HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/04/26 - Agenda Packet-,//10701-02 o4-26-89 P Acienda o .t �L3CA1 ynN 0 0 � � z U > 1977 • WEDNESDAY APRIL 26, 1989 7;00 p.m. LIONS PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 EASE LINE RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA L Pledge of Allegiance IL Roll Call Commissioner Blakesley� Commissioner Emerick Commissioner Chitiea Commissioner McNiel Commissioner Tolstoy HL Announcements IV. Approval of Minutes Adjourned Meeting of March 16, 1989 April 12, 1989 V. Consent Cale i aw The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routinz and non - controversial. They will be acted on by the Commission at one lime withlut discussion. If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 13316 > FRIEDMAN HOMES - A total residential development of 123 sin- ;de family lots on 84.5 acres of land in the Very Lori Density Resid6ntiai'District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Carrari Avenue - APN: 201 -071- 14, 37 be 45. B. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 -01 - HARRY CIS - A consideration to moth y, suspend, or revoke.an entertainment permit granted for a disc jockey doing vocals and playing records nightly ir. conjunction with a restaurant/night club, "heated at 10877 Foothill Boulevard. x VL Public Hearings Tne following items are publ ?c hearings in which concerned individuals may voice their opinion of the related project. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and address the Commission by stating your name and address. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual For each project. t i C. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89 -0:; - HARRY C'S A request to conduct, live eomedj acts, lip -sync contests, hair and clothing fashion shows, live entertainment concerts, live jazz, and special promotion events for local businesses and groups in conjunction with a restaurant /night rlub at 10877 Foothill Boulevard. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11212 WAGNER INSUL CO. A subdivision of i;• acres of land into 2 parcels in the Minimum Impact Heavy 1n0;: -tial rea District (Suba 9) of the Industrial Specific Pion, located or, the south side of -Sth Street, west side of Rochester Avenue - APN: 229- 251 -40, 31, 12, 27, do 32. (Continued from March 22, 1989.) E. VARIANCE 88 -23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. - A request for a reduction of the minimum lot size from 5 acres to 4 acres within the Minimum Impact Heavy IndustLial District (Subarea 9) of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on the south side of 8th Street, west side of Rochester Avenue- APN: 229 - 251 -10, 11, 12, 27, Lid 32. (Continued from March 22, 1989.) E. MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87 -71 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS - A request to grade and pave approximately 42 acres of land for an extsUig site within the Minimum ImpRet /Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 9), located on the south side of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avenues - APN: 209 -143- 07, 08 & 09. G. VARIANCE 89 -04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS - A request to reduce the parki.:g setback from 25 feet to 8 feet and the landscape setback frog 35 feet to 8 feet for 12 acres of land in the Minimum Lnpact/Yleavy Industrial District (Subarea 9), located on the south side of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avenues -APN: 209 - 143 -07, 08 & 09. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 13664 LEWIS HOMES -Ares ntiat subdivision and Design Review o 24 single amt clots and 86 er- adominium units on 12.28 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8 -14 dwelling units per acre) 'of the Terra VLta. Planned Community, located on the northeast 9orner of Haven Avenue and Church Street - APN: 1077 -091 -015. I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11286 - LEWIS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY - A subdirtsion of 12 acres of land into 3 parcels in the Terra Vista Planned Community, located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Church Street - APN: 227 - 151 -13 & 14. J. ENVRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMrr 88 -42 PITASSI DALMAU A request to develop a 45,150 square Not YMQ 4. facility on 4.83 acres of land within the Recreational Cprarieretal District of the Terra Vista Planned Community, sweated on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Church Street - APN; 227- 151 -13. K. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERR4IT 89 «A8 - ki,ACKWEI,L - A request to establish a danee school in a leased sisae s"o 1,20o square feet within an exist'19 industrial park on 3.8 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 4) of the Industrial Specilic Plan, located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and 6th Street - APN. 209- 211-32 do 33. L. ENtrIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL MAP 12121 - ROBSItT FBLLMx4.R - A subdivision of 7.78 net acres of land into 3 parcels within the General industrial District (Subarea S) of the Industrial Spe Avenue, north of the AT&SFaRailroad I acks - APN: 229- 120 -21 ik 22. M. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-06 liAiCHO PACIFIC BUSINESS PARK - A request to �:pjtablish an office use in a leased space of 3,Y80 square feet within an existing industrial park on 4.24 acres of land In the General Industrial District (Subarea 11), located at 9269 'Utica APN: 209-411-17. VIL Dlrector'�t Re9'Ort$ N. CLARIFICATION OF A CONDITION OF APPROVAL REfisARDiitG LANnSCAPING OF iw15 REES4A3' RiGH`t OF- Y�A7i._ F R' THREE PREVICii3S€,3C' APPRCIYEIt ??RC)dECTS; EiEVEL(1PMENT REVIIa 87 -26 w HHRNiANT DEVELt�PMEl3T Cl�MPANiY i}EYELOPMENT iiEViEW $7 -55� M�H-z DEVI;LOPMIaNT REViEPI g8 -t17 - SWA.N P(3(#LS. O. DISCI38SION nv nvpyCLING FACILITY- STANDARDS Via Commission Business P. TRAILS ADVISORY COMMISSION VACANCY Ili, p1 blie Comments This is the time and place for the general public to address the Commission. Items to be discussed here are those whdch do not already appear on this agenda. A. Adjoumraent The :Planning Cammisslan has adopted Administrattve Fegulattons that set an I I p.rn, adjournment time, if items go beyond than time, they shalt be i^eard only with the consent of the Commission. m VICINMY" MAP rpl� OMiaRlp IRC6gRAtfgkRt RIRRgR: CITY OF RATOCHO CI)CA t l! — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION Fr:,( TENTATIVE TRACT 13316 - FRIEDMAN HOMES - A o ,a res r-" aT dove opmenic of s ng a am i Tots on 84.5 acres ,r land in the Very Low +tensity Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per ar.re), located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue ano Carrari Avenue APN: 201- 371 -14, 37 & 45. I. BAMIGROUND: Tentative Tract 13316 was approved by the Planning llaamn S on on March 25, 1987. The projF ;t was appealed to the City Council meeting of May 6, 1987, where it was approved with slight modification. On February 34, 1987, the applicant, Friedman Homes, requested an extension on the tentative wap in order to allow them additional time to record the iir'ti map. According to the Development Code (Section 17.02.100), extensions on approvals may be granted in twelve (12) month increments, not to exceed a total of five (5) years from the original date of approval II. ANALYSIS: A, General: Staff has analyzed the proposed time extension and aF s compared the proposal with the current development criteria outlined in the Development Code. Based upon this review, staff determined that the project meets the Basic Standards for the Very Low Density Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre). B. Issues: The Planning Division has received a letter from several homeowners along London Avenue, expressing their concern with drainage of the tract into an existing, unimproved drainage course behind their home:, (see Exhibit "A") . The final design of the projecr, s drainage system has been submitted for this area, however, is still. under review and has not been approved by the Engineering Division. III. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve a one year time extension for Tentative Tract 13316 through adoption of the attached Resolution. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: TT 11316 TIME EXTENSION - FRIEDMAN HOMES April 29, 1989 Page 2 RespFliy d, BrdE r Cit anner 09:SN:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter Frcm Applicant Exhibit "B" - Letter from London Avenue Residents Exhibit "C" - Locaticn Map Exhibit "D" - Site Plan Exhibit "E" Building Elevations Resolution Na 87 -38 Resolution No. 87 -242 Time Extension Resolution of Approval 0 t C'T10. ',A':'4: rJC -.!0N,GA FEB 141960 February 14, 1989 City of Rancho Cucamonga Brad Buller - City Planner P.O. Sox 307 9320 "C" Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701 Re: Tentative Tract Map 13316, Request for Extension of Time. Dear Mr. Buller: On March 25, 198'7 the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission approved the tentative tract map for the above - referenced project. Our office is presently working diligently with L.D. King, Inc. to complete all the remaining items necessary to record the subject Tract Map. However, time is becoming very short and we are concerned that a few more weeks maybe necessary to accsomalish this work. We are hereby respectfully requesting a time extension for Tentative Map 13316. We also ask that consideration be given to the thousands of man hours and dollar amounts that have been spent to date in designing a Development that will be in comp'iance with all previously stipulated "Conditions of Approvals ". We hope that the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission will have and appreciation for the ramifications that could be caused, if any additional "Conditions of Approval" are made a condition of granting our request for and extension r� time. Respectfully, Bob Diehl Director of Forward Planning BD%11h9103' ITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA I'iAN1.N. ING DIVISION ITEM-TIME EXTENSION TT 13316 TITLE: LETTER FROM APPLICANT EXHIBIT : ,.A March 15, 1969 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission y23u Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 9173u Dear Sirs: As residents of London Street in Rancho Cucamonga we tae unaersigned wish to express our concerns regarding the 1'riedman development of tract #13316. We are greatly concerned about the impact the developments storm drain run off will have on us; asthestics, and hydrology. Since our property is being used for drainage night of wa,y we feel we should have our needs and concerns addressed and answered in an open and public meeting with all parties presant. we request that the one year extention be denied until these issues and questions are answered by the rried- man development. Hopefully you can appreciate our concerns. Respectfully Yours, 4WI 70 CITY OF RANCHO a O s. PLANINING DIVISION /q-71 ITEM: THE EXTENSION - TT 13316 TITLE: LETTER FROM RSSIDENrS EXHIBIT:-&- Original Poor Quality or "OCR ..o ,Z.t tits. ', N OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION A-6' [kakuwj* eowsL in gmsom NORTH ITEM: THE EXTENSION - TT 13316 TITLE: LQ9&r19N MAC �.. EXHIBIT: C..._ SCALE: 113ne t original Pcar Quali y ■./ - Yi i� CITY OF )9--4p �1 , NORTH IT.?d -. TIME'EXTENSION TT 13316 TITLE:, SITE PLAN -PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: D SCALE: —Mi—le I In ■t ■1■ M ■t t��i�II ►��lf fA4 • ARV y, r-- kESOLOTION NJ, 87 -38 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT M1,P NO, 13316« WHEREAS, Tentative Trait t -,p No,, 13316 hereinafter "Map " submitted by Friodman Homes, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property si.;:zied In the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Count's of San Bernardino, State of California, described as a residential subdivision of 84.5 acres of 'land into 123 single family lots located at the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and Carrari Avenue (APR: 241- 071- I'r,,, 37 and 45), regularly came before the Planning Commissior, for public hearing and action on March 25, 1987; and WHEREAS, the City Planner, has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Engineering and Planning Division's reports; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has read and considered the Engineering „nd Planning Divisions reports and has considered other evidence pry ;tinted at the public hearing, NOW, THEREFORE,+ the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The P`;3 "Wing Commission. makes the following findings in regard to e"Te— aa£iva Tract No. 13316 and the Map thereof: (a) The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plx,n, Development Code, and specific plans; (b) The design or, improvements of the -tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Devolopment Code, and specific plans; (C) The site is physi'ally suitable for the type of development proposed; (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired uy the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within tha proposed subdivision, l (g) That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued. r PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTA',ME TRACT MAP ni. 13316 March 25, 1987 Page t SECTION 2; Tentative Tract Fip No. 1331(, a copy of which is attached ergo, is hereby approved sul -9cct to all of the following conditions and the attached Standard Conditions; PLANNING DIVISION 1, No structures shall be permitted within 100 feet of the north property line of lots 44, 57, 68 and 59. 2. The unit on Lot 59 shall oe relocated. 12 feet to the north, if feasible as determined by the Building Official. 3. A decorative six foot leigh siumpstone block wall an d landscaping shall be required along the south- property line of Lots 1 through 8. The location and design shall be shown on the landscape plan which shall be reviewed and approved by tie City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. Landscaping shall include periodic placement of plait material that will provide view corridors to the north. 4. A six foot high slumpstone block wall shall be required along the west and north side of Lot SEA and along the north side of Lot 60. S. Perimeter fencing shall be required along Archibald Avenue and the south side of Almond Street. The location and design ihall be shown on the landscape plan which shall ve reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 6. Carrari Street tmprovemants shall be completed prior to the issuance of dn)r occupancy permits. 7. At the time of final grading plan review, those dowphill lots with significant rear yard slopes, as determined by the Building Official and the City Planner, shall incorporate the use of greater grade splits (i.e. higher stem walls) to reduce the amount of grading to the satisfdction of the Building Official and the City Planner. S. Lots 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60 shall oe single story units, lei PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13316 March 25, 1987 Page 3 ANK 4. The CC & R's shall require that all buildings, structures, yards and other improvements shall be maintained by each property owner in a manner which does not detract from the appearance of the immediate neighborhood. 10. The existing Oak tree on Lot 44 shall be preserved and protected as reqired by Mur:icipal Code Section 19.08.110. The trec shall be enclosed by an appropriate construction barrier, such as chain link fence, prior to the issuance of any grading or building permit and prior to-commencement of work. 11. The applicant steal l apply for review and approval of a Tree Removal Permit prior to vemovai of the existing Eucalyptus trees in the vicinity of Lots 65, 67, ant 68. The trees shall be replaced per Municipal Code Section 19.0E.100. 12. The debris basin outside slopes and the inside, slopes above the high water mark shall be landscaped and Irrigated to tt.". satisfaction of the City ? manner and City Engineer. 13. An add^tioral five (5) foot landscape easement shall be requir, along the south side of Lots 1 -8. E:;GINEERING DIVISION I. The debris basin and the cmt re storm drain system shall be constructed to the satifact -i,s of the City Engineer. 2. All driveways shall be designed to prevent vehicle contact with road surface as approved by the ,Building Official and City Engineer. 3. ;rots 9 and 10 shall contain a flood protection wall or other overflow protection device to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, Almond Street shall be constructed with a minimum 26 feet pavement within a 40 foot wide dedicated right -of -way from the easterly property line to Hermosa Avenue. The developer shall be eligible to enter into a reimbursement agreement to recover the cost of permanent improvements from future development adjacent to this portion of Almond. S. Street grades greater than 12 percent shall be subject to final approval of the City Engineer, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 0. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13316 March 25, 1987 Page 4 6. The vacation of the Chestnut "offer of dedication" shall be completed prior to occupancy permits or as otherwise approved by the Cit ?r Engineer. 7. The proposed debris basin shall be c,edicated to the City in fee or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 8. Overhead Utilities a. Archibald Avenue - The existing overhead +tilities ( telecommunication and electrical) on the project side of Archibald Avenue shall be underground €d from the first pole on the south side of Carrari Street to the first pole south or t1he five do tract boundary prior to public improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. Reimbursement of one -half the adopted cost of undergrounding from future development as it occurs on the opposite of the street is not feasible, because the property is presently developed. b. Almond Stre-st - An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrounding of the existing overhead utilities (telecommunication and electrical) on the opposite side of Almond Street shall be paid to the City prior to occupancy or final inspection, whichever occurs last. The fee shall be one -half the adopted urn *f amount times the length of the project frontal APPROVED AND ADOPTED TH. JAS OF MARCH, 1987. PLANNING M ,T)(E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: d AIPCX v 16rs.__._ E-__ David ar er, Cha vman ATTEST: a u er epu 'y Ye_e, etary I, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify thzt the foregoing Resolut;on was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning j,ornnission held , ^n the 25th day of March, 1587, by the following vote- to -vlit; COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, TOLSTOY, BARKER, CHITCfA. EMERICK i.vE3: COMMISSIONERS: NONE t +TENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 117] 11 RESOLUTION N0. 87 -242 A RESMUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 2HE CITY OF MUCHO CUC MWA. CALIM +NIA, MZ, YING PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION X40. 87 -35 ODNDITIOVALLY APPROMM TENTATIVE E TRACT NO. 13116 AND DESIGN REP;j14 THEREOF. WHEREAS. Tentrativ tot Map No. 13116, hereinafter ^Map" submitted by Friedman Homes. applicant. for the purpase of subdividing the real propc7of situated in t::Aw City of {Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernn diro, State of Califor::ia, described es a residential auNivision of 123 lots on 84.5 acros of land located at the northeast corner AE Archibald Avenue and Carrari Street (APN: 201 - 071 -1&,, 37. and 45Y came before the City Council for pnblia hearing and action on YAy 6. 14357; and WHEREAS, the Planning. Comaicsion has reeomoendAd approval of the map subject to all conditions set fCTth in the EkSineering and Planning Divisions' reports and WHE/ , the City, Council has read and considtged the Planning Co=isaion and the ivdtring and Planning Divisions' reports and has ronsiderad other evider- -ented at the public hearing, X. ,iiUMORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, does modify Flannirg C;ot-Misaion Resolution No. 87 -38 by cheaging Condition No °a. 3 and 13 and ac-ling. Condition No's. 14 and 15 to read os follows: 3. A oiz fopt high decorative block wall shall be required along the south side of Lots 1 .through 8, The wall shall be located at the top of the elope within the landscaps and wall easement. The design and location as she wall shall be coviewad and approved by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building peraj%;c. ?I. A 9velye foot landscape and wall easenQnt shall be r -Nuired along cht south project boundary of Lots 1 through 8 in addition to the dedication required for tiro community equestrian trail. 14. A local equestrian trail. a minimum of ton felt in widths shall b, required along the south sire of Lots 1 through B. north of the iandocape and wall easement, 15. The CC 6 R's shall prohibit alterations to the block well on the south aide of Lots 1 through 8 unleus prior writte., authorization is obtained from the City. fi-J3 Resolution No. S7 -•242 PS& 2 PASSED. APPROVED,, and ADOPTED this 6th day oa May. 1987. AYES: Brown. Stout. King. Wright NOBS: Nona AB SENT: Btaque t P Dennis L. Stoat, Mayor ATxBST: 7"7,1 Beverly A.1 Authelet. --ity Me'S k L BE"FERLY A. AYJTHfMET. :.zTY CLERK off the City of Rancho Ccaoamon s. California. do hereby certify .act the foregoing Resolution was duly passed. approetd, acid adopted yas City Counlsil of rha+ City of Rancho Cuc=onga, California. at a regula< mating of said City Council hold on the 6th day of may, 1987. Executed tUs 6th day of Map. 1907 at Rancho Cucmonga. California. C Heeerly e3L ±uthelet. City Clerk 9 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION r7 THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TIME EXTENSIOLt FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 13316 APR: 201 - 071 -14, 37, AND 45, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) Friedman Homey has filed an application for the extension of Tentative Tract No. 13316 as described in the title of this Resolution. Nereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Time Extension request is referred to as "the application". (ti) an March 25, 1987, this Commission adopted its Resolution No.. 87 -30, thereby approving, subject to specific conditions and time limits, Tentative Tract No. 13316. (iii) On My 6, 1987, the City Council adopted its Resolution No. 87 -242, thereby approving, subject to specific conditions and time limits, Tentative Tract 13316. occurred. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the edoption of this Resolution have B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and rosolve€i by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this .ommission, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission here6,i specifically finds as follaas: (a) The previously approved Tentative Mp is in substantial compliance with the City's current Gen2ral Plan, Specific Plans, Ordinances, Plans, Codes and Policies; and (b) The extension of the 'tentative Map will not cause significant inconsistencies with the current Gen4,ral Plan, Specific Plans, Ordinances, Plans, Codes and Policies; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 7 13316 - FRIEDMAN HOMES April 26, 1989 Pav, 2 (c) The extension of the TRntative Map is not likely to cause public health aha szfety problems; and (d) The extension is within the vAe limits prescribed by State law and local ordinance. 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby grants a T110 Extension for: Tract A Ypp scant Expiration '13316 Friedman Homes May 6, 1990 4. The Secretary to this "ommission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROM AWD ADOF-71ED THIS 26TH DAY OF MAY, 1989. PLANNING COwiSSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Cnairman ATTEST: Brad er, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretarlr of the Planning Commission of t-a City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, pod,sed, ane adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a reyuiar meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSI0WS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: F1 June 5, 1987 `R� c Mr. Chuck Veitch 5207 London Street Rancho Cucamonga, California 91.730 Re: Cffsite grading permission Tract 13316 Dear Chuck: In accordance with our agreement from Thursday May 28, 1987 Friedman Homes will provide to you, at no charge, landscaping and irrigation on the entire flat backyard area which wj;.l be created as a result of ou-r grading activities. Specifically we propose to provide the required slope planting, Lawn, manual Irrigation systems and at least 2 24" box trees and 15 5 gallon shrubs. As I explained, we are proposing to place compacted fill in your rear yard in substantial conformance with the attached exhibit. The fill will be compacted under the auspices of a licensed soils engineer and all the general guidelines of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The completed grading operation will result in a substantial increase in usable rear yard area for you. We appreciate your cooperation and willingness to work with us. To facilitate the filing of our precise grading plan, please sign the attached "Grading Permission Letter" and return it to me in the enclosed envelope. If ywi have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me sincerely, Marti /n�Dowd Forward planner cc: Michael Hunt MD:kf 1'1151 JERSEY BLVD. • RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 97130 1714) 907-0955 ----- _-- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT BATE: April 26, 1989 �• t w TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Abbott,; Associat!; Planner SUBJECT: ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 -01 - HARRY C'S - A consideration to modify, suspeig, or rev - a an entertainment permit granted for a disc jockey doing vocals and playing records nightly in conjunction with a restaurant /nightclub, located at 10877 Foothill Boulevard. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89 -02 - WRY C'S - A request to conduct live comeo acts, p -sync contests, hair and clothing fashion shows, live entertainment concerts, I've jazz, and special promotion events for local businesses and groups in conjunction with a restaurant /night club at 10677 Foothill Boulevard. on April 12, 1989, the Planning Commission voted unanitrAusly (5 -0) im decline revocation of Entertainment Permit 87 -01 and to continue Entertainment Permit 89 -02 to the meeting of April 26, 1989, Entertainment Permit 89 -02 was crntinued in order to allow the applicant time to modify his application, The applicant is requesting deletion of the fashion :night and talent night categories on the application to expand entertainment. Staff would also indicate that the "Comnurilty Night ", and telecasting olt "Boxing and Other Special Events" are not defined as Entertainment by the City's Entertainment Ordinancei hence, should not be considered part of this permit request. A Resolution declining revocation of Entertainment Permit 87 -01 and a Resolution for approval of Entertainmdnt Permit 8902 (modified) has been prepared for odopcion at the meeting of April 26, 1989, Those Resolutions are attached with the staff report presented at the April 12, 1989 Planning Commission reeting. Respectfully submitted, Brad Buller City Planner 86: BA :mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - letter from Applicant Modifying Request April 12, 1989 Staff Report Resolution Declining Revocation of EP 87 -01 Resolution of Ap�,eoval for EP 89 -02 ITEMS 9 & C - I BASED UPON FEEDBACK AND INPUT FROM THE CITY ?— ANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 12 HARRY C's WOULD LIKE TO,W - THE FOLL1WING CHANGES TO THE ATTACHED PROPOSED ENTERTAINMEN -'o DILUE TIH FASHION NIGHT AND TALENT NIGHT CATEGORIES. 1 Yh r,,t 10677 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD • RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA 91730 • (714) 960-0799 0 (714) 945•F444 I ! ♦ �� 4 4Vk% R- t. Afitaahment C. Prase- Entertainment To continue existing D.J. entertainment playing records with D.J. vocals. To Add: LIVE JAll: Local 4 piece jazz band to play 2 nights a wt�!,DV. st5jn rrn car businesse , c Nai` rSaians to promote t latest shions. In wit cal b esses, apartment plexes d condomin- + c munities in p oting a s 1 al night where t, s ocal point. LIVE STAND -UP COMEDY: Professional comedians, 2 to 3 an evening entertain during a 60 to 90 minute show. Acts are booked through an entertainment cgency. acts compat94*r'C_0sh and prizes. a OLH99 SPECIAL EVENTS:. elec ng of closed, C TS: G u rnal Live Entertainment concerts that would feature top name acts in the recording industry, booked through agencies. 10877 FOCIMLL BOULEVARD a RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CAU°ORNIA 9030 0 (714) 980-0799 0 (714) 945.1444 Lit A A»DENDUM TO ATTACHMENT C. HARRY C'S PROPOSED ENTERTAINMENT [E.P. 89 °021 Update 3/271~19 Under FASHION NIGHT. ADD Live models wil, woslel only daily evening wear and fashionable ittire. No nua+ty or see through fabrics or wet fabrics. . Under CQH14UNITY NIGHT ADD Harry. C's off,trs a selected group special prices on drinks and a complimentary food buffet. This activity is a 'low priced banquet service for specific groups on a slow night. Under LICE STAND UP COMEDY NIGHT ADD Ha,'-ry C's will feature the same comedians as HBO,SHOWTIME, and ones that appear at the Laff Stop and Comedy Store. Under TALENT NIGHT DELETE the word dancers. Ex P\; 6;t A -3 10877 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD * RANCHO!' ONGA, CAUPORNIA 91730 a (714) o, (713) 94S-1444 11 a ---� -- --- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CIC c -w40 STAFF REPORT � �. Z DATE: April 12, 1989 — > is -- TO: Chairman and Meabers of the Planning Commission j FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 -01 - HARRY C'S A considera� ion to modity, suspe5d, or rev dk a an en r ainment permit granted for a disc jockey doing vocals and playing records nightly in conjunction with a restaurant /night club, located at 10877 Foothill Boulevard. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89 -02 - HARRY C'S - A request to conduct rive comedy acxs, p -sync conies s, hair and clothing fashion shows, live entertainment concerts, live Jazz, and special promotion events for local businesses and groups in conjunction with a restaurant /night club at 10877 Foothill Boulevard. 1. ABSTRACT: The applicant is applying for a new Entertainment Permit -02 for a variety of entertainment uses not permitted under his current Entertainment Permit 8741. Also under consideration is the status, and potenti-el revocation, of Entertainment Permit 87 -01. II. BACKGROUND: Since 1987, Harry C's has operated under nte Etain -°went Permit 87 -01 which was approved by the planning Commission rn- a "disc jockey doing vocals and playing records nightly from 8.00 p.m. till 2:00 am.' Ner several months, . number of problems, disturbances, and violations occurred at Harry C's which resulted in review by the Pvbl s Safety Commission and the Planning Comission in June and July 1988, respectively. On July 13, 1988, the planning Commission held . hearing to consider two requests: 1. Recommendation of the Public Safety commission to modify the conditions of approval and to keep the scope of entertainment restricted; and 2. Application by Harry C's to allow an expansion of the scope of entertainment. PLANNING COMMISSION 'AFF REPORT RE: EP 87 -01, EP b_ ,12 - HARRY C'S April 12, 1989 Page 2 E After a lengthy deliberation, the Planning Commission declined to revoke the entertainment permit and, instead, determined that the applicant should be permitted to continue the currently approved entertainment for a period of 120 days to demonstrate ability to operate in conformance with the conditions of approval and in a manner that is not contrary to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the public. The Commission also added the fellowing conditions to Entertainment Permit 87 -01 (see Exhibit "A"). 1. No expansion of the entertainment permit is allowed,. 2. A minimum of two uniformed, licensed security guards. 3. A hearing should be set 120 days later to further consider modification, suspension, or revocation of Entertainment Permit 87 -01. This decision was appealed to the City Council by the applicant. On August 17, 1988, the City Council conducted a hearing and upheld the Planning Commission's action. On September 28, 1988, the Planning Cmmission conducted a iear,ng for the new Entertainment Permit 80 -01 (see attached minut -es Exhibit "B "). The applicant was requesting approval of the following entertainment uses: live comedy, sports celebrities and cheerleaders, lip -sync contests, hair and ,:10th7n9 fashion snows, Miss Hawaiian Tropic Beauty Pageant and disc jockey. The Commission voiced strong reservation with the proposed entertainment uses. T', 1+eriff's Department testified that there hcd been 17 calls .err service since July 13, including disturbances, public drunkenness, a fight, and a handgun possession. The Sheriff's Department indicated that although they had been receiving better cooperation (i.e. - uniformed security guards) from Harry C's, they were opposed to expansion of the entertairaent use. The Foothill Fire District stated that they had not issued any citations since July 13, 1988 and could support expansion only subject to periodic review. Staff recom*nded that the Comission not consider any expansion of entertainment until the 120 days were complete. The Planning Commission concurred with staff's recommendation and continued the item to the meting of Noverber 30, 1988. On November 30, 1988, the Planning Cow fission heard testimony and examined the facts during a public hearing for the new Entertainment Permit e8 -01. The Commissioners felt that expansion of the entertainment was not appropriate due to public safety concerns as reviewed (see Exhibit 'C "). The Comission voted Exh; b;-+ 4- '_ -8 �--, C- 11 PLANNING COMMISSION' 'AFF REPORT RE: EP 87 -01, EP 85 -02 - HARRY C'S April 12, 1989 Page 3 unanimously (5-0) to deny the request for a new Entertainment Permit 88 -01 and they voted (3 -2) to continue Entertd.inment Permit 87 -01 for 120 days to the meeting of April 12, 1989, The purpase of the 120 day cont "nuance was to allow the applicant the opportunity to establish a track record of good ruinagement and safe operation. III. ANALYSIS: A. Proposed Entert -iin,7.ent lases: The applicant has submi {ted a new I VsV— o reques a entertainment use expansion that includes live bands, comeO, talent �+contests and hair and clothing fashion shows. (see Exhibit "C"). The applicant nas indicated that the fashion shows would be limited to daily evening wear and fashionable attire. No nudity, see through fabrics or wet fabrics would be permitted. The applicant proposes that entertainment be allowed 7 days a week, from 8 :00 p.m. to LF:00 a.m. The applicant is requesting these entertainment uses in order to be competitive with other clubs In the area and, in particular, to attract customers on the slower weeknights, B. Public Safety Concerns: The Foothill Fire Protection Distriet as reported my one call for service since Decevber 1;-1, 1988. The call was ft-� information only. There have been na violations in this peri(�d of time with two night inspections conducted.. (See Exhibit "F "). The Sheriff Is Department received a total of fifteen calls (see Exhibit "G) between January 7, 1989 and March 21, 1589. Four of these calls were disturbance calls and two were calls regarding assault with a deadly weapon. Both the Sheriff and Fire Departments will provide an update to the COMIssicn at the sheeting. The Sheriff's Department and Farce Department indicated concern that an increasa in entertainment will cause an increase in public safety problems. IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The Planning Commission must make the q ow ng n hn,s -'n order to approve Entertainment Permit No, 89 -02: A. The conduct of the establishment or, the gaanting of the application would not be contrary to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. Q. The premisES or establishment is not likely to be operated in an illegal, improper or disorderly manner. PLANNING COR41SSION -AFF REPORT RE: EP 87 -01, EP 8:. J2 - HARRY CIS April 12, ;989 Page 4 11 C. The applicant or any other Person associated with him as principal or partner, or in a position � capacity involving partial or total control over the conduct of the business for which suer permit is sought to be issued, has not been convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of any offense involving the presentation, exhibition or perrormance of any obscene show of any kind, or of a felony ov of any crime involving moral turpitude, nor has had any approv4l, permit or license issued In conjunction with the sale of alcohol or the provision of entertainment revoked within the preceding five years. D. That granting the application would nor creste a Public nuisance. E. That the normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of any surroundin_ residential neighborhood. F. The applicant has not made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the required application. Regarding the existing Entertainment Permit 87 -01, the Planning Commission may suspend or revoke the permit if the Comniss'nn fi gs and determines that any permittee, his agent or enployee, or any person connected or associated maith the pems.ittee as partner, Cirector, officer, general manager, or ether person who is (xercisirg managerial authority of„ or or. behalf of, the perm ;ttee or any entertainer acting under the authority of such permit: 1. Made Lrry false, misleading or fraudulent statement of a material fact in the application for permit, or any report or record required to be filed pursuant to this chapter; or 2. Violated any provision of this chapter, or of any statue, ordinance, or condition relating to his permitted activity; or 3. Is convicted of a felony, or any crime involving moral turpitude; or 4. 'Violated any rules, regulations or conditions adopted by the Planning Commission or City Council relating to the permittee's business or permit; or S. Conducted a permitted business in a manner contrary to the peace., health, safety and general welfare of the public; or r �X k �3 - D C S V PLANNING COMMISSIM 'AFP REPORT RL. '° 87 -01, EP 85 -02 - HARRY C'S April 1t, 1989 Page 5 b. Demonstrated that he /she is unfit to be trusted with the privileges granted by such a permit. Y. RECOMMENDATION- Staff recommends that the Planning Commission co" duc a pu6lic hearing and receive pablic testimony. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission take 'separate motions . regarding the two requests. if the Planning Commission can support thwVroposed entertainment, then staff should be directed to prepare, appropriate resolutions for adoption at the next meeting. Respectful fitted P -dd Buller!""tr City Planner . BB :BA:ko Attachments: Exhibit "A" Resolution of Approval No. 88-143 Exhibit "B" — Minutes of September 28, 1988 Planning Commission fleeting Exhibit "C" - Minutes of November 30, 1988 Planning Commission Maeting Exhibit "D" - Previous Entertainment List Exhibit "E" Proposed Entertainment list and Application Exhibit "F" Memo from Fire District Exhibit "G" - Yew from Sheriff's Department RESOLUTION N0, RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF dNCHO CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA, DECLINING REVOCATION OF e- NTERTAINMENT PERMIT 17-01 FOR HARRY C'S RESTAURANTjNiGNTCLUB LOCATED AT 10877 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FIND1WzS IN SUPPORT THEPEOF. A. Recitals. (i) On June 24, 1987, this Commission adopted its Resolution No. 87 -102, thereby approving, subject to specified conditions. a disc jockey doinl vocals for dancing in the Harry C's Restaurant on the southwest corner of foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue. A true and complete copy of said Resolution is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is incorporated herein by this reference. (ii) On June 7, 1988, the Public Safety Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga publicly conducted a hearing to review the reports of law enforcement, fire safety, and related public safety problems and reports of expansion of the scope of entertainment beyond that approved by this Commission and recommended that additional conditions of operation be imposed on Entertainme�ic Permit No. 87 -01. (iii) On June 24, 1968, Harry H. Chan applied for an ant.adl renewal of the Entertainment Permit, as required by Rancho Cucamonga %nicipal Code Section 5.12.110, which included a rtluest for expansion of the nature and scope of the entertainment. (iv) On July 13, 1988, this Commission conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing to determina whether substantial eiidence existed to support revocation of Entertainment Permit No. 87 -01. The Planning Cortmis,.ion declined to revoke the entertainment permit ant, instead, determined that the applicant should be permit :�d to continue the currently approved entertainment for a period of 120 dais to demonstrate ability to operate in conformance with the conditions of approval and in a manner, that is not contrary to the peace, health, safety and ge�ieral welfare o.° the public. The Commission also added the following coitd:tions 4o Entertainment Permit 87- 01, 1. No expansion of the entertainment permit. is allowed. 2. A minimum of iwo uniformed, licensed security guards. 3. A hearing should be set 120 days later to further consider modification, suspension, or revocation of Entertainment Permit 8741. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 -01 - HARRY ';'S April 26, 1989 Page 2 11 (v) On August 17, 1988, the decision was appealed 4o the City Council by the applicant. The City Council conducted a hearing and upheld the Planning Commission's action of July 13, 1988. (vi) On September 28, 1988, the Pl &nning Commission conducted a hearing for the new Entertainment Permit 88 -01. The applicant was requesting approval of the expansion of entertainment uses. She Sheriff's Department testified that there had been 17 calls for service since July 13, 1988, including disturbances. public drunkenness, a fight, and a handgun. possession. The Sheriff's Department indicateo that although they had been receiving better cooperation (i.e. - uniformed security guards) from Harry C's, they were opposed to expansion of the entertainment use. The Foothill Fire District, stated that they had not issued any citations since July 13, 1988 and Gould support expansion only subject to .periodic review. Staff recoar —anded that the Commission not consider any expansion of entertainment until the 120 days were complete. The Planning Commission: concurred with staff's recomrendation and contirmed the item to the meeting of November 30, 1988. (vii) On November 30, 1988, the Planning Commission heard testimony and examined tl,e facts during a public hearing for the new Entertainment Permit 86-01. The Commissioners felt that expans �n of the entertaimmnnt was not appropriate due tj public safety concerns as reviewed. The Conlnission voted unanimously (5.0) to deny the request for a new Entertainment Permit 88 -01 and they voted (3 -2) to coitinue Entertainment Permit 87 -01 for 120 days to the meeting of April 12, 1989. The purpose of the 120 day continuarce was to allow the applicant the opportunity to establish a record of good management and safe operation. (viii) On April 12., 1989, the Planning Commission conducted and concluded a duly noticed public hearing to determine whetliar substantial evidence existed to supm,�,. ~t revocation, modification or declining of revocation of Entertainment Permit No. 87 -01. The Planning Commission approved a motion im decline revocation of Entertainment Permit 87 -01 and instructed staff to prepare a resolution for adoption at the April 26, 1989 meting. (ix) All legal prerequisities to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. S. resolution. NON, THEf3FORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Bared upon substantial evidence, including written staff reports am further evidence by the Sheriff's Department and the Foothill Fire Protection WW U PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 -01 - HARRY C'S April 26, 1969 Page 3 District described in the staff report (Exhibit "A ") , this Commission specifically finds that since November 30, 1988, the applicant has established a record of operation in compliance with conditions of Entertainment Permit 87 -01 and City regulations. 3. Based upon the record of operation &ring a 120 continuance since November 30, 1988, this Cnmmiss�,q declined to r,avoke Entertainment. Permit 87- 01. 4. This tomlmisson further finds that all conditions previously imposed by Entertainment Permit. No. 87 - -01, and Planning Commission Resolution No. 87- 102, attached hereto as Exhibit "A ", shall continue in all respects and with full force and effect. S. The Secretary of this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANING COMMISSION OF THE C17Y OF RANCHO CUCAMIONGA BY' -terry Chairman ATTEST": Brad Buller, ecretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, anc adopted br- the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho •' ucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day 0+,f April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit. AYES: 0WISSIGNERS: NOES: COWISSIONERS. ABSENT: WMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO.. 87 -102 A RESOLUTION or THE RMCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMINISSI9N APPROVING ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT dO. 67 -01 To OPEP.ATE AND CONDUCT ENTERTAINMENT BY A DISC JOCKEY FOR DANCING FOR HARRY C'S RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 10877 FOOTHILL BOULEVARD f A. RECITALS (f) On May 21, 1986, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucaw"ga adopted Ordinance No. 2th 90 providing for the regulation a►:.� of entertaint. (fl) On June 1, 1987, HAr y than has filed an application for the issuance of an tntertaiment Permit (£A 87 -01) described above in the title of this resolution. (iii) On the 20th My Of June, 1967, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above - describe;) project. 8. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE, the follows.; Rancho Cucam:Rga Planning COMission resolved as I. This Ca- a4zsion hereby specifically rinds that all the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A. of this Rest- trtion are true and correct, 2. Based upon substantial evidence lresenW to this COMISSion during tha above•referanced June 24, 1987 hearing, including the written staff repot, and the written, Signed and verified applicution of the applicant, this Ccmfssion hereby specifically finds as follows, a« rfie application applies ti property iocaed on the Southwest corner of Foothill and Spruce ou � i lot presently impend with structures and parking areas whict constitute Harry C's Restaurant; b. The surrounding property is undeveloped, Vaca6it land; c. The proposed entertainment, as conditioned hereby, complies with City of Rancho Cucamonga code requirements; f PLANNING COMISSItWkESOLUTIGN Ho. w ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 87 *81 ,- HARRY C'S June 24, 1987 Page 2 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the ab;pva- referenced June 24, 1987 hearing and upon the spOcific findings of facts set . forth in Paragraphs I r,nd 2 above, this Comission hereby finds and conclueas as follows: (a) That the conduct of the establishment or the granting of the application would not be contrary to the public health, safety, morals or welfare; and (b) That the premises or establishment are not likely to be operated in an illegal, improper or disorderly manner; and (c) That the applicant has not had any approval, permit it iitease issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol °ar the provision of entertainment revoked within the preceding five years; and (d) That granting the application would not create a public nuisance; and (e) 1bat the normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of any surrounding residential neighborhood; and (f) The applicant has not made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the required application. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby Approves the application subject to the following conditions; a. This approval is for a disc jockey doing vocals and playing records for listening pleasure and /or dancing. Expansion of the dance floor area, increase in the scale or Intensity, or other modification of entertainment shall require application for modification of this permit. b. All persons conducting a public dance or any entartaient where dancing by patrons or customer$ is permitted, shall have in attendance at the premises for the purpose of supervising the dancing and the conduct of all C- -14 PLANNING COMMISSI RESOLUTION NO. r ENTERTAINMENT PERtT 87-Ol HARRY C'S. June 24, 1987 Page 3 E Y patrons and customers, a duly licensed and uniformed security guard at all times such dancing is permitted-or allowed. However, the Provisions of this condition shall apply only wh ,p7e a dance floor or dance area in excess of rare hundred fifty square feet is available or designated for dancing by customers or patrons. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1987. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCID CUCAMOU4A Ra» ho Cucamonga,. do hereby certify that the planning Commission Resolution as duty and regularly introduced, passed, and adapted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 24th day of June, 1987, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALSTOY, EMERICK, BLAKESLEY, CHITIE,4, MCNIEL NOES: CCMISSIOMS: NOME ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE REMLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THi, RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN EXTERTA14MENT PERMIT, NO. 89 -02, FOR EXPANSION OF ENTERTAINMENT AT HARRY C'S RESTAURANT~ /NIGHTCLUS LOCATED AT ICS77 FWTHIIX BOULEVARD, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. (1) On Jum 24, 1988, this Commission adopted its Resolution No. 87 -102, thereby approving Entertainment Permit No. 87 -01, subject to specified conditions, for a disc jockey doing vocals for dancing in the Harry C's restaurant an the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Spruce Avenue. (ii) On August 22, 1988, Harry ff. Chan filed an application for a new Entertainment: Permit No. 88-01, which proposed e4 ision of the natum and scope of the entertainment. dint On September 28, 1988, this Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on Entertainment Permit No. 88-01 and continued said hearing to November 30, 1988. div) On November 30, 1988, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing For the continued Entertainment Permit 88 -01. The Commission felt that expansion of the entertainment was not appropriate due to public safety concerns. The Commission voted to deny the request for expansion of the entertainment. (v)- On March 7, 1989, Harry Chan filed an application for a new Entertainment Permit 89 -02, which proposed expansion of the nature and scope of the entertainment. (vi) On April 12, 1989, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing. The Commission voted unanimously to decline revocation of Entertainment Permit 87-01 and continued Entertainment Permit 89 -02, in order to allow the applicant time to modify the application to delete fashion might and talent night. (vii) All legal prerequisities t. 111e adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby fount, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. C- a k PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, ENTERTAI04W PERMIT Ap-`12 - HARRY C'S April 26, IM$ Fage 2 2. Based upon substantial evide;rce, including writtan staff reports and further testimonal and written evidence presented by the sheriff's Department and Foothill Fire Protertion District during the hearings described in the Recitals, Part A, above, this Commission hereby specifically Finds as follows: a. The application applies to property located on the southwest corner of Boulevard and Spruce Avenue, and is currently developed with a restauf'an /Night club that is currer,41y approved for an Entertainment Permit No. 87.01 for disc Jockey doing vocals and for dancing nightly; b, The application contemplates the significant expansion of the nature and scope of entertainment to include: 1} Live jazz; local 4 piece jazz band to Play 2 nights a weak: 2) Live stand -up come*.- professional comedians, 2 to 3 an evening entertain during a 60 to 90 minute show. Acts are booked through an entertainment agency; 3? Concerts: occasional live entertalvmnt concerts that would feature top name. acts in the recording industry, booked through agencies, 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission and upon the specific findings of fact set, forth in paragraphs i and 2 above, this Commission ha:tby specifically finds as follows:: a. That the conduct of the establishment or the granting of the application would not be contrary to the public health, safety, m4r3s and welfare, b. That the premises or establishment is not likely to be operated in an illegal, fiPproper or disorderly manner, c. That the granting of the application would not creats a public nulsame. d. That the applicant or any other person associated with him as principal or partner, or in a position or capacity Involving partial 11 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89 -02 - HARRY C'S April 26, 1989 Page 3 or total control over the conduct of the business for which such permit is sought to be issued, has not been convicted in. any court of competent Jurisdiction of any offense involving the presentation, exhibition or performance of any obscene show of any kind, or of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude, nor has had any approval, permit or license issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol or the provision of entertainment revolted wii;hin the preceding, five years. e. That the normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of any surrounding residential neighborhood. f. That the applicant has not made any false, misleading or fraudulent stat2vent of material fact in the required application. 4. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission and upon the specific findings set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application for Entertainment Permit No. 89 -02, subject to the following conditions: 1) This approval is granted only for live jazz bands, live stand -up comedy and concerts as described in paragraph 2 above. 2) All. persons conducting a public dance or any entertainment where dancing by patrons or customers is permitted, shall have in attendance at the premises for the purpose of supervising the dancing and the conduct of all patrons and customers, duly licensed and uniformed security guard at all times such dancing is permitted or allowed. However, the provisions of this condition shall apply only where a dance floor or dance area in excess of one hundred fifty square feet is available or designated for dancing by customers or patrons. 3) A minimum of two uniformed, duly licensed and regularly employed security guards from a reputable security firm shall be required to be on the premises from sunset until two hours after the cessation of any entertainment. At least one of said guards to be and remain on duty in the parking and outside adjacent areas of the facility. --i�4 C --i6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89 -02 - HARRY CS April 26, 1989 Page 4 Ll 4) The hours of operation for entertainment shall be limited to Sunday through Saturday, 8:00 p.m. till 2:00 a.m. 5, The Secretary of this 'Commission shall certify to the adoptio-1 of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRILS 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RA2HO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad u er, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meting of the Planning Comte ,Msion held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit- AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: C OWISS Z"ERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: -t � 0 - v--k *N KI A i CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TEWATIVE PARCEL MAP 11212 - WAGNER- 'INSUL - su v son o _ acres o xn into 2 parcels in the MInQ m Impact Heavy Industrial District, Subarea No,. 9 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located, on the south side of 8th Street, west side of Rochester Avenue (APN 229 - 251 -10, 11, 12, 27 and 32) This project was continued at the March 22, 1989 Planning Con-nission mcating at the applicant's request to allow staff and the applicant time to further revaluate the conditions of approval. Staff determined that the conditions were appropriate and reflect City policy, . therefore was unable to recommend any modifications. Please refer to the attached March 22, 1989 Staff Report for information concerning the project. The applicant's attorne (Mr. Schauer) has rubmitted a letter identifying the conditions in question (copy attached). Respectfully submitted, �a22� Barrye D. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer° BRH :BK:dlw Attachments: Applicant's Letter March 22, 1989 Staff Report ITUI D SAHUC'w CROWC OCRALO R OAT,N OEORGE W PORTr. COUOLAS C FROST R; OCRT E 00V0hCRTV "OV K NOO'E nCNAwO a H.SUH MCLA -C FIOCN RnOgRTF gCNAyCR ROSg RTM KCCOER gOWARp• 00"0. ."-RO0 •ORCNOTg1N v AN ON+ 51`- OAVTO H. RICKY S'Z_r, R _0r R 000OLAS fQNCSKV -C-IC R ANOCRSON WAVNE A 0 /LOWIN A_ m,r R wOy - W 4,rg pANnAw. y o „RC PA'p C A , TC.0 N'SSC AC ' SONS COVINGTON S CROWE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1131 WEST SIXTH STREET POST OFFI. 170X 1315 ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 0178E TELEPHONE M41063.9303 FAX 1714) 30b®7aa April 19, 1989 an ciiF r•;TIGHOOdCMIQ6 PIANN `O QM10 9A+�PR TO ” Pit The Honorable Chairperson and &A2119JOA��9 Planning Commission Members City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 0• COyyDtw -A"0.0 A 9A . N � 010 aR1 Re: `'er'•ative'Para • w7 ---Map Nc 11212 WZRrn1t?sr- Haul Comti2:1y Hearin; Wednesdag. April 26 1489. Dear chairperson and Planning Commission Members: We are attorneys for Wagner -Irsul Company with respect to ovr client's application for Tentative Parcel u%n No. 11212. The subject property boarders the South side of 8th Street between Buffalo and Rochester Avenues. A copy of the proposed map is attached hereto for your car°en#ence. The Wagner -Insui Company objects to and protests the imposition of some of the Special Conditions set forth in Section 3 of the proposed Resolution for approval of the above- referenced Tentative Tract Map, which condi+°ions protested and objected to, are as follows: (1) Special Condition No. 1(a)(2) insofar as it requires undergrounding of overhead utilities East of the East property line of Parcel 2 to the last side. of Rochester Avenue; (2) Special Condition No. 1(b) The imposition of an in -lieu fee for the future underg'rounding of railroad lines on the North side of 8t):, Street, which is on the opposite side �T the street from the proposed new parcel. Wagner -Insul Company also protests and objects to the imposition of the full City adopted unit amount in that in at least one other project the City required the payment of only one-half (1/2) of that amount; (3) Special Condition No. 1(c) requiring the under - grounding of overhead utilities on the We)t side of Rocheste.. "-b— The Honorable Chairperson and Planning Commission Mambers April 19, 1989 Page 2 Avenue and an in -lieu fen as a contribution to the future undergrounding of utiliti..s on the East side of Rochester Avenue, which is on the _oAnosite side of the entire aubjnct property; (4) Special Condition Nos. 3 an: 4 requiring the improving of Rochester Avenue and the requirement of tho appli- cant to accrcire additional property, to fulfill the rec•'cements in Section 4 of the Special Conditions or pay the City's costs of acquisition for the improvementf and, (5) Special Condition No. 5(e) which requires the relocation of the ra*.Sway spur. There R no feasible or rea- sonable manner or basis tc relocate the Kailway spur w,.thout totally demolishing the existing impr4.aments on Parcel 2. The railway spur does not effect the new parcel. Also, if it were relocated, it c:auld Dot service the new parcel in the future. Finally, with 8th Street blocked beyond Buffalo, traffic pact terns are such that any relocation should not be necessary„ California Government Code §66475.4 specifically provides that a condition or the i',ILtallation of improvements required as a condition to approval of tentative map is irivalid to the extent that it is determined t,. be excessive. Such a dedica- tion or installation requiremb..� is excessive to the extent it is not reasonably necessary to meet public needs a isin_ _as -A -C RA tot - " - - sa: b vis a @i da. ,.,,,� (emr�,�;.4 s added.) . In addition, the L..ited Srztt.j Supreme Court in j{ *i:aan ty - California Coa&t_q , Commiscion, 483 U.S. 97 Lawyers' Edition 2d 677, 107 Supreme Court (1987), specifically held that whatever the outor limits of legitimate State interests there may be in the land use context, it ina -ot permissible to impose a condition where there is a lack of nexus between the condition and the original purpose of the restriction itself. That is to say, the condi- tions sought. to be imposed must have soma reasonable relation- ship to the creation of the new parcel itself, Vhich is raw acreage. In short, there is no nexus between the special con- ditions protested and objected to herein with respect to Magner -Instil Ccapany's application for the Tentative Parcel Map end the public heeds arising out of the creation of Parcel 1 of the iyropcsed Tentative Parcel Map and accordingly, the cbndi- tions so protested are excessive. Ths protested and objected to conditions are Either on opposita sides of the street from the newly proposed parcel, i.e., North of Sth Street, i.e., East of Rochester Avenue, or even in the case of the conditions involving improvements on the West side of Rochester Avenue, they are in encess of 750 feet from the proposed new parcel, and require Wagner -lnsul to The Honorable Chairperson and Planning Commission Members April 19, 1989 Page 3 acquire land it does not even own in grder to improve Rochester Avenu.�. it is submitted that the conditions protested and objected to herein are not reasonably 'necessary to meet any public needs that could possibly result from approval and the creation of the proposed new pa--4`l. 110 request that you appro3�a *:Le application for TentatiV'ta ParcAl Map No -. 11212 but without the imposition of the Special Couditirra. protested and obje� :ted to herein. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. RseotzullY, Robe F. Sc Of COVINGTON & CROW.E RFS:sjo cc: Wagner -Insul Company ATTENTION: Mr. Don LaBate cc: James L. Markman, Esq. v W", i TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N ®.11212 ®rigicia{ Poor QVaiity Li aC v� • c..�r /s�aud>�r t.af /sa ABUr : n. ! ^rwr It 10 J4 AM t4f crry O. RANCHO CUCAMONGA omme, �' F 1 `I I DATE: TO: FROM: B1: SUBJECT: — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT Mar0 22, 1989 Chairman and Members of the !Planning Commission Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Er°,�neer Barbara Krall, Assistant Civil Engineer ENVIRONMENTAa ASSESSMENT AND TENTAT*VE PARCEL MAP 11212 - au v son o acres of an into z parcels In t e Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial District, Subarea No. 9 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on the south side of 8th Street, west side of `ochester Avenue (APN 229 - 251 -10, 11, 12, 27 and 32) I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re uested: Approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel. Map as Mown on •x "B" B. 'tercel Size: Parcel 1 - 3.96 net acres Parcel 2 - 5.86 net acres C. Existing Zoning: Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial Districe, Subarea No. 9 of the Industrial Specific Plan D. Surrounding Land Use: North - Existing Industrial Building and A.T. 3 S.F. Railroad Tracks South - Vacant East - Existing Industrial Building test - Existing Industrial Building E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North - Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial, Subarea No. 9 South - General Industrial, Subarea No. 13 East - General Industrial, Subarea No. 14 West - Gener0l industrial, Subarea No. 10 e LANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT PARCEL MP NO. li212 - WAGNER- INSUL, CO. Ahk MARCH 22, 1984 PAGE '2 F. Site Characteristics: the site slopes southerly at approximately U- There are two buildings existing on Parcel 2. The remainder area consists of unattended grapevines and grasses. II. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this parcel map is to create two (2) parcels for Industrial use. Parcel 1, a 4 acre parcel, is for future development. Parcel 2, a 6 acre parcel has two Industrial buildings located on the northerly portion of ';he parcel. The remaWer of this parcel is vacant ard may be developed in the - -uture. A variance is required for Parcel 1 because it does not meet tha'S acre minimum required in Subarea 9 of the Industrial Specific Plan. A request for a variance is on tonight§ agenda as VA- 88-23. The Developer has expressed disagreement with Special. Conditions 1(c), 3, 4 and 5 (e). Aft Conditions 5(e) requires that the existing Mail spur parallel to 113th Street along Parcel 2 be relocated outside the ,public street right -of -way to minimize the City's exposure to liability. The Developer feels that this requirement would be detrimental to his current operation by requiring the relocation of his existing loading docks. Staff felt there is some merit to his argument therefore, the condition has been written to allow the spur relocatinn, and street improvements along Parcel 2 to be delayed until future development tis the parcel and be secured by a lieu agreement. Condition 3 requires that �)e Rochester Avenue street improvements be extended north of Parcel 2 across the "not a part" parcel to 8th Street. Conditior 4 requi; ^es that the Developer obtain the necessary off site street right -of -way to construct the improvements. Rochester Avenue is currently improved full width north of the railroad and on the eastside soon'. Of the ralltaad. The City has plans to complete the railroad crossing within the next couple of years. Staff feels these improvements are necessary to fill in the gap across the "not a part" parcel to clean up the street scape and create a safer roadway,. Condition 1(c) requires that the utility tindergrounding along Rochester Avenue be extended across the "not a part' parcel to clean up the street - scape similarly to Condition 3. -7 PLANNING COMIS5ION STAFF REPORT PARCEL MAP NO. 11212 - WAGNER- INSUL, CO. {MARCH 22, 1989 PAGE 3 The Developer is eligible for a reimbursement to recover the cost of the street Ioprovements and utility undergrounding across 0-- "not at part' parcel upon its ff0ture development. ' III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. The applicant completed Part I of the Initial tudy, Stcff conducted a Veld investigation and completed Part II of the Initial Study. No o�'verse impacts upon the environment are anticipated as a. result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate.. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Nearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission consider 01 input lements of the Tentative Parcel Map 11212, If after such consideration, the Commission can recommend approval, then the adoption of the attached Resolution and i$ -cuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, F Ill Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH :BK :ly Attachments: Vicinity Flap (Exhibit W) Tentative Map (Exhibit "B ") Resolution and Recommended Conditions of Approval i E La U as A IL /,j I.S.P. C :.- ��:,1' 4 Ali I.S.P CrrY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGnMPAMG DW=0N 1 1 S. o . 1. �2 I.S.P. a C. 11 � N rrm- nua- VIC114ITY MAP ,-b, - TENTATIVE PARCt' MAP NO.] 1212 w c A A L_.._.J I L�*� r14,t a Girt if {� OBILD 3.1f, At- INCT3 S.Fbiq� (Ner) �1 _ yr_aa� ■ :� n . ry RESOLUTION NO, A RESOLUTION rF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11212, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 8TH STREET, WEST SIDE OF ROCHESTER AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, APR: 229 - 261 -10, 11, 12, 27 AND 32� WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Vap Number 11212, submitted by Wagner- lnsul, Co.. applicant, for the purpose of subdividing into 2 parcels, the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, identified as APNis? 229 - 251 -10, 11, 12, 27 and 32, located on the south side of 8th Street, west side of Rochester Avenue, and WHEREAS, on April 25, 1964, the Planning Commission held a duty advertised public hearing for the above - described map„ FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO .CUCAMONV, PLANNING COMMISSION R SOLVED AS SECTE'A 1: That the following findings have been !' ,ide: 1. Tha' the map is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site Is physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has been revieRT"a—R° considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECT10 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 11212 is hereby approved subject to "Vie""attached Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: I. Overhead Utilities a. 8th Street -- The existing overhead utilities (Communication tine for the 56 K.Y. electrical) on the project side of 8th Street shall be undergrounded as follows: 'D- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PARCEL MAP NO. 1412 - WAGNER- INSUL, CO. APRIL 26, 1989 PAGE 2 (1) Parcel 1 - from the first pole on the west side of Buffalo Avenue to thr first pole east of the east parcel property line upon development of the parcel. (2) Parcel 2 - from the first ple west of the west parcel property line to the first pole on the east side of Rochester Avenue. A lien agreement as described in Condition No. 6 shall be suLmitted to guarantee the undergrounding upon further development or redevelopment of Parcel 2. She developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover cne -half the City adopted cost for undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it ocw. s on the north side of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad for the project frontage and to recover the full cost of the City adopted cost for undergrounding from the future deveiopEunt (redevelopment) as it occurs onPN 229- 251no� & 3I),parV' property to the east b. Railroad lines An in -lieu fee as contribution to the future undergrwnding of the existing overhead Railroad Com :ntication lines located.�within the A.T. & S.F. Railroad right -of -way to the north shall be paid to the City as failows: 1) Parcel 1 - from the centerline of Buffalo Avenue Uj the east parcel boundary upon development of the parcel. 2) Parcel 2 - the length of the project frontage rn Be, Street From the east parcel boundary to the west parcel bounds , prior to final approval of the parcel warp. The fee shall be the full City adopted unit amount tismeb the lengths as described above. The developer may request a reinburser;_st agreement to recover one -half the City adopted cost for undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the north side of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad for the project frontage. c. Rochester Avenue - The w icing overhead utilities ftelecowsunicatiosa) on the project side of Rochester- Avenue shall be undergrounded_ from the pole at the south project boundary to the pole located at the southeast comer of -Rochester Avenue and 8th "treet prior to approval of the Final parcel Map. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the full co=t of the City adopted cost { for undergroundin fro future development (redevelopment) as if It occurs on the Plat a part" property (APR 229 - 251 -30) north of Parcel 2. 1,z PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PARCEL MAP NO. 11212 - WAGNER- INSUL, CO. APRIL 26, 1989 �nGE 3 In addition, an in lieu fee as r„ntribution to the future undergrounding of the utilities on the opposite side of Rochester Avenue shall be paid to the City orior to approval or" the Final Parcel Map. The fee shall -'be one -half the difference between the undergrounding cost of the utilities (electrical) on the opposite side of the straet minus those (telecommunication) on the project side tines the length of the frontage of Parcel 2. 2. Nerassary right- of•:way shall be dedicated for 8th Street to p,avide a full width right -of -way of 66 feet. 3. Rochester Avenue shall be improved froir the south project boundary to the A.T. b S.F. Railroad right -of -way, including the 8th Street curb returns with the exception cf Parkway improvements on the Not apart" parcel. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the costs of constructing the Improvements ►7ronting the "not a part" parcel (APN 229- 251 -30) upon its development (redevelopment). T(.a developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the off -.site property interest necessary to construct the required off -cite improvements on Rochester Avenue including that portion nn 8th Street required for the curb return. If the developer snouid fail to do so, the developer shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the final map for approval. enter into an agreement with the Cfty to complete the iTp,,lovemenws pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 at such time as the City acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by developer of all costs incurred by the City to acquire the off- =site property interests required in cc+rnection with the subdivision. Security for these costs shall be fn the foray of a cash deposit. That portion of the security reflecting the value of the required off -site property interest small be the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall hava been approved by the City prior to commencement of the appraisal. 5. The 8th Street improvements shall include the following, a. Full Curb tv curb width of 44 feet, b. Landscaping and irrigation ;;r the north (11 feet wide) parkway (no sidewalk) c. Sidewalk adjacent to the right of way line within tie youth parkway, d. Sat ;h basdins as necessary connecting to the existing 7-torm rain, and; PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 90. PARCEL MAP NO. 11212 - WAGNER- INSUL, CO. APRIL 26, 1989 PAGE 4 e. TFs portion of the railroad spur parallel to 8th Street shall be relocated outside of the Street right -of -way, 6. The 8th Street improvements shall be completed follows: a. A lien -greement shall be submitted to the City prior to final map approval to guarantee future construction of thr portion fronting Parcel i3o. 2. The lien agreement shall state that the work will be completed prior to issuance of any permit for Parcel 2 including tenant improvements of the existing building. b. The improvements of 8th Street along the frontage of Parcel 1 shall be constructed at the time of the development of Parcel 1. 7. A separate parkway landscape and irrigation plin shall be provided for the north parkway of 8th Street. The parkway shall bo annexed into the City landscape maintenance district. 8. A private drainage easemen-c over Parcel 2 in favor of Parcel I shall be provided and shall be delineated or noticed on the final Parcel Map. AOL 9. A portion of Parcel 2 is located in a Flood Hazard Area, A Flood Report to determine protection required for the site shall be- submitted prior to any future javelopment within the Flood Hazard Area. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APR14 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONC -a BY: Larry T. Miel, a rtman ATTEST Brad 6411er, Setiqta6 1, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Co: mission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Coemission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular tweeting of the Planning Commission held c he 26th day o!' 1989, by the follow,ng vote -to -wit: AYE` COMMISSIONERS: NOF- r COMMISSIONERS: P". r: COMMISSIONERS: L] E g -y D t g i �E v a w w °r s spa" as- - 4 Y �E w s VS� Original Poor Quality c� i T VT C CC ¢C Rn� °ei �� +�°F �ffi u•' yu E�tt -�` ► e Ypp yy > « Y IS a � S, y s = ►O �. 1� _34_ « uww 4Ki YY Y h sp quxMtiY•+ii � a �► —u A� _� wa.A �C�w - s��:M 3fI HIP i "VAX M 2 4 � w o v i i i 1 Y i T VT V b -�` ► e Ypp yy > « Y �s�i �« ►1� 1� V1 u « uww 4Ki YY Y h sp quxMtiY•+ii � a �► �C�w �s�i �« ►1� 1� i�H • V�..�l. yS'� Q ���. YY Y h sp quxMtiY•+ii pw� ti ►S WY �► �C�w 3fI p0 a &Z: v Ow * l No zz 1 5 v � :_ D-) �6 e yy �Y c bf "I u'4 w q C r Z vim^ yy8�� q� 4.Y Q 4 ..�.e lS C ✓� U W Y L� Or A �. � 4 Cti VY tl.¢w.y ti y a ✓ IJ. ~Tp n� M 4O g.° 1J T k:g +$� &w k. qq Y,Y Y p 1e. y i4✓ vr0 AV Npl�lr� ELI M i. p0 a &Z: v Ow * l No zz 1 5 v � :_ D-) �6 e yy �Y c } C47k2RYMJWJ: ✓0eM i 4,1c4,fy Axle S` /0 TriF f � O r,ina! door Qualify I i a � 4 � ,G V F E Y oo� r � o fA r i F 1 t j ! t e �- - •= I I ! J I i 1 � { r u i I � 1 , 4 s i � tv { � ry W 4� � ' t qg s C � i tE 1 F 7zQ E � r i Li r �t y e I 7 i 3 r Eyt � 1 f l � 1 '�` U o �� a V� t 41 � If poff t it .V �. E CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: Api,11 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning C=ission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: VARIANCE 88 -23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. - A request for a reduction oft>fe niin mum lot s ze r-o- acres to 4 acres within the Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 9) of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on thr south side of 8th Street, west side of Rochester Avenue - APN: 229 - 251 -10, 11, 12, 27, & 32. RELATED FILE: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11212 I. ABSTRACT: This item was continued, at the applicant's request, frm"frehiarch 22, 1989 Planning Commission meeting. II. BACKGROUND: The applicant submitted the Variance request for the � of of their property to allow for sale of Pn unused portion. III. ANALYSIS: The Variance revuest, as originally proposed, would have a created two parcels that did not meet the minimum parcel size of 5 acres for this portion of Subarea 9. As an adjacent parcel was under the same ownership, staff requested that it be incorporated intt the proposed parcels so th'it tte resulting total acreage could equal approximately 10 acres. The current proposal will create two parcels out of five existing parcels (See Exhibit "00). After right - of-way dedications on each of the two new parcels, Parcel 1 is 3.96 acres and Parcel 2 is 5.86 acres for a total of 9.32 acres 08 acres less than requived). Prior to the current proposal (see Exhibit "E "), a 1.5 acre parcel adjacent to 8th Street had not been included. Based upon that proposal, the irregular shaped parcel (see Exhibit "C ") would be marhetabiy undesirable. Staff agv'oed with the applicant. One alternative to the current proposal is to parcel the land in such a way as to c rea',e as near as possible two ne4 parcels approximately equ3y in size without creatir irregular shaped parcels. Parcel I can be expanded in a rectangular shape, thereby, creating a 4.82 Parcei I and a 5 arm Parcel 2 (see Exhibit "D "), PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: VA 88 -23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. April 26, 1989 Page 2 IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Before granting a Variance, the Planning comm ss on s a make the following findings that the circumstances prescribed belai► do apply: 1. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wnuld result in practical difficulty or, unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this Code, 2. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property irr4olved or to the intended use of the propk -ty that do not apply generally to other pro;.arties in the same zone. 1. That strict ,:,r literal interpretation ana enforcement of the specified replatlon would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the dwners of other properties in the same zone. A. That the granting of the % riance 'sill not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified iv; the sage zone. S. 119at, the granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or iirnrovements in tht vicinity. V. CORRESPON'DENC': This item has been advertised as a public hearing in 7He LI3_ -RRe oorrt_ neispaper and notices were sent to all prone y aan;ers within 303 feet of the project site. VI. RECO, ENDATION,. If, after considering all input, the P1annirg 'Coomm ss -i oion °can" Make the required findings, staff recammnds , �/Jprova of %risnce 88 -23 thrown adoption of the att Chad folu�n of Approval. Rdspect,f.ul jyf /ubnitted, Brad ulier Ci Planner 7 DB :TG:ko I] 11 Ell- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: VA 88 -23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. April 26, 1989 Page 3 Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Parcel Map 112,12 Exhibit "8" - Assessors Parcel Map Exhibit "C" Alternative Exhibit "0" - Alternative 2 Exhibit "E" Original parcel ma? Prcposal Resolution of Approval 3 CVO z P. P. ORs • 1 i J • r� f Original Poor Quality � Gwyn 0 w k t 0 IL-11 i i E .-I , L ATY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION cu Q' o O 2 Q ITEM: -A-M . tl't TITLS: x EXHIBIT:., .r.. SCALE: C4 00 Q' O i co to 'Z t. LLS a a a.J1 s C6 o s LLJ Z LU 3 - =1 00 jrlal 1 w c+ yy �e y fis,;i IM *,I ]l El E O' O O CL C 0 77O 11y 1p s s z _ s � • E 61 �g • if LJ Z LLJ i 3 i =j W a a� FF � 1� a I i { IM61 Z" CU :3 CY L- 8 CL 9 40. Vf Ar 0 RESOLUTION NO. IrMIN FLA A RESOLIJION OF THE PLANMING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIANCE NO. SS_ 23, A REQUEST FOR A REDUCTION OF THE MINIKJM LOT SIZE FROM 5 ACRES TO 4 ACRE.:, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 8TH STREET, WEST OF RMHESTER AVENUE, IN MINIPUM IMPACT HE ;VY INDUSTRIAL OISTRXT. AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 229 - 7-51 -10, 11, 12, 27, AND 32. A. Recitals.. (i) Wagner Insul Company has filed an application ,-r the issu ?nce of ti;e Yarir.rt a No. 8843 as described in the title of this Resolutiov. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the 5ub3ect Variance request is rEferred to as "the application ". (ii) On April 26, 1969, the Planning Commission of the City of Ranche Cucarronga conducted a duly noticed public nearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the e,*ption of this Resolutiop have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, detemined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the. facts set forth in the Recitals, Pa.,t A, of this Resolution cre true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to thfit =,ission during the cbove- referenced public hearing on April 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as Follows; (a) The application applies to property located ar 11899 8th Street with a street frontage )f 1,016,9 feet and lot depth of 373.0 feet; and (b) The property to the nort' of the sul4ject site is railroad right - -way, the property to the south of ,mat site is vacant, the property to the east consists of industrial buildi, js. and the property t!) the west coi-pists of industrial buildings. (c) The proposed variance, and related Tent,�Jve Parcel N�?p 11212, corrtenplates the creation of two parcels, after dedications, of 3.96 acrNes and 5.86 acres in size which is .19 acres less than the 5 acre minimuit required by Subarea 9. PLANNING*. COWISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: VA 88-23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. April 26, —9.9 Page 2 (d) The property is bounded on tea north by a railroad right- of-way; therefore, the subject property bore the full burden of dedication for she enti-s right- of-way width for 8th Street as compared to the more normal half- street dedication,. 3. E.-,sad upon the substantial evidence presented to this Coamission daring the above - references public hearing and upon the pecific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I ano 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as feila:,ts: (a) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation wo6,rd resort in practical difficulty or unnresr -ary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectivas of the Development Code. b) That there are exceptional or extraordinanry circimstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. c) That strict or literal interpretatior and enfoianent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties i the same :1istricti. d) That the granting of the .riance will not constitute a grant of special 1"(vilege Inconsistent wit., 'lie 114ftations on other properties dlassified In same district, e) That tie granting of the W$riar:,e will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or impreue its in the vicinity. 4. Based ,.pon the findings and contusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2, and 3 above, this 0-- A ssion herabe approves the applicatio.. S. 7h, secretary to this Comisaion steal? certify to tle adoptitm of this Resolution. -/D %i- n I {1 I 0701.,02 04�2_9 PC Agenda o . of 4 IE E. FAW 11 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: VA 88 -23 - WAGNER INSUL CO. April 26, 1989 Page 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 2CM DAY OF APRIL 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUt;R46WA BY: Larry T. TOM 0afFian ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary 1, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a ,regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of Apr 1, 1989, by the follcwing vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSICNERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ;. STAFF REPORT { 1 DATE: April 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of, the Planning Commission FRONT: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Cynthia S. Kinser, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87 -71 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS - A request to grade and pave approximately acres of and for an existing site within the Minimum Inoact /Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 9), located on the south side of Jersey Boulevard, between Utica and Vincent Avenues - APR: 209 -143 07, 08 & 09. VARIANCE 89 -04 - C ^,3+IERCIAL CARRIERS - A request to reduce e parKin etba4k rom a ee. o feet and toe landscape setback from 35 feet to 8 feet for 12 acres of land in the Minimum Impact /Heavy Industrial District (Subarea 9), located on the south side of Jersey Boulevard:, between Utica and Vincent Avenues - APN: 209 - 143 -07, 08 & 09 1. ABSTRACT: At the City Col ;ncil meeting of February 1, 1989, the ouC"nci I -denied an appeal 0 the Conditions of Approval for Minor Development Review 8? -71. The City Council, however, felt that some relief from the Conditions of Approval was appropriate In reviewing the applicant's appeal, the Council directed the applicant and staff to prepare a reasonabe improvement plan. A modified improvemect plan way prepared and reviewed by the City Council, which would require a aariance. The Council therefore denied the appeal request and directed the applicant to submit a variance request to be heard by the Planning Commission (see Exhibit "A ") . II. BACKGROUND: On November 19, 1987, the applicant filed Minor eve opmen Review 87 -71 requesting to grade and pave approximately 12 acres of land for an existing legal non- conforming 1ot. The applicant proposes to pave the existing site, which is utilized for truck parking and storage. On July 7, 1988, the City Planner reviewed and approved Minor Development Review 87 -71 subject to conditions that would bring the site into conformance with the Development Code and Industrial Specific Plan. ITEMS F & G PLANNING COMMIS -3ION STAFF REPORT ?,MR 87 -71, VA 89 -04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS April 26, 1989 Page 2 On July 18, 1988, the applicant requested that all of the Conditions of Approval be appealed to the Planning Commission. On October 26, 1988, the Planning Commission approved modified Conditions of Approval for Minor Development Review 87 -71; by this action, the appeal request was effectively denied in part. On November 4, 1988, the applicant appaaled the Plannir,,,, Commissions decision to the City Council. III. CIT't COUNCIL ACTION: On - February 1, 1989, the City Council reviewed--j--mo-dTfTe-a7mprovement plan. The proposal was to improve a substantial portion of the frontage, to eliminate one driveway, to relocate and reconstruct another, and to provide a decorative screen wall, with landscaping behind the setback line. The specific proposal is outlined below and on Ex;sibit "B ": 1. Driveway "A" will be removed. 2. Driveway "B" will be relocated . align with the driveway across the street and reconstructed to City standards. 3. All improvements (i.e., landscaping, decorative screen wall', street lights, sidewalk) will be constructed between the west property line and Driveway "B ". Driveways "1" and "2" will be remain in their existing locations. 4. Driveway "2" will be signed "Right Turn Only ". 5. The existing parking between Driveway "B" and Driveway "2" will remain. 6. Behind the parking row, between Driveway "B" and Driveway "1 ", a 5 -foot landscape planter and decorative screen wall 4ill be incorporated. The above improvements would require a variance to reduce the landscape and parking setbacks in order for the parking areas to remain within the setback area east of Driveway "B ". The variance request was submitted on March 17, 1989 (see Exhibit "C "). El PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT MR 87 -71, VA 89 -04 - OMMERCIAL CPARIERS April 26, 1989 Page 3 IV. ANALYSIS: I s proposal would result in the development of full mpri- vements on approximately 40% of the property frontage. ' Tne proposed decorative wai', with landscaping, would screen the storage area from public view along the entire frontage, as required by the Tndistvial Specific Plan. In addition, one problem driveway would he eliminated, and another relocated to a more desirable location. The two easterly driveways an6 the existing parking between them would remain unchanged. The modified proposal, as presented, is consistent with the Council's direction. The proposal would result in significant improvements to a substantial portion of the site, it is assumed that any future e,;Nansion or alterations requiring permits would trigger the requi^ement to bring the rest of the site up to current Development Standards, V. FACTS FOR FINDIMS- The Commission must make all e the following findings in approve this application. 1. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of thr specified regulation would result in practical di: iculty or unnecessary .physical hands ➢tip inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Code. Z. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not comply generally to other pr- operties in tite same district, 3. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 4. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of a s,r^riai privilege inconsistent with the limitations on •Aer properties classified in the sane district. 5. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimtintal to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in �° the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT M)R 87 -71, VA 89 -04 ^,OWERCIAL CARRIERS Ap -i1 26, 1989 Page 4 VI, CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in THe ai Re port newspaper, the property posted, and notices sent to the property owners within 300 feet of the project, VI 1. RECOMMENDATION: r. the Planning Commission can support the Facts for—r: r ngs,. �nen approval, by seperate motions, of Minor velp nt r,view 87 -71 and Variance 89 -04 thrq: -h the adoption o the tr... (red Resolutions of Approvd and Standard Conditions w 1d appropriate. Respec 1 submitted, A F 11 e City lanner !!! e BBVko Attachments, Exhibit "A" - City Council' Minutes, Febm,,. y 1, 1989 Exhibit "B" - Improvement Plan Exhibit "C" - Letter from Applicant Resolution of Approval - MR. 87-71 with Standard Conditions Resolution of Approval - VA 89 -04 A F 11 e city Council Minutes February 1, 1989 Page 6 P. PUBLIC BL"ARIN63 Fl. MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87 Z1. CO! ^ ^;ERAL Ca�RafRS TDtC - An appeal of the conditions cf aiproval for the grading and paving of aprroxiltately 12 acres of land °.or outdoor storage within the Minimum Impact /Repvy Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 9) located on the south side of Jersey Botji *evard between Utica and Vilcent Avenues. Continusd from Jannari 38, 1989. Staff report presented by Brad Buller, City Planner. Councilman Alexander inquired if the Fire District had been involved in this. Brad Buller, City Planner, responded they had not, but staff would run this ily them. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. f RESOLUTION NO. Se -704 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYY OF RANCHO CUCAmonGA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING AN APPEAL or MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 87 -71 LOCATED AT 1080; JERSEY BOULEVARD IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT /HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT AWL THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Wright to deny the appeal for Minor Development 87 -71, and direct s�%aff and applicant to proceed to the Planning Commission for review of the variance. Mayor Stout stated that it should be noted that Council has reviewed this, and although not legally making a finding, there was a general consensus that this compromise was acceptable. Motion carried unanimously, 5 -0. G7. THE BTIWAANDA /SAN SEVAINE AREA MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE REPORT - To approve and adopt the stiwanda /San Sevaira Area Master Plan of Drainage Report. Staff report presented by Walter 5tickney, Associate Civil Engineer. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no public response, the public hearing was closed. exke NP i$ Y CL 7W.'e 4 > 1 �0 s / / / / / �O J �-- ', � T 1-! H z 0 O�2 Qco o w �. r Civil Engineering • Surveying a Structures a Environmental • Planning 17 March 1984 City of Rancho Cucamonga P.C. Box 807 Pancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attentiun: Me. Cynthia Krim er -- Planning Department Re: Variance Request for Minor Rovelopment £evi.ew 87 -71 Dear Ms. Kinser: In conjunction with Minor Developmant Review 87 -71, we respectfully request variances in the following areas: 1. Street Settack Requiresents 2. iaudscapiNt Requirements The justification for these variances is that the many improvements required by the Industrial Specific Plan would not be in line with the type of minor construction proposed, is. that of coating the parking lot. 6dditionally, there will be no change of use or expansicu of facilities. However, after consultation with the Planning Department staff, we have proposed a substantial upgrade of the existing site conditions as outlined in the City Council Staff Roport MDR 87 -71 dated February 1, 1989. These improveaenta will upgrade the site to a ,condition superior to the the present condition. This construction will go a long way toward meeting the intent of the Industrial Specific Plan regsirements, however variances from those requirea.hts are still necessary. For the above reaaonr; we respectfully request that the City consider approving this variance request. Enclosel is the variance fee of $272.00. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, Gabel, Cook do Becklund, Inc. Grant Becklund Civil Engineer Enclosure 7 kG --) 647 North Main Street, Suite 1•B, Riverside, Calif. 42501 Telephone (714} 788.8042 I r LABEL r Civil Engineering • Surveying a Structures a Environmental • Planning 17 March 1984 City of Rancho Cucamonga P.C. Box 807 Pancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attentiun: Me. Cynthia Krim er -- Planning Department Re: Variance Request for Minor Rovelopment £evi.ew 87 -71 Dear Ms. Kinser: In conjunction with Minor Developmant Review 87 -71, we respectfully request variances in the following areas: 1. Street Settack Requiresents 2. iaudscapiNt Requirements The justification for these variances is that the many improvements required by the Industrial Specific Plan would not be in line with the type of minor construction proposed, is. that of coating the parking lot. 6dditionally, there will be no change of use or expansicu of facilities. However, after consultation with the Planning Department staff, we have proposed a substantial upgrade of the existing site conditions as outlined in the City Council Staff Roport MDR 87 -71 dated February 1, 1989. These improveaenta will upgrade the site to a ,condition superior to the the present condition. This construction will go a long way toward meeting the intent of the Industrial Specific Plan regsirements, however variances from those requirea.hts are still necessary. For the above reaaonr; we respectfully request that the City consider approving this variance request. Enclosel is the variance fee of $272.00. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, Gabel, Cook do Becklund, Inc. Grant Becklund Civil Engineer Enclosure 7 kG --) 647 North Main Street, Suite 1•B, Riverside, Calif. 42501 Telephone (714} 788.8042 I RESOLUTION NO. 88 -224A A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING CO"MISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT RE:'IEW NO'. 87-71, A; APPLICATION FOR GRADING AND PAVING APPROXIMATELY 12 ACRES OF LAND FOR TRUCK PARKING AND STORAGE LOCATED AT 10807 JERSEY BOULEVARD IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT /HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN APN: 209- 143 -07, 08 AND 09, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (I) Commercial Carriers has filed an application for the approval of Minor Development Review No. 87.71 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application ".. (ii) On the 26th of October, 1983, the Planning rximmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga approved Resolution No. 88 -224. The appli, subsequently appealed the Conditions of Approval to the City Council. (iii) On February 1, 1989, the City Council denied the appeal request and directed the applicant to submit a Variance request to the Planning Commission. (iv) On the 26th of April, 1989, the P1.inning. Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting an that date. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the, Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows; 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting on April 26, 19E9, including written and oral staff reports, this Comission hereby specifically finds as follows. (a) The application applies to property located at 10807 Jersey Boulevard with a street frontage of 84 feet and lot depth of 673 feet and is presently improved with an office, war,,--house and parking lot; and (b) That Jersey Boulevard is classified as a secondary arterial street. FkG - E) PLANN`NG UMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 88 -224A RE. MDR 87 -71 - - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS April 26, 1989 Page 2 40 1 (c) The property to the north of the subject site is a multi - xinant industrial park, the property to the south of that site consists of a warehouse, the property to the east is vacant, and the property to the west is a warehouse; and (a) The application applies to a site that is currently improved with an office building, warehouse building and parking lot and is considered a legal non - conforming lot; and (e) Municipal Code Section 17.06.020.D authorizes the City Planner to impose ncsondble conditions upon a Minor Development Riaview permit approval, including requirements for landscaping„ stt-9et improvements, regulation of vehicular ingress, egress and traffic circulation, establishment of development schedules or time limits for performance or completion,, and (f) Municipal Code Section 17.06.020.A states that the purpose and in4 yt of the Minor Development Rewiew permit pr%,ess is to assure that such ,imited projects. comply with all applicable City Standards and Ordinances; and (g) That the applicant has submitted a Variance Bequest to reduce the Landscape setback from 35 feet to 8 feet and the parking retbaLk from 25 feet to 8 feet for 452 feet of street frontage, 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission uu ring the above -re fare nced meeting and upon thr specific findings of facts set forth ir, paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; &M (b) That the proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of eze Devetopment Code; and (d) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. PLANNING W',MISSIOA RESOLUTION NO 88 -k24A RE; MDR 87 -71 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS April 26, 1985 Page 3 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the applicatiun subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Division 1) Construct the following improvements along the street frontage: a) Streetscape landscaping at an average 35 -foot setback from curb face for approximately 362 feet from the west property line. This will require removal of existing paved parking areas within the setback areas. b) A five (5) foot landscape Planter shall be installed behind the parking within the setback area for the remainder of the site. c) A decorative screen wall at the back of the streetscape landscaping setback, to screen the storage area from view from the public right - of -wary. Screening shall be masonry, concrete, or other similar material. 2) Due to the removal of existing parking areas for landscaping, new parking areas shall be striped per City Standards. 3) Parking lots shall be planted with 1 tree per 3 parking stalls. 4) Land scrping and irrigatioc plans, including screen wall design, shall be submitted to the Planning Division within 90 days. 5) All improvements required by these Conditions of Approval shall be completed ;;ithin 12 months. Engineering Division 1) The two westerly driveways shall be removed and replaced with curb and gutter. 2) Construct a new driveway to align with the eastern most driveway on the north side of Jersey Boulevard } —) b PLA4NIMG COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, $8 -224A RE: MDR 87+71 - C"URCIAL CARRIERS April 25, 1989' Page 4 v 3) The street improvements listed under Item L3 of the Standard Conditions shall be constructed from the west protect boundary to and including the new driveway. One street light shall be installed east of the new driveway. S. Adoption of this Resolution hereby recinds Planning Commission Resolution No. 88 -224 b. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLA!511 3 COWISSIOH OF TH7 CITY OF HANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. WNW, t rah" rman ATTEST: grad Rul ler, SecreUry 1, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular mreeting of the Planning Commission held on the 25th day of April ..1989, by the following vote -to -bit: AYES: COMMISSIfN*ERS: NOES; COMMIS. TONERS: ABSENT; COMMIS SIGNERS: �E Eqq MYOY`�� "•�� ►NYO ^F.14 ■. ►MY y�y•�CQY NLyyi� z �jy ff N IS u o q "iEj vryo :: -Lot w $ g'& + °ZEg � +C H �a � L «y q N` g 1 P .8- °'- o N C` O oyCO 6A • 6u [1V ACM 9g ;�! 4i f�•yi► h;l i. ►L�. VV Y Y O Cq Vrz A•Y bO i 6p u� _ y,� _$u �Y.SSL _ s- • t3 ^s cLi w w� g r, t« 441— YY uT�. . ` � «b q �► t, 4� N�Y H '� .y'Y wig ` �Y _ruff Wi t= „�3 s► x •�. « "v �� Y. ►� NAY• O« Y �y��V YMY iiiiJJJJ p} g. � Alm «g p � i �LSu rh I Ij —3 u z -;^ �$NSi .'$« — 1 `2- ._I. am �� � i • � Y N _ Yg o N � HIM 232 ca CY 0 0 CL c O .; I W; I r-- 4 1� - " N �3, w � a s " Y Ts ' Owe N i T. 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V 0 tto 11 GG C y pf..l 'OM � M NCy� §� Y I. ��. Big � ^ 6 H^ CM �^ '•� Q C ^L ^ p EiN! e.`Eo Y V y+ Y 4S 5 r $ pti M C.. -...0 i �- L.p. •- O ys L w¢ p. u a�yYe�O 54". yamN` 6v - bY. f L3Y�OI ice Yy 1. 4 Gu Cvyl V■ do oaf _wC��Qri� GC C f.i M y Z •�, pp .: J' O � Y i w�.�ii � L al yA}V �► Q4.O .J L'� b �Y® L L.� /� AN `EMI +� pl ^ A° 8 ILi sn c � igglu PYy 6 - ° YO ERR {i. Nov^ �q 'b n.W tl✓ M� CIc Y' ^ «Oi S:6 �L aj, yM'°�1 yY�e QV.id M4 && i. 4i.g i0 Y1 At w \ \ \WMNL1ti -me 5 N N � .O L «� V Y L C 1 v O V X Y _ L L °o snn� P� C « �� aN if Y ��tt'ppyyy Y� �7 N 6�i W \�) ") L 4 � Y M a i e all � b R J 47 zm i H-- P» »'p `` S! ?LS 6. MS � Y ! i all J�a g _� 22 � tl �g °S.'T »� ° » i 3 M'k ilk _rig al S w o _q qffi a.o q 'lit Lyr �w W L.J 1-9 ,p�y. V 0 tto 11 r t� 1r' L i v a O� �pyo� V ♦Y O G 01 C O fia a,c O W 4^ 5 O 4 W L tl Ya tu�i uYb v� CO 0pQI V � H y� O J LLY Ut�t ~ C i C V o � O �y45 p� �F C S_�yy r � W °u �NoY_ d l O i5 I I I I ra:9 �•� S N a ` c e a Is 2 r aqY��ytl sit N e a y air i SO W Y • O Y r Y �3Z MS »p M e p »`s Yv{� N�V �y � 34 « q� de ■tl� rt ax Y S. I I I I ra:9 �•� S N a ` c al i 0 2 r sit N e a y air i b Y • O Y r Y �3Z MS »p M tl �� 34 « q� flat rt ax t H= rlis a fpp, ye 3P • g N Y r •V O ,OD V KMS •Si ii O ` c e sit N e a y air ; Y �LM » Y �3Z MS »p M tl �� 34 « q� flat rt ax t H= 9a; M wi N I MI 4 p IV.tG, _1I6 I I A t RZSOLUTr:ON NO. A RESOLUTIOM OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCrMOtAIr CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIANCE NO. 89- 04 TO REDUC' THE LAN;SCAPE SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 8 FEET AND REDUCE 'NE -PARKI Z SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 8 FEET FOR 12 ACRES CF LAND `ACATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE Or JERSEY BOULEVARD BETWEEN UTICA AND VINCENT AVENUES IN THE MINIMUM IMPACT /HcAvY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 9) - APN: 209 - 143 -07, r,5 & 09, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. (i) commercial Commerce has filed an application for the issuance of the Variance No. 89 -04 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in t`is Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On April. 26, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of thl- Resolution are true and correct. 2. 9ased upon, substantial evidence presented to this Commission durinc the abot'e- referenced public hearing on April 26, 1989, including writtfin and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 10807 Jew-sey Boulevard with a street frontage of 814 feet and lot Copth of 673 feet and is presently improved with an office, warehouse, and parking lot, and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is multi - teneint industrial park, the property to the south of that site consists of warehouse, the property to the east is vacant, and the property to the west is a warehouse, and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: VARIANCE 89 -04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS April 26, 1989 Page 2 (c) The application applies to a site that is currently improved with an office building, warehouse building and parking lot and is considered a legal non - conforming lot. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraaphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Cone. (b) That there are exceptional or i!xtraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that 6- not apply generally to other properties in the same district. (c) That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. (d) That the granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. (e) That the granting of the %b riance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application. 5. The Secretary to this Cc- nission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26174 DAY OF APRIL, 199D. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry e , unairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary 7 =�C -Z0 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUrIOU NO. RE: VARIANCE 69 -04 - COMMERCIAL CARRIERS Ap-41 26, 1989 P ? I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was du'y and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of ,tpril, 1989, by the following vote --to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: USENT: COMMISSIONERS: NJ . - --- vxt i yr iuruvvnv vvuCilrlVlV.Vti ,r- ry {�.. STAFF REPORT DATE: April 26, 1989 ` TO: Chairman and Meyers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Brett Horner, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 13664 - LEWIS - resent a su v s on and sign Review- o s ng e family lots and 86 condominium units on 12.28 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (6-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Terra. Vista Plar, ,vfinunity, located on the northeast corner of Haven Avenue at Church Street - APN: 1077 - 091 -015. 1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action� Rye _nested• Approval of the subdivision map and ance of Negative Declaration; approval of the conceptual plot plan, grading plan, ;tndscape plan, and building elevations for the condominium,u�iits only. B. Project Density: 12.19 dwellinil units per net acre. C. Surrwnding Land Use and Zoning: North = Single family omes; ow- Medium Density Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). South - Deer Creek Flood Control Channel. East - Deer Creek Flood Control Channel aed single family homes; Low - Medium Density Presidential (4 -8 dwelling units per acre) and Wdium Density Residential (8 -14 dwelling units per acre). West - Single family homes; Low Density Residential (2-r dwelling units per acre) . D. General Plan Designations: Project —Re u�i m Deng7ity Residential. North - Medium Density Residential. South - Flood 'Control/Utility Corridor. East - Flood Control /Utility Corridor and N3edium Density Residential. West - Low Density Residential. 1TEM N PULUNING COKUSSION STAFF REPORT RE: TT 19664 - LEWIS HOMES April 26, 1989 Page 2 E E. Site Characteristics: 7be site is presently vacant with no significant vegetation. The site slopes approximately 2 -30% from north to south. I1. ANALYSIS: A. General: Levi, .?bvgs praposes to develop the site with two pro uc ypes; zero lot line single family homes and 2 and 3 bedroom attached condominiums. The condominiums and single family lots are separated by a six -foot block wall. At this time, the appw cant is seeking approval of the site plan, tentative tree . - "map, and condominium units only. The portion of the st,** proposed for development at this time includes 90 condam�nimm_ units and a recreation facility consisting of a po0,, a;pa, tot lot, and recreation Lsllding. The 24 single famil3',rnitt will be submitted for Design Review approval at a later'd&te. n;e project's circulation system consists of new public streets to serve the proposed single family Units, and private drive aisles to serve the condominium units. Fhergency access will be provided on the condominium portion of the site to provide secondary access for the Foothill Fire District. B. Design Review Comc'nittee: The Design Review Committee (Blakesley, rou l rev ewed the proposal on August 4, 1988, February 16, 1989 (Emerick, McNiel, K-iutil) and again on March 16, 1989 (Bl akesl eat', Emeri ck, i_ outi l) and recommended approval subject to the following conditions: 1. The sound ai~tenuation wail (patio wall) should be 6 feet high from building pad elevation, The 8- foot high wall required by the acoustical study should be achieved by beaming up to the wail 1 -3 feet from the street el.evati�3n. 2. A color should be used with the special paving. 3. The gable element on the left elevation should be enhanced with final plans to be reviewed by the Planning Division. 4. The patio wail at the southeast corner of Building 12 (by Church Street) shall be cropped to allow more landscaping between the project and the public sidewalk. .J PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: TT 13564 - LEWIS NOMES April 25, 1985 Page 3 S. The planters outside the garages should measure a minimum of 3 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 4 inches (outside dimension). A raised curb should be provided. C. Technical Review Committees The Coirmittee reviewed the preject and defeffllned a w th ,Tale recommended conditions of approval, the project is corts�stent with all applicable standards and ordinances. D. Environmental Assessment. part 19f the Initial Study has een completed by e app icant. Part 11 of the Environmental Checklist, completed by staff, found that although the project may have a significant effect on the environment, there will rot be a significant ef.�ect in this case because the mitigation treasures identified in the Initial Study have been added to the project approval. The project Is subject to significant noise imparts along Haven Avenue and Church 'Street. A preliminary •scoustical study has been prepared which identifies mitigation Treasures (sound barrier walls) needed to bring the site into conformance with City noise standards. A final acoustical report will be submitted (see Condition go. 6) to identify precise measures which must be incorporated into the final project design. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is consistent with the Terra Vi"sa"s 71ahne unity and the General Plan. The project will not be detrime;;tal to adjacent properties or cause significant environmental impacts. In addition, the proposed use is in compliance w,th the applicable provisions of the Terra Vesta Community Plan, tie Development Code and City Standards. IV. CORRESPOMEfItE: '}iris item has been advertised in The Daily Report newspaper r as Y public hearing. The property has Peen posted and notices were sent to el property owners within 300 feet of thti project site. V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning COM. scion approve Tn`f�iive Tract 13664, subject to the conditions of approval, through adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration. E� PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: TT 13554 - LEWIS HOMES April 26, 1989 Page a Res idly sub ted, B er City Planner BR :SH:ko Attachrt�nts: Exhibit "d "_ Locet�fio Exh {bit "8" - Subdivision Exhibit ' °C" -Site Arta Exhibit "D" - Land��ap Exhibit "E" - Building Resolution of Approval Resolution of Approval Conditions 0 0 �A n Map Sion Map Plan e Plan Elevations with Conditions for Design Review with of Approval Conditions 0 0 �A ic _ h` ���; �- ."Y'? _ 'a 'f rte-. `"?a'7U F � •f`'•.\ =l ;:' \\ N �ll� c Z, ZY Op 0 4 •4 NORTH 11 i OF ITEIA: T? 1 664 RANCHO CU+CA ON A TITLE: LOCAMON MAP PLAN N-'NG DIVISION`" EXHIBIT: A scAa.: -non CITY OF TWiTATIVE TRACE NO- *w-ff4 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION #--4p ITETA-. JT -13664___� TITLE-,.-SU - 801*v;eioN MAP EXHIBIT*-- a SICALE: none r. L-1 11 0 irl lu ` � Y "' ��1��'._ \..�• .if• .tea hv�? . -.. -.- a AN s� p+� fee:° �Q yJy��s. rat j; NORTH ('14W TY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA rITLE: SITE PLAN P NNINI DIVISION °7 EXHIBIT:__._,,, s o-n CITY O RANCHO a PLANNING DIVISION El NORTH ITEM: TT 13664 TITLE: , P LAN EXHIBIT: SCALE: n®_._ �. F1 as d5 & 3 A d7 r9'Jf 1943 A m ABab -a!iva CITY C i ITEM: TT 13664 RANCHO C UCAMO GA TITLE:,EaDM ELEVkTlcros PLANNING DIVISION /0 EXHIBIT.- P.ESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TENTATIVE TIACT MAP NO. 13664, FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF 24 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND 4 LOTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 86 CONDOMINIUM UNITS, LOCATED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA CObMUNITY PLAN DISTRICT, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENJE AND CHURCH STREET IN THE MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT G-14 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), AND MAY.,% FINDINGS UI SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1077- 091 -16. A. Recitals. (i) Lewis Homes has filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 13664 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Rip request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On thi 26th of April, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing an that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This-Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing on April 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with puhli: testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at the northeast corner of Haven Avenue and Church Street with a street frontage of ±1,133 feet and is.presently vacant; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is single family homes, the property to the south of that sit(i consists of Beer Creek. Mlood Control Channel, the property to the east is single family homes and Deer Creek Channel, and the property to the west is single family homes. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: TT 13664 - LEWIS MMES April 26, 1989 Page 2 L (a) That tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan; Development Coda, and specific plans; and (b) - The design or improvements of zhe tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and Terra Vista Community Plan; and proposed; and (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development (d) The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmenVil damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; and (e) The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems; and (f) 'The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the pehl?c at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property wig` the proposed subdivision. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5 -Based upor the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 7. and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, Special Conditions 1) A master plan for the landscaping of the median islands within Church Street from Haven Avenue to Rochester Avenue a >all be completed by the developer and approved by t;,e City prior to submittal of the improvement plans to the City for review. 2) Landscaping !.,hall be provided and a separate landscape and irrigation plan per City standards shall be provided, subject to approval of the City Engineer for tha following areas: a) Triangular property located at the southea,.t corner of Haven and Church; and b) Area within the Deer Creek Charnel right -of -way at Church Street; and 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0, RE: TT K364 - LEWIS HOMES April 26, 1989 Page 3 E-1 c) Median island on Church Street from Haven Avenue to the first street to the east; and d) Parkway area adjacent to Lots T and 24 on HaOAn Avenue. 3) The developer shall submit two final maps to separate the single family development from the condominium development. 4) A right -turn lane shall be constructed from the bus bay northerly to the entrance of the condominium development. The curb return shall be reconstructed at the intersection of Church and Haven Avenue in order to keep traffic, turning right from Church Street, out of the bus bay. Any required modification to the existing traffic signal shall be i the responsibility of the developer. 5) The following perimeter landscaped areas are required to be annexed into the landscape maintenance district: a) Church Street median island, and b) Triangular property at the southeast corner of Church and Haven; and c Deer Creek Channel right -of -way; and d) Parkway area adjacent to Lots land 24 on Haven Avenue. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify I4 the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED MD ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: iCarr,� T. RcAi'e l , Chairman ATTEST: read- ul er, Secretary c� /H/3 PLANNING CCMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: TT 1.3664 - LEWIS HOMES April 26, 1989 Page 4 I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Cormission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Comma =s'on held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSEn : COMMISSIONERS: :11-3 11 1:3 ..- , w M �i V OoC E 0 E" /YgUruiG 8Y °anT$y.:es73° Y`"Y9� x� y �'r Y •� 9 � !i � q w L q U q Ly � � Y� � i L O Y� 5� 4 r� .O. tl N N C�� L 9 • G� O. V. .. � Y. 7 9`� Y nv3 eia «yy kek' �f• E °r ' a� .gib Cg b '30yo."iu,�u` Y _qs yss TT� "Nifil l_ afMty . y inpA3if9 ig�"•Y x�¢S�N Utz 04 �`'�.c�'� + ° ^V� s��"y� NN'rg' �* � c arS Y is•- Of ..o3`e• � 9 Half UM 11 J. Is 1,31 ar 11111 V N /R a• ;A x 3 �I u�$ I ( S ..1 � Y 9 M �z ICA kh Hill a i M r • N '0 �i Z iii :3 Cp� 0 CL �a c O ex attbiv. : f ZipY Y" lab —C it et �� S' r ,2Yw� ^ :; ° „�teN�1 2,+ YN� ISIS �Y CCyy_ Ns” _ Ey, yr 79 �{ + C �CN �A�'y' `• "Oi �r E3�e ��« ��y+ �« qtly, �. g�iY (�� tv- � W ^p�«N� .l.J. M���.��•� S NeqY Ys �!N .e., C O��. -q cyp�uM ��:{[ • 2 J- 35 3«i. it HATL XI I N a I •I WI ISM 2 u =aS 7i Lfii * a! � e" x " « a }1 _ _ ii Y -gar' 's is ? 3"3$� Y = "S s" ..a rVA » �- 1 a s s a—us —11 lot ik«NwMIJ z -fail lauz ®� s!i 3� HIM Ii`Y� QTY �, yvs �w y�L' as 34 Kids♦ �N �i.MO. w� w +� ii d�IM ��Ii ygygyg ^a i "LO Y a w� a, � r K 6 [ //O I i CY O co 9 O A 0 El 2cO�agi oa o o' �o uvY+y3$1a., .°.M$ �•.�q, ° :.�5 'e� � Y; p@ .w. °Y • iYYpp •Y aI N. 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A to a a YY w U; 13 a9 wa v s a St i Ins a �f I t 2 g x �- ao �uf u L oa °' N L • w. M O °• � `per _a r v v: t bV u C L V OS + 3 �p c V Y wi V i r V Y_N o i M Y b O L • Y � rW ®YY V` a dad;_ u•� f b s b A 3 q Y R +. p .1p If q Ys � ��Yrr mq� G q v rIC W �Y r r s 1114 Y� 3 < bg:-" y v S I I r big r V Y Ya p V J i 0 A L r 6 LA S �pp M a pa4 ilia �w e b p r} y 6Y q`O V w 9 p q Q M C), co 0 T. �r `o r big oil ysip Ya p V J i 0 A L r 6 LA S �pp M ` pa4 ilia e r} y r q`O V w �cl �•.J i614 �N� T. 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF IHE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DESIGN REVIEW FOR A PORTION OF TRACT NO. 1,664, FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 86 CONDOMINIUM UNITS ON 4 LO';S TOTAYING 6.28 ACRES OF LAND, LOCATED WITHIN THE TERRA VISTA COCMhiaJNITY PLAN DISTRICT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HAVEN AVENUE AND CHURCH STREET IN THE MEDIUM DENSI'rt RESIDRITIP. DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THErteOF - PA: 1077- 091 -15 A. Recitals. (i; Lewis Homes has filed an application for the Design Review of a portion of Trait No. 13664 as d-�scribed in the title of this Resolution. li reinafter, the subject Resign Review request is rtaferred to as "the application ". (ii) On April 26, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonnt held a^ meeting to consider the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOti, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho rucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifics ly finds that all of the facts C set forth in the Recitals,, Part A, of this Resc lutiort are tr °,e and correct. Eased upon - substantial evidence )resented to this Commission during the abr- - eferpv- d meeting on April ':a, 198% including written and oral staff re,.— cs, they 64mmission hereby sT1-cificelly finds as follows: I. That the proposed projLct is consistent with the objectives of the General Flan; and 2. That the proposed desir- is in accord with tln objectives of the Development Code and the purposes .,f the district in which the site is located; and 3. That the pro posed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Cede and Terra Vista Community Plan; and 4. That the proposed desic:a, together with the conditions applica',le t[.3reto, wil1 not be detrimental to the pubr`; hearth, safety, or yi welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. LZ- PLANNING COPMISSION MOLUT ON Nu^. RE: TR 13664 DESIGN REVIEW - LEWIS ii 4CS April 26, 1M Page 2 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and ,very condition set forth b41ow and in the attached Staneard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Design Revipw 1) The rear yard fencing separating the condominiums shall consist of stucco walls. 2) patio walls and/or any walls designed fcr sound attenuation purposes shalt be designed in accordance with the final acoustical study. Said walls shall be limited to 6 feet in fieight from pad elevation with berming up to the wall from the Haven avenue street grade if additional height is goeded. 3) The special -,raving used throughout the site shall consist of a c0ored material. 4) planters outside garages shall meaFOre a minimum of 3 feet 4 inches b 4 feet 4 inches (outside dimension) and shall be planted with a cols- nar shrd) and ground cover. A raised curb shall be provided. 6) . The patio wall at the southeast corner of Building 12 shall be cropped to allow more landscaping between the wall and the Church Street sidewalk. 6) A final acoustical report shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review. prior to issuance rf building permits. Th;_ mitigation rmasures identified in the- report shall be incorporated into the final building and site plans to the satisfaction of the City Planner and Building Official. 7) The wall design along both haven Avenue and Church Street shall be consistent with the existing walls al 19 those streets. The final plans shalll be submitted for review and approval by the City Planner prior to the issuance of building permits. 8) All retaining wails risible to the genera,-'public shall be constructed of a decorative material, such as stucco, to the satisfaction of the City Planner. El i1! e>-3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 140. RE: TR 13664 OESIGN REVIEW - LEWIS HOMES April 26, 1989 Page 3 9) The applicant shall submit for Development /Design Review prior to development of the units on the 24 single family lots.. The units on Lots 1 and 24 shall meet all :,.aback requirements from the ultimate Haven Avenue curb face. 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOFTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCR( A BY: Larry T. KNIel, a rm-n ATTEST: ° Brad "1jul er, 3Rre5ary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning. Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMtMISSIONERS: ABSENT: C0M iISS;QNERS: M H O x V W R E Y tl CwM 4® ct$ ■� LLy. ■�Ld' V Y wC. ` ��� Y ■ Y 00 z SS Y 1,g .3 :,f'N +Y g� HIE! a�� `oY i■N �Yi.G4G� Y���Y V�s 9 y YL Yp �. Y V �. y ' yyy yy< V L§.YVY 'i91 rS'g4. -� � 3i nit 'Pos' i E o °a �'t ` Is-. 1yN Y✓ M1gY uM ♦YM ^N a >°M i1grENyig' Il ra °' p Nw a° V I i tj Half 311 Ell, % N 1 ti i t 12-7-bb N sz — �� 31 TL i ! : sS1 Sit Va r■ � � � • � 9� � N � N i V � U� M d O pp q � SS" y L p` $ q..� �ia sw$fB,�J. oYS�o{yN.�q v$�� p� ,� GtYJ�$ �] ~�N~ OsO:. bU.tl C1 ULd Y.H ^� `M.i 2 gY �. 4• YS `r •.. TY ±t`s wp NN Mrs !4S NO ��O00M •�n a1.� ^~ ` «ysaO S.~.: ~ vCw tlQM.M yY�wrl vY� G w' LLB V� ■�~ y�� Y Y'ye v ^ ®• 0 n= y Y r W co ^"t a A�!TybSeYE In ^�F;Y �gp� °N vuse�4'�..e�L L'e{ °}oyY�M :�L � •��A • UU 1 { Y..� y L {� �a ■�~~� 7 N sVI ��Y y� E ��� y Y �aQ�� `r� • ( VaMMO N M'�AtrNi �'b.Ow$ ~M6 POM ;�.ye a� ��'g> ' x '_d N +"y_ oaayar yaa. 3 »Eli% Sod =! 41 qcA a g y ? N.w° yy�. � '; �ee iii ' s ■I 1, ay R so o I.6Y 00. 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C C.SO�rj yyYyy_ N 1�M pRpv A�Z�Vpp ^e� N,"b„ iA0 ■ �rW NC Nv� eVSS U�O~OC ' «0 3= 7r r i i« ^ CV V f) Ma`s fL «� p Y E a�' tls= �O� L^ �� {, Og• ^� !« rLIym "NCOFV VK ✓�. `1rh i� C61 L� WY MZ Lid at YV Ka• R� V YY �I pl xl -I o -si �' % �I 31 $A « V w O V pL y O r ■ a « Y :s icy «�ygK s Tj M c 5� �L 2 � « rA b i All <* ,1 I 31<I J 'Bur .0 �r u — Y Fi 1 Egg —1 '� _ N dis fyy ! r O LY L fill"; 6 GW 4'1 7i w W .�J t1T C± 0 CL Y� 11 �j El U ` Vim^ «_• r �. g■ y � N =. 'v An! VL Z � 3 pp Y i Y `irQ 1� Y Sig 1 V y Yr+ �iV : 1. •Li ..t 26 OV Lt^ a alp `W IS r � Q fT !3 13 C, O a_ _o v ! PA Y3i haw i'� s V 4 G O q 6 V (.i. wyr p C y Vi y4 ^yam c N AL .ii Oy� yy� Y� a M V $ W C 9 Y slq i s Y2 CY .1F i0 PAS b 1� U ` Vim^ «_• r �. g■ y � N =. 'v An! VL Z � 3 pp Y i Y `irQ 1� Y Sig 1 V y Yr+ �iV : 1. •Li ..t 26 OV Lt^ a alp `W IS r � Q fT !3 13 C, O a_ I Y3i haw i'� Sig g 3$L u � .ii Oy� yy� Y� a M V $ C Y slq i s Y2 ��� PAS ae L Am= m H 41 I A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAr4ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: April 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning t,,mnission FROM: Ba—ye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Betty Miller, Asses-,ant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 11286 - LEWIS Subaivision of acres of an nto pparels nerra Vista Planned Community, located on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Church Street (APN 227 - 151 -13, 14) I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION A. Action Requested: Apppoval on R of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map as snows tniui� �� B B. Parcel Size: Parcel 1 0.28 Acres Parcel 2 6.96 Acres Parcel 3 4.76 Acres TOTAL 1=. Acres C. Existing Zoning: Park . D. Surrounding Land Use: North - Vacant South Vacant East - Vacant West - Vacant E. Surnanding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North - Medium High South - Recreational Commercial East,. - Me-Alum West - Medi im High F. Site Characteristics: The site is -acant and slopes to the south at 2.5 percent. ITEM I PLANN14G COMMISSION STAFF REPORT PM 11206 - LEWIS OEVLLOPMENT COMPANY APRIL 26, 1989 PAGE I II. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this parcel map is to create inree parcels: one for the YMCA site (CUP 88 -42 on tonight's agenda), one for the extension of the East Greenway Corridor east of the pedestrian underpass at Milliken Avenue, and one for the City park site (Ezrhibit C). The line between parcels 2 and 3 will be located: a) Along the south Pdge of the meandering sidewalk, b) Along the north edge of the main drive aisle into the YMCA parking lot, and c) To include the joint use portion of the driveway on the park site. Development cannot occur on these parcels until the applicatle portions of the Terra Vista Master Plan street and storm drainage systems have been constructed by Lewis Development Company. These include the completion of Milliken 4venue between Foothill Boulevard and Base Line Road and installation of storm drains from Deer Creek Channel ;,o the project site, including the retention basin on the northwest cc ner of Church Street and Elm Avenuc,. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REEVIEW: The aplicant completed Part I of the Initial Study a con ucted a Ti.el.o investigation and complete-' Part II of the Initial Study. No adverse i. ,lacts upon the environment arE anticipated as a result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate. IV. CORRESPONDED- Notices of Public Hearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planni6- Commission consider all input an elements of the Tentative Parcol Map 11286. If after such consideration, the CowAission can recommend approval, then the adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would' be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BM:sjm Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit "An) Tentative Map (Exhibit "B ") Site Master Plan (Erhihit "C ") Resolution and Recom;nended Conditions of Approval CJ El Crry OF AANC-HO CUC,A.MONGA N OA &C.EL MAP 112, R 7n=- '+III'ITY MAP � , i. —•,�. .ice., �`/" VJ•" �i a � i_"—� =�i� �"�w'j J'�`. 1'� ( f Jr�f �y ~? � `'� VA L CIA UR.r t-1 CrrY OF RANCHO CUC (lNGA M.Qff i yam.. L�,..r it f * � r �•' Y - . --�.�� V , � n,■:��' RCEL 2..�- JF X,- loco CM OF mss; e � •�., .� � �.` �����` ■�� - � `� � � II. • JNCHO +CFJ'C %.,<} VW,: -SITg Ma.g PEA it It 'i _ r] El RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLA�MING COMMISSIOM OF THE CITY OF RMIMAD CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONA? LY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 11286 LOCATED Oil THE EAST SIDE OF MILLIKEN AVENUE, NORTH OF CHURCH STREET,AND MAILING FINDINGS EN SUPPORT THEREOF - APH 227- 151 -13, 14 WHEREAS, Parcel Map Number 112d6, sub,,.itted by Lewis Development Company, applicwn , for the purpose of $abdividing into 3 parcels, the real property situated 1n the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of Califr.roia, identified as APH(s) 2:7- 151 -13, 14, located on the east side of Milli!.en Avenue, north of C,urch Street; and WHMF,AS, co April. 28, 1989, the Planning Comm,ssion neld a duly adve:tised public hearing -.or the above - described map. FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, 'DIE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FL,AR NG COK41SSION RESOLVED AS S� LTION 1: Tha`. *he fdlloigf -g findings have been made: 1. T;�at the, map is consistent with the Generdl Plan. 2. That the i,)proveinent of the proposed subdivision is consistent rtto the General Plan. 3. That the site physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision- -and improvements will not.cause substantial environmental damage, public . health problems or have adverse af.ects on abetting property. SECTION 2: Ibis Comission Ends and certifies ghat the project has oeen reviewed " and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality AcL of 1976 and, further, this r�prission hereby issues a Negative Decl,iration. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel Map Yo, 11286 is hereby approved subject attachid Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: 1. Constru,:t ;Niliiken Avenue full width from Base Line Road to Foothill Boulevard, including a landscaped w--dian and the traffic signal at the Milliken /Foothill intersection. Parkaray improvements beyond thL project boundaries may be deferred until development of the aOjacent property. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION PM 11286 - L"ewls DEVELOPMENT CO ARIL 26, 1989 PAGE 2 1i ?. Nnrthbound right turn deceleration lanes shall be constructed south of both project driveways. The lanes shall be 230 feet long (including 90 feet of taper) and 11 feet wide. 3. The parkway and median island landscaping on Milliken Avenue Shall conform to the results of the City's beautificatirq study for Milliken Avenue, I A, Tate parcel line separating the City Park (parcel 2) and YtiCA (Parcel 3) sites shall be as follows: a) Along the south edge of the meandering sidewalk between the two, b) Along the north edge of the main drive aisle into the YMCA I parking lot, and l c) Including the entire joint use portion of the driveway on the park site. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL 19x19. I PLAWQZNG COMMISSION OF TOC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: %arrv'i Mc el; 'pia rman ATTEST: I, Brad ,Buller, Secretary oV the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do f;ereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Was duly and j regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of tie City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Com. tsion held an the 26th day of Agril, 1389, by the following vote -to -wit: i AYES: P,%7iISF11NERS: I NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: e J7-7 3 E °Y iZ rA s Z � N P Original Poor Quality �� �VL y� Yy •ei YOt Ov b R"•� LYE a° „_ o� Bo� M 9a PC m ■ + Y e °.. 4.. $ �W. r Y N ♦ s,, =y Y .+ g Y l 1 1.J Eli q I � it w r ! wm A 21 i w v i 0 6 .m K re ��qp o yy y ► _ IfIT Y is 4 s • US xts _!P Vii! �.. YY abe4 �� Myo set =ac' iqy.yss1� Hal R ice§ ° ffi �� � r• llf W w:' � 9c O ° Tit b N PC S° i q w "-1 r ! wm A 21 i w v i 0 6 .m K re ��qp o yy v Y is 4 s • Tit V's i "-1 ! wm A — w v i 0 6 .m K I �O 662 Y x 1 w3 w V L u W Ay� Mw �Iw O .Y n Lt � rr o �z pvpZ YOpa °u s y« WIT t Ly tau rr t n'.X +LV.cY N4C jj C~C `OYi CpYy O w V O �P1i4 r rirJ A M E= � ba« q �1T GGG q N L: �r � r Lw �� 7 m ua � 4 1 MA •Y z Star. +.4. .L �tia c M c b 6• 2TL O is eo a 0 i C k. ei L r � u UY L aLa C �✓ ; y Y > q L 4.. Q O �� � y qo� W qg yQs' R { C a a w j� . Yy �c q C �i N L c44c 9 � L 4 w M a °y# zo 03h gWe T li 4 O O C p t M 0 Ob.N CryCp 4 C 4� C 4 �� O �• g Q ww,t Y O G i w t L Z 'tV L O� O�.«i. CMn gab Qi G V Z yqA y y Q a N 4 rap ++« He coo ar` O. i i Y b •� CCV Lyy � ti.N as i� �w p r °o.Ly a V N +bd.l 1 w3 w V L u W Ay� Mw �Iw O .Y n Lt � rr o �z pvpZ YOpa °u s y« WIT t Ly tau rr t n'.X +LV.cY N4C jj C~C `OYi CpYy O w V O �P1i4 r rirJ A M E= � ba« q �1T GGG q N L: �r � r Lw �� 7 m ua � 4 1 MA •Y z Star. +.4. .L �tia c M c b 6• 2TL O is a 0 V L H C k. L r � u UY L aLa > a N og .r dy o o qo� W qg yQs' R { C a a w � cpi ry Yy �c q C N K N L c44c 9 � L 4 w dW y 1 Ts E CryCp 4 C 4� C 4 �� O �• g Q ww,t Y O G i w t L Z Qi G 1 w3 w V L u W Ay� Mw �Iw O .Y n Lt � rr o �z pvpZ YOpa °u s y« WIT t Ly tau rr t n'.X +LV.cY N4C jj C~C `OYi CpYy O w V O �P1i4 r rirJ A M E= � ba« q �1T GGG q N L: �r � r Lw �� 7 m ua � 4 1 MA •Y z Star. +.4. .L �tia c M c b 6• 2TL O is a 0 V L H C k. L r C a yN ai C uy Yy �c N K N L 1wr i L Y Q 12, 1 Ell, L� DATE : TO: FROM.: BY: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA cL��oN STAFF REPORT N° Z, I Ix April 26, 1989 °' --� 1977 Chairman and Member` of the Plannin Coma ssion. Brad Buller, City Planner Brett Harter, assistant Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE$IMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88 -42 =" A request`o devel op a a, . square toot YMCA facility on 4.83 acres of la►ld within thL Recreationali Comiercial District of tha Terra Vista Plann.d Community, 'acated on the east side of Milliken Avenue, north of Church Street - APN: 227 - 151 -I3. I. PROJECT AID SITE DESCRIPT70M: A. Action Requested: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit and issuance or a . gative Declaration, approval of the conceptual site plan, grading plan, landscape plan, and - building elevaticA;;. B. Surrounding land Use and Zonin rte= 'can ;`i;' propose par site; Recreational C^mrercial South - Vacant; Park East - - tcLnt; Medium-Hiah Density Residential (14 -24 dwelling units per acre) West - ApartmeWes under constructsin; Medium -High Density Residential (14 -24 dwelling units per acre) C. General Plan Designations: Fro ec i� = "R,eai'L- ens ty Residential North - Medium Density Residential South - tedium Density Residential East ,- Medium Density Residentia` Kest - Medium Density Residential D. Site Characteristicst The site is presently vacant with no significant veae a . The s'te slopes approximately 2 per cent from north to south. ITEM J PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88 -42 - PITASSI DALm April 26, 1989 Page 2 II. E. Parking Calculations: Number of Humber of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footag-; Ratio Required Provided YMCA Facility 45,150 1/250 181 181 NOTE: The number of parking spaces required was determined by a use determination which was heard by the Commission on September 14, 1988. ANALYSIS• A. General: The West End 'YMCA proposed to construct a 45,150 square Toot building which will include a gymnasium, weight training room, aerobics room, racquetball courts, a natatorium (indoor swimming pool), a multi - purpose room, men's and women's locker rooms, and a child care carter.. The building has been designed to harmonize with t1)e primarily residential area in which it is located. The dominant Aft architectural materials include plaster building faces, mission clay the roofing, and extensive use of columns and ceramic tile a .*cents. All of these materials and features are prevalent in the Terra Vista Manned Community, as well as in many other parts of the City. B. Issues:` Several land use changes are being proposed in con ul>Rion with the development of Ws project. Essentially, the Recreational Commercial ano Park site desikgnations will be switched. A park has been approved for the site directly north of the site. In addition, a Recreational Commercial land use is proposed directly souWo of the YMCA site, which may include retail commorciAl uses. W­'. of these peoposals necessitate land use rev ;stops to the Terra Vista Community Plan, Condition 2 of the Resolution of Approval requires that a Terra Vista Community Plan. Ameadment be submitted for Planning Commission approval prior to issuance of building permit.. C. D_e_sign Review Committee: The Committee (Chitiea, Tolstoy, o"rE we3'the proposed prr ject on February 16, 1989 and again on March 30, 1989 and recommended approval subject to the foliowinC, condition. 1. A painted metal coping trim should be utilized to cap the top cf the parapet om the cg m,nasimr..facades. r] PLANNING CO3MSSIOK STAFF REPORT CUP 88 -42 - PITASSI Q *,LMAU April 26, 1989 Page 3 0. Technical Review CorrAittee. The Committee reyi�wed the PNI n4_erm ne a w th the recommended conditions of approval, the project is consistent with all applicW e standards and ordinances. E. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has een comp e e y s- app icant. Part II of the Environmental Checklist, completed by staff, found no significant impacts on the onvironncent as a result If tnis project. III. FACTS FOR F!NDIMS: The project, as conditioned, is consistent w, _ prra s a Pianoid Community and the General Plan. The project will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant environmertal impacts. In addition, the proposed use is in compliance with the applicable provision-,k of the Terra vista Community Plan, the Development Code and City Standards. IY. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Daily Report newspaper as a public hearing. The property has" -been pose an notices were s,nt -to all property owners within 300 feE� of the project alte. V. RECOWERDATION. Staff reconnends that the Plann —, COMission approve on Use Permit 88 -42, subject to the conditions of approval, through adoption of the attacced Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration. A fully itt d, annar BB!BH:mlg Attachments: LKhi bi t "A" - Location Map Exhibit "B" - site Plan Fxhibit "C" - Grading Plan Exhibit "D" - LanJsvG e Ran Exhibit "E" - 8ulldfn: Elevations Resolution of Approval with Conditions T-13 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLAN-1NIN DIVISION 11 NORTH ITEM: CUP 88.42 TITLE: N MAP EXHIBIT :...A SC.,� E none E Original Poor Qsaali #y FV MAN a NORTH ITEM: CUP 88 -42 TITLE: -11 TE PLAm EXPIBIT..L_ SCALE: none fill- ji T:ITI orig'r'al POO" Quality CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ,T--(o Jt 11 El r-n-MOM U9)xj1V--*M ITEM: CUP 83.42 TITLZ: Y.2RAQ WQ PLAN EXHIBIT:, .C, 9CAM.Rea- r !� r1 'rr - it, Or'ez:7+na! door Quality i r OF NCH UCAMONG PL ANN. s REVISION . J7!.:-? NORTH ITEM CUP ga -�� TITLE: MN-U���jLAN_ E FIIBZ' 'o aC+ALE:. 0nv ,"0701-02 o4-26-89 PC Agenda 3� of 4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 88 -42 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 45.150 SQUARE FOOT YMCA FACILITY LOCATED ON 4.83 ACRES OF LAND WI i4IN THE RECREATIONAL COMMERCIAL. DISTRICT OF THE TERRA VISTA PLANNED COMMUNITY ON THE EAST SIDE OF MILLIKEN, NORTH OF CHURCH STREET, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT, THEREOF - APN: 227- 151 -13. A. Recitals. (i) West End YMCA has filed an application for the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit Flo. 88 -42 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On the 26th of April, 191x, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearting nn that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THERE:ORE, it is hereby found, dete ?Ined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cuc,�mong& as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically !-,*Ws that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are ttae and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Com ission during the above- refemnced public hearing on April 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies, to property local, :,d on the east side of Milliken Avenue, approximately 649 feet north of Church Street with a street frontage of 1465 feet and lot depth of ±535 feet and is presently vacant; and (b) The vacant property to the north of the subject site is a future park and community trail, the property to the south of that site is vacant, the vacant property to the east is vacant and zoned for multi - family residetri :ial, and the vacant property to the west is an apartment complex under construction. 3. Based upon the substantial Pvidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing %end upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: 3--q PLANNING C11MKISS:ON RESOLUTION NO. CUB' 88-42 - PITASSI Dam Aprii 26, 1989 Page 2 E (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, Terra Vista Community Plan, and the puoposes of the district in which the s`'te is located„ (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to prriperties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code and the Terra Vista Comity Plan. A. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has h-en reviewed and considered in wmliance with the California Et-tvironmmntal Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 atove, this Comm.issidn hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions attached hereto and imoruoi3ted herein by this reference. Planning Division 1. A painted metal coping trim shall be utilized to cap the top of the parapet on the gymnasium ,acades. 2. This approval is granted subject to the approval of a land use amendment to thc- 'Terra Vista Community Plan. A Terra Vista Community Plan amendment shall be submitted and approved by the City Planning Commission and City Council prior to is!;uarce of building permits. The Amendment shall revise the land uses in the area around the YMCA facility. 3. A minimum of 181 parking spaces shall be provided on site. At least one (1) additional parking space shall be provided on the final plans. Engineering Division 1. Construct Milliken Avenue full width from Base Line Road to Foothill 8culevard, including a landscaped median and Lhe traffic signal at the Milliken /Foothill inter section. lu PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 88 -42 - PITASST DALMAU April 23, 1989 Page 3 Parkway improvements beyond the project boundaries may be deferred until dp 2lopment of the adjacent property. 2. Northbound right turn decelerati.n lanes shall be constructed south of both project driveways. The lanes shall be 230 feet long (including 90 feet of taper) and 11 feet wide. 3. The parkway and median island landscaping on Milliken avenue shall conform to the results of the City's beautification study for Milliken Avenue. 4.. Construct the following Master Plan Storm Drain facilities: a. Line 1 from Deer Creek Channel to ldflliken Avenue, b. Line 5 -1 within Riliiken Avenue_ and c. The retention basin in La Miss, Park, located at the northwest corner of Church Street and Elm Avenue. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. WRIel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, -Seffi-iflry I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoin Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote -td -wit: 'f( PLANN "16 COt 'SSISI 6ASOLU ION N0. CUP Sts-42 - PI APri 1 . Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSTO%!SRS* E N 0 Z uj w 3 PA IE QQ$$" mYO 5.4 r `y•iV^� Nnr ����6tl�oRXT 4 'Al a i L z V a- sue. 0 4.) u, w :�� ' ^a w,: YY v L Yyy 7 �6 C Q. 7 �� Q ■. N Y Y VQ ♦4. jy �4p} gy. �y. _ O pS 1y� yW� Y w � yS ga! wit: N � M uwx Pr �� E•� Y �r u yH�`tt 1 yyg �yM. j � � J.- FO-i W Q yS c 1VA. VV Z-VpA,� ♦C�yO} 044!6 Lf� w • � � a1M L.L w Y Eli' 82 a �+� • 4$ S � a a .s jj% f 1-d p _ �M ti r J M i'I M y N �r Ri . Re A� M M a° t v It$ir R25:0 gip= X8 , N 4 s 0 4 M 4� M C V } t�Rt M �N C p w M Y � 4 C a R LL t. 11 4.. Cs 4M V i yR 'I R «« w H i I �4ro1±C yyLM �V4/ °4 fin s'3���CCwtjq� O sp ii �rr bR M. 1 Mf M c i mij!z w YM �NI� hi h � C zi a alt% Q M StoM Y a }� N i3 N1 N y ' A' 1 N 4ee.. ,[ M iG i1 �Gr a A R N Y® � N si ifil R Ac 1 M�+rrM M' O 3 Y mu _ we s 2t I .. � 9~ ZF 'j-us -3 Div_~ y �i M taxi lf=.N 0 It I sk Min 11. ■ ■ M C 1+ N • aNi � i - it 42-13 22. NX 41!MNJRNR ^^C lFk XIS R /Y bf V v N an- v 0 z M W 11 RZ yfld 66� „ qL Qa� 'YV ++LY ~O�i LY� sLYma N S O.O Y NYC Oy ' C H L o �• q �9 yC,� ` C Yq L. C C qy C y {�. a Y�ya VCY rcc M.'}NV.. O� � L. C MV{..^ 6NU 4 Ytwi � v�vpLp $y� y >C �OwMY u.N9. Yv�a w.� �•N �r CG eYa- • .C�O. �0ga 2aN ^=� S ox :YaGO t LLwwi .W 9 -5 8,z 42 01au 1 Y-1 y M =�L M p;p$ ^LC oeos Q y ^ C y ' w$ I O ^.4,y ^•NO= o" L� - -& oI`V ••'^q }i °Y .` Ay``L °o Lyv�• N ;1- t�o4s$ a3 e�r'3� O^ O Y 4^ NI � V q d' G �• �` `n�_� � ^^ gy N a � ; � Y r^ � •y_�/� VyO O�N^ a, 2 C Y �a ® �`6'.N��y pp J SY1OMYY Y•^ . _6 � J Vi/tl V tl _CN C.. L Y• Y 33 aM tl yqc! yYY r�@6 O �yyY ^s^s ccpLp` pC Og Yl ^ N r N < M e < NO 3—n ci M 1 tlp � ws y Y ilk ;atlS :� 2 k3 UPI Le g' L" �1,a M Y` I = g ® r �N�� �` 3 •� L y C � z� S� p� R qv V <53'i it y �9 I! M • N I.1 f VT rr g8S V 6. c ` Ns CN xr$ 3 TL r rg OiTL Z» �74 ^�$ a 0N3 ag$3 H' j= but- it ° xpu ri P � ,O tl11 is HIS ig NLA •%r Ij.y.- HEM-- 3472 -gj 9-3II is < I aYu3 .W °Lu e:'2 y i� erg• a��° rJ Jil: V�$ �^ y V {�. Y_ Yr Y, C p V G Q (I.�L V N C y ya °r L c� ^'ua•vlr R•w gw< �g$� C`y Y_:o� cyayyay45'.yg48 r..m q 60 NNE ' y ' � � Y � ` �� ` C • � Co��� � M � Y C 4d � N C OQ r. OC qac ea.••• taw t- Yu •:�i.,e CY 3. L1 � $�� � 4��. M. o. m°iy• y•�. poY 30 �^' Vifq�p'� ��a Ly aC�i S.~� qLC Itl Y.J �` tl CYf.Y �`r •�� h mG. r1 �tl' tl.O�.• CC rC �g « C *�Y � � ••C��Y lytl�i V 1 ys„ .T ■yy� \s �yw Y(� CO•' wA ^Y4• q�'jQ �1 �MS{„)4•LwV1 a1 ti w V C f GY gy S oYg p yM1° = tl ...Xkk set Q :�• ;Y: �'M 2's A t6 ^CO. ^C4L �9 Gtt6qL40 Ypy _w W na 3i� } Lil- Zzv= g"Mg fig^ y�S h sg�i Ny �� •� ' YY �79 yy/+q$q � ~ ifiN t'CcN• .n 1Si1d ^10.n ■� 1 A p CL °2 y3 O 1-12 �VV �_. � Y e .ri b G � i�•:j1I N � y.1I1 i I r �• Sisk •y`ry s i •4) 7,21 � C O• . p oy o J A o �+ � M � ji•s hp• e w f� V a PI -2.32 U %�t _ M ib p CC y 4N ri • a ^ y 4- �j Y E N slit Zw Hai :5 Ili T'j3 a i Y tl w 1g� vz Y L p N er N`.�.• s � A �� c � o �4` MN� ML "•�1� wN a•� �aLiL Sj y i ill Sall = •.fi a s'N ��`� y ^ • L � 4 s•F` Y �' ^,wG�p$V i a`1��y , • g W •f Y L N °.�itl' r ! ` M 1 �L�°� gas�ue O �3 4 � o 5 +4 Yq , � :� �Le ° za y43 's 31 � tl .Y 11S s x L 4 21%^ Jt al C alis OYy- r skY i la .Ni e M •w•• .fin it tt A rol �( oI `Y's36a\ `�`i:� Y� YNa• +Q4. 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Y■ C �.�Ga ,� �U P � �'O Y L �� y d. � r`tS b ��i b �Y�• 4 R _ �Y�w YM NS' «w CrY. LYY ��� Nw iN Y`� � � •~� �Y YL ��~ L`rYYb �OrJV• l NV 04 G 4uM ••M SU N B'i �. fMf((+�.•y_.IYYYII ML L{i �N Y� O 6 qpp •� ,°Lr ¢y Jig `•A�' V �WM ! 4V � ��`��� ~III � � N}1j Y • +( � ac qLy Yw L Y a wrf sw !v y 4 O y y C t1 Q Ya 5 V � US w � 4r c� 3 V Y yg �� C A Y tr w N N o f -C cqN W T Y d U M y 4,L y Y p Qz 8sN C Y 8 x � SE = d S «te r �f ■�O 12 -C N i ry a ° of g ue• KT. w �1 Ni� FM .YEW O° O1ti LLLIyyy� ON MEN 1 � wy Iia4 �£1 3E w�1 1�� all, X i! ° JI i rig .121 Z y �1 ^.OI` D INC. �{ S IN NQ .11.0 pyy y Ni� FM .YEW O° O1ti LLLIyyy� A 6t7 � wy Iia4 �£1 3E w�1 1�� L° G` X i! ° JI i rig .121 Z y ^.OI` i �{ S ^7yly, O NQ a7 NO+`ew t U5 '� 11 11 I N 1 id Q v LLl OC A• � 9 MA s� L� ou B61 y Ay A 0 01 C I u' V� ' � y a oiJ �r C D N t "pr .1.x h XI d, o wgw �a g rJ e� C A ww. i 8Eg C �NQ w ~ M L O Y � V s� a„« 14 XI PHi O yYd» u v� L � g: Ef $ n a} QQyyL r ss� 1 1 v S C G i C �-� g �.._ I s S� jig .3Y `s tp kre a' 'Al MA SAII 26 21 2� M LL .: Ala: "'! .... a y'� Tj. fat -�Jll JA C ��r Es ��.� YY� _ � y LYE qyi� •• "p� � @ � q N 0 W N AI ♦ VI I l X1 I I I I I a J-1 9 0 S M — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT P DATE: April 26, 1989 T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve !Hayes, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENYIRONMEVAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIOMA1 USE PERMIT 89 -09 - T3tt"i ELE - A-vvquest to es a li-sF a 3unce school n a 155—seff spacr a oT -1200 square feet within an existing industrial park on 3.8 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 4 of the Industrial Area Specific Plan), located on the northeast corner of Arc,A bald Ave. and 6th Strtat - APN: 209 - 211 -32 b 33. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Be _quested: Approval of a non - construction Conditional us-Fro M1 Z. --" B. Surrounding !and Use and Zoning: North - Industrial Park; General Industrial (industrial Specific Plan Subarea 4) . South - Industrial Park and Edison Substation; General Industrial ( Industrial Specific Plan Subarea 4). East - Industrial Park and Warehousing, General Industrial (Indust, aY Specific Plan Subarea 4). West - Single family Residences; Low Residential (2 -4 dwellings per acre). C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - General Industrial North - General Industrial South - General Industrial East - General Industrial West - Low Residential (2 -4 dwelling units per acre) D. Site Characteristics: The project site is en existing multi- tenant n us r a cen er. E. Parking Calculations: See attached Exhibit, "D". M PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 89 -09 - BLACKW.ELL April 26, 1989 Page 2 F. Applicable Regula +ions: Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 4) allows personal —sa &vices, such as dance schools, subject to approltal of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission. II. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant is proposing to occupy approximately T;M square feet of the building itddressed 9223 Archibald Avenue. At this time, the dance studio proposes to hold classes between 5 :00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M., Monday through Friday and from 9:00 A.M. to 11 :00 A.M. on Saturdays. Classes last approximately one hour and no more than 3 classes will be held any given evening. Only 1 class will take place at a time. The dance school will have one instructor and 5 to 10 students per session. Pi;. -ents are permitted to view their children only once a mo4th during dance lessons. Issues: The primary issues relaxed to locating this type of use within an industrial setting are compatibility with surrouiding businesses, parking availability and noise. There are a variety of businesses within the center, as well as within the building the dance studio is proposing to locate. Requests similar to this have been approved within multi - tenant industrial complexes. No con;patibility problems have ever been experienced, therefore, compatibility problems associated with this proposal are not expected. The Development Code requires a total of 7 parking spaces for a dance floor of 800 square feet (1 space per 150 square feet) and an office of 450 square feet (1 space per 250 square feet). There are currently 171 parking spaces located on the site. Within 100 feet of the suite proposed for dance lessons, there are approximately 50 spaces, which should be more than adequate to provide parking for the dance studio during peak hours. Currently, occupants of 9223 Archibald Avenue and all adjacent building are required to have 99 parking spaces (See Exhibit °D "). Iris number exceeds the amount of parking spaces within the close distance of the proposed dance studio. Horever, peak hours of operation for all businesses within these buildi 11 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 89 -09 - BLACKWELL April 26, 1989 Page 3 exceed the capacity during this time. Overall, the parking lot capacity should be sufficient for the dance studio and all other businesses at all times. The applicant is proposing to use a home stereo system, with two speakers mounted on the walls of the dance floor area. Businesses on either side of the dance studio will not be operating during the proposed hours of the dance studio.. Furthermore, the building construction should provide adequate soundscreening. Due to these conditions, no noise conflicts are anticipated by staff. Included with Resolution of Approvtions 2 and njitions relating to noise attenuation The Foothill Fire Protection District will require any proposed tenant improvements to be approved by the district prior to occupancy. C. Environmental Assessment: Upon review of part 1 of the Initial study and comp a on of part 2 of the environmental checklist, staff has found no significant impacts related to a dance school locating within this industrial center. III. FACTS FOR FIN "INGS: The Commission must make all the following in ngs 7n o er o approve this application: 1. The proposed use is in accordance with the General Plan, and the objectives of the Development Code, and the proposes of the Industrial Specific Plan Subarea in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.. 3. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Industrial Specific Alan. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in The a y —Re ort newspaper and pmpeely posted, and notices sent to adjacent property owners within 300 feet of the project. V. RECOMMENDATION: If the Planning Commission can support the n ngs, then approval of the Conditional Use Permit 89 -09 through adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval would be appropriate. If the Planning Commission cannot support the necessary findings, then staff wou'rd be directed to prepare a Resolution of Denial for adoption at the next meeting. `T --,- -3 1� PLANNING comr5SION:STAFF REPORT CUP 89 -09 - BLACKWELL April 26 ,. 1989 Page 4 Brad But er Ctty Ps nner BB:S :sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Plan Exhibit "B" - Letter from Applicant Exhibit "C" - F'foo Plan Exhibit "0" µ Parking Calculations Resolution of Approval' d� —W- 2 E 'A 0 M I oil I L-I iLLIL- I 'A 0 M I oil I S 4 : O • ktl qF 66 I -LLU I CQ I S 4 : O • ktl qF 66 CQ 0 Z �z z Original Poor Quality 7z who it may zonce,r: Original Poor Que,,.-,,fty ettzT, .3 to QrcvtQf3 a das=nlotion .e state we ca;. �ms We a n 0,- c -,=Mcltiona' uec- Carmit, nz name C- m, ZJSZIC-.63 zz Tr F CIANCE -'- NECTION. I wil! Z:e Z-Z'vtZ:'= =--a Ln tne art c4 canca srt ze aet4eel, the 24 5;0 , !:.:,4. P.N. Mc =K thr=t;,qh. =-4,jay: and ?.,,)o Aj-_ ikm n vt:t^ be thc- c.-,, . za,,Ice z r t:- . a .:my. :1v dam:.Irs ors tetween t:-,e aSes cz a r en t 5 w. o-. ,, ra C3 ^m - -f ta .iew ':-'e"r •"I'd Z:eactlza ancze a month. 7'le marents Qi:l be as—a zrc.- C..:.; it th4 esa- entranze ,- t.,je 3 :x —.e LMt:-&pce to t,,e I wi, 1? be 4a"C8 instructio., 1,-% the Qntaf-: Q -area. 'jM4 =-tu- "ate! tN.s Dart I ar, lccalj a. is a:7 vIG:ZIa from the ,Eucjid,,. Div stulonts sr-j -;-cm. cnc nc ;a. wee halt tn.,B �C'Jv OF " NCH-0 CUCAMONpt ��LANNING DAYISION t ITEM: 44 Cup- gi- aq TWILIM: - i �J Original Poor Quality would not on`✓*V. benefit mV business, but would oe more convenient and closer for mV students and their oarants. I at so live in the citV a{ Rancho Cucamonga and I know that this is a Oast growing c1ty and a crime location +or a snall business ile The Dance Connection.. -ee' t"At the otter, buslnessaq in he area would benefit fron nv buainessr due tc the fact that Barents will be draoo ing their Ch it drer off -^or dance lessons. and maanv of tnese caronts will uc- ubtaini" servicas from the local s-c.- ^g an_ - .od bus.-essa,= .,r.ile thev trait. _ __ :eel that dvd to 7W ._averting hours and the =0 as= _.. �ra 5-l' . s..,:,dants7 , also with the jarent3 t:tzi" children o-fr at the stadio. S =e* cusi::ess Acu?d not nose a oarYing _on•Flict c arch . th ant the other ousi.nesses at this _ °'= = :•�2r . _. .;.nd 2t1 ^ zz': ner'1it Carla.;.' and .tic n^ ranc"4 C.t;3m9nga.. _. .,_c __n ;t. -Z^ *e and W'.1 7ther 1 ==a. tubilosse°_ the? i -es. =Z-a:Znr r a :]anca Connection to c.r'er a vaiuble '- • -� 'ti i4 A „t`1311:! f6 i'.i25 interestec :n aual.. itv �r. iS.`.:? •�3 -: at `dlrY ^ices . far, :. ._. .er. ..... #aC•Tv .. 3�i neZi ' G$ FY O ITEM, C.0 P $'`'t• X34 I UCA LZ-. ®r'�' °na/ pro To Nhom it '!ay Concern: This is additional information regarding the application for a 'ton - Conditional ' ?se permit for the proposed location in Rancho Cucamonga of the Dance Cannection. "each class will run one hour in length and there will be at the most, three classes per evening, .'onday through Th_usday, and two classes Saturday -nornings ros 9:00 vntil 11:00. -he actual drnce floor is aDDroxi-ately 800 square feet. ^he stereo used for such a space would only be that of a home stereo trait either with, wall mounted i or stand uD sneakers. ^ e .usic will be :;ept at the minimal noise level,: plus it will not be played du=n_ :.a entire class because of teachirs time involved. "rank ;:ou for your time aaoconsiderat; on of this permit. OF pa=W ?lackwell (applicant) c QVP RTUTRiT. A -3 an a • t+_ LI r� Cdgsn�i1 Pool �,; , , rRAAAZ l �7Ax rzac: /- 1lZE'R Cj"�aak e �' c3LTi•uaJ Ca�J� ±Cats t�'_ j j • I ' o e��� !"q ca CY e� O w 1 Q `s v e �' c3LTi•uaJ Ca�J� ±Cats t�'_ j j • I ' o e��� !"q ca CY e� O w I 0 1 z z Et;HIBIT "D" Parking Calculations: Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided Dance. Studio a. Dance Floor 800 1/150 5 5 b. Office 450 1/250 2 2 7 The following is a breakdov -% of current uses and the amount of parking spaces required for each occupant in the building under consideration and adj"ent bufi dings at this time. , OF ,w^ -Aber V� spaces Required 7 5 5 5 5 15 33 10 10 11 106 1 Number of Space Pr2videdo 7 5 7 7 5 15 34 10 14 5 109 ITEM: TITLE: 'PA R K I 1V G C 5 Square Parking Address Suite Type of Use Footage Ratio 9223 Archibald C Dance Studio - Office 1200 1/250 Dance Studio - Dance Flr. 1/150 9223 Archibald D Contractor's Office 1200 1/250 9223 Archibald E Repair Service 1200 1/250 9223 Archibald F Retail Sales 16200 1/250 9223 Archibald C' Administrative Office 1200 1/250 9223 Archibald H Eating & Drinking Establishment 1500 1/100 9223 Archibald J &K Church 1152 1/35 9710 6th Manufacturing 5000 1/500 971,6 6th Manuf -emu. inq SOW 1/500 9M2 6th ResEarch /Dev#lopment 4000 1/350 OF ,w^ -Aber V� spaces Required 7 5 5 5 5 15 33 10 10 11 106 1 Number of Space Pr2videdo 7 5 7 7 5 15 34 10 14 5 109 ITEM: TITLE: 'PA R K I 1V G C 5 RESOLUTION. NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING CO?"MISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 85-05- FO` A DANCE SCHOOL IN A LEASED SPACE OF 1200 SQUAgZ FEET WIIHIN AN EXISTING MULTI- TENANT PARR LOCATED ON 3.8 ACRES OF LAND IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (SUBAREA 4 OF THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN) LOCATED AT 9223 ARCHIBALD AVENUE, SUITE C. AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 209. 211 -32 AND 33. A. Recitals.. (i1 Gary and Tammly Blackwell have filed an application for the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit No. 89 -09 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application ". (ii) On the 25th of April, 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duty noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites t, the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission )f the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals,, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced public hearing on April 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at 9223 Archibald Avenue with a street frontage of 644.36 feet and lot depth of 368.76 feet and is presently improved with six industrial buildings and 171 parking spaces•, and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is an industrial complex, the property to the south of that site consists of an industrial park and Edison Sub - Station, the property to the east is warehouses and the property to the west is single family residences. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89 -09 - BLACKWELL April 26, 1989 Page 2 (c) The proposed dance studio will operate from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM on weeknights except National Holidays, and from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM on Saturdays„ 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Comnission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed use is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Industrial Specific Plan, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, wi'il not be detrimental to the public health, tiafety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable elan 1provisions of the Industrial Specific 4. This Commission hereby finds and c%irtifies that the project has is been reviewed and considered in compliance witch the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below. Planninu Division: 1. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, and all other City ordinance. 2. If the operation of the facility causes adverse eff:cts upon aC icent businesses or operations, including, but not limited '..o noise, the Con(itional Use Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for the consideration and possible termination of the use. 3. Occupancy of the facility shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code and State Fire Mar' sTall's regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shalt be submitted to the Foothill Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspected for compliance prior to occupancy. Ask PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89 -09 - BLACKWELL April 26, 1989 Page 3 4. Any sign proposed for the facility shall be designed in conformance with the Comprehensive Sign Ordinance, any Uniform Sign Program for the complex, and shall require review and approval by the Planning Divisic,i prior to installation. S. The facility shall be operated in conformance with the Performance standards for Subarta 4, including, but not limited to, noise levels. 6. Operating hours for classes shall be limited to Saturdays and after 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, ,xcept on National holidays, 7. There shall be no w!4eVay activity except for office uses and other activities which will not exc,y-,d the available perking. 8. This Conditional Use Permit is approved for a maximtka of one instructor and 10 students per class„ however, this shall not ,preclude larger gatherings for special events, such as awards ceremonies and tournaments after 6:00 PM on weeknights or on weekends. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUFAMONGA BY: LaRY77WRIel, cnalman ATTEST: Brad 13uller, ecre ary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, .at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of April, 1989, by the following vote-to -wit: AYES: cow. ISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Y-/3 L DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT April 26, 1989 Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer Barbara KralI, Assistant Civil Engineer nr . t wvrwn, ali.0 —11.1.ni:1g4 f nn{eFL. VWW LGiG.L NJCGKI s5division of net 9cres of an nto a pavice s n the gneral Industrial area, subarea 8 of the Industrial Specifif Plan, located on the east side of Rof 9,ester Avenue, north of the A.S. A S.F. Railroad tracks (APH 329- 124 -21 & 22) 1. PRDJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re nested: Approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Mt; as shown on Exhibit nB° B. Parcel Size: Parcel 1 - 2.07 acres Parcel 2 - 1.92 acres Parcel 3 - 3.79 acres Total 7..i$ acres C. Existing Zoning: General Industrial - Subarea 13 of the Industrial Specific Plan D. Surrounding Lantr Use: North - Existing industrial Buildings South - A.?. 8 S.P. Railroad Tracks and existing Industrial Buildings East - 1-16 Freeway and vacant land West - Existing Industria Buildings E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North - General Industrial, Subarea 13 South General Industrial, Subarea 8 East General industrial, Subarea 14 West - Minimum Impact Heavy Industrial, Subarea 9 F. Site Characteristics: The site is fully developed w°th three newly constructed industrial building. HEN L PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPURT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12121 - ROBERT FULLMER APRIL 26, 1989 PAGE 2 II, ANALYSIS; The Purpose of the map is to crate individual parcels for three industrial buildings as shown on the attached Exhibit "C ".. The development was approved by Planning Commission on March 23, 1988 as DR 87-55 and is nearing completion at this time, An agreement and bonds are on file guaranteeing the completion of the required off -site, Improvements. III. ENVIRONMENTAL REV "EW: The applicant completed Part I of the Initial Study, Staff Cott ted a field investigation and completed Part It of the 'Initial Study. No adverse impacts upon the environment are anticipated as a resalt of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate. IV. CORRESPONDEME: Notices of Public Hearing have been sent to surrounding property &w,ors and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed, V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Comaission consider all input and elements of the Tentative Parcel Map 12121. If after such consideration, tke Commission can recomend approval, then the adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, SarryNanson Senior Civil Engineer Attachments; Vicinity Map Exhibits "A ") Tentative Mao (Ex� 'Ibit "B"? Site Plan (Exhibit "C ") Resolution and Recowwnded Conditions of Approval 1 1� __ • - -� �.-- �. _ _ i_ �RCl1W HWV CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGDMEMG DrfmON N ids ` A R.CEL MAP 12-12-1 m. V ! CI N I-TY e" 11aP ,R w W I P. M aav V� �O N j 4v j T 1 7 8 Z / lU P.M.S. !�7 1 + EXISTIVG r '` 1 /� RG1Ca4Vj l iRCAA.Sf: AG a i '�, Its . � ,v�r•A�m ,n � 1 1/ � X11 AT A $,F R: R. °e� R/W rye - e-,7vzR.it .P1L1%3TRI.tL MY OF RANCHO CUCA ONGA RKGB M, MG DAMO N ij �. ,L � 2 WW" ko- ".,4- F V .01 4 I TI - R--- ft J RAILROAD openTy 'a, lmd A.T. -A AILS .- SITE PLAN CrrY OF (11RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGDMMMG DAWON I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLAANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 12121, LOCkTED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROCHESTER AVENUE, NORTP OF THE A.T. & S.F. RAILROAD TRACKS, AND MAKING FINDItIGS 1N SUPPORT THEREOF - APN 229 - 120 -21 & 22 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 12121, submitted by Eighth & Rochester, a limited Partnership, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing into 3 parcels, the real property situated in the City of Rancho Cucamo.ga, County of San Bernardino, :hate of California, identified as A.rN(s) 29- 120 -21 A, 22, located on the east side of Rochester Avenue, north of the A.T. & S.F. Railroad Tracks and WHEREAS, on April 26, 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above- describr-r map. FOLLOWS: NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED A SECTION 1: That the following findings have been made: 1. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has been rev wiwed-IRT considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a 'Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 12121 is hereby approved subject '—'attached Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: 1. ;1, Freeway right -of -way adjacent to the project shall be landscaped in accordance with a --aster plan for the entire segment of Freeway within the City as approved by CALTRAtiS, the City Planner, and City Engineer.: However, if C•'- t.TRANS will not allow the incremental construc?aon cr' this Freeway landscaping with this project, a cash payment in lieu of construction as a i =tributiori to a future comprehensive project shalt be made to Ll—& PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TENTATIVE PARCEL, MAP 12121 - ROBERT FULNi2R APRIL 26, -989 PAGE 2 ��--w the City prior to the release of occupancy for the final building of the project or recordation of the Record Map, whichever occurs first. 2. An easement for joint use access for all parce',s cnd a 20 foot easement for parking within Parcel 1 in favor of Parcel 3, as shown on the tentative Parcel Map shall De provided prior to approval of the Final Parcel Map. 3. The developer shall provide reciprocal easements for water service to the satisfaction of the Cucamonga County Water District. A letter of approval from the C.C.W.D. shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of the Final Parcel Map, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNielt-Chairman ATTEST: IrtJ Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of tht City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resoluticn was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular westing of the Planning Commission hold on the 26th day of April, 3989, by the fullowing vote -to -wit: AYES: C(xMMISSIONERS: NOES: COKNISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 0 E `p 4 t N all F .3 6 A a m M �y �s «i Originai Poor Qua6ity •iE °r�� T` ea «o' cc' eft i. b p_, • FU1 4a �a y$ Et is °g y N9 $ oy � o- =0. c i �« i � � N ¢¢¢ ° �! N • ,e � yam.. y sS a j :f °£C�.w� ».'S'triW.X' t° *, ,•�.�a�°;Y. °tee — N t i : tom.'" ..� sj i.. ti` Mv� :Ex Nv e; qw I I I I I rpY! ~ w N a �q #r x �* Ok i _ >_ .-I 0 ` bb - eeY i C � M ♦i i M M NM Y y � a Y^ ` Mdy� N~� N T +��.2 R 1 a ��y iz! ";A;-° r`N M M ly m delZa M♦ r .. __ ♦M V4 I I t .f I I St 1- 13 N C P M � n i £ S rpY! ~ w N a �q #r x �* Ok i _ >_ .-I 0 ` bb - eeY i C � M ♦i i M M NM Y y � a Y^ ` Mdy� N~� N T +��.2 R 1 a ��y iz! ";A;-° r`N M M ly m delZa M♦ r .. __ ♦M V4 I I t .f I I ..A. = y 4 ✓ L ar i Jc az. :a y :� gg yy h Lv 4 d C 64' b0 b u 9 .'' � `i Y S ■ ~� Tp �$c{ y L J s ✓i O? aw L SC F; V d k, xWsYid `��M 'p ��p ! � yg�yfi �b� p�■{L � » � �LL g u d Mi VR C�. M � V.YWW� yY� y Na foot yq u a. a� e" � ell Y� 9 Y L !p IYYL Y1ii .iy W ii O. ^ 1v iSpr 4i _ 41 sM S� ` p. Me >EV � FT9� �Yy yVC 4` O Ii.a LwV �GCGi F b pl s"VO rri�a. .: Ida :3 6s3l oil z1_ .•• N 17 O N � w. �y pj N /A �r E 11 11 A r DATE: TO: FROM: BY: SUBJECT: — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT April 26, 1989 Chairman and Members of the Planning Comniss'on Brad Buller, City Planner Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89.06 - m mt.nu rm irit. Cub-mtbb TANK A request to establ'i" a office use n a as ee space of 3,780 square feet within an existing industrial park on 4.24 acres pf land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 11), located at 9269 Utica - APN: 209- 411 -17. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Review of a Conditional Use Pemit for an a3ff-nTs-f—ratiVe--5-f7ice in an existing industrial park. B. General Plan Designations: i -+ect Site - General Industria, C. Site Characteristics: The proposed use is located within an existing multi-tenant multi—tenant irdustrial complex. Those uses which currently occupy suites within each of the buildings are dominated by office uses. There is also the Highland Community Church located in Building 2 and a restaurant/deli located in Building 4. D. Applicable R gulations: ;fie Industrial Area Specific Plan permits Administrative 'and Office uses within the General Industrial District (Su►rurea 11), subject to a Conditional Use Pend t. ITEM M PLANNING COMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: ENV. ASSESS. & CUP 89-06 April 26, 1989 Page 2 E. Parking Calculations: Carl Karcher 3,780+ 1/250 1s Enterprises,Inc. TOTAL 60,749 227 230*** * Per Conditional Use Permit 88 -16 ** This is based upon the possible need during normal business hours. *** The project is not fully leased. About 19,251 square feet remains to be occupied. + Applicant's current office proposal II. PSIALYSIS: A. Parking., The project site was designed and developed as a mluiiti= Tenant industrial project with a total of 80,000 square feet of tenant space. City regulations require 200 parking spaces at a ratio of one space per each 400 square feet. A total of 230 spaces are provided, i.e., 30 extra" spaces beyond the City requiretent for multi - tenant projects. Because of the mix of existing tenants and the high proportion of office uses, 227 of the 230 parking spaces are at least theoretically required by the existing tenants (see Table F) . r Number of Number of Type SgAare Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Fcotage Ratio Required Provided Total Existing 40,315 1/250 161 Office Leases Mobil Oil 6,790 18* Club Deli 1,632 1/100 16 AM Speedy Printing 1,632 1/250 7 Highland Community 5,542 6** Church Awards by Champion 1,058 56,959 1/250 4 Z12 Carl Karcher 3,780+ 1/250 1s Enterprises,Inc. TOTAL 60,749 227 230*** * Per Conditional Use Permit 88 -16 ** This is based upon the possible need during normal business hours. *** The project is not fully leased. About 19,251 square feet remains to be occupied. + Applicant's current office proposal II. PSIALYSIS: A. Parking., The project site was designed and developed as a mluiiti= Tenant industrial project with a total of 80,000 square feet of tenant space. City regulations require 200 parking spaces at a ratio of one space per each 400 square feet. A total of 230 spaces are provided, i.e., 30 extra" spaces beyond the City requiretent for multi - tenant projects. Because of the mix of existing tenants and the high proportion of office uses, 227 of the 230 parking spaces are at least theoretically required by the existing tenants (see Table F) . r PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: ENV. ASJESS. & CUP £i9 -06 April 26, 1989 Page 3 A previous approval (CUP 88 -25) required the preparation of a parking demand study for review in conjunct%at with the ap-,i ication. The applicant was required to submit a revised parking demand study (See Exhibit "E ") with the current proposal to address the parking situation. Traffic Engineering felt the revised parking demand study adequately addressee' the parking situation and that it was consistent wizn the recommendations of the original review. The revised parking demand study provided a parking analysis of three existing multi- tenant business parks reviewing the number of parking spaces provided versus the actual parking count during a mid -day, mid -week peak hour time. The highest parking count identified by the parking demand study in this project is 145 cars out of a toM 230 parking spaces. If the 145 parking spaces are taken as the highest daily car count, the remaining 85 parking spaces are available for future tenant uses. Fifteen (15) of these would be required of the proposed tenant, leaving 70 spaces available to serve the remaining 19,250 square feet yet to be lased. This wculd allow a comfortable margin to allow for the remaining square footage to be used by either manufacturing or warehousing uses. However, no additional office uses would be recommended. B. Land Use Compatibility: The Rancho Pacifiw Business Park consists of rtfice an quasi - industrial uses. Because of the variety 'of existing uses and the consistency between the proposed office use and the existing uses, staff foresees no problems of any use compatibility. The tenant space in question was not designed with roll -up doors typical to multi - tenant industrial buildings; and of al`s the tenant spaces within this industrial park, this suite seems most appropriate for office use. C. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been completed by the applicant. Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and has found no significant impacts on the environment as a result of this project. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: In order to approve the Conditional Use Permit, _Ue"C3­m__iss`on would need to make the following findings: 1. That the ,proposed use is in accordance with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the Industrial Area Specific Plan subarea in which the site is located. 0)—? PLANNING COMMISfc,XON STAFF REPORT RE: ENV. ASSES!;`;& CUP 89 -05 April 25, 1989 Page 4 2. That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, oil materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity, 3. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Industrial Area Specific Plan. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public he.ring In The Daily R eeport newspaper, the p, `verty posted, and notices sent. -to pro — perky owners within 300',,::st of the' roject site. V. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission hold a p tic ng on this item. If, after considering public o Pais required findings can be made, adoption of the at the olution of Approval would be appropriate. R pectf ly mitted,l% 11 M Brad Bbil V"-°� City Plr ner 3B:TG ,ds Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter from Applicant Exhibit "B"` - Location Map Exhibit "C" - Site Plan Exhibit "D" - floor Plan Exhibit "E" - Revised Parking Demand Study Resolution of Approval OLL ` �ilelNs Suae h?�' The KAI Cumpant March 15, 1989 Otto Krouto Deputy City Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RE: Won- construction Conditional Use Pe,-nft Carl Karcher Enterprises isase Dear Otto: We respectfully present the eiclosed documentation in accordance with the fling rer,�irernents for submittal of a Non- construction Conditional Use Permit for the City of Rancho Cucamonga. This submittal is being p:esWed to you as final ne"latlons have concluded with Carl Karcher Enterprises for the space noted below. The premises In question are denoted within the plot plan attached hereto and is located at the Rancho Padhc Business Parts , 9229.9M Utica Avenue, Ran_o Cucamonga The pr;+lect is located on the north east corner of 3bdh Street and Utica Avenue. Per our previous discussions, the space in question comprises a totef d 3,780 mu" feet and We location wtthla m bu5ding excludes it from the use of a rofl up door. The kick of a rolkkn door anU It's prttre location within the pro{sct make it extremely rftzcdve to a pure office user. The small additlwisl space, totaling 380 square f9A as Shown on that attached blare Perris Is propoaad as a r operty management d k a when the park realms a greater occupany n w s. Upon the sigh to d as lee :o documents, the project will be 79% lessen and there will be a total of 15,335 sgstrtre Aatt vstmnt. We have riot and do not have any r d problems within the prcjeci In fact, theta M atxays plenty of parking spaces avabble w4r., the parts any time of the day and we have not tac6,ted a $krgla complaint with respect to a lack of perking spaces. As the parking study indicatee, there are no k neeabls problem with reef.ect to parking in the future when the space In question is C=pWJ. Addition*, we feel it appropriate to bring to your attention that street parking on Utica Avenue that Is currently taking place Is not from our tenants but rather 13 from the employees of the Coca Cola Bottling Company Located JW8 A== Utica Avenue. Their employees fled It more convenient to park on the street, because of k's does proximity to the entranco of their budding, rather than In the paNng lot provided for them Just ON of Sixth Street. We point this out to make It dear that street parking on Utica Avenue Is not caused by an overflow of parking from the park. C Thank you very much for your positive consideration in this matter. time feel that your conourrsncs In this matter vat provide our project and the cornmunity with a quWig, well respected tenant. If I can be of further assl%;tance to you, please do not hesitataa to contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, THE KOi1COMPANY JIm Henson Asset ManaW John Tomasich Asset Mansger 11 r1 ►. J l7 r 0 a 3 � � w • W d W � ai ¢� �� �� V < . S 2 W F k f77ff a �� 1' " 00 ®a PKI ' y a$ a a its EtQ 4!� S eyyCaq,L �_ 'I g r`z `• � 1 art ai �u7� � � s s' ` Yacanc HIM it MR 7„ t n 1 i i t t'.1 r ITIT-f IT 14, CL I1 ( 5 1 va�aae E Ali! 11ll11111 111 11_i1W H1111 I T111-, Ell SL .r CITY OF M—i, RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION 14ORTH ITEMAW, 'a(P .. TtTLrk: Oft t( Y EXHIBIT: „SCALE:. .... 11 11 FLOOR PLAN 1- urq r NORTH F Ato RANCHO CUCAMO. N A TITLS: PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT. SCALE: (&A, CLIGAETT A WASSOCl/�TES 0 '-D e S I G N B T U 0 1 a r 11a rc h i s.1989 mr. Lltto f muti 1 Deputy C,, t, .1 r-Itneqer H11, Pali] PCILICeat) --ffic i ngineer Cit( y of Raticho Cucamonga, C-ai i F.,rni i3 MAr, 17 1M PM Subject: Parking study for Pancno Picific !�ultl-Tenai• 8usine-,s Pa•', [fear Otto S., P,2[u]: Attached are copies of ro-yised p.-yj,,j.vjq s-tfply for R•�ancho Pacific pluli-Tenant Business Vlel tf, i cation for the C.U.P. Requeste�j for P arl Karcher Enterprises, Suite I ?0 9-269 Utica Avenue, Ranc'ho Ckicmanga, California. We are ±n,? '101-Ovel study by BDM daZ;;d Auqu-st 5 19-5,5 .-;-? the basis for tills nevl� ?11 "itudy. Please note that E.,iflioit 'A". Exibit "B", Exhibit "C" and Exillbit "D" have all been revised to ref lact the tilt -.' "I" erit Parkinq St"I'dq. The conciusion of this report has found that Rancho Pacific is parked at a standard acceptable for a nlUlti-tenant business park. They have !eased r,nproxinlately 72% of the;,- )Pace with their pl-rking count sufficient in relation to their current leases. In surntnary, the report finds that the lenizicro q cintinue their asing --tivitles with the proviziotis ti*,al 4iie _rei .,?ct "Irltl' CoIntirme to be r-d,---Irjltored during the review prficess 3f Shokild you have ang -T.4'estiom or comn),-.11ts, feel fj-ep kr. Fin, 0 0 0- ici 5,m c e re) it It 9605 AS , ROW ROUTE s SUITE 8 RANCHO CUCAMONGA. CA 81730 (7141980-5905 ' UL co L, S2 m Q O � co . c ) Q eC v C97 � U N N t0 CO w V) tr V n A a W L . CL tz - Y ca i ( LO - ® m H co O N —` Q ~ CL uj cc Cd ED R 1 m y x 0 n LU z Ga (U O c C a ,e 0 0 0 a �f A O h� N to r ti cc N trf ea �, R r' t E tII C G 0 O � �_ai cca CI cc b / i rev* - law era " ' � 1 lei EXHIBfT 8 MARCH f 7, leteR SUMMARY OF RANCHO PACIFIC EXISTING TENANT USE LEASED AND OCCUPIED {id1ding g!L Tenant use _ 1 100 Associdted Desk)n lrxe4or Desks 2291 110 h4ercw mamgemed Propev I rrir. 3.576 120 1 Devekc inert � %b+`0r6 IMW i' of � 31 145 Brchwood apk�cslc�dv. i�1�i��i M 160 K.B. Lein 3 EN -rig 3,120 2 115 0rr ga Supples Com Lter Repc it 2.= 120 Corr *? C-Tuch CtadV dn* 5.50- Kj. m 3 100/1225 AssWctecd Engneos a ngitt , 10,316 4 1 t0 Mobil 00 Trohng Training 6,790 ' .125 Mdew Cgp,.xchon Ae%- 140 4- jeedyr Frir" F*thg 1. 2 145 DecorcWg Den Decorctors 150 Remedy Temp secretor;d 1.632 Iss DOE - Food Smice lx ,.2 170 Awards By arnplon Tro y Sdes 1,050 175 Amertcan Dverj�ed 1.877 180 51ouc h Ireedor Dedoll 1,812 DeskjVSdm LEASED OCCUPIED SUBTOTAL LEASER tlitd 1 U�t%�C+Gt1PIEi3 Spec Suite ..• ..., 2.632 140 2 1GO %mk* Cop. &4:f `AR M,.,dcd tells. I'M L 00 1Spec 1,750 i 4 160 Spec Sete 1.6n 165 Spec Suite ......., 1,632 4,3% Grand Total 66,365 1 lei MiBIT C MAteCk 17,.'gscr SUMMARY OF RANCHO PAC `s IC VACANT SPACE VACANT-SQUARE FEE Bu "Id" ! +�i Susie Le 150 1.5w 2 '1f 5 1,6w 1.3m 140 2,730 145 1 tit 4 120 4.1611 TOTAL 13.140 Tou parwlyJ agocctk:4 Z3.4 %cds Pgttti V cScW10-m Ccdculfctecl cd 1/342 sq.1t. for r%a)cw Pack. Project, EXHIR-rr ► 7, Kr OCC AN AP P� � K N DATA Td)t i 81 Wng Rertcbe Area l 74,5M Tote' Pc,i,7ng AVarab MOM, J Pa lft ratio 1/346 j U tir►g Lecssed Areas 66,365 OCa.Pfed Unoccupied 91m Vcr-a t AvolatAe Area 13,24Q' Kgte.:t Ociy PoWg Court I Ica cars PCV Raffo ,&d I c C OccLoed Space RON `C AUG 05 1988 ors OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ENGINEERING DIVISlOr( Deveiopment Mcnogement August 5, 1968 Mr. Otto jlroutil Deputy City Manager Mr. Paul Rougeau Traffic Engineer City of Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga, California Subject: Parking study for Rancho Pacific Multi- tenant Business Park. Dear Otto & Paul: Attached are copies of the parking study for the Rancho pacific Multi-tenant Business Park. This parkin9studyincludes a detailed review of parking characteristics within three selected multi - tenant projects and -a review of the on -site conditions for the Rancho'Pacific park. Traffic engineer, Jack Greenspan has reported his findings ors parking standards for office and business park development. The conclusion of this report has found that Ran,:-.h Pacific is parked at a standard acceptable for a multi- tenant business park. They have leased approximately 6575 of their space with their Parking o to their current leases. Overall, it is felt that their parki g sufficient being met, however, because o the potential of some large uses, such as the church d Oil training facility the g cility modified to strictly office use, it would be wise to monitor their parking status during review of any use changes. In summary, the report finds that the landlord may continue their leasing activities with the provision that the project parking continue to be monitored during the review process of use changes. Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, e e_Ie L Tfmoth J. Y cc: Jim Benson The Koji Company Enclosures �' tt it VVA fl I eeen!e Develoornent Manor ement Comgcnv Perking Analysis Rancho Pacific Multi- Tenant Business Park Rancho Cucamonga, California Baykground: Augu -t 3,1988 On July 43th the Plannirig Commission of Rancho Cucamonga approved CUP 88.29 for use in the Rancho Pacific Multi - Tenant Business Park, but advised that no other CUP approvals for uses within this park would be considered without g parking study to examine the availability of panting space in relationship to both current and future tenants. The concern was that there may be a possibility that uses wit!if►l the park and those future uses could outstrip the available parking within thr/ project. After discussions with staff, the Koll representatives hired the firms of BDM Company and Unscott, Law and Greenspan, Traffic Engineers, to complete the parking analysis of the Rancho Pacific Project. The purpose of the parking study is twofold, l) to examine the pawing needs of both the existing uses and remaining vacant space of the Rancho Pacific Project in relationship to the availability of or -site parking and 2) to examine other multi - tenant business parks with similar characteristics to determine the most likely demands within a mixed tenant business pant. This report will conclude with recommendations for consideration by the staff and the Planning Commission. P) —(� Mov 11 P1 11 E Analysis: During a three week period from July 11 th through August 1 st a parking analysis of three existing muit- tenant business parks was conducted. The business parks include the Rancho Pacific Business Park, the Cucamonga Business Park (located at the southwest corner of Archibald & Arrow) and Vineyard West 1usiness Park (located at the southwest corner of Vineyard & Arrow). This examination reviewed the number of parking stalls, thc, actual parking count dL'dng a mid -day, midweek peak hour time. The amount of based space and the occupancy status of that leased space. The survey of parked cars occurred on three separate occasions, midweek between the hours of 9 :30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 P.M. All vehicles, including service vehicles, were counted in all parts of the business parks. The examination of the units and consultation with the property managers, provided the availability of space occupied within each park. Rasuits of this survey are included in Exhibit A. n more detailed analysis of the Rancho Pacific Business Park was conducted. it reviewed each building suite In relationship to the type oi'tenant and the amount of occupied space. The purpose of this study was to provide a more focused examination on the nature of tenants within a business park (Exhibit S). The tenants vary considerably between office /administrative, service /commercial, or supportibusiness professional activities. Also there are other uses with a parking demand different than other office uses, such as a church that has off -peak parking hours or a training facility to which a charter uus service delivers students. These uses are noted vMhin Exhibit B. Concluding the examination of the rancho Pacific Project is a summary of the available vacant space, approximately 30,000 square feet. The information, shown in Exhibit C, sfaparates the available space for future lease activity by building suite number. During the survey of the parking occurring in the Rancho Pacific Business Park, the highest car count total was 99 cars. From this number the parking ratio between the leased spa,-.9 c:zcupied and the parking demand is 1 car per every 393 square feet of occupied space. This compares favorably with the other business parks inventoried during this survey and the overall design parking ratio for the Rancho Pacific Business Park of one space for 342 square feet. Results: Based upon the parking survey of the Rancho Pacific Business Park and two other multi- tenant business parks within the area, the results were concluded as follows: The typical muiti- tenant business parks have a mix of tenants which generally involve office /administrative, business oupport/professional, servicelcommercial, and some limited industrial type operations. The typical multi - tenant business part`s are parked in the range of one space per 330 square feet to one space per 350 square feet. The actual parking in these business parks during this survey was within that design range of parking requirerhents. in fact, all three parks surveyed were parked less than the spaces provided. A other words, they were not exceeding the availability of parking space. Rancho Pacific is currently designed to park at one space per 342 square feet, but it has an actual car count of -one space per 3 ^3 square feet. Conclusions and Recommendations: It appears that the Rancho Pacific Project has provisions for parking space acceptable within thq standard for multi - tenant business parks, given the nature of the uses such as a church or a training facility. However, if those areas 7xere to change over to purely office functions, parking could become overtaxed. Because this project lies within an industrial zone, uses that are office /administrative most come before the Planning Commission for mview under a Conditional Use Permit process. in this way the Planning Commission can continue to monitor any changes in the status of the parking within the Rancho Pacific Project. M ---Ir . WAM 11 E It is recommended that the owner provide the City with a parking count survey and an allocatin with each CUP application. That parking sung ;y will include a count of vehicles parked nn a daily basis at peak hours, the amour' of space occupied and leased, the amount of vacant available space, and the amount';mt vacant available parking. It is recommended that at the time when the Rancho Pacifo Project is approximately So% leased (54,000 square feet) the owner provide the city an updated parking survey. This survey should review the availability of parking to remaining space to be leased. it it is found that the ctemand'for parking is in excess of the provided space, i.e. greater than one space per 442 square feet of occupied leased space, tho project may be cons dererz�ccupied in excess of available parking, It is then through the Conditional Use Permit Process that the remaining space to be leased could be considered for restricted uses that have limited parking characteristics. f = o CD Cr, to o ca C r cq T.. Q c`u co m ,d. aCD*8 to t0 O Ca tL - LU f .s dy �a etT O M C3 Ao cu co Q 'a c� c+a LO N m Q CL Z Lt! N � I A 1 $ o N v ri o s+t N � m G di � Yi 'i• � 19^ 1�f. • ♦ �1 6Y A r j EXHIBIT B SUMMARY OF RANCHO PACIFIC EXISTING TENANT USE 8 to (diva amm Tenant Area 5,542 1.used and Ocep-algA t ,10 Mobil Oil Training Training 1 100 Associated Design Interior Design 2,291 110 Mercury Management Property Mgmt. 3,676 120 Leasing Office Admin \Storage 11560 130 Pacific Engineering Engineering 31911 14'j Birchwoot; Graphics /Adv. 11560 160 KB. Leung Engineering 3,120 2 100 Burdick Corp. Supplies Medical Equip. 1,750 Repair 115 Omega Supplies Computer Repair 2,030 140 Speedy Printing Printing 1,632 50 Remedy Temp Secretarial 1,632 180 Entouch Interior Design/Sales 1,812 24,981 Other 120 Community ChurP" .4uxno Churoh/Admin 5,542 Note: Church use during weekend working Burs. Attoaate a parking stalls during weekday. t ,10 Mobil Oil Training Training 5,79r' Note: Four empPlayeas in office areas, classroom to be occupied by students brought by shuttt4 SirVicrd from airpC,t 155 000 Food Service 1.632 Note: QsC required parking total 16 spaces, assume 1/2 use from tV.,W tivatkovers•. y Leased & Gcupled Subtotal U aj*sed and Unoi�-,:xlad 3 71 )Q Covington 0 ,e A Alliance Off , i /Vk w t _0 Admin. 6100 Admin AM, 10,318 Grand Total 49,263 fv i 1f 11 ;„11 t =�'1 1 2 4 Total S? HWIT C SUMMARY OF RANCHO PACIFIC VACANT SPACE ALLOCATION su;te A 140 2,362 160 1,560 10s 1,680 ..110 1,330 140 2,730 145 17680 150 x,760 Total harking allocation .100 4,160 125 1,632 130 1,632 135 1,532 145 1,632 160 1,632 165 1,$32 170 1,058; 176 .I, Z 20,979 87.E stallsl Parking a'- 4 -' '1VOns calcuiatapi at 1/342 sq. tit. for Rancho Pacific Project. l ri 11 1 7 U EXHIBIT D SUMMARY OF RANCHO PACIFIC OCCUPANCY AND PARKING DATA Total EJ Iding Rentable Area Total Parting Available Parking Ratio ' Existing Leased Areas Occupied Unoccupied Vacant Available Aaa Highest Daily Parking Count Parking Ratio at Cufmnt Occupied Space 79,242 sq. ft. 230 stalls 1/342 sq. ft. 49,208 sq. ft, W,941'_ -sq. a'. 1?j> sq. fit. 29,979 q. ft. 99 cars 11392 LAW & GREENSPAN, ENGIN> EF.S 'SJ.r.; :rgNtR'tO:J Nt p:'Ih ".Y.ti • rknPFu: _wG:r:[ =Rr:G • cAr,N r .:.J. ?rcu;Nr,`1[,rnvr :'.Lnc- r•..... :v•.. u�•:..•;/r. ..:: .��r.r, ;y; AuyuSC 4, 1988 Pw.4p 1.1 V:1970rr. P E .YILVA•A A LA,4 : 1: PAVI.:. tru IR4VIN I. i %E0" 4 WARD. P.F. Mr. 'Timothy J. needle n`r ;AU& •n '=':ilLE DEVE :4PMENT MANAGEMI iNT COMPANY 9035 Haven Avenue - Suite 2ol Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Subject: OFFICE FARI:ING IN MULTI- TEVANT BUSINESS ?HARKS Dear. Mr. Beed,e: This letter - resents our thoughts ai.d exp®xienco wit %. respect to of icq parking :need as background to your Rancho Pacific B+ si:Ness mark parking analysis. Until recently, office parking need wns usually thought of in terms of, :juild�,ig size.. typica ly r€slatrad to buildiiag height (luw, mid, and high - rise). ,0. °ficnc'iV, a mixed -use ,=etting oiA a small ;single site were not i:osaasarx. There were few locations where lou rent incubator /stye ,rtaug o±fico spaca could be fat id. With the advent of the buainoxg park, as wide range of po,_antial office space is hOW being developed. The most common type of busg mesa office a / park contain; primarily oPfic<z space A one or two story buildings. Ths larger properta.es also will have some support services, usually '!=e type of entrepreneurial feQ4 arO beverags store focusing on on- site /Waaik -in customers. isa developments have historically generated a need for par king at a sate c,, 1 space per 250 square feet (a;'" G) and to rn the basis �sf most municipal parking codes. As office buildings inci!ease in Giza and height: resulting need for parking tend: to !a lower than 1/250. Opportunities to ride-pool, increased signi :icasnt number of persons absent on any days (sick $ vaca- tion ,business travel: etc), transit usa, and - �rcp -offas by 5gouscs o,n their way to another lecati.on, Z11 work to pro- duce a lower parking need patio. ThC figure Cor high -rise buildings acs us:;Ally wound to be in the 1/300 to 1/333 j range. In mid -rise offices we have observed parking raters of sTvurd 1/285. For example, bur most recent field pbr,king survey (conducted in July, :.reaa) in an office complex roith about 700,000 square feet of occupied sffio_; s�ar<eo, plus three rest�susants, indicates a needs for 1/370. this is a 32 Percent decreaso :n parking n:ed Vhen compared to the typical one and two story affl parka. _,nscott. La v c2 Greenspan. F.nyineers page 7-do DEEDLZ DEVELOPMENT ''ANAGEMENT COMPANY Auguste 4, 1988 Rancho Pacific Businsss, Park appears to be Fairly represen- tal.ive of the new breed of office location, which mixes offices, a range of services (which cats, to customers both inside and outside the business park) , and coL:patibLe ware - housing /R&D /light 3.ndustrial uses together on a single site.. The ..allmark of such developments is this amount of area devoted to non- parking need producing storage space over that ncrnally associated with office use. Your surveys of existing use, and analysis oP the d=ta, snow that 20 to 25 percent of the leaned floor area in .� multi - tenant /mixed -use business park could be expected to be allocated. by tenants to activities that do not produce a need for parking spaces. In our opinion, this fills out the lower end of the o €tree parking curve. Conceptually, tye curve begins high with the one and two story office building at 1/250, and then Marts !,o reduce, with lrow -rise at 1/298, mid -rise at 1/300, and that high -rise orgicve at 1/333, and lastly the aaulti -tenant /mixed-use, type of office park development (such as Rancho Pacific) at around 1/3:'0:. Another way to illustrate the range office parking need is to view the one and two story is building develop- ment :,t this canter at 1/250, the tall-cc office buil9 -nos to the left reducing in n-.,d as they get largas i; size, and the •multi- tenant /mixed -use tynae of office develop- ment to the right at around the same general lavel of need as the high -rise office, in arty event, developments ruch as the Rv.nzho Pacific Business Pavk, can be expected U, have a parking space r, ed of less than 1/700, dn: more like °,,y something around 1/333 or less. This of cos, -s: is dependent on the mix (and type) cf office tenants ama non - office uses as illustrated in your field su' <;%-,tys,. UnfortunUtely, + :iere is not a Large body of parking research data on this subject. The authoritative institute of Trans- portat:�n Eng infers (?;TE) issued a Parking aanaratio t publi- cation last Sear (August, 1987) usi-tg the sabres general rr• - Zzsic.', egaation mlat.,odoloyy employid in their well known «:attic Generazb ore Handbook. For reference, copies of the pay, el ^ ,.it_h get►eral office build..angs, officc parks, and 'Jrt, industrial parks is attached to th.;x letter. Looking , -tt tt,.a acts and the resulting regrossion aqua - tion curves, yo, C."n sea that the curve (and its equation) generally ,apse:,.... to depict an average value. While this . � was I 'irt;ce(f, Lew a Greenspan, Engineef. Pages Three SEEDLE DEvF.LOPMENT .f`fANAr,cMEN''T COMPANY August 4, 19sa ."ethod31c3Y is Appropriate to prediazting traffic, it is nat, in our opinion, the best means of fcrecasti �g parking need. This is brca,%sa ?t could be inf fore that half the ea parkir<g' demand s�clid exr,Oad the cstr -puted curve value. one For exa'nple, aPr'l?Zr'9 the ITE egi;stions to Ranches Pacific produces 3 Computed demand for z03 spaces (1/388) using the genLzal Office �AgVaLtinn, and lag spaces ( +:/41?} wing the cffic p3r:: cquae' -)n. The;;, tigures are - percent and 13 percent respecti.G1y below projected Rancho Pacific need, Will Abel e ow tk,e 230 parking z'Paces which we understand F dee on -a,tee ,36 . means o... validating the pikrking sugg2y at RatecltG a)aci;ic, ve su9�:*st that -- series at regularly scheduled Par':ing counts nn condQcted to determine U_4age factors generated by the =; X of Vanbnts, SimpIy measurir,: actual parked vehicles against the total ocaupiect sguatr footage (:rithoul- adjusting fox ; ;t�zt� �� ;kind prcciu pi<4 storage space) should be sufficient to illu*trate at.,y trend_ Anca Provide a confidence !*Vol to the city ttiat t�zera is enaand Or-f'.i.te parking t!-- ra:�t generated demand. We have been glad, to bs €;f service and nape the preceding will bt Of assistInce, Should- there be any giesti®ns please dv not hesitate to Taal. :rery truly yours, LINSGd fT, LAW & aiF,ENSpAN, ENC',rVESRS �- k i�, qreens�SanF�� P.�. ---��, Plinatpal 0-11661R.02 J Fit /j mVldc oncl i to -AND USES: 711 -736 GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING 711- -Less Thar. 50,000 Gross Square Feet Building t ra3 712- 50.000- 92,999 Gross Square Feot 6uii,� g Area 713 -100. ),00- 299 999 Gross Square Feet Buklhng Area 714- 3CO3?00- 499,999 Gross Square Feet Building Area '15 -- 500,000 - 999,999 Gross Square Feet builcling Area 1716 — Greater TZ.an 1,000.000 Gross Square Feet Suilding Area DESCRIPTION The average rate for 9,s rxraai of ;ce burltlings less than 50,000 square feet of 9ro9s building area Is T,-.q gererai office building categories provide park- slightly less than the hlstoricratewhich ranged from -nu rates per 1,000 square feet of grossbud,''ng area 3 to 4 spaces for buildings fuss than 50,000 square end per emof lyee. Nearly all of the far, ,r,es sur- feet. veyed were reported to to located in suburban areas. A few facilities -were located in central business dis- The general office buildings surveyed which wire tnctq. A ntafority of the facilities surveyed were smaller la the 50,000'ta 99.999 square toot range exhibited thLn 300,000 square feet; manywere between (00,000 a small amount of square footage per employee and and 299,999 square feet; a few were larger thin very high parking rates. 500,000 square feet, All of vie facilities which reported The d,°la for office buildings between 300,000 and the number of employees were smaller than 500 ,000 499,999 square feet exh'ait an avb'' ge parking rater square feet, of less than 3,0 vehiclas per 1,000 square feat. The nurnber of employees per faculty was a function More data are needed to justify the 4wGtage rate for of the size of the facility, The ntmber of employees the size category 500,000 to 999,999 square feet. . reported ranged from 10 (for a 1.200 square foot which is. in line with .' arger office buildings. This ,ending) to 1.150 (tor a 400,000 squara foot build- need is supported by the range of rates inure sur- ing). vet's provided. PARKING CNARACTEAISTICS AiiD Future survey data must carefully reflect occupied DATA LIMITATie?�-: square footage and the numberota111pioyees. Mior data are needed for many of the office building size Peak parking was reported to occur be lc�een 9 :00 categorlea. AM and 3:00 PM. �r at 001' �uat Y YIA �Y'GVrtp[atrrJn, Aogu7r 19'7finSlrlNtw pF 1r:nSrrottASan 4nn........e- '. GENERAL OFFICE BUILDING' (711 -716) Peak Parking SP XeS Occupied vs: 5,000 GROSS SQUARE FEET BUILDING AREA On a: WEEKDAY PARKING GENERATION (RATES Average Range of Standar0 - Num!)er of Rare_ Rate, Average rg Ar a _ _ Deviation StthNies Building Area 2 79 0.75-32.93 k.25 20 R 158 DATA PLOT, AND EQUATION � 2.001 a w U 1.S0t w U tr7 Z 1,000 X na. Y Lu 500 .i u GVV 400 600 X - 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEE-, BUILDING AREA L ACTUAL DATA POINTS — _ F1TTea cuavf_ Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(P) = 0,93 Ln(X) . R' = 0.8;+0 t Lj l ` LAND USEq- 7.51-7,54 OFFICE PARK 75', -- -Less Than IOP.C.00 Gross Square Feet Fuildinq Area 752 � 00,000 - 295,999 Gross Square f=eet 6t.;i1ding Area 753 -- 300,000- 499,999 Grass Square Feet Building Area 754- Greater Than 500,000 Gross Square Feet Building area DESCRIPTION Office parks are generally subdivisions or planned unit developments containing general office build- ings and support services such its batiks, savings and loan institutions, restaurants. and service sta. lions a, ranged in a park or catnpua- -type atmo• spn1i'v. Thy; nffico hark catEgories include data per 1,000 squaro wet gross huifding aroa from 24 surveys, and per employs a (mnrt 10 surveys. Ail of the officer parks surve}la't were reported to be iocntcd in suburban areas. A majority of the facilltioy surveyed l900*1 were smaller than 3110,000 square feet. The remain- ing facilities ware all smaller theft 600,000 square feet. She number of employes per office park was a function of the size of .he office park. The number of emp(oy =s reported ran, -aLk from lUo to 535. PARKING CHARACTER ISTIC., AND DATA LIMITATIONS Me nrd- fnorning hours wore reported to bo the Peak parting periods, Even ahougb the average parking rate) for an office park and geneial office building of tH a same size is very Sifnilar, more data must be obtaln®cl Jr. order to draw more valid conclusions, Future data. Coined should accurately reflect the occupied s(4uare foot- 890 of thQ office park. i 1 OFFICE PARK (751- -•254) Peak Parking Spares Occupied vs::,000 GROS$ SQUARE FEET 3UILMNG AREA j On a: WEEKDAY i PARKING GENERAa1QN'RATES Average Rate 2.52 1,900 • 1,600 1,700- 1.600 v 1,500- 1.400- 1,300. v 200 0 1,100 1.000 z silo - 600 100 x 600 500 . n, 400 J 300 -{ 20a " .1n a� Rango of ztanCara Number o! 1,000,OSF Awz -ts Owation Studies Builtfing Area . ». - 0 94 -d,25 0.76 24 ,• ...,— 202 DATA PLOT AND EQUATION 4 a 4VU 400 500 X 1000 GROSS SQUARE FEET BUILDING AREA !~ ACTUALOATA POINT S — FITTED CURVE Fitted Curves equation; P ^ 2,5a(X) – 14.03 R, 0.906 If I �._ r LAND USES: 131 -132 INDUSTRIAL PARK 131 —Loss Than 400.000 Gross Square Feet 0` Building Area 132-- Greater Than 400,000 Gross Square Feet Of Building Area DESCRIPTION industrial parks contain a number of Industrial or related facilities. They are characterized by a mix of manufacturing. light industrial, research, service, and warehouse facilities with a wide variation in the proportion of each type of use from one location to another. Many industrial parks contain highly diver - 3ified facilities, some with a large number of small ousinasses and otlitrs with cne or two domin;lnt industries. Studies have been subdivided to provide separate parking rates toe industrial parks less than and greater than 40C,00b square feet. Asimilar size breakdown was used to calculate the parking rate when the num . fr of employees was known. The industrial parts surveyed that were less than 400.000 square feet of building area ranged in size from 238.000 to 360,000 square fee'. The only study providing data on the number of ompioycos was at a site with 1,070 employees, providing 336 square feet per employes. The Industrial pnrics surveyed that were greater than 400.000 square feet of building area ranged in size from 438,109 to 1,260,000 square foot. Two of these studies provided the number of employees, and indicated an Rverage of 448 square feet per employee. PARKING CHARACTERISTICS AND ©XA LIMITATIONS Although thfr "atudl s for Industrial parks less then and greater than 400,000 square feet were charao- teristic In that the number of occupied {larking spaces was proportionally smaller fors he larger facilities, there are too few stadfss to bass any conclusions on. INDUSTRIAL R�AK (13 ; -132 Peak Parking Spaces occupiec4 vs: 1,000 GROSS SQUARE BUILDING AREA FEET Qn a: WEEKDAY PARKING GENERATION RATES Av148— Range of g tand3td Nurrhero! --- Races Do,, auo,V Average s.Q00 G5F _Stuu'tos g Area _ 0.75 -2.4. 8u1/d/R O.fi3 _ DATA PLOT AND EQUATION 2.600 2.400 0 2.200- 2,000- 1,800- uj 1,600 1,400 z Y 1,200 Cl- r a,aao � ear 4 600 y 400 200,r 200 400 600 800 1.000 1,200 X = 1000 GR08S SQUARE FEET BUILDING AREA � � ' �aUAL i1ATA POINTS FITItin cuRve ! .omitted. Curve Equation: I-n(P) = 1.38 Ln() 2.10 RI = 0.763 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, rALIFORNIA, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 89 -06 FOR AN OFFICE LOCATED AT 9269 UTICA AVENUE, SUITE 120, IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APH: 209 -411- 17. A. Recitals, (i) Rancho Pacific Business Park has filed an application for the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit No. 89 -06 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as "the application ". iii) On the 26th of April 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, part A, of this Resolutior:rn true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence preseettad to this Commission . during the above- referenced public hearing on April 26. 1989, including written and oral staff' reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application contemplates an office use in a leased space ee 3,780 square Feet on property located at 9269 Utica Avenue, .Suite 120, within a fully developed site consisting of four multi - tenant induttr {a1 buildings; and (b) The complex contains 80,000 square feet of tenant space and required 200 parking spaces at a ratio of one space per each 400 square feet of gross floor arsa, howeve. ^, 230 parking spaces are provided; and (c) A narking demand study has provided sufficient evidence that the parking need is satisfied. r33 FLANKING OMMISSION RESOLUITON NO. RE: COUP 89 -06 - RANCHO PACIFIC April 25, 1989 Page 2 0 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Comnis.`sion daring the abov:J- ra:forenced public hearing and upon tn; specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs I and 2 abrie, Ws Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed uce is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of +pie district in which the site is locatrad." (b) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially initarious to properties or impravements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Develobitent Code. 4. :his Commission hereby finds ,,nd certifies that the project has been reviewed and consider;id in coimplidoce pith the Wifor_d '-,Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, fur`her, this Commission herel- rsues .a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusionri set forth in paragraphs 1, , 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set fort;. below. Planning Division: (1) Any modification, expansion, or other change in operatikm will require a revisicn to V -- Conditional Use Permit. (2) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with ail sections of the Industrial Area Sp,tific Plan, and all other City Ordinances, (3) If the operation of the fac:!Iity causes adverse effects upon °djacent businesses or operations, the Conditional Use Pe -i: :t shalt° be brought before Ute Planning Cormission for V d ronside -ation and possible iarmwlvatioi, of the use. (4) Occupancy of the facility shall not commence until such time as all Uniform Building Code afr-Stax Fire Marshall's regulLt fns have beet. complied with, Plans shall be submitt i to the Fo(thill Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance and the building shall be inspected for conplianci prior to occupancy. Aft M.3v PLAN?JIiG COMMISSION RESOLUITON MO. RE: CUP 89 -06 - RANCHO PACIFIC Apr71 26, 1989 Page 3 (6) Any signs proposed for the face lty small ,ae designed in conformance with the Coll, Sign Ordinance and any Uniform Sign Program for the cr.4nplex, and shall require review and approval by the Planning Division prior to installation. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adnption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED YHiS 26TH DAY OF APRIL 1909. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: arry . e , a rman ATTEST: u er, ecre „ry I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commissio- of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution ryas duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of April 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ��ca art MEMORANDUM DATE: April 26, :989 TO: Chai.elan and Members of the Planning Lamniss?en 19" FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Debra Meier, fssociate Planner SUBJEr,': CLARIFICATION OF A CONDITION OF APPROVAL REGAiar- LANDSCAPING OF I -15 FREEWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR (No PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS - DR 87 -26 BERMANT DEVELOPMENT C01PANY, OR 87�51 FULL41R. I. BACKGROUND: Aperoxima`Aly two years ago, a number of projects were sv m tted for properties adjacent to the 1 -15 Fraeway, While I processing the first project, Bermant Development (DZ 87 -26), the issue of re uiring landscaping o� the freeway right -of -way "frontage ", as you would landscape the right- of -w1N of any surface streets, was raised. Plann-Nig and Engto eying Divisions approached CALTRMS with the idea of hsving each developer landscape that portion of the right - of-way adjacent to each development. At the time it seemed to be a feasible option. Discussions with CALTRANS indicati3d tht.w they would prepare a Master Ptancinq Plan,, with each developer responsible for preparing detailed landscape and irrigation plans a-ad installation, 'Mw, both e, these przjects, OR S7 -26, and DR 37 -E5 are under constructici. CALTRANS has since determined it does not have the budget to prepare the luster Plan -and has turned tha': over to the City to prepare (Planning Division work program item for 89/0). CALTRANS also c!,acluded that the incremental installation of the landscaping mould rot be effir' ;nt and themlfbre, they will mast likely require installation of Agnificant 'leng !s at a time. II. ANALYSIS: Considering the ,;hanges to the paraireters of this ssue, a condition of approval for the twr* previously approved Projects needs clarification in order to allow the applicants to comply with the requirement and obtain occupancy of their buildings once the projects are cr.mplete. The original condition read as follows: The developer shall provide landscaping within the freeway right -of -way along the boundary of this project. The landscape plan shall be prepared in ITEM N PLANNING C"ISSIOR Z F REPORT 1-i5 rREEWAY April 26, 1989 Pagr _: conformance with the CALTRMS M23ter Planting Plan for the I -15 rreeway through the City of Rancho Cucamonga, . plans shall also be revizwed and approved by the city Planner and thi City Engineer. Lrndscape and irrigation shall be installed pri.,r to refer ~se of occupancy for the final building sf the project. If fittai approvals and /or installation is not complete at that time, the city will accept a cash deposit for future landscaping of the CALTRANS right -of -gray. Note that the applicant is requirrad u prepare plans and install landscaping, or the City will accept a vase degas r.. Even is the cash deposit option is used., the applicant is still expected to perform the work and the deposit returned upon completion. Our goal is to complete the Master Plan and the landscaping in phased: increments according to CALTRMS' requ nements. Therefore, sta recomsends xhat the €ollowir:g condit'�a replace and clarify the original condition., The Freeway right- ofaray adjacent to the project shall lx. landscaped in accordance with a swster at'an for the entire segw.nt of F'reemy wit.`rin the Crtf as approvwd by CALTRMS, the City Planner, and City Engineer. However, if CALTRMS will not allow the incremental cor4tritetion of this Freeway lands; aping with this p�vJec', a each pa wmB in lieu. of construction as a c, ,ribution to a f0flure corpreharsive project shah, be tsar; to the City for to the releasrb of occupanry fop the final aai'ldino, of the project or re!.mMation of the Record Map, whichever occurs First.. Any such Projects approved in the future will contain this conditi-,A, with the cash contribution tine prior to issuance of bt!ilt' -`at, persit,. In addi *icn to the two projects that arse the ` of this report, DR 88-07 Swan Po, %Is, contains the same origina, conditions. Houever, Swan Pools was a City Plattner approval. In this case staff woull be adrAnistr'atively ins=', ?Mt'ng the term "hash deposit" in the c')nd "tion to mean "ca payment in lies.- of tonst uction", and the ca�,.i payment ;rill bo due prior to release of occupancy fz,r the phase I building or the project. Pi —3— 701-02 1 04 -26 -89 PC Aaenda Q 4 of 4 PLANNING COMNAISSION STAFF REPORT I -15 FREEWAY April 25, 1989 Page 3 III. RECOMENDATIOW Staff recommends t %at the Commission adopt t e tac a i"Fesolutfons modifying the condition as stated ave. Brad Bul *• f • _ -_ City P nner BB• :mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" Location Map ,- r -,i� , RESOLUTION NO. 87 -164A A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORP"A, MODIFYING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 87 -26 FOR THE DEVc10PMENT OF 13 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS TOTALING 570,425 SQUARE FEET ON 29.4 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNEn OF ARROW ROUTE AND IOCHESTER AVENUE IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDIKGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. APN: 229- 121 -19, 23 -26. A. Recites (i) On September 9, 1987, this Commission adopted Resolution No. 87 -164, thereby approving, subject to specified conditions, the development of 13 industrial buildings in the General Industrial District of the Industrial Specific Plan. (ii) Planning Division Condition No. 6 states that: The developer shall provide landscaping within the freeway right -of -way along the boundary of this project. The landscape plan shat! be prepared in conformance with the CALTRANS Master inting Plan for the I -15 Freeway through the City of ,rancho Cucamonga, is plans shall also be reviewed and approved by the City Planner and the City Engineer. Landscape and irrigation shall be installed prior to release of occupancy for the final building of the project. If final approvals and /or installation is not complete at that time, the city will accept a cash deposit for future landscaping of the CALTRANS right -of -way, (iii) Based upon new information from CALTRANS thi_ condition must be clarified to permit Bermant Development Company to satisfy the requirement and gain final occupancy of the structures. (iv) On the 26 day of April, 1989, the Planning Commission of he City of Rancho Cucamonga considered the requested clarification. (v) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. PLANNING CW4ISSION RESOLUTION NO. RES 87 -164A April 26, 1989 Page 2 C 2. Based "pon subctanttel evidence presented to this Conmission during the above- referenced meeting of April 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Com. "ission hereby specifically finds as follows: a) The application applies to property located at the southeast corner of Rochester Avenue and Arrow Route w;th a street frontage of 910.75 feet and lot depth of 1575.16 feet and is presently unimproved; and b) The property north of the subject site is vacant land, Jhe property to the south of the site consists of vacant land, the property to the east is an existing nursery and the I -15 freeway, and the property to the west is a. existing metal forge facility. 3. Based upon substa:it.iai evidence presented to this Commission during the above - referenced meeting and upon the specific findings cf fact set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Coasnission hereby finds and conclud_s as follows: a) That the proposed project is consistent wit t the objectives of the General Plan; and is b). That the proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c) That the proposed use is in compliance with esh of the applicable provisions of the Development Cade; a nd d) That the proposed use, together with tie conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or c3aterially injurious to proper*: ;es or im;rovements in the vicinity. a. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, fu;r °i:flr, this Commission hereby issued a Negative Declaration on September 9, 198 . 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby modifies Planning Division Condition No. 6 to read as follows: The Freeway right -of -way adjacent to the project shall be landscaped ir accordance with a master plan for tl,:? entire /0 E PLANUNG CaMISSION RESOU-TION NO. RES 8 .164A April 26, 1989 ' Page 3 segment of Freeway within the City as approved by CALTRANS, tha City Planner, and City Engineer. However, if CALTRANS will not allow the irr:remental construction of this Freeway landscaping with this project, a cash payment in lieu of construction as a contribution to a future comprehensive project shall be made to the City prior to the release of occupancy for the fipa "building P,f the project. 6. All other r.r 4itions of Resolution No. 87 -164 sha still apply. 7. The Secretary of this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1909. PLANNING CMNISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUVIONGA 9Y arry e , a rman qV ATTEST: Brad" u er, .mee ry I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonget, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th daffy of April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMIS5IONERS: NOES: CONNISSiONMS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. 86-59A A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COPMISS:XON OF THE CITY OF RANCND CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, MODEFYING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 81 -55 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 3 1NDUMTAL BUiLOINGS TOTALING 171,641 SQUARE FEET ON 7.7 ACRE- OF LAND LOCATED BETWEEN ROCHESTER AVENUE AND THE IN_ %PASTATiE 15 FREEWAY, APPROXIMATELY 165 FEET NORTH OF THE AT AND SF RAILROAD IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAk. DISTRICT, RID MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, Aft 229- 121 -19, 21, 22. A. Recitals M On March 23, 1988, this Commission adopted Resolution No. 88- 59, thereby approving, subject to specified coi4itions, the development of 3 industrial buildings in the General Industrial District of the industrial Specific Plan. (ii) Planning Division Condition No. 6 states that, The developer shall provide landscaping within the freeway right -of -way along the bout -Aary of this project. The landscape plan shall be prepared ir, conformance with the CALTRANS Master Planting Plan for the I -15 Freeway through the City of Rancho Cucamonga, p'.;ns shall also be reviewd and approved by the City Planner and the City Engineer. Landscape and irrigation shall be installed prior to release of occupancy for the final building of the project. If final approvals and /or installation is not complete at that time, the City will accept a cash deposit for,, future landscaping of the CALTRANS right -of -way, (iii) Based upon new info"tion from CALTRANS this condition must be clarified to permit Fullmer PrcperCies to satisfy the requirement and gain fi:tal occupamy of the structures. ('iv) On tba 26 days of April, 1989, the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga considered the requested clarification. have occurred. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution B. Resolution NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows; 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts "-t forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RES 88-59A April 26, 1989 Page 2 2. Based upon sub 1antial evidence presented to {this Commission during the above - referenced meeilig on April 26, 1989, •including written and oral staff reports, this CouOssion hereby specifically finds as follows: a) The application applies to property located on the east side of Rochester Avenue with a street frontage of 709 feet and lot depth of 475 feet and is bordered on the east by the Interstate 15 Freeway, and is presently unimproved; and b) The property north of the subject site is vacant land, the property to the south of the site consists of rail service uses, the property to the east is the freeway which i_ approximately 30 fee°r. above grade of the subject site, and the property to the vest s developed with light wholesale storage and distribution uses; and c) The property location and configuration precludes rail service. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced meeting and upon the specific findings -)f fact set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a). That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of th4 General Plan; and b) That the proposed use is in acciord with the objective of the Developwnt Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and c) That the proposed use is 'n ;omplianc; with each of the applicahle provisions oe the Development Code; and d) That the proposed use, together with ifhe conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, ►r materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies Oat the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issued a Negative Declaration on March 23, 1988. N'9 E 0 PLANNING CCMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. R'S 88-59A April 26, 1989 Page 3 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby modifies Plamrng Division Condition No. 6 to read as follows The Freeway right- of-way adjacent to the project shall be landscaped in accordance with a master plan for the entire segment of Freeway within the City as approved by CALTRANS, the City Planner, and City Engineer. However, If CALTRANS will not allow the incremental construction of this Freeway landscaping with this project, a cash payment in lieu of construction as a contributiow to a future comprehensive project shall be made to the City prior to the release of occupancy for the final building of the project or recordation of the Record Map, whichever occurs first. 6. All other conditions of Reolution No. 88-59 shall still apply. 7. The Secretary of this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED 'HIS 26TH DAY OF APRIL, 1989. PLANNING COWISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY:. —Try . Mc iT CfiaiFinan ATTEST. Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that tw2 foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission head on the 26th dAyr of April, 1989, by the following vote -to -wit; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: P `P CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM z! a N 0 DATE: April 20, 1989 iz T0: t irman and Members of the Planning Commission t9" FROM: rad Buller, City Planner SUBJEC RECYCLING CENTERS The City has received a letter from the Star Department of Conservation (Exhibit "A ") requesting that the City reconsider its scre.enizig policy for the state - mandated Recycling Centers in Rancho Cucamonga. Also attached is a response from the Mayors office 4a"d April 10, 1989 (Exhibit "B "). Since the Planning Coamission was involved in the development of design standards for these facilities, it has been requested that this issue be forwarded to the Planning Commission for discussion. BB:oK:3s Attachments:. Exhibit "A" State Department of Conservation Letter Exhibit "B" - Mayor`s Response STATE OF CAUFORNIA -^THE RESOI. tes A*ENCY GEORGE. MKA1MtA,14, Go,nrorw DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION 1025"P OF M,Rm.4 1045 "Y� STREET, RM. <OS V SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 9,0. 60X 944268 " "Mgmo, CA 94244,26W M (916) 324,2 ..arch 17 19 9 ADMIN4STRAt4N (916) 323A7,3 r AUDITS (916) 3234004 CE04CATION (916) 323,3601 -- RECEIVED— Ptoasss&NNo fm (9t6) 323,sm =OF M Honorable Denn; s Stout, Mayor PLANNING City of Ramcho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road As MAR.28 RanchonCucamonga, CA 91730 7181MAU AIA814164 Dear Mr. Stout: It has come to the attention of the Division of Recycling (Division), that every convenience zone recycling center in Ran ^ho Cucamon --a, with the exception of one reve:ass vending machine, has r 5sed nad decertified, because they cannot most the City's -reening conditions for land use parmits in commercial .;ones. As a result, all retailers who sell beverages in containers in Rancho Cucamonga will be required to redeem beverages containers in their stores, or pay a daily line of $100. Several supermarkets have requested that the Division look into this (situation. As yW may know, the California Beverage Container Recycling is and Litter Reduction Act of 1$86 (Act) has as its goal the p`avisi�_n of convenient and cost - effective recycling iocationa to the public. In order to accomplish that goal, the Act required the Division to establish convenience zones of one -half mile raciuc around every supe.- market with over $2 million of annual gror? sales, Within each convenience zone) there must be at :Least one recycling center, which redeems beverage containers from consumers. If there is no recycling center in a convenience zone, each retailer within the zone, who sells beverages in containers, must redeem these containers in their store for recycling, or pay a fine of $100 per day. The Act ale* provides that cities may not 'Treasonable . canditit,ns for the operation of these recycling centers, 11 providwA tb0=Q conditions do not preclude locating a recycling Winter in a zon>. In order for a city to deny a permit for a mobile recycling center or r ®verse vending machine, located in a commercial or industrial zone within a convenience zone, the city must make sp6cific findings that the facility is contrary to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The permit applicant can challenge these findings. Rancho Cucamonga0s recycling ordinance requires ever -I small recycling center, on the property of an existing commercial 0 Honcrable Dennis stout Page 2 March 17, 1989 use such as a supermarket, to install a permanent enclosure or landscaping on three sides, and a trellis or arbor above the recycling center. According to the City's planning staff, the trellis gust be permanent and substantial. Although most of the requirements of Rancho Cucamonga's recycling ordinance are reasonable and necessary to protect the public, the screening conditions are stricter than those of most cities in California. in addition, experience in other cities has shown that these types. cf aesthetic requirements are not necessary to protect the public. These requirements are dit.eicult, if not impossible,. for mobi` recycling centers to meet, for several reasons: • The overhead arbor interferes with the emptying or replacement of full containers, for most types of mobile centers. • The profit margin on these small recycling centers does not allow for the expense of installing permanent enclosures. • Although the ordinance allows the conditions to be met by existing landscaping, the requiremantss for screening on three sides and a trellis cannot be met by existing la;, ,idscaping at any supermarket location in Rancho Cucamonga. • La.ndlords will not usually allow installation of permanent enclosures and additional permanent landscaping. In our experience, the major barrier "to permanent , nclosures is opposition from landloras. Most landlords wil approve mobile rocyclsing centers wA.ch can be easily removed, if necessary. Landlords are willing to add more plants to existing la=2scaping, but no landlord has been willing to build perx&nent walls: or install nakw landscaped areas, thareby permanently eliminating parking spaces, around what may be a temporary facility. Tenants associations also have the right to veto such exclusive use of the common parking area. Most California cities and counties amended their zoning ordinances so as to allow recycling centers in commercial and manufacturing zones, while protecting the residents from undesirable impacts. They based these amendments on a Yodel Zoning Ordinance prepared by the Division with the assistance of the League of California Cities. T have enclosed a copy of this Model Ordinance. Honorable Dennis Stout Page 3 March 17, 1989 Large cities, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, do not require landscaping or screening for mobile recycling centers on supermarket parking lot.., Most smaller cities prefer that the recycling center be screened from major thoroughfares, by existing landscaping or buildings, but be visible to customers on the parking lot. This type of solution has proven satisfactory t, all parties. The recycling centeiz, in question in Rancho Cucamonga are "mobile" recycling centers, that is, they, are vehicles or containers brought in and replaced by vehicles. They have the advantage over permanent structures of being temporary and easily moveable or removablo.as necessary. They are generally installed at supermarket?!, to be compatibly with existing traffic flow, to avoid hEndling cash, and L acause supermarket sites are well supervised, sometimes 24 hours a day. I understand that you prefer recycling centers to be permanent, and to resemble the design of the building, ind will require new supermarkets to build architecturally compatible areas for recycling. This is commendable, however, it does not respond to the current problem. There era seven convenience zones in Rancho Cucamonga. Their obligations can be not with three recycling center locations (see enclosed map). There is currently one reverse vanding machine in the city, and two for- pro?it recycling centers located outside of convenience zones. There are several ways --e City vi' Rancho Cucamonga can resolve this 91:oblea, sc that residents can be provided convenient recycling opportunities: o The City could modify requirements for architectural compatibility to allow mobile recycling centers at existing supermarket locations to be screened from major thoroughfares, but be visible from within the parking lot. This screening can be on one or two sides, as necessary. No trollis would be required. According to City Planning staff, locations can be found at most supermarkets where existing landscaping could most 'these requirements. Landlords and supermarkets within Rancho Cucamonga have expressed willingness to improve existing landscaping., Requirements foal nL4 supermarket developments can, of course, be stricter. — L Honorable Dennis Stout Page 4 March 17, 1989 o The City could establish a curbside recycling program, and request exemp ans for the convenience zones served by that program. Exemptions may also be reruested if there is a nonprofit recycling center in the community. The City could work with supermarkets and other retailers to fund a certified nonprofit recycling center. o Where there ars health and safety, or restr4-4tive parking problems, the Division can seek to expand the convenience zone to include a more appropriate recycling location. o consider recycling cent ar designs that would be acceptable to the City with less screening. Enclosed is a brochure describing one now design.. The Division of R :cycling requests that the City Council reconsider the screening policy, so as to allow xobilo, recycling centers to site in your community. We strongly support Rancho Cucamonga's efforts to work with recycling companies and retailers to resolve this problem. If we can be of any assistance, please feel free to call Susan Eddy, Manager, Local Government Assistance Secticn, at (916) 323 -35013. Respectfully, Ralph Chandler Chief Division of Rficyclinq Enclosures cc: Mr. Las Howe, California Retailers' Association Mr. Steve Brown, Albertson *, Inc. Mr. Steve Crawford, Store Director, Albertsons #661 Mr. To* Sanchez, Parry's Ranch Market Mr. Ralph Osterman, Ralphs Market Ms. Susan Snow, Stater Brothers* Markets, Inc. Mr. A. Lme Johnson, 20/20 Recycle Center Ms. Cynthia Kinzer, Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department 7 :RC:jhg -. Q1� {..' i 4f •i �•1'•S.' • s ••mil: j: w y t k4-1 .i{,r '7y / —•�Ar Tt ' l �lr • y �s I t" «,..�. Q'"'7777'"����"''f_` ,_ 1 .--C' ,Y �`� ! '• • Al . ♦ , "{ 1 y� t'.`f 1 ��6i.1:, ' •, o:'°'�' `I pt O 'p'• to S dR Zll wu ,s � s � ► ly _•a � � •_ L .rsY i +b -x�� -' � a�� '�l -�.g.. •� r �� 4�_ �'_� r�l�Sif +191 �;, ' -Y rT � �• - .. •... •... .\ � has+ a •'s rs♦ � e + i � - • b' tj �' • i � •T 3° +•?• , 1 •r� it & a� x x. r zz ij ,•, t IL �..• J•• • T• . . , �• i,' • w a•a',• a •10 'tom• �' [ ai • h�1. AE ___ _ y � .L •A _ a i. 2 �x ��. �..,. �a. C Finding the best system for address. ing today's recycling challenges is nc easy task. In fact some recycling systems simply don't work foryour community's specific needs Some systems present an arrery f trans - portation and storage difficulties. Stilt others can't secure the approval of landlords and local governments The result— reeyi*rs and retailers face high transportation casts, overflowing rmycling bins and unhappy customers: In d Bag," CollectionAO,, Convenient Solution forBe But now there's a solution —the "In the Bag" Collection System. This unique recycling system is designed specifi- cally w address the problems retailers and recyciers are expertnncing in meeting the new recycling demand. It will also helit ensure that your center is both profitable and efficient --by reducing labor and transportation costs, by elimiratrng storage and overflow problems and by hncrew: ing customer satisfaction. The sy ,gem is the brainchild of L&L Management Associates, Inc., =a Sacramento-based management firm whose principals have extensive experience in the recycling, beverage and retail industries. L &L sells this unique recycling equipmen to recyclers, retailers, charitable organizations,.. anyone wl wants to get into the recycling business. And, the firm also offers cost-efficient transportation services —from pick up at your business to delivery to end users. Take a closer look at the "redeeming'qualities of the "In the Bag" collection System. Sinthle to liberate: The 'In the Bag' collection System is simple and easy to opexa_ it has no moving parts, can't brut dtCr n and re4uires no electdW pow Two sturdy reusable po4"W bag~ on pallets are placed inside taut recycling bin. These bags can hold as much as 280 pounds of flattened aluminum cans and as much as 2A00 pounds of crushed glas& When the baggy, are fu1L a store or recycling center employee removes the bags and raliets from the bins with a standard pallet jack or fork lift. The bags are stored in a safe location awaiting pick up by L&L. L &L also provides replacement bags at no additional cast as needed. -stern is the Efficient and gage Container Recycling. Compatible with Your Surrorcndings: The bins are attractive and can easily be modified to be compatible with your community's environment. For example, wood siding can be applied to the bin to give it a "natural" look. As a result, receiving landkwd and - local government approvals should be a breeze. An Fit. The "In the Bag" Collection System's bins can fit along the sidewalk next to a building or in a parking lot. ANWrhmed, two bins -one for clear wlored glass and one for plastic and aluminum beverage containers- } I require no more than one parking lot I space. And, the bins can be placed in whatever configuraticn your recycling I center requires. _ - q•_ --�- may-- -� t F - -•• Reliable, Cost Efficient Collection and Transbor Vtion Services., Collection and trarrporta5on can be the most costly element of operating ? a reqcft censer. The "In the Bad' ` Cdlection Sysk m eliminates this prabie a too. By being able to pick �\ up larger quantities of materials t.• " stored at your location, trans- .\ portation costs are significantly reduced. iinrtkrernrore.collection is quick and easy and doesn't interfere with your basins ss operation. L&L will pick up the materials r from your businm and deliver it to end users Give u ;,t a call today if youd like to l find out more about the "In the a Ba; 'Collection System, the con- aenient, economical solution to 41ift. oil" beverage container recycling.. 0 -0. Flexible Oberating Obtions: Tire "In the Bag" Collection System can be operated by grocery stop: employees -or arrangements can be made with an existing community recycle:: a charitable organ ± —_n or local entrepreneur -the decision is up to you. L &L staff can assist you in making appropriate arrangements for effective center rnanageaent and operation. &.t i. n commitment doesn't stop these. Well be available to help you sort through problems and solutiom -now and in the future. IWLManagement Associates Inc. (916) 442 -7132 .H CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Office of the Mayor Dennis L. Stout April 10, 1989 Mr. Ralph Chandler, Chief Division of Recycling Department of Conseriation STATE OF CALIFQRNIA P. 0. Box 944268 Sacramento, CA 94244 -2680 SUBJECT: RECYCLING CENTERS Dear Mr. Chandler: .1 0 P=t Once Box 807,. Rancho Cueacscoµ Catifemh 91730. (714) 989.1651 Thank you for your letter of March 17 expressing an interest in the City of Rancho Cucamonga's recycling center screening policy. We strongly believe that our screening requirements are both reasonable and consistent with the need to maintain the attractive character of our community. I believe that this is not an issue of "cannot ", but an issue of "will not" so far as the recycling operators and landlords are concerned. To date no applicant for a recycling permit has submitted ,mans to attempt to comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga's screening requirements. This concerns me since we have worked very closely with various recycling operators and landlords in the development of our requirements. In iur City even trash enclosures have and are being landscaped and arcnitect4rally treated to be compatible. Examples are installed today. To allow less would simply not be right. New designs, such as the one enclosed with your letter, could be designed to meet the City of Rancho Cucamonga's screening standards. As you can tell, the City considers development in its boundaries very important. We believe in recycling and want to participate in its success, but we also believe success will only occur if the program is compatible with the environment where it is seta I have mquested that this matter be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their further consideration. Thank you for considering r(y comments. I hope we can find a common ground. Sin erely, Dennis L. Stout Mayor DLS:gs. LI LOA CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: April 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commiss,Jan FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner SUBJECT: TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCY 0 0 U i? 1977 I. ABSTRACT: Vicki Jackson has resigned as Member -at -Large from the rrai is Aavisory Committee (see attached letter) . The Member -at- Large is appointed by the Planning Commission; therefore, your direction is needed as to how you would like to fill this appointment.. II. BACKGROUND: The current membership of the Comr!Ztee is as follows: Term Expi res Suzanne Chitiea, Planning Commission July 27, 1990 Peter Tolstoy, Planning C&7mission July 27, 1989 Pamela Henry, Parks and Recreation Ce nirsion July 21, 1989 Sam Punter, Parks and Recreation commission June 16, 1990 Vicki Jackson Member -at -Large July 27, 1990 Alternates: David Blakesley, Planning Commission 'irk Whitehead, Parks and Recreation Commission Last yaar, the Planning Commission appointed a subcomittee (Chitiea, Blakesley) to interview candidates for the Member -at- Large position. Those interviewed included: Christine Benoit (past Member -at- Large) Greggory Pilcher Donald Terry Linda Yount Maili Rudzinski The Commission may appoint from this list or invite new applications. A y pft!ii't r BB :DC:ko D Jim & Vicki Jackson 6523 QUARTER ED= LAN$ • ALTA LOA44. CALIFORNIA 91-.02 IN rG7Ik T-C6— �I.Af : .. ••:rC'rypt AM ANR La 1 April 4, 19691TIS1JIM Mr. Larry McNicl Planning Commi olon City of Rancho Cucamonga 93v0 Baseline Rancho Cucamonga, CA Doar tor. Mcrliel I grant to ti ke this opportunity to than k you f or the privilege of working on the Rancho Cucamonga Trails Advisory Committee. However, due to scheduling coafiicts, predominantly my inereas .-ig involvem�--nt in a volunteer horseback riding'program to :heip the handicanpad, I must resign my appointment as member gt large. As muz-h as I would like to remain on the committee, we ail come to a point in these busy days where we must prioritize and make some adjustments. After much considerw;ion, I feel my personal abilities are of greater mervico beslping There;..utic Equestrians. I do not wish to leave you short - handed and will remain until you locate a roj�lacement. Again thank you and for everything, e3pecially the continuing work at makinng thie city a pleasant community for hll. Sineerelir, Victoria Jackson