HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-12-Agenda Packet-PC-HPC • THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF ;CHO CUCAMONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 2014 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center TRI-COMMUNITIES ROOM 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER • Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Chairman Wimberly_ Vice Chairman Oaxaca Munoz_ Howdyshell_ FletcherFi7- _ II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. III. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 12, 2014 ;JJAM Page 2 A. Approval of minutes dated October 8, 2014 IV. DIRECTOR'S REPORTS/PLANNINGCOMMISSION B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(MODIFICATION)DRC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL— A 6-month progress report to review compliance with Conditional Use Permit(Modification) DRC2012-01025 for the operation of a bar and grill within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Development District, located at 9740 19th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. C. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL - A 6-month progress report to review compliance with the approved Entertainment Permit at HK'S Bar and Grill within the Neighborhood Commercial(NC) Development District, located at 9740 19th Street—APN: 1076-011-10. V: PUBLIC,HEARINO/PLANNING COMMISSION, The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project Please sign in after speaking. D. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 - TRACY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC - A request to subdivide one existing 4.75 acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low(VL) Residential Zoning District located at the northeast comer of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane at 5615 Sapphire Street-APN: 1061-691-04.This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects)of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. It is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 - SHAREEF AWAD-A request to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two parcels for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue in the Very Low (VL)Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street APN:0225- 191-37. Related Case: Variance DRC2014-00530 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration for consideration. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VARIANCE DRC2014-00530-SHAREEF AWAD- A request to reduce the required lot depth requirement from 200 feet to 166 feet related to a request to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two parcels(SUBTPM19528)for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue in the Very Low(VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street APN:0225-191- I HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA gANCHO NOVEMBER 12, 2014 CONGA Page 3 37. Related Case: SUBPTM19528 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration for consideration. G. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514 -SHAREEF AWAD-A request to construct a circular driveway for a single-family residence for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue in the Very Low(VL)Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street APN: 0225-191-37. Related Case: SUBPTM19528 and Variance DRC2014-00530. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration for consideration. VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION H. INTER-AGENCY UPDATES • I. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS VII. ADJOURNMENT t, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee,hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on November 6, 2014, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak,given • the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others,the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. inHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA RANCM NOVEMBER 12, 2014 C` ON`S' Page 4 The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speakers podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda,you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$2,486 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please tum off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at www.CitvofRC.us THIS HIGHLIGHTED SECTION MAY BE REMOVED WHEN PREPARING THE ACTION AGENDA AND MINUTES. r VicinityMap • Historic Preservation and PlanningCommission November 12 , 2014 2 C E B �..�.�. c i E m o € a s s c o g 19th St A Base Line ase Line A A Church 0 Chu h Foothill = Foothi N E Arrow E A Arrow 8th J4 mey z a e o � ID W E F G C7 6tht c 6th w 4t _ _ r D 4th 7F Meeting Location: B C City Hall/Council Chambers 10500 Clvic Center Drive Item A: Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes dated October 8, 2014 Item B, C: HK's Bar and Grill Item D: SUBTT18961—Hoike, LLC Item E, F, G: SUBTPM19528, VAR, SDR—Shareef Awad • THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA THE MINUTES OF ;CHO CUCAMONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 8, 2014 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center TRI-COMMUNITIES ROOM 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 p.m. • Roll Call Chairman Wimberly X Vice Chairman Oaxaca X Munoz X Howdyshell X Fletcher X Additional Staff Present Candyce Burnett, Planning Director,Jeff Bloom,Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development;Karen Peterson,Planning Manager;Steven Flower,Assistant CityAttorney; Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer;Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner;Rebecca Fuller, Administrative Secretary. II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which • might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. Item Al HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES iccso OCTOBER 8, 2014 aNGA Page 2 Los Osos High School Future Business Leaders ofAmerica(FBLA)members presented concerns regarding preserving a distressed-looking canyon live oak tree, including trash in the immediate area. It is located north of Base Line Road and west of Day Creek Boulevard, adjacent to the Fire Station. They presented pictures to the Commission (copies on file). E111. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING CONIMISSION A. Approval of minutes dated September 24, 2014 B. SUMMARY VACATION OF A PORTION OF CHARLES SMITH AVENUE, NORTH OF 6T" STREET(V-226)—A request to find the summary vacation of 9,337 square feet of existing City right-of-way on the east side of Charles Smith Avenue, north of 6th Street in conformance with the General Plan —APN: 229-271-33 and 229-284-01. Related Files: DRC2006-01012 and DRC2013-00541. Moved by Munoz, seconded by Oaxaca, carried 5-0 to adopt the Consent Calendar as presented. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required by law. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project Please sign in after speaking. C. HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION DRC2014-00769-JASON AND JULIE LEONARD- A request to designate the Jamison House as a historic landmark within the Low Residential (L)District located at 8204 Archibald Avenue;APN:020837714. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15331 as a Class 31 exemption of the guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act. Related Files: Mills Act DRC2014-00770. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. D. MILLS ACT DRC2014-00770-JASON AND JULIE LEONARD-A request to implement the use of the Mills Act to reduce property tax for the Jamison House, a potential historic landmark located at 8204 Archibald Avenue;APN: 020837714. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15331 as a Class 31 exemption of the guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act. Related Files: Landmark Designation DRC2014-00769. This item will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. Item A2 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES WNCHO OCTOBER 8, 2014 CUCAMONGA Page 3 ,1Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report and gave a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing. Applicants and residents Jason and Julie Leonard spoke. Mrs. Leonard answered Commissioner Howdyshell's inquiry that it will take several years to do all of the improvements they have planned including changing light sockets and painting. Chairman Wimberly closed the public hearing. Moved by Munoz, second by Howdyshell, carried 5-0 to adopt the Resolution recommending approval for Historic Landmark Designation DRC2014-00769 as presented and to recommend approval of the Mills Act Contract DRC2014-00770. Both items will be forwarded to the City Council for final action. V PUBLIC HEAIUNGS/PLANNING COMMISSION:' The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project. Please sign in after speaking. E. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18928-ALEX MUSTAPHA-A request to create a Tract Map for an 8-unit townhouse development for a 1.02 acre site within the Medium Residential District located at 7490 Carnelian Street-APN: 0207-022-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332(In-Fill Development Projects)of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. It is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. Related Files: Design Review DRC2013-00824 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2013-00825. F. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DESIGN REVIEW DRC2013-00824 - ALEX MUSTAPHA-Design review for an 8-unit townhouse development on 1.02 acres within the Medium Residential District located at 7490 Carnelian Street - APN: 0207-022-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. It is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. Related Files: Tentative Tract • SUBTT18928 and Tree Removal Permit DRC2013-00825. Item A3 AHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES COCTOBER 8, 2014 Page 4 G. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT DRC2013-00825-ALEX MUSTAPHA-A request to remove 9 trees related to Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18928 and Design Review DRC2013-00824 for a 1.02 acre site within the Medium Residential District located at 7490 Carnelian Street- APN: 0207-022-11. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. It is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. Related Files: Tentative Tract SUBTT18928 and Design Review DRC2013-00824. Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner, gave the staff report and a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). Applicant Alex Mustapha had nothing to add. Chairman Wimberly opened the public hearing. Mike Heller, the resident directly north of the project, expressed his concerns with the project in regard to safety, traffic, tree and bird preservation, access to the water tower, children playing in the wash, and issues with an adjacent retaining wall. He presented the Commission with a letter of his concerns (copy on file). The applicant, Alex Mustapha, responded to Mr. Heller's concerns. Commissioner Oaxaca asked staff about whether a biological study was conducted. Assistant Planner Mayuko Nakajima stated that the project was categorically exempt and no biological study was required. Planning Director Candyce Burnett elaborated and stated that because of the small lot size of less than 1 acre and that it is in-fill development, that the habitat would not be able to support many species, so that it would be CEQA exempt. Commissioner Fletcher noted that the project did go to Design Review Committee and they approved it after discussion of the small lot size and the size of the project. He stated that additional decorative items were placed on the outside of the buildings. Chairman Wimberly closed the public hearing. Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Howdyshell, carried 5-0 to adopt the Resolutions of Approval for Tentative Tract Map SUBTTI 8928, Design Review DRC2013-00824, and Tree Removal Permit DRC2013-00825 as presented. Item A4 a • HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES G APMCHO OCTOBER 8, 2014 ucaa� Page 5 VI. COMMISSION BUSINESS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION H. COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Howdyshell commented that a new American Legion Post#835 is seeking additional members for active and non-active Veterans. She also commented that Burrtec Waste Disposal assists in cleanup and brings trashcans for community clean up events. Commissioner Munoz appreciated Los Osos High School students attending and their comments. Commissioner Fletcher thanked the students for coming and noted their efforts regarding • the tree preservation. Vice Chairman Oaxaca asked for staff to come back at a future date to give a report of the possible oak tree preservation. Candyce Burnett introduced and welcomed Karen Peterson, new Planning Manager, to the Planning Department. VII. ADJOURNMENT The Commission adjourned at 7:58 PM 1, Lois J. Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee,hereby certify that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on October 2,2014, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting per Government Code Section 54964.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga. If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. • Item A5 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CHO OCTOBER 8, 2014 Page 6 INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak,given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position,you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others,the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking,please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director. AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Cleric's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$2,486 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and. pagers while the meeting is in session. Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at www.CitvofRC.us THIS HIGHLIGHTED SECTION MAY BE REMOVED WHEN PREPARING THE ACTION AGENDA AND MINUTES. Item A6 STAFF REPORT • PL-INNING DEPARTMENT DATE: November 12, 2014 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission CUCAMONGA FROM: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director BY: Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(MODIFICATION) DRC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL — A 6-month progress report reviewing compliance with Conditional Use Permit (Modification) DRC2012-01025 for the operation of a bar and grill within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Development District, located at 974019th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL -A 6-month progress report to review compliance with an approved Entertainment Permit at HK's Bar and Grill within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Development District, located at 9740 19th Street—APN: 1076-011-10. RECOMMENDATION: Staff finds that the business is being operated in compliance with Conditional Use Permit 2013-01025 (Modification) and Entertainment Permit DRC2013-01027 and that an additional 6-month review is not necessary at this time. Staff asks that the Planning Commission provide comment and direction as appropriate, and that the Planning Commission secretary receive and file the report. • PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Surroundinq Land Use and Zoninq: North - 210 Freeway South - Residential Development- Low Medium Residential (LM) East - Residential Development-Medium High Residential (MH) West - Residential Development- Low Medium Residential (LM) B. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial (NC) North - 210 Freeway South - Low Medium Residential (LM) (4- 8 dwelling units per acre) East - Medium High Residential (MH) (14 - 24 dwelling units per acre) West - Low Medium Residential (LM) (4- 8 dwelling units per acre) C. Site Characteristics: The project site is a 3,700 square foot inline tenant space within an existing commercial center located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and 19th Street. The center has a total of 22 tenants including the anchor, Stater Brother's market. • B &C1 PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTORS REPORT DRC2013-01025 AND DRC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL November 12, 2014 Page 2 ANALYSIS: A. Project Background: The Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit (Modification) DRC2013-01025 and Entertainment Permit DRC2014-01027 on February 12, 2014. Both entitlements included a condition of approval requiring that the business operation be reviewed by the Planning Commission after 6 months of operation for compliance with the approved Conditions of Approval. Conditional Use Permit 87-06 was originally approved for the operation of Pepper's Restaurant. The prior business, Pepper's Restaurant, had a large number of violations regarding the operation of the business and an excessive number of calls-for-service by the Rancho Cucamonga Police and Fire Department. The current operator assumed the business on April 18, 2013, changed the name of the business to HK's Bar and Grill and completely renovated the interior. Conditional Use Permit (Modification) DRC2013- 01025 established a new set of Conditions of Approval for the operation of the business and extended the hours-of-operation approved by CUP 87-06 from 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Sunday through Wednesdays and from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m., Thursday through Saturday. The entitlement also provided for extended hours-of-operation on select holidays as outlined in the Resolution of Approval. B. Public Safety: Staff contacted the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department (RCPD) and was informed that since the date of approval there has only been one call-for-service related to an intoxicated patron which took place on July 19, 2014. The RCPD performed a compliance check on October 18, 2014 and found that they were in conformance with all the Conditions of Approval for the approved Conditional Use Permit and Entertainment Permit. The professional opinion of the RCPD is that the business is being operated in a professional manner and is not negatively impacting public safety. Staff also contacted the Rancho Cucamonga. Fire Department (RCFPD) and was informed that they have not made any calls of service to the business. C. Business License: Their Business License is up to date and an Admissions Tax is not applicable as they do not charge an entrance fee when entertainment is provided. D. Compliance with CUP and EP: Planning staff visited the business on three occasions: October 13th—This visit took place at 11:30 a.m. Staff found approximately 10 patrons in the restaurant. The manager gave staff a tour of the operation including demonstrating compliance with the Conditions of Approval including I.D. scanner, security cameras and RPCD alcohol training certificates. The kitchen was prepping for the lunch service. October 15th —This visit took place at 7:00 p.m. Staff found approximately 100 patrons in the restaurant. The kitchen was open and staff found the business being operated in a professional manner. October 18th —This visit took place at 11:00 p.m. Staff found approximately 70 patrons in the restaurant. There was live music being performed and two security staff were checking I.D.'s as customers entered the business. The kitchen was open and serving food. There were no . minors in the restaurant and staff found the business to be operating in conformance with the R & r2 PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTORS REPORT DRC2013-01025 AND DRC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL November 12, 2014 Page 3 approved Conditional Use Permit an Entertainment Permit. In overview, staff found the business to be incompliance with the approved Conditional Use Permit and Entertainment Permit and to be professionally operated. On each visit the business was well below their maximum occupancy of 160 patrons, a full menu was available, no oversized beverages were being served and security staff was on site when entertainment was being provided. E. Site Conditions: Staff reviewed compliance with the approved floor plan and found that no changes have been made. The parking lot was kept clean and no patrons were observed loitering in the parking lot. The applicant informed staff that they have personnel monitor the parking lot on a regular basis. F. Alcohol Beverage Control: Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) inspected the business on October 22, 2014 and found no violations. G. Conclusion: The business is being operated in conformance with the approved Conditional Use Permit and Entertainment Permit. Due to the positive outcomes of both RCPD and staff's visits to the business, it is staffs professional opinion that an additional 6 month review is unnecessary. Staff will continue to monitor the business and will schedule a Planning Commission review if problems arise. • Respectfu ubmitted, Candyce rnett Planning Di ctor CB:TV/Is Attachments: Exhibit A - Staff Report for DRC2014-01025 and DRC2014-01027 Exhibit B - Resolution of Approval for Conditional Use Permit DRC2013-01025 Exhibit C - Resolution of Approval for Entertainment Permit DRC2013-01027 Exhibit D - Approved minutes from Planning Commission Meeting dated February 12, 2014 B &C3 STAFF REPORT • • PL1vvJNG DERIRIIIENT DATE: February 12, 2014 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission ,RANCHO FROM: Candyce Burnett, Planning Manager BY: Tabs van der Zwaag,Associate Planner SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(MODIFICATION)DRC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL - A request to modify Conditional Use Permit 87-06 to extend the hours of operation to 2:00 a.m., seven days per week, for a bar and grill within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC)Development District, located at 974019th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 -Existing Facilities. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT ORC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL - A request to provide entertainment including live music and a disc jockey at HK'S Bar and Grill within the Neighborhood Commerclal(NC) Development District, located at 9740 19th Street — APN: 1076-011-10. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 -Existing Facilities, RECOMMENDATION, Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit DRC2013-01025 and Entertainment Permit ORC2013-01027 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval and Standard Conditions. The hours of operation have been ® modified per the amended request discussed in the staff report and as outlined in the conditions of approval in the Resolution. PROJECTAND SITE DE CRIPTION: A. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - 210 Freeway South - Residential Development-Low Medium Residential(LM) East - Residential Development-Medium High Residential(MH) West - Residential Development-Low Medium Residential(LM) B. General Plan Oesianatians: Project Site - Neighborhood Commercial (NC) North - 210 Freeway South - Low Medium Residential (LM)(4-8 dwelling units per acre) East - Medium High Residential(MH) (14-24 dwelling units per acre) West - Low Medium Residential (LM) (4-8 dwelling units per acre) C. Site Characteristics: The project site is a 3,700 square foot inline tenant space within an existing commercial center located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and 19th Street. The center has a total of 22 tenants including the anchor, Stater Brothers market. • EXHIBIT A B &C4 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ORC2013-01025 AND ORC2013-01027-HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 2 ANALYSIS: A. Proiect Proposal: The applicant's purchased Pepper's Restaurant on April 18, 2013, and changed the name to HK's Bar and Grill. The applicant has since renovated the interior of the restaurant and created a new menu. The business has continued to operate under Pepper's CUP (87-06), which requires the business to close by 11:00 p.m., 7 days per week. The applicant requested to extend the hours of operation to 2:00 a.m., 7 days per week and to add live entertainment. In a meeting with the applicant, the Planning staff outlined their concerns that the late operating hours were out of character with the operation of a restaurant. The applicant agreed to reduce the requested closing time to 12:00 a.m. Sundays through Wednesdays and 2:00 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays.. Staff also found it acceptable to stay open until 2:00 a.m. for the following holidays: New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day;4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Because the meeting took place after the printing of the legal advertisement in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, both the legal advertisement and the posting state a 2:00 a.m., 7 days per week, closing time B. Business Operation: HK's Bar and Grill operates a full-service restaurant serving lunch and dinner. They will have approximately 19 employees with 9 employees working on the largest shift. C. Entitlement Requirements: Development Code Section 17.30 requires restaurants that serve distilled spirits be approved by a Conditional Use Permit Development Code Section 17.20.020 requires businesses that provide entertainment obtain an Entertainment Permit. D. Entertainment: Live music and DJ's are proposed from 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., Sundays 6:0 through Wednesdays and from 0 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Thursdays through Saturday. The live music will consist of bands with up to four members playing pop, country, and acoustic music. The DJ's will play recorded music with a focus on classic rock and pop music. The Floor Plan includes a 145 square foot dance floor adjacent to the stage and the bar area. No admission will be charged for the entertainment. In addition to the live entertainment, the applicant also proposes having four electronic dart board games, an electronic golf game and a juke box. E. Security Plan: The applicant's Security Plan has been reviewed and accepted by the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. The Security Plan is also incorporated into the Draft Resolution of Approval. The Police Department has concluded that if these measures are sustained and the Business is operated in a responsible manner, potential negative activities and nuisance impacts will be controlled and minimized. In addition to the safety provisions outlined in the Security Plan, the Resolution of Approval requires that employees who serve alcohol obtain a Certificate of Completion for training in the proper service of alcohol (L.E.A.D. or equivalent). A condition has also been added 0 0_ r r PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT ORC2013-01025 AND ORC2013-01027-HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 3 requiring alcohol sales to cease no less than thirty (30) minutes prior to closing time to ensure that all drinks are finished by closing time. In addition, staff will bring both the Conditional Use Permit and the Entertainment Permit back to the Planning Commission in 6 months to review the business operation to verify compliance with both Resolutions of Approval. F. Parking: The commercial center in which the site is located was developed with 64,610 square feet of lease area and 319 parking spaces. The required parking was calculated at 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross tenant space, which translates into a parking requirement of 348 parking spaces. The center has a 29 parking space deficit with the current tenant makeup. The applicant's tenant space has continually been operated as a restaurant since 1987 and is the busiest in the evenings when many of the neighboring office uses are closed. For this reason, staff concludes that continuing the existing use will not negatively impact the other tenants in the center. There will be adequate parking for all the uses on the site because of the off-set in peak parking demand hours between the applicant's restaurant and the office uses. Type Floor Area Parking #of Spaces of Use (SF) Ratio Required #of Spaces Provided Shopping Center 64 610 4.5/1,000 34$ 319 29S ace Deficit G. Land Use Compatibility The premise of a Conditional Use Permit is to ensure the. • compatibility of adjacent uses and the separation of potential nuisance activities. The commercial center in which the facility will be located has a mix of retail, food service and office uses. Staff does not foresee any potential conflicts with the other tenants in the center provided the applicant adheres to the Security Plan and the Conditions of Approval, H. FACTS FOR FINDINGS: The purpose of an Entertainment Permit is to discretionary review process for new entertainment uses where food and/or beverage is old concurrently with any form of entertainment in order to ensure public health and safety. The following are facts to support the necessary findings: I. The conduct of the establishment or the granting of the application is consistent to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. The applicant has provided a Security Plan and conditions have been imposed to ensure the proper service of alcohol to patrons and the building complies with all applicable Fire and Building Codes, 2. The premises or establishment is likely to operate in a legal, proper, and orderly manner. The applicant has submitted a Business Plan that includes a Security Plan, which has been reviewed and accepted by the Police Department to minimize potential negative activities and nuisance impacts. 3. Granting the application would not create a public nuisance. The applicant applied for an Entertainment Permit and provided all required documents to allow for an in-depth review of the proposed business operation. Further, with the inclusion of the Conditions of Approval, potential negative activities, and nuisance impacts will be controlled and minimized. B &C6 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DRC2013-01025 AND ORC2013-01027-HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 4 4. The normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of any surrounding residential neighborhood. The project site is in excess of 250 feet from the nearest residence and conditions have been imposed to ensure that the establishment will comply with the Performance Standards set forth in Section 17.66.050-G of the Development Code and will not create adverse impacts upon the adjacent uses. 5. The applicant has not made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of material fad in the required application. Staff has reviewed the submitted documents and found them to be accurate: I. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, which covers the permitting and minor alterations of existing structures that involve negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's original determination. The project entails increasing the hours of operation and permitting entertainment for an existing restaurant and bar with no expansion or major changes to the existing building. Staff finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment, in that the applicant does not propose modifying or expanding the existing structure: The Planning Manager has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on her own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. CORRESPONDENCI=: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. Respectfully submitted, Candycw rnett Planning Manager CB:TVge Attachments: Exhibit A - Site Plan Exhibit B Floor Plan Exhibit C - Business/Entertainment/Security Plan- Exhibit D - Photos of Interior of Restaurant Exhibit E - Tenant List Exhibit F - Menu Exhibit G - Correspondence Regarding the Application Draft Resolution of Approval for Conditional Use Permit ORC2013-01025 Draft Resolution of Approval for Entertainment Permit DRC2013-01027 B &C7 Pmss 3Ae .d-C-7 2 I LL— HIM f �TATC-� v d -1C! C! a •v f g4 cr s u 1500 w t! No. �-.7 � m ao00aR a 'n D • �. ti .. r< CARL'S 1115111 R R K 419�►R 19th STREET Nom 09SIGUTO WWYU YAUXW MU ® lq _ pC B &C8 IJ !Ol° 100141 MA R1 G r• r I OFFICE(E) ,l.. cc C 7a .+vN.li1M 000lENfEI - 1 N • wOrLN'O � � ' KITCHEN(E) (M\l M6M7 SOf/ • e • ,, • " BAR 1• • C. DANCE FLOOR pm I . u e 1J i' BAR ros C. 19 ! ! r • ! • 1 1 i 0 *mK!Arum•10 DINNINGRM �...�. o D I} !Jarmo•UJ EATGMT II 07� '/INTI!!i 0 1. D 0 0011 — I ; e COVERED PATIO 1•r »� cJa wrosuvmo CONCRETE WALK(E) CL r` ti CITY OF RANCHO" (E)CURB HK's Bar & drill Floor Plan 9740 191h Street ���1�a fl°dncho Cucamonga.Ca 91737 R &C9 Item#3 on Conditional Use Permit Checklist:. Business Operation:HK's Bar and Grill purchased and took over Pepper's Restaurant operation April 18'x,2013. We are currently operating under the old Pepper's CUP#87- 06;at 9740 19'h Street, Rancho Cucamonga,Ca. 91737-APN 1076-011-10.At the time of the takeover the business was operating with a total of 4 employees,since the takeover we have grown the employee base to a total of 19. We have gone through an extensive facelift of the facility and cleaned up the operation and recreated a restaurant/bar menu that represents the community needs.Our current hours of operation are Monday thru Friday 11 am to 1 I pm,Saturday and Sunday we open at 9:30am to 1 I pm.The largest shift we employ 9 people.The reason we are requesting extended}tours to 2 AM is to meet the community needs as well as being competitive and in line with all other restaurant/bars in the Rancho area. We have not had any calls for service and currently employ security on Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to 11 pm. We plan to increase our security to keep in line with the needs of the business as well as deemed necessary by the city. We respectfully request your granting us the privilege to extend our hours. Item#3 on Entertainment Permit Checklist: Entertainment Plan: We are proposing to have entertainment on an existing stage/dance floor consisting of 145 sq feet. We would plan to have up to four people performing at one time.The type of entertainment will be live/local bands that play at existing restaurant/bars in the Rancho area. Our focus will be on pop music,country;acoustic.We • would propose to have the live entertainment available Wednesday,Thumday,Friday and Saturday. Performances would start at 8:30pai and end at 12:30am.On days that we do not have live entertainment we would like to have the option of a DJ and dancing music. Types of music will be limited to classic rock, country and pop hits. No admission fee would be charged to attend entertainment on premises.We would like to include in our request that we are able to keep our 4 electronic arcade soft tip dart boards and one golden tee golf machine and one Jukebox machine for interact delivered music. Each one of the six machines operates independently.Our hopes are that we will continue to host the dart leagues on Monday's and Wednesday's of each week Item#4 on Entertainment Permit Checklist: Security Plan: We plan to have a minimum of(2)security personnel on site prior to the start and after the entertainment ends up to and after closing.The security,a have will be our employees and dressed in HK's Bar and Grill attire clearly designating them as Security. Procedures if there are problems will be dealt with 1.Asking the patron to abide by our rules of proper conduct 2. If a problem continues with improper conduct they will be ask and escorted out of our facility. We will follow the subject out and observe their departure.There will be one entry/exit into and out of our restaurant;the rest of our exits will be fire alarmed doors. ID checks will be done before entering the facility; we will use ID check computers that will capture all ID info of each person entering and verifying they are of legal age to consume alcohol.The security will be outfitted with two B &C10 way radios for communication,radio communication will also be monitered by the manager on duty. We have sixteen surveillance cameras in place in the facility as well as placed in the front and rear of the building,recording 24 hours per day.We also plan to monitor the parking lot in and around our facility for suspicious activity.Parking lot checks will be a crucial part of security.Management will be on site at all times. RJLr11 t. pwluo 3S a` =ow1 - i JI rr r: W. i. y It . G� `y . •- !, ..ice ,r _ r- Oflip •I _ � lie ,K '� (f;�.„u- � }, �r. j "J1 tr Te ata Asc�b�d 19 h Street�ong�Cp'91737 Rancho Cuc uam Fo � e 5 2100 �m_5 papa• Adm 1200 9 11 p.m• 710 Vacant bio P giant andianBaT i5�p 11 a.m•11 aM -6 P•m' 9 poor Q g,esta m• 9720 Dl r-I s Grill Bast Food 2400 7 a'm'6 p' 9740 9760 Y�da��untry C. �'Cleaners 900 10 am•.6 pan• wn 1200 aM 9 Y.M. 9762 v° Jewelry Stole 1500 11 m•_9 P.M. 9766 gel Jewelry Restaurant 3 p` 5 p 9768 earn Dice School 1169 8 ana•— •m' 9770 E1 e Dente Gallery Dentist 1250 9 ��_6 p.m• 9774 �" Sabicer 750 _7 P•m' 9178 Dr' Alter 1000 9 Wm' 6 P.M- vacaut 9780 1 ,A texations �Salon 750 10 a'm'—_ m• 9782 10 am. 6 F 7S4F to c Sams N salon 1000 a m 6 pan• 9786 ViviN�ls Cptom��y 12400 11 a,m• 9 p m- . 9788 Dr yeh et HsP V� Rest• P.M. �cbibald P pi% 7 a m.—10 9 92 pgrboni s uor Store 5169 Co uuy L14 Li4 1280 9794 T0� 9198 vat I i , i I ex"► � 6 &C 13 HK's BAR &GRILL 9740 19" STREET, ALTA LomA.CA 91737. PHONE 909989-2220 BURGERS SALADS HK HAMBURGER- 7 COBB SALAD 12 Gritted Hantw9er AM,wlLonva opted Brined a*kf%rwmtm a fed anim rarnatq a yrdhtd rid a to a arw Ch"m m mora am f bed of maed G to= Served w/Fretobn frks ANN f2 Served w/Yov chase of&ff&0 HK CHEESE BURGER• e ALTA LOMA SALAD 10 Gfihd NombWW"w/Uttttay Dked Grilled Chlckm ram0tpfa dried awnbvrfn ra ncift a pfhdrodaraoea Fete Chmn 004WdA4ttmdC, Served w/Fnfobto FNS Add Drat$2 a Gropes(m Seasoe}Seth e✓NK Vkaryettes (Yaw Choate Chfdda-jm*or Swan cheat► ORTEGA BURGER- HK WEDGE SALAD 9 Grimed Nmtbwper PM vel LeR4aa4 8 A Wedow alk WT Lefta&aed rmnatofa Onk4 lhu Cheat crambw a I... 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BAS CHEESE CAKE 5 AAM clrn*or or Sbm p$a rapped w awcafa(sW fdfpbwy Smtco CHOCOLATE SUNDAY 5 VaaAb ke Cream s o pwfaa 0m W0 chdcdhte," rapped with whipped Cream mrd d cherry on top OPEN SAT&SUN AT 9:3QAM SERVING BREAKFAST—BLOODY .-1/l Fbothall Games are showing.-get MARY'S AND MIMOSA SPECIALS lure early....... FOR ROMMATIONs CALL KARL 90"aq.2220 11K's Bar unci Grill T-Shirts 319.t)4 .Sizes L, ,Q, XU • j"'non.tln:�Tj,�?a1rM.StWU:fn.O.'W9 T.7r.K'rrJ}!t.7v'.sr,r�..aRy,c;iness B &C14 HK's BAR&GRiLL 9740 19TM"gZr. ALTA LOMA,CA 91737. PHcmc 903989222a APPETIZERS FLASH SEARED AHI TUNA13 CHICKEN STRIPS Suets 6i*AN laelr raved A M4 aWq bed wbrh That ONdrsa mgoedm MWWaffakof mbw a prwns ServadwGtonryOhvicerBmYeoaq redGddeeBrowa W/ SeeYesFieedherHies NbeollAModrlls AFr fftm*armw omw)L C'+ALAMARI *W/9WWrs6PWsomas 12 BUFFALO WNGS Ugb*I of d-ohks S oye r bad a/ f6J Served web 8 edto►�GranrywofaQrtauce !Ba/�AgesttliondiNtnt�mrdorSpkyAptaar•1 •�OkY bet IYGr kattar Man 1UP RID SCORPIONS- t t SUDERS HAHRMW 1e1 Fm wAanba fboq„erJJfad (3Par ardYq GMadaanr eagerr g rA wm pada aeddar IAet d+er q servrdaanaaarae fie,w/*N am Frlrs A+�rpvrdb,eaoae4 saradr✓elerr�rrggeaaea. SAUSAGE a PEPPERS t t BRUSCHETTA s S tda Be props i onlow mo*earkrmr sauce Mod ea wo spaced w/Avad Tamaro% Gawk�Swrdrkfd Tonrofaee, M9-ER STEAK r>t FRIES ® T MMEX PIaA • s SewdadrseeraraaebadMweaaraeMerrAa 6/dladP—Imtwmpadwxowftoe4&i e OladWr AJed Chas eaarrueorq JALAPEW POPPERS efflftmo Fka0rGd10lebts�aAapBp s» dar agra + d•raedA,ra CHEESE QUESA I.A. g carroubmada owdra GORGONZOLA FRIES /adr°*M Adif 0''a wW JZ FAedmFria Sj w0 od01C—fi°' `mm ONION RINGS 4 FRIED PICKLESSkw7 y' 'daban�saaseoerv/nadpa ►e,o,,,, F, " FREEDOM FRms 3 (GeanySAroeboaspe1A0►kof SaeeeS Ab&*rjW wyft/pca►/►Arnde to C01W SANDW/CHES GRILLED CHEES9 s TkM CHICKEN WRAP' 9 aftWdrCbmtt,r Md 9111000*C al Or SmdmoOikterr aroa�r N rperpewad rMorp TUNA SANDWICH• a '11111d WMhArbca W nwA rcedCrra Wtft 7 0,rad„M ft�d CI I 1&V . 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Cnnsurn-mg rim I,+n lerc•.U+an•i-arc Carlkv.5,;ajM;rw•r.,n:a gra n.,,•,rc.w•. .•....• r,...+,,,,.,, _ . 13 &C15 01/29/2014 To: City Planning Department Re: E TERTAINMUENTpERC2 RMIT D013.-0L0 OD2j L USE�ERMIT (MI�ICAT10(Vj pRCZ0�3-402 3n�CONDITIONA _ Dear Sir, I am writing to express my firm opposition to approval of each of the subject permits;DRC2013-01027 and DRC2013- 1025.Planning Commission Itis my opinion that a bar and grill of an neighborhood of homes,families and children sis unacceptable. 1 consider d within what I such an der a allowance by the Planning Commission to be a failure on their part to first consider the greater good of the community. However,as to the two permit requests listed on your notice of January 27,2014 1 list my objections: First; live music and a disc jockey are not sy and disruptive. They encourage unruly behavior when mixed with the consumption of alcohol. As an example,l would ® point to the problems encountered at Ma e years back as well pub(which name escapes me),once located near� Footh ll Blvd.and R ch ster.s the Second,where alcohol is consumed,drugs are also present. You can rel on I Police department records are replete with examples of fact. Fostering a climate for this Y t The type ofactivity,by the planning Commission in a family-oriented neighborhood. is wholly unacceptable in my view. Third,consumption of alcohol along with the added likelihood of drug use b Patrons should not be further enabled via the extension of operating hours until tam,7 days a week. The tam permit request is especially egregious to me. Finally,granting the two permits in question will only further burden ouroli Force. Resources better allocated to the overall safety of our city will be wasted an a venue of dubious value to iCs citizens. P ce Yours Truly, 'pNtet( G44 CRY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGq Brett W.Carls JAN 3 0 2014 RECEIVED - PLANNING B &C16 RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA,APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025,A REQUEST TO MODIFY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87-06 TO EXTEND THE HOURS OF OPERATION FOR A BAR AND GRILL WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (NC) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, LOCATED AT 9740 19TH STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 1076-011-10. A. Recitals. I. HK's Bar and Grill filed an application for the issuance of Conditional Use Permit ORC2013-01025 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Conditional Use Permit request is referred to as"the application." 2. On the 12th day of February, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. • NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on February 12, 2014; including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a 3,700 square foot in-line tenant space within a commercial center with 21 other tenants including anchor Stater Brother's Market and is located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and 19th Street; and b. To the north is the 210 Freeway; to the south (across 19th Street)is single-family development within the Low Medium (LM) Development District; to the east is a multi-family development within the Medium High (MH) Development District; and to the west (across Archibald Avenue)is a multi-family development within the Low Medium(LM)Development District; and C. The applicant's purchased Pepper's Restaurant on April 18,2013 and changed the name to HK's Bar and Grill. They have since renovated the interior of the restaurant and created a new menu. The business continues to operate under Pepper's CUP(87-06), which requires that they close by 11:00 p.m., 7 days per week. The applicant is requesting to extend the hours of operation and to add live entertainment(ORC2013-01027). EXHIBIT B Rj. r» PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 2 d. HK's Bar and Grill operates a full-service restaurant serving lunch and dinner. They will have approximately 19 employees with 9 employees working on the largest shift; and e. The applicant's Security Plan has been reviewed and accepted by the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department; and f. A full menu will be served at all times that alcoholic beverages are served; and g. The center has a 29 parking space deficit with the current tenant makeup. The applicant's tenant space has continually been used as a restaurant since 1987 and is busiest evenings when many of the neighboring office uses are closed. For this reason, Staff feels that continuing the existing use will not negatively impact the other tenants in the center and there will be adequate parking for all the uses on the site. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing, and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed use is allowed within the applicable zoning district and complies with all other applicable provisions of the Zoning Code,Municipal Code,General Plan,and any applicable Specific Plans or City regulations/standarda. In that, the operation of a bar in conjunction with a restaurant is permitted within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Development District with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. b. The site is physically suited for the type,density,and intensity of the proposed use including access, utilities,and the absence of physical constraints and can be conditioned to meet all related performance criteria and development standards. In that,the commercial center in which the site is located was designed for a wide variety of commercial uses including restaurants with bars. c. Granting the application would not be detrimental to the public, health, safety, morals,or welfare,in that the applicant has provided a Security Plan to regulate the operation of the restaurant and bar to limit any negative effects on the public. 4. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - Existing Facilities -which covers the permitting of existing structures that involve negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's original determination. The project entails increasing the hours of operation and permitting entertainment for an existing restaurant and bar with no expansion or major changes to the existing building. Staff finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1,2,3,and 4 above,this Commission hereby approves the application, subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the standard conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: 0 n. r 1 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025-MCS BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 3 Planning Department 1) Approval is to expand the hours of operation of a 3,700 square foot restaurant and bar at 9740 19th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. 2) Changes to the approved Site Plan, Floor Plan,and/or expansion of the approved hours of operation requires prior approval of the Planning Manager or Planning Commission. 3) The approved hours of operation are Sundays through Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m.to 12:00 a.m. (Midnight)and from 9:30 a.m.to 2:00 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays. 4) The business may also stay open until 2:00 a.m. for the following holidays: New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo,Memorial Day,4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,and Christmas Day. 5) The full-restaurant menu shall be available at all times that alcoholic beverages are served. The service of alcoholic beverages shall cease a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the approved closing time. • 6) The business operations shall be in compliance with the performance standards that are described in Section 17.68 of the Development Code, including noise limits which are described. in Section 17.66.050(G). 7) The business operations shall be in compliance with the regulations and requirements of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control that apply to Type 47 Liquor Licenses. 8) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 9) All signs shall comply with Chapter 17.74(Sign Regulations for Private Property) of the Development Code and Uniform Sign Program#11. 10) The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees,because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers,or employees, for any court costs and attomey's fees, which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. R R r14 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ORC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 4 11) No modifications to the Floor Plan or intensification of the use shall be permitted without prior review and approval by the Planning Commission. 12) The applicant shall obtain all necessary permits from the Building and Safety Services Department and the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District prior to operation. 13) This application (Conditional Use Permit DRC2013-01025) shall be brought back to the Planning Commission for review within 6 months of the date of the approval. Alcohol Service: 14) The applicant must use an identity card scanner(ID Scanner)anytime the premises is selling alcoholic beverages and has entertainment as defined by the Development Code.. (Definition of ID Scanner. An ID Scanner automates and documents the age verification process by scanning the ID through a card reader). The ID Scanner should record and timestamp the name,identification number,and date of birth on the identity card provided by patrons. This information should be recorded and maintained for a minimum of thirty (30) days. The business will provide the ID Scanner records to law enforcement upon request 15) If persons under 21 years of age are allowed on the premises after midnight, the licensee(s) must utilize separate types of glassware to distinguish alcoholic drinks from non-alcoholic drinks. Additionally, persons over 21 years of age shall have a unique mark or symbol applied to the backside of their hand that readily identifies them as a person who can be served an alcoholic drink. 16) Patrons who appear obviously intoxicated shall not be served any alcoholic beverages. 17) There shall be no promotions encouraging intoxication or drinking contests or advertisements indicating"AIL you can drink for..."or similar language. 18) There shall be no "stacking" of drinks, i.e., more than one drink at a time, to a single patron. 19) Except for wine bottles, oversized containers or pitchers containing in excess of 25 ounces of an alcoholic drink shall not be sold to a single patron for their sole consumption. 20) The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises is strictly prohibited. 21) Employees and contract security personnel shall not consume any alcoholic beverages during their work shift. a z r7n PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025-WS BAR AND GRILL • February 12, 2014 Page 5 22) A file containing the names and dates of employment of every person serving alcoholic beverages for consumption by patrons on the licensed premises and every manager shall be kept on the premises. The file shall also include a copy of each person's Certificate of Completion of the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control L.E.A.D.course(Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs)or equivalent Upon request, said file shall be made available for review to representative of the City of Rancho Cucamonga Police Department. New employees will have 60 days from date of employment to obtain a L.E.A.D. certification or equivalent. 23) There shall be a Designated Driver Program wherein there is an incentive to the person not drinking alcoholic beverages, who is in a group of three or more, to be the designated driver for that group of patrons. 24) There shall be a taxi-ride program where the establishment will offer to call a taxi for patrons when it seems appropriate. Phone numbers of local taxi companies shall be posted for viewing by patrons. Securi ® 25) Any patron who (1) fights or challenges another person to fight, (2) maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud or unreasonable noise,or(3)uses offensive words which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction shall be removed from the premises. 26) An incident log shall be maintained at the licensed premises on a continual basis with at least one year of entries and be readily available for inspection by a police officer. The log is for recording any physical altercations, injuries, and objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance occurring in, on, or at the licensed premises, including the immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee. The log will indicate date, time, description of incident, and action taken. "Objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance° means disturbance of the peace, public drunkenness,drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct,drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise. 27) Security guards shall maintain order and enforce the establishment's no loitering policy and shall take"reasonable steps"(as that term is defined in subparagraph (3) of Section 24200 of the California Business and Professions Code)to correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance. 28) Except in case of emergency,the licensee shall not permit its patrons to enter or exit the licensed premises through any entrance/exit other than • the primary entrance/exit, excluding entranceslexits from the patio RR(',)1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025-HKS BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 6 areas: Steps shall betaken by the licensee to discourage unauthorized exiting. 29) The owner or manager of the licensed premises shall maintain on the premises a written security policy and procedures manual addressing at a minimum the following items: Handling obviously intoxicated persons; establishing a reasonable ratio of employees to patrons, based upon activity level, in order to monitor beverage sales and patron behavior; handling patrons involved in fighting or arguing;handling loitering about the building and in the immediate adjacent area that is owned, leased, rented, or used under agreement. by the Licensee(s); verifying age/checking identification of patrons;warning patrons of reaching their drinking limit/potential intoxication and refusing to serve;and calling the police regarding observed or reported criminal activity. 30) Contract security services shall be familiar with the establishment's written security policy and procedures; by reviewing them and signing they have read and understood the policy. The signed acknowledgement shall be kept in a file relating to the security manual.. 31) Prior to utilizing a contract security guard company, the establishment shall verify the security company has a current City of Rancho Cucamonga business license. Fire District/Buildino and Safety Services Department 1) Any proposed Floor Plan, seating, occupancy, and/or furnishing changes must be submitted to Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District for review and approval. Do not increase the approved occupant toad. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA /7s BY: e 6 '�/ Z- 'Frances Howdyshell, Chaan ATTEST: t � � .,CR. ,e�•o Candyce Burnett, Secretary R R C22 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DRC2013-01025-WS BAR AND GRILL ® February 12, 2014 Page 7 I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced,passed,and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of February by the following vote-to-wit AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, OAXACA, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MUNOZ ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: NONE R R r,)2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ® y DEPARTMENT STANDARD PROJECT#: DRC2013-01025 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICANT: HK'S BAR AND GRILL LOCATION: 9740 19TH STREET-APN: 1076-011-10 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2750,. FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. General Requirements Comaledon Date • 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers,or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. 1410 or Approval Letter, Standard Conditions,and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect 3. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Manager hearing. a) Notice of Exemption-$50 X 1 B & C24 Project No. DRC2013-01025 completion nate S. Time Limits 1. Any approval shall expire if Building Permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval or a time extension has been granted. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which _/_/_ include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all California Building Code / and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy,plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Services Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance and final acceptance granted prior to occupancy. 4. Revised Site Plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for Planning Manager review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development I/ Code,all other applicable City Ordinances,and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 2 • RESOLUTION NO. 14-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING'COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA,CALIFORNIA,APPROVING ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027,A REQUEST TO PROVIDE ENTERTAINMENT INCLUDING LIVE MUSIC ANDA DISC JOCKEY AT HK'S BAR AND GRILL WITHIN THE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL(NC) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LOCATED AT 974019TH STREET;AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 1076-011-10. A. Recitals. 1. HK's Bar and Grill filed an application for the issuance of Entertainment Permit ORC2013-01027 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Entertainment Permit request is referred to as"the application." 2. On the 12th day of February, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. • NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows. 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on February 12, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a 3,700 square foot inline tenant space within a commercial center with 21 other tenants including anchor Stater Brothers Market and is located on the northeast corner of Archibald Avenue and 191'Street; and b. To the north is the 210 Freeway;to the south(across 19th Street)is single-family development within the Low Medium (LM) Development District; to the east is a multi-family development within the Medium High (MH) Development District; and to the west (across Archibald Avenue)is a multi-family development within the Low Medium(LM)Development District; and C. Live music and DJ's are proposed from 6:00 p.m.to 11:30 p.m., Sundays through Wednesdays and from 6:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays. The live music will consist of bands with up to four members playing pop, country, and acoustic music. The DJ's will play recorded music with a focus on classic rock and pop music. The Site Plan includes a 145 square foot dance floor adjacent to the stage and the bar area. No admission will be charged for the entertainment. In addition to the live entertainment, the applicant also proposes having tfour electronic dart board games, an electronic golf game and a jukebox. XHIBIT C RA r)r% PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14.11 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027- HK'S BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 2 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing, and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The conduct of the establishment or the granting of the application is consistent to the public health, safety, morals or welfare. The applicant has provided a Security Plan and conditions have been imposed to ensure the proper service of alcohol to patrons and the building complies with all applicable Fire and Building Codes. b. The premises or establishment is likely to be operated in a legal,proper and orderly manner. The applicant has submitted a Business Plan that includes a Security Plan that has been reviewed and accepted by the Police Department to minimize potential negative activities and nuisance impacts. C. Granting the application would not create a public nuisance. The applicant has applied for this Entertainment Permit and provided all required documents to allow for an in-depth review of the proposed business operation. Further,with the inclusion of the Conditions of Approval, potential negative activities and nuisance impacts will be controlled and minimized. d. The normal operation of the premises would not interfere with the peace and quiet of any surrounding residential neighborhood. The project is in excess of 1,000 feet from the nearest residence and conditions have been imposed to ensure that the establishment will comply with the Performance Standards set forth in Section 17.66.050 G of the Development Code and will not create adverse impacts upon adjacent uses. e. The applicant has not. made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of material fact in the required application. Staff has reviewed the submitted documents and found them to be accurate. 4. The Planning Department staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under as a Class 1 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 -Existing Facilities-which covers the permitting of existing structures that involve negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's original determination. In that, the project consists of permitting entertainment in a restauranttbar with no expansion of the existing tenant space. Staff finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment, The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1,2,3,and 4 above,this Commission hereby approves the application, subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the standard conditions attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference: Rx r77 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-11 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT ORC2013-01027-HK'S BAR AND GRILL • February 12, 2014 Page 3 Planning Department 1) Approval is for live entertainment in conjunction with a 3,700 square foot restaurant and bar at 974019th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. 2) The approved entertainment is limited to live music with dancing with up to four musicians, DJ's playing recorded music, five electronic game machines, and a jukebox. Expansion of the types of entertainment provided or intensity requires prior Planning Commission approval. 3) All conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit DRC2013-01025 shall apply. 4) Site security shall conform to the submitted Security Plan and the conditions outlined in this Resolution of Approval. 5) The approved hours of operation for the entertainment shall be limited to between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on Sundays through Wednesdays and between 6:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. from Thursdays through Saturdays. 6) Entertainment may also be provided until 1:00 a.m. on the following ® holidays. New Year's Eve, Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Cinco de Mayo,Memorial Day,4th of July, Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day,and Christmas Day. 7) All entertainment shall be conducted inside the building. 8) All doors and windows shall remain closed when entertainment is provided for noise attenuation purposes. 9) Adult entertainment, as defined in Section 17.128.020 of the Development Code,is not permitted. 10) A minimum of one duly licensed, certified or trained, and regularly employed security guard from a reputable security firm as approved by the Rancho Cucamonga Police Department shall be required to be on the premises during the hours of entertainment as defined in Condition No. 5. The guard shall be in peace officer attire and shall remain on duty in the parking area and outside of the adjacent areas of the facility to avert problems such as loud noise, disorderly conduct from patrons, or anyone in the parking lot, loitering activities, and any other nuisances or disturbances. 11) The applicant must use an identity card scanner(ID Scanner) anytime the premises is selling alcoholic beverages and has entertainment. (Definition of ID Scanner: An ID Scanner automates and documents the age verification process by scanning the ID through a card reader). The ID Scanner should record and timestamp the name, identification R R,('7R PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-11 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027-HKS BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 4 number, and date of birth on the identity card provided by patrons.This information should be recorded and maintained for a minimum of thirty (30) days. The business will provide the ID Scanner records to law enforcement upon request. 12) Any patron who (1) fights or challenges another person to fight, (2) maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud or unreasonable noise, or(3) uses offensive words which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction shall be removed from the premises. 13) An incident log shall be maintained at the licensed premises on a continual basis with at least one year of entries and be readily available for inspection by a police officer. The log is for recording any physical altercations, injuries, and objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance occurring in, on, or at the licensed premises, including the immediately adjacent area that is owned, leased, or rented by the licensee. The log will indicate date,time, description of incident, and action. taken. "Objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance" means disturbance of the peace,public drunkenness,drinking in public, harassment of passersby, gambling, prostitution, loitering, public urination, lewd conduct,drug trafficking, or excessive loud noise. 14) Security guards shall maintain order and enforce the establishments no loitering policy and shall take"reasonable steps"(as that term is defined in subparagraph (3) of Section 24200 of the California Business and Professions Code)to correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance. 15) There shall be no flashing lights, disco lights, or similar lighting during the hours of entertainment that prevents the ability to clearly distinguish and identify patrons, security personnel, or other individuals in the restaurant in order to ensure the safety of patrons. 18) The business operations shall be in compliance with the performance standards that are described in Section 17.66 of the Development Code, including noise limits which are described in Section 17.68.050(G). 17) The business operations shall be in compliance with the regulations and requirements of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control that apply to Type 47 Liquor Licenses. 18) Access to the loungelentertainment area must be from the main entrance to the restaurant and not from a separate exterior entrance. Other exits shall be used for emergency purposes only. R R r,)4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-11 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027-HKS BAR AND GRILL ® February 12, 2014 Page 5 19) If operation of this Entertainment Permit causes adverse effects upon the adjacent residences, businesses, or operations including, but not limited to, noise, loitering, parking, or disturbances, the Entertainment Permit shall be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration and possible suspension or revocation of the permit. 20) This Entertainment Permit application DRC2013-01027 shall be brought back to the Planning Commission for review within 6 months of the date of approval. 21) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 22) The applicant shall submit an annual renewal statement and fee,due on or before January 1 of each and every year per Section 17.20.20(G)of the Development Code. 23) All signs shall comply Ath Chapter 17.74(Sign Regulations for Private Property)of the Development Code and Uniform Sign Program#119. 24) Security personnel required by the Entertainment Permit issued for the licensed premises shall be in a uniform or clothing that is readily identifiable as a security person. The uniform of the security guards shall have the word "Security"clearly visible on it. They shall maintain order and enforce the establishment's no loitering policy and shall take reasonable steps° (as that term is defined in subparagraph (3) of Section 24200 of the California Business and Professions Code) to correct objectionable conditions that constitute a nuisance. 25) The owner or manager of the licensed premises shall maintain on the premises a written security policy and procedures manual addressing at a minimum the following items. Handling obviously intoxicated persons; establishing a reasonable ratio of employees to patrons, based upon activity level, in order to monitor beverage sales and patron behavior, handling patrons involved in fighting or arguing;handling loitering about the building and in the immediate adjacent area that is owned, leased, rented, or used under agreement by the Licensee(s); verifying age/checking identification of patrons;warning patrons of reaching their drinking limit/potential intoxication and refusing to serve; calling the police regarding observed or reported criminal activity. 26) Contract security services shall be familiar with the establishment's written security policy and procedures; by reviewing them and signing they have read and understood the policy. The signed acknowledgement shall be kept in a file relating to the security manual. R R rin PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-11 ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027-WS BAR AND GRILL February 12, 2014 Page 6 27) Prior to utilizing a contract security guard company, the establishment shall verify the security company has a current City of Rancho Cucamonga Business License. 28) All managers, bartenders, and servers shall complete the Licensee Education on Alcohol and Drugs (LEAD) Program offered by the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control within 60 days of being hired. Fire District/Buildina and Safety Services Department 1) Any proposed Floor Plan,seating,occupancy and/or furnishing changes must be submitted to Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District for review and approval. Do not increase the approved occupant load. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY 2014 PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: ILL ` j f/ rances ell, Chairman ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced,passed,and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of February by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FLETCHER, HOWDYSHELL, OAXACA, WIMBERLY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MUNOZ ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Rxn1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT STANDARD CONDITIONS PROJECT a: ORC2013-01027 SUBJECT: ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT APPLICANT: .HK'S BAR AND GRILL LOCATION: 9740 19TH STREET-APN: 1076-011-10 ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, (909) 477-2750, FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • A. General Requirements comaleticn oats 1. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, / its agents, officersi or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 2. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. 14-11 or Approval 1 Letter;Standard Conditions, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect 3. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Manager hearing. a) Notice of Exemption-$50 X • 1 Rx rR7 Project No. ORC2013-01027 completion Date B. Time Limits 1. Any approval shall expire if Building Permits are not issued or approved use has not commenced within 5 years from the date of approval or a time extension has been granted. C. Site Development 1. The site shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the approved plans which 1 !_ include Site Plans, architectural elevations, exterior materials and colors, landscaping, sign program, and grading on file in the Planning Department, the conditions contained herein, and the Development Code regulations. 2. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager. 3. Occupancy of the facilities shall not commence until such time as all California Building Code and State Fire Marshal regulations have been complied with. Prior to occupancy, plans shall be submitted to the Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District and the Building and Safety Services Department to show compliance. The buildings shall be inspected for compliance and final acceptance granted prior to occupancy. 4. Revised Site Plans and building elevations incorporating all Conditions of Approval shall be submitted for Planning Manager review and approval prior to the issuance of Building Permits. 5. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances,and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 2 B &C33 • THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ACHO THE MINUTES OF CUCAMONGA THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 12, 2014 - 7:00 PM Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Council Chambers 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California L CALL TO ORDER • Pledge of Allegiance TOO PM Roll Call Chairman Howdyshell X Vice Chairman Fletcher X Munoz A Wimberly X Oaxaca X Additional Staff Present: Donald Granger, Senior Planner, JeffBloom, Deputy City Manager/Economic and Community Development;Dan James, Senior Civil Engineer;Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner, Lois Schrader, Planning Commission Secretary Mike Smith, Associate Planner; Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner; Tom Grahn, Associate Planner It was noted that Commissioner,Wunoz'absence is excused for medical reasons. II. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission on any item listed or not listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission or the Planning Commission may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to rive minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Chair, • directly to the Historic Preservation Commission or Planning Commission, not to the members depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which B &C34 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 2014 `MA1ONd" Page 2 might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. None III. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS A. PRESENTATION REGARDING THE 100" ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF THE HISTORIC ETIWANDA DEPOT Presentation (copy on file) by Mayuko Nakajima, Assistant Planner Chairman Howdyshell announced that she attended the anniversary celebration and that it was really nice. She said she was impressed and noted that there were many curious onlookers from the adjoining trail. Commissioner Oaxaca said he also attended and he too was impressed and thought the idea of a bicycle valet was great so people on the trail could participate. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION B. Approval of minutes dated January 22, 2014 C. VACATION OF PORTIONS OF CENTER AVENUE AND 24TH STREET,LOCATED WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE AND.SOUTH OF ARROW ROUTE(V-222)—A request to vacate the east side of Center Avenue between 24th and 25th Streets,and a portion of the south side of 25th Street,and a portion of north side of 24th Street,located west of Haven Avenue and south of Arrow Route -APNs 209-122-01,-02,-03, -04, -22-23, -24 D. VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN 25TH AND 24TH STREETS, LOCATED WEST OF HAVEN AVENUE AND EAST OF CENTER AVENUE (V-223)—A request to vacate the alley between 24th and 25th Streets, located west of Haven Avenue and east of Center Avenue-APNs 209-122-01,-02,-03, -04, -23, -24 Nfoved by Fletcher, seconded by Oaxaca, carried 4-0-1 (Munoz absent) to adopt the Consent Calendar as presented. r,4 r% AHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES CFEBRUARY 12, 2014 Page 3 V. PUBLIC HEARINGS/PLANNING COMMISSION i The following items have been advertised and/or posted as public hearings as required bylaw. The Chairman will open the public hearing to receive testimony. All such opinions shall be limited to 5 minutes per individual for each project Please sign in affer speaking. E. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT(MODIFICATION)DRC2013-01025-HK'S BAR AND GRILL- A request to modify Conditional Use Permit 87-06 to extend the hours of operation to 2:00 a.m., 7 days per week,for a bar and grill located within the Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Development District, at 9740 19th Street - APN: 1076-011-10. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 —Existing Facilities. F. ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT DRC2013-01027 - HK'S BAR AND GRILL - A request to • provide entertainment including live music and a disc jockey at HK'S Bar and Grill located within the Neighborhood Commercial(NC)Development District at 974019th Street-APN: 1076-011-10. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - Existing Facilities. Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner, presented a brief PowerPoint presentation (copy on file). He noted the business is currently operated by new owners under the prior Conditional Use Permit previously granted to Pepper's Restaurant. He said that the applicant has recently agreed to an earlier closing time than what was originally requested. He noted one letter of opposition was received. Mr. Van der Zwaag said the new owners have had no adverse reports from the Police since they took over the business. He said a condition is in place to bring the permits back to the Commission in 6 months for a checkup. Karl James stated he represents the owners for HK's Bar and Grill. Harold Kneller, an owner of HK's Bar and Grill responded to the opposing letter shown in the agenda packet. He said the business now has a different crowd, a more mature group that is respectful. He said they are pleased with what they have done and he feels they can continue that. Commissioner Wimberly said the hours currently in force have helped to limit the issues the previous owners had. He said his concern is about the later hours originally requested. i'Ar. Kneller.said that he will be there on site, and his name is on the business. He assured the Commission he would not have any issues. He .said he went way over budget to make the improvements and to renovate the .space. R a r-4r% . HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES C� FEBRUARY 12, 2014 Page 4 Chairman Howdyshell opened the public hearing. Hearing and seeing no comment from the public. Chairman Howdyshell closed the public hearing. Commissioner Wimberly said if the new owners operate the way they have been, there should be no problem. Commissioner Oaxaca said the owner has taken a prudent approach to find more reasonable hours and he believes the business is pointing to a more mature crowd. 'lice Chairman Fletcher commented about proper management. He said he hopes for success and noted the prior business had problems. He said if issues arise, the permits can be brought back to the Commission for review. Chairman Howdyshell said we are glad to see businesses invest in our city. She said staff also gives great guidance. She said she has been there and they have good clientele, very good food and the crowd is comfortable to be around unlike the prior business operation and that the owner is very involved in making sure the business operation is free from a problem-causing element. Moved by Fletcher, seconded by Wimberly, carried 4-0-1 (Munoz absent) to adopt Resolutions 14-10 and 14-11 approving Conditional Use Permit Modification DRC2013- 01025 as presented. VI. COMMISSION CONCERNS/HISTORIC PRESERVATION AND PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Howdyshell announced an open invitation to a "Friends and Community Dinner' hosted by the Etiwanda Historical Society on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at Etiwanda Intermediate School. She suggested those interested in attending to contact the Etiwanda Historical Society. Chairman Howdyshell also announced the Annual Library Telethon on March 1 and 2"and that it will be televised. F17�� VII. ADJOURNMENT 7:24 PM R tL r,47 • HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Cao ca► FEBRUARY 12, 2014 Page 5 If you need special assistance or accommodations to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (909) 477-2750. Notification of 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Listening devices are available for the hearing impaired. INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission encourages free expression of all points of view. To allow all persons to speak,given the length of the agenda, please keep your remarks brief. If others have already expressed your position, you may simply indicate that you agree with a previous speaker. If appropriate, a spokesperson may present the views of your entire group. To encourage all views and promote courtesy to others,the audience should refrain from clapping, booing or shouts of approval or disagreement from the audience. The public may address the Planning Commission on any agenda item. To address the Planning Commission, • please come forward to the podium located at the center of the staff table. State your name for the record and speak into the microphone. After speaking, please sign in on the clipboard located next to the speaker's podium. It is important to list your name, address and the agenda item letter your comments refer to. Comments are generally limited to 5 minutes per individual. If you wish to speak concerning an item not on the agenda, you may do so under"Public Comments." There is opportunity to speak under this section prior to the end of the agenda. Any handouts for the Planning Commission should be given to the Planning Commission Secretary for distribution to the Commissioners. A copy of any such materials should also be provided to the Secretary to be used for the official public record. scheduling agenda items will be at the discretion of the Commission and the Planning Director.All requests for items to be placed on a Planning Commission agenda must be in writing. Requests for AVAILABILITY OF STAFF REPORTS Copies of the staff reports or other documentation to each agenda item are on file in the offices of the Planning Department, City Hall, located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730. These documents are available for public inspections during regular business hours, Monday through Thursday, 7:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except for legal City holidays. APPEALS Any interested party who disagrees with the City Planning Commission decision may appeal the Commission's decision to the City Council within 10 calendar days. Any appeal filed must be directed to the City Clerk's Office and must be accompanied by a fee of$2,486 for all decisions of the Commission. (Fees are established and governed by the City Council). Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers while the meeting is in session. ® Copies of the Planning Commission agendas, staff reports and minutes can be found at :.1WW.CityofRC us. R R r'7f2 STAFF REPORT PL.-kNNING DEPARTMENT DATE: November 12, 2014 RANCHO TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission �,;UCAMONGA FROM: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director BY: Dominick Perez, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 -TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC -A request to subdivide one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane at 5615 Sapphire Street - APN: 1061-691-04. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19397 through the adoption of the attached Resolution of Approval with Conditions. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Proiect Density: 1.67 dwelling units/acre B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: • North - Single-Family Residences - Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District South - Single-Family Residences - Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District East - Floyd M. Stork Elementary School - Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District West - Single-Family Residences - Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District C. General Plan Designations: Project Site-Very Low Residential North - Very Low Residential South - Very Low Residential East - Schools West - Very Low Residential D. Site Characteristics: The 4.75-acre site, located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane, is rectangular in shape with approximately 320 feet of street frontage adjacent to Sapphire Street and a depth of 665 feet. The site's street frontage along Sapphire Street is partially improved with a north and southbound driving lane and currently does not include curb, gutter, parkway or sidewalk improvements. This property has an existing single-family residence located in the northwest quadrant of the parcel. The land generally slopes from north to south and contains multiple trees that surround the residence as well as light ground vegetation throughout the remainder of the property. The site is surrounded to the north, south • and west by existing single-family residences, and is surrounded to the east by Floyd M. Stork Elementary School. ITEM 131 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOI KE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 2 ANALYSIS: A. General: The project involves the subdivision of a 4.75-acre parcel into 7 lots for future residential development. Two of the lots are proposed to have frontage adjacent to Sapphire Street, and the other five lots will be adjacent to the proposed cul-de-sac. The site is located within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very-Low (VL) Residential Zoning District, which requires subdivisions to have a maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre, an average lot size of 22,500 square feet and a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. This project involves the creation of lots ranging in size from 21,780 to 40,000 square feet with an average lot size of 26,270 square feet. The project density is 1.67 dwelling units per acre. Per Section 17.36 of the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code (RCDC), the VL Residential District also requires all lots to have a minimum depth of 200 feet, corner lots to have a minimum width of 100 feet and interior lots to have a minimum width of 90 feet. This project complies with these requirements. Per RCDC Section 17.70.040, all residential development located in the City's Equestrian Overlay is required to include an equestrian trail system. Since this tract is located within the Equestrian Overlay, it incorporates a 15-foot wide trail that is adjacent to all proposed lots along the north and east edge of the project area,which is required to be maintained by each property owner within the tract. The trail will have a vehicular access point at the northwest comer of the parcel, adjacent to Sapphire Street, and will connect to an existing trail located adjacent to the southeast comer of the parcel. In addition to the equestrian easement, a 4-foot wide drainage easement is provided in order to properly divert trail-adjacent drainage flows. The site was designed to follow the existing topography of the property. The conceptual grading plan indicates the perimeter of some of the lots will contain various slopes. Retaining walls are not proposed at this time, but may be necessary in the future depending on the size and placement of the homes as well as the front and rear yard designs. Lots 5 thru 7 contain various size slopes adjacent to the drainage facilities along the rear portion of these lots. Additional grading may be necessary to allow for adequate access to be provided between these lots and the equestrian trail and will be reviewed during the design review process which is required prior to residential development on these lots. Development of the site will require street improvements along Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane as well as the creation of a new cul-de-sac (B(ttany Court), which will run off of Brittany Lane and have a length of approximately 200 feet. Per the Engineering Department's review of the submitted plans, Sapphire Street (Collector Street) as well as Brittany Lane and Brittany Court(Local Streets) meet the City's street standards. Lastly, since the site does contain several trees throughout primarily the northwest portion of the parcel, staff is including a condition that will require a Tree Removal Permit to be approved for the removal of any heritage tree,which the Development Code defines as any tree in excess of thirty feet (30') in height and having a single trunk diameter of twenty inches (20"), prior to the issuance of a grading permit. B. Neighborhood Meeting: A neighborhood meeting for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18961 was conducted to gather input and comments from the owners of the surrounding properties within 660 feet of the site. The meeting was held in the multipurpose room at Floyd M. Stork Elementary School, located east of the proposed subdivision at 5646 Jasper Street on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. The following is a list of questions that were raised by the attending residents regarding the proposed project: ITLRA f17 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 3 QUESTIONS RESPONSES 1. Several years ago we experienced The applicant's engineer, Rob Otte, stated that their drainage problems where there is objective is to not negatively impact any surrounding an existing catch-basin in the properties. He also stated that this concern would be Brittany Lane cul-de-sac, which brought up with the Planning and Engineering caused flooding around the Departments to ensure that there would be no drainage improvements and within drainage issues. the front yard area.Will the drainage produced by this project affect the properties located within the cul-de- sac to the south? 2. We are concerned that the homes The applicant's representative, Mrs. Raszewski will not be consistent with our explained that the project only involves subdividing one neighborhood. How large are the parcel into seven parcels and does not involve a houses that are proposed and what request to construct houses. She also mentioned that do they look like? the City has specific design requirements, including a standard that requires 25 percent of all proposed single-family detached units to be single-story units,for future proposed residential development. 3. We do not want the project to The project planner explained that the property in eliminate the view that we currently question is located within the Very Low Residential have, because we believe this may District, which allows for half-acre lot single-family reduce the value of our homes. Will residential development with a maximum height of 35 future homes obstruct my view? feet. Staff also explained that the City currently does not have an ordinance in place to restrict/regulate development from obstructing existing views. 4. The homeowner located south of Mrs. Raszewski explained that they currently do not and adjacent to Lot 7 inquired about have plans to install fencing on the site, but stated future fencing that may be should her company move forward to propose future constructed along her northern development they will meet the City's fencing property line. requirements and will work with any neighbors to address their concerns. 5. Can the pad elevations for each lot Mrs. Raszewski explained that the applicant's civil be lowered? engineering has only provided the conceptual grading elevations for each lot, which may slightly change when the size of the future houses are determined. She stated that the proposed grading will not be a departure from the sites existing topography of the site. She also indicated that the proposed lot elevations are designed to maintain acceptable drainage flows. A second neighborhood meeting was held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Floyd M. Stork Elementary School. The intent of this meeting was to follow up with the surrounding residents and explain the progress that had occurred since the first neighborhood meeting. The applicant explained to all attending residents that the City's Technical, Trails Advisory and Design Review Committees reviewed this project and are recommending that the project be brought to the • Planning Commission for review. The applicant noted that the project's civil engineer, Rob Otte, had worked with the City's Engineering Department to resolve concerns regarding drainage impacts to the residential tract south of the subject property. Per the Engineering Department, ITEM D3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 4 a condition has been added to the attached conditions of approval requiring the applicant to provide calculations and install appropriate additional drainage inlet facilities as determined by the City Engineer at the south end of Brittany Lane. In addition to the neighborhood meetings, residents, sharing both support and opposition, contacted staff by phone. Most inquiries were directed towards the size and design of homes that could be built on the proposed lots. Staff responded that the site is located within the Very Low Residential District that allows for half-acre lot, single-family residential development. This District requires specific development standards that all lots must comply with, such as a maximum height allowance of 35 feet, maximum lot coverage allowance of 25 percent, and setbacks specified in Section 17.36 of the Development Code. Staff also explained that the City's Development Code requires proposed residential development to go through a review process, similar to the process that this project is currently going through, so that the City can review the architectural styles as well as building placements. There was one resident that stated they were in the process of assembling a petition to oppose this project ultimately stating that he felt this subdivision would not be consistent with the existing surrounding development. He also feared the future development of this site would lower the property value of his home, located just south of the proposed subdivision, and eliminate his current view of the mountains. Staff explained that the property in review is within a zoning district that allowed for half-acre lot residential development and is also consistent with the General Plan land use designation for this area.As of the preparation of this report, the Planning Department has not yet received any written statements in support or opposition of this project. C. Technical and Design Review Committee: The Technical and Design Review Committees reviewed the project on September 2, 2014. No issues were raised and the Committees recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission. D. Trails Advisory Committee: The Trails Advisory Committee (TRC) reviewed the project on October 8, 2014. The following is a list of questions asked by the TRC and responses discussed during this meeting: QUESTIONS RESPONSES 1. Does Lot 2 have sufficient The applicant's engineer, Rob Otte, agreed with the access to the equestrian trail Committee's concern and proposes to revise the map along the rear of the lot? to allow for adequate trail access for Lot 2(The attached tract map indicates that the map was revised to provide Lot 2 with adequate trail access along the rear lot line). 2. Is the V-ditch drainage along Mr. Otte explained that the trail adjacent V-ditch has the trail adequate to serve adequate slope and connection. He also explained that this tract? the V-ditch was recently revised, per staffs direction, from having a depth of 12 inches and a width of 2.5 feet to having a depth of 6 inches and a width of 4 feet. This was adjusted to create a safer trail experience. 3. When will the trail adjacent Staff explained that upon future residential development block walls be installed? of the site, block walls will be reviewed by staff as well as the Design Review Committee prior to being installed 4. Will a sidewalk be built along Mr. Otte explained that the project will incorporate Sapphire Street? improvements along Sapphire Street that will include the installation of a sidewalk. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 5 5. Will double gates be installed Staff explained that double gates will be a condition at the rear of each lot? placed on any future residential development of the site. 6. How will vehicular access be Staff explained that the applicant's engineer had provided at Sapphire Street recently provided staff with a graphic showing their plan for the trail? to provide a drive approach, gate and posts at the intersection of Sapphire Street for access to the trail. Following the discussion, staff presented a list of conditions that would mitigate the concerns of the committee, which are included in the conditions of approval attached to this report. The Committee recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission. E. Environmental Assessment: The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) because the project meets all of the requirements stated in the CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan and zoning designation and regulations, which allows for a density of two dwelling units per acre. The proposed development occurs within City limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. Based on field visits and a Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis (RECA) prepared by MIG on May 1, 2014 (Exhibit H), the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. Staff has also determined that approval of the project would not result in any significant effects • relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Furthermore, the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. With implementation of the standard conditions and all applicable regulatory requirements, such as the Migratory Bird Act, there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. Respectf ly submitted, Candy urnett Planning Director CB:DP/Is Attachments: Exhibit A—Aerial Map Exhibit B—Site Utilization Map Exhibit C—Tentative Tract Map Exhibit D—Conceptual Grading Plan Exhibit E — Design Review Committee comments Exhibit F—Trails Advisory Committee comments Exhibit G— Neighborhood Meeting notification and reports • Exhibit H — Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis Draft Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18961 with Conditions of Approval ITEM D5 , ,�-• _ 'I _ � %"I 1' Baia � ,r+� ) :'� '� 4.0 .ji .% I :. ;:��i 0.-.�-. - I -S tit r 1_h. i :4 I SITE die' of-. 6iI _y �u , '( r •.1 ;= ,s,r%.AbdoCe R •� ..+ - y '"lfc_w '� '._ -. J .+.+var -.+- <._ __. -�.-.A�114_..:.ria,y ��r. 1 i`,. 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Tentative Trail No.18961 •Rcm ee o ■u r . � b a In i .. . uj x87 ax:88 e fl; : � Do ZMI •—g = , R� ;c T Ci cz LMHH —j LU • a.w� b� � H SFW— fill I: n" fill , I� CVLJ I o IT r% ITEM D10 El -•--- .. :L - S..G:E FNP' ,AES,^,E..L:.. I L- ' _ lnwdY�0n0�1EMrMaME map.- FAW R :L7. a esaB - 5-- : _ ere .au --'------ _ tt - ismi5simij —�; FillveoseerwLa TE� +IrncOeeor!rlonaVll!p - — — - p� HAMY Te� LOT 4 roe®N umrww ... 71 _.... . _.. _ mlN+aprwasrerca �I' -' I �waw •V- � � m,@,�mo„oa„ c 1 LOT a 4.-_49f 1 .- !(XMSFEXISTaA . -- MOUSEAM MF- ql p I' )= it 26 LCITIS loll ra amm J LOT r. I _ C WADE is w O 22LOT 28W 8F ttnvro ( . 7, . 1 -___ b ......lr......la LOT 7 :s - --i f •,�n,w. w�wo�e-mO�lmeOeawl , � R i - l eEnarr w — ee!tm BtD IW •� — R t✓QIt�I1Ml tiooer , .. :.:,..�..:;�.:.: - - ......- ITITTARY 'L'IC 11F�:. . .•a.-:•� .... tAOrtE/rt - . _well !a ' ii .. _.. _ .. .. ._. _- IF v> •.. .. - u .� CU F:.:,I:::aRES10El:iL'. .-�- F' k. T— ..1 •.5. ILI 24 F:...w., REST ECTU:. •J J �— S S, reMNt $Valet A@—NITA w SUM NOTE PATON W suenr sm eeEPIC evaEpmnvmkmmeYeTBrMeTNlEO FIL"m Nouse aLOrter REVISIONS NDOAreer TOm !!rrwr w,vouanv.wraon MY OF RANCHO CUCAAIONOA 61187718881 AMALow4w4IEDG _ cell®gNOid OalsldureA �..� �!lb peq��0— Ir __- aata.rr.r..®.rr CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN �mna10eeemee�!mlereveoune wa �, .�. Tentative Tract No.18961 eNrt 24 ____ r K lA.n•11ppp.OL1 .• • aI -�_• V V _.�AglYr �Y MrI� •\�nM � 11M r.7 0 bM�rlr0® c II r V K .�/ A�IV.11Om/OQ K f I � 1I1J(III �r•�I�� em �A�1FY �.rr• oni�d AlA.r _ _ y m w �=� v K wrrn.w •m� I� e9 I A1rY' 10n— mwigea It 0'• MY Of R""40 CUC*MMcm SUB ��Vie:• _ tio•i� gs � Yao Grt66oiaaErG�ang is CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN Wim+• Tentative Tract No.18981 4 I 1 1s �L LOT 3 R LOT 4 3;E." 15 � 32 w I t7 VELOPE— CON=- Z ETIVEIOPE _�_ ` — b « �. DOTENTIAL AWING WALL t 8' J m.�.�.. veo�e.r n LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 11& CONCEPTUALT HOUSEAJ CONCEPTUAL CONCEPTUAL 21' 1NS.ePAD°t_ NOLISEHIVELAPE 1S �A y 1B 2ENVELOPE D N.SPAP 1S EXIST. RET.WALL se emna r. REVISIONS GTYOFRANCMOCUCAMONGA, SUfffflW81 CUSTOmwi—sLIBOMSION OiR4BERKneyowim 1. nn�r���V]p1 wu �sw TvnAftxagET101U1T0 RIGAOMpI�� CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN utor� m w°N°®°�°A°' "�'�""� Tentative Tract No.18961 +• IOTiY4OTBAg0. 4 4 DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS • 7:00 .m. P Dominick Perez September 2.2014 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 -TRACY RASZEWSKi FOR HOIKE,LLC-A one existing 4.75-acne parcel Into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the V Low to Residential si subdivide Zoning District,located at the northeast comer of Sapphire Street and & tany Lane-APN 1061-agI 41 This project Is categorically exempt per Section 15332 (In-FUI pevelopment Projects) of the California Environmental Quality Ad and the City CEOA Guidelines. It Is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project Includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. Aeslcn Parameters: The site, which has an existing single-family residence located In the northwest quadrant of the site, generally slopes from north to south and contains multiple trees that sumwnd the residence as well as light ground vegetation throughout the remainder of the Property. The site is surrounded to the north,south,and west by existing single-family residences;and to the east Is surrounded by Floyd M. Stork Elementary School. The project Invohres the subdivision of an existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels for future residential development. The site Is located within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very-Low District, which requires the proposed (a)in ur Residential Zoning 20,000 P Pied m meet certain standards, inducting a minimum lot alma of square feet, an average lot size of 22,500 square feet, as well as minimum lot wkkh and depth requirements specified In Section 17.38 of the Development Code,all of which this Project complies with. The subdivision involves the creation of lots ranging in size from 21,780 to 40,000 square feet. The project also Includes a 15 foot wide equestrian trall that Is adjacent to aU krts within the subject tract as well as necessary drainage Future events adjacent to the tratls in order to Property divert drainage flows Sapphire Street and Brit" of the site will require additional street Improvements along run off of B rfttany lane as wen as the creation of a neer ail-d sac(Brittany Court),which will Brittany Lane and have a length of appnndmately 200 feet. NeiahborFaod. Masora: The applicant has scheduled a neighborhood meeting for Wednesday, August 20,2014,which will be held at Floyd M. Stork Elementary Scholl(follows the report] Notification of the meeting was sent by the applicant t all m Preparation'of this of the site. As of the date of the preparation of this report,Planning Perp/owners within a 660foot radius by two neighboring residents;one expressed support9 Department staff has been contacted neighbor with concerns had comments and one expressed opposition of this prefect. The OW the project ma regarding the type of future development of the site,Increased traffic Y fig. drainage flows from the project site to the south, and view obstruction of the existing properties to the south. Staff Comments: The following comments are Intended to provide an outline for COmmiftee discussion. Ise None. ftff RecommendWarc StBff recommends that the Design Review Committee approve thepreject and forward the Projed on to the Planning Commission for final a • Pproval. Deslnn Review Committer M: The Committee discussed the project w well as concerns brought off-este drainage to the bw kid to the south and ppo� cO�rea pad ale hWftod meeting, inducting adding recommended approval of the project. noeptual pad elevations, The Committee Members Present: Fletcher, Oaxaca, and Granger Staff Planner: Dominick Perez • FY141RIT F ITEM D14 TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE COMMENT SHEET September 10, 2014 and October 8, 2014 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 -TRACY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC-A request to subdivide one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane-APN: 1061-691-04. This project is categorically exempt per Section 15332(In-Fill Development Projects)of the California Environmental Quality Act and the City CEQA Guidelines. It is a Class 32 categorical exemption because the project includes in-fill development consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and regulations. Site Characteristics: The site, which has an existing single-family residence located in the northwest quadrant of the parcel,generally slopes from north to south and contains multiple trees that surround the residence as well as light ground vegetation throughout the remainder of the property. The site is surrounded to the north, south and west by existing single-family residences on half-acre minimum lots, and is surrounded to the east by Floyd M. Stork Elementary School. The residential tracts to the north and south incorporate equestrian trails throughout both developments. Design Parameters: The site is located within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very-Low (VL) Residential Zoning District, which requires the proposed subdivision to meet certain standards, including the incorporation of local feeder trails throughout the project. The trails have been designed to be 15 feet in width and located to allow access from the side and/or rear of each lot. As previously mentioned the existing residential communities to the north and south contain feeder trails that are consistent with the proposed trails. The trails will generally conform to the existing topography of the site which has a gradual slope from north to south. The project also incorporates drainage improvements adjacent to the proposed trails. The attached Tentative Tract Map indicates the conceptual corral location on Lots 2 through 6, which is a requirement per Section 17.122.010 of the Development Code. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Trails Advisory Committee members review the proposed Tentative Tract Map and recommend approval to the Planning Commission for final approval with the following conditions: 1. A copy of the revised Map showing the conceptual corral locations with correct dimensions on all lots (per Development Code Section 17.122.010) shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to the Final Map Recordation. Staff Planner Dominick Perez,Assistant Planner Attachments: A—Aerial Map B—Proposed Tentative Tract Map C—Conceptual Grading Plan (Pages 1 —4) NOTE: Full size plans will be delivered to the Committee members Trails Advisory Committee Action: Major Issues/Questions: • Extension of trail to Lot 2. • Draining V-ditch drain correctly? • Bring back wall with project. • Sidewalk improvements. • Double gates for lots. EXHIBIT F • You are invited to a Neighborhood hborhood Meeting to You are welcome to attend a neighborhood Meeting in ordermenta address questions or comments regarding the proposed development: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TTM 18961 — HOIKE, LP: a request to subdivide existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within a Very Low (VL) et one ex g here Street Residential District, located at the northeast corner of Sapp and Brittany Lane —APN: 1061-691-04 August 20, 2013 6:00— 7:30 pm Meeting Location: Floyd M. Stork Elementary School 5646 Jasper Street Alta Loma, CA 91701 Contact Information Developer: Hoike, LP 3185 Airway Avenue, Suite F2 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Tracey Raszewski —traceypgcaland.com (714) 210. -8850 x27 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department ' Dominick Perez — Dominick.perez@cityofrc.us (909) 477-2750 ext. 4315 EXHIBIT G ITEM D16 You are invited to a Follow-up Neighborhood Meeting You are welcome to attend the follow up meeting in order to address questions or comments regarding the proposed development that was originally discussed on August 20, 2014: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TTM 18961— HOIKE, LP: a request to subdivide one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential District, located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane—APN: 1061-691-04 Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:00—7:30 pm Meeting Location: Floyd M. Stork Elementary School Multipurpose Room 5646 Jasper Street Alta Loma, CA 91701 Contact information Developer: Hoike, LP 1300 Quail Street, Suite 108 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tracey Raszewski—tracey(-@gcaland.com (949) 412-2807 City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department Dominick Perez—Dominick.perez@cityofrc.us CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMON(;) (909) 477-2750 ext. 4315 OCT 0 8 1014 Wrnwn . PI ANNINr 0/6/2014 Floyd M.Stork Elementary School-Google Maps /,vnTM/tn Floyd M.Stork Elementary School (909)4"5D60 della vista Or Bella Vuta Dr Cr4°Ileru U+ so 3 reviews Midden Faint Rd ti is Senda Rd la Senda Rd CitaUnn Ct Strang In ; m Vlcara Do Vtcara of n 10 " .�. Gadd" wh6daway St Whalawar$t' . rn y -4 ' zstn ,t Prp ject Site. r �' Camellia Ct v°tom vew St a Meeting Lqcation $ r, \ICA Rd Hillt:ide Rd . .. t v Hillside Rd M d e -Otdtard St Orchard St Rancho St t?i c / lieritaye Rancho Sl ' > Floyd M.Stork Xommwtiry Park BeeeUood Or S�10a Beechwo�Ot r 24th St PInet St Jennel S! MistatW Wilson Ave 00 Tlar% 10 Sharp Or Y i` Nred SI &rU+ant In '< y 4�antariita Dr Gardenia Ave Roselxw St /� .. Manranaa Do PumabS, / " Golden St RoutwdSt S++nfidwer St y Swilluwer St � a � o m ^ Brnyan St A Banyan St Banyan St Pi,tta and St Paul Map data 02014 Ctptd1p6611od Ips://www.9oogle,com/maps/place/Floyd+M.+Stork+Elementary+Scher®34.152261,-117.621667,15z/dala=14m213m111 sOx8Oc3373da3ba2a43:Ox69086Ob633c8h748 _._ Hotke, CP October 24,2014 Dominick Perez Associate Planner Community Development-Planning City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O.Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga,CA. 91729-0807 Subject: Tentative Track Map TTM 18961—August 20,2014 Neighborhood Meeting Summary Dear Mr. Perez. Below is the summary of the neighborhood meeting that was held on August 20,2014 from 6:00 pm to 7:30pm for application TTM 19861 which is a request to subdivide one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overly of the Very.Low(VL)Residential District,located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittney Lane—APN: 1061-691-04. Along with this letter we have attached the meeting invitation,the development handouts and the neighborhood sign in sheet. Below is a list of concerns with responses brought up by the neighbors that attended the meeting. 1. Can certain lots be required to be 1-story only to lessen the impact on the existing neighbor's views? Response: The city requires 25%of the lots to be limited to I-story homes. Lot 1 has an existing home on it which is a 1 story. We agreed to work with the neighbors to provide 2 to 3 additional I-story homes.Most likely lots 2, 7 and lot 5 could be 1 story. These are the lots adjacent to the two homeowners that attended the meeting and live adjacent to those lots. We will work with our grading contractor, civil engineer and architect to determine if any other lots would be too challenging to fit a 1-story on and meet all city requirements. In general we are not opposed to 1- story homes in this area, but since we are not the property owner or guaranteed homebuilder we do not feel comfortable limiting the property owner at the tentative map stage and believe these details can be worked out with staff during the development review process for the architecture. 2. What kind of fence will be required along lot 7 where the existing homeowner has her fence now? Response: We will meet all city requirements regarding fencing and work with any neighbors during construction to address their concerns 3. Will the development of the property increase the storm water runoff already going to the existing catch basin at the cul-de-sac in Brittany Lane? iTenn nIa ® Response According to our Civil Engineer the city approved drainage plan indicates that there is capacity in the storm drain. The plans show that during a /00 year storm, the pipe will flow only half-full and that study took into consideration this property being developed. This study was also prior to the new on-site water retention requirements. Therefore, we are mitigating the concern by meeting the on-site water retention requirements per current requirements. 4. Can the pad elevations and slopes reflected on the conceptual grading plan be lowered? Response: According to our Civil Engineer it is important to note that the project does not propose pad elevations at this stage. Building envelopes and pad elevations are included on the Conceptual Grading Plan to demonstrate a feasible solution,per the requirements of the cin,at the Tentative Map application process. The pads that are shown were generally selected to balance cut and fill within each lot where possible, confonn to the grading ordinance, and maintain positive flow toward the street. The slopes shown along the streets are proposed to meet the current elevation of the properly. As if the streets were cut without any grading at all on the lots. This is just to demonstrate it is feasible to construct the street to provide access to the lots without actually grading these lots. Attachments: Neighborhood Meeting Notice of Invitation Meeting Location Map Mailing List Copy of Postage Receipt Dated August 5, 2014 Meeting Sign-in Sheet Handouts: • Tentative Map No. 18961,2 pages Conceptual Drainage Plan,4 pages 1300 Quail-Street, Suite 1o8 _Newport Bead,, C.A 9266o 714-987-2213 ITEM D20 Hotke, CP October 24,2014 Dominick Perez Associate Planner Community Development-Planning City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91729-0807 Subject: Tentative Track Map TTM 19861-October 21,2014 Follow-up Neighborhood Meeting Summary Dear Mr.Perez. Below is the summary of the follow-up neighborhood meeting that was held on October 21,2014 from 6:00 pm to 7:30pm for application TTM 19861 which is a request to subdivide one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overly of the Very Low(VL)Residential District,located at the northeast comer of Sapphire Street and Brittney Lane—APM 1061- 691-04. Along with this letter we have attached the meeting invitation,the development handouts and the neighborhood sign in sheet. Below is a list of concerns with responses brought up by the neighbors that attended the meeting. 1. What is the intent of the development? Response: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the current property owner's land so that they can continue to live in their home and sell off the 6 remaining lots. It is not the intent of the applicant to build out the project at this time. 2. How will each residential lot be required to be reviewed by the City? Response: The project would be required to complete a design review process required by the city. The design review process was explained to let the neighbors know that if the application is for 5 or more lots it is required to go through the City's public hearing process. If it is less than the application will be review at an administration level and that review will be tied to this application along with the concerns of the public. 3. When will the review of development take place?What is the process of continued development if approved?When would construction.start? Response: The review process does not take place until the applicant submits an application for design review to the planning department. An approved Tentative Map is valid for up to 36 months with the possibility of being granted extensions. It was additionally explained the City protects the intent of the development shown on this application after design review has been completed with their bonding process. ® 4. Is anyone, other er than the current applicant,interested in purchasing the property to build it out? Response: Yes, there has been some interest, but no offers have been submitted. 5. Where is the additional width of the bridal trail coming from?What will happen to the existing easement? Response: The additional width is a requirement by the City to match the exiting width of the trail adjacent to the propem?. The current 15'easement for the trail will remain as is. The additional 15'of the bridal trail is coming from this property. 6. There currently is Utility Poles located north on the property,what is the plan for those utility poles and how is the project going to be serviced. Response: The utility pules located to the north will remain as is. New utility service will come south from Sapphire and turn east on northerly portion of Brittney Lane. 7. Are these lots going septic or public sewer? Response: The lots will all have septic service Attachments: • Neighborhood Meeting Notice of Invitation Meeting Location Map Mailing List Copy of Postage Receipt Dated October 21,2014 Meeting Sign-in Sheet Handouts: Tentative Map No. 18961,2 pages Conceptual Drainage Plan,4 pages 1300 ZuadStreet, Suite 108 :Newport Beach, Cil,92660 714-987-2213 ITEM D22 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Rapid Environmental onmenta/Constraints Analysis(RECA) F id Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA)provides a basic overview of otential naturociated with a property. This form provides information utilizin antal and al bases(such as,United States Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS)CriitialrHabitat maps, land Inventory(NWI),United States Geological Society(USGS)quadrangle maps)and a review of available aerial photography. This information is subject to limitation set forth on this form (see Terms and Conditions). On-site surveys are required to confirm these findings and/or to submit information to public agencies. For additional information,please contact Laura Moran (501)845-7549, lauram@MlGcorp.com 1'T'( 'U 'n,ll.i'lzI�"..lllx _... ... �r�° �,y:,�;4'rri.��.i•!,.te7 r:.:. r``•X7554.:`,.:s.:,.�,r..—:�,.'::w•,_i"r^r.:��''i.�`''rl;,.:r':::r r,;�i.='i,w'.'..�.: r'r:.3 P� 9t ;:Y -',...�:y,,U:..-.' ,.:^...'�•.r.£'"1,y.:��:r, �:;x>::--Property Owner's Name LLC City,County: •, , »:•_...:.:,ap,.; Rancho Cucamonga, and Property Address: 3185 Airway Avenue, San Bernardino Suite F-2 Costa Mesa,CA 92626-4619 Latitude/Longitude/Parcel APN 1061-691-04 Number Approximate Acreage: 5.12 IVs j ?? '•` ;, ", fs ti:i tom!«i:Ly t.{'' '.a:':.�•aiiir` :,yic:.r�': �,.,��'r, ', .•t: Attached Fig. .. .: : _Tri. . -x-.. ,�,� .,:�:c:•�;;�; ures X Aerial Photograph 0 Topographic Map 0 Potential Sensitive Habitat(wetland,water,riparian features) ❑ Critical Habitat for Federally listed species 0 Cultural or Historical Resources X NRCS Soils Map X Other:CNDDB Map;Site Vegetation Map Environmental Resources Identified On-Site: ❑ Wetlands ❑ Hydric Soils 0 Streams,lakes or ponds ❑ Riparian habitat 0 USGS mapped streams 0 Critical habitat for federally endangered species 0 Special status plant and/or wildlife species:documented occurrence within the property 0 Other(other potential issues may include sensitive and/or rare habitats) NRCS soils locate - d on site include:No hydric soils noted on site. Spc-Soboba stony loamy sand,2 to 9 percent slopes i 1 EXHIBIT H ITEM D23 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Cultural Resources located on-site include: A review of the National Register of Historic Places did not identify any cultural resources on the Subject Site.Only one site is listed within the City of Rancho Cucamonga, located approximately 6 miles southeast of the project site(Pacific Electric Etiwanda Depot,7092 Etiwanda Avenue). A list of sites included on the National Register of Historic Places can be found at the following website: http://www.nps.gov/nr/research/ Special status plant and wildlife species with potential determined by federal and/or state natural resource databases: There county of interest as There are twelve federally endangered species,two federally threatened species,and one proposed threatened species with the potential to occur within the nine quadrangle area around the Rancho Cucamonga study site.Additionally,there are ten state endangered and one state threatened species within the same study location. Special status species known to occur in the vicinity of the project are associated with the Cucamonga Canyon and associated drainages/habitats and are not expected to occur at the project site. Table 1.Federal and state listed species with potential to occur in the following quadrangles: Cajon, Cucamonga Peak, Devore,Fontana,Guasti,Mt.Baldy,Mt.San Antonio,Ontario,and Telegraph Peak - Species Listing Status" Scientific Name Common Name Federal State Amp iblans. Anaxyrus californicus arroyo toad E SSC Rana muscosa southern mountain yellow- E E SSC legged frog Batrachoseps gabrieli San Gabriel slender salamander Taricha torosa Coast Range newt — SSC Birds Asio otus long-eared owl -- SSC Empidonax traillii extimus southwestern willow flycatcher E E Dendroica petechia yellow warbler -- SSC brewsteri Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo E E I� 2 Ir a Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) E lifornica coastal California gnatcatcher T SSC ularia burrowing owl SSC za belli belli Bell's sage sparrowlor tricolored blackbird l� SSC Cypseloides niger black swift a -- ssc Aimophila ruficeps southern California rufous- canescens crowned sparrow _ 0 Bute 1 swainsoni Swainson's hawk -- 7 Coccyzus americanus western yellow-billed cuckoo occidentalis Proposed E Threatened Fish Rhinichthys osculus ssp.3 Santa Ana speckled dace SSC Siphateles bicolor Mohave tui chub mohavensis E E Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker T SSC Gila orcuttii arroyo chub SSC Mammals Taxidea taxus American badger SSC Dipodomys merriami San Bernardino kangaroo rat parvus E SSC Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat a SSC Ovis canadensis nelsoni desert bighorn sheep Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwestern San Diego pocket __ mouse SSC Lasiurus xanthinus western yellow bat SSC 3 ITEM D25 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Lepus californicus bennettii San Diego black-tailed __ SSC jackrabbit Neotoma lepida San Diego desert woodrat -- SSC Qintermedia Perognathus longimembris Los Angeles pocket mouse -- SSC brevinasus Chaetodipus fallax pallidus pallid San Diego pocket mouse — SSC Chaetodipus fallax fallax northwestern San Diego pocket — SSC mouse Nyctinomops pocketed free-tailed bat -- SSC femorosaccus Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat Microtus californicus south coast marsh vole -- SSC stephensi Neotamias speciosus lodgepole chipmunk speciosus Reptiles Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard — SSC Aspidoscelis tigris coastal whiptail stejnegeri Thamnophis hammondii two-striped garter snake -- SSC Lampropeltis zonata California mountain kingsnake — SSC (parvirubra) (San Bernardino population) Anniella pulchra pulchra silvery legless lizard — SSC Charina trivirgata rosy boa Invertebrates Rhaphiomidas terminatus Delhi Sands flower-loving fly E -- abdominalis J 4 ITEM n7l; Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Cicindela tranquebarica greenest tiger beetle viridissima Callophrys mossii hidakupa San Gabriel Mountains elfin butterfly Plebejus saepiolus aureolus San Gabriel Mountains blue butterfly Diplectrona californica California diplectronan caddisfly Plants- Canbya candida white pygmy-poppy Heuchera parishii Parish's alumroot aOpuntia basilaris var. shortjoint beavertail brachyclada Asclepias nyctaginifolia Mojave milkweed Dodecahema leptoceras slender-horned spineflower E Q E Chorizanthe xanti var. white-bra-ted spineflower leucotheca Symphyotrichum San Bernardino aster defoliatum Claytonia lanceolata var. p ei rson s spring beauty peirsonii Horkelia cuneata var. mesa horkelia puberula Oreonana vestita woolly mountain-parsley _ p ey _ Arctostaphylos glandulosa San Gabriel manzanita -- _- ssp.gabrielensis Monardella australis ssp. Jokerst's monardella jokerstii Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mountains jewelflower 5 ITEM D27 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) FEriogonu7mmic77 ry's spineflower — -- L rothnston's buckwheat var.johnstonii — -- Linanthus concinnus San Gabriel Iinanthus Ambrosia monogyra singlewhorl burrobrush _ Lycium parishii Parish's desert-thorn Eriastrum densifolium ssp. Santa Ana River woollystar sanctorum E E Q Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort E E Lepidium virginicum var. Robinson's pepper-grass robinsonii — — Senecio aphanactis chaparral ragwort Chloropyron maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak jssp.maritimum E E Monardella pringlei Pringle's monardella Phacelia stellaris Brand's star phacelia Navarretia prostrata prostrate vernal pool navarretia Thysanocarpus rigidus rigid fringepod Dudleya multicaulis many-stemmed dudleya Monardella macrantha ssp. Hall's monardella hallii _- Orobanche valida ssp. Rock Creek broomrape valida Berberis hevinii Nevin's barberry E E QSymphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster Astragalus leucolobus Big Bear Valley woollypod 6 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Lupinus peirsonii Peirson's lupine Nemacladus secundifloru s Robbins nemacladus var. robbinsii Astragalus lentiginosus var. San Antonio milk-vetch antonius 1 Oxytropis oreophila var. rock-loving oxytro e P oreophila Parnassia cirrata var. San Bernardino grass-of Y cirrata Parnassus Lewisia brachycalyx short-sepaled lewisia _ Sidalcea neomexicana Salt Spring checkerbloom Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii Los Angeles sunflower Botrychium crenulatum scalloped moonwort Botrychium minganense mingan moonwort Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa-lily Schoenus nigricans black bog-rush Q Calochortus palmeri var. Palmer's mariposa-lily f palmeri Sagittaria sanfordii Sanford's arrowhead Lilium parryi lemon lily Sphenopholis obtusata prairie wedge grass QMuhlenbergia californica California muhly Cladium californicum California saw-grass Calochortus clavat is var. slender mariposa-lily gracilis luncus nodosus knotted rush _ 7 ITEM D29 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) Carex occidentaliswestern sedge FOOTNOTES 1) Listing status codes are:E=endangered,T=threatened,C=candidate, SSC=species of special concern. 2) Source of federal and state listing:California Natural Diversity Database httP:Himaps.dfg.ca.gov/viewers/CNDDB_QuitkViewer/list county_species.asp A field visit to the project site (APN 1061-691-04) was conducted on May 1, 2014 by biologist Laura Moran (Director of Ecosystem Restoration Services, MIG) and Savannah Richards (Project Assistant, MIG). The field visit was conducted to assess the existing conditions of the project site, including characterizing and delineating the vegetation communities and associated wildlife habitats and evaluating the potential for these habitats to support special-status species and sensitive communities. It was determined that existing on-site vegetation consists of Eucalyptus trees located in the northeast portion of the site, an Elderberry tree located in the central portion of the site, a stand of Yerba Santa located near the southeast comer, pine trees and various ornamental plants located along the site's eastern boundary, and mustard and Datura located in the southeast corner. The western and central portion of the site is characterized by ruderal plants such as Erodium (see Figure 5, Vegetation Map). Representative photographs of the project site we taken during the field visit and are included in this report along with a photo location map (see Figure 6, Photo Location Map). Plant and animal occurrences documented by the California Natural Diversity Database are identified on Figure 4, CNDDB Plants/Wildlife, respectively. Special status plant and wildlife species with documented occurrences in the vicinity of the Subject Site: No special status plants or animals were identified in the CNDDB database as occurring on the Subject Site. The following provides information for species observed within one mile of the Subject Site during the field survey: Plants:None Critical Habitat.,None Wildlife:None 'R.OTENTIAE=EIfIVtRE�N11AEl`ET '" .Y;. .� .:: :. The following Environmental resource permits and approvals may be necessary based on a review of potential biological resources identified in data sources: 0 Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit 0 CWA Section 401 Certification(state and/or EPA) X Other: clearance surveys for nesting birds prior to any site disturbance in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife Code. 8 � Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) ® Carex occidentalis western sedge -- -- CITES sting status codes are: E=endangered,T=threatened,C=candidate,SSC=spe f special ern. 2) So f federal and state listing: California Natural Diversity Database http: s.dfg.ca.gov/viewers/CNDDB_QuickViewer/list_county_spe ' p Special status pla wildlife species with documented occurrences in icinity of the Subject Site: No special status plants als were identified in the CNDDB dat as occurring on the Subject Site. The following provides informa r species observed withi le of the Subject Site. Plants:None Critical Habitat:None Wildlife:None. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE P ® The following Environmental resource is and ap Is may be necessary based on a review of potential biological resources identif data sources: ❑ Corps of Engineers Section 404 t ❑ CWA Section 401 Certificatio to and/or EPA) X Other: clearance surveys sting birds prior to any site distur in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Ad Dept of Fish and Wildlife Code. RECOMMENDATION Potential future es: ❑ Formal d ion of wetlands and waters of the U.S. ❑ On-sit gical resources assessment ❑ Anal f previous studies within property, if such studies exist X A s of local ordinances potentially applicable to development on the property ❑ plant surveys ildlife surveys TERMS AND CONDITIONS This report is a reconnaissance level electronic investigation of the property site and is not a substitute for more extensive and necessary field work. It is meant to provide the Client with a general assessment of potential Environmental issues based on interpretation of the most current electronic data that we found.This report is not a"Corps Jurisdictional Wetland and Waters Delineation"and should not be interpreted as such.This report is meant to provide general information on the potential presence of • sensitive species and habitats and is not a formal assessment that may be required for project approval 8 15 p31 i + Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) l by any local,state,or federal agency. Relevant information such as species occurrences and regulatory ' requirements are dated and change regularly and thus should not be relied upon as a final determination. The data resources utilized for the publication of this report do not provide a complete biological inventory for any property site. These resources include, but are not limited to:CNDDB*,State resource agency electronic inventory records,NWI records, USGS topographic quadrangle maps,NRCS soils data, FEMA flood data,and ArcGIS aerial images.For many sites a field visit,formal assessment and consultation with the appropriate agency may be required in order to determine the presence of sensitive species or resources.This report is only intended to be used by the client as a snapshot of the potential Environmental issues associated with a property to better aid preliminary property engineering and design decisions.This report may also be useful to ascertain the need for future biological studies to satisfy regulatory requirements. Potential permits and approvals and recommended additional studies are dependent upon the specific project description.The Recommendations section is meant to give the Client a broader understanding of the regulatory framework and requirements that may apply to the property based on our interpretation of data considered.Though the information provided is relatively general, MIG staff are available to answer specific questions regarding-the potential Environmental issues and potential regulatory requirements that may be associated with the property. MIG is qualified and available to advise on regulatory and permitting issues as published in federal and state regulatory notices, however,the Client is advised to also consult with their independent legal counsel to interpret recent statutory,administrative and decisional authority as they relate to wetlands and endangered species compliance.The Client's legal counsel should also be consulted for action(s) that may involve any activities required prior to permit issuance.A landowner assumes responsibility for all actions conducted on the land that may lead to enforcement actions by federal or state government or regulatory agencies.All parties understand that the regulatory and legal Environmental for this type of project are constantly changing and that concerns expressed.by governing agencies and the public cannot be predicted as they relate to the proposed project. MIG is not responsible for unforeseen circumstances that may require additional field work,agency consultation and/or public hearings. MIG is available to assist you in resolving such issues that may arise,and can provide the Client with a formal scope of work and cost estimate for identified tasks. Any and all work product related to this Report or the assessments contained therein are confidential and are prepared for the Client's use only.All such aforementioned work product may not be distributed,copied,or utilized in any manner other than to provide an overview of potential Environmental issues associated with the subject property.Any other uses of the work product related to the assessments are strictly prohibited. MIG will not be held liable for unapproved use of its work product. This work product is subject to the Client's acceptance of MIG's General Terms and Conditions, including limits of liability, provided under separate cover. *The California Natural Diversity Database(CNDDB)is a"natural heritage program"and is part of a nationwide network of programs overseen by NatureServe(formerly part of The Nature Conservancy). NDDB data are available in a variety of ways. MIG's Geographic Information Systems(GIS)technicians use electronic files received from the CNDDB dataset to create the different colored occurrence locations depicted on the map.These polygons are rarely precise species occurrence locations and may 9. WOM D,3a- Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) i vary widely in size and shape.Because the locational information is not always precise,the size of the circles represents a range in which the species may be found in that particular location;however,this information must be verified if suitable habitat is present on your site.linear features generally indicate location within a riparian or stream corridor.Sensitive species information also may not be disclosed for some species to prevent illegal collection. In addition,it cannot be assumed that no rare,endangered, or special status species are located in an area if a CNDDB query did not produce an occurrence on the map or in documented occurrence data. • 10 p�3 Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) GLOSSARY Term Definition Blue Line Stream A perennial or intermittent stream so designated and delineated by U.S.G.S. as shown as solid or dash-dot blue line on a quadrangle map.Generally identifies streams considered to be habitat for fish and aquatic organisms. California Natural The CNDDB is a program that inventories the status and locations of rare Diversity plants and animals.CNDDB staff work with partners to maintain current Database(CNDDB) lists of rare species as well as maintain an ever-growing database of mapped locations for these species. Electronic data is available through .NatureServe and/or state natural resource agencies. Critical Habitat Specific geographic areas,whether occupied by listed species or not,that Are determined to be essential for the conservation and management of listed species,and that have been formally described in the Federal Register. Endangered The classification provided to an animal or plant in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Hydric Soils A soil that formed under conditions of saturation,flooding or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. Jurisdictional Wetland A jurisdictional wetland and waters delineation is a focused evaluation of and Waters Delineation indicators of wetlands and waters within a property.The methods used are based on the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual ("Corps Manual"; Environmental Laboratory 1987)and appropriate Regional Supplements to the Corps Manual(i.e,Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation manual:Mid West Region V2). Jurisdictional The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(Corps)regulates"Waters of the United Wetland/Waters States"under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act."Waters of the U.S."are defined broadly as waters susceptible to use in commerce, including interstate waters and wetlands,all other waters(intrastate water bodies, including wetlands),and their tributaries(33 CFR 328.3).Potential wetland areas,according to the three criteria used to delineate wetlands stated in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory 1987),are identified by the presence of(1)hydrophytic vegetation, (2)hydric soils,and (3)wetland hydrology. Areas that are inundated for sufficient duration and depth to exclude growth of hydrophytic vegetation are subject to Section 404 jurisdiction as"other waters"and are often characterized by"an ordinary high water mark (OHWM).Other waters,for example,generally include lakes,rivers,and streams.The placement of fill material into"Waters of the U.S." (including wetlands)generally requires an individual or nationwide permit from the Corps under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. NWI-National Wetlands The National Wetlands Inventory(NWI)of the U.S. Fish&Wildlife Service inventory produces information on the characteristics,extent,and status of the Nation's wetlands and deepwater habitats.The National Wetlands Inventory information is used by Federal,State,and local agencies, academic institutions,U.S.Congress,and the private sector.Congressional MIG p �3u I Privileged and Confidential Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis(RECA) I GLOSSARY Term Definition mandates in the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act require the Service to map wetlands,and to digitize,archive and distribute the maps. Protocol-level This term is used to refer to assessments or surveys that are done following specific regulatory agency guidance and that are suitable for submittal to the appropriate agency. Riparian Refers to the area or subsequent vegetation adjacent to a waterway such as a stream or river. Sensitive Species A species of plant or animal that is rare,threatened or endangered and warrants protection by the state or federal government.This term includes fully protected species and state and federal threatened and endangered species. Threatened The classification provided to an animal or plant likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Wetland For regulatory purposes under the Clean Water Act,the term wetlands means"those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support,and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.Wetlands generally include swamps,marshes, bogs and similar areas." • 12 MIG a-as, I I d z0 , 1,!Y o P30 I Project LocatidAi, V� L 21 avy$Park all 01hill ammm�EoothilliFw I I q 'Lit. rV 7 Regional I r6 rx,-'71im iV41.1i r") ZJCA U) Id. Jr 1,H, and I'virithp C"ai 1,91N Wild wmtitir Capistrano • Insi,Price Sees yd M 5i�k All., Eletiwvwy U.-elle Sil tw WWI F s. 1'hongnpq Project Site A jet,let St 1. leSere't It, -111,TO Gem G CT W CrM So,rc,�:Goo,la,'Aaps,'-)i4 Vicinity rh 11t1p://v;_%o..n1gcum.,n-9rl-787-92?? Figure 1 . Regionaland Vicinity Map Hogie-Ireliand Tentative Tract Map 18961 Rancho Cucamonga,California 111 -6 _ IAMB. • I ' • . • :•• VA .... o • �� ............•'�� lik 'V"'?'iw Y' --+xv' - - •+ "�-<w • 'sem �+� � -f ,,., tot 4b 417 �• .�� 1R' _ '�+ !P' a » '"-fi.. 6 1�} !aft M } •, rr � .. � .rte• '!- • �. - � •y. � � s �3 •I f / all A1':,-:0 Filly•?'St7`:���`r:]tJ •1 J ,r•. �r .}x / Project Site } 1 i J J•.' r ��XJylr4 AI:`4�rU•t:931t1i!137'G-: //J r/ r //i/f/�/// X. .n•, f sir r, !1 .! i, nn•: :',!' f �:IA6nLE .i I,f►:rFr t •.. ._ na'it rek',,a Na Not to Scale Plant(80m) . Terrestrial Comm.(80m) ® Plant(specific) ® Terrestrial Comm. (specific) ® Plant(non-specific) ® Terrestrial Comm.(non-specific) C] Plant(circular) 0 Terrestrial Comm.(circular) Multiple(80m) Animal(80m) Aquatic Comm. (80m) % Multiple(specific) ® Animal(specific) ® Aquatic Comm.(specific) Multiple(non-specific) ® Animal(non-specific) ® Aquatic Comm.(non-specific) Multiple(circular) 0 Animal(circular) Aquatic Comm. (circular) Sensitive EO's(Commercial only) Figure 4. CNDDB Plants/Wildlife Mr r_ogl ireland Tentative Tract Map 18961 Q Rancho Cucamonga, California 94. A w � tib,.�' - '�_ _� � -,._-� p �".•�s97r�'aa - 4 R-M4.! _�+' ".f�I� 77 Brittany Ln � M t • .• • Alop twu .'.sm � y.,y,�•_� .. � c. �• � ta. eL t '!rte:. � �•4 c+ w. OF Uad owl •t• _ - :• t •®� •' - -Mir`'" �i7'-F M• till tat • �4�Z t✓ � `�'iA�Z'%^-fr 'T���/ .. � , r I III 7 I I • II I 1 / 46* .r ♦ �. q .fir, _ x 0 Facing east (D Facing west 'f. t i w�, ti L fin.? ��':� 's•1.. Q Facing northwest ® Facing north Auk- { �.•.".� rlc �� r j�"ice �� ti1Y- 4 + l'. $ fit+.: .�•k�-•- ~'f�,�. '� r �'1 l�� �.r � �.2.4i' ; • '�sir`..f' i?:• 50 Facing northwest 0 Facing west nP,,,n�m, «o�om•Ys,_rer-�, Site Photographs Hoe-lreland J a t - - -- - Tentative Tract Map 18961 h Rancho Cucamonga,California —•• r y� �. �.'� �)�r,'. �S,fF. .ate; � � 1` K._ r-r,• `a# a•�6 r t 4� � R� P f r IN f s f4 fg �r. T� `' �a.r �.� 'y! :C:� VMS" :,3 • • ��. .Y•. �_ .;►x , Q Ground squirrel burrows ® Facing west x Ilka � r .� a`r., l./K+,71 4t '"r °"- SKr t'•'"i Facing north (:j Facing southeast 1 f Facing northeast 1z r acn east hr.?//v.�,w.migcom.cc:n•951787-9T12 Site Photographs Hoole-Ireland -�3 Tentative Tract Map 18961 Rancho Cucamonga, California -r.y� •l �Ifil.�P"2R a1a1�'�J'�p'W'E..` I.cIYy ✓ r 4; r { ` ' 4 ♦ zy i r � ter: c' Facing southeast 14 Facing south s - 7 Facing east 6 »� ' ✓ A JA, �:. Ali +4'-,. Y►' .. .r �^" ' it i-acing north i8 Facing northeast hr „ 951-M-9222 Site Photographs Hogle-Ireland Tentative Tract Map 18961 Rancho Cucamonga,California _ s :saw.•:. - �i+ Alt AL AL roti rte' • • RESOLUTION NO. 14-49 • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 18961, A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE ONE EXISTING 4.75-ACRE PARCEL INTO 7 PARCELS WITHIN THE EQUESTRIAN OVERLAY OF THE VERY LOW (VL) RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAPPHIRE STREET AND BRITTANY LANE AT 5615 SAPPHIRE STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF-APN: 1061-691-04. A. Recitals. 1. Hoike, LLC filed an application for the approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 18961, as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Tract Map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 12th day of November 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved b Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: Y the Planning 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing on November 12, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a 4.75-acre site, located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane, is rectangular in shape with approximately 320 feet of street frontage adjacent to Sapphire Street and a depth of 665 feet. This property has an existing single- family residence located in the northwest quadrant of the parcel. The land generally slopes from north to south and contains multiple trees that surround the residence as well as light ground vegetation throughout the remainder of the property; and b. The property is located within the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District and is surrounded to the north, south and west by existing half-acre single-family development that is also within the Very Low(VL) Residential Zoning District. The property is bordered to the east by Floyd M. Stork Elementary School; and c. The project involves the subdivision of a 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels for future ® residential development. The site is located within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very-Low (VL) Residential Zoning District, which requires subdivisions to have a maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre, an average lot size of 22,500 square feet and a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. ITEM D46 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-49 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 2 This project involves the creation of lots ranging in size from 21,780 to 40,000 square feet with an average lot size of 26,270 square feet. The project density is 1.67 dwelling units per acre. Per Section 17.36 of the Rancho Cucamonga Development Code(RCDC), the VL Residential District also requires all lots to have a minimum depth of 200 feet, comer lots to have a minimum width of 100 feet and interior lots to have a minimum width of 90 feet. This project complies with these requirements; and d. The project incorporates a 15-foot wide trail that is adjacent to all proposed lots along the north and east edge of the project area. The trail will have a vehicular access point at the northwest comer of the parcel, adjacent to Sapphire Street, and will connect to an existing trail located adjacent to the southeast comer of the parcel. In addition to the equestrian easement, a 4-foot wide drainage easement is provided in order to properly divert trail adjacent drainage flows. Development of the site will require street improvements along Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane as well as the creation of a new cul-de-sac (Brittany Court), which will run off of Brittany Lane and have a length of approximately 200 feet; and e. A neighborhood meeting for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18961 was conducted to gather input and comments from the owners of the surrounding properties within 660 feet of the site. The meeting was held in the multipurpose room at Floyd M. Stork Elementary School, located east of the proposed subdivision at 5646 Jasper Street on Wednesday, August 20, 2014. A second neighborhood meeting was held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at Floyd M. Stork Elementary School. All attending residents were made aware that the City's Technical, Trails Advisory and Design Review Committees reviewed this project.The applicant also explained that the project's civil engineer had worked with the City's Engineering Department to resolve concerns regarding drainage impacts to the residential tract south of the subject property. f. The Technical and Design Review Committees reviewed the project on September 2, 2014 and recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission. The Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the project on October 8, 2014. The Committee recommended approval of the proposed subdivision to the Planning Commission. g. This application was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above- referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans. The proposed project is to subdivide the site into 7 parcels, in accordance with the Equestrian Overlay of the Very-Low(VL) Residential Zoning District and Very Low General Plan land use designation; and b. The design or improvements of the tentative tract is consistent with the General Plan, Development Code, and any applicable specific plans. This project involves the creation of lots ranging in size from 21,780 to 40,000 square feet with an average lot size of 26,270 square feet. The project density is 1.67 dwelling units per acre. The VL Residential District also requires all lots to have a minimum depth of 200 feet, corner lots to have a minimum width of 100 feet and MCRA r%A7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-49 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 3 interior lots to have a minimum width of 90 feet. This project complies with requirements specified in the Development Code; and C. The site is physically suitable for the type and density of development proposed. The subdivision will comply with City standards including the minimum lot area and dimensions requirements. The project density is 1.67 dwelling units per acre, which is within the allowable maximum of 2 dwelling units per acre; and d. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat. Based on field visits and a Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis (RECA) prepared by MIG on May 1, 2014, the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; and e. The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems. The proposed project is to subdivide the site into 7 individual parcels. The subdivision project does not involve proposed development of the site at this time; and f. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. The subject property does not contain any easements that would affect the ability to subdivide the site for future residential development. 4. The Planning Department Staff has determined that the project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City's CEQA Guidelines. The project qualifies under as a Class 32 exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) because the project meets all of the requirements stated in the CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the applicable General Plan and zoning designation and regulations, which allows for a density of 2 dwelling units per acre. The proposed development occurs within City limits on a project site of no more than 5 acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. Based on field visits and a Rapid Environmental Constraints Analysis (RECA) prepared by MIG on May 1, 2014, the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. Staff has also determined that approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or-water quality. Furthermore, the site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. With implementation of the standard conditions and all applicable regulatory requirements, such as the Migratory Bird Act, there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Planning Department's determination of exemption, and based on its own independent judgment, concurs in the staffs determination of exemption. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth in the Conditions of Approval, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA ITEM D48 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-49 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP SUBTT18961 —TRACEY RASZEWSKI FOR HOIKE, LLC November 12, 2014 Page 4 BY: Ravenel Wimberly, Chairman ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of November 2014, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: F I'rr&A 11An Conditions of Approval ;R&E NCHO CUCAMONGA Community Development Department Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC- 7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: A. Planning Department 1. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Manager hearing. Notice of Exemption-$50 2. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 3. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval for Tentative Tract Map SUBTT18961 with applicable Conditions of Approval, and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 4. This tentative tract map or tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the Engineering Services Department within 3 years from the date of the approval. 5. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Development Code, all other applicable City Ordinances, and applicable Community, Specific Plans and/or Master Plans in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. 6. Any proposed Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCBRs) shall not prohibit the keeping the equine animals where zoning requirements for the keeping of said animals have been met. Individual lot owners in subdivisions shall have the option of keeping said animals without the necessity of appealing to boards of directors of homeowners' associations for amendments to the CCBRs. Printed:11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us ITEM D50 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.- A. ROJECT.A. Planning Department 7. Any proposed Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners' Association are subject to the approval of the Planning and Engineering Services Department and the City Attorney. They shall be recorded concurrently with the Final Map or prior to the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. A recorded copy shall be provided to the City Engineer.. The Homeowners' Association shall submit to the Planning Department a list of the name and address of their officers on or before January 1 of each and every year and whenever said information changes. 8. Prior to issuance of a building permit, plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department that provide a 24-foot by 24-foot or 12-foot by 48-foot corral area in the rear yard adjacent to the Local Feeder Trail. Grade access from corral to trail with a maximum slope of 5:1 and a minimum width of 10 feet. Corral locations must meet proximity requirements and shall be consistent with Section 17.88 of the Development Code(Animal Regulations). 9. Future development of the site shall be in accordance with the conditions contained herein and the Development Code regulations for the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low(VL) Residential District. 10. Prior to recordation of the final map, the local feeder trail shall be installed. Local feeder trail entrances shall also provide access for service vehicles, such as veterinarians or hay deliveries, including a 12-foot minimum drive approach. Entrance shall be gated provided that equestrian access is maintained through step-throughs in concept with Engineering Services Department Standard Drawing 1006-B and 1007-B. 11. Local Feeder Trail grades shall not exceed 0.5 percent at the downstream end of a trail for a distance of 25 feet behind the public right-of-way line to prohibit trail debris from reaching the street. Drainage devices may be required by the Building and Safety Official. 12. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a fence and wall plan shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department. Where comer side, interior side or rear yard property lines are adjacent to local equestrian trails, construct minimum 6-foot high decorative masonry walls. Decorative masonry shall mean split-face double sided block, 'slump stone' or an alternative material that is acceptable to the Design Review Committee. This material shall be consistent throughout the development. The walls on each lot shall be located interior to the equestrian trails and drainage easements. 13. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all Conditions of Approval shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager. 14. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the site shall be in comformance with the Migratory Bird Act. 15. Prior to issuance of a building permit, plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department indicating that a bridge will be provided over the V-ditch where the drainage easement is adjacent to rear and side yard access gates to allow each lot adequate access to the equestrian trails. 16. Any proposals for development within the project site shall require the review and approval of the City's Planning Department prior to construction. Printed:11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us Paae 2 of 14 ITCAA r%C1 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: A. Planning Department 17. Prior to issuance of a building permit, plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Department indicating that gate access will be provided to the rear of all lots adjoining the private equestrian trail. 18. Prior to recordation of the final map, all trail adjacent drainage facilities must be installed and shall have a depth no greater than 6 inches. 19. Per Development Code Section 17.16.080, prior to issuance of a permit for the development of this site a tree removal permit shall be required for the removal of any onsite heritage tree. 20. Approval is for the subdivision of one existing 4.75-acre parcel into 7 parcels within the Equestrian Overlay of the Very Low (VL) Residential Zoning District located at the northeast corner of Sapphire Street and Brittany Lane at 5615 Sapphire Street-APN: 1061-691-04. 21. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, Per Development Code Section 17.16.080 a Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for the removal of any heritage trees onsite. 22. Prior to grading and/or construction, the applicant shall consult with a qualified biologist to determine the best means (such as trapping, barriers, relocation, etc.) for controlling the migration of animals onto neighboring properties while the site is being graded and homes are being constructed. • The applicant shall then submit a report indicating which method(s) will be used, and implement them accordingly. B. Ennineerina Services Department 1. Per City Driveway Policy, driveways on Sapphire Street, a "Collector" street, shall have circular or hammerhead driveways. 2. Brittany Lane (including the new cul-de-sac) frontage improvements to be in accordance with City "Local Street" standards, as required, including curb and gutter, asphalt pavement, sidewalk, ADA access ramps, drive approaches, LED streetlights and street trees. a. Provide 5800 Lumens LED streetlights, as required. b. Provide traffic signing and striping, as required, including Stop Sign, Limit Line and Stop Legend. c. Revise existing street improvement plans Drawing Nos. 1317, as required by the City Engineer. d. Inlet to the curbside drain outlet shall be designed to prevent blockage with infrequent homeowner maintenance. Use Standard Drawing 107-B for 12-inch or larger private drainage facility. Printed:11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us Paoe 3 of 14 ITEM D52 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 3. Prior to the issuance of Building Permits, a Diversion Deposit and related administrative fees shall be paid for the Construction and Demolition Diversion Program. The deposit is fully refundable if at least 50 percent of all wastes generated during construction and demolition are diverted from landfills, and appropriate documentation is provided to the City. Form CD-1 shall be submitted to the Engineering Services Department when the first Building Permit application is submitted to the Building and Safety Services Department. Form CD-2 shall be submitted to the Engineering Services Department within 60 days following the completion of the construction and/or demolition project. 4. Lot 2 to maintain parkways on both Brittany Lane and Sapphire Street. If Lot 2 has a wall along Sapphire Street, it shall be at least 5 feet behind the sidewalk and provide access for homeowner maintenance of the Sapphire parkway. Note on the public improvement plans that private landscaping and irrigation systems shall be installed in the parkways of Lot 2, prior to occupancy of said lot. 5. The new cul-de-sac shall intersect Brittany Lane radial to the existing centerline curve. The centerline radius on the new cul-de-sac shall be at least 300 feet, consistent with the Street Design Policy. 6. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to Building Permit issuance if no map is involved. 7. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 8. The existing overhead utilities (telecommunications and electrical, except for the 66 kV electrical) on the project side of Sapphire Street shall be undergrounded along the entire project frontage, extending to the first pole off site (north and south), prior to public improvement acceptance or occupancy, whichever occurs first. All services crossing Sapphire Street shall be undergrounded at the same time. The developer may request a reimbursement. agreement to recover one-half the City adopted cost for undergrounding from future development (redevelopment) as it occurs on the opposite side of the street. If the developer fails to submit for said reimbursement agreement within 6 months of the public improvements being accepted by the City, all rights of the developer to reimbursement shall terminate. 9. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval or issuance of Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be bome by the developer. Printed: 17/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us parvo a nt 14 ITFU r)s:t Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map • ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineering Services Department 10. Sapphire Street frontage improvements to be in accordance with City "Collector Street" standards, as required, including curb and gutter, asphalt . pavement, sidewalk, ADA access ramp, cross gutter, drive approaches, LED streetlights and street trees. a. Provide drive approach for vehicular access to private local trail along the north tract boundary. Also, provide a curbside drain outlet(s) through the street right-of-way for private drainage facility(s) adjacent to trail. Where a downstream end of a trail meets a street, the trail shall be graded at no more than 0.5 percent for a distance of 25 feet from the right-of-way line to prohibit the deposit of trail surface debris onto the sidewalk/street. Inlet to the curbside drain outlet shall be designed to prevent blockage with infrequent homeowner maintenance. b. City Standard Drawing No. 100-A calls for 4 inch A.C. over C.A.B. for a City Collector. c. Provide 5800 Lumens LED streetlights, as required. d. Provide traffic signing and striping, as required. e. Revise existing street improvement plans, Drawing No. 1713, as required by the City Engineer. • 11. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Brittany Court Curb& Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees Printed:11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us Conn C n!4A ITEM D54 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Deloartment 12. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall. be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all comers of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. www.CityofRC.us Printed:11/4/2014 Dena a n!1d Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC - 7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 is Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineerina Services Department 13. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Sapphire Street Botanical Name- Pistacia chinensis Common Name-Chinese Pistache Min. Grow Space- 5' Spacing- 50'O.C. Size- 15 gallon Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, as determined by the City inspector. 3)All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 14. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. Printed: 11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us D-7�f+e ITEM D56 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services DeRartment 15. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Brittany Lane including new cul-de-sac) Botanical Name- Platanus acerifolia Common Name-London Plane Tree Min. Grow Space-7' Spacing-40'0.C. Size- 15 gallon Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, as determined by the City inspector. 3)All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 16. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 17. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 18. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Sapphire Street Curb&Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees ADA Access Ramp www.cityofRC.us Printed:11/4/2014 0......o..... Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.- B. ROJECT.B. Engineering Services Department 19:The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 20. Corner property line cutoffs shall be dedicated per City Standards. 21. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from street centerline): 30 total feet on Brittany Lane 30 total feet on Brittany Court 22. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Brittany Lane Curb& Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees • ADA Access Ramp 23. Private drainage easements for cross-lot drainage shall be provided and shall be delineated or noted on the final map. 24. All public improvements (interior streets, drainage facilities, community trails, paseos, landscaped areas, etc.) shown on the plans and/or tentative map shall be constructed to City Standards. Interior street improvements shall include, but are not limited to, curb and gutter, AC pavement, drive approaches, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. 25. Rights-of-way and easements shall be dedicated to the City for all interior public streets, community trails, public paseos, public landscape areas, street trees, traffic signal encroachment and maintenance, and public drainage facilities as shown on the plans and/or tentative map. Private easements for non-public facilities (cross4ot drainage, local feeder trails, etc.) shall be reserved as shown on the.plans and/or tentative map. 26. All existing easements lying within future rights-of-way shall be quit-claimed or delineated on the final map. • Printed:11/4/2014 www.QtyofRC.us Deno O n!1A ITEM D58 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC -7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 27. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. 28. Provide calculations and install appropriate additional drainage inlet facilities as determined by the City Engineer at the south end of Brittany Lane. E. Grading Section 1. Prior to recordation of the final map the applicant shall provide to Building and Safety Services Director a copy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan for review prior to recordation of the document. The Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan shall be recorded prior to issuance of a grading permit. 2. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been deemed "Acceptable". Prior to the recordation of the final map a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. 3. If the depths of the infiltration pits is 10-feet or greater below grade the land owner shall provide an inspection report by a qualified person/company on a biennial basis for the underground infiltration pits to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. The land owner shall maintain on a regular basis all best management practices (BMP°s) as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the subject project. All costs associated with the underground infiltration chamber are the responsibility of the land owner. 4. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 5. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 5. The site shall be rough graded to eliminate all cross-lot drainage, (except in approved facilities adjacent to private trails). All slopes and retaining walls necessary to accomplish this shall be installed prior to final map approval. Printed:11/4/2014 www.0tyofRC.us Dene in M 1A Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC- 7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 7. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide hard lined gutters and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent 8. Prior to removing fences or walls along common lot lines and prior to constructing walls along common lot lines the applicant shall provide a letter from the adjacent property owner(s) allowing work on the adjacent property. 9. In the equestrian trails: — Provide PVC fence, 4" thick DG surface, parallel drainage V ditch, bridge over V ditch where necessary for access corals, gates to corrals, S< 5% cross fall 2%, S>5% cross fall 4%. Water bars required at the spacing for the slopes shown respectively: 50' for 4% to 6%, 40' for 6% to 9%, 30' for 9% to 12%, 20' for 12%+. In the equestrian trails water bars shall also be placed at the top and bottom where the gradient of the trail changes, i.e. a steep downhill slope which will cause additional erosion to the trail. 10. If the storm water treatment infiltration pits are 10-feet or deeper below the surface of the ground the land owner shall provide an inspection report on a biennial basis for the underground infiltration chambers to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. The land owner shall maintain on a regular basis as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the subject project. All costs associated with the underground infiltration chamber are the • responsibility of the land owner. 11. A Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall be approved by the Building and Safety Official and the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be recorded prior to the recordation of the final map. 12. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 13. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution 92-17, if a lot may not directly drain off-site directly to the street or other acceptable drainage device (such as a drainage ditch adjacent to an equestrian trail), then: a) drainage may flow from only one lot onto only one other lot; b) a drainage easement shall be provided over the lot accepting the drainage; c) the drainage shall be contained within either a concrete/rock lined swale/channel or a reinforced concrete pipe; and d) the drainage shall be designed with excess capacity to account for the probable lack of necessary maintenance, therefore, it shall be designed to convey two (2) times the runoff from a 100-year storm event with the minimum diameter of the pipe being 12-inches. 14. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit for any lot or lots, the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 15. The land owner shall provide an inspection report by a qualified person/company on a biennial basis for the underground infiltration chambers to the City of Rancho Cucamonga Environmental Program Manager. The land owner shall maintain on a regular basis all best management practices (BMP"s) as described in the Storm Water Quality Management Plan prepared for the subject project. All costs associated with the underground infiltration chamber are the responsibility of the land owner. Printed:11/4/2014 www.CityofRC.us Dona 11 1 A ITEM D60 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E. Grading Section 16. If the depths of the infiltration pits is 10-feet or greater below grade the applicant shall provide a copy of EPA Form 7520-16 (Inventory of Injection Wells) with the Facility ID Number assigned to the Building and Safety Services Department Official prior to issuance of the Grading Permit. 17. A geologic report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer or Engineering Geologist and submitted at the time of application for Grading and Drainage Plan review. 18. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. 19. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer. 20. The applicant shall comply with the City of Rancho Cucamonga Dust Control Measures and place a dust control sign on the project site prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 21. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review, that plan shall be a separate plan/permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 22. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. 23. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to acquire any required off-site drainage easements prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 24. Prior to recording the Final Map the applicant shall submit to the Building and Safety Department a Grading and Drainage Plan for approval and a permit for the private cross-lot drainage and equestrian trails, and the applicant shall install the equestrian trail improvements and shall install the cross lot drainage devices adjacent to the equestrian trails and along the westerly property line of Lot 3. 25. Prior to the recording the Final Map the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorders Office. 26. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 27. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report. Printed:111412014 www.CityofRC.us Project#: SUBTT18961 Project Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location: 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E. Grading Section 28. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall on property line or provide a detail(s) showing the perimeter wall(s)to be constructed offset from the property line. 29. All slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way or adjacent private property. 30. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the, latest adopted California Plumbing Code. 31. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 32. The applicant shall provide a grading agreement and grading bond for all cut and fill combined exceeding 5,000 cubic yards prior to issuance of a grading permit. The grading agreement and bond shall be approved by the Building and Safety Official. 33. The precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout`Information for Grading Plans and Permit". • 34. Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector; b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over 11 ii) Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit; iii) At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Building and Safety Front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 35. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) best management practices (BMP) devices. 36. The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall include a copy o Approval. f the project Conditions of 37. Prior to the development of each lot, each lot shall have a topographic survey completed prior to submittal to the Planning Department for an entitlement on said lot(s). Printed: 11/4/2014 www.CityafRC.us ITEM D62 Project#: SUBTT18961 Project.Name: Hoike, LLC-7 Lot Subdivision Location:. 5615 SAPPHIRE ST- 106169104-0000 Project Type: Tentative Tract Map ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.- E. ROJECT.E. Grading Section 38. As future development occurs for each lot, should the applicant for a lot choose to use a different storm water quality treatment Best Management Practices (BMP) device other than what is described in the recorded Final Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan, the applicant's civil engineer of record shall prepare a priority water quality management plan for that lot to be included as an appendix to the recorded Final Project-Specific Water Quality Management Plan. The civil engineer of record shall sign and seal the document, and the document shall be signed by the owner of the property. www.CityofRC.us Pnnted:11/4/2014 Dann 1d ni 1d STAFF REPORT PT,.\NNIN DEPARTMENT _- J . RANCHO CUCAMONGA DATE: November 12, 2014 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission FROM: Candyce Burnett, Planning Director BY: Tabe van der Zwaag, Associate Planner SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 - SHAREEF AWAD - A request to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two lots for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street - APN: 0225-191-37. Related cases: Variance DRC2014-00530 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND VARIANCE DRC2014-00530 - SHAREEF AWAD - A request to reduce the required lot depth requirement from 200 feet to 166 feet related to a request to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two lots (SUBTPM19528) for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street-APN: 0225-191-37. Related cases: SUBPTM19528 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration • for consideration. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514 - SHAREEF AWAD - A request to construct a circular driveway for a single-family residence for a site located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan at 13351 Banyan Street-APN: 0225-191-37. Related cases: SUBPTM19528 and Variance DRC2014-00530. Staff has prepared a Negative Declaration for consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Negative Declaration and the resolutions approving Tentative Tract Map SUBTPM19528, Variance DRC2014-00530, and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION: A. Project Density: .67 dwelling units per acre. B. Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: North - Existing School; Etiwanda Specific Plan, School South - Single-Family Residence; Etiwanda Specific Plan, Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per acre) East - Vacant Lot; Etiwanda Specific Plan, Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per acre) • West - Vacant Lot; Etiwanda Specific Plan, Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per acre) E, F, G 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SUBTPM19528, DRC2014-00530, AND DRC2014-00514- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 2 C. General Plan Designations: Project Site - Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per gross acre) North - School South - Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per gross acre) East - Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per gross acre) West - Very Low Residential (.1-2 dwelling units per gross acre) D. Site Characteristics: The project site is an "L" shaped parcel with an overall area of approximately 58,745 square feet. The site is approximately 166 feet deep (north to south) along the west property line, approximately 290 feet deep along the east property line, and approximately 248 feet wide (east to west). The project site is currently developed with a single-family residence that will remain in place on proposed Parcel 1. There is an existing bam and corral areas located on proposed Parcel 2 that will be removed with the development of Parcel 2. ANALYSIS: A. General: The applicant proposes subdividing the 58,745 square foot site into two parcels. As part of the project, the applicant is also requesting a Variance (DRC2014-00530) to reduce the required 200 foot lot depth for the parcel with the existing residence (Parcel 1). This parcel will have a depth of 166 feet, 34 feet less than the 200-foot minimum lot depth requirement. Parcel 2 is 290 feet deep, exceeding the minimum required 200-foot lot depth. Future Parcel 1 was originally Parcel 2 of a four parcel subdivision (Parcel Map #5441) and was approved with a lot depth of 166 feet. On January 26, 1988, the City approved a Lot Lino Adjustment (Lot Line Adjustment #263) to expand the size of Parcel 1 to include a portion Parcel 4 of Parcel Map #5441, increasing the size of the original parcel by 42,867 square feet. The applicant is now requesting to return Parcel 1 to its original size and orientation as approved by Parcel Map #5441. The portion of the existing site that was added by the parcel map adjustment will become Parcel 2. The original Parcel Map (#5441) was approved prior to the Etiwanda Specific Plan requirement that lots within the Very Low (VL) Development District be 200 feet deep and was compliant to the original 150-foot lot depth requirement. The proposed Parcel 1 will be legal nonconforming to the current lot depth standards and will have similar lot depth to the existing lot to the west (Parcel 1 of Parcel Map#5441). Both parcels conform to all other development criteria outlined in the Etiwanda Specific Plan, including the required 90-foot lot width (118 feet/Parcel 1 and 130 feet/Parcel 2), the 25,000 square foot average lot size (33,470 square feet), and the 20,000 square foot minimum lot size (24,074 square feet (Parcel 1) and 42,867 square feet (Parcel 2). The project will be required to install all street improvements on the south side of the street in front of the project site (improvements have already been installed on north side of street), including the 12-foot wide Community Equestrian Trail (split rail fence), curb, gutter, street lights, street trees, and ground cover. The right-of-way on the south side of the street is 5 feet wider than the north side of the street to accommodate the Community Equestrian Trail. The project also includes an entitlement request for a Site Development Review (DRC2014-00514) for the construction of a new circular driveway for the existing residence (Parcel 1). The applicant has demonstrated on the plans that the front yard area will have a minimum 50 percent landscaping, in conformance with Section 17.56.070 of the Developmer' Code. The plans indicate that the future residence on Parcel 2 will also include a circular driveway which will be reviewed for compliance with City standards when it is submitted for the required Minor Design Review approval. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SUBTPM19528, DRC2014-00530, AND DRC2014-00514 - SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 3 • B. Desiqn Review Committee: The Design Review Committee reviewed the proposed Tentative Parcel Map, Variance, and Site Development Review on September 16, 2014 (Fletcher and Granger). The Committee found that the proposed lot subdivision and Variance were logical as the new substandard lot (Parcel 1) would be similar in size and dimension to the existing lot to the west. They also supported the request for a circular driveway on Parcel 1 as it would make access to Banyan Street safer. The Committee recommended that each of the entitlements be forwarded to the Planning Commission with a recommendation of approval. C. Variance Facts for Findings: The applicant is requesting a Variance to reduce the required 200 foot lot depth for Parcel 1 because of the odd configuration of the existing parcel that was created by previous owners for horse keeping purposes. The Variance would return Parcel 1 to the original size and configuration approved by Parcel Map #5441. The purpose of a Variance is to provide flexibility from the strict application of development standards; however, the Planning Commission must make the following findings in order to approve the request. The following are facts to support these findings: 1. Finding: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objective of this Code. Fact: Literal enforcement of the lot depth requirement would cause a physical hardship and practical difficultly in that the applicant would be unable to subdivide the site which is currently more than twice as large as the minimum lot size requirement for the Etiwanda Specific Plan. • 2. Finding: There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. Fact: There are exceptional circumstances applicable to the subject property in that the existing odd-shaped parcel makes a subdivision impossible without a reduction in the lot depth requirement for Parcel 1, which is developed with a single-family residence. Parcel 1 was originally Parcel 2 of Parcel Map #5441 and was approved with a lot depth that was in conformance with development criteria at the time of subdivision. Through a Lot Line Adjustment (LLA #263) with a lot to the east, the original parcel (Parcel 2 of PM5441) was increased in size to its current configuration. The Variance would return proposed Parcel 1 to its original size and configuration. 3. Finding: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in same zone. Fact: Literal enforcement of the 200-foot lot depth requirement would deprive the applicant of subdividing the project site into lots that are of similar size to other lots in the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. 4. Finding: The granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone. • E, F, G3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT SUBTPM19528, DRC2014-00530, AND DRC2014-00514- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 4 Fact: The granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege as both of the new parcels will adhere to all other development requirements except that one of the parcels (Parcel 1) will not meet the minimum lot depth requirement. Parcel 1 will have a similar lot depth and width to the lot to the west (which is 166 feet deep and 114 feet wide), both of which were created by Parcel Map #5441 in accordance to the required lot dimensions at the time of subdivision. 5. Finding: The granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to the properties or improvements in the vicinity. Fact: Granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare in that the lots will be used for residential development in accord with the development district and that Parcel 1 will be of similar size and dimension to the parcel to the west and the vacant parcel (Parcel 2) meets all development requirements of the development district. D. Environmental Assessment: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City staff prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study, City staff determined that there was no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Negative Declaration. No public comment has been received to date. CORRESPONDENCE: This item was advertised as a public hearing in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper, the property was posted, and notices were mailed to all property owners within a 660-foot radius of the project site. Respectfully submitted, b� Candyce rnett Planning Director CB:TV/ge Attachments: Exhibit A - Site Utilization Plan Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 Exhibit D - Conceptual Grading/Drainage Plan Exhibit E - Cross-Sections Exhibit F - Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan Exhibit G - Design Review Committee Action Agenda Dated September 16, 2014 Exhibit H - Tentative Parcel Map 5441 Exhibit I - Cucamonga Valley Water District TRC Comment Sheet Exhibit J - Initial Study I and II Draft Resolution of Approval for Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 Draft Resolution of Approval for Variance DRC2014-00530 Draft Resolution of Approval for Site Development Review DRC2014-00514 I Iw % z rmr.c Yw an sv�r x / xwc uv v,rrr a-rrxr mf J+,Dcn uw '�' C., cxr(iwiae r e,nv Q s.rrl.•ruJ.xo ru.r- --— -— - r reY9r DClp xry I l,til J 119V,,ruD YV tlxswi M lxtfJ D (mJnt l,.xMr4 JW w I BANYAN STREET - — - -- - - — - — - —- — - — - — - — - BANYAN STREET I Wz T .Rrsxxlex a Mss(x„µ Q i PARCEL 2 T arJ9ec nR -KR QPARCEL f i rw x w i WHITE RR CT. I n rmr.cwra[ , t wxc n �xlw. i.,mwr.R�[vaot(xrx, nwec n9 nw+c rn a(JxD.,;nR 1 1 dMw,G (.weir Hs t I / :UDex. Nx j la 1 1 OF RANCHOWA RYx SITE UTILIZATION M�JAP ` suelpM i ma D361 BAHYµS,RIEUr. APIF 0225-DI-37 )ox,e: R e oMMO T ,f MIEtJC NEERM W. R[DuxDC( r, 9D9)J99-9)D) ro.(9909J)9D-,509 Ht MSCRitID,V 9fe,5M p9r[ U -E w[va102. R[r.—3? Nf( m TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19528BCONC uj RECO A SUBUP 10hRCE W PARCEL 6.P POR 21 °E PARCEL I L1E PARCEL WP NU. 5111.W r. CII(W NANCHO CUCAIgnLA 1)�N G NS AYlat.SR o WIl 1 Ll(Rwv RECORDED W 5[aC£L([W dOGI(67,PALLS 7!AND 77.RLCOR°S Of SAN Q£RNARCINO CWNIY.SlAIL O(CALF(WNuI RW r4 9rJH W(r 1-![Nhht PAMrh rF j (9wJ Sr9-IJSS W!I J.CaK(Prrw OI[ap..ypxwfMO(PtAx I S ___Acer wr ENGINEER: s.rr1..cu/A.o na fr 1 __ _ _________ ' sKR1 — ------------------------------------------ ____________ —CM- ---------------------------- - .aa w.ncwr _ -- M[[RO71a0 J16J W(r)�yMrMllaaSil�w. R�IX.at AA Of[nP .. ....._ i.... ... ... MW6[AL MOTES ai _ I BANYAN STREET A' I J nwJVYo IAM uY. [DL[a Nwc .FwYOYO MwwCR C!aOri_� 03) I _ X31 SIYI I s PRnrouo sAerA or ImtPm fors.wn9r .x t [JI 6 ASYSSOIISb .09J5-191-J) AREA ARY fn ' � w 1 rws PwL11[I 6 NOr wow L[4LYX IwlMO NIL -4� -- -- ^ _R w .� a nrr wNLI[R wa Y YMO e.NI uhlry[Cxa9wl[]axxtpv[O Ox 116 r{wn [![ �9R .. -_.......wl ivw1— f pal(YV PAflwl(D aNM1.73.NI. 1 1164 M(Ir 0/ Iw1 rl0 0 M6 rIi[U[R 5 NOI iu81([I 10 p(gLOx'pP —. 1 N,wyrLW ! 19,3>r S r 1 PR[9oY0 axMOKr[hi NK(I 7 ulr� /OtK-J).Sal it 6Aw1 Sr ' r A PIIOSfNN.t 1� O wRA YA9C!N9 rwr Pwr[reov 1 rSj 12 wLYeM ro SIXII�wa rIXaOx rM19A:CCIAIIhWi wKn O9AW lwxl M /aLh A I a pu K/K .. j rypP()9® � 1� IJ.InfA(6 w[.vi192 KVY Ox Lr(10 AYww wrn uWSLW<rR[(I ]y]q IXMIIGE . nr vR rs N mIr a.m..r.P uo Laonrra9vl +e SAOOKss rJJy1 6Axrw rwFR.Rwblp Cul'Aw)wOx Z �e crNc a-sR rRrrr wA!ro r araleKo Ic-Rr o•caro r -� )IK LIC Ir YAK h YPK rNw rl nOwK i 1 I ___ I waruxAl Gw[WxD Malo lf]UBE i JJJ' 1/R.FICd YxrR Nwar g ---._-- ri M) [LInMCIh YYI�rC [ ;(450x['nnawr .•iwr wrMvr! A .[ r _1 [ MRR Cur .r Ohw'Ir SRP 060iL'I IC.IOP CY rJB[R �L___.! .1 [ rurrvaoK a�xN rnfrl.ur to.wwr K s-uR ft POR. PARCEL 1 a.iPero nocR nnxlAr[ PARCEL 1 • 1 NEB nu" ru N!Ax rx/ox1.1 OAi raNP.wr cxRKF raouf[IroMx Ell I IN°B£Bu.- PMS 62/21-22 r=Bolo-.n-JJoo �L- f.rzsw( PMB 62/21-22 [ \ rw 1u1., APN: 0225-191-36 Rn[Isr.asrc rxrer�xr a IK eAwNo rlwwL Iw-wcx(awr T APN: 0225-191-32 [ xr r +w-NRaSue!araera wK �.,IX,1 _ .___ nR9'oe� we KN awr a[Sp[xrw ass n NraPwx Coxwwc— acr-(aAnAxa e(x(x1 Co.<R(1[ w lO�w4 KT'lOn WStl[xMl �� ShM.CI{wW�rSMNl 06RM'1 41 PARCEL 1 909 9u-afv uKaawrc PARCEL 2 a[1)i/(G9p53J/ KEYNOTE as'Iww xPacnr wCw rllr! „9as,;aws rs' s' sl =) C7s 'rues No.vntx PrR rrh srwoxo - 1 o � f ° � Lh K[Y9xF.rrRlR w0(rwb (_)cnsA.«Ih rAK as slaw Laos I � ��'�J.^�� (3�omKwr wxw['x Prx nh sro roJ.w.0 vinw. §�� ft95r r L aA+K.r.Prc r9wvr PAR EL 3 a xI BANYAN ET �—-, PMB 62/21-22 ,h CROSS-SECTION AlarArcs wxrrwr Ptt P..P,: APN' 0225-r191-}I ��I rt6hx:iM'1(! R[SIXxIAI I� O wY/l,RS AC SIAE[r wprNxG .SIRfx'.'K9r lOx AI[S[Xw/rN i`. ' Y IEGA[°ESCRIPE/°N- 8 a 4 town R a°fcvrMla aSC AS rJprUxr ll wP s.el.WL'tWp(O N PaKn axP IA'JOv y.MO(s 21 Ap}z x(C[WDS or sN/BCIxwN6�q I y e+P.c.r K Na.R,.rs)en«AA ar nsen r mrNs sIX.r..erso'aP-asr. v r ow r.r xarm aAt rn iNo rwnnr)ewo IM ( x I�irxcr sovrn ouox7J•.rsr nsef rlri ro/xr swim r.r u•Pwx;n rle ec[so'um p is�a-err1 rJ�o�rrnC nr saxn.lEs!ca9xra 3 ar wrwn. Inrcr.nn,oonfol-usr I[s ao ralsr scum oH'x•.(ir r1 .n n,rN[I 1.«n ro Ilr rwr Y ZI.Yx[ei.PUKIP11r r0 IlRlPlarz or[Or[wc !w aur LK AOArSrN(xr KCOIra(O 01/]e/19m Ai xLSIxuCMrl eo Y rOJ.aN ie —- CITY OF RANCHO CLICAL40NGA SITE PLAN SLA3TPM 19528 mM BANYAN STREET. ARF 0225-01-07 en Vra �Exr x�x x°ccl....« APN 0.'-'- 1 a I-16 APN. 0225-191-1' BENCH Mme' E1f61NO HOMEI[+5rw'rPC.1C"'�..<..v r.rx .vrw.: yf Ox.v[irr rlw WY.fO]•w n(Yott[IY[n.1.1dfR r.o 9MIA9-alfl r 1 '.>tiaw rim_ Km t n[AOr[all Ar II(SOu1M(SI CCM SNI[f1.K w(9091199-1509>.A! AM[ASI AKMt nCxrltlw b M) b 0[SrRMirow Or lav¢Cx 0[lE n(rAn C POOa+l. RCE JM]> n TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19528 sAt +Ps LICA C IC _I sx.arn.- .rn y , WORBEAIG DED ' "SrCE trr P,.gr;E:2..P PFS II Or 22.R..K PARC 14P AV SIS),,N)NE i11Y Ur ljeNCM)I.KAAItWGA, ,1Jr h �r1,5.KxtIL Srr 0 yrrn r rpyrr RCCCtRDED IN PANf:CF LLaP WOK G.vAiiC�7r ArFO 71.RCQDRDS IY ZAN gCR"g,,A)C04N)Y,SU)C tX UrrfPaRu asR ro.a e+Jn v,rn r rr+,. .xn-rr wn 1 ■R fwsJ fre-ryv f �.F"'+ s-rt ,_vtNCINCER: vrrrr..cu�.rra nr rr�..e.iavw.r n.x ARirr ur r. w rw•er+rr:rr srtn s.cuss-srcrws T4'1N _ _ — — _ — _ _ — _ — 7rrR 6•rltrrtUE+pyr rpeQ"e ��� � — — ------- *•w"r'aee.(waWnsJ)ue9-e9a:�nCJsCt.°JN) RHc _ --______ _ =� --____ ---------------------------- _ � virr[rnr er..[+mnrrrwruar.r.r.Pw• G wRwWx r t i.r.Ex r nwx yr.•r — �-- — — — _ _ — , ..wRur.rrt rc•rr rM.0 se.w sr :BANYAN STREET rmrwc n.«c.an.w xvrcx„� 'j s rm+xr:wn vsr.s«crr rwa.rrcsnxru. +wYViFn,.w.L uY•irr;ar 2WRr MSrOCx,w n:teq LrrrR Akw)Yn wwelrPV r0rs 1 i s.PAiw)YO xO•er+rr rmr+m.ors•)ux 2 a.ssnsw's w w.s-rvr-J> AREA SLAAAARY ..._._ )rbs w•urcr rs wr wr.w craor:Ku rvwu nwF riu;:.r_a rr. ....... ........ a ns ren rr r Y.uo n rr xnury;w•wrrs.rxrwro ox r..s n... F!e a10s suxo ro oK+no•w w.rw.rsw PWcn r.rev>s.r a•.oa sr .q� P ,.rwrv)srn rxrwnc•rxr: rwxa s•Jr.v:s sr .-•,ees sr ecx n.c �nr .ort.sr,soJ sr acw,:r u'est c oxww: r____ _7_es__—_I —, n rrt+srwtr+xO rax.+nrtcnw a P�wrM.aro�rtw rr rout,.rmrwr;ruavrus.rrcx Wows rw., usrss ttxvn.ryr rsrr.I I xrr rcxsn...w a✓r. I� r1 rKM S W rm,wu raVSr W irlr rn www r•rw u.0%".^rx4)MFS I I I .n vrrt yn csz�r rMrr.srwn.r�xcrwo— . 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Pto).sr wns)u I I ICI I I I �I IM41 DCSCR/PriON: •: I I 6[xG.ny—n^Mrir.. ^wrlr: x.eCr.rr S•.r.e([nxnrn r /wr.u✓ar.W N.wrGG lr—�].MC—d'SW 9Cexaatwtl ..... .. __. ..._ _. ... ... .. _ .._.. _ vurn,-T n cr�ascRuro s roiro•s I rc....c r rxr w.nrrsr mwr+rr sw r.Mn: ..cM r,...,,w eeww-crr.:.e J+nn xP+r.,rr ',wr rrxr wr. I MFxrE sov O w:s .ry:wee rrrr ro r wOix r+ <r rW n.:rr.r wr er a.'Je••rs.r no,rrn ru ni sar,rss.awxFx F— it $i V i I rx✓.Acn..Mr s xurn oownr•r.sr r:ero nn.r)exer s.vrr.ea:.Je'.rs.,re.o.ntwcr xown awe7r-ra:r r),,.rrrr ra rrrr nnev 1 I Uf�1'sw•(prRSrxr ro cr+rrturt Ur CPWtr(r rw rut FwC.M4rurxr MCWPra orrn/r+ee tri NSrM/Yrxr w M-0..eor I it I I I rrn ar171-21 Y I Jr.T =a-i;rrri I I I I rrs.rr:vr.c rrr.xrsrorxr«r - (.._ —, nssw K/n rw Msncxrwr i� I I i3a re' a' e' 1F im— P u� _ r,rir�ww,Kr,,Tr BANYnN STREET CfTY OF RANCHO SECTION ' v TENTATIVE PARCEL A MAP w/ I\ a SUBTPU 18528 0351 UWAN STREET. N%=5-W37 •o+•EKn T nx)E /rr/i• Crr)FM+MFCR RCCA JPs FeriiH•ROW .vxcr[ MiRxrW _ nr RY73-tll-D �tt INC. •s. .«e r.lwM::Km..M MSrn[xRµ rVKL.K+.[� eWj>tg-eA> ru IRPr,>ee-ryw vair wi[Yx:a uyRP1u•W MNaaM arC r, Ial[ [.rou»t. Rr.F.!Tr]) - r M TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19528 "PP`M"" ""`a' "FR ♦. C. .n 'r-�. ! ttaYS.lif 511$fAOEX dCINC A '(W PARW lar PARCEL ANC FS 21N OF 2:. EL .Ur PARr•EL w DKru•AKMA.Srt D Sr:(!I r S.r[RUn "r Jr RANlYtI CLD'A4UNG,[. +w mx G RIJM SKfr J rtnlAnK 4RM'(r x.R RECORDED W PARCEL 44P BrRM 67.PAGE$71 AND 17.RECORD$(X SAN BCRWARiINO+CC�NM1.[SIAfE of CK/(CWNIA frD+]Sre-rJSS p '.-q' •wrrr J CrRLLvfu4 DRArAx(•/DwiwCr qwx S ______________________ __ fNGINCFR: -KLr�-<m.w ru urs'r ___ _ P ___ q7+w[JRCSJ R� [�xr wvDLv(x1 Rr.xf _g _______j`-__` _ y___-__-L`_________I_ R_- —. _ _ -_ [� fu (epeJ IW/J(y IOrY rrrR - --I BANYAN, STREET _=°_ n========ee== R rr _._. _ A /E AREA 81WARY r�' fr' , 1 '—'] r w5 r4UIW Ur DxMwr An4.f5w[KS ARD SIRC(r lK[3 IW—fI 1 3,I I I .x.Br uR3n�rs D!K(lwy[nr N!T abRB :'- ' I s � =r.r cowwr.rRr w.Y Rwovlco er rK cn.,xr a-rwr Rrwwr 4An(L r.rasrs sr xo].sr .10 ,_01 NwA:, m K wNrAKO Br wlD+rlR .I.ea]Sr 0". o L rv[CCi I.JlsI6 S! rr yr[m - � I Q . 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I wr .cess ar`(IxossJ r 4 1L3 3Y/9}21 f'I'1 JP:M 2tl3-HJF9! a r � I I" 1P.YI 312}L?}3a RrrlrY srsrr xARY{Kxr a rK.AAxD rxRK u RroR.I(s xt nsR.c yy I ![R.r•G-MT'lUR'RCSrp[xrrµ GBI!M b!t[W hMRIIVA'�rpx ^-�F :+'Df Ir5 SrKCI lRwr 71 �' I scan c� :aw ysrwtr � r+uGrts rw(nroR.u. 3i PAFK:EL 1 n� I eD!Avs_eeRJ .. worts arsr crwx lrw frrrr 00 u n•••• vOR f ` OO n4'I •.Ur NS[.fKr.RDW*•I. ?nC[ KEYNOTE: xr., R .. ,• - °U- I ac 4.wx.'w(e KA:xfurt ebr m a �t P � e-tore Axo cur r+nR hrc srwrJwD SJo r01,.•4 s.RRw I ,� J. \ L' y. KwK r,snrc mff �, (Fj raw' �- Iia a r•Rr[RIG Ro roof Ir nn _ .e' L aiuGrt lrrrrRG lR;rAfw `� w¢+v—rc4 cc-SrxD[Ro ro a v(..rrtD a IrmxRM1 IK I _ �ti-'�!'�!l7h�"•° M S � YRM IANR A!R w Y!R[LC RI I I MICIR[r4v[4 f `--�8 aJaB3i 3 i - #� BANYAN STREET K�iaR(RC,5 DURRR �- Awi 32/2}YJ a ' CROSS SECTION oR(wr Kr PAwr -1 R Ih ttNr w— AYID J[b: -J-JI _ I i 8 e s'rwr..w,wr I A.on r(Mr urn4[:sw„r r—w—, .. 1rRwC-KRr[Ux KSKnrw � I LEGAL DfSCRIPRON.- ��J77" —_.] � IS Ep MrNM1,54rl�p1 WAo+ra,gY+.t<p AS lOIi0R5 '[[ I� (ta[`l1UKD ATEA) PCDNru,'AI rK w»rrxLSr C[wnr4 W 5x0 RAK[l I nexff SwrR aeSO'M"l�SI -•b J ?r1 nrp3a.rq-w+rR iK Cv Y:D.AK[IS],frD.; . Ro[i1V10fp DCxfC SWIw W'De'I)•RRI Z'?[I m rK SUUIR lK tX<ARilFi RKUY SUJIn!:y,v A•KSI r.D 01 tiC[l N r.r SurnHSr CURrAR ILI COOe Gr'(ASr IIeW rCll,Irtrl!Sura b-I,JI•KSr rre w.MACE wRrin N'DR_r'lASr r .rfrl/O Irx IRRvr K HDrrRNrG.A[wSryr ro[r+rRUK a<<tV✓(wR(r[w lUr lK AAuS)KRI KLLM[D Dr/Ia/rWe Af MIRUrRRI AU m-OI.rDI. PARCEL 1 I N r,rsrA[.A.wRwl,s A+u.s.x.sr C"OF RANCHO=AMONCAA • rorty Kr10vx KRrv:rR(nr or wlRwws AK.•o s.r :� PARCB 2 6 vvlIY/1L. R]Q VVu/iNIu1VUWIt _— N r I mw rnsrwc wxRsalvs.Rr..I.Ro Sr 3U6iPM 105a.,�.�,-�.� L'CW 8AWAN SMET, PN A0225-AI-97 . _. _. r,s:e':.o.trxw�,�?Rtr mw KwvR RnID R(sUCYKxr cr wKmxr.s.wrA. r,y0 sr f4+RercD a• nrt rJ RCi[VAr(D IU PKv(Rry.K ]/]I/r• IM1 CNL+R(R ...� var a223-'W}13 AOO x1223 jjj,-T! L rnrn e[Rr Ro se 1-p 3. c M. wwRfw[R EMMKIM I--Sn:L!rw,ir Kw[nr[R vt.ln ►A CxSrl(D]•w K wl 1[v«wcRfrt ' I[—W.1..[SOrxry, i?vrn( K4.it>•.yL(i(n r,,,l nrMrlll A!BR SUI.'Ina[SI[[w SWRar•K [w REIXAWIS,u SIJIR 1Y11 Aw GSI AKNR' 9M)riR-e)BI !w(5113)MB-ISDa FIflIrM1MI r3e'lopr _ M OLYIRPnpx pr RMSRIx wr[ rl WnRr C RRerII. R.[[ J)US] . , ;z � \ \ ' // &C6 i{ ! g .O cr ƒ0 ƒ\ / , . } } � | _ . \ §^ k N � . � \ \ | | � EXHIBIT E, F, G9 m APPLIGNI/OWNER/OCyfLOPfR: x TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 19528 ]..r A SUBY� Y PI1 DPqCLW51�r.M NERf-RPCD IN PARCEI WP B00 6.PACES;'I AND S.RC[WL$(Y ('-•.• •)r w fKly].HhY.SrC 0 :�?'r���'TC•W^ SAN BERN,RDW C,UN,,S)A'! R.w nr.fi 9)JA CPV.-r�Iw[W.O,w,/MArNyL ryAN S (fufJ SIs 1]ss nL rnN r.2m' ),J.c9oss-s[rrkfz i ------ ---------- _-_ ------------------------- s.Rr a rrrsRw aArawc nAw - tom_......___ .•S <L._____ � BANYAN STREET --- ----------- I � 4 � ^ a 1 n r2. .a r ] i.aR-na(�w,r uass� 7L'r1A'LA1 1 9 h.• HGCIAIlD r.w wow-r�r -Atr xY.'�i f(RAr ... .wP • rD UYI.,, _ 9simwm(eww oeiw�)c-9 1 �RwO ur•J .,tlb r U)•!•�M•A LUw;(.-ail M1rlrA] (fJ R:u,nNl - ' 14— LEGEND-- DW .EGENQDMA 1u9.] I ..... -22, bSF. .w:--rsliva ._L.r.A)1 �OERLo7E1 PEpwfoLS AREA n PARCH_ z Ww0.-_)r),srnu (�am+.....a. �m.•a ' oA.n N. [r�''�I PFKR06ED ^( �J OBg1B FJtB1lq AlBfrgU7 ATEA r)] A , ATAfrQM PARCEL) MD �~ n OBOlE9 EXBI�:IG PENNOIIB ATEA twp _ ).Sr(Lwns/ trp' '.'.L79G' r,JsrLN -f li`a•. '^�prtr •s�ttw.sw mw `y - - R l`.r�4wOfffWsbl�404urAw usrre wAro ,t.�• tW"N Ai1Aw0 KILN ARFI ` MRF A9[wD LAIAA9,h 09)LLS,Ra,ry RwSIAAwrs .-L.I.JUJ]. py:.._IrJJiJ.R.' ' rn 'C... •' fN .'.'. �1.'.. /-TU=1�9EwM YOCO Wl�M1A l](4 V \,�. W(YWwrIW � ..J.r•)MA(OrG.._rr)Sr1PJ6 'REDUCED COPY' UI•L I..V)] rrA.9' ; Lul:._,I2sulss RILL SCALE COPY INSIDE PLAN POCKET IWL.._rr)SrJA. LAI.L r.2yr, 1 - g BOP O+Y SCPARXLE � - 3 R i� - OO rf-)o.reernrto swe.wawP sar..wos marl R+.wr.ov[krua,wrs r-9e'ru.w.w..ar�cw.rm O m-r).rmc(twr.[.,�whrr R,¢.,wr•w u'nawr; wsrluhw w awr rwcc[R;n]wrwr w.r,urwrzml.w].[crl DMA 2-40,927 SF ®sm-ra art aw.rP LAlPsusr nA•Aww urwA9.rt.Nwr.P.xclewrs Ar[rrw Lx.L LaarAw � $ ,E p. so-L.n.wsw srowr.wr. .rrwr.rowan arr..rW nuv.c.rws ss-.+nv rvrcr,.w 1§, O]a-rr.1{1pp1µqr fyyrgkS grCR,rfwwl.p9 ya,/Wrr] L45N nA�l0 a WP(ii(v Yu'-NVC4tr �' 1`, ©T-rl,TRIM hYf W]w Ow{A mwwr,w[k'[t9Mrs MI10rIimv 6ISw r0 a w5)Yr r[P A(rl]n(Aro Art(R w.wwr YAYW � ©>d')I KNAw.rN{AlA(ANi w+rtAwwS O+wfR_NwAwr rrc..Awrs (nw,rRrrr ACYY.In a wSP[C)CD ANy.:klr � Y io OA [murwl wrtRWs wNrR.Rw.r,r,Lrcu.I.Irs L.u•I e1.amAc accuwwxr A.o..NLAARm ar[,wrNP.«anus E 1` (0 N'hn frsnrr9rs n.waR.rtwwr.xrw.Nrs A[srras Im a APrLro er[kxws[P Nwaw'Arw(R.w[.ax Y )i aAcsnND pMANEr,I r ly WDIIP BYP AS-BUILT CCRU/fICATF: } �� LfGA1 DESCRIPTION, NCREBr CERT"DAr rw NEfCSYR) wrER ocoLi. Y a4wreAENr PLAN BEST i PA._,, AND PURIICW LY PARCEL .(Y PARCEL LAP NO. 5.41,W THE CITY OT RANO)D CUCANONGA. UANAGENENr PRACTCE Df9)CFS—f BEEN C[WSIRUCIFD UNDERµr SUPERASSIN 1 RECORDED W PARI'EL MAP BOOK 61•PACES 21 AND I:.RECORDS CW SN BER.&N7 COUNTY-SA,Or ,,,DR,. AND AND ARE rUNCr`ONAL TO THE BEST OF Nr wNOrn EOCE AS DF rNf DATE BCLCW ( T 1 PARCEL 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA S'GNATURf MIE H .A r01h Mtr IrnL9NM5 MU •)•Sly•it �e' "�]\ POCUka 1ARY WAT6i OUALIIY MIWAGEAEkT PLAN mrN RrwrL AkP annr[]ewr(r.vPrkwus.R[.P s r A. SITE AND DRAINAGE PLAN r FUTURE PARCA Z v.-..w. SUBTPM N5M rmrN rrww.r•rnws.wA-1.fo s r. \a ,, W51&AWAN STAN APN 0225=1p}37 ' AMf09r4 9r muL A[wr AIP xnA,:ATNr rY IA-NTA I...]! )/lr/,• lv[NUrAlR -11r BENCH MAS(: I AP,* 75319-1BF'19 APr'4 am-151.11 WNC. .aawrnan wrAwr [",[o r«r:(wmmr aw'r[w AF)F EIIbiN[1)Ql� Fn]r9A:]wvi[rAw9r R[;raNRN o.(9W1)w-r]OB vt 3 21YeV:KM.OR ArygrwrA[ IM.,4 KA t0.hSPCwf1y A +UCASI AAT KMT AA.Afsr[lW SL 1 A1C TAR 9091 rs9MAMS.rU 921)• !r I ...rP Y,40, fAu.�rd p YAK)Uw O<M(V[Ow 0wR wEMt r Vnm.2. R.f C ])0]) (ulC THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA �, DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA HO (a�ONGA SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 7:00 P.M. Rancho Cucamonga Civic Center Rains Room 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, California I CALTO ORDER ACTION Roll Call 7.•00 PM Regular Members: Richard Fletcher X Francisco Oaxaca A Candyce Burnett A Donald Granger X Alternates: Ray Wimberly_ Frances Howdyshell_ Lou Munoz IL PROJECT REVIEW ITEMS: The following items will be presented by the applicant and/or their representatives. Each presentation and resulting period of Committee comment is limited to 20 minutes. Following each presentation,the Committee will address major issues and make recommendations with respect to the project proposal. The Design Review Committee acts as an advisory Committee to the Planning Commission. Their recommendations will be forwarded to the Planning Commission as applicable. The following items do not legally require any public testimony,although the Committee may open the meeting for public input. A. MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00521 — MGC A & B The DRC ARCHITECTS FOR BED BATH&BEYOND/BUY BUY BABY-A review of directed the proposed exterior modifications to an existing building within a commercial applicant work with center of about 504,000 square feet within the Industrial Park(IP)District, staff to address located between Richmond Place and Buffalo Avenue on the north side of concerns related to 4th Street — APN: 0229-411-01. Related files: Development Review their signage, DRC2004-01013, Minor Exception DRC2014-00661, and Uniform Sign window graphics Program Amendment DRC2014-00330. and stone. EXHiRIT r-, 1 of 2 E, F, G 11 DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 RANCHO CccAuor CA B. UNIFORM SIGN PROGRAM AMENDMENT DRC2014-00330 — QUIEL BROS. SIGNS FOR SIGNATURE CENTER-A request to amend Uniform Sign Program#188 in conjunction with proposed exterior modifications to an existing building within a commercial center of about 504,000 square feet in the Industrial Park (IP) District located between Richmond Place and Buffalo Avenue on the north side of 4th Street-APN: 0229-411-01. Related files: Development Review DRC2004-01013 and Minor Development Review DRC2014-00521. C. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 - SHAREEF AWAD - A C.Approved. request to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two lots within the Very Low(VL)Development.District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan,located at 13351 Banyan Street- APN: 0225-191-17. Related case: Variance DRC2014-00530. D. DESIGN REVIEW ORC2014-00493-CONSOLIDATED CONSULTING-A D.Approved. request to develop a 16,260 square foot warehouse and a 12,600 square foot canopy at an existing 252,193 square foot fabricated steel manufacturing facility within the General Industrial (GI) Development District, located at 11200 Arrow Route-APN: 0208-961-26. III...• PUBLIC COMMENT= None. This is the time and place for the general public to address the Committee. State law prohibits the Committee from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The Committee may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are limited to rive minutes per individual.. IV. ADJOURNMENT 1 8:02 p.m. The Design Review Committee has adopted Administrative Regulations that set an 11:00 p.m. adjournment time. If items go beyond that time,they shall be heard only with the consent of the Committee. 2of2 • • m x SNEEI /OF 2 SNEEli PARCEL MAP NO. 5441 %N THE C/TY Lir RAMCMO CUCAMOMOA" MAW A 51/40,9/Y/SMAt OF A PORTON OF LOT.f d!4, &VOr F, MWA.VOA COLON✓ LANO3, POR APAP RECOROEO /N BOOK 0,RA 64F AW OF MAP.!/N THE Liror E Qc' TNQ RECORDER Lir SAN d6RNARO/N0 avAlrV CAL/FORA&A. L/NY/LLE,A4 ave,NORM ANO ASSOC/A Tff .WRW ,/ISO CITY E'Vr✓WCER.f CERT/F/CA/E OWNERS CERT/F/CATE /GvVATURE OM/SS/ON3 Thio neap caof ow—A,Me'ev wo p.Ie of IM Sri✓.cion Map Act bw Ae'aby L'er/i/jr MOI.w we Me Only par/iai/Amey re..OF oi#' ' l The O�gna/arse of 6wpe CA.f4y ar o,.d MA'//wm a and Loco/6'drnoncae lb AW Jin IAO fad au fWAX Y O as Mawr m bW TMA,We A mnsarl N.o N.e o.r 0 of an "am-0 A+.wo,f.. /.� Ar nYa psparo%sn ora/nro'do/,an of M.a firsit/hkW,we nary --'/ 'p Lbkd/-/t-✓( /Si'r3 - �'t aWWICOle/o~C�r qc RbncAb CuG i.eryni/Awr+w and o'oa.p.:b aw a4c/aaad by 4iok Ie,fbye Ml o/ arrO'lQo Aeeab, /taca..da /,i.Ge'na�o4i.o Caw.ly nnw O p NdBAI,C�:y.a'+y.weer RCF.LJY/l Eeal Arany Ar A.N.o 4K/� ord/i�ad f�.rpoeeta w Woven ca hMt MW Ooen a A%d .aIle' Mo jw--Xi" of Sae/iO""45b, ^ JL+@--%n C-/,of kb 4u6dl 4l4*ft.Myo Ae/.Ila 2d_14.Y., hza,w,. .� 4 L i-&,"I ea...w/ -As-info.A m.J&,W aerae.ael _ f/TY CLERM,S CERT/F/CAT6 W/aL/AMJ uL rt �i ,ICNUtI _._ cownol a bao/rAY oP raaa.d !Aan.by crli�/Ab/Mr.Giy Covnei/o!Ma C.iy of.hwcno Cccomwiyo fl'1 chm==/h.i Rvre/Map Alb J441 and Oeceplp eubyac/.b ib C. Me ay..oh.'e of Nao At Ld Ai.o ' /he owns,open C-04~1 .m- as,aG A—ft p�qs/incl aapsd payy pock J"4, re d oav'donCa wiM aAp/.2od/a aNnaWa(e, illaee/ Ajia aN 'e.Y/14mr�1,AYrgoy e{�.eir a.disr T w.M.a and 'yeoM Eoal A.va.,o. - Couu{y ram I.sw ow/Jed aeeYir/Me.P'o+•'ssra _ aecfon"4A6, _A'AOdO/.'on( t-I 'r At.. S.bd".ry.an.� L�anrd-'�•••••9, -_ Aft-ow. !fa -AM mrwl:/pn—46 Aw. AI/REN wASSERAIAN,C+/y CAti.r ROTARY ACA'.VOw iaaBMENr W S(/RVEYOR'5 CERT/F/CATE STATE Of COIL/FdP aLlp -- cwlY Of iW pERA4R4u'O)As 74ie mr+p wos p'eparrd Ly rns or ands,rr.y a-action ~'i aoaad ,Ran o hwal a•..rviy "n Con/Ermonca _'*/ha uiramanra of On mo baby of�-- er=_/lMa, oafora ma 4_".' /ha.rx bdiviiion A•fOo,rC/o/ /ha rayuaa f W W/LL/AM✓1CNUL rt o no/oryy puU.c.n and!ar so,a,"WA Ali,and 3Mry,Aruna//y afpavd on cla wary/980. I harabs/ /a Mo/Mia Awra/Alop JVAl Wr/ia/.�r w/LL/.IM✓BCN!/LTt and MARY S 5CAV4 M,rna.rn to me/o be Aw cnnfor.ru h+lha opprovad fn»o/Ay oya/orad.nyo'Awy. pe'ACAI veno"nO.nN ora&rAW'40ed h Ma—Alin rutrwnen/,and Laayr�.✓r.wr� a oe+.•e+ea .c'.�w. MAN"�p and ofl�ice/ d Ala A~. ROBERT ANORN L.S 4463 Arh J. mam /y by Lom n.",an Erp res Jv�rr.r ueaw re.car ad r . rM�err.oaaam n F-UD_REQUEST OF. • �u//•al..n_T17LSldf ON--&V_22.1481 AT / . .. BOOK..0a_PAGE*. OF PABI'EI MAP-- sul eERNWID COLVIV v.Ome Waati CrfAaafar ...._............. ro-oar swcr a of a srrErs PARCEL MAP NO. 5441 "/N TI/E C/TY OF RANCHO =.WOVGA" a W" A AWSPIV/i/ON OF A PORTION OF LOTS i&4, A4R / OLOCK jr,ETIWANA4 COLONY LAN05, HER MAP _euvvErays aorss: RECOR"O /N 640r P PAGE I4 OF MAPJ IN ME ytsrl a• aewRWa3,A%,n.,.■.i/>t,/ao..ww. OFFICE aC TN6 R6COR06R OF 5AN 46RNAROINO '1o� oo/rq 4"W,*,,r,, am n a+R.-ae CQ(/NTY, GIL/FQRN/A. �, 1 sJs7 P..V.p JV/09.1w. 1.rs" } f.d/corfl ct:.ny Svrlyr'..wnwnr.l. UNV/LLE,5AN NORNWd A730C/ATE$ 1� 10 rJly y A CA -el—Ml/a u y a,...ry,r'JAW AM* T R , . irro•wht f'st.WAtb Af itt.vn. ' '�N■a•N'Y'l .. / . M■N• !�-yvKrht ftanwnN+t Fund AI nYM>: ��� ' g � I u•..YY oN.a/.vNt�-�ArM. Wr O/A.Me�'.•.e/ N Pf.n...r,F .EN a.•K, ncttfbl Ot 11r Ila.h Iw♦dIK ar..w•« w (■Iei IYat fI•fNH LVnY) MO L�tf■TA♦iC.Y.,p■L ) fRP. N/-rJ Caar ra: ~�� /. 114 W O M.Ar 1■IM�•Vfy�lpp 1C/tuM/ R t.if Wr h!Null OlJ r:r GPrO■.. ay..a■r v�.... r bye 1 �_•tG crrnr�A' M'R.I fN+; 6 n.r post w fR Jfc rA•K ft'r. II/,V' � 1(IaI/' • - �R.IAr ION fArN __ (N'WA•y,/MAYM.a) ItfJ•atl•�. IYY 'RLJ�/N-ap 1 Ntt•..�l t / —r'�'�'ti ,,}l"r 4,iwrtrv' Ir —awl _ AbVAOW liAaN u• 2 Q NY'• / �iTl/'��W�JWN'I+I�W 1 1 � w/lli• — �•_r1, /JA r_ 1 FJ:r%t•l9Ar _�!■t.�._yaw N• �Or/� _ 1� � • e•f«c n, u ' aw u' {1P ). / ! oan,■r■r an•■1 aswsnin. .N■Ca,•.../ . C.l.rp wirh W tajf 1 a \ � � oNru!ererj.r.i YIPARyY Alf NsY. Y y 1 , a ', +A • . SN.r1 TIIf•tNY.aay; rJ rn•rJaf!{'./� 1 i Ir L •att:t%w Mia c rlrn.' ` •ft w.t 4r.rt u••yy dD• ,r. • pall• ! 415f< • \'` iaav tww„a,a. t.wr•sar,w to ry�f.cnwt ■• p A laa S/■t Pr rrii RwI1 tylru,aN /� r e• { ` o.d n..■d r-r..s g Pre.rfimdl ,I.rr a � \ � i � j"o .ar n■ w f a:r .a.(,nary' /( �\ .� � V F�16N�►A l'rI R ~ Iw P��•f i ; CI&VItvt aarw ��•� �� �lr� p i Q f"�tt• � � _ ��: �� I r/.0 aVrM•• el Nr •p •.al•..'lI' /,u•n•■.• I �. p p awr.nlry JY�tv'K.cbf/f, . l' ..lA.W Aptib•..11 rl i' $ {•rear' a .►r• I ; _" a'tA! u••+^��'W�.4tuVN. 2 !IN/1'Y• ••r'«'w' N, w NfIN'M'f. a•.vaq• a. •�■ /,r■/•n clN pot c a Pa.u,/./• • . CMa..YI/�IAr IqI N.a Y/aa�:A..L• ••ruts+■• •.a•«..•• y ���- •!(I.MM/T i2 (•wan• L.r.w ylr,y—e,r--�_ AVENU a ( �f•w.r' S AY Mf,AYM� t� lswh. ,an � �•w!-•.P�yy.✓t.l..�of /`/%'1�, N.IMJdi1•MH ^!i 'ry'•'� •1 pfr.e r.f11;.INp A/Ii•U (�:/J.tl ►■rl 1p'.�. et• _ ttH'N'J/ti _ . _ .(I/Ir' JA J3=L �I Q 1•el•N'«" 10o.w r_i JM1 Jr`I1.. awn -�Y-7� �Jf[ifoa 1 Jhnfl 1.N.erP�1 fN/I/tIN, pyt� 4 � R , fi � 6 ai6foliuy� ; 9 0 •aam'w' DE7A1(a A nor m w 7d-o37 CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT o P.O. BOX 638 • RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA 91729-0638 (909)483-7440 • CUCAMONGA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT TRC COMMENT SHEET PROJECT: 13351 Banyan Street LOCATION: Banyan Street and East Avenue DATE: September 16, 2014 BY: Raymond B. Abeyta, Engineering Technician III WATER: Existing 12" water line on Banyan Street Existing 8" water line on East Avenue District requirements: 1. Normal connections to the public water system. 2. All onsite fire protection systems shall be private. 3. All public landscaping, proposed or existing, shall have its' own separate metered service. 4. All public landscape and public domestic metered services shall have an approved Reduced Pressure Principle valve assembly installed as the required ® minimum backflow prevention device. 5. Additional facilities may be required after formal submittal and review. SEWER: Sewer does not exist on Banyan Street or East Avenue Existing 8" Sewer on Golden Lock District requirements: I. Normal connections to the public sewer system. 2. All public sewer mains shall be a minimum of 8-inch in size. 3. All sewer laterals shall be equipped with an approved backwater valve assembly. 4. Submit a completed 'Plan Check Information Request', a completed 'Non- domestic Wastewater Discharge Permit' application concerning any non- domestic process discharge, and three complete sets of building plumbing plans for plan check. 5. Monitoring manholes will be required at all buildings where any non-domestic process discharge takes place. 6. Additional facilities may be required after formal submittal and review. • EXHIBIT I E, F, G15 Print Form ENVIRONMENTAL T"i�''• ` �. INFORMATION FORM J L_: _. (Part I - Initial Study) RANCHO (Please type or print clearly using ink. Use the tab key to move from one line to the next line.) CUCAMONGA Planning Department (909)477-2750 The purpose of this form is to inform the City of the basic components of the proposed project so that the City may review the project pursuant to City Policies,Ordinances,and Guidelines; the California Environmental Quality Act; and the City's Rules and Procedures to Implement CEQA. It is important that the information requested in this application be provided in full. Upon review of the completed Initial Study Part I and the development application, additional information such as,but not limited to,traffic, noise,biological,drainage,and geological reports may be required. The project application will not be deemed complete unless the identified special studies/reports are submitted for review and accepted as complete and adequate. The project application will not be scheduled for Committees' review unless all required reports are submitted and deemed complete for staff to prepare the Initial Study Part II as required by CEQA. In addition to the filing fee, the applicant will be responsible to pay or reimburse the City, its agents, officers, and/or consultants for all costs for the preparation, review, analysis, recommendations, mitigations, etc., of any special studies or reports. • GENERAL INFORMATION: INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please note that itis the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete at the time of submittal; City staff will not be available to perform work required to provide missing information. Application Number for the project to which this form pertains: Project Title: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 19528 Name&Address of project owner(s): SHAREEF AWAD 1231 NORTH CACTUS AVENUE, STE. D RIALTO, CA. 92376 Name&Address of developer or project sponsor: SAME AS"OWNER" ® Page 1 of 10 EXHIBIT J E, F, G16 Contact Person&Address: SHAREEF AWAD 1231 N.CACTUS AVENUE, STE. D RIALTO, CA. 92376 Name&Address of person preparing this form(if different from above): SAME AS"ABOVE" Telephone Number. 909 519-1355 PROJECT INFORMATION & DESCRIPTION Information indicated by an asterisk(•)is not required of non-construction CUP's unless otherwise requested by staff. '1) Provide a full scale(8-1/2 x 11)copy of the USGS Quadrant Sheet(s)which includes the project site,and indicate the site boundaries. 2) Provide a set of color photographs that show representative views into the site from the north, south,east, and west; views into and from the site from the primary access points that serve the site;and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map showing location of each photograph. 3) Project Location(describe): 13351 BANYAN STREET 4) Assessors Parcel Numbers(attach additional sheet if necessary): APN:0225-191-37 'S) Gross Site Area(ac(sq. ft.): 66,941 S.F. '6) Net Site Area(total site size minus area of public streets&proposed 58, 745 S.F. dedications): 7) Describe any proposed general plan amendment or zone change which would affect the project site (attach additional sheet if necessary): N/A Updated 4/11/2013 Page 2 of 10 �y 8) include a description of all permits which will be necessary from the City of Rancho Cucamonga and other governmental • agencies in order to fully implement the project. N/A 9) Describe the physical setting of the site as it exists before the project including information on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage courses, and scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on site(including age and condition)and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features described. In addition, cite all sources of information(i.e.,geological and/or hydrologic studies,biotic and archeological surveys,traffic studies): THERE IS AN EXISTING FAMILY HOME ONSITE TO REMAIN, THE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SITE IS FLAT AND DRAINS FROM NORTH TO THE SOUTH. THERE IS AN EXISTING BARN TO BE REMOVED. EXISTING TREES INSIDE THE PROPOSED PARCEL 2 WILL BE REMOVED. THER ARE NO EXISTING ANIMALS ON SITE. THERE IS NO SCENIC ASPECT OF THE PROJECT. ® Updated 4/11/2013 Page 3 of 10 E, F,G18 10) Describe the known cultural and/orhistotical aspects of the site. Cite all sources of information(books,published reports and oral history): THERE ARE NO CULTURAL OR HISTORICAL ASPECTS OF THE SITE. 11) Describe any noise sources and their levels that now affect the site(aircraft,roadway noise,etc.)and how they will affect proposed uses: THERE ARE NO NOISE SOURCES THAT AFFECT THE SITE. 12) Describe the proposed project in detail. This should provide an adequate description of the site in terms of ultimate use that will result from the proposed project. Indicate if there are proposed phases for development the extent of development to occur with each phase,and the aritfcipated completion of each increment. Attach additional sheet(s)if necessary: SUBDIVISION OF EXISTING ONE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS. 13) Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any cultural,historical,or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use(residential,commercial,etc.),intensity of land use(one-family,apartment houses, shops, department stores, etc.)and scale of development(height,frontage, setback,rear yard, etc.): PROPERTY TO THE EAST IS VACANT,TO THE SOUTH IS VACANT,TO THE WEST IS VACANT, TO THE NORTH IS SCHOOL,AND TO THE SOUTHWEST IS A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. THERE ARE NO ANIMALS, PLANTS, CULTURAL, OR SCENIC ASPECTS OF THE SITE. Updated 4/11/2013 Page 4 of 10 14) Will the proposed project change the pattern, scale, or character of the surrounding general area of the project? NO 15) Indicate the type of short-term and long-term noise to be generated,including source and amount. How will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses? What methods of soundproofing are proposed? N/A '16) Indicate proposed removals and/or replacements of mature or scenic trees: N/A 17) Indicate any bodies of water(including domestic water supplies)into which the site drains: • N/A 18) Indicate expected amount of water usage. (See Attachment A for usage estimates). For further clarification,please contact the Cucamonga Valley Water District at(909)987-2591. a. Residential(gal/day) 705 Peak use(gal/Day) 705 b. Commercial/lnd. N/A (gat/day/ac) Peak use(gal/min/ac) 19) Indicate proposed method of sewage disposal. 19 Septic Tank Sewer. If septic tanks are proposed, attach percolation tests. If discharge to a sanitary sewage system is proposed indicate expected daily sewage generation: (See Attachment A for usage estimates). For further clarification,please contact the Cucamonga Valley Water District at(909)987-2591. a. Residential(gal/day) b. Commercial/Industrial(gal/day/ac) • Updated 4/11/2013 Page 5 of 10 E, F,G20 RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS: 20) Number of residential units. Detached(indicate range of parcel sizes,minimum lot size and maximum lot size: N/A Attached(indicate whether units are rental or for sale units): 21) Anticipated range of sale prices and/or rents: Sale Price(s) $N/A to $ Rent(per month) $ to $ 22) Specify number of bedrooms by unit type.- N/A ype.N/A 23) Indicate anticipated household size by unit type: N/A 24) Indicate the expected number of school children who will be residing within the project. Contact the appropriate School Districts as shown in Attachment t3: a. Elementary. N/A - N/A b. Junior High: N/A c. Senior High COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND INSTITUTIONAL PROJECTS 25) Describe type of use(s)and major function(s)of commercial, industrial or institutional uses. N/A Updated 4/11/2013 Page 6 of 10 r 26) Total floor area of commercial, industrial, or institutional uses by type: N/A • 27) Indicate hours of operation: NIA 28) Number of employees: TotaN/A l: Maximum Shin: N/A Time of Maximum Shift: N/A 29) Provide breakdown of anticipated job classifications,including wage and salary ranges,as well as an indication of the rate of hire for each classification(attach additional sheet if necessary): N/A 30) Estimation of the number of workers to be hired that currently reside in the City.N/A • '31) For commercial and industrial uses only, indicate the source, type, and amount of air pollution emissions. (Data should be verged through the South Coast Air Quality Management District,at(8 18)572-6283): N/A ALL PROJECTS 32) Have the water,sewer,fire,and flood control agencies serving the project been contacted to determine theirability to provide adequate service to the proposed-project? If so,please indicate their response. NO ® Updated 4/11/2013 Page 7 of 10 E, F, G22 33) In the known history of this property,has there been any use,storage, or discharge of hazardous and/or toxic materials? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include,but are not limited to PCB's;radioactive substances,pesticides and herbicides;fuels,oils,solvents,and other flammable liquids and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the above. Please list the materials and describe their use, storage, and(or discharge on the property, as well as the dates of use, it known. NO 34) Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use,storage,or discharge of hazardous and(or toxic materials, including but.not limited to those examples listed above? If yes,provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal The location of such uses,along with the storage and shipment areas,shall be shown and labeled on the application plans. NO 35) The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fee. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning CommissiorVPfanning Director hearing: 1 hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for adequate evaluation of this project to the best of my ability,that the facts,statements,and information presented are true and correct tot he best of my knowledge and belief. 1 further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Date: - 7- Signature: Title: Updated 4/11/2013 Page 8 of 10 r r r;72 ATTACHMENT "A" CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA • ESTIMATED WATER USE AND SEWER FLOWS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT (Data Provided by Cucamonga Valley Water District February 2003) Water Usage Single-Family 705 gallons per EDU per day Multi-Family 256 gallons per EDU per day Neighborhood Commercial 1000 gallday/unit(tenant) General Commercial 4082 gal/day/unit (tenant) Office Professional 973 gal/day/unit (tenant) Institutional/Government 6412 gal/day/unit (tenant) Industrial Park 1750.gal/day/unit (tenant) Large General Industrial 2020 gal/day/unit (tenant) Heavy Industrial (distribution) 1863 gal/day/unit (tenant) Sewer Flows Single-Family 270 gallons per EDU per day • Multi-Family 190 gallons per EDU per day General Commercial 1900 gal/day/acre Office Professional 1900 gal/day/acre Institutional/Government Industrial Park 3000 gal/day/acre Large General Industrial 2020 gal/day/acre Heavy Industrial (distribution) 1863 gal/day/acre Source: Cucamonga Valley Water District Engineering & Water Resources Departments, Urban Water Management Plan 2000 • Updated 4/11/2013 Page 9 of 10 E, F, G24 ATTACHMENT B Contact the school district for your area for amount and payment of school fees: Elementary School Districts Alta Loma 9350 Base Line Road, Suite F Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909)987-0766 Central 10601 Church Street, Suite 112 Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91730 (909)989-8541 Cucamonga 8776 Archibald Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909)98 7-8942 Etiwanda 6061 East Avenue P.O. Box 248 Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91739 (909)899-2451 High School Chaffey High School 211 West 5th Street Ontario,CA 91762 (909)988-8511 Updated 4/11/2013 Page 10 of 10 L [ r! r- "F„�"'�T`•�?1'^•`"e'~'.`l�' 7�;"f�r. ,ti„ S•••.{�:.',1-;H• -.^,•t,^,��t. :,+ �, n• r ti ,�. - - �,r.r�y--sz?e,�': .1• :i•i,r f:1 .,a' '1- t 't:'' a 'a. qq • ....-�+`rr-•F. � ;�- .i: :t ..i �;f:'� ',.4+' �i s `h';'� 1}t. r,: ,�.'.J.+. '1 :r� (' r - .' '�'.w ,f'• y Yy',.• l ,'1++:'t:+� f,! t x a�}:•. ,' 7f Q.T. i�f itl •.w •r_ - .\9.'. - :s. :•�;, -a ,t• h 'y,+i•. +d a p 1?';`:i - moi::-.•s .V ':"•' 't• - :�. ;..G. •',:f..a,• 'N .,i: :�.: .c 't' '1• ,tJ�� .1., ..}•[:'•f :} •��:e. at�l' :wt '+,;'(: .r_ �u' +' ;L'i't. 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Related Files: Variance DRC2014-00530 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514 3. Description of Project: The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots in the Very Low(VL) Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan, located at 13351 Banyan Street, APN: 0225-191-37. The project includes the construction of a circular driveway within one of the parcels that will be created by the subdivision. As the project is the subdivision of a parcel into four or fewer lots it would normally be Categorically Exempt under Section 15315 (Minor Land Divisions). However, a variance is required because one of the proposed lots(Parcel 1) will not comply with the minimum lot depth of 200 feet as specified in Table 17.36.010-1 of the City's Development Code and, therefore, the project does not qualify for this Categorical Exemption. 4. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Emaar Enterprise 1231 North Cactus Avenue, Suite D Rialto, CA 92376 S. General Plan Designation: Very Low Residential 6. Zoning: Very Low(VL) Residential District(1 —2 du/ac) 7. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: The project site is an "L" shaped parcel with an overall area of about 58,745 square feet. The dimensions of the site are approximately 166 feet and 290 feet (north to south) along the west and east property lines, respectively, and approximately 248 feet (east to west). The project site is currently developed with a single-family residence and various accessory structures on the west and east sides of the property, respectively. To the east and west are vacant lots while to the south is a single-family residence. To the north (across Banyan Street) is a school (Summit Intermediate School). The zoning of the properties to the west, east, and south is Very Low (VL) Residential District while the property to the north is zoned Schools (S) District. All properties are within the Etiwanda Specific Plan. 8. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 9. Contact Person and Phone Number: Tabe van der Zwaag Associate Planner (909)477-2750 x4316 10. Other agencies whose approval is required (e.g., permits, financing approval, or • participation agreement): None E, F, G31 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 Page 2 GLOSSARY—The following abbreviations are used in this report: CVWD Cucamonga Valley Water District EIR—Environmental Impact Report FEIR— Final Environmental Impact Report FPEIR - Final Program Environmental Impact Report NPDES—National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NOx—Nitrogen Oxides ROG— Reactive Organic Gases PM,o—Fine Particulate Matter RWQCB—Regional Water Quality Control Board SCAQMD—South Coast Air Quality Management District SWPPP—Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan CALEEMOD—California Emissions Estimator Model ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated,"or"Less Than-Significant-Impact'as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ( }Aesthetics ( )Agricultural Resources ( )Air Quality ( ) Biological Resources ( )Cultural Resources ( )Geology &Soils ( )Greenhouse Gas Emissions ( ) Hazards&Waste Materials ( ) Hydrology&Water Quality ( ) Land Use& Planning ( ) Mineral Resources ( ) Noise ( ) Population & Housing ( ) Public Services ( ) Recreation ( )Transportation/Traffic ( ) Utilities&Service Systems ( ) Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION On the basis of this initial evaluation: (x) I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ( ) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by, or agreed to, by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a "Potentially Significant Impact' or "Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standard and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ( ) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or Rev 2-26-13 r r r� f Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 Page 3 • mitigated pursuant to that earlier EI or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures th a e impos upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Prepared By: �// Date: 3C Ll f Reviewed By: Date: • • Rev 2-26-13 E,F, G33 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 4 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Sotentiawan Than Significantt Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 1. AESTHETICS. Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a State Scenic Highway? C) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare, { ) ( ) ( ) (✓) which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue and is characterized by vacant lots to the east and west and a single- family residence to the south. To the north (across Banyan Street) is a school (Summit Intermediate School). There are no significant vistas within or adjacent to the project site. The site is not within a view corridor according to General Plan Figure LU-6. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The project site contains no scenic resources and no historic buildings within a State Scenic Highway. There are no State Scenic Highways within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue and is characterized by vacant lots to the east and west and a single- family residence to the south. To the north (across Banyan Street) is a school (Summit Intermediate School). The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the technical and design standards and policies established by the Planning Commission and City Council. The variance will not affect the physical appearance of the project site or the surrounding properties;and the circular driveway is a common improvement in residential properties. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and Rev 2-26-13 C c ria Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 5 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact incorporated Impact Impact overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue and is characterized by vacant lots to the east and west and a single- family residence to the south. To the north (across Banyan Street) is a school (Summit Intermediate School). The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review, the design and placement of street lights will be required to comply with City standards including requirements for shielding, diffusing, or indirect lighting to avoid glare. Residential lighting is generally not a source of substantial glare, as such, lighting is limited to within the confines of the home. Exterior residential lighting will be required to comply with City standards for maximum height and setbacks for light poles. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 2. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) Williamson Act contract? • c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause re-zoning of, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓ ) forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code section 12220 (g), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code section 4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production (as defined by Government Code Section 51104 (g))? d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) land to non-forest use? e) Involve other changes in the existing environment, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non-forest use? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue and is characterized by vacant residentially zoned lots to the east and west, a single-family residence to the south and a school to the north. The project site is located in an area developed with single-family residential uses. The site is not designated as Prime Farmlands, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance. There are approximately 209 acres of Farmland of Local Importance, Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance within the City of Rancho Cucamonga according to the General Plan and the California Department of Conservation Farmland Map 2010. The General Plan FPEIR identified the conversion of farmlands to urban uses as a significant unavoidable adverse impact for which a Statement of Overriding Considerations was ultimately adopted by the City Council. The proposed Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G35 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 6 Less Than Significant Less Potentially With Than Issues and Supporting Information Sources: significant Mitigation Significant No Impact incorporated Impact Impact project is consistent with the General Plan for which the FPEIR was prepared and impacts evaluated. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) There is no agriculturally zoned land within the City of Rancho Cucamonga. There are no Williamson Act contracts within the City. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) There are no lands within the City of Rancho Cucamonga that is zoned as forest land or timberland. Therefore no impacts would occur related to the conversion of forest land to non-forest use. Further, there are no areas within the City of Rancho Cucamonga that are zoned as forest land, timberland, or Timberland Production. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) Refer to 2.c above. e) Refer to 2.a and 2.c above. 3. AIR QUALITY. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) applicable air quality plan? b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? C) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non-attainment under an applicable Federal or State ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions that exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors? d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) concentrations? e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) number of people? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the site is located in a predominantly developed area and future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to interfere with the region's ability to comply with Federal and State air quality standards for Criterion 1 Increase in the Frequency or Severity of Violations (local air quality impacts) or Criterion 2 Exceed Assumptions in the AQMP (consistency with the 2003 AQMP) as noted in the General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.3). Therefore, the project is consistent with the 2003 AQMP and is consistent with the General Plan for which the FPEIR was prepared and impacts Rev 2-26-13 r r rnL Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 7 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact evaluated. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the applicable technical/design standards and policies to minimize impacts to air quality. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and construction of a circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. As noted in the General Plan FEIR (Section 4.3), continued development would contribute to the pollutant levels in the Rancho Cucamonga area, which already exceed Federal and State standards. The General Plan FPEIR identified the citywide increase in emissions as a significant and adverse impact for which a Statement of Overriding ® Considerations was ultimately adopted by the City Council. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the General Plan for which the FPEIR was prepared and impacts evaluated. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is located in an area developed with single-family residential uses. Sensitive receptors are defined as populations that are more susceptible to the effects of pollution than the population at large. The SCAQMD identifies the following as sensitive receptors: long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers, convalescent centers, retirement homes, residences, schools, playgrounds, child care centers, and athletic facilities. According to the SCAQMD, projects have the potential to create significant impacts if they are located within 1/4 mile of sensitive receptors and would emit toxic air contaminants identified in SCAQMD Rule 1401. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the site is located in a predominantly developed area and future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to create significant impacts to these sensitive receptors. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the applicable technical/design standards and policies to minimize impacts to air quality. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots ® for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G37 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 8 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources. Potentially With Than pp g Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact__ Impact overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the performance standards and policies that relate to odors that have been established by the Planning Commission and City Council. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project., a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? b) Have a substantial adverse effect on riparian habitat ( ) ( ) ( ) V) or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? C) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally ( ) ( ) ( ) V) protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat ( ) ( ) ( ) V) Conservation Plan, Natural Community conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State habitat conservation plan? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is located in an area developed with single-family residential uses. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the applicable technical/design standards and policies to minimize impacts to biological resources. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. Rav 9-96-11 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 9 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Significant ant With Than Significant Mingauon Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Im act b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is located in an urban area with no natural communities. No riparian habitat exists on-site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) No wetland habitat is present on-site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The City is primarily located in an urban area that does not contain large, contiguous natural open space areas. Wildlife potentially may move through the north/south trending tributaries in the northern portion of the City and within the Sphere of Influence. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a ® proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure compliance with the applicable technical/design standards and policies to minimize impacts to biological resources. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. Although there are heritage trees on the project site, the construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Any potential impacts to heritage trees will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted to the City for review. A tree removal permit shall be required prior to removal of any heritage trees and appropriate mitigation shall be required. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. f) Neither the City nor the Sphere of Influence (SOI) are within an adopted HCP, NCCP, or other approved State Habitat Conservation Plan area. The project site is not located within a local conservation area according to the General Plan, Open Space and Conservation Plan, Figure RC-1. No conflicts with habitat conservation plans will occur. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, or circular driveway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G39 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 10 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentiallyignifnt With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 5. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) significance of a historical resource as defined in § 15064.5? b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) significance of an archeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? C) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) resource or site or unique geologic feature? d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred ( ) ( ) ( } (✓) outside of formal cemeteries? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site has not been identified as a "Historic Resource" per the standards of Rancho Cucamonga Municipal Code Section 2.24 (Historic Preservation). Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. There are no known archaeological sites or resources recorded on the project site. However, the Rancho Cucamonga area is known to have been inhabited by Native Americans according to the General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.6). Construction activity, particularly grading, soil excavation, and compaction, could adversely affect or eliminate existing and potential archaeological resources. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to determine whether there will be an impact on historical resources. If there is an impact, mitigation measures will be imposed to ensure a less-than-significant impact. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.6) indicates that the Rancho Cucamonga area is on an alluvial fan. According to the research performed at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and the San Bernardino County database, no paleontological sites or resources have been recorded within the City of Rancho Cucamonga or the Sphere-of-Influence, including the project site. However, the area has Rev 2-26-13 C C rAA Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 11 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentiallyignifnt With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact a high sensitivity rating for paleontological resources. The older alluvium, which would have been deposited during the wetter climate that prevailed 10,000-100,000 years ago during the Late Pleistocene epoch of the Quaternary period, when the last "Ice Age" and the appearance of modern man occurred, may contain significant vertebrate fossils. The project site is underlain by Quaternary alluvium per the Public Safety Element of the General Plan. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to determine whether there will be an impact on archeological resources. If there is an impact, mitigation measures will be imposed to ensure a less-than-significant impact. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site has been disrupted by the construction of a single- family residence and accessory structures. No known religious or sacred sites exist within the project area. No evidence is in place to suggest the project site has been used for human burials. The California Health and Safety Code (Section 7050.5) states that if human remains are discovered on-site, no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources • Code Section 5097.98. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. As adherence to State regulations is required for all development, no mitigation is required in the unlikely event human remains are discovered on-site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, or circular driveway will not have an impact. 6. GEOLOGY AND SOILS. Would the project a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓} delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including ( ) ( } ( } (✓) liquefaction? iv) Landslides? b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) C) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, ( ) ( } ( ) (✓} or that would become unstable as a result of the • project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? Rav 7-96-11 E, F, G41 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 12 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Su ortin Information Sources. Potentially With Than pp g Significant Mitigation Significant No Im act Incorporated Impact Impact d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a' reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. No known faults pass through the site and it is not in an Earthquake Fault Zone, nor is it in the Rancho Cucamonga City Special Study Zone along the Red Hill Fault, according to the General Plan Figure PS-2, and Section 4.7 of the General Plan FPEIR. The Red Hill Fault is about 1 mile to the northwest of the site, and the Cucamonga Fault Zone lies about 2 miles to the north of the site. These faults are both capable of producing MW 6.0-7.0 earthquakes. Also, the San Jacinto fault, capable of producing up to MW 7.5 earthquakes is about 12 miles northeasterly of the site and the San Andreas, capable of up to MW 8.2.earthquakes, is about 14 miles northeasterly of the site. Each of these faults can produce strong ground shaking. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Adhering to the Uniform Building Code and Standard Conditions will ensure that geologic impacts are less-than-significant. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The City of Rancho Cucamonga is within a designated Soil Erosion Control Area Exhibit 4.7-4 of the General Plan FPEIR. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to determine whether the excavation, stockpiling, and/or movement of on-site soils could result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. If there is an impact, mitigation measures will be imposed to ensure a less-than-significant impact. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.7) indicates that there is a potential for the hillside areas at the northern end of the City and in.the SOI for slope failure, landslides, and/or erosion. Areas subject to slope instability contain slopes of 30 percent or greater. Landslides may be induced by seismic activity, rain, or construction. The City Hillside Development Regulations prohibits the development within slopes of 30 percent or greater and limit the number of units that could be constructed within the Hillside Residential and Very Low Density Residential designations in the Hillside areas. RPv 2-28-13 r r —A-1 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 13 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than PP g Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact The site is not within a Hillside area, an Earthquake hazard zone, or other unstable geologic unit or soil type according to General Plan FPEIR Exhibit 4.7-2. Soil types on-site consist of Tujunga Gravelly Loamy Sand (TvC) (0 — 9 percent slopes) Soil association according to General Plan FPEIR Exhibit 4.7-3. These soils are typically stable. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The majority of Rancho Cucamonga, including the project site, is located on alluvial soil deposits.' These types of soils are not considered to be expansive. Soil types on-site consist of Tujunga Gravelly Loamy Sand (TvC) (0 — 9 percent slopes) Soil association according to General Plan FPEIR Exhibit 4.7-3. These soils are typically stable. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and • overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review, the sewer/septic options will be evaluated within the context of local, State, and federal regulations and guidelines. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 7. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. Would the project: a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.5) indicates that GHG emissions result from construction activities associated with diesel-powered construction equipment and other combustion sources (i.e. Generators, workers vehicles, material delivery, etc.). The GHG emitted by construction equipment is primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). The highest levels of construction related GHG's occur during site preparation including demolition, grading and excavation. Construction related GHG's are also emitted from off-site haul trucks and construction workers traveling to the job site. Exhaust emissions from construction activities would vary each day with the changes in Rev 2-26-13 E, F,G43 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 14 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentiallyignifnt veto Than PP 9 Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact construction activity on site. The combustion of fossil-based fuels creates GHG's such as CO2, Cha, and N2O. CH4 is emitted during the fueling of heavy equipment. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City. The home will be required to be consistent with the design/technical standards and policies established by the Planning Commission and City Council. The developer of the home will be required to comply with existing standards for reducing greenhouse gases. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot.depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. No applicable plans, policies, or regulations adopted for the purpose of reducing GHG emission apply to the project. The 2010 General Plan Update included adopted policies and Standard Conditions that respond to the Attorney General and the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA). The General Plan policies and Standard Conditions guide infill and sustainable development reliant on pedestrian connections, re-use and rehabilitation of existing structures, link transportation opportunities, promote development that is sensitive to natural resources and incentivizes denser mixed use projects that maximizes diverse opportunities. The General Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) analyzed the impacts of GHG's and determined that GHG emissions would be cumulatively considerable, which would be a significant unavoidable adverse cumulative impact. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was ultimately adopted by the City Council. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City. The home will be required to be consistent with the design/technical standards and policies established by the Planning Commission and City Council. The developer of the home will be required to comply with existing standards for reducing greenhouse gases. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact 8. HAZARDS AND WASTE MATERIALS. Would the project. a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the { ) ( ) ( ) (✓) environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? C) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within 1/4 mile of an existing or proposed school? d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? Rev 2-26-13 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 15 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially VYth Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a ® reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. Development within the City may utilize or generate hazardous materials or wastes. This is usually associated with individual households, small business operations, and maintenance activities like paints, cleaning solvents, fertilizers, and motor oil or through construction activities that would use paints, solvents, acids, curing compounds, grease, and oils. The City participates in a countywide interagency coalition, which is considered a full service Hazardous Materials Division that is more comprehensive than any other in the State. The City has an Emergency Operations Plan that meets State and Federal requirements and is in the process of updating the approved 2005 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Compliance with Federal, State, and local regulations concerning the storage and handling of hazardous materials and/or waste will reduce the potential for significant impacts to a level of less-than- significant. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. However, the residential uses that are anticipated for the site are not expected to include the disposal of hazardous materials. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. Summit Intermediate School is located within 1/4 mile of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. However, the residential uses that are anticipated for the site are not expected to include the disposal of hazardous materials. There is no proposed construction at this time beyond the circular driveway. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not • have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 E, F,G45 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 16 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than PP g Significant Mitigation SignificantNo Im ad Incorporated Impact Significant : act d) The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is not listed as a hazardous waste or substance materials site. Recent site inspections did not reveal the presence of discarded drums or illegal dumping of hazardous materials. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The site is not located within an airport land use plan according to the General Plan Figure PS-7 and General Plan FPEIR Exhibit 4.8-1 and is not within 2 miles of a public airport. . The project site is located more than 3 miles northerly of.the Ontario Airport and is offset north of the flight path. The project is not located within the Airspace Protection Area according to the General Plan Figure PS-7 and General Plan FPEIR Exhibit 4.8-1. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. f) There are no private airstrips within the City. The nearest private airstrip, Cable Airport, is located approximately 2.5 miles to the west of the City's westerly limits. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. g) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The City has a developed roadway network that provides emergency access and evacuation routes to existing development. The site has direct access to an existing roadway. The City's Emergency Operation Plan, which is updated every three years, includes policies and procedures to be administered by the City of Rancho Cucamonga in the event of a disaster. The project includes the construction of a circular driveway which will connect to the public street network. The new driveway will comply with public street access requirements and all applicable City codes, including local fire ordinances. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. h) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. Rancho Cucamonga faces the greatest ongoing threat from wind- driven fires in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone found in the northern part of the City. The project site is located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone according to General Plan Figure PS-1. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. However, when a proposal is submitted for review by the City it will be required to conform to all regulations for the development of single-family residence in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance and circular driveway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 L L Y'AG Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 17 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 9. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY. Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) requirements? b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere ( ) { ) ( ) (✓) substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on-or off-site? d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the ( ) { ) ( ) (✓) site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner, which would result in flooding on-or off-site? • e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) mapped on a Federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) that would impede or redirect flood flows? i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) loss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City to determine the need for a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) . permit under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act, preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activities, and a Water Quality Management Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G47 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 18 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: P Significant ally With Than ant Mitiga[i0n Significant NO Impact Incorporated Impact Impact Plan (WQMP) for post-construction operational management of storm water runoff. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. According to the CVWD, approximately 35 percent of the City's water is currently provided from water supplies coming from the underlying Chino and Cucamonga Groundwater Basins. The CVWD complies with its prescriptive water rights as managed by the Chino Basin Watermaster and will not deplete the local groundwater resource. As noted in the General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.9), continued development Citywide will increase water needs but will not be a significant impact. The CVWD has plans to meet this increased need to the year 2030. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to determine impacts to absorption rates, drainage patterns, the rate and amount of surface water runoff, erosion, siltation, and alteration of any stream or river. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) Refer to 9.c above. e) Refer to 9.c above. f) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to determine impacts to surface water quality caused by grading activities associated with the construction period that could result in a temporary increase in the amount of suspended solids in surface flows during a concurrent storm event. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. g) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is not located within a 100-year flood hazard area according to General Plan Figure PS-5. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 L L PAQ Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 19 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than PP 9 Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated impact Impact h) Refer to 9.g above. i) Refer to 9.g above. j) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. There are no oceans, lakes, or reservoirs near the project site; therefore impacts from seiche and tsunami are not anticipated. The Rancho Cucamonga area sits at the base of the steep eastern San Gabriel Mountains whose deep canyons were cut by mountain streams. Numerous man-made controls have been constructed to reduce the mudflow impacts to the level of non-significance within the City. This existing system includes several debris dams and levees north of the City, and spreading grounds both within and north of the City. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 10. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? () ( ) ( ) (✓) b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to, a general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? C) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) or natural community conservation plan? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue and is characterized by vacant residentially zoned lots to the east and west, a single-family residence to the south and a school to the north. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City. The proposed home will be required to be of similar design and size to surrounding residential development to ensure that it becomes a part of the larger community. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the • existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and E, F,G49 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 20 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Su ortin Information Sources: Potentially With Than PP g Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact impact east of East Avenue. The land use designation of the project site is Very Low Residential and the proposed subdivision is for the future development of a single-family residence. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review they will be evaluated to ensure consistency with the General Plan and any policies for environmental protection, SCAG's Compass Blueprint, or SCAG's Regional Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is located within a habitat conservation area. According to General Plan Figure RC4 and Section 4.10 of the General Plan FPEIR, the project site is within the Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub Habitat area. However, the site, has been partially developed with a single-family residence and various accessory structures. Based on a visual inspection, the site does not include undisturbed natural habitat. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 11. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral ( ) ( } ( ) (✓) resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the State? b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet.due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The site is not designated as a State Aggregate Resources Area according to the City General Plan, Figure RC-2 and Table RC-1. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The site is not designated by the General Plan, Figure RC-2 and Table RC-1, as a valuable mineral resource recovery site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 21 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potent;ally With Than S,gnificant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 12. NOISE. Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) ground borne vibration or ground borne noise levels? C) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) where such a plan has not been adopted, within 2 miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) • would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is not within an area of noise levels exceeding City standards according to General Plan Figure PS-9 at build-out. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City. The normal operating uses associated with this type of project normally do not induce ground borne vibrations except during construction which may create short term noise and vibration impact. The developer of the new home will be required to comply with the City's performance standards for noise and timing of construction activity. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots • for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and Rev 2-26-13 F. F. GS1 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 22 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than pp g Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact__ Incorporated Impact Impact overall size of the project site. The primary source of ambient noise' levels in Rancho Cucamonga is traffic. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project but will be evaluated when a proposal is submitted for review by the City. Nevertheless, it is not anticipated that the future single-family residence will significantly increase traffic nor will likely increase ambient noise levels within the vicinity of the project. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.12) indicates that during a construction phase, on-site stationary sources, heavy-duty construction vehicles, and construction equipment, will generate noise exceeding City standards. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. The developer of the new home will be required to comply with the City's performance standards for noise and timing of construction activity. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The site is not located within an airport land use plan and is not within 2 miles of a public airport. The Project is located approximately more than 3 miles northerly of the Ontario Airport and is offset north of the flight path. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. f) The nearest private airstrip, Cable Airport, is located approximately 2.5 miles to the west of the City's westerly limits. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 13. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? C) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) the,construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future single-family residence is not expected to induce significant population growth. With the exception of the need for a variance, the project is consistent with the underlying Zoning and General Plan Designation. The density was analyzed as Rev 2-26-13 r r rr� Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 23 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Wdh Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Im act part of the build out in the General Plan FPEIR. Construction activities for the single- family residence at the site will be short-term and will not attract new employees to the area. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The project site is partially developed with a single-family residence which will remain in-place on Lot 1. The remainder of the site is minimally developed with accessory structures and, therefore, when that part of the property (Lot 2) is developed, there will be no displacement of housing. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) Refer to 13.b above. 14. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or • physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: a) Fire protection? b) Police protection? C) Schools? d) Parks? e) Other public facilities? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. It site is served by Fire Station #176 at 5840 East Avenue that is located about 1 mile to the north of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to require the construction of any new facilities or alteration of any existing facilities or cause a decline in the levels of service, which could cause the need to construct new facilities. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. • b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G53 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 24 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Su ortin Information Sources: PotentiaWith Than PP g Significanntt With Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to result in a significant increase in calls for service. Additional police protection is not required as the addition of the project will not change the pattern of uses within the surrounding area and will not have a substantial increase in property to be patrolled as the project site is within an area that is regularly patrolled. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The Etiwanda School District and the Chaffey Joint Union High School District serve the project area. Both school districts have been notified regarding the proposed development. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When the property is developed, a standard condition of approval will require the developer to pay the school impact fees. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The site is in a developed area, currently served by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The nearest park, Etiwanda Creek Community Park and Dog Park at 5939 East Avenue, is located '/2 mile to the north of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to require the construction of any new facilities or alteration of any existing facilities or cause a decline in the levels of service, which could cause the need to construct new facilities. When the property is developed, a standard condition of approval will require the developer to pay Park Development Fees. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance and circular driveway will not have an impact e) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is expected to utilize existing public facilities and will not require the construction of any new facilities or alteration of any existing facilities or cause a decline in the levels of service, which could cause the need to construct new facilities, and will otherwise be consistent with the General Plan for which the FPEIR was prepared and impacts evaluated. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular dri.veway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 r C GGA Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 25 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact 15. RECREATION. Would the project: a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood and ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is in a developed area, currently served by the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The nearest park, Etiwanda Creek Community Park and Dog Park, is located at 5939 East Avenue, approximately % mile to the north of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to cause an increase in the • use of parks or other recreational facilities. When the property is developed, a standard condition of approval will require the developer to pay Park Development Fees. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and. circular driveway will not have an impact. b) Refer to 15.a above. 16. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC. Would the project.- a) roject.a) Conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance or policy ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, taking into account all modes of transportation including mass transit and non-motorized travel and relevant components of the circulation system, including but not limited to intersections, streets, highways and freeways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and mass transit? b) Conflict with an applicable congestion management ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) program, including, but not limited to a level of service standards and travel demand measures, or other standards established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? C) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) either an increase in traffic levels or a change in • location that result in substantial safety risks? Rav 9-28-13 E, F,G55 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 26 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: F Significant ally wan Than ant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses(e.g., farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) fl Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs ( ) { ) ( ) (.✓) regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or safety of such facilities. Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to cause a significant increase in the number of vehicle trips, traffic volume, or congestion at intersections. As noted in the General Plan FPEIR (Section 4.16), continued development will contribute to the traffic load in the Rancho Cucamonga area. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan for which the FPEIR was prepared and impacts evaluated. When the property is developed, the developer will be required to pay a transportation development fee prior to issuance of building permit and provide street improvements(curb, gutter, and sidewalk) along the street frontage of the site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the.required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, the future construction of a single-family residence is not expected to cause a significant impact to level of service standards on adjacent arterials. When the property is developed, the developer will be required to pay a transportation development fee prior to issuance of building permit and provide street improvements (curb, gutter, and sidewalk) along the street frontage of the site. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project.site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. Located more than 3 miles northerly of the Ontario Airport, the site is offset north of the flight path and will not change air traffic patterns. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the Ri?v 9-2A-13 r r err Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 27 ® Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially With Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure that there is no substantial increase in hazards due to a design feature such as sharp curves or dangerous intersections, or incompatibility with other uses. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure access for all emergency vehicles during construction and upon completion of the project is provided. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. f) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure that they will not conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation design. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 17. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS. Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the ( ) ( ) ( ) V) applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment ( ) ( ) ( ) (1) provider, which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? Rev 2-26-13 E. F. G57 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 28 Less Than Significant Less Issues and Su ortin Information Sources: Potentially With Than pp g Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact impact f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) capacity to accommodate the projects solid waste disposal needs? g) Comply with Federal, State, and local statutes and ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) regulations related to solid waste? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The proposed project area is not served by the CVWD sewer system, and will be served by a septic system. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When the property is developed, the developer will be required to meet the requirements of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding wastewater. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance and circular driveway will not have an impact. b) Refer to 17.a above. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure that all runoff will be conveyed to existing storm drain facilities, which have been designed to handle the flows. A Grading and Drainage Plan must be approved by the Building Official and City Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. d) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (ori Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The site is located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue. . The project area is served by the CVWD water system. Although the construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project, there is currently a sufficient water supply available to the City of Rancho Cucamonga to serve homes constructed in the future. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. e) Refer to 17.a above. f) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and Rev 2-26-13 r c r-eo Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 29 • Less Than Significant Less Issues and Supporting Information Sources: Potentially Wah Than Significant Mitigation Significant No Impact Incorporated Impact Impact overall size of the project site. Solid waste disposal will be provided by the current City contracted hauler who disposes the refuse at a permitted landfill with sufficient capacity to handle the City's solid waste disposal needs. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. g) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure that it will comply with Federal, State, and local statutes and regulations regarding solid waste. The City of Rancho Cucamonga continues to implement waste reduction procedures consistent with AB 939. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. 18. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, • threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? b) Does the project have impacts that are individually ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? c) Does the project have environmental effects that will ( ) ( ) ( ) (✓) cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Comments: a) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. Nevertheless, it is not expected that the new home will impact sensitive biological resources as the site does not include undisturbed natural habitat and the area surrounding the site is developed. Based on previous development and street improvements, it is unlikely that any endangered or rare species would inhabit the site. • Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance, and circular driveway will not have an impact. Rev 2-26-13 E, F, G59 Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 30 b) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review the developer will be required to develop the site in accordance with the City of Rancho Cucamonga General Plan. The 2010 General Plan was adopted along with the certification of a Program FEIR, Findings of Fact, and a Statement of Overriding Considerations for significant adverse environmental effects of build-out in the City and Sphere-of-influence. The City made findings that adoption of the General Plan would result in significant adverse effects to Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forest Resources, Air Quality, Climate Change and Mineral Resources. Mitigation measures were adopted for each of these resources; however, they would not reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. As such, the City adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations balancing the benefits of development under the General Plan Update against the significant unavoidable adverse impacts (CEQA Guidelines Section 15092 and 15096(h)). These benefits include less overall traffic volumes by developing mixed-use projects that will be pedestrian friendly and conservation of valuable natural open space. With these findings and the Statement of Overriding Considerations, no further discussion or evaluation of cumulative impacts is required. C) The proposed project is the subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into two (2) lots for residential development (on Lot 2) and the construction of a circular driveway for the existing single-family residence (on Lot 1). A variance is also being requested to allow a reduction in the required lot depth for Lot 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet due to the shape and overall size of the project site. Subdivision of the property would not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. The construction of a home on Lot 2 is not part of this project. When a proposal is submitted to the City for review it will be evaluated to ensure there is no impact on, for example, air quality, biological resources, and traffic. Mitigation measures, if necessary, will be required to reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. Therefore, the proposed subdivision, variance and circular driveway will not have an impact. EARLIER ANALYSES Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, one or more effects have been adequately analyzed in an earlier PEIR or Negative Declaration per Section 15063(c)(3)(D). The effects identified above for this project were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in the following earlier document(s) pursuant to applicable legal standards, and such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. The following earlier analyses were utilized in completing this Initial Study and are available for review in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, Planning Division offices, 10500 Civic Center Drive(check all that apply): (X) General Plan FPEIR (SCH#2000061027, Certified May 19, 2010) (X) General Plan FEIR (SCH#2000061027, Certified October 17, 2001) (X) Master Environmental Assessment for the 1989 General Plan Update (SCH#88020115, certified January 4, 1989) (X) Etiwanda Specific Plan EIR (SCH#82061801, certified July 6, 1983) Rev 2-26-13 r r i-rA ® Initial Study for City of Rancho Cucamonga TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 Page 31 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the applicant for the project described In this Initial Study. I acknowledge that I have read this Initial Study and the proposed mitigation measures. Further, I have revised the project plans or proposals and/or hereby agree to the proposed mitigation measures to avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant environmental effects would occur. Applicant's Signature: Date: 9-.3u -I Print Name and Title: YhOrCeP Awad • Rev 2-26-13 E. F. G61 - City of Rancho Cucamonga NEGATIVE DECLARATION The following Negative Declaration is being circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act Section 21091 and 21092 of the Public Resources Code. Project File No.: Tentative Tract Map SUBTPM19528. Related Files: Variance DRC2014-00530 and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514 Public Review Period Closes: November 12, 2014 Project Name: Project Applicant: Emaar Enterprise Project Location(also see attached map): Located at 13351 Banyan Street,APN:0225-191-37 Project.Description: A proposed subdivision of a parcel of 58,745 square feet into 2 lots in the Very Low Residential District, Etiwanda Specific Plan located at 13351 Banyan Street,APN:0225- 191-37. The project includes the construction of a circular driveway within one of the parcels. A Variance is required because one of the two proposed lots will not comply with the minimum lot depth of 200 feet as required by the City's Development Code and therefore does not qualify for a Categorical Exemption under Section 15315. FINDING This is to advise that the City of Rancho Cucamonga,acting as the lead agency,has conducted an Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment and is proposing this Mitigated Negative Declaration based upon the following finding: 1) There is no substantial evidence before the agency that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. If adopted, the Negative Declaration means that an Environmental Impact Report will not be required. The factual and analytical basis for this finding is included in the attached Initial Study. The project file and all related documents are available for review at the City of Rancho Cucamonga Planning Department at 10500 Civic Center Drive (909) 477-2750 or Fax (909)477-2847. NOTICE The public is invited to comment on the proposed Negative Declaration during the review period. November 12, 2014 Date of Determination Adopted By E, F, G62 RESOLUTION NO. 14-50 sA RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528, A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE A 58,745 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS FORA SITE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET AND EAST OF EAST AVENUE WITHIN THE VERY LOW (VL) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AT 13351 BANYAN STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 0225-191-37. A. Recitals. 1. Shareef Awad filed an application for the approval of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Tentative Parcel Map request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 12th day of November 2014 the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on November 12, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a property located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; b. The project site is an "L" shaped vacant parcel with an overall area of approximately 58,745 square feet. The site is approximately 166 feet deep(north to south)along the west property line, approximately 290 feet deep along the east property line and approximately 248 feet wide (east to west); C. The project site is currently developed with a single-family residence which will remain on Parcel 1 along with various accessory structures that will be removed with the development of the new lot; d. To the east and west are vacant lots within the Very Low(VL)Development District. To the south is a single-family residence within the Very Low (VL) Development District. To the • north (across Banyan Street), is a school (Summit Intermediate School); E. F. G63 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-50 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 2 e. The two proposed parcels meet all Etiwanda Specific Plan development standards except that Parcel 1,which is developed with a single-family residence,does not meet the minimum 200-foot lot depth requirement. A Variance (DRC2014-00530) has been submitted to reduce the required lot depth on Parcel 1. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That the proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the General Plan in that the project site is residentially zoned and is being subdivided for residential purposes. b. That the proposed design is in accord with the objectives of the Development Code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located in that the proposed parcels are being subdivided for residential purposes and will be of similar size and density to those in the surrounding area. C. That the proposed design is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code except for lot depth,for which the applicant has submitted a corresponding application for a Variance entitlement (DRC2014-00530). d. That the proposed design,together with the conditions applicable thereto,will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity in that the lots will be used for residential development in accord.with the development district and that Parcel 1 will be of similar size and dimension to the lot to the west and the vacant lot (Parcel 2) meets all development requirements of the development district. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application,the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration based upon the findings as follows: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQA")and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City staff prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study,City staff determined that there was no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Negative Declaration. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Negative Declaration and all comments received regarding the Negative Declaration and, based on the whole record before it, finds: (i)that the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; and (ii)that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission further finds that the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission. Based on these findings, the Planning Commission hereby adopts the Negative Declaration prior to reviewing and taking action on the associated Tentative Parcel Map. C. The custodian of records for the Initial Study, Negative Declaration and all other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Planning Commission's PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-50 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 3 • decision is based is the Planning Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Those documents are available for public review in the Planning Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, telephone (909) 477-2750. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached standard conditions incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) Approval is to subdivide a 58,745 square foot parcel into two parcels for a site located at 13351 Banyan Street-APN: 0225-191-37. 2) Approval is contingent on the approval of Variance DRC2014-00530 for the reduction in the required 200 foot lot depth requirement for Parcel 1 of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528. 3) Development of a single-family residence on Lot 2 requires the prior approval of a Minor Design Review. 4) All walls exposed to the public view shall be decorative (i.e. split face, slump stone or stucco). 5) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Ravenel Wimberly, Chairman ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary 1, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed,and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of November 2014, by the following vote-to-wit: E. F. G65 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-50 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval • IO O (;t;UCANcni�{o;vcA Community Development Department Project* SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: A. Planning Department 1. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing. Negative Declaration-$2,206.25 2. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of 4. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. This tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the Engineering Services Department within 3 years from the date of the approval.. B. Engineering Services Department 1. 1. Banyan Street frontage improvements to be in accordance with the Etiwanda Specific Plan as required and including: a. Provide curb and gutter, drive approaches, street trees and a.c. pavement as required. b. Provide 5800 Lumen HPSV—equivalent LED street lights. c. Provide, protect and or replace signing and striping. • Printed:10/16/2014 www.C ityofRC.us E. F. G67 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.- B. ROJECT.B. Engineerinta Services Department 2. Master Plan Storm Drains for Area 5 of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy are already in place. No reimbursement is applicable to this Master Plan Storm Drain. The property owner is responsible (approximately 1.3%) for reimbursing his fair share of the costs for Tract 17651 constructing local storm drains to the Victoria Basin Master Plan Storm Drain System. 3. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from street centerline): 38 total feet on Banyan Street 4. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Banyan Street Curb & Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk . Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees Community Trail 5. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 6. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 7. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. wwwZtyofRC.us Printed:10/16/2014 Page 2 of 9 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.- B. ROJECT:B. Engineering Services Department 8. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Banyan Street Botanical Name-Lagerstroemia hybrid"Muskogee" Common Name-Lavender Crape Myrtle Hybrid Min. Grow Space-2' Spacing- 35' 0.C. Size-24" Box . Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, • as determined by the City inspector. 3)All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 9. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except: that in developments containing more than one building, structure or, unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. • Printed: 10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 3 of 9 E, F, G69 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineerinci Services.Department 10. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. 11. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 12. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 13. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement certificate shall be placed upon the final parcel map, stating that - they will be completed upon development for. Street Trees on Lot 2. 14. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the Developer and the City will be required for. All Public Improvements www.CityofRC.us Printed:10/16/2014 Page 4 of 9 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 15. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 16. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to Building Permit issuance if no map is involved. 17. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval or issuance of Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. 18. A community trail shall be provided in lieu of sidewalk on the south side of Banyan Street per Standard Plan 1003 and Etiwanda Specific Plan Figure 5-39. An additional 5 feet shall be dedicated to get the full 20-foot parkway width and the 12-foot trail shall be 8 feet from the face of the curb. a. The driveway concrete apron portion where the community trail. crosses must be transverse medium broom finish. b. PVC fencing on the street side of the trail shall be held back a sufficient distance from all driveways for drivers to see traffic in both directions. 19. Reconstruct Banyan Street pavement to centerline. E. Grading Section 1. Prior to issuance of a wall permit a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 2. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a drainage easement or letter from the downstream property owners accepting any concentrated drainage flows. 3. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 4. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 5. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan has been deemed "Acceptable" as of September 16, 2014.. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. Printed:10116/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 5 of 9 E, F, G71 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 6. Reciprocal access easements for all parcels and maintenance agreements ensuring joint maintenance of all storm water quality structural/treatment best management practices (BMP) devices, as provided for in the project's Storm Water Quality Management Plan, shall be provided for by CC&R's or deeds and shall be recorded prior to the issuance a grading permit. Said CC&R's and/or deeds shall be included in the project site specific Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) document prior to approval of the WQMP document and recording of the Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan. 7. The proposed private sewage disposal system for Parcel 2 shall be located in the front yard to allow for a future connection to a sewer in Banyan Street. S. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 9. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 10. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report 11. A geologic report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer or Engineering Geologist and submitted at the time of application for Grading and Drainage Plan review. 12. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped., and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer. 14. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review, that plan shall be a separate plan/permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 15. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. www.CityofRC.us Page 6 of 9 Printed:10/1612014 Project#: SUBTPM19528 ORC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E. Grading Section 16. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to acquire any required off-site drainage acceptance easements(s) from adjacent downstream property owner(s) or discharge flows in a natural condition (concentrated flows are not accepted) and shall provide the Building and Safety Official a drainage study showing the proposed flows do not exceed the existing flows prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 17. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall on property line or provide a detail(s) showing the perimeter wall(s) to be constructed offset from the property line. 18. All slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way or adjacent private property. 19. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the, latest adopted California Plumbing Code. 20. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been deemed "Acceptable". Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. 21. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 22. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 23. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 24. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 25. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide hard lined gutters and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent 26. Prior to removing fences or walls along common lot lines and prior to constructing walls along common lot lines the applicant shall provide a letter from the adjacent property owner(s) allowing work on the adjacent property. 27. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall provide to Building and Safety Services Director a copy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan for review prior to recordation. of the document. The Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan shall be recorded prior to issuance of a grading permit. • Printed:10/16/2014 www•CityofRC.us Page 7 of 9 E, F, G73 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 28. In the equestrian trails: - Provide PVC fence, 4" thick DG surface, parallel drainage V ditch, bridge over V ditch where necessary for access corals, gates to corrals, S< 5% cross fall 2%, S>5% cross fall 4%. Water bars required at the spacing for the slopes shown respectively: 50' for 4% to 6%, 40' for 6% to 9%, 30' for 9% to 12%, 20' for 12%+. In the equestrian trails water bars shall also be placed at the top and bottom where the gradient of the trail changes, i.e. a steep downhill slope which will cause additional erosion to the trail. 29. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution 92-17, if a lot may not directly drain off-site directly to the street or other acceptable drainage device (such as a drainage ditch adjacent to an equestrian trail), then: a) drainage may flow from only one lot onto only one other lot; b) a drainage easement shall be provided over the lot accepting the drainage; c) the drainage shall be contained within either a concrete/rock lined swale/channel or a reinforced concrete pipe; and d) the drainage shall be designed with excess capacity to account for the probable lack of necessary maintenance, therefore, it shall be designed to convey two (2) times the runoff from a 100-year storm event with the minimum diameter of the pipe being 12-inches. 30. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 31. The precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout"Information for Grading Plans and Permit". 32. Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector, b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over-excavation; ii) Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit; iii) At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Building and Safety Front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 33. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) best management practices (BMP) devices. 34. The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall include a copy of the project Conditions of Approval. www.CityofRC.us Printed:1011612014 Page 8 of 9 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 35. The conceptual grading and drainage plan shows the existing private sewage disposal leach field for Parcel 1 is within 8-feet of the proposed right-of-way dedication of Banyan Street. This does not meet the current adopted California Plumbing Code requirements. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for either Parcel 1 or Parcel 2 the applicant shall obtain a plumbing permit to relocate the Parcel 1 existing private sewage disposal leach field to meet the current adopted California Plumbing Code requirements. Printed:10/16/2014 —,CityofRC.us Page 9 of 9 E. F. G75 RESOLUTION NO. 14-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING VARIANCE DRC2014-00530,A REQUEST TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED LOT DEPTH REQUIREMENT FROM 200 FEET TO 166 FEET FOR PARCEL 1 OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP SUBTPM19528 RELATED TO A REQUEST TO SUBDIVIDE A 58,745 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS (SUBTPM19528) FOR A SITE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET AND EAST OF EAST AVENUE WITHIN THE VERY LOW (VL) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AT 13351 BANYAN STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 0225-191-37. A. Recitals. 1. Shareef Awad filed an application for the approval of Variance DRC2014-00530 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Variance request is referred to as "the application." 2. On the 12th day of November 2014 the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. • B. Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on November 12, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a property located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; b. The project site is an "L" shaped vacant parcel with an overall area of approximately 58,745 square feet.The site is approximately 166 feet deep(north to south)along the west property line, approximately 290 feet deep along the east property line and approximately 248 feet wide (east to west); C. The project site is currently developed with a single-family residence which will remain on Parcel 1 along with various accessory structures that will be removed with the development of the new lot; E. F. G76 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-51 VARIANCE DRC2014-00530- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 2 d. To the east and west are vacant lots within the Very Low(VL)Development.District. To the south is a single-family residence within the Very Low(VL) Development District.To the north (across Banyan Street), is a school (Summit Intermediate School); e. The two parcels meet all Etiwanda Specific Plan development'standards except that Parcel 1, which is developed with a single-family residence, does not meet the minimum 200-foot lot depth requirement; f. The applicant is requesting a Variance to reduce the required 200-foot lot depth for Parcel 1 because of the odd shape of the lot. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Development Code in that the applicant would be unable to subdivide the site which is currently more than twice as large as the minimum lot size requirement of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. b. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district in that the existing odd-shaped parcel makes subdivision impossible without a reduction in the lot depth requirement for Parcel 1 which is developed with a single-family residence. Parcel 1 was originally Parcel 2 of Parcel Map#5441 and was approved with a lot depth that was in conformance with development criteria at the time of subdivision. Through a Lot Line Adjustment(LLA#263)with a lot to the east,the original parcel(Parcel 2 of PM5441)was increased in size to its current configuration. The Variance would return proposed Parcel 1 to its original size and configuration. C. That strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district in that it would deny the applicant the opportunity to subdivide the project site into parcels that are of similar size to other lots in the Very Low(VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan. d. That the granting of the Variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district as both of the new lots will adhere to all other development requirements except that one of the lots(Parcel 1)will not meet the minimum lot depth requirement. Parcel 1 will have a similar lot depth and width to the lot to the west (which is 166 feet deep and 114 feet wide), both of which were created by Parcel Map #5441 in accordance to the required lot dimensions at the time of subdivision. e. That the granting of the Variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity in that the lots will be used for residential development in accord with the development district and that Parcel 1 will be of similar size and dimension to the lot to the west and the vacant lot(Parcel 2)meets all development requirements of the development district. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application,the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-51 VARIANCE DRC2014-00530- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 3 • have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration based upon the findings as follows: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQX)and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City staff prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study,City staff determined that there was no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Negative Declaration. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Negative Declaration and all comments received regarding the Negative Declaration and, based on the whole record before it, finds: (i)that the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; and(ii)that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission further finds that the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission. Based on these findings, the Planning Commission hereby adopts the Negative Declaration prior to reviewing and taking action on the associated Variance. C. The custodian of records for the Initial Study, Negative Declaration and all other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Planning Commission's decision is based is the Planning Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Those documents are available for public review in the Planning Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, telephone (909)477-2750. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, • this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached standard conditions incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) Approval is to reduce the lot depth requirement from 200 feet to 166 feet for Parcel 1 of Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 fora site located at 13351 Banyan Street-APN: 0225-191-37. 2) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Ravenel Wimberly, Chairman ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary i E, F, G78 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-51 VARIANCE DRC2014-00530- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 4 I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced,passed,and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of November 2014, by the following vote-to-wit: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval i 0 Ccc.UCA lA(O(ONGA Community Development Department Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. A. Planning Department 1. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing. Negative Declaration-$2,206.25 2. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate • at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of _ 4. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. This tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the Engineering Services Department within 3 years from the date of the approval. B. Engineering Services Department 1. 1. Banyan Street frontage improvements to be in accordance with the Etiwanda Specific Plan as required and including: a. Provide curb and gutter, drive approaches, street trees and a.c. pavement as required. b. Provide 5800 Lumen HPSV—equivalent LED street lights. c. Provide, protect and or replace signing and striping. • Printed: 10116/2014 www•CIhlOfRC.us E. F. G80 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineering Services Department 2. Master Plan Storm Drains for Area 5 of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy are already in place. No reimbursement is applicable to this Master Plan Storm Drain. The property owner is responsible (approximately 1.3%) for reimbursing his fair share of the costs for Tract 17651 constructing local storm drains to the Victoria Basin Master Plan Storm Drain System. 3. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from street centerline): 38 total feet on Banyan Street 4. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Banyan Street Curb& Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees Community Trail 5. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone; and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 6. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 7. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies . involved. Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. www.CityofRC.uS Page 2 of 9 Printed:10/16/2014 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 8. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Banyan Street Botanical Name-Lagerstroemia hybrid"Muskogee" Common Name-Lavender Crape Myrtle Hybrid Min. Grow Space-2' Spacing-35'0.C. Size-24" Box Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, • as determined by the City inspector. 3)All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 9. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. Printed: 1011612014 www.CityofRC.us Page 3 of 9 E. F. G82 Project#: SUBTPM19628 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineering Services Deuartment 10. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all comers of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required. A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family.residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. 11. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 12. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 13. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement certificate shall be placed upon the final parcel map, stating that they will be completed upon development for. Street Trees on Lot 2. 14. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the Developer and the City will be required for. All Public Improvements www.CityofRC.us Printed:10/76/2014 Page 4 of 9 Project#: SUBTPM19528 ORC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Deaartment 15. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 16. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to Building Permit issuance if no map is involved. 17. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall. be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval or issuance of Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. 18. A community trail shall be provided in lieu of sidewalk on the south side of Banyan Street per Standard Plan 1003 and Etiwanda Specific Plan Figure 5-39. An additional 5 feet shall be dedicated to get the full 20-foot parkway width and the 12-foot trail shall be 8 feet from the face of the curb. a. The driveway concrete apron portion where the community trail crosses must be transverse medium broom finish. b. PVC fencing on the street side of the trail shall be held back a sufficient distance from all driveways for drivers to see traffic in both directions. 19. Reconstruct Banyan Street pavement to centerline. E. Grading Section 1. Prior to issuance of a wall permit a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 2. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a drainage easement or letter from the downstream property owners accepting any concentrated drainage flows. 3. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 4. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 5. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan has been deemed "Acceptable" as of September 16, 2014.. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. Printed: 10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 5 of 9 E. F,G84 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 6. Reciprocal access easements for all parcels and maintenance agreements ensuring joint maintenance of all storm water quality structural/treatment best management practices (BMP) devices, as provided for in the project's Storm Water Quality Management Plan, shall be provided for by CCBR's or deeds and shall be recorded prior to the issuance a grading permit. Said CC&R's and/or deeds shall be included in the project site specific Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) document prior to approval of the WQMP document and recording of the Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan. 7. The proposed private sewage disposal system for Parcel 2 shall be located in the front yard to allow for a future connection to a sewer in Banyan Street. 8. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 9. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) shalt be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 10. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report. 11. A geologic report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer or Engineering Geologist and submitted at the time of application for Grading and Drainage Plan review. 12. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. A separate Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer. 14. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review, that plan shall be a separate plan/permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 15. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. wwwZtyofRC.us Page 6 of 9 Printed:10/16/2014 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E. Grading Section 16. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to acquire any required off-site drainage acceptance easements(s) from adjacent downstream property owner(s) or discharge flows in a natural condition (concentrated flows are not accepted) and shall provide the Building and Safety Official a drainage study showing the proposed flows do not exceed the existing flows prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 17. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall on property line or provide a detail(s) showing the perimeter wall(s) to be constructed offset from the property line. 18. All slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way or adjacent private property. 19. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the, latest adopted California Plumbing Code. 20. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been deemed "Acceptable". Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. • 21. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 22. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 23. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 24. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 25. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide hard lined gutters and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent 26. Prior to removing fences or walls along common lot lines and prior to constructing walls along common lot lines the applicant shall provide a letter from the adjacent property owner(s) allowing work on the adjacent property. 27. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall provide to Building and Safety Services Director a copy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan for, review prior to recordation of the document. The Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan shall be recorded prior to issuance of a grading permit. Printed: 10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 7 of 9 E. F. G86 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Gradina Section 28. In the equestrian trails: — Provide PVC fence, 4" thick DG surface, parallel drainage_ V ditch, bridge over V ditch where necessary for access corals, gates to corrals, S< 5% cross fall 2%, S>5% cross fall 4%. Water bars required at the spacing for the slopes shown respectively: 50' for 4% to 6%, 40' for 6% to 9%, 30' for 9% to 12%, 20' for 12%+. In the equestrian trails water bars shall also be placed at the top and bottom where the gradient of the trail changes, i.e. a steep downhill slope which will cause additional erosion to the trail. 29. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution 92-17, if a lot may not directly drain off-site directly to the street or other acceptable drainage device (such as a drainage ditch adjacent to an equestrian trail), then: a) drainage may flow from only one lot onto only one other lot; b) a drainage easement shall be provided over the lot accepting the drainage; c) the drainage shall be contained within either a concrete/rock lined swale/channel or a reinforced concrete pipe; and d) the drainage shall be designed with excess capacity to account for the probable lack of necessary maintenance, therefore, it shall be designed to convey two (2) times the runoff from a 100-year storm event with the minimum diameter of the pipe being 12-inches. 30. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 31. The precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout"Information for Grading Plans and Permit. 32. Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector, b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over-excavation; ii) Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit; iii) At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Building and Safety Front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 33. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) best management practices (BMP) devices. 34. The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall include a copy of the project Conditions of Approval. www.0tyofRC.us Page a of 9 Printed:10/15/2014 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 ® Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E. Grading Section 35. The conceptual grading and drainage plan shows the existing private sewage disposal leach field for Parcel 1 is within 8-feet of the proposed right-of-way dedication of Banyan Street. This does not meet the current adopted California Plumbing- Code requirements. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for either Parcel 1 or Parcel 2 the applicant shall obtain a plumbing permit to relocate the Parcel 1 existing private sewage disposal leach field to meet the current adopted California Plumbing Code requirements. S Printed:10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 9 of 9 F. F (IRA RESOLUTION NO. 14-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514, A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE FOR A SITE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF BANYAN STREET AND EAST OF EAST AVENUE WITHIN THE VERY LOW (VL) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE ETIWANDA SPECIFIC PLAN AT 13351 BANYAN STREET; AND MAKING FINDINGS IN SUPPORT THEREOF—APN: 0225-191-37. A. Recitals. 1. Shareef Awad filed an application for the approval of Site Development Review DRC2014-00514 as described in the title of this Resolution. Hereinafter in this Resolution, the subject Site Development Review request is referred to as"the application." 2. On the 12th day of November 2014 the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the application and concluded said hearing on that date. 3. All legal prerequisites prior to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. B. Resolution. • NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby found, determined, and resolved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga as follows: 1. This Commission hereby specifically finds that all of the facts set forth in the Recitals, Part A, of this Resolution are true and correct. 2. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing on November 12, 2014, including written and oral staff reports, together with public testimony, this Commission hereby specifically finds as follows: a. The application applies to a property located on the south side of Banyan Street and east of East Avenue within the Very Low (VL) Development District of the Etiwanda Specific Plan; b. The project site is an "L" shaped vacant parcel with an overall area of approximately 58,745 square feet. The site is approximately 166 feet deep (north to south) along the west property line, approximately 290 feet deep along the east property line and approximately 248 feet wide (east to west); C. The project site is currently developed with a single-family residence which will remain on Parcel 1 along with various accessory structures -that will be removed with the development of the new lot; d. To the east and west are vacant lots within the Very Low(VL)Development District. To the south is a single-family residence within the Very Low (VL) Development District. To the • north (across Banyan Street), is a school (Summit Intermediate School); E.F. G89 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-52 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514- SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 2 e. The applicant is requesting to install a circular driveway for the lot (Parcell) developed with a single-family residence. 3. Based upon the substantial evidence presented to this Commission during the above-referenced public hearing and upon the specific findings of facts set forth in Paragraphs 1 and 2 above, this Commission hereby finds and concludes as follows: a. The proposed project is consistent with the objectives of the Development Code and the purpose of the district in which the site is located. The new circular driveway is consistent with the function and intent of the residential zoning of the property. b. The proposed project, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. The project involves the construction of a circular driveway on a residential lot. The project is consistent with the surrounding residential uses and should not create a hardship to the surrounding properties. C. The proposed project is in compliance with each of the applicable provisions of the Development Code including the requirement that a minimum of 50 percent of the front yard area be landscaped. d. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. The land use designation of the project site is Very Low(VL) Residential, which encourages improvements that are compatible with the existing on and off-site infrastructure. Circular driveways are common within the Very Low(VL) development district and are consistent with the intent of the land use district. 4. Based upon the facts and information contained in the proposed Negative Declaration, together with all written and oral reports included for the environmental assessment for the application,the Planning Commission finds that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect upon the environment and adopts a Negative Declaration based upon the findings as follows: a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act("CEQX)and the City's local CEQA Guidelines, the City staff prepared an Initial Study of the potential environmental effects of the project. Based on the findings contained in that Initial Study,City staff determined that there was no substantial evidence that the project would have a significant effect on the environment. Based on that determination, a Negative Declaration was prepared. Thereafter, the City staff provided public notice of the public comment period and of the intent to adopt the Negative Declaration. b. The Planning Commission has reviewed the Negative Declaration and all comments received regarding the Negative Declaration and, based on the whole record before it, finds: (i)that the Negative Declaration was prepared in compliance with CEQA; and (ii)that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Commission further finds that the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the Planning Commission. Based on these findings, the Planning Commission hereby adopts the Negative Declaration prior to reviewing and taking action on the associated Site Development Review. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-52 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514 -SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 3 • C. The custodian of records for the Initial Study, Negative Declaration and all other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which the Planning Commission's decision is based is the Planning Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Those documents are available for public review in the Planning Department of the City of Rancho Cucamonga located at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730, telephone (909) 477-2750. 5. Based upon the findings and conclusions set forth in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 above, this Commission hereby approves the application subject to each and every condition set forth below and in the attached standard conditions incorporated herein by this reference. Planning Department 1) Approval is to construct a circular driveway for a single-family residence located at 13351 Banyan Street-APN: 0225-191-37. 2) There shall be a minimum of 50 percent landscaping in the front yard area in conformance section 17.56.070 of the Development Code. 3) Separate approval and Construction Permits are required with the Engineering Services Department for the new drive approach. 4) Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with any sections of the Development Code, State Fire Marshal's regulations, Uniform • Building Code, or any other City Ordinances. 6. The Secretary to this Commission shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2014. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA BY: Ravenel Wimberly, Chairman ATTEST: Candyce Burnett, Secretary I, Candyce Burnett, Secretary of the Planning Commission for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rancho Cucamonga,at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on the 12th day of November 2014, by the following vote-to-wit: • F F r,41 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 14-52 SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DRC2014-00514 - SHAREEF AWAD November 12, 2014 Page 4 AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: Conditions of Approval • PLvcllo CUCAMONGA Community Development Department Project* SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. A. Planning Department 1. The applicant shall be required to pay any applicable Fish and Game fees as shown below. The project planner will confirm which fees apply to. this project. All checks are to be made payable to the Clerk of the Board Supervisors and submitted to the Planning Commission Secretary prior to the Planning Commission or Planning Director hearing. Negative Declaration -$2,206.25 2. The applicant shall agree to defend at his sole expense any action brought against the City, its agents, officers, or employees, because of the issuance of such approval, or in the alternative, to relinquish such approval. The applicant shall reimburse the City, its agents, officers, or employees, for any Court costs and attorney's fees which the City, its agents, officers, or employees may be required by a court to pay as a result of such action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate • at its own expense in the defense of any such action but such participation shall not relieve applicant of his obligations under this condition. 3. Approval of Tentative Tract No. is granted subject to the approval of 4. Copies of the signed Planning Commission Resolution of Approval No. and all environmental mitigations shall be included on the plans (full size). The sheet(s) are for information only to all parties involved in the construction/grading activities and are not required to be wet sealed/stamped by a licensed Engineer/Architect. 5. This tentative parcel map shall expire, unless extended by the Planning Commission, unless a complete final map is filed with the Engineering Services Department within 3 years from the date of the approval. B. Enaineerina Services Department 1. 1. Banyan Street frontage improvements to be in accordance with the Etiwanda Specific Plan as required and including: a. Provide curb and gutter, drive approaches, street trees and a.c. pavement as required. b. Provide 5800 Lumen HPSV—equivalent LED street lights. c. Provide, protect and or replace signing and striping. Printed: 10/16/2014 www.CityORC.us E. F.G93 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review,Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Enaineerina Services Department 2. Master Plan Storm Drains for Area 5 of the Etiwanda/San Sevaine Area Drainage Policy are already in place. No reimbursement is applicable to this Master Plan Storm Drain. The property owner is responsible (approximately 1.3%) for reimbursing his fair share of the costs for Tract 17651 constructing local storm drains to the Victoria Basin Master Plan Storm Drain System. 3. Dedication shall be made of the following rights-of-way on the perimeter streets (measured from street centerline): 38 total feet on Banyan Street 4. Construct the following perimeter street improvements including, but not limited to: Banyan Street Curb& Gutter A.C. Pavement Sidewalk Drive Approach Street Lights Street Trees Community Trail 5. Provide separate utility services to each parcel including sanitary sewerage system, water, gas, electric power, telephone, and cable TV (all underground) in accordance with the Utility Standards. Easements shall be provided as required. 6. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation of existing utilities as necessary. 7. Approvals have not been secured from all utilities and other interested agencies involved. Approval of the final parcel map will be subject to any requirements that may be received from them. ,Nww.QtyofRC.us Page 2 of 9 Printed: 10/16/2014 Project#: SUBTPM19528 ORC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 8. Install street trees per City street tree design guidelines and standards as follows. The completed legend (box below) and construction notes shall appear on the title page of the street improvement plans. Street improvement plans shall include a line item within the construction legend stating: "Street trees shall be installed per the notes and legend on Sheet _ (typically Sheet 1)." Where public landscape plans are required, tree installation in those areas shall be per the public landscape improvement plans. Banyan Street Botanical Name-Lagerstroemia hybrid"Muskogee' Common Name- Lavender Crape Myrtle Hybrid Min. Grow Space-2' Spacing- 35'0.C. Size-24" Box Construction Notes for Street Trees: 1)All street trees are to be planted in accordance with City standard plans. 2) Prior to the commencement of any planting, an agronomic soils report shall be furnished to the City inspector. Any unusual toxicities or nutrient deficiencies may require backfill soil amendments, • as determined by the City inspector. 3)All street trees are subject to inspection and acceptance by the Engineering Services Department. Street trees are to be planted per public improvement plans only. 9. Pursuant to Municipal Code Section 16.37.010, no person shall make connections from a source of energy, fuel or power to any building or structure which is regulated by technical codes and for which a permit is required unless, in addition to any and all other codes, regulations and ordinances, all improvements required by these conditions of development approval have been completed and accepted by the City Council, except that in developments containing more than one building, structure or unit, the development may have energy connections made in equal proportion to the percentage of completion of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval, as determined by the City Engineer, provided that reasonable, safe and maintainable access to the property exists. In no case shall more than 95 percent of the buildings, structures or units be connected to energy sources prior to completion and acceptance of all improvements required by these conditions of development approval. • Printed: 10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 3 of 9 E. F. G95 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: B. Engineering Services Department 10. Improvement Plans and Construction: a. Street improvement plans, including street trees, street lights, and intersection safety lights on future signal poles, and traffic signal plans shall be prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Security shall be posted and an agreement executed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City Attorney guaranteeing completion of the public and/or private street improvements, prior to final map approval or the issuance of Building Permits, whichever occurs first. b. Prior to any work being performed in public right-of-way, fees shall be paid and a construction permit shall be obtained from the Engineering Services Department in addition to any other permits required. c. Pavement striping, marking, traffic signing, street name signing, traffic signal conduit, and interconnect conduit shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Signal conduit with pull boxes shall be installed with any new construction or reconstruction project along major or secondary streets and at intersections for future traffic signals and interconnect wiring. Pull boxes shall be placed on both sides of the street at 3 feet outside of BCR, ECR, or any other locations approved by the City Engineer. Notes: 1) Pull boxes shall be No. 6 at intersections and No. 5 along streets, a maximum of 200 feet apart, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer. 2) Conduit shall be 3-inch galvanized steel with pull rope or as specified. e. Access ramps for the disabled shall be installed on all corners of intersections per City Standards or as directed by the City Engineer. f. Existing City roads requiring construction shall remain open to traffic at all times with adequate detours during construction. Street or lane closure permits are required: A cash deposit shall be provided to cover the cost of grading and paving, which shall be refunded upon completion of the construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. g. Concentrated drainage flows shall not cross sidewalks. Under sidewalk drains shall be installed to City Standards, except for single-family residential lots. h. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to submittal for first plan check. 11. Street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, shall be installed per City Standards in accordance with the City's street tree program. 12. Intersection line of sight designs shall be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance with adopted policy. On collector or larger streets, lines of sight shall be plotted for all project intersections, including driveways. Local residential street intersections and commercial or industrial driveways may have lines of sight plotted as required. 13. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement certificate shall be placed upon the final parcel map; stating that they will be completed upon development for: Street Trees on Lot 2. 14. If the required public improvements are not completed prior to approval of the final parcel map, an improvement security accompanied by an agreement executed by the Developer and the City will be required for. All Public Improvements www.QtyofRC.us Printed: 70/16/2014 Page 4 of 9 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. B. Engineering Services Department 15. Water and sewer plans shall be designed and constructed to meet the requirements of the Cucamonga Valley Water District (CVWD), Rancho Cucamonga Fire Protection District, and the Environmental Health Department of the County of San Bernardino. A letter of compliance from the CVWD is required prior to final map approval or issuance of permits, whichever occurs first. Such letter must have been issued by the water district within 90 days prior to final map approval in the case of subdivision or prior to the issuance of permits in the case of all other residential projects. 16. A non-refundable deposit shall be paid to the City, covering the estimated operating costs for all new streetlights for the first six months of operation, prior to final map approval or prior to Building Permit issuance if no map is involved. 17. A signed consent and waiver form to join and/or form the appropriate Landscape and Lighting Districts shall be filed with the Engineering Services Department prior to final map approval or issuance of Building Permits whichever occurs first. Formation costs shall be borne by the developer. 18. A community trail shall be provided in lieu of sidewalk on the south side of Banyan Street per Standard Plan 1003 and Etiwanda Specific Plan Figure 5-39. An additional 5 feet shall be dedicated to get the full 20-foot parkway width and the 12-foot trail shall be 8 feet from the face of the curb. ® a. The driveway concrete apron portion where the community trail crosses must be transverse medium broom finish. b. PVC fencing on the street side of the trail shall be held back a sufficient distance from all driveways for drivers to see traffic in both directions. 19. Reconstruct Banyan Street pavement to centerline. E. Grading Section 1. Prior to issuance of a wall permit a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 2. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a drainage easement or letter from the downstream property owners accepting any concentrated drainage flows. 3. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 4. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 5. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan has been deemed "Acceptable" as of September 16, 2014.. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality ® Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. Printed: 10/16/2014 vww.CltyofRC.us Page 5 of 9 E, F, G97 Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 6. Reciprocal access easements for all parcels and maintenance agreements ensuring joint maintenance of all storm water quality structural/treatment best management practices (BMP) devices, as provided for in the project's Storm Water Quality Management Plan, shall be provided for by CC&R's or deeds and shall be recorded prior to the issuance a grading permit. Said CCBR's and/or deeds shall be included in the project site specific Storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) document prior to approval of the WQMP document and recording of the Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan. 7. The proposed private sewage disposal system for Parcel 2 shall be located in the front yard to allow for a future connection to a sewer in Banyan Street. S. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 9. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with current adopted California Building Code, City Grading Standards, and accepted grading practices. The Grading and Drainage Plan(s) shall be in substantial conformance with the approved conceptual Grading and Drainage Plan. 10. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer licensed by the State of California to perform such work. Two copies will be provided at grading and drainage plan submittal for review. Plans shall implement design recommendations per said report 11. A geologic report shall be prepared by a qualified Engineer or Engineering Geologist and submitted at the time of application for Grading and Drainage Plan review. 12. The final Grading and Drainage Plan, appropriate certifications and compaction reports shall be completed, submitted, and approved by the Building and Safety Official prior to the issuance of building permits. 13. A separate .Grading and Drainage Plan check submittal is required for all new construction projects and for existing buildings where improvements being proposed will generate 50 cubic yards or more of combined cut and fill. The Grading and Drainage Plan shall be prepared, stamped, and wet signed by a California licensed Civil Engineer. 14. If a Rough Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit are submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review, that plan shall be a separate plan/permit from Precise Grading and Drainage Plan/Permit. 15. A drainage study showing a 100-year, AMC 3 design storm event for on-site drainage shall be prepared and submitted to the Building and Safety Official for review and approval for on-site storm water drainage prior to issuance of a grading permit. All reports shall be wet signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record. wwwZtyofRC.us Page 8 of 9 Printed:10/16/2014 . Project#: SUBTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 • Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Gradin4 Section 16. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to acquire any required off-site drainage acceptance easements(s) from adjacent downstream property owner(s) or discharge flows in a natural condition (concentrated flows are not accepted) and shall provide the Building and Safety Official a drainage study showing the proposed flows do not exceed the existing flows prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 17. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to obtain written permission from the adjacent property owner(s) to construct wall on property line or provide a detail(s) showing the, perimeter wall(s) to be constructed offset from the property line. 18. All slopes shall be a minimum 2-foot offset from the public right of way or adjacent private property. 19. Private sewer, water, and storm drain improvements will be designed per the, latest adopted Califomia Plumbing Code. 20. The Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) has been deemed "Acceptable". Prior to the issuance of a grading permit a final project-specific Water Quality Management Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official. • 21. Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit the City of Rancho Cucamonga's "Memorandum of Agreement of Storm Water Quality Management Plan" shall be submitted for review and approval by the Building Official and recorded with the County Recorder's Office. 22. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit the applicant shall obtain a Waste Discharge Identification Number(WDID). 23. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, on engineered combination garden/retaining walls along the property boundary the structural calculations for the wall shall assume a level toe/heel at the adjacent off-site property(i.e. a manufactured slope is not present). 24. Prior to issuance of a wall permit, a copy of the Grading Special Conditions of Approval shall be included within the engineered wall plans and calculations. 25. Flow lines steeper than 6 percent could be erosive. The applicant shall provide hard lined gutters and swales where concentrated flows exceed 3fps, and anywhere that flow lines exceed 10 percent 26. Prior to removing fences or walls along common lot lines and prior to constructing walls along common lot lines the applicant shall provide a letter from the adjacent property owner(s) allowing work on the adjacent property. 27. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit the applicant shall provide to Building and Safety Services Director a copy of the City of Rancho Cucamonga's Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan for review prior to recordation of the document. The Memorandum of Agreement for Storm Water Quality Management Plan shall be recorded prior to issuance of a grading permit. • Printed:1011612014 www.CityofRC.us Page 7 of 9 E. F. G99 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, ORC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 28. In the equestrian trails: — Provide PVC fence, 4" thick DG surface, parallel drainage V ditch, bridge over V ditch where necessary for access corals, gates to corrals, S< 5% cross fall 2%, S>5% cross fall 4%. Water bars required at the spacing for the slopes shown respectively: 50' for 4% to 6%, 40' for 6% to 9%, 30' for 9% to 12%, 20' for 12%+. In the equestrian trails water bars shall also be placed at the top and bottom where the gradient of the trail changes, i.e. a steep downhill slope which will cause additional erosion to the trail. 29. Prior to issuance of a grading permit and in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution 92-17, if a lot may not directly drain off-site directly to the street or other acceptable drainage device (such as a drainage ditch adjacent to an equestrian trail), then: a) drainage may flow from only one lot onto only one other lot; b) a drainage easement shall be provided over the lot accepting the drainage; c) the drainage shall be contained within either a concrete/rock lined swale/channel or a reinforced concrete pipe; and d) the drainage shall be designed with excess capacity to account for the probable lack of necessary maintenance, therefore, it shall be designed to convey two (2) times the runoff from a 100-year storm event with the minimum diameter of the pipe being 12-inches. 30. The final grading and drainage plan shall show existing topography a minimum of 100-feet beyond project boundary. 31. The precise grading and drainage plan shall follow the format provided in the City of Rancho Cucamonga handout"Information for Grading Plans and Permit". 32. Grading Inspections: a) Prior to the start of grading operations the owner and grading contractor shall request a pre-grading meeting. The meeting shall be attended by the project owner/representative, the grading contractor and the Building Inspector to discuss about grading requirements and preventive measures, etc. If a pre-grading meeting is not held within 24 hours from the start of grading operations, the grading permit may be subject to suspension by the Building Inspector, b) The grading contractor shall call into the City of Rancho Cucamonga Building and Safety Department at least 1 working day in advance to request the following grading inspections prior to continuing grading operations: i) The bottom of the over-excavation; ii) Completion of Rough Grading, prior to issuance of the building permit, iii) At the completion of Rough Grading, the grading contractor or owner shall submit to the Permit Technicians (Building and Safety Front Counter) an original and a copy of the Pad Certifications to be prepared by and properly wet signed and sealed by the Civil Engineer and Soils Engineer of Record; iv) The rough grading certificates and the compaction reports will be reviewed by the Associate Engineer or a designated person and approved prior to the issuance of a building permit. 33. Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the engineer of record shall certify the functionality of the storm water quality management plan (WQMP) best management practices (BMP) devices. 34. The Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) shall include a copy of the project Conditions of Approval. www.CityofRC.us Page a of 9 Printed:10116/2014 Project#: SUSTPM19528 DRC2014-00514, DRC2014-00530 Project Name: Location: 13351 BANYAN ST-022519137-0000 Project Type: Tentative Parcel Map Site Development Review, Variance ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. E. Grading Section 35. The conceptual grading and drainage plan shows the existing private sewage disposal leach field for Parcel 1 is within 8-feet of the proposed right-of-way dedication of Banyan Street. This does not meet the current adopted California Plumbing Code requirements. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for either Parcel 1 or Parcel 2 the applicant shall obtain a plumbing permit to relocate the Parcel 1 existing private sewage disposal leach field to meet the current adopted California Plumbing Code requirements. Panted:10/16/2014 www.CityofRC.us Page 9 of 9 F F pini �, -, 1 ^11Nt, SIGN-IN SHEET cls"Imp.j PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING RANCHO CIICAMONGA NOVEMBER 12, 2014 NAME COMPANY ADDRESSIEMAIL f/�✓a.2.'7; Z- 3 O� /�-i/-v 7 L 1, �.7� l.�C'Yhc. a ✓`/�7 / v l a Cb u6 Mia Lmia� ' ala 1 -c e�1 S,(4,50 5« �'r 5f- 1kl-�, Lug 4 grlo �� '2w, Q YcLv, map EiY= Y Recwz o( C#?� Brittany Ln. at Sapphire St. Neighborhood October/November, 2014 We, the undersigned, are resident home owners in the neighborhood near Tentative Tract Map 18961. We would like to see this development integrated seamlessly into our community. To that effect we respectively request that this tract's grading be designed in such a way as to minimize the apparent height of the new development when viewed from the street and neighboring properties. There are many ways this could be accomplished. One way, for example, would be to condition that the building pad elevations be set no more than 18"-24"above the fronting street(as determined adequate for 100-year flood protection by a registered civil engineer). Slopes to account for vertical changes in topography should be limited to side yards and rear yards. This would be consistent with the existing developments along and adjacent to Sapphire Street. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on this proposed development. Sincerely, Name Address Signature M��•�. � Je�u�fey. uL�Q EW S69470 5?4PPH I V E ST. tt ko(J S R 1Z—h cen6 G 3" DRi I-If}tJ 9. C - Jh&4& &am �ffA1 ectre. L eYM7 in-ft/ty M17 e- 1 24 - CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA NOV 0 4 2014 Z) RECEIVED - PLANNING Prior to approval of a Grading Plan or Tree Removal Permit,the applicant shall submit a Biological and Habitat Survey assessing whether the project site is habitat for the burrowing owl, nesting birds or protected plant communities.The Biological and Habitat Survey shall conform to the Department of Fish and Wildlife's recommendations and guidelinespr in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation(Department of Fish and Game, Marc 201) d the Department of Fish and Wildlife's 2009 Protocols for Surveying and Evaluating Impact to I Status Native Plant Populations and Natural Communities. If the Biological and Habitat Survey determines that there are burrowing owls(or burrowing owl habitat), nesting birds or projected plant communities,the applicant shall comply with all of the recommendations made in the survey prior to approval said permits. i l a When there is a heavy rain,water comes pouring out of here. When I contacted the city, I was told that this is an outlet and not an intake, that is why the water comes out and runs in the street. This is only one block north of Tentative Track Map Subtt18961. (APN:1061-691-04). Has this been taken into consideration so that the flooding of the street does not continue to remain a hazard? - k Location Rocks piled to take the brunt of the water coming diagonally across. Without these Re rocks all the dirt gets washed away. The water comes across the street with such force that pedestrians and children coming or going to Stork School nearby are unable to cross the street. State of California-Natural Resources Agency EDMUND G BROWN Jr Governor • DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE CHARLTON H.BONHAM,Director Inland Deserts Region _ 3602 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite C-220 Ontario,CA 91764 (909)484-0459 www.wildlife.ca:ooy November 12, 2014 Tabe van der Zwaag City of Rancho Cucamonga 10500 Civic Center Drive Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91730 Subject: Initial Study and Proposed Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 State Clearinghouse No. 2014101030 Mr. van der Zwaag: The Department of Fish and Wildlife(Department) appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Initial Study(IS)with Proposed Negative Declaration (ND)for the Tentative Parcel Map Initial. Project(project). The Department is responding to the IS and proposed ND as a Trustee Agency for fish and wildlife resources (California Fish and Game Code Sections 711.7 and 1802,,and the California Environmental Quality Act[CEQA] Guidelines Section 15386), and as a Responsible Agency regarding any discretionary actions(CEQA Guidelines Section 15381), such as the issuance of a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement(California Fish and Game Code Sections 1600 et seq.) and/or a California Endangered Species Act(CESA) Permit for Incidental Take of Endangered, Threatened, and/or Candidate species (California Fish and Game Code Sections 2080 and 2080.1). The Department has jurisdiction over the conservation, protection, and management of fish, wildlife, native plants, and the habitat necessary for biologically sustainable populations of those species(i.e., biological resources). The Department is a Trustee Agency with responsibility under CEQA for commenting on projects that could affect biological resources. As a Trustee Agency, the Department is responsible for providing, as available, biological expertise to review and comment upon environmental documents and impacts arising from project activities (CEQA Guidelines, § 15386; Fish & G. Code, § 1802). The proposed project is located at 13351 Banyan Street,within assessor's parcel number(APN): 0225-191-37, in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, County of San Bernardino. The project proposes the subdivision of APN 0225-191-37 into two lots and the construction of a circular driveway within one of the parcels. Following review of the Biological Resources section of the IS, the Department offers the comments and recommendations listed below to assist the Lead Agency(i.e., the Conserving CaCifornids $VVdCife Since .1870 049; G Initial Study and Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 SCH No. 2014101030 Page 2 of 5 City of Rancho Cucamonga) in adequately identifying and/or mitigating the project's significant, or potentially significant, impacts on biological resources. These comments and recommendations are based on the requirement for the environmental document to include the following information: • A description of feasible mitigation measures to avoid potentially significant impacts, and/or mitigate significant impacts, of the proposed project on the environment(CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15021, 15063, 15071,.15126.2, 15126.4 & 15370). Burrowing Owl It is the Project proponent's responsibility to comply with all applicable laws related to nesting birds and birds of prey. Migratory non-game native bird species are protected by international treaty under the federal Migratory Bird.Treaty Act(MBTA)of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C. 703 of seq.). In addition, sections 3503, 3503.5, and 3513 of the Fish and Game Code(FGC) prohibit the take of all birds and their nests. Section 3503 states that it is unlawful to take, possess, or needlessly destroy the nest or eggs of any bird, except as otherwise provided by FGC or any regulation made pursuant thereto; Section 3503.5 states that is it unlawful to take; possess, or destroy any birds in the orders Falconiformes or Strigiformes(birds-of=prey)or to take, possess, or destroy the nest or eggs of any such bird except as otherwise provided by FGC or any regulation. adopted pursuant thereto; and Section 3513 states that it is unlawful.to take or possess any migratory nongame bird as designated in the MBTA or any part of such migratory nongame bird except as provided by rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior under provisions of the MBTA. Take of individual burrowing owls and their nests is defined by FGC section 86; and prohibited by sections 3503, 3503:5 and 3513. Take is defined in FGC Section 86 as "hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill, or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, capture or kill." CEQA requires public agencies in California to analyze and disclose potential environmental impacts associated with a project that the agency will cant'out, fund, or approve. Any potentially significant impact must be mitigated to the extent feasible. Surveys were not conducted to determine burrowing owl presence on the project site; however in the Department's opinion, the potential for owls to occur within or adjacent to the project site and particularly to forage within the project site is high. Because the project includes the construction of a circular driveway and removal of existing trees inside the proposed parcel 2, the project has the potential to cause the loss of nesting and/or foraging habitat for burrowing owl. The Department recommends that the Lead Agency conduct a biological assessment of the project site to determine if the site has the potential to provide suitable habitat for. burrowing owl. The Department recommends that the assessment be conducted by a biologist knowledgeable of burrowing owl habitat, ecology,.and field identification of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 SCH No: 2014101030 Page:3 of 5 species and burrowing owl sign. The assessment should consist of walking the project site to identify the presence of burrowing owl habitat. Burrowing owls use a variety of natural and modified habitats for nesting and foraging and typically use burrows made by fossorial (adapted.for burrowing or digging) mammals such as ground squirrels or badgers, and often manmade structures such as earthen berms; cement culverts; cement, asphalt, rock, or wood debris piles; or openings beneath cement or asphalt pavement. The Department recommends that the City of Rancho Cucamonga follow the recommendations and guidelines provided in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation(Department of Fish and Game, March 2012); available for download from the Department's website: httr)s://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/nongame/survey monitor html. The Department expects that the City of Rancho Cucamonga will follow the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation, which specifies that the steps for project impact evaluations include: a. A habitat assessment; b. Surveys; and c. An impact assessment As stated in the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation, the three progressive steps are effective in evaluating whether a project will result in impacts to burrowing owls,.and the information gained from the steps will inform any subsequent.avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures. Habitat assessments are conducted to evaluate the likelihood that a site supports burrowing owl. Burrowing owl surveys provide information:needed to determine the potential effects of proposed projects and activities on burrowing owls, and to avoid take in accordance with FGC.sections 86, 3503, and 3503.5. Impact assessments evaluate the extent to which burrowing owls and their habitat may be impacted, directly or indirectly, on and within a reasonable distance of a proposed CEQA project activity or non-CEQA project. To reduce potential impacts to burrowing owl to a level less than significant the Department recommends that the City of Rancho Cucamonga revise the propose CEQA document and prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)to incorporate. information gained from the implementation of the three progressive steps outlined above. If burrowing owls and/or their habitat may be impacted from the project, the Department recommends that the City of Rancho Cucamonga include specific mitigation in the revised MND for public review. Please note that mitigation must be roughly proportional to the level of impacts, including cumulative impacts, in accordance with the provisions of CEQA(CEQA Guidelines, §§ 15126.4(a)(4)(B), 15064, 15065'. and 16355). Furthermore, in order for mitigation measures to be effective, they must be specific, enforceable, and feasible actions that will improve environmental conditions. Current scientific literature supports the conclusion that mitigation for permanent burrowing owl habitat loss necessitates replacement with an equivalent or greater habitat area for breeding, foraging, wintering, dispersal, presence of burrows, burrow Initial Study and Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 SCH No. 2014101030 Page 4 of 5 surrogates, presence of fossorial mammal dens, well drained soils, and abundant and available prey within close proximity to the burrow. Nesting Birds The CEQA document fails to include mitigation measures for nesting birds, despite the fact that the project includes ground disturbing activities and the removal of trees. As stated above, migratory non-game native bird species are protected by international treaty under the federal MBTA of 1918, as amended (16 U.S.C. 703 et seq.), and sections 3503, 3503.5, and 3513 of the FGC prohibit the take of all birds and their nests. The Department recommends that the Lead Agency include specific mitigation measures in the revised MND to ensure that the project complieswith all federal, state, and local laws. The Department encourages the City of Rancho Cucamonga to retain a qualified ornithologist for assistance in developing appropriate avoidance and minimization measures, such as project phasing and timing, monitoring of project- related noise (where applicable), sound walls, and buffers, where appropriate. Summary of Department Recommendations The Department does not concur that a ND is appropriate for this project and recommends that the Lead Agency prepare a MND. The MND should address the following concerns, 1. The CEQA document should quantify impacts to habitats and species as per the informational requirements of CEQA. An accompanying map showing the areas of impact should also be included. 2. The CEQA document should include recent biological surveys for fauna and flora (CEQA Guidelines Section 15125(a)). The Department recommends that the Lead Agency contact the Department's California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) in Sacramento, (916)327-5960; to obtain current information on any previously reported sensitive species and habitat, including Significant Natural Areas identified under Chapter 12 of the California Fish and Game Code. If state or federal threatened or endangered species may occur within the project area,. species specific surveys, conducted at the appropriate time of year and time of day, should be included with the CEQA document. Acceptable species specific surveys have been developed by the Department,and by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and are accessible through each agencies websites. Assessments for rare plants and rare plant natural communities should follow the Department's 2009 Protocols for Surveying and Evaluating Impacts to Special Status Native Plant Populations and Natural Communities. If the Department's 2009 guidelines were not used, surveys conducted after the issuance of the 2009 guidance should be updated following the 2009 guidelines. The guidance document is available here: Initial Study and Negative Declaration Tentative Parcel Map SUBTPM19528 SCH No. 2014101030 Page 5 of 5 http://www.dfg.ca.gov/biogeodata/cnddb/pdfs/protocols for surveying and eval uating impacts.odf 3. The CEQA document should provide a thorough analysis of direct; indirect, and cumulative impacts and identify specific measures to offset such impacts. 4. The CEQA document should analyze a range of fully considered and evaluated alternatives to the Project(CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6): Future Coordination If you should have questions pertaining to this letter or require further coordination, please contact Joanna Gibson at (909)987-7449 or Joanna.Gibson@wildlife.ca.gov. Sincerely, erly, ico R gionai Manager Literature Cited California Department of Fish and Game. (CDFG). 2012. Staff report on burrowing owl mitigation. State of California, Natural Resources Agency. Available for download at: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/nongame/survey monitor html r•. t �=.•�l b+;3 =tea City of CUCA • �1 U ;.. HK's Bar & Grill 6 Month Review DRC2013-01025 (CUP) & ®RC2013-01027(EP) •v' 1i/ax V RANC - 4- _ \ CUCA Background. • CUP and EP approved on February 12, 2014 • Approved for the operation of a restaurant with a bar providing entertainment • Each approval included a Condition of Approval requiring a 6-Month Review rim � +•1 �^. ��I� M•.9 �r r i t A T I 4a I VA as M ' ! Q r A6 ' 14 rr r � 1 i- Floor Pan folLE� •1 A � .�• 1 ■ ■ ■ I ♦ � k o��� ot�l K17.CHfN(E) BAR o, 1 ��♦ DANCE FLOORBARm o■a■oo■oQ — ftv IL RCP ® Business License & ABC • One call-for-service to RCPD for intoxicated Patron 7/19 • Up to date on Business License Fee • ABC visited site on 10/22 and found no violations t City of CUP & EP Compliance Overview • Floor plan is in compliance with original approval • Full menu is available when alcohol is served • Multiple staff and RCPD visits to the site found that they were fully compliant with original approvals • Alcohol service training , incident log , I . D . scanner, and security cameras have been provided and are in place :k . .. •y �4 . AN ' - fff-z- Y • l .� •1 �, Recommendation Staff finds that the business is being operated in compliance with Conditional Use Permit 2013-01025 (Modification) and Entertainment Permit DRC2013-01027 and that an additional 6-month .review is not necessary at this time. Staff asks that the Planning Commission provide comment and direction as appropriate, and that the Planning Commission secretary receive and file the report h 1" .�v ,r City of _l Tentative Parcel Map 19528 ownsn ,a low W*N •i Site 14 :lf 01 OP WR-5. •�q it of I� RANCHQ, Project Overview • Proposal to subdivide a 58 , 745 square foot parcel into two parcels • Variance to reduce the required lot depth for Parcel 1 from 200 feet to 166 feet • A request to construct a circular driveway on Parcel 1 • Project will be required to install all public right-of-way improvements including Community Trail ► 1 '4 I City of A r1pi R A N C H U, CUCA Subdivision • The existing parcel is the result of a Lot Line Adjustment (#263) which expanded the size of the original parcel by 42 , 867 square feet • The applicant is requesting to return the original parcel ( Parcel 2 of Parcel Map #5441 ) to its original size and layout in order to become Parcel 1 of the new parcel map . • The 42 , 867 square foot expansion area will become Parcel 2 of the new parcel map City of R . Z Parcel Map #5441 �J@�Ml; Am�.�,��,�►i�,e� �y�.j�Ml�ia�/ I{t,,��� tf�rr.,1� -._-. M.�r II.G�tiAK!1►�lMi��j/ AtI�•LR�rstt.L yv► � q= •Fe o�ri�rG w' N/ar/�F'ar �. I�I.A►rr-ill ps'/T r wt.YMrY,�rr,wMy l�M�/� fees"- 4 lie rea.or4lie C. Its go, rsw Gni .n►.rS.�x..r.ta. .i y 41 q LOO 4nrxs a':ra Mti►M'Jr't •j- law tit r M ' AIIR�tt�t�C1iR��/!I T �. j _,� cases why �ie�e ast r�•a:�,a.0 1 aa t ilk ��t� ;•tj e a !��i 6 El p Qi r- - ------err------—--1 I I co U I ' I I I I I I I �� ►I I I I I I I L _�S-------------------J I I i I SRI ' c . I I r 0 ca, 1 _ 1 r- 4 I I I i • 1. Variance • Variance is justified as it will return Parcel 1 to its original size and configuration • Without subdivision the existing parcel would be more than three times larger than developed parcels in the area • Future Parcel 1 is similar in size and configuration to the existing vacant parcel to the west • Future Parcel 2 meets all related development criteria .s- City Of CUCA Site Development Review • New or expanded driveways require the approval of a Site Development Review • Applicant is requesting a circular driveway on future Parcel 1 , which is developed with asingle-family residence • The new circular driveway will assist the homeowner in accessing Banyan Street without having to back up into the street • Parcel 1 will remain in conformance with the 50 percent landscape coverage requirement t.y of • bw CUCAMO L%006 0 1 ��-- Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Negative Declaration and the resolutions approving Tentative Tract Map SUBTPM19528, Variance DRC2014 00530, and Site Development Review DRC2014-00514