HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014/11/19 - Agenda Packet ci of NCHO (,UCAMONG 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730-3801 City Office: (909)477-2700 AGENDAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD SUCCESSOR AGENCY PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 4- 7:00 P.M. NOVEMBER 19, 2014 ORDER OF BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room 5:00 P.M. Call to Order Public Communications Conduct of Closed Session City Manager Announcements REGULAR MEETINGS Council Chambers 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS MAYOR L. Dennis Michael MAYOR PRO TEM Sam Spagnolo COUNCIL MEMBERS - William Alexander _ _ Marc Steinorth Diane Williams CITY MANAGER John R. Gillison • ' CITY ATTORNEY James L. Markman Y CITY CLERK Janice C. Reynolds • • CITY TREASURER James C. Frost INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC £AA1 i i1O E 1CAMONGA TO ADDRESS THE FIRE BOARD, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL The Fire Board,Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others,the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Fire Board, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. If as part of your presentation, you would like to display visual material, please see the City Clerk before the meeting commences. Any handouts for the Fire Board, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. During"Public Communications,"your name will be called to speak on any item listed or not listed on the agenda in the order in which it was received. The "Public Communications" period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other"Public Communications"which have not concluded during this one-hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. If you are present to speak on an"Advertised Public Hearing"or on an"Administrative Hearing" Item(s),your name will be called when that item is being discussed, in the order in which it was received. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less,as deemed necessary by the Chair,depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS : . Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, the City's Public Library(-ies) and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Fire Board, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The City has added the option for customers without cable access to view the meetings"on-demand"from their computers. The added feature of"Streaming Video On Demand"is available on the City's website at www.cityofrc.us/cityhall/council/videos.asp for those with Hi-bandwidth (DSUCable Modem)or Low-bandwidth (Dial-up) Internet service. The Fire Board,Successor Agency,Public Financing Authority and City Council meet regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board,Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found @ www.citvofrc.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. _' FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR AUTHORITY AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHO 1 L... ::'J AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA . ;A o aGMoNGA NOVEMBER 19, 2014 WA. 5:00 P.M. — CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER — TAPIA CONFERENCE ROOM IF Al. Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo Council Members Alexander, Steinorth and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND CITY COUNCIL. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) IC. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) ID. CONDUCT OF CLOSED SESSION — TAPIA CONFERENCE ROOM I D1. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 12400 ARROW ROUTE (APN 0229-021-60-0000); NEGOTIATING PARTIES JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER AND JEFF BLOOM, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER AND OMNITRANS; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. — CITY D2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 12949 WHITTRAM AVENUE (SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WHITTRAM AVENUE AND ETIWANDA AVENUE); NEGOTIATING PARTIES MARK STEUER, CITY ENGINEER AND LEN SANTORO, CBRE AND ORANGE TREE REALTY; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. — CITY D3. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 (TITLE: CITY MANAGER) E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS (No DISCUSSION OR ACTION WILL OCCUR) F. RECESS CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR ►��' ; AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 2 AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA {ao, ON\ NOVEMBER 19, 2014 G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER — 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE FIRE BOARD, AUTHORITY BOARD AND COUNCIL. G1. Pledge of Allegiance G2. Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo Council Members Alexander, Steinorth and Williams H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS H1. Announcement of the "Cool California City" designation and recognition of the top participants H2. Presentation of a $5,000 donation check from the Lions Club to support the construction of a new rest stop along the Pacific Electric Trail. H3. Response to Public Comments from November 5, 2014. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority Board and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority Board and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire Board, Public Financing Authority Board and City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Authority Board or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR �..- AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 3 ... «1 — AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ,o 6CAMON,,,, NOVEMBER 19, 2014 The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council Member for discussion. IJ. CONSENT CALENDAR — FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT I J1. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2014 (Regular Meeting) --- J2. Approval of Check Register dated October 29, 2014 through November 11, 2014 for the 1 total of$173,450.03. J3. Approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. of Upland and IDS Group of 11 Irvine, Miller Architectural Corporation of Redlands and SVA Architects, Inc, of Santa Ana to provide architectural services; IDS Group of Irvine and Dahl, Taylor and Associates of Santa Ana to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group of Irvine, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. of Los Angeles to provide structural engineering services; all on an as needed basis to be funded from various City and Fire accounts as approved in the FY 2014/2015 budget. J4. Receive Quarter Budget Update Report. 13 IK. CONSENT CALENDAR — SUCCESSOR AGENCY I K1. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2014 (Regular Meeting) ___ IL. CONSENT CALENDAR — PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY I L1. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2014 (Regular Meeting) ___ li M. CONSENT CALENDAR — CITY COUNCIL , Ml. Approval of Minutes: November 5, 2014 (Regular Meeting) ___ M2. Approval of Check Register dated October 29, 2014 through November 11, 2014 and 17 payroll ending November 11, 2014 for the total of$3,884,66148. , -4 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR _.�.. AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 4 L AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 19, 2014 M3. Approval of a reduced field rental fee of $15 per hour/per field for the Chaffey Joint Union 27 High School District during the construction of Alta Loma, Rancho Cucamonga and Etiwanda High School Athletic fields. M4. Accept the bids received, award and authorize the execution of a contract in the base bid 28 amount of $22,150 and additive bid amount of $13,300 for the "Parks Painting Project" to the lowest responsive bidder, Tim Keife Painting and Waterproofing of Fontana and authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of $3,460 to be funded from accounts: 1131303-5300 (LMD 2), 1133303-5300 (LMD 3B), 1134303-5300 (LMD 4R), 1140303-5300 (LMD 10) and 1868203-5300 (CFD 2000-03). M5. Approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. of Upland and IDS Group of 30 Irvine, Miller Architectural Corporation of Redlands and SVA Architects, Inc, of Santa Ana to provide architectural services; IDS Group of Irvine and Dahl, Taylor and Associates of Santa Ana to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group of Irvine, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. of Los Angeles to provide structural engineering services; all on an as needed basis to be funded from various City and Fire accounts as approved in the FY 2014/2015 budget. M6. Approval to authorize an increase to Contract No. 14-163 in the amount of $43,000.00 to 32 Cable, Inc. for the repair of Traffic Signal Communication Services at various locations for the Traffic Management Center upgrade project Citywide, to be funded from Transportation Fund, Account No. 11243035650/1831124-0. M7. Accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the 33 amount of $283,861.00, to the lowest responsive bidder, Gentry Brothers, Inc. and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $28,386.10, for the Day Creek Channel and Deer Creek Channel Bike Trail Improvements to be funded from Transportation Development Act and City-wide Infrastructure Improvement Funds, Account Nos. 1214303-5650/1827214-0, 1214303-5650/1886214-0, 1198303-5650/1827198-0 and 1198303-5650/1886198-0, and appropriate $85,000.00 to Account No. 1214303- 5650/1827214-0; $86,476.00 to Account No. 1214303-5650/1886214-0; $85,000.00 to Account No. 1198303-5650/1827198-0; and, $72,000.00 to Account No. 1198303- 5650/1886198-0 from Transportation Development Act fund balance and City-wide Infrastructure Improvement fund balance, respectively, for a total of $328,476.00 (contract award of $283,861.00 plus 10% contingency in the amount of $28,386.10 and $16,228.90 for incidentals). M8. Accept the Ramona Avenue Storm Drain and Pavement Rehabilitation from Foothill to 36 south of Pacific Electric Trail project, Contract No. 14-120 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the final contract amount of$788,559.80. RESOLUTION NO. 14-208 39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM FOOTHILL TO SOUTH OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-120, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR • AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 5 L• _ •;J AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ,oOCAMONGA NOVEMBER 19, 2014 M9. Release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 7635403 in the amount of $25,972.41, for 40 the Banyan Street Sidewalk and Pavement Rehabilitation from Etiwanda Avenue to 850 feet w/o East Avenue Project, Contract No. 13-101. M10. Approval of Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security and Ordering the Annexation 42 to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Street Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for 8570 Hickory Avenue, located east of Etiwanda Avenue, between Arrow Route and Etiwanda Avenue, submitted by Griffith Company. RESOLUTION NO. 14-209 44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DRC2012-00878 RESOLUTION NO. 14-210 45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B. (COMMERICIAL / INDUSTRIAL) FOR DRC2012-00878 RESOLUTION NO. 14-211 50 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREET) FOR DRC2012-00878 55 RESOLUTION NO. 14-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERICIAL/ INDUSTRIAL) FOR DRC2012-00878 M11. Release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 0601057A in the amount of $19,950.54, for 60 the 8th Street Pavement Rehabilitation from 1300' east of Hellman Avenue to 200' west of Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 13-116. M12. Receive Quarter Budget Update Report. 62 N. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. November 19,2014 I City Council Agenda Packet I Spelling Correction to November 19,2014 Agenda Index I See page"6 of 6" FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR ;.• AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 6 •�' J AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 19, 2014 N1. TIME EXTENSION DRC2014-00876 - WSI Highland Investments, LLC - A request for a one (1) year time extension of an existing Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) regarding an approved project of 269 single-family lots on approximately 168.77 acres of land within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located north of the Southern California Edison corridor between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue. APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09. Related Files: Annexation DRC2003-10151, Tentative Tract SUBTT14749, Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003-00409, General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00410 and Development Agreement Amendment DRC2003-00411 M. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in July 2004, and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report. RESOLUTION NO. 14-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST TO EXTEND THE DURATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR FOR DRC2003-00411, AN AGREEMENT FOR AN APPROVED PROJECT OF 269 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 168.77 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED NORTH OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CORRIDOR BETWEEN ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EAST AVENUE; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 0. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 01. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF A PROCESS TO FILL A VACANCY ON THE CITY COUNCIL. 02. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) 03. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING I) Q. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra L. McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on November 13, 2014, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY 6 L. •J AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA gf, ,0 aCAMONGA NOVEMBER 19, 2014 N1. TIME EXTENSION DRC2014-00876 - WSI Highland Investments, LLC - A request for a 66 one (1) year time extension of an existing Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) regarding an approved project of 269 single-family lots on approximately 168.77 acres of land within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located north of the Southern California Edison corridor between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue. APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09. Related Files: Annexation DRC2003-10151, Tentative Tract SUBTT14749, Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003-00409, General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00410 and Development Agreement Amendment DRC2003-00411 M. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in July 2004, and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report. RESOLUTION NO. 14-213 123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST TO EXTEND THE DURATION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR FOR DRC2003-00411, AN AGREEMENT FOR AN APPROVED PROJECT OF 269 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 168.77 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED NORTH OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDSION CORRIDOR BETWEEN ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EAST AVENUE; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 O. COUNCIL BUSINESS The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. 01. DISCUSSION AND SELECTION OF A PROCESS TO FILL A VACANCY ON THE CITY 126 COUNCIL. 02. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the --_ meetings that were attended.) 03. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council _-_ Member.) P. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING O. ADJOURNMENT I, Debra L. McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager, of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on November 13, 2014, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive. November 5, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR AGENCY CLOSED SESSION, REGULAR MEETINGS MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER I. The Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a regular closed session on Wednesday, November 5, 2014 in the Break Room at the Cucamonga Valley Water District, 10400 Ashford Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Mayor L. Dennis Michael. Present were Council Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Mayor Pro Tem Sam Spagnolo and Mayor L. Dennis Michael. Council Member Marc Steinorth was absent. Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; City Attorney Jim Markman; Linda Daniels, Assistant City Manager; Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services and Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development. B. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION ITEM The following closed session items were considered: Dl. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE ELALUATION PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957 (TITLE: CITY MANAGER) D2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 9153 NINTH STREET; NEGOTIATING PARTIES JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER AND LINDA DANIELS, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. — CITY D3. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 FOR PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 12400 ARROW ROUTE (APN 0229-021-60-0000); NEGOTIATING PARTIES JOHN GILLISON, CITY MANAGER AND JEFF BLOOM, DEPUTY CITY MANAGER AND OMNITRANS; REGARDING PRICE AND TERMS. — CITY Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo left the room during the discussion of Item D3. D4. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR LORI SASSOON PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP. — CITY D5. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR LORI SASSOON PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 2274. - FIRE D6. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION PURSUANT GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(B) —ONE CASE— CITY IC. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM(S) 1 No public communications were made. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 1 of 10 E. CITY MANAGER ANNOUNCEMENTS I No discussion or actions were taken. F. RECESS 1 CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. The closed session recessed at 6:30 p.m. with no action taken. G. REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. CVWD BOARD ROOM The meetings of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Successor Agency, Financing Authority and City Council reconvened in the Board Room at the Cucamonga Valley Water District, located at 10440 Ashford Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor L. Dennis Michael called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Mayor Pro Tern Sam Spagnolo and Mayor L. Dennis Michael. Council Member Marc Steinorth was absent. Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; City Attorney Jim Markman; Linda Daniels, Assistant City Manager; Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic & Community Development; Mark Steuer, City Engineer; Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Director; Trang Huynh, Building and Safety Director; Candyce Burnett, Planning Director; Bill Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; Chief Mike Costello; Chief Tony Onodera; Debra McNay, Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager and Adrian Garcia, Assistant City Clerk. H. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS , H1. Presentation of a Proclamation recognizing the 2015 Special Olympics World Games and our commitment as a Host Town City. Mayor Michael presented a proclamation to Joann Klonowski, Vice-President of Host Town Program; Abbey Leffler, Regional Director—Special Olympics Southern California and Terra Clendening, Global Messenger, in recognition of the City's hosting of the 2015 Special Olympics. H1a. Announcement of the $250 Annual Pete Gritchen Memorial Award. Sergeant Keith Proctor and the Gritchen family members announced the winner of the award. H2. Annual Report presentation of the Greater Ontario Tourism Marketing District. Michael Krouse, President and CEO of the Greater Ontario Convention and Visitors Bureau updated the City Council and the audience on the activities of the Greater Ontario Tourism Marketing District. H3. Presentation of "Honor Flight Southland", a non-profit organization that flies WWII Veterans to Washington D.C. to visit the WWII Memorial. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 2 of 10 Doreen Harrison, Co-Founder and CEO of Honor Flight Southland outlined the services that Honor Flight Southland provides to veterans. I. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS I 11. Jim Moffatt congratulated Mayor Michael and Councilmembers Alexander and Williams on their re- election. 12. Bill Hanlan was thankful for the opportunity to run for office and the privilege of voting. 13. Jim Frost spoke about the Veteran's Day Ceremony at Alta Loma High School and the pending burial of a 19 year old at Riverside National Cemetery. 14. Gwyn Frost wished the City a happy birthday. She invited the Council and the audience to the Etiwanda Historical Society's Founder's Day celebration at the Chaffey-Garcia House. 15. Melissa Schweigert expressed concerns with Teri Jacob's comments at a recent City Council meeting. 16. Susan Keithly referred to an incident at the Animal Care and Adoption Center regarding two Pomeranians. She requested an update on this matter. 17. Dana Keithly urged the transition of the Animal Care and Adoption Center to a No Kill facility. She requested that a Town Hall meeting be convened. 18. Matthew Lyons representing Assembly member Holden's office, congratulated the incoming Mayor and Council. He indicated that Assembly member Holden's presentation has been rescheduled to December 17, 2014. 19. Jim Heitman announced upcoming Chamber of Commerce activities. 110. Shirley O'Morrow spoke about a transient encampment at Red Hill. She requested the City's assistance in this matter. 111.John Lyons thanked the people who ran for elective office and congratulated the incoming Mayor and City Council members. CONSENT CALENDARS: The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They will be acted upon by the Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council at one time without discussion. Any item may be removed by a Fire Board/Successor Agency/Authority Board/Council Member for discussion. J. CONSENT CALENDAR - FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT J1. Approval of Minutes: October 15, 2014 (Regular Meeting) J2. Approval of Check Register dated October 8, 2014 through October 28, 2014 for the total of $529,971.02. J3. Partnership agreement between Cucamonga Foothills Preservation Alliance (CFPA) and the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 3 of 10 J4. Approval of a Resolution adopting a Side Letter amending the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters Local 2274 to comply with CALPERS requirements for special compensation. RESOLUTION NO. FD 14-049 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIREFIGHTERS LOCAL 2274 MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Williams, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). K. CONSENT CALENDAR - SUCCESSOR AGENCY K1. Approval of Minutes: October 15, 2014 (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). L. CONSENT CALENDAR - PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY L1. Approval of Minutes: October 15, 2014 (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander, to approve the minutes. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). M. CONSENT CALENDAR - CITY COUNCIL Ml. Approval of Minutes: October 15, 2014 (Regular Meeting) M2. Approval of Check Register dated October 8, 2014 through October 28, 2014 and payroll ending October 28, 2014 for the total of$4,578,074.26. M3. Consideration of a request from the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail for City partnership with their annual Cucamonga Challenge to be held on May 16, 2015. M4. Approve the purchase and installation of play equipment from Landscape Structures, Inc., for the Spruce Park Playground, utilizing a competitively bid Cooperative Agreement awarded by Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGAC Contract No. PR 11-12),and authorize the expenditure of $138,292.68 plus $11,707.32 contingency to be funded from Account No. 1134303- 5650/1860134-0 (LMD 4R —Spruce Park). M5. Approval of plans and specifications for the Civic Center — Parking Lot Lighting Project and authorize the City Clerk to advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids", to be funded from Account No. 1025001-5607 (Capital Reserve). * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 4 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 14-193 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CIVIC CENTER — PARKING LOT LIGHTING PROJECT IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS M6. Authorization to award the purchase of various mixes of asphalt materials from Holliday Rock of Upland, California as per Request for Bid ("RFB") #14-15/004 in an amount not to exceed $160,000 annually from Account Numbers 1 001 31 8-5200 (Street Maintenance), and 1006303- 5200 (CVWD Reimbursements) with the option to renew in the amount based on the approved budget for additional one (1) year periods for a total of five (5) years upon evaluation and the City approval of any price revisions. M7. Approve the use of a Houston-Galveston Area Council Buy('HGACBuy") Cooperative Contract #EM06-13, awarded to RDO Equipment Company of Riverside, California, as a piggyback solution for the purchase of one (1) John Deere Wheel Loader in accordance with Request for Bids ("RFB") #14/15-005 (replacing Unit #1646) in the amount of $221,260.42 from Account Number 1712001-5603 (EquipmentNehicle Replacement). M8. Consideration of the recommendation from the Park and Recreation Commission regarding the approval of the annual Street Banner Schedule and applications for Calendar Year 2015. M9. Approval of a Resolution adopting a Side Letter Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Executive Management Group concerning Personal Leave, waiting periods and CALPERS language. RESOLUTION NO. 14-194 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP M10. Approval of a Resolution adopting a Side Letter Agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga City Employees Association regarding Agency Shop and Personal Leave. RESOLUTION NO. 14-195 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION M11. Approval to execute a Professional Services agreement with Client First for the development of specifications, request for proposal, competitive vendor selection, and design for data network infrastructure, and approval to appropriate $39,525 from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund into Account No. 1712001-5300 (Contract Services). M12. Approval of a Resolution certifying the approval of an application for the Rubberized Pavement Program Grant from CalRecycle. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 5 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 14-196 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE SUBMITTAL APPLICATION FOR RUBBERIZED PAVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT FOR FROM CALRECYCLE M13. Accept Improvements, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond and file a Notice of Completion for improvements for Tract 18466 located at the southeast corner of Etiwanda Avenue and Miller Avenue, submitted by Lennar Homes of California, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 14-197 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA,ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRACT 18466 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M14. Release of Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. PRF7635966 in the amount of $15,733.74, for the Etiwanda Avenue sidewalks, curb and gutter, ramps, and flashing beacons, adjacent to Grapeland Elementary School and Etiwanda Intermediate School, Contract No. 13-131. M15. Approval for award and execution of Professional Services Agreement, including Addendum No. 1, in the amount of $82,320 to Vanderhawk Consulting LLC, for the annual update and maintenance of the City's Asset Management Program, to be funded from fund 174 — Gas tax, Account No. 11743035300; fund 170 — Prop 111, Account No. 11703035300; fund 177 — Measure I, Account No. 11773035300; and fund 112 — General City Drainage, Account No. 11123035300. M16. Accept the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation—Slurry Seal of Various Streets project, Contract No. 14-081 as complete, release the Bonds, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion and approve the Final Contract amount of$1,039,782.94. RESOLUTION NO. 14-198 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION — SLURRY SEAL OF VARIOUS STREETS PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-081 AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK M17. Approve and authorize an increase to Professional Services Agreement (CO#12-075) in the amount of $142,000.00 to International Line Builders, Inc. for line extension improvements for the Ranch Cucamonga Municipal Utility to be funded by Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility Account 1705303-5309 and to approve an appropriation in the amount of $142,000.00 to Account 1705303-5309 from Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility Fund Balance. M18. Approval to authorize the advertising of the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the installation of a Solar Photovoltaic Carport System at the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Hall, to be funded from the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility Funds and Capital Reserve Fund 25. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 6 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 14-199 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC CARPORT SYSTEM AT THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY HALL PARKING LOT, IN SAID CITY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TO RECEIVE BIDS M19. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities, Monumentation Cash Deposit and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 for Tract Map 18034, located at the southwest corner of East Avenue and Chikasaw Road, submitted by RC Proj1, LLC. RESOLUTION NO. 14-200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING FINAL MAP, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITIES AND MONUMENTATION CASH DEPOSIT FOR TRACT 18034 RESOLUTION NO. 14-201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR TRACT 18034 RESOLUTION NO. 14-202 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) FOR TRACT 18034 RESOLUTION NO. 14-203 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 FOR TRACT 18034 M20. Approval of a Resolution amending previous pay range Resolutions from July of 2011 through June of 2014 to clarify that Full-Time Employee pay reflected in these Resolutions is shown as a monthly amount and that Part-Time Employee pay in these Resolutions is shown as an hourly amount. RESOLUTION NO. 14-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 13-205, 13-094,13-013, 12-104, 11-079 AND 10-084, CLARIFYING THAT FULL-TIME EMPLOYEE PAY REFLECTED IN THESE RESOLUTIONS IS SHOWN AS A MONTHLY AMOUNT AND THAT PART- TIME EMPLOYEE PAY IN THESE RESOLUTIONS IS SHOWN AS AN HOURLY AMOUNT * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 7 of 10 M21. Approval of a Resolution adopting side letter agreements with the Rancho Cucamonga City Employees Association, the San Bernardino Public Employees Association and the Executive Management Group Incorporating Resolution No. 11-063 into Memorandums of Understanding that cover the period of July 2011 through June 2014. RESOLUTION NO. 14-207 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING SIDE LETTER AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, SAN BERNARDINO PUBLIC EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, AND THE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Williams, to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). N. CONSENT ORDINANCES The following Ordinances have been introduced for first reading. Second readings are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The Fire Board, or Council will act upon them at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. Any item can be removed for discussion by a Board Member, or Council Member. N1. Ordinance No. 870, Second Reading, Amendment and Restatement of Selected Titles of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. ORDINANCE NO. 870 (SECOND READING) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING AND RESTATING TITLES 1 (GENERAL PROVISIONS), 3 (REVENUE AND FINANCE), 5 (BUSINESS TAXES, LICENSES, AND REGULATIONS, 8 (HEALTH AND SAFETY), 9 (PUBLIC PEACE, MORALS AND WELFARE), 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC), 12 (STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC PLACES), 13 (PUBLIC SERVICES), 15 (BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION), AND 19 (ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION) OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE. The Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager read the title of Ordinance No. 870. MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Williams, to adopt Ordinance No. 870 for second reading. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). O. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY COUNCIL The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. 01. Consideration of a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga amending electric rates, fees and charges and adding a new Electric Vehicle Charging rate, pursuant to the requirements and authority of Chapter 3.46 of Title 3 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code. * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 8 of 10 RESOLUTION NO. 14-204 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ELECTRIC RATES AND ESTABLISHING AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING TARIFF, PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS AND AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 3.46 OF TITLE 3 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE Fred Lyn, Utility Division Manager, presented the staff report. Mayor Michael opened the public hearing.With no one wishing to speak, Mayor Michael closed the public hearing. MOTION: Moved by Spagnolo, seconded by Alexander, to adopt Resolution No. 14-204. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). IP. COUNCIL BUSINESS I The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. P1. CONSIDERATION OF CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING APPOINTMENTS TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA COMMUNITY & ARTS FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo reported that the Community Services Subcommittee met and considered candidates for the Community&Arts Foundation. The subcommittee is recommending reappointment of Al Arguello, Taro Barag, Rosemarie Brown and Thomas Galindo and appointment of Nick Baker and Kim Alexander MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Alexander, to reappoint Al Arguello, Taro Barag, Rosemarie Brown and Thomas Galindo and appoint Nick Baker and Kim Alexander to the Community & Arts Foundation for a four year term, ending 2018. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). P2. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 13-079 TO MODIFY THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE, AND CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMMITTEE. RESOLUTION NO. 14-205 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MODIFYING THE COMPOSITION OF THE LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services reported that the Oversight Subcommittee met and recommended the adoption of Resolution No. 14-205 and appointment of Jamie Garcia, Priscilla Kania, Jerie Lee, Christina Macias, Ruth McMillan and Demeke Muarega to the LMD Citizens' Oversight Committee. MOTION: Moved by Alexander,seconded by Spagnolo,to appoint Jamie Garcia, Priscilla Kania, Jerie Lee, Christina Macias, Ruth McMillan and Demeke Muarega to the LMD Citizens' Oversight Committee. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Steinorth absent). P3. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 9 of 10 Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo reported that OmniTrans is offering free bus rides to all veterans on Veteran's Day. Also, OmniTrans will be offering a new reduced fare for veterans starting on January 1, 2015. P4. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) Mayor Pro Tern Spagnolo presented various dates/times that the Historic Rains House will be open to the public. He also reported that the Casa de Rancho Cucamonga Historical Society is looking for a new Board member. Q. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified. IR. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra L. McNay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager Approved: * * * * * * DRAFT * November 5, 2014 I Regular Fire Protection District, Public Financing Authority, City Council Meetings City of Rancho Cucamonga I City Council Minutes I Page 10 of 10 • \CU .. ' . I . 404)II C , CU , rip . , , . . ,,... LI) 0 , N ,....pt.: _zi- -z:2 ,, . V C I".C) ra ci..) 01/4, 11114-...7 „,. ,e, :r., ).. ..4 , 1 1 s.... < > 0 O z Li- ..._ • ...... . , ,.. ..... ,... , . • . . _.. . . ,.., ro - - U . . • 0.. _ - ,, , , _ t. .. • ' ,. .. .... , , ... _.,.. 0 v .. ,. • • . . O_ M CT) 0�0 ~~j ti 2 N M d CY1 N O Op M M r T` M M r r C17 L ,-- N M v a J S O G N c� N E. c 2 ? 5� AN 9 LSI (733 C k co C E v� o c co Q It 4t qt 40 o 0 • WIL i F, g i L in in , X. 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AP 00352490 10/29/2014 A&V SOFTBALL 3,483.00 0.00 3,483.00 AP 00352491 10/29/2014 A'JONTUE, ROSE ANN 460.80 0.00 460.80 AP 00352492 10/29/2014 ACEY DECY EQUIPMENT INC. 292.30 0.00 292.30 AP 00352493 10/29/2014 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 79.40 0.00 79.40 AP 00352494 10/29/2014 ALL SURFACE ROOFING&WATERPROOFING INC 85,965.50 0.00 85,965.50 Al' 00352495 10/29/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 5,658.12 0.00 5,658.12 AP 00352496 10/29/2014 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 1,187.50 0.00 1,187.50 AP 00352497 10/29/2014 APPLIED METERING TECHNOLOGIES INC 11,496.26 0.00 11,496.26 AP 00352498 10/29/2014 AROCHO,ALMA 780.00 0.00 780.00 AP 00352499 10/29/2014 AVANTS.MARGE . 255.00 0.00 255,00 Al' 00352500 10/29/2014 13ARRETO. RAQUEL M. 2.393.28 0.00 2,393.28 Al' 00352501 10/29/2014 BARRIENTOS.NELLIE 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352502 10/29/2014 BERMAN:CYNDI 250.00 0.00 250,00 AI' 00352503 10/29/2014 BICONDOVA.JOHN 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00352504 10/29/2014 BOOT BARN INC. 700.17 0.00 700.17 AP 00352505 10/29/2014 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 0.00 99.52 99.52 AP 00352506 10/29/2014 13UTSKO UTILITY DESIGN INC. 14,266.52 0.00 14.266.52 • AP 00352507 10/29/2014 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 384.90 0.00 384.90 AP 00352508 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION 2,431.80 0.00 2,431.80 AP 00352509 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF THE STATE ARC•IITEC'I' 667.50 0.00 667.50 AI' 00352510 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 118,642.99 6,872.64 125,515.63 *** AI' 00352511 10/29/2014 CAMPER,YVONNE • 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00352512 10/29/2014 CAI'ALLA,EMERSON 500.00 0.00 500.00 Al' 00352513 10/29/2014 CARQUEST AUTO PAR'I'S 629.07 0.00 629.07 AI' 00352514 10/29/2014 CARTY. DIANE 464.40 0.00 464.40 AP 00352515 10/29/2014 CASTILLO.FRANCISCO 522.90 0.00 522.90 AP 00352516 10/29/2014 CHAGOLLA.CESAR 22.00 0.00 22.00 AP 00352517 10/29/2014 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 32.40 0.00 32.40 AP 00352518 10/29/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 447.99 1,217.38 1.665.37•" Al' 00352519 10/29/2014 CINTAS CORP.#150 764.43 0.00 764.43 AP 00352520 10/29/2014 CIRIACKS,VALERIE ANN 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352521 10/29/2014 CITY RENTALS 156,50 0.00 156.50 AP 00352522 10/29/2014 CIIYGATE ASSOCIATES LLC 5,177.81 0.00 5,177.81 AP 00352523 10/29/2014 CLARK.KAREN 1.372.20 0.00 1.372.20 AP 00352524 10/29/2014 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 80.16 0.00 80.16 AP 00352525 10/29/2014 CLEAN ENERGY 202.50 0.00 202.50 AP 00352526 10/29/2014 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS INC 288.84 0.00 288.84 AP 00352527 10/29/2014 COAST RECREATION INC 666.15 0.00 666.15 AP 00352528 10/29/2014 COCHERELL,DOREEN 86.40 0.00 86.40 AP 00352529 10/29/2014 COMBINED MAR'T'IAL SCIENCE INC 2,036.60 0.00 2,036.60 AP 00352530 10/29/2014 COMPASS.COLLEGE 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352531 10/29/2014 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 9,244.00 0.00 9,244.00 AP 00352532 10/29/2014 COOKSEY,ANNA 39.60 0.00 39.60 AP 00352533 10/29/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 4,100.03 0.00 4,100.03 AP 00352534 10/29/2014 D& D GOLF CARS INC. 991.90 0.00 991.90 AP 00352535 10/29/2014 DAGI•IDEVIRIAN. KATHY 588.30 0.00 588.30 AP 00352536 10/29/2014 DANCE TERRIFIC 716.45 0.00 716.45 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 1 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P2 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register • 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Cit• Fire Amount AP 00352537 10/29/2014 DANESHVAR,HOMA 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352538 10/29/2014 DANIELS TIRE SERVICE 0.00 9,863.80 9,863.80 AP 00352539 10/29/2014 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 720.00 0.00 720.00 AP 00352540 10/29/2014 DEER CREEK CAR WASH 1,263.50 0.00 1,263.50 AP 00352541 10/29/2014 DELTA DENTAL 1.551.54 0.00 1,551.54 AP 00352542 10/29/2014 DELTA DENTAL - 40.720.88 0.00 40.720.88 AP 00352543 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT ISSUE INCORPORATED 529.20 0.00 529.20 AP 00352544 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 16,182.23 0.00 16,182.23 AP 00352545 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3,565.00 0.00 3,565.00 AP 00352546 10/29/2014 DESER.ABIGAIL 1,066.00 0.00 1.066.00 AP 00352547 10/29/2014 DISCOUNT TWO-WAY RADIO 1.058.40 0.00 1.058.40 AP 00352548 10/29/2014 DOLLARI• IDH.GINGER 228.00 0.00 228.00 AP 00352549 10/29/2014 DONALDSON. KELLEY 0.00 35.00 35.00 AP 00352550 10/29/2014 DOWNEY.JENNIFER 12.02 0.00 12.02 AP 00352551 10/29/2014 DUNN,ANN MARIE 1,169.40 0.00 1,169.40 AP 00352552 10/29/2014 DYNASTY SCREEN PRINTING 1,782.00 0.00 1.782.00 AP 00352553 10/29/2014 EARLEY, IDA 187.20 0.00 187.20 AP 00352554 10/29/2014 EASTERLING. RAY 228.00 0.00 228.00 AP 00352555 10/29/2014 EMBROIDME 273.11 0.00 273.11 AP 00352556 10/29/2014 EXPERIAN 52.00 0.00 52.00 AP 00352557 10/29/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 75.63 0.00 75.63 AP 00352558 10/29/2014 FELICIANO,ANTIIONY 192.00 0.00 192.00 AP 00352559 10/29/2014 FENCE CRAFT OF UPLAND INC 269.00 0.00 269.00 AP 00352560 10/29/2014 FREQUENT FLYER XTREME GYMNASTICS 251.65 0.00 251.65 AP 00352561 10/29/2014 GERARD,Al. 40.00 0.00 40.00 AP 00352562 10/29/2014 GIORDANO, MARIANNA 158.10 0.00 158.10 AP 00352563 10/29/2014 GOLDEN STAR TECHNOLOGY INC 1,245.81 • 0.00 1,245.81 AP 00352564 10/29/2014 GOLDEN STATE RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 108,675.00 1,127.00 109,802.00*** AP 00352565 10/29/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE& RUBBER COMPANY 311.02 0.00 311.02 AP 00352566 10/29/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 991.27 0.00 991.27 AP 00352567 10/29/2014 GOSE, DALE 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00352568 10/29/2014 GRAINGER 976.82 0.00 976.82 AP 00352569 10/29/2014 HAMILTON, MONIQUE 960.00 0.00 960.00 AP 00352570 10/29/2014 HAMPTON YOGA 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00352571 10/29/2014 HANSON,SUZANNE 203.70 0.00 203.70 AP 00352572 10/29/2014 HAY,SHARON 316.80 0.00 316.80 AP 00352573 10/29/2014 HEARTSAVERS LLC 0.00 2.955.00 2,955.00 , AP 00352574 10/29/2014 HEILIG,KELLY 453.20 0.00 453.20 AP 00352575 10/29/2014 HELEN SMITH ATTORNEY SERVICE 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352576 10/29/2014 HERI'T'AGE EDUCATION GROUP 303.00 0.00 303.00 AP 00352577 10/29/2014 11MC ARC13I1'ECTS 0.00 79,312.50 79,312.50 AP 00352578 10/29/2014 HOMECOMING V AT TERRA VISTA LLC. 300,690.89 0.00 300,690.89 AP 00352579 10/29/2014 HOOD, KARYE 39.17 0.00 39.17 AP 00352580 10/29/2014 IHOYT,TIMOTHY 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00352581 10/29/2014 INDERWIESCHE, MATT 2.159.70 0.00 2,159.70 AP 00352582 10/29/2014 INLAND PRESORT&MAILING SERVICES 42.64 0.00 42.64 AP 00352583 10/29/2014 INLAND VALLEY DANCE ACADEMY 1,611.18 0.00 1,611.18 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P3 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register • • 10/29/2014 through II/I 1/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352584 10/29/2014 INTEGRITY DOOR& HARDWARE INC 1,405.38 0.00 1,405.38 AP 00352585 10/29/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN OSDP 774.58 0.00 774.58 AP 00352586 10/29/2014 JOHN BURR CYCLES INC 2,778.69 0.00 2,778.69 AP 00352587 10/29/2014 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADEMY 2,429.40 0.00 2,429.40 AP 00352588 10/29/2014 JONES AND MAYER.LAW OFFICES OF 2.304.00 0.00 2,304.00 AP 00352589 10/29/2014 JUMP START RECREATIONS 956.70 0.00 956.70 AP 00352590 10/29/2014 KB HOME 5.82 0.00 5.82 AP 00352591 10/29/2014 LAI3ARDA.MELISSA 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00352592 10/29/2014 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 159.87 0.00 159.87 AP 00352593 10/29/2014 LANGUAGE PLANET 166.50 0.00 166.50 AP 00352594 10/29/2014 LANTAI. KRIS 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352595 10/29/2014 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 527.10 0.00 527.10 AP 00352596 10/29/2014 LEIVA. WILLIAM 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00352597 10/29/2014 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 3,087.98 0.00 3,087.98 AP 00352598 10/29/2014 LIFE ASSIST INC 0.00 19,242.70 19,242.70 AP 00352599 10/29/2014 LINDA RYAN REPORTING 1,057.00 0.00 1,057.00 AP 00352600 10/29/2014 LITTELL,JOYCE 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00352601 10/29/2014 LIVE OAK DOG OBEDIENCE 375.00 0.00 375.00 AP 00352602 10/29/2014 MADOLE AND ASSOCIATES INC 480.00 0.00 480.00 AP 00352603 10/29/2014 MAIN STREET SIGNS 2,384.15 0.00 2,384,15 AP 00352604 10/29/2014 MARK CI-IRISIOPHER INC 155.98 0.00 155.98 AP 00352605 10/29/2014 MARSHALL,SYLVIA 883.20 0.00 883.20 AP 00352606 10/29/2014 MARTINEZ TOWING 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352607 10/29/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 3,420.19 0.00 3,420.19 AP 00352608 10/29/2014 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 638.80 0.00 638.80 AP 00352609 10/29/2014 MILANETTO,MARSHA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352610 10/29/2014 MITSUI3ISI11 I:LECI'RIe&ELECTRONICS USA INC 626.95 0.00 626.95 AP 00352611 10/29/2014 MOE,JOHN 91.70 0.00 91.70 AP 00352612 10/29/2014 MORALES,MELISSA 47.04 0.00 . 47.04 AP 00352613 10/29/2014 MORRIS, RICHARD 129.80 0.00 129.80 AP 00352614 10/29/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 172.56 0.00 172.56 AP 00352615 10/29/2014 MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL 3,183.74 0.00 3,183.74 AP 00352616 10/29/2014 MUSICSI'AR 853.80 0.00 853.80 AP 00352617 10/29/2014 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY 0.00 215.72 215.72 AP 00352618 10/29/2014 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL FLOORING 0.00 999.84 999.84 AP 00352619 10/29/2014 OCCUPATIONAL,HEALTH CTRS OF CA 794.00 0.00 794.00 AP 00352620 10/29/2014 OCI-LOA, DOLLY 178.00 0.00 178.00 AP 00352622 10/29/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 5,214.23 240.26 5,454.49*** AP 00352623 10/29/2014 OLIVA,TERESA 170.97 0.00 170.97 AP 00352624 10/29/2014 ONTARIO ICE SKATING CENTER 596.40 0.00 596.40 AP 00352625 10/29/2014 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 128.09 18.60 146.69*" AP 00352626 10/29/2014 ORONA,PATRICIA 1,825.00 0.00 1.825.00 AP 00352627 10/29/2014 OTT,LAURA 582.00 0.00 582.00 AP 00352628 10/29/2014 OTT,SHARON 468.00 0.00 468.00 . AP 00352629 10/29/2014 PACIFIC ADVANCED CIVIL ENGINEERING 5,370.37 0.00 5,370.37 AP 00352630 10/29/2014 PACIFIC YOUTH SPORTS 386.75 0.00 386.75 AP 00352631 -10/29/2014 PAL CAMPAIGN 10.00 0.00 10.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P4 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352632 10/29/2014 PASADENA WEEKLY 693.00 0.00 693.00 AP 00352633 10/29/2014 PENNYSAVER USA I'U13LISHING LLC 2,303.02 0.00 2.303.02 AP 00352634 10/29/2014 PEPSI-COLA 831.75 0.00 831.75 AP 00352635 10/29/2014 PERERA,MICHELLE 97.06 0.00 97.06 AP 00352636 10/29/2014 PERFORMANCE MARTIAL ARTS CENTER 157.50 0.00 157.50 AP 00352637 10/29/2014 PETERSON HYDRAULICS INC 0.00 4,987.63 4.987.63 AP 00352638 10/29/2014 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 1,749.48 0.00 1,749.48 AP 00352639 10/29/2014 PITASSI ARCHITECTS INC 24,097.75 0.00 '24,097.75 AP 00352640 10/29/2014 PIXELPUSHERS INC 23,136.00 0.00 23,136.00 AP 00352641 10/29/2014 PLUMMER,JACQUES 0.00 261.00 . 261.00 AP 00352642 10/29/2014 POWER PLAY YOUTH ATHLI°IICS 251.30 0.00 251.30 AP 00352643 10/29/2014 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 91.05 0.00 91.05 AP 00352644 10/29/2014 PRECISION GYMNASTICS 3,393.95 0.00 3,393.95 AP 00352645 10/29/2014 PRO SALES GROUP INC 8.42 0.00 8.42 AP 00352646 10/292014 QUALITY TRUCK ELECTRIC INC 0.00 729.00 729.00 AP 00352647 10/29/2014 QUINTERO, DANILO 20.00 0.00 20.00 AP 00352648 10/29/2014 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 4,682.80 0.00 4,682.80 AP 00352649 10/29/2014 RAINEY,LATREACE 585.00 0.00 585.00 AP 00352650 10/29/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FONTANA FAMILY YMCA 9,822.30 0.00 9,822.30 AP 00352651 10/29/2014 RANCHO SMOG CENTER 35.00 0.00 35.00 AP 00352652 10/29/2014 RAYBALLOONS 214.75 0.00 214.75 AP 00352653 10/29/2014 RF WHITE CO INC 641.04 0.00 641.04 AP 00352654 10/29/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 22,721.30 0.00 22,721.30 AP 00352655 10/29/2014 RICHLEIGH INVESTMENTS INC 435.43 0.00 435.43 AP 00352656 10/29/2014 ROI3LES, RAUI.,P 240.00 0.00 240.00 AP 00352657 10/29/2014 SAFE-ENTRY TECI INICAL INC 0.00 940.00 940.00 AP 00352658 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 303.90 0.00 303.90 AP 00352659 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO C"I'Y 0.00 10,206.12 10,206.12 AP 00352660 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY AUDITOR CONTROLLER REC( 55.00 0.00 55.00 AP 00352661 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY EMS NURSES NETWORK 0.00 160.00 160.00 AP 00352662 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00352663 10/29/2014 SARACENO,SHARON 89.00 0.00 89.00 AP 00352664 10/29/2014 S13PEA 797.96 0.00 797.96 AP 00352665 10/29/2014 SC FUELS 25,533.52 0.00 25,533.52 AP 00352666 10/29/2014 SENECHAL,CALVIN 576.00 0.00 576.00 AP 00352667 10/29/2014 SEXTON,SHEILA 6.00 0.00 6.00 AP 00352668 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 397.95 0.00 397.95 AP 00352669 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY , 117.10 0.00 117.10 .AP 00352670 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 299.20 0.00 299.20 AP 00352671 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 117.10 0.00 117.10 AP 00352672 10/29/2014 SHOETERIA 225.00 0.00 225.00 AP 00352673 10/29/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1,174.86 221.51 1.396.37*** AP 00352674 10/29/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 2,181.04 0.00 2.181.04 AP 00352681 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON , 22.859.75 3,862.36 26,722.11 *5* AP 00352682 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2,711.13 0.00 2.711.13 AP 00352683 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN COUNTIES LUBRICANTS LLC 0.00 492.48 492.48 AP 00352684 10/29/2014 SOUTHLAND FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 1,683.00 0.00 1.683.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P5 AND • RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT • Agenda Check Register • • 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352685 10/29/2014 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 368.00 0.00 368.00 AP 00352686 10/29/2014 SPINITAR - 113.367.15 0.00 113,367.15 AP 00352687 10/29/2014 STOVER SEED COMPANY 3,895.57 0.00 3.895.57 AP 00352688 10/29/2014 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER. 0.00 449.00 449.00 AP 00352689 10/29/2014 THOMPSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 1,016.35 0.00 1,016.35 AP 00352690 10/29/2014 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PAYMENT CENTER 403.24 0.00 403.24 AP 00352691 10/29/2014 TORGA ELECTRIC 57,798.00 0.00 57,798.00 AP 00352692 10/29/2014 TRACEY,VAL 480.00 . 0.00 480.00 AP 00352693 10/29/2014 TRUMMELL,ANGELICA 10.79 0.00 10.79 AP 00352694 10/29/2014 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 474.00 0.00 474.00 AP 00352695 10/29/2014 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 16,988.00 0.00 16,988.00 AP 00352696 10/29/2014 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 225.91 0.00 225.91 AP 00352697 10/29/2014 UNITED WAY 186.00 0.00 186.00 AP 00352698 10/29/2014 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CENTERS 1,051.05 0.00 1,051.05 • AP 00352699 10/29/2014 UPS 194.95 0.00 194.95 AP 00352700 10/29/2014 UTILIQUEST 2,711.65 0.00 2,711.65 AP 00352701 10/29/2014 VALLEY CREST LANDSCAPE 158,784.06 0.00 158,784.06 AP 00352702 10/29/2014 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS INC 0.00 405.06 405.06 AP 00352703 10/29/2014 VECCHIO.TOM 387.40 0.00 387.40 AP 00352704 10/29/2014 VERA.CARA 130.99 0.00 130.99 AP 00352705 10/29/2014 VERITEXT 744.50 0.00 744.50 AP 00352706 10/29/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 40.11 0.00 40.11 AP 00352707 10/29/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 2,998.95 0.00 2,998.95 AP 00352708 10/29/2014 V13RIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 1,033.38 0.00 1.03338 AP 00352709 10/29/2014 VILLA. LISA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352710 10/29/2014 VINE, MARK 35.50 0.00 35.50 AP 00352711 10/29/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 160.49 297.41 457.90*** AP 00352712 10/29/2014 WARREN&CO INC,CARL 1,584:00 0.00 1,584.00 Al' 00352713 10/29/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 15,833.43 0.00 15,833.43 AP 00352714 10/29/2014 WEST END MATERIAL SUPPLY 0.00 15.76 15.76 AP 00352715 10/29/2014 WHITE NELSON DIEHL EVANS LLP - 1,375.00 0.00 1,375.00 AP 00352716 10/29/2014 WHITTIER FERTILIZER 313.20 0.00 313.20 AP 00352717 10/29/2014 WILSON AND BELL 0.00 527.94 527.94 AP 00352718 10/29/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 0.00 388.20 388.20 AP 00352719 10/29/2014 WLC 0.00 - 1,345.87 1,345.87 AP 00352722 10/29/2014 XEROX CORPORATION 10.400.40 0.00 10,400.40 AP 00352723 10/29/2014 XL STORAGE 895.00 0.00 895.00 ' AP 00352724 10/29/2014 JOHN YEAW&ASSOCIATES , . 321.88 0.00 321.88 AP 00352725 10/29/2014 YORK INSURANCE SERVICES GROUP INC 13,000.00 0.00 13,000.00 AP 00352726 10/29/2014 ZEE MEDICAL INC 1,513.21 0.00 1,513.21 . AP 00352728 10/30/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 10,595.47 1,161.60 . 11,757.07 **" AP 00352729 10/30/2014 INTERS'T'ATE BATTERIES 0.00 892.57 892.57 AP 00352730 10/30/2014 KME FIRE APPARATUS 0.00 2,118.20 2,118.20 AP 00352731 10/30/2014 LIMS AUTO INC r 219.53 0.00 219.53 AP 00352732 10/30/2014 NEC CORPORATION OF AMERICA 52,630.91 0.00 52,630.91 AP 00352733 10/30/2014 SPINITAR 1,046.74 0.00 1,046.74 AP 00352734 10/30/2014 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUC'T'S 977.46 0.00 977.46 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P6 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352735 10/30/2014 TOMARK SPORTS INC 1,077.82 0.00 1,077.82 AP 00352736 10/30/2014 UNIFIRST UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 410.92 410.92 AP 00352737 11/05/2014 ABLETRONICS 0.00 13.78 13.78 AP 00352738 11/05/2014 ACCELA INC . 1,199.00 0.00 1,199.00 AP 00352739 11/05/2014 ADAPT CONSUL'T'ING INC 494.75 0.00 494.75 AP 00352740 11/05/2014 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPI'T'AL 550.00 0.00 550.00 AP 00352741 11/05/2014 ADVANCED CHEMICAL'TRANSPORT 2,753.00 0.00 2,753.00 AP 00352742 11/05/2014 AGENCY FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS INC. 3,500.00 0.00 3.500.00 AP 00352743 11/05/2014 ALL C11IES TOOLS 0.00 562.71 562.71 AP 00352744 11/05/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 1,657.89 0.00 1,657.89 AP 00352745 11/05/2014 ALPHAGRAPFIICS 111.67 0.00 111.67 AP 00352746 11/05/2014 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 223.71 0.00 223.71 AP 00352747 11/05/2014 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 1,017.71 0.00 1,017.71 AP 00352748 11/05/2014 ARANA,JONATHON 967.80 0.00 967.80 AP 00352749 11/05/2014 ARCHIBALD PET HOSPITAL 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352750 11/05/2014 ASSE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352751 11/05/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 5,104.00 0.00 5,104.00 AP 00352752 11/05/2014 AUGUSTIN, RICHARD 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352753 11/05/2014 BASELINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 325.00 0.00 325.00 AP 00352754 11/05/2014 BATH AND BODY WORKS 3,161.78 0.00 3,161.78 AP 00352755 11/05/2014 BATTERY POWER INC 1,236.51 0.00 1,236.51 AP 00352756 11/05/2014 BAYER HEALTHCARE LLC 187.90 - 0.00 187.90 AP 00352757 11/05/2014 BELLE'S PRINTING EXPRESS INC. 510.84 0.00 510.84 AP 00352758 11/05/2014 BERG,JOANNE 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352759 11/05/2014 BERNARD EDUCATION 1,087.50 0.00 1,087.50 AP 00352760 11/05/2014 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 225.00 0.00 225.00 AP 00352761 11/05/2014 BISHOP,JOSHUA DAVID 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00352762 11/05/2014 BRAUN BLAISING MCLAUGHLIN 410.77 0.00 410.77 AP 00352763 11/05/2014 BUCZYNSKI,ANGELINE CARR- 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352764 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6,222.67 0.00 6.222.67 AP 00352765 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352766 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA SHOPPING CART RETRIEVAL CORP 105.00 0.00 105.00 AP 00352767 11/05/2014 CARLSON,LINDSEY 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352768 11/05/2014 CARNES,SANDY 0.00 222.96 222.96 AP 00352769 11/05/2014 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 0.00 560.56 560.56 AP 00352770 11/05/2014 CARRILLO,MARTIN 667.00 0.00 667.00 AP 00352771 11/05/2014 CASTILLO,LISA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352772 11/05/2014 CCS ORANGE COUNTY JANITORIAL INC. 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352773 11/05/2014 CHAFFEY COLLEGE BREEZE 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352774 11/05/2014 CINTAS CORP.#150 110.81 0.00 110.81 AP 00352775 11/05/2014 CITY RENTALS 585.00 0.00 585.00 AP 00352776 11/05/2014 CLEAR COAST CONSTRUCTION 1,322.48 0.00 1,322.48 AP 00352777 11/05/2014 CLF WAREHOUSE 0.00 90.46 90.46 AP 00352778 11/05/2014 CLIMATEC LLC 345.00 0.00 345.00 AP 00352779 11/05/2014 CONCEPTUAL SITE FURNISHINGS INC. 4,996.00 0.00 4,996.00 AP 00352780 11/05/2014 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 291.06 0.00 291.06 AP 00352781 11/05/2014 CONSUMERS PIPE-FON'I'ANA 0.00 123.78 123.78 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P7 • AND • RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT • Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352782 11/05/2014 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 1,067.26 0.00 1.067.26 AP 00352783 11/05/2014 CORSARO,T.J. 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352784 11/05/2014 CPRS 165.00 0.00 165.00 AP 00352785 11/05/2014 CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN LLC 540.00 0.00 540.00 AP 00352786 11/05/2014 D& I)SERVICES INC. 430.00 0.00 430.00 AP 00352787 11/05/2014 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 806.22 0.00 806.22 AP 00352788 11/05/2014 DALLAL, MNI"II'IEW 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352789 11/05/2014 DALTON,KIM 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352790 11/05/2014 DANAM,OSA 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352791 11/05/2014 DAUWALDER,LAURA EMILY 450.00 0.00 450.00 AP 00352792 11/05/2014 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 246.26 0.00 246.26 AP 00352793 11/05/2014 DIEHL.CHRISTOPHER W. 350.00 0.00 350.00 • AP 00352794 11/05/2014 EI3ERHARD'I', DAVID 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352795 11/05/2014 EDWARD PROFESSIONAL ADVISIORS 1.500.00 0.00 1.500.00 AP 00352796 11/05/2014 ,ESPINOSA,ASHLEE 850.00 0.00 850.00 AP 00352797 11/05/2014 EYE CARE FOR ANIMALS-UPLAND 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00352798 11/05/2014 FALLON,1312IAN 0.00 . 200.00 200.00 AP 00352799 11/05/2014 FASTAIRE HAND DRYERS INC. 136.60 0.00 136.60 AP 00352800 11/05/2014 FASTNAL,COMPANY 12.17 0.00 12.17 AP 00352801 11/05/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 1,601.83 1,601.83 ' AP 00352802 11/05/2014 • FORTMUELLER, WHITNEY 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352803 11/05/2014 FRANKLIN TRUCK PARTS 0.00 302.73 302.73 AP 00352804 11/05/2014 ERASURE,JULIE 0.00 162.50 162.50 AP 00352805 11/05/2014 FULL SPECTRUM ENTERTAINMENT 650.00 0.00 650.00 AP 00352806 11/05/2014 GATEWAY PEI'CEMETERY AND CREMATORY 390.00 0.00 390.00 AP 00352807 11/05/2014 GILKEY.JOHN 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352808 11/05/2014 GLOI3ALSTAR 148.57 0.00 148.57 AP 00352809 11/05/2014 GONSALVES AND SON.JOE A 3,000.00 0.00 3.000.00 AP 00352810 11/05/2014 GONZALEZ.SILVIA 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352811 11/05/2014 GOODPIELD,RICHARD 336.00 0.00 336.00 AP 00352812 11/05/2014 GRAFFITI TRACKER INC 2,250.00 0.00 2,250.00 AP 00352813 11/05/2014 GRAINGER 2.422.33 1,324.32 3,746.65 *4* AP 00352814 11/05/2014 GRANLOM,MEGHAN 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352815 11/05/2014 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 1.162.35 0.00 1,162.35 AP 00352816 11/05/2014 GRAVES& KING LLP - 2.257.00 0.00 2,257.00 AP 00352817 11/05/2014 HADLEY,TAYLA 350.00' . 0.00 350.00 AP 00352818 11/05/2014 I1D PRODUCTIONS LLC 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00352819 11/05/2014 HELEN SMITH'ATTORNEY SERVICE 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352820 11/05/2014 HENKELS&MCCOY • 1,377.19 0.00 1,377.19 AP 00352821 11/05/2014 HENRY SCHEIN ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY 4,765.22 0.00 4,765.22 AP 00352822 11/05/2014 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 461.00 0.00 461.00 AP 00352823 11/05/2014 HERTZ EQUIP RENTAL 248.71 0.00 248.71 AP 00352824 11/05/2014 HILLS PET NUTRITION SALES INC 3,096.43 0.00 3,096.43 AP 00352825 11/05/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 134.11 0.00 134.11 AP 00352826 11/05/2014 HOPSCOTCH PRESS INC. 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 AP 00352827 11/05/2014 HOTSY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 320.30 0.00 320.30 AP 00352828 11/05/2014 HOYT LUMBER CO, SM 0.00 29.84 29.84 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 1 1/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 10:59:10 • • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P8 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352829 11/05/2014 HSVMA 49.00 0.00 49.00 AP 00352830 11/05/2014 HUMANE SOCIETY OF SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY IN' 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352831 11/05/2014 IMPETT,VICTORIA ANN 4,259.26 0.00 4,259.26 AP 00352832 11/05/2014 INDEPENDENT ROOFING CONSULTANTS 1,455.00 0.00 1,455.00 AP 00352833 11/05/2014 INTERVET INC 6,027.75 0.00 6,027.75 AP 00352834 11/05/2014 JOHN YEAW&ASSOCIATES 501.90 0.00 501.90 AP 00352835 11/05/2014 JOHNSON.VILMA CALLEJO 140.00 0.00 140.00 AP 00352836 11/05/2014 JONES AND MAYER,LAW OFFICES OF 7,040.00 0.00 7,040.00 AP 00352837 11/05/2014 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 184,622.98 0.00 184,622.98 AP 00352838 11/05/2014 KINETIC LIGHTING INC 36.50 0.00 36.50 AP 00352839 11/05/2014 LANCE SOLL AND LUNGHARD 30,124.00 0.00 30,124.00 AP 00352840 11/05/2014 LEAL, RUTH 43.20 0.00 43.20 AP 00352841 11/05/2014 LINDSEY, RICHARD 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352842 11/05/2014 LINGER,MARION 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352843 11/05/2014 LITRE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 1,840.00 0.00 1,840.00 AP 00352844 11/05/2014 MAIN STREET SIGNS 2.624.40 0.00 2,624.40 AP 00352845 11/05/2014 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 106.278.62 9.119.96 115.398.58 "' AP 00352846 11/05/2014 MARTINEZ TOWING 45.00 0.00 45.00 AP 00352847 11/05/2014 MATANGA,JULIE EDWARD 249.00 0.00 249.00 AP 00352848 11/05/2014 MATERIAL HANDLING SUPPLY INC 698.65 0.00 698.65 AP 00352849 11/05/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 1,146.45 0.00 1,146.45 AP 00352850 11/05/2014 MINANO,FRANK 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352851 11/05/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 1,373.73 0.00 1.373.73 AP 00352852 11/05/2014 .MSAB INC 8,649.20 0.00 8,649.20 AP 00352853 11/05/2014 MULHOLLAND.ALEXIS JAYE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352854 11/05/2014 MUSICSTAR 120.60 0.00 120.60 AP 00352855 11/05/2014 NETWORK DEPOSITION SERVICES INC 1,267.00 0.00 1.267.00 AP 00352856 11/05/2014 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL FLOORING 3,656.10 0.00 3.656.10 AP 00352857 11/05/2014 NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH US INC 50.40 0.00 50.40 AP 00352858 11/05/2014 NV CONSTRUCTION 149.91 0.00 149.91 AP 00352860 11/05/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 3,193.72 0.00 3,193.72 AP 00352861 11/05/2014 ON'T'ARIO SPAY AND NEUTER INC 1,550.00 0.00 1,550.00 AP 00352862 11/05/2014 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 54.00 0.00 54.00 AP 00352863 11/05/2014 ONWARD ENGINEERING 18,253.75 0.00 18,253.75 AP 00352864 11/05/2014 OPEN APPS INC 2,550.00 0.00 2,550.00 AP 00352865 11/05/2014 PARS 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00352866 11/05/2014 PASS, DYLAN 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352867 11/05/2014 PAZMINO,EDGAR 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352868 11/05/2014 POLCENE, PAIGE 324.00 0.00 324.00 AP 00352869 11/05/2014 POTTER,MARTIN 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352871 11/05/2014 PROVO ENGINEERING 18,787.00 0.00 18,787.00 AP 00352872 11/05/2014 PRUI'T"T'CONSTRUCTION RL 3,510.00 0.00 3,510.00 AP 00352873 11/05/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CITY OF 1,064.08 0.00 1,064.08 AP 00352874 11/05/2014 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL INC 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352875 11/05/2014 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 443.88 0.00 443.88 AP 00352876 11/05/2014 RICE,SANDRA 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352877 11/05/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 9,173.57 0.00 9,173.57 User: VLOPEZ-VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P9 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352878 11/05/2014 RIPPETOE LAW P C 50.603.62 0.00 50,603.62 AP 00352879 11/05/2014 RM REMODELING AND DEVELOPMENT 700.00 0.00 700.00 AP 00352880 11/05/2014 ROADRUNNER PHARMACY 183.50 0.00 183.50 AP 00352881 11/05/2014 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 212.01 0.00 212.01 AP 00352882 11/05/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CO SHERIFFS DEPT 0.00 116.00 116.00 AP 00352883 11/05/2014 SASSOON,LORI 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352884 11/05/2014 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS 467.47 0.00 467.47 AP 00352885 11/05/2014 SCHRAMM, HANNAH 350.00 . 0.00 350.00 AP 00352886 11/05/2014 SETS UNLIMITED 5,000.00 0.00 5.000.00 AP 00352887 11/05/2014 SHORT LOAD CONCRETE 941.76 0.00 941.76 AP 00352888 11/05/2014 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 70,487.68 0.00 70.487.68 AP 00352889 11/05/2014 SMITH,BRI'ITNEY 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00352890 11/05/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 2.259.09 137.90 2,396.99*** AP 00352894 11/05/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24,060.26 3,927.51 27,987.77 *** AP 00352895 11/05/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,315.24 0.00 1,315.24 AP 00352896 11/05/2014' SOUTHLANI)FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 1.115.00 0.00 1,115.00 AP 00352897 11/05/2014 SOUTHLAND SPOR'T'S OFFICIALS 161.00 0.00 161.00 AP 00352898 11/05/2014 SPRUNG,MADELINE 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352899 11/05/2014 STEINORTH.MARC 679.02 0.00 679.02 AP 00352900 11/05/2014 STRATEGIC ECONOMICS 2,591.25 0.00 2.591.25 AP 00352901 11/05/2014 STROHMAN ENTERPRISE INC 8,339.87 0.00 8,339.87 AP 00352902 11/05/2014 SWANSON,GLENN 761.46 0.00 761.46 AP 00352903 11/05/2014 TARHAN. KORAY 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00352904 11/05/2014 TERRA VISTA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352905 11/05/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 16,713.04 0.00 16,713.04 AP 00352906 11/05/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 1,019.05 0.00 1,019.05 AP 00352907 11/05/2014 UPLAND ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00352908 11/05/2014 VAN SCOYOC ASSOCIATES INC 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 AP 00352909 11/05/2014 VERITEXT 1,574.75 0.00 1,574.75 AP 00352911 11/05/2014 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 4,931.42 1.562.85 6,494.27 *** AP 00352912 11/05/2014 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 7,252.49 0.00 7,252.49 AP 00352913 11/05/2014 VORTEX INDUSTRIES INC 0.00 743.46 743.46 AP 00352914 11/05/2014 WACI'ERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 2,451.91 0.00 2.451.91 AP 00352915 11/05/2014 WARD,CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL FOWLER 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352916 1 1/05/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 2,617.26 0.00 2,617.26 AP 00352917 11/05/2014 \VEDGEWOOD PHARMACY 1.301.44 0.00 1.301.44 AP 00352918 11/05/2014 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 2,500.00 0.00 2.500.00 AP 00352919 11/05/2014 WESTCOAST MEDIA 1.801.00 0.00 1.801.00 AP 00352920 11/05/2014 WESTERN REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 67.00 0.00 67.00 AP 00352921 11/05/2014 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00352923 11/05/2014 XEROX CORPORA'T'ION 8,245.70 0.00 8,245.70 AP 00352924 11/05/2014 YANCY,MICHELLE 71.68 0.00 71.68 Al' 00352925 11/05/2014 ZEE MEDICAL INC 2,306.20 0.00 2,306.20 AI' 00352926 11/06/2014 RICHLEIGH INVEST'MENT'S INC 435.43 0.00 435.43 AP 00352927 11/06/2014 ABC LOCKSMITHS 27.62 14.58 42.20*** AP 00352931 11/06/2014 BRODART BOOKS 5,533.35 0.00 5,533.35 AP 00352934 11/06/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ' 167,649.26 0.00 167.649.26 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P10 AND• RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT • Agenda Check Register • 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352935 11/06/2014 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION • 0.00 37.71 37.71 AP 00352936 11/06/2014 EMCOR SERVICE 9,575.90 0.00 9,575.90 AP 00352937 11/06/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 899.10 0.00 899.10 AP 00352938 11/06/2014 FORD OF UPLAND INC 43.83 0.00 43.83 • AP 00352939 11/06/2014 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 2,456.31 0.00 2,456.31 AP 00352940 11/06/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 1,202.63 0.00 1,202.63 AP 00352941 11/06/2014 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY INC 816.48 0.00 816.48 AP 00352942 11/06/2014 SUNRISE FORD 166.63 0.00 166.63 AP 00352943 11/06/2014 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 2,310.86 0.00 2,310.86 AP 00352944 11/06/2014 TOMARK SPORTS INC 350.22 0.00 350.22 AP 00352945 11/06/2014 VISTA PAINT 76.31 0.00 76.31 El' 00004740 10/27/2014 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEI3A/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9,205.00 _ 0.00 1,289.65 EP 00004741 10/29/2014 RCPFA - 10,116.33 0.00 10,116.33 EP 00004742 10/29/2014 MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY INC 3,487.50 0.00 3,487.50 EP 00004743 10/29/2014 RCCEA 1,328.00 0.00 1,328.00 EP 00004744 10/29/2014 STANDER GROUP INC,THE 13,750.00 0.00 13,750.00 EP 00004746 11/05/2014 MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY INC 7,672.50 0.00 7,672.50 Total City: $2,424,489.62 Total Fire: $173,450.03 Grand Total: $2,597,939.65 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire Districtexpenditures • User: VLOPEZ-VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 10 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 • P11 STAFF REPORT WORKS SERVICES DEPARTmIENP RANCHO CUCAMONGA Date: November 19, 2014 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors John R. Gillison, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike Costello, Fire Chief By: Ty Quaintance, Facilities Superintendent Paul Fisher, Management Analyst I Ruth Cain, Acting Senior Buyer Subject: APPROVE THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS TO WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS, INC. OF UPLAND, IDS GROUP OF IRVINE, MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORPORATION OF REDLANDS AND SVA ARCHITECTS, INC. OF SANTA ANA TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES; IDS GROUP OF IRVINE AND DAHL, TAYLOR AND ASSOCIATES OF SANTA ANA TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES; AND IDS GROUP OF IRVINE, AND BRANDOW AND JOHNSTON, INC. OF LOS ANGELES TO PROVIDE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES; ALL ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS TO BE FUNDED FROM VARIOUS CITY AND FIRE ACCOUNTS AS APPROVED IN THE FY 2014/2015 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council and Board approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. of Upland, IDS Group of Irvine, Miller Architectural Corporation of Redlands and SVA Architects, Inc. of Santa Ana to provide architectural services; IDS Group of Irvine and Dahl, Taylor and Associates of Santa Ana to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group of Irvine, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. of Los Angeles to provide Structural engineering services; all on an as needed basis to be funded from various City and Fire accounts as approved in the FY 2014/2015 budget. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS From time to time, Fire and City staff need to utilize architectural, electrical engineering and structural engineering services for a variety of projects. Therefore, the Public Works Services Department provided specifications for architectural, electrical engineering and structural engineering services to the Purchasing Division with the intent of soliciting a Request for Qualifications that would create a list of qualified vendors for each discipline to provide services for the City on an as needed basis. Purchasing prepared and posted a formal Request for Qualifications, RFQ #14/15-200 to the City's automated procurement system. As a result, four hundred and ninety-nine (499) vendors were notified, one hundred and sixty-two (162) prospective vendors downloaded the RFQ documentation and thirty-four (34) vendors provided responses for one or more of the three disciplines, fifteen (15) vendors were deemed as nonresponsive during the initial review, nineteen P12 RFQ#14/15-200 AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR ARcr-n'rucrulU\L AND Eis.cn 1cAr.AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES NOVEM I R 19,2014 PAGIC 2 (19) responsive vendors provided responses in the following disciplines, nine (9) for architectural services, four(4) for electrical engineering and six (6) for structural engineering. After a thorough evaluation process of the nineteen (19) responses, the highest scoring responsive bidders for each discipline were Williams Architects, Inc., IDS Group, Miller Architectural Corporation and SVA Architects, Inc. for architectural services; IDS Group and Dahl, Taylor and Associates for electrical engineering services; and IDS Group, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. for structural engineering services. Therefore, staff is recommending the City Council approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. and IDS Group to provide architectural services; IDS Group and Dahl, Taylor and Associates to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. to provide structural engineering services; on an as needed basis. All applicable RFQ documentation is on file in the Purchasing Division. Respectfully submitted, ">i,t William Wittkopf ° Mike Costello Public Works Services Director Fire Chief BW:TQ/pf/rc P13 *s STAFF REPORT . CITS"MANAGER'S OFFICE RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council From: John R. Gillison, City Manager By: Tamara L. Layne, Finance Director I} Subject: RECEIVE QUARTERLY BUDGET UPDATE REPORT RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council receive and file the attached First Quarter Budget Report Card for the quarter ended September 30, 2014. The report is intended to provide the City Council with a brief update on the budgetary performance of the City's operating funds which include the City General Fund, the Library Fund, and the Fire District Operating Funds. • I:A finance\budget2015\Quarterly budget updates to CC\staff report-1Q2014-15 budget update.docx P14 City of Rancho Cucamonga i :"= ! Fiscal Year 2014/15 _RANCHO First Quarter Budget Report Card _RANCHO OVERVIEW analysis, these non-departmental divisions are excluded from the following chart. This report summarizes the City's overall financial Departmental operating expenditures (including position for the fiscal year through September 30, outstanding purchase orders/encumbrances) are 2014. The focus of this report is the City's operating generally consistent with the prior year and on target budget which is comprised of the City General Fund, as of the end of the first quarter. The following chart the Library Fund, and the Fire District Operating summarizes year-to-date combined expenditures and Funds. The revenue projections and budgets include encumbrances by department: necessary adjustments for encumbrances, carryovers, and any supplemental appropriations General Fund YTD 7 Expenditures by Dept. Budget Actual Exp/Enc made by the City Council as of September 30, 2014. Administrative Services 6,976.365 4,294,193 62% Animal Care and Services 2.809,120 1.010,393 36% GENERAL FUND Building and Safety 2,540,746 1.116,977 44% City Clerk 2.040 1,241 61% City Council 125,400 68.219_ 54'7 City Management 1,239,960 796.034 64% General Fund Financial Condition. With 25% of Econ.&Comm.Developmn 573,230 215.689 38% the year complete, General Fund expenditures are at Community services 4,828,840 1.843,551 - 38% Engineering 2,036,747 922.896 457 23% of projections (compared to 24% in the prior Planning 2,158,931 689.709 32% year) and revenues are at 7% (consistent with the Police 31,892,868 8.422.398 26% Public Works 9,934,460 6,139,606 62% prior year). Revenues are typically less during the Records Management 489,720 217,270- 44% first quarter due to the timing of certain key revenues such as franchise fees, property tax, and sales tax. Factors contributing to a slightly higher percentage Both expenditures and revenues are explained in expended/encumbered in the departmental budgets more detail below. include the following: I) some contracts cover the entire fiscal year and must be fully encumbered with General Fund Budget* YTD Actual* Percent a purchase order at the beginning of the fiscal year; Revenues $ 68,900,980 $ 4,751,551 7% and 2) certain overhead cost allocations are Expenditures $ 69,839,263 $ 16,313,959 23% completely allocated at the beginning of the fiscal *Inch ides carryover purchase orders year. The expenditures budget and YTD actual figures • Top Seven Revenues. The City's top seven above include carryover purchase orders from the revenues account for about 91% of total General prior fiscal year and one-time expenditures from Fund revenues (consistent with the prior year). reserves for target programs such as Spay/Neuter Following is a summary of these revenues as of the special events and a Sphere of Influence study end of the first quarter: planned for the fiscal year. Excluding the carryover purchase orders and the planned and intentional use YTD 7 of reserves, the Cit ado ted a balanced bud et for Top Seven Revenues Budget Actual Received y p g hales tax 26,561,740 1.389.163 5% Fiscal Year 2014/15. Vehicle license fees* 14,991.030 - 0% Franchise fees 6.332.880 - 0% Property tax 5.881.230 - 0% Expenditures. The YTD actual figure above for Development fees 3.943.130 879,860 22% expenditures incorporates all General Fund Business licenses 2.251.140 542.573 24% Trans.occupancy taxes 2.579.170 674.511 26% divisions, including non-departmental divisions such *Includes Property tn.r adieu of VLF as General Overhead. For purposes of departmental Page I I3 P15 City of Rancho Cucamonga Le Fiscal Year 2014/15 First Quarter Budget Report Card CUCAMONGA Sales Tax. Results to date are closer to budget September 30,2014 for the current fiscal year, which estimates than it appears. Due to the "Triple Flip," is consistent with the prior fiscal year. we only receive 75% of our base revenues from State allocations; the remaining 25% is remitted to us from Property Tax. The first major apportionment of the County in January and May via a complicated taxes will occur in December. Included in the estimating formula. Excluding the 25% that will be property tax budget is post-RDA property tax remitted by the County, we have received about 7% revenue of$810,480 due to the State's elimination of of our budgeted revenues as of the end of the first redevelopment agencies in February 2012. This quarter (consistent with the prior year). The portion of the City's property taxes will be received percentage is lower than 25% as of the first quarter's in January and June as part of the County of San end due to the timing of our receipts from the State Bernardino's distribution of the Redevelopment and the County. As of the end of the first quarter, we Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF). have received one month's allocation of sales tax revenues from the State and two months' allocation Development Fees. Development revenues are of Prop 172 revenues, which is consistent with the coming in as anticipated with collection percentages prior year. Based on discussions with the City's sales ranging from 15% to 29%. It should be noted that tax consultant, it appears our sales tax revenues are development fees are not received in a linear or continuing to grow from the prior year which will be proportional manner throughout the fiscal year. in line with budget for the fiscal year. Business Licenses. Business license revenues are on Vehicle License Fees(VLF). As of the end of the first track with projections. The collection percentage is quarter, we have not received a disbursement of VLF slightly higher than the prior year. The peak of the from the State due to a delay in their remittance of renewals is not received until January. excess amounts collected for Fiscal Year 2013/14. In the prior year, these excess amounts were remitted Transient Occupancy Taxes. TOT revenues are during the first quarter. As a result of SB89 which performing consistently with projections and are was enacted as part of the Fiscal Year 201 1/12 State slightly higher than at this time last year. budget, the State took away city VLF revenue to save State law enforcement grant programs. In spite of LIBRARY FUND the State's takeaway of the City's VLF, we will continue to receive the property tax in-lieu of VLF in Library Fund Financial Condition. As of the end January and May. Based on discussions with the of the first quarter, Library revenues are at 4% of City's property tax consultant, it is anticipated that projections (compared to 3% in the prior year) and revenues will come in slightly higher than expenditures are at 40% (compared to 41% in the anticipated for the fiscal year. prior year). Franchise Fees. We will not receive the largest Library Fund Budget* YTD Actual* Percent components of franchise fee revenues — payments Revenues _ $ 4,102,500 $ 172,507 4% from Southern California Edison and Southern Expenditures $ 4,246,370 $ 1,691,713 40% California Gas Company — until April 2015. *Includes carryover purchase orders Franchise fees from other utilities are remitted approximately 30 days after the end of each quarter. Property tax makes up approximately 85% of the As such, no revenues have been received as of Library Fund's revenues (consistent with the prior year). As noted above, the first major apportionment Page 213 P16 City of Rancho Cucamonga t_ '••M Fiscal Year 2014/15 jRANCHO First Quarter Budget Report Card CCCAAIOM1GA of taxes will occur in December. The Library's pass-through from the former Redevelopment property tax revenues, however, also include a Agency. The full amount of the pass-through is statutory pass-through from the former allocated on a percentage basis between the Fire Redevelopment Agency. This pass-through District's operating funds and its capital fund based represents approximately 39% of the Library's upon the operating budget needs of the Fire District property tax revenues and will he received in January each fiscal year. As noted above, RPTTF revenues and June as part of the County's distribution of the will be received in January and June. Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF). Also included in the property tax budget is post-RDA The Fire District's expenditures are on track as of the property tax revenue of $140,340 due to the State's end of the first quarter. elimination of redevelopment agencies in February 2012. These revenues will also be distributed from SUMMARY the RPTTF. Overall, the City's operating budget for expenditures Factors contributing to a slightly higher percentage is performing well as of the end of the first quarter expended/encumbered include the following: 1) and is consistent with the prior year. Generally, some contracts cover the entire fiscal year and must revenues are on track or slightly ahead of projections be fully encumbered with a purchase order at the and expenditures are on track with or slightly below beginning of the fiscal year; and 2) certain overhead historical norms. Once additional revenues are cost allocations are completely allocated at the received during the second quarter, the revenue beginning of the fiscal year. components of the City's operating budget can be further analyzed. FIRE DISTRICT Fire District Financial Condition. With 25% of the year complete, Fire District operating revenues are at 1%of projections(consistent with the prior year)and expenditures are at 19% (compared to 20% in the prior year). Fire District Budget* YTD Actual* Percent Revenues $ 30,376,710 $ 161,731 1% Expenditures $ 31,347,963 $ 5,910,488 19% *Includes carryover purchase orders Property tax comprises approximately 92% of the Fire District's operating revenues (compared to 94% in the prior year) which includes the General Fund, CFD 85-I, and CFD 88-1. The first major apportionment of taxes will occur in December. Included in the property tax budget is post-RDA property tax revenues of $5,686,170 due to the State's elimination of redevelopment agencies in February 2012. This amount represents a statutory Page 313 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P17 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352490 10/29/2014 A&V SOFTBALL. 3,483.00 0.00 3483.00 AP 00352491 10/29/2014 A'JONTUE, ROSE ANN 460.80 0.00 460.80 AP 00352492 10/29/2014 ACEY DECY EQUIPMENT INC. 292.30 0.00 292.30 Al' 00352493 10/29/2014 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 79.40 0.00 79.40 AP 00352494 10/29/2014 ALL SURFACE ROOFING& WATERPROOFING INC 85.96550 0.00 85.96550 Al' 00352495 10/29/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 5.658.12 0.00 5.658.12 AP 00352496 10/29/2014 AMl'3CH EI,EVATOR SERVICES 1.187,50 0.00 1,187.50 AP 00352497 10/29/2014 APPLIED MEFERING TECHNOLOGIES INC 11.496.26 0.00 11.496.26 AP 00352498 10/29/2014 AROCIIO.ALMA 780.00 0.00 780.00 AP 00352499 10/29/2014 AVANTS. MARGE 255.00 0.00 255.00 AP 00352500 10/29/2014 13ARRE"TO. RAQLJEL M. 2,393.28 0.00 2.393.28 AP 00352501 10/29/2014 BARRIENTOS.NELLIE 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352502 10/29/2014 BERMAN.CYNDI 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352503 10/29/2014 131CONDOVA.JOAN 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00352504 10/29/2014 BOOT BARN INC. 700.17 0.00 700.17 AP 00352505 10/29/2014 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 0.00 99.52 99.52 AP 00352506 10/29/2014 BU'SKO UTILITY DESIGN INC. 14 266.52 0.00 14 266.52 AP 00352507 10/29/2014 CAL I'ERS LONG TERM CARE 384.90 0.00 384.90 AP 00352508 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION 2,431.80 0.00 2.431.80 AP 00352509 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHITECT 667.50 0.00 667.50 AP 00352510 10/29/2014 CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES 118,642.99 6.872.64 125,515.63 *** AP 00352511 10/29/2014 CAMPER. YVONNE 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00352512 10/29/2014 CAPALLA. EMERSON 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352513 10/29/2014 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 629.07 0.00 629.07 Al' 00352514 10/29/2014 CARTY.DIANE 464.40 0.00 464.40 AI' 00352515 10/29/2014 CASTIL.LO.FRANCISCO 522.90 0.00 522.90 AI' 00352516 10/29/2014 CHAGOL LA.CE.SAR 22.00 0.00 22.00 AP 00352517 10/29/2014 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 32.40 0.00 32.40 AP 00352518 10/29/2014 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 447.99 1.217.38 1.665.37*** AP 00352519 10/29/2014 CINTAS CORP. #150 764.43 0.00 764.43 AP 00352520 10/29/2014 CIRIACKS, VALERIE.ANN 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352521 10/29/2014 CITY 12ENIALS 156.50 0.00 156.50 AP 00352522 10/29/2014 CITYGATE ASSOCIATES LLC 5.177.81 0.00 5.177.81 AP 00352523 10/29/2014 CLARK.KAREN 1.372.20 0.00 1.37220 AP 00352524 10/29/2014 CLARKE PLUMI3ING SPECIALTIES INC. 80.16 0.00 80.16 AP 00352525 10/29/2014 CLEAN ENERGY 202.50 0.00 202.50 AP 00352526 10/29/2014 CLEARWATER GRAPHICS INC 288.84 0.00 288.84 AP 00352527 10/29/2014 COAST RECREATION INC 666.15 0.00 666.15 AP 00352528 10/29/2014 COCHERELL. DOREEN 86.40 0.00 86.40 AP 00352529 10/29/2014 COMBINED MARTIAL SCIENCE INC 2,036.60 0.00 2,036.60 AP 00352530 10/29/2014 COMPASS.COLLEGE 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352531 10/29/2014 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 9.244.00 0.00 9.244.00 AP 00352532 10/29/2014 COOKSEY,ANNA 39.60 0.00 39.60 AP 00352533 10/29/2014 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 4.100.03 0.00 4.100.03 AP 00352534 10/29/2014 D& D GOLF CARS INC. 991.90 0.00 991.90 AP 00352535 10/29/2014 DAGHDEVIRIAN. KATHY 588.30 0.00 588.30 AP 00352536 10/29/2014 DANCE TERRIFIC 716.45 0.00 716.45 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: I Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait L Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P18 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Cheek Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352537 10/29/2014 DANESIIVAR, HOMA 91,00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352538 10/29/2014 DANIELS TIRE SERVICE 0.00 9,863.80 9,863.80 AP 00352539 10/29/2014 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 720.00 0.00 720.00 AP 00352540 10/29/2014 DEER CREEK CAR WASH 1,263.50 0.00 1,263.50 AP 00352541 10/29/2014 DELTA DENTAL 1,551.54 0.00 1,551.54 AP 00352542 10/29/2014 DELTA DENTAL 40,720,88 0.00 40.720.88 AP 00352543 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT ISSUE INCORPORATED 529.20 0.00 529.20 AP 00352544 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 16.182,23 0.00 16,182.23 AP 00352545 10/29/2014 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3,565.00 0.00 3,565.00 AP 00352546 10/29/2014 DESER-ABIGAIL 1,066.00 0.00 1.066.00 AP 00352547 10/29/2014 DISCOUNT TWO-WAY RADIO 1.058,40 0.00 1,058.40 AP 00352548 10/29/2014 DOLLARHIDE,GINGER 228.00 0.00 228.00 AP 00352549 10/29/2014 DONALDSON. KELLEY 0.00 35.00 35.00 AP 00352550 10/29/2014 DOWNEY,JENNIFER 12.02 0.00 12.02 AP 00352551 10/29/2014 DUNN. ANN MARIE 1,169,40 0.00 1.169.40 Al' 00352552 10/29/2014 DYNASTY SCREEN PRINTING 1,782.00 0.00 1.782.00 AP 00352553 10/29/2014 EARLEY. IDA 187.20 0,00 187.20 AP 00352554 10/29/2014 EASTERL.ING. RAY 228.00 0.00 228,00 AP 00352555 10/29/2014 EMI3ROIDME 273.11 0,00 273.11 AP 00352556 10/29/2014 EXI'ERIAN 52.00 0.00 52.00 AP 00352557 10/29/2014 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 75.63 0.00 75.63 AP 00352558 10/29/2014 FELICIANO,ANTHONY 192.00 0.00 192.00 AP 00352559 10/29/2014 FENCE CRAFT OF UPLAND INC 269.00 0.00 269.00 AP 00352560 10/29/2014 FREQUENT FLYER XTREME GYMNAS'T'ICS 251.65 0.00 251.65 AP 00352561 10/29/2014 GERARD.AI, 40.00 0.00 40.00 AP 00352562 10/29/2014 GIORDANO,MARIANNA 158.10 0.00 158.10 AP 00352563 10/29/2014 GOLDEN STAR TECHNOLOGY INC 1,245.81 0.00 1,245.81 AP 00352564 10/292014 GOLDEN STATI3 RISK MANAGEMENT AIPTIIORITY 108,675.00 1,127.00 109,802.00*** AP 00352565 10/29/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE& RUBBER COMPANY 311.02 0.00 311.02 AP 00352566 10/29/2014 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 991.27 0,00 99137 AP 00352567 10/29/2014 GOSE. DALE 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00352568 10/29/2014 GRAINGER 976.82 0,00 976.82 AP 00352569 10/29/2014 HAMILTON.MONIQUE 960.00 0.00 960.00 AP 00352570 10/29/2014 HAMPTON YOGA 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00352571 10/29/2014 HANSON.SUZANNE 203.70 0.00 203.70 AP 00352572 10/29/2014 HAY, SHARON 316.80 0.00 316.80 AP 00352573 10/29/2014 HEARTSAVERS LTC 0.00 2.955.00 2.955.00 . AP 00352574 10/29/2014 FIEILIG, KELLY 453.20 0.00 453.20 AP 00352575 10/29/2014 HELEN SMITH ATTORNEY SERVICE 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352576 10/29/2014 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUT' 303.00 0.00 303.00 AP 00352577 10/29/2014 HMG ARCHITECTS 0.00 79,312.50 79,312.50 AP 00352578 10/29/2014 HOMECOMING V AT TERRA VISTA TLC. 300,690.89 0.00 300,690.89 AP 00352579 10/29/2014 HOOD, KARYE 39,17 0.00 39.17 AP 00352580 10/29/2014 HOYT,'0 MOTHY • 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00352581 10/29/2014 INDERWIESCHE, MATT 2-159.70 0.00 2.159.70 AP 00352582 10/29/2014 INLAND PRESORT&MAILING SERVICES 42.64 0.00 42.64 AP 00352583 10/29/2014 INLAND VALLEY DANCE ACADEMY 1,611.18 0.00 1,611.18 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P19 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register • 10/29/2014 through II/II/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352584 10/29/2014 INTEGRITY DOOR & HARDWARE INC 1.405.38 0.00 1,405.38 AP 00352585 10/29/2014 IRON MOUNTAIN OSDI' 774.58 0.00 774.58 AP 00352586 10/29/2014 JOHN BURR CYCLES INC 2.778.69 0.00 2.778.69 AP 00352587 10/29/2014 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADEMY 2.429.40 0.00 2.429.40 AP 00352588 10/29/2014 JONES AND MAYER. LAW OFFICES OF 2.304.00 0.00 2.304.00 AP 00352589 10/29/2014 JUMP START RECREATIONS 956.70 0.00 956.70 AP 00352590 10/29/2014 KB HOME 5.82 0.00 5.82 AP 00352591 10/29/2014 LABARDA.MELISSA 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00352592 1029/2014 I.AKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 159.87 0.00 159.87 AP 00352593 10/29/2014 LANGUAGE PLANET 166.50 0.00 166.50 AP 00352594 10/29/2014 LANTAI. KRIS 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352595 10/29/2014 LEIGIITON CONSULTING INC 527.10 0.00 527.10 AP 00352596 10/29/2014 LEIVA. WILLIAM 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00352597 10/29/2014 LIEBI RT CASSIDY WHI'TMORE 3.087.98 0.00 3.087.98 AP 00352598 10/29/2014 LIFE ASSIST INC 0.00 19.242.70 19.242.70 AI' 00352599 10/29/2014 LINDA RYAN REPORTING 1.057.00 0.00 1.057.00 AP 00352600 10/29/2014 LI'FIILI.,JOYCE 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00352601 10/29/2014 LIVE OAK DOG OBEDIENCE 375.00 0.00 375.00 AP 00352602 10/29/2014 MADOLE AND ASSOCIATES INC 480.00 0.00 480.00 AP 00352603 10/29/2014 MAIN SPREE:'SIGNS 2.384.15 0.00 2.384.15 AP 00352604 10/29/2014 MARK CHRISTOPHER INC 155.98 0.00 155.98 Al' 00352605 10/29/2014 MARSHALL.SYLVIA 883.20 0.00 883.20 AP 00352606 10/29/2014 MARTINE!TO WING 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352607 10/29/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 3420.19 0.00 3.420.19 AP 00352608 10/29/2014 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 638.80 0.00 638.80 AP 00352609 10/29/2014 MII,ANETI'O. MARSIIA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352610 10/29/2014 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC& ELECTRONICS USA INC 626.95 0.00 626.95 AP 00352611 10/29/2014 MOE.JOIN 91.70 0.00 91.70 AP 00352612 10/29/2014 MORALES. MELISSA 47.04 0.00 47.04 Al' 00352613 10/29/2014 MORRIS. RICHARD 129.80 0.00 129.80 AP 00352614 10/29/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 172.56 0.00 172.56 AP 00352615 1029/2014 MUSIC THEATRE INTERNA'I'IONAI, 3.183.74 0.00 3.183.74 AP 00352616 10/29/2014 MUSICSI'AR 853.80 0.00 853.80 AP 00352617 1029/2014 MYERS'TIRE SUPPLY 0.00 215.72 215.72 AP 00352618 10/29/2(114 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL FLOORING 0.00 999.84 999.84 AI' 00352619 10/29/2014 OCCUPATIONAL HEAT:1'li CMS OF CA 794.00 0.00 794.00 AP 00352620 10/29/2014 OCIIOA,1)01.1,Y 178.00 0.00 178.00 AP 00352622 10/29/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 521413 240.26 5.454.49"" AP 00352623 10/29/2014 OLIVA,TERESA 170.97 0.00 170.97 AP 00352624 10/29/2014 ONTARIO ICE SKATING CEN'T'ER 596.40 0.00 596.40 AP 00352625 10/29/2014 ONTARIO WINNEISON CO 128.09 18.60 146.69"' AP 00352626 10/29/2014 ORONA. PATRICIA 1.825.00 0.00 1,825.00 AP 00352627 10/29/2014 OTT', LAURA 582.00 0.00 582.00 AP 00352628 10/29/2014 OTT.SHARON 468.00 0.00 468.00 AP 00352629 10/29/2014 PACIFIC ADVANCED CIVIL ENGINEERING 5.370.37 0.00 5.370.37 AP 00352630 10/29/2014 PACIFIC YOUTH SPOR'T'S 386.75 0.00 386.75 AP 00352631 10/29/2014 PAL CAMPAIGN 10.00 0.00 10.00 User: VLOPE/_- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait L Time: 10:59:10 • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P20 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 • Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352632 10/29/2014 PASADENA WEEKLY 693.00 0.00 693.00 AP 00352633 10/29201.1 PENNYSAVTR USA PUBLISHING LLC 2.303.02 0.00 2.303.02 AP 00352634 10/29/2014 PEPSI-COLA 831.75 0.00 831.75 AP 00352635 10/29/2014 PERERA, MICHELLE 97.06 0.00 97.06 AP 00352636 10/29/2014 PERFORMANCE MARTIAL ARTS CENTER 157.50 0.00 15750 AP 00352637 10/29/2014 PETERSON HYDRAULICS INC 0.00 4.987.63 4,987.63 • AP 00352638 10/29/2014 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 1.749.48 0.00 1,749.48 AP 00352639 10/29/2014 PITASSI ARCHITECTS INC 24.097.75 0.00 24,097.75 AP 00352640 10/29/2014 PIXELPUSHERS INC 23.136.00 0.00 23.136.00 AP 00352641 10/29/2014 I'LLJMMER.JACQUES 0.00 261.00 261.00 AP 00352642 10/29/2014 POWER PLAY YOUTH ATHLETICS 251.30 0.00 251.30 AI' 00352643 10/29/2014 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 91.05 0.00 91.05 AP 00352644 10/29/2014 PRECISION GYMNASTICS - 3.393.95 0.00 3.393,95 AP 00352645 10/29/2014 PRO SALES GROUP INC 8.42 0.00 8.42 AP 00352646 10/29/2014 QUALITY TRUCK ELECTRIC INC 0.00 729.00 729.00 AP 00352647 1029/2014 QIJIN'I'ERO. DANILO 20.00 0.00 20.00 AP 00352648 10/29/2014 R AND R AUTOMOTIVE 4.682.80 0.01) 4.682.80 AP 00352649 10/29/2014 RA INEY. I,AIREACE 585.00 0.00 585.00 AP 00352650 10/29/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA FONTANA FAMILY YMCA 9,822.30 0.00 9,822.30 AP 00352651 10/29/2014 RANCHO SMOG CENTER 35.00 0.00 35.00 AP 00352652 10/29/2014 RAYI3ALLOONS 214.75 0.00 214.75 AP 00352653 10/29/2014 RP WHITE CO INC 641.04 0.00 641.04 Al' 00352654 10/292014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSIION 22,721.30 0.00 2?.721.30 AP 00352655 10/29/2014 RICHI,EIGI' INVESTMENTS INC 435.43 0.00 435.43 AP 00352656 10/29/2014 120131,ES. RAUL P 240.00 0.00 240.00 AP 00352657 10/29/2014 SAFE-WIRY TC:CIINICAL INC 0.00 940.00 940.00 AP 00352658 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT 303.90 0.00 303.90 AP 00352659 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY 0.00 10206.12 10.206.12 AI' 00352660 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY AUDITOR CONTROLLER RECC 55.00 (1.00 55.00 AP 00352661 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY EMS NURSES NETWORK 0.00 160.00 160.00 AP 00352662 10/29/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CTY OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00352663 10/29/2014 SARACENO,SHARON 89.00 0.00 89.00 AP 00352664 10/29/2014 SI31'F:A 797.96 0.00 797.96 AP 00352665 10/29/2014 SC FUELS 25,533.52 0.00 25.533.52 AP 00352666 10/29/2014 SENT CIIAL.CALVIN 576.00 0.00 576.00 Al' 00352667 10/29/2014 SEXTON.SHEILA 6.00 0.00 6.00 AP 00352668 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 397.95 0.00 397.95 AP 00352669 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 117.10 0.00 117.10 AP 00352670 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 299.20 0.00 299.20 AP 00352671 10/29/2014 SHEAKLEY 117.10 0.00 117.10 AP 00352672 10/29/2014 SHOE FERIA 725.00 0.00 225.00 AP 00352673 10/29/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 1,174.86 221.51 1.396.37 ""* AP 00352674 10/29/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 2.181.04 0.00 2.181.04 AI' 00352681 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 22.859.75 3,862.36 26.722.11 *** AP 00352682 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 2.711.13 0.00 2.711.13 AP 00352683 10/29/2014 SOUTHERN COUN'T'IES LUBRICANTS LLC 0.00 492.48 492.48 AP 00352684 10/29/2014 SOUTT-ILANI)FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 1,683.00 0.00 1,683.00 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I. Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P21 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352685 10/29/2014 SOUIIII.AND SPORTS OFFICIALS 368.00 0.00 368.00 AP 00352686 10/29/2014 SI'INITAR 113,367.15 0.00 113367.15 AP 00352687 10/29/2014 STOVER SEED COMPANY 3.895,57 0.00 3.895.57 AP 00352688 10/29/2014 TERMINI PROCESSING CENTER 0.00 449.00 449.00 AP 00352689 10/29/2014 THOMPSON PLUMBING SUPPLY 1.016.35 0.00 1.016.35 AP 00352690 10/29/2014 TIIOMSON REUTERS WEST PAYMENT CENTER 403.24 0.00 403.24 AP 00352691 10/29/2014 TORGA ELECTRIC 57.798.00 0.00 57.798.00 AP 00352692 10/29/2014 TRACEY.VAL 480.00 0.00 480.00 AP 00352693 10/29/2014 TRUMMEI.I..ANGELICA 10.79 0.00 10.79 AP 00352694 10/29/2014 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 474.00 0.00 474.00 AP 00352695 10/29/2014 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 16.988.00 0.00 16.988.00 AP 00352696 10/29/2014 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 225.91 0.00 225.91 AP 00352697 10/29/2014 UNITED WAY 186.00 0.00 186.00 AP 00352698 10/29/2014 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CENTERS 1.051.05 0.00 1,051.05 AP 00352699 10/29/2014 UPS 194.95 0.00 194.95 AP 00352700 10/29/2014 UTILIQUEST 2.711.65 0.00 2.711.65 AP 00352701 10/29/2014 VALLEY CREST LANDSCAPE 158.784.06 0.00 158.784,06 AP 00352702 10/29/2014 VALLEY POWER SYSTEMS INC 0.00 405.06 405.06 AP 00352703 10/29/2014 VL:CC1110.TOM 387.40 0.00 387.40 AP 00352704 10/29/2014 VERA.CARA 130.99 0.00 130.99 AP 00352705 10/29/2014 VERITEXT 744.50 0.00 744.50 AP 00352706 10/29/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 40.11 0.00 40.11 AP 00352707 10/29/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 2998.95 0.00 2.998.95 AP 00352708 10/29/2014 VERIZON BUSINESS SERVICES 1.033.38 0.00 1.033.38 AP 00352709 10/29/2014 VILLA. LISA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352710 10/29/2014 VINE.MARK 35.50 0.00 35.50 AP 00352711 10/29/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 160.49 297.41 457.90 *** AP 00352712 10/29/2014 WARREN& CO INC.C,MRI. 1.584.(10 0.00 1584.00 AP 00352713 10/29/2014 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 15.833.43 0.00 15.833.43 AP 00352714 10/29/2014 WEST END MATERIAL SUPPLY 0.00 15.76 15.76 AP 00352715 10/29/2014 WHITE NELSON I)IEIII. EVANS LLP 1.375.00 0.00 1.375.00 AP 00352716 10/29/2014 WI-IITFIER FERTILIZER 313.20 0.00 313.20 AP 00352717 10/29/201.1 WILSON AND BELL 0.00 527.94 527.94 AP 00352718 10/29/2014 WINZER CORPORATION 0.00 388.20 388.20 AP 00352719 10/29/2014 WLC 0.00 1,345.87 1,345.87 AP 00352722 10/29/2014 XEROX CORPORATION 10.400.40 0.00 10.400.40 AP 00352723 10/29/2014 XL STORAGE 895.00 0.00 895.00 AP 00352724 10/29/2014 JOHN YEAW&ASSOCIATES 321.88 0.00 321.88 AP 00352725 10/29/2014 YORK INSURANCE SERVICES GROUP INC 13,000.00 0.00 13.000.00 AP 00352726 10/29/2014 ZEE MEDICAI.INC 1.513.21 0.00 1513.21 AP 00352728 10/30/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT' 10.595.47 1.161.60 1 1,757.07 *** AP 00352729 10/30/2014 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 0.00 892.57 892.57 AP 00352730 10/30/2014 KME FIRE APPARATUS 0.00 2.11820 2.11820 AP 00352731 10/30/2014 LIMS AUTO INC 21953 0.00 219.53 AP 00352732 10/30/2014 NEC CORPORATION 01'AMERICA 52.630.91 0.00 52.630.91 AP 00352733 10/30/2014 SPINITAR 1,046.74 0.00 1.046.74 AP 00352734 10/30/2014 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 977.46 0.00 977.46 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P22 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352735 10/30/2014 TOMARK SPORTS INC 1,077.82 0.00 1,077.82 AP 00352736 10/30/2014 UNIFIRSI UNIFORM SERVICE 0.00 410.92 410.92 AP 00352737 11/05/2014 ABLETRONICS 0.00 13.78 13.78 AP 00352738 11/05/2014 ACCELA INC 1.199.00 0.00 1.199.00 AP 00352739 11/05/2014 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 494.75 0.00 494.75 AP 00352740 11/05/2014 ADOBE ANIMAL HOSPITAL 550.00 0.00 550.00 AP 00352741 11/05/2014 ADVANCED CHEMICAL.TRANSPORT 2.753.00 0.00 2.753.00 AP 00352742 11/05/2014 AGENCY FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS INC. 3500.00 0.00 350090 AP 00352743 11/05/2014 ALL CITIES TOOLS 0.00 562.71 562.71 AP 00352744 11/05/2014 ALLIED BARTON SECURITY SERVICES LLC 1.657.89 0.00 1.657.89 AP 00352745 11/05/2014 ALP(IAGRAPI-IICS 111.67 0.00 111.67 AP 00352746 11/05/2014 AMTECH ELEVATOR SERVICES 223.71 0.00 223.71 AP 00352747 11/05/2014 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS 1-017.71 0.00 1.017.71 AP 00352748 11/05/2014 ARANA,JONATIION 967.80 0.00 967.80 AP 00352749 11/05/2014 ARCI-IIBAI.D PET HOSPITAL 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352750 11/05/2014 ASSE 200,00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352751 11/05/2014 AUFBAU CORPORATION 5.104.00 0.00 5.104.00 AP 00352752 11/05/2014 AUGUSTIN. RICHARD 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352753 11/05/2014 BASELINE ANIMA(.HOSPITAL 325.00 0.00 325.00 AP 00352754 11/05/2014 BATH AND BODY WORKS 3.161.78 0.00 3.161.78 AP 00352755 11/05/2014 BATTERY POWER INC 1.236.51 0.00 1.236.51 AP 00352756 11/05/2014 BAYER I-IEALIIICARE I.LC 187.90 - 0.00 187.90 AP 00352757 1 1/05/2014 BELLES PRINTING EXPRESS INC. 510.84 0.00 510.84 AP 00352758 11/05/2014 BERG.JOANNE 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352759 11/05/2014 BERNARD EDUCATION L087.50 0.00 1.08750 AP 00352760 11/05/2014 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 225.00 0.00 225.00 AP 00352761 11/05/2014 BISHOP. OSHUA DAVID 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00352762 11/05/2014 BRAUN BLAISING MCLAUGI HAN 410.77 0.00 410.77 AP 00352763 11/05/2014 BUCZYNSKI.ANGELINE CARR- 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352764 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6.222.67 0.00 6.222.67 AP 00352765 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352766 11/05/2014 CALIFORNIA SHOPPING CART RETRIEVAL.CORP 105.00 0.00 105.00 AP 00352767 11/05/2014 CARLSON, LINDSEY 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352768 11/05/2014 CARNES, SANDY 0.00 222.96 222.96 AP 00352769 11/05/2014 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 0.00 560.56 560.56 AP 00352770 11/05/2014 CARRILLO. MARTIN 667.00 0.00 667.00 AP 00352771 11/05/2014 CASTILLO,LISA 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00352772 11/05/2014 CCS ORANGE COUNTY JANITORIAL INC. 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352773 11/05/2014 CHAFFEY COLLEGE BREEZE 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352774 11/05/2014 CINTAS CORP.#150 110.81 0.00 110.81 AP 00352775 11/05/2014 CITY RENTALS 585.00 0.00 585.00 AP 00352776 11/05/2014 CLEAR COAST CONSTRUCTION 1.322.48 0.00 1.322.48 AP 00352777 11/05/2014 CIA?WAREHOUSE 0.00 90.46 9046 AP 00352778 11/05/2014 CLIMATEC LI.0 345.00 0.00 345.00 AP 00352779 11/05/2014 CONCEPTUAL.SITE FURNISHINGS INC. 4.996.00 0.00 4.996.00 AP 00352780 11/05/2014 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 291.06 0.00 291.06 AP 00352781 11/05/2014 CONSUMERS PIPE-FONTANA 0.00 123.78 123.78 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P23 • AND . RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 1 I/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AI' 00352782 11/05/2014 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 1,067.26 0.00 1.067.26 AI' 00352783 11/05/2014 CORSARO,T.J. 250.00 0.00 250.00 Al' 00352784 11/05/2014 C1'12S 165.00 0.00 165.00 AP 00352785 11/05/2014 CRIME SCENE STERI-CLEAN LLC 540.00 0.00 540.00 . AP 00352786 11/05/2014 I)& D SERVICES INC. 430.00 0.00 430.00 AP 00352787 11/05/2014 I)AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 806.22 0.00 806.22 AP 00352788 11/05/2014 DALLAL. MATIIIEW 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00352789 11/05/2014 DALTON, KIM 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352790 11/05/2014 DANANI.OSA 350,00 0.00 350.00 Al' 00352791 11/05/2014 DAUWALDER. LAURA EMILY 450.00 0.00 450.00 AI' 00352792 11/05/2014 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL.SERVICES 246.26 0.00 246.26 AI' 00352793 11/05/2014 DIET IL.Cl4121STOPII ER W. 350.00 0,00 350.00 AP 00352794 11/05/2014 EBERHARD'T.DAVID 200.00 0.00 200.00 Al' 00352795 11/05/2014 EDWARD PROFESSIONAL ADVISIORS 1.500.00 0.00 1.500.00 Al' 00352796 11/05/2014 ESPINOSA,ASHLEE 850.00 0.00 850.00 Al' 00352797 11/05/2014 EYE CARE FOR ANIMALS-UPLAND 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00352798 11/05/2014 FALLON. BRIAN 0.00 200.00 200.00 AP 00352799 11/05/2014 FASTAI RE HAND DRYERS INC. 136.60 0.00 136.60 AP 00352800 11/05/2014 FASTINAI.COMPANY 12.17 0,00 12.17 Al' 00352801 11/05/2014 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 1,601.83 1,601.83 AP 00352802 11/05/2014 FORTMIJELLER. WHITNEY 350.00 0.00 350.00 AI' 00352803 11/05/2014 FRANKLIN'TRUCK PARTS 0.00 302.73 302,73 AP 00352804 11/05/2014 ERASURE.JULIE 0.00 162.50 162.50 AP 00352805 11/05/2014 FULL,SPECTRUM ENTERTAINMENT 650.00 0.00 650.00 Al' 00352806 11/05/2014 GATEWAY PET CEMETERY AND CREMATORY 390,00 0.00 390.00 Al' 00352807 11/05/2014 GILKEY.JOHN 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352808 11/05/2014 GLOBALSI'AR 148.57 0.00 148.57 AI' 00352809 11/05/2014 GONSALVIES AND SON,JOE A 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 • AP 00352810 11/05/2014 GONZALEZ.SILVIA 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352811 11/05/2014 GOODFIELD. 121CI LARD 336.00 0.00 336.00 AI' 00352812 11/05/2014 GRAFFITI TRACKER INC 2,250.00 0,00 2,250.00 AP 00352813 1I/05/2014 GRAINGER 2.42233 1,324,32 3,746.65 *** Al' 00352814 11/05/2014 GRANTOM,MEGFIAN 350.00 0,00 350.00 AP 00352815 11/05/2014 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 1,162.35 0.00 1,162.35 AP 00352816 11/05/2014 GRAVES K KING LEI' 2157.00 0.00 2.257.00 AP 00352817 I1/05/2014 I IADLEY,TAYLA 350.00 0.00 350.00 Al' 00352818 11/05/2014 HI)PRODUCTIONS LLC 1,500.00 0.00 1.500.00 AP 00352819 11/05/2014 HELEN SMITH ATTORNEY SERVICE 150.00 0.00 150.00 Al' 00352820 11/05/2014 I-IENKELS& MCCOY 1.377.19 0.00 1,377.19 Al' 00352821 11/05/2014 IIENRY SCIIEIN ANIMAL HEAI;IIi SUPPLY 4,765.22 0.00 4,765.22 • AP 00352822 11/05/2014 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 461.00 0.00 461.00 Al' 00352823 11/05/2014 I IERTZ EQUIP RENTAL 248.71 0.00 248.71 Al' 00352824 11/05/2014 IiIl.LS I'E r NUTRITION SALES INC 3,096.43 0.00 3.096.43 Al' 00352825. 11/05/2014 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 134.11 0.00 134.11 AP 00352826 11/05/2014 I10PSCO'TCi PRESS INC. 4.000.00 0.00 4,000.00 Al' 00352827 11/05/2014 HO'TSY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 320.30 0.00 320.30 Al' 00352828 11/05/2014 HOYT LUMBER CO_SM 0.00 29.84 29.84 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED -CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P24 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount AP 00352829 11/05/2014 HSVMA 49.00 0.00 49.00 AP 00352830 11/05/2014 HUMANE SOCIETY OF SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY IN{ 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352831 11/05/2014 IMPEIT,VIC'T'ORIA ANN 4,259.26 0.00 4.259.26 AP 00352832 11/05/2014 INDEPENDENT ROOFING CONSULTAN'T'S 1.455.00 0.00 1,455.00 AP 00352833 11/05/2014 INTERVET INC 6,027.75 0.00 6.027.75 AP 00352834 11/05/2014 JOHN YEAW&ASSOCIATES 501.90 0.00 501.90 AP 00352835 11/05/2014 JOHNSON.VILMA CALLEJO 140.00 0.00 140.00 AP 00352836 11/05/2014 JONES AND MAYER,LAW OFFICES OF 7,040.00 0.00 7.040.00 AP 00352837 11/05/2014 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 184,622.98 0.00 184.622.98 AP 00352838 11/05/2014 KINETIC LIGHTING INC 36.50 0.00 36.50 AP 00352839 11/05/2014 LANCE SOLI.AND LUNGHARD 30.124.00 0.00 30,124.00 AP 00352840 11/05/2014 LEAL. RUTII 43.20 0.00 43.20 AP 00352841 11/05/2014 LINDSEY.RICHARD 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352842 11/05/2014 LINGER.MARION 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352843 11/05/2014 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 1,840.00 0.00 1,840.00 AP 00352844 11/05/2014 MAIN STREET SIGNS 2.624.40 0.00 2.624,40 AP 00352845 11/05/2014 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 106,278.62 9.119.96 115.398.58 *** AP 00352846 11/05/2014 MARTINEZ TOWING 45.00 0.00 45.00 AP 00352847 11/05/2014 MA"IANGA,JULIE EDWARD 249.00 0.00 249.00 AP 00352848 11/05/2014 MATERIAL HANDLING SUPPLY INC 698.65 0.00 698.65 AP 00352849 11/05/2014 MIDWEST TAPE 1,146.45 0.00 1,146.45 AP 00352850 11/05/2014 MINANO, FRANK 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352851 11/05/2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 1.373.73 0.00 1.373.73 AP 00352852 11/05/2014 MSAB INC 8,64910 0.00 8,649.20 AP 00352853 11/05/2014 MULHOLLAND.ALEXIS JAYE 200.00 0.00 200.00 AP 00352854 11/05/2014 MUSICSTAR 120.60 0.00 120.60 AP 00352855 11/05/2014 NETWORK DEPOSIHON SERVICES INC 1.267.00 0.00 1,267.00 AP 00352856 11/05/2014 NEW IMAGE COMMERCIAL,FLOORING 3,656.10 0.00 3,656.10 AI' 00352857 11/05/2014 NOVARTIS ANIMAL HEALTH US INC 50.40 0.00 50.40 Al' 00352858 11/05/2014 NV CONSTRUCTION 149.91 0.00 149.91 AP 00352860 11/05/2014 OFFICE DEPOT 3,193.72 0.00 3,193.72 AP 00352861 11/05/2014 ONTARIO SPAY AND NEUTER INC 1550.00 0.00 1,550.00 AP 00352862 11/05/2014 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 54.00 0.00 54.00 AP 00352863 11/05/2014 ONWARD ENGINEERING 18,253.75 0.00 18,253.75 AI' 00352864 11/05/2014 Ol'EN APPS INC 2550.00 0.00 2550.00 AP 00352865 11/05/2014 PARS 3.500.00 0.00 3500.00 AP 00352866 11/05/2014 PASS_DYLAN 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352867 11/05/2014 PAZMINO, EDGAR 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00352868 11/05/2014 POLCENE, PAIGE 324.00 0.00 324.00 AP 00352869 11/05/2014 POTTER. MARTIN 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00352871 11/05/2014 PROVO ENGINEERING 18,787.00 0.00 18,787.00 AP 00352872 11/05/2014 PRUIFT CONSTRUCTION RL 3,510.00 0.00 3,510.00 AP 00352873 11/05/2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CITY OF 1,064.08 0.00 1.064.08 AP 00352874 11/05/2014 RANCHO REGIONAL VETERINARY HOSPITAL INC 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00352875 11/05/2014 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 443.88 0.00 443.88 AP 00352876 11/05/2014 RICE_SANDRA 350.00 0.00 350.00 Al' 00352877 11/05/2014 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 9,173.57 0.00 9.17357 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report: CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED-CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait L Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P25 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through I1/11/2014 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount Al' 00352878 11/05/2014 RIPI'ETOE LAW P C 50.603.62 0.00 50,603.62 AP 00352879 11/05/2014 RM REMODELING AND DEVELOPMENT 700.00 0.00 700.00 AP 00352880 11/05/2014 ROADRUNNER PHARMACY 183.50 0.00 183.50 AP 00352881 11/05/2014 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC 212.01 0.00 212.01 AP 00352882 1 1/05/2014 SAN BERNARDINO CO S •IERIFFS DEPT 0.00 116.00 116.00 AP 00352883 11/05/2014 SASSOON. LORI 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00352884 11/05/2014 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS 467.47 0.00 467.47 AP 00352885 11/05/2014 SCHRAMM.HANNAH 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352886 11/05/2014 SETS UNLIMITED 5,000.00 0.00 5.000,00 AP 00352887 11/05/2014 SHORT LOAD CONCRETE 941.76 0.00 941.76 AP 00352888 11/05/2014 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC 70,487.68 0.00 70,487.68 AP 00352889 11/05/2014 SMITH, BRITPNEY 100.00 0.00 100.00 Al' 00352890 11/05/2014 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 2,259.09 137.90 2.396.99*** Al' 00352894 11/05/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 24.060.26 3.927.51 27.987,77 *** Al' 00352895 11/05/2014 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 1,315.24 0.00 1.315,24 AP 00352896 11/05/2014 SOUTHLAND FARMERS MARKET ASSOC INC 1.115.00 0.00 1.115.00 AP 00352897 11/05/2014 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 161.00 0.00 161.00 • AP 00352898 11/05/2014 SPRUNG. MADELINE 91.00 0.00 91.00 AP 00352899 11/05/2014 STEINORTH.MARC 679.02 0.00 679.02 AP 00352900 11/05/2014 STRATEGIC ECONOMICS 2.591.25 0.00 2591.25 Al' 00352901 11/05/2014 STROHMAN ENTERPRISE INC 8.339.87 0.00 8,339.87 AP 00352902 11/05/2014 SWANSON.GLENN 761.46 0.00 761.46 AP 00352903 11/05/2014 TARHAN. KORAY 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00352904 11/05/2014 TERRA VISTA ANIMAL HOSPITAL 75.00 0.00 75.00 AP 00352905 11/05/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 16.713.04 0.00 16,713.04 AI' 00352906 11/05/2014 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT#6746022500 1.019.05 0.00 1,019.05 AP 00352907 11/05/2014 UPLAND ANIMAL HOSPITAL 50.00 0.00 50.00 AP 00352908 11/05/2014 VAN SCOYOC ASSOCIATES INC 4,000.00 0.00 4.000.00 AP 00352909 11/05/2014 VERITEXT 1.574.75 0.00 1574,75 AP 0035291 I 11/05/2014 VERIZON CALIFORNIA 4.931.42 1562.85 6.494.27 *** AI' 00352912 11/05/2014 VICTOR MEDICAL COMPANY 7,252.49 0.00 7.252.49 AP 00352913 11/05/2014 VORTEX INDUSTRIES INC 0.00 743.46 743.46 AP 00352914 11/05/2014 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 2.451.91 0.00 2.451.91 AP 00352915 11/05/2014 WARD.CIIRISTOPI-IER MICHAEI.FOWLER 350.00 0.00 350.00 AP 00352916 11/05/2014 • WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 2,617.26 0.00 2.617.26 AP 00352917 11/05/2014 WEDGE WOOD PHARMACY 1,301.44 0.00 1.301.44 AP 00352918 11/05/2014 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 AP 00352919 11/05/2014 WESTCOAST MEDIA 1,801.00 0.00 1.801.00 AP 00352920 11/05/2014 WESTERN REAL ESTATE BUSINESS 67.00 0.00 67.00 AP 00352921 11/05/2014 WORD MILL PUBLISHING 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00352923 11/05/2014 XEROX CORPORATION 8,245.70 0.00 8,245.70 AP 00352924 11/05/2014 YANCY, MICHELLE 71.68 0.00 71.68 AP 00352925 11/05/2014 ZEE MEDICAL INC 2,306.20 0.00 2,306.20 • AP 00352926 11/06/2014 RICI-14E1011 INVESTMENTS INC 435.43 . 0.00 435.43 AP 00352927 11/06/2014 ABC LOCKSMITHS 27.62 14.58 42.20*** AP 00352931 11/06/2014 BRODART BOOKS 5,533.35 0.00 5,533.35 AP 00352934 11/06/2014 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 167,649.26 0.00 167,649.26 User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report:CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED- CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait L Time: 10:59:10 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P26 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/29/2014 through 11/11/2014 Cheek No. Check Date Vendor Name City Fire Amount Al' 00352935 11/06/2014 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 0.00 37.71 37.71 AP 00352936 11/06/2014 EMCOR SERVICE 9,575.90 0.00 9,575.90 AP 00352937 11/06/2014 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 899.10 0.00 899.10 AP 00352938 11/06/2014 FORD OF UPLAND INC 43.83 0.00 43.83 AP 00352939 11/06/2014 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 2,456.31 0.00 2.456.31 AP 00352940 11/06/2014 HYDRO SCAPE PRODUCTS INC 1,202.63 0.00 1,202.63 AP 00352941 11/06/2014 IMPERIAL SPRINKLER SUPPLY INC 816.48 0.00 816.48 AP 00352942 1 1/06/2014 SUNRISE FORD 166.63 0.00 166.63 AP 00352943 11/06/2014 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 2_.310.86 0.00 2.310.86 AP 00352944 1 1/06/2014 TOMARK SPORTS INC 350.22 0.00 350.22 AP 00352945 11/06/2014 VISTA PAINT 76,31 0.00 7631 EP 00004740 10/27/2014 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEI3A/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 9.205.00 0.00 1.289.65 EP 00004741 10/29/2014 RCP FA 10,116.33 0,00 10.116.33 EP 00004742 10/29/2014 MONTEREY INTERNAIIONA I.TALENT AGENCY INC 3,487.50 0,00 3.48750 EP 00004743 10/29/2014 RCCEA 1.328.00 0.00 1,328.00 EP 00004744 10/29/2014 STANDER GROUP INC,TILE 13.750.00 0.00 13.750.00 EP 00004746 11/05/2014 MONTEREY INTERNATIONAL TALENT AGENCY INC 7,672.50 0.00 7.67250 Total City: $2,424,489.62 Total Fire: 5173,450.03 Grand Total: $2,597,939.65 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VLOPEZ- VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 10 Current Date: 11/12/2014 Report: CK AGENDA REG PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED -CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 10:59:10 P27 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: November 19, 2014 RANCHO To: Mayor and Members of the City Council CUCAMONGA John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Nettie Nielsen, Community Services Director By: Daniel Schneider, Community Services Superintendent Subject: APPROVAL OF A REDUCED FIELD RENTAL FEE OF $15 PER HOUR/PER FIELD FOR THE CHAFFEY JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT DURING THE CONSTRUCTIONOF ALTA LOMA , RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND ETIWANDA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELDS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve a reduced field rental rate of$15 per hour/per field for the Chaffey Joint Union High School District during the construction phase of Alta Loma, Rancho Cucamonga and Etiwanda High School athletic facilities, from December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City received a request from the Chaffey Joint Union High School District to use various sport fields within the City of Rancho Cucamonga during the construction of Alta Loma, Rancho Cucamonga and Etiwanda High School athletic fields, scheduled to begin December 1, 2014. Requested sites include: Red Hill Park, Bear Gulch Park, Church Street Park, Coyote Canyon Park, Heritage Park, Kenyon Park, Milliken Park, Mountain View Park, Victoria Groves Park, Vintage Park and the Epicenter Sports Complex, for a total amount 1,950 hours of City park use. Staff recommends that City Council approve the $15 fee associated with each field request/each hour. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact to the City for the lesser fee of$15 per hour/per field opposed to actual fee of $30 for two hours or less/per field would be a decrease in revenue of $6,600 associated with this request. The Chaffey Joint Union High School District, however, will be waiving the fees associated with the City's Joint Usage Agreement from July 2014 — December 2014 which is equivalent to $12,500. The fees are being waived due to the fact that the City will not have access to the High School sports facilities during the -construction period. The $12,500 will be deducted from the overall balance of the Chaffey Joint Union High School District rental fees, thereby, offsetting any loss of actual fee rental revenue. All appropriate landscape maintenance fees will be deposited in the accounts for the specific areas used. The Chaffey Joint Union High School District would also be required to provide comprehensive public liability insurance during the period of the allocation. Respectfully submitted, Nettie Nielsen Community Services Director P28 STAFF REPORT 0471114 PUBIC WORKS SERVICES DEPAR•FMu3NP Date: November 19 2014 Lit� To: Mayor and Members of the City Council RANCHO John R. Gillison, City Manager CUCAMONGA From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director By: Dean Rodia, Parks and Landscape Superintendent Kenneth Fung, Assistant Engineer Subject: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED, AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT IN THE BASE BID AMOUNT OF $22,150 AND ADDITIVE BID AMOUNT OF $13,300 FOR THE "PARKS PAINTING PROJECT" TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER, TIM KEIFE PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING OF FONTANA AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,460 TO BE FUNDED FROM ACCOUNTS: 1131303-5300 (LMD 2), 1133303-5300 (LMD 3B), 1134303-5300(LMD 4R), 1140303-5300 (LMD 10) AND 1868203-5300 (CFD 2000-03) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the bids received, award and authorize the execution of a contract in the Base Bid amount of$22,150 and the Additive Bid amount of$13,300 for the"Parks Painting Project" to the lowest responsive bidder, Tim Keife Painting and Waterproofing of Fontana and authorize the expenditure of a contingency in the amount of $3,460, to be funded from accounts: 1131303-5300 (LMD 2), 1133303-5300(LMD 3B), 1134303-5300(LMD 4R), 1140303-5300(LMD 10)and 1868203-5300 (CFD 2000-03). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the City Clerk to. advertise the "Notice Inviting Bids" for the "Parks Painting Project" during the September 17, 2014 meeting. The Base Bid for this project calls for the painting of the exposed wood portions and columns of the shade shelters at Ellena Park (LMD 2), Spruce Park (LMD 4R) and Day Creek Park (LMD 10). Also part of the Base Bid is the painting of hand railing under the Milliken Avenue/Metrolink Railroad Underpass (LMD 3B) and the painting of the entire restroom building at Summit Park (CFD 2000-03). The recommended additive bids for this project call for painting the restroom buildings at Ellena Park and Spruce Park (items 2a and 4a); painting the wood and block portions of the trash enclosures at Ellena Park, Spruce Park, and Rancho Summit Park(items 2b, 4b, CFDa); and painting the wood portions of five ' benches at Rancho Summit Park (item CFDb). Six (6) bids for this project were opened at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 (see attached Bid Summary). Staff has completed the required background investigation and finds that the lowest responsive bidder,Tim Keife Painting and Waterproofing, has met the requirements of the bid documents. The project is scheduled to be completed within forty (40) working days. Respectfully submitt d, William W ittkopf Public Works Services Director Attachment W W:TQ/kf P29 PARKS PAINTING PROJECT AWARD TO TIM KEIFE PAINTING AND WATERPROOFING NOVEMBER 19,2014 PAGE 2 PARK PAINTING PROJECT Bidder is Non-Compliant because BID SUMMARY Low Bidder Tony are not a Registerd Plan • Holder on the CIF weh site BASEBID Engineer's Estimate Torn Keife C R M Painters,Inc Tony Painting Bltheif,Inc Everlast Builders, Custom Wood Finishing Painting _ Inc Item N!Description _ Oly Unit Unit Price Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost ihtn Price Actual SL71ad Cost Cost Ellena Park(1040 3) Paint Wood and Column 1 Portions of Shade Shelter 1 LS 53,000.00 53,000.03 52700.00 52,70000 52,800.00 52,80000 55,365.00 $5,365.00 53,000.00 53,00100 53,120.03 53.125.00 Milliken Ave/Metrolluk Railroad Unda mass(LMD3) Paint Nand Railing on both 7 sides of Underpass 1 15 54,000.00 $4,000.00 53,80000 53,80000 55,004.00 55,000.00 55,941.03 55.96100 51000000 510.000.00 53.175.00 53.125.00 Spruce Park(IMO 4) Paint wood and Column 3 Portions of Shade Shelter 1 1S 52,750.00 52,750.00 53,800.00 53.80000 52,800.00 52,80000 51,65000 51,65004 53,000.00 53,000,00 53,125.07 53.125.00 Oay Creek Park(IMO 101 Paint Wood,Wall and Columns Portion of Shade 4 Shelter around Playground 1 10 54,500.00 54,50000 53,700.00 53,70002 53,90000 53,900.00 56.031.03 5603100 55,004.00 55,001100 53,175.03 53,125.00 Paint Wood and Column Portions of Shade Shelter A 5 West 1 LS 51500.00 51,500.07 53,300.00 53,30000 52,800.00 92,80000 $2,049.00 91,079.00 $3,000.00 53,00003 53,125.00 53,175.00 Paint Wood and Column Portions of Shade Shelter B 6 Northeast 1 LS 5150000 51,500.00 52,704.00 522,70000 52,200.00 57,00000 $2,049.00 $2,049.00 53,000.00 $3,000.00 53,125.00 53,125.00 Rancho Summit Park CF 0(2040.03) Paint Restroom Building- 7 entire budding 1 LS 54,900.00 $4,900.00 53,204.00 53,200.00 53,707.00 53,700.00 57.27200 54,272,00 54,000.00 54,00003 53.125.00 33.12500 Total. 522,15000 523,203,00 573,800.00 927,385.00 531,000.00 531,875,03 $25,000.00 AODITVE BIDS Item 0 Description City Unit Unit Price Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cast Unit Price Cost Unit Price Cost Unit Price Actstal Stated Cost Cost Old Town Park(1040 11 Paint only Wood Portion of Is Shade Shelter West 1 LS 51,000.00 51,000.00 51,00.00 51,000,04 53.000.03 53,000.00 5570.00 $570.00 $5,000.00 55,000.00 562500 $625.00 Paint only Wood Portion of lb Shade Shelter East 1 t5 54,000.00 54,00000 51,000.00 51.000.04 54,20100 54,200.00 52,279.00 52,279.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 5615.00 0625.00 Paint only Wood Portion of lc Rentoom 1 IS $2,500.00 52,500.00 51,000.00 511,000.00 5150000 $1,500.00 5959.00 •5959.00 53,03500 53,1700.04 5675.03 5615.00 Paint only Wood Portion of Id Trash Enclosure 1 tS 5100.00 5100.00 5400.00 5400.00 5100.00 5100.00 5256.00 525000 5500.00 550000 5625.00 5675.00 Pont only Wood Portion of if Benches 9 EA 5100.00 5900.00 510000 5900.00 5100.00 5900.00 5205.00 91,645.00 5103.00 590000 569.50 5625.50 Golden Oak Park(LW/1) Paint only Wood Portion of If Shade Shelter B North 1 1,5 51,00100 51.077001 51,500.00 51.500.00 52,800.00 52.80000 51,411.00 51,411.00 02.001.00 52,1770.00 5781.25 5781.25 Paint only Woad Portion of 15 Shade Shelter A South 1 LS 52.000.00 52,000.00 51,500.00 51.503.00 52,80100 52.80,00 51,411.00 51,41100 52,003,00 52,000.00 5781.8 576125 Paint only Wood Portion of lh Restroom 1 15 53,000.03 $3,000.00 $100.00 5100.00 5200.00 5200.00 51,52000 $1,520.00 $3,000.00 53,000.04 5781.25 570125 Paint only Wood Portion of Trash Enclosure and fi Overhead Arbor 3 LS 51,00000 51,000.00 5400.00 540000 51,200.03 51,200.03 $442.00 $442.00 5800.03 $800.00 5781.25 $78175 Ellona Park(LMO 2) Paint Complete Restroom 2a Building 1 LS $4,900.00 54,900.00 53,200.00 53.70003 53,000.00 $3,800.00 54.072,00 54,07203 $4,040.04 54,03004 5781.25 5781.25 Paint Wood and Block 2b Portion of Trash Endosure 1 15 51,000.00 51,00000 51,50100 51.00000 51,800.04 51.60000 5943.00 5943.04 5803.03 5800.02 5761.75 5781.25 Spruce Park DAM 41 Paint Complete Restroom 4a Building 1 LS 549,000.04 545,000.00 53,200.00 53,20000 53,80000 $3,800.00 54,072.03 54.072.00 50000.00 54,00000 5701.25 5781.25 Paint only Wall Portion of 4b Troth Enclosure 1 55 550000 5500.04 5600.00 5600.00 5800.03 580000 5326.00 5326.00 5800.00 5800.00 $781.25 5781.25 Day Creek Park(IMO 10) Paint Complete Restroom 10a Building 1 LS 54,900.00 54.90003 53,200.00 53,200.00 52,80000 52,80000 51,072.00 51,07200 54,003.00 51,00000 51,011.66 51,04166 Paint Wall and Wood Portions of Trash/Pump Enclosure.Do not Paint 10b Metal Gate 1 13 51.503.00 5150(100 5800.00 5800.00 51000.00 $3,800.00 51,912.00 51,912.00 51.00000 51,50000 51,071.66 51,01166 Paint Wall Portion of 10c Scat/Retaining Wall 1 LS $3,000,00 53,000.00 51,500.07 53,5000) 5600.00 9600.00 51,325.00 51,325.00 52,000.04 52,00000 53,04166 51,01106 Rancho Summit Park 10E0 1000-03) Paint Wall and Wood Portions of Trash/Pump Enclosure.00 not Paint CFDa Metal Gate 1 IS 51.500.00 51,50003 9800.00 5800.00 51,500.00 51,500.00 51,003.03 51,003.00 5800.00 5000.03 5741.75 5751.70 Paint Wood Portions of CF)b Bench 5 EA 510000 550000 510100 5511000 5100.00 9500.03 5205.00 51,025.02 5104.00 550004 5156.25 5761.75 Paint Metal Nand Railing CF0c and Fendne 1 LS 51,150.02 51,250.00 5300.00 5304.00 52,500.00 5250000 565000 565100 51,200.00 57,200.00 5781.00 1781.03 $781.25 Cf0 d Paint Metal Bicycle Racks 2 EA 5100.00 5200.00 51,000.03 52,030.00 $20000 5100.00 5103.00 5206.00 5100.00 5700.00 $390.62 578123 5781.25 • P30 STAFF REPORT ` PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT RANCHO CUCAMONGA Date: November 19, 2014 To: Mayor and Members of the City Council President and Members of the Board of Directors John R. Gillison, City Manager From: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Mike Costello, Fire Chief By: Ty Quaintance, Facilities Superintendent Paul Fisher, Management Analyst I Ruth Cain, Acting Senior Buyer Subject: APPROVE THE AWARD OF CONTRACTS TO WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS, INC. OF UPLAND, IDS GROUP OF IRVINE, MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORPORATION OF REDLANDS AND SVA ARCHITECTS, INC. OF SANTA ANA TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES; IDS GROUP OF IRVINE AND DAHL, TAYLOR AND ASSOCIATES OF SANTA ANA TO PROVIDE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES; AND IDS GROUP OF IRVINE, AND BRANDOW AND JOHNSTON, INC. OF LOS ANGELES TO PROVIDE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES; ALL ON AN AS NEEDED BASIS TO BE FUNDED FROM VARIOUS CITY AND FIRE ACCOUNTS AS APPROVED IN THE FY 2014/2015 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council and Board approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. of Upland, IDS Group of Irvine, Miller Architectural Corporation of Redlands and SVA Architects, Inc. of Santa Ana to provide architectural services; IDS Group of Irvine and Dahl, Taylor and Associates of Santa Ana to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group of Irvine, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. of Los Angeles to provide Structural engineering services; all on an as needed basis to be funded from various City and Fire accounts as approved in the FY 2014/2015 budget. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS From time to time, Fire and City staff need to utilize architectural, electrical engineering and structural engineering services for a variety of projects. Therefore, the Public Works Services Department provided specifications for architectural, electrical engineering and structural engineering services to the Purchasing Division with the intent of soliciting a Request for Qualifications that would create a list of qualified vendors for each discipline to provide services for the City on an as needed basis. Purchasing prepared and posted a formal Request for Qualifications, RFQ #14/15-200 to the City's automated procurement system. As a result, four hundred and ninety-nine (499) vendors were notified, one hundred and sixty-two (162) prospective vendors downloaded the RFQ documentation and thirty-four (34) vendors provided responses for one or more of the three disciplines,fifteen(15) vendors were deemed as nonresponsive during the initial review, nineteen P31 RFQ#14/15-200 Awmto OF CONTRACTS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ELECTRICAL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES NovIuIBER 19,2014 PAGE 2 (19) responsive vendors provided responses in the following disciplines, nine (9) for architectural services, four(4) for electrical engineering and six (6)for structural engineering. After a thorough evaluation process of the nineteen (19) responses, the highest scoring responsive bidders for each discipline were Williams Architects, Inc., IDS Group, Miller Architectural Corporation and SVA Architects, Inc. for architectural services; IDS Group and Dahl, Taylor and Associates for electrical engineering services; and IDS Group, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. for structural engineering services. Therefore, staff is recommending the City Council approve the award of contracts to Williams Architects, Inc. and IDS Group to provide architectural services; IDS Group and Dahl, Taylor and Associates to provide electrical engineering services; and IDS Group, and Brandow and Johnston, Inc. to provide structural engineering services; on an as needed basis. All applicable RFQ documentation is on file in the Purchasing Division. Respectfully submitted, '�/�.. ,..4 William Wittkopf Mike Costello Public Works Services airector Fire Chief BW:TQ/pf/rc P32 cbcr> STAFF REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES GROUP • bilgeJ RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services W Mark Steuer, Engineering Services Director By: Manuel E. Pilonieta, Information Services Manager (' Jason Welday, Traffic Engineer Subject: APPROVAL TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE TO CONTRACT NO. 14-163 IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,000 TO CABLE, INC. FOR THE REPAIR OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS FOR THE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT CENTER UPGRADE PROJECT CITYWIDE, TO BE FUNDED FROM TRANSPORTATION FUND, ACCOUNT NO. 11243035650/1831124-0. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve an increase in the amount of $43,000 to contract No. 14-163 with Cable Inc., for the repair of traffic signal communication services at various locations for the Traffic Management Center Upgrade Project, to be funded from Transportation fund, Account No. 11243035650/1831124-0. BACKGROUND The Information Services Division has an existing agreement with Cable Inc. for routine cabling related services. The Traffic Division has a project this fiscal year that is within the scope of Cable Inc.'s existing contract. The proposed work includes repairing damaged signal interconnect and restoring traffic signal communications at various locations. Currently, portions of Foothill Boulevard, Haven Avenue, and Milliken Avenue are not communicating to the Traffic Management Center. The Traffic Management Center upgrade is ultimately proposed to consolidate all communications to one network. Rather than creating a new communication system to reach these intersections, repairs to the existing infrastructure would achieve the same goal of tying all the intersections to one network. The Traffic Management Center would benefit from these repairs by providing substantial improvements in system-wide signal timing and coordination, improving operational efficiencies,while also resulting in decreased emissions and fuel efficiency. The proposed supplement of$43,000, in addition to the existing $28,000 contract, brings the contract total to $71,000. Staff is requesting to amend contract#14-163 to accommodate the Traffic Division project. P33 STAFF REPORT 41ele ENGINEERING SERVICES DI:?PAI2I 7∎11i:N'I' RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Walt Stickney, Associate Enginee Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer J/k'C Subject: ACCEPT THE BIDS RECEIVED AND AWARD AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $283,861.00, TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE BIDDER, GENTRY BROTHERS, INC. AND AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF A 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,386.10, FOR THE DAY CREEK CHANNEL AND DEER CREEK CHANNEL BIKE TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED FROM TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT AND CITY-WIDE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT FUNDS, ACCOUNT NOS. 1214303- 5650/1827214-0, 1214303-5650/1886214-0, 1198303-5650/1827198-0 AND 1198303- 5650/1886198-0, AND APPROPRIATE $85,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1214303- 5650/1827214-0; $86,476.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1214303-5650/1886214-0; $85,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1198303-5650/1827198-0; AND, $72,000.00 TO ACCOUNT NO. 1198303-5650/1886198-0 FROM TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT FUND BALANCE AND CITY-WIDE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT FUND BALANCE, RESPECTIVELY, FOR A TOTAL OF $328,476.00 (CONTRACT AWARD OF $283,861.00 PLUS 10% CONTINGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $28,386.10 AND $16,228.90 FOR INCIDENTALS) RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the bids received and award and authorize the execution of the contract in the amount of $283,861.00, to the lowest responsive bidder, Gentry Brothers, Inc. and authorize the expenditure of a 10% contingency in the amount of $28,386.10, for the Day Creek Channel and Deer Creek Channel Bike Trail Improvements to be funded from Transportation Development Act and City-wide Infrastructure Improvement Funds, Account Nos. 1214303-5650/1827214-0, 1214303-5650/1886214-0, 1198303-5650/1827198-0 and 1198303- 5650/1886198-0, and appropriate $85,000.00 to Account No. 1214303-5650/1827214-0; $86,476.00 to Account No. 1214303-5650/1886214-0; $85,000.00 to Account No. 1198303-5650/1827198-0; and, $72,000.00 to Account No. 1198303-5650/1886198-0 from Transportation Development Act Fund Balance and City-wide Infrastructure Improvement Fund Balance, respectively, for a total of $328,476.00 (Contract award of$283,861.00 plus 10% contingency in the amount of$28,386.10 and $16,228.90 for incidentals). BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Per previous Council action, bids were solicited, received and opened on October 2, 2014, for the subject project. The Engineer's estimate for the base bid was $269,020.00. Staff has reviewed all bids received and found all but one to be complete and in accordance with the bid requirements with any irregularities to be inconsequential. The bid from TSR Construction and Inspection failed to set forth, for an item of work, an item price and a total for the item in the bid proposal. Staff has completed P34 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Day Creek and Deer Creek Channel Bike Trail Improvements-Award November 19, 2014 Page 2 the required background investigation and finds the lowest responsive bidder meets the requirements of the bid documents. Staff presented this project to the Trails Committee on November 12, 2014. The scope of work consists of the construction of pedestrian/bicycle trail improvements to and on the channel maintenance roads. It is estimated that approximately five jobs will be either generated or sustained in connection with this project. The contract documents call for fifty-five (55) working days to complete this construction. Respectfully submitted, - . -:-Steuer Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/WS/SH:Is Attachments . P35 • HuSI•ERD IIIDE R. i..■� ILSO IS ' WILSON AV LSO •V f/ nHI __ --- Alta 1111H ��inp, melon 11,�� 1210 :Il.._ �::ate=LUZ Elk SiàS.sa I BASE!+ --. 1, It .•-v-i ii r ;i4 ROTH! SIB tills . ''P,■ 1WRT • ��i�� , � • 8�M=�II 4 Is_ S�IW 6TH ST flu NIUE cli rt Imo , PROJECT I_= '--- HIGHLAND AVE > I 4 2 j —__ _4__ ,4,, _ _ BASE LINE RD— I (t j Ill—�— — 1.-1 r� 1 s' 1 > 1 *• , VICTDR3APARK LN I W I IILL __-- CHURCH ST-_L, , I w. _;i■ L -- 1 .\ 1 II % ACIFIC ELECTRIC�TRAIL 1 1 —I -- — BiSE LINE RD j-- --- I i 1 Vicinity Map Day Creek Channel and Deer Creek Channel Bike Trail Improvements P36 STrsktr STAFF REPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEN1' L111 RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Romeo M. David, Associate Engineer pint Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer �Jn Subject: ACCEPT THE RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM FOOTHILL TO SOUTH OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-120 AS COMPLETE, RELEASE THE BONDS, ACCEPT A MAINTENANCE BOND, AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND APPROVE THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $788,559.80 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept the Ramona Avenue Storm Drain and Pavement Rehabilitation from Foothill to south of Pacific Electric Trail project, Contract No. 14-120, as complete, authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion, release the Faithful Performance Bond, accept a Maintenance Bond, authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $797,612.00 six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received and authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $39,427.99, 35 days after acceptance. Also approve the final contract amount of$788,559.80. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The Ramona Avenue Storm Drain and Pavement Rehabilitation from Foothill to south of Pacific Electric Trail project scope of work consisted of the installation of a 60 inch RCP mainline storm drain, 24 inch RCP lateral storm drains, construct new catch basins, construct new manholes, cold milling of existing AC pavement, asphalt rubber hot mix overlay, installation of traffic signal video detection, re-install damaged loop detectors, striping, thermoplastic legend and cross walk and pavement markers. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: > Budgeted Amount: $1,100,000.00 > Account Numbers: 1174303-5650/1870174-0, 1112303-5650/1616112-0 • City Council Approval to Advertise: April 2, 2014 > Publish dates for local paper: April 8 and 15, 2014 > Bid Opening: April 22, 2014 P37 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Re: Ramona Ave Storm Drain and Pavement Rehab from Foothill to s/o PE Trail project November 19, 2014 Page 2 > Contract Award Date: May 2, 2014 • Low Bidder: Sully-Miller Contracting Company > Contract Amount: $797,612.00 • Contingency: $79,761.20 > Final Contract Amount: $788,559.8 > Difference in Contract Amount: - ($9,052.20) (1.13%) The net decrease in the total cost of the project is accounted for on the Balancing Statement. The notable changes significant to the decrease of the Contract amount were less Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix tonnage and forty less lineal feet of 60" Reinforced Concrete Pipe were needed than originally bid. The balancing statement accounted for other minor increases and decreases in the project quantities. Respectful) ubmitted, kotrr ier War Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/RMD/SH:Is Attachment P38 RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT SITE Aug f 1 "' t Hwsi 1 s E(%_ / 24TH ST J . 1• jC ��� _� • J UMMff AVfl \TC JOin nwi Vc - a. I . a \ rI _ r. Fia fl p m _ Fri .\ g '.c 7 _ ' �i E UN VIC�3D PARK 11 g.,43A NI <I� yr , - '1... } .+; M5 -' MK I W2E41 Rill ,1St.I M U re Si II. s o It A . 7.11_ . _ in..1_,,TH sT. 1 . ._71. .._ . ._ .! CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA fir fret/ VICINITY MAP \ •v. NTS P39 RESOLUTION NO. 14-208 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM FOOTHILL TO SOUTH OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 14-120, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK WHEREAS, the Ramona Avenue Storm Drain and Pavement Rehabilitation from Foothill to south of Pacific Electric Trail project, Contract No. 14-120, has been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Completion is required to be filed, certifying the work complete. NOW, THEREFORE, the CITY COUNCIL of the City of Rancho Cucamonga hereby resolves, that the work is hereby accepted and the City Engineer is authorized to sign and file a Notice of Completion with the County Recorder of San Bernardino County. RESOLUTION NO. 14-208 — Page 1 of 1 P40 7> STAFF REPORT ` ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT _• RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineerin Services/City Engineer By: Jerry A. Dyer, Principal Civil Enginee �2 Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer TI Subject: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND NO. 7635403 IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,972.41, FOR THE BANYAN STREET SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM ETIWANDA AVENUE TO 850 FEET W/O EAST AVENUE PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 13-101 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release the Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 7635403 in the amount of $25,972.41, for the Banyan Street Sidewalk and Pavement Rehabilitation from Etiwanda Avenue to 850 feet w/o East Avenue Project, Contract No. 13-101. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: All American Asphalt P. O. Box 2229 Corona, CA 92879 •-spectfullys •. fitted, Mark A. Stier lire •r of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/JAD/SH:Is " 7 P41 • PROJECT SITE DIRT RD. .�I Cill- MDDEN EARR I II I ' I 'I lSI$'Ckp..._ ■ �1�y VISTA GROVE L y i I B ETIVANDA C'^ i• -- L_ I�Hlll CIDF RD. !_ 1, ■I �I ■, _ J�ii i, VILS4AVE a _^== vILSDN AV 1 11 il J BANYAN ST. 71.t.t 1E- 1 %` o�I � —�_ l _.__. BANYAN ST fi ''W'Rd"} .I 2 �— .i-_it, I �� � ,, ter— k II,_iuC a LEMON AVE �����'/ `-RIO FREEWAY p 2 M JI ( I Di _ �- 210 , ��7� JL ST. vCIDRIA AVE = L WICINDROWS PAfl ` • �l- —J li—n J(� WOO VICTORIA » I PM% LW < j _ I i+ -__Ii__i - A VICTORIA ST. F �I VI� ST. I iI 0 l IF_I,1 i - - _-- - __- IISPRR 1 u BASE LINE ROAD I _ - -, liBASELINE A it q CHURCH ST. 1 I. —c i y�]� lORD__i _ J I.'I 3 3 lit 1 . :'FOOTHILLIUBLVn �] -- - . -1_I i T LL'!-,,�,r li to �- � ice_ ij ISO:` m :'+ I 1I� I Il II ARROW ROUTE I I i1 II II JERSEY 0.V0. i ,1 I J I AT LSFRR ■µA B I_ S1Ra T I I 111 i 7th STREET 9 6th STREET al' r ` 41 II ■ Avag4et CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Z ii - dd BANYAN STREET SIDEWALK AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION tr "too (FROM ETIWANDA AVE TO ± 850 W/O EAST AVENUE •tr N.T.B. J ryUgMrs root FISMS uvnrvsz rv.,e.b.u.owsc macw�urxm runxormvM -2D1za y.vnernv xaxssx Am P42 STAFF REPORT tie ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT La Date: November 19, 2014 RANCHO CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Carlo Cambare, Engineering Technician Subject: APPROVAL OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AND ORDERING THE ANNEXATION TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR 8570 HICKORY AVENUE, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF HIKCORY AVENEUE, BETWEEN ARROW ROUTE AND WHITTRAM AVENUE, SUBMITTED BY GRIFFITH COMPANY RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution accepting the subject agreement and securities for DRC2012-00878 and authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign said agreement. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS 8570 Hickory Avenue, located on the west side of Hickory Avenue, between Arrow Route and Whittram Avenue in the General Industrial Development District, was approved by the Planning Commission on May 14, 2013 for the division/development of 4.77 acres into a contractor's storage yard. The Developer, Griffith Company, is submitting an agreement and security to guarantee the construction of the off-site improvements in the following amounts: Faithful Performance Bond: $82,700.00 Bond # 24058659 Labor & Material Bond: $82,700.00 Bond # 24058659 Copies of the agreement and securities are available in the City Clerk's Office. Re .- • submitted, CING SERVICES I -PARTMENT Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS:CC/mo P43 Vicinity Map DRC2012-00878 8570 Hickory ILL_________I7 ARROW RTE 1 y� A'PPow1R1 IN Arrow R0 TPM 17640 FPM 18187 _ 1 LOT � 1 LOTS 85701i1cko J m IA DRC2012-00878. ','k i ce U i IF.711111K16 HI: A Li Ti ( Q 1 hi ' Q k Q ® -0. da 1.1 f ,-..-, ' q _smirlitin 1 0 . ral 111 6 7: Pit 0 • P44 RESOLUTION NO. 14-209 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING • IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR DRC2012-00878 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has for its consideration an Improvement Agreement by Griffith Company, as developer,for the improvement of public right-of-way adjacent to the real property specifically described therein, and generally located at/on 8570 Hickory Avenue; and WHEREAS, the installation of such improvements, described in said Improvement Agreement and subject to the terms thereof, is to be done in conjunction with the development of said real property referred to as DRC2012-00878; and WHEREAS,said Improvement Agreement is secured and accompanied by good and sufficient Improvement Security, which is identified in said Improvement Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: 1. That said Improvement Agreement be and the same is approved and the Mayor is authorized to execute same on behalf of said City and the City Clerk is authorized to attest thereto; and 2. That said Improvement Security is accepted as good and sufficient, subject to approval as to form and content thereof by the City Attorney. • • Resolution No. 14-209 Page 1 of 1 P45 RESOLUTION NO. 14-210 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B (COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE DISTRICT) FOR DRC2012-00878 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Act", said special maintenance district known and designated as Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial Industrial Maintenance District) (the "District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the Act authorize the annexation of additional territory to the District; and WHEREAS, such provisions also provide that the requirement for the preparation of resolutions, and assessment engineer's report, notices of public hearing and the right of majority protest may be waived in writing with the written consent of all of the owners of property within the territory to be annexed; and • WHEREAS, notwithstanding that such provisions of the Act related to the annexation of territory to the District, Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State of California ("Article XIII D") establishes certain procedural requirements for the authorization to levy assessments which apply to the levy of annual assessments for the District on the territory proposed to be annexed to such District; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, have requested that such property (collectively, the "Territory") be annexed to the District in order to provide for the levy of annual assessments to finance the maintenance of certain improvements described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, all of the owners of the Territory have filed with the City Clerk duly executed forms entitled "Consent And Waiver To Annexation Of Certain Real Property To A Maintenance District And Approval Of The Levy Of Assessments On Such Real Property" (the "Consent and Waiver"); and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act to the annexation of the Territory to the District and have expressly consented to the annexation of the Territory to the District; and • WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act and/or Article XIII D applicable to the authorization to levy the proposed annual assessment against the Territory set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and have declared support for, consent to and approval of the authorization to levy such proposed annual assessment set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly agreed for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns that: Resolution No. 14-210 Page 1 of 5 P46 (1) The proportionate special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the District Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the maintenance and operation expenses of the Improvements; (2) The proposed annual assessment does not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit from the Improvements conferred on each parcel in the Territory. (3) Only the special benefits derived or to be derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements have been included in the proposed annual assessment. WHEREAS, at this time the City Council desires to order the annexation of the Territory to the District and to authorize the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The annual assessments proposed to be levied on each parcel in the Territory do not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each such parcel from the Improvements. b. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the maintenance of the Improvement. c. Only special benefits will be assessed on the Territory by the levy of the proposed annual assessments. SECTION 3: This legislative body hereby orders the annexation the Territory to the District, approves the financing of the maintenance of the Improvements from the proceeds of annual assessments to be levied against the Territory and approves and orders the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C. SECTION 4: All future proceedings of the District, including the levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the Territory. Resolution No. 14-210 Page 2 of 5 P47 Exhibit A Identification of the Owner and Description of the Property to be Annexed The Owner of the Property is: GRIFFITH COMPANY The legal description of the Property is: Real property in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: LOT 390 OF TRACT NO. 2102 FONTANA ARROW ROUTE, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 31 OF MAPS, PAGES 11 TO 15, INCLUSIVE, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. Assessor's Parcels Numbers of the Property: AP N: 0229-171-01-0-000 Resolution No. 14-210 Page 3 of 5 P48 Exhibit B Description of the District Improvements Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Landscape Maintenance District No. 38 (Commercial Industrial Maintenance District): Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial Industrial Maintenance District) (the "Maintenance District") represents landscape sites throughout the Commercial/Industrial Maintenance District. The various landscape sites that are maintained by this district consist of median islands, parkways, street trees and entry monuments. Proposed additions to the Improvements for Project DRC2012-00878: 9 Street Trees Resolution No. 14-210 Page 4 of 5 P49 Exhibit C Proposed Annual Assessment Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial Industrial Maintenance District): The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B (Commercial Industrial Maintenance District) for DRC2012-00878: EBU Rate per Land Use Basis Factor* EBU* Single Family Unit 1.00 $352.80 Multi- Family Unit 1.00 352.80 Commercial/ Industrial Acre 1.00 352.80 Vacant Acre 0.25 352.80 *EBU means Equivalent Benefit Unit. The proposed annual assessment for the property described in Exhibit A is as follows: 1 Parcels x 1 EBU Factor x $352.80 Rate per EBU = $352.80 Annual Assessment • Resolution No. 14-210 Page 5 of 5 P50 RESOLUTION NO. 14-211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) FOR DRC2012-00878 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Act", said special maintenance district known and designated as Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial Streets) (the "District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the Act authorize the annexation of additional territory to the District; and WHEREAS, such provisions also provide that the requirement for the preparation of resolutions, and assessment engineer's report, notices of public hearing and the right of majority protest may be waived in writing with the written consent of all of the owners of property within the territory to be annexed; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding that such provisions of the Act related to the annexation of territory to the District, Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State of California ("Article XIII D") establishes certain procedural requirements for the authorization to levy assessments which apply to the levy of annual assessments for the District on the territory proposed to be annexed to such District; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, have requested that such property (collectively, the "Territory") be annexed to the District in order to provide for the levy of annual assessments to finance the maintenance of certain improvements described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, all of the owners of the Territory have filed with the City Clerk duly executed forms entitled "Consent And Waiver To Annexation Of Certain Real Property To A Maintenance District And Approval Of The Levy Of Assessments On Such Real Property" (the "Consent and Waiver"); and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act to the annexation of the Territory to the District and have expressly consented to the annexation of the Territory to the District; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act and/or Article XIII D applicable to the authorization to levy the proposed annual assessment against the Territory set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and have declared support for, consent to and approval of the authorization to levy such proposed annual assessment set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly agreed for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns that: Resolution No. 14-211 Page 1 of 5 P51 (1) The proportionate special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the District Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the maintenance and operation expenses of the Improvements; (2) The proposed annual assessment does not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit from the Improvements conferred on each parcel in the Territory. (3) Only the special benefits derived or to be derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements have been included in the proposed annual assessment. WHEREAS, at this time the City Council desires to order the annexation of the Territory to the District and to authorize the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The annual assessments proposed to be levied on each parcel in the Territory do not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each such parcel from the Improvements. b. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the maintenance of the Improvement. c. Only special benefits will be assessed on the Territory by the levy of the proposed annual assessments. SECTION 3: This legislative body hereby orders the annexation the Territory to the District, approves the financing of the maintenance of the Improvements from the proceeds of annual assessments to be levied against the Territory and approves and orders the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C. SECTION 4: All future proceedings of the District, including the levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the Territory. Resolution No. 14-211 Page 2 of 5 P52 Exhibit A Identification of the Owner and Description of the Property to be Annexed The Owner of the Property is: GRIFFITH COMPANY The legal description of the Property is: LOT 390 OF TRACT 2102, FONTANA ARROW ROUTE AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 31, PAGES 11 TO 15 INCLUSIVE, OF MPAS, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Assessor's Parcels Numbers of the Property: 0229-171-01-000 • Resolution No. 14-211 Page 3 of 5 P53 Exhibit B Description of the District Improvements Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial Streets): Street Light Maintenance District No. 1 (Arterial Streets) (the "Maintenance District") is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on arterial streets throughout the City. These sites consist of several non-contiguous areas throughout the City. The sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on arterial streets and traffic signals on arterial streets within the rights-of-way or designated easements of streets dedicated to the City. Proposed additions to the Improvements for Project DRC2012-00878: 2 Street Lights 9500 Lumen • Resolution No. 14-211 Page 4 of 5 P54 Exhibit C Proposed Annual Assessment Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Street Light Maintenance District No.1 (Arterial Streets): The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No.1 (Arterial Streets) for DRC2012-00878: EBU Rate per Land Use Basis Factor* EBU* Single Family Parcel 1.00 $17.77 Multi-Family Parcel 1.00 17.77 Commercial Acre 2.00 17.77 Vacant Acre 2.00 17.77 *EBU means Equivalent Benefit Unit. The proposed annual assessment for the property described in Exhibit A is as follows: 1 Parcels x 2 EBU Factor x $17.77 Rate per EBU = $35.54 Annual Assessment Resolution No. 14-211 Page 5 of 5 P55 RESOLUTION NO. 14-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 6 (COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL) FOR DRC2012-00878 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, has previously formed a special maintenance district pursuant to the terms of the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972", being Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California (the "Act", said special maintenance district known and designated as Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial) (the "District"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 2 of the Act authorize the annexation of additional territory to the District; and WHEREAS, such provisions also provide that the requirement for the preparation of resolutions, and assessment engineer's report, notices of public hearing and the right of majority protest may be waived in writing with the written consent of all of the owners of property within the territory to be annexed; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding that such provisions of the Act related to the annexation of territory to the District, Article XIII D of the Constitution of the State of California ("Article XIII D") establishes certain procedural requirements for the authorization to levy assessments which apply to the levy of annual assessments for the District on the territory proposed to be annexed to such District; and WHEREAS, the owners of certain property described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference, have requested that such property (collectively, the "Territory") be annexed to the District in order to provide for the levy of annual assessments to finance the maintenance of certain improvements described in Exhibit B hereto (the "Improvements"); and WHEREAS, all of the owners of the Territory have filed with the City Clerk duly executed forms entitled "Consent And Waiver To Annexation Of Certain Real Property To A Maintenance District And Approval Of The Levy Of Assessments On Such Real Property" (the "Consent and Waiver"); and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act to the annexation of the Territory to the District and have expressly consented to the annexation of the Territory to the District; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly waived any and all of the procedural requirements as prescribed in the Act and/or Article XIII D applicable to the authorization to levy the proposed annual assessment against the Territory set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and have declared support for, consent to and approval of the authorization to levy such proposed annual assessment set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; and WHEREAS, by such Consent and Waiver, all of the owners of the Territory have also expressly agreed for themselves, their heirs, successors and assigns that: Resolution No. 14-212 Page 1 of 5 • P56 (1) The proportionate special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the District Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the maintenance and operation expenses of the Improvements; (2) The proposed annual assessment does not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit from the Improvements conferred on each parcel in the Territory. (3) Only the special benefits derived or to be derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements have been included in the proposed annual assessment. WHEREAS, at this time the City Council desires to order the annexation of the Territory to the District and to authorize the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2: The City Council hereby finds and determines that: a. The annual assessments proposed to be levied on each parcel in the Territory do not exceed the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on each such parcel from the Improvements. b. The proportional special benefit derived by each parcel in the Territory from the Improvements has been determined in relationship to the entirety of the cost of the maintenance of the Improvement. c. Only special benefits will be assessed on the Territory by the levy of the proposedannual assessments. SECTION 3: This legislative body hereby orders the annexation the Territory to the District, approves the financing of the maintenance of the Improvements from the proceeds of annual assessments to be levied against the Territory and approves and orders the levy of annual assessments against the Territory in amounts not to exceed the amounts set forth in Exhibit C. SECTION 4: All future proceedings of the District, including the levy of all assessments, shall be applicable to the Territory. • Resolution No. 14-212 Page 2 of 5 P57 • Exhibit A Identification of the Owner and Description of the Property to be Annexed The Owner of the Property is: GRIFFITH COMPANY The legal description of the Property is: LOT 390 OF TRACT 2102, FONTANA ARROW ROUTE AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 31, PAGES 11 TO 15 INCLUSIVE, OF MPAS, IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Assessor's Parcels Numbers of the Property: 0229-171-01-000 • Resolution No. 14-212 Page 3 of 5 P58 Exhibit B Description of the District Improvements Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial): Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (the "Maintenance District") is used to fund the maintenance and/or installation of street lights and traffic signals located on commercial and industrial streets throughout the City but excluding those areas already in a local maintenance district. Generally, this area encompasses the industrial area of the City south of Foothill Boulevard The sites maintained by the district consist of street lights on industrial or commercial streets and traffic signals (or a portion thereof) on industrial or commercial streets generally south of Foothill Boulevard. Proposed additions to the Improvements for Project DRC2012-00878: 2 Street Lights 9500 Lumen • Resolution No. 14-212 Page 4 of 5 P59 Exhibit C Proposed Annual Assessment Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial): The following table summarizes the assessment rate for Street Light Maintenance District No. 6 (Commercial/Industrial) for DRC2012-00878: EBU Rate per Land Use Basis Factor* EBU* _ Single Family Unit 1.00 $51.40 Multi-Family Unit 1.00 51.40 Commercial/ Industrial Acre 1.00 51.40 Vacant Acre 2.00 51.40 *EBU means Equivalent Benefit Unit. The proposed annual assessment for the property described in Exhibit A is as follows: 1 Parcels x 1 EBU Factor x $51.40 Rate per EBU = $51.40 Annual Assessment Resolution No. 14-212 Page 5 of 5 P60 STAFF REPORT VENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Mark A. Steuer, Director of Engineering Services/City Engineer By: Jerry A. Dyer, Principal Civil Engineer Shelley Hayes, Assistant Engineer `,4 Subject: RELEASE OF MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE BOND NO. 0601057A IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,950.54, FOR THE 8TH STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION FROM 1300' EAST OF HELLMAN AVENUE TO 200' WEST OF HERMOSA AVENUE, CONTRACT NO. 13-116 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Clerk to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond No. 0601057A in the amount of $19,950.54, for the 8th Street Pavement Rehabilitation from 1300' east of Hellman Avenue to 200' west of Hermosa Avenue, Contract No. 13-116. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The required one-year maintenance period has ended and the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship. Contractor: Hardy & Harper 1312 E. Warner Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 Respectfully submitted, ter-- Mark A. S - er - •r of Engineering Services/City Engineer MAS/JAD/SH:Is . P61 _r ■_ - - - Zr. Mil -- -- i- -- - 1 iN _- -'R!T li Oe�- -t�t 1- -- -- -- -- -- -- - a -a -- - - -- -- -- - -, -i MI - -_ - - - -- - i ■ A!1 - -■f _ - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --1 - - -■1 -- - � i■ a -- -- -. --� -- -- .--....11, -- ow 6111 NIIII sr Ism no_r ��04QII■q#'.11 - -- -- m- -- -- -- -7 as ■1111111111111111111 ■■■11111 - i�•��ti IIIIIIIn1 summa v� ma 11111111 pa11I11111111I141 -_ -- .- 1111I11l11I -1•UIl1111 _- p- _ Im■q1 ■1111111_ _ - - as -- IIn111111 -/111111111 -- -a _� _SI ■ 1' win :a_ -■c El■. 1111!!1111 _\I111111I _- -a ■A1 in ■I��I���. 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IZIII� ■ �. .. i _ h r l :Iffi • INN.,� 7TH STREEIIIL 1 Ttwir- "T. 1. fl _ i � Illill!IIIIIiIIIIi SII 'c 110 uu OM 111111111111111 - p 11 V -- IIIIIIIII111111 ��. ;; ° p 11IUU1IInn CM p11111111m1 sm. i � IIIIIIIIII � IFIIt111111111111 = - -- : III IIIm = i1111u1111I 1i ■'G, p 111111 1 IC C :- 11111■IIIIl1 III- ' . IIMIIMME I I I I !I 1 1111 I I I I Emma .■ MI tZ I c H STRE T v m11!1111111 al - mound - wi 1 _ if i _ -\ o mas Id ■■ 1 t -- -a -- In _ �• fA !, 111 �U■! �= ac c■ -s -- - I_...-.. 1J .:23 1■111 �a an. aa- a= mg - : ii' . -i ■■uiu man. I • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA N • . 8TH STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION Vil FROM 1300' E/O HELLMAN AVENUE TO HERMOSA AVENUE Morro SCALE P62 :Mf STAFF REPORT CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE RANCHO Date: November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City Council • From: . John R. Gillison, City Manager By: Tamara L. Layne, Finance Director 0* Subject: RECEIVE QUARTERLY BUDGET UPDATE REPORT • RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council receive and file the attached First Quarter Budget Report Card for the quarter ended September 30, 2014. The report is intended to provide the City Council with a • brief update on the budgetary performance of the City's operating funds which include the City General Fund, the Library Fund, and the Fire District Operating Funds. • • • • I:\finance\budgef2015\Quarterly budget updates to CC\staff report-1Q2014-15 budget update.docx P63 City of Rancho Cucamonga L I Fiscal Year 2014/15 U CAMOHV GA First Quarter Budget Report Card OVERVIEW analysis, these non-departmental divisions are excluded from the following chart. This report summarizes the City's overall financial Departmental operating expenditures (including position for the fiscal year through September 30, outstanding purchase orders/encumbrances) are 2014. The focus of this report is the City's operating generally consistent with the prior year and on target budget which is comprised of the City General Fund, as of the end of the first quarter. The following chart the Library Fund, and the Fire District Operating summarizes year-to-date combined expenditures and Funds. The revenue projections and budgets include encumbrances by department: necessary adjustments for encumbrances, carryovers, and any supplemental appropriations :,==17--,, 11111` ._ 771 ;'.t _ :; ., made by the City Council as of September 30, 2014. Administrative Services 6,976,365 4,294,193 62% Animal Care and Services 2,809,120 1,010,393 36% Buildin_and Safet 2,540,746 1,116,977 44% GENERAL FUND Ci Clerk 2,040 ,241 61% Ci Council 125,400 68,219 54% rESEEMZEIN General Fund Financial Condition. With 25% of Econ.&Comm.Develo.mn 1573 230 796,034 8% the year complete, General Fund expenditures are at Communi Services 4,828,840 1,843,551 38% En:'neerin: 2,036,747 922,896 45% 23% of projections (compared to 24% in the prior Plannin: 2,158,931 689,709 32% year) and revenues are at 7% (consistent with the Police 31,892,868 8,422,398 26% Public Works 9,934,460 6,139,606 62% prior year). Revenues are typically less during the Records Mana:ement 489,720 217.270 44% first quarter due to the timing of certain key revenues such as franchise fees, property tax, and sales tax. Factors contributing to a slightly higher percentage Both expenditures and revenues are explained in expended/encumbered in the departmental budgets more detail below. include the following: 1) some contracts cover the entire fiscal year and must be fully encumbered with 4" -. . t_.= - ;,, a purchase order at the beginning of the fiscal year; Revenues $ 68,900,980 $ 4,751,551 7% and 2) certain overhead cost allocations are Expenditures $ 69,839,263 $ 16,313,959 23% completely allocated at the beginning of the fiscal *Includes carryover purchase orders year. The expenditures budget and YTD actual figures Top Seven Revenues. The City's top seven above include carryover purchase orders from the revenues account for about 91% of total General prior fiscal year and one-time expenditures from Fund revenues (consistent with the prior year). reserves for target programs such as Spay/Neuter Following is a summary of these revenues as of the special events and a Sphere of Influence study end of the first quarter: planned for the fiscal year. Excluding the carryover purchase orders and the planned and intentional use of reserves, the City adopted a balanced budget for 26,5-61,740. 5, Y P g Sales tax 1,389,163 5% Fiscal Year 2014/15. Vehicle license fees* 14,991,030 - 0% Franchise fees 6,332,880 - 0% De pert tax Expenditures. The YTD actual figure above for Development 5,881230 ,943,130 879,860 22% expenditures incorporates all General Fund Business licenses 2,251,140 542,573 24% Trans.occu.anc taxes 2,579,170 674,511 26% divisions,including non-departmental divisions such *Includes Property tax in-lieu of VLF as General Overhead. For purposes of departmental Page 113 • P64 City of Rancho Cucamonga L j Fiscal Year 2014/15 First Quarter Budget Report Card Sales Tax. Results to date are closer to budget September 30,2014 for the current fiscal year, which estimates than it appears. Due to the "Triple Flip," is consistent with the prior fiscal year. we only receive 75%of our base revenues from State allocations;the remaining 25% is remitted to us from Property Tax. The first major apportionment of the County in January and May via a complicated taxes will occur in December. Included in the estimating formula. Excluding the 25% that will be property tax budget is post-RDA property tax remitted by the County, we have received about 7% revenue of$810,480 due to the State's elimination of of our budgeted revenues as of the end of the first redevelopment agencies in February 2012. This quarter (consistent with the prior year). The portion of the City's property taxes will be received percentage is lower than 25% as of the first quarter's in January and June as part of the County of San end due to the timing of our receipts from the State Bernardino's distribution of the Redevelopment and the County. As of the end of the first quarter,we Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF). have received one month's allocation of sales tax revenues from the State and two months' allocation Development Fees. Development revenues are of Prop 172 revenues, which is consistent with the coming in as anticipated with collection percentages prior year. Based on discussions with the City's sales ranging from 15% to 29%. It should be noted that tax consultant, it appears our sales tax revenues are development fees are not received in a linear or continuing to grow from the prior year which will be proportional manner throughout the fiscal year. in line with budget for the fiscal year. Business Licenses. Business license revenues are on Vehicle License Fees(VLF). As of the end of the first track with projections. The collection percentage is quarter,we have not received a disbursement of VLF slightly higher than the prior year. The peak of the from the State due to a delay in their remittance of renewals is not received until January. excess amounts collected for Fiscal Year 2013/14. In the prior year, these excess amounts were remitted Transient Occupancy Taxes. TOT revenues are during the first quarter. As a result of SB89 which performing consistently with projections and are was enacted as part of the Fiscal Year 2011/12 State slightly higher than at this time last year. budget,the State took away city VLF revenue to save State law enforcement grant programs. In spite of LIBRARY FUND the State's takeaway of the City's VLF, we will continue to receive the property tax in-lieu of VLF in Library Fund Financial Condition. As of the end January and May. Based on discussions with the of the first quarter, Library revenues are at 4% of City's property tax consultant, it is anticipated that projections (compared to 3% in the prior year) and revenues will come in slightly higher than expenditures are at 40% (compared to 41% in the anticipated for the fiscal year. prior year). Franchise Fees. We will not receive the largest �;9 - , 4 =ME ffi s: Y,•a-f components of franchise fee revenues — payments Revenues $ 4,102,500 $ 172,507 4% from Southern California Edison and Southern Expenditures $ 4,246,370 $ 1,691,713 40% California Gas Company — until April 2015. *Includes carryover purchase orders Franchise fees from other utilities are remitted approximately 30 days after the end of each quarter. Property tax makes up approximately 85% of the As such, no revenues have been received as of Library Fund's revenues (consistent with the prior year). As noted above,the first major apportionment Page 213 P65 City of Rancho Cucamonga L Fiscal Year 2014/15 c OGA First Quarter Budget Report Card of taxes will occur in December. The Library's pass-through from the former Redevelopment property tax revenues, however, also include a Agency. The full amount of the pass-through is statutory pass-through from the former allocated on a percentage basis between the Fire Redevelopment Agency. This pass-through District's operating funds and its capital fund based represents approximately 39% of the Library's upon the operating budget needs of the Fire District property tax revenues and will be received in January each fiscal year. As noted above, RPTTF revenues and June as part of the County's distribution of the will be received in January and June. Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF). Also included in the property tax budget is post-RDA The Fire District's expenditures are on track as of the property tax revenue of $140,340 due to the State's end of the first quarter. elimination of redevelopment agencies in February 2012. These revenues will also be distributed from SUMMARY the RPTTF. Overall,the City's operating budget for expenditures Factors contributing to a slightly higher percentage is performing well as of the end of the first quarter expended/encumbered include the following: 1) and is consistent with the prior year. Generally, some contracts cover the entire fiscal year and must revenues are on track or slightly ahead of projections be fully encumbered with a purchase order at the and expenditures are on track with or slightly below beginning of the fiscal year; and 2) certain overhead historical norms. Once additional revenues are cost allocations are completely allocated at the received during the second quarter, the revenue beginning of the fiscal year. components of the City's operating budget can be further analyzed. FIRE DISTRICT Fire District Financial Condition. With 25%of the year complete,Fire District operating revenues are at 1%of projections(consistent with the prior year)and expenditures are at 19% (compared to 20% in the prior year). Revenues $ 30,376,710 $ 161,731 1% Expenditures $ 31,347,963 $ 5,910,488 19% *Includes carryover purchase orders Property tax comprises approximately 92% of the Fire District's operating revenues (compared to 94% in the prior year) which includes the General Fund, CFD 85-1, and CFD 88-1. The first major apportionment of taxes will occur in December. Included in the property tax budget is post-RDA property tax revenues of $5,686,170 due to the State's elimination of redevelopment agencies in February 2012. This amount represents a statutory Page 313 P66 STAFF REPORT se y PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date: November 19, 2014 RANCHO To: Mayor and Members of the City Council CUCAMONGA John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director By: Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner Subject: TIME EXTENSION DRC2014-00876 - WS! HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC - A request for a one (1) year time extension of an existing Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) regarding an approved project of 269 single-family lots on approximately 168.77 acres of land within the Etiwanda North Specific Plan, located north of the Southern California Edison corridor between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue. APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09. Related Files: Annexation DRC2003-10151, Tentative Tract SUBTT14749, Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003-00409, General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00410 and Development Agreement Amendment DRC2003-00411 M. Staff has found the project to be within the scope of the project covered by a prior Environmental Impact Report certified by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in July 2004, and does not raise or create new environmental impacts not already considered in that Environmental Impact Report. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a one year Time Extension DRC2014-00876, by • adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval. ANALYSIS: A. BACKGROUND: The Development Agreement and project entitlements were originally reviewed and approved by the City Council on November 3, 2004 (Exhibit A). However, based on the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) hearing for the annexation, which was approved, and subsequent litigation over the project and settlement agreement, the effective date of the Development Agreement became January 18, 2005. Since the agreement is in effect for ten years, the expiration date is January 18, 2015. The project included a series of actions including the approval of a General Plan Amendment, Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749, and the associated Development Agreement for the development of 168.77 acres with 269 single-family lots (99.26 acres), park area (3.1 acres), Equestrian Park (2.7 acres), equestrian trail (0.44 acres), and drainage channel (1.77 acres). In addition, a related annexation encompassed a total of 240 acres, including the development site plus adjacent parcels owned by Southern California Edison and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. B. REQUEST: The project site, previously owned by Traigh Pacific, is now owned by the same developer that owns the area just south of the project site (WSI Highland Investments, LLC). On March 27, 2012, Traigh Pacific submitted a request to amend the terms of their Development Agreement. Traigh Pacific could not perform on providing the required Equestrian facilities as originally contemplated in the Development Agreement and the current developers have been P67 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TIME EXTENSION DRC2014-00876 -WS! HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC November 19, 2014 Page 2 working with City staff to find solutions to fulfill this requirement. As the expiration date is nearing, staff has initiated a time extension application for an additional one year to provide additional time to properly negotiate this issue. Any future amendments to the Development Agreement will be subject to a separate action. In September 2012, the City officially adopted an updated Development Code. Included in the Update was a new section that allows for the extension of time for all entitlements. Per Section 17.14.090(C), an initial time extension request may be granted that extends the expiration date for up to two (2) years from the original expiration date. Time extension requests are subject to the review and approval by the same authority that approved the original project. The request is for a one (1) year extension for the Development Agreement only. If the time extension request is granted, the approval of the development agreement will expire on January 18, 2016. STATUS OF RELATED ENTITLEMENTS: C. Planning Commission and Review Committees: The Planning Commission reviewed and approved the residential development project on June 9, 2004. All of the review committees (Grading, Technical, Design) analyzed the original project and recommended approval to the Planning Commission. Committee conditions were subsequently incorporated into the Resolution of Approval for the project. As the applicant does not propose any changes to the project in conjunction with this time extension request for the Development Agreement, no further actions by any of the Committees or Commission are necessary. The original conditions of approval would continue to apply per Section 17.14.090 (C)(2). D. Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749: The associated tentative tract map is not included in this time extension request. Tentative Tract Map 14749 was approved by the Planning Commission on June 9, 2004. This approval was appealed to the City Council, the appeal was denied and the project approved (second reading of Ordinances 729 [Specific Plan Amendment] and 730 [Development Agreement] on August 4, 2004). A lawsuit was subsequently filed on August 18, 2004, against the City over the approved project (Spirit of the Sage Council v. City of Rancho Cucamonga, with the applicant (Traigh Pacific L.P) as the Real Party of Interest). The case was settled on December 20, 2005, with the applicant agreeing to pay a settlement to the petitioner and the original City approval remaining intact. The settlement agreement became effective on February 10, 2006, with the lawsuit dismissed 7 days later on February 17, 2006. The City's attorney informed staff that pursuant to Government Code Section 66452.6 (c), the subject tentative tract map is entitled to an automatic time extension for the period between the date the lawsuit was filed (August 18, 2004) and the date the lawsuit was settled (February 10, 2006), or 541 days. Tentative tract maps are approved for 3 years. The start date of the 3-year approval period was the date of the second reading by the City Council for the Specific Plan Amendment and the Development Agreement. With the Time Extension, and the lawsuit taken into consideration, the official start date for SUBTT14749 was January 27, 2006, with the 3-year expiration date on January 27, 2009. The tentative tract map was set to expire on January 27, 2009. A time extension for the tentative tract map is not necessary at this time. The State legislature passed four bills: SB 1185, AB333 and AB208; and AB116, which automatically extended the duration of the approval period for all tentative maps that were set to expire on or before January 1, 2011 (SB1185), on or before January 1, 2012 (AB333) on or before January 1, 2014 (AB208), on or before July 13, 2013 (AB116). Furthermore, the P68 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TIME EXTENSION DRC2014-00876 -WS! HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC November 19, 2014 Page 3 • applicant was granted an additional year with the approval of a Time Extension request on June 8, 2011 (Resolution No. 11-26). The duration of the combined time extensions granted by all four State bills, as well as the one Time Extension approved, is 8 years. Therefore, the approval of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749 is now set to expire 8 years after January 27, 2009 which is on January 27, 2017. Environmental Assessment: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report on July 21, 2004 (State Clearing House #2003081085) in connection with the City's approval of Annexation DRC2003- 10151, Tentative Tract SUBTT14749 and Development Agreement DRC2003-00411. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i) substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed that indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or (iii) new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered; or (iv) additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. Staff has evaluated the Development Agreement Time Extension request and concludes that substantial changes to the project or the circumstances surrounding the project have not occurred and are not proposed which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previously certified EIR. In that the Time Extension is being requested in order to provide additional time for the developer to work with the City to address requirements of the Development Agreement, staff finds that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previously certified EIR, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less-than-significant. Therefore, pursuant to CEQA, staff recommends that the City Council concur with the staff determination that no additional environmental review is required in connection with the City's consideration of the Time Extension for Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411). CORRESPONDENCE: Per Section 17.14.050 of the Development Code, this item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. No correspondence has been received. Respectfully submitted, 444tals- Candyce Planning Director CB:MN/Is Attachments: Exhibit A - Ordinance No. 730A for Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) Draft Resolution of Approval for Time Extension DRC2014-00876 0 a P69 ORDINANCE NO. 730A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DRC2003-00411, A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND TRAIGH PACIFIC FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING AN APPROXIMATE 168.77 ACRE SITE WITH UP TO 269 RESIDENTIAL LOTS, FOR PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF THE LOWER SCE CORRIDOR BETWEEN ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EAST AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 730 — APN: 0225-083-05, 06, 07, 10, 22, 23, 25, AND 26 AND 0225-084-02. - A. RECITALS. 1. California Government Code Section 65864 provides, in pertinent part, as follows: 'The Legislature finds and declares that: A. The lack of certainty in the approval of development projects can result in a waste of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other development to the consumer, and discourage investment in and commitment to comprehensive planning, which would make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public. B. Assurance to the applicant for a development project that upon approval of the project, the applicant may proceed with the project in accordance with existing policies, rules and regulations, and subject to conditions of approval, will strengthen the public planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the economic costs of development." 2. California Government Code Section 65865 provides, in pertinent part, as follows: "A.Any city...may enter into a development agreement with any person having a legal or equitable interest in real property for the development of the property as provided in this article..." 3. California Government Code Section 65865.2 provides, in part, as follows: "A development agreement shall specify the duration of the agreement, the permitted uses of the property, the density or intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes. The development agreement may include conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for subsequent discretionary actions, provided that such conditions, terms, restrictions, and requirements for discretionary actions shall not prevent development of the land for the uses and to the density or intensity of development set forth in EXHIBIT Atheagreement..." Ordinance No. 730A 0 P70 Page 2 of 54 4. Attached to this Ordinance, marked as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, is proposed Development Agreement DRC2003-00411, concerning that property generally located north of the lower SCE Corridor between Etiwanda Avenue and East Avenue, and legally described in the attached Development Agreement. Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the Development Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is referred to as the "Development Agreement? 5. On June 9, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held a duly noticed public hearing concerning the Development Agreement and concluded said hearing on that date and recommended approval through adoption of its Resolution No. 04-80. 8. On July 21, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing regarding the Development Agreement. 7. On July 21, 2004, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 730 approving the Development Agreement. On August 4, 2004, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 730. 8. On October 20, 2004, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the adoption of a new ordinance approving the Development Agreement and repealing Ordinance No. 730. 9. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. ORDINANCE. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does hereby find, determine, and ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon the facts and information contained in the record of this project, the City Council makes the following findings and statements, and takes the following actions, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") (Public Resources Code Section 21000 ef. seq.): A. Traigh Pacific (the "Applicant") seeks approval of a series of actions related to the annexation of land from unincorporated San Bernardino County into the City of Rancho Cucamonga, the approval of a General Plan Amendment, Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749, and associated Developmert Agreement. The actions also include the development 107.28 acres of the 168.77-acre site with 269 single-family housing units (99.26 acres), park area (3.1 acres), equestrian park (2.7 acres), equestrian trail (0.44 acres), and drainage channel (1.77 acres). The development would have a gross density of P71 Ordinance No. 730A Page 3 of 54 1.59 dwelling units per acre, and a net density of 2.5 dwelling units per acre. The remaining 61.49 acres will continue to be used for flood control purposes. The proposed annexation action encompasses a total of 240 acres and includes the development site plus adjacent parcels owned by Southern California Edison and San Bernardino County Flood Control District. These series of actions and approvals are hereinafter defined in this Ordinance as the"Project." B. The Applicant has submitted the following applications relating to the Project: Annexation DRC2003-01051, General Plan Land Use Amendment DRC2003-00410, Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003-00409, Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749, and Development Agreement DRC2003-00411 (collectively the "Project Applications"). These Project Applications, as well as the appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Tentative Tract Map SUBTT14749, constitute the matters involving the Project, which are submitted to the City Council for decision and action. C. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, acting as the lead agency, prepared the Draft Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Project, including certain technical appendices (the "Appendices") to the Draft EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 2003081085). The Draft EIR was circulated for a 45- day public review and comment period from December 5, 2003 through January 28, 2004. Comments were received during that period and written responses were prepared and sent to all persons and entities submitting comments. Those comments and the responses thereto have been included in the Final EIR, as well as the revisions to the Draft EIR. Those documents, together with the Draft EIR and Appendices, comprise the Final EIR. D. The City Council finds that the Final EIR was completed pursuant to CEQA, and the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA, 14 California Code of Regulations, Section 15000, et. seq. ("the Guidelines"). By Resolution No. 04-240, the City Council has certified the Final EIR as being in compliance with the requirements of CEQA. E. The City Council finds that the Final EIR was presented to the City Council and that the City Council reviewed and considered the information in the Final EIR and has reached its own conclusions with respect to the Project and as to whether and how to approve the various components of the project approvals. F. The City Council finds that the Final EIR represents the independent judgment of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga and adequately addresses the impacts of the Project and imposes appropriate mitigation measures for the Project. Ordinance No. 730A 0 P72 Page 4 of 54 G.. Public Resources Code Section 21081 provides that no public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an environmental impact report has been completed which identifies one or more significant environmental effects unless the public agency makes one or more of the following findings with respect to each significant effect: i). Changes or alterations have been required in, cr incorporated into the project, which mitigate or avoid the significant environmental effects thereof as identified in the completed environmental impact report. ii). Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and such changes have been adopted by such agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. iii). Specific economic, social or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the environmental impact report. H. The City Council finds, based upon the Final EIR, public comments, public agency comments, and the entire record before it, that the Project may create significant impacts in the areas of Earth Resources, Water Resources, Transportation/Circulation, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Hazards, Noise, Public Services, Utilities, Aesthetics, and Cultural Resources. However, changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into the Project, which will mitigate and in some cases, avoid the significant impacts. The specific changes and alterations required, and a brief explanation of the rationale for the findings with regard to each impact, are contained in the "CEQA Findings" for the Project (Exhibit "F" to the July 21, 2004 City Council Staff Report) and are incorporated herein by reference. In addition to the rationale and explanation contained in the "CEQA Findings", the City Council makes the following additional findings regarding the impacts of the Project on the resources and services listed in this paragraph: 9. EARTH RESOURCES. The Final EIR finds that development of the Project would expose people and structures to risks associated with seismic ground shaking produced by numerous regional faults. Additionally, development of the project would require removal of vegetation to prepare for grading; this would create a short-term increased potential for top soil erosion. Potential erosion in the long-term would result from increased surface runoff rates due to road paving and construction of impermeable structures. Mitigation measures are imposed which require a detailed geologic and geotechnical investigation for each lot prior to the grading of the Project site. Specifically, the developer must: demonstrate that each lot is buildable and complies with recommendations and specifications found in the geotechnical investigation report included in Appendix C of the Final EIR (Mitigation Measure 3-1); identify • 0 0 P73 Ordinance No. 730A Page 5 of 54 potential geologic and soil limitations and recommend appropriate engineering and design measures to adequately protect structures and inhabitants (Mitigation Measure 3-2); and identify these construction measures on applicable grading plans, and implement them to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Further, mitigation measures are imposed on the project that require preparation and approval of a Dust Control Plan and a Landscape and Irrigation Plan to reduce the likelihood of erosion (Mitigation Measures 3-4 and 3- 5). Based on these mitigation measures, and the additional ones contained in the Final EIR, the City Council finds that the effects of seismic shaking on persons and structures and the possibility of erosion will be mitigated to a level of less than significant. ii). WATER RESOURCES. The Final EIR identifies that conversion of the Project site to urban uses would increase the amount of sediment, suspended debris, landscape maintenance or associated chemicals (e.g., fertilizers, herbicides, etc.), and materials related to automotive wear (e.g., tire rubber, oil, antifreeze, etc.) that would reach the local drainage system due to run-off caused by grading or by being washed off streets during storm events or street-sweeping activities. Mitigation measures imposed on the applicant would require the Project developer to apply for and receive a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and, if necessary, to obtain Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits (for water quality certification for dredge and fill operations); additionally, the developer will be required to implement all applicable Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent construction of the Project from polluting surface and ground waters. The City Council finds that implementation of this mitigation measure will mitigate impacts on water quality to a level of less than insignificant. Additionally, the Final EIR identifies that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has identified the Project site as within a flood zone designated "Flood Zone D." Mitigation measures will require the developer to install a revetment along the East Etiwanda Channel adjacent to the Project site, and implement on- and off-site drainage system improvements outlined in the Project Drainage Study (Appendix D of the draft EIR). The City Council finds that the revetment and drainage improvements will reduce flood impacts associated with the Project to a level of less than significant. III). TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION. The Final EIR indicates that the proposed Project would increase vehicle trips and impact the level of service along arterial streets and intersections; specifically, the Project is anticipated to generate a total of 2,956 daily vehicle trips at build-out. Further, it is assumed that at build- out 68% of the Project traffic would enter/exit the site along Etiwanda Avenue, while 32% would use East Avenue; this distribution would cause some roads to be more intensely affected P74 Ordinance No. 730A Page 6 of 54 than others. Additionally, the Final EIR found that the level of service at the intersection of Etiwanda and Highland Avenues could be reduced to a "D" level during the morning peak hour at full build- out. Mitigation Measures are imposed to require the developer to contribute a fair share to the traffic signal mitigation program of the County of San Bernardino and/or the City of Rancho Cucamonga to help fund the construction of traffic signals at the intersections of: Day Creek Boulevard/Banyan Avenue; Day Creek Boulevard/SR- 210 West-bound ramp; Day Creek Boulevard/SR 210 East-bound ramp; Etiwanda Avenue/Banyan Avenue; Etiwanda Avenue/Wilson Avenue; and East Avenue/Banyan Avenue. Further, the developer will be required to pay a "fair share" contribution towards off-site impacts to linked roadways and intersections as outlined in the Project traffic report; this "fair share" amount is approximately $63,818 as of the date of the traffic study. The City Council finds that based on these mitigation measures, traffic at the study intersections will be reduced to operate at a level of service of D or better (with all but one intersection operating at level of service C or better) and that the impacts of the Project on Traffic and Circulation will be mitigated to a level of less than significant iv). AIR QUALITY. The Final EIR identifies that the Project may create significant and unavoidable impacts on Air Quality. Specifically, the Final EIR identifies that emissions from construction-related activities are likely to exceed the threshold of significance specified by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). These impacts are short-term and can cause nuisance impacts to adjacent land uses in the local area by way of fugitive dust produced by grading of the site. In addition, construction-related emissions, particularly from architectural coatings (painting) and off-road diesel equipment, are anticipated to produce significant levels of reactive organic compounds (ROC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that would exceed SCAQMD thresholds of significance and result in significant short-term air pollution impacts. Comprehensive mitigation measures (Mitigation Measures 6-1 - 6-10) are imposed on the Project which will require various dust control measures, emission control measures, and off-site actions. Included in those measures are requirements to ensure that all construction equipment is properly serviced and maintained and that trucks are not left idling for prolonged periods (i.e., in excess of 10 minutes), reestablishment of ground cover through seeding and watering, phased grading to prevent the susceptibility of large areas to erosion over extended periods of time, suspension of grading operations during periods of high wind (i.e., wind speeds exceeding 25 mph), and regular washing and sweeping of the site. The Final EIR also indicates that the Project would produce long-term impacts on Air Quality as a result of the additional external vehicle trips that will be generated, and their attendant production of NO and PM10 in excess of SCAQMD standards. Further, secondary impact potential would derive from energy consumption by on-site residential heaters, stoves, water heaters, and similar consumptive 0 P75 Ordinance No. 730A Page 7 of 54 appliances. Mitigation measures imposed on the Project to reduce long-term impacts include requiring the developer to demonstrate that all residential structures have incorporated high-efficiency/low- polluting heating, air conditioning, appliances, and water heaters (Mitigation Measure 6-11), and that all residential structures have incorporated thermal pane windows and weather-stripping (Mitigation Measure 6-12). Further, the developer will be required to make a fair share contribution to a "park and ride' facility along the 1-15 or 1-10 freeways, as well as construct a bus stop/shelter at the trailhead park, if directed by OmniTrans. The City Council finds that with the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures directed at both short- and long-term impacts, emissions will be reduced and the Project's contribution to regional emission of criterial pollutants will be minimized. However, the City Council finds that despite the imposition of all of these comprehensive mitigation requirements, the Project will produce significant short- and long-term impacts on Air Quality due to emissions, and that these impacts will remain significant after mitigation. v). BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. The Final EIR indicates that, prior to the Grand Prix fire in October 2003, the Project site contained approximately 109 acres of sage scrub (including white sage), along with California buckwheat, California filago, valley lessingia, popcorn flower, and common phacelia; the Project will eliminate this vegetation through development of the area. Further, the Project will impact sensitive plant species present on the site (as determined before the 2003 wildfire) including Plummer's mariposa lily, Pious daisy, and four separate types of spineflowers (Ramona, prostrate, California, and Parry's). Development of the site will also impact wildlife corridors and will remove habitat that supports a number of sensitive species that were either observed onsite or have a moderate to high potential to occur onsite, including the sharp-shinned hawk, Southern California rufous-crowned sparrow, red-shouldered hawk, white-tailed kite, northern harrier, Cooper's hawk, San Diego horned lizard, and orange-throated whiptail. The Final EIR indicated that the California gnatcatcher (a federally listed threatened species) has not been observed on-site and has a low probability of occurring on the site due to the type of vegetation present. Also, the Final EIR found that while a portion of the Project site (the Etiwanda Creek channel) is within the historical range of the endangered San Bernardino Kangaroo Rat (SBKR), since the creek channel is not proposed for development, the Project will not cause direct impacts to the SBKR. The Final EIR further found that development of the site will remove 0.48 acres of land in four small drainages that are . under Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) jurisdiction, but that none of these areas is considered a wetland. The Final EIR found that the Project is not consistent with the goals of the North Etiwanda Open Space and Habitat Preservation Program (NEOSHPP) since it does not include any on-site preservation of open space lands. Mitigation measures have been Ordinance No. 730A 0 P76 Page 8 of 54 imposed on the project to require the Project developer to acquire and convey to the County approximately 164 acres of land as off- site mitigation land. This 164-acre area is intended to accomplish a 1:5 to 1 ratio to mitigate for the loss of the approximately 109 acres of sage scrub and to mitigate the potential loss of habitat for sensitive plants and animal species. The City finds that the recommended mitigation measures will help reduce potentially significant impacts regarding the loss of habitat, but that the impacts will remain significant after mitigation. vi). HAZARDS. The Final EIR identifies that the Project would expose people and structures to potential hazards due to the possibility of hazardous materials spills on nearby state highways, and due to the minor use of chemicals and other materials typical of suburban uses. Additionally, the Project would expose more people and structures to potential wildfire hazards, and would expose more people to potentially dangerous wildlife/human encounters. Mitigation measures imposed will require submission of a plan detailing proper dean-up efforts for any hazardous or toxic substance that is discovered or released during construction (Mitigation Measure 9-1); development of fuel modification zones, and the requirement of °firewise" landscaping and the use of fire- resistant building materials to reduce fire hazards (Mitigation Measures 9-2 - 9-4); and the posting of signs warning of the potential risk of wildlife/human interactions on the site (Mitigation Measure 9-8). The City Council finds that after implementation of these measures, potentially significant impacts relating to Hazards will be reduced to a level of less than significant. vii). NOISE. The Final EIR identifies the likelihood of short-term impacts on ambient noise levels during construction of the Project. The primary source of construction noise is heavy equipment associated with construction activities; earth-moving equipment is anticipated to create noise up to 90-dB. A mitigation measure has been imposed that will require the construction contractors to adhere to the City's Development Code for hours of construction activity — 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, with no construction to take place on Sundays or holidays (Mitigation Measure 10-2). Based on this mitigation measure, the City Council finds that the short term noise impacts from the Project will be reduced to less than significant levels. The Final EIR also identified that noise levels would increase in the long-term due to additional motor vehicle noise and from general human activity, In the opening year (2005), noise levels at fifty feet from the centerline of area roadways would range from a low of 58.1 CNEL along Wilson Avenue east of Etiwanda Avenue to a high of 78.3 CNEL along Highland Avenue east of Etiwanda Avenue. A mitigation measure will be imposed to require the developer to document that exterior residential areas will have exterior noise levels of less than 65 dB CNEL (Mitigation Measure 10-5), and that interior living area noise levels are less ' 0 P77 Ordinance No. 730A Page 9 of 54 than 45 dB CNEL (Mitigation Measure 10-6). Further, the developer will be required to incorporate site designs and measures to help reduce proposed noise levels over the long-term. The City Council finds that based on these mitigation measures, the potential noise impacts of the Project on current and future residents will be mitigated to a level of less than significant. viii). PUBLIC SERVICES. The Final EIR identifies that due to population increases associated with the Project, the proposed Project would incrementally increase the need for public services in the areas of fire protection, police protection, schools, libraries, medical services, and roads. A mitigation measure is imposed to require the developer to pay all legally established public service fees, including police, fire, schools, parks, and library fees (Mitigation Measure 11- 1). Additionally, in order to reduce the number of fire incidents requiring response by the City's Fire Department, the project developer would be required to obtain approval from the Fire Department with regard to adequate fire flow and installation of acceptable fire-resistant structural materials in project buildings (Mitigation Measure 11-3). Additionally, the developer will be required to post a bond in an amount sufficient to ensure installation and maintenance of public and private roads, and drainage facilities necessary for each phase of the project (Mitigation Measure 11-5). The City Council finds that the imposition and implementation of these mitigation measures will mitigate the Project's impacts on Public Services to a level of less than significant. Ix). UTILITIES The Final ER identifies that the Project would create potentially significant impacts as a result of new residential water requirements of approximately 602,819 gallons of water per day; this water would be provided from an existing two million gallon water reservoir via an existing water main, however, as growth continues in the Project area, additional offsite water storage facilities would be required. Further, the Final EIR indicates that based on an estimate of 270 gallons of wastewater per unit per day being produced, the Project would require construction of a sewer main to transport the wastewater to an existing sewage treatment plant. Additionally, the Project would generate the need for increased electricity, natural gas, and telephone and television cables, and would increase the amount of solid waste produced. A mitigation measure imposed requires the contribution of funds for sewer service (Mitigation Measure 12-1). Further mitigation measures require submission of development plans to Southern California Edison, the Gas Company, and Verizon in order to facilitate engineering design and construction of improvements necessary to provide electrical, natural gas, and telephone service to the Project; these companies must also provide "will-serve" letters in order for building permits to issue. The City Council finds that imposition of these mitigation measures will reduce the impacts of the Project on Utilities to a level of less than significant. Ordinance No. 730A P78 Page 10 of 54 x). AESTHETICS. The Final EIR identifies that the Project may create significant and unavoidable impacts on Aesthetics. In the short- term, the landscape would be altered by grading and clearing, and views of the Project site would include the heavy construction equipment and machinery used to prepare the Project site for construction of new homes. Long-term impacts would occur due to a fundamental change in the visual and aesthetic character of the area, and would transform the existing natural terrain into a developed and planned community. Additionally, the presence of homes would mean more lighting at night, as well as increased glare due to additional windows in the community. Mitigation measures will require that outdoor lighting comply with the requirements of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan design guidelines and the City's General Plan (Mitigation Measure 13-1), and that a detailed landscaping and wall treatment plan be prepared (Mitigation Measure 13-5). Even with the imposition and implementation of these and other mitigation measures, the City Council finds that the impact of the Project on Aesthetics will remain significant after mitigation. xi). CULTURAL RESOURCES. The Final EIR identifies that while the existence of paleontological resources is unlikely on the Project site, such resources may be discovered during construction of the Project. Also, one historic archeological site was previously recorded on the property, CA-SBR-3131H. This prior survey found what appeared to be the remains of a construction camp used by the Etiwanda Water Company in the 1880s; the structure consisted of rock walls, hand-forged metal barrel hoops and nails, barbed wire, and glass fragments. Mitigation measures imposed require that a qualified paleontologist conduct a preconstruction field survey of the Project site and submit a report of findings and specific recommendations for further mitigation measures (Mitigation Measure 14-1). Should any prehistoric archaeological resources be found before or during grading, a qualified archaeologist would be retained to monitor construction activities, and take appropriate measures to protect or preserve the resources. The City Council finds that with the implementation of these mitigation measures, the Project will have a less than significant impact on paleontological, archaeological, and historical resources. xi I). CUMULATIVE IMPACTS — AIR QUALITY, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. AND AESTHETICS. The Final EIR provides that this Project, together with the construction of other development projects in the vicinity, would create cumulative short-term impacts to air quality during construction. This Project would also create a significant cumulative impact to regional air quality due to additional vehicle emissions adding incremental pollutants within the South Coast Air Basin. With respect to biological resources, the Final EIR concluded that the Project would contribute to cumulatively considerable biological impacts with loss of habitat and restriction of 0 P79 Ordinance No. 730A Page 11 of 54 wildlife movement in the fan area due to encroachment of human structures and activities. With respect to aesthetics, the proposed project will contribute incrementally to cumulatively considerable aesthetic impacts related to the visual character of the area going from largely vacant, rural terrain to low density suburban development. I. The City Council finds, based on the Final EIR, that after implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the following impacts associated with the proposed Project would remain significant: air quality (short-term impacts, and short and long-term cumulative impacts), biological resources related to the loss of habitat, and aesthetics related to short- term views (i.e. construction activities and dust) and long-term views related to transforming the existing natural terrain into a residential community. J. The Final EIR describes a range of alternatives to the Project that might fulfill basic objectives of the Project. These alternatives include the required "No Project-No Development" alternative, and the "Rural Density Alterative," development under the existing land use designation. Other alternatives that were considered and rejected included the alternative location alternative and the alternative land use alternative. As set forth below, the alternatives identified in the Final EIR are not feasible because they would not achieve the basic objectives of the Project or would do so only to a much smaller degree and, therefore, leave unaddressed the significant economic, infrastructure, and General Plan goals that the Project is intended to accomplish, and are thus infeasible due to social and economic considerations, and/or they are infeasible because they would not eliminate the adverse environmental impacts of the proposed Project. Accordingly, each of the alternatives is infeasible. In making this finding, the City Council determines as follows: i) The objectives of the Project are: a To be consistent with, and implement, the established policies and goals of the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan, Etiwanda North Specific Plan, City Development Code, and all other City development guidelines; b. Annexation of approximately 240 acres including the 168.77- acre Project site and adjacent utility easements and corridors into the City of Rancho Cucamonga; c. To Integrate the Project with the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and establish a development that results in logical, coordinated growth; 0 P80 Ordinance No. 730A Page 12 of 54 d. To establish a Project-wide circulation system that meets regional and local transportation needs and accommodates both vehicles and pedestrians; e. To provide a system of public/community facilities, including trails, open space areas, and landscaping to support the residents of the Project and surrounding area in an efficient and timely manner; f. To provide backbone public infrastructure (i.e., roads, utilities) to serve Project residents and the surroundirg community; g. To minimize impacts to, and generate revenues in excess of costs for various public service agencies; and h. To provide quality housing opportunities compatible with existing and planned development that responds to market demands. ii) Under the "No Project-No Development Alternative" the project site would remain vacant which would avoid all significant project specific impacts, although cumulative impacts including traffic, noise, and air quality would eventually occur, but not to the same degree as if the proposed Project were built. This alternative would eliminate essentially all of the adverse impacts of the proposed Project and is, therefore, an environmentally superior alternative. This alternative does not meet the Project's basic objectives of developing a residential project consistent with the General Plan land use designation for the site. iil) Under the "No Project — Open Space Alternative" the site would remain vacant but be acquired, fenced, and maintained for open space and biological habitat as part of the NEOSHPP plan. This alternative would avoid all the significant impacts of developing the property, however, cumulative impacts including traffic, noise, and air quality, will eventually occur regardless of whether the site is developed or preserved, although perhaps not to the same degree as with the proposed ProjecL This is an environmentally superior alternative but does not meet the Project's basic objectives, and indeed all other objectives, of developing a project consistent with the General Plan land use designation for the site. Iv) Under the "Reduced Intensity Alternative" almost all of the significant or potentially significant impacts associated with the proposed project would be eliminated. The remaining significant impact (i.e., construction emissions) could probably not be eliminated or significantly reduced by the implementation of any feasible alternative or mitigation measures at th's time, unless the project were to support all custom lots of one acre or more where only building pads are graded when needed. However, the Project 0 + ,,� P81 Ordinance No. 730A Page13 of 54 fiscal report indicates that fewer, larger residential lots/units would not generate sufficient public revenues to offset costs to provide services. While this alternative is environmentally superior to the proposed Project, it does not meet the Project's economic objectives of developing a residential project that has a positive cost/benefit ratio for the City and generates a reasonable return on investment. Also, since this alternative does not fully implement the City's goal of providing adequate park facilities for City residents v) The "Modified Site Plan Alternative" would create a 300-foot wide buffer along the west bank of the East Etiwanda Creek to better buffer wildlife movement and create more open space. It would cluster the residential development in the southwestern portion of the site and would have 200 units with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet and a height limit of one story. It would eliminate the significant impacts of the proposed project-related long-term air quality (NOx and ROG emissions). However, potentially significant impacts related to short-term air pollutant emissions (ROG) and loss of biological resources would remain. Also, this alternative does not meet the Project's economic objectives of developing a residential project that has a positive cost/benefit ratio for the City and generates a reasonable return on Investment. This alternative is marginally superior to the proposed Project in terms of environmental impacts, but it does not meet the Project objectives. VI) The "Rural Density Alterative" would development the site under the City's currently designated of Very Low density residential (VL) which allows a maximum of 2 units per acre of developable land with minimum 20,000 square foot lots. This alternative would locate approximately 75 units on 37 acres in the southern portion of the site, while the remaining 70 acres would be set aside as open space and biological habitat. This alternative would eliminate the significant impacts of the proposed Project related to biological resources related to loss of alluvial fan habitat and long-term air quality from NOx and ROG emissions. This alternative still has significant impacts related to short-term air pollutant emissions (ROG) and does not provide the benefits of two parks. Also, this alternative does not meet the Project's economic objectives of developing a residential project that has a positive cost/benefit ratio for the City and generates a reasonable return on investment. As such, it does not meet the Project's goals. This alternative is environmentally superior to the proposed Project, but it does not meet the Project objectives K. Mitigation measures described in the Mitigation Monitoring Program will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental effects of the Project. Further, the environmental, physical, social, economic and other benefits of the Project, as set forth in this section and in the "CEQA Findings" for the Project (Exhibit "F" to the July 21, 2004 City Council Staff Report), which is incorporated herein by this reference, Ordinance No. 730A 0 t P82 Page14 of 54 outweigh any unavoidable, significant, adverse impacts that may occur as a result of the Project, including short-term impacts on air quality from construction-related emissions and cumulative impacts to air quality related to vehicle emissions; impacts to biological resources related to removal of habitat; and short-term impacts to aesthetics (i.e. construction dust obscuring views) and long-term impacts to aesthetics (changes to the natural terrain). Therefore, due to overriding benefits of the Project and because the alternatives identified in the Final EIR are not feasible, as discussed in paragraph j above, the City Council hereby finds that any unavoidable impacts of the Project, including the mitigated but unavoidable impacts to short-term and long-term impacts on air quality and aesthetics, and project related and cumulative impacts to biological resources, are acceptable based on the findings contained herein and in the"CEQA Findings" for the Project. This determination shall constitute a statement of overriding considerations within the mean;ng of CEQA and is based on any one of the following environmental and other benefits of the Project identified in the Final EIR and the record of the City Council's proceedings: i) Provision for the use of land consistent with the established policies and goals of the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan, Etiwanda North Specific Plan, City Development Code, and all other City Development guidelines; II) Annexation of approximately 240 acres including the 168.77-acre Project site and adjacent utility easements and corridors into the City of Rancho Cucamonga; III) Integration of the Project with the character of the surrounding neighborhoods and establishment of a development that results in logical, coordinated growth; Iv) Establishment of a Project-wide circulation system that meets regional and local transportation needs and accommodates both vehicles and pedestrians; v) Provision of a system of public/community facilities, including trails, open space areas, and landscaping to support the residents of the Project and surrounding area In an efficient and timely manner; vi) Provision of backbone public infrastructure (i.e., roads, utilities) to serve Project residents and the surrounding community; vii) Minimization of impacts to, and generation of revenues in excess of costs for, various public service agencies; and viii) Provision of quality housing opportunities compatible with existing and planned development that responds to market demands. P83 Ordinance No. 730A Page15 of 54 ix) The addition of housing units in accomplishment of the City's Housing Element Goals and fulfillment of regional housing needs. x) City control over the developing lands on the City's perimeter. xl) Advancement of the regional trail system by the links to be completed by the Project. L. The mitigation measures in the Final EIR that correspond to the environmental impacts which may result from the Project are hereby adopted and made a condition of approval of, or incorporated into, the Project. The City Council also hereby adopts the "Mitigation Monitoring Plan" attached as Exhibit "H" to the July 21, 2004 City Council Staff Report for this Project. The Mitigation Monitoring Plan will be used to monitor compliance with the mitigation measures and conditions that have been adopted or made a condition of Project approval as set forth in this Section of this Ordinance and in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan. M. Pursuant to provisions of the Califomia Public Resources Code Section 21089(b), the findings contained in this Ordinance shall not be operative, vested or final until all required filing fees assessed pursuant to California Fish and Game Code Section 711.4, together with any required handling charges, are paid to the County Clerk of the County of San Bernardino. SECTION 3: The City Council finds that the Development Agreement does comply with the requirements of California Government Code Sections 65865 through 65869.5 in that the Development Agreement does specify in detail and contains the following: A. Provisions are included in Section 3(A) of the Development Agreement requiring periodic review of the Agreement at least every twelve months, at which time the applicant shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Agreement (California Government Code Section 65865.1). B. The duration of the Development Agreement is specified in Section 1(B) of the Agreement as being for ten (10) years (Government Code Section 65865.2). C. The permitted uses of the property, the density and intensity of use, the maximum height and size of the proposed structures, and other required provisions are referred to in Section 2(A) of the Development Agreement (Government Code Section 65865.2). D. The Development Agreement includes conditions, terms, restrictions and requirements for subsequent discretionary actions in Section 2(B) of the Agreement(Government Code Section 65865.2). a 0 P84 Ordinance No. 730A Page16 of 54 E. The Development Agreement includes terms and conditions in Section 2 that require the developer to improve portions of public streets around the perimeter of the property and provide for and improve streets inside the development(Government Code Section 65865.2). F. The Development Agreement specifies that the Project is to be constructed in coordination with the construction of certain public infrastructure improvements as specified in Section 2 of the Agreement. (Government Code Section 65865.2). SECTION 4. Based upon substantial evidence presented during the above- referenced public hearings on July 21, 2004 and October 20, 2004, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds that upon the adoption of General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00410, the Development Agreement will provide for development which is consistent with the Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. The City Council bases its findings of consistency with the General Plan on the fact that the project entitlements specified in the Development Agreement provide for the extension of the low density image of Old Etiwanda into the area as provided in General Plan Policy, the fact that the proposed uses set forth in this Development Agreement are compatible with the character of existing development in the vicinity, and that the Development Agreement is consistent with the General Plan's intent to keep substantial portions of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan area as open space. SECTION 5: Based on substantial evidence presented during the above- referenced public hearings on July 21, 2004 and October 20, 2004, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Council hereby specifically finds that upon the adoption of Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003- 00409, the Development Agreement will provide for development which is consistent with the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. The City Council bases its findings of consistency with the Etiwanda North Specific Plan on the facts that the proposed Project will contain relatively large minimum residential lot sizes (minimum size of 8,400 square feet and an average lot size of 11,600 square feet), which are larger lots than in many other portions of the City and consistent with the goals of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan to provide for larger lots and equestrian lots. In addition, development of lots less than 20,000 square feet will require the developer to contribute an in-lieu fee of $1,000 per lot for the development of an Equestrian Center. The Project is also designed to contain a trails system, provide for views of the f�"'� 0 Ordinance No. 730A P85 Page17 of 54 mountains, and with the imposition of Mitigation Measure 1-1, will comply with the Specific Plan's requirements for landscape treatments and required walls, fencing, lighting and community entry that is consistent with the design scheme specified in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. SECTION 6. Ordinance No. 730 is hereby repealed. SECTION 7. This Council hereby approves Development Agreement DRC2003-00411, attached hereto as Exhibit "A," subject to the condition that the Development Agreement shall not become effective unless and until General Plan Amendment DRC2003- 00410 and the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment DRC2003-00409 have been reviewed and approved by the City Council and have taken effect. SECTION 8: The Mayor shall sign this Ordinance and the City Clerk shall cause the same to be published within 15 days after its passage at least once in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Ontario, California, and circulated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. Upon the effective date of this Ordinance and satisfaction of the provisions contained in Section 6 of this Ordinance, the Mayor shall execute the Development Agreement on behalf of the City and the City Clerk shall cause the Agreement to be recorded In the offices of the County Recorder for the County of San Bernardin Please see the following pages for formal adoption, certification and signatures 00 Ordinance No. 730A P86 Page18 of 54 PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this 3'"day of November 2004. AYES: Alexander, Gutierrez, Howdyshell, Kurth, Williams NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None I� 9,1 r 'liam J. Alex .nder, Mayo ATTEST: Debra J. Ada , CMC, City Clerk I, DEBRA J. ADAMS, CITY CLERK of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 18"' day of June 2004. and was passed at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the 3° day November of 2004. Executed this 4th day of November of 2004, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. '' i a i .. 'ebra J. Adam's C, City Clerk ( P87 Ordinance No:730A Page19 of 54 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT DRC2003-00411 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AND TRAIGH PACIFIC PROPERTIES(dba TRACY DEVELOPMENT) CONCERNING THE PROPOSED TENTATIVE TRACT 14749 This Agreement (the "Development Agreement") is made and entered into this 21st day of July, 2004, by and between Traigh Pacific Properties (dba Tracy Development) and Parkwest Landscape. California corporations;and San Bernardino Flood Control District, and the City of Rancho Cucamonga, a municipal corporation (the "CITY") pursuant to the authority of Section 65864 through 65869.5 of the California Government Code. Traigh Pacific Properties, Parkwest Landscape, and San Bernardino Flood Control District, and its successors and assigns, if any, are referred to collectively hereinafter as the "Property Owner". The CITY and Traigh Pacific Properties at at are collectively referred to herein as the"Parties". RECITALS: A. To provide more certainty in the approval of development projects, to encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and to reduce the economic risk of development, the Legislature of the State of California has adopted Sections 65864, et seq. of the California Government Code, thus authorizing the CITY to enter into binding development agreements with persons having legal or equitable interests in real property, in order to establish development rights with respect thereto. B. Section 65865(b)of the California Government Code authorizes the CITY to enter into a binding development agreement with respect to real property which is in unincorporated territory but also within the CITY's sphere of influence, provided that the effectiveness of the development agreement is conditioned upon the annexation of such real property to the CITY within the period of time for annexation as specified in the Development Agreement. C. Property Owner owns fee title to approximately 168.8-acres of real property located entirely within the County of San Bernardino (the "County") and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" and depicted on Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Project Site"). D. On April 24, 2003 the City received an application for Tentative Tract Map (SUBTT14749), a General Plan Amendment (DRC2003-00410), an Etiwanda North Specific Plan Amendment (DRC2003-00409), along with this Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) and a request for Annexation (DRC2003-01051) of the Proposed Project. An Environmental Impact Report has been prepared to address the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project and all discretionary actions anticipated by the CITY and the Local Agency Formation Commission. E. As set forth in Ordinance No. 730A adopted by the City Council on (the "Enacting Ordinance"), the execution of this Development Agreement and performance of and compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein by the Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P88 Ordinance No. 730A • Page 20 of 54 • Parties hereto: (i) is in the best interest of the CITY; (ii) will promote the public convenience, general welfare, and good land use practices in the CITY; (iii) wil promote preservation of land values; (iv) will encourage the development of the Project by providing a level of certainty to the Property Owner; and (v) will provide for orderly growth and development of the CITY consistent with the CITY's General Plan. AGREEMENT: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals, and the mutual promises and covenants of the Parties,and for other good and valuable consideration. he receipt and sufficiency of which us hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: Section 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Effectiveness of Development Agreement Notwithstanding the effective date of the Enacting Ordinance, this Development Agreement shall only become effective, and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall only arise, upon the date that the last of the fallowing have occurred: 1. The project site has been annexed to the CITY and said annexation is final as to any and all administrative actions,and is not subject to judicial challenge;and 2. The Project and the Final EIR have been approved by the CITY and all entitlements have been issued for completion by Property Owner, B. Term The term of this Development Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall extend for a period of Ten (10) years thereafter, unless this Development Agreement is terminated, modified or extended by circumstances set forth in this Development Agreement, including, without limitation, the extensions provided below and any extensions attributable to "force majeure" circumstances described in Section 2.D.4. hereof or by mutual written consent of the Parties. Following the expiration of the Term, this Development Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further force and effect; provided, however, that such termination shall not affect any right or duty arising from the project entitlements granted prior to, concurrently with, or subsequent to, the approval of this Development Agreement and the structures that are developed in accordance with this Development Agreement and the use of those structures shall continue to be governed by this Development Agreement for purposes of ensuring, for land use purposes, that those structures continue to be legal conforming structures and that those uses continue to be legal conforming uses. C. Assignment • Subject to the terms of this Development Agreement, Property Owner shall have the right to convey, assign, sell, lease, sublease, encumber, hypothecate or otherwise transfer (for purposes of this Development Agreement, "Transfer") the Project Site, in whole or in part, to any person, partnership, joint venture, firm or corporation or other Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties 0 P89 Ordinance No. 730A Page 21 of 54 entity at any time during the term of this Development Agreement, and to the extent of each such Transfer, the transferor shall be relieved at its legal duty to perform such obligations under this Development Agreement at the time of the Transfer, except to the extent Property Owner is in default,as defined in Section 3.C. hereof, of any of the terms of this Development Agreement when the Transfer occurs. If all or a portion of the Project Site is Transferred and there is noncompliance by the transferee owner with respect to any tens and condition of this Development Agreement,or by the transferor with respect to any portion of the Project Site not sold or Transferred, such noncompliance shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement by that transferee or transferor, as applicable, but shall not be deemed to be a breath hereunder against other persons then owning or holding any interest In any portion of the Project Site and not themselves in breath under this Development Agreement. My alleged breach shall be governed by the provisions of Section 3.C.hereof. In no event shall the reservation or dedication of a portion of the Project Site to a public agency cause a transfer of duties and obligations unless specificaNy stated to be the case in this Development Agreement, any of the exhibits attached to this Development Agreement, the instiumenl of conveyance used for such reservation or dedication,or other form of agreement with such public agency. Concurrently, with any such sale, transfer or assignment, or within ten business days thereafter, the Property Owner shall notify the CITY, in writing, of such sale, transfer or assignment and shall provide the CITY with an executed agreement, in a form reasonably acceptable to the CITY, by the purchaser, transferee or assignee and providing therein that the purchaser, transferee or assignee expressly and unconditionally assumes all the duties and obligations of the Property Owner under this • agreement. D. Amendment of Agreement This Development Agreement may be amended from time to time by mutual consent of the Parties in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868. Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in this Development Agreement, the parties may enter into one or more implementing agreements, as set forth below, to clarify the intended application or interpretation of this Development Agreement,without amending this Development Agreement. Property Owner and the CITY acknowledge that the provisions of this Development Agreement require a close degree of cooperation between Property Owner and the CITY and that, in the course of the development of the Project Site, it may be necessary to supplement this Development Agreement to address the details of the Parties' respective performance and obligations, and to otherwise effectuate the purposes of this Development Agreement and the intent of the Parties. If and when, from time to time, the Parties find that it is necessary or appropriate to clarify the application or interpretation of this Development Agreement, the Parties may do so through one or more implementing agreements (the 'Implementing Agreement"), which shall be executed by the City Planner and by an authorized representative of Property . Owner. After execution, each Implementing Agreement shall be attached as an • addendum and become a part of this Development Agreement, and may be further changed or supplemented from time to time as necessary. Such Implementing Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P90 Ordinance No. 730A Page 22 of 54 Agreement shall not require the approval of the City Council of the CITY and shall only • be executed by the City Planner(on Behalf of the CITY), if the City Planner has made a reasonable determination that such implementing agreements are not materially inconsistent with this Development Agreement, and applicable ordinances, rules, regulations and official policies of the CITY in effect at the time of execution of this Development Agreement. Any changes to this Development Agreement which would impose additional obligations on the CITY beyond those which would be ceemed to arise under a reasonable interpretation of this Development Agreement,or which would purport to change land use designations applicable to the Project Site under the applicable Project Entitlements, shall be considered "material" and shall require amendment of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of California Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868. Section 2. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT A. Land Use and Protect Entitlements The Project Entitlements are depicted on the Tentative Tract Map. Conceptual Grading Plan, and Conceptual Landscape'Plan, attached hereto as Exhibits 1A — 1C. Project Entitlements refers to the following material related to the approval of the Development Agreement (DRC2003-00411) and the Tentative Tract Map (SUBTT14749): all plans that constitute the approved project, all Planning Commission and City Council Resolutions of Approval including the associated conditions of approval, and all mitigation measures included in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan and the Environmental Impact Report. The Parties acknowledge that, without being obligated to do so, Property Owner plans to develop the Project Site in substantial conformity with the Project Entitlements as approved by this Development Agreement. During the Term of this agreement, the permitted uses for the Project, or any portion thereof,the density and intensity of use,zoning,maximum height and size of proposed buildings, building and yard setback requirements, provisions for the reservation or dedication of land, design and performance standards and other terms and conditions of development of the Project constitute the Entitlements as approved by this Development Agreement. The specific terms of this Development Agreement shall supercede and be controlling over any conflict and/or inconsistency with the Project Entitlements. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the total number of lots in the approved Vac totals 269 lots, and that lots may be shifted between phased tracts without increasing the overall number of lots and be in substantial conformity with the Project Entitlements as approved by this Development Agreement. The CITY Planner shall exercise his reasonable discretion to review transfers of lots between tracts and make the determination of substantial compliance. Other certain specific modifications of the Project Entitlements to which the Parties agree are set forth below. All Exhibits attached hereto constitute material provisions of the Development Agreement, and are incorporated herein. B. Rules and Regulations Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65856 and except as otherwise explicitly provided in This Development Agreement, (1) the ordinance, rules and Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties 0 0 P91 Ordinance No. 730A Page 23 of 54 regulations and official policies governing permitted uses of the Project Site, the density and intensity of such uses, and the design, improvement, and construction standards and specifications applicable to development of the Project and in effect as of the date of this Development Agreement, and (2) and those ordinances of the CITY, as implemented by this Development Agreement, rules, regulations and official policies in effect as of the date of this Development Agreement, but only to the extent that they are consistent with the Project Entitlements, as modified and/or amended by this Development Agreement (collectively the"Existing Laws"), except that the CITY's street improvement, lighting, storm drain, and the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") standards shall be followed, and the landscape standards applicable shall be those specified in this Development Agreement or if none are so specified, the CITY's Standards. In the event of any conflict between the Existing Laws and the other CITY ordinances, rules, regulations and official policies, then the Existing Laws shall control. The CITY shall not be prevented in subsequent actions applicable to the Project, from applying new ordinances, rules, regulations, and policies in effect ('Future Policies') to the extent that they do not conflict with the Existing Laws. Such conflict shall be deemed • to occur if, without limitation, such Future Policies: 1. Modify the permitted types of land uses, the density or intensity of use, the maximum height or size of proposed buildings on the property, building and yard setback requirements, or impose requirements for the construction or provisions of on- site or offsite improvements or the reservation or dedication of land for public use, or the payment of fees or the imposition of extractions, other than as are in each case specifically provided for in this Development Agreement 2. Prevent the Property Owner from obtaining all necessary approvals, permits, certificates or other entitlements at such dates and under such circumstances as the Property Owner would otherwise be entitled under this Development Agreement; 3. Render any conforming use of the Project Site a non-conforming use or any structure on the Project Site a non-conforming structure. C. Design and Infrastructure Issues • 1. Gated Community The Proposed Project is approved as a private gated community. which shall include formation of a Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Association must be formed to assume responsibility and maintenance of the gates, common area streets, drainage facilities, interim detention basins, utility easements, streetlights, sidewalks, landscaping (including the north side of 'Lower Crest Collector) and walls throughout the project. The terns and conditions of the CC&Rs establishing the Homeowners Association shall be subject to City approval prior to recordation. 2. Homeowners Association and Private In-tract Slopes In-tract streetscape plans depicting slopes on the Homeowners Association and private slopes shall be reviewed and approved by CITY. Slopes of a ratio 2H:1V may be permitted up to 30-feet in height upon review and approval of the City Planner with retaining walls as approved by the City Planner. Proposed specific slope treatments,which shall be applied are depicted on Exhibit 2. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties Ordinance No. 730A 0 P92 Page 24 of 54 • • 3. Dry Utilities The Project Entitlements do not require that Burd vaults be installed and the CITY and Property Owner agree that no Burd vaults will be required throughout the Project Site. 4. Community Trail The Property Owner shall design and construct improvements to the CITY Community Trail network along the Etiwanda Creek levee, and parallel to the northerly extension of Etiwanda Avenue along the west project boundary, in accordance with CITY Standards. 5. Grading The Grading Plan, induded In me Project Entitlements, shall conform to . • the Design Guidelines of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. However, with an average slope across the site less than 8%, the Project is exempt from the CITY Hillside Development Regulations of the Development Code. 8. • Street Sections The CITY desires that the design of East Avenue, Etiwanda Avenue and 'Lower Crest Collector,"be designed as depicted In the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Exhibit 13(D)with community trail, and Exhibit 13(E), respectively. The following deviations from the standard CITY Engineering Division street standards or pofdes are acceptable as depicted on the approved plans included as part of the Project Entitlements: a. The straight sections on interior streets (Street W) may be greater than 800-feet due to the fact that the project is a private gated community, thereby limiting the project from traffic impacts from any other development through the project. b. All interior streets that have driveway access to single-family residential lots may be designed with a 50-foot right-of-way utilizing a rolled curb; all other streets within the tract shall have a 60-foot right-of-way with a City standard 6-inch curb face. 7. Circulation Issues and Fees a. Transportation Fee/Traffic Impact Analysis The Property Owner shall construct all circulation improvements necessary to serve the area in and around the Project Site, as generally depicted on Exhibits 3A - 6A. In addition, the Property Owner shall comply with Transportation Development Fees in accordance with CITY ordinance. Upon formation of a Community Facilities District CCFD") Property Owner may include the cost of the improvement specified in this Section 2.C:7.b as part of the CFD financing. The Property Owner shall receive credit against, or reimbursement of costs, in excess of the Transportation Development Fee for the following "backbone" improvements as described herein, in Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties ,�^a, P93 ` Ordinance No. 730A Page 25 of 54 conformance with City Policy: East Avenue, Lower Crest Collector and the middle 38 feet of Etiwanda Avenue (full width across Southern California Edison corridor). b. Other Circulation Improvements The Property Owner shall design and construct the following improvements: (i) Etiwanda Avenue: Improve as a Secondary Arterial from the north boundary of Tract 16072 to Lower Crest Collector, as depicted in Exhibit 4A. These improvements shall be completed prior to the first release of occupancy, or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Property Owner may request reimbursement agreement to recover the cost for non-backbone improvements west of the centerline from future development as it occurs on adjacent properties in the City limits. If the Property Owner fails to submit said reimbursement agreement within 6-months of the public improvements being accepted by the City, all rights of the Property Owner to reimbursement shall terminate. (ii) East Avenue: Construct Collector Street improvements from the north boundary of Tract 16072 to Lower Crest Collector, as depicted in Exhibit 3A. These improvements shalt be completed prior to the first release of occupancy, or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. (iii) Lower Crest Collector: Construct Collector Street improvements along the entire length of the Project Site, as depicted in Exhibit 6A. These improvements shall be completed prior to the first release of occupancy, or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 8. Storm Drains The Property Owner shall design and construct the following improvements based on the criteria in the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Drainage Policy: a. Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area 3 Master Plan Storm Drain (i) The Property Owner shall provide adequate easements and construct local and Master Plan System 3 drainage facilities extending from the Project Site to the Etiwanda Regional Spreading Grounds. System 3 includes the projection of the existing open channel on the north boundary of Tentative Tract 14139, east of East Avenue to the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds. Standard drainage fees for the project shall be credited to the cost of permanent master plan facilities, in accordance with City Policy. The Property Owner may request a reimbursement agreement within 6 months of public improvements being accepted by the CITY, or all rights of the development to reimbursement shall terminate. (ii) The Property Owner shall participate in construction of Interim Master Plan Basin No. 2 and either the Etiwanda/Summit or the Etiwanda/Arrow Interim Regional Basin, to the satisfaction of the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties ( P94 Ordinance No. 730A l" Page 26 of 54 b. Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area 2 Master Plan Storm Drain (i) The channel along the north tract boundary constitutes a portion of the Master Plan System 2, which is required to protect the site from upstream flows. The channel shall be designed to be extended westerly along the Rancho Etiwanda Estates project. The Property Owner may also be required to install interim Master Plan Basin No.1,within the Project Site, to the satisfaction of the San Bernardino County Flood Control District All flood protection Improvements shall be completed prior to the first release of occupancy, or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. including a Letter of Map Revision (LO MR)issued by FEMA. Standard drainage fees for the project shall be credited to the cost of permanent master plan facilities, in accordance with City Policy. The Property Owner may request a reimbursement agreement within 6 months of public improvements being accepted by the CITY, or all rights of the development to reimbursement shall terminate. (ii) Property owner shall construct Interim Master Plan Basin No. 1 if so directed by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. These improvements shall be completed prior to the first release of occupancy, or to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. c. Local Storm Drains The Property Owner shall construct local storm drains to convey development drainage to the Master Plan Storm Drain. Extend the local storm drain system as far on the Project Site as needed to contain Q25 within the tops of curbs, 0100 within rights-of-way and provide a 10-foot dry lane in Q10. The cost of the local storm drain system shall be borne by the Property Owner without Fee Credits. d. If interim basins are required by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, easements shall be provided to the City for any lots containing said basins. Also, a maintenance agreement shall be executed guaranteeing private maintenance of the fadliles, but providing the City with the right of access to maintain the facilities if private maintenance is insufficient and allowing the City to assess those costs to the developer. The developer may request a reimbursement agreement to recover the proportionate cost of the land and ultimate basin related facilities (outlet, etc.) from future development using the basin. If the developer fails to submit said reimbursement agreement within 6 months of the public improvements being accepted by the City, all rights of the developer to reimbursement shall terminate. e. Development within the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Drainage Area is responsible for the City's adopted regional drainage fee, which is not subject to fee credit/reimbursement like the master plan drainage fee. 9. Development of Park Sites Property owner agrees to construct the Parks in substantial conformity with the depiction and description of Exhibits 7A, 7B, and 7C in conformance with all applicable standards and permit requirements. The Park improvements shall be completed substantially complete by the one-hundredth (1001") building permit issuance in the Project. The Property Owner will make a good faith effort to complete all actions necessary to secure and complete work necessary to include the off-site special event Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties r, P95 Ordinance No. 730A Page 27 of 54 parking area as depicted in Exhibit 7A. The City agrees to promptly process all applications and permits consistent with its usual and customary procedures. A portion of the required Equestrian Mitigation Fee shall be set aside as an endowment for capital replacement and maintenance purposes, in the event of private maintenance default by the tenant organization. The amount to be set aside shall be based on studies by the developer, subject to approval of the City Planner and City Engineer. The endowment shall be paid to the City prior to the issuance of building permits for the facility. 10. Park Fee/Equestrian Mitigation Fee/Beautification Fee The Property Owner shall pay the following fees: a. Property Owner will pay CITY a sum totaling $269,000 (based upon $1,000 per unit) for equestrian purposes; however, the Property Owner shall receive Equestrian Mitigation Fee credit for development of the North Etiwanda Equestrian Center on Lot E as depicted on Exhibit 7A, which Equestrian Center development costs will be limited to the total amount of Equestrian Mitigation Fees paid by Tentative Tract 14749 and other contributing projects. The current estimate of available Equestrian Mitigation Fees is $1.54 million. In addition, the Property Owner may request a reimbursement agreement from the City, for costs incurred in the development of the Equestrian Center that are over and above the obligation as noted above. The credit will be based on the actual cost of the improvements toward payment of the standard CITY Equestrian Mitigation Fee and the CITY Park Fee listed below in Section 10.b. Reimbursement in excess of the CITY Equestrian Mitigation Fee reimbursement shall be in the form of Park Fee credits toward the payment of the City Park Fee listed below in Section 10.b. The North Etiwanda Equestrian Center shall be constructed with Phase 1 of project development. b. The Property Owner shall pay the CITY a sum totaling $1,775,400 for park purposes(based upon a value of$6,600 per unit); however, the Property Owner shall receive Park Credit for the improvements to the North Etiwanda Preserve Trailhead on Lot F as depicted on Exhibit 7C, and for the excess development cost of the Equestrian Center pursuant to Section 10.a. above. The credit will be based on the actual cost of the improvements toward payment of the standard CITY Park Fee. The North Etiwanda Preserve Trailhead shall be constructed with Phase 1 of project development. c. In exchange for construction of landscaping improvements along the south side of Lower Crest Collector, the Property Owners shall not be required to pay CITY Beautification Fees for future residential construction. 11. Development Standards The project shall be developed in accordance with the following Development Standards. The Development Standards set the minimum requirements, however, the intent of the Project is to develop the project consistent with the goals of the CITY's Low-Density Residential District of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. • a. Lot Area: 8,400 Square Foot minimum b. Lol Width:60-feet minimum as measured at building setback line. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties • P96 Ordinance No. 730A Page 28 of 54 d. Lot Coverage: 40% maximum of lot area for building structures. Paving driveways patios or pools shall not be calculated as part of building coverage. e. Building Setbacks (i) Front Yard: Should be staggered with a minimum of 18-feet and an average of 20 feet throughout the tract as measured at the right-of-way line. (ii) Side Yard: 15-feet building separation is required with a minimum of 5-feet and 10-feet side yards measured form the property line. (Iii) Rear Yard: 15-feet minimum useable (iv) Gar.ge Placement: Where garages are entered from the local street and the garage doors do not face the street(side-entry garages) the setback shall be 10-feet minimum from the back of the sidewalk. (v) Building Height 35-feet maximum f. Number of Housing Units: The project entitlements include 269 housing units. 12. Design Review Process The Project, and all subsequent applications for residential development, shall be subject to the CITY Development/Design Review process. 13. Architectural Guidelines The Project, and all subsequent applications for residential development, shall be subject to the Architectural Guidelines of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan. 14. Open Space Transfer Plan The Property Owner shall transfer to the County of San Bernardino Special Districts OS-1 other qualified conservation entity approved by the City, in fee, a minimum of 164-acres of off-site land for permanent open space and habitat preservation; along with funding in an amount to be determined by County of San Bernardino Special Districts (or other conservation entity), to provide for long-term maintenance of said land. The preferred location of the off-site land is in the environment surrounding the North Etiwanda Preserve in the CITY Sphere of Influence, other properties may be considered based upon the review of appropriate Biological Habitat Assessments and concurrence of the CITY Planner. The transfer and funding shall occur prior to recording of the first final map of the Project. D. Timing of Development and Fees 1. Development of the Perimeter Landscaping and the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Neighborhood Monumentation Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P97 Ordinance No. 730A Page 29 of 54 All perimeter landscaping, including the Upper Etiwanda Neighborhood Monumentation, fencing, signage, and landscaping as depicted in the Eliwanda North Specific Plan Exhibit 25A-C, shall be completed prior to the release of occupancy of the 100th dwelling within the project. In addition, improvements to East Avenue, Etiwanda Avenue and Lower Crest Collector shall conform to the Upper Etiwanda Neighborhood Landscape theme as illustrated in the Etiwanda North Specific Plan Exhibit 21 (Landscape Street Sections 13-1, M-1, and B-2, respectively). The landscape improvements shall be annexed to LMD No. 7, or other district as approved by the City Engineer. 2. Development of the Remainder of the Site Neither the property owner not CITY can presently predict when or the rate at which phases of the project shall be developed, since such decisions depend on numerous factors which are not within the control of the Property Owner including, without limitation, market orientation and demand, interest rates, absorption, competition and other factors. The parties acknowledge and agree that Property Owner, subject to the restrictions and conditions in the Development Agreement, retains flexibility under this Development Agreement to develop the Project in such order and at such rate and times as are appropriate within the exercise of the Property Owners business judgment. The CITY further acknowledges that Property Owner may desire to market, sell, or otherwise arrange for disposition of some or all of the Project Site, prior to development, and that the rate at which the Project develops will likely depend upon the business judgment of subsequent owners of the Project Site. 3. CITY's Cooperation CITY shall use good faith efforts to promptly process and take final action on any applications for permits or approvals filed by Property Owner with respect to the Project. Such cooperation shall include, without limitation, (a) using good faith efforts to process subsequent Development/Design Review in accordance with state regulations; and (b) promptly processing all ministerial permits in accordance with Section 2.1 below. Without limiting the effect of any other provision of this Development Agreement, any future regulation, whether adopted by initiative or otherwise, limiting the rate or timing of development of the Project Site or the extent thereof, shall be deemed to conflict with Property Owners vested rights to develop the Project under this Development Agreement and shall, to that extent, not apply to the development of the Project. Processing and review of development proposals shall be subject to established procedures in effect in the entire CITY, including Development and Design Review, as specified in the Existing Laws. However, the criteria used in the evaluation of each development proposal shall be based on the objectives, policies and specific development standards specified herein. • 4. Force Maieure Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Development Agreement, Property Owner and CITY shall be excused from performance of their obligations under this Development Agreement during any period of delay caused by Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P98 Ordinance No. 730A Page 30 of 54 acts of God or civil commotion, riots, strikes, picketing, or other labor disputes, shortage of materials or supplies, or damage to or prevention of work by reason of fire, floods, earthquake, or other casualties, litigation, ads or neglect of the Property Owner, as applicable. The time of performance of such obligations as well as the term of this Development agreement shall automatically be extended by the period of such delay hereunder. E. Future Entitlements With respect to any entitlements that Property Owner may require in the future, including, without limitation, tentative tract and parcel map approvals, conditional use permits, and DevelopmenUDesign Review, the CITY shall retain its discretionary review authority and the CITY's applicable ordinances, rules, regulations and official policies. However, any such discretionary review shall be expressly subject to the provisions of this Development Agreement and the CITY may only impose conditions upon such discretionary entitlements which are consistent with the Project Entitlements as approved by this Development Agreement, except as otherwise specifically required by state or federal law. F. Environmental Review Other than the mitigation measures and conditions of approval set forth in the EIR and the Project Entitlements (and any additional future mitigation programs contemplated therein), no other mitigation measures for environmental impacts created by the Project, as presently approved and as evaluated in the EIR, shall be required. In connection with the CITY's issuance of any further entitlement (as contemplated in Section 2.E. above), which is subject to CEQA, the CITY shall promptly commence and diligently process any and all initial studies and assessments required by CEQA, and to the extent permitted by CEQA, the CITY shall use the EIR and other existing environmental reports and studies as adequately addressing the environmental impacts of such matter or matters, without requiring new or supplemental environmental documentation. to the event CEQA requires any additional environmental review, the CITY may impose additional measures (or conditions) to mitigate, as permitted by CEQA, the adverse environmental impacts of such future entitlements, which were not considered at the time of approval of the Project. G. CITY Fees and Mandates by State and Federal Laws The Parties acknowledge and agree that the fees and impositions which may potentially be imposed by the CITY on the Project and Property Owner (collectively "fees") fall within one of three categories: (a) fees for processing land use and construction permit applications which are not otherwise governed by the provisions of Section 66000 of the Government Code(but which are subject to the limitations set forth in Sections 66013, 66014, and 66016-66018.5 of the Government Code) (collectively, the "Processing Fees"); (b) fees or other monetary exactions which are contemplated under ordinances or resolutions in effect as of the date of this Development Agreement and which purport to defray all or a portion of the cost of impacts to certain public facilities, improvements and other amenities from the development projects, including any fees described in Government Code Sections 66000 at seq. (collectively, the "Existing Fee Categories") (the Existing Fee Categories include any increases. decreases, or other modifications to existing fees, so long as such modified fees relate Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P99 a Ordinance No, 730A Page 31 of 54 to the same category of impacts identified in the Existing Fee Categories); and (c) fees or other monetary exactions which may be imposed in the future by the CITY for purposes of defraying all or a portion of the cost of public facilities, improvements, or amenities related to development projects, but excluding the Existing Fee Categories ("other Fees"). The Property Owner's obligation to pay Fees shall be specifically governed by the following provisions: 1. Processing Fees. The CITY may charge Planning and Engineering Plan Check and Permit Fees and Building Permit Fees, which are in force and effect on a CITY-wide basis at the time of Property Owner's application for a land use entitlement, or a construction permit. The amount of any Processing Fees shall be determined by the CITY in accordance with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, Government Code Sections 66013, 66014, and 66017-66018.5 (or any successor taws, as applicable). Unless otherwise agreed by Property Owner and the CITY, the Processing Fees assessed Property Owner shall be the same as those imposed upon other development projects throughout the jurisdictional limits of the CITY. 2. Other Fees. In consideration of the Property Owner's Agreement to modify the Project Entitlements as specifically set forth in this Development Agreement and implement the timing of development in accordance with the terms set forth above, no Other Fees shall be imposed upon the Property Owner or the Project during the term of this Development Agreement, except as may be specifically required to carry out any state or federal law or mandate enacted after the effective date of this Development Agreement, as necessary to mitigate environmental impacts of the project in accordance with 2.G above. 3. Fiscal Impact Analysis. CITY does not require Property Owner or the Proiect to complete a fiscal impact analysis for application or issuance of any approvals or permits that CITY might issue under this Development Agreement. H. Non-Discretionary Permits The Parties acknowledge that in the course of implementing the Project, Property Owner will, from time to time, apply to the CITY for various ministerial permits, licenses, consents, certificates, and approvals, including, without limitation, non-discretionary subdivision approvals, grading permits, construction permits, certificates of occupancy and permits required to connect the Project to utility systems under the CITY's jurisdiction (collectively the"Non-Discretionary Permits"). Property Owner shall have the right to apply for any such Non-Discretionary Permits in accordance with the Existing Laws (and any applicable Future Policies under Section 2.6., above). The CITY shall • issue to Property Owner, upon such applications, all required Non-Discretionary Permits, • subject only to compliance with the terms of this Development Agreement, the CITY's usual and customary fees and charges for such applications and Non-Discretionary Permits (subject to the provisions of Section H above) and the terms and conditions of the applicable permit application. The CITY further agrees that upon its approval of any plans, specifications, design drawings, maps, or other submittals of Property Owner in conjunction with such Non-Discretionary Permits (the "Approved Plans"), all further entitlements, approvals and consents required from the CITY to implement the Project which are consistent with and further implement such Approved Plans, shall be expeditiously processed and approved by the CITY in accordance with this Development Agreement. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P100 Ordinance No. 730A Page 32 of 54 I. Cooperation 1. Cooperation with Other Public Agencies. The CITY acknowledges that the Property Owner may apply from time to time for permits and approvals as may be required by other governmental or quasi-governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Project,in conjunction with the development of or provision of services to the Project, including, without limitation, approvals in connection with the developing and implementing a tertiary water system, potential transportation improvements and other on-site and off-site infrastructure. The CITY shall cooperate with Property Owner in its efforts to obtain such permits and approvals from such agencies (including without limitation, the Cucamonga Valley Water District, the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District and Southern California Edison), and shall provide any documents or certificates reasonably required to process and obtain such permits and approvals. 2. Construction of Off-Site Improvements. To the extent that Property Owner is required to construct any off-site street improvements as a condition of developing the Project, the Property Owner shall make good faith efforts to acquire any off-site property interests necessary to construct the required public improvements. If Property Owner fails to do so, Properly Owner shall, at least 120 days prior to submittal of the first final subdivision map for approval, enter into an agreement to complete the improvements under Government Code Section 66462 and 66462.5 at such time as the CITY decides to acquire the property interests required for the public improvements. Such agreement shall provide for payment by Property Owner of all costs incurred by the City if the City decides to acquire the off-site property interests required in connection with the subdivision. Security for a portion of those costs shall be in the form of a cash deposit in the amount given in an appraisal report obtained by the City, at Property Owners cost. The appraiser shall have been approved by the CITY prior to commencement of the appraisal. To the extent that such off-site improvements, or the construction of any substantial infrastructure on-site, substantially benefit other property owners or other portions of the jurisdiction of limits of the CITY, the CITY agrees to assist Property Owner to the fullest extent possible in obtaining reimbursement or other fair share contribution by such other benefited property owners. Such assistance may include, without limitation, conditioning the approval of development projects proposed by such benefited property owners upon such owners' contribution, on a fair share, pro-rata basis, to the construction cost of such improvements. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the CITY agrees with respect to the infrastructure improvements which are adjacent to and benefit other properties (whether such properties are undeveloped or developed), any further discretionary approvals sought by such property owners shall be conditioned to require fair share reimbursement to Property Owner for ccnstruction and related costs incurred in providing such improvements to the extent legally permissible. 3. Public Financing. The Parties hereby acknowledge that substantial public improvements must be funded in order to contribute to the Park, Beatification, Equestrian and School Fees, and the remainder of the Project Site and that public financing of a substantial portion of these improvements will be critical to the economic viability of the Project. Subject to CITY's ability to make' all findings required by applicable law and complying with all applicable legal procedures and requirements, the Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties O 0 P101 Ordinance No. 730A Page 33 of 54 CITY agrees to cooperate with and assist Property Owner to the fullest extent possible In developing and implementing a public financing plan for the payment of public infrastructure fees and the construction of the public infrastructure improvements. The implementation of such plan may include, without limitation, the formation of one or more assessment districts, or Mello-Roos community facilities districts, or the issuance of bonds, certificates of participation, or other debt securities necessary to implement such plan. J. Creation of the Landscape and Street Lighting Maintenance District The CITY agrees to promptly form the necessary Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) pursuant to California Streets and Highways Code Sections 22500 et seq (the "Landscape and Lighting Act of 1972")for the Project development to encompass the Project Site as well as the area being annexed by the CITY. The Property Owner shall pay for the formation of the LMD. The Parties agree that the LMD must be established no later than recordation of the first final tract map and that the CITY may create an LMD, which allows annexation of other areas. In addition, if outside agencies, upon their review and approval of various components of the project, impose any non- standard improvements that require extraordinary maintenance responsibilities of the CITY, the CITY may impose the creation of additional maintenance districts upon the proposed development Upon acceptance of improvements, the CITY (throughout the LMD) shall assume full responsibility for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the improvements to be maintained by the LMD pursuant to the LMDs governing documents. The Parties also acknowledge that assessments for the LMDs are collected annually in June, and to the extent that assessments are collected through the LMD for the period ending June 2006, the City may request, and the Property Owner agrees to provide, reasonable cash deposit to fund the LMD. The CITY shall promptly upon receipt of assessments the following June, reimburse Property Owner for any such cash advances to fund the LMD. Property Owner shall annex to the existing Street Lighting District for arterial streets citywide(SLD1). Streetlights on local streets shall be privately maintained. Section 3. ANNUAL REVIEW A. Good Faith Compliance Pursuant to California Government Code Section 65866.1. the CITY shall once every twelve (12) months during the term of this Development Agreement, review the extent of good faith substantial compliance by Property Owner with the terms of this Development Agreement; provided, however, that it is intended that this review shall apply to the Project Site as a whole, as opposed to each individual property owner who may own a parcel comprising the Project Site. In connection with such annual review, Property Owner shall provide such information as may reasonably be requested by the CITY in order to determine whether any provisions of this Agreement have been breached by Property Owner. If at any time prior to the review period there is an issue concerning a Property Owner's compliance with the terms of this Development Agreement, the provisions of this Section 3 shall apply. • Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P102 Ordinance No. 730A Page 34 of 54 B. Certificate of Compliance If Property Owner is found to be in compliance with this Development Agreement after annual review, the City Planner shall, upon written request by Property Owner, issue a certificate of compliance ("Certificate of Compliance") to Property Owner stating that, based upon information known to the CITY, the Development Agreement remains in effect and Property Owner is not in default. The Certificate of Compliance shall be in recordable form and shall contain such information as shall impart constructive record of notice of compliance. Property Owner may record the Certificate of Compliance in the Official Records of the County of San Bernardino. • C. finding of Default If, upon completion of the annual review, the City Planner intends to find that Property Owner has not complied in good faith with the material terms of this Agreement (a 'Default"), he shall first give written notice of such effect to the Property Owner. The notice shall be accompanied by copies of all staff reports, staff recommendations and other information concerning Property Owner's compliance with the terms of this Development Agreement as the CITY may possess and which is relevant to determining Property Owner's performance under this Development Agreement. The notice shall specify in detail the grounds and all facts allegedly demonstrating such noncompliance, so Property Owner may address the issues raised on a point-by-point basis. Property Owner shall have twenty (20) days after its receipt of such notice to file a written response with the City Planner. Within ten (10) days after the expiration of such 20-day response period, the City Planner shall notify Property Owner whether he has determined that Property Owner is in Default under this Development Agreement ("Notice of Default"). Such Notice of Default shall specify the instances in which the Property Owner has allegedly failed to comply with this Development Agreement and the terms under which compliance can be obtained. The Notice of Default shall a so specify a reasonable time for Property Owner to meet the terms of compliance,which time shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of the Notice of Default, and which shall be reasonably related to the time necessary to bring Property Owner's performance into good faith compliance. 0. Right to Appeal Upon receipt of the Notice of Default, the Property Owner may appeal the City Planner's decision directly to the City Council. Such appeal shall be initiated by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within the ten (10)calendar days following the Property Owner's receipt of the Notice of Default. The hearing on such appeal shall be scheduled in accordance with Section 17.02.080 of the CITY Development Code. At the hearing, Property Owner shall be entitled to submit evidence and to address all the issues raised by the Notice of Default. If, after considering all the evidence presented at the hearing, the City Council finds and determines on the basis of substantial evidence that the Property Owner is in Default, then the City Council shall specify in writing to Property Owner the instances in which the Property Owner has failed to comply and the terms under which compliance can be obtained, and shall also specify a reasonable time for Property Owner to meet the terms of compliance, which time shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of such writing from the City Council and which shall be reasonably related to the time necessary to bring Property Owners performance into good faith compliance. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties Q P103 Ordinance No. 730A Page 35 of 54 • E. Property Owner's Cure Rights If Property Owner is in Default under this Development Agreement, it shall have a reasonable period of time to cure such Default before action is taken by the CITY to terminate this Development Agreement or to otherwise amend or limit Property Owner's rights under this Development Agreement. In no event shall such cure period be less • than the time set forth in the finding of Default made under Sections 3.C. or 3.0. above (as applicable) or less than the time reasonably necessary to cure such Default. Any such cure period shall be extended by force majeure circumstances described in Section 2.D.4. above. Section 4. ENFORCEMENT A. Enforcement by Either Party Subject to all requirements mandated by applicable state or federal or other law, this Development Agreement shall be enforceable by any of the parties to this Agreement. B. Cumulative Remedies In addition to any other rights or remedies, any of the Parties may institute legal action to cure, correct or remedy any Default (to the extent otherwise permitted herein and in Government Code Section 65864 at seq. or any successor laws and regulations), to enforce any covenant or agreement herein in this Development Agreement or to enjoin any threatened or attempted violation, including suits for declaratory relief, specific performance, and relief in the nature of mandamus. All of the remedies described above shall be cumulative and not exclusive of one another, and the exercise of any one or more of the remedies shall not constitute a waiver or election with respect to any other available remedy. The provisions of this Section 4.B. are not intended to modify other provisions of the Development Agreement and are not intended to provide additional remedies not otherwise permitted by law. C. Attorney's Fees In any legal proceedings brought by either party to enforce any covenant or any of the Parties' rights or remedies under this Development Agreement including, without limitation, any action for declaratory or equitable relief, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and all reasonable costs, expenses and disbursements in connection with such action. Any such attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred by either of the Parties in enforcing a judgment in its favor under this Development Agreement shall be recoverable separately from and in addition to any other amount included in this judgment, and such attorneys' fees obligation is intended to be severable from the other provisions of this Development Agreement and to survive and not be merged into any such judgment. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P104 • Ordinance No. 730A Page 36 of 54 Section 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Successors and Assigns • Subject to the provisions of Section 1C above, the terms of this Development Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties, and their successors and assigns. Insofar as this Development Agreement refers to Property Owner, as defined herein, if the rights under this Development Agreement are assigned, the term"Property Owner"shall refer to any such successor or assign. B. Protect as a Private Undertaking It is specifically understood and agreed by and between the Parties that the Project is a private development, that neither party is acting as the agent of the other in any respect under this Development Agreement, and that each of the Parties is an independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in this Development Agreement. No partnership, joint venture or other association of any kind is formed by this Development Agreement. The only relationship between the CITY and Property Owner is that of a government entity regulating the development of private property and the owner of such private property. C. Captions The captions of this Development Agreement are for convenience and reference only and shall in no way define, explain, modify, construe, limit, amplify or aid in the interpretation, construction or meaning of any of the provisions of this Development Agreement. D. Mortgage Protection 1. Discretion to Encumber. This Development Agreement shall not prevent or limit Property Owner, in any manner, at Property Owner's sole discretion, from encumbering the Project or any portion of the Project or any improvements on the _ Project, by any mortgage, deed of trust or other security device securing financing with respect to all or any part of the Project or any improvements thereon (a"Mortgage'). 2. Effect of Default. This Development Agreement shall be superior and senior to any mortgage subsequently placed upon the property, or any portion :hereof, or any improvement thereon, including the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust. Despite the foregoing, breach of any provision of this Development Agreement shall not defeat, render invalid,diminish or impair the lien of any Mortgage made in good faith for value. 3. Mortgagee Not Obligated. Notwithstanding anything in this Development Agreement to the contrary, (a) any holder of the beneficial interest under a Mortgage ("Mortgagee") may acquire to or possession of all or any portion of the Project or any improvement thereon pursuant to the remedies provided by its Mortgage, whether by judicial or non-judicial foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise, and such Mortgagee shall not have any obligation under this Development Agreement to construct,fund or otherwise perform any affirmative obligation or affirmative covenant of Property Owner hereunder or to guarantee such performance, and Mortgagee may, after acquiring title to all or any portion of the Project as aforesaid, assign or otherwise Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P105 QOrdinance No. 730A Page 37 of 54 transfer the Project or any such portion thereof to any person or entity, and upon the giving of notice of such assignment or transfer to the CITY and the assumption by the assignee or transferee of the obligations of the Property Owner with respect to the Property Owner or portion thereof so acquired which arise or accrue from and after the date of assignment or transfer, Mortgagee shall be relieved and discharged of and from any and all further obligations or liabilities under this Development Agreement with respect to the Project or portion thereof so assigned or transferred; and (b) the consent of CITY shall not be required for the acquisition of all or any portion of the Project by any purchaser at a foreclosure sale conducted pursuant to the terms of any Mortgage, and such purchaser shall, by virtue of acquiring title to the Project or such portion thereof, be deemed to have assumed all obligations of Property Owner with respect to the Project or portion thereof so acquired which arise or accrue subsequent to the purchase date, but such purchaser shall not be responsible for any prior defaults of Property Owner; provided, however, that in either of the instances referred to in clauses (a)or(b) above, to the extent any obligation or covenant to be performed by Property Owner Is a condition to granting of a specific benefit or to the performance of a specific covenant by CITY, the performance thereof shall continue to be a condition precedent to the CITY's granting of such benefit and performance of such covenant hereunder. 4. Notice of Default to Mortgaqee: Right of Mortgaqee to Cure. If a Mortgagee files with the CITY Clerk, a written notice requesting a copy of any Notice of Default given Property Owner under this Development Agreement and specifying the address for delivery thereof, the CITY shall deliver to such Mortgagee, concurrently with delivery thereof to Property Owner, any notice given to Property Owner with respect to any claim of the CITY that Property Owner has not complied with the terms of this Development Agreement or is otherwise in Default under this Development Agreement. Each such Mortgagee shall have the right (but not the obligation) for a period of thirty • (30) days after the expiration of any cure period given to Property Owner with respect to such Default, to cure such default; provided, however, that if any such Default cannot, with diligence, be remedied or cured within such thirty (30) day period, then such Mortgagee shall have such additional time as may be necessary to remedy or cure such Default, if such Mortgagee commences to remedy or cure within such thirty (30) day period, and thereafter diligently pursues and completes such remedy or cure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Default is of a nature which can only be cured by Mortgagee by obtaining possession, such Mortgagee shall be deemed to have remedied or cured such Default such Mortgagee shall, within such thirty (30) day period, commences efforts to obtain possession and carry the same forward with diligence and continuity through implementation of foreclosure, appointment of a receiver or otherwise, and shall thereafter remedy or cure or commence to remedy or cure the Default within the cure period specified in Section 3.E above. 5. Bankruptcy, Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5D4 above, if a Mortgagee is prohibited from commencing or prosecuting foreclosure or other appropriate proceedings in the nature thereof to obtain possession of the Project Site by any process or injunction issued by any court or by any reason of any action by any court having jurisdiction of any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding involving Properly Owner, Mortgagee shall for the purposes of this Development Agreement be deemed to be proceeding with diligence and continuity to obtain possession of the Property during the period of such prohibition if Mortgagee is proceeding diligently to terminate such prohibition. Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties P106 Ordinance No. 730A Page 38 of 54 6. Amendment to Development Agreement. The CITY and Property Owner agree not to modify this Development Agreement or to allow this Development Agreement to be modified or amended in any way, or cancel this Development Agreement,without the prior written consent of each Mortgagee,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding anything stated above to the contrary, the CITY and Property Owner shall cooperate in including in this Development Agreement, by suitable Implementing agreement from time to time, any provision which may reasonably be requested by a proposed Mortgagee for the purpose of implementing the mortgagee-protection provisions contained in this Development Agreement and allowing such Mortgagee reasonable means to protect or preserve the lien of the Mortgage on the occurrence of a default under the terms of this Development Agreement. The CITY and Property Owner each agree to execute and deliver (acknowledge, if necessary for recording purposes) any implementing agreement necessary to effect such request: provided, however, that any such implementing agreement shall not in any material respect adversely effect any rights of the CITY under this Development Agreement or be materially inconsistent with the substantive • provisions of this Development Agreement, the Project Entitlements and the Existing Laws. E. Consent Where the consent or approval of any of the Parties is required in or necessary under this Development Agreement, unless the context otherwise indicates, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. F. Entire Agreement This Development Agreement and the documents attached to and referred to in this Development Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Development Agreement. G. Further Actions and Entitlements Each of the Parties shag cooperate with and provide reasonable assistance to the other to the extent contemplated under this Development Agreement in the performance of all obligations under this Development Agreement and the satisfaction of the conditions of this Development Agreement. li. Governing Law This Development Agreement including, without limitation, its existence, validity, construction and operation, and the rights of each of the Parties shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 1. Recording The CITY Clerk shall cause a copy of this Development Agreement to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of San Bernardino no later than ten (10)days following the effective date of this Development Agreement. • Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties 0 P107 Ordinance No. 730A Page 39 of 54 J. Time Time is of the essence in this Development Agreement and of each and every term and condition of this Development Agreement. K. Waiver The failure of any of the Parties at any time to seek redress for any violation of this Development Agreement or any applicable law or regulation or to insist upon the. strict performance of any term or condition shall not prevent any subsequent act or omission of the same or similar nature which would have originally constituted a breach of, or default under this Development Agreement from having all the force and effect of an original breach or default, and such subsequent act or omission may be proceeded against to the fullest extent provided by this Development Agreement. No provision of this Development Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by a party unless the waiver is in writing and signed by all of the Parties. L. Partial Invalidity If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Development Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions of this Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. M. Notices All notices between the CITY and Property Owner and any transferee under this Development Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be given by personal delivery,mail or facsimile. Notice by personal delivery or facsimile shall be deemed effective upon delivery of such notice to the party for which it is intended at the address set forth below (or, in the case of a transferee in a written notice to the CITY). Notice by mail shall be deemed effective upon receipt or rejection of the addressee. The Parties' current addresses are as follows: To CITY: Jack Lam,AICP City Manager City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730 With Copies to: James Markman City Attorney Richards, Watson, 8 Gershon One Civic Center Circle Brea CA 92821 Development Agreement Traigh Pacific Properties 0 a P108 Ordinance No. 730A Page 40 of 54 ii `. — i a+ 1!''l R. i iii.It idt �C ,; 11 .1 > o 1 14 ak ' aJ al E-1 L il i il:Il:li 1;i: a� w 1§1{ F' i i �I i:�I I,' i II III II II I IIII 1�1 '" ' 1 I V I•{ ' m ill II 111 1111 ,• w I nn n { I t lap. ib t •III 111 u 111 1111 En 1 .• i ie tl la ;y�i ��I a'.' ilillll�lillll; — t holy up I{� I ( :ti k IIH •1`11111 1�I �I ;I ill I1il -�1 III I I k �11� 1111 I'd: I w7i I {II..I, i • i. lull 1� � II [ N I _____,... 1L ris 9{r` '. tam.'i ls!; �% Lima I anktu .:.„-- ,r_.-0:,":i...... „.:Di,,,,,,,.....,.:-:-..,,,„,e, . , . __-„,-djumicr,urittsitsisi..,-----;,,, itailt,,,—,4.-s • II I[ I �ai� y �il�5ru�l ` i 8'I 5 +• i �} (ae' 4 '� r U1 o� `w.1 a iwtstn was* iii 4*Q\,�`t'ti�� �`s 'a' '���►%1 , „I� C •t,/111'•,4te:4.•4..r1♦s 1 ra 1 \ �I�� •\gym Q: �••.a \� fsi,,♦. = 1. „,, s �mm • , —c ivr=lZ � — 'a” III P109 Ordinance No. 730A Page 41 of 54 ' �� til . 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' 1 cflaittli 'clir r - 7*-sfily • ' \: • ,, , locitA ‘. 1 - 1 inI\ I Wilt)trefal ° -3c-0.-,-. „I* est,,olj\tit , \% (7-\ V loots 114141% Ott / ri pig, Sri %A 1411 / 0 P119 Ordinance No. 730A Page 51 of 54 t • i 7 7 a U, tv > lv d' W N 3 ...i N Q 0 o W 4— J 8 J J i O a0 O c1.2 s c.) f to - _" v W N ¢ N W W 0 y CC O > U O U >- 3 d W W W Sa M N o & N o 88 n N CC J J _w ¢ N 1 9 S e Y ¢8 1 ci N U 1 0 0 P120 Ordinance No. 730A Page 52 of 54 'LOT 2'PARKING RECAP: t ....v ...m SflI .wow.Saw om.wn..wa..n • Wil \\ . (Ii(Illor no0CRmfa®RMl1 l1. O z/i_ O [�IlSTpyl 2 G \\ PRdFMTICN IGCI6t.YtM6 MV �A i (•]�•�'�� Min \ \ CKCQNOS®(iWli./iRTi LIIFp ..Iil i :: —. —WIR CT.1 o ; .... O // -•��e I r \ p \ ,, a `\Ca 4 MIMR .,, °� \o / tJ 060 IOIRIbOGUOM«� \ \ ®a3N Ca ; o • ""O o \ ` - -� �' 9--- no rl. -- LOT'E'and T EQUESTRIAN CENTER and PARKING • Praininary Equestrian Cedar MJSDesign Group - and Mailing Parking tat Sight Plan Landscape Architecture*Planning•Design Crawl vw.s. EXHIBIT 7A ;6IPI6KAM Fn(6I6)671-9974 MPOISTOOsf.com 0 r P121 • Ordinance No. 730A Page 53 of 54 Development Agreement DRC2003.00411 Equestrian Center Design Amenities General Description: The Equestrian Facility as proposed would consist of a large enclosed arena(100 feet by 250 feet).. Two covered round pens would be located one on each end for exercising animals and teaching some lessons. Bleacher seats for up to 50 persons would be needed for spectators. There would be 10-12 barn stalls to house Program horses. Special Event parking(up to 12 such events per year)would include 20 Trailer and 50 passenger car spaces to be located on a graded but unimproved area on adjacent to the south SBCFCD(fee owned)/SCE(easement)Utility Corridor Area. Other items would include snack . bar,ofhce,community meeting room, and care taker apartment within the main Sam Structure. The Arena would be used for riders, shows,clinics and seminars. This area would be equipped with lights and bells for the disabled. A hydraulic lift would be available for those in wheel chairs or others in need of assistance with mounting and dismounting. The living quarters would be used as a Care Taker residence for someone (possibly a student needing experience or an Internship)to care for the animals and property. The following detail list constitutes the desired and not final amenities and will be modified based upon budget considerations during the design phase: 1. Indoor and outdoor dust control 2. Indoor Fly control systern 3. Concrete floors on indoor barn and aisle with rubber matsregatile 4. indoor Barn Stalls equipped with Dutch type doors 5. Ventilation-Coolingaleating Syslem for Barn complex(meets applicable UBC) 6. Automatic Fire and Burglar Alarm System 7. Closed circuit(B&W)TV monitoring system e. Lighting both inside and out(outside area minimum 1 candle toot security requirement of the City) 9. 270 V electrical connection for ceramic kiln for At Therapy Program 10. Data and Cable TV wired to Office and Care Taker Unit. 11. Telephones in Barn Aisle,Office and Care Taker Unit. • 12. Out door drop off area and vehicle circulation for both disabled and Horse Trailers 13. On site Staff and Visitor Parking-6 Spaces. 14. Automatic Waters both Inside and outside for each stall and 1 in the center aisle with individual and Independent shut off valves. 15. Manure container enclosure with weekly pick up. 10 Signage 17. Inside and outside PA system 18. 2 Round Pens with covers 19. Vehicle security gates for driveway connections. 2D. 12 outdoor horse stalls with covers and enclosures on three sides for visitors. 21. Limned(250 Sq.t.max.)accent landscaped and irrigated planter at bulk/hp entrance. 22. Perimeter landscaping shall be included within street and trail right of way and maintained by the LMD. 23. Arena Footing will consist of a minimum 6" gravel base, 4"arena Sand, and 2' of pine shavings or material may be considered during he design phase Exhibit 7 8 0 P122 Ordinance No. 730A Page 54 of 54 PH 1 J. . , ° i 4 II 2 0 1 fa 1 O � s : 1 i � i � � 9iiili a� /, ; j a / a I i s • : ► : I • Y • ,h4 3 n''Jo '�• ! • 0 dd'�` �0 � _. . -----. çlT:tt!:N. 1 II F W EEE lb P123 RESOLUTION NO. 14-213 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA,APPROVING A ONE(1)YEAR EXTENSION OF AN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DRC2003-00411), AN AGREEMENT FOR AN APPROVED PROJECT OF 269 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 168.77 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE ETIWANDA NORTH SPECIFIC PLAN, LOCATED NORTH OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CORRIDOR BETWEEN ETIWANDA AVENUE AND EAST AVENUE; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF -APN: 1087-081-03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, on behalf of WS! Highland Investments, LLC(property owner), filed an application for the extension of the term for a Development Agreement (time extension), as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject time extension request is referred to as "the application." 2. On November 3, 2004,this Council adopted its Ordinance No. 730A,thereby approving the Development Agreement subject to specific conditions and time limits. 3. On November 19, 2014,the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 4. The Effective Date of the Development Agreement was January 18, 2005. Since the agreement runs for ten years, the expiration date is January 18, 2015. 5. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This City Council hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon substantial evidence presented to this City Council during the above- referenced hearing on November 19, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, this Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The applicant does not propose any changes to the original project in conjunction with this time extension request; b. A one-year(1) extension of the Development Agreement will not cause significant inconsistencies with the current General Plan, Specific Plan, ordinances, plans,codes and policies; Resolution No. 14-213 - Page 1 of 3 P124 RESOLUTION NO. 14-213 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TIME EXTENSION —WS! HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC NOVEMBER 19, 2014 c. The extension of the Development Agreement will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and d. The extension request was received within the time limits established by Section 17.14.090 (C) of the Development Code. 3. Based upon the facts and information contained in the application, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application, the City Council finds that no subsequent or supplemental environmental document is required pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in connection with the review and approval of this application based upon the following findings and determinations: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA")and the City's local CEQA Guidelines,the City Council certified an.Environmental Impact Report on July 21,2004(State Clearing House #2003081085) in connection with the City's approval of Annexation DRC2003- 10151, Tentative Tract SUBTT14749 and Development Agreement DRC2003-00411. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162, no subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration is required in connection with subsequent discretionary approvals of the same project unless: (i) substantial changes are proposed to the project that indicate new or more severe impacts on the environment; (ii) substantial changes have occurred in the circumstances under which the project was previously reviewed that indicates new or more severe environmental impacts; or (iii) new important information shows the project will have new or more severe impacts than previously considered; or (iv) additional mitigation measures are now feasible to reduce impacts or different mitigation measures can be imposed to substantially reduce impacts. Staff has evaluated the Time Extension request and concludes that substantial changes to the project or the circumstances surrounding the project have not occurred and are not proposed which would create new or more severe impacts than those evaluated in the previously certified EIR. In that the Time Extension is being requested in order to provide additional time for the developer to work with the City to address requirements of the Development Agreement, staff further finds that the project will not have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previously certified EIR, not have more severe effects than previously analyzed, and that additional or different mitigation measures are not required to reduce the impacts of the project to a level of less-than-significant. b. Based on these findings and all evidence in the record, the City Council concurs with the staff determination that no additional environmental review is required pursuant to CEQA in connection with the City's consideration of the Time Extension DRC2014-00876 for Development Agreement DRC2003-00411. 4. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 above, this Council hereby extends the term of Development Agreement DRC2003-00411 by an additional one (1)year, attached thereto and incorporated herein by this reference, to expire on January 18, 2016. 5. The Secretary to this Council shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014 CITY COUNCIL OF T,HE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Resolution No. 14-213 - Page 2 of 3 P125 RESOLUTION NO. 14-213 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT TIME EXTENSION —WSI HIGHLAND INVESTMENTS, LLC NOVEMBER 19, 2014 BY: L. Dennis Michael, Mayor , City Clerk of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 19th day of November 2014, and was finally passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on the_day of , 2014, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Resolution No. 14-213 - Page 3 of 3 a) ' T 95 1 C'7 w J o o O) C1:5 W 00 ail c a) CD O c 00' X ° o Off; ■ 0 O Z N N ct a) N H %_ (1) V c0 9 o 5 ct Li CC III a) a Q o73 o 0 > > c ° 73 CO Z Z g a) a) o At �' — 2a ° 0 W CO Q p4 O Q � 0 ^c^'' � k� W T Ch o �? J —° a) CO ID* �ZI I W = a) C E o v � V'a a)CT It= fri Ca ' (� ' g a Q a) L- J U Q U w '1_, ( • , 4. , :. y i ,1 ?, 0 • .. P111117-0_...`Issilemm' 1--; ' A ..,- Cl. 11 (2, till ril { a� aart: ��11 i - 44 44 . ma soll±plie,..P.Firs:E :lit-1,10,-/ell f / ■ WIN (.1.1' ,k14.11-41'' 4' .1 4 a'¢ y"4 �� f t i. vim . iv .. M ,,i1 sdQNd �� �.ii. _°.S'-„,�44 Y`.. 111 a MA. . ~ VON•M113 :_ R j O 1� .� N]`, —..,i �'.>D Ja pi tiiz�. '4 14 �0.'. .,..r',d,> J•`l}� IGi. L j_ - 1.5`,,•� iq�-1",�A/%_1,„ tic, 4' ,-.11 48. '1 7L�1m� 4. 11 f T?1 Vl,9”ai &•— 11 • <. y� i s .`s <3 ii r �µ�oM.4,7�-- Z �•1 , do •_ At ; 1 IF A �' ' ,IS...; -'I �L / �y/J •} Y -1- t , O/d,��,, Tay. 1 d�v_e. r, is �.s ca r� r .,rW -,i 'r` i►f"... • i• } 14,1: C' A, ✓,rf ti., '". a �. 1: / il j T ti '2' 3 ✓Jp, :p�J. 11 :1, ti u_ p, i'1 ) 3 `�' idss A .a �'.1 r� Pt�y� U _ Yt-� - - t, ',tiff,: 6. k � Rte ;. � �,�'f � ► 1 � �! i'r) b �}.}� ; ZU i . '� ti 5 ti �'kppGA 1�Re♦ ‘4' ��►6 0."'��p- �7 \; r , ay o' } p3 .111 CM Q r O }.yam}\ *S'�Sa"'r 4.4,1e S t ''.. ` £[.1 0 32 ea„ ' `�' 8 4i06.'a. ‘'% s'� .' ateil lf_ yii II .z {ate C.) g:4 U ., .t► i, b i rk i 's v 6*At----1 \\,.1,..i.r.,411 I 7 a 1 i--+ 1 T Q) � U a) F a o O m r Q -o Q cd D O a) +� N 0 a) •Q Q N cri a E a) as N 4' Q a 2 a > E as �r a) c '� a) w H (� _ 0 , _ a) a) ``- O 0) r > Q •O N O O < O = a)c\I O ) E N N D CO E co 1- I- C J ZU O as c� — aks a) a) U = a) Cd as dt#S.C411114 I °t.r; • • • • O C a-- a) is` '5 E - - a) -a O a) n s_ Y } Qa >, ° O x; a) mQ 0_ 0 U ai a) �, ° c c o c 0 ° ,, Ea >, a) a) a as 0_ cri c E c � U o ° c -2 a) o ° O •= C C • 6 aa) � o c a� a) 0 0 0 cn a) c ED_ X E a) N a) -a u) a) 1E a) a) o no a F = Q (d a-- o c -C 4— -0 O a) _ , t i a--• CL •C Q Q ' 0 Q so a f w ; 2 c os, a) a) a) }. .E >, _o `..,- � � Uo a) - c > > 3 a) CD — (pm ' O � woov°, cno � � x pY 9 mli 5 x�z , O is a i.i. O cc W � O T CL •a O 0 O 0 0 N N I Q 4-O O E T N I.CO ca CD >' .O O N cn � a c0 000 L.L .:' ke, O c� X 0 O ; a C C W N O O ^, QO W Cr N V `� ~ N c� C O N N O) CZ ,o a4 U v --i )' • • ti.- C P126 MEMORANDUM (#11741 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE La RANCHO Date: • November 19, 2014 CUCAMONGA To: Mayor and Members of the City.Council John R. Gillison, City Manager From: Debra L. McNay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager Subject: Discussion and selection of a process to fill a vacancy on the City Council. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS Council Member Marc Steinorth was elected to the State Assembly on November 4, 2014 and has submitted the attached letter of resignation. As a result of this action, Council Member Steinorth's position on the City Council will be vacated on December 1, 2014. In accordance with Government Code Section 36512(b), within 60 days of commencement of a vacancy, the City Council must fill the vacancy by either appointment or by calling a special election. Should the City Council decide to appoint an individual to fill the vacancy, the Council is free to take applications, interview or look at runners-up from the last election or follow any process desired. Alternatively, the Government Code indicates that if the Council were to call a special election that the special election should be held on the next regularly established election date not less than 114 days from the call of the special election. It would cost $75,000 to $150,000 to conduct a special election to fill the vacancy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Debra L. McNay, MMC Assistant City Clerk/Records Manager • Attachment (as noted) • • • P127 • RECEIVED November 10, 2014 NOV 1 2 2014 CITY CLERK • Mayor L. Dennis Michael • CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • Mayor Pro Tern Sam Spagnolo Councilmember Bill Alexander Councilmember Diane Williams Mayor Michael and City Council Colleagues: • As you are aware, on November 4ih, 2014, I was elected to the California State Assembly to represent the 40th Assembly District, which includes the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The counting of the final provisional ballots has not materially changed the result, and it is clear that some decisions will soon need to be made. As Councilmember, my foremost concern is representing the residents of Rancho Cucamonga and ensuring that the City Council will be able to move forward as a cohesive whole to face the many challenges, and opportunities, that the future holds. It is my intention to vacate my Council seat on December 1st, 2014. This will allow the City Council to agendize the vacancy for discussion on November 19th,2014. Although I will be present at this meeting, I have been advised by the City Attorney that I cannot participate in this particular discussion. I would urge the City Council to agendize this matter and make a timely decision on filling this vacancy, so that, if possible,a new Council, including all members,can be sworn in on December 3` and the new team can move forward with a solid beginning. It has been a pleasure serving with all of you and I look forward to continued opportunities to represent Rancho Cucamonga in my new role for the 40th Assembly District. Sincerely Cou I mem er Marc Steinorth • •