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1999/05/26- Minutes - PC-HPC
CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting May 26, 1999 Chairman McNiel called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Commission to order at 7:16 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Rich Macias, John Mannerino, Larry McNiel, Pam Stewart, Peter Tolstoy ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Michael Estrada, Deputy City Attorney; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner; Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Brent Le Count, Associate Planner; Cathy Morris, Planning Specialist; Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary; Darice Sebring, Planning Aide ANNOUNCEMENTS Brad Bullet, City Planner, announced that Items C and L could be heard together because they are part of the same master plan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Tolstoy, carried 5-0, to approve the ~inutes of May 12,1999. CONSENT CALENDAR A. ABANDONMENT OF PORTIONS OF RAILROAD AVENUE NORTH AND RAILROAD AVENUE SOUTH. - A request to find the abandonment of portions of two railroad avenues, generally located to the north of Base Line Road within the proposed Tentative Tract Map 15875, in conformance with the General Plan. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Tolstoy, carried 5-0, to adopt the Consent Calendar. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-15- HAVEN WINE AND LIQUOR - A request to build a 4,521 square foot retail store with deli and liquor sales on 0.68 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located on the south side of Foothill Boulevard between Aspen and Spruce Streets - APN: 208-352-82. Related File: Parcel Map 15282 and Development Review 99-04. Brent Le Count presented the staff report. Commissioner Mannerino asked if the Alcohol Beverage Control Board agrees with wine tasting in conjunction with off-site consumption. Mr. Le Count responded that it was acceptable to staff's knowledge. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. John De Frenza, 20301 South West Birch Street, Suite 101E, Newport Beach, stated he was representing the applicant. He reported the applicant was satisfied with the process and agreed with the proposed conditions. He indicated there were two different renderings with one showing a single shade and the other showing the second shade which had been requested by Chairman McNiel below the openings. Hearing no fudher testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. He felt the two shades improves the project. The remainder of the Commission agreed. Chairman McNiel felt the project had come a long way and the building will be attractive. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Stewart, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 99-15. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TQLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried C. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-04 - LOwE's - A request to build a 128,997 square foot Lowe's Home Improvement store including a 50,196 square foot garden center and two future restaurant pads on 17.17 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 7) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located at the southeast corner of Milliken Avenue and Foothill Boulevard - APN: 229-011-32. Brent Le Count, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Commissioner Tolstoy asked the location of the customer pick-up area. Mr. Le Count responded that it is the northeast corner. Planning Commission Minutes -2- May 26, 1999 Commissioner Tolstoy questioned if the truck unloading area provides enough room for semi- trucks. Mr. Le Count responded affirmatively and said it meets the turning radius criteria. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Pam Steele, Hogle-lreland, 4200 Latham Street, Suite B, Riverside, accepted the conditions of approval. She introduced Don Winn from Lowes. Don Winn, Lowes, 39076 Chaparral Drive, Temecula, gave a brief history of the company. He stated that Lowes is more retail-oriented than most hardware stores and has a 50 percent female customer base. Ms. Steele pointed out that the activity center will be built with this development. She stated that the loading area is screened by a wing wall. Todd Bartok, Nadel Architects, 4350 La Jolla Village Drive, #960, San Diego, showed samples of the proposed security mesh for the garden area gate fencing material. He said that a fixed wall would not allow air ventilation which they feel is necessary. Commissioner Tolstoy questioned what would be behind the screening. He asked if it would be bales of fertilizer and potting mix. Mr. Bartok replied that it may hold those items as well as plants. He discussed the architectural enhancement on the north elevation at the driveway terminus. He noted they also added shading with the vine trellis. Chairman McNiel asked if it was just a parapet top in the area or if there was depth. Mr. Bartok responded that it is about 3 feet deep. Commissioner Tolstoy asked what is on the intedor of the area. Mr. Bartok explained they plan to create a mosaic with tiles and use it as part of their public art. He said they plan to use an historic theme. He noted the cart storage had been moved behind the trellis area. Chairman McNiel observed that the City normally requires decorative paving to draw into the project. He thought more depth is needed and suggested the applicant work with staff. Mr. Bartok agreed that was acceptable. Mr. Le Count commented another issue was the enhanced landscaping along the north elevation. Chairman McNiel noted they had added some landscaping but said it is a long building. Mr. Bartok noted they also added the trellis elements in front of the garden gates to put greenery on top. Commissioner Tolstoy stated he did not see the design for the activity center on the corner. Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 26, 1999 Mr. Bartok indicated that had been addressed in the master plan. Mr. Le Count indicated it was shown in the landscape plan. Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tolstoy indicated he was looking forward to the store opening. He asked that staff pay particular attention to the berming because it is imperative that it properly shield the loading areas. Commissioner Mannerino felt that the Design Review Committee and applicant should be commended for making the building attractive. Chairman McNiel observed that the sign depicted in the elevations as an example is larger than the permitted under the Sign Ordinance. He noted that would have to be addressed in the future. He said he would like to see the mural. Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that during the Design Review process, it was determined this would be an art element. He indicated staff was glad to see it will be a mural. He suggested it may be reviewed by the Design Review Committee, which could refer it up to the full Commission if necessary. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there will be any other public art in the center Mr. Buller responded the activity center is similar in concept to the fountain at Haven Avenue and Foothill Boulevard or RochesterAvenue and Foothill Boulevard except there will not be a separate art piece. Commissioner Tolstoy asked if there will be a water element. Mr. Bullet did not believe the specifics have been determined. Mr. Le Count indicated either a fountain or an art piece would be in the activity center. Commissioner Tolstoy appreciated that there will be public art on the building, but he noted that would be seen only by the people entedng the center and not by people driving by. Chairman McNiel asked if Commissioner Tolstoy would like to see whatever is proposed. Commissioner Tolstoy indicated he would. It was the consensus of the Commission that the activity center design should be reviewed by the full Commission. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Stewart, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 99-15. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MAClAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried Planning Commission Minutes -4- May 26, 1999 NEW BUSINESS L. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 99-15 - GATX - A request to construct two industrial warehouse buildings totaling 885,160 square feet (Building A - 443,190 square feet, Building B - 441,970 square feet) on 43.56 acres of land in Subarea 8 (General Industrial) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located on the east side of Milliken Avenue between Foothill Boulevard and Arrow Route - APN: 229-011-32. Related files: Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 99-01, Development Review 99-11 (Catellus Master Plan) and Tentative Parcel Map 15295. Brent Le Count, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Para Steele, Hogle-lreland, 4200 Latham Street, Suite B, Riverside, accepted the conditions of approval. She indicated Dennis Hill from Hill Pinked Architects was available to answer questions and introduced Charles McPhee from Catellus. Chades McPhee, Senior Vice President, Catellus Development Corporation, 4000 Westerly Place, Suite 200, Newport Beach, gave a brief history of the company and stated that Catellus is committed to long-term ownership. Headng no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public headng. Commissioner Stewart commented the applicant was very cooperative. She felt it is a good project. Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Mannerino, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Development Review 99-15. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried The Planning Commission recessed from 8:00 p.m. to 8:12 p.m. D. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TIME EXTENSION FOR CONDITIONAL USF PERMIT 95-25- RODRIGUEZ- A request for a time extension for the proposed development of a shopping center totaling 74,478 square feet on 8.9 acres of land, with proposed Phase I consisting of a 2,900 square foot drive-thru restaurant and a 5,548 square foot restaurant on 3.7 acres of land, in the Community Commercial designation of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 207-211-12 through 15, 38, and 40. Brent Le Count, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Planning Commission Minutes -5- May 26, 1999 Chairman McNiel opened the public headng. Gil Roddguez, Jr., U. S. Properties, 759 North Mountain, Upland, stated he hopes to soon secure the necessary approval from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for the drainage. Headng no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 95-25. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 15268 - SMITH ASSOCIATES - A subdivision of 3.79 acres of land into 3 parcels in the Industrial Park (Subarea 7) and General Industrial (Subarea 8) Districts of the Industrial Area Specific Plan, located at the northeast corner of Elm Avenue and White Birch Drive - APN: 208-961-15 and 208-961-23. Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Chairman McNiel opened the public headng. Heating no testimony, he closed it. Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Stewart, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the resolution approving Parcel Map 15268. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERIN©, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carded F. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-06 - GOOD FELLAS FINE CIGARS - A request to expand an existing 2,800 square foot cigar shop with bar to include outdoor seating'and serving of alcoholic beverages and an additional 550 square feet of floor area in the Virginia Dare Business Center in the General Commercial District, located at 8034 Haven Avenue, Suite B - APN: 1077-661-02. Related file: Conditional Use Permit 97-37. Darice Sebring, Planning Aide, presented the staff report. Commissioner Mannerino asked if the applicant had accepted the closing hours suggested by staff. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. Dan Bruncati, Owner/operator, Good Fellas Fine Cigars, 8034 Haven Avenue, Suite B, Rancho Cucamonga, stated the closing hours suggested by staff were acceptable. Planning Commission Minutes -6- May 26, 1999 Chairman McNiel asked for details about the fine imposed by the Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control Board. Mr. Bruncati replied the citation for serving distilled spirits was the result of several patrons from Shelley's which had wandered over to their area. Regarding the infraction for serving of minors, he stated someone had purchased two pitchers of beer and served some to two girls who were with him. He said his staff was not cited in that incident because they had not directly served the minors. He reported it had been a costly learning experience and had delayed his 48 license for three months. He indicated they had requested the ability to fence off their patio area so they could define their boundaries so they could better police the situation. Commissioner Mannerino asked if the security personnel would be licensed. Mr. Bruncati replied they would be if that is what the Commission requires. Commissioner Mannerino preferred licensed secudty for checking IDs. Mr. Bruncati indicated that Shelley's was placed on probation by the Alcohol Beverage Control Board for the same incident. He indicated the guard will be on his side and that Shelley's has closed their property and made the area less accessible. Chairman McNiel asked for confirmation that access to the patio area will be from within the establishment. Mr. Bruncati indicated there will be two controlled entrances. Hearing no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mannerino felt it is a nice environment so long as it can be separated from Shelley's. Chairman McNiel agreed it is a nice area. He said that shared steps must be taken to govern the patrons. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart to adopt the resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 99-06. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT; NONE - carried G. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-02, AND VICTORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 98-01 - AMERICAN BEAUTY DEVELOPMENT CO. - A public hearing for a proposed project to be known as the Victoria Arbors Village on 291.8 acres of land in the Victoria Planned Community, generally bounded by Base Line Road, future Victoria Park Lane, future Church Street, future Day Creek Boulevard, Foothill Boulevard, and the Day Creek Channel - APN: 227-201-04, 13 through 18, 22, 28 through 30, and 36; 222-201-33; 227-161-33, 35, 36, and 38; 227-171-11, 12, and 14. Related file: Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 98-01. Planning Commission Minutes -7- May 26, 1999 Land Use changes for the following areas: Subarea 1: Subarea la - from Medium Residential (8414 dwelling units per acre) and Community Facilities to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 7.67 acres of land, generally located on the south side of Base Line Road, west of the winery; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Community Facilities. Subarea lb. - from Medium Residentia~ (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Park to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Park, and School for approximately 57.40 acres of land, generally located east of future Day Creek Boulevard and 600 feet south of Base Line Road; and the consideration of alternative land use designations of Community Facilities for the northeast side of the subarea, immediately east of the winery. Subarea lc - from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 21.13 acres of land for the area generally located south of Base Line Road and east of future Victoda Park Lane; and consideration of retaining the Low-Medium Residential designation. Subarea ld - from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), Regional Related Office/Commercial, and Park to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 39.45 acres of land, generally located on the north side of future Church Street and east of future Day Creek Boulevard; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). Subarea le - from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) and Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 13.76 acres of land, generally located north of future Church Street, west of future Victoria Loop Street; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). Subarea 2- from Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), and High Residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 53 acres of land, generally located on the west side of future Day Creek Boulevard, north and south of future Church Street; and consideration of retaining the Regional Related Office/Commercial designation. Subarea 3 - Re-align the boundaries of the Victoria Community Plan to include approximately 26 acres of land from the Etiwanda Specific Plan, generally located on the north side of Church Street and the west side of Etiwanda Avenue; and a request to change the land use designation from Office to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre); and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre); and consideration by the City of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan with an Office Planning Commission Minutes -8- May 26, 1999 designation or a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). (B) Amend the Circulation and Parks and Recreation Elements of the General Plan. (C) Amend various graphics and text for the Victoria Community Plan. (D) Consideration by the City of alternative sites for Park and School within the project area of the Victoda Community Plan. (E) Modify the permitted and conditionally permitted uses and various development and design standards for Regional Related Office/Commercial, Regional Center, and Community Facilities of the Victoria Community Plan. H. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-02, AND ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 98-01 - AMERICAN BEAUTY DEVELOPMENT CO. - A request to re-align the boundaries of the Etiwanda Specific Plan by re-designating approximately 26 acres of land, generally located on the north side of Church Street and the west side of Etiwanda Avenue to the Victoria Community Plan; and consideration by the City of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan and retaining the land use designation of Office; and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 227-171-11, 12, and 14. Related file: Victoda Community Plan Amendment 98-01. Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report and indicated that a revised Resolution clarifying the action had been placed before the Commissioners and had been given to the applicant. Commissioner Mannerino stated it was his understanding that certification merely means that the City believes that the EIR report was propedy prepared under CEQA guidelines and contains all of the technical cfiteda necessary and does not endorse any suggested changes. Ms. Fong confirmed that was correct. Chairman McNiel opened the public hearing. John Mordsette, Amedcan Beauty Development Co., 16830 Venture Boulevard, Sdite 401, Encino, concurred with staffs recommendation that the EIR be deemed adequate for certification. He commented that Jack Easton from LSA was present. Mr. Morrisette stated that Mr. Easton is LSA's expert on wetlands issues. John Lyons, 11989 Dorset Street, Rancho Cucamonga, gave a brief history of Victoria. He thought the EIR should more fully address the financial impacts. He felt the City had bought and paid for the residential density north of Base Line Road with the idea that other development south of Base Line Road would pay for the residential. He hoped the City does not allow any future residential development south of Base Line Road before a financial plan is in effect that will pay for the City. He thought the Utility Tax would not be necessary if development had taken place according to the original plan. Brad Buller, City Planner, indicated that a fiscal report was prepared for the project and is available for review by any member of the public. Planning Commission Minutes -9- May 26, 1999 Headng no further testimony, Chairman McNiel closed the public hearing. Commissioner Macias commented that an EIR is an information document and is not a project- approval or decision-making document. He said a Planning Commission vote to certify the document would mean only that the City, as the lead agency, felt the CEQA process had been satisfied. He believed the project still has major problems. He expressed concerns regarding land use compatibility issues at the winery site and the regional mall site. He thought the proposal offers less than the originally planned open space and lakes and is a major impact on the fiscal impact report because of the change of zoning from commercial to residential along Day Creek Boulevard. He appreciated that the consultant had extensively investigated the wetlands issue but felt the impact is still nebulous and the City needs to talk to the Army Corps of Engineers. He said that if the project were up for a vote tonight, he would not vote for approval of the project as it now stands even though he would be willing to vote for certification of the EIR. Commissioner Tolstoy concurred with Commissioner Macias. He was concerned with the loss of open space and reasonable buffering of the winery to the north and the commercial area to the south and the loss of commercial area to residential. He said the fiscal impact may be considered adequate but it is not as rich as former expectations of the City. He supported recommending certification of the EIR but said he could not support the project as it was presented at the Commission's last workshop with the applicant. Commissioner Stewart concurred with the other Commissioners. She also expressed concerns regarding the land use along the future Day Creek Boulevard. She said she would support a commercial oveday district along Church Street. Commissioner Mannerino stated that when the Planning Commission discussed allowing General Plan Amendments to proceed during the General Plan update process, the Commission voted unanimously to place a moratorium on land use requests. He reported that when the matter was considered by the General Plan Update Task Force, he changed his vote to vote for a resolution allowing the City to entertain amendment requests on a case-by-case-basis. He said he did that only because the City Planner had indicated he did not believe the individual requests would be ovedy burdensome on City staff. He stated he would not say whether or not he would vote for or against associated land use resolutions but said he had no basis to entertain the requested land use change from commercial to residential. He indicated he was prepared to vote for the certification but he did not endorse, nor necessarily oppose, the requested plan amendment changes. Michael Estrada, Deputy City Attomey, stated it was his belief that all of the Commissioners had indicated they did not have enough information at this time to support the requested plan amendments but they would consider the evidence at the future public hearing. He thought the Commissioners are familiar with the project and the EIR. Chairman McNiel agreed with the remainder of the Commission. He observed that the Commission had conducted several workshops, at which time concerns were voiced and the applicant had addressed some, but not all, of those concerns. He noted the issue tonight was certification of the EIR. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, to adopt the amended resolution presented by staff, recommending certification of the Environmental Impact Report for General Plan Amendment 98o02, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 98-01, and Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 98-01. Motion carried by the following vote: Planning Commission Minutes -10- May 26, 1999 AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carded I. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-02, AND VI(~TORIA COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT 98-01 - AMERICAN BEAUTY DEVELOPMENT CO. - A public hearing for a proposed project to be known as the Victoria Arbors Village on 291.8 acres of land in the Victoria Planned Community, generally bounded by Base Line Road, future Victoda Park Lane, future Church Street, future Day Creek Boulevard, Foothill Boulevard, and the Day Creek Channel- APN: 227-201-04, 13 through 18, 22, 28 through 30, and 36; 222-201-33; 227-161-33, 35, 36, and 38; 227-171-11, 12, and 14. Related file: Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 98-01. (A) Land Use changes for the following areas: Subarea 1: Subarea la - from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Community Facilities to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 7.67 acres of land, generally located on the south side of Base Line Road, west of the winery; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Community Facilities. Subarea '/b - from Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Park to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Park, and School for approximately 57.40 acres of tand, generally located east of future Day Creek Boulevard and 600 feet south of Base Line Road; and the consideration of alternative land use designations of Community Facilities for the northeast side of the subarea, immediately east of the winery. Subarea '/c - from Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) to Low Residential (2-4 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 21.13 acres of land for the area generally located south of Base Line Road and east of future Victoda Park Lane; and consideration of retaining the Low-Medium Residential designation. Subarea ld - from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), Regional Related Office/Commercial, and Park to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 39.45 acres of land, generally located on the north side of future Church Street and east of future Day Creek Boulevard; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). Subarea le - from Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre) and Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 13.76 acres ol~ land, generally located north of future Church Street, west of future Victoria Loop Street; and consideration of alternative land use designations of Medium Residential (8-14 dwelling units per acre) and Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre). Planning Commission Minutes -11- May 26, 1999 Subarea 2 - from Regional Related Office/Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre), Medium-High Residential (14-24 dwelling units per acre), and High Residential (24-30 dwelling units per acre) for approximately 53 acres of land, generally located on the west side of future Day Creek Boulevard, north and south of future Church Street; and consideration of retaining the Regional Related Office/Commercial designation. Subarea 3 - Re-align the boundaries of the Victoria Community Plan to include approximately 26 acres of land from the Etiwanda Specific Plan, generally located on the north side of Church Street and the west side of Etiwanda Avenue; and a request to change the land use designation from Office to Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre); and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre); and consideration by the City of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan with an Office designation or a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre). (B) Amend the Circulation and Parks and Recreation Elements of the General Plan. (C) Amend various graphics and text for the Victoria Community Plan. (D) Consideration by the City of alternative sites for Park and School within the project area of the Victoda Community Plan. (E) Modify the permitted and conditionally permitted uses and various development and design standards for Regional Related Office/Commercial, Regional Center, and Community Facilities of the Victoria Community Plan. J. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 98-02, AND ETIWANDA SPE(~IFIC PLAN AMENDMENT 98-01 - AMERICAN BEAUTY DEVELOPMENT CO. - A request to re-align the boundaries of the Etiwanda Specific Plan by re-designating approximately 26 acres of land, generally located on the north side of Church Street and the west side of Etiwanda Avenue to the Victoria Community Plan; and consideration by the City of retaining the area in the Etiwanda Specific Plan and retaining the land use designation of Office; and consideration of alternative land use designations of a mix of Office and Low-Medium Residential (4-8 dwelling units per acre) - APN: 227-171-11, 12, and 14. Related file: Victoria Community Plan Amendment 98-01 Chairman McNiel observed that the items were to be continued until June 9, 1999. He opened the public headng. There were no comments. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart, to continue General Plan Amendment 98-02, Victoria Community Plan Amendment 98-01, and Etiwanda Specific Plan Amendment 98-01 to June 9, 1999. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried Planning Commission Minutes -12- May 26, 1999 K. DEVELOPMENT CODE CONSOLIDATION - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A proposal to incorporate the Industrial Area Specific Plan and Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan into the Development Code. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated the matter was before the Commission to introduce the matter to the Commission. He indicated the matter would be re-advertised for the meeting on June 9, 1999. Motion: Moved by Stewart, seconded by Mannedno, to continue Development Code Consolidation to June 9, 1999. Motion carded by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried DIRECTOR'S REPORTS M. ENGINEERING DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999/2000 Ban'ye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, presented the staff report. Commissioner Tolstoy questioned what was included in the Haven Avenue median retrofit from 4th Street to Wilson Avenue. Mr. Hanson replied that the purpose of the redesign is to reduce the amount of turf. Commissioner Tolstoy noted that Amethyst Street was scheduled for rehabilitation of the existing pavement from 19th Street to the nodh City limits but that the road is currently dirt. He asked if that meant the City will build a whole new road. Mr. Hanson responded that it is not yet designed. He indicated it may not be constructed full width at this time. Commissioner Tolstoy questioned the progress of Da)' Creek Boulevard. Mr. Hanson indicated most areas have been cleared and it is currently under construction. Commissioner Stewart asked how many projects are fully funded. Mr. Hanson replied the only project in question is the BerTI Avenue sidewalks. Chairman McNiel invited public comment. There was none. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias, to find the Capital Improvement Program in conformance with the General Plan. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried Planning Commission Minutes -13- May 26, 1999 PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments at this time. COMMISSION BUSINESS N. TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Reappointment of equestrian representative. Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented a note from Sue Rabone indicating her desire to continue to serve on the Trails Committee. He indicated that staff would be pleased to have Ms. Rabone reappointed. He reported that appointments are for two-years and a reappointmentwould extend her term to April 2001. Chairman McNiel remarked that she is a definite asset to the Committee. Commissioner Tolstoy agreed that she shows a good interest. Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Stewart to reappoint Sue Rabone to the Trails Advisory Committee. Motion carded by the following vote: AYES: MACIAS, MANNERINO, MCNIEL, STEWART, TOLSTOY NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE - carried O. DISCUSSION OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE Brad Bullet, City Planner, commented that Design Review Committee agendas have grown longer. He expressed appreciation for the Commissioners consenting to a double shift at the last meeting. He stated staff would prefer not to defer project applications because the agenda is too full but said staff also wanted to respect the Commissioners' time. Commissioner Mannedno stated he was willing to pitch in when necessary and said he found it interesting, Chairman McNiel recalled that there used to be two Design Review Committees, one for residential and the other for commercial and industrial. He expressed appreciation for the additional help at the last meeting. Commissioner Mannerino suggested having dual sessions when necessary. Mr, Buller asked if the Commissioners would prefer having one earlier meeting and one later meeting or have two meetings simultaneously split into two conference rooms. Commissioners Mannerino and Stewart indicated they could both attend an earlier meeting. Commissioner Macias indicated he would prefer not to have meetings that last beyond 9:30 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes -14- May 26, 1999 Commissioner Mannerino stated he would prefer to have Planning Commission workshops on another day rather than having very long Planning Commission meetings. Mr. Bulter repot[ed that staff was having a series of meetings with the consultant regarding the General Plan update. He indicated he would keep the Commission updated on the progress of the project. Mr. Buller observed that a newspaper ar[icle had appeared today indicating that Southern California Edison is relocating from San Bemardino into one of the former General Dynamics buildings and would have approximately 500 employees. Chairman McNiel thanked the members of the General Plan Update Task Force for their work. The Commission tentatively scheduled a field trip to review completed projects from June 23, 1999. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Moved by Mannerino, seconded by Macias, carried 5-0, to adjourn. The Planning Commission adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Secretary Planning Commission Minutes -15- May 26, 1999