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1987/02/11 - Agenda Packet
-01 rMT77, 1 .+L. t a� C-l�Csl LQtj ",d sN CUDMVIOINUA j � 197) , 41 WD1dESDq RBR1tAR,X1�19,8'1 .7,.:09 p.m. 1L Pledge of Algiance' l� t M Roll Call Commissioner Backer, Commissioner Memel , Comm�sa ones Chitiea Co?n.issioger T61'stdy= Commiss� ne'r Emerick_ UL Announce':aEe�G�33 TV Approval of Minutes January 14,1987 Y. Consent CaterAar <.' The following Consent Calendar;gems are expected to be routine and acted on by the Commission at one non-controversial, They wt11 be dot ' time -without discussion. I f anyone has concern over any item., it should be'removeo for discussiorh A. TENTATIVE '1 itACT 13057 (DESIGN REVIEW) THE F1ELDSTON _COMPANY - Review of site'plan and building arahilecture for Tract 13057, an;.approved residentidi subdivision of 22.55 acres within the Victoria Planned Community ow-Medium Residential, 4-8 dwelling units per-acre)into 147 lots,Iodated at the southeast corner of Highland Avenue and Deer Creek-APA 202-211-13,38. { c `- '+'"^,^�"'.'",`,"T""as ?=7�7y AD re � VL, Pwbli� eaa gs Ttae j�tiTo n"O ras. e il��;�g, , .��3`� �b ct ear�ti gs3tn whcci�coriearneat;fndiv1duttls may< yet onin�o�tI ° protect '�IeQse •iya �to be recogxiiz�cr `aarppaaare tieCorrrmtssionsEafiltg your��nor�ne�a cods ��I��cc�opiro?s�ahatI�6e�I��iterl�Yr''tn n�i"tes' Port far�enhpcoject �G <�z a B EidcYlHt� E�I�i A'jI�A:S9ESSfiI�EN6P�.ArND,TERRA,VsIS of ALAI3NEI) ��' f)Oi1IMtUiPTIf$Y + + NDM!EN��86-Q2.r 3I%�:P,IiOP�EEI�i1IES�-A re Est 't57"fftmi he ecF x�fista a PisY.ne 3 �G m nr ni by as blihingra�°Susuxess ?arlcaYealay die faris&eas designs#ed as t�ffieBark; ,Gammiercial and M." Use witlun ^this PIenned Commurty boundary,- APN �10T -42$1=06, iQ77-Q31-1?. - (con#�nued�€romJanuaevy ,19"82) ; C. EIS IRyJNMEivil`AL SMENT AlTD CONDITIONAL 0 �i PERe 6FL8 �NFZI �KO'�+Ct31'Yi,MlJMTjRr G-1TU,RGHe--A pro fo xi a chizioh facility a�60 sq -" fewt� ithiis snulta-teria�st,IirdtstriaY center the tenet aI 3ndusriel Dzstrct (Subarea, 62 49. s D.1 E14VIRONM�E$NAL ,A 5ESS14IE1�IT .413,D A1VIE73IaIiIENT TK1 TTI'LE f 14 OF, THE RANLHO CUGAM.k➢N_GA MUNICIPAL CgDE 5, CO.NCERNING DIRECTIONAL:SIGNS VI3. New Business 01 ' E. 'TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 87-01 -SUPIZ & COMPAllTY -Appeal of stafftu decision rehlova. of eleven 11 trees locate'tin front of the Woolworth's Ga-dm 'Center the south side `of Foothill Boulevard,east of Helms Avenue-APN 208-261-55. t k F. PRELIMINARY REVIIJ 86-77 - NUWEST A consistency determination batweeil" the Foothill Corridor Interim Policies and a proposed 90,100 square foot integrated shopping center on 8.67 acres of laN in the General Commercial District located at the southeept corner of Foothill Boulevard and Hellman- APN 208- 7 261-2-e'and 28. G. HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 86-210 - TAYLOR - Appeal of staff's decision denying a Home 'Occupation Permit at 8159 Malachite Avenue(Continued from January 28,.,198i). ; i; " r .o b r ,• H yb 1 yy V -°�� '{_�, tai l'I_6J:1�PfC11li'IIF�'`G YYi�I�lJ.4Y1a;` SL�arTQY`aflS�7t�S'� JAL l ' �I3 � �aa� QIO 6S 5t,were eel of- .! Pxo�EcEa �_ ,� r landlocatedtllexasputii=side of�x-�Sum'mi�y +pest 'off San, eaaule, L eek-5ME Z26 11,fl2s - s a. ELiCA3,yPTUS -(yR�ER BEET�E�Fa3i7BLEiV' ` � J ES A+BLIS iME 1� t� WCt{SHt P DA�'33S S1,. e ommends =f tti's""t"" rah hoo�,c ages ,tie «sets W the��blaowang atems��•; Design Exeellnce 1'rgram, d~Terra Vista Aretitecture: Public tCOMA'e ets. This is the tune anti.placa,for the, general public to address the r Commission.' Reins to be discussed:here are those which do not already appear on this agenda. I� AdjoMmeat The Planning Commimion has adopted Administrative ReguldLtonQ'that fi set an 11 p.m.adjournment time. if items go beyond that t6eilthey shall be heard only with the consent of thA Commission. I, Janice Reynolds, Planning Commission Secretory of the City of Rancho•Cucamonga, hereby certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on February 6, 1987, seventy-two(72) hours prior to the meeting per A.B. 2674„at 9320-C Base Line Road. fk f —ter .i� z�- zv 8 ;u 1f tI . � ' F u �"1L6I6@NCO RDo A Au� T i� gasi -s q.e OWE asae.� . - s Q W I �.........o..�� .. ..... J fY ' W to ,ft 10 ILL J • + ,r �. lu $P 00Fi HDD.D.' t ®.i t F - AR W" e a ^b tD9 o CCC2 •3tfi -W Tth CC Ul a .--� --..........� .._. A < J ¢i w o f > a m SAId ® riHARDIH FRG°D tAF Y r�... 6TY OF RANCHO CUC�AM Ok CITY OF RANCH) cc.CUCAMONGA y STAFF RE FORM C 7 0 y 9 DATE: February,11, 1987 �,� L97% TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City PIknner BY: Bruce Cook, Associate Planner SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 13057 (DESIGN 'RE•VIEW) - THE FIELMONE - ev err o s e pan an ui Ong arc i e�iture '7r ract 13057, an approved residential Subdivision of r °• 22.55 acrn5: wit$in the Victoria Planned Community ', t6edium Residential, 4-8 dvrelling. units per sere) into I47 lots, located at the southeast )arner of Highland Avonue, ^, and Deer Creek - APN: _202-?11-13.� 38. I:. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION; F A. Action Requested: Review. of site plan and building architecture for a previously approved residential subdivision. II ANALYSIS. A. General: Tentative Tract 13057 was approved by the Planning omn ssion on May 14, 1986 At that time, the Commission approved only the subdivision design and the conceptual grading plan, with the requirwment that any future plans for unit ' development of five or more residential units be submitted as a ' Design_ Review for review and consideration by the Planning ` Commission. The tentative tract was processed by the William Lyon Company who has since sold the tract to the Fieldstone Company. The proposed building architecture consists; of three different' house plans, including 1 one-story and 2 two-story plans. A number of elevations are provided with each floor plan, A variety of architectural styles are proposed, including Span ishJMediterranean,-Cape Cod, and Country. The proposed unit mix is summarized on the attached site pi,an (see Exhibit ' B. Design Review Committee: This project was initially reviewed j y tne DesIgn ev err Committee (Barker, Buller) at their �! meeting of October 16, 1986. The Committee did not approve the project at that time and recommended that revisions be grade. The primary concern, ss stated by the Design Review Committee, ITEM A a Te � iFf d o Company r r February Page :x: ' , was the lackovaraetylang the street caused by the repetftious � ! c#06p Ilot homes on #nartrow l"ats ' resultsn ` in st „i 'cCa e mixrated by Sarah Aoor, dnd, driveway." The Cos t.;ee � i cted,that plans be,feviseo�"to adores metheds{ f`� tncreas ng yar`iiety to I rave sria qual the streeape;s,Srtgg2se�,grethods fr,co�t, t,deraticn ineluded: 1. InnovWtW* R lotting AO alter the strerrtscape, xera idt mine, attachad` harusing zero Iot� l ins, ,gax`agps detached from del i t°ng, ;. ` 2• °ea5l° ate nuAsor-of house plans to—Increbse ' t rung;chores 3. Increasothe pallette of exterior material_ used, - 4. Upgradd the architectural . .presgranr to include a f design e�elr,ishments on all lhU-0 devations. A revised deyelopmeot package. gas"'subraitted by the fieldstone Company for �ha,review:of the Design Review CoOmfttee at their meeting of 4anuary 2k2, 1987. 'Kiih the review of,the revised developwnt packagei the;D sign d Review Ccunaittee,(Harker. COMM) id the followtog: � 1, Side yard property line bratWO06 lots have beery t' readjusted resulting Ui a.greaten variety of lot widths. This accentuate3 variation In lot widths adds to the vartsty, the streetscape. 2. On the wider lots, units have been si4*d,as zero lot-line units arrd have bed6 desigr*d wi h s.{de- entry garages. This rEsults in a greoter, arzety of building orientation as it relate. , the street which enhances the visual interest along, the str5eetscape. 3. Increased variation of front yard setbacks exhibiting greater offsets between adUacent units have been provided to enhance the variety of the streetscape. 4. A revised architectural '`program has . been submitted that exhibits a significant upgrade from the architectural program as previously submitted. Detailing on individual Tats has beets greatly enhanced, as well as an expanded number �d_ zgd Tentaneaa .Q7� - Fssi dstone Company February 1� ��9�7� Page xs of, etlleuatisms� hetng, shown for each floor. planthat'Ucreas t, tki paTl tte of eX-eriior mauteriatrs usedk, )I on the' w,��lderi Lots,,t, garages have= been, ofaf'set fromt ttse dw�11mg, uh .� Thin o'fissete amows roam for addiftiortatlr arciiitiiectural' - tineataten to be pravidec+", on, buff%i Dig. fronts �fr viewed f om� the street: to enhance, ttiair appearances \ � ; In order,'to- satttsfy the Design ftyt-ew, Committee's Orttive, to add ear-ipty-,Itof iha praj'eot to. improve" its'vi�sual` intenest�,, The fi.e;dstot�e Co pany Chas prautifd4, � aF nuja a-r of iuinavtd e techniques," Kex.:vAtfation of Tot°wfdthsr, zerc 1ot-14nde unitts, stdeLentsyj garages, offseta garages and an enhanced j archi'tecturat .prs a%. TIhe Dles�i4n, Rexew,.Gexmittee, in their �r review of t1lis, re*isedvdeveTopment-package.,, has determtned ";sat theft, concerns, as previousily stated ha4, V been adequately addressed.wittti thi-s resubtmittasT-. Therefor; the Design Reviii4 Casarti'ttee has recomme ed approval rpp oval suBJEEoTie�foi ,ows`ng co�Icn �tiunsr< 1. An upgraded entry, treatment (:such as, windoV trim) is to be provided at the front entrance on the. ._ .side elevation- for al`1 Unit 1's (see CarAltton' 2. Accent colors should be muted pastels.; loud, bright colors should be avoided (see Condition 11). These items have been included as Conditions of Approval of the attached Resolution. C. Lot Line Adjustments A series of lot line adjustments have Seen necessary ' to readdjust. the side yard, property lines to enable the Fieldstone Company to implement their design solutions (see Exhibit "E"). I;Staff's review has indicated that- with the adjusted rot linos, all lots :could still be in conformance with development standards as stipulated in the , Victoria Com!rronity plan. If the Commission has no objection to the proposed lot line adjustments, and sees no further review of this item as being necessary, then the Commission can determine that the tract map, as adjusted, is substantially in conformance with the design of the original tentative tract. map. No further action is then necessary. PLANE ifG OOIS rtt N t Fr,�F, QR+T" ` Ten ive 7wa�t Q5�7 � �i�e�l dstone Compaliy Febnury 4 ' ` '.i .P. D. FFeen�ci_n_g The proposed fencing program shows an open style eM-Anng u the sides Of-steep slopes ad,j acent to`both Flighland 1, Avenue anc Fa `nt 'day, 4rqught, i,ro6 4nci�tg is usi �w�aLd ths,sloped w�nl be visible from they.pub7tdc right of ways and blactc coat di,vi�"ytxchai'n,link" fcnri is used. on shapes in which, there is' ;io*public exposure: Thes p O-rviose of ohms open st-h fencing a°1,ong steep gropes is •t6a;`. it ,wau]>d be, less yier� Impactive to adjzcer�t lots than'would.be, 4 series of roli`d,►�aod l: fences cliRsbing,;up tfn,sides. of,slopes: III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: In order for the.^Plsanning�Commicsion to cons er-appriow;177,71fie fohlom5ng,fi,ndTngs-oae�st.bezade: 1 That this proj.pet. is consistent with the' Development Cade, Victo la Community,Plan, and the�,General Plan; = � 2. That this proj.ect4 will not be detrIlmilitai to adjacent properties, or cause ,significant environmental, impact; and 3. That the 'proposed project is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code, Victoria Community Plan; and City Standards. i IV. RECOWENDATION° Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, appraVe is request. If the Planning Commission concurs with the Facts for Findings,,adoption of the attached Resolution would be in order. Re tfully s tted Bra Bu er CityP _ anner BB:BC•ns Attachments: Exhibit "A" = Location Map Exhibit 'Bu - Area Development Plan Exhibit "C" - Tentative Tract Map/Grading Plan (Approved) Exhibit "D" Proposed Site/Fencing/Landscape Plan Exhibit "E Lot Line Adjustments Plan Exhibit "F" - Building Architecture Resolution No. 86-55 Resolution No' 86-I05 Resolution of Approval with Conditions . A-4 w. ', v a P�Sio>aTv.dni my'l Ixa d C. ! 5iq rE- ht 1 3 , -1 W w td9 4 p .. AV Z 14 tl353wuaw ,p CITY Or., LTM I- RANCHO a 1 �} Z.Yi1� i��r TtTLE PLluNNI,NG DivISi0,N SCALE, 57 tag F R }� t .r t. � a,c 7 +' F TENTAIWE TRACT Na 13on? TRACr CPSY OF RAMCip CUCA r DECEAt6ER 10,iGSS. - -W. 1ER:Zoe SITE UTILIZATION MAP VICTOMA GROVES THWt LPA W,'tNC: nNackoup .�.�.. , C RANCHO WCA TFTt..E. PLAN NM Dn CsIC)I!T EXHW. ALE= y � iEi ' "NIC�IT PLAN �— o Rancho Cucamonga ;;. _ PaDY_ImR RmIAIA®R i, w9tY y Avg" UNIT B4k TAND %cut=W.+*ww cmm s E,i1/l.amr PtiASF i wwm-r► louse MAC IM Weser YCBe1T 3i.Loys YI �T i•?11t 1 K ,�a i� �...` �•� uaya toa+aromaw ttr Ae _ Yly +.;7r+as"con wut r iern 21"Ae ./„ " ' tr•,`,sr � +'��y.c.� ;•'Yj o uavrniaEl s s-si`+ is , A�Awglamaev 1 .•. rar"ae ^ t-m�e {f�n1•t�arAeesn +1' /. l!A y 1 , �r, +r •a rwo��aricr.s^rS I�wo�o►Amcma�� •_ � �: swru vf� r111IIt''� 'f � �_ " � t� t • � � ar CITY or RANCHO CL'C.�l'I0�4G� TITLEt � 1 PL,I:NNING DI�rOON EXI'iISt i: `- L SCALE,----_ A- t tlQil'J DMld ,tea, �",ra �N—Wt Y1:1'LA low Alit i Lff—� 41 1� i�tht t t ! �\ !� .. �� .,�Y �•,,,,,� �'".,�^ j .mil IpT in i hil,- o A—8 ? 'a' rq ' -,.•a�.°c^..^^*R^ 'a-aye:.^-�cr"a»^^7.7-7777 c a 3 ; C mw AxV vt ilk V ��� � � 4'� 'A' ,•-'� _/ fi "fir' '�~ a n � 1 R '"►o •��.,`�'`� Ate~ ,r k A- I 2 it it 113 Rig y Vrr.��� n 9 ,ice•e..,,� ,4 ' � y. P4 ll� C rp Ilk— OP fill dh y t • a 11« • r '•----3T '-3.3 ate• ~� `•- ��! `� �„%� JI �' �..�. �' '4 t• 'v+yes � rv/ 11 �� 771 • r R iU1tTH CITE' OF iTt•m.. RAINC-eHO CC.'r,tAMONGA TITLE: ' F-XHIMT.. , , SCAL.G.; e A-1,� q - z �_ aaY 06 pp c \\�Yn?4 [L Ilqw z 71 CITY OF IN 1106-1 aw) a a L i 3 � � PLANNING DIVISI YN sr-Au, A-13 oa ■ S t' n i R j t - 6 a Cu F J It A CITY or ITCH RANCHO C .TCA,vxC7,\"GA TITIZ e PLANNING DIN15O;V EXHIBIT- �' SG1i.E: 4`t A4 r a K,ABU e i Al , r CITE' OF RANCHO CUCANl lON%N TITLE= PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT- SCkLE- A-157 r , BONI Q13dolivA30 .. � $;f V �. j Al. '::3D p E� 5 a lr CITY OI, ITEM: l '7�gCx3 R:._UNCHO CUCANIONGA TITS:. PLANNING DIVISION EXHiBrr.- SCALD v :!l�do'I3A�+E v s 0 Ij 16 CITZ' OF [Tear: = RANCHO CUCANjoNOA TrTr t:= - PLANNING DIVISION Es�F�t[3tT= "� sr—.\Lr- r r • �w r. Er/16itrut a;az s eKn�j *�Je9ai�a� =aioic}c 77, it' J//.sxr Q�Sias ra RY} =axw.at7, Y=Y� �y1tY7 v �. f t � ■. a a s1M �Ht1�� y�. 2. r .. +s s • W/AmMs M. AMA 11 \ amoisal3lal :UBdOISA30 LU $ t •i g & c$�1 +' 499" .e t r z ! / - r----T a a W. i CITY OF -or �� 1 ', RANCHO CUCANIONGA Tom: PLANNING DIV SIO.N EXHIBIT. SCALE � A719 1s 9 r Q !1t At EII is 6 i H w CITY OF ITG1l: CL _ RANCHO CUCATMONGA PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT- SciLLE= V,allo vorio (WON H 9 T.,. i l • i � '� 111� �' Is Ic, J j :Hsdo NANO SaCT L Pry OF tio PLANNING DIVISION F-XHr: 0` SCAT ggg �• 0 Z f�, . r r i r 4 9 Ell il�,,iawvaaa aHamu goo BHOMLsallal.-I rd 3HOL :aaaa"ARO m 1,16 0 u o � P f! +� , t DO 1 i CITY OF. IT EN I- f 4. HO OUCAIVIONIGA TITt� a�1 PLANNING DIVISION E,XHIMT-SCALE- a. 7 i 7 I f ♦i4•Q. Baa •p�ir�tl� •r s- d tl '�eatliDY }■ �c //j/y/ /�/ ! tl a ys � •.�Y�//✓/f.0/!tli'd��.,,(!.n IIIY'8iL 511i F � �•�6'��J�?�:!l.,. +� sum` � a'Y,",s Y •D Y ee��a�i� �= �at�f•m �,ry • itYia:iii� D•r �•rieDy■ iYltik�ii�f ' j��i� • e�itis+s�say i e ii � itt1�� ♦7i•eXif-:=��eoeeeetiN .a = mass t J . -•,FltysMR/ tt�OHOHVH 77717 .7r so EVAro: �:;!f dt1731130 C a , Adffik ( w DO ❑Q y oil N I e I� =1 CITY Of. E RAI C H3 CUCA,-%v[O GA TITLE PLANNING DI`"OUN EXHtd IT. SCALE=�__._._____ u x A � Y J4 t r 7� at�st�rtwes9tlJ QHS@t�£i � '�� � �. 3�c E , £a F W `4^ Q MR Fl Pit CITY OF arcNc:- :�\CHC4 �. 4Z01GA f Tz :—AL62efgi;� ;; �r�or�cewrrana��a��agi ( ��� m' `�`T•��' � E t } � o AIL m Ul IR A t1HG` � i�!�Q �`sf� TITLES . 6 PLANNING Dllv'5IQ:�I E Eit�3tT=- SCAM r (µ IWOMORVOnO oHaHaaIva zKoll (pia SOW if, a,: M e, . x TON F t Y OF ITCH I-_ RANCHO CUC.AI O�t�� TITLE, � ®` PLANNING DI4rISIO.N E.�FIiI�TZ ' SCALD P » d M rr t zl f CITY Or s PLANNING DIVISION "` EXHIRM 5CALC- " o w UIH 1� ti -::• Ht y� �k�e ll `{ D ga — ig at RRH Emn- �I �p1111�Ihilllllllfll}1i16AU = r[ + �Z;t = `H 'a •'SY� m rt=Ht�y'Qy x �. �a�i z s�+�ylEllfllllC N, i ! 5 Hllfl+ sew �s. >t ! 1 h 1. i •"k �� namurtca¢�rµ� p �l[ 108 IYRa j' lilnn'E �0H®@ K a lIf Ana g j t QW I t pM tti�a' ��i.9 itb.�e•� ' �tigaffiayj�� e �1111�3111tIHfilG�l)lll!l11Nr ;.. a�I„ �urtur�l e f�: Near i pia: 5 ¢Y' "^�'1t9W1f�11�:'IFI:lf�1V23 ��� •.''?,�,,�,�� 1- � k x�x a , Itm �a t! _ t max- 1 a w I i CITY Or. rrce � RANCHO CUCAMvlONUA TITLb= ��► PLANNING DIVISION 3 W �I } W in 92 eu fa CITY OF rrEN1: ah RANCHO CU&MVION"GA, T=.- IF PL -"-'+vltiG QIV&I` �€ EXHIBIT- SCALD a r�3' r y Bs( R 000 "1 ,1t 04 NMI :a3dOl3A3a IL e' r CITY 01.1 a . n� 4 � G � f .— R AINCHO ZUCANTC)N'GA TITLEV PLANNING DINTSION. E�HIT3tT �• SC�LC= ' A-3 . d ONVU =UlNwdal u El ` •. LPL '�' i y ul f CITY O1 rrcatr . R PLANNING DIVISION � E�:�inrs��r „�.SCALE; s. RESOLUTION NO, 86-55 w. A RESOLUTION: Or THE fiYANNiNG tOt!1NI'SSI+ON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUC'AkNGA, CALIFORNTl1, CONDITIONALLY APPROY'IM TENTATIVE TR MAP NO. 1300 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map INo. 1300 het,eindtfter "Map'..submitted by The William Lyon Company,,app3fitcant,, for the purpose,- of subdiiidimg. the reap property situatted�(n the) Cf ty, of Rancho Cucasoongg� County: of:pan Bernardreal State of Califarii* desertbed as 2�,.51% acres w;it in the Yitc�torifa Planned Community (Low-mcitf m: Res4denti�al, 414, dwel jjftjF uritts per acr ,6' hocated at the southeast corner of Afghl4ndt Aven+se.ands the Oter'Creek. Channel'' MON: 20� Zll-13, 36•} into 147 !tots,. regyTa,Jy.cameo befbr� the Pt;anni,ng G:ot�issian for public hearing and acti'o r on May 1 j° 1986; and WHEREAS. the City Planner has recommended approval of th&,ftAk subject to all conditions set forth, in the Engfneering and Plannir: ;ivision's reports; and WHEREAS.- the Planning Commission has read and considered the EntAneering and Planning Dfvision's reports and has considered other, evidence presentFd at the public hearing:, " IOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Coat3ti'ssiOn of the City of Ranch- ;. Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Planning Commission the following findings in regard to lenzative Trxt No. 13057 and the May thereof: ,fl (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development rode, and specific plans; , .(b) The design or imprpvements of the tentative tract is ^ \ consistent with the general Plan, DevetOpment Code, and specific plans; (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to -ause substantial environmental damage and avoidable Injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat;, (e) The tentative tract is not.l'ikely to cas:-a serioub public health problems, (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict, with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. �"� jt�G.y � L'U14"U5` "-�"_"^.' tom., Mal3a� , , TTUL�6 - T e" 11i�a Wron co. Page 2 (g) That thJ4-project will not create adverse impacts on the OftOrbroent and a ,Negative Declaration is �/ issued.- I SECTI64 :2.: Te.U* ti�ve Tract Map No.. 13057, a copy 0� which is attached Were o,.-. �s h jb aproved subject to all of the followitrg conditions -( and the attached.Stan`,Crd Conti#ttans Planniin9e- i riAs 41 1. Priajr Tx ecoNation of Tract 13057,;,411 ccndittions of ap;+ aal gp`,tc_ih&e try and impasea up6n Tedtati'(r7e tract 13b.^2 sfialfi o doa�slied,�wjeA`,, f1nctuding, but not. lYnsilad ta, tt sa Yr'c o1r of off Sfrt* in�pravement �k 'Addit#:dna&,f tt greentiel$' trail 1 areas ps,wel`I as. Groves Park improvements that-1 be -.;mleted ,*riur to, the occupancy of the firft unit t thin ti4is°tract, Q�l _ 2. Prier to Yecordation of Tract 13057,72the final map for Tract'.3022 slja'f�,- corded. \,\\ 3, The greenbalt tra �� area located along the southerly boundary shall be, indicates: on the final reap as Lots A and B of Tra1� 13057. 4. This map,is being a�proved as a Tract Subdivision only. Any future proposals for the develope-e-n-t-0-f five or more residential units shall require Design Review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits for any units. S. Concurrent with any application for Design Reviews the applicant shall also submit an acoustical study detailing what mitigaton chasures, if any, are required to achieve noise levels, both exterior and interior, cons#stWt, with City Standards pnr lots abutting Highland Avenue 6. Landscape treatments at the end of fide-on cul-de-sacs sha;-Y be designeo to provide an open view into the interior of the cul-de-sac.. Design: treatment shall include the use of decorati-ve wrought iron fencing and sidewalk conneltions from the sidewalk to the perimeter street.`:: Ij _ ,.71 a. RLAN RESOLUTIOR 'May 1.4, 1986 ` 'ET 13057 - The Wii l i am Lyon Co. {'--9e 3, 7. kslix foot high masonry wail shall be�prov dad along• ' Highland Avenue consistent,with the apprdved wall design for 14fighTand Avenue': This wall shall bi. staggered, d offset to increase visual in#-�,est and -, shall be setback a mini,.m m 6-foot distanse:.behi.nd thu!, 100fliandi Avenue beyond ="xhe Cai'Tra*is limits of jurisdiction to ensure,adequate area to landscape the Highland, Avenue' streetscape with a w3indrow style of planting//consistent with the des;icgnated deziign: standards of���the Victoria Planned Community. Landscape, maintenance Easements will be required where, the perimeter wall encroaches onto`, private fats a d:are to be dedicated an the Final -. Map. Final " ;tfng of all walls and locations of al l l andscao .asements are- to be detemi ned prior to recordatCd'cf the Final 8. Five-foot high decorative, .encei w,il.:l be rczqui red . along str)e,-,side lot lines for ali 1•.,ts that'either ` side-orr of r-bar-on to Victoria Groves loop Road. In rear-on. conditions walls will be of masonry block y C ; construction. In situations wi",�u-e. ;treat grade is below pad grade resulting in a slo%kd park►tay, fence lines are to be coincident tii 'h the top of slope. Landscape maintenance easements will be required where fences encroach onto Private lots and are to be dedicated on the,;Finai Nap.• Final plotting of ail fences and locations of all easements,are to be t determined prior to recordation of the Final Map, 9. Any retaining walls used, other?i than those at the tract perimeter adjacent to the-,Vier Greek channel, p ore to be a maximum of 4' high? ';A six fogt high masonry screen wall shall -%be provided al' v Zhe westerly tract perimeter adjacent to the Deer Creek Channel. 10. All retaining walls visible to ";he general public, i.e. on the streetside of corner side yards and within the front, yard, are to be constructed of a decorative material to the satisfaction of the City Planner: 11. All lot-to-lot grade differentials are to be no greater than 121, excepting this condition shall not apply to the slope from''Highland� down to the first' tier of lots adjacent to Highland. Engineering Divi ion. I. Victoria G'eovef Loop Road shall be constructed full width to Highland Avenue with the i;-rst phase of development. Sidewalks and parkway landscapfog may be deferred gptil adjacent parcels are developed. •� O. ^T^ ra aan��iiss��� R�sn�.i►TLd� - , P!l {e"4tilitamt Cyonxo, , Pagel _ 5� Z. The entire width of Victujrf,a Park Lane shall be l constructed from,.-the Loop goad. to Milliken avenue 1 with the first phase. uF development. j 3. Mtl iken'`kenue'shall be constructed as.follows with ,RP the f-tr 4phasc of development , A. Portian from Victarisk Park Cane to Southern;. Pacific (l) 'Full improvements for.west roadbed,.;, 4- (Z} Full medi�r3 wit►a only one opening at the .. Loop Road, and i A minimum 18{ wide pavement for.;the ease' roadbed. B., Portion from Southern ftcific Railroad to. Rase Line RoAdr C11 Fu11 median„ ` Mr A miaftum lal wide pavement on both„si des of the median, i (3) Drainage control devices such as paved ditches, AC berms Or curbs shal be instt.1led as approved by the City' Engtneer. C. RO -sad Crosstng: (1� ,:Construct 1 full improvements fate both i-oadbeds including med;ans (except for' parkway sidewalks and landscaping) for of least-2C0` on:both sides of the railroad..` '(2)' the developer shall coordinate with tF.,* k City to have the railroad crossing signal and arms installed prior to occupancy to' the satisfactiun'of the City Engineer. D. The cost of the permanent improvements in 11 « excess of the standard one ' halt street 1 Improvements adjacent to. the tract boundary shall be subject to reimbursement from the City for the adjacent property awnprs upon : l development of their,property. 11 1 4., Starm, drain easements as required for' Cress. 10�' i drainage shall be ded/}icet/ed on the final map.. "TO 9 � J pp MaA i,4' i9'C 1 y01 #'ESOLi,�I'IQN 7� TT 1`305 tf?e`8M tizm Lyon Co. `. ,1 Page .5 5, The,-st�m dratfn master plan for the`ar'ea, shall -'be compie#ed` hd,�app bved prior to recordation of the a � 6. construct su�fftci of stQr+n�draa ¢aciltni�s to serve i w each phase of avel�opment as• re�ui rid by the C�irty L�Fig veer. 7ho ..facil tiet sh"41.1 ae desir iced ,#4 contain. QIDO within' tha sheet ori :. ; ri'Rht-o�F-�ay� APPROVED AND AbOPTED .THIS 14TH DAY JOF MY, 19S61. PLANN '.0 'ISSION OF THE G'ITY OF RANCHO cucAmoNGA 1 1 BY: _�, , p - 1 0 enn s ' uc," msn M TEST: ea u} eraPu ! 2cre ary I, Brad Huller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do h}areby certify that the foregoing Resolution aas duly, and regular°ly introduced,; passed,,and a4 pted Oy the Planning.i ond.s0on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Plan;dng Commission hem,, o on the 14th day of Mij, 1986; by the following vote- o-wit*, AYES: COMMONERS: ,�c,HITIEA, REMPEL, BARKER, STF NOESt COIIISSICkEtS NONE t ABSENT: COMISSIONERSi MCNIEI, ii a7Ar Y I 1� Y�.� �.C nt �r a O w • N{y OMgFc..NY°+tY ..�1 7! �4��,`�s RA.�u. :riYO .. Lam• C� 4ut cr %eam.em" ,q I✓'! O Q�`o,k p'r,�r^ :o o �'�� 6�u6i : e.'�..a n6 •�� `'� IL CN - r V Yy4 bum ° 90 • p�gp dY�a` �. m .c N Z ��w o� •„�� �{yap L.: �.. a� .+Y e a � 1 8' G •^ f u c Y f p n�w'u "m S6u•. oa a.Zl y ,e. ayyY pp c w o 1`r "may pY^Y�C Y3'" C`�'uati+�i10 aaYo ue`LOq`d. �A Le44 V''^a �. aY r�r>��mw N•N' o.�m.0 c4�. �$n«$ iLi� z ".p.. N wEaei r.L �.^ 7 5� A: LF6 v', aY`p :, ec+s ��a.c •r��� �$y�,gt�,c " dc pis YCy�*p p�.�pac� — �Suy$`� ��Oeg aljb'YN 7s e.. VC'O y ON ��tiq EY ''y'�+A�4' 6Ya^O� ggM G �Y . YV'R s..p 11 01� `p 6Y{. M'bK��•.. YyVV♦Y 40 mYO ,Y NY rp� y�Y�YO O��u® Spy a_� 4w�S.1 AdIlk 41 1 N® yy 4 SA . � � � f3 O • pNM Vai ., a N.. • � NIIpO e• �. m Aa+ n ^ o € a a M c I' $$J w Y SpL, i�m1a SV YYY�yL C, p: Q tR Q Q jam} co +NN A^+°L + o g cs N C L'y a '+ 2 It 7 J. 4 p JC IY • _N �� �i •1 .y n, 2 4dl vat acw w o o..o mom.y, y'O'� O.pga uDiaYo 4C.=.so E E.«^L it .. L.y ...n �/ �cv:q �KiN 'L wuaN=d QNa n.w.w� a'. ! « w = slaby 'ENO "`ca..ia 6v0 YOO qj �+0 f L LM O y N Y Lq•► T~V qdC Lf.L V O.Lt '..O $$oL sa ` N fdq G O CC p.� CN_Cd 0.qa D�Ly 6E S7Yq Y.�N _L ljt CLY.. 0L J! ju 0^,p +� t'tid OC=Oy.V O0d 6i .1f= EO N'� CC pp L c..1 .i O..a Y C Y 0 M. d i C y N r1. 3=x N....S O N 0.µ L E •'6v 4 J 11 y gs-- a.tdgC -i— m a yy E A aia q— O.fR I bYOC L.�•Q 6 ^— ..s1�N'o n01 1.Y�� 1..L� 1 N � N.. G1 .� L:w w>•m J O G fq 0 p Y ` Q•^^. .dam ns o, c 04~up0 N-1 F-a —p 4.1i tJ.C■ i4�.L0 T.s�� •CC d2 1/'1 =ilS.4 w ?rOttr ^'C Yqp LC» 1 y Cy == pp d »4 Y C .�q�6 O= C Y C 4 =L— 0 c G r1 Vi N:.q�.Osim. `'t YO ^ cQ4�y'y CL �� bC EY:N GIL1 V .K �..0 Wes.^Y �C I I I Iz gig LO u Ny s 1e o.o.E 2>ma o2L s. " r u Y^. 1 ^a a ,eN iib am y ��c. oN o way �q . �. y Y . C CH t0.0g O� �^Q_O N. H. n. u.d 1 =1m 4a' ar. ,� ymS:v�•+ ,r, c. .cu< ^> 9tYdi �01L.. •..�� ..v LZ�.—! L.N� Ow.L i:y'O.' ... 1 C M 3 Y CY — W S}p i i 10 q.0_�� �— �`^O4 �qr. bl Y ►L..Y.OI y:C —V.�G•, vC.�'OIQ. OL �— p0 LY YN.0 v= L 9 Q'.. W C'^O L y a+.q{•1 Q U W 4 q c_ 0 0 0.O C g w p O O x C L PC pti L1 i. � �> Yp O 4L. EE Y J c 0 L� Lc L<1L 1L = `c9 `CCQ 09' N�CG G L _tlG ^.a^. =-a L y O O CM LL6�6Z C OO G� O� p ad 1L q2 cN QD .. ,,, a N.0 d u cµwe uo Lam. eq ou:. LeE mi w. "�.. uqu ` v ocu DQo w. D eWE uwl c cc cdD yc c`D L� OCY. t 0 OI L. AL Y O>> OmnY-u^i. �LNOS K—NC L1• +^Y. �� LPCL.00ff dd�OY 4 O.aOiE> A ' cvw 00 ^ ,y '"9 GG+a•dL L. dgwr . ... P 4 f Y4C Y� y Y� qtl RORf 6®a 4G+.to- GC LL9 �y gCGL L=�O yl[ y 'i+q d =� CCL Yot.O- aL La>t• 4 gtlty G � � ON' G��. vY0•tP 6w CN 6- AYOGL w � VtT. pa U �y qN YRO .p tl0� OLVu p73� GFdq U w• yam. 'O� Lt. p4O tld6jN Y tl���,. O Y 1 �o ,� q�'• ^t 4. :> =q p m o Y„.« p s.s'-` �a u ^� Y c i �Y A 9 >4 � ��O Y N tr�M.,G� o i4 3 N tq'• C-• +L y q {i G YtR �.E,JO y y =� �av Oy,N4 gµ.Pu�^p, uN�CL• '4�N +a�.0 O..'pOC..\� �y�yw UV �n^ .. u72Ji•�+'�- w a o q. a�... =a Nr 4 s P sd w, ' c•+' - m� {{{ � ` ''p"asr a+pp 'v't.. 3'iy�� qstNal •+ ai'� �{�'� y,L� r x a ."...•-+. o u.�f�k" ci u� � �„'a.a. �jt aa p Lf a. 3 — CC CC * _ N Z L.Y'p Y�C�. � N•�� �9..,y O q� Gar CC9 � {Qq YY y � %�td y 4Ot �� NL� L•�� ,�Y S-r5�.®q OnlQ�x. p�e:.. �Y qubp �~ � ^Y.4 6L.Oi• wC. y�3GE. wO allo `a�.� ir.p .50� 'oat".cp " `YP Rcw`. :�"� N 8•x. Gcgun ZU }� V N C�C Z.4�yyy. CwV -� =M,A .es KLc L.QVCL0.CY. 4.4..G. � ..: A ~. i' p R V N LLy: 3 Q. O V'v C O N pqq�s Ms G N Y Y a6 a6a CC 4 L r EYL ■Y YLM .� GRw30 OtlGY � q9�.Y♦ yG1L CC yy GG cc+4y U•�NgN .r N� if.N '�NQ bpi 'KM Yi w'01>ay M'AO K .VG. 2u 1�0 44 6N o M �s�. ono• + 6q aa� �cay .o O„F_ f Lp Y s' gppp� CCtlIt q pN Cv. Y� 6'� YrrQ }N� O yt. ! CyN_ ^ O9 LO LS4 lw•. .5YG L4cpeat! ••e..� U��Q� A� OO..UQ y9y 9lL, 1p.y' .. CO � y«U•+ p� G'f gip.,.1.pC .2L 7 C=6wFiq r Cr w u v Ap L sC.' 6r Lr p.. _q 6 G�w E v.O. Y v�d L v N �d p m N C Y �1✓r : O L a v �L Y H 4 F • YY V� w9a A q t74,.W Vqq w�. qL dYn 6G O L • yV' ,V v� OT6.y y 6O pYL r 6w L G O q VVDG. 9qG' y ^bQ t14 de � `� P4. G•'• �Ca .y pYee d 4pt ' �p.+.i y �..qi ��5 LYtl V L Vw CO L •R G y^ ^V Ea L� i� b V VN w■■ n,. n yC ]j� it A9G Odn p, C. eR,it` �'I <r N0 tq�ip T •t:.7N �6N .CGJ h'Owrq �VO K'w WL 6�.V1.piO '... Y 4 41 * 1� o ti t r YC C N E�yl a• =y. L�=R Hfr .� y 6N0 Ab' rWV VL_ YY3 .^. mxV CGq+pa y G�gGj u�� S'•r�M 0...� RE -HO b l 4 v = V Z =V 0 b N: y y Y y z Y~W dQ� CbC w5Z3 bN0 Yb.y k wy O OYyy y YGU4 y•'L V C+�Ng. O Or Jf} V Q V .!A I G N ��,tt ap b L •Y u {e p • •'� y� a TV OOGb LL Nt`w q}iwrr >� �N �.1 2 � U .. 'QY` Rpu� N ..• M.6 O OJ: Gn L1tYh � y 4 4.4 WN :. YC•O -,.R Vp>..�_ S 1� r YY q.�y OQC �qt • CL Vw^Q r'Yww. py _ +�4 04�4 YG OY O C= C S — � V bQ `.YY Ci �'Aq OCCC@CO yy� � OV 3 _ N C=_fy GwO 'D o", $e E u �c$ oN •,cm p»�e�: sY4 � —yuo Qoa�� 'Q*e�i$$e�,agr` aq �.. _ 09 «Cy C Wyy 'C�V..� SFYq aY'r••C ib CQCC ,� Y..b 'AW � i r Y •W Y_�O4. O LO ► Y G w !w Y Q Q•+w .� Q4 Nam•.• 6Y•Li�w: Y MV ^u�jCV ObuY� Yu��CM 4 L p n C0 O YgS 1. .T. Y~F V J n•... a O'Y (, �° Ow O .i< �8 C� O__ � c.-G••fi R �"Y ? y.Y y. n q n Y $.�yi #4. e�i u�•Y m . r. wb.�� n6W.•[. p®�. nq0 TIi R '$ Lq 6vQ MMnys., LM—�:G : YYC t�6 V VO.VY u. 4COVa 4 Y i OY� wO A. KBfr 31 Y1Vy i1. !�»» O WWL L�nAWN i_w- 4% H Lyt yy d f y�>D 1+� yyO�� Gi '' N 1•1 f y t PFaaw rY s '-'c+v u g w Q •Y L• b N �'` V O 6 C Y L D•S' L C y» -t s �nFiYT 2o. � w.a� �$ �b�. � .ri c. `b'aw TQ � Yy. bCC.w L G y^N L P C C Q= ^ G�Y �«�• T s O d y 6 ®o a a.� �ti• E L�n `�Y.i�i ra -=42 v+, . w n I GV�j ` ` CrLC ^ Nr. w.w OwY NON w _=yLG Nny ., YG n c ..b. Y loco o .::u' u.. a.rw c~�a •�= N W tr Y Y ] � C.t C 0 . N b S,q C c� Y 4 R 3. �� ��L o b O_gQ r No u+. n Rio•:: .-i'yL s� c !L-p$.A� V` u 4GA QYN Y. Ziii 6.YYY 14 N tti. A4ts- r k �./ . oul�n�j I, swAa:�e. ma's A F v+ o `owo q.d`b qua _ 4 .`.�� V N w R= Nq np.Y' `4 Vw'NO uO.A�` tl1+. �. .� Y SOg>:•1 00.0' �. •w G/- ` O cCC 4�Iw Y4L.Csz . p pVy,Q�q� aY:M. JY L. {YO B=V ~ fVM4. vY ENtiC EN V O Y « O,Q L _` 9aCYj,C.tl.GG w�..�Y.p a NBC r; o Qe `o C�OuCP Y CCeew�~ � bb 4 p �oL Y:O� OOA. N�p3CC'LY L aCC� �T. A� �yfi VYZ 61 0� 140YY"J qw ^ O.^ s.CVJ CO. ►� ya ^� yly0! pyd > C.O�W p�: N' C.«6LO. A IjEj '^ r L t b r LC LL L it Y `■¢ RC �.`p COY. u ( yy yv 226 J C�6q C. q 9j AQ ZZ 31 C Y..Q wQ..0 ' wO•+ qb N uv O .$ ADO ti ap Y 0 pp' A O. iM�N Oe A<Ol� aX °n'.n S Y`• .o. " 0Iy Oy y? Y G v= �o a`vtl'..v wo va Y �9 a cp � .pi .mac. •�! o+tio uu �.a ��ci •tr. 's`o' cMa . Iy N J N. I.Sw w' N 1D may= Mao OI C midg Y.0 a.Nu C r YV A y M LvlL G u 2fd S.4 Z2N+ L q.C�Nt. :N �• uS.0 .^.. u n. '^ i V . .� �u p m.y R a.y Z' YGs at C Irr 4J x Y �:' +�rG + Y L 4w 4i�7 npN N y �O w1 O s3 4 c n.. C R�py, C.CO Fx C� C .,a �6y CO�C-M G _ yw S O GW npi,Au♦ V'..t aG uv� G=i u■ N'R 4 ^L .ui Yz �4C.pw Q Y +yYUC ~wlG 9,=.Y �4.F C9.v. YCO G�. vY Yp yam. Tod Onyi�, qcn Y y c.p �. �`i:. cn= +II4q bOjb dabs =pu- L� lu,. i ]y 'a+i iy.Pw_J YY I. C p �4 4 G N-RW l� '.K Err NO N'O RWy.� KY Y.Y c{' M 1 Mi a zz; -4 x w09 < - - r iu an�< ai ia n.. E V l y L 1. a p6, a NO r� Vy •O6u SL 9' W n — Gdp Y Y s u =m Y Y u GC. ?u V ` + y c c a L .dr ry� d N r C Y N. �� .pr ♦ 7 w. V rE G 4 1 r MOM TIP IC] a a. .yw Y .u Svc w -z •� ql a b c3 v•J�1"r Ham. a a« M-i Md:aZi tlw ;!? emu. n. c< 3 4 w '2 qL.Y. =Y NR Ma ARV aJ 54 4ytJ .pero.,;:; m'..4 piHcpc. ...Kg« µ ' Jv. 3. y DV.4 jvd yyyy a�a 1, a� F aw.-K 3i A"o o R,rm Ka a . t s C w 23 TZ • . 4 e O 4 {by Q 2 y i 4 y yE.w^:a y i. _ 4 Y. � Cfst? �dl.. 4Y a C. ��v • i i{ t �� � roc 0'^ Sy �� Ya.4� 4 ►... �" 1 Gy uV O4. N.G.s < •>. L t� ur.. x Xr C 0. Q C4 a YM•M u cyw Mm 9y �M L. C �99..YN 0.�. •^{�. riai bC. 4� 5a V w� ..�+ �3. n�� R` •c6 4 C+Y� ..L �4G �i a4 6 'Q V L 7 R ✓GO Vro N D� a+ C z A- � r RESOLUTION NO. .86-105 ; RES01JTION OF THE.RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNI.N,G COM4SSION AP!`LOVING°THE AMENOMENT TO CONDITION NO. 1 OF PLANNING F01; 'TENTATIVE -TRACT 13057, THE WILLIAM LYQN COMPANY,< LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 14ILLIKER AVENUE AND THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD r, r WHEREAS, or, tilm 7th day of,July, IgSo fan amendment was fjled by The William Lyon Company, fo,r review of the ab�;Ve-described project; ant ..WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of July'1986, the Rancho Cucamonga.Planning Commission held a public hearing to Gonser the above-described project. NOW, THEREFORE,- the Rancho Cuci�monga Planning Commission resolved as foli cws: SECTION l: That the amendmpnt to Condition No. '1 of Planning for Ten a ve Tract 13057 shall read as: r' Prior to recordation of Tract ,13057, all Conditiois of,lipprovai ?pplicable to and imposed upofiL� Tentative Tract 13022 °'shall be complied with, with the exceptfLvjl�of off-site improvements which shall be completed prior to the homeowner, occupancy of the first unit �{ within this Tract. ; APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 23RD DAY OF�IULY, 1936. PLAN COMMISSION Or' THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAWGA BY: e ' , . ou , rmanW ATTEST: raSul I er, Deputy secretary I, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho"Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 23rd day of July, 1986„by the following vote-to-wit:- <E COMMISSIONERS: REkPEL, MCNIEL, CHITIEA, STOUT NOES: COMMISSIONERS- HONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONED .- BARKER i A_7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DESIGN AEVIExi FOR TRACT NO. 13057 LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AVENUE & THE DEER CREEK CHANNEL-IN. THE VICTORIA PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT } h WHEREAS, on the 17th day, of September,, 1986, a complete aR-' cation war filed by the Fieldstone Company for review of the above-describe`L project; an WHEREAS, on the 11th day of F(bruary, 1987, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a meeting to consider "the above-described project. NOW, THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as follows: SECTION 1: That the followirq can be,,met: 1. That the proposed p}vject is consistent. with the objectives of the General Plan; and That the pror�osed. use is in accord. ` Jth the f objectives Y the Cgzelopment _Code, the Victoria Community Plan, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and 3. That the proposed use is in compliancewith each of the r,pplicable provisions of the Development Code; „. thP-Jictoria Community Plan, and That the proposed use, together with the conditions,, applicable thereto, will not be d th etrimental to e public health,_ safes or welfare, or 'materially injurious to prop(,'` 1es 'or imprgverents in the YiG,ilfity and' i S. That the proposed subdiv.!^ on-. design is substantially in conformance with the original Tentative Tract-'as approved. SECTION 2: That Design Review fad?Tract 13057 i`s approved subject i to the foTTow ng conditions: 1. This. approval is only for the proposed site plan, lot line adjustment plan, and building architecture submitted as part of this application. All conditions of approval for Tentative Tract 13057 per R"olutions No. 86-55 and.86-105, except for any nadfficatians that may be provided ,,for herein, shall remeiin applicable with this approval for Design Review: A 5 Resoliti Tract 3�` R Fieldstone,`ompany February 11, 19$7 Page Z , 2. Oetailedii si* ,,glom-not plans., including„�aut not limited to, plot plans, Uiridscape/irrigation plans, fencing plans, and akckh'itectural plans shall be submitted for, the review and approval of the City planner prior to issuance of any building permits. 3. Window-upgrade`treattment,shall be provided at any, snide or rear elevation that is, exposed to view frost any public right�of-way. Plans detailing the .extent of this: 6gralEe r treatment and to which hits they are °to he applied sie17 e submitted for tht; review and approval of the City,.Plane r prior to issuanceaof building permits. 4. An acoustical study detailing writ mitigation aleasuros; if any, are ..requilitd to .ich,� .fie noise levels, both exterior and interior+, consiste��t; fth the 041 Standards or lofts abutting'Highland Avent;e,`ihall be submitted for ;4Aew and approval prior to the ♦issuance of any buil•di g permits. within the Project shi(l_;have a minimum 15 foot flat (2% slope or less) rear y$ru,Jpen area from building to property line or slope/.retaining well.1, X final detailed ? site plan which indicates the slope and retaining watt location and unit plotting shall �e submitted'prior to issuance of buil.ding permits. 6. Corner side yard fencing avid/or retaining wall shall be set back a minjoun distance bU 5 feet, from the back of sidewalk. � retaining walls exposed to public view shall bq constructed of decorative block. Wood fencing installed by the developer and exposed to publie view shali be , treated With water sealant or stain. All fencing details szrall be •included within the landscape/irrigation plans and;, shall be subject to review and approval by the City Planner pri.or to the issuance of building, permits. 7. Complete property fencing consistent with trte "standard de_'. . for the Victoria Planned Community shall be provided by Ue developer. A detailed fencing plan shall be submitted as part of the landscape/irrigation plans. ;I 8. Side yard fencing for all corner lots is to be constructed of a decorative masonry material- subject to the rev"ew, .:a approval oa` the City Planner. 9.`'For all corner lots, the side yard between the sidewalk nd' side yard fencing shall be landscaped and irrigatsd bye-ns developer. f A-l peso , L = ^.S t"lutto iah Tract 11- ieId3 Fttcne� C any February U, '1987 . : .A '"gage 3 i 10. Each driveway°shad receive speci'al': treatment in order to enhance the,a pearapce of the street scene:„ Sucty treatment may include N'.ded brick, spGtlasl coikreate color, or border treatment gf 1% m enials,. The drUevoy hardscape detail snall be indludied `Gn theinl�andscaps/i;rrigation plans subject to review and approval of the. City olanner. 11. Architecture'tnAMi tie reviren to show the followi"ng E a 'ici;epgraoed entry treatment (such, as,window. t� rr� rs'ta be provi&d to the front, entry on s�iderrele3ation for all; i7nit- 1`st Tta treatment shall be-etubject to tivk-review and appriM''isl of the Cfty Planner prior to the issuatace of buiil)#ng permift, i b. Accent. 401,ors shall be muted pastels;,, laud, bright colors avo;'to be avoided.. A detail-led color board shall r he suited. for review and approval- of the City Planner prior to the issuance of any building,permits. 12. The driveway for Let, 31 shall be relocated from Kenyon Street to B11ie Ridge Pla+:,e.. 13. 1 slope ' ahks im excess of five (54 feet in vertical height and of 2:1 greater slope 5W.11 be landscaped;;4tnd irriga.tef for erasion control and soften their appearance ' as follgwo W-'e 15-gal c:'r'or larger size;tree per e0gh 150 ' sq. £i 'slcpe area, one 1-gallon ar larger size shrub per -Pack 10a sq. V"t. of slope area, rand appropriate ground co.. I+ ll dition slope 'wanks in excess of eight (8) v'oet in vot`kICO, height and. of 2.1 or greater slope shall also-pclude one: sr�gallon or larger size tree per eacir 250 i sq. �,, of slope area.. Trees and shrubs shall be planted t in staggered. clusters to soften a..d vary slope plane. Slope Ofanti,'ig'regttIred by this section sh311 include a permanetmt irriga;ioa system to be i t,ailed by the developer prier to 'b,=Dancy. 14. An ir.-lieu fee as co'ntribkwion to the future underground ng of the existing o`erhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) on the opposite side of Highland Avenue shall be paid to the City prior to occupancy or final inspection, whichever occurs last. The fee shall be one-half the City- adopted unit amount ti.aes the length from.the centerline of Deer Creek Channel to the centerline of Fairmont.Way. W } � � - Trd 't.�1` Febrhay11,' ' Pago 4 lm _ APPROVE AMR pG R'tHiS-11 k.lid Y.Of: EEbR'UARY,; 1 C. n 3 Pukw m COf+MT.,S�SiO£� q THE:.�''� OF W%CHb,.Ct M.ORC:A t. Q8 er,,Cum Am :j r ATTEST: rad Bu. ier, Re_` Putt' erf•etary a. Cj I, �srad Ter, f^pa ty : ecretar3c of thel--plannl�ng�4o���sstorr of the Clty ' i Rancho C�ca,�anga, o beret certff hafi tW foregoil, Mesa O �M,1.,,Ind` I re��ulawty to roduced, As�d, Arid ado, ed bj►��'�Pi��nnr���� Ob�ae3�s�iogF d. the Cray of Rarbhn?�uca cony ,'at a reaalar.meeting`�a.�th<}41:�nnibg c issaon,leYd . 04 the, llth d4y of tebigaryz 1957,,by the fall:oxiirtg AYMi ' fIM ` �t}E�f3SSTON£R�i• GOMISSIMERSr �l 1 wF'":: — C1TY aPIUI3Ct7_CfJ0, O�TGA. L ST We IF EPO, DATE. /ebrt:ary 11, 1987 TO; 'Chairmen and Members, of,tne Planning Commission FROM: Brad iiull"i, City Planner, BY,: Han'cy 'Ronqt" Associ ate ,Planner SUR�lECT: ENItIRtJNfi9EP21AL ASSESSA�Nl' AN fEM, VIVA fiLnNPiEU t„�:!�IUNITY reques �i�;"� �,ta' �om7�n i` usiness 'Pavbrlay cne fora rk DO aa de �gn t as t3ff�,r. P;ar ,, Cortiercial� and Mi.xetL Usea witfii7i tS�p. gar�ne�l �Com nii:Y b umdatry = Ap . 1077-4�i=4E, �077-031�I? , ntinu0 from January.�4, �87) � � �7' I. SACXCtGUN6. f The pranging Comnission on Janua y I4, ]5$7, cantjnuedi. �. tax s ued Planned"%ommunity fi endment,to this- regular meting, at t - =rtiest of the a0licant. Tines;applicant again is requesting for), tinuation as st%ted in the attached letter. c II. R' n..3ATION: `' "Staff'recomends I that the :Planning' CoWnission Cw�rcftiue s item to 06 F hrgarY 26, I9V regular Plan:�ing Commission. meeting, ° Respe tft:i1Y su ted Cr Bvt, er City Planner BB-NF:sgr Attachment: Letter from applicant' ' Y ! FEa 04 iZA,7 M� February 4'� 1987 PRF2 FiRIVD DELIVERY �~t �. Planning f,:.omm' ts ssio is ' C;ty of a�rcho C0eai6cs;1 ga - 9320 naxia" Line :Road Rancho CuC3monga, CA 9MO At-tri NV my Fong r =Subject: Terr1a Vista Planned L'c:ist'`pixnity Airiendae_k 84702 y Dear Nancy: i We are c%intzrF,aar; 6u'., .nternal rwviiw of the staff i report;fyou ftrr►*shed �nux in Dec;emtb . We feel that Wa need more time,than i!6 availQbie between now and neat week's Planns `Ft,T Cam�d:st�ian meeting to complete our analysis of the re�sor~t, and we therefore �-eques+, "hat 7 ` this item be continued to the PTannanq Commission meeting of February '25, 1997. Thank you for v6ur as ,iri arrar►ging thk ; . c ntinuaf,"ce, _ �rdial Iy, LE�4J6 HOMES ~ Jhn Melcher e President, Project DevelopMent JRMocjcedly7244 t 1156 N.Mounwin Ave. RO,PDX 670 4 Up(and,CA 91786 (714)9?Z-0971_ Cevp!�ped by t_evmi Names CITY OF RANCIIC?rLTl;AXONGA �can�a STAFFRIPPORT BATE: rcbruar.Y a Il ,I987 3nrr _w 4 _ ,. TO: ChaiivA and tent-ers of the Planning Corm$;ion y FROM: SradSul)ar, CityPlanner BY: Debra Meier, Assistant{ Planner SUBJECT: uV1,00 MENTAL ASSES57tENT.AND;XCONDITIOVAL USE, PERMIT, 86-28 -6 proposa1- o oca e a, uro act "ek'0 4-scluxir _feot'v#thin an exftti�g multi- tenant industrial center izo the, 'G6ner,at Industrial District tSubarea l) located at 8560 V neyard,Avenue APN 207-262-49. , C£?. I. PROJECT AND !T- aE%RIPT$O�N:��� A. Action eques e Apprraai of a note-construction CondM5nal, Use Permit and Issuance of a Negative Declration. R2 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: p North �MuTti=faiiy,.Residertial; Residential Medium (8-14 dxelT�_ g units/acre) , South Public storage; Industrial Specific Plan: P Subarea i East Industrial Facility; Industrial Specific Plan Subarea West Vacant Land; Industrial Specific Plan Subarea 1 D. General Plan Designations: _ _ a Project Site - General Industrial Morth Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units/acre) South - General Industrial East - General Industrial , West General Industrial ITEM C O,t#? 1Ot4A2 t;S PERM 0 �8is.28 Page: Y E. §ite.Gharac.40viisti!cs: �(he sister irs, a..receft.jyj compte-ed multi tenant iandusteitarl ;- �parkA fu$ljy,� improved and 1andscapedl. IL. ANA iYSST&, A. -),6enera'l:, TNk propoed� chur•.chs is: to be, lccated-, at, 8560 Vineyard! `RSeee Fathibiit; 9.d)4. The. "or issue: r..etated nstituia'ordsi` uses. Tocaitedr wl,t66, i-Muitri*1 areas Is compatflb,*Vidy.• °nifth surrounding tenants .and` parkifng, 8. Compati 1l ity The biisizesses Tonated withlo- this industrial park thgs far fncTude office malUed users or custm nufactturimg� (See FAlibit C)=„ whfrh operate Monday; -4i�Fougb� Fi-3day,1 during regular business' hours. When,the i-ItOKABspecti,on was made-, none>of the,current tenants advertisgdt 6s being open on Sunday.. The, proposed:chuwc .wf.l'r conduct. off ce: actitvities. from 8iW ay.m. tm 4�30' pr.m. kknday through Frid� which is consi+stent: `with, acts 'les: currently taking place`ihroughciut. the fn6strial pork. Trey WTI also hold"sm411 group gatherings on week night exenlogs from 7:00, p.m. to 9:0.0 p:m. and or course worship services on, Sunday mornings. During, these hours,,. other '. on-site businesses are na;: actively conducting business. C. Parking: The overall industrial nark was developed with a parkingg count of 211, they were required to provide at least I5U spaces on-site, thus a surptu;tof 61 spaces exists. With a leased area of 6,000 square'�eet, the church could use up to 15 spaces (I/400) during'§ regular busines'i hours. however they indicate the-need !or only 1.0 spaces during these 'ours. DurU4 =rship services, the church would need 48 spaces available based upon 1 parking space per 35 square feet cif seating area. Since the site inspection turned up no other businesses open Sundays' the avail ability"�af parking would not be a problem:` Tf:e trend indicates, that businesses locating in this industrial. park normally conduct business on wreekdays. PlRN;v3 £".�., �.�r01 d REFORT CoNinvo(At 1tS PER�1Li '8Cz=2$ t=ebrtsaryr.�k,, �g� Page I + D. Environmental,Assessrit: a tt►aon rev fiv of Part 1 of the I,nitio Study and campletj of Part II of,'O Eav�ir en�ai Check2fiat, staff•,has;)t found no signiticant impacts roatsd to , a church' sit -:s f vt3hin t�i3 ^industrial pars. Ill.. FACTS FOR Mof& Tha proposed project-is consistent with the Industrial Specific v The e proposed use, together rd -ththe recommended Conditions: of Approval, wi i ttat^ be detrimental ''to tits pl;bl fc heaTf th, or materially €niurfous to,the pr^oper6ie in the vicifnityr. 1 IV, CORRESPONDENCE: ' This.. item his, been, advertisedw as a >' bl.0 Hearing In they Daily Report Newspapee,, the property-' pcst44,. anc•,notices—,itre sent to f. propert oadn rs srithfn,,300 feet. .,of the 4 7 ct rite ar.,d all existing hus ssa ._witOn the i.n�uotria! park; to add3tioc, the project was ft,warLA to. the 7both,(11 Fire Protection District for their review,and coement. V. REC"ENDMIOK.x Staff recmmends ;approval of the Conditional Use ; Permit. and Issuance oaf ti;e Rega tive'DecUration. Resp fully u ed Brad Buller City Planner I BBDM:te Attachments: Application Exhibit A" a Location Map Exhibit V - Site Plan Exhibit. "C° -'Establisrd Tenant. Exhibit "0' - Floorplan Exhibit "E" -Toathill Fire Protection District Letter P:-solution of Approial wfth Conditions C PART 1 City of Rancho Uniform Cucamonga ,App11ca1&n 4 PART I y rr ® LOCATION OF PR0.eCT(A OAESS) RELATED FILES t - 8560 Vineyard Bob CD • NAME OF PROPOSED Froi.CT {7,�nnn �+�mmy,n.•tp f'.hnr�h .- DiCk37.©31 APPLICANT'S NAME- 7 DICICSlOn ADDRESS TELEPHONE > New Hope Cotmaunity Churcrt Bobob Dic93 714-445-2596 rt 9655 Arrow High-ay, Cucamonga, CA 91i30 EN&A6:'k0b�INlA'a'ir .,. OWNER'S NAME TELEPHONE: i ;# Andrew Barmakian an6 Chuck Pfifster 980-4272 ?e ADDRESS 4� 9375 Archiblad St. 101 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 DEVEOISTRICT GENERALPLAht EXISTIN6LANDUSE SITE ACREAGE CL I,S:P. Gen. Ind. Off EXISTING STRUCTURESQUARE.FOOTAGE ppSEpgT(yUCTUpE£gUAREFOOTAGE — 6000 slow f raw ❑ CONDITIONAL USE PERENIT ', m ` L7 TF'I;NICAI/DESIC,b4 ?VIEW 7 E i CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL* _ NON CONSTRUCTION* ❑ TECHNICAUDrSIGN REVIEW-- *� ❑ DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT RESIDENTIAL (ZONE CHANGE) ❑ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT (jl ❑ GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Ev? BASIC STANDARDS > ❑ MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 0 OPTIONAL STANDARDS Uj ❑ CUSTOM LOTtS4"9DIVISION ❑ MINOR EXCEPTION ❑ DESIGN REVIEW t 0 PRELIMINARY REVIEW' ❑ VARIANCE *It is mandaCa-ir to complete Part I&11 of the Uniform 61 alicat".afh ' NROJEGT®Sgt- PTIR3�9 ..q FULL DESCRIPTIONAFFROPOSEDPAOJECT(A7?ACHA� ,ITIONALSNEETSIFNECESSARY) - G 1A1 We am establishing a church is 6000 sg.ft. Rented from Andrew Barmakian at 8560 Vint e— yard, locating in the South End of B1d.200, our office hours 0 will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Fridoy. Worship meeting, Su.:day 0 , 9;10 a,,. and 10:45 a.m., with anticipated Small Group use 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Some 0 �=1 evenings. Parkins; spaces needed during office hours, approa.10 During 14orship 98.- OWNER'CERTIFICATION k%7" w_; Y�- 'G I CERTIFY THAT 1 AM'PRESENTLY THE LEGAL OWNER FOR THE AB VE SCRI13ED PROPERTY. UJ FURTHER,I ACKNOWLEDGE THE FILIN EN.M APPLICATION AN C RTI THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CCURATE.AG F OWNER A ACH AUTHORIZA iION FROM THE LEGAL 6VNER. ET3ER OF DATE < SIGNATURE: CL PRINT DAME&TITLE: UJ A DATERWO ( RE EIVEOSY F.F.D.ik — FEE'iRRECEIVED flECe1PiWO f� f E: R •+a �4 .- s. ��; i .> +..t.`t..�'4�xV,T.�i�� 1..,5����t�'.,�v* iR�s d Y �✓✓, ``ry� tom..IN !7 Ilia r "^Tf r, r ' s R! NORTR Ctry or, RANCHO CUCAjV!ONt& rr at a".�Coar Trrz.-- 15170- AA Pi.tl`1 I G DIVISIONE�Nlti3tTj �S�teE= � 1G. .tL ,^'�° r, t... �*'e@F�'` :::"�x + grd"' ,�. ��e.�.-e^r^r'•- '�'Ts � L Y ft MML•ISHED!:`TENAIOS 855Q Vineyard Avenue / Vineyard West Business'Park Suits Number Business Name 101 _ 7 Image`"Empixe, Inc, `- 105 Porter Ginera�l Contractor* 106 Hillside ftnstr-uction 108 Varian Asssaeiltes, Inc:. 109 Physiciant Holter Services \? 110 Pacific Southwesti'Homes In Paste Gallery 112 fine European Imports 201 Allied Adjustment Bureau ) 205 Ultim#e Limousines ) 206 Rainbow Gems ( 300 Vacant i 403 Brown Thermal, Inca 404 Bobco Towihv' 504 Data Recall \ $05 Tai Health Club ,r - j i EXhiMt'"C" r !1 1� ASk rAlai ' � •l.f�rma.cY wta .rpm tll uC. ' E i CITY Of. ITal- I,� � � �� r ... 't+ .J/ T} "! �,\'� 5 el*i,�� ,.cF:M �.q„�'y�,.y�♦ RANCHO CtCANI IOIN'GA TrrLE=���L�� I'I.:1NNING DIMES N EXHIMT.J!__.-kALC- ( " �', 7777 Y" d � 14 10 ahill lire P.O.SOk 35•6623 AM-STHYiT ST.a RANCHQ UCAMONGA 91701. 0'141,)987=2335{5. Febtuory 3, Mi. = fGtTY Debra-Meter' City of Rancho Cucainongt� Planning Departmenf1 I r P. 0.Box 807 Roncho;uucaridngi,CA 91730 RE: New H�IwC:ammunity Church'CUP 86 28 Dear Debra: In oL to response T in ui.� " ;.p y q ` far the above project, we offer the.fallowing a; genet.al requirements. Other,more specific requirements, will be determined upon plan submittal for construction. 1. Three exits directly outside will be required fromi;r a sanctuary. (They may be 3-310"doors or 1-3101 door and a set of double!doors 310"ouch.) 2. All exit doors shall swing outward,in direction of trove; 3. Lighted exit signs,on separate circuits„41.11 be rerdlred. 4. Emergency_,lighting will be required in the sanctuary and corridor. 5. The wolf,-between the church and the reighboring occupancy shall be a one-hour fire rated wall. 6. Corridors shall hove 1-hour fire rated walls. 7. All doors opening off the corridors shall be 20 minute fire rated with smoke gaskets. 8. A sanctuary seating diagram sholl be submitted. 9. Loose seating chairs shall be bonded in groups of not less than three:;: ' 10. All decorative materials, curtains, wall jlang;t s,etc, shall be'=flame` retardant'treated. 1. 77 ,gg r T F Gtw o Runcho�G�ucar tt�rt Q " - Febrcrory 3 Page 2 77. A manuof pelf,fire a*#!,w4l be xequfr-ec f Thanker yore roe, gffoinr�g us the oppo�tptrfiy to c6'mment on Yihe proposed Cup., If you•bov�°nny furif-t*'quesii,orrs,,p��e fd,ffree,.co*,tO Sincerely, r �. j� Vora A.Arthur I re'Preventfon Spectbifif ;= VAA/ss n � v r r i 77 RESOLUTION NO. A RELSOLUTI. U�� � OF THE'AW40 CUCAMONCA" PLMNIPJ<a COMMISSION ' `APPROVPMC- t3Ni?-I�i tONA USE P€RMI?� ! 86�28 FORS`NEW HOPE: COMMUNITY YR/IL.CN ki--,L'OCAM AT 85`60 VINEYARD IN THE,GENERAL I11)1)UatR DISiRI.GT WHEREAS, on the rr-th day off Deter, 1986, a compt,ete application was fired by Neu Hope. t6mmunity Church for rev;ew of the `atnvt-described pro,;ecta. apcl 141EREAS, on the• llthr •day" of,February, 198T, the Rar�rlo Cucamonga Planning Comttsf or€' held 4 pu i`i'c hearing to, consirder the v©-described project, ; fl NOW, THEREFQRE, the Rancho Wcamoaga Flann3iie7,.,C=dss1,on reOlved as follows: SECTION 1: That .,&e following findsiags ,an be vaet; 1. That the proposed use is iin .accorfi with the F;enarst Plan, the ob 'eetiTes of the"Tmdncytria&l Specfff: Plan and. the puzpo5�et�of the dfstrfct in which the site Is locafted. -, ' 2 That the proposed use, together, with the, conditions^ , a"lfca6Te, hereto, will not be detri(*ntal to the YiMic tea1ih, mf"ety, or welfare, or arterially iiurfoust to err' :riles or fmprovementts In',thr ,,:� •cinit�. �, t- �1 3. That the proposed use, coaolies %Ath' e`ch of the ' G appl%ible provisions of the Indusi ral Specific SECTION it That this project will not create adverse impacts on the envirormen an at a 'Negative Declaration is issued ad February 11,, 1987. SFCTIOM 3: That C6Mitionzd Use Pert No. 86-28 is approved subject to a c_ owing conditions: 1. This appio^ai shall, run with the applicant also shall become void upon a crz,0ge of ownership, or the use ceases,. 2. The sit: shall be- develoDedi in accordance with the approved plans or`-,£;te Tn the Plar;ni'ng Division, the condG ,ior,z"contained;`:;krein, and Industrial Area Specific Plan regulations. Mlor to any use of the pm-lect site-or business activity being comenced thereon, all cr editions , of approval .shall be completed to the satisfact'A of the- AML City ?tanner and Building Official`. Ir 1 0701-02 o 2-11-87 PC Agenda 2 P9. RINO COW",ow. t MUTION No. CONDITIONAL USE FEW 66-28 February 11, 1987 Paid 2 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections c�'the Industr -I Area Specific Plan, all other applicable City Ordinan�Js, acd appl'tcable community plans or specific plans in effect at the time of occupancy. d. Any signs proposed for this Conditional Use Permit shall be designed in conformance with the'Comprehensive Sign Ordinano ,and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation of such signs. 5. If the operation of this church causes adverse effects upon adjacent businesses or operations, the 'Conditional Use Permit shall--be brought before the Punning Coamission :For their c�ideration and possible termination of such use. 6. Public assembly or TaFge gr*.up meetings (5O+ persons), shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code anT ,Mate Fire Marshall Is Regulatian3 have been complied w1th, Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show c*Wliance. The building shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. 7. The bullding may be used for religious assembly and group meetings only on Saturdsy rnd Sunday and after 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, S. Presch-pls or schools ore rat allowed by this permit; howevel,, this shall n, ;preclude nurseries or Sunday School, WI ROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1987. PLANNING COM41SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: L. al: avid Barker, Ma man ATTEST: Brad guller, DePUV Secretary , 1 PLANNING COWLS90k Np.9LUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE P�I`f $5-2$: February ;;i, 1987' f I Brad Buller, Deputy 5soretary of the .Planning Comission of the Ctty of # `_ Nanth# Cucamn4i, heretj certify tMt the foregoing Resolution was duly and ` regularly introduced; Passed, and adopW by the Planning Comaissfon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting bf t" Planning Comission held on the Aith day of February, I987 . by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COM ISSIONERSt NOES: CfiMMIOP.Mi: ASSENT: C(lw'k SSIOPtE;ttS.;� f 1 1 i i -- CITY OF RANCHO CiMAii+IONGA ct to STAFF REPORT Q �n DATE: February 11, 1587 1977 t TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, 64ty Planner BY: Dan Coleman, Senior Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AID AMENDMENT TO TITLE 14 OF THE ULKECTME SIGNS I. ABSTRACT: This amendment is intended to clarify and revise the sign regulations for (1) off-site subdivision directional signs located within planned communities and (2) site directory signs within multiple family residential or multi-tenant commercial/industrial Aft projects. Staff is recommend)-ng that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of appl 11,to the City Council. I1. ANALYSIS: ` mite Subdivision Directional Signs:_ The developers of the victoria Planned Community and the Terra Vista Planned Community desire to establish their own unique off-site subdivision directional sign program within their planned communities. This amendment would establish regulations for planned community sign programs subject to the same criteria (height, loWation, number) as the BIA subdivision directiona, program. The proposed regulations will require that these off-site subdivision directional signs be located within the botindaries of the planned communities. B. Site Directory Signs: The current sign regulations do not address the need for site directory signs for visitors and emergency vehicles. For the past several years, Planning Commission policy has required site directory monument signs for apartment, condominium and tuwnhome 'projects for the convenience of visitors and to enable fire and police to respond to emergency calls. The Foothill Fire District has.requested that other multi-tenant projects such as industrial. parks complexes should also provide j y ITEM D r -, PLANKIWo C° ; ApF REPORT -. AMENDWiNT TO 'TITLE 14 Vebruary 11, 1987 Page Z y site directory signs for emergency purposes (See Attached Letter). Therikeore, the proposed amendment would allow .s site directory signs, one per vehicular entrance and 12 square feat in area. The signs are intended' to illustrate through the use of a site plan the locations of buildfnga, driveway locations, and the address of each building with copy size visible from'20 feet. tie signs should also be llumtinated for-24 hour visibility. III. ENVIRONMENTAL AS�SSMENT: Staff has Comp'- ted 'arts 1. and 2 of the initial study and 11 kF determined that the proposed amendment would have no significant environmental impacts. Therefore, issuance of a negative declaration would be appropriate. I IV. CORRESPObDE9EE: This item ha's been advertised in the Dailyiuteport Newspaper. To date, staff has not received any response tolthe public notices. AOL V. RECOWENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached { Resolution recommending approval of the attached ordinance to the � City Council. e p R s tfull ai tt,d Y Brad Bul er City Planner BB:DC:te Attachments: Letter From Foothill Fire District Retnlution Ora:•�ance a r RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 14 OF THE RANCHO. CUCANONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO SIGNS WHEREAS, an the 11th day of February, 1987, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing ,pursuant to Section 65854 of the California Government Code. SECTION 1 The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has found that this projecE wil7not create a significant adverse impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration on February 11, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLYzD: 1. That pursuant to Section 6SAW to 65855 of the { California Government Code, that the Planning k Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends that the City Council, approve and adopt ' the attached Ordinance amending Title 14 of the t; Rancho Cucamonga MunicipM Code. f 2. That a Certified Copy, of this Resolution and related material hereby adopted by the Planning Commission 'r shall be forwarded to the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 11TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1987. i PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: E. Oav1d Barker, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary I, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted oy the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meetivq of the Planning Commission held on the llth day of February, 1987, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMIMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: D_ 3 ORDINANCE NA. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF iur CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CAVFORVIA,. AMENDING TITLE 14 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL COOC PERTAINING TO SIGNt F The City Council of tke City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: « " SEC`Wi A 1: Title 14 of the Rancho Guca►wig' a municipal Code- is hereby amended by adding bsection 14,24,06S to Chapter 14.20. to read, in words and figures, as follows. "14.20.065 Permitted signs -• 'Cff-site subdivision directional sign within Planned qommuniU— e o ow ng signs F-,i ne permitted within any ptanned caimmutifty, which was established pars! Ant' xo Section _17,14.020, subject to the provisions listed: "A. A Maximum, of six: signs may be used to lead customers to the site. Signs shall be located within the boundaries of the Planned Community, except said signs shall not be located on perimeter streets to the Planned Co0munity. "B. Signs shall be no larger than sixty inches by ten inches and shall be grouped on a four-sided sign structure as shown in Exhibit 09. "C. A sign structure shall be located not less than six hundred feet fmzo an existing or previously approved sign site. Further, each sign may only contain the name of the subdivision, and a directional arrow as shown. on Exhibit B. "D. The detailedAesign and placement of each sign structure shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner. E. Signs placed on private property shall be done with - written consent of the property owner and filed with the Department of Community Development prior to issuance of permit. Signs in the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of the sign permit. "F. A sign location plan shall be prepared showing the site of each directional sign and shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development prior to issuance of the sign permit. "G. Any such sign approved for a particular subdivision within the Cityshall b ch d r not a changed to advertise another subdivision without prior approval of the City Planner. I i r, t 77 EXHIBIT A - } EXHIBIT B - Fs�HADow. ORDINANCE NO, PJMENOMENT TO TITLE 14 t; "H. There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, d`vices, -display boards, or appurtenances added to the sign as originally approved. Further, no other directional signing may be used such as posters, or trailer signs, "I. All nonconforming subdivision directional signs associated with the subdivision in question must be ,removed prior to the issuance of a new sign permit. Hi. A five-hundred-dollar cash deposit shall be placed with the City to ensure compliance with this title. Any sign `x placed contrary to the provisions of this title may be removed by the City and the cost of removal shall be deducted from the dellosit. Additional costs incurred by the City resulting ,from the removal of illegal signs shall be charged tot he developer. "K. The sign shall' be allowed until subdivision is sold out or, in the case of a.leasing office, until 75 percent of the units have been leased or rented. "1 . This section shall not be construed as to prohibit the i dev0 op_rs within a Planned Carmunity from participating I In the off-site subdivision s gn program implemented and installed through the Building Industry Association CBIA3 provided that a combination of a maxin:an of six signs may be used to ,ead customers to the site. SECTION 2: Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to modify 5ubsection 14.20.0608 to read as follows: "14.20.060B. Signs shalt be no large than 0 inches by ten inches and shall a grouped on a four-sided sign structure ae shown in Exhibit A. SECTION 3: Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to modi`ty Section 14.20.080 to read as follows: "14.20.080 Pemitted signs -- Residential uses. The following signs may be permitted or residLn_T fuses subject to the pro-visions listed: n ,r 4t AMENDMENT TO TITLE 14 SECTION 4• Tide 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby amended to"modrfy section 14.20.100 to read as follows; wt14.20.100 Permitted sl rs Commercial and office uses. The following signs pbftjvte ,or cMWFcfA`F-a—rd office, uses subject subjjct to the provisions listed: i 4�� Sign Maximum Maximum Maximum class TYR Number Sign Area Height Remarks 1. Name Plate wall one per 2 sq. ft. Below roofline Shaii identify`,the name and/or `:. parcel' address of the occupant, ' 2. Institutional will One per use 20 sq. ft. Below roofline Name of instltuti n` Signs and 1onl y• monument• One per usr 24 sq. ft. 6 feet from a.. To identify thr iInstitution sign finished grade and, ? b. Can vi' orpor,'c changeable copy to indi^,at!'special events &1d time of service. 3. Neighborhood kali or Two per 24 sq. ft. 6 feet for wail a. Copy shall be limited to the Identificatiait monument sign developmt 1 sign and 4 fact name and address of development. for monument sign 4. School Wall One per use 20 sq. ft. Below rooflina Mime anti address of school only, Idec�fication and free-standing One per use Up to SO Up to 20 ft. a. To be located no closer than sign sq. ft from finished 5 ft. from the property line. grade b. To identify the school and to display activities and special events with changeable copy. S. Apartment Wall or One psr street 12 sq. ft. A wait sign a. Signs shall harmonize with the Identification monuaunt frontage with a -shall not scale and design of the (12 units or maximum of two project above development. less) per development the roofline an in no case shall b. Indirect lighting only. exceed 20' above finished grade c. Monument signs shall be placed and a monument no closer than 5' to the sign sha17 not property line. exceed 6' in height. 6. Apartment Walt or One per street 112 sq. ft. A wail sign a. Signs shall harmonize with the Identification monument frontage with r shall not scale and design of the i (more thzin maximum of two project above development.. pment. ' 12 units) the roofline and in no case shall b. Indirect lighting only. exceed 20' above' finished grade C. Monument signs shall be placed and a monument no closer than 5' to the sign shall not property line. exceed 6' in hei ht. 7. Site Directory Monument One per 12 sq. ft. Up to 6 feet a. To direct visitors a'nd r (Multi le emergency vehicles to buildings. Family) Entrance b. Sign shall be Fonveniently located and shall not be located withi the entry throat in a manner which could block access. c. Illuminated for legibility 24 hours a day. d. Gign shall locate building, driveway locations and address of each building. fire hydrant or knox box locations may also be shown as required by fire district. e. Copy shall b;:~�;nimum I inch in height and legibTa from 20 feet.. Q, Q � Sign Mgieteuam Ntaxirama Mex1mY� Class ifpe Number Sign Area Nalght" P,emaaras 1. Business Wall One per 10%of the No. to project a.' A 4dmbination of monument and Identification building face, building face ,�oove the rdof .gall signs may be used, (business not a maxiaxa of not to exceed dad in ne case M'.1evor, only a maximum of 3 within shopping three (3) per 150 sq. ft be higher than siyn�Y be used to identify, centers business. 20 feet from any;one business. including single finished grade. i tenant office and buildings) monument One per street 24 sq, ft. Up to 8 feet b. Wali s'itrs and monument Jsgns f frontage, a shall be architectuaily Wimw of two desigW to be compatible with (2) per the development. business. C. Monument signs sCia11 be placed entirely on the subject property and shell hot over— Nng into private or public property. z 2. Business Waii i" per 10%of a0i Not top E Identification building fate, building face, above the roof a, walllssignsima of monument and i g may be used, F (businesses a maxim=Of 3 not to exceed and in no cast however, only a maximm of 3 within shopping for any aM 130 w. ft. be higher than signs may be used to identify centers) business. 20 feet frame any one business. j finished grade. - b. Wall signs are limited to business identification only. c. "onueent signs may contain up to three identifications per side; either the these nave of the C"tar and two tenants at three tenants. The design (color, material style) of all monument signs shall ba con%istant and compatible to the design of the center. Monument signs facing different streets need not contain identical information. Additionally, a twostde need not contain the s d. A center is one in which businesses and structures are designed in an integrated and interrelated development. Such design is independent of the number of structure%, lots, or and parcels making up the center. One per street 24 sq, ft. Up to a feet e. All shopping cw.ars shall monument frontage, wt develop a coordinator;,: sign to exceed two program for all tenants and per davelopment uses. This includes size, War. sign type, and location.#, Limited variation is permitted, such as color,as long as the remaining components of the program remain the same. Business To be 15 sq. ft. Up to 6 feet f. The business directory signs directory determined are intended to provide (monument) through direction and identification to aptroval by the the smaller individual shop C"ty Planner. tenant. All such signs shall Signs may be maintain a minimum 60 foot placed to form setback from the street(as a single measured from the face of structure or c Kiosk. urb). 3. Business Wall To he 10%of the Not to project a. A conceptual sign program for identification determined by ace of the above the roof. building shall be required at (multtple the City structure where the time of design review,. professional Planner based sign is to be tenants more on each placed, not to b. The City 1~7anner shall re than three), individual exceed 50 all office sign programs The number and building square feet, through the (,trmit procedure Placement of design. to determine tMg it is within will and andl the criteria herein set forth directory signs One par %treat Z4 sq. ft. Op to 8 feet and meets the intent of this shall be subject monument maximum of 2 Ordinance. to review by the Q City Planner. Sign ?iaxtwum Maximum Maxiiwm Class Type Number Sln Area Height Remarks and Business To�e IS sq. ft. Up to 8 f-.t c• Monument signs shall be limited Directory determined by to f4entifying the name of the 'Oe City professional complex. Planner based on each d. Business directory signs may be individual placed throughout the site as building desigf needed and shall be limited to listing the tenants name and and enf numiher. One per 12 sq.it. Up to 8 feet a. To direct visitors and Site v ehicular emergency vehicles to buildings etrance Directory b. Sip shall be conveniently (monument) located and shall not be located within the entry throat in a manner which could block acce3s. Illuminated for legibility 24 hours a day. fr d. Sign shall locate buildings, driveways, and address of each building. Fire hydrant or vox box locations may also be shown as required by fire district. e. Copy shall be minima i inch in I hei ht and legible from 20 feet 4, a. Service Wall One per street IDS of building Not above roof a. A combination of monument and Station frontage. 'face no':to line or 20'. and wall may t;e used, but no Identification maximum 2 exceed rso ft.*than a total of 3 signs. and Pricing squa's feet and --- b. Trig monument sign shall be One per street. 36 sq. ft. Up to 8 fait designed to include the Amex monument frontage. not identification of the stat-A to exceed a and gasoirna prices. No other total of two price signs are allowed. per station. b. Special Wall or One for each 2 sq. ft. If mounted on a Special service signs shall be Service Signs ground pump island, or pole of the limited to such items as self not to exceed canopy, it shall serve. full serve, air, water 7a total of four be no higher Cashier and shall be per station. than 8 feet, nonilluminate6. Ground signs shall not exceed 6 feet in height c. Special Window or Two per 6 sq. ft. A ground sign Special advertisement Shall be Advertisement ground station not exceed 6 lftited to advertising special ft. in height, sales or services. a window sign shall not exceed 6 feet in height S. Pedestrian Wall, window, One per 6 sq. ft. Not to exceed Such sign shall contain only the Traffic Signs canopy business 12 ft, above identification,of the business for finished graft. pedestrian traffic. 6. Temporary Signs Window One per 30%of the Not to exceed Such signs shall be limited to business window area 6 feet above temporary messages such as sales. finished grade. No business identification is permitted in this category. 7. Regional Upon development of a "regional shopping tenter", a conceptual sign µrogram shall be developed and Shopping Center and approved by the Planning Commission with the overall approval of the project. Final details of the signs shall be submitted to the City Planner in accordance with the sign permit procedures. The City Planner shall review for consistency with approved conceptual program. 8. Movie Theaters Upon development of'a "movie"theater", a conceptual sign program shall be developed and approved by the Planning Commission with the overall approval of the project. Final details of the signs shall be submitted to the-City Planner in accordance with the sign permit procedures.. The City Planner shall review for consistency with approved conceptual program. i p _ 10 i AMENDMENT"IO tITUE 14 -( _ SECTION 5s Title 14 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is her,- y amended to`vo-Mfy`ectt;�-.14.20.11€Y to read as follows 1114.20.110 F j3nft ed si rrs -- Industrial uses. The €olIowing signs A my he pey-10:1,6d for IMstrial uses su ,> a e prer Isions listed: t �Yl .I�/ �: Fax+c:� llazraRua Class,. TypeNutmber Si n Area p t!_ Height Reisaaks 1. susina�}� Nall One per 10%of the Not to project a, Wall signs shall be limited to identification building face building face above thn ,jdent;jficatfoq of business and (sfngl�t tenant. not to exceed not to exceed roar","'M„ to bd p1a�eA on buildings only. single parcel) 2 per business 240 sq, ft. Wapet of Me No signs may be placed on other Itoof• structures such as silos or and ,r_ towers. One per street 24 sq. f 8 feet b: A comhinatfon of stall and mmOrwaesnt frontage not abutment signs may be user' to pe exceeds how ever, such signs shall ;wt per business exceed 3 per,business. 2. Business Nall One per 10%of thelfl !lot tb project a. Nall signs shall Man the identification *uildfng face building faa abort the indfridutl businesses and be imultttenani net O exceed not to exceed roofline or located at the main pedestrian sites) 2 par business 160 sq, ft. arrapet of the "tram#or parkirq area and RMY b�plated on buildings only: No grail signs may be Placed on other structures such i and aa�til or towers. Sfte Ofra One per 12 sq. ft, Up to 3 feet a. To direct visitors,.and tort' vehicular(monument) entrance emergency vehicle; to buildings b. Sign shall be "veni ent I r located and �t not be located KftJft1'At�--xitry throat in a manner►dig oAd block access. -\ C. Illuminated for legibility 24 F„Y hours a fitly. P Sign shall locate buildings, d. drfY sways,and Address of each t building Fire hydrant or knox box locations may also be Shown lid = as required by Fire District. t. :CD shall be minimum 1 inch in and. hepyand l ible from 20 feet Monument Ott per street 36 sq. ft. Up to a feet a. lNe business directory imonum�tnt (business frontagt sign shall lfst only the directory) or barking address and naves of the onsite area not to activities. exceed 2 per development, b. Tice business directory monument or sign sball be located either Monument One per street 24 sq. ft. Up to a feet ,adjacent to the parking area or parkingfrontage the mean entrance to the or area not to development. exceed 2 per, C. A mxwwment identification sign development. may be permitted in lieu of the business directory sign to identify the development. I �� 1 AMENDMENT TO TITLE 14 SECTION C: A 'Hegatiite Declaration is hereby adopted for this Mun cipai`' o e endment, based upon the completion and findings of the Initial Study. SECTION 7: The Mayor. shall sign this Ordinance and tFa City Clerk sha;"I cause the same to be published within fifteen (IS) days after its pas�aga` at least once in TTse Dail Re ort, a newspaper 'of general circulation published in the City o€ aotZ"alrnia, A. ,d circulated i, ;the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. i v I s • I 1 a i D - 1 CITY OF, CHO CUCAh &GA, ��cnnfa Affdk a O � F $ Z V DATE: Febru,?ry 11, 1987 1977 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM:. Brad Buller, City Piariner F. BY: Scott 1'"phy.' Assistant Planner SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL PERMIT 87-01 - KUNY & C�. - Appeal 0f staff's c on nvirtg a reeova o e even' (t1) trees�la:.ated P" 17a.tfront of the Woolworth's. Garden Center on the south silo of Foothill Boulevard, east of Nelms !Avenel APN: 2D9=261-sr5. I. BACKGROUND: On January 2, 1987, Kunz & Co. submittel a Tree emova ermit application in accordance with the provisions of x Ordinance f276 (Tree Preservatio Ordinance). The request was for =oval of 11 tretm located 4m the south side of Foothill a Boulevard, east of Helms Avenue. J'he proposed removal of the trees was to provide greater visibility of an -rxisting billboard display. Staff denied the request as inconsistent with 4he Tree Preservation Ordinance0. 1'' ANALYSIS The request pertains to 6 sycamore, 3 ash, 1 alder and 1 cuca yp us tree that Mere plant 'as a requirement of the {' telopment o•, the Noolworth Garden Center. The trees range in fraw 11 1/2 inches in circumference and 10: feet high.to 26 1/2 � I—Aes in circumference and 32 feet high. Staff has rec3ewed the tree removal permit application ai.:1 conducted a field investigation to evaluate the ,condition and location of the trees. Based on the ` information presented, staff denied the Tree Removal Permit as- inconsistent with the criteria of Ordiance #276 (soe Exhibit "C") in the following areas: 1. The trees are healthy and well-maintained and do not pose a threat to existing structures. 2. The need for removal has not been demonstrated at titi iime. No plans for public or private improvements have been submitted that would necessitate the removal of the trees. TER € RE 1txTNGCtn: BRAt REP©RT TREE RENVAL PEttSZT, S74 KUkZ & CO. ` February 11, 1567 Page Z 3. The trees in' aastizn were required to be installed as part of t'-e apO Val fev development-:of the site. The sycarore trees are the -designated street t9-ie for Foothill Boulevard.- Also, the remaining trees were proviOd to meet the General Plan requirewnt of providing informal clusters to supplement the street trees. 4. rThe !wholesale rawaval of,-*hes trees,ytruld have a significant adverse effect up1jj the "sirecfscape 6araCter of this portion c? Fo,thill. 5. i)e trees are required to be maintained as a -Condition of Approval ofIthe Woolvoi-th Garden Center. 111. RECOIENDATION: Staff recommends than the Planning Commission den; Tree' emnvat Permit 87-01. { Respesfiully subs Z 4 Brad But or City Planner F, c BB•SM:vc G' Attachments: Letter of Appeal Application ' Tree Removal Permit Appl icati on Exhibit "A" - Site Plan Exhibit "B" - Letter of 3enial Exhibit: "C" - Removal Criteria (Ordinance #276) j 1831 GOMMERCENTER EAST (714)888.0018 (800)472.4218 7� January 14, 1987 A Ms. Jan Reynolds ' Secretary of the PTanning.CcaRission P.O. Box 807 Ranchn Curun ga, Cal' aarnia 91730 subSects Tree J eaovL�a Lormit 87-01 - 9445 Foothill_Blvd., Raache Cucamonna J Dear Msn. ';eynalds; I 10% y.wssh to appeal the decision of the City Planner dated January G; 1987 and r ceived by us on January 12,, 1987. We are including the' required appeal fee of We Took forwari, to the prompt scheduling and equitable resolution of this master. Any information regarding local Planning Commission procedures that you can for- ward to us would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please feel fripe to contact me< ,Shank you. sincersl J.P. Gent KUNZ & CO. JPG:rw Faclosure Cucamonga DEVELOPMENT AM Z loll an - Ordinance No.276,pertalning to the preservation of trees on private property,rectuires that no:parson - — remove or relocate any woody plants In excess of fifteen(15)feet in height pnd heaving a single trunk circumference of fifteen(15) inches or more and multi-trunks having a ch%jumforence of thirty(30) Inches or more(measured twenty-four(24)inches from ground level),withtut first abtalnfng a Tree Removal Permit from the City. TO SECOPOWED BY APPLIE'i r,.. CL LOCATION OF SUBJECT SITE: 9445 Poothill Blvd. ! ! NAME,ADDRESS,TELEPHONE OF °�t...,.�.. t k 1831 ComTQrcenter fast. San 8grnardino California 92i}08. j' NAME,ADDRESS,'TELEPHONE OF PROPERTY OWNER(if othdrthanapplicanty. �. Ed Praver. 2115 Stoney Hill Rd__Los_Angeles, California, oa04Q 914-471..h574 Cl.. REASONS FOR REMOVAL(attach necessarysheets): In l�+xminatp a tpaall existine outdoor advertising display.- PROPOSED METHOD OF REMOVAL:- By a nrofessional trap aprvirp by r-i,ttiag I � AFFI(GANT'S3lGNATURE; ATE; December 31, 1986 ADR } This application shall Include a plot plan indicating location of all trees to be removed and retained. The species,number,and size of the trees to be removed shall to so designated.If a tree is diseased,. ` L then a written statement from a licensed arboriat stating the nature of the disease shall be required. �-- ACT fQfrizyafuatian of tht$pppltcatiori Is baseic!a ths:' ta�s`o e; �� ! ❑ APPROVED v at<Nli=a , y By: Reasons: ` f Cr Date: r 0 Notification of application shalt be given to property owners within a three hundred font radius ten days prfar to approval.If no appeals are rege}ve^t then the perrnli Shall become effective ten(10)day.fro the t .1 date of action. ,ilis apprrved tree remov„, ,chit is valid for 90 days from the date of final map reco n ('1 1•.0'4;" ,-it r' rhirhPvPr ramps first.Shni)iri nnolicant fail to remoop the trp?c Chu°Stiri 4 �ar µul'Qu,.;law. µr:+.,.,; ,,,tali oe regww.,wiless an extension is requesteo tourer,j14}Li;ji4.tau. iCl the expiration of the permit. r ,.. 4 , s l t . Condition of the trees? ���' r 2 'Proximity to an existing structure ;,interfeirence with utility services- v "� f 720 3' Is there any confilc with prapo3 improvements?(Streets,building pads,walls) 4. Proximity of other trees in the area. t y 5, Effect of tree removal on the aesthetics of the area and the public health,welfare and safety. 6. Can the tree be preserved by puking or relocation? 7. Do the trees constitute a significant naturalresoume? /tee 8. Are the trees required to be preserved byany specific plan,condition of approval or historic land- mark designation? /f'� ? •^'S` /%/ j c�fS/Lv�j ��CS' 9. Is art arborlst required? a /151 DATE: fdALUATEP.BY: /d i r E_c" is t,. E � � I I 3+ erwg 46- QASW j . i G NORTH CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MMNGA, TITLE: 09ZAA1, PLANNING DWMDN EXHiMT'= I I� l If Cr f OF RANCHO CUCalRtORGA too oe"501 A"i RwPft Coammp,C00rata 91730.(714)9a9-1831 Maw Detmis L StwA January 6, 1987 [7aReeiLaew►eee j Chtrlaa 7.Hwrvst II Deborah N. Pamela KIM r J.P. Gentry cu.Arm Kunz and Company t a�„en wrs,em�ae 183E Commorcenter East San Bernardino, California 924D$' SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL PERRIT 87-01 - 9445 Foothill Boulevard,, Rancho Cucamonga Dear Mr. Gentry- The Planning staff has reviewed your applicavion for tho removal of eleven trees located within the landscaped setback area along Foothill Boulevard. Based on infoM'iian contained in the application and an inspection of the site, it !1&3 been determined that your request for a Tree Removal Permit must be denied as being inconsistent with the criteria of the Ciity's Tree Preservation, Ordinance (276) in the folIc:*dng areas: t. The trees are in good condition and do not pose a threatt to existing; structures,. 2. The need for re=val has not been demonstrated at this time. No plans for public or private improvements have been submitted that would necessitate the removal of the trees. 3. The trees in question are street trees that were required to be installed as part of the approval for the developwent of this site. Should you disagree with the decision for denial, you have a ten day period beginning with the date of receipt of this letter in which you may file an appeal with the Planning Conmission. Appeals must be submitted in writing, together with a $62.00 appeal fee, with the Secretary of the Planning Comission. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Scott Murphy of our office at (714) 989-1861. Sincerely, C TY 0 LOPMENT EN1` PLANK DIVI ON Da Co em.an Seui or Planner ,r OC:SFt:to -- r.� ' f wfel ae_ fay .,.. ..l apiatica for as ��� tar!M .e pe apb�foe ar is �C+1' 'nand kvdvu Vfttw trot fire(a totes or MGM`UM fact of , tip $ Qcoeeriurae is h ' L upon receipt asf flee�s�ati�„Life pity Planner or design shall iavastlgat thus site aa�3 etralta tits Apgiication on the,basi$of the follow oxitas>+iias - ... =a.•*• . . i ' e. The ewditlaan of the��ja}with respect to disease,danger of collapse of all or Mg'*ttae Of the trea(s), proximity,to an cxistieeg structure, t.}ifitArferoaafa with utility services; aeecasslty to �'oinoaver at treaa in order to construct Improvements v 1. allow.GCOMMIG enjoyment of the Propertv Ce 'R'lfe nuaaba:r of trawl asdficiu�ii-the neighborhood; and,the lffecR tlfe ramova laottTeiL 1taNae am the estabilshed charwitasr asf the ores and the peopwty Vahan d.' '@ bother or not'the removal of the troe(s) is necessary to construot Mdved impCoventasttsr within than public; street right-Of-MY ar withIA a flood eont wl at utility,right-of-wey; s,. Whether or not the tree could bo•pr¢swved by pruning and Proper maintenance or relocation rather than remoal; f. Whether or not such tra:e(4-e®nstitute a sigYc€i';Mt.. _ . resource of-the Ci natural._ fy; g. Whether or not suer trm are required to be preserved by any specific plan, community plan, condition of approval, or designation as historic landina el-, 1 _ I i NORTH CITY Or. rFc1g: P-97 Q RAINCHQ CUCADVIONGA MTLE: ' .��,� FL.aMNOC US'LSQ EiNiti[T- _.SGtUC= CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA �vcnnro STAFF REPORT o ' F 2 U DATE: February 11, 1987 tsrr TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad duller, City planner BY: Nancy Fftj',�, Associate Planner SUBJECT: PRELIMINAR , REVIEW P5- 7 - NUkEST - A consistency e erm natl6,1 -begin" a— otnill Corridor Interim €, Policies and',the proposed 90,700 square foot integrated r shopping cell*,h on 8.67 acres of land in the General Commercial Aib ,trict, located at the southeast corner of Foothill Bo w}'evard and Hellman Avenue - APR 208-261-25 and 26. I. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is for the Planning Commission to ' determine the consistency of this project with the Foothill Corridor Interim Policies. The intent of this process is to provide direction to the applicant early ('j to avoid undue time delays or expenditures II. BACKGROUND: A. General: The site i, vacant with no significant vegetation. - Previously, a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 83-08 - Lewis) was approved by the Planning Commission on October 26, 1983, for a 377,665 square foot shopping center including a Taco Bell fast food _'eaurant. The Planning Convission, in reviewing the time extension for the Conditional Use Permit expressed concern that this master plan shopping center did not provide the required pedestrian and plaza amenities consistent with the City policy. The owner/developer at that time {Lewis Homes, revised their master plan by providing such amenities as continuous pedestrian connections, plaza areas, benches, seating area, kiosks, etc. to address the concerns of the Planning Commission. The Planning Connission on August 14, 1985 reviewed this revised master plan and approved the modification to this Conditional. Use Permit including the time extension.. Attached for your reference is } ITEM F PLANN' d. SSON SOFF REPORT PRELINlT,NARY REVIEW 86-77 - NUWESi February 11, 1987 Page 2 Exhibit "B" showing the modified master plan for the shopping center. This Conditional Use Permit has expired as of April, 1905. The new owner/developer of this site is now NuWest Commercial Development Corporation, who is requesting for such consistency determination for his proposed shopping center- S. Surrounding Land Use and rori`i Areas north of the site'`„ai•e designated as Medium Residential District, and cons,-Cst of a motel, mobile how park` and non-conforming uses and structures. Areas<-to the east are designated as General Commercial District, and consist of DerWei�ierSchnitzel fast food restaurant, Perry's Market, and a'-new mini-warehouse that is under cvnstruction. Areas to the south are designated as Law Residential District, and consist of single family ` homes. Areas to the west are designated as Medium4igh Residential Ristrict,:.,and consist of apartments. C. Applicable Regulations:' The development of an integrated shopping center requires a Conditional Use Permit. II1. ANALYSIS: The key issue for the Planning Commission's consideraeion is the nampatibility of the proposed use with the surrounding properties and the consistency of the proposed site plan to the interim policies rvd design criteria. A. CompatiVi ity: The development proposal must be compatible with surrounding residential properties, and mitigate potential conflicts to the extent practical "Mitigation measures may typically include, but are not limited to, master planning, transition of building 'hef,% architectural form and density, landscape buffers, s6und attenuation, reduction of wind turbulence, visual barriers and/or grading conditions to disrupt line-of sight concerns, and alternative circulation and access." The developer has provided a Master Plan which includes preliminary ling-of-sight studies along the southerly property line as shown in Exhibit " u. Approximately 15 feet of landscape buffer is proposed along the south property line. Sight lines 'A' and W F' PLANNING Ctir�SIOR STAFF RFx ORT PRELIMINARY REVIEW 86-77 - ti!WEST February 11, 1987 Page 3 indicate a finished floor grade differential of 14 feet above the homes to the south. However, detailed mitigation measures would be reviewed at the Conditional Use Permit pr�,cess. B. Pedestrian Orientation The site planning, including building orientation andI parking lot configuration, provide ample opportunity for pedestrian connectio s on and off site. A continuous pedestrian system has been provided with connections between buildings, parking areas, street adjacent sidewalks, and transit stops, C. Combined Access i The interim access policy requires shared access to provide 300' foot driveway separation. The proposed driveway locations are consistent with previously approved locations for this site. The main entrance driveway is approximately 215 feet from the Taco. Bell driveway. r I U. Streetscape/Landscaping The proposed project upgrades the landscaping and streetscape for the entire parcel consistent with the goals of the interim policies. This will include, but is not limited to, intensified landscaping with spec€men size trees, berming, buffer views of automobiles,. screening utilities aid service areas, and distinguishing pedestrian spaces .from vehicular areas. The detailed designs of such 'streetscape and Iandscaping will be reviewed at the Conditional. Use Permit process. E. Architecture The interim policies state that the architecture of any new construction should be designed to establish a high quality, attractive, and unifying design image which promotes a sense of identity and reflects community heritage. The concept of architecture shown in Exhibit OE" indicates architectural elements such as covered arcades and curvilinear gables with a contemporary span,ish feeling. Attached for your review is the applicant's statement of architectural intent indicating how the project is sensitive to the heritage of Rancho Cucwmonga from the developer. P REPORT PRELlPfIliARV REVIEW 85-F7 - NUWEST February 11, 1587 Page 4 \a k, r a F. Public 'transit A major shopping center site such as this would probably have a bus stop on Foothill. Adepate sidewalk connections from Foothill into the center as provided. F IV. RECOMMEWATI Staff recommends that the Planning`Commission determine the project; i consistent withl'the interim policies. Res fully tt t' Brad Fler City Planner BB:NF to Attachmerts: Exhibit "A" - Location gap/Land Use Exhibit "B" - Previously Approved Master Plan of CUP 83-08 Exhibit "C` - Aoi oved Eleva,ions Written Statement of Architectural Intent Exhibit *DO - Proposed Conceptual Site Plan Exhibit "E" Proposed Conceptual Elevations Exhibit.°F" - Proposed Conceptual Landscape Plan I I i f � OPEN �si1'f�lp�flfq: . ( Y i r . . . » wa�: . � ` .[} �. :. \ © \��\: 2 \,x�\§ . . 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WpAt �4Tf ac£:ii}w. !?iaFY: `�"iA!itgtararf�: i tr i/i 4ia. ?Hrr are•a.,;. �tia�' l{;[i ris' ( tltnrti L Y y� X .iihk M .• ` .,��'��X �.. .� ��':'� "..tR�?.��q FKr!• � +1 l..y,ft nerrtg�e���t'+aNt-t � t �^ tti;�1City of';anchc Cucamon a- aauuary 12, 1987 •�•+�w;,, �-1-.....—_�...e.F4+nt''{si�.,�t�l�`!]Zr,__c.-3.3U�r ,���'nI PO-}.$C�ettJ. - - - ��i K''��'`�'. " 'py123913.n2P.�Z►, '�sP3C71*`$�+-71 --'.,.". .'1'�",.".a SDear Ranrha,Cucamonga y� l ottei`�1s$ Qffi �t 6' 1 ��'T5leIR i'�F2i3 .9 �t.$e!T F w. G x +} nxkerir�r dea£gn aatorasll sc1EEi c ganc�C` esattia�zce eta ans3 ` a Kmiti es, tho i'cl to lnq 9 tomenit hae beeln ear3 nswrmarsza Our. I. -6V712fVqrts The design of tee roothi.11 villiage Shnpkiag`-^end xtrive* 'I�o achieve x a high quali.tw contemporary spanish fo etingo r Clanopy towers, relay, the raof, plaster Sixua, plaza rxv�Rs s t2c raised €yea ng snd aTsuidant is pang hsae- eaV 'th�t3& ,+=-u . buildings in keepu xitths ar (OCCUR Specia3 consideration was givO-I to vehicular circulation.for safe au3 efficient traffic flow and sites access with dacarative surface treatments at entry:drivca,�pedestrian ossways and sidewt k areas.Xii .fix ,k. Sincerely, i•iv_ +.y,.�iti19�Iti, Ci .z .�.%ua•�':Ai• ' rr+yi3�'C }�-i�....tt r. ZA Ao"-4 f * lts ti F.T88,NADL[i.PAEtTti&RSAIP SidC. " as . ti, ui "tkx •ate .;�« F a s?'�rk S4tt ��E7t}.f' 1r$ Z s , Xen°Ji mura Project Manager drtf085 .a 1 1 , Le tT I Ij P r oft Q ' 111 dD ' i .. ' Oil off€ € i� r3 fa R. if -. lL' V U 1 I i a 1�, r� � [ 1 n�1 fn e d`7 O 3 i6 i 'A` 4. _NEll.Y9 sV6NUH C 77. aE Q 5J92 E75R7 7dca ld 3' -WQ 6 N e aB a � oa �IN U '�F•j, �Uhl y��-° y �j. �• �a Y �• � � li 4 � Y .�i 1.1 All POOTHILL VtLl.AGE NU WEST`f QICRNONai CA • 1270112h 371 11 rs.z 1 i P 0 N tED . ' a VILLAGE NU WEST 4 ELEVATit>ft'S nwawac�aoc�n � nnneaan. i l p , ELE1rAnon FOOIMLL VH.LAW mi ww"r , t 3 SECTioN a Ramo aw 10""u nix"t UTS MIA F- 1a �IM1 ° n, r m y � 1 ' r I rt' I I 7-1 _ 1 /, [-7 ....� NU WEST `1st�j! �IGHY LINES F007FIItJ.VILLAGE r 1 n4MCKOC uMwa a r:�aruraara F rr I t r ® Of *g E r rti Oil .a ;g I &V—mm SP WWI . f $ $ n$ � A � � G s P�R D � A K y..r ��+ O N •' I I I i !i FOOTHILL VtLLAO? ME W i — F^ 14 ny w CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA v , je W� �, U > DATE: February II, 1987 Wn TO: Chairman and Members of the planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City planner BY Greg Gage, Assistant Planner } l� SU&i ECT HOW OCCUPATION PERMIT 8 210 - TAYLOR - Appeal of Staff s ec s en aenying a ome""llF;cup'a�fo`n Permit at 8I59 Malachite Avenue. I. BACKGROUND: on October 21, 1986, Mr. Joe Taylor submitted an app" e� for a Fide Occupation Permit to at'ta:;construction of styrofoam sign inserts within the garage of a single family residence located at $169 Malachite Avenue. The appiica'ion Indicates that styrofoam sign inserts with faces no larger than 3 feet by S feet would be fabricated, utilizing mechanized saws,as well as glues. The garage was previously used by a former owner for a non-conforming upholstery shop., 11, ANALYSISt A Rome Occupation is defined by the Development Code as: "HOME OCCUPATION: An accessory occupational use con ucted by a resident of a dwelling as a secondary use thereof, which is conducted entirely within a dwellin by the inhabitants thereof, sdrtch use is clearly incidental ao the use of the structrare for dwelling purposes &?1 which does not change the character thereof, and ft..a which there is no aisplay no stock-in-trade, no--.` commodity sold an the prf ies and no reechanice,, equipment used .'xcept that + essary for housekeeping purposes." Applications for Nate Occupation permits are evaluated on the basis of fourteen specific criteria, to assure that such occupations are I compatible witn the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. These include: o "The use of the dw0ling for such horse occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes by its inhabitants." ITEM f PLAMING COMISSION STAFF REPORT ` HOPW210 - TAYLOR ` January 28 1987 Page o UK* equipment or processes shalt be used an a subject property which creates noise, smoke, glare, fines, odor, vibration, electrical, radio or television interference disruptive to surrounding properties." o "There shall be no change in the outward appearance of tt,e building or premises, or other visible evidence of tQ:q activity: ,E a "The use shall not involve storage of materials or supplies in an accessory building or outside any structures." Staff's review of the proposal resuiteJ in the determination that the use would not conforw.-to the above criteria, for the following reasons; - A sign construction business is of more intensive use and would be incompatible with the primary residential use of the neighborhood. The applicant h6ls clearly stated .that the property`wis purc'nased to "operate a small business." - The operation of wech;iaized saws and the application of glues on the property could generate noise, vibration and fumes which would be detrimental to adjacent residential properties. - Fabrication and storage of signs is- being conducted outside the buildings which changes the outward appearance of the premises. 1 - The applicant is storing materials in two accessory { storage buildings. i i III. RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the above analysis, Staff r,-..:oemends tHat the Planm ng Commission determine the proposed Home Occupation to be inconsistent with the intent of the Home Occupation regulations and deny the appeal of Home Occupation permit 86-210. Re t41eyr ted, Brad 8 City Planner BB:GG:vr Attachments: Nome Occupation Permit 86-210 Application Exhibit "A" - Letter of Appeal Exhibit "B" - Ce erofof Denial I i i..r S*UWSCOA ww SHO*CARD �. J C�. t SUBJECT: ` .APPEAL TO .DENIAL OF BUSINESS OPERATING LICENSE IN CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. THERE WILL BE VERY LITTLE CUTTING ON THE PREMISES. <; A LOT LES$-THAN THE OWNER, BEFORE ME WHO DID UPHOLSTERING FOR A GOOD 8 OR 9 YEARS OR MORE. WE BOUGHT THIS HOME SO THAT WE COULD OPERATE A SMALL BUSINESS OR-xfE WOULD NOT HAVE PURCHASED THIS PROPERTY. SINCE THE FIREWO�$ OF ME 'BEING TURNED DOWN AFTER I APPLIED FOR A LICENSE AND YOU DID NOT HAVE TO SITE ME I VtD A LITTLE INVESTIGATING ON MY OWN OF tJXllEF IN-HOME OPERATING SITUATIONS. THERE ARE A LOT OF'`WELDER5, MECHANICS, CABINET MAKERS AND UPHOLSTERE19S, PLUS Or3ER BUSINESSES GOING ON. IN RIDING AND OBSERVING I WONDERED TO MYSELF H021 MANY OF THESE PEOPLE TOOK ThE TIME TO EVEN APPLY AS I DID TO DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, BUT MOST OF ALL CONFORM TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS THE CITY WANTS. I ONLY WANT TO OBEY AND FOLLOW THE CORRECT GUIDE LINESr BUT I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM OF CIRCUMSTANCES. I WANT NO TROUBLE I JUST WANT TO LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE IN A FINE CITY VjITH MY SMALL BUSINESS. PLEASE SET A COURT DATE AND I WILL BE THERE. „ THANK YOU. : r �--� CITY OF RANCHO CUCA1ViONGA ,ri,..J�Esp Kiss Z 1 , J,a Iu jog D.MAAS ' 1977 Pmla J wei& `t. October 23, 1986 Joe Taylor SIS9 Malachite Avenuo Rancho Cucamonga, -California 91739 SUBJEr i M OCCPATiON PERMIT 86-210 Dear Mr. Taylor: The City is in receipt of your application of October 21, 1986 for a E Home Occupation Permit to construct styrofoam; sign inserts at 81W-- Malachite Avenue, The f ntent of a home occupation is to allow a resident to conduct an accessory occupational use that is covtkined entirely within the home. E and is incidental to the ailovm; resideh,.1,Ul use. Such uses should not vary _qreatiy from those normally found within a residential area. f The eligibility of a use for a Home Occupation Permit is determined through the evaluation of fourteen soj+cific criteria,, which are listed on the back of tha PWme Occupation Permit applicatiL4. Through staff review it has be. determined that the proposed use does riot :wca-&t tC^ fallowing criteria:. o That the proposed use be incidental and subordinate '�o the residential use. - It is the City"s determination that a sign construction business is of more intensive use than allowed by the definition of a home occupation and would be incompatible with the primary residential use. o No equipment or processes shall be used on the subject property which creates noise, smoke, glare, fuses, odor, vibration, electrical, radio or television interferance disruptive to surrounding properties. - Your application indicates that sign inserts no larger than 3 feet by 8 feet would be constructed on the premises utilizing motorized tools as wall as glue. Such processes typically galerate noise or emissions G which could adversely impact i.rrounding residential properties. G-`4 Joe Tay""" OO�ctoberl�23, 1986 c�ryry HOP 8f-210 afir, Page 2 r; I, Duo :: ;�e reasons aWve, your application for a (f Occupation Permit J k, has 440 denied. We suggest that you, locatejyour bostness in a cow,vial or industrial area more appropriately suited for your use. If you have any questions:, plead do not 64tate to contact the ii Planning Division at 9310 Baseline Road or at (7*�" -1061. Sincerely, C _07MLOPM PARTKkr P ING W#ISIOM Da Senior P11. r DC:66:vc ii cc: Betty King, Business License I j City of Ranooho Home Occup at a Cucamonga Permit Applicationf" LOGAl'{�OyN 4FAPdROPDSE6 HOfAE.000tSPA110:'i j r�r�� C ueA M ~eA di NAME OF PAOPOSr;O EWNEILS APPLICANTS NAME ~ ADDRESS OWNER RENTER Property owner's signatuae will be required,or a signed statement from the owner approving J such use of the dwelling must be submitted -i with this application. CL Property Owner's Signature:,,j FULL OESCPLP`f0N OF PROPO$E0 8USIN555-eE 4FWFIC - 1 W FULL OESCRIPTLON OF 14AINESS ACnviTY O.CCUMNQ IN OIYELUNI&LNCLUDING E-GUIPPMENT AND AMOUNT OF D%VEWNG USED 13ESPC-CIF�IC j ra .TAC-AJjam- ke LL i-- Z i hereby certify that t have read the Home Occupatio, Jermit requirements, fully understand the ZImplicatlarm,and can comply with all of these requirements. 1 t- LLI law,Z� F. ® l SLGNA URE _.-. MY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, cv�o STAFF REPORT o a �I U DATE: F0rvary 11, 1987 tsn TO: Chairman and Member: of the Planning Cannission FROM: Brad Buller, Ci'.'y Planner BY: Cymtbia S. Kinser, Assistant Planner i , SUBJECT: CONCEPTUAL DISCUSSION/POTENTIAL OF RESIDENTIAL PROJECT IN =-3 TO?1fU - A bb.5+ acre parcel of'land ocate on t e south �e 11' Summit, west of San Sevaine Creek APN 22E-111-02, I. ABSTRACT: Pricy° to tormal submittal, the developer is requesting ` inWT _feedbac*',from the Panning Commission on the proposed` co:acept. ii is the first' developer to present a concept thrt involves the optional development standards in the Law Density Residential (2-4 duCac) categc4-y in Etiwanda. Staff alto requests deign direction: H. SITE DESCRIPTION: This-project is located on a 65.5 acre parcel of a�nTont the south side of Summit,-,;.west of San Sevaine Creek (Exhibit "A"). The site is desl'nated Low Density Residential (2-4 duiac) with an Open Space designehon to the east and south, a Low designation to the west', and north the Sphere of Influence designated as Very Low'Density Residential (less t=,an 2 du/ac). The proposed site is currently vacant. III. ETIW.ANDA SPECIFIC PLAN STANDARDS: Aff ording to ',he Etiwanda Plan, the aeveloper has No development options: 1. Develop under the Bas*c Standat ds.` This svoulJ permit a +' conventional su iv si(m of single family lots with 10,000 sq. ft. minimum' and a 15,000 sq. ft. average. Limited amenities and no on-site windrows or open space would be requi-•,d. O-j-�rall dna� ;4ould result in 2t duelling units/acre. 2. Davelo under the Optional Standards: These standards ti�tu permit a density of up to welling units per acre, .with no specified minimum lot size. To offset the impact of additional density, substantial on-site amenities dre requ=gyred. Specifically, the Etiwanda Plan calls for: ITEM H PLANNING COMMIS&ION STAFF REPORT CONCEPT-UAL DISCOSSTGN' = DI IORIO February 11, 1987 Page 2 o 30% of the site area will be "common„ visually accessible" open spat. o On-site windrows (50 ft,/ac), g o GreeO&f connection(s). o Froni yard/street side landscaping. The Optional Standards normally imply a Homeowner's Association and a housing type other than conventional single family detac:i"4 unit. However, an association' is not required if otoer means of c=wn area maintenance is provided. Iv. PROPOSED PR00EM The applicant iitends to develop under the �» pt ona tan ar s at a density of`, iZO dwellings per acre. This will produce 216 units (Exhibit "Bw). The project would consist of i center plot single family homes on 60 foot wide lots averaging 9,500 to 10,1100 sq. ft. This project is unique from other 'concepts in that the lots are 4 extra deep allowing: o Deep front'yurd setbacks (27 to 62 feet with an average minimum of 35 feet). o Extra wide landscaped streetscape (86 to 156 feet between fronts of homes) see Eybibit "C". o Extra wide �rparations between the rear of the homey vary between 100 and 174 feet. o A paseo system connecting the bar`; of each lot and cul-de- sacs. The fencing along the paseos woul4 be at least partjally open. Staff's initial reaction to this concept was that the project appeared too rigid. However, there are some excellent features incorporated into the design. The east and west boundaries of tha site are lined with mature olive and Eucalyptus windrows, respectively, and the rectangular paseo system with windrows ooes perpetuate the "outdoor room" character so prevalent in Etiwanda.. In addition, the peripheral streets feature wide parkways in an attempt to provide a rural and open feeling, especially along Upper Summit. A negative aspect of this concept is a concern with effective maintenance of paseos without a Homeowner's Association. PLANNING CONMrSS TON STAFF REPORT C04CEPTUAL DISCUSSION - 01 IORIO. February 11, 1097 Page 3 61 _ _ f FEEDBACK 3tE UE,g 5 1 There are numerous issues that could be discussed. However, •the essential questions are notee;,�below: E - N° 1. Is it -appropriate 'td', grant open space credit (30% regftred) for extra , l at^kwslrs, extra deep *rout yards.and a�se�.a p (The Etiwanda l'l'an leaves this 'o rots pretatiog� �r:w pi !;Ject by basis to allow flexibility). 2. Is the paseo syste+,41.d .its maintenance feasible As proposed? 3. Is file=geheral concept "s ng of pursuing further? N Any additional •ifeedbatk will o ;w come ba-h by the applicant. and F staff. Thz s Just an inform tesy tqview, and tW Commission's feedback will 4e used-by staf, n 4evel:bper in future work on this project, shorfi�AM 'doVe�lopel-d oise to=Wrsue a formal application. Re fully s tp Brad But er City Planner BB:CK:sgr Attachmants: Exhibit "All - Existing Land Use Map 1 Exhibit "B" Preliminary Lot Layout l Exhibit•"C" - Typical Section i i oil I I 1 1 ! I ala-u s�1 COUNTY OF i t/ta i i ; �`\� SAN PERNARDINO t V ' i t �_ 1 i CITY OF r C OF 3 lSE9 RDlNQ: wca j FONTANA 1 _ t •i VL • OF Nc '*Irs � 1 t ND USE LEGEND LANDy SE LEGEND COUNTY OF SAN BERNAROINO CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA at1G,-tlta 112d.Fri[C-04 to orge;rxal. I RU FGt tr'ip1 sF,�rua nwxs. `J.- VL VggltpN(I-a atr b0�) aas-vto ',AU.FOL WcQ Io as>w, � wN Ct-4 auaJ/a) _ .t I Qu.rrrF ,w. Lop Pt=m at+s-z I.nu•rest/ocwa NC hlGaGt mod, RCN E�alaean77cd 4 tzU.�1D AGpi FC (.4nt. R��NinCl.t�UiA11yG?pFu'�K. ' EXISTING LAND ICE A� "°" ETIWANOA!SAN SE1tAtNE EXISTING PLANNING AREA STUDY ETIWANDA, SPECIFIC PLAN/ "" "'°' THECRRYN COMPANY WEST VALLEY FOOTHI=5 COMMfI°I+IITY PLAN_ �' �+wosskaaleu"o � tto...'ar ii,tees • I:L�lVTL 17J4VG . +nsMwA'vw. /vp�O g7S$I t �N1 t 1 San 771 Ir ITT _ . avow�c'ss.`.,n"W»c Bowen sumw G LAx^J FHOp '. 011771 /�YIK7►7M xfwr7MNf�I STATiSTfCAL SUMMARY �`VWl— N�TA�fi�s scss m sn-r e�) Z¢ R PG�Gd�il0Ma�Q���7 L lS:=,VOO U 5UQ ETIWANDA! SAN SEVAINE �� n��n n n PLANNING AREA STUDY lyV [t' I�JG=ilI'� YpRtM �M :.ail,. '%PE` "4HE�CARYNCOMPAO �(I-tIUVD��f.n11�1� � r� 1 ,„.laadr►Ien/0pupn 6»u� AD } x ��j7Msert�� I ' 31YE PLAN COMCEPT i 1 s l.onc ti M�rw) fw TYPIOAL HECTIC?1 THROUGH LOTS sari.fc•i-o' Ask fit' °ICE°L O ,'R ETIWANDA I SAN SEVAINE Ju �'i MAN N�f HCE s PLANNING AR9A STUDY TM CARYN C"A►i7i ' wvnwp••ra erw� �''G 'CIE ZVI ,e;,,. 1`O,r�D i•.i� I e rr��r xd t`", � i i:l� iA - �"i��C��r���..��({�.i _.++•('��t� 'f 11 �' RIrrII� - M xV"it ..^rt., "� YP♦{, • � 1 �•"'__ � I; t r r> t 1i t t .,,.a•� ..�"a-".w�° '�:�,.' '. r�- - �, ,Q*:t. ��.r7.+s'Wsrt rs:w. �e,�t►..,xr ,� it �,R ".r��r„.A, n✓•y'M w�ra � i �\.r .�1� ,..rr..r � {: ti..t.,l»,�..j..�--�--�•. w-�---f �r f {I f{ �� r' �`'�'r'• .6 k'fN rr .fi�rf+Ydr+rerl5,r^`*1_ 1�9 1 t}i li I I 1 i i I � WMlHRMµOHip,ti,NrR � j ,- � tee' r tM• fat' aar rwrf4�1M I j {NlC11 dUYY1T x x _ o a x x i� , � T A4gr610RL` � a TAft • i OPEN SPACE i S!J!`AW1ARY =fs s�� 'pS�jiA,•,q,Np�h�or��r�sacrr�E:rot ETIINANDA/ SAN SEVAINE PLANNING AREA STUDY OPEN SME KEY MAW x f.m°ym�.y ciTY 4F RAmcHo Ct cAmo" A,owrtomm ;psi 'n�ircra°Ma.rs: x �i x _ s � r x = Y ir r I Y = ILI ,�gypp ETIWANDA! SAN SEVAINE VJ PLANNING AREA STUDY SECTION KEY MAP THEcARYN'CO+rwiY di Y OF RANCHO CUCA1tONGA,.CALIFCP41A '� °" +• *atw: i �Sp�ES /'Dle l 4lJ S,GGro/t/S A-/To A-3 EX/ P/v PtD/40y� j 1 s � X•L��Pldv,�,/> TnES T!3E OETERMiii/�p/itrPiQ,D. , Z•/F �✓s�t.�/��NcinoG %51�,Qrrs/�To p.G.,EQvEST�/.�i/ ,(OA& vPPEt Sd�i�!/T,' L � �rsti��c.. Ge so Wl�v mow• g�t.�c 3•SG�PES/G� 'vlS SHAu M /O'i►�1�K Via,.^/�/�!� �wi ��.��•�.�SP���c ��,� �O r.�67' 411-'. evlc8 7o G1iV6 allel(/slw 1�r��/� /'ER �•S�'' �XJSTfNv�✓/NOJeaW t 32' i4 3L' \MIiY lR � I z 1 Z i `M/!�/• o 4,W .ve o !F U;"'l6c�SUriLt/j' dE5ffi Lc'�PD �/4� / CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TYPICAL ROA® SECTIONS THE CARYN COMPANY ETtWANDA/SAN' SEVAINE PLANNING AREA STUDY Land/.P}an/D., an Group January 6, �4a7 14—10 /bWAt%Pr,0W Al liar Arwmp 1` ls9ND� /r UIMK 5;U1"1r W55 Lddr" wl+'d;C 4S. CITY OF RANCHO ''UCAMIONGI% r - TYPICAL R; ;A6 SECTIONS THE CARYN COMPANY ETIWANDt,SAN SEVAINE PLANNING AREA STUDY La, -!/Plan/Design Group _l January 6. ios7 �77le- /5 Fixel,- �'Or+lG � OG. C��aUrv`rfY S 10, ` 101 , CONGr?F7�' �G GOMMU..i/tTY 1-jIKlN6 7XA/4 "� ,tits(J�� u �f� �� C �G•f'��� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TYPICAL ROA® SECTIONS THE CARYN COMPANY ETIWAMDA/SAN SEVA`.NE PLANNING AREA STUDY Land/Plan/Design Group ( 1 _ January 6. 1067 C"T t E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA TYPICAL ROAD SECTIONS THE CARYN COMPANY ETIWANDA/SAN SEV AINE PLANNING AREA STUDY Land/Plan/Design Group _� January 6r i887 EX:,4TrA/G W/Nu'��W?BEGS 5rlvq P�rE Tr r r r�E' Exrsr�'6 � 1c �� E .�d� iT r�. ✓�cE �'ONG/�E1'c SiaEG�t�Sl.�C z"t, Ig * f�ln'fi' 1Vi�S-To5-�� R ti 1 , o I E CITY OF RANCHO CUC AMON GA TYPICAL ROAD SE(MONEA THE CARYN COMPANY ET11MANDAfSAN SEVAINS PLANNING AREA STUDY LandiPtan/Design Croup �--4 January a. 1e8T x 46` /w GZ` Coee/crcEfE: CaN .t► -}G CITY OF RANCHO f:tlG.AM�M6A TYPICAL PICAL ROAD SECTIONS THE C&RYN COMPANY E T SWA',40A/SAN SEVAINE PLANNING AREA STUDY Lanni/Plan/Design Group January &, tba7 ("�` CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM r Ry 6, DATE: February 11, 1987 1977 TO: Ch rman and Members o the Planning Commission .• FROM: Bead Buller, CV y Planner SUBJEC EUCALYPTUS BORER BEETLE Per your request, attached for your review is information received frim t Jeff Barnes, Parki! Supervisor, relative to the Eucalyptus Borer Beetle. Mr. Barnes Will give a slide presentation at the February 1I, 1987 meeting. /jr Attachment t � l r ITEM 1 777 t3M MSWa AVm%'w + � sr. J i�i/d gCr< a L BIIRDSAtC,fi." � �µs'Barrtrrskia.��82�6SS�7 + t71413s7-7 2105 ''r'r ��� � jj t.r s i. + EDOUARD R. Chief Deputy Commissioner., November 26, 1986. �F'U' Jeff Barnes Park Maintenance Supers sor Cite of Rancho Cucs 9230 Stselina 3td, Seib C P O Box 707 Ranch c.sce»wnga ``JA 3I730 Daar .Mr. Barnes phis is in,reply to ltbur letter of November l9, 1986, and cur teal:phone carvarsation Or--N4vc2bar 23, 1986 regarding control of th BucalYP tus Rarer. , At preennt there are no afectic _control se"ures tar the borer other than the practices you stated you are already using. -.(1) Removal of iufestad trees, '(wood frog said trees to be Led, burn" or split and tarped); (2) Maintain the vigor of any resa4.._r4 trees to lessen their ` susceptibility tri future mttack. '= If any information becomes available is the futu I will contact you. re regarding controls, t Thank you for your interest. k � o Sincerely, ROGER L. BIRDULL Agricµlturml Ccmmisoioner By: ROD 'LAMPXLq Plant 'Pathologist/Botanist lNematologistfEnromologist P.LB:RLamy i '3 kl � t . :�.�.�� _•s .sir*x� �--,— sa"t "C .P10T � — tt : jrfy RE L,1 • +. rd� G H UR vNE D 0 G A new insect pest is threatening Califorzlia's eucalyptus tree y So far,tilere aren't man solutions to the growing problem 'f ` < r by Dr.A.D.Ali,Janet S.Harlin,and Dr.T.D.Paine _ } t ,and cambial tissues as the 1 he eu lyptus long rt r t feed,prriducing galleries. horned barer z- t W- hatusuzllyrunparallel . (EI,1}S),Phorocanthay�? each atktar and atrixeghtly semrpunctrta(F.),is an ex• packedwithfrass(fecalpal otte beetle nrw attacking lets which the'larva eucalyptus trees in south- du as as it feeds). hesa ' •.: ern California. - , tunnels widen afthariava r�r' Adults are 1.1Yr inches a, f grows and may resah three T long,dark Grown with two times the width of e :syellow zig-zag lines and c larva'sheadragran :two yellow oval dots an the �." This feeding dtstvp th wings.The beetle belongs ," movemaoi'6ftvateratt Mitt , in the familyCeramhycidae treats throughd heant,whose members generally } which leads to te death of •possess a pair of antennae r L% infestedhmbsanbranches.• as long or longer than the tinder severe infestations: { body, hence he name Tht eucalyptus longhorned borer asanadultheetle(A) the maiA;�trunk can he `_Iongborned." and Ls a larva f13).The larvae cause the heaviest damage. grrdled,resulting iuz`lrea ' } This pest was first de-., to Eucalyptus trees, x, +s r; death F -tected in October,1984,in „{,n x. - y>r As the l a in EI Toro(Orange County).Since than,.: K starts haring,into th p o t, infestations have spread to six south rt drsiance aE 4•S arches wher co -w;.em California'cuunties ranging from •' , structs'a pupation clxamba the_ Camp Pendleton,San Diego County; pupa,the intermediate Stage 6etwean north to Simi Valley,N entura County; �` ,i! the larva and the adult;tgmains+fr�- inland to Redlands,.an Bernardino tected deep Inside the' e l E' County;and Hemet in Riverside maturity. i County. : At that time It transforms inuQu adult and emerges thiouglrlch' We cycle and damage ,.. teristic oval-shaped exit holes"on th " 'i t Adult ELHE fly only at night and hide trunk,completing the Ufa cycle under loose eucalyptus bark in the Elyderwarm conditions,the, cl G ` day.Mated Tamales lay eggs under from egg to adult canb@ completedin Ioose bark in masses ranging from ,.• two months.In cooler climates,this r cf s si{IIOOeggs -•.: '_'., cycle may ldstas long as nine man ths" 1 The larvae hatch in10-i4,aysand"" P` Consequently,inCaliforriiithis P :•�. feed superficially on the bark,leaving ; may have two or ihres overlapping r i dark trails up to I inch in length. Ir I generations per year. s r As they increase in size,the larvae i� To date,ELHBhasonly'beeafound tit start baring inside the bark and feed r'''t . ' in eucalyptus species in'California in the cambium layer.The larval 1 Reports from other countriesindicale stages known as roundheaded borers r )a; that other trees in the Atyrtaceae can cause most of the damage '?`f heattackedaswell.Theseinctudatna Y� # FLarvae tunnel through the phloem f f a gum myrtle(Angophara irpp.)andthe l + r turpentine tree(::yocarpla spp.) 5 r Dr.A.D.Ali is extension entomologist,Or- ( Guttural control namentals and Turtgrz;s,Cooperative Ex- ra,? `.3• • ( Although adult females lay their eggs tension,UGflandude;Sane;ul Nat, is `', on healthy,weakened,and dead eu enlirmmentatandurbanhoriicu(u ist UG ( +: ass.�_R Cooperative Extencion,San Semardino catyptustrees,ihalarvaecanonlyes-;evi'•. County;arid grT a.PaLneis assistant pro- Thefeedingaalleriesofthe tablish their infestation on weakened !es=,nepartr,ant ai Entomology,UC• eucalyptux lungharned borer.Note or di;:d trees. Riverside, the parallel galleries. Deep watering and proper fertilrua 44WEEDSTREES&TURF/DECEMBER1e8& —Lr ` 1 JO rl •ar, �i i { t The eucalyptus tree in the center shows syniplorns ofdamage due to the longhorned barer. t tion which keep trees in goad vigor are Ing ants,spreading. Biological control ,.4 1 recommended to discourage ELHB at- Due to the-aide-area plantutg'g e tacks.Healthy trees produce copious Chemical zontrol calyplt,s aloitgs1- hi r t. 3'y:•f amoun:s of dark sticky gum which Adults and eggs of the ELHB are shel- %.lodlots,ono-oackyards'it soetns"1h& t ` drowns and kills penetrating larvae. tered under loose bark,whereas larvae long-term control,Could b Dead trees and those weakened by and pupae are protected inside the through the use ofbfologrt�l physiological or moisture stress lack trunk Consequently,the use of fo_iar However, not man ,natiite, fa i y P. the ability to defend themselves, applications,of insecticides is not rec- dators or parasites feed oft` Bmncl es and whole trees which have ommended due to the difficulty of get- duced pest., succumbed to ELHD attacks are Ling the material in contact with any While a redacgou;rattle brown into',or and retain the dried up stage of the pest's development. obcerved fading on leaves. Two other considerations also California,inequard itv , When this situation is encoun- limit the effectiveness of folier appli- such moetality has,nol_}ts. tered,the affected branches and dead -cations against l4is insect. assessed " trees must be removed and disposed The first is the height oftrees,espe- In its native Australia,ELM is st of through incineration or burial to a cially those planted in windbreaks. tacksdby numerous biological ages depth of 6.8 inches.Viis will prevent that may be more than 100-yeai>^l?, ir ludirg both predators an4 pa adults from emergin.and sprea-hrig Coverage becomes a problem with sites.Researchers at theUnivarsit, ,. ti`: " • the infestation. sucn trees that are 100 feet or taker. California in Riverside arestttd h Adults ran tlr ever distt- .:es up to The other problem with usi,ig fe- the fe.:sibilityofintroducingpar�sR e n nine, 11riwever• ll• physical lia.applications of insecticides the from Australia into California;�oco t transportalion of infesir. aucalyplas lack of distinct generations m"peak bat this pest problem. logs may be the biggest cause contri- flight"ofthis insect which wouldbet- buting to fast spread i ng i rifestat Ions in ter allow timing ofapplicatfons• No long-term solutions " southernC7hfomia. It Is believed that I-vo or.hree The use ofculluralpracticesjke In Thns it is necessary that eu<:alyp- overlapitini bl;.1B generations occur Yeas in good growing eonditioncut tus logs used t`,r firownad be thor- in California rod'adult females may ting and destroying infested limbs an oughly iuslivvind for infestation live up to six months.This has led trees,tarping eucalyptus fib o before lranspu�t, furthermore,fire- resrarchers al the university of Cal- piles;is recor mended. wood lugs she. tti be arranged in uni- ifor:5ia io Riverside to initiate studies Use of systemic insecticidest�ty` form piles dnd uovered with a thick for conlrollingtill'.,rest with systemic provide a short-term solution tosl x t plastictarp. soil-injected Insecticides. down the spread o!ELH$infostationa The tarp prevents adult beetles The objectives are to determine And the sucLessful introductiarr arid, front delet hn the at-,,A pile and ,•ffic.wv and in document the eco- establishment of Affective parasites u„tt,ut.ittuuholprac- t,uuldinovitlealutig-wim ulutionter•` already contains an inioslation,it tires in bothwindbreak and woodlot coaiainment of the eucalyptus"long-, :._,,,•: provents those adults from emerg. euaalypius plantings, horned borer. VrT& DECEMBER 1986/WEEDSTREE&TURF 45 ,r } L.UTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA G�yrnnr� "`SZ`AFF REPORT k U L477 DATE: February 11, 198? TO: Chairman,.and Mowers of the Planning Commission FROM:. Brad Buller, City Planner M., Dan Cohan, Senior 'Planner SUBJECT: ESTADLISHMENT OF WORKSHOP DATES - Staff recommends that worts o? OtAs be-se for UN €ollowint�its: Design Exc1)llenc*--Pngr= and Terra V sta Architectut t 1. AWARDS FOR DMGM EXCELLENCE The consensus of the Planning"Commission at the iast meeting was that the awards program was an important item that warranted the participation of full Planning Commission in the jury selection nominations a`d ddeeterrmine a inal e, of the list of award reccip would be entsYi sr .11 II. TERRA VWrA ARCHITECTURE During the review of Tentative Tract 13270, #M Design Revi-v Committee recommendedthat a special workshop of the Committee be scheduled to review the issue of repetitive architectural styles for multi-fie wily projects within Terra Vista. The purpose of the special Design Revue Committee meeting would be to review all previously approved, constructed or proposed elevations for multi- family projects within Terra Vista. Staff would recommend that this Efeeting: be scheduled for February 26, 1987 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ranch-, `amonga Neighborhood.Center. i ITEM J E d�fi , '"Si A 'IMPORT lTSt# ll" f1Rft�StiOP DATES ` FebrUary 1 1967 Page 2 III. RE_ COM NUTION _ Staff recosmt++as that the Planning C-oaarlssinn set worksh,* c tea for the cfi 4crIbed- $taws frcwt the d4res ,' rOvIded ot.'the attached calceyr Respectfully su6et#tted, L i. Brad Bulle,� X City Planner � Attachments: Calendar 3 a mien 1 n `du' aeN u Nei`uu. a t wr�N air �+Nwou of be�iuu cF� iNaori. j elL yVua E yU wo-i N.�u� * vs 'E um"+�'as..$ Z: y ON4CUy MO+iH Oy�V ♦ Ou*— yPMN+1 T ♦Y: RjT Ytiv»YTq. ��{�i���N�.01R+ y®yNzN"— =0HR0 IXJORa. e Nper'�Y N....a- ♦ ao- OWlIT.OTv e=iO4 P=—i t