HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-11-07 - Agenda Packet - Special•�1 NOVEMBER 7, 2018 - 3:00 PM SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Council Chambers, 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 A CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Mayor Michael Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy Council Members Alexander, Spagnolo and Williams B PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS This is the time and place for the general public to address the City Council on any item listed on the agenda. State law prohibits the City Council from addressing any issue not previously included on the Agenda. The City Council may receive testimony and set the matter for a subsequent meeting. Comments are to be limited to five minutes per individual or less, as deemed necessary by the Mayor, depending upon the number of individuals desiring to speak. All communications are to be addressed directly to City Council not to the members of the audience. This is a professional business meeting and courtesy and decorum are expected. Please refrain from any debate between audience and speaker, making loud noises, or engaging in any activity which might be disruptive to the decorum of the meeting. C ITEMS OF DISCUSSION C1. Interviews For One Vacancy on the Historic Preservation/Planning Commission and Selection. D ADJOURNMENT Page 1 CERTIFICATION I, Linda A. Troyan, MMC, City Clerk Services Director of the City of Rancho Cucamonga, or my designee, hereby certify under penalty of perjury that a true, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted on at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting per Government Code 54954.2 at 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, California and on the City's website. Page 2 •�1 DATE: November 7, 2018 TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: John R. Gillison, City Manager INITIATED BY: Candyce Burnett, City Planner Susan Shaker, Acting Executive Assistant I I SUBJECT: INTERVIEWS FOR ONE VACANCY ON THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION/PLANNING COMMISSIONAND SELECTION. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council review the submitted applications received within the previous recruitment period from November 2017 and re -interview two remaining candidates. BACKGROUND: On October 11, 2018, Commissioner Rich Macias submitted a letter of resignation to the City, effective October 24, 2018. His term expires December 31, 2019. Per Municipal Code Section 2.20.050, "If a vacancy shall occur, other than by expiration of the term of office, it shall be filled by appointment by the mayor with the approval of the city council for the unexpired term." The last time City Council interviewed applicants for the Historic Preservation and Planning Commission was December 5, 2017 and at that time selected Tony M. Guglielmo to be appointed to the Commission. There were three remaining candidates after that appointment, but one has since requested to be removed from consideration at this time. The two remaining candidates, Jenna Myles and Bryan Dopp, are still interested in being appointed to the Commission and would like to be considered. Following the interviews, the City Council may, if it finds a successful applicant, appoint a Commissioner to fill the vacancy from the interested applicants; alternatively, the City Council may also direct staff to solicit additional applications conduct another round of interviews. The successful candidate is typically sworn in at the regular City Council meeting following their selection. ANALYSIS: None FISCAL IMPACT: None Page 3 COUNCIL GOAL(S) ADDRESSED: The process of interviewing and appointing a replacement for the open vacancy on the Historic Preservation and Planning Commission addresses the City Council's goal of enhancing the City's position as a Premier Community by filling the vacancy with a resident from the City that will review and make decisions on various land use applications and make recommendations to the City Council regarding amendments to the General Plan and Development Code consistent with the values of the City Council and the community. The Planning Commissioners role is, under the direction of the City Council, to implement the General Plan and Development Code, enhance the beauty and appeal of the community, protect the natural environment, and preserve historic and cultural resources. ATTACHMENTS: Description Attachment 1 -Application - Jenna Myles Attachment 2 -Application - Bryan Dopp Page 4 Attachment 1 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITIZEN'S APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE Ho PLAN NINGIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION CU[ CONGA EC E nn u V IED There are two requirements to serve on a City's Commission NOV 15 2017 C1 1. You must be a resident of the City; and CITY CLERK2. You must be 18 years or older. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA Name Jenna Myles Address Zip Code 91730 Phone: Home Work Email: Occupation Director of Purchasing, GFR Homes Education (resist highest year completed and all degrees.) High School Diploma, Bonita High School PLEASE NOTE: MEMBERSHIP ON THE PLANNINGIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WILL REQUIRE MONTHLY MEETINGS. THE COMMISSION MEETS ON THE 2N0 AND 4TH WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH, AS WELL AS SUBCOMMITTEES, ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND OTHER TASK FORCES AS NEEDED. Are there any workday evenings you could not meet? If so, please list: First Wednesday of the month, I have Southern California Purchasing Council Meetings Why are you interested in this position? (Add additional sheets if necessary.) First and foremost, I'm a proud resident of the City of Rancho Cucamonga. I've lived in our great City for the last 19 years. During these years, I've seen many changes and much growth, some good, and some not so good Secondly, I've worked the last 21 years in Land Development, working for companies such as the Lewis Companies, Fiesta Development and currently for a What do you consider to be your major qualifcatlons? Having worked in the Construction industry for the last 21 years, I'm very comfortable with navigating plans, including conceptual:, architectural & engineering, to understand how proposed developments will effect current neighborhoods and citizens during construction and after construction is completed. I'm also aware of how developer's may try to cut corners and feel 1 could be an asset in identifying those elements. Page 5 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLAN NINGIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPLICATION Page 2 What do you see as the major planning issues facing the City in the next year? In the next five years? Ten years? (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) Although I don't exactly what issues and the timing of them that the Planning Commission will face in the next year, 5 years or 10 years; I do know that there is a lot of work going on in our City that includes the Empire Lakes Project, the Annexation of approximately 3,000 acres in North Rancho Cucamonga, and other projects. The Planning Commission will have much work to do in reviewing proposed improvements, making sure they fall in line with What is your understanding of the role of the PlanninglHistoric Preservation Commission in relation to the Community? City staff? City Council? (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) From my understanding, the PlanninglHistoric Preservation Commission reviews and makes recommendations to the City Council about new development within the City. The commission is responsible for making sure the new development fits into the General Pian and works well in the community. On the historic side, they determine what buildings and landmarks are to become protected, so that we can remember our history, and preseve important propert es and elements for future generations REFERENCES Leon Swails, Sr. Vice President, Lewis Management Corp. 2 Luis Uribe, Vice President, GFR 3_ Rob Scott, Owner, Action Plumb! Date, I i I d Signature RETURN YOUR APPLICATION TO THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 'I STH AT 5:00 P.M. The City will contact successful candidates for an interview. The City of Rancho Cucamonga City Clerk's Office 10500 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 7 a.m. — 6 p.m. NOTE: This application is public informa ran. M y les'. roti Page 6 Jenna Myles Citizen's Application to Serve on Planning/Historic Preservation Commission Additional Sheet Page 1, Question #2 Continued... small builder called GFR Homes. I'd love to be involved and help our City make rational, reasonable decisions on upcoming developments and the preservation of Historic Landmarks. Page 2, Question #1 Continued... the City's General Plan, reviewing traffic measures, crime statistics and policing and the carbon footprint of said developments. There will also be review of types of projects, commercial, residential, multi -family, and density. The commission should also be cognizant of the concerns from city residents about letting our city grow too quickly. All these things need to be considered when reviewing potential projects. I believe the planning commission will be very busy in the next ten years and hope that I'm given an opportunity to assist. Page 7 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA CITIZEN'S APPLICATION TO SERVE ON THE 110 PLANNING/HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION M4NG& There are two requirements to serve on a City's Commission: 1. 2. Name _ Address Phone: Email; _I You must be a resident of the City, and You must be 18 years or alder. Zip Code of -7 37 Attachment 2 6 NOV 16 0 NNC144to cE y OC '� Occupation [.. 5 40 r "'Teo. 1, C- E{�d�uc�^ation (Ust highest year completed and all degrees.) L.Xr 4 Sr: rnr C • _j.(. Ifo.- j PLEASE NOTE: MEMBERSHIP ON THE PLANNINGIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WILL REQUIRE MONTHLY MEETINGS. THE COMMISSION MEETS ON THE 2H° AND 4TH WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH, AS WELL AS St18COmmaTEES, ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND OTHER TASK FORCES AS NEEDED. Are there any workday evenings you could not meet? If so, please list: Why are you interested In this position? (Add additional sheets if necessary.) What do you consider to be your major qualifications? Scanned by CamScanner Page 8 CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA PLANNINGIHISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPLICATION Page 2 What do you see as the major planning issues facing the City In the next year? In the next five years? Ten years? (Attach additional shoals as necessary.) 2. What Is your understanding of the role of the Planning/Hlstodc Preservation Commission In relation to the Community? City staff? City Council? (Attach additional sheets as necessary.) REFERENCES 2. 3. Date: c+..PA%er 14t , 9.-7 RETURN YOUR APPLICATION TO THE CITY CLERK'S OfJ BY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16=" AT 5:00 P.M� The Chv will contact successful candidates for an Interview. The City of Rancho Cucamonga City Cleric's Office 10500 Civic Center Drive, P.O. Box a07 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 7 a.m. -- 6 p.m. NOTE- This application is public information. Scanned by CamScanner Page 9 Do ,pip CO,,�-t- Questionnaire – Planning Commission November 16`h, 2017 To Whom It May Concern: I've addressed the following questions in typed format as I fel' they necessitated a longer response than I was capable of writing out in the space provided. Obviously, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Planning Commission and your consideration. Thank you very much! a} Why are you interested in the position? As a long-time resident of Rancho Cucamonga, I've always felt a strong belief that we are afforded a great privilege by living in a city that is well-run, that people genusnely care about, and that is a very desirable place to live in the Inland Empire. Like many people, I've grown fond of and attached to my 'hometown/ and outside of the general desire to serve the community that i live in, I have taken a genuine interest over the years to the growth and development of our city, and it's something that I take a lot of time to learn and educate myself about. Beginning really through my college career, seeing the 210 freeway built, the development of the city expand east, as well as following several other issues and stories over the years through the media and talking with friends in my local circle, I've developed a keen interest and passion for understanding the issues that concern us and having a stake in seeing the city grow. i see this position as an opportunity to offer my opinions and knowledge in terms of helping guide the direction of our city's future. bj What do you consider to be your major qualifications? In terms of just pure education, I have a degree in Political Science from LIC Riverside, where 1 took several local/urban politics type classes, including one under the then -mayor of Riverside, Ron Loveridge. In papers I would often use issues concerning Rancho Cucamonga as illustrations, examples and case studies. I believe l even interviewed a city planner for a paper once) In addition, in terms of qualifications, I feel I have a fair amount of knowledge through reading stories covered in the paper, looking through past agendas and minutes of the Council and Planning Commission, reading plans and documents prepared by the city, and just recognizing trends and issues that concern citizens and the community. I'm also an active member of the Pastoral Council at St. Peter and St. Paul Church in Alta Loma, and have several good relationships there to individuals involved in the community, in addition to helping plan and organize our own church's charity drives and events that open ourselves up to the city and local area. 1. What do you see as the major planning issues facing the City in the next year? In the next five years? Ten years? The largest issue in the near-term planning issue facing the city, in my opinion, is the formation and continued progress of the Northeast Annex Project currently under consideration. That particular area of the city is critical, in my opinion, to being within city limits and I can certainly appreciate the concerns and desire of city staff and planning authorities to do so in order to prevent the county from placing development and approvals for land use that is at odds with the city's standards and desired land use. I'm also interested in the next year to see how two big developments in the evolution of the city—the old JC Penney building into the Grand Central Market-esque Haven Marketplace and the Empire Lakes development—drive any potential new development or concerns. Beyond that, looking into the future, I anticipate the following concerns impacting the city (in no particular order): Page 10 aj Traffic: As the city continues to increase its infill development, population and housing developments increase to the east and through the High Desert, and the city continues to increase the diversification of its economy, how will it address growing concerns of traffic and gridlock along major thoroughfares? Chief among these concerns is the commute -time traffic on the 210, traffic patterns that consistently create bottlenecks and massive congestion at certain places and intersections throughout the city, and a general lack of options and desire within the general population to consider alternatives such as busses. Future planning developments and issues will have to take into consideration transportation plans to help alleviate and/or diversify the options available to the public. b) Retail and e-commerce: How is the city, having been reliant in the past on retail sales taxes as revenue streams, going to navigate both budget -wise and planning -wise, the continued strength of the e-commerce trends in retail? It may not seem at first glance that this is a planning issue, but in my opinion, given the large supply of 'big -box' development along Foothill, in particular, the City may need to address at some point creative and development issues pertaining to what may potentially happen to these retail centers If trends continue and more businesses and establishments decide to close stores. c) Sustainability and Urban Development: One of the growing trends that I see politically at the state and local levels, is how to address the often -competing interests of consumers/families wishing to purchase affordable homes, demand for increased housing in Southern California, and the environmental concerns that are associated with development, dense population densities and urbanization --namely, pollution, a lack of open space, and cities created with merely driving as the means to get around from place to place. I definitely believe that the Empire Lakes project has huge potential, and Southern California at large is not exactly a mass -transit friendly community Ifor multiple reasons), but at some point land will become an issue of concern for future developments and planning. Does the city need to consider 'building up' and in denser qualities, perhaps creating, for instance, more apartment and condo projects, while still priding itself on the ability to set aside a large amount of land for green areas, parks space and natural/historic conservation? 2. What is your understanding of the role of the Planning/Historic Preservation Commission in relation to the Community? City staff? City council? The role that I see the Commission holding is to directly hear the concerns of the public on future developments or changes to existing properties and balance those concerns with those of the property owner or developer to have some legal rights, within regulations and code, to develop their land. While obviously, everyone has biases that they bring into any public or political arena, it is the obligation of the Commission when considering proposals to keep the best interests of the community at the heart of the decision-making process while keeping their independence. With regards to the actual institutions of the Council and staff, it's important to have a strong working relationship with both, as larger projects often have a large amount of manpower involved. Recognizing that the Council is the elected body of the city, it's important to understand that Councilmembers have the voce of the public at their disposal on certain issues and may have additional insight that is worth considering in any decision-making process. In addition, staff has the expertise and knowledge in various avenues, whether environmental, planning, legal or engineering -wise, so reading, understanding reports, listening to findings when presented and asking questions when necessary is equally as important. Lastly, with regards to all 3 various interests, the city has a great tradition of creating master pians and having various regulations in place for the future development of the city. It's critically important that the Commission when looking at future projects and developments to keep in mid the planning that has been done in the past. Page 11 Bryan Francis Dopp Education: University of California Riverside A-ta Loma, CA 91737 September 1997 -March 2003 • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and History, Winter 2003. ■ Earned Academic Dean's List honors, Fall 1999. Chapman University (Ontario Campus) October 2005-2007 • Single-5ubject Credential Program (SB 2042), emphasis in Social Studies. • Completed all regular coursework for program. • 3.8 (approx ) GPA In credential program. Current Employment: Teacher/Social Studies Chairperson August 2016•Present Orion International Academy, Chino Hills, CA • Taught the following- AP Macroeconomics, AP US Government, US History, World History, Calculus, Pre -Calculus, Algebra 11, Geometry; • WASC Lead -- Curriculum and instruction; wrote and analyzed school issues for school self -study; • Responsible for implementing and creating curriculum, scope and sequence, AP/UC syllabus and transition to PBL learning within Social Studies and Math departments; • Advisor, Student Government; responsible for improving student life on campus and maintaining Student Store accounts/inventory; • Help lead various efforts on campus, including community service projects, outreach and admissions, and assist with other administrative duties such as interviewing new faculty, scheduling and student placement. Other Teaching Teacher August 2009 -June 2011 Experlence: Xavier College Preparatory, Palm Desert, CA • Taught AP U.S. Government, U.S. History, and Government, Ecur.o-n'cs and Honors Economics,- developed conomics;developed curriculum as the first graduating class became seniors the year l entered the school, • Tutored AP Comparative Politics as an after-school class; • Adviser, Student Council and Newspaper (X -Press); developed House system to enhance community life on campus; includes budgetary responsibilities and rewriting the student council Constitution; • Moderator for annual World Affairs Council Worldquest competition; • Helped lead Junior Search retreats and Eucharistic Ministers; • Assisted with junior and senior collegiate planning, information sessions and visits. Teacher August 2007 -June 2009 Holy Family High School, Glendale, CA • Taught the following classes: AP and College Prep Government, Economics/Economics Honors, U,S. History, Honors U.S. History and AP U.S. History (2 classes); Algebra I, Geometry and Geometry Honors; • Developed curriculum for the AP Government, AP U.S. History and AP European History programs. including syllabus (approved by the College Board), lesson plans/curriculum maps, readings, study sessions and assessments; • Participated, planned and taught unit in collaboration with PrVicipal for a study regarding learning styles of young women; • Lead moderator for the Academic Decathlon team (2008-2009); • Wrote Social Studies questions for the annual Junior High Archdiocese Academic Decathlon; • Moderator of the Junior class, Pure Love Club and Amnesty Internationa, and Junior retreat. Page 12 Other Job Experience: Teacher August 2006 -June 2007 Calton Middle School, Calton Joint Un'on School District, Calton, CA • Taught World History (Vh) and United States History/Advanced U.S. History {8th). Teacher September 2004 -June 2005 Saint George Catholic School, Ontario CA • Taught Math and Science classes for 61�'-8"' grades (61` Grade Math -H Algebra I, Earth/Life/Physical Science). Substitute Teacher Oct. 2003 -June 2004; Nov. 05 -June 2006 Chaffey Joint Union High School District, Ontario/Rancho Cucamonga CA • Involved teaching all subjects (primari y Social Studies and Math) at the district's eight high schools. Mortgage Banker March 2015 -Present Envoy Mortgage, Rancho Cucamonga, CA/OGI Mortgage, Upland (As of May 2017) Help clients/consumers with financial decisions, including analyzing credit and income budgets, documents, finding products and solutions that best fit financial situations/goals, organizing and preparing financial documents, and managing loan processes to closing; Coordinate marketing to potential clients, including marketing and educational events, for sale by owner outreach, realtors and homebuyers,- Research omebuyers;Research local/national economic indicators, real estate values and markets, property laws and planning designations, current developments in the planning process, and consumer trends. Independent Bank Auditor November 2014 -November 2015 Continulty Control, New Haven, CT • Responsible for reviewing regulatory files, writing status reports and completing audit spreadsheets for compliance with a variety of regulations in the deposit sector for banks/financial institutions. Financial Advisor New York Life, Irvine, CA March 2013 -October 2013 Responsible for helping clients with their retirement and financial needs, includes prospecting, marketing, and matching investor profiles with investment strategies. Passed Series 6 and 63 exams to qualify as an investment broker with FINRA Student Journalist/Freelance Writer Various Outlets: ■ Highlander Newspaper Staff Member, Sports Editor, UC Riverside, 1997-2002. • KUCR (88.3 FM) News and Sports Director, Fall 2000 -Spring 2004. • Freelancer, Associated Press, Fall 2001 -Spring 2004. • Writer, Los Angeles Times, Inland Valley Voice Edition, Fall 2001-2002. Volunteer Work Pastoral Council, St. Peter and St. Paul Parish (2 year term as Chair) 12/11-Preserwt Confirmation Teacher/Youth Ministry Leader, St. Peter and St. Paul Parish 9/03-5/08 Rancho Cucamonga Public Library (Back 2 Basics Literacy Tutor) 10/01-5/0? References: Dennis Gamalinda Branch Manager, Envoy Mortgage, Rancho Cucamonga Page 13 Michael Donaldson Director of Off;ce for Pastoral Care, Diocese of Orange Geoff Doute Assistant Principal, Ribet Academy Dr, Robert Sortino Head of School, Orion International Academy -pQeP -- evil - Page 14