HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/07/11 - Minutes - Joint (School Districts) July 11, 1989 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA JOINT CITY COUNCIL/SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES Joint Meetinq A. CA~.r. TO ORDER A joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Alta Loma School District, Central School District, Cucamonga School District, Etiwanda School District, and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District was held at the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Linda Daniels, Deputy City Manager; Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; Russell Maguire, City Engineer; Brad Bullet, City Planner; Jim Hart, Administrative Services Director; Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst; Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator; Jana Ellis, Disaster Preparedness Technician; Jim Frost, City Treasurer; and Debra J. Adams, Deputy City Clerk. Absent was Councilmember: Charles J. Buquet II. Preeent were School District Representatives: Alta Loma School District: Walt Collins, Liz Gallarini, Patti Geye, John McMurtry, Sandy Oerly, and Bob Tangeman. Central School District: Debbie Baker, and Erwin Jones. Chaffey Union High School District: Dean Smuthers, and Charles Uhalley. Cucamonga School District: Lori Barrios, Kenneth Bradshaw, and John Costello. Etiwanda School District: Gary Collins, Carleton Lightfoot, and Marty Pruitt. Mayor Stout welcomed the representatives for all five school districts. · , , , , City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 2 B. ITEMS OF DISCUSSION (1) B1. USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS (1405-03 SCHOOLS) Mayor Stout stated that this item had been placed on the agenda by the City because of the amount of interaction with the City and the various sports groups. He stated that the City has come to the realization that they cannot produce parks as fast as they would like to, so the City is going back to the days where they were asking for the cooperation of the school districts. He further added that the City is pleased with the cooperation they have received from these school districts on this particular topic. Before discussion took place on this item, Councilwoman Wright posed thequestion if the School Districts should call their meetings to order because some of them had enough members present to represent a quorum. The Alta Loma School District stated they had not posted this as a public meeting and that they are only present as guests of the City. The School Districts concurred that they did not need to call their meetings to order, nor did they need to have any of their Board members leave the meeting, that they would not be voting on any issues, only acting as guests of the City for discussion purposes. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated the City is being overwhelmed with the activity requests because the City is growing so fast, and that they are having to turn down people from some of their programs. He further stated that the City would like to be able to use school facilities if needed, and in turn have the school districts use the City's facilities. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated another aspect would be looking at facilities that are not utilized which are not fully developed yet, and that possibly the City could come in and negotiate for improvements, which would help both the City and the School Districts' needs. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated the City and the School Districts have been working together on this issue so that it is a win-win situation for all. Ms. Gallarini, Alta Loma School District, asked if the City is asking for a reciprocal situation on school facilities? Mayor Stout stated yes. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated that through the Community Services Department it is the intent to work with the sports groups and the school districts for allocation of fields throughout the City. Ms. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, stated she felt this was what was happening now as far as allocation of fields. City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 3 Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated it depends on the school district. Councilman Alexander stated he hoped that once park build-out occurred, that the sharing of facilities with the school districts would not stop. Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, stated he anticipated a long term relationship with the school districts. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, stated he felt the school districts should to be able to say no to any particular sport group if they desired. Ms. Geye, Alta Loma School District, mentioned that the school districts would still need to have their facilities for their own use at times, but would still be interested in sharing when they could. Mayor Stout suggested the requests be handled on a case-by-case basis, and if anyone felt it was a bad deal, they would not have to get into it. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated it is the intent to enhance recreation opportunities that are already in existence. He used the example of the City and the school districts working together on ballfields. He stated it is the intent to help each other whenever possible. Councilman Alexander added that it should not be talked about as the City's facilities or the school districts' facilities, but that it is the community's. Mr. Lightfoot, Etiwanda School District, stated that everything should be handled on a case-by-case basis and that they would want to cooperate with the City. He further stated during Little League season vandalism goes up and also the upkeep of facilities goes up, and asked if possibly an arrangement could be made for the City to help out with some of these problems. He added that it is the little things that cost all the money. B2. PLANNING FOR SCHOOL FACILITY NEEDS AND THE ROLE OF THE CITY IN SCHOOL (2) BUILDING PROJECTS (1405-03 SCHOOLS) Jack Lam, City Manager, stated this item was of interest to both the City Council and the School Districts. He stated the City has, in the past, been able to review plans of proposed school facilities to give input on such things as suggestions for safety. He further stated that the City would like the courtesy to review plans, but that the school districts would have the option to do whatever they wished with the City's recommendations. Mr. Collins, Etiwanda School District, asked if there was someone the School Districts could deal directly with on these types of issues. City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 4 Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that with the reorganization of the City Manager's office, there were now two Deputy City Managers. He added Linda Daniels is the person that would be assisting the School Districts, and she would be the liaison between the School Districts and the City, and that she would be happy to assist them. Councilwoman Wright stated she hoped to get information on how the City can help the School Districts with this issue so they could better understand. Mr. Lightfoot, Etiwanda School District, informed the Council of the problems the School Districts have with developers when it comes to purchase price for land. Mr. Smothers, Chaffey Union High School District, felt that with the Ordinance that the City Council had just passed, this showed the City Council's concern for the School Districts. He further stated he did not feel he had had any problems in working with the City as far as plans, and commended Linda Daniel's for her cooperation. Mr. Tangeman, Alta Loma School District, pointed out that the School Districts are limited as far as a location for their facilities, because they have to stay in the boundary of their district. (3) B3. CITY PROCEDURES IN REGARDS TO SCHOOL SAFETY ISSUES (1405-03 SCHOOLS) Ms. Gallarini, Alta Loma School District, stated that the Alta Loma School District had put this item on the agenda, and inform the Council of the frustrations the parents feel about getting things done through the City, such as stop signs installed, and having to go through the City to get some of these things approved. Mayor Stout referred to the intersection of Etiwanda and Highland and stated that the State had been approached to install the traffic light, and that the City had been told this was not ready yet for the signal installation. He further stated the City went ahead and paid for it instead of waiting on Caltrans to do this. He added that the intersection of 19th and Jasper was the same kind of situation where the State would not put the signal in, because they did not feel it was appropriate. He stated the City does want to hear the School Districts' concerns and that the Public Safety Commission is working on many of these issues.- Mr. Tangeman, Alta Loma School District, felt possibly the School Districts should do more letter writing to help with the problems at Caltrans. Ms. Gallarini, Alta Loma School District, stated the parents that have worked with the City are pleased with the results, but stated the School District wants to help the City, and asked what they can do to inform them of such problems. City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 5 Councilwoman Wright stated that in general, when the School District sees problems, they should let the City know. She further stated that if the City could be involved with the planning of schools, that the City could let the School Districts know what plans are being made for a certain area to help stop any problems that might occur because of something the School District is not aware of. Councilwoman Brown agreed that the School District and City should work together on plans for proposed schools, and have better communication. Mr. Tangeman, Alta Loma School District, brought up how the City does not budget for crossing guards for summer school, but stated in the future, the School Districts would be notifying the City of where summer school was to take place, and felt the City should budget for summer school crossing guards. Councilwoman Wright stated she felt the City should also budget for summer crossing guards. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the City is going to send out a procedure for getting crossing guards in place for summer school, and make this a more formal procedure to follow. Ms. Geye, Alta Loma School District, asked who is responsible for the maintenance on the horse trails, and who do you to complain to if they are not maintained. Mayor Stout stated that some of the trails are owned by homeowners' associations, which are to be maintained by the homeowners' association. He also referred to the Ordinance of Nuisance Abatement which allowed the City to get involved in getting certain areas cleaned up. B4. CITY PARKS BELOW FOOTHILL BOULEVARD (1404-05 PARKS) Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, stated that Northtown deserves their park. Mayor Stout stated he has just recently signed the contract for this and would see to it that the City gave Cucamonga School District a copy of the contract. Ms. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, asked what was going in this park? Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, gave a brief description of what would be going in there. Mayor Stout stated the City is working on property acquisition for a sports park below Foothill, and that there was a possibility for the City to have their own minor league baseball team. (4) City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 6 (5) B5. COORDINATION AND INVOLVEMENT OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND CITY IN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAMS (0201-00 DISASTER) Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, stated that in the last 1-1/2 years of the Disaster Preparedness Department's existence, they have given programs at various schools throughout the City. She informed them of the mock disaster they had been through with one of the high schools in April of this year. Ms. Higgins explained about CSTI and that one member from Alta Loma School District had participated in the CSTI program. She stated that in June of 1990 CSTI would be coming to our area and that the school districts would be invited to this. Councilman Alexander stated that the City and the schools will need to help each other if there is a disaster. Ms. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, brought up the flag system and felt all of the School Districts should be made aware of it, because she felt it was an excellent program. She also asked if Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness, had copies of all of the School Districts' emergency plans. Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, stated yes. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, stated he did not agree with the flag system because he felt it was a false sense of security. He also asked who would take authority for a school in the case of an emergency. Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, stated the City would take over the schools, but would work in cooperation with all school districts. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, felt everyone was not working together on this and that this should take place. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated that one thing you learn at CSTI is that you cannot be too prepared. Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, told what would happen in the event of an emergency, and felt that the flag system at the schools was a good program. Ms. Oerly, Alta Loma School District, stated she would like for the Alta Loma School District to get together with the Emergency Preparedness Department. Councilwoman Wright stated that is exactly what the City wants to hear. Ms. Gallarini, Alta Loma School District, stated she would like Ms. Higgins to come and see some of the drills their schools go through. City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 7 Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, stated she would be happy to share any information with the school districts. Councilwoman Brown asked if the City invites the School Districts when a group of people are going to CSTI for training. Marti Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, stated yes. Mr. Bradshaw, Cucamonga School District, suggested that all school districts are represented when there is a meeting with the City regarding emergency preparedness. It was the consensus that Marti Higgins would get with all representatives of the School Districts. B6. RECYCLING AND EDUCATION EFFORTS (1170-04 RECYCLE) Mayor Stout stated that the City Council felt that education was the best way to help get the recycling program in motion. Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst, stated that the City has developed a workbook and explained the intent of this recycling workbook as it relates to the various schools. Councilwoman Wright felt that the schools can educate the children about recycling. Ms. Barrios, Cucamonga School District, asked if there was going to be some kind of curb-side recycling program. Councilwoman Wright stated you cannot mandate this, but the way to get through to the people was through education. C. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Carolynne Prescher was happy to hear that the City feels the way they do about recycling, and also offered her help in the recycling program. (6) , , , , , City Council Minutes July 11, 1989 Page 8 D. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Brown to adjourn to the July 19, 1989 regular City Council meeting. Motion carried Unanimously 4-0-1 (Buquet absent). Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D s Deputy City Clerk Approved: August 2, 1989