HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992/06/04 - Minutes June 4, 1992
BuClget Work.~hap
An adjourned budget workshop of the Rancho Cucamonga Redevelopment Agency, Fire Protection District, and City
Council was held on Thursday, June 4, 1992, in the Tri-Communities Conference Room of the Civic Center,
located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
by Mayor Dennis L. Stout
Present were Councilmembers: William J. Alexander, Charles J. Buquet H (arrived 6:05 p.m.), Diane Williams,
Pamela J. Wright, and Mayor Dennis L. Stout.
Also present were: Jack Lain, City Manager;, Jerry B. Fulwood, Deputy City Manager;, Rick Gomez, Community
Development Director, Brad Butler, City Planner, Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, Joe O'Neil, City Engineer;,
Shinto Bose, Deputy City Engineer, Walt Stickney, Associate Engineer;, Cindy HackeR, Associate Engineer; Jerry
Grant, Building Official; Jim Hart, Administrative Setvices Director, Susan Neely, Finance Officer;, Rose Coltan,
Accountant; Tony Flores, Management Analyst I; Jim Frost, City Treasurer, Ingrid Blair, GIS Supervisor, Marti
Higgins, Disaster Preparedness Manager; Chief Dennis Michael, Chief Lloyd Aimand, and Alex Ahumada,
Administrative Services Officer, Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District; Capt. Bruce Zeiner, Rancho
Cucamonga Police Department; and Jan Sutton, Deputy City Clerk.
Staff report presented by Jack Lam, City Manager, who stated this was a difficult year for the budget, and a lot of
time and efton was pot into producing the budget by the various department heads and the Adminiswative Services
Department He stated there were severe revenue drops last year, and revenue has continued to drop in the current
year. He stated the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1992/93 reflects the current poor economy. He stated the
proposed General Fund budget was approximately $2(5 million, which represents a $1 million from the current year's
budget, and a $3.3 decrease less than Fiscal Year 1990t91. He went on to explain the format of the budget
documents. He stated the RDA budget from an operational standpoint was $3.3 million, that the approximately $80
million shown were the catty-over bond funds from designated projects. He stated the Fwe District General Fund is
approximately $6.5 million, and the Mello-Roos portion was $2.3 million. He stated the Fire District was also
experiencing some difficulty this year, though it was better off than the City's budget. He explained the shortfall in
the Mello-Roos portion, and the procedure for adopting the Fire District budget He stated that the Capital
Improvement showed all the planned projects for the next fiscal year which included three major projects, the
City Council/Redcvelopment Agency/
Fire District Minutes
June 4, 1992
Page 2
widening of 19th Street, the 1-15 and Foothill Boulevard interchange, and the Haven Avenue widening projecL He
stated these projects were to be funded from gas lax and Measure I funds so they would not 1o se those revenues. He
stated the CIP represented approximately $15.9 million, and only represented certain infrastructure improvements and
does not reflect any public facility construction as they have had in prior years, as there were no funds available for
those types of projects. He passed out a legislative alert from the League of California Cities about measures that
could be proposed to the state legislature to balance their budget, and went over how these proposal would affect the
Councilmember Wright asked if they would have the opportunity to review the Fare District budget in depth between
now and AugusL
Jack Lain, City Manager, stated they would spend as much time as necesiry to answer all the questions.
Councilmember Wright asked about the integrated waste management program, and asked if there was a revenue
source for that program.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated AB 939 has a specific fee attached to it as pan of the trash ram, and that pays for
the Integrated Waste Coordinator position and the associated programs.
Councilmember Wright referred to page 12 of the Council budget and asked about the D.A.R.E. and CHOICF~"
programs reimbursements. She asked why the City was not continuing to fund the CHOICES program but were
increasing the amount to the D.A.R.E. program.
Jack Lain, City Manager, stated the figures shown on page 12 were revenue received, and the mount shown for
D.A.R.E. were the contributions from the school districts participating in the program.
Councilmember Wright stated there was another page in the budget that showed expenditures and she did not seean
allocation for the CHOICES program.
Jack Lain, City Manager, stated the D.A.R.E. program received reimbursement funds from the school disU'icts and
are serf sustaining.
Councilmember Wright asked what portion of the General Fund went to the D.A.R.E. program.
Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated the City's portion was approximately ,TdS0,000.00. He stated that was
mostly to cover the costs associated with the deputy that conducted the program.
Councilmember Wright asked what was the reason for cutting the CHOICES program to zero in this budget
Jerry Fulwood, Depmy City Manager, stat~xl it was his understanding that the participating school disUicts would be
paying a set amount to have that program. He stated they were looking at an agreement with the Sheriffs
Department to have the revenues transfeffed to the County and have the program handled direc~y through them.
Councilmember Wright n-~ked what was the City's contribution then and where did it appear in the budget,
Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, stated there might not be an expenditure from the City since the Sheriffs
Deparunent would be running the program.
F~ Dis~ctMinutes
Jack Lain, City Manager, explained how the school district had asked to have the program enhanced but it was
beyond the City's ability, and since the County was looking at promoting the CHOICES program, the City asked
the County to lxain the personnel so the school districts could contract directly with the County.
Councilmember Wright felt the point then was that the City was not making any conWibution for gang diversion,
that their contributions were going north of Arrow to those schools that were being served by the D.A.R.E.
program. She felt this went against Council's past commitment to support gang diversion. She felt if the Council
was committed to gang diversion, then they need to show that in their priorities and that irregardless of what the
school district is doing, the City should also continue to fund gang prevention.
Jerry Fulwood, Deputy City Manager, explained that in prior years the City had a deputy on staff who were
providing the CHOICES prognun, and the City paid for the deputy's time as pan of the contract with the Sheriffs
DepartmenL When the County moved the CHOICES program over to the Sberiff's Department, there was no longer
a deputy in-house providing the service, so in essence the City was not making the expenditure they had in the past
by paying for the deputy's ~alary and COSL He stated the City was still committed to the CHOICES program, but
that it was being handled directly by the Sheriff's Deparunent County-wide. He stated the City never made a
monetary contribution directly to the CHOICES program, they just paid the salary of the deputy conducting the
program as pan of the law enforcement contract.
Councilmember Wright felt the Council had said since they were spending money north of An'ow on the D.A.R.E.
program, they would also provide the same kind of contribution to the people south of Arrow even though their
needs were different, and felt they were not holding to that policy now.
Mayor Stout stated it was his understanding that the CHOICES program was continuing at the same level as in the
past, that it has not been cut or reduced. He asked if that was correcL
Capt. Zeiner, Police Department, stated the level of service has actually increased since the transfer to the Sheriffs
Councilmember Wright stated she was concerned that since someone else was in cha~ge of the program, what would
the City do if that agency could not afford to continue the program.
Mayor Stout felt they should address that whenever the County might say they are not going to pay for the program.
He stated if they were willing to pay for the program, and were increasing the service levels above what the City
could provide, why should the City expend funds on the program.
Councilmember Wright stated the school disu~ct was paying for the program and not the County, and they were only
doing so because the City did not pay for the program any longer.
Councilmember Buquet disagreed with Councilmember WrighL He stated it was not the City's job to provide
programs for the~schools. He stated the City's involvement was to assist the schools in getting the program up and
running, and the long term intent was to find some way for the prograrn to be financially self-sustaining. He stated
the City has loaned an officer into the program for all that time, and now the County has taken over and expanded
the program. He asked what benefit would the City derive by contributing money to a program that the County was
already providing.
Councilmember Wright felt if the City were to contribute to CHOICES, it would make it effective and serve more
people in Rancho Cucamonga.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency/
Fire District Minutes
June 4, 1992
Page 4
Jack Lain, City Manager, stated he had met with Cueamonga School Disu'ict representatives several months ago, and
they agreed to contract directly with the County for the CHOICES prop because of problems the City would
have in expanding the prop.
Councilmember Wright felt the existing program barely meets the needs of the community in regards to the gang
problem which the City should be addressing, and that they were leaving it up to someone else to address, and that
was what she was having a problem with.
Mayor Stout stated he was uncomfortable in discussing this because he felt if the school district should have
approached the Council if they felt the funding was inadequate, and they have not done so.
Councilmember Wright stated the school district contacted the City Manager and were told the City had no money
for the program which was why they needed to consider it now at budget time.
Mayor Stout stated ff the school board disagreed with that they should have contacted the Council about it, and they
have not done so.
Jack Lain, City Manager, stated they did not tell the school district they did not have any money, but that it would
be a difficult policy decision for the City to spend money outside of the City limits but they were free to ask the
Council that. At the same time they were discussing expansion of their prop, and since the County was going
to be expanding into other areas with the program, it was suggested the school district contact the Sheriffs
Department about it. The City has not heard anything back from either the school district or the Sheriffs
Department in regards to the CHOICES prop.
Councilmember Wright felt there were other needs in the City in addressing gang prevention other than working
with students, and the Council should consider contributing in order to help solve the problem to a higher degree.
Councilmember Buquet stated he had a concern in that Councilmember Wright appeared to have access to
information from the school district regarding the CHOICES program that was not available to the whole Council,
and felt uncomfortable in it being brought to the Councirs attention in this manner. He stated the Superintendent
contacted staff about the matter and it was handled on an administrative level. He stated the School Board has not
contacted the Council in any manner about this program, and felt it was inappropriate for it to be brought to the
Council in this way.
Councilmember Wright stated it was not her intention to serve anyone outside of the City, but felt they should be
looking at the CHOICES program, and felt that when they were setting priorities they should make sure they were
addressing all of the needs of the City, and that gang {livenion was being requested by other parts of the City, not
just south of Arrow.
Councilmember Alexander asked for clarification on whether D.A.R.E. touched on the subject of gang prevention.
CapL Zeiner, Police Depanment~ staled only a small portion of the prop centered on gang prevention.
Mayor Stout felt that drugs affected more kids in the City than gangs and if they were trying to help all the kids in
town, he felt drugs would touch them more than gang activity so D.A.R.E. was an important prop. He felt that
if the County was providing the CHOICES program at the same or better level than the City had, he had no problem
with the School District contracting directly with the County.
City Council/RedevelopmentAgency/
Fire District Minutes
June 4, 1992
Page 5
Councilmember Williams stated from her participation with the Gang & Drug Prevention Task Force, they have
covered that there are two types of gang interpretation, one being the real gangs, and the other being the "manna
be, s". She stated the CHOICES program was supposed m be for at-risk individuals, and did not feel that the majority
of kids in the City fell within that category. She also wondered why the School District did not appro~h the
Council if there were some problem in continuing m fund the CHOICES program.
Councilmember Wright asked if there was a reason for the cost of the 800 MHz system increasing from $200,000.00
m $275,000.00.
Jack Lam, City Manager, stated the City's commitment has been m the West End system, which pays for the
maintenance and operation on the JPA, and also on the capital in supporting the bond money. He stated that was the
commitment they must keep in order m be a part of the JPA.
Councilmember Wright stated she thought they were going m eliminate the dues m me Local Government
Commission and the Contract Cities membership.
Jack Lain, City Manager, staled staff has not received direction from the Council on that.
Councilmember Williams stated she has derived benefit from the Local Government Commission, but does not:
know what the benefit is from the Contract Cities Association.
Mayor Stout agreed.
Councilmember Buquet felt that before they eliminate the membership, which was a minimal cost, they should
evaluate what the benefit of the organization might be, especially ff they had m join in some type of joint iawsuit in
response m the state's budget decisions.
Jack Lain, City Manager, also pointed out that Animal Control services were included in the budget in order m gear
up for the opening of the facilities in July of 1993. He stated there were also funds in the budget for the federal
stormwater issue, which they can expect m increase in the future due m the pn3gram requirements.
Mayor Smut stated if anyone on the Council had any detailed questions, they should get with the City Manager and
he wonld be happy m answer them. He felt the City was being fistally responsible.
Don Donneily, Government Relations Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber would
be happy m work with the City on budget issues being presented by the state. He stated the City has been
~scally respons~le in the past.
City Council/Redevelopment Agency/
Fire Disltict Minutes
June 4, 1992
Page 6
MOTION: Moved by Wright, seconded by Alexander to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously, 5-0.
adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deputy City Clerk
The meeting
Approved: July 15, 1992