HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985/07/03 - Agenda PacketDATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF RANCHO CUCA~NGA MEMORANDUM July 9, 1985 Design Review Committee ACTION AGENDA Rick Gomez Herman Rempel Dennis Stout _ > 1977 Suzanne Chitiea (Alternate) Nancy Fong, Assistant Planner DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 3, 1985 The following is a description of projects which require review and rating by the Design Review Committee. Please review the attached plans, visit the project sites, and write down your comments using the blank space provided under each project on the attached sheets. After the meeting, the consensus of the Committee's concerns will be typed up as the formal action/recommendation of the Committee and distributed to the Commission and Council. As always, feel free to contact the appropriate project manager (noted in parentheses), prior to the meeting date, if you have specific questions related to the scheduled projects. Dinner will be provided between 5:00 - 5:30 p.m., Consent Calendar items will be reviewed between 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., with the first design review item being heard at 6:00 p.m. Please notify our department if you will be unable to attend the meeting, or if you will be late, so that the dinner can be properly ordered and the necessary arrangements made. 6:00 - 7:00 (Nancy) TT 12952 - GLENFED 7:00 - 7:30 (Howard) CUP 85-19 - LEDERMEN 7:30 - 8:00 (John) DR 85-20 - FORECAST 8:00 - 8:30 (Nancy) CUP 85-14 - MULLER 8:30 - 9:00 (Nancy) DR 85-17 - MARCH/BROOKSIDE NF/ns Attachments CC: Planning Commission/City Council Dan Coleman/Planning Division Joe Stofa, Paul Rougeau, Barrye Hanson Bob Akridge CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS AGENDA JULY 3, 1985 1. TT 12525 - TRUAX (Curt) Committee Action: Review of block wall design. The Committee approved the block wall and entrance design with conditions that the block wall shall be furred out and the materials shall be consistent with the wall. Detailed plans with material samples shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner prior to issuance of building permits. 2. TT 12532 - ARCHIBALD ASSOC. (Nancy) Review of new elevation for 9 single family homes. Conm~ittee Action: The Committee recommended approval. 3. DR 84-32 - BARMAKIAN (Dan) 5 Conmnittee Action: DR 85-15 - ASSURED MINI-STORAGE (Howard) Co~eittee Action: Review of new color schemes. The Committee recommended tht the colors should be of grey, blue, rustic shades. Revised color schemes should be submitted for Committee review. The Committee recommended that the buildings be separated into 3 buildings and repeat the same architectural treatment to the east elevation. 5. HERITAGE PARK (Dick) Conm~ittee Action: Review of Heritage Park building. The Committee recommended that Community Services staff work with the City Plan in revising the elevations to a rustic style. IESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE COliIENI 6:00 - 7:00 Nancy July 3, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT 12952 - GLENFED - A total residential development of 257 patio homes on 34 acres of land in the Low Medium Residential District (4-8 du/ac) located at the end of 19th Street, south of Highland Avenue - APN 202-211-36. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO . SITE PLAN: i ; ..........L. CIRCULATION: / Building Orientation J Access Location Open Space / Street Pattern Variation Parking Location J Pedestrian Access Pedestrian Amenities x/ Emergency Access Site Coverage y Vehicle Stacking Storage/Loading Areas ............. .../__ ........~_ack-u.R...~..Z~S~_.A_ro__u_n~_ ................ i NE I G|iBDRI IDDD ARCIIITECTUI(E: ............. ~ ..............................COMPATIBILITY Recognizable Theme y Scale, MaSs, Height j Harmonious Style/Form J Materials/Color ~ Variation/Interest j Roof Screens / Corner Side/Rear Upgr__ad~ ............~ ..... Tr.a~fic ......................... LANDSCAPING: .................... i.. GRipING: .......... Streetscape Natural Topography Maintained Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site ADDITIONAL STAFF COMMENTS FOR TT 12952 Design Parameters The proposed development consists of 257 patio homes with a net density of 7 du/ac and is developed under the Optional Standards. The lot sizes range from 3,000 sq. ft. to over 7,000 sq. ft. The following is the breakdown of number of lots in each lot size category: # of Lots Lot Size (sq. ft.) 82 3,000 - 4,000 100 4,000 - 5,000 64 5,000 - 6,000 11 6,000 - 7,000 + The developer has used the concept of clustering in arranging the design of the subdivision. A typical cluster consists of 10 lots designed around a cul-de-sac. The buildings are oriented at an angle to maximize privacy and private open space (rear yard) as well as breaking up the monotony of garagescape. The private open space averages out to 2,660 sq. ft. per unit while the common open space averages out to 864 sq. ft. per unit. Staff Comments Off-Site The ultimate alignment of 19th Street as determined by Caltrans may affect the design of those clustered lots along 19th Street. Site Plan The site plan could be improved through the following: Provide more pedestrian amenities within the linear common open space such as fountain, benches, bicycle and pedestrian path, gazebo and obstacle relay course. Provide decorative block wall along 19th Street, at site boundaries and property boundaries adjacent to common open space. DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR TT 12952 - GLENFED Date: July 3, 1985 Members Present: Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman, Dennis Stout Staff Planner: Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Provide two points of access and improve circulation by connecting Avenue "A" and Avenue "H". Provide more con~non open space. Adjustment to the slopes (not to exceed 3%) within the proposed common 'open space to expand this area is acceptable. A bigger scale plan for the common open space should be provided for review. Provide more distinctive variations to the elevations of Plan 2, 3, and 4. All roof material should be of concrete tile. Provide conceptual design of all decorative block wall/fence along igth Street, at site boundaries, property boundaries abutting con~non open space and along interior streets. 7:00 - 7:30 SN REVIEW COMMITTEE COMMEJ Howard Fields July 3, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-19 - LEDERMAN - To allow the construction of a 35,557 sq. ft. general retail center on 3.22 acres of land in the General Commercial District located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Ramona Aenue ~ APN 208-301-15 through 17. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO ! / / / SITE PLAN: Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas YES NO ARCI!ITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NETGIIBORHOOD Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Variation/Interest Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: v/ DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-19 - LEDERMAN July 3, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman, Dennis Stout Howard Fields Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: Architect should explore ways to take the roof plane all the way through and bring the roof overhang out in order to provide shade to the walkways. Provide an increase in pedestrian orientation from public sidewalk along Foothill and Ramona. Provide special landscape treatment to the easterly corner next to the major anchor, i.e., fountain, raised planter/seating, trellis work, etc. 4. Provide a band along the rear elevation. 7:30 - 8:00 GN REVIEW COMMITFEE COMMEN~ John July 3, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW 85-20 - FORECAST - A proposal to build a two-story 8,706 sq. ft. office building on .644 acres located at the east side of Utica, north of Civic Center Drive in Subarea 7 (Industrial Park) - APN 208-062-11. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO YES NO L_,__~_ ........!,,,.,,.SITE PLAN: _,, I ........i .........L Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage ~ .......~torage/Loading Areas ARCIIITEC FURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens /-- // CIRCULATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around ............................ COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character DenSity Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise Corner Side/Rear Upgrade ......... LANDSCAP I NG: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Traffic GRADING: ' Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMII'FEE ACTION FOR DR 85-20 - FORECAST July 3, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman, Dennis Stout John Meyer Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject of approval: Recommended that the project Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: to the following conditions be revised for additional 1. Provide meandering sidewalk between Lots 11 and 9. 2. Provide alternative color scheme prior to issuance of building permits. 8:00 - 8:30 REVIEW COMMITFEE COM24E~ Nancy July 3, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-14 - MULLER - The development of 3 office buildings totaling 53,226 sq. ft. and 4 industrial buildings totaling 159,704 sq. ft. within an existing industrial site that has an existing 148,000 sq. ft. manufacturing industrial building on 18.42 acres of land in the General Industrial District (Subarea 3), located at the northwest corner of 9th Street and Archibald Avenue - APN 209-021-5, 16, 17. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO ................ i.... SITE PLAN: YES Building Orientation Open Space Parking Location Pedestrian Amenities Site Coverage Storage/Loading Areas ARCHITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Variation/Interest Roof Screens NO ClRCIILATION: Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around NEIGHBONHODD COMPATIBILITY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Noise LAN[)SCAPING: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screening/Buffering Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting Corner Side/Rear Upgrade ~ Traffic ~ GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION FOR CUP 85-14 - MULLER July 3, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman, Dennis Stout Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: / Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: The developer should explore alternatives in designing the plaza areas to create an attractive, functional setting with "sense of place". Provide cosmetic upgrade for the existing building such as repainting the building to the same color scheme as proposed for the new develop- ment and as providing screening for roof mounted equipment. Provide special landscape entrance statement to the corner of 9th Street and Archibald, and the two driveways On 9th Street. 8:30 - 9:00 REVIEW CO~4II'FEE COMMENt Nancy July 3, 1985 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 85-17 - MARCH/BROOKSIDE - A total residential development of 164 apartment units on 11.71 acres of land in the Medium Residential District (8-14 du/ac) located at the northeast corner of Vineyard Avenue and Arrow Highway - APN 208-251-11, 23. PLEASE CHECK "YES" IF IT IS A SIGNIFICANT CONCERN YES NO . /,-,/ / / / YES NO SITE PLAN: ) = ) Building Orientation / Open Space / Parking Location / Pedestrian Amenities / Site Coverage ~ Storage/Loading Areas / ARCIIITECTURE: Recognizable Theme Scale, Mass, Height Harmonious Style/Form Materials/Color Var i at i on/I nterest Roof Screens Corner Side/Rear Upgrade LANDSCAP I NG: Streetscape Enhance Architecture Tree Preservation Screen i ng/Buffer i ng Shade Parking Lot Slope Planting CIRCULATION: Noise Traffic GRADING: Natural Topography Maintained Grading Minimized Contoured Slopes Slope Heights/Gradient Vistas Preserved Views Into Site .~.).~HBQ~g~ CO~PATIBILZTY Neighborhood Character Density Transition Buffering/Screening Grading Land Use Conflict Access Location Street Pattern Variation Pedestrian Access Emergency Access Vehicle Stacking Back-up & Turn Around Date: Members Present: Staff Planner: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITFEE ACTION FOR DR 85-17 - MARCH-BROOKSIDE July 3, 1985 Herman Rempel, Dan Coleman, Dennis Stout Nancy Fong Recommended approval. Recommended approval subject to the following conditions of approval: Recommended that the project be revised for additional Committee Review as follows: Did not recommend approval as follows: The new developer should maintain the design of this site plan. Any proposed changes to the site plan'and elevation shall be reviewed by the Committee prior to scheduling for Planning Commission. The developer should work with the out-parcels property owners in including these parcels as part of this development. The City may explore the possibility of providing assistance to the developer/ property owner negotiation.