HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/09/10 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
September 10, 1997
Chairman Barker called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman
Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Barker, Rich Macias, Larry McNiel
ABSENT: William Bethel, Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Laura Bonaccorsi, Landscape Designer; Brad Buller, City Planner; Michael
Estrada, Deputy City Attorney; Tom Grahn, Associate Planner; Dan James,
Senior Civil Engineer; Gail Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary; Alan
Warren, Associate Planner
Brad Bullet, City Planner, announced that a field tour would be held on Satu~ay, September 6,
1997, regarding Pre-Application Review 97-05.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Macias, carried 3-0-2 (Bethel, Tolstoy absent), to approve
the minutes of August 27, 1997.
design review of the building elevations, detailed site plans, and grading plans for Phases I and
2; the master plan of walls and fences; and the landscaping plans for a previously approved
tentative tract map consisting of 342 single family lots on 82 acres of land in the Low-Medium
Residential Distdct (4-8 dwelling units per acre) between Fourth and Sixth Streets, adjacent to
the Cucamonga Creek Flood Control Channel-APN: 210-062-02, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 32,
and 33. Related File: Lot Line Adjustment No. 404.
Motion: Moved by McNiel, seconded by Macias, carded 3-0-2 (Bethel, Tolstoy absent), to adopt the
Consent Calendar.
ENTERPRISES - A request to add 63,452 square feet of building area to an existing warehouse
facility on 9.2 acres of land in the Industrial Park District (Subarea 6) of the Industrial Area
Specific Plan, located at the northwest corner of 6th Street and Utica Avenue -
APN: 209-411-16.
Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Barker invited public comment.
Carlos Cadiz, Cadiz & Cadiz Architects, 940 Calle Negocio, Suite 105, San Clemente, stated he
represented Coca-Cola. He indicated he had met with the adjoining property owner approximately
a week ago at which time it was requested that Coca-Cola raise the wall height to 12 to 14 feet. Mr.
Cadiz said he reviewed the request with Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola indicated that since they were
the first property to develop in the area, the neighbor should build the wall if they want it to be 12 to
14 feet high. He observed that the odginal plans called for a chain link fence and staff had requested
a wrought iron fence in June. He said Coca-Cola agreed to upgrade the fence to wrought iron. He
stated that the City was now requesting a concrete wall, and again Coca-Cola agreed to the
upgrade. He did not feel a 12- to 14-foot high wall would be aesthetically pleasing and asked that
the wall be kept at the current height. He stated the wall will be built to match the existing front wall.
He reported the wall will be built at the beginning of construction after grading and putting down the
slabs. He observed that standards require a 5-foot wide landscape area adjacent to the perimeter
wall but they had doubled that to 10 feet and 20 trees will be placed in the area to buffer the use
from the adjoining property. He indicated Coca-Cola felt that should be sufficient and suggested the
adjoining property owner could add trees on their side of the wall if they so desire.
Commissioner McNiel asked if all of the suggestions from the Design Review Committee were
Mr. Grahn responded affirmatively.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by McNiel, to issue a Negative Declaration and adopt the
resolution approving Development Review 96-34. Motion carried by the following vote:
Laura Bonaccorsi, Landscape Designer, presented the staff report.
Chairman Barker requested further explanation on the proposal to eliminate acceptance of side yard
Mr. Bonaccorsi replied the City was proposing not accepting side yards into the LMDs where
homeowners have access to the side yards.
Planning Commission Minutes -2- September 10, 1997
Chairman Barker asked what would prevent the area from being left unlandscaped.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated if approved landscaped areas are not maintained, it would be
necessary to involve Code Enforcement. He noted that the City was trying to minimize the exposure
of maintaining more landscaping than necessary in the wake of Proposition 218.
Chairman Barker noted that some projects have been approved which were designed without the
proposed provisions. He observed the policy would be in place for new projects and he questioned
if it should be considered for time extensions. He noted the City will be pushing developers to
provide landscaping, but asking the developer to maintain the landscaping. He thought The City
should look carefully at all projects
Ms. Bonaccorsi stated several projects are in transition. She felt there is enough latitude in the
policy for design variations and stated staff will look at implementation on a project-by-project basis.
She indicated that the Griffin project is in LMD No. 1, which has a ratio of 114 square feet of
landscape per assessment unit. She stated the City will be trying to maintain the same ratio per unit
in order to keep costs stable. She noted that in order to maintain the 114 square foot ratio, Griffin
would be allowed 40,000 square feet of landscaping but the project is proposing over 100,000
square feet. She said they will be adding hardscape into the landscaped area in an effort to have
the square footage of landscaping entering the LMD equal to the assessment units coming in.
Mr. Buller stated that based on Proposition 218, the City will become more attuned to this. He said
the City previously would accept remnant landscaping but the City now wants to minimize the
impacts by managing what comes into the district in an effort to avoid having to raise assessments,
which would require a vote of the property owners.
Chairman Barker noted that the policy calls for curb-adjacent sidewalks where possible. He feared
that did not allow flexibility. He wanted to emphasize the need for creativity and allowing room for
flexibility. He did not want to tie the hands of developers nor require landscaping that cannot be
Ms. Bonaccorsi stated the City would try to balance money and aesthetics.
Mr. Bullet stated that on the Griffin project, staff was not trying to push the percentage as much as
the design, He said the wording is meant to be flexible.
Chairman Barker asked if all districts would be kept to the square footage ratio existing in the
respective districts.
Ms. Bonaccorsi stated that was a ballpark goal. She noted the previous trend has been to increase
square footage.
Chairman Barker asked what would happen if an election were required because of increased costs
and the property owners voted against any increased costs.
Ms. Bonaccorsi replied it may depend upon the district. She stated the City may choose to pick up
the shortfall from the General Fund with a Iow maintenance level. She said there would be a risk
of losing landscaping in particular districts.
Chairman Barker said he was not advocating a lack of responsibility. He stated he was impressed
with the amount of thought which had gone into the proposed design strategies and said he just
wanted to be sure that creativity is promoted.
Mr. Bullet noted the City Council was asking for the Commission's comments. He stated the
Commission was not being asked to approve the policy.
Planning Commission Minutes -3- September 10, 1997
Commissioner McNiel observed that LMD No. 1 has the lowest ratio of landscaping per assessment
unit and asked if there could be a backlash as a result.
Ms. Bonaccorsi stated staff used that figure because it affects the greatest number of homes in the
City and, being the smallest, would have the most easily tipped scale. She also commented that
LMD No. 2, which has the highest ratio, is Victoda and is mostly built out. She remarked that people
buy into cedain areas with certain expectations.
Commissioner McNiel felt that people buy into the community. He said he did not want to Iow ball
nor bankrupt the figures. He expressed concern about allowing the 40 percent hardscape
requirement to be reduced at the discretion of the City Engineer.
Ms. Bonaccorsi asked if he would be more comfortable if it were at the discretion of the City
Engineer and City Planner.
Commissioner McNiel agreed that would be better.
Ms. Bonaccorsi felt the policy will be reevaluated in a year or two.
Commissioner Macias suggested a formal recommendation from the Commission that the policy be
reviewed after a certain period of time.
Chairman Barker felt it would be best to review the results after construction of several projects.
Mr. Buller stated the Commission would be applying this policy as projects go through the process
and therefore will have a first-hand account of how it is worked out in the project's design. He
supported the Planning Commission's recommendation to review the policy after a period of time.
He noted the City Council has to review the policy from a fiscal viewpoint.
Chairman Barker felt the Commission would also want to know if the policy is fiscally working. He
thought the policy should be monitored and adjusted.
Commissioner McNiel observed that 1.B calls for curb-adjacent sidewalks "where possible." He
thought they would be possible anywhere, but perhaps not suitable.
Commissioner Macias feared losing the Rancho Cucamonga image. He felt the fiscal realities
require trying the policy and he suggested revisiting the policy after two to three developments are
constructed. He suggested modifying Design Review Committee staff comments to show how the
issue is addressed 'in each development.
Mr. Buller asked it there is a policy for areas of transition if it is determined that the pattern of
landscaping, and maybe even the dimensions of the area, is to change.
Ms. Bonaccorsi stated it is a collective effort to preserve energy. She felt changing the setbacks
would be wrong. She noted that spacing could be increased, plant materials can be changed, and
sidewalks and hardscape can be increased. She said application will be on a project-by-project
Chairman Barker questioned how the policy will effect the missing section of Victoria Park Lane.
Ms. Bonaccorsi indicated the width and landscape palette would not be changed, but hardscape
would be widened in the middle.
Chairman Barker invited public comment.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- September 10, 1997
Bruce Stdckland, Gdffin Industries, 24005 Ventura Boulevard, Calabasas, felt the proposed policies
will work. He noted that LMD No. 1 is the oldest and largest in the City. He thought the new design
polices will reduce the maintenance cost and felt that should be a focus rather than reducing the
square footage. He suggested that the City investigate setting up separate subareas within LMDs.
He felt that since his company is the property owner at this point, the company could vote for an
increase if a separate subarea within LMD 1 were set up for his property. He also thought it could
be set up to include an annual increase within that separate subarea without going to vote each year.
He thought the new homeowners would be willing to pay more for the assessment. He cautioned
against having developers install landscaping which would then be turned over to homeowners
associations formed merely to take care of limited landscaping in developments where there are no
common amenities. He felt such homeowners associations would fail.
Edward Rande, 13272 Catalpa Street, Rancho Cucamonga, raised questions and concerns about
the rerouting of Highland Avenue from Etiwanda Street to East Avenue because of the Route 30
Chairman Barker suggested that Mr. Rande speak to the Engineering Division staff. He indicated
that the Planning Commission had not designed the freeway.
Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, gave Mr. Rande his card and indicated he would contact him.
Motion: Moved by McNie~, seconded by Macias, carried 3-0-2 (Bethel, Tolstoy absent), to adjourn.
8:17 p.m. - The Planning Commission adjourned to a workshop regarding Pre-Application
Review 97-12. The workshop adjourned at 9:25 p.m. and those minutes appear separately.
Respectfully submitted,
Planning Commission Minutes -5- September 10, 1997