HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016/01/13 - Minutes - PC-HPCf` THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAINIONCA THE MINUTES OF RANC 110 CUCAMONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION January 13, 2016 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center COUNCIL CHAMBERS 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California 11 I. CALL TO ORDER 11 Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 PM Roll Call Chairman Wimberly X Vice Chairman Oaxaca X Munoz X Macias X Fletcher A Additional Staff Present: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director; Maricela Marroquin, Assistant City Attorney; Tom Grahn, Associate Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary; Jennifer Palacios, Office Specialist 11 II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. None HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION �( AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA ,_- jjnucno January 13, 2016 CUCAMONGA Page 2 III. CONSENT CALENDARMISTORIC PRESERVA-I-ION COMMISSION AND PLANNING CONINIISSION A. Consideration of Regular Meeting Minutes dated December 9, 2015 B. Consideration of Workshop Minutes dated December 9, 2015 Moved by Oaxaca, seconded by Macias to adopt the Consent Calendar. Carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) 11 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS/PLANNING CONUNI1SSION II The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT DRC2015- 00555 (MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA) - SRM DEVELOPMENT - A request to amend the Development Code to conditionally permit Residential Care Facilities in the Low (L) and Low Medium (LM) Residential Districts for the proposed development of a 112 -unit Residential Care Facility on 4.07 acres in the Low (L) Residential District, on the north side of Highland Avenue, between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue, located at 9944 Highland Avenue; APN: 0201-055-49. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00165, Conditional Use Permit DRC2015-00166, Tree Removal Permit DRC2015-00174, Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19619. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. This item as well as the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW DRC2015-00165 MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA (MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA) - SRM DEVELOPMENT - The proposed development of a 112 -unit Residential Care Facility on 4.07 acres in the Low (L) Residential District, on the north side of Highland Avenue, between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue, located at 9944 Highland Avenue; APN: 0201-055-49. Related Files: Conditional Use Permit DRC2015- 00166, Tree Removal Permit DRC2015-00174, Development Code Amendment DRC2015- 00555, Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19619. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION t J AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA ��ANC nU January 13, 2016 C;Eca�MNcn Page 3 E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ORC2015-00166 (MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA) - SRM DEVELOPMENT - The proposed development of a 112 -Residential Care Facility on 4.07 acres in the Low (L) Residential District, on the north side of Highland Avenue, between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue, located at 9944 Highland Avenue; APN: 0201-055-49. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00165, Tree Removal Permit DRC2015-00174, Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00555, Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19619. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19619 (MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA) - SRM DEVELOPMENT -A request to subdivide a 9.55 acre parcel into two lots in the Low (L) Residential District, on the north side of Highland Avenue, between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue, located at 9944 Highland Avenue; APN: 0201-055-49. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00165, Conditional Use Permit DRC2015-00166, Tree Removal Permit DRC2015-00174, Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00555. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. G. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT DRC2015-00174 (MERRILL GARDENS AT RANCHO CUCAMONGA) - SRM DEVELOPMENT - A request to remove 35 trees for the proposed development of a 112 -unit Residential Care Facility on 4.07 acres in the Low (L) Residential District, on the north side of Highland Avenue, between Archibald Avenue and Hermosa Avenue, located at 9944 Highland Avenue, APN: 0201-055-49. Related Files: Design Review DRC2015-00165, Conditional Use Permit DRC2015-00166, Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00555, Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19619. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, gave the staffreport and PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). He noted that a letter had been received from the County of San Bernardino Department of Public Works regarding the proposed MND with respect to water resources. Mr. Grahn reported that their concern has already been addressed in the standard conditions. He also noted that a Planning Condition has been added to three of the resolutions and correction sheets have been placed before the Commissioners (copies on file). Commissioner Oaxaca asked how staff evaluated the criteria to make sure these facilities are compatible with the Low Residential District. Mr. Grahn said staff addressed all the development standards. He said this facility is not a residential use per se but it is consistent with the residential character of the neighborhood. Those living there are more controlled by living inside, and therefore noise is not an issue. He added that the parking is sufficient and the buildings are similar in mass and scale to -+ s• HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (ZAnci10 January 13, 2016 CcGANJovcn Page 4 residential development. He said the Development Code will still allow these facilities in 13 areas in the City and the Code Amendment will not prevent single-family homes from being built. He said they looked at all the standards and all have been met. it is compatible. Vice Chairman Oaxaca observed that compatibility is measured more on a case by rase basis. Mr. Grahn concurred in that the Conditional Use Permit ensures we consider all those factors for every application for this type of development. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing. Andy Loos of SRM Development said they have partnered with Merrill Gardens for the last 12 years. He reported that they have 7 assisted living communities. He said with respect to compatibility: their facilities are very well accepted by the community and provide synergy in that often the families of residents live in the community, their units are in high demand. Chairman Wimberly asked about how the payment structure works. ,L1r. Loos said they do take Medicare; the units rent from about 53.000 per month for a studio up to around 55.000 per month. Meals, laundry and transportation is included and then all other services are on the cafeteria plan. Brad Buller, stated he has worked with the applicant since the inception of the project. He thanked staff and the team. He said the industry of adult care has changed in recent years and these uses make good neighbors. Pat Biehl, 9778 Caldaro Street asked if this is senior housing and if there is medical assistance. Ashley Montgomery 9934 Highland asked about the elevation of the buildings. Mr. Grahn explained there are 3 levels and the building follows the topography of the site. He said the height is 34 feet for the upper story, Chairman Wimberly confirmed the 3" level is below grade. Mr. Loos said no medical care is provided: they assist with daily activities and hygene; there is a memory care unit for dementia and alzheimers. He said residents do not have to need additional services to live there: the memory care unit will have trained personnel there. He said most residents are elderly that need minimal help and there is no age restriction: the typical age is in the low 80s. In response to Chairman 1111imberly he said they do medicine management but no nursing, no shots. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA [jn:acuo January 13, 2016 CUCAMONGA Page 5 Rusty Monzo, said he is a representative of Highland Avenue Community Church. He said Mr. Loos has taken much time to explain everything to their members and they are in total Support. Paul Schroeder said he is a visitation pastor and member of church since 1981. He noted Transportation is provided for residents to go to their doctor if needed. Chairman Wimberly closed the public hearing. Commissioner Munoz expressed support and noted the applicant worked hard. He said he liked how they built into the hill and it looks compatible with the area. Commissioner Macias expressed his support. Vice Chairman Oaxaca said he reviewed the project at the DRC. He said the applicant wasl very responsive, and he believes the facility is compatible. Chairman Wimberly agreed and thanked the applicant for being considerate of the surrounding uses. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Oaxaca, carried 4-0-1 (Fletcher absent) to recommend approval of Development Code Amendment DRC2015-00555. to forward the Development Code Amendment and Mitigated Negative Declaration to the City Council for final action and to approve Design Review DRC2015-00165 as presented, and Tentative Parcel Map 19619 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2015-00166 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2015-00174 as amended. V. COMMISSION BUSINESS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION H. INTER -AGENCY UPDATES Commissioner Munoz provided a copy of the strategic goals for 2016 for the California League of Cities. They were received and filed by the secretary and will be distributed to the remainder of the Commission and staff. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS None %;� HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA RANCHO January 13, 2016 CUCAMONGA Page 6 II VI. ADJOURNMENT II 740 PM 1, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on January 7, 2016, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting. please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak, given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others, the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under "Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours. Monday through Thursday. 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS f s t HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA January 13, 2016 1�A\LI IU G UCANOVnA Page 7 Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of $2,584 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at ,.vww.CityofRC.us.