HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/02/07 - Agenda PacketDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCH0 CUC~A~MONGA MEMORANDUM January 18, 1985 Design Review Committee Larry McNiel Rick Gomez Dennis Stout Herman Rempel (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 7, 1985 1977 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if yQu will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 Dan 6:30 - 7:00 Howard 7:00 - 7:30 Dan 7:30 - 8:00 Dino 8:00 - 8:30 Nancy 8:30 - 9:00 Nancy DR 85-01 - TAC DEVELOPMENT DR 84-56 - MESSENGER INVESTMENT DR 84-12 - WILLIAM DAVIS CUP 83-22 - JORDAN ARCHITECTS DR 84-54 - FORECAST DR 84-57 - FILPI NF/nas Attachments CC: Planning Commission/CitY Council Dan Coleman/Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rougeau, Barrye Hanson Bob Akridge Y DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Dan 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. February 7, 1985 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-01 - TAC DEVELOPMENT - The development of a senior citizen housing project totaling 160 apartment units on 4.75 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (proposed High Residential/Senior Housing Overlay District) to be located on the west side of Amethyst, north of 19th Street - APN 201-232-24. Design Parameters The site is located north of the Alta Loma Manor Retirement Home and south of the proposed Foothill Freeway. The project should be designed to meet the needs of senior citizens (e.g., passive/active recreation facilities, buffering from freeway noise, accessibility, etc.). The basic building design is different than Calmark's Heritage Park. The applicant is proposing 3-story buildings utilizing elevators to central hallways. Staff Comments Site Plan: The site plan should be renewed by the V.I.P. (seniors} group relative to the need for passive/active outdoor recreation amentiis such as shaded seating areas, horseshoe or shuffleboard courts, pools and spas. Landscaping: 1. Canopy shade trees should be provided in conjunction with outdoor seating/eating area(s). 2. Tall, dense tree planting along north, west and south boundaries to buffer senior apartments from freeway and to buffer adjacent residential development from 3~story senior apartments- 3. Special landscaping treatment should be provided between Amethyst and easterly building, including the proposed retention basin. Architecture: The long, linear mass of the 75 unit building should be broken up with central roof element (see 30 unit building front elevation). Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Dan Coleman DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:00 Howard February 7, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-56 - MESSENGER INVESTMENT - For construction of a 42,820 square feet concrete tilt-up building for industrial/research and development use on 2.49 acres, located on southeast corner of Elm and Eucalyptus Avenue in the Industrial Specific Plan (Subarea 7 Industrial Park). - APN 208-351-37. Design Parameter Project proposal is westerly of the existing Schwinn facility and is part of the Rancho Cucamonga Business Park, a master planned area. The site plan under consideration exhibits one large single-story structure consisting of 42,820 square feet. Proposal is situated upon a highly visible corner in terms of design statement and visual impact. Staff Con~nents Site Plan: The following revisions are suggested to improve the overall Site Plan. 1. Delete some parking stalls to create opportunities for landscaped fingers. 2. Relocate trash enclosure at the northeasterly corner of subject site to a more appropriate location. Landscaping: 1. Provide additional landscaping material to screen rear loading area from public view, {Eucalyptus Street}. 2. Increase landscaping fingers in eastern parking area. 3. Increase landscaping planter width to 10' adjacent to south side of proposed building, and adjacent to the southerly and easterly property line. 4. Increase landscaping material by clustering tree types along northerly elevation. Additional landscaping treatment needed along both sides of project frontage {ie. rockscape, terraced planters, undulating mounding, clustering tree types and consideration of flowering ground cover in various section along property frontage. Design Review Comme DR84-56 - MESSENGER~ESTMENT February 7, 1985 Page 2 Architecture North and south elevations need additional architectural treatment (ie. wing walls, recessed walls, color striping, or split-face block). Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Dan 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. February 7, 1985 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-12 - DAVIS - The development of 328 apartments on 27.79 acres of land in the Low Medium (4-8 du/ac) and Medium (8-14 du/ac) Residential Districts located at the northeast corner of Arrow Highway and Etiwanda Avenue. Design Parameters This project was previously reviewed by the Design Review Committee. The primary issues were the proposed architectural concept as it relates to the rural character of Etiwanda and the architectural styles required by the Etiwanda Specific Plan, neighborhood compatibility and transition of density from the adjacent single family residences to the north, and site planning as it relates to building placement and the emphasis of parking areas. In addition, an open space linkage was desired from the north to the south end of the project. Previous Design Review Committee Action -- 10/04/84 The Committee recommended that the applicant work with staff to address the above described issues. With regard to the architecture, the Committee expressed a concern that the proposed contemporary Victorian architectural style lacked sufficient architectural detailing and proper building form to reflect the character associated with the Victorian style of architecture required by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Further, the Committee approved a revised conceptual site plan that addressed the above described issues. Staff Conm~ents Site Plan: 1. Create stronger project entry statement by widening the entries to provide landscape medians and pavement texture. 2. The Committee should provide specific direction to the applicant regarding the location and number of required tot lot facilities. 3. The revised site plan proposes two-story 8-plex buildings in the northern portion of the project adjacent to the single family residences. It would appear that adequate setbacks and landscaping have been provided to mitigate this concern and provide buffering between the two land uses. Design Review Comments DR 84-12 - DAVIS February 7, 1985 Page 2 Architecture: The architectural concept has been revised to provide steep gable roof lines and architectural detailing consistent with the Victorian style of architecture defined by the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Landscaping: Greater landscape setback should be provided between the parking court/carport areas and the interior loop road system in some areas. Design Review Committee Action -- 02/07/85 Members Present: Staff Planner: Dan Coleman DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Dino 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. February 7, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 83-22 (REVISION) JORDAN ARCHITECTS - The addition of a second story to an approved self- storage facility on 1.97 acres of land located at the southeast corner of Helms Avenue and Hampshire Street (9419 Hampshire Street) - APN 208- 261-57. Oesiqn Parameters Conditional Use Permit No. 83-22 is an approved single-story (15 foot) self-storage warehouse facility. In conjunction with this CUP, a variance to reduce the setback from 20 feet to 10 feet, adjacent to a residential district, was granted (April 25, 1984). This variance was based on mitigation measures of a reduced setback adjacent to single family residential uses and the long narrow configuration of the project site. The mitigation measures entail a low profile design (15 feet in height) of the proposed buildings, extensive appropriate landscaping in the south and east setback area adjacent to the residential district, and the development of a less intense use (storage facility) in a general commercial district. Staff Comments The proposed second story addition of the approved "low profile and less intense use" storage facility would change the basis of the findings for the approval variance and eliminate all mitigating measure of the incurred impacts. A second story addition would create a higher profile design and more intense use; thereby, increasing the impact to the surrounding single family residential uses (district). This is a direct conflict with the intent of the Variance Resolution 84-36 approval; thus, staff recommends the storage facility to remain a single story structure as approved. Desiqn Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Nancy 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. February 7, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-54 - FORECAST - The development of 2 two-story office buildings totaling 20,000 sq. ft. on 2.55 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7), locted at the south side of Civic Center Drive, approximately 200 feet east of Haven Avenue - APN 208-622-37. Design Parameters The subject site is immediately adjacent to the recently adopted Haven Avenue Overlay District and is within a larger commercial center (K- Mart). Attachment A is a conceptual Master Plan of this entire commercial center that shows the site's relationship to the center. Staff Comments Site Plan: Although the overall site plan conforms to the conceptual Master Plan. The following issues need to be addressed: The two triangle buildings being parallel to one another create a long corridor of 150 feet long by 20 feet wide that runs from northeast to southwest. This long corridor could create a wind tunnel effect and could be an aesthetically unattractive pedestrian space and a public health and safety hazard, expecially when the Santa Aria winds are blowing from the north. However, this could be mitigated through the following: Opening up the northeast end of the two buildings and repeating the same architectural elements and a mini-plaza area as in the southeast end, Creating a variety of architectural forms, plane, "ins and outs" to break the tunnel effect, or Enclosing this corridor and creating a glass atrium, as an interior open space for the two buildings. The plaza area should be enhanced by providing for more hardscape, pedestrian oriented faciliies, and shading seating areas with attractive landscaping. Does the site plan provide for integration in areas of open space and pedestrian connections with the surrounding development? February 7, 1985 Page 2 Architecture: The proposed architecture is the same style as in Civic Center Plaza I which is east of the subject site and has recently received Planning Commission approval (DR 84-39). However, the interior elevation between the two buildings could be improved to break the monotony of the building planes through variation in depth and angle of the building planes. Also to create for more interest to the basic form of the building, more variation in exterior texture and materials should be provided. Landscapinq: The overall landscaping for the site should be improved with special landscape treatment provided along Civic Center Drive, adjacent to the west elevation, between the two buildings and the plaza areas. Pedestrian Connections: Although the proposed development is outside the Haven Avenue Overlay District, pedestrian connections should be provided especially to the west side for connections to the future development on Haven Avenue and along the easterly driveway entrance for connection to the center. Should the Committee look into the overall picture of all the pedestrian connections to ensure that they are interrelated and workable? Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Nancy Fong CWIC CENTER DR ~LLI PROPOSED APPROVED OFFICE BLDG ;WIC CENTER PLAZA I K-MART ~RROW HWY ATTACHMENT A CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Nancy 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. February 7, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 84-57 - BUSTER FILPI The development of a 9,000 sq. ft. multi-tenant building. on a portion of 3.4 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 3), located at the northeast corner of Industrial Lane and Feron Boulevard - APN 209-031-74. Design Parameters The subject site is at the southern end of an older existing industrial lot with existing industrial buildings. The vacant area of this lot is paved with asphalt. The applicant is proposing the construction of a 9,000 sq. ft. multi-tenant building for light manufacturing use. Also indicated is a conceptual plan for Phase II, on the north end of the lot. Staff Co~ents Site Plan: The overall site plan along with the future expansion complies with the Industrial Specific Plan setbacks and adequately screens loading areas. Landscaping: The landscaping for this project could be improved by: 1. Providing landscape pockets to the east parking area, and north parking area. 2. Providing a 5 foot landscape strip adjacent to east elevation. 3. Providing special landscape treatment and mounding along Industrial Lane and Feron Boulevard, and berming against the slumpstone wall. Architecture: The proposed street elevations could be improved through changing the proposed wood siding to a more durable, fluted concrete board and adding this same texturized material to the west elevation. Design Revie~ Conlmittee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Nancy Fong