HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986/05/29 - Minutes - AdjournedMay 29, 1986
Adjourned Meetin2
1. ~&x.x. TO Oenn
An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on
Thursday, May 29, 1986, in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line
Road, Rancho Cucamunga. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Mayor
Jeffrey King.
Present were Council members: Charles J. Buquet II, Pamela J. Wright, Richard
M. Dabl, and Mayor Jeffrey King.
Also present were: Lauren M. Hasserman, City Manager; City Clerk, Beverly A.
Autbelet; Assistant City Manager, Bob Rizzo; Community Development Director,
Jack Lam; City Planner, Brad Bullet; City Engineer, Lloyd Habbs; Community
Services Director, Bill Holley; Building Official, Jerry Grant; Administrative
Services Director, Jim Hart; Assistant Finance Director, Elizabeth Stoddard;
Plan Check Coordinator, Jim Martin; and Captain John Furschef, Sheriff's
Absent: Councilman Jon Mikeis (who was sick)
BU'I~Fr ensx~Rnr (0205-01 BUDGET)
Mr. Hasserman presented an overview of tbe budget. He stated that in leverage
for the housing set-aside for the RDA bond issue, several additional employees
for Engineering had been anticipated. Because of some changes in the program,
it was felt there was not a need for all the requested Engineers. Mr.
Wasserman continued giving a brief summary of each department's budget.
Councilwoman Wright requested a report on citizen's complaints on a~imel
control to include changes in the program, some background history, and etc.
Councilmen Buquet inquired about the insurance broker of record. He felt that
it would save money to eliminate this position as soon as possible.
Mr. Hart pointed out that sometimes an insurance company will not quote prices
without having a broker of record.
Mayor King asked staff if they would check into this to see if there would be a
cost savings in eliminating this position.
The issue of libraries came up and Mr. Wasserman felt that we should start
lobbying the County now to see Chat we obtain our fair share of funds for
Councilman Dabl expressed that we should look into evening security for the
proposed parks, especially with the two - 48 acre parks.
Councilwoman Hrigbc discussed the Sheriff's budget and stated abe wanted Co be
able to explain to people why cbe $1,000,000 increase in the Sheriff's budget.
Staff suggested that they would provide her with a per capita cost.
City Council Minutes
May 29, 1986
Page 2
Mr. Bullet stated that the Planning Commission is looking into updating the
entire trail system in the City. It was estimated that it would cost
approximately $30,000 to have a consultant do a study on the trail system.
This is an item generated by the Planning Commission, and they will give
Council a report as to the exact amount.
After some discussion, Council concurred that the meeting scheduled for June 5
was not necessary. The next meeting for budget adoption will be at the regular
meeting on June 18.
MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by King, to set public hearing for the
budget on June 18. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Mikels absent).
3. Anx~mmN~mT
The meeting adjourned to an executive session at 9:i0 p.m. not to reconvene.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly A.~ Authelet
City Clerk
Approved: June 18, 1986