HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/06/06 - Agenda PacketCITY OF RANCH0 CUCA~0NGA MEMORANDUM DATE: May 21, 1985 TO: Design Review Committee FROM: SUBJECT: COMMITTEE/M~TIO~ Herman Rempel Rick Gomez Dennis Stout > 1977 Suzanne Chitiea (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 6, 1985 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses along the left margin), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 6:30 (Curt) 6:30 - 7:00 (Curt) CUP 83-08 7:00 - 7:30 (Nancy) TT 11893 7:30 - 8:00 (Nancy) TT 12969 8:00 - 8:30 (Howard) DR 85-14 8:30 - 9:00 (Howard) CUP 85-15 VICTORIA VINEYARDS SOUTH LEWIS/TACO BELL PLAZA BUILDERS YAZEDJIAN GILBERT AJA & ASSOCIATES STRICKLAND NF:cv Attachments CC: Planning Commission City Council Dan Coleman, Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rogeau, Loyd Goolsby, Barrye Hanson Y CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGENDA June 6, 1985 DR 85-09 - DEL TACO ( Howard ) Committee Action: Review of revised elevation. The Committee viewed the color of the corporate logo as unacceptable. Instead, they decided on a burnt orange color/with more brown in order to tone down the bright orange color. Also, the Committee wanted a tile or slate roof as long as the roof is compatible with the entire center. DR 85-12 - SPIRES (Howard} Committee Action: Review of revised elevation. The Committee wanted the quadro-foil recessed on the north/south elevations near the Spires I.D. sign. VICTORIA DAY CREEK BRIDGE (Barrye} Committee Action: Review of the design of the Day Creek Bridge. The Committee was concerned with the removal of median, perhaps traffic barrier is needed. Traiq crossing and patrol roads should go under the street. More cross sections should be provided for further Committee review. DR 84-48 - PACIFIC SCENE (Nancy} Committee Action: Review of new color scheme and building entrance. The Committee recommended the original approved color scheme and building entrance. CUP 84-28 - HUMPHREY TRUCKING (Nancy) Committee Action: Request for a time frame for off-site and on-site improvements. The Committee recommended a time limit of 2 years for off-site and certain on-site improvement. Applicant should work with Engineering Division regarding the details for bonding such off-site improvements. 6:00 - 6:30 REVIEW COt~ITTEE COJ Curt/Bruce June 6, 1985 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Area Development Plan for Victoria Vineyards South - A conceptual development plan for south Victoria Vineyards Village, a 117.4 acre portion of the Victoria Planned Community, located on the north side of Base Line Read, between Milliken and Rochester, south of the Pacific Electric. railroad ~racts. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO . ~.'Si!t..PLAN: Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCHITECTURE: Recognizable Theme ' Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens YES NO ' : CIRCULATION: Z Access Location / Street Pattern Variation / Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Z Vehicle Stacking Z Back-up & Turn Around r~IGtIBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Corner Side/Rear Upgrade // Traffic Streetscape / Natural Topography Maintained Enhance Architecture / Grading Minimized Tree Preservation ~ Contoured Slopes Screening/Buffering Slope Heights/Gradient Shade Parking Lot ~ Vistas Preserved .S]ope P]an~ing Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COltII~EE ACTION Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of ai~proval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows:", Park to be .5 acres in size and relocated to the ~rtheast corner of "Loop Road" and ~toop Entry Road" with an east/west orientation. A trail focal point or node on the south side of "Loop Road" is required to align with the east side of "Loop Entry Road". 3. Revise the Land-Use plan to locate Medium-High Residential at the northeast corner of Base Line and Milliken. 4. Medium Residential at Base Line and Rochester is satisfactory. 5. Alternatives should be explored as to the appropriate land use to "wrap around" the park site's north and east perimeter. 6. Interior trail connections to the railroad track are not required. 6:30 - 7:00 REVIEW COffiIITTEE COJ Curt June 6, 1985 TIME EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 83-08 - LEWIS - The development of a 377,665 square foot shopping center includinn,'a drive-through restaurant on 8.67 acres of land in the General C~nm~ercial District located at the southeast corner of Foothill and Hellman.-- APN.208-261~.25,?6~ This project was continued from May 16. Revised plans will be presented at the meeting. Please see the attached DRC Action of 5-16-85. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO ,S.I~ PLAN:'. ) ~ '! Building Orientation / Open Space Parking Location / Pedestrian ~enities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCli [TECRIllE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Cor~r.~.~e__/~a__r._Ug.~rade LAfiDSCAPING: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot £]ape P]antin~ * *: CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian'Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around r .... ....... ............... ~ N_IGIIBORHOOD ........CORP, ATZBZL[TY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient ~is~a,s Preserved Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION ['~ Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: [~7) Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee revi~,w - as follows: [] Did not recommend approval as follows:", Provide an expanded pedestrian area fron~ and center of the main tenant building by realigning the drive aisle northerly. Create secondary pedestrian focal points in front of the satellite buildings, particularly the building south of Taco Bell. 3. Sidewalk connections must be provided from Hellman and Helms Avenue to enhance pedestrian access from the southerly tract homes. Align the southwest drive approach with the apartment project currently under construction on ~he west side of Hellman. Schedule review of the Time Extension for the next Planning Commission meeting {July 10, 1985). Revised plans must be submitted for Consent Calendar review prior to Commission review. 7:00 - 7:30 GN REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMENI~ Nancy Fong June 6, 1985 DESIGN REVIEW FOR TT 11893 - PLAZA BUILDERS - Reapplication for design review of new elevations for 35 single family lots on 17.2 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District, 1-2 du/ac, located west of Sapphire St, south side of Banyan Avenue. APN 1043-411-01 PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO ,,,/ // i i /-- SITE.PLAN: ...:..'...'_, .i Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location YES NO ARCIIITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens CIRCULATION: .... ~~"':""Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Pedestrian Amenities .,,/'~ Emergency Access Site Coverage ~ Vehicle Stacking Storage/Loading Areas ~ Back-up & Turn Around ~ COHPATIRILITY Neighborhood Character /' Density Transition / Buffering/Screening /'~ Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Cor2~.[_ S__i~/R__e.~[..~pgrade / Traffic LANDSCAPING: -'-~ ..... r ..... GRADING: '/j' Natural Topography Maintained Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot S]ape P]an~ing / Grading Minimized / Contoured Slopes / Slope Heights/Gradient / ~ist~asPreserved " / Views Into Site Members Present: Staff Planner: .~ Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: ~ Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review as follows: [] Did not recommend approval as follows:TM 1. Site Plan: Provide a decorative block wall consisting of plaster and slumpstone for lots 6 and 35, consistent with the block wall on"north sid~ of Banyan Street. Provide temporary cul-de-sac, or some kind of barricade, at the end of Banyan Street to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 7:30 - 8:00 REVIEW COlitITTEE COl(tENniS- Nancy Fong June 6, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12969 - YAZEDjIAN - A total residential development of 24 single family homes and two duplex totaling 28 units on 4.78 acres of land in the Low Medium Residential District 4-8 du/ac located at the south side of Arrow Hwy,~ba~:-~rn. Come~ .S~eet and Sierra Madre Drive. APN 207-222-08 PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO I ,,:'SimsPLAN:_ " Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCHITECTUNE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens co r, ~.~j d__e / R__e.~L U_p_g..T.~9 LANDSCAPING: ......... Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot _Slope Planting YES NO i ...........CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around HE1GIIBORHOOD ".) COMPATIBILITY '( Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading ,/ Land Use Conflict /'/ Noise ...I .......................... :GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient · Vistas Prest~d Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION Staff Planner: /~.~~ L='I Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: ~'l Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review · as follows: [] Did not recommend approval as follows:~ 1. Site Plan: The project should be designed to save as many trees as practical. The trees that need to be removed should be replace exclusive of the required landscaping requirements. b. Front yard landscaping should be provided for all lots. c. Provide more lot width variations. 2o Architecture: The intent of the General Plan Amendment is to upgrade this area by a higher quality housing project. The roof should be of hip style. I-~SIGN REVIEW COMMII'~EE COMMEN~ 8:00 - 8:30 Howard Fields June 6, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-14 - GILBERT AJA - For the Development of (2) one-story research and development buildings consisting of 26,490 sq.ft. and 104,720 sq.ft. on 8.42 acres located on the northwest corner of Sixth Street and Cleveland Avenue in the Industrial Area Specific Plan (Subarea 11, light industria]~and~a.rei~lusi~gtistriSb'timl facilities} PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO , .... !- =' T .' '-t ! . SIIE PLAN: , ! ; CIRCULATION: / Building Orientation ........ /:' Access Location "' Z Open Space / Street Pattern Variation /~ Parking Location /' Pedestrian Access Z Pedestrian Amenities / Emergency Access / Site Coverage / Vehicle Stacking '/ Storage/Loading Areas / Back-up & Turn Around I ) i ~' TIEIG!IBORHOOD i t AI1CtiIIECTUI(E: i ,COMPATIBILITY / Recognizable Theme Z Neighborhood Character / Scale, Mass, Height /' Density Transition ./-/ Harmonious Style/Form / Buffering/Screening / Materials/Color / Grading /-/ Variation/Interest / Land Use Conflict  Roof Screens // Noise · Corner Side/Rear Upgrade /' Traffic ......................... ~ .........F ..................... ! ! LANDSCAPING:._ ! GRADINg: ....... ................ y .......~treetscape / Natural Topography Maintained // Enhance Architecture / Grading Minimized Z Tree Preservation / Contoured Slopes / Screening/Buffering x/ Slope Heights/Gradient / Shade Parking Lot / Vistas Preserved / Slope Planting '/ Views Into Site DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review as follows:. Did not recommend approval as follows:" The Committee recommended changes to the site plan addressing more pedestrian orientation and connections (stamped walkways), drive approaches, ~,d also incorporate more plaza area, seating/shade. The Committee requested the architect to explore additional architectural embellishment to enhance the blank elevations along the west, north, and portions of the south elevations for Building A and B. The Committee requested an employee eating area with both indoor/outdoor facilities. 8:30 - 9:00 REVIEW COI(4II'[EE COP,~IENTe Howard Pi'elds June 6, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-15 - STRICKLAND - To allow construction of a 8,350 sq.ft. automotive servi'ce/tire store on 1.20 acres of land in The Industrial Area Specific Plan General Industrial District (Sub-Area 4) located at the northwest corner of Archibald and 7th Street. APN 209-171-48. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO / / Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCHITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGItBORHOOD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Traffic Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot , Slope Planting / / Streetscape / Natural Topography Maintained Staff Planner: ~'] Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: [~ Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee review , as follows: ]"l Did not recommend approval as follows:" The Con~i~tee .recommended changes to the site pl~ including sidewalk connections both to the north and west. The Commit-tee is concerned with screening the views into the rear service yard by view obstruction gates and higher wall height. The architecture needs to be revised to reflect more elements of the existing center, including more landscaping planters along the building elevations.