HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-25 - Agenda Packet Supplemental - PC-HPCK
Schrader, Lois
From: Tran, Dat
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 7:39 AM
To: Schrader, Lois
Subject: Kiddie Academy Neighborhood Comment 2
From: Tran, Dat
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 7:42 AM
To:'billie davis' <dbillie643@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: DRC 2017-00889
See below.
From: billie davis Imailto:dbillie643@emaii.com]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 9:16 PM
To: Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran(@citvofrc.us>
Subject: Re: DRC 2017-00889
Hi Dat,
Thank you for the information.
I have a few additional questions for you regarding this project.
'ren in each age group?
2. How many classrooms will this location have?
3.Does this building have an elevator?
It does have one.
4. How did this project not need to do an evaluation of the environmental quality act compliance (CEQK)?
It does not it. Qualifies for environmental infill exemption under CEQA. However, we did require tests to be done. This
A Biological Habitat Assessment Report (Golden State Land & Tree Assessment, March 2018)
Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study (Birdseye Planning Group, February 2018)
Lo r
Health Risk Assessment (Pomeroy Environmental Services, January 2018)
Trip Generation Memorandum (Mizuta traffic Consulting, December 2017)
Acoustical Evaluation (Noise Engineers, April 2018)
Arborist Report (David's Tree Service, April 2018)
So environmentally, it was pretty thoroughly tested.
Thank you,
On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 7:41 AM, Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran(@citvofrc.us> wrote:
Hi Billie,
The plans can't be sent because they're large physical plans and can only be viewable here at City Hall. If you would
like to see the plans, let me know. We can arrange for a time for you to come in and I can run you through the plans.
Here is a copy of the agenda and staff report online for you ease of viewing. It has thorough description of the project
as proposed.
■ Dat
From: billie davis [mailto:dbillie643@email.com]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 4:45 PM
To: Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran@citvofrc.us>
Subject: DRC 2017-00889
Can you please send me the plans for the Kiddy Academy project, tree removal permit, and the application they filled
out (the letter) for the CUP.
ecg2� �e
Schrader, Lois
From: Tran, Dat
Sent: Wednesday, July 25. 2018 6:28 PM
To: Schrader, Lois
Cc: Smith, Michael; Burnett, Candyce
Subject: One more item to be put in front of commissioners for tonight's meeting.
Lois, one more item to be added in front of the commissioners for tonight's meeting. It's Billie Davis.
I have talked to Mike about this, we have a way to address these issues if it comes up in tonight's meeting.
From: billie davis [mailto:dbillie643@gmail.comj
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 5:19 PM
To: Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran@cityofrc.us>
Subject: Re: DRC 2017-00889
Hello Dat,
On the chart you sent me, in regard to the classrooms and age groups, the 17th month to 30 month
age group is missing.
According to the chart, the front office is run by the director of the school and has no additional staff.
This is odd, especially for the size of the location and number of students. It is an indication that this
business is trying to mislead the city in the actual need for more staff which will result in the need for
additional parking spaces.
The Notice of Filing board located on Victoria Park Place does not have the notice for today's public
hearing meeting posted on it. As people living in the immediate community, we never received a
notice about the neighborhood meeting this builder conducted last month. This is another indication
that this builder is misleading because they never mailed out any letters regarding the neighborhood
We have taken pictures of the Victoria Park Place board on a daily basis and it is missing the city
notification of when the Public Hearing will be. It seems as though the City of Rancho Cucamonga
is working with the builder in preventing the public from knowing about the hearing today. This is not
a good way of doing business as the city as an equal responsibility to protect the interest of its citizens.
The Notice of Filing board located on Atwood street ( Which is hidden from the main street and facing a not so
busy cul-de-sac) had the public hearing information posted on it.
On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 7:41 AM, Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran citvofrc.us> wrote:
See below.
From: billie davis [mailto:dbillie643@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 9:16 PM
To: Tran, Dat <Dat.Tran@cityofrc.us>
Subject: Re: DRC 2017-00889