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1983/12/14 - Agenda Packet
4 Ea 9 c r 3 t o Ej m n CD m z o i e co W A 1 CM.? OF RANCHO CC;CA TONGA PLA. TNLNG CO1.11Y'LISST T AGENDA Regular Meeting WEDNESDAT December 14, 1983 7:00 P.M. I.ION,S PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE I"E, RANCHO CUCAMONCA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of Allegiance IL Rau can Commissioner Barker _ Commissioner Juarez Commissioner McNiel� I.11 xgnr. . , rY't October 26, 1983 November 9, 1933 V. Consent Calendar Commissioner Rempel Commissioner Stout The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be nzut:ne arrd noncontroversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. REQUEST FOR ALLEY VACATION - MARTiNRR - Street. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR :.z.,Ln o -a-oo - u- noru%: - dire oeveiopment of two industrial manufacturing buildings totaling 130,272 scriare feet on 6.1 acres of land in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 6) located on the northwest corner of 7th Street and Utica Avenue - APN 209 - 401 -14 -17. PLANNING COMMUSSION AGENDA DECEMBER 14, 1983 PAGE 2 C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEt 83 -39 - KLGNDIKE - The dv .elopment of a 37,000 sq. ft. ice cream bar manufacturing ijo_ilding on 5.8 acres of land in the General Industrial/Rail Served category (Subarea 10) located on the northeast corner of 7th Street and Toronto Avenue - APN 209- 4G1 -0C_ VL Public Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the relate project Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All su&. opinions shall be Iimited to 5 minutes per individual for each project D. ENVTR(2RT%mvrA r. K tr•RCt subdivision of 5 lots on 1.85 acres o land in the R-1 zone, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue at Palo Alto - APN 208 -021 -09. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTA 12462 - JENSEAr _ a ,„.�. ,_. ___,___• _. F. lots on 18.49 acres of land in the VL (Very Low Residential) district, located on the south side of Summit Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue - APN 225 - 181 -02 ar_d 03. ine aevelopment of 432 semi -attached single family manufactured homes on 45 acres of land within the Victoria Planned Community, designated Medium and Medium -High Residential, located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue - a portion of APN 227 - 081 -06. G. ENVIRONMENT H. =w� - n custom Lot subdivision of 16 lots on 20.9 acres o land in the R- 1- 20,000 zone (Hillside Residential pending), located north of Almond Street, generally west of Sapphire Street - APN 200 -051 -06 and 07. �• °� L�:nnatc - ine aeveloprnent of a 31,200 sq. t. building or 84 Lumber on 2.55 acres in the Industrial Part: category (Subarea 6), located on the west side of Haven, South of 8th Street - APN 209 - 251 -05. r. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 14, 1983 PAGE 3 L ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRA(,'T acres into 123 lots, comprising 122 zero lot line units in the R -3 /PD zone, generally located on the west side of Center, between Arrow and 26th Street - APN 209 - 091 -10. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - An amendment to Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamo:aga Municipal Code, Section 14.20.110 of Chapter 14.20, Signs, to change the maidmum height limit for a wall sign on an industrial building from 20 feet to a height not to project above the roofline. VU- Public Comments This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission Items to be discussed here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. V11 1NLM The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Reguiat'ons that set an 11 pm. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission. F; �4'ti` viCINo-ry SAP r a TAwio MTERWATIGNAL Antpo*r CFry OF RANCHO p,CARION" t CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COi SSION MINUTES Regular Meeting October 26, 1983 Chairman Dennis Stout called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rarcho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in tbs Forum of Liens Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Stout ther, led iz the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: David Barker, Addie Juarez, Larry Mc Niel, Herman Hempel, Dennis Stout COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRES-ENT: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney; Janice Reynolds, Secretary; Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer; Michael 4ai_ ^in, Senior Planner Rick Gomez, City Planner, announced there would be a FooW I Corrmunity Plan public hearing before the Sai Bernardino County Planning CnamissiGn Thursday, October 27, at 9 a.m., at rhinh time they would take actioi and for--ward recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. He advised that the Hoard of Supervisors would be ..:viewing the Plan at their November 7, :983 meeting. Additionally, the Environmental Review Board had reviewed the Environmental Impact Report rc: the Plan and recommended its certification. Chairman Stout asked if there were objections voiced at that hearing. Mr. Gomez replied that both he and Tim Beedle were present at the meeting ar::: expressed concerns on behalf of the City. Michael 7airin, Senior Planner, announced that the City Council wou'.d be considering adoption of the Draft Development Code at their November 2, 1983 meeting. Chairman Stout announced that the Fall Conference of the City /County Planning Commissioners would be held November 3, 1983 at the Red Lion in Ontario. Planning Commission Minutes -1- October 26, 1983 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adopt the minutes of Aagust 30, 1983. Commissic .r Barker requested amendments September 28, 1983 minutes. The amendment amended to read ". . before all of the amendment to page 14, 5th paragraph, is t previous Planning Commission had been aware General Plan was adopted. to pages 9 and 14 of the to page 9, 4th paragraph, was hurdles had been ,jumped ". The o include a statement that the of freeway corridor before the Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by Rempel, unanimously carried, to adopt the minutes of September 28, 1983, as amended by Commissioner Barker. Chairman. Stout requested amendments to the minutes of October 4, 1983, pages 4 and 6. He stated that there was discussion by the Commission regarding a parcel between Hellman and the channel, south of 6th Street, and the possibility of a Ge�°ral Plan amendment to 2-4 dwelling units per acre being brought back to the Commission during the next amendment cycle and requested that the minutes reflect this discussion. Further, the 7th paragraph of page k should read ". . or land" rather than " . . . of land ". Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Barker, unanimously carried, to adopt the minutes of October 4, 1983 as amended by Chairman Stout. Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by Rempel, unanimously carried, to adopt the minutes of October 12, 1983. ■ a 0 f ! CONSENT CALENDAR A. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 10277 - BARMAKIAN - A custom lot subdivision consisting of 22 lots on 24.36 acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 located on the north side of Almond, east of Carnelian - APN 1061- 171 -02. B. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 11869 (PD 81 -071N - ROBERTS - A total development of 87 units on 9.75 acres of land in the R -3/PD zone located o! the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201- 252 -23, 25, and 26. C. ENI7IRO*SNTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPFLNT REVIEW 83 -28 - H_IJES PETERS - The development of 15 industrial buildings totaling 67,143 sq. ft. on 4.3 acres of land in the General Industrial category (Subarea 3) located on the north side of 7th Street, east of Hellman Avenue - APN 209 - 171 -37 (a portion) . Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 26, 10,83 D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -29 - FORHAN - The development of two industrial. buildings (76;000 and 70,000 sq. ft.) on 8.30 acres of land in the General Industrial area (Subarea 14) located on the east side cf Hyssop Street, south of 7th Street - APN 229- 283 -49. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSKIENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -31 - BARMARIAN - The development of a 17,000 s;. ft. manufacturing building or 2.10 acres of land containing an existing 22,100 sq. ft. industrial building located in the General Industrial category (Subarea 3) at 8613 Helms Avenue - APN 209 - 021 -31. Commissioner Barker requested that items A and B be removed for discussion. Motion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried to adopt the remaining items of the Consent Calendar. A. TIME 10277 - subdivision consisting of 22 lots on 24.36 acres of land zone located on the north side of Almond, east of 1061 - 171 -02. - A custom lot n the R -1- 20,000 Carnelian - APN Commissioner Barker stated that this tract was approved r,rior to the placement of the Equestrian Overlay District or. the map and has no provisions for the keeping of animals or access provided for trails within the tract, therefore felt it should be discussed by the Commission. Chairman Stout asked if there were any in the audience who wished to address this item. Andrew Aarmakian, applicant, asked Commissioner Barker why this item was pulled from the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Barker explained that the intension of both the City Council and Planning Commission is that the area in which Mr. Barmakian's tract lies should be an equestrian area; however, the CUR's for this development do not allow the keeping of equestrian animals, thus it was pulled for discussion. Mr. Barmakian advised that the CUR's for this tract were reviewed and approved y the City Attorney prior to approval and that the only reason this tract was before the Commission for extension was because he coald not afford to put in the street improvements for the remaining 22 lots at this time. He stated that his intentions for this development were to build nice homes or large lots where someone would not have the smell of horses to contend with. Further, that he was not belittling anyone who likes horses or has horses, however, does not happen to share that same feeling. He stated because this is a free country, those who wish to have their horses should be able to have them, however those who do not wish to live with horses in their neighborhood should also be allowed that freedom. Additionally, that the intention of his concept for this tract was clear when it was approved, there is a great investment already into this project, and felt strongly that the Commission should allow the continuation of this project as accepted by the Commission and as originally designed. Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 26, 1983 Chairman Stout asked Mr. Barmakian if he realized that this would be the last extension which could be granted for this project. W. Barmakian replied that he was not aware of this. Chairman Stout explained that assuming a time extension is granted this evening, but the tract expires at the end of the 18 months, by law the existing CC&P,'s cannot be reestablish because there is an ordinance in effect which presently prohibits this type of tract. He advised that the only reason this tract could exist is because it has apparently already accrued without that provision. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, advised that the Subdivision. Map Act provides that tentative tracts only have a finite life, and have to be finaled within four years. Further, what Mr. Stout was pointing out is that the second, third and fourth phases will expire unless that are finaled at some point within the 16 months. Mr. Barmakian asked if he puts in the next seven lots of phase two, would it also be necessary to start phases three and four before the end of the 18 months? Mr. Gomez replied the lots would not have to be constructed, however, the tract would have to be finaled_ Mr. Hopson explained that the improvements would have to be bonded for or what ever is necessary to final the map. Mr. Barmakian stated that a problem exists in that two of the lots have already been sold to people who had read the CC&R's and purchased them because they do have animal restrictions. Chairman Stout pointed out that the problem would only exist if the Commission does not grant the extension or if the map is not finaled within the 18 -month time period because it would be subject to the ordinances and regulations now in effect. Mr. Barker replied that he understood this, and if the time extension is granted this evening, intends to bond for the improvements or whatever is necessary to final his map. !4r. Hopson advised that Mr. Barmakian would have to meet all the conditions neees °wry to final the map, not only bond for the street improvements. Terry Christiansen addressed the Commission stating that he was a purchaser of one of the lots in this tract. He stated that he has horses but prefers to have them boarded elsewhere ana had purchased his lot with the understanding that the CC&R's did not allow horses. 'Further, it would be a shame to change this development after it has already been started. Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 26, 1983 ` Pam Henry addressed the Commission stating that she is a m- erroer of the Equestrian Committee who reviewed this tract prior to approval. She stated that at that time the map illustrated lots around the external area of the tract which would have horses and gates which would lead out onto the trails, and was viewed by the Committee as a good compromise. She advised that a trails requirement had been checked off on the condition form which is in the tract's file. S;ie stated, however, the Commission has brought other tracts into compliance with the current ordinance and asked that consistency be retained. She further stated that CC&R's which prohibit horses are too restrictive because it takes 100 percent of the residents to change them. She also expressed concern with the surfacing being used on the trail around phase one and stated tha,,; it is not the proper treatment and asked that the Commission have this corrected. Gene Scism addressed the Commission stating that he is a horse owner and also is in favor of Mr. Barmakian's tract as it would increase his property values. However, recalled when this tract was approved that the perimeter lots could have horses and would have access to the trail system, also that the trails would be put in, which he understands is not being done. He recommended that these conditions be required of the tract. Chris Benoit, Equestrian Advisory Committee member, addressed the Commission stating that the Committee was not aware that the CC&R's for this tract would exclude all the lots from keeping horses. She expressed concern that if this tract is non - equestrian, they would close off the private feeder trails which link up to major trails. Mr. Barmakian stated that he had discussed the slag base which was used on the trail with the Engineering Division and had already advised them that he would correct this. Chairman Stout asked what would be a reasonable amount of time to change the slag. Mr. Barmakian replied thirty days. He further stated that trails have been provided for equestrian use which would meet with all of the requirements and had been designed to traverse the City. Michael vairin, Senior Planner, advised that the reason the trails requirement was checked on the standard condition form was because a master plan of trails is required for the tract; therefore, it was not that Mr. Barmakian did ❑c_ comply with this requirement, as he did so by installing the master plan trail across the southerly part of the tract which is shown on the plans. Further, there was no requirement for a community trail northward, however was placed there by the applicant. In terms of equestrian orientation and whether this tract would preclude horses, Mr. lairin referred to the minutes of record and stated that a comment was made that it could depend on where the lots were loc.'ed in the tract. He advised that there is no condition which requires the tr..et to be built with or without horses and the choice was left entirely up to the applicant. Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 26, 1983 Commissioner Rempel stated that, as discussed during the Development Code hearings regarding the overlay district, he felt that tracts which already prohibit horses in their CC&R's should be allowed to be built. He pointed out that it seemed the Commissioner's had no problem with this during the Code hearir3s and recalled that the City Attorney had advised that this would be the correct procedure. He recommended that this tract be granted an extension and be allowed to continue. Commissioner Barker stated that he would like to see equestrian orientation on the north and east sides, but could accept Mr. Barmakian's point of view that placing the access between the first and second phases would be impossible, and between the second and third phases would destroy the central corridor. However, would like to protect the access to the feeder trails and would like to see those trails put in first because it would be some time before the project is completed. Chairman Stout and Commissioner McNiel questioned the trails shown on the map and asked if they are a condition of the map. Mr. Hopson replied that in order to final a tract, whatever appears on the approved map must exist unless amended by a body which has the power to do so. Commissioner Mc Niel stated that in light of the fact that this project had prior ap ^roval, and the fact that there are people who may not want to live in an ecuestrian area, this project should be allowed to continue. Commissioner Juarez stated that she would prefer to seo the additional equestrian trails in place. Chairman Stout stated that his position is well known on equestrian issues; however, the fact that this tract was approved previously with a specific purpose in mind and that an adequate compromise was made in the north and east trails as well as the community trail to the south, he would be in favor of the tract as it currently exist with the understanding that these trails are to be incorporated at the proper time and as long as the tract is finaled within the eighteen months. tie added if the tract is not finaled within that time and comes back as a new tract, he would be against it being made an exception to the overlay district policy. Commissioner Barker stated he was concerned with the northern and easter,: trail access and asked if it would be possible to bond them in with the next phase. Commissioner Rempel asked Mr. Barmakian if it would be possible to place a fence along the north, south and east future lot line areas, which would be the inside limits of the equestrian easements, within the next 18 months. Mr. Barmakian replied that he would be agreeable to placing a fence along the future lot lines; however, the trails would necessitate an excessive amount of grading which could not be accomplished at this time. He advised that a fence had already been constructed along the eastern 8 lots. Planning Commission Minutes -6- October 26, 1983 P-->tion: Moved approving an understanding lines. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: by Rempel seconded -by YcNiel, carries!, to adopt the Resolution 18 month time extension for Tentative Tract 10277 with the that Mr. Barmak ?an will construct the fence along future lot COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONEPS: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, STOUT BARKER, JUAREZ HCNE -carried- Commissioners Barker and Juarez voted no for previously stated reasons. a a t a e B. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT ;1869 (PD 81 -07) - ROBERTS - A total development of 87 units on 9.75 acres of land in the R -3/PD zone located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Highland Avenue - APN 201- 252 -23, 25, and 26. Commissioner Barker stated that he requested that this item be pulled from the Consent Calendar because the conditions require the revisions to come back before the Design Review Committee; however, he was of the opinion that they should come back before the full Commission as the revisions were major in nature. Mr. Gomez stated that any item can be required to go before the Commission if they so desire. Motion: Moved by F.empel, seconded by Barker, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution granting a 12 -month time extension for Tentative Tract 11869 (PD 81 -07) with the condition that the revisions are to be brought back before the Planning Commission. a • a a � PUBLIC HEARINGS F. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -13 - HOWARD - The revision to a previously approved Conditional Use Permit for First Assembly of God Church for the development of a 9400 square foot building or 5.5 acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 zone, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Wilson Avenues - APN 201 - 381 -01. (Continued from September 28, 1983 meeting.) Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report which requested a continuance to the October 26, 1983 Planning Commission meeting. He advised that the applicant's engineer had submitted the grading plan to the City this afternoon, however, staff did not have sufficient time to review the plan and prepare a report for the Commission. Planning Commission Minutes -7- October 26, 1983 Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Pastor Lawrence Howard, 9540 Ironwood, addressed the Commission agreeing with the continuance date of November 9, 1983 for discussion of the grading plan; however, expressed concerns with the community equestrian trail requirement on Archibald for the project. Mr. Gomez recommended that the Commission take action to continue the item as suggested by staff to November 9 for discussion of the grading plan and suggested that staff could meet with the applicant to clear up misunderstandings regarding the equestrian trail requirements. Chairman Stout reauested that staff present the Commission with a chronology of this project at that meeting. Pastor Howard asked for clarification of what would be discussed November 9th. Chairman Stout replied that the grading plan would be discussed at that meeting. Mr. Gomez advised Pastor Howard that staff would be meeting with him prior to that meeting to discuss misunderstandings regarding the equestrian trail requirements. Pastor Howard stated that the equestrian requirement was not discussed at the last meeting. Commissioner Hempel advised that conditions can be checked on the standard condition form as required without Commission discussion. Pat Guerra asked if the grading plan could be submitted without the equestrian trail at this time for discussion and added later. Mr. Gomez replied that staff and the grading committee would review the plan and if there were areas not addressed, they would advise the Commission at the November 9 reeting. Chairman Stout closed the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to continue Conditional Use Permit 82 -118 to the Planning Commission meeting of November 9, 1983. 9 f i f ! 8:20 - Planning Commission Recessed 8 :25 - Planning Commission Reconvened • i f ! ! Planning Commission Minutes -8- October 25, 1983 0 G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMEI4T 83 -04 B - SYCAMORE INVESTMENTS - A request to amend the General Plan Land Use Plan' from Office to Neighborhood Commercial on 5.44 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Base Line - APN 202- 181 -27. (Continued from September 26, 1983 meeting.) H. EN•JIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND ZONE CHANGE 83 -04 B - SYCAMORE INVESTMENTS - A change of zone from A -P (Administrative Professional) to 0-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) on 5.44 acres of land :-1cated at the northeast corner of Archibald and Base Line - P_PN 202 - 181 -27. (Continued from September 28, 1983 meeting.) Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Jack Tarr, Sycamore Investments, addressed the Commission z3vising that he did not feel staff had complied with the Commission's request at the September meeting which was to develop language for consideration that might be used to allow small shops in a center without a major supermarket. He addressed the staff report which stated that one of the reasons behind the two center policy was to assure the vitality of commercial uses within any two centers and disagreed by stating than this would mean a regional center would only have one dress or shoe store. He pointed out that competitors draw more people for comparison shopping. Mr. Tarr referred to the definition of Neighborhood Commercial and the subheading of neighborhood shopping center and pointed out that the two center policy was clearly in the definition; however, in the subheading of convenience commercial there was no mention of this policy. Further, that according to the General Plan text, convenience commercial areas are not indicated on the land use plan because of their small size and because their location is subject to City planning and Planning Commission review and felt this is what the Commission could interpret. Mr. Tarr distributed material to the Commission which suggested various land use designation alternatives. One suggestion was a new land use designation which would allow three neighborhood centers already in existence at a designated intersection. He stated that the General Plan is a tool in planning which is subject to change to adopt certain land characteristics surrounding a particular piece of property. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel stated that problems exist in puttang anything other than commeveial at that intersection. FFarther, that high density as well as office uses would congest the intersection much more at certain times of the day. He stated that most people are going out of the area to purchase personal items such as shoes and clothing and would like to see these types of stores suggested for this area. Commissioner Juarez stated her concern that approval of this amendment would set a precedent in other areas of the City. Planning Commission Minutes -9- October 26, 1983 Commissioner P.empel addressed this concern by stating that this cannot happen in any other area of the City that is not already built up. Further, that offices are no longer practical because they are overbuilt in the City and denying this request is asking for someone to forget about this piece of property for another fifteen to twenty years. Commissioner Barker stated that his concern at the September 28 meeting was whether an additional land use designation was needed or if the General Plan met the needs not only of this piece of property, but generally for the entire community. In trying to determine the differnce between OP and any other type of commercial designation_, be thought that maybe a soft goods retail not included in the 0? designation might be considered as an allowed use. His vote iculd be to deny this s-equest; however was not comfortable with placing all of these permitted uses in a revised OP because there is no basic difference between that designation and any other commercial designation. Commissioner McNiel stated that this is a major intersection of the City which is going to be a high traffic, high density situation no matter what is placed there. He referred to the list of uses proposed by Mr. Tarr as permitted uses in a new designation and only opposed to a convenience food store. Chairman Stout stated that he did not see a reason to change the Office Professional use and that adding more uses would not change it. With respect to this parcel, he stated that the request should be denied because there were not adequate reasons for changing. Motion: Moved by Juarez, seconded by Barker, carried, to deny General Plan Amendment 83 -04B. COMMISSIONERS: AYES: JUAREZ, BARKER, MCNIEL, STOUT COMMISSIONERS: NOES: REMPEL COMMTSSI -V r.hS: ABSENT: 29ONP - carried Commissioner Rempel voted no because of previously stated reasons. 'jot; Moved by Barker, moved by Juarez, carried, to deny Zone Change 83 -04B. COMM?SSIONERS: AYES BARKER, JUAREZ, MCNIEL, REMPEL, STOUT COMMISSIONERS: CONMISSIO?IEFS: NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried Commissioner Rempei stated that he had no choice other thaan denying the zone change because there is no General Plan amendment. Further, if the amendment had been approved his vote would have been the other way. :fanning Commission Minutes -10- October 26, 1983 l � Y Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised the applicanft that this action is final unless appealed by the applicant to the City Council. * # # # # I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL HAP 8218 - DAVIS DEVELOPMENT - A division of 4.74 acres of land into one parcel within Subarea 3 of the Industrial Specific Plan located on the north side of 7th Street, east side of Hellman Avenue - APN 209 - 171-49 through 56. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Bill Davis, applicant, addressed the Commission concurring with the findings of the staff report and resolution. There were no further public comments, therefore Chairman Stout closed the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Mc Niel, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Parcel Hap 8218. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, BARKEP, JUAREZ, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried J. ER:T_RONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 83 -08 - LEWIS - The development of a 377,665 square foot shopping center for Lewis Development on 8.67 acres of ': rd in the C -2 zone located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, between Hellman and Helms Avenue - APN 208- 261-25 and 26. K. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL HAP d0b3 - U;W.Ls Vr YaLUr=W.L LA.A -Ira2l - A division of 8.66 acres of land into 2 parcels within the C-2 zone located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard, between Helms and Hellman Avenues - APN ?08- 261 -25 and 26. r'.-ank Dreckman, Assistant Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Jerry Bryant, representing Lewis Development Company, addressed the Commission stating that the applicant concurred with the staff reports and resolutions concerning their portion of the development; however, the Taco Bell representatives had issues for discussion. Planning Commission Minutes -11- October 26, 1983 Jim Middleton, representing the Taco Bell Corporation, addressed the Commission stating concern with the size of the colonnade suggested by staff and the scale of the Taco Bell building. He suggested that a smaller scale might be used to be architecturally compatible with the Taco Bell building. Regarding the trellis proposed by staff, Ys. Middleton stated the applicant's opinion that significant problems exist with trellis structures and rould prefer not to include they in their design. Rick Gomez, City Planner, explained that staff's intention :was that the columns be in proportion to the Taco Bell building, not the same scale as the ones being used in the center. In response to the trellis, %,L-. Gomez explained that staff felt it would tic the Taco Bell exterior in with the center and simulate wood. Pat Guerra, 8218 Kirkwood, Rancho Cucamonga, addressed the Commission expressing concerns with the 32 -foot high wall at the rear of the property and that the placement of the main building would block mountair. views. He suggested that the major portion of the buildings be placed in the center of the project with parking in front and at the rear. He also expressed concerns with flooding which. .nieht be caused by this project and asked the developer to address this issue. Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that the item before the Commission at this time is conceptual and that grading contours, location and placement of buildings, etc., are not being discussed this evening. He suggested that these issues could be discussed when the project comes back to the Commission for review of the precise plans. O,airman Stout explained that the only item for approval this evening is the Taco Bell site and that the rest of the site plan is conceptual only. John Reynolds, 8215 Kirkwood, Rancho Cucamonga, expressing concerns with flooding and asked for clarification of the driveway locations for the Taco Bell restaurant, how the trash would be taken care of, and what type of buffering would be used between the buildings and the residential tract. Al Diaz, representing the architects for the center, addressed the concerns of the adjacent property corners. Regarding the issue of flood control, he explained that this would be taken care of by engineers working with the City. He advised that there is a large drop from Foothill to the south property line so the view would be somewhat obstructed and explained that the setback on Foothill Boulevard would prohibit bringing the buildings any closer to that street. Regarding the issue of the rear walls, the 32 -foot height would be measured from the finished surface of the sidewalk in front of the major tenant, not a wall at the rear. He explaired tbat this wall is necessary to screen the roof - mounted equipment. Regarding the site access from Foothill, Mr. Diaz expained that this would be handled through a deceleration lane and also would be handled through a stacking area on the site. Additionally, the trash bins would be enclosed with a masonry wall per City standards. Planning Commission Minutes -12- October 26, 1983 Chairman Stout asked Mr. Diaz to address the 'buffering issue. Mr. Diaz explained that fifteen feet of landscaping as well as the conceptual setback will be used to create a buffer zone. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Regarding tha Taco Bell project, Commissioner Rempel suggested that staff and the applicant could work out problems with the trellis because problems do arise with campers and motorhomes. Regarding the general site layout, Commissioner Rempel advised the property owners that the flooding problem would most likely be totally elimated by the construction of the project. Further, that if the site had been developed with a two -story residential project, the view would have been obstructed more than with this project. He additionally advised that more noise and problems are created by having the parking lot placed rear residences than having the building placed near them. Chairman Stout suggested that a compromise could be worked out with the columns which would be agreeable W th both the I.ity and the applicant. He explained that Foothill Boulevard 4 -s a special boulevard in the City and that the trellis carries through the w'Lnery theme. Additionally, the trellis would architecturally improve the building. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 83 -08 and the Resolution approving Parcel Map 8063. site plan changes for a portion AYES: COMMISSIONERS: RE'N?EL, MCNIEL, BARKER, JUA.RE2, STOUT NOES: CObM4ISSIONERS: NONE northeast ABSENT: COM14ISSIONERS: NONE- - carried t t i * f 9 :35 p.m. - Planning Commission Recessed 9:45 p.m. - Planning Commission Reconvened Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the sta °f report. L. REVISIONS TO TENTATIVE TRACT 11915 - MAYER - Proposed architectural and site plan changes for a portion of a previously approved project consisting of 150 townhomes on 10.7 acres located at the southeast corner of Arrow and Turner and 44 patio homes on o.3 acres located at the northeast corner of Turner and 26th Street - Lets 1 & 2 of Parcel Map 7280. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the sta °f report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Planning Commiss!on Minutes -13- October 26, 1983 c Mike Mohle -, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission stating their concurrence with the findings of the staff report and resolution. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving the revisions to Tentative Tract 11915. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, BARKER, JUAREZ, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONTE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE — carried t � s • e M. EATVIROffi£NTAL .?SSESSMENT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 63 -04 kTENIATiVE TMUT 12386 - TAC - A change of zone from A -1 (Limited Agriculture) to R -3 /PD (Multiple Family Residential /Planned Development) and the development of 54 townhomes on 4.3 acres of land generally located west of Vineyard, north of Arrow - APN 207 - 211 -16. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Terry Christiansen, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission concurring with the findings of the staff report and Resolution. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Juarez, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Tentative Tract 12386. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, JUAREZ, BARKER, RE: ?EL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried Motion: Moved by Juarez, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Planned Development 83 -04. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t ! ! f t JUAPEZ, MCNiaL, BARKER, REMPEL, STOUT NONE NONE - carried Plar',iing Commission Minutes -14- October 26, 1983 N. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 11997 - LANDCO - A custom lot residential subdivision of 19 lots on 9.75 acres of land in the R -1- 20,000 zone located on the southeast corner of Hillside Road and Beryl Street - APN 1061- 621 -01. Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report recommending that consideration be given to direct the applicant to vary lot widths and sizes, per previous Commission policy. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Don Hornbeck, 15O S. E1 Molino, Pasadena, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission concurring with the conditions of approval. He addressed the issue of the lot widths on Beryl and stated that there are other measures that could be taken to mitigate the "postage stamp" appearance, such as types of fencing separating lots and building elevations, which would not financially impact the applicant as much as eliminating a lot. Joe Gordon, adjacent property owner, asked what type of fencing would be used along the equestrian trail. Michael Vairin, Senior Pla.-mer, replied that a split rail fence would be repaired per Equestrian Trail Guidelines on the north interior property lines. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Barker stated that the design is not very creative and would like to come up with some alternative to having the driveways all coming out onto Beryl in a straight line. Commissioner Rempel replied that this concern could be mitigated through Design Review by alternating garages and placing driveways placed on different sides. Commissioner McNiel agreed that this could be mitigated through design. Commissioner Juarez agreed with Commissioners Rempel and Mc Niel. Chairman Stout stated concerns with a large number of lots fronting on Beryl and cited the problems on Sapphire as an example. He additionally stated that he realized that economics come into play, however the project looked as if it were designed by a computer and that one more lot couldn't have been squeezed out, 5`urther, he understood that size constraints were placed on the project; however, the design could have been reevaluated to come up with a compromise which met with approval of all concerned. Mr. Gomez commented that if the Commission desired to approve the project with no changes, additional conditions of approval might be proposed to address the deviation from the tract look, such as location of driveways and garages. Planning Commission Minutes -15- October 26, 1983 Chairman. Stout stated that he was unhappy with the project; however, if it was the Commission's desire to approve it, he would recommend circular driveways only rather than hammerhead driveways. Commissioner Rempel disagreed and stated that hammerheads could be an innova.cive idea. Commissioner McNiel agreed that hammerhead drives could be innovative when mixed with others ar_d stated that tracts with only circular driveways do look cookie cutter and are without imagination. Chairman Stout replied that the problem with hammerhead drives is circulaL ion and the fact that people don't use them but tend to back out. instead. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by WNiel, carried, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the Resolution approving Tentative Tract 11997 with a condition added to the Resoluti n which would state that variations in building layouts would include such things as side and front entry ga,ages, variable- setbacks, and various architectural treatments. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, MCNIEL, BARKER, JUAREZ HOES: STOUT ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried Chairman Stout voted No for previously stated reasons. t t f t f 0. AMEN'DMEN'T TO TRACT 12090 - USA PROPERTIES - An amendment to the various smaller condominium lots to the larger models and slight modifications thereby to the open space. This is an approved project in process of development on 9.2 acres at the northwest corner of Archibald and F'eron Boulevard - APN 209 - 071 -01. Paul Rougeau, Senior Civil Engineer, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. There were no comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Barker stated that the City may be seeing more amendments of this type as developers are discovering that smaller units are not selling as well as anticipated. Planning Commission Minutes -16- October 26, 1983 Motion: Moved by Barker, seconded by Juarez, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving the proposed amendments to Tract 12090. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BAffiC-zR, JUAREZ, MCNIEL, REMPEL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSTONEP.S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE - carried f ■ i i t NEW BUSINESS P. ENVIROR'ENTAL ASSESSKtw FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 83 -19 - VILLA - The development of eight (9) apartment units on 23,435 sq. ft. lot in the R -3 zone located at the northwest corner of Rancheria Drive and Tapia Via Drive - APN 207 - 122 -07, 08, 09. Michael Vairin, Senior Planner, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Richard Villa, applicant, addressed the Commission stating that he concurred with the findings of the staff report and Resolution. There were no further comments, therefore the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Rempel stated his opinion that this is going to be a very attractive project. Chairman Stout agreed with Commissioner Rempel and stated that a lot of innovation was used in the project. Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Barker, unanimously carried, to adopt the Resolution approving Development Review 83 -19 and the issuance of a Negative Declaration. AYES: COMMISSIONERS: REMPEL, BAMI R, JUAREZ, MCNIEL, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried s s f • � PUBLIC COMMENTS Andrew Barmakian addressed the Commission asking if there is a way that an apartment project being constructed by his firm could be constructed under an "adults only" concept until seating is available for children in the Central School District. Planning Commission Minutes -17- October 26, 1983 .P CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting November 9, 1983 CALL TO ORDER Chairman. Dennis Stout called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7 p.m. The meeting was held at the Lions Paris Community Center, 9151 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman Stout then led in the pledge to the flag. ROLL CALL COl4;ISSIONERS PRESENT: Dave Barker, Addie Juarez, Larry McNiel, Herman Rempel, Dennis Stout COMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner; Rick Gomez, City Planner; Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney; Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner; Joan Kruse, Administrative Secretary; Vdchael Vairin, Senior Planner ANNOUNCEMENTS City Planner, Rick Gomez, advised that the Foothill Coves unity Plan had been before the County Board of Supervisors for its first public hearing at their November 7 meeting. He further advised that since the City appealed the adequacy of the £IR, it was recommended by County Council that no testimony be ta: :en and the hearing was postponed to November 21, He indicated that both the Plan and the EIR would be heard at that time. f # i i • CONSENT CALENDAR Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by Barker, carried unanimously, to adopt the Consent Calendar. A. STREET NAME CHANGE — Approval of a change from Pepper to Culpepper, located south of Base Line at Beryl. B. REVIEW OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT a e o f i Rick Gomez, City Planner, advised that Mr. 3armakian had made this request to the City Council and was informed. that an adults only project would not be possible because it is considered unconstitutional by law. Fe further advised that the Planning Commission does rot have the authority to waive the provisions of the Growth Management Ordinance. # # # ?at Guerra inquired about the status of a project at the southwest corner of Hellman and Footill. Rick Gomez replied that this was an apartment project proposed by Sickels Development and was approved approximately six weeks ago. Mr. Guerra stated that he had concerns regarding the nature of apartments and felt they belonged further east. Commissioner Rempel advised that the General Plan shows high density for that area. There were no further comments. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by Rempel, seconded by McNiel, unanimously carried, to adjourn. 10:30 p.m - Planning Commission Adjourned Respectfully submitted, Rick Gomez Acting Secretary Planning Commission Mir•ites -18- October 26, 1983 P PUBLIC HEARINGS C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 82 -1R - HOWARD - The revision �dtc�arpre ford? approved Conditional Use Permit for First Assembly of development of a 9400 square loot building on 5.5 acres of land in the R- 1- 20,000 zone, located at the northeast corner of Archibald and Wilson Avenues APN 201 - 38-01. (Continued from October 26, 1983 meeting.) Senior Planner, Michael of the church site. and Assistant Planner, Curt Johnston, p resented slides Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Reverend ibward, pastor of this church, addressed the Commission and asked if the conditional use permit previously approved on November 22, 1982 is still legal and in effect. He called attention to the staff report of that date and page 4 of the standard conditions. He advised that drawings which were submitted at that time showed a sidewalk and nc.: a bridle trail and advised further of the deep cut that wv•,Id have to be made which would be approximately 5 feet deep E. =•= ti = _-proximately 200 feet to the east in order to accommodate a trail. Pastor Howard stated that he was not opposed to a bridle trail but asked that it be placed on the west side of the street. Pastor Howare said that on July 7 there was a revision to the conditional use permit which changed the equestrian trail and that they had not been notified of this change. He stated that because of the sanctuary placement, thebhorse trail would be highly visible and horse dropping aesthetically pleasing view. Chairman. Stout stated that there are several things in the report and asked Pastor Howard if he was in agreement with everything else. Pastor Howard replied that because of financial constraints it would be better for them to install the improvements at the time the sanctuary is built and advised that he was aware of the safety factors involved. Se asked for a lien to do the work at a later time. Chairman Stout stated that he wanted to be sure that Pastor owardommissi nnaa fair chance to address everything n his presentation this meeting. Mr. John Sail, member of the church board, addressed the Commission. He stated that one of his duties as an animal control officer was the destruction of injured a imals, namely, horses. He advised that the way the equestrian trail is designed would not be a good safety factor because of the animals having to cross the busy street. Mr. Chris Hincheck, Rey Associates, engineer for this project, felt that the equestrian trail would be better if located on the west side of Archibald; he advised of the additional slope adjustment which would be needed if the equestrian trail is located on the east side; and felt that a lien agreement for improvements should be considered. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission Minutes -2- November 9, 1983 Chairman Stout stated that the issue of the community trail Would be taken fir =t. Commissioner lIcNiel stated that the church has a very real and just position with the placement of the trail and asked if there was any particular reason for placing it on the east side other than the recommendation of the Equestrian Committee. Chairman Stout replied that he did not attend this particular meeting but as a member of the Equestrian Committee be felt there is an improved subdivision to the north of the church project and the Committee may have thought it would be quicker to get a trail by placing it on the east side. Commissioner Rempel stated that a trail on the east side will have problems later on because there is a single f z:11y residence wherein right -of -way will be difficult to obtain and he also cited the difficulty of horses getting across the busy Archibald thoroughfare. Commissioner Rempel stated he did not see any reason why the equestrian trail could not be located on the west side. Commissioner Barker stated that he did not see any logical reason for the trail being located on the east side of Archibald. Chairman Stout stated that it makes better sense to locate the equestrian trail on the west side of k,zhibald and that he is not in favor of having horses cross a street 72 feet wide that is busily traveled. Coimaissioner Re =el stated that horse crossings in equestrian areas should be designed in such a way that people know they are in an equestrian area. He requested staff to look into materials which could be used for the crossing which would provide horses with a safer crossing. Commissioner Barker stated that Commissioner Rempel's remarks were well taken as long as someone comes up with a non -skid crossing material. Mr. Vairin stated that standard condition B -17 should be eliminated and that item M -3 should be noted for the sidewalk requirement. Chairman Stout asked the Commission to address the request for deferment of improvements on Archibald. Commissioner Mc Niel asked if we had told them we would du this before. Chairman Stout stated no, that it has always been done the other way inasmuch as there are safety considerations. Commissioner Rempel stated the improvements should be done row. Chairman Stout stated that there has been some misunderstandir4; in that Edison would be given a break as far as their piece of property on the northwest corner. He indicated that is not the case and that they will be required to put in the improvements as well. 9e indicated further, that they have put n landscaping so it will only be a matter of time before the improvements are put in. Planning commission Minutes -3- November 9, 1983 Chairman Stout stated that one of his observations has been that people who attend the Commission meetings are unaware of the consistency of the decisions made by the Commission. He indicated that it has been the policy of the Commission not to defer improvements.. and if they require the improvements, the applicant is not being singled out. Chairman Stout stated that it is difficult to see how the Commission makes its determinations if people do not consistently attend the meetings. Commissioner H`Niel asked if there has to alter the number of students from Planning Division in the resolution. been some change in the building plans 40 to 60 in condition no. 6 under the P:^. Vairin replied affirmatively, explaining that they will be going i-hto a larger building. Chairman Stout stated that he want to the site over the weekend and found that the building will be extremely large. He indicated that he had giver, his approval to the size of the building and that landscaping is required per the standard condition; however, he asked that staff and the applicant work together to attempt to mitigate the size of the building. Chairman Stout stated that Commissioner Barker expressed some reservations with the architecture and now, he does too. He indicated he would not withdraw his approval but he felt that the applicant should address the size problem. Potion: Pbved by Rempel, seconded by Me Niel, carried to adopt Resolution No. 82 -108A eliminating the requirement for an equestrian trail on the east side of Archibald; requiring a six -foot dedication and requiring sidewalk and improvements on Archibald and Wilson. Commissioner Barker voted no stating he did not consider the building design or site plan adequate when he previously voted on this and felt it still isn't. i a e • f D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 8116 - CASTILLO - A division of 1.3 acres within the R -1 -T zone located on the scum side of 9th Street at Comet and Bowan Streets - APN 207 - 531 -21. Senior Civil Engineer, Paul Rougeau, reviewed the staff repot Chairman Stout asked if this is a site where there is existing residential built around it and how they are going to subdivide a residential parcel. Mr. Rougeau replied that in keeping the house and barn this is the maximum number of lots they can gain from the property and since this 's only four lots it lends itself to the parcel map procedure. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. Mr. Clary Sanderson, engineer representing the applicant, stated he is in agreement with all conditions with one exception, the undergrounding of 12 KVA lines in parcel one. He indicated that it would be a problem to do it. Planning Commission Minutes -4- November 9, 1983 Chairman Stout asked if this requirement would be cost prohibitive. It-. Sanderson replied that it would be inasmuch as large eucalyptus trees would have to be removed in order to de it. Mr. Rougeau stated that the utility lines are undergrounded for the rest of the tract and is a condition that the City wants to get on all projects. However, i1r. Rougeau stated that if the lots on either side of this subdivision do not have underground utilities, it would be a lot of expense for little benefit. Chairman Stout asked i_* it would be possible for the applicant to enter into a lien agreement in the event the utilities are underground in the future. Mr. Rougeau replied that could be done. Mr. Dennis Desrochers, a resident on Comet Street, stated that as he ready the map it does not show that Bowen will connect with Comet. 4e asked if this is correct as the residents do not want it to connect. He stated there are 23 children in the cul-de -sac and it offers security to the residents not to have the street go through. He further stated that the tract he is in has underground utilities. Chairman Stcut asked if he is indicating that the large 12 Ft JA lines are underground. w . Desrochers stated that all the homes surrounding this parcel have underground utilities, Chairman Stout asked if the homes that front 9th Street have underground utilities. He indicated he wanted to b�-: sure because it would be very costly to just put this parcel split underground. W. Sanderson stated that his client was willing to enter into a lier. agreement. Chairman Stout stated that he wanted to be sure that all the large lines are above ground. Iqr. Sanderson showed the Commission a photograph of the parcel. Chairman Stout stated that this would be a contingency situation in that if they are above ground, the applicant would enter into a lien agreement in the event of future underground and if all surrounding lines are currently underground, the applicant would be required to elso underground them. K-. Sanderson asked for clarification of whether that meant if power lines across the street are undergrounded they would be required to also do so. Chairman Stout replied that is not what he meant; rather, that if the lines go across the property and they are underground on either side Fie is required to underground them also. In any other instance the apolicant would enter into a lien agreement. Planning Lommission eiinuies -5- November 9, 1983 There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. Motion: Moved by Bemael, seconded by Juarez, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 83 -137 approving Parcel Map 8116 with the condition that if the 12 KVA lines are parallel to the property on the south side, they will be undergrounded if the property on either side is also undergrounded. If this is not the case, the applicant shall enter into a lien agreement for any future undergrounding. E. AMENDMENT TO FINAL MAP 11350 - LOWY DEVELOPAIENT CORPORATION - The applicant is requesting approval for architectural, site plan and amendments to the lot lines for the previously approved Tract 11350, 114 townhomes located on 10 acres of land on the northwest corner of Base Line and ?3ermesa - APN 202 - 182 -13. Senior Planner, Michael Vairin, reviewed the staff report. Chairman Stout stated that this is the first project that he has seen like this where the lots seem to be contiguous with the building. *s•. Vairi.n explained that these are tow-nhomes and unlike condominiums, the land is owned by the homeowner. Mr. Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, explained that the common areas are also owned by the residents through an individual interest in the common area and through their membership in the homeowners association. Chairman Stout asked if the purchase of the townhome and part Cipation in the homeowners association is like a piece of stock. Mr. Hopson replied that it is similar. Chairman Stout opened the public hearing. M^. Chandaz Las, 4801 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, stated that he was in agreement with the conditions of approval. Y-^. Ron Stein, 10029 Lomita s'k'ive, Rancho C`rcamonga, stated that his house backs up to this project and uras built by Lesny Development. He indicated he had a letter which had been signed and dated by Mr. Lowy :chile he was a part of the Lesny Development corporation and wished to secure the rights which were contained in those letters. Chairman Stout asked if the conditions in this particular project had bee:. reviewer; by Mr. Stein. Mr. Stein stated that he did not see any changes but had not had an opportunity to review then. Mr. Vairin stated that the condition for the wall and the other requirements were still intact and the homeowners could hold the Lowy Development Corporation responsible for them. He indicated that the resolution will indicate that Lowy Development will have responsibility for tract conditions because they will go with the land. Planning commission Minutes -6- November 9, 1983 M-. Hopson stated that while many conditions have been satisfied with the recordation of the tract map, staff may want something in the resolution to approve any changes in the building lot size and indicate any unsatisfied conditions of the tentative tract map 11350 remain in force• He stated that it would not hurt to restate it so that for the homeowners and everyone else, it wJ.11 be clear. Chairman Stout stated that in certain agreements between the applicant and the City there is some agreement about how construction would take place. W. Hopson stated that the successor to Les. ^.y Development is bound to those agreements anyway. Mr. S`•eir: stated that per their last agreement the residents were to be notified 5 days in advance of any work. He indicated that work was done on November k and there had been no notification when they took out a stand of eucalyptus trees almost two years ago. Further, weeds have been allowed to E;row extremely high and constitute a fire hazard. He indicated that the residents would like to get some commitment from the developer before they Fr:+ceed with any work. It'. Hopson stated that this tract has been finaled and the developer can sit on i.l for as long as they want. Pt•. Stein asked if they are in, breach of their agreement already because of the lack of notification. Chairman Stout stated that M . Stein would have the burden of proving what commencement of construction is. Mr. Hopson stated that perhaps it would be apparent since the developer is doing engineering and capsizing his lots that they intend to go forward since they would not be spending money if it is not their intent. It's. Janice Goss, 10055 Lomita Drive, asked if it is true that they could leave the parcel as Ii. is for 20 years. Mr. Hopson replied it is true but if it becomes a problem with weeds, they must abate the problem fur safety reasons and the city could do something in that instance. Mrs. Go--s asked what needs to be done in order to get it cleaned up. Mr. yairin stated that preliminary grading has begun and that staff will be sure that the Building Official goes to see this site and gets it cleaned up. Mrs. Goss stated that there is also a problem with squirrels, mice and otner small animals as well as children who have dug holes and have started fires. She also complained about dirt being dumped here. Mr. Art Greffly, mobilehome park resident, stated his questions regarding the widening of Hermosa have been answered. Planning Ccr-- 44-sion Minutes -7- November 9, 1983 Mr. Das stated that to alleviate the fears of the neighbors, they are committed to the project and will begin. within 90 -120 days. He indicated that because of market changes the project has been redesigned. FA further stated that they will give the residents notification prior to construction starting. Chairman Stout stated that because been reached regarding the change. had been made by the developer in there would now be two bedroom $78,000- 91,000. Further, that the of the weed ce)ndition. of the project size not everyone may have However, he felt that a good faith effort trying to reach people. He explained that units with a price range of between City would make every effort to take care C.— issioner Pempel stated that as he thinks back to when he was growing up he would have loved to have a lot this size in his back yard in which to play. Motion: Moved by Respei, seconded by Stout, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 80 -66A, with the provision that any insatisfied conditions of the tentative map 11350 remain in force. f * • i 3 8:10 p.m. Planning Commission Recessed 8:30 p.m. Planning Commission Reconvened NEW BUSINESS F. ENVIRONDSNTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 63 -27 - SDUGR N THz:z - The development of two warehouse buildings (304,215 square feet) on 13.2; acres of land in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 6) located on the northwest corner of lease Line and Hermosa - APN 202 - 182 -13. City Planner, Rick Gomez, reviewed the staff report and made a slide presentation. Chairman Stout asked for an explanation of the grade separation problems on Seventh Street. Mr. Rougeau replied that in order to provide the spur track for this building, the railroad will have to come up with a design to locate the switch north of Seventh Street and run it very close to the existing spur on 7th Street to get the maximam service for the spur. Mr. Rougeau stated that the conditions of approval have been formulated in such a way that Engineering will have the freedom to require the railroad spur designed in such a way that it does not interfere with the grade or the smoothness on Seventh Street. Further, that in talking to the developer Mr. Rougeau did not think there would be any problem. Mr. William Simpson, representing Santa Anita Development, stated he had met with M--. Rougeau and W. Gomez and the outcome of the discussion_ is in the rendering which was presented to the Commission at this meeting. Be explained the textures which would be incorporated, along with color, and intensified landscaping throughout the parcel highlighted by increased use of specimen trees. Further, he ;,tated, if the spur switching starts north of Seventh Street, they will have full railroad service to the area. Planning Coma sion Minutes -8- November 9, 1983 Chairman Stout asked if the developer is dead set building. His feeling, he stated, is when there is a this one is proposed to be, iC will stick out and tend short period of tine. on having a white building as large as to look dirty after a Mr. Simpson replied that they are not committed to the light color and that the building could be done in earth tones. Chairman Stout asked about the 15 perce-nt requirement for landscaping in that the developer is submitting a proposal for 11.6 percent. He further asked if there is some reason the percentaEe of required landscaping would be impossible to meet. Mr. Simpson replied that it is an economic reason and that Cher, ij no physical reason. He indicated that the building has been treated in such a way that the architecture would compensate as well as the landscape quality. Mr. Stout stated that he is not in favor of putting in unreasonable conditions but this building will be located in the industrial park area and tl F City wants any building located there to have fancier treatment than the regular industrial area. Further, such treatment would be consistent with this particular zone. Mr. . Gomez stated that if he did not make his point clear, the Commissior could make some variance based on the installation of additional landscaping. 1-+--. James Watson, the developer, stated that both of the larger structures on the west of the property have limited street frontages and he had hoped to condolida:.e the landscaping more on these street frontages. -Further, if there was limited landscaping near the railroad spurs where it would not be seen, more could be located on the frontage lots along Sixth and Seventh Streets. Commissioner Barker asked Mr. Watson to address the intensified landscaping and asked further if this will result in larger box trees, berming, etc. Mr. Watson replied that is what he meant. Commissioner Barker asked if the trade off will be is larger trees rather than in percentages. Mr. Watson explained what types of landscaping he meant. Commissioner Barker then asked if this intensification really meant there would be fewer trees and less landscapirg in the interior areas. Commissioner McNiel stated that the applicant will be spending the same amount of money by doing less in the railroad area and the same amount with perhaps larger trees where it is more visible. Chairman Stout asked Mr. Gomez if what W. Watson has said is true, not as a matter of disputing what has been said, but as far as the project is concerned. He further asked if it is possible to keep the same amount of landscaping and redistribute it. Planning Commission Minutes -9- November 9, 1963 Mr. Gomez replied that some consideration must be giver. to the spur and that area because the building forms would take up mGsc M= than what you ?oul9 have i the typical industrial park Setting. Fie explained the breakage and clustering of the buildings and the space considerations. He indicated that the building mass is relative and because of this they could reach or exceed the 15 percent requirement. Mr. Gomez stated that this is a catch 22 situation, however, because they are :^yang to put a building that should be in a general industrial area in an industrial park setting. Commissioner Hemel stated that in an industrial park use there is more int?nsity of people type uses and that is why there is such a high requirement for landscaping and this Will not be a people intense building. Further, that this area will eventually be totally concealed from Haven Aenue. Mr. Comez stated that if the lots in front Were to have screening they would look more like those which should be in an industrial park setting because they would be somewhat masked from the industrial use. There being no further comments, the public hearing was closed. commissioner Harker asked if the Commission feels that if the 11.5 percent or 12 percent landscaping is sufficient, how the intensification of landscaping will be ensured. Commissioner Hempel stated these are not final landscape plans and that the Planning Division must make sure that what the applicant is talking about is done- Mir. Gomez stated that if the Commission concurs with what has been discussed, condition no. 2 should be deleted and condition no. 1 expanded upon with language for the frontages along Sixth and Seventh. Mr. 4airin stated that staff will define the berming, plant material, and plant size by modifying the condition regarding plant size to 25 percent for specimen size trees, if the Commission concurs. Mr. Gomez stated that the Commission would be approving the site plan and staff would couple this with the landscaping and include a revision to conditions four and six of the Engineering conditions. Commissioner Hempel stated that the building color should be a natural concrete with a textured surface to eliminate the necessity of painting the building. Mtion: Moved by Fompel, seconded by Barker, carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 83 -138 With amendments to condition no. 1, delete condition no. 2 and further amend the Engineering Division's standard conditions no. 4 and 6. i f & i a Planning Commission Minutes -10- November 9, 1983 G. to determine if a feed of Etiwanda. 3 _ ALTA LOMA FEED STORE - A request ty is appropriate for the 4L District Rick Gomez, City Planner, reviewed the staff report and narrated the slides which were shown of the property in question. Chairmen Stout opened the meeting to receive comments. The applicant was not present. Mr. Jim Banks, Etiwanda resident, stated some people are concerned with a retail store on Etiwanda Avenue and his concern is with the tool that the Planning Commission is using. Fie indicated that the interpretation of the Etiwanda Specific Plan language is being used to authorize the store although it does not appear in the definition; the people who drafted the Etiwenda Specific Plan did not intend it to be there. He indicated that allowing a retail store here is stretching the definition and that there will be trucks parked in front of the store and it seemed to him that if they want a store there, there must be some other way of achieving it. Mr. Banks reiterated that if the Planning Commission can interpret the language of the Specific Plan to include a retail store use, it can interpret anything in any other zone. Further, that if it is done by this method, the matter does not have to be posted or mailed. He indicated whether you want a store or not, it should not be done by interpreting the language because that will open the door to a lot of other problems. Mr. Stout stated that it appears the applicant is not present and since this is not a public hearing item and the applicant is asking for guidance, it would serve no useful purpose to continue this. The consensus of the Commission was not to continue this item. Mr. Stout stated that he felt this request is starting to stretch what is the interpretation of a similar use of commercial on a street like %- ?tiwarda Avenue especially since it is a key street in the Etiwanda area. He further stated that he is somewhat perturbed that this use just seemed to spring up without_ anyone knowing about it with the appearance that the applicant is now asking to ratify that decision. Chairman Stout stated that if he wants some kind of change to commercial designation he should go through the public hearing process as this change is not a similar use. Edward Hopson, Assistant City Attorney, stated that with all due respect, Section 203, pages 5 -7, which is a part of the Lommission's package says that retail sale of produc *_-� raised on the property is a permitted use and what someone is saying is thers is not a vd ole lot of difference between retail sale of products and this use. Commissioner Barker stated although he is able to see how something like this could happen, he is uncomfortable with the manipulative interpretation because the language is fairly clear and the Commission would be establishing a percedent in allowing this use in a residential area. Piaruning Commission Minutes -11- November 9, 1983 Commissioner Rempel stated that when he was working on the Etiwanda Specific Plan he was one of the individuals who brought up the fact that the area south of the school would be ideal for some type of farmer's market and he felt that J,- where this type o£ use should be rather than bringing it north of Victoria. This was the intent, he said, of the Commission as a whole at that time and what the residents were saying. Commissioner Juarez felt it would open the door to everyone if this were allowed. Commissioner Me Niel asked how the feed store got there. Mr. Vairin explained that it was done without benefit of staff input and consideration and appeared one day. Commissioner Barker stated it would only be reasonable to allow the applicant sufficient time to relocate his business. Mr. Vairi:n . stated that normally in enforcement situations 90 -120 days is allowed for relocation. Commissioner It Niel stated that he would not be opposed to having an agrarian store in this general area because be felt it is needed but asked if the Commission is talking about the procedure raised by Mr. Banks. Commissioner Re=pel stated that such a use is not permitted in the equestrian overlay area. Mr. Gomez stated that this use determination is for a feed store in a VL District and that other commercial sites in the Etiwazda Specific Flan could be potential sites for this type of use. Chairman Stout stated that in order to allow this use the Commission would have to make a finding that this is in conformance with some of the temporary agricultural uses. He indicated that the consensus of the Commission is that it is not similar and it appeared that the Commission is unanimous in that it is not a similar use. Mr. Gomez asked if there is a specified time in which this use should be abated. Commissioner Barker stated he would allow 120 days for the applicant to move into a commercial zone. the consensus of the Commission was that the applicant be giver. 120 days during which to relocate. H. DRAINAGE CONSIDERATIONS IN PROJECT APPROVALS Mr. Hougeau briefly summarized the staff report he had provided to the Commi3sion stating that among the conditions for approval of the Vista del Verde subdivision was that drainage be kept off existing streets and not dire -eted towards Eastwood Avenue. However, the Pepperwood project which was approved prior to Vista del Verde and now ready to begin building, was Planning Commission Minutes -12- November 9, 1983 conditioned in such a way that drainage could be conveyed to neighboring residential streets or accepted by the adjacent property. The developer, Mr. Rougeau stated, chose to take his water to adjacent streets because it was the most logical thing to do in order to drain his project. In doing this, the promises given to the residents of Eastwood Avenue in the existing subdivision would consider this a breach of promise to them in that the water would come through their residential streets. W. Rougeau discussed the ramifications that might occur in the conflict between these two projects regarding drainage. Y_^. Jack Butler, developer for the Pepperwood project, stated he would like to reduce the possibility of that problem coming to light and carry most of his drainage to Hellman Avenue directly through the Vista del Verde project but that will involve cooperation from that developer and will have to occur some time in the future because the Pepperwood Project is much farther along in planning than the Vista del Verde project. Chairman Stout asked where the particular parcel in Pepperwood would normally drain. in taking most of the water to Hellman but that they couldn't do Mr. FJugeau replied that it would be southeast and run lip against lots in the Eastwood tract and then run all the way to Arrow. Chairman Stout asked if the Pepperwood project is zoned R -1. Mr. Rougeau replied that it is planned for multiple family. M.^. Rougeau stated that the property between. Vineyard and the single family development, because of its physical features, will drain towards Hellman. lie indicated that the master plan of drainage sets all drainage from this area towards Hellman. Chairman Stout asked if there has been any consideration of taking drainage along side of the existing tract along Vineyard. Mr. Rougeau stated that there will be an intensification of water and if the property owner would accept the increased flows it would be all right. Commissioner Barker asked how mach water is being talked about. Mr. Rougeau replied that the drainage and hydrology studies have been done for the Pepperwood, Vista del Verde and existing single family homes and the streets will handle the flow. Further, that it will be noticeable in a heavy storm but should otherwise be all right. W. Rougeau stated that Hellman is scheduled for larger storm drains sometime in the future, but this is not going to be for quite some time. Commissioner Barker stated that the Pepperwood people could work with the Vista del Verde developers in taking most of the water to Hellman but that they couldn't do it yet. He asked why that is. Planning Commission Minutes -13- November 9, 1983 Mr. Fbugeau replied that if that were to happen now they would need an easement and a lot of temporary construction. Fie indicated that the major storm flow should go down Eastwood. Commissioner VrMel asked why this wasn °t brought up when all the Pepperwood people were in the audience. Mr. Vairin stated that originally the developer proposed that this would go south but the other property owner was not amenable to that and is why he was forced into this. Chairman Stout stated that he personally felt uncomfortable without a decision of the people who have the problem. He indicated that it hurt the Commission to make a decision and then find out that the water will drain through their tract. rt^. Rougeau stated that perhaps the best way of describing what happened is to say th ^.re were uninformed promises and the ot:ar property will also have to be told that there will be water on Eastwood. Chairman Stout stated that if there is some other way to do the drainage without throwing the Pepperwood project out of kilter, the City should do it, He felt that the people should be told face tc face about the water situation. Mr. Rougeau stated that all the property owners in the existing tract can be notified of the problem and be given an explanation of what happened. He stated that Pepperwood was not a public hearing project so the residents were not notified. Mr. Vairin stated that the Commission could direct Engineerizig to come up with another drainage solution because this is not the only solution to the problem. Chairman Stout stated that what is proper and what is due process are two separate issues and he does not :.ant to make a decision at some session where the property owners are not present. Commissioner Mc Niel asked if the drainage that is coming down Eastwood could eventually be put into a larger system. Mr. Rougeau stated that it could be done by going underground through a pipe in the Pepperwood property and going quite a way down Hellman. He indicated that there is very little fall to the property. Mr. Vairin stated that it appears that the Commission does not want to move without notify'ig the property owners. lie indicated that at a :future meeting an information session could be held which would allow time to contact them and staff could then prepare a more detailed report. Chairman Stout stated that he would feel much more comfortable with that approach. However, he did not just want to tell the people at that meeting that this is what is going to be done. He asked if legally that point has been reached. Planning Commission Minutes -14- November 9, 1983 , Mr. Vairin replied that in his opinion that point has not been reached. Mr. Rougeau stated that the Engineering Division needs to come up with another solution and see if there is some way to remedy this without having to notify the property owners. Cdr. Jack Butler, the developer, stated that there may be other solutions but they have looked at them pretty carefully and he did not feel that there would be another solution other than going through the existing neighborhood. He further stated that he does not want to have this project delayed while trying to find whatever solution it may be. He iad -ated that if the Commission provides a drainage solution in Vista del Verde they will be happy to do that. He further indicated that they have an underground pipe that goes to Eastwood which could be carried through Vista del Verde. Chairman Stout stated that the residents may say, however, that the reason the pipe must be put in is because of the Pepperwood project. Mr. Butler stated that he has complied with all the conditions and he wants to begin construction of his project. oommissioner Hempel asked what the elevations were at Pepperwood. Mr. Gene Lisle, engineer for the Pepperwood project, replied that at the southeast corner of the property the elevation is about 1200 feet and there is a common grade across with about 13 feet of fail to the Vista del Verde property. Chairman Stout asked how such of that is used up just going to Eastwood. Commissioner Hempel stated that they fall about one percent. Mr. Lisle replied that is correct more or less and that they actually have a low spot. Commissioner Hempel asked if they will drain to Hellman. Mr. Lisle replied that a condition of approval is they cannot raise their property because of property owners to the south complaining about headlights shining into their property. did not know what his drainage Mr. Hougeau stated that there is a conflict in the two conditions. Further, that in talking with the Vista del Verde people it looks more and more like they will not be able to get their own water to Hellman in a surface channel without wiping out all the landscapiZ . tie indicated that another possibility would be for the two developers to share the cost of the pipe to Hellman although on the surface it looks like it would be difficult to do anything on the surface. Mr. Butler stated that he had some discussion with Mr. Stampley and he is not as far along in his project as Mr. Butler is and did not know what his drainage problems are but now he is better informed. Planning Commission Minutes = 5- November 9, 1983 Mr. Butler stated that he would be willing to have Mr. Stampley use a section of his pipe and work something out. Commissioner Hempel stated that he would rather see something worked out between the developers rather than hdving this go to a public hearing. Commmissioner VnNiel stated that if this is the case and Mr. Butler wants to move forward, the Commission should bring these people back again and let them know that this is a temporary condition wherein his property will drain through their neighborhoods. Mr. Butler stated that they are very sympathetic and they want to help but they feel burdened because they are ready to go and this kind of thing could take months. He indicated they need resolution now. Mr. Vairia stated that it appears that the Commission wants this to be worked out between the developers but if a solution is not possible, that this should come back for a hearing with the homeowners of the existing subdivision. Chairman Stout stated that if it turns cut that way the homeowners must be told that the drainage to Eastwood is going to be a temporary situation. (? airman Mc Niel stated that the Commission had given the homeowners a firm promise that the water would not drain through their streets. The consensus of the Planning Commission was that the developers go forward in working out a solution to the drainage problem. 4 f i i i ADJOURNMENT *lotion: Moved by Hempel, seconded by McViel, carried unar:imously, to adjourn to the first regular meeting of December 14, 1983. Because of holiday commitments, a quorum would be unavailable for the November 23, 1983 meeting and it is therefore cancelled. 9:45 p.m. The Planning Cr' a -ssion Adjourned Respectfully submitted, RICK GOMEZ, Deputy Secretary Planning Wmmission Minutes -16- November 9, 1983 , LJ E E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT LQ 1-1 DATE: December 14, 1963 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lloyd B. Hubbs, City Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Engineering Technician SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ALLEY VACATION - MARTINET - North /south alley located west of Center Avenue and south of 25th Street The owners of the property adjacent to the above described alley have requested the alley be vacated. This alley is unpaved and is not required for access to the properties. The attached letter from the property owners indicates they intend to construct a block wall and close access to help prevent crime in the area. A map showing the property owners and the alley location is attached. RECOMMEKDATION If Planning Commission concurs with recommendation for the vacation will be process for public hearing can begirt. Respectfully submitted, w.� 1 7' Lla: j as Attachments the vacation of said alley, then, a submitted to City Council so that the ITEM A `FHE HOCK O 7TH EACH P a BOX 8:C. CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 (714) 987 -1365 October S„ 1953 To! Plannirog Commission of Rancho Cucamonga Be: Request to Acquire Alley-way To Whom it may concern: 'Phis request Is being submitted on babalf of -residents cwniug land adjacent to the alley -way located between 25th 6 24th Streets west of Center Ave.., Assessor's map book 209 page 10 of Wan Bernardino County. The request is to permit the undersigned owners to acquire the appropriate part of the sllay -way as part of each owners own property. We are in one accord as ueighbors to receive this property that is 20' wide and dividing it in half so that each property owner would receive 10' each. The proposed alley -way is not now. nor bas it been for several years a utilised through way for residents in the area. On the contrary, this alley -way has been a hideout and refuge for name delinquents and addition- ally an eyesore became of its ankept condition. Each individual homeowner in this proposal has glans to upgrade and utilise this acquired land, if approved, so that the com m 4ty can continue to upgrade and beautify its surrounding area. He intend to construct a block wall so as to beautify our property, and to belp crime rate by closing exits. As neighbors and citizens of Rancho Cucamonga we would like for you to please consider this proposal in all seriousness, as we the homeowners are anxious to begin landscsp�ng, fencing etc.. avid Hera ez Lot's # ]5, 16 17 Hr. Espin"a Lot 9 31 v Daniel Mendez Lot's # President of the Rock Church Respectfully, Signed property owners & Church bordering such property. Beware Hertiaas Lot # 18 11 11 11 0 A V -032 J� J! Y I I 27 25 21 tq 17 es 13 a 13 e ■ � L ® 0 T7 � �.y �� �� G? —s� if �: 1r • - 3�r f ill STREEr 'So o a k W 2 U ro TO BE VACATED: ® 0 ® ■ 0 ■ Ar* . tltle- CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMO,%CA ALL1:Y VACATION �b ENGINEERING DIVISION ° im Z VICINITY MAP N page 27 25 21 tq 17 es 13 -J. ■ -' 47s ® s ss_ r I I 30 ' re r6 24 22 a 16 �.y �� �� G? (ra •z5: ! tic if �: 1r • - 3�r 11E -- f' o a k W 2 U ro TO BE VACATED: ® 0 ® ■ 0 ■ Ar* . tltle- CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMO,%CA ALL1:Y VACATION �b ENGINEERING DIVISION ° im Z VICINITY MAP N page LL- 11 CYTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ui irgs totaling: 130, land in the Industrial on the northwest corner APN 209 - 401 -14 - 17. mow. a 83 -38 - t of two industrial manuracc -ring 272 square feet on 6.1 acres of Park category (Subarea 6) located of 7th Street and Utica avenue - i. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Issuance of a Negative Declaration B. Purpose: Construction of two buildings totaling 130,272 square meet C. Location: Northwest corner of 7th Street and Utica Avenue D. Parcel Size: 6.1 acres E. Existing Zoning: Indus: -rial Park (Subarea 6) F. Existing Land 'Use: Vacant G. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: Nortindustrial; - Industrial Park (Subarea 6) South - Vacant; industrial Park (Subarea 6) East - Industrial; Industrial Park (Subarea 6) Hest - Vacant; Industrial Park (Subarea 6) N. tnneral Plan Designations: Project Site - n ustrial Park North - Industrial Park South - Industrial Park East - Industrial Park West - Industrial Park 1. Site Characteristics: The site slopes gradually to the south at approximately a 2 percent grade. The area proposed for construction has been rough graded and contains no existing structures or significant vegetation. ITEM B PLANNING COWISSION STAFF REPORT Environmental Assessment for Development Review 83 -38 December 14, 1483 Page 'L II. ANALYSIS: A. General: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the app scant and is attached for your review and consideration. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Assessment and found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this project. 8. Impacts: Development of the project will generate additional surface water runoff from the property onto surrounding streets; however, this increase is insignificant and will not adversely impact drainage. III. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon site analysis and the Initial Study, this project will not cause significant adverse irspacts on the environment. If the Commission concurs, issuance of a Negative Declaration for this project would be in order. Re Rick Bonier City /Planner FG:DC:jr attachments: Exhibit "A' - Location !lap and Site Photo Exhibit "8° - Site Plan Initial Study, Part I L E 0 --7 IN SwTaET 11 E 1a _ i Q 6.T e ai. a_a _ y��,1,�ry OF �y A l l�''iA Alin —D C 1J�1' IMOT TCA PULINNING DIV RONT LOT a OT 1 � � ice� NIORTli � I 4 � 9 r I m a IW. i r limir • I;, WA01011,049 f ;.N t E 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM027GA INITIAL STUDY pART I - PRA "EC^a INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $57.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee th=ough the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part Ii of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the ,project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: O'Aa4 5- L'/ iG/fr"' NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: 0h,09- LOCATION OF L (STRUT ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL„ REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SiTCH PE RMITS: I -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION : `L - ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUI:DINGS, IF A-N-Y: DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORM TION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SMELTS): E Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? `Y /A 11 I -2 WILT. THIS PROJECT: RPE�7 1. Create a substantial change in grouna contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing ncise or vibration? 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.) ? 4. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? 0 Explanation of any YEs answers above: IMPORTANT: if the project involves the e construction tof residential units, comp l next page. CHRTIFIC.ATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required. for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Development Reviewmmittee. I -3 Date �/— f -�� signature s ��if _ Title��C- i72�f1L%Tt' I -3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION k"' The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development.- Name of Developer and tentative Tract No.: Specific Location of Project: 1. Number of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model # and #r of Tentative 5. Bedrooms Price Rance r 1 v51 PHASE I PHASE 2 PHASE 3 I -4 PRASE 4 TOTAL C E E Ll 11 CITY OF M4NCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner 1977 BY: Dan Coleman, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELC?MENT REVIEW 83 -39 - LONDIKE - The developt..ent of a LOO sq. ft. ice cream bar Nano acturing building on 5.8 acres of land in the General Industrial/Rail Served category (Subarea 10) located on the northeast corner of 7th Street and Toronto Avenue - APN 209- 401 -06. 1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION?: A. Action Requested: Iss,,mce of a Negative Declaration B. Purpose: Construction of a 37,000 square foot ice cream bar manufacturing building C. Location: Northeast corner of 7th Street and Toronto Avenue D. Parcel Size: 5.8 acres E. Existing Zoning: General Industrial /Rail Served (Subarea 10) F. Existing Land Use: Vacant G. Surroundin Land Use Nort - Vacant; e�and General d�Zon�i4 _: Industrial /Rail Served (Subarea 10) South - Vacant; General Industriaal (Subarea 11) East - Vacant; General Industrisl/Rail Served (Subarea 10) West - Vacant; General Industriab /Rail Served (Subarea 10) H. General Plan Desi Project ite - North - General South - General East - General West - General Lnations: neraTfndustriai /Rail Served Industrial /Rail Served Industrial Industrial /Rail Served Industrial /Rail Served I. Site Characteristics: The site slopes uniformly to the south at approximately a 2 percent grade. The area proposed for construction is vacant with no structures or existing vegetation. ITEM PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF Environmental Assessment December 14, 3983 Page 2 II. ANALYSIS: REPORT for DR 83- 39/Klondike A. General: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the anicant and is attached for your review and consideration. Staff has completed Part Ii of the Environmental Assessment and found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this vojecc. B. Impacts: Development of the project will generate additional surface water runoff from the property onto 7th Street and Toronto; however, this increase is insignificant and will not adversely imm]act drainage on either street. III. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon site analysis and the Initial Study, this project will not cause significant adverse impacts an the environment. if the Commission concurs, issuance of a Negative Declaration for this project would be in order. ]ly sLibmitted, Rick ei City Planner G:DC:jr ttachments: Exhibit •A° - Location Map and Site Photo Exhibit •B• - Site Plan Initial Study, Part I E is - _ � �, ..ti ' :t; �� � t ., �`.. �: . ��: � � �r :� t � ;. -: �. � �> �' • , "f:�' 1J � ' t3 1 '� t H -� -.�; •�� x�. s,. �� `�• 1 °� 1 �1a�. ..} �. i � ' .� °.: � T � . . . \� Y � ?� n. ,/`J Yy, f• � r. ,. `� , �' � � � _I .r . }. s � � � �'S . � � � 1 � . � r� I . �.r..�i,rt !r _r.J �. '.' � - _• �"°i -� , .. .. � . ,_ .. .. :., .' .. '�' .. �: a :, r I - ?--a tflirr CITY OF rrEIM: PLANNNG DIVLSM" EXH!MT -- i� SCALE- opw• n E V � NDRTH L 'rF-." : I CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA is INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environsuenta- Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental 'l' reziew, this fora must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact a;-.d an Environmental Impact Report will Ye prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. 0 PROJECT TITLE: "Klondike (Pacific) Corp. ", m?nufacturing facility APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Klondike (Pacific) Corporation 5400 116th Avenue North anrva er_ a_ F-13-5/6-8424 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Al Eager or John Kruck AAA—.« K nhnne - came ac ahnve — LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) T'E corner of 7th St. & Toronto Avenue Lot 31 6 Lot 27 parcels A & B LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCALr REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Ice cream bar manufacturing facility ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUAB: FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: 13.6 acres. New facility to be 37,000 S F No existing facilities. DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS ' %TR' =S)r ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES TND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): The proiect site is at the NE corner of the t t to use con Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? NO 11 I -2 E 11 WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO X 1. Create a substantial change in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change municipal services (police, in demand for fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X 4. Create changes in the existing general plan designations? zoning or _ X 5. Remove any existing trees: How many? X 5. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic sub- tances, flanmables or explosives? Explanation of amy YES answers above: - ,IQORTANT: If the protect involves the construction of resideiatial units, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished ai,ove and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of W knowledge and belief. I furthE_ understand that additional information may be required to be su�mitted befo a a': adequate evaluation cyz be made by tiie D velo ment Review-. I ommittee. Date November 3s, i9s3Signatnre , 3 Title ?resid I -3 RESIDLNTIAL CONSTRUCTION The fcllowinq information should be provided to the Citv of Rancho Cucamon Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the school g district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative =Tract No.: Specific Location of Project: 1. Nummter of single family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model # and # of Tentative S. Bedrooms P_ice RangE PHASE' I PEASE 2 PF_z,SE 3 I -4 PHASE 4 TOT.Ui C 4 J 0 11 11 CITY OF &- -NCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Curt Johnston., Assistant Planner SL'BJFCT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12530 - MARTIN - A tract subeivision of 5 lots on 1.85 acres of land in the R -1 zone, located on the west side of Hellman Avenue at Palo Alto - APN 208 - 021 -08 and 09. 1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requue ted: Issuance of a Negative Declaration and l cf aappova . tentative tract map. B. Purpose: To create five new lots C. Location: West side of Hellman Avenue, south of Base Line Road D. Parcel Size: 1.85 acres E. Existinq Zoning: R -1 (Single Family Residential) F. Existinq Land Use: Single Family Residential and vacant property G. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: North - Single family home, zoned R -1; railroad tracks, vacant, zoned R -3 South - Single fawiiy homes, zoned R -1 East - Single family .subdivisicn, zoned R -1 Test - Citrus grove (Tentative Tract 12238, approved), zoned R -1 F. General Plan 1 Trio 3ect ite North - Low South - Low East - Low West - Low )esignations• - Low . =cam 5 denti al Residential (2 -4 Residential (2 -4 Residential (2 -4 Residential (2 -4 (2 -4 du,'ac) du /ac) and Medium (4-14 du /ac) du /ac) du /ac) du /ac) ITEM D PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 12530/Martin December 14, 1983 Page 2 I. Site Characteristics: The project site slopes to the south uniformly a approximately 4 percent. A drainage ravine parallels the western perimeter of the site, but wiil be filled and replaced by appropriately sized storm drains with development of Tract 12238 to the west. Vegetation consists of indigenous shrubs and weeds and citrus trees planted along Hellman Avenue. A single family house and garage are located on the southerly portion of the site and will remain as is. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant, Ron Martin, is requesting approval of ivp7ot tract subdivision. The four northerly lots within the subdivision will be developed with Tract 12233 located to the west (Exhibit 'D"). The hom on lot 5 will remain as is. Precise unit designs and plotting for this tract and Tentative Tract 12233 will be submitted fcr Design Review at a later date. The applicant has submitted a Minor Deviation to reduce the required width of Lot 4 from the required 70 feet to 55 feet. With approval of the Minor Deviation, the project wi0 be consistent with the current Zoning Ordinance and new Development Code. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Commit ,e recommended approval of the tract map configuration witn conditions that hammerhead driveways be provided on Lots 1,L, and 3 and that access frcm Lot 4 be taken off of Fepper. The Committee felt these conditions are necessary to reduce any potential tra7fic hazards created by cars backing out of driveways onto Heiiman Avenue. C. Grewth Management Committee: The project received a favorable point rating from the GFETwth Management Committee and can therefore be considered for approval. With development of this project and Tentative Tract 12238, Pepper Street will be completed on both sides and the Hellman Avenue street improvements will oe installed from the northerly tract boundary all the way to Church Street_ The improvements on Hellman will be a joint project with the applicant and the City. D. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has bee^ completed by the applicant and is attached for your review. Staff completed the Environment Checklist, Part II, and found no significant adverse• impacts relzted to the development of this project. If the Commizision concurs with these find-Ings, isssjance of a negative Declaration would be appropriate. El 11 E L-J PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 12530/Martin December 14, 1983 Page 3 III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The findings listed on the attached Resolution are supported by the following facts: 1. The proposed subdivision, in conjunction with the Conditions of Approval, is consistent with the current development standards of the City. 2. The project is adequate in size and shape to accomr.°Jate the proposed number of lots within the subdivision. 3. Adequate street improvements will be provided to make the project compatible with the surrounding area and improve circulation and drainage in the vicinity. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing n ei� aim art newspaper and notices were sent to all property ownars w— itiiin 'feet of the subject site. In addition, public hearing notices were posted on the property. To date, no correspondence has been received either for yr against this ® project. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a pu b7c hearing to consider public input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Comsmission concurs with the .facts for findings and conditions of approval, adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Resact#ullyopubmitted, 0 ty(Planner C,':jr Exsiibit "A" - Zoning Map Exhibit "B" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "C" - Tentative Tract 12530 Map Exhibit "D" - Adjacent Tract (TT1238) Exhibit "E" - Master Plan of Area Initial Study, Part I Resolution with Conditions r r. - i --# -r- ■Ill�:;a ►. r' -RAE• -. Lin I Ip plain 1111 . _ i /IPI: ss�taiG��� �t /Eal ��= :y :� _ _ — CaC� --:�► `_ taw .• sak�n� - - +�� —C ■�aa1a 1/a.aaanasafaaaall — \1111i11U FJ •� lulls t tEtRilttEtllL: JElan !shams wna as naarryR LIP Illt II�i // . ' C :: ► ! Lli awns It +� �E . r _ � efa n tIr111rr � jj� IERta� ►— nnna 1//laat f s_Il�.i�fl�� - s a1MI IC ♦ .a' r; saw . — �!� afar• :aa --Fmk ��t 4� Y ^l�tili�Eia -It Y .Ill 1 f l• 1TIZ.1 • / rlrl'!l 1 • r a / • r • I w n 4.r., • � r � s •z i , • �! r • n � is a • � • `- -a—'�I r � I I •r •• � • 9 4 ♦ �`c I I t , • , • • �yl ne � a O - _ • � i • F i ° � • � s •� sow - r r 4o• 'r ' nr • • r , a • I 1 s r �w a s • t � • I �o♦rt•• '. ,� i F� L I w f • i, 11 I • CITY OF IrEM: : rib# Ift jgA -ru AL 2L Witim 1 � � 1 , itL.�_.''_ -� 4 �� \...� - _ ��••• �_.. �`�- / _4 . ES � �rrWirt z1oft � � NORTH Cri 3� OF MEM: PLkNNNT*JG DRT ION EXHISIT: '4:-0 _ _ SCALE: E I.] r `v • 7 aM er L� AiFJ�"iC� -w NORTH -,Iola�! -il - ©� CIO .r 1 z CM cia .r •1 P �. W CIO L s T �. '4.IiJ ,• � {• � 0�. i M�• ;1�� Vv � � f/ �I tl I•t { _ NORTH CITY RKAINUiO C CAMMC MA' ,-Tu: AfjVM9 rZIA24j A;Z6A PLANNING DIvnOv EXHIST SCALE 8-. 11 r 1 LJ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12530 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 12530, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Ronald Martin, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of ,alifornia, described as a residential #fact subdivision on 1.85 acres of I loc3tei on the west side of Hellman Avenue, so:ah of ,lase Line Road into 5 lots, regularly came bQfore the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on December 14, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of tae Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and whEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Eno r,r.aring and Planning Division's re:o ^,-s and has considered other evidence Y-,-r, -.nted at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commissior, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1 The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to e—f ntative Tract No. 12530 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (c) The site is physically rui`zble for the type of development proposed; (d) The de -4gn of the subdivisior is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage . and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause se', ious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not c-)nflict with any easement acqu ;red by the public at la. ge, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed ,ibdivision. (g) That this aro3ect will not create adverse impacts on the environmeot and a Negative Declaration is Issued. Resol-t :oo No. Page 2 E SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 12530, a copy of which is attached erei�to, s hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: Planning Division 1. Hammerhead dr4veways shall be provided on Lets 1, 2, and 3. The p ecise configuration shaii be indicated on the plot plan to be submitted with the Design Review application required for approval of the future building designs. 2. Access from Lot 4 shall be taken off Pepper Street to the south. engineering Division, 3. Prior to recordation, a Coonerative Agreement shall be executed between the City and the developer to construct the Hellman Avenue improvements in one phase from Church Street to the northerly boundary of Tract 12530. The City will reimburse the developer for construction costs incurred for three (3) lots (APN 208 - 021 -11, 13, and 19) on Hellman Avenue, as shown on the Grading Plan. 4. The applicant shall be required to relocate the existing overflow pipe from Cucamonga Drain through the project site. Approval of the design and alignment of the pipe by the City Engineer shall be required prior to recordation of the map. A permit from Sa-. Bernardino Flood Control District shall be required for this relocation. 5. A permit from the railway company will be required to construct the required storm drain pipe and grade the railway rights -of -way. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. DLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Dennis L. Stout, Chairman ATTEST: Secre±ary of the Plannik.g Commission Resolution No. Page 3 11 I, JACK !AM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission hild on the 14th day .-f eue-r+ber, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 11 11 G u h V u t` .A O VI � L a a r W r u C� ao R, e`er Y 4 Z V i J Y S F� �yhpO• F a J c � + v M i a .h S V V O Y � G J i_ V E d Y _ or - P � C V C = _ L O � r _ s C t ls� Q 4 PN_ y�V 1 foie �i �0c 0 N Z r P OTV �Er tl� cs q -tl ` V j tl� P ` V `QO • ipp�E e q � n E O� V 4$�C a V =� � M n O•E V L O y- r Da + s ba L q u w C CS NQ Y V_ V =r�y v u r ° P O y�sT C O :; <�am N v as a�a CC � N y ' G VCS p M Op s >qo N � �• a �tl a� - a C Y g c V� O PC tl CS Go C_P E V n V 0 pd. _ D ^s N w � gP e � 7 C C V V Y � P o � Q V Y a 0 C i Y O f` :a.% o N N S t s C V i � a N 6 � y q N N � v Say t V ✓� _ C yp .4 Z O ••' v � F1� �tl V C c O O hG V p N n \ - i a i M V YV`Fp� M •7 Y• V > N Q V oY� p r O �g W O ° ° i V t. y r tl i v N O YV• p D + _ O _ V q L v r • Q = O q j �a V r r i ° O s � � V _ OS oy q C w � q s � D = u � n � Yip 4 n V q r s �N y O M q q _ qo C � q D od �s NO V E q SE q Y O o C i O V i 0 IT V q X C N O Y e° P )p�C tl C as _ V _ tl r t O E C v> O N 1 4 g8 Mr v L V a y O i a mgt +sue N � =x � J r >� n � Y ° M r e� Z O sa �o «_ n 4 L M 8 r Vg E �g8 � P t o q a y V y a Y � O _ V cue M Y 9 Y C L = � G 6 C- q � Yan O P M A 6 a -'O Y C V �i CC P- CCO� yOS q�0 CC Sri •�•�{{��OO y g S-- _x- d 5 W z ° Fj �p Y u N O G q_+ a = ° � -- 6�r PO ^ S O �• S PNEM ./yiV .•V� �GM� �qn �i °°tl ��ggO Pr�7 Yt rJ�w ••6 Y y�� ST. u y •r C � �`� Z W Y t y- 0 _ r e Op S .. 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COL =r r O✓ I — = •r y ~ PV`4 spOsy CC �` yyw� CC w C O >V E s c u� ~ G V Q O rOL A� ✓Mr S C�Vr r`• >y Jt .n Or Cw0 > +y ... 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MPO V` p�Y ✓W C ✓� C.' ^ w ✓ nh ir> iyV~Vf —'.' = IO V>C✓ My •Q� 79 ~Y O J OO OO €_ W � LO iC�.w� O• COOS CCC— H OV ✓o ��✓ VC Q Or O C O._ V S o n .2 C V 7 s V V y gW o. n�Y {Y = Tg fe �aa >.y .~. rY. ,T Yv O i O— r n ✓ er —V - +yy PE Vr O C �V 1V(-zVrc —y •e " • F rr ` Fir V—p — _ � rfa �` CY F � S a• atp VEO�e` p O, rCy w. iFp ^� p O✓ V4 CQC O Yg~ 4•�O� `C �: V C OE 4`QC i y t _ i � � fi c � par c Y > � ^ � u c � � � � — W ✓ e 4 u s ^ " fi P- O` ~ r V� E V O y Y V ~ V^ 0 r P Y w : u� r• V v >� e v �✓ ��4�- _ - _ is N Y 6A > < _> t v E Y r V N O W O < r w N O r O w V O W r~ y V 3 n V V E Pi C 11 11 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Cosmnission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner 8Y: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRAC 1977 12462 - JENSUI - A custom lot resloent ?al Suuolv151on OT ci pots on acres of land in the VL (Very Low Residential) district, located on the south side of Summit Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue - APN 225 - 181 -02 and 03. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative tract map for the ahoYe- described project. B. Puroose: To create 27 single family lots C. Location: South side of Summit Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue D. Parcel S'ze: 18.49 acres E. Existing Zoning: VL - Very Low Residential (1 -2 du /ac) (ESP) F. Existing Lard lase: Citrus groves G. Surroundinq Land Use and Zonin North - Stng ie f,vn� ly residential South - Vacant } -cel East - Vacant parcel West - Single family residential H. Etiwanda Specific Plan Desi nations: roject Site - Low esf ent�a {1 -2 du /ac) North - Estate Residential (.1 -1 du!ac) South - Very Low Residential (1 -2 du /ac) East - Very Low Residentiai (1 -2 du /ac) West - Very Low Residential (1 -2 du /ac) I. Site Characteristics: The site consists of a citrus grove which s opes zn a -north /south direction at approximately a 3 -5 percent grade. In addition, the site contains an extensive windrow system which is located contiguous to north, With, and ITEM E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 1.2462 /Jensen December 14, 1983 Page 2 west property lines (330 X 660 grid), An additional windrow segment also traverses the easterly one -third of the project site. There are no existing structures on the site and street improvements do not exist. I'-. �ANALY-SI-S: nneraI The applicant is requesting review and approval for the eve!OPM'Ent Of a 27 lot single family residential subdivision on 18.49 acres of land located on the south side of Summit Avenue, east of Etiwanda Avenue (Exhibit "B"). The project has been submitted as a custom lot /tract subdivision thus precise dwelling unit locations or designs are not required. However, should the applicant decide to develop this tract, precise designs will be required to be approved by the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission. Presently, the project as proposed indicates variable lot sizes ranging in size from 2,000 to 46,000 square feet. In addition, all lots are designed for equestrain use with appropriate connections wfiichwill be improved to nc�ludetextruded cconcre e feeder trails rsplit rail fencing per City standards (Exhibit •C "). Access to the project will be provided via Summit Avenue and Shasta Drive (Exhibit "B "). This project will become the first tentative tract to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission using the Regulatory Provisions provided within the newly adopted Etiwanda Specific. Plan (ESP). Please note that various conditions of approval related to windrow preservation, equestrian trail linkages, etc., have been provided which reflect the new ESP regulations. B- Etiwanda Specific Plan Re ulations Windrows: xtsting win rows ocated along Summit Avenue shall be preserved and maintained. Existing on -site windrows shall be Preserved or replaced with Eucalyptus maculata, per City standards. As illustrated on Exhibit •C ", the applicant intends to preserve the existing windrow contiguous to Sunsuit Avenue. In addition, the applicant has provided 50 feet of on -site windrow per acre as required by the ESP. The new plantings will roughly fellow the historic 330 X 660 windrow grid. 11 E PLANNING COM+EISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 12462/Jensen December 14, 1983 Page 3 C. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee was primarily concerned with parcels facing Summit Avenue and suggested that the three canter lots (Exhibit "B° lots 13, 14, and 15) be reduced to two parcels, thus reflecting the character of existing parcels on the north side of the Street. A condition of approval has been added to the attached Resolution designed to mitigate this situation. D. Development Review Committee: The Development Review Committee was primari y concerned w— street improvements along Summit Avenue and suggested that curbs, gutters, drive approaches, street lights, pavement, etc., be provided per Etiwanda Specific Plan standards. E. Grading Committee: The Grading Committee has approved the conceptual grading plan subject to approval of a formal, precise grading and storm drain plan prior to issuance of building permits. F. E uestrian Committee: The Equestrian Committee was supportive o t e win row preservation policies within the ESP and recommended that the existing windrows be preserved. The Equestrian Committee stated that the preserved trees would not interfere with equestrian activities which would occur along Community or local trails. Lastly, the Committee recommended that either bollards or vehicle gate barriers be placed at all trail entrances, per the City's Equestrian Trail standa.-ds. D. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff completed the Environmental Checklist and fou ^.d no significant adverse environmental impacts related to the development of the proposed subdivision. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The findings listed in the attached Resolution are supported by the following facts: • The subdivision provides adequate improvements which make it co4)atible with surrounding land uses. • The project site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed subdivision in relation to the City's Zoning Code. • The proposed subdivision, in conjuction with the condition„ of approval, are consistent with the current development standards of the City. PLANNING COMISSION STAFF- kCPORT Tentative Tract 12462 /Jensen December 14, 1983 Page 4 IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advert -9se:'. for public hea.rinq and environmental rev4ew in The Daily Report newspa;:er. An addition, public hearing not`ces were sent to pruper<_.y owrc:s residing within 300 feet of the project. it. date, no respanse either for or against the project has been received bj the Community Development Departmet.t. V. RECOMN;ENDATION: It is recorrerded tha: tne Planning CDmmissiot con act a pudic hearing to consider public input and 311 elements of the project. If after such consideration the Comnission comers with the findings and conditions of approval as recommended, the adoption of the attacr,ed Resolution with conditions and issuance of a Negative Declaration is recurn:r nded. Respectfully submitted, Rick Gomez City Planner RG:FD:jr Attachments: Exhibit "A' - Radid, Map Exhibit 16" - Site P13tn Exhibit "C" - Cross Sections Initial Study, Part Resolution of Approval with Ccanditions E N M ' CRTwVS ODDV[ �ICR s wwDV ® a [sr T /IlLil [wTlw,t a e ;JSE MOUSE i VSC NT iw MOJAC MTOAL E i VACANT ICUsx \� CITRUS ROIAE OBOvC MOUSE w -1 IQI= A CITRUS sROK r w w RO:OC 1 SUBJECT rwOrEBTV AARATRho CITRUS GROVE NROIW[D i1hOL[ IwY1LT [E8�0[MTIwL VACANT VACANT w -i -3C R w m rtA o r RM CITUUI GROVE . Sc NOVAE m vwCwwT / r wruaT 1/ ND G� NORTH CITY OF nENI: RANCHO CUCANMOTI�' mu: PLANNING MOM ExHiBrr-. SCALE- IR 1 VI AftT r w -1- zo i wDn� c -rwriu BI NOVAE m vwCwwT / r wruaT 1/ ND G� NORTH CITY OF nENI: RANCHO CUCANMOTI�' mu: PLANNING MOM ExHiBrr-. SCALE- ITEM: T17LE_ S EXHIBIT: g.:ALE= rawmv ~ tAe *c Qn -S t6 SCI rt b? u 11 E 11 TTPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION INTERIOR LOCAL FEEDER TRAIL P 'MMETER LOCAL FEEDER TRAIL. t S' PT PT r 0 DETA 1 s EVS1 ELWA.IPTUS Z--uwowoa m lwm" RANCHO TYPICAL SECTION MIMMIT AVENUE COMYUNITT TRAIL CUCAMONL U4 PLANNING DIVSION Moe srAM swoM ARE m KBMUkL AND AZ Wbi msw l low trees t&r pplmpat CoLLLV Of rmwntor. AsnrsL svraa �LL %TVMZWM AS LOTS AMC M"M= SUALL n m- i177_E: l oi6o-c- -Im!'3S EXHIBIT: L SCALE= V V i�1ORT*H :. i .� `. ; ,� w +I �. .. ' .. � . - .. �. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENI..TlVE TRACT MAP NO. 12462 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 12462, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Jensen Builders, Inc., applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a custom loot residential sub41V9sion into 27 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on December 20, 1583; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reams and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considerej other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to entative Tract No. 12462 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) Tha tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environmeit and a Negative Declaration is issued. Resolution No. Page 2 SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 12462, a copy of which is attached ere�i to, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. Parcel No. 14 shall be eliminated in favor of expanding lot 13 and 15. 2. The existing windrow located contiguous to Summit Avenue shall be preserved. All on -site windrows shall be preserved or replaced with Eucalyptus Maculata, per Etiwarda Specific Plan standards. 3. Future access to lots 1, 11, 16, b 27 shall be gained via local Avenues A or B. Access shall be restricted along Summit Avenue. 4. Future driveways located on Summit Avenue shall be equipped with a nonslip texturized treatment designed to acconmi date equestrian travel. 5. This project shall comply with all applicable standards and regulations related to the Etiwanda Specific Plan. ENGINEERING DIVISION 6. Storm drain overflow structure shall be constructed to the satisfaction o4' the City Engineer from Court 'C" to Avenue "B". APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY Or RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Dennis L. Stout, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Comm.ission 11 E Resolution No. Page 3 I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduce-, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho :ucamanga, at a regular meeting of the P%nning Commission held on the 14th dad of December, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: El r' 1 J _ w p 40 gu C -T 2 �4 $i Eii ei w °a x'✓ ya'c�S'„_ wgCn V _ r e Isis 4 V� __Y =o� �_n 1Y- r ey Ol e° L � i =n r�wr '7.o✓ Qo� -so� ^g 1� a Y wo ew r ^$r yt„ww e1 °r a p L.i. ✓V9Y ✓V` P -Nr w1 Lp' LPr VY1=rV ✓ °l- .twJ `Y�.n C i p= a° C ��� j T C l C�= C P✓ O ^ cL V ^rw p 8 C P✓CC O w °y w V C S ✓` n° `� C• C` M i; y C= O C.y= YCIJ 'JC NC� y ��i _O ✓ °w RQ LPPL r yy eM0 E CC� V OTNi • =LL _w IY_ CVCt °pOD.✓i. 00 Oa -Jw LxSC ! °n ye0 Y 9 6 F r° Y V•Oi. .n . f •°.. e C {{r 8 Y -2�Q� LZI� p VZC9 n p- p pJ i V nVb p -- J J V p VL v-J !•^n�OV `Oqm 4Va 116in <Jntd <w6a llr0 !< fn•" ^ O• -2- O _ ^ �1 m P Ts 1 S V C✓O C l- p✓ w 0 l� i _ �` r_ Z-V ZZ ✓� °V 4.Yn Cp =w� ✓� x� so 000J ' �� v •' VOG ezz ZEE Z-2 Y e C V A 4 15 9 _ p • r NI we Y _�.w..� =gr �ec.1ti. �a YrG x- -�� ✓CC ✓C y " -p far _ � C EO. 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P6 VL O 4 a V � C <ca r � S�uv E ICI CITY OF RANCHO CUCA_ ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the P',anning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12433 - K 8 8 - The development of singe family semi-detached manufactured homes on 45 acres of land within the Victoria Planned Community, designated Medium and Medium -High Residential, located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue - a portion of APN 227 - 081 -06. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a p.-ecise site and architectural plans, the tentative tract map and issuance of Negative Declaration B. Purpose: Construction of 432 semi - attached single family homes C. Location: Northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken verb ue D. Parcel Size: 45 acre- E. Existing Zoning: Victoria Plannea Community, Medium (4 -14 mac ) and Medium-High (14 -24 du /ac) F. Existing Land Use: Unmaintained vineyards G. Surroundin Land Use and Zonin : or - Unmaintaine vineyar s, Pacific Electric Railroad Tracks, within Victoria PC designated Low (2 -4 du /ac) SOL - Unmaintained vineyards, within Terra Vista PC, designated Neighborhood Commercial and Medium -High (14 -24 du /ac) East - Unmaintained vineyards, within Victoria PC, designated Medium (4 -14 du /ac) and future park site West - Unmaintained vineyards, within Terra Vista PC, designated as proposed 100 acre City park ITEM F TENTATIVE TRACT 12433/K & 8 December 14, 1983 Page 2 H. General Plan Designations• roJect 1te - LoW Medium Residential North - Low Medium Residential (4 -8 South - Neighborhood Commercial and (14-24 du /ac) East - Low Medium Residential (4 -8 West - Park Site (4 -8 du /ac) du /ac) Medium High Residential du /ac) 1. Site Characteristics: The project site slopes to the south ur4`_ sn y at approximately 3 to 4 percent. All native vegetation has been removed and replaced with vineyards. The rncific Electric railroad tracks border the north boundary of the site. 1I. ANALYSIS: A. General: The project site is designated on the Victoria Land Use 1UP as Medium (4 -14 du /ac) and Medium -High (14 -24 du /ac). The Planned Community text allows considerable variation in the style and type of residential development. The Planned Community text permits density adjustments provided the maximum number of dwelling units does not exceed those established in the Planned Conrnunity text. Exhibits are provided to illustrimt= the various site planning and architectural programs considered tur these density categories. The project is the first example of modular -built housing in Rancho Cucamonga. The design concept is unique in that it combines a standard 14 -foot wide modular unit with an attached carport. (The developer will install all front yard landscaping and automatic door openers will be provided to each carport.) Thp interior streets of the project are proposed at 26 feet curb -to -curb, with a single main entry point. The overall Parking ratio within the project is 2.2 stalls per unit. This includes individual carports and common parking lots arranged throughout the project. Parking in driveways or in streets will be prohibited by the developer. Emergency and secondary access is provided at five points; two on Milliken and three on the easterly perimeter road. Access on Milliken will be for emergency vehicles only, while one access on the perimeter road will be a card- operated exit only gate for use by residents. With development of the project, full street improvements will be required on Milliken and Base Line and the easterly perimeter. Required storm drain improvements include construction of a levy north of the site to divert runoff to the east into a required retention basin and installation of a portion of the master plan storm drain system easterly to Day Creek. 11 11 11 2 TENTATIVE TRACT 12433/K & B December 14, 1983 Page 3 The interior loop street pattern and cul -de -sac was designed to establish a heirarchy of streets in order to provide identifiable sub - neighborhoods. To reinforce this neighborhood concept, the street right -of -way on the loop roads was increased 10 feet to allow greater building setbacks and increased landscaping, as well as providing increased access for emergency equipment. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee met to review the project on tree separate occasions and provided a positive point rating. Numerous design, concerns were discussed I �-cm variation in unit and 7vt SiZcS tv -provid ipq aUU it tidal open space and better circulation. A number of design revisions were made, but the product remains unchanged from the original submittal. The following list outlines the design concerns and revisions provided during the review process. Design Concerns 1. Victoria Planned Community conformance for Lard Use Map and neighborhood concept. 2. Need for additional open space. 3. Internal street pattern - Neirarchy -Long Straight Streets - Traffic congestion with single entrance /exit 4. Architecture -Long Rows of Attached Units. - Street side elevations -Mix of front elevations /facade Revisions Revised site configuration with easterly perimeter road and creation of sub - neighborhoods. Small open space areas added along interior loop roads. Creation of two interior loops with special landscaping. Shorter streets off loop roads. Traffic study to justify design addition of secondary /emergency access points and exit road widened to 24 feet. Shorter streets with maximum nine (9) attached units and increased staggering of front setbacks. Condition of approval requiring additional trim and varried roof structures. Predetermined unit mix by applicant and approved by City Pianner. TENTATIVE TRACT 12433/K & 8 December 14, 1983 Page 4 -Unit size and width 5. Limited variation in lot size. 6. Parking availability and Oistance to unit. 7. Pedestrian Circulation. 8. Significant cut and fill slopes. 9. Base Line and Milliken streetscape. - Engineered 2:1 slopes along frontage. Entry Node at intersection. Growth Management Committee: No changes. No change, standard size 2400 sq. ft. (80'X30') Increased number of lots with 150 feet maximum distance from unit. Completion of sidewalk system along all interior streets. Grade taken up through interior of project. Pad elevations from streets decreased. Conditions of approval requiring contoured grading, high quality perimeter wall design. Condition of approval requiring special landscaping and appropriate design elements. Circu? 'tticn• The Growth Management Committee reviewed the prejecJ7a__nT_ recommended approval with conditions as specified on the Resolution of approval and standard conditions form. The interior streets within the project are proposed at 26 feet curb- to -carb. The Victoria Planned Community established a minimum standard for private streets of 26 feet curb -to -curb with no parking on either side. As stated in the attached letters, the Fire District and Sheriff °s Department do not feel 26 feet is adequate in all areas of this project for emergency access. Therefore, the Fire District and Sheriff's Department is recommending expansion of the interior loop roads to a full 36 feet curb -to -curb. At this width, cars could be parked on both sides of the street and room for emergency access would still be available. Within cul -de -sacs with no secondary acces! , the recom•iended pavement width is 28 feet. Interior streets with two access points can remain at the proposed 26 feet. L 11 E W E D. Gr�adi_ng_Committee• The 6r2iding Committee reviewed and approved the conceptuWgrading plan with conditions. A final piano must be submit ad for further re,;ew and approval prior to issuance of building permits. F. Environmental Assessment: An Environmental Impact Report for the Victoria Planned Community was prepared. The applicant also was required to complete Part I of the Initial Study to determine if impacts other than those discussed in the EIR would result in dtielopment of this project. Staff has completed the Environmental Checklist and found no significant adverse environmental impacts. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. III. CORRESPONDENCE: This project has been advertised as a public earirg in lba-DailX Report newspaper and notices were sent to all property owners within JUU feet of the subject site. In addition, public hearing notices were posted on the property. To date, no correspondence has been received either for or against this project. IV. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Com. ission conduct a pu b hearing to consider all public input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Commission concurs with the findings and conditions of approval, adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. CJ:jr tted, VICTONIA emovss C �� COWMT ""sum •AfIEL:wfi Maa KU �C F Crry OF RANCHO CUCA110MA PLANNTSiG DPvTR N Ti-rI.E= EXHIBM SCALE- "� - . :.. _ ,: . _� . _ - �� _ ,.. � �` � t.. n r t f� r .. ?_r r7 . r� !s. r r!1!r:. r'r r� - . .: .. ,. .' - .. t .. _ ... ..: � enaf a��cf 1521 33 jXMUWAWMkw ML conr -E:. r tu3 • r ti. ry n � - aLIM s = owz ,R r .� �- ' = =Z �L..'. a Ste, �i -•' ML L.JM �-� � IZT'I:e�f'S'pWA q — ::.a...« .' ►'' ►.e .� �'3 =rte''' �_` 12M • at �M_tMl1 yMMlt .im�I _`� Z.3 Ir •''� � �' s' 'rci' �t e•frtie 4iZ:bG1 . r, a,., ,.' , ,4.. I - . ` .. • / ��� as ` ..'I ���w+ -rte► -�1�_l�xi4u� 'x;11 ` � , ��`� -►1 �' � ��' [ l � - •' -:: IL 1 too •4 �v :l a. i / !1 LF. r�� .r crry OF RANCHO V UAINIO G , it E u .j .1 r7 ,m, LAND USE front ko ftd tosrrrowo 10 - It awe" awe rrao A � I=" tawiare k" os �tij m0amme aka .'r ctic fan ar�r�s 7& y.i�c pgso fi r�l�s s M r -10" do 10= . A aaK = a�.ara ac l.r, ,r - m ft, mat, opeaprre, aarmouitr PwAa rmk. Lv aa�p~ ,harms Arts mmmQe OW iPret "ef pvk `g =A., d.i%sg:, e- ?+arc mdn yo. jor0ee.` CITY <J�C RANCHO A 7F afewol�, as sde OL1 y to bo f r new of p&4~ mT" is "Mdm-,P- AedPiOre Am pmgi& "Savo qm i rKN AOY N*m cart #40ky 1aJe !I m[tt Is ondir. boy iiwjh" Ntrae pmb ie, a+o:6 raz mrry/�y "c Sri r 7ypiad Goye sedate sudwI& safe am w Gal nodd ✓ fafer nude are v.o.re mwdwaw oid. m9ime 1089 rer ldsuw ovamawr J. i m Afy.. mfrs CUCAMO X7A PLANNING Mr SON ITEM: %7 /z 3 — •CVZS TITLE: U /C�.✓�i -� 2`+c�i�/ rsst/cEel� EXHIBIT: J4-j SCALE: n 11 CJ December 9, 1983 �O`��Cpv!�ITl SHEklFpso� Floyd Tidwell 4,F It 5 1 1 1 Z "Drdavlet! To Your Sc %n'" n `•� Rick Gomez, City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91-M-0807 Dear tar. Gomez: As per our meeting on December 7, 1983, the following guidelines remain as agreed upon, in reference to K&B Project - Tract X612433. * Those streets decided upon as being "collector" streets will be widened to a width of 36 feet and bordered by verticle curbs. * Streets having t--ao access points connecting to "collector" streets will remain 26 feet in width (no parking). * Streets having single access to "collectors" will be widened to a width of 28 feet (no parking). * An additional requirement of the builder that "No Parking" signs be posted and maintained throughout the tract. Regarding future projects, we will be interested in knowing what developments are taxing place in reference to a new minimum standard set for srreet widths in private developments. Your cooperation involving these matters is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, FLOYD TIDaFEII . Sheriff By .�,��� arras i� ckum, �avtarn ommander Rancho Cucamonga Sheriff's Station 9333 Ninth Street Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 (714) 989 -6611 77 �z�/3� TW /tlb post Office Box 569. San Bernardino, CA 92403 FOOTHILL FIRE PROTECTION DISTIR.IC r P. O. BOX 35 5623 Amethyst Street Rancho Cuca— monga, CA. 91701 (714) 587 -2535 December 8, 1983 Mr. Rick Gomez, City Planner Rancho Cucamonga City Planning Dept. P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. Gomez: Reference Joint Staff review of tentative tract 12433, Kaufman -& Broad, December 7, 1983. After much discussion and consideration, the following conditions should be incorporated into the project to ensure that emergency services can be provided in a practical and expeditious manner: 1. The main entrance will be expanded to a dimension. of 24 feet on both sides. 2. That curbs, parking fingers, and extrusions will be reduced to ensure adequate turning radius for fire apparatus (as per fire district standards). 3. The proposed 26 foot widths for branch streets will be accept- able providing that consideration has been given to conditions in number 2 above. 4. Because Courts "P ", "PP ", and "CC" are re„tricted to one point of entry, the street width should be increased to 28 feet, with no parking. As we have stated earlier, we view the interior loops as collector streets, and substandard as proposed. it is our feeling that the design for collector streets must con- sider not only the aggregate flow, but must give equal consideration to the probability of vehicles obstructing streets of minimum width. 5. To ensure that emergency services can be p: ditious manner, we strongly recommend that in this project be increased to 36 feet in At times philosophical differences will exist desigi: of a project and the practical ability to provide service. 7ovided in an expe- the collector loops width. between the theoretical of emergency agencies 0 77 /z 11% Mr. Rick Gomez, City Planner December 8, 1983 page two To limit these occasions, we must not commit to the developer without first exhausting the intent of the development review process. Si rely, Jim W. Bowman Fire Marshal mbm E 11 77 11 i 0 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT JIL0P 2ATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form trust be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is Dade. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part 11 of the ? ^_itiai Study. The Development Review Committee :•ill meet and take action no later thar. ten (10) days before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further inforra- tion concerning the proposed project. PROD ECT TITLE: HOMEPLUw APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: HALL 8 FOREMAN, INC. 3186 -L Ai rwa-• Ave Costa Mesa. CA_ 92626 (714) 641 -8777 NAMEE, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BF CONCERNING THIS PROJECT: Richard R. Doolit' 3186 -L Airwav Ave.. Costa Mesa. ta 92625 LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARC =L NO.) LIST OTHER PERMITS NECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGION -AL. STATE AND' FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE ACs-NCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: Lity of RAnrhn Curannnaa- 6radina. Evildinc and Related N-v I -1 FJ PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: single family detached dwelling ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND PR,^.POSED :.UIL:dINGS, IF P�,'Y: buildings, proposed single fami onat oisg. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING AtiD DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPFY, PLANTS (TREES), ANIMALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUND =NG PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): 11 Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant enviraiimental impact? The project is within the VICTORIA PLANNED COWUNITY. Pease refer to the above- referenced EIR. r1 L 1-2 El J WILL ?'HIS PROJECT: YES NO X 1. Create a substantial charge is ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial change in existng noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in deman3 for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X g. Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5. Remove any existing trees? How many? x 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Explanation of any YES answers above: IMPORTP ,T: If the project involves the construction of residential units, complete the form on the next page. CEP.TIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements, and information presented are true and correct to the best of ny knowledge and belief. I further understand `hat additional information may be required to be submitted o be re an adequate evaluation can be made by the De nt Revi w Committ e. i 22 Date Sicnature R chard R. Doo7 -it e Title Vicc President HALL & FOREMAN, IRS. 1-3 RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION i The following information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucanonaa Planning Division in order to aid in assessing the ability of the schcol district to accommodate the proposed residential development. Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.: Kaufman & Broad Communities, Inc. TTM 12433 Specific Location of Project: N.E. Corner of MIlliken & Base Line Avenues 30 ac. 15 ac. PHASE 2 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 T077-T 1. Winer of single family units: 3001 150 2. Neer of multiple G 0 0 G C family units: 3. Date proposed to begin construction: 8/15/83 4. Earliest date of occupancy: 1D/01/8? !Model and # of Tentative S. Bedrooms Price Range 600? 2 Bed 65- 75,000 6003_ 1 Bed + Den 65-75,000 6004 1 Bed 65- 75,000 600; 2 Bed 65- 75,000 600g 3 Beni 65- 75,003 1 -4 11 11 11 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, CCyDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. TENTATIVE TRACT 12433 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 12433, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Hall & Foreman, Inc., applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential development of 432 semi - attached single family manufactured homes on 45 acres of land, located at the northeast corner of Base Line Road and Milliken Avenue into 433 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing and action on December 14, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTIOW 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 12433 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. Resolution Ho. Page 2 tgi That this project the environment issued. will not create adverse impacts on and a Negative Declaration is SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 12433, a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: l LAN1\ING LIIVISIOII 1. The final design and construction details of the perimeter wail along Milliken Avenue, Base Line Road, and the easterly perimeter loop road shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. The design elements of the wall shall include the use of decorative block, trim cap_ and pilasters. In addition, the desigr must incorporate visual breaks in the wall with the use of wrought iron. 2. To designate an entry into Victoria, as required by the Planned Community text, special landscaping and other design features shall be provided at the intersection of Milliken Avenue and Base Line Road. Decails shall be provided with the landscape and irrigation plans submitted for review and approval by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Contour grading practices as defined in the Victoria Planned Community text, shall be used along the street frontages of Milliken Avenue and Base Line Road to provide a more natural appearance than the standard 2:1 engineered slopes. Details shall be provided on the final grading play, submitted for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Texturized pavement shall be provided on the main entry road. The appropriate notes and/or details shall be indicated on the final site plan prior to issuance of building permits. 5. The mix of front facades used throughout the project shall be predetermined and indicated on the site plan and submitted for review and approval by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 11 E 11 Resolution No. Page 3 E 6. Street facing side elevations shall be provided with additional architectural trim and roof structures, such as incorporation of a gable on the side elevation. 7. All interior yard fencing shall be provided by the developer. Construction and design details of the fences must be submditted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. S. A 6 foot high sound attenuation wall shall be provided along the north property line adjacent to the railroad tracks. H. As required by the Victoria Planned Community text, windrow style tree planting at 10' on center shall be provided along the north and east project boundaries. Details shall be provided on the landscape and irrigation plans submitted prior to issuance of building permits. 10. Details of street lights and location and type of mail boxes shall be provided to the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. 11. The CC &R's shall include provisions to restrict parking in driveways and on- street parking, where the aavement width is less than 361. The homeowners association shall be responsible for enforcement. ENGINEERING DIVISION 12. Base Line Road shall have a °Right Turn Only" lane for west bound traffic at Milliken Avenue. Additional right -of -way at the intersection based on final design shall be required. 13. Base Line Road shall be designed by the applicant (Plan and Centerline profile) from Milliken Avenue to Day Creek Channel. 14. The applicant shall be required to improve the south side of Base Line Road in front of the development with landscaped median island and 18 -foot wide A.C. pavement. Beautification fee Credit will be granted for the landscaping work. Resolution No. Page 4 �J 15. The improvement of Base Line Road shall also include roadway transitions per CaiTrans standard at both ends to meet existing pavement. 16. The applicant shall be required to construction the west half of the median island including landscaping on Milliken Avenue. Beautificat #on fee credit will be ranted for the landscaping work. 17. The Loop Road shall be constructed to its full width from Base Line to "A" Street; 26 -foot wide pavement shall be constructed from "A" Street to east tract boundary. 18. All perimeter street right -of -ways shall be dedicated by map. 19, Storm drain plans in interior private streets shall be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. 20. The "A" Street shall have two lanes for outgoing traffic at the intersection with Loop Road. 21. The applicant shall be required to improve all off -site storm drains and flood protection measures as shown on the tentative map. The improvements shall include, but not be limited to the levee at the north boundary, detention basin and the alternate 2 drainage system as shown on the map (Drainage Exhibit). Approval by the City Engineer and San Bert ardiro County Flood Control District of the final design of the drainage and flood protection systems shall be required prior to recordation of the nap or issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. 22. The final grading plan shall be prepared in accordance with the conditions specified by Grading Committee with approval of the conceptual plan. 23. Access onto Milliken Avenue and Base Line Road shall be for emergency purposes only and shall conform to the standards and requirements of the Engineering Division, Foothill mire District, and Sheriff's Department. 24. The Final Tract Map and Detailed Site Plan shali be coordinated for consistency prior to recordation of the map. E. Resolution No. Page 5 OTHER AGENCIES 25. The interior loop /collector street shall be expanded to a pavement width of 36' and designed with vertical curbs. 26. Both the entry and exit lanes ;t the main entrance shall be 24' wide curb-to-curb- 27. Enterior streets with a single access shall be expanded to 28' curb -to -curb. 28. All standard requirements of the Foothill Fire Protection District for turn - around and turning radii shall be provided. 29. A revised Tract Map incorporating all of the applicable conditions of approval shall be signed off and approved by the Foothill Fire Protection District and Sheriff's Department prior to recordation. �) APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Dennis L. Stout, Chairman ATTEST: cretary o the Planning Commission I, JACK LKM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, d, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introd=ed, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Comanission held on the 14th day of December, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: E .> J •O may. CC V _` - V` wax V e sii N's a -Jr -F came O ts L y C V V � W O E �• ��� Y O. �� O L � � y O d � � O ` If al L aZ., OOAT° V +6 C - p o V O° ° 2 i V Jy � p _ O N = • (R V v(9 9 - J P `M CEy L O Js __ � ° +Y JO D °=a C w 3b 58 ;W V JY. - w V V •D O.o ^ yp 6 -a-.5 =9z - >y� =g�. 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Y— s V `� ✓� �� �I p �C �� �� I Cry= C WE �n �a ty'rq t .• p }. i E a f f G y e } p V I C =" p plc ip�r l� •" p O �• Oo Ass C- N Y- a 0 Iz L] 11 DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF REPORT December 14, 1983 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Rick Gomez, City Planner Curt Johnston, Assistant. Planner AND TRACT FORECAST T - A custom, lot su divis of 36 lots on ZU.9 c-r—e oland in the R- 1- 20,000 zont (Hillside Residential pendi,ig), located north of Almond Street, generally west of Sapphire Street - APN 200 - 051 -06 and 07. I. ABSTRACT: The General Plan recognizes the environmental Tens — ti`v ty of the foothill areas and establishes some specific guidelines for hillside development. The Hillside Residential designation limits development to no more than two (2) dwelling units per net buildable acre. Further, the precise density for individual projects should be determined by appropriate environmental studies thich analyze land holding capacity and site development constraints. ;I. BACKGROUND: The :,ppiicant for this project, Forecast Mortgage Corporation, is req--csting approval of a 20.9 acre residential subdivision anti conceptual master plan for adjacent property totaling approximately 94 acres. The proposed subdivision represents the second phase of a 16' acre hillside residential development. Phase one (TT 10210) was wiproved two years ago or the southerly 46 acres. An Initial Study for environmental determination was prepared oased upon the cumulative impacts resulting from development of Tentative Tract 12375 and the master planned area. Based on tte ?nitial Study, staff recommends that an Ervironn�ental Impact Report be prepared since substantial evidence exists to indicate that significant environmental impacts may result from development of the project. 111. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Review of the Initial Study to determine the scope of an Environmental Impact Report for this project B. Purpose: Approval of a 16 lot subdivision and master plan for a J —acent properties. ITEM G PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 123 ?6 /Forecast December 14, 1983 Page 2 11 C. Location: North of Almond Street, generally west of Sapphire treet D. Parcel Size: 115 acres (20.9 within Tentative Tract 12376) E. Existin Zonin R -1- 20,000 (Hilisida Residential and OpEn Space pen ing, .. Existing Land Use: Vacant G. Surrounding Land Use and Zonin. Mort - Vacant, zones R- - , , HR and OS pending South - Vacant property, CCND reservoir, LA Bureau of Power and Licht power lines, 'oned R -1 -1 and R -1- 20,000, HR and VL (less than 2 du/ac) pending East - Single ' -ily homes, vacant property, Big Tree Road, outside of City Limits Nest - Vacant property, Cucamonga Creek, zoned R -1 -20, HR, OS, FC (Flood Control; pending H. General Plan Designations: oject site - Hi sine Residential North - Hillside Residential, Open Space South - Hillside Residential, VL (less than 2 du /ac) East - Hillside Residential, Open Space Nest - Hillside Residential, Open Space, Flood Control 1. S-te Characteristics: Slopes within Tentative Tract 12375 range from 8 percent to 20 percent, while slopes within the master plan area range from less than 10 percent to greater than SO percent. The site is within the Alquist- Priolo spec Zl study earthquake zore and the Cucamonga Fault has actually been' platted 400 feet north of Tentative Tract 12375 and within the Master Plan area. Vegetation consists of dense chapparal brush and indigenous grasses and weeds. Within the master plan area, a number of trees are scattered throughout the site including remnants of an abandoned citrus grove. Big Tree Road, which provides access to the foothill and canyon areas, is located along the east boundary of the project. IV_ ANALYSIS• A. General: The California Environmental Quality Act requires t. at w enever there is substantial evidence that a significant environmental impact may occur, an Environmental Impact Report must be prepared. intent of the 'raw is to provide full public disclosure and allow full and complete consideration of all environmental impacts. Informed decisions car, then be made which consider project design alternatives and mitigation measures to lessen potential impacts to an acceptable level. E PLANNING CGMIS5ION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 12376 /Forecast December 14, 1983 Page 3 Review of this project, in accordance with General Plan policies, cannon be accomplished at this times because no information to substantiate the lot size or street pattern has been provided. For example, the lot sizes within the tract map boundary have little variation, yet the slope varies considerably frog 8 percent to 20 percent.. B. Initial Study: The completed initial Study is attached for your review and consideration. Part i has been completed by the applicant and comments from the Cucamonga County Water District, Foothill Fire Protection District, and Sheriff's Department are attached. Part II includes the Environmental Checklist and staff analysis of the environmental concerns. These concerns include: soils and geology; hydrology; flora and fauna; land use and planning consideration; transportation; cuitural resources; health, safety and welfare; nuisance factors; ae ,-thetics, and; utilities and public services. As previously stated, the Initial Study is based on the cumulative impacts associated with development of the total 115 acres (TT 12376 and Paster Plan area). This approach is mandated by CEQA in that individual projects must be viewed in to connection with the effects of past projects and probable future projects. This is parti:ulariy applicable to this proposal because development of Tentative Tract 12376 will, for the most part, predetermine the street pattern and st.ie of development in the master plan area. Also, ircrz mental development if the site will not lessen the long -term impacts. Therefore, a single, comprehensive, third party analysis of th;s development should be provided. V. CORRESPONDENCE: -his item has teen advertised as a public hearing in The Daily Report newspaper and notices were sent to all property owners wit inOO feet of the tract boundary and master plan area. In addition, public hearing notices were posted on and around the property. Tv date, no correspondence has been received. VI. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon review and preparation of the Initial Study, staff as determined that this project may have significant adverse impacts on the environment. If the Commission concurs with these findings, the Planning Commission should direct staff to prepare an Environmental Impact Report analyzing the impacts which are outlined in the Initial Study. Re ec 31 s bmitted, Rick City Tannann er RG:CJ:jr PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tentative Tract 12376 /Forecast December 14, 1583 Page 4 Attachments: Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Initial "A" - n2?n _ UC" — aDn _ ■En _ Study Location Map General Plan Natural Features Map Tentative Tract Map Grading Plan and Master Plan E 11 E C. } .LAMES M. MON-17GOMERY, CONSL:LTING ENGINEERS, INC. ® 2SQ North Madison ,venue. Pasadena. Calilorma 9Mas / (213) 7%-9ta or 681 -4255 care address. MoM9onery Pasadena Cairfom a 719104 67-5420 E" February Z, 1983 Cucamonga County Water District 9641 Sam Bernardino Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Mr. H. M. Olson, District Eagmeer Subject: Water Facilities for Tract 10210 Gentlemen: .. 19 ,23 This letter is to summarise our recommendations for water facilities to serve Tract 10210. Description of Tract: The tract is lacated north of Aimond Street between Sapphire Street and Turquoise Street in the northwest portion of the District. It consists of 160 acres with 196 residential lbts of approximately 1 acre each and 6 open space lots for electrical tr-=smission facilities and green belt use. The open space lots will not require water service. The tract is proposed to Le developed in two phases. Phase I wL consist of 36 residential lots varying in elevation from 2200 ft to 2300 ft. Phase II wig consist of 160 residential lots varying in elevation fro= ?300 ft to 2600 ft. The attached Fshibit A shows the tract layout and proposed development Phases. Water Demand: Amsual wt' demand for the tract based on a water duty of Z-0 ace- ft /aere/yr is as follows: Phase 1 34 lots @ 1 acre/lot = 36 acres x Z.0 ft/yr = 72 acre -ft/yr Phase II 160 lots @ I acre/'wt = 160 aces x 2.0 ft/yr = 320 ace -ft/yr Uaximum day an3 peak hour demands 'based on peaking ratios to average amoral demand of Z and 3.5, respectively, are as follows- PLANNING ... aIES'EARCM ... ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERIN13 y J.in:Sa 3l. A76.K[GO}BEHY. CdYtL': -T E'rGIPYEERB.:AIC M M " Warm A.. "uoa�+L Cynmry 9ui0+ 1. ^�3i 1969141rtli4SvS Cucamonga County Water District -Z- February. 2, 1983 Average Annual (1.0) Phase I 72 acre -ft = 45 gpm Phase n 320 acre -ft = 200 nom Totals 245 $pm Peak Day Peak Hour (2.0) (3.5) 90 gpm 160 gpm 400 Rpm 700M-aa 490 i c= 860 gpm Fire flow requirements are 1500 gpm for a 2-hour period. Water Supply. The portian of the tract (Phase 1) below elevation 2300 it can be supplied with water 'from the District's Zane 6 facilities except during periods of Peak hour demand. This is because the pipeline capacity from Reservoirs 6 and 6B westerly to the tract is not sufficiently sized. To provide satisfactory se: -vice during peak hour demands, a storage reservoir (6A) is required +ithin the immediate tract area. This reservoir provides additional reliability to Zcne 6. If the existing 14 inch supply pipeline fro= Reservoir 6 to Almond Street becomes inoperable then the po.;ian of Zone 6 west of Heilman Ave. is without sere -ice. With the proposed Reservoir 6A se. -vice can be mji ntained. is The portion of the tract (Phase 1) above elevation 7_300 ft must be supplied from a nem pump and reservoir system (Zone 7A)- Water supply to Zone 7A and to Reservoir 6A can be provided fro= Zone SA and Zone 6 facilities. Water supply to ?.one SA and Zone 6 facilities is available from various sources. They include surface dive. -sion$ from Cucamonga Canyon at Feservoir 5A which requires boosting for use within Zone 6, surface diversions from Deer Creek Canyon at Reservoirs 6 and 64, ground waters from Cucamonga Basin and Chino Basin boosted to Reservoirs 6 and 633, and surface diversions frons Day Canyon and imported MWD waters treated at the Payer- Nesbit Treatment Plant and boosted to Reservoirs 6 and 6B. Of these supplies, the most cost-effective supply is the surface diversions at Reservoirs 6 and 6B followed by the surface diversion at Reservoir SA boosted for use within Zone 6. Projections of sverage annual diversions from *Jeer and Cucamonga Lyons, together with projected annual demands within the westerly Portion of Zone 6 (west of Milliken Avenue) and Zone 7A indicate that on an average annual basis ail of the waters -fram Cuca=c mga and Deer Canyons can be utilised within the respective zones. However, because the maximum surf ace diversions au d suaximum water demands do not occur at ss the same time during the year it t' ' ted tha an ncnpa t durmg the wi=nter awatsw M. 5q-%'r0094EKV. oXr4stlr. 301cuYENYL16 urc E E r 1 LJ ^__among& County Water Di strict 250 CRM �91101 ='3,n&9'-"6t' +255 _i_ February 2, 1483 months, surplus waters will .se by- passed to lower zones and during the um er the supplemental waters will be boosted to Zone 6 from lower sm moa Zones. The extend of the seasonal variations between gurface diversions and water demands cannot be precisely projected. However, it can be concluded that all the waters from Deer Canyon should be utilized within Zone 6 and Zone 7A to the maximum extend pox able. Thereafter, any surplus Deer Canyon waters should be bypassed to lower zones. Only after Deer Canyon waters are utilized to their maximum extent sho to waters from Cucamonga Canyon be boosted into Zone 6 and Zone 7A if water; requirements demand. Supplemental waters from lower zones should not be boosted into Zone 6 until the sneface diversions from Deer aai Cucamonga Canyons are completely utilized. The design of facilities to 2UPPIT Tract 10210 should be based on these concepts. Operation Concepts: with t m proposed Reser - oir 6A, pumping facilities must be provided in order that the reservoir c= be completely refilled. When there is sufficient surface diversions and average demand most of th-t reservoir can be refilled by gravity from Reservoirs 6 and 6B. To completely refill the reservoir interzonal waters from Reservoirs 6 and 6B can be boosted into the reservoir, supplemented if required by boosting additional Cucamonga Canyon waters from Reservoir SA. During Deriods of insufficient surface diversions the reservoir can be refilled with supplemental waters boosted by Pump Stations 5 and 5B. Considering the various sites available within and adjacent to Tract 10210, pumping facilities at Reservoir SA is considered the most practical location. Other sites along Almond Street between Reservoir-SA and Crescent Drive within the tract are also viable. The attached Exhibit A shows the tentative facilities layout for the P=;r facilities, distribution pipelines, and reser- voirs. if the final location of the pump facilities is other than at Reservoir SA, then the tentative facilities shown on Exhibit A should be rev'.sed accordingly. The conceptual elements to be considered with Exhibit A are the following: 1. Tlu pump facilities should consist of two basic pump stations. A third iiture pump station should be plw-ued which would boost inte:manal maters from Reservoirs 6 w%d 6B to Reservoir 6A- This future pump station should Le defereed until the op. rational data for Zones 6 and 6A are solidified. As a minimum two pump stations should be constructed. Station A should have the flexibility of boosting from Zone 5.4, to Zones 6A or 6. This station should have three pump units. Back unit should be rated at 25 hp for 450 gpm at a h:ad of 135 ft. The tentative pump ?10N-MOMERY. COIVW;LT. ENI:INEERa. INS Cucamonga Cuunty Water District .4- 2W1 Y,O, ^� 'Ra9,rr (,p,� 9"21 1213) 79691411.:91X255 February 2, 1983 curve for the pump units is attached as Exhibit B. The discharge piping should be valved to that one or two pumps can boost to either Zone 6 or Zone 6A. Because of the flexibility in supplying Reservoir 6A9 all three pump units should be operational and a standby unit is not proposed. This statirm should be constructed to serve Phase I of the tract. Pump Station B show have the flexibility of boosting from either Zone 5A, Zane 6, or Zone 6A to Zone 7A. These stations should have 3 pump units. Each unit should be rated at 40 hp for Z80 gpm at a head of 420 ft. A tentative pump curve for the pump units is sttdcbed as Exhibit B. One unit would be standby. This pump station would be constructed to serve Phase lI of the tract. -• The controls for the pump s.atioas should be based on water levels in Reservoirs Si., 6, and 6A. This will require r_ telemetry circuit from the resnvoirs to the pump stations. The exact control sequt_ ice and operations features will require additional study and evaluations. 3• Reservoirs 6A and 7A should each 'save a capacity of about 0.5 MG. This is based on the criteria that each reservoir would provide: operational - 3076 of maximum day demand, emergency - 4 bra of masiwum day demand, and fire - a flow of 1500 gpm for Z hours. Reservoir 6A shou,'1 be constructed to serve Phase I and Reservoir 7A to serve Phase IL Calculations for the storage is as follows: Reservoir 6A Fire 1500 am z 60 mim/br x 2 his = 180,000 gal Emergency 90 gpm z 60 min/hr z 4 hr, = Z2,000 gal Operational *Zone 6 - 800 L?m x 6 hrs z 60 min/hr = Z88,000 gal Zone 6A - 90 g*m x 1440 min /day z 30% = 38, 800 gal 527,800 gal *The amount of 800 gpm provided from Reservoir 6A t^ Zone 6 is based on a computer analyses for the peak hour and maximum day demands. See Exhibits C. IA �J E 1.1 JAOES a. MON ?r.oweas: vo-%t4Lca- srocME£ea. RvG Cucamonga County Water District Reservoir 7A ?.iONOAYpa . " .4bti 91 w, a, 3, r"s, 41,6814255 -5- February 2, 1983 Fire 1500 gpm x 2 hxs x 60 min/hr, = 1809000 gal Esergency 400 gpm x 4 hrs x 60 min/hr = 96,000 gal Operaticznl 400 gprs x 1440 min /day x .30. = 17Z,000 gad 448,000 gal 4. A pressure reducing facility should be provided at Pump Station A. This facility would supplement during peak hour demands the syspaly to the westerly portion of Zone 6 with waiters from Reservoir 6A. the facility should have two valves - -a 2 -inch valve set at 60 psi, and a 6 -inch valve set a2 55 psi. Additional pressure reducing facilities with appropriate piping d.ouid also be provided. One facility should provide c hers from Zane 7A to either Zone 5A, 2,=e 6, or Zone 6A. Another facility should provide waters from ;one 6 or Zane 6A to Tone 5A. Modifkatior. of Zone 6 Facilities Based on the criteria of proposed facilities to serve Tract 10210 the following modifications to existing facilities should also be considered. They include: 1. The pressure reds: =ing station at Turquoise Street north of Pearl Street should be replaced with a by -pass valve operation similar to the existing facilities between Reservoirs 5 and 6. This will require a telemetry circuit from Reservoir 5A to the by -pass facility. The presr..re reducing station should be maintained and operated in tandem with the by -pass facility. Z. -bc 12 -inch pressure sustaining valve on the 10 to 16 inch inlet-outlet pipeline downstream of Reservoir 6B should be paralleled with an 8 inch pressure reducing vrve with the hydraulic gradient set at 2390 ft. dais reducing valve would permit a greater portion of the Deer Canyon surface divisions to be conveyed to Reservoir 6 for power generation- Additional powtr generation is also available with reduced Deer ranyon Uversions, if the proposed master.planned I2 inch pipeline no -th From Reservoir 6 to the pressure reducing station on the 12 inch pipeline fram Reservoir 8 is constructed. JA,lea M NO-N700" Ric- Ca,.vjj 'LT SN:.L`VSEfHi IyC 2lo wn wurs � , •...e.n. c rw9..0 "f+]i si69. �. 6!•+25. Cucamonga County Water District -6- Febraary 2, 1983 Additional Items for Consideration i• The tract map shows a 100 ft. fault zone within Phase L Tl:e westerly Projection of this fault zone appears to place the fault beneath or twJncent to Reservoir SA. A study ahould be made to determine the status of this situation. 2• The existing Cucamonga Canyon gravity =apehne meanders within the tract to Reservoir SA. An easement for the pipeline should be considered within the tract. 3. The development of Phase 11 of the tract will remove one of the existing access roadways to Cucamonga Canyon. An alternate alignment east of Lot 48 to the canyo= should be considered. 4. The sites for Reservoirs iA and 7A shown on Fxhibit A were selected based on elevation requirements. A geological study of the sites should be made to Determine their wceptability. S• The construction of Reservoirs 6A and 7A will require overflow piping from the reservoirs to adjacent streets or storm d:a : facilities. The location and extent of the overflow piping should be evaluated with the tract's development plans. L' you need any clarificatic z or additional information regarding the concepts discussed herein we will' be pleased to meet with you to discuss them at your convenience. Very truly yours, Miles E. Woliam Vice President /.sa I] C�i CUCAIV ONGA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 9041 /AN EKSMANDIMO ND CVC ^MONGA_ CALIF. 91990 • ► O 111:1 038 - 957.2591 VICTOR A. CMERBAK. JR.. Pr„id.w1 November 22, 1983 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department P. O. Box 807 Rar..cho Cucamonga, Califorr4a 91730 Attention: Mr. Curt Johnson Assistant Planner Re: Water Facilities for Tentative Tract No. 10210 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of a no. 10210 performed in by James M. Montgomery, supervision of Miles E. concerns for the future V .P•.nd.wt FRANK LESINSKI S..•eta•+r. G.w..�l kew.p.. LLOYD W. MICHAEL D...etw. EARLE R. ANDERSON ROBERT NEUFE:_D SEYERLY E. BRADEN water systems analysis Son tentative tract January of 1983- This report was prepared Consulting Engineers, Inc., under the Wollam, to address some of the District's development of this area. The report summarizes that one (1) reservoir and one (1) pump station will need to be constructed in each phase in order to en- able this District to sufficiently service this area after ulti- mate development is achieved. Without these facilities, minimal service cannot be ^btained. Therefore, this District will insist that these facilii.,.ts be completed prior to the construction of all homes within Y! a. -;es I and II. If you have any q;:estions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned. Yours ;.ruly, CUCAMONGA COL.:TY WATER DISTRICT Russel C. Silva Engineering Aide III ncl E os Enclosure cc: Madole S Associates Forecast Mortgate Corporation w/o enclosure- cra svr. cr +r,M O&PtA&VlP~ \ XOOO 1 1I F ' rj • // 1 p 14 trp N�1VNTi Or 49W1 F ed"Wi lit ISL,,t� Of INDEX lei �. ` \ � ' 3Ya.R tiNiif3D W- 3.S'usa • / I CiTYQ°.f°TfWtJC I a NORTii 1 CT'Y OF mm: RAINCHO CL A1VZaNGA. : +N . w ae=IvA �d�pc f PL.ANNLNG DWEX).N EXHiBrr. 54- ScALE : E LI R ANNTEN i �tv � ®at ®a1>oa� ■t ®��LO \�1 �1i Witty ♦�\ I ♦i\ r.7 r \`� \•I _tit \It J \rlIl. p /t. \a- 7 ♦r♦I� ���: -tom v'a�♦i `�'f tTl /\ t i� 1� \\r�r. ♦ r \'t. .4 ter 1 .11� =�t L\ i 1- / ♦ i�1''l� 1- t ♦� I \ t'\7��- r: �L `'; tit \ir ♦♦�9�t\ lr��� � / ♦ I - f♦ �i \� /: Its 1\I� 1� r� t /I\�r ♦'�V \I OOOUC OO 1 1 \mot r.�S 0000 a /, %1 I. i 1_.- '. ' \ r\ 000000 ty ♦i �; ♦♦ I �f 'rte,! I� �1 = \ I ��1/� �i 000000 0000 C 1 1♦ f. 'O?C I� 700 00 �' _ ♦' -1- '� 000C ♦ /mot. \i .)7C:lg f,i 1000�0 .1 �\ /.r r Ir\t 1♦f lll N /i\ I ri Tmm: = r7's7la - ' 1 TL6: 74 F w13 � ,o�. t VQ /Y• t Z 4is « .2 n — t �. be ,,, ] •• - � ~ A - Ic .9 _ . —..91 ..91 a Milli6 jr 1' o vn s ` pnc �' pos Ll CrO Oro c 3 ":e, vo m t �? g o n aDar �t E-xN�e�r e ' sL . -am-a <: r 1 a •, � t � y 1 c jl }t 1 :/ - ► 'f A Tel Go �.a sa, �?, iii. �� • ..: - -� ' < - • • 0 L:. y / ■ t • ; _ Ili' " 111 ' i C8 M Y i F s r !• w . • O i r� P3t %_ o o r� a Y F z w F 4 }t c ® -a .... will �j l 1; rm 11 i <I4 �el�! X38 iAll All kk kk Age r rw yi'.�yyr Fit. Qulun �• _ AF AMMI Flo log •bia y� r•ry:,nRPlI()!'* r°.prF- •�•,1t "; r : Q c<ChC `.' t �! 'f Me 5 JU += f.+�/ �► .'�'• Z� 7 ! •'4 WAZ�.., =zt ._ Y. 7e � l iti W M �D U F. r 6 0 0 3 s Y °z .t- < < • mEs s a ► a �F�t . s O !I t �• O � Y 9 Y L] 464 E ®F.%'A COMMENT SHE`.T P r o i e c : vJ6- ►Z37cr - Fvrc��L A g e nay CJG3.v,on'c, CoJ.�y wntra- i�!,L.',tt B y D a t e COMMENTS: �IScltct. Wt1I rtc�Jt!w, -.. c2OC,0i.�0''� G... iicn rESCr'vC�r N►tILIAI.a A"1 ice" tw.7Gi�ritr,C {.7^ t'.:.s��. �yy.i.J"'t 1� Seer- a.�a;►a4oit . r L GR 0`6114 a i h1 LOHMNT SHEET . _ • �- �T Y_ • r'�L 4" .c i _ . ,, .. ,yam n . •4� .'..Y _I cl, r �:, .f• .. - Ll CITY. OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA INITIAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must he completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made. Upon receipt of this application, the Environmental Analysis staff will prepare Part II of the Initial Study. The Development Review Committee will meet and take action no later than ten (10) stays before the public meeting at which time the project is to be heard. The Committee will make one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project wi11, have a significant environmental impact and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied by the applicant giving further ir_°_or..:a- tion concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12376 APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: FORECAST MORTGAGE CORP., 9513 Business Center Drive Suite N Blda S. Rane-ho (u= =_-n-z NAME -, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSC s ASSOCIATES, BE CONTACTED , 545 N. CNCERNING THIS PROJECT mountain Ave. Suite 105, , i i u-,T rev or LOCATION OF PROJECT (STREET ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL. NO.) North side of Almond Street, West of Sapphire St ne oo -esl -o 2mr_r. cr_ LIST OTHER PERMITS NECE-SARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STA== A.`D FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: US Forestry Service (Access road), aradina perk. r, and nip? I -1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION I] DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: To Subd:.vide sugject property into 15 Custom ots, S Lot A "_(a reservoir site) , within the approx. acres. Lot size range frc=t 1 acre minimum to 1.3 acre maximum. ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING ;LNn PROPOSED BUILDINGS, IF ANY: The site is vacant. No bui]dinG proposed. Approximate z.creaaeis 20.9. DESCRIBE THE EIJVIRONMENTAr SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY, PLANTS (TREES) , ANI`4ALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTINr STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SF---E'-S)- Site is 7acant with rolling to ogranhv which rises to the North at approximately 81 to 20 %. The site is covered with Chapparal type of vegetatic;n of grasses and shrubs. No de- velopment has occured except for the paving of the Forestry rse . Aaiacent . morgan•s s . 10210. Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of cumulative actions, whit -h although individually small, nay as a whole have significant environmental impact? Tract No. 10210 is located South of this Tract. Originally, both Tracts were submitted as one. 1-2 11 J WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO X 1. Create a substantial change is gro=2 — "- contours? 2. Create a substantial change in existing noise or vibration? X• 3. Create a substantial change in demand for — '— munici fire, pal services (police, water, sewage, etc.)? 4. changes in eplandesig zoning or -- �' actions ?tag 11 X 5. Remove any existing trees? How many' X 6. Create the need for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives? Ex_ laaiation of any YES answers above: IMPORTANT: re5 dentialeunits�,oco= -lete thesformtonntoe next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present t'.ie data and Informatioabn ix tvl�andithaththeyfacts, statements, and to the best of ray best of my information presented are true and correct to the knowledge and belierequized toebeusubm�tted befor.� an adequate information may elopme t Review Cc,- aittee. evaluation can be made by the Date ��-i-�3 Signature _ / !!�1 Title I -3 CITY OF ROCaO•COCANMGA FART'' It - INITIAL STUDY MVIRME TAL CHECMIST DATE: 11 -16 -83 APPLICANT: Forecast Mortgage _ FILING DATE: 10- 28-83 LOG IRMER: TT 12376 PROJECT: 20.9 Acres into 16 Lots PROJECT LOCATION: h /of Almond, W /uf Saphire; APN: 200 - 051 -06 ,. 07 I. &NVIRMSENSAL IMPACTS (Explanation of all "yes" and "maybe" answers are required on attached sheets). 0 1. Soils and Geology. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Unstable ground conditions or in changes in geologic relationships? b. *Disruptions, displacements, co=paction or burial of the soil? c. Change in topography or ground surface contour intervals? d. The destruction, caveriug or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e, Any potential increase in wind or water erosion of soils, affecting either on or off site conditons? f. Changes in erosion siltation, or deposition? g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides. sud- slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? b. An increase in the rate of extraction and /or use of any mineral resource? 2. Hydrology. Will the proposal have significant results in: YES MAYBE NO X — — —�— — X — X — t. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of flowing streams, rivers, or ephemeral stream channels? b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and amount of surface water runoff? c. Alterations to :he course or flow of flood waters? d. Change in the amount of surface water in any body of water? e. Discharge into surface waters, or any alteration of surface water quality? �. Alteration of groundwater characteristics? g. Change in the quantity of groundwater&, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interference with an aquifer? Quality? Quantity? b. The reduction in the amount of water other - vise available for public water supplies? 3. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flcoding or seiches? 3. Air Quality. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Constant or periodic air emissions from mobile or indirect sources? Stationary sources? b. Deterioration of ambient air quality and/or interference with the attainment of applicable air quality standards? c. Alteration of local or regional climatic conditions, affecting air movement, moisture or temperature? 4. Biota Flora. Will the proposal have significant results In: a. Change in the characteristics of species, Including diversity, distribution, or number of any species of plants? b. Reduction of the nusbere of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? YES MAYBE NO X X X X X Q X X X X X X X X Page 2 El El Page 3 YES MAYBE NO ® C. Introduction of or disruptive species of plants into an area? — X_ d. Reduction in the potential for agriL-ultural production? Fauna. Will the proposal have significant results In: a. Change in the characteristics of species, including diversity, distribution, or numbers of any species of animals? _ _ X — b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of animals? _ __X — c. Introduction of new or disruptive species of animals into an area, or result in a barrier to the sigration or Movement of animals? X d. Deterioration or removal of existing fish or wildlife habitat? 2- 5. Population. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Will the proposal alter the location, distri- bution, density, diversity, or growth rate of the human population of an area? X b. Will the proposal affect existing housing, or create a demand for additional housing? X 6. Socio-Economic Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Change iu local or regional socio- economic characteristics, Including economic or commercial diversity, tax rate, and property values? X b. Will project costs be equitably distributed among project beneficiaries, i.e., buyers, tax payers or project users? i 7. Land Use and Planning Considerations. Will the proposal have significant results in? a. A substantial alterrcion of the present or planned land use �,f an area? — X- b. .t conflict with any designations, objectives, policies, or adopted plans of any governmental entities? x c. Oa impact upon the qulaity or quantity of existing eonsvmptive or non- consumptive X recreational opportunities? Page 4 YES MAYBE NO S. Transportation. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? X b. Effects on existing streets, or demand for new street construction? x c. Effects on existing parking facilities, or demand for nev parking? x d. Substantial impact upon existing transporta- tion systems? x e. Alterations to present patterns of circula- tion or movement of people and/or goods? _ x f. Alterations to or effects on present and potential eater- borne, rail, mass transit or air traffic? x g. Increases In traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? x 9. Cultural Resources. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. A disturbance to the integrity of archaeological, paleontological, and/ox historical resources? x _ 10. Health, Safety, and Nuisance Factors. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. Creation of any health hw-tard or potential health hazard? x b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? x _ c. A risk of explosion or release of hazardous su'bstances in the event of an accident? x d. An increase in the number of Individuals or species of vector or patbenogenic organisms or the exposure of people to such organisms? x e. Increase in existing noise levels? x f. Exposure of people to potentially dangerous noise levels? x S. The creation of objectionable odors? x h. An increase in light or glare? _X_ 11 1 r'. L �J U 11. Aesthetics. Will the proposal have significant results in: a. The obstruction or degradation of any scenic vista or view? b. She creation of an aesthetically offensive site? c. A conflict with the objective of designated or potential scenic corridors? 12. Utilities =ad Public Services. Will the proposal have a significant need for new systems, or alterations to the following: a. Electric power? b. Katrral or packaged gas? c. Communications systems? d. hater supply? e. 'Wastewater facilities? f. Flood control structures? g. Solid waste facilities? h. Fire protection? I. Police protection? J. Schools? k. Parks or other recreational facilities? 1. Xainteaance of public facilities, including roads and flood control facilities? a. Other governmental services? 13. Energy and Scarce Resources. Vill the proposal have significant results in: Page 5 ?ES MAYBE NO X X X Y — X X X x X X JL- a. Use of substantial or excessive fuel or energy? x b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy? -A- c. An increase in the demand for development of new sources of energy? d. An increase or perpetuation of the consumption of non- renewable forms of energy, when feasible renewable sources of energy are available? Page 5 TES MAYBE No e. Eabstsntial d:pletion of any nonrenewable or scarce natural resource? 14. Mandatory Piadinss of Significance. a. Does the pr &ject have the potential to degrade the quality of tie environment. substantially reduce the h*bitat7 of flab or wildlife species, esz•.e a fish or vildlife population to drop be'_av self sustaining levels, threaten to aliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or azLlaal or eliminate Important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Y _ b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short -term, to the disadvantage of long -term, environmental goals? (A short -term Impact on the environment Is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time wbile long- term Impacts will endure well into the future). X _ c. Does the project have impacts which are Individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (Cumulatively considerable means that the incremental effects of an Individual project are considerable vhen viewed in connection, vita the effects of past projects, and probable future projects). x _ d. Does the project have eavirnnmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? -� II. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION (i.e., of affirmative answers to the above questions plus a discussion of proposed stttigation measures). SEE ATTACHED SHEETS �1 L.J 11 E III. DETER MTION On the basis of this initial avaluatioa: I find the proposed project COULD NOT have a significsat effect Elon the environment, and a JMGATM DECLARATION will be prepared. Date El E I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect oa the environment, there Brill not be a significant effect in this case because the nitigatier. masures described on an attached sbee: have been added to the project. A NEGATIPE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. I find the proposed project MAY have k- significant effect on the enviroment, and an ISMOMMST IWACT REPORT is required. Signature Title Page 7 ADDENDUM TO PART II OF THE INITIAL STUDY FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 12376 Part II - Discussion of Environmental Evaluation 1. Soils and Geology: (a -d): Tentative Tract 12376 is situated on 20.9 acres of land at the base of the foothills. Fifteen (15) residential lots, plus a 52,000 square foot reservoir site, are proposed. The project is in actuality a continuation or the second phase of a 161 acre hillside development by Forecest Morgage Corporation. Tentative Tract 10210, consisting of 33 lots, was approved in September 1981 on the southerly 46 acres. With submittal of Tentative Tract 12376, a master plan for the remaining 94 acres was provided by the applicant. This Initial Study has been prepared based on the cumulative imo -sts resulting from development of Tentative Tract 12376 and the master plan area. Slopes within Tentative Tract 12376 range from 8 perce t to 20 percent, while slopes within the master plan area range from less than 10 percent to greater than 30 percent. The General Plan states that street grades should not exceed 12 percent except for short distances where topographic conditions do not permit lesser grades. To maintain the 12 percent maximum street grade, significant road cuts are proposed. Within Tentative Tract 12376 the amount of grading necessary to accommodate the proposed street requires 2:1 ® slopes up to 35 feet in height. Grading for the conceptual :Waster plan has not been indicated, but could be substantial. In addition, grading must occur to provide access from the street to the buildable area of most lots. Preliminary driveway designs were prepared by the applicant which indicate significant cuts and driveway grades up to 15 percent. (e,f): Cut and fill areas for streets and driveways vial be subject to wind and water erosion. Also, removal of native vegetation during development of the site will occur and expose soils to erosion. (g): The Alquist- Priolo social study zone runs through the tract map boundary and master plan area. The Cucamonga Fault has actually been plotted 400 feet north of Tentative Tract 32376. State law requires detailed geology studies for all projects within the special study zone. Preliminary geotechnical investigations were completed in 1978, but additional analysis is required. According to the General Plan, the maximum credible earthquake that can be expected from the fault is 7.0 on the Richter scale. 2. Hydrology: (b): A temporary levy is proposed north of Tentative Tract 12376 to divert water runoff around the project, The impact of the concentrated water runoff down slope must be analyzed and alternatives researched. Addendum to Part II - Initial Study For TT 12376 Page 2 (g): The homes within t leach fields. The the impact on the 4. Biota: Flora and Fauna: he project will be severed with septic tanks and /or appropriate information is necessary to determine quality of ground waters. (a,bl: Vegetation on the project site consists of dense chapparel brush and indigenous grasses and weeds. Within the master planned area a number of trees are scattered in the center portion of the site including the remnants of an abandoned c4trus grove. Native Vegetation will be cleared from portions of the site with development of the street system, construction of homes, and for fire breaks. The significance of this action relative to plant and animal life is unknown and must be reviewed. 7. Land "Ise and Planning Considerations (b): The General Plan states that prior to any development within the hillside residential category, appropriate envirorrtental studies should be conducted to determine land holding cana:ity and site development constraints. In no event, however. gill development exceed a residential density of two ur:its per :i�t buildable acre. Within the tentative tract map and master plan boundaries, a large area has a slope of greater than 15 percent. Therefore, information to substantiate or justify the lot pattern and lot size is necessary. (c): Access to the foythill and canyon areas north of the project site is currently provided by an existing paved one lane road (Big Tree Road) adjacent to the east boundary of the site. With development of the Project, access to these areas may be reduced. However, the Sheriff's Department has indicated that access to Big Tree road must be maintained. 8. Transporation (b): Development of the subject tract and caster pla.. area will generate increased vehicular traffic volumes thereby affecting existing streets to the south and could necessitate new street construction off -site. 9. Cultural Resources (a): The potential impact on archeological, paleontological, and /or historical resources is unknown. C� E 1! U \J ®o Addendum to Part it - Initial Study For TT 12376 Page 3 10. Health, saety, and Nuisance Factors (a, b): As stated e:arlie -, the Cucamonga Fault is located north of Tract 12376 and within the master plan area. The Foothill Fire District also expressed some major concerns. The location of the site exceeds an acceptable response time as set forth by the Foothill Fire District. In addition, the area is subject to high fire hazards because of its dense brush and hillside terrain. To complicate matters, available water flows and pressures are currently substandard and /or unavailable. A review of the public safety issues must_- be prepared to determine the appropriate mitigation measures. 11. Aesthetics (a,b): Development of the site has the potential to destruct and /or degrade scenic vistas or views of the foothills. Preliminary studies of unit plotting and designs should be provided to determine compliance with the General Plan and Hillside Residential requirements contained within the Development Code. 12. utilities and Public Services (a,b,c): Development of the project will require extension of electric, gas, avd telephone systems. (d): Currently, no water is available at the subject property. The Cucamonga County Water District had a water systems analysis for the area prepared in January of 1083. The report summarizes that one rersevoir north of the site, one pump station, and the appropriate water mains must tw- constructed in order for the district to sufficiently service the subject area. Without these facilities, minimal service cannot be obtained. (f,h,i): Impact related to flood control, fire protection, and police protection may be significant as discussed in the above sections. L E 11 CITY OF R INCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Curt Johnston, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE P 19%% - 64 LUMbtk - me oevesopment of a ji,cuu sq. Tt. ouiiaing or r on 2.55 acres in the Industrial Park category (Subarea 6), located on the nest side of maven, south of 8th Street - APN 209- 251 -05. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a precise site plan and architectural design, and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Purpose: Construction of a 31,200 square foot retail and storage building for 84 Lumber Company C. Location: The west side of Haven Avenue, south of 8th Street D. Parcel Size: 2.55 acres E. Existing Zoning Industrial Area Specific Plan, Industrial Fark category (Subarea 6) F. Existing Land Use: Vacant. G. SurroundiviS Land Use and Zonin : North - Single family nomes and service and industrial businesses, Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 6) South - Master guilders /Industrial, ISP (Subarea 6) East - KVL /Industrial, ISP (Subarea 6) West - Vacant, ISP (Subarea 6) General Plar. Designations: Project Site - Industrial Park ,North - Industrial Park South - Industrial Park East - Industrial Park West - Industrial Park ITEM H PLANNING COMMIISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit 83 -17/84 Lumber December 14, 1983 Page 2 11 I. Site Characteristics: The site slopes north to south at an average rate oTT_pE7rcent. Vegetation is limited to indigenous grasses and weeds and a small number of cactus plants exist at the extreme north end of the property. A 50 -foot w ;de Metropolitan Water District (MWD) easement crosses the south end of the property. £I. ANALYSIS• A. neral: ?his project was originally submitted for preliminary review as two metal buildings with loading doors facing the street. The exterior materials now includes split -faced block, cedar siding, fiberglass windows, and a metal roof. The buildings are situated one behind the other with the loading doors located on the north and south elevations. A 6 -foot high cedar fence with split -faced block pilasters will be provided south of the storage building to help screen the loading area. Access will be provided off of a 26 -foot wide driveway aligned with Acacia Street on the west side of Haven. B. Design Review Committee: The Cesign Review Committee reviewed TO7 ect annrecommended several items including: 0 ) increasing the roof overhang on the east elevation; (2) providing a landscape planter with trees in front of the building; (3) screening the southerly loading area with a cedar and masonry fence; and, (4) further review of the metal roof color and :rhite fiberglass panels. Item numbers (1) and (2) above were adequately addressed by the applicant. The cedar and masonry fence is provided as recommended by the Committee; however, the split -faced block pilasters are proposed to be placed 40 feet on center. This spacing is too far apart. Therefore, a condition has been included the Resolution to require pilasters to be spaced on 20 -foot centers. Regarding the metal roof and fiberglass panels, the Committee requested that samples of the actual materials to be used in the building be submitted. Both samples will be available at the meeting for your review. Of concern to staff is the fiberglass panels which are less than one - sixteenth of an inch thick and similar to fiberglass used on patio covers. As shown on the building elevations (Exhibit °G °), the fiberglass panels are proposed below the eave line on the east and west elevations. Considering the higher design standards generally applied to projects on special boulevards such as Haven Avenue, staff recommends that dark bronze glass be required in place of the fiberglass. A condition of approval is provided for your review. 11 PLANNING CO USSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit 83 -17/84 Limber December 14, 1983 Page 3 C. Development Review Committee: The Development Review Committee reviewed the project an etermined that, with the recommended conditions of approval, the project is consistent with all applicable standards and ordinances. The Foothill Fire Protection District required an emergency fire lane at the southwest corner of the project as shown on the site plan. A condition of approval is provided for your review which requires that the fire lane be constructed with turf block or turf overlay and a rolled curb versus the drive approach shown on the site plan. The Engineering Division will require an expanded right -of -way on the Haven access to permit the future construction of a railroad undercrossing just north of 8th Street. In addition., the applicant must provide a lien agreement for street improvements along the south project boundary. This will provide the flexibility to allow the future construction of Acacia Street east of Haven Avenue if and when it becomes necessary. D. Gradinq Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed and approved the conceptual grading plan with a number of conditions necessary for it to meet City standards. A final grading plan is with the appropriate corrections will be required prior to issuance cf building permits. E. Environmental AssesF.ment: Part I of the Initial Study has been camp I eted by the applicant. Staff has completed the Environmental Checklist and found no significant adverse environmental impacts as a result of this project. If the Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Neeative Declaration would be appropriate. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: This project is consistent with the Industrial Area Specific Plan and the General Plan. The proposed use, building design and site plan together with the recommended conditions of approval is in compliance with all applicable City standards. In addition, the project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impacts. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: in he Dal Re axners Ki in hearing notice correspondence project. E This item has been advertised as a public: hearing sort newspaper and notices were sent to alt property 1100 feet of the subject site. In addition, public s were posted on the property. To date, no has been received either for or against this PLANNING C0MMISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit 83 -17/84 Lumber December 14, 1583 Page 4 V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing to consider public input and elements of this project. If after such consideration the Commission concurs with the facts for findings and conditions of approval, adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Resktfu l ly,2Mi tted , Rickomez'"j pity lanne ;RG:CJ:jr IAttac%ments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" Exhibit "D" Exhibit "E" Exhibit "F" Exhibit "G" Initial Stu Resolution - Location Map - General Plan and ISP - Detailed Site Plan - Illustrative Site Plan - Grading Plan - Building Perspective - Building Elevations dy, Parr I 11 E 11 1 , , :; ' , r�� .. �\r ��. t ti J. O � . w r( � t: E 1/ � NORTH Cl �<. -. ff �_ -' .mss �• • i AW - -�- N. . ak"I Lr � - -- _. .: ,.c.: _ _ ,� .. .. .. _. -- .. .•; .. 1. 0 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 83 -17 FOR 84 LUMBER LOCATED ON n1E WEST SIDE OF HAVEN AVENUE, SOUTH OF 8TH STREET IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK CATEGORY (SUBAREA 6) WHEREAS, on the 7th' day of October, 1983, a complete application was filed by 84 Development Company for review of the above- described project; and WHEREAS, on the 14th day of December, 1983, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above- described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamnga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the following findings can be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, and the purposes of the zone in which the use is proposed; and 2. Than the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicin'ty; and 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment an tat a Negative Declaration is issued on December 14, 1933. SECTION s: That Conditional Use Permit No. 83 -17 is approved suaject to the foilowing conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. The white fiberglass panels on the buildings shall be replaced with dark - bronzed glass. Final design details shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 2. The cedar and masonry fence on the south side of the loading area shall be provided with pilasters at 20 feet on center versus the 40 -fort spacing proposed. r1,'1 L.: J Resolution No. Page 2 3. The access lane at the southeast corner of the site shall be for emergency purposes only and designed with t,irf block or a 6 -inch turf overlay, and rolled curb versus the drive approach shown on the site Plan. Engineering Division 4. The final grading plan shall be revised per Grading Committee comments prior to issuance of building perr.Ats. 5. A Lien Agreement or in -lieu cash deposit shall be required for construction of Acacia Street prior to issuance of building permit. 6. The centerline of the dr4veway along the south boundary of the project site shall have a maximum offset of five (5) feet from the centerline of the existing Acacia Street on the east side of Haven Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY Of OCTOBER, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Dennis L. _tout, Chairman ATTEST: ecretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was du :�- and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commissior of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of tre Planning Commission held on the 14th day of December, 1533, by the following vote -%o -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: rl IA r� L:J u u N 75 a H _ 9 yy! N i E m CeC O Y =5� + x Y O V O b IT tf ' C rir S v V V L 4 V I L ` Vs ^ y o 7.01 r 7 i e= V P J < l p ! N < J F <V • < L V V Yq t• Y L Sig =x� V L = s - Ob 6 O V t + VrM C b � O M ` 1 _ l t H yq 6 .- L pppp -r�- < ' n V ( N n p J y3 C a l )/ vy v y O ay K 8 Q C 4 . 9 � q. nMo L Op P _ 6 a'.�av n(c• Y v 1• V � 6 ` O C 4 N �\wlyf' I 1 L b p q � C � V V .g V P r q ^x �r 4r 4 yC G ^Nw qy }yam r eC e s� .y+= YL LqV Y V +rg wN r 1,p1� °N 6Y OP V yV < +�.0 buy FLN P � V q N o° e °e G C rg� V p a -e6 L 6 � i °1v pc V�g N +M1 � L ar � i €= V^,c a u i 4 r z L r .. o & 6 i C i v 4• V C °4 •O .p• w- • p Y= L T n pY �Pq L L Vy �� i r � q 4 a a � q O W� a ` L ^ Ci• - Y � N � _ c J i O � > • o� E SS = i O G - r 0 y•Vr• �'' c O •. yEy =Cy SV �Ep 4 = 7 + V ^ N V C O C N r p _ L Ln i_ rL �¢ not y O p C r � fVl O I6 r N L r L �•'� V L L+ 6- •Ww O V C O� 0 0� CL r b V �g�o YL� ^fir V O nr„_ro r N r y V OO6Y ygnC -. �nmQV ° +w WSVGY� w V w L O as u u N 75 a H _ 9 yy! N i E m CeC O Y =5� + x Y O V O b IT tf ' C rir S v V V L 4 V I L ` Vs ^ y o 7.01 r 7 i e= V P J < l p ! N < J F <V • < L V V Yq t• Y L Sig =x� V L = s - Ob 6 O V t + VrM C b � O M ` 1 _ l t H yq 6 .- L pppp -r�- < ' n V ( N n p J y3 C a l )/ vy v y O ay K 8 Q C 4 . 9 � q. nMo L Op P _ 6 a'.�av n(c• Y v 1• V � 6 ` O C 4 N �\wlyf' I 1 L b p q � C � V V .g V P r q ^x �r 4r 4 yC G ^Nw qy }yam r eC e s� .y+= YL LqV Y V +rg wN r 1,p1� °N 6Y OP V yV < +�.0 buy FLN P � V q N o° e °e G C rg� V p a -e6 L 6 � i °1v pc V�g N +M1 � L ar � i €= V^,c a u i 4 r z L r .. o & 6 i C i v 4• V C °4 •O .p• w- • p Y= L T n pY �Pq L L Vy �� i r � q 4 a a � q O W� a ` L ^ Ci• - Y � N � _ c J i O � > • o� E SS = i O G - r 0 y•Vr• �'' c O •. yEy =Cy SV �Ep 4 = 7 + V ^ N V C O C N r p _ L Ln i_ rL �¢ not y O p C r � fVl O L-] N _ e 4 •n C Y � Y � 6 -. Z N_ JOG _ r r � P p O p O° 1 M T L✓ w pQ t L w ll V r` V �r T •��0� r_ l "'VU p ZY O= d .^S p°OV �GTT °✓j pd��9 {Vrr :JL? 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ClV G O�r °i +O. -YP ~C�OV r 60 VO L- I ^ U W W C W E i O V w O. •L+ C 1 L V N G V w1 I � � 21 o 'i -1 'I '1 ✓! O S cF l O s P S Y i 3 L O tl 0 Y e C q v u U o• + P L y Pr O� O - S S Y V s � E �Y i C w TOy L O� V O 6 r � � ZCE-5 O- J q O _ 4_ ;a5 O = q^ g� =J q -GO y M 4 q` O _ u G CI q .r- �; \ V O NI O L` W l Q C 11 r` Lei I r V L "S V O r V P Z O P C ✓ ` C C C = 4 Y C `J ZP O C V 5 O Oy^ l 4 I i •^ r� Dr �SiC9 O. n ` LON� D I r VP Ve '� T �'o I ig+ n ✓4 c =cam,° _ T $ _ o� 84 4 =sP VT ^✓ � {_ 1C:V ' � VN= 'Y �iE _O D 2 ✓ w✓ V ` c 4 V V V 9 L ✓ ZZ _I ✓ + CwN LL V rO 6 CV. wd � OV =V9 yii� V V V O V O O y V ✓ L V V n_ C O II >1 = o 4 c 4 N 4 N c .. 4 4 w 4 4 V d oL 4L r o ``G a Iw ✓ P V 4 ✓ G S >\ l n N c H M O �r + . 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Mr 1_ E C! yl ✓✓ C O ��� C Y k r ° O` C N L 4 L L PV `✓ V ip a �� yE O N 7j'O X P rp g n V O n _ t O G _+ V {� 40 q TEL > +r p`� Or J: V r` CD <w •pV lDMVO w)` L�VC fkC +�` Y� •^° V:.�.00 NL• V+ V V P O O T ` P ✓ o P V S C P N_i L w V N C i 4 V p ,L� L a D N y ✓ W Cy L' _` V C Ty `p.E' Z: 4 CW =fir V_ WCO�G L�� VP V 11�� VwLyY lV.>i .44 ter_ f4 �+L P. 2py CO C V ✓ CC O <L� �O.=•O NwV 6�w <V n� WV =p O 'ALE s u na..• +r uo a E I] 11 c! v 0 Z u v d O L d 11 E P P� i 4 Q O ff wV L + c Y i �• J � o W ++ V yP ` iS GO L�E � vo OW qv � � e Y• O � � c S « b� J J V Or t Y M ti = i V ✓ P O w �� v 6 E`1 Z J O • V V P V V N iYY � W i �L{rr W M y w YWY w J iQY� � Y O s m p V C ` w w Lim v 9 y V - CO - C V � - a c Y — � e b N O O � N C V V Yom: L C V q P P.{ � i J Y � C r a O<CL TCY s�ua n Ll CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON sA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 3983 TO: Chainnan and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner By: Frank Dreckman, Assistant Planner 1977, SUBJECT: ENIr'IP.ONMENT.AL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12525 - TRUAX - A total deve opment ano subdivision of acres into 123 lots, comprising 122 zero lot line units in the R -3 1PD zone, generally located on the west side of Center Avenue, between Arrcw Highway and 26th Street - APN 209 - 091 -10. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: The applicant is requesting approval of a tentative tract map for the above - described project. B. Purpose: To create 122 single family units C. Location: Generally located on the south side of Arrow Hsgsway,— between Turner Avenue, and Center Avenue D. Parcel Size: 16.5 acres E. Existing Zoning: R -3!PD F. Existinq Land Use: Vacant Parcel G. Surroundin Land Use and H. Eenerai Plan Des nations: oject Site - ium Ressden *_ial (4 -14 du /ac), Industrial Park North - Medium High Residential (14-24 du /ac) South - Low (2 -4 du /ac) East - Industrial Park West - Medium (4 -14 du /ac) ITEM j in g: Me ium High (14 -24 duiac) North - South - industrial, Single zoned Family Residential, zoned Low (2 -4 dulac) East - Vacant Parcel, zoned industrial Park Best - Vacant Parcel, zoned Mediums (4-14 du /ac) H. Eenerai Plan Des nations: oject Site - ium Ressden *_ial (4 -14 du /ac), Industrial Park North - Medium High Residential (14-24 du /ac) South - Low (2 -4 du /ac) East - Industrial Park West - Medium (4 -14 du /ac) ITEM j PLANNING COMPASSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 12525OTRUAX December 14, 1983 rage 2 I. Site Characteristics: The site consists of a vacant vineyard wit. a s ig.t elevation gain, towards the center of the site. In addition, the site contains a variety of indigenous plans: materials which are native to the area. The project site is surrounded to the north, south, and east by paved streets which are unimproved. There arc no structures located on the site. !I. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is requesting the approval of a tentative tract map (Exhibits "A & B "), which will create 122 zero lot line homes on 16.5 acres of land located on Lenter Avenue, between Arrow Highway and 25th Street. Please note that a previously approved project (TT 11915 - Mayer) would have created a mix of patio and townhome units, for which a zone change from R -1 to R -3 /PD has bee :i previously granted. The new Truax proposal of 122 zero lot line units is in keeping with the predominant single family character of the North Town area, ultimately creating an environment which is more supportive and comprtible with the existing neighborhood. In addition, the applicant is the previously approved R -3/1 designation to Low Medium 14 -8 has been provided requiring necessary zone change at a meeting. proposing a change of zone from 15 (Medium Density, 4 -14 du /ac) du /ac). A condition of aDDroval the applicant to secure the subsequent Planning Commission Please note that this project reflects the City's recently adopted zoning ^egulaticns which outline various standar's related to open space, recreation facilities, landscaping, energy conservation, etc. Conditions of approval have been provided which fully address the new requirements. B. Design Review Committee: The Design, Review Committee was primari.J concerned- witi: the perimeter block wall (graffiti problem)- and suggested the fo'lowing alternatives to the Present design. configuration, (Exhibit "D "). These include: (a) adding earth beaming along all frontages, designed to reduce ultimate wall height; (b) providing segments of wrought iron fencing designee to eliminate writing surfaces; and, (c) planting perimeter ways with thorny shrubs and vines designed to maximize security while eliminatinq writing surfaces. Staff recommends that one of the *Dove alternatives (or a combination) be chosen by the ?'canning Cotniission and added as a condition of approval for this project. E u 11 11 11 PLANNING C"ISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 12525 /TRUAX December 14, 1983 Page 3 The Design Review Committee was aibG concerned with 2 -story zero lot line dwellings (blank elevationt,) facing Arrow Highway and 26th Street and suggested: (a) that 2 -story dweliiags be eliminated on units visible to public view (unit "B" facing 25th Street); or, (b) that these unit elevations be reversed prcviding greater amounts of variety ano •visual relief to the streetscape. A condition all approval has been provided on the attached Resolution designed to mitigate this situation. C. Development Review Committee: The Development Review Committee was primarily co:tcerne with providing street imi,rovements contiguous to Arrow Highway, Center Avenue, and 26th Street. Improvements are to include curb, gutter, pavement, s'dewalks, drive approaches, street lights, cross gutters, etc., where appropriate (see Standard Conditions). In addition, the Development Review Committee recommended that the applicant work in concert with the County Flood Control District in order to convey storm water to the Deer Creek Channel. D. Grading Committee: The Grading Committee approved the applicant's conceptual grading plan subject to approval of a precise grading plan. E. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant and is attached for your review.. Staff completed the Environmental Checklist and found no significant adverse environmental impacts related to the project. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The findings listed on the attached Resolution are support-d by the following facts: o The project site is adequate in size and shape to accoT modate the development and the proposed single family uses are in accordance with the objectives of the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. o The proposed site plan, in conjunction with the conditions of approval, is consistent with the current development standards of the City. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised ar a public hearing item in The Dailly Report newspaper and notices were sent to property owners wit it 3 feet of the subject property. TENTATIVE TRACT 12525/TRUAX December 14, 1483 Page 4 V. RECOMMENDATION: it is recommended - that the ?tanning Commission condu_c_t___a_`pu-5Tic hearing and receive all public input on this matter. If after such consideration the Commission can support the facts for findings and conditions of approval, adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended. Rick G�mez City glanner RP:FD:jr Attachments: tted, Exhibit "A" - Exhibit "$" - Exhibit "C" - Exhibit "D" - Exhibit "E" - Exhibits "F -I" Initial Study, Resolution of Tentative Tract Map Site Plan Landscape Plan Wall Details Site Utilization Map - Elevations Part 1 Approval With Conditions C•J El E C E li si 0 1ot�l i ai ,r aE Qc � by =t.t{ cm uj rj ppp N � �• C O E a� LU ui si 0 1ot�l i ai ,r aE Qc � by =t.t{ _ _. � T/!f 7!\ � v R- ANNU -43 t7iZ'EM' % t. B _ � t 1 �5 i' v t 1: E w z r- f 1 A FXH1BM A. SCALE: rj _ _. � T/!f 7!\ � v R- ANNU -43 t7iZ'EM' % t. B _ � t 1 �5 i' v t 1: E w z r- f 1 A FXH1BM A. SCALE: t z 0 g _ _ MIR7!!OY iCROIE iMQIBY Fes• j ' 1 LC +• '' -ter, .•: �'.� •rte t -• :s ,� _ � --� " 8 • � -tom" i :, i �! Wit. i • i.t 1 NORTH JJBKM oust t� 0,4 '1'� 1 1S: : �� '• Z. L^ Q, A Y I ga 1 � r — r8 a 2 r 2 `x r 1h, I y V I :. 's LCr ' i a 11 11 3 � a i 4 _ NORTH C1 1 i l_!E�—m RA14CI- O C ICA1Vi NCA T=: PLANNI M MTEM Eu iw: i SCAIF o t MOUTE (V L/ e r 'T El' DIV ;:a — =! is a-ly OF I'I'Eti1: , R.ANf M CUCAMONGA TITLE: � $L ANTNM MOON EXHIBIT: _f-_ SCALE: w ' C Y?' - • t J i L o t MOUTE (V L/ e r 'T El' DIV ;:a — =! is a-ly OF I'I'Eti1: , R.ANf M CUCAMONGA TITLE: � $L ANTNM MOON EXHIBIT: _f-_ SCALE: e �. _ _ ;; �'.} - �.:- �r n OROVnH MANAGEMENT SPECIAL FEATURES (TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT) If desired, the following spec al features may be in,:orporated into the design of ynl:- aroi -rt in orri— to auali`y for optional points under the Residential Assess - rcit, � step ". However, p ease ote that a positive response Will result in an appropriate condition of approval of your Tentative Hap. Also, please note that all positive responses must be accompanied by suppler,iental information clearly explaining how such features are to be provided. yes no 1. Special Boulevard Treatment over and above City Standards... (11-K) X 2. Solid core exterior doors and security dead bolts and locks; all units...(1 -Clc) 3. Other security devices (window locks, etc.)...(1 -C1d) _ X 4. Fire :mitigating measures (Fire resistant building materials, etc.) (1 -C2d) — X 5. Homeowner's Association and /or :maintenance district to maintain X arkways... i -F For Total Development Applications Only does not apply to custcm lot/ tract subdivisions) 6. Buildings situated to maximize passive solar heating in winter... (4 -Cla) _. X 7. Windows placed to allcw cooling from prevailing westerly summer breezes...(4 -Clb) _ X 8. Planting considers effects on the use of, or future installation of solar collectors... (4 -CIc) _ X 9. Units arz pre - plumbed for solar heaters... (4-L2) _ X 10. Energy conserving building materials and appliances utilized.(4 -C3) _ X 11. Option to homebuyers to purchase solar collectors for heating.(4 -C4) _ X 1 °. Project provides 15% o, more affordable housing...(5 -Ia) _ X 13. 5 to 15A affordable housing...(5 -Ib) — _ 14. 1 to 5% affordable housing...(5 -Ic) — X I hereby certify that the items furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required to the best of my ability, and that the information present d% t e and correc th of my knowledge and belief. Hato• /y.�tia,i�rurt�-' ililiti +� /�Or: Millar /Truax ASSOC1aLeS CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Iid__IAL STUDY PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET - To be completed by applicant Environmental Assessment Review Fee: $87.00 For all projects requiring environmental review, this form must be completed and submitted to the Development Review Committee through the department where the project application is made_ Upon receipt of ± --=s application, the Environmental Analysis staff wi -1 prepare Part II of the Initial Studv. The Development. Review Corsaittee will meet and take action no later than :e -- (10) days before the public meeting ?. which time t: ^_e protect is to be heard. The Comaictee will matte one of three determinations: 1) The project will have no signi- ficant environmental impact and a Negative Declaration will be filed, 2) The project will have a significant enviro=ental impact and an Environmental Impact Re ^;mot will be prepared, or 3) An additional information report should be supplied bi the applicant giving further informa- tion concerning the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE:_ seer Creek Village 0 APPLICANT'S NILME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE: Jav Truax of Miller/Truax Associafas. 17931 Skvyark Circle. Suite G. Irvine, CA 92714 (774) q57 -7P77 NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE OF PERSON TO BE CONTACTED CONC- 7?,NING THIS PRn. ECT: Same As Above LOCAT�OX OF PROJECT (SVR -E—. ADDRESS AND ASSESSOR PARCEL NO.) Nortg�Qf 25th Street - West of Deer Creek Channel - Sou ±h of Arrnw Rwv_ - LIST OTHER PERMITS SECESSARY FROM LOCAL, REGIONAL, STATE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES AND THE AGENCY ISSUING SUCH PERMITS: I -1 E El PROJECT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION CF A 122 Unit detached single fanny housing ACREAGE OF PROJECT AREA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXIST7N ^T;0 YROPOS'J BUILDINGS, IF ANY: There are no existing builcirgs_ DESCRIBE THE ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING OF THE PROJECT SITE INCLUDING INFORMATION ON TOPOGRAPHY,. PLANTS (TREES), ANIDLALS, ANY CULTURAL, HISTORICAL OR SCENIC ASPECTS, USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES, AND THE DESCRIPTION OF ANY EXISTING STRUCTURES AND THEIR USE (ATTACH NECESSARY SHEETS): Ve Is the project part of a larger project, one of a series of ci=ulat --ve actions, which although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact? No 1-2 WILL THIS PROJECT: YES NO x 1. Create a substantial chance in ground contours? X 2. Create a substantial chance in existing noise or vibration? X 3. Create a substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.)? X Create changes in the existing zoning or general plan designations? X 5. Remove any existi_., _trees? How manv ?_ _ X G. Create the reed for use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials such as toxic substances, flanmables or explosives? Explanation of ary YES an5aers above: I_MPORTANT: if the project involves ':ne construction of res- "ential un-Jts, complete the form on the next page. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the stateme is furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the _`acts, statements, and irformatioa presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the Development Review Committee. Date , 2 2 Qj Signature Title GpnAral ?artnar_ Mi 1pr /Truaz_9SCnr_iatos 1-3 0 u RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION The following, information should be provided to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Division in order to a;d in assessing the ability of the school district to accommodate the proposed residential development_. Deer Creek Partners- a joint venture - Name of Developer and Tentative Tract No.:WDC Corp. and Spirit Development Inc. Tract yo. 11915 Specific Location of Project: Arro-w Route 8•.w A Center Avenue 1. Number of sinu_le family units: 2. Number of multiple family units: 3. Date proposed to 0 begin construction: 4. Earliest date of occupancy: Model and # of Tentative S. Bedrooms Price Range 11 PHASE I PF-kSE 2 PF2SE 3 PEASE 4 TOTAL 33 28 20 122 0 0 0 0 G- 3-S4 9 -84 3 -85 9 -84 4 -85 9 -85 A- 3_br --$ 105,000_M 8 10 9 C- 3 b S 95000.00 7 10 6 2 be S 89,on() _9 _ 10 9 TOTAL 33 43 28 I -4 W7' 4 32 5 29 6 29 5 33 20 122 , RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSICN OF THE Clv� Or RA;aCHO CUCANONCA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 12525 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 12525, hereinafter °Map" submitted by MilierjTruax & Associates, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the L.ty of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential subdivision of 122 zero lot line homes op. 16.5 acres in the R -3 /PD zone generally located on the west side of Center Avenue, between Arrow Pighway and 26th Street into 122 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public: hearing and action on Deceaber 14, 1983; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recomrended approval of the Man subject to all conditions, set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering and Planning Division's reports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. ® NCvW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission makes the following findings in regard to entative Tram No. 12525 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (b) 1-he design or improvem`nts of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) .ihe design of the subdivision is not likely to cause suLstantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tra--t is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not con;'ict with any easement acquired by the public at iarSe, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. Resolution No. Page 2 (9) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. SECTION 2: Tentative Tract Map No. 12525 a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING DIVISION 1. Details of energy conservations equipment shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review, and approval by the City Planner, prior to issuance rf building permits. 2. A zone change (from R -3 1PO to Low Medium 4 -8 du /ac) shall be required prior to issuance o7 building pennits. 3. Uhit "B" facing 26th Street shall either (a) be reduced to a single story; or (b) be "flipped" in order to expose a dwelling facade which provide greater amounts of variety and visual interest. 4. All two story dwelling units facing Arrow Hwy., Center Avenue, or 26th Street -,hail include wood trim, window mullins, or other fenestration designed to provide variety and visual interest. the City Planner shall review and approve these dntalls prior to issuance of buiid;.ng permits. 5. The Phase I project boundary shall be - expanded to include the common rec;'eationai area. ENGINEERING DIVISION 6. Permits shall be required from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District to connect required storm drains to the Deer CreeY 1'hannrl. 7. Arrow Hwy, shall be reconstructec+ to eliminate deficient paving and street sections (full widti:) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 8. The required sidewalk on 26th Street shall be a straight type at the property line. r L. I Resolution No. Page 3 9. Construction boundary are Engineer as and shall be phase. of off -site improvements beyond a phase required at the discretion of the City needed for drainage and traffic safety bonded for prior to recordation of that 10. All median islands at the entrance of the private access roads shajj have a setback of a minimum of 5 feet from the right -of -way line. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. PLANNING COWISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Dennis L. Stout, t,hairman ATTEST Secretary of the Planning Commission I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the city of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 14th day of December, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: CONLMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COI+lr'ISSIONERS: Ll 0 > O a g O 1 1,4, SLL u � ^ L'+ s a Cy N J V O o! 0 6 � oC 6 O � pi VY Y P �I J F4 6 V L aY 4 « C i N . p P ± A ° V r 1 � r � (4 io 6 Y P C C E M < Z L Y P w. O V s" V C r e V V M i� 6� W L a ~ + ° p W 6 Y c M y e yy N•=.• yCC � Z G + NO G� O � Q" C r O + -kit i y r �O 1 i9Y N y > d D � P + r L ]Ar G aei C r Ja p = O V 4 p aPq L v ° Y — l � C C +a = «o ti 4 g8 ° L 4 a w ° O V � � Y J _ a C > _ Y � a + 1 r 6 � Y M . y C°= �cNO ^i v O V t C S L O a b C r c y N e O O + C v + D `° J + y1 AL y y V a e « L = d - ^ T ^ r d Y N v t L •". f N _ ° V Nyy ^ y pr 3 y V w J C^ +c• 9 S1 r 7; c v =� Z-5 � a_N ly Y �' V C 00.x. y O Vim�•• r e> i S V G E L a C Orr l ^ Om O 1S s Pte~ O = 4 r d OC Y i d a _4^ = Y V r— SO Pt O CON V C + N— n 4r •J ^Q�'Y y C _ O OHO Ir±GL 8 «N« — >a- N e 1 p c a o = p pLp c c C g.0 X.; P< o Lv�n V'L ° p pp Lpp+ � tY jy y J O V 6 $.DC V T•� i L V a6 C•� N i O V i V- _ dpO •py� p XO Oyn D��6 yL _ V C aOy< pr C V i 75 O C �tqQ +EEO N` O ly�ap ap '�Cr yCiV LL- iC��1i 1 O 6° I O 6 J+ c E �/ E 6 Y p r 6 i� • J N O P Ll 0 > O a g O 1 1,4, SLL u � ^ L'+ s a Cy N J V O o! 0 6 � oC 6 O � pi VY Y P �I J F4 6 V L aY 4 « C i N . p P ± A ° V r 1 � r � (4 io 6 Y P C C E M < Z L Y P w. O V s" V C r e V V M i� 6� W L a ~ + ° p W 6 Y c M y e yy N•=.• yCC � Z G + NO G� O � Q" C r O + -kit i y r �O 1 i9Y N y > d D � P + r L ]Ar G aei C r Ja p = O V 4 p aPq L v ° Y — l � C C +a = «o ti 4 g8 ° L 4 a w ° O V � � Y J _ a C > _ Y � a + 1 r 6 � Y M . y C°= �cNO ^i i$• e° d °Y c v =� Z-5 S V G E L a C v @ ^ Om 1S 6. Pte~ O q.Jn ^ ^ NQ Y — >a- N e 1 p c a o = p c c C N O ZOL 4pJ° V 6 $.DC C�— Cp T•� i L V a6 C•� N _ C C yx _ C V p N O C �tqQ +EEO N` O ly�ap ap '�Cr yCiV LL- iC��1i 1 O 6° I O 6 J+ c E �/ E 6 Y p r 6 i� • J N JI '� 0 0 Z V d 40 O i d P✓ L i y C L rJ >. ✓� L N Y 9 C 9 qp'q V P 9C �rV =P «.V ��Ve 00 CCMLC 9D G idMr VObV>> 4 G r `„u. w. ^ N` D.•� =rq i ^�Y�L6• L�NGG D =Vr " 4` oC - c ± car o c O oVr O_^S L.. 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C 9ry D I I I ICI I I fi O O a d� C C fi = O 9 9 + + it t I I C( 4 4 a u� ao O o� � y w yyV �r 9 ' O� S V L ° r D � b + � w { be I o P 9 P 1 C l u v O I V i° 9 S v C T V 6 4 G z C T V O O.N P V � �e C V �J "n d V CCC^O -•t G q LVb Or P �O^ +QOG r d a O rTC LCN T` L N Z q = r L V V N L S O d= r 7C3 WO.N P ✓^ rP9�00 s c 0=7:: P C a^ V V t l P W u 4 U V -0% Dr •'] r 0 t V Nq� GyONCL �'.E C V�+� J^ YN LtO9LG �4 y0` yO.r u NC i ON y O9_ �O� u 0O O V .LJL 4 pVp�� 6 L N d G• g T Y G C S D=LL GOB �.CO+ N q= 9 • _TO +6uri P"OJL •1 ✓+� N4P�VNC ZY o VV9 4 +yaAs C M+ C= N Vr O e. C-0 D D � O P 9 N` P L G r ! t L rr S Y Q O r r r DT, ro T E e yNil 6' N d aI + p O fiI °Vi lOI 2 fi 0 l P 0 r L O d r o b C N C C „ 1 4. C 9ry D I I I ICI I I fi O O a d� C C fi = O 9 9 + + it t I I C( 4 4 a u� ao O o� � y w yyV �r 9 ' O� S V L ° r D � b + � w { be I o P 9 P 1 C l u v O I V i° 9 S v C T V 6 4 G z C T V O O.N P V � �e C V �J "n 0 Z y U J 0 i d 11 I. E O 4 O r � S N r O� r �y••V � v 1 O C. P SV� a L � 4 Q = J N C Y L t� •n D C4 0 �N CO V = C O i` n_•y G r N yJ$ •• J Y J Q � q r 4 v. a Y O P d N V O C V( 4 t N 9 C 1 11 l V y I 4 y O J O b N C j N 4 V 6 C 4J ` O V _ OY qr 4Vw O O� �� • .d O C I�4S '�' C y4Y C I WCO VN • y. V_ f (' O Cps I �w SO _VP >9 2L°r C PW 42N rJ ..i rL. f: u I OPT arS O` V L S Y7 qV m C = o d y L UZ. d V Y 11._ d •-d c4T? u•-.w =e iO rO Q ✓ ^1 r`J n S i 4 0 d � =` C � nrL� O C N N 6r4 °•SiN O P V ` i'• OCR t IC uO •'� C Cr��v d rL r.L.. V TP war NO S r t ° ` p V° E 1 C L crj v u w L •i C ` y 6 C_ Il L Wes, nr ^ W �y E �� _ L •n PVC __ � N v a y uL0 d•°ne y 44_Y' C� •bL SLY yy/ v Jy`°o`- Er n i� rSJ� Pi CN Y 4 N° O L / r ` = Pw y r e4 �! z-.5= POs J ACC a•°. r•n D SUl P�y° MV C 6 11 c d L�� T I� �c.°r nrr. vE- a- d ^_ i °L„ a_'�O •' °c L ° ° V � ry Cc,. VV«L a c2 MV. C e-•ncc €_ 9-- L -= V p _ p C� YQ_C O n J Ep 4 C� CL 9,7 6L fp ^VV d L IN SnC C L Ns VS �...� EaL�C Vad r_VC COC SSW rC N° YS�'•OC 6` ` °yP x`00 SAD •Yr•„Gr dP C V!!C N- LN C wC M� �y J'6• 6r IO L� r C. C €i 4 46r_ y26° rr _ I S C_ r 'Z ! C S �y IE 6MV .rn n.°rs� (ter MO.L.rO Nr rnV `V >V..Yr CV n� w•rNr LV 36 VC 11 I. E L 0 Z u 0 i d E E. n =o e I cc � a __• v o m c �� �__ _ e iI o 9O4o _ -ao M �- 1 I 4_ Sy �V ' -JS ''J •i E c - �,j 4L I Q d. 00 SCE �I y` Lc 9cPc d44q� ed" =` .ate d.C. ; Ogjp 4d. 4i 6� n 11 �1 U LJ CITY OF RANCHO CUCA 1ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: December 14, 1983 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Rick Gomez, City Planner BY: Michael Vairin, Senior Planner iv; SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - An amendment —to— Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, Section 14.20.110 of Chapter 14.20, Signs, to change the maximum height limit for a wall sign on an industrial building from 20 feet to a height not to project above the roofline. BACKGROUND: Currently, the Sign Ordinance allows wall signs on indus— buildings not to exceed 20 feet above the finished grade. industrial buildings, typically warehouse /distribution centers, are 40 to 50 feet in height. This limits the placement of the sign in the lower portion of the building and provides a very awkward appearance when that sign is plact-d in the center or lower half of the wall. The Sign Ordinance contains a 20 -foot height limitation in order to prevent signs from being pia`ed on silos, towers, or similar structures other than the actual industrial building. ANALYSIS: The attached draft Ordinance proposes a change in the in ustMa sion chart which eliminates the 20 -foot height limitation. Staff is proposing to limit the maximum height of a wall sign so that it does not project above the roof line or the parapet of the roof. Addicioral language is proposed that would limit these signs to buildings only and would prohibit wall signs on other structures, such as silos or towers. CORRESPONDENCE: Staff has contacted the Chamber of Commerce Ordinance Committee regarding this amendment. To date, no opposition has been voiced by members of the Ordinance Committee. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed an environmental as::essment of the P-7o-p-o-s-e-d amendment and has found th;c said amendment will not cause significant adverse impacts upon the environment. Therefs:-e, concurrently with the recommendation of adoption of this draft Ordinance to tle Council, staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend issuance of a Negative Declaration. ITEM J PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Sign Ordinance Amendment December 14, 1933 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: it is recommended that the Planning Commission conduct the requ :re public hearing to receive any input on this matter. Upon completion of the public hearing and consideration of public testimony and staff report, it is recommended that the Planning Commission decide whether the attached resolution recommending - pproval of the ordinance to the Council should be adopted. ly submitted, Rick Gomez CityfPlanner RG /MV /jr Attachments: Resolution of Approval Proposed City Council Ordinance 11 E ORDINANCE NO. 65 -C AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMOSSR AMENDING CHAPTER 14.20, SECTION 14.20.110 OF TITLE 14 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH REGULATES SIGNS, TO ELIMINATE THE TWENTY (20) FOOT MAXIMUM HEIGHT RQUIREMEMT FOR WALL SIGNS ON INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. follows: The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does crdain as follows: SECTION 1: Section 14.20.110 of Chapter 14.20 is amended to read as t..e. YAM TY /L ""MUM IIAXMUK "XMU!! 16141x& V lUlliLf! /%:M AREA MtlI:MT bAlllw.]N.b u SAO fiW m 11 Sibb.bC !h a( O •, R f1R.M b I10 b Pc1..I .0e.. b.l{ R tl Y Os.IN b fie. bgw T„!! 1bs ttbW iw� rf M I ICO11M. v . .petle.I.Lr bt.m. , ermY. Ic Ie• l�: .r :+m -b� -! a • w e A�lb�IYiA QbI aen .I s of rlts�. -. OAb•- 0. A wabbc.m .f ..tl r vew. �i f!• Os.4�.I flit x q�A !i Lr Y A fA.f ! �Ai� blLi bAitdil�ir. 1 i�r.m IrIlt 0. K &.06t In of rb r.bll !!m b R .r A. b•II m III.iIfi Us IstUlmli .IYU Yb bCb Afb.0 [e i b Gilt .b nefYa �F� O�eb i b bwlb Al Ib maI awP4bbia Ix.�Itfi. sarO -I! PrVi &rove s IbA� �. I�Lg$•g• 1t etw� en ,lYpi. YIl• b rl'� •�b1 Mt b O ICRI�T R1f� )iry( �$�. bwi ma a. alr..l x giAfS 4b•f! t. xt. r �I.e.a, rrAa ,pI ■V b9bM Af �- reob+,/ �Tr�� p i b.w.0 2 Us �b AlY.IIL ilv �wYAi tai wU b IIfiO AIO� �b Y .b iL�wrtb rr bf.bb btb o,rs� owum �Si bob i A Ywi IpAlYrum rf b {Ry1 Rtl Y =:='b. SECTION 2: - e City Council finds that this amendment will not adversely affect the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after its passage at least once in The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this _day of 1953. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING C ,> ISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCAU CUCAMONGA, RECOMMENDING ADOPTION OF ORDINAMCE NO. 65 -C, AMENDING CHAPTER 14.20 OF .TITLE l4 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATItiG SIGNS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public heering on December 14, 1983, to consider such amendments and public input; and WHEREAS, the Planning Cann issior finds that such ar amendment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Sign Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that such an amendment is in the best interest of the public; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that such an amendment will not cause significant adverse impacts on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve this amendment through adoption of Ordinance 65 -C and issuance of a Negative Declaration. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 14TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1983. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY- Dennis L. ZIOUT, Chairman ATTEST: Secretary of the Planning Comrn,ssion I, JACK LAM, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission. held on the 14th day of December, 1983, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COP- MISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: I -':•.. I �� ]lI1(t < • V l 1 �. �. X14 �� � � �0 t J °._� `I � f � - � ri r � � , _ """lll u,�' r I L�' e Kaufman and Broad Communities, Inc 10801 National Soule rd Los Angeles, Calilorn is 90064 (213) 475 -8717 or 272 -9914 ! Kaufman A Broad 74 Jack Lamle, AIC? Director of Coihity Develoment C m ity Development City of Rarcho Cucaacmga 9320 Baseline Road ®' Baacho Cucamo.iga, CA 91730 Dear Mr. I�--nb : For n Orly three decades, Kauhf as an innovator in the field of O billion, the copy is oae of the It's multi- national experience sp: homes in four comtries. Today, rr cr two continahts live in Kaufman a December b, 1983 titan wid Broad .:as distinguished itself housing. idi-,h assets exceeding $3 largest in the U.S. housing industry. ms the const`-action of over 140,000 re than oche -tdrd of a nllion people nd Broad Homes.. This coconitmnt to housing excellence, coupled to the desire to fitted • progressive new solutions to the challenges of horsing in this decade, h s c ulrrri hated in the bringing together of the finest fir rIci.al, msragerial, enviromnentall, lard pl ar L ng, corstruction and design reso=ces to accomlish a new mwidate: the production of quality homes witria the reach or today's hvmebuyer. • kTe have drawn upon the more than two decades of experience of Fa fci n and Broad vh le seek -ng out the finest talents in the industxv, VLt one goal in mind: .o create co=rities which provide lasting value. To assuze that ails new ca-*1*+; ty w-it m-n the City of Ranchr ! Cutcamo,$a is thee finest rigid standards of per-r-ormaz+re well beyond those required by the cit, were assigned to all critical areas of architecn.sal design, laid p- coming, space planning and civil engineering. The final result of this is the creation of homes w? -.ich offer • mmm= value to hammers an,! which make a lasting Contribution to the aesthetic and financial base of Rmmicho Cucamonga. 'a--- achievement of quality housing is only possible whet: resprsible builders and progres- ! 0 J7.. . I It 1'� I f 11 t 7 � Iff 1 1 �11 f VI � ` i � !ti ) , \ �1 I In.' 1 I �. / ,f, ' � f l�• : i / �•. D�, U1, i�, tY 7[y 1 .y e V i { 1 i, 1. �1 �I�CCf'M.4 '� .�.?''dw e4,11. t.j I +• S 1'. t'�� ♦^ it I 1 �'Iilliv '1 �1 F�!yarG" r iii 'n }hL` 'I '' 'l'i n: rt'� E •;' nl ''� I � Y �• ? } I� 1 1 N �I V 91 I � �� E 1 r yam• <..,� � ; :1�'I'F 1 i _ [ . w. w � ` i 111' � r _ t � 1 �i•' { % t '�`1+ � rt ° {" f--/ ; , . + L s' �� ) .Af :�: ♦ r { \fie r t` \��,; 1'• AVf f tom, F�•j r re�i 11 1' l 4``' "T•I a.Y4r'4} tp *.� ',:V tL I, \yrF}� 6;: +�I r 1 .. � � �' 1. s �.y • 1�' v� t t I r J Mti t \ l J YV � � �4,.11'(K'l�r. i• .I. nr v }w 'f r � 3 I'�• 1 1 1 L:• t r, Z' n} II - d 0 v,: , � F.OL'SM`G T�.P-T M S-- M CCxn� ACCOP6MATE The c =ent designation of M (,medium: 4 to 14 units per acre) and MH (medium high: 14 to 24 units per acre) could allow one of the following alternatives: ® 1. A m nim n of 525 units (11.67 1acre). 2. A minia3m. of 656 i-iits (14.5$ /acre) witn the State mandated 25% density bonus for affordable housing. Either alternative 1 or 2 abrn a could accaamodate apartmait, stacked flats or three story condomini:,ms. Amenities, of course, would be Trdni mimed and all parking would be opened and ganged. tide propose the construction of a maKnmm of 432 units (9.6 /acre) keeping the tradition of single family detached homes. E THE CON= FOR THIS C(.kjRN= WMLIN VICTURiA Detached I.ivi*sg/P'rWaCy Homebuyers desire the privacy that can be provider: only by detached living. Ccs interior walls, however soundproof, do not satisfy this desire. For this reason, we Nave utilized the zero -lot line concept such that no habita:le areas of adjoining hm.- will ever connect, with the only connection uetween houses being at the front elevation. Usable Outdoor Space e cap ticularly iai climates such, as Rancho Cucamonga, people desire usable, private outdoor sp_ -ce- Whether it be for a garden, a patio, a private spa or sunbathing, the need for private outdoor recreational space canmot be satisfied by open commons. Again, the zero -lot line concept, the site plan provides this, with a completely enclosed, totally private outdoor patio area approximately 16 by 50 feet. Individuality People like to ideatify with rneir home; they want it to be distin- fray those arrnsid it, as opposed tc yet another door in a gtiishabie larger structure, such as stacked flats or co.domm-ums. Trx.s need is e► satisfied by our site plan and elevations by architecturally treating the entire 30 foot frontage of each home to create an individualized L street scene reminiscent of a row -house or traditional Euzmpean Vibe. 0 • ® Social and Recreational Neels As homeownership requires a greater pilxcentage outlay of disposable income than it did in the past, it is important that a home also address the social and recreational needs of its owner. For this reason, we have created a "country club" atmosphere, wherein metes of the commu- nity own collectively a private recreation facility, including swimming pool, tennis court, spas, and assorted game, exercise, and meeting rooms. This approeln also minimizes the demands made by the smaller coma . m; ty upon the larger couenmity of whim it will become a part. P-_�a t P_ fundamental element of our site plan is t:!,.e pro`Libi *_ion of vehicular parlring on the street or driveways of the comes. Each home- owner has an on -site parking place (behind the electrically operated garage door) and one pa_ -icing place in a panting plaza. This individual- ly assigned, secondary pa-icing place is no more than 150 fa st from the ® home it serves. un addition, guest or 'open" parking s prrn*ided. Circulation B>_case street parking is prohibited, streets of 26' in width will pro•.*i.de two, full 13' traffic lames, which will adequately and safely e accomxdate fire and emergency vehicles and sanitation trucks. Iasting Value Regardless of the selling price, homeownership represents the largest investment tc be made by any family. Such an investment demands • that these exist x, assurance that the home will reflect lasting value. In satisfying this red »rent, our development plan calls for the landscaping by us of all co mn areas and all areas between the curbs of the streets and front elevations of the homes and for maintenance of this by the hsmeowners association. In this way, each resident is assured that the streetscape of his or her coMMLMnity will be well • u sintained. COV,R` UI -IQ'4 BY THE CTl'Y Begiming i-n May, nee met with the city staff to gain the mmdmn positive input. vTe have met twice with the Design Review Committee, ® gaining comments, suggestions and guidance from four of the five members of the planning romi.ssion. Twe engaged the -'esign firm that prepared the Victoria co miamity Flan and instructed them to incorporate into our plan the requirements, requests and suggestions of the staff and the Design Review committee. We listened and integrated the recommendations of the Committee. • E u 0 • ine concept and plan are entirely consistent wig:, all elements of the Victoria Con=- ty P12n. The Homeplus site is designated M and 1,2 density. The Planned Comr=ity text per;" nits a density cf five huandred twerlt)r -five (525) dwelling units of attached and stacked design. Homeplus proposes four hundred thirty -ts.— (432) single family, single story detached homes offering nearly an eighteen percent (187) reduction O in density. The configurations of the Ho eviu:> neighborhood are consistent tvi th the parcelization of land within the ce®_m;ty of victoria. The loop Road which forms the southeasterly bonsida -y of the site pra rides not only a pleasant driving experience, mit its languid curves encourage ® motorists to use the main ,!rteri.als as throughways. Within the Homeplus ccmmmity, two loop streets are the backbone of vehicular and pedestrian circulation. One must make, at the mnst, only two turns off the in- ternal loop street to one's ham. In regard to com>pl:Lmce with urban- design, the visual quality of O the Homeplus neighbothood is enhanced from Milliken, Baseline and the Loop Road by the site being graded in successive, soft layers, by generoLs set backs provided along the three major roads, by adhering to street tree plantings and pedestrian circulation leading to parks, and by the neighborhood recreation areas and community open space provided for t:-.e residents. And because the open spaces are visible from the • Loop Road, they are available for the visual enjoyment of the larger community. The "Planning Objectives" outlined on page twenty -three of the Victoria CpmlILmi Plan state: "Tine pri-ucipal plaraning objective of this plan seeks to provide for: ". . . residential housing that local O employees, present and future, will be able to afford and will want_ to buy. IV The Homeplus community is clearly consistent with these planning objectives. It contributes to the overall environment through sensitive grading, excessive street landscaping, pedestrian trails, internal recreation areas visible from the public street and widely varying setbacks alorug the Milliken, Baseline rand loon Roads. It conforms to O the circulation patters, both vehicular and pedestr4_=,, outlined by the Planned C m ity text. Finally, it eontribu * -es to a creative variety Of housing types within both Victoria and the City of Rancho Cucamonga. PROFESSIONAL RECOG \'��"iION: AWARD- WIIZM G HCM S These are pirren, award - waning single family detached homes. The homes proposed to be built in•. the Victoria Planned Ccominity of Rancho Cucamonga are already one of the two top winners in recognition of superior achievement by the annual Elan Awards. This is sponsored by the Sales and Marketing Counnci 1 of Los Angeles, [r shtura, and Santa Barbara Counties. Our competition for the awards included all attcched • and detached hcmes. These homes were judged side -by -side with home of all prices, no matter how costly. Anong other au.-,amds, the Homeplus homes for Rancho Cucamonga won, among other individual awards, 3est �f r �i tiv�� r s .t( Lbdel complex, a • Most Successfu! D- •,u. All this Doints to y.. clear -6••I • 1.- cpiality .'per development • -• tional, lasting value ana a clear feeling of exclusivity making for SLTPricr achievements in architecture, design, land plan and value fom the City of Rancho Cucamix-iga- N•.1" Iryrl e � 1 L 'r. 1 Ab Y 1\ I. I 1.11 L1. .!I .L r' 1 - y. 0 it • • �• • � -11tl Ft1' 1 , ti It J i .. •'1111 1 • •• • • • +J • .It to •. 1, 0uilI •• / HPI 1 •' • • • all l Y r L- Idividuality, a traditional desire. Peopi like their new homes to be clearly distinguishable fine: ne_ labor's. Homeplus is a comnu+ity of separate individual hmes, f -ach its own elevation, using a variety of architectural styles. H.i1-i of these ?homes is blended to create a larger, ha=vni.ous street scene of groper scale, mini sce`x of a D=. -pean ;Tillage. Proportion, iucivic lily, color, texture, scale, and maintenance combine with the entire a rornent to achieve the tradition of lasting value. The front eletration encloses and removes tiie automobile frccu the outside view behind an aitomatically controlled floor. Additional parking for residents and guests is provided behind landscaped buffers within 150 feet of each hare. The ir_arvidual Unit site plan demonstrates tze us? o£ the zero -lot ® line concept which, wha..fl combined with tae full front elevation, pro- vides over 2,000 squa-e feet Of private, usable indoor and outdoor l ±ving space. This promotes the fullest use of the attractive climate ® of Rancho Cuca morga. 0 The orientation of each of these one, twv and three bedroa-r' homes to the outside with window, &,ors and garden. W.MdOws opening to its adjacent private patio, brings the enlarge flow of the rnwtside in. • i 40 • Ir U"e' wr it 1 { ! I. f J1. r •� ` • ` X11 , y• , ( ! 1 y - 1 U"e' it { I I `I L 1 14 ` .. _ / u 0 s e Ll x < Mm s s e. V .iae. J ` �� ^� TR Y —E a qp "a** �►�za�.�r�: g.o 0.00 *,r * q w r e4l r4r* t 0 r I 4A °s L- iy l � .. �V .1�� ""�� -4�"� i � 1 1. AI.�. .� • + } r i � I �.f r. yi�hi• � '. ' / I •/. I 1111YY . +�11 � �� � �►n � � ,. e,- ..._.fit. �\ � 4 i. i'� � \� tD •, b .A..1 M . � a: 1 r. 1, � !t• - i 1Lry�L: 1 Or t• F b d e elements, illustrated on the devious pages, which create HomePlus, represent an extended planning effort of over a year and a tradition of over twenty -fk,7e years of Kaufman and Broad's home building 1 e2�P°^- -c:=. 1:. its design, we have drawn upon professional architects, land pLmuiers, engineers, construction srecialist, and marketing ex- Perts. idi.th the we have sought to identify the desires and the re- T;irements 'mPortant to the ?':'fie dweller and to fill those requirements �o� effectively and efficiently.