HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998/11/10 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Adjourned Meeting
November 10, 1998
Chairman McNiel called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 8:10 p.m. The meeting was held in the Rains Room at Rancho Cucamonga
Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: Rich Macias, John Mannerino, Larry McNiel, Para Stewart, Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Bullet, City Planner; Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Dan James,
Senior Civil Engineer;, Salvador Salazar, Associate Planner, Cecilia W'~lliams,
Associate Planner
A. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 98-07 - ALLARD ENGINEERING - The proposed subdivision
of 20 acres of land into 159 single family lots in the Medium (4-14 dwelling units per acre) and
Medium High Residential Districts (14-24 dwelling units per acre) of the Victoda Community
Plan, located on the northeast comer of Milliken Avenue and Base Line Road -
APN: 227-691-01.
Brad Buller, City Planner, explained the purpose and goals of the Pre-Application Review process.
Manny Gonzalez, representing Kaufman & Broad, made a presentation on behalf of the applicant
and explained the project concept and design features.
Cecilia Williams, Associate Planner, presented staff comments regarding layout and design of the
project and compared the current proposal with the approved auto court project for the site.
Mr. Bullet remarked that the Planning Commission had participated in a field trip several years ago
to visit small lot projects and "auto court" communities in Orange County.
The major issues affecting the project were addressed by the Planning Commission as follows:
The density proposed is similar to the previously approved project and was found acceptable
by the Commission.
The open space size, arrangement and amenities do not appear to be at the same quality level
as the previous project.
The project appears to be underparked.
Concern was raised regarding the amount and location of visitor parking.
Concern was also raised with the likely use of garages for storage ratherthan parking. Without
driveways and CC&R's to require garage use for parking, resident parking was pemeived to
be a problem.
Architecture was not found acceptable.
Single story units were encouraged.
Single story elements were recommended on 2-story units.
Size of units was acceptable but may need to be reduced to address the open space and
architectural issues noted above.
Territory issues and potential neighborhood conflicts with the shared auto courts. The
Commission requested evidence on how similar projects elsewhere have addressed these
The majority of the Commission was hesitant to support the project as presented.
B. PRE-APPLICATION REVIEW 98-08 - CURRY - The proposed development of a 114 suite
retirement residence facility for the elderly on 5.1 acres of land in the Low Residential District
(2-4 dwelling units per acre), located at the southeast comer of 19th Street and Hermosa
Avenue - APN: 1076-111-09.
Brad Bullet City Planner, explained the purpose and goals of the Pre-Application Review process.
Michael Fuller, architect for Curry Brandaw Architects, introduced the project and indicated that the
proposed retirement residence is a 114-suite facility for the elderly. He explained the facility is
designed for the elderly that are still ambulatory but in need of some support and the residents
typically will be single people in their late 70s or 80s. Mr. Fuller further stated that his company had
researched the area and determined this is the best place to construct the retirement facility. With
regards to building design compatibility, he observed the wing ends and building center steps down
from two- to one-story. He asserted that this arrangement minimizes impact to the surrounding
properties. Additionally, Mr. Fuller indicated that the existing house will remain and will be made
part of the proposed development.
Salvador Salazar, Associate Planner, commented on the issue of neighborhood compatibility,
specifically building design and site layout as it relates to the surrounding properties. He noted that
from a design aspect, the building, parking, and open space layout work well with the existing site
features including the potential historic house and existing landscaping.
Commissioner Tolstoy indicated that the City of Rancho Cucamonga and other communities in the
area need this type of facility. He especially liked the open space and the preservation of the
existing house and landscaping. He felt the two-story building would be compatible with the
neighborhood; however, he added that an emergency exit could be needed along 19th Street.
PC Adjourned Minutes -2- November 10, 1998
Commissioner Macias agreed with Commissioner Tolstoy; however, he was concerned about
neighborhood compatibility and the number of vehicle trips generated by the use.
Commissioner Stewart also felt an emergency exit along 19th Street would be needed.
Commissioner Mannerino felt the use is absolutely compatible with the neighborhood.
Chairman McNiel felt that the use and the two-story building are acceptable; however, the building
architecture needs major improvements. He, too, felt the City should have more of these facilities
but reminded the applicant of the land use change process and indicated the Commission will be
looking to the neighborhood for thoughts about such a project at this location.
Mr. Bullet summarized the Commissioners' comments: The use is a welcome use to the City and
the proposed project's design appears to fit well into the site, the open space allows for the
preservation of the existing house and trees, and the building should be no higher than two-stories
and have significant architectural movement. He also indicated that the property currently is not
zoned to allow this use and an amendment would need to be filed by the applicant.
There were no public comments at this time.
The Planning Commission adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Brad Buller
PC Adjourned Minutes -3- November 10, 1998