HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984/08/01 - Minutes August 1, 1984 CITY OP RANClIO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga met on Wednesday, August 1, 1984 in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Mayor Jon D. Mikeis. Present were Councilmembers: Pamela J. Wright, Charles J. Buquet II, Richard M. Dab1, Jeffrey King, and Mayor Jon D. Mikels. Also present were: City Manager, Lauren M. Wasserman; Assistant City Attorney, Ted Hopson; City Clerk, Beverly A. Authelet; Assistant to Cit7 Manager, Robert Rizzo; Administrative Analyst, Mark Lorimer; Community Development Director, Jack Lem; City Planner, Rick Gomez; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbe; Senior Planner, Otto Kroutil; Community Services Director, William Holley. Approval of Minutes: MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Dahl to approve the minutes of June 6, June 18, June 20, June 28, and July 5, 1984. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. 2. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS 2A. Thursday, August 2, 1984, 7:00 p.m. - HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMISSION, Lions Park Community Center. 2B. Wednesday, August 8, 1984, 7:00 p.m. - PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, Lions Park Commaunity Center. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR 3A. Approval of Warrants, Register No's. 84-08-01 and Payroll ending 7/12/84 for the total mount of $597,928.08. 3B. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 84-18 for On-Sale Beer & Wine Eating (1) Place License, Linda J. Lane, 8890 Eighth Street. 3C. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 84-19 for On-Sale Beer & Wine Eating (2) Place License, Eduardo & Zoila Manquera, 9730 19th Street. 3D. Alcoholic Beverage Application No. AB 84-20 for On-Sale Beer & Wine Eating (3) Place License, Farzin Bins & Bahman Nasseri, 8998 Foothill Blvd, #102. 3E. Forward Claim (CL 84-15) against the City by Betty Gean Hall, auto accident (4) on May 9, 1984, located at Archibald Avenue and 4th Street. 3F. Forward Claim (CL 84-16) against the City by Jon Landberg, personal (5) injuries on April 24, 1984, in the Victoria Country Club (Parkway). 3G. Approval of Parcel Map 8597, located on the east side of Vineyard Avenue, between Ninth Street and Arrov Route, submitted by Lozier Corporation. Item continued from July 18, 1984 meeting. (6) EESOLUTION NO. 84-201 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCltO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 8597 3R. Approval of Bonds and Agreement for Parcel I of Parcel Map No. 8179, (7) located on the west side of Cottage Avenue, south of 8th Street, submitted by Edward L. Mayhew. City Council Minutes August 1, 1984 Page 2 (8) (9) (lo) (11) (~2) (~3) RESOLUTION NO. 84-212 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVlNG IHPROVEMENTAGREEMENT AND IEPROVEMENT SECURITY FOR PARCEL I OF PARCEL MAP 8179 31. Approval of Bonds and Agreement and Final MAp of Tract No. 12332-1, located on the east side of Haven Avenue at the north City Limits, submitted by Halter Laband. RESOLUTION NO. 84-213 A RESOLUTION OF Tag CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P,~NCHO CUCAHONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING IHPROVENENT AGREEMENT, IMPROVEHENT SECURITY AND FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 12332-1 3J. Approval submitted by Place. of Real Property Improvement Contract and Lien Agreement, Randolph and Sandy Davis for property located at 5751 Cabrosa RESOLUTION NO. 84-214 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PANCliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING A REAL PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AND LIEN AGREEMENT FROM ILeLPH AND SANDY DAVIS AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO SIGN THE SAME 3K. Approval of agreement with consulting engineer L.S. Eisenhart (CO84-45) for design of traffic signal at the' intersection of Archibald and 6th Street for a fee of 82,000.00. 3L. Approval of release of bonds for Tract 10491 for sales office/garage conversion on Lot 1 and Subdivision Sign located on Lot 1, Lightnet Development. 3M. Approval of release of $500.00 cash deposit for a Subdivision Sign located at 10111 Victoria Street for Tract 9305, Jones Company. 3N. Approval of amendment to the existing professional include preparation of fiscal year 1983-84 Guarantee required by HUD. services contract to Performance Reports as 30. Set public hearing for August 15, 198/+ for appeal of Planning Commission decision approving conditions placed on Tentative Parcel Map No. 8583, Lucas Land Company. 3P. Approval of a Resolution of the City Council approving issuance of Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment A~ency Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds. RESOLUTION NO. 84-217 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA APPROVING THE ISSUANCE BY THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS 1984 SERIES A IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $21,375,000 (16) 3Q. Approval of application for new Residential Revenue Mortgage Bond Program. RESOLUTION NO. 84-218 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR ALLOCATION OF MORTGAGE SUBSIDY BONDS AND FILING OF NOTICE OF SALE THEREOF WITH MORTGAGE BOND ALLOCATION COMMITTEE, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PROGRimM DEPOSIT AGREEMENTS AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO City Council Minutes August 1, 1984 Page 3 MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Wright to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. 4. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS 4A. ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 5 TO STREET LIGHTING (17) MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. I FOR TRACT NOS. 11934, 12044, 12045, 12046. Staff report by Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer. Mayor MikeIs opened the meeting for public hearing. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Resolution No. 84-215. RESOLUTION NO. 84-215 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANClIO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE WORK IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION NO. 5 TO STREET LIGHTING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 AND ACCEPTING THE FINAL ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR TRACT NOS. 11934, 12044, 12045, 12046 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by King to adopt Resolution No. 84-215 ordering the work in connection with Annexation No. 5 to the Street Lighting Maintenance District No. 1 and approving the final Engineer's Report. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. 5. NON-ADVERTISED HEARINGS 5A. AN AMENDMENT TO THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING CRITERIA (18) FOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE CREDIT AGAINST RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS - Item continued from July 18, 1984 meeting. Staff report by William Holley, Community Services Director. Mayor MikeIs opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council was: Gary Mitchell, Holland and Associates representing AM Company, who is building Hamilton Ranch consisting of 92 units of detached homes on west side of Beryl. Although they were basically in support of the ordinance, they had problems with the requirement of a minimum three acres of park area. Their project has less than three acres for the recreational area. In researching this, they believed the three acre minimum would have some other effects which might not be advantageous to the City. They felt that if Council adopted the ordinance with the three acre minimum, they would not have the ability to review this kind of a project and other projects which would probably be proposed as infill parcels throughout the City. They requested that Council consider adopting the ordinance without the three acre minimum or to consider further time to study the substitution of another controlling mechanism. In order to generate three acres of parkland on that site, it would require an approximate range of 900 to 1100 dewelling units within that project. With such a requirement, only the large master projects would have the opportunity to request credit for private open space. John Sours, of AN Company, stated they were budgeting for some park and recreation fees of approximately 1/3 of what the fees have been assessed to the project. They paid the full amount at the time they obtain their building permits before they made the request to Council for the appropriate credit for the park area. This is important to them from a financial standpoint. City Council Minutes August 1, 1984 Page 4 (19) Jeffrey Sceraaka, 6211 Phillips Way, expressed that he felt it was critical that the City establish active recreation areas, and it was extremely important to recognize that a number of the population would not make use of the active recreation areas, and a lot of neighborhoods would make very active use of local smaller park space. If the prohibitions in any ordinance make it totally unfeasible for a developer to put private open space in projects of 8 units to the acre or less, you would never get Chat at ali because they won't build it. He discouraged the Council in adopting any ordinance which would make it totally economically unfeasible for a project to develop interior private open space for densities over a certain level. There being no further response from the public, Mayor Mikels closed the public hearing. Councilman Dahl stated that the project exceeds our present requirements. However, according at our present code had the high end of the density level been allowed, there is a requirement called the optional level where you would be required to put in the open space and be required to put in the recreational amenities. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 105-C. ORDINANCE NO. 105-C (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SUBSECTIONS E AND F OF SECTION 16.32.030 OF THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO PARK AND RECREATIONAL LAND DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading of Ordinance No. I05-C. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Buquet to adopt Ordinance No. 105-C establishing criteria for private open space credit against residential subdivision park dedication requirements. Notion carried by the following vote: AYES: Buquet, MikeIs, Dahl NOES: Wright, Ring ABSENT: None Mayor Mikels felt that Ordinance No. 105-C should be re-evaluated after 2137 is acted upon. 5B. DISCUSSION OF AMBULANCE MATTERS PERTAINING TO REGULATIONS OF AMBULAI~CE SERVICE WITHIN THE CITY OF R~CHO CUCAMONGA. Staff report by Lauren Wasset'man, City Manager. Discussion followed by Council regarding the 8 minute response time and how it came about. Mayor MikeIs opened the meeting for public hearing. Addressing Council was: Dennis Hansberger, Transmedical (Mercy) Ambulance, was present to answer any questions by Council. They supported the ordinance. There being no further public response, Mayor Mikels dosed the public hearing. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 230. City Council Minutes August 1, 1984 Page 5 OEDINANCE NO. 230 (first reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCEO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCEO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE FEETAIMING TO THE REGULATION OF AMBULANCES MOTION: Moved by Dab1, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 230. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Mikels set second reading for August 15. 6. CITY MANAGER'S STAFF REPORTS 6A. CONSIDERATION OF AMKRDING ORDINANCE 148 - Amendment would remove "sunset" provision from present '~obile Home Park Rent Mediation" Ordinance. Staff report by Mark Lorimer, Administrative Analyst. Mayor MikeIs opened the meeting for public input. There being no response, the public portion of the meeting was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 148-A. ORDINANCE NO. 148-A (URGENCY) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCliO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 148 BY REPEALING SECTION 2 THEREOF PERTAINING TO TERMINATION OF CHAPTER 8.10 OF THE RANCEO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED '~OBILE HOME PARK RENT MEDIATION", AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 148-A. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to adopt Ordinance No. 148-A which removes the sunset clause. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Mayor Mikels called a recess at 8:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. with all members of Council and Staff present. 6B. AUTHORIZING BALLOT POSITIONS BE PREPARED FOR DIRECT ELECTION OF MAYOR MEASUEM - The City Council will consider authorizing the preparation of written ballot arguments and direct City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis for City measure regarding the direct election of Mayor. Staff report by Beverly Authelet, City Clerk. ACTION: Council concurred in setting an adjourned meeting on August 14 at 4:45 p.m. to consider language for the Ballot Measures and to consider Resolution No. 84-216 at that time. MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by King to declare intent to exercise its option to draft arguments with the determination and final vote to be made at the special meeting on the 14th. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. (20) City Council Minutes August l, 1984 Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 84-216 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT REGARDING A CITY MEASURE AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS (22) 6C. SIGN ANORTIZATION PROGRAIl - A program for the Council's consideration which provides for the orderly re,.oval and/or correction of signs which became nonconforming due to adoption of the Comprehensive Sign Ordinance (1979). Staff report by Rick Gomez, City Planner. Mayor Mikels opened the ,.eeting for public input. Addressing Council was: Jeffsty Sceranka stated that as a ,.amber of the Task Force, they felt that all businesses should be made to comply in order to be consistent with those who have met the requirements. MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Buquet to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation to require full co,.pliance of all nonconforming signs according to the Sign Amortization Program with specified ti,.e periods for removal. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. (23) 6D. CITY ATTORNEY STATUS REPORT ON UNFUNDED STATE MANDATED PROGRAMS. Report presented by Assistant City Attorney, Ted Hopson. ACTION: Council directed staff to identify the programs and quantify all expenditures made by the City with respect to state mandated programs or higher levels of service in existing programs. (24) 6E. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AB-1355 REVENUE MORTGAGE BOND PROGRAM FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA. Staff report by Jack Lam, Community Development Director. MOTION: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Wright to waive full reading of Ordinance No. 229. ORDINANCE NO. 229 (second reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCING PROGRAM FOR MODERATE AND LOW-INCOME FAMILIES FOR THE CITY OF RANC~tO CUCAMONGA MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by King to adopt Ordinance No. 229 establishing a home mortgage financing program for moderate and low-income families. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. (25) 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS 7A. ADJUSTMENT OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION DATES - The City Council will discuss the potential of modifying current municipal election dates to coincide with other statewide and/or other local elections. Report presented by Councilman Dahl. City Council Minutes August 1, 1984 Page 7 MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl to direct staff to prepare an ordinance consolidating municipal election with November election held in even numbered years along with alternatives for discussion. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Wright, Buquet, MikeIs, Dahl NOES: King ASSENT: None 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Wright to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Beverly A. Authelet City Clerk