HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996/06/19 - Minutes June 19, 1996 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Regular Meetinn A. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council was held on Wednesday, June 19, 1996, in the Council Chambers of the Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Mayor William J. Alexander. Present were Councilmembers: James Curatalo, Rex Gutierrez, Diane Williams and Mayor William J. Alexander. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manger; James Markman, City Attorney; Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager; Brad Buller, City Planner; Joe O'Neil, City Engineer; Dave Blevins, Public Works Maintenance Manager; Dale Catron, Facilities Supervisor; Bill Makshanoff, Building Official; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; Suzanne Ota, Community Services Manager; Deborah Clark, Library Manager; Diane O'Neal, Management Analyst II; Chief Dennis Michael, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; and Debra J. Adams, City Clerk. Absent was Councilmember: Paul Biane. B. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS B1. Presentation of Proclamation to the Rancho Cucamonga Indians Baseball Team wishing them luck as they represent Rancho Cucamonga in the Youth Baseball Tournament in Cooperstown, New York. The baseball team was not present to present the Proclamation. B2. Presentation to Gary Varney, Street Maintenance Superintendent, as the Maintenance Superintendents Association Inland Empire/Desert Chapter's "Manager of the Year." Mayor Alexander presented the proclamation to Gary Varney. Chris Smith, County of San Bernardino, President of Maintenance Supervisor's Association of the Inland Empire/Desert Chapter also presented him the Manager of the Year Award. B3. Danielle Stout introduced representatives from Target Stores who presented $300 in grant money to the City of Rancho Cucamonga for law enforcement equipment and also presented $1,000 in grant money to the YMCA golf charity. City Council Minutes June 19,1996 Page 2 C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC C1. Bob Lundy, Rancho Cucamonga Visitor's Bureau, told about the Harley Davidson group that would be traveling Route 66 from Chicago through Rancho Cucamonga later this week. He also displayed a banner that was presented to their office. D. CONSENT CALENDAR Jack Lam, City Manager stated item D14 should be removed from the agenda and that it would return to the Council when it is ready. He also indicated Items D20 and D22 have additional information for the Council to consider as was distributed by memorandum. D1. Approval of Minutes: May15,1996 May 30,1996 June 6,1996 D2. Approval of Warrants, Register Nos. 5/22/96, 5/29/96 and 6/5/96; and Payroll ending 5/16/96 for the total amount of $2,487,083.27. D3. Approval to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of May 31, 1996. D4. Alcoholic Beverage Application for On-Sale Beer and Wine for Grazianos Pizza, Salvatore and Vincent Ancona, 9225 Base Line Road #L. D5. Alcoholic Beverage Application for New Kishi Restaurant, Raymond and Yoshiko Kishi, 8760 Base Line Road. D6. Approval to appropriate $9,240.00 awarded by the California State Library into Library Accounts. D7. Approval to Declare Surplus miscellaneous City property. D8. Approval of Annual Loan Transaction between the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency. D9. Approval of Salary and Benefits Resolution for Fiscal Year 1996/97 and Rescinding Resolution No. 95- 113 (1995/96 FY Salary and Benefits). RESOLUTION NO. 96-096 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION 95-113 AND IMPLEMENTING SALARY AND BENEFITS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1996/97 D10. Approval of Light Vadance Request for City Little League Championship Baseball Tournament at Red Hill Park on Sixty and Ninety Foot Fields until 10:30 p.m. D11. Approval to award purchase of Electronic Records Management System in the amount of $50,250.00 from Account No. 01-4126-7047. City Council Minutes June 19, 1996 Page 3 D12. Approval to purchase one (1) new Layton-F525 Paver Towbox and Trailer from Great West Equipment, Inc. Of San Jose, California, to be funded from Gas Tax Funding, Account No. 09-4637-7044 for the amount of $31,819.65 and to appropriate these funds for Fiscal Year 1996/97 if equipment is not delivered on or before June 30, 1996. D13. Approval of Map and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 4 and Street L.ighfJng Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 4 for Parcel Map 14806, located on the north side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues, submitted by Western Development Company. RESOLUTION NO 96-097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 14806 RESOLUTION NO 96-098 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 4 AND STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 4 FOR PARCEL MAP 14806 D14. Approval of Map, Improvement Agreement, Improvement Security, Vintners Walk Encroachment/Maintenance Agreement and Ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 3B and Str6~t Lighting Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 6 for Parcel Map 13845, located on thc southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Rochester-Avenue, submitted by Masi Commerce Center Partners. ITEM REMOVED FROM AGENDA RESOLUTION NO. 96-086 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNtA,-A~tNG-AN ENCROACl IMENT/MAINTENANCE FOR VINTNERS WALl'( OF PARCEL MAP NO. 13845 RESOLUTION NO. 96-087 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP NUMBER 13845, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT-AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY RESOLUTION NO. 96-088 A RESOLUTION OF---THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNtAT-~RDERING TI IE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 3B AND STREET LIGI ITING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NOS. 1 AND 6 FOR PARCEL MAP 13845 D15. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for Conditional Use Permit No. 95-39, located on the south side of Arrow Route (12167 Arrow Route) east of the 1-15 Freeway, submitted by Amedcan Pacific Concrete Pipe Company (AMPAC). City Council Minutes June 19,1996 Page 4 RESOLUTION NO 96-099 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 95-39 D16. Approval to execute Improvement Agreement and Improvement Security for 5701 Sapphire Street, located on the east side of Sapphire Street south of Brittany Lane, submitted by SH & CH Development Company. RESOLUTION NO 96-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND IMPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR 5701 SAPPHIRE STREET D17. Approval to execute Density Bonus Agreement (CO 96-034) between Northtown Housing Development Corporation and City of Rancho Cucamonga for a 14-unit Affordable Housing Project on 1.38 acres of land, located on the south side of Main Street, between Archibald and Reid Avenues, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the same. D18. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 96-035) for the FY 1995/96 Pavement Rehabilitation Program, Various Locations, to California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc., in the amount of $230,737.00 ($209,760.99, plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Gas Tax, Proposition 111, Account No. 10-4637-9113 and Account Nos. 40-4130-8050, 41-4130-8050 and 43-4130-8050. D19. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 96-036) for the Hermosa Pavement Rehabilitation from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, north of Sharon Circle to Eighth Street and south of Devon Street to Foothill Boulevard, to Manhole Adjusting Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $230,145.00 ($209,223,40, plus 10% contingency) to be funded from Measure I, Account No.32-4637-9520 and SB 140, Account No. 35-4637-9520. D20. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 96-037) for the Roof Replacement for the CMc Center and Police Station to be funded from approved RDA 1995/96 Funds, Account Number 17- 5100; and authorization for execution of contract (CO 96-038) for the Roof Replacement of the 9th Street Corporate Yard and Public Library, to be funded from approved RDA 1996/96 funds, Account Number 13-5100 (Bid to open June 13, 1996). D21. Approval to award and authorization for execution of Professional Services Agreement (CO 96-039) for Surveying for the Haven Avenue Storm Drain Improvement Project, located from Deer Creek Channel to Base Line Road, with Associated Engineers, in the amount of $33,055.00 (original proposal plus 10% contingency) to be funded proportionately from Measure I Funds Account Nos. 32-4637-9027 and 32-4637- 9537, SB140 Funds Account No. 35-46379027 and City Drainage Fund No. 23-4637-9537. D22. Approval to award and authorization for execution of contract (CO 96-040) for the Jersey Boulevard Storm Drain and Street Improvements, from Haven Avenue east to the railroad spur, to be funded from Propos~on 111 Funds Account No. 10-4637-9505, SB140 Funds Account No. 35-4637-9505, Measure I Fund Account No. 32-4637-9505 and AD82-1R Account No. 83-4637-6028. D23. Approval to accept the Touch Pad System Constructed in East and West Beryl Parks, Contract No. 95-014, as Complete, Release the Certificate of Deposit deposited in lieu of Retention and authorize the City Engineer to file a Notice of Completion. City Council Minutes June 19, 1996 Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 96-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE TOUCH PAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTED IN EAST AND WEST BERYL PARKS, CONTRACT NO. 95-014, AND AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WORK MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Gutierrez to approve the staff recommendations in the staff reports contained in the Consent Calender. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). E. CONSENT ORDINANCES El. CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 96-01 - WOHL/RANCHO PARTNERS - A request to amend the Industrial Area Specific Plan to create a Community Commercial designation for 14.45 acres generally located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Spruce and Elm Avenues - APN: 208-352-62 through 69. REMOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER CURATALO FOR A SEPARATE VOTE. Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 554. ORDINANCE NO. 554 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING INDUSTRIAL AREA SPECIFIC PLAN TEXT FOR 14.45 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED SOUTH OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, NORTH OF EUCALYPTUS AVENUE, EAST OF SPRUCE AVENUE, AND WEST OF ELM AVENUE, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF - APN: 208-352-62 THROUGH 69 MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Biane to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 554. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). Mayor Alexander stated he wanted to clarify that he still feels Foothill Boulevard should be reviewed in its entirety. MOTIN: Moved by Williams, seconded by Biane to approve Ordinance No. 554. Motion carried 3-1-1 (Curatalo no, Biane absent). E2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND ADDING CHAPTER 9.24 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS (LEGAL WORDING CHANGES ONLY~ Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 555. City Council Minutes June 19, 1996 Page 6 ORDINANCE NO. 555 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, REPEALING CHAPTER 9.24 OF TITLE 9 AND ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.24 TO TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO MASSAGE TECHNICIANS, MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS AND SIMILAR BUSINESSES MOTION: Moved by Gutierrez, seconded by Curatalo to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 555. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). E3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.30 AND PROHIBITING LOITERING BY MINORS Debra J. Adams, City Clerk, read the title of Ordinance No. 556. ORDINANCE NO. 556 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA .MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.30 AND PROHIBITING LOITERING BY MINORS MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Gutierrez to waive full reading and approve Ordinance No. 556. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). No items were submitted. No items were submitted. No items were submitted. F. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS G. PUBLIC HEARINGS H. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS City Council Minutes June 19, 1996 Page 7 I. COUNCIL BUSINESS I1. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION OF NAME FOR THE NORTHEAST COMMUNITY PARK SITE Staff report presented by Mayor Alexander who stated the Subcommittee was recommending the name "Etiwanda Creek Park". MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Gutierrez to accept the Subcommittee's recommendation of "Etiwanda Creek Park". Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). 12. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE PROCESS FOR FILLING LIBRARY FOUNDATION MEMBERS Staff report presented by Councilmember Gutierrez. Councilmember Williams asked if in addition to the list of seven the Task Force recommended for the interviews, could the balance of the names be presented to the whole City Council for them to peruse to see if there is anyone else that might be qualified for an interview. MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Williams to accept the recommendation of the Task Force. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent) 13. CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION TO FILL LIBRARY BOARD VACANCIES Staff report presented by Councilmember Williams. Councilmember Gutierrez stated he agreed and felt the library had accomplished a lot. MOTION: Moved by Curatalo, seconded by Gutierrez to approve the Subcommittee's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane). J. IDENTIFICATION OF ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items were identified for the next meeting. K. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC K1. Request by Ryan Conner to discuss traffic safety near Alta Loma High School. Ryan Connor asked if Traffic Engineering had the opportunity to study the situation as outlined in his letter. Joe O'Neil, City Engineer, stated they are still in the process of conducting the study. He added that since the kids are out of school it won't be completed until school starts back up in September so they can accurately complete the study. Mayor Alexander suggested that Mr. Connor could come to City Hall any time to talk about this situation with the Traffic Department. He commended him for submitting the letter about this concerns. City Council Minutes June 19, 1996 Page 8 Councilmember Gutierrez asked exactly what the problem was. Mr. Connor stated they need a left turn signal going eastbound into the parking lot at Alta Loma High School because there have been accidents there because of all of the traffic while the kids are trying to go to school. ACTION: Study to be completed after school starts up again in September and Mr. Connor to be advised of the information. K2. Councilmember Williams reported that Mayor Alexander sits on the Omnitrans Board and initiated a program whereby kids that are going to the library can ride the bus for free. She stated she felt this would spread county wide. She commended the Mayor for his efforts. L. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Williams, seconded by Gutierrez to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 4-0-1 (Biane absent). The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. C~pectfull~bmitted, City Clerk Approved: August 7, 1996