HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/12/17 - MinutesDecember 17. 1986 C~L7 of Rmncho CucmonSs City Council Minutes Reinlet 14eetiml A raStdar meeting of the Cit7 Gounci~ of the Cit7 of Rancho CutsmouSe met on Wednesday, December 17, 1986, in the Lions Park Commuait7 Center, 9161 Rose Line P~ad, Ranthe Cuclmon2a. The aemtin2 was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Mayor Dennis L. Stout. Present were Councilsmmberaz Deboreh Bzwu, Charles J, Buqnet ll, Jeffrey Klnl, Pmala J. Wriiht (arrived late), and Heyor Dennis L. Stout. Also present were: Assistant City Henslet, Robert A. PaLsso; City Clerk, Beverly A. Authelet; City Attorney, Jimel Herllln$ Administrative Analyst, Hark Loftmet= Community Development Director, Jack LemJ Scott Murphy, Assistant Planner; City Engineer, ~ussell He2uinel Community Services Director, Bill Halley. Abaentt City Hena2er, Lenten M. Hesseman BI. Thursday, December 18, 1986 - 7:30 p.m. - PARK DEV~LOPt~NT CO~SSION - Lions Park Camsunity Center, 9161 Base Line Road. C1. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 12/3/86 and 12/10/86 and Payroll ending 11/13/86 and 11/26/86 for the total mount of $2,127,358.13. C2. Approv. al to receive and file current ZovesUaent Schedule as of November 30, 1986. C3. Approval of improvement agreuent and improvement security and release of improvement agreement and improvement security accepted by *City Council on (i) October 15, 1986, for Tract 12952 located east of Haven Avenue° vest of Deer Creek Channel and south of Highland Avenue, submitted by Glenfed Development (2) Corporation. (0602-01 ~ltEE IMPR) (0602-01BONDRwv-) RESCLUTION NO..86-351 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF RANClt0 (IJCAHOI~A, CALIFORNIA. APPROVrNG INPROVEr~NT AGRBBI~NT AND IMPROVEI~NT SEOJRITY FOR TRACT . 12952 AND REFASING THE IHPROVEI~NT AGREEI~NT AND IMPROVEI~IqT Sv-CURITY ACCEPTED ON OCTOBER 15. 1986 CA. Approval of Parcel Hap 10233 located at the northeast corner of Sixth Street and Haven Avenue, submitted by Arical Properties, Incorporated. (1002-09)%P PARCEL) (3) RESOLUTION NO. 86-352 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO aICANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVII~ PARr'Ix- ~9,P NUI%ER 10223 (TENTATIVE PAROiL tip NO. 10223) City Council Minutes December 17. 1986 Page 2 (4) C5. Approve/of summary vacation of an unused portion of the Cit~ drainage easement located east of Jasper Street at Vicars Drive. (1110-18 VACATE ST) RESC~UT.ION NO. 86-353 (5) & (6) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN(XO (~jCA~NGA, CALIFORNIA, SUle%ltILY ORDERING THE VACATION OF A FORTION OF A CITY DRAINAGS E&SEM~NT C6. Approve/of map, improvement mariemint and improvement securit7 for parcel map 9646, located aC the northeast corner of Moonstone Avenue and Hillside Road, subsitted by Dr. Irwin ~olden. (1002-09 NiP PARCEL) (0602-01 AGP.~ INFR) RESOLUTION NO. 86-354 A RESOLUTION Or THS CITY COUNCIL or THE CITY OF RANCliO alCAN)NGA, CALIFORNIA, AIq~OVI31I ~R~ ~P M. 96~, (~T~ Nii~ ~P NO. 96~), ~~ ~~, ~ (7) C7. Approval to award =he improvement of Archibald Avenue at the Atchison, Topeka and Santa re Railroad north of 8th Street to ~he apparenc loseat responsible bidder, Bruce Paving Company for ~he amount of $72,319.00. (0601-01 BID) (8) C8. Approve/of map, improvement aSreement and improvement securiL7 for Tract & 13062 located north of 19th Street, hewsen AmerJzyet end Archibald Avenues. C9) submitted by Lincoln Propert7 Company, N.C. Incorporated. (1002-09 NiP FINAL) (0602-01 ~REB IHPR) R~SOLUTION NO. 86-355 A RISC~UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL alCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVII~ IMFROVB!~NT SEalRITE, AND FINAL NiP OF TH! CITY OF RAN~O IMPROV~ ~GP-~NT, OF TRACT NO. 13062 (10) C9. Approve/ of sap improvesent aSreesent & No. 13191 located on the northwest corner (11) Street, eubsitted by Lewis Homes. (0~02-01 and improvement securit7 for Tract of Tetra Vista Park~rf and Church AGR~ INI~) (1002-09 NiP FINAL) RESOLUTION NO. 86-356 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC~O (~JCAMDNGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IMPROVE~T AGP. EEP~NT. IMPROVEMEq~T SECURITY, AND FINAL NiP OF TRACT NO. 13191 (12) C10. Approve/ of a resolution --endins the unit amount for fees in lieu of undergroundin2 existins overhead ~elephone lines. (0401-12 FEES) RESOLUTION NO. 86-143-A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KANC~O alCAN3NGA, CALIFORNIA, A~NDING RESOLUTION NO. 86-1~3 ~LISH~ ~ES ~ L~ OF U~E~I~ ~ UT~I~ L~ ~ ~U~ BY ~ ~SSION AP~ Cll. Approve/of Permit to Construct a 24 inch Stot~ Drain within a 30 inch (13) Steel Casing" from the Southern Pacific Transportation Company for the Archibald Avenue Railroad Crossln8 (r~. BBO-522.90) widenins north of Base Line Road. (0602-01AGPaE FERM) RESOLUTION NO. 86-357 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC~O (~3CAMONGA, CkLXFORNIA, APFROVING A~ AC~ ~E PElT ~ ~NS~U~ ~ ~IN~IN A ~-F~R (24) IN~ D~IN WI~ A ~ (30) IN~ S~ ~S~ B~ ~E S~E~ PACIFIC ~S~R~TION ~ANY A~ ~E CI~ OF ~0 ~A ~R ~E ~D AV~E ~RO~ CROSS~ (NO. BB~22.90) ~ID~ N~ OF BASE L~E R~ ritl,' ~uncil Minutes December 17, !986 Page 3 CI2. Approvml of professional services airmint (C086-136) for predeslgn (14) al igrment and cost comparative study for r.~e rurner-Hemoee Storm Drain with WilZismson & Schmid Consulting Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors for an amount of $18,900.00 to Da funded from the Drainage Fund. (0602-0I CONTRACT) R~SCLUTZON NO. 86-358 A RESOLUTZON OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THI CI~ OF RANQ!O C~C~t. MDr, A, CA. LDORNIA, APPROV Z'NG PI~O~SS ZONAL S~K'VZCES AGRBEIed(~ )OR PR~DESZGN AL~GMt~TT AND COST ~0HPAR~TrVl S~DY FOR THE TURN~X-H~qHDSA STORM DBAZN WITH WZLLZAMSON & SCXMZD CONSULTING CZVZL ~qGZNE~RS AND LAND SURVEYORS (15) C13. Release of Bonds and Notice of CoRpletion: (0602-01 BOND RELEASE) & (0704-18 mTCO~LT) (16) Tract 123X6-1 (Boat Line Bead) Accept: Maintenance Guarantee Bond (Street) $ 45,830.00 Release: Faitbfu~ Performance Bond (Street) $458,300.00 RE~LUTZON NO. 86-359 A RESOLUTION OF TH! CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANQ~O C~C&iO N~Ao ~LZFORNIA, ACCEPTING ~HB PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR T~ACT 12316-1 AND AUTHO~ZZrN~ WE nLrNG OF A NOTZCE OF CO!~gTZON FOR THE WORK CI~. Approval of rmprovlent Extension Airessent ~or Parcel Map 9498 located on (17) the northeist corner of Hlven Avenue end Fourth Street, submitted by Reiter Rlnker Getway. (0602-01 ~R~E E3[TEN) RESOLUTION NO. 86-360 A RESOLUTION OF tR! CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CZTY OF RANC~O CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNZA, APPROVll~ INPROVEI~NT EXTENSZON AGREEI4~NT AND IMPROV~I~NT SECURZTY FOR PARCEL ~t~P 9498 (18) C15. ApprovmZ of ~he conceptulZ design plan for a five acre neighborhood park (West Gre~way Park) in the Tetra Vista'a Planned CommunitT. (Iz~-05 PARK) C16. ApprOval of subscription to League of California Cities' (19) telecommunications NeWork, CZTYLZNK, providing for Legislative database and CitY'e°'Ci~Y naworkinS. Total coat of installation and subscription not to exceed $2,000 for remainder of 1986-87. (0600-00 PURCHASE) C17. ApprovIZ o~ adjustments to the animal control contract (C086-137 & C084-026) vith the Count/ of Sen Bernerdino allowing for an animal control (20) officer designated for Rancho Curltongs. The CiL-/Council his allocated funds for this increased level of service in the ~986-87 budget. (CONTINUED PROM 12/3/86 AGENDA - REVISED CONTRACT WZLL BE PRESENTED AT THE 12/17/86 MEETZNC) (0602-01 CONTRACT) C18. Approval to accept title to a ten foot strip of land located generally (21) east of Vincent to the Santa Pe land track consisting of approximately 1/2 acre. A~ter January 1, 1987. it is anticipated that the proper~y donation w ill be transferred to the Rancho Cucamonga Community Foundation. (IX30-03 DONATYON) C~9. Approval of authori~ation ~o purchase Z3H Computer Equipment in the amounu (22) of $4,200 for purposes of legislative tracking, cable television, mobile home rent data and other a&ainistrative research. (0600-00 PUrChASE) C20. Set public hearing - January 7, i~87 - Appeal of Undergrounding Overhead Utility Condition required by the Planning Commission on November 12, 1~8~ for tentative Parcel Map NO. 10237. (Ztem pulled for discussion). City Council Minutes December 17, 1986 Page 4 (23) C21. Set public hearing - January 21. 1987 - Consideration of issuing a non-exclusive permit for the collection and disposal of commercial and industrial refuse within the Cit7 of Kancho Cucmmonaa to Rosta Haul in8. C22. AEgZD ITS- PaCify and acknowledge Linda Danisle for proxy vote December 17 JPA Housin8 AuthoritT. (0203-04 HO~S AUTH) MOTIONz Moved by K~n2, seconded by Buquet to approve ~he Consent Calendar. Motion cacried 4-0-1 (Wright absent). Discussion of ices C20. SaC public he~rin2 - January 7, 1987 - Appeal of UnderSroundin2 Overhead Utilit7 Condition required by ~he Plannin8 Comalesion on November 12, 1986 for tentative Parcel Map Mo. 10237. Mr. Lea stated that at the last Cit7 Council samtinS, one of ~wo identical pieces of propert7 was discussed. This is the same subject, but on a separaCe issue -- the Parcel Mop. MOTIONs Moved by King, seconded by Buquet to approve item C20. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Wright absent). El. MNVXRO~MENTALASSKSS{AMO TENTATIHT~ACT 10349 - ~N CONS~ION - Ap~ of Plannin2 ~issiones decision r~uidng a 1~ foo~ local ~s~rian (24) trail eas~ent on =he west side of lots 14 and 15 - A~ 1043-121-01, 02, 03; 1062-011-02, 03; 1062-161-01. Staff re~r= presented ~ Scot= ~rphy, Assistant Planner. (0701~6 AP~) Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council were: Gary W~/lisms, Walton Construction, 2011 Financial Way. Glendora. Cindy Davis stated that the trail had been requested originally to act as a buffer because the ~wo housing developments were nor compatible. Now that the original problun has disappeared, there was no longer any need for the trail. Jim Anderson. 8093 Thoroughbred. did not support the trails since people do nor take care of them. (Councilwoman Wright arrived - 7:50 p.m.). John Hazelrig8. ~079 Thoroughbred. was concerned that the trails would be used for other t~ings such as ATCs. He was especially concerned about the liabilit7. Beverly Chang. 8092 Thoroughbred. did not support The trail since their house would have public access on three sides. Skip Davis. 8072 Thoroughbred. felt the proposed nor=h/south =rail would be an errviro~enral issue with =he water runnin8 down. Pam Henry. member of The Trails Advisory Committee. ou~l ined =he reasons why it was felt necessary to have a north/south =rail at that location. Ci:y Council Minutes December 17, I986 Page 5 (25) Tony, 8937 Caballero, expressed concern that there be a conCinuit7 of ~he trail system. C~yde Andersen, President of W&ttou Construction, anked Council's consideration in doing emsy with this one trail. There being us further public input, Mayor Stout closed the public hearing. Councilsan King did not foul Crei~ one or We wse ueceesez7 since iC was s feeder trail system. Trail we crossed we streets exd craig one crossed near a curve. bdid not foul that it interfered with the ~ontinuit7 of the trail system since ull of the lots have access to the feeder trail. Councilwemem Wright simonseed chat die would not vote on this matter unless it was co break a tim because she did not feel she had ell ~he infernalion. Mayor Stout stated chat when the Council acts as an aplMlate bod~, the7 are sending a meguSe co the Planninl hission. He wanted Council co consider what message they were sending to the Planning Cosmissions are we feZling the Planning Cosaisoiou in this instance ~hat this particular tract an exception and should be treated differently, and if so, why? Should we tell them ~o eliminate ell trails consideration except for enos which meec the minimum standards of providing rear access? CouncilRan Buqumt answered chat ha felt this was an exception co the ru~e. Councilman King did not fee/it was an exception. HOTIONz Moved by KinSo seconded by Buqunt to uphold the appee/z one or we were necessary. MotSou carried by foilmainS vote: AYES: Brown, BuqueC, King NO~S~ Stout ABSTAI'N: Wright nei~-- ~rai/ and E3 were considered aC the same time) E2. REV~ OF REDnvm. OPMENT AGENCY HOUSING POLICIES REPORT AND APPROVE HOUSING POLICIES REFORT; and (0203-04 HCUS AUTH) ~3. REV~ 0F CITY HOUSING POLICIES REPORT AND APPROVE HOUSING POLICIES REPORT. Staff report by Jack Lea, Comaunit7 Developsant Director. Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no Mayor Stout cloud the public hearing. response, RESOLUTION NG. 86-361 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANQtO COCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVIN3 HOUSING POLICY REPORT OF RANCRO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOP{NT AGENCY Ul~l~!t INTERNAL REVENUE CODE SECTION 103A AND DIRECTING ITS PUBLICATION HOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Wri~hC to approve Resolution No. 86-361. Notion carried 4-0-1 (Buquet stepped out of the ross) RESOLUTION NG. 86-362 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN(lie COCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APFROVING HalSING POLICY REPORT OF THE CITY OF RANCliO (IJCANDNGA UIa~R INTEQtNAL REVENUE CODE SECTION 103A AND DIRECTII~ ITS PUBLICATION City Council Minutes December 17. 1986 Page 6 (26) (27) MOTION: Hoved by King, seconded by Brown to 362. Motion carried ~-0-1 (Buquet absent). approve Resolution Nee. 361 and (Councilman Buquet returned to his CotmcLt seat.) F~. RESIDENTIAL REFUSE EAT~ REVIB~ - San Bernardino County has incrmased (effective Jeancry 1, 1987) the landfill (dusp) fee frm $6.00 to $8.60 per ton. This 432 increase in the landSill fee and a ~10Z increase in liability insurance has created a major ispsct o~ the rseideuti~l rteuse hau~ers. The requested rate adjustment is from $6.9S to $7.95 per month for basic residential refuse service. This is the first request for s rate revise in 38 sonths (last rate adJusment yes in October, 1983). Staff report presented by P~bert Risso, Assistant City ManeSew. (1170-04 ul~ss) Mayor Stout opened the meeting for public hearing. There bein8 no response, Hsyor Stout closed the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 86-363 A R~SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCliO (IJCANDNGA, CALIFORNIA, SETTING M~XIM~M RATIS FOR RESIDENTIAL RM~.YSE COLLECTING WTTH THE CITY OF RAN(~O CUC&.NDNGA ~OTION: Moved by King, seconded by Buqnet to adopt Resolution No. 86-363. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ,eee, ~s~or Stout called a receaa at 8:30 with all ambers of Council present.) ***** p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. G. CITT MiNdd~l' S M P. ZFOiTS G1. REPORT REGARDING STATUS ON PROPOSED COUNTY JAIL - (Continued from meeting.) Staff report by Robert Rizzo, Assistant City Manager. JAIL) 1.2/3/86 (0704-12 RESOLUTION NG. 86-364 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANC~O ~JCANONGA, CALIFORNIA, DE~.ARING ITS OPPOSITION TO THE PROFOSED CONSTRUCTION OF THE 800 BED JAIL LOCATED NEXT TO THE SAN BERNARDINO OOUNTY LAN AND JUSTICE CENTER AND ADJACENT TU THE RANCEO ~3CAMONGA CIVIC CENTEIUDO~NTO~N AREA ~TION: Moved by King, seconded by Wright to approved Resolution No. 86-364 as amended and directed staff to forward it to the Board of Supervisors. ~btlon carried unsnimously 5-0. Councilman King asked when Mr. Stout would be meeting with Supervisor Mikels. Stout responded he would be meeting with the Supervisor tommorrow. Councilman Buquet felt the County should consider building =he jail facility at the Glen Helen site. December I', Page 7 (28) Councilwomen Wright sug$ested that we recommend co the Supervisors chac the fscilit7 aC ~ch and Mountain be considered for a juvenile detention farilia7. Mr. Buquet suggested that a Council subcommittee work with staff co look for alternate sites in the Cit7 for the jail farilia7. Council selected Mr. Buque~ and Mayor Stout to work on the above with staff. ACTZONz Mr. King asked if ~he Cit7 Attorney could investigate what EZR opcione would be available if the jail were in this area. Council concurred. ·tees, G2. STATUS OF FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BFECIFIC Bullet, Cit7 Planner. ACTIONz Council received and fi/ed tep~rt. ~eeatte PLAN STUDY. Scarf report by Brad I1. CITY COUNCIL CO)g(ITTEE APPOINTMENTS (ZONE I FLOOD Am SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WATER CO)~qIrrb~-). (CONTi~ED FROM 12/3/86 MEETING). (0100-00 ADMIN) ACTIONz Council concurred thac a letter should be written by the Mayor recommending Mr. Buqua~'s continuance on chest committees since he has already served for six years. 12. REPORT FROM COUNCIL SUBCOMMITT~ (BROWN & BUQUET) ON THE ADVISORY CO~ISSION. (CONTINUED FROM 12/3/86 MEETING). Report by Charles Buquet. The Subcommltcee recommended withholding making new appointments until they complete chair study. They would be ready co come co Council on January 21so. ~ayor Sto&c seated we would receive appl icaCions for Advisory Commission and Park Commission through Januar7 16oh. The subcommittee could present their report regarding the Advisory Commission changes ac the January 21so meeting. Interviews could be conducted with sppoinmencs made ac the February meeCln~. G3. DISCUSSION OF PARK Dzvz~OPNENT COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. (CONTINUED FROM 12/3/86 MEETING). Subcommittee of Kin8 and Wright were appointed Co screen appl icacions for the Parks Commission. Appointments to be made ac the February 4th meeting. J. CGeeNFNICATION8 F~gN TNB FUBLXC Jim Barton appologized for whac was construed by the newspapers that he was unhappy. Cliff Vale, 7690 Cartilia, encouraged Council co seek ocher locations for the jail. December 17. 1986 Page 8 MOTION: Moved by Wright. c,rr4ed unan~ously 5-0. aeconded by Brown co adjourn the meeC~n8. The muting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully aubai~ted. Approved: March 4, 1987 Beverly A. Authelet Cit7 Clerk