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1989/07/26 - Agenda Packet
�� � ®i� t• COPY ClA-Ah?gN C z� CdMOF r. >. RANaioCUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION O AG ��TT��AA J r� ; C�.TE L 1 1977 WEDNESDAY XLY 26,ir89 7.00 p m. LIONS PARS COMMUNITY CENTER 9161 BASE 7L1NB RANCHO CIICAMONU,CALIFORNIA L P1ft%e of Allegiance U. Roll call Commissioner Blakesley , ''Oximissioner McNiel Commissioner Chitiea _ rt mnissioner This toy Canmissioner Weinberger IIL Announcements TV- Approval of Mlnuta June 28,1989 July 12,1989 V. Conacnt Caterblac The following Consent Calendar items,are expected to be routine and non-ct.'ztraversir,. They will be acted on by the Commission at one time without diedussloru If anyone has concern over any item, it should be removed for discussion. A. ARCHITECTWUL MODZICATIONS TO TBNTATI"f{TRACT 13748-GRIFFIN HOME Modifications to'a previously`1,fprroved Design Review, of building elevations and detailed site plan for-a "Tentative Tract Nap'consisting of 102 single family hordes in the Low-Medium Residgmtlel District (4-8 dwelling un?ts per acre), Iodated north of Highland Avenue, crest of Milliken Avenue- APN: 201_-27145. B. ENVIRONMENTAL'A3SESSMEt3T:FOR DEVELOPMENT IUVIEW 89-1't - NURDIC DEVELOPMEN -The develalment o an office building tog 14,43 square feet on .93 aces of land in the Industrial_Park Distrl0i(Subarea 7)of the Industrial Specific Plan, Ic0€.1}' ted on the West side of Red,-:,*Street north of Civic Center r, give LYN- 208-0B2 13, +a F� VL Pima geortap Thfi potlovlag itemti are public(hearings in wt ich concerned individuals mary,voice their-opinion of the related profsct. Please wait to be rerlognized by the Chairman and address the Commission b stating your name and address, All such�)inions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for+ea6i'yrojieot.. 4 C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PARCEL ti't �25AS - WEIRICK;PROPERTIES,LTD.-A subdivision of 3.5 8.,�cres Ofinto 3 parcels in the 14R.ighborho9d Cammercisl zllstclet,locates,:�! on the southwest of lner o4 Archibald Avenue and Lomita.Court- .1 APN. 202= Sh33.' ' D. ENVIRONMENTAL 'ASSESMENT KM 'FODMELO€MENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT 89-02 BLACC 3 INC. w A request to pre-zone approximately 25 eases of vacant,land located at the northeast corder.of Highland and Rochester Avenues to a density of Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per aere) APN 225-152-01,02,03,04,&T.B. (Continued from dune 28,1989,) R. El+IMONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT Af39E MENT S 3 BL.CKA TON HOMES, INC. -A request to approve. a I"ievelopment,t: reeement for apiiroximately 25 aenas, consisting of 78 lots at approximately 5.2 dwelling units pe;;=acre,; located on the northeast earner of Highland; and Rochester Avenues- APN: 225-152-02, 02, 03, 04,& 18. (;Continued from June 29,1989.E F. ENTERTAINMENT: F'R?€MIT 89-03 - MANGO'S BEACRFRONT CAFE The reviel�o h a dice oekey,live entertainment, and dancing in con uNltion with a rsstaurannt use,located at 803-15 Haven Avenue- 071401-02. a. ENVIRONMENTAL t,'-ASSESSMENT AND GE14RHAL PLAN AM.NDM N 8 -0. MY OF RANCHO CUCP MONGA Mi amendment to thw. Irculat o*eAement o thr-IRaneho Cucamonga General Plan to r':eatoti' thicough traffic to Highland Avenue between Haven Avenv3` and Deer Creek Channel, with a connection to��Highlaal�'Avenue from 19th Street near San Benito Avenue. H. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL IJSS PERM 88-49 DAMES CARTER DEVELOPMENT-Dave"pmegt of a shopping center eonsisting of 3 buildings totaliqg 28,20►!- square feet on 3.7 acres of Iand in the Neighborhood Commere tl District sit the southwest corner of Baseline Road and Helhnan Avenue-APN;:208-202-13 8c 14. L COND-MONAL USE PERMIT 89-22 RICf1ARD'S BEAUTY COLL GH - A request to establish a beauty college in a leased apace a 5,140 square tgdet within an"exerting building in the General Gommerciyl Dtstdot, located 'iel the Deer Creels Village CentdS141nit ft.W on the west sine off!haven,south of Church - AFN: 1077442r29q J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSEa±MENT .AND CONDITIONAL Uft, , PERMIT 89-10 AMFAC - The request. to establish outside�'v 1t storage �rithin a Sout-nera California Edison easement of 12.73 acres in t�ye.Heavy Industrial Development District(Subarea 15)rf the Industrial Specific Plan, located on the south side of Arrow Route,east of,and adiacent to,the Devore Freeway-A.PN: 229 121-16. .x--� If. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT C06E... AMENDMERT 89Zoj. C Y 41 .;-RANC O CUCAMoNGA - E,stabiishmeut of criteria for, ear washes within Neighborhood Commeroisl.Distriotsr vM Uommiseion Oddness VIIL Public Comments This W the times and place for the general public to address the commission Items to be ritscussed Ore are those which do not already appear on this agenda. �.` itdjo�rnment+,,� The Planning CommOsfon has adoptedAdministrotive Regulations that set.an 11 p.m«,adfourni qnt time. if items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only,with the consent of th;p-,r4mmissf6n. _ r �F r MAV l �► a 1 f: •i � ea tuwoa---� +d.li4 tl C�plljyf�..rl/.yICXI Nt�f 9k9t41& c1RIt•MRIlO.Ot Si;NP4R CQt'9f O$'R t -- CITY OF RANCF.O CUCAMONGA TAFF REPORT 2 DATE: July 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steven Rose; Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ARCHIT"ArUM MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE TRACT 13748 GRI1'Ftp(-F301RE5 - Md1ficatlons to a pTev ous,y approveo Design nevi of building elevations.and detailed site plan for a Tentative Tract Map consisting of 102 single family homes to the Cow-Medium Residential District (ate, dwelling units per acre), located north of Highland Avenue, west of Milliken Avenue APN: 201-271--35. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTIONS A. Action Requested: Approval of building elevations.-and plot plans. B. Project Density: 3.57 dwelling units per acre C. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning, lwrffi - 51 ngi a Pami ry Kesi denti al, Low-Medium (4-8 dwelling units per acre). South - Single Family Residential; Victoria Planned Community, Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Median Residential "8-14 dwelling units per acre). East Single Family Residential, Caryn Planned Community West - Deer Creek Channel; Flood Control D. General Plan Designations: ProjectSite- - Low-medimn-Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) North - Flood Control - Low Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre. South Medium-High Residential (i4-24 dwelling unite per acre) and Neighborhood Commercial East - Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) West. Flood Control E. Site Characteristics: The project site is currently vacant ana has Been graded. The site is bounded to the north by Banyan Street, to the east by Milliken Avenue, and to the south by the proposed Route 30 Freeway. x'.�1 A F PLANNING CONMISSION'STAFF REPORT GRIFFIN HOKS, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 13748 .. MY 25 1989 Page z i �lr .I I . ANALYSIS: A. Background: Design Review for Tentative 1.748 was apiiroved by Vie-P ilanning Comnissioin on March 22 1989. This.. previous approval was for three floor plans, each with four, elevations.., " All of the units are two-start' with;three`car garages. The units range in sir_► from 2,180 square feet to 2,786 square feet. The applicant is; proposing an additional fourth plan and elevations to be located on 17 of the 102 lots in the tract. This new two-story unit is approximately 3,200 square feet and will also have a three car garage. B. Design Review .Committee: The Committee will review the proposal on July Y?3 1, Staff will provide an oral report on their actions, 111. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: 'This project is consistent with the Development o e and e General Plan. The project will not be detrimental to the adjacent properties or cause significant environmental impacts. In additi.� , the proposed use and sita plan to;,.:ther with the recommende.i conditions of approval, are in compliance with the applicable provisions of the 0!velopment Code and City standards. _ s IV. RECO1MKENDATIONt,,, Staff recomm tkds that tie planning Commission approve the design review of building el/�ivations and plot plans for the 17 lots-through the; adoption af� the attached Resolution and conditio s,,of approval Respectfully ub #tted, ;ffi Brad Bulled � City Planner MSH js„ Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Site Utilization Exhibit 'B" - Detailed. Site Alan Exhibit "C - New Elevations' Exhibit "D" - Approved Elevations Resolution.of Approval } Inv %, MICaYrf 10,Amok ri +auea •j �� M1=� :�is a z.j��,.. �a �� c '4•, 1%l�r ..yyr r.:it f , '"j= -�-�.�.,/,t�� '�'-{"'"".".""'.��i i.�` /`►fro°J = ! ! ice' 1 �`-. r. ' t/". _ r Y ..P,~ i �Krr Y� �<::wC4�s 7.i�.'yi t'a^�f-t-.�-t.7. • i"__—�, ' •. �'� ,.'..r��-a:x,.x,,,,�,.a s�,•a =.. ram. •�. �� ; VVI NCRn rrY OF LRAMM "� d d f ..,..., k WA Y i V A ry k.rrr i e �,, � ter,-�r�'t�ln..•, �., ,�„� �;: / -f- _ .-�- --- { •�+� }.\.�\\J�1 ,d` ({' L•... 1��,v.S yj.�%�..4J" ��.. Uttet NrYn+ 7•Y'!9 r-�4 "j�jY�''� 'b il. ,""lr •i li 1-. i+l t•''•�"��f•�St'^�° •• eurtw gCwrr �Sttf� .� TMCL 17i1� � ;, '._.� __. .'_..tt:=�-`,:•i=: "_'''r'`"s .. k`si�'. --= csuatusereauit __ awrsstarss UAM 13`7 Lucmi - NORTH CITY OF ITIM: , 3 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE:a --PAW PLANNING DIVISION li-V EXHIB'IT: SCALE: �i' r �Iq ■iA *■ R a' x4'a �(aaN �elryI; � r "� .•'! r it■A ■' � tr..�� J1 atyy�.P ■r��t r e_ �illA.>rr1 �!'tYYr+'t■ry . r � _ �. a .� ,fix■�a �■sii. ,,�Y S`i � �C j � "`�ia � ��Qt�ilt� i r3 fla�tl4Y■a■ '� U e. ` i i a�x• M ali�•. rr.wtt .t,�a ■iriA■ i�M' Sir�iy� 2x � �— .. I,t�3�ra'� # �a� t rlalLA a ax4� wa3Yt� r s ii ,�/atfa�j.+r.ga='4r.. , •r■ �A�■aRjpQat +ls A Aaiy11�'{i� }tq ;t fia f t }j Y{iY }lia'_L�.. - .-ilr}I A 415�, lSM■■P )cl■ . t .�'. :... C�s•i �.:. .1r1 ,.�,fie..` t' ��•:, + -'x� J1. '.i, r _� ,_tom,.. �a - .. .ra,•-�rr�;`�y ;y�"�"'�' j.,,, �_-.'��:��w�ir:�1�' R +^�(1'� �1l A;g4llr till f A.(S3�i Yitij. 4afflI!'!-t}!'aS[� �• sS +a.r 'li� '11� 7ti aY ■ � a • 11�� ie r wA' r.aa�■ ■�a rr1 r3. •� • ■ ■�p�.,Ad • t a � • A� � 1� �I_iy ■■ Hit 14, so s a t s j.�/ti • . ryia .t� xxili �ryQ t Hitl{��'i� , a1. �;r��y:i�yi ���: :�.liy"�..�ywa�r ,� 1ra[e�i�3-t' 't i a�• aRIL ,�� ��� �� X' r�, S Y 's'w-__.1^St���■ �II�Va�4�eS�ii:la r < ,a" 'Y�1.f iaiY .�JP..1�i�i'0 �♦ ;~ r �. "�fli■++ N1114iAw�I tat / - ;. �,.• ■i .�■i a 0 s i.' �■,lr taai�t t■3 131 t^ r■ N p s• ■ ■ t \1 , aaRrxi�Y 114r14aa ■tv 1•tt'l'k �a�::� V� .> I� .,-. l 1-�"•# Tt .a,rt r M�FM1'r.ZI a r . � t,��f�yw�yl fsMq /' ia� ar ✓� a_Ir a!■ ft. .,,F R l�i�l �'` •���'/��_" al"���A��j�r !\..� 'a 1tRl�. �c`Firt. e:�RRR�{}r�R'�� `i�"'� ,i'�,�-. �r•�. j#a �a}Yw.��., 4Ai1 I:: `'\r„�3��, T':+'-�.Y`��/ :1�� 1�44iY e.* �. �!11' Ilk f It rr 41 11i �iG �,�! w� frw — •rr i�•{f# a#�A x�Myy#F e r-1.614 ,01 lf F g114■ Ma�,tr�7lf, ��. i -',fJ'i#M 1#jwI.M. I.i. i bdr US.;c7 r T i r w r r Let QtL �`'Yl I,a9Yr77 rr nrnrn HER i f f' r OF ITEM' Ir 131 , RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE: PLA�I G DIVISION #-7 EXHIBIT: SCALE: ., tinnnra to CITY OF 13 a RANCHO CUCAMONG.A TITL�a; is Ewcmamfoo- PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: . l SCALE. RESOLUTION NO. 89-43A A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO � AMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A DESIGN REVIEW MODIFICATION FOR TT13748, LOCATED NORTH OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, WEST OF MILLIKEN AVENUE IN THE L�`ie-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL iiISTRICT (4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THERE OF - APN:201-271-55. A. Recitals. M Griffin Homes has filad an application for a modification to the Design Review for Tentative 'tract 13748 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Development Review request is referred to as "the application", j (ii) On the of 25fir of July 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a meeting on the application and concluded said meeting on th4t date, (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of thisResolution have occurred. I B. Resalution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resol,ted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting on July 26, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located north of Highland and west of Milliken with a-street frontage of i 1500 feet and lot depth of t 2,000 feet and: is presently improved wit;i streets and curbs; and (b) The ,property to the north of the subject site is single family residential, the property to the south, of that site consists of vacant and single family residential, the property to the east is single family residential, and the property to tha west is a flood control channel. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presenter. to this Coivnission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings, of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Ca.'mission hereby finds and concludes as follaws�: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 89-43A GRIFFIN HOMES, TENTATIVE TRACT 13).48 July 26, 1989 Page 2 (a) That the proposed project is consistent with> the objectives of the General Plan; and (h) That the proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed use is in compliance with each of rate applicable provisions of the Development Code; and (d) That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable theret will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially fn3urious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. This 'Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission issued a Negative Declaration on December 9, 1987. S. Based upon the findings and conclusions sat forth in paragraphs 1, 2, Z, and 4 above, this 'Commission hereby approies the application subject to each and every condition set forth below: 1. All pertinent conditions of Tentative Tract 13748, and Design Review thereof, as contained in Planning Commission Resoluition No. 87-212 and No. 89-43 shall apply. 2. The applicant shall work with staff to insure that the architectural detailing of Plan 137 shall be consistent with the previously approved Plans 110, 111, and 112.. 6. The Secretary to this Car. ission shall certify to the adoption ;.: of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH'DAY OF JULY 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAWNGA i BY: Larry 1. McNiel,I Mairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, secretary j PLANNING cowISSION RESOOTION NO. 89•-43A GRIFFIN HOMES, TENTATIVE'aRAGT 13748 July 26, 198T Page 3 I, Sad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do het-evy certify t4at the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of July 1989, by the following vote-to-trait: AYES: COMMISS16"g-RS: E NOES: COWISSIONERS: ( ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: r _ - CITY OF RA14CHO CUCAMO11GA STAFF REPORT r, DATE: July 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and umbers of the Plynning Conenission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner CV; Steven Ross, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENI ' REVIEW 89-13 - NORI 0 a development of an o ce u Td n totat3ng"% 1U0 square feet on .93 acres of land in thu Industrial' Park Distri t +(S!-1 Arna. 71 of the Industrial Specific Plan, located on the west side of Red Oak Street north of Civic Center Driye ;. APN: 208-062-13 I. 'ACKGROUNO: A previous application for development of the si: b--30 was conditionally approved bK the City Planner on Dec ,,er l 1't 1986. This approve'., expired on December 17, 1988 and builuiny pens is were never issued. However, grading permits were issued and construction proceeded to forming for foundations. On May 16, 1989, the applicant re-submitted the approved plans for DR 86-30 as a new application, DR 89-13. II. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requee' xss ,,,.ce of a F:agative Declaration. S. Surroundi►ig Lan4 , avid Zoni__ng_ North - ng a-�*tvey-ice Wilding; Industrial Park South - Vacant; Industrial Park East - Vacant, Inductrial Park West - Vacant; Industrial Park C. General Plan Designations: re ecz 33 e- n us ei aal Fark tkvrth - Industrial Park South - Industrial Park East - Industm al Park Wes' - industrial Park D. Site Characteristics: Thr. site is vacant and rough graded. urb and gutter "slave ibeen installed along fed Oak Street, however, sidewalk and curb cuts have not been. completed. 11. An,ALYSIS„ TTER B F PLANNING CORMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: OR 89`-13 NORDIC IEVELOP. July 26, 1989 Page 2' A. General: The sitc plan and architecture of the proposed u_ r, are the same as was approved by th,� City Planner in 1986. ,he proposed building it intended to be used as office space for lease. The project ;s in cor, ormance with the intent of to; Industrial Specific Plan. Upon approval of a Negative Der' ° ion, the City Planner will grant final approval of,the project based on conditions recommended by the Gzq.i.gn and Technical Review Committees•, B. Design Review Committee: The project went before the Design tFerr ew committqe, tunitied,' Talstoy, Coleman) on July 6. 1989, and approval has been recommended subject to: 1. An outdoor plaza/lunch area should be provided for employees on the south side of building with substantial seating and tables. 2. The landscape plan should be in conformanca with the master landscape plan for the Office/Tennis Exenutive Center. Additional shade trees should be provided along the perimeter of the parking lot to provide shade and create sDacial definition., 3. The arched stairway area should be modified to continue the horizontal sections across to screen more of the stairway area. 4. The accent color of the rails should be changed to a "Wanner'° color. S. Brick veneer shall utilize corner and mitered pfeces to give the profile of full-s.i,:a .brick. Revised plans were reviewed by the Design Rev Committee +)n July 20, 1S89 and 'Items 3, 4, and 6 were resolved, C. Environmental Assessment: Parts I and 11 of the Initial Study have been completed and no significant envirom-wntal impacts have been found. IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS* The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan and Industrial Specific Plan. 'ihe bui l di no design and site plan, toge0er with the reccmmriended Conditions of Approval, are in compliance with the Industrial Specific PleLn, the Office/Tennis Executive blaster ,Plan, and all other applicable provisions of the City Standards. PLANNING di WISS1ON STAFP REPORT RE? DR 6943 - NORDIC DEVELOP. July 26, 1989 Page 8 ;r V. RECOMMMAT16dy Staff, reccownds that the Punning Commission 7 ssue a _ega e Dectaration. Respec'c,u+l� u 'itted �s X Brad Bullet Ci i y PI'annel^ BB:SR:ka Attachments: Exhibit ," " - tocat,on Map Exhf vt�,W, S£;�t`pla"k Exhibit `Crr rlev#tiuRs Exhibit L.lU-ape Plan V k l 4� r Fotttt�DY Cortrnimittos 1\�j .Law ana Justko Cantor ���� �_. vaefnt - \. cant Gvtc CN1Ymt tiolera CNte Go-llw 07fko COmp1aX t aim � Cake SRscs J a K Matt Gayartmnt Story abz Vaewd ught L-tAtrw cwmis; •.c.r..�... v s tK TZ NORTH ITY OF CUCAMONGA TITLE: miae ��PLANNING DIVISION � �f EXHIBIT: SCALE: s �, M may.�•,CP =. Ck t r 0 ! V • XM • r s I I � PLAN i NORTI CITY OF ITEW 12- e 1 -13 RANCHO CUCA IONGA TITLE: SITS ' PLANNING DIVISION 13-6 EXHYBIT: 9 SCALE: ;r--4 _ �.. 3'iiMA31! °::IAill l�lfl,:•"'f!< < "- � .T�� jam" ;•• ' - it�•-.�-.:' 4 E-0 _ � �Air"� a•!r�r.�,■�,'�:, 4ITY , IANCHO / '. PLANNING O 2EXHIBIT: SCALEV I z t ,t LANpSGAPE PLAN CITY OF ITEM: -13 PLANNING DIVISION f CITY OF RANCHO CUC.A.MONGA STAFF REPORT f DATE: July 25,, 1989 TO Chairman and Members of the .Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BY; Barbara Krall, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECTS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12504 Weirick �r�pp__ert ws t - subdivis.on o acres o an nto paparce Neighborhood Commercial District, located on the southwest corner of Archibald Avenue_ and Lomita Court (APN 202-151-33) - 1, PROJECT.AND SITE DESCRIPTIONS �- Action Requested: Approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map as spawn on nxniozy "8'° B. Parcel Size; Parcel 1 - 1.31 acres Parcel 2 .54 acres Parcel 3 1.68 acres TOTAL 3.58 acres C. Existing Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial District D. Surrounding Land Use: North Vacant South Existing Commercial Use (Shopping Center) East- Existing Apartments and Commercial Use West Existing Senior Apartments E. Surrounding General Plan and Uevelooment Code Designations: North Neighborhood Commercial' South -Neighborhood Commercial East - Neighborhood Commercial and Medium High Residential West High Residential District Senior Housing Overlay f ZIO4 C 'r Cr PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPOIT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12504 - WEIRICK PROPERTIES, LTD. JULY 25, 1989 PAGE 2 F. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant with no significant vegetation. It slopes approximately 3% from north to south. II. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this Pa.;: tip is to divide 3.58^acres of land into 3 separate parcels within &N approved neighborhood retail center. The retail center was approved k the Planning Comission as CUP 87-29 on May 11, 1988, for the develop+ve t and office of four buildings for restaurant, retail . uses.. <\ The project layout is shownL�4 Exhibit "B„. Improvement and building plans have been submitted ta,t1a City for plan check but construction has not yet begun, III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: Theit'IPlisant completed part I of {fir, Initial Study. to can acted a ill+ d investigation and tor%leted Part II of the Initial Study. Na adv,erse impacts upon the environment are anticipated as a: result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate: IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Hearing have beer sent to surrounding_ property o�rners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at thee` site has also been completed. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recomnded that the Planning Commission consider all input a`n-an of the Tentative Parcel Map 12504. If after such consideration, the Comission cz,i mcomwnc?';topv%Zval, t"_er► the adoption of the attached Resolution and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. Respectfully sub►riitted, Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BK:sd Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A"") Tentative Map (Exhibit "B") Resolution and Recommended Conditions of Approval a e 1111 C unm -Anx- C" arrlirtur rreu fflfl — ®lel fill/ fill r w ® .= r� -,tom r r r. re■e■r a. ' r=r� rr,lqr C loan �: er/ :rrr: � ■i!t e anru •® •V . , �! far■Ife iH!/!a �HI/ : rrrul /eiiiia r Ii1e■letr �.■�i s�eai 11In ® �eH1llrtt w� ■ 1. '® y� �■�1�/f, Tuna �rrrr= i17i ■leillrl /Ii1/nal r1111. S. .esitsHtlsa .11illll rHe■lln et■/lt■■r t tart!notion pronnUO a�itoil trl IHI■ �e1v/i►��i fI/mow CIIt11I all �aWH■H rr o- r, w, ==' w� III. r eon ones Let!■tt�� rrrliiuot = !! �.,� Crtllll!�!11Ut11it►1 .4-�r rt -m Im umu= ■R-�to rq ue /�Itlilllil►►\rllill{Ii11'M wr�l'IN1lq ttri' • rrrl■ ®� w ualnWus : r. ■HH! BH3 r_t�► =� � � ■ �®1 dui■■errH 0 vmass Ir d♦� .rw r r i a i f sas s� W 1 r RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NUMBER 12504, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ARCHIBALD AVENUE AND L.OMITA COURT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN :202-151.33 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 'Number 12504, submitted by Woir ck Properties, Ltd., applicant, for the purpose of subdividing into 3 parcels, the real proper`► situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San. Bernardino, State of California, identified as APN(s) 202-151-33, located at the southwest corner of Archibald Avenue and Lomita Court; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above-described map. NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA.PL4►WING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the following findings have o",n made: 1. That the map is consi�tent with the General Plan, 2. That the improvement of thie proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. 3. That the site is physically suitable. for the proposed devuloprtL-nt. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, public health problems or have adverse effects on abutting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has been rev ewef an considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: That Tentative Parcel Map No. 12504 is hereby approved subject to—""'1—attached Standard Conditions and the fallowing Special Conditions: 1. Storm drain facilities along the south project boundary shall be, - constructed upon developmeint as follows. a. An overflow channe'v to carry 100 year storm flows shall be designed and constructed to the satisfaciM'�d of the City Engineer. n_ - PLANNING COI-14ISSION RESOLUTION N0. TENTATIVE PARCEL ►%P 12504 WEIRICK PROPERTIES, LTD' JULY 26, 1989 PAGE 2 b. The building footings shall be extended as ner.essaey to allow the future replacement;of the storm draip ,ntcti. c. Trees shall be placed a minimum of 5 feet from the outside diameter of the drain pipe or as otherwrise determined by the City Engineer. d. an-site flows shall ie directed to the existing storm2 drain pipe. 2. An easement over the internal dr'�.ye aisles shall be provideO to the City for maintenance vehicle access to the City stormm drain easement located at the south property,line. 3. The developer shall be responsible Vor the maintenance of the overrflow-channel and the replacement uad repair of fencing and landscaping within the CiiY drainage easement. An agreement defining these responsibilities <5h&il be provided to the satisfaction of the City Enginee..-Ind the City Attorney prior to approval of the Record Map. 4. The developer shall request an abandonment of 10 feat of the existing ail foot drainage easement prior to approval of the Record Map. S. "he developer shall comply with the reimbursement agreement for frontage improvements p.r Gifiy Council Resolution No. 85-.329 for the construction of street improvements on Archibald Avenue priol,_,to approval of the Record Map. 6. Landscaping an Archibald Avenue shalt be in conforwom with the City's Landscape Master plan for Archibald Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF oULY, 1089.' PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAM RG!! SY: Lirry`T.-1kN eT,--Mi man ATTEST: "`Brad Mier, 3ecretiary PLANNING COW'iSSION RESOLUTION NO TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12564`-;WURICK PROPERTIES, M JULY'26, 1989 PAGE 3 I, Brad Buller, Secretaq of the Planning cvn'an3f 'on of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the forego%ri P.esolation was ciulyE and' f; regularly introduced, passed, and ac?opted by the Planning Cowisslr=-Of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting wf the,Plahning Commission held on the 26th day of July, 1939, by th= fd`llowing tote-to-w#t: AYES: , COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERSt i I, C--7 )) I. Y Ms M 2Nt z #� e its co CY s n_ xis�-- .eL •�`b �s '��sY�� � y °'� S°' igs .''�tT �Mpa�rry lit <I, I ~ .3 =d i � M pV. lzt L asx Z. _2w ,e, �� � � A SOr N�� �l � `� ��`y y� Sq •�J ��•y�•. 6r 44ee , b 0 wy ry,w Y .`y y tl A OdM iOA� t®L WV Y�0"4'{'{y PZ C---8' w N yYL C,�C � ii pq 31 `� V Set it Y�r Yyy 4/C L t1 qQi .W M m p t O Y'p^4f V w. �'L �M 4f yr Al tt 4M y✓ p9la ' R x rR �i Jar r5 �k p Cr r.L W it�qt ~� ,yp��qAy ayp^ emu. �1• �9� }�C M.y V W� q w4 ix Y �4y Nw Y Y`y c.� .y'4.M +p 4.Y.Mw ♦V r ii "�¢ Ur" C .Qy�y,y i'.� +i' /i. Y fTllyi1 Rom. SV Z. iQy ur�fia yb. L� �� yd M■■r d Y14 ��� 6i 1t.'. M ��� �(1 +yp� iwgy.� 0 M. R'_ •�•a�i 4 1�4 a[]t sr a .,•+A�. .�.r 4::O r 4/aa�w d A A.iy. fit 14 Y {M1 � y.:. (y M! • M MI O M M CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT _ DATE: July 26, 198$ TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Suller, City Planner BY: Jeff Gravel, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL , ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AREFUMENT .. - ErS IA . - A request to pre-zone apprax oa e y 25 acres of vacant land located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochester Avenues to a density of Low-Residential '2-4 (Meld ng unfits per acre) - APN: 225-152-01, 02,. 039 04, & 18. (Continued from Junc 28, 1989.) ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSNENT AND DEVELOP14ENT AGREEMENT 89-03 - - A request, e approve a Dev e op men reemen .:or approximately 25 acres, consisting of 78 lots at a;:proAmately 3.2 dwelling units per acre, Taaated on the northeast cornea of highland and Rochea rr Avenues - APR: 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04, & 18. (Continuvj from June 28, 1989.) I. ABSTRACT: The appllca�;ions for-a .Development District Amendment tpre-zonei and Devel ophvnt J4reem,fit are part of a package of actions for development,\ of 78 units (County approved tract map 13835 - see Exhibit "('"f on 25 acres of undeveloped land locate4 on the northeast corm;of Highland.and Rochester Avenues. i The applicant has requested annexation to the city. An application for annexation has been filed by the City with the San Onmardino County Local Agency Formation Commission. II. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: She applicant is requesting the pre-zoni ng o approx matte y! 25 acres of undeveloped land as part of annexation proceedings and in preparation of development. An application for approval of'a Development Agreement for a term of 7 yeam is also requested. A. Surrounding Land Use send Zoning: . North - Existing single residences', ithin the County hest Foothills Community Plan designated RES 4 (4 r� dwelling units. per acre). YRW Dr IEv PLi`MUNG COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DA 89-03 8 ODA 8942 BLACKMON HOLES July 26, 1989 Page 2 South - Foothill Freeway (Route 30) corridor. Cast - 'Vacant Flood Control (Day Greek Channel Mounty West Foothills Community Plan designated RCN.,(Rural Conservation) West - Caryn Planne `S'om uhfty, City designation 'Low Residential .x-4 dwelling units per acre),. B. General Plan Designations: PrgJect Site - County General Plan is RES. 4 (4 dwelling units per acre). City General Plan is Low. Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). North County General Plan is RES. 4 (R dwelling`units per acre). City General Plan is Low Residential (2-4 dweiling,vnits per acre). . n South City General Plan is,Flood Control. East County General Plan, RCN (Rural Conservation). City General Plan Low Residential Flood Control. West - City General Plan is Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). C. Site Characteristics: The site is uacant and undeveloped. Like 'fe rest of" ri "e northeast ;portion of the City, the site is on an alluvial fan, sloping to the south. Vegetatior on the site consists of mostly alluvial fan scrub brash. The soil is coarse, mostly boulders, rubble and cobbles. IIl. ANALYSIS., A.• General The purpose tf the annexation is to proceed With pyans or residential development and to particl- - in financing mechanisms for infrastructure which are in'.,1ace or to be in place in cooperation with the City. An application for annexation has been filed by, the City with the San Bernardino Goun.2y local Agency Formation Commission. The .applicant has not filed any further project applications with the County preferring to process through the City. The following analysis .summa-rizes the main points of the proposed Development Agreement. J'} PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPO DA 89-03 & OVA 89-02 BLACKMON COMES July 26, 1984 Page 3 B. Density: 'the City's Gencra! Plan designation for this site is ow esidential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). On December 19, 1988, ttie County of San Bernardino approved a tract map consisting of 78 lots. The density of th6approved tract map is a^proximate7y 3.5 dwelling units.per Acre. The County's General' Plan. designation for this-site�,is,RES. 4 (4 dwelling units per acre)- and the City's-, .pow Aesidential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). Therefore, the designations of the Coun*y`s and'City's General Plans are consistent regarding this site. C. Off-site Improvements: The-applicant will provide street improvements an Kocnester and Highland Avences The improvements will be lo City standards. Specific improvements. by the applicant are identified in Exhibit "C' of the Development Agreement. D. Reimbursements: The applicant may request a credit against required ra page fees and road improvements fees in regards to infrastructure construction that exceeds the demands of the project. E. Fees. The applicant will ;ray the usual City fees which will Serrozen to the current fee schedule for 12 months upon approval of this agreement. F. Special Districts: The Development Agreement will require the partici a 0�3 n'7n spdcial, districts as needed to provide Wn-istructure for development, including a Mello-Roos Fire District:and a Police Protection District. G. Schools. 3n regard to school impacts to the Etiwanda School 1)istr'M-tc , as required by the District, the applicant will be required to pay fees based on the square footage of each residence. In addition, 'impact;t on the Chaffey School District are discussed in the Environmental Assessment section of this report. H. parks: As approved by Community Services, the applicant .will pay park fees instead of �eetting aside any land for parks within the development. I. Term: The term of the agreement will be seven (7) years. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Staff has Completed the Initial Study and reviewed a Environmental Checklist, Part IT of the Initial Study, and has found impacts that could occur but will be mitigated. j PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DA 8943 & QUA 89-02 - BLACKMON HOMES July 26, 1989 j` Page 4 One of those impacts identified is student enrollment to the Chaffey School, District. In a letter dated June 14, 1989, Steven Butters, Director of Business Services for.the Chaffey School District, recommended1',two measures to mitigate the potential Impact: � 1. Blackmon Hanes Inc. or -designee not being`permittedto �i pull building pem. its until after state funding .for Rancho Cucamonga High School is secured or; 2. Blackmon Homes Inc, tract participate in a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District or soPae other funding mechanism to augment development fees. Within the attached :Development Agreement of this Staff Report, Mr. Butters recommendation of number.,2 has been incorporated. (See Section 3M of the Development Agreement.) Another pot�iiztial impact, vehicular, circulation, has been addressed and mitigated, through the provision of acceleration and deceleration lanes and fair share contribution for a traffic signal per the attached County Conditions of Approval and the.: Development Agreement'. Based on the above findings, stuff recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration under the California FMironmental Quality Act. V. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The following findings may be made by the ann ,ng CommUsion for Development Agreement 89-03 and Development Districts Asendment 89-02. l A. The intended land use is compatible with the surrounding land ' uses in terms of circulation and intensity of use. B„ The project will not have any adverse environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated. C. The project is in conformance with the goals and objectives of the General Plan. i vI. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in e"01' FFeport newspaper, the property posted, and notices sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the project site. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DA 89-03 & DDA 89-02 BLACKMON HOMES July:26, T.9F9; Page 5 l� VII. 'RECOMMENDATION: Staff recormends brat the P1an'6i1,Rg Commission a off$$ttached Resolutions recommending approval of Development District Amendment 83-02 and Development Agreement 89-03'td the City Council. Respectfully) muted, .� Brad Buller--,_. „ City Planner BB:JG:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map Exhibit "B" - Site Map Exhibit "C" w Tract Flap= Resolution Recommending Apr;roval of DOA 89-02 Resolution Recommending Approval of DA 89-03 (including the Development Agreement 8943) i E t> r SUBJECT SffE iY77, ; f> w" •�j -.., w• P,-'rite s; ,77 z K a � t.MIL L810 �iiR4�' wl JAAN "` 4fiH ;Ap NliawAy i d t % d } r• _�. a v►v RIA d W +.... t .�. .Q. .... S � p ID � ; ; W+ V i CH CN t ' o t t d t • Y't dQ NILb t t A Mf s t it►l �, a v d 44 cc G •A I.'..•W C W CC tA e. w. fa a ` faJd W SAN t 11WAROIN fRI Ilk W INOM ` CITY OF ITEM t 1 1`4 ! � t h'/�NLAn++a �•n+.sr�r r. --�-�-7 Avrnll" M*AJL-,W.a Cat✓+`+�.M'.+ . �._, ,,.�. C� l ry$ I T't"t'I.E: srrE Maw PLxNNNG D#V wmEti I E - D fy F •w�o�r,.• 1dANrr.t�.aW. � os 1�=• '. �.='ear`"='_�-+*=y"� T,�rr . ..:M. ,�,.. }} ..y Ol .' `•ii'r- '' '"".tom .-� :.�- �`� ��'sa� _ '� AW ' wad.' 16. NMH TrnF :� pr,Ar�xING - EXHIB ' ,--*Z-ALE: ------------- o �RESOLUd lidN NO. A RESOLMION OF THE PLANNING COMISSION OF RANCM CRRCAMONGrt, CALIFORNIA. RECOMENDING APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AMENDMENT $9.02 (BLACRMON No,';ZS INC.), A PRE--ZONE OF APPROXIMATELf 25 ACRES OF VACANT LAND LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AND ROCHESTER AVENUES TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2-4 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE) SAND tRRR ING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APNt 225-152-01, 02, 03, 04 AND IRI. F A. Recitals. (i) Blackmon Homes, Inc. has filed an application for Development District Amendment $942 as described in the title of this 4esolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Developmew% District A',andeent is referred to as "the application".: tii) On July 26, 1989, the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conu"ucted a duly noticed public hearing on the Application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution � have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and -solved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows•` 1. This.Commission her: jr specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the RMtals, Fart A of this Resolution are true and _!i erect. J 2. In conjunction with this Development Agreement, an j Environmental Assessment, in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, has been prepared. The Commission has determined that this project world not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, hereby adopts a finding of no significant impact on the _ environment, and recomends:. issuance of a Negative Declaration by the City Co,-.nci l. 3. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on July 26, 1989, including writt;-tr . and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows,* (a) The subject property is suitable for the uses permitted in the proposed Development District in terms of access, size, and compatibility With existing 'land use in the surrounding area; and PLANNING,COMMISSION RESOLOTION NO. DDA 89,02 - BLACKMON (HOSES INC. July 26, 1989 Page 2 (b? The proposed Development Di strict trice pre- zone would not have significant .adverse impacts on the environment, nor the surrounding properties, and (c) The proposed Development District pre-zone' is in conformance with the General Plan.; 4,. The Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of the Application. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JOLY, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RAHCt'.O CUOAMONGA BY: Larry 1. McNiel.,j Chairman ATTEST: i a Huller, cre ar , Y I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning '�4vmission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foie�oing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the: Planning Commission held on the 26th day of July, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONER,). NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 89-03 (BLACXMON HOMES INC.) FOR APPROXIMATELY 25 ACRES,;a, VACANT LAND LOCATED AT THE DORTHEAST CORNER OF HS!'4LAND AND ROCHESTER AVENUES, AND MAXIM FINDINGS IN SUPPORT `THEREOF -� AP.: 225-162-0I, 02, 03, 04, AND 18. A. Recitals. (i) California Government Code Section 5696.; now provides, in pertinent part, as follows, "The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) The Lack of certainty in the approval of development projects cati result in a waste of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other developments to the consumer, and discourage investment in and commitment to cL-nprer-2nsive planning which ,would make maximrin efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public, (b) Assurance to the applicant for , developmwt project that upon approval of the project, the applicant may proceed with the project in accordance with existing policies, rules and regulations, and subject to conditions of approval, will strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning,,end reduce the economic costs of development." (ii) California Government Code Section 56866 provides, in pertinent parts, as follows: "Any city ... may enter into a Development Agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of such property as provided in this article..." (iii) California Government Code Section 56866.2 provides, in part, a, 1 follows: "A Development Agreement shall specify the duration of the Agreement, the permitted uses of the property, the density c- intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provision for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes. The Development Agreement may include conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for subsequent disrretionary actions, provided that such conditions,-terms, restrictions, and requirements for discretionary actions shall not prevent development of the land for the uses and to the density PLANNING COKMISSION RES+:LUtION NO. DA 89-03 - BLACKMON }HOMES INC. July 26, 1989 Page 2 or intensity of development set forth in the Agreement..." (iv) Attached to this Resolution, mitrked as Exhibit "1" fr1 incorporated herein by this reference, is propose Development Agreement 894J3 concerning that property located at the northeast corner of Highland and Rochcster Avenues, and as legally describ(i in the attached Development Agreement. He in this Resolution. that. Agreement attachedUivtitr. as Exhibit "i" is referred to as "the De—ilopment Agreem at . (v) Concurrent with this Resolution recommending approval of this Development Agreement, the Planning Commission has ad*)ated a Resolution recommending approval of Development District Amendment 89-02'for the purpose of pre-zoning the property to Low Density residential 2-4 duelling units per acre). (vi) On July 26, 1989, the Plezoning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga h-ald a duly notft6d public hearing concerning the proposed Developrmnt Agreement and concluded said hearing en that date. (vii) All legal prerequisites prior to the 64option of this kesoluttnn have occurred. B. NOW, THEREFORE, it •t;? hereby resolved by the Planaing Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga a" ollows; 1. This Commission t,iei by specifically :finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. In conjunction tAth this Development" Agreement, an. Environmental Assessment, in conformity with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, has been prepared. The Commission has determined that this pro 3,,- would not have a significant adverse effect on the environment, and Hereby adopts a finding of no significant impact on the environment and recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration by the City Council. 3. This Commission specifically finds that:. (a) The location, design, and proposed uses set forth in this Development Agreement are compatible with the character of existing development in the vicinity, (b) The Development Agreement conforms to the Genera;! plan of the City of Rancho Cucrmonga. 4. It is expressly found that the public necessity, general welfare, and good zonfng practice require the approval of the Development. Agreement.. PLANNING COM ISSICN'RESOLUT'ION NO. DA 89-03 - BLAMMON HOMES ?NG July 26; 1989 Page:3 S. 'this Commissian recommends approval of the Development Agreement ettached hereto. G _ APPIOVED AND ADOPTED THIS WIN DAY OF JULY, I989. PLb'ANMG'COMMISSION OP THE CITY OF'RANWkUCWAGA i BY: ar-FI . e ai nran ATTEST- Brad u er, Wretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby cell fy '.hat the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Co*i-sWon of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at,,a regular meeting of the P?canning. Commission held on the 26th day cf July, 1989, by the follaving vote-to4it: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: q NOES: COMMISSIONE'RS`. ABSEgr: COMMISSIONERS: f i E I 3 e`5 � r e RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND' WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Debra J. Adams City Clerk City of Rancho Cucamonga P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 OEVELOPWAT AGPEEWNT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entelred Into as of the thirty-first day following final adopttop of the ordinance approving,it (hereinafter, the "Effective Ratel by and`between ,the CITY 31F RANCHO CUCAM011 GA, a municipal corporation ("City" hereinafter);r and Biadikmon Homes, Inc. (hereinafter 1-1erred to as "Developer") ESfiETHs A. Recitals. (i) California Government Code Section 65864 provides as follows: "The Legislature finds and declares that: "(d) The lack of certainty in_ the approval of development, projects can result in a ,paste of resources, escalate the cost of housing and ether deYelopmrnt, to the consumer, and discourage investment An and commitment, to comprehensive planning which would make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost, to the public. i '�T "(b) Assurance to the applicant for a development AAL project that upon approval of the project, the applicant may proceed with the project in'accordat,.:e with existing palicies, rules and rQguiations, and subject to`conditions of approval, will strengthen the public planning process, encourage private r� participation in comprehensive plaarring, and reduce the economic costs of"develoement:,"` (ii) California Government Code`Secti Orr 65865 provides in pertinent part as follows: "Any city, , may enter into a developmenleagreement with any person having a le981 or equitable-interest in real property for the devel'opnent of suc�t) property as provided in this article. California Government Code 11-ction 65865.2 provides as follows AWL MW "A development agreement shall specify the duration ,-f the agreement, t. a permitted uses of the property, the density, or intensity of use, the maximum height and:size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes. The development agreement may include conditions, terms, restrictions, and regn1rements 'for subsequent discretionary action, provided that such conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirem°nts for subsequent discretionary actions shall not prevent development of land for the uses' and to the density or intensity of development set forth in the agreement. She agreement may provide that construction shall be commenced within a specified time and that the project or any phase thereof be completed'within a specified tme." t% (iv) Developer owns fee title in and to'' that real. property consisting of approximately 2b acres in the unincorporated .area of San Bernardino County, now proposed for annexation to City.. Said property is legally described in the legal description Exhibit RV attached hereto and hereinafter is referred to as "the Site". (v) City's General Plan, Designation for the Site, is Low,Density Residential (trio to four dwelling,units pet acre).; Developer and 'Citydesire to provide through thus Development Agreement specific development criteria to be applicable to the Site upon its annexation to City which will proYide for maximum efficient utilization of the Site in accordance with sound planning principles,. (vi) This Agreement is;entered into pursuant to the provisions of Article 2.5 of Chapier 4, Title 7 of the California Government Code commencing with Section 65864 thereof. (vii) City has determined that f'�e use and intensity of use _provided in this Development Agreement is consistent with the General Plan (vii ) As part of the process of approving this Agreement, City has. undertaken, pursuant to the_California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the required analysis of the environmental effects which would be caused by the agreement and adopted a resolution documenting compliance with .CEQA. 04 4-1urther consideration for the assurances provided by this Agreement to :pevelaper.that.,Developer_�ri11 not be prevented from developing ..__ the Property, City has requested that Developer provide, and is willing to provide, certain additional sums and agreements to construct and transfer to the public certain additional improvements. B. Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: ta� Ii fig f �� 1. Zonin ,/pre-Zoning Designations. The parties hereby agree that City's zoning and prszooing designation for the Site hereby is deemed to be Low Residential (L) District subject to the specific terlas and provisions hereof which.shall supersede c,*W11cting standards and, reo`iirements of the7 tow Residential (L) District vi5='long as this agreement-is in full force and effect, ( 1 2. 6m,of.the A ement. The term of the Agreement shall commence on the effective 4e—%. ind, shall expire on December 31, 199.7, so long as` Developm—it remains in material compliance with this Agreement, as from time to time amended. 3. Standards and Conditions. The following development standards and conditions, shall: govern the development of the Site during the term hereof, subject to the provisions of paragraph-1 herainabove: A. City shalt allow the Site to be developed to a density of, not greater than, the Tract Map (Tr 13835), approved by San Bernardino County, December 19, 1988. Development of the tract shall be in conformance with the City standards>of the Low Residential (L) District or, as modified`by,the County Conditions of Approval. B. If required by City as a,condition of development of the Site or an;t portion or portions thereof, Developer shall consent to the appicatiali of ttk Vello-Roos Facilities Oat of 1982, the 'Municipal Improvement kt of .911, the raunielNat ImpFvverwfit' nt:L DT lY1J, xtie ImproYement-Band ACt of 1918 the Landscaping and Lighting act of 1972, and any and all other a"ilabl-e proceedings to provide for public conduit financing for the construction of public improvements required as a conditien to development of the Site or any portion or portions thereof. -4- , 1 1 C. In lieu of the dedication of land located within the Site, Developer shall pay City's park .fees required due to the residential development of the Site. Said park fees_shall be calculated in accordance with standarOs in effect at the time any such:fees a e due and owing or subject to subparagraph D. Said park fees shall be payable for a lot contained withiic,,a final tract prior to the City release' of utilities for occupancy of that lot for residential. use. U. Sr,)Pct to subparagraphs 2.F and F h reinbel;ow, Developer shall pay any and all,�City fees required as a result of development of the Site, or any portion'`-or portions"tiiareof, at rates current at the time payable, including, but not limited Ito, beautification fees, park fees, systems development fees, building permit fees. plan check fees and drainage fees. Not withstanding the foregoing, the current fee schedule attached as Exhibit "D" shall be in effect for the period of twelve (;-2) months_from-the approval date of City Council of this Development Agreement and thereafter all fees shall be based on the fee schedule in effect at that time. E. No drainage fees are required, Regional drainage would be as conditioned oy the County with any drainage "lines needed being installed by the Developer. F. Developer may request and City s�:11 exteno to Developer; credit against required systems development fees �P y to the extent of Developer's direct construction costs incurred in;`constructing oversized facilities. (i.e., facilities sized to service :areas located outside of the site) which are not located within the Site, or,abutting the Site. prior to recordation, the Developer shall contribute hi>4air share toward the future signaliaation of Highland Avenue at RochestertjAvenue. His fair share is estimated as $14,400.00-based on a traffic report submitted by the Developer's Traffic Engineer. See page 7 of the County Conditions of Approval. d . G. Developer shaf'!"C'onsent to the creation of an assessment district or districts to provide for the construction and maintenance,of any and all lighting and landscapir+g within public rights-of-way within the Sim or abutting the Site pursuant to the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 or, if applicable, Developer shall consent�to an annexation or annexations of the Site or any portion or portions thereof to an existing`assessment district formulated under said Act for that purpose. H. If required by City as a corAition of develtpment of the Site or my portion or portions thereof, Developer shall consent to the application of ttf� Mello-Roos Facilitier Act of 1882 thereto, or Developer ` contribution of equi„talent funds, to construct regional drainage facilities. '. DoveloAment of the tract shall be in conformance wit=°i the requirements of the City Development Code Exhibit"""E" Architectural and Design Guidelines, and the County Conditions of Approval and snail;,proceed through the standard City design review process, J. Developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the potential Fourth Street Rock Crusher project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner, prior to accepting a deposit on any property. K. Developer shall provide street improvements as set torah 'Y,i Exhibit "C" Supplement to County Conditions of Approval for Tract, 13835 regarding street improvements of Rochester Avenue and highland Avenue. L. Developer shall consent to the annexation to the Coamunity Facilities District 88-2 in 'order to provide for continuous laid o forcement services for the project. M. As determined by the affected school districts, in regards to school student population impacts, the applicant shall consent to, or participate in, the establishF_�—:f of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District pertaining to the project site to provide in conjunction with the J applicable School District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities prior to the recordation of the final map or the issuanc4 of bat.?ding permits, whichever comes first. However,; if an;:-School District has previously established such a Community Facilities District, tife applicant shall, in the alternative, consent to the annexation of the project site into the territory of such existing District prior to the vecordation of the final map or the issuance of building permits, whichever comes first. Further, it the affected School District has;.not formed a Mel 10- Roos Community. Facilities District within twelve months, of the: date, of approval of the project and prior to the recovdatt6if of the €irial map or issuance of building ;permits for said project, this condition shal'1 be deemed null and void. N', Developer wilt provide each buyer with a, detailed disclosure statement of a"1 taxes•and assessments on"the property, Said disclosure statement shall first be approved by the city�Pianner, D Developer ;shall comply to all Conditions of Approval set forth December 19, 3988 by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors for Tract 13835 (see Exhibit "8 1. 4.. Applicability of City Ordinances. Except as expressly modified herein, all substantive arms-procedural r`:-quirements and provisions contained in City's ordinances, specific plans, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, its development Code, building code, electrical code, fire code and plumbing code, as amended, shall apply to the development of the Site pursuant to this Development Agreement. further, any terms or phrases. contained herein for whits there are definitions provided in City"f�aid Development Code shall be deemed to be utilized in accordance with definitions. 1 s. _7 ..r S. Relationship p of Parties. It Is understood that the contractual, relationship between' City 'and Developer is such that Developer is an independent party and is not the anent bf City for any purpose whatsoeve and shall not be considered to be the ag@!t of City for any purpose whatsoever. 6. General Conditions. The piaraes further agree as follows: A. Except as expressly s6o, forth in this' Agreement, no representations of any kind or character have been made to one another by any of the parties hereto or by any, of tho'parties' agents, representatives, associates or attorneys 4ith resp�t to each subject to which'this Agreement ref ates +; B. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to each subject to which it relates. C. —this Agreement can only be amended in writing, which writing must first be executed by all of th'II wties tiereto. D. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, except in , writing, which writing mush be executed by all of the parties'he„eto. E. The parties hereto each agree 'that they"shall ex,' ate, and deliver to the .othe ' upon request so to do, A;y and all dpct,ments reasonable and necessary to accomplish or evidence the agreements cQrtained in or contemplated by this Agreement„ F. in the event that any party should default in one or more of its obligations provided in or tintemplated by this Agreement, the defaulting party shall pay to the othor all expensp3 ictcurred in connection with efforts. I to enforce such obligation, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, whether or not suit be comme=ed„ -8- ` G. This Agreement, all other docut�:')nts and agreements provided In or ccAemplatedi hdrebys;_and all rights arse obliT ttions arising there om shall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the parxies hereto and their respective heirs, represe,+ltatives, sucooessors and assigns. 7. InOtimnification. Developer agreesf to, and shall hold City and ,ts elected officials, officers, agents and employees harmless from liability for damage or 04., ms,, for damage for personal idlirles,, including death, and claims for proper '! Qnage which may arise from=ronstr;:ction operbtions of r ve oper or those of.Dis contractor, subcontrw:t:ar, agent,,; employee or over person acting on his behalf which relate tq.the construction and ojieration of the Project, excluding claims iiade from injuries or damages �p or,occurring on, public property, Developer Agrees to, and shall,' '.,fend Cite and its elected officials, officers, agents:,and emp�:uses with respect to aditions'fGr damages caused or alleged to have been %paused by reason' of De�teloplpr's ctivities in connection with the Project, excluding claims made from fnjorles or damages to, or occurring on, public property. This ho?d harmless provision applies to all damages and claims for damage suffered or alleged to, have been'T suffered by,reason of the operations referred to in this; Development Agreement tiagsrdless of whether or not -the City prepared, supplied or approved the r. plans, specifications or other docmients for the Project. 8. a''signment. Developer shart'havve the right to sell, mortgage, hypothecate, assign or transfer all or any portion of this Site (as may be subsequently subdivided), to any person or entity at any time during the term � of this Developwant Agreement. Any such transfer shall be deemed to include an assignment of all rights, duties and obligations created by this 1 Development Agreement with respect to all or any portion of the Site. The assumption of arC,>,or all of the obligations of Developer under this Agreement c' pursuant to any such transfer shall relieve='developer, without any act or concurrence by the City, of its legal d,rty to perform those oblige;;ions except to the extent that. Developer is in default;with respect to any and all obligations .at-the time ,of the ,roposed transfer. -9 ^\ j } _ HLACKHOM,HOMES At XAiK?H 85-03 9`. Amendments. This Agreement may be amended or canceled, in whole or in part, only by mutual written consent of the parties and then ir. the manner provid$d for in California Government Code''Sections'65868 et seq. 10. Minor Mendments to Develoo4. ,.it plan. upon the written application of Developer} minor modifications and changes to ,the Development Plen may be approved by',',tne City Planner pursuant to the terms of Sai,,Mon 17.02.070A ("Minor Revisions--Administrative") of City's'Devolopment Code and .substantial changes to the sits may be approved by the Planning Commission pursuant to the terms of Section 17.06.010 (Design/.Development Review). 11. Enibrcement. In the event of a default under the provisions of: this Agreement by Developers City shall give written notice to Developerr (or its successor),-by registered or certified mail addressed at the addreo stated in this Agreement, and if such violation is ,not corrected to the ,reasonable satisfaction of City withi'a,sixty (60) days after such notice is given, or if not corrected within suchy reasonable time as may be requfrC to cure the breach or default if said breach or default cannot be cured within sixty (601 days (provided that acts, to care the breach or d2fauA must—Ita commenced within said sixty (601 days and must thereafter be diligently pursued by Developer), their City may, without further notice, declare a default under this Agreement and, upon any such declaration of default, City may bring any action necessary to specifically enforce the obligations of Developer growing out of the operation of.4his Developmen)� Agreement, apply to any court, state or federal, for injunctive relief ago nit any violation by Developer of any provision of this Agreenrea' , or apply for such otter* re/14�1 r.: may be j t appropriate. 12. Event of Default. Developer is in default under this Agreement upon the happening of one or care of the following events`cr conditions; ! 4 ; Fr a. If armaterial warranty, representation or statement is wade or furnished by Developer to City and is false or proved to Piave been false in any material respect when it was made; b. If a finding and determination is made by City following an annual review pursuant to paragraph 14 ;hereinbelow, upon the basis of substantial evidence, that Developer has not complied in good ?aith with any material terms atO conditions of this Agreement, after notice and opportunity to cure as describe; in paragraph 11 hereinabove, or c. A breach by Developer of any of the provisions-or terms of this Agreement, after notice and opportunity to cure as provided in paragraph !l hereinabove. 13. No Waiver of LIRemedies. City does not waive any c' iim of defect In performance by Aeveloper�:,f on pariodic review City does not enforce this Agreement. Nonperformancc. ,b! Developer shall riot be excused because performance by Developer of the obligations herein contained mould be unprofitable, difficult or expensi.,; or because of a failure of any third party or entity, other than City.: All other remedies at law or in eqi ty which are not otherwise provided for in this Agreement are available; to the parties to pursue in the event that there is a bNRch of this„ Development Agreement. No waiver by City of any breach or def;ult under this Development Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other subsequent breach thereof or default hereunder. 14. Annua7,1eview. During the terra of this Develup.tent Agreement, City shall annually review the extent of good faith compliance by'Developer with the tames of this Developwint Agreement. Developer shall file an annual ,report with City indicating F to',imation regarding compliance with the terms of l this Development Agreement no later than July 15 of each calendar year. If as a result of such annual review, City finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that 6�veloper has not complied:in 'good' faith With any of the terms of conditions of this, Agreement;. ClrZy may terminate this Agreement. I 15. Covenants Run with the Land. All of the,provisions, terns, covenants and obligations Contained in this Agreement shall be binding up'On the patties and their respective heir;, successors (by merger, consolidation, or otherwise) and assigns, devise3s, administrators, representatives, lessees, and all other" persons acquiring any' rights or interests in the Property. or, any portion thapeof, whet,'-Or by operations-if Taw or in any manner whatsoever and shall inure to the benefit of they_parties and their respective heirs, successors by merger, consolidation or otherwise) and assigns., All of the provisions of this Agreement shag be enforceable as equitable .,ervitudes and constitute covenants running with the land pursuant to applicable law. Each c)venant to do or relrair,fram doing some act on the Property hereunder (A) is for thi benefit of and is,,a. burden upon every portion of Property,: (B). runs with such lands and (C) i ',,binding upon each party and each successive owner during its ownersh of such properties or any portion thereof, and Each person having any. interest Wprein 4ez°ive6 in a»y-manner through any owner of such lands, cr any portion thereof, ar;�_ shall benefie each party and its lands hereunder, and each other person succeeding tj ark-Apterest in such lands. Notwithstanding any of the f4'-.Qoin9, op in this Agreement to tie contrary, any assignee or transferee zr nbrtgagn ¢-hich acquires any right or interest in or with respect to the Pro p,-+,y or any poKion thereof shall take and hold such rights and interests sub3itf to this J` reement and shalt not have been deemed to have assumed -the Developer's obligations or tNe other affirr..ative duties and obligation of Developer hereundt. ekcept; (1) to the extent fiat any of such assignees, transferees or mortgages have expressly assured sr1y of the duties or obligations of Developer hereunder; r —I^c• r; (ii) if aw, such assignee, transferee or mortgage accepts, holds, or attempts to exercise or enjoy the rights or in: rests of Developer hereunder, it shall have assumed the obligations of Developer; and (ill) to the .extent that; the performance of any duty or obligation by Deveioper is c. condition to the performance cf a covenant by Developer, it shall continoe to be a ,condition to Developer's performance iereunoar. 16. nrtgage Protection. This Agreement shall be superior and senior to any lien"pl'p_,d upon the Property, or any portion they°eof, including the lien of any mortgage. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no breach hereof shall defeat, .ender invalid, diminish or impair t.RC lien of any,aortgage made in good faith and far value and any acquisition or acceptance of title or any right or interest is�, or ,ith vespect to the Property or any portion thereof, by a rortgage (whether under or pursuant to a mortgage, foreclosure, trustee's sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise), shall be subject to all of the terms and tanditions contained in this Agreement., No mortgagee shall helve an obligation or duty under .his Agreement to perfom Developer's af-H rmative covenants of Developer nercander, or to gw,rantee such performance; except that iz the extent that any covenant tr he perfom A is a condition to the performance of a covenant by City. the per€omance thereof shall continue to be a :nndit?;;n precee2nt to City'a performance herearder. Each ;mortgagee shall have the right (bait not the obligation) 'or a period of ninety (ga) days after the receipt of such ice from City tu cure or remedy, the claim of default or noncompliance set forth in the Cit�!'o notice. If the aefault is of a nature which can only be remedied or cured by such mortgagee upon obtaining possession, such mortgagee shall seek to obtain possession witch diligence :and continuity through foreclosure, a receivar or otherwise, and shall thereafter remedy or cure the default or noncompli'amce within thirty (30) days after obtaining possession. If any. such default or noncompliance cannot, with diligence, be remedied or cured O t4in such thirty 430) dad periou, then such mortgagee shall have ten additional time as may be -13- tsJ - �, ~easonably necessary to,remedy or cure sub$ ,'default Or noncompliance if such mortgagee comnefices cu►e during such te"rtill,301 dry period, and there�jfter diligently pur«1es and corpl-etAs such cure. 17. Notirm. Any notice required to be'given'by the terms of this t Agreement shall be provf ded by certified 'mail,,return receipt requested, at F the address of,the resp L ective ptr�ties as specified below or at a other such ' address as may be later specified by the ptrties hereto, Td Developer: Blackmon Dames, Iuct 6864. Indiana Avenue, Suite 202 r<,• Riverside, California 92$Da Attn: Jefi-gla0mon, Presi d4a To -City: City of kancyho' Cucamonga 9390 Use Line Road, Suite G �:. P.O. Box 867 k Ran6o C"camonga, rAlifornia 91730 IAttn: Jack Lam, City Manager is. I;ec r r Ia accordance with Lalif9 ; ' 1vernment Code :. Section 65868.5, a, certified copy of tMk s Agreement steal', ...-:"ri-dorded with the Recorder of San Serhardino County, California, iaenediately upon this Agreement .{t becoming affective. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partias,have executed and entered into this Agreement as of tl e effective daft!!'of.AL !ordinance apg^'4ving this Agreement. (f' u., i- +,, ?' CI OF R-INCHO CUCAAONG,9 ;I Dated: gy ur L ' , Dated: By OWNER: gGACKM414 4rMSS, IHC. Dated: r By ; I x a �t 0 z r /j i raRn+gExa.uswduslor: Y 1f ATF]9CY Trost-A QI cnwwTsgsnw LOGIiWOODz NGINEERING City of xattcho Cucamonga (Affected Agency) 3,_3189 �eVRVFFfiNR COMPANY, INC. — Gyre AdIQ � n_�^"r9. lgf.csntl aY_.,"fctL c seo VOW rbo:n:u eoatmno A."iN�..}CAT_0N LEGAL DESCRI ' V tatalta.Cantoesfe9231A 9104 ;� aasc+aEttae PTI0r �., .H.ec■o. LEGAL bESCRIPT10N •- All that portion of the West 1/2 of the East 112 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 30; T. 1 N, R. b ! , S.B,B. & H. being more part,tcularly described as followsi ? Beginning at the No,thwest corner of the South 112 of the South VI2 of the Northaast 1/4 of the Southeast 4/4 of said Suction 30; Thence,S 89`35109" E;along the North line 02 said South 112, South 1/2,Northeast'114,; Southeast 1/4 a distaeno; of 66;'.00 feet; Thence S 010210211 W a distance of 3291,97 filet to the South line of sai4r Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 Sect c:v'a0, ;Thenca S 89035t 'U" E'along the said lima a, distance of 2.91 feet to the Northeast ,ldrner of thw Wast,1/2' Southeast 114 $outhe"t 114 of said Section 30; Thence S 11004102" _'4 along thim said East line of. the Waist'ijz, .4 Southeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 of Sect''14i 3,t1 a distance'of,1351.48 feet to the South line of said Section 30 being tho ,exi�Itine Rancho Cucamonga city limit line; Thence N 89°36'09" W along the said Souit en h line a distca of 662.15 foot to the Southwest comer of said Southeast V4, Southeast 1/4, Section 30; Thenca:N 00 02t02" E along the said West line ofthe East 1/2, Southeast i/4 Section 30 a distance of L349.55 feet to thG .`.rue point of beginin$ Afat9ICI. E,;,2a142 'F , x° cFcAL�ti ■ ■ COG?ITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ^P,.l, ENOtRONMENTAL LAND MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT cnroF> PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY, 385 North Arrowhead Avenue + Batt Biknudino,GA 92415 0180 • (714)389dC81 JOHN N.JAt1UES*s 1 G13 q D nl 1! Lard Management Oita, �`tu` 1t #Zct Ad OFFICE OF PLANNING Sfi.ron W.Hightower County planning Officer OFFICE OF SURVEYOR Claude D.Tonlingon,L.S. County Surveyor January 20, 1.98.9 Expires: December 119„ 1991 OF.FICEOFBUILDINQANDSAFEr LarryL.Schoelkopf,F.E. County Building 0!lteial. aeff Blackmon Lockwood Engineeri�%q & Blackmon Homes Surveying Co., Ilgc. P.O. Box y269 P.O.. Bose 396 Riverside, CA 92517 Rialto, CA 92376 RE: 745WVL880042510C01 W199-62 745WVL880042SITTOI TR 13835 Dear Sirs. This will advise you, that attar completion of the environmanta:. review process, and due consideration thereof, the above-referenced project was conditionally approved by the +'ounty Board of Super— visors at its meeting of December 19, 1988. Said project was found to be in Compliance wit'i C-3unty policies!: and regulations and was approved subject to the conditions as- set forth o:t attached pages 1 of 15 throunh 15 of 15. In accordance with that San Bernardino County Development Code, Section 84.0205(1) , all re�,,uirements specified on tha attached sheets shall be met within thirty-six (36) mouths after the date of this letter, or the Conll:itionzl Approval is void. One (A extension of time not to exceed three (3) yearn may grantees., A written request must be submitted, with the appropriate fee, to the Public Information counter at the addzass above,' prior to the, date of expiration. PLEASE FtOTE This +till be the only notice given for the above specitiedl expiration dat+i. The applicant 13 responsible for initiating extension, requests. Slncerely. EPWA/LAND IIANACEMENT DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF PLANNING f TERRI :A �HAL. Associate Planner West vaXlgy Planning Team cc: Surveyor/Land Day. Division cc Cour",•y Spec.i,al Districts Environmental Health Svcs. County Fire Warden Building and: Safety County Sheriff iL.rb 0 / BLACKMOIS HOMES PAGE I OF 15 SUB/87-110/Wll9-62/TR 13835 Conditions Of Approval 12-19-80 GENE a R O'�RFc4EivT Ala lots sliall ht,ve a minimum area c,4 7,200 square feet, a minimum depth of one hundreu (13o) Feet ands minimum width ` of 60 feet, (70 feet an corner lots) . in addit on, each lot on a cul-de-sac or on a curved street where 'the side lot Linea "thereat are diverging from the front to rear of the lot, shall have a width ..of ,not less that% sixty (So) feet measured at the riilding setback line as delineated or the composite -development plan. 2. Where lots occur on the bulb of a cul-de-sac, a miniatum lot depth of ninety (9o) feet will be permitted. If the p�roFosed depth is less than ninety (90) feet, z plot plan must be f submitted to demonstrate that a buildable lot area is possible and to justify the.lesser depth. 3. Roads within this development sr?ll be ;entered into the CpL,,nty Maintainer) Road: S stem. 4. The water purveyor shall;1be Cucamonga County dater District. 5. Sewige disposal shall be,by connection o. Cucamonga County- Water District. r THE FOLLOW7XG CPNDITIONS SHALL'HE MET PRIOR, TO RECOj DAiION OFF THE FINAL MAP: OFFICE OF F*.?�L= AWD,gAFETX S. A preliminary soil report, complying with the provis"pns of 4rdina.Rce 2815 shall be filed witri and approved by the Building Official prior to recordation of the final majp. 7. A geology report, prepared by a licenzizd geologist, shill lie filed with and approved by the Building Dfgiciai prjGor to recordaticn. A deposit to cover the costs -of the review shall be submitted with the report. AA additional deposit may be required or a rafund issued when the costs do not match the dkroait. Ttye :eAew costs shall be paid in full prior to recordation of the final map, DEPARTI!$N'f' OP' ENVIRt1Tnr ufirrnv ;SFRtFZCES 8. The following are the steps that must be completed to meet the requirements for instal atiL?n and/or finance of the on-site/off-site water system and/or sewer system: * NON-STANDARD CONDITION(S) "ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MLA;ST"'AE5 u BLACKMON HOMES ?AGE 2 OF 15 SUB/87-110/W119-62/TR 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 A. Where the system is to be installed prior to recordation: arm The water system, .fire hydrants, and/or `sawer system s S4411 be Installe3 in accordance with requirements of " the State .�Tealt'41 and Safety Code, and la accordance with plans, app,,-Oved'by the water and/or se-+:ring 1;tility and the governing fire protection authority. The plans shall, be reviewed by a Civil L43'Tinasr,rugigtered in,the State of California, and contain required 'ce�'tificates and approval signatures. It is the developer)s r%esponsi:- ' bility to submit to the OFFICE or SURVE` 6R , AXD DE'JE" J NP S Cmratr, a copy of the approved plan and a sigrued state�eent from the utility of juiisdict,ioz confirming that the imps�oveme t has been installed and I accepted. B. Where a ,bond is to be posted in lieu of installation of the imprcvement: 1. The domestic wat4x plan and/or sewer plan which meets th,j requiremostts of the State .Hpalth_and Safety Cede shall be,raViewed by a,Civil SngAneer, registered.in the State of California; and approved by the'"water, cr A awsring utility and t2ie governing firC p-�otect•,'4n authority. The plans shall �~ contain the required certificates and approval signatures. A copy of tha approved' ln shall) e subuitted to the QEFTCE :'F_stffV_U R:- 2. ' Said, engineer shall determine the .tmcunt 0�1 bond necessary to install the improvements. a. This amount plus ts-i parcent shall, be posted with the County cal ;an Bernardino, A statement signed by the engineer stating that the amount of bond-recommended is adequate to cover the;-cost of in of the mprovement shall be included with the estIzAte avid submiitted to the OFFICE OF. SU _wOR. -LAND DEVEI,Opt+s�2�T CFt'�TYP,�r� b. Or, in casea inhere ;the water a.gency4,or sewer�na agan%y is a governmental zuL a.tvision, the b6na in, �hQ amoc?"%t of 110 percent e of the cost of i? stc::?]a;tione of the improvement may be placed with the agency.. A signed gtateme tit frost': that--, agency etat"ing that financial * NON-STANDARD CONDI'TZIAN(S) **ENVIRON iE4TAL MXTIiGATIt,'E XaAsURHg BLACKMOV HOMES PAGE 3 OF 15 SUB/87-110/Wll9-62/TR, 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-86 arrangements have been completed shall be submitted to the OFF-TCE GF SUAVE'YOR, LAND DEVELOPMENT DZV2SION. 3. Prior to release of the bond for the improvement, the utility of ,jurisdiction shall submit a signed Statement confirming that the improvement 1as been installed and: meets the requirements of all appropriate state and County laws pertaiAing to such improvement. It is the developar"s reoponsi'- bility that such signed statement is filed with the OFF?CE Or SVRVEYg% rANQ DEVEWPMMNT SFC'I'ION. *5. An acoustical study; shall be performed to asses:a noise. levels at the development and shall; be reviewed and approved by the: Department of Environmental Health Services .prior to recordation. Prior tc .isisuance at building permits a r.?port stating that the r?commended mitigation measures have been implemented shall be submitted to the Ro�partment of Environ- mental Health Services, COUNTY FFRE AGENCY 10. The development and each phase thereof shall h!,+ve two points of Vehicular acdess for fire and other emergency equipment, Adak and for routes of escape which will safely handle evacuations as required in the DevelopmentCode. 11. Water systems designed to,meet the required fire flow of this development shall be approved by the Fire AS,ency. The developer shall furnish thii Fire Agency with two copies of the water syste:d, improvement plans for signature and a letter ;from theWater Purveyor stating the availab.ilit"r of the required fire flow prior to recordation. water systei�r shall bra operational, and. approved by thEa Piro Agency,or bonded far prior to recordation. Prior to any above grade construction occurring, water for fire pr©tac:tion skull bm operational and apy oved by the, Fire Agency. 12. 5ix (5n) inch mains shall be required. *13. Due to the project being in high haizasrd terrain, hydrants must be spaced at 400 foot intervals. *14. Due to thn project being Lmt high hazard terrain, the fire flow shall 'a a minimum at 1500 gallons per minuti. NOTE: Hydrant; sgZcing may be increased and fire ,tlow reduced, * NON-STANDARD CONUITION(S) **ENVIRULUZNTAL JgITZGATIVE MASURI tS r fr 1 BLACKMON HOUES PAGE 4 OF 15 SUB/87-110/Wi19-52/-TX 13835 Conditions of Approval. 12-IJ-88 should the developer decide to install automatic fire sprinklers In all the residences. "Is. Developer shall commence, participate in and consumanatq, or cause to be commenced, participated in, or `consummated, a Mello-Roos CommuAity Facilities District for Foothill, Fir^ Protection Distrjot, to finance a fire station to serge the development, including land facilities, equipMent and operations and maintenance.- The station shall be located, designed and built to all,-,speciFicati¢.,s of the Foothill Fire rroteotich District, and shall become the Districts property upon completio%.. The equipment shall be selected by the District in a6��ordance with its needs.. In any building of the station, Developer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The CFD shall be famed by District and Ddveloper by the time of recordation of the Final' map., OFFICE OF SURVEYOR LAND DEVELO. �hI Nam'/DRa NAC- ' SECTION ! 16. Flowage jasements or San Bernardino county Drainage Easements shall be obtained where diversion or concentration of runoff from the site or drainage facilities dowaters onto priV'ats property. 17. Adequate rolls shall be provided on the trance roads to the site at Rochester to minimize the posGibility of street flow centering the site. 18 Ad,quat�e provisions shall ba ma,'e to intercept and conduct the off-Mite tributary drainage ,flow (.round o,: through the site in a manner which will not adversely affect adjacent or downstream properties. 19. Adequate San Bernardino County Drainage Easements (minimum 15 feet wider) shall be provided ever the natural drainage n-.,urses and,/or drainage facilities. The easements shall be designed U contain the 100-year frequency storm flow plus bulking ank2 freeboard per county Standard Criteria. 20. In addi.ion to the Drainage Requirements stated herein, other Ilan-Ysftaaar Iroff-sits" improvements may be r=aquired which cannot be determined from tentative playa at this timoa and would have to be reviewed after more coluplet4 ixaprovement glans and profiles hair bee submitted to this office. * NON-STANDARD GCNDITIO-VT(S) "ENVIRONMENTAL IdIT'IGAi'IVE MEASURES J DIE- 3 r _ i BLACXMON HOMES PAGE 5 OF 15 \ SUS/87-110/42119-62fTR 13835 ,f conditions of Approval 12-1p-88 *20a� Provide a storm drain pine ram thb -4 toA3�?.,! a^,Dav Creek Channel to connect to the Cary. 1ra�ect drainage Ad by B.O.S, system. The connection to the Caryn broiect drairn-tae sys�t ae 12-19-88 could be sub ect to payment of reimbursement for oversizina to the develober o+' that_pro-Teat. *21. Approval shall, be obtained from the Salt Bernardino County Flood .:ontrol District that the site is adequately protected from the 100-year design storm in accordance with Federal Count DoVelopme t Code- � Y f a Rgulatior( 3 and the Emer Y nc". Management Agency FEMA r j *22. The developer's engineer shall obtain or provide the necessary engineering information to $onward to FEWt- in order to have the site 'removed from the flood plain. This information shall consist.of copies of the plans of flood facilities nosy under constru-tion, and the hydrologic/hydraulic calculations put into the forfla-t acceptable to FEMA (Hoc 1, 2) *23. The applicant shall contribute his fair share p- the Day Creek Chantlal Project. The. amount shall be det�,,'Ained by the Flood Control District, based-on acreage. '23a. The tract shall not be releai od for occu anc until PhaseAdded by B.O.S. 2 A o Da CraE.G c arinl s Complete an opera ona ?�gl. i ft OFFIUE OF SURVEYOR, � ' LAND ,DEVELOPhIENT/ROAQS SECTtnN 24. Road sections within and/or bordering the tract shall be designed and constructed to Valley Road, ,Standards and West Valley Foothills Community Plan siainaard-:L ,aL;g San Bernardino county, and to the policies and requiremkt,t%ts, of the county Transportation and Blood Control Depart"zit in accordance with the Master Plan of Highways._ 26. Any grading within the road right-of-wag prior to the signing of the improvement plans shall be a„compalished under the direction of a Soils Testing Engineer. Compaction tests of s'ntbankment construction, trench backfi.11, .and all subgrades shq,11 be performed at no cost to San Bernardino County ,ai�d a written report shall be submitted to the Contracts Divieion of the Transportation and Flood Control Department, p.;ior'jto any placement of base materials and/or paving. 26. Final plans and profiles, shall indicate the location of any: existing utility facility which would affect construction. * NOR-STANOAAD CONDITION(s **'•"WVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES BLACKMON XOIIE PAG$ & b^ 15 SU4/87-1l0VM!I.3-62/TR .43835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 27• Slope rights shall be dedicated on s final tract map where necessary, 28. A thoxau3h evaluation of the struoturtsl road section, to include parkway improvements, from is Valified materials , engineer, shai,-L be submitted to the Tran%port�&tion and Flood 1 Control Department. 29. Existing County roads ,ihich will require recansrtxctia:� shall'L remain. open for trar:eic a t al: times, with adeq:aate detours, during actU4:l construction. A cash 0epasit shall be made to cover the cQ�si.`�,r,grad#ntg and paving prior to ;:acorda- j tiOn .12 the tract m� F p.. �.�port -';.mpl$tioxe of -�-Ae- grading and. pt pavin., to the satisfaction of -tha Transportation and Flood E Control;° Department, the cash deposit mar be refunded. 30, Vehicular access rignts shall be dedicated on Highland Avenue, Futu>ro State Highvay 3a, Rochester Avenue, Vintage Drive, and along the rear t>;,t doubler frontage lots. *31. Future state Rig including t.Way 3C right.. a� way, a:ny interchanges or grade ss naratiotls,,\Shall be rs sarved along the proj act frontage and shown, can tie,Map as De- the 041 Trans letter at August 18, I�Stj 32. All road names shall ba cn6Nrd noted with �X Tra:*isipor- trr:ion and Flood Control Department, Traffi o. division. 33. Road improvement plans for Highland Avenue State Highway 30 shall be subzoitted to the State Dapartment of Transportation by a registered civil angi-Aftek. 34• Dedication shall be granted on Highland A'venUe-State Highway 30 as necessary to concur with the Isastar Plan of Highcrays. This dedication is to be coordinated w+,'h the state Department 1 of Transportation. 35. An apprrved type,.wall. or harrier shall bs required aloncy the rear of double i it ntaq* Sots, and shall be constructed outside of public.right-of-way, 36. All requireA roe 7 and d ainAeza imprQa emcants shall be banded in accordance ai h the Ccaunty DeVeI�A:.ent nods, unless ccnatzucted ar.4 approv4d prior Map. to Yecoi fat orl atthe Final 37. Turn arounds at dead end streets shall be in accordance with the requirements of the CoIiMty Tvansportati.on and Mood * NON-STANDARD CONDITION($) **ENVXRi3N1'a YTAL HIITIOAT1VE HV"kSUREb j � _ 36 BLACKMON HOMES PAGE 7 OF 15 SUB/87-110/W119-62/TR, 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 AlhL control Department, and the Forestry and Fire Warden Depart- ment. 38. Existing utility poles shall be shown on the imurovement plans and relocated as necessary without cast 20 t'ae. county. 9. The developer shall make a good faith effort to acquire the required off-site property interests and if he or she should fail to do so, the. developer shall at least 120 days 'prior to submittal of the final map, enter into an agr^aement to complete the improvements pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 at axch time as County acquires the property interests required for the improvements. Such agre<!ment shall provide for payment by developer of all costs incurred. by County to acquire the offsits property interests sego-red in connection with the subdivision. Security for a por �:or of these costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit inithe amount given in an appraisal report obtained%by developer, at developer's cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by County prier to crimmencement of the appraisal. l40. Right-of-way and improvements (including oft-pits) to C transition traffic and drainage flows from prc'osed to existing, shall be required as necessary. 41. Trees, irrigation systems, landscaping • lguired to be Ask installed on public right of way within this tract area shall be maintained by other than the County Transporta- tion/Flood Control Department, and shall be as specified in County Transportatxon/Flood Control standards for tree planting. Maintenance procedures acceptable to Transporta- tion/Floes Control Department shall be- instituted prior to recordation. **42. Prior to recordation, the applicant shall contribute his fair share toward the futures signalization of Highland Avenue at Rochester Avenue.. His fair share is estimated as $14,400.00 based on a Traffio Report submitted by the applicant's Traffic Engineer. OFFICE OF ALAAPNING !, 'i a. Commitment .shall be obtained, in writing, from the sewering agency. Said commitment shall indicate that the agency has the capacity to furnish sewer service to the subject project, and that all 'necessary arrangements have been 7iade with the ag8nclr to .supply ,such services. A copy of the commitment shall be filed with the Office of Planning. * NON-STANDARD CONDITION(S) **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES 125-3 7 BLACXKON HOMES PAGE 3 csF 15 i SUB/87-110/W119-62/TR 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 44. Developer shall provide for street lighting within the tract as follows: A. -Low intensity, ,energy-efficiant street lights e , all intersections; B. Ynstall un0arground conduit with a pull cord (for future inst Alat on of additional lights) thr:jugh the. tract; i C. DepGsit monies with the spscial Districts Depaxtment to a cover 41.1 installation And conhoctiora- charges for additional street lights per Adopted County policy regarding light pole spacing and location. D. Prior to recordation, they tract shall be annexeli� ; %he appropviate district .:o provide street light maintahance. 45. Subdivider shall present evidences to the County Sutveyor's Office that he has tried to obtain a non-interference letter from any utility com�pany that may have rigl.ts of easement within the property bcun dai:ies. 46. Easements of record. nit shown on. x2ha tentative map shall be relinquished or relocated, Lots affected by proposed easements or casements of record which cannot be relinquished or velocated. shall be redesigned. 47. The following building setback lines shall be delineated on the composite development plan: A. A variable front yard building setback line ct at least 22 feet and averaging at least 25 feet. B. A sido yard building setback line of at i ,ast 15 feet adjacent to side streets on corner .ots. 48. Foi r (4) cop as of a f andscapin t Plan shrill be: submitted for Otfice of Panning review and approval. Said Landscape 'Plan shall include than following ,- A. The requirod slope planting. Slope planting shall be ' required for the surf ;a of all snt slopes more than five (5) feet in hs gd , and fill slob xs more than three (3) teett in hcight Said slopes shall be protected against damage by ekosion by planting with ejrass or ground cover plants. Slopes eXceedf.ng fiftGan (15) felt. in vertical height shall also be pl e-4ted with shrabs, spaded at not to exceed ten (10) feet on centars = or NOR-STaa OkIL D CONDITION(S) "ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASVUES BLACIMON HOMES PAGE 9 OF 19 SUs/87--110/t•;17:4_62/TR 13a35 f: conditions of Approval 12-19-86' trees, spaced at not to excoeal twenty (20) feet on centers; or a oombinati:; of shrubs t,,md trees as coves* plants., The plants selected and planting rethods used shall bi suitable for the soil and cl"imatio conditions of tha site. Trees 10% 15 gal.; 40% S gal, :tot 1 gal. Shrubs 20% 3 rial. So% l gal. Groundcover 1not coveraaa. B. The required street trees. C. All required walls. All alecorative walls shall be. designed and constructed to tnoorporatf, design features such as zrae planter welit, variable setback, split block faoe, columns, or other such fea:tires to provide visual and physical relief along the wal,t face. D. Any existing traas to remain an site. Any existing eucalyptus trees to be retained shall be topped to thirty (30) feet, trimmed along thet lower fifteen (15) feet, and cleared of all dead* leavos and ;branches. A41 /1 ' 1'�rSr�iS+'rP��`lF,�#�,�Yl� i�hNrlS��/�i9�e��'R��71 P�'iA►'/,�'i�,r1�i�'5�� " rirar, xIrr �, xrIrs� il �rx, xar, Revised by B.O. 12-19-88 *E. Parkwiy tr!=menf s "91r `;aC?lastar ay1 x "--7iW,.aeje Avenues s_41 be designed to - Leh at tsrevect_a3ans_;w j"bD_ City of 11MM-C ucamon� '?� ca,,,7rn ne�e19��I}S: n ajAe .> :,d pti ens shay be pe i nwe ap Y*-owed byte C3^, a Rand o Cyzr�MO r to recordation o��the final tract mr413. In aadit#—. aarmanent maintananca of these imorQveannexa shams b.s_a,ss3red through this ernntion oflor antic of thin axes into a landscaoincr and ligh* „rc�aar�assmerit district. 49. Four ;'> *-,.pies of an irrigation plan small be aubm tied for ofzice €ai Planning raview and approval wham slope planting is regcirsd. Slapes required to be planted shL11 be provided with cQ app,-oved system. ht irrigation, desigaeo,to covAr all portio;,,, of tho slope,. A functional test of t'1e system my � be requ''prad. The maintenance of graced slopes, and landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the deve4opar -until the * NON-STANDARD CONDITIONf,V **ENVIRONMENTAL XITIGAV'", aEASURES ` c r ; �.-_.. / _� �r � _ _ �_�_��,w_�__� --�- �� z _ � � _ - �_��_� ,i BnACKMON HOMES PAGE ld or is SUB/87-ll0/Wll9-62/TR 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 transfer to individual ownership or until the maintenance is officially assumed by a County Serv:,ae Area. 1 j i irriga- tion systems, where required, shall be designed on an individual lot basis finless commonly maintained in an approved mannez. SO. A minimum number of one (1) inch caliper/15 gallon, multi-branched trews shall be planted on .the lot adjacent to th,r street right-of-way, for each of the following types of lots: A. Cul-de-sac lot 1 tree; B. Interior lot 2 trees; C. Corner lot - 3 trees. The variety of tree to be provided is subject to County approval and to be maintained by the property owner. 51. All landscaping and irrigation shown on the approved landscape and irrigation plans and all required walis shall be completed or suitable bonds posted for theiricompletion. *51a. 1, revised master plan-showing the new subdivision as it relates to the ad scent nreanartfaft to the east nd cat na Added by B.O.S. .circulation and access- o nts for future dev�alc�lsmen s al1 12 9-88 be submitted to and a roved the city of 4�q Cucamonga Prior to recordation o t e na rac mar s, "`� *51b. The "A," Street connection to Rochester a?rfint'l t shall be re esagne as a cu a-sac: wi emergency p is 'rzonnec ion added by B.O.S. to Rae es er Avenue.'- n aaaa sin, sai ;.:dgn ar anan 12.19-88 alEernative es gn s a e rev�ewa an , a 4c resT�y''"bb_ t,e City or Ranc o Cucamonga an a ooEW'. r"e 51s' trict- prsar to racer a an of t a final-tram map. *Sic. This tract mWJ!Ihays to be mod fied'to provide an extension of 10EO Street to Caulacent areas to trie east. uc ,dded by B.O,S. determ nations a e ma e y e y o _anc o ucamonga ,2-19-98 u on review and approve OZ a reuse master p an qr is ass. scent area. Said rev ew an any re es qn s .rlJoe r�gu re mr or a recur ation o tne tinal tractma --. *Sid. Prior to recordation, an--annexation/development agreement ,tided by B.O.S. shall be estRb J-s_The a weep a app lean am r-he ul 2-19-88 Rancho Cucamon a. NON-STANDARD CONDITION(S) 1 **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES AML 1 -740 BLACKMON HOMES PAGE 11 OF. is 5UE/8?-11Q/W119-62/TR 13835 Conditions co Approval 12-19-68 PERMITS SHALL, NOT BE ISSUED 'UNTIL THE FOLLOWING .CONDITIONS HAV$ BEEN MET: OFFICE OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 52. For projects where grading is to be clone, grading plans are to be submitted to and approved by ,the Office of Building and Safety. 53. Obta-a a demolition permit for any,building to be demolished. Underground structuree must be broken ia, back-filled and inspected befora covering. 54. Submit plans and obtain building prarmits for any required walls. 55. An erosion and sediment control plan shall he submitted for review and approval by the Building official prio, ' to any land disturbance between October 15th and April 15th. 56. A tree removal plan, permit and preconstruction inspection in crmpliance with the County+s plant protected and management ordinance shall be approved prior to any land disturbance; and,'or remov41 of`any protected tr:`,,es or plants. COUNTY_F;R£ AGENCY *57. All rooting materials used in this project shall be of a non-combustibls material. Treated materials of a temporary nature will not be accepted, OFFICE OF SURVEYOR LAND DFy.V LOpfitNT/QTnTNAG£ SEG'I'�ON *58. A permit•shall be obtained fraa the City of Rancho Cucamonga for work necessary within the city streets, such as storm drain connections. OFFICE OF SURVEYOR T'AND DEVEL-02 NT/RQ ne mTntf 59. An encroachment permit, or authorized clearance, shall be obtained from the County Transportation and Flood Control. Department prior to issuance of a grading permit by the ' office of Building and Safety. 60. An encroachment permit shall be required from the State Department of Transportation prior to any construction within state right-of-way. * NON'-STANDARD CONDITION(S) **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES BPAACMION HOMES PAGE 12 OF 15 SU�3/87-110/w119-6Z/TR ]3835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-86 *61. Projects subject to a buildinj permit shall have all required I on and Off-site.. improvements, required for each phase, completed and apr,.roved prior to: final inspection of anyy buildings or structures. The teLm "phase$' as used here shall means the following: "The block oi' building 'permits drawn on less than the wi101e projs-Zt" or "A plan of building construction which indicates of onstruction of less than thg while project". In each phase, the installation of any on or off-Site improvements sr_A11 be sufficiently completed so as to assure protection. from :storm Or drainage run off, a safe and driveable access for fire and safety, and the ordinary and intended use of the buuilding$ or structurek.. The Building, official, with the concurrence of the Office of the surveyor, may approve any plan or _approve a change to art approved plan, which complies with the intent of this policy. C3FFxCF OF FT_ANNI"n *62. Prior to issuance of building permits the developer shall provide certification from the appropriate school district as required by California Government Code 5action 33080 (b) that any roe, charge, dedication or other form or requirement levied by the governing board of the district pursuant to Government Code Section 530so(a) has bst.ty satisfied. 63. A final grading plan shall be required.` -said grading plan shall be submitted to the Office of Building .and Safety for review and approval. All an;-site cut and fill slopes shall: A. Be limited to a maximum slope ~atio of 2 to l and a maximum,vertical height of thirty (30) feet. Setbacks from top and bottom of slopes shall be a minimum of one-bglf the slope height: B. Be -ontour-graded to blend with existing aiatural contours. C. Be a wart of the downhill lot when within or between individual lots. *64. Recommended maximum: heightes for manufactured shone banks are listed below. Vertical height shall be the-measurement between the alevatson of the toes and top of the slope including retaining walls. The natural slope for grading Purposes shall be determined on a parcel by parcel basis, using the high and low elevation of the area to be graded. Maximum heights shall not be exceeded unless grading can be * NONE-STANDARD CONDITION(S) **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES BLACI' ON :TOMES PAGE 13 OF 13 SUB/s7-110/W119-62/TP. 23a35 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 Agh significantly, reduced by increased height. Alternative designs that would reduc& slope <eights are preferred. Any bank exceeding twenty-five (25), .feet, regardless of length, shall have variable gradients.,/ , A. The maximum slope height;'whq,e the natural terrain is ten (10) peticent or Ise is ten (10) Feet. B. The maximum slope height where the natural terrain is greater than ten (103) percent but less than or equal to fifteen (1$%) Percent, is ft tsen (15) feet, C. The maximum slope height wh3ra the natural terrain exceeds fifteen (15%) percent, is thirty (30) feet. *55. During constru4tion, measur',�c shall be taken to control runoff from construction sites,, Filter fabric fences, heavy plastic earth covers, gravel berms or lines of straw bales are a few of the techtriques which s'iould be considered. *66. Grading shall be ph.sed so that prompt revegstation or construction c<en contebl erosion 14here,pcssible, only those areas which will later be resurfaced:, landscaped or built an should be disturbed. ntsurfacing of .parking lots and fs : roadways should take pla' ' as soon as practicable, not at the completion of constxu4 ion, 67. A copy of the final grading; plan, approved. by BuiV sing and Safatsp, shall be submitted to. the Office of Rlann?rig when graded cut slopes excaia-five (5) feet in height �tid fill slopes exceed three (3) feet in height. SUBJECT FRO ERTX SNALL NOT B$ OCCUI?zED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I(WX BEEN MET: COUNTY FIRE AGENC 6E. Address numerals shall be a minimum of Pour inches in height on a contrasting background, and slial.l '+a visible from the street. AuriAa the hours of darkness they z:�hhll. be internally illuminat*14. (handa'rd No_, 122). 69. Each chimney used in conjunction with any fireglaue or any heating appliance in which solid or liquid fuel is used shall be maintained with an 41pproved 'spark arrester se identified in the Uniform Fire Code (Standard Humber 131). NON-STANDARD CONDXTION(S) **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES 1 i.eie nMut1 EZO:iES PAGE 14 OF 15 Sus/87-:.1.0/w119--62/Ta j3a,:;S Conditio,vs Of Approval V.19-88 OFFICE OF SURVEYOR LAND DFVELO&�PSEh2'/ROADS_SSCTrnty Revised byYflJ /1ei�'i`Il�s�� FiI / �jf 'I,�. '/?� 3 /�1frli4l� B.O.S. *70. Rochester Ayenuo Q44 be ca�atructec3 halt width to city of 12-19-98 Rancho Cucamonga ct�a+.a—A- T-- a uolloctor road. yrith Lx a minimttt O '?6 fae nF rKavi�me nt on a minimum 40 feet Of right-of-Way. Tho yert CA and hori2ental alignment shall o_onFo_ �r to the ap2, I for the City of .Rancho Cucamonga. irrludinr,..�pra riata transitions to align with a ma-�or arterial on ',he south side of Highland Ave-1e �y1U,I//Ftdk,�M.�k!�idt/1�is'a! %, ',+�11X/�a�✓ri �d�G/�all/kl�(Ar4'/,frir�r�f��.C�f�l�l��'k4,b,� 1��b`Y�E�,�YI�'rr5i�laE�,brlaEddJ,bfi�rtl4et lif� �tt�l,7�S, '.gdl%L#�4te �tdb�I i� Revised byrsf�'//difa 'd/R'z'sfllfd`teb/ 's�lr B.O.S. *71. Highland Avenue shall beg imp zoved to standards established 12-19-88 - --in a deve o Caen agreemen etweeri the eve © er and e city or Rancho C:IGa�St�nS1?d. T 3 Con -, oil s Sub ec�t 8 CRancha Cucamon a rov'i ..e m ursemenC a reemeztt to recover the cost of const irmanent street m roveme:nts from future, develolmen as a occurs cn thia south side of Fi bland avenues an terms mutU v Pvmce table to the City and the developer. g'� Revised by B.O.S. *72. Interin rierht turn deceleration and acceleration lanes for 12:19-88 westbound trarf c shall be ccnatructed on the north s e"or Hi hland Avenue< >w th trans t on$ to mae,. t ermanent. pa s, to the sat s act on 'o e C3.a of Rancho Cucamonga. 73. All raquired road and drainages improvements shall be installed prior to occupancy. OFFICE QP PLANNjug 74. Sidewalks shall be provided throughout the tract, including all peripheral streets. 75. Utility lines shall be placed underground in accordance with the requirements of County ordinance. NON-STANDARD CONDITION($) **ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIVE MEASURES i - III BLACKMON HOMES PAGE 15 OF ram' SUB/87-1.10/t+i119-•6?./`TR' 13835 Conditions of Approval 12-19-88 76. All required land$Capi2iy and walls, as per the approved landscape pl.sn, shall be installed pricer to .ccupancy. f i *� NODE-STANDARD CONDITION(S) "ENVIRONMENTAL, MITIGATIVE MEASURES t Y Exhibit "C" Conditions of Approval Street improvements, on Rochester and Highland Avenues A. Rochester Avenge shall be ,constructed full width from Highland Avenue to the north project boundary. The vertical and horizontal alignment shall conform to the 'City's approved street plans, including appropriate transitions to align with" a major arterial on the south side of Highland Averiue� The Developer shall revise the approved' plans to intl-We the east side of Rochester Avenue, to the satisfaction of the City,' Engineer, prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. The -Developer,shall be reimbursed for actual audited costs for constructing those improvements shown on the approved street plans for Parcel Map 9192 (Sheets 3 and 4 of Drawing No. 1215) from funds on deposit for the ultimate improvements.,,; B. Highland Avenue,--shah be. constructed full width (44 feet: of pavement) for the'entite length of the project frontage and for 442 feet west of the centeri.ine of the ieter•settion of Highland and Rochester Avenues with appropriate transitions to ,the existing pavement beyond those points. The Developer Will be'-�givea a reiabursenetfi agreemt to recover the cost"of Constructing the full width permanent street improvements from future1,4evelopment as it occurs on.the south afde of Highland Avenue. C. Interim right turn deceleration and,.acceleration lanes for westbound traffic shall be constructed on `the north side of Highland Avenue, with transitions to meet the permanent pavement at Cloth ends, in. conformance with the City`s' approved plans. Ths Developer shall be reimbursed for actual audited costs 1 for constructing those improvements shown on the approved street plans for Parcel Map ',192 (Sheet 17 of Drawing No. 1215) `from funds on deposit for the ultimate improvements. r" SLwLElY9EliT To COi1I1TY CC1? i id9KS OF APPIRMAL, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMtONGA ���casrol f AOL L6 — COWUNITY DEVELOP14ENT DEPARTMELT FEES y z 1977 The following fee schedule is in effect for the Building and Safety, Engineering and Planning Divisions of the. Community Development. Department. Please address any questions you may have about specific fees to the Department in which that fees are collected. Fees are listed within the Department heading responsible for the fee and the key code listed below will indicate at what point the fee should be paid. (1) Upon submittal for review or application (2) At time of�permit issuance (3) Prior to approval of final map (4) At t,me of plan check submittal Plannino Division reee 1 Tentat ve Rap Submittal Tract Map $649 + $32/Lot or actual cost plus 20%. whichever is greater Aft (1) initial Study 'Part 1 $87 (1) Extension of Tentative Tract Map $62 (1) Planning Development Review Fees Design/Technical Review (Gom'1 & Ind) $251 Minor DevelopmeA Rovieve $62 Res. Dev. Design/Technical Review $1,272 Conditional Use Permit $398 Specific Plan/Planned Community $1,251 Environ. Assessment (Initial Study Pt.1) $87 Sign Permit (Individual Sign Review) $32 Uniform Sign Program Review $93 (1) Amendments/Wariances Dev. District Amendment (tone Change) $649 + $32lacre General Ptan Amendment $1,272 Variance $272 Minor Exception $62 (1) Other Permits and Deposits Temporary Use $-0 Temporary Model Sales Office $32 Sales Office Cash Deposit $2.500 On-site Subdivision Sign Cash Deposit $628 Temporary Construction Office $126 ANNEXATION 89-03 EXHIBIT "D- 4 l-'�� � Revised 4C11188 (1) Appeals *Appeal of a Director (Staff Decision) $62 #Appeal of a Planning Commission Decision $126 #Appeal of a Tract Map $251 *Appeal if filed through City Planner's Office #Appeal is fil,•d through City Clerk's; Office Engincerinc t Division Fees Tentative Map Suubaiital Parcel Map $207 Initial Study, art 1 $87 Revert Subdivided Land to Acreage $62 + $1.25/acre (1) Appeals #Parcel Map $125 #Appeal is filed through City Clerk's Office (1) Extension of Tentative N.tp Parcel Map $62 (1) CB-tificate of.Compllance For: Lot Line Adjustment $186 Parcel Map Waiver $185 Mergers $186 mum (1) Street Vacation Request $125 ' (3) Nonumentation Surety _ $2,400 + $SO/Lot (Cash Deposit, Refundable) (4) M'ap Checking Fees Residential Parcel Maps $600 + W/parcel Tract Maps and Non-Residential Maps of 10 tots or ,less 5905 Tract and Parcel Maps over 10 Lots $755 + Si5/lot or parcel (4) Improveiwat, Plans +� Widening of Existing Streets $0.60 per, tin. ft. + sheet charge for interior streets Interior Streets: 1-2 Sheets $6CO per sheet: 3-5 Sheets $1,200 - $525/sheet over 2 Sheets 6-10 Sheets $2,775 + $480/sheet over 5 Sheets 11 or More SC,175 .+ $450/Sheet over 10 Sheets Storm Drtih Flans: Same as for t 'Prior.streets Hyrirolrigy Study, Drainage area's up to 154 cres. - $600 Drainage areas over 150 acres - $1,200 (41 .l4ci6cape Plans.: City maintained areas $3101Sheet *"Fo�� Improvemeni� Plans., title sheets will not be included, in calculating ci«r'ges un1E s, '-rn the City's opinion, it also serves as a plan-and-profile sheet: Maximus for rush Jobs will be 50%greater than those listad above. `Aevisions. to approved plans/saps will be charged on the basis of actual costs. (2) Public Works Ins ^p. Ft� 5.Og of improvement cost to $25,000 4.5% of improvement cost next- $75,000 4.0% of improvement cost over $100,000 Buildinq and Sal' v nivistan Fees..J 2 Building N uries based upon vi-14ation of work (4) Plan Checi Fee 75% of Buildin g ng Permit fee (2) Drainage Fee** General City Area $50 per 1/100th of net acre Etiwanda Area A b B $76 p)er l/100th of net acre " Assessment District << t Plenned Community No Fey (2) Street and-Highway 1% of Building Valuation i Systems Fee #° i (2) Beautification Fee ** $0.2.0 per sq. ft. of gross`building�larea (Residential Only) under roof, or $200, whichever is greater (2) Electrical Permits Cai4ulated on a square foot basis for new residential buildings; on outlet basis for - , existing_ residential .._bs:#id3rgs and -odncr buildngs, (2) Plumbing 3 Mechanical Calculated au: basis of number and size of Permits fixtures and/or appliances. **This fee schedule is not all inclusive - please check with the Building and Safety Department for specific fees. i i f 3. P F Community Services Oeoartn*0 See attached fee schedule for calculations. School Fees - Contact appropriate School Districts for fee amount and payment Alta Loma (714) 987-0766' Central (714) 989-8541 Cucamonga (714) 987�894 Etiwanda_ (714) 899-2451 Chaffey High School District (714) 988-8511 Utility Fees Contact appropriate Utility Company, ri.e., gas, electric, water, etc. for fee :amount and payment,. A=list of utility companies and telephone numbers is pt_4ided by the Engineering 0ivision. Undergrounding existing overhead utilities (in-lieu fees) she separate handout when fees are required. Current City adopt*id unit amounts, are as follows on a per foot basis: Telephone - $ 75 Cable TV - $ 10 Electrical - depending upon when undergrounded as follows: 1986 and before i $100; 1987 - $135; 1988 and after - $128 i i NOTE: "Letters of cerCifieation of capa0ty will be,;required from scl , districts and rater districts along wittv)proof of payment of appropriate fe prior to building, permit issuance. 1 i i { -4- �; t, Y*.r M n fit! C t C O W u al in to rl M f i w Lofn N M CV ti7 f .N 4-0�W r1W 4 tu .. ... `� co m �', N M 10 9 ® .�+ co t0 np O V C N Yr oa96 1 1. 16 H4 + t0 N 400, r r N vuj O 6d•i p� oo,. o.o i� a • a cc a n N V TjTlT! It tt.14 .0 } r C r. r C ! w44. a t F 1 + 1 1 z w C+! f R 1 �. V6 crm LLJ N �.O �O aA �F M m Y ` w 4 f t it y UJ m W Mr a J O 1 H A Y Y G R O v ry W Q � LU a N Q. ' y J a a � � LU CZ C � -C a _ o a ci bt O � OC r N r! cm M uJ 11?e muj Cuj C6 IN! CD O tu ul v du,.. yi' Cy1" N Cfl C!1 enLi! 6 C CD ,� tl UA o so co v c bp '.. mr •r CA ell , Lu s gr:o N C 1 N d n x � • tl + 1 tI i C II 1 Ln N AMh 1 Q' S P•E ti') v o- e+ Os uj W'a~~ ram-,`, � vft' Mk a.T Oul co C ♦.0 N W 6f V ,. to Ci "' .�++ co L� LU YI G w 4 M. : �•w P w �.. apu" 'CD' 'pl,+q' �.`i � N ate► - � coto Amin i6 LU VW itaCIJ co All 4 10Mp A- X � i M $yi Il � fy `a -2 - a v ' er :cis *-• W y Lin at in 'I c� �Li u 'mLU i Lc p 'wo ss er w AklA. • P, �n sn 4f 6m I MOMM v ►. N lV tv ..�: r+ ► `a art a x 4 r +C' d IF1 � M ! M N q I 1 -•- �'.. ^ AOL N ! �.. C LO CT id: n ff� G fL C 4mCD �( o a o 0 0 N N �p en ry. CT tn to � 4G CD Crr tr a I a ¢ ve ■ i, T TENTATIVE TPJZT 138M ARGF@iXECF113flkl. AM DESI6Ft GUIDELiHES EXHIBIT I. ARCHITECTURAL ANR DESIGN GUIRELINES A. Iat,enk' It is the intent of this article to provide guidelines for the design of structures or elements which reinforce and establish the character, of North Etiwanda foothill Are4. it is also�the intent to assure that new development be designed in a manner Mat is sensitive to, and ompatlbl'e with,`the character of Victoria, Caryn, Etiwanda and the Etiwanda Specific Plan Area. Projects which in the opinion of the Resign' Re'ifew Committee do not reset the intent of,.thix article shall not be recommended for a0proval. B. General Guidelines I. Project design shall he guUM by site specific factors such as views, r,�ature vegetation, topography, surrounding development, and similar considerations... The use of designs and site plans precared for mother site shall not be permitted unless success ully=dified to loral conditdons. 2. Architectural and desigri elr4s which relate to the existing and desired character, of North Etiwanda}PootMlls area are best describes as: rural, rather than urban informal, rattier than formal traditional, rather�,`,;han contemporary rustic, rather than polished low Profile, rather than massive relating to people, rather than automobiles C. 4ecific Standards 1. Excessive repetition oil single family;sltructuras with i'dez+tical' floor plans aAd elevatiol s shall be discouraged. Ftotprfnts and elevati os shall be , discouraged, Footprints aOfd elevations shall be varied per Figure 3,.1. FIGURE 3-1 FWMMTJ�,ATIOW SEQU19OWS Mnimum number Number of single tiinimum number of elevations family dwellings of footprints* per footprint* a 6.1O 3 2 11-20 4 3 21-40 5 3 41-60 6 4 6140 7 4 81400 B 4 Over 100 1 additional 4- for each 40 dwelling units over 100 A reverse footP'int of a floor plan will count`"as an additional footprint. A side-on entry garage with an elbow driveway will count as an additional footprint. 2. Oeveloper should onsidar at least 5O% of -all lots be Side-on garages. however, a reduction in this requirement, its 5$ reduct�:fl increments, down to a rAflimum of 10% of all garages within single family tracts for side-on entries Where an additional floor plan per each 5% reduction is provided and if approved by the planning Commission. The intot is to discourage a residential street lined with garage frrnts.: 3. Driveways shall not exceed 15 feet in width through the public parkway- `frontages on lots less than 75 feet is width. On 'lots, 75 feet of greater in width, driveways shall not exceed 24 feet, with a -2� smooth transition provided to the ultimate driveway width within a depth equal to the parWay depth. 4.,1 'Two-story structures should not be planned for corner hrcels,,; unless sideyard setbacks of 25 feet or ..greater are used. liowever, ,the Planning Commission may consider existing one-story portions of two-story stwcctures not exceeding 12. feet maybe allowed a maximtm 35 foot street sideyard setback. S. The project shah be designed in a mainner 'that is not_ only sensitive to, and compatible with the characters of the Victoria, Caryn and Etiwanda:Communities, but also reinforces that character through an integrated desijn and architectural theme, 6. Aile no specific architectural slf.�la is required, the integrated thems selected S'r,'it reflect the traditional architectural styles fdOnd in Victoria, Caeyn and Etiwanda, 'including but Jfnot 'limited to those;]rsted below. Any one of the I'o11oving themes may, as dominant theme Or they may be Interspersed. Both one and two story buildings are appropriate to the Following categories. a. Victorian Characteristics: fieldstone fondations steep gables and roofline porches and verandas' bay windows, vertical windows roundheaded windows clapboard and fascia .board and batton siding large roof projections b. California Bungalow Characteristics: hip or gable roof/gently sloping front porches/verandas, enriched foundations .3. � r r c. Californ4 Ranch Characteristics: low, rambling - rustic, informal, front porcheslveracdas d. 1�diterranean Characteristics. - vertical lines, arching windows and entries, red the roofs stucco siding e. any other integrated design style which In the opinion of the Design Review. Committee meets the intent of this article. <f ' 7. Materials, textures, and architectural '��iietailing . sha11 -be consistent with the design theme. "Stucco stone„ products may be usrd to create stone effects, except where river rack gcr.ars„which shall be native store. However, if any'stone products re used, some portion of the units:shall include natistone. 8. 1''rpng major (collector or above) streets and the g reet sides of corner lots enhanced Tmasonry shall be provi cried, see exampl eg on page &. -:All other fencing within the rear and sideyards shalt .be provided at the option of the builder, subject to.tity .review and approval of the,,-designs and construction. 9. StMeet side landscaping and irrigation shall be required prior to occupancy. Said landscape and irrigation improvements shall first be approved in plan form by the Design Review Committee prior ,to the issuance of any building permits. These�',pians shall contain the following elements: a. Architecturally designed mail boxes which which color scheme is consistent with the �Jwetling ) units provided for each house by the builder. See example on page 7, Ask iv -4- b. Enhanced driveway and front entr; wank treatments, utilizing decorative pav-,n*nts and wide walkways. c. In addition to the standard parkway trees, at least three 15 gallon trees per house �,Uld,be planted `Dy t!ke builder no later: than ocnupancy of the home. `-also, accent trees of at least 15 gallons in site will be -provided in:for sufficient to equal one tree per corner for each intersection within the tracts. This tree planting is to. be designed in a manner to relieve any, monotony of the,streetscape, perhaps by Cluster planting between the homes. d, irrigated and turfed areas stzall be provided for each front and corner street'�ide lot. e. Paseo at the end of the "A``( street cul-de-sac shall be provided, landscap��l and annexed to a landscape maintenance distric4. Aft �F f `I � - <': �; f �•s�r: • �5►1r�i�►Kxllw+•t!?i�� � 4t. t-- �rt r ��_ �4�ir.. MfT re�pt '� �''�-"R8P'IP'as i+rGi iG �. tli:�i4 ire,��llS�d,1�F,.y��R �3!'<.a4 G�'�� s. � • � • r� -./► •��. � • • s- � �' - -- v � 1�+4f r�. � ; y�,R -. ���i� ' � (t� 1 t i � . . * � . _ R.�. � ..wrr,r�v.rir�rr�a��yliwpria• -, a.r..rw...�.ew.rr r...i �r�s4A1 ■r;�o�w..wiw�gtr#rraY r1�rw..ai�%If�w.YwtiT �� ■wy��aft i4Y1MA;� MM T� • l+ �ww��r r,.`s'.rrrrv�Yar wra�cni�� 1 �i.'w..�`rPrr�o .:rr•� eewewwa � �a.�w.a ___.-_- .�—r .-. ., � t � .! STANDARD RURAL MAILBOXES: .- ---2'x5" GRAB SUPPORTS WITH CHAMFERED ENDS 0 C°x5' POST WITH A CHAMFERED �P AND ROUTED GROOVE ,FIVYER ROCK SASE S8, FINISH GRADE TYPICAL MAILBOX STAND #1 �gf----- - STANDARD RURAL MAILBOXES 2'xS'GRAS SUPPORT6 WITH CHAMFERED ENOS 0 "Q 5'x5' POST WITH A CHAMFERED TOP AND ROUTED GROOVE BRICK BASE t8, (----F►NISH GRADE TYPICAL MA'LBOX STAND #2 STANDARD RURAL MAILBOXES 2'xS' GRAB SUPPORTS WITH CHAMFERED ENDS { 5'xS POST WITH A CHAMF6AED TOP AND ROUTED GROOVE STONE BASE i FINISH GRADE 'NOTE: EACH ALTERNATIVE IS TYPICAL MAILBOX STAND #3 SUPJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY U.S.POSTAL SERVICE TYPICAL MAIL BOX TREATMENTS r � _ -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 26, -989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Tom Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89-03 - MANGO'S DEACHFRONT CAPE - The rev ew of prov ng a disc jockey, live en er ainment, and dancing in conjunction with a restaurant use, located at 6034 Hav-i Avenue - APN: 1077-661-02 I. ABSTRACT: In compliance with. City Council Ordinance (No. 290) regarding Ithe regulation of entertainment uses which require establishments that provide entertainment to obtain an Entertainment Permit, the applicant is requesting review and approval of an Entertainment Permit for a disc jockey, live entertainment and dancing within their bar. IY. ANALYSIS: Mango's Beachfront Cafe is a proposed full service res aurant and bar serving , beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. The current proposal is to provide entertainment Sunday through Saturday evenings from, 6.00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. The disc jockey and!or live entertainment will be located in the bar =rea and there will be no admissiion charge. dancing will be permitted in a dance area which totals one hundred thirty (130) square feet. Per the provisions of the Entertainment Ordinance Section 5.12.130, a security guard is not required as the dance floor area does not exceed one hundred rlfty (150) square feet. Mrs. Phyllis Wde is tho Director of Operations for Mango's Beachfront Cafe and- is responsible for the management of entertainment. In accordance with Section 5.12.040 of the Entertainment Ordinance, the applice-It has indicated that neither the applicant nor any persons responsible for the management or supervision of Mango's Beachfront Cafe has, within the previous ten years, been convicted of a crime nor has the applicant ever had any permit or license issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol or the provision of entertainment revoked. Review of the Entertainment Pe mit must take into consideration locational impacts and what mitigation measures should be included in the Resolution of Approval. Mango's Beachfront Cafe (see Exhibit "A") is located within the Virginia Dare Center, which is a mixed-use complex with office, retail, restaurant, and tenant PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT` RE EP 89-03 - MANGO'S" July 26, 1989 Page 2 uses. The nearest residential uses are over 1200 feet from the restaurant and do not constitute a significant factor. Fargo`s Beachfront Cafe isa freestanding building; however, it is within the food court located adjacent to Haven Avenue. Restaurant and retail tenants occupy the remaining space in the food court which surrounds a central plaza with outdoor eating areas. Uses which coiid be negatively impacted by the proposed entertainment are the adjacent restaurant, theater, office and retail -uses. Negative impacts could include noise, parking, and disturbances. The key will be the management of this use, as evidenced by the many problems experienced with entertainment at Harry Cs. As Director of Operations, Phyllis lVde will be responsible for the management of all entertainment. �,�She has eighreen (181 years of experience working in-a restaurant, including 4`vpn (7) years of experience managing 3 Red Onion Restaurant, which-'r:,cluded a bar and entertainment uses. In terms of security, the Entertainment Ordinance requires e,,licensed ae!d uniformed security guard when the dance floor area exceeds one hundred fifty, (150) square feet. Although securi;y is not specifically r--Auire(j per the Ordinance, some level of security should be provided to regulate customers entering the bar and to provide crowd control and security. the applicant has indicated there will be a "Teid bar manager" whose responsibility is to watci, ovc:) the customers and respond to any altercation or emergency that may arise. Shou1-? he operation of this Entertainir4nt Permit cause adverse impacts upon adjacent businesses or operations it shall be brought before the Planning Commission for Vr a consideration and possible suspension or revocation of the permit, in accordance with Section 5.1Z.100 of the Entertainment Ordinance. 111. FACTS FOR FIMINGS: The Planning Commission must make the following olowrg tindin§i liaorder to approve Entertainment Permit No. 89- A. The conduct of the establishment or the granting of the application would not be contrary to tiro public health, safety, murals or welfare. B. The premises or establishment is not likely to be operated in an illegel, improper or disorderly manner. IJ I PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE:: EP 89-03 - MANGO'S July 26, 1989 Page 3 C. The applicant or any other person associated with him as principal or partner, or in a position or'capacit involving partial or total control over the conduct of th- business for which such permit is soughs: to be issued, has notbeen convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of any offense involving the presentation, exhibition or performance of :any obscene show of any kind, or of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude, nor has had any approval, permit or license issued in conjunction with the sale I71f alcohol or the provision of entertainment revoked within the preceding five years, D. That granting the application_would not create a public nuisance. E. That the normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of_ any surrounding residential neighborhood. F. The applicant has not made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the required application. To the hart of staff's knowledge, there is no information to indicate anIthing contrary to these findings. IV. RECOMMENDATION' Staff r-commends that the Planning cormd ssion con it onally ap}rove Entertainment Permit 89-03 through adoption of the attacheA Resolution of Approval. Respectful l�' uprb tted f Brad Bul l erl 1 City Planner " BB:M6 Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Application Exhibit "B" {• Site 'Plan; Exhibit "C" - Floor Plan Resolution of Approval 1 ENT ERTAI' IA ENT PERMIT APPLAW,A,TION Applicants for entertainment permits shalt complete the following guestionaire. PLEASE PlJW OR nTE A. The name and permanent address of applicant David Michael Name -- ------ ------ -------------------------------------- La Pa 'om_a,_ L)LLr!ej.CA 92720 �_�— ___�_.___ __ Permanent Address — — -- -- ---— -- ---A B. The name,proposed and current,If any,and business address of the applicant: _ Tum_blerreed Grill Inc. _ DBA)Manr�o's Beachfront Cafe (Current and Proposed) ------------------ Name WOULEooth J-1-RgulsYar_d-sJ09------------ Business Address _ Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 C. A detailed description of the proposed entertainment,including ty�of entertainment and number of persons 4ingaged in the entertainment(may attach seperate sheets if neressary) Entertainment wiil consist of a disc jockey and/or live entertainment, either ___ft_.gqr,gdjqy_qr band with 2 to A members; An array of different types from __=atry,,aazz-,fire-g ea_to top Q0. ---- --- -- - — ---------------------------------------------------------- . The date or day-of-week,hours and location of entertainment(attach floorplan) and the admi�„4ion fee,if a-y,to be charged: Projected Se nday thr ugh Saturday from 5:00' PM to 2 00 AM.___ No admission fee. --- --- ---------------------:.--_ ---- - --- — -- .— — ---- ------ — --- — — — — --- — -- ----=— --- E. The names,of the person(s)responsible for the management or supervision of applicant's business and of any entertainments ,_Ellis_ ----------Director of.OQeratiions__^_ ---------------------------------------------------------- F. A statement of the nature and character,of applicant's business,if any,to be carried on in conjimction with such entertainment,including whether or not alcohol will be served as part of such business: Familyy casual dinnJnq_and entertairment'are-offered. ------------ __ Alcohol will be offe<'ed on premises. -------------------------- Liquor Lic. #47 is obtained.___- _ — — G. Whether or r- the applicant or any person.responsible for the management or supervision or applicant's business have been,within the previous ten years, convicted of a crime,the nature of such offense,and the sentence received therefor g p probation,if any: including conditions of arolc�.or __Mr—Da id..MishaQl---- _--mmmec- _ --- Mrs._Phyi 11 is Hide—_ =None-- -- _ H. Whether or not applicant has ever had any permit;or license issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol or provision of;entertainment revoked, including the date thereof and name of the revoking,agency: I ---No. — •----- -- ------------- ------ ---- -- ----- -- ------- --- — -- i --------- -- ----- ------ - -- ----- ------- -------- ------ ---- _— ------ Assry false,.misleadint,or fraudulent statelgsnt of material fact in the re+Ared application shall be grounds for denial of the application for an entertai..lne it i permit, f e 7' 1- W; rm 1'2 �iv1 AA° �094 E►.s7[!i'Ss gsi4wAg.aa 9� 'may.--.� i�a' �` vaors•o:p �na.raQizanooa2.D �° � -s ..:., 43i C' :�� a000C4ae9Ae o°Otl4 it •t y.J a Ro a3 y� C? f�IN G) L J5•�1.{ 74�1 jr- RESOLUTION N0. -..a A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COK41SSION Of THE CITY OF: RANCHO CUCAMON65A, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ENTERTAINMEUT PERMIT 89-03 TO OPERATE AND CONDUCT WERTAINMENT PROVIDING A ,DISC JOWITY, COMEDIANS, :LIVE BANDS, ¢'u DANCING FOR`MARGO'S BEACHFRONT'- CAFE, LOCATED AT.,dO34 HAVEN AVENUE: AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPOnT THEREOF APN: 1'077--661-02 A. RECITALS - (i) On May 21, 19.86,' the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopted Ordinance No. 290 providing for the regulation of entertainment: (1i) On April 20, 1989, David Michael filed an application for the issuance of an Entertainment Permit (ESP 89-03) desrribed'4bove in the title-of this Resolution. (iii) On the 264h day of July, 1989, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission held a public`)earing"to consider the above-described project. S. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE, thR City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission resolves as follows': 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to This Commission during the above-referenced:.July 26, 1989 hearing, including the written staff report, and the written, signed and verified application of the applicant, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows; (a) The application applies to property located on the northwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Haven Avenue op a lot presently, improved with strictures and parking areas which constitute --1ltrginia Dare Center;; and 5\ i (b) The property to the north of the sutject site contains the Del Taco Restaurant and a vacant parcel, to the south awe_ office uses, to east is Haveo Avenue and the Terra Vista Town Center (under construction), and to the west is Edwards Theater, rest urant uses and a vacant site; and tr-_� PLANNING commissrON RESOLUTION NO. RE: EP 89-03 iit.Wo!s July 26, 1989 Page 2 i (c) Mango's BeacFrit(ront Cafe is 'a full service restaurant and $ bar serving beer, wine, and o'Oier alcoholic beverages, The entertainment is proposed Sunday through Saturday evenings, from 6:00 P.M. to 2:00 R.M. The disc jockey and/or live antertainment will be located in; he bar area and there will be no admission charge; however, dancing wil''be permitted in a dance area which tottils on¢ hundred,thirty (130) squar�;; eet. 3. Based upon the substantial evidenci s niid to this Commission during the above-referenced July 26, 1989 public nearing"and Upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows; (a) That the conduct tof the estabiishm3�t or the chanting of the application would not ba contrary to the public heath, safety, morals or welfare, and b) That the premises or establishment are not likely to be operated in an illegal, improper or disoNderly manner; and (c) Thai the applicant has not had any approval., permit or license issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol or the provision of entertainment revoked within the'prec� ;ng five years; and (d) fiat grantin:,/the application would not create a' public nuisance; and (e) That the normal ope-aticn of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of they+surrounding cmmmercial center; and The applicant has not made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of material fact in the required application. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to the following conditions: ✓�'r (1) This approval. is for a disc jockey, comedian or small band cor., sting of two. (2) to four (4) members. Any khange of intensity or type of 1 } entertainment shall require application for modification,;�f this permit. (2) Dancing is permitted on a dance floor area which does not exceed one hundred thirty (130) square feet. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: EP 89-03 - MANGO'S July 26, 1989' Page 3 (3) If the operationof this Entertainment Permit causes adverse effects upon adJacent businesses or operations, the Entertainment Permit shall be brought before the Planning Cormtission for the ,consideration and possible Suspension or reva;ation of the permit. (4) 00,rs shall remain closed when entertainment is being conducted. for noise attenuation purposes. (5) Exterior noise levels shall not exceed 65 dBA during the hours from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. and 60 dBA during the hours from 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. (6) Access to the bar/entertainment area must be from the main entrarte to the primary use and " not from a separate exterior entrance.- The rear exit shall be for"Fire Exit Only." (7) Hours of operation of the entertainment use shall be Sunday through Saturday, from 6:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M., exclusive of any non amplified solo musician and band. (8) Entertainment shall., be conducted inside the building. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry TT McNielo.Chairman ATTEST:• Brad u er, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of July, 1989, by the following vote-to-wits I, AYES: COMMISSIONERS. NCES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONCA STAFF RPFORT DATE: July 26, 1989 , TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning, Commission FROM: Russell H. Maguire, City Engineer BY: Paul; A. Rougeau, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDWNT 89-Q3 CITY OF RANCHO CUUMON9 - An amendment o c rcu a i n element of anc o . ucamonga General Plan to restore through traffic to Highland Avenue between Haven Avenue and Deer Creek Channel, with a connection to Highland Avenue from 19th Street near San Benito Avenue. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed construction would restore traffic to a portion of Highland Avenue between Havep Avenue and Deer Creek Channel, which has been taken out of servivi and covered with earth. Traffic would thus again kse the Haven Avenue/Highland Avenue�intersecti'on and the portion of Haven Avenue between 19th Street and-Highland Am Avenue to follow Route 30. This will remove most of the traffic from 19th Street between Haven Avenue and San Benito Avenue (Deer Creek Channel). The Haven Avenue/Highland Avenue route will be much the same as it was prior to the extension of 19th Street last January. There will now, however, be a connection to the 19th Street extension, as shown on Figure 28, to insure proper overall circulation for the local area. II. ENVIRONWv;rAL ASSESSMENT: Staff has completed the Initial Study and Envirbnmental Checklist and has found ro significant adverse impacts as &.. result of the proposed General Plan amendment. Changes in traffle patterns will- move traffic farther from most of the residential area or will be mitigatted by propose street improvements. III. BACKGROUND: The plan for the 19th Street/Highland Avenue connection was developed by San Bernardino County and Caltrans prior to incorporation of the City, and the first half of the route was built prior to 1978. The City's General Plan adopted this realignment of State Route 30 along with the alignment of the XTM. G ; PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 89-03 .- CITY OF RANCHO CUCMiONGA JULY 26, 1,'89 PAGE 2 future Route 3O Freeway and; has shown this routing for 19th Street/Highland Avenue for the past 8 years. 19th Street was recognized as important to the City`s overall circulation and established as a priority street-by the City Council in 1986. It is an element of a system of important east-west arterials needed prior to the construction of the Route 30 Freeway. The circulation plan for the area calls for improvement of Lemon Avenue east of Haven Avenue and through to Highland Avenue at Deer, Creek; extension of Banyan Street east from Haven Avenue to Milliken Avenue; extension of MiAliken Avenue to: Foothill Boulevard and widening of 19th Street to `, lanes fr;m Carnelian Street to Haven Avenue. (Figure 1) This overall network will provide needed street Capacity to handle traffic growth prior to Foothill Freeway construction. The closure of Mighland Avenue between Haven Avenue and the new connection to 19th Street was a final part of the residential development on the south side of 19th Streer vci3t of Haven Avenue, (Figure 2A). The new connection, and particularly the closure of Highland, caused several complaints by area residents, mostly from newly occupied houses. In addition to complaints regarding heavy traffic, noise, difficulty of using the intersection and visibility at intersections, there were many claims that insufficient not- was given by the developer of the impact of making the connect to Highland or that the information that was given was misleadiny� In March and April 1989, the Public Safety Commission considered the public's comments regarding the extension of 19th Street as a through streat and recommended to the City Council that Highland Avenue be reopened to provide an alternate route to Haven Avenue. The City Council, on April 14, 1989, directed that Highland Avenue be opened again, but modified the configuration. of the connection. to that shown in Figure 28. Since the restored segment of Highland Avenue is not part of the General Plan, a GPA is necessary to revise the Ci-.culation Element to include this link. IV., ANALYSIS: As currently operating, the connection replaces a portion of Route 30 where its intersection with haven Avenue had exceeded existing capacity. The deficiencies at that intersection are a lack ;of street widths for left-turn lanes for east and westbound traffic and a lack of left-turn signals for all directions. 0perational and safety problems at the intersection were being experienced. �. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 89-03 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JULY 26, 1989 PAGE 3 Similar though lesser needs are present at the 1?tth Street and Haven Avenue intersection but construction is now under way for the needed improvements. Such,improvements were necessary even without the closure of Highland .Avenue and had been planned for construction at this time. Reconstruction of 19th Street between San BeO to Avenue and Deer Creek. and uncovering of Highland Avenue between that point and Haven Avenue will restore area circulation to that shown in Figure 28 and Figure 4. Vsecond phase of construction will improve_HAvpn Avenue to six lanes between lath Street and Highland Avenue and pr�yide left turn lanes at the Hiibland/Haven intersection. A traffic study has been prepared by the firm of Austin-Foust Associates which analyzes the effects of returning traffic to the proposed route, In the near future, much of the traffic on Highland Avenue is expected to use the restored routing. The I opening of Milliken Avenue in several weeks and, Lemon Avenue in 12 or 18 months will significantly reduce traffic on Highland Avenue and the rest of the restored Route 30. As traffic increases over the longer term, the complete nie k , will be available for the dispersal of traffic. It is expected that traffic increases along Route 30 tanwever, will affe it both the intersections on Haven Avenue so that within 5 to 8` years further ,improvements may be necessary to maintain acceptable service levels. V. FACTS FOR FINDINGS General Plan. Amendment 89-03 will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or cause significant adverse environmental impactR, Should the Comission determine that the amendment would `.e consistent with the circulation goals of the mineral Plan thc " ^' - foil owing`1 ra-ulj "ay-be-ma&-fOr aPt�roval .y(j A. she proposed chance 'has been .;found" compatible with the surrounding areas, B. The proposed amendment will not have any adverse environmental impacts which cannot be mitisa*-t, f The amendment is in conforMance with the goals and objectives of the General Plan. 3 r -- PLANNING GOMMIS$ION STAFF REPORT GPA 89-03 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JULY 26, 1989 Ask PAGE 4 VI, CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a public hearing in The Dail M�Bmer the area posted and notices sent to properfeet of the affected streets and well beyond that areas are affected The mailed notices involved all parties who have expressed interest in the subject in the past. VII. RECOMMEND! ION: Staff recaaamands that the):Ian ng comission adopt the attached resolution recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 89-03 to the City Council and recommends issuance .of a negative 0=04ration.' Aqfubmitted�' ' is RHM:P Attachments i i • • Ili!��v gn.iii•� ;M� - R YRi ■ ■�''� _-�•s�l��, ,, =�. _ =Yam_.��_.._ , - \`��rutl!I:i an �I1/1.". =1um��u..®����....:....._�n ti'�."�-_ '• ��i �71•\q 11II11111 =\\II1= ••-•` "' ism oil tth. ■utA�q;t.RIIIiII �i(/1►�� =uuuna>`r � i::E...tu.::::w::c,.�G 1111111 Hit [Hills fluillull ■\1/11/�\t "131111111 I/lt/I�Pj �Q.l.11t ��e•1U1n1 _.-.■n.Y■nu u..1.. .....pY=r:.m l UIn11{[{U/Un1�� Ut•''"�'I� ".nun�1 _ .•••aatn •n� -U�■ II(IIQl1'-IUU11{i �1�aniw�'i w+ -� � -_ '•^� —�t ilitl•- W ti V111t1\n�.n.--� _-J � � =1r_ un-vinn so j.W. �•• ::... - - t .., gnu :.•..... _ ..• !— =",' d y�toll-�::�-'=""...:..;:- �■�IIQID����' � GPA 89-03 Proposed changes to area streets Prop so ed route 30 freeway Hithla d R•••••••84*6* }R Highland o�R+ ••Rle e �0 •RR u o • QF 19th - p CURRENT STREETS FtG.2A Proposed route, 30 free.way s•••ass•••s••RcnR��o•RSRs••••••�••••osoi�isaioi•• Highland : Route 30 • • • t1 • CS a•a•••R�••a i' v 19th PROPOSED S REEt'l FIG 28 1 a H R eon-- a �10 s . r It C! x; •scar Mews wr i i I „ 6 - ` - R 'Y gain ' 13ellI .y\1 Q w tr fit � iliw. t RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION OF 'DIE PLANNIK, CO-VISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOWENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) .NO. 89-03 T11' AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT To RI STURE THROUGH -TRAFFIC TO HIGHLAND AVENUE BETWEEN MAVEN AVENUE AND DEER CREEK CHANNEL, WITH A CONNECTION TO HIGHLAND AVENUE FROM 19TH STREET NEAR SAN BENITO AVENUE A. Recitals _ rY The City of Rancho has proposed General Plan Amendne:,t No. 89-03 as described in the title off-thl s llesolution. t'fi) On July 26, 1989, the planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly-noticed public hearing on the application. (III) All 'legal prerequfisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution: WOW THEREFLRE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Cam-aission of tiie'City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows 1. This Commission hereby'specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part "4", of this Resolution are true andcorrect, 2. Based upon' substantial ,.evidence presented 'to this Commission during the above-referenced public heai^ing on July 26, 1989, including written and oral tfRff reports„ together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a) This amendment does not conflict with the Ctlwqulation Policies of the General Plan and will provide for traffic flow in%a manner consistent with the General Plan and with related development; and b) This amendr�nt promotes the goals and objectives of the Circulation Element; and c) This amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties and would not have a significant i1pact' on the environment nor the surrounding properties 3. Based upor the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a) The amendment does not conflict wig the Circulation Policies of the General Plan; and. LY; F , PLANNING' CC1IISSION RESOLUTION NO. GPA 89-03 CITY-OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JULY 26,. 1989 PAGE,? b) The amendment prcmotes the goals of the Circulation,Element of the General Plan; and c) The amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to the adjacent properties. 4. This Commission hereby find? that the 4ojict has been reviewed and considered for compliance with the California Env,,:'onmental-Quality Act of �,. 1970 ,end further this Commission reco0ends the issuance of a Negative Declaration by the City Council. 5, Based upom,tl4m'findings and conqlusions set forth in paragraphs J 1, 2, 3, an 4 above, this Coonissier hereby resolves that pursuant to'Section J 65850 to 65855 of tae California Goi/6rnment Code, that,the Planning Q.uission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approve';' on.,thp 26tb day of July 1989, of General Plan Amendment No, 89-03. 6. The Deputy Secretar,/ to this Commission shall rrtify to the adoption of this Resolution, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THi3'26TH DAY OF MLY, M9 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY, OF RANCM CUCAMibk'A BY: ,I Larry T. e , Chairman ATTEST: ra u er, Secretary I Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho cucamonga, do hereby certify that' the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 26th day of duly, 1989, by the following tote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSYUkAS: NOES: C011ISSIONERS:, ` ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 1� 3 µ �p CITY OF RANC"HO CUCAMONGA ,r STAFF REPORTAft F. rr DATE: July 26, 1989 TO; Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Bruce Abbott, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT`88-46 - JPAr:5 CAR1ER O - eve opmenC o a shopping center consistingo v dings tot:�l,lfng 28,200 square feet on 3.7 acres of land in the Nei _+borhood Commercial District at the southwest cosier of Base Line Road and Hellman Avenue - APN 208-202-11 an6 14. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: , Action Requested: Approval of a Conditional Use Perm;t, issuance of a Negative Declaration aed approval of the conceptual site plan, grading plan, landscape: plan and building elevations. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North Church and singe family residential; Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). South - Multi-family apartment complex; Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre). East - Service Station and Office Buildings; (Office/Professional). West Librar; and Lions Park; tow Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial North • Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South - Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units ;er acre) East Office: West - Civic/Community and Parks D. Site Characteristics: The site is covered with anneal weeds and grasses a gent slopes in a southerly dirction. There ara no existing structurles on the site,,but a two-way access drive with median luland which bisects the property in a qo,rth to south direction provides access for the multi-family =ex, directly adjacent to the south of the Tim H PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP' 88-46 -<JAMES CARTER DEVELOPMENT July 26, 1989 Page 2 project_ site. A row of small Liquidambar trees"flanks an access drive and a row of approximately 5 inch caliper Eucalyptus trees is located along the south property boundary. E. ;Parking Calculations: Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided. i Neighborhood 28,200 1/250 113 151 Commercial NOTE One parking stall has been designated for parking motorcycles co, iisting of 171 square feet of space (9' x 191). A total' of 112 square feet is required.- Bicycle racks are provided at the entrance to the main building. II. BACKGROUND: On June 1, 1988, City Council adopted Resolution No. $8-367 appiroving General Plan Amendment 88-01A, amending..,,the General Piari Land Use Map from Office/Professional to Neighborhood Commercial for the subject property. •, In addition, (;development District Amendment 87-11 amending tho Development Olstrict Map from Office Professional to Neighborhood Commercial for the subject property was: approved with adoption of Ordinance No. 353 on June 15, 1988. `k.l III. ANALYSIS- A. Design, Prog�ram: The proposed neighborhood commercial shopping center consists of 3 buildings. The largest building, 19,914 square feet, is located as the background to the 2 smaller buildings, 3,704 square feet and 4,603 square feet, respectively. The two smaller commercial buildings are located at the corners of the site along Base line Road, which would provide a strong relationship with the streetscape and pedestrian orient%tion. The single story buildings have been designed to ?armonize with adjacent commercial and public buildings and the surrounding single and multi-family residences. The dominant architectural materials include plaster facades; clay tile roofing; and extensive use rf columns, pilasters and' wood trusses (exhibit- 'E-6'). B. Flood Zone "A": A portion of the site along Hellman Avenue is ocatT ed n a-Zone "A`' flood hazard area. Flooding of the subject site is partially mitigated by the installation of a PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF R&ORT ' COP 8r 46 - JAMES CARTER CEVELOPMENT July cb, 1889 Page 3 e G C new Master Plan storm drain in Hellman Avenue. Additional k storm water flooding-.:of the site would be mitigo od through construction of a storm drain system from B!�3e line Road convecting to the existing Master Plan storm drain in Hellman n Avenue. C. GeotechnicaI Hazards: The site lies within an area deemed. by the GeneraT Fran o—Fe subject to ground failure., This hazard typically occur: because ofground shaking manifested as liquefaction. A geotechnical report investigating the { presence of, or pot-sibility for, conditions causing { liquefaction concluded that this condition would not occur An site. A "perched water" area at the northwest corner of the property was determined to be off-site and would not be associated with any geoteehnical hazard on the subject site. 0. Traffic. Access to the multi-family residential project south oubject..site would be relocated from the middle of the site to the west property line, The road would provide shared access to the library parking lot to the west of the shopping center in addition to serving as the main access to the center and apartments. A traffic engineering report addressing access and traffic impacts for the center concludes that relocation of the access road to the west property line would isolate driveway activity from left turn activity at the Hellman Avenue/Base Line Road intersection. The entrance on Base Line Road has been designed to consolidate traffic at this location. Correspondingly, the other entrance off of Hellman AvEriue would be de-emphasized by the proposed development. lk"s would be in compliance with the traffic engineering. report. The site plan has been reviewed by the fire district and approved for fire truck access. E. Vegetation: Approximately 26 Liquidambar trees (2 inch caliper) are located along both sides and within the mediate of the access road to the apartments. Prior to demolition of the access road these trees will be boxed for transplanting to other locations on the site as part of the final landscape plan. Several B inch caliper Qucalyptus trees will have to be removed to accommodate the proposed road from 3ase Line Road. These trees wilt be either transplanted to other lo^ations on site or'repiaced:as hart nfi the final landscape plian, Additional Eucalyptus trees may be` mpacted by fill ,rading along the south boundary of the site, , Ar arborist's report will be completed addressing the preservation and replacement of impacted trees ugon completion of final grading O, PLANNING COMMISSION`STAFF REPORT CUP 88-46 - JAMES CARTER DEVELOPMENT July 26, 1989 f Page plans. The applicant has agreed to replace or transplant any existing trees as might be required by an arborist report. F. Desi n Review Committe— The Committee (ScNiel, Tolstoy, o1-Pnan reviewedt e roposed project on January 19, 1989. The f',pmmittea NOW, Emerick and Kroutil) reviewed the projec% :again on April 6 and June 8, 1989, and recommended approv1`, subject to the following conditions: 1. The ,additional cornice placed below the built-up cornice on building "C" s7hou1d continue around the entire building, including the! towers. 2. The southeast corner-of building "C" should be revised in plan view to reflect the revised elevations at that portion of the building. These revisions would also include the planter area and hardscape at the southeast corner of-the building, 3... The enriched paving areas at the entrances to the project should be located behind, the property lines, within the project site, as directed by the City Engineering Division. Sidewalks should align with the enriched paving areas for a smooth transition and connection across the parking lot or dr4vewV as applicable. 4. Grading plans should be revised ti clearly indicate the amount of fill soil to be placed�'around the Eucalyptus trees at the south edge of the sli Trees subject to fill soil over the -root area wf' i be subject to an arborist report describing preserv)'...lon or replacement recommendations. 5. It was determined that additional trellises with vines will not be required` at tho 'rear of building "C". However, the subject may ba reviewed at the Planning Commission meeting. The planting plan should be revised to include trellises as shown"on the elevations of the back of bsil'ding "C" (Exhibit =E5'). G. Technical Review Committee: The Committee reviewed the project an etermin-e `tTat with the recommended conditions of` approval, the project is consistent with all applicable standa,,ds and ordinances. H. Enviraljmental Assessment: Part I cif the Initial Study has 22en ct%n ete y toe applicant. Par+, II of the Environmental Checkli'Y;,, completed by staff, found significant impacts en �T tf PLANNING CoMMIISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88-46 JXMCS CARTER DEVELOPMENT July 26, 1989 Page she environment",as a result of this project, as discussed above. Mitigation measurrgs have been incorporated Into the project: design or recommended as Conditions of Approval. IV. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project as condit�--.if ed, is consistent -w-fifF tne DevelopmeRI Code and the Gegerat Plan. The project will not be detrimental`-'to adjacent,properties or cause significant eavirono�_,ntal impacts. In addition, . the proposed- use is in compliance with the app<;;able provisiofi of the Develoi"nent Code .;nd City Standards. V. C0RRE5PONV'-NCE: This item,has been advertised in The Daily Report newspaper 4,5 public hearing. 4he property has Teen posted an notices wore-sent to property owners within an extended mailing area beyond> and:li'ncluding, 30D feet of the subject property. UI. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commiss 4n approve conditional USe Permit 88-46, sut.. ect # the conditions of approval, through adoption of the attached Rasal�Won and issuance of a Negative beclaration. Respectfully sub tted, n Brad Buller f City Planner ' BB:BAzmlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - i,ocation Map Exhibit '"B" - Site Ilan Exhibit "C" - Grading Plan Exhibit 1100 - Landscape Plan Exhibit "E" = Building Elevations Resolution of Approval with Conditions 1 i _ J / �i M f � f........ ` w El Q a- CD G a TF+ " Lo \i a ► � Elo a [�7 , �� clna 1 f � CITY C ITE,�.- - 60 '° RAMC `CrU -�,ND%A TITLE=� �fiPc ' P kNtif_tiG D[t'SI EXHttAT: SC ALL Mr. I _ J1 -' --•---.-.-.-...,..,..� .EAR[ .. ;Vdt, ' + 1 FiX155a1i/� t � k - tom_ . 1 Y<FT( 5 7 F•i5tt5r 4. f 5 r+t arnoa awns 1 7 SCYt FI. VAMW . . a ow E.L I t t _ i ! 1 5 It 17_Yr ItTt A a ITT TY II t RANCHO i UC-\.T$oi 4- ;, ..... . I E Ni #T SC A E ' } - 0riginai Poor Quality IPYMIIM _ Y1tW�lSe � t :aid a 1 f t, i RANCHO L -k f TITLE- �rA16 , ryj PUNNING DRISJON EXHIBIT-�'A�SCALE /1'7';. Original Poor {i -► c c f i Z 14 r n jj''ice{®�;��A■ ��, r ���y,,,,���'y��'. ���i � ,=�Y11dd•�SL�� t}ww p ' a F ♦ Rom" a� ��� 9��• IL 4 3! ■�� s 6 ®� i.. R. � �r 41 �* ►rxa L �%k1r1111ii�L4i►tiYsyl�OCl wens�n�ae w„,. eN(RY iNOMA.tElWvl��'f.8k"al7AOE..u.a.. WALK VLM ►AI1bM _- W.how"sTma ooftwoc"A=2 .R Wwa CITY OF PL: -NtiI.NG cgvis)OR Original Poor Quality lFMr�iNOA-F1i10N9NY va0 I ,� -_ _._ �+ t �Mmom, Y�� .. SDURi!%T6AORlLLNAT1081��� .�.4. `A6TEEim40l1CtYAT10K i i ��- NORtBiDiPByftl.4ti,lYAlfGBf M4STtXM14ROFi QLlYATpM " original Poop' Quality � - l .1.L L `�-7.i ' 61F.1II]Xla'fLOOA PLAN r'.el. %7lLi:l:XT6Kil1[lA1ATfON ^._. - r" MPJlYArM a t+t111RfEY7FA0itkYE51ATM �.� WF9-E°[981601IPS@VATIGTF - +CHIT' ` OFITEM- i TITLE: PLANNING Dc ,, �j X:.�� f r r`- ,13 ft 44 f3 Q5 dl rf . R ..gym L l LJ' ' L I Ji�11 .^�1 {'�✓ t y.iLn.J..J I��L�•. } . �,ro. MQPdil f7C1Epg1 EtlEVATiCN C CITY OF ITEM; 66e e 3 t ,_L t U CITY (Y RANCHO CUCkNIOX;A ITEM, PL; ..NNI. ;G Df%-ISK)ti SCALL 1S IAS IF a j •f jow 7 R� r , _ it r® q 'L9lr via tF �ti( k� M- T-- . a 'y Vm— if 1� l Oil 't ,F K. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 88-46 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING CENTER CONSISTING OF THREE BUIi.D'INGS TO:-ALINE 28,200 SgUARE FEET ON 3.5 ACRES OF LAND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BASE: LINE ROAD AND HELLMAN AVENUE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD_: COMMERCxAL DISTRICT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, - APN 208-202-13 & 14 a. Recitals. (i) James E. Carter has filed an application for the issuance of the Conditional Use Permit No. 88-46 as described in the title of t!is Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as 'Jthe application". (ii) On the 25th of Jo-ly 1989, the Planning Commission of, the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a cloy noticed pub:#„ heating on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequi:.ites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. 3. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determin€d and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows. 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pv t A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based apon substantial evidence presented to this. Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on July 26, 1989, including written and oral stuff reports, together v4th public testimony, tt1s Commission hereby specifically finds as follows; (a) The application applies to property located 't the southwest corner of Base Line Road and Hellman Avenr(e w4th a street montage of 41)3.5 feet and ')t depth of 295 feet and is prosanily.vacant; and (b) The property to the north of the subject site is church and single family residential, Low Residential (2-4) dwelling units per acre); the property to the south of that site crnsists of multi-family apartments, Medium Residential (8 14 dwelling units per acre); the property to the east is service static; anei office building (Office/Professional); ani the iroperzy to the west is a and, library, Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre). a. Based Ripon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission' during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth n rdragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and coneludes as follows; FLANKING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 88-46<- DAMES CARTER DEVELOPMENT, July 26, 188fi Page 2 AOL (a) That ti:nn proposed use is in accord with .he General Plan, the objectives of the Devdlkopoent Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is: located: (0) That the proposed use, together with the conditio,Is applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public healthy safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Cale. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Apt of 1470 and, farther, this romnission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the fin dings,and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and R above, this Commission hereby-,approves the application subject to each and every condition: set forth below and in the attached Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Divisions 1. Approval of CUP 88-46 :hall be subject to ' ;oval of Minor Exc^_ption 88-20, permitting a 10 percenm t2.5'foot) increase in the. maximum :eight of a portion of the main building within 100 feet of a residential zone. 2. An additional cornice shall be placed W)w the built-up cornice on building "C" shall continue around the entire building including the towers. 3. The southeast corner of building "C" shall be revised in plan vies. to reflect the revised Oevations. These revisions would also include the pinter area and hardscap,t, at lye southeast corner of the building. 4. The Pnriched paving areas at the entrances to the project shal' be located behind the property lines, within the project site. as directed by the City Engineering Division. Sidewalks shall align with the enriched paving. area; at the driveways. 5. Grading plans shall he revised to clsarly indicate the, amount of fill soil to be placed around the Eucalyptus trees at the south edge of the site. All existing trees,, are subject to an arburist repirt describing preservation' or replacement recommendations, as aoplicain 6 A Tree Removal Permit application shall be suhmitted to the ,� _ 2-C PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. CUP 88-46 - JAMES GARTER DEVELOPMENT �\ July 26, 1989 Page 3 '.j Planning Division prior to the arborist's report and tie arborist's report shall be approved prior to issuance of any permits. 6. The planting plan shall be revised to include'trellises as shown on the south elevations of building "C'. 7. There shall be provision for Isecurity r.itrol of "e shopping center at least three times per,;evening, see in days per week, between the hours of 1000-p.m. and 6. a.m., by a licensed private patrol operator. S. There shall,-be provision for the following design features in the traoh enclosure to the satisfaction of the City Planner: a. Architecturally integrated into the design of the shopping center. b. Separate pedestrian access that does nit require opening the main doors to include self-closing pedestria.R door, 10 c. Large enough to aCcpanodate two trasn burs. d. Roll-up doors. e. Trash bins with counterweighted lids. f. Arehitecturaity treated overhead shade tc°tIMS. g. Chain link screen on top to prevent trash from blowing - out of enclosure and designed.to be hidden from view. 9. Trash collection shall occur 'between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m only. Ifi. Graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours. 11. The entire site shall be kept free of trash and debris at. all times, and in no event shall trash and debris remain for more than twenty-four (24) hours. I 12. All operations and businesses shall be conducted to comply with the following standards, Which shall be incorporated into the lease agreement of all tenants: r a. Noise 'Levels. All commercial ar;tivities shall not create any noise that would exceed an exterior noise PLANNING CUMMYS>10N RESOLUTION N0. CUP 8��46 - JAMES CARTER OEVE,OPMERT July 26, 1989 Page 4 level of 6OdBA during the hours or: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. b. Loading and Unloading. Nu person shall cause the loading, unloading opening, closing, or other handline of boxes, crates, containers, building. materials, garbage cans, or similar objects bettraert the hours ;,of 10:00 p.m, and 7:00 a.m., ul5less otherwise« 6- c0led herein, in a manner"which would cause a ndise`disturtax..:e to a residential area. q 13, Hours of operation shall be restricted.to 7:00 a.m. to 1.1:00 P.M. Engineering Divisions 1. An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future undErgrounding V of the existi,�g overhead ,utilities (telecommunication and electrical J,''nn the opposite side of Hellman Avenue and :base Line Roal .ball be paid-:-ta the City prior to the issuance of building pe nsits:- '`,te faq < shall be one-half the 'City adopted unit ,40• ,.,fl ies the length of the project f"rontage as follows: a. Hellman Avenue - from the center of Base Line Road to the south project boundary. b. Base Line Road - frum the center of Hellman Avenue to the west project boundary. 2. Access easements, ensuring access to -ract 12362 located south of the project site and_t4 the rlfi;fCb-uhty publi& i�aalietis the vies.., shall be submitted and approved by �I i the City Engineer and the City Attorney and shall be 1 re^.ordeo prior to issuance of b0 lding permits. 1 i 3. The developer shall remove the wall along -HzIlman Avenue as detarmined by the final drainage study and construct full parkway. �;aprovemants including sidei.M adjac'4nt to the propert" 1i e. 4. The developer, shall construct storm drain facilities to upgrade the existing blaster Plan Storm Drain_ to the satisfaction of the City Engineer as follows: a. Provide easements and construct a sCorm drain pipe, including catch basins, on'Base Line Road from thv to j point in Base Line F3ad at the northwest corner of the !I site to connect to the existing Master Plan Storm Drain in Hellman Avenue at a paint to be determined by, the final drainage study. J PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. l~ ,. CUP 88-46 JAMES CARTER OEVEi"MENT July 26, 1989 Page 5 ink \i b. Trees shall be placed a minimum distance of S feet from the outside diameter of t'.e storm drain pipo or as otharwise de.ermined by the Pity Enginear. This setback zone shall be delineated "anthe landscape plans to be submitted to the Planning Division. c. The developer shalt be eligible for reimiursement,`of the cost of construction in accordance With City Ordinance W'. Tv. 5. Obtain a right of entry from the County of San Bernardino for the_ removal of the ex_3,sting driveway, necessary , grading, and landscaping within the County property. 6. The developer shall remove and replace any se6tions, of sidewalk tf;at have beer. defaced: 6. The Secretar to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS'26TH DAY OF JULY 1989, PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McAliel, ChairmaW ATTEST: Crad Buller, ecretary 1, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at i regular meeting of the Planning Corinission-held on the 26th day of July 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMISSIONERS NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: �y�,� YH�^i.i Y {y•i RAIL +an qT}�q�p� J�µ+O 'N���Y UwYp.c�2d�MM aNe�y y�.�uL LCY �MM its . ~T}�, 30.�V6 ~�RiN{�j~aY $ sp.s.a`�sa w istlo a'gp+qq's r� y N H ypyV,A 1.tt4 qp O c~ NYC�M � Nq.y1y4� �V'��{++d G. ���'q'�m�~�ya�« Yffi� wwo++ i�A'e" �cY�QQi.`' suao, {�{,p,,�,�•'+'� 8,52 M yuy F. Y.� 4• ,i T .n qp % ? pi pp M xw0 Mg: TC,.. 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AN 6 � 60i V Q�tiO C{Hy�p L 4YL 4T O- �M aY N9LV-y:: rm YC4015 Y GC LL t L G C LCOI R O O•,YY^. NO SVY lt.� 4r WY NL LtI �$ Loj•LO ty0.. C �Q RY1J .0 a" N � � 10 I pU WY.tl■ 4ti YM 6ti CttY y L yaxy �V L yYuWaO YY SIN Y r i vY M �L a �V Y� L��•�LYL Olq NaM0c T^p C�O�Y V y a,yyn a mr t•Y ��Vii '�u M waNN:L$ I 6 �r C i Y Y ,p u. *Y ` ` sA S a rdz Olt! n w Q. , SM C Li�r C y .Y((yy�. •q�sy•. YGY Cs p LO C I +Q N �q �t0^' O W �_. � Cy p6 y1�:L •D>tt�yaC�� 7 C H Y■` ,C N L~yy � ti � Lwr `q Q�1.� q'b N i'CG �'�r. �t^UsY C �ajN G 3wp j W � 4'`L��+.0 •i,Y Vb LMY N.V iNC'4)E a CLM '9N V�ioP� �Y W dY t9� 4*q �C�L W ..� OCC O •\ Vr.U� Ld�w LOCO YC f.f 7 M l'b ll i1. Siyl y!��� O.NV NG a^ LflW -2 q f ! 0 gwqq C`� LLA CY al J r j G V Y L. Y G Nw CQ` h1woft �`1 Ohs O yqeys �« 'CTO 905 'NI w ac dui •' av_ I aZaGy .'un « $. C r S. 3 �"14i s LL YwC YO.yyj. G N u�LO• YG�-� b M0� Y N A. OLL9 CrL R L Y.O.Y. ems. Q P"a > O 9M� M. • �w tlO' a O 4 Y: C C C pO. p C Yqp C W 2Y0�. �y� j ;• C 3 Y i p :L :26f.N. yT +to a-eo e o^ o M �`„ 'a a.. 20 ~�L 4^ t. �. Y. T L^ v_'Q. O � L s. L-9 sV vim. �NVy OL tivor ryry S "$ N � Awa u'3:! y V �C Ik 14 G Y N g :` Sp-.Y 8 Y w'�` 4 'd YY. Y'wQ $rat NC. gRi r:O;9«Ss NS.� Y� ;,J' e� ._~.•� qq4 �N.L Va �LYp��} p N L a• OLC 3 EC pY AV M'L.`' Vb. ; w C ^' L ^v :eY■+ 2-2 q Gyp.e Gy. L J p Y G G N N ilN. Lw. � •� aOtty.N O g+LNL� yY G jdY O1 �C,CVC^� O.v.. �.7.E C N E yy V tl^ tl�y ��C lU a 5+1.9 6 a Le 2^ = '' .Q 0-9 Y N^^ Ham. 6p v C Ma a YiO'w aL•N-'.K' IE d <,a � oL.Z'u 3` $oW FwC m a rr, C.J.HAMIGTON ELECTRIC 7360 LION STREET CUCAMQNGA,CA.91730 DEAR SIRS, y The project, you Mont to build on Hellman and,Baseline is OK by me. The project will be useful to the neighborhood,every one L hope will happy'-see new architecutal features in R.Cuchmonga, I have live bear for 37 years oft Lion Street good luck your project 'y Very truly, your's C.J.Hamilton July,24,1989 j . - 47 . z inhere s eurreritly a.`drivevay liic ? the pardi l to pravz. e 3 access from•'Baseline to"the•Rancho Keid-d*s Apartments,10catQ to the south. In.o�der,:to increase the safety of .this dxiv.eway`and to pr.jvide a korr�private entranc4 far I the apart;nent residents; the,driveway',has been rerouteZV around the outside-of the project., to the west. In summary, it has been o6,r objective to do more than just provide the local neighborhood with a convenient group of shops. We have designed the Project to provide the neighborhood with a high-quality shopping center that will be pleasing and interecting to.:the,-shoppers.an&that isharreori'ous: with:.the• . surrounding neia`iborhood. I hope the above information has been helpful �to you. I€`.'you ` would like more details"on the Fro�ectryou are` nviteU to,the West Gallery of the.I,ion's community Center>t-onday'night;. July` , 0 = 24v1989 at 7 Q0 p.m. I will heve'a copy of'the Site Planr the Landsca?e a Flanland Elevations at .the meeting room and T will `be _ available to discuss the Project with you and answer ny questions you mig;it have regarding„it. sta�t � y t,-uIy yours, 0. AM Q AL . ., •1FS E. CARTER•: JEC:rlb l�fil �A,�.i?Ii11V •�A ���tht� ��w �1t��v� ��u� V by '1' '�,�fC�'S�r3 e3a`Y k,`�2�f'�`•?#l.. L1 \� ��t'ti�"'LS1AJ�. +� ` 'li N"Jv- r �'t�':Y'El';ia"-:: "�. .�,3'tirq s'be:.f'1rir `'�y,:5�»"[Fe� $��+h�k,,F `'���'�h�\sJkt`a.� .•Fi71'k�!t �""4e"..A.4ry„f�1d L`,,,�r�"'•�,`"�. � `I 4 `'� ' v x`ffi' •" '�:�5+ �°ro��' �1"�A,C>'"��,r'1�t'hu�, �,�,K�`1� ^+=�..«v•�.�y5�t w� �' l'l' � B �`',�;'l4C�•'�'' 'a� 'h��wu,A,°''� 3 Richard Gross Enterprises Inc. fl NATIONALLY ACCREDITED SCHOOLS o off. DRA, ' rr ANIC-RICAId ACNDSMY July 26, 1989 FOR C V:�ER EDUCATI()N C3� of Rancho Caca*Ouga Hr. Jerzy Guat"Vina RICt-I,fiRC►'S , BF—kUTY FtBr Condition use Permit *89-22 COLLEGES ApRs 1077-tM--29 Dear Mr. Goar acinoi HA(R\i.%STERS This authorization is #or a two (2) week'extensidu tar,the FRSITY conditional Uss permit which etas scheduled to be Tioa'3' BE'NU'I'Y at the Meeting tonight. Thank you for Your attent,�'-3a to this matter. R 2k of sipc� . MANAGEMENT SYSTF-ifs Mrk C. Gross vice President/Controller ., tACt531a Tc Zr �r r UFIDICATi=t�Tt QU,; LITYEDI:CATIt:, w ^ Catpatal Offices,2t)0 v Euclid Ave.,Ontario,C.A. 91;6V t71�}9s8 a yyq Y.NCYaJ .. w..5c'.eeLw .1.._A�...W o'- F .F....t•. G ..E JOHND.MANNERINO r--- SAL BRIGUGLIO FRANK J.MISTRETTA,JR. July 25, 1999 HAND DELIVERED Brad Buller City Planner _ City of Rancho Cucamonga 9320 Baseline Road, Suite B Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91736 Re; Rich Al s Beauty College COW.1tional Use Permit 89-22 Dear Mr, Buller Please be advised that we represent Leiserv, Inc., landlord of the premisas wherein the above-retersnce.? applicant proposes to lease, and, the interests of Richard's Beauty' College regarding the application for conditiol-ql use permit only. Review of the cofiditional use permit for R3;,hard's Beauty College is currently scheduled to take placrb this Wednesday, July 26, 1929. The purpose of this letter is to request a two week extension from July 26, 1989 it`arder to make some corrections to the application and plant, to properly reflect the current status of the center where the proposed beauty college is to be located: Should we not be advised to the contrary, we shall assume that this arrangement is acceptable with you, Should you have any qugs.tions or need to discuss this matter further, please contact the undersigned. Ve truly yours, MA E No & BRIGUGLIO B ohn D. sino t11 J Mealli cc: Willi m Francis Jeff Reed 3 - _3 3 BASE R 8 LINE ROAD, SUITE i10 NC 0 CUC � -` - 1RA H AMR�SA. CA 97734 13t11.._caHa.�e i714T 9$0 itDU ----------- C17 OF RANCHO CiJUC.MoNGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 2b, 1989 TO: Chairman and Makers of the Planning Commission FROM: D ad Buller, City Planner BY: Jerry Guarracino,; Assistant Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-22 RICHA.RD'S BEAM COLLEGE - A request o estaSilsfi a beaury college in a leased spacz of 5,14C square feet within an existing building in the General Commercial District, located in the Deer Creek Village Center, '1nit #21, on the west side of Haven Avenue, sor.•'ds of Church. Street - APR: 1077-401-29 I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re ue!�ted: Review of Conditional Use Permit application to esto sr a eauty college in an existing commercial center. B. Surrounding land Use and Zoning: r - vacanti, Refai South C & C Bakery, Ice Cream & Candy, Vision Centsr, Imperial Bank:-General-Commercial East - Vare.,t, Terra Vista; Jffi'ce Park West - Deer Creek Channel; Flood Control C. General Plan Designations: ro ec e -'"�oam�e North - Fload. Control South industrial Park East Regional Commercial/Office West - Flood Control 0. Sito Characteristics- The proposed use is located within an existing commercial commarcial center known as Deer Creek. The major tenants are Haven Hills 'Bowling Ginter occ);eying 36,025 square feet and Deer Creek Athletic Club occupying 12,775 square feet. The remainder of the center is occupied by a variety of retail, restaurant, furniture and convenience outlets, For a complete list of tenants and their square footage see Exh%it E. Parking Calculations: The following is a summary of parking needs—Sy use TY i.e„ retail„ restaurant, etc. For a breakdoevn ofparking..needs by individual tenant see Exhibit ITFIi x r f F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-22 - RICUARD`S BEAUTY COLLEGE July 26, 1989 Page 2 Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided Retail 22,583 1/250 90.33 90.33 Restaurant 3,605 1/100 36.05 36.05 Medical 1,ai0 1/200 8.05 8.05 Furniture 6,800 1/500 13.60 13.60 Beauty Salon 14 stations 3/station 42.00 42.00 Bowling Alley 36,025 Per CUP 85-37 200.00 200.00 Fitness Ctr. 12,775 1/150 83.17* 85.17 Total parking regd. for existing uses...475.20 475.20 Total parking availzble.................496.00 Spaces left for proposed use. -...........20.80 *According to Jeff Reed of Stephen Daniels, leasing agent for the owner of this center, the Deer Creek Athletic Club will be closing its door by the end of July 1989. However, it is the desire of the owners to lease this space as a health club, in the future. Therefore, parking for the 12775 squar foot health club was calculated at 1/150 as required fof such fitness centers. Parking for the beauty college is based on a ratio of 3 spaces per station. This is the same ratio as would be required for beauty salons. Parking required for proposed use: Number of Number of Type Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Ratio Re iced Provided Beauty College 25' stations 3/sta. 75 spaces 20.80 Spacer- available: 20.80, Spaces required: 75.00 Spaces short: 34.-Z— 1I. ANALYSIS: A. Background: The applicant is proposing to establish a beauty college in a 5,140 square foot leased space in the existing Deer Creek Commercial Center. 11.4 vgchool will provide classroom training and practical experi-mce to satisfy the educational requirements of the CaiiforF:tr State Board. Hence, the proposed use involves both instructio,i end beauty salon. PLANNING commissin STAFF REPORT RE: CUP 89=r2 - RICHARD'S'BEAUTY COLLEGE July 26, 1989 Page 3 services. Interior improv4mv..ts will be made according to Exhibit "C" and will include space for a classroom, student's lounge, facial' room, office, 25 beautician stations and reception a;,'�:. The school will provide training for up to 50 students and wi'J be open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. The applicant expects to serve 25 to 30 clients per day between 9:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M(see Exhibit"E"). B. General: The major issue to he considered with thi4 pr000sal is"�ie availability of parking for the use,. The Development Code Section 17.12.040 (o) requires trade schoo's, business c,5lleges and commercial schools to provide parking at a rate of one (1) space for each three (3) student capacity of each classroom plus one for each faculty member or employee. This ratio is designed to accommodate only the parking need of students and faculty. f Beauty parlors, however, have been found to generate high demands for parking. As a result, the Development Code Section 17.12.040(f) addresses this need specifically. The Code requires beauty parlors to provide three (3) spaces for each oeautician station, which would require 75 spaces. Therefore, a parking deficit of 54 spaces would be created by this wie. It should also be noted that this area of the center is vary busy during the daytime, and there is still one more pad to be developed to the north. The proposed use will be open to the public and provide the same services as a beauty parlor, therefore, parking should ba based on the more intensive standard of 3 spaces per statio►:. Although the school tuition na*y be the main source of income generated by the use, the demand for parking will be comparable to that of any beauty parlor and perhaps greater due to the high number of student operators relative to the number of stations. Normally, the number of operators would not exceed they number of stations at any given time, in this case, 25 stations would mean 25 operators. Due to the instructional nature of the use, this ratio is much higher, 50 students operating to 25 stations. The number of students,° together with anticipated customer traffic, more than justify the application of the beauty parlor parking ratio for this use. A secondary, and in this case minor, concern is the compatibility of this use with adlacerc uses. No conflict is anticipated as a result of the use. Beauty parlors are allowed . by right in the zone and the instructional nature of the use will not create any conflic-;s in the center other than parking as previously discussed. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-22 RICHAR61S-BEAUTY COW%Z July 26, 1989 Page 4 C. Environmental Assessment: Part I of the Initial Study has been compTeTed by tne app .can . Staff has completed Part II of the Environmental Checklist and has found that the proposal may have significant effects on existing parking `acuities, and the demand for new parking. No opportunity to provide the additional required parking exists on the site. III. FACTS .FOR FINDINGS In order to approve the Condiitional. Use Permit, e omm ss on would need to make the following findings: 1. That the proposed use is in accordance with -ihe ,General Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the General Commercial District in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed use will not, be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code., It is the opinion of staff that the necessary findings to support granting this Conditional Use Permit cannot be made, d;e to a lack of adequate parking. I IV. CORRESPONDENCE: This item hat been advertised as a public' hearing in'ire ua Ty Ile ort newspaper, the property posted, and notices sent to a proper y aanars within 300 feet of the project site. V. REC"ENDRTION: Staff recommends that the Planning COWssion adopt a attached Resolution of Denial. Respectfull ,s fitted Brad Buller City Planner BB:JG:ko Attachments. Exhibit "A" - Vicinity !'lap Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" .. Floor Plan Exhibit "D" - Tenant List Exhibit "E" letter from Applicant; Resolution of Denial Y l Original Pour � 5t a t � a at 1.5 l o LL ) m p w 4 t+Y 0 4. FOOT t01' wl ; a ��•w� a.� °E.t � St.fal[ to°r.'vIs S iLC WS 1'4 �il.wr. JA ,� p,r.a� w .jr Sutc:G.e�.r '�W�•a� -,r^'^ ��. s _ _ TERRA IJ[STAFe HiLt 66 �� I w /1 °w use%ri La,w.r Cl TN GM aME Mill HORTFJ I l !Lu.-p- ANCHOCUCAMONGA TITLE; F d• i 17 co AMk I'. illl<l+ !]11f111111111111?.]t!]iltf i -- -- -------- -- NORTI �,, �t F zT M a - �" 4 i Its i• � St .��} Yeti �,, 41 A=ORT ITY OF ITEM PLANNING DIVISION L- I EXHlBlT: SCALF: • - .,.« ..ter—� �,in!g4k�."'1C-`dP � �,..Y.., ..• _ ft EEQzC?2EE�C�T NANTS ''$! 4JAxfE/A,)DRE$3. SQ. FoOnaffa TYPE PARY. G Deer Creek Athletic Club 12775 Fitness Center * 87.17 7090 #2-5 Haven, R. Cucamonga Togo'e Eatery IS95 Restaurant 19.95 7900 #24 Haven, R: Cucamonga C Circle A Clearers, 790 Dry Cleaners 3.16 7900 #25A Haven, R. Cucamonga Travel Aganay 972 Travel Agency 3.:: I 7900 025 Haven, R. Cucamonga f Elite Sportswear 2000 Clothing Store 8.00 7900 #25 Haven, R. Cucamonga j Cirule K 3364 Conveniences Store 13.46 7900 423A&B Haven, R. Cucamonga i Haven Hills Borling 36025 Bowling Alley 200.00 7930 #101 Haven, R. Cucamonga ! Videa World 1845 Video Store 7.38 { 7930 #101 Haven, R. Cucamonga. Deer Cteck Bakery 1610 Bakery 6.49 7390 #20 Haven, R. Cucamonga Old Time Ice Cron= lr'W Ic%,Cream Parlor 6.44 7890 #19 Haven, R. Cucamonv< Deer Creek vision 1610 Eye care 6.05 7890 #17 Haven, R- Cucamonga Neer Friend CYcsnese 1610 Restaurant 16.10 7890 #15/16 Haven, R. Cucamonga AOL Norwest Financing 3.395 Financial 5.58 MW 7890 #138 Haven, R. Cucamonga 30 Hinute Photo . 1080 Photo Developing 4.32 7890 #13t Haven, R. Cucamonga Priority Hair Design 2110 Hair Salon 27.00 7890 111 Haven, R. Cucamonga Nail Today 1395 Nail Salon 15.00 7890 111 Haven, P. Cucamonga Barstoois Etc. 6800 Furniture 13.60 7890 #9 Haven, R. Cucaj4oaga Vacant a 1910 7.64 Vacant 1610 6.44 Vacant 16,10 6.44 Vacant 2785 11.14 Beauty School Si40 Total:: arza- a Moving Out in August Total Available: 496.00 CI77 OF ITEM: C 2 E 89 - z RA14CHO CUCAMONGA TITLE:: I r "'chard Grass Enterprises Inc. NATIONALLY ACC'REDITFID SCHOOLS t ; July 7, 1369 A1e1ER CAN City of Rancho Cucamonga ACAULINlY Mr. Dan Coleman Iota CUCATR SUBJECT: R1obmrd's Beauty College ` �ED[JC�ATiQN Y 9 ConditionmIl Use Permit s9-22 Fil{.H.'lMYS Dear Mr. Coleman: AF.AUTY I COLLEGES Richard's Beauty College will be open Tuesday through. Saturday from 8,00am - 4:30pm. Approximately 25 - 30 clients a day will be taken from 9:.30am - 3:0.0pm for services. The W,IHM,1$TRRS maximum time that these clients;will remain in UNIVERSITV the College will be two (2) hours with most OFBP_AQTY remaining only one (1) hour or le8s. ,Studtnts will perform, all beauty services either on ANk clients or Each other to meet their (the students') edttid tional requirements according to R&N1 California State Board regulations. There will- NMNAOEMENT be three (3) employees employers at this SYSTEXIS location too -supervise and assist these students. The stations will be located where the lines are drawn on tt:e floor plan. The northeast corner of the plan is not part of the school and will not belong. to us. The reason for requesting a, Conditional Use Pe-x,-ait is that we felt the location would provide good business oppo>:tunitien. I.f you have any other questions plsass do not hesitate to contact fie. sincerely„ _ I Mark C. Gros4 \�� r, Vice' Ptesident./Controller ��-, __._ 1 ••fsrC)tt;:1T�CrI"rar�U.jl.l'1'1 Lsl�k.iC:�'1'K:)rY" � cw ' C.r,rJJc)rale 0(r1Ces:2Q%()N.F_udjd Ave.,Ontario.CA 9 f 7G2 ty r b) •�JI�'N.SrNn ti RESOLUTION %L A RESOLUTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGh PLANNIt,%COMMISSION DENYING CONDITIONAL -USE PTRMIT NO.t,g9«22 rOR RICHARD'S BEAUTY COLLEGE LOC.#Eu--.AS DEER CREM VILLAGE CENTER IN THE GENERAL COMMERCiIAL D25Tf'TCT, MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF— APN: 10ff 401-29 A. Recitals. (i) Mark C. Gross o ';Richard's Beauty College•, has filed an application for the issuance of the Conditional Use. Permit go. 89-22 as described in the title of this ,Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolutloe - the subject Conditional Use,, Permit request is referred to ,as "the application". (ii) On the 26th of July., 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearW9 on that date. (III) All legal prerequisites to theadoption of this Resolution have occurred. 8. Resolution. AOL LOW THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This, Connissicn hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pert A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the abole-referenced public hearing 6 July 2€ 1989, including written . and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this-Commission hereby specifically Minds as follows: (a) The application applies to property located at Deer Creek- Village Cent,r Unit Fcl, within a developed center, including Haven hills Bowling, resiAurants, banking, and other retail uses; and I[ (b) The applicant proposes to operate beau tK.colIege for0.up 1 f to 50 st'Wftits, open to the public, Tuesday through Saturday'from 8:06 A.M. to 4:30 P.M; a,rd (c) The application contemplates tenant improvement which will include space for a classroom, student's lounge, facial room, office, '25 C� beautician stations and reception area; and , (d) The use will operate ad--,,,,beauty parlor and will require parking at, a rate,;#1 spaces per station, th4-,byrequiring,75 spaces, and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: CUP 89 22 - RICHARD'S BEAUTY COLLEGE July 26, 1989 Page 2 (r} A parking study shows only 20.8 spaces available for this use; therefore, - parking'deficit of 54 spaces would be created by this use; and (f) The intent of the Parking Ordinance is to assure that parking facilities are properly designed and located in order to meet the parking needs created by specific uses, and ensure their usefulness, protect the public safety, and where appropriate, buffer and transition surrounding land uses from their impact. To accomplish this objective, standards for the amount of parking needed by specific uses have been established and must be adhered to. Further, in those Instances. -here a use-may fall into more than one category, the more restrictive standard should apply. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence pa tented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs i and 2 above, this Corm sslon .hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That ar;.x proposed use is not in accord with the General Plan_ the obJ4etives of the Development Code, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. (b) That the proposal will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to_propertt� improvements in the vicinity. (c) That the proposed use does not comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commissionhereby denies the application. b. The Secretary to this Commission shalt certify to the adoption of this Resolution. , APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 1989. PLANNING COMMISSION OF' fk!t� CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: arry T. MM e , Chai man ATTEST: ') Mad Buller, Secretary PLANNING. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE: CUP E9-22 !4'CHARD'S BEA DY COLL5M:-` July 26, 1989 Page 31„ I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission Ap the�`:'aity of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing .,esolution Has duly and regularly introduced, passed, and: adopted by the Planning Co6itssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular oeeting of the. Planning Commission held on the 26th day of July, 1989,! y the following vote-to-wit.- AYES COMMISSIOkR3 NOES:. COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: .a y i' f f� P /�"�1Z, -- CITY OF RANCHO}CUCAMONGA w STAFF REPORT GATE: -July 26, 1989 TO. - Chairman and Members of",the Planning Commission FROM: Brad'Suller, City Planner BY: Stevis Hayes, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONA1, USE PERMIT 89-10 e 'request to esta s sou s. e scprage within a out ern" California Edison easement of_,,JZ..73 acres in the. Heavy Industrial Development area 15) or the Industrial Specific Plan, located an th�',South side of Arrow Route* east of and adjacent to the Devori�freeway - APN: 229- 127.-I6. S:kaff is requesting that this item be continu ed to: the August 9, 1989 regularly stheduled Planning Commission meeting in order tc process a Variance application required for this Conditional Use Permit request. Respectfuy itte,4 ` '. Brad Buller City Planner t B8:5fi:mig � r!r ati i CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: July 26, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM:, Brad B01er, City Planner BY: Dan Coleman; Principal Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONmeWrAt ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT NO.89-0I - -CZ N Establ i shment o criteria for tir washas within qe ghborhood Commercial. Districts. I. ABSTRACT: Based t!pon d1s,�.i4asion of the City Couccil at their .)uly meeting,"L s.taf.. WAs directed to prepare the. attached Ordinance amending the 0Eopment Code to establish stan.ia:ios for car washes. f II. BACKGROUND: The City's existing zoning regulations define a car was as a Conditional Use within the office and commercial ` zones. This is a land use activity that is not permitted by right, but one which requires a special permit (Conditional Use Permit). At a 'recent City Council meeting, a resident.requested that the City's codes be modified regarding car washes in the Neighborhood Commercial District. This.-,request carrk ahout as,_a result of public concern involving a design review"application for a "coin- op" car wash at Lemon and Haven Avenues. I1I. ANALYSIS: The Neighborhood Commercial_ District is intended to prov -e areas for immediate day-to-day convenience :hopping arri services for the residents of the immediate neighborhood. Typical uses would include,--such activittgs • as food stores and supermarkets, gener,,;.,retail (c1�_} °"n�j, florist, beauty shops), pharmacies, offices- and banks. Coin-operated car washes and automatic car washus fail under the categrry of automotive' services in the zoning regulations. Other auto-related uses include, gas.. stations, 'repair shops,.. and pa rts sales. All automotive service uses require a Conditional Use Permit within the Neighborhood Commercial District, except for sales of parts and supplies. ITEM X (l PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OCA 89-01 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA July 26 1989 Page 2 A major consideration in reviewing the compatibility of a car want with surrounding residential land uses is location and orientation to the neighborhood. Mare intense uses, such as a car wash, can be "buffered' from legs intense residential uses through a combination of elements, including setback, building orientation, screening by other buildings,, screen walls, and heavy landscaping. The attached Ordinance would establAih criteria for developing cal,,. washes within Neighborhood Casmercial Districts based upon includes discussions of the CoOklision. These criteria would A. Location- Car washes shall be'located a minimum 200 feet :a4ay from any residential zone, B. Site Area -•Minimum I acrL (must be part of or adjacent to, an approved or existing. Neighborhood Shopping Center):. C. Site Planning/Building Orientation Wash bays shalt, be screened from public view.., -0. Supervision - One on-site attendant shall be provided during business hours 'to control noise, litter, and other nuisances. B. flours of Operation Hours shall be limited to 700 a.m. to 10 00 p.m, unless otherwise specifically established as a 1� condition of approval. IV. ENVIRONMEnTAL ASSESSQENT Staff has completed the Environmental ec ist and has aeterm tied that the approval of this amendment will not cau&e significant adverse impacts. If the Planning Commission concurs with these findings, issuance of a Negative declaration Could be appropriate. V. RECOWEDATIOli: Staff recommends that the Planning ,Commission recommen apFoval of the attached Ordinance to the City Council. Respectfull u fitted, Brad 'Buller City Planner ' BB.:OC:mlg Attachments: Resolution Ordinance RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING APPROVAL, OF DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT 89-01, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE RAUr"O CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE P-GAROING CAR WASHES WITHIN `WEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DIS, ICTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. Is WHEREAS, on the 26th day of July, 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing pursuant to Section 65864 of the Catirornia Government Code. SECTION 1: The Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission has made the .ollow ng -n ngs E 1. That the Amendment will provide for development of a comprehensively planned urban community within the District that is superior to development otherwise allowahle under alternate regulations; and 2. That the Amendmentwill provida for development \� within the District in a manner consistent with the. General Plan and with related development and growth management policies of the City; and 3. That the Amendment will provide for the construction, i"rtt,rovement, or extension 'af transportation fadllities, public utilities, and public services rer fired with the District. i SECTION 2 The Ranctio Cucamonga Planning Commission has found { that this amendment will not create a significant adverse effect on the environment and hereby reconraends to City Council the issuance of a Negative Declaration. NOW, TPEREFORE, BE ;TT RESOLVED.- 1. That pur4olot to Section 65850 to 65855 of the Californian Government Code, that the Planning Commission of the City , Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval of Development Code Amendment 89-01. 2. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that U City Council approve and adopt Development.;, Code Amendment 89-01 to modify the: Municipel Code per the attached' Ordinance. j PLANNING CoMMISSION' RESOLUTION NO, - DCA 89-01 July 26, 198 Page 2 to APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 26TH DAY OF JULY, 1989, PLANNING COMHZSSIOH OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman. ATTEST. Brad 3UTTeRv, epu y cre airy I, Brad Buller, Deputy Secretary of the Planning CorWssion of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular,meeting of the Planning Conmission held on the 26th day of July, 19P, by the following vote-to-wit; AYES: COMMISSIONERS; NOES: COMMISiIUNERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDiNANCC OF TNs CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; CALIFORNIA, AMENDING T17LE 17 OF THE RANCHO L'UCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING GAR WASHES WITHIN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMzRCIAL DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Section 17.10,030.F.7.. is added to Chapter 17.10,030 to read as follows: 6. Car Washes (Neighborhood Comnercid=' District), To ensure that the goals. and objectives of the General Plan are implemented, a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for ctr washes within Neighborhood Canmercial District. Car washes shat,t'cgmpiy with the fallowing criteria.- (a) Such business shall be located at bast 200 feet from any residential district. (b) Wash bays and vacuum areas shalt he screened from public view. (c) An on-site attendant shall be provided at all times during business hours to control noise, litter, and other nuisances. (d) Nkuirs of operation shall be limited to 7.00 a.m, to 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise specifically established as a condition of approval. Automati shut-off of water and electrical systems, except for security and firs protection, shall be provided during non-business hours, (e) Minimum site/lot area for car wash shall be 1 acre, provided it is contiguous to, or a part of, an approved or existing neighborhood shopping center. SECT109 2: Thie Council finds that this amendment will not adversely a ec the environment: and hereby 'issues a 'Negative Declaration. SECTION 3: Tht City Council declares that, should any provision, Modt one paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid_ by any final court action in a court of Competent. Jurisdiction, or by reason of any peemptive gmislation, thi4, remaining provisions, seetionc, paragraphs,, sentences, and words of this, Ordinance shall remain in full force and affect. CITY SDUNCI% ORDINANCE NO. GAR WASH July 26, 1969 Page 2 SECTION-I: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoptions of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to b"ubiished within Wteen (15) days after its ;adoption: at least aria,j.I.n The Dail Re ort, a newspaper of general circulation published in the ty o ntarla, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. f . 11 'Ik l i r s 1 i S ' $F..{ s7.�. "e,'�t y i1iYTJ SrSI res7 5£$ bFas4. T r- ,r S 7E GJfiCi Ct7GAMdNG�;k GhWey Stmi anu G¢ar,Av s Two men w.ere' azcested ."e�sus� ti arias vith*q=I,*, t iiUr thstq rrezQ oumd ctilxaue th,were i s: M1 �=shout$25,000 Korth.of suety.' bow'ators s t itb T` _to be >-smphetainine at n Aauoha, under ihtOWtue rif,d gs Gtscsnsgda'=wssb authori asi31•�e lsed email bag ties said Sunday of xoei; tethavphetatoiue, j T{abert;Ntarq.z;2t,of ITp s zthorities said . land,on!kManpei Fierxo.30, g` "er InveeLigat'On 3n t of Rancho` -icamot ga were the waslsfound 244 grOltsF Y.bookod ou suspicinn of trans of mothaniPhe4amrtw�Jwes, . postation:-of- irufs far'04a pYsstIcbap dothermater ` and were each held in lieu of , s used for pi*iug dt k�r. $10,000 bail each at the Foot ,je,,ntho!,itie,said. hm Communities Law and Deputies&Hzed both rn n'a' Justice renter in Rar^ho u• rara:a Chevrdat Blazer and eamonaa. aToyota 4x4 truck.The*aIso Deputies an Patrol sTo seized$XU,tiQ{I warth a€Jewel- 'taro iiien aPirarentiy estgaged tlsemen-wer,wearing and in a drug deal at:8:30 P-M rY SatuWq at a car wpalt ek $8, 3ncas3b Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you 'hink it would be a. good idea, and would you support a new auto za 'consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service -Car.wash, and 1_Service Hand Wash with detail service near the comer of HavL-r .nd Lemon Streets? Name Address Phone rate 411 r Z� M A '?A 0ta A NA �Od-S�to-M0IJ Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Havea2 Streeta, Rancho Cucamonga - Do you think it would be a good idea, and would you support a new auto plazaconsisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail: service tear the corner of Haven and. Lemon Streets? 0.wCis Name Address Phone „Date xfq t h p 6036 . q1 -1 s-�-8rc f 9 f 9 -,Zs3Q s gr ad? 3�a.��� �� r� �� l•-�`�°l:�r+_ � � OK ;Spa IX YL' ,�.?�(� 1 y yam._,, . - do �- _T Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho y t r CucamongaAP 1 r Do you think it would be a good ilea, and would you support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car Wash, �{ and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the corner of NI Haven and Lemon Streets? 4tLlXa4�prcf¢/ SeYr/rce�q�So Name Address Phone elate. _ off Ze k ` ter L Li r r I ' Random sut,rey; 2 mile area o' Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho � Cucamonga Do you think it would be a good !/dea, and would you 'support a new, auto plaza consisting of a 10 Kvhute Lube, Self Service Car Wash,, and Full Service Hand Wash vith ',]etail service. near the cozener of j; Haven and Lemon Streets? j. Name Address Phone Date '� r ram• �o� :jLy ro +�`k- , _ T �lC�(� ( � ' '] tee -taur �s """ `�'` f � f � ✓•C .+r J� '�',>`jf.�y.� yw�. I �.J ': / ;}.r..�.r.w ca - _---w _55 f��UYw' � W F.JL� ���' C.+�r�':r� 'L�._�l�'� {�t/,J '�:`..���•'.r� jqrn qqv p kl� r. o , Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it would be a good idea, and would you support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? Name A$dress Phone Date l/ "i T fl di� 7� ,c'r f�' f� /✓lrv �fj ?� � �� - Ij> b.�-,: Lit qr 14'tie)v7 OatIY es L�t�.c�`��.��'�� r � ivy 5--• w t k Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and haven Streets, Rancho z Cucamonga Do you. think it would be a good Idea, and would You Support a.nev ` auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Cur Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detai3 service'"ar the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? 1 Name Address Phone Date � i 'O 61�7 I fHasT ZIla KUL- r IL _^ Ave Q L Random su�SLey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Str-iets, rancho CuCam?nga f, Do you think it would be a good idea, and would you support a new au .o plaza consist-ing'of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car.Wash, and Full Service Rand Wash with detail service nearthe corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? Name Address Phone Date / l.fit 4- . 1 t . a -lii RaTLdom survey; 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it would be a good idea, and would you support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash i�rith detail"service neap the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? Name Address Phone Date r � IPY- 23 i Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and'Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do yC❑ think it would be a good idea, and would you support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car.Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the core-er of. ' Haven and Lemon Streets? Name Address Phone !Date Z(C,A Cos f 7 rf t, C.-. t P q 2 9r-73D G 0 ' Il�}Sa ntr f�O-n77V a ggq-R n�,�rry E 6SS Chow t:r-Z�lo*2, 1 64 CLIIA i -- � rp_ 7 , 5�r-L�I�EL'1. ,J 2 C � /-s A �I Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and gay*en Streets, Ranc.lo Cucamonga j; Do you think it would, be a good idea, and would you support�,a new auto p*,za consistiU9 of a 10 Minute Tube, Self Service Car,,Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the corner of Haven and Leman Streets? Name Address Phone bate _..__. w 9,1 �2uJI,iiP•tlly}n,'rt.rr�x,..fTP" -_- r' G2ltr' 1�,f=tJFloj ' �'•;j.! ? �/���/Yy t.... 'Y.!•` ... �."ed!G..v�..ar•iiA''� 1 Z!•+'ram}!�l /,J L/ ,1JII r Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and Maven streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it -Mould Be a good idea, and would you support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute 'S,ube, Self Service Car Washrr and Full Service Band Hash with detail service near the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? name Address Pbone _ Date of It uo 23 ) tl9v" rVt- 9 / _ i Random surveye 2 mile area of Leanoi. and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it would ,pe a good idda, and would yox; support a new auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Car Wash, and Full service Hand: Wash with detail service near the corner of Ha'ien and Lemon Streets? frame Address Phone Date RAI lei �r + 1 W. 5-1 - DO A ' Nl k H Xf . S � ' GtL fir. 9N-7Ti - 52, f l A Random survey.: 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do ypu thank it would be a good idea, and would yotj support a nev auto, ,,gaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self. Service Car Wa ',hr and I .fl Service Hand Wash with detail service neaps the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets? Name Address Phone Date CA C- 12 Ila Zpa sots: t Random sur;.6ys 2 mile area of Lemon and Haven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it would be.a good idea, and would you support a--'new' auto plaza consisting of a 10 Minute Lube, Self Service Gar,Warh, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the corner of Haven and Lemon Streets?' Name Address Phone Hate wqe lUln� IQ � 482 PV 34 s�...�.:t'a i?ro t_LLS !� 'o -'10C LA \1—J" 20 Random survey: 2 mile area of Lemon and F?+ven Streets, Rancho Cucamonga Do you think it would be,a good idea, and woulf you .support a new auto plaza consisting of a: 10 Minute Dube, Self-Service Car Wash, and Full Service Hand Wash with detail service near the corner of Haven and Lemon Streetsy Name Address Phone' " Date l� r c. �" �f-0575 52. .fla t a 6,.,._ -fir All 1 _ DICTAPHONE Assigned To R.C. City No. Model No. Serial No,. Other Brad Buller E-647 1253 6r'` iT Otto Kroutil E-564 1253 23 69 „ 4 199 1 Oav Coleman E-63 125 095233 Old Bruce Abbo tt ott E-650 1253 685143 Vince Bertoni E-646 1253 680093 y Nancy Fong Tom Grahn No Number 1253 736050 New & Improved Jerry Guarracino E-565 1253 649377 Steve Hayes F-590 1253 648532 Brett Horner Bev Nissen E-426 125 095231 Steve Ross E-62 1252 117917 Larry Henderson E-648 1253 685143 Arlene Banks Miki Bratt E-91 125 095230 Jeff Gravel Cindy Norris. E-42; 125 030650 Brown Alan Warren E-649 1253 685144 Richard Alcorn No Number 1253 736047 Sue Ramirez Joe Torrez Owns his cwn Rev. 8/4/89 t ,• y ' r ' B ICTRFHONE �> Assigned ToR.C. City Now µModel No. Serial No. Other Brad Buller ' E-647 1253 670983 Otto Kroutil E-564 1253 549194 Dan Coleman E-63 125 095233 41d Bruce Abbott E-650 1253 685145 Vince Bertoni E-646 1253 680093 Nancy Fond Tom Grahn No Number 1263 7360.0 New & Improved Jerry Guarracino E-565 1253 649a * Steve Hayes F..59G:. 1253 648532 Brett Horner Bev Nissen E-426 125 095231 Steve Ross E-62 125-2 117917 Tarry Henderson E-648 L."3 685143 Arlene Banks, Miki Bratt E-91 125 095230 Jeff Gravel Cindy Norris E-427 125 030550, Alan Warren E-649 1253 68514 Richard Alcorn No Number 1253 736047 Sue Ramirez Joe Torrez ferns his own Rev. 814!89 .,: Assigned To P.C. DICTAPHONE`City No. Model No. Serial No. Other Brad Buller E-647 1253 670983 Otto Krovtil Eyb64 1253 649199 Dan Coleman E-63 14' 095233 Old Bruce Abbott E-650 1253. 635145 Vince Bertont E-646 12E3 680093 Nancy Fong Trv.o Gratin No Number 125a 36050 New f Improved Jerry Guarracino E-565 1253 649377 Steve Hayes F-590 1253 648532 Breit Horner 71, Bev Nissen E-426 1c5 095231 Steve Ross E-62 1252 117917 Larry Henderson E-648 1253 685143 Arlene Banks Miki Bratt E-91 _2!s 0962.1" Jeff Gravel Cindy Norris E7 125 306aQ ;. Brown-P Alan Warren E-649 1253 685144 E Rieharrd Alcorn No flumb.er. 1253- TM47 Sue Ramirez Joe Torm: Owns his awn Rev. 834/89 t