HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-15 - Resolutions RESOLUTION NO. 14-15
A. Recitals.
1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga filed an application for Development Code
Amendment DRC2014-00205 for a supplemental update to the City's Development Code found
in Title 17 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code.
2. On May 28, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga
conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that
3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred.
B. Resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning
Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows:
1. The Planning Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the
Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct.
2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to the Planning Commission during
the above-referenced public hearing on May 28, 2014, including written and oral staff reports,
together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows:
a. The City Council adopted a comprehensive update to the City's Development
Code that implements the policies of the General Plan, in July 2012. The new Development Code
became effective on September 4, 2012.
b. Based on feedback received since the effective date of the Development Code,
the City prepared a set of amendments (the "Amendments"), which is included as Attachment A
to this Resolution and is hereby incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full.
C. Development Code Amendment DRC2014-00205 conforms to and does not
conflict with the General Plan, including without limitation, the Land Use Element thereof, and will
provide for development in a manner consistent with the General Plan.
d. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the City's
local CEQA Guidelines, the City staff prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental
effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study, City staff determined
that there was no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the
environment. Based on that determination, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter,
the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the
Negative Declaration.
May 28, 2014
Page 2
e. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Negative Declaration and all
comments received regarding the Negative Declaration and, based on the whole record before it,
finds: (i) that the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; and (ii) that there
is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. Based
on these findings, the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption of the Negative
3. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the
Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt Development Code
Amendment DRC2014-00205.
. Z A '4 a4l
rances Howdyshell, Chairman
Candyce b
nett, Secretary
I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and
adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of
the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of May 2014, by the following vote-to-wit:
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article I, Chapter 17.04
Chapter 17.04 Administrative Responsibility
Section 17.04.010 Purpose..........................................................................................17.04-1
Section 17.04.020 Planning Agency ............................................................................17.04-1
Section 17.04.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish and describe the respective administrative
responsibilities of City officials and bodies (e.g., Planning Director, Planning Commission, City
Council) for purposes of this Title.
Section 17.04.020 Planning Agency
California Government Code §65100 requires each jurisdiction to establish a planning agency to
carry out the land use and planning functions of the jurisdiction. The functions of the planning
agency, as designated by the Title, shall be carried out by the following bodies. In the absence of
an assignment, the City Council shall retain responsibility and authority as the legislative body of
the City.
A. Planning Director. The Planning Director, or designee, shall have the responsibility
and authority to administer and enforce this Title as follows:
1. Application Process. Receive and review all applications for development
pursuant to this Title. Processing includes but is not limited to the certification
of completed applications, the establishment of a permanent file, posting of
public notices, collection of applicable fees, preparation of reports, processing
of appeals, and presentation of staff reports to the Development Review
Committees, Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, and
City Council.
2. Interpretation. Interpret the provisions and advise the public on the
requirements of this Title.
3. Amendment. Initiate action for amendment of this Title where it is determined
that such amendment would better implement the General Plan goals and
objectives and increase its effectiveness and/or improve or clarify the contents
of this Title.
4. Permit Issuance. Issue permits under this Title and certify that all such permits
are in full conformance with its requirements.
5. Coordination. Refer and coordinate matters related to the administration of this
Title with other agencies and City departments and provide information on the
status of all development permits.
6. Authority. Serve as the administrative zoning body and exercise that authority
set forth in Government Code §65900 et seq.
Attachment A 17.04-1
Article I,Chapter 17.04 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
wateF flow around structures, the aesthet!G 'mpaGt Of PFGPGSed GXGaVatien aR419F fill,
GB_Design Review Committee. The Design Review Committee is responsible for
reviewing the architecture (including material, finish, colors, and trim), site layout,
building plotting, landscaping, compatibility with surrounding properties, and, when
appropriate, signs, of new development. The committee's emphasis is on quality
design in the community as described in the City's General Plan and this Title. The
Design Review Committee consists of two Planning Commissioners and the Planning
Director(or his or her designee).
9-.C. Technical Review Committee. The Technical Review Committee ensures a project
conforms to adopted building and engineering standards. The Technical Review
Committee consists of representatives from Planning, Engineering, Public Works and
Building and Safety departments, as well as the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District.
Representatives from outside agencies, such as the Cucamonga Valley Water District
(CVWD), also provide comments. The focus of their review includes, but is not limited
to, public improvements(such as streets,curbs,gutters),access to and from the public
right-of-way and the project site, utilities, emergency access and circulation, fire
hydrant locations, and landscaping in the public right-of-way.
€.D_Trails Advisory Committee. The Trails Advisory Committee is composed of two
members of the Planning Commission and one member of the Planning Department,
as well as equestrians and bicyclists. The Committee meets monthly to discuss and
provide recommendations to the City Council on the development of the City's trail
City Manager. The City Manager or designee shall oversee the work of the Planning
Director and shall exercise such other powers and duties as are prescribed by state
law or local ordinance, or as directed by the City Council.
G-_Planning Commission. Pursuant to California Government Code §65101, and as
provided in Chapter 2.20,the City of Rancho Cucamonga has an established Planning
Commission. The Planning Commission shall have the following land use
1. Hear and decide applications for entitlements as provided in Article II (Land
Use and Development Procedures).
2. Initiate studies of amendments to this Title and make recommendations to the
City Council for amendments as provided in Article II (Land Use and
Development Procedures) and in Government Code §65853.
3. Hear and make recommendations to the City Council on applications for zoning
amendments, the General Plan and amendments thereto, Specific Plans,
prezoning, and other related planning studies.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
Chapter 17.16 Planning Director Decisions
Section 17.16.010 Purpose and Applicability................................................................. 17.16-1
Section 17.16.020 Official Code Interpretations............................................................. 17.16-1
Section 17.16.025 Director Determination Process(with Notice)................................... 17.16-2
Section 17.16.030 Plan Check/Zoning Clearance.......................................................... 17.16-2
Section 17.16.040 Home Occupation Permit................................................................. 17.16-3
Section 17.16.050 Sign Permit ...................................................................................... 17.16-4
Section 17.16.060 Uniform Sign Program...................................................................... 17.16-4
Section 17.16.070 Temporary Use Permit..................................................................... 17.16-5
Section 17.16.080 Tree Removal Permit ....................................................................... 17.16-6
Section 17.16.090 Similar Use Determination...............................................................17.16-10
Section 17.16.100 Site Development Review...............................................................17.16-11
Section 17.16.110 Minor Exceptions.............................................................................17.16-13
Section 17.16.120 Conditional Use Permit....................................................................17.16-14
Section 17.16.130 Minor Design Review ......................................................................17.16-15
Section 17.16.140 Hillside Development Review..........................................................17.16-18
Section 17.16.150 Reasonable Accommodation...........................................................17.16-23
Section 17.16.160 Large Family Day Care Permit.................................................17.16-26
Section 17.16.010 Purpose and Applicability
The purpose of this Section is to establish procedures for planning and zoning related permits
that are decided administratively by City staff or the Planning Director. Each permit and
entitlement type is described in this Article in terms of purpose and applicability, approving
authority, and unique processing provisions. Exemptions to permit requirements are listed
throughout. General processing procedures are established in Chapter 17.14 (General
Application Processing Procedures). Table 17.14.060-1 (Approving Authority for Land Use
Entitlements) provides a summary of the administrative and Planning Director permits and
entitlements and indicates whether the decision may be appealed.
Section 17.16.020 Official Code Interpretations
A. Purpose and Applicability. The Planning Director may issue official code
interpretation pursuant to this Section when, in his or her opinion, the meaning or
applicability of any provision of this Code is ambiguous, misleading, or unclear. The
purpose of such interpretations is to disclose the manner in which this Title shall be
applied in future cases, provided that any interpretation may be superseded by a later
interpretation when the Planning Director determines that the earlier interpretation was
in error or no longer applicable under the current circumstances.The Planning Director
may issue an official interpretation or refer the question to the Planning Commission
for a determination.
B. Review Process.
1. Official code interpretations shall be issued in writing and shall'state th'e'facts —'
upon which the Planning Director relied to make the determination.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
D. Findings. The Planning Director shall make a Similar Use Determination after finding
all of the following. If the Planning Director does not make all of these findings, he/she
shall not make the Similar Use Determination:
1. The characteristics of and activities associated with the proposed use are
equivalent to one or more of the listed uses and will not involve a higher level
of activity, environmental impact, or population density than the uses listed in
the zoning district.
2. The proposed use will be consistent with the purposes of the applicable zoning
3. The proposed use will be consistent with the General Plan, any applicable
Specific Plan, and the Development Code.
E. Determinations. Determinations shall be made in writing and shall contain the facts
that support the determination.The Department shall maintain all such determinations
on record for review by the general public upon request. The notice of decision shall
be provided, in writing,to the applicant and interested parties.The notice shall include:
1. A brief statement explaining the criteria and standards considered relevant to
the decision.
2. A statement of the standards and facts relied upon in rendering the decision.
3. An explanation of appeal rights and appeal deadlines.
Section 17.16.100 Site Development Review
A. Purpose.The purpose of Site Development Review is to provide for the administrative
review of projects which, because of their limited size and scope, have minor aesthetic,
land use, or traffic implications and do not create any significant impact on public
utilities or services and to ensure that such limited projects comply with all applicable
City standards and ordinances, and are not detrimental to the public health, safety, or
welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the immediate vicinity.
B. Applicability. All applications for Site Development Review are required for
residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional projects, which may or may not
involve the issuance of a Building Permit for construction or reconstruction of a
structure, which meets the following criteria:
1. Residential Projects. The following residential projects require Site
Development Review:
i. Modification to approved architectural designs and building
configurations for multifamily development, which do not create greater
bulk, scale, or change in the line of sight;
i,ii. Residential additions equal to or greater than fifty percent(50%) of the
existing square footage.
Article II, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
fi iii_Architectural changes which do not change the basic form and theme;
4iv. Exterior material or color changes which conflict with the original form
and theme and which are not consistent and compatible with the
original materials and colors;
iv:v_New construction, expansion, reconfiguration or significant
reconstruction of driveways.
v-vi Installation of a satellite dish or antenna greater than twenty(20)square
feet in surface area.
2. Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Projects. The following commercial,
industrial, and institutional projects require Site Development Review:
i. Changes to gross floor area of existing buildings or approved design
plans which do not result in more than a 10 percent change;
ii. New construction, expansion, reconfiguration or significant
reconstruction of parking lots or driveways.
iii. Modification to approved architectural designs and building
configurations,which do not create greater bulk, scale, or change in the
line of sight.
iv. Modifications to approved plans, which do not change the general
location and layout of the site.
V. The establishment and/or construction of an outdoor storage area on
the same site as, and in conjunction with, an existing business that is
less than ten percent(10%)the gross floor area of the primary use.
vi. The construction and/or placement of silos, antennas not regulated by
Chapter 17.106, water tanks, roof- or ground-mounted equipment
visible from public view, or similar structures and equipment.
vii. Grading alterations to approved plans that do not change the basic
concept, increase slopes or building elevations or change the course of
viii. Modification to existing landscaping or landscape plans in excess of
five thousand (5,000) square feet.
ix. Architectural changes which do not change the basic form and theme.
X. Exterior material or color changes which do not conflict with the original
form and theme and which are consistent and compatible with the
original materials and colors. -
xi. Modifications to existing site features (e.g., trellis, pergola, water
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
approval as pursuant to Subsection (Referral to the Planning
D. Findings. The Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, an application for a
Conditional Use Permit after finding all of the following. If the Director does not make
all of these findings, he/she shall deny the Conditional Use Permit:
1. The proposed use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies
with all other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code, Municipal Code,
General Plan, and any applicable Specific Plans or City regulations/standards.
2. The site is physically suited for the type, density, and intensity of the proposed
use including access, utilities, and the absence of physical constraints and can
be conditioned to meet all related performance criteria and development
3. Granting the permit would not be detrimental to the public interest, health,
safety, convenience, or welfare, or materially injurious to persons, property, or
improvements in the vicinity in which the project is located.
E. Conditions. In approving a Conditional Use Permit, the Director may impose any
reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval will comply with the findings
required, as well as any performance criteria and development standards contained
within this Code.
Section 17.16.130 Minor Design Review
A. Purpose. This Section establishes a Minor Design Review process for certain types
of residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional development proposals to
facilitate project review in a timely and efficient manner; to ensure that development
projects comply with all applicable local design guidelines, standards, and ordinances;
to minimize adverse effects on surrounding properties and the environment; and to be
consistent with the General Plan which promotes high aesthetic and functional
standards to complement and add to the physical, economic, and social character of
Rancho Cucamonga.
B. Applicability. Minor Design Review is required for commercial, industrial, institutional,
and residential projects that meet any of the following qualifications:
1. Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Proiects. The following commercial,
industrial, and institutional projects require Minor Design Review:
4-J. New construction on vacant property, where the buildings are less than
ten thousand (10,000)square feet in area.
2-ii_Structural additions or new buildings which are less than fifty percent
(50%) of the floor area of existing on-site building(s), or are less than
ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
Article 11, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
iii. Reconstruction projects which are less than fifty percent (50%) of the
floor area of existing on-site building(s), or are less than ten thousand
(10,000) square feet.
3 iv. Proiects involving a substantial change or intensification of land use,
such as the conversion of an existing building to a restaurant.
) ef the BXistiRg
square footage.
2. Residential Projects. The following residential proiects require Minor Design
i. Residential construction involving four(4) or less dwelling units.
5-ii. Projects involving a substantial change or intensification of land use,
such as the conversion of a residential structure to an office or
commercial use.
C. Review Process.
1. An application for a Minor Design Review shall be filed with the Planning
Department in a manner prescribed by the Planning Director with the required
fee as established by City Council resolution.
2. The Planning Director shall be the approving authority for Minor Design
Reviews. The procedure for review and action shall be as provided in this
3. All development proposals submitted pursuant to this Section may be reviewed
by the following committees: (1) Design Review Committee—architecture and
site planning; ; and (23)
Technical Review Committee —compliance with technical code requirements.
If reviewed by any or all of the aforementioned committees, each committee
shall make a recommendation on each project for consideration.
4. Upon acceptance of a complete application, projects subject to section
17.16.130 F 3 shall be scheduled on the first available agenda for committee
reviews. The applicant and any persons requesting notice will be notified at
least ten (10) days prior to the meetings.
5. The Design Review Committee shall review the project design submittals and
make recommendations to the Planning Director based on:
i. Design and layout of the proposed development is consistent with the
applicable elements of the City's General Plan, design guidelines of the
appropriate district, and any adopted architectural criteria for
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
specialized area, such as designated historic districts, theme areas,
specific plans, community plan, boulevards, or planned developments.
ii. The design and layout of the proposed development will not
unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring,
existing,or future developments, and will not create traffic or pedestrian
iii. The architectural design of the proposed development is compatible
with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and will maintain
the harmonious, orderly, and attractive development contemplated by
this Section and the General Plan of the City.
iv. The design of the proposed development would provide a desirable
environment for its occupants and the visiting public as well as its
neighbors through good aesthetic use of materials, texture, and color
that will remain aesthetically appealing and will retain a reasonably
adequate level of maintenance.
properties.This GOmmittee will determine if the gFading plaR MLets City grading
7-.6. Technical Review Committee. Review by this committee will consider items
such as, but not limited to, circulation, street improvements, right-of-way
dedication, utility easements, grading, drainage facilities, storm drain
improvements, California Building Code requirements, security, fire flow,
emergency access, location of fire hydrants,water and sewer line connections
and sizing, water pressure, permit fees, streetscape and landscape standards,
setbacks, parking, and requirements for environmental processing. The
committee will require changes in any development for compliance with
adopted codes and standards. The committee may also make
recommendations to the Planning Director.
D. Findings. The Planning Director, where authorized, shall make the following findings
before approving a Minor Design Review application:
1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan.
2. The proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and
the purposes of the district in which the site is located.
3. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions*of'--
the Development Code.
Article II, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
4. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in the vicinity.
E. Conditions. In approving a Minor Design Review, the Director may impose any
reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval will comply with the findings
required, as well as any performance criteria and development standards contained
within this Code.
Section 17.16.140 Hillside Development Review
A. Purpose. The Hillside Development Review process provides a mechanism to review
development proposals in sensitive hillside areas,the intent is to minimize the adverse
effects of grading, and to provide for the safety and benefit the welfare of the citizens
of Rancho Cucamonga while allowing for reasonable development of land.
B. Applicability. All projects within the Hillside Overlay District and any properties with
an eight percent(8%) slope or greater, including but not limited to:
1. Construction of one or more single-family homes.
2. Proposed lot development in conjunction with a Tentative Subdivision Map.
3. Proposed lot development in conjunction with a General Plan or Development
Code Amendment.
4. Grading Committee and Design Review Committee review arms required and
are is advisory to the Planning Director.
C. Exceptions. Projects, which are limited in scope, (e.g., regrading of yard areas,
pool/spa construction, additions to existing structures, and/or construction of
accessory structures which are less than nine hundred sixty [960] square feet) may
apply for a Minor Design Review. However, projects which require grading of large flat
areas, including, but not limited to, such items as tennis courts or riding rings, shall
require a Hillside Design Review application.
D. Application. An application for a Hillside Design Review shall be made on a form
specified by the Planning Director and shall include, at minimum:
1. A natural features map,which shall identify all existing slope banks, ridgelines,
canyons, natural drainage courses, federally recognized blue line streams,
rock outcroppings, and existing vegetation. Also depicted shall be landslides
and other existing geologic hazards.
2. A conceptual grading plan, which shall include the following items in addition
to those required by the City's Submittal Requirement Checklist:
is A legend-with appropriate-symbols which-should include,' but not tie
limited to, the following items: top of wall, top of curb, high point, low
point, elevation of significant trees, spot elevations, pad and finished
floor elevations, and change in direction of drainage.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article 11, Chapter 17.16
ii. A separate map with proposed fill areas colored in green and cut areas
colored in red, with areas where cut and fill exceed depths established
in the hillside development guidelines and standards clearly shown.
Additionally, the areas of cut and fill, calculated as a percentage of the
total site area, shall be included on the plan.
iii. Contours shall be shown for existing and natural land conditions and
proposed work. Existing contours shall be depicted with a dashed line
with every fifth contour darker, and proposed contours shall be depicted
as above except with a solid line. Contours shall be shown according
to the following schedule:
a. Natural slope of nineteen point nine percent (19.9%) or less
requires two-foot(2')contours;
b. Natural slope of twenty percent (20%) or greater requires five-
foot(6) contours.
3. A conceptual drainage and flood control facilities map describing planned
drainage improvements.
4. A slope analysis map for the purpose of determining the amount and location
of land, as it exists in its natural state falling into each slope category as
specked below. For the slope map, the applicant shall use a base
topographical map of the subject site, prepared and signed by a registered civil
engineer or licensed land surveyor, which shall have a scale of not less than
one inch (1")to one hundred feet(100')and a contour interval of not more than
two feet (2') provided that the contour interval may be five feet (5') when the
slope is more than twenty percent (20%). This base topographical map shall
include all adjoining properties within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the site
boundaries. Delineate slope bands in the range of zero (0) up to five percent
(5%),five percent(5%) up to ten percent(10%),ten percent(10%) up to fifteen
percent (15%), fifteen percent (15%) up to twenty percent (20%), twenty
percent (20%) up to twenty-five percent (25%), twenty-five percent (25%) up
to thirty percent(30%), and thirty percent(30%)or greater. Also included shall
be a tabulation of the land area in each slope category specified in acres.
5. The exact method for computing the percent slope and area of each slope
category should be sufficiently described and presented so that a review can
be readily made. Also, a heavy, solid line indicating the eight percent (8%)
grade differential shall be clearly marked on the plan, and an additional copy
of the map shall be submitted with the slope percentage categories depicted
in contrasting colors.
6. Provide a sufficient number of slope profiles to clearly illustrate the extent of
the proposed grading. A minimum of three (3) slope profiles shall be included
with the slope analysis. The slope profiles shall:
L Be drawn at the same scale and indexed, or keyed, to the slope
analysis map, grading plan, and project site map.
Article II, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
ii. Show existing and proposed topography, structures, and
infrastructures. Proposed topography, structures, and infrastructures
shall be drawn with a solid, heavy line. Existing topography and
features shall be drawn with a thin or dashed line.
iii. The slope profile shall extend far enough from the project site boundary
to clearly show impact on adjacent property, at least one hundred fifty
feet (150').
iv. The profiles shall be drawn along those locations of the project site
a. The greatest alteration of existing topography is proposed;
b. The most intense or bulky development is proposed;
C. The site is most visible from surrounding land uses; and
d. At all site boundaries illustrating maximum and minimum
At least two (2) of the slope profiles shall be roughly parallel to each
other and roughly perpendicular to existing contour lines. At least one
other slope profile shall be roughly at a forty-five (45) degree angle to
the other slope profiles and existing contour lines.
7. Both the slope analysis and slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by
either a registered landscape architect, civil engineer, or land surveyor
indicating the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope
analysis and slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope analysis and
slope profiles have been accurately calculated and identified consistent with
provisions of this Chapter.
8. A geologic and soils report, prepared by an approved soils engineering firm
and in sufficient detail to substantiate and support the design concepts
presented in the application as submitted. Additional environmental studies
and investigations, such as, but not limited to, hydrologic, seismic,
access/circulation, and biota research may also be required in order to help in
the determination of the buildable area of a site.
9. A statement of conditions for ultimate ownership and maintenance of all parts
of the development including streets, structures, and open spaces.
10. In the event that no grading is proposed, e.g., custom lot subdivision, a
statement to that effect shall be filed with a plan which shows possible future
house plotting, lot grading, driveway design, and septic system location for
each parcel proposed,to be prepared on a topographic map drawn at the same
- - scale as the conceptual grading plan. c
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
11. When unit development is proposed, illustrative building elevations that show
all sides of the proposed structure(s) and which accurately depict the building
envelope for each lot shall be provided.
12. The following items may be required if determined necessary by the GFadin3
GammFUee-Planning Director, or Planning Commission to aid in the analysis
of the proposed project to illustrate existing or proposed conditions or both:
i. A topographic model;
ii. A line of sight or view analysis;
iii. Photographic renderings;
iv. Any other illustrative technique determined necessary to aid in review
of a project.
13. Exceptions to the filing requirements may be permitted by the Planning Director
based on the size and scope of the project.
E. Review Process.
1. The Planning Director shall be the approving authority for Hillside Development
Reviews. The procedure for review and action shall be as provided in this
2. Scheduling for Review. Upon acceptance of a complete application, a project
shall be scheduled on the first available agenda for committee reviews. The
applicant and any persons requesting notice will be notified at least ten (10)
days prior to the meetings.
3. All development proposals submitted pursuant to this Section may be reviewed
by the Technical and Design-afldGFading Review committees: (1) Design
Review Committee —architecture and site planning;
g�ading and and(23)Technical Review Committee—compliance with
technical code requirements. If reviewed by any or all of the aforementioned
committees, each committee shall make a recommendation on each project
for consideration.
4. The Design Review Committee shall review the project design submittals and
make recommendations to the Planning Director based on:
L Design and layout of the proposed development is consistent with the
applicable elements of the City's General Plan, design guidelines of the
appropriate district, and any adopted architectural criteria for
specialized area, such as designated historic districts, theme areas,
specific plans, community plan, boulevards, or planned developments.
y ii. The design and layout of the proposed development will not
unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring,
Article II, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
existing, or future developments, and will not create traffic or pedestrian
iii. The architectural design of the proposed development is compatible
with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and will maintain
the harmonious, orderly, and attractive development contemplated by
this Section and the General Plan of the City.
iv. The design of the proposed development would provide a desirable
environment for its occupants and the visiting public as well as its
neighbors through good aesthetic use of materials, texture, and color
that will remain aesthetically appealing and will retain a reasonably
adequate level of maintenance.
not limited to, rut and fill areas, drainage and fleed GORtFel faGilitieS, 8FOSiGR
the City's Hillside Development RegUlatiGRS, GhapteF 17.52 (Hillsi
6-5 Technical Review Committee. Review by this committee will consider items
such as, but not limited to, circulation, street improvements, right-of-way
dedication, utility easements, grading, drainage facilities, storm drain
improvements, California Building Code requirements, security, fire flow,
emergency access, location of fire hydrants, water and sewer line connections
and sizing, water pressure, permit fees, streetscape and landscape standards,
setbacks, parking, and requirements for environmental processing. The
committee will require changes in any development for compliance with
adopted codes and standards. The committee may also make
recommendations to the Planning Director.
F. Findings. The Planning Director, where authorized, shall make the following findings
before approving a Hillside Development Review application:
1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan.
2. The proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and
the purposes of the district in which the site is located.
3. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of
the Development Code.
4. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
- -properties or improvements in the vicinity.
G. Conditions. In approving a Hillside Development Review, the Director may impose
any reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval will comply with the findings
Article II, Chapter 17.16 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
2. A certificate of occupancy has been issued;
3. The use is established; or
4. A time extension has been granted.
L. Time Extension. The Planning Director may approve a single one (1) year time
extension for a reasonable accommodation for good cause. An application for a time
extension shall be made in writing to the Director no less than thirty(30) days or more
than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date. The request for an extension shall
be subject to the same notice, hearing, and appeal requirements applicable to the
original application.
M. Violation of Terms. Any reasonable accommodation approved in accordance with
the terms of this Code may be revoked if any of the conditions or terms of such
reasonable accommodation are violated, or if any law or ordinance is violated in
connection therewith. Revocation of a reasonable accommodation shall be subject to
the same notice, hearing, and appeal requirements applicable to the original
N. Discontinuance. A reasonable accommodation shall lapse if the exercise of rights
granted by it is discontinued for one hundred eighty (180) consecutive days. If the
persons initially occupying a residence vacate, the reasonable accommodation shall
remain in effect only if the Planning Director determines that: (1) the modification is
physically integrated into the residential structure and cannot easily be removed or
altered to comply with the Zoning Code, or(2)the accommodation is necessary to give
another disabled individual an equal opportunity to enjoy the dwelling. The Director
may request the applicant or his or her successor in interest to the property to provide
documentation that subsequent occupants are persons with disabilities. Failure to
provide such documentation within ten (10) days of the date of a request by the City
shall constitute grounds for discontinuance by the City of a previously approved
reasonable accommodation.
O. Revocation. Any revocation shall be noticed and heard pursuant to the procedures
established in this Title.
P. Amendments. A request for changes in conditions of approval of a reasonable
accommodation, or a change to plans that would affect a condition of approval shall
be treated as a new application. The Director may waive the requirement for a new
application if the changes are minor, do not involve substantial alterations or addition
to the plan or the conditions of approval, and are consistent with the intent of the
original approval.
Section 17.16.160 Large Family Day Care Permit
A. Purpose. The requirement of a Large Family Day Care Permit ensures that large
family day cares in residential neighborhoods are compatible with the surrounding
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.16
neighborhood character. The Planning Director is authorized to approve impose
reasonable conditions upon such approval, or deny Large Family Day Care.
B Applicability This Section applies to all Large Family Day Cares as described in
Section 17.32 (Allowed Use Descriptions).
C. Review Process. An application for a Large Family Day Care Permit shall be filed with
the Planning Department in a manner prescribed by the Planning Director with the
required fee as established by City Council resolution The Planning Director is the
approving authority for Large Family Day Care Permits However, the Planning
Director may also refer a Large Family Day Care Permit to the Planning Commission
for review and approval as pursuant to Subsection (Referral to the
Planning Commission). Upon acceptance of a Large Family Day Care Permit
application the Planning Director or a designated representative shall review the
request for compliance with all State and Local standards.
D Public Notice. The Planning Director shall not less than ten (10) days before
rendering a decision provide for public comment through notice to adjacent property
owners of the pending application pursuant to Subsection 17.16.025 (Director
Determination Process).
E Findings. A Large Family Day Care Permit shall be granted only when the Planning
Director determines that the proposed Large Family Day Care complies with all of the
following findings:
1. The proposed home occupation is consistent with the General Plan, any
applicable Specific Plan or Planned Community, and all applicable provisions
of this Title;
2 The proposed Large Family Day Care is consistent with all applicable State
and Local laws and ordinances; and
3. The establishment maintenance or operation of the Large Family Day Care
applied for will not under the circumstances of the particular case (location,
size design and operating characteristics) be detrimental to the health,
safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood
of such use or to the general welfare of the City.
F Conditions In approving a Large Family Day Care Permit the Director may impose
any reasonable conditions to ensure that the approval will comply with the findings
required as well as any performance criteria and development standards contained
within this Code.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.20
Chapter 17.20 Planning Commission Decisions
Section 17.20.010 Purpose............................................................................................ 17.20-1
Section 17.20.020 Entertainment Permit........................................................................ 17.20-1
Section 17.20.030 Variance........................................................................................... 17.20-3
Section 17.20.040 Design Review................................................................................. 17.20-4
Section 17.20.050 Adult Entertainment Permit............................................................... 17.20-8
Section 17.20.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish permits and entitlements that are decided by the
Planning Commission. Each permit and entitlement type is described in this Chapter in terms of
purpose and applicability, exemptions, review process, findings for approval, and conditions.
General processing procedures are established in Chapter 17.14 (General Application
Processing Procedures).
Section 17.20.020 Entertainment Permit
A. Purpose.The purpose of an Entertainment Permit is to provide a discretionary review
process for new entertainment uses where food and/or beverage is sold concurrently
with any form of entertainment in order to ensure public health and safety.
B. Applicability. No person or business entity shall operate, conduct, or manage any
place or premises open to the public where food or beverages are sold, offered for
sale, or given away, and where any form of entertainment, as defined herein, is
provided or furnished without first obtaining a permit so to do as hereinafter provided
for in this Chapter.
C. Exceptions. The provisions of this Chapter shall not be deemed to require a permit
for any of the following:
1. Use of a radio or other electronic playback device, except when utilized by an
announcer or disc jockey whose live performance consists of selecting or
manipulating prerecorded selections of music or other sounds.
2. Entertainment provided for members and their guests at a private club where
admission is not open to the public.
3. Entertainment conducted in connection with a regularly established motion
picture theater, recreation park, circus, or fairground.
4. Entertainment conducted by or sponsored by any bona fide club, society, or
association, organized or incorporated for benevolent, charitable, dramatic, or
literary purposes, having an established membership, and which holds
meetings at regular intervals of not less than once per three (3) month period,
when proceeds, if any, arising from such entertainment are used for the
purpose of such club, society, or association.
Article II, Chapter 17.20 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
i. Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation
would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship
inconsistent with the objectives of this Code.
ii. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property
that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
iii. Strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation
would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other
properties in the same zone.
iv. The granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified
in the same zone.
V. The granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health,
safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements
in the vicinity.
F. Conditions. The Planning Commission is authorized to grant a Variance to achieve
those purposes as prescribed in accordance with the procedure in this Section and
impose reasonable conditions as the Commission may deem necessary to ensure
compatibility with surrounding uses; to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare;
and to enable the Commission to make the findings required by Subsection
17.20.030.E (Findings).
Section 17.20.040 Design Review
A. Purpose. This Section establishes the review procedures for residential, commercial,
industrial, and institutional development proposals to facilitate project review by local
responsible agencies and the Development/Design Review Committees in a timely
and efficient manner; to ensure that development projects comply with all applicable
local design guidelines, standards, and ordinances; to minimize adverse effects on
surrounding properties and the environment; and to maintain consistency with the
General Plan,which promotes high aesthetic and functional standards to complement
and add to the physical, economic, and social character of Rancho Cucamonga.
In addition,the City finds that a Design Review process will support the implementation
of the General Plan, as it stresses quality community design standards. The City
further finds that the quality of certain residential, institutional, commercial, and
industrial uses has a substantial impact upon the visual appeal, environmental
soundness, economic stability, and property values of the City. This Section is not
intended to restrict imagination, innovation, or variety, but rather to focus on
community design principles which can result in creative imaginative solutions for the
project and a quality design for the City. It is the purpose of this Section to:
' 1. Recognize the interdependence of land values and aesthetics and provide a
method by which the City may implement this interdependence to its benefit.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.20
2. Encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property
within the City along with associated facilities, such as signs, landscaping,
parking areas, and streets.
3. Maintain the public health, safety and general welfare, and property throughout
the City.
4. Assist private and public developments to be more cognizant of public
concerns for the aesthetics of development.
5. Reasonably ensure that new developments, including residential, institutional,
commercial, and industrial developments, do not have an adverse aesthetic,
health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon existing adjoining
properties, or the City in general.
6. Implement those sections of the City's General Plan that specifically refer to
the preservation and enhancement of the particular character and unique
assets of this City and its harmonious development.
7. Minimize the effects of grading by discouraging mass grading and excessive
slopes to ensure that the natural character of terrain is retained.
8. Preserve significant topographic features, including rock outcroppings, native
plant materials, and natural hydrology, while also encouraging improved
drainage from lots directly to a street, storm drain, or through a public or
privately maintained easement.
9. Limit the impact of slopes on adjacent developed properties and limit
construction on identified seismic or geologic hazard areas.
10. Encourage the use of a variety of housing styles, split-level grading techniques,
varied lot sizes, site design densities, maintenance of views, and arrangement
and spacing to accomplish grading policies.
11. Help ensure that adequate school facilities for all existing and future residential
development in the City are provided.
12. Help insure that adequate levels of public services are provided for existing
and future development in the City.
13. Encourage orderly development of residences within areas more readily
served by public services.
14. Encourage the development of master planned projects that provide the
service needs of the residents of these projects.
15. Encourage use of energy conservation techniques in new residential
_ . development.
B. Applicability. An application for Design Review is required for commercial, industrial,
institutional, and residential projects with five (5) or more dwelling units involving the
Article II, Chapter 17.20 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
issuance of a Building Permit for construction or reconstruction of a structure which
meets the following criteria. Projects of a limited size and scope that do not meet the
below criteria may require an application for Minor Design Review as defined in
Section 17.16.130 (Minor Design Review).
1. New construction on vacant property where the proposed buildings are over
ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size.
2. Structural additions or new buildings which are equal to or exceed fifty percent
(50%) of the floor area of existing on-site building(s), or have a minimum ten
thousand (10,000)square feet in size.
3. Reconstruction projects which are equal to fifty percent(50%)of the floor area
of existing on-site building(s), or have a minimum ten thousand (10,000)
square feet in size.
4. Any project being proposed along a special boulevard as defined by the
General Plan, except for structures within projects with an approved Master
5. All projects which are master planned. Once the Master Plan, including
architectural guidelines, has been approved by the Planning Commission,
individual structures may be approved by the Planning Director.
6. All shopping centers over ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size, except
individual structures may be approved by the Planning Directorwhere a Master
Plan, including architectural guidelines, has been approved by the Planning
7. Certain projects within a hillside area are subject to review pursuant to Section
17.52 (Hillside Development).
8. All projects within Mixed Use Zoning Districts.
C. Review Process.The Design Review Procedure is outlined below.
1. Scheduling for committee review. Upon acceptance of a complete application
for Design Review approval, a project shall be set on the first available agenda
for committee reviews. The applicant and any persons requesting notice will
be notified at least ten (10)days prior to the meetings.
2. All development proposals for Design Review are initially reviewed by the
Technical_ Besignand Design, committees: (1) Design
Review Committee — architecture and site planning; (2) GFadiRg Committee
and (23) Technical Review Committee — compliance
with technical code requirements. Each committee shall make a
recommendation on each project for consideration by the Planning
--- Commission, if applicable.
3. Design Review Committee. Review and analysis by the Design Review
Committee will consider design elements, such as, but not limited to,
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article II, Chapter 17.20
compatibility of the project to surrounding properties, relationship of the design
and layout of the project to the site, architectural design, and use of materials,
grading, landscaping, screening and buffering techniques of adjacent
properties, signs, and open space. This committee will determine if the project
adequately meets City design guidelines and standards, and will transmit an
appropriate recommendation to the Planning Commission.
The recommendation of the Design Review Committee will be based on the
project conforming to the following criteria:
i. The design and layout of the proposed development is consistent with
the applicable elements of the City's General Plan, design guidelines of
the appropriate district, and any adopted architectural criteria for
specialized area, such as designated historic districts, theme areas,
Specific Plans, Community Plans, boulevards, or planned
ii. The design and layout of the proposed development will not
unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of neighboring,
existing, or future developments and will not create traffic or pedestrian
iii. The architectural design of the proposed development is compatible
with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and will maintain
the harmonious, orderly, and attractive development contemplated by
this Section and the City's General Plan.
iv. The design of the proposed development would provide a desirable
environment for its occupants and visiting public as well as its neighbors
through good aesthetic use of materials, texture, and color that will
remain aesthetically appealing and will retain a reasonably adequate
level of maintenance.
If the project is found to be not acceptable by the committee, the Planning
Director will inform the applicant of the design issues and may suggest possible
alternatives that would improve the design of the project. The committee will
then direct the applicant to return to the committee with the revisions and/or
work with staff to resolve the concerns prior to final approval by the Planning
4. Technical Review Committee. Review by this committee will consider items
such as, but not limited to, circulation, street improvements, right-of-way
dedication, utility easements, grading, drainage facilities, storm drain
improvements, uniform building code requirements, security, fire flow,
emergency access, location of fire hydrants, water and sewer line connections
and sizing, water pressure, permit fees, streetscape and landscape standards,
setbacks, parking, and requirements for environmental processing. The
_ u . committee will require changes in -any development for compliance-with
adopted codes and standards. They may also make recommendations to the
Planning Commission on any policy issues or areas not covered by existing
codes and standards.
Article II, Chapter 17.20 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
5. Grading Committee- The GFadiR9 Gernmittee will GeRsideF items suGh as, but
Rot limited te, eut aFid fall areas, dFaiRagG and PGOGI G9RtFel facilities, eFesien
PFGPeFtieG. This GOMPAtt-19A 4.941 dRtRFFniRe if the G�adiRg Plan meets Gity
6-.5. Other necessary committees as applicable(e.g., trails).
D. Findings. The Planning Commission shall make the following findings before
approving a Design Review application:
1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan;
2. The proposed use is in accord with the objective of the Development Code and
the purposes of the district in which the site is located;
3. The proposed use is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of
the Development Code; and
4. The proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in the vicinity.
E. Conditions. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve or deny applications
and to impose reasonable conditions upon such approval, as the Commission may
deem necessary to ensure compatibility with surrounding uses, to preserve the public
health, safety, and welfare, and to enable the Commission to make the findings
required by Subsection 17.20.040.D (Findings).
Section 17.20.050 Adult Entertainment Permit
A. Purpose. These regulations are intended to prevent problems of blight and
deterioration which can be brought about by the concentration of adult entertainment
businesses in close proximity to each other or proximity to other incompatible uses
such as schools for minors, public parks, and residentially zoned districts. The City
council finds that it has been demonstrated in various communities that the
concentration of adult entertainment businesses causes an increase in the number of
transients in the area and an increase in crime and can cause other businesses and
residents to move elsewhere. It is therefore the purposes of this Section to establish
establishes reasonable and uniform regulations to prevent the concentration of adult
establishments or their close proximity to incompatible uses, while permitting the
location of adult businesses in certain areas.
B. Applicability. The permittee must apply for a new Adult Entertainment Permit as
1. Prior to establishment of a new adult entertainment establishment or any
change in the location of the adult entertainment establishment.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III,Chapter 17.30
Chapter 17.30 Allowed Land Use by Base Zoning District
Section 17.30.010 Purpose.............................................................................................17.30-1
Section 17.30.020 Classification of Land Uses...............................................................17.30-1
Section 17.30.030 Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements...................................17.30-2
Section 17.30.040 Other Allowed Use Provisions.........................................................17.30-10
Section 17.30.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish allowed land uses and corresponding requirements
for permits and entitlements for each of the City's base zoning districts. Uses allowed herein are
consistent with and implement the corresponding land use designations in the City's General
Plan. Allowed land uses include both primary and accessory uses that are permanent in nature.
Regulations for temporary uses are listed separately in Chapter 17.104 (Temporary Uses).
Section 17.30.020 Classification of Land Uses
In order to simplify land use regulations, land uses listed in this Chapter and throughout this Title
have been grouped into general categories on the basis of common function, product, or
compatibility characteristics. These allowed use categories are called "use classifications." Use
classifications describe one or more uses having similar characteristics but do not list every use
or activity that may appropriately be within the classification. Each land use is described in
Chapter 17.32 (Allowed Use Descriptions). For example, "personal service use' includes a wide
range of individual personal service uses (beauty parlor, dry cleaning, tanning salons, tailors).
Rather than listing all such uses individually throughout this Title, "personal service use' is listed
once and is further described in Chapter 17.32(Allowed Use Descriptions).
The following rules apply to use classifications:
A. Specific Use Regulations. Additional use regulations for specific land uses are listed
in Article V(Speck Use Requirements).
B. Temporary Uses. Land use classifications in this Chapter identify both primary and
secondary or accessory uses that are permanent in nature. Temporary uses are
separately listed and regulated in Chapter 17.104(Temporary Uses).
C. Uses Not Listed. Land uses that are not listed in the zoning district tables are not
allowed, except as otherwise provided for in this Title.
D. Illegal Uses. No use that is illegal under local, state, or federal law shall be allowed in
any zoning district within the city.
E. Overlay Zoning Districts. When a property is located within an Overlay Zoning
District, any special allowed use provisions associated with said Overlay Zoning
District shall apply. If the special allowed use provisions for the Overlay Zoning District
" - are`in conflict with the allowed use provisions of the base zoning district, the allowed -
use provisions for the Overlay Zoning District shall prevail.
Article III, Chapter 17.30 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
Land Use/Zoning -j x a. U U U tt U O a = U U
District` > J -4 x g O z 0 U W U — t7 = O x U. s
Residential Uses
Adult Day Care P P P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N P N N
Caretaker Housing C C C C C C C P P P N N N N C C C C P C P P
Dwelling, Multi- N N P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Dwelling, Second P P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N
Dwelling, Single- P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N
Dwelling,Two-Family N N P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Emergency Shelter N N N N N N N N N P N N N N N C N N N N N N
Family Day Care C C C C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N C N N
Home, Large(11)
Family Day Care P P P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N P N N
Home, Small
Guest House P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Group Residential C C C C C C C C C C C N C N N N N P N N C N N
Home Occupation (Z) P P P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N
Live-Work Facility N N N N N N P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Manufactured Home P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P N N
Mobile Home Park(3) C C C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Residential Care N N N C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Residential Care P P Pp P P N N N N N N N N INN
Single-Room N N N P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N N N
Occupancy FacilityTransitional Housing P P P P P P P N N N N N N N N N N N P N N
Agriculture and Animal-Related Uses
Agricultural Uses N N N I N I N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P N P P
Animal Keeping, P P P P P. P_ -P• N -N N N N N •N N N N N N P- N- N - -
Domestic Pets(4)
Animal Keeping, C C C C C C C N N N N N N N N N N N N C N N
Exotic Animals(4)
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.30
Land Use/Zoning =
x a v v v v O a w V tt
District > _j 2 O z t7 V rn x V — t7 x O x u O
Veterinary Facility C N N N N N C N P P C C C N N P P P N N N N
Automobile and Vehicle Uses
Auto Vehicle N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C N N N N
Auto and Vehicle N N N N N N N C N C N N P N C C N N N N N N
Sales and Rental
Auto and Vehicle N N N N N N N P P P P N P P P N N N N N N N
Auto and Vehicle N N N N N N N P P P P N P P P P N N N N N N
Auto and Vehicle N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C P P N N N N
Auto Parts Sales N N N N N N N N P P N N P N N N N N N N N N
Car Washing and N N N N N N N C C C C N C N N N N N N N N N
Recreational Vehicle N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C C C N N N N
Service Stations N N N N N N C C C P C N C C C C N N N N N N
Vehicle Services, N N N N N N N N N C N N N N N P P P N N N N
Vehicle Services, N N N N N N N C C P N N C N P P N N N N N N
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Processing Uses
Fuel Storage and N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N C C C N N N
Manufacturing, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N N N N N
Manufacturing, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P N N N N
Heavy-Minimum N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N N N
Manufacturing, Light N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N N N N N
Manufacturing, N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P P P N N N N
Microbrewery N N N N N N N N N N N N N N P P N N N N N N
-P.rinting.and ._..._
Publishing N `N' "N 'N "N "N N "N "N P N N N 'N' "P P' N" N' N N N" 'N
Recycling Facility, N N N N N N N N P P N N N N N P P P N N N N
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.32
Chapter 17.32 Allowed Use Descriptions
Section 17.32.010 Purpose.............................................................................................17.32-1
Section 17.32.020 Allowed Use Descriptions..................................................................17.32-1
Section 17.32.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to describe use classifications listed in Chapter 17.30 (Allowed
Land Use by Base Zoning District). Use classifications are land uses that have been grouped into
general categories on the basis of common function, product, or compatibility characteristics.This
Chapter should be used as a reference for the land use classifications listed throughout this Title.
Additional definitions for specialized terms used in the Zoning Code can be found in Article VIII
Section 17.32.020 Allowed Use Descriptions
The following list represents the complete list of allowed uses by land use classification and
corresponding descriptions as used in Table 17.30.030-1 (Allowed Land Uses and Permit
Requirements by Base Zoning District) and throughout this Title. Individual use classifications
describe one or more uses having similar characteristics, but do not list every use or activity that
may appropriately be within the classification. Allowed uses are organized into the following seven
use categories as follows:
• Residential Uses
• Agriculture and Animal-Related Uses
• Recreation, Resource Preservation, Open Space, Education, and Public Assembly Uses
• Utility, Transportation, Public Facility, and Communication Uses
• Retail, Service, and Office Uses
• Automobile and Vehicle Uses
• Industrial, Manufacturing, and Processing Uses
A. Residential Uses.
1. Adult Day Care Home. Defined by state law as the provision of nonmedical
care to six or fewer adults, including seniors, in the provider's own home, for a
period of less than 24) hours at a time. Homes serving more than six(6)adults
are included in Adult Day Care Facility.
2. _ Caretaker Housing.A residence that is accessory to a•site with.a--nonresidential.
.w.. primary use and that is needed for security, 24-hour care or supervision, or
monitoring of facilities, equipment, or other conditions on the site.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.32
automated teller machines (ATM) are considered an accessory use and not
part of this definition
10. Bar/Nightclub. Any bar, cocktail lounge, discotheque, or similar establishment,
which may also provide live entertainment(e.g., music and/or dancing,comedy
— subject to an entertainment permit) in conjunction with alcoholic beverage
sales. These facilities do not include bars that are part of a larger restaurant.
Includes bars, taverns, pubs, and similar establishments where any food
service is subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages. may
Bars and nightclubs
may include outdoor food and beverage areas.
11. Bed and Breakfast Inn. A residential structure with one family in permanent
residence with up to six bedrooms rented for overnight lodging, where meals
may be provided subject to applicable Health Department regulations. A bed
and breakfast inn with more than six guest rooms is considered a hotel or motel
and is included under the definition of Hotels and Motels.
12. Building Materials Store and Yard. A retail establishment selling lumber and
other large building materials, where most display and sales occur indoors.
Includes stores selling to the general public, even if contractor sales account
for a major proportion of total sales. Includes incidental retail ready-mix
concrete operations, except where excluded by a specific zoning district.
Establishments primarily selling electrical, plumbing, heating, and air
conditioning equipment and supplies are classified in Wholesale, Storage, and
Distribution (Heavy, Light and Medium.) Hardware stores are listed in the
definition of Retail, General, even if they sell some building materials.Also see
Home Improvement Supply Store for smaller specialty stores.
13. Business Support Services. Establishments primarily within buildings,
providing other businesses with services such as maintenance, repair and
service, testing, rental, etc. Support services include, but are not limited to:
a. Equipment repair services (except vehicle repair, see Vehicle
b. Commercial art and design (production);
C. Computer-related services (rental, repair);
d. Copying, quick printing, and blueprinting services (other than those
defined as Printing and Publishing);
e. Equipment rental businesses within buildings(rental yards are Storage
f. Film processing laboratories;
g. Heavy equipment repair services where repair occurs on the client site;
h. Janitorial services;
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article 111, Chapter 17.32
unprepared unpackaged food or foodstuffs of any kind. For the purposes of
this Section, a mobile food vehicle shall also include any trailer or wagon
equipped and used as described in this paragraph and pulled by a vehicle.
41. Mortuary/Funeral Home. A funeral home and parlor, where the deceased are
prepared for burial or cremation and funeral services may be conducted. This
use does not include Crematorium, which is a separate use classification.
42. Office, Accessory. An office that is incidental and accessory to another
business or sales activity that is the primary use(part of the same tenant space
or integrated development). The qualification criteria for this definition is that
the floor area of the accessory office use shall not exceed 50 percent of the
total net habitable or leasable floor area of the tenant space for a single-use
development or the combined floor area of an integrated development for a
mixed-use project.
43. Office, Business and Professional. This use listing includes offices of
administrative businesses providing direct services to consumers (e.g.,
insurance companies, utility companies), government agency and service
facilities (e.g., post office, civic center), professional offices (e.g., accounting,
attorneys, public relations),and offices engaged in the production of intellectual
property (e.g., advertising, architecture, computer programming). This use
does not include medical offices (see Medical Services, General); temporary
offices, or offices that are incidental and accessory to another business or sales
activity that is the primary use (see Office, Accessory). Outdoor storage of
materials is prohibited.
44. Pawnshop. Any room, store, building, or other place in which the business of
pawn brokering, or the business of lending money upon personal property,
pawns, or pledges, or the business of purchasing articles from vendors or their
assignees at prices agreed upon at or before the time of such purchase, is
engaged in, carried on, or conducted.
45. Personal Services. Establishments providing nonmedical services as a primary
use, including, but not limited to, barber and beauty shops (including
permanent makeup), weight loss clinics, day spas, spiritualist reading or
astrology forecasting, clothing rental, dry cleaning pickup stores with limited
equipment, home electronics and small appliance repair, laundromats (self-
service laundries), shoe repair shops, and tailors.These uses may also include
accessory retail sales of products related to the services provided. This use
classification does not include massage or tattoo establishments, which are
separately classified herein.
46. Restaurant. A retail business selling food and beverages prepared and/or
served on the site, for on- or off-premise consumption. Includes eating
establishments where customers are served from a walk-up ordering counter
for either on- or off-premise consumption and establishments where most
customers are served food at tables for on-premise consumption, but-may-- , - --
include providing food for take-out.Also includes coffee houses and accessory
cafeterias as part of office and industrial uses. Restaurants are divided into
feL� three categories as follows:
Article III, Chapter 17.32 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
a. Restaurant, No Liquor Service. Restaurants that do not serve liquor,
including fast food establishments.
b. Restaurant, Beer and Wine. Restaurants with liquor services limited to
beer and wine for on-site consumption. May also include the brewing
of beer as part of a brewpub or microbrewery.
C. Restaurant, Full Liquor Service. Restaurants with a full range of liquor
service, including beer, wine, and distilled spirits, all for on-site
47. Retail, Accessory. The retail sales of various products(including food service)
in a store or similar facility that is located within a health care, hotel, office, or
industrial complex. These uses include but are not limited to pharmacies, gift
shops, and food service establishments within hospitals, and convenience
stores and food service establishments within hotel, office, and industrial
complexes. This use category also includes retail associated with industrial
uses for the products sold, distributed, or manufactured on-site. Such retail
area shall not exceed 25 percent of the total square footage of the tenant space
of a single use development or the combined floor area of an integrated
development in a mixed-use project.
48. Retail, General. Stores and shops selling single and multiple lines of
merchandise. These stores and lines of merchandise include, but are not
limited to, bakeries (all production in support of on-site sales), clothing and
accessories, collectibles, department stores, drug and discount stores, dry
goods, fabrics and sewing supplies, florists and houseplant stores (indoor
sales, only; outdoor sales are plant nurseries and included in the definition of
Garden Center/Plant Nursery), general stores, gift shops, hardware, hobby
materials, musical instruments, parts and accessories, newsstands, pet
supplies specialty shops, sporting goods and equipment, stationery, and
variety stores.
49. Retail, Warehouse Club. Retail stores that emphasize the packaging and sale
of products in large quantities or volumes, some at discounted prices. Sites
and buildings are usually large and industrial in character. Patrons may be
required to pay membership fees.
50. Secondhand Dealer. Any business where the primary or ancillary use includes
buying, selling, trading, accepting for sale on consignment, accepting for
auctioning,or auctioning secondhand tangible personal property such as"cash
for gold". This use classification does not include a "coin dealer" or participants
at gun shows or events, pawnshops or secondhand stores.
51. Shooting Range. An enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun
„52.„„Smoke.Shop._An establishment that either devotes more'than 1.5,percent of itc , .,
total floor area to smoking, drug, and/or tobacco paraphernalia or devotes
more than a 2 foot by 4 foot (2 feet in depth maximum) section of shelf space
for display for sale of smoking, drug, and/or tobacco paraphernalia.
Article III,Chapter 17.32 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
6. Manufacturing, Medium. Activities typically include, but are not limited to,
manufacturing, compounding of materials, processing, assembly, packaging,
treatment or fabrication of materials and products which require frequent large
container truck traffic or rail traffic, or the transport of heavy, bulky items. The
new products are semi-finished to be a component for further manufacturing,
fabrication, and assembly. These types of business establishments are
customarily directed to inter-plant transfer or to order from industrial uses,
rather than for direct sale to the domestic consumer. Such uses may include,
but are not limited to, canned food; textile products; furniture and fixtures;
converted paper and paper board products; plastic products made from
purchased rubber, plastic, or resin; fabricated metal products made from sheet
metal; electrical and electronic machinery,equipment, and supplies;and office,
computing, and accounting machines. These activities may produce noise,
odors, vibrations, illumination, or particulates that affect persons residing in or
conducting business in the vicinity. Where 24-hour, on-site surveillance is
necessary, a caretaker's residence may be permitted when approved by a
Conditional Use Permit.
6-7 Microbrewery A small-scale brewery operation dedicated to the production of
specialty beers and producing less than 15,000 barrels (465,000 U.S. gallons)
per year. Ancillary on-site tasting and/or retail sales of beers produced on-site
for off-site consumption may be permitted when approved by a Conditional Use
7-.8. Printing and Publishing. Establishments engaged in printing by letterpress,
lithography, gravure, screen, offset, or electrostatic(xerographic)copying, and
other establishments serving the printing trade including bookbinding,
typesetting, engraving, photoengraving, and electrotyping. This use also
includes establishments that publish newspapers, books, and periodicals, and
establishments manufacturing business forms and binding devices. Does not
include "quick printing" services or desktop publishing which are included in
Business Support Services.
8-.9. Recycling Facility— Collection. A recycling facility used for the acceptance by
donation, redemption, or purchase of recyclable materials from the public that
does not occupy more than 500 square feet. This classification may include a
mobile unit, kiosk-type units that may include permanent structures, and
unattended containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials. Also
includes so-called "reverse vending machines," an automated mechanical
device that accepts one or more types of empty beverage containers including,
but not limited to, aluminum cans, glass bottles, and plastic bottles, and issues
a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with value of not less than the
container's redemption value as determined by the State.
&10. Recycling Facility — Processing. A recycling facility located in a building or
enclosed space and used for the collection and processing of recyclable
materials. Processing means the preparation of material for efficient shipment
or to an end-user's specifications -by such means as baling,' briquettin
compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, shredding,
cleaning, and remanufacturing. Collection of recycling materials as the sole
activity is included in the definition of Recycling Facility—Collection.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.36
Chapter 17.36 Development Standards by Base Zoning District
Section 17.36.010 Development Standards for Residential Zoning Districts...................17.36-1
Section 17.36.020 Development Standards for Mixed Use Zoning Districts................ 17.36-12
Section 17.36.030 Development Standards for Commercial & Office Zoning Districts ..17.36-14
Section 17.36.040 Development Standards for Industrial Districts................................17.36-18
Section 17.36.050 Development Standards for Open Space Zoning Districts...............17.36-24
Section 17.36.010 Development Standards for Residential Zoning
A. Purpose and Applicability. The purpose of this Section is to establish minimum
development standards that are unique to development projects within Residential
Zoning Districts. Development standards in this Section apply to all land designated
on the Zoning Map within a Residential Zoning District.
B. Residential Districts Described. As identified in Chapter 17.26 (Establishment of
Zoning Districts), the city includes six Residential Zoning Districts:
1. Very Low(VL)
2. Low(L)
3. Low Medium (LM)
4. Medium (M)
5. Medium High (MH)
6. High (H)
C. Residential Site Development Standards. General site development standards for
Residential Zoning Districts are listed in Table 17.36.010-1 (Development Standards
for Residential Zoning Districts). These development standards supplement the
development standards in Article IV (Site Development Provisions) that apply to all
zoning districts (e.g., parking, signs, landscaping, lighting).
Article III, Chapter 17.36 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
Development Standard/ VL L LM M MH H
Zoning District
Lot Area(minimum) 20,000 sf 7.200 sf 5,000 sf 3 ac(1) 3 ac(1) 3 ac(1)
Lot Area(minimum net avg) 22,500 sf 8,000 sf 5,000 sf 3 ac(1) 3 ac(1) 3 ac(1)
Lot Width(minimum) 90 ft(2) 65 ft(2) 50 it(2) n/a n/a n/a
Lot Width(corner lot) 100 ft 70 ft 50 ft n/a n/a n/a
Lot Depth (minimum) 200 ft 100 ft 90 ft n/a n/a n/a
Minimum Frontage 50 ft 40 ft 30 ft 100 it 100 ft 100 ft
Minimum Frontage(flag lot) 30 It 20 It 20 ft 50 ft 50 it 50 ft
Allowed Density(dwelling units per acre)
Minimum Density(3) n/a n/a 4 du/ac 1 8 du/ac 14 du/ac 24 du/ac
Maximum Density 2 du/ac 4 du/ac 8 du/ac(4) 14 du/ac(4) 24 du/ac 30 du/ac
Minimum Setback
Front Yard(5) 42 it(0) 37 ft(6) 32 It(e) 37 It(6) n/a n/a
Corner Side Yard(5) 27 ft 27 ft 22 ft 27 ft n/a n/a
Interior Side Yard (5) 10/15 ft 5/10 ft 5/10 ft 10 ft(7) n/a n/a
Rear Yard(5) 60 ft 20 ft 15 ft 10 it(7) n/a n/a
At Interior Site Boundary
(Dwelling/Accessory NR(B) 15/5(7) 15/5(7) 15/5(7)
Building Height(maximum in feet)(B)
Primary Buildings 35 ft 35 ft 35 ft 35 It(10) 1 40 ft(10) 55 ft(10)
Lot Coverage(maximum lot coverage with buildings as a percentage of the parcel or project)
Lot Coverage 1 25% 1 40% 1 50% 1 50% 1 50% 50%
Open Space Requirement(minimum percentage of open space per parcel or project)
Private Open Space 300/150 sf 225/150 sf 150/100 sf 150/100 sf
(Ground Floor/Upper Story)
Open Space(Private and 40% 35% 35% 35%
Minimum Patio/Porch Depth E ft(11) 6 it(11) E ft(11) E ft 111) E ft 111> E ft 111)
Minimum Dwelling Unit Size)12)
Single-Family 1,000 sf
(attached and detached)
550 sf
Multi-Family(13) 650 sf
One Bedroom
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.36
Development Standard/ VL L LM M MH H
Zoning District
800 sf
Two Bedroom
Multi-Family(13) 950 sf
Three or More Bedrooms
Distance Between Building/Structure Fronts(B)(14)(minimum)
Between buildings with no patio — — 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft
or recessed patio
Between patio fence/wall less — — 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft 15 ft
than 5 feet in height
Between patio fence/wall more — — 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
than 5 feet in height
Between balconies above patio
fence/wall more than 5 feet in — — 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
Between a patio fence/wall and — _ 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
a building wall
With common patio fence/wall — — 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft 30 ft
Other Miscellaneous Building Setback Requirements)a)(minimum)
Building to one-story detached
garage/carport or other 6 ft/15 ft 15 ft 15 15
accessory structure
Building to wall or curb at 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
project entry
Table Notes:
(1) On existing lots of record,parcels less than 3 acres or less than the required minimum frontage may only be developed at
the lowest end of the permitted density range.
(2) Average width,which shall vary accordingly:
VL-+/-10 feet
L 8 LM-+/-5 feet
(3) Excluding land necessary for secondary streets and arterials and in hillside areas shall be dependent on the slope/capacity
factor contained in Chapter 17.52(Hillside Development Standards).
(4) Developing multi-family in the LM district and single-family in the M district at the maximum density requires compliance
with Standards for Higher Residential Densities as outlined in Subsection 17.36.010.D.
(5) Setbacks are measured between the structure and curb face in front yards and corner side yards. Setbacks are measured
between the structure and property line in rear yards and interior side yards.
(6) Averaae setback which shall vary+/-5 feet.€rorty-yar+l-slNbasks-in-rrewresiderNialeievek> taorNSNtay-tie-reduced-by+y3
1e-a-tepllo lie, reel-
(7) Add 10 feet if adjacent to VL,L.or LM district.
(8) Applies to buildings two stories and taller in height.Add 10 more feet for each story over two stories.
(9) In hillside areas,heights shall be limited to 30 feet.
(10) Limit one story within 100 feet of VL or L district for multiple-family dwellings.
(11) Free and clear of obstructions.
(12) Senior citizen projects are exempted from this requirement.
(13) To assure that smaller units are not concentrated in any one area or project,the following percentage limitations of the total
number of units shall apply: 10% for efficiency/studio and 35% for one bedroom or up to 35% combined. Subject to a
Conditional Use Permit,the Planning Commission may authorize a greater ratio of efficiency or one-bedroom units when a
development exhibits innovative design qualities and a balanced mix of unit sizes and types.
(14) "Front"is defined as the face of the building.or unit with the major glass area and/or major recreation area and may include _
access to that private recreation area. This access may or may not relate to the primary entrance to the building that faces
the street or drive;therefore,some buildings may have more than one front.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article III, Chapter 17.36
F. Other Miscellaneous Residential Development Standards.
1. Zero Lot Line. The dwelling unit may be placed on one interior side property
line with a zero setback, and the dwelling unit setback on the other interior side
property line shall be a minimum of ten feet (10'), excluding the connecting
elements such as fences, walls, and trellises. Pools, decks, garden features,
and other similar elements shall be permitted within the ten foot (10') setback
area, provided, however, no structure, with the exception of fences or walls,
shall be placed within easements required below. Where adjacent zero lot line
dwellings are not constructed against a common lot line, the builder or
developer must provide for a perpetual wall maintenance easement of five feet
(5') in width along the adjacent lot and parallel with such wall.
2. Usable Yard Area. For single-family detached/semi-detached subdivisions, a
minimum fifteen feet (15') of flat, usable rear yard area shall be provided
between the house and top or toe of non-retained slope banks or to the
retaining wall in the case of retained cut or fill per City grading standard
drawings. However, in areas of hilly or sloped terrain where grading is being
designed to minimize alteration to the natural land form, usable open space
should be provided in the form of decks, patios, balconies,or some similar form
of built structure designed to fit the natural topography rather than as graded
level yard area.
3. Visitor Parking. For projects with private streets or driveways, visitor parking
required by Chapter 17.64 (Parking and Loading Standards) shall be provided
in off-street visitor parking bays within one hundred fifty feet (150') of all
dwelling units. Visitor parking shall be clearly delineated through proper
signage. Signage may include, but is not limited to, pavement marking,
freestanding signs designating the stalls as visitor parking, and directory signs
guiding visitors to the visitor parking area.
4. Driveway Depth/Width. All lots within single-family detached and semi-
detached residential developments shall have driveways designed to
accommodate the parking of two (2) automobiles in a manner that does not
obstruct sidewalks or streets. Driveways shall have a minimum depth of
nineteen feet (19') and width of eighteen feet (18'). Drive approach shall be
developed per City standards.
5. Amenities. To enhance the quality of life for multi-family development,
additional amenities shall be required as follows:
a. Storage Space. Each unit shall be provided with a minimum of one
hundred twenty-five(125)cubic feet of exterior lockable storage space.
The storage space shall be located outside of the dwelling at grade or
floor level and easily accessible by the residents. The design of the
exterior storage space shall be architecturally integrated and/or
compatible to the dwellings. The individual storage space units can be
located within the fully enclosed garages designated for that dwelling
Article III, Chapter 17.36 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
b. Laundry Facility. Each unit shall be provided with a hookup for a
washing machine and clothes dryer in the interior of the dwelling, or
common laundry facilities shall be provided and equipped with washing
machines and clothes dryers at a rate of one washing machine and
clothes dryer per five (5) units. Common laundry facilities should be
conveniently located for all residents within the complex. Common
laundry facilities can be within freestanding buildings, attached to
dwelling units, or within the recreation room.The design of the common
laundry facilities shall be architecturally compatible to the dwellings.
6. Roofing Materials.All new and existing development within Residential Zoning
Districts shall have roofing material made of tile, or the imitation thereof, but
not including composition shingles. Other roofing materials such as metal,
slate, or the imitation thereof, but not including composition shingles, may be
approved by the approval authority if it is determined that the roof material
enhances the building design. Any replacement of existing roofing materials
shall be consistent with the existing material or upgraded to a higher quality
roofing material. For example,a composition shingle roof can be replaced with
composition shingles or can be upgraded to higher quality roofing material
such as tile or slate.
6J. Roof Mounted A/C Units. Replacement of existing permitted roof mounted A/C
units that are located on residential development may be permitted. All other
proposed roof mounted A/C units shall be placed entirely out of public view.
-7-.8. Slope Planting. Slope banks 5 feet or greater in vertical height and of 5:1 or
greater slope, but less than 2:1 slope, shall be, at minimum, irrigated and
landscaped with appropriate groundcover for erosion control. Slope banks 5
feet or greater in vertical height an of 2:1 or greater slope shall be landscaped
and irrigated for erosion control and to soften their appearance as follows: one
15-gallon or larger size tree per each 150 square feet of slope area, one 1-
gallon or larger size shrub for each 100 square feet of slope area, and
appropriate groundcover. In addition, slope banks in excess of 8 feet vertical
and of 2:1 or greater slope shall also include one 5-gallon or larger size per
each 250 square feet of slope area. Trees and shrubs shall be planted in
staggered clusters to soften and vary slope plane. Slope planting required by
this section shall include a permanent irrigation system to be installed by the
developer prior to occupancy. Maintenance by a Homeowners' Association
may be required by the Planning Commission on a case-by-case basis.
G. Special Streetscape. It is the intent of this Section to create streetscape standards
for landscape, building, and parking setbacks that help to identify the function of streets
and to improve the scenic quality of the community. Table 17.36.020-3 sets forth the
minimum setbacks based on street classification in the General Plan Circulation Plan.
These setbacks shall be required of all new developments that contain or abut any
one of the street classifications listed in the table. Setbacks shall be measured from
the face of the ultimate curb location.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article IV, Chapter 17.42
Minimum Setback Distance
Accessory from Property Line or Other Structures Maximum Rear Yard Lot Maldmtan
Structure(Type) Primary CoverageM Height
Front Rear Side Street Side Yard Building
Solid Roof Structure Not permitted 5 ft(2) 5 ft(2)(3)(4) Not permitted(5) (1)(�) 30% required yard area(8) 16 ft
Open Roof Structure Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft(3) Not permitted (1)(�) n/a(6)(8) 16 ft
Water Features No minimum 3 it 5 ft Not permitted No minimum n/a 16 ft
Pools/spas Not permitted 5 ft(7) 5 ft(7) 5 ft(7) No 30% Fequifed-yard 5 ft
minimum aFean/a
No 3G%4equired-yard
Pool Accessories Not permitted 5 It 5 ft Not permitted minimum arean/a n/a8 ft
Play Equipment Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft Not permitted m nimum n/a n/a
Deck/Patio Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft Not permitted No 30% required yard n/a
minimum area0O)n/a
Outdoor Entertainment Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft No minimum(g) No n/a n/a
Features minimum
Temporary, Portable Not permitted 5 ft 5 ft Not permitted (1)(2) 30% required yard area loft
Shade Structures
Table Notes:
(1) No minimum setback required.Accessory buildings may be attached to and have a common wall with the main building or,when located as required by this Chapter,may be connected to the
main building by a breezeway.
(1) Accessory buildings not exceeding 6 feet in height at the highest point may be built to the side and/or rear property line,provided that the accessory structure meets minimum building code
requirements for distance between the accessory structure and the primary building.
(3) The 5-foot side yard setback requirement for solid and open roof structures applies when the structure is located within the rear yard setback area.Otherwise,the some side yard setbacks as
the primary structure apply(see Figure 17.42.040-1).
(4) For reverse corner lots,the street side yard setback shall be the some as the front yard setback for the adjacent key lot.
(5) Accessory structures with solid roofs that are less than 6 feet tall and 110 square feet in area can be located in the street side yard.
(6) Trellis-type and open-roof structures ore exempt from lot coverage calculations.
(7) Measurement from water's edge.Related operating equipment(filters,pumps and heaters)not exceeding 6 feet in height can be located within the rear,side or street side yard setback.
(8) Accessory structure shall not exceed the overall lot coverage limitation for the property(see Chapter 17.36).
(9) If less:than 6feet in height,no minimum setback is required. If taller than 6feet in height,not allowed in the street side yard area-
(10) Decks river 3 feet in height shall be counted toward lot coverage.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article IV, Chapter 17.60
Chapter 17.60 Outdoor Sales, Storage, Display, and Seating
Section 17.60.010 Purpose.............................................................................................17.60-1
Section 17.60.020 Permit Requirements, Exemptions, and Liabilities.............................17.60-1
Section 17.60.030 Development, Operation, and Maintenance ......................................17.60-2
Section 17.60.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to regulate permanent and temporary outdoor display, seating,
and storage uses. The intent of these regulations is to encourage outdoor displays and activities
that are compatible with associated and nearby uses and do not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle
circulation or create an unsightly appearance of unrestricted clutter.
Section 17.60.020 Permit Requirements, Exemptions, and
The following outdoor activities shall be subject to the permit requirements as listed below.
A. Permanent Outdoor Display and Sales. If the display and sales are part of the
primary use it is permitted by right, subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.030.B.
(Standards for Outdoor Display and Sates). If not part of the primary use then
permanent outdoor display and sales may be permitted with the issuance of a
Conditional Use Permit(CUP).
B. Temporary Outdoor Display and Sale. Permitted in commercial districts with the
issuance of a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) and subject to the provisions of Section (Standards for Outdoor Display and Sales).
C. Permanent Outdoor Storage. Permanent outdoor storage is allowed in conjunction
with the primary use if approved as part of the original planning entitlement request.
New permanent outdoor storage requested in conjunction with an existing use or
development shall require issuance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with
Section 17.16 (Permits and Entitlements Decided by the Planning Director).
D. Temporary Outdoor Storage. Temporary outdoor storage shall require the issuance
of a Temporary Use Permit pursuant to and consistent with the requirements of
Section 17.16.070 (Temporary Use Permit). The uses and activities listed below shall
be exempt from the requirement for a Temporary Use Permit.
1. Storage of construction materials and equipment as part of an active
construction site, provided a valid Building Permit or Improvement Permit is in
effect and the materials and equipment are stored on the construction site
pursuant to approved permit(s).
2. -• Emergency -facilities-to-accommodate emergency Public health and safety". .,
needs and activities.
Article IV, Chapter 17.60 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
E. Outdoor Dining Areas. If not part of the original development permit for the principal
use, outdoor seating may be permitted in all zoning districts except for residential
zoning districts, subject to approval of an Conditional Use Permit as established in
Section 17.16.120 (Conditional Use Permit) and any other applicable entitlements
(e.g., Minor Design Review). In all cases, permanent outdoor seating shall be
consistent with the development standards of this Chapter.
1. Required Findings for Approval of Outdoor Seating. The designated approving
authority may issue a Conditional Use Permit (Section 17.16.120) if the
proposed outdoor seating:
a. Allows for a continuous pedestrian path of travel of at least four feet(4')
in width and would not obstruct fire, pedestrian, and wheelchair access.
b. Does not unduly interfere with pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk.
C. Does not unduly interfere with access of public employees and utility
workers to meters, fire hydrants, or other objects (street hardware) in
the right-of-way.
d. Allows for unobstructed view of necessary authorized traffic devices.
Section 17.60.030 Development, Operation, and Maintenance
A. General Development Standards for All Activities. The development standards
listed below apply to all outdoor display, sales, and storage activities.
1. Location. Outdoor activities may be located within the public right-of-way, in
required parking spaces or in designed vehicle drive aisles, or within required
landscape planter areas only where permitted with the issuance of an
Encroachment Permit, or in accordance with the requirements of a Conditional
Use Permit, pursuant to the requirements of Section 17.16.120 (Conditional
Use Permit) or a Temporary Use Permit, pursuant to the requirements of
Section 17.16.070 (Temporary Use Permit). Outdoor activities shall occupy a
fixed, specifically approved. location that does not disrupt the normal function
of the site or its circulation and does not encroach upon required setbacks,
public rights-of-way, driveways, emergency vehicle/fire access lanes,
landscaped areas, parking spaces, pedestrian walkways or pathways, bicycle
lanes, seating, enhanced pedestrian amenities, such as trash receptacles and
drinking fountains, or any other requirement listed in the Building Code.
2. Hours of Operation. Except as otherwise provided, hours of operation for
outdoor activities shall be consistent with those for the corresponding primary
3. Noise. Any noise generated by the outdoor activity shall be consistent with the
City's Noise Ordinance.
4. Signs. No additional business identification or advertising signs for the outdoor
activity may be permitted above the maximum allowable sign area for the
corresponding primary use as established in Chapter 17.74 (Sign Regulations
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article IV, Chapter 17.60
for Private Property), except when the outdoor activity is the primary use(e.g.,
Christmas tree lot).
5. Maintenance. Outdoor activity areas shall be kept free of garbage and other
debris, and shall not encroach into required sidewalk clearance areas as
follows: all outdoor activity areas shall leave a minimum horizontal clear space
of six feet (6') or such greater amount of clear space as the Public Works
Director finds necessary to protect and enhance pedestrian and vehicle traffic
in the sidewalk area.
B. Standards for Outdoor Display and Sales. The following development standards
shall apply to all permanent and temporary outdoor display and sales activities:
1. Associated with the Primary Use. All outdoor display and sales activities shall
be associated with the primary use of the property. Only those goods and
services associated with the primary use may be stored, sold, or displayed. All
outdoor display and sales activities that are independent of the primary use
shall be considered their own primary use and regulated as such.
2. Maximum Area. Unless otherwise authorized by a Conditional Use Permit, the
area used for permanent outdoor display and sales of materials shall not
exceed ten percent (10%) of the gross floor area of the corresponding
commercial building. Vehicle and equipment sales and rentals (e.g.,
automobile, boat, RV, construction equipment) are exempt from this
requirement, provided storage and display is limited to vehicles offered for sale
or rental only and all other development code requirements are satisfied.
3. The aggregate display area shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the
linear frontage of the store front or six (6) linear feet, whichever is greater and
items may not project more than four feet (4')from the store front.
4. Height Limit. Displayed outdoor sales, other than plant materials for sale(e.g.,
Christmas trees, nursery trees) shall not exceed a height of six feet(6') above
finished grade, unless a greater height is allowed through Use Permit approval.
5. No item, or any portion thereof, shall be displayed on public property; provided,
however, items may be displayed within the public right-of-way if an
encroachment permit has first been procured from the City.
6. Items shall be displayed only during the hours that the business conducted
inside the building on the premises is open for business.
7. No item shall be displayed in a manner that causes a safety hazard; obstructs
the entrance to any building; interferes with, or impedes the flow of, pedestrian
or vehicle traffic; obstructs in part or in whole an emergency vehicle/fire access
lane; is unsightly or creates any other condition that is detrimental to the
appearance of the premises or any surrounding property; or in any other
manner is detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare or causes a public
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article IV, Chapter 17.82
Chapter 17.82 Water Efficient Landscaping
Section 17.82.010 Purpose and Intent............................................................................17.82-1
Section 17.82.020 Applicability.......................................................................................17.82-1
Section 17.82.030 Exceptions ........................................................................................17.82-1
Section 17.82.040 Development of a Water Budget.......................................................17.82-2
Section 17.82.050 Landscape Design Guidelines...........................................................17.82-3
Section 17.82.060 Soil and Grading Requirements.........................................................17.82-4
Section 17.82.070 Implementation..................................................................................17.82-5
Section 17.82.080 Compliance/Enforcement..................................................................17.82-7
Section 17.82.090 Recycled Water.................................................................................17.82-7
Section 17.82.100 Stormwater Management..................................................................17.82-8
Section 17.82.010 Purpose and Intent
This Chapter implements the model ordinance adopted by the State of California pursuant to
Government Code§65595 to require the efficient use of water resources.
Section 17.82.020 Applicability
A. This Chapter shall apply to the following:
1. New construction and rehabilitated landscapes for public agency projects and
private development projects with a total landscape area equal to or greater
than twenty-five hundred (2,500) square feet requiring a building permit, plan
check, or design review.
16. New construction and rehabilitated landscapes which are developer-installed
residential projects with a total landscape area equal to or greater than twenty-
five hundred (2,500) square feet requiring a building permit, plan check, or
design review.
17. New construction projects which are homeowner-installed residential projects
with a total landscape area equal to or greater than five thousand (5,000)
square feet requiring a Building Permit, Plan Check, or Design Review.
Section 17.82.030 Exceptions
A. This Chapter does not apply to:
1. Registered local, state, or federal historical sites.
18. Ecological restoration projects that do not require a permanent irrigation
_19. ,,,Mined-land reclamation_projects that do not require .a permanent irrigation
20. Botanical gardens and arboretums open to the public.
Article IV, Chapter 17.82 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
Section 17.82.040 Development of a Water Budget
A. Intent. In order to conserve water, applicable projects shall develop a water budget.
The water budget is based on the Maximum Applied Water Allowance(MAWA), which
is a calculation of the maximum amount of water allowed to be used within the
landscape area, and the Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU), which is the actual
amount of water to be used within the landscape area. The ETWU cannot exceed the
B. Establishing a Water Budget.
1. Maximum Applied Water Allowance. A landscape's maximum applied water
allowance shall be calculated using the following formula:
MAWA= (ETo) (0.627) (LA) [(0.627) + (.3 x SLA)]
MAWA= Maximum Applied Water Allowance
ETo = Evapotranspiration Rate
0.7 = Evapotranspiration (ET)Adjustment Factor
LA = Landscape Area
0.62 = Conversion factor(to gallons)
SLA= Special Landscape Area
21. Estimated Total Water Use. A landscape's Estimated Total Water Use shall be
calculated using the following formula:
ETWU=(ETo)(0.62)r PF x HA +SLAI
l` 0.71 11
ETWU = Estimated Total Water Use
ETo = Evapotranspiration Rate
0.62 = Conversion factor(to gallons)
PF = Plant Factor
HA= Hydrozone area (square feet)
0.71 = Irrigation efficiency
SLA= Special Landscape Area (square feet)
The evapotranspiration rate(ETo)for both calculations shall be consistent.The
evapotranspiration rate(ETo)will be derived from current reference data, such
as from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) or
other equivalent data, as determined by the Planning Director.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article V, Chapter 17.104
Chapter 17.104 Temporary Uses
Section 17.104.010 Purpose ..........................................................................................17.104-1
Section 17.104.020 Permit Requirements and Exemptions............................................17.104-1
Section 17.104.030 General Development Standards for Temporary Uses....................17.104-2
Section 17.104.040 Standards for Specific Temporary Uses..........................................17.104-3
Section 17.104.010 Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to establish development standards for temporary activities and
land uses to ensure the overall health, safety, and general welfare of the community is maintained.
Section 17.104.020 Permit Requirements and Exemptions
Uses of property (including land, buildings, and structures) and activities that are temporary in
nature shall comply with the permit requirements described below. The process for application for
and review and issuance of a Temporary Use Permit shall be as described in Section 17.16.070
(Temporary Use Permit).
A. Temporary Use Permit Required. The following temporary activities and uses may
be allowed, subject to the issuance of a Temporary Use Permit prior to the
commencement of the activity or use and subject to the requirements within this
1. Construction yards, storage sheds, and construction offices (off-site) in
conjunction with an approved construction project, where the yard is located
on a site different from the site of the approved construction project.
2. Entertainment and assembly events, including carnivals, circuses, concerts,
fairs, festivals, food events, fundraisers, haunted houses, outdoor
entertainment/sporting events, and similar events designed to attract large
crowds and that are held either on private or public property when not
otherwise part of or consistent with a permitted use (e.g., race at a raceway).
3. Farmers markets, as defined in this Title, held on public or private property.
4. Swap meets, as defined in this Chapter, including flea markets, rummage
sales, and similar events held on public or private property.
5. Seasonal sales as defined in this Chapter (e.g., Halloween, Christmas),
including temporary residence/security trailers.
6. Temporary sales offices as defined in this Title.
-"7. Fruit and vegetable stands'(related to on-site business):
8. Outdoor display of merchandise as accessory to current on-site business.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article V, Chapter 17.104
Standards for height, off-street parking, setbacks, and other structure and property development
standard that apply to the category of use or the zoning district of the subject parcel shall apply
to all temporary activities.
Section 17.104.040 Standards for Specific Temporary Uses
The following standards shall apply to the specific temporary uses described below.
A. Temporary Office Modules.
1. A master plan for development of permanent buildings shall be submitted in
conjunction with such request.
2. The design of the office modules shall have a look of permanence, as much as
practicable. This shall include such actions as screening temporary
foundations, screening utility equipment, and using overhangs, walkways, and
stepped roofs to mitigate the temporary appearance.
3. The approval of temporary office modules shall require necessary street
improvements, grading, drainage facilities, and landscaping.
13. T8FnPGFaFy Outdoor Displays and Rales of kilerGhnndise. The fe"Awing tempoicaq,
6. Otheit aGtiVities and uses slmilaF to these above as deteFMiRed by the Planning
GB_Parking Lot and Sidewalk Sales. Parking lot and sidewalk sales may be permitted
on private property in the commercial/retail areas of the city, including retail/wholesale
businesses located in industrial areas, in connection with current on-site businesses,
subject to the approval of a Temporary Use Permit as provided in Section 17.16.070
(Temporary Use Permits) and the following criteria:
1. Each sale is limited to a minimum of three (3) consecutive days, with a
maximum of nineteen (19) days per calendar year. unless authorized by a
Conditional Use Permit..
2. No sale for any single business or any other businesses located on the same
lot or'parcel;or within a shopping center, shall be permitted within thirty'(30)"
days of another sale.
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article VII, Chapter 17.122
Chapter 17.122 Design Provisions by Development Type
Section 17.122.010 Residential Development................................................................17.122-1
Section 17.122.020 Hillside Development ......................................................................17.122-9
Section 17.122.030 Commercial, Office, and Industrial Development...........................17.122-32
Section 17.122.040 Foothill Boulevard .........................................................................17.122-35
Section 17.122.050 Haven Avenue ..............................................................................17.122-53
Section 17.122.060 Signs.............................................................................................17.122-58
Section 17.122.010 Residential Development
The design standards and guidelines contained in this Section are supplemental to Chapter
17.120(General Design Provisions).
A. Single-Family Home Designs. Placement of houses in single-family subdivisions is
an important element in creating a functional, quality living environment. Single-family
residential development should promote an attractive streetscape through
architectural and site planning design elements that create variety and interest.
Housing tracts characterized by repetitious street scenes of nearly identical two-story
houses built at the minimum setback lines are not desirable. Generally, it requires the
use of a combination of design concept solutions to achieve the goal of creating varied,
interesting, and attractive streetscapes.
1. Standards.
a. At least twenty-five percent(25%)of all single-family detached units in
any single-family residential development in a Residential Development
District consisting of four(4)or more units should be single-story units.
The number of single-story units may be reduced on a case-by-case
basis when needed to serve the purposes of the Development Code
and when justified by such considerations as location, lot size, and
b. Provide extra-deep setbacks for two-story houses on comer lots.
C. Provide larger side yard setback (e.g., ten to twelve feet (10-12')
minimum) on garage side of lot to allow vehicular access to the rear
d. Locate driveways as far as possible from intersections.
e. Substantially vary front yard setbacks.
f. Vary garage treatments such as detached and semi-detached,side and
rear entries, etc.
g. On flag lots, use twelve-foot (12')width for that portion of the driveway
providing access to the garage to minimize concrete and maximize
landscaping potential.
Article VII, Chapter 17.122 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
shall be designated as common open space rather than private
open space.
vi. Fuel modification areas shall also incorporate soil erosion and
sediment control measures to alleviate permanent scarring and
accelerated erosion.
C. The Fire Chief may require brush, vegetation, or debris to be removed
and cleared on each side of every roadway and access drive in
accordance with the Municipal Code and Fire District codes and
standards, and may enter upon private property to do so. This Section
shall not apply to single specimens of trees, ornamental shrubbery, or
cultivated ground cover such as green grass, ivy, succulents, or similar
plants used as ground covers, provided they conform to Fire District
codes and standards. As used in this Section, "roadway" means that
portion of a highway or private street improved or ordinarily used for
vehicular travel.
d. If the Fire Chief determines in any specific case that difficult terrain,
danger of erosion, or other unusual circumstances make strict
compliance with the clearance of vegetation undesirable or impractical,
he may suspend enforcement thereof and require reasonable
alternative measures designed to advance the purposes of this article.
e. Restrict structures and facilities from geologically hazardous areas.
f. Require special construction features in the design of structures where
site investigations confirm potential geologic hazards.
g. The Friant Escondido and Ramona/Arlington soil associations are not
suitable for on-site wastewater disposal. Development not on public
sewers within areas generally defined as being either of these
associations shall be permitted only after site-specific investigations
have been conducted that demonstrate the soils are suitable and the
disposal of wastewater will not degrade the subsurface water quality.
h. The Tujunga-Delhi soil association may have soil-bearing capabilities
that could limit some development. Structures proposed on this soil
type should be permitted only after a site-specific investigation has
been performed that indicates the soils can adequately support the
weight of the structure.
L For all development within the Alquist-Priolo or City-adopted "Special
Study Zone," a statement shall be included on every deed, for each lot
or parcel, which informs the prospective owner of the potential for
seismic activity and the potential hazard.
Section 17.122.030 Commercial, Office, and Industrial Development
Rancho Cucamonga Development Code Article VII,Chapter 17.122
The majority of design standards and guidelines for commercial, office, and industrial
development are provided in Chapter 17.120 (General Design Provisions). This Section contains
only those provisions that are unique to commercial, office, and/or industrial development.
A. Special Site Design Provisions.
1. Standards.
a. Provide employee break areas for office and industrial projects, and
provide plazas where employees can rest and eat lunch, preferably
away from public entrances to buildings, loading areas, or other high-
traffic areas. Provide tables and/or benches, and shade trees and/or
shade structures. Break areas shall be designed and sized to
comfortably accommodate furniture and amenities, should have a
minimum size of five hundred (500) square feet and have seating for at
least ten percent(10%) of the anticipated workforce.
b. Screen drive-through lanes from public view by orienting the building
and a combination of landscaping, berming, and low screen walls.
C. For shopping centers, vending machines and newspaper racks are to
be recessed into the building facade.
d. Completely screen long-term shopping cart storage.
2. Guidelines.
a. For commercial projects, give special attention to creating pedestrian
scale and an inviting place for pedestrians to shop.
b. Site amenities, such as walls, hardscape, street furniture, trash
enclosures, lighting, and monument signs, should be designed as part
of the total architectural package for the project.
C. Integrate signs into the architectural program.
B. Parking Areas. The following standards and guidelines apply:
1. Standards.
a. Screen parking areas from public view with mounding, landscaping, low
walls, grade differentials, and building orientation.
b. For parking areas, include one(1)tree for every three (3) parking stalls
for shade.
2. Guidelines.
a. Distribute parking evenly throughout a site instead of concentrating all
in one large parking lot.
Article VII, Chapter 17.122 Rancho Cucamonga Development Code
b. Consider the types of users desired and plan the project accordingly
rather than trying to maximize building floor area.
C. Parking areas should not be the dominant element in the overall design
of a project and should be designed to minimize visual disruption.
eA. The design of parking areas should also minimize auto noise, light and
glare, and ambient air temperature. This can be accomplished through
the use of sound walls, general location, use of well-designed lights,
and landscaping throughout the parking lot.
sS�,esial-�ar��tscapirag Rrovisfens
a. Twenty perGent
° cejesis and thirty
Q-C. Pedestrian Orientation.
1. Guidelines.
a. Colonnades or loggias and other covered walkways or structures that
provide shade to pedestrian spaces shall be utilized whenever
b. At street level, the use of building materials and building details that
relate to human activity shall be required where appropriate.
C. Convenient pedestrian circulation shall be provided throughout all
projects to connect public streets, parking areas, and public transit
facilities with buildings and pedestrian open spaces.
d. Open spaces shall be integrated with pedestrian walks and defined by
landscaping and other elements to create a sense of place.
e. Where possible, open spaces shall be accessible to the public.
f. Street Furniture. Benches, light standards, kiosks, drinking fountains,
trash receptacles,and other street furniture in on-site open spaces shall
be designed in a coordinated fashion to enhance the appearance and
function of the site and open space.
- g. Pedestrian areas shall be highly visible and well lit. I —•• •• •--
E D_Special Architectural Provisions.
1. Standards.