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1983/05/17 - Agenda Packet
0 r] 11 Lions Park Cot=unity Center 9161 Base Line Road Rancho Cucamonga, California May 17, 1983 - 7 :00 p.m. MEETING TOPIC: ETIWAHDA SPECIFIC PLAN I. CALL TO ORDER A.Pledge of Allegiance B. Roil Call: Suouet , Dahl Frost , Schlosser Mikels II. ANNOUNCEMENTS Purpose of tonight's meeting: • Review Council actions of last meeting • Complete review of land uses and other unfinished items • Provide direction where appropriate III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of April 21, 1983 City Council Meeting IV. OVERVIEW OF COUNCIL DIRECTION TO DATE The staff will rie y overview various items based on Council's direction tc date, including: o Circulation o Commercial Land Uses o Residential Land Uses V. UNFINISHED TOPICS The Council will review items that were not completed at the last meeting, and provide staff with direction where appropriate. These include: o Residential Densities inc u zrg specs is requests for revisions by various property owners) o Equestrian Areas and Trails o Other Topics IV. ADJOURNMENT 4 0 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: May 17, 1983 TO: Members of the City Council and City Manager FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Otto Kroutil, Associate Planner SUBJECT: MAY 17, 1983 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN This report and its attachments contain information about specific topics on tonight's agenda. The attachments are keyed to the agenda by item number, as follows: o AGENDA ITEM III: April 21, 1983 Minutes o AGENDA ITEM IV: Overview of Council Direction to Date o AGENDA ITEM V: Unfinished topics RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council review the following materials an old a public hearing where additional public input is desired. The Council should provide staff with specific direction in areas where changes will be required. Resp4tfully Rick (j'om City Pla 4:0K: jr tted, 0 CIRCULATION Bypass Road At the last meeting, the issues dealing with circulation and the Bypass Read concept were discussed at length. Based on the Council's direction, it is suggested that the following language be added to the Specific 'Plan tent (Page 3 -7): .700 Provide for planned rather than piecemeal access into undeveloped areas east of East Avenue. .800 Provide for alternate access to the high school site. .900 To achieve policies .700 and .800 above, consider construction of a north -south bypass road in the vicinity of East Etiwanda Creek, should additional flood cantrol land become available. F•eeway Study Zone Based on Council's concerns rea_arding development types along Route 30 and Interstate 15, as well as the desire to protect Route 30 right -of -way, it is suggested that the following be added to the text of the Plan (page 5 -7): 0 .400 Land within 660' of proposed or existing freeways All properties located within 660' of freeway right- of-way or the existing considered to n — Spacial Frreees� this zone, sits I aces omit! are Protect the Route } Provide for ade impacts, including to acclimpl i sh corridor the proposed Route 30 1-15 freeway shall be ay-S Within er �ricenti may be Council such the followino: of freeway - related and visual impacts. _ zzluj J111 6- lR ra , COMMERCIAL Timing of Commercial Development: At the last Council meeting concerns were raised regarding the possibility of premature commercial development. To aileviate this concern, staff suggests the following text be added (page 5 -17): .401 Conditional Use Permit Required Prior to the development of a Neighborhood Commercial center or any part thereof, approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a master plan for the entire site shall be required. To avoid r�aa�ture development, the a dpveloper may be required to submit a market feasibility study as a art of the C.U.P. application. Commercial Land Uses: Northwest Corner Etiwanda and Base Line Based on the Council's direction to consider a specialized commercial use at the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Base Line, the following modifications are suggested: 1. Establish a 5 acre Community Service District at the northwest corner of Etiwanda and Base Line; and 2. Include the following language in the text of the Plan (page 5 -17): .500 Camaunit Service District Provisions �s a purpose Of HW-M-ffl-sfrict to provide opportunities for limited or specialized, low- ivfact commercial and quasi- commercial services in a res;d_,atial setting with the express intent to: a. Provide a community focal point at one of the entrances to the Etiwanda commmity, to b. reinforce a sense of comamrity identity, and to c. encourage perpetuation rf those elements and features which provide a tie to El iwanda's heritage. .501 Permitted Uses The following uses shall be 1vivitted subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit: a. Community churches, the like. uses, such as schools, nursery schools, parks, community buildings, band stands, and E 0 b. Residential uses permited in the 114 District. c. Limited or specialized low impact commercial uses not to exceed 40,000 sq. ft. in total floor area designed to serve local residential areas, such as: - Barber & Beauty Shops - Cleaners - Farmers Markets - Professional & Medical offices - Retail Shops - Restaurants Provided, however, that no commercial or office use or project shall be approved in the CS District, unless the following findings are made by the Planning Commission: - The proposed use or project will not have an adverse impact on the quality of surrounding residential areas; and, - The proposed use or project meets the intent of the CS District and will enhance the visual and historical character of Etiwanda Avenue and its immediate surroundings. .502 Conditional Use Permit Required: Prior to the development of the site or any part thereof, approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a master plan for the entire site shall be required. .503 Parking: Off-street parking shall be provided as prescribed in the Development Code, and as follows: (a) All parking areas shall be located behind required street setback lines. (F) All parking areas shall be screened from Etiwa.Rda Avenue by carefully designed walls, fences, berming, shrubs, trees and other landscape elements consistent with the design character of Etiwanda Avenue. (c) All parking areas and lighting shall be carefully buffered from adjacent residential uses. LJ Ste- ! is l 1 0 OTHER LAND USE MODIFICATIONS The Land Use Map below represents chayiges based on the Council's direction to date. No additional action on these items is necessary, unless the Council feels refinements or reconsideration are needed. Enlargements of ail affected areas are contained on the following pages. ttl o, 3 W uC SIR" `u IND• y a U r� `Master PI la [S! SRO. Parks (P) Residential (ERgVL,L,,LM,M) Commercial (CC,FC,GC,NC) Open Space (os) E :isfing Schoois( -iji) Propozied Schools(e,),h) Office/Professional(OP) LAND USE DISTRICTS ` _ f t i i LAND USE CHANGE: 2 -3 acre Convenience Commercial at East and 24th Street replaced by 5 acre Neighborhood Commercial. h '� t 1... ^•:; ;`f=7r• e1 /.LlirrtT7TrEnll slll')titl]naur' �llkit rruurnrr ..��.�.�. "CP -. a e rx f i . —4— � v 0 ' o IKA C LAND USE CHANGE: o } two acres of Office Professional added at northwest curner of Base Line and i -i5. o Ne7Shbor:3oed Commercial at south side of Base Line, nest of I -15 moved to 24th Street and replaced by Medium density residential. —7 E !N c� .0 e 3 3 —� �1 /sSfi ® LAND USE CHANGE: Industrial uses south of Foothill changed back to Residential (LM & M) �7 designations per Advisory Committee plan. This includes a floating park and elementary school site. I LAND USE CHANGE: Increased Low ;2 -4 du /ac) to Low Medium (4 -8 dutac) to allow for buffering of freeway and railroad impacts. l� —1 - y.: • - ® UNFINISHED At the las because of 0 0 0 E ITEMS: t meeting, a number of agenda items had not been addressed time limiations. These include: Specific land use requests Equestrian trails Other (miscellaneous) items Maps and materials outlining these items have been included again, with revisions reflecting all changes. This will allow the Council to review these items in the context of your recent actions. SPECIFIC LAND USE REQUESTS: 1. North side of Route 30 o Land adjacent to the north side of Route 30 should be increased from current "VL: (1 -2 du /ac) to "L" (2 -4 du /ac) or even LM (4 -8 du /ac) . . . (Zenz, Blanton, Vanderhoof) o Area north of Route 30 is designated as high fire hazard area . (Chief Feuerstein) Staff Comment: Cucamonga County Water District policy calls for septic system wastewater disposal in this area. This may be difficult with densities over 2 du /ac, impossible above 4 du /ac, because of water quality considerations. 2. ER Designation o (One acre lots or larger) remove "ER" designation. "ER" development would not be marketable; land has no character for expensive homes . . . (M. Catania). o Property split in half; designated "ER ", other half "VL ". If "ER" designation is kept; consider reducing "ER" area to exclude entire property . . . (A. Catania). 24 TH srF NO 0S Lek OS Qc VL ER " %' 1 ® VL VL s a 1 E L* FC �? OS' ROUTE 30 11 NGMLAND AVE rr - VL _L �L jl L --1� i p h�crO__in a OS ARK LA Lze L M l� res. II M "F 4.5 Master Plan required pm Parks(p) >: CDP %FLM Residential (03gVL.,L ,,LM,M) AVE I W Comm l� LM a Lm j Commerciai (cc,FC,GC,NC) ' F M P j Open Space (os) M M j E :isiing Schools (>= ,,J,H) FOO H&LBLVD .* Pro osed Schools (e �J� ) / / D. PARK 3e5 Office /Professional(OP) . 'title — GEni LAND UQ.E IND. 'DISTRICTS < 3 NU E 3. 'Core° Area o Proposed "VL" (1 -2 du /ac) is impractical; area surrounded by higher densities. Consider increasing to "L" (2 -4 du /ac) . . . (Fiocker) 4. South side of Route 30, west of East Etiwanda Creek 0 25 acres adjacent to freeway and flood control. Proposed "L" (2 -4 du /ac) designation not adequate; consider increase to "LM" (4 -8 du /ac) . . (Thompson). 24 iN ci OI �•CO .K� VL VL L Os L* Os Qe VL VL L* ter` ER i I O VL VL E L* FC . � FC � os � a� �V)L VL L M t� Ire LM Lhq pa II�� QP OP _ �I L /V vE Kres- Master Plan required s (0 ntial (E.9,vL,L,F_m,M) 1 6. North side of railroad west of East Avenue ~ o Proposed "L" (2 -4 du ac) densities too low to be practical against the railroad. Density should be increased to allow for buffering (Lawrence). 0 4D 0 E E o, LM IND• Y" U W ' *Master Plan required Parks (P) . _ Residential MR3VL,LiLM,, -,!) Commercial (CC,FC,GC,NC) Open Space (os) E :is`ing Schools (E,J,H) Proposes Schools(e,j,h) Cffice /Professional (oP) LAND USE DISTRICTS i 7. Vicinity of East and Miller o Proposed :'LM" (4 -8 du /ac) should be increased to "M" (8 -14 du /ac) to be consistent with surrounding area . . . (Shacklett). 8- Vicinity of Miller and Etiwanda o The proposed "LM" (4 -8 du /ac) and "M" (8 -14 du /ac) designations are not high enough for condominiums and apartments. Should be higher, at least 20 -24 du /ac . . . (Pignotti) J c 'c 1 E Op Ave. I) mill .��.�W f� _, / E CSC E r+ ca w o� ::.i� 77 ffill 24 TM RC VL VL s: VL os \� L'k OS VL II ER ,, © VL L* VL ` vr- E: E L'16 FC VL I� VL VL VL OS ROUTE 30 �__ MIGMLAID AVE 'lL L ' Ii L I L P i �nax LLA A L [� a �M SrL J L C 48CtR P L LIM / / �, O �E1 V 1 �!I M F .dam 4.5 Master Plan required LM I' LM h Pj Parks (P)' �I OP Residential (e:1,vL,1.,LM,M) a COMM. !! Commercial (CC,FC,GC,NC) 1 M e i LLMI $ P Open Space (os) La c M E :isfing Schools (1"J,H) / F007Mg1 BLVD.* - M `- j a. PARK -=* Proposed Schools(e,h) _. ; LM' P res. LM 3 -5 Office /Professional(oP) M title -- <' GEN• Z1 'LAND USE IND• y a: DISTRICTS "L I fV W� I n. ADOPTING ORDINANCE . n u 1st READING OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN ORDINANCE Attached for your consideration is a copy of the draft Ordinance approving the Regulatory Provisions of the Specific Plan. The Council may wish to conduct a first reading of the Ordinance at the May 17. 1983 meeting, if desired. El 19 11O D�laa urc INV nl \l.L 1 \V . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE REGULATORY PROVISIONS SECTION OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AND AMENDING THE CITY'S ZONING MAP FOR THE ETIWANDA AREA ACCORDING TO THESE PROVISIONS The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The Regulatory Provisions of the Etiwanda Specific Plan are hereby approved and adopted, based on the following findings: 1. The Etiwanda Specific Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 65450 through 65553 of the Government Code. 2. The Etiwanda Specific Plan contains regulatory provisions that are necessary for the protection of Public health, safety, and welfare of the people of Rancho Cucamonga, and required for the systematic implementation of the City's General Plan, as amended, in the Etiwanda Specific Plan area. 3. The Etiwanda Specific Plan substantially mitigates the potential for adverse impacts that would likely occur as a result of development under the existing Zoning Ordinance. The Specific Plan contains detailed regulatory provisions tailored specifically to the Etiwanda area that are designed to replace current city -wide regulations that could not deal effectively with Etiwanda's unique qualities and problems. SECTION 2: The City's official Zoning Map is hereby amended to contain an ESP designation on the real property described in Section 3, below. Further, the development of said property shall be regulated by the Regulatory Provisions of the Etiwanda Specific Plan text, and maps, except that the City of Rancho Cucamonga Zoning Ordinance and /or other applicable regulations shall continue to govern items not specifically addressed by these Regulatory Provisions. Ll Ordinance No. Page 2 SECTION 3: The provisions of this Ordinance �,iiall apply to all real Property describ below: Etiwanda Specific Plan area - approximately 3000 acres within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, bounded on the north, northwest and east by current city limits, on the south by the centerline of Foothill Boulevard, and on the west by the boundaries of the Victoria Planned Community; also including all properties located within 200' of the centerline of Etiwanda Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and 24th :'treet; and also including the area south of Foothill Boulevard, east of Etiwanda Avenue and north of Arrow Route, but excluding the area south of Miller Avenue and west of Etiwanda Avenue. SECTION 4: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause tye same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The qAjly Report, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, Ca ifornia, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this * day of *, 15 *. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Jon 0. Mikels, Mayor ATTEST: Ladren M. Wasserman, City Clerk E E