HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/12/21 - Agenda Packet - (2) CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ¢~c_A~.~o MEMORANDUM DATE: December 22, 1989 ACTION C~E~S TO: Rest~ntfal/InsfiCtional Design Review Co~ittee Larry ~Niel David 81akesley Otto Kroutil Betsy Wei nberger ( A1 ternate ) FROM: Beverly Ni ssen, Associate P1 anner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW CO~I~EE MEETING OF DEC~BER 21,198e The following is a description of proj~ts ~ich require review and rating by the Design Review Co~fttee. Please review ~e attached plans, visit the project sites, and write do~ your co~ents using ~e blank space provided under each proj~t on the atechad sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Co~ittee's concerns will be typed up as the forml action/reco~endation of the Co~tttee and distributed to the Co~fssion and Council. As alw~s, feel free to con~ct the app~priate project mnager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting da~, if you have sp~ific questions related to the scheduled p~jects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar fte~ will be revtewd be~een 5:30 p.m. - 6:~ p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our depar~ent tf you will be unable to attend ~e ~eting, or tf you will be la~, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and ~e necessary arrangsents made. 6:~ - 6:30 (Brett) ENVIRO~ENT~ ASSES~E~ ~ ~ATZVE T~T 14~8 - WESI[RN PROPERTIES - A residential subdiviSIon and ~1 cond~inium units on 8.67 acres of land fn ~e Idim Nigh ~nsfty Residential District (14-24 d~lltng units per ac~), l~at~ at ~e souffiwst corner of Millikan Avenue and West Greenway Corridor - APN: 1077~21-16. 6:30 - 7:00 (Brett) DESIGN REVIE14 FOR TRACT 14121 - RHOADES DEVELOPMENT - The deslgn revlew of bulldlng elevations and detalled site plan for a previously approved tract map consisting of 47 single family lots on 9,3 acres of land in the Low-Medium Density Residential Dtstrtct (4-8 dvelling units per acre) of the Victoria Planned Com,Jnity, located at the southwest comer of Highland Avenue and Nilliken Avenue - APN: 202-211-48, DESIGN REVIEW AGENDA DEC)BER 21, I989 Page 2 7:O0 - 7:30 (Steve H.) DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT 10035 - CALPROP CORPORATION - A request to change the r~sidential units on Lots 1 through 21 for a previously approved tract map consisting of 38 single family lots on 15.7 acres of land in the Low Residential District {2-4 d~elling units per acre), located south and east of Red Hill Country Club Drive, south of Calle Corazon - APN: 207-631-01 through 23 and 207-641-01 through 15. BN :m lg Attachments cc: Planning Conmnission/City Council RESIDENTIAL CONSENT CALEIOAR ITEMS AGEII)A December 21, 1989 1. DR 13621 - SAHAMA (Bruce) Review revised building elevations and Conmnittee Action: The Committee (McNiel, Blakesley and Kroutil) approved the architectural modifications as requested by them on December 7, 1989. The Committee required that the reveals located on the side of the garage on Plan 3212 "B", be continued down the entire side of the garage to the corner. The Conmnittee made the following requirements for the project walls: 1. Provide a perimeter six-foot masonry wall around the project to match the wall on Hillside Road. The wall should run on the inside edge (west side) of the local equestrian trail and contain gates to provide trail access. Trail fencing should be eliminated in favor of the masonry wall on this side of the trail. 2. Provide front yard return walls on all lots to match the perimeter masonry fence. All other yard walls shall be masonry with a finish to match the front yard return walls. Other yard wall s need not contain rook pilasters except as noted herein. 3. The perimeter wall along Hillside Road should match the wall directly across the street for Tract 13877. The Schowalter monument should also match the monument on the south side of the street and should be placed directly across the street from it. 4. A dimensioned detail of .the Schowalter monument shall be provided with the development plans for Tract 13621. CONSENT CALENDAR Page 2 5. The rock/rail fence detail shall be revised to substitute the peeler pole rails with 2" x 6" rails to emulate the P.V.C. trail fence rail s. DESIGN REVIEW COr4~ENTS 6:00 - 6:30 Brett December 21, 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TP~ACT 14368 - WESTERN PROPERTIE~ - A residentia] subdivision and design review of lbl condomlnium units on 8.67 acres of land in the Medium High Density Residential District (14-24 dwelling units per acre), located at the southwest corner of Milliken Avenue and West Greenway Corridor - APN: 1077-421-16. Background: This tract is an extension of Tract 13270, which is a 384-unit apartment complex under construction to the south. At the August 17, 1989 meeting, the applicant was directed to substantially revise the architecture and site plan to meet the following concerns: 1. The architecture should be substantially revised to eliminate the "false" appearance of the dormers, the significant blank elevations and many other details as well. 2. A stucco low retaining wall should be used to screen the parking spaces from the Hilliken Avenue streetscape. 3. The fencing, walls, and landscaping south of the underpass should be constructed so that it is consistent with the Mtlliken Avenue and Greenway landscaping. ' 4. Patios must meet the City standard of 150 square feet for ground stories and 100 square feet for upper stories. 5. Improved pedestrian connections should be made to Tract 13270 to better link the two projects together. 6. Significant and substantial. landscaping breaks should be made along the loop drive aisle. Parking "pods" should be employed to achieve this. Minimum five feet wide landscape fingers should be provided between open parking .stalls and enclosed garages. Staff Comellts: Based on these concerns and on the revised plans, the' Coemittee should address the following issues: 1. Additional detailing is still needed along the side and rear elevations (particularly for Building E - left side, Buildings A and C - front elevations, and all rear garage elevations). 2. The multi-paned windows should be used throughout. 3. A detail of the chimney cap should be provided. 1 DESIGN REVIEW COF~4ENTS TT 14368 - WESTERN PROPERTIES Page 2 4. Per previous comments, additional attention to landscaping, especially along the main drive aisle should be provided. Landscape planters in parking a~eas and adjacent to garages should be a minimum of 6 feet in width. Open parking stalls should not be sandwiched between garage structures. 5. A "parking court" concept should be provided, with additional enhanced paving in the parking areas. 6. Open or partially open fencing should be provided along the western property line, consistent with Tract 13270. Design Review Cemmmtttee Action: Members Present: McNiel, Blakesley, Kroutil Staff Planner: Brett Homer The Committee recommended the following revisions: 1. The proposed colors were deemed too bold and should be toned down. A new color and materials sample board should be provided. 2. Bull dings should contain more than one floor plan type to provide architectural variation. 3. A perspective rendering was suggested for review. 4. The architectural style should be revised to provide more detailing, particularly around the stairways. The gas meter closest to Building B should be painted the building color and not highlighted. Much more detailing should be provided on the stairways (see Building B). 5. More variation in roof and plate lines was reconanended. The Conmntttee felt this would break up the synmnetrical appearance of the units. 6. The accent score lines should be used in a consistent manner throughout the project. Multi-paned windows were also suggested for greater use. DESIGN REVIEW COI(4ENTS TT 14368 - WESTERN PROPERTIES Page 3 7. The garage design needs much more variation and articulation. The Committee suggested use of a shed or gable roof form and other changes to the building bulk. 8. The space under the second story decks should be filled-in with storage space for the garage. These spaces did not need to be flush with the deck wall, but should not be the depth of the stairs and deck. g. The site plan should be revised to incorporate the courtyard paving and garage approach detail used on previous mul U-family projects. The Conmnittee requested that the project return as a full item for additional review. DESIGN REVIEW COe~qENTS 6:30 - 7:00 Brett December 21, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW FOR 1RACT 14121 - RHOADES DEVELOPMENT - The design review ,'o"f'~e~tions and detaileor's~a previously approved tract map consisting of 47 single family lots on 9.3 acres of land in the Low-Medium Density Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per aC~), of the Victoria Planned Conmnunity, located at the southwest corner .of'Highland Avenue and Millikan Avenue - APN: 202-211-48. Staff Comments: 1.., Additional detailing on the side and rear elevations should Ge I.j, provided. Siding should be used much more extensively on the units with siding. ,2. Windows should be provided on several of the units with long, blank ~ garage side elevations, (see Plan 3). 3. A larger gable roof element should be provided on the second story of Plan,2B (front elevation). 4. The side yard return fencing· should be co~atible with the architecture. Design Review Comtttee Action: t4embers Present: McNtel, Blakeslay, Kroutil Staff P1 anner: Brett Homer The Conm~ittee recomended approval of the project with the following modifications: 1. The units with wood siding should have siding on all elevations, including both sides and rear. The Conmnittee directed the applicant to work with staff on the small irregularly shaped areas that could not contain wood siding. 2. Theusq of two different materials on homes with two chimneys should be avoided. Siding' and brick on the Plan 2 elevation was acceptable to the Coaetttee; however, similar chimney cap and spark arrester details were recommended to provide consistency. DESIGN REVIEW CO~f4ENTS DR FOR TR 14121 - RHOADES DEVELOPMENT I Page 2 3. Return fencing sh,OU,l:d_b,e .a dqcorative masonry ma,i~e. rial .~(stucco over). Wood gates~were~recOnmnended and limited.-(slope)' areaST could be constructed of the. heavy wood material. '-' ' 4. The deletioh of one lot Was recOm~nded to bring the tract substantial conformance 'with the required 15 feet,'co~i!hed!. sideyard setback. A finding could be made thal~ the Plan 2 an innovative product, thus allowing the 10 feet combined., setback on the remaining (approximately 20) lots. The Committee recommended that the: c~ange's~ be brought back i~O'r.' 'review at the January 4, 1990 meeting. " .:~.. · ? .: ORIGINAL DESIGN REVI,EW COMMENTS ' .POOR QUALITY 7:00 - 7:30 Steve H. December 21, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT 10035 - CALPROP COR~RATION - A request'to Change the' ~es'~dential units on .LotS'c1 ithrOUgh 21 for a p'reviously appr~vedrtract!map consisting of 38~i~g1~ famil9 lOts'on 15,7 acres of land in the Low Residential '.Bistric.t' (2;41 'dwelli'ng 'Units per acre), · lOcated south and east of Red Hill COuntry Club Drive, south of Calle Corazon - APN: 207-631-01 through 23 a~d 207-641-01 throu9h Back'~ rdu nd :: . ~. . .~' , :~., ~ ,:,. :.,. _, .,., .Te..ntative l:ra6t 10035 was originally appeared-by the Planning:'C6~mission en' Man:h-25,,',1981. ~e design 'ne~;ie~ for ,Lots 36 through 38 was approved b'y the Planning Comission .'On May '28, 1986'/with subsequent design review approval of the remaining lots on January 28, 1987. The ~p'plicant :-'is ' requesting to c:hange -t_he.~ models on~ Lot~S-'l.'21 '-(the south ~ide of Camino Pradera), to 'qa~ge ~lni~s '.to -mee~-'currant market d~mand~.' t~-,e~iously approved houses.,~ange:-iri'si~from 1!-;.825 to 2,435 ~qU:~are' feet~e: The new residenc~.:s 'ar~:--'~i-opos~d 'Setween 2:,548 to '3,169 square feet. Staff Comments: "!'c'i~--' 'i~.= ":- ArChitectUre: ~ -~'" '~': :: ',:i*?. 1. The proposed building pads are quite la~'e. th~reby~ '~q'ui~-inb an extensive amount of cut and fill. The am.ount of grading cou,ld be '~ redOced-if another step' in the,,building'p'~d~"l-is:~"provided'.;~'.'so the houses better "fit" the natUral terraln. ,.~.,.-. 3,,~ Due'to the downslope 'lot configurati6h 'and"VtSqbility from Foothill Boulevard. additional. treatment of' the rear elevations ts ,~ important. · The following itemS: shOUld be cOnsidereJ for softening the appearance of the houses. especially the rear elevations. as seen from Foothill Boulevard. ~i~i ~ a~,% ~o~ ~ed~ce the amount Of' 'effeG-tiVe~'bulk: and to- avoid a '~asslve" ~e '.~ c~ :, appeara'nce.' provide roof.' d'eck~ :'and' ~1~~ 'levei' '~lecks~':i~stead of .... L,.~ ......, o~erh~ngtng decks. ~':.:b~r.,$¥o~de"drought tolerantS .1.andsca~dtng.,df various h~tghts and ~ *" t~tums'>~o:cPe~t~ .a Vatted Visdal planer '.:' c)~ "Red~l~ce , ;rITe '.'- height~ dahd ~se oft -:~retain~lng vra;ll'S"' wherever possdb le; =' .~ '~If necessary., integ'rate~'~t~e~"!~ itS'. 'fou rdat Ion wal 1 s and ' us~natU~t ,,ma'ter.t~ls~'~or'minii~lze· thelp~.~.v'~tbiltty and intrusivenes~ into the natural settlf~j~. -.Said :mlls 'Should not exceed a maXlmui.~' he!gh~ Of'four' (,4) feet In the front yam area. 3. The deck underlay on Lot 2 should be of an exf.~rior finish that integrates with the arChitectUre O~ the house on said lot. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS T 10035 - CALPROP CORPCRATION !t ~:-,L. OE)iGgNAL Page 2 Landscape: ' ' the dr~i.v. eWay~.W~dth~r~bou~d~g!r~dU~lly %aper Off' to...aJmaxi!nun~width of 18 fe,et.at ~he' ~!~,iye,,.appn):ach~.j.,ffh~r~ver possible. . O(h es'~ ~' ' 1. The proposed G~ading Ordinance was reviewed by Commission on December 13. 1989. Approval of the proposed · Qqdinance., could .',,have seMe~l) :lml)lications.. on ~h~s,~ project-m&~ z ~:. ~ev~,si~ns.3to;!, the -~oy~Pa.ltl ¢gncept ,of ai;he houses as_.ptopOsedcqnay be -i:-, :~equ!red. qjndgg~:a .nu,mber..~ofi~ri_ances:,,for ~e~backs and ..:;, ,.Commitstee. may Tw._is~h ~te? c.on.s~ider, 9.how~, the. increased~ he tght , re-sidences r,~,f, fec i~s b;the -:a~e~.~,,fr,e.m, an · aesthetic., desjg!n.re!lat~ De s i9 n Revtew Co mmm tttee Act ion: ' 17: Members Pnesent: llcNiel, Blakesley, Kroutil .~ ..-. geturn jWa~l,]S~and.,,Comb.tnatton:+ reta~n. tng./b locl~! v~l l's .:shou.ld I-, , d,es. ing'ed in .:such a way as qOt ..robe an. obtrusive e,lement!cin the ! ,,: ~ overall: c~nceptual. arohltec-tural and landscape design lof the 'ject 2. All 98rage elevations factn9 streets should be upgraded . , .... ~:, ,t nc lude 8.rch tJ;ectu ~al. ds:~,..t 1: c~h,at :i. ls.:-¢ons~s bent~ with: the h lgh ic, L,.;~ 'z'~.ev~e,!:.~ off :,,a,rcht.tec~ural./:detail! presented. :.::on~,-:>t.h~,;: pn)posed ' ex ter 1o P e leme qt~S p. rov.~d. ed eq!ith~ Lo~ ~'2~.:,~s 1de rice ~ .,, .,~,..~ Var~t~nces~,. f,.qr.- .jf, rOn~.I yard .~e. tbacks..:,p;overall a:h~t~hts'. and . ~ ,aqce.s sor~: structure , '.se,L(bqcks ..~11;1-~5e ~onstde:~el~ Ebefore the ~ ~ P1