83 -08 Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 2 H. General Plan Designations: 0 Project Site - Commercial North - Commercial, medium de:isity residential (4 -14 DU'S /AC) South - Commerciai East - Commercial West - Commercial 1. Site Characteristics: The property is currently vacant and slopes to the south east. One large tree is located at the north end of the site. Groundcover is limited to wends and annual grass. II. ANALYSIS• A. General: This project is designed for use by an auto parts anu repair business. The "L" shape of the building is designed to screen the service bays from the street. Also, a S' high block wall and solid view obstructing gate will be provided around the north end of the site for additional screening. The exterior materials of the proposed building include scored concrete block, stucco, and a concrete the roof. As shown on Exhibit "A ", the project site is currently two separate parcels with an alley located along the north and east sides. The applicant intends to merge the lots into a single parcel and request alley vacation. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee reviewed the project and requested that the applicant work with the staff to resolve concerns relative to screening of the service bays and the north portion of the site, buffering of adjacent residential properties, and architectural treatment of the south and west building elevations. In response to the Committee comments concerning architecture, the applicant provided a more complete roof structure than originally proposed, and introduced the use of scored block on the front columns and west elevation. In regard to screening and buffering, the applicant completely enclosed the rear portion of the site, and extended a tree planter up to the building along the north boundary. 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 83 -08 Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 3 11 A related architectural concern was the store front windows on the south and east elevations. The Committee felt tinted glass would blend well with the proposed exterior materials and colors. They were also concerned that using clear glass would foster the display of merchandise and signs inside the windows detracting from the building design. A condition of approval requiring tinted bronze glass is provided for your consideration. C. Development Review Committee: The Development Review Conmiittee reviewed the project and determined that with the recommended conditions of approval the project is consistent with applicable standards and ordinances. Approval of the project as proposed is contingent upon approval of the alley vacation by the City Council. If the alley is not vacated, the project must return to the Design Review and Development Review Committees for reconsideration, and full improvement including A.C. pavement and a drive approach will be required. D. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff has completed the Environmental Check List and found no significant adverse environmental impacts as a result of this project. Development of the project will generate additional traffic and increase the amount of runoff from the property. However, these increase are not viewed as significant adverse impacts as the surrounding streets and flood control .facilities have been designed with adequate capadity to handle development of the project site. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The proposed use is consistent with the C -2 zone requirements. The project design, together with the recommended conditions of approval is compatible with the surrounding areas and is consistent with the objectives of the Zoning ordinance and the General Plan. In addition, the project will not be detrimental to the public, health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in vicinity. U. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised for Environmental Review in the Daily Report Newspaper. 11 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW N0. 83 -08 Planning Commission Agenda May 11, 1983 Page 4 V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission coffer all input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Commission can support the Facts for Findings, adoption of the attached resolution would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Rick Gomez City Planner RG /CJ /kep Attachments: Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Initial Resolut "A' - Location Map "B" - Zoning and General Plan "C" - Detailed Site Plan "D" - Illustrative Site Plan "E" - Building Elevations Study, Part I ion of Approval with Conditions 11 L] 11 ORIvE rr 3 RED HILL COUNTRY CLUB o `✓o- .tip � 30 ,P 29 j Ir 34 43 _ •I 26 i ° _ t:� I Y ' \ Q 33 I_ °a .2� C a6 111 / ./ U - _ 52 I Y / 35 I 42 u 49 - -- - -- - - + - - -- O 36 '11; a p, °9 a° _ 113 - •37 138 I 39 •, °O '' 50 SI I• ' h. 55 56•�.: ©16 ,S I •,4 ,', LI � I - AN BERNARDINO - -- CIS' OF rrENt- T.Tta3- g:)a RANCHO CLTCr1.r10NGA -nTLE: Lcr- mgmt, ,� LANNING DIVISION EYHIRM "A* -SCALE- W-41, E) F GENERAL PLAN ,Mk ,. Foothill = i ......... y. C.Omt^+. CITY OF RANCHO CUCATXJO�NGA PLAINNINK; DIVISION ITE:N[: M8 ,- as TITLE= ^�•� �►�za►E!N!a EXHIBIT- SCALE: —" 0 v NORTH r 1 LJ Arrow p ........ CITY OF RANCHO CUCATXJO�NGA PLAINNINK; DIVISION ITE:N[: M8 ,- as TITLE= ^�•� �►�za►E!N!a EXHIBIT- SCALE: —" 0 v NORTH r 1 LJ 0 r — l Zp 2 � -✓�'o' Go-o � 11 01 ?� b I LIS;- a � ` F ! e -jam :'fo ak o '. ,4 �t"r= Imo' —Aim CITY OF ITENt --= as -cep RANCHO CUCANMONGA TITLE -'yfava.Lo 2= -a-A&I PLANNING D1ViS1011 ExInBIT -S>; SCALE i� NORTH I- . CITY OF R- AINCHO CUC�N- 10 \-GA PLAvNI,, G D %YM..T b ITEM- 7>0- S3 -cam TITLE - EXNiIif ! - AL r: i r G V NOKM 11 E -W CITY OF RAITNEHOCUCAL NNIONGA Trfu: PLANNLNG DIVISION F-Xlil",AT-. SCALE. I S-1 rl 44"� 5LOGr, c4n4c— -Mv, Pzx,,fe I FFI CITY OF RAITNEHOCUCAL NNIONGA Trfu: PLANNLNG DIVISION F-Xlil",AT-. SCALE. I S-1 rl CITY OF RANCUO CUCAMONGA \ INITIA_T, STUDY PART S - PROJECT INFOPnMATION SHEET - To completed by app Environmental Assessment Review Fee: licant 587.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be con:aleted and subLdtted to the Develo Review Committee through the department where the Project applicatic:: is t went application, the ErvironmentalUpon receipt OF this Part II of the Initial Study. The Develo will Committee will me Prepare (lA) da;, t et and take action no laFeent Review s before the public meeting at which than ten Project is to be aezrd. The Committee will time the tnra-- determinations: 1) The project will �e one fica -nt environmental The he a Negative Dec? will be filed, 2) The igni- environmental =' pact and aneEnvironmeatala Impact oration Will be Prepared, gnificant should besuppliied b 3) An additional information Report tion concerning the y the applicar-t �On report Proposed giving further informa- project. PROJECT TITLE: Tyy1P'c to Part Ga1P GP P APPLICANT'S NAME ADD P,O. Box '87 Poncho Cucaraon TELEPHONE: Gerald L , CA 917; CONC, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCER1vING THIS PROJECT: Steve Elvin Falk A.' 7365 Carnelian 'Suite 210_ LOCATION OF PROJECT (ST1IMT A r 'RE28 2 3 SS � y i � R "n ..AND ASSESSOR PARCEL N n. O. — ) LIST OTHER PERMITS FEDERAL AGENCIES AND NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, THE AGENCY ISSUING � YSStP nP !`_1<c___ _ I -1 REGIONAL, STATE AND SUCH PERMITS: C1 E I. 1 u 1 - rRO ::ECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Construct -ding and parYino lot, for auto parts sales ana repair. _ ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTA.2E OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: land area 16.*ZU sQ f* proposed building 3858 sq. t — DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONNLS`..TAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORN.ATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES), ANT- ,IALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, L- OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cu=uIative actions, which although individually small, may as e whole have significant environmental impact? NO. I -2 WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO N _X 1. Create a substantial charge in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services ;police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? 1 X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? IE Explanation of any- YES answers above: There is 1 existing Pepper Tree which is located where our building is proposed. _ I.N!PORTANT: I£ the project involves the construction of resideitial units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATIGN: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and-correct to the best of my knowledge and belief_ I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the ;D- opment Revviiieewww Co=n[itJteeee. Date_ 3/24_ Signat r Gerald L. Edwards Title App11Cu^lt I -3 RESOLUTION NO. * A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 83-08 BOULEVARD, 750' LOCATED OFO GROVE AVENUE IN THE C -2 ZONE 41HEREAS, on the 24th day of March, 1983, a complete application was filed by Gerald Edwards for review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 11th day of May, 1983, the Pancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a mF4ting to consider the above - described project. NOW, THEREi -%__ the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the following can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially ® injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and 3. That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; and 4. That the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. SECTION 2: mat this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration is issued on May 11, 1983- SECTION 3: That Development Review No. 83 -08 is approved subject to the following conditions and attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. Approval of this project as prof upon vacation of the alley along project boundary. if the alley project shall be resubmitted consideration by the Design and Committees. E )osed is contingent the north and east is not vacated the for review and Development Review Resolution No. Page 2 2. Bronze tinted glass shall tc provided in the store front windows on the south and east elevations. Specifications shall be not >d on the construction drawings approved prior tr issuance of building permits. The south side of the 6' high block wall around the auto service area shall be constructed with scored block, indentical to that used on the building. Details shall be provided with the construction drawings approved prior to issuance of building permits. 4. A solid, view obstructing rolling gate shall be provided at the vehicular entrance to the auto service area. The design of the gate shall be compatible with the architecture of the building and details of its design and construction shali be approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Parking and /or storage of vehicles overnight shall be prohibited in the front parking lot, outside of the auto service area. ENGINEERING DIVISION 6. The developer shall aaerge the two lots into a single Parcel prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The developer shall initiate vacation of alley, and bear expenses for any surveying, if required for utility easements. 8. If the alley is not vacated, full improvements including A.C. paving and drive approach shall be provided with development of the project. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF MAY, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Herman Rempel, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the P tanning Corn*.ISSIOn U C 11 Resolution No. Page 3 Ll I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 11th day of May, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 2 0 E C J G C r ° F V ° O 0 v F >t N v a O E M t r 6 u p, p6 N S J R J W W x ra C O O _I 2IG C O F V T b V O Y ° y' V y 2 O r Y 6 L F N •• rA G u:- J O 4 V Vpw• � d O O � T n q a qp O L Y 9OY V p y a d r d O� G C J Y n y m a E G V � aL P N C Y n �t pD� L _ 2 q`p V 2 c G dN� ¢ €Y V �c °c • EP c '^ — A i cL0 Y q N =I O n J q Ey`,p E� L T� C Ey! 6� y p O qV O V � 9 y q Y Y fl� m � � N p V p •VU "r C Py A O N V `6 P C 4b� ire 6 Y qO • L y L O Y T dam` 6 p N Q Ny L T ° � a O � E N L V �LG C Y V � NI Yp N Yq� Tp D a Q O p l ae cA> V ` K O n 4 C p N`d a� j E C D� q _ N 4 e Y O L `Gw nor T q' L n Z ' i NG Y Up • 4 q C u•'y �I C q 6 ` VO L N � O C d q O V C 6 O q 4c M r O V Y A Y 9 � 0 e V q C O N p r d nO r P Y C Y C V q a 6 � Y y w C Y C N = O Y ° r �I 6 G q q p Y O v q •na pL N nC LQE O Y P cY Lo O w � J � a per 4 � 0 Y Y V PG 9 "Mr N Y� � a y a qs� N i �o A C C O_ N 4 6 q. y � N O C w. p yL O 6 V S > q V O eny� nun - c � Y q N L C 6 E O q OOO V V LnN 0 q V C M y C � C � p V q O d wNj y O O O` q q= •O oN� c C1N L� u ` p P C p y O O a —E P 4O C Oy y E Y O L yt a N t N q d ^_ c C O A d N d Y e a L q = V L 9 Vq V_ O Siv V q 4'1 4 qN b V q V Y p O > V Z lam. Y- O Y V L O N w y4+ • Y agnq"J a'r M yp� •w J V c u O N ^ n e P ` A V J- Ey o��a 6 O q m N h Y 1 �l � q ec tea.` ap do aE .'.>.c cq Oq > A [= m A N N� k 2 ^ L. j ... � d •" v N p T C _d 6✓ w d q� V V O > o i � y • 'o' °a rr D„ Y i v li ^' V LO- L L c rn — =_ r = C _ Y s a 'O . p w � C g Nj C y � '^ E N D� p � p✓ b d O 9.i a C? N ^p D4a nr VYI 'Jb UC OL p� N'^�' bPOjnq ^q� O V p �• D � T� q` G A E b 9 L y 6 p J O 9- A 0� A�q N C lq pl E i. N y NVt! • 6 y'V �iNy 9L `A N Na _n Y2pp O•a.• LG�O Ayp dda Y VL r2 ANj Ld p_C _ d� SNaO GL qV '��� a�CG ^Od d VC J�D VVQ �C pVnPp�n n y Q q� > NCB dL L d i> V >w ` �y p•- .•G O p _p d Nd .qr q ypN Y dO.' . F CAq'gPp �Or" J_C A� NWNA dY 6V. Lq 0 =� L NC �C�V Gq .� L NH O�y ^a yN L� 7 q= bqd n` W'CC P q ' � � y G � q y G q 2 G a L Y L . 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LMWN r Pa 2t as u0 '� 7 y� q d� d � d O r d d • + � L ^ O G V < � a p C a _ d �� d N E n '� q= L n< u A ✓_ ° LL a p+ Fn M ^ c + `_ + L 9 y T� N + d •r ✓ E O g a P m p V F G p w q O. c.�'.s^ W71` �✓ii L].:.E a'r N ✓� a 4q °a Ny �q cry aE LV C� •�..0 N..C_. m C +C u p c a E C ^` L iV G� P C O 1 V O a c O. ✓LUW CVU^ O qA S1T q•°+b OCO7c L� OL JL �pqc ny�GO = ••.co` °podia'^ u�q .E r a '^ vi d` N\JLp y_ •r 9 • V N ! O� C E O M �.� G N C W,7& C J p O N N +9 L V N ^ pnC W 6 N +1•a. p V N • O Pb N V C G bm q C C N L =_ ° �° i C N� Oy' q ]•. d .pe a \ai C+ P L M Pu o L P E aNi < AOmL CI q �.• ^_ 1�9A O lN+ C N ^lC ..a C^ ✓N a+ y j r�Pi O d dV U' O qr x� Noaa �omu naA j `a.- �c p cL J L l N p NI ^ L 6 O 6L _ N V V L C 4 V O N NI 6 \) L W v J W V V 7 0• {.7 = n y >I � m a® E g u r u O O L N N O y O� I P O D q C 4• � 1' V G u L P•J q V N �I a pL N q y G v i I I I J y J V a q • H t nNU mu Gy yP0 ' dpCi CN6�0 V .G O qia` K y `J 7r r V� yT t6r =` dTCN d N� r✓ O J C9 9 V a NtJ t `I 1 f dVC L..qS r qYV ' • y OgCt.' CN / I M Y7 LCLU ` y Pu u QCs LFP O��Y EO V LDji C W �� Y1' V `L9 r a 6N 9V O V � j uY `qa V � NU 1 qy • y.-> � YL M OQ 1 I LLC ^�ONa '25 GL ? y Pr "1V >OU n - _ _ c_tu ^v {I n UT I L F W��qy dW GV G. 6y >.rdV ` ri Oa La �q OCV LL d T O 6 C N O 4 Y V C r C N n N i 9 d P Y W y '3'99' !:.,z r 5r P aW u aq..rT yVL� y1V C^ L9W qN C vu ((( 1- y �N �W„ FN i O VI r O u G C O - G V 6M ^ Y N y a L >ai>r T �u a p- i 9 L I V C d N q O O v W_ C N T •J N_ T V C Cy L J b V V r a Y c U 9 qua O i i Y.Te NN � L t I v .yy'c a�aM Po YL o c J = n O y t L& G � y L L y c .N" O E i npC P N N m PE N a o c m 21 o L N I V 96' rO 9 w y q O C N9 L W V d J n Y a V M 6 9 L W 6 O o00 V ` mo d a � C a ..O• = L O y J r ^ i C C .r C _ N -_r qV2 L� ^�. la E N V uY P N� LIL NC T` L O''n r 9 q_ Or ' Vp 4q c'r GV CVr 6 6OL WF � V qFS 6i Vr I r r°.r v rOi N 9 O a o L A y y L A u N O A C N G L C y L C = V Tr V W y A -7E! pay L T N A G r d L •r O G V N a no V it P d L g O 7 N au _ � 92 13C 9plu Y L N A P r V U a A C y T GIN � NCU� rl i r ° L•r °' �+ + r >!a�- m A A L p Ly O'Lr+ <uN a s O � - ` o n e a a L V G O p T C y N } 2.NU O T N d e C} O rt DEW Z a N aY C 4 _ N - A O d C L r^ N ^ V d L N l d GrrLC- d L A° Y� O T a > > A P p 4 _° A •o L N o• o a Y G U.nq O ' n we aC C> tJ 2 W C1uCi ^ d y J tC ry +c as Isd oy ^u -- 0 P u r ry 11 f 0 46 P + p v v y oai T e v c L •O d '"• E S LL � W O C V L O ^- 6 d rr «• T ' 9 9 6 r O N O azd+ OP LpV c�Y ^y OrT 9 "' VC ary ` FG N9 V O NI V N E L N Y Y L d V O Y °� Yq ra pVi C S ANY a V � yY ^ C ^ A 9 O L a a u A coca yi NI �I 1 l7 p r r°.r v rOi N 9 O a o L A y y L A u N O A C N G L C y L C = V Tr V W y A -7E! pay L T N A G r d L •r O G V N a no V it P d L g O 7 N au _ � 92 13C 9plu Y L N A P r V U a A C y T GIN � NCU� rl i r ° L•r °' �+ + r >!a�- m A A L p Ly O'Lr+ <uN a s O � - ` o n e a a L V G O p T C y N } 2.NU O T N d e C} O rt DEW Z a N aY C 4 _ N - A O d C L r^ N ^ V d L N l d GrrLC- d L A° Y� O T a > > A P p 4 _° A •o L N o• o a Y G U.nq O ' n we aC C> tJ 2 W C1uCi ^ d y J tC ry +c as Isd oy ^u -- 0 P u r ry 11 f 0 46 ORDINANCE NO. 65 -8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AMENDING CHAPTERS 14.04, 14.08, 14. 12, 14.16, 14.20 AND 14.28 OF TITLEE 14 SIGNS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE The City Coi!ncil of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 14.04.010 of Chapter 14.04 is amended to read as follows: Declarztion of Need A. The City recognizes the need for signs as a means to identify businesses within the coamunity. The City finds that signing is an important design element of the physical environment. Provisions consistent with the goals and objectives of the community are necessary to insure that the special character e:d image the community is striving for can be attained while serving business needs in the community. The City iC striving to provide an economically stable and visuals,,, attractive community through high quality site planning, building design, landscaping and signing. As a planned arc,itectural feature, a sign can be pleasing and can iarmonize with the physical character of its environment. Proper controls can achiave this goal and will make the city a more attractive place to live, work and shop. B. it is the purpose of this title to make the City attractive to residents, visitors and commercial, industrial and professional businesses while maintaining economic stability through an attractive signing program. SECTION 2: Section 14.08.040 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: Banner, r'la Pennant or Balloon. °Banner, flag, pennant or ba oon" romans I tooth, bunting, plastic, paper or similar material used for advertising purposes attached to or pinned on or from any structure, staff, pole, lire, framing, vehicle, or other object. SECTION 3: Section 14.08.050 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: Buildin Face. 'Building face" means the area -.)f a 4ui d�n� a vation, front. rear, or side, in which the h— iness is located. SECTION 4: Section 14.08.071 is added to Chapter 14.08 to read as follows: City Planner. 'City Planner' means the division chief of the Plrnring Division. SECTION 5: Section 14.08.0-00 of Chapter 14.00 is amended to read as foIIows: Convenience Sign. "Convenience sign" means a sign not arger than tour sc,uare feat in area and no more than four feet in height and which conveys information such as "restrooms ", "no parking% 'entrance", or minor business identification for directional purposes, and is designed to hp viewed nn cite by nPriestrian,: andfr+r mntnrictc_ Ordinance No. Page 2 SECTION 6: Section 14.08.110 of Chapter 14.08 is amended t� read as follows: Directional Sign. "Directional sign" means a sign which contains words such as ",ntrance" "enter" "exit" "in" "out" or other similar words or a sign containing arrows or characters indicating traffic clirect'ons and used either in conjunction with such words or separately. It shall be no greater than four square feet in area and no more than four feet in height. No directional sign shall contain any advertising or trade name information. b subdivision directional sign shall not be included in this category. SECTION 7: Section 14.08.130 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: revelopment Review. `Development review" means a method o review by the City Planner as stipulated in Section 1.08.090 to determine conformance with applicable ordinances. SECTION 8: Section 14.08.171 is added to Chapter 14.08 to read as follows: i of lows: Ground Sior.. A sign which is not a monument sign, but which is affixed to the ground and used solely for special advertisement purposes or as a directional and convenience sign, as permitttce in this ordinance. SECTION 9: Section 14.08.190 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as Inoperative Activity. "Inoperative activity° mans a business or activity that has ceased operation at any given location for a continuous period of at least sixty days. SECTION 10: Section 14.08.210 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: follows: Monument SSi n. " Monument sign" means a freestanding sign of el ss than eight feet ir. height, incorporating the design and building materials accenting the architectural theme of the buildings on the same property. SECTION 11: Section 14.08.220 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as Nonccnformin Si n. 'Nonconforming sign" mans a sign lawfully erected which does not cmply with the provisions of this title. SECTION 12: Section 14.08.21 is added to Chapter 14.08 to read as >ollo,+s: 2roaotional Sales Sign. 'Promotional sales sogn' means a sign erected an a temporary basis to p"x--tf the sale of new products, new management, new hours .-f operation, a new service, or to promote a special sale. G,dii ante Nr_ rage 3 SECTION 13: Section 14.08.330 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follow:: Sign. A device, fixture, surface, or structure of any ki73 or character, made of any material whatsoever, disn;aying letters, woros, texts, illustrations, symbols, forms, patterns, colors, textures, shadows, or lights, or any other illustrative or graphic display designated, conF,tructed, or placed on the ground, on a building cafopy, wall, prat, or structure of any kind, in a window, or on anv other object for the purpose of rdvertising, identifying, or calling visual attention to any place, structure, firm, enterprise, profession, business, service, product, commodity, person, or activity, whether located on the site, in any structure on the site, or in any other location. The term "placed* shall include constructing, erecting, posting, painting, printing, tacking, nailinc,, gluing, sticking, sculpting, carving, or otherwise fastening, affixing, or making visible in any seamier whatsoever. SECTION 14: Section 14.08.350 of Chapter 14.08 is amended to read as follows: folic s: Vehicle Sign. 'Vehicle sign` means a sign which is attached to a vehicle which is parked on or adjacent to any property, the principle purpose of which is to attract attention to a product sold or an activity or business located on such property. SECTION 15: Section 14.12.010 of Chapter 14.12 is amended to read as Sin Permit Required. A sign permit shall be required prior to the placing, erecting, moving, or reconstructing of any sign in the City, unless expressiv exempted by this title. Signs requiring a permit shat; comply with the provisions of this title and all other applicable laws and ordinances. SECTION 16: Section 14.12.020 of Chapter 14.12 is amended to read as follows: Method of Vplication. An application for a permit shall be made on forms as prescribed by the City Planner. Such an application shall be filed with the planning division. The application shall be accompanied by any fees or bonds as specified by City Council Resolution. SECTION 17: Section 10.12.0'0 of Chapter 14.12 is amended to read as fellows: Method of Review. The purpose of a permit is to help ensure comp -ante with the provisions of this title. After receipt of a sign application, the City Planner or a designated representative shall render a decision zo approve, approve with modifications, or deny such sign request within fifteen worKing days. Such a review shall ensure that any sign proposal is in confcrmarce with this title and is consistent with its intent and purpose. Ordinance No. Page 4 SECTION 18: Section 14.12.040 of Chapter 14.12 is amended to read as follows: Cit planner. I' is the duty of t`a City P anner to en orce a provisions of this title. The City P11 -nner has tka authority under this title to designate a representative of the department to implement the provisions of this title. Further, the City Planner has the option of referring any sign request to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. SECTION 19: Section 14.12.050 -8 of Chapter 14.12 is amended to read as follows: F. Whenever the application of this title is the question shall be referred to the Commission for determination. The Commission shall then authorize signing W fulfills the intent of this title. follows: SECTION 20: Section 14.12.070 of Chapter 14.12 uncertain Planning P. rning ,hick best is amended to read as peal. A decision of the City Planner may be appealed within ten days of such decision to the Planning Commission. Such appeal shall be made on the forms prescribed by the Division of Community Development and fees paid in accordance with the Fee Resolution. The submission of the application and fees shall cons:. ?tute the filing of the appeal. The Planning Commission shall review such appeal at a regularly scheduled meeting according to the schedule of meetings and deadlines for submission of applications. The Commission shall either uphold, reverse, or modify the City Planner's decision. If anyone is aggrieved or affected by the decision of the Planning Commission, then they may appeal such decision to the City Council within ten days from the decision of the Planning Commission. The appeal shall be submitted in accordance with the above appeal provisions. The City Council shall review such appeal and either uphold, reverse, or modify the Commission decision. SECTION 21: Section 14.16.010, subsection A of Chapter 14.16 is mended to rep as ollows: Permanent window signs not exceeding four squa ^e faet and limited to business identification, hours of operation, address and emergency information only. SECTION 22: Section 1_4.16.010, subsection D of Chapter 14.16 is amended to read as follows: D. Future te.tant identification sign: Future tenant identification signs may be placed on vacant or developing property to advertise the future use of the property and where this information may be obtained. Such sign shall be limited to one per street frontage and to a maximum of thirty -two square feet it area and eight feet in overall height for parcels containing ten (10) acres or less. For parcels greater than ten (10) acres, are sign is Permitted for every 600 feet of street frontage and is :invited to 64 square feet in area per side and fifteen (15) feet in overall height. Such signs aay also be placed along the freeway at 1000 foot intervals not to exceed 150 square feet in area per side and 20 feet in ov -rail height. Further, such signs shall be placed no less than ten feet from any property line. Any such sign shall be removed �jpon completion of such project. Ordinance No. Page 5 SECTION 23: Section 14.16.010, subsection K of Chapter 14.16 is amended to read 5's-follows- Directional, warning, identification, or informational signs or structures required or authorized by law or by federal, state, county, or city authority. SECTION 24: Subsection P is added to Section 14.16.010 of Chapter 14.16 to read as follows: follows: P. Political Signs. Political signs having to do with any issue, ballot measure, or canditate in any municipal, state or federal election or political statements and expressions shall be permitted in any zoning district subject to the following provisions and any other applicable provisions within thin title: 1. Any person, party or group posting political 6. No political tree, fence, posted on an right -of -way encroachment Division. sign shall be placed or fixed to a or utility pole, and stall not be y public property or in the public without issuance of an Permit by the City Engineer 7,. No Al itical sign shall be posted in violation of any provisions of this title. Further, the City Planner or His designee shall have the right to remove all signs placed contrary to the provisions of this section. SECTION 25: Section 14.16.020 of Chapter 14.16 is amended to read as Prohibited Signs. All signs not expressly permitted are prohibited, including but not limited to the following: A. Roof signs, except as provided for in this title_ signs in the city shall abide by the provisions herein set forth. 2. All political signs shall be placed no earlier than thirty days p-Jor to the election and shall be removed not later than ten days following the date of the election. 3. A political sign shall not exceed thirty -two square feet in total area for one side. No signs shall be placed in a manner that would obstruct visibility of pedestrian or vehicle traffic. 4, Ail political signs shall not exceed an overall height of eight feet from the finished grade. Signs used for identification of political headquarters shall comply with the provisions of this title. 5. The placement of any sign, whether on public or private property, shall not cause public safety or health hazards_ 6. No political tree, fence, posted on an right -of -way encroachment Division. sign shall be placed or fixed to a or utility pole, and stall not be y public property or in the public without issuance of an Permit by the City Engineer 7,. No Al itical sign shall be posted in violation of any provisions of this title. Further, the City Planner or His designee shall have the right to remove all signs placed contrary to the provisions of this section. SECTION 25: Section 14.16.020 of Chapter 14.16 is amended to read as Prohibited Signs. All signs not expressly permitted are prohibited, including but not limited to the following: A. Roof signs, except as provided for in this title_ Ordinance No. Page 6 B. Flashing signs, except in time and temperature signs. C. Animated signs. D. Revolving signs. E. Vehicle signs. F. Portable signs, except where permitted in this title. G. Off -site signs, except temporary subdivision directional signs as provided for in this title. H. Signs on the public right -of -way, except where required by a governmental agency. I. Signs blocking doors or fire escapes. .i. Light bulb strings and exposed tubing, except for temporary uses such as Christmas tree lots. K. Banners, flags, pennants and balloons, except as provided for in this title. L. Advertising structures, except as otherwise permitted in this title. follows: SECTION 26: Section 14.16.021 is added to Chapter 14.16 to read as Roof Signs. Roof signs may be permitted if architetura ly designed and built into the roof structure. Such design shall be compatible in design and materials with the building. Roof signs may be used only in the eve-it no other signing alternatives are available. SECTION 27: Section amended to rea as ollows: 14.16.040 of Chapter 14.16 is Enforcement, Penalties and Abatement A. Any violation of the provisions of this Section shall be deemed to be a continuaing violation until the same has been corrected. B- Iny Person violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by fine of not more thn $50O.OQ or by imprisonment in the county jail for net more than six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. C. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the City Attormy upon the order of the City C.Juncil, WAY commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain an injunction prohibiting the construction, erection, maintenance or display, or requiring the removal, of any sign which is in violation of any of the provisions of this section. In any such action, the City shall be entitled to recover its costs and its reasonable attorney's fees. Ordinance No. Page 7 D. The owner or other person entitled to possession of a sign which is removed, stored and /or destroyed pursuant to any provision of this Section shall be liable to the City for the cost of such removal, storage and /or destruction and the City may recover the same through an action commenced in a court of competent jurisdiction together with the City's court costs and reasonable attorney's fees. E. Any illegal sign within the public right -of -way is hereby found and declared to be public nuisance, and such sign may be abated by the City as follows: 1- If the address of the owner or other person entitled to possession of said sign is known, notice of the City's intention to remove and destroy the sign, stating the date after w!-'ch sign will be removed and destroyed, shall be mailed to the owner or other person entitled to possession by certified mail, return receipt requested at least ten (10) days before said date. If the address of the owner or other person entitled to possession is not known, such notice shall be affixed in a conspicuous place on said sign at least ten (10) days before said date. Such notice shall also set forth the provis7ons of this Section. 2. The owner or other person entitled to possession of said sign may, before the removal date stated in the notice, file a written request for hearing with the Planning Division. Said request shall identify the sign and its location, state the name and address of the owner or other person entitled to possession and set forth in detail the contentions why said sign should not be removed and destroyed. 3. If a request for hearing is filed, the Planning Commission shall hear the matter at a regularly scheduled meeting held not more than thirty (30) days thereafter. After said hearing, the Planning Commission shall determine whether or not said sign is an illegal sign within the public right -of -way. The written decision of the Planning Commission shall be rendered tithin ten (10) days after the hearing and a copy of said decision shall be mailed to the owner or other person entitled to possession within seven (7) days thereafter. Unless a notice of appeal is filed as hereinafter provided, the decision of the Planning Commission shall became final ten (10) days after mailing. 4. The owner or other perscq entitled to possession aay file a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days after the date of mailing of the Planning Commission's decision. If a timely notice of appeal is filed, the mater shall be heard by the City Council at a regular meeting scheduled not more than thirty (30) days thereafter. After hearing, the City Council shall determine whether or rot said sign is an illegal sign within the public right -of -way. The written decision of the City C -.xil shall be rendered Ordinance No. Pzge 8 follows: within ten (10) days after the copy of said decision shall be owner or other person entitled within seven (7) days thereafter of the City Council shall become days after mailing. hearing and a mailed to the to possession The decision final ten (10) S. Unless the owner or other person entitkad to possession of such sign, on or bLS3re the removal date stated in the notice described in this section, files a written request for hearing with the Planning Department, the City may, at any time after said date, remove and destroy said sign. If a written request for hearing is filed then upon any final decision of the Planning C %mmission or the City Council determining that said sign is an illegal sign within the public right -of -way, the City may remove and destroy said sign. 6- Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, any illegal sign within the Public right -of -way which constitutes a hazard to pedestr~:an or vehicular traffic may be removed immediately and stored by the City, at theitlxto the or other person pending completion of the notification and hearing procedures hereinabove set forth. SECTION 28: Section 14.16.060 is added to Chapter 14.16 to read as Use of Flaas. The use of flags are permitted in conjunction with an approved residential subdivision sales office or a commercial office, or an industrial leasing office. The use of such flags shall conform to the following provisions: A- A maximum of six (6) may be used. 8. The flags shall be no higher than fifteen (15) feet_ C. The flags shall be displayed in the immediate Z, of the sales /leasing office. in no case shall the flags be allowed within the public right - of -way. D. In the case of a residential subdivision office, the flags can be maintained as long as a valid operating Permit for the sales office has been granted. E. In the case of a commercial office, or industrial leasing office, the flags may be maintained until 75% of the spaces have been leased. F- The maximum size of the flag shall not exceed 3' x 5' and shall be maintained in good condition. Ta .: or worn flags shall be replaced. Ordinance No. Page 9 follows: SECTION 29: Section 14.20.020 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as Convenience Si ns. The following signs may be permitted in any zoning district subject to the provisions listed: A. On -site signs which are. necessary for public convenience or safety but which are not exempt, may be approved by the City Planner or his designee. S. Signs containing information such as "entrance ", "exit ", or directional arrows shall be designed to be viewed from on -site or from an area adjacent to the site by pedestrians or motorists while parking their automobile. C. Signs that convey advertising, or products, shall not be considered a convenience sign. D. Any such sign shall not be allowed within the public right -of -way. E. Such signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area, per side. In the case of a ground sign, the Overall height shall not exceed four (4) feet. SECTION 30: Section 14.20.630 of Chapter 14.20 is repealed in its entirety. SECTION 31: Section 14.20.040 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: Special Event Signs. Special event signs may be approved for a limited period of time in any Zoning district as a means of publicizing special events such as grand opening, new management, inventory sales for ;public or charitable events, Christmas tree lots, and fireworks stands. To apply for approval of special event signs, the applicant shall submit a letter to the City Planner which describes the proposed sign by means of a sketch and the display dates. The City Planner shall review the request within fifteen working days after receipt and shall make a determination to approve, approve with modification or deny the request. Such special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: A. No more than one special event sign shall be permitted per activity and shall be either a wall, window or ground sign, and use of flags, banners and pennants. B. All special event signs shall be a maximum of fifty square feet and shall be posted below the roof or shall be no higher than eight feet in the case of a ground sign. C. Special event signs shall be limited to forty -five days per calendar year. Ordinance No. Page 10 follows: SECTION 32: Section 14.20.041 is added to Chapter 14.20 to read as Promotional Sales Signs. A promotional sales sign may be approved for a temporary period of time, as specified below, for commercial and industrial uses. The signs may be used to promote the sale of new products, new management, new hours of operation, a new service, or to Promote a special sale. Any business desiring to use a Promotional sales sign, must file an application and drawing or photograph, with the City Planning Division for review ane approval.. The use of such signs are subject to the following limitations: A. No more than one sign shall be permitted per ?�'tivity or business. 0. "he signs shall be temporary signs designed either as a wall sign, window sign or ground sign. The sign can be in the form of a banner or pennant. C. The sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet and shall be posted below the roof. In the case of a ground sign, the height of the sign shall not exceed 8 feet. D. Promotional sale signs shall be limited to a display ;eriod not to exceed 15 days. Four such periods ,hall ;)e permitted for each calendar year, not to —cceed a total of 60 days per year. Two periods may be combined for thirty (30) consecutive days. SECTION 33: Section 14.20.060 of Chapter 7.4.20 is amended to read as follows: Permitted Signs- -Off -site Subdivision Directional Sign. The fo owing signs may be permitted in any zoning dist -ict subject to the provisions listed: A. A maximum of six signs may be used to lead customers to the site. B. Signs shall be no longer than sixty inches by nine inches and shall be grouped on a four sided sign structure as shown in Fxhibit "A ". Such structure shall contain no more than seven tract identification. C. A sign structure shall be Located not less than six hundred feet from an existing or previously approved sign site. Further, each sign may only contain the name of the subdivision, and a directional arrow as shown on Exhibit "B ". D. The placement of each sign structure shall be reviewed and approvers by the City Planner. E. Signs placed on private property shall be done with written consent of the property owner and filed with the department of community development prior to issuance of permit. Signs in the public right -of -way, shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of the sign permit. F. A sign location plan shall be prepared showing the site of each directional sign and shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development prior to the issuance of sign permit. Ordinance No. ?age 11 G. Any such sign approved for a particular subdivision: within the city shall not be changed to advertise anot',er subdivisio.i without prior approval of the City Planner. H. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign as originally approved. Further, no other directional signing may be used such as posters, or trailer signs. I. All non- ;;onformirg subdivision directional signs associated with the subdivision in question must be remove] prior to the issuance of a new sign permit. J. A five- hundred - dollar cash deposit shall be placed with the city to ensure compliance with this ordinance. Any sign placed contrary to the provisions of this title may be removed by the city and the cost of removal shall be deducted from said deposit. Additional costs incurred by the city resulting from the removal of illr —al signs shall be chargad to the developer. K. The sign shall be allowed until subdivision is sold out. L. The off -site subdivision sign program may be implemented and installed through the Building Industry Association (BIA) if an agreement is approved for tine regulation and control between the City and the BIA. If such a program is implemented, all off -site suhdivision signs shall be regulated and installed per the agreement and approvals between the BIA and the City. The BIA shall not in_ tall any new structures without express written consent of the City Planner. arvfel, prwNea, or ow�we. SECTION 34: t.ction 14.20.070 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as follows: Permitted Signs--Agricultural Uses. The following signs may be permitted for agricultural uses subject to the provisions listed: G15S SIGN TYPE !AS[NUM NUNRCR We TMUel efe[t AREA MA)CMU t aaGxr R"ARKS t. M.lt or Oneoer,Vw t 22 wl wefeet Below eoonhu fw e. Shell identify only R eeto., 04 t11e lo0ert:.�e. n � W fron..ta. well Z. =4 a feet epKVittlel �dK: C o ee V*,e" . seme of two pQ Luce[ for. Fwd wYe arvfel, prwNea, or ow�we. d GNBemgrte6 Z. Herne mt. M.p prc pee oa 4 2 pate, feat Below re nom: A. Shell WenHfy the eeme .aWtw aEatww of DoBAhi ilr aeeepeet Ordinance No. Page 12 follows: SECTION 35: Section 14.20.80 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as Permitted Si ns-- Residential 0scs. The following signs may be permitted or res3 entia uses su ject to t e provisions listed: C1.A53 AIGN MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MAXIMUM REMARKS TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA dEIGNT L Nat +e Pwte Wall One Par Weal 2 gear$ groat e.fo.t raoOine Shall tamury the name aM/r ..tress of the otetrran 2. ImUWUOnal Sion _ Wall and one par ase 26 glare tone Salve r '!ta Name of t mommmt sign Oro r o 24 gare teat 6 fei fro a Ta !a d ZlfO y t h, j rat!tvUOn and. finuhM grade h naorpiate dnn`eaW Copy W Imo xMial earn: and Unra of M.lm 1. Nrightnnlnod Ideni:tiotwn wall or Tao par TA grate fort 6 feat for Mall sign L t.ap9 'J•L tN (cola to [h nrme and nnantmrc dtxlvpmmt i and a feet far address of deanopmeM mmament 110 h. AROeed only If hme neon, ateoe!etion eSiT$ and e!n Oman m•!meranam te.gso:Wty e. MaMtensnce Is the revers hUlty of tin appropriate mmmudty assxuUan i. Stiarol Id"difiealml, wall Ora pr . 26.prare fart la lee mrime Name and adl a aoc of atTael Wy One pr too UP [o Sp .pawn reel I;p to M ten from I atdlnc L To be located no elonr than S feel from fll oned trade the property Uo h TO WeAtiry the ai W and m duol.y aeU.1Ue and WWW evrnt aita changeable copy. 5. r^ ldentifimim Wall r One K .treat 12 i pan. fast A wa0 eta ll cot sip a Sl6o ahR h`+taoeW adth the aoN wt0 f 12 amts or 1.4 naanom+nat epCiaro of t� Der IM she to the � at the deraitgmaa Oe.ettgm°N ® $hall asewJ 2a h. Irslhon I MU'V rtlf shore finished ride sod � mmoment t avmimam s!Soa shall be Piaead m eloa sign sh2 net eurxed thin S• to the properly Use. 6' A hwirtr. 6. Apartment Wrn:triae[ ion Mali or vnr par .treat 21 guars fat A aa0 aWn anal! art L Stan s!nU la.oiia aith the •tti and (more then 12 au W m-W.Mrt fronUWI adth • motoet aftne the design of the .a.alapmana. masimom of tw. t ohm and W an ufe stall exceed 2W tn. Indirect tgntug, only aaoaa finished grade sal • annee nA c Maat®aot signs st" be Plaesd m nor sign flat rot eaem clam S to the property toe. V in taigM_ en`.irety. SECTION 36: Section 1-1.2-0.09C 1-1.2-0.09C of Chapter 14.20 is repealed in its Ordinance No. Page 13 SECTION 37: Section 14.20.100 of Ch er 14.20 is amended to read as follows: Permitted Si ns-- Comercial and Office Uses. The following signs may be permitted for commercial and office uses subject to the provisions listed: CLASti SIGN NA[)MUM MAAIMUM MASIMUM REMARKS TYPE NUMBER SIGN AREA HEIGHT 1. IWtinea Nall Ate Per baiMlK lOS of the building Not to prplect ettm a. A connh nUon of mmumanl and wall Idrntifi,eatim raise, • mruimum of fore hot to eatev! the roof era in . slgm may Ito fined, te.ir,m only a (bus,�tex, not .;thin thrct (3) ,cr ISO Knot. feet rnar, le higher than m.simum or 3 signs may he used to shoppng eer,te- Dusinea 20 feet from identify any Cal Wanton h. ^.elYdlflt' Silltl! nnGiled RtLdC tenant ..nee eM�� b. Wa8 aigm and monumamt "goo show he Iwdd,ngsl nxmmmt One pier irtrect 24 apuare feet Up to 8 feet ochitect ally designed tow compatible fronuge, a .ith the development. maximum of two (2) per ;wares C. Monument ngta shat: hr ,Iced entirely on the a,:bJeet property and 'WI ,wt overhang into private or pWiie propery. Business Nall Ate nor h'tndkg 10% of the Wilding Not to pofoct ohov. a. A mmbintlon of mmoMatt and wall ,dentiriraUm face, a mattmum of face, not b attaad tt woo: and in m sign may w toad, twanin, only a Inhn,nesses .,thin 3 for any on! 150 q.rre feet cafe he higher ;tan matimum or 3 meta mq he t ad b shopp,tg centers) wianea 20 feet from i0NUTY, nay oat, beans nnbled gn4. 0. "all sigm ate ]imitw to tadnes ...entifimtm only. C. N.momtmt si2rn may ontra a to throe identifications per sidq eitw thr terra ame of the coda 6,5 too Imtna Q then, tt..,att The !atN nary. malarial Syles of all avow —to sips ,tau ha n,rhastaa arA rongotihl! tome deav or the vetoer. eraea oft sips facttg diffecet atr,no treed rot mafolA iaodacal bdtrmaum. Amitiov.ny a t„ oidtd alg, O.4 an aaettln non Wool angry d. A center b tan In vehie0 busitesea and 3trurtom one drsCoad in m inteerstad and internela_ec dntelopmeoL Such tlesign n indepeMent of the nu. this o: structure. tot, m pwt making up the mmcn. a-d mmument e. All ahmpp!ng croons Sall dr.,elttp a .rte Pot street 2s qusre fact Up to a feet fmotaga. not to Coto divr,! lift ptogrv. for all tmann eteeed two Por and amts- This i„ebdn am color. sip dcrelapaent typoi and location Limited RAUm k perming saeb as Cotr. a long - the rra'air'bg e,mpawYs of the Peagr.a rearlo the ama aw AtRT� L The A wb y sierra w baow0ed m To ba datmmfnd IS moon [:n UD to 6 fad th,,,gh r Vninol cc pr.I* ,5„etfm mN idaeiriatba b ondram sign the amnUto iadhNWd chap tact. Al pwt:am by the qty lady orn, ann roaldar a wiry_ w Plwr. fact orl' f Slam afro all (I'll maasae f: a ice face dmtet -L 3. B.. Nan To be tttarrnleol by 20% of the flee of Not to project ahow e. A sI. Oh.lra a fm Cloth idmuficatim the city P7aas the attvetm, oha n, tea roof. _ m ratplted of Ib ttiw d (mutttple h.aw a am sign b to W Pl.n4 � �� d pro!easiotrl (manta wwil at baUOeg not to exwW S0 more than tha,e). de deft. atmo, ,reel h. The city !toms "a rant&. on oRlo. The Bomber ltd and rev P."as thrown tar pmmlt tone W atroet L qua, feet LIP to 8 foot ph.eetnart of all monument . INOesEUe to dKenaite that it is vathie Cod Cinebry mg. mai mum of 2 t o critori. heeafn net forth aid vaeta San be voneet to .M the Inmd or uric OrtWraca. To ten datermiud by 12 rpor, Stmt To ion datatNeea by r r W by the City Directory Pbvoer. the city Pimmrr ice City Pincer_ C. Mrnmen NgW own W limited to based a each Idmt:ying the none of tae ptofeadoual Indivridtiod b•BdR complex. C d. Dirwita, ape Nan he placed at hash, atrmu a W.t ahou ion United b Unbc the tarn ama ad ate wtebee_ a. A. Service Stetim wan .a Per >trwt :ti%ofbaditghee ad Whew not Iba a. A aobbatim, It ammem ad Will 14mtinceUm and hensgs, w spa tot to %craw IN war play ba taaQ ba m me thorn a I" of Pricing 2 pone tort 3sipa aM U. to a feel b. The mmemcnt sign atan W designed to mmument Oce par sweet 36 poor, fed. fron,tate_ net to ineh,de Inc identification of ten litatim ( ,steed a tow of and gaaolin prices No filar price flgra I" Per statlw m, .uO,aea 0. S ai Sennce Nall or canard 2 glare reef U momtad m a rat Speew sertAea sign sivU to nmltel W weh Sigro ;tend. not ,reef* or pole of the items W aeU serve, full sera,, air. .age, . total of four per o,,.p,, it slap W eashie and sell be wriuluminated. nation. on htghn that d feet_ Ground sips sin not "Co.. l If for in Might e. SWc..1 NitMowm Tao per atatim Bq,Oe fret A grotod vtn ,bon Special advertisemetn omu be Umited W Advertisement M. rot eocood 0 feet in wvtrtion sWcW Wan or smeiem, Wight. o winoa sign shall not taaeed 6 fan to wkV t_ S. Padmerrn Traffic, Won. ..4m, One psr wilans 6 sq ar, foot Par to meow 12 Soeh f. %halt contain only the lhdlficaum d S tgA canopy fan above finWad grade. ter bosir,en fm pednbiea teeffie. 6- Temporary Signs Wuwor 30 %of to whdoo, of the .thin Not to aaceed 6 fan SAh a:etW fall be limitw m bmpamty area ono own a nnk&Ad menage act, a arm. No bannw grade_ klonainicatiOn b pashitw In this eategmv. Rec 1 Sttop,slg Una dnv'spwd of �� 4d l� amda -a cow peal A" program s g be dawhopol atl epprowd by ton Pbm,iag Coarai ado opprW►t of the prA�aggr Pbal olift a of the aea siaD be ammited to the city planow la wamdn _ dO tGlo sigh pamlt ptotodo, IT. Guy !loom pee wen' -va (or ooralatantry Wits pppa.0 noon( llol praerea L Moaw Theaters Una dr elOpmlovt d w 1.eeY tbbdW'a ameapb W sip p gr,m l.e bedewbp land eppewd by Oe Pba*w Conewmloa with lla --MR awr000ld ter psJeel flhh.l tYl.nadtea 4ncdeia►A.ittw `tea tlq PhrrY sotwdmm dab am sign plit or-mo S Ter tlm �w...rv...i.w fa atlmaa.avv awe Ordinance No. Page 14 follows: SECTION 38: Section 14.20.110 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read a:, Permitted Signs• -- Industrial uses. The following signs may be Perm in for industr�ai uses subject to the provisions listed: follows: SECTION 39: Section 14.28.020 of Chapter 14.28 is amended to read as General Requirements A. A nonconforminig sign may not be: 1. Charged to another nonconforming sign. 2. Structurally altered to extend its useful life. 3. Expanded. 4. Reestablished after a business discontinued for sixty days. 5. Reestablished after damage or destruction of more than fifty perc,:rtt of its value, as determined by the building official. S. No new sign shall be approved for a site, structure, building or use that contains nonconforming signs unless such nonconforminc signs are removed or modified to conform wizen the provisions of this title. C. No building permit shall be issued for any structures, building expansions or new building construction on a site which contains nonconforming signs, unless all signs on the site are brought into conformance with this title. fu lows: SECTION 4U: Section 14.2 %050 is added to Chapter 14.28 to read as Hardshi Cases. The Planning Co�amission shall have the out . en seeking amortization of nonconforming signs, to allow the retention of a nonconforming sign if it finds that undue hardship will result from such removal. CLASS SIGN TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM SIGN AREA WA:3MJM HVIHT REMARKS I. Duvtgac Identification (:Ingle Wall One D bubdog 10% of the Building Not to D )eat aw a a. Well C. atop D! L'mitad to tenant• angle fate. not to aseead fe ee. not to e - oc! tto rdfpne or identifieatim of ltuvne.. pa-eeU 2 Po' gnaw ISO gdre fee' paraMt c: the root• and In .q raA b, higher than 20 feet above fironra e grade. lowurgnt OK Der avant 24 gora foot Up In 6 feet b. A epmbinatrm. of wall and m.numsnt frontage rq[ [o extaed' I aigre may be teed however. suelt airs thems e atoll not to <t^.eed J per •_..:neaa. _ Uwlnor Idontitidtion Wait one per building 10% u( the ptilding Not to project above a. N'aLL ai Ca aheJ identify the ird (multi -tmunt sitol fad not face not to exceed the e.o[pro a.d In bodmtM send loo loe.ted at the mom mW" two per brlltlea. 1•.0 grain feel t» QRYd 20 pedenVUm en[nnee or pvki:rg area. re fK and b. Tin banes d.,Iory monumeirt IS. Monument (uuainea Oft per street J6atPatra feet UD tot:eet ha Y ram %p Ilat only 1.:d and rms of frontage d Parking the arttida e< :tc. direetmv_) eras dt to exceed .. Par deaelopment m The boars. doee:ory monument eige Momtmdt aW1 be 10 tad ginner n'dj.eem b In, parking area or the m in entrants to lha One par street 24 glare fast Up tog feel front.[. or parking daae;Op cot. ease WE to vxcaed 2 Par dae.lopment 6 A monument identifidlion afgn m.y to Pe nittM in beo of tte &rectory xten to 1C ury:ha development. follows: SECTION 39: Section 14.28.020 of Chapter 14.28 is amended to read as General Requirements A. A nonconforminig sign may not be: 1. Charged to another nonconforming sign. 2. Structurally altered to extend its useful life. 3. Expanded. 4. Reestablished after a business discontinued for sixty days. 5. Reestablished after damage or destruction of more than fifty perc,:rtt of its value, as determined by the building official. S. No new sign shall be approved for a site, structure, building or use that contains nonconforming signs unless such nonconforminc signs are removed or modified to conform wizen the provisions of this title. C. No building permit shall be issued for any structures, building expansions or new building construction on a site which contains nonconforming signs, unless all signs on the site are brought into conformance with this title. fu lows: SECTION 4U: Section 14.2 %050 is added to Chapter 14.28 to read as Hardshi Cases. The Planning Co�amission shall have the out . en seeking amortization of nonconforming signs, to allow the retention of a nonconforming sign if it finds that undue hardship will result from such removal. Ordinance No. Page 15 follows: The Planning Commission shall use the following findings for determining a hardship case: A. The site has a unique character or features that causes visibility problems. B_ The sign does not create a traffic hazard. C. The sign does not create a visual blight to the comm;anity. D. The sign does not adversely affect adjacent properties. E. The sign is properly maintained and structurally sound. If the Planning Commission finds that a hardship exists, but that the design or conditiop of the sign creates 3 visual blight, then the Commission can grant a relief from the amortization of the nonconforming sign with the condition that the sign be remodeled to a more aesthetic design. If a business or shopping center, found to have the above hardship and which contains nonconforming signs, is remodeled, then the Commission shall have the authority to request that the nonconforming signs be upgraded to match the design and architectural style of the remodeled buildings- SECT 1014 41: Section 14.28.060 is added to Chapter 14.28 to read as Removal and Relocation of Advertising Structures A. Advertising displays located 4n an agricultural zone or residential zone and located more than 660 feet from an interstate right-of-way and not intended to be pad from an interstate highway, shall be removed from the ,1te without compensation in accordance with the following scim -.:?a- This schedule shall commence upon written notice of removal. data. Fair Market Value on Date of Notice Minimum Years or Removal Requirement Allowed Under $1, 999 ......... ..............................2 $2,000 to $3, 999 ..... ..............................3 $4,000 to $5, 999 ..... ..............................4 $6,000 to $7, 999 ..... ..............................5 58,000 to 59, 999 ..... ..............................6 $10,000 and over ..... ..............................7 The value shall be determined by the City Planner and City Building Official. The determined value will be sent to owner. Any disagreement of said value shall folaow appeal procedures set forth in this title. Ordinance No. Page 16 SECTION 42: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days aFter its passage at least once in The Oaii Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of n ar�o, a i ornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, 19* AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon 0. Mike s, Mayor ATTEST: Lauren M. Wasserman, City C erk