HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/04/27 - Minutes - Adjourned RANCHO CUCAMONGA JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND FIRE DISTRICT MEETING MINUTES April 27, 1989 Adjourned Meetinq An adjourned joint meeting of the Rancho Cucamonga City Council and the Foothill Fire Protection District met in the Rancho Cucamonga Neighborhood Center, 9791 Arrow Highway, Rancho Cucamonga, on Thursday, April 27, 1989. Mayor Stout and Chairman Kevin Eggleston called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Present were: City Councilmembers: Charles J. Buquet II, William J. Alexander, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Boardmembers: John Lyons, Lane Matsuno, Patricia Quintana, Pete Amodt, and Chairman Kevin Eggleston. Absent was: Councilmember Deborah N. Brown. Also present from the City were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Craig Fox, Deputy City Attorney; and Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk. Also present from the Fire District were: Dennis Michael, Fire Chief; Eugene Demchuk, Legal Counsel; and Robin Brock, Recording Secretary. B. DISCUSSION ITEMS The purpose of the meeting was to discuss some basic issues between the two boards regarding the setting up of a subsidiary Fire District with the City. , , , , , , B1. UNDERSTANDING OF NEED TO UPDATE EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION MASTER PLAN TO INSURE RECOMMENDED SERVICE LEVELS ARE MAINTAINED. Staff report presented by Dennis Michael, Fire Chief. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Mayor Stout responded to the report that the City Council agreed there needed to be a review of the Master Plan. The City has had an interest in master planning for facilities planning for a long time. , , , , , (1) City Council/Fire District Minutes April 27, 1989 Page 2 (2) (3) B2. COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR NEEDED FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE LEVELS AND FACILITIES. Staff report presented by Dennis Michael, Fire Chief. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Chief Michael pointed out that the northwest portion of the City was in need of fire protection. They are looking at land in that area for acquisition of property for an extra fire station. They are looking for a commitment from the City for the financial resources to fund necessary capital expenditures for fire protection in that area. The issue is that the Fire District is precluded from charging a fee on new development. Jack Lam, City Manager, responded that there has been discussion regarding the issue of additional needs. With the update of the Master Plan, this should identify the needs and options of financing. The City does not see this as an impediment. Chief Michael stated that had the City not formed the Redevelopment Agency, they would not have had the financing available to build the facilities they are building today. Within the RDA Fund No. 25, are funds going directly to the Fire District. Mayor Stout expressed the Council would not think about taking on the responsibility of the Fire District if they did not feel that public safety was top of the priority list. Councilwoman Wright questioned what the impact would be on the General Fund. Jack Lam, City Manager, responded by referring to the Ralph Anderson Study which pointed out that forming a Subsidiary District would bring a short fall of $400,000.00. In talking with the County, they have looked at a buy down of augmentation funds, and the County would be willing to go along with a three year buy down. The actual impact on the general fund, no one really knows. Chief Michael stated that the Fire District has been dependent upon the $1.5 million in augmentation funds. That $1.5 million would come directly to the City and the County would not have any claim on those funds. He further stated that this is the right time for safety and growth reasons for the City to be considering this. , , , , , B3. UNDERSTANDING OF HOW EXISTING DISTRICT STAFF WILL MERGE INTO THE PRESENT CITY ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE UPON IMPLEMENTATION. Staff report by Jack Lam, City Manager. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Boardmember Lyons asked how the fire staff would function. Jack Lam, City Manager, responded that the Fire Chief would basically function like a department head answering to the City Manager. City Council/Fire District Minutes April 27, 1989 Page 3 Boardmember Lyons asked how is staff going to answer to the Board of Directors. Jack Lam, City Manager, responded the City Council would act as the Board of Directors. Boardmember Lyons asked if Council felt they could take on the extra duties and responsibilities of the attendance at all the different meetings they were involved with. Mayor Stout expressed that Council's basic responsibility was to set policy. Council would not get involved with the day-to-day operations of the Fire District. Boardmember Amodt expressed concern about personnel and if they would be able to continue to take care of fire equipment or would they have to stop to repair other City equipment, such as street sweepers. He felt the City personnel should care for these needs with the Fire District personnel working on the fire equipment only. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated there was no intention to disrupt or interfere with the working relationship of the Fire District or with the way the Fire Chief runs the Fire District. Carrell Luttral, representing the Fire Fighters Association, spoke in favor of what he was hearing. This issue would be coming before their people, and he felt they would vote in favor of this. He did express that their Association be represented in any further workshops. Councilman Buquet asked if there were any pending labor negotiations. Chief Michael responded only the middle and upper management for the new fiscal budget. B4. COUNCIL PHILOSOPHY OF RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER ORDINANCE AND FIRE DISTRICT PARAMEDIC PROGRAM. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Residential Fire SPrinkler Ordinance: Eugene Demchuk, Legal Counsel, stated the District does have such an ordinance for multiple units that exceed 7500 square feet. This is sensitive to the Fire District and would like to hear comments on this since the City does not require this. They are interested in: 1. Could be done through the building permit process. 2. Make it a part of the project approval phase in planning. Most comfortable would be to have the Council make findings to modify the Building Codes as the Fire District has done. (4) City Council/Fire District Minutes April 27, 1989 Page 4 (5) (6) Jack Lam, City Manager, stated we have had conversations with the City Attorney and agreed the greatest comfort would be to make findings in the Uniform Building Code. This subject would be coming up any way in the City even if we were not considering making the Fire District a subsidiary district. Paramedic Proqram: Chief Michael stated a community survey had been done to discover what level of service was desired by the community. The item would be going on the ballot in November or April because the Fire District doesn't have the finances to provide the level of EMS services desired by the community. If the public is willing to approve by 2/3 vote for such services, they will have it. Council concurred that they were not in a position to discuss this without previous study. B5. FEASIBILITY TO MAINTAIN EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT JOINT POWERS AUTHORITIES WITH RESPECT TO WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Jack Lam, City Manager, stated we have looked at the most cost effective approach to give us the most coverage. Both agencies feel that whatever gives us the best deal. Mayor Stout called a recess at 8:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m. · A' 'A' '~ 'A' 'A' ', B6. CONSIDERATION OF ADDING TWO FIRE BOARD MEMBERS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION FOR A PERIOD OF 24 MONTHS TO ASSIST IN THE IMPLEMENTATION TRANSITION. Report presented by Chairman Keyin Eggleston. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Mayor Stout stated there are members on the Public Safety Commission who are from the Fire District already and one fireman on the City Council. He suggested that a Transition Task Force of two Councilmembers and two Fire Board members be formed for a period of 24 months. Director Quintana suggested that when the next opening occurred on the Public Safety Commission that a Fire Board member be considered. Chairman Eggleston suggested that the Council decide which way they wished to go; any of the ideas suggested were all right. City Council/Fire District Minutes April 27, 1989 Page 5 B7. CONSIDERATION OF RENAMING DISTRICT AND APPROPRIATE TIME FOR NAME TRANSITION. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Chairman Eggleston expressed that this would be a good time to change the name of the Fire District. Chief Michael stated LAFCO had told him that their role was not to "name" a group, but they would make it a part of the proceedings if both elected bodies approved the name change. Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the final decision would be left up to the legislative body° Chief Michael felt it should be made a part of the proceedings. Councilman Alexander wanted more time to think about this. Mayor Stout stated that perhaps the name on the trucks and uniforms could be changed at a later time. Council concurred this should be added to the May 3rd agenda for consideration. The Fire District had approved this already, 5-0. B8. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FOR MERGER. Report presented by Chief Michael. (1302-00 FIRE DIST) Mayor Stout asked if the issue was for the City to take over on July 1st, he would be willing to go ahead with it. But he felt it was a policy decision to be made by the Fire District Board first. If they are ready, the City Council would consider this and to work with the District. MOTION: Moved by Matsuno, seconded by Amodt to approve the merger no earlier than July 1 to include some type of transition task force. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Amodt, Matsuno, Quintana, Eggleston NOES: Lyons COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Jim Frost expressed Council was making a decision that was not in the best interest economically for the City. He also expressed that Supervisor Jon Mikels would be committing political suicide. It will cost the City $400,000.00 from the General Fund. He also questioned what the retirement benefits and personnel costs would be. (7) (8) City Council/Fire District Minutes April 27, 1989 Page 6 ****** ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Alexander, seconded by Buquet to adjourn. 0-1 (Brown absent). MOT ION: Moved by Lyons, seconded by Matsuno to adjourn. unanimously, 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Motion carried 4- Motion carried Respectfully submitted, ~ / °' etch,,c ,i ,~ ~,, City Clerk Approved: May 17, 1989