HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984/07/26 - Minutes - Adjourned July 26, 1984 CITY OP P, ANC~O CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Ad ~ourned Meetin~ 1. CALL TO ORDER An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, met on Thursday, July 26, 1984 in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. by Mayor Jon D. Mikels. Present were Councilmembers: Charles J. Buquet II; Jeffrey King; and Mayor Jon D. Mikeis. Absent: Councilmembers Pamela J. Wright (who arrived late) and Richard M. Dahl. Also present were: Acting Assistant City Manager and Community Development Director, Jack Lam; City Attorney, Robert Dougherty; City Clerk, Beverly A. Authelet; Assistant to City Manager, Robert Rizzo. Approval of Minutes: None were presented for approval. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR No items were submitted for consideration. 3. STAFF REPORTS 3A. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN AB-1355 REVENUE MORTGAGE BOND (1) PROGRAM FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN RANCHO CUCAMONGA. Staff report presented by Jack Lam, Acting City Manager and Community Development Director. Scott Sollars, Stone and Youngberg, presented report to Council. Bill Fieldman, Fieldman and Rolapp, reviewed the purchase agreement and reported that he finds the spread satisfactory. Mayor Mikels opened the meeting for public input. There being no response, the public portion of the meeting was closed. City Clerk Authelet read the title of Ordinance No. 229. ORDINANCE NO. 229 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HOME MORTGAGE FINANCING PROGRAM FOR MODERATE AND LOW-INCOME FAMILIES FOR THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA MOTION: No. 229. Moved by King, seconded by Buquet to waive full reading of Ordinance Motion carried by following vote: AYES: Buquet, MikeIs, King NOES: None ABSENT: Wright, Dahl City Council Minutes July 26, 1984 Page 2 (2) Andy Ball, Jones, Ball, Hill & White, explained to Council that this was a special Ordinance with the adoption procedures established by AB-1355 which did not require a second reading, but was a special type ordinance which was adopted immediately. MOTION: Moved by King, seconded by Mikeis to adopt Ordinance No. 229 which establishes a Home Mortgage Finance ProSram for moderate and low income families in the City of Rancho Cucamon~a. Motion carried by the following voCe: AYES: Buquet, Mikels, King NOES: None ABSENT: Wright, Dahl 3B. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF $27.875,000 SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE BONDS. Report presented by Jack Lam. City Clerk Authelet read title of Resolution No. 84-211. RESOLUTION NO. 84-211 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $27,875,000 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF HOME MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS 1984 SERIES A, SUCH BOND TO BE ISSUED PURSUANT TO A TRUST INDENTURE DATES AS TO THE DATE OF THE BONDS, APPROVINC OFFICIAL STATEMENT RELATING TO SUCH BONDS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AND APPROVING IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT, DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by King to adopt Resolution No. 84-211 authorizing the issuance of Home Mortgage Revenue Bonds and waiving full reading. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Buquet, Mikels, King NOES: None ABSENT: Wright, Dahl (3) Mr. Lam informed Council that we would like to proceed with the RDA portion next week. However, it would mean calling a special meeting for Thursday. After some discussion, Council concurred that they would prefer trying to set the meeting for Wednesday before the regular City Council meeting. If the materials could not be ready in time, then they could continue the meeting. 3C. CONSIDERATION OF CABLE T.V. MATTERS: DEVELOPING PAJAMETERS FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE CABLE T.V. SERVICE TO THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA. Staff report by Robert Rizzo, Assistant to City Manager. Carl Pilnick, Telecommunications Management, presented overview. He commented that there were two bills before the legislature, SB-66 and HR-4103, which would have some impact on cities as to what they would be able to do in regulating cable television companies. It was his recommendation that Council not issue RFPs to new companies at this time. Instead he recommended that we work with the four cable companies already in the city for a period of time of approximately a month to see if they are willing to work with the city and if they can expand and provide upgraded levels of services to serve the entire city. (Councilwoman Pamela Wright arrived at 7:27 p.m.). Mayor Mikels stated that the Subcommittee consisting of Mr. Buquet and himself have met with Mr. Pilnick and are in basic agreement with him. City Council Minutes July 26, 1984 Page 3 Mayor Mikels opened the meeting for public input. Addressing Council was: Ulla Bauers was surprised at this new approach. He expressed that we were asking for minimums and we should be asking for more. Hayor MikeIs explained that ve are negotiating and trying to obtain as much as we can for the City. Mr. Banera stated that according to the draft RFP it would appear that the capacity wasn't going to be enough for public service and educational needs also. We should negotiate and alloy the community some input in the first tier. Mr. Buquet responded that he felt Mr. Pilnick could respond to Mr. Bauer's concerns in a letter. Councilwoman Wright asked for more Council input on this issue since she had not made up her mind. She was concerned about lack of public input. Hayor MikeIs responded that this matter has been discussed for some time and all meetings have been public. Since this is a highly technical issue of which the average person is not aware, the Council is representing the people. Mr. Bauers is one of the few who has some knowledge of the cable televison. MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to support the recommendations of the consultant to work with the local four companies; direct him to contact the four companies who are doing business in the city; to proceed and enter into agreement with them in respect to doing business within the City. Mayor MikeIs opened the meeting for public input. There being no response, the public portion of the meeting was closed. MOTION: Previous motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Wright, Buquet, Mikeis, Ring NOES: None ABSENT: Dahl 4. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Wright to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Dahl absent). Meeting adjourned to next regular City Council meeting on August 1, 1984 at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Authelet City Clerk