HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989/03/04 - Minutes - Adjourned March 4, 1989
Adiourned Meetin~
An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on
Saturday, March 4, 1989, at the Clarion Hotel in Ontario, California. The
meeting was called to order at 8:10 a.m. by Brad Buller, City Planner.
Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander, Deborah N. Brown, Charles
J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout.
Also present were: Jack Lam, City Manager; Debra Adams, Deputy City Clerk; Ralph
Hanson, Legal Counsel; Brad Buller, City Planner; Russell Maguire, City Engineer;
Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Coordinator; Jerry Fulwood, Resource Services
Manager; Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager; Otto Kroutil, Deputy City
Planner; Paul Rougeau, Traffic Engineer; Dan Coleman, Senior Planner; Larry
Henderson, Senior Planner; Diane O'Neal, Administrative Analyst; Eugene Gilmore,
Captain, Sheriff's Department; Dennis Michael, Chief, Foothill Fire Protection
District; Larry McNiel, Planning Commissioner; Patricia Quintana, Public Safety
Commissioner; Molly Mitchell, Park & Recreation Commissioner; Pam Henry, Park
& Recreation Commissioner; Stephen Ford, Building Industry Association; and Tom
Kohl, Building Industry Association.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated, at the request of Councilmember Brown, the
purpose of this workshop was to present an overview of both the Carlsbad Growth
Management Plan and Rancho Cucamonga's own program, and to allow discussion of
growth-related issues as they may apply to Rancho Cucamonga.
At this time, Brad Buller turned the meeting over to Otto Kroutil.
(0203-05 GROW MGMT)
Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner, stated we would be using the Carlsbad plan
as a guide to help further develop our Growth Management Plan. He presented
background information on how the Carlsbad plan was developed, stating it has
been in existence since 1986.
He pointed out the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan identifies existing
and projected levels of development, existing and future facilities, and
establishes ongoing service requirements. It includes specific performance
standards, or tangible means of measuring levels of service, for each of the
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March 4, 1989
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o Parks
o Library
o Schools
o Drainage
o Open Space
o Circulation
o Fire Protection
o Sewer Collection
o Water Distribution
o Administrative Facilities
o Wastewater Treatment Capacity
Mr. Kroutil felt the most important section of the plan was the financing. He
listed the financing options:
Cash/Pay as you go (development fees and construction by City).
Reimbursement Agreements.
3. Credit for City fees.
4. Debt financing:
Bonds assessment.
Cash up front.
Debt service.
Otto Kroutil, Deputy City Planner, presented background information on Rancho
Cucamonga's growth management, stating we have had it since 1979. He explained
how the City of Rancho Cucamonga manages growth by obtaining the following
approvals for all projects to be built in the City:
Meet the density and land use limitations prescribed by the General
Plan and Development Code; and
Construct all public improvements and facilities directly required
for the project; and
Construct or pay for their fair share of citywide off-site
improvements and facilities.
Mr. Kroutil advised that density is controlled by the General Plan, the
Development Code, and design standards.
Dan Coleman, Senior Planner, added that Rancho Cucamonga's densities are less
than what Carlsbad's are at control point.
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March 4, 1989
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City Council Minutes
March 4, 1989
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Mr. Kroutil outlined how the growth management process works:
Parks & Recreation standards and ~uidelines:
1. General Plan Goal
A. 5 acres/1000 population (location and type of park)
2. Dedications
3. Improved park facilities
4. In lieu fees
A. Accumulated funds
B. Funds from other sources
5. Stated limit: 3 acres/100 population
Mr. Kroutil added that the City's goal for parks is a higher standard than what
the state requirements are.
1. General Plan circulation element (location and types of streets)
2. Project review
3. Critical network (dedications and improvements)
4. Impact on city-wide system (system fee)
5. Capital projects program (other funding sources)
6. New computer modeling
Drainage and Flood Proiection:
1. Storm drain and master plans
A. Regional
B. Local
2. Improvements and contributions required
3. Etiwanda/San Sevaine Plan
1. Overcrowded at incorporation (impetus for growth management)
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March 4, 1989
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2. 5 separate districts
3. General plan school locations
4. "Will serve" letters (an effective tool to negotiate fees and improvements
5. State law changes
A. No more "will serve" letters (although the City still uses this, even
though state law does not. This would change only if all five
districts agreed to discontinue this process)
B. Fees based on square footage
6. New planning areas
A. Etiwanda
B. Etiwanda North
Councilmember Brown asked if any of the school districts had called and
complained about not having enough room.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated no, and added that the City has very good
communication with the school districts and that we all try to help each other.
Councilmember Brown stated she was glad to hear this.
Water and Sewer:
1. Cucamonga County Water District (CCWD): an independent special district
master plans
2. CCWD: Review of all projects
3. "Will serve" letters
It was stated that the City will not approve a subdivision without CCWD approval.
Commissioner Quintana, Public Safety Commission, asked the degree of weight the
"will serve" letters have.
Mr. Kroutil answered the letters do carry a lot of weight.
Fire Protection:
Foothill Fire Protection District (FFPD)
-General Plan 7 minute response standards
District involved in review of all projects
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March 4, 1989
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1. Special improvement requirements
2. Provisions for ongoing maintenance
3. Fees for city-wide beautification
4. Undergrounding utilities
Differences between Rancho Cucamonqa
1. Evolution/test of time
2. Comprehensive approach
3. Local facility management approach
4. Voter approval - Proposition E
Performance Standard ComDarison with Carlsbad
An overview was displayed comparing administrative facilities, library,
circulation, drainage/flood control, parks, open space, water, sewer, schools,
fire protection, and police protection for Carlsbad and Rancho Cucamonga.
1. Performance standards
2. Approval process
3. Projects disapproved for lack of facilities
4. General Plan as the basis
5. Reliance on other agencies
6. Similar challenges in finishing:
A. Strong City role
B. Changing conditions
7. No magic answers
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March 4, 1989
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Community Differences
1. States of evolution:
New versus established cities
Pre-existing infrastructure
Proposition 13
Assessed valuations
Sales tax lag
2. Community lifestyle
A recess was taken at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was called back to order at 10:20
a.m. with all participants present.
Russell Maguire, City Engineer, talked about the water circulation plan. He
stated the City is working on the 1989 transportation model and explained what
this "model" will do as far as needs and priorities, and added this would be a
very important tool to the City. He presented information on the City's drainage
system. He talked about the priority projects listed in the circulation action
Linda Daniels, Redevelopment Coordinator, gave an overview of the Redevelopment
Agency which was established in 1981. She talked about the current projects the
Agency is pursuing. She stated the City has hopefully worked out the details
on the pending lawsuits on the plan amendment, but are still working on it at
this time. She further stated the Redevelopment Agency is trying to meet the
needs of the community from a residential and commercial point-of-view. She said
some of the projects may be delayed because of the lawsuit on the plan amendment.
Joe Schultz, Community Services Manager, told how the Community Services
Department is trying to meet the needs of the community. He told about the park
requirements for the parks being built. He stated School Superintendents
Costello, Cosca, and Smothers are very receptive to what the City is doing to
help the situation for the future. He felt some modification was needed in
Ordinance 105 as far as the builder's fees. He felt new facilities needed to
be built to house some of the service groups within the City.
Councilmember Wright stated that after Proposition 13, the money that was
allocated for school facilities was cut, and that they had to list the
Jerry Fulwood, Resource Services Manager, talked about the capital cost and
maintenance cost of improvements made to the City.
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March 4, 1989
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Jack Lam, City Manager, added that the point should be made that we not forget
maintenance costs involved.
Mr. Fulwood further talked about growth management issues from a financial point-
of-view, and financing vehicles currently being used by the City of Rancho
Chief Dennis Michael, Foothill Fire Protection District, felt that possibly there
could be a workshop held to hear concerns relating to fire and police protection.
He stated he would be happy to answer any questions the City Council had.
Councilmember Wright asked how do we know for sure that the 7 minute response
time is being met.
Chief Michael stated they will not let a new development in if it is beyond 7
minute response time.
Councilmember Wright asked if there are any streets at present that are out of
the 7 minute response time.
Chief Michael stated that there are some right out of the City limits, but this
was done before the City incorporated.
Commissioner McNiel, Planning Commission, felt we should take a look at
establishing a policy before something happens as far as water quality, sewer
systems, etc.
Councilmember Brown stated that after working on the Solid Waste Advisory
Committee, that this subject is a major problem.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that possibly when this group meets again, they
might want to bring in the outside agencies to give their input.
Commissioner Quintana, Public Safety Commission,
Commissioner McNiel's concerns.
stated she supported
Larry Henderson, Senior Planner, stated that Planning has worked up something
in the budget that addresses this issue also.
Councilmember Brown stated the reason she had asked for this workshop was so the
City could be made aware of what Carlsbad's Growth Management Plan entailed, not
to adopt their plan. She hoped the City would not stop at this workshop, but
go forward. She felt this workshop has made everyone aware of what the City's
standards are, and that possibly more standards need to be set.
Councilmember Brown felt the City Council should be made aware of what issues
all of the Commissions are looking at.
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March 4, 1989
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Commissioner McNiel stated one thing the Carlsbad Plan has that he likes is the
controlled point of density.
Mayor Stout added he felt the Planning Commission was doing a great job with what
the City presently has established.
Councilmember Buquet added that Rancho Cucamonga is below the control point.
He also felt that maybe the Carlsbad information should be looked at further and
then consider their ideas.
Mr. Buller stated this subject will come back on another City Council agenda to
hopefully pull together a plan.
Mayor Stout felt the growth management plan is a community plan and that all
outside agencies should be involved in it.
Jack Lam, City Manager, added that more information will be sent to Council
regarding these issues that were brought up at this meeting.
The workshop adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra J. Adams
Deputy City Clerk
Approved: April 5, 1989