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1991/09/25 - Agenda Packet
0 0 "'M RKS H, R' S -ENDA", ETTEMBER" 2t"' 1991--d AG '"',-0701 2 P' �p C� 'A, CITE Of :} PLANNIN �' L? ?' 1977 w G WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2$t 1991 500 P.M. MMf I tWTER PLAN -W'JRX0UO11 RANC90 CUCAMONGA iCtVll; CENTTm RAINS A60H 10500 CX'xC CiiV R DRIVE RANC30 CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA S. Ron call r <; Commissioner chitea Cammiss',oner fiolstoy Commissioner McNiel commissioner Vallette , CommissiVner Melchor r 11. Introduction , III. ENVI'RQ EN`t'A ASSESS ENT AND CO D ON T. § = g MASI The development of a 27 acre master plan consisting of 40 buildings totaling approximately 2$0,857 square feet and c=pztamsed' of a mix of industrial, multi- tenant, office, and restaurant uses in the 1hdustrial Park category (Subarea 7) of the Industrial. Area Specific f Plan, located at the southtiest corner of Foothill F Boulevard and Rochester Avenue - APN 229-011-1U, 19, 21, 26, 27, and 261. IV. Adjournment 1 0701-02 SE'T R 5,4 19i91 P C AGE", A -F 3 � G�iCAAu Y -Or MONO A ~ r �L� N :EOM_ ION J 11GFN� kl 1977 WEDNESDAY SEPTENBEP 25, 1991 7406..PIM. RANCHO CUCAMOIdCA CIVIC CENTER COUNCIL CHAMBER 905:Q0.,CIVIC CENTER DRIVE' RANCHIO"CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA L I. Pledge of Allegiance„ II. Roll Call Commissioner Chitiea _ Commisioner Tolstoy Commissioner McNiel Commiss? raFr iJallette '~' ` Ccmmissioner Melcher 117 IMI. Announcements Iv. Approval of Mi.rlutes Adjourned Meting of August 8,'14wL-1 August 28,, 1991 Aaj`ourne&,Meeting dZ- September 5, 1991 V. Consent Calendar` The following, Consent Calendar items are �.ixpected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted .on by the.-`Commission at one time without discussion. if anyone has concern over anv item, it should be removed for discussion. A. TIME EXTEN81ON FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 138:7` - MA50R 71S LTD - A'residential subdivision and 'design review of 27 single family lots �oA 18.01 acres of land in the very 'Dow Residential District (less than 2. ,d4elling uslits per acre], located north of Wilson Avenue, east,;of Hermosa Avenue, south of H1;,I-side Read, and west of Nayberry Avenue - APN. i1201-111-06, li, 13,Y)�nd 32. 71 J S B. DEVELOPMENT REV, EW 90-12 - VAnVLA The deva loljYuent and` design, review �1 a*v�tlgle family custom residence subject tc' 4side development regulations, located on .3�, %2s of land in the Low Residential Distriet7 "--4 dwelling unx us per acre), locatsd nor, 1 of Camino Pr's Ieraon the west terminus of era Court20�7J631-17. VI. Public Hearimga The following items are public heaz7fi 45 in which concerned .individuals may voice "theiz opinion of the related:- roject. Please wait to be recognized by the Chairman and ad; es;; the Commission by stating your name and a+ tss. All such oF+lnions shall be limited to 5, j;Autes per individua for each project."Please s31 ,� %n after speaking. C. RESOLUTION OF DENIAL FOR TPKTATIVE TRACT 14211 y. S._ HONES - Resolutions for the denial without prejudice of a tentative tract map and c:.esign,review for the development of 226 single family lots orr 81.2 acres ofland withii'N Etiwanda :Specific Plan in the Medium and `Low- Medium R4sident ail Districts (8-14 and 4-8 dwelling units ;jr acre, respectively),. located , ,on the east s,rif.e of Etiwanda Avenue, south of the Devore Freeway, and west of East Avenue - APU 227-231-01' 09, 12, 16,, and 32, 227-191-15; 227-181-24; a7d 227-261-11. Related Fklez EtkC,.,n to Specific Plan Amendment 89--A3 r, D ENVIRONMENTAL -ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT '91-a4A. AIR QUALITY ELEMENT CITY'OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - In. accordance with the,1989 Air Quality Management Plan, an Air Quality Element has been prepared for inclusion as p"' of Chapter V. Public Health and safety secti.n,,. of the Ranchio Cucamonga General Plan. Thal amendment includes the expansion of the goals, objectives, , and policies of the ,Aire, Quality �t Circulation, Energy; and Implementation sevtions o the General Plan to - include;, ;a provisions of the 1989 Air. Quality Management Plan, as adopted tar the South Coast Air Quality tl Management District and the Southern California Association of 'Governments. A E. MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE TRACT 14548 - ALLMARK.. A requt"t to modify a condition of approval requiring the undergrounding of existing; overhead utilities for a residential subdivision to convert. 328 apartment units tn` condominiums. on, 29.51'-acres of land located at the. northeast corner of Etiwanda, Avenue'-'and Arrow Highway - APN: 229-041-11. F. MODIFICAT:ON TO TENTATIVE TRACT 14139 AHMANSON - A request tq modify, a condition of approval requiring she formation of-, a'' Maintenance Assessment District for drainage facilities for a previously, approved tentative tract, map consisting of 119 single family lots on 54 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-�4 dwelling units per acre)„ located at the southwest'.pnrner of Etiwa.nda. Avenue and 25th Street APF ,"225-082-01. L , f G. MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE MAP 13527 AND TO THE DESIGN REVIEW FOR =-ZNTATIVE TRACTS.,14379. 14380.-- 14381j AND ] t2 (4 PHASES OF TRACT , 13527) ; WAT P INLAND,f�iPIRE;` - A request to = ..'. modify a condition of app roval requiring the formation of a Maintenance Assessment District for drainage:facilities and a condition to join the Law Enforce.-,"it Commurit ' Facilities District,, for a previously:, approved design review '4f. a' tentative tract map consisting of 152 single family.lots ,on 51.6 .acres of land in f' the Low Residential District; (2-4 dwelling units per 'acre),( located at <'he northwest '. corner of Etiwanda Av€nue and 24th Street APN• 225-071-65. VII. 'Now Business H. -DEVELOPMENT 'REVIEW 91-17 CENTRAL SCROOL . AISTRICT - P courtesy ,review of the p?:oposed F!ith Musser Middle School on 14.27 acres of land within the Terra Vista Planned Cotmunity, located: on -the east' side of Terra Vista Parkway; north of -Church Street - APN: 1077-091-27 and 31. VIII. Director's Reports I. REVIEW OF AN AMENDMENT_TC THE UNIFORM' SIGN_ PROGRAM FOR TERRA ' VISTA TOW14 CENTER - 'LEWIS HOMES 1� •r r Fr G,- IX COmmsjiOn 'Briinass J. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW -, oral Report R. Pukic Comments, Ttls-!is`the" time and ;.place for the 'general public to address-'the- Commissiorn:..' Items to be. discussed here are those which =do not already appear on this . agenda. t XI. Adjournm if_. w The Planning Coilmission has'adopted Administrative Regulations that set an -11:00 'P.M., adjournment time. If 'items go beyond that time, they shall be heard only with the fcnsent of the CommiIson.' a12G �Y. h �J p Fti i v loinity map '1 r iFn cm le LL d_ a .m "• + �r■r ae R4 aai •A :o i • + - =� i ailotion- i �'3' S 1� VKICI(• - II..I LAM• Yiii�tl.J 9 �1 � �� � ��y� � - 11 >� ell, L 7iy �i n V � = y 3 a ,t '/city 6f rancho oucacgn .Y CITY OF RANCHO CXCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1991- TO. Chairman <md Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, Associate Planner i SUBJECT: TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIJE TRACT 13877 MAJOR J'S LTD. - A residential subdivision and design review of 27 si-gle family` lots on 18.01 acrek'of land in the Very Low Residential District (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located north of Wilson Avenue, east of Hermosa Avenue, south Of Hillside' Road, and west of Mayberry Avenue - APN; 201-111-06, 11, 13, and 32. BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract 13877 was conditionally approved by the' Planning Commission on Oc-ober 12, 1988. The first of three possible one-year time extensions was granted by the Planning Commiss'ic+n on August 8, 1990. 'On July :10,"1991,'the applicant requested the second possible one-year time 'extension of the Tentative Map and Design Review in order to allow additional, time tcf, record the final maps The State Map Act, Section 66452.6, ailne*s for up to 36;'months of extension. Extensions may be granted in.i2-month increments. ANALYSIS: Staff has analyzed the proposed Time Extension request and has compared the proposal with current development criteria as outlined in the Development Code. Based upon this review, staff has determined that the project meets the basic standards for development in the Very, Low Residential District. Therefore, this project still remains consistent with all code requirements of the City. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The Planning Commission must make the following findings in order to approve this application: a. There have been no significant changes in the 'land use element of the General Plan or Development Code or character of the area in which this project is 'located that would cause the approved project to become inconsistent or non-conforming._ b. _ The granting of an extension would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. ITEM,A PLANNING COMMISSION,STAFF'REPORT TT 13877 MAJOR J'S LTD. ' ' September 25, 1991 Page RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends,"at the Planning Commission approve a one-year Time Extension for Tentative Tract 13877 through adoption' of the attached Resolution. RespectF ly submitted, XBrad lle , City Planner BB:SH:mlg Attachments: Exhibit "A" - Letter from Applicant Exhibit "B" - Site Utilization Map,. ii+" Exhibit i - Subdivision Map Exhibit "D", - Site Plan Exhibit "E" - Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit "F" Equzstrian`Overlay District Map Exhibit "G" - Landscape Plan Exhibit "H" - Perimeter Wall Exhibit "I" - Elevations Resolution No. 88=269 Resolution of Approval Ly t� 1 U General manager Skipper C,Good MAJOR J'S, LTD. Partnar :Arthur 9.Coleman 9631 Business Canter Dr,Ste A Rancho Cucamonga,California 91730 July 30, 1991 �tHCE11��d CM 71L9N•ae89 CITYOF aANO CLICANIONOA fat 714-941-8451 The (.ity of Rancho Cucamonga PLANNING DIVISION Community Development Department Planning Division Jul a l 1991 P. O. Pox 807 AIC Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 c, Attn.: Mr. Brad Buller ! City Planner ' _j TENTATIVE TRACT 13P77 BEe4T-TREE COUNTRY ESTATES REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION TO OBTAIN FINAL MAP Dear Mr. Buller, As you know, MAJOR J'S LTD. received Tentative Map approval for Tract 13877 on October 12, 1988, On August 8, 1990, 'the Planning Commission granted a one year extension on the Tentative Tract Map which is scheduled to expire October 12, 1991. We are at the 'point where we can go before the City Council for Final Map approval, but as you )s=ow, the lending and :=ellzng climate remains very poor for this type of . . development, and the project is not a:;�le `to move forward at this time. With the current lending restrictions and the slow market for luxury homes, we cannot reasonably forecast when the situation will improve enough to allow this project to move forward. All Grading Plans, Block Wall Plans, Building Plans, and Street, Sewer, Water, and Storm Drainage Improvement Plans have been reviewed and approved by Planning, Engineering and Building and Safety, but we need to ask for a second extension to the time limit for achieving a Final Map on the property. This ,requested extenion would be valid through at least. October 12, 1992. The personnel in the City Planning, Engineering, and Building & Safety divisions have worked very :sard with us and our engineers and architect and landscape architect to produce' a project that we and the City can be proud of, and we feel it is in everyones best interest for the City to grant a time extension. We understand that under the Subdivision ' Map Act, an extension of up to three (3) ;years may be granted by the City, one year at a It4ul , and we herr;Dy request an extension of the maximum time permitted by law. Ple&de lend your help and support, and please place this request for an extension of time on the Planning Commission Consent calendar. Sincerely, Skipper C. Good = :general Manager MAJOR V'S LTD. 3 Ak 16 _-� -- _. : a all Is C - I MR INS go A � A f 16 f LO a NORTH CITY OF IT RANCHO CUCAMON A TITL3: �'LANNING DIVISION 0- y EXH BIT:a- SCALE: SLLv w net -rtceroR`• �! 2' L a,9 spi _ ^ •_ w.. _ l- `1 .W �21 umm xms 4 fit-'- 11" '� J, �. •' �s,� ter. —I .—N tx. rY e...+>wswJ•+/•wow.. 9 re . � I. � � - re xrJ�a rr.rr rerr ulJ�/r� +�• .� _ ••••�• 59 Id 4 'Q ^ f rJ NIJP fr RP'71lONA tr/MAN/r • t S F. a. Q f stQCRSRx9 a - !n. F tr^.T- SI.W. E WILSON AV MC w It v� sMMWMr ar maaosED LAW SICE �. -•• •• NORTH I ITEM.- 7T 13 S77 PT:�NNING DIVISION XIJIBIT: - �CA : f �I �• 2. � `'i. - E� �. v_ Sae n V". N "Cry• 9 Q:. � f; _���,ate..•-- �, \� = '�b 4 SAW ya AMC_ . NORTH CI ' OF ITEM: Tr 1377 RANG C TITLE:Sure tit t!/Sits �tA�' PLANNING I�IVISI0N ��� EXHIBIT SCALE:. -7 NERAI AVENUE # N � 1 MALVERN � COfAP7" ANh Li E a 4 act 31 CITY OF ITEM: I I �taaewowo;+��mas �romwwenrs�nw.rr�q IMNCHO CUCA DNIGA TITLE: PLANNING DIVISI®Id A y 7 EXHIBIT: e/ SCALE: I �133Yd1i �.re cY� 0lf�Mv v�� M Vol li \ \ ; p 1 04 se >>, t N wor AWA PLANNING DIVISION a 0 V � EXHIBIT: SCALE: HERMOSACk AVENUE ,`_ �� rta.•10.90 C+ FAD 9J lid Lj OL 46 ly #Ao.sl.A �S "�.. w.++w.�n.n•. w♦P%` Ian•.T:`5..� LINLr pp t 1 g �.'�• i� ITEM:-� PLANNING DIVISION �� 9 EXHIEIT:iLl SCALE:E: r c e a^� �tr— �,• ��;_,. -'tea. � o vi'. ., M__ ",^`,+.�� is _$ r_ '.A �• All Ali e Z -- .•a —' r`' �" NORTH e -YAW' ` $ .PLIANNING DIVISION (4- 16 EXHIBIT: =a SCALE-: .y . � man:�t•� 6' sEcrioN lze— ram' .• "� a ��s iT-.EL "WA-- 0.8 —.tee.—z.srcrr �N _•�.. ser."' =r�.wr�sa., - Nice 1 ' Jr$b01�x'_'.i."'7l�n�it� A^+ u P I OF ITEM: PLANNING DIVISION SCALE: g E HERMOSA AVENUE +i mneurs uc�e wwasomensw- 9 •.% I — waii�esa-- — 16! NIO.B.II @M.0 A0e.M7a I 1 ~ Cirf OF ITEMS 13k77 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE:� PLANNING DIVISION EXHIBIT: s �o -� q,) SCALE:. • `I tl 14 IP of �� .-►3 NORTH CITY OF ITEM. -T i.39'77 ,tNTING DIVISIONXBII�`: SCALE: _(G _ s ,II 3 c1 J W 1I i $ ll I 3 L�l 00000"" 'I' (D L ILU e a1 r ki a Z 7�7Cr J Mp g NORTH CITY OF x RANCHO CUCAMONGA TME: � ��c��.� ��.r•�, PLANNING DIVISION Ey EXHIBIT I e avow iarsttru . a iiyj5 Olf71Y►a�'_ d f 60 v NORTH ITY OF ITEM: jT 1.�a77 ANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE. PLANNING DIVISION ft-�I5 ERHIBI'T: SCALE: ' � :� s .r,• r,, j � zones$ IE®RE83 RMAEP K OATS @CEVAM" ffeffi •l ?r CI A �3s7? ITEM. ANCHO CUCA GNGA �-`TITLEr PLANNING DIVISION �XxlBiT:p,�,,SCALE: i` r i r { 1 /��''•: <✓ ..� ' >��`* •yam..! !i� �� � ^� � � �L� �y. •� '� ,5 fey--- �.•��^�i I�iZ'�It,. 1�8d(� H �( Igo■ a.2 -+ r4 �5 � � �Y�Y��Jb m'g� ���ntNllnp�� t ��► �Tsnu� mr{nlm � (Iilipl c �E-- I tl lttitlhl i "` ��;_ ��- r- .'14a IRM r3.1 JI1 a in Ir ■ ■ Im r a, •,y4y eY i}'s5 d f;r a 4: �Z 33L • -- —�— i 33��-s F; _ ,i t - — ORRIL ', +,. ._�_ -�•�_� _.a==_ �•i-a.-�-=-3�i`iii�i�0.-ic�zix.-1=�. -i�,;�i 3i=# ir_�_ mum � .arr:: �3--'•�irr'— �i—�' y --=3=�iY"}��si:=•�`�"�..�_.,_i'-_ Of, t_ CH�i'a�?��t�i_3?��^.F!ei?:ai3335'—�z:: :it=r:ri- ' i a=-'a• i-�iii=_si3333= 3 iiq,j4a'%i S t3 3 FIT---- --i _�33r � ,F,.,•. ..e_ _ --.err.:.:_ .cceFiii .- ._.•,o..�-r__'-3--x._-: .a:�__..:_ 7 5s, u�1 a .�, ._ NIS ?< � _� � ��s._ 1,_y t I':fi F; F Il.�rl �� � I I•. ti,t �` is I[n'afCC 1 IL .l t t '�OZ 1= 01� rAlb �C� r i171�71 1t 1 �k 'J� } � t �:t t °l��n�y •�e5<. 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IItAA pt��TA7q nn re _ CITY OF ITEM: 7 /3977 RANCHO CUCAMONGA TITLE; PLANNING DIVISION . �-/� SCALE: EXHIBIT. RESOLUTION NO. 88-209 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLARNi,NG COMMISSION OF THE CIT' iF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 1,WA(,` AND DESIGN REVIEW' THEREOF, LOCATED ;NORTH OF WILSON,` EAST OF HERMOSA, SOUTH OF HILLSIDE, ANb WEST OF MTBERRY IN' THE VE-t LOW- RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - APO: 202=111-6, 11, 13, and 32 A. Recitals. (i) Johnson has filed an application for the approval of=tentative Tract Map No. 13877 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter iri this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application". (ii) On the 12th of October, 1988," the Planning Commission of the City- of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on,the application and concluded said hearing on that date. rF- iii) All legal prerequisites to the adoption of,tais--Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. l 1 NOW, THEREFORE,-,it is hereby found, determined and resolved by the Planning Comnissfan of the City,of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1.. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this. Resolution are true and correct.. 2. Based upon substantial 'evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on October 12. 1988, including written ,and oralstaff reports, together with public testimony, this Comnissiza hereby specifically finds as follows: \ (a) The application applies to property located north of Wilson Avenue, south of Hillside Road, east of Hermosa Avenue and west of- Mayberry with a street frontage of approximately 329.53 feet on Hermosa Avenue, 676.67 feet on Mayberry Avenue and 662.72 feet on Hillside Road and is presently upimproved; and (b) The propemies north, south, east, and west of the sahject L site are zoned Very Low Residential Density (less than 2 dwelling units per acre); and (c) The applicant has filed an accompanying Tree Rewvai Permit for the proposed removal f of six 6 windrows p P ( } nd o:�s rqm► the subject property based upon:arborical survey and grading pacts; and n PLANNING COMISSI- F_ .JLUTI&I NO. 88-2u9 TT 13877 = Johnson Mober '12, 1988 Page 2 (d) The proposed subdivision design has a minimum: and arQrage lot sizes of 20,000 and 22,531 square feet, respectively, which are consistent with the requirements for the district in which it is located; and (e) The proposed subdivision design and acccmpanying maps haze been reviewed by the Grading, Technical, Trails Advisory- and Design Review Committees and approved subject to conditions contained t4 thir, this Resolution. 3 Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearinj and, upon the specific findings"of facts set forth in paragraph and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That tentative !tract is consistent with the General Plan, Dakvelopment Code, and specific plans; and (b)�-'The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the `�q,neral Plan, Development Code, and specific pli 3; and (c) The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; and (d) The design ,.of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial - environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat and (e) The tentative trrnct is not likely to cause Serious public health problemt.; and (f) The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. 4. This Commission hereby finds and certifies that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental duality Act of 1974 and, further, this Commission hereby 'issues a' Negative Q ,laratioit. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraph I, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in tie attached Standard` Conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. ti . �1 PLANNING C"ISSI t OLUTIOK ,;r; 8S-P 9 TT 13877 - Johnson i October 12. 1988 � Page 3 Tentative Tract I. All slopes about the tank' area that are steeper than"2,1 and that lie on this property require remedial work to make them 2:1 or flatter. This may require?,)redesign of the trail and shall require approval of the Trails Advisory Committee, the City Planner and Cucamonga County Water District prior to recordation of the final map or issuance of any permits.>.'1 2, The applicant shall obtain approval of the property owner west of the project site to remove,riy off-site windrows or rocks which occur on the adjacent site prior to recordation of the final: map; 3. The Alta Loma Basin, located to the south of the site shall be excavated to provide sufficient storm water retention to off-set the increased runoff generated by the development. I 4. Overhead Utilities:-., " 1 a. Hillside Road • An in-lieu fee as contribution to the future unde!,rounding of the existing overhead utilities ,40ecommunscation and electrical) on the opposite sia..,of Hillside Road shall be paid to the City prior to approval;of the Final Map'. The fee. shall be one-half the 16 `-.adopted unit amount times the length from the center of Mayberry Avenue 3o the west project boundary, b. Hermosa Avenue The existing overhead utilities \ (teleconnunication and electrical) on the project side of Hermosa Avenue sf�'All bt undergrounded along the entire project frontage extending to the first pole I offsite (north and south), prior to public improvement, acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. The developer may re(ZAgst a reinsdursement agreement to recover one-half the City adopted cost for undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the 'Opposite side of the street. S. The street improvements on the test side of Maybe:*ry Avenue shall be extended to include the property owned by Cucamonga County Water District WIN: 2ti1-i11-31),. Aft b. Developer shall construct an inlet structure to the Alta Loma Basin on Hermosa Avenat to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. }r PLANNING commISSIr c )LUTI'ON NO. 3h-2G9 +I TT 13877 Johnso: 6 October 12, 1988 Page t, t` 7. Developer shall construct a storm drain inlet;structure on the''northeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and Wilson_Avenue with the storm drain extending and daylighting south of the intersection. S. Items #6 and f;=-shall receive credit towards the storm drain fees as part of the Master Plan or Storm Drains. 9. The street ;,improvements including sidewalks ,on the east sids of Hermosa Avenue ,shallc;l;be extended southerly, to include the curb,return on the iortheast corner of He' aosa Avenue and Nilson Avenue. The dev�Aloper may reoue�s a reimbursment agreement for the portiah south of tK,.�.ract_ { boundary from the adjacent property upon its„develoopent. �- 10. An on-site storm drain system may be required depending upon the results of the Final Drainage'Repsrt as determined by the Citiv Engineer. Design Review 1. Windrow replacement planting shall be provided along Hillside Road, Hermosa Aven.----4 Mayber;y consistent with ink the pla!w7ing requirements 6f-'Ull City's Tree Preservation Ordinanta No. 2761-9,eplacement planting.�ha11' be shoran on the find' landsca- •• irrigation, plan. 2. The exact trunk location of the_trees'located on the lower northerly boundary shall be nl�;tted on the ,grading plan. Those which do not obstruct uhe local equestrian trail shall be preserved A A revised Tree Removal Permit application m b pp may a necessary,, Tlhe exact determination 11 shall be made prior to issuance of any permits. 3- The applicant shall follow the recommendations contained in the arborist report in order to preserve the six trees located on lot 2. The' preservation methods and/or relocation shall ba indi�.sted on the ;grading plan prior to issuance of pErtait5t 4. Provide a vladascape easement adjacent to the wall on », +mot Hermosa Avenue. S. The ;wall height".along Hillside Road shall be 5 feet from highest finished grade. 60 Provi'de additional detailing to the perimiter wall at the trail- entrances. Details shall be rovided on the final �nal landscape and irrigation plans. � 4�' ' g - II PLANNING COMMISSIC '' ILUTION No 88-209, TT 13877 -Johnson October 12, 1958 Page 5. {r if ::. An ac�lvial fired brick veneer shall be used rathier than a stucco 1;rick vene(i.:,., 8. The design o'f" he monument sign on Hillside Road f.sial l be similar to the dtlsign of the _City's entry, monumentation•,- signage. In addition, the brick, banding should be , eliminated from the base and the monument incorporated as part of the perimeter wall design. 9 avide fast-.growing everareen., vines and irrigation to screen the reWfiin,g wall on`'the east side of the trail on _ 1o* 21-2r. 10. Native fieldstone should,-,be used on: the decorative Perimeter wall. 11. On lot 9 the house shall be oriented with the front setback measured from the snatherly prgperty line, unless the east p-operty Tine is designated as the front lot line on the tract map. 6. The .Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of tilf': Rasolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF OCTOSER, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF RANCHO CU(AMOt4,: BY:' �L zann a, Y1 smalrman ATTEST: I, /r, U VecreSoy , aduilki4, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of kancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing -,4esolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning�;:Comission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12tk, day of October; 1988,'by the fe.lowing vote-to-w t<: J.fES: COMMISSIONERS: BLAKESLEY, CHITIEA, EMERICK NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ARL AbS_c NT: COMMISSIONERS: MCNIEL, TUST& i _57 ya z�y�LN e. •u\q L✓_ O y0 Vl G.�YO 9L,.H ■y � � G�YrCr� O.C L O O.Y��iy��.�rJ' q ew NGVO Cw G��9N F� 49 Lei O qq ym.0 L 4 O4� POii66�•0 OCg O� C yd� Oa�� �yqyO aC.r � �p i1 J V�L. y. OB W gNU4cy74Nb�a�..0 �wpY� CPS �QG > q�Y O.Y�^r. ssy. ^a ..^�.`� �`: 'a @O■�c= apt Q� ... 5 _�ccy .ayi Zas S Y.Cpµ Y'-.VOW Nppp cCq.WO 44VO 41C yyLL a 6 w a O g V y& 8 Y py8 3.L i R—.2 �u a HMV-O. �V.4:q. O:CI u.►. '. 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Y OIV W ` a 0;s O. 04 1�.OA 4YY L Cyy is • O tl, N N�� YiL Yes Est tm Y a j a zy z V O Y i'w y L YQ�•N d a Y N p CC,p N E l � L uL V c L N G L^ S r. R C' •^G LL p. • Y Qo .�Ns ,r Y • �uY L OeL3 ` L.uVy L Y a.G 4 G L L Y W �.a•. It Y.' �. 'a].E c p, M.p 8w2 Y-Y~ � y �5 ..a wpa:�� Y.. mO� Y, gg loY NL NV >L yYy a�aA CA A6V-� N Y� M C1. 1.s� Ld p 4 C G V ;.O 4 I C 0 N C=L�Y6aGq �{I O C N.a Y 00 O _ Y wI ^A 6ti.Y C� C O. ®o �, y�Ny :: r�yYY ics '.VL$ "me-3 pQ Y C C n D aY s6 N Y M l a a N i Vi+ ~Y~ y�uJ YYs Wp.�. C6J4 yaY.ta y�.0 � 0BY1. as go 9 66ci F 6dHJi.. ZOiL 1•NO Yf b I � I Y fl 0 RESOLUTION NO. a A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'On'`THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA#, C4LIFG3tNIA, APPROVING A TIMmtiRXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 13877,'�k RESIDENTIAL SUHDIV!'SION AND DESIGN REVIEW OF 27 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 18.:A1 ACRES OF LAND IN THE VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (LESS THA14 2 ` DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE), LOCATED NORTH OF WILSON'AVENUE,- EAST OF HERMOSA AVENUE, SOUTH OF HILLSIDE ROAD, AND WEST OF MAYBERRY AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN )SUPPORT THEREOF - APN* 201-111-06, 11, 13 and 532. A. Recitals f (i) Major. J's Ltd. has filed an application for the extension of Tentative Tract No. 13877 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Time Extension request.quest is referred to as "the application." ( i) On .October 12, 1988, this Commission adopted its Resolution No--88-209 thereby approving, subject to specif j�." conditions and time limits, Tentative Tract No. 13877. (iii) On August 8, 1990, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 90-99, granting the first of three pos3ible one-wear time extensions, AshL valid through October 12, i991. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoptions of this Resolution have occurred. H. Resolut*on. - NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by thi-, Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically .finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Fart A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon fiubstantial evidence presented to this 'Commission, including written and oral staff reports, this Commzs,3Ion hereby specifically finds as follows: (a) The previously approvedl Tentative Map is in substantial compliance with the City's current General Playv specific plans,, ordinances, plans, codes, and policies; and (b)- The extension of the Tentative Map will not cause significant inconsistencies with. the current General Plan, specific plans, ordinances, plans, codes, and policies; and (c) The extension of the Tentative Map is not likely to cause public health and safety problems; and 1`17 PLANNING COMMISSICJ RESOLUTION NO. TT 13877' - MAJOR J'S LTD. September 25, 1991 page 2 t. j s �3) The extension iG, within the time limits prescribed, by state law and local- .ordinance. 3. Based upon the fin gs and conclusions set forth in parag�rapha l .and 2 above, this Commission hereby grants ,a Time Extsnsion�i r Tract Applicant FiratiCn 13877 Major 'i's Ltd. October 12,'1992 4 The;.,Secretary to this Commission shall ceri�°, to t',�e adoption of this, -: lutio;t. APPPUVFJ AND AL\19P1ED THIS 25TH'DAY OF"SEPTEMBER 1991. PLANNING COMY,.SSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: ' h,'rry r:AccNiel, Chairman: ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary I, Brad Buller, Secretary'af the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby, certify that the. foregoing Resolution` was duly ;and regularly introduced, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,`.at.a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the k5th day of September 1391, by the following vote-to-wit: n AYES: COMMISSIONERS � ` • NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t CITY OF RANCHO CUCAI+IONGA Aft STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1991 TO: Chairman ar<S-Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Steve Hayes, Associate Planner SUBJECT; DEVELOPMENT REVIEW_90-12 VARELA - The development 2 'd design review of a single family custom.:residence subject to bili�`ide development regulations located on .34 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2 4 dwelling units per acre), locat6id north of Canino Predera on the Fret terminus of Predera Court - APlia 207-631-17. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTIONS A. Action Reaue7ted: Approval of ,Site Plan,- Building Elevations, and Conceptual Grading Plan. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Vacant; Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units par acr6,_) South - Vacant; Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) East Vacant Low Residential District (2:-4.dwelling. units per acre) West - Single family residences; Low Residential Distract (2-4 dwelling units per acre) C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Low Residentia: ,-strict (2-4 dwelling units per acre) North Low Residential District (27-4 dwelling units per acres) South Low Residenti,al District (2-4 'dwelling units per acre),.: ,last - Low Residential District (?-A dwelling units',Ver acre) 1 West Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling unitrl"per acre) D. Site Characteristics: The site is currently vacant and void of any significant vegetatLLn and natural foatures An above-ground concrete Swale .system with. :drainage easements traverses the site asthe, 'aw8lea drain. ' generally to the northwest corner of the site where it meets Predera Court. The alto is relatively steep with a natural slope average'of over 15,. ? percent. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, and a driveway,,approazh are alreac constructed in the public r,tght-of-way across the site`frontage, i A. eeneral: -.This custom rea;,dence requires Flanning Commission review under +e Hillside Development, Irdinance because natural slopes equal to or :eater than 15 percent' tist on the property and, excavations or- fills ;eater than 5 feet are rzciposed. For the mast part, the 4,435 square foot Fsidence has been designed to meet the technical a#ects oil the Hil-,side fre'linance .by minimizing grading i%nd fitting the house iithin t)ie re(141red building -elope (with minor eicroachment5 for chimneys and small roof ITEM B 4. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT :. DR 90-1: - VARELA;,' September 25, 1991 Page 2 areas) through the use of stem walls, split building pads and lower plate lines. Also, the purpose and intent of the HillsiC,, Ordinance is beingmet t by limiting changes to the existing"'drainage pattern, minimizing the need for retaining walls and preserving the .:natural features on adjacent properties. To further minimize grading, the applicant in proposing a'3-car garage that tucks under the .west side of the house. This garage is'plotted in a side-on condition and.Is located ot.-the side of the 3:ot, that ,is least visibie,from public view. The site plan has been designed to utilizo'-the existing�3rive approach located at the upper end of the cul-de-sac bulb. B. Design Review Committee: The Design Review Committee reviewed thin project on three separate occasions. The Committee (Tolstov, Vallette, Buller) ultsnately recommended approval of the project at its mee'-,ing of August 22, 1991, subject to the following conditions: 1. Any new above-ground swales brow ditches, and' channels should=be treated with c naturalized,"\yesthetically pleasing treatment. 2. Additional specimen size trees;,\�mhould be provided downslope from; he residence to reduce the effete-ive;bulk`of the structur4r. ?.S C. Grading Committee: The Grading Committee reviewed the project at its' meeting of August 20, 1991 and recommended ap,, rcival since the plam, has been 4 deslgred in conformance with the applicable regulations of the.. City's Hillside ordinance. Amok FACT!' FOR FINDINGS: The project is "consistent with the General Plan and Deve",opment Code. The project will not be :'_`;rimental to the public health, or safety or cause: nuisance or. significant .adverse environm@Rtal impacts.. in addition, the proposed use- and site plan, together wi n; the recommended conditions of approval, are in compliance with, the applicable provisions of the Development Code ard, City"standards. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Development Review 90-12 through..adoption of the attached Resolution. Respe lly submitted, �i3ra Is ,. City Kanner BB:SH•mlg Attachments:. Exhibit "A" Site Utilization WV, Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C" - Conceptual grading Plan Exhibit "D" - Building Eievations Exhibit "E" --Building Sections Exhibit "F" - Floor Plan -.Exhibit "G" - Roof Plan Ref,Aution of Approval t t i LLI Off' RE&,Nr�£C< CUCAMONGA rani• PLANNING- DIVISION T1TLEc�—. �1� � .. 'N EXHMM /I SCALE: f ae m tea.aea a a.. t. : . AwAl lqw Alft CITY OF R UC�;�a h-c NGA ITEM: 7 PLANNING- DMSION TrME: EXI-IMr.- S SCALc:: (� <ytl MT 1'4 A"� SYTJK '•` •.PCeP- IN FLw='gL AT7 Pk.^" O volt GA 00,T^I` I-h .IfSP.!'1i=�'16•NT Tr�.'..l YY JF RAHc,�r/# /l -. - a. ,1C{3fA!•'L7N 4A 1'oR +71"01W Rc`ntt , PuRf[xis5 l AMA i 4.lIKW"sm-r VGi `N'* Aazlclnmav•TES,,,, - _ �— -- _ - �n. 4 � »T ORi4 �1S � K � ! 1 •'r : C. It" Y ��•a l e �A11 1 I t ' ) air••.••• l! -;�"-,i , �. 1 ` yw1 1 CAMV OF PtiE3 TOH ,CUCAMOINGA PLANNING- DMSION ''' ',�( E.'al 1B fT. SCAr � �y LM 4, , SECTION B - B NOT TO SULE ` 25• -* , SECTION A- A HOT TO SCALE i � '/N; Hey: ffa.aArq SECTION CAE HOT TO SCZE CUT ,',39 Cy i FW. e4 CY CITY OC�i +xLCt�►iVIO��IA r"Ml E i N PLANNIN.G DMSION _r EXHIBM'"- SCAM r: 1 a>e x ff dz x 1 @vTIL G�O FN AML OgOcSQ'ti O � ' a I ll c! Icy 6 sj All lipiffE rR Li r - 1 'xj1 Y� 1 ��• 10 :'. Y 1} - 11. �!' r J I , 4 P zi U® I co ��\ _ � 1f _ �> AML F .. ,Cf'�. copvj �D ' t -\`\ 1 Mai- id .PRE NARY SECIM E-E Tf0 ITEM: DR OF PLAN)-%Nd- DMSION fiII'CE�'..� -�,.l��s� N EXHIBTr, 3.'—SC?sLE: `1 r� 3 C �fi a CITY OF Ft&ctmO UCA11fIONGA NN TTfiL�:� �•...., ct�� P)LAING•• Di 1NION •-�- W SCALE: 11 �t r� ., r GM MID + wo, Mar i I f � � i 1 , 4-b-- El PRELMINARY FIRST FLOOR PUN OF 1 CH0 IjCAMONGA PLANDQIN6. DMSION TTI'LE:`=, 31' EXHIATI':f SCALE: . KT�f3 rap - wiz Tr * WIM 0 0 .� 13 . -,,A a CITY OF RANCH6, UCAMONGA rt�M PLANNING- DIVa5I0N TITLE: 1p EXHIBIT: r - SCALE: - k w— /Pl _ rr r. . f OFF RANofi6 aCUCAMONOA PLANNINd-]DIVISION 4" EXHIBIT: fr QsCAL:: r 8je7 1 RESOLUTION NO. j A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA S CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GEVELOP.IMIT REVIEW NO. 90=12, THE DEVELOPMENT ANp DESIGN REVIEW OF A SINGLE- FAMILY. CUSTOM' 2 ESIDENCE SUBJECT TO HILLSIDE D:JELOPHENT REGtt«ATIONI... LOCA,TED 0•*, .34 r,1CRES OF LAND IN THE LOW RESEdENT.IAt D3aTRICT '(2-4 DlMtLING -L`NIT� .PER ACRE), LOCATED N01:T: '0F CAMTNO PREDERA C 3URT ON THE 'WEST TERMINUS OF PREDERA C(-JRT,- AND MAKING'FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 207-6YI-17. A. Recita?s. (i), Jesus Varela has filed an application for the draVh opmeat of Lot 27, Tract 10035_(Development. Review No.. 90-12) as describes', in the title of this Resolutiwa. Hereinafter, the subject Development Review,request is referred to as "the application," !ii) on the of 25thi Of September 199C,tL s Planning. Commission of the City of Ranchn Cucamonga conducted a meeting to cuYsider the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior.,to the adoption of this ;tssolution' have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is'hereby found, determined,, any resoled by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as'follawa: 1, This Commission hereby specifically finds,*hat <- .of the facts set fortix Ln the Rec:talc, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to tl.is Commission during t1he above-reracenz, meeting on September 25, 1991, including written and oral staff rgports�`an3 upon the specific findings of facts set forta'ir� paragraph l above, thin Commission horp'y finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed x bject is consistent with the objectives r`the General Plan; and (b) That the proposed use aiid design is in accord with the objective of the Development Codas and the ):vrposes oz the z%stricc in which the site is located; and - (c) That the proposed use and deLAgn is,in itomjiliance°with each j of the applicable provisions of the Development Codo,*"and (d) That the proposed use'.,{',and, design, together with the conditions a�splir�Ihle thereto, will not be detrimental to the public hearth, safery, or wel.?are`— materially injurious to properuies or improvements In le vicinity. 122—lb PI.ANP7,NG COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR Su-i2 - VARELA September 254 1991 Page, R 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions``set forth in paragraphs 1, and 2 above, this Commission heroby approves the application subject to ti each and every condition set ortn below and in the attached Standard Conditions attanhad hereto and incorporated hsreia by this reference: Planning_Divis on: 1) Any new above gro.'und swalz's, brdw. ditches, and ch,snnsls 'shall r treated with a naturalized, aesthetically pleasing tveatment, to .:he eat vfadticn of t}:,e City Planner ti%n,! City Engineer. 2) Additional spec£men si" -seen shall be provided downslope from the residence to reduce the effective' bulk of the to the satisfaction.ol� the City Planner ) The proposed retaining wall along the southeast property line shall not exceed a naximum height of 3-1/2 feet from fiUsshed grade. rnaineering Division: Adak 1) Provide some _ype,.')f ]�rotsction tc th,* opening of the existing oe�',Gi 3 ditch basin fo "gafety, to the satisfaction of he Ci:tY Engineer'. A. The Secretary to this Commission 4htll certify to th* adoption. of this Resolution. APPRC`a') AND ADOPTED TMTS 25Ta DAY CF SEPTEMBER 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONZA BY.'- Larry T. Moll-'el, Chairman t' ATTEST®_ Brad Buller, Secretary 1, Brad Bul'.er, Secretary of the Planning Cort.,tissicri of the 'City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify thdtthe foregoing `itesolution was duly and, regular�j introduced, passed, and a3apted by th- Planning Commission of the City of Rt: ho Cucamonga, ai, a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held j If on the 25th day-of September 1191, by the following vote-to-vit: r I , f 0 2 EPTE'^� ' 25, 191 P.-C.-AGE NDA o- . PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. DR'90-12 VARELP September 25, 2991 rr Page 3 \_n_ AYES: COMMISSIONERS:' ZS$IONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Jl it Ak AWk ap' rt - CITY Vp DEPARTMENT OF "UNu rmu riur t;" " l � 1 F3tOJECT#: tvclayr.,-} ncvv,, �TU-1?r SUBJECT: 5��,. iK r,� . C"+0' et. :e Lfif3�;r APPLICANT jesw I/srclS LOCATION: &444 a �a n v Pr 'Cc✓' v -� 1! s� 4,-,,, ct' 'w Those itenis chedl ed are Conditions of Approval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DIVISION, (714)989-1061, FAR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. Time Limits «,a.r� 1. Approval shall expire,unless Wendod by[he Planning Commission,if building perrnits are I --�-J— not issued of approved use has not asmmenced�,ithin-24 months from the date of approval. 2. Developmerrv/Design Review shall the approv,d prior to I L, 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of 4. The developershall commence,participate in,andoonsumWoorcauseto be commenced, J—/— participated in,or consummated,a Melb-Rood Community Facilities District(CFD)for the Rancho Cucamonga Fir©Protection District to finance construction and/or maintenance of a fire station to serve the daveloprnent. The stsdion shall be located,designed,and built to 61;specifications of the Ram Cucamonga film Protection District,and shall become t". District's property upon compietion. The equipment shag be selected by the District in accordance with its needs. In any Wilding of a station,the developer shall comply with all applicable jaws and regulations.The CFD shall be formed by the District and the developer by the time recordation of the final map occurs. E. Prior to recordation of the final map or the Issuance of building permits, wh'u hevar comes first,the applicant shag consent to, or participate in,the establishment of a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District for the construction and maintenance of necessary school facilities. However,if any school district has r mviousty established such a Community Facilities District,the applicant shall, U the alternative,consent to the annexation of the project site into the territory of such existing District prior to the recordatiot,,of the final map or the issuance of building permits,whichever comes first.Further,if the affected school district has not formed a Mello-Roos Community Faci;Ries District within twelve rrronths from AMbL the dale of approval of the project and prior to the recordation of the final map or issuance of building Pc.Ynits for said project,this condition shalt be deefrad null and void. 5C•2/9 r o cam, •� _ This condition shall be waived if the C'ry receives notice that the applicant and all affected school districts have enured into an agreement to privately accommodate any and ail school nip impacts as a result of this project. _ 6. Prior to recordation of the final map or prior to issuance of building permits when no map is J_J— involved.written certificatior,from the affected water district that adequate sewer and water facilhies are or will be avaflableto serve the proposed project shall be submitted to the Departr,±cgnt of Community Development, Such letter must t_,e been issued by the water district within 90 days priorto final mapapprovalinthecaseof subdivision orpriortoissuance of permits in IN-case of all other residential projects. B.Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which. include site plans, architectural elevations,exterior materials and colors,landscaping,sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Division,the conditions contained herein; Development Code regulations,and Specific Platt and Planned Community. 2.. Prior to any use of the project site or business v!"'ity being comntynced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall to completed to the sz Aaction of the City Planner. 3. Occupancyof thefacility shall riot commence untill such time as all Unifoim Buildiing Code and -_!-/— 's state Fire Marshall's regulations have been oomplied with.,.y�r to occupancy,plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection Ol t and the Building and Safety Division to show compliance. The building shall be inspicted for coorroiarce prior to occupancy. a. Revised site plaits and building elevations Incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval prior.i issuance of building permits. ✓ 5. All site,grading,lardscape,irrigation,and street improvement plans shall be coordinated for --�—�— consistency prior to issuance of any permits(such as grading,tree remove,encroachment, building,etc.),or prior to f tad map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision,or approved use has commenced,whichever comes first. _ 6. Approval of this request shall riot waive comp Wtce with all sections of the Developmant J-J� Code.all other applicable City Ordinances,and applicable Community Plans or Specific Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 7. A detailed on-sRe lighting plea shall be reviewed and approved by the.City Planner and l_1 Sheriff's Department(M-NI 1)prior to the issuance of building permits. Such plan shall indicate style,illumination,IocaYon,height,and method of shielding so as not to adversely affect adjacent properties. i 8. If no centralized trash receptacles are provided,all trash pick-up shah be for indMdual units J_J with all receptacles shielded from public view. 9. Trash receplacle(s)are required and shall met Ctfy standards. Ths final d9sign,locatiom, —I-J— arej the number of trash receptacles shall be subject to City Planner review and approval prior:o issuance of building permits. 10.All ground-mourned utility appurtenances such as transformers,AC condensers,etc.,shall be located out of public view and adequatey screened through the use of a combination o<. concrete or masonry wails, terming, and/or landscaping 'o the satisfactbm of the Ca j Planner. Z _zzb SC•I/91 11.Street names shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval in accordance with the adopted Street Naming Policy prror to approval of the final map. J 12.All building numbers and individual chits shall be identified in a clear and concise manner, including proper illumination. 13.A detailed plan indicating trail widths,maximum slopes,physical conditions,fencing,and weed control,ii►accordance with City Master Trail drawings,shall be submitted for City Planner reviewand aporovai priorto approval and recordation of the FinalTram Map and prior to approval of street improvement and grading plans.Developershali upgrade and construct all trails,including fencing and drainage devices,in conjunction with street improvements. 14.The Covenants,ConditionsandRsstdctions(CC&Rs)shall notprohibtthek3epingofequine —J- J— animais wherezoning require\ments forthe keeping of said animals have been et.Individual lot owners in subdivisions shalt h^_ve the option of keeping said animals without'.,le necessity of appealing o boards of directors or homeowners'associations for amendments to the CC&Rs. 1 S.The Covenants,Conditions,and Restrictions(CC&Rs) and Articles of incorporation of the J—/— HSmeowners'Association are subject to the a,.imval of the Planning and Engirsering Divisions and the C'ty Attorney.They shall be recorded concurrently with the Fin:!Map or prior to the issuance of rxiiding permits.whichevev occurs first.A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Eng(Iser. 16.All parkways.open ar83S,and landscaping shall be permanently maint lined bythe property ____J_ owner, homeowners'association,or other moans acceptable to,the City. Proof of this landscape maintenance shall be submitted for City Planner and City 1%nalneer review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 17.Solar access easements shalt be dedicated for the purpose of as3uming that-)ach lot or dwelling unit shall have the right to receive sunlight across adjacent Iota or units for use of a solar energy system.The easements may be contained in a Declaration of Restrictions for the subdivision which shall be recorded concurrently with tho recordation of the final map or issuance of permits,whichever comes first.The easements:shall prohM the casting of shadows by vogolation,structures,fixtures or any otherob)Wj,except lot utility wires and similar objects,.pursuant to Development Code Section 17.48.0RO-G-2. i8.The l.,roject contains a designated Historical landmark. "h site uhall be developed and J--J maintained in accordance withOe Historic Landmark Afteration Permit No. .Any further ni~-J icat>Arts to the 9i4o inducing,but not limited to,exterior alterations and/or interior afterationswIt", affecttheexteriorofilhasNWidingsofstructures,removal oflandmark trees,demolition,relocation,rtconVuM,ion of buildings or structures,or changes to the site, shall require a modification to rho Historic Landmark Alteration Permit subject to Historic is Preservation Comnission review and approval. C. Building Design 1 An altemative energy system is required to provide domestic hot water for all dwelling units and for heating any swimming pool or spa,unless other alternative energy systems are demonstrated to be of equivralent capacity and efficiency.Allswimtning;pools installed at the time of initial develcpmsrd shall be supplemented with solar heating. Details shall be included in the building plane and shall be submitted for City Planner review and approval _ pnot to the issuance of building permits. AOL 2. All dwelling,shill have the front. side and rear elevations u;^'traded with architectural —1 treatment,detailing and increased delineation of surface treatment subject to City Planner review;and approval prior to issuance of building permits. t .� sc•ale► 3 , 1 i 3. Standard patio cover plans for use by the Homeowners'Association shall be submitted fol i City Planner and Buildi,N Official review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. 4. All roof appurtenances,including air conditioners and other roof mounted equipment and/or .._I_/ projections,shall be shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Division. Such screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design and constructed to the satisfactior,of the City Planner. Details shall be included in building plans. D. Parking and Vehicular Access(indicate details on auitding plans) 1. All parking lot landscape islands shall have a minimum outside dimension of 6 feet and shall ____( contain a 1 a-Inch rralk adjacent to the parking stall(including curtA.. 2. Textured pedestrian pathways and textured pavenrerq across circulation alsl�s shall be J—J- Eirovidedthroughouttha ddvelopmentto c rnned dweilinps/unitaftildingswith open spacesr piazas/recreationai uses. 3. All parking spaces shall be double striped per City standards and all driveway aisles, J_J_ entrara:es,and exits shall be striped per City standards. c. All units shall be provided with garage door op'-'sers if driveways are less than 18 feet In depth from back of sidewalk S. Thee ovenants,ConditionsarMRestrictionsshallrestfttheslcrageWvicreationa!vehicles on this this site unless they are the principal source of transpoilikkin far w5ii.awnar arid,prohibit parking on interior circulation aisles other than in designated visitor parking areas. dft 6. Plans for.any security gates sha�t be submitted to;the City Planner, City Engineer,w)d -/ Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection 01strict reviewand approval priorto issuance of bxuVing permits. E. landscaping(for publicy maintained landscaP@ areas,reftr to Section N.) 1. Adetailad landscape and irrigation plan,including slope planting JJ_ in the case of residential devetoprne tt, shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and submitted for City Planner reviewand approval presto the Issuance building permits or prior final map approval in the case of a custom lot subdivision. — 2. Existing trams required to be preserved in place shall be pirGtected.with a construction barrier J_l— in accordance with the Municipal Code motion 9.08.110,and so noted onthe grading plans. The location of those trees to be preserved In place and n$w locations for transplanted trees shailbe shown on the detailed landscape plans.The applicant shallfolloaw all of the arbodst's recommendations regarding prey rvation,transplanting and trimming methods. 3.' A mini,num of_trees pergross acre,conIxised of the following sizes,shall be provided —J�— within the project: %-48-inch box or larger;—%-36_inch box or larger, %-24-Inch box or larger, 9a-15�alfaa,and -5 gallon. 4 A mtnirrkum of 9'.of trees planted within the project shall be specimen size trees --J---J- 24•inch box or larger. 5. Within parking lots,trees shall be planted at a rate of one 15-gallon tree for every three parking stalls,s'Jfficieni to shade 500/6 of the parking area at solar noon on August 21. C.-v SC-2/91 4 f' C.nciatcn.ia.e 6. Trees shall be planted in areas of public view adjacent to and alon structures at a rate of one free per 30 linear feet of building. _/--2_ 7 Ali private slope banks 5 feet or less in vertical heightand of 5:1 orgreater sl I ope,butlessthan _/ /_ 2.1 slope,shall be, at minimum,irrigated and landscaped with appropriate ground cover for erosion control. Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system tote installed by the developer 10or to occupancy. S. All private slopes in exces set Sfeet,but lessthanS feet In vvitical height and of 2:1 or greater —�—J slope shall be landscaped and irrigated for eimsion control arid to soften their appeara:ce as folia vs;one 15•gallon o,laM ersize tree per each.150 sq.ft.;of slope area, ,-gallon or larger sie shrub per each 100 sq.ft.,of slope area,anC.appropriate ground cover.in addition,slope tanks in excess of a feet,in vrirtcal height and of 2:1 orgreater slope shall also include one 5-galion or larger size tree per Bach 250 sq.ft.of slope area.Trees and shrubs shall be planted in staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane.Slope planting required by this section shall include a permanent irrigation system tctbe installed by the developer prior to occupancy. 9. For single family residential development,all slope planting and i ftattion shall be continu- ously maintained in'a healthy and thrivingconditanbythe developeruntil each individual unit is sold and occupied by the buyer.'Prior to releasing occupanoyior those unite pan inspection shall be conducted by the Planning Division to determine that they are in satisfactory condition. 10.For muhl-fam,,y residential and non-residential devskipment,property owners are respon- sible for the continual maintenance of all landscaped areas on-site;as well as contiguous planted areas within the public right-ot-way. All landscaped areas shall be kept tree from weeds and debris and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, and shall receive regular pruning,fertilizing, mowirg, and trimming. Any damaged, dead, diseased, or decaying plan material shall be replaced within 30 days from the date of damage. 11.Front yard landscaping shall he required per the Development Code and/or This requirement shall be in addition to the required street trees and slope plantinQ. 12.Thl final design of the perimeter pz L-ways,walls,landscaping,arid,sfdewalks shall be included in the required landscape plans and shall be subject to C#y Planner review and approval and coordinated for consistency with any landscaping planwhich may be required by the Engineering Division. 13.Special landscape features such as moundi*,alluvial rock,specimen size trees,meander- ing sidewalks(with horizontal change),and intensified landscaping,is required along 14.Landscaping and irrigation systems required to be installed within the public right-of-way an the perimeter of this project area shall be continuously maitt*.aine9 by the developer. •eG 15.All walls shall be provided with decorative treatment.if heated In public maintenance areas, � /! the design shall be coordinated with the Engineering Division. 16.Tree maintenance criteria shall be developed and submitted for City Planner review and approval prior to issuance of building permits. These criteria shall encourage the,--aural growth characteristics of the selected tree species. f 17.Landscaping and irrigation shall be designed to conserve water thresh the principles of Xedscape as defined in Chapter 19.16 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. SC•2/9I 5 F.Signs -_ 1. The signs indicated on the submitted plans are conceptual only and not apart of thisapprcvai.{ —J_�— Any signs proposed for this development shall comply with the Sign Ordinance and shall require separate application and approval by the Planning Division priorto installation of any signs. 2. A Uniform Sign Program fof this development shall be submitted forCity Planner review and —J--/_ approval prior to issuance of buiiding permits. 3. Directory monument sign(s)shall be provided for apartment,condominium,or townhomes pr'or to occupancy and shall require separate appitcation and approval by the Planning 6 Division prior to issuance of building permits. G.Environmental 1. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Fourth Street Rodt Crusher project in a staward format as determined by the City Planner,priorto accepting cash deposit on any property: 2. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the City Adopted —�—� Special Studies Zone for the Fled Hill Fault,in a standard format as determined by the City Planner,prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 3. The developer shall provide each prospective buyer written notice of the Foothill Freeway JJ_ project in a standard format as determined by the City Planner,prior to accepting a cash deposit on any property. 4. A finalacoustieal report shall be submitted for City P(anner'raview and approval prior to the 1 J— Aflkk I issuance of building penults. The final report shall discuss the level of interior noise I attenuation to below 45CMEL,the building materials and construction techniques provided, and it appropriate,verity the adequacy of the mitigation measures.The building plans will be checked for-conformance with the mitigation measures contained in the final report. (I M.OtherAgencies y�1. Emergency secondary access shall be provided tnacoordancewith Rancho Cucamonga Fire �-�— Protection District Standards. 2. Emergency access shall beprovideC,maintenance free and clear,aminimurnof26 feet wide J—J— at all times during construction in accordance with Rancho C lcamonga Fire Protection District requirements. V"_3. Prior to issuance of tuildf.-q parmilts for combustible construction, evidence shall be J� submitted to the Ran6v Cucamonga Fire Protection District that temporary water supply for fire protection is r.,allable,pendlM completion of"required fire protection system. 4. The applicant shall contact the U.S.Postai Service to determine the appropriate type and J—J— location of mail boxes.Multi•famity residential develupm irds shall provide a solid overhead structure for mail boxes with adequate lighting.The final Location of the mail boxes and the design of the overhead sintcture shall be subject to City Planner review and ap,tovai prior to the issuance of building perms. 5. For projects using Septic lark facilities,written certification of acceptability,including all —JJ supportive in"ormation,shall be obtained from the San Bernardino County Department of } Envivonmer u„i Health and Submitted to the Building Official prior to the issuance of Septic i Tank Permilc and prior to issuance of building permits. S-2/9 t d. APPLICANTS SHALL CONTACT THE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION, (714) 989.1863,FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1.Site Development - _�� 1.The applicant shall complywith the latest adapted Uniform Building Code,Uniform Mechani- cal Code,Uniform Plumbing Code,National Electric Code,and all other applicable codes, ordinances,and regulations in effect at the time of issuance of relative,permits. Please contact the Building and Safety Division for copies of the Code option Ordinance and applicable handouts. f 2. Prior to is,uance of building pemxts for a new residential dwelling units)or major addition —�—�— to existing unit(s),the applicant shall pay deva-lopmentfoes at the established rate.Suchfees may include,but are not limited to:City Beautification Fes,Park Fee,Drainage Fee,Systems Development Fee,Perm3 and Plan.Checking Fees,end School Seas. 3. Prior to issuance of building permits for a new commercial or Industrial development or _/_!_ addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay develo;krent tees at the established rate. Such fees may include,but are not limited to:Syslems Development€ee, Drainage Fee,School Fees,Permit and Plan Checking;Fees. 4. Street addresses shalt be provided by the Building Official,attertract/pamel map recordation and prior to issuance of building permits. J.Existing Structures 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for the pioperty line clearances J considering use,area,and fire•resistivensss of existing buildings. 2. Existing buildings shall be made to comply with correct building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal f icilitfas shall be removed,filled and/or capped to comply with the _Je/_ Urtrr"orm Plumbing Code and Uniform Building Code. 4. Underground on-site utilities are to be located and shown on building plans submitted for building permit application. X.Grading 1. Grading of the subject prnperly shall be in accordance with the UrOar n Building Code,City —J—J Grading Standards;and accepted grading practices. Time final grading plan shall be in substantial conformance with the approved grading plan. ✓�2. A soils repoK shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to —J=J— perform such 3. The development is located within the soil erosion tmnlrol boundaries;a Soil Disturbance _J—J Permit is required.Please oontapt San Bernardino County Dopartmentof Agriculture at(714) 387-2111 for permit application.Documentation of such panmit shall be subxaitted both@ City prior to the issuance of rough grading permit. 4. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. Aft 5. The final grading plans shall be completed and approved prbarto issuance of building permits. —/ -ems SC-2/91 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAVT ONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Conmission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senirr Civil Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: RESOLUTION OF DENTAL FOR TENTATPVE TRACT 14211 U. S;- HOME- Resolutions for Elie denial without prejualce of a enf� vi'e bract map and design review for the development of 226 single i9mily lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Etiwanda Specific Plan in the Medium and Low-Medium Residential Dnvelopment Di!ztrlcts (9 14 and 4-8 dwelling units per acre respectively), tttatec the east side of Etiwanda Avenue south of the Devore Frieway west;iof East Avenue - APNz 227-231-01, C2, 12, 16, and 32; 227-19I-15, 221-181- 24; and 227-261-11. ABSTRACT: Staff is recommending denial without prejudice of the project app'p c -cTon due to the lack of complete"information considered essential for a proper evaluation of the pr9jectr BACKGROUND. This project was submitted to the Planning Commission on April T4—,-I9t:TTTr denial A copy of that staff report and minutes are attached for your reference. At that meeting the P)anninL_iomrission and, applicant agreed to a 150 day continuance until tonight. DISCUSSION: The continuance of 150 days was granted with the understanding j that a revised drainage study would be submitt-J to the City within 30 days. The following 120 days allowed for turn around time for review I- staff, corrections by the 'developer's Engineers cnd` architect and Techni:ciial and Design Committee Reviews. The drainage report, the main item of incompleteness, was received by the city for review on July 11, 1991, 78 days after the April 24, 1991 planning Commission meeting, which is 2 1/2 times longer than the 30 days that the applicant's Engineer stated was needed. Staff met with the developer's engineer on July 15, 1991 to discuss the report and returned comments requesting additional information on July 26, 1991. A letter dated August 22, 1991 from the developer's engineer states that he has been authorized to provide the items requested by staff which will be resubmitted in 2 to 3 Meeks or around September 12, 1991. A few weeks will then be needed for staff review. ITEM C PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENT. TRACT 1.4211 - U.;S. HOME September 25, 1991 Page 2 �� 1 The project is scheduled for a courtesy review by the WAign Review Committee on September 5, .1991 and also tf.,tatively_scheduled forfTechniciai and Design Review Committees on Septemoer 18 and 19, respectively.�'-1he results of these meetings could not be included here, because- the staff report had to be completed prior to:those dates. Staff-suggested that the applicant request an additional 60 day continuance to al l ovi'sufficient 66e to complete the drainage report and fo1 i o�vup to the Technicial and Design Review Committees, but he has not as yet made such a request. CORRESPONDENCE:, ,,This item has been advertised in The Inland Balls Dai_i_ u e$'C tin newspaper as a public hearing. The ,proper as een postee not7ces were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the praject s:te. RECOMPENDATION It is recommended that the-Planning Co iSi`sion consider all npu an 'e�ements of Tentative Tract Map 14211. If after such consideration, the Commission, concurs with the staff opinion that sufficient=4nformation has' not been provided to properly evaluate tho. proJecl, then adoption" of the attached Resolutions of Danial without prejudice wouid?be appropriat!'!. Respectfuly; submitted, f Barrye R. Manson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BK:d1w i ,Attachments: April 24, 1991 Planning Commission Staff Report April 24, 1991 Planning Commission Minutes Resolution of'Denial_for Tentative Map Resol-ition of Denial for Design Review J1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT BATE: April 24, 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BY: Barbara Krall, Assistant Engineer SUBJECTS RESOLUTIC';" OF DENIAL FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 U. S. HOME eso ut oils or en a a without prejudice of a tentative ract map and design review for the development of 236 single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the, Etiwanda Specific Plan in the Medium and Low-Medium Residential Development Districts (8-14 and --_ 4-8 dwelling units per acre respectively), located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue south of the Devore Freeway and west of East Avenue - APN: 227-231.01, 09, 12, 16, and 32; 227-191-15, 227-181- 24; and 227-261-11 I. ABSTRACT. Staff is recommending denial without'prejudice of the project application due to the Zack of complete information ,red essential for a proper evaluation of the project. II. BACKGROUND: This project was formally submitted on May 17, 1989, after being reviewed as a preliminary review in December of 1988 and, February of 1989. Following formal submittal the application was deemed incomplete on. three separate occasions, most recently in August 1989. As a courtesy to the developer, the project was reviewed by the Grading, Technical Review, and - Design Review:Comittees in October of 1989 with the provision that the E.,roject would be again reviewed by the committees oncedeemed complete. The developer `has been working with staff to resolve all completeness items. III. DISCUSSION: State law requires that a subdivision application be acted on by the �l approving agency within s eciNed .tt�. a t(imits which begin in when the application as been accepted as "'Although the application was submitted on May 17, 1989, which is almost 2 51ars ago, it has not been - deemed complete by staff. This "completeness" determination is i�ontevi-ii, c _3 y1 A- PLANNING GOMMISSIO STAFF REPORT TT 14211 - U. S. HOME APRIL 24, 1991 PAGE 2 by the applicant and given the excessivia amount of time since submittal, the City Attorney has advised staff toysubmit the application to the Planning Commission for action. The main item riot yet completed is the drainage report. This report is necessary to determine the size and locatioa of the required detention basin for the site and the surrounding area. The design of the: retention' basin could have substantial effect upon the of the development, the related park site, and the adjacent property. S .ondly, the proposed alignment of -the storm_drains to be constructed with' the project differ substantially from those shown on the adopted City; Master Plan-for the , area. It is essential that the evaluation of the realignment be . completed to determine the 'economic and service impacts upon the total area served Eby the Storm drain lines. The l ate'st comments on the pro ect drainage report were returned to the Developer's Engineer can June 11, 1990. Staff had a meeting with the Developer and his Engineer on October 17, 1990,to discuss a new approach to the basin design which utilizes .the area des'_-�,nated for a pxrk /i te. The developer submitted this request to the Park and Rech.etion• Comnissioni which the Commission d , fed. Staff feels that completion of this design is essential prior tea submitting the project . the Planning Commission for action. e In addition, the developer has; been requested to acquire the offsite right-of-way necessary to provide infastructure for this project. Staff has discussed the possibility of scheduling the project for an advisory City Council hearing for possible future condemnation action to acquire this right-of-way; however, the Developer has riot requested that course of action. Staff sent a letter to the Developer on February 27„ 1991, stating the project would be scheduled fora denial hearing unless a letter waiving j the time limits was_provjded. Staff met with the Developer and his Attorney on March 28, 1991 'to discuss the project, but they did not agree to submit a waiver of time limits. The developer takes issue with several staff' recommended conditions for the project„ but those items are not relevent to this action. IV: CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised in The Inland Vidile�v. MIX Bulletin newspaper as a public hearing. The proper yhas been posted and notices were sent to all property owners within 300,fP;t of the: project site. PLANNING COMMISSIO, jTAFF REPORT TT 14211 U. S. HOME _APRIL 24, 1991 .. Aft PAGE 3 V. RECOMMfENDATIONE,? It is recommenced that the P1&nning Commission consider all input and elements of Tentative Tract Map 14211. If after such consideration, the Commission concurs with the staff opinioriJthat sufficfent information hat not been provided to properly evaluate the pro4lect, then adoption of the; attached Resolutions of Denial without prejudice would be appropriate.. , Respectfully submitted, ell Barrye P. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BK:dlw Attachments: Vicinity Map "(Exhibit "A") Tentative Map (Exhibit,"B") Resolution of Denial for Tentative Map Resolution of Denial for Design Review Am ,J t� • ■ rt ■ mete►/:,; unni. Ii1111i111111111►,� �� (IIIIIIIr xy A a fe ti. Irey tki N1l, N,ai sdaot:aa6T 70.'ati 7G8 !ar F ' as are tas ® tN 'R2 01 ro0 IA 10/ 21a 724 IBD % To -. 210 213. t 4t2 M 79 il{/7 1ta m nr IN 1 to rw an 1 i 1 tit /'. itl[[t' w + 1 j t•a I [.Z R7 trd m0 >� MILLER .AVENUE 2a tea t [ Iw 1 1 i'asittt .. In 1 M III !2.n. N a{. 6 149 1 i Imo.. 1.. N. tP 6BIw M: to 182 us N0 1 it.-atT j tLt . Iat as 131 9a IYO"l18 Ia am/af lu as xe N 1t0- n IEr IT .- is rf to tt[[ .- i t a a a a i a 64 97a no Ili Ila $ e1 i8 M 48 M Aa N, Of to 1� IN 116 Zd !! [[ a or a /a0 tat 11• 2t 47 H 57 N wee .e M 8a 8j n ' I12-. In . 113 1 m to 1 ur an I,fY2 [• stx[t .-'.-vicar m If L 0.-t ei W M i'itat[i lea re. t�MI 1Wwe wt w pl PARS let � t I . 1 � 1 f FOOTHILL BOULEVARD RANCHO CUCAMONGA Tff •Tom:t ATi V MRCP ENGDMEMG DPREON ar Commission needed to determine the incompleteness issue only. He said the'. Commission had basically three options: (1) deny the appeal and determine the applicant needs to submit a master plan, ;(2) deny the appeal and request that the applicant submit a variance, or (3)' grant the appeal by accepting the master plan already on file, knowing that the master plan is probably :not current. Motion: Moved by Melchor,. seconded by Chitisa, to instruct the applicant to roturn with a variance rrequest if so desired and adopt the resolution d9nying Appeal of Determination of Incompleteness for Conditional Use V.2rmit 91-01. Motion carried by the fallowing vote; AYES: COMHISSIONERS: CHITIEA,' HCNIEL, MELCRZR, TOLSTOY, 4.1LLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE -carried The Planning Commission receahed from 8:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. E. RESa1LUTION OF DENIAL FOR TUNTATIVE TRACT 14211 - U.-S. HOME - Resolutions for the denial without prejudice of a tentative tract may and design review for the development of 235 ,single family lots on 81.2 acres of land within the Etiwandr 'pecific Plan in the Medium and Lew-Medium Residential Development Distri' 8-3.4 and 4-8 dwelling units per acre respectively), located on the ea c',. cf Stiwandt -Avenue, south of the Devore Freeway and weaa of: East ,,'e - . AsN: 227-231-01, 09 12, 16, and 32; 227-191-15;,227-181-1i, id 227-261-11, Barbara R.rall, Asoociate Engineer, presented the staff report and suggested additional language for the dealgn review resolution. - Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Charles Schultz, attorney, Reid § Hellyer, 3880 Lemon, Riverside, stated U. S. Home had submitted the project over two years ago. He requested that action ` be taken on 'he project, but said ha preferred that the Commission not deny `y the application. He felt, the issue to be whether the applicant had provided sufficient nformation to the City. He reported that three separate traffic analyses had been submitted and he felt that all necessary information had been aibmitted to the City regarding traffic and drainar_e. He said that each time the applicant met with staff,: new information was requested. He, requested that the Planning Commission determine that sufficient studies has been submitted because he felt they were at an impasse regarding the traffic analyses. He said that staff contends that the applicant miscalculated, and staff had not been willing to supply the raw data which the City used for their traffic model. He commented that staff had adv'.-mod the application r Planning.Commission Minutes -9- April 24, 1991 l would not be complete until '_he grojert.-proponent:-pbtainad right-of-way-from other landowners. He indicated the applicant was. }'illing to return to the Design Review Committes; He reported they had spent,`%-ver $80,000`on drainage studies and there was `a disagreemen:t`.bacause staff, is requesting a flow- through system with `a retention basin and their titudy-indicated that a flow-by system would be sufficient. Patrick Lang, 9,7 louth _Chester Avenue, Pasadena, atated the City*s computer traffic model 'f ,:he year 2010 indicated traff.—,oaf Miller Avenii�'i roTi15, be 21,000 trips -may, while his study shows 3,000 £rs ger day. He .+;ndieated he had rsginsted the raw data and the City then reran the model and ii.diceted a reduction to 15,000 trips par d'ay. He said the stee*t currently has only 75 trips per day. He said the City had not provided the raw data ,to--him.` He, requested the raw data be suppliedN so he could put the raw data into his somputer. He said he understood the'City accepted the traffic study•s genarsl principles but there was'u~LYeagreement over, cumulative impacts. Bill Mann, Bill. Mann & hssociatas, 1802 Commerce Ccntea West, Suits A, San B-nnardino, stated he .:gad been consulted regarding the drainage. He said the sxa has certain constraints, but he felt they had adequately`addressed the issues. He said over SSS 000 had been spent on the drainage etudy. He showed a map of tho surrounding area and indicated the majoz- problem is the requirement for providing,a drainage plan for the area to she north of their development. fie reported they originally looked at a by-pass system consistent with the City'm meeter plan, but thm City w" not comfortable with CIA the system. He said they then submitted a new.plan with the northern basin as by-pass basin and the lower basin as flaw-through one. : He indicated they met with staff in March and June of .1990. He thought they had submitted sufficient data to show the,system would work. Chairman McNiel asked if the project were being built now, how much of the system would be built. Mr. Hann replied that U. S. Home would only have to excavate one-tbird. of a Nasin to provide ,sufficient capacity for the U. S. Hcme site and current development to the north. ` Commissioner Tolatoy asked if both proposed basint were en U. 'S. Home's property. Mr. Mann responded that the basin shown across the street was not on their property. I Mr.. Schultz stated that the first developer is required to ;design the system. He said that most cities do ?;ot require the level of sophistication required by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Chairman McNiel said that the City has:experienced severe flooding problems in the pant. Aft Planning Commission Minutes -10- April 24,i1991 ! L Harrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, said he had not been aware that all of the requested data had not been*given to the applicsnt's traffic engineer., He said he did not bring up the traffiz issue as an Incompleteness item beraiise he felt they were merely at odds. He said Kr. Hann had, indicated to +staff that he wag working ' now on a plan for drainage which had not yet been � submitted to the City. He said the City disagrees with the applicant regarding their proposed alternate, which he felt 'would `require that tha' master plan be ravised. Ralph Hancon, Deputy City Engineer, stated the matter' had come to his attention and it appeared there- was an ,impasse. He indicated that simply having an applicatioi■ stuck in the. process is not acceptable. Ho'commented that the action before the Camm scion wau not an .the merits of the application$ but merely tha:' 'staff did not foal they bad sufficient information to provide appr-apriate conditions for the project. He said the Commission was being, 'a.Rad to" determine. if the applicant had uubmitted sufricient informatiri` t,, gleem the application complete. He said the suggestion for a,,enfal was only recognition that the City musk act. _ He suggested a co tinuance with some direction as tee which' way they City would want to go. He thought Engineering staff might indicate what additional infors.3':3_2n they would like to gee in order to proems® the application, He requebzad that if the Cocvaission were to decide to continue th,4 application`. that U. S. Aome agree to a'waiver of the tima limits. Mr. Schultz stated he was prepared to stipulate to a continuance of a0 days. He acid the last time they coat with staff, staff stated that Foothill Boulevard must be improved adjacent to the property in order to deem the application completa. _ Chairman Menial close& the public heari47. He suggested that the Commission , direct staff and the applicant to 'resolve the problems under the City ' Attorney°s guidance. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what additional information staff would need. I Barrya Hanson stated staff still needs a determination of costs and an allocation of the costs to tha` surrounding property owners. He said staffs largest concern with the proposed realignment is how the surrounding property owners will be t fected. Commissioner Tolstoy observed that the problems appeared to be drainage basin design and size, drainage basin'location, and traffic. Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer, stated that the traffic issue revolves around the size that Miller Avenue should be (two or .four lanes). He indicated "that the City completed its traffic model after the project was submitted. He felt the original traffic study'iubmitted by the applicant did not consider outside influences on street volumes. He said he had been satisfied after minor clarifications that minor issues of intersections could be worked out. Planning Commission Minutes -ll-, April 24, 1991 _ Commissioner Melcher ?asked if tIle City 'had supplied all the raw data to the III developer, Mr. Rouceau responded that he, had given data many months ago; and bec,01se he had .not been approached for add3,tioiial, data, he thought it had been ,%:.�eficient. He said the raw material in tho study would be made availLLble to the applicant. lI c I Ralph Hanson asked if staff.thought 50 days would've sufficient time to review the new data ,supplied tend condition the project. - earrye Hanson did not feel that would be sufficient time. He said that as a f courtesy, staff had preliminarily submitted the incomplete project to the Design Review Committee and TarhnizAl Review Committee. He, said staff had not scan maps In their final form and the project would reed to be rescheduled through Technical Review and Design Review bacause of changes. He fait staff would need 90-120 days from the time information is submitted. Chairman MCNiaxl reopened the public hearing f,o ask when'the applicant could submit the additional information. Mr. Mann indicated the informatior.<could be submitted within 30 Aays. Ralph Hanson requested a waiver of time conditions pending resubmittal. He said the applicant could demand their rights at any time. Mr. Schultz stated the did not ha y v e ::problem with a. 150 day.delay. . He said they were anxious to get the project moving. Chairman McNiel suggested the,+applicant seriously consider the City's' severe traffic and drainage problems. Commissioner Chitisa reiterated the item would r ed to go through the normal Design Review::,rocess. =/` Mr. Schultz agreed to waive the tima limits to allow continuance for 150 days. Motion: Moved by Chitisa,'seconded by Tolstoy, to direct staff to work with the appi nl* to submit additional information. Motion 'carried by the following vote; AYES COMMISSIONERS: CHITIEA, MCNIEL, HELCHER, TOLSTOY, VALLETTE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE a ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE carried 10 Planning Commission Minutes -12- " April 240 1991 = Jl RESOLUTION NO. 1 � A RESOLUTION OF TF't PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, /i ALIFOFLNIA, DENYING WITHOUT PREJUDICE TENTATIVE TRACT 1�Z11 FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF'226 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 81.2 ACRES 'O^ LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN IN THE MEDIUM AND 'LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL' DISTRICTS (8-14 AND 4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, RESPECTIVELY), LOCATED ON THE FEAST 'SIDE OF ETIWANDA AVENUE, SOUTH OF THE DEVORE FREEWAY AND WEST OF :EAST AVENUE AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT ,THEREOF - APN: 227-231-01, 09, 12, 16, and 32;,227-191-I5; 4227-181-24; end 227-261-11. a, A. Recitals (i) On May 17, 1989, U. S. Home Incorporated filed an application for 1 Tentative Tract Na. 14211 as described in the titl-e of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Mag::,e'referred to as "the application." (ii) The application has been formally deemed incomplete on five separate occasions (July,_2, July-31, sad August 30, 19S9, and July 25 and August 8, 1991). RW (iii) On the 24th of April, 1991 and the'25th of September 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted duly noticed p7iblic hearings on the application and concluded said hearings on said later date. (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Re;o' ution. NO4, THEREFORE, it in hereby found; determined, and resolved by the Planni,ig Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: �. This Commission hereby spacifically finds that all of the.facts Set forth in the Recitals, Part,A, of !---ais Resolution are true and correct. 2. Bared upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission, durl.ng ,the above-rQiereneed public he Ling on April 14, 1991, and September 25,. 1991, including,written and ora;, istaff reports, together with public testimony# this Commission hereby speci'rically finds as'follows: (n` ,The application applies to property which is located on the east side of-itiwanda Avenue, south of the Devore Freeway and west of East . Avenue with an Etiwanda Avenue frontage of approximately 669 feet and lot depth of approximately 2,580' feet and is presently vacant; and C 1z), ��� PLAuNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14211 - U. S. HOME September 25, 1991 " Page 2 (b)_ The property to the north of tho subject site is vacant, the- property to the south of the site consists of vacant land, the property to the east is vacant, and the property to the west is partially developed with single family homes; and (c) The application contemplates the development of 235 single family homes in the Low Medium (4-8 dwelling wits per acre) asd'Medium (3,14 dwelling units per acre) residential development districts of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and � 1 (d) The application was reviewed by,the Grading, Tmchnical Review,'` and Design Review Committees as-a courtesy)) to ''the dsv4oper, .witt, the provision that once the application war, deemed,'. complete, ifawould roturn to all committees fq); formal eeview; and (e) A concurrently proposed amendment"to the Etiwanda Specific Plan to allow detached single family structures would be required to be processed concurrently with a complete application; and (f) The application has been deemed .incomplete due to the lack of•, an,acceptable drainage report which is necessary to determine the impact of the project's drainage facilities upon the project itself;_-�,and adjacent, downstream, and other properties within the '`watershed served by those facilities. WIF 3. eased upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds:and concludes as follows: (a) The Tentative Tract is not consistent with the General Plan and the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and (b) Thgi design or improvements of the Tentative Tract" are not consistent with,th'e General Plan and the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and (c) The proposed use is not in compliance with each of the applicable provisions Of the Development Code; and (d) The proposed use will potentially,be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and (e) Information has not been supplied by the applicant that is necessary to prepare a legally adequate environmental document; and (f)`- Information without: which '_the City's decision to approve a. project would not be supported by substantial evidence has not been provided. ARIL C-�3 5 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14211 — U..S. HOME Raptember 25, 1991 Page 3 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions'set f`o\�ath Jn paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Commission. hereby denies the application without •prejudice. S. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of. this Resolution. APPROV—ED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY, OF' SEPTEMBER 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION-OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA C� BY:�— Larry McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary L I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of �Aancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regglarly introduced, passed, and adopted;by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at-a regular meeting of.the planning Commission held on,the 25th day of September 1991, by the following vote-�.o-wit: ,r AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: 1 f _RESOLUTION NO. 1 a A RESOLUTION'OF THE CITr:PF RANCHO CUCAMONvA, CALIFORNIA, DENYING WITH07T PREJUDLCS THE DESIGN REVIEW OF TENTATIVE TRACT 14211 FOR•.THE DEVELOPMENT OF 226 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 81k2 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN IN THE MEDIUM AND LOW-MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS (8-14 AND, 4-8 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, RESPECTIVELY), LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF tTIWANDA AVENUE, SOUTH OF THE DEVORE FREEWAY AND WEST OF EAST AVENUE, AND MAILING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 227-231-01, 09, 12, 16,, and 32; 227-191-15; 227-161-24; and 227-261-11. 4 A. Recitals (i) On May 17 1989, U. S. Home Incorporated filed an application for the issuance of the Tentative Tract 14211 and Design Review thereof,as described in the title,of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resoluttoia,- the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the agglicatioh." (ii) The application has been formally deemed incomplete on five separate occasions (July 2, July 31, and August 30 1969, and 'July 25 and" August 8, 1991). (iii) On Octobl", � 19, 1989, and September' 5 and .19, 1991, the qW application was reviewed on a courtesy basis by,the Design Review Committee, with the provision that formal review would olt:ur following completion of all application materials to the satisfaction of4a (iv) On September 17 and 18 1991, the project was reviewed as a courtesy to the developer by the Grading and Technical Review Committees, respectively, for the purpose stated in (A iii). (v) On the 24th of April, 1991, and the 25th of September 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of,Rancho Cucamonga ccnducted duly noticed public hearings on the application and concluded said hearings on the later date. (vi) All legal prerequisites pr,�or to the adoption of this k' Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, deteiiined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga) as follows: s` 1. This commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. AML 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on September 25, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony; this Commission'hereby specifically finds as Pillows: _� PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. TT 14212 OR - U.S. Homes September 25, 1991 f Page Z (a). The application. applies to property which is located on the east side of Etiwanda Avenue, south of the Devore Freeway ,and west of East rt Avenue with an Etiwanda Avenue frontage of approximately 668 feet and lot depth of approximately 2,SSO feet and is presently vacant. (b) The property to the north of the subject site is vacant, the property to the south of the site consists of vacant land, the property to the east is vacant, itnd the property to the went is existing single family homes. (c) The1.application contemplates the development of 235 single family homes in Y,,, i§Low Medium (4-8 dwelling units per acre) and Medium (8-14 dwelling units Zer7 acre) residential development districts of the Etiwanda e Specific Van. (d) J,'.p application was reviewed by the Grading, Technical Review, and Design ReviiVN., committees as'_a courtesy''to the developer, with the provision that once the application was deemed complete, it would return to all committees for formal review. (e) On October 19, 1989, the Design Review Committee directed the. J applicant to revise all plans fcr further review ulth;,the following recommendations: (1) Two-story homes should be avoide3 ou all corner lots, particularly on those adjacent to the perimeter streets. (2) Yomes facing:' .pasimetes -streets and interior streets should be oriented so that the flat wall (non-entry or garage side) does not face the street. All side and rear elevations along these streets should also be substantially upgraded with additional siding and roof, fascia, and rafter detailingt. (3) A minimum 4-inch cap should be used on the ,perimeter walls. The stone veneer coltwns should also be upgraded in design by extending them beyond the - ice height. A atone gag similar to the entry mom.mentation walls should be utilized. (4) The perimeter wall along Etiwanda. Avenue should be kept visually open where cul-de-sac streets side_onto it. Wrought iron fencing should be utilized if the acoustical study permits it. Paved pedestrian walks should be ,provided to the Etiwanda sidewalk. The pad elevations alang Etiwanda Avenue should be kept as low as possible. (6) Details should be provided on the design of the freeway sound wall to be permitted by C:altrans. (6) Siding and additional detailing should be used more extensively on all- side and rear elevations. Additional upgrading of all street facing elevations, including siding and band boards on the second story:) of two-story units and additional roof, fascia, and rafter detailing should be provided. r 1, PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. , TT 14211 DR U.S. Homes September 25, 1991 l F Page 3 (7) Porches should be expanded in }size;fol. Groot of the homes. The porches should be extended; in length 'along garages or living areas.. (8) Chit aey detailing should be revise` so that the entire chimney is constructed pf ':stone or brick. The_ "patches""1,,if brick and stone should be deleted. (9) The 'izVlicant was instructed, explore design, alternatives on side Rlevation of Plan 3378. Additional atone work was recommended for the front elevation of Plan 3234. (10) :?palls should terminate at least 5 feet behind all aidewal:;s or at aide y,rrd return fencing locations. These items were never addressed by the applicant or subsequently reviewed by the Design Review Committee, hence the project neater received a recommendation of apVT,,.,,al from the Design Rev yew Committee. (f) on September S. 1991, the Committee again reviewed the project as a courtesy to the developer and recommended that the following issues be, addressed: ASA (1) The site plan should' be redesigned to avoid the "grid" pattern proposed throughout the project. Of primary concern was the, area south of Miller' Avenue. Also, a non-conventional approach to the site planning, possibly utilizing optional development .standards should be implemented for the 10 acre area closest to the freeway?' (2)' Cul-de-sac streets D 'M, K, and T should be shortened in length ta. allow lots at the ends of the cul-de-sacs to "fan," thereby avoiding side/rear yard relationships between lots. (3) The grading plan should be revised ya be more sensitive to the natural grade in areas where rear and, side yards, incorporate large retaining walls in combination with steep slopes. (4) In order to address the 'Committee's concern. of similarity of forma of the side and rear of the proposed homes, streetecape plans of the project as seen from Miller and_P,tiwanda Avenues should be provided for further review of the Committee. (5) The masonite Ciding should be wrapped entirely around all of the proposed units. Also,`theselected. base element (.rock or brick,; as applicable) should be continued to'a"logical point on each residence (return wall, chimney), so as to not appear as a tacked-on element. (g) A ',concurrently processed amendment to, the Et.'uanda Specific Plan to allow detached single family structures would ba iequired to be processed concurrently with a complete apflication. C 117 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. --�T 14211 DR - U.S. Homes September 25,-1991 Page 4 ti 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission 7ublic hearing and the specific fir3ings'of during the above-reference% facts set forth in paragraplYs 1 and 2 above, tt-is Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: t1 i (a) That the proposed project is not consistent with the objectives of the General Plan; and (b) That the proposed design is not in accord with the objectives of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; and (c) That the proposed:3esign is not in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Etiwanda Specific Plan;, and (d) That the proposed design, -together with the conditians applicable thereto, may be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in pa,;agraphe 1, 2, l and 3, above, this Commission hereby denies the application without prejudice. S. The Secretary to thisCommission shall certify to the adoption of ri y P this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED 'THIS 2STH DAY OF SEPTEMEEk11991. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY Larry'T. McNeil, Chairman ATTEST: 1, Brad Buller, Secretary i_ I, Brad Buller, Secretary of this Planning Commission of the City ,of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regu7xly introduced, passed, and adopted by :the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting-of the Planning. Commission held_ on the 25th day of September 1991 by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT:_ COMMISSIONERSs r, CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF R]POi" T§ DATE: September 25, 1091 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Brad Buller, City,Planner BY: Alan Warr-an, Associate Planner j SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91r04A AIR QUALITY ELEMENT CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - In accordance with the 1989 Air Quality Management ?'Tan, ani,Air Quality Element has been prepared tor' inclusion as pelt` of Chapter V, Public Health and Safety section, of the Rancho Cuaz�-pnga 'General Tian. The amendment includes the expansion of the goals, objectives, and policies of the Air Quality, Circulation, Energy,'>Ad Implementation sections of the General Plan to include provisions of the 1989 Air Quality Management Plan, as adopted by the South Coast Air`Qual4�1,:y Management District and the Southern California Association of Governmpnc4 . BACKGROUND. The Cicy's consideration of the adoption of an Air Quality Element in ?,he result of the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP? which was adopted by.the 'California. Air Resources Board on August 15, 1989 The c-.itrol measures in the AQMP propose a wide variety of means for; " achieving the goals of regional mobility, balanced growth, and cleaner air, including local air quality elements. All of the measures have a legal mandate to be implamented. With the County and local cities required to ad-Jless air quality issues, it was felt that the most appropriate and effective way of addressing the regional problem was on a regional level. Therefore, this Element is the result of a joint effort on the part of the County and fifteen of its 'cities that fall within the South Coast Air Basin to produce a model document that would be acceptable to all jurisdictions.. The County Board of Supervisors approved .the County's version of the Element and certified an accompanying Environmental Impact Report,_ on August 12, 1991. I _; DISCUSSION: The Element is divided into six topics which address the following air quality issues: A. Government Organization, Roles, and Responsibilities - This section provides au organization framework ; 76r coordination between the i numerous governmental agencies involved in air quality issues in the 4 JMIL South Coast Air Basin. i i ITEM D +' i !I PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 91-04A - CITY of RANCHO cvcAMoNcA Septs,mber 25, 1991 Page 2 B. _Ground Transportation - This is the largest section which outlines all the, programs which affect ground transportation systems including limiting vehicle use, congestion management, increased transit services, parking limitations, aisd promotion of clean fuels. C. Air Transportation - Since the City is fairly close to Ontario . Airport, a provision has 'been included outlining concerns-with ground access to the-facility. D. Land Use - This section deals w_th the issue" designed to help reduce air emissions through more efficient hind use patterns in response to new transportation and ccmmunicati)m systems. E. Particulate Emissions - This section addresses issues pErtaining to: minimum particulate emissions from the construction and operation of- roads and buildings. F. Energy ConservationLastly, the potential to reduce air emissions through reduction in energy ,consumption is addressed. In addition to inclusion of the Air Quality Element, staff recommends that some cross-reference be included in specific sections of the ;\ General Plan to help enforce the air quality provisions as follows (new passages in bold): , The first paragraph of the Circulation Element's Implementation section, page III-32, shall read as follows. "The close relationship between land use and circulation is reflected in both the Land Use Plan and the Circulation Plan. Much of the success of the circulation system, as measured by the freedom of movement, the avoidance of congestion, and the viability of transit, hinges on creating a "matching" land use pattern. The successful circulation system and land use plar:suetQ also take into consideration air quality objectives, as listed is Chapter V, which provides Policies to manage land use relationships to reduce vehicular traffic; and thereby reduce air pollution. As discussed earlier, the primary tool available to local -governments to achisc this pattern is zoning." The fifth paragraph of the Energy section, Environmental Resources Surfer Element, page IV-22, shall read as follows: "An important issue confronting Rancho Cucamonga is whether the City residents should continue to, rely exclusively on imported, non-xenewable energy resources. It is obvious that energy will become increasingly difficult and costly to obtain as the world's supply of non-renewable resources diminishes. AMk In addition, development and consumption of conventional energy resources result in significant emissions into the: environment. The conservation--of -znergy rest-ces by the PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT GPA 91-04A - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA September 25, 1991 Page 3 reduction 3n .their use vill. also help the City attain the goals listed in the Air.;twality=Element, Chapter The ninti, paragraph under---the Land Use and Circulation sectilin of the Energy Conservation and McL.agement Program, Chapter VI - Implementation, shall read as follows" "Energy and air quality sensitive criteria for amendments, use permits, variances, and other land use entitlements." In summary, + adoption of this element will �ummar staff believes that the clarify the City's goals and policies on Gtir quality issues, and set - direction for our continued investigation of`methods to reduce negative air quality impacts. The Air Quality Element does not necessitate "wholesale" revision to our existing standards and operations, but ' rats—r a g adual"and concerted-:'effort to amend the City's Standards to reflect a greater concern for air quality. We expect the County and special districts to take the le,ed in many of, the programs which have a regional effect and the City providing the analysis and input on the effects and acceptability to our community. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Staff hrs reviewed the Initial Study, Fart 2 and completed the Environi%rntal Checklist, Part II of the Initial Study, ai.d has found no signifAcant unmitiosble adverse envA.ronmental impacts will occur as a result ox the 'proposed General Plan Amendment. ' Staffs_ analysis was based on infoeaation provided in , the Tier 11, "Regional Air Quality Plan EIR, San Bernardino County - Cities" which ' was certified by the Board of Supervisors in &bi.junctibn with the,. County's Air Quality Element. The EIP addressede"'the environmental issues relatincr to the adoption of the County Regional Air Quality Plan ' on which the Rancho Cucamonga Air Quality Element is based, as is this environmental analysis. The EIR addressed County-wide concerns which ;Ili the more varied conditions of the County were can.Zidered significant Analysis at the smaller City scale did not necessarily portray mpacti at the same level of significance. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: Based on the fats and conclusions listed above and Included in the Air _Quality .:Element, staff believes the Planning Commission can make the following findings regarding this application: A. That State and Federal ambient air standards for Ozone and`- ,>I� Particulate Matter are routinely exceeded in the portion, of san,. .,1j Bernardino County in which Lie City of Rancho Cucamonga is located B. That exceedances of these standards pose health threats to`residen.j i of the City and thereby also reducer the quality of life in tHr IdaL City. D 3 t. �• PLMNING CON:,ISSION STAFFi REPORT W F' • GPA 91-04A CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA''` September 25, 1991, , Page 4 _ C. That continued degradation of the air quality in san Bernardino will . eventually "impose undesirable economic cost on -the resin ats, erployecs and businesses in the City. J. "That because air quality is,a regional concern, -coordinated action "• by the participants in the Regional'Air Quality Plan process will be substantially more effective in "achieving air quality improvements' than would independent and unrelated action by individual " jurisdictions. ' 1 E. That this City actively suppor:.s a continued leadership role by San, . , Bernardino County jurisdictions in ,stiwulatiag local: government commitments to, air quality improvement 'with the South Coast Air �_•� Basin. a F. That the goals, objectives and policies contained in the Air Quality Element will,, promote attainment of'estate"and federal air quality standards. CORRESPONDENCE: This item has been advertised as a pµblic hearing in the the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin neWspaper�-with a 1/8 page_ad.- RECOaMENDATION: Tf the Planning Commission believes the proposed Gene"Yal Plan Amendment effectively addresses the issues i-tvolving theAL City's participation in :improving the 'region's air duality, it is .recommended that the Planning Commission recommend approva,7 of,General Plan Amendment 71. 91-04A`by adoption of the at-`ached Resolution. t Res fully sl mitted, Br Buller City Planner BB:AW:ds Attachments': Resolution Recommending Approval r'. z f RESOLUTION NO. j 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY' OF I RMCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,. RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF GENERAL -PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04A, FOR INCLUSION OF AN AIR QUALITY ELEMENT AS PART OF C14ZLPTER V, HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA GENERAL PLPX, AND TO I' EXPAND THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES OF THE AIR -; QUALITY, CIRCULATION, ENERGY, AND IMPLEMENTATION SECTIONS f5 OF THE GENERAL PLAN, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. i The City of Rancho Cucamonga has filed I O y _ 4 an application for General Plan Amendment No. 91-04A as 'described in the title, ,of this Resolution. hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject General Plan Amendment is referred'to as the application." (ii) on September 25, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution: have occurred. I AM B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part P., of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to ;this Commission "- during the above-referenced public hearing on September 25,>1991, including written and oral staff -reports, togetaer with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: . (a) The application applies to all properties_and development activity within the City. (b) This amendment does not conflict with the .Land Use Policiec of the General Plan and will provide for'development, •within `the district, in a manner consistent with the 'General- Plansand with related development; and (c) This amendment does promote the' goals'and ::bjectIIves of the Land Use Element; and - (d) Tals amendment would not be materially injurious or detrimental to,properties .r improvements within the City. AREA _ PLANNING COMMSSSXON RESOLUTION NO. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 91-04A'- CITY OF R.C. September 25, 1991 IJ Page 2 3. Based uputi the substantial evidence presented to this Commission. during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and'2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) That State and Federal Ambient Air Standards for Ozone and Particulate Matter Are routinely exceeded in the portion of San Bernardino County in which the City of Rancho Cucamonga is located. (b) That er_ceedancem of these stand'>rds pose health threats to residents of the City and thereby also 'reduces the quality of life in the. City., (c) That continued- degradation of the air° qual#y in San Bernardino will eventually impose undesirable economic cost on the residents, employees, and'businesses in'the City. I (d) That because air.quality in P regional concern, coordinated { action by the participants in the Regional Aix-\';,Quality.Plan procesr, will be I1 substantially more effective'in`achieving air quality improvements than would j independent and unrelated action by individual jurisdictions. (e) That this City actively supports a continued leadership- role by Sara Bernardino County jurisdictions in stimulating local goverm4ent commitments to air quality improvement with South Coast Air Basin, (f) That the"gr.�als, objectives�._and policies contained 1n the Air Quality Element will promote'-attainment of'etate and federal air quality standards. (g) That the proposed amendment would not have any significant unmitigable impacts on the environment; and (hi That the proposed amendment is in conformance with the General Plan 4. This Commission hereby finds that the project has been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental`Quality Act of 1970 and, further, this Commission hereby recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions sett forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby' resolves that pursuant to Sections 65850 through 65855 of the California Government. Code, that the f� Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby recommends approval on this 25th day of September, 1991, of General Plan,Amendment No,. 91-04k f adopting the Asir Quality Element,, Exhibit "A" for inclusion into Chapter V. Health and Safety, and the following text changes to the Rancho Cucamonga General Plane PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. GENERAL`PLAN AMENDMENT 91-VA - CITY OF'R,C. September 25, 1991` Page 3 1) The first paragraph of the Circulation' Element's Implementation section, page III-32, 'shall read as follows: "The close relationship between land use and circulation Is reflected in bath the Land Use Plan and the' Circulation Plan:' Much of the. �:. success Of the c-rculation;� vsiell `as measured.' by the freedom of movemery �the avoidance of congestion, :and the viaL�lity of 'transit,' ` hinges on creating a "matching" lard use pattern. The succossful circulation system and land use plan must also take into consideration' air quality objectives, ae°listed in Chapter V, which provide policies_f..'o manage land use relationships to reduce vehicular trafi c and thereby reduce air-pollution.' 'As discussed earlier, the' primary tool 'available to. local government to achi'§;ve this pattern is, zoning." 2) The fifth paragraph` of the Energy,section, Environmental. Resources Super Element, page IV-22, shall read as Eoilows: "An important issue confronting Rancho ..Cucamonga is whether the City residents should continue to: rely exclusively on imported, non ' renewable.energy resources.` It is'obvious that energy will become increasingly 'difficult and costly to obtain as,the world's supply of non- renewable resources`diminishes. In addition, development' and .consumption of conven•,%ional energy resources 'results in significant .7"' emissizma into the environment. The conservation of energy resources by the reduction in their use will also help the City' attain the goals listed in the hj+r.,,Quality Element, Chapter V." 3) The ninth, paragraph under the Land Use and Circulation section. o th e he 'Ever Conservation`. and Management Program, Chapter I - 9Y . V g 9 P Implementation shall read as followst "Energy and air quality sensitive criteria for amendments, use permits, variances, and other land use entitlements." 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. Gx� _ PLANNINC-COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT'.91-04R - CITY OF R.C. ;1 September 25, 1991 �f Page 4 it APPROVED AND'ADOPTED THIS 25th 6AAY OF SEPTEMBER '1991. PLANNING'COXMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: _ Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: 1 Brad:B+uller, Secretary „ I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Pi'anning Commission of the City of Rancho' Cucamonga, do hereby .certify that the foregoing R=solution u� as duly and, regularly introduced,;passed, anu adopted;by.,the`Planning commission of the City of Rancho'Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Pla€ ing Commission held. on the 25th day of September 1991;; by the folloofing votq-,.Z.-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS:_ ,y ASSENT, COMMISSIONERS 1 U Rancho Cucamonga General Flan AIR QU,&LITY ELEMENT :r (i BACKGROUND STATEMENT Air Quality is considered within the Public Health and Safety Super- Element because the levels of air contaminants in Rancho Cucamonga frequently are unhealthy. This is only partially due to pollutant i sources in and near Rancho Cucamonga but is primarily due to San Bernardino County's location downwind of the majority of air pollutant sources in the South Coast Air Basin. The air quality :in San, Bernardino County is a result of a unique combination of factors, air flow patterns and emission 'sources, Ydoth local and those located through the xegion, result in some of the worst air quality in the nation. ' lan Bernardino. County regularly exceeds state and federal air quality standards £or. Ozone (03) and Particulate Matter (PM10). Exceedances are_acute during summer months when onshore wind patterns transport pollutants from the western portion of the South Coast Air Basin, notably Los Angeles and Orange Counties;and combine with local sOLlrces. San Bernardino County. records the` most sever violations of air quality standards for ,ozone and PM10 ir, the summer - months relative to the rest ,�f the air basin. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK The Clean Air Act, promulgated in 1970 and amended twice thereafter (including the recent 1990 amendment), establishes the framework for i modern air pollution control. The Act directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish: ambient, air standards '�,or six ' pollutants: Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Nitrogen Dioxide, Particulate Matter and Sulphur- Giouide. The standards (NAAgS)' are -divided into primary and secondary standards; the former are set to protect human health within an adequate margin of 'safety and the latter' to protect environmental values such as plant and animal life. According to the Act, states are required to submit State Implementation Plans (SIP)'. for areas that exceed :the NAAQS, Or.. nonattainment areas. The SIP, which is; reviewed and approved by the EPA, must demonstrate how the federal standards will be achieved. Failure to submit a plan or. secure approval could lead to denial of federal funding and permits for such improvements as highway construction andsewage treatment,plants. In cases where the SIP is submitted but fails to demonstrate achievement' of the standards, the EPA is directed- to prepare a Federal Implementation Plan. In addition to the, six pollutants regulated by federal legislations, the California Clean Air Act establishes standards for Hydrogen Sulphide, Sulphates and Vinyl Chloride. Responsibility for achieving these standards (which are more stringent than federal standards) is placed on the California Air Resources Board and local air pollution control DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY . Exhibit A AIR QUALITY ELEMENT f Page 2 districts. District plans for nonattainment areas must be designee zd i achieve a percent annual reduction in total district emissions. The Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is, in turn, incorporated into the SIP. %vri r With the aim of complying wkth'all federal standards by 2007, the South Coast Air Quality Ma^q anent District (SCAQMD) and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) jointly prepared the 1989 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The-Plan calls for implementation of rules and regulations by the Air Resources 'Board, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the Environmental 'Protection. Agency and local jurisdictions. The AQMP calls -upon local governments to take; responsibility for` 8 percent of the total required reduction regionwic.a in emissions from reactive organic gases and oxides of nitrogen. Specifically', local ' governments are asked to implement, appropriate control measures contained in the AQMP to'' achieve this reduction. Several measures direct local government to adopt an Air Quality Element or its equivalent into its General 'Plan. If all of.the epplicabl` control measures are not implemented, the air quality standards cannot be achieved. In this event, the existing moratorium on location of stationary sources in the basin will be continued:and federal funding and other permits may be denied until the standards are met. in an effort to comply with federal and state regulations, and to improve air quality in the county and region, this. Air Quality"clement has been adopted. PRINCIPLES The guiding principles behind th_! adoption of this element are av follows: 1. Air Quality and Economic Growth 4, I Achieve air quality improvements in'such 1:4 way that continued, .economic growth`Can be..sustained. - 2. Market Incentives and Ragulations Achieve necessary :air quality related life style and economic' changes through market incentives where feasible and through regulatory measures whore necessary. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY d r AIR QUALITY ELEMENT 1 Page 3 �r GOATS, OBJECTIVES AND POL"iCIES> Because the air quality problem is larger than any one jurisdiction, thee San Bernardino County' Regional Air Quality Element (RAQE) includes goals, policies, and programs which have been accepted by the fifteen a ; cities. in the San Bernardino County portion of• the South Coast Air Basin. These consensus goals, policies, and programs,°provide a common foundation for coordinated action. The Air Quality-Element for the City of Rancho `lcamcnga is based on the RAQE, and has'l en adapts �inte the goals, objectives, and policies that reflect and meet-'local needs. TOPIC 1 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION, ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Ql GOAL 1 Effective coordination of air 'quality improvement. within ,the ;portion of the South Coast"Axr Basin in San Bernardino County and improved: air quality. through ,reductions in pollutants from':Orang ud Los Angeles counties. objective 1.1 Establish Coordinated Approach Becauri air quality can best be addressed' in a cooperative`manner;by all affected jurisdictions, the ',dity will coordinate with other jurisdictions in San Bernardino County to, establish parallel air quality {` plans and implementation programs as outlined in the ?( following policies Policies:.. 1.1.1 Adopt local air, quality plans b3sed on the' San Bernardino "County/cities, Regional Air Quality Plan. 1.1.2 Establish an ongoing air quality implementation and referral -gtocess within the San 'Bernardino County portion.-if the South Coast ALr Basin, adapting '`: as necessary to local :circumstances, rA�_rilrcee. and procedures. Objective 2.2 Integrate With Related Programs' Because other mandated programs have similar and opposing "requirements, the City will coordinate a;,�r process to integrate related functional programs'/)' implementation, monitoring and<reporting,as outlined•' in the following policies: ANk ®FMFT F®R ®ISCUSsioN PURPOSES ONLY 7D AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 4 Policies: 1.2.1 Establish a cCordination process fir`' r• relating parallel: a!r quality improvement 3ations undertaken as part of other regional. �{ or countywide plans. 1.2.2 Partiripat"th SANBAC in defining and implementing a Congesticn management Program for San Bernardino County. 1.2.3` Establish and maintain an implementation/monitoring system devised as part of the Air Quality preparation, Integrate with monitoring and reporting 1, systems required for purposes which overlap with the :Air Quality Plan, Objective 1.3 Affect Source_Jurisdictions Because air quality is a regional problem, requiring regional solutions,-`the City will work. with and encourage San Bernardino County to cooperate actively' with Los Angeles, orange, and Riverside counties to comprehensively improve air quality at the emission source outlined in the following policy. Policys _ 1.3.1 Aid in the'establishment of a communication f network with key elected,officials and staff it involved in air quality planning in Los Angeles, orange -and Riverside counties as the basis for l,'=<<gcifying and implementing parallel m@alaurLs'of mutual benefit. Objective 1.4 Encevrace Community Particigation Because alleviation of air quality problems requires iction_on the part of all County residents, the City shall involve environmental, groupa;` the business community, special interest groups, and the general public in the formulation and implementation of programs w ,ich effectively'�~sate airborne pollutants as outlinea)',in the followinch :icy. DRAFT i FOR OfSCUSSION PURPOSPES ONLY 1 `Yn Q) AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page &_. ° Ank ;t y' Policy: l 1.4.1 Design and conduct efforts to involve the public and_affected/interested parties in , the adoption of local air quality plans and implementation of air quality improvement �I programs through such actions as: ^, Con-Gcting P blic Forums; o Establishing Communication and Education Programs; o Providing - written briefs to local-- risidents and businesses; ;— o Conducting Planning Commission/City Council publi(ilworkshops; and o Utilizing , a variety_ of media forms iT fit` 1 designed to maximize citizen involvement. Objective 1.5 Support Innovative Approaches Because utilization.' of numerous means of.cimproving air ,quality will be necessary t4 ueat�iattainment " requirements, the -City will advocate and support AINk innovative strategies to .improve air quality as outlined in the ioliowing policies. NOW Policy_ 1.5.1 Support new approaches to fmprjd,�lg air quality througYi: o Supporting legislation; a Cooperating with regional bodies; ' c Establishing pilot programs; and o Participating in private/public partnerships where financially feasible. TOPIC 2: GROUND TRANSPORTATION <t GOAL 2 A diverse and efficiently operated ground transportation system which generates the minimum feasible pollutants'. SUBTOPIC 2.1 liOTOR VEHICLE USE (includes cars, trucks, motorcycles) DRAFT f1 FOR DiscussiON PURPOMS ONLY -5 AIR QUALITY ELEMENT ref Page 6Adft it JM r' objective 2.1.1 Eliminate Vehicle Trips sicauee elimination of vehicle trips'(VT) is one of o the most effective way to reduce airborne emissions, the City shall use incentives; regulations, and/or Transportation Demand. Kanagement in cooperation with other jurisdictions in the. South Coast Air BVsin to encourage ridesharing, mass transit usej and alternate modes, of transportation, and t:.:ereby, eliminate vehicle trips whicn would "otherwise 13e made as outlined in the following policies. Policies: Establish and 'implement a Transportation Demand Management Program. Define and implement Motor Vehicle limitation procedures in selected areas and at selected times, provided, t:`tat.-:adequate alternative transportation ,-'ss are available., Establish incentives and/or regulations to eliminate work trigs. G objective 2.1.2 Reduce_Vehicle_Milec Traveled Because reduction of vehicle miles traveled (Vh'T) will reduce }„obile source emissions, the City will use incentives, regulations, and/or Transportation Demand Vanagement in cooperation with other jurisdictions in the South Coast: Air Saail� to reduce the vehicle miles traveled for motor vehicles trips which still need- to be made as outlined in the following policies. Policies: 2.1.2,.1 Establish and implement a Transportation Demand Management Program.' Establish and mtzntain telecommunicat',Ons strategies to reduce the length of -iWgtor vehicle trips. Define and implement motor vehicle limitat-ion proceduris"in selected areas and at se+aected times, provided that adequate alternative transportation modes are available. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY -D ,y AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 7 i SUBTOPIC 2.2 CONGEfjTTON MANAGEMENT Objective 2.2.1 ,Modify Work Schedules Because decreased traffic congestion results 3n decreased emissions, the City will prJlmote aid establish modified work schedules which vreduce peal. period motor vehicle travels outlined ,yn the following policy. Policies: incentives and/or regulations tb spread work trips over a longer period to reduce peak period congestion. It objective 2.2.2 Establish Htah Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes Because HOV lanes help to reduce(, traffic congestion, ' the City will participate in efforts to achieve increased designation, construction, and Operalion of HOV, lanes on freeways ''L -Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino -Los as outlined in the following policy, _ Policy: 2.2.11 Cooperate- with San Bernardino County, SANBAG, SCAG, ,and adjacent counties in expanding HOV lanes on the freeway system within the affected counties. OD).-ctive 2.2.3 Iiiteorate Congestion Man aggment. Pros` Because many of the provisions Of the Congestion Management Programs are the aams `or,complementary to air quality programs, the City will integrate overlapping components' of the State-mandated Congestion Management Program and the Regional ALA Quality Plan with the City's local Air Quality`;` Element, Policy:„, Participate with SANBAG in defining and implementing A Congestion Management.Program for San Bernardino County to insure apl�ropriate coordination with air quality planning. Ir DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY `w/ r t) AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 8 objective 2.2.4 Estrbliih Congestion Fees Because congestiail fees;can discourage~-vehicle trips thereby reducing emissions, the City may consider participating in a regional program of market bki.ed incentives and disincentives to relievee peak hour/peak direction congestion 6 within highly congestad travel corridors as outlined on the a following police. Ilk - Policy; Participate with San Bernardino County to initiate a pilot pro%'am to explore; jointly with Los Angeles, orange, and Riverside c6unties; feasible methods and implementation strategies for levying of Congestion Fees for peak hour/peak direction use of highly congested travel corridors, particularly those which generate em-tasione transported to San Bernardino county. SUSTOPIC 2.3 EXPANDED TRANSIT SYSTEMS AND SERVICES' Objective-2.3.. Expand Trans;!- in the County oaf Because alr,. iative forms. of transit are needed- to encourage or allow the reduction of low occupant vehicle use, the Cities- will encourage transit authorities in efforts to expand bus, rail, and other forms of transit within the San U- nardino County region of the"South Coast Air 84'91n�s outlined in the following policies. Policiea: 61 Participate with public transit providers serving "San Bernardino County in a cooperative program to increase=transit services with existing'-iquipment and expand services through transit facility improvements without reducing local revenue. �.3.1.2 Coordinate With public transit providers in their efforts to increase furding for transit improvementa that will provide viable alternative means of travel. Plan fo• -intraregioral commuter and main line rail service development including convenience facilities at rail stops. DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION[ r-URPoSES C)NLy ti AIR QUALITY ELEMENT lI Page 9 ,J 0 2.'•j.1.4 Det=elo£ design standards that promote access 2 to transit facilities. o ! Objective 2.3.2 Expand Transit inrtbe Air Basin Because reduction oil, interregional trips will reduce` vehicle trips zad-_hereby''✓reduce mobile emissions, `the City will promote expansion of !all forms 0f transit- in the urbanized-portions of San Bernard Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties as outlined by the following policies. Policies: tZ� 'Support the expansion of intraregionat cos timuter- and -main Iron, .rail ;iaervicee,'_ particularly,those linking with destinations c in`Sau Bernardino County.,, �Oioport public transit providers in efforts to xnczease funding faz.trans , imgrovementa that will.,;ovide viable alternative means of travel.Ask " Jointly support etYbz"te to establish a dregionwide bus Bass. SUPTOPIC 2.4 NON-MOTC.sIZED MEW4S OF TRANSPORTATION objective 2.4.1 Promote Non-Motorized Transvor4:af%io. Because reduced emission4 are promoted by the use of bicycles .and pedestrian facilities. as alternative forms of transportation, the City': shall provide, bicycle ,and pedestrian` pathways to encou£age non- motorized trips as outlined by the following policy, _ Policies: Develon etand:�r`da and guidelines for incv',i�ora— support facilities into develoYnent plans for 'increased bicycle and pedestrian routes that link .,appropriate activity centers to nearby residential develop-A`egt. DRAFT ., Aft FUR hscussiom PURPOSES ONLY f . I AIR QUALITY ELEMENT ` Page 10 f SUBTOPIC 2.5 PARKIN: MANAGEMENT Objective 2 5.1 Manage�+trkino }" Because redu(:,iun of parking,availability'di3courarI's' low occupancy mahicle . use, the City-,may manage parking 'supply to'j encourage high-occupancy vehicle use and viable alternate modes of transportation, and to discourage single occupancy motor vehicle use, Yhl'-e ensuring that economic, development, goals will be sacrificed as outlined, in the 'following I Pr,;;icy f Establis:! "short and long-term f on 4- parking i- management _'strategies at ,governmental and Private- facilities in ways that discourage single occupancy motor 'vehicle. usage and rc_ward :iigh vehir.le occupancy rates without placing the City;at an economic development d;sadvantagec Objective 2.5.2 Encouraa3 Market Incentives/lliflincentivEs Because` bhanging the market value for parking discourages vehicle usage,"-the City will promote a regional approach, to increasing parking costs in ord-r to discourage low veYkcl6 occupancy ae outlined in the following policy. Policies: Study parking management strategies for governmental and'private facilities in ways that discourage '`single occupancy motor vehicle usage and reward higli vehicle occupancy rates wit sauw placing the City at an economic Pisadvaritage in entic,Lng jobs. SUPTOPIO 2..6 CLEANER.FUELS' Objective,2.6.1 Support Legislation Because vehicle emission's from fossil fuels cauae. a significant proportion of the, area's air quality; degradation,'the City will promote state and federal '. legislation which would improve vehicle] transportaticn" technology and which would establiah differential pricing mechi,cems,to a-seas a fair cost C of emissions as outlined in the £oiYs�a7ing ''prJ�icies. `l DR FOR DI DRAFT r j �S�tlSSdQI�! F=�1RI POSES ONLY 0 Ai AIR`QUALITY'ELEMENT PP' 11. Poilcies• s Support legislation to stimulate the' development. of practical clean '-fuel vehicles. Support state legisla'dicn which,, would. estab:'ishn Emission Zees on gasoline products and; Differ nt3,a1 'i'�giatratican Feos r on motor' vehicles iccordkhg to the emission levels that they i are des.,Igned to produce` Include ,exploi�4tion of an orlion that ' imposes pollution, fees on individual ( ' v :hj.eles , . at mime of mandated . smog inspections,- basted on actual vehicle" performance". SQcrt legislation °'which ,{kghtene the existing vehicle inspection program, born in terms of --standards' to be met and requilrements for co(vliance. t. Objective 2.6.2. institute Clean Fuel Systems Because government vehicles contribute to vehicle trips and vehicle miler 'traveled, the City, will investigate and consider the rise of clean fuel ` jsystems on new local governMeni: fleet veh_gles as outlined in thefollowing pblicy. Policy: 2.6.21 Institute cost effective clean fuel systems on new and; replacement. local ,goverment fleet vehicles. TOPIC 3: AIR TRANSPORTATION While Rancho Cucamonga does not have any airports within its boundaries, the`-community= is a few :miles :from Ontario .International Airport. This section. .addresses greund access issues, which can affect air quality in the area. GOAL 3 Minimum feasible cessions -from airf>carrier airports,. ;t DRAFT, Ah FOR,PISCUSSIOK PURPOSES ONLY ID I < }4Y} r ¢¢J i �zE�z i s� Qupyis 2 n Page 1 dant i or 3.1 pecegg eigny£� 99 O 4 Obje�tyve vgd.CYpund can_, ii -f wynli�cired in ote.Im x° eongegtyontbe YPo"to aas °utiyn 4Y�m tYa££ic yyYFe'tr.Yie= ay..aCP+'�qq. Barge tO aiY Ca gYound De ins imFY°Je t °nq 1 a i F Ondity a £OY p19,GY•- `Ygf}u3. $ tp ,- co£ Pia3.10%4 ng P t o£t olp larg tor a tY g £ estap Yr er yiYPPQY°ved a d acces pol'yCY upp°.st a Y c p ea, oll �tY des., r 5 yYin� �itq £acii 3,1•l- Yew in pn tionr v tiE S. g£ficy�'n4an °vement n be sYgtem and �.� q wra�PoYtati°aixo i�ig aid a d og ad tYan Wbi�r. £eaa E o£ 1 eisi£i Ecbg nim 39 u' atZ®eta a dyv t pY°tre mi SOQIC 4` g6 1:1ed da g1oP 01% ate b ifs 00g) A land Y�Cyl cxea'sed s s g tr Po lu�ant b ding £Y°spin n to gg cY• a GY° egtion.A,- :ma Y s C o ipc Poil rive q•1 uOe tong a C>n p£ din n try tolla d object ByQactep ps01 ie gutiyne,-,y }es a d timglY went aq;: 2pii Qian elf devgloF Ip tre Ggnga hi6vaYtieul$gIve 401+ 1nco� e 0 PY epG9 flans astYuct eql �P tO 4•l'1 Yegry oPmert o£ in£fapility eigioss ipn sov rat d tYano went. ap . jpbg and develop between tiYipg ,:he Lion icle. Yovg a t* tYipU vgh l imp Yea.e WOO G owt even dim £eWe�itY wy aeY tO c in t,e oY d a more tgsalG 8 tra ins in utiine ive �• arse iii ayele n°"g as o Objact `B ousin9 miles t 7obs and to: �. 1C"a etween uYpa ..� anpe b dent R5 Ya G.,Lypy lowing P p �RQ� to �101t4 V dIR D � s t� AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 12 } e. Objective 3.1 Promote Improved Ground Access 4✓ Because traffic congestion can ba significant in proximity to airports, the City will support conditioning of air carrier;'airports upon inclusions i of plans for 'improved ground access aU outiined in the following policy. Policy: 3.1.1 Support establishment "` regu-I tions requiring air carrier airgc>st opera, Xrs to obtain permits based on; approved plans for trip reduction, facility design, 'and access improvements:. I j TCPIC 4: LAND USE I GOAL 4 A pattern of land uses which can .be efficiently(( served by a "diversified 'transportation system an land .davalopment projects which directly and indirectly generate the minimum feasible air pollutants. objective 4.1 Manace Growth Because congestion requiting from increased growth is expected, the City will manage growth by ensuring the timely provision of infrastructure to serve new development as outlined in the fol::Jwing policy. Policy: _.1 4.1.1 Incorporate -' phasing policies and requirements in the -General Plan and i development plans to " achieve timely provision of infrastructure (particularly transportation facilities) to serve development. objective 4-2 Balance Growth Because a more even distribution< between jobs and housing will result in fewer vehicle, trips and vehicle miles traveled, the City will mgravei 'tt. _<` balance between jobs and housing, n order to create a me efficient urban dorm as outlined in th or e ng polacies, following DkAFT FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY Da bra ; AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 13 Policies: ) {; 4.2.1 Utiliie new development and redevelopment I' ' prcjer_t reviews and actions to improve jobs/housing balance. • 4.2.2 Improve jobs/housing balance at a subregional level in relation ; to major activity centers as new development occurs. � r. 4.2.3 Continue support for and consider expansion of the CLOUT demonstration prefect to j incorporates Incentive oriented tax credits, loan programs, small: business development"programs; and complementary land,- use policies; all aimed at improving the jobs/housing. balance in the western `San' Bernardino/eastern Loa Angeles count,QW, area... rr r )r 4.2.4 Develop and adopt an agreement among thdi participating jurisdictione as to mutually acceptable approaches to improve andAft ' maintain jobs/housing balance. Objective 4.3 Protect Populations sensitive to Containments Because some land +,ases support populations that,axe especially sensitive to air containments (such as schools and hospitals) the city will support a regional iipproach to regulating the location and design of 'iand uses which are especially sensitive to air pollution asloutlined in-the following policy. if Policy: 4.3.1 Participate with the SCAgMD in jointly formulating appropriate standards for regulating the location and protaetion of f sensVzive reeeptore (echools, day care facilities, hospitals, and t.1e like) `frond } excessive and hazardous em9s:ons; 1 . Objective 4.4 Intgorate Planninprocess. '� Beca3se interrelationship of land use.Y andiI transportation has a significant effect oq.,'aird quality, the.City will integrate air quality pla nning11` ` co:diderations with the land use and tranapori:ation� planning and development processes as out11nad,in tEi� following policy. !j I 'FoR Disk SSVO"N,,PURPOSES`OKIUDal r a ( i E, 0 � " AIR QU_iLITY ELEMENT Page 14 i y ry Policy: 4.4.1 Locate and design new development in a- manner that wiIX ''minimize direct and indirect emission of air containments. TOPIC 5: PARTICULATE EMISSIONS :GOAL 5 The 'minimum practicable particulate emissions from the construction: and s=, operation of roads and buildings. Objective 5.1` Control Dust 4 Because aarticuhater-bmiesions exceed .ederal and >.;` thr% `air basic, .the City will State st;ndard�� reduce particu1;oa emissions from roads, parking lore, vacant dots, construction sites, and agricultura,'I lanes as outlined in the following p911Ci@S. li.. �1 " Policies: ,5.1.1 Adopt incentives, regulations, and dML procedures to manage paved roads so they Produce the minimum practicable level of particulates (12.a). 5.12 A44�t__ incentives, regulations, and procedures to minimize partilulate emissions during road, parking lot, and building -construction. - -- 5.1.3 KIopt incentives, regulations,. and +t procedures to control particulate emissions from unpaved roads, drives, vehicle maneuvering areas, and parking lccs. 5.1.4 Adopt incentives, regulations, ani° procedures to limit dust from agricultural. lenda and operations';'(where ap�licable�.1� Objective 5.2 Reduce Emissions from Buildinc Mater %s Methods_ Secause particulate emissions are.affected by the type of motorists and methods utilized, Ihe' city will reduce emissions from bui)3ing materials and methods which generate excessive''pollutants as outlined in the following policy. DRAFT , FOR DiscussioN PURPOSES ONLY '1 kl f AIR QUALITY(ELEMENT Page 15 M r_ j 0 1 V' Policy: 5.2.3 Adopt, incentives, regulations, and procedures to,,iprohibit he use of building materials and methods which .}generate' ext,essive pollutants. TOPIC 6 ENERGY CONSE +ATION GOAL 6 Raduced emissions thrcvgh redubed-energy consumption:. Y Objective 6.1, Energy Conservation Because energy sou'sces produce significznt amounts of air pollution, the ' City, will ;reduce?�',,enerny consumption through conserva,'tion improvements and requirements as outlined in -6e following policies. f`^ Policies: J 6.1.1 Implement plans and policies to phase in energy conservati,on5improvements through the ~ annual budgep�yia sss 6.1.2 Adopt incentives and/or regulations to enact energy fonservation requirements for private de ent. Objective 6.2 Limit Watec Heater Emissions Because water heaters emit air pollutants, the City ,. will reduce water heating emissions resulting from swimming pool heaters=and water heaters as outlined in tbb ,following policies policies: 6.2.1 Adopt incentive's and regulations to- reduce' emissions from swimming pool heaters., r'a 6.2.2 Adopt incentives and regulations _ o reduce emissiona,4 frcm" residential and t+ommercial water a Xng. Objective 6.3_ Recycle Wastes Because recycling can reduce the pollutants emitted from generation of new materials, 'the City will promote local recycling of wastes and use of recycled materials as outlined in the following policy. DRAFT FOR DISCUSS1014 PURPOSES OflILV s AIR QUALITY ELEMENT Page 16 ., Avak Policy: 6,9.1 Implement provisions of AB 939 and adopt incentives, regulations, and procedures to spaciy local recycling requirements. DRAB FbR DISCUSSION Pul"POSES Oi-ILY CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPO. 'T DATE: September 25, 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Barrye R. Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer BYt Betty Miller, Associate Engineer' SUBJECT: MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE TRACT-14548 - ALLMARK A request to modify ,a condition of approval requiring the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities for a residential subdivision to convert 328 apartment units to condominiums on 29.51 acres of land located at the northeast corner of Etiwanda.;4venue.. and Arrow Highway APN: 229-041-11 ABSTRACT: The developer is asking the Planning}£oaamissioa to replace a cci ton of approval requiring the, underground;ag of existing o:;erhead utilities along the Etiwanda Avenue frontage with one which regi;ires the. payment of an in-lieu fee for one half the estimated cost of Alm undergrounding those'ii'nes. BACKGROUND: Tentative Tract 14548 was approved by the Planning Commission on September 12, 1990. The property has been purchased by. Allmark, Inc., who is negotiating wi,4':, the Redevelopment Agency to provide some apartments for low to mdt.�rate income families within the overall condominum conversion project. The new developer'is requesting the modification to, Engineering Division Condition No. l of .Planning Commission Resolution 90-112 which is attached without the Standard I ; Conditions section. The applicant's letter is also attached. ANALYSIS: Planning Commission policy (Resolution No. 87-96 attached) requ Tres that all developments underground existing overhead utilities located adjacent to tie project limits. There is a provision for payment of a full in-lieu fee if the Commission decides thrt undergrounding is imprac�cal at present, but this usually applies u 'projects with less than 300 Feet of frontage and no adjacent undergrounding. -In this ease, _, the Etiwanda Avenue frontage_is 1620 fcz!t�`from the centerline of Arrow-~ Route to the north tract boundary. The applicant is concerned that reimbursement from the Metropolitan Water District is unlikely and uses this as a justifi• atien for paying a half fee. However, the purpose of a fee in-lieu of construction is to assure that funds are available in the future when an opportunity to complete the undergrounding arises. If only half of the funds are set aside, the City would have to identify some method of'providing the balance. STEM E PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TT 14548 - ALLMARK SEP?E'!9ER 25, 1991 PAGE 2 r The applicaat's objective is to, reduce the cost of this condition, allowing him to spend more for on-; to improvements. The following,is a comparison of alternative cosi ,'ccenarios, using currently adopted in=zieu fees for unit cost estimates: )r 1 As the condition is currently written, the devnl:,per must underground from 4the first poke south of Arrow Rttute'to the first pole north of the north tract boundary, a total of 1830 feet (Exhibit "B"). At $128 per 'linear foot, the estimGi;ed cost .is $234,240. He is eligible for reimbursement of one-half the differ6,!,e between the undergrounding cost of V-,. project side ,!.trice ,IInes minus the undergrounding cost of ac17,oss-the-street telecomml,jn ation sines, or ($128485)!2 x 1830' =.$39,345. His net cost.•woWiJ,be-about,$195,000, although it is uncertain when and if tf,e `reimbu';1,5ements will be available. This alternate assures that the lines-are andergrounded, which is, after all,, the purpose of the r,i icy. 2.. :`If the Planning:commission chooses to allow an in-lieu fee, the imits wc-a.Td�,be from the center of Arrow Route to the north tract- bandary, a distance of`1620 feet (Exhibit "B").- At $128 per linear foot (full fee per the policy), thejestimated fee would be $207,360.; which again,-Is eligible for an eventual-.reimbursement of, ($128-$85MI x 1620'=.�$34,830,' so his possible eventual. net cost would be 1172 530. 3 The developer's proposal is to apply, a half fee to the undergrounding limits $128/2 x 1830'), which wof91d result in a fee of $117,120. His proposal is inconsistent with the policy_(Section l.b) in that he p.,aposes to pay a half versus the standard full fee. Also, his proposal fails ,to acknowledge responsibility for halF of the cost of .undergrounding the telecommunications lines across the street as required by the policy (Section 31. 4. A fourth alternate is to allow a fee with a, credit for future reimbursements from acros;t-the-street developments. This fee would be the net cost of $172,530 calculated in alternateT2�above. This approach would resuit_in insufficient funds being' availabl,e to do the work until 'pay_e�nts are mane,,by across-the-street deve opment, which is questionable. In mee Biggs with staff, the appl ica,y"It has mentioned disruption to the existing parkway';improvements as a Justificat{)n for not undergrounding the utilities and`has also noted the power poles and 66,,KV lines will remain overhead in any event. ;, PLANNING Q?MMISSION STAFF REPORT TT. 14548 - ALLMARK SEPTEMBER '.5, 1991' PAG E 3 `i IV RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the mjOification request be "denied. ` If the- Commission ssion ecides that undergroundint--,is impractical at pra.ent, then' ' existing policy requires that a full fee be paid In-Lieu of undergrounding.,, Respectfully submitted, �^ Barrye R. Hanson Senior Civil Engineer BRH:BAM:ih Attachments Applicant's Letter of Rega�r. Exhibit "A" - Vicinity Map . Exhibit "8" - Existing Utilities Undergrounding Policy (PC Res. 87-96) Conditions of Approval (PC Res. 90-112) Resolution 'of Denial , Cw -: a e�e�ac•^o,•� Asset Manage-emit ALLMARK AlIrklark,Inc. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING O;Y13lON August 21, 1991 AUG 211931 Mr. Larry T. Mc Niel, chairman Planning t:-)mmission. City of Rancho Cucamonga 1U1_iGU C-1 vic Canter Drive Ra ncho Cucamonga, Vr1 91730 R: Modification of Condition of kpproval Tentative Tract No. f 14548 Victoria Woods (328 Units) Dear Las-ry: i Allntark, Inc. acquired the above referenced p>co ject on June 27,' " 199a. ` AM We are currently in negotiation with the kedevelopment Agency to provide sixty-six (66) apartment homes within the ,development for occupan,y by low and moderate income famik'-'s. As a component of our proposed arrangement with the Reds">elopment Agency, we are going to use approximately $1.8'million'of the bond proceeds to renovate the property, meet all conditions of the Condominium 'Map, and record the Map concurrent. with or shortly after completion of the renovation. 1 feel it is Lm ortant to note`-chat although we are going to have the Mai; recorded, the terms and conditions of the bond financing require that the entire property,continile to operate as rentals under one ownership for fifteen (137•..yeara. After the 15th year, we--.^ill have the option o£ offering rori;sale a1.1 but 66 'units. T' ,e 66 would remain under, the control of-the Redevelopment Agency ...d continura to be available to low income families. The current °Engineering Condition of Approval" regarding under- grounding of utilities on the project side,;_of Etiwanda Avenue stipulates that the developer _shall underg:oun.- the 12 AV, leaving the 66 ir,� in place and shall be able Ato'recover approximately 1/2` of the costs when the west side of Etiwanda Avenue is developed. C "J0'r —aw Route • Rancho Cucamofiya CA Jt 730 •'71 Ott 989• 556 •fax c7l a19a a•a�g8 t y 0 CE. Mr. Larry T. Mc Niel City of Rancho Cucamonga Page Z - In=my discussions with the planning and engineering stuff, it has become apparent that 'ao underrrounding din lieu fees" were or are . anticipated to be collected from the MWD, Therefore, I ,would=like to request that the Engineering Conditz.on. of Approval relating to undergrounding be -zdified to require that the developer pay am, "in li ti?i fee equal Oto $b4 00 times the d.i&-tance from the fii*t pole on, the south-side of Arrow Route to the first pole off-site north of the project boundary, The $64.,00 represepts 1/2 of the $128.00 per lineal, fodt-'as outlined in 'che undergi unding ordinance. Larry, the approval of this modification will allow us to spend the maximum possible -dollars, onsite, and bring the'' Victoria Woods property to the level of, ejuality which both Allmark, Inc. and the City of Raf;chc,.Cucamonga desirl�`. ) Any assistance you. can provide \\�n failitatini4 this request would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, 10 D. Anthony Mize President DAMeth r I 11D "t r ct:yT'- 'rlty_sy, - IC - _—�►,� Ash yrZ '�� ! , CITY OF TT 115 q's --- r- I T. RANCH® CUCPt-MONO s VifI ITY MA 77 lsrPOL,t OFIALCI _ :� .[ 7• 4iec a.`. � AeDJEV'2 �—F n AC%NORM - / for PoLr? RESOLUTION NO. 87-96 A RESOLUTICN OF 'THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO i;nooNGA _ESTABLISHING A, REVIS�;iO POLICY FOR THE UNOERGRP`1DT4G OF EXISTING O+ERHEAD UTILITIES AND REPFALhi6 ..:SOLUTION NO. 86-7 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho.Ciccamonga wishes to repeal Resolution No. T86-77 which,.was adopted on the 28th day of May, 1986 and establish the revised policy contained herein; WHEREAS, the Plan►'frig Commission of the City of Rancho Cfcamorga dishes to remove unsightly existing overhead utility lines in order to promote a more aesthetic and +-asirable working and living environment within the City; and {WHEREAS, it is necessar,� to establish a policy to inform property . awners and developers of the City,goal. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and established that abl devilapments, except those .:ontained in Section / and ;any cthirs specifically waived ty the 1 Planning Commission, shall be responsible fes• undergrounding all existing overhead utility 1'•ines including the removal of the related supporting poles adjacent to and w hin. the limits of a development as follows: 1. Lines on the project sidea the street*: a. Said 'lines shall be une:trgrouladed at the dt-veloper's expense. b. In Chore circumstances where .the Planning Commission decides that undergrounding is impractical at present for uuch reasons as a short length of undergroundi,_g' ,less than 300 feet and nit isAeegrounded adjacent), a li4avy concentrations of service's to other users, disruption to existing impro�> tsents, etc., itha Developer.. thall 'pay an in-l;eu fee fte tho -full ark per Section 6. c. The Developer shall be eligible for reimbursement 0 one-Ptalf the cost of undergrounding from future developmant:� as they occur on tP i. opposite .Ad1e of the street. 1. Lines on the omsite side of the street from the project: The Developer snag i pay afee of hefity for one aTf the amount per section 6. 3. Lines .:,i both sides of the street: �, The Developer shall comply kith ec ri 1—aide an jTM'i)6 or:,eimbtirsenent oil pay additional flees so that he kcars a total expense r vivalent to one-half the total cost of undergrounding the lines on both silos of tht, street. 4. Pole lines containing 666KV or 1armor electrical 1ioes• All lines shall be a e'clerrgroun cacl or u�ees l a3d-in accordence section 1, 1 or 3, above, except for:66 or larger electrical lines. tl 77 ` AOL 5. Limits of Responsibilities: d. In-lieu fees shall be based upon the length of the p g property being " deualsped from property line to property line (the center of, adjacent " streets for corner properties). (; h. Undergrounding shall in'c°Iude the entire project frontage and extend to: (1) the first existing pole off-site from the project boundaries (across the sweet°for corner properties), (2') a new pole erected at a project bounda,y (across the street for corner properties), or (3) ;an existing pole within 5-feet of a project boundary, except at"a corner. �a Amount: The amount for in-lieu fees shall ,equal the length (per Section 5.a times the unit ,amount as establishatf,6y the City Council based upon information supplied by the utility companies arid as updated pariodiczOly a7;deemed necessary. 7. Exemptions: The following types "of `projects_,shall ce exempt from this � . po c—Ti y, - a., The addition of functional equipment to existing developments, such as loading docks,;silos, satellitm dishes'-antennas, water tanks, air conditioners, cooling toners, enclosure,,of an>,out;Ior storage area, parking and loading areasA;block walls and fences, et'. b. Buildi:rg additions (rr new flee standing%,Ulildings of less than 25% of the floor area of 'the exist+ng buildivig(s) on the same assessor's parcel, or ,5;.Q00 square feet= �ahi hev r"`s- less. c. Exterior upgrading or repair of , ,cisting developments, such as: reroofing, 'addition of 'trellis, `'� ni'ngs, Ia:rd,cdaping, equipment screening, repainting and exterior finishes, etc. d. Interior tenant improvements and nom construction CUPS. e. The ccostruct,+ah of a single frmily residence;.on an existing parcel. z f. Existing overhead utility lines Iocated in trails, al)eys, and utility easements with a heavy ; concentration of ?,,4 Jdc!s to adjacent developments, and, the utility tines are 5C01 or,, morre from"the right- of way line of a Special Boulevad. g. Rssidentiay 'subdlvisiors of four or fewer single fani.iy residential parcels, where Um 'utility lines extend, at least 60, offsite from . both the project boundaries and the adjacent property is not likely to contribute to future undergrounding_" All, references to streeti.- shalI also mean alleys, -=-t°aiiroad or channel rights-of-way, etc. �( r APPROVED AND-.ADOPTED THIS loth DAY Or JUYE k967. '17 PLANNING COM ISSIOH, OF THE CITY OF>R}�IiCHO CUCAMitNGA Lady MCi a noan _ ATTEST: _ r etre ary I, Brad Buller. Deputy SeVetary of the Planning Corn?==fission of t4" City of Rancho.CucmKrnga, do hereby certify that the foregoing'Resolution was.duly;,and and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Cmnissien ofi,the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at''a regular meeting of`tha Planning ,CpWission held r ; on the 10 day of June,. 19G7, by the following vote-to-wit: 7 . . w AYES: COMMISSIONERS: )IMERICK, CHITIEA, fiRIEL -- 'NOES: COItSIONERS: TO4.#iTOY �. } ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS:. ONE ABSTAIN:- COMMISSIONERS: '�,EY r r _ RESOLUT�`ON NO. '96=112' A RESOLUTION OF THE',.PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNI'A, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT '` iAP 14548, FOk THEN CONVERSION OF 328 APARTMENTS TO CONDOMINIUM UNITS, ON 29.51 AF;ES OF LAND IN THE LOW- MEDIUM AND MEDIUM RESI0ENTIV',, GIST?ICTS DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, OF�,HE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAM,•-,. LOCATED AT THE NORTHUST CORNER OF ETIWANDA"AVENUE AND ARROW ROUTE, AND MAKIN��>FINOINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF ;, APN: 229-041-11 f J A. Recitals, (i! Ra;tscheck/Hackbarth�has filed an application for the approva•1 off " Tentative Tract "Wap 14548 as described in "tht, title of this Resolution... Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request it refernad to as "the'application." ((�;=- (iij On August 22, t990, and continued toept''ember .2, 1990, the I Planning Commission of the City of;Rancho Cucamonga conducted .duly noticed I public hearings on the applicah-ion. (iii) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. ^� B. Resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, `determined, and resolved-b;` the Plannfng Commission of the City of Rancho C+acamonga as follows:` 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correc.,.. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commf/`ision' during the above-referenced public hearings on August 22 and September 12, 1990, including written" and oral staff` reports, together wit public testimony, this. Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: ; (a) The application6' applies to property %6Eated at 8453 E_iwanda Avenue with a' street rronsage-,,sf 1,550 feet on Gtirjanda Avenue a-pd_ 5:?0 feet on Arrow Route and is":pr17sehtly1improved wizh 328 apartments, parking Or 63.1 automobiles, and associated recreational facilities; and (b) The property "to the north of the subject site is ee?�eloped with single family residential, the property itn 'the soutii . and west is des'gnated as General Industrial", and is'presentl� vacant, and the property to � the east is an "Edison Easement designated as open space; and J to PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 110. 90-112 ; TENTATIVE TRACT 14548 - PATSCHECKIHACKSART'9 September 12, 7390 Page 2 (c) The, pro ect, together .with the ir,commended,- tii of approval, complies with all the minimum development standards of ther"City of Rancho Cucamonga; and - rdl The conve.r`sion,'of 328 apartment units to condomin rump on 24.51 acres is consistent With ,15e Low Med'Cum and Me'dium;Residential lt-d use ' designation of the General Plank and W That the ,proposed- project is .in substantiaf conformance with'each of the applicable provisions of the EtNanda Specific Plan ,a id the Development Code; and rj (f) The project, together with the.recommended Cohdih,�ons of Approval, complies with all the minimum requ�r?met,.<`srf Chapter 2, Articles 1 2 of the Subdivision Map%Act relative ,ta the conversion of residential real`;.. property.into a condominium project. ` 3. Based upon the substantial e0dence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearings and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this. Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: (a) Thaf ttie Tentative Tract, for the purpose, o,f conversion-, is JOk consistent with the General Plan,:;Delelopment Code, and the Etiwanda Specific Plan; and (b) The design or improvements, of the Tentative Tra(t is consistent 4ith the General Pian', Development Code, Arid-, E-iiwanda specific Plan; and (c) The si(2 is physically suitable ,For the.type of development proposed; and fd) Tne design of the subdivision is not., ,likely to cause substantial environmental damage or avoidable injury to ilumans .,or wildlife or their habitat; and (el. The Tentative Tract isi not likely to cause serious public health ps•oblems and (f) The design of the Tentative. Tract will not..conflict .with any easement acquired by the public at large, .note of record, for access, throw h'�r use of the he-property wiehin-,the .o os_d subdivision;P P v soon, and (g) The proposal is consistent wit8 the p�rposes of Chapter 1/.22 (Condominium Conversions) of the Rancho.Cueaiionga,,Municip�;l Code; and !h) The propose promotes the health, safety, -and r:elfare (tf the resirfet.ts of the City, an 1` t I t� �! PLANNING'COMMI sION RES001TION 410... 0-112 _ TENTATIVE TRACT 14548 PATSCHECK/HACKBARTH September 12,'1990 Page 3 (i) Each of,the tenants of tie .proposed condominium project has received, pursuant to Section 66452.90 of the 5uodivis`ron 14ap Act, written notificatiort:�of intention to"convert;=.*.least 60 days prior to the filing of a j Tentative Map ' and (j1 Each tenant, and each person app7y4ng for the rental of a unit in such residential real property, has or will have, .received all ' applicable notices and rights irequired .by the Subdivision Map Act; and (k) Each tenant will receive 10 days.wr,iiten notification that an application Lfor a public report` will be or has been submitted to the Department of RealL Estate, `and that Such repz,rt "will;, be' available upon request, and i (1)'- Each of the tenants i1f the proposed cond'diripiurr project will be given written notification within 10 days of approval of,"a fine map and 1; (m) Each of the tenants c.f the.,fproposed condominium project will Lbe given 180 days written notice of intention to convey; prior to termination of tenancy due to-the conversion or proposed conversion;and In) Each tenant of the proposed d1ndominium project wi4l be ` given noi;ice.of an excl usive'L right to contract for the purchase of his`or„her respective uiit, upon the same terms and conditions that,such unit W+11 be initially offered to "the general pub)tic or, terms: mare favoraH e o that tenant. 4, This Commission 'hereby finds and certifies that the project has' been reviewed and considered in compliance with the California Environmental ' kuali+,y Act of 1970 and, further, this' COmmis�ion, fiereby issues a Negative .., Declaratio,.. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth;in Paragraphs 1, 2, % and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the applicativ subje&c to each and evenr condition set forth below and in the attached itandard Conditions, attach2N.,iereto and incorporated herein by this reference. : . _ Planning Division n 1. Approval of Tentative Tract,14548 is subject to each,,and every-,Condition of Approval contained r' in Re5i�lution No. 85-56, approviiig DeveTopaipat . Provide- ttiro gated tearis o;f access'to te'pubhic greenway on the norCh,,project :boundary and ., install co6n'ecting concrete walkways, pi<ior to recordaf nn of the ',"inal, map. 1 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLWTION�"I0. 90-112 ;jENTATIVE TRACT-14548 - PAT SC.tjE' /HACKBARTI H September IZ, 1g90 Page 4 i 3.. The developer shall provide each tenant, d d' 1, 4 each person applying for the rental of a un4� a °all applicable notices,and rights required by ` the Subdivision Map Act ,Rs summarized below: a. The developer shall proviai�each tenant 10 days - written notification _that an application for a public report will be or has, been submitted �to the Department of Real Estate,-,and that such report will be r, available upon request;' and f b. The,devefoper', shali provide each 13f the tepdnts of the, proposed condominium' proje,-' written notificatic:7 wit in 10 days of approval'of final maps, and 1 C. The developer shall` provide each tf the tenants of the proposed condominium,, project 180;days wx• tten notice of intent+ to convrrt'prior to termination of tenancy. due "to the conversion or propose°` conversions and ., d. Thei, Developer shall offer, vin writing, - - each tenant of the proposed condominium - project an ,exclusive right-'to contract1for the purchase of his oi•,"•:her respective urjiis, upon tine same terms and conditions Utj� suchl,,unit will be initially`offered tp",the ileneral public, or terms more favorable to that tenant, on or before the 180 day notice ofintent to convert. Engineering Division ' 1 the ;existing overhead util'ities (electrical, except for 551 IKv�-electrical) on the'-droject side:.of Etiwandi Avg nue shall be undergrounded ,J fram',the first,pole on the south side of Arrow Route to the first poly oft-site north of the +_rojectmaoundary, prior tQ', recordaticn of the �, p The= Devel'doer may request�--a reimbursement agreement to recover one-half the v,.4 ffe1N++ce between the underrrounding 'cost, of l��r the utilities (electric�,l) on 'the proj+act side; _> of the street minus thgt'� 4;;�-! communications} on the opposite";$ide afi"Lhe street from future development fredevelopmentV as it occurs'bn the ' opposite side cf the street. �� �j 0 , 1, (; is PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. 90-112 TENTATIVE TRACT ;I4548 � O'ATSCNECK/HACKBARTH September 12, 0 ac Page 5 { '1 S 2. Dedicate public' access rights to the t,rAl � ,I along the north' property line connecting the puhlic sidewalk on Etiwanda Avenue to the Etiwa la Creek Regional _ Trail. Improvement i plans shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Any deficiencies in the existing trail, including landscaping,._ and irrigation, shall be corrected prior to record;ition of t;e final map; thereafter, the trail sh311 be permanently maintained by the property owner/homeowners' association: 3. Dedicate additional street right-of-ways of '14 feet on Arrow Route and 3 feet on Etiwanda Avenue along the project frontage for possible future,street Videning,. 4. The existing gated entrance on Arrow Rocce shall be reconstructed to provi'ue a turn around and the maximum sacking leng�h possible on the street side-of the gate as approved by ::he City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map._ 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND.ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1990. PLANNING CO ISSiON OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA t ;; BY: U fairy McNi el y} C ai rma 1 ATTEST r Bu I 5etrftfary I, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho" Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and . regularly introduced, passed, and adapted by the Planning Commission,7of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regula,•`meeting of the,Planning Commission held }1 or. the 12th day of Septerber 1990, bye,,,the following vote-to-wit: )J f;iES: COMMISSIONERS: CHITiEA, MCNIEL, MCLCHERr TOLSTOY, IAEiUBERG R NOES- COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT COMMISSIONERS: NONE k , ,z RESOLUTION NO. \ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING �tZ4mlikON OF !THE C;TY OF RANCHO CUC7174ONG4r CALIF01=1A, Dt1IZYIING A REQUEST FOR A I ODIFICAT20N OF A CONDITICJ OF; Ai x gVAG FOR TENTATIVE 7�RACT 14548 7yOCA nD AT. TIC NOF,THEAST�CZ"ER OF ETIWANDA_. AVENUE M0 AhROW ROUTE. AND MAKING FINDI GS IN'-SUPPORZ" THEREOF.`"7SPN: 229-041-11 A. Reci. ls. (i) On September 12, 1990, the Planning 'Commission adtppted Resolution No. 90-112, thereby, appeaving, subject to specified conditions, Tentative Tract 2,4548, which provides for the conversion of 328' apartments to condominium units on 29.51 acres o£ land within the Low and,Low Medium' Residential Districts at the northeaiit corner of rtiwanda ,Avenue and Arrow Route. (ii) On August 21, 1S91, a request `aii`filed by�Allmark, Inc. to modify the condition of approval,,requiring the existing overhe;Ad utilities alon3 $tiwanda-,.venue to be underikousded. (iii) On September 25, 1991, the Planning Commission of the W.ty of, _Rancho':�;:ramonga conducted-,a duly, ndticed public hearing on the application an6 concluded said hearing on that date. r\ (iv) All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.- B. Resolution. r- NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby determined, and resolved by the 'Piann ng Commission of the City of Ranches/ aamonga as, follows. 1. Thiu Commission hereby spe!_ifick11y rinds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolutica. mc_e_true and,corm t. 2. Wased upon ;e�,5atantia� evict nce- presented to this Commission during the above-r;eferea.�d,-public hearing rn Septamb'7 25, 1991, including written and oral stafe ''reports',' together wrth ypuhlii; +estimcny, ; this } Commission hereby specifically finds as followse (a) The condition conforms t) current Planning Commission policy.. (b) There is no justification for , detet,am ninq, that t` i under rounding is iupracticai at pretont> 3. Bassd upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commiasion durin 4\,the abo,6y--referenced� public hearing and upon: the specific findi»gs: of facts see, in,paragraph 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes ai4ollows: s j ' .'i (v P11treNING COMMISSION RPSOLUTION NO. IAOL. To TT 14548° _ septet:.er 2s, 7 9i Page g S) Ir (a) `That the regeirament- to underground existing overhead utilities an Etiwarlda Avenue is necessary and reasonable. 4. Baser upon. the findings and ct)nclus' ons dot forth in paragraphs J., 2, and 3 above, this .Commission hereby denies the requested eonq, }an modification. �l � C rf E. The Secretary :to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. t APPROVED AN11 1bOPTED THIS'25th PAY OF, SEPTEMBERr PLANNIN:s COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RAVCHrj "u-JCAMONGA f, L BY: Larry T. McNiel, Chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller., Secretary `l , Brad EnIler, ','Secretary of the Planning �;ommission of the City-of Rancho Cucamonga, do her;Qby' certify that the' foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introluced, passed, and ,adopted by the Planning Commission of the City on Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission noid on the 25th day of September, 1991, by the following vote-to-wit- . \t AYES: COMMISSIONERSa " ca n NOES: COMMISSIONERS'- f ABiSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ; c, " u a. CITY OF RANCHO CCCATMO?vCA STAFF REPORT DATE: September-25, -1%91 �# TO: Chairman aid 1 erbers of the Pi-nning commission FROM: Duane A. BakeY Assistant to the Ci+ manager, SUBJE:'1: X2R1-FICi TION TO Y'E:JTATIVE TRACT 14139, - AF3NRNSOFi f. A request to mndify a condition of approval,.requiring the formation of a Maintenance Assessmez;t -District for drainage facilities for a previously approved tentative tract map consisting of 119 single family.i lots on 54 ' acres of land ',in' the Low F'sidentiitl District (2-4 dwelling units per acre),:; lcz�,-,<vd at the souttgest corner of Etiw,anda Avenue and 25t]+; St,tieet APR: 225-082-01. MODIVICATION TO T*ZNTATI U kIPiI. S3827 AVW TO THE DESIGN REVIEW FOR TENT 7LVS TRACT$ 14379, 14380, 14381 AND 14382 (4 PRAGES OF TRACT 13527) - WATg! XYLAND ;MIRE f A request to n6dify a condition of approval requiring the formation of- a Maintenance Aseessmeitt District for drainage facilities and a condition to . joiu the Law Enforcement Community Vacilities-_ Di---ict for a previously approved design review 'of a`--afitative tract map consisting of 152 single family lots on 51.6'aares' of land Ln the Low Resi'oential District .(2-4 dwelling unit=�-'pp nacre) , located at the northwest corner of� Etiwanaa A- enue and 24th Street - APN: 25-071-65:; I. AB8xF- CT �r;> ' The developers of both projects- are requesting N the modification of a condition 3F approval which equire7Y that they form a Maintenance AssG<ssment District for drainage facilities prior te;`the recordation of the Final Mips for their projects.. Additio.ially;-,- 'ilat- Iniand ipire ' is requesting a modification of a cor','d t on of.,approva3 requiring 'them to join the Law Enforcement Commaiity��acilities District ririor to the recordation of their Final Map for their project. ITEA',S F Z G MODTFICATION TO TENTATIVE TRACT 14139 SEIPTFMBER 25, 1991 PAGE TWO II. AACRGROUND Tentative Tract 13527 was cr ginally:croroved on September 28, 1988 for an initial two years until September 28- 1990. A one year tiiae extension roue• granted-on September 26, 1990 unt'.l September 28, 19131. The projfsct is' Aligible for additional time extensions although the Developer has_�stated that he will not seek any hoping,that he can record the FinAl,Map prior to urrent expiration d te. Design reviei�,s were approved for the first four phases of thle. Tract (Tracts 14379, 14380, 14381 and 14382) on September ?6,`-199Q- for an initial two years until September 26, 1992. Tentative Tract 14134 was originally r.;Vrovgd on July 12, 1989 fot an initial two years until July 1991. 1 A one year ti © extension was granted on Juli3.0, 1.991" antil July 12, 1992. The conditions affecting formation of a Maintenance Assessment District affect both projects and, khile not conditiched to do so, l.;amanson h&s agreed to join the Law Enforcement. Cnmaunity Facilities District; therefore, both requests -ire' incxuded in the same staff report. x=x. Arr:�Ysra The City has initiated` a policy of requiring developers in the north Etiwanda areas to join t he Law Enforcematit Comnun. ty. Facilities District,_ to help in p,_:5vidinq revenue to pro i de additional law enforcement--,vices ::that will be required to !i serv, the Developer's proje.w Also, the City has initiated n policy of requiring_ Developers tq provide -for the.. maintenance of drainage facilities not belonging to the County . or th Flood Control District. Thin policy may Xei1uire maintenance or the formation of Assessment Districts in tits case of City maintairad'facilities, W,)'.Ie r-trordation, of the Final Map *a the point in the process e wIkP;-e the City has the most vcoiitrol.: ,,,r��!ays beyond the Dev-aloper's control have made Fompleting'- hese conditions ' Impossible prior to the date.. of `=T :.►tativa, Tract nxpiratior.. The alternative that is being 'suggested, ks; to adjust the condition to require. the eonditiioa be melt prior to issuance of building permi.i,z, on the projects. This approach will allow the Developers to proceed with recording the Final 'Maps while giving the city some t�;)fttrol in insuring that the conditions ars mate. The Developers Nave already placed on deposit'witf� the City funds to pay the costs associated with the,"rew' AsseQazent 1 TI; Q'91 P.C AGE A 3,,o 3 070 .,�-SEPTE ER 2", 1 - MODIFICATION TO TENTATIVE TRACT 1413% SEPTPUBMER 25 139i Ps iGz TnEE District and costs associated with joining the Law Enforcement Community Facilities District:. The work to meet these' conditions"has already begun and is expected.:to bp, complate by Novem8,r; 1991. with these facts in mind, :>staff, i1s,. conf ident that the;proposed modifications.cations will meet the City fi" needs, IV. RECOMMMMATION . It is recoMmendCZtthat the Planning Commission approve the attached resolutions which would al owr the Final Maps to be recorded and the ;projects to move �,`orward while working towards completion`°'of the conditions. Respectfully 66mitted, Duane A. Bake; JML Assistant to the' City Manager DAB/t r -DAB.845 r Attachments: Exhibit "All - :sVicinity Hay k ! Exhibil:z"E" -~-.Approved;Tentativee Map Tracitt; 14139 Exhibit "C„ .. Apgroved 'Tentative Map DR-- 14379-82 Resolutions 14 }ram ' 1l )� ff�040 ENG05ERS, INC CIVIL ENGINEERS,PLANNERS AND CONMUCTION CONSULTAN'0 jr J.N.: : September 16, 1991 Mr. Larry T. McNiel, Chairman Planning Commission City-of Rancho CuC:amonga P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention; Duane Baker Assisf,ant City Manager }. Regarding: Tract No. 13527 - Watt Inland Empire; Inc- Rpquest for Map Modification Honorable Chairman: , On Behar of Watt T-nland Empire, Inc.,, we are hereby requesting the approval of a map modification to Tentative Tract' No. 13527, to allu_a the rQvision of Condition No,. ''13-D Resolution No. 88-200. This condition requires that the formation of a Benefit Assessment' District for the maintenance of a proposed desilting/debris basin', occur prior to the recordation og any final maps. We are hereby Aft requesting this condition be modified tt*r.�equirz this action prior to building permit. In addition, we a requesting that the same type of -revision occur to Condition No. 16,,, Resolution No. 90-119, Annexation to the Law Enforcement Community Facilities District No. 88-2. We are requesting• this also be modified to ;require this action prior to building permit rather than prior'to Final Map Recordation. This modification is necessary due to the eonditi�-n being of a , nature that necessitates action by the City, and with the City not taking,the necessary action has, in effect, prevented the developer from completing the required formation and -annexation of the districts prior to the expiration of the TentativeMap. Thank you for your assistance. Your consideration and approval of this requested map modification would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, KWC ENG ERS, INC. Kennett: W. Cr wford Jr, President KWC:rk SF135712_.rk1 F9- .>✓.� 1269 W.POMONA ROAD,SUITE 104•CORONO,CALIFORNIA 917.20•(714)734.2130•FAX(714)272.3308 A � r s� r it 11. 1 , y a + P.100D C1 �� •DWS f4Tt 14379 8®&{ a&Z AN RANCHO CUCAMONGA TTrLLP. MAP r�. rj _ �, �,J lar'ts b�r I 1.L7 uts`_� `•s• O 41 1 w rr ) 41 0.4 n arse 4 .o, Q�I 41 4!' Oit oil My Mat ll rr{ �(��� � �l o - a►J = I ,/ , \(D © i �' Z �? A aI w 1 "CL..�, fti � ,l"♦ rfr ,w x • �f> l r v ' �• r .y. . x , a l a JU f f i' RESOLUTION NO. �1 A RESOLUTION.,OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO C'UCAMONGA, -0k IFORNIA, APPROVING A'REQUE'+T FOR MODIFICATION OF A CONDITION OF APPROVAL-'FOR TENTATIVE MAP 141'39, LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF'ETISIANDA AVENUE AND;'257H STREET AND MAKTNG' FINDINGS,I1�,SUPPORT.THEREOF APN: 225-082-01 A. RECITALS (i) On July 12, 1989, the Planning Commission apprAyed, subject to specified conditions, Tentative Tract 14139, which,provides'for the development of 119 single family lots on 54 acres of'land in<the Lew Residential District` (2-4 dwelling units per acre) located a', the southwest corner of:Etiwanda` Avenue and 25th Street. (ii) On September 9, 1991, a request was filed to modify,the condition 'of approval requiring the developer to form a Maintenance Assessment District' for drainage facilities prior to recordation"of the Final Map. (III) On September 25 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho- Cucamonga conducted a' -duly noticed public hearing on the request and (Z' concluded said hearing on that date.' (iv-) All legal prerequisites priorSto the adoption of .this Resolution have occurred. ' o B. RESOLUTION {t 1`i 71 NOW, THEREFORE, it Le hereby, fcund,l determindd, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga aefollows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts_set forth in the Recitals, Part"A, of this Resolution are true and correct'. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on September 25, 1991, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds and concludes as follows: (a) That the prpposed modifications to the conditions`affecting the formation of a; Maintenance Assessment District for drainage facilities will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs I and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the modification to the Tentat�,b Map Tract 14139 as set'forth,below. (a) Delete Engineering Division condition No. 13 from Tentative Tract Map 14139, approved July 12, 1989. i PLANNING COMMISSION RESGIiUTION NO. j -{ i MOD'TT14139 AHMANSON SEPTEME!�R 25, ,1991- PAGE 2 , (b) Insert a'�\taw condition No. 12� which 'reads as 41ollowa: 8otW\-trapezoidal channelit shall be contained within permanent storm44rainage easements,. A 15-foot-wide paved access road shalla,\fie constructed an the downstream side (south andeast) of the\�phannele`for their entire length, ifith access at both ends toi�A public street. The channel 'shall be fenced on the a upstresn eider. There shall,be no public aciaess to the channel � access rikds. Prior to the issuance of buL ding permits the : + Developer,thall,consent to and parc:ici,pate in the establishment of a 1982 tenefit Assessment Act District for the maintenance of necessary drainage facilities. All costar associated with the formatiin of.said District shall be borne by the Developer. 4. The S,acretark to this Ctvaission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS '25TH DAY OF SEYTNMBEA 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY or.RANCHO CUCAMONGA Aft BY, ,Lam,' T. McNiel, chairman ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary 1, Stad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commiscion of the City ofi Rancho Cucamonga, 'do hereby certify that the foregoing Absolution was duly and„regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City o Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning'Commission held an the 25th day of Sapteatber 1991, bF. the following vote-to-wits AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: J RESOLUTION NO. is A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A CONDITIO14 OF APPROVAL FOR TENTATIVE MAP 13527 AND FOR DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACTS 14379, 14380, 14381 AND. 14382,, LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ETIWBNDA AVENUE AND 24TH STR3ET AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 225- 071-65 A. RECITALS (i) On -September 26, 1990, the Planning_Commiasion approved, subject to specified conditions, Design a®view for:.Traats 14379, 14380, 14381, and` 14382 which provides for the`developaent of the firs. 'four phases ofa previously'approved Tentative Tract Map consisting of 252 single family ` iota on 51.6 acres of land in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) located at.the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue and 24th Street. .' (ii) on September 9, 1991, a request was filed to modify the corditiou of approval requiring the developer to form a Maintenance Assessment Dletrict for drainage facilities prior to recordation of the Final Map.` (iii) On September 9, 1991, a request was filed to modify the condition of approval requiring the Developer te 'join the Law ba£orcement Community Facilities District prior to the recordation of the Final Hap. (iv) On September 25, 1991, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the request and concluded said hearing on'that date. i (v) All legal prerequisites prior to;the adoption of'this Resolution have occurred. B. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE, It in hereby found, determined,' and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Pi?nt A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substan'sial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing or,t'September 25, 1991, ,including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically. finds, and concludes as follows: (a) That the proposed modifications to the conditions affecting the formation of a Maintenance Assessment' District for drainage facilities or joining the Law t Enforcement Community ;Facilities District will not be 'detrfi.mental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially'3njurious to properties,cr:improvements,is the vicinity. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 140. MOD TT14379, TT14380, TT14381, TT143e2 —WATT IK AND-EMPIRE SEPTEMBER 25, ,1991. PAGE 2 3 Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs _, and 2 above, this Commission hereby approves the modification to the Design Review for 'Tracts 14379, 14380, 14381, and 14382 as set forth below. (a) nelete Tentative Tract Map Condition No. 13 Section (d) from Tentative Tract Map 13527, approved September 28, 1988. (b) Insert new Tentative Tra, t Map Condition No.'13 Section (d) to read as follows% 1 Prior to the issuance of buildn3 permits the Developer sh`..il consent to and partici"te in the establishment of'a 1482 Benefit Assessment Act Dl�strict for the maintenance of these necessary drainage fac£li�ies: All costs asRociatecl-with the formation of said District snall be borne by i,he De oper. (c) Delete Engineering Division Condition No. 16 from-Design Review,for Tracts 14379, 14380, 14381 and 14382, approved September 26, 1990.. (d) Add new Design Review condition for Tract-14379, 14380, 14381, and 14382 to read as follows: l Prior to the issuance of building permits the Developer shall consent to and 'participate in joining the Law Enforcement Community'Facilities District. All costs associated with joining said Dintrict'shall.be borne by the Developer. 4. The Secretary to this Commission shall, certify__o the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 25TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1991. PLANNING COMMISSION or THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA GY: Larry T. McNiei, Chairman - ATTEST: Brad Buller, Secretary i, Brad Buller, Secretary of the Planning Commission,of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commisaicn of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 25th day of September 1991„,by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: „COMMISSIONERSz ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: k ,. -— CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGAI�� STAFF REP 00RT 4' f - y DATE: September 250 1991 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission; FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Scott Murphl', A.sociate Planner ' SUBJECT: C1DEVELOPMENT ..1tVIEW 91-17 - CENTRAL SCHOOL 'DISTRICT - A courtesy review of the proposed Ruth Kisser Middle School on 14.27 acres'c,f land within the Terra Vista Planned Community, located on the east side of Terra Vista Parkway, north of Church Street - APN 1077-091-27 and 31. ABSTRACT: Under current State law, normal review and apprcVA 611 facilities is"" rrSled through the Office of the State AYchititicc. the City's involvement in the review process is usually limited to approval of the street improvement plans leading to the issuance of an encroachment permit for work in the public right-of-way "ancl review oZ the proposed grading to verify that adjacent properties are not being- { adversely imparted as a result of the proposed grading of the school site. Through an agreement with the Central School District, however,; preliminary plans are submitted to the City for a courtesy review' through the Divelopment`Review process. KOALYSIS: A. General: The Central School District is proposing to develop a middle s.:hovl facility to accommodate 1,100 students in grades 6 through 8. The classroom and administration buildings are located on the western portion of the site with,the play/field areas on the eastern portion of the site. As with most schools in Terra Vista, the facility is next to a park (Spruce Avenue Park), allowing the possibility of a-JoLnt Use. Agreement between the School District and the City for mutual use of the flelds. The basic design of the school consists of precision and split-face, block with a metal standing seam__*roof. The block will be sandblasted t.. add texture and li�hteil. the :color of the block. Ceramic the or trellises are used on somit buildings for additional variation and relief. i B. Design Review Committee: The 'Design Review Committee will be. reviewing the project on September 19, 1991. Staff will verbally update the Commission on the comments received from the Committee`. ITEM Ii PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DR 91-17 - CENTRAL SCHOOL,DISTRICT ((c September 25, 1991 di Page x (` C. Technical Review Committees Over the past year, the applicant has been working with staff on various alternatives.' Based on Cit, policies for access :and circulation, the plan presented represents the site design alternative preferred by staffto minimize conflicts between buses, parent dY'ap-off, and faculty. RECOMMENDATION: in that,, the application was submitted as a courtesy review, no formal action is required by the Planning Commission. The applicant will be present to receive input from the Commi.ssl�"n in regards to the site planning and architectuval issues. Re6!,,actfully submitted, /Brad 12ex City Planner BB:SM/Jss Attachments: Exhibit "A" -- Location Map Exhibit "B" - Site Plan Exhibit "C," -,Building Elevations ' Exhibit "D" - Landscape Plan 0 ;a - - c 3 3 3'S C � W �C13 CL ; 1 : dnr ruaaawv �T ALL w IL m Cm 0 Fz a o co g Wi cy � I � 6 V _ o ui '' -Z 5 C _� CCv'CV II -� \ iyi4fG!!� ydols ;J/ K7�1 4 gig' rf"N � p ' 'i f— � ii Wiz a III �rjjINNII'pp'II I � � � `— •• \• •� ' Sparc"��'/ /" �` ;" f /�• 1 2' l I �I �►� �� yi 9 cf 1! aD a o a a� gg�ii7�� + Ld IMF 19 w i —i-y.i�__J i.•tcmll 1 1 a - 'll;ll i 7NlIILNldlti'ky'' i Iu : ' f hltlltl�ti lEgR, I ItItM'i,4'Y I�III1IJn10�i1�'� I ,.a� �II■y� , I v: IrinAnn6nM1•'. 1 1 ■��� �IIII�Ir1�i�illl �4 I ��,I III.{ II{i) Ilr�� yy ffyy''rr mm1U1U I{L, i��ry� II�IIOI,IrCv: �I i� I JC7yi�' 11 1 I}.� 'I I 81} //®J S• 1 1 Iij11j1l�llf�iyti' " i ''y$ti �� I ��yyy1 '4NM�I�1J 4� ` I 1 i��Ittl1I4��. � I { i;�i'•4 �II ' I ,Ull'�iS ���1�tHly'4y �1 I I li��'y '� � •�'' I'`i { tl 11 1�� i t IIIi{e; 1 IiI ACC 1 �L�i Ct CiSj of t ! _ i 11:. �I IUIWWUIINI�IYI�IWI� z?y'i .5 {-,'„ti. All , M3Bak i s t � 1 y , �I G•' ; j �} -4 um IIl,, of 0 z� li ';,,�'il ►h,�I „t,, � �� ,� � ► ,,, � �� t i Lo _ ����1 ' ��j4 ���O j i n �• „ ,l t �. ' y 1 •lye✓' � f. � � ex "' loe LP a4Uf® �1lFli� C W{ --{ Lida Jill � 44VVIt ~�� F �_ 'JX� i SGi LLU ratan J ! I f i J III l 111,1111 ij ICI �1 1 ! ii a r r� r f tr fir-!mew 9 �.� I^ sI"Mu3yA lN1 1t "CIO� x1 Qv If 3�iu alll qdq j axDh �D ZI r � b a 1 l C i.m _ I Io zi z — t A, p P j /•�� •}1(p.'{�iQ ./�.� `Sloe Lpp/INj ( 't,i3lIIIIIII .j.A4 f�• ..1, -77 d il9 '� � �� •a1 m i y ■a 1a � j mil I T1 Ld db W Lij z L - t T, r f iwwl. .GeS {. WS 0 Ln z4dois�i/CU -GIIPIA u�* j I j 200 41�I f`I�II II�Jill 1 12zl /C ;W uj Lol j z z La w irl j r i Y Yi Ah � i ll-_--___• i C - Aj l to _ '17 O 4 `>f Q� q Qg wi a �Ift 4,� I I Ipl 140 '> I !U1 rWi a` m I f a f l r Z�ti �caZl cat ZI t 1 t , t; ' it = C�� ofEl I t z�Wi AIIBY�I I 'z3AI 'e. �f , t L i 1£ O W i 1 55. 1 �uj ;L_. a9 LtJ f... _lt! J �L Lu of C Z Cn W a= ¢ Q of rz r z a--- - �,� a err F- G---_ < r„ ILu LjL _ C NI N� _ �w ci - _ MEE i � o w > { 1 7 1 p iJ rj r 71 s -1 t nl I III I�� III�I �I I�I 2W< it Ij iii7 41 i 1 110 cn yylul �O —_ I 1>1 LO ;ml i =� t OWN. Tl- � 1 ;i fi!i!i si� fi �i��ii�i;i i ,i�i�i���i�i��' 1 3i;i t�1i•h N�i�i �:.a all �aa '�7 d� �a� � � � � !I��� I F� Il IHI 10YHi Ne: h� ��� �I1• • « s f s f s t a a t s s ggt fryry gg� �1 yH t'T{a�� OC l a a r� I um�w 71 CL LL F 41 " Ji _,k•. I ,j 4., •1r_• r�i 4f i .' � i �I ji. % \i��a.`i.Y `. •—.k unto,rglyv , , ;y '• ems' _� ME IN oil3 Y , y Mill o � . CL kA t 'clip mom Tim - 1518fa1 6 am dE�aiE f�;, i; 1.1 a l CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA STAFF REPORT DATE: September 25, 1991 1F _ TO: Chairman and Members of t;)a Planning Commission" FROM: Brad Buller, City Planner BY: Nancy Fong, Sen','i Planter SUBJECT: REVIEW OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE UNIFORM SIGN PROGRAM FOR TERRA VhTA TOWN,CENTER LEWIS,IHOMES BACKGROUND: ,At the August 22, 1991, Design Review meeting, the applicant made an informal request for the Committee to review a proposed sign on the tower of Building G as shown in Exhibit "B." The Committee (McNeil, Melcher) recommended approval.. However, because the full. Commission, at its, workshop of December 21, 1959, reviewed, the elevations of Building E and G and imposed a condition of approval prohibiting signs on the towers, action by the full Commission is necessary. Therefore, the applicant is requesting the Commission to review and approve the proposed signs on the tower of Building G. ANALYSIS: The proposed 'wall sign is for a tenant, $5 Clothing, who leased almost the entire west end of Building G, except for a small portion consisting of 254 square feet. This space is now leased to a ' small retail jewelry store. Exhibits "c" and "D" show the interior subdivision of the tenant spaces and"the approved sign locations for Building G. The sign space that was intended for the $5 Clothing tenant became the sign space for the small retail jewelry store, which is the reason for the request to allow a sign on the tower. Staff has noted the following observations related to this isg:": 1. On December 21, 1989, the C��missior, conducted a special workshop to review Phase II development of Terra Vista Town Center which consisted of Buildings E, G, R, Q, and., J (Ross). The Comm]:,sion also reviewed a full motel of the project. The-Commission had placed special emphasis on_Ruildings E, G R, and Q, as these two sets of buildings flank the main entry into the heart of the Town Center, leading to the theater and foodcourtr} The two towers, one on each side of Buildings E ai,1 G, are the visual focal point of the entireproject due to the height. This was the reason for imposing a condition not to allow signs on the towers. Attached for reference is a copy of the December 21, 1989, workshop staff report and recorded commission action. 2. "The Commission has consistently stated that signs` should nct, be allowed on towers within the Town ITEM 1 }l{, PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT UNIFORM SIGN PROGRAM,/TERRA VISTA: TOWN CENTER September 25,- 1991 Page-2 Center. For example, signs were not allowed on the towers for Buildings X and Y (not constructed). Except for Mervyn's and Edward's Cinema, there are no signs on existing tourers within the Town Center. 3. Any signs installed on the soutir elevation of Building E and G will have limitedvisibility from Foothill ` Boulevard because of the distance from the street and, the fact that BuildL�ngs R and Q'will block some of the view. The signs will be visible from the` main driveway off Foothill Boulevard.` 4. The proposed sign with a dimension of 18-inch letter size and 13-foot long sign copy will fit in between °the space of the recessed plaster basket weave niche ' and the arch elements. There is approximately a,,:�-) foot. clearance between the; two elf ts. Howev(u", the tower was not, designed to accommodate a sign. 5. Given the pattern of the interior subdivision, there are no other areas £,�F south facing signs on this portion of the building. If the Commission decides: to allow a sign on Building G tower, staff would recommend that 'the Commission consider allowing a sign on both towers, for better balance "(south elevation of Buildings E and G) since the two buildings flank the main driveway. RECOMMENDATION: Sta£�,-Fecommends that t;-s Commission review the request ind determine whether, ? sign"program_should be amended to allow a sign on the tower elevation: Res f ly st i ra ul City F a ner BB:NFdjs Attachments: Exhibit "A" Site Plan Exhibit "B" - Proposed sign,on Building G' Tower Exhibit "C" - interior subdivision,,of tenant space for Building G 'Exhibit "D" - Approved sign locations for south elevation of Building G Exhibit "E" - October 21, '19Vv" Commission Workshop Action 4� rl ti WU . : 7. �W pp t qD u R r, a r� '6ursrta/aApejeDalipDja d r � I�I ff'' •I ,ap �� .� � i I 8sy+}"Sy Ui(f • I r 1 y ,4 s 01 �1061,11.3-11 If �ro illl \ A tt' S4,n3 ILI'i•i, rl ov r W � • a' il � �(' �Sw°rN.,`,; �. Ze d j' T eM ti�3s 1 T. IsaQ s x,;0nton 6's': ZZ nW.L I is-Z L —1d38 S! A I Oq0 sari. ®Ylltil'1 L. �' e I� 0180 O!!9 GiSD �i17 Sb.FS.- IBA3 SC.FJ. 287i;30.P7. st E t o o � fl � B U I L D I N G G F L O O R P L A N sta�usr vJA T..4lrase 71. CJIL[!d!'IJA ARCHITECTS,PACIFICA LM �elim 00 wares Adh �a- V b a 9 - u ' f C pod F 4;• °" w Q 1JTY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGr1 \l DATE: )) December 19, 1989 IV T0: Chairman and Members of the Planning Comnissiah i rRlli: Nancy Fong, Senior Planner �,4 SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ,WORKSHOP ON BUILDINGS E, G, J, R AND q I;N THE:TERRA VISTA TOWNE CENTER J Just'a reminder regarding the Com%!i ion workshop fal owing the Design ReViOwr meeting of December,21, 1989 at 8 P.M. Attached. is a copy of he ` revised development plans and 'staff 'comments... If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank you. NF:m g G AM i I a� Fa 13 Following: are the results of tfie December 21, 1989 Planning Commission 0' —workshop ;held at the Rancho Cucamonga a ghborhood Center,'9791 Arrow Highway,' regarding the Terra Vista.Town Cc;;,Zl r The Commission reviewed the revised`_plans for Phase II and elevations for Buildings E, G, R, Q and J and recommended approval with the following conditions. I. The orientation of the parking, area east of Building Q should be at 45 degrees as originally approved. The developer agreed. 2. The square fiTa inset occurred too often. The developer should look at lternativees ssubject to Design_RevIew JLommittee„rev iew and a roval. " / 3. No signs should -be alloyyed 'on the towers of Buildings E and G. 4. Ross-Dress or Less sign should be 'subject to Design Review Committee review and approval. 5.' The tree wells along the south elevations of Buildings E and;G should .be moved closer to the colonade. 6 Multi-pane windows should be used. 7 The storefront for units betwc,an "Buildings G and J should be similar in design,to Building E. 8. The arch window design .for Ross should=Jbe subject to Design Review tF Committee 'review and a rdval. Also double e edge stucco over and around . the arch"should be rounded and with sedate lights. 9. The design and color of the tiles for the dome should be subject to Design Review Committee, review.and approval. 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