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The regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga Community&Arts Foundation was held on
Wednesday, June 13, 2012, in the Tri-Communities Room, at the Rancho Cucamonga
Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, California. The
meeting was called to order at 5:09 p.m., by Chair Galindo followed by the Pledge of
Present were: Board Members: Arguello, Barag, Bryan, Galindo, Harrington, Kahn and
Snyder. Absent: Brown and Madsen Staff: John Gillison, City Manager; Nettie Nielsen,
Community Services Director; Francie Palmer, Community Services Marketing Manager;
Paula Pachon, Management Analyst III; Susan Sluka-Kelly, Community Services
Supervisor; and Elisa Delgadillo, Office Specialist II.
1. Assistant City Clerk Debra McNay administered the Oath of Office to Vice Chair Linda
There were no communications from the public.
1. To approve the Minutes of the Regular Community & Arts Foundation Meeting held
April 11, 2012.
2. To approve the Minutes of the Special Community & Arts Foundation Workshop
Meeting held May 9, 2012.
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Member Bryan, to approve the
Consent Calendar, as submitted. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
1. Golf Committee — Consultant Stephen Wagner updated the Board concerning the
Rancho Cucamonga $1,000,000 Community & Arts Foundation Tournament. He
stated that Burrtec has recommitted as the presenting sponsor for the tournament. In
addition, he explained that the tournament will be held on October 29, 2012,two weeks
earlier than usual due to planned Veteran's Day activities as well as Election Day being
near. After reviewing revenue totals from previous tournaments the subcommittee felt
that a target goal of$50,000 can be achieved for 2012.
Community &Arts Foundation 1 June 13, 2012
Analyst Pachon distributed the prospect list which includes contact assignments for all
members. A list of the top ten contributors at the Wine and Chocolate Festival was also
requested. Manager Palmer added that a small number of brochures will be printed
and asked if Members preferred a tri-fold brochure or a post card style. Members
agreed to a tri-fold brochure. Consultant Wagner indicated that brochures would be
sent out electronically the week of June 18"'.
2. Party Train Board/Chocolate & Wine Festival — Consultant Wagner distributed a
Finance and Post Event Report for the Festival. He expressed his disappointment with
the final outcome and added that he recognizes Members feel the same. He did note
that the event received accolades from the participating restaurants and most
expressed an interest in participating if held again. He said that if the Board decides to
host the fundraiser next year there are items to address include proposed location and
whether to consider holding it out of the City limits if a large attendance is projected.
He supported that a thorough analysis be conducted of what worked and what didn't at
this year's event. It was noted that the event sponsor Vavrinek, Trine, & Day Co. LLP
was pleased with the event and Member Snyder mentioned that they would be willing to
sponsor the event again. Lastly Consultant Wagner stated that the consensus of the
Event Committee is to not enter into a contract again with The Gavel Group for auction
services should the fundraiser be held in 2013. He asked that the Foundation make a
decision on whether they want to host an event next year within the next 30 days so a
Committee can be formed and venues researched.
Board discussion ensued. Members concurred that contracting with The Gavel Group
was not cost effective and their services will not be needed if a future Festival is held.
Concerns were expressed on finding a location to adequately host an increased
number of attendees and comments were also made that if there are no changes to the
event structure the outcome will remain the same.
Analyst Pachon briefly mentioned that the Spring Party Train Events held this year
consisted of two events: A Taste of Italy(hosted by Vice Chair Bryan) and A Night at
the Quakes (hosted by Member Harrington). Between the two events approximately
$2,600.00 was raised and because they were Board Member hosted there were no
costs associated therefore all was profit. No further discussion was held.
3. Executive/Finance Committee — No update given.
4. Board Development Board— Vice Chair Bryan emphasized that recruiting additional
Members to join the Board should be a priority. Chair Galindo asked the Board to
reach out to their contacts and email at least three potential candidates to him and
Director Nielsen within three weeks.
5. Performing Arts Giving Board— No update given.
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1. Selection of a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to serve a one year term was
opened by Director Nielsen. The following motions were then presented:
MOTION: Moved by Chair Galindo, seconded by Member Bryan, to nominate Jim
Harrington as Chair of the Community& Arts Foundation for a one year term. Motion
carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Member Kahn, to nominate Linda
Bryan as Vice Chair of the Community& Arts Foundation for a one year term. Motion
carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Member Arguello, to nominate
Bryan Snyder as Secretary/Treasurer of the Community & Arts Foundation for a one
year term. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
2. Chair Galindo called upon Analyst Pachon for discussion on the approval of the
Foundation's Fiscal Year 2012/2013 budget. Analyst Pachon explained the budget
worksheets to the Board and indicated that the proposed budget did not include the
Chocolate & Wine Festival as the decision to host an event in 2013 is pending. She
also explained that the Golf Tournament budget was based on a sold out event and
that revenues from the PAL Pledge payments have decreased due to that fact that
i many of the pledges have been paid off. It was suggested that the Foundation retain a
balance of $200,000 in the Operating and Program Fund.
Members began discussing the Board's support of school transportation funding to
assist with transporting students to Lewis Family Playhouse performances. A
suggested increase to the current funding was addressed and question raised
regarding whether it is possible to request additional funding later if the budgeted
amount is not increased now. Staff suggested referring any additional requests to the
Giving Committee. The Committee can then bring their recommendation to the entire
Board, and if approved, the funds would be made available immediately. No further
discussion was held. Following brief comments, the following-motion was made:
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Member Snyder, to adopt the
Community & Arts Foundation Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Operating and Endowment
Budgets, as presented by staff. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
Analyst Pachon recused herself from the meeting at this time.
3. Director Nielsen opened for discussion the contract for professional services for the
time frame of July 2012 — January 2013 and recommended approval to direct staff to
finalize and execute the agreement. She noted that discussions were held concerning
the contracts timeframe and that negotiations resulted in a suggested six-month time
period. During this time it is proposed that Analyst Pachon, who will retire at the end of
Community &Arts Foundation 3 June 13, 2012
June, will work an average of ten hours per week. Duties will include training the
Foundation's new Office Specialist I and working with Consultant Wagner on the
Annual Golf Tournament. Director Nielsen also informed the Board of sensitivities
when hiring retirees as contract employees.
Members commenced discussing the proposed agreement. Concerns with contracting
for only a six month period were expressed as some felt that the transition may not be
complete after only six months. Director Nielsen reiterated that the Board can choose
to extend the contract after the-initial six months has concluded and that no scope of
work had been developed past six months. A question was also raised if there are
restrictions when there is an active recruitment for the vacant position. City Manager
Gillison answered that the contract should only be temporary while trying to fill the
position. He added that the City is scheduled to be audited by the IRS audit who have
been looking closely at retirees who return on a contract basis. For this and other
reason, he expressed support of the proposed shorter six-month timeframe with the
option to extend the contract, if needed. Director Nielsen clarified that Analyst Pachon's
separation from the City must occur first before signing a contract and at this time staff
is asking only for the approval to finalize the contract to begin in July 2012. A motion
was called for.
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Chair Galindo, to authorize staff to
finalize and execute the agreement with Paula Pachon for professional services forthe
timeframe of July 2012 — January 2013. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and
Analyst Pachon returned at this time.
4. Director Nielsen began discussion on consideration of hosting a Chocolate & Wine
Festival in 2013. She stated that staff recommendation is if the Board decides not to
host an event then no further action will be needed; however if the decision is made to
host the event in 2013 then the Board should direct Consultant Wagner provide the
Board with options, proposal and budget. She commented that Consultant Wagner
already spoke about the main issues which are location, budget, and promises that
were made and not kept under Item E.I.
Members reiterated the concern with the budget not being maintained and questioned
how the Foundation would be able to control expenditures at future events. Other
comments were that capacity issues should have been foreseen, that too many
complimentary tickets were issued, and that Consultant Wagner was not accessible
during the event. Vice Chair Bryan, Event Chair, clarified that Consultant Wagner owns
the Chocolate & Wine Festival and the event cannot be held without him as the
organizer. She expressed disappointment that an email blast marketing the event was
promised but never happened and the first form of marketing was distributed on April
12`h although the event was scheduled on April 28th. Members spoke of concerns that
the negative outcome of this event could have a bad reflection on the Annual Golf
Tournament; if supporters see the Chocolate&Wine Festival as a failure they may also
think that the Golf Tournament will be unsuccessful as well. Analyst Pachon clarified
Community &Arts Foundation 4 June 13, 2012
that Consultant Wagner was allowed to work within the budget but not an itemized
budget. In addition, when extra funds were spent ticket sales were expected to make
up the difference. She added that additional challenges on the day of event were
confusion on check-in procedures and attendees who were upset that tables were not
provided to all who purchased tickets. The following motion was then made:
MOTION: Moved by Member Barag, seconded by Member Kahn,to request a proposal 6
from Consultant Steven Wagner to host a 2013 Chocolate & Wine Festival. Motion
carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
5. Consideration of a funding request for the Freedom Courtyard project was opened by
Director Nielsen. She stated that the Freedom Courtyard Fundraising Committee, an
affiliate of the Foundation, recommends that the Board consider a contribution at the
Silver Donor Level of $2,500.00 to help acquire five stainless steel plaques with an
emblem of each branch of the military. These plaques would be placed on the granite
slabs of the center monument in Freedom Courtyard. She explained that although
$150,000 successfully raised, recent bids for construction exceeded estimates. The
Foundation's support will bring the project one step closer to a ground breaking, which
is anticipated to be late June or early July, with completion of the project in the Fall.
Member comments included that, although this is not a donation to help fund the
cultural or performing arts, Freedom Courtyard is still of great importance to the City
and to those residents who have served in the military. Following comments in support
the Board took the following action:
MOTION: Moved by Vice Chair Bryan, seconded by Member Kahn, to approve the
funding request for the Freedom Courtyard project in the amount of$2,500.00. Motion
carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and Madsen).
6. Analyst Pachon opened discussion on consideration of modifying the Foundation's
Mission Statement. She reminded that Members had addressed this item at their May
workshop and suggested various ideas, and although a mission statement was not
chosen, most Board Members supported the following: The mission of the Rancho
Cucamonga Community &Arts Foundation is to support, encourage and promote the
arts, education and Community services thereby enhancing the economics, health and
quality of life of Rancho Cucamonga and surrounding communities. After a brief
discussion, a consensus was reached that Members Arguello and Barag will coordinate
with Manager Palmer on finalizing a mission statement to bring back to the Board.
Supervisor Sluka-Kelly mentioned that the original mission statement included that the
Foundation support the arts at the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center. She added that
without placing an emphasis on the Cultural Center it changes the perspective and
many outside organizations will submit grant requests to the Foundation. Members
responded that they are not opposed to receiving requests from other organizations.
Staff offered that a policy can be written that states that the Foundation will not accept
unsolicited proposals, and possibly a time of year when the Foundation will accept
solicited proposals. Additionally, broadening the Foundation's mission will allow
Community &Arts Foundation 5 June 13, 2012
opportunities to award grants to other organizations, and a mission statement that does
not place an emphasis on an organization will be helpful when writing a grant proposal
to receive funding for different programming such as Senior Transportation and Healthy
RC. No further discussion was held.
Member Barag left the meeting at 7:05p.m. and did not return.
7. Director Nielsen opened discussion on the review, discussion and approval of the
Vision Alignment Workshop Report by thanking the Board for their attendance and
participation at the workshop held May 9"'. She also commended the motivational
guest speakers and noted there were great discussions on the different topics but no
action taken on most items due to some members being absent. She addressed one
of the topics discussed which was to identify priorities for the Board to focus on. At the
workshop four priorities were identified but not ranked in order of importance. These
priorities are: pursuing grant funding; increasing awareness and branding of the Board;
increasing Playhouse support/giving and board development. Director Nielsen asked
what the Board felt the most successful avenues are going to be for fundraising this
year - the Annual Golf Tournament, large individual donor asks or grants. Members
agreed that these would be grants and the Golf Tournament. Staff also clarified that
grants are submitted through the Foundation for program pass- throughs for the
affiliates on a regular basis, and that the grants the Board would seek would aid in
operational support and building the endowment fund. Members commented that big
asks are sometimes hard to conduct and staff encouraged that even small contributions
add up. Analyst Pachon added that through the PAL campaign, 90% of big asks were
from individuals and reminded the Board of the Planned Giving to the Foundation from
the Gibson and Buquet Families. She noted that each fundraising campaign seeks
funding through different spectrums of the community, for example, the Golf
Tournament targets corporate donors,the Spring Event targets community leaders and
the Annual Campaign targets individuals.
Discussion ensued on whether the Foundation is able to receive a percentage of the
grant monies awarded when written on behalf of the affiliate organizations. Staff
responded that since City/Foundation staff have administrative responsibilities such as
paying the affiliates' bills, depositing theirfunds and providing monthly reports forthem
that it may be possible for the Foundation to receive a percentage of the awarded
grant; however, in most cases the percentage that the Foundation would receive might
be minimal and may not be worth writing including in the grant proposal.
Discussion returned to the priorities identified by the Board which were listed as follows
in order of importance: Board Development, Awareness and Branding, Seeking Grant
Money, and Increasing Playhouse support/giving. Director Nielsen closed discussion
by stating that staff will come back to the Board with action items for a mission
statement and strategic plan. She asked if there were any other matters the Board
wished to discuss from the Vision Alignment Workshop. No further discussion held.
Community &Arts Foundation 6 June 13, 2012
8. Selection of award recipients to be recognized at the Foundation's Donor Recognition
Event was presented by Analyst Pachon. She explained that the purpose of these
awards is to recognize a business and individual for their support to the Foundation.
She reminded the Board that in 2011 the recipients of this award were Burrtec and Pete
Pitassi. Staff recommendations for business of the year for 2012 include Bank of
America, Target and Vavrinek, Trine, & Day Co. LLP. Individual of the year
recommendations for 2012 include Harvey Cohen for his service as a former board
member, Tony Mize for his service as a former/founding board member and Doug
Morris for supporting the Theatre for Young Audience program Honus & Me. Various
members expressed their support of the suggested recipients and the following action
was taken:
MOTION: Moved by Vice Chair Bryan, seconded by Member Kahn,to select Tony Mize
for the Individual of the Year Award. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and
MOTION: Moved by Member Kahn, seconded by Member Harrington,to select Bank of
America for the Business of the Year Award. Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Brown and
9. Analyst Pachon distributed a chart of the current Foundation Committees and member
assignments. Changes to committees were made as follows: Spring Party Train —
Brown - removed; Executive & Finance - Snyder added as Giving/Annual Campaign;
Board Development—Bryan and Kahn added; Arts Giving—Bryan and Kahn removed,
Galindo Chair; Donor Recognition — Bryan and Kahn added; Donor Prospect
Identification —Kahn added and Grants— Kahn removed.
10.The status report on Foundation supported programs was presented by Supervisor
Sluka-Kelly who informed the Board that the Summer sponsored programs include The
Wizard of Oz, Rabbit Hole and the World Music Series. In addition the following
programs for the new season are supported by the Foundation—Pinkalicious, To Kill a
Mockingbird, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's, Aladdin's Luck, The Fantasticks, The Phantom
Tollbooth and Claddagh. Supervisor Sluka-Kelly closed by saying the 2012-2013
season video is now available on the Victoria Gardens Cultural Center website.
11.The Meeting Schedule for 2012-2013 was distributed. Analyst Pachon said that all
committee meetings have been scheduled except for the Annual Campaign meeting
dates due to Committee Members availability. Members requested that the meetings
be scheduled through Outlook. Analyst Pachon responded that she would update the
calendar with the new Committee Members and send out meeting requests through
Outlook, as requested. No further discussion was held
Community &Arts Foundation 7 June 13, 2012
j The Community & Arts Foundation Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. with all Members
present except Barag, Brown, and Madsen.
Res ctt Ily sitted,
lisa Delg.ubm
Office Specialist II
Approved by Community & Arts Foundation: September 18, 2012
Motion carried: 7-0-2 (Absent: Barag and Galindo)
Community &Arts Foundation 8 June 13, 2012