HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999/06/09- Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
June 9, 1999
Chairman McNiel called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Rich Macias, John Mannerino, Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart,
Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Bill Cudy, Deputy
City Attorney; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil
Engineer; Brent Le Count, Associate Planner; Lois Schrader, Planning
Division Secretary; Sal Salazar, Associate Planner; Warren Morelion,
Planning Aide; Debra Meier, Contract Planner; Rudy Zeledon, Assistant
No announcements were made at this time.
No minutes were submitted for approval at this time.
A. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 99-17 - STEVEN WALKER HOMES - The design review of
detailed site plan and elevations for previously recorded Tract 14509, an 18-1or subdivision
on 3.84 acres of land in the Low Residential district (2 to 4 dwelling units per acre), located
on the east side of Hermosa Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Banyan Street- APN: 201-
183-01. A Negative Declaration for Tract 14509 was issued on August 12, 1998.
Chairman McNiel observed staff recommended that the item be continued to June 23, 1999.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, to continue Development Review 99-17
to June 23, 1999. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carried
AMERICAN - The design review of detailed site plan and building elevations for previously
recorded Tract 13316, consisting of 123 lots on 84 acres of land in the Very Low Residential
Distdct (less than 2 dwelling units per acre), located on the east side of Archibald Avenue,
north of Carrad Court - APN: 1074-061-15 through 27, 1074-041-08 through 21,
1074-591-01 through 16, 1074-461-04 through 21, 1074-601-01 through 14, 1074-611-01
through 16, 1074-021-02 through 26, and 1074-051-09 through 16.
Chairman McNiel commented that new information had been received regarding this project.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated that the did not have a chance to review the information received.
He requested the item be continued.
Brad Buller, City Planner, noted that several letters had been received eadier in the day from the
Department of Community and Cultural Resources, Spirit of the Sage, Diana Santini, and Cynthia
Shannon. In light of that, he suggested a 30-day continuance.
Kazem Zommorodian, Atlantic Engineering 5505 Avenida Encinas, Suite 230 Cadsbad, requested
that the item not be continued because the delay would be costly.
Commissioner McNiel invited public comment.
Matthew Rees, 5217 London Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, stated he also had not seen the new
matedal being presented, but expressed his joint concern with his neighbors about the drainage,
hydrology, and the overburdened easements on the project site and asked the Commissioners
to "take a longer look" before approving this project.
Commissioner Mannedno expressed his concern that the item was not noticed as a public headng
and therefore everyone that would like to comment might not be in attendance.
Mr. Buller pointed out that this item is a Development Review and would not necessarily be
noticed as a public hearing. He also noted that the residents are aware of this issue and that staff
has been in contact with the residents as well as the residents being in contact with staff. He said
staff is also aware of the drainage issues and was prepared to address that issue this evening.
He indicated the concerns raised at this time were environmental issues as opposed to the actual
Development Review.
Commissioner Mannedno expressed that enough impact from this project had occurred on the
project and therefore he moved to continue the item for 30 days.
Chairman McNiel suggested that if there were interested parties present that were unable to
attend the suggested meeting date of July 14, 1999, that they be allowed to speak on the item
Planning Commission Minutes -2- June 9, 1999
Cynthia Shannon, 9574 Hidden Farm Road, presented a petition signed by 23 neighbors opposing
the continuation of Hidden Farm Road across Archibald as well as requesting the new housing
development have one-story homes and fully comply with the Hillside Ordinance. Ms. Shannon
mentioned that most of the neighbors were not completely opposed to the project, but suggested
"we do it right." She cited issues of safety for children crossing the street and questioned why it
was necessary to continue Hidden Farm Road across Archibald. She also suggested the road
be offset to lessen the danger. She expressed concern that the pads for the homes were not
stepped pads and therefore may not be in compliance with the Hillside Ordinance. She also
asked what was being done to minimize the visual impact to the neighborhood already in place.
She cited the following concerns about the initial study: emergency access and the threat of
wildfires, impact on the migration of animals living in the area, a lack of public education about
how to live with the wildlife, the grading and whether it had been propedy approved to be done
prior to mitigation, and the extension of the horse trail. She indicated that she would not be in
favor of allowing the developer to get away with grading prior to approval.
Robert Lang, Barratt American, 2035 Corte Del Nogal, Suite 160, Cadsbad, noted that the
bulldozing the residents had observed was to clear the site for weed abatementJbrush fire
purposes and that it was not their intention to "jump the gun."
Motion: Moved by Mannedno, seconded by Tolstoy, carried 5-0, to pull the item from the Consent
Calendar and notice the item as a public hearing for the July 14, 1999, meeting and direct that
notices be sent to all parties within 300 feet of the project. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carried
C. DEVELOl)MENT REVIEW 99-03 - MASTERCRAFT HOMES - The design review of detailed
site plan and building elevations for Phases 3 and 4 of Tract 14380, consisting of 38 single
family lots in the Low Residential Distdct (2-4 dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda North
Specific Plan, located west of Etiwanda Avenue and north of Wilson Avenue - Al)N:
225-461-05 to 42.
Chairman McNiel asked the public if there was anyone present that needed to address this issue.
Seeing a response from the audience, Chairman McNiel invited the public to address the issue.
Donna Mayer, 12661 Ridgecrest Ddve, Rancho Cucamonga, presented to the Commissioners
photographs taken of the site and earthmoving trucks and equipment. Ms. Mayer stated that she
had documented 78 truck loads of dirt per day had been added to the site over the course of the
last three weeks. She stated she had not been notified of the second phase going in, and that
many feet of dirt had been imported from another site and subsequently had increased the
elevation of the new project site. She continued by stating her concern that the soil had not been
propedy compacted and that it would be unsafe to build upon. She added that she had expressed
her concerns to the project planner, Tom Grahn, and that he had changed what he had told her
from a previous discussion. She indicated that Mr. Bullet, the City Planner, had admitted he saw
dirt from the Centex site moved over to the Masterpiece site. She added that Tom said the plans
were approved in 1988 and that they do not have to conform to current regulations.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- June 9, 1999
Franz Weterbach, 12725 Ridgecrest Ddve, Rancho Cucamonga, stated that the grading plans
dating back to 1988 showed the project site as vacant land, and that no consideration had been
given to the homes located above the site. He further explained that he had not observed any
grading equipment for compaction and that the soil was only watered down. He asked the
Planning Commission to look into the situation.
John Ravola, 12771 Ridgecrest Ddve, Rancho Cucamonga, said the only notice he received
about the meeting was a door flyer produced by one of the neighbors and that nothing had been
received from the City. He stated he enjoys his view to the South. He indicated his understanding
was that fill dirt was not to be imported and suggested the guidelines for this be followed. Mr.
Ravola also presented photos of trucks of dirt. He also stated he thought our meeting was
exciting and that he would like to attend more often.
Matilda Vaszuez, 15725 Ridegecrest Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, complained that she was losing
her view and she requested the Commissioners come to see the dirt. She said that not all of the
dirt could have resulted from the construction.
Chairman McNiel observed that nothing guarantees a view, and that even if a site is deemed
"unusable" or "vacant," that designation can change over the course of time. He then asked staff
to respond to the concerns of residents. Chairman McNiel remarked that from looking at the
- photos, perhaps some of the dirt was for trenching.
Brad Buller, City Planner, asked Tom Grahn, the project planner, to field the questions about the
Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, stated that in 1988 the tract was approved and broken into
phases. He stated the tract was not subject to the Hillside Ordinance regulations because the
grade of the site is less than that requiring the use of the Hillside regulations. He continued by
saying the tract has been designed to consider drainage and it does comply with the Etiwanda
Specific Plan requirements. He explained that as the phases progressed, dirt from eadier phases
of construction was being stockpiled in the areas the residents had photographed. He continued
by stating there are two water detention basins and some dirt had been moved from another site
to improve the trails. He also explained that the grading was designed to minimize cross-lot
drainage, and that large slopes would be noticeable but that it would result in less of an impact.
Commissioner Mannedno stated that he had been on the Design Review committee with
Commissioner Stewart in regard to approving the elevations of the homes for Phases 3 and 4,
He noted that the residents are complaining about grading issues on previous phases, and that
although that may be an issue of concern, the issue before them is for the Development Review
of Phases 3 and 4; therefore, he could not address issues that are not on the agenda.
Mr. Bullet noted that Ms. Mayer raised an issue that he had already addressed with her. He
pointed out that grading requires not only a permit, but inspection and certification and that the
project is being built and inspected in compliance with all codes. He continued by stating he had
witnessed dirt from the south side of Wilson being moved to the north side of Wilson. He
confirmed that the Building and Safety Department would validate that the grading had occurred
propedy and according to plan but added that there are no view rights.
Commissioner Mannerino added that the elevations for Phases 3 and 4 had not changed since
the original approval in 1988.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- June 9, 1999
Chairman McNiel asked if there was a need to import the dirt.
Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that he could not answer the question because he is not
familiar with the grading plans.
Chairman McNiel added that this project was not designated under the Hillside Ordinance.
Chairman Macias asked if the Building Official would verify the grading.
Mr. Buller stated a soil analysis as well as grading checks would be completed and vedfied.
Chairman Macias asked for confirmation that this would take place and if it would be part of the
public headng process.
Mr. Bullet confirmed that it would take place but would not be part of the public review. He added
that the final grading plans go through a thorough plan check.
Commissioner Mannerino stated that Phases 1 and 2 were per plan and that 3 and 4 would be per
plan as well and that the Building Department would certify the grading had been done correctly
and that they do check the developers.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias to adopt the resolution approving
Development Review 99-03. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carried
BRANDAW ARCHITECTS - An application to change the General Plan land use designation
from Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling
units per acre) for approximately 5.1 acres of land located on the southeast comer of
Hermosa Avenue and 19th Street - APN: 1076-111-09. Staff has prepared a Negative
Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration. Related files: Development District
Amendment 99-02, Conditional Use Permit 99-08, and Historic Landmark Designation 99-02.
(Continued from May 12, 1999)
CURRY BRANDAW ARCHITECTS - An application to change the Development District
zoning designation from Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) to Low-Medium
Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 5.1 acres of land located on the
southeast corner of Hermosa Avenue and 19th Street - APN: 1076-111-09. Related files:
General Plan Amendment 99-02, Conditional Use Permit 99-08, and Histodc Landmark
Designation 99-02. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for
consideration. (Continued from May 12, 1999)
Planning Commission Minutes -5- June 9, 1999
BRANDAW ARCHITECTS - A request to construct and to operate a two-story residential
care facility for the eldedy totaling approximately 53,192 square feet in the Low-Medium
Residential District (4-8 dwelling units per acre) on approximately 5.1 acres of land, located
on the southeast comer of Hermosa Avenue and 19th Street - APN: 1076-111-09. Related
files: Pre-Application Review 98-08, General Plan Amendment 99-02, and Development
District Amendment 99-02, and Historic Landmark Designation 99-02.
Chairman McNiel reminded the Commissioners that they had agreed to hear Item A from the
Historic Preservation agenda, Historic Landmark Designation 99-02, in conjunction with General
Plan Amendment 99-02, Development Distdct Amendment 99-02, and Conditional Use Permit
Sal Salazar, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and noted that he had received
favorable calls from neighbors and that one resident in opposition of the project was in
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Garth Brandaw, Holiday Retirement Homes, 2260 McGilchdst Street, SE, Suite 100, Salem,
Oregon, stated their company operates 220 retirement facilities. He commented that he felt their
plans are compatible with the other uses surrounding the project and is pleased with the fact that
they had been able to provide over 50 percent open space on the developed site as well as being
able to intertwine the histodc residence and adjacent orange grove in with the development. He
added they had kept a strong residential scale to the project and that they were not neady as
institutional as other facilities of this kind.
Mark Hodbek, 10089 Mignonette, Rancho Cucamonga, raised concern about the Initial Study and
the related impacts. He thought this project will change the character of the neighborhood. He
noted that the PUD, apartments, and the park have all impacted the tract on the west side of
Hermosa and he did not like the idea of adding more density to the area. He felt this facility is a
commercial enterprise and that it would violate the current zoning for the site and asked for
clarification of the same. He thought public services will be significantly impacted because there
is no control of the traffic and he felt the noise impact will be severe. He added that he had
counted 13 burned out street lights and that he felt the existing neighborhood had been ignored
and dumped on. He concluded by saying he felt the project does not reflect, or is sensitive to, the
existing neighborhood.
Commissioner Macias asked how the residents would get around town.
Mr. Brandaw said that most of the residents are in their seventies or early eighties and that they
most likely would be living alone and only about 20 percent of them would still be driving and their
trips would be limited. He indicated that even if there are 2 persons in each suite, the project
would still have fewer trips than what would be used by 23 single family dwellings. He added that
the trip times for these residents is not typically during peak periods and with only 12-16 staff
members, the parking demands are Iow.
Mike Robbins, 9920 19th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, reported that the temple is located near
another facility of this kind and that they have been a good neighbor and that his expedenca with
this type of use has been good.
Planning Commission Minutes -6- June 9, i999
Mike Jumper, 666 Bdssac Place, Rancho Cucamonga, asked how many suites would be in the
Mr. Brandaw indicated 114 suites.
Mr. Jumper asked how you get 114 suites with a zoning of only 4-8 dwelling units per acre and
felt this might be like another apadment building with more people per acre. He added that he did
not like zoning changes.
Brad Bullet, City Planner stated that some sites can have alternative land uses and that it may not
be solely based upon density depending upon the use and that the number of rooms is not related
to the land use category. He explained that with a Conditional Use Permit, which is discretionary,
the Planning Commission evaluates the project to see if it fits into the existing neighborhood. He
stated this project would not be permitted under the Low Residential category but that it can be
permitted under the Low-Medium Residential category.
Chairman McNiel commented that his Mother-in-law had resided in this kind of facility for 3-4 years
and that few people came to visit. He pointed out that the people there were always quiet, trouble
free, that they caused no problems and that it was actually a benefit to the neighborhood because
there were no calls about loud music, graffiti, or extra noise in the street. He confirmed his belief
that this is a good use,
Mr. Jumper acknowledged the point was well taken but then asked what would happen if the
developer left and if the building could become apartments or some other use at a later time or
if more units could be added at a later time. He added that he wished the property could stay the
way it is or become single family homes.
Mr. Bullet advised him that this use could not be modified and that the Conditional Use Permit
would be revoked under those circumstances.
Hubert Surki, 10223 19th Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated that he lives just east of this
development and that he never received notification. He reported the traffic on 19th Street is very
noisy especially at rush hour and with big rigs traveling 19th Street all day long. He cited noise
from the school traffic as well as the park traffic would not be pleasing to the residents of this
facility. He asked how far from 19th Street the facility would be as well as how many parking
spaces would be available.
Mr. Salazar responded by saying that sound mitigation would be in place and that a noise study
would be required. He also stated that one parking space for every 4 beds were required totaling
29 required spaces and that 67 spaces are provided, so that even if there were 2 beds per suite,
it would exceed the requirement.
Mr. Buller mentioned that Mr. Surki would have liked the developer to approach him and ask him
his thoughts about the project. He recalled meeting Mr. Surki at the previous Planning
Commission meeting and noted that Mr. Surki did receive the notice of the public headng but was
hoping to meet the developer and review the plans.
Rich Underwood, 10203 Ring Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, commented that he liked the look of
the project but wanted to know the age requirements for the residents and if there will be CC&Rs.
He also commented that one gets used to the noise but that he hopes the traffic will lighten up
alter the freeway is completed, relieving some of the high use travel on 19th Street.
Planning Commission Minutes -7- June 9, 1999
Mr. Brandaw stated that the lease agreement states 65 years of age as the minimum but due to
ADA regulations, they have to make a reasonable accommodation if for example an older person
has a spouse under the age of 65. He added that their lease provides three meals per day,
transportation, and housekeeping and that the age of the residents is self regulating because with
those kinds of services, younger folks would generally not want to live there.
Chairman McNiel asked if it is based more upon their ability to function.
Mr. Brandaw replied that the health of the resident is determined and taken into account.
Mr. Buller noted that a condition could be placed stipulating seniors 65 years of age and above
to help regulate, but that since it is a Conditional Use Permit, we can consider additional conditions
at a later time if it should become a problem.
Chairman McNiel commented on the activities in the adjacent park and pointed out that another
facility of this type is located next to Red Hill Park on Base Line Road, which is a very busy street.
He remarked that the seniors in that facility often sit on their balconies and watch the baseball
games. He also noted that the noise study had not yet been completed.
Commissioner Macias concluded that the residents that live there will adjust to their community
just as well as anyone else. He said it is their choice to live there, it is their choice to open or close
the windows, watch tv inside, or go outside and listen to the noise. He felt they are not going there
to die but are going to go there to enjoy the remainder of their lives and they will adjust to their
Hearing no further comments, Chairman McNiel closed the public headng.
Commissioner Stewart reported that she and Commissioner Tolstoy sat on Design Review
together for this project. She asserted that the applicant was careful to design the project to be
compatible with the neighborhood and that more senior housing is an identified need in Rancho
Cucamonga. She also noted that typically the residents travel in groups and that they use very
few cars and that with the land use change there is actually more open space than with some
other use. She remarked that this applicant was even willing to preserve a historic home and that
the Conditional Use Permit allows the Planning Commission leverage and that it can be revoked
later if it became necessary.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Macias to recommend issuance 'of a Negative
Declaration of Environmental impacts and to adopt the resolutions recommending that the City
Council approve Historic Landmark Designation 99-02, General Plan Amendment 99-02,
Development District Amendment 99-02, and Conditional Use Permit 99-08. Motion carried by the
following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carried
G, VARIANCE 99-05 - HERNANDEZ - A request to reduce the corner side yard setback from
the required 15 feet (as measured from property line) to 5 feet to construct an accessory
structure to be used as a pool house in the Very Low Residential District (up to 2 dwelling
Planning Commission Minutes -8- June 9, 1'999
units per acre) of the Etiwanda Highlands Specific Plan, located at 13910 San Segundo Drive
- APN: 226-631-37.
The staff report was presented by Warren Morelion, Planning Aide. He noted that no comments
were received from the neighbors regarding the request for the variance.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Greg Hemandez, 13910 San Segundo, Rancho Cucamonga, reported that he had considered
several different locations for his pool house, but none of them worked as well as the site he
Hearing no further comments, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Mannerino to adopt the resolution to approve Vadance
99-05. Motion carded by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carried
The Planning Commission recessed from 8:50 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
LEWIS OPERATING CORP. - The development of a 14,841 square foot drug store with
drive-thru facility on approximately 1.7 acres of land within the Terra Vista Town Center, in
the Community Commercial District of the Terra Vista Community Plan, located at the
southeast comer of Haven Avenue and Town Center Drive - APN: 1077-421-87. Staff has
prepared a Negative Declaration of environmental impacts for consideration.
The staff report was presented by Nancy Fong, Senior Planner.
Chairman McNiel opened the public headng.
Vasilis Papadatos, Perkowitz & Ruth Architects, 111 West Ocean Boulevard, 21st Floor, Long
Beach, stated he represented Lewis Homes. He indicated that they had amended their plans to
reflect all the changes including the colors of paint used.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Tolstoy, to issue a Negative Declaration and to adopt
the resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 99-26. Motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carded
Planning Commission Minutes -9- June 9, i999
amendment to Title 17 of the Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code, consolidating the
Industrial Area Specific Plan, Foothill Boulevard Specific Ptan, Foothill Boulevard Design
Supplement, Caryn Planned Community Development Plan, and Residential
Commercial/Industrial Design Guidelines into appropriate sections of the Development Code.
Related files: Industrial Areas Specific Plan Amendment 99-03, Foothill Boulevard Specific
Plan Amendment 99-01, and Caryn Planned Community Amendment 99-01.
CUCAMONGA - An amendment to consolidate the Industrial Area Specific Plan regulatory
provisions and design guidelines into the Development Code. Related files: Development
Code Amendment 99-02, Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan Amendment 99-01, and Caryn
Planned Community Amendment 99-01.
CUCAMONGA-An amendment to consolidate the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan regulatory
provisions and design guidelines into the Development Code. Related files: Development
Code Amendment 99-02, Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 99-01, and Caryn
Planned Community Amendment 99-01.
An amendment to consolidate the Caryn Planned Community Development Plan regulatory
provisions into the Development Code. Related files: Development Code Amendment 99-02,
Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 99-01, and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan
Amendment 99-01.
Debra Meier, Contract Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman McNiel asked for clarification and if the elements of each of the various plans were
incorporated into the Development Code and that they do not alter the specifics of the
Development Code itself.
Ms. Meier stated that was correct and specifically for example, the Foothill Boulevard and the
Industrial Area have now become separate sections of the Development Code and the regulations
for each would apply only to those specified zones. Similarly, the residential element will only
apply to residential zones.
Commissioner Mannefino asked if there was still a Caryn Land Development Company.
Chairman McNiel replied there was no longer any land holdings beyond what was built.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, confirmed that it is called the Caryn Planned Community and that there
is a specific plan for it similar to the Terra Vista Planned Community.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Hearing no testimony, he closed the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Mannerino, to adopt the resolutions recommending
approval of Development Code Amendment 99-02, Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment
99-03, Foothill Boulevard Amendment 99-01, and Caryn Planned Community Amendment 99-01.
Motion carried by the following vote:
Planning Commission Minutes -10- June 9, 1999
public hearing for a proposed project to be known as the Victoria Arbors Village on 291.8
acres of land in the Victoda Planned Community, generally bounded by Base Line Road,
future Victoda Park Lane, future Church Street, future Day Creek Boulevard, Foothill
Boulevard, and the Day Creek Channel - APN: 227-201-04, 13 through 18, 22, 28 through
30, and 36; 222-201-33; 227-161-33, 35, 36, and 38; 227-171-11, 12, and 14. Related file:
Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 98-01.
(A)Land Use changes for the following areas:
Subarea 1:
Subarea la - from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Community
Facilities to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately
7.67 acres of land, generally located on the south side of Base Line Road, west of the
winery; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Community Facilities.
Subarea lb - from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Park to
Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Park, and School for
approximately 57.40 acres of land, generally located east of future Day Creek
Boulevard and 600 feet south of Base Line Road; and the consideration of alternative
land use designations of Community Facilities for the northeast side of the subarea,
immediately east of the winery.
Subarea lc - from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) to Low
Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 21.13 acres of land for the
area generally located south of Base Line Road and east of future Victoda Park Lane;
and consideration of retaining the Low-Medium Residential designation.
Subarea ld- from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), Regional
Related Office/Commercial, and Park to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units
per acre) for approximately 39.45 acres of land, generally located on the north side of
future Church Street and east of future Day Creek Boulevard; and consideration of
alternative land use designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre)
and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre).
Subarea le - from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) and
Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per
acre) for approximately 13.76 acres of land, generally located north of future Church
Street, west of future Victoria Loop Street; and consideration of alternative land use
designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwe!ling units per acre) and Medium-High
Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre).
Subarea 2 - from Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8
dwelling units per acre), Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), and
Planning Commission Minutes -11- June 9, 1999
High Residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 53 acres of land,
generally located on the west side of future Day Creek Boulevard, nodh and south of
future Church Street; and consideration of retaining the Regional Related
Qffice/Commercial designation.
Subarea 3 - Re-align the boundaries of the Victoria Community Plan to include
approximately 26 acres of land from the Etiwanda Specific Plan, generally located on the
north side of Church Street and the west side of Etiwanda Avenue; and a request to
change the land use designation from Office to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling
units per acre); and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office
and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre); and consideration by the City
of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan with an Office designation or a mix
of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre).
(B) Amend the Circulation and Parks and Recreation Elements of the General Plan.
(C) Amend vadous graphics and text for the Victoda Community Plan.
(D) Consideration by the City of alternative sites for Park and School within the project area
of the Victoda Community Plan.
(E) Modify the permitted and conditionally permitted uses and various development and
design standards for Regional Related Office/Commercial, Regional Center, and
Community Facilities of the Victoria Community Plan.
The Environmental Impact Report for this project was considered on May 26, 1999.
(Continued from May 26, 1999)
request to re-align the boundaries of the Etiwanda Specific Plan by re-designating
approximately 26 acres of land, 9enerally located on the north side of Church Street and the
west side of Etiwanda Avenue to the Victoda Community Plan; and consideration by the City
of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan and retaining the land use designation of
Office; and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office and
Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 227-171-11, 12, and 14.
Related file: Victoda Community Plan Amendment 98-01. The Environmental Impact Report
for this project was considered on May 26, 1999. (Continued from May 26, 1999)
Chairman McNiel opened the public headng.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart to continue Environmental Assessment,
General Plan Amendment 98-02, and Victoria Community Plan Amendment 98-01 and
Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment 98-02, and Etiwanda Specific Plan
Amendment 98-01 to the July 14, 1999 meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carded
Planning Commission Minutes -12- June 9, 1999
LIMITED PARTNERSHIP - A request for a time extension of a previously approved tentative
tract map, including design review, for the development of 159 single family lots on 24.56
acres of land in the Medium residential Distdct (8-14 dwelling units per acre) of the Foothill
Boulevard Specific Plan and Development Code areas located between Foothill Boulevard
and Arrow Route, west of the Cucamonga Creek Control Channel - APN: 207-211-01, 18
through 21, 31, 32, and 34. Staff has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration of
environmental impacts for consideration.
Chairman McNiel noted the applicant has requested this item to be continued to August 11, 1999.
Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, to continue EnvironmentalAssessment and
Time Extension for Tract 15540 to August 11, 1999. The motion carried by the following vote:
ABSENT: NONE -carded
No public comments were made at this time.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, announced that a General Plan Update would be placed on future
Planning Commission agendas.
Mr. Buller also asked the Commissioners if they could attend a field trip to review completed
projects around the City. He suggested the tdp begin at 5:00 p.m. on June 23.
Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by StewarL The Planning Commission adjourned at
9:25 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on June 23 for a Planning Commission field tdp to review completed
projects around the City.
Planning Commission Minutes -13- June 9, 1999