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1989/11/29 - Agenda Packet
D70, 0 2��o y cgs ary ()PPLXA , o o HANN J9 L'lY tJ I 1977 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29,1989 7.00 p.m. I,IC.�4S PARIiU®1"dMII18ITY CENTER 9161 SASE LINK RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALLflORNIA L Pledge ot Allegiance IL; Ron Call CAmrlissioner Blakesley Ommissioner MaNiei Commissioner Chitiea Cbmnissionzr Tolstoy Commissioner %binberger Ill. Announdements . IV. Approval of Minutss Noyeirlier 8, 1989 V. Consent Calehdar The following Consent Calendar items arse erected to be routine and non-controversial. They will,be acted 0:L by the Commission atone time without. discussion. If.anyone has-concern. over any item, it 'should Na removed 'err discussion: A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT 'REVIEW' 80-08 GILBERT AJA - The development of two Oarehouse/distribution btuldings #otaling 305,40 square•feet on 15.4 acres of land'in the General Industriol Distilet,Subarea 11 of c the Industrial Specific;Plan, located srAillh of 6tfi Street, east of Pittsburgh Avenue-APN 229-253-2,11. ;r l VL Public;fleafirip ' The following items are public hearings in which concerned individuti s. may,voice their o,Qinion of the related project. Pt;use wait to be recognized by the $;iRirman And addresstthe Commission by stating E ycur name and address. All such opinions sfilall be limited to S mutates}, per individual for each prujsct" « ti• u B !4i„ X ICATIONL . TO .CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONDITIONAL:USE PBRMIT 88-�5 AND PARCEL'MAP 11838-J. F. DAVIDSO-N'ASSOCIATE", INC. - A request;to modify the cordAion 'oil.approval requhing the underground ng of utilities Elohg Pase,Line Road for the development of a shopping Center and related Parcel Map at'the northwest corner of Base Line Road and Victoria Parlc,� Lane - APN; 227-111-28 34, and 35, (Continued from O.;fiber 25,1989.) C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GE I3;RAV 1 PLAY` ,• AMENDMENT 8943A -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMtr SA An amendment to the Ousiug Elemr%t'of the Rane io iCi�amonga General-,an to d,etc an existing'poliey which limuls'the number of very'!>w and Iowiincome subsidized housing units i> 25%in any prole'! r " D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .AlD TENTATIVE PARCET; MAP 12596- O'NEIL. ADZE& STRAUS15—,4 subdivision of 9.52 acres of land into:4 parcels in the;Speeiality'Commercial Distract of the Foothill Boulevard'Specific Plan,located at the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard -APN: 208 101-21.. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT'',:A,ND TENTATIVE PARCEL iigAPP 12253 - F- F'JGHES-INVESTMEN`,S = A subdivision of 12,9; acres of land into it parcels in the. Neighborii Commercial District'of'tbe Victoria Community Plan,:located at;the southeast corner of Highland and Milliken Avenues APN6 227-611-22, F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89�48. 'HUGHES INVESTMENTS-The development of as integrated shoppin f center consisting. of 'ill buildings totaling 121,252 6''uare fee, on 12.9 acres"of.land in the Neighborhood' Commercial Dist^.iet of the victoria Community Flan,located at the southeast corner of Highland and Milliken Avenues'- APN: 227-011-22. G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT I kl) TFNTA.TWE PARCEL, MAP 12848 - FART64 DEVELOPMENT CO. -A subdivision of, 6.6&acres of land into 3 parcels in the General Industrial District, Subarea 8 of the Industrial'Specific Plan,located'oh the south side< of Arrow Route between Utica and Red Oak Avenues-APN: 209 142-62. ¢ H. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT 89-02 POLO GROUNDS,-A-requeSt, to consWer suspension or revocation of an entertainmerc`�ermit approved for Harry C's restaurant (presently Polo 'Grounds), located at 10877 Foothill Boulevard-ApN;.208-352-10. I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND- CONDITIONAL `USE' BRR.tT 88-18 =DIVERSIFIED'-A request to modify a previously approved master, plan for the development of a fast food restaurant;pad in the Neighborhood Commercial )district on the northeast e of-'haven and Highland- APN; 201471-fin and 61. 1� Jam" A VM New lBuslness h `S J: MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-32 ,*AIVELS0N r A request to modify a condition of approval,requiring su rifor :the remoVal of the existing detention basin and construction of a `storm. drain facility for A deveIopmenf on 1.55 acres: in'the 'Genetal ltiidustriai District, Subarea 14 0f the Irdustrial Specific: Plan, Iocated rat the southern terminus of Hyssop:Drive north of 4th S�raet-As`'irls 29-331-02. ;r VIIL Direeta+r!s,Reports 'i K�- CONSIDERATION-FOR AMENDMENT TO SUBAREA 2','OF THE` INDUSTRIAL:-SPECIFIC' FLAN.-FOR THE.'DELETION`OF THE!' EXTENSION OY FLOWER STREETI AND, A PORTION OF THh-, EXTENSION-OF";FERON HOULEI(ARD IN THE GENERAL AREA SOUTH OF 9TH—STREET AND EAST OF VINE.°XARD AVENUE w. APN: 209- and 2Q. "L. TIiL PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH DESIGN`PO LICIES..RE4iTIItII3G' ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENT' ALTERNATIVE' TEXTURE BUILDING MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRIAL,BUILDINGS MITHIN'THE INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIr PLAN AREA, „ M. XERISCAPE ORDINANCE (Oral Report) IX." Comm sssslan Business N. STATUS 6F PARKING S: CATION AT THOMAS .WINERY PLAZA 'LOCATED AT. NOR �iEAST .CORNER OF .FOOTHYL BOULEVARD AND VINEYARD AVENUEI: X. Public Comments ` This is the time apd` place for the general public to address.the C•,ommisslom Items to be discussed here are "those which do note already.appear on this agenda. XL Adjournment The Planning Commission has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11 p.mi adjournment time. If items go beyondthat time, the), shall be heard only with the consent of the Co nmissIar4 I� - 4^ c3 1} 6�t! { TY -VI Ilk t ( LF 1 - c0,LAli® a u�lMr fSaRmF. mY®', ferRt so, pysea ve mums ..acN. 0 WOO PAINC117 ild6f �"` Vy Amw +9i4 �; cassa� � J n i ,� 4'II!AYp/11A r,rr A /ilA OAiy 6R►.IR19 fNtNRRAhOR4A .AFR"ar, I� i CITrop 1200140 CUCAMONGA STAFF RESORT DATE: November 29? 1985 TO: 'Chairman and Memhers of the Planjtng Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City, Planner 17 BY: Steve .Hayes, Assil,6nt Planner SUBJECT:,,' ENVIRONMENT),!,-,5SESSMCsO FOR. DEVELOPMENT 'REVIgl 048 ,r a eve�opmen ., o ' ' are ouse. str uc on b ?di ;s staling 305,400 'square feet on;f`°ud acve`s` of 1 nd r' r' Qetteaal Industrial(` D'is ric -, Suaorea ii o the Indutriaj: Specific P)an, located st��tn df 6th Strep:t, east of PittsburghVenue`=`APii:` 29 263�' J,. PROJECT AND SITE`.DESCRXPTIaN: A. Action'Requestetl:.' Issuance Hof iAegative Declaration. 8. SurroundingLand.Use arid Zonfn North - = P ustr•a a ings;under c"onatrurtio ),.3�dutNial Area Specific Plan Subarea 11 (66vgrat, nd,gstriau South - Vacant; Industrial Area, Specific 1'lao Subarea 12 IiTndustWial Park) East`'' - Vacant; Industrial Area Specific Plan Subaru-`11 tGeneral Industrial) West Industrial.buildings (under constv"it fon); industrial Area Specific, plan Subarea 1'2 (industrial Park) C. General Plan'Designations: rb ect fte -generaIndustrial North: - General Industrial South - Industrial Pars;, East - ',Gseneral .Industrial West - Industrial Park'. D. Site Characteristics: The site'- is presently; vacant with no s gn can native vegetation"Pr.structures. ,4 s `I X �� 11. n r ITEM A PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT OR 89-`08 e—GILBERT AJA November. 29, 1989 j Page 2 E Parking Calculations: '� Numb_er°`of Number,of �ype Square Par4c�er� S�yaces Spaces of UseOota9e ., R2tio required Provided Office/Admin. 7000 1_>250 ; 28 28 Manufacturing 30 000 1/$0U_' 60 60 Warehouse/gist, 268,400* 1/1000 107* 234 (up to. 20,OOQ) xl2Qoo �zo,000-41010061 1/4000 C40000 + TOTALS 305400 iQ5 322 *Calculations for 2-separa<•e buildings II. ANALYSIS. C A. General This review is for envi:rohMental clearance only. Tile appilcani' is requestingl.approval. for new construction of twoAD office/warehouse building's totaling 305,400 square feet, ,Each building incarporatesy4'Aanced primary entry structure with an overhead trellis a;d enlarged second' story' semi-reflective glass window. Sec"�rdary. entrances for` Building 2 wi l be treated with,an overhead "trellis structure and additional semi- k reflective spandrel� glass-above.)rthe entry. .Three acdesi;;points are. provided for the pro3ect a).6ng Richmond Place to il'Abw, for efficient circulation tFi►;;�,:y `ehe. site.,.IFollowing the #'ssuance of a' Negative Declaration; the City.. PlArner would, grant approval' su63ect_..to: thy.>cQnditiofs,r0comende$:by-,the�rev! --. , committees. . _ . ' B. Qesi n Review Committee-, On October 19, 1989`the Committee ea, e�einurger, Coleman):' reviewed the project and recommended revisions: The following issues were discussod: 1. The northeast corner of 'Building 1 should ;be enhanced. The following suggestions for enhancement were given by the .Comm'ittee3 a) Provide additional spandrel glass . on the northeast° corner of -'the building and `the northeast corner of the "pop-out"' section along Richmond Pl ace. �\Yf U kt a PLANNIM C*ISSION;Si-*F.REPO' y OR 69-.08 - GILBERT AJAR ` November 29, 1989 Page 3 V " b) Extend the"iandscapang• and berming beyond the streetscape near, the nor.tbeast`c4rner, c) Relocate:or delete the truck 'storage spaces in this area. d) Relocate the dock high` and grade level doors near."the northeast corner. _ If this cannot be done, the. Committee suggested the applicant check into- the feasibility,of constructing an open 'beam trellis structure .over the dock high doors m this area. r 2. "The employee';plaiaM;ich.area for Building 1 should be relocated; east of lis'preSent, location, closer to the main entrance of the building,' Concrete tables and,benches 'should be included within' ;the lunch area. 3. Concrete interlocking' pavers should be incorporated at drive entrances, key pedestrian cross ngs,, and gathering areas. 4. The 'landscaping near the ,mai0j'building entrances should be upgraded by inc'.uding large (36"` and-AV box) trees. ,The trees should be pianted�;7n clusters and frame the'entrances. 5., The secondary"entrances .for Building 2 should be upgraded to include 1 elements suit as, `additional' glass,' a "pop,out".'trellis structure, repetition of pavement scone lines as used by the main entrance in concrete columns wimp an arbor. 6. , 'the entire base portion of he building should be.of a light sandblast teKtr' e. 7. The parapet walls should be 'extended to other. areas ' of the buildings in order to screen any possible future roof-mounted equipjnt. . 8. Semi-reflective glass, identical to the,'gla'ss, tiled on all` second floor windows on the project to the south (DR 89-07}, 'should be used on all second floor glass areas within this project. ♦dk i PLANNING COMA4ISSTON STAFF REPORT OR 89-08 - CILBEPY AaA November, 29, '198y Page 4 The Design Review Comtittee (Chitiea, fiotstoy, " �aleman) reviewed revised, plans A.its November 2, 1989, meeting and recomnetidecrapprOal subject to the following Conditions: rSSr northeast section., of Building .Z should < beG}z u radtd to include the following modifications for furrther enhancement.` a) The main entry treatilent proposed far ;the southeast corner of the building shauld' be incorporated on the northeast earner, of the - building_. This shall i"nclUde the followi Second'story glazed windows ->Accent mullions Raised:roof parapet Main entry frame-treated with textured concrete - Recessed lower story glazing ;• o b) The slotted glazing` on the northeast corner of Building 'I and the-north side: of the "pop-out" �. portion an thes,front "(easy;) side of Building A should be, deleted. C) The scraeIn wall,:.north.'of Building 1, within°the streetscape, should'be'extnnded further to the north and west.! The forior ing .modifications should be made.to, the design and placement of said screen wails 1) The open areas shall, be "filled; in" with textured concrete,:.similar in texture and Color as the entire screen wall., 2) The northern two panels of the, screen wall shall' be turned to the nori'iv st at an angle, for further screening o.`t a storage and garage areas. A subsequent enlargement of the planter, to-the northwest;will'occur due to the new screen wall configuration. d) Additioi►ai evergreen, trees, such as Mandell pines,,, should be incorporated within the plarc� ' on the northeast corner of the site . and in the planter to the north (part Hof, approved protect OR 88.W)' PLANNING COM-MMION ST#P REPORT , fl OR 89-08 $ILBERT AJA November 290 1489 Page 5 e). An increased garage street setback and additional 'landscaping by the northeast corner, of, the naraoe`and.along the streetscape were recommended to be provided by the,Committee to enhance the northeast section of the Buildin 1 property. 2. The following items should be added to the secondary entrances fob Building 2: a) The frame' element' should be more ipronounced. This can be accomplished by providing, ' an, additional frame and. arbor structure to. extend the entry, statement beyond the building plane. b) A' parapet wall, consistent in height and appearance with the '''parapet walls over .the primary entrances,, should be incorporated at ' the secondary entrances. c) The follcwing items should also be included-,by ` the secondary, entrances: A texture concrete treatment fay,-`the entry frame; and Second-story double slotte,glaxing; Recessed ground level glazing; Additiona'f reveal ines.' d) The light. , sandblast iaature should be incorporated as a vase element only 'to beyond the secondary entrances for Building 2 and in line with the Building 2 secondary entrances on Building 1. 1 Areas behind (to the west) should have a ` painted base element, as per the approved color scheme for the buildings. C. Technical Review Committee., An October 1i, 1989j'ihe Comiittee rev— ieweU'the proj3ct an ptermined that, with the recommended standard,;,conditions of approval, the prnjict is consistent with all :applicable standards and ordinances. The`'Grading Comittee conceptually approved the pro4ect at :its meeting on November ='1 13, 19851. J 5' S � PLANNING COMMI55IOIN;Sl'AFF:REPORT DR 89-08 - GIfBERT AJA NaV�Vber 29, 1985 Page 6 J t " DE Environmental Assessment/ Part I of ithe Initial Study. has been comp,e e y e app scant. Staff has completed Part ;II"Of the l Environmenta Checklist and found .,no significant adverse envii. ,it impacts','as a..result of this project. Comm i ` If the ssion concurs with staff findiogs, then- issuance of-,a :iegat+ve Declaraiion;,wou7d be in':order. s III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: '=,The.project,is consistent .with the General Plan and e n as Ma1,1 Area Specific plan.: rThe proj�-,rt will not . , be detrimental to publt t..,, ;l_or> safety, or cause nuisances or significant adverse environmedtal impacts.. In additiop, the proposed use asp.! site pI ,.together with the recommended conditions of approval,: ate in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Industrial Area Sp.ecitic,;;,Plan' and CitY Standards. l IV. RECMMENDATI(m ,Staff recommend's issuance of a Negative' ur-a o o DR 89-08. r, Res p ply ted s City, ann f` PB:SH:ko Attachments: Exhibit."A" r Master Plan r Exhibit".211 - Site utilization Exhibii+ "C" • Site Plan Exhibit '-W! - ConceptUa1 Landscape Plan G�hibit �E'° • Cancep ial Grading.Plan Exhibit "F" ations -- - j I i i r r 6 r n h a } e t -- '.'S..a t P t ♦.N Y r14t A j - 4,4 1 L--- --1 Yq L jJ1 CITY or-,4"� MONGA I'TE R-6 PLANNING'WMION L V•li lizaa-,`,r w 1Y Exxaa;rr• �'•, SCALE:g.� 4 IF-�_ ti• i i s 17 I A- i tOMt~ •rlr.r.nu��t _.._ __ CITY OF`'RAi�iCY 'UCAMONGA tiEM: �'4-08 PLANNING DIVISION 1TfLE"Sa-e PI a p, N l' EXHIBIT: SCALE• •r t�e ,�..,.,.----�- �— �� �► �� • � �` ,l v ' i a ' �. �. R7fn k� � �i` �. 7, >;: �y P+7 r Sr o v r 4k _ ' e.�.� �.,. �' �w_w�rrP,�r. ..ram CS �' .._.'awn+. :� � "/ �� ! a �Y ao � Q1�O ._ i� "' ��'" a C+1 �g °� ` i �� I a li � s„ C--% , 3 i 3 � ' k e;� t � �, t`� �6 � xk -a..w � �� Sa C�p't, ,, �� tni li) b ,� � *,, ,. �,..�... ..,. ...__ ��r,�... .it -.: �; ,. .., O _ . iri.. i.- ...... '- �. �� ,rCf �� � -( .��.:,:.'.r. {..� 1'1f��� � �_ ! �. 1* AOL � � •' ,✓ter ���„� r � ��d` ,^��, it � 0 F, p_,._.s ��.. 'ter,,. •^'+`�`�t��� k y y�, _ ..,�-� �, :y, jya r� ✓.n P�� -1P1� -CAr'�_w.�er�n�q r` C'Ty OF-`RA'N 'tUCAMONOA PLA.NNIO g?I'6TiSi011T TT�TT�gC116'!°toA 1 trYq�l►{:, �� ;y.r J a EXHIB SCALE: �x. r; i ti rr all v CITY `6CA1VECIN A 'PI.Aw Nc'DMSIOrr , -,U Leo—+ s a.tlej,Ps 4 f1 y� "\ ' ~' .1} nIrl -rrf r _. _ .�. w. FOLlQn�.B'❑ r CI'TY OF,Y ' tZ'I G CL CAA40NG� DR,Kog MON SCALE: r CIfiX OF RANCHO 01ICANiONG9 REPORT STAFF DATE: November 29, 19M, TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM Bwye R. Nansnn,; Senior Civil Engineer ": l 4 BY: Ping Kho, Assistant Civil Engineer j SUBJECT; �ipCiIFICATIDN 70 COMDJTIOHS, OF APPRO VAL¢F7O{'/R CLIP .0845 AND ItNTATIVE. �t requesta mo y e 9n ons -o ARro�+a r equ r ng, 'thy Ondergrougding of .utilities. 'alang ` Base, Line (toad fur the. development of a shopping center and related ?a`reel Map at the northwest corner of Base='Line Road apd Y q.t.,6r a Park-Lane lAPN 2tly .: 111-28, 34 and 35) I. BACKGROUNk yhe item was t:ri cnally srcheduled. far the Planning Comisaion meeting tin October 25,,. I'M, Ludt was continued to tonight to of low. Addition d scussioT-uetween staff and tf.e Da:;eloper._- It QJSWSSION Staff did nvet with the Developer resulting in a further clarification of the issue. It;was agreed that the ,Developer mould dv same additional analysis and gat back to staff with the r,;sults;;. He as yet has.:,not completed that analysis, therefore, an additional two;week':continuance to' December 13, I989 is requested. His continuenoe request', fetter is attached. Respectfully subAitzed, Barrye 0anson ;Senior Civil Engineer I' BRH-PK-dlw Attachment: Letter JTEt1 B.:_ �i m�eexssv .srs `. ®evert awl meiar 'e} .'.t� ors eeuoi► : .;�.; �a vrelttieac :8�►�s aria: tt°q>s, Inc. EiJGINEERMG PGANNfNgi ,^WU Y611Jo, ARCHiTECTURe- PANpSCAPEAflCHeTEGTt1R@. November 17, 2989 inr Earx-ye',R. `'h"anscn CITY OF RANCHO O'UCAMOiTGA i. Engineering Division !�=2D Baseline Road Adncho Cucamonga; CES 9173O Re: Request Eor Mo l:.-�catieixt of Condition CLIP 88-25, Parcel Dear Mr. Hanson. As representatives of the developer said project sae rempectgully request a further continuance of the Planning Coanm ssiom bearing date .from November 23, "1959 to the 'Decembdr 13, 2.959 hearing r, date,. This, time will allow us to revise our az3gianal' tequest. ofmodification of the utility undergrounding condition based on our meeting of Novembeer' Gth., 12 .you have any questions please do not hesitate to .,call. Very truly yours, J.P. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Dore J. Edison Senior Project Manager cc: John potter, Hughes Ibive;stments John Haves, Hughes Investments WE klg „ coltwp:1*tterabw5 9tits0 l nrru n Se e:r.�u je300 P09t•p S Mt Vcmon AvanuA 73.090 81 PASeo.'Sueee 106 27749 J0ffereon,Swell I1,5, PU kff.m4q! Go:epn.GAA732a r tmoesekc-A922oo P.Q 9ox340 fa'vt,ot4,CA.9..Sn2 .a1Az5.1082 '71318.5891 RinenoCahfprny,.CA9.14.1' 1" 7f e58f,0Yaa FA7Ci14.®259563 epiCG19340-0524 131a)g761T10 FA*7e4 Ua§-. :45a FAX 714.6004Q3t 4 i v t .. -- m CITY OF tANCHO CUCAMONGA ST F SPORT , DATE: November 29, 1989 f TO: Chairm and tiegters r .the Planning Commission FROM: ` Br"ad Bull ems,` CT j P1 ah"ner BY: Alan Warren, :hssoclate P1annF+r SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL RsFESSMENT AND GENERAL AN PL AMENDMENT-89-03A`- l;YT C " - , amenamen, 'o he Housing Element- oY, the anc o qacamonga General -,Plan to del etef an, existing pe,licy which limits the number 'of very low and low " income sub_dized housing units to.25%'in any project. I. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION:' On ; June 13, 1989 the City, and the e eve opmen gency entered into :a court settlement to address grievances on how-redevelopment funds are allocated for low cost housing ,needs. A si:ipulatiom of-,that agreement; was that the Housing,Elein;,nt provisions which ]imits then number of ver�,,low�and ?ow income subsidized housing; units in `'arty single ;.;o�ect be i, de1u'ted from the General Plan (see attached•excerpt copy). ff The deletion should not negatively impact the City.'s housing stock as it only allows for an increase. in tha portion of very 1em and lrow income subsidized'upits. Policies affecting the total number, of housing units in `the. `community`.are unchanged. Exhibit "A" indicates the .staff recommandation for the amendment -'with the ' stpkeaat showing which passages:are to be deleted., II. _ ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMEYT: Staff has completed and reviewed the initial :Partand the Er_.ironrental Checklist, Part II,of the Initial Study and has found no significant adyarse environmental impacts to occur As a result of the°proposed General Plan AzQndmtent. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS:. Based :on the facts And conclusions 11 sted above, a -e eves *the Manning Commission can '.'make the following, findings regarding this application: 1. The proposed amendment' would` not have significant impacts on the,, efi'vironment nor the surrounding properties as evidenced by the conclusions and findings ` of the Initial Environmental Study; and ITEM G � (t\k 'PLANNING COMMsslaH STAFF REPORT ' RE: GPA 89-03A - C,I'fY"t)F UNCHO Gt1CPl ONGEt November 29, 1989 ` Page 2 r t;{ 2 :e; proposed` amendment is in conformance with the Gunaral Plan as it, does not affect the total 'nuoter of potential residential units promoted by existing, Housing Element policies. IV. CORRESPONOENCE• These items have,. beeo adv6rtised as, a,pudic - hearing in TTiF Dail�Report' newspaper, and notices posted n three (3) public paces. V. RECOMMENDATION: It is reconnended that the Planning Corjmission recommend approval of General Plan Arighdment 89-03A by .the -adoption of the attached Resolution of Ap�rovaj. Resp 1 ly submftted, ,�`>; JL. Brad r City Px, nner 88:AW k o Attachments: Exhibit "A" --Proposed Changes F Exhibit:"g"' « Agreement Excerpt Resolution,:-of Approlral r Chapter Two, Section 1, fifth paragraph of the General Plan Housing Element shall be amended as follows: "In addition to the objectives and action programs, the City has identified policy areas which .contribute to the parsuit of the housing goal. These policies are as follows: 1. The City shall use development agreements, as a procedure with projects providing affordable housi'rig which utilfzes incentives offered by the City. 2. avep-eeReenspat*ea of ae.y lew and #ew #geeffie bouseheld t#maOs AM #n any #mag#e ppm3eeg3#} he eve#deep Fep iah#s peR#ey;the numtep of very lew ane' #ew #Reeme sebs#d#aed hens#Rt 00ts she4 net exeeed aE percent #n any erne ppejeeti 9. Provide input, such, as cost/benefit balance, and recommendations`to the California Energy Commission in its preparation and updating of energy efficient residential guidelines." i CI' ram= AJ RANCHO CLICAIMOMATom= MCA Qftw< Pi1ANNilvlG DPASM EXHIM. ALE- — ' t 3 13. Within 40 days Of the entry .of judgDent pursuant to 4 this stipulation g6r ZntrY of JUdgsisnt, the City shall &send its. d mousing Xlement to deletm the current policy of limiting the 6 number .of very loss and low Incas?& subsidised housing units to 7 25% of any one housing prrojaot. (Policy attached as fxsibit.3.) s The City aha hot adopt any , Income', dated occupancy 9 restrictions'vhic�`VO inconsistent Vith tha provisions of this 10 SUP0111tion for Llni''ly o2 a,Bent., / 11 14e in t3ie bs��� yaeuaing .pr*10ct davnloped or assisted by 13 4.tsra Agency with the:; tht Agancy► ah412 slake available 13 to plaintiffs, as Vrjoiityil appropriately sized units at 14 affordable cost to,.la�.A Df tnam 15 15.. within fiwo.,*orkinq day-3 of the entry of judgment, 16 pursuant to 'this -.8tipusation for Entrap of Judgment, plaintiff 17 Pedro Carrillo shall dismiss,; with pr&JUdice, Casa No. or; 18 428360 &edra_Carri�lo vs R 2 "1�risg«am �est29 as th 19 22 Ab 9al�dtry ®3' + ��r� hA. � Tdto6lRylgnrwq�� Ian: 4e�r 20 tha harchea adavaa9 e, plaintiffs and defsnde-ta in 21 that action shall bear.Veir setae costs, at4tery.aeys° tows and 22 expenses its cor;hactlon with that action 23 26. ; 'sae L definitions; is is s ealtb am safety Coda 24 §550052.S, 50079.5, 500913 and 50205 as 25 "&).1 awlyp to thin tipula 0414 . 26 Plaintitfas salaeaa, waive and foreve-.:+asr Ana 'City 27 and Agency froaa any MA all CieL%s "%eed in this action, or 28 which could have ' been raised In this action, except as CITY OF rrms RAMM CUCAM11CA Tr w C RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING'COMMISSION`OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA,' ;CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL> OF GENERAL PLAN AMENOAERT 89-O3A, 'REQUESTING TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT BY DELETING THE POLICY' WHICH, LIMITS THE NUMBER OF VERY LOW AND LOW INCOME SUBSIDIZED HOUSING' UNITS .WITHIN "ANY SINGLE PROJECT, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals, (I) .' The C,�ty of Rancho ;Cucamonga has fi1d an, application for General Plan Amendmikr No. 89-03A as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafk in this, Resolution, the' "subject Genei\ Plan. Amendment is 'referredtf'� "the application". (ii) On Novepier 29, 1989, .the Planning Commission of the City° of Rancho Cucamonga ronduc�ed-<--a duly noticed public hecrirg err;the application. Ali 1 Ta1 prerequisites to the doption of`this Resolution have occurred. 1 B. Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, 'it is hereby fo nd, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho'Cucamonga as foil.oWs;, I. This Comission ;rereby specifically finds t6at,,alI of the ;'acts set forth in Recitals, Part "P, of thiT Resolutlo.,i are,.true and "correct: 2. Based upon *ubstantial .e!?idepce preFented to this Caministion during the above-referenced public hear�mg on November 29, 1989, including written and oYal staff reports, together with public ;'testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The application appl-ie3 to-approximately-ail 'of,the land In the City which is 'designated :for residential development by the General Plan, and (b) This, amendment "does not conflict: with the Land Use or Housing Policies of the General.Plan; and (c) This amendment does. promote the..9oals and -objectives of the Housing-,Element- and � 'j PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO RE: GPA 89-03A - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA November 29, 1989 Wr This amendment would not be materially injurious, or detrimental to the properiies within the City and would:not }} ve. a significant impact on the environment. 3. Based.upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of, facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the{,agposed amendment Mould not h 1 significant impacts on the environment as ev enced by the conclusions°and fi�idings of the initial Environmental Sturdy, and \ �� (b) That thn proposed amendment is in ca; rmance with the General Plan as it does not affect the total number of potential residential units promoted by existing.� ousing Element policies. 4. ` This tommission hereby finds that,the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, :this Commission hereby recommendf' tss"rce of a'Negative Declaration. } S. Based upon itie findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby resolves that pursuant to Section 65850 to 65855 of the California Government Code, that the Planning Commission_ of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on the 29th day of_ November, 1989, of General Plan Amendment No. 8443A which amends Chapter Two, Section I, fifth paragraph of the Mousing;'Element to read as follows: "In addition to the objectives and action programs, the r City has identified policy areas which contribute to the pursuit of the housin§, goal. These policies are' as iVflows: City Us , deyeTopment_:agreements .as, a procedure with projcts"providing affordable housing which utiliae5 incentives offered by the City. 2. Provide input, .sl ch as cost/benefit balance, and recndaticr;T"to.the California Energy Commission in its prep; ration and updating of energy r�fficient residential .guidelines." 6. The Secrets of this Resolution.. ry-.ta this Commission shall certify to the:;adop"lion �l I r-7774 .. ; ' pL'rVING COMMISSION'RESOLUTION NO, :i RE: GPA 89-03A - GIN OF RANCHO CUCAhiONGA' November 29, 1989 Page 3 APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989: PLANNING rgMMISSioww THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY, I •_terry.T. WNW, airman L- ATTEST: Br,,ad Bullerj Secrefiry I, Broad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing_ Resolution was duly and regularly °introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 29th. day of November, 1989, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIORERS: NOES: C01WISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JI t� C CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT { DATE: November 29, 1984 TO Chairman and Members of the Plannixig CotcLmission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Enginew, BY: Barbara Krall, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMUTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12696 - O'Neil, Adler, `t"rauss r su ws-T-5-5 -3f-9.52 acres of an3 into 4 parcels Tn"'"ine 'Sp i ty Commercial District of the Foothill 'Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Foothill Boulevard (APN 208-101-211 I_. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of t!_e proposed Tentative Parcel Map as shown on .x R .:Wl B. Parcel Size Parcel 1 1.26 acres ' Parcel Z - 1.97 acre; r Parcel 3 - 0.98 acres Parcel 4 5.31 acres Total acres Co Existing Zoning: Specialty Commercial District of the Foothill Specific Plan. j D. Surrounding Land Use: North - Vacant South - Vacant and existing Commercial ' East - Existing Carnercial West - Existing Corrarcial ITEM D PLANNING ANN G COK4ISSIgN STAFF REPORT ` Yr TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12595 - 0"NEIk 1Wl.ER ST#tAUSS NOVEMBER 29, 1989 PAGE 2 E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North - OfficelProfessional & Medium Lost Residential. 4-8 dU ac South - Community Corewrc`€al of the foothill Specific Plan s East - Community Commercial of the foothill Specific Plan West - Community Commercial of the Foothill Specific Plan F. Site Characteristics*. The site contains the existing Thomas, Winery building and newly constructed commercial buildings. Additional tomercial buildings are being constructed at this time. 4 II. ANALYSIS; _ The purpose of this parcel map is to divide the previously approved Thomas Winery Project into four (4) parcels, This project was approved' on January 27, 1900 as CUP 87-25 for the development of a Specialty Commercial` Center. Buildings' "A", "B" and "I" as, shown an Exhibit "C", have been constructed. Buildings "F", "C'" and "k", located in the northern portion of 'the site are under construction at this tine. Building permits for buildings "C" and'"ar have not yet been issued. Public improvements for the-project' have not all been m%pleted. : A condition of approval has been placed or, this map th4t all public improvements be completed and accepted prior to final 'Parcel Map approval. III. ENVIRON14ENTAL REVIEW. 'The applicant cz_tmpleted Part 1 of the Initial study. con ucted a field investigation and completed Part II of the Initial Study.. No. adverse impacts upon the environment are anticipated as a result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative` Declaration is appropriate. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public hearing have been sent to surrounding properr,y owners and placed in the Daily` Repok Newspaper, Posting'at the site has also been completed, PL'ANidINO C011MISSIAN STAFF'REPORT } TENTATIVE PARCEL MAPS I259fi - O'NEILs ADLER, STRAUSS� XC OBER`29, 1999 PAGE 3 V RECOMM"eNDAiIpN: it is recommended tha the Planning Corrniission co ,.cider a a iu�an3"e1 einents. of the Tentati v�! 'Parcel Pap 189& ;If after' such t consfderatfon, the Come ssior.''x?n recommend approval,, then •the adoption of the attbched ResoTvtian and;issuanGe of aNegat �re Declaration-w!�'d be appropriate. - Respectfully submitted, ci> &W Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer' ` L, 9RH•BK:Sd Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A") Tentative Map,(EXBibit;"B") Site Plan (Fxhibit "C") f Resolution and _ Recommended Conditions of Approval. r „ u 0 a#liDW►p ® rwr' 1`q ��`+i R!�..` ""Gera all�a ►r f""11r�� +r$rr�ee # riii/i JrriR►a: '°' �= r rr ■t A� ."`.�1� � �ilr\a� �� r'S°``�`. �a��'iri.! ;;■err r 'r®'1 Tgit s ` "ter i .. .l r•' rlr �rlWlitil!!llltiiil!�4�e���aa���� fee�► e ilia �" r ifMill''�� es, ►,�*aa� .#,��,ri<Ir ![�tAlir � "1iiiM riiiiiit►��eee eel v'i IN IN itRtti iii + #uri is r err /i'r1►a.p �'�' �• ,/► a ara4 wrr r,.,. ae� ti ti. ♦'4 I air eh rld + �r to s rre *"Is OMAN ISOam �d,�j►Ir� r`" �� !i'4�i� ! pew moo.:: e$w rr a eo r Ir . i rw no rrr ie 'rr rtN Air ert�r d Jj � " � ti!!!R u ■ P�,,,.,•,B s BE as BE ® I �fl �NIa .ii Ilri lirlllr� y !! a!! Ion s• drt it e s xn i�t' r r 'f V EVILDIN fi•assa � _. eULDMG SUILDMS D . •- i`I 0 ARCEL 4 --__ 5.304 AC O 1 e d f BUILDING; 1 1 f OUILDIK q is EX WS RY EVA.Ii :--tt 2CEL 2 L966 AC 1 SU@ D111's "� �11 SOU � • r-� .I rrir"�L� g - - -}- I 1,�6' AC 7 N.T.S. WT%LL BCXA.EM i�g c OF nmL PARCEL MAP 9216 a c-. F, ? �lr ■ �ler'rw sM�c, F- .:�..�lfi 1! � �ti 1;• ,���� fir+.r*:I ��'�3�.yY-V'V`a+'V;� 1 .�.J1 �: Ilrl• � �� , 4. I RESOLUTION N0. r A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING .COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP- '!NUMBER 1241396, LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER" OF F00#'HILL BOULEVARD AND VINEYARD AVENUE - AP9209-101-21 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel M:ip Number 12596' submitted by O'Neil, Adler, Strauss, appif =ant, for the purpose of subdividing into 4 parcels, the real, property situa' 4 in the City, of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of�`Califorisia, identified as APN(s) .208401-21, located at the northeast corner of Foothill '.Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue; and WHEREAS, on November 29 1989, the Planning Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the above described map.; NOW, THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1:,r, That the following findings have been made: 1.- That the map is consistent:with the General Plan. 2. That the improveme^a of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the`General Plan. 3. That the site is physically 'suitable foo the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage, ,public health problems or have adves;9 affects on abstting property. SECTION 2: This Commission finds and:certifies that the p.roject;;has. been -,reviewed aa considered in compliance with the"California EnvironmentalQuality Act of 1970 and, further, this. Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. - SECTION 3:' That Tentative! Parcel Map No. 125W As hereby approved subject to„ the attached 'Standard Conditions and the, following Special Conditions: 'Special Conditions: I. All outstanding conditions of approval' for CUP 87"26 for public improvements, includi.rg, but .not limited to: undergroundirrg of overhead utilities, reconstruckiori of sidewalk on Foothill Boulevard, anu encroachment agreement for the arbor, shall be completed and accented by the City prior to final Parcel Map approval, r � PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO TENTRILVE PARCEL MAP 1259A - O'NEIL, ABLER, STRAUSS NOVEL `t B.11'29, 19B9 PACE'2 Y ex 2. The south ►Jail of: Bui7dinglZ-shall be constructed with "fuST 1-hoar fare ' resistive rating."as per 04� ter 5 of the 11.B,C,,'and ail openirtgs wlthin ' feet; of the pro"per�ty�`lirae to be labeled 45 minutetiseablies to the satisfaction of. the,-_Suildirig Offfcial. Any .;architectu,ra1_ oranges to.Budding I due to, fine protection requireim_nts shalT,!;e, subject to City Planner :revtew;and. approval' prior to final :approval b' the Parcel Flap. 3. Fire protection -shall be provided for the St,til Building to,, the satisfaction of the4o,141 .�Officlal ' 4. 7}ie developer,shall attempt In goad faith to;o6t6jh reciprocal driveway access .'atid pedestrian access <*asementy from the easterly° adjacent property. In the event, ths* the` developer is unable to iibtain. such r easements, the modsficiition to_ the.east �troperty biturdary shall be'.'subject to City Planner,reviOW atxi�,ap,prova5. APPROVED, AND AOOP7E0. THIS 29TH GRAY. OF NOVE�tBER 1469. PLANNING.C"ISSION`'OF THE-CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i BY: Larry T. McNjel,, hazrmai3 :f ATTEST*- Brad Bu er, Secretary I, D►r?�- Bulter, Set retary of the Planning Cotrunission of the City :of'Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify" that the foregoing Resolution was duly _andj regularly introduced,' passed, and 'adopted by. the'. Planning Goamission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting, of the Planning .Comrvssion held on the 29th-day of November, 19)89 by thQ frsllawing vote-to-w,it: AYES: COt3MiSSIOtfRS - r NOES: C lEtiS§IOti ABSENT: COMMSSIONERS: t t G C V •a y 7<G �4 r a p w C i'..Gi - ±Vp N. .Lyr S w.1T L '� pp yy 2 4. OZ F . M Y • 2..�a L CCC7 -y~p n� �r`( H o^Op YN EF cN} •m•1$. N� x^ p� ft �, ' n�; � i Y'•R, Lq O12 is- bit si Wry y`O /�/��•� . d�.a`Q�� :��".$�{t OSSS ri.S ,gtS. ®�®{ dyh010 irie tl� r �..5q1 LY J�C� r1 � M.i N.VP, ®IYi.Y nM4 VI A 9X� V •2Y.. ZA~ $$•F rAD Y , Yo' YY Mp .L S. �S �" •� � ."arm $�++ �A $�.. +.+s az g ►' ,Y,wr g g u 14 4 as W� Q � � Y � 4 Mq.Yyyft •�M Y er a�' -� �..•yn".���tt W t 'YrZ b YJ _ ■ gyp[� yapp`� ..Gn qaz^ .Ytla Y a� �A y� vo Sy - veBeLi _ r �2-S > F P q Y y5�5 >L r f=9..Y•e�eii '. Z % NVL GyC L L6�• N N oo Dv CYC CM� Sy e4w .ru�pf �. � OY.N n a��p ZM yPY a�C t CC Q SCt�� pp L� �i Y pp M Y P`L byo s Vy�yyY l b'. mow. 0� 5e vy Y Fa tiq o Y21 n VN p all ycf c 4 61 ■.� �i W � �V Nam` �•bn w.b uyi if� N� ¢� a^ ms• .�� • _ pad M. "`<:. L`�'� 3 t,, a p q_� 7 =,iu tp GG_ N kL3fE•, CC `N YYA Cp r:G w�* L�6 L P cc.� Vy N Dy �QY � Y ;:�y1vu �i*O » N �Wa .Ll Lrggy `^'.t F F' qQW� Flat `�YC I t C. 4�e$O �t•:O o 39 N -- CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT a DAYE: November 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of`the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil,Engineer BY: Betty A. Miller, Associate Civil Engineer SUriJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 12263 - HUGHES su v ton -of-TZ.9 acres ot landInto 1 parrcels tfie Reighborhood Commercial District of the Victoria Community Phan, located at the southeast cornet of }Highland and Milliken Avenues (APR 227-011-2Pk I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION A. Action Requested Approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel Map as s a�rn on x 'Bu B. Parcel Size:` Parcel 1 32,375 SF Parcel. 7 15,208 SFr 2 39,675 SF it 8 29,601 SF u 3 16,380 SF it 9 22,050 SF Is 4 85,660 SF to 10 36,392 SF sr 75,003 SF is 11 33,600 Si` 6 170.620 SF Total: 556,464 SF (12.17 AC Peet) C. Existing Zoning; Neighborhood Coamercial, Victoria Comunity Plan D. Surrounding Land Use: North Vacant South - Vacant' East ., Vacant West - Vacant E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations: North Freeway Corridor, Caryn Manned Community ` South - Medium Residential, Victoria Community Plan East Medium Residential, Victoria 'Community Plan West - Loa medium Residential, Victoria Community Plan t ITEM'P f M PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENT PARCEL MAP 12263 - HUGHES INVESTMENTS NOVEMBER, 29, 1989 PAGE'2 F. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant. and:slopes to the south, all about 4 percent. Perimeter street and storm drainage improvements generally exist on Woodruff Place, Kenyon Way, and Milliken Avenue._ Highland Avenue c improvements are under construction II. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this Parcel ii, p it, to create; 11 separate+;parcelx corresponding to the 11 building ,,,being reviewed on tonight"s agenda as Conditional Use Permit 89-08 Vineyards Marketplace'shopping center. All four perimeter streets '-currently exist in partial stages of completion. The William Lyon Company is currently constructing the Highland Avenue street improvements and will be completing the unfinished items on Milliken Avenue per the conditions of approval for Tract 13279; however, these items- are also required to be completed for this project; This developer is .required to widen both Kenyon; Way, on the north side, and Woodruff Place, on the east side, while -sconstruc!Jng ' the existing pavement to modified collector street standards---and to provide right turn deceleration lanes for all project driveways,: III. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: - The applicant completed Part I of ihe' Initial Study, a con ucted a field investigation and completed Part II of the Intial Study. No adverse impacts upon the environment are anticipated as a result of this project. Therefore, issuance of Negative Declaration is appropriate. ` IV. CORRESPONDENCE: ?Notices of Puhlic Hearing have been sent to surrounding property owners and placed in the Daily Report Newspaper. Posting at the site has also been completed: V. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that thz Plannli15,'C6mmission consider all input`an7c 'elements of the Tentative Parcel Mrp 12263 If after,-,ach consideration, the Commission canrecommend ap roval, then the adoption of the attached Resolution o.,md issuance,.of a./negative Declaration would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Barrye=z. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH•BAM:dlw Attachments: Vicinity Map !Exhibit "A") Tentative Map (Exhibit "B") Res R lesoutionmmen n ged Conditions of'ApProval FA�{�tUT U ri' aye. f ' E DIMON 1� of { f� �..a=�.�� �F M Vim/-� 1 V���!l�.�ry A..�.fi.•'v��:- '- �� 140 40 ` BMW, % ff e Aft CITY OF @ PARML MRP ! i I' h RESOLUTION;NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMriISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY APPROVING EL TENTATIVE PARC MAP NUMBER, 12265 LOCATED AT ' THE: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHLAND AVENUE AND MILLIKEN AVENUE, AND MAKxM FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF APN 227-011-2? WHEREAS, .,Tentative Parcel Map Number 12263, submitted by Hughes Investments, applicant, foK,.the`purpose- of subdividing into 11 parcels, the real property situated, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Bounty of San Bernardino, State of Calff-Mrniao identified is APN(s) 227-011-22, located at the southeast corner of Highland Avenue,.and.Mil,liken Avenue-, U WHEREAS, on N,ove*tr 29 1989, the Planning Comission held p duly advertised public hearing f, & the'4bove-described map. NOW, THERI'FORE, 'rdE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMHISS,tON RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION It That the following findings have been made: 1. That the map is consistent with the General Plan. 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan. „ 3 3. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed development. 4. That the proposed subdivision and improvements'will not caise substantial environmental damage, publir. health problems or have adverse affects on abutting property. SEGTLON 2: This Commission finds and certifies .that the project has been -reviewed, nd considered in `_660.1-lance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues- a Negative' - Declaration. SECTION 3: That 'tentative Parr-el Map No. 12263 is hereby approved subject tot ffe—attached Standard Conditions and the folic:�Jng Special Conditions: Special Conditions 1. The common boundary ;between the site and the future 'Route 30 Freeway shall continue along Milliken Avenue a minimum of 75 feet, to the sattsfaction ,of Caltrans. /f.h PLANN.IN9 COMM14SION RESOLUT164 NO TEtii PARCEL MAP 12263 w }UGHES INVESTMENTS NOVEMBER 29, I989 PAGE'2 MW Highland Avenue street improvements s;rall ,be completed from Beer Greek Channel to the eastern limit of Trzzt No. 13440 prior to release of ry r. occupancy. 3. The approved street improyA•men�,ans for�'�oodruff.Place and Kenyon Way j shall be revised. tq t1'f satis€action of 'the City Engineer and .both streets shall be reconst,lucted as follows: . a a. The cross-sectional "T.1.11 shall be 6;10 for a collector street and i ' frontage road, b. Kenyon Way shall be widened 4 feet on' the north side and a right turn deceleration lan-4 shall be provided foi the driveway,; 11 feet wide and 230 feet "tong, c. Woodruff Place shall be widened 4 `feet on`tree east side, Aright Turn lane shall be provided for the driveway on the west side, 21 feet wide and 230' Feet long. 4. The approved street ,improvement plans for Milliken Avenue shall be revised to include-i right turn deceleration ?ane for the prodect driveway, 11 feet wide and ;230 feet long: , S. Limited Use Areas shall be designatei.�on t,ie Ldrdscape Plans within the nines of sight for all project driveways. Walls' and landscaping within those areas shall be to-the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, 6, Landscaping of the parkways and median mn Milliken Avenue shall conform to the results of the Milliken Avenue parkway and Medttap Beautificatidrt study. ; 7. Milliken Avenue street improvements shall be coopleted from Base Line Road to Highland Avenue, including the' ., traffic signal at Highland/Milliken, prior to occupancy. 8. RiRht-of•way shall be preserved for a future north bound right turn lane to the future east bound freeway oo-earp to`theasatisfactiom-'-&- the City Engineer. The right turn lane shall'not be consttucted'at this tick- 9. The right-of°-way line for all right turn lanes shall be 7 feet behind and parallel to the curb face 10. The Milliken Avenue driveway shall be SOi wide aW a smooth transition y shall J"A provided to the main on-,site east west drive aisle ,to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, Q ;u PLANNING Ci1MMISSION RESOLUTION MT. PARCEL._14AP=1'22,63 -,HUGHES INVESTMENTS t NOVEMBER 29,,1989 ?P PAGE 3, It 4?- APPROVER AND ADOPTED THIS 29TN GAY-OF N0EMBER --'jM PLANNING COMISSIONOF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. ;Mchreel Chairman ATTEST: Brad Bu er, ecretary ., 1, Brad Bulieej Secretary of toe Planning commission of the City ofa Rancha Cucamonga, do', hereby °'certify,#that the for.�oitx3 Resolution was duly, arid' regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by,the•. Planning 6mmission of-the City,of--Rancho ,Cucarrorga; at a regulaf Meeting of the Planning Commission geld on the 29th day'of Nubember, 1989, by ie following_Vote-to-vr t; AYES: C(NIMISSIONERS: S, I NOES: COMMISSIONERS: v, ABSENT: COMISSIONERS 4 - lit yr � rQ "ter" a$c O e •`•^ '"` IL CY 1 ■■ C ayy tea' O LL u �l +^YCL � LpCpd �■p■. A ♦v L y(a¢jf )..B+i'r Si,Y '+jnq w@ xAp �,6 YL Yf L �yy g m .4i •MY M�V r1�� LZ qpyNN R M • x i� _ 0 � A Ask ly fir e z its L $ Y 3.2 S tqv a —%a aS D! p1 a s H *9 1�tl V ii8IN VyM.,q� q ■@ i y ' i .i y y .Y E� i y1ZN wrg c � :7 a s S _ Zip sU OILCY —• 8e� G A NZ f O c Uzi I ROE SU 2v Ns c yy iY� I YMV -2.9 TVs ` CVC ow Y d st L vlit 75 a :•Y, M y �.�. y� n ¢g •. }� Q' Y �ffi' M aid 'p� tiL ^'Sc e� _ It rx _ Yu W4 S- ���. � uE g Y E . E t_g� i S , 3 CITY OF RANCHO CJCAMONGA STAFF DEPORT f DATE: November 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Memaers of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner^; BY: Brett Horner, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 89-03` - e development-ofan integrated s,opp ng center °consisting of,11 buiidivigs 'totaling 121s252 square feet on 12.9 acres of land in the Neighborhood Commercial District of the Victoria-community Plan, "boat d at the southeast corner of Highland--_'md Mill.iken Avenues - APN: 227-011-22. I. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Action Requested: Approval of a neighborhood shopping center; detailet siteplan, grading plan,`elevatiors,_and issuance of a. Negative Declaration, B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoninp North; - Vacant; Future Foothill Freeway South - Vacant; Medium.Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)' East .- Vacant; Medium Density Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) West - Vacant; Lo,."odium Density'Residential (4-8 duelling uni'.;s per acre) C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial North - Freeway right-of-way and Lour Dersity>Residential South - Medium Density Residential East - Medium Density Residential West - Low-Medium Density Residential r, ITEM F 1 r4 ) PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT" RE: CUP 89-08 -`HUSHES INVESTMENTS November 29, ;1989 Page 2 Ali J. Parking Calculations: Number of Number of Type Square Parking Spaces Spaces- of Use Footage Ratio Required Provided Gas Station 2A66 3 plus. 7 7 2 per service bay Retail 114,727 1/250 459 469 Restaurant* 6,525 1/100 65 65' TOTAL 331 531 x Parking has be-n provided to allow for the establishment of 6,525 square fe,.t of restaurant or food uses.' E. Site Characteristics: The site is vacant with large size s ru s and remnan s of grape vines left from a former vineyard and slopes 4% from north to south. II. ANALYSIS J A. -General: The applicant propos3;s the development of an er son's grocery store, a Sav-on drug store, and related shops both adjacent tc the major tenants and on five freestanding building pads. Only one of the five buildings has not been submitted for design review approval. Building 9, just south of the entry drive off of Milliken Avenue, will be submitted for aNY;rykl at a letter date. The applicant has indicated that this may be designed for a restaurant user. A Mobii gas-station' is also proposed at`the northwest corner of the center. The site plan has been co�iceptually designed, but the architecture and final site plan design will be approved later through processing of a Conditional Use Permit. B. Parking: This project is required to provide 531' parking spaces, which includes u,525 square feet of restaurant space. The proposed site plan indicates that this requirement is being met (a revised plan with 531 >spaces will be presented at tonight's meeting). In light of the Planning Commission's recent discussions concerning parking within shopping'centers, it should be noted that this project has been designed to meet ttr the minimum code requirements - no more and no less. The r' project makes no provision for barber shops, beauty salons, optometrists, dentists or Other medical offices which require a higher ratio of parking than retail. These uses would traditionally be found within a neighborhood shopping certer. i J 1 PLA''NING COMMISSION'f<TAFF REPORT RE: CUP 89-08 HUGHES INVESTMENTS ' November 29, 1989 Qage 3AOL C. Design Review Committee:' The Committee (Tolstoy, Chitiea, Coleman) asevlewe he E�roject on October r23, 1989 and recommended:approval of the project subject to the fgllowi'ng conditions:- - t. fie, tower element above the _Shops No. 5 was recommended for use if three openings (instead of the,two., were provided." Option-`A was not -_co+.;ended ,for use. 2. The tower element above Shops; No. 3 was also recommended for use. Option B was not. No."3' tower detail should be utilized' also on the 'pad buiidingsr_(I_ 2, 9 10, and 11). 3. A colored exposed aggregate concrete should be used. in conjunction witW the Life paver,proposed outside the shops.; The color should compliment the red clay typo paver. 4.: The signs depicted on the elevation will not: be, approved with the project. A separate Uniform Sign Program must be submitted for review and approval. 5. The Mobil gas station will be approved under a separate Conditional Use Permit application. 6. The special paver should be extended the full length of ;all the 'entry drives. Items 10 29 and 6 have been provided by the applicant in revised plans which are attached. Items 3, 4, and 5 have been made conditions of approval in the attached Resolution D. Environmental Assessment: Staff has ccmpleted the Environmental ec st and has determined that although the project may have adverse impacts, there will not be a significant effect -in this case 'because of mitigation measures. These measures take the"form .of conditions'" of approval or have been included in design. the ro ect's des p � _g The project's most significant effect relates to potential earthquake danger. The City's Special Study zone, which approximates the location of the Red Hill fault, crosses the site. As a' mitigatiidn measure, a geologic=,study was prepared to"' determine if any special measures should, be taken: No: er/Ydence of recent fault activity was found arit,.theref©re, no" specific design modifications were �`ko►amended. i PLANNING Co ; �. aoveab U*9`81SS HUM STAFF REp gF 4 er 19 g9 IS I;iV fSENTs I jr. FACTS FOR an an FINDINGS efficient c'or a ; This re a pr0posan I sa fe onoun ity Plan o e is �. Vicnendeded use, It behicular . The consist, DeVe10 is CO�unnditions lding des- Pedestria°sed Fro With the mea Ament unit F1 of a sign site n tray fic ect i�acii fneral sures� irillonot a me d a lA4Ap1,c are nla�o together addita nes IV, CpRRESp ownersNDENCE; Public cause si t. 9nificant with he visions$of with 'the advdv se prop;.e the C� , V. ertised inn7h ofeet of ng not er environrren mitigate s REC END Daily Re the, sub ices a tat imPacton a)Prove ATIDN; ort hey�spaper,srte; sent to all Dt:laration t"icn On 7taff rec Ti'e item Property Res fort Use °mrrrends has been A Ily s he Profeet,Permit 8ghat the P tied, D8 any+,Planning Co. A Br issue d Negat7ssion City e annex BB;BH.ko Attachments; EkhIbEXh ib j t ,'A" Exhttj h el -Detai7en it Exhibit to Do' ' C0 cePtual it Plan Exhibit 11ire# E1on a�tua7 g a ir�aAe Plan Resolution Profec I S g Plan Of Approval with St-3.ils :rd Conditions cl fr F iF rt �� ~}� G i ,r t, 4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT RE: .CUP.89-OS - HUMS INVESTMENTS November 291'1989 Page 4 Ili. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: This project is consistent with the Generajj. an an c oria ommunity plan. The proposed project factilitate. efficient and safe vehicular 'and pedestrian traffic. I'vadditi6n the proposed use, building design, site plait, together'with the recommended conditions of approTial ; are in :compliance :with, the. _ Victoria Community Plan and all applicable -provisions of the City's Development Code. The project, .with .the proposed mitigation measures, will not cause significant.adverse enVironmental impacts. IV. CORRESPONDENCE: PubliF�hearing notices• were sent to all property owners within' OO' feet 'bf the subject site. The item has been advertised in The .Daily Report.newspaper'. , V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends ''that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit 89-08 and- issue a 'Negative Declaration for thQ project. �•y.. Resp lly;s t}ed, \4 `4 1 Br e City P anner BB•BN:ko Aftkhments: Exhibit "A!' - Location titan: Exhibit "B" - Detailed Site Plan Exhibit "C" `r Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit "D" = Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit ",E" Elevations Exhibit Project'tiesign .Details Resolution of Approval with Standard Conditlons Original poor Quality ?'RC�1 w`. Nv. aglziM znat'.irarsr r/ yr .'� d 7�1'. .r VACANT z ' —A— .�iCEt u- _:_ - 4 -- ar� dAP No. c I aR c�rr VACANT W.VT -• 1 YACANT 50.'Sf Aw+K � VIGtiT dM117 AlK,LId VACANT F7j y.� )F!it GNtGA, ti Ufi 69 00 . �ON TMLM G ocATto0 M/9F? N MMEXH 14r SCAM VIW- Y; RESUMr Si1£AtifR (17-77ACREs}566at;4SF Original Poo ��utlLj/ i Si t4=STAUN f-A#CM =41'Sk - _J rru ���5„} r�^;>� •rm It `: 9MrrRxC SEtISEJt PMCEL aIV=SF. y O��NO M[A ,}fr r �Inn 1A4WF �,`+ C�41! �� lOMal �TCMp�k fiMiY4M�lIf )�AMYL rM,MYfIM1WYItt.. , Iti ... !lr/YW441W 3b bp[ C"WK,MyYprY yt •d1Ya(f.7[4JMY.?� WkYU1M l� f�M4bMY draw wnYeeAwI rra ra arr —. -HtCHt,ltb AVENUE ,..., � j(1 1. ate" ,�� +rtAriY Wliifilf l/ifti(ti(li t( �� $ , T r , tif. i t �!1 l wnwYeY wr E "a-.a.,nr # ! t t .f + c e ' t ,iI a +1. t j .a ` �•��� YY:4 '3 ^wZC Y� F.C., '1'�� F�� f�• i' ���v��� ,�' 4,JQg0 f-' D!1 'At A�LwtY, `v !3 k •- �3 � ♦.�.�"� _ i �tr,;,4-�af►Z>�it i�.`yp0�y►�to i_.- -�.1�4♦♦�i.rq, a p ++�-�� wry r o,. �i�`e:��i mar� i >t A• `�� \'1,>!i rA" .sa�rC11 � Y .u• .,, 4+,..x•. �it�' ®� � 'IFn9ri C , igYoits.•ti iry r / � .,7 1'reT� 1,�,,. �„�,yJ 'I � ¢ !� r.- � ,. tgL,�""�'b�.. r���L� � .Ta:,� kaki iP 1, ,l �;� •r.;��}. n �. ).Sl_.. lt.e. , • �, 7f 0 >wi Q Q Wit' , r • .x yx of s -- J � a . a:s =�t�tf« .y,: , i 11ysa'ykis 0 0 ,r. �isy - a■itsii�ht`' }rirt '���lF� �it�®�M■ft s"'' Ms ii'L 1.•. -.`<i a-:,1• .!•,'. ..+ r.�.l�'4' pi .�••:; rr 4YIl: lY is Y._ If L 1 _ aaeat 4 ' wwn ' mod• ..,.w....wwsn �-eaa.a AL �� dLPli _'.rr tM`(M { 4 Egy'TJ'� Mont � �-O�nwwm+w �ca�-: aswnrws gp[Smss F1CV V KEY Ar��mameas.�y as 0.e.aras..neroaa.wr�o , I SION M � r4 O�par�.{Q��gO Q�CAL& +. CI WEST ELEVATION EAS?.UVATIOt{... - r 0ti1D8iG 1 f/ HOATH ELEVATION I&IM ELEV/iTION: POOH P.AP� Wq DW 1 ELEVAT9= y a ' f r r daegsrrnu: iwwa� r i ., t{OFItPIEdtYATfC{. ;somELEVAI"M* RAGA W:f` p CAA.DM 11 ELEVAMNS— ell IX ? e g g k c7p Tff L . J.. J _ .fir+ r�i►�■n+�M 1� ffiY11lA �RRIC1» a�sniomea� :fu=aw _ �'Q antra nar '+Y � aces caua uan tnceo atao rewpa coaiat,�a; POM ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION ao�e STRU Lim EAST ELEVATKM WEST ELEVATiAtV Cl2'`l GF UjgCffo-CUCAMONGA I. C=11?f39-d6 PLANNING TIMSION, �.�. TlTI,E: j'j ��i6i1ED6•i ��+ �+rL9ir8'ii �!!� f 1 PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW 4fuCtpS Stucco tLl4. � II e .y .�, sTLCC0 TDA1r CECGMtIY[ME%1CNI TICE'j CABS: `AlVWW40t/�9: STOREFRONT ELEVATION A. STOAEFSO4T ELEVATION 8 - PLAN VIEW PLAN VIEW stuccoAsk 87000A. T i StUCCO iFMiY' DECFMtrvE 4GaGFN It£ 04ts^+. STOREFRONT ELSVAMN C.. STOREFAONT ELEVATION D '[a1kAWL7K� III onmrwom '. JU.EERTSCF25 SOM 67"ATCN UUMMMAL MY GA Me 0 /P . Original Poor Quality ffI •• &iS 1.7 sECTON THROUG,SHOPS-5 ASEC710N TH�1Gfi MARKET _ TF�� f tgi-P W C.Ra�SECTION�TrFtWNI SHOPS 7 D.CANOPYSECTKWTKxxjGiDAIYi E.CANOPY 5£CTIOU VAOl7GF{DFUG F. SECTPON'THROUGH MMKe,' i I k Y�Q OFx C� e MIT.- / -.i. SCAB: I. � Original Poor Quality PtiANTM WALL AT FLAS EMR _;' .:f�� 3:A-fix'. 3x" '�+ � •• a r ,2 #y( RECYCLING CENTER ELEVATION RETAR 4ING WALL ELEVATION AM 'l 71 TYR TRASH ENCLOSURE'ELEVATION T.,P•GOIU 44 OETAL. ;I -v4 an o ONE GA G�' Tit fcnUlm# 06sMAS' -3 : Ott la pool OCjg1Y1: L { C'C SECTIOi TIAOUCH SE1MCE STA.}* 1.- . - + . A•A SECTION THROUGH SAV-0N VYW 1 y�.'1 i. war. ..wr 1 •.....n.1� 4• . ...� A•A SECTION THROUGH SAV•0N LNGA ��..IwnDea i et.oa) I6 auW t Yrawf L 6 0 SECTION TTAOLIC H ALOENTSOl9 UAWIT 4..j 0-0 SECTION TNA0"A SE0TSONS-MET. LewWM 1106t0.m 0 IOC , ExHism scA nolne, JI Origin-;':Moor Quality �,- vo., Rp A,',LGF ,� 5 C 'TA ARCH.1TECT 4'R,8 AND PLANN:NC; f ♦r/� p��y Wi� yf [`�/��i cm Ov �f �� t f-" '�".r ����.'i:����_r llkd 4e" �''/P'tN'. g•�;•�? ONGA �3✓.. J �� S - @pq{��. �'�- SCALD AQ e, a� +'v4a i A #b t M1 r�i�� 'tit A ��•:�tym ti�.C� Ei e`er•" `�!�"��''�"�"'`'4°°f" ,.L. �t�� �.s -���l�lr � vs� v o .a i11t`tL � ti •'+i.•!�a!/[;�ut'a��/�15r�t���Oeilti��lrll�A,��/a!!f S`� y.: x Awe, 4. \ � r • RESOLUTION NO. :r A. RESOLUTION OF TME. RANCHO CUCAMONBA PLANNING COWI�'SION APPROVING CONDITIONAL .USE PERMIT NO. 89-C8 FOR THE. DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED SHDPPING CENTER CONSISTINFil'. OF 11 BUILDINGS TOTALING 121,2-62 SQUARE FEET ON 12,,y1 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER+,OF AIGHLAND ; AVENUE ANY MILLIKEN AVENUE WITHIN THE VIC'iORIA COMMUNITY PLAN IN THE NEIGH'SORHOOD C"ERCIAL DISTRICT '- AP.N; ;2,27 011-22, AND MAk i9G FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF I A. Recitals. (i) Hughas Investments has filed an ,replication `for the issuance of ,he Conditional Ilse Permit No. 89-08 as descy�bed in #e title of(.this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the sub�ecx 1'r_or;'ional use I Perinit request is referred to as "the application". ! (ii) On the 29th of November} 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on„_x'he application and concluders sa;d hearing on that date. (iii) All legal prerequjsites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.' B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE,. it is `hereby founds determined and resytved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancna Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts i set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resalution=wore rue and correct. F 2. ;lased upon:substantial evidence presentfIW-to this-�r_emission _ during the above-referenced public hearing. e! No---''er 29, 1989j, in0udirg written and 'at-al staff reports, together with Iublic }z3timom", this Wmnission hereby spealfically finds as follows: (a) The application anpi'ies to�'property located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue amid"highland Aviinue with a Milliken Avenue street frontaosb of t619 feet and lot depth of 1.1,020 feet' anal is presently improved with curb, gutter. -* d sidewalk; and (b) The P,' operty to trite north of the subject site is the future Foothill Freeway ris,:it-of-way, 'ct ei property, to the south-,af that site consists of va ant;property zoned for W61um Deti0ty Pesidential, the property to the east is vacant property zoned for ►4edium AenSity Res;identlat, and.,.the property to the west is vacant property zoned Y,)r single family .homes. fi PLANNING COMMISSION"R.ESOLUTION NC.., RE: CUP 89-08- IiO ES INVESIMENTS November 29,, 109 Page 2 3. ' ,Based upon,ithe substantial evidence presented to-phis Comniss on durirr� ttie a:;ove=refereic4,!.oubiic hearing and upon the specific findings, of facts set firth l paragraphs:;.and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds.'and contludes, as follows: (a) The' tare proposed use-is•,in;accord with tre Generai Plan, the obl5ectives of fife Development Code and,l'iGtoria Community Plan, and the purpose:' of the district in which the site is located; acd (b) That the propose use, together with the conditions j applicable thereto, will nd, be detrimental to"the public health, safe+:y, or welfare, or maternally injurious to properties or�- improvements in the vicinity; and (c) That the proposed use coaplies with each F the applicable provisions of the Development Code and,the.Victoria Community Plans. . ' 4. This Commission,hereby finds anI certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in oampliance.!,jIth the California EnvireAnental Qual.ty Act of 1970 and, further, =this CCcr%dis ion hereby issues a Negative Declaration, 1 5. Based upon the findings and conclus..ons set forth in paragraphs ~j 1, 2, 3, anC, 4 above, this Commission. hereby approves the application`subject t' to ea^h and every ,condition set forth below_ and in the attached. Standard Conditions, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference., Planning Divisi"cn, 1) A colored exi-nod agaregate concrete shall be y provided to,_.dmplimE.1t, the red clay 'paver approved for use %aside the storefronts. The City Planner shalt review and- appruve.the. fiina? design. l 2) A separate Conditional Use Permit application shall be, submitted for revi'ey and -approval, of the proposed service station, 3) A separate. Development/Design Revivj or j Conditional Use Permit sail be submitted for 1 review % nd approval of any propaae =5uilding ")n Parcel'9. j _> 4) The ,final detailed,_ landscape irrigation, �lan shall be subject to City P1 finer review rni approval i. priarti `to Issuance bf buildi[� per s. � wit � � PLANK MG.,COMMV5SION RESOLUTION NO. RE: CUP 89:-1)8 _'HWHES.IN$ S7MENT5 Noverrber 29, 1.989 Page;3 5`} Ruthentic river rock fterials i shall be 1) utilized for this entire project,,-'A 4-foot by t 8-1`00t test section shal i be completed for' inspection and, proval by the Planning, Oivis.lan prior to '�,tstallatibh, �) A +,unifarm ha►dscape an(-""street furnatu.re. tr fitment, including trash receptacles, free. standing, potted plants, bike racks, l`ignt- 4011ards, benches, etc., shall be'utilized fot_ the shopping center and 'shall be designed to be compatible, with the are:hitecturai style. Detailed designs shall be submitted for Planning Division review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. i.. 7) 'the lease agreement for al.l` tenants shall have I a clause IM icatiN the site is within the City"s aovptef Red Hill Fault Special :Study Zone.- The language for such clause shall—be suvdect to City 01.anner review and,approval. A copy of the 'lease agreement with the above clause shall be filed with the City prior to issuance of building permits 8) the site shall, be develouerr 014 maintained in accordance with the,approv��`sitev p a�ich Include's architectural _j,,javatiVgs, exterior materials and colors, ' landscaping, sign program, and grading on �";'ie the Planning Oivision, the Conditions c4lita,ined hemir, and Development Code regulati'D��. Ttg.e maintenance ` criteria shall be developed and submitted for ' review ,%j4 approval by the City Planner for the project to encourage the natu'ra1 growth "characteristics of the selected tree species. 9j A Uniform,Sign Program for the shopping tenter, Including'-the major tenants for Bulb-.ing A and A, shall be designed to be compatfbTe with the' -, architectural style. Variocion of sign color shall be minimal. The site of the Sign copy shall be visually balanced and proportionte to the building and the arch itectura'style.' The Uniform Sign Program shall be ;reviewed: and approved by 'the Oesign .Revew Committee prior to issuance of"building permits. 6 PLANNING COMMISSION:REA-GLI 10 NO,: RE: CUP 89 08 M HUGHES INVES1MENTS Noveoiber 29, 1989: page 4 1 S 10) �GraffIt= shall be removed within 72 hou.rs. 11) The entire s 'e shall be kept free of trash and debris at a%d times, and in no .event shall trash and debris remain for more.;-han t�tnty� four (2.4) hours. � 12) The.-fpplicanft' shall resolve aq Building" oaa comneliance difficulties (with constructic� of %anopie" DrO&ty lines in relation to walls and other 6p6ings, and roof tile installation to With severe minds) with the Building & Safety Department prior to issuanct.of building permits. 13) There shall be provision for the, following design features iiN. the trash-enclosure to the satisfaction of the fty Planner: ' a) Architecturally integrated into the, design of the shopping center. b) Separate pedestrian access .:that does, not require opening the main doors to include self-closing pedestrian door. c) Large enough to accommodate two trash;bins. d) ,Roll-up chars. e) Trash bins with counterweighted lids, f) Architecturally treated; overhead shade trellis; g) Chain link screen on top to prevent trash from blowing out of enclosure and designed to be hidden from view. 14) Trash collection shall occur between the'hairs of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 P.M. only. 15) 'Ali operations and businesses shall 'be conducted to comply with the following starxiards, which shall be incorporated into the ?ease agreement of all tenants: s • ti PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. RE: ''CUP $�08 - HUMES ZNVESVENTS �= November 29, 1989 <, Page 5 y a) Noise Levels. All commercial activities shall not create any noise ,that would exceed;,an"'exterior noise. level of 60dBA daring/r'thr�hcurt. of, 10:00 p.m. to 7-00ta.m. and 66d8A'during he hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m b) Loading and Unloading. No person shall. caase the loading, unloading, open i rig, closing, or other" handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or similar objects between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 unless otherwise specified herein, in . a, manner, which would caise' a noise disturb arc'e to a residential area. 16) Lot A (the future ;freeway on-ramp) at. the northwest corner, of the site shall be landscaped to the satisfaction of the City Planner and City Engineer. ANIL 17) All future building rates shall be seeded and irrigated 'for erosions btroli. ' Detailed;plan shal l - be included 1? the landscape, and irrigation plans to be submitted for Planning Division approval prior to"issuance of building permits. 18) All future pro3ects within :the shopping center sha11 . be designed to be compatible and ^_onsistent with the architectural program established. 19) Any outdoor vending machines iha11-be recessed into building; faces. and shall not extend out into the pedestrian walkways'. The, design details shai l be reviewed and approved by Oie City Planner. 20) Special paving shall. be used'`in the entire crosswalk west of Sho s 7. 21) i%arking.lots-shall be screenedfrom public view along perimeter streets with a combination of berming; and continuous screen hedges. 22) Provide trees in planters along front of 'Shops. 5. 6 PLANNING Ca4MISSIO'N AESOLUTIONAO � RE: CUP 89-.98 - HWHES INVE MENTS November P9,1;1909 Page T 7 f 23) Provfid, %taro pairs of trees in front of .Sav=On. 24) The I',t"lloai"•',ng trees steal l be at least 36-iMh ' box, fiz_e:' a} In front of Albertsons and Sav-On. b) 'Entry N;cont trees. c) Plaza trees at intersection of Milliken and Kenyon Way.- . j Eng ineerinewmis ion 4� 11 The corterwn baurdary between, the site and the ,. future ,Route' 30 Freeway shal l continue along- ken Avenue:a tni`nimum of 75 feet, to the satisfaction of (a1Trans. ti 4 2) Hiahl'and Avenue street improvements shall rtie calrplete from Oeer Creek Channel to'the eastern 10�it of Tract No,, 13440 prior to, rI of oe upancy. , 3) 'The ap'�.;cved street • improvents? plans for :a !ood`ruff me Place and. Kenyon Way shal!�=be revised t to "tile satisfaction'of the City j�ng cheer and both streets shall be rzconstruci66 as follows: a) The'cross-sectional "T.1" shall.•be 6.0 for , a col lector street and frontage road. b) Kenyon Way shall be widened a'feet on the north side and . a, right-turn d�Celeration lane shall be provided f6r-the driveway; 11 ' feet wide and 2 `9G't long. c) Woodruff Puce shall bQ,Widened 4 fe/eti;on the'east side. .r1 right-turn tape shall be provided for the driveway on the west :si&e, 11 fd�t-,wide and 230 feet,long:. 4) The approved street improvem-ant plans for Milliken Avenue shall be revised to include a " right-turn deceleration lane for- the project dri;i�,ay, 11 feet wide and 230 feet; long 4 PLANNING'COMkSSION"RESOLUTION NQ, RE: GUP 89-b8 HUGHES INVESTMENTS November 29, 1989 Page '7 x 5) ,Limited Use Areas shall be .designated on the landscape plains within the Wines o.f, sight for all."pro�3ect dr.Iveways. Wallis and landscaping w. within those aieas shall be to the satisfaction of thi. City 'raffle-Engineer; " 6), taM'caping of,' the ;parkways and medan on �iken Avenue shall conform to the results of t',fe Mil liken Avenue. Parkway and Mad ian - Beau ti f c.atioh Study. 7) Milliken AY.enue''street iinpr.,z%ments shall be complete from Base Line Road to Highland , Avenue,r including- t� traFfic signals at Highland/Millik n pria'r to occupanq. 8) Kjght-o.f-way shall be preserved for a future northbound right-turn' lane to the future " ,. eastbound; freeway on-ram to.,the satisfaction of the City•-Elgineer. The right-turn. lane Shall not h� cosx'Stru,,gted at this time.. 9) The right-of-way line for all right-turn ?apes shall'be 7 feet behind and pzral'{el to the curb f ace. 10) The Milliken Avenue driveway "shall. be 50 feet wide"ari a smooth transition "ihalI be provided to .the'�pain on-site >east/wesi� drive aisle, to the satisfaction of the City; t�,affic Engineer. 6. . 'The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolu'ttan, APPROVED AND POOPTED THIS 29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1989.` PLANNING COMMISSION OF 1HE CITY OF RANCHO CdCAMONGA BY Larry T. McNiel, airman) ATTEST• Brad, Buller, 3ecretary PLANNING CWtUSSION RESULt17I0N NO. RE: CUP 89-08 . HLIGHES INVESTMENTS Noverber, 29, 1989 Page g ; I, Brach Buller, Secretary of.the Planning COnission of the City off. Rancho Cucamonga, do herepy.-:certify that 'then foregoing, �Re'solution `was .djly `and regularly introduced, passed,. and adopted by the• Planning Commission,bf the City or Ranch?=Cucame�.#a,.-at a-re%Oarmee}zng_o€ the .�lann9.tg, Conrrtr35sion held - ., ,Y on the 29th day of November, 1989, by the,follOwing Mote ta4,,4f AYES: COMMISSIONERS: { NOES:, COMMISSIONERS: - is ABSENT: COl9`IISSIOhERS:.' „ F l t. sN �AL.y��r YT+.'�.. Orpypgq�a wtl Qq ,j oy0 yY�Y'rd N.! 6-C•• 0 tl 4 1YY• `gytpp d = t9N".. NCY �L 6yyAp 4Y Gm `.. aybl.. v9y~9' C� ffi�". WENL L�,. 14 C4N 'C•' �iL x �K Y+L9GV 0�. 6 w,'Y Apr^� iAY `L 6NA U.1 •Y FF`�.R".". �� J Y gg q gg- �.4' dr api u LQ vr` oQ -pp+_arc ZI : � 5Y wYC GV'Y HT.pgy{nq yS i�� p46�9 O Sy 03 oy'M Lgc:p9 urr ® C v Y+.q i�w®.� ca V W es✓ .i^9r FFpp o_6idD V,V O• CC.q�C'Co >a� Ye0 r. )V $�i4y �gq�VF o ..!4� � `C b�6~6 H LLw. Y�M•�•� M«u: YIIIN OC.Ii YWpc CNN Y > C06 CUO.O µG ep�/ ® N C Rajp�w0 �.-My rN, pµ d f• W M' L q.V�� i �L49�s•.qA��y��D� �O.�YGN 4N� OC NtlM NQw 9T N^�N I�w 'o.:CYN �V iNa tg Yy:3 VG IT A �y (�p�y Cq Y N ,W" N^ ^ pps c�w q �aN� q®43L c8�w��� we"e� NWv oho«o,u a'e8' Sr` 4$�w o `�uova YOI�yrCo'w� «ti�oC C wa r. 'aNew E' N'CNr®u-N Y 6 NNE Us Ejt!li ZM;�r ., O a. a CA Q a � W :e o o `tea fail, a P - � jN X i� I Woos "fQI-!.V�~4� NC �tv.u0 xa 5�y,.�� OA+: �•/ Qy:!9... C.:�I sw��p�tt 61Y p�O L+� 'f d C g'"N'Np O tl yA� Oz$f nz YDAY «C '�cD,.l3 q y�F3 1 C 4 9 <e•..` 'C1 a w M1g" Sc � uFLr4N. Z ;. MCQ��Q<u� 4 +vw u NSGQ6°.a�$��*,;51�'t •tl,,roc.y yMw x�.�c .t`� n3�^ `ppa R.y CC� TOw,tlN ,pV.�7'�tl'tt�_. �sNC�� L�q^'44"b �.�" :F �tl�,C Sk y„.� •1/}�� 315 'iyt• .Ym.00.Qwet ybLCCfL.�U...BQ.G M�Mtl"A�1 R��4G�}V�L N�QLtl N Ma Md.R644 ~:._..A6�A.N$5ug�+1 y az GpN � M _ *_ 91 T -T4 Uf O4?bIitt " ,. CY 6R yG,K +4 •.\V .xyxy og c" a,Lu i.w ate•T QC•GS.G K. �Cn"L 1� : QQ�+��yfY{ Y.�rM`rA �tlA .. =�y�y="� .volv qyTp tl.+, a qYG..� y L g" qq .xYylin M Ry v� zv Vi'a�i� �:aal'�b"r^�a '6Q«'C�a° ;N#T+"`�. _ m�;��y��.T .._q•'�'v+`3 y^ ` q '+� 4-� �r J2W y�C tl4iJ N Vy L.pO •f. Q.rNy,'^ar q� y iN 1yt�]t R4 Lr L Cu H1pq. LOtat/YYp�Y qN M ft]y�f..y g Cfi yN.{tl�{$�[ VVV.ppL, i !A �3�iw1r 114P a4�g4gp qf1 E10�i 4 y{}y 4��++qqs q4g xAAH 614 f}fLpWL{S' y�(� tlwM4J.Y YT! 4LA L .. Mg�OV.a u 1 Vtl Owp "�' tlw '� ^ 436{Y�A,yp�Ns r. 1rLaC 4 1.. 4n 4iC N rMPN1. C. �p 6$ psa rlo ,5D l Q^.t" IIxl� CyLqgLfd e"ga.• Co It V b4 ps ayp��d JQ S« P EI A 'q T*S g� b 12 Y�3: � yy L ^y� MM «yy iy NX Ks to I s � M aA siAM 14A it's b. ro gyp ' 4LwT E w'in 1 '.�'.. r. a'eE '... CP 0 `t. �[�`�{+,`.�'� a�...o io .L�o .$ �� �_ `p�a&.Y.«v�•�aNi e�'.�$ r$_�Y g �.r. Lam �N �' ^e :&• �r� aw�o-�$q�.tl; Ste G bO.'. '�t O Yc » w Y6 L wGQ .i •.�f oaf «� u.'r.Lfr w::.ryy cY.«.'.0.. qe 32- 01 G Gy Y�•O GN C�1 O ■ A aC•i� 4r x 5vti Y Y« gp u'^y� YNN$$8' AoE--2 . LAJMer•: py¢'j .,. Y �L 1••-�•Ypp� .�p�Cli CL,,.� u �NC •a�y-p�..��� CC ale �•pr. a O'Uy V �UN� � n• ^L; LLON �.�. +N= Jf}r� �.e9 pp N^NaO Y�j"� �q���..�. C� �M,Yp^y �J sruo uY - >N. :$Z r. 4+ r�..y b^N�+ w' s �+ v '•v c gyp!• V pe 'U qy C yy �i C q C .N.•^C LC Nf:' G�O C�C py t-0�;yaL.nYa. OUCA 6.4 dpC y, '� Sig : S Q q bb N p,�lYi N�y a pip 6i c�ctpp{ 6Q a« qqA CPoQe �[Q y O YM $fpj -.T^ 'NS 6`uuV.N LY C �q'•.wV ^0. �log L iT `�^ y�»Cmp~ pq�b ,,:goo Q. �{.y. \/- VV •i.1�� Ip� �fy YM u9p NLp�h�Y,bq�^Np.. � 1FFF�•O 4 Q�YC ��a y,'G a•U p^~� C�� C�.mil ^40 C 4 iO.1»L �"p~ ��C 19> .���Y N.' •� a d ^« �` As oiq NNpv�p.Lo e�y>.: (Yyq yC L^C��+ : Y Gay U ��7i ^L po b{{LS�O YC ^ [Sy _Cw�� Lt N 1�� V d•dgY tM{Ys Cam. NY�6q Nay�gtl1��..•Opp YIr y9y'.. �.CiIy4�f0. N C'NSM K'.Nr C 7N0 P .0 4N.4pi��P :gO(NimO Kdeg_m 1.1 X �• _ yd s r Cam. OI 9 V64 fu4 YY■nj$ o _ S« w (p mMa_i �mlcdS$ {aur6�p �•• LY:.r'2V 4,•C .« tt SL yy4 �W.:Ms Q. O c� �p,. ... �y44 O :� I• VQO •'y�wgp�'S py M�� NV y. Of• c e{:0 Yb s bid Za y u m Lam, LIq� ��.�: w �m.�Ift wN � w4 �$ t $emu ��'N_if*••m pw w V Far st'fdTL 11 +�«.` .� •, _ M sz ci w IL ill ra+� ix U 11 Q �U CyyC N a1 4 Y N 9 .'`71c�.11 n Qo .gin u'�N r Y s u.rg+� ot�.Y gg gRw `''eaa a�osj u'S �3}R � •: �a'u oa+4.sR 6 ...- •$61 =' �' CY$ cep LPwsll- «o:a O* 66 dig �^`" N. Y TC" 1y`~ QdC N JY� NeYlw O+MD LpG N rfrf UY UQCr n..e'9Y M��gCi1L��pp �O� tpFwVw&¢" tl •p"y�� y4� ~ �Wi ,` N !• �.QOM d���pp tYJ� A����« oYti A�rQ„« iZ.�UC1�"i" �Lqs..t yhypp �. UfI Nq �y�/1 f +3si t�Tli �int�DS ���B�9 @may• � � ��� AY�Cav N.a4g rdrL " 3. M «� 5�e ai��t14; el NTa $ ca IZ23 :I.. hi n hai m a- 3018 s ij go .- «g S`Y� ru Q IqR 'r r�� C aFa ti"2i.. �• � �b�.... Kos; S IBIS � i.. 0 uaxo X>cc .oaw ao a a A o �s8 � piaOtt s � o 79 .22 ca g ea.a: L� ,may Ng 8 ap.-.�n ��pp Yqq N NNj! .y1•y �y0-34co �w 5-3 NG q ca=rR S « 'y'� tl1^ Q^ ^ S 9 tl M 1®Q L' b Y 4D ra p cast ,gam �� � 0�5 �Sea� �� � "•`��� 3,g���' ����8 V USA d � �= '�� � �� � �►� s� � . A 12$ � ';� lilt «gyp Lpt _a f $Aa ®e W of f. qi N iq d: W b C G V $y dgz-.. ` L. .c. �.-j Lj �CCOY nC µYY'L��CS. Nan 1yy uc�. pa yN 3 Qai Cyl.y1� pQLL {C4C�ca �qq by_.. b�0 + 40 i..�.u`.1 a� $ Ygayu 5- v<�■d Mr: GQC N V� P".� �� O l�i�C NM ^� N L �... w Y'. c.�j fau :' v MY ♦. �4' �' '.LYE tly �.. :BE 73 m El S- « _�g o N '�Y�.. y(��u 3a @ap a. �s . .M$ `{a fl }Qp. tiny pM 4yr � yCQ. Y C .p Y p p t � C o> -^,�L M^V y�y��y�6ly{ny:� y l�L�G 'C-C,TT�.. ` M¢w. �gi `dMV� 4 m.,5 W. Nq V±^YO@ „f2 .aim I` �._ O y'NT OC u g uqo 'Y4 .2 p2igR �Yc sg � 5$ w�. mC$ <u v� '� w Asa 7� 't$ <0a', MS v a ,yes Oj -"(I M a 4-1 1*115 3 it. 4a N Pa" �M Ns a S9 J -+ b pp jS MA X fI< ijaffl 13 Y �1 a C L M _ gg � X� _ I lip, a �L� O 11 �il Y 3 !yJ L ry� yO. _ CCryy qy Us 4 i i a nyN �joq .2vits e Lam. « ® ja Its P Y �� Y� » t y. ls- $ sfj. . +YIM EN K u 3 a�y�.w� + 'r Mile dW#a dSV3 Mill - til OLLMiY.. rw Li N Y * r ll; --CITY O)~RANCHO CUCAMONGA li STAFF REPORT DATE: November 29, 1989 TO Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. 44nson,_Senior Civil Engineer. BY: Barbara Krail, Assistant Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL 'MAP 12848 - ar on Developmen ompany SubdiVision or. D.Po acres o land into 3 parcels in the General Industrial District, subarea 8'' of the Industrial. Specific Plan located on the south side of Arrow Route bet4 en :Utica and Red Oak Avenues (APN 209-1.42-62) 1. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTIONt A. Action Requested: Approval of the proposed Tentative Parcel trap as shown on Exhibit "B" B. Parcel Size: Parcel 1 2.50 acres Parcel 2 2.44 acres i Parcel 3 1.72 acres Total 157W acres C. Existing Zoning; General Industrial# subarea 3 of thy; Industrial Specific Plan. 0. Surrounding Land Use; North ,. Existing Industrial South - Existing Industrial East , Vacant West Vacant I ITEM G i '`- ll PLANNING COMMISSION''STAFF REPORT TENT PARCEL MAP, 1284B BAftTON DEV CO 2� NOVEMBER 29, I989 PAGE 2 , r E. Surrounding General Plan and Development Code Designations, North - Industrial Park, subarea 7 South - General industrial; subarea 8' Eat;t - General Industrial., subarea 8 " West -General Industrial, subarea 8 F. Site Characteristics:' I The site is':viz^ant and slopes gently from north to south. II, ANALYSIS: The purpose of this'Parcel Map is ito treat- 3 separate parcefs for future General Industr Al Development. A-conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit.."C") was provided to Insure-that the creation of the parcels would not.•preclude. rktonable future development of the, }i te, and to fix the access points, i,n particul ar,al on% Arrow Route. retailed s1te :plans confo;�ming`ta ,Cade rei'uircments')ail` be provided upon development of the iidividuai 0'7!::.21s. Public improvements for Arrow;' Route,` including utility undergrounding, are to be constructed along the entira frontage of the Parcel Map at the time of the development of avy+ of .the parcels. Utica Avenue` is to.be constructed upon the development of Parcel 1. Red Oak Avenue is existing, except for Parkway Improvements k�hich,will be constructed upon deveiS,pment of Parcel 3. III. ENVIRON14ENTAL REVIEW: 'The applicant co pleted Part I of:the Inhial u a con ucted a field inaestigation and'comp��9;ed Part II of the :initial :Study. No adverse impacts upon the environment ,are anticipated as a result. of this project.:--Therefore,- issuance o€ Negative 0eclaratinn is appropriate, IV. CORRESPONDENCE: Notices of Public Hearing have been sent to su,*rouncting prOerty owners --ind placed in the' Daily Report Wewspaper. Posting at the site has also been comvpleted.` 4 J. , PLANNIN0 COMOg SIOM STAFF,REPORT TINT PARCEL MAP 1"2848.� BARYON DEV CO Nimp"DER 29, 1989 PACE 3 V. RECOMMENDATION- It is .rec&mended that the Planning. Gommi`ss on consi er aTT input and;>>lements' of'the Tentative Parcel Map 12848. If aftr*x such consideration, 'the Commission can recommend-appOoval, then the adoption of the, attached Resolution .and issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate. J Respectfully,submitted, Barvye R.`Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BK:ly Attachments: Vicinity Map (Exhibit "A") Tentative,Map ,(Exhibit "B") 1 ; Master P1an. '(Exhibit "C") ` Resolution ar;:i,�� Recommended'tonditions of Approval ;r G —3 , AV . . ft{E 1NJ � b , '31- INas. CL .. . s w � 1 . � • i � I Q. UJ Ali } 2 ! it Jc r l Y .,�., f r { ( ;� •fir � 1 I:4,. ��- :� 1 [. gprp a, v � � I a E 41 , r Ln u M T r ►r1 N fV a r "RESOLUTION NO A RESOLUTION OF.THE ,PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF '~J 4ANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALI.kiORNIk,-"CONDITIONALLY APPROVING TENTATIVE PARGs,L;MAP NUMkR 12848, LOCATEG ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF)ARROW,';:A6i1TE-, .eENEEN UTICA .AND RID. OAK AVENUES, AND MAKI'MG FINDIt�:�S,IN SUPPORT THEREOF - (APN 209-142-62) WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map Number 12848, submitted by Barton Development Company, app?.,'rant, for the.purpose of subdi.yidi.pq into 3, parcels, the real property itu:'id in the City of Rancho Cucamonga,. County of san Bernardino, ,State of California, identified as APN(s) 209-142-62, located on the south side of Arrrw Route between Utica and.Red Oak Avenue,,;. and., WHEREAS, on November 29. 1989, the Planning'Commission held a duly advertised public hearing for the dtovN-described map, NOV., THEREFORE, THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RE'skm ,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the followino;#indings have been made: 1. That the map:is consistent with the General P14:-� ` 2. That the improvement of the proposed subdivision'. is consistent ,with the Gone,ral Plano 3. That the site is r.physically suitable , for' the proposed development. 4. That the proposed,subdivision and improvements will not cause. substantial environmental damage or;public health probleirs or have adverse affects on abutting .'property. -- . SECTION 2: This Commission finds and certifies that the project has be<,n rev ewi--c3 an�ic'considered in compliance with the California Epvironmental Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby issues a t4�,gat ve 04,0aration. SECTION 3: That.Tentative Parcel Map No. 12848 is hereby approved subjc-t to ,the attached Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions: 1. The existing: overhead Utilities (telecommunic'ation" and electrical) on. the project side of Arrow Route shall be undergrot,'ded..for the entire length'from the first pale an t�� west side of .Utica Avenue to PLANNING COMh12S$ION-RESOLUTION NO TENT PARCEL.14AP NO. 12848' BARTOh DEVELOPMENT Cp NOVEMBER 29,,1989 PAGE'2 f first;pole on the east side oVRed Oak .Avenue,prior. to publAc improvement acceptance or occupancy of.,agy parcel. The Aeveloper'may request a reimbursement agreement.to recover .one-half the City adopted'cost for underg;rouhding from future development/ redevelopment as it ocGur's on the opposite side of We 'street: - 2. Street Improvements a. Arrow. Route shall be constructed full length from Utica Avenue to fled Oak Ave nue;at the time of •the, ,development :of, any parcel: pavement transitions shall be'i .provided at the intersections to 'the-si�isfaction of the,City Engin4er. F, b, Utica Avenue shalt be co ructed full curb-to curb width from ng the exist portion to the south to Arrow Route at the time of development of Parcel 1. The developer may request a, reimbursement zgreeri trt to recover the cost. of the improvements west of ithe centerline from future development on the west side of the street. .. c. QPfsite parkway' improvement's may be deferred „ u nti V,develapineht, of the adjacent property`. 3.' The street improvement plans for Arrow Route shall be revised to 'Show two driveway locations as' '-` follows: _ -a. The .centerline of the first driveway shall be located_:346.75 feet .east of the centerline of Utica�C4etmue."- -,.. . b- The centerline- of the second driveway shall be located; 377.25 feet easterly of the centerline of the f0st driveway, 4. The developer shall pay all reimbursemnt fees per City Council'Resolution Rai. 85-328, executed by Daon 'corporation for Gon.struction-of Improvements on Arrow Route prior to final parcel map approval. 'I ca; PLANNING COMMISSION'S RESOWTION W. TENT PARCEL'MAP NO. LZ-�48 BARTON DEVELOPMENT CO NOVEMBER '29 1,989 -: \r PAGE -3 - r �JM1 APPROVED A. ADOPTED THIS,29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1989, 'PLANNING COWISSION OF THE`4C1TY'OF RANCAQ C A ' i BY Larry_,T._McKie_ ,,C_airman ATTEST: Brad Buller, ecretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the: Planning. Comnission; of the City ;of Rancho Cucamonga, 'do hereby certify' that the foregoing Resolution was° c4ly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the. Planning Gomniss.ion of the City;of Rancho Cucamonga= at a regular. rteeting of the Planning Co n ssion held on the 29th day of :November, 1989 by the follorng vote-to-tint: _ AYES': COMMISSIONE,tS: TA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: c ABSENT: COMMUSIONERS. )� li ^1 f 0 �C �••�• �Y M0 �$ tea, il�� .. -� _ . Y ic y+ y rx � Q gym' •e' 1�i� +r�� � �,�t;E�,$ '�e� '� _��+ � �a'"� �.: �� VE 40 it I ` yy•l� '1 ffi bb •� �oa .� � s _ S 9� s Ale :, 12 a w9ag ® � � • � �� �y � a o'� '� •o � w L�M S` '� �� o O pq pAp (Yp� C�� qy � q4� `w i �Sgl °v Y Y• — N A ' o Ile b A ',W ,M• r S.1 72Le m Opi o 60 =e ) Dv 7E c* s a u m m o f c pu 'n aft. :5 av u�Q a.a Q 4ZZ y G O e u G SC._.. a g M o 1 O i ZZ co MQ G y� 46 n g b l YOyp. pqy � W� �_ `Yu en. LOO L .m NG `0O VQOey 0�" Z. nNY OYIL. O _ rr �R > pYY p y u �S �p �pOp SCCY l� A •.. u.DY t.1 Nam. Ne QCCa YCey u1 � 'El Y Y^ d M O y Yy Owi ti..a Ya ee�� pjj O pCyp Q{Y ro =Y i�9 M� q� ti Y0V 4��9 4G�`•ae +_0 Y�M O�. 4 Y 9Lg. Y.Yt 1V 1►S: mg Lp 8 Y r Y Vpr uD a 0p�yp `'YJ T Sig V tY LY OIn Y1 [.OY 6 ay. FOb �D'>vY Ya�Zj,: a � c DYn N A/ f Mt N Iq A Rt I.1 GG G- Al CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA { STAFF REPORT DATE: November"29 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planneri r BY: Anna-Lisa Hernar;dez,, Planning Aide SUBJECT: ENTERTAVIMENT iP,6 TIT 89-02 POLO GROUNDS,R.A request to consider suspen4N on or revocation of', an entertainment permit approved for,lHarry C's restaurant (presently Polo Grounds) located'^` at 10877 Foothill .d'oulevard - APN: 208-382,10._ , f - - 1. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is-to review the compliance of the olo 'Grounds :restaurant/night club with the conditions as outlined by the Planning Division and the Fg6thill Fire District and as directed by`1tt-e Planning Commission or,'October 25, 1989. II. BACKGROUND: On April 26, 1989, the Planning Commission directed staff to monitor the entertainment activities at the restaurant/night lub c facility for 180 days. y r On.October 25 1980, staff presented a report to the Commission, t compliance o review<co fiance '✓ with the approved conditions of Entertainment Permit 89-02. It was determined that the applicant had' failed` to comply with conditions set forth by the Foothill Fire District and t'ne Planning Department but was given an additional 30 days to comply. In addition, staff was directed to advertise for a public meeting to consider possible suspension/revocation, if ,compliance to t7e Minor Development Review process had not -been achieved. A cope of1the October 25, 1969 mini es has been attached for your review. (Exhibit "B"). III, ANALYSIS• A. Compliance with 'the Minor Development Review Process: The applicant nt was recte by the omnissiort. to_su mit reV�sed plans to, staff for review and to complete the Minor Development Review process by November '13, 1989. The applicant was requested to submit plans showing the substitution of bike rack units to meet the needed parking requirements when banquet room facilities within the site were increased. The applicant has submitted revised plans to staff ITEM''H PL ANNINC COMMISSION`STAFF REPORT tl �S. EP 8942 R POLO CROUNOS November 29,, 1989 Page 2 for review. The revised plans have sufficient information to complete the Minor Develor nt Review, process. `;Staff is in tihe: process of-preparing a letter nf''apprauai with conditions for City Planner's signature. 3 B. 6i'moitance with Fire Code Re ulations and Conditions Outlined. _ by The- Foothill ire District: hp _Foothill ire Distr,.ict as ' informed- staff that the applicant is working with `Oiem in resolving all of the outstanding issues: The Fire Chief will be available at the meeting, to answer ggestions from the Commission. C. Sheriff's Department Law Enforcerent Problems: The heriff's Department has stated that in the last six months, the Polo Grounds has not caused a significant law enforcement problem. (See.Exhibit'IC"). IV. OPTIONS FOR COMMISSION TO CONSIDER: According, to Entertainment rd _ 1 Oinance No. the omnission may suspend or revoke:, an 1 Entertainment Permit subject to determination that the applicant: o Made any false, misleading or fraudulent statements in their application; or o Violated any provision of the Entertainment grdinance No.. 290 or any other ,elation or condition relati4 to his permitted activity; or i, o Is convictQcl= of a felony,; or any crime -;iAvolving_ Loral turotude; 4r o Violated any regulations or conditions adopted by the Planning Commission or city Council relating to permittee's'business or permit; or o Conducted %siness in. a manner contrary to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the public; or j o Demonstrated that ta; is unfit to be trusted with the ; priK'leges of such permit. Therefore, the Planning Commission has the following options to choose from as follows: 14 , F PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT EP .8942 - POLO GROUNDS November 29,, 1989 Page 3 AM i A. Extension of the Review Period: The Planning Conmission 'may choose to . extend the review period an additional`)30' days in order to give the applicant time to conform: to all: codes and _._. regulat ohs froin"FoothiTl 'Fire Oil flat. Result: The applicant will have additional time; to comply with the ri quirewents. B. Suspension: The Planning Commission may temporarily suspend the entertainment permit subject to makirq the,4.:;fin0ings as mentioned above.: Commission should specify a time-period for the suspension. 0 _ Results: The applicant ,can continue to .operate this restaurant and bar business but without the entertainment. As soon as the applicant complies with the requirements, he could request reinstatement of the .permit subject .to compliance and review by the planning Corimt_�aion. Staff recommends a suspension perioc'of 3 months.;1,<, G C. Revocation: The Planning Coiimrssion may revoke the entertainment ,permit subdect to the same findings necessary fo+ suspension. � The Commission should ,specify in their revocation action, a minimm_m time period to 'reconsider any new application for an ent rtainojlf permit. V. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning. Commission conduct a public hearing to consider this item -and select one of the three options=:described hove. If suspension or revocation are chosen, the Commission should "state the findings for same and staff will prepare a Resolution for adoption at your next meeting. Resp 11y, ubmtfed, Bra er : City P nneq BB:ALH:mlg Attachments. Exhibit "A" -- Entertainment Ordinance Exhibit 'B"' - Planning Commission Minutes of ? ' October 25, 1989 Exhibit "C" - Sheriff Department Report 1 -3 Chapter 5.12 REGULATION ,OF ENTERTAYNMENT Sections: 5.12.010 Permit required. 5:22.020 Entertainment defined. 5.12.030 Exclusions. 5.12,040 'Application for ;permit.' 5.12.050 -Investigation and hearing. 5.12,060 Notice of hearing. 5.12.070 . Action at hearing. 5.12.080 Denial of application.` 5.12.090 Conditions impl, sed on permit. 5.12.100 Suspension or revocation of permit; 5,1.2.110 Fees. 5.12.120 Time for filing appli.catiLn'. 5.12.130 Security guard required at dances. 5.12.140 Chapter, to govern. 5.12.150 Prohibition and penalties. 5.12.160 ; Civil remedies a`aiiable. 5.12.010 Permit required. No person or business entity shall operate, conduct, or manage any place or premises open to the public where .food or beverages are sold, offered it sale, or given awa:+ ' and where any form q.6 entertainment, as defined herein, is_srovided or .furnished without first obtaining A permit so :o do as hereinafter p,>vided for in this chapter. (Ord.; 290 Sl(part) , 19E6) . 5.12.020 Entertainment defined. "Entertainment means every ,form of 1'iva entertainment, music, ;solo band or or-,; chestra,,act, play, burlepque show, fashion show, review, pantomine,, scene, song or dance, act: or song, and dance act, or any other act or performance participated in by .one or more persons for the purpose of° holding the attention of, gaining the attention and interest off diverting or amusing guests or patrons. (Ord. 290 Sl(part) ,, 1986) . 5.12.030Exclusions. ' The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to .require a permit for the following: A. For the use of a radio or other electronical play- back_ devise in any establishment, except when utilized by an announcer or "disr, jockey"' who at any time :provides, any form of vocal entertainment, including the announcing of song titles or artists' namis in. conjunction therewith, S. For any entertainment prov;ded for members and their guests at: a private club where admission is not open to the public; :(Ran+ho Cucamo .. nga 11/86) 5,12.04.0c C. For entertainment conducted in connection with"a regu?arly established motion picture theater, recreation park, circus, or fairground,- D. For entertainment conducted ,by or ;sponsored by,any bona fide c3 .b, society or association, organized or ineor porated for benevolent, charitat' , dramatic or,literary purposes, having an established membership,, and which holds meetings at.regular intervals of: nat less than once per- three-month period, when proceeds, if any, arising from such entertainment are used for the purpose of such club, society or association,- E. For entertainment provided solely by a Piano player harpist playing music for the amusement of guests or patrons of an establishment; F. For entertainment conducted solely on or at any, premises or location which is owned or operated by, or leased by, to or from the'United States, state of Cali- fornia, county of San Bernardino, or aiy a7ency or subdivi- sion thereof. (Ord. 296 51(part) , 1986) . 5.12.040 Application for permit. Applicants for entertainment permits shall file a written, sighed and verified application with- the city manager, or his designee, showings A. The name and permanent address of z,pplicant; B. The name, proposed and current, if aay, business address of the applicant. 19 the applicant is a corpora- tion, the name shall be exactly as set forth in its articles of incorporation and the applicant shall show the name znd residence address of each of the officer„ directors, ana each stockholder owning not less than twenty-five percent of the stock of the corporation. If the applicant is a part- nership, the application shall show the names and residence ` addresses of each of the members, including`limited part- ners C. A detailed description of the proposed entertain- ment, including,type'of entertainment, number of" perstas engaged in the' entertairi-aent, aad any further information about the entertainment <r entertainbrs, as. the city manager may deem necessary; D. The date, hours and location where;the entertain- ment is proposed to be conducted, and .the admission fee, if any, to be charged; t E. The name or names of the person or persons respon- sible for the management or supervision or applicant's business i.nd of any entertainment; statement of the nature and char'a,-::er of appli- cant's business, if. any, to be carried on in conjunction with each ettertainment, including whether or not alcohol will be served as part of.such business; G. Whether or not the applicant or any person or per- sons responsible for the management or supervision of I (Rancho Cucamonga 90- 11/85) 14 S 5•LZ•p Ask tel- ai'a levy Otto ei Se' ire e;ar °i s � os win u e °c°�'ay } ee 1 °s eel" e pa eayrg, as a l or Are ga-je s yrcy vey b o d e da Hess a cs eyefo lcoaa5 a saLayn9 rr g go e}a °t ea t�ark j ioac' yj. n 1`i s c LicarGO Gec sect Ol" no�c�°e'$oxe a4e fia�}°� k 10 ��a• ae9�tY a4e y 5e v- Qs t-xes oeo Zet JOYyeg a ce sa ' �e� tipe��,e } ea one le ° W�'e ea y esa ,ne a'ol t'e p,£ ea t 5-6c Lei r' aso g. isga erg o. eas°r aeefi • gi e o _,GO dose 4> ce�5ey°C a na o ne ee' mgY a be Sys p pe a5 peen}tlq ory 0 4so ieo a l. 5tic aesygT �i°n exm ti°r1°� °s a4�u861 Y,e Zx os i a r 4 iqa Riga e� ha 1- es el �,19 ve y ��e5 y�y�o g O'C'I �a �o �a Vao�yce m j leas p50 erce a a1' soC riot+ all 90 Sl e c Ja�yyeny ti'c�e 12• ar ca yy fames Lisa a sY'a• 2 to w •' o or. 5 all at d Yae a4 0% a� SOS p f ne Jal� �at Gtiot'to ara9e ti°tat.�e o y' asyn9, easi asi.�`qgive ee,`�aa11 t n e a4e 51i 1a r oo sic�' �ice n foso o5ea oyes °�}e one a qee a es r a 3a�e p6p tyl cafe g1Yee'9 o,e 4 sa5�L% �yt i°j t%°t mat' a to 5.12• e a44�o g of ti-50 fiB11 s as one e ° Al ara Ll g tig t g 0- s ea• 1 ,�Y► ,C'ea• ohs` sra rq as 9"1- see It% dyed 5�'e5 o"v,w'%o a4 p� a c°�'a r Yi ly 2 a 4° i°s a'N" ' of gee erg 5 4esgW e i rape$-.o 1`p S,�e a4 1 0 Y Lic o*-%1%4 0 4 tY set e y sY' ire tY,e a4 p q not ae Qsoe VN no ais�`se c}oa�aq e,�, s� e;���g 11��+ • 4e tro a. asses e� eeri5i�cY ,a}er c° �'ae ca°�` �; lg 4laoe iZe se a oY it' one es yr s�oq a4Pl l l@aY at'a aY �°Ly cad,rv,3' ryos a gY ens L Val ,�Y,e 5ytoe as s` SY,a "-o a�ov:�ee5cy i'o 4a e a sg Lic _.g•� sa 7.90 t �Ytie arcl 55io eV a1 e 4s .e .+•5 a ar 4° cos <o p' orr �} ye1 °�' as y co o�ie ems °y�cY'�`on' asyo jica leq Go well& 1.oc 9861 ' a ar me so 4aj 41i�a at �,Y.ae 41aa a eS� a� e as tl 1 r oM tae xe is Rio to oYe EayLa ti►Y g 1p ig a ,aaY a 'Eac e�c'41 ti'Rg Zgp S 000 a�oy�`e •12�teas aaY elly 5 din Qs� ANY'�Y�e Qae�►Y 4�L o e iae y�3e a� in o ion f Ol: s a4 apv l pe r °s Dina het�, as 000e tia� ica am,�}s�xar l ,0 5'�al G°ex ay.kica'v� ga e� ex o a��sr9�ra11� i ctyo a is}o a Y` a4 s.�° os l la t, Se orq � e�'�a 4yoV Qe�i ire Q oorda61 n e� one P ,� se on for 'ae• Y�o 1 p o 12•p9�e�° qsa a i5 YO's al Co Oval'. 5 Asir 5ral yin ire �ics4 orb �140 ,is5 00 ce W} ooqa VS GO sa,n ic+ 9 a4e " o n ric A I h aS C"Y i r, i -fir' 1 Y { { r al i U -01 T 5.12.950--5.12.080 applicant's business have been, within the previous ten years, convicted of a'crime; the nature of such offense, and the sentence received therefor including 6onditions of parole or probation, if any- H. Whether or not applicant has ever had any permit or license issued 'in conjunction with the sale'cf alcohol or provision of entertainment revoked, including the date thereof and name of the revoking agency, 14 Such other reasonable information as the city manager, or designee, may deem necessary. (Ord. 290 5.12.050 nvestigation and''hearit►� . After the appLi- cation for ami entertainment-permit has been filed, the city manager shall cause an investigation,to be made of such application, and after such investigation has beerj'completed he shall cause the application to be set for hearing before the planning commission and shall notify the applicant of the' date of such hearing. (Ord. 290 51(part)!, 1986). 5.12.060 Notice of hearing. After the city manager has set the application for hearing, he shall cause notice of the hearing to be given to -all property owners within three hundred feet-of the proposed or actual location of the applicant's business. For the purposes of this section, notice to property owners shall be sufficient if given to those property owners>rwho appear as such on the last equal- ized assessment roll. Additionally, the city manager shall cause a public notice to tie posted at the 1Gcation'vhere the business or entertainment is. to be conducted.. Ali, 'notices provided for in .this section shall be in �he`form and manner as prescribed by the city manager, The applicant shall .bear all.costs and expenses in tnailing, ,printing, and posting. such notices and shall pay such costs to the city prior to the time set for public hearing on the pending application* Failure to pay such costs 'by, the applicant shall be ,groitnds to deny his application. (Ord. 29,0 51(part) 10,S). 5.12.070 Action at hearing.' At the time'.and place set for publ c hearing as'to any. application; and` as may be-.- aontinued from day to day, the'planning commission shall` hear and determine all the`facts'and evidence relevant to the applicant and supervisory employees, as well as the ` entertainment proposed,' including, the nature and,location of the proposed'entertainment. (Ord. 190 gl'(part), 1986) . 5.12.080 Donial of application. At the conclusion of the hearing before the planning,commission, the planning commission shah: grant, conditionally grant, or deny the application, which decision shall: be final unless appealed, in accordance with the provisions of Section'17.02.0808 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. Such 'decision shall be . 90-3 (Rancho Cucamonga I1/86) 4 5.12.090--5.12.100 set forth in a resolution which shall be adopted within thirty days after such decision is renderad, The planning commission may deny said application if it shall find and determine any of the`£ollowing: A. The conduct of the establishment ar the granting of the application would be contirary tq,the public health,.` safety, morals or welfare; or B. The premises or establishment is likely to be - operated in an illegal, improper or disorderly manner; or C. The applicant or any other person associated with him as Principal or parnner, or in a position or capacity involving partial or tc,,y.W control over the conduct of the business for which such-permit is sought to be issued, has been convicted in any court of competent, jurisdiction of any;, offense involving the presentation, exhibition or 'perform- ance of any obscene show of any kind,;or of a felony or of any crime involving moral turpitude„or has had any approv- al, permit or license issued in conjunction with the sale of alcohol :or the provision of entertainment evoked within the preceding five years; or: D. That granting the application would create a public nuisance; or E. That the norital operation of the premises would interfere with the peace and quiet of any surrounding res- idential neighborhood; or F. The applicant has marle ;wny false, misleading or, fraudulent statement of material fact in the required appli cation. (Ord. 290 §1(part) , 1986). 5.12.090 Conditions imposed on permit. After the. public hearing: as to any application, the planning commis- sion in granting any permit may also impose such reasonable conditions as ,to the use or extent of such permit as it deems appropriate. (Ord.. 290 5<1(part) , 1986) . 5.12.100 Suspension or revocation of- :permit. A.. After notice and hearing, the planning commission may sus- ..,_ Pend or :evoke any permit`granted pursuant. to this chapter if said commission finds and determines that any; permittee, his •agent or employee, or'any person connected or associated; with th_ permittee as partner, director, officer, general manager, or other person who is exercising manager..'U.au- thority of, or on behalf of; the. permittee .or any enter- tainer acting under the authority of such permit 1. Made any false,, misleading or fraudulent state- ment of a material fact in the application for permit, or any report or record required to be filed; pursuant to this chapter;' or 2. Violated any ,provision of this chapter, or of any statute, ordinance, or condition relating to his permit- ted activity; or , (Rancho Cucamonga 90-4 11/86) ,_. 5.12110--5.12.140 3. Is convicted of, a felony, or any crime involving moral tuzpitudel, or Jf 4. 'tdxolated any Mules, regulations or conditions adopted by the;,pl,anning, c4mmission or city council relating. to the permittee's business or permit; or 5,. Conductec a permitter) business. in.a manner con- trary to the peace, health,. safety and general W,sIfare of the public,; or 6. bemonstrataU that he/she is unfit,-'to be trusted with the privileges granted by such a pr, rm�:z B. The decis,!Qn;.of the planning.„kv�«{ssion shall be set forth` -in a resolution which shall be adopted within ' thirty days of the date of such decision sn4 shall be final unless appealedin accordance w.•ith -�hE+provisions of Section 17.02.08 B' of the Rancho cuc�non.ga Municipal Code. (Ord. !y 290 $1(part) , 1986) �s 5.12.110 Fees.:=; The, fee for an entertainment permit shall be seventy-five dollars;. payable annually on or before January Ist of each and every sear. Such permit shall be in addition to any business license fea as may be required by tine business license:.la! of the .city. .However, .:for. the year 1986y the-fee for an entertainment permit shall be the sum of .forty dollars parable upon submission of an application. . (Ord. 290 §1(part) , 1986) 5.12.120 Time for filing application. All persons who will be presently required to file Eoz and obtain an.enter- tainment-permit by reason os thn provisions of this r_'hapter shall have to and includincy Nov�fiber T 1986j, within which to file their -appli.ations for an entertainment permit with the..itx manager. Ord. 290 §2(part) ,`19861. 5.12.13A Security guard required: at dances. - All. persons conducting a 'public dance or any entertainment where dancing by patrons or customers in ptrsnitted, shall have in attendahce,at the premisee, for the'purpose of supervising the dancing and the conduct cf;Ja21 patrons and customers, a duly licensed and uniformed s Murity guard at, all' times, such dancing is Permitted or allowed. However, the provisions, this section shall apply pp y jonly- to; thole establishments,or premises where a dance, flodr or dance area in excess of one hundred fifty square feet is available or .d"ignated for dancing by customers. oi::`patrons. (Ord. 290''Sl(part}, 1986) , 5.12.140 , Chapter to acvern. All provisions of this title which" are inconsistent with or contrary to the pro- visions of this chapter are repealed to the:;extent such provisions are.inconsistent with'.or contra y to thq-pro- visions,of this chapter. (Ori3. 240 $1(part)'; ,1985?,r „90- (Rancho Cucamonga > �� 11186), ' 5.12.150- 5121fi0 �i 5.12.150 Prohibits ,and penalties. A. It, is unlaw- ful for any person,"firm,.`partnershipor corporation to violate any,pravision or to fail to comply with any of the E requirements of this chapter. Any perso�i;' firm, partner- . ship, or corporatio n violatinnt any provision of this chapter `, or failing to comply w'th any,of its requirements shall be f deemed guilty of an in°Ylrac'tidn .and upon conviction thereof shall be puryishable asjfollows: }f 1 A, fine not7exceeding one hundred.,deliars for a first violation; 2. A fine not exceeding two hundred, dollars, fox,a. second violation o£ the same ordsnance'within one year; f 3. A fine not exceeding- fivehundred, dollars for 1 each additional violation of the samq ordiiWnce within one ' year. pj n S. Each such person, firm" partnership, or corporation (" shall be _deemed guilt y of A separate offense for each and every day or any, portion thereof during, which any,violation of any of the provisions of this chapter,is committed., con- ; tinned or permitted by srtch�pe'rson, ,irm� partnerships or corporation and shall be 44E emed punisF able. therefor as provided-in thi chapter: C. The provisions dfthis chapter shall not be con- strued as permitting"tonduclt not prescribed herein and :shall not affect the e.nforceab4l ,ty of, any other applicable pxo- Y•isions of law. ,Wed. 290' 51(part) '- 5.12.160 Civil .remedies available. A .violation of any j of the, proyilsions I of this' ;hapter s. all constitute a nui- sance and may be abated by lithe city through civil 'process by means of restraining order preliminary or, permanent injunc tion or in any other 'mannex` provided by law for the abate= ment of .such nuisance. (Ord., 290 S�(part) , 1986) I Ir (Rancho Cucamonga 90_6 ll)8'6) IT A k M. RNT€RTAINMENT PERMIT 89-02 - POLO GROUNDS - A review of compliance of conditions of approval for an entertainment permit approved for Harry Cos, restaurant �presentiy, Pala Grounds} locat(:'d at 10877 Foothill 80ulevard - APN': 208-352-10. Nancy Fong, Senior Planner,-presented the staff report. Chairman McNiel invited public comment_. John Ramsey, owner of Polo Grounds, apologized for jmt;following pro.wUpres He sta*,ed his intent was to provide a fine dining acid entertainment estabrishment and' he'had spent almost $500,000 for renovation. He,;-acid the average age of clientele was under 21 when the restaurant was Harry Cxs, but he was trying to attract a more adult crowd. He stated he had reduced seating; in the nightclub from 90-to .268, and the.°aver age. age 'clientele in the nightclur is now 35. Fe discussed the entertainment he was providing. He statedhe will provide the required architectural, plans and will provide eight bicycle' racks to satisfy, the parking requirements. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that when the addition to the banquet room was made it triggered a need for additional parking. Because landscaping would'need to be removed to fit in the additional parking, staff felt it Would be reasonable, as permitted by co3p, to substitute bike racks which could be used by employees as well as'patrons4l Ralph Crane, Deputy Fire Marshall, stated the Fire Distritt was convinced they were-not dealing with a fire safety issue in withholding the final formal permit. He supported, the Planning staff's. recommendation to continue the item for further review. He stated the Fire' Disty1ct has spent an inordinate -amount of time dealing with the Polo Ground tenant improvement's, as they.have spent 150-200 man hours and it should have taken only-50 hours. He stated the Fire District' has conducted on-site safety inspections and determined the building is 'sa`e, but the applicant has not submitted a professional set of plans for the`as-built improvements to achieve corpliance. Coffmissioner Tolstoy asked if there have been any over-occupancy problems, Mr. Crane state;' t6a Fire District received one anonymous complaint and. upon ineEst'igation the onager estimated they had about 350 people ;in the nightclub area, while their 'legal occupancy limit is 257. He stated they did not perform an occupancy I count because-they like to have a Sliepiff present during I occupancy counts and the Sheriffs were tied up at the Gape Harvest Festival. Mr. Ramsey stated that his -man.3ger had gotten into an argument with the Fire Inspector over the number of people. There were no further public comments, Commissioner Tolstoy'asked if the,entertainment is currently being conducted j within the guidelines of the existing Entertainment Permit. 'I Planning Comrmi-zsion Minutes ` -16- October 2S, 1989 Mr. Bu nsr stated that a number of activities need clarification, but has no reason' to believe they are not in compliance. He suggested that Mr.' Ramsey inquire of staff about entertainment being planned before it happens. He said it may also be important that these inquiries be made in writing.. Chairman McNiel agreed with staff's recommendation to allow the Polo Grounds additional time to achieve compliance. Commissioner Chitiea'felt the restaurant had made improvements',and was heading in the right direction. She felt it was important that. things are done in the, proper order a-,,A brought into compliance..- She supported a 30-day review. Chairman McNitl asked if any landscaping requiruments have been added. Mr. duller stated that improvements have been made, but the landscaping is still not at the level it should br,, He recommended that i.f the applicant still. has not met the Minor Uevelq :nt Review—requirements by November 13, that staff be directed to advertise a public hearing for the November 29 Planning Commission meeting; to consider ;possible revocation or suspension of the Entertainment Permit. If the applicant had achieved compli-nce by November 13,' he suggested staff be directed to return the >item under Old Business for Planning Commission review at the Novewh6r 29 meeting. It was. the consensus of the Planning Comnission,to direct staff to return the item to the November 29, 1989 meting for further review if the applicant had complied with the Minor Development Review conditions by November 13. Staff was further directed to advertise for a public hearing.on November 29, 1989 to ASk consider possible suspension or revocation of the Entertainment Permit if compliance with the Minor Development Review conditions has not been achieved by November 13, N. REVISIONS TO THE GRAOING STANDARDS FOR THE Erl TH Cindy Norris, Asso er, presented the port. She also presented a letter franc of Land ign Group stating they would not be-able to attend t ,. ' ng to present comments from the consortium members and; request rkshop be scheduled. tie. Harris's letter expressed 'co ardina and architecture, ;and requesting that hillsides- d aS ttaviny ten greater grade.', Chairman MtNi ' there were any areas staff felt sho ightened s up• is stat a were areas cohere the Cit -ma wi h to t his:a Planning Commission Minutes -17 October 25, 1989 INTEROFFICE MEMO Y 1653 DATE November 2, 19$9 AFfQiVEyIol,z FROM, MCE ZETNE:A, ACTING COMMANbER RANCHO CUCAMONCA STATION, TO BRAD 809LLER, CITY BLMNEii Cowy of San Bapaediao RANCHO CUCAXONGA:STATION SUBJECT POLO GRouD s Since" the Zormer Harry, nV s" Restaurant changed to the "Polo Grounds", it has iaat been a significant law enforcement problem. to Submitt�—,d for your"information, BZ:I� 2 4 " j (t' CITY OF RANCHO CUCA.MONGA STAFF REPORT DATE:: November 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planningl Commission FROM: Brad Culler, City Planner' BY: Bruce Abbott,, Associate Planner SUBJECT: VIVIROWENTX ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 88-18 ,,DLVEit U — ;reques o moolty a previously approve mas e`� r tti development of a fast food restaurant pad in the Neig�iborhood Commercial district on the northeast Corner of Haven and Highland - APN: 201-27.1-66 AND 67. ., _ I. PROJECT AND SITE-DESCRIPTION: A. Action Re'uested: Approval of detailed site,plan; concepV,47 grading pan, landscape plan, floor plan and ei evati ons;and AOL issuance of a Negative Declaration. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Single Family Homes; Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) South Vacant; tow Residential District ( -4 dwelling units per acre) East - Apartments,, Aedium-High Residential District U4-24 dwelling units per acre) West. - Vacant, Condoiiniums, , Shoppfinq-'Center,-Gas Station; Office Professional,_Low-Mediunr'Residenti al District (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Neighborhood Coasnercial C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial ' North - Low DensityResidential (2-4 dwelling units per i acre) South Low Density; Residential (2-4 dwelling units, per. acre) Eoct - Medium-High Density Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) a West - Office' Professional, Low-Medium Density Residential (4=8 dwelling units per acre), Neighborhood Commercial q ITEM I , , t PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF RETORT CUP 88-18 DIYERSIFIEO November 29,='1989 Page 2 D. Site Characteristics: The site is rough graded with "turf as erosion con ro , outh of the ;project site is a future interchange f,qr the proposed Foothill Freeway. E. Parking Calculations: Number of Number of Type Square.. Parking Spaces Spaces of Use Foota e Ratio Required Provided Mc Donald's Fast *5,180 1/75 69 ` 455 Food Restaurant Existing Center 91,191 444 483 Union 76 27,000 3+2' per bay 11 11 l 524 549 Additional Spaces' 4 J Subtotal 353 Minus Spaces due -43 to circulation modification TOTAL 510 * Includes 1,380 square foot basement ** Shar-.:d parking - see parking analysis below. II. ANALYSIS: A. General• On April 29, 1985, the Planning Commission approved a master site plan for development under Conditional .Use Permit 84-31 for the subject shopping center. The applicant is requesting to modify two previously ae,�proved commercial building pads to thenorth at the the Unocal" gas station site to provide a McDonald's fast food restaurant. The previously approved site plan_ did not include any.approval for a fast food restaurant on these pads.` Correspondingly, the applicant is requesting Conditional Use 'Permit approval for the proposed restaurant which meets the design requirement of the City's fast food restaurant design guidelines. The proposed McDonald's restaurant is being submitted separately from the previously proposed Phase III improvements for the shopping center which included two ;commercial/retail pads. PLAANING COMMISSIfiN STAFF REPORT CUP 88-18 -`DIVERSIFIED November 29, 1989 I Page 3 Aftlk B. Parking: The proposed McDonald's parking is 14 spaces short of1he reorired number of parking stalls. This will result in a shareo�'Oarking program with the shopping center. A harking study, for the, proposed expan$ion of the shopping center indicates that during. the peak shopping season, the expanded center will experience a peak parking demand of abowil 355 spaces on weekdays and-d 520 spaces on weekend days. The,total of 510 existinfa�d proposed parking spaces is only 10 spaces less than the projected weekend peak demand for the fully expanded center, including Phase '3 •which has not been developed. By adding 40 spaces proposed for the Phase 3 expansion, of the center.,.;the total number of parking spaces would be:850 exceeding"the peak demand by ;30 parking spaces. C. Circulation: A traffic study was conducted to analyze pro ec a impacts from, the expansion of the, shopping, center and the closure of its Highland Avenue driveway.: The study ;I concluded that with the implementation of certain improvements, contained in the Canditions of Approval, the access and circulation drives'would be adequate. Aft 5. Design Review Committee: The Committee (Chitiea, Tolstoy, o eman) reviewed the proposed protect on October 19, 1989 and recommended approval subject t6�, a following revisions, being reviewed and approved by staff prior to scheduling the project for Planning Commission; 1, The,height of th,: tawer roof should be lowered. 2. A catalogue cut of the proposed tables and benches at the patio should be submitted for review and approval. 3. The three parking stalls. at the northerly terminus of the _ "T" intersection of the circulation spine should be converted into a planter area. 4. Enriched paving/pedestrian crosswalks 'Should be revised at the "T" intersection to mike an east-wast and a north- south connection across the driveways, connecting the new proposed sidewalk, at the northeast corner of the suhfe:ct site with. the southeast corner of the proposed commercial pad. (See Exhibit "B 3".) The foregoing revisions, as ;requested by the Design Review Committee,, have been completed and reviewed by staff. These revisions will be reflected in the Conditions of Approval.> I(" s W PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CUP 88-18 -'DIVERSIFIED November 29,,`1989 Page d E. Technical Review Committee: The 'Committee reviewed the project andi,;determined thatwith the recommended Conditions of Approval, the pro{�-v is consistent with all applicable standards`�and ordjiances, F. Environmental Assessment: Staff has completes Part II of the Environmental Cec s and found that no significant adverse err ironmental impacts will ,occur as,, a result, of this project. Further, a Negative De6iratim was-Assued for the previously approy-id Conditional Usi Permit, for this shopping center on April 24, 1986. III. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The project is con' with the General Plan,, e objective s of the; Development Code, and the purpose of the district in which the site is'%located. The proposed use and site plan, together with the conditions applicable thereto will not be detrimental to the ,public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injuriQ4s to properties;. or' imprc•vements in the vicinity. The proposed use and sits=,plan, together with the recommended Conditions of Approval, are In c*il iance with each of the applicable provisions of the tDeve!,spmert Ode and City standards. IV. RECOMMENDATION:. Staff" reccmmends that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit 88-18 through adoption of the attached resolution and issuance of ?,-M-gative Declaration. Rep ly to Br r Cit Plann . BB:BA:sp Attachments: Exhibit "A" ApprovedlAaster Plan Exhibit "B" %tailed Site Plan Exhibit "C" Floor'Plan Exhibit "D" Elevations Exhibit "E" Grading Plan' -- Exhibition of" Landscape Plan of' with Standard Conditions T f: :• - 1 s t 5. 3 y 3�h--��•. r ems® . � ;.'ti Pcas�1 ,(�. w- ,� �` Sty tr - '�^^fi: At '� '"4.�� ■ p dt^t C�. '�py 1 • Dy'� k original POOr. Quality r , - - ------- - i- lien ` � _ a z _xg . h ' �' I I Sp lit rr 5a rs > MMW ' �iOM.�%�V MIni9 4' Original`Poor Quality �V/REPG i�[ tl� � ?� `jJ[ ,' j sd� a!p !��� !�� .� G (+( � a x s• "�! '91 _ d Si�S i x j�i(J ( �p t9 !! t� + ii i3 xS, ��tp p�•. tq!�a s 3 II f °= g � ;(J HIM t t iCY d - �� �` �1►8�! i+4i ��Ixi�! j �'�� 8t ��!r iEd �811Ce�isr g �ig�� �t�_�� s'i.3 ��s!?s3 I I�I! �:� �t i lilt t� 1 a }°, AN a Li .4 1 • e i i ii. 1 tID.wy — ' �1 • 5 + ' �1 y , t' � s tom. �• Jco � 1 w \ ' , 1 r st s s x i p igInal � ooruat► ' ?iY rf ok '*J� 4 S: j's 1 Origins( Poor Qual' r _---W''T- It Its i• t 1- 1 z LU - -.- ' - 0� ; 1^I i 'ae i t: t t 1 , d 1�♦s i`�' II jtiAF ..UNION 14 �! ji- �� t (+ati�illlR I w, t. 0 1 t r r III i a{ 1 111 r !i 7( i� � 4 41 LA 1=1 1 All 1prl) I � J i�•'f• —j m N J d NJ x ,a Lai , 4• • 1 33� t IL uj > J Ir •� G I - - rr" 4 t.. 1 '77r Y.�w .y�+• \ tip�71�} ",�.. Uz �Ji!t,r•;r. t.arM i .�,y� � i ` J, m° H� • a"ql pis � i���t. r� i* r� �t 'S •I ��� i!!� Ji:- `( till, st11 it t •'1`1., '�{ rg 3� r.e p t tr • y� d 1 i i t 3 i i "�. 1 E�'`� cy �, p( ,q•t 1��'{ ��'e Il 1p(� R Rif{�`Hut�! ;Elp� ...��� •'�.��ap�! �.'���I � �Q � � ,� O ii}Him1 1: �tr °ate` ¢ 41. l.t 11 t ppj 't1! a?i�e e�i •e•'i tt p I T i p ( �{ ' it '�l�'° ��r l�•t Jill H Hill �����lE.r pl_l�it►.[� It�r 1r pt pt p it p � �o A Q.� �' 00000000 O�i • 11 g@ �) ,? �'r9 N W fill _ a.. .. L N Original Poor Quality y "r If 11 it W 1 111f .1111t gj {aa1 �I I fit nsj��IIi i 'i tl'l41 U�II It2! lssni��.�4vlwl l�sr1 {� I� 11� �►i�,l �o� l 1. a � U l ��� sl;i�f it l� ' , ��; I ► p Y�, `{ :i i {t�e I �i �� {,s z ii�{I�� a,� • J �3�,.il �' {�I' gga �� � � f► �' lay!I � t' { {9��{I ORH a'11i1;I I �I�{� ��;I° ± ;4;i 111�,Ell of�II; '} `S._ (Jwt in €lk 4` c =< ; ` { -- co F ' t it lilt ' r Original Poor Quality a a� Alt S tj Jill still l i.J L a Y � I tA CL It }�y`•)j fit. �. j i _ ry �� LU •` CL ul � a '5t RESOLUTION NO.. A RESOLUTIJN OF THE"RANCHO CUG':"MONGA 'E�ANNING COPIISSI0r1 APPROVING`' CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ;' 88-18 FOR THE c DEVELOPMENT OF A FAST FOOD. RESTAURANT TOTALING 5,180 SQUARE FEET OM 1.24 ACRES- OF LAND ON THE EAST SIDE OF iAVZN AVENIIE BETWEEN LEMON AND WIMAND AVENUES I . THE NEIGHBORHOOO,COMMERCIAL C-ISTRICT,, AND MAKING,FINDINGS iN SUPPORT THERf0 KPN: 201-271-66 AND,'67. A. Recitals. (i) Oiversified,\)roperties. Company III has filed an appiicatInn_£nr Conditional Use Cermit 88-18 as described in the title of this Resolution. ion.in thin 'rEesolutior, the subject - quast is referred to as "the application". LL (ii) On the 29tK of November 1989, the Planning Commission of the City of Ra_•:ho Cucamonga conducted a -duly noticeri public .heariin on tSP application and concluded said hearft, on"that date. (iii) all legal prerequisites prior. to the adortion of this Resolution kdve occurrej. B. Resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby `ound, .determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucateonga as follows: 1: This Commission hereby specifically finds, that ail 'of, the forts set forth in the Recitals3, Part A„ Ga" this 'Resolution are true and correct. 2'. Based upon substantial evidence presented,to this Commission, during the abovrz-referenced public hearing on November 29, 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together .with public t_ittimony, thi,. Commission hereby specifically finds• as follcws; (a) The,application ap,ilies property located at the east I side of Haven Avenue between Lemon and Highland`Avenues with a streoJrontage I of 225 feet and lot depth of.240 feet and is presently vacartts and. (b) the property to the north of the subject site' is single family residential, the property. to the south as vacant, the property to the east is zalti-family oasidential, and the property to the best is raNant. 3.. Based upon the substantial evidence presented, to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the"specific findings of facts ;set forth in 'paragraphs I and 2 -above, this Commission hereby firAs and ;oncludes as follows: I 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION,Nd`. elv CUP 88-1:8 -'9IVERSIFIE9 pRQPERTIES COMPANY III' November 29, 1989, Page,2 (ay The peopoke usu is in accord with the Gene41 'Plan, the objectives of the Development Code, and the pti,rposes of the disi:i,i� in which the site is located.. (b) uai-,proposed use,vtjgether with the conditions applicable, thereto, w.l,i not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare., or materially injurious to properties or utprovements in the vir,;inity. (c) The :proposed use comr.lies: with each of tho applicable provisions of the Oeveloament Code, 4. This Comrission hereby 'finds and certifies that the project has been reviawed and; considered in compliance:; with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, and'further, this Commission hereby issues a Negative Declaration. 5s Based upon the findings and 'Conclusions set 'fort,t in paragraphs 1, 2,: 3, and 4 above, this Cormiission hereby . approves :the application subject to each and-every `condition set -forth-:below and in the attached Standard .C4nditians, atta#ed hereto and in `rporatk"herein 6y this reference. Planning Division: 1. The subject restauran* ;d related improvements,be ronstructo.d ard.maintaiii�A• in conformance with the plans as 'approved by t;e Planning Corr ,'anion on ` Novet4er 29, i989:. _.. 2. TNe use 3hall by operated '„r a m� rich does not .intaefere with the normal usc--.1-the adjoining properties. If, in the opinion of the City Planner, this' provision is being violated, the vielationt small' ho, grounds for mopeniog . the Con�itionat Use Permitt hearings pans; , adding condition :to control iha violation.; 3. No Ise levels rreast;re-W fat tine pro*vty line shall V rot exceed the:;~vel of_backgrouiw noise normally.; fotrnte in the a1�u 4, 'he'premispi_,' shall ;be kept clean and the.operator shall mar ; all reasonable efforts to. see that no _' 1 trash er litter. or1g1nating from 'the use is deposited. on :adjacent properties. Trash ,41 cow{,,a%ers, as determined by ,the City planner, sra7,T be required Ind employees shall;:,,;:re required d,iily i t #iCk Up trash dr, litter origjlnatingr'from r, the irp,upon the site and'within 306 feet of the. ' .,if the property. 5. NO l be remove d wfthin 72 hours. PLANKV, COMMISSION ltESOLU`iq w- OJP"88=18 DIVERSIFIED PROPERTIES COMPANY III Noveaber '29 1989 Page S graffiti shall be rewlved'with in 72 hours. ; 6. All parking lot modifications and re-striping„ within *his shopping. center shall be completed prior to'-'eccu an :.. _ p cy. 7. Pr7q,r to ;issuance Of any permits, t'he site,, plan Shal bi revised tar incorporate all Of t4e, revised' parking -calculations Corresponding tc modifications of the internal circulation and that the site-.piati indicate existing and futAxe parking p tiin ;ucor,to c , 3. Fi ial' pleas for the patio including' outdoor furniture shall be reviewAd and approved by staff prior to the issuance of-anNrmits.` _ 9. Enriched 'paving/pedestrian crosswalks sh:,uld be showy lat the ncrtharly "T" intersection to make an east W§e ,.and a north-smth connection across the driveways connecting the sidewalk at the nort'ieast corner of .the subjdct site with,-.the southeast,corner of the proposed conmercial;.pad. 10. Plans for.::MI proposed enriched paving/pedestrian crosswalks shall be reviewed', and pprlved by staff prier to the,:issuance of any permits. U. Samples oaf the,; construction''material for, the crosswalks, patio; walls, avid fences shall be reviewed and -pDrov = uy gtai:f prier to the issuance of building permits'. 12. the park ing lot configuration is approved as shorn in Exh ib it "A" att*�hed.,`heretD; however, should the applicant not receive anproval from Lucky Stages, foie parkirxj lr� ,configuration, showk in Exhibit "S" shale be fo tl,..= Engi near ing Division; 1. An in-lieu fee for one half the cost' of constructing the existing Haven, Ave we median shxl.l be paid to the City prior to the issuartcs of building permits. The fee .shal 1 b.e the City s ccrrentiy adopted unit ,amount far Phase. 3. times the leYgth from a��rolohgation of the Lemon"'Avenue sauth:;right-of-tray line to the centerline of Witherly drivewiW on 4Av Atenue. x t, ti PLANNING C061MITSIpN RESt7LUYI49 Nab 'JP 88-18 H1VEr�SIFi� OF$tiTIE��COhiPA,PfM S��I November 29,'7;989 Page 4 i 2. Construct the Haven Avenue aiedia,r_south of the SaItherly driveway to Highlard Avenue, The = developer shall be eligible' for re wbursement of one half the cost of construction from future development an the West side of haven Avenge, ie the event that construction of this portion of the median becomes=:a-,Ci-ty--protect- the developer shall participate in.funding:one-tralf the:prb3ect--cost.{ :. _. 3. CAmplete street in Provements on the East Side of uaven Avenue from the project. south bourdar to A Highlard'. m—., including turbS, gutter s;;reet; _ lights, AG pavement, and garb-adjacent sidewalk. 4• ReconStruF .the southerly drive approach an Haven Avenue anl'thF.drive aisle eTorq the project south boundary as fo i lows {a} A design, 9efneraIly ir, conford taco With the PreTiminiry�design. shown on the approved.site plan shall;be apprave'd by the City .Engineer and written 8greemznt obtained from Unocal_. prior to the issuance of building permits. {b} If a.greermnt,fn`,Q,, Unocal is nat'obtainPd, the project shall be;) redetigfisd 'to accommodate truck traffic by wider:i_rg, on the north side df ttse ex ist in drive aisle to the sat �artian of the City Eineer. • Parkway. 'Ind l4r0scaping i►�provelmnts along Haven f Avertc+ }all conform to the result, of the Haven Avenue b:autific,atio« study. me Of this Restrlution Secretary to this Clomnis Sion steal .cert.ify to, the adoption i APPROVED, AEE4 .DOPTM THIS 291711 DAY OF. NDVEMBER, 2989. PLANNING COMISStoN Ur T14E CITY OF"ANCHo comoreA 8Y: Larry I mfliel, a Erman ATTEST: or-clu Liu I Jer,; ecretary l�Ll'RIMIM1SN�rt�mnr.��a «ppL Z a"+uoa��> acos n'a �a�-:ci •R._o 'ye.nu^x: 52 _��•uLeNA C•n6 y .0:��(;9®Ct i .. tlOVw� _ OT Yy�.M.M V 1.UO • �N 4U U ^C« y41�'T �9 ,Ysn OO y.�A C�YC t.Y�q� q� qd: �G ®AGG¢d_ Oda uMi. cl 4 �+CO'O^-.PE C,L«« ucgcS ue0 qCw^L ..EYE $Y yp,. :r 6.li;�«4Eoq�:a o2po�e`aY. a`+ 3 �$''�`a'�N ii +='vv J.S r.-: 6 LA -� A • U CYO. C Y. TI -.Sz SC LCCC.a c Y.ay.";e ca,�s cC♦ 0^6 aN.y�y N Ny r la•Caq �') li M`?d N U ^C; ,pcCAA N�.��p �GYO O.�"a a� M {• C� O■ 1 Y ppUAV M "Mp. /_/R!T oB Cy:c ay" N'M O L OS 8~,14 za .Y. �`.0 fJ4OMN np aCy L LO�Y`: y� OL y■■/YVC `A> C�yc! YY N�LLC GpLpp Y•Y �1i: Y V �• �I Cy/YW yqyC NU.So.M w'.4Na 4o CM TT YO Cr �a U� S C O.. 09YSOryY we .C '�C L6 NV,. YY_Y. O `er NOi JW \�wNrV e�CkNL C�i:� _ �O.Oa� C.oY <ue•M�t <00�. YC GL Pt,1: b O f t11, '!ti CC BE bO yAqq " YpM O•L. ,y"wi�.T •\ W j'�Sd 'C 6 ^- litOAVY'Y3YC .. O C�S OatiLl�si ~ � U • N � 1 J1 qp� gA-0 kq4�A �MOy tYl��~ .� d jQ�pO y • y'c��;0 J �� SS > a oCtl 4Y �iiiiii•S W W I... yN J N N 1•)I M MIj 'I I J , b ®y 0 V ppTTY�• }� Y i..-'.L.�•�:u`s�i upp c.�u w pda,r.Ys �e � C L�MT$�rfe{ 01^A4' ]I rG Y NpoN Nam' 1 Y '� O 0.+ �YCCT CQ YyC O•N GA �6 tll dEy.N ■�53� C$p� L� q. VO�C wVN tNG •N� i q t p.�p to 1 Gb1 Bsk-iy�N ps a V SO NOO bGG1 NM M O pGY 0.Cy oU�p Yt Y+ UMNV �OM Op��L'Ob y6 W �YQ TL bM � V4�mmmm �_N�Y aNY:pgAbE Y�C bbyy 6u^..•nQ 1yy :r��`� LqpWR 00.. 9�6 L NYdL .-OdN o.a•"v mrme.`.N.•'B cLi� ~�o:�a'i" �N y •^s{` ,d,,a+ '�� V CM~, ng�j, �V,'O,w{,�.-•�'y V �T^d. 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C` $1�C y�6 L N C. � R OI Y �Y Cpl L- .4�i N� •.W 7 � q n dq °.I La�'Lac nxo mbL L� Yn � C. 1f O 22 .5 W«ateez; a'$. s�ivL .«, ' ism FI••4Li 0:0w AURL a4y. � ��.. � .• qV V� ,MyM q� GM OIn 5.1 �.. o $�' N F.y L apm�$ G O uy p A qpp 4 IJ '�itl Nptl N NS" �, n leg, '"fia vs ►=r d �sN �M ..^ou gym. pONRL yyO pp Ito p T(p� P+��[ pp N R Nm& g� �, „L� �eci` ow !Nn a.�S �'4 d Ems { `� E- + r Nyoy oob EpO $ � Kw. LK .G r-E.. btl :~:vim Via^ Ltt � L &N VYtl.,.t Y. M.. � :.WHW rG.tI 61 pQ4YLL�i �+ = ' I J Lw L �D q#^ C q AM !+ a GCCPu� v�� h �Lp'�M. p Y tl1 GTw. !)yY uY. ■�1� Y^�.. L Ca� � ff N CW VV n YO■00.. �GS. a`O �a N. R '� �0 LY YO..N'C �C II ... 4YGq. At.:�. V. eVw o aq $Sad sg f5e° +3 �"o$ t-L3L.. el—IIst V 333 F w T � YS a q y y p a s a ^ HM gCgga Di EZ'O Y a O _y 6 Nry. YY r� � � • U N �.y« @�� ��`�Y�!!. C�P■■^y Eli �� �. �{µy� OY '6 t���C Cuy. �t�g•. �Ml'23� a)5S� ci LIP �m '� .cs 4 K �2.rl\ d� ® eve,�ea"'slR'�i7r�Clal�l9tiersM�OW" �� r �i r rk's ■`� /� �B e® ■■aeeseoermr'a.rr�rsi►► A • � x J Z Z gNo F77 IT-M 3 P \f r t � V y. ,I` <) UTAt"" VI y -- CITY OF RANCRO CUCAD.IONGA q,,,T F REPORT M DATE: November 29, 1989 -0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson: Senior Civil Enginyer BY: Betty A. Miller, Associate Civil Engineer SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO DEVELOPMENT RE+IEN 88-32 - NELSON A request to no_ y a condition of approval requiring sure y or the removal of the existing detention basin :end construction of 'a storm drail.' facility for a developmen-t on 1.55 a,res I she General Industrial District (Subarea 14) of the Industrial Speci€ic Plan, located a the southern terminus of Hyssop- Drive; north of 4th Street - APN G 229-331-02 I. BACKGROUND: This project, do industrial buildixg at the south .end of Hyssop Drive just north of 4th_ Street, was approved by the City Plann?r on January 11. 1989. On June 14, 1989, the Plan"!-g Commission heard the applicant's request to delete a condition of approval requiring the payrent of an in-lieu fee for future landscaping within the I-15 Freesay right-of-way. The Pleaning Commission direv,ted the City Planner to modify the condition to redoce the lifnits ,ijf i~�fe landscaped area. The Developer, was not sati.sfied'.ft:` tpe reduced reoairement and appealed to the City Council, which denied —it appeal on Augu,t 16, 1989. I Maio the applicant is raques(...�q thw, another condition, of approval, rep ;.ring that surety ba provided fr; retwyal of the existing.detenticr, basics and construction, of a atom drain -facility, be modified. The applicant-s request letter is attached as Exhibit "B". II.. ANALYSTS: The ,% ,icant contends that the Engineer's Report for the formation of Lafe Ape Maintenance aistri'ct No. 3 (Eghibit ',Cl) provides for the costs cf moving the detEnti.oa basin .and relayed storm drain Work to be baNne equally by all ;properties within tee District because the report m� ins a,reference to "removal" (Section 3, first time, last ;paragraph, P&„e 2 of Exhibit "C"). 4is reference to "removal" has been taken out cf context,- The District Was Qstablished ftir maintenance only.;, as state'4-ln Section 2, "The furnishing of...i##nary and usual mainter—,ce, operating and servicing," "the "removal" wording in Section 3 i'm, in the ITEM J , ` 0 PLANNING C0 MMISS10N STAFF REPORT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 8842 -=NELSON, NOVEMBER 29, 19.89 PAGE 2 f, context of "Detained maintenance activities include: The repair, removhl or replacement..." necessary in the upkeep of the detention basin.. Further, Section 4 on P" 3 of the resolution provides a lump sumrtfintYal-1 .$1.,4(?0 .annual assessment-€ar=detenticn basin maintenancz and made no provisions for a',capital improvement fund. All of the above--'were brGdght. out. and discussed Wth the applicant's attorney and the City Attorneys Office when the ariainai application was processed.. III. RECOMMEN0ATJO9.- Staff recommends that the, request for modification be deniied. If, after consideration of ally>input, the Planning.Commission concurs with this recommendation, adoption of the attached. `Resolution would be appropriate. Respectfully submitted, Barrye R. Hanson " r Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BAM:sd Attachments: Site Plan (Exhibit "A") Applicant's Letter (Exhibit-"B") City council Resolution No. 83-112" Forming Landscape Maintenance District No. 3 (Exhibit "C") Resolution of Denial �E 'r )n IS CO't LS < k a Ir \�6 f I y W 1115 t PROJECT .SITE DeTENTION BAST low li { •-[)R mob. RANCHO CUCAMONGA - S ItE:, Pez8N G wG DAMONrr NELSON DEVELOPMENT C®MIFANY October 23, 1989 City of Rancho Cucamonga r „_ Planning Department 7 9320 Baseline Road ^C:4. .•"�!!r. Rancho Cuca:Lsnga, CA , 9173010-.10 Re: Modificatica to Conditions of - Approval, DR 88-32 -.•� Gentlemen: The City of Rancho Cucamonga has required that in 'orcler for the owners of Parcel 8, Parcel: Map 1349 to obtain a4 building -permit for our project, they must post a bond to cover the costs of filling in the existing Detention Basin and related storm drain work, upon completion of tha Day Creek Channel. The owners believe that resolution 83 15z. -and Engineers Report for Landscape Maintenance District N f 3 addresses the responsibility for the cost of. removing ot,�the Detention Basin and related storm drain.`work, and that this cost be prorated among all of the property owners of Parcel Map 7349. Therefore, vie are requesting a 'Modification to the Conditions of Approval, and are specifically requesting that we be required to i only pey for our prorated share of the cost of said work. f Furthermore, we are requesting that we only bet required to post I! surety for our prorated share of the; cost of said work, and then only it all the proporty; o::ners of ,the other seven: lots are required to do,so. f Please advise us as to your decision at your earliest convenience. Respectfully submitted, 5oh� W. Nelson President, Nelson Development and one of the owners of the project and on behalf' of the remaining owners of the project. ' cc: Barry,Mason 'young, Henrie, Humphries, & Mason' 18 N.Central Avenue • Upland,CA 9i786 • (714)981.1944 9 t ' k RESOLUTION MO:83-112 A AE.r p,!UTION;,OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF RANCHO CUCAf WHOA. '"ALIFOANIA, ORDERING THE WORE IN CONNECTION dlTf, THE .FOMATION OF LANDSCAPE HAINTE'dANCE-DISTRICT' NO, 3 ACCEPTING THE FINAL,ENOINEEMS RoFORP "a. UHSAEAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga (the ^City^) did'`an 3epta�Dsr' T; 1983r adopt Reuolutian No. 8 3-152 giving its prela9inar- approcdl to an Engiso®r�. Rsport (the "Engineer1s Deport") prepared In 'oortneotion witly t':O formation of"anr3saoesment district to be;_ knCW-n as ?Landscap!t ?isintennzoo District No. 30 pursuant to the Landscaping and LightW'Aot, 1972; and- } BHEREA4r rhA City Council of the City Cid'�on Sept"bar 11 1983 t Opc• , Resolutioh Ro. 83-15:i dsolaring its intention to order the,formation of an 'r assessment,dlsteAS`t to bs lmom as "Landscape Haintenagca District so. 39- and to lfvy And coilaO,assr9$"nts pursuant to the,Landocap14 and Lighting Act of�i472; ant` 1iHEREAS, a certified: copy of said Ra3olution No. 83-153 xaa. duly 'published in. the ties, form and manner requirsd by'lax as ah*%M by the Affidavit or Publication at aY.Rssolution on lils in the office of the CIO Cleric or tU City; and ii dais, a•notice of public hsariij xaa 41y sailed to all persons x owning ro , ,t !thin tics:.proposed 'Leh dxd t>minte e;D I ng P � �;'Y D Da ps none i,ntriet Na. ; LZ the time, h.[m and sacnor as C equir0d by.lal; and '�4 WIRM" a,public hgaring has boom held pd this, City Council has duly recoivad and,soasiderod`esidenoa or:l and dG�Mary. concerning the necessit,.,for Yho comteaslPated xo[{C and the benefitf to be derived therefrom and', Luis 'CA Council has now cequ:rod juripdietY'fa,to order the proposed work. 1 , RM RN, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga dces hereby reaol*4f as'fol Awa: SECTION 1:1 This City Council hereby giiss its final approval to the Enginaer'a report. SECTIOp 2: this Cltg Counoll hereby, orSsrs the forntiaa of "Laadsnapo a1B1tiS.►,eN.4f18e! Alstfiot No.,::._10 atd.,-the .®OS13to11�Qe....of..9frtalII_ l lasuyscapa ImpeovMesta to be 'Lctei within amid La6dscapa (aintanance Ciatriet,.as care particularly desorzys4 to the Eblglasar's Aegort. BEGTEO94 3: ' this elty.Cduma haroby at�tifiM t%i diagraa of "Land84ape,M6Mt6V4D V District Nu. 3" as rwre parnieuUmlp desoribod It''said Eagimosr's RGPtt'sad hereby aocdiraa. the assesamnts for flaoal yt.+r 148344 J and the arthod of arwssaaeat as more'partloulwly dosoribed InAfte Engipetr's Report. .S CTION'ffi: 'the City Clark at.the City, of Rancho Cuotw:oa is hereby authorised and direeted to'file the diagraiiiAnd assessnent; contained n-69 Engineer's Report, or a certified copy theraet; n.td;,the County Au4ltor,. PA'JJ� w AEFRol m, and none this Sth day of Onto o, 1983. AYE,4: Dahl, &uQdst. $aniosaar,'Frost, Fltitmlm et@ Now A8s8NY: None yi' C 'Roaoluttoc No. 8;- t2 i Z. yfa. J t4lkolsr Mayor, ATTEST: -Lauren H. was", Citq Clerk C,Pty OF it ' •. �S b'F141'S @O! r ARDSCAN ".0Wr1=CDs 3 SECTION ). ADTgoragf PGA REPOM Th13 report is prmparoc In, comliance vith the requireaants of Article 4, ChapteF t. F,rision 5 of the Streats and Hiphusys Code, .' Stare of cal2fortti jLaa-apir,;and'Ljoting°Ant of,s972). ., SECTION 2. OER11 DESCRIPTION The report deals viLh the aatabj,JMMoj - ,SLandsne^,5s` F�AnLemannm Oistriat'Ira. 3 !a_ghe City of Ranelso Cuaiaoi&$. &M to be laoludmd In the work pro4 r= are'apeoifiea3.ly defined in the body;of the report and .on c attachasi Aaamaa ant. Did4jrae. The total area of said pertneys boring 6.0" square feat. and a detention basin 3ocated nn,Pisrnml No.. 9. Work to be provldmd�jfor. with the assesunnts, eattbluned by the DiatrJot are ; !Me ftMtdLU Of N@i9 Wtat'9ala rw ma o rl a* t WAU ee"toMoo. opdeetist 'aer"'eus'OR OW eea ttea@3oa1 b:M" t" C aada L' of OWNIa 4gWiit to "I af%@ in tor® 0"triot a"cost shall"be divided oa a t Par•lot:bheo,, ' 17sa p3aae and apmc!lSoatiaaa for ;laodaplaa, detention basin aM re sto so re drata a to be pcaparmd b9 ;the gaTalopar. The plaae'ara as` stipulated to the:aonditicaa of approval"and as approved by the City' Wafer*"-City Flaming Division. A®f$reaas is hereby Bad* to the a`abSeet Parcel lgp--and the asaeaaeaat diapm for the exact=loostion of the landscape am. Thu plena and spegificatIO" for laadacaps tJPr&vcwnts au the lndtvidual Parcols are hereby wife it pu L'of Lhla report to the same ext`nt as if said plans ants specifications were attaches beret*. Detailed maintenance activities incltde: 1 The marral w mousumst of an, ate aaq ,X t of sw . to e.ds 'MM *Ate4M" omuuw for tm Bft"rewu, bmItA,md bwmfty or the bs' iNLUdit caalit"tlian► U14 atl", Wind*, , fortiU%W W eae�tia$ t ju.�a t" »al �e n. ,twAsati, -ad =U VUto#r Me eatis , MpLtr ecd fig` \1 Rasolution:No. 83-t12 l _ Pigs 3 as 'ueoeaaaeg or all irrtiatioa aysteae, and cleaning or dralessa ialet and, Outlst Struotures,.peat control, 'debris rmemal, gager 4eDgi.r,tu*all aaaoclatei worst for the-mucoeaarul functioning or the' ayataffia. - SECTION Mirka COSS3 No "coats will be ,, incurmw 'for' Mprovement construction. All ,1mP"Ve2e34:will be 3Gnatruotsd.br_Ilderelopers,. Based on,data from otherditiea {contract aaalySLs'aaid deeelopsd work atandafds, it: is estimated tml eeintvnanea costa for aaaosaamnt,purpoaea'will equal Lbirtq oentsl (i.30S psr+}square root, per year for permray and a Lump sun AI coo 4nnually foridetantisat basin=inteaonts. These costs are estimated only, actual assasseenta`will be based on .actual cost data. The estimated total coat for landscape'-!ffiintenance,District fic.'3 cmaprised or O,lots"and per lot'coats are(shown below; Total AnnuslrMaiatonance Coatf Landscaping'o30's"6057, = 97t7�t0 Detention.Basin Luap.Sua,a, 1000.00 and 3tore,Draia TOTAL 9�7.10 Per Los AnetueI Asseasaent 02817 divided by 8 a 03iV Q ,l Per'L©t Monthly AaaUeaaent =329.35 Assesaesat s"ll apply to each lot as enumerated,i.Section-6 acd the attached Assemsiant D.ieg S SECTION S.t ASSSSSBff&ilP OIAORAti A copy or the proposed Aeseaeeent diagram is attached to this report and lebeledt,%ibibit AR. SECYION 6. .A138 Iapr6Z nt for•the entire dtatrivit is found to bo of general benefit to ali`�late within"the Distelct sad that easmr,aaant hills be equal :far OQoh parcel. S@CTION T. OR 9"IM,1J1. Y. City Coumfsi®iprovo, iostiLutioo d! District)radeedings. 2. City Conrail adopts ReEalutli9i or proust4iT. Apprnvnl or'.city- Enitear�x t'41pOrt• 3. City Cauicil adooto Resolution oP Intention to fora a'District and saes a.pWslla hearing deto.. is. city Council aonduata ¢ablit hearing, 9oasilera all tm Sties ny and dote.—,Uwe to rom a District or abmsdon proeoettn68. S. Every,year to my, the .City E4100e21 files a report,with City Ccu tol# 6. EVery year`!n June, tho City C4uec11 eor"ta a public Morino and Spprovae, or eaoaifios and approves the ladididual assesaaoats. a r 1 "7 I t, Ali `i`.' ReaoluBSoa No: 83+142- ft Pap 4 c ASSESSMENT OIAGRAM 4aNgSCAPE mAiNTENANCE ptSi R1CT NQ, � 1 r «r WYK RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION Or' TNE RANCHO CUCAMONDA PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA DENYING A REQUEST FOR A, MOOYFICATIOhi OF A COM1DITION OF APPROVAL FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 88-32, ILOCATED AT THE 'SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF HY'SSO?;' DRIVE, NORTH,OF, 4TH STREET - APN 229-331-02' A. Recitals. (I) On January 11, 1989, the City Planner approved, s 4ject to special conditions, Development Review 8842, which provides for the development of one industrial building on 1.55 acres of land within the General Industrial' District (Subarea 14) of the Industrial 'Specific Plan; (ii) On October 23, 1989, a request was filed by Nelson Development Company to modify the condition of approval requiring the developer to provide surety for the removal of the existing detention basin 'and construction of a strirm drain facility,,, (iii) On November 25 - 1,989, the Planning Commission of the City, of Rancho Cucamonga co ducted a meeting on the application__and concluded said meeting on that date. (iv) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolutioi) have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamotg a as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. i 2. Based upon substantial evidence-fi esented to this Commission during the above-referenced 'meeting on November 3y 1989, including written and oral staff reports, together,with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as fol`Tows: (a) The requirement to provide surety for the removal of the existing detention basin and construction of a storm. drain facility is consistent with current"'Planning Commission.policy and is'necessary for.. the. orderly development of the area.: 3... Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced meeting and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: k J t PLANNING COhIMISSiON RESOLUTION NO. DEVELOPMENT. REVIEW.88-.2 - NELSON G NOVEMBER 29, 19$9 . PAGE 2 (a) That'^thKF requirement to provide surety for the removal of the existing dete4tion basin and construt.tion of a storm,drain facility is necessary and reasonable.' 4. Based upon the findings, and conclusions set forth in paragraph t I, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby, denies the requested condition med,'fication. S. The Secretary toL this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND OUPTED THIS 29Tti DAY OF NOVEMBER, 11989, PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO GlICA€iONGA BY: Larry T. Mc N iiel Chairman ATTEST: grad Buller, Secretary i. I, Brad Buller, Secretary of theL Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing .,Resolution was duly. and regularly introduced, passedf:.and adopted by the firinnin,.g ';Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular'►eetirg`'of the'Pla4ing Commission held on the 29th::day of Nover6er,,1989, by the f0116ing vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COoISSIONVIS: ABSENT: Comrss1$NERS: N CITY OF RANCHO C€tAMONG& DATE: NQvember 29, 19a9 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM. Brad,M l l er, City._P wv BY. Twit Grahn, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATIoti FOR AMENDMENT TO SUBAREA 2'OF THE'INDUSTRIAL ;, tATERSIOW _� AVENUt - - IN �c TF 1. Al"TRACT• Staff is seeking direction froms:the Commission to "�1 aWan amendment to the Industrial Specific. Plan Circulation Element, If so directed,;s,sta`f will proceed;':with a thorough analysis of the proposed change and set the matter for Public hearings~ _ Ii. BACKGROUND: Stage law provides that an amendment to ttM ircu .a an Elemer„t of a specific' plan may only be initiated'by the Planning Commission or City Council, Staff has received a proposal for an industrial development located'at- the southeast Vin corner of eyard A►;enue and 9th Street. The proposal inci 'des a request for the d0vition of Ue extension of Flower Street and a portion of the extension of Feron boulevard as part of ttfe development proposal:. Traffic Engineering has indicated that a traffic study is being prepared to address the, deletion request and the,possi '.?ity of imposing mitigation measures to compensate for the-reductign' its street;circulation patterns', It is the opinion of stak,1.that here is sufficient merit to the proposal to warrant furthkr analysis and consideration. An amendment to the Circulation tl,e nt of the General Phan will not be required as the :two 'strd�'ts are :not identified by the Circulation Element, f+ III, RECOMEHDATIOld: Staff recomd)nds that the Punning Comission dire`staff to initiate are amendment to Subarea. '2 of the Industrial Specific Plan to consider the deletion of the.extension of Flower Street and a Portion 'of the extension of l;eron Boulevard. 1 .. 1 ITEM K Resp y s ad B d Bu er Cit anner BB:TG•sp Attachments; Exhibit "A",,- industrial Specific Plan, Subarea 2 Exhibit "8" 209-01 x ' 1 FIG. IV-4 C � 0 0 0 O ® .k subarea 1 ,.. 0 � s ®a 3 0 ® 4 M - Iry 1 b AT �es.eacwgeMa: ,' �� CIRCULATION TRAILS/ROUTES 120'R.O.W. 0000 Pedestrian �eae� Creeks& Lhannels 100'R.O.W. ® 4 8Icycie 88'or lass R.O.W. ©� Regional RAIL SERVICE Park' 0 Mutts-Use ��•_ -#"+-�-F-I- Existing � Bridge Special atreetscs'pe Proposad •0-1A-k--Q Landscaping Access Points MP M 0 400' 800' 1600' 1Th46ftw shown may not be cwre iocaticalliltab i; V owned::nor is the Note: Parcel lies and lot configurations f a Itfce The d :tlon of a site is an are shown as approximation only. pr�jecM;A tzM need that may be adjusted over time 88 the Cilr develops. k- 3 ' ry 411 a aosiaA o' q C�'r Chi�N Vn pU1m... Qu o aziz no iT •env �� .�:?: � , rrvrv�•rsx<<aC:1" 110 �nSr w.- ac v G s 8 Q u < t IA v { n: CA- �. 7.21 CV QQ �Z•K'O:J -- GTTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT { DATE:: November 29, 1989 TO: Cha irman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT; THE PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH DESIGW POLICIES REQUIRING ADDITIONAL ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENT AND 'ALTEMWIVE 7EXTURE BUICUING INDUSTRIAL SPECIFIC PLAN AREA 1. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is for the Planning l:�ommis on to. review the proposed design policies. If the Commission concurs-with them, then adoption of the attached Resolution establishing such design policies would be in order._ II. BACKGROUND: At the October 11, 1989 regular meeting, the issi'oa raised and discussed the issue of texture, colors and material's in the Industrial_Specific Plan area. The Commission was particularly concerned with the proliferation of painted tilt-up concrete buildings lacking architectural treatment, The Commission dire.,Led• staff to prepare design policies that: challenge ,and encourage the developers/architects to use alternative textures. These design policies will serve as a guideline for staff and developers alike in the review of proposals; III', ANALYSIS A. Concerns with Painted Concrete .Buildings - The Commission in discuss-rig this issue, statedthat use of patterned painting schemes on tilt-up concrete industrial ' buildings lacked variety and is inadequate in providing architectural treatment to the building. This is especially true with large industrial buildings=with long expanses of blank walls. The Commission has also noted that painted concrete -bvildinos require more maintenance as the building needs periodic repainting. Painted stripes, bands, and other patterns can also -"date" the design. Amlidings that are well designed with creative use of texture are generally more timeless looking. The Commission also stated that they 'would like to shallonge the developers and architects to design industrial buildings that have sufficient articulation to the building plane and surface and to include A strong focal point at the building ITEM L PLANNING C"ISSION`STAFF ROORT RE,, ALTERNATIVE TEXTURES y. November 29, 1989 Page 2 ,i entry. The Commission pointed out that painted ac:ent bands mey be acceptable if the building design includes the above- ` mentioned design elements, but not as the major design element. S. Proposed, [lestgn_Pfilic€es -the proposed design policies consist `< b a goaa emen to ericoura e alternative texture materials and articu,'etion to the building, and criteria that clarifies the existing aesig uidelines as contained irr the Industrial Specific Alan and defines primary, and secondary building materials. The design policies.are as follows;. 1. Soal Statement: The intent of the design policies is toassist the .developer in understanding and complying wink' the. Urban Design Guidelines and Standards of the industrial_ Specific plan. The goal is to ensure high quality and timeless building design, which includes, building entry focal pointi sufficient articulation to $uildinv, plane, and: the creative l;se of alternative building materials, other than concrete. These. design policies, expood the'-established urban design guidelines of the Tndusti=fal Specific Alan anti shall apply to all indastrial bui,ldings`witrin the Specific Plan area. 2. Design Criteria a} Desirable architecture' s1*1I project a high quality, progressive, 'sophisticated style of utvelo ant. Variations in architectural style, construct€on methcdsand ma ,tirials are encouraged. bI Building entrances small be we-1I articulkilM and project a foul entrance- .strAm,, nt_through var€ 4ions of architectural pYanes pavement surface treatment, and landscaped plazas. i c) Acomt ,treatment, Stich`as changer, in exterior Lmaterials and texr;+re, is required. E d) The creative use of alternative buildin materials are required. A minimum of two, i2}q primary buildir.9 materials shal t be used <,,1 to recomiended, primary and secondary building materials are as follows: �> iF f PLAWING' COMMISSION STAFF'REPORT RE: ALTERNAT14E TEXTURES Nolrember 29, 1989 - Page ? o Pomary, building materials - 'concrete, sandblasted concrete, textured block, brick, granite, marble, and similar materials ,as ;approved t;r,the Design Ratifies G'ct+ittee. o Secondary bail'dinv.�materials - glass, :tile, brick, , concrete, pvf ted 'metal °elements, painted 4ecea t 'strips' k ryd other materials as approved by the Design aeview' Commi'ttee. IV. RECOMMENAATIO,N: Staff recommends that the Planiiinq :wimissicn c?, op the c ached Resolution to establish the design p6l c;es for industrial architectural treatment and creative use of al 4rnatiYe butIdIng materials. ti Res ully Wit d, l Bra le City lanner BB:NF:ko ` Attachments: Exhibit "A" - October'11, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes Resolution of Approval Establishing Design Policies II J Mr. Hayes stated the 'bottom part of the building wou�,r have a ,concrete base, the middle portion is a smooth metal material, and the top is a ribbed metal material. Commissioner Tolstoy; state, it as an industrial building in heavy. manufacturing area. a tong way from the freeway,' and would be ill the;,^iidst of a pipe stora92 yard. Ne, Rlt the h s .lding was acceptak�ls. Chairman MdWiel felt that if the building were',on the'°street`, or 'an office building, or if it would generata,a ict of visicor traffic, it would need to be upgraded. However, he felt th1-. building was located in the center of their project ,-•i he felt it was better to have the building,. •remain functional, because r, felt the property,value:might'in time increase to the point where anoth-.- .se would generate a'.better ;profit. Commissioner Chitiea felt there could have been a mwe 'interesting solution. Commissioner 'alakesley felt 'the building was nat so lame that it mould be a '1 major point on the landscape: Comnissioner Tolstoy felt it was not that large of a building. He as; ed why columnar trees were selected instead of a more obscdrirg tree along the 'tdison corridor. X, Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that EEdison would not allow trees to encroach within their right-of;;Way,, so additional land would be needed to f-, provide for spreading trees, /f Mr. Hayes stated there would be oleanders along the. freeway and a dense landscaping scheme along�ehe future Regional Trail along Day Creek. Motions Moved by T lstuy, seconded by Slakesley, to adopt the Resolution approving EnViron .ntai Assessment and Development Review 89=I4, with modification top vide fora 6-foot fence surrounding the detention basin and the removal of a retention facilities when no longer needed. ' Motion carried by the follow' g vote: AYES: COMMlSSiONERS- BLAKi S�EY, MCNIEL, TO'STOY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA AB NT. Ca'�MISSIONERS: WEINBERGER -carried COMMISSION BUSINESS :l 0. DISCUSSION OF TEXTURES, CLMRS AND MATERIALS WITHIN THE INGUSTRIAL 1i PEC—I I PLANAREA Planning Con nission Minutes -14- October 11,:A989 rl i 'r Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that at the last; meeting Commissioner Co is er Tolstoy requested that the.item be discussed. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he .was concerned because at, Design Review they have been presented with ;concrete tilt-ups with stairste ed colors'P P and he would like to see more Variety. He felt other alternatives should be i considered and the City should upgrade their standards.'' Chairman McNiel suggested 'a policy decision rather than'a 'Code change, stating that the Commission encourages the use of alternative textures and materials. Commissioner :Tolstoy felt that merely encouraging more variety would not really accomplish anything.- He suggested amending the Development Code to reflect the fact , that the Commission wants additional architectural enhancements. Chairman McNi:el didn't feel that banded paint is necessarily 'a bad thing. Commissioner 'Taishoy stated ,e did not wish to exclude the usei of paint, but he felt more ,things,. must -ie considered. He stated the Commission has seen little creativity. ,He ,cnted toaquar a textures and trappings. Mr. Biller stated bat .an advantaije to leaving the design standards as broad as possible is that it gives the Commission more, la i,tu.de to either be strict or lenient. He felt trat with more defined criteria, developers would be more litiely to hone in on the :minimum. He suggested drafting' a press, release c_.,a'Ienging the development :com-manity to come in wAth something different. He thought perhaps the' challenge could be distributed to developers as they approach the City with projects. He said exhibits or photographs 'could be used, Chairman McN el felt that would alert the developers that the City.is after something else. Mr. Buller felt a written policy 4+ating "alternativze textures.and materials to the normal concrete .,."' could'b'e placed in the packet of standard. polic,i,:s, for carmnercial reviews. He suggested- evaluating that approach in 3-6 months. He felt that if staff pressed the issue earlier in tf.�e process the architects may come in with better ideas. He suggested the staff might take field trips and take pictures or, vAeos to present to the Commission to find out what the Commission was aoo�, ng for. Commissioner Rlakesley felt it might be rough for the staff to get an idea of what the Commission s n is looking fa,r. Chairman McNiel felt that it was a good suggestion to challenge the developers. He felt the Commission was at fault because they try to work with the developers instead of telling the architect a building is unacceptable.. Commissioner Tolstoy felt it would be necessary to go gutside;'the City to get some examples of goo,(;. use of textures. Planning CormissionMinutes .20- October 'l, 1989 Commissioner Chitiea • suggested using , the term "building artiaulatio,' to descr�'.ne what the Commission is seeking. She felt perhaps more popping i&It of the buildings and more glass would enhance the buildings. Commissioner Tolstoy stated pop outs are costly, and he felt different textures would be more economical. ' It was Vie consensus of the Comnissiom that staff would prepare a policy to indicate at the beginning of .the review process that more articulation would be needed. P. DISCUSSION OF STREET NPr�tNG POLICY Chairman McNiel stated he had an opportunity to review the street naming, list which has been given to developers and concluded that no changes were necessary. He said that as some of the more prominent historical names have ended up on obscure cul-de-sacs, it might be appropriate to "recommend those names be used on park sites or community or City buildings. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated that _tiwanda North is t!ie last chance at naming some major streets with historical names. Chairman McNiel thought it might be of value to discuss the item with the Consortium: Commissioner Blakesley preferred using the names,for streets instead pf parks if possible. i PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no further public comments. r ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Blake-s'ley, unanimously carried, ;to adjourn. 11:10 P.M. Planning Commission Adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Brad au, r 11, Planning Commission Minutes October `1984' uq ' RESOLUTION NO.AMk A RESOLUTION .OF THE PLANNIK: COMMIS66N OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA.. ESTABLIS41NG DESIGN POLICIES FOR INDUSTRIAL ti 9bih00bS' REQUIM!,NG ARCHITECTURAL. TREATMENT AND;CREATIV6;USE)DFZTERINATIVE BUILDING MATERIALS WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL SPECI�JC PLAN AREA r WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has expressed. design concerns with painted tilt-up concrete industrial buildings, as they lack variety, have inadequate architectural treatment, increase maintenance, and; create dated building design and`previous`-projects have-not adequately, addressed the design concern%;, and WHEREAS, there is a need to establish a design goal to guide future development, and WHEREAS, design policies' are necessary t,) expound and implement Vie established urban design guidelines and,standards�of the Industrial Specific Plan; and _ WHEREAS, such design policies,.ara� needed to 'provide clear direction and guidance to developers,and staff alike. NOW; THEREFORE,. BE IT RESOLVED, that-theIRancho Cucahiongar Planning. Commission does hereby estalblish design policies for the additional architectural treatment and creative use ,of alternative building materials ,as follows: SECTION I:` Goal' statement �. The intent of the. design, policies is to assist the designer in, understanding and complying wi tit,the.:Urban Design Guidelines and Standards of ._ the Industrial Specific flan the goal is to ensure high quality and timeless building design, which includes- buiK4 entry foca'f' -point,` surficient articulation to building Plane, and the creative use of alternative building materials other than concrete. , These design policies expound the established Urban Design Guidelines of.the Industrial Specific Plan and mall apply to.alI indus`�'rial buildings within the $pecific Plan area. SECTION 2: Design Criteria -A. Desirable architecture;;shall project a high quality, progressive, sophisticated style of development. - Variations 'in.' arcfi-ftectural . '-st le >construction '-style, methods and materials are encouraged. P t �^- PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. RE:._ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENT November 29, -19801 Page 2 9 Building entrances :shall be well articulated and ,project a formal entrance statement through variations of architectural ,planesi pavement surface ' treatmeht, and landscape plazas, C. Accent treatment, such as changes in exterior materials and texture, is required. D. The creative use of alternative 'building materials are required. A minimum zof, two MY primary building materials shall be, used. The recommended primary and secondary building materials are as follows: ° Primary building material's„ - concrete, sandblasted concrete, textured; block, brick, granite, marble, and similar) materials as approved by the Design Review Committee. ° Secondary, building materials - glass, tile, brick, concrete, painted metal elements, painted accent stripe, and other materials as approved by the Design Review Committee. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS'29TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1999. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO,CUCAMONGA BY: Larry T. a ,_ a rman ATTEST: , Brad a er, ecre, ary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,. do herety certify that the foregoing 'Resolution was duly and regularly 'introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of"Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning: Commission held on the 29th day of November, 1989, by thesfollowing vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS CITY vie'RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: November 29, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission'' FRCM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner SUBJECT: STATUS OF PARKING SITUATION AT THOMAS WINERY PLAZA, " LOCATED AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD: A.NO VINEYARD AVENUE. I. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is to respond to the concerns raised by Mr. Julian Montes, regarding the parking ratio i for the beauty salon. II. BACKGROUND: At the November 8, 1989 regular Commission meeting, 71 ian Monies; a businessman, addressed the Commission. He informed the Commission that he would -like to establish a beauty salon in the Thomas Winery Plaz'; However, he was unable to do so because he could not meet the parking requirements of 39 spaces for a 13 station beauty salon. He` raised the concern' that the parking ratio is overly restrictive for this type of business. He also submitted a copy of the result of a survey on parking ratios for berity salons conducted by a traffic engineering firm. The Commission, after recei`vinq the public comment, directed staff to report back on the parking situation in Thomas Winery Plaza. III. ANALYSIS: The Thomas Winery Plaza project has been designed to maxiimize leasable square footage; by meeting the minimum parking requirements for retail - no more, and no less. The attached Table I breaks down the parking .calculations for the Thomas Winery a Plaza showing the number of parking spaces required and provided based on the square footage and the land uses. The total square footage for Retail and Office Use is 103,377 square feet while the Restaurant Use Is'7,628 square feet. The project provides°exartl the amount 'of, parking required for retail and restaurant uses. The number of parkins spares required for Office and Retail Use based on l space per 250 ,square feet is 414 parking 'spares. The number of parking spaces required for_Restaurant Use based on 1 space per 100 square feet for the first 6,000 sgaare feet ancfi;l parking space per 55 square feet for over 6,000 square feet is90 parking spaces. Therefore, the total- number of parking spaces required for this site is 505 and they have provided this same amount. Therefore,' the site does not provide "extra" parking to accommodate more parking intense users, such as beauty salons, optometrists, dentists, medical clinics, health studios and spas. ITEM N 4✓ X THOMAS WINERY 'PLAZA STAFF'REPORT November 29 1989 Page 2 Early, ini the review process for development p s such- as ; shopping centers, staff encourages developers to plan ahead and, set aside sufficient square footage and the ,,necessary parking spaces for uses other than,retail-and office..- reason is that land uses such ,s -n:staurant, fast food, beaut3! salon, health club, and medicaj,�pff`�ce require more parking spaces than retail use. However', if�6ij,the,developer or marketing/leasing agents who determine the mix, Sf tenants in: any center. Sn most cases a percentage is rese,cved fo restaurants,` but hot other types' of higherparki demah -ares. Mr. Montes is troposny ,, 13 stjition beauty salon in a leased- space of 1,225 squ,,�, rePt`.:' n�sed' on the current parking ratio of' spaces per stet on�� a. total ,of 13g- parking spaces will, be required. . only 41('paricir spaces wEre planned for this space (assuming retail) « 14 n To address the issu'e1-Zffprarking ratio,tor'beauty salon,;surveys of a sufficient 'rumben of 1i:s uty salons.vl uld have to be, conducted to determine actual�pa►king demand. The study submitted by Mr. Montes simply indicates p6r0ng ratio requirements of 10 cities. IV. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that- the PI:anning Commission discuss this -issue and provide direction whether further study is needed on the parking ratio for beauty salons. Res fly submitted, Bra er `-'� City annex` BB•NF' js Attachments. Table I - Parking Calculations for Thomas Winery Plaza Exhibit "A" - Thomas Winery Plaza Site Plan' Exhibit "B'r - Parking Study submitted'by Mr. Montes Exhibit "C" - Unapproved 11/8/891 Commission Minutes i -TAELE `.I PARKING CALCULATIONS FOR THOMAS k�INERY PLAZA PARKING PARKING PARKING BLDG. USE ,F1_ RATIO REQUIRED PRO BIOED A Restaurant 7,628�10/1,000 (1st 6,0DO sq.ft.) 90 90 6-A") 8/1000 (6. 000 sq.ft.+). 8 Retail 4/1000 56 56. �. C Retail 4,00� ' 4/1000 16- 16 0 Retail 36,125 4hO00 146 146 F Retail 8,800 4/1000 35 35 Office 6,000 4/1000 24 24 G Retail 9,400 411000 38 38 H Retail 3,000 4/16W 12 12 I Retail 10,250 4/1000 41 41 J Retail 1,800 41000 7 7 K Retail, IOa000 4/1000 40 40 111,000 505 505 z T ` fig I Ai : _ 1 ws ' 11t1 ' t 'It:: 14 1 l a � .t i i t! i i 3r I I Saw 5y ADLEi1 DI CZ. 1M. :it— H-89 4:58PM ?1483337a0d 818 963 1357.tt a BAS MACIYAN-DARKELL, INS. ENGINEERING AND PLANNING, Tradboartetton.TretIIG MunlciaA Transit 17101 Mitchell Nohh,Was 141 IMns,Calllomla 02714 (714),474,1131 November 6, 12ag Mr. Rudy Stroink 0a; tnvestoYs 2081 Business Center Drive suite 180 irvinef CA 92715 'SDI Rat. Wo.t 891103 SUBJECT: Parking Ratio for Beauty Salon within s Shopping Center in the City of Rancho Cua=anga Dear Rudy: In accordance with your request, ffiesaaciyan-Darnall, Ine. (BDI) has conducted research of the parking ratios typically required by various jurisdictions for beauty salon uses within a shopping AMMIL center environment. This has been done specifically to estiaiata the parking that would be required for a 1,200-square-foot beauty salon proposed for the 100,000-square-foot shopping center cur- rently under construct ,on in tha City of Rancho Cuaamossga. The City of Rancho Cucamongm is currently requiring that the beauty salon provide three parking spaces for each of the 13 stations proposed for that salons. The following present= {he rosu�ts of our preliminary veseavah. r BUi referenced the parking requirements of tan cities in Orange and San Bernardino County to find out their typical parking requirements for beau y salons. Of the ten cities surveyed, seven make no spscifid reference to:beauty ealons. These cities typically include t.4p beauty salon and other related typos of uses in the "Commercial,* "General Retail," or "Shopping Center* uses. The parking requirements for this® uses ranged from<A spaces per KSF {City Of Costft-Atea, Fulletton, and Westminster) to :5 5 spaces pAV KGr (City of knahsim). The City Of Banta LAS makes specific reference to Seauty Salons parking requirements by including Beauty Shope in their "tian®rat Retail atorow catogory by specific mention. The parking rtito required by the City at saute An& far tlEsis aetwgory is 3 spaces per KPF. i r _ f SENT SY,4DLER MOZ, INC. ;;1- 8-89 4:59-Pti 7148332740i t318 se-3 1367;A# 3 Mr. Rudy Stroink AWL OAR Investors November 6, 1089 Page Two l The Cities of Huntington Beach and'Irvine differantiate between a beauty €salon 'that 3e-a stared=al'ane unit -and, a talon 'that ins `located Vithin a shopping center or shopping complex. The City of Huntington Beach xequires, that as buailty salon provide parking at a rate of 5 spacei per KSP when it it located Within sa larger complex. The City of Irvine`requires between 4 and, 5 spaces pas: KSF, depending on this size ead the. nature of thm shanping:; center in which it'is located. The stand aloha rates for :s salon locit- ed completely independent of other uses were S.:S spaces per station for: the City ;of. Huntington Beach, and 3 pear station for 1-7 the city of Irvine. flamed on thin preliminary, research, it would appmas: that the requirement that 39 parking spaces (3 or station) be provided for the beauty salon proposed to bss loaat®d in the shopping center in Rancho Cucamongw is in rrmas`rsse of the typical require'- meat. Since the :salon is to be a shopping center of 100,000 squares lest, then a parking rae 4 to 5 Ppacces per KBF would appear to be kdequatsm, acid more in keeping with the requirements itj these other"Jurisdictions. ' I hope this adogua tely addraraii ° the t''Iisue of parking requirement for beauty salons:. Pisaaaa call me if' you have any questions, or if you need additional information. Sincerely, �A�'`�CIY]i4tT+D�2Y3'EZL, TNG. Serine Ciandella o _ , 1103RCuc.Fkg/#fi9=llJl DRAFr PUBLIC C(NMENTS Julian Mantes, 435 East Virginia Avenue, Glendora, stated his dt vghter wishes to establish a beauty salon in the Thomas Winery center, L-- „,A run into a parking problem, He said the regulations call for three parking spaces per statin`-. He said he had surveyed ten cities and the most stringent requirement called for 2,5 parking places per station. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated the developer had 01?iginally planned the. shopping center for two to three restaurants, and planned the remainder of the parking for standard retail uses, which do not have such a high parking demand He said he had requested that th�ideveloper Show evidence that the City's parking requirements for a ,beauty-salon were excessive, fie said the requirements apply to all other centers in the City, Ralph Hanson stated the item:was an off-agenda item and the appropriate action for the Planning Comn.ission would be to direct staff to work with the applicant and. schedlle the item for a future meeting. Chairman Mc Niel requested staff to nvestig rye and contact Mr. Mantes, Tammy Mantes stated she had trouble. finding any mall location within the City because of the parking requirement. She felt three parking places per station was outrageous. Mr. Buller stated that staff would meet with Mr. Montes to Investigate< the situation. He asked if the Planning Commission requested a report at the November 29 meeting. Chairman Mc Niel. requested r;report back on the status of the discussions with the applicant regarding the parking situation at the Thomas Winery location. { Planning Comm es Commission Minutes November 8 1989 r �� i SENT BY IDLER D90Z+ INC. ;�i� ?^89 1i:�#7AM 744 Q� 7t 1 �3?�Q9S.# 2 ,r a S' investors RichercU 01-vela za l< usir� ss c nt r brtve tiowridAdler Stt1t 294_ MlC',8e}L SttaUaa 7Niri a1lfCm1 u 71 r , t7 t 4?M3 7700 r BY ply Curry Hcrwa3 'Planning ac iasio i City of Rancho 0+,10amouga 9320 Baseline Ratiz Rancho Cucamonga, CA 017SO ?oar ?ASS', ohairma4 }. Please Consider this our raqubiat to r'smovs traaa the'Agenida,# tho disaus*iOn of the parking status at the Thocias 'Winery pla'Aa we art is the procoma of attamptirg to d or'Azo thr nature of the scope of a'patrxing study tahiah aili 4153 ov the 00=iswi,on and'its staff its xavi+eving our raquest. t;i it t;ie olementa of tt$ Study Ara d0t0 ined dhd it iea camplatad;, Wo 61*1 it Vil% be pt taturda . tQ 00 tIAUS, the dtisaueaLan and tasks up tht; Plftnn Mg +�e�t�snaiar.#es:a+a valuable time. siuceraly" 2�oxRr� 3�dle�r xanaging Generial partmor �►>kaalc�s Co., Brad Buller Zulixu ldantQfI Rudy btral a,