HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003/09/24 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
September 24, 2003
Chairman Macias called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:14 p.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at Cucamonga County
Water District, 10440 Ashford Street, Rancho Cucamonga, Califomia.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Richard Fletcher, Rich Macias (arrived 8:20 p.m.), Cristine
McPhail, Larry McNiel
ABSENT: Pam Stewart
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner, Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Kirt Coury,
Associate Planner; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, Dan James, Senior Civil
Engineer; James Markman, City Attorney; Debra Meier, Associate Planner;
Flavio Nunez, Assistant Redevelopment Agency Analyst; Gail Sanchez,
Planning Commission Secretary; Lori Shriver, Planning Technician; Mike
Smith, Planning Technician; Alan Warren, Associate Planner, Emily Wimer,
Assistant Planner
Mr. Buller indicated that action on the minutes should be delayed until the arrival of Chairman Macias
in order to have a quorum.
No action was taken at this time.
PURPOSES (V-194)—KB HOME—A request to vacate a 10-foot wide easement for street tree
maintenance purposes, located on the south side of Terra Vista Parkway, east of Coyote
Canyon Park—APN: 1077-831-32. Related file: Tract Map SUBTT15724.
DEVELOPMENT COMPANY-A request to find the vacation of portions of two alleys, generally
located on the south side of Feron Boulevard west of Hermosa Avenue, in conformance with the
General Plan — APN: 0209-085-08, 09, 10, 24, and 25. Related file: Minor Development
Review DRC2003-00328.
review of building elevations and detailed site plan for 10 single family lots within approved
Tentative Tract Map SUBTT16253 on 7 acres of land in the Very Low Residential District(.1-2
dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the north side of Victoria
Street between Etiwanda Avenue and Grape Place-APN: 0227-041-18 and 19. Related file:
Tract Map SUBTT16253.
request for 36 single-family attached townhomes on 3.56 acres of land in the Medium
Residential District(8-14 dwelling units per acre), located at the southeast corner of Archibald
Avenue and Church Street-APN: 1077-861-01 through 36. Related files: Tentative Tract Map
14875 and Minor Development Review DRC2003-00263. On January 9, 1991, a Negative
Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission for Tentative Tract Map 14875 and
related Design Review. The California Environmental Quality Act provides that no further
environmental review or Negative Declaration is required for subsequent projects or minor
revisions to projects within the scope of a previous Negative Declaration.
Commissioner McPhail recused herself from acting on Item A as her firm receives remuneration from
the applicant. Item A was pulled from the Consent Calendar for action later in the evening.
Vice Chairman McNiel asked for confirmation that the grading was already done on Item D and the
review was only for design.
Brad Buller, City Planner, confirmed that was correct.
Motion: Moved by McPhail, seconded by Fletcher, to adopt Items B, C, and D on the Consent
Calendar. Motion carried by the following vote:
FOOTHILL CROSSING, LLC - The review of a Development Agreement for a proposed
shopping center of up to 315,000 square feet, that includes in-line retail stores and individual
retail pad buildings on 60 acres of land on the southeast and southwest corners of Foothill
Boulevard and Day Creek Boulevard within the Regional Related Office/Commercial District of
the Victoria Community Plan - APN: 0229-021-62, 63, and 64. Related Files: General Plan
Amendment GPA2002-00002, Development Code Amendment DCA2003-00616, Tentative
Parcel Map SUBTPM16033, and Conditional Use Permit DRC2002-00839. An Environmental
Impact Report was previously certified in October 2001. The addendum is being prepared in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
O & S HOLDINGS, LLC - A request to amend the General Plan Transportation Section of
Chapter III to re-designate portions of Day Creek Boulevard south of Foothill Boulevard from a
Secondary Street to a Collector Street and Modified Collector Street-APN: 0229-021-62, 63,
and 64. Related Files: Development Code Amendment DRC2003-00616,Tentative Parcel Map
SUBTPM16033, Conditional Use Permit DRC2002-00839, and Development Agreement
Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 24, 2003
DRC2003-00858. An Environmental Impact Report was previously certified in October 2001.
The addendum is being prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
00616 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to amend Chapter 17.30 of the
Development Code to re-designate the Industrial Districts Subarea 8 portion of Day Creek
Boulevard south of Foothill Boulevard, east of Rochester Avenue from a Secondary Street to a
Modified Local Collector Street - APN: 0229-021-20, 34, 47, 53, 54, and 55. Related Files:
General Plan Amendment GPA2002-00002,Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM16033,Conditional
Use Permit DRC2002-00839, and Development Agreement DRC2003-00858. An Environmental
Impact Report was previously certified in October 2001. The addendum is being prepared in
accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
HOLDINGS, LLC-A request to subdivide 60 acres of land into 12 parcels and pubic right-of-way
dedication as part of a proposed shopping center on the southeast and southwest corners of
Foothill Boulevard and Day Creek Boulevard within the Regional Related Office/Commercial
district of the Victoria Community Plan-APN:0229-021-62,63, and 64. Related files: General
Plan Amendment GPA2002-00002, Development Code Amendment DCA2003-00616,
Conditional Use Permit DRC2002-00839, and Development Agreement DRC2003-00858. An
Environmental Impact Report was previously certified in October 2001. The addendum is being
prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.
O & S HOLDINGS, LLC-The review of the site plan and architectural elevations for a proposed
shopping center of up to 315,000 square feet, including in-line retail stores and individual retail
pad buildings, on 60 acres of land on the southeast and southwest corners of Foothill Boulevard
and Day Creek Boulevard within the Regional Related Office/Commercial District of the Victoria
Community Plan -APN: 0229-021-62, 63, and 64. Related Files: General Plan Amendment
GPA2002-00002, Development Code Amendment DCA2003-00616, Tentative Parcel Map
SUBTPM16033, and Development Agreement DRC2003-00858. An Environmental Impact
Report was previously certified in October 2001. The addendum is being prepared in
accordance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act.
Alan Warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and indicated staff wished to delete
Engineering Condition 16 requiring dedication of a right of way for freeway improvement on Tentative
Parcel Map SUBTPM16033 and Conditional Use Permit DRC2002-00839.
Commissioner Fletcher requested clarification with respect to a Collector Street as opposed to a
Secondary Street.
Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that when the City was master planned, it was felt Day
Creek Boulevard should be a Secondary Street with four lanes (two lanes in each direction), plus a
middle lane and center divider for a total of 88 feet of right of way; however a new study determined
that a Collector Street with one lane in each direction and a 66-foot right of way would be sufficient.
He noted it will be modified at Foothill Boulevard to widen the roadway to allow dual left turn lanes in
each direction.
Vice Chairman McNiel asked if it would make the transition at the roundabout to a single lane.
Mr. James confirmed that was correct.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 24, 2003
Vice Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Michael Lawson, 0 & S Holding, LLC and Foothill Crossing, LLC, 11611 San Vicente Boulevard,
#500, Los Angeles, essentially agreed with the staff report. He noted that the Development
Agreement only applies to 44.5 acres. He requested deletion of Planning Condition 3, requiring the
addition of natural river rock accents on in-line buildings and asked that they be allowed to use stack
stone instead of natural river rock if rock accents are added. He said they prefer no stone or stack
stone because they feel that is more representative of historic wineries in the region.
Hearing no further testimony, Vice Chairman McNiel dosed the public hearing. He recalled that the
use of natural river rock instead of stack stone was discussed at either the Design Review
Committee meeting or a previous workshop and the relationship of river rock to the local area and
history was discussed.
Brad Buller, City Planner, confirmed that staff and the Design Review Committee indicated that
natural river rock is the appropriate rock material. He noted that Day Creek Boulevard has a major
rock theme and it was not the intent of staff to require rock on the buildings, but rather it could be
used as an accent material, such as in pilasters and landscaping. He suggested modifying Planning
Condition 3 to allow the minor use of stack stone subject to review and approval by the City Planner.
He noted the applicant called out stack stone in front of the garden center and he indicated staff
would abide by the Commission's decision.
Commissioner McPhail observed she had viewed the project in the Pre-Application Review and at
the Design Review Committee meeting. She felt it will be a fine project and a good place for patrons
to go. She believed the architecture is true to the area and reflective of the winery and Route 66
theme. She preferred river rock as opposed to stack stone but was willing to give discretion to the
City Planner to allow stack stone in context.
Commissioner Fletcher stated he sat in on the Design Review Committee process. He likewise was
willing to defer to the City Planner to work out the use of stack stone with the applicant. He was
impressed with the design and felt the applicant could work with staff. He liked the Route 66
Vice Chairman McNiel felt it is a great project and will be a good addition to the community. He
observed he had been at a store in Temecula recently where the stack stone was being replaced on
buildings because it had become detached. He liked the look of the buildings but expressed
concerns about the use of stack stone. He noted river rock is used in many historic buildings in the
area. He was willing to give the City Planner discretion with respect to the use of stone. He felt that
if both stack stone and river rock are used, he would like to see river rock as the dominant material.
He asked for the use of river rock in the street scene.
Motion: Moved by McPhail, seconded by Fletcher to adopt the resolutions recommending approval
of the Addendum to the 2001 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report and the resolutions
recommending approval of Development Agreement DRC2003-00858, General Plan Amendment
GPA2002-00002, Development Code Amendment DRC2003-00616, Tentative Parcel Map
SUBTPM16033, and Conditional Use Permit DRC2002-00839 with modifications to delete the
requirement for dedication of the right of way for freeway improvement and to allow minor use of
stack stone subject to review and approval of the City Planner. Motion carried by the following vote:
Planning Commission Minutes -4- September 24, 2003
INDUSTRIES-A request to operate a non-profit second-hand store of 9,500 square feet within
an existing shopping center in the Neighborhood Commercial District,located at 9749 Base Line
Road -APN: 1077-011-50.
Mike Smith, Planning Technician, presented the staff report and indicated staff received five letters
of opposition from other tenants in the shopping center and a FAX from Goodwill listing tenants in
other centers with Goodwill stores. He stated that if the Commission decided to allow rear
unloading, the Resolution of Approval would have to be revised because it prohibits
loading/unloading in the rear of the building.
Vice Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Tracy Powers,Vice President of Retail Operations, Goodwill Industries Southem California,342 San
Fernando Road, Los Angeles, presented a brief overview of the purpose of Goodwill Industries and
its operation. He stated they have 36 stores in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside
Counties and provided vocational training and job placement services for over 6,000 people with
disabilities and other disadvantages in the last year. He said the two comments they most often hear
when opening new stores are that they do not belong in high-income areas and that their stores are
a magnet for trash. He indicated their most successful store on a per capita basis is in Santa Clarita,
a community with a median household income of$96,000 per year. He said that disposable income
generates both customers and donors. He acknowledged some of their donations are trash and a
few donors drop off in the night but said Goodwill is proactive in dealing with trash by generally
establishing an early morning clean up routine. He commented that shopping centers are notorious
dumping grounds for trash but Goodwill generally takes the blame for any illegal dumping so any
items not suitable for sale in the store are picked up daily and hauled away. He said they perform a
valuable service of hauling away trash that would normally be hauled away by the shopping center
owner. He reported that in the past year over 1,000,000 people donated to Goodwill and over
30,000 tons of material was sold or recycled. He stated they received one housekeeping complaint
that they dealt with by revising their transportation schedule. He asserted there is no evidence that
having Goodwill as a neighbor causes any negative consequences. He commented they are simply
operating a retail store that sells donated goods and their customers are primarily women over the
age of 45 who live within 5 miles of the store. He said they have never been in a situation where
there was an attempt to close any of their stores because of cleanliness, noise, crime, or for any
other reason. He commented that the Mayor had visited several of their stores and he hoped the
Commissioners had done the same.
Commissioner McPhail asked if their employees are developmentally disabled or economically
Mr. Powers stated that last year they helped over 6,000 people. He noted that generally the
employees come from the community. He indicated that if developmentally disabled individuals were
employed, an on-site job coach would supervise them.
Commissioner McPhail asked how many people in this area have been helped and placed.
Mr. Powers said they do community outreach in some areas by having a community/career center
within the store to help do job research,write resumes, get them online, etc.;however they would not
have those services in this store because of size.
Commissioner Fletcher asked about drop offs in the back.
Mr. Powers said Rancho Cucamonga is a popular location for retail business and he felt the
community would be a good source of donations. He indicated they researched the area and this
was the only site where they could locate their store under the conditional use permit process. He
Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 24, 2003
said they would prefer a store with a wider frontage so they could have a separate entrance for drop
offs at the front of the store. Because of the narrow 60-foot frontage, he felt it would be more
appropriate to collect the goods at the rear of the store. He said they do that in other locations
where there is no second front door. He indicated rear drop-off access would not be a deal breaker,
but it would be preferred by Goodwill.
Commissioner McPhail noted there is a collection site at Arrow and Haven.
Mr. Powers said they have a shipping container there and it is the only one in the City.
Commissioner Fletcher asked if Mr. Powers said it is the only location available.
Mr. Powers confirmed it was the only one they could find that was vacant and available to them.
Vice Chairman McNiel asked if repairs are made to the donated items on site when needed.
Mr. Powers responded that about 25 percent of the total store area would be devoted to sorting
donated goods and anything not suitable (damaged, stained, etc.), is not put on store floor. He
noted they do not sell damaged goods, such as items missing buttons, etc. He explained that only
about 50 percent of the donated goods are placed on the selling floor. He said they daily truck the
excess goods to a Goodwill salvage operation (closest one in San Bernardino),where they recycle
portions of those products for sale prior to disposal. He indicated they use the funds collected to
train in skills such as truck driving, word processing, etc.
Commissioner Fletcher asked the size of the Fontana store.
Mr. Powers replied the Fontana store is only 8,000 square feet and they plan to expand it or move it
when the lease expires in 2005.
Commissioner Fletcher asked if goods are dropped off after hours on occasion.
Mr. Powers acknowledged that happens and said that is why they have a truck come each morning
to remove any items that are not suitable.
Kevin Kemper, attomey representing Goodwill, 1999 Avenue of the Stars,Los Angeles,thanked staff
for checking with surrounding localities for feedback regarding the Goodwill operation. He noted
there are a lot of other types of second-hand stores. He felt their operation complies with the
findings necessary to obtain a conditional use permit. He thought the use will not be detrimental to
the center or the surrounding He said that typically shopping centers welcome them; however the
ownership of this center is unusual. He explained that Goodwill proposes to lease the space from
Travis, which subleases from Albertsons, which leases from the center owner. He said because
Albertsons pays for the lease, the center owner gets its money even if the site is not leased. He
noted the space has been vacant for quite a few years and he felt an empty store is more of blight on
a center than a Goodwill store would be.
Cathryn DeYoung, 355 South Bristol Street, Suite C, Costa Mesa, stated she and her father-in-law,
Roger DeYoung, have owned the center for 25 years. She agreed that although they own the
property they are not able to select the tenant of the property. She said that categorically Goodwill
does good work. She felt this is an unusual location for Goodwill. She stated that the back area is a
narrow fire access alley. She said that if two cars are there for a drop off or items are discarded
there, it means the fire area is blocked and it would not help to have the items removed the next day
because it would be blocked in the meantime. She noted that a Senior Plans Examiner in the Fire
and Safety Division indicated there would not be a problem so long as the fire lane remains clear but
she was concerned that he may not have visited the site. She was also concerned that items will be
dropped off in front at night.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- September 24, 2003
Craig Dootson, property manager, 234 East 17th Street, #209, Costa Mesa, expressed concerns
about cleanliness and noted that Goodwill has acknowledged that dumping will occur. Hs observed
the rear of the center is gated at night from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and he feared people would dump
right outside the gate after those hours, which is adjacent to Archibald Avenue. He said this is a
shopping center and should not be a drop-off center. He noted that Goodwill admitted this is not
really a good fit, but it is the only site they could find at this time. He felt that even if appropriate
conditions were applied, the donors would not know the restrictions. He said he has managed the
property for 20 years and he felt the other tenants are all opposed as are surrounding residents.
Frederick Chan, 9713 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he is the owner of Econo Drugs
in the shopping center. He opposed the project and felt the store is incompatible with the center. He
said the operation is not the same as the rest of the center because it accepts donations and the
center is not designed for that function because there is no direct access to the store from the back.
He stated the alley is not designed for customers to go there, as it is necessary to exit onto Archibald
to enter the back alley. He indicated his store is the closest to Archibald Avenue. He said people
have been dumping goods in the area. He noted that Albertson's trucks can arrive at any time and
he felt the alley is not place for pedestrians. He thought leaving goods by the back door would invite
scavengers and homeless people. He felt Goodwill should find another location that would be more
suited to its operation. He believed a small amount of donations may be easy to handle, but a 9,000
square foot store would attract large donations.
Carol Springstead, Penson Partners, 1840 Tradewinds Lane, Newport Beach, stated she is the
broker marketing the property and she has diligently tried to market the property for the past four
years. She said they finally secured Dollar Tree, a tenant that does well in affluent areas. She
observed that left almost 10,000 square feet to be leased and they located Goodwill, which she
believed would be a good tenant. She felt that when a store is vacant, there are typically dumping
problems. She said there are other centers in the area where Albertsons co-tenants with Goodwill
and there are no problems. She asserted that Goodwill works well with other major tenants.
Chairman Macias arrived.
Nicole Caruso, Slim and Tone, 9795 Base Line Road, Rancho Cucamonga, acknowledged that
Goodwill does good things. However, she did not think it would be good for this center. She noted
that Goodwill has said there will be drop offs at night. She said she has worked at large grocery
stores that removed drop-off containers because of the trash. She felt it should not be put in this
center because she feared it would hurt her business.
Bianca Corona, 7433 London Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated her home is located just behind
the back wall. She said that if a truck comes daily to pick up, it will not be able to load in 10 minutes
and she felt it would block the fire lane and that would be another noisy truck for them to deal with.
She also believed that trash would fall on the ground when the truck is being loaded and it will gush
onto their street when it rains, as does the trash from Albertsons' trucks. She felt it was a shame
they allowed Dollar Tree to occupy only a portion of the previously vacant space because the area
left looks like it is part of Dollar Tree. She also feared people will park immediately in front of the
store in the drive aisle to drop off goods rather than parking in the lot and carrying items across the
drive aisle to the store. She said she would no longer want to shop at Albertsons. She felt the
parking spaces are already over crowded. She said that around 9 p.m. a lot of teenagers gather in
the parking lot and she feared they would sort through any items left there.
Cathryn DeYoung, thanked the Commission for the time they have put into the matter. She noted
that three other tenants had submitted letters opposing Goodwill: Little Caesars, Nancy's Hallmark,
and the dentist. She said her primary concem is the drop off in the rear. She requested that the
denial be upheld.
Planning Commission Minutes -7- September 24, 2003
Mr. Powers stated that Goodwill appreciated the comments made. He noted the Fire Department
approved access at the rear of the building and the rear alley is locked off at night. He said there is a
truck well that will be used in common with Dollar Tree, so they would not be blocking the fire
access. He noted the property is parked to code and will be occupied by someone and therefore the
parking lot will have additional patrons and the rear alley would be used for truck deliveries of goods.
He felt they had shown that they would not negatively impact the neighborhood because they operate
enough locations without problems.
Vice Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
James Markman, City Attorney, stated the state of Califomia recently adopted legislation requiring a
minimum of three votes to pass a resolution. He noted that since Chairman Macias had not been
present during all testimony, he should abstain from voting at this time. He stated that if the
remaining three Commissioners could not agree, the matter should be continued to the next meeting
and the absent Commissioners could review the tape and then vote on the matter.
Vice Chairman McNiel stated he was on the Commission during the time that the residents took
Albertsons to task for noise and debris because the alley is close to the residences. He felt the back
alley should not be used by Goodwill because of problems. He noted that the front of the building
does not have adjacent parking and he felt most people dropping off goods, will illegally park in the
drive aisle while dropping off. He did not believe Goodwill would have such a negative impact but he
agreed that drop offs could be a problem. He said there are a number of thrift store locations in the
City and articles are dropped off and are a nuisance until removed in the morning. He stated he sells
for a maintenance organization that handles Home Depot stores and many times those parking lots
are used as dump sites. He felt Goodwill was trying to shoehorn a good idea into a facility that is not
totally compatible as he did not believe the facility lends itself to the function of drop off.
Commissioner Fletcher appreciated the services of Goodwill and said he likewise utilizes the drop-off
facility at Arrow Highway and Haven Avenue. He stated he visited the Fontana store location as he
had never been in a Goodwill retail store. He also did not feel the location is appropriate for a thrift
store and said he would prefer to see the retail operation enhanced in that location in the future. He
said that when he drops off things, he typically has five to six bags at a time. He agreed that drop
offs in the alley would not be appropriate and he felt having the collection in the front would lead to
people parking illegally while dropping off items. He also feared they would dose the Arrow Avenue
and Haven Avenue collection facility, leading to more drop offs. He felt there would be better
locations in the City and noted there is an abundance of thrift stores in the area.
Commissioner McPhail felt that anything that provides an opportunity for assistance to
developmentally disabled should be made to fit into neighborhoods. She agreed it is not a good site,
but she felt a boarded up store is more of a blight and makes the center appear less vital. She felt
the Goodwill Store would help to bring in people. She agreed the collection is a problem. She was
not sure if it would be feasible to prohibit collection at the store and limiting it to the collection facility
on Arrow Highway. She did not think there would be a problem with dumping off in the back at night
because it is locked at night. She said people would then dump off in the front. She wanted to
encourage a Goodwill Store in Rancho Cucamonga and she hoped others would patronize it
because of what it stands for. She said she understood a conditional use permit could be reviewed
after a certain period of time if it causes problems She wanted to approve the use and see if
collection problems could be addressed, perhaps through keeping collection on Arrow Highway and
see if there would be ways to make it work.
Brad Buller, City Planner, acknowledged that the Mayor told him he had reviewed several existing
sites where Goodwill is a tenant within a shopping center. He said the Mayor indicated that Goodwill
appeared to be good tenants in those locations. Mr. Buller also noted that any conditional use permit
can be brought back before the Commission at any time and could be brought back because of a set
review time or because of complaints from others. He said it could then come back before the
Planning Commission Minutes -8- September 24, 2003
Commission for possible modification or revocation. He noted that public issues with this center
have been with the City for some time with the previous Commission dealing with noise in the back
alley and other issues around the center in general because it is an older center and is adjacent to
Vice Chairman McNiel stated that if the use is approved and they go into the center, they may well
have to revisit the process and undoing the process is messier than not allowing the use in the first
place. He felt nobody was denying the good acts of Goodwill and they would stop seeking an
appropriate location if they were permitted to move there. He indicated he voted in favor of the
Mennonite Thrift store closer to his home because it is in the right location and has appropriate
access. He felt that doing the right thing may well be denying the approval.
Commissioner Fletcher noted the Assistance League of Upland has a facility on Arrow Route and the
felt that is a good location and there are no objections there. He believed there would be better
locations for Goodwill than in this center. He did not feel that store would be an enhancement for
that center.
Mr. Markman stated the public hearing would not need to be reopened in order for the Commission
to continue the discussion only so that the absent Commissioners could listen to a tape of the
testimony and participate in deliberations at the next meeting.
Motion: Moved by McPhail, seconded by Fletcher, to continue the discussion only for Appeal of
Denial of Conditional Use Permit DRC2003-00468 to October 8, 2003. Motion carried by the
following vote:
The Planning Commission recessed from 8:50 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Fletcher, approved 3-0-1-1 (Stewart absent, McPhail
abstain), to approve the minutes of August 27, 2003.
Motion: Moved by McPhail, seconded by McNiel, carried 4-0-1 (Stewart absent), to approve the
minutes of August 27, 2003, Adjoumed Meeting.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by McPhail, approved 2-0-1-2 (Stewart absent; Fletcher,
Macias abstain), to approve the minutes of September 10, 2003.
PURPOSES(V-194)—KB HOME—A request to vacate a 10-foot wide easement for street tree
maintenance purposes, located on the south side of Terra Vista Parkway, east of Coyote
Canyon Park—APN: 1077-831-32. Related file: Tract Map SUBTT15724.
Planning Commission Minutes -9- September 24, 2003
Commissioner McPhail recused herself from acting on Item A as her firm receives remuneration from
the applicant.
Motion: Moved by Fletcher, seconded by McNiel,to adopt Item A of the Consent Calendar. Motion
carried by the following vote:
ABSTAIN: McPHAIL - carried
A proposed amendment to the text of the Development Code to allow self-storage facilities
within residential zones, under specific circumstances, with the approval of a conditional use
Debra Meier, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Macias opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 10681 Foothill Boulevard, #395, Rancho Cucamonga,
stated they had been approached to change the 7-acre parcel located on the east side of Haven
Avenue immediately south of the 210 Freeway eastbound on-ramp to retail commercial,which would
allow service stations and fast food , but they could not support that use. He said they have had a
lot of experience with self-storage facility design and development and this site is now owned by the
people who did the self-storage project at Arrow Highway and Hermosa Avenue. He stated that
project is adjacent to residential property and the design and orientation and limited hours of
operation have made that a win/win situation. He was not aware of any complaints. He explained
they were not requesting a change of the zoning of the property so no other commercial uses could
be placed there. He reported they have filed a specific project and plan to build the storage facility
on one portion of the site and single-family homes on the remainder of the site. He said the self-
storage facility would be to the north, oriented toward Haven Avenue. He indicated they intend to
meet with the neighbors and solicit input on the design. He pointed out the Development Code
Amendment would protect the underlying use. He noted this would be a City-wide Development
Code Amendment and said he has a site at the 210 and 15 Freeways that he also believed is not
conducive to single-family residential uses even though it is zoned for residential.
Eileen Crowl, 6550 Valinda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated this would be in her backyard. She
said she always dreamed of another family living behind her house. She felt they are a community
oriented neighborhood. She stated her next door neighbor is along the freeway on-ramp, her house
is kitty comer to the on-ramp, and there are houses on Dakota Avenue that back up to Haven
Avenue. She observed they all have to live with the noise and are doing fine. She stated they are
putting in new windows and she wondered why homes could not be put on the parcel and the sound
wall continued. She said Haven Avenue and 19th Street currently has a lot of traffic. She said U-
turns are not permitted when heading south on Haven Avenue at 19th Street but people constantly
make u-tums. She asked how southbound traffic would get into a storage unit without making a U-
turn at 19th Street. She said her husband is a Los Angeles County Sheriff and he felt storage units
are used by a transient population, as people in their neighborhood store items in their garages. She
feared problems with crime and illegal substances.
June Selos,6542 Valinda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, expressed concern about the wordage and
asked the meaning of"conditional use"and "under specific conditions." She said they wrote a letter
and Charles Joseph Associates responded and said that this was the only use that could be
contemplated with the proximity of the freeway and associated noise and traffic circulation needs of
Planning Commission Minutes -10- September 24, 2003
the site because the site is not conducive to single-family residential development. She asked why
they are then planning to build eight houses on the site. She was concerned about the value of her
home and said they are dealing with noise and light. She said Mr. Buquet's comment that he knows
of another site made it sound like this will be a blueprint for other projects in the City. She noted that
Rancho Cucamonga is growing fast and she felt it is not always to the betterment of local
Trina Stone,6610 Valinda Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga,was concerned about what people keep in
their storage facilities,the hours of operation, increased traffic because of u-hauls trying to make U-
turns or making illegal u-turns on 19th Street in mid-block. She said it was zoned for residential and
she did not feel it would be good to have self-storage. She stated someone wanted to build a church
there a few years ago and she felt that would have fit in better but she thought someone had said the
City would not rezone for a church. She thought the noise from the doors on the storage units during
late hours will be a nuisance. She was offended that the letter from Charles Joseph Associates said
the area is not conducive to residential development because their homes have been there for 30
years. She asked that the Commission seriously consider the request since it will affect many
residents in the City who have alreadybeen adversely affected by the 210 Freeway.
Mr. Buquet stated he appreciated the comments made by the residents. He said no offense was
intended by the comment that the area is not conducive to residential development and it is merely a
technical term. He stated it has more to do with environmental impacts associated with the freeway
and Haven Avenue noise. He noted the City has recently been holding meetings concerning noise
issues adjacent to the freeway. He said they propose a self-storage facility designed to be fully
contained and accessed off Haven Avenue. He stated that self-storage facilities generate less traffic
than single-family residential, multi-family residential, industrial, or commercial uses. He said the
hours of operation would be primarily daytime hours. He explained they plan residential on the south
side of the site so that there would not be an interface with one side of the street being a self-storage
facility and the other side of the street being residential facing the storage. He said that garages at
homes are designed and intended for storage of vehicles, not materials and the demand for self-
storage is growing. He indicated the self-storage facility would be monitored 24 hours per day. He
explained they would still need to process any development and there will be an opportunity for
neighborhood input during that process. He said storage of hazardous materials and illicit activities
would not be condoned and vehicle repairs could not take place there. He stated he has 18 years of
experience with the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman Macias closed the public hearing.
Brad Buller, City Planner, clarified that there is another proposal for a mini-storage in the Etiwanda
Specific Plan area as alluded to by Mr. Buquet. He said the action before the Commission this
evening would only apply to the Development Code and would not apply to the Etiwanda Specific
Plan, but it would be applicable to consider a change in the Etiwanda Specific Plan area if this
concept is supported.
Commissioner McPhail stated the Commission was voting on the opportunity for such projects to be
considered, but not a specific development. She thought an approval of the Development Code
Amendment would not mean they would necessarily approve the specified land to be used in that
Mr. Buller confirmed that was correct. He said this is the land use action and a specific project
would need to be reviewed as a land entitlement action with a separate hearing.
Chairman Macias stated they were considering an amendment to the Development Code to make
the use more flexible.
Planning Commission Minutes -11- September 24, 2003
Mr. Buller explained the conditional use permit process and said that approval of the Code
Amendment would only enable someone to request that use, it would not approve any project. He
said the special conditions needed for this use to be considered would mean the Commission would
feel the need for an altemative buffer between a major noise generator, such as a freeway, and
either existing or future residences. He explained that under the conditional use permit process,they
would look at that specific criteria as well as other criteria that would make it compatible with the
neighborhood. He stated the Commission would not be obligated to approve any request if it could
not determine compatible through public testimony, conditions, circulation, design, etc. He said the
residents will have every right to raise questions and issues should that application move forward.
Commissioner McPhail stated that when the concept was presented to the Commission previously,it
was felt they want to be flexible in opportunities to enrich the community. However, she felt the
particular property mentioned this evening may or may not be appropriate and she was not yet
convinced it would be a good use. She felt the conditions that would make it more palatable may not
be acceptable to the applicant. She said it would have to be a superior facility. She supported the
Development Code Amendment.
Commissioner McNiel also supported the amendment. He observed there are several such facilities
in the community and he felt the use is probably the least intrusive of any function in the community.
He said it does not allow small manufacturing to occur and the hours are limited. He felt it would be
preferable to have the use in residential areas because the residents use the facilities.
Commissioner Fletcher stated his office is off Arrow Route and there are numerous such facilities
along that area. He agreed they generate much less traffic than retail or residential. He felt the
amendment will provide flexibility for what is beneficial to the community and it would not be
detrimental. He noted this action would not approve a specific project, but would make conditions
flexible. He said the City has a strong history of closely regulating conditional use permits.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Fletcher, to adopt the resolution recommending
Development Code Amendment DRC2003-00709. Motion carried by the following vote:
request to amend the Regional Center Land Use Mix Table 111-4 by modifying the land use
acreage ranges and the density ranges to be consistent with the approved development projects
within the Regional Center that is generally bounded by Foothill Boulevard, Base Line Road, 1-15
Freeway, and Day Creek Channel. In accordance with Public Resources Code Section 21166 or
Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines, no subsequent or supplemental Environmental Impact
Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration is required to be prepared.
Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner McNiel asked if the action was a clean up item.
Ms. Fong confirmed that was correct.
Chairman Macias opened the public hearing. There was no testimony and he closed the hearing.
Commissioner Fletcher asked for confirmation that this would not increase total density.
Brad Buller, City Planner, confirmed the total number of units remains the same.
Planning Commission Minutes -12- September 24, 2003
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Fletcher,to adopt the resolution recommending approval of
General Plan Amendment DRC2003-00712. Motion carried by the following vote:
ROCK LLC-A request to develop a 17,435 square foot multi-tenant auto care center on 1.43
acres of land in the Industrial District (Subarea 3), located at 9199 Arrow Route -
APN: 0209-012-10.
Emily Wimer, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Macias invited public comment.
Doug Peeters, Managing Partner, West Rock, LLC 14072 Pierson Court, Rancho Cucamonga,
agreed with staffs recommendation. He felt the project will be aesthetically pleasing.
Commissioner McNiel asked if there is sufficient parking and if all maintenance activity will occur
inside the building.
Mr. Peters stated there will only be light automotive type uses such as oil changes, mufflers, and
brakes. He said they don't anticipate any vehicles needing to stay overnight as they don't intend to
do any transmission work.
Commissioner McNiel noted there are some facilities that started out self-contained but they now
have parking lots full of vehicles being repaired. He wanted to be sure cars are not stacked up in the
parking lot being repaired or dismantled.
There was no further public comment.
Commissioner McNiel stated there are some facilities on 8th Street where dismantled automobiles
have accumulated outside. He said people may have the best of intentions but he was concerned
that not be allowed to happen here.
Brad Buller, City Planner, suggested adding conditions that all repair service to be conducted inside
the building and no cars shall be stored outside overnight.
Commissioner McNiel supported the additional conditions.
Commissioner Fletcher noted there will be some cars parked outside during the day awaiting work.
Chairman Macias agreed and said he just did not want vehicles sifting around waiting for parts.
Commissioner McPhail stated the applicant worked diligently with staff and the Design Review
Committee to make the facility attractive.
Motion: Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Macias, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Development Review DRC2003-00302. Motion carried by the following vote:
Planning Commission Minutes -13- September 24, 2003
CHARLES JOSEPH ASSOCIATES-A request to initiate a Development Code text amendment
regarding rail service standards for property located adjacent to rail spur lines within the General
Industrial District Subarea 5.
Kirt Coury, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Fletcher asked the difference between a rail-served building and one that is not.
Mr. Coury replied that a rail-serve building is built right up to the rail line and is available to take direct
service off the rail line.
Commissioner Fletcher asked how the building would be built differently if it were built with the ability
to be rail served but was not currently utilizing the rail line.
Brad Buller, City Planner, responded the building would be built with knockout panels. He explained
that in the past, the City went through the industrial properties and determined where rail service
spurs were located. He reported staff has had brokers advise they were glad such properties are
Commissioner McPhail asked how many sites would be affected by the proposed amendment.
Mr. Buller replied staff had not done a search but he noted there are vacant parcels around the
parcel in question.
Chairman Macias invited public comments.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 10681 Foothill Boulevard, #395, Rancho Cucamonga,
presented a letter from Scheu Business Center and letters from two real estate brokers. He noted
the letters from the real estate brokers indicated they have handled leases for hundreds of acres and
have found no demand for rail-served buildings. Mr. Buquet stated Mr. Scheu is ready to build
Phase V of the Scheu Business Center but was told the project will not be deemed complete
because the building is not designed to be rail served. He said they do not want their building to be
rail-served because they have no need for it. Mr. Buquet maintained that the Panattoni and General
Motors facilities were approved without the rail-serve requirement. He believed there is an
opportunity in the Development Code to address the issue in the Design Review process. He said
his client has never designed rail-serve buildings because they have no need for it. He observed
they are not suggesting that the rail spur line be tom out and it could be used further south. He
objected to being forced to design a building with knockout panels for possible use of a rail spur that
has not been used for years. He said there have been changes in the Fire Code and they are
required to provide fire access totally around the building. Because a building with capability for rail
serve would be against the property line, he said it would require modifications in order for them to
have an interim use of the building. He asserted that the railroad is abandoning many spurs and
ripping out railroad lines because of the Alameda Corridor and the Metro Link.
Craig Scheu, Scheu Business Center, 9444 9th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated a steel company
had the rail line there for 40 years and Union Pacific tore out the rail spur one weekend. He did not
Planning Commission Minutes -14- September 24, 2003
want to redesign their proposed building because it would mean truck bays would be in front with the
offices and their users want the shipping/receiving in the back of the building. He said that front-
' loaded buildings attract companies with a limited number of employees. He indicated this building
would be their fifth addition. He said their project has been highly successful and this would totally
change their image. He felt that front-loaded buildings present a poor image.
Commissioner Fletcher asked if they sell their buildings or retain ownership and lease them.
Mr. Scheu replied they hold the buildings and lease them out. He said they started the park in 1975.
There were no additional public comments.
Commissioner McNiel stated the City has gone through the Development Code a number of times
and it seems the City gives up a little more each time the plan is revisited. He cited the sign
ordinance as an example and said there is more clutter in the community now. He expressed
concern about giving away the rail service capacity. He felt it would be like General Motors selling
buses to communities and getting rid of the rail lines in the 1940s and now trains are back in use.
He was not willing to jump because the current market may not utilize rail service as he thought it
might be needed in the future.
Commissioner McPhail commented that the tracks cannot be put back in once they have been given
Commissioner Fletcher stated he might be willing to look at the specific project. He noted that the
market dictates the use. He said the building could be built with knockout panels that would never
be used. He noted that the building which houses his office was built for light industrial but
' businesses came in and made offices with the conditional use permit process. He felt there will not
be a market in the future for light industrial in his complex. He said there may be a situation where
the intended use is not what the market wants and he said he would like to look at this request in the
context of proposed development.
Chairman Macias stated the market is not there at present but the market may well be there in the
future because of the growth that is projected for the,region. He said the focus of this region is
goods movement. He indicated the Alameda Corridor Regional Transportation Plan will be published
in about three weeks and there is a huge emphasis on goods movement but the bulk of that growth
will not be until after 2010. Vice Chairman Macias stated he has always been reluctant to make
changes to the Development Code unless he sees a need. He supported staffs position.
Mr. Buller stated the applicant has the right to take the matter up to the City Council, as either the
Planning Commission or the City Council can initiate an amendment to the text.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by McPhail to deny Consideration to Initiate Development
Code Amendment DRC2003-00898.. Motion carried by the following vote:
There were no public comments at this time.
Planning Commission Minutes -15- September 24, 2003
Brad Buller, City Planner, reported the City Council held a special budget session earlier in the week
and cut Planning's budget by$100,000 as a result of State actions. He said the cut will come from
Contract Planning Services. He noted there are currently three contract staff people and
adjustments will be made. He observed that Planning's workload is heavier than it has ever been.
Commissioner Fletcher stated he would support future discussions on the rail-serve issue. He noted
the Alameda Corridor issue may lead to more traffic impacts.
Mr. Buller stated staff could address the matter but he currently did not have additional staff time to
devote to special research because of the high development project workload.
Commissioner McNiel felt the marketplace should be the last authority on whether to make changes
because the market is fickle. He thought there should be really strong evidence of the necessity for
a change.
Chairman Macias asked what the real impact is to a developer.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated the applicant wishes to build a product which is totally
different from rail-served.
Mr. Buller stated that Mr. Buquet alluded to fire code issues but he noted there have been a lot of
rail-serve buildings. He said staff would check on Panattoni and General Motors.
Chairman Macias noted there is a spur by the Metro Link station that is used constantly.
Mr. Coleman observed a car may sit there for weeks, but the need is still there.
The Planning Commission adjoumed at 10:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
B ler
Planning Commission Minutes -16- September 24, 2003