HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/10/08 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
October 8, 1997
Chairman Barker called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman
Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Barker, William Bethel, Peter Tolstoy
ABSENT: Rich Macias, Larry McNiel
STAFF PRESENT: Miki Bratt, Associate Planner; Brad Buller, City Planner; Dan Coleman,
Principal Planner; Michael Estrada, Deputy City Attorney; Tom Grahn,
Associate Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Gall Sanchez, Planning
Commission Secretary
Chairman Barker observed that the minutes of September 10, 1997, and the Adjourned Meeting of
September 10, 1997, could not be acted upon because of the absence of Commissioners Macias
and McNiel.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Barker, carded 2-0-2-1 (Macias and McNiel absent, Tolstoy
~abstain), to approve the minutes of September 24, 1997.
an approved automotive sales business, reducing the floor area by approximately 8,000 square
feet, reducing the outdoor display area, and reserving a 3.796 acre area for future expansion
on a 20-acre site located north of Fourth Street between the 1-15 on/off ramp and Buffalo
Avenue in the Industrial Park Area (Subarea 12) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan -
APN: 229-263-19, 20, 21 and a portion of 18.
Miki Bratt, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Bethel commented that Auto Nation had complied with all requests from the Design
Review Committee.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Pat Donelly, Staubach Retail Services, 2010 Main Street, Suite 620, Irvine, stated the modifications
were necessitated because of Auto Nation's experience in opening offices throughout the country.
He said they found they had more office space than necessary and approximately 150 too many
spaces on the display lot.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman Barker closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he supported the modification because it did not change any of the
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Bethel, to adopt the resolution approving Modification 1
to Conditional Use Permit 96-32. Motion carried by the following vote:
COMPANY. INC. - The development of a commercial shopping center consisting of a 68,355
square foot grocery/drug store, two satellite buildings totaling 5,000 square feet each, and two
drive-thru pads totaling 3,500 square feet and 2,500 square feet on 9.82 acres of land in the
Community Commercial Distdct (Subarea 2) of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at
the nodhwest comer of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue - APN: 207-102-03, 05, 08,
09, 15, 20, 21, and 49. Associated with this request is Tree Removal Permit 97-14.
Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, presented the staff repod. He stated the applicant had requested
that the Initial Study be modified to indicate that an Archaeologist would not need to be on site dudng
grading if the final archaeological investigation is completed prior to issuance of grading permits.
He noted the resolution did include that wording.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked where the shopping cad storage will be located.
Mr. Grahn replied that there are cad corrals at both ends of the building by the two entrances to the
Commissioner Tolstoy asked about provisions for recycling. He thought there is a California
provision that recycling must be available within a cedain distance of a market.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, confirmed there is such a law. He stated there are a variety of ways of
handling the recyclable materials. He indicated a Minor Development Review would be required if
they wish to place a recycling facility on the exterior of the building. He stated the applicant had not
requested any vending machines along the front of the building or in the parking lot.
Commissioner Tolstoy recalled that the City has asked that vending machines be located in recessed
areas and not obstruct walkways.
Mr. Grahn pointed out that provision is contained within the standard conditions.
Commissioner Tolstoy hoped that Code Enforcement would enforce that provision. He felt a plaque
should be located on site denoting that a Post Office commissioned by President Lincoln once stood
Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 8, 1997
Commissioner Bethel indicated that topic had been addressed in the Design Review Committee
Mr. Buller noted that the location, text, and design of the historical monument/display will be
approved by the Histodc Preservation Commission prior to building permit issuance.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Jon Vlaming, Castillo Company, Inc., 2345 East University Drive, Phoenix, Arizona, stated they have
spent considerable time and money in documenting the historical aspects of the site. He thought
the site plan was consistent with what had been approved for Smiths with the exception of adding
another out parcel to generate more revenue to offset the additional land needed for roadway
improvements. He believed the location of the loading docks is best. He requested that the Initial
Study be revised to include the wording in the resolution which provides that an Archaeologist would
not need to be on site during grading if the final archaeological investigation is completed prior to
issuance of grading permits. Mr. Vlaming repoded that the arborist report considered the three palm
trees located on the property as being viable candidates for transplanting. Because of the height
of the trees, he did not feel they would be compatible with the other landscaping on site. He
preferred that someone else utilize them on another project in the City.
Chairman Barker noted there had been questions regarding carts, recycling facilities, and a plaque
commemorating the post office.
Mr. Vlaming replied that there are cart storage areas at either end of the building where cads will be
organized and screened. He stated the store has a recycling program relative to reusing cardboard.
He noted they were conditioned to recess any outdoor vending machines into the building. He stated
they were planning to place a monument at the comer of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue
and he stated they envision that monument including a plaque regarding the history of the property
including the post office.
Gil Rodriguez, Jr., U. S. Properties, P. O. Box 281, Upland, stated he welcomed the project to the
area but he was concerned regarding the potential loss of history. He noted that the Klusman
House, Thomas Winery, and Tapia House are in the area. He stated the digging area has gone from
where the old post office was located but that the entire site has not been excavated. He wanted
an archeologist on site during grading. He asked if any furniture is planned for the activity center.
Kareem Ali, American Stores, 6565 Knott Avenue, Buena Park, stated they currently have an
archeologist on site and hope to complete the study prior to purchasing the site because they would
like to eliminate the risk of having a project start and be stopped during grading. He said they
~iscussed requirements for the project with the State Depadment of Historic Preservation. He
indicated they have found broken shards of glass, nails, a military button, and a coin and those items
are being documented and will be curated if the museum finds them important. With reference to
fumiture for the activity center area, he said their current focus is on the Lucky's/Save-On and they
did not have a tenant for the out parcel as yet. He indicated they would like to attract a restaurant
and have outdoor dining.
Commissioner Tolstoy commented that the use on the out parcel will have to come back before the
Planning Commission and furniture could be reviewed at that time.
Hearing no fudher testimony, Chairman Barker closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy agreed that the three palm trees will be out of scale with the project. He
hoped the trees could be saved and felt they would look better next to a tall building.
Chairman Barker agreed.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 8, 1997
Mr. Buller suggested adding a condition to have the developer box the trees and offer them to the
public. He suggested the condition call for the developer to pay for relocating and replanting the
Commissioner Tolstoy agreed. He felt there would be a taker for the trees.
Mr. Buller thought the City maintenance crews may be aware of an appropriate area in the City.
Commissioner Tolstoy said he was satisfied with the condition as worded with respect to the
Chairman Barker felt it would be appropriate to include a discussion of the evolution of the property.
Commissioner Bethel agreed with respect to the trees. He thought the developer should pay
relocation and planting costs if the trees were taken by a public or non-profit group; however, he felt
the developer should not have to pay the costs if another private firm takes the trees.
Chairman Barker reopened the public hearing.
Jim Borer, Arborist, P. O. Box 1803, Rancho Cucarnonga, stated he prepared the Arborist Report.
He said the trees would have to be moved immediately to their new location because they would not
survive being placed in boxes.
Chairman Barker again closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy questioned how much grading' will take place.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated that the northern half of the site will be cut, which will be
moved to the southern half as fill.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated the property has experienced horrendous floods with a lot of silt being
deposited on the property. He doubted the grading will go below the silt level. He supported the
condition as written in the resolution that an archaeologist would not need to be on-site during
grading if the final a'rchaeotogical investigation is concluded prior to issuance of grading permits.
Commissioner Bethel felt an acceptable report would be sufficient.
Chairman Barker asked if grading could be stopped if anything is found during grading.
Mr. Bullet stated the' applicant wants to minimize the dsk of having the project stopped once it starts.
He said staff was comfortable with the condition as written.
Commissioner Tolstoy agreed that once the report has been approved, an archaeologist should not
need to be on site during grading.
Michael Estrada, Deputy City Attorney, stated the applicant was in agreement with the condition as
written in the resolution but was asking that it be placed in the Initial Study. He noted the resolution
is the document that will be enforced and is the basis for the City's Mitigation Monitoring plan. He
felt thero was no need to change the Initial Study and it would be inappropriate to change it because
it had already been circulated for public review.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Bethel, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Conditional Use Permit 97-19 with modification to provide for the three palm
trees to be relocated off-site subject to City Planner approval. Motion carried by the following vote:
Planning Commission Minutes -4- October 8, 1997
C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 97-11 - FINAL SCORE - A request to expand the existing bar and
restaurant with entertainment by adding approximately 1,400 square feet of outdoor seating
area, in the Community Commercial District of the Foothill Boulevard Specific Plan, located at
8411 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 207-571-75. Related file: Entertainment Permit 93-03.
days and hours of entertainment and add dancing for an existing bar and restaurant with
outdoor seating area, in the Community Commercial District of the Foothill Boulevard Specific
Plan, located at 8411 Foothill Boulevard - APN: 207-571-75. Related file: Conditional Use
Permit 97-11.
Chairman Barker explained that the applicant had requested the item be continued to November 12,
1997. He opened the public hearing.
Bon Bjork, address unknown, asked if another notice would be sent out with the new date.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, indicated notices would not automatically be sent because the item was
being continued to a specific date. He suggested that Mr. Bjork let his neighbors know the matter
was continued to November 12. He suggested he, or anyone else in the neighborhood, may wish
to come in and meet with staff prior to the November 12 meeting and discuss any neighborhood
Commissioner Bethel recommended that another notice be mailed.
Chairman Barker agreed that another notice should be mailed but he also agreed that it would be
good for the residents to meet with staff for answers to questions.
It was the consensus of the Commission that Conditional Use Permit 97-11 and Entertainment
Permit 93-03 be continued to November 12, 1997, and that another mailing be sent to the
surrounding property owners.
There were no additional public comments.
Chairman Barker stated he does not like the corner filled up with a building like Denny's but he liked
what had been presented on the Castillo project. He suggested the matter be continued until all five
Commissioners could be present.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 8, 1997
Brad Bullet, City Planner, stated the Commissioners had each received notice regarding an October
23 meeting of the Baldy View Chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern California
(BIA). He noted the meeting topic is Communities of the Future and the purpose is to have Planning
Commissioners and staff meet with the building community. He encouraged the Commissioners to
attend and indicated staff would RSVP to the BIA.
Brad Bullet, City Planner, announced that regularly scheduled meeting dates fall on the day before
Thanksgiving and the day before Christmas. He asked the Commissioners to check their calendars
so staff could determine if a quorum will be available.
Chain-nan Barker and Commissioner Bethel indicated they would not be available on Christmas Eve.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he would not be available on November 26.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated tickets were still available for the Guess Who concert on
October 10.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Tolstoy, to adjourn.
8:08 p.m. - The Planning Commission adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Planning Commission Minutes -6- October 8, 1997