HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983/04/21 - Minutes - Adjourned April 21, 1983 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Adjourned Meeting An adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga was held on Thursday, April 21, 1983 in the Lions Park Community Center, 9161 Base Line Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Mayor Jon D. Mikeis. Present were: City Council members: Richard M. Dahl, Charles J. Buquet II, Phillip D. Schlosser, James C. Frost, and Mayor Jon D. Mikels. Also present were: City Manager, Lauren Wasserman; City Attorney, Robert Dougherty; Community Development Director, Jack Lam; City Planner, Rick Gomez; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs; Planners Tim Beedie and Otto Kroutil. Mayor Mikels made the following announcement: 1. The application deadline for the seat on the Parks Advisory Commission has been extended to Friday, May 13, 1983, 1 p.m. Mayor Mikeis advised that city ordinance requires that the applicant appointed be from the 91739 zip code area and urged any in attendance tonight interested in the position apply. The position will be filled at the May 18, 1983 City Council meeting. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Dahl, se~~onded by Frost, unanimously carried, to approve the City Council Minutes of the April 11, 1983 meeting. Otto Kroutil, project manager, presented a staff report on the Environmental Impact Report. Mr. Kroutil advised that the Council would not be acting on the Environmental Impact Report this evening; however, prior to adoption of the General Plan Amendment and the Etiwanda Specific Plan, it would be necessary for the Council to certify the EIR as complete. Mayor Mikels opened the public hearing inviting those who wished to speak on the circulation aspects of the plan to come forward. There were none who wished to address the circulation issues, therefore the public hearing was closed. Mayor Mikeis opened the public hearing for discussion on the commercial section of the plan. Mrs. Kleinman addressed the Council advocating commercial and high density designations along the freeway. Mrs. Kleinman asked if the City made a commitment at the time of approval of the Victoria Planned Community to the people who live in the Etiwanda "core" that they would receive low density. Councilman Schlosser responded that he had been on the City Council since the beginning and never heard such a commitment. Andrew Barmakian addressed the Council advocating a mixed use commercial designation at Etiwanda Avenue and Base Line. Mr. Barmakian displayed architectural renderings of a rural commercial center proposed at that location. There were no further comments, therefore Mayor Mikels closed the public hearing regarding commercial land issues and opened the public hearing for discussion of residential land use. John Pignotti requested "M" zoning for the area bounded by Etiwanda Avenue, Miller and east of the freeway bordering East Avenue. (1) City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 2 Wayne Blanton suggested that the plan for Etiwanda be similar to Alta Loma with a graduated density scale going north of the freeway. Ray Ferguson, representing Landco Development Corporation, referred to the area below Foothill Boulevard which is designated for the Industrial Park category and suggested the area south of the freeway be designated higher density. Louise Hamblin requested higher density of 14-20 units to the acre on Miller, between East and Etiwanda Avenues. Cecil Johnson requested increases in overall density near the freeway to help defray the cost of sewers and the proposed circulation system. Betty McNay urged the Council to keep in mind when considering zoning designations that Etiwanda Avenue will be a major street. Clark Shacklett requested uniform zoning for the area bounded by Foothill, East Avenue and 1-15. There were no further comments on residential land uses, therefore the public hearing was closed. M~yor Mikels opened the public hearing for comments on equestrian areas and trails. Marge Silva suggested that the equestrian and t~ail system be sent back to staff for further study because the present system places trails too close to residential areas. Wayne Blanton suggested a trail system north of Summit. David Long, owner of property at Summit and Etiwanda Avenues, opposed the placement of a trail in front of his property and the requirement for eleven feet of dedication. Mr. Long explained an engineering problem he is having in the development of his property due to the location of the equestrian trail and asked if the Council had an answer for him. Mayor Mikels advised him the decisions regarding land use and setbacks should be made at either the City Council meeting of May 17 or May ~8 and possibly Council would have an answer for him then. Cheryl Purdue suggested that the best equestrian trails are those which would get a rider to the flood control or railroad track locations. Barbara Purdue opposed the location of an equestrian trail north of Summit Avenue. There were no further comments, therefore Mayor Mikels closed the public hearing regarding equestrian trails and opened the public hearing to all other topics not on the agenda. Ruben Bermudez voiced support for the bypass road and asked that the Council reconsider it as part of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Wayne Blanton opposed the additional fees the Foothill Fire District suggested imposing at the previous meeting. There were no further comments and Mayor Mikels closed the public hearing. Mayor MikeIs advised that the Council would be acting on the items before them in the same order as they are placed on the Agenda and asked for Council discussion on the circulation issues and the widening of East Avenue/Bypass Road. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 3 Councilman Dahl stated that the bypass road was a necessary element of the Specific Plan and suggested an option be placed on the map depicting a possible bypass road utilizing the flood control area. As land becomes available through construction of the flood control channels, he explained it could be designed as a north/south route in conjunction with East Avenue. Mayor Mikels asked if the concept included the grade separation where it crosses the proposed Route 30- Councilman Frost replied that the freeway would have to be elevated because of the drainage channel. He asked what would be proposed south of that location. Councilman Dahl replied that the bypass would have to extend down to or below Victoria and perhaps connect to East or it could be at the crossing of Highland and 1-15. Councilman Frost stated that one of the problems with the bypass that far to the east would be the "S" curves required south of Victoria, north of the railroad tracks and suggested that it might be unlikely that the railroad crossing could be located that close to 1-15 without a grade separation. Councilman Buquet asked if Councilman Frost was suggesting to stop the bypass at Victoria. Councilman Frost replied that a couple of 90 de~ree turns would have to be made in order to extend the bypass south of Victoria to meet the East Avenue alignment. Councilman Dahl stated that this would at least retain the option in the future until building has begun in the northern section of the City and in the County. Additionally, it would take some of the burden off the umbrella road and also relieve East Avenue of some of its traffic. Mayor Mikels stated that in order to expedite the discussion of circulation issues it might be best to take up the issue of the bypass road as proposed in the Etiwanda Specific Plan. If the Council decides to retain the bypass, this issue might be a redundant concept; however, if it is taken out, this concept could be explored further. He asked if the Council felt comfortable with discussing the bypass as acted on by the Advisory Committee and forwarded to the Planning Commission. Councilman Frost replied that he didn't think anyone felt comfortable discussing the proposed bypass. He expressed difficulty with the bypass as it came from the Advisory Committee; however, also had difficulty with the concept of the existing East Avenue picking up 100 percent of that traffic. He stated that another north/south street is necessary in order to carry some of the traffic off of East Avenue, whether it would be a variation of Councilman Dahl's concept or some other method which would help carry the burden of the traffic. 8:10 - City Council Recessed 8:30 - City Council Reconvened ! ! · · · Mayor Mikels advised that the City Council would resume its discussion of the bypass road. Councilman Frost referred to page 3-7 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan and suggested that 3.43.700 and 3.43.800, which were deleted by the Planning Commission, be reinserted because both of these items as policy level decisions would have an effect on how the north/south circulation is handled in that area. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 4 Mayor Mikels agreed with this; however, stated that the major issue is to deal with the bypass road itself and if there are alternatives, these should be discussed. One of the major circulation issues before the Council is the bypass and dealing with it allows the Council to consider the other issues of alternate access if the bypass is not approved. He asked the Council's preferrence in handling the issues and suggested that no action taken would mean the plan stands as recommended by the Planning Commission unless modified by the Council. Councilman Dahl recommended that the concepts be labeled Alternatives "A", "B", and "C". Alternative "A" would be the bypass as brought forth by the Planning Commission, "B" would be the alternative from the Committee, and "C" would be the bypass he proposed. Mayor Mikels replied that this might be broken down further than necessary and suggested the simplest way might be to take the major issues and require no motion unless the action is to modify the plan. He then asked for a motion to modify the plan with respect to the bypass road as it came from the Planning Commission. Motion: Moved by Dahl to modify the plan as it came from the Planning Commission by utilizing the flood control area as a possible concept for further study on the bypass and the reinsertion of policies .700 and .800 under section 3-43 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Councilman Frost asked if the motion included the concept of handling the traffic as intended by the original bypass. Councilman Dahl replied that he was not precluding the utilization necessity of East Avenue becoming an immediate north/south corridor, but suggested that this might alleviate the problem on East Avenue as the area expands. Councilman Frost asked if this concept would not be a bypass, but an additional north/south street. Councilman Dahl replied that this would be an additional north/south street, but could be referred to as a bypass since it would be a high speed corridor. Councilman Schlosser stated that there are several major concerns before the Council and suggested that rather than make firm decisions at this meeting, the pros and cons of each item be sent back to staff for further study. Mayor Mikels replied that his intention was to consider some of the major issues such as East and Etiwanda Avenues, the bypass, land use considerations with respect to commercial land use locations, and major issues dealing with residential land uses. He hoped to have some of the major issues out of the way and have the revisions presented to the Council at their May 17 meeting. These could then be considered for impacts to the plan and then the Council could possibly adopt the Specific Plan at that meeting. If plan adoption is not possible at the May 17 meeting, the Council would consider it at their May 18 meeting. In order to have time to study the impacts, if any, on the plan, the Council would have to make some decision tonight; however, if the Council desired to delay decisions on some of the major issues, an additional meeting after May 18 would be necessary. Councilman Dahl stated he had no problems with proceeding and suggested that if there were problem areas, those decisions could be delayed to the next meeting. Councilman Frost stated that the major decisions are based on whether the Council retains the alignment as it comes from the Planning Commission or adopts an alternative. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 5 Councilman Buquet stated the next meeting will provide an opportunity express additional concerns. to Mayor Mikeis repeated Councilman Dahl's motion. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Buquet stated his reason for not seconding this motion was his concern with the south end treatment of this concept. He liked the concept that the area would not impact present land uses and the provision of a corridor. He also expressed his concern with the proposed ending at the high school since the only way to bypass the traffic to Base Line would be through Fontana. Mayor Mikels explained that the motion made by Councilman Dahl was that this was an initial concept for further study and did not include details or alignments at this time. This would simply be a study for another north/south corridor. Councilman Schlosser stated that he failed to see the significance of having the road moved 200 feet to the east as opposed to the widening of East Avenue and asked if Councilman Dahl could repeat the motion. Councilman Dahl pointed out that the traffic impact on East Avenue at buildout of Etiwanda could be quite heavy and some type of north/south corridor will be necessary to allow for high speed traffic. M~wever, did not feel that a bypass next to the high school is the best locat!on, but favored its location east of the high school. He was not proposing aI~gnments at this time, merely the concept that flood control corridors coul~ be considered for further study. Councilman Schlosser stated his concern with the cost of going under, over, or through a freeway. Councilman Dahl replied that a bridge would have to be placed at that location of the freeway anyway, since it is a flood control area. Mayor Mikels suggested that it might be best to consider this concept for further study and have staff come back at the next meeting with alternatives rather than discussing such things as alignments tonight. Councilman Schlosser seconded the original motion of Councilman Dahl which was to have the concept of utilizing flood control channels as an additional north/south corridor studied and the reinsertion of .700 and .800 under section 3-43 of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Mikels asked for discussion or a motion regarding the widening of East Avenue. There was no motion made on the widening of East Avenue, therefore, the original plan as presented by the Planning Commission will stand. Ill ! Mayor Mikels asked for discussion or a motion regarding the East Avenue/Route 30 interchange. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Dahl, that the interchange at East Avenue be deleted from the plan. Mayor Mikels asked for discussion on the motion. City Council Minutes April 2t, 1983 Page 6 Councilman Frost stated that alternative access options are available since Highland Avenue is a frontage road and felt there would be turning conflicts due to its proximity to 1-15 with an interchange at East Avenue since traffic would be going across two or three lanes of traffic. Councilman Schlosser disagreed with this statement because he felt a plan is needed now. Mayor Mikels agreed with Councilman Schlosser and could only see the interchange as providing freeway access for the people in Etiwanda and would not be used by traffic generated from the regional center. It would be easier to leave the interchange on the plan now and delete it at a later date, than to delete it now and attempt to put an interchange there later. Councilman Schlosser stated that the interchange will help to get traffic off the streets. Councilman Dahl disagreed that the interchange will get traffic off the streets, but would put more traffic on them. He pointed out that east of the 1-15 freeway Fontaria is proposing 4,000 to 6,000 new dwelling units. The logical way to get Rt.30 access would be by using East Avenue by way of Base Line to Rt. 30 going west. The interchange will pick up Fontana, eastern Victoria, and school traffic which would result in a major impact to the Etiwanda Avenue. He further stated that the pressure as the plan goes forward for a service commercial designation at that loc~tion will further impact the area. One of the reasons for the study was to preserve much of the character of Etiwanda and this may be a point that would farther impact it, considering there is another interchange less than a mile from this proposed interchange. He did agree that if it was left on the plan now, it could be deleted later. Councilman Buquet voiced his concern that Route 30 is 25 to 30 years to completion of the freeway at that location. He supported the position that the interchange be left in the plan and if determined at a later date that it is not needed, it could be deleted at that time. He pointed out that other cities such as E1 Monte had tried the no freeway access approach only to find traffic driving through their cities trying to get on the freeway. This resulted in ultimately providing freeway access. Mayor MikeIs reviewed the motion made by Councilman Frost, seconded by Dahl, which was to delete the interchange at East Avenue and Route 30- Motion failed 2-3. The decision of the City Council was that the East Avenue/Route 30 interchange be retained in the Specific Plan as proposed by the Planning Commission Mayor Mikels asked if the Council wished to address the need for additional east/west access. The decision would be to retain the plan as it now stands or a decision to modify. Motion: Moved by Schlosser that Victoria be a through street. Councilman Dahl asked Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, if Victoria was allowed to go through what could conceivably happen since the William Lyon Company has submitted its plans. Mr. Hubbs replied that the final map on the affected portions of the Victoria Planned Community has been approved for reeordation. In order for Victoria to go through, it would require a redesign of lots and street configurations and obtain the rights-of-way to go through there. Under the recent provisions of the Map Act, additional conditions could not be imposed on a tract that was previously approved through the Subdivision Map Act process. City Council Minutes April 2~, 1983 Page 7 Councilman Dahl stated that the east/west circulation for Etiwanda is a major concern and concurred that something needed to be done. However, felt that requiring Victoria to be a through street would create a problem since it would not be in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. His concern was circulation to and from the high school and felt it would be a major problem. He also stated that while he felt strongly that the "core" area needed protection, he also felt that safe ingress and egress needs to be provided for the young people attending the high school. Mayor Mikels stated the issue was raised again by the Planning Commission but aborted when it discovered that Victoria's maps had been finaled. Further, that he was unsure that this would be a viable option. Councilman Dahl suggested that staff could look into it and see what the developer would be agreeable to do. Mayor Mikels referred to a memorandum which contained a map of the Fontana area adjacent to the Etiwanda Specific Plan. He pointed out that Fontana presently has approximately 500 residential units which would fall in the Chaffey High School District boundaries. As development proceeds, there may be a problem with the high school district, but at this time it doesn't appear to be to be a crisis situation. Councilman Frost stated that requiring Victoria to go through would place more traffic in front of the elementary school whi~ should not be done unless absolutely necessary. Councilman Buquet replied that the access was on Etiwanda Avenue and not Victoria and there is no need to increase traffic down through Victoria Avenue. He recognized the need for additional east/west streets, realized it would be inconvenient, and that Highland Avenue would have to be the direct route down to East or to the back extension of Highland. However, did not think opening Victoria up to tie it to Victoria Park Lane would be the solution. Councilman Dahl stated that opening up Victoria would only provide a temporary solution which might impact the entire "core" area. He suggested that Highland Avenue be looked at as a major east/west circulation system and given a major arterial status. Highland could be used from Victoria to East instead of the freeway. The freeway would be used mostly for longer distance travel and not for the areas around Day Creek to get to East Avenue and the high school. Mayor Mikels repeated the motion by Councilman Schlosser that Victoria be a through street. Councilman Schlosser withdrew the motion. Mayor Mikeis asked if the Council wanted further discussion on the concept of additional east/west circulation or if they wanted to give staff direction on alternatives for the next meeting. Councilman Dahl replied that staff is going to need additional time to study this and to present options at the next meeting. Councilman Frost stated that he would like to see more information on feeder traffic. He suggested that Miller Avenue between East and Etiwanda should be studied to see if something could be done to lessen the traffic impact on Base Line by drawing traffic down East Avenue to Miller then west. Councilman Buquet stated that for traffic south of Base Line, Miller would be the logical route to take to go west. Mayor Mikels replied that this is the area of highest density in the plan and felt the traffic would go to Miller or Base Line. Mayor Mikels stated Counoil's direction to staff would be to study additional east/west circulation options for further presentation to the Council. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 8 Mayor Mikels asked if there were additional circulation issues the Council wished to address tonight which would amend the plan as it came from the Planning Commission. There were none and Mayor Mikeis advised that the neighborhood commercial locations would be the next topic for discussion. Councilman Buquet suggested that the small parcel west of the freeway on the north side of Base Line designated Medium be changed to Office Professional. Councilman Dahl stated that he thought it might be better designated service commercial due to its freeway location. Mayor Mikels stated that the parcel might not be large enough and there might be an access problem and asked Lloyd Hubbs to comment. Mr. Hubbs replied that it is rather constrained and that it would not be desirable to have an access within 100 feet of an off ramp location. Motion: Moved by Buquet, seconded by Dahl, that the 2~ acres west of the freeway commercial designation on Base Line presently zoned "M" be changed from residential designation to "OP". Mayor Mikels asked for discussion on the motion. Councilman Frost stated that access needed to be looked at and the possibility of turning conflicts east bound onto the property because of the off ramp at the freeway. Further, that an office professional or commercial use at this location could cause a continuation of that use on Base Line to Etiwanda Avenue. Councilman Dahl responded that the best use along the freeway is commercial, light commercial, or office professional because of the noise and other problems associated with a freeway. Further, he did not wish to continue the use along the entire Base Line area and would not be in favor of this. Councilman Frost suggested that if this item has no bearing on the rest of the map, the motion be tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Buquet replied that he felt there would be no need to table the motion because it was put forth based on the view that it is a more appropriate use for this particular parcel due to its freeway location. Mayor Mikeis stated that this is a reasonable alternative since it does not provide high intensity uses to the residential, but will provide an appropriate buffer. Councilman Frost stated he would prefer to see the alignment for the south bound on ramp before making a decision. Mayor Mikeis called for the vote on the motion made by Buquet, seconded by Dahl, to change the land use designation from "M" to "OP" for the 2~ acres adjacent to the freeway offramp. Motion passed 4-1 with Councilman Frost voting no. Mayor Mikels asked for discussion on the commercial designations. Councilman Frost gave a history of the site selection process during the Etiwanda Advisory Committee hearings. He stated that the commercial use at Etiwanda and Base Line needs discussion. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 9 Councilman Dahl stated that the Barmakian proposal at Etiwanda and Base Line is in keeping with the theme of Etiwanda. The neighborhood center at Base Line and 1-15 is not a viable location considering there is another neighborhood center located down the street. The center should be moved and any neighborhood commercial centers on Base Line and above should be limited to roughly a five acre center instead of 10 acres or larger. Further there should be a population ratio in the text to establish a need for this type of center before it is built. Councilman Frost referred to the overlay district recommended for Etiwanda Avenue. He suggested that the community service overlay district be pulled all the way over to south of Base Line if the Council was considering Mr. Barmakian's proposal. Councilman Dahl stated that he would like to see the reasons why this overlay district was placed in this area. Councilman Buquet stated that he also has some specific comments when the Council reaches that particular section of the text and did not see the merit in discussing it at this point. Mayor Mikels stated that the consideration of the commercial use at Base Line and Etiwanda could be dealt with independently of the overlay district. He agreed with the comments made by Councilman Dahl ~egarding the 24th Street and East Avenue commercial location and that it shc .kd be increased to a 5 acre site. One way to keep cars off East and Etiwanda is to get more commercial centers in the upper areas to keep the north/south traffic from coming down to Base Line, similar to the center Mr. Barmakian ~roposed this evening with a grocery store and a few other uses and five acres in size. Regarding the commercial designation at Base Line and 1-15, he agreed that it would be better placed at the northwest corner of Base Line and Etiwanda, and down graded from 10 acres to a 5 acre site. He suggested changing the site at 24th and East from a 3 acre to a 5 acre site and moving the 1-15 and Base Line site down to the northwest corner of Etiwanda Avenue with a reduction in acreage. By doing this, the gross commercial acreage would be reduced but the kind of centers provided would achieve some of the goals of the plan. Councilman Buquet stated that he did not want to have commercial designation everywhere, but some sort of a designation should be made for an entrance type of a use. Additionally, he stated that he did not feel comfortable with the Low or Low Medium designation and asked what the substution would be. Mayor Mikels suggested that the Low Medium designation be extended over. Tim Beedle, Senior Planner, suggested that staff could come back with an enlargement of the site along with alternatives. Councilman Buquet stated his concern with this designation and requested staff to bring this item back for Council consideration on the 17th. Motion: Moved by Dahl, seconded by Schlosser, carried unanimously, to change the commercial designation at 24th Street to a 5 acre site, remove the neighborhood commercial designation at 1-15 and Base Line, and make a commercial site of 5 acres or less at the northwest corner of Base Line and Etiwanda Avenue. Council's direction to staff was to return with a revised draft depicting this change. 10:00 - City Council Recessed 10:25 - City Council Reconvened ! !! !! City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 10 Mayor Mikels announced that residential land uses would be the next topic for discussion. Councilman Buquet stated his concern with the land use designation adjacent to the freeway and particularly the low designation on the north side of the freeway adjacent to the high school. One concern was the marketability of a single family residential development adjacent to the freeway. Councilman Schlosser supported this concern and added that the low designation should not be placed either above or below the freeway. Mayor Mikels referred to a 1981 memo from City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs regarding the Foothill Freeway right-of-way and pointed out that the possibility of some requirement for participation in the cost of the freeway had been discussed. He suggested creating a buffer on the north side of the freeway, maintaining the existing designation and placing an asterisk on the map to provide the concept of a higher use in conjunction with dedication of right-of-way- The property owner would not be at a disadvantage, yet the City could possibly pick up some credit for right-of-way from CALTRANS. This concept would work on some parcels, but not all of the parcels because the density further west is too high. Very Low denisty at this location almost makes those lots unsellable, and would have an impact on the Water Quality Control Board, Chino Basin Municipal Water requirements. He suggested this buffer designation for further study. Councilman Dahl referred to the Low designati.~n at the 1-15 location and pointed out several communities where this pr~ved not to be a compatible designation. He suggested the designation be increased or at least a corridor be created to act as a buffer to the low designation to the west, above the railroad tracks up to the flood control area. Also where 1-15 and Rt. 30 meet should be treated in this same way. He agreed with both Mayor Mikels and Councilman Schlosser that the area designated Very Low should be given special buffer treatment along Route 30, and suggested the area be classified for special study land use designation. Further, that this become a new zoning designation for this area. Mayor Mikels suggested that a motion could be made to have staff come back with a buffer zone on a parcel-by-parcel basis for the west side of 1-15 from the railroad tracks to the proposed Route 30 and the north side of Route 30 from the flood control property over to the western edge of the planning area. Councilman Buquet stated that one of the advantages in increasing the range is that it leaves open the option of a possible bypass road through the flood control property and this could possibly tie in a link to the south end by acquiring dedication for a frontage road. He suggested that staff explore this option which might be an answer to the east/west circulation problem. Additionally, he would like to see the south side of Route 30 included in the buffer zone study. Councilman Dahl stated his problem on the south side is not Very Low designation because it comes up with a half-acre lot, but the Low designation is a concern. Motion: Moved by Dahl that the areas adjacent to Route 30 and west of 1-15 between the railroad tracks and Route 30 should be included in a special study zone with direction to staff to come back to the Council with recommendations for a designation to act as a buffer, seconded by Councilman Schlosser- Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Dahl addressed the Very Low designated area above the Southern Pacific railroad tracks, west of Etiwanda Avenue and suggested that it be increased to a Low designation. He stated that he has no problem with Very Low along Etiwanda Avenue, however, suggested that half way between Etiwanda City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 11 Avenue and the western boundary should be increased due to the proximity to the Victoria Planned Community. Victoria shows the density as Low Medium, which would not be compatible with the Very Low designation proposed for this location. Councilman Frost asked what type of buffering was proposed on the east side for the Victoria Planned Community in this area. Mr. Kroutil replied that Victoria proposes small lots varying in size with no side streets or through connections. Whatever land use the Council selects will be backing up to the Low Medium designation for Victoria. Councilman Buquet asked if the Very Low designation would be compatible with the designation to the north and east. Councilman Dahl replied that Victoria is planned for its lowest designation in that area and the Low designation along Etiwanda is compatible to the designations to the north. Mayor Mikels asked if there was any idea of where to place the dividing line between the two land use designations. Councilman Schlosser stated that possibly the entire designation should be Low because the border on Etiwanda Avenue is Very Lc~ which isn't compatible with the surrounding area. Economically speaking this ~ay not be a viable land use and development may not be able to go that low. Councilman Dahl replied that Etiwanda is a special treatment boulevard that Etiwanda wants to retain and felt this would be more in keeping with that plan and that the Low might be a better buffer. He suggested that staff come back with a concept for a corridor separating the Low from the Low Medium. Councilman Frost stated that it might be appropriate on these kinds of decisions for the Council to say whether or not they supported the Planning Commission's recommendations on Etiwanda Avenue. He pointed out that the EIR states that Etiwanda Avenue is incapable of handling the traffic volumes generated with the existing land use and anything the Council does to increase densities that feed onto Etiwanda Avenue would further impact an already intolerable situation. Motion: Moved by Dahl to direct staff to look at the buffer as a concept only and further study the traffic impacts on Etiwanda Avenue. Motion died for lack of second. Councilman Frost stated he would like to discuss the Light Industrial designation at the south end of the planning area. He pointed out that Fontana now proposes residential to the east of that location. The Etiwanda Committee suggested a mix of residential with a park as a buffer for the uses; however, the Planning Commission's decision was to remove it from the Etiwanda planning area and place it in the Industrial Specific Plan boundaries. He suggested retaining the Etiwanda Advisory Committee's recommendation for medium residential uses in at least the northern half of that designation from Etiwanda to Arrow. Councilman Buq~et stated that he was not comfortable with Light Industrial designation on the south side of the Foothill because he would not like to see that neighborhood hemmed in. He was concerned with the land use on the south side of Arrow between Etiwanda and Hickory. He recognized Fontann maps may show residential uses at 3-5 dwelling units, but was concerned with what may show up on the east side of Hickory. Councilman Frost replied that probably nothing would happen at that location until the flood control plans are submitted. City Council Minutes April 21, 1983 Page 12 Councilman Buquet stated that he did not wish to see commercial in strips all along Foothill Boulevard, and felt it should be broken up with residential uses. Councilman Frost replied that General Industrial could help buffer to blend in with Medium Density Residential. He appreciated what the Planning Commission said in that the existing residential development doesn't belong there, but they shouldn't continue to be locked in. Councilman Buquet suggested Low Medium along Arrow and Etiwanda across the utility corridor, and Medium in the other areas. Councilman Frost stated he was trying to think of a way to trigger a park site at that location and felt this might be a solution. Motion: Moved by Frost, seconded by Buquet, unanimously carried, to retain the Etiwanda Advisory Committee's recommendation of Low Medium and Medium Residential for the entire area from Etiwanda to Hickory, Arrow to Foothill. Mayor Mikels suggested that the Council stop at this point with direction to the staff to come back at the meeting of May 17, 1983 with the suggestions the City Council made this evening. Motion: Moved by Schlosser, seconded by Dahl, carried unanimously, to adjourn to a meeting on April 25, 1983, to discuss the Mello-Roos bill. ll:10 - City Council Adjourned Respectfully submitted, Janice Reynolds, Secretary