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2018-03-28 - Agenda Packet Supplemental - PC-HPC
CONTINUANCE OF PUBLIC, HEARING At its regular meeting held .on March 28, 2018, the Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission continued the following item(s) to its meeting to be held on April 11, 2018. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT DRC2018-00177 — CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA —A request to amend Title 17 (Development Code) of the Municipal Code to amend regulations regarding the posting and display of signs in the public right-of-way. This item is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA guidelines under CEQA sections 15061(13)(3) and 15305. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Said continuance was passed by the following vote: Ayes: GUGLIELMO, MUNOZ, WIMBERLY Noes: NONE Absent: MACIAS, WIMBERLY Abstain: NONE Date: March 29, 2018 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Lois J. Schrader, declare as follows I am the Planning, Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga; that at a regular meeting of the PlanningCommission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga held on March 29, 2018, said public hearing was opened and continued to the time and place specified in the NOTICE OF CONTINUANCE shown above; and that on March 29, 2018, at the hour of 4:00 p.m., a copy of said notice was posted in a conspicuous place near the door in which said meeting was held. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct Executed on March 29, 2018, at Rancho Cucamonga, California. -�� al-L�- - - Lois J. Sc ader Planning Commission Secretary Historic Preservation Commission and Planning Commission of March 28, 2018 RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN -IN SHEET Please print your name, address, and city and indicate the item you have spoken regarding. Thank you. NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. WORKSHOP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ADDRESS CITY ITEM 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. J DESIGN DESIGN Central Park June 29 2017. g-1 lam City Hall r: Discuss with staff the planning developm us historyof Ccoural Park , 199710today Review the Curren) ter Plan, latest updnes. current mfics.ral solicit input regarding next s ad the future of Central Park. Current Master Plan Must Recent Update, C urrent An et ides Gawp Discussion Many: 2 groups 1 14i participants en: July 31. 2017 ere Cultural Caner y: To review history of Central Park rang cdorts and solich planning idea direction from both Conunission and July 19. 2017 Online Flash Vote Online web survey to,.licit sure Jr. mrnmunily member it views and motude, to the us pare elernmls and potential mcndatums for additional program How often you visit a park m Raze the overall quality of park What have you done at a parO Addinoned Comments August I5, 2II I7 o-%pm 6u1dy S. Lswi, Comni n C"and Park Communip, workshop to input as to the Community's di,liko. and issues for the .development going forward, action and history of (he Master )evel.pmem. Porpoise, proses,. Like the Most Like the Lout Key Issues! Concems lndividusd: Group Respwnse, Group Presentations Consmsu, Summary Many: 7 groups/ mM participants August 1-I4, 2017 Online by: Online survey distributed by the ly in eallabomuon with RJM Design solicit commuvity engvgcmm( and Aback front chisens for when the) add like to ace in Central Park whci dine for the Master Plan become, Overall Oualiry of Rancho CLcamnnga Parks Frequency of Atteni Impwnarsce of Arruoitie, Impnnant Improvcmmu Dcsircd I mponance of Central Park Meter Plat R<VBION Qmati.... lout the ReVISION Prates, hi,.: seplemher 13, 2017 here: Online Flash Vete ry: Online web survey 1. saliert poses from community member, their views and attitudes to the vioas park elemmtt said potential ommerd:nions fsr additional pone... n Do you visit Central Palk" When did you knew shout Central Par: print to reacher the sureer Haw do you expeel to give ynur input. ifs, all. ts par( of the MVISION procew, Which methods do you use to get information rah mt eny projeeu m,devents, Additional comments hem Lctobse 9.1017. agpm bore: Goldv S. Lewis Community rater in Central Park Communiy workshop to a htpm as w the C(m anunityc ed Jim ilized park element,, auction and history of the Master DevelopnKnt. purpose, process. nunitte✓consunint , previously loped consensus ini web :y results, and csmscnsus pmg. s: What are the Top 5 Recreation racifitie, Needed Whm um the Top 5 Recreation Programs Notded brio ideal - Group Review Mum: s;amps sirs s hrn: A,1111de, 11), 2017 6-%pm y here (uWdy S. l ewrs Cmnmmnny 'emer io C'etand Park ly: Cruvmaoity workshop w solicit sl as to the Coma iry's dean potmbal modificabovs to park gmmming. Ntmductinn and himry he.Muster Plan Developed aauevws ns. w.-b survey resultc and potential aron refinements. How do you mvkuon what the identified amenities took like^ Dot Review / Comment Cards Many 5(- pantie cos October 19.20173pm Fmebook Live Video solid, and Matta Plan Developmrni purpose. xss, sunny results, developed smsus items. and prioritized park Me": 19.4Wr people readied. 15,901A video view% ll fl+ onctioas, comments & ,hones 546 poor clicks 5,911). minutes of video watched Zed Onine survey dishibmed by y m collaboration with RJM Des at community eogagemeot:md ck been, cilmens for what they like to sec in Central Park when g for the Master Plan becomes Desenbc your ideal Central Park Prcfcned Fvdlitic, sired Ranking Preferred Programs amp Ranking Unite of Pacific Elecu'1c Trail How du you got to Central Park Fording Opmm, Additional Comments Many: 553 participanu t: February 7, 1018 V: City Hall To renew Draft tauter ..mmunay, owrcnch. and envimvrnei swdv. L, u'. I hem: r_uorei I'm ♦ c..u.i.umrv_ redo Center : To share Draft Mauer Pis cesumunity, illustrating their tor. id.v and concems that into the Master Plan. Central Park reVISION / COMMUNITY OUTREACH As part of the Master Plan Update the City and RJM Design Group conducted an extensive community outreach and public input process. This community outreach was designed to illustrate to the community the historical design and development of Central Park to date, and seek public input and garner support for its future development. The following summary illustrates the events, when they were held, and number of participants involved. Outreach Event Date Particivants Staff Focus Group June 29, 2017 14 FlashVote Survey 1 July 19, 2017 669 ..10.437 - Online Survey 1 August 1-14, 2017 454 �JYCw.w 4, dal Mwe..swmo.p•www15.159 Workshop ONE August 15, 2017 80 0 FlashVote Survey 2 September 13, 2017 568 Workshop TWO September 19, 2017 50 r Workshop THREE October 9, 2017 60 uE Facebook Live Broadcast October 19, 2017 180 reactions Online Survey 2 October 19, 2017 553 °' Central Park rummunry � Twk InMMual SIYISmims Lart SGmup Cmmmut W�rGM 1 CnmrWMM W WKI+W = communM Wnt p3 04 h Vole l Ian) rml vpv llGS� Doane Snwr t Gann. si..er �. ■Isla:■:■ee�aai�■u■�oallal�■,■::lo■Illis::olli:■,�■■�lollo:�:,n�ioo�i:lo■■Ira�� ioiiiiCiae�iweo=naoiio�loiooniiiii■�a�eieieiaieeiiioo n■e■a■Illsoo■n■e■�eae■■eon■ils■eeeoeo■,Ilslsaollno■ep■■e•■n■eoeaa OEM e�o�in�i�ae� �oieoe■I�a�e no■s ■■■III■�n�■ n■■�ea�oe■■sn®■e■■■e iis�■ene■■a■e"ai�■o iii�i�e�ieoeoe�eaan mnmmnnei■�■em �0000llaollly■laoeo,00llo,111Ao1o©a®®oo,o,e000noa©oe®o®00000■,®o® Top Active Facilities: • Multi -Purpose Facility • Recreation Pool • Tennis Courts Top Passive Facilities: • Amphitheater • Demonstration Gardens / Vineyards • Dog Park • Open Space ! Nature Area / Natural • Picnic Sheller • Playground Shade • Shade • Walking / Running Path /Trails 7hp Programs: • All -Inclusive Programs • City -Wide Events • Community Garden • Concerts in the Park • Farmers Market / Stand • Maintenance l Operational Funding • Picnics Ca mLW Ginraxk Tools memawlsurt sesvm Swll Faus Grvu" tanmunMwv4.nep rOmmun�lY Wvtslmp. ranm IfFl Vo.110 .h Voe 2 (C5 Gn�rc sway aairc+uwr Tao ommnoononno�oallallo,ol■o WEIM 01n010 0 MMMMMEME ■OOBnv me10■=■m!lM■ nooneooaomoo■®r;��M■ �o��r�o�oo�llo,■Ill�e�■�■ iiiiiiN����a■�■�iii Central Park n.vcC ROAD Central Park .�V r -.- H A. PACIFIC ELECTRIC TRAIL. HEAD B. TERRACED GARDENS C. WATER CONSERVATION! DEMONSTRATION GARDEN D. A.)MUTHEATER E. UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBLE PLAYGROUND F. VITICULTURE PAVILION G. UPPER PICNIC AREA AND EVENT AREA H. EVENT PARKING AREA L ADVENTUREAREA PARKING AND EVENT! PICNIC AREA I. DOG PARR K MULTI -PURPOSE FACILITY AND PARKING L. RECREATION POOL M. TENNIS COURTS N. MAINTENANCE YARD O. DEER CREEK CHANNEL TRAIL 6-► NOTES: I. Phase order does not repreAw actual sequence of areas for mnprovemem- 2. Snb-phasmj of iniproeement: =y occur wuhm each identified phase. R, Central Park -------------- - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - �- _ >GGE3£fIELE WATE4 CCNSE4b>-G� ' �-Eky�S�� n =-+.'GROUND DEMONERRA'�ON v>4CE�� � •CGr.4T51: �Q'/ C-'ryG oaRgVG V' MAIN'EVAY:F - _ GEE4 QtEEC 0004aRK 1 --. .•`•�.. -- - _ -. � .. BASE LWE ROAD ACCESS, CIRCULATION. POTENTIAL EVENT EVENT AREA PARKING AREA(ROADWAY CLOSURE) EVENTAREA RESTROOMS O (D Central Park OTkU I. ROM. MAT Mn&S TWN ORIMRXL'(: LM O IN.\N. WK 11 N \YKI N)-YIMtl YI KIK. NNlMIY11N Yam( A\l IN 11N(IlIK1l NANNI NA .t IX 1-VLNLYARI R RIlN1.1 iX (l.I t VLYLYAXUXIFV - INK IOLLL y fHXIIS RI:K IY)Xil1TAl. ®' T LIWMIN11A'I LYfFA1FCIlf)V ORMNXIKfIIAI LNARROVIE KIARXRRN'IORRIAI�. BRO`f�OIX IRCASf ]A liXOt"Mt>NXXENS OI%LL<l1V.TYlfIl1.\il\I[P�Ir Y1V aiN l',NNlhl111.1 ® TRAM MT NAMM,P AW.. M%7T OR PPf0T N MM"MARMS IINII) 1..M11ININ'11 \IANkPN<)IIN 11!II.AKI/I 1)'WI " Central Park N��` ZJ NA `�' ��� '$�r ,/\(\\_ r' vac �7line 1} 1 - G' �� •' �., � W � +JVWTLR6 A 'i4` - t - � l . ��'� __ - •1 �� 1 � I � Q - , y v �y v BASE LINE ROAD POIENIIALP_ PUBLIC; PRIVAfI; PARTNERSHIP 11711 Arrow Route Arconic Building Expansion TIA-" E 1 Project Description • Applicant: J.R. Miller & Associates • Entitlement: Design Review (DRC2017-00141) • Project Description: Site plan and architectural review of a 39,600- square foot industrial building and two ancillary equipment buildings totaling 9,166 square feet at 11711 Arrow Route • Site Size: 17.5 Acres of Land • General Plan Designation: Heavy Industrial • Zoning: Minimum Impact/Heavy Industrial (MI/HI) .............. vmsm iw yNyri Project Site Project Overview • Existing site consists of 9 buildings, totaling 317,362 square feet of manufacturing and warehousing space, and 16,500 square feet of office space. • Proposed site to add: • A single -story, manufacturing and 39,600 square feet. • A 5,625 square cooling • A 3,541 square equipment 73 square warehouse foot building, industrial totaling foot pump room for equipment foot electrical room for electrical Project Overview • Additional parking spaces added parking spaces required for the parking spaces provided overall to meet the entire site - 259 271 • Additional 1,700 square feet of landscaping proposed along the Arrow Route frontage to help screen the site "-% `— _:.-__�_� �--.�,r.s— - _—,�._ _ _ _ _ Our • E%IsiWG 918t91N05 WILDING I J OFFICE MMIN. BMKBNG•BOCQ q ar .. e� ®e n • —fit i firFl ttfiR fli o i e� ® ID 41 , lll>l l�'_11 L1111 I'1LL1W ! II �' ; Ti H I I I I If ®t39,600 Sq._ C%IETwG EXIST . New Building BUILDING F EMSTINO BUIIOBlGI - --- - . •_—. EDSiINC -- PEMB .... PIIGIOSeo "p1 -. BUIIDNG7 BUILOINO 4 MIME rr --- FORGING FAOUTY EWING - PEMB r D WILDING I -' L • • • • BgSTINO PUIB _•- • •.4SR1�,!Ancillary Buildings _-, ______ Additional Landscaping on Arrow Route r 4r4�j af{ •#,y CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Project Design • Contemporary industrial/warehouse design, consistent with and improving visual quality of buildings onsite • Metal wall panels with alternating vertical flutes • Metal projections to supplement the vertical flutes • Polycarbonate glass panels surrounding the top of the building Project Design (cont.) • Ancillary equipment buildings consist of decorative split -face masonry block • Project conforms to all Development Code for the Industrial (MI/HI) District related criteria of the Minimum Impact/Heavy South Elevation North Elevation East Elevation West Elevation WNE PA T .REF FM�MOMII E ] FOR WP wo 80 lYJOF }STSEMBLY Y _ 61'-tt' TRnNSIUCE'Ni PAtFl High Parapets: Designed to screen future roof -mounted mechanical equipment. - AOOF MD NVAL YR?PEA 6�cn wlrr,.wgrro[cuAe PEA oer a,wax � � _ _ _ —1-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _`_.- IM Public Correspondence • Staff publicly notified all property owners in accordance with the Development Code requirements. No correspondence was received. • Staff received a letter from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). SCAQMD issued permits to construct on November 17, 2017, and anticipates that there will be no emission increases from the new furnaces since the emissions have already been accounted for. Conclusion RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Commission take the following actions: the Planning • Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impacts • Approve Design Review DRC2017-00141 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions. Planning Commission Workshop DRC2017=01009 1-�- - � V) Project Overview • Applicant: Grand Pacific Communities • Project Description: 160 unit, Mixed -Use Rental Community on 4.81 acres of land • Project Density - 32 dwelling units per acre • Zoning Designation: Community Commercial (CC) • General Plan Land Use Designation: Mixed -Use I � '.I 00 Mto 0 Prqeci Site 4.81 Acres ,I, ryTI, Unit Breakdown Number of Residential Units: 160 Units (154 Units*) 94 One -Bedroom Units (89 Units*) 66 Two -Bedroom Units (65 Units*) Commercial Space: 13,300 Square Feet Commercial Ready Units— 5,600 square feet Commercial Units — 7,700 square feet Building Types: Four -Story Residential Flats/Commercial and Commercial ready units Three -Story Residential Flats/Commercial units If all commercial ready units used for commercial Project Details • Main 4-story building faces Etiwanda Avenue with an open courtyard facing the vacant parcel to the south. • Smaller 3-story building is adjacent to Foothill Boulevard. • Two points of vehicle access from Etiwanda Avenue with the southern drive access providing parking for the leasing office, commercial and commercial ready units. • Recreation amenities include pool and spa, club house, BBQ facilities, roof top deck and common open space areas. • Parking provided in enclosed garages, open carports and uncovered spaces. l4.9; R TNFCt':H �. OFT€ 5 iNROUCH GATE AL FOOTHILL Bftt. R jr CITY OF RANCHO C Parking Ratio 1.5 per unit, 1 in claraw or carport 2 per unit, carport 1 per 3 units 1 per 250 square feet 1 per 250 square feet Required Parking 134 130 51 31 23 369 314 161/160 -55 (15%) Staff Comments • The architectural renderings and site plan provide a good starting point for meeting City's design expectations. • The proposed buildings have a contemporary design theme with a varied use of materials and extensive building articulation. • The project includes an open courtyard facing the vacant parcel to the south, providing the opportunity to create a synergy between the two projects. • The project will complement the existing commercial uses in the area by adding 160 residential units to support the existing and future commercial uses and by creating a street scene that encourages walking. Major Outstanding Issues • Parking: The project has a 55 parking space deficit (15 percent). A parking study will be required verifying the adequacy of the proposed number of parking spaces and have the study peer reviewed. • Development of Smaller (.44 acre) Parcel: The applicant has provided two potential layouts for this smaller parcel with a three-story mixed -use building. - One layout places the building adjacent to the Foothill Boulevard. right-of-way. - The alternative layout places parking adjacent to the right-of-way. - A third option would be to split this parcel off from the development to be developed in the future with the nrliar:Pnt narrPl to the Pa-qt Discussion Outline • Staff has divided the discussion topics slides. • Staff asks that the Commissioners discussion topic separately. onto individual address each Land Use Makeup • Determine and determine if the 5,600 square feet of commercial ready and 7,700 square feet of commercial space is adequate in relation to the 154/160 proposed residential units for the Mixed Use (MU) zoning designation. The square footage of retail could be as low as 7,700 square feet, if the 5,600 square feet of commercial ready ground floor retail space is used for up to 6 residential units. Site Layout • The proposed site plan is unique with the main building wrapping around the three main open space areas and a portion of the parking lot. • This design creates both visual interest and the opportunity to provide for a greater number of residential units with a view of the common open space areas. • The site plan is also designed to provide a pedestrian connection between the commercial uses on the project site and the future mixed -use development to the south. • The site layout includes a large tandem parking spaces, which dominated by parked vehicles. number of carports and creates drive aisles CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA i�• Layout of Smaller Parcel • The applicant has provided two potential layouts for a smaller mixed -use building, which differ in how the building is oriented to public right-of-way. • Of the two provided layouts, the superior design in terms of site planning is placing the building adjacent to the public right-of-way, similar to the commercial development to the west. • An alternative to either layout would be to leave this parcel vacant to be developed in the future with the adjacent liquor store. Eliminating this building, though, will reduce the total commercial space from 7,700 to 4,700 square feet. Architecture • Discuss the preliminary architecture renderings to determine if they adhere to the Development Code requirement to provide a harmonious building design that integrates the use of varied building materials along with wall and roof plane articulation. • The renderings only provide elevations for a small portion of the main building and are lacking in the details necessary to endorse the project. When the project is formally submitted for review, the applicant will need to provide a much greater level of detail. Master Plan of Parcel to the South • The project was designed to provide a pedestrian connection with the vacant parcel to the south. • The applicant will be required to submit a master plan for a potential site layout of the vacant property to the south when the project is submitted for Design Review. • Staff recommends that the site plan be adjusted to include a shared drive access off Etiwanda Avenue. Parkin • Discuss the proposed number of parking spaces and the use of tandem parking spaces in front of the garages. The project has a 15 percent parking deficiency based on our current code. Recreation and Open Space • Comment on the location and adequacy of the proposed number of recreational amenities and common open space areas. Staff recommends that the applicant focus on providing a greater number of smaller gathering spaces within close proximity to each unit. *;,. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA' Rcale'd a(vog EgSouth Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178 p (909) 396-2000 - www.agmd.gov SENT VIA E-MAIL AND USPS: March 27, 2018 Dat. Tran&cityofrc. us Dat Tran, Assistant Planner City of Rancho Cucamonga — Planning Department P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Proposed Arconic Industrial Expansion — Design Review DRC2017-00141 The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) staff appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above -mentioned document. The following comments are meant as guidance for the Lead Agency and should be incorporated into the Final MND. The Lead Agency proposes to construct 39,600-square-foot industrial building and two ancillary equipment buildings totaling 9,166 square feet on 17.5 acres (Proposed Project). The Proposed Project will house up to 14 industrial furnaces including seven new forging furnaces. SCAQMD staff has reviewed the evaluation and facility permit (permit number: 015504) for Schlosser Forge (Arconic) that is located at 11711 Arrow Route, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. For the seven new forging furnaces, Section H was revised to reflect the approval of the permit revisions request (see below). Added to Section H Equipment Device No. Appl. No. Process/System Permit Type Furnace D174 594673 1/0 P/C Furnace D176 594675 1/0 P/C Furnace D178 .594676 1/0 P/C. Furnace D 180 594677 110 P/C Furnace D182 594678 1/0 I'/C Furnace D184 594679 1/0 P/C Furnace D186 594680 1/0 1'/C SCAQMD issued Permits to Construct on November 17, 2017. Based on the existing natural gas usage limit for the entire facility under which the new furnaces will be operated, it is anticipated that there will be no emission increases from the furnaces since the emissions have already been accounted for. Should you have any questions on the comments, please contact me directly via e-mail at lsun a,agmd.gov. Sincerely, ze#pt .5" Lijin Sun, J.D. Program Supervisor, CEQA IGR Planning, Rule Development & Area Sources LS/SE SBC180223-02 Control Number RESOLUTION NO. 18-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT DRC2018-00177 — AMENDING TITLE 17 (DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO AMEND REGULATIONS REGARDING THE POSTING AND DISPLAY OF SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF. A. Recitals. 1. The City of Rancho Cucamonga has prepared Municipal Code Amendment DRC2018- 00177 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Municipal Code Amendment is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 14t Cucamonga conducte hearing to the meeti 3. All legal pr B. Resolution. NOW, THEREF, Commission of the Cit, �1 G 1. This Comm/ Part A, of this Resoluti, of the City of Rancho i and continued said tion have occurred. IR_ resolved by the Planning L11 is - facts set forth in the Recitals, 2. Based upo :ommission during the above - referenced public hea _ i8, including written and oral staff reports, together mission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The City recognizes recent case law decisions which identify regulations based on the content of a sign when placed on public property as unconstitutional. Based on these decisions, the City can no longer prohibit the placement of some signs while allowing other entities to post signs in public places. b. The only permitted distinction is between non-commercial signs and those with a commercial purpose. This is a recognition that non-commercial speech, such as religious or political speech, is the most valued and protected form of expression under the First Amendment. This distinction allows regulations to be more restrictive on commercial signs than on non- commercial signs. C. The City desires to amend Title 17 of the Municipal Code in order to regulate the posting and display of signs in the public right-of-way throughout the City. d. The proposed regulations are neutral on the content of any sign, regulating only the time, manner and placement of signs in the interest of public safety, community aesthetics and equal access to public places. le �7� G PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO.,18-12 MCA DRC2018-00177 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA March 28, 2018 Page 2 e. Per Section 17.22.040 of the Development Code, amendments to the code may be approved only when the City Council finds the Development Code amendment is consistent with the General Plan Goals, policies, and implementation programs. General Plan Goal CM-4 calls for the maximum operational efficiency of the street system. By regulating the time; manner and placement of temporary signs in the right-of-way, the safety for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists is improved in accordance with General Plan Community Mobility Policy CM-4.2. f. Additionally, General Plan Goal LU-11 is to ensure Community aesthetics are maintained through appropriate regulation. This proposal reduces possible traffic hazards and promotes a high -quality visual environment throughout the City by providing the authority to remove temporary signs in the right-of-way, meeting the objectives of General Plan Land Use Policy 11.1. g. The intent of this resolution is to continue the long-standing practice of regulating signage to advance the City's interest in traffic safety and community aesthetics. h. The resolution is intended to provide reasonable sign regulations that advance these interests without making reference to, or imposing any regulation based on, the content of temporary signs posted in the right-of-way or the messages that they convey. 3. The proposed amendment will not have a significant impact, on the environment. The proposed amendment is Categorically Exempt from the 'requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15305 - .Minor Alterations in Land Use, and Section 15061(b)(3) which is the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects that have the potential for causing a, significant effect on the environment, and CEQA does not apply where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment. The proposed ordinance does not permit nor allow the construction of any new facilities. It permits the temporary installation of signs within the public right of way with appropriate restrictions on time, manner and place. The signs are regulated to be of size and scale to prevent impacts to traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety while maintaining a high quality visual environment. Therefore, this project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 4. Based upon the,conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above, this Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Municipal Code Amendment DRC2018-00177 as indicated in Attachment A incorporated herein by this reference. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 28TH DAY OF MARCH 2O18. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 18-12 MCA DRC2018-00177 -CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA March 28, 2018 Page 3 BY: Francisco Oaxaca, Chairman. ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 28th day of March 2018, by the following vote -to -wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: