HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001/06/27 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
June 27, 2001
Chairman McNiel called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman
McNiel then led in the pledge of allegiance.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Rich Macias, John Mannerino, Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart,
Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Kirt Coury,Associate Planner; Kevin Ennis,
Assistant City Attorney; Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner; Nancy Fong,
Senior Planner; Larry Henderson, Principal Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil
Engineer; Debra Meier, Contract Planner; Warren Morelion, Assistant
Planner, Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, announced that the draft General Plan Update and the Draft
Environmental Impact Report had been distributed to the Planning Commission and City Council. He
indicated that copies were also sent to other responsible agencies and a copy was available in the
City Library. He stated a Task Force meeting was scheduled for July 2, 2001.
Mr. Coleman reported that tonight's meeting would adjourn to a workshop immediately following and
that meeting would adjoum to a Joint City Council/Planning Commission workshop at 7:00 p.m. on
July 10, 2001, regarding Victoria Gardens shopping mall.
IRELAND - A request to construct a 393,880 square foot industrial building on 22.15 acres of
land in the General Industrial District(Subarea 5), located west of Hermosa Avenue and north of
6th Street-APN: 209-211-30, 31, and a portion of 17. Related Files: General Plan Amendment
00-04 and Development Code Amendment 00-05. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of
environmental impacts for consideration in conjunction with General Plan Amendment 00-04
and Development Code Amendment 00-05.
Douglas Fenn, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Stewart observed that the Initial Study discussed the traffic impact at Hermosa
Avenue and 6th Street. She asked if they would be paying traffic impact fees.
Mr. Fenn confirmed that was correct and the City will install a signal utilizing fees from this projects
as well as others.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Kelly Carlyle, Hogle-Ireland, 4200 Latham, Riverside, stated they accepted the conditions. She said
she enjoyed working with staff and was available to answer questions.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. He said the project had
gone through the Design Review process relatively easily because they had done a fine job.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Development Review DRCDR00-65. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
B. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2001-00083 — RIPTIDE —A request to allow entertainment
consisting of.a D. J., dancing, and live acoustic entertainment in conjunction with an existing
restaurant with bar and billiard hall in the Neighborhood Commercial District, located at 6620
Camelian Street—APN: 201-811-56, 59, 60, and 61.
Commissioner Mannerino recused himself because he had rendered legal advice to he applicant in
the past.
Warren Morelion, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report and reported that a letter of
opposition had been received from a resident located immediately to the west of the project.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Tom Oeschger, 1283 Cypress Drive, Vista, stated he has owned the property since March 1997. He
introduced Ava Karady Talak, the General Manager. He thanked staff for its assistance in
processing the application. He felt they can have live entertainment without any problems.
Chairman McNiel noted there had been a lot of problems with several prior owners. He said the last
several years have been rather quiet to his knowledge.
Mr. Oeschger replied they desire to compete with other businesses in the same arena. He said they
need an even playing field to break even and stay afloat.
Chairman McNiel questioned the types of entertainment being proposed.
Ava Karady Talak, 6622 Camelian, Rancho Cucamonga, replied they propose having an acoustical
guitar player and/or a singer during happy hour from 4:00-7:00 p.m. with a D. J. and dancing from
8:00-10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 8:00-11:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. She noted that
some of the competition has live entertainment until 2:00 a.m.
Mr. Oeschger stated he knows a one-man band who is a keyboardist with a drum box programmed
into his keyboard and that would require amplification.
Chairman McNiel observed that some of the problems in the past were caused because the back
door was left open and sound left the premises and impacted the neighbors behind the business. He
also stated there had been complaints regarding noise in the parking lot at dosing time. He asked
the plans to control those problems.
Mr. Oeschger replied that upon receiving the entertainment permit, they are prepared to employ two
to three more security people, one of whom will be in the parking lot. He said the back door is to be
Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 27, 2001
used only as a fire exit and the main ingress and egress will be through the main entrance in the
Commissioner Stewart noted the staff report stated they currently have three security guards and
she asked if they intend to add two more.
Ms. Karady Talak confirmed that was correct.
Commissioner Stewart stated that Mr. Oeschger said he bought the business in 1997 and she
observed that the Police report showed 32 calls in the past year.
Mr. Oeschger responded that predominantly those calls were made from his business because they
were working with the Police department. He gave an example of someone trying to enter with a
fake ID and not leaving quietly. He said they would then back off and call the Police.
Commissioner Stewart asked if they concurred with the times listed in the staff report.
Ms. Karady Talak replied they did.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that the staff report indicated the guitar and singer would be for happy
hour. He asked if the keyboardist was proposed for happy hour or during the dancing time.
Mr. Oeschger responded it would be for happy hour and the D. J. would be for later.
Commissioner Tolstoy suggested the resolution be modified to include the acoustical keyboardist.
Chairman McNiel questioned the type of music the D. J. would play for dancing.
Ms. Karady Talak stated it would be mostly pop with no rap or heavy metal.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the proposed entertainment time was better than what it had been with
previous owners. He hoped the entertainment would not extend beyond the proposed times. He felt
the success of the business depends upon good management. He said that if there are problems,
the issue would be back before the Planning Commission and his attitude would change. He thought
the applicant should be given an opportunity .
Commissioner Stewart agreed with Commissioner Tolstoy. She was satisfied with the explanation
regarding Police calls for service. She noted the Commission is scheduled to review the matter in
six months.
Commissioner Macias concurred with his colleagues.
Kevin Ennis,Assistant City Attomey, suggested adding language to the resolution to indicate that the
entertainment could include one electronic keyboard.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Macias, to adopt the resolution approving Entertainment
Permit DRC2001-00083 with modification to expand the entertainment to allow one electronic
keyboard. Motion carried by the following vote:
Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 27, 2001
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, encouraged the applicant to obtain a noise level meter so the City
would not have to get involved.
Mr. Oeschger stated they have one.
Chairman McNiel stated the Commission did not wish to condemn the applicant or his operation for
problems with previous owners but noted the ghosts haunt them.
ENGINEERING-A request to subdivide 17.2 acres of land into 23 lots for the purpose of single-
family home construction in the Very Low Residential District(up to 2 dwelling units per acre)of
the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the west side of East Avenue, 300 feet south of Wilson
Avenue-APN: 225-122-06, 49 and 50. Related file: Tree Removal Permit DRC2001-00288.
Kirt Coury, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and proposed an additional Engineering
condition to stub Street D so that it could be used to serve the three lots on the property to the south.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there are any grading problems with the property.
Mr. Coury replied negatively. He said the grade is approximately 5-6 percent.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 16081 Foothill Boulevard, Suite 395, Rancho
Cucamonga, stated the applicant concurred with the conditions of approval including the additional
proposed condition. He reported the intent is to sell the property to a builder.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Tentative Tract SUBTT16113 with modification to stub Street D. Motion carried
by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
ENGINEERING -A request to subdivide 15 acres of land into 21 lots for the purpose of single-
family home construction in the Very Low Residential District(up to 2 dwelling units per acre)of
the Etiwanda Specific Plan, located on the east side of East Avenue, north of 23rd Street—
APN: 225-131-16.
Kirt Coury, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked the grade of the lot.
Mr. Coury replied it is 5-6 percent.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Chuck Buquet, Charles Joseph Associates, 16081 Foothill Boulevard, Suite 395, Rancho
Cucamonga, stated he represented the applicant.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- June 27, 2001
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. He commented that a
recent project was approved in the Equestrian Overlay District and the houses were such that there
was little room left for equestrian activity. He indicated the City is in the process of working with the
Alta Loma Riding Club to review standards so that lots designed for equestrian access will be usable
for that use. He wanted the applicant to advise potential buyers that the lots should be designed to
accommodate equestrian uses.
Commissioner Mannerino stated the City needs to define what is meant by equestrian.
Chairman McNiel stated that was in the process.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that was why he questioned the grade of the lots.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, reported that staff had met with the Alta Loma Riding Club and
begun discussions. He said staff gave them some suggestions on ways the code could be modified
and the Riding Club is to come back to the City with their recommendations.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Tentative Tract SUBTT16114. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
E. USE DETERMINATION DRC2001-00191 - TOP WEST END, INC. - A request allow a tow
service and impound yard in the General Industrial District (Subarea 1), located at 8370
Vineyard Avenue -APN 207-271-51 and 52.
Debra Meier, Contract Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Mannerino asked if the applicant is a subscriber to State Farm and AAA and would
they be soliciting other jobs.
Ms. Meier replied that she did not know. She said they indicated they would like to get a contract
with the Police.
Commissioner Mannerino stated he was trying to determine if they would be soliciting towing
business or if the towing service would be an adjunct to their regular business.
Chairman McNiel invited public comment.
George Reynoso, 8520 8th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he owns the property.
John O'Brien, Top West End, Inc., 9049 Bellegrave Avenue, Glen Avon, stated they do not tow for
Commissioner Mannerino asked if they solicit towing in and of itself.
Mr. O'Brien replied that most of their towing work is for the Highway Patrol and Sheriff and any long-
term impounds would be at their other yards.
Commissioner Stewart asked if that will be allowed.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- June 27, 2001
Mr. O'Brien responded affirmatively and said they are not allowed to charge for taking the vehicles to
their other yards.
Commissioner Stewart noted the staff report indicated they want to store up to 20 cars but there are
only 16 spaces allocated and 6 of those are identified as being for daily office uses. She observed
that left only 10 spaces, but they were intending to impound up to 20 cars.
Mr. Reynoso stated he would not allow 30-day impounds because they are limited in parking. He
said 30-day impounds would be immediately moved to another location.
Commissioner Stewart thought some portion of the tows will be wrecked or needing repairs.
Mr. Reynoso replied he would not store a car if it were totaled.
Commissioner Mannerino believed the questions regarding number of storage spaces would be
addressed if a Conditional Use Permit application is processed.
Chairman McNiel felt Mr. Reynoso had done a fine job on cleaning up the property, which had
formerly been an eyesore.
There were no additional public comments.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino, to adopt the resolution approving Use
Determination DRC2001-00191. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE - carried
Chairman McNiel stated he had some concerns regarding the parking and housing of vehicles. He
said a simple impound for expired tags can sit on the lot for a long time before being picked up.
request to initiate an amendment to the Etiwanda Specific Plan to allow the transfer of density
and/or open space to non-contiguous parcels when using the Optional Development Standards
(Figure 5-3).
Debra Meier, Contract Planner, presented the staff report and indicated a letter had been received
from a homeowner in the area opposing the amendment to allow a transfer of density and/or open
space to non-contiguous parcels.
Commissioner Stewart asked if staff had talked to the individual who sent the letter.
Ms. Meier replied that she had spoken with several unnamed residents who were opposed who lived
near the property to which the density was proposed to be transferred. She said she was not sure if
she had spoken to the lady who had written the letter.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated that the lot sizes proposed are consistent with development
to the east and west.
Chairman McNiel asked if the proposed amendment is to accommodate Colorado Pacific.
Ms. Meier confirmed that it is but indicated the concept could be considered with other applications.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- June 27, 2001
Chairman McNiel stated he could see the concept being proposed for unbuildable parcels of land
that would not enhance the community. In this case, he felt it made sense but he could see a
downside of potential density requests on properties that could not accommodate development. He
said the same thing happened in the City's Sphere of Influence where the City wanted one house per
acre and the developers were looking at a much higher density and proposed a density switch with
unbuildable parcels.
Mr. Coleman stated that staffs intention is to craft the language very carefully. He said any
development must be compatible with surrounding neighborhoods.
Commissioner Mannerino believed compatibility is the issue.
Mr. Coleman felt Colorado Pacific had provided lot size compatibility.
Chairman McNiel urged staff to carefully look at minimum conditions.
Commissioner Tolstoy felt Etiwanda is a rural area and should not be high density.
Commissioner Mannerino commented that the area around City Hall was rural at one time.
Chairman McNiel invited public comment.
Lorraine Dexter, 13203 Highland Avenue, Etiwanda, stated she is a neighbor of Dona Smerek, the
resident who wrote the letter opposing the transfer of density. She reported they both live on 34-acre
lots. She said that '/-acre lots are located to the south of them, larger lots are located to the north
on the other side of the freeway, and larger lots are also across the street from them. She believed
that if smaller lots were going to be permitted, it would make sense to have a park in the area so that
children in the neighborhood could walk to the park without having to cross Etiwanda Avenue,which
she felt would be unsafe. She objected to the amendment.
There were no further public comments.
It was the consensus of the Commission to direct staff to initiate Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment
01-01 to run concurrently with proposed Tentative Tract Map 16195.
Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman McNiel observed that one of the suggestions was to paint Route 66 on the street. He
asked if that was practical.
Ms. Fong responded that the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan and Economic Development Task
Force wants to take another look at it to see if it is practical. She said they may wish to move the
logos away from the intersection to avoid confusion. She reported that Caltrans has approved
painting the shield on the street in San Bemardino County.
Chairman McNiel felt it will require heavy maintenance if the logo is painted on the street.
I Commissioner Tolstoy observed the Task Force talked about a variety of materials. He said he
heard the Task Force objected to painting the signal poles and he asked the reasoning for the
Planning Commission Minutes -7- June 27, 2001
Ms. Fong replied that four colors were suggested: blue, red, brown, and silver. She said the
consultant recommended brown but the Task Force wanted another color.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the idea was to differentiate them from other traffic signals in the City.
Ms. Fong confirmed that was correct.
Commissioner Tolstoy noted that the City of San Marcos has pavers and he suggested them several
years ago but the City Engineer refused. He said there do not seem to be any problems in San
Marcos and they have had no maintenance because they were installed properly. He reported that
the signal poles in San Marcos are brown and he felt they look good. He hoped something could be
worked out so that the shield could be placed on the street without causing maintenance problems.
Commissioner Mannerino suggested that attention should be paid to the Sycamore Inn. He felt it is
an important asset and he feared it will be lost if the City does not pay attention.
Commissioner Tolstoy observed that wooden benches were proposed. He felt they are a high
maintenance item that should be avoided.
Ms. Fong replied that other materials are being considered to replace the wooden benches.
There were no public comments at this time.
Larry Henderson, Principal Planner, presented the staff report and noted that the EIR had been
provided to the Planning Commissioners. He explained that the 45-day review period for the EIR will
expire on August 6. He reported the General Plan Update Task Force was scheduled to meet on
July 2, 2001, and the first Planning Commission public hearing was scheduled for July 11, 2001.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, carried 5-0, to adjourn. The Planning
Commission adjourned at 8:12 p.m. to a workshop. The workshop adjourned at 9:12 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. on July 10,2001, fora joint City CounciUPlanning Commission Workshop. The minutes for the
workshops appear separately.
Re ;- Ily submitted
D- eman
Acting i
Acting Secretary
Planning Commission Minutes -8- June 27, 2001