HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987/09/03 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA
DATE: August 20, 1987 ACTION AGENI)A
TO: Commercial/Industrial
Design Review Committee Suzanne Chitlea I977
Larry McNiel
Otto Kroutil
David Blakesley (Alternate)
FROM: Nancy Fong, Associate Planner
The following is a description of projects which require review and
rating by the Design Review Committee. P1 ease review the attached
plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the
blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After
the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up
as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to
the Commission and Council.
As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted
in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you
have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will
be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be
reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review
item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will
be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the
dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made.
6:00 - 6:30
TURNER DEVELOPMENT - A proposal to develop a multi-
tenant industrial park consisting of 3 buildings
totalling 142,500 square feet on 7.29 acres in the
General Industrial District, Subarea 5, located west of
Lucas Ranch Road and north of 4th Street - APN: 210-
071-39, 57.
6:30 - 7:00
29 - WIERICK PROPERTXES - A proposal to ~eve)op a
neighborhood commercial center consisting of an office
building, retail building and a 4,900 square foot fast
food restaurant totalling 39,988 square feet in an
Office Professional District on 4.4 acres of land
located at the southwest corner of Lomita Court and
Archibald Avenue APN: 202-151-33. Related Files:
GPA 87-04B & DDA 87-03.
CC: Planning Commission/City Council
6:00 - 6:30 Chris August 26, 1987
DEVELOPMENT - A proposal to develop a multi-tenant industrial park
consisting of 3 buildings totalling 142,500 square feet on 7.29 acres in
the General Commercial District, Subarea 5, located west of Lucas Ranch
Road and north of 4th Street - APN: 210-071-39, 57.
.Design Par~ters:
The site is paved, has a steel beam construction canopy, a trailer and
chain link fencing. The site is being used for truck trailer storage.
North and south are development industrial projects. A rail easement
exists to the west which dictates a rail service design to the
westernmost building. Street improvements have been completed along
Lucas Ranch Road.
Staff Comments:
Site Plan
1. An employee plaza area in front of building "C" should be provided
with special hardscape treatment, seating, trash receptacle, and
special landscaping consisting of specimen size trees, shrubs and
ground cover.
i. The buildings are well balanced; however, additional or modified
elements should be provided primarily to the east elevations of all
of the buildings and specifically around the office entries. Those
elements could include colors, textured surface, scorelines, free
standing structures, etc.
2. The proposed elevation for all buildings (other than the portion of
office entries) consist of tilt-up concrete with a couple of score
lines, which do not provide for architectural interest. Expanses
of building wall should be broken up with additional architectural
elements such as change in the texture for building surface, the
use of openings and recesses, etc.
1. Undulating mounding should be provided along Lucas Ranch Road.
2. Special landscape treatment should be provided at all project
entries through the use of accent trees and specimen size trees.
DR 87-31 - Turner Development
September 3, 1987
Page 2
3. The width of the landscape fingers on both sides of the middle
driveway entrances should be expanded to allow for special
landscape treatment that project a more formal entry way.
.pesign Review CoumfitteeAction:
Members Present: Suzanne Chitlea & Otto Kroutil
Staff Planner: Chris Westman
The Committee discussed the project with the applicants and agreed on
the following recommendations:
1. Accent colors should be limited to one for buildings A and B and
one for building C.
2. Surface treatment of textures reveals and possibly colors should be
provided to expanses of building walls other than the office
3. The office entry areas should have stronger architectural
statements which would include height and plan variation.
4. The plaza area should incorporate special hardscape treatment, such
as trellis work, seating, trash receptacles and special landscape
treatment with ground cover, shrubs, specimen size trees, and
accent trees.
5. Special landscape treatment should be provided at all project
entries through the use of accent trees and specimen size trees.
6. Revised site plan and elevations including plaza and entry
landscape details be submitted for review on the September 17, 1987
consent calendar.
6:30 - 7:00 Chris September 3, 1987
PROPERTIES - A proposal to develop a neighborhood commercial center
consisting of office building, retail building and a 4,900 square foot
fast food restaurant totalling 39,988 square feet in an Office
Professional District on 4.4 acres of land located at the southwest
corner of Lomita Court and Archibald Avenue - APN: 202-151-33. Related
Files: GPA 87-04B & DDA 87-03.
Design Parameters:
The site is vacant with no significant vegetation. The site drops in
elevation from the north to the south 18 feet at 3%. There is
development on all four sides of the site. To the south is an Alpha
Beta commercial center. The rear loading area of the center is adjacent
to the subject site and therefore very visible. To the west is a senior
housing project. There is a block wall which separates the two sites.
North of Lomita Court to the west is another apartment project, and
directly across the street is a vacant lot which has a master plan
approved for expansion of a retail hardware store and office building.
yard. East of Archibald is an apartment complex and a retail
neighborhood shopping center. There is not any one consistent design
theme among all of these projects. Street improvements have been
completed on Archibald Avenue and Lomita Court except for driveways and
General Plan and Development District amendments have been submitted for
this site and the land use issues of those amendments will be discussed
at the Planning Commission level.
This particular site is designated for Office/Professional uses on the
City's General Plan. It had been, on previous occasions, considered for
change to Retail/Commercial. During the most recent review of the site
along with other Office/Professional sites in the western part of the
City, the Commission recommended that the existing Office/Professional
designation remain.
The City Council, upon review of marketing and other information
submitted by the property owner's representative indicated they would
consider some type of commerdal and office mixed uses there. This
would need to be done in some form of a master plan'that would consider
retail uses at that corner upon the following:
1. Retention of a significant portion of the site for office and
office related uses, and;
CUP 87-29 - Wierick Properties
September 3, 1987
Page 2
2. Planning Commission approval of a development plan (for entire
site) to promote a mixed use concept, and;
3. A significant portion of the project be devoted to pure office with
no store fronts or parking directly in front of buildings (office),
4. That the design be compatible with and sensitive to the residential
character (the mixed use project need not be of a residential
character) of the senior housing complex to the west, and;
5. Project phasing be included which calls for timely development.of
office services to insure that all the retail commercial is not
constructed first and the offices are never developed.
The proposed project, with its linear commercial buildings and 2
satellite ones (fast food and office), is a typical strip commercial
Staff Co~ents:
In staff's view, the project concept, as proposed, does not satisfy all
of those concerns as listed above.
Site Plan
1. Including the fast food pad, 60% of the site is devoted to
retail/commercial. Should the interpretation of "significant"
require more office space, the entire site plan could require
2. The orientation of the office uses should be more closely related
to the senior housing project. A strong pedestrian link should
connect the two projects in an effort to provide access for future
senior related office uses, such as medical offices.
3. Overall pedestrian orientation should be strengthened in order to
provide an inviting, convenient, and safe circulation system.
4. Another land use issue to be discussed by the Planning Commission
which will have design impacts is the fast food restaurant. Fast
food restaurants generate additional traffic from off of the site,
require a higher ratio of parking spaces, dictate a separate
subsystem for vehicular circulation, and require greatly
intensified landscaping and screening.
CUP 87-29 - Wierick Properties
September 3, 1987
Page 3
5. The stacking distance for the fast food may not be adequate. The
drive thru lane could be re-configured; however, that may mean a
loss of parking spaces and an additional "dead-end" (see sketch).
Generally the architectural theme is compatible with surrounding uses.
Detailing could enhance the overall design quality.
1. The rock work should have an authentic structural appearance. This
could be done by delineating the separation of rock and stucco with
wood timbers and continuing the rock work areas to include the base
of storefront windows and the exposed stairway of the office
building. The rock work should also be consistently used on any
retaining walls within the project and in the office plaza area and
as details throughout the project.
2. Timbers or any other detail should be used to frame the arches on
all of the buildings to continue a structural authenticity
3. A logical continuation of design and materials should be provided
to all sides of all buildings.
4. The gables on the east and north sides of the fast food building
should be extended to create drive thru porticos which would
establish more depth interest for the building and provide further
screening of the drive thru lane.
5. The west entrance of the office building could be extended as a
colonnade which would provide for a sheltered outdoor space and
partially enclose the plaza area which would then become a more
intimate space.
1. A flat area should be provided at the top of berm at the south end
of the project to provide space to plan a screening shrub row.
2. Intensified landscaping should be provided at the south end of the
site to screen the loading areas of the a~oining Alpha Beta
Design Review CoueuitteeAction:
Members Present: Suzanne Chttiea & Otto Kroutil
Staff Planner: Chris Westman
CUP 87-29 - Wierick Properties
September 3, 1987
Page 4
In light of the land use issues which will be determined by the Planning
Commission on the September 23, 1987 agenda the Design Review Committee
made general comments at this time to inform the applicant of their
concerns. A more detailed review of the project will occur after the
land use determination has been made. The Committee comments are as
1. There is a preference for authentic river rock however a high
quality manufactured rock may be accepted subject to Committee
2. Additional building articulation should be provided which would
create more interest in building plane.
3. The transition of rock to stucco should be re-evaluated and an
alternate solution submitted.
4. An alternate solution to the service walk at the rear of the
commercial buildings was encouraged which would eliminate a
possible conflict between service vehicles and customer vehicles.
5. A safe and convenient pedestrian connection should be provided to
and from the senior development to the west.