HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/08/21 - Agenda Packet CITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 1986 AI;TION AJ;ENDA TO: Ceamaercial/Industrial Design Review Committee Dennis Stout 1977 Suzanne Chitlea Brad Bullet Dave Barker (Alternate) FROM: Nancy Fong, Associate Planner SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW CO)ITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 1986 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Commi ttee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recon~nendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Dino) ENVIRONMENTAJ_ ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW - DR 85- 29 GENERAL MARBLE - The development of a q5,0OO sq. ft. building addition to an existing 40,000 sq. ft. building on 5.36 acres of land in the General Industrial/Rail Served District (Subarea 2) located on the north side of 9th Street between Vineyard and Hellman Avenues - APN: 209-1, 4, 5, 6 6:30 - 7:00 (Nancy) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-09 BIXBY/LEASON POMEROY - The review of the proposed Master Plan text and the architectural guidelines for an approved 26 acre'Master Plan development located between 4th Street and 6th Street, and between Milliken Avenue and Pittsburgh Avenue - APN: 229-281-58, 59. DISCUSSION O~Y CA)ICE~ED NF:ns Attachments CC: Planning Commi ssion/City Council C0ie(ERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL CONSEIfr CALENDAR IT1)!S AGENDA August 21, 1986 1. CUP 85-19 Review of revised elevations. Committee Action: The Committee requested additional drawings (perspective) to show visual impact of changes to stucco detailing on elevations. This item is required to come back as a regularly scheduled item for DRC at its next meeting. 2. CUP 85-01 - KANTEli Review of minor changes to elevation. (Nancy) Committee Action: Recommended approval with condition that the 2 sheet metal units be changed to wood or other materials subject to City Planner approval. 3. DR 86-0g - BIXBY Review of new truck loading facility for (Nancy) Phase I development. Committee Action: Recommended approval of the alternative truck loading dock facility with condition that the applicant work with staff to redesign the eastern parking area to the satsifaction of the City Planner. 4. CUP 86-01 - PAYLESS Review of adding handrail to retaining wall. (Nancy) Committee Action: Recommended approval. 5. MI)R86-20 - STEER N smbIM Review of elevations for restaurant (Dino) expansion. Conanittee Action: The Committee recommended approval with condition that the mullions used on the new portion match those on existing windows. 6. DR 85-39 - DAVIS Review of changes in elevation. (Dino) Committee Action: Recommended approval with the loll owing conditions: 1. Incorporate fluted block with the proposed grey tone split face block to the building fin walls. Free standing walls and as a textured band along the top of the building. 2. All colored accent bands should be blue. 7. DR 86-05 - BARTON Review of changes in elevation. (Dino) Committee Action: Recommended approval with the condition that the sample of wood element be submitted for City Planner review and approval. 8. DR B S-22 - EDWARD CINEMA Review of cinema marque. (Scott) Committee Action: The Committee reviewed the proposal and approved it subject to the following conditions: 1. The marque face shall be ivory. 2. The letters to be used on the marque shall be a brown to tie in with the color scheme of the building. 3. The base of the marque shall be located 18" above the string of lights located on the front building elevation. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Dino August 21, 1986 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-29 - GENERAL MARBLE - The development of a 45,000 square foot building addition to an existing 40,000 square foot building on 5.36 acres of land in the General Industrial/Rail Served District (Subarea 2) located on the north side of 9th Street between Vineyard and Hellman Avenues - APN: 209-1, 4, 5, 6. Design Parameters The project site includes an existing manufacturing/warehouse facility for General Marble Corporation. The surrounding uses are also manufacturing/warehouse facilities. The properties adjacent to the project site are vacant. Issues The Planning Co~mission's policy for industrial bull ding additions has been to improve the existing building design to meet the same quality design as the proposed addition. Has the proposed addition been designed to an acceptable level of architecture and the existing building i~rovements upgraded to meet this same design quality? Another P1 anning Commission policy is to design 1 oading areas at the rears of buildings in order to screen loading activity from public view. The project site includes an existing loading facility area which faces 9th Street in full public view (existing conditions). The existing loading area requires that trucks use the public street to maneuver, which conflicts with City standards and policies. Should the relocation of this loading area be considered as an alternative in the design of the proposed project? Staff Coemeents Architecture: 1. Expand the proposed framed canopy element to become an integral (significant) part of the proposed and existing buildings. 2. Sandblast major portions of the proposed and existing buildings to create a texturized surface for increased architectural appeal. Design Review Comments August 21, 1986 DR 85-29 - General Marble Page 2 Site Plan: 1. The applicant should be directed to explore relocating the existing loading dock area at the rear of the existing and or proposed buildings (see Exhibit "A" example). 2. Incorporate parking and landscaping in place of the existing loading dock area (similar to the proposed parking and landscaping along 9th Street adjacent to the proposed building) and eliminate the center driveway. Landscaping: 1. Provide six (6) foot wide (minimum) landscape buffer strip approximately 50 feet from and parallel with the curved rear (north) property line to separate parking and access from truck movement and outside storage (see Exhibit "B" example). 2. Plant tall growing trees (specimen size) surrounding the existing equipment on the west side of the existing building to sufficiently screen from public view. 3. Provide dense landscaping along the west property line (approximately 280 feet from the public right-of-way) to sufficiently screen any storage or loading activity in this area. 4. Employee eating/break area should include seating, overhead trellis, and tables. Design Review Comnittee Action Members Present: Suzanne Chitiea, Dennis Stout, Brad Bullet Staff Present: Dino Putrino The Committee recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review as follows: 1. Design of screen wall and gate be provided within the landscape setback area for screening the loading dock area of the south side of the existing building. A streetscape plan for 9th Street be provided. Design Review Comments August 21, 1986 DR 85-29 - General Harble Page 3 2. The proposed elevations do not meet the Design Guidelines of the Industrial Specific Plan in areas of providing articulation of building plane and surface. The elevations should be redesigned to provide an office entrance statement, variation in architectural plane and add texture to building surface. The existing building should be upgraded with the same architectural treatment as the new addition. 3. A ten (10) foot wide landscape planter be provided to the west proeprty line for approximately 280 feet north from the public right-of-way. The landscaping should be densely planted in order to sufficiently screen storage and loading activity from public view and include tall specimen size trees to sufficiently screen the equipment on the west side of the existing building. 4. Landscape "finger" planters along the north property line parking area at a rate of one "finger" per 10 parking stalls be provided. 5. Additional pedestrian amenities such as seating, trellis cover and landscape screening be provided within the employee plaza area. 6. Eliminate the west most proposed driveway on 9th Street (adjacent to the railroad right-of-way) and incorporate densely planted landscaping and screen walls. Re-route circulation along the west property line to take access from the west most existing driveway. 7. Vines and shrubs be provided adjacent to the screen walls along 9th Street.