HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016/05/25 - Minutes - PC-HPC • THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF RANCHO C,'UCA_MONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 25, 2016 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 7.05 PM • Roll Call Chairman Wimberly X Vice Chairman Oaxaca A Munoz X Macias X Fletcher X Additional Staff Present: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director; Steven Flower, Assistant City Attorney; Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, Donald Granger, Senior Planner, Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary, Jennifer Palacios, Office Specialist ll; Mike Smith, Senior Planner; Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner; Nikki Cavazos, Assistant Planner; Jerry Dyer, Principal Civil Engineer II. PUBLIC CONINIUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the • audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION • AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES jZencino MAY 25, 2016 CUCAnONGA Page 2 Bellen Mackenzie who lives in the La Ventana Community spoke regarding a KB Homes Community Meeting. She stated the residents want to see the community built out. but it looks desolate with machinery and trailers and broken down fencing. She is requesting KB to clean up the site as the common areas look bad and need beautification. Luana Hernandez residing at 6 79 7 Hellman Avenue spoke regarding the Route 66 Historic Gas Station. She stated the Gas Station is now open Thursday, Friday. and Saturday from 10.00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and on Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The museum sells items, such as keychains and books to help raise funds to build-the back garage bay area. There will be a Car Show on June 25, 2016 and they will be selling bricks as another fund raiser. III. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING CONIMISSION A. Consideration of minutes dated April 27, 2016 B. Consideration of minutes dated May 11, 2016 • C. Consideration of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2016117 Moved by Munoz, seconded by Fletcher, carried 4-0 (Macias abstain from item B. Oaxaca absent) to adopt the Consent Calendar as presented. IF IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS/PLANNING COMMISSION The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19669 - CONSOLIDATED CONSULTING - A request to subdivide 9.6 acres of land into 6 parcels related to the construction of 6 industrial buildings totaling 171,322 square feet for a site located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard at Mayten Avenue in the Industrial Park (IP) Zoning District; APNs: 0229-012-53, 54, 70 and 71. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00782 and Master Plan (Amendment) DRC2015-01018. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW DRC2015-00782 - • CONSOLIDATED CONSULTING - A request for site plan and architectural review of 6 industrial buildings totaling 171,322 square feet on 9.6 acres of land located on the south • � HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES RANCHO MAY 25, 2016 CUCA.MONGA Page 3 side of Foothill Boulevard at Mayten Avenue in the Industrial Park (IP) Zoning District; APNs: 0229-012-53, 54, 70 and 71. Related Files: Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19669 and Master Plan (Amendment) DRC2015-01018. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT DRC2015-01018- CONSOLIDATED CONSULTING -A request to modify the Rancho Cucamonga Corporate Park Master Plan (DR99-11) for 9.6 acres of land to change the project site layout and to eliminate the property line setbacks for two abutting buildings for a site located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard at Mayten Avenue in the Industrial Park (IP) Zoning District; APNs: 0229-012-53, 54, 70 and 71. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00782 and Tentative Tract Map SUBTPM19669. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and gave a brief PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). • Richard Dick, the property owner, thanked staff and said the new facilities will bring jobs and is a good use. He thanked staff for allowing the modification of building setbacks related to the abutting buildings 4 & 5. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing and hearing none, closed the public hearing. Moved by Macias, seconded by Fletcher, carried 4-0-0-1 (Oaxaca absent) to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts and the Resolutions of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19669, Design Review DRC2015-00782 and Master Plan Amendment DRC2015-01018. G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW DRC2015-00797 — RGA OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN-A proposal to construct an industrial building of 339,000 square feet on a parcel of 696,465 square feet (15.99 acres) in the General Industrial (GI) District located approximately 1,100 feet north of 6th Street and 395 feet north of the terminus of Santa Anita Avenue; APNs: 0229-271-24, 25, and 26. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Mike Smith, Senior Planner, announced that a communication was received from CDFW and that staff is requesting a continuance to an unspecified date to allow time for staff and the applicant to address the concerns related to the biological analysis. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing and seeing and hearing no comment, closed the public hearing. • Moved by Munoz, seconded by Macias, carried 4-0-0-1 (Oaxaca absent) to continue the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION • y AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 25, 2016 CUCAMONGA Page 4 items to an unspecified date. H. DESIGN REVIEW MODIFICATION DRC2016-00182 - KB HOME -A review of the revised plotting and architecture for 25 single-family residences within a previously approved 76-lot subdivision of about 53 acres in the Very Low(VL) Residential District, within the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at the east side of East Avenue, about 150 feet north of the 210- Freeway - APNs: 0225-452-13 through -17, -19, 0225-465-01 through -03, -15, -16, -18, 0225-085-06 through -09, -11, -12, and 0225-062-02 through -08. Related files: Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18122, Variance DRC2009-00020, Tree Removal Permit DRC2009- 00224 and Design Review DRC2013-00743. On November 9, 2011 a Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18122. California Environmental Quality Act Section 15162 (a) provides that no further environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration. Nikki Cavazos. Assistant Planner, gave the staff report and a PowerPoint presentation(copy on file). In response to Chairman Wimberly she reported the remaining product is single- story. • John Miles of KB Homes thanked staff, and said Ms. Cavasos was very helpful. He said the development will still offer the original 5 floorplans-they are not changing the program-they are merely adding 3 additional floorplans to offer buyers a total of 8 choices. He said the new plans are In compliance with the ESP. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing. Craig Artis, a La Ventana resident said he opposed changing the price point of neighborhood/estate lots...He said the homes seem small and he disagrees with the market research that indicates a smaller hone preference of buyers. He said Andalusia and Coral Sky are selling well and the best-selling model is 4.000 sq. R. He asked to see the research before the decision is made. Priya lnduru, a resident of La Ventana said she was one of the first residents—she liked the large homes/exclusivity. She said she wants to see the stats and she is opposed to the modification and if approved wants a refund and will move elsewhere. Norma Deras. also a La Ventana resident said that she was told it would be 2-3 years before buildout and only a year later they want to change the homes. She said it is not in their best interest. Chairman Wimberly closed the public hearing. Mr. Miles to responded and affirmed that the existing plans will remain, 3 new plans are . being added He said the new plans will reflect about an 580.000 reduction with the large • HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES ;,o MAY 25, 2016 Ccr".AMOvoA Page 5 plans in the mid-800k and smaller plans will be in the 700k range. He said he does not believe it will change the makeup of the community. The single-story homes will look larger from the front and will have a larger back yard. He noted that Staff was adamant that all design elements and features be transferred to the new floorplans for continuity with the existing. He said KB is concerned about making buyers happy. Each buyer signs disclosure that the product may change as the development goes in. He said the demand for single-story homes is much stronger than two-story homes. He said he would make copies of the market research available to the homeowners and staff. Commissioner Macias noted that the Design Review application meets the requirements, the other issues are outside of this review. He said that even if the marketing analysis is provided, it will not change anything. Commissioner Fletcher confirmed that out of 25 houses yet to be built. about 8-or 1/3 of the total remaining will be of the 2.400 square foot size. Chairman Wimberly closed the public hearing. • Commissioner Munoz concurred with Commissioner Macias and accepted the developer's responses. Commissioner Macias noted that the applicant can apply for these changes. it is legal to do So. Commissioner Fletcher said that although there is a concern of the residents, he believes it will be compatible:there will be no change in density or lot size and 2,400-3, 115 square foot product will provide a better mix and should not diminish the neighborhood or value. He said the designs are nice and appropriate. Chairman Wimberly concurred and said the elevations of the new plans will provide lot coverage and a good visual from the street. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Fletcher, carried 4-0-0-1 (Oaxaca absent) to adopt the Resolution approving Design Review Modification DRC2015-00182. I. DESIGN REVIEW DRC2015-00811 - DCI INVESTMENTS-A request to develop 12 single- family homes on 4.36 acres of land in the Low(L) Residential District of the Etiwanda North Specific Plan located on the north side of Wilson Avenue, west of Etiwanda Avenue, at the southwest corner of Altura Drive and Tejas Court; APN: 1087-261-12. Related File: Tentative Tract Map SLIBTT18960. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality . Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines as a Class 32 (CEQA Guidelines Section 15332) exemption, which covers infill development. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION • AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES f MAY 25, 2016 t:cnHoNrA Page 6 Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (copy on file) Rich Scott of DCI Investments said it will be a first class architectural product and that he spent much time with staff. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing and seeing and hearing none, closed the public hearing. Moved by Macias, seconded by Fletcher, carried 4-0-0-1 (Oaxaca absent) to adopt the Resolution approving Design Review DPC2015-00811. V. COMMISSION BUSINESS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION J. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES • None K. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Chairman Wimberly mentioned the Library will be having Star �Vars Read this weekend. Commissioner Fletcher asked staff about the historic gas station sign location. Candyce Burnett, Planning Director, gave an update re: the easement issue with Lamar Signs. Lamar is working with the Route 66 Gas Station to find a new location. She said the proposed location will cause the sign to hang over the right of way but should not affect anything. They will present this to Lamar Signs to negotiate-staff is hopeful for a resolution. VI. ADJOURNMENT 8:04 PM 1, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on May 19, 2016, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. • 4 � HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES �J RANCI10 MAY 25, 2016 Cccn.HoNon Page 7 If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak,given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and • speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of 52,597 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. . Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at www.CityofRC.us.