HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017/11/01 - Agenda PacketAGENDAS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BOARD — HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY — SUCCESSOR AGENCY — PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY - CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2017 REGULAR MEETINGS: 1St d 3rd Wednesdays - 7:00 P.M. ORDER OF BUSINESS: CLOSED SESSION Tapia Conference Room REGULAR MEETINGS Council Chambers MEMBERS: MAYOR MAYOR PRO TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS L. Dennis Michael Lynne B. Kennedy William Alexander Sam Spagnolo Diane Williams 641I1l "T 7:00 P.M. CITY MANAGER CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER John R. Gillison James L. Markman Janice C. Reynolds James C. Frost Rancho Cucamonga City Council Mission Statement Make decisions, and be perceived as making decisions, for the general welfare of the community. Always work to improve existing services and develop policies to meet the expected as well as anticipated needs of the community. Work together cooperatively to respect all persons and their ideas in order to develop and maintain the trust of the community. Reflect the community's desires and priorities by assuring that decisions accurately reflect the community's interests by fairly translating public feedback into public policy. Enhance the quality of life of all Rancho Cucamonga residents through the continued pursuit of excellence and commitment to the City's core values and goals. Set the vision for the community for the future. Have a professional, objective, and respectful relationship with each other in order to more effectively address the challenges of the future. IC/A INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC �O OCAMONGA TO ADDRESS THE FIRE BOARD, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL The Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council encourage free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the Agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council by filling out a speaker card and submitting it to the City Clerk. The speaker cards are located on the wall at the back of the Chambers, at the front desk behind the staff table and at the City Clerk's desk. Any handouts for the Fire Board, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority or City Council should be given to the City Clerk for distribution. During "Public Communications," your name will be called to speak on any item listed or not listed on the agenda in the order in which it was received. The "Public Communications" period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other "Public Communications" which have not concluded during this one-hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. If you are present to speak on an "Advertised Public Hearing" or on an "Administrative Hearing" Item(s), your name will be called when that item is being discussed, in the order in which it was received. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. AGENDA BACK-UP MATERIALS Staff reports and back-up materials for agenda items are available for review at the City Clerk's counter, the City's Public Libraries and on the City's website. A complete copy of the agenda is also available at the desk located behind the staff table during the Council meeting. LIVE BROADCAST Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council meetings are broadcast live on Channel 3 for those with cable television access. Meetings are rebroadcast on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Streaming Video on Demand is available on the City's website at www.cityofrc.us/cityhall/council/videos.asp. The Fire Board, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council meet regularly on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at 10500 Civic Center Drive. Members of the City Council also sit as the Fire Board, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, and Public Financing Authority. Copies of the agendas and minutes can be found @ www.cityofrc.us If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's office at (909) 477-2700. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. Please silence all cell phones and devices while the meeting is in session. NOVEMBER 1, 2017 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Alexander, Spagnolo and Williams CLOSED SESSION CALLED TO ORDER AS THE CITY COUNCIL. D1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR ROBERT NEIUBER, HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE GROUP. — CITY D2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) — SOUTHWEST VOTERS REGISTRATION EDUCATION PROJECT AND LOUISA OLLAGUE V. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; CASE NO. CIVRS 1603632. — CITY CLOSED SESSION TO RECESS TO THE REGULAR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, AND CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA. Page 1 of 5 NOVEMBER 1, 2017 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY, AND CITY COUNCIL WILL BE CALLED TO ORDER. IT IS THE INTENT TO CONCLUDE THE MEETINGS BY 10:00 P.M., UNLESS EXTENDED BY CONCURRENCE OF THE FIRE BOARD, AGENCIES, AUTHORITY BOARD AND COUNCIL. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Alexander, Spagnolo and Williams Al. Presentation of the Gritchin Award to Karen Hollis of the Rancho Cucamonga Equestrian Patrol Unit. --- This is the time and place for the general public to address the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority Board, and City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Fire Board, Agencies, Successor Agency, Authority Board, or City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. The public communications period will not exceed one hour prior to the commencement of the business portion of the agenda. During this one hour period, all those who wish to speak on a topic contained in the business portion of the agenda will be given priority, and no further speaker cards for these business items (with the exception of public hearing items) will be accepted once the business portion of the agenda commences. Any other public communications which have not concluded during this one hour period may resume after the regular business portion of the agenda has been completed. Page 2of5 NOVEMBER 1, 2017 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA C1. Consideration of Minutes: October 18, 2017 (Regular Meeting) --- C2. Consideration to approve Check Register dated October 10, 2017 through October 23, 2017 for the 1 total of $171,013.35. D1. Consideration of Minutes: October 18, 2017 (Regular Meeting) --- E1. Consideration of Minutes: October 18, 2017 (Regular Meeting) --- F1. Consideration of Minutes: October 18, 2017 (Regular Meeting) --- G1. Consideration of Minutes: October 18, 2017 (Regular Meeting) --- G2. Consideration to approve Check Register and Payroll dated October 10, 2017 through October 23, 10 2017 for the total of $5,637,102.64. G3. Consideration to accept Public Improvements at the Northeast corner of Arrow Route and Baker Avenue for Tract 18817 as complete, file the Notice of Completion and Authorize the Release of 19 Retention and Bonds. G4. Consideration to accept the Central Park — Flooring Replacement Project as complete, file the Notice 22 of Completion, and Authorize the Release of Retention and Bonds. Page 3of5 NOVEMBER 1, 2017 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA The following Ordinances have been introduced for First Reading. Second Readings are expected to be routine and non -controversial. The City Council will act upon them at one time without discussion. The City Clerk will read the title. Any item can be removed for discussion by a Council Member. H1. Consideration to Conduct Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 921, Prohibiting All Commercial Cannabis Activity, Prohibiting Outdoor Cultivation, and Allowing Indoor Cannabis 25 Cultivation Consistent with State Law. ORDINANCE NO. 921 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING ALL COMMERCIAL CANNABIS 26 ACTIVITY, BOTH MEDICAL AND NON-MEDICAL, PROHIBITING OUTDOOR CULTIVATION, AND ALLOWING INDOOR CANNABIS CULTIVATION CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF H2. Consideration to Conduct Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 922, Modifying Parkway Landscaping Requirements, Adopting the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and 36 Modifying Conditionally Permitted Zones for Indoor Entertainment. ORDINANCE NO. 922 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE MODIFYING PARKWAY LANDSCAPING 37 REQUIREMENTS, ADOPTING THE STATE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE, AND MODIFYING CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED ZONES FOR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT USES, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF Speaker cards may be submitted for all those who wish to speak on the following topic. The following item has no legal publication or posting requirements. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals wishing to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the City Council, not to members of the audience. No items. Page 4 of 5 NOVEMBER 1, 2017 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Mayor will open the meeting to receive public testimony. No Items. The following items have no legal publication or posting requirements. No Items. The following items have been requested by the City Council for discussion. L1. INTER -AGENCY UPDATES (Update by the City Council to the community on the meetings that were attended.) L2. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS (Comments to be limited to three minutes per Council Member.) --- CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on October 26, 2017, seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California, and on the City's website. ROM Cmd;E(A. Troyan, MMC City Clerk Services Director City of Rancho Cucamonga Page 5of5 OCTOBER 18, 2017 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CLOSED SESSION, FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY, SUCCESSOR AGENCY, PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETINGS MINUTES The City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council held a closed session on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 in the Tapia Conference Room at the Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Present were Council Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Sam Spagnolo, and Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Kennedy. Mayor L. Dennis Michael was absent. Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; James L. Markman, City Attorney; Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services; Elisa Cox, Deputy City Manager/Cultural & Civic Services; and Jeff Bloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development. No public communications were made. No discussion or actions were taken. D1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR ROBERT NEIUBER, HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54954.2 REGARDING LABOR NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEE GROUP. — CITY D2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) — SOUTHWEST VOTERS REGISTRATION EDUCATION PROJECT AND LOUISA OLLAGUE V. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA; CASE NO. CIVRS 1603632. — CITY D3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — PENDING LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(A) — BIGG DANE & BEALE'S TEXAS BBQ, LLC VS. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT, CASE NUMBER CIVDS 1714130 The closed session recessed at 6:02 p.m. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 1 of 8 The regular meetings of the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and the City of Rancho Cucamonga City Council were held on October 18, 2017 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Members: Bill Alexander, Diane Williams, Sam Spagnolo, and Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Kennedy. Mayor L. Dennis Michael was absent Also present were: John Gillison, City Manager; James L. Markman, City Attorney; and Linda A. Troyan, City Clerk Services Director. Council Member Williams led the Pledge of Allegiance. Al. Presentation of the 2017 Innovation and Quality Visual Information Awards from the Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC) for the RC2Go Mobile and Executive Dashboard Applications. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy and Members of the City Council along with Lori Sassoon, Deputy City Manager/Administrative Services recognized Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) staff: Darryl Polk, DoIT Director/CIO; Solomon Nimako, GIS Supervisor; Isaiah Aguilera, GIS Analyst; Ryan Wilson, GIS Analyst; Chearice Johnson, Senior GIS Technician; Art Yero, Senior GIS Technician; Sopheak Kong, Senior GIS Technician; and Kyle Wingston, GIS Intern for receiving the 2017 Innovation and Quality Visual Information Awards from the Municipal Information Systems Association of California (MISAC). A2. Presentation on the upcoming "Great Shake Out" Earthquake Drill to take place on October 19, 2017 at 10:19 a.m. Breanna Medina, Emergency Management Coordinator, gave a presentation on the upcoming "Great Shake Out" Earthquake Drill taking place on October 19, 2017 and went over the importance of earthquake preparedness. Chief of Police Danielle Boldt invited the public to attend the Police Department's Annual Open House event taking place on October 28, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Police Department, 10510 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. Diane O' Neal, Pomona Valley Habitat for Humanity, invited the City Council to attend an "Annual Celebrating Partnership Gala & Board Installation" event on Friday, November 3, 2017 hosted by the Pomona Valley Habitat for Humanity. Kevin Kenley invited the public to visit Halloween haunted houses in the City on the week of Halloween. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 2 of 8 C1. Consideration of Minutes: October 4, 2017 (Regular Meeting) C2. Consideration to approve Check Register dated September 27, 2017 through October 9, 2017 and Electronic Debit Register for the month of September for the total of $1,468,708.13. C3. Consideration to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of September 30, 2017. C4. Consideration to approve and award the purchase of emergency medical supplies and materials to Life Assist, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $75,000. MOTION: Moved by Board Member Spagnolo, seconded by Board Member Williams, to approve Consent Calendar Items C1. through C4. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. D1. Consideration of Minutes: October 4 (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Agency Member Alexander, seconded by Agency Member Williams, to approve Consent Calendar Item D1. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. E1. Consideration of Minutes: October 4, 2017 (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Agency Member Spagnolo, seconded by Agency Member Alexander, to approve Consent Calendar Item E1. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. F1. Consideration of Minutes: October 4, 2017 (Regular Meeting) MOTION: Moved by Agency Member Williams, seconded by Agency Member Spagnolo, to approve Consent Calendar Item F1. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. G1. Consideration of Minutes: October 4, 2017 (Regular Meeting) G2. Consideration to approve Check Register and Payroll dated September 27, 2017 through October 9, 2017 and Electronic Debit Register for the month of September for the total of $9,878,487.50. G3. Consideration to receive and file current Investment Schedule as of September 30, 2017. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 3 of 8 G4. Consideration to extend the Contract Agreement with Amtech Elevator Services for Citywide Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services and approve the spending limit of $27,500 for Fiscal Year 2017/2018; not to exceed $115,050 over a four-year period. G5. Consideration to accept the "Citywide Concrete Repair— FY 2016/2017 Project" as complete and approve the final contract amount of $654,406. G6. Consideration of a modification to the San Bernardino County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Renewal Participation and Joint Defense Agreement. G7. Consideration to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for the Archibald Avenue and Haven Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Projects. G8. Consideration to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation Slurry Seal Project. G9. Consideration to release Maintenance Guarantee Bond for the Foothill Boulevard Rehabilitation Project. G10. Consideration of Amendment No. 008 authorizing an increase to Professional Services Agreement with Pacific Utility Installation, Inc. in the amount of $206,280 and to approve an appropriation in the amount of $206,280 from the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Utility Fund for connection of RCMU Service to two development projects. G11. Consideration of a contract with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount of $566,799 plus 10% contingency for the Freeway and Arterial Signal Synchronization Project. G12. Consideration of an Improvement Agreement, Improvement Securities, and ordering the Annexation to Landscape Maintenance District No. 7 and Street Light Maintenance District Nos. 1 and 7 related to the development of a single-family residence located at 13254 Banyan Street (Case No. DRC2015-00821) submitted by Mario Gonzalez. RESOLUTION NO. 17-101 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 (NORTH ETIWANDA) FOR CASE NO. DRC2015-00821 RESOLUTION NO. 17-102 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 (ARTERIAL STREETS) FOR CASE NO. DRC2015-00821 RESOLUTION NO. 17-103 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 7 (NORTH ETIWANDA) FOR CASE NO. DRC215-00821 G13. Consideration of a Communications Facility Lease Agreement between Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership, DBA Verizon Wireless, and City of Rancho Cucamonga for the purpose of installing a wireless communication facility at Etiwanda Creek Park located at 5939 East Avenue. G14. Consideration appropriate funds for additional construction services by RJM Design Group, Inc. for the Rancho Cucamonga Family Sports Center Replacement Project in the amount of $188,610. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 4 of 8 G15. Consideration to execute a Cooperative Agreement between the San Bernardino County Flood Control District and the City of Rancho Cucamonga to facilitate the reimbursement of $278,000 to the City for Michael Baker International's scope of work for the North Eastern Sphere Annexation Project. G16. Consideration of a Resolution establishing rules and regulations pertaining to the Public Art Committee. RESOLUTION NO. 17-104 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Alexander, to approve Consent Calendar Items G1 through G16. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. No Items. No Items. J1. Consideration to Adopt Interim Ordinance No. 920, Extending Urgency Ordinance No. 900-A for 10 Months and 15 Days, Prohibiting all Commercial Cannabis Uses in the City, Prohibiting Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation on Private Residences, and Adopting Regulations Regarding Indoor Cultivation in Private Residences. ORDINANCE NO. 920 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 900-A PROHIBITING ALL COMMERCIAL NON-MEDICAL MARIJUANA ACTIVITY IN THE CITY, PROHIBITING OUTDOOR MARIJUANA CULTIVATION ON PRIVATE RESIDENCES, AND ADOPTING REGULATIONS REGARDING INDOOR CULTIVATION IN PRIVATE RESIDENCES AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF John Gillison, City Manager, introduced Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner, who gave a staff report on Urgency Ordinance No. 920 and introduced the First Reading of Ordinance No. 921. Council Member Alexander inquired on the enforcement costs to monitor this Ordinance. City Manager Gillison stated that there is no anticipation of hiring additional staff and that he anticipates the staff workload would remain the same. Mr. Gillison also stated that complaints received are self -generated and that city staff will re-evaluate the Ordinance next year. City Manager Gillison also clarified that the Ordinance complies with state law. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy opened the Public Hearing. There were no public comments made. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Spagnolo thanked staff for putting together this Ordinance. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 5 of 8 Associate Planner Nakamura clarified that the City conducted a risk benefit analysis and that information is available on the City's website. MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Williams, to introduce and adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 920, by title only and waive further reading. Linda Troyan, City Clerk Services Director, read the title of Ordinance No. 920. VOTES NOW CAST ON MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Williams, to introduce and adopt Urgency Ordinance No. 920, by title only and waive further reading. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. J2. Consideration to Conduct First Reading and Introduce Ordinance No. 921, Amending Titles 8 and 17 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Prohibiting all Commercial Cannabis Activity, both Medical and Non -Medical, Prohibiting Outdoor Cultivation, and Allowing Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Consistent with State Law. ORDINANCE NO. 921 (1ST Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING ALL COMMERCIAL CANNABIS ACTIVITY, BOTH MEDICAL AND NON-MEDICAL, PROHIBITING OUTDOOR CULTIVATION, AND ALLOWING INDOOR CANNABIS CULTIVATION CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF John Gillison, City Manager, introduced Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner, who gave a staff report on Ordinance No. 921. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy opened the Public Hearing. There were no public comments made. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy closed the Public Hearing. MOTION: Moved by Council Member Williams, seconded by Council Member Spagnolo, to conduct first reading and introduce Ordinance No. 921, by title only and waive further reading. Linda Troyan, City Clerk Services Director, read the title of Ordinance No. 921. VOTES NOW CAST ON MOTION: Moved by Council Member Williams, seconded by Council Member Spagnolo, to conduct first reading and introduce Ordinance No. 921, by title only and waive further reading. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. J3. Consideration to Conduct First Reading and Introduce Ordinance No. 922, Amending Title 17 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Modifying Parkway Landscaping Requirements, Adopting the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and Modifying Conditionally Permitted Zones for Indoor Entertainment and Amusement Uses. ORDINANCE NO. 922 (1St Reading) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE MODIFYING PARKWAY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, ADOPTING THE STATE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE, AND MODIFYING CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED ZONES FOR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT USES, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF John Gillison, City Manager, introduced Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner, who gave a staff report on Ordinance No. 922. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy opened the Public Hearing. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 6 of 8 Ryan Hutchison expressed gratitude to the City for working with the community and changing the definitions in the code to meet the needs of the business community. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy closed the Public Hearing. Discussion ensued on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Williams, to conduct first reading and introduce Ordinance No. 922, by title only and waive further reading. Linda Troyan, City Clerk Services Director, read the title of Ordinance No. 922. VOTES NOW CAST ON MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Williams, to conduct first reading and introduce Ordinance No. 922, by title only and waive further reading. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. K1. Consideration of a Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Resources with Antelope Expansion 3b, LLC for the purchase of 5 Megawatts of Solar Photovoltaic Energy and Authorizing the City Manager to sign the agreement. City Manager Gillison introduced Fred Lyn, Utility Division Manager, who gave the staff report. MOTION: Moved by Council Member Alexander, seconded by Council Member Williams, to approve a Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Resources with Antelope Expansion 3b, LLC and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. K2. Consideration of the Selection/Reappointment Process for Planning Commissioners. John Gillison, City Manager, introduced Candyce Burnett, City Planner, who gave the staff report. MOTION: Moved by Council Member Spagnolo, seconded by Council Member Williams, to approve the recommended Selection/Reappointment Process for Planning Commissioners outlined in the Staff Report. Motion carried, 4-0-1; Mayor Michael, absent. L1. INTER -AGENCY UPDATES Council Member Williams reported her attendance at a Solid Waste Advisory Task Force (SWAT) meeting that morning. L2. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS None. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy, Council Member Williams and Alexander requested a discussion item at a future meeting on the opioid situation affecting the City and County. ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 7 of 8 Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda A. Troyan, MMC City Clerk Services Director Approved: ********* ***DRAFT*** October 18, 20171 Fire Protection District, Housing Successor Agency, Successor Agency, Public Financing Authority and City Council Regular Meetings Minutes City of Rancho Cucamonga I Page 8 of 8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P1 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00007409 10/11/2017 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEBA/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 13,310.00 0.00 13,310.00 AP 00007410 10/11/2017 HD PRODUCTIONS INC 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00007411 10/11/2017 POWEREX CORP 46,337.20 0.00 46,337.20 AP 00007412 10/11/2017 RCCEA 1,910.00 0.00 1,910.00 AP 00007413 10/11/2017 RCPFA 11,449.44 0.00 11,449.44 AP 00007414 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 42.00 0.00 42.00 AP 00007415 10/11/2017 TANKO LIGHTING 430,997.43 0.00 430,997.43 AP 00007416 10/18/2017 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL INC 7,280.00 0.00 7,280.00 AP 00007417 10/18/2017 RE ASTORIA 2 LLC 107,244.60 0.00 107,244.60 AP 00384377 10/11/2017 A & A AUTOMOTIVE AND TIRE INC. 609.62 0.00 609.62 AP 00384378 10/11/2017 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,423.62 0.00 1,423.62 AP 00384379 10/11/2017 A'JONTUE, ROSE ANN 379.20 0.00 379.20 AP 00384380 10/11/2017 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 560.74 0.00 560.74 AP 00384381 10/11/2017 ACTION AWARDS INC. 16.97 0.00 16.97 AP 00384382 10/11/2017 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 40.97 0.00 40.97 AP 00384383 10/11/2017 ALBERT GROVER & ASSOCIATES 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384384 10/11/2017 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 6,949.00 0.00 6,949.00 AP 00384385 10/11/2017 ALLIED NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 6,837.66 0.00 6,837.66 AP 00384386 10/11/2017 AMERICAN SCALE CO INC 0.00 205.50 205.50 AI' 00384387 10/11/2017 ANGELES CONTRACTOR INC 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 AP 00384388 10/11/2017 ASCE CONTINUING EDUCATION/MEMBERSHIP 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00384389 10/11/2017 ASSI SECURITY 4,087.90 0.00 4,087.90 AP 00384390 10/11/2017 AUFBAU CORPORATION 28,059.50 0.00 28,059.50 AP 00384391 10/11/2017 AUNTIE M CREATIVE CONSULTANTS INC. 3,542.71 0.00 3,542.71 AP 00384392 10/11/2017 AUTO AND RV SPECIALISTS INC. 60.17 0.00 60.17 AP 00384393 10/11/2017 AYSO REGION 65 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384394 10/11/2017 BARKSHIRE LASER LEVELING INC. 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384395 10/11/2017 BC MOTORSPORTS LLC 409.24 0.00 409.24 AP 00384396 10/11/2017 BELTRAN, OSBALDO ALVARADO 270.00 0.00 270.00 AP 00384397 10/11/2017 BERLITZ 330.00 0.00 330.00 AP 00384398 10/11/2017 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 427.00 0.00 427.00 AP 00384399 10/11/2017 BLIESE, LAURA 11.00 0.00 11.00 AP 00384400 10/11/2017 BLR 558.31 0.00 558.31 AP 00384401 10/11/2017 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 0.00 130.89 130.89 AP 00384402 10/11/2017 BRIAN MASLOWSKY 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 AP 00384403 10/11/2017 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC. 9,913.90 0.00 9,913.90 AP 00384404 10/11/2017 BW PRINTWORKS 0.00 503.80 503.80 AP 00384405 10/11/2017 C V W D 669.44 0.00 669.44 AP 00384406 10/11/2017 C V W D 11,734.67 0.00 11,734.67 AP 00384407 10/11/2017 C.P. GENERATOR INC. 533.36 0.00 533.36 AP 00384408 10/11/2017 CABLE INC. 1,418.00 0.00 1,418.00 AP 00384409 10/11/2017 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 286.21 0.00 286.21 AP 00384410 10/11/2017 CAL POLY POMONA FOUNDATION 5,950.00 0.00 5,950.00 AP 00384411 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATISTICS INC 425.00 0.00 425.00 AP 00384412 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 8.44 0.00 8.44 AP 00384413 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00384414 10/11/2017 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 1,111.62 0.00 1,111.62 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 1 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait 1 Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P2 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Lity Fire Amount AP 00384415 10/11/2017 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 0.00 625.19 625.19 AP 00384416 10/11/2017 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 52.97 7.44 60.41 *** AP 00384417 10/11/2017 CARROT TOP INDUSTRIES 119.31 0.00 119.31 AP 00384418 10/11/2017 CCS ORANGE COUNTY JANITORIAL INC. 59,642.12 0.00 59,642.12 AP 00384419 10/11/2017 CHAMPION FIRE SYSTEMS INC 134.69 0.00 134.69 AP 00384420 10/11/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 4,860.12 0.00 4,860.12 AP 00384421 10/11/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 1,007.77 432.07 1,439.84 *** AP 00384422 10/11/2017 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 58.49 0.00 58.49 AP 00384423 10/11/2017 COAST RECREATION INC 2,491.85 0.00 2,491.85 AP 00384424 10/11/2017 COMMERCIAL DOOR 6,435.00 0.00 6,435.00 AP 00384425 10/11/2017 CONCEPT POWDER COATING 1,550.00 0.00 1,550.00 AP 00384426 10/11/2017 CONVERGEONE INC. 99,284.97 0.00 99.284.97 AP 00384427 10/11/2017 CONVERGEONE INC. 15,047.00 0.00 15,047.00 AP 00384428 10/11/2017 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384429 10/11/2017 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 999.29 0.00 999.29 AP 00384430 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384431 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384432 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384433 10/11/2017 COUNTS UNLIMITED 320.00 0.00 320.00 AP 00384434 10/11/2017 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 628.19 0.00 628.19 AP 00384435 10/11/2017 CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVANTAGE INC. 5,500.00 0.00 5,500.00 AP 00384436 10/11/2017 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 1,936.06 0.00 1,936.06 AP 00384437 10/11/2017 DATA TICKET INC 6,052.88 0.00 6,052.88 AP 00384438 10/11/2017 DAVIS, ELNOISE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384439 10/11/2017 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 2,130.00 0.00 2,130.00 AP 00384440 10/11/2017 DELTA DENTAL 1,469.88 0.00 1,469.88 AP 00384441 10/11/2017 DELTA DENTAL 41,192.46 0.00 41,192.46 AP 00384442 10/11/2017 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 2,802.00 0.00 2,802.00 AP 00384443 10/11/2017 DESER, ABIGAIL 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 AP 00384444 10/11/2017 DFND TECHNOLOGIES LLC 0.00 105.00 105.00 AP 00384445 10/11/2017 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,110.60 0.00 1,110.60 AP 00384446 10/11/2017 DOMINGUEZ, DESTINIE 180.00 0.00 180.00 AP 00384447 10/11/2017 DUBA, MARISA 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384448 10/11/2017 DUGMORE & DUNCAN INC. 482.70 0.00 482.70 AP 00384449 10/11/2017 DUMBELL MAN FITNESS EQUIPMENT, THE 125.00 0.00 125.00 AP 00384450 10/11/2017 ECOLAB INC. 423.93 0.00 423.93 AP 00384451 10/11/2017 EDUCATE ADVOCATE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384452 10/11/2017 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 146.00 0.00 146.00 AP 00384453 10/11/2017 ERICKSON HALL CONSTRUCTION 0.00 112,411.41 112,411.41 AP 00384454 10/11/2017 EXCLUSIVE EMAGES 270.00 0.00 270.00 AP 00384455 10/11/2017 EXECUTIVE AUTO DETAIL 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384456 10/11/2017 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 43.18 0.00 43.18 AP 00384457 10/11/2017 FAIT INSURANCE PARTNERSHIP LLC 5,250.00 0.00 5,250.00 AP 00384458 10/11/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 27.88 0.00 27.88 AP 00384459 10/11/2017 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1350 391.02 0.00 391.02 AP 00384460 10/11/2017 FLAG SYSTEMS INC. 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 AP 00384461 10/11/2017 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 126.37 126.37 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P3 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Cltv Fire Amount AP 00384462 10/11/2017 FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON 623.79 0.00 623.79 AP 00384463 10/11/2017 FUEL SERV 601.89 0.00 601.89 AP 00384464 10/11/2017 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 6,645.26 0.00 6,645.26 AP 00384465 10/11/2017 GALE, BRIAN 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384466 10/11/2017 GARCIA, VIVIAN 94.20 0.00 94.20 AP 00384467 10/11/2017 GEOGRAPHICS 618.75 0.00 618.75 AP 00384468 10/11/2017 GEYSER EQUIPMENT LLC 443.89 0.00 443.89 AP 00384469 10/11/2017 GILKEY, JOHN 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00384470 10/11/2017 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 1,554.39 0.00 1,554.39 AP 00384471 10/11/2017 GRAINGER 1,664.62 0.00 1,664.62 AP 00384472 10/11/2017 GRANT III, VINCENT 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384473 10/11/2017 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 652.55 0.00 652.55 AP 00384474 10/11/2017 HARRINGTON, ANDRE D. 600.00 0.00 600.00 AP 00384475 10/11/2017 HERNANDEZ, JENNIFER 64.33 0.00 64.33 AP 00384476 10/11/2017 HI WAY SAFETY INC 614.18 0.00 614.18 AP 00384477 10/11/2017 HOSE MAN INC 17.93 159.92 177.85 *** AP 00384478 10/11/2017 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 0.00 8.90 8.90 AP 00384479 10/11/2017 HUNTINGTON HARDWARE 114.71 0.00 114.71 AP 00384480 10/11/2017 INDERWIESCHE, MATT 1,224.00 0.00 1,224.00 AP 00384481 10/11/2017 INLAND EMPIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 AP 00384482 10/11/2017 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LTD 730.00 0.00 730.00 AP 00384483 10/11/2017 INTERNATIONAL LINE BUILDERS INC 1,018.44 0.00 1,018.44 AP 00384484 10/11/2017 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC 237.50 0.00 237.50 AP 00384485 10/11/2017 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADEMY 4,585.80 0.00 4,585.80 AP 00384486 10/11/2017 JRC HOUSING 2,700.00 0.00 2,700.00 AP 00384487 10/11/2017 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 213,371.47 0.00 213,371.47 AP 00384488 10/11/2017 KNIGHT, AMANDA 26.25 0.00 26.25 AP 00384489 10/11/2017 KVAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC 1,740.00 0.00 1,740.00 AP 00384490 10/11/2017 LANDCARE USA LLC 4,539.81 0.00 4,539.81 AP 00384491 10/11/2017 LARKIN, DAVID W 0.00 87.33 87.33 AP 00384492 10/11/2017 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 0.00 4,232.56 4,232.56 AP 00384493 10/11/2017 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 385.00 0.00 385.00 AP 00384494 10/11/2017 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 6,914.56 0.00 6,914.56 AP 00384495 10/11/2017 LIFE ASSIST INC 0.00 1,465.88 1,465.88 AP 00384496 10/11/2017 LIGHTHOUSE, THE 1,136.69 0.00 1,136.69 AP 00384497 10/11/2017 LINNELL, SHERRY 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384498 10/11/2017 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 385.00 0.00 385.00 AP 00384499 10/11/2017 LOGANS MARKETING 1,147.28 0.00 1,147.28 AP 00384500 10/11/2017 LOS ANGELES FREIGHTLINER 25.46 0.00 25.46 AP 00384503 10/11/2017 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 6,093.20 1,135.05 7,228.25 *** AP 00384504 10/11/2017 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 AP 00384505 10/11/2017 MAR -LINK SA INC 0.00 162.00 162.00 AP 00384506 10/11/2017 MIDWEST TAPE 1,626.71 0.00 1,626.71 AP 00384507 10/11/2017 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 135.00 0.00 135.00 AP 00384508 10/11/2017 MOORE FLOORING INC 32,753.71 0.00 32,753.71 AP 00384509 10/11/2017 MOORE, MICHAEL 72.00 0.00 72.00 AP 00384510 10/11/2017 MOORE, RACHEL 733.00 0.00 733.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT. --CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P4 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Cltv Fire Amount AP 00384511 10/11/2017 MOUNTAIN STATES WHOLESALE NURSERY 2,848.02 0.00 2,848.02 AP 00384512 10/11/2017 MT SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 112.50 0.00 112.50 AP 00384513 10/11/2017 MURRAY & ASSOCIATES, BOB 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 AP 00384514 10/11/2017 NAPA AUTO PARTS 18.87 648.96 667.83 *** AP 00384515 10/11/2017 NIXON EGLI EQUIPMENT CO 2,266.16 0.00 2,266.16 AP 00384516 10/11/2017 OMNITRANS 1,617.00 0.00 1,617.00 AP 00384517 10/11/2017 PARS 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00384518 10/11/2017 PETROVICH, VICTORIA 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384519 10/11/2017 PLASTIX PLUS LLC 884.44 0.00 884.44 AP 00384520 10/11/2017 PRE -PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 96.59 0.00 96.59 AP 00384521 10/11/2017 PRO SPRAY INC 329.97 0.00 329.97 AP 00384522 10/11/2017 PROPET DISTRIBUTORS INC 328.00 0.00 328.00 AP 00384523 10/11/2017 QUINN COMPANY 0.00 3,797.32 3,797.32 AP 00384524 10/11/2017 RANCHO SMOG CENTER 175.00 0.00 175.00 AP 00384525 10/11/2017 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 37.17 0.00 37.17 AP 00384526 10/11/2017 RC PHOTO CLUB INC 297.00 0.00 297.00 AP 00384527 10/11/2017 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1,949.83 0.00 1,949.83 AP 00384528 10/11/2017 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 64.12 0.00 64.12 AP 00384529 10/11/2017 RESOURCE BUILDING MATERIALS 926.23 0.00 926.23 AP 00384530 10/11/2017 ROY ALLAN SLURRY SEAL INC 287,381.47 0.00 287,381.47 AP 00384531 10/11/2017 SAFE -ENTRY TECHNICAL INC 0.00 465.00 465.00 AP 00384532 10/11/2017 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC 0.00 210.11 210.11 AP 00384533 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CO AUDITOR CONT 6,006.59 0.00 6,006.59 AP 00384534 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CTY OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00384535 10/11/2017 SBPEA 1,567.35 0.00 1,567.35 AP 00384536 10/11/2017 SC FUELS 20,013.35 0.00 20,013.35 AP 00384537 10/11/2017 SC FUELS 0.00 499.83 499.83 AP 00384538 10/11/2017 SCOTT, MICHAEL 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384539 10/11/2017 SEANEZ, CARLOS 30.00 0.00 30.00 AP 00384540 10/11/2017 SERRATO & ASSOCIATES 70.00 0.00 70.00 AP 00384541 10/11/2017 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 446.95 0.00 446.95 AP 00384542 10/11/2017 SIGN SHOP, THE 503.47 0.00 503.47 AP 00384543 10/11/2017 SIGN SHOP, THE 0.00 60.34 60.34 AP 00384544 10/11/2017 SILVER & WRIGHT LLP 0.00 136.50 136.50 AP 00384545 10/11/2017 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 5,559.92 0.00 5,559.92 AP 00384546 10/11/2017 SMITH, JENNIFER L 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00384547 10/11/2017 SMITH, JOHANNA 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384548 10/11/2017 SMITH, THERESE 72.76 0.00 72.76 AP 00384549 10/11/2017 SOCRATA INC 40,992.00 0.00 40,992.00 AP 00384550 10/11/2017 SOUTH COAST AQMD 0.00 1,123.31 1,123.31 AP 00384555 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 55,640.73 2,323.73 57,964.46 *** AP 00384556 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 837.08 0.00 837.08 AP 00384557 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 424.53 0.00 424.53 AP 00384558 10/11/2017 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 640.00 0.00 640.00 AP 00384559 10/11/2017 SPRINT 0.00 131.97 131.97 AP 00384560 10/11/2017 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 3,937.77 0.00 3,937.77 AP 00384561 10/11/2017 STORYBOOK ADVENTURES LLC 180.00 0.00 180.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P5 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384562 10/11/2017 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 417.23 0.00 417.23 AP 00384563 10/11/2017 STREAMLINE PRESS INC 57.65 0.00 57.65 AP 00384564 10/11/2017 STUDIO 645.00 0.00 645.00 AP 00384565 10/11/2017 SYSCO LOS ANGELES INC 262.65 0.00 262.65 AP 00384566 10/11/2017 TAUFUI, SISILIA 257.31 0.00 257.31 AP 00384567 10/11/2017 TESSIER, JEAN YVES 1,600.00 0.00 1,600.00 AP 00384568 10/11/2017 TURF STAR INC 78.81 0.00 78.81 AP 00384569 10/11/2017 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 67,020.00 0.00 67,020.00 AP 00384570 10/11/2017 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICAN INC 362.06 0.00 362.06 AP 00384571 10/11/2017 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 273.30 0.00 273.30 AP 00384572 10/11/2017 UNITED WAY 124.00 0.00 124.00 AP 00384573 10/11/2017 UPLAND AUTO TRIM 125.00 0.00 125.00 AP 00384574 10/11/2017 UPS 215.58 0.00 215.58 AP 00384575 10/11/2017 UTILIQUEST 3,267.24 0.00 3,267.24 AP 00384576 10/11/2017 VANDERHAWK CONSULTING LLC 18,980.00 0.00 18,980.00 AP 00384577 10/11/2017 VERIZON BUSINESS 18.65 0.00 18.65 AP 00384578 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 60.12 0.00 60.12 AP 00384579 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 573.15 0.00 573.15 AP 00384580 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 182.79 0.00 182.79 AP 00384581 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 100.78 0.00 100.78 AP 00384582 10/11/2017 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384583 10/11/2017 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 3,907.02 0.00 3,907.02 AI' 00384584 10/11/2017 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 8,143.20 886.51 9,029.71 *** AP 00384585 10/11/2017 WELLS FARGO BANK A 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00384586 10/11/2017 WESTCOAST MEDIA 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00384587 10/11/2017 WESTRUX INTERNATIONAL INC 59.23 0.00 59.23 AP 00384588 10/11/2017 WILSON & BELL AUTO SERVICE 653.14 0.00 653.14 AP 00384589 10/11/2017 WORLD ELITE GYMNASTICS 98.00 0.00 98.00 AP 00384590 10/11/2017 XTREME AUTOSOUND 215.00 0.00 215.00 AP 00384591 10/11/2017 ZALEWSKI, JOHN 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384592 10/12/2017 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHITECT 691.80 0.00 691.80 AP 00384593 10/12/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 0.00 27.95 27.95 AP 00384594 10/12/2017 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 18,578.05 0.00 18,578.05 AP 00384595 10/12/2017 ABC LOCKSMITHS 2,389.13 0.00 2,389.13 AP 00384596 10/12/2017 AIRGAS USA LLC 0.00 256.20 256.20 AP 00384597 10/12/2017 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 571.14 0.00 571.14 AP 00384598 10/12/2017 EMCOR SERVICE 3,876.37 0.00 3,876.37 AP 00384599 10/12/2017 FORD OF UPLAND INC 6,891.81 0.00 6,891.81 AP 00384600 10/12/2017 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 27.21 0.00 27.21 AP 00384601 10/12/2017 KME FIRE APPARATUS 0.00 1,707.15 1,707.15 A1' 00384603 10/12/2017 OFFICE DEPOT 4,820.77 1,223.65 6,044.42 *** AP 00384604 10/12/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 182.70 0.00 182.70 AP 00384605 10/12/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 179.00 0.00 179.00 AP 00384606 10/12/2017 SUNRISE FORD 241.39 0.00 241.39 AP 00384607 10/12/2017 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 768.58 0.00 768.58 AP 00384608 10/12/2017 VISTA PAINT 1,420.61 0.00 1,420.61 AP 00384609 10/18/2017 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 2,920.26 0.00 2,920.26 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Pig AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Li!y Fire Amount AP 00384610 10/18/2017 A.Y. NURSERY INC. 343.65 0.00 343.65 AP 00384611 10/18/2017 ABERNATHY, ELIZABETH 114.19 0.00 114.19 AP 00384612 10/18/2017 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 463.38 0.00 463.38 AP 00384613 10/18/2017 ABUDAWOOD, ABDULRAHMAN 47.18 0.00 47.18 AP 00384614 10/18/2017 ADAME, LORETTA 110.69 0.00 110.69 AP 00384615 10/18/2017 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 0.00 2,934.69 2,934.69 AP 00384616 10/18/2017 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 6,177.54 0.00 6.177.54 AP 00384617 10/18/2017 ALBERTA. WEBB 8,215.08 0.00 8,215.08 AP 00384618 10/18/2017 ALL WELDING 584.50 0.00 584.50 AP 00384619 10/18/2017 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AP 00384620 10/18/2017 ALLSTAR AUTO CENTER 164.50 0.00 164.50 AP 00384621 10/18/2017 AQUABIO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1,250.00 0.00 1,250.00 AP 00384622 10/18/2017 ARS AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL 83.05 0.00 83.05 AP 00384623 10/18/2017 ASSI SECURITY 0.00 135.00 135.00 AI' 00384624 10/18/2017 ATANACIO, LOLITA CHUA 95.46 0.00 95.46 AP 00384625 10/18/2017 AUTO AND RV SPECIALISTS INC. 129.30 0.00 129.30 AP 00384626 10/18/2017 BARNES AND NOBLE 110.19 0.00 110.19 AP 00384627 10/18/2017 BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS TRAINING INSTITUTE 481.00 0.00 481.00 AP 00384628 10/18/2017 BERTINO AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 2,489.31 0.00 2,489.31 AP 00384629 10/18/2017 BOOT BARN INC. 1,095.96 0.00 1,095.96 AP 00384631 10/18/2017 C V W D 49,280.17 759.81 50,039.98 *** AP 00384632 10/18/2017 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 286.21 0.00 286.21 AP 00384633 10/18/2017 CALIFA GROUP 6,619.44 0.00 6,619.44 AP 00384634 10/18/2017 CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST 26,970.06 0.00 26,970.06 AP 00384635 10/18/2017 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 1,003.45 0.00 1,003.45 AP 00384636 10/18/2017 CARROT TOP INDUSTRIES 652.68 0.00 652.68 AP 00384637 10/18/2017 CARTY, DIANE 810.00 0.00 810.00 AP 00384638 10/18/2017 CASTILLO, JESSIE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384639 10/18/2017 CHAFFEY COLLEGE FOUNDATION 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384640 10/18/2017 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 10.78 0.00 10.78 AP 00384641 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 151.12 0.00 151.12 AP 00384642 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1,379.04 0.00 1,379.04 AP 00384643 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 1,069.80 1,069.80 AP 00384644 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 120.32 120.32 AP 00384645 10/18/2017 CHRISTIE, LYNN 5.00 0.00 5.00 AP 00384646 10/18/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 970.67 50.98 1.021.65 *** AP 00384647 10/18/2017 CLIENT FIRST CONSULTING GROUP 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384648 10/18/2017 CLOUGHERTY, JOHN FRANCIS 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00384649 10/18/2017 COMMUNITY ACCESS CENTER 850.00 0.00 850.00 AP 00384650 10/18/2017 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 621.50 0.00 621.50 AP 00384651 10/18/2017 CREATIVE PROMOTIONAL IDEAS 0.00 796.16 796.16 AP 00384652 10/18/2017 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 946.06 0.00 946.06 AP 00384653 10/18/2017 D'ENCARNACAO, AJA 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384654 10/18/2017 DAVIS FARR LLP 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384655 10/18/2017 DECKER, CYNTHIA 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00384656 10/18/2017 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 484.34 0.00 484.34 AP 00384657 10/18/2017 EL DORADO BROADCASTERS LLC 896.00 0.00 896.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P7 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount A1' 00384658 10/18/2017 ENTERSECT CORP 79.00 0.00 79.00 AP 00384659 10/18/2017 EPACT 5,700.00 0.00 5,700.00 AP 00384660 10/18/2017 EXECUTIVE AUTO DETAIL 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384661 10/18/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 323.98 0.00 323.98 AP 00384662 10/18/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 68.07 0.00 68.07 AP 00384663 10/18/2017 FELICIANO, GASPAR ANTHONY 432.00 0.00 432.00 AP 00384664 10/18/2017 FERNANDEZ, GWYNETH 40.64 0.00 40.64 AP 00384665 10/18/2017 FREEDOM SOLAR SERVICES 46.54 0.00 46.54 AP 00384667 10/18/2017 FRONTIER COMM 3,385.03 242.58 3,627.61 *** AP 00384668 10/18/2017 GAC CONSTRUCTION INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384669 10/18/2017 GEOGRAPHICS 613.34 0.00 613.34 AP 00384670 10/18/2017 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY 738.70 0.00 738.70 AP 00384671 10/18/2017 GILLISON, JOHN 42.13 0.00 42.13 AP 00384672 10/18/2017 GLOBALSTAR USA 95.69 0.00 95.69 AP 00384673 10/18/2017 GOLDEN STATE RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 106,286.00 1,306.00 107,592.00 *** AP 00384674 10/18/2017 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 2,181.02 0.00 2,181.02 AP 00384675 10/18/2017 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384676 10/18/2017 GRACIA, JENNIFER HUNT 77.99 0.00 77.99 AP 00384677 10/18/2017 GRAINGER 2,296.39 0.00 2,296.39 AP 00384678 10/18/2017 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 241.36 0.00 241.36 AP 00384679 10/18/2017 GRIFFIN STRUCTURES INC 33,573.34 0.00 33,573.34 AP 00384680 10/18/2017 GROVE LUMBER 244.58 0.00 244.58 AP 00384681 10/18/2017 GYROSCOPE INC 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 AP 00384682 10/18/2017 HEARTSAFE AMERICA INC 0.00 371.50 371.50 AP 00384683 10/18/2017 HEILIG, KELLY 586.20 0.00 586.20 AP 00384684 10/18/2017 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 32.00 0.00 32.00 AP 00384685 10/18/2017 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 314.46 0.00 314.46 AP 00384686 10/18/2017 HORIZON RETAIL CONSTRUCTION INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384687 10/18/2017 HORIZONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INTERNATIOT 60,344.00 0.00 60,344.00 AP 00384688 10/18/2017 HOSE MAN INC 175.60 0.00 175.60 AP 00384689 10/18/2017 HRABOSKY, NICOLE 0.66 0.00 0.66 AP 00384690 10/18/2017 IMBACH, DEVAN 425.00 0.00 425.00 AP 00384691 10/18/2017 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LTD 895.00 0.00 895.00 AP 00384692 10/18/2017 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 123.70 0.00 123.70 AP 00384693 10/18/2017 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 AP 00384694 10/18/2017 JOHN BURR CYCLES INC 513.67 0.00 513.67 AP 00384695 10/18/2017 JRC HOUSING 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384696 10/18/2017 KEITH, JORRY 712.80 0.00 712.80 AP 00384697 10/18/2017 KOA CORPORATION 1,065.00 0.00 1,065.00 AP 00384698 10/18/2017 LANCE SOLL AND LUNGHARD 37,175.00 4,392.00 41,567.00 *** AP 00384699 10/18/2017 LEHR AUTO 1,853.00 0.00 1,853.00 AP 00384700 10/18/2017 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 25,026.20 0.00 25,026.20 AP 00384701 10/18/2017 LEU, HUNG-TERNG 63.85 0.00 63.85 AP 00384702 10/18/2017 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC 5,291.57 0.00 5,291.57 AP 00384703 10/18/2017 LEVERAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 24,763.00 0.00 24,763.00 AP 00384704 10/18/2017 MAIN STREET SIGNS 1,610.86 0.00 1,610.86 AP 00384705 10/18/2017 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 11,771.80 280.00 12,051.80 *** User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P8 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10123/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name city Fire Amount AP 00384706 10/18/2017 MARSHALL, IMAN 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384707 10/18/2017 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 1,444.00 0.00 1,444.00 AP 00384708 10/18/2017 MIDWEST TAPE 1,380.30 0.00 1,380.30 AP 00384709 10/18/2017 MINUTEMAN PRESS 705.24 0.00 705.24 AP 00384710 10/18/2017 MISSION REPROGRAPHICS 23.46 0.00 23.46 AP 00384711 10/18/2017 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 89.25 0.00 89.25 AP 00384712 10/18/2017 MUHAMMAD, KATREM 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384713 10/18/2017 MUNSON, MICHELLE 56.55 0.00 56.55 AP 00384714 10/18/2017 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY 22.14 0.00 22.14 AP 00384715 10/18/2017 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION RENTALS INC 250.78 0.00 250.78 AP 00384716 10/18/2017 NEEDHAM, DONNA 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00384717 10/18/2017 NEW IMAGE INTERIOR FLOORING 235.91 0.00 235.91 AP 00384718 10/18/2017 OCLC INC 55.41 0.00 55.41 AP 00384719 10/18/2017 ODA, RUSSELL 561.00 0.00 561.00 AP 00384720 10/18/2017 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 2,084.21 0.00 2,084.21 AP 00384721 10/18/2017 ONTRAC 51.61 0.00 51.61 AP 00384722 10/18/2017 ONWARD ENGINEERING 27,589.00 2,441.00 30,030.00 *** AP 00384723 10/18/2017 OVERDRIVE INC 972.31 0.00 972.31 AP 00384724 10/18/2017 PEACH HOME SERVICES 83.05 0.00 83.05 AP 00384725 10/18/2017 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 108.04 0.00 108.04 AP 00384726 10/18/2017 PHOENIX GROUP INFORMATION SYSTEMS 85.24 0.00 85.24 AP 00384727 10/18/2017 PINES MOBILE HOME PARK, THE 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384728 10/18/2017 PLACE WORKS 3,607.50 0.00 3,607.50 AP 00384729 10/18/2017 PRISTINE UNIFORMS LLC 133.59 0.00 133.59 AP 00384730 10/18/2017 PRO -LINE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INC 387.90 0.00 387.90 AP 00384731 10/18/2017 PSA PRINT GROUP 88.36 0.00 88.36 AP 00384732 10/18/2017 QUALITY CODE PUBLISHING 3,339.95 0.00 3,339.95 AP 00384733 10/18/2017 RANCHO SMOG CENTER 210.00 0.00 210.00 AP 00384734 10/18/2017 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 129.46 0.00 129.46 AP 00384735 10/18/2017 RIM DESIGN GROUP INC 40,958.87 0.00 40,958.87 AP 00384736 10/18/2017 ROTO ROOTER 350.00 350.00 700.00 *** AP 00384737 10/18/2017 RYZINSKY, GEORGE 57.98 0.00 57.98 AP 00384738 10/18/2017 SAMS CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK 1,559.35 0.00 1,559.35 AP 00384739 10/18/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CTY FIRE PROTECTION DIST 2,842.00 0.00 2,842.00 AP 00384740 10/18/2017 SC FUELS 2,806.52 6,385.33 9,191.85 *** AP 00384741 10/18/2017 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMINISTRATION 329.45 0.00 329.45 AP 00384742 10/18/2017 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMINISTRATION 0.00 155.95 155.95 AP 00384743 10/18/2017 SHRED PROS 65.00 0.00 65.00 AP 00384744 10/18/2017 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 1,278.00 0.00 1,278.00 AP 00384745 10/18/2017 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 58.71 238.12 296.83 *** AP 00384750 10/18/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 154,537.66 0.00 154,537.66 AP 00384751 10/18/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 422.27 0.00 422.27 AP 00384752 10/18/2017 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 AP 00384753 10/18/2017 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 13,588.90 0.00 13,588.90 AP 00384754 10/18/2017 STAR 1 M S INC 462.44 0.00 462.44 AP 00384755 10/18/2017 STOVER SEED COMPANY 3,488.41 0.00 3,488.41 AP 00384756 10/18/2017 SUNKIST GROWERS INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 Total City: $4,477,417.46 Total Fire: $171,013.35 Grand Total: $4,648,430.81 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA.. REG._PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P9 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384757 10/18/2017 SUNRUN INSTALLATION SERVICES INC 61.70 0.00 61.70 AP 00384758 10/18/2017 SUPERION LLC 3,400.00 0.00 3,400.00 AP 00384759 10/18/2017 SWEETEN, CHRISTOPHER 58.66 0.00 58.66 AP 00384760 10/18/2017 SYSCO LOS ANGELES INC 1,081.87 0.00 1,081.87 AP 00384761 10/18/2017 THOMPSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC 2,464.36 0.00 2,464.36 AP 00384762 10/18/2017 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PUBLISHING CORP 347.55 0.00 347.55 AP 00384763 10/18/2017 TOVEY/SHULTZ CONSTRUCTION INC 1,686,053.16 0.00 1,686,053.16 AP 00384764 10/18/2017 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT #6746022500 26,501.45 0.00 26,501.45 AP 00384765 10/18/2017 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT 46746022500 1,508.84 0.00 1,508.84 AP 00384766 10/18/2017 ULINE 1,871.62 0.00 1,871.62 AP 00384767 10/18/2017 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 617.30 0.00 617.30 AP 00384768 10/18/2017 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 636.94 0.00 636.94 AP 00384769 10/18/2017 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CENTERS 315.00 0.00 315.00 AP 00384770 10/18/2017 UPS 42.60 0.00 42.60 AP 00384771 10/18/2017 VARTAZARIAN LAW FIRM, THE 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384772 10/18/2017 VERIZON 23.54 0.00 23.54 AP 00384777 10/18/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5,910.09 0.00 5,910.09 AP 00384778 10/18/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5,359.54 0.00 5,359.54 AP 00384779 10/18/2017 VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER 83.00 0.00 83.00 AP 00384780 10/18/2017 VISION SERVICE PLAN CA 11,191.12 0.00 11,191.12 AP 00384781 10/18/2017 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 2,266.31 0.00 2,266.31 AP 00384782 10/18/2017 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,902.95 0.00 1,902.95 AP 00384783 10/18/2017 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS 0.00 10,769.48 10,769.48 AP 00384784 10/18/2017 WF CONSTRUCTION INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384785 10/18/2017 XTREME AUTOSOUND 512.65 0.00 512.65 AP 00384786 10/19/2017 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS/CAREERTRACK 597.00 0.00 597.00 AP 00384793 10/19/2017 BRODART BOOKS 8,120.74 0.00 8,120.74 AP 00384794 10/19/2017 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO INC 1,001.90 0.00 1,001.90 AP 00384795 10/19/2017 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 273.09 0.00 273.09 AP 00384796 10/19/2017 EMCOR SERVICE 6,769.73 1,096.79 7,866.52 *** AP 00384797 10/19/2017 FORD OF UPLAND INC 1,701.60 0.00 1,701.60 AP 00384798 10/19/2017 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 965.58 0.00 965.58 AP 00384799 10/19/2017 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 6,121.06 0.00 6,121.06 AP 00384800 10/19/2017 LIMS AUTO INC 1,691.82 0.00 1,691.82 AP 00384801 10/19/2017 MITY LITE INC. 734.79 0.00 734.79 AP 00384802 10/19/2017 OFFICE DEPOT 1,620.71 0.00 1,620.71 AP 00384804 10/19/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 238.00 1,820.00 2,058.00 *** AP 00384805 10/23/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19,706.36 0.00 19,706.36 Total City: $4,477,417.46 Total Fire: $171,013.35 Grand Total: $4,648,430.81 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA.. REG._PORTRAIT CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P10 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00007409 10/11/2017 CALIF GOVERNMENT VEBA/RANCHO CUCAMONGA 13,310.00 0.00 13,310.00 AP 00007410 10/11/2017 HD PRODUCTIONS INC 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00007411 10/11/2017 POWEREX CORP 46,337.20 0.00 46,337.20 AP 00007412 10/11/2017 RCCEA 1,910.00 0.00 1,910.00 AP 00007413 10/11/2017 RCPFA 11,449.44 0.00 11,449.44 AP 00007414 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 42.00 0.00 42.00 AP 00007415 10/11/2017 TANKO LIGHTING 430,997.43 0.00 430,997.43 AP 00007416 10/18/2017 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL INC 7,280.00 0.00 7,280.00 AP 00007417 10/18/2017 RE ASTORIA 2 LLC 107,244.60 0.00 107,244.60 AP 00384377 10/11/2017 A & A AUTOMOTIVE AND TIRE INC. 609.62 0.00 609.62 AP 00384378 10/11/2017 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 1,423.62 0.00 1,423.62 AP 00384379 10/11/2017 A'10NTUE, ROSE ANN 379.20 0.00 379.20 AP 00384380 10/11/2017 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 560.74 0.00 560.74 AP 00384381 10/11/2017 ACTION AWARDS INC. 16.97 0.00 16.97 AP 00384382 10/11/2017 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 40.97 0.00 40.97 AP 00384383 10/11/2017 ALBERT GROVER & ASSOCIATES 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384384 10/11/2017 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 6,949.00 0.00 6,949.00 AP 00384385 10/11/2017 ALLIED NETWORK SOLUTIONS INC 6,837.66 0.00 6,837.66 AP 00384386 10/11/2017 AMERICAN SCALE CO INC 0.00 205.50 205.50 AP 00384387 10/11/2017 ANGELES CONTRACTOR INC 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 AP 00384388 10/11/2017 ASCE CONTINUING EDUCATION/MEMBERSHIP 300.00 0.00 300.00 AP 00384389 10/11/2017 ASSI SECURITY 4,087.90 0.00 4,087.90 AP 00384390 10/11/2017 AUFBAU CORPORATION 28,059.50 0.00 28,059.50 AP 00384391 10/11/2017 AUNTIE M CREATIVE CONSULTANTS INC. 3,542.71 0.00 3,542.71 AP 00384392 10/11/2017 AUTO AND RV SPECIALISTS INC. 60.17 0.00 60.17 AP 00384393 10/11/2017 AYSO REGION 65 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384394 10/11/2017 BARKSHIRE LASER LEVELING INC. 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384395 10/11/2017 BC MOTORSPORTS LLC 409.24 0.00 409.24 AP 00384396 10/11/2017 BELTRAN, OSBALDO ALVARADO 270.00 0.00 270.00 AP 00384397 10/11/2017 BERLITZ 330.00 0.00 330.00 AP 00384398 10/11/2017 BEST BEST AND KRIEGER 427.00 0.00 427.00 AP 00384399 10/11/2017 BLIESE, LAURA 11.00 0.00 11.00 AP 00384400 10/11/2017 BLR 558.31 0.00 558.31 AP 00384401 10/11/2017 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC. 0.00 130.89 130.89 AP 00384402 10/11/2017 BRIAN MASLOWSKY 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 AP 00384403 10/11/2017 BRIGHTVIEW LANDSCAPE SERVICES INC. 9,913.90 0.00 9,913.90 AP 00384404 10/11/2017 BW PRINTWORKS 0.00 503.80 503.80 AP 00384405 10/11/2017 C V W D 669.44 0.00 669.44 AP 00384406 10/11/2017 C V W D 11,734.67 0.00 11,734.67 AP 00384407 10/11/2017 C.P. GENERATOR INC. 533.36 0.00 533.36 AP 00384408 10/11/2017 CABLE INC. 1,418.00 0.00 1,418.00 AP 00384409 10/11/2017 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 286.21 0.00 286.21 AP 00384410 10/11/2017 CAL POLY POMONA FOUNDATION 5,950.00 0.00 5,950.00 AP 00384411 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL STATISTICS INC 425.00 0.00 425.00 AP 00384412 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 8.44 0.00 8.44 AP 00384413 10/11/2017 CALIFORNIA, STATE OF 60.00 0.00 60.00 AP 00384414 10/11/2017 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 1,111.62 0.00 1,111.62 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 1 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK_AGENDA_REG_PORTRAIT_CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P11 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Resister 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384415 10/11/2017 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 0.00 625.19 625.19 AP 00384416 10/11/2017 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 52.97 7.44 60.41 *** AP 00384417 10/11/2017 CARROT TOP INDUSTRIES 119.31 0.00 119.31 AP 00384418 10/11/2017 CCS ORANGE COUNTY JANITORIAL INC. 59,642.12 0.00 59,642.12 AP 00384419 10/11/2017 CHAMPION FIRE SYSTEMS INC 134.69 0.00 134.69 AP 00384420 10/11/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 4,860.12 0.00 4,860.12 AP 00384421 10/11/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 1,007.77 432.07 1,439.84 *** AP 00384422 10/11/2017 CLARKE PLUMBING SPECIALTIES INC. 58.49 0.00 58.49 AP 00384423 10/11/2017 COAST RECREATION INC 2,491.85 0.00 2,491.85 AP 00384424 10/11/2017 COMMERCIAL DOOR 6,435.00 0.00 6,435.00 AP 00384425 10/11/2017 CONCEPT POWDER COATING 1,550.00 0.00 1,550.00 AP 00384426 10/11/2017 CONVERGEONE INC. 99,284.97 0.00 99,284.97 AP 00384427 10/11/2017 CONVERGEONE INC. 15,047.00 0.00 15,047.00 AP 00384428 10/11/2017 CORELOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384429 10/11/2017 CORODATA MEDIA STORAGE INC 999.29 0.00 999.29 AP 00384430 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384431 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384432 10/11/2017 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 666.03 0.00 666.03 AP 00384433 10/11/2017 COUNTS UNLIMITED 320.00 0.00 320.00 AP 00384434 10/11/2017 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES INC 628.19 0.00 628.19 AP 00384435 10/11/2017 CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVANTAGE INC. 5,500.00 0.00 5,500.00 AP 00384436 10/11/2017 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 1,936.06 0.00 1,936.06 AP 00384437 10/11/2017 DATA TICKET INC 6,052.88 0.00 6,052.88 AP 00384438 10/11/2017 DAVIS, ELNOISE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384439 10/11/2017 DAWSON SURVEYING INC. 2,130.00 0.00 2,130.00 AP 00384440 10/11/2017 DELTA DENTAL 1,469.88 0.00 1,469.88 AP 00384441 10/11/2017 DELTA DENTAL 41,192.46 0.00 41,192.46 AP 00384442 10/11/2017 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 2,802.00 0.00 2,802.00 AP 00384443 10/11/2017 DESER, ABIGAIL 1,400.00 0.00 1,400.00 AP 00384444 10/11/2017 DFND TECHNOLOGIES LLC 0.00 105.00 105.00 AP 00384445 10/11/2017 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,110.60 0.00 1,110.60 AP 00384446 10/11/2017 DOMINGUEZ, DESTINIE 180.00 0.00 180.00 AP 00384447 10/11/2017 DUBA, MARISA 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384448 10/11/2017 DUGMORE & DUNCAN INC. 482.70 0.00 482.70 AP 00384449 10/11/2017 DUMBELL MAN FITNESS EQUIPMENT, THE 125.00 0.00 125.00 AP 00384450 10/11/2017 ECOLAB INC. 423.93 0.00 423.93 AP 00384451 10/11/2017 EDUCATE ADVOCATE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384452 10/11/2017 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 146.00 0.00 146.00 AP 00384453 10/11/2017 ERICKSON HALL CONSTRUCTION 0.00 112,411.41 112,411.41 AP 00384454 10/11/2017 EXCLUSIVE EMAGES 270.00 0.00 270.00 AP 00384455 10/11/2017 EXECUTIVE AUTO DETAIL 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384456 10/11/2017 EXPRESS BRAKE SUPPLY 43.18 0.00 43.18 AP 00384457 10/11/2017 FAIT INSURANCE PARTNERSHIP LLC 5,250.00 0.00 5,250.00 AP 00384458 10/11/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 27.88 0.00 27.88 AP 00384459 10/11/2017 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1350 391.02 0.00 391.02 AP 00384460 10/11/2017 FLAG SYSTEMS INC. 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 AP 00384461 10/11/2017 FLEET SERVICES INC. 0.00 126.37 126.37 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 2 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P12 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name LLty Fire Amount AP 00384462 10/11/2017 FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON 623.79 0.00 623.79 AP 00384463 10/11/2017 FUEL SERV 601.89 0.00 601.89 AP 00384464 10/11/2017 G AND M BUSINESS INTERIORS 6,645.26 0.00 6,645.26 AP 00384465 10/11/2017 GALE, BRIAN 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384466 10/11/2017 GARCIA, VIVIAN 94.20 0.00 94.20 AP 00384467 10/11/2017 GEOGRAPHICS 618.75 0.00 618.75 AP 00384468 10/11/2017 GEYSER EQUIPMENT LLC 443.89 0.00 443.89 AP 00384469 10/11/2017 GILKEY, JOHN 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00384470 10/11/2017 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 1,554.39 0.00 1,554.39 AP 00384471 10/11/2017 GRAINGER 1,664.62 0.00 1,664.62 AP 00384472 10/11/2017 GRANT III, VINCENT 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384473 10/11/2017 GREEN ROCK POWER EQUIPMENT 652.55 0.00 652.55 AP 00384474 10/11/2017 HARRINGTON, ANDRE D. 600.00 0.00 600.00 AP 00384475 10/11/2017 HERNANDEZ, JENNIFER 64.33 0.00 64.33 AP 00384476 10/11/2017 HI WAY SAFETY INC 614.18 0.00 614.18 AP 00384477 10/11/2017 HOSE MAN INC 17.93 159.92 177.85 *** AP 00384478 10/11/2017 HOYT LUMBER CO., SM 0.00 8.90 8.90 AP 00384479 10/11/2017 HUNTINGTON HARDWARE 114.71 0.00 114.71 AP 00384480 10/11/2017 1NDERWIESCHE, MATT 1,224.00 0.00 1,224.00 AP 00384481 10/11/2017 INLAND EMPIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 AP 00384482 10/11/2017 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LTD 730.00 0.00 730.00 AP 00384483 10/11/2017 INTERNATIONAL LINE BUILDERS INC 1,018.44 0.00 1,018.44 AP 00384484 10/11/2017 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP INC 237.50 0.00 237.50 AP 00384485 10/11/2017 JOHNNY ALLEN TENNIS ACADEMY 4,585.80 0.00 4,585.80 AP 00384486 10/11/2017 JRC HOUSING 2,700.00 0.00 2,700.00 AP 00384487 10/11/2017 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN INC 213,371.47 0.00 213,371.47 AP 00384488 10/11/2017 KNIGHT, AMANDA 26.25 0.00 26.25 AP 00384489 10/11/2017 KVAC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC 1,740.00 0.00 1,740.00 AP 00384490 10/11/2017 LANDCARE USA LLC 4,539.81 0.00 4,539.81 AP 00384491 10/11/2017 LARKIN, DAVID W 0.00 87.33 87.33 AP 00384492 10/11/2017 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 0.00 4,232.56 4,232.56 AP 00384493 10/11/2017 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 385.00 0.00 385.00 AP 00384494 10/11/2017 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 6,914.56 0.00 6,914.56 AP 00384495 10/11/2017 LIFE ASSIST INC 0.00 1,465.88 1,465.88 AP 00384496 10/11/2017 LIGHTHOUSE, THE 1,136.69 0.00 1,136.69 AP 00384497 10/11/2017 LINNELL, SHERRY 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384498 10/11/2017 LITTLE BEAR PRODUCTIONS 385.00 0.00 385.00 AP 00384499 10/11/2017 LOGANS MARKETING 1,147.28 0.00 1,147.28 AP 00384500 10/11/2017 LOS ANGELES FREIGHTLINER 25.46 0.00 25.46 AP 00384503 10/11/2017 LOWES COMPANIES INC. 6,093.20 1,135.05 7,228.25 *** AP 00384504 10/11/2017 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 AP 00384505 10/11/2017 MARLINK SA INC 0.00 162.00 162.00 AP 00384506 10/11/2017 MIDWEST TAPE 1,626.71 0.00 1,626.71 AP 00384507 10/11/2017 MIJAC ALARM COMPANY 135.00 0.00 135.00 AP 00384508 10/11/2017 MOORE FLOORING INC 32,753.71 0.00 32,753.71 AP 00384509 10/11/2017 MOORE, MICHAEL 72.00 0.00 72.00 AP 00384510 10/11/2017 MOORE, RACHEL 733.00 0.00 733.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 3 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P13 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384511 10/11/2017 MOUNTAIN STATES WHOLESALE NURSERY 2,848.02 0.00 2,848.02 AP 00384512 10/11/2017 MT SAN ANTONIO COLLEGE 112.50 0.00 112.50 AP 00384513 10/11/2017 MURRAY & ASSOCIATES, BOB 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 AP 00384514 10/11/2017 NAPA AUTO PARTS 18.87 648.96 667.83 *** AP 00384515 10/11/2017 NIXON EGLI EQUIPMENT CO 2,266.16 0.00 2,266.16 AP 00384516 10/11/2017 OMNITRANS 1,617.00 0.00 1,617.00 AP 00384517 10/11/2017 PARS 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00384518 10/11/2017 PETROVICH, VICTORIA 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384519 10/11/2017 PLASTIX PLUS LLC 884.44 0.00 884.44 AP 00384520 10/11/2017 PRE -PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC 96.59 0.00 96.59 AP 00384521 10/11/2017 PRO SPRAY INC 329.97 0.00 329.97 AP 00384522 10/11/2017 PROPET DISTRIBUTORS INC 328.00 0.00 328.00 AP 00384523 10/11/2017 QUINN COMPANY 0.00 3,797.32 3,797.32 AP 00384524 10/11/2017 RANCHO SMOG CENTER , 175.00 0.00 175.00 AP 00384525 10/11/2017 RBM LOCK AND KEY SERVICE 37.17 0.00 37.17 AP 00384526 10/11/2017 RC PHOTO CLUB INC 297.00 0.00 297.00 AP 00384527 10/11/2017 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1,949.83 0.00 1,949.83 AP 00384528 10/11/2017 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 64.12 0.00 64.12 AP 00384529 10/11/2017 RESOURCE BUILDING MATERIALS 926.23 0.00 926.23 AP 00384530 10/11/2017 ROY ALLAN SLURRY SEAL INC 287,381.47 0.00 287,381.47 AP 00384531 10/11/2017 SAFE -ENTRY TECHNICAL INC 0.00 465.00 465.00 AP 00384532 10/11/2017 SAFETY KLEEN SYSTEMS INC 0.00 210.11 210.11 AP 00384533 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CO AUDITOR CONT 6,006.59 0.00 6,006.59 AP 00384534 10/11/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CTY OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR 840.00 0.00 840.00 AP 00384535 10/11/2017 SBPEA 1,567.35 0.00 1,567.35 AP 00384536 10/11/2017 SC FUELS 20,013.35 0.00 20,013.35 AP 00384537 10/11/2017 SC FUELS 0.00 499.83 499.83 AP 00384538 10/11/2017 SCOTT, MICHAEL 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384539 10/11/2017 SEANEZ, CARLOS 30.00 0.00 30.00 AP 00384540 10/11/2017 SERRATO & ASSOCIATES 70.00 0.00 70.00 AP 00384541 10/11/2017 SHERIFFS COURT SERVICES 446.95 0.00 446.95 AP 00384542 10/11/2017 SIGN SHOP, THE 503.47 0.00 503.47 AP 00384543 10/11/2017 SIGN SHOP, THE 0.00 60.34 60.34 AP 00384544 10/11/2017 SILVER & WRIGHT LLP 0.00 136.50 136.50 AP 00384545 10/11/2017 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 5,559.92 0.00 5,559.92 AP 00384546 10/11/2017 SMITH, JENNIFER L 750.00 0.00 750.00 AP 00384547 10/11/2017 SMITH, JOHANNA 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384548 10/11/2017 SMITH, THERESE 72.76 0.00 72.76 AP 00384549 10/11/2017 SOCRATA INC 40,992.00 0.00 40,992.00 AP 00384550 10/11/2017 SOUTH COAST AQMD 0.00 1,123.31 1,123.31 AP 00384555 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 55,640.73 2,323.73 57,964.46 *** AP 00384556 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 837.08 0.00 837.08 AP 00384557 10/11/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 424.53 0.00 424.53 AP 00384558 10/11/2017 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 640.00 0.00 640.00 AP 00384559 10/11/2017 SPRINT 0.00 131.97 131.97 AP 00384560 10/11/2017 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 3,937.77 0.00 3,937.77 AP 00384561 10/11/2017 STORYBOOK ADVENTURES LLC 180.00 0.00 180.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 4 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P14 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name citv Fire Amount AP 00384562 10/11/2017 STOTZ EQUIPMENT 417.23 0.00 417.23 AP 00384563 10/11/2017 STREAMLINE PRESS INC 57.65 0.00 57.65 AP 00384564 10/11/2017 STUDIO 645.00 0.00 645.00 AP 00384565 10/11/2017 SYSCO LOS ANGELES INC 262.65 0.00 262.65 AP 00384566 10/11/2017 TAUFUI, SISILIA 257.31 0.00 257.31 AP 00384567 10/11/2017 TESSIER, JEAN YVES 1,600.00 0.00 1,600.00 AP 00384568 10/11/2017 TURF STAR INC 78.81 0.00 78.81 AP 00384569 10/11/2017 UNITED PACIFIC SERVICES INC 67,020.00 0.00 67,020.00 AP 00384570 10/11/2017 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICAN INC 362.06 0.00 362.06 AP 00384571 10/11/2017 UNITED SITE SERVICES OF CA INC 273.30 0.00 273.30 AP 00384572 10/11/2017 UNITED WAY 124.00 0.00 124.00 AP 00384573 10/11/2017 UPLAND AUTO TRIM 125.00 0.00 125.00 AP 00384574 10/11/2017 UPS 215.58 0.00 215.58 AP 00384575 10/11/2017 UTILIQUEST 3,267.24 0.00 3,267.24 AP 00384576 10/11/2017 VANDERHAWK CONSULTING LLC 18,980.00 0.00 18,980.00 AP 00384577 10/11/2017 VERIZON BUSINESS 18.65 0.00 18.65 AP 00384578 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 60.12 0.00 60.12 AP 00384579 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 573.15 0.00 573.15 AP 00384580 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 182.79 0.00 182.79 AP 00384581 10/11/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 100.78 0.00 100.78 AP 00384582 10/11/2017 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384583 10/11/2017 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 3,907.02 0.00 3,907.02 AP 00384584 10/11/2017 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 8,143.20 886.51 9,029.71 *** AP 00384585 10/11/2017 WELLS FARGO BANK N A 3,500.00 0.00 3,500.00 AP 00384586 10/11/2017 WESTCOAST MEDIA 900.00 0.00 900.00 AP 00384587 10/11/2017 WESTRUX INTERNATIONAL INC 59.23 0.00 59.23 AP 00384588 10/11/2017 WILSON & BELL AUTO SERVICE 653.14 0.00 653.14 AP 00384589 10/11/2017 WORLD ELITE GYMNASTICS 98.00 0.00 98.00 AP 00384590 10/11/2017 XTREME AUTOSOUND 215.00 0.00 215.00 AP 00384591 10/11/2017 ZALEWSKI, JOHN 834.00 0.00 834.00 AP 00384592 10/12/2017 CALIFORNIA DIVISION OF THE STATE ARCHITECT 691.80 0.00 691.80 AP 00384593 10/12/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 0.00 27.95 27.95 AP 00384594 10/12/2017 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 18,578.05 0.00 18,578.05 AP 00384595 10/12/2017 ABC LOCKSMITHS 2,389.13 0.00 2,389.13 AP 00384596 10/12/2017 AIRGAS USA LLC 0.00 256.20 256.20 AP 00384597 10/12/2017 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 571.14 0.00 571.14 AP 00384598 10/12/2017 EMCOR SERVICE 3,876.37 0.00 3,876.37 AP 00384599 10/12/2017 FORD OF UPLAND INC 6,891.81 0.00 6,891.81 AP 00384600 10/12/2017 INTERSTATE BATTERIES 27.21 0.00 27.21 AP 00384601 10/12/2017 KME FIRE APPARATUS 0.00 1,707.15 1,707.15 AP 00384603 10/12/2017 OFFICE DEPOT 4,820.77 1,223.65 6,044.42 *** AP 00384604 10/12/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 182.70 0.00 182.70 AP 00384605 10/12/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 179.00 0.00 179.00 AP 00384606 10/12/2017 SUNRISE FORD 241.39 0.00 241.39 AP 00384607 10/12/2017 TARGET SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 768.58 0.00 768.58 AP 00384608 10/12/2017 VISTA PAINT 1,420.61 0.00 1,420.61 AP 00384609 10/18/2017 A AND R TIRE SERVICE 2,920.26 0.00 2,920.26 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 5 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P15 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384610 10/18/2017 A.Y. NURSERY INC. 343.65 0.00 343.65 AP 00384611 10/18/2017 ABERNATHY, ELIZABETH 114.19 0.00 114.19 AP 00384612 10/18/2017 ABLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 463.38 0.00 463.38 AP 00384613 10/18/2017 ABUDAWOOD, ABDULRAHMAN 47.18 0.00 47.18 AP 00384614 10/18/2017 ADAME, LORETTA 110.69 0.00 110.69 AP 00384615 10/18/2017 ADAPT CONSULTING INC 0.00 2,934.69 2,934.69 AP 00384616 10/18/2017 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 6,177.54 0.00 6,177.54 AP 00384617 10/18/2017 ALBERT A. WEBB 8,215.08 0.00 8,215.08 AP 00384618 10/18/2017 ALL WELDING 584.50 0.00 584.50 AP 00384619 10/18/2017 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC. 214.00 0.00 214.00 AP 00384620 10/18/2017 ALLSTAR AUTO CENTER 164.50 0.00 164.50 AP 00384621 10/18/2017 AQUABIO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1,250.00 0.00 1,250.00 AP 00384622 10/18/2017 ARS AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL 83.05 0.00 83.05 AP 00384623 10/18/2017 ASSI SECURITY 0.00 135.00 135.00 AP 00384624 10/18/2017 ATANACIO, LOLITA CHUA 95.46 0.00 95.46 AP 00384625 10/18/2017 AUTO AND RV SPECIALISTS INC. 129.30 0.00 129.30 AP 00384626 10/18/2017 BARNES AND NOBLE 110.19 0.00 110.19 AP 00384627 10/18/2017 BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS TRAINING INSTITUTE 481.00 0.00 481.00 AP 00384628 10/18/2017 BERTINO AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 2,489.31 0.00 2,489.31 AP 00384629 10/18/2017 BOOT BARN INC. 1,095.96 0.00 1,095.96 AP 00384631 10/18/2017 C V W D 49,280.17 759.81 50,039.98 *** AP 00384632 10/18/2017 CAL PERS LONG TERM CARE 286.21 0.00 286.21 AP 00384633 10/18/2017 CALIFA GROUP 6,619.44 0.00 6,619.44 AP 00384634 10/18/2017 CALIFORNIA BANK & TRUST 26,970.06 0.00 26,970.06 AP 00384635 10/18/2017 CARQUEST AUTO PARTS 1,003.45 0.00 1,003.45 AP 00384636 10/18/2017 CARROT TOP INDUSTRIES 652.68 0.00 652.68 AP 00384637 10/18/2017 CARTY, DIANE 810.00 0.00 810.00 AP 00384638 10/18/2017 CASTILLO, JESSIE 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384639 10/18/2017 CHAFFEY COLLEGE FOUNDATION 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384640 10/18/2017 CHAMPION AWARDS AND SPECIALTIES 10.78 0.00 10.78 AP 00384641 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 151.12 0.00 151.12 AP 00384642 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 1,379.04 0.00 1,379.04 AP 00384643 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 1,069.80 1,069.80 AP 00384644 10/18/2017 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS 0.00 120.32 120.32 AP 00384645 10/18/2017 CHRISTIE, LYNN 5.00 0.00 5.00 AP 00384646 10/18/2017 CINTAS CORPORATION #150 970.67 50.98 1,021.65 *** AP 00384647 10/18/2017 CLIENT FIRST CONSULTING GROUP 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384648 10/18/2017 CLOUGHERTY, JOHN FRANCIS 150.00 0.00 150.00 AP 00384649 10/18/2017 COMMUNITY ACCESS CENTER 850.00 0.00 850.00 AP 00384650 10/18/2017 CONVERSE CONSULTANTS 621.50 0.00 621.50 AP 00384651 10/18/2017 CREATIVE PROMOTIONAL IDEAS 0.00 796.16 796.16 AP 00384652 10/18/2017 D AND K CONCRETE COMPANY 946.06 0.00 946.06 AP 00384653 10/18/2017 D'ENCARNACAO, AJA 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384654 10/18/2017 DAVIS FARR LLP 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384655 10/18/2017 DECKER, CYNTHIA 100.00 0.00 100.00 AP 00384656 10/18/2017 EIGHTH AVENUE ENTERPRISE LLC 484.34 0.00 484.34 AP 00384657 10/18/2017 EL DORADO BROADCASTERS LLC 896.00 0.00 896.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 6 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P16 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Li!x Fire Amount AP 00384658 10/18/2017 ENTERSECT CORP 79.00 0.00 79.00 AP 00384659 10/18/2017 EPACT 5,700.00 0.00 5,700.00 AP 00384660 10/18/2017 EXECUTIVE AUTO DETAIL 420.00 0.00 420.00 AP 00384661 10/18/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 323.98 0.00 323.98 AP 00384662 10/18/2017 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 68.07 0.00 68.07 AP 00384663 10/18/2017 FELICIANO, GASPAR ANTHONY 432.00 0.00 432.00 AP 00384664 10/18/2017 FERNANDEZ, GWYNETH 40.64 0.00 40.64 AP 00384665 10/18/2017 FREEDOM SOLAR SERVICES 46.54 0.00 46.54 AP 00384667 10/18/2017 FRONTIER COMM 3,385.03 242.58 3,627.61 *** AP 00384668 10/18/2017 GAC CONSTRUCTION INC 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384669 10/18/2017 GEOGRAPHICS 613.34 0.00 613.34 AP 00384670 10/18/2017 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY 738.70 0.00 738.70 AP 00384671 10/18/2017 GILLISON, JOHN 42.13 0.00 42.13 AP 00384672 10/18/2017 GLOBALSTAR USA 95.69 0.00 95.69 AP 00384673 10/18/2017 GOLDEN STATE RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY 106,286.00 1,306.00 107,592.00 *** AP 00384674 10/18/2017 GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. 2,181.02 0.00 2,181.02 AP 00384675 10/18/2017 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384676 10/18/2017 GRACIA, JENNIFER HUNT 77.99 0.00 77.99 AP 00384677 10/18/2017 GRAINGER 2,296.39 0.00 2,296.39 AP 00384678 10/18/2017 GRAPHICS FACTORY INC. 241.36 0.00 241.36 AP 00384679 10/18/2017 GRIFFIN STRUCTURES INC 33,573.34 0.00 33,573.34 AP 00384680 10/18/2017 GROVE LUMBER 244.58 0.00 244.58 AP 00384681 10/18/2017 GYROSCOPE INC 19,000.00 0.00 19,000.00 AP 00384682 10/18/2017 HEARTSAFE AMERICA INC 0.00 371.50 371.50 AP 00384683 10/18/2017 HEILIG, KELLY 586.20 0.00 586.20 AP 00384684 10/18/2017 HERITAGE EDUCATION GROUP 32.00 0.00 32.00 AP 00384685 10/18/2017 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 645 314.46 0.00 314.46 AP 00384686 10/18/2017 HORIZON RETAIL CONSTRUCTION INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384687 10/18/2017 HORIZONS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1NTERNATI01\ 60,344.00 0.00 60,344.00 AP 00384688 10/18/2017 HOSE MAN INC 175.60 0.00 175.60 AP 00384689 10/18/2017 HRABOSKY, NICOLE 0.66 0.00 0.66 AP 00384690 10/18/2017 IMBACH, DEVAN 425.00 0.00 425.00 AP 00384691 10/18/2017 INLAND EMPIRE STAGES LTD 895.00 0.00 895.00 AP 00384692 10/18/2017 INLAND PRESORT & MAILING SERVICES 123.70 0.00 123.70 AP 00384693 10/18/2017 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL 700.00 0.00 700.00 AP 00384694 10/18/2017 JOHN BURR CYCLES INC 513.67 0.00 513.67 AP 00384695 10/18/2017 JRC HOUSING 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 AP 00384696 10/18/2017 KEITH, JORRY 712.80 0.00 712.80 AP 00384697 10/18/2017 KOA CORPORATION 1,065.00 0.00 1,065.00 AP 00384698 10/18/2017 LANCE SOLL AND LUNGHARD 37,175.00 4,392.00 41,567.00 *** AP 00384699 10/18/2017 LEHR AUTO 1,853.00 0.00 1,853.00 AP 00384700 10/18/2017 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 25,026.20 0.00 25,026.20 AP 00384701 10/18/2017 LEU, HUNG-TERNG 63.85 0.00 63.85 AP 00384702 10/18/2017 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS LLC 5,291.57 0.00 5,291.57 AP 00384703 10/18/2017 LEVERAGE INFORMATION SYSTEMS INC 24,763.00 0.00 24,763.00 AP 00384704 10/18/2017 MAIN STREET SIGNS 1,610.86 0.00 1,610.86 AP 00384705 10/18/2017 MARIPOSA LANDSCAPES INC 11,771.80 280.00 12,051.80 *** User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 7 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -REG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P17 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384706 10/18/2017 MARSHALL, IMAN 250.00 0.00 250.00 AP 00384707 10/18/2017 MCMASTER CARR SUPPLY COMPANY 1,444.00 0.00 1,444.00 AP 00384708 10/18/2017 MIDWEST TAPE 1,380.30 0.00 1,380.30 AP 00384709 10/18/2017 MINUTEMAN PRESS 705.24 0.00 705.24 AP 00384710 10/18/2017 MISSION REPROGRAPHICS 23.46 0.00 23.46 AP 00384711 10/18/2017 MOUNTAIN VIEW SMALL ENG REPAIR 89.25 0.00 89.25 AP 00384712 10/18/2017 MUHAMMAD, KATREM 500.00 0.00 500.00 AP 00384713 10/18/2017 MUNSON, MICHELLE 56.55 0.00 56.55 AP 00384714 10/18/2017 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY 22.14 0.00 22.14 AP 00384715 10/18/2017 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION RENTALS INC 250.78 0.00 250.78 AP 00384716 10/18/2017 NEEDHAM, DONNA 10.00 0.00 10.00 AP 00384717 10/18/2017 NEW IMAGE INTERIOR FLOORING 235.91 0.00 235.91 AP 00384718 10/18/2017 OCLC INC 55.41 0.00 55.41 AP 00384719 10/18/2017 ODA, RUSSELL 561.00 0.00 561.00 AP 00384720 10/18/2017 ONTARIO WINNELSON CO 2,084.21 0.00 2,084.21 AP 00384721 10/18/2017 ONTRAC 51.61 0.00 51.61 AP 00384722 10/18/2017 ONWARD ENGINEERING 27,589.00 2,441.00 30,030.00 *** AP 00384723 10/18/2017 OVERDRIVE INC 972.31 0.00 972.31 AP 00384724 10/18/2017 PEACH HOME SERVICES 83.05 0.00 83.05 AP 00384725 10/18/2017 PETES ROAD SERVICE INC 108.04 0.00 108.04 AP 00384726 10/18/2017 PHOENIX GROUP INFORMATION SYSTEMS 85.24 0.00 85.24 AP 00384727 10/18/2017 PINES MOBILE HOME PARK, THE 400.00 0.00 400.00 AP 00384728 10/18/2017 PLACE WORKS 3,607.50 0.00 3,607.50 AP 00384729 10/18/2017 PRISTINE UNIFORMS LLC 133.59 0.00 133.59 AP 00384730 10/18/2017 PRO -LINE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS INC 387.90 0.00 387.90 AP 00384731 10/18/2017 PSA PRINT GROUP 88.36 0.00 88.36 AP 00384732 10/18/2017 QUALITY CODE PUBLISHING 3,339.95 0.00 3,339.95 AP 00384733 10/18/2017 RANCHO SMOG CENTER 210.00 0.00 210.00 AP 00384734 10/18/2017 RDO EQUIPMENT COMPANY 129.46 0.00 129.46 AP 00384735 10/18/2017 RJM DESIGN GROUP INC 40,958.87 0.00 40,958.87 AP 00384736 10/18/2017 ROTO ROOTER 350.00 350.00 700.00 *** AP 00384737 10/18/2017 RYZINSKY, GEORGE 57.98 0.00 57.98 AP 00384738 10/18/2017 SAMS CLUB/SYNCHRONY BANK 1,559.35 0.00 1,559.35 AP 00384739 10/18/2017 SAN BERNARDINO CTY FIRE PROTECTION DIST 2,842.00 0.00 2,842.00 AP 00384740 10/18/2017 SC FUELS 2,806.52 6,385.33 9,191.85 *** AP 00384741 10/18/2017 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMINISTRATION 329.45 0.00 329.45 AP 00384742 10/18/2017 SHEAKLEY PENSION ADMINISTRATION 0.00 155.95 155.95 AP 00384743 10/18/2017 SHRED PROS 65.00 0.00 65.00 AP 00384744 10/18/2017 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 1,278.00 0.00 1,278.00 AP 00384745 10/18/2017 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 58.71 238.12 296.83 *** AP 00384750 10/18/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 154,537.66 0.00 154,537.66 AP 00384751 10/18/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 422.27 0.00 422.27 AP 00384752 10/18/2017 SOUTHLAND SPORTS OFFICIALS 1,100.00 0.00 1,100.00 AP 00384753 10/18/2017 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY 13,588.90 0.00 13,588.90 AP 00384754 10/18/2017 STAR I M S INC 462.44 0.00 462.44 AP 00384755 10/18/2017 STOVER SEED COMPANY 3,488.41 0.00 3,488.41 AP 00384756 10/18/2017 SUNKIST GROWERS INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 8 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P18 AND RANCHO CUCAMONGA FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Agenda Check Register 10/10/2017 through 10/23/2017 Check No. Check Date Vendor Name Citv Fire Amount AP 00384757 10/18/2017 SUNRUN INSTALLATION SERVICES INC 61.70 0.00 61.70 AP 00384758 10/18/2017 SUPERION LLC 3,400.00 0.00 3,400.00 AP 00384759 10/18/2017 SWEETEN, CHRISTOPHER 58.66 0.00 58.66 AP 00384760 10/18/2017 SYSCO LOS ANGELES INC 1,081.87 0.00 1,081.87 AP 00384761 10/18/2017 THOMPSON PLUMBING SUPPLY INC 2,464.36 0.00 2,464.36 AP 00384762 10/18/2017 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PUBLISHING CORP 347.55 0.00 347.55 AP 00384763 10/18/2017 TOVEY/SHULTZ CONSTRUCTION INC 1,686,053.16 0.00 1,686,053.16 AP 00384764 10/18/2017 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT #6746022500 26,501.45 0.00 26,501.45 AP 00384765 10/18/2017 U.S. BANK PARS ACCT #6746022500 1,508.84 0.00 1,508.84 AP 00384766 10/18/2017 ULINE 1,871.62 0.00 1,871.62 AP 00384767 10/18/2017 UNDERGROUND SVC ALERT OF SO CAL 617.30 0.00 617.30 AP 00384768 10/18/2017 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 636.94 0.00 636.94 AP 00384769 10/18/2017 UNIVERSAL MARTIAL ARTS CENTERS 315.00 0.00 315.00 AP 00384770 10/18/2017 UPS 42.60 0.00 42.60 AP 00384771 10/18/2017 VARTAZARIAN LAW FIRM, THE 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384772 10/18/2017 VERIZON 23.54 0.00 23.54 AP 00384777 10/18/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5,910.09 0.00 5,910.09 AP 00384778 10/18/2017 VERIZON WIRELESS - LA 5,359.54 0.00 5,359.54 AP 00384779 10/18/2017 VICTORIA GARDENS CULTURAL CENTER 83.00 0.00 83.00 AP 00384780 10/18/2017 VISION SERVICE PLAN CA 11,191.12 0.00 11,191.12 AP 00384781 10/18/2017 WALTERS WHOLESALE ELECTRIC CO 2,266.31 0.00 2,266.31 AP 00384782 10/18/2017 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY 1,902.95 0.00 1,902.95 AP 00384783 10/18/2017 WEST COAST LIGHTS & SIRENS 0.00 10,769.48 10,769.48 AP 00384784 10/18/2017 WF CONSTRUCTION INC 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 AP 00384785 10/18/2017 XTREME AUTOSOUND 512.65 0.00 512.65 AP 00384786 10/19/2017 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS/CAREERTRACK 597.00 0.00 597.00 AP 00384793 10/19/2017 BRODART BOOKS 8,120.74 0.00 8,120.74 AP 00384794 10/19/2017 CITRUS MOTORS ONTARIO INC 1,001.90 0.00 1,001.90 AP 00384795 10/19/2017 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 273.09 0.00 273.09 AP 00384796 10/19/2017 EMCOR SERVICE 6,769.73 1,096.79 7,866.52 *** AP 00384797 10/19/2017 FORD OF UPLAND INC 1,701.60 0.00 1,701.60 AP 00384798 10/19/2017 HOLLIDAY ROCK CO INC 965.58 0.00 965.58 AP 00384799 10/19/2017 INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN 6,121.06 0.00 6,121.06 AP 00384800 10/19/2017 LIMS AUTO INC 1,691.82 0.00 1,691.82 AP 00384801 10/19/2017 MITY LITE INC. 734.79 0.00 734.79 AP 00384802 10/19/2017 OFFICE DEPOT 1,620.71 0.00 1,620.71 AP 00384804 10/19/2017 ORKIN PEST CONTROL 238.00 1,820.00 2,058.00 *** AP 00384805 10/23/2017 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON 19,706.36 0.00 19,706.36 Total City: $4,477,417.46 Total Fire: $171,013.35 Grand Total: $4,648,430.81 Note: *** Check Number includes both City and Fire District expenditures User: VLOPEZ - VERONICA LOPEZ Page: 9 Current Date: 10/24/2017 Report: CK -AGENDA -PEG -PORTRAIT -CONSOLIDATED - CK: Agenda Check Register Portrait I Time: 16:20:29 P19 STAFF REPORT DATE: November 1, 2017 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY: Jason C. Welday, Director of Engineering Services Department/City Engineereb,,J Ed Diaz, Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ARROW ROUTE AND BAKER AVENUE FOR TRACT 18817 AS COMPLETE, FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION AND AUTHORIZE RELEASE OF RETENTION AND BONDS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Approve and accept the public improvements required for the development of Tract 18817 and authorize the City Engineer to file the appropriate Notice of Completion; 2. Release Faithful Performance Bond #1027849 and accept Maintenance Bond #1027849-M for the associated public improvements; and 3. Authorize the City Engineer to approve the release of the Maintenance Bond one year following the filing of the Notice of Completion if the improvements remain free from defects in material and workmanship. BACKGROUND: Tract 18817 was approved by the Planning Commission on April 25, 2012, for the construction of a 94 -lot single family residential subdivision on 11.7 acres of land in the Medium Residential District located on northeast corner of Arrow Route and Baker Avenue. This approval included conditions to construct certain public improvements including street, landscape, and storm drain improvements. Developer: KB Home Coastal Inc. 36310 Inland Valley Drive, Wildomar, CA 92595 Release: Faithful Performance Bond #1027849 $233,600 (Bond No.) Accept: Maintenance Bond #1027849-M $ 23,360 (Bond No.) ANALYSIS: All public improvements required of this development have been completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The public improvements will be re -inspected in approximately nine months to ensure they remain in good order prior to release of the maintenance bond. Page 1 of 2 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT — TRACT 18817 P20 November 1, 2017 FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. COUNCIL GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Enhancing Premier Community Status through the construction of high quality public improvements associated with the development of Tract 18817. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 — Vicinity Map Page 2 of 2 Vicinity Map Tract 18817 NOT TO SCALE P21 n n W 21st St m E21e1 Sl w Lenton Ave McCarthy Park 3 0 n W20th St m` E2OUIS1 ® FWY'M FoothKI Fwy zto .® M. Foolhllt FwY ® zto Foothill W 19th St E 19th Stp�SP ttt St 19th St 19111 St 19th St 191h St D W 78th St i Cobniea p{ g r N � � Marcia -s Vermiculture Yob n n z z � Composting n D >D Z a Vle%Poi9r4 Cok � Tay�3 to VUIp5, © Alta Loma High School W 16th St E 116th St E 16th St Base Une Rd z z x p; W 15111 St ® E15th St E15th St 4 �. Palo Alto St : n `m < i Candle n Q W 14th Sl n E 14th St E 14th StR IL D �9 (1 D Church St z �' 0qr W 131h St E 13th St .y E 13th St w t2 ® a D San 8einordFno Rd `m r ® Historic tate 66 E Foothill Blvd " y{zj EFoothlil Blvd Historic Me 66 Rancho Upland High School z p o ° �. Cucamonga �? W11[11St E11thSt < Site n $ ytpCPO DrrRR��11 vy W Arrow Hwy < E Arrow Hwy M E Arrow Hwy Artow Route UplandRancho® Cucamonga DMV wast Emnst H E 9111 St Rancho Cucamonga ® ® E"� � Corporation Yard rerateml W 8th St s' E 8th St w 8th St E 8th S1 8th St E ath St Egth St E n v z z c1 z E Wive St < A wnitst Ernst N o 0 3 E7th st d 7th St m W 6th st E 6th Sl E 6th St 6th St 6th St ry or z E Howt ttorrte St P WSth St E5th St D ESthS E5th St g g E prMcaton St E n < i K E Harvard PI A W4th St E4thSt E4th St E 4th Si t'ourth s. Z z A ATTACHMENT P22 DATE: November 1, 2017 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John R. Gillison, City Manager n1� INITIATED BY: William Wittkopf, Public Works Services Director Imo' Ty Quaintance, Facilities Superintendent Kenneth Fung, Assistant Engineer STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO ACCEPT THE CENTRAL PARK — FLOORING REPLACEMENT PROJECT AS COMPLETE, FILE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION, AND AUTHORIZE THE RELEASE OF RETENTION AND BONDS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Council: 1. Accept the Central Park — Flooring Replacement Project, Contract No. 17-189, as complete. 2. Approve the final contract amount of $280,020. 3. Authorize the release of the Faithful Performance Bond and accept a Maintenance Bond. 4. Authorize the release of the Labor and Materials Bond in the amount of $263,394. six months after the recordation of said notice if no claims have been received. 5. Authorize the Public Works Services Director to file a Notice of Completion and release of the retention in the amount of $14,001, 35 days after acceptance. 6. Authorize the Public Works Services Director to approve the release of the Maintenance Bond one year following the filing of the Notice of Completion, if the improvements remain free from defects in material and workmanship. BACKGROUND: The Central Park — Flooring Replacement Project scope of work consisted of removal and replacement of the existing marmoleum flooring in two (2) halls, nine (9) rooms, the snack area, and the staff lounge with new flooring plus other related items of work. Pertinent information of the project is as follows: Budgeted Amount: Publish dates for local paper: Bid Opening: Contract Award Date: Low Bidder: Contract Amount: Contingency: Final Contract Amount: Difference in Contract Amount: $310,000 April 25, 2017 and May 2, 2017 May 23, 2017 June 7, 2017 Moore Flooring, Inc. $263,394 $116,340 $280,020 $16,626 (6%) Page 1 of 2 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT ACCEPT CENTRAL PARK — FLOORING REPLACEMENT PROJECT November 1, 2017 ANALYSIS: The subject project has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Services Director. The net increase in the total cost of the project is a result of four (4) Contract Change Orders (CCO). Several of the project rooms had in -ground electrical boxes that were either higher than or lower than the level of the rooms' floor. CCO #1 had the contractor remove then re -set 5 electrical boxes so that their tops are now flush with the new floor. CCO #1 also resulted in the removal of several electrical boxes and their associated electrical wiring. The cavities were then filled in with concrete so the area was now flush with the new floor. After the project started, marmoleum flooring was discovered in several adjacent closets and in a storage room next to the snack bar. CCO #2 and #3 removed the existing marmoleum and replaced it with the new flooring material. The removal of existing carpet in the snack area and its replacement with new flooring was also part of CCO #2. The purpose of CCO #4 was to have 10% of the total quantity of each color installed (rounded off to whole cartons) as attic stock. This would ensure that if a piece of floor is damaged and must be removed, the replacement piece of flooring would be the identical color and size. At the end of the one-year maintenance period, if the improvements remain free from defects in materials and workmanship, the City Clerk is authorized to release the Maintenance Bond upon approval by the Public Works Services Director. FISCAL IMPACT: None COUNCIL GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: The Central Park — Flooring Replacement Project addresses the City Council goal for Enhancing the City's Premier Community Status by upgrading the facility to better serve the public. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 — Notice of Completion Page 2 of 2 P23 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: P24 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA P. O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91729 Exempt from recording fees pursuant to Govt. Cod. Sec. 27383 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The undersigned is an owner of an interest or estate in the hereinafter described real property, the nature of which interest or estate is: All public rights-of-way within the boundaries of Contract No. 17-189 2. The full name and address of the undersigned owner is: CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, 10500 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, P. O. BOX 807, RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA 91730. 3. On November 1, 2017, there was completed in the hereinafter described real property the work of improvement set forth in the contract documents for: Central Park — Flooring Replacement Project Remove and replace existing marmoleum flooring in 2 halls, 9 rooms, the snack area and the staff lounge with new flooring plus related work 4. The name of the original contractor for the work of improvement as a whole was: Moore Flooring, Inc. 5. The real property referred to herein is situated in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino, California, and is described as follows: 11200 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 APN: 1076-591-10 DATE Executed in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, a Municipal Corporation, Owner I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the forego' is true and correct. William Wittkopf Public Works Services Director Attachment 1 STAFF REPORT DATE: November 1, 2017 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY: Candyce Burnett, City Planner CRO Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO CONDUCT SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 921, PROHIBITING ALL COMMERCIAL CANNABIS ACTIVITY, PROHIBITING OUTDOOR CULTIVATION, AND ALLOWING INDOOR CANNABIS CULTIVATION CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a second reading of Ordinance No. 921, by title only "An Ordinance of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Amending the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Prohibiting All Commercial Cannabis Activity, Both Medical and Non -Medical, Prohibiting Outdoor Cultivation. and Allowing Indoor Cannabis Cultivation Consistent with State Law, and Making Findings in Support Thereof`. BACKGROUND: The introduction and first reading of the above -entitled Ordinance was approved at a Regular City Council Meeting on October 18, 2017. Vote at first reading: AYES: Alexander, Kennedy, Spagnolo, Williams ABSENT: Michael ANALYSIS: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report. FISCAL IMPACT: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report. COUNCIL GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report. ATTACHMENT: Attachment 1 — Ordinance No. 921 Page 1 of 1 P25 yzl.l ORDINANCE NO. 921 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE PROHIBITING ALL COMMERCIAL CANNABIS ACTIVITY, BOTH MEDICAL AND NON-MEDICAL, PROHIBITING OUTDOOR CULTIVATION, AND ALLOWING INDOOR CANNABIS CULTIVATION CONSISTENT WITH STATE LAW, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, has prepared Municipal Code Amendment DRC2017-00725, as described in the title of this Ordinance. Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the subject Municipal Code Amendment is referred to as "the amendment". A. The City of Rancho Cucamonga, California (the "City") is a municipal corporation, duly organized under the constitution and laws of the State of California. B. Over the years, the City has adopted ordinances pertaining to cannabis to address municipal options and issues presented by changes in State law. In 2008, Ordinance No. 793 was adopted to prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the City. C. On October 9, 2015, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill No. 243, Assembly Bill No. 266, and Senate Bill 643 into law, which were collectively known as the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (hereinafter "MCRSA"). The MCRSA established a State licensing scheme for commercial medical cannabis uses, while protecting local control by requiring that all such businesses have a local license or permit to operate in addition to a State license. The MCRSA allowed the City to completely prohibit commercial medical cannabis activities. D. In 2016, Ordinance No. 897 was adopted to prohibit all commercial cannabis activities in the City, including deliveries and prohibiting all medical marijuana cultivation, including cultivation for medical use by a qualified patient or primary caregiver. E. On November 8, 2016, California voters approved the Control, Regulate and Tax Adult Use of Marijuana Act ("AUMA"). The AUMA added Division 10 to the California Business and Professions Code, sections 26000, et seq., which grants State agencies the authority to create, issue, renew, discipline, suspend, or revoke licenses for cannabis businesses. The AUMA provides that the State shall begin issuing licenses to cannabis businesses under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code by January 1, 2018. California Business and Professions Code section 26055(e) provides that a State licensing authority shall not approve an application for a State license for commercial non-medical cannabis activity if approval of the State license will violate the provisions of any local ordinance. F. Immediately following the passage of the AUMA, Interim Ordinance No. 900/900- A was adopted to prohibit all commercial non-medical cannabis activities in the City, prohibiting outdoor cultivation on private residences and adopting regulations for indoor cultivation. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 1 of 10 Attachment 1 P27 G. On June 27, 2017, the Governor signed into law Senate Bill 94 which repealed the MCRSA, included certain provisions of the MCRSA in the licensing provisions of the AUMA, and created a single regulatory scheme for both medical and non-medical cannabis known as the Medicinal and Adult -Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act ("MAUCRSA"). The MAUCRSA retains the provisions in the MCRSA and the AUMA that granted local jurisdictions control over whether commercial cannabis activity can occur in a particular jurisdiction. Specifically, California Business and Professions Code section 26200 provides that the MAUCRSA shall not be interpreted to supersede or limit the authority of a local jurisdiction to adopt and enforce local ordinances that completely prohibit the establishment or operation of one or more businesses licensed under the State, within that local jurisdiction. Furthermore, the MAUCRSA provides that a State licensing authority shall not approve an application for a State license for a business to engage in commercial cannabis activity if approval of the State license will violate the provisions of any local ordinance or regulation. The MAUCRSA requires that a State licensing authority begin issuing licenses to marijuana businesses beginning January 1, 2018. The MAUCRSA also requires that a city provide a copy of its ordinance regarding commercial cannabis activity to the Bureau of Cannabis Control. H. On the 27th day of September 2017, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a noticed public hearing with respect to the amendment and, following the conclusion thereof, issued Resolution No. 17-82, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said amendment. I. On the 18th day of October 2017, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a noticed public hearing on the amendment and concluded said hearing on that date. J. All legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. SECTION 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Council during the above -referenced public hearing, this Council hereby finds and concludes that the changes proposed to Title 17 (Development Code) in the amendment are consistent with the general plan goals, policies and implementation programs. General Plan Policy LU -1.1 encourages the protection of neighborhoods from the encroachment of incompatible activities or land uses that may have a negative impact on the residential living environment. By prohibiting commercial cannabis activity and restricting personal cannabis cultivation to the greatest extent allowed by State law, the City is averting the reported negative effects of cannabis cultivation activities, including offensive odors, illegal sales and distribution of cannabis, trespassing, theft, violent robberies and robbery attempts, fire hazards, and problems associated with mold, fungus and pests. SECTION 3. Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the project, to prohibit commercial cannabis activity will have a significant effect on the environment. The project will not result in a permanent alteration of property nor the construction of any new or expanded structures. Therefore, the project by itself does not result in any physical changes in the environment. The project is also eligible for a Class 5 Categorical Exemption for minor changes in land use limitations with an average slope of less than 20% that do not result in any changes in land use or density. Since the project is prohibiting all commercial cannabis uses, it will not result in changes in land use or density and will not have a significant environmental impact. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 2 of 10 P28 SECTION 4. Chapter 8.52 (Marijuana Cultivation and Cannabis Commerce) of Title 8 (Health and Safety) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: "CHAPTER 8.52 CANNABIS PROHIBITIONS AND REGULATIONS Section 8.52.010: Definitions. Section 8.52.020: Prohibited activities. Section 8.52.030: Exceptions. Section 8.52.040: Violation, penalty. 8.52.010 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: "Cannabis" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa linnaeus, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin, whether crude or purified, extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or resin. "Cannabis" also means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis. "Cannabis" includes cannabis that is used for medical, non-medical, or other purposes. "Cannabis" does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. "Cannabis" also does not include industrial hemp, as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 11018.5. "Cannabis product" means cannabis that has undergone a process whereby the plant material has been transformed into a concentrate, including, but not limited to, concentrated cannabis, or an edible or topical product containing cannabis or concentrated cannabis and other ingredients. "Commercial cannabis activity" means the cultivation, possession, manufacture, distribution, processing, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, delivery or sale of cannabis and cannabis product for medical, non-medical, or any other purpose and includes the activities of any business licensed by the State or other government entity under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code, or any provision of State law that regulates the licensing of cannabis businesses. Commercial cannabis activity does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, or transportation of cannabis by a qualified patient for his or her personal medical use so long as the qualified patient does not provide, donate, sell or distribute cannabis to any other person. Commercial cannabis activity also does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, transportation, donation or provision of cannabis by a primary caregiver, exclusively for the personal medical purposes of no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver, but who does not receive remuneration for these activities except for compensation in full compliance with California Health and Safety Code section 11362.765. "Concentrated cannabis" means manufactured cannabis that has undergone a process to concentrate one or more active cannabinoids, thereby increasing the product's potency. Resin from granular trichomes from a cannabis plant is a concentrate. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 3 of 10 y4:. "Cultivation" means any activity involving the planting, growing, harvesting, drying, curing, grading, or trimming of cannabis. "Delivery" means the commercial transfer of cannabis or cannabis products to a customer. "Delivery" also includes the use by a retailer of any technology platform owned and controlled by the retailer. "Distribution" means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between entities licensed under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. "Manufacture" means to compound, blend, extract, infuse, or otherwise make or prepare a cannabis product. "MAUCRSA" means the Medicinal and Adult -Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act as codified in Division 10 of the Business and Professions Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. "Person" means any natural person, firm, corporation, association, club, society, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, collective, cooperative, coop, non-profit, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, or any other organization, group or entity or combination of organizations or entities of any kind whatsoever, however formed, as well as trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, and/or assigns, and shall also include any owner, operator, manager, proprietor, employee, agent, officer, volunteer, salesperson, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. The term "person" shall also include all persons who have an ownership or leasehold interest in any real property, premises and/or structures in which commercial cannabis activity is occurring. "Primary caregiver" shall have the same meaning as is defined in California Health and Safety Code section 11362.7(d), as the same may be amended from time to time. "Qualified patient" means a person who is entitled to the protections of California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5, as the same may be amended from time to time. 8.52.020 Prohibited activities. Subject to the exceptions set forth in Section 8.52.030, the following activities are prohibited in the City: A. Commercial cannabis activity, whether or not for profit, is prohibited in the city. No person shall establish, operate, maintain, conduct, allow, or engage in commercial cannabis activity anywhere within the City. B. A property owner shall not rent, lease or otherwise permit any person or business that engages in commercial cannabis activity to occupy real property in the City. A property owner shall not allow any person or business to establish, operate, maintain, conduct, or engage in commercial cannabis activity on any real property owned or controlled by that property owner that is located in the City. C. Subsection A above shall prohibit all activities for which a State license is required pursuant to the MAUCRSA, as the same may be amended from time to time. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 4 of 10 P30 D. Subject to the exceptions set forth in Section 8.52.030 below, and to the extent not already prohibited by subsection A above, all deliveries of cannabis or cannabis products, to or from any location are expressly prohibited. No person shall conduct or perform any delivery of any cannabis or cannabis products, which delivery either originates or terminates within the city. 8.52.030 Exceptions. A. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any person from transporting cannabis through the jurisdictional limits of the City for delivery or distribution to a person located outside the City, where such transport does not involve delivery or distribution within the jurisdictional limits of the City. B. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a person 21 years of age or older from engaging in any activities authorized under California Health and Safety Code section 11362.1. C. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any commercial cannabis activity that the city is required by State law to permit within its jurisdiction pursuant Business and Professions Code section 26054(c) and (d), as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other provision of the MAUCRSA. 8.52.040 Violation, penalty. In addition to any other enforcement permitted by this Chapter 8.52 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, the city attorney or city prosecutor may bring a civil action for injunctive relief and civil penalties against any person or entity that violates this chapter. In any civil action brought pursuant to this article, a court of competent jurisdiction may award reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to the prevailing party. Notwithstanding the penalties set forth in Section 1.12.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, no provision of this Chapter authorizes a criminal prosecution, arrest or penalty inconsistent with or prohibited by Health and Safety Code Section 11362.7 1, et seq. or section 11362. 1, et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time. In the event of any conflict between the penalties enumerated under Section 1. 12.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code and any penalties set forth in State law, the maximum penalties allowable under State law shall govern." SECTION 5. Table 17.30.030-1 of Section 17.30.030 (Allowed land uses and permit requirements) of Chapter 17.30 (Allowed Land Use by Base Zoning District) of Title 17 (Development Code) is hereby amended as follows: TABLE 17.30.030-1: ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS BY BASE ZONING DISTRICT Land Use/ VL L LM M MH H MU OP NC GC CC SC RRC CO IP GI MUNI HI OS HR FC UC Zoning District Retail, Service and Office Uses Me Commercial N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Cannabis Activity SECTION 6. Section 17.32.020(E)(36) is deleted in its entirety: Ordinance No. 921 — Page 5 of 10 =- =ee.471' P31 SECTION 7. Section 17.32.020(E) is amended to add the following: Commercial Cannabis Activity. Any location providing for the cultivation, possession, manufacture, distribution, processing, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, delivery or sale of cannabis and cannabis product for medical, non-medical, or any other purpose and includes the activities of any business licensed by the State or other government entity under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code, or any provision of State law that regulates the licensing of cannabis businesses. Commercial cannabis activity does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, or transportation of cannabis by a qualified patient for his or her personal medical use so long as the qualified patient does not provide, donate, sell or distribute cannabis to any other person. Commercial cannabis activity also does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, transportation, donation or provision of cannabis by a primary caregiver, exclusively for the personal medical purposes of no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver, but who does not receive remuneration for these activities except for compensation in full compliance with California Health and Safety Code section 11362.765. SECTION 8. Chapter 17.94 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: "CHAPTER 17.94 COMMERCIAL CANNABIS USES AND CULTIVATION Section 17.94.010: Purpose. Section 17.94.020: Prohibited uses. Section 17.94.030: Indoor cannabis cultivation. Section 17.94.040: Exceptions. Section 17.94.040: Violation, penalty. 17.94.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate commercial cannabis uses, both medical and non-medical, in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of State law. 17.94.020 Prohibited Uses A. Commercial cannabis uses are expressly prohibited in all zoning districts, overlay districts and special planning areas in the City. No person shall establish, operate, maintain, conduct or allow commercial cannabis uses anywhere within the City. The City shall not approve any application for a business license, building permit, conditional use permit, variance, or any other entitlement authorizing the establishment, operation, maintenance, development, or construction of any commercial cannabis use. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 6 of 10 P32 B. Outdoor cannabis cultivation is expressly prohibited everywhere in the City. No person owning, renting, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of any parcel shall cause or allow such parcel to be used for cultivating cannabis outdoors. C. Indoor cannabis cultivation, including cultivation by a qualified patient and primary caregiver, is prohibited except in strict compliance with Section 17.94.030. 17.94.030 Indoor cannabis cultivation It is hereby declared to be a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying, or having charge or possession of any real property in the City to cause or allow such real property to be used for the cultivation of cannabis except in strict compliance with the requirements set forth below. A. Cannabis cultivation shall only occur indoors at a private residence, or inside an accessory structure located upon the grounds of a private residence. B. The indoor cultivation of seven or more cannabis plants in a private residence is prohibited. The indoor cultivation of six or fewer cannabis plants in a private residence shall be permitted to the extent permitted by State law. C. Only persons (21) years of age or older may cultivate cannabis. Any cannabis cultivation must comply with the requirements set forth in California Health and Safety Code sections 11362.1 and 11362.2. D. Cannabis cultivation is permitted only within fully enclosed and secure structures. E. No person shall cultivate marijuana in any manner that causes any of the following conditions: 1. Light, glare, odor, noise, or vibration that is or whose effect is either detrimental to public health, safety, or welfare or interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of life or property; or 2. Any violation of Chapter 17.66 of the Development Code. 17.94.040 Exceptions. A. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any person from transporting cannabis through the jurisdictional limits of the city for delivery or distribution to a person located outside the City, where such transport does not involve delivery or distribution within the jurisdictional limits of the City. C. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a person 21 years of age or older from engaging in any activities authorized under California Health and Safety Code section 11362.1. D. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any commercial cannabis activity that the City is required by State law to permit within its jurisdiction pursuant to Business and Profession Code Ordinance No. 921 — Page 7 of 10 P33 section 26054(c) and (d), as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other provision of the MAUCRSA. 17.94.050 Violation, penalty. In addition to any other enforcement permitted by this Chapter 17.94 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, the city attorney or city prosecutor may bring a civil action for injunctive relief and civil penalties against any person or entity that violates this chapter. In any civil action brought pursuant to this article, a court of competent jurisdiction may award reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to the prevailing party. Notwithstanding the penalties set forth in Section 1.12.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, no provision of this Chapter authorizes a criminal prosecution, arrest or penalty inconsistent with or prohibited by Health and Safety Code section 11362.71, et seq. or section 11362. 1, et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time. In the event of any conflict between the penalties enumerated under Section 1.12.010 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code and any penalties set forth in State law, the maximum penalties allowable under State law shall govern." SECTION 9. Chapter 17.134 (Medical Marijuana Definitions) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: "CHAPTER 17.134 CANNABIS DEFINITIONS Section 17.134.010: Purpose. Section 17.134.020: Definitions. 17.134.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide definitions for unique terms used throughout this title that relate to cannabis. 17.134.010 Definitions. "Cannabis" means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa linnaeus, Cannabis indica, or Cannabis ruderalis, whether growing or not; the seeds thereof; the resin, whether crude or purified, extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant, its seeds, or resin. "Cannabis" also means the separated resin, whether crude or purified, obtained from cannabis. "Cannabis" includes cannabis that is used for medical, non-medical, or other purposes. "Cannabis" does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination. "Cannabis" also does not include industrial hemp, as defined in California Health and Safety Code section 11018.5. "Cannabis product" means cannabis that has undergone a process whereby the plant material has been transformed into a concentrate, including, but not limited to, concentrated cannabis, or an edible or topical product containing cannabis or concentrated cannabis and other ingredients. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 8 of 10 P34 "Commercial cannabis activity" means the cultivation, possession, manufacture, distribution, processing, storing, laboratory testing, packaging, labeling, transportation, delivery or sale of cannabis and cannabis product for medical, non-medical, or any other purpose and includes the activities of any business licensed by the State or other government entity under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code, or any provision of State law that regulates the licensing of cannabis businesses. Commercial cannabis activity does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, or transportation of cannabis by a qualified patient for his or her personal medical use so long as the qualified patient does not provide, donate, sell or distribute cannabis to any other person. Commercial cannabis activity also does not include the cultivation, possession, storage, manufacturing, transportation, donation or provision of cannabis by a primary caregiver, exclusively for the personal medical purposes of no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver, but who does not receive remuneration for these activities except for compensation in full compliance with California Health and Safety Code section 11362.765. "Commercial cannabis use" means the use of any property for commercial cannabis activity. "Compassionate Use Act" means the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Proposition 215), codified as California Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5. "Concentrated cannabis" means manufactured cannabis that has undergone a process to concentrate one or more active cannabinoids, thereby increasing the product's potency. Resin from granular trichomes from a cannabis plant is a concentrate. "Cultivation" means any activity involving the planting, growing, harvesting, drying, curing, grading, or trimming of cannabis. "Delivery" means the commercial transfer of cannabis or cannabis products to a customer. "Delivery" also includes the use by a retailer of any technology platform owned and controlled by the retailer. "Distribution" means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between entities licensed under Division 10 of the California Business and Professions Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. "Fully enclosed and secure structure" means a space within a building, greenhouse or other structure which has a complete roof enclosure supported by connecting walls extending from the ground to the roof, which is secure against unauthorized entry, provides complete visual screening, and which is accessible only through one or more lockable doors and inaccessible to minors. "Indoor" means within a fully enclosed and secure structure. "Manufacture" means to compound, blend, extract, infuse, or otherwise make or prepare a cannabis product. "MAUCRSA" means the Medicinal and Adult -Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act as codified in Division 10 of the Business and Professions Code, as the same may be amended from time to time. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 9 of 10 P35 "Medical Marijuana Program" means California Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.7 through 11362.83, as such statutes may be amended from time to time. "Outdoors" means any location that is not within a fully enclosed and secure structure. "Person" means any natural person, firm, corporation, association, club, society, partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, collective, cooperative, coop, non-profit, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, or any other organization, group or entity or combination of organizations or entities of any kind whatsoever, however formed, as well as trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, and/or assigns, and shall also include any owner, operator, manager, proprietor, employee, agent, officer, volunteer, salesperson, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. The term "person" shall also include all persons who have an ownership or leasehold interest in any real property, premises and/or structures in which commercial cannabis activity is occurring. "Primary caregiver" shall have the same meaning as is defined in California Health and Safety Code section 11362.7(d), as the same may be amended from time to time. "Private residence" means a house, an apartment unit, condominium, or other similar dwelling that is lawfully used as a residence. "Qualified patient" means a person who is entitled to the protections of California Health and Safety Code section 11362.5, as the same may be amended from time to time, but who does not have an identification card. SECTION 10. The City Council declares that, should any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance for any reason is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 11. Neither the adoption of this Ordinance nor the repeal of any other Ordinance of this City shall in any manner affect the prosecution for violations of ordinances, which violations were committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as a waiver of any penalty or the penal provisions applicable to any violation thereof. SECTION 12. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause it to be published in the manner required by law. Ordinance No. 921 — Page 10 of 10 STAFF REPORT DATE: November 1, 2017 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY: Candyce Burnett, City Planner J0 Jennifer Nakamura, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION TO CONDUCT SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 922, MODIFYING PARKWAY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, ADOPTING THE STATE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND MODIFYING CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED ZONES FOR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct a second reading of Ordinance No. 922, by title only "An Ordinance of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Amending the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Modifying Parkway Landscaping Requirements, Adopting the State Model Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance, and Modifying Conditionally Permitted Zones for Indoor Entertainment and Amusement Uses, and Making Findings in Support Thereof'. BACKGROUND: The introduction and first reading of the above -entitled Ordinance was approved at a Regular City Council Meeting on October 18, 2017. Vote at first reading: AYES: Alexander, Kennedy, Spagnolo, Williams ABSENT: Michael ANALYSIS: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report. FISCAL IMPACT: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report. COUNCIL GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: Please refer to the October 18, 2017 City Council Meeting Staff Report ATTACHMENT: Attachment 1 — Ordinance No. 922 Page 1 of 1 P36 P37 ORDINANCE NO. 922 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, AMENDING THE RANCHO CUCAMONGA MUNICIPAL CODE MODIFYING PARKWAY LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS, ADOPTING THE STATE MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE, AND MODIFYING CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED ZONES FOR INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AND AMUSEMENT USES, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared Municipal Code Amendment DRC2017- 00726, as described in the title of this Ordinance. Hereinafter in this Ordinance, the subject Municipal Code Amendment is referred to as "the application". 2. On September 27, 2017, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing with respect to the above referenced Municipal Code Amendment and, following the conclusion thereof, adopted its Resolution No. 07-83, recommending that the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga adopt said Ordinance. 3. On October 18, 2017, the City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application. 4. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Ordinance have occurred. B. Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Rancho Cucamonga does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: This City Council hereby specifically finds that all the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Ordinance are true and correct. SECTION 2: Based upon substantial evidence presented to the City Council during the above -referenced public hearing on October 18, 2017, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, the City Council hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The City desires to adopt the following changes to Title 17 of the Municipal Code in order to (i) clarify landscape standards in residential parkways; (ii) formally adopt by reference the updated State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO); and (iii) conditionally permit indoor amusement and entertainment uses within IP and GI zoning districts; and b. The changes proposed to Title 17 (Development Code) in the amendment are consistent with the General Plan goals, policies and implementation programs. General Plan Policy LU -10.3 promotes low water usage, and emphasizes fire -safe defensible space. By allowing turf alternatives in residential parkways, the amount of water needed in residential landscapes is reduced. General Plan Policy LU -10.1 promotes the implementation of the City's Water Efficiency Ordinance and encourages regular review and update. Adopting the State MWELO keeps the ordinance up to date with the latest in water use efficiency standards. General Plan Policy LU -3.2 encourages a mix of retail, service, industrial and manufacturing, and Ordinance No. 922 — Page 1 of 4 Attachment 1 P38 professional uses that create diverse, well -paying employment opportunities. Adding indoor entertainment and recreation uses to the IP and GI zones provides additional flexibility to allow for new uses that are compatible with these zones; however, by allowing it only as a conditionally permitted use, the City will review each one proposed for suitability to avoid conflict with surrounding uses; and C. Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the project, to amend the Municipal Code to (i) clarify standards for the use of turf alternative landscape materials in residential parkways; (ii) formally adopt the updated State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO); and (iii) conditionally permit indoor amusement and entertainment uses within IP and GI zones will have a significant effect on the environment. The project will not result in a permanent alteration of property nor the construction of any new or expanded structures. The proposed modifications to landscape standards in residential parkways and the revised MWELO will implement policies and procedures to ensure that water resources are conserved by reducing water consumption through the planning, designing, installing, maintaining and managing of water -efficient landscapes. The addition of indoor amusement and entertainment uses to the IP and GI zoning districts does not propose any physical change to the environment itself. The amendment only revises the land use regulation that applies to where indoor amusement and entertainment uses are allowed. It does not permit nor allow the construction of any new locations. Applications for indoor amusement and entertainment uses will be reviewed for CEQA compliance under a separate Conditional Use Permit application. The applicant may be required to submit environmental studies that analyze the impact(s) (if any) to, for example, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, noise levels, and transportation/traffic caused by the site-specific project. On a case-by-case review of each project, the appropriate environmental document will be prepared to address project -specific impacts. Therefore, this project will not have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 3: Table 17.30.030-1 of Section 17.30.030 (Allowed land uses and permit requirements) of Chapter 17.30 (Allowed Land Use by Base Zoning District) of Title 17 (Development Code) is hereby amended as follows: TABLE 17.30.030-1: ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS BY BASE ZONING DISTRICT Land Use/ Zoning District VLJ L ILIVII M JlVIHJ H JIVIUJOP NC GC CC SC RRC CO IP GI JMI/HIJ HI JOS HR FC UC Recreation, Resource Preservation, O en Space, Education, and Public Asse bly Uses Indoor Amusement/ Entertainment N N N N N N C N C C P P P N C C N N N N N N Facilit SECTION 4: Section 17.32.020(C)(7) of Chapter 17.32 (Allowed Use Descriptions) of Title 17 (Development Code), is hereby amended as follows: Ordinance No. 922 — Page 2 of 4 P39 7. Indoor amusement/entertainment facility. An establishment providing amusement and entertainment services in an indoor facility for a fee or admission charge, including but not limited to, dance halls, ballrooms, bowling alleys, laser tag, inflatable playgrounds, trampoline parks, escape room venues and electronic game arcades, as primary uses. Four or more electronic games or coin-operated amusements in any establishment, or premises where 50 percent or more of the floor area is occupied by amusement devices, are considered an amusement device arcade as described above; three or less machines are not considered a land use separate from the primary use of the site. SECTION 5: Section 17.56.070(D) of Chapter 17.56 (Landscaping Standards) of Title 17 (Development Code), is hereby added as follows: D. Parkway Landscaping. Permitted parkway groundcover landscaping materials and methods for residential lots are listed below: 1. Low water use plants, excluding cactus, roses and all other plants that contain sharp, pointed and thorn type plant structures. Plants shall not exceed a height of 18 inches at maturity. 2. Low water use turf alternatives (i.e. groundcovers and grasses). 3. Synthetic turf, provided it meets the requirements of 17.56.050. 4. Decomposed Granite, provided it is installed with a stabilizer in accordance with City Standards. 5. Gravel may be used as ground cover only if it is %" in size (i.e. crushed stone) and is not smooth (i.e. pea gravel or river rock). 6. Mulch or bark may be used as a ground cover. 7. Mulch, bark or gravel must be installed just below the curb, to prevent migration of material to the sidewalk or street. 8. The installation of turf alternatives shall not cause negative impact to existing trees within the parkway. A tree root protection zone of five to six feet from the trunk shall be maintained at all times. 9. All trees within the parkway shall be irrigated properly to ensure the life of the tree. SECTION 6: Chapter 17.82 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of Title 17 (Development Code) of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code is deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: "CHAPTER 17.82 WATER EFFICIENT LANSCAPING Section 17.82.010: Purpose. Section 17.82.020: State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. 17.94.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure the design, installation and maintenance of landscapes in the City meet the requirements of the State of California's Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). 17.94.020 State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance A. The City adopts the State of California's MWELO, which is found in Sections 490- 495 of Chapter 2.7, Division 2, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations." Ordinance No. 922 — Page 3 of 4 P40 SECTION 7. The City Council declares that, should any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance for any reason is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 8. Neither the adoption of this Ordinance nor the repeal of any other Ordinance of this City shall in any manner affect the prosecution for violations of ordinances, which violations were committed prior to the effective date hereof, nor be construed as a waiver of any penalty or the penal provisions applicable to any violation thereof. SECTION 9. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause it to be published in the manner required by law. Ordinance No. 922 — Page 4 of 4