HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/05/16 - Agenda PacketCITY OF RANCH0 CUCAMONGA MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1985 TO: Design Review Committee FROM: SUBJECT: CO)~4Ill'EE ACTION Herman Rempel Rick Gomez Dennis Stout Suzanne Chitiea (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 16, 1985 1977 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Howard) DR 85-09 DEL TACO 6:30 - 7:00 (Howard) DR 85-12 SPIRES 7:00 - 7:30 (Nancy) TT 12040 ANDEN GROUP 7:30 - 8:00 (Curt) DR 85-10 OLYMPUS 8:00 - 8:30 (Curt) TT 11915-2 ROBERTSON HOMES 8:30 - 9:00 (Curt) CUP 83-08 LEWIS NF:cv Attachments CC: Planning Commission City Council Dan Coleman, Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rogeau, Loyd Goolsby, Barrye Hanson CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGENDA May 16, 1985 CUP 83-09 - ALTA LOMA BRETHREN IN CHRIST (Nancy) Review of revised elevations. Committee Action: elevation. The Committee recommended approval of the revised DR 85-15 - ASSURED MINI-STORAGE (Howard) Committee Action: The Committee recommended forwarding the project determination. Review of revised elevation. reviewed the revised elevations and to the Planning Commission for final TT 12090 - USA PROPERTIES (Curt) Review of tot lot location. Committee Action: The tot lot shall be installed as per the original plans previously approved by the Planning Commission. TT 11915 - DEER CREEK (Howard) Revised elevation. Committee Action: Revised elevations must include trellis work and block wall treatment, bay window, wood trim, false lower vents, and multi-pane windows. All 2-story elevations that front onto a street, include wood trim treatment on upper stories. TT 11853 - DALY (Curt) Review of revised elevation. Committee Action: Architectural approval granted with conditions as follows: 1. Upgraded roof material, such as flat tile or thick butt hexagon composition or wood shingles. 2. Three exterior color schemes shall be provided. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:00 - 6:30 Howard May 16, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-09 DEL TACO - The development of a 1,900 square foot fast food restaurant, located at the northwest corner of Foothill and Haven Avenue on approximately .12 acres (Virginia Dare Business Center), in the General Commercial (GC) District - APN - 1077-401-027. Background: On June 8, 1983, the Planning Commission reviewed and conceptually approved the master plan and circulation for the Virginia Dare Center. However, at their meeting on January 9, 1985, the Planning Commission expressed concerns with development of Parcel 5 as a fast food use. This use was planned as a free-standing building with full views from Haven Avenue. The Commission optioned to let the developer attempt to mitigate Commission concerns through an attractive design element and landscaping treatment. Design Parameters: The project site is located within the Virginia Dare Business Center which has an overall approved architectural program that reflects the winery theme and mission-style architecture. The architectural statement for all building should be compatible and have architectural elements that carry through the overall program. Staff Conmnents: Site Plan: Is the proposed drive-thru adequately mitigated through overhead trellis and bermed screening? Architecture: The proposed elevations are in keeping with the approved design programs; however, there may need to be additional treatment to the windows such as arches. Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 6:30 - 7:00 Howard May 16, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-12 SPIRES - The development of a 6,000 square foot restaurant located at the northwest corner of Foothill and Haven Avenue on about 13 acres (Virginia Dare Business Center), in the General Commerical (GC) District - APN 1077-401-027. x ~f the winery theme and Mission s. tyle architecture that will be utilized in all building statements through various architectural elements. Staff Comments Site Plan: Does the site plan provide adequate entry focal point? Landscaping: Provide landscaping, including trees, shrubs and ground cover along north elevation. Architecture: Should additional architectural enhancement to the north and south be provided, such as trellis work or wood elements? Design Review Committee Action: Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:00 - 7:30 Nancy May 16, 1985 DESIGN REVIEW FOR TRACT 12040 - ANDEN GROUP - Reapplication for design review of new architectural elevations and changes to the site plan for 328 condominium units on 25.6 acres of land in the Medium Residential District 8- 14 du/ac, located at the northeast corner of Turner Avenue and Arrow Highway - APN 208-341-11. Design Parameters This project was originally approved by the Planning Commission on November 25, 1981, and had been recorded since 1983. The developer is proposing new elevations for the 328 condominiums and redesigning the site plan by deleting 7 of the total 48 building pads while maintaining the same number of units, but increasing the percentage of land area for common open space. The overall design of the site plan basically remains the same in regard to building pad area, interior circulation and open space area. Attached for your review are the previous site plan and elevations and the proposed ones, Exhibits A1 and A2. Issues: Since this is a recorded tract, should Staff review the proposed changes to the site plan under the current Development Codes? The following is a list of the discrepancies the site plan has with the current codes: A building setback of 100 feet required when two-story buildings abut single family lots along the north property line versus 20', 30', and 24' setbacks shown for Buildings 43, 44, and 45 respectively. The required building setbacks along Arrow Highway and Turner Avenue are 55 feet and 45 feet respectively. The current code requires an additional 10 feet when a project is within the Medium Residential District, versus 43 feet and 37 feet shown. The building setback from interior property boundary is 20 feet. Affected the east property line that abuts the Flood Channel, versus 15 feet shown. 4. A noise study is required per the Noise Element of the General Plan. Neighborhood Meeting: On April 16, 1985, the developer conducted a neighborhood meeting in order to present their revised plans to the adjacent residents and to receive input from them. Four residents from the single family tract to the north attended the meeting. The concensus among the attendees was that the proposed changes were an upgrade of the project and that they would like this project to be constructed. Design Review Tract 2040 - May 16, 1985 Page 4 Staff C~m~nts Site Plan: The elimination of 7 building pads netted 12.7% more of the land area for useable open space and the units are clustered in 8 plexes. However, the site plan could be improved through the following: 1. The visitors parking spaces should be provided to all dwelling units within a distance of 150 feet (per Development Code). 2. All visitors parking should be designed at a 90 degree angle - see Exhibit "B". Guest parking should not be located at the curve of the driveway, as it may create traffic hazard because of the visibility and backing out. See Exhibit "C". Architecture: The previous architecture features wood siding and asphalt shingle roof materials. The new architecture is Spanish style with off-white stucco walls and red tile roof. The new elevation has some architectural details and wood trim. Overall, the new elevations are an upgrade of the previous ones. The arrangement of the building pads with units on the second floor creates a streetscape of garages; however, this same arrangement of buildings was in the previously approved site plan. Attached for your review are the previous elevations and the proposed ones, Exhibits "A2" and D2", respectively. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Nancy Fong N'OI~,TH CITY OF RANClIO CUCAN'iON~;A PLANNING DIVISION t,_'xl lIBIT: '~,- SCALE: r \ FRONT ELEYATION CIMARRON 0AK5 CITY of: RAhlC, HO C{JC,~,HOI~A THE ANDEH GROUP .69' / __ ,:-. v4b': ',.:" \ \ -,, x \ \ "\ \,, \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ 36 ° 14' 35" E 2,68' A ,,,e,,,! .,,,~ ........ CIMARRON OAKS IX JP~ht see Beva'Uon J IFront I~evataon I Rear EleveUon ILeft Side Elevation I DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 7:30 - 8:00 Curt May 16, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW NO. 85-10 OLYMPUS - The development of 120 apartment units 8.66 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 du/ac), located on the west side of Archibald Avenue, south of Monte Vista Street - APN 202-141-11. Oestgn Parameters The project site is currently a citrus grove with Eucalyptus windrows around the perimeter and scattered throughout the site that are proposed for removal. The density proposed is 13.85 units per acre. Bordering the site to the north is an older single family neighborhood with a number of accessory structures, some of which are located on the common property line. To the south is an elementary school off of Amethyst, and an equipment rental yard off of Archibald. Staff Coments Site Plan: A number of existing (non-citrus) trees on the property could be saved as shown on the grading plan though adjustments to the site plan will be necessary. A report from an arborist should be required to determine the variety, size and general condition of the trees. The building nearest Amethyst will have patios looking into the rear yard of an existing home, and adjustments should be considered. At the southeast corner of the site, one building is orientated with the units facing the rental yard. Consider reversing the location of the building and northerly parking lot. This should provide better open space orientation and could improve the current inefficient parking lot design. 4. Continuous sidewalks should be provided to connect all areas of the site with the recreation amenities. 5. Consider off-setting the angle of buildings in relationship to the main circulation drive and Archibald Avenue. 6. Consider the use of wrought iron versus a solid wall along the south property line to visually connect with the school yard. Design Review Co ts DR 85-10 - Olym~ May 16, 1985 Page 2 Architecture: 1. The side elevations on both Buildings A and B are marginal. 2. Entry way and corner window treatment on Building B appears stark. 3. Patio walls or fences (versus schrub planting), should be provided. 4. Consider providing visual relief to the ridge line on Building 5. Designs for the recreation building, rental office, and laundry building should be provided. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Curt Johnston DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:00 - 8:30 Curt May 16, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 11915-2 - ROBERTSON HOMES - The development of 150 condominium units on 10.70 net acres of land in the medium residential district (8-14 du/ac), located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Turner Avenue - APN 209-091-11. Design Parameters At the April 4, 1985 Design Review Meeting, this project was reviewed and a number of comments provided as indicated on the attached Design Review Committee Action. At the April 18, meeting, a revised conceptual site plan was reviewed during the consent calendar with major changes that the Committee felt were a benefit. Considering the extent of the revisions, the final detailed site plan must again be reviewed by the Technical and Design Review Committee meetings prior to Planning Commission review. Oral comments will be presented at the Design Review Committee Meeting. Oesign Review CoaBittee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Curt Johnston DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS Curt 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. April 4, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 11915-2 - ROBERTSON HOMES - The development of 150 condominium units on 10.70 net acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 du/ac), located at the southeast corner of Arrow Route and Turner Avenue - APN 209-091-11. I)esjgn Parameters Surrounding this site is a diversity of land use and zoning including existing and planned single-family homes to the west and south, existing and planned commercial to the west and northwest, and future multi- family to the north and east. Currently a 150 townhouse apartment project is approved on the subject property. Although the current ~roposal has the same number of units, stacked flats with carports versus garages)' are proposed. The result of this change is considerably more common open space and increased setbacks from Arrow and Turner. Site Plan 1. Expand the open space in the central area of the project and increase the landscaping between aisles and parking and building areas. Architecture The overall design quality of the recreation-building should be improved. Consider revisions such as exposed beam work to break up the roof form and eave line and a heavy wood beam patio-like structure at the rear of the- building extending out toward the pool. Landscape berming and retaining walls should be used to screen the parking along the street frontages, and upgraded carport design with heavy beamwork and trellis work shall also be required. April 4, 1985 Page 2 Design Review Conmnittee Action Members Present: Dennis Stout, Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman Staff Planner: Curt Johnston Expand central open space areas and create more significant greenway spine. This can be accomplished by reducing building setbacks along the south project boundary and street frontages. 2. Relocate the recreation building to align with the south end of the Arrow entrance. Enhance the architecture of the recreation building with expansive use of trellis work and other elements to generally improve the design. The end building elevation (without the stairs) must be enhanced by creating greater variation in the architectural planes, such as furred out walls from the eave line to the ground. 5. Carport elevations must be provided. Lattice work is required at the end stall. Design details of the perimeter wall along Arrow and Turner must be provided. A variable setback of the wall is required and the design should incorporate significant use of wrought iron with masonry pilasters. 7. Trellis work must be provided over trasn enclosures for shading. DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Curt May 16, 1985 TIME EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 83-08 - LEWIS - The development of a 377,665 square foot shopping center including a drive-through restaurant on 8.67 acres of land in the General Commercial District located at the southeast corner of Foothill and Hellman - APN 208-261-25, 26. Design Parameters This project was reviewed by the Planning Commission at the April 10, 1985 meeting during review of a Time Extension request. The Commission was dissatisfied with the approved master plan for the center and directed the Design Review Committee to review the project within thirty days. A reduced copy of the approved master plan is attached. The major area of concern is pedestrian orientation. Staff has met with Lewis Homes to discuss the design issues and revised plans will be presented at the meeting. Design Review Committee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Curt Johnston Foothill Boulevard HamJ~shire Street ' ' SiteRan11 NORTH CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING DIVISION ITEM: TITLE= ~ gHIBIT: ~ SCALE: CiTY OP~ RANCHO CUCANIONGA PLANNING DIVISION t EXHIBIT: f NORTFI CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON(;A PLANNING-DIVISION FFEM: c/'~',,~'Z:'3 --~'oc- TITLE: -7'/4c~ ~r:--cc ~/~'//c~d EXHIBIT: D SCALE: DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS 9:00 - 9:30 Howard May 16, 1985 REVIEW OF GENERAL DYNAMICS PROPOSED PARKING FACILITY ON 7TH STREET Plans and comments will be distributed at a later date, but prior scheduled meeting date. to the I~esign Revie~ Co~ittee Action Members Present: Staff Planner: Howard Fields