HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/05/28 - Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Regular Meeting
May 28, 1997
Chairman Barker called the Regular Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga PIanning
Commission to order at 7:45 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman
Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Barker, Rich Macias, Peter Tolstoy
ABSENT: William Bethel, Larry McNiel
STAFF PRESENT: Brad Buller, City Planner; Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer; Boyd Hill,
Deputy City Attorney; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Brent Le Count,
Associate Planner; Gall Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary; Alan
Warren, Associate Planner
STREET - A request to vacate street right-of-way for a bus turnout, located at the southeast
corner of Church Street and Elm Avenue East, dedicated per Tract No. 13270 (V-148).
TOOLING - A request to construct a 20,000 square foot addition to an existing 16,000 square
foot building on 2.33 acres of land, located within Subarea 14 (General Industrial) of the
industrial Area Specific Plan, at 9076 Hyssop Drive - APN: 229-283-07.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Tolstoy, carried 3-0-2 (Bethel, McNiel absent), to adopt the
Consent Calendar.
97-02 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - An application to change the use provisions of
Subarea 16, Industrial Area Specific Plan to allow the development of 15 acres of Neighborhood
Commercial uses, subject to conditional use permit authorization, at the southwest corner of
Sixth Street and Archibald Avenue, and to update Subarea 16 standards to reflect previously
adopted use provisions. An Environmental Impact Repod that assesses the impacts of this
proposal has been certified. APN: 210-062-08.
Alan Warren, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Jeffrey De Berard, P. O. Box 1757, Upland, stated the City Council had suggested increasing the
commercial acreage from 5 acres to 15 acres for the area.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked if the original request had not been for 10 acres.
Mr. De Berard confirmed his original request had been for 10 acres. He stated that the
environmental impact report had considered 20 acres as one of its options and the City Council had
directed that 15 acres should be granted.
Brad Buller, City Planner, stated that the City Council had not approved a zone change, but had felt
there was sufficient grounds to initiate an amendment to re-evaluate the amount of commercial land
appropriate for the area.
Mr. De Berard stated that when the City Council approved the Griffin Homes project, they indicated
the 5 acres should be increased to 15 ac res and directed staff to initiate the process.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman Barker closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Tolstoy stated he had wondered why the request was for 15 acres instead of 10 and
also why the City initiated the amendment. He questioned if a market study wou~d confirm the need
for 15 acres and whether a 15-acre shopping center could survive on the limited residences in the
Mr. Bullet stated the Council felt the owner should be able to propose a shopping center of any size
up to 15 acres.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Tolstoy, to adopt the resolution recommending approval
of Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 97-02. Motion carried by the following vote:
to subdivide 19.26 acres of land into 45 lots for the purpose of single family home construction
in the Low Residential District (2-4 dwelling units per acre) of the Etiwanda Specific Plan,
located west of the 1-15 Freeway and south of Highland Avenue - APN: 227-071-32.
Brent Le Count, Associate Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Macias asked for further clarification regarding circulation and drainage.
Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer, stated there are approximately 108 homes in the area and this
development is for 45 homes. He said the new homes will ultimately have access to Highland
Avenue via Mulberry Street on the east and to East Avenue via Smokestone Street. He indicated
Caltrans will close Highland Avenue at East Avenue when it starts construction of the interchange
and estimates this will begin in January 1998. He stated Highland Avenue will be closed for
regrading to raise the intersection approximately 10 feet. He reported that Ca,frans has indicated
they will provide emergency access only at the intersection during the construction period. He
indicated Caltrans will relinquish Highland Avenue to the City once construction is complete. He
reported the developer of this tract is conditioned to upgrade the intersection and install a traffic
signal if the tract is constructed after Caltrans has completed its work. He said the developer will
Planning Commission Minutes -2- May 28, 1997
pay an in-lieu fee if tract construction takes place before Caltrans is complete and the City will then
install the traffic signal. He noted the developer is required to complete drainage studies and
pro.cess through FEMA. He stated the preliminary drainage study assumed that Route 30
improvements exist, but if the tract reaches final map stage and Route 30 construction has stalled
or never begun, then the drainage study must be amended to address drainage without the freeway
and the developer would be required to mitigate any potential flood hazard.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Jori Friedman, RBF Associates, 9301 Wilshire Boulevard, 1st Floor, Beverly Hills, stated that a bank
owns the property. He said that a representative from their engineers, Webb & Associates, was
available in the audience to answer questions. He felt the project is unique but pointed out the
properly is zoned for 2 to 4 dwelling units per acre and their development at 2.3 lots per acre is in
compliance with both the Etiwanda Specific Plan and the General Plan. He noted the primary
opposition from adjacent residents seems to be regarding Route 30. He said they have met with
Caltrans on two occasions. He said it was his understanding that the City had tried to have East
Avenue as a freeway interchange but that has been changed. He reported that Caltrans has served
condemnation papers on the bank with respect to right-of-way for Smokestone and Mulberry Streets
because Caltrans must construct those streets before it can close the intersection of Highland and
East Avenue to provide access for the existing residences to the east of the project boundaries. He
stated Caltrans has indicated it must have rights of way before the end of June because it is going
out to bid in July. He commented that many residents are opposed to this tract because they don't
want Smokestone to go through but said Smokestone will be constructed even if this tract is not
constructed. He felt the tract was designed to work best for both the ultimate and interim circulation.
He noted the property is owned by the bank and the bank wishes to sell the property to a developer
but felt it would be easier to sell if a map is in place. He observed the minimum time frame for
selling would probably be 6 months and a developer would then have to process house plans
through the City, so it would most likely be 12 to 18 months before construction could start. Mr.
Friedman noted that they are conditioned to construct Highland Avenue full width across their
northern boundary including 36 feet of pavement. He stated the northern boundary of Highland
Avenue will be the freeway which will be elevated from 15 to 20 feet at that point because of the
transition ramps to 1-15. He questioned the need for 36 feet of pavement because he felt that
provides for parking on both sides of the street and observed that there will be no houses or
driveways fronting on Highland Avenue. He suggested that the pavement be reduced to 32 feet or
28 feet which would allow parking on one side or neither side, respectively, because he felt the area
should not allow parking as it would tend to be nuisance parking of trucks or storage of vehicles.
He asked that the condition be reworded to allow them to work with staff regarding the street width.
Mr. Friedman stated that the issues of construction traffic on Smokestone and dust control during
grading were raised at the neighborhood meeting. He noted they are conditioned to provide a
construction access plan and schedule covering such items as public notice requirements, dust
control measures, etc. He stated that they will have to utilize Smokestone Street if Highland Avenue
is not open because of the Flood Control District's Victoria Basin to the south which is 30 to 40 feet
deep, the freeway to the north, and no streets to connect to going to the east. He commented that
the Citation tract was also built with only one access plus an emergency access.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked for clarification that Caltrans will obtain the right of way across the
project and construct a bridge across the Etiwanda storm drain channel and Smokestone Street to
Mulberry Street to the east of the project even if the project is not built.
Mr. James confirmed that was correct.
Kdsten Westfall, 6656 Brownstone Place, Rancho Cucamonga, stated she is a Citation homeowner
and had been elected as spokesperson. She presented a letter from Sean Rogan, 13495
Smokestone Street, Rancho Cucamonga, and read it into the record. The letter challenged the
proposed mitigated Negative Declaration alleging that the project does not adequately address
issues related to the flood control plan and drainage, increased traffic along Smokestone, increased
Planning Commission Minutes -3- May 28, 1997
traffic pollution, effects upon the Brown Spotted Owls or Wooly Star Flower, impacts upon fire and
police services, negative effect on existing homes from additional street lights, impacts on parks and
recreational facilities, removal of the Eucalyptus trees, and the inducement of development to the
east by extending Smokestone Street easterly. She also presented a petition signed by over 100
people requesting a hearing with the Planning Commission, Caltrans representatives, and the City
Council regarding the extension of Smokestone Street and planned traffic diversion from Highland
Avenue or any other streets as a result of Route 30 construction or completion. Ms. Westfall said
the residents did not feel they have been given all information. She asked about consistency with
the Etiwanda Specific Plan, construction timetable for Route 30, proposal for development when
Highland Avenue is deeded to the City, page L-43, double gates shown at the end of Smokestone
Street, if the south end of Brownstone will be opened up, if a traffic report was completed to
determine how many cars will use Smokestone Street, and if there will be traffic bumps. She said
that Starstone Place is currently an emergency access and is chained and she asked if it will be a
secondary access from the Citation tract. She said the residents do not want Smokestone Street
to go through but understand it may be unavoidable and the residents propose that no building be
permitted on the adjacent land until the freeway is completed. She felt further studies need to be
done regarding drainage and feared she would not be able to get out of her house in the event of
an emergency evacuation. She feared increased traffic on Smokestone Street because there are
approximately 40 to 50 children on the street. She requested a traffic signal at Catalpa Street and
East Avenue to provide better access to the tract and asked if East Avenue will be a three or four
lane highway. She stated they had held a neighborhood meeting and a majority of the people
indicated they would be wiling to pay legal fees to appeal any approval of the tract.
Gina Kershaw, 13471 Smokestone Street, Rancho Cucamonga, presented a letter opposing the
issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration and requesting an environmental impact repod. She
felt traffic along Smokestone Street, Brownstone Street, and Catalpa Street would increase to the
point that it would negatively affect existing residents. She feared the area could not be safely
evacuated in the event of a fire and that freeway traffic would use Smokestone Street as a side
street to get around freeway congestion. She expressed concerns regarding children's safety,
increased traffic exhaust and noise, potential for more traffic collisions, increased demands on time
to enter or exit the tract, and lowered property values.
David Santillanez, 6621 Flagstone, Rancho Cucamonga, suggested access for the new tract be to
the south toward Victoria. He commented that the children on Smokestone Street are used to
playing on the street.
Elora Leas, 6656 East Avenue, Rancho Cucamonga, said she lives at the southwest corner of East
Avenue and Catalpa Street, so all traffic from the Citation tract and the proposed new tract goes right
past her house. She felt she should have been notified by the City and the bank regarding the
proposed tract. She presented a copy of an article from Caltrux regarding a recent California
Supreme Court decision that indicates Caltrans cannot use private contractors for survey and design
work. She asked how that decision will affect timing of the 1-30 freeway and the construction of the
proposed Smokestone Street bridge and road. She felt the City should not be discussing the tract
without having a representative of Caltrans present to answer questions.
Michael Silvey, 6645 Egglestone Place, Rancho Cucamonga, asked what it means that Caltrans
owns the right of way for Smokestone Street and who residents should talk to when they have
Carrie MacDonald, 13560 Smokestone Street, Rancho Cucamonga, stated she lives at the current
end of Smokestone Street next to the wash. She asked if the tract had not been proposed, if
Caltrans would have merely shown up one day and begun construction of the bridge. She said she
had moved to this house because she has a child with special needs who will not be able to learn
that he is not allowed to play in the street and she asked how "they" can be forced to make sure the
children are safe.
Planning Commission Minutes -4- May 28, 1997
David Thom, 6585 Egglestone Place, Rancho Cucamonga, voiced concern about increased traffic
on East Avenue dudng freeway construction. He stated the Citation tract is now a community that
can look out for itself and they will lose that ability.
Gary Goolsby, 6657 Brownstone Place, Rancho Cucamonga, expressed concern about increased
traffic on Smokestone Street if the homes are constructed before the freeway. He feared homes
could not be safely evacuated if there is a toxic spill caused by an accident on freeway.
Robert Kies, 13390 Whitesfone Place, Rancho Cucamonga, asked if there is a secondary
contingency plan to lesson traffic impact if the Smokestone Street extension presents problems by
possibly extending Whitestone Place.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman Barker closed the public hearing.
Mr. Bullet commended the audience for their presentations. He suggested the Planning Commission
may wish to discuss the issues and continue the matter to allow a meeting to be set up with the
residents before bringing it back to the Commission.
Chairman Barker felt the residents had presented a well-laid out listing of concerns and the
questions raised were serious enough to perhaps warrant a workshop with the residents.
Commissioner Macias indicated he did not feel he was in a position to make a decision on the matter
at this time. He noted the community clearly has a number of concerns regarding jurisdiction of
Caltrans and the City and he felt staff needed to further investigate and present the results of that
investigation back to the Commission so that it could make its decision. He asked for clarification
that the action before the Commission at this time was a request for approval of a tract map and
issuance of a mitigated Negative Declaration.
Mr. Buller confirmed it was only a request to divide lots for development.
Commissioner Macias asked if the Commission was being asked to make a land use designation
to allow someone to build.
Mr. Bullet indicated that the property is already zoned for the size and number of lots being proposed
by the developer. He said approval of the tract would allow the lots to be sold and developed as
either a tract or as custom homes.
Commissioner Macias asked if the developer would have to come back to the City to initiate project
approval of the homes.
Mr. Bullet stated the developer would have to process the design and layout of the units, but the
alignment of the streets would be set by approval of the tract map.
Commissioner Macias asked if this application includes environmental review of the lots.
Mr. Buller responded affirmatively.
Commissioner Macias asked what level of traffic analysis was done in support of this environmental
Mr. James replied that no traffic study was required for this tract because it was based upon a
previously approved master plan which extended Whitestone Place and Smokestone Street easterly
to serve this project. He said that at that time, the City thought Highland Avenue would not be an
option. He indicated that now that Highland Avenue access will be available, it was felt it would be
acceptable to substitute Highland Avenue in lieu of Whitestone Place.
Planning Commission Minutes -5- May 28, 1997
Mr. Bullet stated that the Citation tract was approved under a mitigated Negative Declaration and
the Citation tract identified the extension of local streets to facilitate this and other residentially zoned
propedies in the area. He said Engineering found that the proposed street pattern is consistent with
the extension of streets as identified by the City.
Commissioner Macias asked if the existence of the freeway was one of the underlying assumptions
used in the environmental assessment.
Mr. Buller replied that when the Citation tract was built, East Avenue was supposed to be a freeway
off ramp.
Commissioner Tolstoy commended the residents for their presentations. He observed that Caltrans
and Route 30 have generated a lot of questions from the City for a long time and Caltrans has
changed the plans several times. He noted East Avenue was initially to be an interchange but now
it will not and Highland Avenue has been shown to the City in several different configurations. He
concurred it is also not known when freeway construction will occur and it is not known if the freeway
or tract would be constructed first. He felt the matter should be continued to allow staff to look at
the concerns raised by the audience and he agreed it would be a good idea to conduct a workshop.
Mr. Bullet suggested the matter be continued to June 25 to allow staff to meet with the residents and
hopefully have someone from Caltrans present.
Chairman Barker reopened the public hearing.
Mr. Friedman agreed to a continuance. He commented that an environmental impact report was
prepared when the Etiwanda Specific Plan was adopted and traffic was addressed in that report.
He noted they are proposing the same lot size as the Citation tract and access is a continuation of
what was always planned. He asked that the residents join with the bank in fighting Caltrans
regarding taking away the Highland Avenue access during construction. He also noted that one of
the concerns raised was that Smokestone Street would be used by freeway travelers when the
freeway is backed up and said that would not be viable because present plans call for Smokestone
Street to dead-end at the flood control channel.
Commissioner Barker suggested that Planning Commissioners forward any questions to staff. He
requested more information regarding the use of outside contractors by Caltrans.
Motion: Moved by Tolstoy, seconded by Macias, to continue Tentative Tract 15798 to June 25,
1997, and to direct staff to hold a workshop with the residents prior to that meeting. Motion carried
by the following vote:
Mr. Bullet suggested that a workshop be held on June 10 at 7:00 p.m.. He listed the questions he
had heard from the audience and the Commission.
The Planning Commission recessed from 9:28 p.m. to 9:35 p.m.
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Barrye Hanson, Senior Civil Engineer, presented the staff report.
Chairman Barker asked that funds be earmarked in future years to continue beautification work on
County streets without landscaping.
Mr. Hanson replied they would certainly consider that request when the budget is worked on next
Chairman Barker commented he was pleased with the Haven Avenue improvements and felt it
makes the area safer.
Commissioner Tolstoy asked when a traffic signal will be installed at Foothill Boulevard and Baker
Mr. Hanson replied the bid opening is scheduled for June 3 and it will hopefully be constructed within
the next six months.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Tolstoy, to find the Capital Improvement Program to be in
conformance with the General Plan. Motion carried by the following vote:
There were no public comments at this time.
Brad Buller, City Planner, announced that today's task force meeting was canceled.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Tolstoy, carried 3-0-2 (Bethel, McNiel absent), to adjourn.
9:49 p.m. - The Planning Commission adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Buller
Planning Commission Minutes -7- May 28, 1997