HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997/03/11 - Workshop Minutes - PC-HPC CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA
Adjourned Meeting
March 11, 1997
Chairman Barker called the Adjourned Meeting of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning
Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Chamber at Rancho
Cucamonga Civic Center, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California. Chairman
Barker then led in the pledge of allegiance.
COMMISSIONERS: PRESENT: David Barker, William Bethel, Rich Macias
ABSENT: Larry McNiel, Peter Tolstoy
STAFF PRESENT: Dan Coleman, Principal Planner; Nancy Fong, Senior Planner; Tom Grahn,
Associate Planner; Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney; Steve Hayes,
Associate Planner; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer; Brent Le Count,
Associate Planner; Gall Sanchez, Planning Commission Secretary
There were no announcements.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Macias, carried 3-0-2 (McNiel Tolstoy absent), to approve
the minutes of February 12, 1997.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Bethel, carried 3-0-2 (McNiel Tolstoy absent), to approve
the minutes of February 26, 1997.
A request to construct a 2,900 square foot drive-thru facility and a 5,548 square foot restaurant
on 3.7 acres of land in the Community Commercial designation of the Foothill Boulevard
Specific Plan, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue -
APN: 207-211-12 and 13. Related file: Pre-Application Review 95-04.
Chairman Barker commented he had heard that the applicant wished to address the Commission
regarding a possible continuance. He indicated the public hearin9 was still open.
Gil Rodriguez, Jr., U. S. Properties, P. O. Box 281, Upland, requested that the item be continued to
March 26, 1997.
Chairman Barker indicated he had heard there may be additional information made available to the
Planning Commission regarding the matter. He supported the request for a continuance.
Commissioners and Macias and Bethel suppoded the continuance.
Chairman Barker continued the matter to March 26, 1997.
to amend the satellite dish antenna regulations in all zones to be consistent with Federal
Communications Commission recent regulations.
- A request to amend the satellite dish antenna regulations in all zones to be consistent with
Federal Communications Commission recent regulations.
request to amend the satellite dish antenna regulations to be consistent with Federal
Communications Commission recent regulations.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report.
Commissioner Bethel asked if dish antennas can be radio transmitters.
Ralph Hanson, Deputy City Attorney, confirmed they can be. He indicated that in non-residential
areas they also are used as up-links to allow inventory tracking, etc. He stated that was the principal
reason the law calls for allowing antennas up to 2 meters in non-residential areas while allowing a
limitation of 1 meter in residential areas.
Commissioner Bethel stated that it appears cities cannot prevent such antennas merely on the basis
of aesthetics.
Mr. Hanson confirmed that was correct. He said that the Federal Communications Commission has
also extended the rules so that private developments cannot prohibit them even if they violate
Commissioner Bethel asked if the proposed regulations will help in keeping out huge dishes.
Mr. Hanson observed that antennas cannot be more than 10 feet 6 inches in diameter and cannot
be located more than 10 feet above the peak roof line.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and he closed the hearing.
Commissioner Bethel stated he wished the City had more control over dishes because he feels
visual pollution is as bad as other types. He thought the proposed regulations would help control
the problem.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Macias, to adopt the resolution recommending approval
of Development Code Amendment 96-01, Industrial Area Specific Plan Amendment 96-04, and
Subarea 18 Specific Plan Amendment 96-01. Motion carried by the following vote:
PC Adjourned Minutes -2- March 11, 1997
ASSOCIATES, INC. - A request to add Funeral and Crematory Services as a conditionally
permitted use in Subarea 8 (General Industrial) of the Industrial Area Specific Plan.
Brent Le Count, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. He indicated that staff had received
several telephone calls requesting information about the location. He reported that several letters
and petitions had been received in opposition citing concerns regarding traffic, fear of lowering of
property values on surrounding parcels, and the potential for noxious odors or smoke being emitted.
Commissioner Macias observed that the Commission was being asked to allow an applicant to
request the use in the subarea but that any actual project would require environmental assessment.
Mr. Le Count confirmed that was correct. He said that text changes are exempt from California
Environmental Quality Act.
Chairman Barker asked staff to point out the other areas in the City where the use is already
conditionally permitted.
Mr. Le Count showed the boundaries of Subareas 4, 6, and 16.
Mr. Coleman pointed out that the use is permitted in corridors along Archibald Avenue and Haven
Avenue and in an area located between Four[h and Sixth Streets to the west of Archibald.
Commissioner Macias asked that staff outline the process for the benefit of the public.
Mr. Le Count stated that if the Planning Commission recommends approval, the matter goes to the
City Council for consideration of adoption of the amendment. He indicated that if the City Council
adopts the amendment, then an application could be submitted for property within the subarea at
which time there would be an environmental assessment which would be subject to public review.
Commissioner Macias noted that the public would be permitted to provide input and voice their
concerns at that time and asked if the City is required by law to address those concerns.
Mr. Le Count stated that was correct.
Commissioner Macias asked if the Commission would then review the project following the
environmental review.
Mr. Le Count said the Commission would see both the conditional use permit application and the
associated environmental assessment.
Commissioner Macias observed there would be further public review and the opportunity for
testimony at that time.
Mr. Le Count confirmed that was correct.
Chairman Barker asked that staff define conditional use permit for the benefit of the audience.
Mr. Le Count explained the difference between a permitted use and a conditionally permitted use.
Commissioner Bethel stated that he realized this application was merely to permit an application to
be flied, but said that air quality is one of his concerns. He thought that it would be good to have a
funeral home in the area but asked what air quality issues would arise with a crematorium.
PC Adjourned Minutes -3- March 11, 1997
Mr. Le Count stated that the Air Quality Management District has specialized criteria for dealing with
cred~atories. He stated that the Industrial Area Specific Plan also has performance criteria which
do not allow businesses to emit odors which are noticeable to surrounding properties. He said the
applicant has indicated that retort ovens would be used which do not emit padicles or smoke.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Dan Hinson, H, C, & D Architects, 1700 Hamner Avenue, #204, Norco, stated he was representing
the Miller family. He felt the equipment to be used addresses the concerns raised regarding the
fumes and smoke. He indicated they had researched the other subareas which allow funeral homes
but there were no properties available and the property they found on the south side of Arrow Route
between Utica Avenue and Red Oak Street would best suit the applicant at this time.
Chds Miller, Miller Family & Associates, 1118 East Sixth Street, Corona, provided literature regarding
the type of equipment they propose to use. He observed that the equipment is guaranteed to be
smokeless and odorless. He stated that only heat vapors could escape. He offered to provide
telephone numbers and addresses where the equipment is currently in use. He noted that at this
time, they were merely asking for a change in the zoning so that they could present an application.
He discussed the traffic situation and reported they will have ample parking on site to accommodate
any services and noted that no parking is allowed on Arrow Route. He stated that generally a funeral
procession would be leaving within a two to three minute time frame.
Jim Doltar, Advanced Coating, 10723 Edison Court, Rancho Cucamonga, stated they were not
opposed to having a funeral home and crematorium in Rancho Cucamonga but they were opposed
to changing the zoning for Subarea 8 because the use is already permitted in Subareas 4, 6, and
16. He reported they had collected 42 letters and petitions with over 150 signatures from
surrounding businesses who also oppose the amendment. He said the basic concern is that such
a use would not fit with the current business atmosphere in that particular area. He felt the site is
the heart of the City because of the proximity of City Hall and Quakes Stadium. He said it was his
understanding that there is a limited number of crematories in Southern California, and he feared
this facility would be cremating bodies from all over Southern California and it would be a large
volume business. He felt there will be parking violations. He acknowledged that he did not
understand how the retort oven would work but felt that if something burns, there must be exhaust
and expressed his concem about environmental issues. He observed they recently purchased their
building on Edison Court and he felt that changing the zoning and allowing other types of uses
subveded his selection and purchase process. He asked that the Commission deny the amendment
Richard McMillan, Attorney at Law, 1205 North Broadway, Santa Ana, stated he represents Pete
Katelarius, an adjacent property owner. He indicated that Mr. Katelarius purchased the adjacent
property with the goal of building a fast food restaurant with the belief that there would probably be
commercial buildings on the adjacent parcel. He observed that the Miller property has easements
over Mr. Katelarius' property and he was concerned about the traffic burden that would be placed
on his parcel. Mr. McMillan did not fee[ the Industrial Area Specific Plan should be amended on
an ad hoc basis. He said he could understand the need for an amendment if the use were not
permitted elsewhere, but he felt there must have been specific reasons the use was not permitted
in Subarea 8. He feared the City was not addressing those reasons. He stated that when Specific
Plans are adopted, it typically involves hundreds or thousands of hours of community and staff input
and community discussion. He did not feel that piecemeal changes should be permitted. He thought
the Commission was being asked to permit a use without knowing the effects the specific business
would have. He stated that Mr. Katelarius had been informed that the applicant was considering a
10,000 square foot mortuary. He feared that meant there would be multiple funerals at one time and
there would be a lot of vehicles coming to the facility for funerals even if the funeral does not involve
a procession.
PC Adjourned Minutes -4- March 11, 1997
Rich Fletcher, owner of Certified Leasing and president of the Board of Directors of Arrow Owners
Association, 10722 Arrow Route, #$06, Rancho Cucamonga, said he understood the entrance to
their condominium association would be directly across Arrow Route from the proposed
mortuary/crematory. He commented his main objection was lack of notice. He said he was made
aware of the proposed change because some of the neighbors to the south of Arrow Route
distributed a notice in opposition to the change. He stated he checked the list of people who were
notified and that only a few of the condominium owners who are located along Arrow Route were
notified. He said there are 75 units located within eight buildings and those owners all have an
undivided interest in the association complex. He questioned the legality of the notice since only
those individuals who are located within ,300 feet of the proposed zone change received notice. He
thought all of the association owners should have been notified. He commented that he had only
been notified of the proposal two days before tonight's meeting. He said he had polled the other
directors of the association and the majodty are opposed to the location. He noted that even though
the applicant's representative had said the usage should fit in with the community, he did not feel
such a use is compatible with general industrial or light industrial or the proposed fast food
restaurant which would be adjacent to the property. He said there are industrial propedies to the
north and south with an undeveloped strip which is presently zoned general industrial. He asked if
it is the intent of the Planning Commission to change the area to general usage with a hodgepodge
of different uses, noting there is a welfare office just down the street, a fast food restaurant, and now
a proposed mortuary. He thought it would be more appropriate in a mixed use area.
Stephanie Burke, 8429 White Oak Avenue, #103, Rancho Cucamonga, stated she is the manager
of Arrow Business Center at the corner of White Oak Avenue and Arrow Route. She said the
business center is located in Subarea 7, which is office buildings and light industrial. She noted that
the applicant had indicated that no property was available at the time in Subareas 4, 6, and 16,
where the use is already permitted. She stated there may be properties available in those subareas
now or in the near future and she did not feel it makes sense for the City to change the Specific Plan
just because of lack of immediate availability of land. She said she has 134 tenants at the business
park. She acknowledged there may be a need for the service, but felt it should be in one of the
subareas where it is currently permitted. She did not think such a service should be on Arrow Route
because it is a heavy truck route and also a route to the stadium. She did not feel the use would be
compatible with the proposed fast food restaurant on the adjacent parcel. She suggested the
applicant either go the subareas where it is already permitted or go deeper into Subarea 8.
Wally Schultz., President of City Corn, 10722 Arrow Route, Suite 500, Rancho Cucamonga, felt the
intended office, professional, and other industrial uses of Subarea 8 should not be subverted
because of economics. He feared land values in the area would be affected and said that other
areas of the City are more appropriate and are currently zoned to accommodate the use.
Mr. Hinson stated they would be willing to meet with the individual owners of adjacent parcels and
explain the retort equipment and how parking issues would be handled. He indicated they currently
have a plan to subdivide the property and provide another lot between the proposed hamburger
stand and their lot. He said that even if that is not done, there would be a landscape buffer. He was
confident they could deal with the parking issue because it is a large site.
Mark Huffner, Miller family, stated that Subarea 6 has a Haven Overlay District, which restricts the
use. He said there are only two parcels in the City which would be suitable; one of which is just west
of Utica on Arrow Route and the owners were unwilling to sell at a decent price. He said Subarea
4 is a more developed commercial area and there are no properties large enough to accommodate
their use. He stated that Subarea 16 is owned by Lewis Homes and Lewis Homes is not willing to
sell them a parcel. He also indicated that Subarea 16 is on the fringe of the City and said that a
mortuary should be part of the community. He indicated they want to bring a family-owned mortuary
into the community. He observed that Kentucky Fried Chicken located a restaurant on the properly
line of the mortuary in Ontario and Del Taco built across the street from them. He felt that proved
that those large food chains do not think of a mortuary as a bad neighbor. He observed that they
PC Adjourned Minutes -5- March 11, 1997
would like to locate only a few hundred feet from were they could be located in Subarea 6. He
asserted that most mortuaries have a crematorium and said that Moreno Valley recently approved
one next to a residential area.
R~dy Doltar, Advanced Coating, 10723 Edison Coud, Rancho Cucamonga, did not think that most
mortuaries have crematoriums. He stated Draper Mortuary in Ontario had to send a body to Santa
Aha several years ago for cremation.
Mr. Fletcher felt the applicant was asking for the change to the Industrial Area Specific Plan for
financial reasons. He observed that the applicant had indicated property was available in an area
currently zoned for the use, but the applicant was not willing to pay the price being asked. He asked
that the Commission consider the financial impact on the surrounding property owners. He did not
feel there is an environmental problem and said he did not object to mortuary services; however, he
felt there is an emotional problem for others who have to drive by the site.
Larry Lenz, Lenzco, 10722 Arrow Highway, #412, Rancho Cucamonga, did not feel the parking issue
had been adequately addressed. He stated that Arrow Highway is heavily traveled and he observed
funeral processions would stop traffic.
Hearing no further testimony, Chairman Barker closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Macias observed that the Commission was being asked to recommend approval of
a land use designation, not a padicular project. He remarked that questions revolving around
environmental impacts such as traffic, circulation, air quality, and community concerns are dealt with
through the environmental review process when an application is processed and a project is
designed. He observed that the City has the ability to deny a specific project or any aspect of that
project, such as the crematorium services. He said the issue tonight was the land use. He
recognized that such services are not in the City at this time and said he would be willing to consider
such a use in the future assuming that environmental impacts are appropriately mitigated. He
favored the redesignation of the land use but indicated that if a project were submitted at the
proposed location, he would have major concerns regarding the traffic. He felt it would need a traffic
analysis. He said he also thought social concerns related to the mortuary and crematory services
should be addressed. He expressed reservations about the use being located adjacent to a fast
food establishment and felt that there needs to be a buffer. He asked that the applicant consider the
feasibility of a moduary without a crematorium or be prepared to convince the Commission that it
is not an issue. He suggested that if the crematorium remains part of a proposal, the potential
volume of cremations should be addressed in the environmental assessment and the locations of
other such services in the Inland Empire should be indicated.
Chairman Barker observed that Subarea 8 runs along Arrow Route from the eastern City limits
almost to Haven Avenue. He asked if notices were sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the
entire Subarea 8.
Mr. Coleman replied that notices were sent to all property owners within Subarea 8 as well as within
300 feet of the limits of Subarea 8.
Commissioner Bethel felt that Commissioner Macias had done a good job of describing the process
and the fact that the Commission was considering the use, not approving a specific project. He
remarked that two or three large corporations are taking over every funeral home in every state in
the nation. He felt that lack of competition is then allowing people to be ripped off at a time when
they are most vulnerable. He felt encouraged that a family-owned funeral home was considering a
move to Rancho Cucamonga. He observed that the notification was correctly done and said he
supported the change.
PC Adjourned Minutes -6- March 11, 1997
Chairman Barker said the issue before the Commission was more limited than what had been
brought forth. He stated it was premature to discuss the technical aspects of a crematorium,
parking, or traffic and those issues would be addressed when a conditional use permit application
is considered. He indicated he was not prepared to try to determine if the proposed site is the right
place for this kind of an operation. He observed the question in front of the Commission was if it is
possible that there is a parcel within Subarea 8 which may be appropriate for this type of use. He
said approval of the Amendment would only give an applicant permission to ask, and if an application
is submitted, the issues brought forth tonight would be addressed. He remarked that projects are
often dropped once the applicant finds out what will be required. He acknowledged that the
applicant's interest in one particular site motivated the request for an amendment, but said the
request for amendment could be made without any property in mind.
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Bethel, to recommend approval of Industrial Area Specific
Plan Amendment 97-01. Motion carried by the following vote:
Chairman Barker observed that the recommendation would be for~varded to the City Council for final
Mr. Coleman stated that the item would be re-advertised and notices would be mailed out again to
announce the hearing before City Council.
Commissioner Bethel asked that those individuals who spoke this evening receive a notice.
The Planning Commission recessed from 8:09 p.m. to 8:14 p.m.
CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA - A request to change the zoning from Low Residential (2-4
dwelling units per acre) to General Commercial to be consistent with the General Plan for
approximately 4.34 acres of land on the east side of Archibald Avenue, south of Arrow Route -
APN: 209-041-27, 41, and 47.
Tom Grahn, Associate Planner, presented the staff repod.
Chairman Barker recalled that the Assistance League of Upland approached the City many years
ago and they have since provided a great service to the community. He thanked them for their work.
He opened the public hearing.
June Wallin, Assistance League of Upland, P. O. Box 927, Upland, said they are trying to prepare
the back building for an Operation School Bell project and they have tried to be a good neighbor.
Chairman Barker closed the public hearing as there were no more comments.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Macias, to recommend issuance of a Negative Declaration
and adopt the resolution recommending approval of Development District Amendment 97-01. Motion
carried by the following vote:
PC Adjourned Minutes -7- March 11, 1997
G. SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 97-01 - TEXACO - A request to amend the Sign Ordinance
by adding regulations to allow the identification of sub-tenants within service stations.
Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, presented the staff report and indicated that two letters had been
received from the applicant requesting two signs per subtenant. She stated that staff recommends
only one sign per subtenant because they typically occupy only a small area. She stated that Texaco
had also indicated the subtenants could not meet the proposed minimum 33 percent of gross floor
area and they requested the floor area criteria be revised. She explained that staff suggests a
minimum floor area requirement so that an ATM machine or one small counter could not be
considered a subtenant with rights to a sign. She showed the elevations of the building and
indicated the signs shown on the elevations had not been approved. She also noted that Texaco
had indicated it is common for service station owners to own and operate the subtenant franchises
and therefore the applicant asked that the definition of subtenant be revised to allow the separate
franchise to be considered a subtenant.
Chairman Barker did not feel it should make any difference who the owner is if the products are
entirely different.
Commissioner Bethel concurred.
Chairman Barker asked the reasoning for the 33 percent minimum floor area per subtenant.
Ms. Fong replied that staff was trying to limit the number of subtenants and not allow someone to
sell deli sandwiches over a counter and call that use a subtenant.
Chairman Barker opened the public hearing.
Richard Tait, Vice President, Tait & Associates, Inc. 1100 Town & Country Road, Suite 1200,
Orange, stated that Texaco is purchasing franchises from both Taco Bell and A & W. He suggested
adding franchisee in addition to subtenant under the cdteda for allowing subtenant signs. He agreed
with staff that there should be a minimum amount of floor space and understood the City's concern
with not wanting to allow every shelf to be allowed signage. He recommended that the two
subtenants combined be required to occupy 33 percent of the floor space. He disagreed with staff's
recommendation of only one sign per subtenant. He appreciated the fact that the staff and the
Commission recognized the unique use they are proposing. He stated that people normally do not
associate quick service restaurants with service stations and said they need to have potential
customers identify the building with the restaurant in addition to the gasoline sales. He said they
therefore requested two signs per restaurant use, one to address the street and the other to face
the shopping center interior. He said they do not want to confuse customers by drawing them onto
the site and then not having them be able to find the use.
Ms. Fong suggested that the definition of a subtenant be changed to indicate that it is a business
that is owned or operated by the station and/or the franchisees of the station. She also suggested
that the minimum floor space be changed to 20 percent of the floor area and that an additional
proviso be added that there could be a maximum of two subtenants per station. She indicated that
the floor plan submitted by Texaco would meet the 20 percent minimum requirements.
Mr. Tait agreed those changes would be acceptable.
PC Adjourned Minutes -8- March 11, 1997
Chairman Barker closed the public hearing and asked to see the site plan and the location of the
proposed signs.
Ms. Fong showed the site plan and indicated the location of the subtenant signs proposed by
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, observed that the ordinance permits subtenant signs on the
monument signs. He said that would allow additional signs.
Ms. Fong indicated on the site plan the location of two proposed monument signs.
Chairman Barker asked for confirmation that the applicant would be allowed two monument signs
with identification of the subtenants on both monument signs and an additional building sign.
Mr. Coleman confirmed that was correct.
Commissioner Macias commented the applicant was requesting two monument signs and two
building signs, one on Foothill Boulevard and one facing the interior of the center.
Ms. Fong pointed out that Texaco is proposing its main sign plus the two subtenant signs on one
area of the building whereas other service stations may propose to separate the signs on one side
of a building.
Chairman Barker asked if the Sign Task Force had discussed anything like what Texaco is
Commissioner Macias said the Task Force has not progressed that far as yet.
Chairman Barker asked if the Commissioners agreed with Ms. Fong's suggestions regarding the
other two issues raised by the applicant.
Commissioners Macias and Bethel confirmed they did.
Commissioner Macias felt comfortable with permitting two monument signs and the building sign on
Foothill Boulevard. He did not see any hardship. He thought the two monument signs allow ample
notice of what is going on in the building so long as the signs are designed appropriately so that the
names of the quick service restaurants are large enough to read. He noted that the Church's
Chicken logo at the service station at the southeast corner of Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard
Avenue is very hard to read.
Ms. Fong indicated the monument sign could have three signs of equal size for Texaco, Taco Bell,
Mr. Coleman observed that the service station at Foothill Boulevard and Vineyard Avenue chose to
use the logo for Church's Chicken instead of spelling out the name and the logo is too hard to read.
He stated that was the applicant's choice.
Commissioner Macias felt applicants should work within the confines of the sign ordinance as it has
been developed to this point. He thought the Church's Chicken sign is a real problem but agreed
it is a design problem, not an ordinance problem. He suggested staff help applicants by making sure
that monument signs will be discernable from a distance. He suppoded two monument signs and
the building signage on Foothill Boulevard with no building sign on the back.
Commissioner Bethel felt the two monument signs and the one building sign would be sufficient.
PC Adjourned Minutes -9- March 11, 1997
Motion: Moved by Macias, seconded by Bethel, to adopt the resolution recommending approval of
Sign Ordinance Amendment 97-01 with modifications refining the definition of a subtenant, requiring
a minimum of 20 percent of floor space per subtenant, and permitting a maximum of two subtenants.
Motion carried by the following vote:
H. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 91-24 - MASI - A review of the car wash facility for the Mobil gas
station within Masi Plaza, located at the southwest corner of Foothill Boulevard and Masi Drive -
APN: 229-011-36.
Ms. Fong observed that the applicant was not present and she asked if the Commission wished to
continue the item.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Macias, to continue Conditional Use Permit 91-24
indefinitely. Motion carried by the following vote:
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, presented the staff report.
It was the consensus of the Commission to direct staff to initiate an amendment regarding signs for
auto centers.
There were no public comments.
Chairman Barker suggested that the Commission hold a workshop regarding the Auto Nation project
following the March 26 regularly scheduled meeting.
PC Adjourned Minutes - 10- March 11, 1997
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, recommended that the discussion be continued to another meeting
when a full Commission could be present. He suggested that the Commissioners might tn/to visit
the sites in the meantime.
The Commission concurred that the item should be continued.
Nancy Fong, Senior Planner, stated another meeting has been scheduled for March 26 to list issues
regarding signs. She indicated staff had been directed to look at various locations for potential
redistribution of multi-family sites, including consideration of increasing multi-family land use along
Foothill Boulevard as an option.
Dan Coleman, Principal Planner, stated that staff will provide maps of the City showing undeveloped
land which is currently zoned for multi-family use.
Chairman Barker suggested that those maps be available to the community as soon as possible.
Commissioner Bethel felt that the City Council had provided very encouraging feedback that
standards should not be lowered and patchwork planning should not be permitted. He said the Task
Force had directed staff to meet with the landowners on the south side of Foothill Boulevard to ask
about future plans.
Motion: Moved by Bethel, seconded by Barker, carried 3-0-2 (McNiel, Tolstoy absent), to adjourn.
8~ - The Planning Commission adjourned.
Dan Coleman
Acting Secretary
PC Adjourned Minutes -11- March 11, 1997