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1989/02/22 - Agenda Packet
701-02 02-2Z-89, PC Agenda o 1. of 4 CITY OF RANCHO 'CLrANIONGA AGENDA PIANNING COMMISSION WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22,1989 7:00 pm. LIONS PARS COMMDNM CENTER 9161 BASE LINE RANCHO CUCAi"fONGA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of Allegiance EL Boll Call CommissionerBlakesley� Commissioner Emerick Commissioner Chitiea Commissioner McNiel Commissioner Toistoy HL Annomcements IV. Consent Calendar The following Consent Calendar items Fire expected to be routine and non - controversial. Thr -,Ail h aeted on by the Commission at one time without discussim. if t4 yone has concern over any item, it should be removed for dis.;aassion. A. DESIGN REVIEW FOR ` IRACT :4248 - C. R. CARNEY - The design review of building elevations and detailed site plan for a previously approved tract map consisting of 15 single family lots on 7.34 acres of land in the Very Low Residential ]district (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Hillside Road and Haven Avenge. APN: 201- 88x:01 B. TIME EXTERS -ION FOR CONDMO,',.AL USE PERMIT 84-34 MODIFICATION - SHERIFF & ABBOCLATEB - Proposal for remodeling the store front fac &de, minor building; addition., and reconstructing drive approacheo for an existing Neighborhood Commercial shopping center on 7.8 acres of land in the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District, located at the northeast corner of Carnelian A7r?nue and Base Line Road - APN: 202-381-24 thral 25, 28 tt au 33, 35 and 36. V. Public Hearings The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuals may, volt�-- their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by staling your name and address. All such. opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. -t � 1 G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TRNTATIVE TRACT 14218 - NORDIC - A residential Subdivisioi-and design review of 8 Single family lots on 5.71 acres of land in the Hillside Residentia3 ;?'Distriet, located, north of Inspiration Drive and west of Crestview Place - APN: 200- 441 -2$ to 28. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .4 ND TE 'fiAt, YE PARCEL MAP 11472 -,LACY - A subdivisiun,, of O.ST �f band into pari�cels inin the Low Residential Deveid melit District, vacated on ;the south side of 19th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue -ON, 202- 201 -72. E. TIME EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87 -04 - GR:EIJBEL - The development of;a neighborhood coxnmcrcka shopping center consisting of fife structures totaling 30,770 square feet on 3,8 acres of land within the Neighborhood Commerical District, located at the southwest corner of Haven and Lemon - APId: 201-262-48. (Continued from February 8,1989.) VL Old BUdaess F. DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 -2 - M.J. BROCK - The design review of building elevations and de0leled plot plan for a previously approved tract map consisting of 151 single family lots on 101.4 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per lacre),.located east of Haven Avenue at R.ingstem - APR: 1074- 35;`x02. ViL 1Direatoa:'s Reports G. APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION TO COLOR 16 iODIFICATION;', T(T'- ARCHITECTURE ON J)EVELOP1&r—NT ,'' ,REVIEW $0 -I6 MEYER ASSET 1VIANAGEIvIEI71'P V11L Commission Business H. SELECTION OF COMMISSIONER$ TO ATTEND GROWTH MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP JX, PubUe Comments This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those which do not ,?iready appear on this agendc. X. Adjournment The Pla�rii tg Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that ;;et )iz 11 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time, they Shall be heard only with the consent of the Commission, cmv cw CI'T'Y OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA r —0 STAFF REPORT �� Nq. C a r O O DATE: February 22 1989 v s 1977 TO Chai.-man and Pbmbers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steva Hayes, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIU. FOR TRACT 10246 - C. R. CARNEY - The design review of w ng eievation s a"na de & e s to plan for a previously approved tract slap consisting of 13 single family lots on 7.34 acres of land in the 'fiery Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) located at the southwest corner of Hillside Road and Haven Avenue - APN: 201 - 684- 01 -13. I. PROJECT AND SIl DESCAIPTION: A. Action Re uesteO-, Approval of building Elevstizns anti plot plan, B. Project Density: 1.49 dwelling units per acre. C. Surrou�nd_i_ng Land Use and Zoning: North - Existing church; rery'Uw Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre).. South - Existing single family residences; Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). Fast - Existing single faFa'',, residences; Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre;. West - Existing single family residences; Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling unit3 per acre). D. General Plan Designations: PF31ect 5i;.e - eryr esidential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) North - Ve'r, Low Residential District (Bess than 2 dwelling unik per acre). South - Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). East Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). West - Very Lour Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). PLANNING COWISSION ", ?OFF REPORT OR for Tract 14246 - C. R. Carney February 22, 1989 Page 2 Ask E. Site- Charactekistics: The site is currently vacant and void of any signTfi—caiff natural features. The land is relatively Flat with an approximate 10% slope to the south. II. ANALYSIS: A. Geneve-,, The applicant is proposing a total of three (3) floor pions;ranging in size from 3,270 to 3,9M _quare feet. Plans I and 2 each of have two (2) elevations, and Plans 2 and 3 exhibit side -on garage additions on y lots. lots 1 and 2 will utilize a circular driveway, dnd tot 3 will have a hammerhead turn - around as part of the driveway. All of the proposed units will have 3 -car garages, B. Design_ �Review Committee: The building elevations and detailed site pl'fn Were rev ewed -by M C%Nwittee (Chitiea, Btakesley, Kroutil) on January 19, '989. The Costiaittee did not recowAnd approval due to the following conferns 1. The driveways an Lots 1 -3 could 5e treated as to ease Alk the „harshness" of the hardscape. 2. The stable pad location on Lot 1 should be moved a few foot. to the west so as riot to encroach on tho 70, -foot setback requirement from the building pad location. on Lot 2. 3. The landscape palette along Assad Court should incorporate canopy -type trees. 4. Adjacent to the Haven Avenue block wall' $-gallon evergreen shrubs and groundcover should be used. S. The gates in the Maven Aver•ue black wail (backing Lots 10•IS) should be constructed of solid, opaque materials. 6. The houses should incorporate more articulated elements to achieve equal ?50 degree treatments. 7. Railings throughout the project should be more pronounced in size and more decorative in appearance. 8. The openings to the equestrian trails should be expanded to allow easier maneuverability of vehicles. 9. The use of theme walls throughout the project should be pursued by the applicant to provide cohesiveness and greater "sense of place ". 1E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR for Tract 10246 e C. R. Carney Febraary 22, 1989 Page 3 10. Provide more articulation to the chimneys. 11. Incorporate real river rack into the building elevations instead of cultuw.d sione. 12. the materials u3ed for the block wall along Haven Avenue should be consistent with neighboring tracts (i.e. stucco finish with a brick cap ). The applicant then revised the architecture and det:i'Ied site plzn based on the aforementioned issues. The ComnittPe (Chittea, Emerick. Kroutil) rpviawari +hn „,.4 -4 _ �.. -. -- III FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with ,'re General an an eve opmen Code. The project will not be detrimental to the public health or safety, or cause nuisance or significant adverse environmental. impacts. In addition, the proposed use and site plan, together with the recommended conditions of approval, are in compliance with applicable Provisions of the Development Code and City Standards. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff ;recommends that the Planning Commission a prove oe esign revi�r of building elevations and detailed site p an for Tract 102446 through the adoption of the attached Resolution. Res lly ed, Bra er City P anner 00:SNiko Attachments: Exhibit "AN a Site Utilization Pimp Exhibit "81 A Site Plan Exhibit "C" ; Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit D Building Elevations Exhibit "E" - Elevation Details Resolution of Approval R3 � 1 i ❑� ❑IO�a el vITY OF UNCHO CUCAMONGA I f f T El F 0 �, NORTR ZT?:.D -10246 EXHIBIT-. SCALVa y } �or 1 RI} l U� Original Poor Quality wrrl���ta: .= -_.tom` �t tOt r _ iqI Y MR i tot M S' t". z K for q f i i I i }t �"V � oMWMi r H i } � tai 7 � lOt i t07 9 ... y{ tot M -7. 1 — — NORTH TIT%iXi Original Poor Quality * a �; %ANNING DIVISION 0-6 t Ia1aY.. ZXHIBIT. -IC grAtv. LJNI?X,,,iPE PuN ft"T VM AM + =.,i.`,M..ar.wa .I.w.... ��a yMWaKay q:%yy +111{1 �r1 M.r� .1111.1 IfN11 11w.Y1Y41a1p1�[R.' f.aMdawNrRMRDa1 /T 1t. _ ..If �� �•r..w :.x.7'1. �a1A•Inaaaa .Il.a.i111a �Ii1�11.11.t] 111W ®MUIIMIOIaa. IwAww �MYk.1A. �sif/wew.bKY a.r� __ a��t bywiy.�pi �a'�' .Ml�ara '� i��iZw�.R�iaweS .1'�1•t♦A�A� vA Ni%iy� �g� �R * a �; %ANNING DIVISION 0-6 t Ia1aY.. ZXHIBIT. -IC grAtv. �Q°� iv,amt\1 eltskt r,ntc ,tu,t ke-pt CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MANNING DIVISION \-- 9 ITEM RJR loa,b TMx# J-A , 1P� M;4 iinrt�wna�wer� LP 4 f RI BIT: I'D" SCAUR► -' E Origir'al Poor Quality i'tR %e- w fy�`� + t �ddi #t�e. �Ji..t�c�tn4+ ��gtta'�'t.ay.5 PLnT OTUTUIro , ""r)", ©< »« : ©� ©« \< \� ??a � �d� �� �� � \� \� � \� \ \ #� � � . p�wzw :� . »r.<« 2:��> � �&�'�� :� . \/� � \� / .w������ � ���\ 1� 2 ©% w� \� /:� ) »� :yam w \ \ }� � : »d a<� ? \ \� : 71 E -- a L CITE OF ITEM: ,ANCH UC ONGA i CITE OF ITEM: ,ANCH UC ONGA Original Poor Quality VIUA6C 11 AAp4q " j:%aW- AA1955,rsg oil I �* A CUCAMONGA 1�I G DI'VIS -G . � ��� RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT NO. 10246, THE DESIGN REVIEW OF BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND DETAILED SITE PLAN FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TRACT MAP CONSISTING OF 15 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 7.34 ACRES OF I 71 IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS THAN DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF HILLSIDE ROAD AND HAVEN AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 201- 68401 THROUGH 15 A. Recitals. (i) C. R. Carney has filed an application for the Design Review of Tract No. 10246 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On February 22, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider tho application. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. _ B. Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A. of this 'Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to tnis Commission during the above - referenced meeting on February 22, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a) That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and b) That the ,proposed design is in accord with the Objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c) That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and Q —:;)3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. OR for Tract 10246 - C. R. Carney February 22, 1989 Page 2 d) That the proposed design, together wiT41 the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements i7i the vicinity. 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, tH s Conrission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below acid in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. (Manning Division: 1) The driveways on Lots 1 through 3 shall be treated as to ease the "harshness" of the hardscape. 2) Th stable pied location on Lot 1 sha l br moved a few feet to the west so as not to encroach on the 7u -Toot setback requirement from the building pad location or Lot 2. 3) The landscape palette alone ASsad Court shall incorporate canopy -type trees. 4) Adjacent to the Haven Avenue block wall, 5- gallon evergreen shrubs and jroundcover shalt be used. 5) The gates in the Haven Avenue block wall (backing Lots 10 -15) shall be constructed of solid, opaque materials. 6) The houses shall incorporate more articulated elements to achieve equal 360 degree treatments. 7) Railings throughout the project shall be more pronounced in size and more decorative in appearance. 8) The ope►fngs to the equestrian trails shall be expanded to allow easier maneuverability of vehicles. 9) The use of theme walls throughout the project shall be pursued by the applicant to provide cohesiveness and greater "sense of place ". 10) Provide more articulation to the chimneys. 11) Incorporate real river rock into the building elnvations instead of cultured stone. 12) The materials used for the block wall along haven Avenue shalt be consistent with neighboring tracts (i.e. stucco finish with a brick cap). 11 11 PLANNING COMISSION RESOUJTION NO. OR for Tract, 10246 .. C. R. Carney February 22, 1989 Page 3 En9ineerinq Division; 11 Circular or haWerhaad driver shall be Provided by Lots 1, 2, and 3. 23 Openings f-PO a Lots 10 thru 33 to the rowunity Trail shall be a maximum of 6 feet in width. 4. The Secretary to this ComIssion shL1T certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED TH13 220 DAY OF FEBRUAR'(; Jgat;. PLANNING COW SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUcA1MONGA BY: . Larry . mNiel, cHairman ATTEST: Brad u er, Secret7ary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Comission of the City of RancG:o Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly y ncho Cucamong as at a regular PMeeti g of the fl1arnnin �fi s#Oa�t�e1� on the 22nd day of February, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COWISSIONERS: HOES: COWISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CY f� C3. t F+ f r •T C if �a K$ n in p W N W � ROO gig MA� �a� amp �° ♦ ��� y::S�ar ON 4r.Rrro-a� 4��ap�w pit- oft ° 'M1�v.' ♦'yf fat +� a MTi lj X Y �Y °i ft r N M I yo y }} y� K �M a w a n in p W N W � ROO gig MA� �a� amp �° ♦ ��� y::S�ar ON 4r.Rrro-a� 4��ap�w pit- oft ° 'M1�v.' ♦'yf fat +� a MTi lj X Y �Y °i ft r N M I yo r�17 s$ II • i1`, X-A \ I`a n y tnow °P 90 a � `s f �mer�,.sJ4ia nao: 7i sy e'�y sib �, $�J �"rPJ.�J`,� > O P.�t �� �, . O. �3 � iw J �t' �� w �J ,•$ �' 3 �? � S. � w n �r J � w��B! � : 'm I r a ' Q �,tf f 4o l ! 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L� Matt w4;c4 W. oa .w S aq .c at all a Seta • w _� f V1 all i w � � � w��3�e ^� � ��S �• rife �y S cc Irl w R a t a p w M w M_ ^ pOIR w p � ~ i ff 3) 19 3 CY 0 a : � � M lid pE i� Y f f ads l RZ I Ur IJEI ix 2 a I dam 2 - ; p � 6 3 sp half a $ Err •g f 1 1 V � rte« CY O �$a Y� r� b r C °3& .00 nri Ic �o Sir - ri R 12 U.. rill ��rllQpaa� zy►Otl IXF .2t a {� T Ur n � 5va vr3 a : � � M lid pE i� Y f f ads l RZ I Ur IJEI ix 2 a I dam 2 - ; p � 6 3 sp half a $ Err •g f 1 1 V � rte« CY O �$a Y� r� b r C °3& .00 nri Ic �o Sir - ri R 12 U.. 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 22, 1989 r *. TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 84 -34 - Proposal 75-r remodeling the store front "- facade; minor building additions, reconstruct drive approaches for an existing neighborhood commercial shopping center on 7.8 acres of land in the Nek'ghborhood Commercial District located at the northeast corner of Carnelian Avenue and Base Line Road - APN: 202-381-24 through 26, 28 through 33, 35 and 36. I. BACKGROUND: This project was originally approved by Planning Commission on November 14, 1984. The applicant resubmittad the project in January of 1987, in order to obtain approval of revised plans to remedel the shopping center. On April 22, 1987, Planning Commission approved revised building elevations and site plan for a two year period. The applicant has obtained building permits for the shopping center facade renovation work, however, permits have not been obtained for the construction of the fast food restaurant. The building paJ locatiao for the restaurant was approved as Dsrt of the site plan under the modification to Conditional Use Permit 84- 34. The applicant is requesting a one C- year time extension in order to obtain approval of prelirA nary plans for Ae drive -thru restaurant and the development of working drawings for building permits. 11. ANALYSIS., The project is in conformance with the development s a nrards :or the Neighborhood Commercial District. Should the applicant propose any changes to the approved plans, another modification to Conditional Use permit 84-34 would be required. III. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the ` -Time extension for Conditional Use Permit 84 -34 Modification for one (1) year. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 84 -34 - Sheriff A Associates I February 22, 1989 Page 2 Reszkc5017Y sub d, Bra Bu city near BP. BA: vc a Attachments: letter from Applicant Exhibit "A° - April 22, 1987 Planning Cormission Staff Report Resolution No. 87 -62 Resolution of Approval 4454 VAN NUYS BLVD., SUITE 210 CA(�(� p (� SHERMAN OAKS, CA 91493 It' I!� f( Bib 995 Bi4i �!A Januax j 25, 1989 4 n . S Mr. BrCce Abbott Associate Planner Community Develapmeait Department Planning Division City of Rancho Cucamonga Post office Box 807 R :.zho Cucamonga, California 91730 Re: Country Village Shopping center 7823- 1283 Baseline Avenue 8700 -812 Carnelian Street Rancho Cucamonga, California Condit!, al Use Permit 84 -34 ( "CUP ") Dear Mr. nbott: The above - referenced CUP is due to expire on April 22, 1989. Per your suggestion by letter to C „rth sheriff of December :2.; 1988, by this letter we aro requesting that the City grant a twelve (12) month exta -lion of the CUP for the reasons set forth below. Enclosed please find our check in the amount of $62.00 for this extension. The reasons for the extension request are as follows: 1. The owner desires to commence the remodel construc- tion under the CUP in conjunction with the construction of the new Pad wh3•,h has been approved as part of the CUP. To that end a tenant was sought and finally secured (Arby's) which process took considerable time. 2. After securing the tenant it took additional time to determine an appropriate site layout for the tenant. As you are aware, several possible site layouts and locations were presented and corresponding suggested changes came back from your office. 3. It was not until late December, 1988 that the par- ties decided to abandon their efforts to change the site location and layout and to instead use the site layout and location as pre- viously approved under the CUP. Mr. Bruce Abbott Page 2. 4. Based upon thq same, Arby's is in the process of assembling necessary documetitation and information with respect to their application for approval before the Planning Commission. However, based upon the projected time intervals between filing the application and actual approval by the Planning commission, it is doubtful that the necessary approvals will be obtained before the CUP expiration of April 22, 1989 (Arby's will correspondingly apply for building permits). 5. Because rehabilitation of the shopping center and permitted expansion is desired to be undertaken at the same time as the Arby's constructitsn, it was necessary to obtain an extension on the building permit previously issued by the City. Accordingly, on January 13, 1989, our contractor, Cannon Constructors Inc., obtained a written extension on Building Permit No. 88 -10601 for the exterior remodel from Jerry Grant of the Building and Safety Division with a new expiiation on the Building Permit of August 15, 1989. Yorr assistance in th,,s matter would bo a_rs *,atly appreciated. Please forward notification of the extension of the CUP to the undersigned. Should you have any questions or feel you need any additional information to support this request, please do not hesi- tate to call. Enclosure cc w/o enclosure: Mr. Richard Batchley Mr. Garth Sheriff Donald H. Jones, Esq. (12SA.32) Very truly yours, MBWJ PROPERTIES f. BY:% ,Sally VOts er Joj.Ye `�- General Partner 11 11 DATE: CITY OF RANCHO CTrCAMLNt1A STAFF REPORT April 22, 1987 Cx R. ��. 5 lam" O O U > 1977 TO: Chairjnan and members of the Planning Coi »fission FRO44: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Debra Meier, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 84 -34 - SHERIFF AND XMWAIbb - Froposaj for remodeling the store ron ace e, i aor building additions and recurstruct drive approaches for an existing nV ghborhood commercial shopping center on 7.8 acres of land in the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District located at tha northeast corner of Carnelian Avenue and Baseline Road - APN 202 - 381 -24, 25, 26, 28 -33, 35, aad 36. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of buildir,� �Ievations and site =pa h. Surrounding Land Use and !- ;.ing: ortn - ,:xtst ng esl en a ; Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units /acres) South - Existing Office Building; Office /Professional (OP) East - High School; Low Residential (2 -4 dwelling units /acre) West - Misting Residential; Low Residential (2 -4 dwelling units /acre) C. General Plan Designations: Project e - Neighborhood Comiercial North - Medium Residential (8 -14 dwelling units /acre) South - Office East - PL:olic far.ility (High Schor)l) West - Low Residential (2 -4 &Ael?ing units /acre) L. Site Characteristics: The subject property is ;presently 3-e-ve7opea wit witH app rox mat,Oy 86,000 square feet of commercial ratail area. Street iumprove:aents, parking and landscaping are also existing. P4,ANNiNG COMMISSIr- STAFF REPORT CUP 84 -34 - SRER1�, AND ASSOtTATES April 22, 1987 Page 2 E. Parking Calculations: number of Number of Type Square Pal king Spaces Spaces Of Use hootage . Ratio Required Provided Retail/Office 88,631 2.250 '^ 4 Restaurant 2,400 11100 24 east rood 4,_g59 175 66 Total 96,990 444 454 Note: Existing Square Footage 85,565 Proposed Addition 10,325 Total '5,990 11. ANPLYSIS: A. General The site was constructed about 12 years ago under oun y of San Bernardino, Development Standarda Conditional Use Parmit 84 »34 was approved by the Planning Commission in November of 1984, and was issued a one -year time extension in November of 1951 That ak rovat included a new building pad, updating arcuitectur s treatuent and styia of existing buildings, additional Wscaping, pedestrian, convenience areas and .upgraded drive a�� roaches and entry statements, all of which are consistent with the goats of the Genera, Plan and Development Code, The modification to this Conditional Use Permit is essentially a . ;esIgn of the store fronts to a post - modern architectural style, B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee 4Chitiea, +fie; : -MuMe'rTHave reviewed the plans and has recomsiended approval of the project with suggested Improvements. To summarize the many rueetings in working with the Design Review Cowfttee, the general topics were; L Establishing the focal point of tho center at Stater Brothors by enlarging the tower feature and creating an octagonal shape. 2,. Treatment of all the tower elements was important to alleviate the block crass at the upper partion, The "inai solution was to create an 8-inch reveal and opening i�l the towers which will be undelit at night. PLANNING COMMISSIC —?TAFF REPORT CUP ?4-34 - SHERIPr AND ASSOCIATES April 22, 1987 Page 3 3. Project details were covered including color, material and texture, column details and signage. 4. Treatment of thp� rear of the easterly buildings, particularly that portiF3n faci +g the high school, was Important to .+iews from Baseline Poad. That area will be treated with archway details and painted to match the rest of the center. 5., The Committee and the center's owners discussed the importance of eventuail;; upgrading both the bank and the Carl's Jr. Restaurant to be compatible with the newly designed shopping center, By coincidencs, both the bark and Carl's Jr. have recently expressed to the center's owner and /or to the City the desire for certain improvements to design or color, etc. They would be encouraged to make any changes in conformance with plans approved with this application, Unfortunately, the Carl's Jr. restaurant was repainted the week of April 6 in a color scheme that was rejected by :see Committee. Also, iGhe propose4 building pad for an additional' fast food restaurant must be processed and approved through a future development review application for review of architecture and site design consistent with plans approved with this application. 6. The Committee als, 'sussed the idea of a mecndering sidewalk along oa —' .ee, z usual requirement for a special boulevard. however, in this particular case, the existing sidewalk is straight and the Committee felt that with the difficulty in meandering the sidewalk within the existing slope, they would rather see the emphasis be placed in enhanced landscaping rather than reconstruction of the sidewalk. C. Technical Review Committee: The Technical Review Committee has rev ewe projec and determined that with recommended conditions of approval, the projec*Z is consistent with applicable standards and ordinances. The following conditions were the most notable results of Technical Review: I. The existing riverhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical) shall be uc1ergrounded prior to public improvement acceptance oc, occupancy, *hi%:hever occurs first, as follows: i PLANNING COMMISSIr— iTAFF REPORT CUP 84 -34 - SHERIFr AND ASSOCIATES April 22, 1987 Page 4 11 a. Baseline Road - From the first pole on the west side of Carnelian Street to the first pole off site easu of east project boundary. b. Carnelian Street - From trui first pole on the south side of Baseline Road to the first pole off s5te north of the north project boundary. Reimbursement for one -half the City adopted cost of undergrounding from the future development as 1; occurs on the opposite side of Carnelian Street is not feasible because the property is presently developed. Partial reimbursement for one -half the City adopted ast of Undergrounding on the opposite side of .Baseline is feasible from the pltv,sentiy undeveloped properties. The 66 K.V. electrical lines crossing Baseline Road and Carnelian Street at the intersection shall be zxempt from the Undergrounding reya', rement. 2. The site must comply with the Uniform Building Code property line protection regui, Lions. Compliance can be achieved by the applicant accomplishing one of the following items: a. Remove all property lines within the entire shopping center; or b. Record an "agreement to hola all parcels as one ". III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: This project is consistent with the DeWopment Code an he General Plan. The proposed uses, building design and site plan, together with the recommended conditions of approval, is in compliance with all applicable City standards. In addition, the property will not be detrimental to the adjacent properties or cause adverse environmental impacts. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing ir. The Daily 'Report Newspaper, the property posted, and notices sent-To- ail property owners within 300 feet of the project site. Ell PLAUNING COCKISSIC�iTAFF REPORT CUP 84 -:14 - SNERIPr AND ASSOCIATES April 22, 1987 Page 5 V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends, approval of the modification to CandfHonal use Permit 84 -34. *Respeul vubm tt ed, �ity Planner BB:DM:te Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "Cu - Building Elevations Resolution of Approval with Conditions CT `mil .{ �,: s i � '�� � �v�'jj � -� fltt .. .. _ •`.i__' • setal i LfY! � r line i"r *TT Wo OP --- _ e ,' r# ^'i � �. r -nom•. f` � • t i Fc G=�4 q=: • NOM �. CITY Of rr t= 04-x. /0 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TrrLE, I ei.a NNI DIWS �i� to EXHIMTt A SCAU. - --�- -- -rte p -�� - Grob. o GASEUNE ST. ll`i ¢rs.ruY ae. t r ® nr naa � uwtlanw: .a�vauw.a �i.awu, u• s ; 1. . aus.»ar ava�w aaa.a r M 5 � NOR 1 6 CITY Or, rrt-m: GZ/� 04-.04 A era: RANCHO CUCANIONGA Tnu : OMO e f, rL, V- ���i��d_l_lill�!!l]lJJlllIID!!t!IlIIAIlIlN A';114► *.�Tlr: �i .rri.c: :adw;5s rr. A � q ■IUD � �, t. INlllltllNliiiliiliJllilillti�. j „�i!!I!!!!!I E111 1II }hl�lilllllklflNlHN'lfi�! 166 � ;. }. M, a i,✓rry OF RiUNCHO CUCAMONGA PUNNING IIVtSii)I+1 d w�reEVAttbh SO= NIVATCH N�K ITCM: EXHINT.- SCALD 1 _ LNQRTF RESOLUTION NO. 87 -62 A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING MODIFICATION TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 84- 34 FOR THE !REMODELING AND NEN CONSTRUCTION FOR AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL CENTER LMC 'ED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF BASELINE ROAD AND CA'i':'ELIAN STREET IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT - APN 20r- 381 -24, 25, 26, 28 -s3, 35, AND 35. WHEREAS, on the 5th day ofi February, 1987, a complete application was filed by Sheriff and Associates for ,review of the above - described project; and WHEREAS, on the 22nd day of April, 1987, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above- described project. follows: NOW. THEREFORE, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolved as SECTION 1: That the following findings ,an be met: 1. That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 3, That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. SECTION 2: That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and that a Negative Declaration was issued on November 14, 1984. SECTION 3: That modification to Conditional Use Permit No. 84 -34 is approved sub ept to the following conditions: Engineering Division: I. All drive approaches shall be reconstructed in accordance with City Standard Drawing No. 306. rl Q_ ►4 PLANNING COMHt'SIOH aiSOLUTIOU NO. CUP 84 -34 - f4ERIFF AND ASSOCIATES April 22, 1 §s7 Page 2 2. A right turn pocket for the entrance to the southerly drive approach on Carnelian shall be cznstructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. The center island as shown within the second driveway east of Carnelian on Baseline shall be removLd or the driveway widened to 50 feet to provide 20 foot drive aisles with a 10 foot island. The island shall begin at tha ;property line. Building and Safety Division: 1. Applicant shall a[complish one of the following options in order to comply with Uniform Building Code property line protection regulations. a. Remove all property tines within the shopping center site; or, b. Record an "Agreement to Hold all Parcels as One "; or, . c. Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Building 4� Official that agretazents or other considerations have been developed for fire separations as required by the Uniform Building Code. This shall be completed prior to issuance )f building permits, Planning Division: 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordanne with the approved plans (which includes architectural treatment, exterior materials and color, landscaping and grading) on file with the Plsnning Division, the conditions contained therein, and Development Code Regulations. 2. Stater Bros. entry doors shall be relocated and centered under the archways. 3. The entire east siege of the project shall be treated with arch details and pointed to match the entire center. 4. Materials and textures to bE used shall be as follows: a. Stucco walls - Medium dash coat b. Columns - Smooth finish, -71ass fibre reinforced C. Underside of soffits and ;towers - Stained wood 5. Column bays shall be on 20 foot centers. e- le PLANNING COMMISSION 7SOLUTION NO. CUP 84 -34 - SHERIFF FJ ASSOCIATES April 22, 1987 Page 3 0 6. All signage shall be individuaf channel totters. A uiiiform sign program shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permit,. ` 7. Towers sha'.l have 12 -inch roof overhangs tend 8 -finch reveals with openings to allow them to be underlie at .night. 8. Detailed lae4scape and irrigation plans shall be siftitted for review and aj,, -oval by the Planning Division prior to issuance of building permits. Landscaping impesvements shayl be on completed prior to final inspections cNPr!d by both Planning and Fuiiding & Safety Divisions. 9. The tower and column details and roof color selection shall be presented to the Design Review Committee for aporoval of final designs. APPROVED AND =PTED TliIS 22ND DAY 0-e APRIL, 1987. PLANNIN Cq"MISSION OF THE-CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: L L f �•j: ,� i fir; y #T, nc alrrMan ATTEST: I, Brae, Buller, aeputy Secretary of the Plaoing Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd play a+ April, 2987, by the folaowing vote -to -wits AYES: �OMWSSIONERS EMERICK, TOLSTOY, CHITIEA NOES: COWISSIONERSt MCNIEL ASSENT: CON61SSIONERS: NONE El 1._ J o f. cc L {S,Y SY`O.Y =mow 1 d yrs y Y y 0 L •;�J �.S�Yi e.� y N cMc Y.�Y O~� ww`� +QQQS. Z glui s Y�Y lf!'O a`•� 312 =k mi 1._ J Y-. ny �Lo Y�•1r L�'yY. ." • iii Y O ^.$ ** a a « 4V z 0 1_ � 1, • � N N I r: gl M L' III M {Np Y a Y tfaji ' 3 � s "I LIZ i + P rr �y `` L� lei 3 Y W � ; R� V Ilk as U =. d N wt f t11 - I l I I Y7 cc CY A LL 4A4 'i •i i kid y y p i� 0 1 d yrs y Y y 0 L tlL� 6 y y N cMc Y.�Y O~� ww`� +QQQS. Z 312 =k mi �L1 > Y-. ny �Lo Y�•1r L�'yY. ." • iii Y O ^.$ ** a a « 4V z 0 1_ � 1, • � N N I r: gl M L' III M {Np Y a Y tfaji ' 3 � s "I LIZ i + P rr �y `` L� lei 3 Y W � ; R� V Ilk as U =. d N wt f t11 - I l I I Y7 cc CY A LL 4A4 'i •i i i i 0 0 V W 6 =�y_� • ! V Is s; gsV t " Y cad0 O s + L M u° V -M t.. g ! 8 L • . ,r xg ^� °y 4_ N °gs= �popp� O` ° M ! y s MOl�� =Y L Y1 r A 4 w M� • � 0` • at Y O ^ ! • M C a »Is. 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Run .- t= a�y a = � MIM O 7 w Z Ps W it $21 Y�x`i4A pY pbN wr b M; mi b•�y 4 �U t1.i 1L cab � <kk co CY n O A El V � d 9L ys OI O C Q O ~ r~ J^ ma � M Z 0 A� 4 9Owe pyy a �P 3 if tl 94 % J i O O Yoo w e r TO r _ e i Sr. 3 ,J Li . Y w e lr AP 1LIL gaj J wu� q • e 4T v G w a. --cis dew w Y 11e. t6 C. V � •EY n/� .c: 0 A5, r A j! e M jig pa Yj yam, 7 M ��7 p � e ` Y 4 a s E ® L � R ;et w aws M�sq $woe e�w we t b ` lq ee R Y$3e r �0 �yy■ �JiK tw�n�•w +l tau, g .rub .lMe (: ��r YV! isr ��a _A ! M RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONF,A PLANNING COMMISSIOU, APPROVING A TIME EXTENSION FOR MODIFICATION TO CONDIT104AL USE PERMIT NO. 84-34 FOR THF, REMODELING AND NEW CONSTRUCTION fOR AN EXISTING COI1dERCIAL CE rER LOCATED AT CARNELIAN STREET IN THE HEIGHBOK 00D COMMMIAL DISTRICCTT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF y.i APH: 202 -381- 24, 25, 26, 28- 33,,35, AND 36. WHEREAS, a request has been filed for time extension for the above - described project,, pursuant to Set<tion 17.02.6'0. WHEREAS, the ,Planning Commission conditionally approved the above- described Neighborhood Commercial Shopping Center. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucsmonga Planning Commission has madt, the fol)owing fi'n A. That prevailing economic conditions have caused a distressed market climate for developsant of t.�e project. B. That current economic, wrr sting, and inventory conditions make it unreasonable fir, ds.rrlop the project at this time. C. That strict enforcement of the conditions of aproval regar'ing expirations would not be consistent with the intent of the Development Code. D. That the granting of said time extension will not be detrimental to the public health, s0ety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or i*rovements in the vicinity. SECTION 2: ',woe Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission hereby ,rants a time exte55 on or: P ExL71ratioro CUP &4-34 Sheriff and Associates April 22,1490 Modification) PLANNING COWISSIODD RESOLUTION NO. CUP 84- 314 - Sheriff & Associates February? 22, 1989 Page 2 APPOVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1989. iT PLANNING COWISSIOW OF THE CITY OF RAMHO CUCAMONGA BY: uzanne R. Chitiea, ce a rman ATTEST: uLto Kroutlr, uepuzy 'wretar I, Otto Krcutil, Ovpgtyr SecreUry of the Planning Comeiss; oat of the City of Ra-4ho Cucwvnga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly latroducad, passed, and adopted by the Planrri,:g Comission of the City of R4,ivho Cucamonga, at a regular maeting of the Planning Cowissi.on held on the 22nd day of February, 19P9, by the following vow- to�wlt: RYES: CC IWONERS: NOES: COWISSSIONERS ASSENT: COMISSIONERS: 4 11 CA"ry OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT �A' y Iv a r a z °a GATE: Fabruai-y 22, 1989 U _ 1977 TO: Ch&irman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Sever ;y ,Nissen, Assistant Planner SUBJECT': ENVIRONMENTAL iSSESSMENT AND i,'WTATIVE TRACT 14218 - residential subdivision and clesign rev ew -T single family 1,its on 5.71 acres of land in tLe Hillside Rtt.idential District located north of Irspiration Drive and east of Crestview Place - ArN: 200- 441- 23-28. Associated with the trart is Tree Removal Permit 89 -08 requesting the removal ,1 2 (ttiac) Eucalyptus globulus. I, PROJECT AND SITE DE %RIPTMI ; A. Action Requested: Approval of subdivision design, conceptual grading pan, building elevations, plot plans, Tree `emoval Permit 89 -08, and issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Project D'en ity: 1.4 dwelling units per acre. C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning• >a = --Vacant pprovo rai 10210); Hillside Residential District South - Vacant (Approved Trait iii210); Hillside Residential District East - Vacant (Approved Tract 10210;; Hillside Residential District. West - Vacant ( Approved Tract 10210); Hillside Residential District D. General Plan Designations: ro e - HiPsIde 'xasidsmtial District Wrth - Hillside Rbsi denti a, t District. South - Hillside Residential District ' East - Hillside Residential District II West - Hillside Residential District E. Site Characte ^istics: The sit* is cuerehtly vacant and covere y c spars egetatiion and a fm trees along the westerly bounda•y. Tne site slopes generally from north to south at approximately aeven to thirtee:: percent. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 141;18 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page i' 11 II. BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract 10210 was originally submitted in guuAs , T986 as one tract covering 160 acres. The northern 114 acres were split off from the original proposal since it did not con; ly with adequate fire protection response time. The original ;project was revised and resubmitted as a 46 acre parcel divided Into 33 lots. This revised scheme was approved by the Planning Commission on September 23, 1981. An expanded Initial Study was completed which addressed flood, fire, geology, seismology and public service issues.: On August 24, 1988, the Planning Commission approved a Design Review for Lots 2 -12, 15 -199 22 -27 and 30 within the 33 lot subdivision, Tract 10210. Lott 13, 14, 20, 21, 28 an(( 29 were omitted due to concern regarding the exact location of an esarthquake fault and the appropriate fault setback in this area. :since that time, additional trenching in the area was performed and the locations of the fault and appropriate setback were determined. Due to the results of the additiona7,'trenzhing which revised the location of the earthquake fault, Lot 13 has been eliminated. Lots 1, 31, 32 and 33 were omitted from the previous submittal. since the applicant felt they were too steeo to build t-ye tYpe of home they were proposing and woulA be better suited to a custom design. The Design Review for Lots 1, 14, 20 21 and 29 was approved by the Tanning Commission on February 8, 1989. B. General: At this time, the applicant is proposing to re3u5- v de Lots 23 -28 of Tract 10210 into a iew tract of 8 lots. (See Exhibit "A"). Lots 23.28 of Tract 10210 currently range From .94 to 1 acre and average .95 acre. "Ie proposed lots range ir. size from .64 to .77 acres and average .72 acres in size. The applicant is submitting three floor plans (2850, 3200 and 3600) which Here approved with the previous Design Review submittals of August 24, 1988 and February 21, 19mt'v. Model 3607 i-lt� two story while the two remaining mo0eis are one story. C. Seisnoto The seismic report (Leighton and A sq- ia4es,. which was prepared in conjunction with =ract 10210 indicate:' #ai presence of several faults within the area. The report also indicated that a 50 -feat setback r"r_;a either side of the fault zone would be appropriate, ;Wever, the geolojr report iaioore :.nd -aber, 1988), which accompaired a recent submittal for a project to the imediate west of Tract 10210, indicated that th3 eppropriate setback from the fault zone should be much greater. M-1- C� �i,.d.1�. -_ E PLANNING COWISSION STAFF REPORT Tr 14238 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 3 In response to this discrepancy, staff initiated an independent review of the two reports which was completed by Kleinfeider Associates. This review was conducted io conjunction with the previous Design Review which was approved on August 24, 1988. The resul'�s of tie: independent review wer-, however, inconclusive and called for additional trenching in the area to substantiate; the location of two additional suspected fault tiraces and to confirm the correct building setback frorli the fau t zone. In response to this, the appiicanti modified their original Design Review proposal and deleted those lots (specifically 13, 14, 20, 21, 28 and 29) which could potentially have be?n impacted by 4 greater building setback. At that time, the applicant enlisted a g_oteehnical consultant to complete the addition-.i trenching in the are- and to complete further studies which should determine the: appropriate setback from the fault zone. This study, conducted by Richard Mills Associates in November, 1988, established exclusion zones in which no - iPactures for human habitation could be located. The bousi_ es of the exclusior, areas were revised from previous seismic studies completed on the site due to: 1. A change of orientation of the fault zone near the western property boundary; a:od 2. Minor changer, in the fault location. This revised,'exclusion boundary has essentially eliminated any buildable ai ^ea for Lot 13. This lot will be eliminat_d and some others adiusted as necessary through the Lot Line Adjustment process- prior to issuarce of any building perinits. Althoura the report concludes that "the site... is expected to be subject to no0r to to high intensity shaking during the life of the structures ", if the project is designed in accordance with the latest Unifom Building Code and the rece"endiations of the Stvuctural Engineers Association, s:.asmic hazards can be mitigated and the project is feasible. } The AicWd' Mills report was then reviewed by an independent geoi)gizal firm which concluded that it adequately met the intent of the Alquist-- Priolo Act of 1972 and guidelines. The consultant indicated, however, that "The City of Rancho Cucamonga should recognize that, although the referenced investigation generally conforms to CORG (State) guidelines, C-5 PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 14218 NCRDYC February.22, 1989 Page 4 the potential for surface rupture cannot be precluded for areas of the site lying outside the indicated setback zones." V. Trails Advjsary Committee: The Trails Advisory Comnitt 'a revMRed the project on January 18, '1989 and approved it it subnitted. E. Grading Committee- The Grading Committee reviewed the project on January 40, -1989 and approved it with the following conditions: 1. Verify accuracy of fault setback; plot during the plan check process. 2. Use of current trails standards will be required, i.e., use of water bars, soil ceamit, etc. F. Technical Review Committee: The project was reviewed and approved on anuary , 787. How.:ver, Cucamonga County Water District noted that thti, project may be subject to a requirement of possible contribution towards the construction of,a minimum 1 million gallon reservoir. This condition was also placed on "tract 10210 whirl was approved by the Planning Commission on Septerter 23, 1981. G. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Commit,;��e (Buller, �81ttKe—s e-y-T approved the project on Febru;iwy 2,. 1989 with the following conditions. 1. Contour grading techniques should be used where applicable to soften slopes, 4orners, etc. 2. The developer or his sales agent should disclose to all potential homebuyers the fact that accoss to the National Forest should remain open and will be obtaiiied through this development. 3. A slope planting and 4rrigati'on plan should be subad tied for all manufactured slopes a-:d graded areas. 4. A statement should be included on every deed for each lot within the development which informs the prospective owner of the potential for seismic activity and the related hazards. C --Y ,1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tr 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 5 S. The Committee recommended aoprovai of either a local c community trail along the northeast side of ',at 8 subject to revie� and appro %al by the City Planner and City Engineer, H. Tree Removal Permit; Associated with the development of the T•ac ne— app73cant has suw,ritted a Tree Removal Permit r- questing the removal of Wo (2) mature Eucalyptus trees in the western portion of the tract which conflict with house pads. I. Environmental Assessment: S'tbff has completed the nm nv roen Checklist grid t,as determined that there are some potential environm %tal impacts regarding soils and geology, hydrology, flora and fauna. Staff ras determined, however, that these impacts can be mitigated through the conv;'i" placed on this project attd through the pkrtinent cony- a; of Tract 10210 which will also be placed on this project. If the Planning Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate if the Tentative: Tract Map is approved. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent iith the ueve.opment Code an the General Plan. the project, witty the recommended mitigation measures, will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed use is in 'zompliance .:th the applicable provisions of the Development Code and City Standards. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: lhis item has been advertised as a publin hearing in the — TIy Rc ort newspaper and notices were sent to all property oW-n—ir-3—WfffiTh 300 feet of the} project site. Staff has received several telephone calls from concerned neighbors regarding the increased density and reduced lot Aiwa proposed. V. RECOMMENDATION: Stiff r, Zommends that the Plcnnins Co;.;Jssion approve en ti"ve ',-act I. 1E,, and design review _hereof, through adoption of the .ctached Resolution of Approval with conditions, Tree Removal Permit 89 -08, and issue a Negative Declaration. Resp ettUally a' ted, Brad ter City lanner BB :BN:mlg 4 PUW141NG COMM13SION STAFF REPORT TT 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 page 6 Attachments: ResoluGon 81-106 Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Map Exhibit "B" Tract Map Exhibit "C" Detailed Site /Grading Plan Exhibit "D" Horsekeeping Areas Exhibit "E" » Su"laing Elevations Exhibit "F" Tree Removal Permit Resolutions of Approval with Conditions La 11 * Mu., EXH►HIr• .., ti +�� � w* 3� 0701 -02 o2- 22. -80 PC Agenda 2. 0 4 :�; Y'. A OP, '46V C 'Tit, CITY OF R� n F Y E 03 a CIA s I f' j All 4 El D CITY CF 1 J OF i RANCHO � I MAINNM DIVEM TnUt ExHiwr, SCALE- l .o t g a 21 � CITY r • ` 42& RANCHO 0 P IC a Go c clq i CITY CF ♦: RANCHO QTCAMLONGA Tnul MANNING y �. D(VMDN EXHIMT- SCALE- n 0 a u o o J CITY CF ♦: RANCHO QTCAMLONGA Tnul MANNING y �. D(VMDN EXHIMT- SCALE- I] w MANNING EXVM()N EXHIBIT- SCALE, Ll fE e� CITY CF mm t i MANNING D(VSZ)N EXHIMT- SCALE- r E C_ v S CITY CF RANCHO CLTCA1 NNM D(VEM j C'�z as i ca N I ! S • SCALE- W H R "- -d - 1t -= P/r - RECOLUTION fi0. 91 -106 !� A RESOLUTION OF THE PLAMING COMI5SION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM IGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1021n WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 10210, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Lawlor Enterprises, applicant,-for the purpose of s0dividing the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as approxim: :ely 46 acres of land located on the northwest .orner of Sapphire and Alm,`Id and being divided for single family use into 37 lots, regularly came before the Planning Commission for public hearing arei action on September 23, 1981; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has recr handed approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Divisions reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission hay 7,ead and considered the Engineering and Planning Divisions ^eports and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NON, THEREFORE, the Planningt Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The Plarnirg Commission makes the following findings in regard to T entative`Tract i{o. ?.0210 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative c is insistent with all applicable interim and pi u,vvral anC specific plans; (b) The design dr imx• v .Atflts of the tentative tract is ca!_-1stent wifih air applicable• interim and proposed general and specific p s0; Y' (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of develop- s meat posed; (d) substAntiialoenviv imentalsdamage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlifa or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; ( {, design any easentfacquiri �by ithetpublic at large, row of with record, for access thrcugh or use of the property within the pr000sed subdivision. Qg' That this project will not create adverse imPacts on the environment and a Negative 0eclarction is issued. SEMCK 2: 'Tentative Tract Map No. 10210, a copy of which is attached tERS, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions: PLANNING 01VISION 1. All necesrary easements for cross lot drainage ^hall be shown an ..nal reap and grading plan. 2. .Al e1rents of the Foothill Firms Protection District not' limited to, fifty foot clearance of such as, out flamable material around all units, fire retardant building materials, appropriate %itter supp:_ and fire Cant: to turquoise, stia.l be net. In the removal of flaffaable material, inflratimable material should'be planted. 3. Constrricti on of a new forest service mad shall be done set forth by the Forr=St in conformance with conditions Service. 4. Full compliance with the State Alquist- Priolo Act is and placement of dwellings. required for construc'Zion S. f,nes9 County uiDistrict orconstruction the water ytem,is Rred of to the 6. The forest service eisasnent shall be extended of the property, north and adjacont to this eastern edge .tract.- 7. Equestrian access to open spaces shall be provided where . feasible. 8. The applicant shall work with the utility companies the subject property, to develop having easements ever the easement auras for useable open space, such as an A detailed pica: small be equestrian staging am&- submitted to and approved by the De.igr. Review Comn►ittee prior to recordation of snap. ENGIR PIRG DIVlSI0H 9. Installatition of to adequate *concrete lined interzoaptor drain across the southeaster:y project area as snorrn on the tentative map shall be required to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The drain shall be extended south westerly to connect to the existing Alasond. interceptor drain fees for the project shall be drain. The storsa credited towards the cosh of this drain. p V B U W U9j .ass. page 3 I 10. il. i A11 required on -site and ,off -site easement for the drain shall be dedicated to the City. The easement shalt be extended northeasterly along the Edison easement ling to the easterlymost tract boundary. A flood pratection berm and/or a channel shall be pro - t,:ded along the north lot lines of Tuts 16, 17, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, diverting storm runoff to a safe j disposal area. l 12. Construction of-Almond Street improvements with curb, gutter, 26' wide asphalt concrete pavement, A.C. berm along south side, and street lights within a dedicated easement shall be required from tae east tract boundary to Sapphire Street. 13. Emergency access road per Foothill Fire District's requiremerts shall be Naavided along Almond Street to Turquoise Street. 14. All condition - contained in the letter by the Foeest Service, 1!;sted.States. Department of Agriculture, refs, - ced 5460 Schulhof dated Jun 22, 1981 shall be complied with. The existing Big Tree Road shall be vacated prior to recordation of the map. APPP.O{�ED AND ADOPTED TF.TS 23RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1981. PLANNING COMISSi9N OF THE CITY Ot r.ANCFfo cucASmohGA BY: tr(lt� 1, JACK LAN, Secretary of the Planning Cor nission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, cnd adopted by the Planning Comraission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a rdgular meoting of the Planning Comm-ission held on the 23rd day of September, 1481 by the following vote to -wit: E RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CWSSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP H0. 14218, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 8 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 5.71 ACRES OF LAND, IN THE HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT LOCATED NORTH OF INSPIRATION DRIVE AND EAST OF CRESTVIEW PACE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. APN: 10d- 441 -23 THROUGH 28 A. Recitals. (i) Nordic Development has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 14218 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in the Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On the 22nd of February, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing, on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolutior ha*.e occurred. B. Pesolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, detormirod and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing on Febtma -y 22, 1989, including written and oral stiff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located north of Inspiration Drive and east of Crestview Place with a street frontage of 1,107 Feet along Inspiratio. Drive and 270 feet along Crestview Place and is presently vacant; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is appreved Tract 10210, the property to the south of that site is approved Tract 10210, the property to the east is approved Tract 10210, and the property to the west is approved Tract 10210. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, t' ;ommission hereby finds and concludes as follows: C 1 X E PLANNING COMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 2 (a) That tentative trarct is ce.scistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and specific puns; an' (b) The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General P %n, Development Code, and specific plans; and and proposed; and The site is physical "(y suitable for the type of development (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or *eir habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access thvGugh or use of the property within the proposed subdivision.. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered, In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. S. Based upon vhe findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Special Conditions 1) Thr; Almond Street improvements shall extend full width from Skyline Road to Sapphire Street and include full improvements of t,,e Almond /Sapphire intersection. A reimbursement agreement may bat requested for the cost of improvements of the street from future development adjacent to the street. 2) The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquir the required dedication for the nnrth half (33 feet) of Almond Street from Skyline Road t) the east side of Sapphire Street to construct the required off -site improvements. If the developer should fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days j prior to submittal of the final map for approval, enter into an agreement with the City to complete the improvements pursuant to Governmro+' Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires j the propei�ty interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by developer of all costs in connection with the subdivision. Security for these casts shall be in the form of a cash deposit. That portion of the security s _ r„ L PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14218 NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 3 reflft I ng the value of the required off -site property interest shall be the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the City prior to coamencement of the appraisal. 3) A separate parkway landscape and irrigation plan per City standards shall be provided subject to approval of the City Engineer for the north side of Almond Street between Sapphire Street and the westerly boundary of Tract 10210 and the westerly side of Skyline Road between Almond Street and Inspiration Drive. 4) The perimeter landscaped parkway for thn north side of Almond Street be%zen Sapphire Street and the westerly boundary of Tract 10210, and the westerly side of Skyline Road between Almond Street and Inspiration Drive shall' be annexed into the landscape malx:tenance district. 6) Utility Undergrounding: a) The existing Overhead utilities (electrical) on the project side of Almond Street shall be undergrounded from the first pole on the east side of Sapphire Str --t7m sterly to the first pole on the south side of Almond Street within the Los Angeles Bureau of Power and Light easement pr ;cr to public improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. The developer many request a reimbursement agreement to recover one -half the difference between the undergrounding cost of the utilities (electrical) on the project side of the street minus those (telecommunications) on the opposite side of the street from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. b) The developer shall p.y an in -lieu fee as contribution to the fkture undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) on the erte side of Almond Street prior to issuance of building permits, or recordation of the Final Map, whichever occurs first. The fee shall be one-half the City adopted unit amount times the length from the westerly project boundary to the westerly terminus of the undergrounding required per Section a. above. 6) Installation of an adequate concrete lined interceptor drain across the southeasterly project area shall be required to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The drain shall be extended southwesterly to connect to the existing Almond interceptor drain. The storm drain fees for the project shall be credited towards the cost of this drain. El PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. rr 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 4 7) All required on -site and off -s'�te easement for the Jrain shall be dedicated to the City. The easement shall be extended northeasterly along the Edison easement line to the easterlymost tract boundary. 8) Emergency access road per Footdill Fire District's requirements shall be provided along Almond Street to Turquoise Street. 9) All conditions contained in the letter by the Forest. Service, United States Department of Agriculture, referen;ed 5450 Schulhof dated June 22, 1981 shall be complied with. The existing Big Tree Road shall be vacated prior to recordation of the map. 10) Crestview Place and bkyline Road shall by constructed full width, including all public street improvements, from Almond Street to the northerly boundary of the proposed tentative tract. 11) Possible contribution towards, trig construction of a minimum 1 million gallon. reservoir to provide service may be needed and shall be determined by the Cucamonga County raver District prior to issuance of building permits. 12) Tree -.emoval Permit 89 -08 is approved subject to the replacement cr,teria of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Location of rraplaced trees shall be noted on the final- landscape drawings. lnfested wood from cut Eucalyptus trees shall be chipped, removed and buried at a dump site or tarped to the ground for a minimum of six months, sealing, the tarp edges with soil, to prevent emerging borer beetles from reinfesting other trees or wood. 13) Current trail improvement standards, such as but not limited to, water bars, soil cement, etc., shall be utilized.. 14) A local feed trail or community trail shall be provided along the northeast side of Lot 8 subject to review and approval by the City Planner and t ty Engineer. 15) The developer or his sales agent shall disclose to all potential homebuyers the fact that access to the National Forest will remain open and will be obtained through this development. The developer shall retain signed copies of all disclosures in a {permanent file for future review by the City or any other interested party. The disclosure format shall be approved by the City Planner prior to recordation. C--30 11 PLANNING COMFCISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 5 16) A slope planting and irrigation plan shall be submitted for all manufactured slopes aFa;F graded areas prior to the issuance of building permits.. 17) A statement snail be included on every deed for each lot within the development which informs the prospective owner of the potential for seismic activity and the related hazards. Said statement shall be approved by the City Attorney prior to recordation. 18) All necessary easements for cross lot drainage shall be shown on final map and grading plan. 19) All requirements of the Foothill Fire Protection District such as, but not limited to, fifty foot clearance of flammable material around all units, firs retarirnt building :materials, appropriate water supply and fire lane to Turquoise, shai i be met. In the removal of flammable material, inflammable material should be planted. 20) Construction of a new forest service road shall be done in conformance with conditions set forth by the Forest Service. 21) Full compliance with the Stite Alquist- Priolo Act, and recommendations of the seismic reports, is required for construction and placement of dwellings. 22) The forest service easement shall be extended to the eastern edge of the property, north and adjacent to this tract. 23) Equestrian access to open spaces shall be provided where feasible. 24) The applicant shall work with the utility companies ;paving easements over the subject property, to develop the easement areas for useable open space, such as an equestrian staving area. A detailed plan shalt be submitted to and approved uy the Design Review Committee prior to recordation of map. 6. The Deputy Secretary to this Commission shah certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1989. PLANNING COM!3ISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: IL 'Suzanne R. Chitiea, Vice-Chairman ATTEST: Otto Kroutil, Deputy secretary PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. IT 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Page 5 I, Otto Kroutil, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and rerula"vy introduced, passed: and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd dey of February, Lana, by the following voce -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES:. COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: El- r/ S a n Bf -Z r z $R�S�1L4i�t:•�" *yo b.01 =0 re �SAe a X x " « 22..Z- 9_2 e ` Y�ff i'Ou V Y S Y C N Ya,C �ubgo$T3'"Zia Y b Y N N O 2 u V w� O a y» ror eyy ^SOT �s�T� c�0 YCN•�bb [1 O M V Y ppnp,p C� uy.a UND bf� ag 'u 6 IMS yy Vq. w. > M i Y���•e s� c��c� 6 ��V � ib }p�P hw/Y ! $ Ax s sa2 Cc =1L We i M NY + >Yi~ GiM ff�i� M Y .. _ 1 a V Y M 2 rl uxa!-- ®. 0 HN Y wM b � ' M A' O y `E n I w W O. wI a HIS ROB x�« 3a� c YuL« ° ac'. gO a Ipo -& �sLwY�` »66 �_� 1M. J� got ii a ;1 Tf� v On t�I1 13Z, a p lY. c�tk_ N.~. QuC L:Y� 3 «Ot�Yi� Ls« -4 1 us « SpYq s +io ff As -.w.o g°.: «kaa w,55 . c'«i a c. y+ t N N +N y +6iL Q A tt . 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V `•ri � IVNi 'oi QQyy a�ppp� a rr N Y d+' Ki wn• f8 ^^C1� s� El L wee yN F Y � s • w aq 6 M L R rt s e •� J ! �+� N w p 6 VIA' ..A. �= A y fl' c4 9 � V .ju i11 of y b t M mom V! N y.I +p F�a ie4. El RESOLUTION No. Ak A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMISSION APPROVING DESIGN Ri VIEk FOR TMT No. i421$, A RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OF 8 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS OU 5.71 ACRES OF LAND IN THE HILLSIDE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT LOCATED NORTH OF INSPIRATION DRIVE AND EAST OF CRESTVIEW PLACE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. APR: 200- 441- 23 -28. R. Recitals, (I) Nordic Development has tiled an application for the Design Renew of Tract No. 14218 as described in the title of this Resolution. HeWr4FO.r, the subjeCt Design Review request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On February 22, 1909, the Planning Comission Of the City* of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. - 8, Resolution. r� NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho 04amonga as follows;- 1. This'COmmissfon hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, Of this Resolution are true and ;orrect. 2. Based upr.a substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- refer'snced meeting on February 22, 1989, intltding written and oral staff rer^�-:L, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows- 7 Vi 1. That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and 2. That the proposed design is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and 3. That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code; and 4. That the proposed design, together with the conditirns welfare, Orh materiOly iojuri +sustrto Rprope ties ur 1 tss at6ty, or in the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 198a Page 2 Anil 3. Bas,-ad upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Building & Safety i -vis on: 1) Contour grading techniques shall be used where applicable to soften slopes, corners, etc. 2) The accuracy of the fault setback shall be verified and plotted during the plan check process. 3) Current trail improvement standards, such as but not limited to, water bars, soil cement, etc., shall be utilized. Planning Divis%i: 1) The developer or leis sales agent shall disclose to all potential homebuyers the fact that access to the National Forest wi11 remain open and will be obtained through this development. Ille developer shall retain signed copies of all disclosures in a permanent file for future review by the City or any other interestedr'arty. The disclosure format shall be app aved by the City Kanner prior to recordation. 2) A slope planting and irrigation plan shall be submitted for all manufactured slopes and graded areas prior to the issuance of building permits. 3) A statement shall bE included on every deed for each lot within the development which informs the prospective owner of the potential for seismic activity and the related hazards. Staid statement shall be approved by the Civ Attorney prior to recordation. 4) Either a local or community trail along lie northeast side of Lot 8 shall be provided subject to reviF -.i and approval by the City Planner and City Engineer. 5) All conditions of Tentative Tract 14218 shall apply. 4. The Deputy Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. C-41 lu E i1 .... �\ PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PA 14218 - NORDIC February 22, 1989 Vage 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Suzanne R. CftftI-ea-;7Tc--e-TnRa1rman ATTESi- "ORZ Nrou , UpUty Wretary I, Otto Krov�,il, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuce•,4nga, do hereuy certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Coamission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular tweeting of the Planning Commission Ntld on the 22nd day of February, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS*. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: N66 e_ MM =seB - -g W am`� a � °Y a V v N 11p� O F1 �J Y6 Mtt4 yyY�� pp Yy y� Y y Ow Yid ac1�`a �•�N n� $v ae� "gig' &. YY M Y L L b ' V ITS Et z �a S rA V w r yY 6�cYa iY��6` YJ� y UM Piz sail ail s = i i � 112 N wl 1 1i1 F� i N s 0 N J =N u � s� tj i f jM Y M Y �s • S jj% sVS - w� r s a �NM« Y Y 9 Sey L EN 4V f #tlY TL- i g Y Vis t c WFAnz � o RIM.. .1� Y I i! =.j �. Z�J�YYY � rrt �s NI ca O' O O CL to w r^ * Not .321 Q. ���� �,i �•'- asap $Vain �ay'��Pi ��� ; $..o" �� a� r a i?' 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XV.S. u rf 10 w ri rr" :+i r`s Y ai 1 Ie� L E U 0 ? iI nip bij Sap -: • "M , j as Z.11 AEU Ali, `N �, Ji in SRI ig lie asp ^b �e �` °+ 3t s �€ -31 s `804 "Jig %j ;,,s �_ Ali"".$ SAS �3. ®' .+ a `� NI ,! R O � � N PI f •1 N em >1 I >`h I � N � � � �I silk 3 �325 q �, _: Z ; 3 uY e� V! 8 is $ is !t ,o s Ct L pal site S VU � q q r N Y !�� ..J! 311 -nut 11 H 2:t Hat t %Di Ii ZZ-11 �j - ;:C: a I X Al i A P it p= z fq Iq. � N P1 > 4 ^I I I �I ZZ o �8 v sg r ^r�r•Q � � �s � 1 3 ��Y� �� S. w 0 Vw� tl ■ �y v not a s «m i3.. �N wM M�aYa IfW laa ;_ ■ �' M' M M ` b w w : �� g o�ri ■[r s$� 3� .3_. b _Y• 3, V i tl Y V w r '■ i Y. Y M 6 s �i cu I Y. F. O a Y >r4 1a as 1: � as s ;; rM pie %a"i= Bill b s3 s a =a '� x ax$s =spa € ..macs is 1p f Eli H v Tall 12". 1 Vill ii4v ar as"s� �f� s L. yip l ¢� sa i * 4 fag= 13 �«+ °� Z� '�! � � $�$.YS° « " � g •ice $" E 6 Y s �V °� r • Y &3 r-g gas s V S. a s a wig r Zvi , a 2— «a � « � Y s r� ° r «� r r YYs gam. .fir � A 8: y iEit � r rT »� YCY[ Y M _r I y 0 11 Y Ila z sot _� r s_; �4 a s _ x :51 •l } a �ti`r— a M Pi3�v all t��j �M` N >- _74 i 6 � �r Rn M O O' O • 0 W Y yO� V N V i ?O psi fur oY� ss� J ri .t _Jy i e Sr -9 is ` �T r� • `J Sss ��iC ;sax si ^ a' It C V b I�8187VVSS i'; G9 �, Y i e e A� CY L- 0 O c E S= �l is BE v Y � �3 r a� n� °O o2 non �oZ � �rffi V i ?O psi fur oY� ss� J ri .t _Jy i e Sr -9 is ` �T r� • `J Sss ��iC ;sax si ^ a' It C V b I�8187VVSS i'; G9 �, Y i e e A� CY L- 0 O c E S= big � Y � M V t s JY Y2 -- — CITY OF Ii;ANCHO CUCAIAONGA STAFF RE, PORT LATE: February 22, 1989 10: Chairman and Members of the Planning Conmission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Betty Miller, A3sistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMFNT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11472 - LACY - E so vision or acres of an n c z parcels in the L Residential Development District, located on the south side of 19th Street, east of Hermosa Avenue (,APN 202 - 201 -72) I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of the propec�ad Tentative Parcel Map as W own on Exhloit "B" B. Parcel Size: Parcel 1 0.50 Parcel 2. 0.32 D.W AC net C. Existing Zoning: Low Residential (2 -4 DOM) D. Surrounding Land Use: North Single Family (Egg Ranch) South - Vacant East - Single Family: Historical (Albert House) West - Single Family E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North - Low Residential South - Low Residential East m Low Residential West - Low Residential F. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant and slopes to the south at 4 percent. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPO: ". r TENT PARCEL ASAP 11472 LACY FEBRUARY 22, 1989 PAGE 2 II, ANALYSIS; The purpose of this parcel map is tea create two single family parcels, both taking access from Kamiiton Street. Hamilton Street is already Improved, with the exception of parkway improvements which are required to be completed upon development of each parcel. Street improvements for 39th Street are rewired upon development of Parct? 1. The widening of 19th Street across this site is on the Ci u's Capital Improvez;ent Schedule for F',cal Year 198t•,89. %" the City° project is completed prior to development, then the propex ,i owner will only need to complete the parkway improveire.nts, to City standards for landscaping outside a perimeter wall, upon development of parcel 1. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REYI ! The applicant cc;4leted Part I of the Initial study: 3"E�fa con usted •i field investigQlion and complex +d Part II of the Initial Study. No adverse iaa, -4ts upon the environment are anticipatea as a result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Nearing have been sent to surrounding property owners 3)1d placed in the Daily p:zport Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recom�-,. 'rd that the Planning Commission consider a I 1 1 npu an dements of the i.Atative parcel Map 11472. If after such consideration, the Commission can recommend approval, theca the adoption of tho attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be p"Me. Respectfully submitted, 8arrye fano son Senior Civil Engineer Bft, BM:d1 w Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A ") 'iantative Map (Exhibit "I} ") Local Area Map (Exhibit "C ") Resolution and Recommended Conditions of Approval A 0— QL A*-% A MPY- OLD MUTEF"km _ --��A s 140 Fkftrt L 7XllF7�/C�IPMI✓FOUP041 MvELCPmL"JT r' �lfaWlXOiY.OL dFOJC6i �GrY r PARCEL 1 f� J /J, 1 519 11 MAW aw OF PW� 11412, RANCHO CUCAMONGA Tfm&i 'AiiVL MAP „ UI s 140 Fkftrt L 7XllF7�/C�IPMI✓FOUP041 MvELCPmL"JT r' �lfaWlXOiY.OL dFOJC6i �GrY r PARCEL 1 f� J /J, 1 519 11 MAW aw OF PW� 11412, RANCHO CUCAMONGA Tfm&i 'AiiVL MAP „ 6 L- ��°-- I W ep.N y Albert k ®use � 3c x RAM6bT`ON %-RF-iF--r MAWECT4 _ S TlltfcTa a u E, . T or yr _ 0 :�� .. 4.... ' ice) r9 >Z •s 7a •� ]O. ' ' F fin •'• ' ' �� •.� 'tea i� MOLL! " i STKE'f 7 '' a� r YKr0f)14, rz zoo* b� CITY OF 17L[: PAICE LL MAP 11#472. RANCHO C't CAMO GA TrM& UXAL AMA MAP RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY AkROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11472, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 19TH STREET EAST OF HER USA AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APN 202 - 201 -72 WHEREAS, Tentative. Parcel Nap Number 11472, submitted by Otis Lacy and Company, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing into 2 paicels, the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, identified as APN(s) 202- 201 -72, located on the the south side of 19th Street east of Hermosa Avenue; and WHEREAS, on February ;, 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for thk above - described map, NOW, THEREFIRE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONOA PLANNING COMMISSION ?.ESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the map is consistent with tht General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That' the site is physically suitable for the proposed devei,; nt. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems be have adverse affect: on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of X970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SCCTION 3• That Tentative Parcel Map No. 11472 is hereby approved subject U769—attached Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: Special Conditions 1. In the event that a City project to widen 19th Street precedes development of Parcel 1: a) A right -of -entry for construction shall be granted to the City along the northerly 15 feet of Parcel 1, and ID ,( PWr4ING COWISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENT Pa4CFL FLAP NO. 11.472 - LACY FEBRJARY 22, 1989 PAGE 2 b) The cost of the imrovements fronting Parcel 1 shall be reimbursed to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. An #a -lieu fee as contribution to tho future undergrounding cf the existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) on the opposite side of 19th Street shall be paid to the City ovior tp approval of the Final Map, The fee shall be one -half Fhe- amity` adopted unit amount times the length of the project frontage (111 feet). S. A separate parkway landscape and x,rigation plan per City Standards shall be pr ;Vided, subj,!A t to approval of the City Engineer, for 19th Street. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1989. P!.ANNINa COK41SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCA4 0NGA BY. arr; . e , a rman M El ATTEST: urao,uutjer, secretary - - - I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing ;Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the LIM day of February, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COM41SSIONERS: O E .V ai A .tw E F :i N v wa a sa .4 1 0 :5 ;5 4�i o,g.c aQ as aka s «X c XU `0 tyY�o Y $O S �S 5� J�. Lia smi .e s k M + $ �q V V Y N Y w w �p 3Ny ti i a 8C. i i M'1 f sit 3 iti t is ]Al Y pkA Pi • a g .N. 1= .24= ex IM� 18. w sjQpN; _TJ :� A A � I I I Al IN t i a 8C. i i M'1 f sit 3 iti t is ]Al Y pkA Pi • a g .N. 1= .24= ex i w e � � 1 .1 � l g « "> Six is a 1711 1 zz s p� Ii z�r 8 } >� rz S # .. JIM ta Oki �o 100 q^ M s ,2a lu 6 YM $3 W d H. s p�pp . H co CY a a �r L a� 0 s �s xw seww pipa = cal' y < re sa-8 N 1�3 [--I C Gr y N L if O Lln C' ■S� YNpp6 �O _6.w_ YcYs yyb L� v 4� tuq Ly[ " YL 6gN 5 " Ny C� Sit a ~ n qq NV� SAO LYE FO/. R.�M� � � 1 .1 � l g « "> Six is a 1711 1 zz s p� Ii z�r 8 } >� rz S # .. JIM ta Oki �o 100 q^ M s ,2a lu 6 YM $3 W d H. s p�pp . H co CY a a �r L a� 0 s �s xw seww pipa = cal' y < re sa-8 N 1�3 [--I co I CREU ®EL COMRANY Development a Property Monagoment February :.3, 1989 , x, Dan Lolemari City of Ranco Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 -0807 Re: C.U.P. 87 -04 Extension Dear Dan, As a follow up to our February 10, 1969 meeting, please let me review the following: 1,) Due to the nature of the procesaring, Chaffey Plaza Partnership would like to withdraw our continuation for the extension of C.U.P. .87 -04 as described in my Sanuery 3, 1989 letter. 2 ) In go,5d faith, we agree to attach the additional conditions as described by the February 8, 19€39 Alk Planning Commission letter items 2,3,4,5,6,7. See Exhibit "A1l to this letter. This tithdraw is requested due to major changes that could be imposed through the redasign of Phase II. As staffed at the above meeting, Chaffey Plaza has invested tens of thousands of dollars in the screening, grading, sewer, fire hydrant reloca- tion and other preparatory expenses to include Phase II in our overall plan. This plan was truly scrrtinized; public concerns were addressed, and changes were made to accommodave all. After legal process and a resolution in place, we feel that further maximizing the original plan could actually be counter - productive. Ao of this writing, we have over four months to process the plan that han already ggne through. We need. to addr6aa items that were listed on that approval and also would like to make some minor changes which we feel would improve the original. Although four months should be adequate, we would appreciate the opportuni to work with staff to address any concerns prior to design review: This would streamline the process and reduce the necessity to re- schedule a second design review meeting. 'As per our understanding, we will concurrent) process the building and safety portion through the City Building and Safety Department. We will also work on the landscape plan, block wall design, and sound attenuation measures. Clearly, we could suffer tremendous damages if this process were not efficiently managed. I f 12922 BARRETT LANE a SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 0 E7141 838 -4SOO I would appreciate any advice or help so that I can provide all the information required to assist the City in expediting this project. If you have any questions, please call. Sinyerely, ✓/ / Jerome P. Greubel General Partner Chaffey Plaza Partnership CC: Steve Donley, AIA, Lt- at Law Greg Benneist, AIA •o ,.,;PLAFiHTNfa COt�i1SSI0N RESMUiIQN N0. CUP 87aQ4 « GiiEtIBEL CO. i February S. 1989 (Page 2 2. Graffiti shall be removed within 72 hoLes. K I 0 3.. The entire site shall be kept free of *rash and debris at all times, and in no event shalN trash and debris remain for more than twenty -four (24'; hours. 4. 'crash co l ecV%- n shall occur between '.-e hours of 9 :00 a.m, and 10 :00 pjX. only. S. Noise levels - All co:r ercial actlrwties shall not create any .noise that would exceed an exterior noise level of 60d6A during the hours of I0 :00 p.m, ta,7;00 a.m. and 66dBA during the hours os 7;00 a.m. to 1040 p.m. 6. Loadlog and Unloading -, No person shall cause the loading, unloading, closing., or other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or similar objects between the hours of 10 :M pm. and 7:00 a.z. unless otherwise specified herein, in a manner which would cause a noise disturbance to a residential area. 7. The site shall be Ifop6d and maintained in acc,Aance with the approved site plan which includes architectural elevations, exterior materials and EXHIBIT "A" 6-3 *("�CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: T0: FROM: BY: SUBJE"; : February 22, 089 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Brad Bulle *, City Planaar Scott Murphy, Associate Planner i 1 DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 -2 - M.J. BROCK - e es gn rev err Of u ng Aeva ons an e a e p Plan fuii, a previously approved tract map :onsisting of 151 single family lots on 101.4 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwellino, units per acre), incrted east of haven Avenue at Ringstem - APN: 1074 - 351 -02. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: R. Action Requested: Approval of 511"e Plan, Grading Plan, u ng Elevatioonns, and Conceptual Landscape Plan. B. Project Density: 1.49 dwelling units per acre C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoninj_ or ---Man t; Flood control South - Single Family Residential under construction; Very Low Residential (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). East - Vacant; Flood Control West - Single Family Residential; Very Low Residential (less than 2 dwelling units Mar acre). D. General Plan Desi natior3: ro ec -sew; ery ow evidential (less that? 2 dwelling units per scc0. ?forth - Flood Control South - Flood Control and Very Low Density Residential (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). East - Flood Control Meat - Very Loa Residential (less than 2 dwelling units per acre) E. Site CharIcteristi�a; The site is currently vacant with an average of approxtutely 6 percent from northwest to southeast. The site is bounded on the south by the Nillsida Channel, on the tst by flood control property and the Deer Creek Channel, -- , an the north by flood control property atd iW the Deer Creek u.dnnel. PLANNING C"ISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATTVE TRACT 12332_ -2 - M.J.BROCK FEBRUARY 22„ 198 PAGE 2 11. ANALYSIS: A. Background: Tentative Tract 12332 1204 lots on 141 acres? was Figirt-ally approved by the Planning Cosrnission on May 11, 1983 The applicant then proceeded to record Phase I consisting of 53 lots but failed to record the remainder of the tract resulting in the expiration of the tract crap. Subsequer3tly, the applicant t received a new approval on February 12, 1985 for the remaining 151 lots. On January 18, 1989, the City 'Council approved the final map and relaUd agreements and tbie map is now in the pr,)cess of being recorded with the County of San Bernardino. B. General: With the first phase of Tract 12332 being developed ds a Nuustoa lot subdivision, the applicant's intent was to design a product type that is in keepir with the custom lot atmosphere that cur�kntly exists. The applicant retained t"h services of °twa sk�oareue architectural firms that h ,e provided seven basic floor plans ranging in size from 4,02E to 5,187 square feet. All of the floor plans utilize stem rill and split level consty ctf��a which will eliminate a padded -out situation. Each floor -plan wi.l have four basic 'gilding elevations with variations on the elevations provided through the use of side entry garages and through grade differentials resulting in as marry as 40 different building elevations over the entire tract. As a result, a great deal of diversity will be provided within the project to maintain more of a custom lot appearance than traditional tract housing. C. Design Review Committee: The Design n -tview Committee (Chitlea, a es -`fey, KroUtTI) originally rev,tsmd tha proposal on January 5, 1939. . At that time, fte Committee recommended the following revisions: 1. Differentiation should be providers in the 'Normandy' and 'Ne, "tereanean' building forms. 2. On down hill lots that have stem Toalls over 6 feet on the uphill side, additional detailing should be provided. 3. For the front entry garages, tie applicant should explarke the possibility of using a bonus room with a 3- car garage. 4. On elevations utilizi.ig brick or rock, a cap should be provided on th,° chirAeys 'Incorporating these elements. 11 PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TWV 12332 -2 - M.J.BROCK FEBRUAPY 22, 1989 PAGE 3 5. All stonework should be made of native stone. 6. Plan 4A should incorporate a greater use of brick on the front elevations. Plans 4, 5, and 6 0ould provide railing details on the rear elevation balconies similar to the railing detail" used on the front elevation. 8. The right elevation of Plan 'A should use more hardboard siding above the garage. 9. Nind,w treatment (i.e. multi -pane) used on front elevations should be carried around the entire d4 welling. 10. The vent detail on the - - "ront elevation of Plan 6A should be more ornate. On February 2, IM `he Design Review Committee (Chitied, Blakesey, Buller) reviewed the revised plan submitted by the applicant. The plans incorporated mark of the comments originally requested by the Design Review Committee. Following the review, the Committee rece vended approval of the plan subject to the following: 1) CYposed stem wall; veer 5 -ki feet high, with stucco as th primary element, shoulft ;tve additional articulation. 2) Railing details on balconies of some elevations should be enhanced to avoid an ado ,, appear;uice, This might include the use of mo.i substnntiv corner post elements. D. Trails Committee: The Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the proposal ana recommended approval subject to a condition reqpiring the equestrian trails that exie onto Haven Avenue to of reworked to allow open passage. E. Nei hbonc�od Meeting: During the course of review for a time eexx i on or rT act" 12332 in February of 1960, e:sinting residents of Haven View Estates expressed concern about the proposed development of the remaining 151 lots. As a result of this concern, a neighborhood meting was conducted on January ?6, 1989 between City staff, existing residents of Haven View Estates, and the applicant. Thew; were two main concerns expressed by the homeowners that were not addressed in the plans prove ed by the applicant. These items include the following: PLAK41NG COMYtISSIOR STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT 12332 -2 - lt.J.BROCK FEBRUARY 22, 1989 PAGE 4 I)- A gr9ater Use of side entry garages should be provided. Curmntly within the first phase o` Traci 12332, all Moues W.4ilixe side entry garages n-i front entry garages "r3 permitted. The proposal by the apj1icant indicates that 87 units will be side entry garages and 63 units will be front entry garages. 2) The current phash of Haven- Ifiew Estates has a heig%, t limitation of 28 feet specified within the CC A Wo. Some of the elevatiians Propused by the applicant are as mgt; as 32 feet, The homeowners stated that they hova ;.o objection to the use of the 3- foot high emits Within the project but felt that, adjacent to the existing phe.;e of Haven Vier Estates, the 28 foot heighf, limitation should he adhered to. This would require the replotting of several units rJ ong the border with the f1r3t phase of Haven View Estater. To date, ntr revised plans have been submitted that, Indicate any changes to eixhar the front loaded to side loaded garages ra.to or the replottrig of units to adhere to the 28 foot hetclht limitation. III. RECO,*EN?DATION: Staff recommends t' at the Plai.ning Coe►aiSS 4" approve a Design Review fur Tract 12332 -2 through adoption of the attac�td Resoluti6n with conditions. Res 11v 'fted Bra er j City P nnv BB:SH:js Attachmen *s: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Nap Exhibit "B" - Site /Grading Plan Exhibit "C!1" - Wl dinrq Elevations Exhibit 000 - Conceptual LandscaV Plan Exhibit 4V •- Egae:trian bnvelope Plan Resolution of Approval R, �� �~ Z .� i� .y J '� {y, V y`', 'tl �y I �, �/ ,� "�..� I <n 2 m 9 � 0 N s �J n 61 El 62 71 7 \ Ic CITY C RANCHO CUCAWNUA, PUNNING .. El V V G 4'H TITLE: —l4Se EXHIBIT.- ,LE. ;i U Ic 7� �4-it CITY OF RANCHO CLUAJONGA TITLE:,-- PLANT' 'INC, DIVRONJ EXHlBr- SCALE.-- F NORTH �.� w �i� ~ ~� � / `J 4 +,' �') ♦ ••ter � •� \A er. j• � t NOM crry OF PLANNINU ENV EM E. fi 3&'T' Sr �� 1 ,� E 2 i�� h '�'-�� �, Vii, '. �,� 0 LIN - A [a ���`� �l� t. RANCHO CUCANICNGA 'Ixrt . w E u i ti d ', lT b '• l V f-W CITY CF RANLW COCAMaNGA Tti'I , PLANNING D'`:rNON Eg H!BiT- C." SCALE- ,--t S 701 -0 02 -22.89 PC Agenda 3 of 4 CITY RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: PLANNING DIVE' M EXHIBIT. L SCALE: [ , r~ —3b .. - -® J .w'va �P � cif 1 j ,`•.. tom- TZ AML i /r illy r .t CITY RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: PLANNING DIVE' M EXHIBIT. L SCALE: [ , r~ —3b E. in* N; 4 CITY Cc, ITEN-1- RANCHO CUCANUNGA TITLE: PLANNM D(VISM EXHIBIT- SCALE, I _ �/ @�� \ \�� &�: /�:�\ L RAMADCUCAMONGA TITLE= rr A PLArdNM DINSM EXHIMT: �' �' ' SCALE, �7r in * 4.# ji gas ■ L RAMADCUCAMONGA TITLE= rr A PLArdNM DINSM EXHIMT: �' �' ' SCALE, t. ..� .« t ,K. �.x . ti��rt yh':. e _ �' ■ a4�' , Al CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMCNGA PLANNING D(VISM ITEM: TITLE: EXHIBIT- SCALE- T LzS 7 N CITY CF RANUM CUCANYMA TITLE- -4Z9t!:-4.a4-lA&7- PLANNING DIVEWAN EXHIBIT: ---Sg—$ SCALE- �-1 �l ■ 11:. Air �6I I 1� ��4 �R l It.11 ,fit r I 1 ` T Y�i[`� 1 7& PAZ oil �6I I 1� ��4 �R l It.11 ,fit r I 1 ` T Y�i[`� 1 7& voill I tj 111 =. �h ���- 1. - - y,•, _ ��� qt, r tG.-� a=j, , .. Hill It jF.� i l■a Y. ''���■ �� i C . l Yl � 1. ' .� 51ltllllt111� ��1� IgI�:k �• + � { rj�I•�� � K ��11e Cam. : s r ' ..� ' ilNw tt .... �• t '}} ' ' �.dI11Y1- `•R�:'�t��� t 1����M ltf ;Q,:•'•,•Yf ll Ilya "�11 T -ills m Ilk lit .172 Fi .y � a tirx�t +. j Y Mr.. AM I�� , �l(a r. r I'1 i 1 [ I Its u L nu* arY k �.. 1\tRS4 F� E�' �Tii _ . �= �� „� � �l � . e r �:. . ! , .. , Ate 3!; ...... � .:.� • �' R.�,. � s � ti.. r ['�y't�k.a 3�1ip�� �' � ,� i.or'� � 'r' PSI. '.����� `'' �'� aw.,. �i ..��r. y: ciq J6t ti4• pp yti� PEW � I'. A Id H —I- F.:- I 91.1 1 i ,"N L is ja IFEM air Aim[ 7 U-1004,114 0�1070 FT 1 1 � , Mi _ s I ` �` All All IF MAMMEM Al 1 j i MR - lot A-21 if r,'�y�Y `phi` - °� �� At AN -4111111hil ig M t, 951- nom;' 11 M, I `A ft-YII�C L71. ___ I.: I I L-VINC., rr�^ him i is r C ti ra �!;� < :fit • ��h: Iy 11 War .j t -7r 'Kati + Nall �i _ r- ■ a ■.. _ i- �� • 2rr ,., � t. \ "• A � N. V4 1w: &*OWN ^awtif Li Im Rl- r "m 11 70 li , U, MIMI rl i �,� Ill Ylhltb�W'777777 °fix IN. lam_ • 1 IAI IN luo 1i R R -z- �jOk- r� Jill Iffil, j, ti r rrr - �c. r v F 7177,- F row.. LAMM $A F, Zc— 1 k V- -- - � a, Ts va IZ ll A: . tqltt lrrr rrr '! Ir . � 11 Original Poor Quaiit, 1r�111 vyY � RCN& CI.BV^'rION WSA- CITY �.Ttml #. (IORA'NCHO C, • RANNING . ��§ t°mvt. /Z "- 4�e TrTUs —AZ ZDitR'S EXHIBM SC►[.._ r —5f Original Poor Quality v. hv�v let p of C3 b-110 12, ILUM LHAM, I—ILI 0 s- EXHIBIT-- ., *.wft t M1.9 OMW 1-1 Em J Original Poor Quality ~ M.9% iION • • PUL NNING DIVEM iTENI: AFZ4V z , TrIU: EXHIBIT.- -25*4f7L SCALE•- F f -s3 Original Poor QualjLy IV4�- 14;. Lam. MR cr,-II(CF RW.HC) CucAmoinqGA KANNING DIVSK)N TrrLE, EXHIBIT: C Mt Original Poor Quality PLANNING DIVISK)N F ITEM - 1ZMW- Z Ae TITLE. w"trl EXHIBi , SCALE= Original Poor Quality El a .i1 _ wrswenwrs , ,.-.^+ i yr�i.) - r - w�rwitt�Ftew �,.. �w w+wa r u�seswv dtn na ��, � _ • iliW. _T RRY�� I. ��i _!��� JJJ . t l�:AFS1' Ei.BYI�'r10N •, i"n-LE: -�+=t ++ -'�'d t7 ''r�GtV EXHIBIT, ��'�' SCALE: E. gee ELt*Mfah4 �.v �'`�.�M►Tlexr Original Poor Quality CITY OF -X ITEM, PLANNIPC, EXHIBIT: _. SCALE: .� -57 Original Poor Quality - I.JM - -_• y `iVwTiw.��A�i'iW i.r3 .... T Zg oil LAI CITY d i t Gi�t= 6f ✓�'ij• G ♦s' � RANCHO CUCAMQNGA TrrLE. PLANNING I3fViSM 6}CNtBM e 4v Original Poor f - i i QFbQ Ei EV4T[ON' i AG �. EXHIfdtT-�.. SCALE: Original Poor QualltY II 3. M ;zn r z z m >1 Ej Original Poor Quality IT r- t -6 ?--, nvildnal Poor QuBRY LM EL6Y CH «., «.�.• ITEhI: TITLE: EXHIBIT - SCALE, I i iz - I riginal Poor Q --1 r-"u 2 i Lu CrighMat Poor Quality i'FDP F1 EVE IC)N IMNT 616Yc�iiON a.,.. CITE' rr &tit: _ Ap fez• z e*- rl.ltivlrll`dla DfVi.7QN EXHIBIT- G". SCALE- ` (a ze. LI[ �T UVATE. [.'7 4 �Iep e•« jGYpR'a"'j' CITY OF rmvl.. 4!tle RANCHO CUCAM EGA TITLE: A,rr�ur PLANNING [3[VLStC7lV EXHIBIT- SCALE- ,- --6, �i *• I Original Poor ®uality [IM", I ExHtBi't° SCALE.. m Original Poor QualfcY SICAT F-Lg�-rind Trmcl- -t EXHIBM SCALE- .4- 49 (�7 I—Ar-- -- E L-11 Original Poor QuaiitY .sa;a ...r...e� CITY CF ITS* PLANNING D(VISM EXHIBIT- SCALE- -= 9F -770 C Ll, 1. ] E MI Original Poor Quality CITY OF RANCHO CUCA�AONGA ftANNING DIVL%QN T-TLE-, EX H i ERT-. SCA LF--, Orional Poor Quality 2&114.- CITY OF RANU-10 CUCArvM , UA PLANNM DIVESM T Vv I TrrLE- Iil�i!,�?!11� C55 E U- Original Poor Quality r �4uj f CF RANCHO CTXANIGV- PLANNNG MMON rrvvi: TITLE: EXHIBIT: /- ig -7� 0(-J�jnil poor :it h- MA 404011;' [IVY EXHlBt .-SCALE- -9 „ 7� 'Driginat Poor Qualify i•�•�Nlil NN v� :rw M �a) CITY OF RANCHO CLU31,NIONGA E F 7.5,' 1• Ok L I Cool' IN IF - Vo F-I EEIS Origiral Poor Quail'4 rlh Crrf CF Q7 ITEM. RATICH.0 CL, r-ANIONGA TITLE= -gazi2i PLANNIIING DIVISJON F-mium.-CA-T ALE- — /� 0 - 77 _Z l r' o T � 11 `' � EI 040 42. 0 IZ - M �= "7 n t 0 Or'gil7al Poor W"�•�ir 1_I:Y "r f CITY MEM: -- RANCHO CLVAMQNGA, TITS PLAN NM D(VMN UHIBIT- SCALE. � �. rt A 7. ♦ ti r: virn J 11 0 ll'iginal Poor Qualify CITY OF ITEM. ate" PLANNM D(VfMN EXHIBIT. �_.� SCALE.- - 2 � � k 2 ■ � � c ] ! � % � � f�� | . S7 S \ %\ I \\ I � $ I lik � El 2 > ► Original poor Quality rm 4t ITl �% �. s� i a• x •�. i ! F w A_� t ' fill F ili PoOr ��alitY pX�g9�1 s _s i i 6 I ol L�l q E "rigirat Poor guality /0701.02 _f 02-22-89 _. PC Agenda o- � F 4 17 F1 PLANNING AVISION Tiu?l�'�Y.Ci' EXHINT- SCALE.- - f= A19F --- f' CITY CF ITEtii: jp_ll 'km' z RAP C-140 C LICANIC NCA TITLE: � .00l PLANNM D(VtRCN EXHIBIT- -9-9L SCALE. �. s•. 2 11 11 MY OF RAN- CUCAMONGA UVSM TnU.- W-296e EXHIBIt' =��_�_ SCALE- ,?rl s. 11 i � ✓ [ i i z S �t • I ,. 0 -�7. l 0 r7 Z11 LLJ ITEtd4 Imo. OZ- 2 Ae TEPEE= EXHIBIT . SCALE= i° 93 i l RESOLUTION N0. ARESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA P P PROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT N0 �NING- commis THE DESIGN REVIEW OF BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND DETAILED PLOT PLAN FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TRACT MAP CONSISTING OF 151 SINGLE FAMILY 40TS ON 101.4 ACRES OF LAND IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS ThAN 2 DWELLING UNITS PER A(;(E), LOCATED EAST OF HAVEN AVENUE AT RINGSTEM, AND KKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APR: 1074 - 351 -02. A. Recitals. (i) K.J. Brock & Sons has filed an application for the Design Review of Tract No. 1:2332 -2 Js described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter, the subject Design Review request is referred to as "the application (ii) On February 22, 1989, the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a meeting to consider the application. (iii) Ali legal prerequisites to the adoption of this kpgolutior, have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved b;; the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as fol'.ows. set forth l #rt a{Reel a7s, Part A,eof specifically luion s that all of the facts are true and correct, 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Omission during the staff meeting on February 22, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Comeission hereby spni -call„ finds as follows: a. That the proposed project is consistent with the obj.-ctives of the General Plan; and b. That the proposed design is in accord the purposes with the Objective of the Developfmnt Gde and poses of the district in which the site is located; and c. That the Proposed design is in Criance with each of the applicable previsions of the Development Code; and d• That the proposed design, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to fhp public health, safety, or velfare, er materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. lr4 f oz�;- ic-) PLANNIAr' COMMISSION RESOLUTION No. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. , 12332.2 - M.J. BROCK FEBRUAR °f 22, 1989 PAGE 2 3° Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth In paragraphs 1 an(k' 2 above, this ComIssion hereby approves the application And every condition subject to each sat forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions a�,cached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning vivision; 1} The equestrian. trail connections to the Conmunit;, Trail along Haven Avenue shall be re- worked to provide open passage. c) All river :tick used on the building elevations stone'. shall be native 3) Elevations utilizing brick or stone shall provide a chimney cap Incorporating those building materials. The revised plans shall a reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the yssuance of building permits. Plans 4, 5, and 6 shall provide upgraded railing details on the rear e7evation balconies. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee prior to the iscuanre building Permits.. of 5)r The developer shall n rovide each otice of the potential Fourth StreetpRock en Crusher projectit standard format as determined by the City Planner, accepting a deposit on any property. prior to Engineerin Qivision° 1) Ali conditions of Tentative Tract 12332 shall apply, as amended Planning Resolution NO. Number 88- 53��n6 $6reference to 4. The Deputy )� adoption of this Resoiation�rota� to this Commission shall certify to the APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 22t@ DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: uzanne ea, �e� a rman A7PEST; o rou epu Y cre ry r° �aC, aba OR 041 .,°r o GQ�,�S��o ky' - b9 °t - e L�' thaw a°Q a eta s °9 qty.M Smote bA Qa y$9 a 0V11ap' au Ap9 0t��9a' �e� � Gu k Fgb _tiAS: aa�s: ..mss -co 0 M PLANNING COMMiISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 12332 -2 M.J. BROCK FEBRUARY 22, 1989 PAGE 3 I, Brad Butler, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do here'+ certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduces passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 22nd day of February 1989, by the following vote-to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 4` 1. R�wyy OwV i. ° t tit fill YM zC wQ�AY N.f �y�Nw «S.Y 4ppi11c�Viy°.� �s 61 N{qtl{i A'Qy w'ti q,Sq CS���YyyY 2 it- l�M Sz Ed Z;2 1L +* a : Ny p!!AY i t! illy � 3-- Y o «+ti iii air Y N N +� i- C SH �r 1• r N 33 1ri ryi cro 0 � C °© N YNi ONPa^ _C■O�{/ °YS �k Y`'S` 6'YXpi s.N iWES i ^Zi Mp ° •�+; »Em w8. u ivNwGa ,°, `„4. &o Y c�'NiYL•L °'� s, N pY 6YM$ .7 24 ^ Y. YO •.Y. NL CNN C. YN.9 tl ..6CY3 YY.. 7r qy.— ° 0 3>_" m CY a�ip O tl ^.q q a Rs =gypp all kY``ow,ya3rytawly; ° E� a ^�efr px �yty'�O.y =tPYNOL 0.5� •y n"rgq� ®.e.. R�2 `Y° ° N �, Nyy N E N�f Yyy LZ ! L® �.^ � A ENV Q4 C yY0 Lao SSE i�q E1< w -^ a :t ^��i6wt d V °Y Y py ^Sg1t= 5�.., V.. 3L .+ ^T' -m. TL mg ya61yY3 4ye Re. -'s a �6e ^drd' ''i�:� ea�ar •Y� zz a' Au�a O �M pam 01 rytl _2 •r. o E wa gg�i� n g e°L� B.'?: w °c 4_4 yHYgg$�`" °N w �ppi $s S 3 tfa i. �iL$w'�'^} ^,° .`3 ae! vs. w3 Y i q g p NMI as I Y N ^qs N^ @ YA` • t Y tl ��i N 1 6`y CY �Lw^ �Y��N �11 �N •1 ^�. �'��µ VO q b �) v 3 1 = Bes ts)) u.. IS ITL JP a e r s) as I V Y a 's ZA a^ a'!'�Oy: s qY4 yN f i i O , aiTl Cox -fix ®YAq b ■b- `g ^1SO O, bG, � If ...N V A rq ii , O a " . °N �L Nui u'L� - pN'`�Y gq E!�' $ °p� _�ya� o�E �Ny�� w�E ,,•n Y �E�"Qw�' � ®„i°�c r� jib = :,� 'cgs m`lyy. =IyV -40 :)x nos -hig °_ g�gb a= gi:$�84 @ Y E, � � � 6 z" 55 bE +yTO xw,f ,tl.�Yp� L� ��C�y!}�N� M�tq"I. tl.�^�..Y' N 0e� Coq �yV pq�d$:g R ■ L Aji t fA' CO N ii` W �YH YY OixR �Y+ ® �OY pN p y� -^ N T 4 Y Ya N {j8 7N yQe`� 4sL �Ys�. Y ��. ��� °Ap �Os� `pppp Cif i. �O�NfyO _ Y y $ MY„ O yppypq tt ®e$ O 6 s` tM 0 + ° �) S.gN�el V•°'4 u ii l�p ®o. i�wq �OV •• • Vm� Y Lwp'& G ^p d N QIY � °` L YYNy `q4T rld YatE ii Mee. SHE, .-I S . NI P V Yi C 0 to N m `�q.:d d$ 4 cn� �� cn°��Z�Q= p ;�O~• y�, !3��� _� ■t $'dam' n6�� � N N�' tic a�^'��aa .�{C�s �w. sa �A� •;�•' c °v oy� pl�qu26V °`L�+ 04411. I�� � ,G ;M vd�ItM �0 ;�1 �a...�N�pV •g y•� .�,'.� Y gyp! �RL yfge ygyI ."�D~• ' Ea ML 4{� y 4 • Y 'Yy a' N NY ��6Y 1 ' . ;r. DL;4�M Q Q g N.+t�8M� 1AN e�PJvq 'v '•uy L Y sja« N'4aT � I U a4°a.�) �" .�� Ly. �$ r« a r t'NMY « � �r�vs�tr t ■,�� ��+�� OEj�y��ryy� ' F _t N Y .r i s p. � S AIR, V S R '+ N V1. A •lv5�i iF �pI �I yang a YY ti CR /a.J� 4RI i.1 S � N «« �DD��M � N 4M b l,.ijiliA oz; ww. .°� t- ±:L; M..�`RA�yC $� np C q.e, ! g� ��•�r .� �I�� �g6 C900 ON TU� of x 3 r�PS .a Sol 4, CiIM y� 6 Y3 Ow R iTyVI • ,p &afar Uzi :i a.3 »�"�e t•�I X70 Y S ���rII�.� � G ~� oilg Y o LM3 t y _„�� ��d u f: A. air u° �'� s L•'Iei ar �o . x �d r�i a +t iC mMA Sr KtlN i�4�i.w *5t 9p04E0 aft ri 1 91 w� °aw a� HiR :S iC $~ Y �a kxk- r M y1a 1 II C N p W A+5 Y� en 111 �v x v i LWIA yW G p��1 Q ��G -all N a 7l y� Y '� Y GGG ■ q y u �M.. �.�y �iyloyw V.� � L � � G •6 � �� �Y pip Y!`��� . y ^� �0py bVyr~r mayy« ~LOY 6 Y. jj��t��jj yyA �TL V. alll _ fffaaaccc ° � N y. ^ �Ny N A uVOw- ty yyyg His iW Ila E34 Im Hd •q\1 �:i ^«s}a 1 G L L o O 63 A M p ,A- +fi g s +qNC �w asi` o 3c! °^s« II ^ �e� i i w � �y7 ai yy y Y ss� @gS{ + @y N6b�.R 11�. j .r a�I I Ma Qpppp. 3$Y � ►`{Uyy C� i +rp �`V`.� �sW tr 6`y y 'LY� NiY.� 6 ►��� NLL � Y � \Ya 0.yL��^ w a i s w°`.A C qC i . N a M HER � a ai V ^N u.l I o Gp s 21. p Y Y �NW N q H NQ by LMN N � .r m V :a 4 E i f IC b O0. yY y a N a N e a1 O M i� �= ro fit O Y �M8 N V ► A$ p M i a ZY w t N V �b �e Zvi Y w 4 O +�V $as p01 ° g is IL d!g tl;M P N L 5=2 (nom o 0M w 4 p y STL �m be °1P $$ssrr N O F E 1, `S ai i S ilk L TL M^ �Q ai s_ss G �y jai s� i �w Yl 1t g S.t' V NM a� tl G.� A ay Y N N ffio y ! Y S 4 r. is M K Ly W t O Q N � N ate• rn r. G �p e V� V N �V� yWy! PI WI A si= t = Iu V V 4 S e u8's 23 "gyp!jA� 6q OO��i M pMV .e YbL w+ JigY : J1 N ytltl L � N "'Of A O \s t+L N 1'9 Original Poor Quality _ a. g l► Y r � w c pp4 �a N � Sy�p9 C O~ :YCyyOa �y' pOdM N L V iA Eiji V 99 z5fli *a ae 4 >QyO�a Nf. C3, p. �D> y __-SEC Ngll. d OIL pN ` 1. q—* TIn Mae _ > 2 aj� w r w Y+fNQ Bsl—. C c Y N V y d ^ �+ �S o+ S a 25 2 00 i Y o� �Y 6 N« o �Y +O. .+ KYy� 4V5�_K M P�V � � ®:a B■ W w � k�'a, Q� � N"1 NNN y �CCCI WM 5 y 1. '0 L p N¢� Q— dl L ts� y Y �i M Y Q ���III y� 2 r a`�s.W OyY ^n r �..N~ Y 4� V YoN CV 4 a6$ «.nSw��e`� � e� � e ° °� q0. '+ xi g Qgp 3 a ter_ Y� SRI] lls SJ ¢¢O C ! �, YY— q° g9 «� 8� Z d K~+ 4T ww�asog iw$� a `"rig It t 4g S Na e 1 p V N$NY b y Yy Y Is djil ljl;� All i, N •' r v h 3 ^ I w ci fie[ Y Y a « :6 122; 36* B a C1 CC s Q ! : I1fa�i iiyyq'rr°'°iJ$ cp�YYj pp q� MT1 ax �Nppi S `Q,4 a 1yyM 9 MN Hvh �'�IY • I adios- N �`yy` A.�M ti Gl_fAo�� S :S+i `r t L — t `pµ� �I MI Y WNO 4 -4N So ��� � O1 ^pp� � ma v `dd ,5 1 E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: February 22, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Cowtission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, Assistant Manner ;977 SUBJECT: APPEAL OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION TO COLOR - MEYER ASSET 1. ABSTRACT: The applicant is appealing a decision of ,04 February Z, 1989 Vesign Review Committee meeting for color modifications to : buildings 100, 200, and 300 of the existing Archicenter Business Park, 9375 Archibald Avenue. The applicant is proposing to modify the color, of the aforementioned buildings to a speclum" (light gray) field and downspout :roiar, a write trim color, and a "lapis l aYtrl i ( turquoise) door color. The Design Review Committee's main objection was the turquoise door color. The Committee approved similar color modifications to buildings 400 through 800 at the aforementioned meeting. II. BACKGROUND; The Planning Commission approved the Archicenter pro ect on December 13, 1978 under Director's Review 78 -31. Approval included areas for professional office space (buildings 100 -300) and industrial space (buildings 400 -800). Construction of the project was completed in 1979. Originally, the buildings were painted in brown eartntones. In approximately 1984, buildings 100, 200, and 300 were repainted utilizing :, Cape Cod theme of bluish -gray field color, gray doors and white trim. Due to the procedures ir, effect at that time, review of the color modifications was not necessary. The remaining buildings Were repainter.'to match original colors. Ills. ANALYSIS: The intent of the appeal request is to modify the u ng door and trim colors to be consistent with the colors of signage throughout the project. Staff approved a monument sign (Turner Business Center) utilizing a "lapis lazuli" accent and letter color and white background color on December 1, 1988 (see Exhibit "V). Address and on -site directional signs exhibiting the same colors were also placed on the property. According to the Sign C- 11inance, the latter signs are considered to be "convenience signs" and do na;. ,;Are, approval of the City if each sign is under four (4; square feet. PLANNING COtSSION STAFF REPORT Appeal to Modify Approved Colors ArchiCenter Febriary 22, 198 Page 2 The decision of thr� Design Review Committee was based on the visibility of buildIngs'100,;200, and 300 from Archibald Avenue. The Committee generally fe'I', that the "lapis lazuli" door color was too garish and inappropriate for an office complex on Archibald Avenue As stated earlier, approval was granted for Similar color mo�ifications,to industrial buildings 400 -800. The Committee felt these, color5'wore more appropriate on industrial buildings, IV. RECOFIMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission uphold - recorwndation of the Design Review Committee and refer i the issue back to the Design Review Committee to consider any alternative colors. 4Resp y s ed / r (, 88:SH:vc Attachments: Exhibit "A" Site Plan with Corresponding colors Inhibit "B" Proposed Paint legends Exhibit *C" - Letter from Applicant Exhibit "D" - Location Map Exhibit "E" - Siga Permit for On -Site Directional and Address Signs i� lu lJ `a uIIIIIIIIIIII U i 1 I NPT A PART 700 Pfi 1 . 1 r t!? 600 � PA-3 o 00 P.F -J , R33 P1=I t. 1 00 F*j) qpp PF A FF -3 PA -I _ I 1!2-:3-00 Fele! Give PF, -! Trim tvlvr Fr_ I Fw,+ Aua.•,r PA- ' Rownvpa. PF -1 L%914 F114wo Rv(1 -tJlp Gt�vas P, N,FPIG nsd City OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISIONS Cr 10's PF-.2 PF•, 1°�= •3 PA -y" A.� 3 PA y 8100 PP -2 PF-z Pti-5` r ^fi 3 me ITEM EXHIBIT: I. SCALE: -Y G IA4Idl nZ uuy ou 6u0 PF �;? PF -� PF:2 j'F -�2 PF -:� PF -;Z pp-3 PF 3 PF -3 PA -2 PA -3 pp .3 pp -3 P+--2 PF-2 pp .,2 PF 12 P.! -r PA -a PA:, City OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISIONS Cr 10's PF-.2 PF•, 1°�= •3 PA -y" A.� 3 PA y 8100 PP -2 PF-z Pti-5` r ^fi 3 me ITEM EXHIBIT: I. SCALE: -Y PAINT LEGEND FOR ARCHICENTER KEY COLOR SAMPLE PF -1 Q15 -17P SPECULUM PF -Z 015 -18T ASTEROID" PF -3 015 -19T DRUMHILL GRAY *All colors specified from Dunn-Edwards Paints '11-ANCYHO CUP A A ,7 NNING DIVISION 6 w IT.. - -3�- P0 - p T f LE*- "'�..9 ri �C#tn"f i.2'iCvsc� 1] PT--1 1 WHITE SAk E E - w - - - r - - a - r w±. - r - - - - - a r - w r r ...04_1 012 -29D 'CARIBBEAN PA--2 0122 -48T BLUE SPRUCE ~ *A23 .za].crs specified from Dunn- Edwards Paints ITIM. c 11 KEY COLOR SAMPLE PA-3 012 -50D LAPIS LAZULI PA-9 1,J Q13 -18T fiORTHERN PIKE PA -5 013 -1OD ZODIAC BLUE *All colors specified from - Dunn - Edwards paints~ � s _ _ K " ' � _ .. CITY OF ITEM: -- Tff � NING DIVISION . EXHIBIT: 4 ! SCALE: 1 Craig Combs Associates Interiors herelky proposes the following colors from Dunn- Edwards Paints with recommendations for application on the existing exterior itvrfaces of Archicenter located in Rancho Cucamonga, Californian I. B ?iildings 100, 200, 300 A. Field Color - sand /scrape* all loose, peeling paint ,rime .bare wood W 708 EZ Prime -(2) coat W 705 Enduracryl, Color 015 -17P t B. Trim (window /door surround) -(1) coat W 703 Acri -hua3, Color #1 Uhite C. Front Doors -� - sand /scrape* all loose, peeling paint -spot prime bare wood W 708 EZ Prime -(1) coat QD -60 Rancho House and Trim Color Q12 -50D D. Graphics -To be determined. E. hoof - Existing to remain. F. Downspout j -sand /scrape* i -spot prime OD-43-7 Cale -alum -(1) coat W 705 Enduracryl, Color 015 -17P ��(( OW T 1 ITEM: onv C �d CA O ETA Tmz: _Proposed 11- Buildings 400, 50;, 500, 700, 800 A. Field Color -1st Coat tit 304 Mock Fill -2nd Coat W 705 xnduracryl, Color Q15 -18T B. Trim (window /door surround) - Existing to remain. C. Trim (above storefront windows) - sand /scrape* all loose, peeling paint -spot prime bare wood W 708 EZ Prime -(1) coat W 705 Enduracryl, Color #QI.S -1ST D. Entry DocrS -All Buildings r -sand scape* all loose, peeling paint. -spot prime QD -43 -7 Galy -alum -M coat 10 series Synlustro, color Q15 -19T r . :. Light Fixtures (metal parts) Building 400 -clean tar remove all peeling paint, foreign matter -spot prime QD -43 -7 Galy -alum -(1) coat 10 series Syniustro, Color 012 -29D Building 500 -clean to remove all peeling paint, foreign matter SWAM -spot prime QA -43 -7 Gals -alum -(b) coat 10 series Synlustro, Color Q12 -48T Building 600 -clean to remove all peeling paint, foreign matter± -spot prime 0D -43 -7 saiv -alum i -(1) coat 10 series Synlustro, Color 012 -50 Building 700 -clean to remove all Peeling paint, foreign matter -slot Prime 00-43 -7 Galy -alum -(1) coat 10 series Synlustna, Color 013 -IST JITY OF ;N"ANCHO U"`UQA_M%G ME.. R. 0 A .-1 Pa, I n - .Le c++ 11 Building 800 -clean to remove all peeling paint, foreign matter -spot prime OD-43-7 Galv -alum -(1) coat 10 series Synlustro, Color 013 -108 ' F. Roll -up Doom All Buildings -sand /scrape* all loose peeling paint -spot prime OD-43-7 Galy -alum . -(1) coat 10 series Synlustro, Color 015 -19T G. Graphics -To be determined. H. Roof - Existing to remain. I. Pipe Nipple - sand /scrape* -spot prime QD43 -7 Galv -alum -(1) coat W 705 Enduracryl, Color 015 -1ST J. Electric Meters Mourting Pad - Existing to - remain, if appropriate. K. W. P. Telephone Terminal Housing Mounting Pad - Existing to remain, if appropriate L. Band and Light Fixture Mounting Pad Building 400 -1st & 2n*1 at W 701 Evershield, Color 012 -29D -3rd coat. `ime if necessary to cover. Building 500 -1st & 2nd coat W 701 Evershield, Color 012 -48T -3rd coat same if necessary to cover. Building 600 -1st & 2nd coat W 701 Evershield, Color 012 -50D -3rd coat same if necessary to cover. Building 700 -1st & 2nd coat iii 701 Evershield, Color O13 -18T -3rd coat same if necessary to cover. r OF ITEM ,. N DIVISION 6 EXHIBIT: 13 Building 800 Ise 'I. -1st & 2nd coat W 701 Evershield, Color 013 -10D -3rd coat same if necessary to cover. NOTES: 1. Color used in band of Industrial Building recommended to be accent color for tenant signs (ground) and on metal strip above 'roll-up doors. 2. Metal roof anA flashing are white in color and are to remain. *Remove all loose and peeling paint, chalky paint or other foreign matter by sanding. scrapings, or wire brushing. OF AMONGA DIVISION TITL MEYER ASSET MANAUEMENT, ANC- February 7, 1989 CITY OF RAE "".0 CUCAMONGA, Plannuag Commission P.O.Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 - 4807 Re; Turner E` Ino.,,'' C_ntre 9375 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730' To Whom it May Concern, Specifications on paint for the above- referenced property were submitted tc the Review and Design Committee on Thursday, February 2, 1989. A response was received on Friday, February 3, 1989, which approved the paint an Buildings 400 though 800; however, Buildings 100 through 300 were not approved. &— ording to the Assistant Planner, the Committee had an objection to the color of the d.nrs being painted lapis lazuli, The color of the stripe painted aroamd Buildings 400 through 800, which were approved, is lapis lazuli. By having the doors (sainted lapis lazuli, we feel that the office buildings 100 through 300 are associated with the Industrial buildings 400 through 800. In addition, the signage is also lapis lazuli. The signage was approved by the City and a copy of the approval is attached. We would like to ask the Planning Commission to take another look at the building and possibly reconsider the painting job in question. Sincerely, MEYER ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. Parrs Harm Property Manager PH.-I&; Enclosure tr. Frardt R. Wayne Kathie Turner SHC:h246 -k3-1 222 Sauna wwsOR BOULEAft ANAMEIM CITY CtWFA, S VEWH FLOM, ANM*W. CAa.ROM WM ptq real % - "ri'TLEg EXHISIT .n. ACNffi:-":... ISCA'LE:.w.: W. 2.00 Ac tJ .I P r. pZ Par. 3 _ ►6 iii 47 � 4 x 1 g 451AC 6.40AC S iiw�e �+oi,ro n' o ASS06FAR.2 i 1 1 Par 3.51 AC a 3 ATSSF' RAV 1 ' Par: ,.� Par. 2 @ m. ,0 1 A 2� S.S6• .�� L61 . 4�M I 3.33 A ; 4 28 28 N A it U 4.63AM ea d Pater! 36g4ACM /L n +af 1 8 Ci AC by K a H 26 1.19 AC . 27� a L19AC � Q, MAP SO4-36.2Q 7,11 AC. • � � w .eiacv . 1 $ PAIL to . r 29 t� Era .. Is 2.20X-04 :.aer door 2 44 1.90ACt Par .2.15AC o 2.20AC. faar3 [ �4 1 e �.y� A Q� sin% AZ ���kblNcr" __I ". �`r...... .. __.. _.... ,,. _ NORTH O ?LA N I G DIVISION ` _ /zz, It IiIBIT: Z 0 C3 _Z H Z Q eJ W CL J W W } I°- U LL. 0 F_ Z W F- t W City of Rancho Cucamonga Sign Pea Mit Application Name of establishment log au SA_ _�n� Date. 93�s A_ r G Address tq Applicant's Name S St A Address Phone ZI4N (,e35'- ld % ¢ OWNER'S Owner's Name 4 J•. Address L� SIGN Numberand type of sign(s): Temporary Wali_VMonument Canopy Subdivision _Window Uniform Sign Program _Directional Pedestrian Other Size: Length Width Ds th Overall Heigfit Sq. Ft. Bldg. Face : 4. Ft. Sign 1. 9_ Sign 2. Sign 3. Sign 4. Sign 5. Sign 6. If temporary or subdivision, date of installation If temporary or subdivision, date of expiration Cash deposit amount Indicate sign copy, six,, rotor and mataefaia on p1aM daacrlhad on :'1t! attach,: rhaaia. CIT Y OF RAMM® CUCA � A 1PLANINING DI�+'IStt1I1� 6- " -13 IT"M �rn�s�TRe. "�•• ems.. a,_ � 1. I 0 0 0 0 7-411ANCHO CUCAMONGA -J, UNNING DIVISiON C-4 Ll 11 9 TMZ.. Rimulfre Li 7-411ANCHO CUCAMONGA -J, UNNING DIVISiON C-4 Ll 11 9 TMZ.. Rimulfre 71 6 �p GI. in Uw 2: W T > -lu Ai is -j .16 2, n. �tw ,04 OF _IANCHO CUCAyo %TGA ;IANNING DIVISION J�, Original Poor QuWitY aro Trmz: jaa4l EXHIsma" SCALE: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CAMo MEM0RANDUM O O U �> 1977 { DATE: February 16, 19&1 TO: Chairman and Members �f the Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman and Mer.04rs X the Planning Commission Chairman and Me **s oA the Public Safety Commission FROM: Beverly Auth SUBJECT: GROV -d MAI GEMS : WGRKSHOP - SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989 As you can see from the attached memo, a Growth Management Workshop will be held on Saturday, Marcie 4, 1989, at the Clarion Hotel. Each of the above - mentioned Commissions is invited to senti two delegates to the Workshop. Please call Eobbie Adams or me at extension 204 by Friday, February 24 to advise thy: names of any Workshop participant:. BA:gs MTixx.'/,O��F` R�A/N''��CHO �C�TTUCCA��TMgO�NGA rVC�.nntA DATES February 16, 1989 TO: Distribution Below FROM: Beverly Autheiet, Ci e SUBJECT: GROWTH HAWAC -B FWT WORKSHOP SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989 The City Council's Workshop on Growth Management will be on March 4, 1969, at the Clarion in Ontario from 8:00 a.m. to 12!00 noon. Listed below are those who have been invited to attend. Because the hotel charges on a per person basis, we need a firm number of attendees. Please call Debbie Adams or me at extension 204 by Wednesday, February 22, to advise if you will be able to attend or if you will be sending a representative. It will be a four hour session, A continental breakfast will be provided and lunch will be optional. For those wishing to stay for lunch, we will gather at one of the restaurants at the Clarion intaediately following the workshop. If you intend to stay for lunch .11, would be hmlpful if you could let us know in advance :,o that we can reserve seating to accommodate those interested in staying for lunch. We look forward to having this group together to discuss growth management. We hope to makr, .y an enjoyable and infoemative morning. The dress will be casual. It is our intent that materials to be discussed at the March 14iu meeting will be distributed to the City Coun :il one week in advance. City Council: Staff: — 8 e arder ""B'eeerly Authelet Deborah Brown Brad Buller Charles Buquet Dan Coleman Dennis Stout Linda Daniels Pamela Wright Jerry Fulwood Larry Henderson Commissioners: Otte Kroutil 2 RKS A reation Commissioners Jack tam 2 Planning Commissioners Russ Maguire 2 Public Safety Commissioners Maul& PEchon Paul Rougeau Sheriff's Department: Bill Silva ne Gilmore Foothill Fire District: Dennis Mic ae BA :gs 11